#Witch Aelves
discoeleutherio · 1 year
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dazzle camo witch aelf
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larperwithastaff · 4 months
Making witch elf kit! This will be a panel skirt, covered in runes and words in Druhir for my NPC witch elf, Datura Pyrefall!
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"If I had a copper for every time I've painted the druchii symbol of Khaine onto a skirt, I'd have 2 copper! Which isn't a lot but it's a pain that it's happened twice!"
and it probably won't be the last time, knowing how much I love playing druchii.
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am i painting on my bed? Perhaps.
I forgot to take a photo of the symbol of Draichi-Ganeth, but that's on the skirt and bloodied up too. Yes, Draichi-Ganeth elves may worship a clean kill, but blood will still spill, and you'll still step in it when you're traversing the streets during Death Night. Who cares if a little stains your skirt?
I've got a couple options for shirts, I have the Tiddy Armor™️ or a very druchii-style hero belt for armor, or a good belt with a pouch for stones for casting. This skirt, and eventually investing in some pretty greaves or braces will complete the look. I've got a couple swords and daggers for weapons, but after reading the AOS witch aelves book, I'm So tempted to make a buckler that would be SC-safe and witch elf themed.
Super excited for future night games! Datura will be super fun to play again :D
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casualevan · 2 years
UPDATED Dark Elves
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So after a 24 hour soak in some Simple Green to strip of SOME of the layers of paint I went over these again. Not gonna win a Golden Daemon but I’m happy with the results so far. 
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thecrowinggriffon · 1 year
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I never quite like the latest cauldron of blood mini. I find it too bulky an impractical. It's also just too massive to be pulled by two witch elves. The old version from 6th edition was better in it's simplicity, but lacked mobility. So I 3D printed some parts and converted a cauldron on spiderlegs! Very fitting for some Drows, don't you think?
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It's been a little while since I posted painting updates! Mostly because I've not been painting much. But the bug has come back with a vengeance after setting up for a pride painting competition at my local club. Which I wasn't planning to enter but then i figured ehhhh why not.
So my Abominant class Knight is now *finally* painted.
Anyway here she is, *almost* done.
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Also, bonus rave snakes that I decided needed to be done yesterday before my match (which the Daughters crushed in. Did you know that a fully buffed unit of witch aelves is an absolute fucking blender? Also bowsnake mortal wounds are pretty neat.)
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doolallymagpie · 6 months
do I need the Wyches and Witch Aelves kits? probably not; I can get by on used sprues and models for my kitbashing agenda
do I want them? perhaps.
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edenjacobs · 10 months
My Current WIP
is a novel called The Rook of Crooked Wood. I've been working on this novel for FOREVER on and off and I might actually be able to give it an ending I don't hate this time.
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This is the cover I made in Canva and photoshop for nanowrimo. I'm currently at ~28k with it, hoping for 30k before the end of the weekend.
I guess I'll just copy and paste the blurb I made for nano as well.
There has always been a Rook in The Crooked Woods. It’s said that without her, the custodian of the Rifts within the Woods, the known realms will collapse without her. Emma Rook is the latest, albeit reluctant, custodian. For generations, a woman bearing the name Rook has been gifted with the power to open and close rifts in the veil between Realms, a rare and dangerous talent for those who wield it. Emma’s grandmother’s dead at over a hundred and fifty something means she has to leave behind the life she loved, her best friend Sage and their thriving hair salon. If she didn’t, the rifts will open and Riftwealds, the realm The Crooked Woods leads into would collapse. Our world and the others beyond will be overrun by those who might do them harm. It sounds like hard, boring and lonely work. Emma knows for a fact it is, she spent summers with her granny Peg in the wealds helping her do her riftwork. Emma didn’t want to be a Rook. She even took her mother’s maiden name when she left for at eighteen and much to Peg’s bitter disappointment. She was Emma Madden, hair stylist and party girl. She loved her life, every minute of it… But something always called her back to The Crooked Woods. Or should that be someone? She dreamed of him every night, the boy with the wintry eyes and green skin. The one who showed her the way home when she got lost, the first time she ventured into Riftwealds on her own, chasing a cat-sith kitten. He gave her a kiss, and she promised to find him again. A promise that wasn’t kept. She was eleven years old, and the same day she found the love of her life, she lost her family. Emma was never told the full details of their death, nor did she want to know. Moving to the city was a fresh start, a new life. Leaving their tragic legacy behind was one Emma fought hard for. There was no escaping fate, no matter how hard to ran, was there? Grieving both Peg & the life she left behind, Emma is woken by someone knocking on her door. She opens it and faces someone she never thought she’d see again. The boy in her dreams. The boy—now a rather handsome and tall aelf is looking for her grandmother. He needs the Rook Witch, he tells her. Someone is killing his people, the native aelves of Riftwealds, The Court of Ferns. Turning them into monsters and burning their sacred tree groves. When he storms out, after realising she is now The Rook Witch and the girl who never returned for him, Emma is faced with the knowledge that the boy in her dream is real, and so are the monsters her grandmother warned her about. She is reluctant to step into her Peg's shoes as well as truly step into her new life. But people rely on the Rook to keep the realm safe, she already feels bad enough without that on her conscious too. She’s attacked by a bunch of white skinned, red eyed feral vampires and rescues a toddler with green skin, orange hair and red eyes. He looks like a princeling of the Court of Ferns, and as Rook it’s up to her to return him home, whether she wants to face Fhion or not. She is Rook whether she likes it or not. It's a burden she just has to bear. A duty she and no other can fulfill. Her first adventure as The Rook of The Crooked Woods will teach her things about herself she never thought possibly true, as well as discovering devastating truths about her family’s deaths and Peg’s past. And one fact: Not only can you not escape destiny, sometimes the past kicks your arse too.
So far there is plenty of magic and stuff but no romance and my lead seems to be leading me around in circles because we're both too scared to approach the end because it means trouble for the both of us: She sort of dies and I sort of have to write the next sequel!!
But I do love it, I'm writing in first POV for the first time in a full length project. It's hard considering how I love to head hop. And it's also hard not making Emma a know-it-all overpowered god-mode type character since I know (sort of, I'm totally pantsing this draft) what happens so she does too?
So I'm trying my hardest not to do that, and to start making Emma make things happen instead making things happen to her. It's absolutely chaos trying to mix a cosy, foresty witchy story with a vampire apocalypse story with a goddess from Ancient Egypt mixed it. Chaos, but mostly fun lol.
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gamecrag · 1 year
Are you looking for a fierce and deadly army to dominate the battlefields of Warhammer Age of Sigmar? Look no further than the Daughters of Khaine. This army of dark elves is known for their speed, agility, and deadly prowess in close combat. In this article, we will be highlighting the top 10 units for the Daughters of Khaine army, so you can build a formidable force and crush your enemies. 10) Khinerai Heartrenders Datasheet Point cost: 130 Flying units armed with javelins that excel at harassing enemy units from a distance. They are fast and agile, making them difficult to catch, and they can also teleport across the battlefield using their Shadow Leap ability. However, they are relatively fragile and can be taken down quickly if they are caught in close combat. the Khinerai Heartrenders have a 6+ armor save and 1 wound each, which makes them relatively fragile. However, they have a high movement speed of 14", which means they can quickly move around the battlefield. They are armed with Heartseeker Bows, which have a range of 18" and hit on a 3+. Each successful hit inflicts 1 damage, but if they roll a 6 to hit, they can make an additional attack. They also have an ability called Fly, which allows them to move over enemy units and terrain. 9) Witch Aelves Datasheet Point sheet: 110 the backbone of the Daughters of Khaine army. They are fast and deadly in close combat, with each model armed with a pair of sacrificial knives. They also have a special ability called Blood Rites, which allows them to gain bonuses in combat as they inflict casualties on the enemy. they are not very durable and can be taken down quickly by ranged attacks. 8) Bloodwrack Medusa Datasheet Point cost: 140 The Bloodwrack Medusa is a monstrous unit armed with a deadly gaze attack that can turn enemies to stone. They are also fast and agile, making them difficult to catch in close combat. However, they are relatively fragile and can be taken down quickly if they are focused on by the enemy. 7) Melusai Datasheet Point cost:170 A versatile unit that can be armed with either bows or spears. They are fast and agile, making them difficult to catch, and they also have a special ability called Serpent's Call, which allows them to teleport across the battlefield. One of the unit's weaknesses is that it can be taken down quickly if they are caught in close combat. 6) Khinerai Lifetakers Datasheet Point cost: 130 The Khinerai Lifetakers are flying units armed with deadly barbed spears. They are fast and agile, making them difficult to catch, and they can also teleport across the battlefield using their Shadow Leap ability. They also have a special ability called Death on the Wind, which allows them to make additional attacks when they charge. they are relatively fragile as are most of the factions units and can be taken down quickly if they are caught in close combat. 5) Blood Sisters Datasheet Point cost: 140 The Blood Sisters have a 4+ armor save and 2 wounds each, which makes them relatively durable. They have a high movement speed of 7", which means they can quickly move around the battlefield. They are armed with Glaives, which have a range of 2" and hit on a 3+. Each successful hit inflicts 1 damage, but if they roll a 6 to hit, they can make an additional attack. Additionally, they have a number of special abilities that make them even deadlier. For example, they have an ability called Heartshard Glaives, which allows them to re-roll hit rolls of 1 in combat. They also have an ability called Lashing Serpents, which allows them to make additional attacks when they charge. Finally, they have an ability called Quicksilver Speed, which allows them to move an extra 2" when they pile in. 4) Morathi Datasheet Point cost: 480 Morathi is the leader of the Daughters of Khaine army, and she is a powerful spellcaster and melee combatant.
She has a wide range of spells and abilities that can buff her own units and debuff the enemy, and she is also deadly in close combat. She also has a special ability called Heart of Fury, which allows her to make additional attacks when she takes damage. However, she is relatively expensive in terms of points cost. Morathi is a massive figure with 16 wounds and a 4+ armor save, making her one of the toughest units in the army. She has two forms: her first form, High Oracle of Khaine, is a spellcaster that can cast a variety of powerful spells. Her second form, The Shadow Queen, is a melee combatant that is armed with a pair of deadly weapons that hit on a 3+ and wound on a 4+. Each successful wound inflicts 1 damage. 3) Blood Stalkers Datasheet Point cost: 140 Blood Stalkers are ranged units armed with deadly repeater crossbows. They are fast and agile, making them difficult to catch, and they can also teleport across the battlefield using their Shadow Leap ability. They also have a special ability called Heartseeker, which allows them to make additional attacks when they roll a 6 to hit. they are relatively fragile and can be taken down quickly if they are caught in close combat. The Blood Stalkers have a 5+ armor save and 1 wound each, which makes them relatively fragile. However, they have a high movement speed of 8", which means they can quickly move around the battlefield. They are armed with Heartseeker bows, which have a range of 18" and hit on a 3+. Each successful hit inflicts 1 damage, but if they roll a 6 to hit, they can make an additional attack. 2) Avatar of Khaine Datasheet Point cost: 340 The Avatar of Khaine is a monstrous unit that is the embodiment of the god of murder himself. It is armed with a deadly sword that can cleave through entire units, and it also has a wide range of special abilities that make it incredibly deadly in close combat. It also has a special ability called the Blood Frenzy, which allows it to make additional attacks when it takes damage. it is relatively expensive in terms of points cost. In terms of stats, the Avatar of Khaine has a whopping 16 wounds and a 4+ armor save, making it one of the toughest units in the army. It also has a high movement speed of 8", which means it can quickly close in on enemy units. In combat, the Avatar of Khaine has a whopping 8 attacks with its sword, hitting on a 3+ and wounding on a 2+. Each successful wound inflicts D3 damage, which means it can quickly take out even the toughest enemy units. 1) Slaughter Queen Datasheet Point cost: 100 The Slaughter Queen is the general of the Daughters of Khaine army, and she is a powerful spellcaster and melee combatant. She has a wide range of spells and abilities that can buff her own units and debuff the enemy, and she is also deadly in close combat. She also has a special ability called the Blessing of Khaine, which allows her to heal nearby units and give them bonuses in combat. She is also relatively affordable in terms of points cost. In terms of stats, the Slaughter Queen has a 5+ armor save and 6 wounds, which makes her relatively fragile compared to other heroes in the army. However, she has a high movement speed of 6", which means she can quickly move around the battlefield. In combat, the Slaughter Queen has a pair of deadly weapons that hit on a 3+ and wound on a 4+. Each successful wound inflicts 1 damage.
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daughter-of-khaine · 4 years
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Credit to Greeme Doe
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reno-matago · 3 years
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WIP of my Daughters of Khaine army for Warhammer Age of Sigmar 🖤
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fromcommorragh · 2 years
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Daughters of Khaine by Cubicle 7 for Soulbound
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larperwithastaff · 4 months
reading the AoS Witch Aelves book and going slightly insane
avatars of khaine are called Idols of Khaine. as an anime fan, this is fucking hilarious.
some witch elves use a dagger and bladed buckler. how badass is that.
There would absolutely be more than this but its nearly 3am and ive been painting kit and rambling to friends about temple lore. it's hard to find WHF lore for witch elves, so the few of us playing witch elves (that i know of) are kinda just vibing with AoS lore and making it work.
i now want to make a cursed avatar of khaine character that's also an idol. like an anime-style idol.
(ominous snow halation plays in the background of a ritual fight for khaine)
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casualevan · 2 years
The Witching Hour
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Again, these were a very early paint job from back in the day. One of the early lessons I learned the hard way was to always check the humidity of your local weather before you go outside and spray with a rattle can. I might dunk these in something and try again on a new and better paint job one day when I have the time.
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thecrowinggriffon · 1 year
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xalucard · 3 years
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Not sure if I'm going to finish the full 2k army by end of year like I planned, but I'm happy with the progress I'm making!
1275/2000 fully painted and based!
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paintedmenagerie · 4 years
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I finished up Morgwaeth's Blade-coven this week and I’m super happy with the results. I’ve recently pushed myself to start doing detailed eyes and facial highlights, and I think these models show that off really well. I also worked with my husband to do a kit-bash on the lady with the whip so that she had a normal witchaelf head rather than a scary mask. We made the neck from scratch, which I’m super happy with.
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