#What were you thinking
macncheems · 2 years
hes my enemy now. im also converting to be a boogara. this is was you get for having a bad list.
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2bluetwo85 · 9 months
So, I just finished S&B S2, and I have thoughts. Most of them are, "Fuck Netflix". Why? You chose to cancel an immensely popular show with a dedicated fanbase and amazing diversity and representation. Also, you cancelled at the worst possibly time, plot-wise. Matthias was almost out of Hellgate (I don't like him, but I can recognize his plot value), the Ice Court heist was hinted at, and KANEJ ALMOST EXISTED. I swear Kanej is actually the most frustrating ship to have ever been shipped. I cannot do this.
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starchaser45 · 2 months
For the people that ship hotch and Reid I need to know your reasons like how did you look at those two and throught oh I'd like them to fuck like why how I need answers
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a-blue-tiefling · 4 months
One of my posts is randomly doing really well on Instagram where I'm mainly active so now I'm scared and procrastinating my next piece because I feel pressure for it to also perform.... So have another Astarion chibi instead!
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I predict it’s gonna take approximately 2 hours after Totk’s launch for Nintendo to regret the amount of power they gave us.
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ratboyvince · 3 months
My favourite tma fact is that Wilfred Owen is a real war poet - and the statement he is in is given by his Sargent who repeatedly says that his poetry is SHIT
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isamajor · 3 months
June of Doom : days 11 to 15
Here a batch of @juneofdoom's drabble (slightly late, sorry). I had a little more difficulty with two of the themes but I'm happy to have managed to write them.
11 . “We’re out of time.”  
Sprawled on the cold stone, Xelzaz had been dragged by his companions out of reach of the swinging blades which had viciously cut his thigh. Blood was spreading everywhere, much too quickly. Lucifer knelt beside him, panicked, trying with his hands to stop the bleeding.
“We need to put a tourniquet on him.” Nebarra explained.
"But he could lose his limb!" Lucifer protested, his hands trembling.
"Better his limb than his life.", he insisted. "We're out of time."
Lucifer complied, and with the string of his bow made the tourniquet following the instructions of Nebarra, who held down a Xelzaz who was bellowing in pain. (105)
12 . “I can’t stand seeing you like this.”  (Dehydration)
Xelzaz shivered, his teeth chattering, clinging to his snowberries tea. “I don’t agree with you, this climate is the worst.”
"If you think the heat of the Alik'r desert is better, obviously you've never been there." He added, "The heat... it cooks you alive."
Nebarra's voice grew duller.
"We had no water. Hundreds dead of thirst..." he whispered, a flashback clouding his vision. "Everyone was dropping like flies, both our armies and the Imperials. Collapsing, lips cracked, tongues swollen..."
Nebarra swallowed with difficulty, as if his body was remembering the ordeal. "Hand me the wine.", he finally asked. (101)
13 . “Wait!” (Adrenaline | Cornered)
Telmiltarion had the impression that the whole forest could hear his heart beating so loudly. He had never been good at sneaking: he was too big, his steps were too heavy, and his breathing was probably too noisy. Suddenly, a low growl echoed through the trees. The bear was two steps away from him, hiding in thick thickets. He froze. His hands on the hilt of his sword became sweaty and slippery. His heart was beating faster and his thoughts were focused on escape. But where ? He was cornered. He was no match for a bear that weighed more than three times his weight. (104)
14 . “What were you thinking?” 
The fort echoed with the fighting between the outlaws who had taken over the place and their group who were reconquering the stronghold on the orders of the Jarl. The bandits were numerous and well armed. From the top of the battlements, archers rained down numerous projectiles. Gore, without hesitation, threw himself in front of Taliesin, absorbing the deadly arrows meant for the Altmer. Taliesin's eyes widened in shock.
"What were you thinking?", he shouted, pulling Gore behind cover.
Gore winced, blood seeping through his armor. "Thinking... about keeping you alive for example?", he grunted with a half smile. (100)
15 . “Get me out of here!”  
They burst into the old mine, weapons drawn. They were there to recover the head of the bandit leader who was plaguing the province. But the sight that met here them was heart-wrenching: Lucien, emaciated and huddled in a filthy cage. He had disappeared months earlier and had not been found since.
"Please, get me out of here." he begged, voice trembling.
Inigo rushed forward, his heart aching. "Lucien! You're alive !"
The Khajiit swiftly picked the cage's lock, and the Dragonborn helped him to get up slowly. Lucien clung to them, his eyes overflowing with tears and relief. (101)
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glassesmcfancyhair · 6 months
I’m shocked. Shocked.
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slashing-bunni-farm · 9 months
I’ve Officially been dragged into the TADC fandom…
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hummingbird-of-light · 3 months
June of Doom 2024 Day 14 (@juneofdoom)
14. “What were you thinking?”                 
| Surrender | Human Shield | Outmatched |
"Spock, McCoy, Uhura, Giotto! You form Team Bravo and head east! Team Alpha, consisting of Sulu, Chapel, Chekov and myself, will head west."
Cadet Pavel Chekov listened carefully to his captain's words and quickly saluted as the man called his name and gave the order.
The USS Enterprise had been called to a rescue mission on a small Caribbean island. They were to find a kidnapped scientist who was being held captive by a group of rebels.
One team had already set off north from the coast, but had been unable to find anything. Now it was up to the remaining teams.
Chekov's heart was beating like crazy. It was his first away mission as a cadet. So far he had always stayed on board as a trainee navigator, but this time Captain Kirk had told him to come along. It filled him with incredible pride to be part of such an important mission.
"Let's go. We'll stay in radio contact. Be careful," Captain Kirk gave the final instructions before they all set off into the rainforest.
The crew members quietly made their way through the jungle. Chekov kept his eyes wide open and his ears pricked up, turning his head back and forth. He flinched a little at every sound and gripped his drawn weapon a little tighter.
"Take it easy, cadet. Caution is good, but if you tense up too much, it can quickly backfire."
Surprised, Chekov looked over his shoulder and looked into the face of Lt. Hikaru Sulu. The helmsman gave him a gentle smile and Chekov immediately blushed a little. He was extremely embarrassed that Sulu of all people had noticed how nervous he was. He admired the Asian very much and wanted to make a particularly good impression on him.
"D-da," Chekov replied in his native tongue, but quickly shook his head and corrected himself. "I-I mean aye, Lieutenant."
His colleague just patted him on the shoulder and then nodded in the direction of the captain and the medic Chapel, who were already a little further ahead of them. Chekov must have unconsciously slowed down a little. He and Sulu quickly caught up with the others again.
"Everything all right, Mr. Chekov?" Kirk cast a quick glance over his shoulder and Chekov nodded quickly.
"Aye, Captain. I'm ... just a little excited," he admitted, knowing that his superior officer had surely sensed it already. The man gave him an encouraging smile.
"I felt the same way on my first mission, Cadet. But I'm sure that feeling will subside with time."
Although Chekov could hardly imagine that the courageous, self-confident captain could ever have been as excited as he was, he was still grateful for the encouraging words.
They continued on their way in silence and all was quiet for a long time until Kirk suddenly raised a hand and brought everyone to a halt. He slowly took a few steps forward before cursing loudly.
"Fuck! Everybody take cover!" he shouted loudly and before the startled Chekov could react, Sulu had already knocked him to the ground.
A loud bang sounded and the young cadet hardly knew what hit him as smoke enveloped him and the others. He let out a few Russian curses. A smoke bomb!
The young man's ears rang from the blast. As if through absorbent cotton, he heard Kirk call for reinforcements and suddenly several shots rang out.
Chekov's breath caught and his heart literally threatened to explode as he helplessly turned his head back and forth, searching for the enemy attackers. He could barely make out anything through the smoke.
He lay prone on the ground, crawled over to the nearest tree to get up and use it for cover and finally he managed to spot something. Something that made his blood run cold.
Lt. Sulu was standing nearby, shooting at some enemies, but he didn't notice the enemy aiming at him from behind.
Chekov reacted without thinking. He rushed forward and placed himself between Sulu and the attacker like a shield while firing wildly at the bad guy.
It all happened far too quickly. Two shots hit Chekov, one in the shoulder and one in the chest, and he let out a cry of pain as he went down.
The young cadet did not know whether one of his bullets had also hit his opponent. He could only hope so.
Panting, he squeezed his eyes shut, somehow trying to block out the searing pain. It hurt so damn much!
"Chekov! Man down, man down!" Sulu's panicked voice rang out and Chekov tried to open his eyes to look at the lieutenant, but his lids were just too heavy.
He felt a whole lot of blood leaving his body, struggled against the unbearable pain, but eventually the young man lost consciousness.
It didn't matter. All that mattered was that Sulu was all right.
"Cadet Chekov, hey. Pavel."
When Chekov's eyes fluttered open, he didn't know where he was at first. The surroundings seemed incredibly familiar, but it took him a moment to recognize it as the Enterprise's sickbay.
Groaning, Chekov turned his head to the side and was surprised to see Lt. Sulu.
"Wh-what ... happened?" he asked, exhausted, and his counterpart smiled weakly.
"You took two bullets for me, Cadet."
Chekov squinted his eyes in confusion, but then he remembered what had happened. An ambush! He had thrown himself in front of Lt. Sulu and protected him.
"I'm ... still alive?"
Sulu laughed tiredly when he heard Chekov's question.
"Obviously. Fortunately, you were wearing body armor, so only the shot to the shoulder was dangerous. Chapel managed to stop the bleeding, but we're still on our way to the nearest island with a hospital." Sulu sighed. "What were you thinking?"
Chekov's cheeks turned red. He avoided the helmsman's gaze.
"I ... wanted to protect you, Lieutenant. And ... to be honest, I wasn't thinking much at all," he admitted.
Sulu's gentle smile returned and he squeezed Chekov's hand, which he had obviously been holding the whole time.
"Thank you, Pavel. But ... that was exceedingly stupid. Don't ever do that again, will you?"
Chekov had to smile now, too. He nodded.
"Understood, sir."
They talked for a while about how the mission had ended and how the captured scientist had been rescued before Sulu said that Chekov should get more rest.
What an exciting first away mission!
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theiravshade · 1 year
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"He did resign. I shoulda kissed him. What was I thinking?"
-Amanda Tapping (Commentary, The Lost City Part 2)
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buckera · 6 months
eddie is so letting himself in btw... just all casual. I'm sure that habit won't bite him in the ass when one day, buck is in the middle of getting his moves on with someone just as he turns his key mhm
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skz-miroh · 1 year
zach bryan and noah kahan are collaborating??
you might as well just leave me now because I will listen to this on loop for MONTHS, socialising whats that??
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so that finale huh?
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crookederos · 1 year
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