#Wish you could have sailed the seas with us....
faragonart · 5 months
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A great friend of mine passed away earlier this morning to cancer.
He was the toughest guy I had ever known. He was funny and always a big morale booster to our static. He was our tank buddy, our fake melee, our Bonkers Black Mage, he was our raid leader, and he was our best friend.
He was our big little guy, and I am gonna miss him so fucking much.
I lift my flagon to you, Flynt. Love you Sam. Rest in peace.
The theme song he chose for his WoL in Dawntrail...
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zoldsick · 12 days
── Lagneía
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𓍊𓋼𓍊 summary: shanks x f!reader - as the newest member of the red hair pirates, you have a long way to go to prove yourself, not only to your crew mates but your cocky captain as well. Unfortunately, things fall apart after a little excursion and a run-in with a glowing mushroom that has you feeling...hot.
𓍊𓋼𓍊 tags: smut, sex pollen, nsfw, dubcon (it's sex pollen, ya know how it is), MDNI
𓍊𓋼𓍊 wordcount: ~8k
𓍊𓋼𓍊 𓍊𓋼𓍊 𓍊𓋼𓍊 𓍊𓋼𓍊 𓍊𓋼𓍊 𓍊𓋼𓍊 𓍊𓋼𓍊 𓍊𓋼𓍊 𓍊𓋼𓍊 𓍊𓋼𓍊 𓍊𓋼𓍊
You really did respect your Captain, though you didn’t tend to show it. 
Benn Beckman was the one who had recruited you when he stumbled upon you in a gambling hall. You had been using Observation Haki to beat the dealer, racking up thousands in berri. Beckman clocked your underhanded method and cornered you outside the casino. You were nervous that he would report you to the authorities, but as luck would have it, he turned out to be a pirate. He was impressed by your advanced skills in Haki, and the two of you hit it off. Eventually, he brought you to the Red Force and introduced you to Shanks, who did not give the best first impression. 
“Who’s the kid?” Shanks questioned, barely looking up from his drink. 
He immediately rubbed you the wrong way. 
Beckman cleared his throat before you could tear him a new one, “This is Y/N. They’re who I told you about, the one gifted in Observation Haki.” 
Shanks finally looked up from his drink, lazily trailing his eyes from your feet, all the way to your face. He finally met your eyes and you struggled to maintain your composure under the immense pressure of his gaze. You lifted your chin, desperate to keep your dignity. 
Shanks kept his eyes on yours, his gaze intense as he questioned you, “And why should you be a part of my crew? Have you ever been around pirates or even worked as one? It’s dangerous work. Are you sure you’re ready for this kind of lifestyle, kid?” 
“I didn’t come here to be interrogated by some old man,” you bit back quickly.
Shanks put his hand over his heart dramatically, feigning emotional pain. 
“Listen, Red Hair, I came here as a favor to Beckman, I don’t have anything to prove to you.” You paused as the hair on the back of your neck stood up, “And if your friend hiding over there even thinks about shooting that spitball at me, I’m walking.” 
Beckman looked surprised, but Shanks only smiled. There was a clatter and some swearing before another man with dreadlocks emerged behind nearby ship supplies. “Well, shit. So much for that plan, Captain. Seems like she’s the real deal.” The man then jokingly blew the spitball at Shanks, who to your dismay, easily dodged it. 
“Color me impressed.” You look back to see Shanks smiling up at you. “You have a lot of potential. Let’s work hard together, Y/N.”
While you didn’t join the Red Hair Pirates for Shanks, you became proud to be part of his crew over time. You had been sailing for around 6 months and were glad to say you had quickly proved your worth. Although there were members with better Haki skills, you knew you were improving every day with each new experience. 
You hated to admit it, but your captain occupied much of your thoughts. You often wondered if Shanks knew just how hard you were still trying to prove yourself to him. Though you saw him often, you rarely ever worked with him directly. In fact, you’d barely spoken to one another after your first meeting. You had occasionally exchanged a few words, formalities really, at mealtimes and during duty; but a part of you wished there was more. Though, you would never let him know that. 
You always put on a tough face in front of him, using words to bite back and hold your ground against the confident, and often cocky, Emperor of the Sea. Truthfully, after your first meeting you had come to admire him, and were slightly intimidated by the powerful man. 
While sailing the Grand Line in the New World, the ship stumbled upon an uninhabited island. It was a warm, tropical island, thick with jungle and vines. Shanks decided that the crew would depart and explore the island for supplies, and Roux hoped to find some edible plants and animals for their stock. 
All active members of the crew made groups and departed from the Red Force, but since you were not on shift, you’d decided to sleep in. When you awoke and found the ship docked, you decided it would be fun to explore the island as well. It was better than being cooped up all day in the barracks. 
As you stepped down the ladder a cheery familiar voice called down to you, “And where do you think you’re going, kid?” 
You jumped at your captain’s voice and looked up to see him. His hand gripped a rigging rope, holding him as he stood on the rail’s ledge, and leaned far off the ship to gaze down at you. His hair fell over his face, but his smile was still visible. 
“God, Captain. You nearly gave me a heart attack.” 
“Well, I’m just trying to make sure our ship’s hawkeye doesn’t stray too far and get into trouble,” he teased. 
“I’m not getting into trouble,” you grumbled as you looked back down to continue your descent onto the sand. “I just wanted to explore the island like everyone else.” 
“Alone?” His smile slightly faltered. 
“Is there a problem with that?” You ask, confused about where this conversation was going. 
“Well, we can’t afford to lose a member with skills like yours. I’ll come with you.” 
You reached the bottom of the ladder and looked up at Shanks in shock, “That really isn’t necessary, Captain. I don’t plan on going far-”
“Nonsense. Besides, you’re not much of a fighter, you should have a bodyguard when you go to unfamiliar places. And I have a duty to protect the valuable members of my crew.” As he said this he jumped from the railing and landed next to you. 
You did your best to hide how flustered you were, “There are other members with better Observation Haki than I do, you included.” 
Shanks tsked at your objection. He looked hard at you and spoke genuinely,  “Don’t sell yourself short. I heard about how you helped the snipers take out that marine ship last week. And I heard how you helped guide the navigator through the rocky sea and fog the other day. I’ve only ever heard other crew members praising you.” 
You quickly turned away from the red-haired man adjusting the strap on your bag. You knew you couldn’t stop the blush that was forming on your face, so you turned around to start walking into the jungle. “I just do what I’m told, Captain.” You quickly dismissed him, “Are you coming, or what?” 
Shanks laughed as he caught up with you, walking ever so slightly behind you. The walk was silent as the two of you marched deeper and deeper into the jungle, occasionally stopping to inspect certain plants or animals or collect samples in your bag. He enjoyed watching you as you took in the new landscape around you. He’d always found it fascinating to watch you while you concentrated. In fact, he had rarely taken his eyes off you since you’d joined his crew. 
From the second he met you, he knew you would be interesting. Shanks would be the first to admit he tested you during your first interaction. He purposefully pushed your buttons to see what you were made of. He needed to know how strong your resolve was before he let you, a stranger, onto his ship. And boy, did you meet his expectations, surpassed them even. Your insulting response nearly made him fall for you right then and there. But he knew his place as captain. He couldn’t risk showing special attention, let alone romantic attention to one of his subordinates. It was his job to keep you safe and provide you with a place to hone your abilities. He had to keep his distance. 
Yet… here he was, an Emperor of the Sea, trailing behind you like a puppy. He was rightfully worried to see you sneaking off the ship after the assigned explorers already left. He was doing this because it was the captain’s duty to protect his crew. At least, that’s what he told himself.
As you pushed your way deeper through the vines you tried to ignore the fact that Shanks was tailing you. This was just like any other outing with any other crewmate. You felt his eyes on you the entire time as you walked, but you tried not to let it affect your movements. Was he judging you? You felt a little more self-conscious than usual about what you stopped to look at or how you collected samples. Especially when you caught him staring intensely at your hands.  
You finally reached a large plateau. Looking up, you examined the wall looming far above your head, and at the base of the formation, there was an illuminated opening. 
“Shanks,” you called out to your captain, “there’s a cave over there.” 
Shanks shoved some pesky vines out of his face and looked toward where you were pointing. There was a small opening, barely 4 ft tall, and a blueish light was emanating from the abyss. You moved closer to the cave willing your senses to reach out and explain the phenomenon. You couldn’t sense any danger coming from the cave, so it was time to be like a pirate and explore. 
“I’m going to go in.” You stated as you dropped your bag to the ground and started making your way to the entrance. 
Shanks was quick, definitely not desperate, as he moved forward and grabbed your arm, “Woah! Hold on there. There is no way I can fit in there.” he gestured towards his large stature and again at the tiny entrance. 
You considered the situation and shrugged, “Then wait out here. I won't be long, I just want to check out what’s causing the glow.” 
Shanks frowned, realizing there was no point in arguing with you. “Alright, but be careful.”
You saluted him with an exaggerated hand on your brow and firmly stated,. “No.” 
You turned away from him and focused back on the cave opening.
“Brat.” you heard him mutter under his breath. You turned around quickly, did you hear that right? He had a smile on his face. 
You stared at him for a moment, a warm feeling blossoming in your chest. You smiled back before rolling your eyes and descending. 
The walls of the cave were rich in color, with layers of lichen growing throughout the chasm. You strained your ears to listen for any unseen threats that could have been lurking beyond your sight, but all you could hear was the rhythmic drip of the cave walls weeping. As you bent and contorted your body to ease your way through the damp walls, you could see the blue light growing in intensity ahead.
Finally, you reached a large pocket of space in the cave, enabling you to stand straight and take in your surroundings. As you stretched out your back you stared in awe at the sight before you. 
Dozens upon dozens of glowing mushrooms covered the room, growing across the walls and floor of the cave. The view was nothing short of dazzling, the light blue glow illuminating the space around you like nothing you had ever seen. 
You approached the fungus carefully, although they were beautiful, you knew well that not all beautiful things were good. You drew a handkerchief from your pocket and crouched forward to grab a sample. 
Suddenly, the hair on the back of your neck stood straight, and your blood chilled. You trusted your instincts and rapidly jerked backwards from the mysterious mushrooms. Unfortunately, you were not fast enough. 
The gills of the mushrooms expanded and expelled a great mist of spores. The sickly sweet-smelling mist filled the room instantly and you yelped in surprise, feeling your way out of the room and back into the tunnel. You coughed as you darted through the veins of the cave desperate for fresh air and open spaces. You could hear Shanks calling out to you and you forced yourself to push forward toward his voice. 
Shanks was anxious from the moment he heard you cry out. He felt helpless, unable to fit into the cave. He briefly considered blowing a hole through the mountainside to get to you. Thankfully, hearing your panting and clawing as you made your way out of the cave stopped him. He placed his hand above the cave opening and began calling out to you, begging you to keep moving toward him. 
Shanks wasn’t prepared for what came out of that cave. 
You stumbled out of the suffocating walls and fell onto the grass in front of your captain. You could vaguely hear Shanks, his voice filled with worry, but you barely registered it. Something was wrong. Your clothes felt tight and itchy, you felt your cheeks warm while the rest of your body developed goosebumps from the jungle air hitting your skin. And most troubling, everything from the deepest part of your core felt tight and ticklish. 
Shanks knelt down, grabbing your shoulder to lift your gaze to him. The contact between the two of you sent electric shocks to your core. Sitting face to face with your captain you could barely breathe. At this distance, every feature of his face was at your fingertips. You took in your captain's features. The jagged shape of the scars that ran down his face, the prickly stubble he grew across his chin, his eyes bright with worry, the color of his lips…  It took you a moment to realize he was talking to you. 
“Y/N! Snap out of it! Y/N! What happened in there? What's going on?!” 
The seriousness of his tone did not reach you. Why did he look so worried? You wanted him to smile at you like before. You reached up and touched his cheek with the back of your hand. Taken aback by this gesture, Shanks froze for a moment, then grabbed your hand, pressing it to his face harder. “Y/N. I need you to tell me what happened in there. You can do that for me, right?”
Your eyes widened, coming back to your senses you groaned as you tried to move away from Shanks and stand, only to find that your legs were jelly. “Capt’n. What's happening?” 
Shanks let out a shaky laugh, “Well that's the million berri question right now, kid. Tell me what happened in the cave so I can help.” 
You push your hands into your eyes, struggling to retrieve your memories, “The glow,” you whispered, “The glow in the cave. It was some kinda, I dunno, mushroom. It puffed some dust on’ta me.” you panted your words out. 
“Good girl,” Shanks stroked your hair with his hand, “Now tell me, what did this mushroom look like?”
“Was so pretty, just like the sea. Blue and glowing.” You smiled at the memory of the beautiful sight. 
While you reminisced on the memory, Shanks froze, overcome with the realization of what he was dealing with.
 It happened several years before you joined the Red Hair Pirates. Shanks and Beckman were wasting the night away at some bar when a woman approached him. He had noticed the dark-haired beauty staring at him from across the bar but had paid no attention. It wasn't uncommon for him to get stares as an infamous pirate.
The woman set down a blue sparkling drink in front of Shanks, “Don't think you're from around here, handsome.” She smiled and batted her eyelashes at him, “How about we get to know each other over a couple’a drinks?”
Beckman stifled a snicker and Shanks shot him a glare. Looking back up at the woman, Shanks politely declined her advances, “Sorry, I'm afraid I'm not looking for any more company tonight,” Shanks slapped Beckman hard on the back making him wince, “This fella’s all the entertainment I'll need for the night.”
The woman tried to hide her annoyance with a smile, “Well then, sorry for interrupting.” She sneered as she turned away, “But the drink’s still on me. Do enjoy.” 
Shanks and Beckman eyed each other and the drink skeptically. “Poison?” Asked Beckman bluntly. 
Shanks let out a hearty laugh, “Well, only one way to find out!” And downed the sickly blue drink in seconds. 
Shanks was stuck in his room the rest of the night, fisting his cock and rutting into his mattress. He admitted it wasn't his best decision. Hongo guessed that based on the color he likely ingested an aphrodisiac made from a plant called the lagneía fungi. “I've heard of petty thieves using it on pirates to steal their loot.” Hongo looked at Shanks scornfully, “Can't believe our captain fell for something like that …”
Shanks shook his head refusing to believe the evidence right in front of him. No! It can't be that. He brought his gaze back down at you and examined your face. You were flushed red, your pupils were dilated, and your gaze wandered across his body. He reached out to touch your arm and you gasped, goosebumps exploding from his touch. He really couldn't deny it any longer. 
“Alright Y/n, don’t worry. You’re going to be just fine, just try not to panic.” Shanks spoke, trying to reassure the both of them. Despite his words, Shanks himself was panicking. What was he going to do with you? Sure, it's just an aphrodisiac, but truthfully the experience was borderline torture. Furthermore, judging by how quickly its effects were overcoming you, you must have gotten a serious dosage in your system. If you were a male member of his crew he would laugh it off and condemn you to your bunk with a porno mag like he had done for himself. But how could he let you of all people suffer alone like this? 
“Am I gonna die? Everything feels weird,” tears pricked at the edge of your eyes, “like I’m on fire.” 
“You’re not going to die.” Shanks insisted, “You’re just, going to be… uncomfortable for a little while. Let’s get you back to the ship so you can lie down.” Shanks bent down and grabbed one of your arms to maneuver you onto his back. Hoisting you up, your breath hitched as your center came into contact with Shanks’ back.
Shanks took off at a brisk pace, navigating the rough jungle terrain. You tried to take Shank’s advice to calm yourself, but you were distracted by the friction created between you and Shanks as he strode back to the ship at an agonizing pace. Everywhere you were touching him felt hot and unbearable. You began to feel a familiar sensation brewing in your lower abdomen. No way, there’s no way! You panicked at the feeling and tried to create distance between you and Shanks to alleviate the burning coil between your legs, but he gripped your thigh back, securing you to his back. “Stop squirming, are you trying to fall over?” 
“Captain, ugh.” You buried your head in his back, panting from the unintentional pleasure, “Please slow down. Wait, please sto- Ah!” Suddenly the pressure built up to its peak. You squirmed and shook against your Captain’s back, fingers digging into his shoulders, unable to control your movements or your voice. With a final moan and gasp, you pushed yourself backward off of Shanks’ back onto the jungle floor. 
Shanks circled back on his heels to find you curled up on the ground, “What are you doin-”
The realization hit him. He noted your shaking legs and rapid breaths and suddenly he became aware of a slightly damp spot on his back where your bodies had just been connected. He grappled with his own arousal seeing you like this, disheveled and glassy-eyed. 
“God, Captain. I’m so sorry,” You covered your face with your hands, “I don’t know what’s wrong with me, I couldn’t stop myself.” 
Shanks was kicking himself mentally as he watched you before him. Here you were feeling humiliated, embarrassed, and vulnerable; yet, there he was feeling himself getting hard at the sight. He’d wanted you for so long, wanted to make you his. Shanks licked his lips. He pushed down his indecent thoughts and turned his attention back to you. This wasn’t the time. You needed to get back to the ship, and right now that’s all that mattered. 
In one swift movement, he scooped you up, placing a hand under your legs, carrying you in his arm. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, burying your face into his neck in embarrassment as he took off running. He was fast. You felt the wind on your face as he swiftly maneuvered through the trees at a great speed, his black coat flapping in the wind behind him.  It took less than a minute for him to reach the ship. Shanks bounded onto the deck and managed to avoid the eyes of the returning crew. Reaching his room, he quickly ducked in and closed the door behind him, causing maps and papers to fly in all different directions. 
Shanks walked with you in his arm over to his bed and laid you down as gently as he could. “Y/N, you need to listen to me,” he slipped his hand through your hair and gripped the back of your neck to force you to look at him. You looked up at him dazed, trying your best to concentrate on what he was telling you rather than the feeling of his hand on your neck. “You’re not dying. Those spores were an aphrodisiac,” He looked at you hard, making sure you understood what he was saying, “That’s why you’re feeling like this.” 
You groaned and tried to hide your face out of embarrassment, but Shanks held you firm. “I’m going to get Hongo, he might be able to find some sort of sedative to help you work through this. You might have a shitty night, but I promise you’re going to be alright. I’ll be right back, ok?” He said softly.
Shanks lightly rubbed the back of your neck with his thumb before turning to leave, but you sat up and clutched his shirt to pull him back, “No! Please don’t. Don’t get Hongo.” You buried your head in his shirt, “I don’t want anyone seeing me… like this.”
Shanks’ gaze softened, “Y/N, Hongo is a professional, he’ll definitely be able to help.” 
“No...I don’t…I can’t have anyone see me like this, please Captain. I-” your voice cracked, “I worked too hard to gain respect on this ship. Please. Don’t let anyone see me like this.”
Shanks began to disagree, “Hongo really would know the best way to deal with this, Y/N…” he stopped upon seeing the panic in your eyes. He sighed as he relented, “But, I’ll keep this between us for now. If that’s what you really want.” 
You breathed a sigh of relief, though it was short lived. The aching between your legs was demanding attention, and you didn’t know how much longer you could restrain yourself from tending to it. 
“Y/N.” You looked back up at Shanks, “If you really intend to deal with this on your own, the only way I know you can find relief is to stimulate yourself or… have sex.” Shanks kept your gaze as he spoke. “I’ll leave you my room. At least that way you can have some privacy while you deal with this. I’ll make sure nobody comes in here. You have my word.” 
“Captain…” You found it hard to look him in the eye, you knew what you were about to ask wasn’t right, “Please. Don’t leave me.”
Shanks froze, for a moment he was speechless, he waited for you to meet his gaze and searched your eyes, “Y/N, do you really understand what you're asking right now?”
“I-” You doubled back over struggling to compose yourself, gripping Shanks silk sheets. Just imagining sleeping with your captain was enough to make your arousal unbearable. Despite your best judgment you shakily reached down and palmed in-between your legs, exhaling from the slight relief it gave you. You looked back up to Shanks, eyes pleading, “I can barely manage this right now. I can't do this alone. I'm begging you, please Shanks.” 
Shanks stared at you, mouth agape and spellbound by the proposition. He could feel his mouth watering and his pants tighten. Shanks remembered just how miserable he had been with just the small dosage he’d taken, so he couldn’t even begin to imagine the turmoil that was currently wrecking your body. He balled his fist gathering the last bit of restraint he had and whispered, “It… wouldn’t be right of me to do this. You’re not in your right mind, you’d take anyone in your condition-”
“No. You’re wrong,” you were breathing heavily, choosing your words carefully, “I couldn’t bear it being anyone else. I want it to be you… Unless,” Your breath hitched, you weren’t sure if you wanted to know the answer to the question you were about to ask, “do you not… want me?”
This was the final straw for Shanks. You had broken the great Emperor who’d tried so desperately to do the right thing. His resolve crumbled at your words and he found himself lunging toward you. He pounced over you, throwing you back onto his mattress as his lips crashed onto yours. Your senses exploded with electricity by his contact and you moaned into his mouth, eagerly accepting more. It was utterly overwhelming and you couldn't control the noises that escaped from your mouth as Shanks pushed your hand away to tend to your clit himself, shoving his hand down your pants.
Shanks briefly separated your lips and breathed heavily trailing kisses along your cheek and to your forehead, “I’ll ask you… one more time,” he muttered between pecks, “Are you sure about this?” He pulled back to meet your eyes. 
“Old man,” you huffed at him, “Won’t you shut up and put your mouth to good use for onc-” 
Shanks didn’t let you finish your sentence and forced your mouth wider to deepen your kiss as he worked to slip your pants off. Once they were off you spread your legs obediently for him, pushing your hips against his hand for more friction. With your pants out of the way, Shanks had more freedom to explore your folds. His thumb kept a steady rhythm on your bud as his other fingers dove lower. He smiled as he found how soaked you were for him. He gathered copious amounts of slick from your pussy, and used it to tease you further. Shanks moved his mouth down your neck, leaving dark spots where he sucked and teased. 
You could already feel that you were close to climax, you squirmed and whined for more. Shanks relented to your obvious request and slipped two fingers inside you. The gratifying release was instantaneous. You gripped Shanks’ arm as he massaged your walls through your orgasm. He reveled at just how seductive your body was and how your pussy gripped his fingers tightly. 
Shanks lifted his head out from the crook of your neck and glanced over to you, but you were worlds away. His whole body reacted when he finally saw you in shambles from his touch. Tears streamed down your reddened face, unable to concentrate on anything besides how good you felt, you just focused on trying to catch your breath. It was all so overwhelming, Shanks’ touch, his kisses, and his scent all around you. 
Shanks’ breath hitched as he let out a snide laugh, “Well, I guess that’s one way to shut you up, brat.” 
Shanks pulled away from you for a moment and the sudden loss of contact made you whimper. Shanks scolded you, “Quiet now, it’s not good to be impatient, Y/N.” Shanks teased as he shook off his coat and lifted his shirt above his head, discarding it onto the floor.  You watched, entranced by the way his muscles moved. His broad shoulders and massive tanned biceps patterned with scars. You felt the heat grow again as he turned back to you. 
You pouted at Shanks’ words, “It’s a little difficult being patient when you're so horny you feel like you're gonna explode!” You huffed, frowning dramatically. “Being in a hot man’s bed and watching him strip is not helping my situation.” 
You immediately regretted your words as you watched his brow rise and a wicked smile form on his face. “A “hot man,” you say. Is that what you think of me?” 
“Don’t get cocky,” you spat back, staring him down. He glared back, not backing down from your challenge. You couldn’t take it anymore. You just wanted him.  
With a mischievous smile, Shanks crawled back over to you, placing his knee strategically between your legs pushing into the wet spot of your underwear. He ground his leg as he reached his arm up to pull off your shirt, you lifted your arms to make it easier. Shanks sighed with bliss as your breasts came into view, no bra in sight. 
You gasped as Shanks’ hand groped one of your breasts and his mouth found the other. You leaned back and interlaced your fingers in Shanks' hair stroking and pulling on the red strands. You couldn’t help but inhale his scent as he devoured you. 
Shanks released his lips off of your nipple with a pop and moaned, “In all my years,” he said breathlessly, “I’ve never wished so much that I had both of my hands again.” 
You couldn't help but laugh at this statement, it was just too ridiculous. Shanks eyed you curiously, “Are you laughing at your Captain? Or, are you going to start calling me by my name like you did before?” Shanks’ mouth moved lower down your body, kissing your stomach as he trailed down, “Don’t think I didn’t notice you called me ‘Shanks’ earlier. What made you think you could drop honorifics with your Captain like that?” 
All you could do was watch him as his lips moved closer and closer to your core, you were speechless with anticipation. Shanks played with the fabric of your underwear, tracing the hem and circling lower towards your clit. You jumped from the sensation. “Though, I have to admit. I did like the sound of my name on your lips.” He continued to tease you with both his words and his movements. 
“Please, just touch me already, I can’t-”
“Call me by my name again. Then I’ll consider helping you.” Shanks was enjoying this far too much. His eyes twinkled up at you as he grazed your hip bone with his fingertips. 
You gave in immediately, your pride nowhere to be found, “Shanks. Please make me feel good. I’m begging, Shanks.” 
“That’s more like it.” Shanks shoved your underwear aside and thumbed your clit roughly. You arched your back at the sudden contact and cried out in pleasure. Shanks was completely enthralled with what was happening in front of him, he couldn't take his eyes away from your glistening pussy, soaking wet, all for him. He wanted more and demanded, “Lift your hips.” 
You immediately obeyed your captain and raised your hips. Shanks grabbed your underwear and ripped them off you. You leaned back with anticipation, but nothing came. You peered up at the red-haired man and you realized he was examining your panties. “Oh. Sorry, I know that old pair isn’t exactly sexy…” You explained self-consciously. Then suddenly, as if he was possessed, he shoved your soaked underwear into his face and inhaled deeply. Your mouth fell open at the sight. At last, when he lowered your panties from his face he stared at you intensely, his eyes drunk and lazy from your scent. 
You watched mesmerized by the man in front of you as he tossed your underwear aside, gripped the back of your thigh with his arm, and shoved it back towards your head. Before you could react to the sudden change of position, Shanks plunged his tongue between your folds and lapped up your juices. You gripped his hair as he indulged in your aroused pussy. Shanks moaned into you as you tightened your grasp and pulled his hair slightly. He felt his hard-on twitch painfully, desperate and leaking with pre-cum. It didn’t take long before you were rutting into his face, chasing another high and coming undone for a third time by your captain. 
As your spasms ceased, Shanks sat back up between your legs. You were mortified to see his face covered in your arousal. You sat up and began to apologize, “Oh my god, I’m so sorry let me just-” You raise your hand to wipe away the creamy slick from his face, only to have it shoved away and to be brought into another hungry kiss. The juices from Shanks’ mouth mixed in with your saliva as your tongues intertwined. 
You were at Shanks’ disposal, at his mercy. You wanted him more than you’d ever wanted anyone. It wasn’t enough, not yet. You needed more. Reaching down, you pressed down on the protruding tent that was rising in Shanks’ pants. Shanks pulled away from you slightly and hissed at the contact. You continued to palm at his growing member and whispered, “I want this, Shanks. I want to make you feel good too.” 
Shanks laughed weakly, “Well… if you ask me like that, who am I to say no?” He moved back to sit on his knees and fumbled with his belt and pants. You couldn’t help but smile at how he shakily tripped over his buckle with only one hand. You reached up and helped him by pulling his pants down. Although you knew from feeling him earlier, you were still taken aback by the sheer size of his cock as it nearly smacked you in the face. 
You eagerly eyed his cock and looked up at Shanks hovering above you, “Can I…” you begin as you reach up to take him in your grip, “suck it?” 
Shanks couldn’t help but let out a gasp as you came into contact with his dick. “If- that’s what you want. But only a little. I’m not confident that I’ll last long if yo-” Shanks was cut off by your tongue trailing up the side of his cock. A shiver ran up his spine, and he gripped your hair with his hand to hold on for dear life. You wanted to taste every part of him, you couldn’t hold back. 
You weren’t particularly experienced, but somehow you knew exactly what to do for him. You teased his rosy tip with your tongue, licking circles before wrapping your lips around it. You savored the salty taste and traced your tongue along the veins running down him. There was no way you could take him in his entirety, but you pushed as far as your throat could allow. You only got a few pumps in before Shanks stopped you. “Alright. That’s enough.” He sat back down on his rear and motioned for you to come to him, “This isn’t about me.” Which was true, but he knew his words were just an excuse. He easily could have come from just your tongue if he wasn’t careful. 
You got up on your knees as Shanks requested, and straddled him. His dick sat hard in between the two of you as he pulled you in for another breathtaking kiss while he used his free hand to continue to stretch you out. Finally satisfied with his prep, he broke the kiss and lifted your ass to hover over him. Shanks looked up at you and purred, “I’ll leave this part to you.” He wrapped his large hand around yours and guided it to his throbbing cock, “I don’t want to hurt you. So you need to go at your own pace.” 
You hesitated slightly at his command, insecure about your skills. But whatever shyness you felt about taking the lead was quickly dismissed by your overflowing arousal. With one hand on Shanks’ shoulder to steady yourself and the other seizing his member, you raised your hips to accommodate his height. You rubbed the head of his cock on your dripping pussy and you both hissed from the contact. Once Shanks was properly lubed by your fluids, you held your breath and slowly lowered your hips onto the tip of his cock. The head alone stretched your inner walls with an intensely painful pleasure. You felt overwhelmed by his size and the electric current that emanated from its pressure. You intended to take him slowly and acclimate to his size, but your instincts took control. You wanted to feel full. You wanted to be completely consumed by him. You hastily realigned yourself, took a breath, and slammed your hips down, instantly taking him down to his base. 
Neither of you could keep your voices contained. You let out a moan laced with the pain and pleasure of finally receiving Shanks in his entirety. The feeling was devastating. You gripped Shanks’ head pulling him to your chest as you entangled your fingers in his hair. Shanks cursed as he willed himself to stay in control, the pressure and sensation of your grip was mind-shattering. He wrapped his arm around your waist, gripping your skin to ground himself. 
You didn't give him time to recover. You raised your hips again and slammed down hard against him, receiving a grunt from him. You felt drunk, unable to control your actions, you found yourself rocking into him at an uncontrollable pace. The pain was fading away and was replaced by unbelievable pleasure. You needed more, you needed him everywhere. 
Shanks took advantage of your position above him, trailing kisses along your chest and leaving occasional bruise and bite mark. He used his tongue to tease and suck on your hard nipples. His hand wandered along the length of your back, grazing your spine with his fingertips leaving you gasping. Even the slightest touch on your body created an unbearable reaction, flooding your senses with bliss. 
Shanks’ hand continued to explore your body, ticking the nape of your neck, pinching your nipples, and finally falling between your legs. He flicked and rubbed your clit as you rode him at an alarming pace. You felt yourself nearing another climax as the coil in your core began to tighten. You chased the high as you ground against him, willing yourself to continue despite feeling like you were on the brink of collapse. 
Your climax hit you like a train, bringing earth-shattering pleasure throughout your body. You fell forward, pushing Shanks onto his back as the feeling overtook you, unable to continue. But Shanks wouldn't let you rest and you couldn’t contain your voice as Shanks cruelly thrusted up into you, compelling your senses to disintegrate as he fucked you through your peak.
Your ears deafened and rang as you laid exhausted against Shanks’ wide chest, still twitching on his dick. Shanks slowed his pace and you sat on him for a moment as you tried to catch your breath. You felt lighter than when you’d first entered Shanks’ room and your head was clearer, but the burning desire still lay unsatisfied. You tried to sit up to keep riding until your body was appeased, but found yourself collapsing again. Your legs were wobbly, unable to continue. “Shanks,” you whispered, “I think you’re going to have to take over from here. Please.” 
Shanks was still reeling from your ruthless pace on his dick. He looked up at you, astonished that you still had the energy to keep going. “So demanding. You’re making me forget I’m the captain here.” Shanks sat up and reversed your positions, laying you flat on your back as he hovered over you, “But, I guess I’ll follow your command this time, Captain.” 
Shanks pushed your legs back again and took a moment to examine your swollen pink pussy. It dripped and pulsed in anticipation, making it obvious that the mushroom was still wreaking havoc on your nerves. Shanks knew you wouldn't be able to keep this up much longer and decided to bring this to an end as soon as possible. He positioned himself above you and gripped his cock. Pushing it on you, he teased your clit with his tip for a moment before moving lower and watching in awe as you swallowed his thick cock to the brim of his balls. 
You gripped the sheets around you tightly, this felt even deeper than before, he was reaching far down inside and rubbing all your sensitive spots. He sat there a moment breathing deep with his eyes closed, feeling the deepest corners of your pussy squeeze and warm him. He was only brought back to reality when you squirmed and whimpered underneath him. You needed more friction, more movement, more anything. Your body was not going to be as patient as Shanks was wanting. 
Shanks opened his eyes and smirked down at you, “Don’t worry,” he gripped your thigh tightly with his hand leaving it stinging, “I’ll give you what you want.” 
Without warning he lifted his hips, leaving his tip barely inside you, and plowed himself into you as deep and as hard as he could. You choked on your own breath as he pulled out and hammered down into you again, and again. He set an abusive pace, each stroke hitting your deepest nerves and causing waves of spine-tingling pleasure.
Your heightened senses multiplied every feeling, every touch, and every kiss. You felt as if your body was going to disintegrate underneath Shanks. The sensation in your body was unfamiliar and frightening and it was becoming too much. You put your hands on Shanks’ chest in a half-hearted attempt to slow him down, but his merciless tempo continued to wreck your body. Twitching from pleasure, you attempted again to turn your body to run from the feeling. It was all too intense, it was too good and you couldn’t take it anymore. 
Before you could move away Shanks forced you back into position and entangled his hand with yours. His thrusts persisted as he leaned down his head next to yours and whispered gruffly into your ear, his slurring voice tickling your neck, “This is what you wanted, right? What you needed? Take it for me. Be a good girl for me.” 
You were nearly comatose from the pleasure racking your body. Just from his words, you reached another climax, and Shanks fucked you through it once again. Your eyesight became hazy and you knew you needed to ground yourself. Out of desperation, one of your hands reached out to claw his back and the other clenched his hair. You opened your mouth and bit down hard on Shanks’ shoulder. Shanks hissed harshly as your teeth pierced his shoulder, yet he found himself smiling. Your disobedience had always been a turn-on for him. Excited from the pain, he moaned into your ear, “I’m- close. So close.” 
“Come in me.” You cried out. You knew you sounded desperate, but you couldn’t help it. You wanted him to ruin you, “Please come in me, Shanks. Please… Please… Please,” tears ran down your cheeks and you lost all sense of self. All you knew was that you wanted Shanks, every last bit of him.  
It took all of Shanks’ willpower not to fulfill your request. 
Every last instinct in Shanks’ body willed him to release inside you, to truly make you his. But his reasoning prevailed. He knew that despite everything he could not do that to you in this state. So, with a few final harsh thrusts, Shanks pulled his cock out and released his warm come across your stomach. 
Shanks collapsed next to you, panting. He couldn’t remember the last time he felt like this. Everything around him felt fuzzy as he came down from his orgasmic high. Once he finally caught his breath again, he turned over and reached for you. 
You had passed out. 
You woke with a jolt of pain as you turned over on your side in your sleep. Groaning, you shifted your body to try and stretch out your achy muscles. However, you realized that you couldn’t move. There was a weight laying across your abdomen… and your leg… and there was something pressed up against your back…
Your eyes snapped open. 
You weren’t in your room, that was obvious. But where were you? You turned slightly to lay on your back, and looking down you saw an arm strewn across your stomach. Horrified, your eyes trailed up to see whose arm it was. It took everything in you not to scream as you realized you were entangled in your captain's sleepy limbs. 
Your mind raced, desperate to remember what happened. You were exploring the island, Shanks came with you, you went into the cave and… 
It all came flooding back. 
You lay there in shock. 
What was going to happen now? What if someone saw you? Would you have to leave the ship? 
Your eyes wandered to where he lay, breathing deep in his slumber. He was shirtless and you couldn’t help but stare. Looking down you realized you weren’t wearing your own clothes, but rather an oversized off-white button-down shirt. It was obvious that Shanks lent you his own shirt. What a gentleman, you thought sarcastically as your body ached. But, you couldn’t help yourself, you turned your body to face him for a better look at the man before you, admiring his strong features. 
As you savored the view in front of you, Shanks willed his body to sit as still as possible. He had woken up nearly an hour before you had and had spent the time watching you sleep, stroking your hair, and indulging in the feeling of sleeping next to you. He panicked when you shifted in your sleep and decided to pretend to be asleep. To his surprise, you hadn’t gotten up to leave, and he could feel your warm gaze on his face. He savored this morning, never wanting it to end. 
The peaceful moment was ruined in an instant. 
Shanks’ bedroom door flew open with a loud crash as none other than Benn Beckman strode in. You and Shanks’ eyes flew open and met each other in horror before turning your attention to the trespasser. Beckman didn’t get more than three steps into his Captain’s room when he realized what he stumbled in on. 
There was a moment of silence, all three of you stared at each other, taking in the information in front of you. 
Finally, you came to your senses and flung the sheets over yourself to hide from the embarrassment. You felt Shanks’ hand lay protectively on your back as you hid, “Beckman,” He spoke sharply, “you’d better have a good reason for barging into my room.” 
Beckman gulped, “Definitely not a good enough reason for this.” 
“Right. Beckman?” 
“Leave. Now.” 
“Right. Don’t have to tell me twice.” Beckman turned to the door and stepped out of the room. You peeked out of the blankets and saw Beckman pause before closing the door behind him. He looked back at you and Shanks sternly, “I hope you two know what you’re doing.” 
And with that, he closed the door. 
You peeled back the covers and emerged next to Shanks. The two of you sat in silence for a minute, both pondering Beckman’s statement. He had a good point. What were you going to do now? Mushroom or not, the two of you crossed the boundary between captain and crewmate. Would you both ignore it and pretend nothing happened? 
Your mind was spinning down all the possibilities that were laid out in front of you. Shanks thought your ears would start smoking soon, and he spoke first. Laying you back down on his arm he spoke two simple sentences that made you relax and settle down to sleep.
“Let’s worry about this tomorrow. I’m sure we’ll figure it out.”
𓍊𓋼𓍊 𓍊𓋼𓍊 𓍊𓋼𓍊 𓍊𓋼𓍊 𓍊𓋼𓍊 𓍊𓋼𓍊 𓍊𓋼𓍊 𓍊𓋼𓍊 𓍊𓋼𓍊 𓍊𓋼𓍊 𓍊𓋼𓍊
𓍊𓋼𓍊 authors note: HUGE shout out to @nanpecan for editing this and helping me not sound illiterate
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╰┈➤ 18+ none of these stories belong to me! this is a masterlist of all the fanfics i’ve read and reblogged! just thought it would be nice to have them all in one spot! (if your fic is on here and you wish not to be, please let me know!) some will have summaries if provided <3
ᡣ𐭩 how you can help palestine . fic recs m.list
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⭒ Wedded Bliss
The marriage was arranged, and the sex is deranged. Bucky is so obsessed with your pussy that he almost forgets he’s meant to be faking this whole thing—and hating it, like sworn enemies are supposed to do.
⭒ Bad Romance
In Brooklyn, everyone knows the unwritten rule: you don’t cross James Barnes. When you return after nearly half a decade, things are anything but the same. After the murder of your Uncle, you begin to learn that no one is who they say they are, and that you may have accidentally given your heart to a mobster; The White Wolf of Brooklyn. More dangerous than that, he’s given you his.
⭒ Two Sides of the Same Coin
⭒ You're Losing Me
Your fairytale ending is crumbling before your eyes. You don't know how to love someone who can't tell you're dying. You fear you're fading away, begging him to do someone, say something, choose something. You fear he won't be able to resuscitate you this time. This time, he's losing you.
⭒ Alone Together
It was always been you and Bucky, alone together, you'd say. But suddenly, you're just alone.
⭒ Uptown Girl and the Brooklyn Boy
Everyone knows that all any Uptown Girl needs is a Greaser from Brooklyn to make her forget all about her uptown world.
⭒ For the Love of the Game
Bucky Barnes was a menace. NYU’s top baseball player, he was used to girls falling at his feet and could smooth talk his way out of just about anything. You hated him. He couldn’t figure out why. So when the novelty of weekend parties and quick hookups finally wore off—and his feelings for you began to grow—he made it his mission to fix it. 
⭒ Friday (I'm In Love)
every day you love bucky. every friday he pretends to love you too
⭒ Tempestuous
With his kingdom flourishing in peace, and no threats from enemies; recently crowned King - James Buchanan Barnes sets out at sea. With his finest ship, the best crew ever recruited, and a deep desire to see whether the edge of the world truly exists; the King sets sail. Hoping to find the marvels of the ocean, to find beauty and magic even; however he ends up finding a fiery soul – one he cannot get enough of. But then again, no love story is ever perfect, is it? 
⭒ Ruin
You work at a café owned by your family, close to your uni. And most of your days are pretty laid back and calm, but that is until you catch the eye of the mob boss. Your cute skirts and soft sweaters make him weak. Your innocence captivates him. And he wants you, badly. He wants you in his bed, wants his hand under those cute little skirts… he wants to ruin you. 
⭒ A Sweeter Place
Years after a messy break-up, and now seeking stability, infamous mob boss James Buchanan Barnes finds himself reunited with an old flame of his. Instant guilt and regret wash over him when he finds out that his reckless ways back then, changed an innocent girl’s life forever. 
⭒ You're No Saint
Steve and Bucky have been friends since they were young boys. They are inseparable, so naturally when you married Steve you were aware that Bucky came along with him. Every event, every vacation, even as the best man at your wedding - Bucky was always there, alongside you and Steve. He was one of your best friends as well, so you’ve never thought of him in a sexual way, ever. That is until one certain night, when you see something you’re not supposed to and you like it a little too much. You deny your desire towards Bucky, but Steve knows you better than anyone. He knows what you want and need, and he’s determined to fulfil your fantasy; because what his wife wants, she gets. 
⭒ Run For Your Life
He was away from the city for a while, chasing after some bastards who betrayed him. But the traitors were no longer breathing now and Bucky Barnes was finally able to come home to the city he ruled. Mostly, he was excited to come back and see his girl again. However when he got to the strip club where you worked as a waitress, he didn’t find you there. They told him you didn’t work there anymore. No one knew where you went, or why you left. Nobody even knew your real name. Now it was up to him to search the whole wide world to find a nameless girl – one he was obsessively, mindlessly in love with. 
⭒ All Yours
One of your students confess their feelings for you and things get interesting... 
⭒ In Losing Grip, on Sinking Ships
when the avengers pick up unusual activity, they realize that not all of hydra was destroyed. one unidentifiable face sends the team into a frenzy but bucky knows it. he could recognize those eyes anywhere.
⭒ All to Myself
after bucky finds out why you've been acting up ever since his company's party, he teaches you a lesson and remind you that you're the only one for him
⭒ Redemancy
Maybe it was a bit naive to think moving in with your best friend and long-time crush, Bucky Barnes, was going to be some smooth road that led to an admittance of mutual feelings for one another and a happily-ever-after ending, wrapped up nicely in a bow. Naive indeed; especially when you have to consider the fact that Bucky is the biggest womanizer you know.
⭒ My Devotion
The one where Bucky doesn’t take your breakup well.
⭒ Loverboy
It's the Bridgerton carriage scene, but make it mob!Bucky.
⭒ She's Not Mad
Bucky Barnes was a known people pleaser, it was second nature to him. After meeting you and getting close you both try to navigate his eternal stressed state, working together you try your best to tone down his obsessive ways. 
⭒ Sniper
Reluctantly, you get thrown into an assignment with Bucky and Yelena, but Bucky doesn't trust you as far as he can throw you. When he's proven to be correct, it turns out you're still a hell of a good team.
⭒ Three Hundred
Bucky always makes sure his best friend is okay, because that is what you need. He's caring, but very passive and nonchalant, because you need it. Not him. He doesn't need that. He doesn't need you. Does he?
The chaos of the multiverse is quite literally holding up a mirror to Bucky. Turns out, it's very easy to get under someone's skin when you have a universal connection to them.
⭒ Underground
The Underground is the last way for you to survive whatever is left of the world after the Blip. Natasha introduces you to the Winter Soldier whose wing you're under until you find your way around. He's a stoic Underground fighter and you're... useless.
⭒ One Shot
Bucky and you have a hard time staying away from each other. And though you try to push him away, every time he finds you again, the universe finds a new way to pull you apart.
⭒ Satisfied
Drunk sex with Bucky.
⭒ Your Hands Have Made Some Good Mistakes
Bucky has to spend six months locked up with a stranger.
⭒ Time Out
Need me a boy who is so needy and whiny when he cums inside for who knows how many times, and yet he still begs as soon as he's done "please, please again? I'll be good, I-I swear, I just need it so bad, just one more baby I promise–"
⭒ After All This Time
impending danger puts you and your ex, Bucky, in close quarters.
⭒ Why Are You At The Wake?
Bucky sits by your hospital bed, anxious for you to finally open your eyes. He’s got to set the record straight, and apologize for what he said before you got hurt.
⭒ The Rain Is Always Gonna Come If You're Standing With Me
A hurtful article in a low-budget gossip magazine throws your relationship with Bucky for a loop.
⭒ I Can Go Anywhere I Want, Just Not Home
Bucky doesn't talk to you anymore, and he's less than enthusiastic when he runs into you out of the blue. But when he calls from a strange phone number, the puzzle pieces fall together.
⭒ Get You Back
You hated that you loved Bucky Barnes, and he loved that you could not hate him.
⭒ Honey Girl
The Universe shows you your soulmate when it feels like you need them most. When you least expect it, you're given yours - Bucky Barnes. Your Dad's best friend. You can try to refuse it all you like; but the universe wants what it wants. There's no denying fate.
⭒ You Were Just Mine Yesterday
It's been a while since your break up with Bucky happened, but you're still not over him. You try to move on, go out, and have fun with your friend, Steve, but you end up in the same bar you two went to often. It also just happens that Bucky is there too, with Natasha by his side. It doesn't take long for you two to end up getting into old habits.
⭒ Out Of Style
A year after your divorce, you and Bucky come face to face at your closest friends' wedding. Emotions run high, leading to a fiery confrontation that takes a detour to Bucky's hotel room, where the old flame might just reignite.
⭒ Curiousity Killed The Cat
after rescuing you from kidnappers, you overhear your boyfriend-turned-savior complain about how clingy you've become.
⭒ I Loved You Once
Loving Bucky Barnes was never easy but breaking your heart seemed to come naturally to him. A love story about your heartbreak,his betrayal and a chance at redemption.
⭒ Purity
Softness was a trait you unwittingly carried - the wings of a dove taking you higher and higher, elevating you in the eyes of the devil. And that devil did not want to wait any longer. It was time to collect.
⭒ His Girls
Cars were all the same to you — classics, imports, you name it, they were all the same. Well, they were, until you were nonetheless forced to visit your local mechanic and saw the man that would pique your interest in not only every single make and model of classic car, but his charming smile; the air of righteous arrogance that flowed from his tattoos, and that damned cheeky glint in his bright eyes.
⭒ Hollywood Boulevard
All it took was one night, one song - hell, one note - and you were gone for him, hook, line, and sinker. Turbulent times lay ahead, but in the afterglow of ecstasy, forced to feel emotions in such intensity for someone you’d never expect, you couldn't help but follow him anyway - he was irresistible, after all.
⭒ You're Gonna Give Me Six
⭒ Mean It
You and Bucky get trapped overnight in the safe house after a mission. Everything should be okay, except he's your ex and thanks to his carelessness, the situation gets a little more complicated.
⭒ Almost Believing
You and Bucky aren't exactly on speaking terms at the moment. That doesn't mean you're getting out of having to pretend to be married for a mission.
⭒ Please
Bucky needed to be spoiled.
⭒ Face The Sun
To ensure the prosperity of their two kingdoms, a determined Princess and reluctant King are to be wed. She is willing to commit, but he can’t seem to let his lover go. 
⭒ Will You Love Me Tomorrow?
You and Bucky are friends who fuck and nothing more. That’s what you’ll keep telling yourself, at least.
⭒ Electric
Flirtation has a different meaning with Bucky, and his patience doesn't last long when it comes to you.
⭒ Kiss It Better
You’re not entirely sure your boss with the staring problem even likes you, but you’re determined to do your job either way.
⭒ Fifteen Minutes
⭒ The Feeling's Mutual
the amount of times you and bucky have seen each other masturbating is alarmingly high. might as well do it together.
⭒ Bigger Than He Was
Bucky pretends to be your new man when you run into your ex in public. However, the little act of pretending sparks something inside of him that he didn't know was there.
⭒ Strawberries
Bucky, the man with a long list of girls on his roster, gets exposed to a sex pollen in the field. Will he fuck the first girl he calls or the girl he's wanted for the last two months?
⭒ Breathe
Bucky hates the way you take unnecessary risks in the field, the way you're so mesmerizing and yet so hard to work with, and he especially hates the way you get on your knees for him during a dangerous mission. Finding out how pretty you look on your knees is the last thing he needs.
⭒ Flustered, part 2
Bucky seems to thoroughly appreciate all women...except for you. When he finds out one of your weaknesses, he can't help but use it against you, which only makes you hate him more.
⭒ Inevitable
While on a mission with Sam, John Walker, and Bucky, you're the only person exposed to a sex pollen. Bucky sure as hell isn't going to let anyone else take care of you.
⭒ Blurred Lines
When choosing a female agent to send back in time to gain young Sergeant Barnes's trust, everyone's in agreement that it should be Sharon. Until Bucky, the man that you barely get along with, speaks up and lets everyone know that it could only be you.
⭒ Red
You work at a strip club and Bucky is a regular. Tonight he specifically asks for you in a private room. You never thought he'd love the color red on you so much.
⭒ Self Care
Bucky always seemed interested in your skin care routine, so when one day he arrives tired and drained from a mission, you take the opportunity to show him the importance and benefits of self-care.
⭒ Silent Girl
After a traumatizing event, you aren’t the friendliest or most talkative of people. Bucky understands, and in turn becomes the one person you soften your hard exterior for.
⭒ Roommate Bucky
⭒ Cold, Cold Water
While on a stakeout in the heart of Russia, Bucky learns that touch can bring something more than pain and he will willingly give himself over to the ice if it means keeping you alive.
⭒ Drunk On You
Bucky has always been nervous around you. When he’s tasked with caring for you after a night of heavy drinking and suddenly you’re kissing him, Bucky doesn’t know what to do. You couldn’t possibly want him sober, right?
⭒ Honey and Chamomile
Four cups of tea, four distinct moments in time, and each pulls you in closer beyond the walls surrounding Bucky’s heart.
⭒ Suburbia
Posing as husband and wife, you and Bucky infiltrate a quaint suburban neighborhood in search of a Hydra hacker. Perhaps if you weren’t so in love with him and he hadn’t broken your heart, the act of pretending wouldn’t hurt so much.
⭒ Eclipse
When a mission leaves you empty and broken, Bucky is determined to heal the wounds that linger deeper than the cuts on the surface. 
⭒ Back to Bourbon Street
When you’re badly injured on a mission, Bucky works desperately to keep you alive. Only, it might not be enough. 
⭒ Bad Boys Don't Buy Flowers
Bucky would have never thought, he’d be chasing after a girl. Not when all of them usually fell at his feet. But when he finds himself entangled in a deal born out of a desperate argument with his assistant, he realizes there is nothing he wouldn't do for you: The independent florist who is adamantly dragging him to the homeless shelter every chance she gets. There is just one problem: Bucky doesn't know how to tell you. And the teasing from his friends is certainly not making things easier for him...
⭒ Reconnect
Bucky Barnes is your best friend. You're also in love with him. After his recent breakup, the two of you get a chance to reconnect during a weeklong vacation together. Is it long enough to get your happy ending?
@dyspneagrime (wattpad & ao3)
⭒ No Privacy
You're stuck on a mission that never seems to end, in a completely destroyed studio apartment, with absolutely no privacy. And no privacy means- you haven't cum the whole time. Thing is, neither has the ancient, half-cyborg, psychopathic, hobo-lookin' asshole that you've been partnered up with.
⭒ Little Wing
The year is 1973. All Dove Rogers wanted was a relaxing summer. Just one last hoorah before being thrust into the adult life. Yet everything shifts when her new houseguest and long standing enemy- Bucky Barnes, arrives. In the thick of sun-kissed relaxation, the two of them are forced to face the awakening and burning desire growing between them.
⭒ Possessed
Margaret Everlee is a meek little thing. Living her life as a struggling artist in New York, trying to find her place in the world. That is until the formidable CEO with a dark past, James Barnes sets his sights on her. His infatuation is instantaneous, becoming a man obsessed with making her his own little doll.
⭒ The Thin Line
Of one thing you were certain—Bucky Barnes hated you, and you hated him. How could you not, considering the super soldier had made it his personal mission to make your life a living hell after you had been assigned to protect him? But there was someone after Bucky from his past, and now he was forced to work alongside you to stop them. And in the process, you would find out just how thin that line was between love and hate.
⭒ Wanna Be Yours
You are afraid to believe that someone like Bucky might actually love you back.
⭒ Flirting and Football
⭒ Drunkenly In Love
you and Bucky ‘accidentally’ get married after a drunken game of truth or dare with the avengers.
⭒ Hate Is A Strong Word
you hated Bucky and you were convinced that he hated you back. until one time he was talking to you and it started to sound... lovely? what was happening?
⭒ Its Called: Freefall
Things get heated between you and your closest friend Bucky, when you're made to play a married couple on an important mission. Neither of you can help yourselves when you end up stuck in a hotel room together, with sexual tension you could cut with a knife.
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shroomi1e · 2 years
❝ i object! ❞
kazuha + albedo
summary: you as a noble should naturally marry another noble, despite your love for another. your parents had managed to pry your lover off of you and get you wedded to a powerful nobleman- that is, until your past lover comes barging through the doors on your wedding day.
cw: gn!reader, arranged/forced marriage, teeny tiny bit of alcohol, angst to comfort
what i listened to while writing: wave - wave to earth
a/n: *slowly crawls out of my cave* hey guys. it's me again😭 i randomly got the motivation to write again, idk what demons possessed me to write this in the span of 5 hours but at least i have new content!!!! i was gonna do this with more characters but kazuha and albedo were the only ones i see pulling this cheesy-typa stuff tbh
your gaze fell down towards the wooden docks you were standing on. kazuha frowned, his grasp on your hand loosening. he was aboard the crux, and the crew was preparing to leave inazuma for another trip to liyue.
“i’m from one of the tri-commissions, kazuha,” you said defeatedly. “it’s over for us now. i’m going to be wedded as an alliance with another commission. i… i’m sorry…” but before kazuha could respond, the large ship began to sail away, his hands completely slipping away from yours.
kazuha leaned over the edge of the ship, watching your figure get smaller and smaller. though he hoped you would at least give him a wave goodbye, you simply turned around and left the docks of ritou, leaving him saddened and confused.
kazuha spent the next month lost in his thoughts. ink blots were all that filled the pages of his journal now that he’s lost his muse.
“it’s over for us now.”
those words played in his mind like a broken record in hopes that maybe he could find a sense of doubt from those words, just a hint that it wasn’t truly over. he’s tried to understand, truly. but the thought of losing you ate kazuha up from the inside, especially knowing that he had no control over it. there weren’t any flaws in him or you that caused this, only circumstance. and that stung his heart more than anything.
despite kazuha’s wishes and prayers, the wedding would happen either way. news eventually reached his ears that two commissions from inazuma would be joined through a marriage between the two heirs, and that was when kazuha truly felt like he was losing control. you were being swept away so suddenly, carried away in the arms of another man. what was he to do?
you were being fitted into a kimono that very second, the maids tying the knots and wrapping the fabric around your body. your limbs felt heavy like lead, your head hanging low like rotten fruit on a tree. you tried to live in a fantasy just for at least a few moments, imagining that kazuha was the one you were being wed to, not a nobleman.
kazuha almost felt like a dream now that he was gone, as if he was only a fleeting imagination before you had to wake up to reality. the ephemeral touches, the honey-dipped sunsets, the smell of salt and the sea. that was all simply an illusion. you had to go back to the wooden floors, the inked papers and the melting candles. this was reality now, where everything was out of your control.
“this is all for the sake of our family, you know that?” your father’s voice broke your train of thought. “think of this as a way to pay us back for raising you. you’re much better off with a nobleman than that wandering fugitive anyways.”
you grit your teeth and tightened your fist, your knuckles whitening. “i know.”
the ceremony went through in a daze, the sacred sake tasting bitter on your tongue. a part of you felt like you should’ve just jumped on that ship along with kazuha. regret sat in your stomach like a sickly bag of bleach. but you knew it was for the better, both for you and your family.
after the vows, the priest then asked, “does anyone here object to the wedding?”
a heavy silence followed. the two of you were heirs to the biggest commissions in inazuma, it was obvious that nobody would dare to object this wedding. your gaze fell further down in defeat. it was really happening now.
“i object!”
your head snapped up from the ground and turned towards the voice. at the end of the crowd stood kazuha, the wind blowing softly through his hair, the golden light from the sunset outlining his silhouette.
emotions rushed through your chest: happiness, regret, sadness, doubt, and guilt. the cup you were holding dropped to the ground and shattered. the crowd began to murmur and gossip.
“kazuha,” you breathed out.
the crowd parted to make way for your lover, who confidently walked towards you and held his hand out. everything around you seemed to suddenly disappear the moment your fingertips met his. it was only the two of you now.
“kazuha… what on earth are you doing here?”
“i just need you to answer one question for me,” kazuha said softly. “do you trust me?”
by the way he eagerly interlocked his fingers with yours, his intentions were obvious. if you were to answer this question, it would mean throwing away everything you’ve known thus far: your family, your possessions, your wealth, your inheritance, your responsibilities. everything. but with the way kazuha was silently pleading you with his eyes… how could say no?
you let out a shaky breath. “i do.”
kazuha merely smiled in return, his eyes softening as if to tell you that everything was going to be alright. that he understood your choices, and that all you need to do was take this final leap of faith.
“hurry up kazuha!” beidou’s voice interrupted. a few meters away, the crux was anchored to the docks, the crew eagerly waiting to set sail. “the guards might come and take ya anytime soon!”
kazuha held your hand tightly and began running towards the docks, the two of you giggling as he helped you up on the ship. the nobleman, priest, and the crowd all watched in disbelief as you hopped onto the crux, sailing away with the samurai.
the crew cheered as you and kazuha shared a kiss of reunion, the anchor lifting from the seafloor and the two of you sailing away into the golden sun, just like you were meant to be.
“i…see.” albedo’s eyes wander off to nowhere in particular after hearing your explanation. he blinks a few times as if to confirm that he wasn’t dreaming.
“it’s not your fault, albedo, and neither is it mine,” you added. “i hope you understand.”
for the first time since albedo was created, he feels numb. his fingertips lose grip as it all finally settles in. you’re leaving him for another man.
of course, he knows that’s not really the case. albedo understands your circumstance as well as the political powers at play, but at the end of the day, that’s what’s happening, right? you’re being wedded off to another man, which of course means you’ll have to leave him.
and when he sees you take off your ring- the ring he gave you- and put it on his desk, his heart shatters. you silently take your leave, disappearing into the dragonspine snow. albedo’s gaze is immediately pulled to the golden band on his desk, which seemed so much duller now that it wasn’t on your finger.
projects seem more pointless than ever before, and piles of crumpled up drafts fill albedo’s trash bin. he’s taken down all the portraits of you in his home because it was too painful to bear, yet he can’t deny that he was still hopelessly in love with you. the thought of you standing at the altar with another man made albedo positively sick. and there was nothing he could do about it.
he even decided to abandon his projects to visit the city in hopes that he could catch a glimpse of you, but you never seemed to be there. he’d wander for what seemed like hours, only for it to be in vain. ‘of course,’ he tells himself, ‘they’d be busy preparing for the wedding.’
the ring in his pocket weighs heavier than before. he takes it out and twirls it in his hand, the afternoon sun reflecting off of it almost blindingly. the church bells ring in the distance, as well as the melody from the church organ.
wait… the organ is playing.
albedo clasps his hand around the ring tightly before frantically running up the stairs towards the cathedral. the scent of flowers fills his nostrils as he makes his way past the statue of barbatos and climbs the final flight of stairs until he’s met with the wooden doors of the cathedral.
he won’t lose you. he can’t lose you.
albedo’s hands feel heavy as his palm rests flat against the door. once the organs stop playing, the faint voice of a priest could be heard from outside. he can hear the nobleman say his vows, then you. his flat palm turns into a fist as he contemplates what to do next. he’s never liked crowds, nor has he ever liked being the center of attention. this could certainly ruin his reputation, and hell, the clan you’re getting married to might even get him fired but-
the thought of you being by his side again gives albedo more than enough courage to push against the doors.
“does anyone object to this wedding?”
with one strong push, the doors swing open. sunlight spills into the cathedral and forms a path of light leading to you. and dear lord barbatos, you look breathtaking.
albedo watches as you turn around in confusion. the ring you were holding in one hand clatters to the floor, echoing down the hall.
though albedo had planned on walking towards you, he couldn’t help but start running down the aisle. panting, he turns to the priest. “i object this wedding. i am their rightful lover, am i not?”
you step down from the altar, your hands reaching to caress his face and gently wipe the sweat from his forehead. “even after everything i told you… you still came. i tried so hard to hurt your feelings, so why are you here?”
despite the tears pooling in your eyes, you’re smiling. and that’s all albedo needed to see. “i must be going insane, y/n. i’m not one to act like this.”
he kneels down right then and there, holding up the ring with two of his fingers. “will you marry me?”
you take a moment to look down at albedo, who’s kneeling before you in a silent plead. the faint bags under his eyes are proof enough that he’s missed you. your family would hate you for this. doing this would mean to be shunned and disowned from your clan. the support you once had would dissipate in an instant. albedo might be put in danger as well. but you’d rather have nothing and albedo rather than everything but albedo.
“yes,” you said before sliding the ring on your ring finger, right where it belonged. you grab albedo’s arm and run out the cathedral, much to the protest of your family sitting at the pews.
you skip down the steps in a hurry before turning your head to see albedo smiling softly. you’re dolled up, and the afternoon glow of the sun hits your face just perfectly. and with his ring resting on your finger, albedo can’t help but simply adore you.
‘you are killing me softly,’ he thinks, ‘yet you seem to be the only thing keeping me alive.’
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gatorbites-imagines · 7 months
Whitebeard fucker here lol I’ve been summoned. Could you write something with a reader whose used to being the biggest guy around meeting whitebeard and going “ohhh” and wanting to climb that man like a tree? Any and all kinks are up to your choosing monsieur gator!! Also happy birthday man!
Edward “Whitebeard” Newgate x male reader
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Bit my lip so fucking hard when I saw this request. Whitebeard enjoyers come assemble!
Thanks for the birthday wish :) I ended up getting a lot of comics and manga, so I’m very happy.
Reader possesses a devil fruit I made up I call the sun-sun Fruit. Hes also like 16 ft 9. Hes also at least 40+ years old. Old man yaoi.
You had known of Whitebeards existence ever since you started traveling the sea, who didn’t? The guy was a legend known as the strongest man alive, someone to avoid if you did the type of business you did.
You were a bit of an everything man. Information gathering, Intimidation, bodyguarding, assassin, anything that paid you a lot and you didn’t have to hurt the innocent, Youd do it.
The world government were cautious of you, but always let you get away with things others wouldn’t, as you also took jobs for them if need be. You played on every board, siding with pirates, with marines, with the poor, and with the rich. As long as they had good reason for asking for your help.
Your Sun-Sun fruit always helped with this as well, making you an extremely powerful fighter, possessing the ability to gather and store solar energy and light itself. After mastering it you could easily create explosions big enough to destroy islands, coat your body in solar energy, or coat your weapons, as well as many other things.
Your preferred weapon were spears, your most beloved weapon a naginata that had been gifted to you after a job well done, some celestial who fanboyed over pirates wanting to give you a big reward. The naginata was supposedly cursed, but you two got along a little too well most days.
All in all, you were well known in your own circles, but nowhere near as much as someone like Whitebeard.
That was also the reason you turned down your latest request to kill Whitebeard. You might have been strong, but you were never an idiot. You might have stood at almost 17 feet, towering over anyone you had ever met, but even you know Whitebeards crew was so loyal it was lethal.
The people giving you the request has been annoyed about you rejecting it, but they could do nothing to stop you as you left, on your way to the next island. There was never a destination in mind if you didn’t have a contract, so you just called it joy sailing.
It was mere coincidence that you found yourself sailing through Whitebeards territory. You had no need for a crew, as you had mastered the skill to create stand-ins with your sun-sun fruit, creating human shaped beings out of condensed solar energy.
The ship you traveled in wasn’t too big either, especially compared to the moby dick. But they had easily spotted you, and your “crew” had spotted them in return. For some reason the whitebeard crew were interested in you, though their interest made your heartrate skyrocket as the moby dick neared your own much smaller ship.
When it became clear they weren’t there to fight, you agreed to link up your ships, even if it was just because you knew they could end you before you would be able to run for it.
Stepping onto the ship, part of you was curious at their lack of reaction to your towering height, even as they had to turn their heads all the way back to look at you to ask questions about your “light crew”, or one of them demanding to know what your favorite food was, or where you got your naginata.
When you finally met Whitebeard though, it all made sense. The guy made even you feel small, even though he wasn’t towering over you the same way you were the rest of his crew. Maybe it was his presence, as he laughed and patted you on the back, greeting you by the nickname the masses called you.
But all you could think about was how seeing someone taller than you made you feel. Just feeling his large hand patting your shoulder, or seeing how he was still taller than you when you sat, was enough for you to think about booking it again.
You had no idea why, but for some reason you stuck around with the Whitebeard crew for a while. To the point where they started acting like you were part of the crew. Even when you tried to turn it down, they’d just give you a knowing look before ignoring your complaints.
In your opinion, you were too old to join someone’s crew, especially with you being known as a “backstabber”, as you never picked one specific side.
And yeah, you knew why you were sticking around for so long. It was all Whitebeard, and that weird, fluttering feeling he gave you, and the arousal he caused, but that was not as important…for the most part.
It was only after the crew had settled on the island to restock that you thought about leaving for real. One of your contacts had called you on your den den mushi, and told you about a very high paying job. You might have been so rich your ancestors would live in luxury, but you could never get enough.
Unluckily for you, Whitebeard had overheard the call. He had looked sad about you wanting to leave, but had invited you to join him for a drink before you packed up and went on your way.
That’s how you found yourself sitting beside him in front of a bonfire, just the two of you, both of you decently buzzed and flushed. Your devil fruit power made you mostly immune to alcohol, the heat of the sun burning the alcohol away before it could work, but whatever stuff Whitebeard had on him seemed to have the right kick.
Later you would blame the alcohol for your reaction when Whitebeards hand settled on your lower back. You had abandoned your jacket a while ago, some of Whitebeards crew running off with it to use it for some drunk game they were playing.
Your devil fruit also worked best without too much clothes in the way, meaning Whitebeards hand was right on your back, and your thirsty self had arched into it with a soft groan, your head flopping to the side to rest against him.
Whitebeard had chuckled, but it wasn’t his usual loud guffaw, but something deeper and smoother, like melted dark chocolate or the best whiskey you had ever drank.
His hand had rubbed and massaged your back until you felt like putty, small sparks of light and solar energy flickering across your torso as your control slipped, Whitebeard huffing amusedly at the small jolts it sent through his arm.
You would blush in the future when thinking about it, denying it ever happened, before blaming the alcohol once more. But in that moment, it was impossible to not spill all the thoughts you had about him. How he made you feel so hot inside, how much you fantasied about him, his hands, his height, his cock.
Whitebeard had seemed almost charmed, and maybe he was. It wasn’t every day that someone his age and especially his size had someone fawning over them. Maybe that was why he pulled you into his lap, with your back resting against his chest, as his battle worn hands traveled across the front of your torso.
He murmured and purred into your ears as one of his large, calloused hands groped and pinched at one of your pecs, making you gasp and arch into the touch, legs jolting until his other hand came down to hold your thigh in place.
The praise falling from his lips had you feeling much drunker than you were, vision blurring for a second before you were able to focus again, your own hands grasping at his pantleg as you huffed out a breath.
The veins across your body lit up every now and then from the stored solar energy in your body flickering, causing Whitebeard to chuckle that deep chuckle once more, making some comment about that being a nice party trick.
You were about to snap back a rebuttal, something rude about his own devil fruit power, but before the words could even leave you, the hand gripping your thick slid under your waistband.
Embarrassment flooded your system as you keened, head falling back onto his chest as your hips jolted. And how crazy was that? He was so tall your head fall onto his chest, not his shoulder, not above his own head, his chest.
It had your throbbing even more, immediately coating his palm in a layer of precum, making Whitebeard tsk teasingly, before rubbing the palm against the head of your sensitive shaft, only making you drip even more.
What could you say. You were sensitive. Being your size made it pretty hard to find a partner who could keep up with you, or someone you wouldn’t hurt on accident. And as your fame grew, less and less individuals even wanted to give it a try.
That was why you were keening and whimpering in Whitebeards lap like some kind of virgin, at least that’s what you told yourself to keep your dignity.
It didn’t explain the way you jolted and spilled into his hand when Whitebeard grabbing your chin, turning your head so he could kiss you. Your eyes rolled back, and solar energy flashed across your body as you came, gasping into his mouth, your breath so hot It would have harmed anyone not as sturdy as Whitebeard.
With his lips still pressed against yours he mumbled praise, telling you stuff that had you melting even further into his embrace, hips still jolting and twitching into his hand like you didn’t want it to end.
As you rolled your hips you could feel his own erection, and you almost wanted to pass out from just how big he felt. You had never met anyone who was bigger than you in that way, yet here Whitebeard was, pretty much offering it to you on a silver platter.
The night was spent with Whitebeard wringing more than just a couple of orgasms out of you, at some point leaving you so overstimulated and pleasured that your body had phased out, turning into solar energy.
Whitebeard had cackled loudly at the sight, seeing how you were in so much pleasure you couldn’t even stay solid. When you finally came back to yourself, he placed a big kiss on your cheek and then your mouth, making some teasing comment about it all.
The next morning you couldn’t look his crew in the eye, the knowing looks boring into your large broad back, that for once was wearing a shirt, to cover most of the hickeys their captain had left on you.
And if you just so happened to turn down the job offer your informant gave you, and if you just so happened to attach your ship to their fleet, and you just so happened to start being referred to in the same parental way as Whitebeard, who would be the wiser.
You honestly had no idea how to react when Whitebeards, and you guessed now your, crew started referring to you with a fatherly title in the same way they called Whitebeard Pops. You hadn’t wanted to be open about your relationship with Whitebeard, but to the crew it was so damn obvious.
Even when you and Whitebeard became official, and maybe even married at some point, you still took jobs every now and then, never getting enough of the thrill of money. But it was a lot less, and you pretty much cut all contact with the world government.
Sure, that got you a bounty and a high reward, but you honestly couldn’t care. After all this time you realized, maybe a crew wasn’t so bad. It also helped to have a partner that made you feel safe and cared for, whilst also leaving you limping in the best possible way.
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Imagine being pregnant with King's child and not knowing about it until you give birth
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At a distant Beast Pirate base
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You: [has been away from Onigashima for seven months]
Jack: are you sure you're okay?
You: [hunched over, grasping your sore back, and sweating profusely while trying to catch your breath] Yes, I'm fine, my sciatica is just acting up.
Jack: I think you should go to the infirmary.
You: [snaps] Dude, seriously? I said - [feels a deluge of fluid flood your pants] ... you know what, I think I need to go to the infirmary. In fact, you need to carry me.
Jack: bitch, you have legs, how about you walk?
You: [doubles over and shrieks in pain]
Jack: ugh [rolls his eyes and runs you to the infirmary]
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Twenty-six hours later
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You: [looking at your infant in shock]
Infant: [a beautiful chubby Lunarian baby girl with a tiny set of black wings]
Jack: congratulations on the baby! [walks in to see said baby] fuck... need to go call King.
You: ... kill the medical staff first, no one can know about her.
The staff: ( ' O__O)
You: Once you're done with that, can you please get us out here?
Jack: of course [turns to the staff and cracks his knuckles] Also don't tell me what to do. [gets to work]
You: [cradles your child closer so she can't see or hear what's happening, and laughs] Thank you for being so reliable, Jack.
Jack: I just... I wish you had told me sooner that you were pregnant.
You: I didn't know until today that I was pregnant.
Jack: How could you not know you were pregnant? That shit seems hard to miss.
You: We've been out at sea for months, I figure I was just the normal amount of nauseous, sore, fatigued, cranky, and hungry.
Jack: [breaks the neck of the last nurse] Ugh, now you get three weeks of seafaring with a newborn because I'm taking you to King.
You: Why would you think my baby would be safe with King?
Jack: [gives you a "bitch, really?" look]
You: ...
Jack: ...
You: Oh my god, he's a Lunarian too
Jack: How have you been fucking him enough to make a baby, and not know he's a Lunarian.
You: Do you really wanna know the answer to that?
Jack: You two are gross. I'm taking you to a safe house until we are ready to set sail.
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At the safe house
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King, via den den mushi: What do you mean you're pregnant?!
You: no, I said I was pregnant, not I am pregnant.
King: what the fuck does that mean?
Your daughter: [starts to fuss]
King: please tell me that is not a goddamn baby, I hear.
You: Yeah, sorry, I didn't know until she decided it was time to come out.
King: what color is her hair?
You: She's a newborn, she doesn't have hair yet.
King: [stumbling over his words] Does she look a little... Is she ... fuck... Is there anything off with the baby?
You: No, the doctors said she was healthy, especially her lungs. She came out screaming, it was so loud that she made the doctor's ears ring.
King: So she has your loud ass voice, great.
You: And she's got a cute little set of wings like her daddy.
King: oh, don't call me that... Are there any other features I should know about?
You: She's got your fat head, too.
Kaido: [cackling in the background on King's end]
King: Is that so? Jack, how long until they can set sail?
Jack: On such short notice, three days.
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Three weeks later in Onigashima
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King: Alright, let me see her.
You: [hands her over]
King: [lifts her up to get a good look at her] She has your nose.
Queen: [mutters] She really does have your fat head.
King: Get away from my child, I don't want you even looking at her]
Queen: I, honestly, never would have pegged you as the paternal type, but then again, I always thought I'd have kids before you.
You: You would have to have sex with someone to have a child, and last time I checked you couldn't pull any bitches. But also, seriously, stay the fuck away from my kid.
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mydearlybeloathed · 9 months
𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐬𝐥𝐢𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐚 𝐦𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞, 𝐜𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞...
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: you have a decision to make: risk everything for the boy who means everything, or set him free of your doubts.
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: opla!luffy x gn!reader
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 2.7k
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: use of Y/N, gn reader, angst, garp ships it
𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐬: august, two birds
series masterlist
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It took Luffy some time to figure it out, but he’d been in love with you years before it ever rolled off his lips. 
He always knew he loved you, of course. Luffy knew for certain his life would be incomplete without you there by his side, you his first mate, and he your captain.
You were his very best friend, and after the first six times he’d caught you unawares with displays of his affections—heated kisses against the wall of his grandfather’s house were your favorites—you sat him down and discussed what it meant to be lovers. 
He quite liked the sound of being your boyfriend. 
If it were up to Luffy he would have sailed the seas with you forever, if only he could get away from marine training.
He particularly wanted to get you away. You were strong and brave, but you had a dream, and this little town, Grandpa Garp, and your marine father were no good for chasing dreams.
Besides, you smiled less nowadays. Luffy missed your smile like a lost limb.
Especially now, as he sits with you on the sandy beach of your village. You laid between his legs, head resting on his abdomen, his hat on your belly. His arms wrapped around you, and he felt almost fulfilled just like this.
“When we’ve got our own ship,” he said, “there will be a room just for your books. And no one will be able to take them away from you ever again.”
Your heart warmed at the notion, remembering how your father had done just that earlier in the day, prompting this sunset rendezvous on the shore. “And we’ll have a pantry full of all the best foods.”
“And a masthead to be recognized all across the sea,” he went on in a mystified way he only got when talking about the future. 
You laughed and leaned your head back to admire him. “Naturally.”
To you, this was all dreaming and nothing more. A dream so dear to your heart that it was honestly the only thing holding you together at this point—along with his comforting arms wrapped around you, of course. A dream, an ideal, a wish for something more than the path already chosen for you.
You thought Luffy knew that too, or maybe you hoped he knew. Either way, when his arms fled your body and he jumped to his feet, you confusedly flopped back into the sand.
Maybe you didn’t know your life’s greatest love as well as you thought you did, because Luffy’s dream was more than a dream—Luffy would be a pirate, whether you were with him or not.
“Look!” He pointed down the beach as you shuffled to your feet. The setting sun allowed just enough light for you to spy a ship rocking back and forth along the water, beaching itself on the sand. 
From the way it swayed ever so slowly, and the lack of any light or person, the ship seemed to be abandoned. A lonely vessel to brave the seas.
Luffy latched onto your hand with practiced ease and tugged you along down the shore, kicking up sand all the way there. A shriek full laugh escaped you as he halted suddenly, staring up at the little sloop with admiration usually reserved for you. 
“I wonder what happened to the crew,” you mumbled, creeping up the side of it and bringing him along with you. No name was etched along the side, the deck was littered with bird droppings, and the sail had a few stains. The boat was loved by no one, and probably never had been before.
“Dunno,” Luffy said. His hand left yours so he could jump up onto the deck, leaving your palm an uncomfortable cold. 
You crossed your arms as he inspected the ship, coming back to the railing a moment later to grin down at you. You raised a brow at that look on his face. “Well?”
Luffy leaped down beside you, the sand giving under his feet, and he scooped up both your hands in his. A string in your heart stuttered then snapped at the gleam in his eyes, like it already knew the end was near. 
“This is it.” He was out of breath when he said it. “Our chance.”
You laughed mirthlessly through your answer. “What?”
He tugged on your arms, pulling you to hop onto the boat with him. “We’ll sail out at dawn. What should we call it?” You gaped a moment as he shook it off. “We’ll name it later. Look! Just enough room for your books and some food. It’s perfect.”
You ripped your hand away from his, crossing your arms over your chest and taking a slight step away from him. Terror creeped under your skin. “Luffy, what’re you talking about?”
He looked at you like you were the crazy one. “Our dream.”
His dream, you thought but didn't say. “You can’t be serious, Luffy.”
“I’ve never been serious about anything,” he mused, approaching you to cup your face in his hands so gently, like he was holding his whole world. “But this I’m serious about.”
“Luffy…” Slowly, your hands drifted over his own, taking them away from your face to hold them between you. “But… we can’t survive on our own.”
“We won’t be on our own. We’ll have each other.” If that wasn’t more salt in the wound.
Panic flooded your senses. If he left, you had no one. Surely, he would never leave you. “Yeah, but—but we can’t leave tomorrow. Look at this thing, there’s no way it’ll last a storm out there.”
Luffy pursed his lips, thinking, nodding. “Give me a week. I’ll have everything done by next week.” The wonder left him for a split moment. “We have to leave before next week.”
You gradually caught on. “We start as cadets next week, Luffy.”
“Exactly. We won’t be able to get away after that. This is our chance.”
You couldn’t bring yourself to return his smile, certain your face betrayed your intense reservations. You stepped away from him and turned your back, going to the edge of the little ship. “This is crazy.”
Luffy watched your shoulders shake. He watched you walk away from him, and felt something fragile slip between his fingers. He stepped up beside you, grazing his shoulder against yours. “What’s wrong? Isn’t this… isn’t this what we always wanted.”
The silence to follow was everlasting, and it let you think.
Somewhere inside you, you’d always feared this day would come. When Luffy outgrew the satisfaction of dreaming and truly set out to make it all true. He could do it too. You knew that if nothing else. Luffy was everything you had ever wanted, but his desires stretched beyond just you.
Was it unfair to wish to trap him here with you? Was it terrible to wish his dreams would die for the sake of never leaving you? You reacted to the thoughts, flinching at their truth. 
Yes. It was evil of you. Terrible and evil. A tear slid down your cheek. 
The wood of the boat burned beneath your bare feet. The chill night air froze your skin. Luffy’s shoulder was a brand he didn’t know he’d given you. 
“Luffy,” you whispered. “I… I can’t.”
His confusion was even more crushing than anger could ever be. “But we were just saying…”
“Yeah,” you laughed breathlessly, wiping at your cheek. “We were just saying stuff to make us feel better. That’s what it was to me.”
His hand found your shoulder and forced you to face him. Careful, like he feared you would break, he wiped away the increasing stream of tears. “You know it’s always been more to me.”
“I know.” You leaned into his touch. “I’m sorry. I’m…”
“Afraid?” You nodded into his palm, sniffling. “Of your father?”
Were you really so transparent? “Among other things. It’s just… we can’t leave.”
“Who says so?” Luffy left your side and spun around, gesturing to the little ship. “Once we’re out there, nothing can stop us. We’ll be free. Just like Shanks.”
You’d always held a grudge against Shanks. He was dangerous in your eyes, not for any other reason than the spirit he inspired in Luffy. The red haired pirate was kind and just and brave—and you had admired him as much as Luffy in your youth—but he threatened this peace you’d made. Luffy would leave this little island in his name, and that made you hate Shanks.
Luffy’s smile found you again, never relenting in its passion. He raced up to you and held you by your arms, shaking you slightly. You had no choice but to look right into his eyes. “Let’s leave. Nothing’s stopping us. Let’s go the night before we’re trapped forever.”
Sniffling, your eyes skimmed all over his face. There was really only one answer, in the end, as much as it killed you. “Okay.”
Luffy planted a burning kiss to your forehead, then your cheeks, then your lips, drawing you in as yet another tear traced your face. Breaking away, you hugged him with the ferocity of a person who knew it was their last. 
“We’ll start preparing the ship tomorrow. Then we’re free. Captain Luffy and his first mate, Y/N.”
All week you helped Luffy load supplies into the sloop, hidden away in the cove, out of sight from those who would thwart you.
From crates of food to medical supplies you convinced him he needed, to the minor repairs the sloop needed, everything was ready by the deadline Luffy had set. 
“Not yet,” he said through a grin, confusing you. “We need your books.”
You’d gathered the most important ones. The ones you used to read to him on particularly boring nights. Stories of grandeur he’d always promised to take you on one day. Books that held sentiment from over the years, that made him pause when he saw one and remind you of memories held close to your heart.
“Remember this one?” he asked, holding it up and flipping through the pages.
Of course you did. “Yeah. It’s my favorite.”
Luffy laughed and showed you the pages, as if you needed reminding of the memorized little drawings the two of you had scribbled into the margins. Yours were better by far, but you much preferred his little stick figures. Then he turned to the little messages he’d written you, and you’d written him, scrawled onto the pages when you were meant to be studying.
“The Two Birds,” he remembered, starting to read the pages. “It was my favorite too. Two birds of a feather say that they’re always going to stay together.”
Your heart thundered in your chest the longer that book lay open. “But one’s never going to let go of that wire.”
“He says that he will, but he’s just a liar.”
You hated that damn book.
Then came the morning of Luffy’s departure. He woke up before the sun, racing to your house and poking on the window. No one ever came to open it, so he gave it a push, swinging it open to find you were absent from the little room.
Not thinking anything of it, he headed down to the cove, deciding you must be there already.
Only, you weren’t. He looked all around the sloop and up on the deck, but aside from the crate of your books, there was no sign of you. 
“Luffy!” A voice bellowed from up the shore, and Luffy’s head snapped up as horror rushed up his spine. Vice Admiral Garp was racing toward him, tripping down the sandy slope.
Jumping to action, Luffy started pushing on the hull of the sloop, using all his might to get it into the water. Garp wasn’t making good time, his feet sinking into the sand and getting stuck every other step. 
The sloop got free of the beach and Luffy shoved off, chest heaving from exertion and panic, head swimming. He kept pushing and pushing till it was deep enough and he pulled himself onto the deck. 
“Hey!” Luffy whirled around just as you leaped at his grandfather, dragging him down to the sand with you. Holding the man down you looked up at him, and Luffy swore his heart dropped. “Go, Luffy!”
You had never intended on joining him, he realized, jaw setting as he spurred into motion, guiding the ship deeper and deeper into the sea, till he was too far away for Garp to catch. He kept going and going till he was just a speck on the horizon.
And with a throat burning with unspent tears, arm tight in the grip of the Vice Admiral, eyes locked on the sea, you found it in yourself to smile. 
Luffy would never have left you, you knew. He was too good. But, gods, he needed to leave. Your thoughts may be evil but you are not. To trap him would be to kill the light in him you so loved. It was better this way, for everyone involved, probably. 
“Do you have any idea what you’ve done?” Garp growled down at you.
“Yeah,” you murmured. “He’s free now.” The smile faded to make way for a sour frown that would grace your face for decades to come. “I’m ready to join the marines, Vice Admiral.”
His hold on your arm loosened enough for you to lead the way back to town, head ducked, and Garp watched you go. A puzzled crease was in his brow, and something in him admired you. Something in him decided you’d make an honorable marine, even if his grandson would not. 
Garp never told your father you’d played a part in Luffy’s departure, and you never paid a too hefty price. He figured cadet training without your best friend was enough punishment. And he had been right on all accounts; you made an excellent marine, one of the coldest and most efficient of your time.
Your superiors commended you. Your peers envied you. As for yourself, well, it was hard to stave off the self loathing. You missed Luffy, but this was all for the best.
He was free, and honestly, that was as good as freedom itself.
Some months later, you were sitting at a desk going over the files of recent prisoners, when a new wanted poster was slapped onto the table. You jumped, glancing up at Vice Admiral Garp, who wore a strange kind of grin on his face.
“Take a look at your boy,” he said, walking off not a second later.
Glancing down, you spilled your ink with how badly you spooked, practically throwing everything aside to pick up the poster. A watery laugh slipped past your lips as you cupped a hand over your mouth, eyes suddenly teary. He’d done it. Luffy was a pirate with one of the highest bounties you’d seen. 
“Care to go after him?” Garp wondered from the doorway. “We need our best on this crew. They’re a dangerous bunch.”
You looked away from the poster of a face you hoped to never see again. You’re not sure what you’d do if you saw him again. “I don’t think I should.”
“Why?” He settled you with a glare. “You’re one of the most promising soldiers I’ve seen. But you’re losing your edge. Perhaps some action away from the desk will bring it back.”
You started to shake your head. “Vice Admiral, I don’t think seeing him would end well for anyone.”
“Perhaps. But you should know he asked about you.” Your eyes widened a fraction.
“You talked to him?”
“And he asked how you’re doing mid fight with me,” he chuckled.
You tried to think about the implications. “He did?” Taking a moment to think, you shook your head. “Respectfully, I decline. I fully believe hell would break loose if he saw me.”
Garp seemed to smile at that, like that’s exactly what he wanted. “Respectfully, I decline your decline. You report to your new post tomorrow.”
Gaping, you chased after him as he stomped down the hall. “But Vice Admiral—Garp! Stop!”
He had the nerve to laugh at your panic, and without thinking you grabbed his sleeve and jerked him to stop. “I’m a coward! That’s why I’m here. I’m not a promising soldier—I’m a dirty coward.”
Garp stared at where your hand held his sleeve, his frown a thin line. “And how do we fix that?” He took hold of your wrist and gripped it tight. “We take you to the source and crush it.” 
His hand found your shoulder. “You chose to stay, cadet. Never forget that.”
Ouch. You nodded swiftly. “I know… Tomorrow?”
“Tomorrow,” Garp said through a tight lipped grin.
You gave him one last solid nod and returned to your desk, shoulders stiff and blood rushing in your ears. Your eyes skimmed over the paperwork you had left to finish, all scattered over the floor, some dirtied by spilled ink. Luffy’s wanted poster smiled up at you.
He had always been too good for you, you think, rolling the poster up and slipping it into your coat pocket. Hell would break loose should the Strawhat Pirates cross paths with Cadet L/N, for many, many reasons. Cracking your neck to relieve some stiffness, you considered that may not be such a bad thing.
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merbear25 · 3 months
Greetings Mear! I really love your writing! I was wondering if I may request kid,shanks, law with a cute/sweet personlity, Some traits I like too add if don't mind^^ ,Very thoughtful, culeless at times ,Over all just cute ,and the reader is blind,You can write this in any scenario you wish for.
Anyways have a good day!!!
Thanks so much for your work💕💞🫂🫂💜💕💞
Thank you so much for your kind words! It truly means a lot to me. These were an interesting three to choose for this but oh so cute! I hope you don’t mind that I added a haki ability to the reader. I hope you like what I’ve written for you. 💜💜
CW: fluff, gn!reader, reader is blind but can use haki, could be read as platonic or romantic
Their light in this dark world (Kid, Shanks, Law)
You didn’t have the most pleasant first encounter. While you were wandering through the market, you got swept up in all the commotion and let your perception waver a bit, which led to you bumping into Kid. By his stature alone, you were knocked back a few steps. 
The low grumble of a threat emerged from him when he first laid eyes on you. Before he could throw in many curses, you cut him off by profusely apologizing. Huffing and rolling his eyes at you, you seemed harmless and pathetic enough not to give the incident much thought.
He grumbled under his breath when he left, but he kept an eye on you. There was something about you that had caught his eye—he just couldn’t put his finger on it. 
As he saw you stumbling about here and there, he almost lost interest, what with nearly labeling you as a lost cause. However, there were little moments when you showed some potential with your haki abilities, to which he felt the need to approach you again.
There were a few bumps the both of you had to navigate once joining his crew, one of which being how you would unintentionally cause problems with your cluelessness. That being said, the heart-felt apology you’d muster always made him blush a bright red—moments that he was secretly happy he’d never have to worry about you witnessing.
Even with all his huffing and puffing at your thoughtfulness and sweet actions, he enjoyed having you around. You were truly a delightful member to have alongside him, and even if he’d never admit it, you were the light he didn’t realize he needed.
He and his crew had docked the port of your city not long ago and were enjoying their time amongst the friendly locals and plentiful food and drink. Shanks was off by himself relaxing under the sun’s rays when he noticed you strolling by.
You seemed content walking down the street; you held a pleasant smile that was illuminated by the light. Watching you from afar, he could tell that there was something different about you, but of course, he couldn’t be certain until being properly introduced.
As you made your way to the fountain, you took out a coin. After whispering something to yourself, you tossed it in and took a seat on the edge.
Admiring you and the delicate nature you held in your posture, he felt enticed by your charm. Upon introducing himself, it was clear that the quality that seemed to have set you apart from the others was your blindness.
However, after exchanging pleasantries, it was obvious that your condition wasn’t the only thing that made you unique: your sweet character, your displays of thoughtfulness, and your kind soul were rarities in this gloomy world. You captivated him through conversation and eventually took the plunge on boarding his ship to sail the seas with him.
You held a lot of inner strength, making you a skilled haki user and even though that meant you were perfectly capable of taking care of yourself, you were still guarded by one of the most loyal—Shanks. With his curiosity getting the better of him, he asked what you wished for that day you met. 
“To live a life worth sharing.”
While some of his crew was off gathering much needed supplies in town, he and the others were tending to the submarine. As the ones who were trusted with the job of collecting goods ventured into the nearby town, they were finding it a bit difficult to find their way around. 
Their arguing caught your attention, so you offered your assistance. With such overwhelming gratitude, you were touched knowing you’d made that much of a difference. As you led them to the places on their checklist, you really came to like them—they appeared to be genuinely nice people.
They invited you to meet everyone else and to show their appreciation properly, which you gladly accepted. As you were being introduced to everyone, warmth radiated off each and every one of them. That was until you felt a blistering cold emitting from the side.
With such an intense aversion coming from their captain, you treated him just as you did everyone else—with tenderness and care. Though your time getting to know them wasn’t long, Law made a passing comment on your impressive haki abilities, to which you replied that you really hadn’t been given any other choice if you wanted to live a life with independence.
Respecting your answer, you two came to have a rather pleasant conversation, causing his icy demeanor to melt and be replaced with something more welcoming. With them having to stay docked in the area for a while longer due to repairs, you swung by nearly every day to help in any way you could, further earning their trust.
With the crew practically begging Law to offer you a spot on board, he rolled his eyes but ultimately folded to their request. He’d been mulling over the idea of having you join for a little bit and seeing how you were able to overcome adversity while maintaining that affectionate nature made it difficult not to want such a ray of hope by his side.
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screaminglygay · 1 year
pairing: siren! natasha x reader
summary: working on a boat sounds like a fun, but what if there is a cold weather?
word count: 3.6k
warnings: heavy manipulation!!!, mind control, toxic dynamic, humping a tail, dirty talk, just smut!, badly written description of what sailors do
an: so the time is here!!!! I’m exited and also anxious, aghh. I’d appreciate any of your feedback and don’t be scared to send me some thoughts! If there are any typos, i sincerely apologize, just let me know and I’ll fix it!
an2: there is a part that was inspired by hp and goblet of fire, i’ve changed most of it, but left some parts, since natasha is siren. felt like it was fitting. and it’s exactly how I imagine natasha’s style of singing.
(italics = your thoughts)
Enjoy this spooky time and be safe!
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Working on a coast was an incredible experience and for such a long time you were happy to have the oppurtunity to see new things, but most imporantily feel new things.
This spontanious work trip helped you with your mental health more than your therapist in years. You didn´t even mind working alone somedays, since your coworkers had some days shift off. You enjoyed those quiet days, where you didn´t even overthink, you just let your thoughts peacefully be and surprisingly they did the same thing to you.
Seeing things, the old things but with a different font was something you never get tired of. Everything was bigger and prettier. Colorfull sunrises and sunsets, bigger and shiny stars. But when the warm and fuzzy wind was changed by heavy rains and scary thunderstorms, you were really changing your opinion and wishing you were back in your comfy king sized bed, watching another stupid show on Netflix. Not everything was so colorful all the time.
Especially when the weather got cold and nothing was so warm and fuzzy as in the summer. When the first storm came you thought that you can hadle it, alone. You did, but barerly.
But from todays morning, you knew something big is coming and nothing could prepare you for that. You woke up and checked your phone, like you did every signle day and noticed you have one unread message, saying that your coworker, Tobias, can´t make it, because he got sea sick, from all the sailing he did this week. Which is little weird since you´re positive he´s been sailing the day he was born. But even the best of us can get sick sometimes. So youre all alone. You let out a big sigh. You werent mad, no. You were just little scared of the storm that might and most probably will come today.
When you finally got up and looked from the window you could feel that the wind was freezingly cold. Goosebumps begin to form on your arms and neck. The cold feeling seeps through your skin deeper, like a stealthy intruder, sending shivers down your spine. It's an icy touch that grips your body, making your muscles tense.
It´s gonna be a long day.
As always you packed your stuff, fuzzy socks, warm coat, another shirt just in case youll get wet. Lastly you took some snacks and a big amout of soup, hoping your heater wont let you down. And last but not least a lots of tea. As your boss always says "Tea and rum is better than a warm coat." Well you dont have the rum, but the tea will do, at least that´s what youre saying to yourself.
When you got to work, you checked all the papers from yesterday, made sure to know what your tasks will be today. And of course you had to check if the boat is in a good shape to sail the next day. It´s a lot of work, but at least you have a job to do. Not like a week ago, where you just sat and watch as the waves hit the rocks for 12 hours. You noticed that even waves have a simple patterns, its was so hypnotic to watch it hit the big rocks again and again and again.
You slowly checked all the papers to not miss anything important and undeerscore everything that you need to do today. You checked your watch and made a mental note to put the kettle on soon.
Youre working here for about a 5 months now and you still havent figured out your routine. Even though most of the times youre still doing the same job all over again, checking something, writing what needs to be fixed, checking the load, or just watching over the boat, you still do everything at the same time. So sometimes (read it as most of the times) you just forget to do the simple things as taking care of your basic needs. When you and Tobias have shift together, you two kinda take care of eachtoher, but when he´s not there it´s just so easy to forget about it.
But today you did quite good job, after checking the lower deck you came back up to unlock the kitchen and put the kettle on. When youre water was getting ready for your favorite and only tea you had here, you wrote some documentary about the first ship load you had to check. Everything was correct and you were happy that you didn´t have to unpack it and count it manually. Your first break of the day fly past very quickly as you finished your tea, that didnt make you feel warm at all. You put the cup in the sink and went on another round of checking the boat lower deck.
As you stood up something red caught your eye in the distance, you took a few steps closer to the window, hoping you would see better at what it is. It was weird seeing something so bright in the distance, where only the gray waves were moving. But to your disappointment, you didnt got the answer, it was probably some coral from the shore. You shake your head slightly and moved to another task.
When you came up you noticed that it was already dark outside, shockingly it was the same tempetrure as throghtout the day. Which was a positive thing.
How long have I been downstairs? What time is it? I didn´t have lunch... again.
As many thoughts at the same time speed through your mind, you heard something under the boat. You just closed your eyes, taking few deep breaths to calm your nerves. You put down the paperwork and the pen you were holding. Making your way to the kitchen, youve notice that you didn´t even drank much water. Cursing yourself, you drink a half of the bottle right away. The fresh water finally hitting your needs. Refreshing shockwave going through your body. Every cell awaken and all of your sences light up. Already feeling better, taking a moment to make soup and overall just refresh yourself. As you´re finishing your food, you hear it again.
This time is was way louder, so you took all of your courage to go out and look what it was. Sometimes you were tought, or maybe you just act before you think things through. You were terrified of the dark and most importantly what´s in it, but this time something made you go out. You were surprised by yourself, but you didnt question it, much.
When you got out you checked the boat, slowly analyzing if something is wrong.
Was it an animal? A fallen brench into the water?
"Hello?" You immidietly cursed yourself. "Im an idiot." You mumble as you walk around. "There is no more pathetic and stupid way to die then just say hello to the dark." You mumble under your breath.
After a while walking around the boat a big strike apeared on the sky. And after few second of a complete silence there was a big thunder coming, that made you run back inside. There it was the big storm you were so terrified of. It was way worse than the last time and you were hoping to survive it.
That´s a little bit dramatic, but your heart was pounding fast, your hands started to shake and even in this cold you very still incredibly sweaty, like if you just ran a marathon in the desert. After few hours of tinkinkng you´ll die, the storm suddently stopped, leaving you all tired and scared at the same time. Until youve heard another sound, it wasnt another bang, it was more like a humming.
Maybe someone from the sailors is here? But they are all men. Maybe someones wife? Again, your thoughts are running milions miles per hour.
The humming sounds so warm, like the old days, back in summer, where everything was colorfull, fuzzy and it felt generally so good in your ears. You stood up and without second guessing you step outside. There was complete silence, not a single person outside, The sun slowly coming out, trying to fight those stromy clouds that were showing the only evidence of heavy storm.
As soon as your hand laid back on the door handle a beautfiul voice start to sing a melodic song. You didnt understand it, it was some language you never heard, but you liked it, your brain might not understand the words, but your body understood the melody. And suddenly you didn´t felt cold, it was the other way around actually. Your cheeks were on fire, like you were running a fever, but you didn´t feel bad, no, you actually felt the best you ever did.
When you turn around you saw her. Unbeiebly beaitiful, goddess looking woman. Her hair was red, not like an apple red, more like a bright fire that is keeping you warm at the coldest nights. Each strand seemed to catch the sunlight that was finally going up, setting her aglow with a vibrant, fiery aura. Her green eyes were pierced at you, she was looking at you, waiting for your move. But you just stood there and watched her, your breathing started to speed up. You tried to remeber evertything about her, but as soon as your eyes fell lower, you noticed how light her skin looked. It reminded you of a fresh marble that was just ready to be cast in. But what caught your off guard the most, was her tail. You´ve never seen aynthing like that and it was very obvious, because youre face made it very well known. It was mixed feeling between shocked and amazed. The siren's tail was a fluid masterpiece, a shimmering blend of oceanic blues and greens. With each sinuous movement, it created a mesmerizing scene.
"Hey sailor." she smirked, her voice sound way raspier than it did when she sang.
"I- I- I´m not a sailor. This is uh not my uh- boat... I just work here." You stutter out, cursing yourself for seeing the prettiest woman your eyes have ever laid on and you ramble out this sentence.
"You just work here? Oh what a pity, I wanted to ask for some help." The red haired frown, which made you feel sad right away.
"I can help! I just... not my boat." You awkwardly chuckled out.
Her eyes immidietly fell back on you. "Oh really? I don´t want to bother since you´re not the sailor of this boat." Her voice sounded so soft, yet harsh at the same time. It was luring you, by every word she said, you felt different emotion each time. A good emotions.
"I mean I´m on a shift now, so teoretically I am sailor of this boat." You smiled, youre pupils were so big and you felt like you were in euhporia.
She smiled softly. Her smile could make a whole army fall to their knees. You knew it, but most imporatnly she did too. But there was only one person she want to fall on their knees. And that person was you.
"Okay then, sailor..." her raspy voice now coming lower to your body, slowly eletrucing you. "I just need a little favor, my tail..." She let out a little whine, completly changing her body language. She didn´t seem so confident, she looked so fragile and sad. And you have to help her.
"Are you hurt?!" You imidditetly walk closer to her. Crouching so youre on the same eye level. She place her hand on yours, looking at you and finally, she bonded. Her touch made you feel cold and warm at the same time. Butterflies flying everywhere not just in your stomach and her eyes. Her captivating eyes has already read you like a whole book. Her eyes were an entrancing shade of emerald, deep and captivating like the hidden depths of the sea. They held an enigmatic allure, with a hint of mischief and ancient wisdom that drew you in, ensnaring your heart and mind.
"A little-" she sigh and looks away. "-maybe you can help me get back, to safety, where no one can find us." The soft spoken woman look at you, making eye contact again, while her hand is still on yours.
"Us?" Your words caught her off guard.
"Yes, us, darling. You know, not all people are kind as you are. Youre the only one who ever made me feel safe. Youre the only one i can trust now. Youre-" she blinks a few times, leaning closer to you. "-youre my saviour. Will you help me, darling? Help us to get to safety? The world is too cruel and we need to decide right now."
This was the task you were waiting your whole life on here. Make sure she is safe, there is nothing else that is more important than this. You nod, still making eye contact.
"I will. Of course!" You nod again, taking this job very seriously, as you felt like you were born for this.
"Say it. Say what you were made to do, darling." Raspiness was now the only thing that you´ve heard. You were less and less interested in your work and your tasks before her.
Before her there was... was there anything before her?
"I will help you. I will help us get to safety." Your eyes scanned her face, hoping these words will help her.
"Thank you my darling, will you follow me? Please?" her eyes were watery, she´s holing back tears and that tears your heart.
"Yes." You say without hasitation.
"Yes, what, darling?" She asks.
"Yes, uh-" suddnely you feel this sensation, your head feels fuzzy and your view is more and more bright. Your words are caugh up in your throat, when you looked at her lips you can see them moving, but your ears cant catch the word she´s saying. But your mind does.
"Yes, mistress." you whisper back as it´s the only thing you can say.
As you closed your eyes for a second, the world around you seemed to blur and fade. The warm feeling never leaving your side.
Time itself shifted, as if you were wrapped in a comforting cocoon. The soft, rhythmic sound of waves crashing against the shore became a lullaby and there is it was again. Her singing. Her soft and heart warming singing.
When you finally stirred, it was as if you had awakened in a dream. The dimly lit cave, adorned with iridescent seashells and many other decorations, that suited the cave. And there, before you, was a siren of unparalleled beauty, her emerald eyes reflecting the cave's soft luminescence.
"Hello, darling..." she slowly moved towards you "...slept well?" her smirk grew wider as she saw your hand immidietly going between your legs as there was some unbeliveble aching you were feeling.
"I- uh huh" You only nod, not realizing that your hand is going lower on your body.
The siren´s hand falls on your cheeks as she tuck some of your falen hair behind your ear. Not even for a second breaking eye contact. Without second thinking you grab her hands and put them on your body, that was covered in your wet clothes.
"P-please!" Was all you could have said. She just chuckled and squeezed your breasts.
"You don´t even know my name and you want me to fuck you? Aww darling, youre way easier than I thought you would be. So so so easy" She tsked and suddenly, you didn´t felt her hands on you anymore.
"I don´t care!" You yelp as the aching was even worse now. Is this what drugs do to you? You just want more and more and still it isn´t enough.
The siren looked at you shocked, her hand was placed on her chest as a sign of being offended. "Darling, you don´t care what my name is? That´s rude." She pout. Tears immidietly filling her eyes. "And I thought you don´t want to hurt me, yet you´re just like the others." She looked away.
"Wait- No, no, no! Im not like the others, Im sorry! Im so sorry! I want to know your name. Oh gosh I didn´t want to be so selfish!" You grabbed her arm. "Please, tell me your name, I bet it´s beautiful just like you!"
"You think Im beautiful?" Her green eyes falling back on you.
"Very." You nod.
"It´s Natasha." She wiped her tears.
"Okay, Natasha. Im sorry for being selfish, It was really mean, let me make it up to you, please." You felt so sad, like every joy just left your body forever. Like you didn´t even experience a single happy thing in your life. Like everything was just dark.
"You´re right, you did act very selfish and mean. And you should definetly make it up to me, (Y/N)." Natasha seems so small right now, like a small fish in a big dark ocean.
"Anything you want, just please- forgive me." You basically whined at this point.
"(Y/N), you truly hurted my feelings, I don´t know. How can i trust you not hurting me again?" The horrible feeling of guilt is forming not just in your stomach, but also in your head now.
Natasha looked really hurt by your words. And you felt like if you´ll lose her, you´ll lose yourself, forever.
You squeezed her hand. "I will never. How can i prove it to you? Please..." You knew this will work. "... mistress, let me prove to you, I won´t ever hurt you and Im truly so sorry!"
Her eyes shifted, her pretty green color in her eyes just dissapeared and turned into black.
"Take of your clothes. They´re wet, you will get sick. Aren´t you cold, darling?" At her words you did feel the cold breeze. Actually you were freezing.
"Y-y-yeah, Im freezing." You said while your teeth chattered.
"Oh, darling! Clothes off, righ now!" She ordered and you did as she told. "I don´t want you catch a cold!" Her voice was caring, so caring you didn´t think you deserve it, after how mean you´ve been acting towards her.
As you stand there, completly naked the shivering didn´t end, it got even worse and your nipples could cut dimonds now.
"You´re still cold? Oh, darling, come here." She pointed at her tail. "My tail is warm, it´s gonna keep you from freezing to death." Her smile could cure everything negative thing in this world.
Without second guessing you almost jumped at her, your hand wanting to touch her tail, but you stopped yourself. "May I? Mistress?" Natasha just nodded. You hand immidietly touching her tail.
It´s so soft, oh my god and warm! So so warm.
"Sit on it, darling." She take your hands and guided you on her tail. "It will make you warm, so warm, it will end the shivers, I promise."
So you did. You sat on her tail and if you felt tingles everywhere before, then now there are tignles even in places you don´t have. Running your fingers along its sleek, supple surface was like caressing a piece of heaven. Its velvety texture and gentle, soothing warmth enveloped you in a sense of euphoria, as if you were touching a living embodiment of comfort and enchantment, a sensation that melted away all of your less important other thoughts.
Natasha noticed you´re still shivering and put her hand on your hips. "Darling, if you start to move you will stop shivering. Fast friction makes heat and you really need to be in heat now, darling." Natasha was right, her words were exactly what you needed, but you just didn´t know how.
How can I do this? I don´t want to hurt her tail.
"You won´t hurt my tail, darling. I will guide you, okay?" Her strong hands squeezed your hips and slowly made you move back and forth. "Just like that, you´re doing so good."
After a little while you start to get the hang of it and you felt that amazing friction again. Everything started to feel so good, all the lost joy, all the good feeling are back. All the happy thoughts.
"Oh my god- it´s really working!" You screamed.
"I know, darling. I can feel you on my tail. Keep going." She wispered in your ear.
You did. Oh boy, you did. You moved your hips back and forth faster and faster. And at the same time it got easier, maybe it´s the tail, or maybe it´s the fact that your juices were all over Natasha.
You definetly felt the heat.
Few moments before you came and let all of your juices on the siren´s tail, she started to sing again. In the same language you couldn´t understand before, but you can now. It´s like you know the song all your life.
"Come seek us where our voices sound,
We cannot sing alone in the dark,
And while you're searching, ponder this:
We're gonna take what you'll sorely miss,
But not for long you gonna think,
Let us help, and you won´t sink.
Your life might have been so perfect,
Too late, it's gone, it won't come back."
After the red head stopped singing, she looked at you and finally closed the gap between you two. Your first kiss was a moment of exquisite tenderness, a meeting of souls that overlap the boundaries of land and sea. As their lips brushed together, it was a gentle, captivating exchange of warmth and desire. In that soft, lingering kiss, they found a connection that was as deep and boundless as the ocean itself, a love that defied all expectations and left you utterly in her arms.
"I forgive you, darling." Natasha said and you knew, you found your life task. As she holds you close on her tail your eyes fell back into the warm fuzzy feeling, you didn´t mind be in forever.
Hope you enjoyed first day of KINKTOBER!
Thank you for reading!!!
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brainrotcharacters · 1 year
ship: opla luffy x reader
summary: Luffy sees you hanging over the edge of the ship, holding nothing but a piece of rope in your hand.
a/n: remember when I said my meltdown felt finished? So that was a fucking lie. I wrote a comfort fic instead.
tags: sfw, one piece live action, reader is a devil fruit eater, suicide attempt, angst/comfort, friendship, the Strawhat crew is a found family, Luffy fulfills the caregiver role
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Everything was set into place. After such a long time, you finally controlled one part of your life.
Ending it.
You were going to do it during a clear night sky. There was the sounds of the winds against the sails of the Going Merry, and the lapping of the ocean waves against its magnificent hull. Usopp took great pride in keeping the ship in peak condition― it was easy to keep filling his mug with booze as he boasted about the ship, and it didn't take long for him to weave belowdecks to find his puke bucket.
Nami and Zoro were more difficult to put under, until a comment misheard by one of them led to another drinking game that ended with both of them unconscious under a table. Sanji helped you get them to bed, but when Zoro wrapped a massive arm around him, he was as good as pinned to the mattress with them. You ignored his pleas as you slowly exited the room, moving two barrels of dried meat in front of the door. Sanji's kicks are strong enough to break through wood, but the idea was to delay his movement, not stop him.
The rope in your hand strained as you lean further over the portside. Your feet remained on deck, but the rest of you teetered dangerously beyond the edge. As a Devil Fruit eater, you had a death wish, setting out to sea. Now you were proving everyone right.
"What are we looking for?"
Goddamn Luffy. You couldn't think of how to put him under, and now you were out of time. Luffy descended the ratlines at your right, eagerly squinting into the inky black ocean. "Are there any dolphins? Are they awake at night? I couldn't hear them from up at the crow's nest."
"Luffy..." you loosened your grip on the rope, the literal lifeline that kept you anchored to the ship. "Leave me alone for a bit, please. Sanji needs help with Nami and Zoro. They've been drinking."
"Sanji can take care of them." He planted his sandaled feet on the bulkhead, detaching from the ratlines. "He takes care of all of us. Even you."
Oh, the bastard. A forced, empty laugh escapes your mouth. "I feel the need to ask. Can you tell what I plan to do?"
He blinked slowly, and that's when you suspected he might succeed to persuade you against it. "Yeah. By the way, if you jump, I'm jumping in after you."
This time, you laughed more genuinely. True; in the short time that passed since you first joined, you knew Luffy had that type of personality.
Luffy smiled, simply happy that he heard your real laugh. The you that was his friend was still in there somewhere. "Y/n, please give me your hand."
He lifted his own, palm facing up. All things considered, he could use his ability and yank you back. But he wasn't that kind of captain―wasn't that kind of person.
"I'm out of place, captain." You keep your attention fixed on the ocean. It was easier than seeing Luffy's face. "I don't have much to offer anyone on this ship, least of all you. Joining you was a mistake."
"You don't mean that." Luffy had seen a similar devastation before. Nami, back when they helped free Coco Village from Arlong. "We like having you here. We all want to keep sailing with you."
A scoff splintered your throat on the way out. "What's your point?"
Luffy shifted on his feet, confused. The point? "You said you're out of place. Then, we'll make a place for you!" He thought they were already doing that, anyway.
He watched your grip on the rope slacken further. Only an inch of rope left before you fall to your death. Luffy scowled. "What about your dream?"
You roll your eyes, even as they prickle with tears. You say over your shoulder. "Someone else will be born and have the same dream. Let them fulfill it."
Luffy stopped himself from complaining about how lazy, how defeated of a thinking that was. Think like a captain. He told himself. "Y/n, no one else will pursue your dream the same way you would. That other person will do one thing differently than you, and you wouldn't be able to scold them for not following your lead. Because you chose to jump tonight."
The stars shimmered on the ocean surface tonight. You couldn't see where the sky ended and the sea began, only that it was dark. And Luffy was a red and blue and orange beacon within your reach.
"They won't..." You swallow the image that formed in your head. A child who didn't know any better, deciding to change one key element of your dream for the hell of it. "They won't pursue it how I would."
"Right." You heard Luffy take two steps closer. "So come on, Strawhat. Take my hand."
You find the strength to turn your head. Luffy's hand remained lifted, open and welcoming. Especially to the undeserving.
He offered you a tender, genuine smile. The softness reached his eyes. "We both know that when you take my hand, I will help you. All of us will help you, Y/n. But only after you reach for my hand."
He was cruel, your captain. This was him asking you to continue living. To continue suffering, to continue feeling pain. With him. With everyone. The annoying thing about Luffy was that he believed his crew has each other's backs, and actively made sure it became true.
Zoro was half asleep, but he still protected the back of Nami's head when they both fell on their asses under the table. Sanji complained about Zoro's weight on him, but still made sure his and Nami's necks were at comfortable angles. Usopp embraced everyone good night and sang garbled songs about how he found his courage with the crew, on his way belowdecks. When the singing stopped, the puking began. Sanji and you had chuckled to overhear it.
Goddamnit. You think to yourself, twisting fully and grabbing Luffy's hand.
Your captain grinned, pulling you close. His arms were solid as they braced around your middle, hand grasping your shoulder from behind. His face was buried in your hair, his next words muffled. "There we go. The crew is complete again."
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clumsybriar · 3 months
König x Fem! Reader — Stranded
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König x Fem! Reader
Word count: 5,833
Notes: reader gets stranded on an island, use of (y/n), fluffy at the end.
(Y/n) wasn’t so sure how she had survived a natural disaster such as she did. But here she was, proof that miracles do happen.
Her eyes were blurry as the tears welled up in her eyes as she looked around the abandoned beach. No one was left in the small boat she had been traveling on. Her assumption was that she was the only one.
She thought she was alone and left to die in this hellscape no matter how beautiful it truly was. There was no time to take in the beauty when panic settled in her soul.
She was in pain and felt like she went through a terrible beating. Her eyes glanced back at the boat as she saw it washed ashore broken in half and clearly not being able to be sailed back into the mighty sea Poseidon ruled over.
She had just woken up a bit ago, finding herself ashore laying in the sand as her summer dress didn’t do a good job at keeping her cool in the sweltering heat.
She had a massive headache, and her body ached worse than anything. She had a few minor scrapes except for her forearms that had been scratched up a bit heavily either due to maybe the boat capsizing at times during the storm, or for other reasons when she was unconscious.
Her eyes glanced back at the boat as it was clear no passengers were left having been through such a rough water spout that had ripped the boat in half.
She was lucky she even survived this far. She hoped partially she would be able to live to tell the tale, but then again, she had no survival skills.
She was doomed. That was all she knew.
Why? She thought traveling by boat from Belgium back to America would be a fun little trip to end her Europe tour, but it ended up being a disaster, one she wouldn’t make again by choice and one she may not get to make ever again.
“Du bist endlich aufgewacht und hier dachte ich, ich müsste dich mit den Massen begraben.“ ("You finally woke up and here I thought I had to bury you with the masses.")
Her eyes glanced back at a large man who spoke another language she didn’t know at all. He was large and tall and quite frankly scary with that mask he wore over his head. He was garnished in medals and a military uniform with Austria’s flag on it.
He must have been speaking German.
“Katze hat deine Zunge? Sprichst du Deutsch?" (“Cat has your tongue? Do you speak German?”) he spoke as he knelt in front of you checking you over.
„I-ich, spreche kein Deutsch.” She uttered softly. “Es tut mir leid.”
That’s all the German she knew. That’s all her great grandfather had taught her when he was alive. He was from Germany and had migrated to America during the second world war since he was a Jew. From there he met his wife and her great grandmother who was a catholic and he was a Jew. It was a weird combo but they made it work and loved each other a lot.
“Ah, I see.” His English was amazing, he had a deep accent but he was understandable and that helped ease her mind.
She wished she could be fluent in another language but it was so daunting and scary to learn another language. Especially when English was such a difficult language and not like the other ones.
In the distance the sky was growing dark and hazy.
The soldier had been keeping his eye on it as (y/n) felt nervous and terrified. She didn’t like storms, and she didn’t like being stranded either. It seemed she was facing all sorts of fears today. How delightful.
He tended to the cuts on your forearm, having wrapped them up with bandages as he spoke softly.
“My name is König, yours?” His eyes looked up at her.
“(Y/n),” she said softly. “My name is (y/n).” She nodded. He gently tucked the cloth into itself as he tucked her arm close to her. He was being so gentle for being such a tall muscular man. (Y/n) had thought maybe he wouldn’t know his own strength but that didn’t seem to be the case. He was gentle and careful and made sure not to make any movements to scare her.
“Are we the only survivors?” She asked her eyes looking at the wreckage.
König's eyes glanced at her. He looked back at the wreckage. He seemed to be thinking about what to say.
“Do not go near the wreckage, we are the only survivors.” He said softly. She would heed his warning having a weak stomach was something she did struggle with, a reason why she didn’t watch movies like horror or thriller. Anything that showed disgusting scenes she was out for the count.
The universe seemed to be on her side leaving some military man as her other sole survivor. Maybe she would make it home one day. Maybe she would go home and see her family and hug her family cat again.
God how she missed that little devil that ran around at midnight.
Most of all she just wished she could close her eyes and wake up in her bed again, but she couldn’t. She was a long way from her bed.
Days and nights started to blur and she was left wondering if anyone knew the boat had crashed. Was someone on their way to rescue her and König?
“Come, let’s set up a fire.” König guided her to the little camp they had set up. Things were getting better situated as time went on. So far they had been stranded for a week, and König was keeping them well safe out here in the wilderness. He was the sole provider having years of experience being able to survive in treacherous areas such as this.
She was getting used to eating the animals he hunted though she did get queasy at the thought of some of them.
“Are you a part of the military in Austria?” She asked. For this last week it had been mostly silence. On both ends, talking here and there but not conversations. Neither of them had conversations.
“Colonel in the Austrian military, now an operator for KorTac, a private military that gets contracted out for whoever wants our services.” He said softly as his eyes never left the flame he was trying to produce with the flint he had found and the rock he had. He just needed to make a spark, that’s all he needed. “I was leaving a Austrian militia event and returning back to my KorTac base taking the boat.” He said softly, finally achieving the fire he wanted.
“Oh,” she smiled softly. “I’m surprised you traveled by boat, wouldn’t a plane get you home earlier.”
“Mmm,” he shrugged as he stacked dry wood up.
She felt like he wasn’t feeling very chatty and it made her a bit self conscious. “Tell me why you were far from home schatz?” His blue eyes looked up at her.
“M-me.” She said softly. “O-oh, well.” She got a bit flustered. “I took a big trip for work. I'm a travel writer for a popular magazine and I traveled to the UK, Denmark, Paris, and France and lastly Belgium.” She spoke quietly. “Then I booked a boat ride home with this company, back to the states where I could then go back to work.” She said softly. “It’s boring.”
“Mmm, no it’s quite interesting.” He said softly as he speared a few things of meat as he started to cook them for the two.
“I imagine my boss is wondering where I am.” (Y/n) spoke softly. “Probably writing emails trying to see if I stayed in one of the countries or if I’m ever coming home.” She smiled softly but it turned into a frown. “I miss home.”
König did too, he missed home as much as she did.
“Someone’s out there looking for us, I know.” He told her reassuringly.
“I hope so.”
The nights had started off warm, but now they were getting cold. König had said it was a storm blowing in, so he made their hut sturdy and kept her close to him at night time. Her face was nuzzled into his chest as she would sometimes listen to the ocean waves as they crashed against the coast.
“You're still up schatz?” König shifted a bit as his thumb rubbed against her back.
“Did I wake you?” She asked softly.
“No, Schatz, nein.” He cooed softly. “Just woke up on my own accord.” He hummed.
She nodded as she listened to the ocean again. König was doing the same thing as he rested a hand behind his head as his other arm was asleep, giving it up to her to use as a pillow. He wanted her comfortable, and she was. She was coming to rely on him and feel afraid when he left. It got to the point that she followed quietly when he hunted or stayed close by as close as possible.
“What’s on your mind tonight.” He asked softly.
“What tomorrow will bring.” She said softly. “Maybe a rescue crew.” She nodded her head.
“We can dream, but don’t get your hopes up.” He was realistic.
“Do you miss home?” (Y/n) asked as she looked up at him.
“I miss Home, I do, liebling.” He said quietly.
Outside random frogs were croaking and random animals were making sounds.
She was so grateful to have found a crystal clear body of water to bathe in not too long ago. Her and König would take turns and it made things so much better as she wasn’t feeling embarrassed about sweating as much. Now she didn’t mind being curled next to him as they slept. A week ago, she would have been repulsed and kept on her side away from König because she felt stinky and quite frankly didn’t want him to smell her body odor she had collected from her wonderful journey in the wilderness.
“In the little town I live in, there’s this bakery,” She hummed softly. “They make the best apple crumble.” She hummed softly. “I’m craving it right now.” She giggled softly.
“Mmm, and here I was craving a bratwurst and the best Austrian bier.” He chuckled, his chest rumbling and causing her giggle.
“Bier! Nein! Das ist nicht lecker.” (Beer, no, that is not tasty!”) she had been slowly picking up German from him. Having been near him for about three weeks he was filling in some words with phrases teaching her without any of them noticing,
“Oh, now you spreche Deutch.” He teased her softly.
“Picked up a bit.” She hummed. “Like…oh!” She cleared her throat. “Du bist ein stück Scheiße.” She paused. “You said that when you were angry at the fire.”
“Mmm,” he chuckled. “Language.” He patted her back. “Leave the foul mouthed cuss words to me.”
She giggled softly. “Yes colonel.” She smiled up at him. “I sometimes think about the people who are worried sick about me, like my mother and father, my sister, they have no way to contact me and I can’t contact them to let them know I’m safe.” (Y/n) said softly as she looked out at the ocean. “Do you have people at home waiting for you, worried sick?”
Her eyes traveled back up to him as her hand rested on his chest.
“Meine Mutter und mein Vater.” He hummed. “I call them every night, but they’ve gone a few weeks without it.” He chuckled softly. “Maybe they think I went on an important mission.” He hummed softly. “That’s all that would worry other than my team.” He said softly. “I’ll get you home, I promise.”
She smiled softly at his promise. “I trust you colonel.”
»»————- ♔ ————-««
Finding a water source that offered crystal clear water had made things ten times easier. The ocean was great but it was salty and one couldn’t survive off of that unless they wanted to be dehydrated and dead by the end of the week with this sweltering heat. König had found that it was coming from a spring that trickled down from a mountain.
(Y/n)’s first thought was, it must not have been that small of an island, maybe they were on an island with civilian life. If that was the case then they needed to find people, find a town, something.
“It's not safe to leave what we created here.” König was stern when he said that. “We leave this behind, we risk having to survive in a new location that’s why we haven’t gone far.”
“No buts schatz, what if you don’t have that spring water and it’s just saltwater bubbling up through the sandy terrain making a body of saltwater. Hmm?” König asked. “You don’t have fresh water now. Liebling, trust me.”
“I trust you.” She said softly as the two sat back down having lunch. He tucked her close to him as he nuzzled the top of her head.
“I’ll get you home, right now our best bet is to stick close to the wreckage cause that’s what they are looking for.” König hummed as his thumb rubbed soothing circles on her waist.
It was logical, you're missing a colonel and a boat full of people, what are you looking for, not random people walking around. A boat. You're looking for a boat.
She was ready to feel the grass between her toes and hopefully not the damn sand anymore.
Needless to say, she didn’t need to take a beach vacation in the next 10 years. She was all beached out. Three weeks felt like a lifetime to her right now, it felt like entirely too much time to be stranded.
Her and König, though, had grown a stronger bond. König kept watch over her, made sure she was safe, made sure she was well fed even if she didn’t eat all that much since she was cautious of the food. He could tell she wasn’t used to eating wild animals, fresh just hunted.
“You got a man waiting for you back at home.” König asked that night as they stared at the stars laying under the canopy of the sky. Her head was on his chest as she listened to his voice rumble from deep within his chest.
“No.” She said softly. “Just me.” Her eyes glanced up at the sky.
She didn’t have a guy or a gal waiting for her back at home. It was just her and her alone. She had been on a few dates but her job consisted of traveling often and writing, and potential partners just didn’t like the fact that she’d be traveling all the time if her boss sent her somewhere. They were self conscious, and that was fine. So it was just her, just (y/n) and it was okay.
“Mmm, such a pretty little schatz like you would be swiped up fast where I grew up.” He smiled at her.
“People don’t like the traveling I do.” She informed him. The sound of the ocean breeze blowing the palm trees behind them is comforting. It soothed her soul more than anything at the moment. It reminded her of nights where she would sit on her breeze-way and listen to the nature around her as she would read a book.
Part of her wished König would stay with her, part of her wished he would. He was charming and sweet and she felt like she was falling for him slowly. Maybe it was because they were both living such a traumatic event, like surviving a boat crash or trying.
She could remember the night the captain told everyone to essentially buckle up and go below deck because the waves were massive and a few times they capsized. It wasn’t a huge cruise boat that transported people, it was a smaller size that carried at most 30 people. Still, it capsized a few times and then things were over when the water spout had picked them up and carried them.
It was an act of Mother Nature telling them to get away.
She had nightmares of it, often, almost every night.
She could remember the fear as she laid in her bunk. She would roll with the boat hoping for some miracle especially when it capsized.
The captain had said there was no worries when it coasized because the boat was made to flip back over, but still it had a small window of failure. Not everything worked 100 percent of the time.
“People should want to travel with you.” König hummed. “See the world, they're just scared.”
She hummed softly. “You think so.” She thought about it for a second. “Maybe they are scared.” She agreed softly as she bit her lip. “Do you have a partner?”
“Nah, just me too.” He acknowledged. “Been just me since I joined the military.”
“What was the military like?” She asked softly.
König wasn’t afraid to tell her. He liked their conversations. Enjoying how the two could talk about anything and it was easy. He never had that with anyone especially with his social anxiety he had obtained a while back. He didn’t feel like he had suffered with his severe anxiety at all during this stranded journey. He felt almost at peace and he wasn’t sure if it was because of the lack of people around him or if it was physically her calming him down by just being near him. It was like a flip had switched off and he took to protecting her like it was the last thing he would ever do. He took the mission and took to putting his heart into it.
“I suffered from severe social anxiety,” he said softly as he kept his blue eyes locked onto the starry night sky. “Bullied often for it, so my childhood was one thing.” He tugged her closer keeping her tight against his side. His other hand rested on his stomach as he rubbed it softly feeling calm at the moment. “So at the age of 17, I joined the military, I wanted to be a sniper, but I grew to be too big to be that and I couldn’t sit still enough.” He chuckled softly. “So I was an insertion specialist. From there I rose from the ranks and became a colonel.” He hummed softly. “I just recently joined KorTac, it’s not like serving my country. It’s a weird thing, I’m not so sure how much I like it.” He rubbed his thumb in her back as he soothed himself and her. “But I’m not one to quit, I see things through.”
“As my dad always says, you have to give things time, feel it out.” She hummed agreeing with him.
“That’s a good way of putting it, schatz.”
»»————- ♔ ————-««
More time had passed as they had now been stranded for exactly two months.
Two months.
(Y/n) was losing her mind. When were they coming to rescue her and König were they getting rescued? At this point probably not.
She wondered if anyone was even looking, were they out there searching, or were they sitting at home watching movies and kicking their feet back and forth giggling.
She was frustrated, and she knew König was as well, but he held it together for her.
He swallowed his anxiety that was slowly starting to creep into his system and tried to hold it together for her.
There were many times like now he had to walk off and let her know he would be right back so he could get the worry and anxiety out of his system.
He sat on a log in the forest a far enough distance away that he could still see her partially and hear her if he screamed.
He sat bouncing his leg as he whistled nervously trying to calm the rising nerves in his system. It was getting harder to fight off the anxiety and harder to fight the constant panic that surged through him.
His eyes flickered around the vast forest scenery. The area was beautiful, it would be beautiful to visit if traveling. Being stranded was a different story.
König took a deep breath as his leg slowly stopped shaking and he stopped fiddling with his military uniform. His eyes glanced back down at his hands as he shook off the fear that tried to consume him and he started to slowly make his way back to the camp they had set up.
Things were going to be just fines
He had to often remind himself that everything was going to be okay. That everything would work out in ways that it should.
He came back to camp to see the woman figuring herself, the fear that probably consumed her. The thought of her having been alone for a bit had terrified her.
He took a deep breath reminding himself to be calm and collected as he approached.
“Hmmm, Liebling, don’t fret.” König sat on a log beside her. “Gonna get you home schatz.” His hand rested on the back of her head pulling her into his chest. “I’ve kept us alive this far, gonna keep us alive for longer.”
She wrapped her arms around him as she hugged him tightly. She trusted him with her life.
Though it didn’t mean that she still didn’t want to rip her hair out of her head and cry nonstop. She was struggling and she was struggling with a lot of different things. Struggling with the idea of never making it home. Struggling with the idea of dying here with König, or let’s be honest even struggling with the idea she might just be König meal soon enough if they ever ran out of huntable food.
She didn’t want to be a snack to the Austrian giant. And it wasn’t even going to be the good type of intimate snack she was physically going to be his meal if they don’t get off this island.
Maybe it was a weird fear of hers, but it was logical…right? If they had to survive on this island for another 9 months. Fruit only grew in one season, and animals could only repopulate so fast. That was her logic and right now her logic was far from a normal person's logic.
It was a small percentage of her being his snack, but that one percent was still there. It was still there…
“Come let’s get a bath.” He cooed softly.
Bath time used to be one standing guard and the other one bathing and then switching. Due to her fear, it had become a joint event. Why?
(Y/n)… she had become so dependent on König she became fearful of being away from him for long periods of time.
Probably a reason why she thought she would be eaten first, get rid of the one who relies on the other.
She had to have König beside her even if that meant he had to see her naked body, she didn’t care at this point.
She scrubbed her shoulders making sure all the dirt and grime were off her skin. She paused as she looked back at König having felt his eyes on her.
She felt that cold chill and the goosebumps rise. She slowly turned around and surely enough König was staring at her.
“Something wrong?” She asked softly. Her eyes flickered from his bare chest up to his eyes. He had finally let her see his face, something she didn’t think she’d ever be blessed to see. Truly she didn’t need to see it either.
“N-nothing schatz.” He looked away embarrassed as he went back to scrubbing his own skin.
“He’s going to eat me!” She thought to herself as she turned around slowly. She was being so illogical right now. They still had plenty of food options. She wasn’t going to be a snack…yet.
“Here Schatz." König's hands brushed against her hip as she jumped slightly. “Es tut mir leid, didn’t mean to startle you.” His voice was soft and gentle. “You okay?” He asked softly.
“M’okay.” She nodded as she leaned into his hands as they rubbed across her back cleaning her up.
“You’ve been jumpy more often.” He said softly.
She has been, she was just on edge lately, afraid she would never make it home.
“Have I?” She hummed softly as he brushed her hair from her back scrubbing her clean.
“Just a bit.” He nodded softly. When he was done he turned her around to look down at her. His large hands gently brushed her hair away. As he looked down at her face taking in her soft eyes that looked up at him.
His hands were calloused but gentle. She didn’t mind them touching her. It gave her a sense of ease and a sense of comfort.
Her head leaned into his large palm as she closed her eyes.
There was this sense of serene calmness at the moment, and neither of them minded. His forehead leaned down against her as he reassured her quietly.
“We’ll be fine, I promise schatz.” He hummed softly. “We will be just fine.”
She trusted those words. She had spent two months with this man. Two months of being close to him and bathing with him. Two months of practically being his own companion, a dependent one, but a companion nonetheless.
Her eyes looked at him as she gently cupped his face. Her body got smooshed against his as his hands found her waist.
Before the two could think straight they had their lips on one and another. It was a soft and tender kiss, one that had been slow and full of passion. The two had been cresting this bond over their time of being stranded. Starting with small conversation at night too laying close in each other's arms, now bathing with one another.
This had brought them together.
“König.” She said softly.
"Mein Liebling." He said softly.
“Thank you.” You said softly. “Thank you for keeping me safe.” She uttered softly.
“I’d do it all over again.” He hummed. “Mein Liebling."
»»————- ♔ ————-««
(Y/n) helped König watch the food that was roasting over the fire. She was tucked close to him as she could her hands traced over his forearms as she watched the waves crash into the beach.
She felt giddy after the kiss they shared three days ago, though she was afraid to initiate another kiss though. To be frank König was as well. The two would lean in close and then get embarrassed and look away as if they weren’t just about to kiss.
They had more important matters right? Like getting off this island they had become stranded on.
“You have very beautiful eyes.” König hummed softly.
“Mmm,” a smile formed on her face as she looked up at König. “Do I?” She said bashfully.
“Ja,” he smiled at her.
“I don’t think they're as pretty as yours, yours are like the ocean.” She hummed softly. “I could get lost in them.” She spoke quietly. She leaned forward and cupped his face.
She was going to kiss him this time, there was no running away from it. She wanted this.
“Just kiss him, just kiss him!” She thought in her mind. It was a whole internal battle in her mind. She wanted his lips on hers, that’s all she wanted.
“What is it, schatz?” He asked softly. He touched his face thinking there was something in it.
She lurched forward and kissed him. Her hands found their way in his hair as he tugged her closer.
“You like to tease me schatz.” He chuckled as he pulled away looking at her.
“I don’t mean too.” She giggled as her soft smile graced him. He wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her closer.
“Sure.” He rubbed his thumb on her waist. “Sure.” He teased softly. His lips leaned down and snatched a kiss away from her as she.
The two stayed close to each other for the rest of the day, resting and gaining back some energy. They watched the ocean and chatted to one another about random things. They didn’t want the day to end, they didn’t want this happiness to end.
Yeah they were terrified but they didn’t want the happiness they served one and another to end. They always wanted to be with one another.
The world had other plans though, it always did.
Who knew that night the rescue crew would find them. Who knew it would be KorTac, pulling their colonel away from the woman who had been stranded with him. Pulling her to the other side of the helicopter to get checked over while soldiers talked to their colonel.
“König,” she uttered in fear as she pushed herself more into the corner. These medics surrounded her and spoke to her softly.
“Colonel König is needed for something,” a medic hummed as she tried to give a fluid IV to the woman.
“König,” she said louder, getting frantic. “No, no, don’t touch me!” She shrieked as she scurried back more.
It got König attention fast. He pushed his way out of the men that surrounded him and looked at the medic with a glare.
“Don’t you lay a hand on her.” He snarled as he quickly cupped her face in his hands. “Mein Liebling, Du bist okay.” He hummed softly. “I’m here.”
The medic watched as König gently sat beside (y/n), dehydrating himself, but instantly calming her down. The woman curled into his arms as she squirmed away from the medics.
“Colonel, we just need to give her an Iv.” The female medic spoke softly.
He paused as he looked at the medic then down at the woman who was hiding her face in the string Austrians arms. He sighed softly as he cupped the back of her head in his hands.
He knew she needed the IV, she needed the fluid and so did he. He nodded slowly as he leaned down to her softly cooing sweet nothings into her ear to ease her fear.
“They will not hurt you, let them give you the IV so we can get you some fluid.” He hushed her softly. “Hmm?”
“Okay,” she said softly.
(Y/n) had become so in need of König, she was afraid to be separated from him in general. She needed to be beside him the whole entire time. She was fearful, and he wasn’t going to lie, he was under a lot of stress when his men had surrounded him and she was nowhere to be found.
He needed her in his sight so he could make sure she was safe, he felt like it was his only duty. The helicopter ride was stressful for the two. Constantly being bugged when they wanted to slowly digest this moment that they were going home. They were finally going home.
“Your mama and Vati, they won’t be so worried now.” She said softly. “They’ll know you're safe.”
“Hmm,” he hummed softly, nuzzling into her hair. “Your mutter and Vater will be happy to see their precious daughter too.”
When reunited with family (y/n) stuck close to König afraid to move away as her parents greeted her. She was afraid this was all a dream and she’d wake up back on the island but this time, without König. It was as if she’d walk away, she'd be there again and she’d be alone this time.
“You're alive.” Her mother sobbed as her father thanked König himself,
“Thank you for keeping our daughter safe.” He thanked König. “We owe you everything.” Her father held tears in his eyes looking up at the Austrian who towered over him.
König looked at (y/n) then back at her father.
“You don’t owe me anything,” he said softly. A smile graced his face. “I’d protect her with my life every time.”
“Oh thank you, thank you.” Her mother cupped Kong’s face giving him kisses on his cheek. “We owe you everything, you kept our girl safe. You're both safe though, you're both safe.”
Kining smiled as he hugged the woman feeling a sense of comfort and love. He now knew where (y/n) got it from, both her parents were loving people.
Her parents had fallen in love with him right away, just like his parents fell for (y/n). They could see the connection the two had to offer for one and another, there was just this connection.
And they read the room correctly, because a year later the two were married, just having known this is what they wanted. They were content with one and another, happy, and felt safe with one and another.
Thanks to a little magic—traumatic magic—from Mother Nature.
»»————- ♔ ————-««
“That’s how you met mama?” Their older son sat in the recliner as he watched his Vati put a coffee table together,
“That’s how I met your mutter, ja.” He hummed softly as he smiled. “Your gorgeous mutter couldn’t not fall for me when I carried her to the little shelter I made.” König puffed his chest out.
“He didn’t carry me, I walked.” (Y/n) smiled at her son. “Papa tells slight fibs, we did meet on an island, stranded, only survivors.” She hummed as she carried a little baby. “Two grueling months of papa hunting and keeping me safe.” (Y/n) cooed softly. “Papa, was scared but put on a brave face for mama.”
“Papa was brave?” Ryker asked softly as he leaned forward with his teddy bear in his arm.
“Papa is always brave.” (Y/n) leaned down and kissed König on the cheek.
“You're too sweet, schatz.” He cooed to her softly.
“Mama, did you like Vati right away?” Ryker asked as she sat down on the other recliner rocking the baby. Ryker hoped to her chair cuddling against her.
“Vati was very handsome, in his uniform, and speaking his native tongue to me.” She smiled at him. “But Vati and I didn’t connect until closer to the end of our very…exciting adventure.” She found key words to use for it.
“Mmm,” König smiled. “Vati had the looks then.” He added.
“Vati still has the looks.” (Y/n) added.
“So does mama,” he chuckled. “Pretty schatz.”
“Is he your hero?” Ryker asked.
“Yes, Vati is my hero.” She smiled. “And grandpa’s and grandma’s hero.”
“Your mama is Großmutters und Großvaters hero too.” König smirked as he had the table halfway built.
“Why?” Ryker asked.
“Yeah why?” (Y/n) cocked her head to the side smiling, curious of the answer.
“Because mama married your grumpy Vati!” He punched ticking Ryker as their son cried squirming on (y/n)’s lap trying to get away from his father. “Vati didn’t think he’d ever get married let alone to your uber pretty mama.”
“König,” (y/n) giggled as she cupped a hand underneath his chin gently tickling him. “You're such a tease.” She smiled.
“You tamed the grumpy Vati.” Ryker giggled.
“Mama knows how to keep Vati in check, at times.” She giggled, leaning forward and kissing the man on the lips as the baby cooed softly in her arms.
“My precious family.” He hummed against her lips. “You're my hero schatz.” He said softly as he looked up at her.
“I think we both know the hero in our story is you though.” She hummed against his lips. “You saved my life.”
“I’ll save you in every life.” He told her.
She smiled and replied—with a soft, “I know you will.”
Hi! I hope you enjoyed, this isn’t my greatest work but I enjoyed writing it! I thought it started off strongly in my opinion and then it dwindled but I’m still proud of it because we can’t have perfect days! Anyways, enjoy! ✨💕
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sanjoongie · 8 months
𝔻𝕒𝕪 𝕋𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕥𝕖𝕖𝕟: 𝕌𝕟𝕚𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕞
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🥀Pairing: Park Seonghwa x Reader (f)
🥀Genre: Smut
🥀Rating: 18+, Minors Do not Interact 
🥀Au: royal, navy, space, sci-fi
🥀Trope: role reversal
🥀Summary: When your first mate successfully enacts a mutiny, you're left with one simple task... to be his cum bucket
🥀Kinks: uniform kink, oral (m), masturbation (f), degradation kink, mean dom! seonghwa, brat sub! reader, spitting, deep throating, choking, thigh slapping, creampie(s), overstim, marking, fingering(f)
🥀Word Count: 1,541
🥀Betas: @mejuii
🥀Day Twelve: Mommy Kink 🥀Mini Masterlist 🥀Day Fourteen: threesome/ritual
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Seonghwa strode into the Captain's Quarters, his heels clacking purposely against the polished-with-wear metal. He tossed a long strand of hair out of his face, eyes looking for you. He stood in all his powerful glory before you in the bed. The leather of his outfit creaked despite the gold embroidery. He was clad in such from the tops of his shoulders starting with his long jacket, the corset like adornment along his ribcage, the straps that held the sheath for his sword and guns, and finally the pants and boots, that left nothing to the imagination, to be honest.
You were where he left you, naked and in bed. You had only the stark white sheet hiding your bare skin, but even that seemed to irk the man that used to be your first mate.
The U.S.S Utopia had been your ship, and you, its Captain. You had sailed her all along the Milky Way, plundering and stealing, after the American government fell to the people during a coup d'état. Then Seonghwa, with an evil grin, had convinced the crew to mutiny against you. You loved the Utopia and had pleaded that you would do anything to remain on board and not get plunged into the freezing depths of the dark sea, aka space. Seonghwa gave you one choice: remain as a useful tool, as a cum bucket for him, and he would allow you to stay. You agreed immediately and had remained so for several months now. And he had not tired of you yet.
The now-captain ripped his sheets off your body, eyes searching still for the dried cum on your skin. He seemed enamored with leaving his mark on you, in more ways than one.
“Lover,” he said in a sing-song voice, clueing you in that he was in a cruel mood. “I told you to remain here, in my bed, with my cum on you.”
“I did, Seonghwa!” You insisted.
Seonghwa waved a gloved hand in your vague direction. “I see nothing.”
“I was cold!” You insisted, trying not to look eager. “Perhaps the sheet brushed it off!”
You had washed his cum from your body as soon as he had left the room. You wanted him to come back and punish you. You looked forward to it, in fact.
Seonghwa sighed heavily, undoing his pants. “I don’t know how you ever were in charge of this ship. I’ll just have to repeat my handiwork and then some.”
There was some type of cruel kink for enjoying Seonghwa fucking you in an almost carbon copy of your captain’s outfit made to fit him. You loved the feel of the leather against your bare skin. There was something dirty and cheap about the way that Seonghwa couldn't be bothered to disrobe while he fucked you. You were addicted to being used by your past first mate; you simply could not get enough of it.
“Suck me off,” He said lowly after he had undone his pants just enough for his cock to be pulled out.
You took his soft cock and pulled him into your mouth. You stared up at the cruel captain with wide, eager eyes. You knew everything that he loved--and exactly what set him off. Your tongue curled around his head as blood rushed to his cock, and then he commanded you to touch yourself. You made loud noises of pleasure as you rubbed a finger against your clit and his cock grew in length even faster. Soon you were able to bob up and down him, hollowing your cheeks so that he could feel all of you.
Simply put, Seonghwa just wished to order you around. You had spent most of your career belittling him and his self-worth. So now that he was captain, he took every chance to return the favor. It never made him feel less than the whimpering second in command he always saw himself as, but still he pushed forward.
Seonghwa’s fingers floated over your head, a pretend-softness before he grabbed your hair harshly. When he pulled you off his cock, you kept your tongue out of your mouth and he spit onto it. Then he shoved you back on his cock, practically face fucking you. He wanted to see those tears form in your eyes and hear the chokes as you barely managed his length in your mouth and down your throat.
“You love sucking my cock, don’t you, you pathetic whore,” Seonghwa spat. “Always eager to have a dick in any hole you can get.”
Case and point, you pushed a finger inside of yourself, moaning loudly. That made anger burn in Seonghwa’s dark eyes. “I didn’t say to fill yourself, did I?”
Seonghwa pulled you off his length again, and you began to protest. “Seonghwa!”
“That’s Captain to you!” He snarled, and your mouth snapped shut.
He began to pace in front of the bed, brewing up a plot. How did he want you now? How did he want to cover you with his cum? There were so many options but he knew he needed to walk the ship again later, to keep an eye on his crew that had been so easily swayed to mutiny against you.
“Captain, please,” you begged. “I’ve been good.”
“Puh-lease, you don’t know the meaning of good,” Seonghwa spat his words. He pulled at his corset, and you saw your way in.
“Doesn’t fit you as well, does it, Seonghwa? Too snug at your ribcage or too small for your waist?”
“I wear this outfit better than you ever did,” Seonghwa roared, eyes like coals in his head.
Seonghwa made you ride his cock while he laid down on his bed, fully clothed of course; made you stare at him in your old captain’s outfit tailored to fit his body. He commanded you to speak of how he is a better captain than you and if you were interrupted by a sharp thrust of his upwards, you got a slap on your thigh with his leather glove. And when he came inside you, he held you down on his cock, a cry leaving his plush lips. Only once all of his cum had been pumped in you, did he allow you to raise yourself up, watching as his cum clung to his cock and poured out your cunt.
But that wasn't enough for Seonghwa, oh no, he wanted more.
He painted your body with bruises and cum, never tiring of abusing your body and seeing the stars light up in your eyes as he did. Because make no mistake, he was well aware that you loved to provoke him and what followed. But he was too drunk on his power, too drunk on you, to stop himself from giving you exactly what you wanted.
Seonghwa fucked you against the headboard, gloved hands wrapped around your throat, chest peeking above the corset, looking like a debauched pirate captain that ever sailed the Milky Way. His evil grin was apparent, eyes traveling all over your face as you made choked noises.
He released your throat, but you only whined, moving his hands back. “Please, Seonghwa, more,” you said with a raspy voice.
“Such a slut for me, aren't you, lover?” Seonghwa grinned in triumph.
“Yes, Captain,” You agreed, rocking your hips eagerly forward.
Seonghwa squeezed his hands around your throat again. He gauged by your face how close you were to your climax, and when he let sweet air invade your lungs again, you came so hard for him that your eyes rolled into the back of your head.
You were drowning in pleasure and still, you groaned about him making a further mess of your pussy. Seonghwa looked you straight in the eyes and fucked you through your orgasm. He drank in every scrunch of your nose and whine about it being too much (it was everything you wanted), until he came inside of you again. You both felt his cum slip out of your hole as he fucked your cunt, following his pleasure. There simply wasn’t enough room for all his cum and yet still he continued to unload into you.
“You exist to be my cum bucket, lover, and don’t you forget it,” Seonghwa whispered into your ear.
Later, when you were passed out in his bed and only the lights of the stars left to reveal all the ways you belonged to him, Seonghwa admired his handiwork. His cum was all over your body, marks of his teeth and hands painted on your skin. And still it wasn't enough. You had screamed his name hoarse, sounding bittersweet from your lips, red after the blowjobs and biting. But it never erased your jeering face of old from his memory.
So he pushed his hands between your legs and patted your cunt. Your body jolted and you groaned as you woke up. Seonghwa's lithe fingers played with your pussy, still wet with desire and his seed. And after everything he put you through, you reached between your legs and pressed his fingers further into your body.
Seonghwa smiled, the first one of pure glee rather than cruelty. You were programmed to be greedy for him, and that was enough.
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🥀Day Twelve: Mommy Kink 🥀Mini Masterlist 🥀Day Fourteen: threesome/ritual
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the-kr8tor · 7 months
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Salt in the Wound
Pairing: Pirate! Hobie Brown x fem! Reader
Word count: 6.6k
Tags: Use of Y/N, no specific physical description of the reader, CW food mentions, CW innuendos, TW blood, TW death, CW violence.
Between the Devil and the Sea Masterlist
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Tears run down your cheek as you see the sailboat get to the island as fast as its rickety wood can handle. The wind is on their side, blowing the sails towards the small patch of land.
“Y/N,” Hobie's voice echoes above your sob, he tentatively cups your elbow, and like the sun, you let him pull you in. “They're alright,” he whispers atop your head, sighing, letting himself meld into you. “We're alright, yeah?”
Pulling away, you nod, “go, I'll be here.”
Shaking his head, he cradles your face, you can still smell the soil clinging to his palms, you don't mind it simply because it's him.
“We'll greet them together. They're as much your family as mine.” His words spill over you like the tears brimming in your eyes. Leaving your side, he encourages you to follow with a nod and shining eyes. “C’mon, scuttlebutt, let's meet the crew halfway.”
Your poisonous words are still stamped in his mind, clinging to him like invasive vines. But he's not going to be cold around you, or it might prove your words right. He's still figuring everything out, every syllable of your words is sticking to him. He'll do better, he promised himself right on her empty grave, but how could he do that when his hunger for revenge claws at his bones?
He wishes he could do both.
“Alright.” You utter quietly, “I'll be behind you.”
Sparing you one tender look, Hobie sprints towards the shore with a grin, salty water crashing against his legs. You lag behind, watching Gwen jump from the boat even though the water still reaches up her neck.
Swimming towards each other, Hobie tugs her hand, pulling her close, embracing, squeezing and laughing in relief. Pavitr and Miles follow a second later, completely drenched, wading the water towards Hobie and Gwen. They join them, hugging and clinging to each other like barnacles on a ship.
Hobie does his best to embrace the trio in his arms while James tackles the four of them to the sand. With a splash, they untangle themselves. They yell happily even when they get a mouthful of salty water.
The water laps at your feet, drenching your shoes, tears still streaming down your face. Your weeping gets Gwen’s attention. She weeps when she sees you standing, heart still beating.
“Y/N,” she says through a wet sob, reaching towards you, the men waits for you to join them in the sand.
But before you could even get close, you hear loud splashing, Yuri swims towards you speedily.
“My wife!” She yells, eyes welled up and red, arms at the ready.
You open your arms to her happily. With how fast she's running, Yuri crashes her body to yours then you both land on the wet sand with a loud *plop.
Embracing her middle, she hides her cry on the crook of your neck. With your eyes facing the heavens above, your vision slowly fills with their faces. Smiling down, sniffing and tearing up, you reach up and they take the invitation to lay on the sand with you, letting everything out like Yuri.
Hobie watches the pile of pirates as they all have a good cry. He can see the relief in their faces, shoulders shaking yet their muscles are relaxed. Letting the tides wash over him as he sits on the soft sand, he observes your hands and how it holds on to everyone tightly.
He gets reminded of what could've been if not for Mathias. The fire that was quelled by you roars back to life inside his chest. His eyes train towards the empty graves, the ugly beast of revenge hungers once again.
One call of his name from your lips calms it down immediately even if it's brief.
With your smile, he thinks you've found what you've been looking for.
Miles leans away from you first, untangling his limbs, he makes his way towards Hobie with a wobbly smile. The navigator clasps his shoulder for only a second before deciding that a proper hug is better.
“Took care of ‘em for me?” Hobie asks, holding Miles by his shoulders, eyes brimming with tears when the kid he watched grow up nods at his question.
“I'm glad we found you because I'm never doing that again.” He jokes, earning a laugh from Hobie.
“Good, you did good.” Hobie pats Miles’ shoulder before tugging him in, hoping that he shows his gratitude through the hug.
Yuri lifts her head up from your neck, sniffing then groaning at the weight on top of her. “You all smell! Get off!”
“We're having a moment, Yuri! Could you not ruin it?” James exclaims from your side, his hand cradling the back of your head.
Everyone laughs at their bickering, you look at the fishing boat, expecting two other bodies to appear. With heat behind your eyes, you cry again.
“Look what you've done! You two made Y/N cry again!” Pav wipes his eyes with his sleeve, choking back a sob. “And now I'm crying too!”
“Pav!” Yuri, now sitting up, her hand holding yours, beckons him over. Her voice cracks but she still comforts Pavitr.
He frowns, sniffing and closing the small distance to get to Yuri's open arms. “They're alive.” His words squeeze your heart.
Yuri pats his back, “They're good, Pav.”
You and Hobie look at eachother at the same time. He smiles softly, mouthing something you can't decipher. Opening your mouth to ask, Gwen lays her head down on your chest, you think she's listening for your heartbeat.
“I'm alright, Gwen.” You brush her hair away from her face, her cheeks are red and sunburnt, frowning lips moving to ask you a heavy question.
“Is he alright?” Her voice is merely above a whisper, sitting up, you follow suit. “Are you alright?” You know what she's truly asking.
Shaking your head with teary eyes, you glance at the graves hidden behind the trees. “I really don't know, Gwen. But we're getting there.”
As the others head towards camp and away from the sun, Gwen helps you up to your feet. “I'm just glad you're both alive. That's all that matters.”
James suddenly exclaims, “you were living in damn luxury! Look at this camp!”
Pav calls for you and Gwen, wiggling his eyebrows towards you with a teasing smirk. “And only one bed oho!”
The blonde next to you raises a brow, a smile slowly spreading across her lips.
“Don't—” you warn nervously.
“I wasn't even gonna say anything.” Gwen puts her hands up in surrender, walking away from you with a smirk similar to Hobie's.
Yuri cackles loudly, arms full with your stash of chocolate. “You're holding out on us, Hobie!”
“That's not yours, you goblin!”
“You already have her, let me have the chocolates at least! Learn to fuckin’ share!”
Hobie has his hands on his hips, shaking his head whilst Yuri gives him a shit eating grin, tempting him to say otherwise. He doesn't.
Chuckling, you make your way towards the group. Hobie notices you coming and he gives you a small flitting smile before he leaves you and Yuri to your own devices. He then drags James away from the makeshift tent.
Grabbing him by his feet while James shrieks, yelling out, “I was just checking out your place! It's so tiny, how'd you two fit in there?!”
The tears turn into laughter, and the frowns shift into smiles.
Pav elbows your side, “you cuddling our captain?”
“Oi, Pav, I just realized I haven't hugged you yet.” Hobie stomps over to him, arms wide open, eyes glaring at his teasing.
“Yes you did—” With Pavitr’s surprised oomph, the captain tackles him to the ground, James joins in, adding himself to the dogpile.
James chews loudly, pomegranate juice sliding down his chin and arms. Ruby liquid leaving thin pink lines on his skin.
“Christ” Yuri says under her breath, wiping her hands clean on her pants.
Everyone sits around the fire, fishbones and pomegranate skins used as kindle, turning the smoke into an unsavoury mix of smells.
Hobie sits across from you, watching him chat with Pavitr through the flames. The orange and reds cackling around him, you think he fits right in. But he shouldn't be.
All the while, you feel eyes on you. Blinking, you crane your neck to look at the source of the disturbance. Miles’ eyes are narrowed into slits, not angry or frustrated, like he's trying to find something that has changed in you.
“Miles, what the fuck?” Your words turn heads. Hand limp around the stick you use to poke the fire.
“You look well,” He makes a face. “Considering you were stranded here for a month.”
Pavitr hides his laugh behind the fish he's eating. Yuri and James share a look while Gwen waits for the scene to unfold. Hobie warns Miles with a stare. He doesn't budge.
“Do you want to trade places?” You jokingly say. “We've got plenty of room.”
“Hmm” he contemplates, flicking his eyes at Hobie. “You also look alright. I mean you both look really well.” he said teasingly, a smirk playing on his lips. “Took care of eachother huh?”
With Miles’ last sentence, the crew lets out a loud guffaw that has the birds nesting in the trees to fly away frightened.
If only they knew.
“Come off it.” Hobie throws a wet pomegranate seed at him. Hitting him right on his head.
“What?” Miles asks, still giggling. “I was just saying how well you took care of eachother! I mean compared to us who were just trying to live day to day in the capital, you two were living like royals!”
Pav nods at you. “Very jealous right now.” You give him a wordless look, saying ‘really?’ through the simple stare.
Yuri elbows your side. “Did he give you his magic fingers?” She wiggles her own fingers, eyebrows dancing.
“Yuri!” You gasp while Hobie almost chokes on his pomegranate seed.
They all giggle, Gwen has a disgusted look on her face. You hear her audibly groan despite her suppressing it with her hand.
“Sorry,” Yuri says without genuine apology, still laughing. “I meant his ‘magic hands’ y’know Hobie's great at massaging. Even though he rarely shares that gift.” She jokingly glares at her captain.
“You don't deserve my magic hands.” Hobie adds, flicking a fish bone at her.
She dramatically sighs, “after so many years of service, I still haven't reaped the benefits of having a masseuse as a captain.”
It's your turn to chuckle, the sound getting Hobie's attention.
Yuri flicks her eyes between you two with a soft smile and raised eyebrow. “Shit, I should flutter my eyelashes at you too eh, cap? I might get that massage if I do.”
“Oh I want a massage too!” James exclaims with his mouth full, he then blinks rapidly towards Hobie who turns James' face away with his whole palm atop his face.
“When we get Mathias everyone gets a bloody massage.” Hobie didn't let the teasing go under his skin, he just couldn't take the way you were smiling at him. If the joking got any further and with your smile all carefree and filled with genuine happiness, he won't be able to resist himself.
Then the teasing will definitely get unbearable.
“Better yet, once we get to the mermaid’s head we all line up to receive our massage compensation.” Yuri adds, Hobie's smile flattens into a line.
“I agree,” Gwen proudly says. “I think we all deserve one after what happened.” she smiles at Hobie, it fades slowly once she sees his eyes alight.
He throws his half eaten pomegranate at the fire, the flames roar to life, illuminating the lines on his sharp face, and you see the same Hobie you met. The grey clouds warn you of a storm coming, warning you to hunker down and hide, but instead you want to greet it so you could calm it down once it's all said and done.
The air is suddenly thick, the searing heat singeing your skin. And they all feel it too.
“We'll talk about that later. For now you need to say goodbye, we need to leave before nightfall.” Standing up abruptly, he makes way towards the trees.
“Goodbye to who?” Pavitr asks you, confusion on his face, voice tensed.
“The crew” you answer sadly.
It was enough for them to join Hobie.
You sit on the sand, eyes down, chin tucked atop your knees, fingers drawing mindlessly on the sand— flicking away pomegranate seeds that were left discarded. Listening to the crashing of waves, you let it wash over you, tempted to join it.
You're happy that they've found you and Hobie, grateful to whatever entity paved their way towards safety. Your heart swells that Hobie can finally breathe again now that he has the knowledge that they're all alive and in one piece. But the muffled cries behind you bring tears back to the surface.
You gave them space when Hobie showed them the graves, letting them say their goodbyes without you– you who was a complete stranger back then, who, compared to them, was just a visitor in their lives. You thought they would appreciate it, but his grey eyes never left your back, silently inviting you in. If only you had eyes behind your head.
Fingers brush atop your hair, you would've thought it was him but it's somebody else just based on the different callouses.
You know him by touch alone.
“You alright there? We were waiting for you.” Gwen asks, sitting next to you.
“Everybody seems to ask me that question lately.” You don't mean to sound rude, but you couldn't help it after hearing Pavitr calling Finn's name when he saw the graves, it would put anyone in a whirlwind of emotions with how his voice breaks.
Your emotions are running high, afraid of what's to come, afraid of all the uncertainty.
“Well, are you?” She looks at you pointedly.
You give her a tight smile. “What happens now?”
She sighs, fatigue written all over her young face. Staring at the horizon, watching the sea swallow the sun whole as the waves crash on the beach, she closes her eyes; letting the breeze cool her cheeks.
“I'm sorry it took us this long to find you.”
“What happened to the crew after…everything?”
“We docked on the nearest village, surprisingly there weren't any navy waiting for us.”
“I don't think anyone could survive that.”
“But you and Hobie did.” Gwen cranes her neck to finally look at you, “We all did—”she gestures towards the others. “I…” She continues with a pained look. “After we recuperated from our injuries, one by one people started to leave. By the time we were setting up to try and find you, it was just us five left. Y/N, there's no bloodsail pirates anymore. It's just us.”
“I'm sorry,” you feel like it was your fault, from Finn's death to the ship sinking. And you have no idea how you could forgive yourself for it. You might've said goodbye to the perished crew, reigned in your grief but the guilt still presides in your throat. Slowly choking, slowly leaving you breathless. “I'm so fucking sorry.”
How could Hobie still sleep next to you when all you did was ruin what he had?
That's why the island tempts you to stay, let the others leave you here as a penance for what you've done. Because on your island, everything stays how it is. You silently wish you were a part of it, even if he isn't there by your side. But it's alright, as long as he can forgive you.
“There’s nothing to be sorry for.” Gwen says, reading you like the open book that you are. “Finn chose to help, and we chose this life. You have no hand in this.” Her words shakes your guilt ridden self. “Their deaths would mean nothing if you don't live, Y/N.” She grabs your shaking hand, “that's why we're leaving, we're tired and you were right back then, we deserve to live too.”
“What do you mean?”
“We're going back to the mermaid's head, and if Hobie wants to join us he can. But if he doesn't then that's that.” Gwen sniffs, fighting the tears. “There was no traitor, we asked, we interrogated everyone who was left. I kinda wished there was, because it means that Mathias wasn't that good, that he didn't just know everything. That he can be beat.” There's anger in her voice, it's faint but it's there. “You can't fight someone that powerful. Someone that’s always two steps ahead of us.”
She hesitates for a moment. “If Hobie doesn't stop or at least let us breathe then we're all moving on.” Swallowing thickly, you squeeze her hand. “Part ways. We all talked about it, and we'd love it if you could join us.”
“Leave Hobie?” The thought has your heart cracking for him. “What would happen to him?”
Gwen scoffs, “I don't know, but I know he can handle himself.”
“If I can convince him to stop, will you stay?”
You know you can't persuade him, the flames have engulfed him, he's used to the heat and the burn. You've tried your hardest to dissuade him the entire time you've been on the island, thinking your efforts were enough for him to let his anger go, thinking you were enough. But you failed, your promise to Karl lay broken at your feet. But you understand him now more than ever, you understand him more than you understand yourself.
Now all you can do is to make sure he survives the embers, to rise through the ashes when it's all said and done. He has to survive, he has to or the fire would consume you too.
“He won't, Y/N, he said it himself just a minute ago. He's not gonna stop until Mathias' head rolls.”
“But—” It's futile.
“Listen, I've seen him look at you, you could be the only person who can convince him.” She shakes her head, wiping a single tear that escaped from her eye. “He's not the same Hobie as before, we love him but we can't keep watching him destroy himself—”
“Gwen.” Hobie's voice echoes through the clearing.
Your head turns speedily towards him, Gwen looks on with her head held high. His face is unreadable, jaw clenched, grey eyes staring down.
“Time to go.” His strides are heavy on the sand. He's sharpening his knife once again.
You've forgotten he's a pirate with all his soft touches and tender eyes he has given you during your stay. Revenge once again rears its ugly head, and you see him stand tall, answering its call once again.
The sky is slowly turning dark, the clouds red and orange in the horizon, stars appearing one by one, dotting the forlorn heavens. With the island fading away from view, you stare at it until it's a mere dot in the distance. The thought that the piece of land has been there before you and it'll be there after you're long gone fills you with ease. The marks you and Hobie left in it will hopefully stay for years to come, with the pomegranate seeds, you wish that it may grow into a tree and one day help someone who needs it.
With the soft rocking of the boat against the waves, you're back at sea.
Blinking away the thought, you watch as Hobie sails the small boat, the small lamp tucked in the corner illuminates his face, all his worry and responsibility brought into the light. he hasn't talked since your conversation with Gwen. And you hadn't had the chance to speak to him.
The sea is rough with wind blowing harshly on the sails, but nothing could compare to the thick tension in the small boat. It's deadly silent, Gwen and the others stand on one end of the ship, whispering to each other; while Hobie stands on the other. You sit in the middle, crouched down, hunkering down for the heavy conversation that's about to happen.
Yuri sighs, footsteps thudding loudly on the wooden floorboards. Suddenly you're brought back to the day that Mathias almost had you in his clutches.
“Hobie.” Yuri calls, voice rising above the loud wind.
“What?” He asks, hand tightly gripping the helm.
“We need to talk.” She's steadfast, back straight, nails digging into her palms.
“Then talk.” His voice is firm, words uttered through gritted teeth.
Yuri sighs, eyes roaming around the small crew. Her eyes stop over to you, so you look away.
“We need to talk about where we're heading and what we're going to do.”
“Simple, we kill Mathias and we go home.” He says without looking at Yuri.
Yuri scoffs, “home? Where the fuck is that even? Our home is now at the bottom of the sea.” You stand up, still avoiding everyone's eyes. “When will you wake up, Hobie?”
Hobie turns around, eyes alight. “Do you think I'm doin' this for fun? He needs to go down, Yuri.”
“I know he does!”
“We’re tired, Hobie, we need to regroup.” Miles pipes up. “Come on, man, we can't beat him in this dingy boat.”
“We had an entire month to rest. We were this close to getting him.” Hobie wavers but he continues on his path. “Just—we need to find a ship, then we hunt him down, and be ready for what he throws at us. Be better.”
“With what crew?!” Gwen cracks, frustration marring her face. “It's just us, Hobie. No one else.”
“We've been through worse—”
“Enough is enough!” Gwen's voice breaks. “I love MJ too, but she's gone, Hobie. She was a navy spy who was supposed to bring us down. And now Mathias is using her against us again. Please, we miss you, you haven't been yourself for a long time.” She quickly wipes her fallen tears, not letting Hobie see it.
You had a glimpse of it, the old Hobie in your little slice of paradise, he's still in there, underneath his tensed muscles and shaking knuckles. You've accepted the other side of him too, all bared teeth and bloodied skin, it's what you were used to. You know he can be both, and you're terrified to admit you love them both.
“We understand your pain, Hobie,” Yuri adds and Hobie scoffs. “We do,” her voice is soft, lacking venom. “Her death has been chipping away at you but can't you see that you've forgotten why we do this? Why we joined you? Trusted you?”
The raven haired stands her ground. “Revenge has blinded you, Mathias was a fuckin’ drop in the sea of assholes we needed to take down but you let that single drop drown you. All this time we could've gone after worse people then came back for him, but you wouldn't listen.”
“Mathias killed Ned.” James pipes up from his corner, arms crossed on his chest. “I miss the little shit as much as you do.” He looks at Hobie. “But we're too weak right now, we can't kill him with seven fucking people and a fishing boat.” He stands next to Hobie, “I'm not gonna leave you, cap, but It's not Mathias' time yet.”
“James—” Yuri calls him sharply.
“I'm staying with Hobie. If he agrees to rebuild.” James waits for Hobie's reply.
Like a cruel twist of fate, Hobie looks at you.
“Don't bring Y/N into this, Hobie.” Pavitr comments next to you. “I don't want to leave you either. You're our captain, but we've been at it for three straight years, put up with all of it, followed you because you're our captain. We just need you to let us breathe. Please.”
“We will never be able to breathe again until he's gone. So we can't let him heal, he's at his lowest and if we strike now—” With Hobie's words, the crew walks away. He turns to you, face full of hidden sorrow.
“Drop us off to the nearest dock.” Gwen says without looking back.
You stand in the middle of everything.
He calls your name, looking towards you for something– anything to help him.
But in truth, you have no idea what to do and which side to choose. The voice inside your head screams for you to run, to get away from what's in front of you.
So you do the opposite. That's not you anymore.
Your feet feels heavy when you walk towards him, numerous eyes dig at your back. But you don't turn around.
They shake their heads, leaving you two alone to head below deck. You can hear their muffled voices, frustrated and angry.
“You leavin’ me too?” he asks, turning back to the helm, trembling hands gripping the wheel, brows furrowed and frown deepening with every second that passes.
You hold his hand, slowly uncurling his fingers away from the wheel, kneading his skin softly.
“Haven't decided yet.” Looking at him through your lashes, you massage his hands like he taught you.
“Not funny.”
“Wasn't joking.”
Hobie blinks, conflicted. “What's there to decide? You either leave or you stay, easy.”
“No, it's not easy.” You avoid his eyes, turning his hands, palms up, you trace the lines over it with your thumbs. “I honestly don't know what to do.” You chuckle nervously.
His eyes follow your hands that squeezes him tender and gentle. Too gentle for someone like him.
“But I do know grief, I may not understand it well but I know you shouldn't adjust your feelings to make other people feel comfortable. But at the same time, you shouldn't neglect the people that are still around you.” You look at the rain clouds in his eyes. “They love you and I—” you pause, and his heart almost stops. “—they don't want you to destroy yourself. Do what you need to do, just don't let him try to kill you the second time.”
You continue, heart thudding loudly like cannons in a ship. “I know you, and that everything you do is out of love. Love for the crew that you've found family in, love for the people that you've helped and the people who you'll help.” Your words are soft and gentle. “Love for your ideals that never waver. And dare I say, love for yourself. You've done so many amazing things against all odds, I know you'll conquer this too.”
“Don't act like you know me.” he says it forlornly like he doesn't want to believe his own words. Truthfully, he wants you to, needs you to know him as much as he knows you.
You smile softly, eyes roaming around his face and all the sadness he harbors underneath. “Hobie” you call his name quietly, shaking your head subtly, you tell him otherwise, conveying that his words aren't true at all.
The dark clouds part in his eyes, and he twists his hand to hold yours. “But you do. Fuck,” he inhales sharply at the realization. “You do.”
“I do.” you take your hand away, reaching up to cup the back of his head, fingers grasping gently at the baby hairs. “And it's alright if you don't know me. You don't have to.”
“What if I do, I do know you.”
You chuckle, “it's an honour to be known by you.” Holding on to him tightly with your breath fanning against his skin, your face is solemn, “just don't make me choose between them—Hobie!” you gasp at the end, gripping on to his shirt, eyes wide with fear at what's behind him.
He follows your line of sight, a large ship looms just behind the boat, and it's heading towards you at great speed. It's sails are all open, stark white against the dark sky.
“Go tell the others.” He frantically twists to look back to you, maybe he shouldn't have, for your fear stricken face would haunt him for the rest of his days. “Love,” shaking you back to reality, he takes your face in his hands. “Go below deck and hide.”
“I'm not fucking leaving you up here.”
“I don't see any flags, chances are it's a merchant ship. I'll talk to them, now go” He reassures you, hiding his own fear, tamping it down for your sake.
With one last look at Hobie, running quickly while he maintains speed, casual, trying not to alarm the other ship. He has talked his way out of situations before, he can get out of this, for the crew and for you.
He hears footsteps, and just like back on his ship, the great sea spider weaves his webs around the crew, instructing them, guiding them like always.
“Hobie,” Gwen calls as they all watch the large ship sail next to them, the shadow casting over the smaller boat, hiding the moonlight from their eyes. “Did you teach her how to swim?”
“Aye, I did.” he whispers, eyes boring into a man with a large frame, his brown hair blowing softly in the wind.
“Good,” she says, hands never leaving her weapons. “We might need to swim.”
The remaining bloodsail pirates stare at the well dressed men looking down at them, their faces unreadable from the height, their swords glinting in the moonlight.
You hunker down below deck, legs tucked, body hidden behind crates, arms braced over your head, waiting for impact. The force doesn't arrive, instead, you hear a booming voice outside, deep and commanding, the sound lights your nerves on fire. Then you hear your name from the man's lips and you close your eyes tightly, imagining that you were back on your island, with him, with the sweet pomegranates and the sand between your fingers.
Maybe you should've stayed.
Hobie's voice is clear as day, bringing you back to the present. Tone laced with anger and resentment, but to you it's the light at the end of the dim cave, without it you would've been lost in the past.
“No Y/N here,” he says convincingly. “Must've gotten the wrong boat, we're just fishin’ ‘ere.”
“What fisherman carries a blunderbuss? Two at that.” The former admiral says gruffly and impatiently. He sighs audibly, “can you at least tell me if she's alive?”
“‘m tellin' you, mate, we don't know anyone by that name.”
“We've got a shipment scheduled for tomorrow. Do you really want our families to starve just because you're looking for a bird?” Gwen adds, her voice is steady.
“I think your father's well fed at the stables, miss Stacy.” You can practically hear their shuddered breaths from below. Holding your dagger close, you watch your mirrored disheveled expression on the steel. “You've been traveling with her for months, I highly doubt you don't know her.”
Hobie seethes, teeth clenched, he masks his voice. “Ah, that one. She's dead, drowned when your old friend Mathias attacked us.”
“He's not my—” Miguel clears his throat. He pauses, then he calls your name once again, louder this time. “I’m not here to hurt you, just please show yourself.” His voice is tired, fatigued. “I have your necklace, and I'm—”
“She is not here” Hobie enunciates every word uttered. “You want her that bad hm? She's at the bottom of the bloody sea, now kindly fuck off.”
You hear the unmistakable click of guns. There's an image in your head, a morbid vision of your friends lying dead on the floor, blood pooling from their broken bodies, head cracked open. Hobie's eyes dark and lifeless, lips uttering your name softly. So you run towards danger, for them, for Hobie.
He sees you come up in slow motion, eyes glossy, irises small and erratic, hands gripping the pommel of the silver dagger. Your eyes meet the hurricane inside him for a second before you stand in front of him.
“I'm here,” you say, stance unwavering despite everything. “Put down your weapons and we'll talk.”
Pavitr and everyone else gets flung back to the day you stood in front of them just like this. Back straight, fingers curled around your dagger, voice as powerful as the sea. Fire licking at their feet, corpses of people they once knew littered on the floor, their blood spilling over the same floors they once called home.
They can't have a repeat of what happened that day.
But all they could do is watch, having no plan and limited bullets. The heated fight before melted everything in them. All they could do is watch and be ready to grab you and jump overboard. Even if they have to swim for a thousand miles.
All Hobie could do is hold the hem of your shirt, subtly, more than ready to yank you away from the danger in front of you. He knows he can't fight the former admiral, he now realizes he can't fight Mathias in this state. It's too late now for he has destroyed the trust of his crew with rotten words he threw at them with his thirst for revenge destroying everything he once held dear to him.
Miguel's face morphs into relief, telling his men to stand down, eyes never leaving your form.
“I meant it when I said I won't harm you. Do you think I chased you across the country and sea because I hold a grudge?” His voice wavers. “How could I when you're a mirror of your mother?”
“Wha– I'm not—” you grow furious. “Jess? Is she with you? What have you done to her?!” Like a caged animal, you take your anger at him, teeth bared, claws ready to strike.
“She's not here, I— can you let me talk for once?” he presses on the gap between his eyes. With a sigh and sympathetic eyes, he tells you the truth.
“I'm your godfather and I'm here to bring you home.”
Your resolve cracks, the word ‘godfather’ is foreign to you but one word echoes through your chest— home. You've got someone waiting for you.
Looking behind you, smiling softly, chuckling with tears streaming down your face, and you see it again, the anguish on his face. Scars stretched on his skin with his deep frown. And you get lost in the silver of his eyes, molten rivers of steel, you'd do anything to protect those eyes. Even if it ends up hating you.
Hobie takes you by the elbow, his own body hiding you from Miguel.
Said man groans, rubbing at his eyelids, exhausted and lacking energy in his sloppy movements. In your peripheral you see a familiar woman trailing next to him, resisting the urge to smack him upside the head with a roll of her eyes.
“What if he's lying?” Hobie whispers, thumbs wiping your tears away. “What if he's only saying that to get you?”
Miles and the rest of the crew circle around you both, never turning their back away from the men watching from above.
“Is he the same guy you told us, Hobie?” He asks, dark eyes trained above, an excuse to avoid Hobie's face.
Your body tells you that you belong in the circle, not outside of it, forever observing as an outsider. Yet your mind screams for you to question Miguel, ask him about your family, ask him where you truly belong.
“You all know?” Your voice shakes as Gwen squeezes your arm. A reassurance that they mean well.
“I told ‘em just in case he tries to chase after you again. It was for a good reason, Y/N, I had to tell them.” Hobie lets your face go after remembering there are numerous eyes on him. They can't know he cares for you lest they use you against him.
“I'm not mad at that, I trust them.” You roam your eyes around their faces like it would be the last time you'll ever see them. “I trust all of you. But you can all leave, sail away far from here and I'll talk to him alone. I won't hold it against you. This is my problem, not yours.”
“If it's your problem then it's our problem too.” Pav says with his whole heart and everyone agrees. “You're part of the crew, Y/N, if you stay, we stay too.”
As you roam your eyes around their faces, faces you've come to care for, it wouldn't be so bad if Miguel was lying. But you have to know, or all the unanswered questions and curiosity will eat at you until your end of days.
With a small nod and sharp inhale, you continue. “Can you trust me?” you smile at them, they can see the sparks in your eyes.
Yuri smirks next to you, hand never leaving the handle of her gun. “Sounds like you've got a plan eh, wifey?”
“I do.” And I hope it works. You think. “I'm not getting on their ship. If he wants to explain himself then he can go to us.”
Hobie smiles proudly, while the others nod approvingly.
“Hah,” Gwen pats your back. “Just like what we did near the coast of Malta.”
“Good times.” James adds, elbowing Pav like there isn't danger ahead.
“If I find out he's lying, I'll cut him myself.” You say bravely.
“No,” Hobie interrupts. “I'll do it. 'm not lettin' you be alone with him.” He knows men like Miguel, skin traders who will lie and sink their teeth in just to get a bag of coins in return.
The crew thinks you would protest until you nod. You'd be crazy to decline, and now they know how much they've missed throughout the month you two have been alone on that island.
“I'll be at the helm,” Pav whispers, “just in case we need to get away fast.”
Hobie clasps his shoulder in thanks. “James, stay near the mast, help Pav steer the bloody thing.” James, thumps his knuckle on Hobie's chest before going to his station. “Miles, be at the door and listen in if we need an extra pair of hands in bringing him down.”
“Gladly.” Miles says, leaving the captain's side to keep watch.
“Gwen and Yuri, you two know where to shoot.”
They look at eachother with determination.
“I'll take the helmsman and you take the gunner.” Gwen instructs Yuri.
“Aye aye.” The raven haired beams mischievously.
Now alone, he opens his mouth to say something but you beat him to it with a simple call of his name.
“Hobie.” Arm slipping out of his grasp to hold his hand properly. Squeezing it, remembering where every single indent and scar on his knuckles are with just your touch. Brushing your thumb around it, without a second thought, you lean towards him, lips pressing like a feather on his cheek.
As quick as the tides, you lean away from him.
Hobie wanted it to last forever, to meld his skin atop yours, to forever be attached to you. But he knows what the kiss entails, it wasn't just your affection bursting at the seams after months of longing; it was a goodbye.
He barely felt it but it doesn't mean his heart didn't skip a beat when he felt your cold lips. With a shuddered breath, he takes you in, simmers in your soft smile, bathes in your eyes. You do the same as his familiar scent wafts over you, sea salt and sea breeze, you now know why men choose the sea.
“I won't let him take you.” He promises.
“And I won't let him kill you.” You promise.
And with your final words, you turn towards Miguel with fire in your eyes fueled by your will to continue.
“Come down here and we'll talk.” In that small ship you feel the weight of the world on your shoulders.
With the loud thump of his weapons falling from his waist to the wooden floorboards, hands up in surrender, he agrees wholeheartedly.
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biggestsimp12 · 21 days
Ticci Toby x Childhood friend genderfluid Reader We'll meet again...Some sunny day..
requested by: no one. I just had a dream last night this scenario and NEEDED to write it down. (the requests in my inbox can wait a little more hehe.)
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(I know this song is about war but the part with the ''We'll meet again, don't know when, don't where. but i know we'll meet again some sunny day..'' matches a part of the story i have in mind-)
The sun dipped low in the sky, casting a warm glow over the playground. Toby, a small figure with unruly hair and a slightly crooked smile, clutched a worn teddy bear. He was five years old, and every day at kindergarten felt like navigating a minefield. The laughter of the other children rang out, but it was a sound that brought him no joy. For Toby, the playground was a stage for his daily struggle, a place where he was both audience and performer in a play he never wanted to star in. The sudden jerks of his body and the strange words that slipped from his mouth when he was upset made him an easy target for their teasing. Yet, amidst the sea of unkindness, Toby remained hopeful, a beacon of innocence in a world that was slowly learning to be cruel.
He sat on the edge of a wooden bench, the paint chipped and faded from countless summers of use. The teacher had placed him there after another failed attempt to integrate him into a game of tag. His eyes darted around the playground, watching as the children squealed and ran, their shadows stretching long on the yellowing grass. Toby's chest tightened as he wished he could join them, but he knew better than to try again. They had made it clear that his peculiarities were not welcome.
As the laughter grew louder, a stray soccer ball sailed through the air, propelled by the clumsy kick of a child too eager to hit their target. It headed straight for Toby, a silent missile of rubber and plastic. His instincts took over, his arms shooting up to catch it before it could smack into his face. The sudden movement sent a spasm through his body, his muscles tightening like a bowstring. He threw the ball back without looking, a reflexive reaction to the fear that had become all too familiar.
The group of kids who had been playing nearby froze. Their giggling ceased, and their eyes locked onto Toby. He knew that look, the one that said he had done something wrong again. They approached him, a pack of hyenas closing in on their prey. The biggest kid, Billy, a towering figure in Toby's eyes, stepped forward. "Why'd you throw it back, weirdo?" he sneered, his teeth glinting in the fading light.
Before Toby could respond, a small, unassuming figure stepped in front of him. It was Y/N, a kid from his class who rarely spoke up. They was the kind that hovered at the edge of groups, never quite fitting in, but always observing with a gentle curiosity. Their eyes were wide and their voice trembled as they faced Billy. "Leave him alone," they whispered, their fists balled at their sides.
Billy, caught off guard, took a step back. He looked from Toby to Y/N and then to his friends, who had also stopped in their tracks. Billy barked a laugh, his eyes glinting with malice. "What are you gonna do about it?" he taunted, his chest puffing out.
But Y/N didn't flinch. They held their ground, their small body a sudden mountain between Toby and the looming threat. "I said, leave him alone," they repeated, voice a little stronger this time. Billy's smirk faltered, his eyes narrowing as he sized up the unexpected challenge. Then, with a snort of disbelief, he turned and stomped away, his pack of followers trailing behind him like a shadow retreating from the light.
Toby stared after them, his heart racing in his chest. He looked down at Y/N, whose hand was still outstretched as if to ward off the bully. "Thanks," he murmured, his voice thick with relief. Y/N nodded, their gaze darting to the ground before looking back up at him with a tentative smile. "Are you okay?" they asked, the words echoing with genuine concern.
Without waiting for a response, Y/N reached into their pocket and pulled out a small bag of Haribo gummy bears. "Here," they said, holding it out to Toby. "My mommy gave them to me. I don't like them much as i like peach gummy rings better, but I thought maybe you would."
Toby took the bag with trembling hands, his eyes wide with astonishment. "Thanks," he managed to say, his voice barely above a whisper. He took a few of the bears and sat back down on the bench, expecting Y/N to leave now that the danger had passed. But to his surprise, they sat down beside him, their legs swinging in unison with his.
"I'm Y/N," they said, their voice soft and unassuming. "What's your name?" Toby looked over at them, the first time he had really seen them up close. They had a smattering of freckles across their nose and a mop of hair that looked like it hadn't seen a brush in days. There was something endearing about their disheveled appearance, something that made him feel less alone.
"Toby," he replied, his voice still shaky. He took a deep breath and popped a gummy bear into his mouth, the sweetness washing over his tongue.
Y/N giggled at the sight. "I'm so happy to meet you, Toby," they said, their eyes lighting up. "You know what happens if you eat too many of these?" They leaned in conspiratorially, their breath smelling faintly of mint. "I heard that if you eat a whole bag of gummy bears, your boogers will turn into gummy worms!"
Toby's eyes went wide with a mix of horror and fascination. He looked down at the bag in his hand as if it contained the secrets of the universe. The idea was ludicrous, but at five years old, reality was still a malleable thing, and Y/N's imagination was as vast as the playground around them. He took another gummy bear, turning it over in his fingers. "Really?" he asked, his voice filled with awe.
Y/N nodded solemnly, their eyes sparkling with mischief. "Yeah, my cousin did it. She had these huge gummy bears stuck in her nose!" And with that, they proceeded to demonstrate, pushing two of the small, squishy candies up their nostrils. Toby watched, his jaw dropping as the gummy bears disappeared, one after the other.
Then, without warning, Y/N's expression changed. They began to make strange, guttural noises that sounded like a cross between a T-Rex and a choking kazoo. Toby's eyes widened in surprise as they leaned over and started tickling him, their fingers like tiny feathers dancing over his ribs and belly. "It's the Haribo Gummy Boss!" they exclaimed, their voice a mix of laughter and the prehistoric sounds. "They've taken over my mind!"
Toby squealed and squirmed, his body convulsing with giggles. Without thinking, Toby bolted, his legs pumping as he squealed like a little girl, the bag of gummy bears forgotten on the bench. Y/N followed, their dinosaur noises growing louder and more ferocious as they pretended to be the terrifying Gummy Boss in hot pursuit. The chase was on, and it was all in good fun, the kind of fun that didn't care about the stares of the other children or the rules of the games they didn't understand.
As they darted around the playground, dodging swings and sliding to a halt at the bottom of the slide, Toby felt something new, something he hadn't felt in a long time—joy. The kind of joy that didn't come from being the fastest or the strongest, but from the simple act of playing with someone who didn't care about his flaws. Someone who saw him not as the kid who talked to himself and had weird tics, but as a fellow adventurer fighting off imaginary monsters made of sugar and gelatin.
"Why do you have to move out?" His voice was soft, almost lost in the rustling leaves above them.
Now, at sixteen, Toby's tics had become less pronounced, but the whispers and glances from his peers remained. Y/N had grown into a gentle young person, their quiet strength unshaken by the passage of time. They had always been there to protect Toby, their loyalty unwavering. So, the idea of them leaving didn't sit well with him at all.
Y/N sighed, their eyes scanning the horizon as if searching for the right words. "Someone broke into our house," they finally said, their voice laced with a sadness that was palpable. "Mom and Dad have to fix a lot of stuff. We can't stay there right now. At least, I can't stay there now. I have to stay with my grandparents for a while."
Toby's heart sank. He knew what it was like to leave a place because it didn't feel safe anymore. His own father had a temper, one that had often left bruises hidden beneath his clothes. The thought of Y/N being torn from their home, from him, was too much to bear. "But, you can't just go," he protested, his voice cracking. "What about school?"
Y/N looked at him, their eyes filled with a mix of sadness and resignation. "I'm gonna be home-schooled until I can go back," they said softly. "It's only for a little while. Lyra promised me she will take care of your bullies until then." But the way their voice trailed off told Toby that they didn't believe it any more than he did. They had always been the one constant in his life, the one person who didn't treat him like he was made of glass. Now, they were being taken away, and there was nothing he could do to stop it.
"But when?" Toby pressed, desperation creeping into his voice. "When will we meet again?"
Y/N looked at him, their eyes filled with a sadness that mirrored the clouds gathering above. "We'll meet again…don't know when…don't know where," they admitted. "But I promise, Toby, I know we'll meet again.." They reached out and squeezed his hand, a silent promise that no distance could break.
Toby tried to smile, but it was like trying to hold back a storm. "Okay," he murmured, his voice barely a whisper. "Some sunny day, right?" He tried to cling to the hope in those words, to the idea that no matter how dark the clouds looked now, the sun would always find a way to shine through.
Y/N nodded, a tear slipping down their cheek. "Some sunny day," they echoed, their voice equally as soft. And with that, they turned and walked away, their shoulders slumped as if carrying the weight of the world. Toby watched them go, feeling a part of himself leave with them.
In the months that followed, everything felt even more isolating without Y/N's presence. Billy and his band of bullies grew bolder, their jeers and shoves a constant reminder of Toby's aloneness. His father's alcohol-fueled rages grew more frequent, the house a minefield of shattered glass and slammed doors. Even Lyra, his fiercely protective sister, couldn't shield him from the harsh realities that seemed to close in around him like the shadows of a closing curtain.
Then, one fateful evening, Toby's world shifted on its axis. He and Lyra had decided to escape the tension at home with a rare nighttime drive. The wind whipped through the car windows, carrying the sweet scent of blooming lilacs and the distant hum of the city. The radio played a soft melody that seemed to soothe the chaos within them, a temporary balm for the storms they weathered.
Toby's eyes were glued to the road ahead, lost in thought about Y/N. He barely registered the car's drift onto the gravel shoulder. The sudden jolt snapped him back to reality, just in time to see the tree rushing towards them, a silent sentinel in the dark. The world spun into a blur of metal and glass, the sickening crunch of impact echoing through his mind. The airbag deployed with a violent pop, stealing his breath.
In the weeks that followed, Toby's heart felt as shattered as the glass that had showered him that night. He retreated into himself, the once-vibrant boy now a ghostly shadow. His laughter was replaced by silence, his appetite by a void that no food could fill. His eyes held a faraway look, as if searching for something just beyond the horizon of his vision. The only thing that remained was the pain, a constant reminder of what had been lost.
The days grew shorter, and the nights grew longer, filled with the echoes of machines and the smell of antiseptic. The hospital walls closed in around him, a prison of white and beige, a stark contrast to the colorful world he had once known. Every time he tried to recall Y/N's face, it was like grasping at smoke, slipping through his fingers. The memories grew hazier, as if someone had taken an eraser to the pages of his life.
Then, the hallucinations began. Figments of his imagination playing cruel tricks on his fragile mind. He'd see Y/N standing outside his hospital room window, their hand pressed against the glass, their smile as bright as the day they had met. But when he'd look again, they were gone, replaced by the cold, unfeeling stare of the world beyond. And then there were the nights, when the hospital was at its quietest, and the only sounds were the whispers of the nurses and the beeps of the machines. He'd see Lyra, her spirit lingering in the halls, her eyes filled with a sadness that mirrored his own. Her corpse was a twisted reminder of the night that had changed everything, a specter that haunted his dreams and his waking moments.
The voices grew louder... They spoke of injustice and vengeance, urging him to right the wrongs that had been done. They whispered sweet nothings of release and peace, painting a picture of a world without pain, without fear. Toby's mother, her eyes red-rimmed and desperate, took him to a psychiatrist, hoping that medicine and therapy could mend what was broken. But the doctor's calm demeanor and gentle probing only served to fuel the flames of anger and despair that raged within him.
One night, as he lay in his bed, the vision of Lyra grew clearer than ever before. She stood at the foot of his bed, her eyes filled with a fierce determination that made his heart race. "You have to do it," she whispered, her voice echoing through his mind. "For me. For us. For all the nights we cried together." The room grew cold, the air thick with the weight of her unspoken words.
The voices grew louder, more insistent, weaving a tapestry of anger and grief. They painted a picture of a world where the scales of justice had been tipped by the cruel hand of fate, where the only way to set things right was to take matters into his own hands. The whispers grew into a cacophony, a symphony of vengeance that filled every corner of his being. He knew what he had to do.
With a swiftness that belied his fear, Toby plunged the axe into his father's chest. The man's eyes shot open, his face contorted in shock and pain. A garbled cry was the only sound that escaped his lips before they went slack, his lifeblood staining the bed sheets a deep crimson. Toby stared, unable to comprehend the reality of what he had done. The voices grew louder, screaming in triumph, urging him to complete the purge.
He moved through the house with the precision of a predator, setting fires in each room, watching the flames dance and grow. The heat grew intense, the smoke thick, stinging his eyes and filling his lungs.
He stumbled through the smoke, his eyes burning and his lungs filled with the acrid scent of burning wood. His father's lifeless body lay behind him, a grim testament to his rage. The heat grew unbearable, licking at his skin like the flaming tongue of a dragon. His breath came in ragged gasps, the smoke stealing the oxygen from the air.
But amidst the chaos, he heard it—a voice that cut through the roar of the fire like a knife. "Toby!" It was Y/N, their voice a beacon in the dark. He turned, his vision swimming, and saw them standing outside through the bedroom window, their face contorted with fear and desperation.
Y/N had come to visit, not knowing what they would find. They had felt something was wrong, an instinct that had driven them across town to Toby's house. The sight of the flames had filled them with dread, and they had sprinted through the smoky halls, calling his name. Now, as they watched Toby's silhouette collapse, the world around them seemed to melt away.
Three years had passed since the fire. Toby had survived, but the voices had never truly left him. His eyes darted around, searching for the one that Slenderman had sent him to find.
On the day of the fire, amidst the chaos and the smoke, he had seen a figure—tall, thin, and dressed in black. It had moved with an unnatural grace, the shadows seeming to bend around it. The figure had reached out a long, pale hand and pulled him through the flames, saving him from the inferno he had created, making him his proxy in exchange. In the aftermath, Toby's memory was a jigsaw puzzle with too many missing pieces he wasn't bothering to find anymore.
Now, as the moon cast a silver path along the river, he saw a silhouette. The figure was small, almost delicate, with a gait that seemed familiar. His hand tightened around the handle of the hatchet, the metal cold and unforgiving. As he approached, the silhouette grew clearer, the outline of a person walking with their head bowed, lost in thought. The voices in his head grew louder, urging him to complete his task, to serve Slenderman without question.
But as he stepped into the moonlight, Toby's heart skipped a beat. The figure looked up, their eyes wide and filled with confusion. And then, like a puzzle piece snapping into place, he realized it was Y/N. The years had changed them, but the kindness in their eyes remained the same.
Y/N squinted, trying to make out the person approaching them. "Who's there?" they called out, their voice trembling. "What do you want?"
Toby froze, the hatchet heavy in his hand. The mask he wore to conceal his identity from the townsfolk who feared him was now a barrier between him and the one person who had ever truly seen him. He took a step closer, the moonlight glinting off the lenses of his goggles. "It's me," he said, his voice gruff from disuse. "It's Toby."
Y/N stopped, their breath hitching in their throat. They took a tentative step forward, their eyes searching his face, looking for the little boy they had once known. Slowly, they reached out and pulled the goggles from his face, revealing the hazel eyes that had held so much innocence in the past.
"Toby?" They chuckled in disbelief, their eyes watering as they said, "We finally met again. But not on a sunny day, huh?"
Toby's body twitched, his mind racing as he tried to piece together the fragments of their conversation. The hatchet felt foreign in his hand, a tool of a life he couldn't remember choosing. He nodded, the motion stiff and unnatural. "Yeah," he murmured, the word barely leaving his lips. "Y/N, right?"
Y/N's eyes searched his, looking for a spark of recognition that wasn't there. They nodded, the corners of their mouth turning down slightly. They stepped closer, their arms wrapping around him in a fierce embrace. Toby's body tensed for a moment, unused to the warmth of human contact, and then he melted into it, finding himself hugging back, the hatchet forgotten at his side.
When they pulled away, Y/N led him to the river's edge, the water splashing slightly at the shore. They sat down on the cool grass, the soft fabric of their shirt brushing against his worn clothes. The air was thick with the scent of damp earth and the promise of rain. Y/N took a deep breath and turned to him, their voice quieter now. "Remember when we used to sit here and gossip?"
Toby's eyes searched theirs, desperate to find a connection, but the fog of his memories remained. He nodded, even though he couldn't recall those moments. "I'm sorry," he murmured, the words sticking in his throat. "I don't remember much.
Y/N gave a sad smile, patting his hand gently. "It's okay," they said. "You don't have to remember everything. We're here now." They picked at the blades of grass, their fingers deftly weaving them into a chain. "But do you remember the day you caught the soccer ball?"
Toby nodded, the memory a flicker in the back of his mind. "The day you protected me from Billy," he murmured.
Y/N looked at him, their eyes shimmering with unshed tears. "I didn't just do it because you were my friend," they confessed. "I did it because I had a crush on you, Toby. I've had one for as long as I can remember. Though I was too much of a coward to tell you at least on the day Ieft. What happened to you after I left is still unknown to me, but I want to apologise for any pain that I caused you. Emotionally, I mean, since you can't feel phisical pain."
Toby stared at them, his eyes widening. He had never thought of Y/N in that way, not really. They had always been his protector, his confidant, but love? The concept was as foreign to him as the words that had just been spoken. The voices in his head fell silent, their whispers replaced by the thundering of his heart.
Y/N's cheeks flushed, their eyes darting away from his. They picked up a pebble and tossed it into the river, watching the ripples spread. "I know it's weird," they murmured. "But I had to tell you."
Toby sat in silence for a moment, the weight of Y/N's words pressing down on him. He didn't know how to feel, but he knew one thing for sure—he couldn't let Y/N get hurt. "You have to go," he said, his voice urgent. "They're looking for innocent people. If they find you here with me, they won't hold back."
Y/N frowned, their confusion deepening. "What are you talking about?" they asked, their voice trembling. "Who's looking?"
But Toby was beyond words. His eyes grew wild, the voices in his head screaming at him to protect Y/N. In a split second, he made a decision that would haunt him for the rest of his days. With a trembling hand, he raised the hatchet, the cold wood heavy with the weight of his fear. "I-I'm sorry," he mumbled, his voice a hoarse whisper. "I'm s-so sorry."
With a swing that was more a plea than an act of violence, he brought the handle of the hatchet down on Y/N's head. The sound of impact was muffled by the thunder of his own pulse in his ears. Y/N's eyes rolled back, their body going limp as they slumped to the ground, but quickly being caught by Toby.
When Y/N woke up again, their head was pounding and their ears ringing. The cold, damp earth of the woods was replaced by the familiar scent of their own bedroom, the darkness pierced by the moonlight streaming through an open window. They sat up with a gasp, their hand flying to the tender spot on their head. It was sore, but there was no blood, no wound. They looked around, their heart racing, trying to piece together what had happened.
The last thing they remembered was the feel of the hatchet handle connecting with their skull. But here they were, in their own bed, dressed in the same clothes they had been wearing when they had found Toby—or thought they had. They reached over to the bedside table and turned on the lamp, the soft glow casting shadows across the room.
There, on the nightstand, lay a crumpled piece of paper. Y/N picked it up, their trembling hand smoothing out the wrinkles. The handwriting was messy, a scrawl that looked as though it had been etched by a child. Yet, there was something eerily familiar about it. Their heart sank as they read the words:
"Never walk in the woods alone at night again unless you have some death wish. Meet me tomorrow at 4 p.m. at the tree with lots of centipedes on it. You should recognize it by the bzbzbzbz sound they do. Cya."
Yep, definitely not a dream-
The end <3
(a rather ugly lazy sketch made by me with my new phone's pen that i don't know how to use-)
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(Sorry if he seemed too OC or anything like that, I tried to keep him on the slightly canon track-)
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full-of-terrors · 4 months
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Letter from Dr. Stanley to Dr. Fergusson written on board HMS Erebus July 12, 1845- Awe of the Arctic Exhibit 2024 NYPL
Transcript: My Dear Fergusson, having a few moments to spare before the letter bag is finally closed, I hasten to drop you a line to say that, although within the Arctic Circle , I'm not yet frozen to death and therefore in the land of the living and very jolly. We had a fairish passage out here but had a mighty gale of Cape Farewell, which sent us flying with closed topsails and courses to Cape Desolation, where in spite of the dismal name we found comfort. There's smooth water and a moderate breeze. These islands, and in fact, the whole of this western coast of Greenland, is the most barren and uninviting I ever beheld.
Some of the land is very high and serrated and has the appearance of being volcanic. On the bare rocks, large quantities of tripe-de-roche may be gathered, but as we were not reduced like our excellent captain on a former occasion to such a means of subsistence, no one I could find tried its qualities as a nutrient. We are completely surrounded with icebergs, some of them upwards of 200 feet high. They are, however, from the extreme heat disappearing fast and by their constant disruption, almost frightening your very life out of you.
I and a boat crew had a very narrow escape the other day out shooting. I had just fired and killed an eider duck when I observed that we had drifted closer to an immense iceberg, which I had previously noticed a day or two before in a decayed condition. I said to an officer who was with me "What luck it should come down by the sun!" And then ordered the men to pull quickly from our dangerous neighbor when it fell with a crash. Most stunning and awful to witness. There never was so lucky an escape. The discharge of my two barrels had no doubt hastened its overthrow. And although we were at a distance upwards of 100 yards, quite near enough we were knocked and tossed about by its displacement in the sea in a most uncomfortable manner.
The island swarms with mosquitoes and they are now flying about the gun room in all directions. They are the largest I ever beheld but not the most stinging. We sailed tonight for Lancaster Sound and the transport to dear old England with a report of our proceedings up to this period. At this season of the year, in this latitude, as you are aware there is no darkness. The sun never dips below the horizon. The nights I have there for devoted to shooting and the day to skinning and preserving the specimens I have killed. Since our arrival I have not slept more than 2 or 3 hours in 24. Goodsir is working harder than medusas and desires kindly to be remembered to you.
We are all sanguine and getting through the barrier into Beechey straits this year. Every one of the native Eskimos say this is the most open season they ever remember. And on the strength of our prospects I and the other officers have ordered letters to be directed to us at Panama and Kotzebue. The latter place will, of course, be the first port we shall make when we get through.
I have not a single man on the list and I have not had for several days. Sir John Franklin is not like the same person. He is so much improved in appearance and energy. He is almost always the first on deck and the last to leave it in all weathers. I must conclude now, old fellow, with best wishes and kind regards to Mrs. F and the bairns.
And believe me, your very sincere friend, Stephen S. Stanley. I had intended to have written to Fortnum and Masons. Pray tell them like a good soul that we are delighted with everything they furnished us and the members of the mess unanimously declare them to be trumps and we should be sorry to return before we have consumed all their good things.
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heartpiratedrabbles · 9 months
Insecurities Part 3
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Part 1 Part 2 ~ Part 4
Buggy X Fem Reader
The twins, were now 5 years old and you were still hanging around the same island. The only difference being you’ve made it your home base now. You changed your name to outsiders and started a show called ‘Zazel’s Dazzling Circus’ and it had drawn in quite a crowd, the past two years were filled with traveling with your group to other islands but always returned home after a week or two.
        The friends you made were delighted when you had told them you were staying and even when you moved out of Gin’s house, opting to live in the circus itself, he made sure you knew you were always welcomed back and that he’d always be willing to watch the boys. Even going as far as getting a bed for both of them whenever they’d spend the night.
        Throughout the years you had slowly let your appearance go back, no longer dying your hair, and wearing the revealing performance clothes again. You couldn’t be happier with how it was going. There were times when you’d look at your boys faces and be reminded of their father, missing him and wishing to contact him but you’d push the thoughts to the back of your head. You’d kept tabs on him throughout the years, keeping newspapers clippings and bounty posters, being proud of your former Captain every time he made the front page. You didn’t mean to make a scrap book of him, but overtime you had amassed enough too and thought it easier to hide a book over a box of loose papers.
        Gin recognized your kids features almost immediately but had never pushed you on the matter. He still took care of them when you were away and loved them as an uncle would. And he never told the kids of their father either, which you were thankful for. You’d tell them when they were older, or when they’d ask you about it, whichever came first you supposed. They didn’t seem to much care about not having a father figure, after all they had plenty of role models in their life.
Benji had perfected the art of knife throwing and pick-pocketing already, opting to be a little thief despite having everything he could want. Azure on the other hand had taken after you with his contortion and acrobatic skills, using them to distract people for Benji or to even squeeze in through open windows to steal. And as much as you wanted to raise them right, you couldn’t help but encourage their sneaky ways, also teaching them how to defend themselves in case things went awry. You were, after all, a pirate for most of your enjoyable life, and would rather them be prepared if they decided they wanted to go out to sea one day.
One of your favorite acts to watch from afar was when your two boys would freak strangers out who hadn’t known there were two of them. The shock value of one of them disappearing and the other appearing behind the stranger was perfect to rob them blind. Most of the time the people who so impressed and confused they wouldn’t even notice the missing items at all.
What’s more, your circus had brought some fame to the island and caused more travelers to visit and see the show. It brought you great pride in seeing how successful it had become. As the ringmaster and headliner, you were ecstatic at the applause each night and the berries you were raking in.
Another gig on a different island was coming up and this time you’d be traveling with the crew; your circus had grown enough to be in 2 places at once and you had trusted members who took care of the other act when you were away. Still though, the twins were too young and oblivious to bring to another island to wreak havoc on, so you left them with Gin who’d happily look after them. Using his time with them to teach them more about sailing and pirating.
As you were saying goodbye to your boys you had noticed Benji playing with face paint, curious you walked behind him to see what he was doing. But as you walked closer your mischievous son noticed and quickly hid a paper in the drawer of his vanity, “You can’t see yet!” He had yelled all flustered. Azure snickered behind him and made a comment of not being subtle at all.
“Well I’ll be back in a about a week, can you show me then?” Your curiosity getting the better of you. You son nodded and you smiled before he got up from his chair to join you in a hug Azure following suit. “I’ll miss you boys alright? Don’t forget that if you do do anything to not get caught.” They groaned in acceptance before you departed.
        Cabaji roamed the tent, fitting in perfectly with the people around him, A traveling circus had come to town and piqued his interest, they weren’t common Afterall and he’d like to see how this one worked. He hadn’t made the show itself but had gotten there just as people were leaving as the clean-up process unsued. Strangely enough he felt a sense of calm as the chaotic backstage seemed to run near the same way as Buggy’s own circus.
        “Hey, I haven’t seen you before. Why weren’t you at rehearsal?” A man approached him much to his dismay. “When did Mistress Zazel hire you?” He leaned in closer to Cabaji.
        “Oh, I was called here to audition and lost my way” He gestured to the unicycle he was carrying and the man sighed.
        “I’ve told her to schedule auditions at better times than right after shows but she never listens. Follow me, I’ll take you to the small performance tent” The man believed him easily and Cabaji seemed pleased with himself. He could meet this Zazel and perhaps talk to Buggy about how she runs her show to him.
        “Mistress Zazel another auditioneer is here for you. I put them in the normal tent,” Your stage manager Hendriks called out from behind the curtain, you were cleaning off the make-up and glitter on your face.
        You don’t remember scheduling an audition but it had been such a hectic arrival that you could see yourself telling someone in passing to come after the show. You sigh standing up, putting your mini top hat back as you walk towards the tent. Hendriks told you of how he was carrying a unicycle with him and seemed to already be in a costume. You did enjoy the enthusiastic people the most. As you open the curtain you look ahead of you to see the back of a familiar man, causing you to slam the curtain shut quickly.
        Hendriks looked at you quizzically as you peaked in again. The man in question had already started balancing on his singe tired bike as though it was as easy as walking and despite the years that had gone by you could tell it was him. Blood rushed out of your face as you turned back to your stage manager, “Tell him I’m sorry but that there are no spots open at the moment.” And you quickly walk away.
        Back in your own personal tent you start pacing, it had been years. Years. Why was a former crewmate here of all places? And asking for an audition? What was he up too? You take out your transponder snail to call Gin, “Gin someones here. I don’t know why but I’m worried he’s-“ You babbled out as fast as the speed of light.
        “Y/N calm down. What wrong? Who is there?” Gin interrupted you and as you tried to catch your breath he continued, “…Is it Buggy?”
        That seems to hitch your breath again, you hadn’t even thought about the whereabouts of your former captain, “I. I don’t know. Cabaji is here though and I’m worried. I left on such awful terms” You were starting to panic, sitting down only to stand back up again.
        Cabaji sighed, his plan had failed and he was sent away. The man didn’t escort him out though so he had decided to take the scenic route and look around. As he continued he heard an oddly familiar voice and went to investigate. “Y/N why don’t you just cut the trip short, have Xavier fill in for you-“ The voice was clearly from a transponder snail but was more interesting was the name used. Did you truly run away to another circus? Buggy would be intrigued.
        Deciding to not get ahead of himself he listened in more, and your voice, a tad tired and more worried had reverberated through his head. This had to be you. He had to tell Buggy as soon as possible. Although he hadn’t seen your name in the program so it was clear you went under a different name now adays.
        “I’m going to the show tomorrow to confirm it captain.” The blue-haired clown had nearly screamed when he heard the news and promised he’d be there in no more than 3 days. “She might be leaving so at the very least I can see what her alias is based on who this Xavier plays tomorrow.” It was the happiest he had heard his captain in a while.
        “I’m stopping at a port tomorrow before heading to where you are. Update me the second you think she’s somewhere else, it’s the closest we’ve come to finding my doll” His captain had cooed out. The past five years had been weirdly restless, traveling and conquering areas that made the world government fear Buggy, but little did they know it was all in pursuit of a single person.
        The next morning Gin had gathered the boys to tell them that their mom was coming home early, it wasn’t unheard of but it didn’t happen often either. “Was she run out of town?” “Did she start a fight?” “Is this like the time she set fire to a bar?” The questions poured in and Gin pushed them off as much as possible.
        “Why don’t you get your mother something nice before she arrives? She should be getting back sometime tonight or early tomorrow,” Gin knew they wouldn’t buy something, instead opting to steal from a rich person, but as long as they didn’t get caught it didn’t matter, and with Azure’s planning skills and Benji’s knife skills, he wasn’t too worried about the boys as they ran off to scope out the area.
Gin was a little worried of how’d you react when you come home to find Benji’s poorly copied version of Buggy’s face paint, but decided to add more to your plate when there was nothing he could do. He did warn the boy to wash his face before you arrived though. Benji, on the other hand, had known you wouldn’t be too happy to see him in this face paint. Despite your efforts at hiding it the boys had seen you look at a wanted poster, sometimes crying, and Benji being a snoop, had nabbed one of the posters and immediately loved who he saw.
Azure did make fun of him this morning for how sloppy it looks, but for a first attempt at the full look he was quite happy about it. Azure deciding a much more subtle look of a ponytail with a small hat, and a scarf covering his face. He wasn’t ashamed of his nose, but it was much easier to hide from unwanted attention when the most obvious part of his appearance was hidden. Now though, it was time to find a present. Azure deicing to scour out the new arrivals of boats as Benji took to the crowd immediately, stealing petty berries as he got closer to the dock.
The people who called the town and port their home weren’t surprised to see either of the boys snooping around, and no one tried to stop them from swindling strangers either, sometimes even going as far as to cover for the boys if a particularly angry person didn’t enjoy there disappearing act.
Benji stopped in an alleyway, rummaging through his bag to look at the score so far when he saw his brother out the corner of his eye. “An interesting ship arrived just now, we should check it out” Azure hinted, this could only mean 1 of two things, a rich passenger ship had come through, or a weird ship that was out of normal had made it’s way to the dock. Benji nodded and shooed Azure to make a distraction.
        He turned the corner and hid behind a barrel near the ship he was certain Azure was talking about. A large circus tent was on the main deck that memorized both boys for a second before they got back to work. Another circus coming to town? The pride of the act and the anger of stolen spotlight mixed as both boys thought the same thing, steal from the first person to walk of the boat.
        Even if they wanted to explore another realm, they knew better than to get on any ship for any reason. The chances of being whisked away or caught skyrocketing when they were no longer on their home ground. As they waited, a man got off the boat wearing a captain’s hat and a large fur coat. This was it. Benji couldn’t get a good look at the mans face but there would be no need. Azure cause a small harmless explosion further down the dock, causing people to look and walk towards the area, and just as expected the man followed suit.
        Benji, taking the opportunity ran and ‘bumped’ into the stranger grabbing a rather large coin purse in the act. He was a few paces away when he turned back to bow his head as a fake apology when he froze. The face of the man had looked exactly like that of the poster, although a bit older than the version he had.
        Azure seem to have noticed his brother and started making his way through the crowd yelling his name. Hearing his name be shouted he realized his mistake and quickly started to go further, but the man had already spotted him. Despite being so far away he felt a tug on his unruly hair, “Where do you think you’re goin brat?” The captain had barked out, not amused in the slightest, “You makin fun of me with that awful getup?” Benji cried out at the slight pain and quickly grabbed a dagger, opting to cut his hair from the disembodied hand as his brother grabbed his arm and darted through the crowd.
        They could both hear the shouts of the man behind him but thankfully the people of the port had decided to try and hide the boys, a bookshop keep ushering them into the back room until the coast was clear.
        “What’s up your ass?” Alvida quipped as the clown angrily walked by.
        “Some brats makin fun of my look. One of ‘em even wore a wig and did an atrocious job my make-up on their grubby face” Buggy sat down opening a bottle.
        “You sure that’s not just because there’s a circus on this island? Coulda been admirers” She sipped on her own wine leaning back.
        “Sure, if you count them also stealing some money. The one kid came outta nowhere to save the stupid twerp too, they even cut their wig just to get away from me,” A huff, “And don’t get me started on that stupid fake nose he wore.”
        “Well I’m not condoning beating up kids, but if you want revenge your best bet would be going to the show and lookin for them there.”
        “He looked just like the man in the poster!” Benji and Azure were arguing on just who the man was. The blue hair looked a little too similar for Azure’s taste and the nose was already a telling feature.
        “I swear the man in the picture isn’t just a clown what if he’s-“ They both shut up when they hear the door creak open, “Hi Uncle Gin!” Benji quickly slides the poster under a bed and looks up at the man.
        “Should I ask what happened to your hair?” A rather large chunk was missing, making the uneven cut all the more noticeable, “Your mother won’t be too happy with me about it.”
        “We didn’t get in trouble if that’s what your asking,” Benji grinned up, ignoring the warning glance from Gin, “Well it was a quick escape. They didn’t get us though see!” The boy stood up, pulling his brother with him, and did a twirl to show no injuries on his body. Azure slowly also twirling around.
        Gin smiled, it was times like this where he was reminded they were still just small children, “Uh-huh, as long as you’re both safe. “How bout you two stay in for the night and wait for your mom?” The question was innocent enough but Gin had heard a bit of their conversation and didn’t want to risk anything. “And remember to wash your face Benji.”
        “Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to Zazel’s Dazzling Circus! Due to an emergency I’ll be filling in for our wonderful Zazel-“ Cabaji looked up amused, he hadn’t expected this. This Xavier fella was front and center starting the show himself instead of the normal Ringmaster.
        He wondered slightly if it was a mistake, if Xavier was filling in for more than one act, but it quickly became apparent that his only role for the night was ring master, and that the big show of the dangerous trapeze had been opted for a different act to suit his skills. So our little Y/N started a circus of her own huh? Buggy will certainly be ecstatic over this.
        After the show he got ahold of Alvida, Buggy decidedly off in his own world, “Yea he’s checking out this circus in town, what do you want?” She barked out impatient.
        “I thought I’d let him Captain know of Y/N Alias” He heard Alvida knock a few things over.
        “How are you sure it’s her?” After explaining the situation even Alvida was getting giddy over seeing her friend again, “Well spit it out Cabaji, what’s the name?”
        “Like Zazel’s Dazzling Circus?” Alvida interrupted him quickly standing up at the news, after a quick confirmation she was beaming.
        Buggy was wandering the circus for any signs of the brats from earlier huffing a bit. This place seemed like a paradise, freaks walking everywhere and different acts happening constantly in different tents, a main tent for the main show once or twice a night. Some people were whispering while glancing his way and Buggy just seemed as though it was people recognizing his greatness.
        After wandering for a while, he stops in front of a booth where a man is organizing shelves, Not bothering to look at Buggy he calls out, “You can buy tickets for the main act 6 tents down from here.” He nods his head in a direction ignoring the clown behind him entirely.
“I’m not here for that. Is there a brat with blue hair red nose parading around?” Buggy huffs out, a little annoyed at the disrespect.
        “Ah you’re probably lookin for the twins. I don’t think they’re here tonight but if they are they’d be in a practice tent or around the main acts for the night.” The man didn’t even bother looking over his shoulder as he answered, Benji and Azure got in enough trouble that it was just common ground to reveal where they were at the circus. Besides this was their home turf, no one would dare cause trouble to them here.
        Buggy mutters a thanks while walking away, twins huh? Heading towards what he believed to be the rehearsal/practice tents. Searching around, not bothering to ask again. If they weren’t here for the afternoon, it wouldn’t do much to keep asking, but it is a good idea to scope out the area.
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