#Cancer mention
420technoblazeit · 1 month
has anybody else seen the bit in tommy's new video yet. where he asks mumbo jumbo if he can revive technoblade with redstone. bc that actually made my jaw DROP hol yshit. the pause just before he says it. you can hear the gears turning in phil's head as he realizes what tommy's about to say. the immediate psychic damage. truly horrid thank you tommy. ik techno would be losing it over that joke
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hedonistbyheart · 1 year
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The brothers Green being cute.
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warlenys · 2 years
house md’s worst and best hate crime is wilson’s “i should have spent my life being more like you. i should’ve been a manipulative, self centred, narcissistic ass who brought misery to everything and everyone in his life” followed by house’s “you’d still have cancer” and then wilson’s “yeah, but at least i’d feel like i deserved it!” house risks his entire life to let wilson do too much chemo. wilson didn’t even ask him to do it. house gives up the last of his vicodin to stop wilson’s pain. he lies to wilson about it. house tells wilson that all they need in life is each other. house promises to let wilson die in his apartment instead of being taken to a hospital. he risks everything because wilson asks him to. then wilson tells house that he deserves cancer. there is no fucking reason for this. it’s the best thing they ever did.
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Tommy has become a UK Sarcoma ambassador in Techno’s name! There’s also an article on their website about this! Link
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[Image ID:
A cropped screenshot of a tweet by Sarcoma UK @/Sarcoma_UK that was quote retweeted by TommyInnit @/tommyinnit.
Sarcoma UK’s tweet reads “‘I’d never heard of sarcoma cancer until Technoblade was diagnosed and I’m heartbroken that he’s gone.’ We welcome YouTube and Twitch sensation, @/tommyinnit as Sarcoma UK’s latest Celebrity Ambassador.”
Tommy’s quote retweet reads “Hello, everyone. I'm really proud to announce that I am becoming an Ambassador for the @Sarcoma_UK charity. I didn't know anything about Sarcoma before @:Technothepig, and now I want to raise as much awareness as I can.”
End ID]
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faragonart · 5 months
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A great friend of mine passed away earlier this morning to cancer.
He was the toughest guy I had ever known. He was funny and always a big morale booster to our static. He was our tank buddy, our fake melee, our Bonkers Black Mage, he was our raid leader, and he was our best friend.
He was our big little guy, and I am gonna miss him so fucking much.
I lift my flagon to you, Flynt. Love you Sam. Rest in peace.
The theme song he chose for his WoL in Dawntrail...
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just-antithings · 9 months
Fictional characters are to antis what "the unborn" are to pro-lifers.
Fictional characters, like the fetus, are the epitome of everything good the anti/pro-lifers wants to demonstrate on their crusade. They're uncomplicated. They're abstract. They are exactly what the arguer thinks they are in that moment. They will never disagree with the arguer and never make demands of their own.
Pro-lifers rarely help born people, and in fact gleefully call for the deaths of born people, because born people make demands, and have their own free wills, and sometimes make mistakes. The unborn will always be a perfect being, a tragedy, a what could have been; "what if the baby you aborted could have cured cancer?"
Antis rarely care for real people, and in fact often gleefully abuse them for disagreeing with their stances, because real people make demands, have their own free wills, and sometimes make mistakes. Fictional characters will always be perfect, and a tragedy, and a what-if; "what if the fictional character knew you shipped them with a literal child?"
Fictional characters are a way for antis to "care" about abuse/rape without actually confronting the reality that abuse survivors, as with anyone else, are messy people who have flaws and don't agree on any one issue. Just as fetuses are a way for pro-lifers to control the abortion debate with an image that is solely about shallow, unearned pathos, and never about the beings that currently occupy this world.
Both are the weak attempts of a person who likes the IDEA of doing/being good, but not the actual work that goes into making the world a better place. You can see it in how they react to anyone who disagrees with them with unrestrained vitriol and hatred. It isn't about "protecting life" or "protecting abuse/rape victims", but about being SEEN as someone who wants to protect life or protect rape/abuse victims.
Sorry for the long ask but I had this thought a while ago and wanted to share it.
Oh yeah they’re very similar mindsets
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outofcontextdiscord · 29 days
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valtsv · 7 months
are you saying you AREN'T already a smoker?
i was but i quit because cancer runs in my family and having personally witnessed several relatives die to it eventually worked to scare me into thinking i'm built different
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kyra45 · 4 months
This is longshot, If ever this is the second or third time I sent you an ask message, I apologize. I am sending random ask for the urgent help i need to attend my medication. I am Lyn, resident of Gaza, living 7-10 km from Khan Yunis camp. Recently, an atomic bomb exploded near my home. As a result, I have been diagnosed with leukemia and severe cardiovascular diseases. I urgently need cyclophosphamide (Neosar) and Evolocumab injections but cannot afford them due to being unable to work. Kindly asking for your time to go through my pinned post for help, thank you.
This is a scam ask. No atomic bomb has went off anywhere, it would be all over the news if that was true. Also if the sender was truly near where one exploded, they wouldn’t survive long enough to be blogging on [tumblr] they’d be dead. I hate to be so blunt but it is the truth and the sender is lying to you to make things seem much worse when the truth is the news would tell you already if such an event happened. No one’s going to be on here blogging if this happened near them. No one.
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updatingranboo · 3 months
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reply from ranboo :D
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brett-is-afraid · 1 year
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dovabunny · 11 months
(Ghost)Soap AU Concept - His Hair
Cw: angst, minor character death mention, miscommunication. Inspired by Wine and Wheat by Noel_o on Ao3
Soap looks down at his trembling hand holding the electric razor, the buzz not drowning out the words echoing in his mind.
"You're not even a little embarrassed?" "No one will take you seriously looking like that." "It looks ridiculous!" "Did you really think-"
He lifts it to his head.
The night started with Soap in high spirits. He was proud of the latest mission - his new self-made bombs saved the day and maybe he was feeling a little cocky.
Which is usually nothing new or problematic when surrounded by his closest friends - Ghost, Gaz, Price, Rudy and Ale.
🧼: tellin ye, Cap', I deserve some chest candy for my ingenuity! Might just have rewritten the military demolitions handbook today.
Price just rolls his eyes.
That's when it started.
🧢: No offense, mate. But you show up at HQ with that hair, no one will take you seriously.
Ale choked on his beer, Rudy tried to hide a smile. "Dios mio, so it's not just us who thinks it looks ridiculous?" Ale looked to Price. "How is that allowed?"
💰: We're not sticklers for regulation in the 141 - but maybe we'll have to make an exception this time.
They all laughed and agreed.
Soap didn't. He felt his throat close and had to remind himself that they're just teasing, they don't mean it.
Rudy, sweet, kind Rudy gave his 5 cents next. "You're brilliant with bombs, friend, but really - you look in the mirror and decide that's your style? Not even a little embarrassed?"
Soap swallowed thick.
This isn't new. He's been mercilessly teased about his mowhak for that last 15 years. Till he joined the 141. He'd thought he was finally past shallow insults.
His ma had told him she loves it, three weeks before she lost her long battle, her own hair having fallen out months before. So he kept it.
He tried to deflect, be the usual fun, bubbly Soap they used to respond well to.
🧼: ah c'mon, ye are all just jealous ye can't touch my destructive talents!
Then the killing blow struck.
Ghost, the only man he's ever truly wanted, whose opinion mattered more than anything else.
Ghost chuckled, shoulders shaking with it as he shook his head. Surely he wouldn't-
💀: They're not wrong. You look like a 80s punk band reject, Soap.
'Soap'. Not Johnny. Ghost cares about Johnny, not Soap. He hopes...
💀: C'mon Johnny, you didn't really think it's a style that demands respect.
The agreeing laughter around the table didn't feel friendly, it felt cruel.
Was he really a laughing stock to them? Did they talk like this behind his back too? Was he just a joke they kept around cause he was good at blowing shit up.
They never even cared to ask why he had it.
He gave a rough brittle laugh, kept his head down, and made a half-assed excuse of needing to piss. Keeping his face turned away he rushed to the bathroom, he knows he's not strong enough to face the teasing if they see the tears in his eyes.
He climbs out the window and leaves.
No one texts or calls to check in him on the way back, walking instead of taking a taxi, hoping to clear his head. It didn't help. His ma always called him her gentle boy, said his heart was good and to protect it.
She was right about that. But turns out, wrong about his hair.
He can't fix what he's like on the inside. It stays broken no matter how he tried.
But he can fix what he's like on the outside. Make him look fixed, at least.
He picks up the electric razor he kept for the sides of his head. Ghost usually shaved it for him. He always teased that he was gonna shave it all...
A lock of hair falls.
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findmeinthefallair · 1 year
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Managed to make it to this weekend to watch the grand finale, be in remission for cancer and be well enough to draw again. This show will never be far from my heart
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Hey guys check out this super normal first paragraph on the article from the BBC about King Charles
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faragonart · 4 months
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As a tribute to our dear friend, the static has made a team in the link above for the Appendix Cancer Global Walk. All are welcome to donate and/or share in the walk wherever you are this week. (ends June 16th)
For those we have lost. For those we can yet save.
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just-antithings · 2 months
CW // death
in other upsetting news, a person well known in Cloud x Aerith shipping spaces has lost the battle to cancer, the community came together to express their grief and share fond memories of this person
with the exception of one bastard who was happy that they died and who “won” the ship war
this is so despicable and disgusting!!
yeah that’s awful jfc
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