#Witch Elves
larperwithastaff · 4 months
reading the AoS Witch Aelves book and going slightly insane
avatars of khaine are called Idols of Khaine. as an anime fan, this is fucking hilarious.
some witch elves use a dagger and bladed buckler. how badass is that.
There would absolutely be more than this but its nearly 3am and ive been painting kit and rambling to friends about temple lore. it's hard to find WHF lore for witch elves, so the few of us playing witch elves (that i know of) are kinda just vibing with AoS lore and making it work.
i now want to make a cursed avatar of khaine character that's also an idol. like an anime-style idol.
(ominous snow halation plays in the background of a ritual fight for khaine)
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casualevan · 2 years
UPDATED Dark Elves
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So after a 24 hour soak in some Simple Green to strip of SOME of the layers of paint I went over these again. Not gonna win a Golden Daemon but I’m happy with the results so far. 
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cephalopod-celabrator · 2 months
One of the best things about discworld is that the whole thing is just a giant genre tug-of-war, and genre shifts are sometimes very dangerous. Get too much magic in a place? Well, then it shifts from funny ironic fantasy to full on major high fantasy, which sounds fun until you realize that high fantasy has dragons and otherworldly monsters. A fairy godmother makes everything fairytale, but the sheer force of cliches sort of eliminates free will. A pair of skilled killers come to the city hoping to take it by the shorthairs, but keep on getting traumatized by the various monsters that are just around. There's a politician very aware of how the story keeps dangerously veering into lovecraftian horror. The elves from fairyland actually turn the genre into alien horror, not whimsical fantasy. I know people say that "discworld is sci-fi in fantasy clothes" and that has a lot of truth to it, but that shortchanges the constantly shifting barroom brawl of genres that is the discworld.
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s-u-w-i · 6 months
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Seven more 💍✨ That's a Witch-king of Angmar as seen by Frodo on the Weathertop!
Also, I’ve decided I'll be selling the originals after I finish all the drawings (that means after Easter). But if there is any character you'd like to have in particular you can start reserving them now. By messaging me here or on [email protected] :^)
Warg is still available!
The prices are from 50 to 80USD (shipping included). And same as last year with the dog drawings this year also all the earnings will be sent to charities. Thank you! 🌿
Rest of the characters are here and here and here!
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christowitch · 1 year
One of my bosses likes to randomly throw out religious folklore..
Today I was buying a dragon stuffie for my niece and he decided to go into the Bible lore of dragons
I responded with the lore that the elves and fae were the first children of Eve who she had not washed and tried to hide them from God and he turned them invisible and they and their generations after took to the trees and hills cursed to be “ The Hidden Ones”.
He was shooketh. He changed the subject to beetles that shoot chemicals like fire.
I love lore.
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Three Rings for the elvenkings under the sky.
Seven for the dwarf lords in their halls of stone.
Nine for mortal men doomed to die.
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377-liks · 4 months
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dungeon meshi x witch hat atelier: knights moralis
i just wanted to see the elves in the witch uniforms... . .
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arun0fdringz · 9 months
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Happy New Year Everyone!
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magical-girl-mayday · 1 month
Red Magical Girls ❤️
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dimity-lawn · 2 days
Most of Lancre: *desperately fighting for their lives as elves overrun the country*
Mr. Brooks, Royal Beekeeper, oblivious to this except for the fact that something is bothering his bees:
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alliedn · 5 months
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If you're running The Wild Beyond The Witchlight and these two aren't disgustingly in love and married for 50+ years WHAT ARE YOU DOING?????
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larperwithastaff · 6 months
PROMPT: "Don't take another step."
Time: 16 minutes
In the middle of the night was *not* the time Nina had planned to get to her hometown. But, regrettably, her planning had never exactly been great.
The wind swirled around her, picking up dead leaves and dust, catching in Nina's eyes.
Nina pulled the black scarf back around her neck, closer to her face.
Nina stopped in her tracks, her breath caught in her throat, seeing the bloodstained stone pathway ahead of her. The sight of blood still made her uneasy at times.
For a moment, Nina gathered up her courage, trying to find that spark of fearlessness she felt in battle, and pushed forward, taking steps onto the path.
An arrow flew right beside her ear, catching the tip. Nina cried out in pain, feeling the blood start to trickle.
"Don't take another step~!" Came a singsong voice from- somewhere? Nina couldn't tell where the voice came from. "Or else, we might not miss the next shot!"
Gleeful laughter came from multiple directions, as a swarm of druchii came forward. Their blades covered in dry blood, dipped in a poison that made Nina's eyes water.
Nina held her staff close, the red gemstone glinting in firelight from one of the elves' lanterns on her belt. "Don't- don't try that again! I'm not afraid of you!"
The leader seemed to stop for a moment.
"Wait... I know you~!" She smiled. "You're Dalenka's kid!"
Nina's eyes widened at the mention of her mother. "Who are you?" She tried to sound brave.
"Oh, I'm sure you'll remember sooner or later. You know, your potential was oh~so strong!" The ringleader cooed.
"Ladies! Stand down. This young elf and I need to have a little... discussion."
Before Nina could get a word in, the leader had the blunt sides of a poisoned knife to Nina's back.
"Come with me, my dear. I've much to... catch you up on. I just know you've been dying to know who you really are..."
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casualevan · 2 years
The Witching Hour
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Again, these were a very early paint job from back in the day. One of the early lessons I learned the hard way was to always check the humidity of your local weather before you go outside and spray with a rattle can. I might dunk these in something and try again on a new and better paint job one day when I have the time.
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yardsards · 5 months
elf design 101: ears that droop when they're sad and perk up when they're happy
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mentalsymphonyy · 2 months
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O' to be a faerie
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nordicfatcheese · 1 year
hey i made these a while ago
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Super proud of how these all came out
The base models for the princesses are all from the Morgwaeth’s Blade Coven underworlds warband, and Bow is a Namarti Reaver. Made using various bits from other kits and a lot of greenstuff. In particular a lot of bits came from the Ylthari’s Guardians warband.
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