#Worlds best mom fr
banesberry-anomoly · 29 days
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Obligatory @frogsforthefrogwar tag, I finally drew our Agora lmao. When I said she looked similar I wasnt kidding /silly
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who00osh · 3 months
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He will always be her baby, her sweet little boy.
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nuclearnerves · 1 month
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that one post thats like "tumblr name a woman challege (impossible)"
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angelnumber27 · 1 month
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my mom just sent me a pic of her n best friend “getting holy water from the Vatican”
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thecoolertails · 11 months
venn diagram overlap between bbc sherlock and good omens includes:
- short seasons with really long episodes
- queerbaiting
- fans recognize that the writing is bad but think the writers/showrunners are too good to make a bad show because it started out strong/they've made better work in the past so they make up theories about how it's actually all going according to plan and will result in an ending that justifies the bad choices (it won't)
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astro-rainbow777 · 2 months
💐🌸 𝓣𝓪𝓾𝓻𝓾𝓼 𝓣𝓱𝓻𝓸𝓾𝓰𝓱 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓗𝓸𝓾𝓼𝓮𝓼 🧸🌱
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♉︎ - Happy Taurus Season Everyone!!! In honor of Taurus season, I am continuing the signs through the houses series. I hope y’all enjoy my findings & this post serves you well. Thanks so much for all of the support! Happy Spring & Upcoming Beltane to the Pagan Community <3
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🌸 Taurus in the First House ~ Taurus on the ascendant is the embodiment of peace, calm and pleasure. These natives aren’t the most outgoing but leave such a comfortable and cozy first impression. They don’t say more than needs to be said, however they are unlikely to turn down a conversation. They have a soft and natural beauty about them and strong familial values. They enjoy the finer things, have a clean aesthetic and a “rich” aura. Many of them are shorter or more petitie in size, have a pleasing and smooth voice and kind eyes. However, if you mess with the bull, you’ll get the horns! Being on the opposing end of Scorpio, when they cut you off, it is completely. Good luck getting back into their lives because they are a closed book. Why y’all always smell good? Fr tho
🐂 Taurus in the Second House ~ Here the sign is in its ruling house, they do very well in saving their money, are picky about what they eat and indulge in the material pleasures of life. They value loyalty, commitment, stability and security - not to mention their love fashion & the arts. They will tell you they have the most exquisite taste, you would find it very difficult to change their mind. They hold up strong values and morales, what they know to be right and wrong is the truth. This is a very secure personality, they are very comfortable with their bodies, and have a healthy sense of worth and self love. Honestly such a healthy placement - as someone with NO earth in their chart - muhbenaaaace
💰 Taurus in the Third House ~ These natives find security and peace in their childhood homes, where they grew up, the memories of their cousins and siblings. They could be the most stable or the least stable out of their siblings. The way they think, learn and communicate is slow and methodical. They take their time in studying new topics, preferring to stay on the surface of a topic. They may have an artistic and beautiful singing voice, or maybe the way they speak is just very polite and sweet. They were raised with manners and this makes them very charming. They can have a liking for music that moves at a slower pace, classical music, or just a more elegant taste in art.
🥘 Taurus in the Fourth House ~ Their family could be a source of stability and security for them. The mom, mother figure or more feminine role model can be the bread winner in the family, her love language could be gifts, an amazing cook, and give a lot of hugs 🫂 They have stable emotions, it takes a lot to emotionally sway them. It may end up bothering people who try to get an emotional reaction from them because of this. They can be the most grounded one in their family. Their family may view them as realistic, practical and reliable. Family is what gives them sanction from the world.
💝 Taurus in the Fifth House ~ They express them selves in a very material type of way, their flex is their finances. These natives take a lot of pride in what they have...this usually comes from a place of having to work really hard for their things. They love the natural look, minimalist, they like long lasting, high quality, practical fashion. To them that is the best statement to make. They don’t like that trash to treasure look their tastes are refined. They will shower their kids with the finer things and really enjoy providing for them - this will be their love language. They aren’t huge adrenaline junkies and enjoy more grounded, chill hobbies. They definitely don’t mind being alone and love their down time at home…on the couch…snacks…naps…repeat.
🐻 Taurus in the 6th ~ These natives prefer a slow start to their daily routine, and enjoy a slow paced job, with chill yet organized coworkers. The workplace must be something that they don’t hate… because if they hate it and it stresses them out just thinking of going, they won’t work there. Period. They need low maintenance pets as these individuals are very independent in nature. It’s important for their day job to be a place of peace and pleasure for them, and once they are comfortable, it’s gonna be hard to get them to leave. Their job can provide them with sooooo much stability if they have a good one.
🍨 Taurus in the 7th ~ Wining and Dining with your loved ones! Shopping sprees, luxurious and high quality partners. With the ones they love the most, they spoil, eat and they just want to be lazy with them honestly. They want their relationships to be a place of peace for them. It’s important that their partner can support themselves and is stable on their own. It will just cause them stress if they are constantly worrying about having to take care or mommy their partner. It’s possible that they can stay with someone out of fear of the unknown/change, even tho they don’t like them or it’s not working anymore.
🌷 Taurus in the Eighth House ~ Cycles related to self esteem, self worth, and supporting themselves. Honestly, this is a really hard placement to have- they may have times where they stay in ab*sive relationships because they can’t support themselves financially or they are too uncomfortable alone. However, the eighth house is notorious for taking your greatest fear/weakness and turning it into their super power. You just have to get through those lessons and take those leaps of faith to unlock that power and hidden potential! They like to engage in their senses when they’re intimate with their partners and prefer slow love making rather than the raw primal stuff.
🪴 Taurus in the Ninth House ~ These people can be a little fixed in their beliefs, their spiritual beliefs/religion can be a source stability and sanction for them. If they aren’t necessarily spiritual- they could just have a specific philosophy or lifestyle that they stick to. What I admire about these individuals, is they know exactly what they want. When they travel, it has to be somewhere where they know exactly what to expect, somewhere that won’t give them anxiety, and probably a more luxurious staycation type of experience. They could also enjoy a nice nature walk with their loved ones.
👛 Taurus in the Tenth House ~ Every single person I have met with this placement neeeeeed a stable job, they will not leave a job if it provides them with the type of lifestyle they desire. It doesn’t really matter what they are doing for their career as long as it aligns with their values. Their dad/father figure could have been the sole provider and could have made a huge impact on their reputation. This is definitely a daddies money placement 💀 - sorry if that’s triggering for anyone lol. The father figure could be super down to earth and chill, enjoy cooking or just be way too overly indulgent in a negative manifestation.
👒 Taurus in the Eleventh House ~ Is the stay at home friend, doesn’t like to get out of their comfort zone to meet new people. Much likely to want to stay inside and bond with their community in a space that is familiar and inviting to them. Their community could be their sanction and be the most stable part of their lives. They enjoy cooking and creating art for their friends. Anything to bring peace to their homies senses! For their friends, the Taurus eleventh house native’s place is a home away from home. How special 🥹
👄 Taurus in the Twelfth House ~ When it comes to matters of the twelfth house, spirituality, isolation, ect. - these individuals may like to keep things light and on the surface. They are comfortable being alone, in fact they consider it to be comfortable and safe. Their spirituality isn’t something they spend time questioning, and they could be very comfortable with the unknown, they enjoy their own curious nature. They are endearing to their own selves, however sometimes their sense of worth could be confusing. They may have a hard time understanding their own values and morals, preferring to just go with the flow, everyday they are a new person trying on different personalities, hobbies and styles! The possibilities are endless! It’s quite an interesting placement. One more thing….secret indulgences…the silent snacker
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Smell ya later!
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lexer-says-stuff · 2 years
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sanaexus · 15 days
social's as kaiser's girlfriend
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-liked by alexis.ness, isaichii and 124.5k others
yourusername: wow omgomg THE micheal kaiser is my gf?!?!?!
tagged: mikka.kaiser
eita.otoya: not only did you call him your gf yoi spetl his name wrong too lol ↳yoursername: BOY STFU IT WAS AUTOCORRECT ↳mikka.kaiser: wow ↳rin.itoshi: you* spelt* ↳karasu_tabito: from the "world's best striker" to "world's best typo police" such an upgrade ↳mikka.kaiser: TFYM I'M THE BEST?? ↳isaichii: ain't no way ↳mikka.kaiser: kys this message was removed for going against our community guidelines ↳isaichii: bitch square up i'll fight you this messaged was removed for going against our community guidelines ↳mikka.kaiser: fuck yourself this messaged was removed for going against our community guidelines ↳isaichii: nah but i fuck your mom this messaged was removed for going against our community guidelines ↳yourusername: THAT'S SO RUDE?? BOY STFU BFR I PULL UP AND GYN DOWN YOUR HOUSE ↳mikka.kaiser: who the FUCK KEEPS REMOVING MY MESSAGES ↳oliver.aiku: what the fuck there's a limit to reporting people each day?? ↳isaichii: IT WAS YOU??? ↳oliver.aiku: i'm js a bit silly 🎀💅
megubachi: *gasp* KAISER NOT BEING AN ASSHOLE (NOT CLICKBAIT GONE WRONG 🙀😱💯) ↳yourusername: he's a lil baby 🥺 ↳kuniisuke: if the baby was 6'0 and was a sweaty man who kicked balls around and also was kinda sorta violent ↳hiyori: JUST SAY HE PLAYED SOCCER ↳mikka.kaiser: I PLAY FOOTBALL . FOOT AND BALL. ↳shiidoryu: i can use my foot on your balls ↳sae_itoshi: who let bro cook ↳user1: HELLO?? IS SAE FINALLY GENZ-ING???
mikka.kaiser: you're so cute ↳yourusername: have i told you how perfect you are? ↳mikka.kaiser: a couple hundred times but you can go on and say it again ↳reo.miikage: oh god please don't increase his already over inflated ego ↳yourusername: didn't you have to have like a big ego to play football idk that's what that creepy tall skinny bowlcut man said think his name was jintopi or something ↳chigi.who: bro just called noel noa's rival jintopi ↳kenyu.yukimiya: ego jinpachi* close enough ↳ego.jinpachi: fuck off ↳nagi.seishiro: is he noel noa's rival or is noel noa his rival? ↳nikkoki: is he ego jinpachi because he's noel noa's rival or is he noel noa's rival because he's ego jinpachi
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-liked by reo.miikage, sae_itoshi and 168.3k others
mikka.kaiser: i am gau
tagged: yourusername
julian.loki: that caption was not from michael that was y/n stealing his phone ↳yourusername: BOO HOO PARTY POOPER YOU TOLD ME IT WAS A GOOD IDEA AND THEN I GAVE YOU ROBUX TOO?? LIKE ↳julian.loki: you gotta do what you gotta do for robux mate ↳yourusername: aren't you like rich as fuck? ↳julian.loki: yes and? ↳megubachi: CAN YOU GUYS STOP USING ARI LYRICS BC APPARENTLY ITS WEIRD FOR ME TO CONTINUE THE LYRICS BUT THEN HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO LIKE NOT CONTINUE THEM?!?1?11 ↳chigi.who: bro had no problems so he made up his own problems
mikka.kaiser: so this was the important reason you need my phone for? ↳yourusername: i'm sorry :( ↳mikka.kaiser: cuddles can make up for it btw ↳yourusername: i'm coming ↳itoshi_sae: ON DEEZ NUTS ↳shoei_barou: what the fuck happened to him?
oliver.aiku: we got sae genz-ing and using deez nuts joke bfr gta 6 ↳yourusername: that was me i stole his phone for "important" reasons ↳nikkoki: y/n stealing everyone's phone to do the most random shi is my roman empire fr ↳yourusername: im js a girl
itoshi_sae: y/n you better fucking run. and run fast. ↳yourusername: i have balls of steel i'm not scared 😎 ↳rin.itoshi: sure you aren't ↳yourusername: rin in his mean girl asshole era 🎀💅😝 ↳isaichii: bro has been in his mean girl asshole era since forever
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-liked by julian.loki, nagi.seishiro and 125.8k others
yourusername: mihya in his green flag era?
tagged: mikka.kaiser
reo.miikage: blink twice if you're being held at gun point to say that ↳yourusername: no bc he's a lil cutie patootie to me 🥺 ↳user3: y/n really said "i can change him" and fr changed him ↳yourusername: professional manifest btw
alexis.ness: picture credits for the second picture?? i nearly died bc that man was too busy admiring you?? ↳yourusername: bro i just wanted to see where my fry fell ↳alexis.ness: my fries* not only did you lose my fry you made me nearly lose my life too ↳yourusername: mb bro
shiidoryu: @/rin.itoshi @/itoshi_sae why don't you two look at me like that 💔💔 ↳rin.itoshi: fuck off i'd rather suck isagi's dick ↳isaichii: come over bae 🥰 ↳rin.itoshi: fuck off ↳itoshi_sae: go bother rin he's in your team anw ↳rin.itoshi: correction he's in my team i'm not in his team
mikka.kaiser: pretty ↳yourusername: you're prettier ↳mikka.kaiser: no you ↳kuniisuke: let me be single in peace the fuck? ↳chigi.who: you have have me ↳kuniisuke: 🎀🎀
megubachi: kunigami using emojis 🙀🙀
isaichii: honestly i didn't even know kaiser could tie laces, i thought ness js did it for him ↳yourusername: funfact most of the time i tie his laces or he wears shoes ↳mikka.kaiser: THAT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A SECRET?? BYE ↳mikka.kaiser: 💔💔
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hope the kaiser simps enjoyed stay strong yall
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cutielando · 4 months
when two world collide ~ charles leclerc
instagram au
synopsis: Y/N Y/L/N, a world renowned singer, and also Lando Norris' best friend, and Charles Leclerc, a formula 1 driver. the world watches the romance unfold right under their eyes.
my masterlist
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liked by landonorris, selenagomez and 13,284,576 others
📍Las Vegas, Nevada
yourinsta thank you so much for last night, Vegas!! you were an incredible crowd and i can't thank you enough for supporting me always. Europe, here I come !!!!
view all 4,385,294 comments
user1 OMG MOTHEEEEEER 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨
selenagomez forever proud of you !! 💖💖
yourinsta thank you, love !! ❤️
landonorris great job, bugger!! give me a call when you can so we can meet
yourinsta thanks hahaha i will 🫶🏻
landonorris try not to forget this time
yourinsta it was ONE time lando 🙄
landonorris doesn't matter
user2 not lando shading y/n 😭😭
user3 she's outdone herself with this tour fr
user4 MOTHER
arthur_leclerc you were awesome! ❤️
yourinsta thank you arthur !!!
yourmother so proud of you, sweetheart! ❤️❤️❤️
yourinsta i love you mom !!!!! ❤️❤️
charles_leclerc great concert ! liked by yourinsta
georgerussell63 you actually made it, proud of you nugget 😇
yourinsta thanks georgie 🥹🥹
user5 george calling y/n nugget >>>>>
charles_leclerc started following yourinsta 5:19 P.M.
yourinsta started following charles_leclerc 6:01 P.M.
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liked by carlossains55, yourinsta and 3,284,469 others
📍Las Vegas, Nevada
charles_leclerc Very special weekend for us, good pace and in the end a very good result. Thank you Vegas, you were a gem. See you next week! ❤️
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scuderiaferrari ❤️❤️
joris_trouche amazing weekend, well done mate🙏🏻🙏🏻
charles_leclerc thanks mate 🙏🏻
yourinsta congratulations !!! you were great !!❤️
charles_leclerc thank you !!!!!❤️🙏🏻
user2 Y/N, what are you doing here girl 🤔🤔🤔
leclerc_pascale je suis fier de toi, mon ange!! (i am proud of you, my angel) ❤️❤️
charles_leclerc je t'aime, maman ❤️
carlossainz55 congrats, hermano. we both know why you performed so well this weekend 😏😏
charles_leclerc yes mate, the car had good pace. thanks
carlossainz55 whatever you say, hermano
charles_leclerc i'm telling the truth
arthur_leclerc no, you're not
joris_trouche arthur and carlos are right, just saying
charles_leclerc i'm blocking all of you 🙄
user3 carlos and arthur exposing charles 🥲🥲
user4 there are rumors that Charles has a crush on Y/N and she attended the race in Vegas
user5 really?
user4 yes, apparently she couldn't make it originally but then her schedule changed and apparently she was there
user5 oooh i see, that would explain why Charles pushed so hard the entire race
instagram dms
hey y/n. hope i'm not bothering you or anything
hey charlie. not at all, what's up?
i had a really good time last weekend in Vegas, you're amazing. i was wondering if you'd consider going out with me this weekend? so we could get to know each other better?
of course ! can't wait :)
great!! i'll text you all the details soon
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liked by yourbff, charles_leclerc and 9,284,581 others
📍Lusail International Circuit, Qatar
yourinsta i'm starting to think red suits me best. thank you for having me, ferrari!!! ❤️ tagged: scuderiaferrari
view all 2,381,573 comments
scuderiaferrari always a pleasure to have you in our garage !! ❤️
user1 i'm starting to smell a Ferrari romance here
carlossainz55 thank you for supporting us this weekend!
yourinsta of course !
charles_leclerc you might have been my good luck charm 🤔
yourinsta always 😏
user2 UM EXCUSE YOU???????????????????
arthur_leclerc i was wondering where all that pace came from 😆😆
charles_leclerc shut up
yourinsta happy to be of help
francisca.cgomes we need to hang out again!!!!!💖💖
yourinsta we doo!!!! ❤️
selenagomez red really does look good on you 😏😏
yourinsta i know 😮‍💨
user2 i’m really starting to smell a new relationship here
yourbff i’m actually jealous 😭😭
yourinsta i promise i’ll bring you with me next time🫶🏻
user3 we're just waiting for an official launch at this point
user4 i wanna be her
user5 i wanna be charles, tbh. she's so gorgeous 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨
landonorris i'm very hurt by this, y/n
yourinsta i'm so sorry, i promise i'll be with you at the next race
landonorris papaya is a much cooler color than red
charles_leclerc not true mate
landonorris get out of here, leclerc
yourinsta boys, behave
landonorris yes ma'am
charles_leclerc yes y/n
user6 the comment thread >>>>>>>>>
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liked by yourinsta, joris_trouche and 3,283,173 others
charles_leclerc feeling lucky lately
view all 482,174 comments
yourinsta i work wonders, i know 😏
charles_leclerc you do
user1 UM HELLO?????????
landonorris you're torturing the poor fans
charles_leclerc i don't know what you're talking about
landonorris you're like little kids
yourinsta shut up
joris_trouche you really aren't that good at this
charles_leclerc i'm trying, okay?
scuderiaferrari we love seeing it! ❤️ liked by yourinsta and charles_leclerc
user1 ferrari is loving it
user2 he seems happy, ngl
user3 this couple is everything, he seems genuinely happy to be around her and vice versa
user4 she deserved to be happy, i love them 😭😭😭😭
arthur_leclerc not suspicious at all
joris_trouche that's what i'm saying
charles_leclerc stop attacking me
carlossainz55 now we all know why you've been doing so well
charles_leclerc are you shading me?
carlossainz55 i don't even know what that means
user5 carlos is so confused help 😭😭
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liked by leclerc_pascale, yourbff and 12,184,376 others
yourinsta in my lover girl era ❤️ tagged: charles_leclerc
view all 5,284,689 comments
charles_leclerc you make me the happiest i've ever been
yourinsta i love you ❤️
landonorris finally, keeping this a secret has been tough
yourinsta thank you lil lando
landonorris take that back
yourinsta i won't
user1 LANDO KNEW???????
user2 PARENTS 😭😭
user3 GIRL, really, the vroom vroom guy? 😭😭😭😭 liked by yourinsta
yourinsta what can i say, he makes my heart race
charles_leclerc damn right
user3 charles 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
arianagrande so happy for you, my love!!!!!
yourinsta i love you !!!
scuderiaferrari we can't wait to see you in the paddock, y/n! ❤️
yourinsta i can't wait either!! ❤️❤️
landonorris ...
mclaren ...
yourinsta ...sorry guys...
landonorris the betrayal 😭
selenagomez i'm so glad you're happy!!!!
yourinsta thank you, honey !!❤️
charles_leclerc thanks !
user5 selena's one of y/n's best friends, doesn't really surprise me
user4 i know, but it just seems so unrealistic, like 2 worlds colliding
user6 seeing her this happy makes me want to cry😭😭😭😭😭
leclerc_pascale thank you for keeping my boy happy ❤️
yourinsta je t'aime, maman !!! ❤️❤️❤️
user7 y/n and charles' mom, i can't-😭😭😭😭
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liked by yourinsta, arthur_leclerc and 4,912,482 others
📍Monte Carlo, Monaco
charles_leclerc tu es l'amour de ma vie ❤️ (you are the love of my life) tagged: yourinsta
view all 928,174 comments
yourinsta you're going to make me cry 😭😭😭
yourinsta i love you so so much, charlie❤️❤️❤️❤️
charles_leclerc i love you more ❤️❤️
arthur_leclerc simp
yourinsta don't make fun of my bf
user1 ooooh, protective y/n sticking up for her man
landonorris he stole you from me :(
charles_leclerc i did no such thing
landonorris yes you did, she never has time to hang out with me anymore because she's always with you
yourinsta i promise to hang out with you soon lando
landonorris lies
user2 seeing lando being sad because y/n doesn't hang out with him is so precious 🥹🥹 their friendship is everything
user3 imagine living the dream of being y/n's bestie
user2 i'd kill to be in his shoes
user4 mother is mothering as usual
leclerc_pascale je vous aimez! ❤️ (i love you two)
yourinsta nous t'aimons aussi, maman!! ❤️❤️
charles_leclerc ❤️
joris_trouche you're more annoying now than you were when you two were still private
yourinsta deal with it
charles_leclerc what she said
joris_trouche yourinsta i thought you were on my side?
yourinsta those days are long gone after you made fun of us
user5 she's literally so pretty and nice ❤️🥹🥹
user6 seeing them happy warms my heart 🥹
user7 did he seriously leave Charlotte for her? talk about a downgrade...
user6 excuse me? he's so much happier with Y/N now, it is not your business who he decides to date. plus, she's A GORGEOUS WORLD-RENOWNED SINGER and you're just a sorry excuse of a fan if you would rather bash his girlfriend than actually be happy for them
user5 THIS !!!
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much appreciated!!
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chrisevansonly · 9 months
𝐬𝐚𝐟𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐦𝐞 | 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐜
✯social media au
✯charles leclerc x female reader
✯nothing beats the love of a father <3
✯not requested just felt like getting another little something out, im working on some writing prompts and fics as well so i hope they come out soon🩷
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liked by charles_leclerc, francisca.cgomes, leclerc_pascale and 342,000 others
Alia & Mommy day, just missing daddy🩷
tagged charles_leclerc
see 76,000 comments
username she’s so precious 😭
username i need to know where the blonde genes come from
>ynleclerc my mom!!🥰
leclerc_pascale trop mignonne❤️❤️
>ynleclerc 😘😘
francisca.cgomes the cutest momma and daughter duo
>ynleclerc see you this weekend auntie kika!!
charles_leclerc my girls, i miss you both so much🙁
>ynleclerc we miss you more…see you soon my love❤️
username are we getting alia in the paddock content?👀
liked by ynleclerc
ynleclerc added to their story!
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*comments disabled*
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liked by scuderiaferrari, ynleclerc, carlossainz55 and 768,000 others
then and now, please stop growing so fast mon petit fleur😘
tagged ynleclerc
see 86,000 comments
username she’s growing up so fast😭
username the real og’s remember baby alia
ynleclerc look at her!! she loves the track as much as you char❤️
>charles_leclerc time to put her in karting?
>ynleclerc we’ll talk…..
username alia for the win!!
carlossainz55 okay now bring her over to me, it’s time for our tea party
>ynleclerc that’s why she keeps saying ‘tea with coco’ 😂
>username alia calls carlos coco😭😭
>landonorris why don’t i have a cute nickname😃
scuderiaferrari she’s our favourite guest❤️❤️
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liked by username, F1gossip, paddock news and 4,000 others
charles watching his wife and daughter at his interview in the fanzone today, and then as soon as Alia got fussy and they began to walk away he was super serious, keeping his eye on them. at one point a few fans got a bit too excited and you should have SEEN how upset he was, he left the stage and made sure security attended to his family until he could get to them and make sure they were safe.
remember they are people too and there is no excuse for the behaviour shown today towards the leclerc family.
see 500 comments
username those fans need to a grip
username he’s so protective of his girls :(
username Alia was crying and you could tell Y/N was getting anxious, charles was so quick to jump in and make sure they were safe
username best dad of the year award goes to charles fr
username anyone who tried to scare y/n and alia today aren’t real fans.
username i hope they’re all ashamed of themselves
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liked by charles_leclerc, lilyhme, carla.brocker and 435,000 others
the worlds best father and husband, thank you for loving and keeping Alia and I safe❤️
tagged charles_leclerc
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liked by arthur_leclerc, ynleclerc, apmmonaco and 657,000 others
you’ll always be safe with me❤️
tagged ynleclerc
see 600 comments
arthur_leclerc love you guys❤️
carlossainz55 ❤️
ynleclerc we love you so much char, never forget that
>charles_leclerc nothing like that will ever happen again.
carla.brocker looking forward to giving you guys big big hugs❤️
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ynleclerc added to their story!
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liked by charles_leclerc, scuderiaferrari, leclerc_pascale and 536,000 others
I know we weren’t there to watch in person like we originally planned but we are so proud of you honey! I know Alia was happy to see you when you got home, I swear you can tire her out better than me most days. we love you so much and can’t wait to see you keep winning❤️
tagged charles_leclerc
see 56,000 comments
username YAY CHARLES!
username i still feel so upset that y/n and alia left the race because of stupid fans☹️
username our favourite family!!
charles_leclerc I love you both so much, this win was for you❤️
liked by ynleclerc
scuderiaferrari sending hugs to you all, hope to see you again someday soon❤️
>ynleclerc you can count on it☺️
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1427 · 3 months
would you? (pt. 2)
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Negan x Reader
Summary: Your mom died when you were 15, your Aunt Lucille was given custody even though she was battling cancer. When the world gets upended and Lucille dies, Negan is all you have, but he isn’t cut out to be a parent. When he becomes the leader of the Saviors and takes residence in the Sanctuary he’s almost a stranger. No one wants anything to do with you because you’re Negan’s “daughter”. So when you confront Negan about needing company, he obliges. You don’t realize that the feelings you’re developing are inappropriate, but Negan does.
Setting: Height of the Saviors era Sanctuary, Negan’s bedroom. 
Warnings: SMUT, age-gap (reader is 18, Negan is early/mid 40’s), virgin!reader, manipulation, guardian!negan (technically it’s Uncle!Negan and it IS mentioned explicitly), oral (f receiving), unprotected piv, creampie, stocking!kink, innocence/corruption!kink, reader is described several times as a doll/toy, read at your own risk ok
Word count: 3.3k
A/n: uhm, my heart was racing the entire time I was writing this please read at your own risk fr
// Part 1 //
18+ mdni
I was just bending over to grab my pencil, coach. 
For a while, you don’t bring up what happened that night. Going to lunch like everything’s normal. Negan is even more disturbed by this than he was by your innocent flirting. You don’t bring it up, but you’re different. Reminding him of some of his former students. The girls with obvious crushes - ones they were trying to hide but actively weren’t. They’d do things that could easily be explained away. 
Sorry, I only packed these shorts today. I didn’t realize they were against dress code. 
It was easy to not look then, to hardly be affected by silly teenage girls who had no idea what they were doing. He could go to the teachers lounge and flirt with the TA’s if he was really looking for someone younger. But younger isn’t necessarily what Negan liked. ‘Innocent’ wasn’t something he thought he could get into. But with you? He had all control, every single aspect of your life was in his hands - and he knows he fucked up. He knows he fucked you up… but he’d gone and fucked himself up too. Finding himself wanting to teach you everything. So caught up in the knowledge of how bad you want him makes him feel like a king - moreso than any amount of wives. You only wanted him. You only knew him.
Oblivious to Negan’s dirty secret and because he’d threatened to stop seeing you if you continued this flirting behavior you stick with subtle stuff. Wearing even lower cut shirts, mini-skirts and stockings. And sure, the stockings had holes in them. But Negan liked that even more than if they hadn’t. It let him imagine you weren’t this pristine untouched thing. He wasn’t sure which was worse; fantasizing about you as this perfect little doll that’s never been held by anyone, that doesn’t know anything about a man’s body or as this thing he’d corrupted. Giving you romance novels? What an amateur mistake on a colossal scale. 
When you started wearing skirts he could smell you. Your wet cunt, sweet and unmistakable, every single time you walked into his bedroom for lunch. He tries to ignore it, tells the kitchen to make more pungent food, wears cologne, but it doesn’t matter - he could pick your scent out of a line-up of the undead, having had weeks to memorize it. 
Negan’s cologne only makes you more wet for him. You can barely make it through lunch anymore. Trying your best to keep up with the conversation that you’re almost positive he’s phoning in as well, but it’s not easy when all you can think about is him stuffing you full on the bed that sits a dozen feet away. You’re desperate to make a move and terrified that any move you make will disrupt everything. 
You scour your books for some kind of clue on what to do next, how to make it impossible for him to say no - but there’s no obvious answer. With no experience to tell you that Negan was losing his goddamn mind waiting for you to make a move or proposition so that he could oblige it. 
He gets sick of waiting. Sick of drinking down his disgust with himself. It only makes the fantasies more vivid. Almost tangible and right there. All he really had to do? Touch you. And he knows it. 
He’d stopped getting you gifts and novels after that night, but today? Today he had something real fuckin’ special. 
You’re sitting across from him eating… only desserts? Weird choice, but still delicious. “What’s the occasion?” You ask, taking a bite of the strawberry shortcake set out in front of you. 
“Do I need a special occasion to treat my favorite girl?” He says it so casually, but he’s never said anything like that to you before. 
“Okay,” you breathe out a chuckle, “who are you and what have you done with my uncle?” 
“Woah now, ‘Uncle’?” The title made him visibly uncomfortable, but not because he didn’t like it. He was too far gone with you, and now anything that made it more taboo just spurred his hunger further. 
You breathe in deeply, as if you’d just confessed to something. Simply put, you had. He knows how bad you want it. He can smell it on you, and you didn’t care he was your family. Not even just your almost supposed ‘guardian’, no. You saw him as your uncle and you still wanted it. Bad. “Yeah, you are my uncle, aren’t you?” 
“That makes you my niece.” He says it like it’s news. Not understanding that he’s trying to gauge your reaction. 
For some reason, it makes your heart pound. Your ears get hot, and that same smile you’d tried to will away that night he’d forced a confession out of you (in the form of a moan at his touch) blossoms on your face. Pink cheeked and starry eyed, “It does,” you nod, you really don’t know any better, “Anyway, what’s all this about?” 
Negan scrambles for an answer that isn’t the one he can’t say out loud, “Missed your birthday, wanted to… make it up to you.” His voice is low, droning, and it makes you shift in your seat, crossing your legs. Negan notices and smirks at your body giving you away. You’re so easy. 
“Oh… thanks.” You take another bite of the shortcake before moving your fork to his plate to take a bite of chocolate cake. He lets you, he’s been letting you get away with so much more disrespect than he’d ever allow from anyone else. Telling himself that no teenager shouldn’t be getting away with little stuff like that, but really it’s because he likes it. He wishes you would take more control, and just ask him already. He’d wished for weeks that you would press yourself up against him like you had before he’d made you aware of your own feelings for him. And he hates that he told you that you weren’t allowed. That it was wrong. Because it is, but he doesn’t care anymore. 
He’s sick of waiting for you to understand how to make a move, “I got you a little something too.”
It’s almost unbelievable that he’d gotten this for you. One of the saviors had tried to smuggle it to keep for himself, and once Negan saw it… he couldn’t think of something better for you. “Now close your eyes,” he purrs. 
You slam your eyes shut and put out your hands eager to receive another gift. Feeling a hard plastic case being slipped into your fingers, “Now open them.” 
It was a… you had no idea. Looking up at him in confusion you’re met with a look of complete and total satisfaction from Negan. Smiling wide at your reaction. “What is it?” You whisper, smiling back. 
“Oh, don’t worry. I’ll show you.” And he winks. He fucking winks. You’re a mess. You’re putty. You have no idea what this little pink egg shaped thing is, enclosed in the plastic balanced in your hands, but you know it’s something… different. He can tell you still have no clue what it is, what it’s for, but he sits and waits for your thanks. 
You can feel it, your legs tremble as you’re about to stand up but you stop yourself. You’re not supposed to flirt with him. And he told you that that’s what hugging him is. At least when you do it. You look to him, chewing on your lip, you want to feel him pressed against you so bad it’s making your knee bounce in anxious anticipation. You think about the fact that if you were hugging him you’d be able to smell his cologne even stronger, maybe you could even get away with kissing him on the cheek. After all, you could just blame it on the gift again. 
He’s just sitting there, leaned back in his chair, staring toward the window. It would be so easy to just… you get up and crash down into his lap. Draping your arms around him, pulling your face into the crook of his neck like you always do. This time is different, like everything else has been different since that night. You can’t will yourself to move. Your breath caught in your throat as your gaze travels upward. All you can see is his neck, his chin still pointed away like he’s trying to hold himself together. You feel a guilt creeping into your periphery but it’s drowned out by the heat between your legs. Without even realizing you’re doing it, you plant your lips on his neck. 
He’s quick to react, his hand coming to grip your thigh just as instinctually as you had kissed him. Negan is sick of waiting, he was not built for this. “Do you want me to show you how to use your gift?” 
You’re melting, all your senses dizzy with his hand so firmly on your leg. Feeling his calloused palm through the tears in your stockings, your skin prickles. He puts his one arm underneath your legs and the other under your arms and picks you up, placing you gently back down in his chair. The suspense courses through you, tightening and moving to your limbs. The personification and embodiment of an exclamation point, you’re trembling as he stalks around the room. Taking the still unopened gift off of the table, you hear the click of the knife from behind you as he paces. He’s cutting into it as he leans down and breathes in your ear, “If you want me to stop, you tell me to stop, okay?” 
You nod in response, trying to swallow the knot in your throat.  He keeps talking, walking around to face you again as he gets the small mysterious device free from its packaging. “I fucked up with you,” you can tell he’s going to start monologuing like he always does, building up the anticipation you already can’t take. Your hands pulling at the hem of your skirt because you don’t know what else to do with them. “I want you to know that I know I’ve made mistakes. I’ve really really fucked up your pretty little head.” As he speaks he moves back around behind you. Cheeks flushing at the compliment. He’d called you pretty. 
“But don’t worry, kid,” his voice in your ear feels like his stubble beneath your lips that you’ve imagined so many times, “I’m gonna fix you right up.”
His hand glides down your chest from above you and your body dramatically arches into his touch. Shivering as he moves his way down to one leg, pulling on your stocking to maneuver the limb onto the arm-rest. He does the same with the other, as if you’re some doll he’s positioning. You’re putty, not a single ounce of resistance inside of you. He moves his hand to lift up your skirt, letting it fall to your stomach. Unable to look at yourself in such a provocative position you close your eyes. 
“Holy shit, girl.” Negan’s smile devours him as he takes it all in. You’re not wearing underwear underneath your stockings, something he was absolutely not expecting. Your pretty pussy all smashed up against the mesh, your juices seeping through. In the light it almost sparkles. He’s never seen a damn thing like it. He hadn’t even done anything yet, and you were a shaking mess in his chair. Waiting so patiently for him to fix you. 
He had planned on putting the little vibrator against the fabric of your panties and stockings, and while he still could… he can’t stop himself from putting his warm hand between your legs instead. He doesn’t want to stop himself, he wasn’t built for that. Fuck the piece of shit vibrator and fuck all of his stupid fucking plans to take this slow. No, he knows what you really need. Him. 
His big hand comes to rest on top of your mound, pressing his fingers flat against the wet fabric of your stockings hard. The pressure.. the warmth.. your hands immediately shoot up from your sides grabbing his forearm as you gasp at the feeling. Pulling yourself even more flush against him, any piece of him you can get. 
You’re shaking, Negan can’t think straight. All plans out the window, that smell, he needs to taste you. He rubs his whole hand, all four warm fingers, against the sopping fabric in circles for only a few seconds before bringing his hand up to his nose and taking a deep breath in of your scent. (He won’t lick you from his fingers, that’s somehow beneath him.)
You whimper under his touch and whine when he pulls away, but you don’t move other than to put your arms flat against the armrests of the chair. He was going to fix you, right? So you submit, not really even understanding how to react to any of this. 
His dick is so hard against the fabric of his pants that it hurts. He tries to readjust, but it only makes him groan. Your neck cranes at the noise, but before you can get a look he’s in front of you, pulling up on the mesh directly above your heat, taking the knife he’d still been holding and cutting into it. The sound of the stockings tearing only makes Negan’s dick harder, revealing your glistening cunt like unwrapping a fucking present. Just for him, all for him. He did this… all of it. 
He rips the fabric more before pulling your hips closer to the edge of the chair and kneeling down on one knee. His face buries against you with a haste you weren’t expecting, your body shooting up at the feeling. So sharp and too much, you squirm against his tongue but he keeps you still. Growling into your cunt, “I said I’m going to take care of you, doll, so you have to let me.  Stop. Moving. Just…” his tone softens, and he kisses you sweetly on your hood, “relax.” 
Negan dives back in more gently this time, taking in the taste of you slowly. Drinking from you, he’s never tasted anything so sweet. So pristine. His tongue swathing in large laps against your lips, you’re trying your best to relax but your orgasm builds faster than you can tolerate. It felt like fucking magic, filling you with stars that buzzed all the colors of the rainbow. He flicks his tongue between your folds, directly onto that spot and your orgasm shoots through you like a bullet. From your core to the top of your head, no orgasm you’d ever had had felt like that. It left you wanting, it wasn’t enough. Your walls pulsate, gushing thick white perfect ecstasy into Negan’s mouth. He snickers against you, his nose resting gently on your still quivering clit. 
He doesn’t want to wait - picking you up like you weigh absolutely nothing, bringing you and your dizzy head to lay gently on his satin sheets. Bliss; and yet, you yearned. 
Your whole body shouting, the personification and embodiment of a fucking exclamation point. His belt clacks against your sensitive folds as he races to get himself inside.
And then, all of a sudden and just like that - you’re whole. His lips smashing into yours in a desperate need to claim every part of you. 
When he’d imagined it in his head you were naked, all skin and blush and like sweet honey coating his senses. It was all different, but he didn’t mind you like this. Clothing soaked with sweat and your own sweet nectar; he felt like he was in high school and he’s taking your virginity underneath the bleachers. All limbs and throbbing need and no time, no breath to waste.
 He kisses you deep and rough until you can’t breathe and you pull away, still adjusting to his size which you imagine is large from the discomfort inside of you, snaring itself into your vision like white flashes of electricity.
His first few labored thrusts hurt like you imagined it would, though it’s not like anything you’ve felt before. The burn of your walls stretching over him makes your breath hitch sharply in your throat, “That’s a good girl,” he purrs in your ear as he pulls out and slams into you harder. Tears sting your eyes as you nod into his shoulder, silently willing him to keep going. Don’t stop. He couldn’t stop even if you’d asked him too, your pussy is too wet, too hungry and swallowing him whole. He knows what you need, he can tell, even if you couldn’t. You need this. 
Negan is seeing fucking stars, your hole stretching so perfectly around him like it never needed anything more, “Fu-uck,” he’s not going to last 5 minutes. He leans back, taking your hips and pulling them off of the bed to stay attached to his while he fucks you like that. Your shoulders still down against the bed, you’d never read about a position like this and it hurts but you like it. Your eyes traveling down his body as he buries himself slowly into you. All the way to the hilt, and that’s when you see it.
“Oh my god,” you breathe, causing him to look down and see what was going on but he had already pulled back. 
“Hm?” His tone is amused. 
“Do it again,” you whine. He smirks a brilliant flash of white teeth, before his face completely falters at the sight when he presses himself all the way into you again. Both of your eyes wide as the outline of his cock protrudes from your belly. 
“Jesus,” his voice is loud, it seems to vibrate your brain against your skull. He draws himself out of you and shoves back in - more unceremoniously than previous. He’d been trying his best to not hurt you, to take it as slow as he could manage; but seeing his hard length poke out of your body was too divine, way too fucking hot for him to not lose any semblance of control he’d had. 
Negan drowns you out, your loud screams, your hands clawing at his forearms, as he rails into you. Eyes fixed on your stomach as he watches; he doesn’t even realize you’re cumming until your hips shake violently in his grip. Your walls clench so tight his cock is pushed out. Negan clicks his tongue, as if you’d done something wrong. Moving himself in position back on top of you, his elbows coming to rest above your shoulders, his whole being swallowing you up. Your arms and legs wrap around him to try and still your shaking body as he ruts up and into you like a wild animal, his breathing jagged, his movements much less languid. Rough and desperate and all consuming. 
Using your body like a toy to get himself off, he’s hardly paying attention anymore. Grunting curses that you’re trying to memorize through a hazy veil of satisfaction.
He’s. Falling. Apart.  
And it’s wet and hot and so deep inside you that you can feel it in your fucking throat. You scream, loud, as he empties himself inside you.
Quickly, too quickly, he pulls himself out. He wants to watch his seed spill out and onto the gray sheets. You’d said you fucking sucked at painting, but Negan thinks this is the most beautiful piece of art he’s ever fucking seen. His cum dripping out of your freshly and newly used pussy in soft glistening strings to pool underneath of you, the white in stark contrast to the dark fabric is something real fuckin’ special. 
He’s smiling, kneeling above you with his hands on your stockinged knees as he watches between your legs. You’re in another world, on another planet and lost in your senses. It was everything you’d dreamed it’d be. Heaven. 
Negan had every intention on this being a one time thing. After all, hysteria was curable - but as he lays back on the bed to catch his breath he’s already caught dreaming about you in every position, any way he can place you. His perfect little toy, all just for him. Only his. 
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arkhammaid · 3 months
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fandom. formula one
pairing. charles leclerc x author fem!reader (fc: none)
about. bestseller author genevieve dedicates her newest book to a special person. the internet tries to find out who it is
content warnings. social media au, not edited/proofread
notes. who doesn't dream about being a world famous author?
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liked by pierregasly, charles_leclerc and 10'883 others
genevieve_updates The dedication in the newest Bestseller 'When We Were Wallflowers', by @/genevieve. For the first time in her career she mentiones a partner, calling him 'my love' and surprisingly also 'mon coeur'. Who could her beau be?
⤷ user my life is officially over...
⤷ user parents fr 🙏🙏🙏
user "our story now forever immortal and never forgotten" AND WHAT IF I CRY
user don't know if i should cry tears from sadness that mom is taken or happiness that mom is taken
⤷ user at least he makes her happy (delulu)
⤷ user you're so right, tears of happiness then
⤷ user charles as well???
⤷ user hello wtf is happening SINCE WHEN DO THEY READ??
user "YOUR WORDSMITH"???? am i the only one loosing my mind over this
⤷ user no. i just haven't recovered yet
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liked by pierregasly, charles_leclerc, haileybieber and 503'002 others
genevieve My summer was filled with flowers and love, so much love. It has given me enough inspiration to write yet another romance book, even if I promised to return to my beloved fantasy. Yet when the heart calls... who am I to refuse? 'Reverie, Lost in your Love' will be published in November '24!
⤷ user reverie: a state of being pleasantly lost in your thoughts, almost dreaming
⤷ user mom is big brained fr "lost in your love"? yes, yes i will be
haileybieber I will be (im)patiently waiting, as always 💗
⤷ genevieve And I will be sending you the first draft, as always
⤷ user their friendship is so dear to me 🥹🥹
⤷ user icons supporting icons i fear
⤷ user auntie hailey better drop some spoilers!!!
zendaya We're getting another romance by our queen! Rejoice!!
user i just know the cover will be serving cunt (in the most beautiful flowers)
user only four months left... only four months left......
pierregasly super liked by pierre gasly
⤷ user why is he so unserious 😭
⤷ user "super liked" goddamn we're finally reaching the part where he will rate posts he likes
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liked by pierregasly, andferrari007, arthur_leclerc and 1'032'883 others
charles_leclerc Nothing better than summer, sun, beach and a good book in my hands. And of course good company 😉
user the tan 🫠🫠
⤷ user oh my god you're right
⤷ user and it's one of her fantasy ones, from her fae series 👀
⤷ user charles has taste
user first he's in her likes and now he's reading her books... how do we tell him
⤷ user hear me out, genevieve and charles *gets shot*
⤷ user i trust in mom and i trust that she wouldn't fall for a vroom vroom man
pierregasly you already finished the other books?
⤷ charles_leclerc Breezed through them 😆
⤷ arthur_leclerc He's waiting for November
⤷ pierregasly aren't we all?
user the filter is back..
⤷ user the filter never left
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liked by charles_leclerc, zendaya, gigihadid and 3'029'746 others
genevieve "J'adore ton sourire, ma belle." I remember hearing these words for the first time, I remember his own smile he gave me back then, and I just knew, I love him. Thank you, Charlie, mon coeur, for standing by my side, for being my inspiration, my defender against the cursed writer's block. Your passion inspires me to write even more, so I'm proud to announce once again, another romance book. 'Winterbliss and Midnightkiss' will be available in March '25.
charles_leclerc Tu es incroyable, ma belle ❤️
⤷ genevieve Right back at you, my champion
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taglist. @lilypadlover , @adorablezhui , @peqch-pie , @namgification , @keyz-writes , @obsidianjewel , @aimixx , @themercyverse , @lem-hhn , @lupicalbestwolf , @akiraquote
DO YOU WANT TO JOIN THE TAGLIST? please send a non-anon ask to be added to the taglist. taglist can be general taglist (all fandoms and all works), fandom taglist (all works within the fandom), series (all works for specific series) or nsfw taglist (all nsfw works and all fandoms).
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839 notes · View notes
nkogneatho · 5 months
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—cw: this is just hella angst and a lil fluffy, character death, jjk au but altered a bit, megumi is reader's son and toji and reader are couples so don't get this twisted because of the tags.
—a/n: please cry. or do inhave to cut onions??? no but fr i was sobbing hard while writing this because yaknow how much i love my man :(( please give feedbacks tho i love reading them.
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your eyes were resting close. there was sense of guilt, panic and fear gnawing megumi as he sat on the stool next to your hospital bed. there were a million reasons he could've prevented this. a million. but what is supposed to happen, happens. if he rushed home quicker, you, his mother wouldn't be lying on the hospital bed right now. if only he would've been aside you, keeping you company instead of on a mission, he would've saved you from those corrupt sorcerers. but it happened. and now he was scared, praying every god to turn back time or save you somehow even when the doctor's had announced you wouldn't make it.
you fluttered your eyes open, and slowly adjusted your head to meet your son who was resting his face in his hands, probably sobbing.
"MOM?" his voice was drenched in panic and fear but he eased it out, making sure not to startle you. "you're fine. you're completely alright. just rest and go to sleep okay?"
"since when do you lie to your mom?" he was stunned you caught his lie "i know...i know my body better than anyone else," you stated. his lips quivered in guilt. poor boy. why does he blame himself for everything?
"gumi?" he couldn't form words so he just replied with a hum. "it's not your fault. i don't blame you for anything."
"you're the best son i could ever ask for. i know i didn't give birth to you, but not once i ever felt like you weren't my son...not on—not once did i ever feel like you weren't a part of my heart...", a tear rolled of his eye. "so don't blame yourself or you'll be insulting my heart."
"you are the best mother ever." you chuckled lightly because you remembered once he brought an essay home with the same topic. "my mom is the best mom in the world," in his crooked handwriting and drawing of you and his dad holding hands with him. oh right. dad. he knew it was his dad that he fought in shibuya when you told him when he was finally ready. he spiraled into a emotional mess to gulp everything and then your words finally cleared the blurry pictures he had in his head of his childhood.
"is there something you want me to tell your dad when i meet him?" megumi stopped breathing for a few seconds before he finally let out a sigh.
"tell papa...i am sorry." megumi and toji never really had that deep and close father-son bond. there as never a right time in their life.
"he is not mad at you megumi. we're—we're parents. we will always love our child even when they hate us. and you hated him for the right reasons." he was in the verge of sobbing. "megumi...look at me." he lifted his head to meet your eyes. "your dad loved you. he really did. and i am sure when i meet him...he will ask about you first."
"promise me you'll be my mom again in the next life?" he offered his pinky.
"i promise." you entagled your pinky with his.
"i love you mom." you smiled. you didn't say it back. you didn't need to. he knew that you loved him so much.
megumi gently took your hand resting on the hospital mattress and tucked it between his palms. he was warm. or maybe it was your blood running cold. colder and colder till you shut off your eyes, the smile disappearing as your muscles relaxed and heart gave up. megumi's eyes lost inq containing the river of tears and they finally rolled down.
*sounds of waves*
you opened your eyes to bright blue sky mirroring on the ocean, the waves emerging and lacing your feet, the sand tickling your toes. you looked around to find something else but it was all just...beach. till your eyes fell on someone they've been starving to see for years. your husband. the love of your life was right in front of you.
toji smiled and you exhaled in relief, but the exhale bought the years of pent up pain appear on your face, making tears fall constantly.
"i waited for so long, baby." god, his voice. you missed it so much.
you ran. you ran till you were in the arms of your lover, and toji embraced you like he would never let go. "i am here." you cried and he did too. his lips pressed against yours so tightly. he stopped to look at you and ponder at your beautiful face. a face everyday that he tried not to forget. he never could but now you were here finally.
"how's megumi?"
"that idiot. always blaming himself. did you mention how shitty i was?"
"he said "tell papa i am sorry, ha."
toji laughed.
"i did. but he still loves you." you both thought it was funny. "he's your son after all. doesn't show it, but he's stubborn like you inside."
"i am not stubborn."
"yes you are. you got yourself killed even when i told you not to. you left me alone to survive in a world without you even when i told you don't. do you know how hard it was everyday to live without you, toji?" your words getting a little unclear towards the end as you sobbed and yelled.
toji hugged you once again. "i am sorry."
"you should be!"
"i know." he kissed your forehead. "why don't you tell me what happened all these years while we take a walk on a beach?" your puppy eyes peered up at him. "we have forever now."
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maplesyrupsainz · 6 months
˖⁺。˚⋆˙i see u everywhere | 2023 grid˖⁺。˚⋆˙
pairing: 2023 f1 grid x nepo baby y/n prost reader (she/her)
genre: social media au
warnings: nepo baby spoiled girl tbh!!! her father is alain prost :-)
summary: in which she is famous for doing almost nothing and being best friends with f1 drivers
a/n: multiple parts tehe this is so fun tbh hope u enjoy i loved this request 😊
request!!!!: I would love a smau with reader who’s a nepo baby but is everyone’s fave nepo because she’s just living life aesthetically and the grid loves her and she’s hinting at a soft launch (idrc with which driver)
fc: gracie burns
my masterlist
part 1 • part 2 • part 3 •
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liked by charles_leclerc, lance_stroll, and 738,193 others
yourusername get u a man that looks at u the way charles looks at the puppy
view all 11,103 comments
user4 get u a girl tht looks like y/n. period
yourusername that too
charles_leclerc why you sharing private moments
yourusername it's just a dog
charles_leclerc this is why you are single y/n
danielricciardo no it's actually because she keeps rejecting lando's advances
landonorris even i wouldn't want a dog hater
yourusername can you all piss off my post the reason im single is because im a feminist
charles_leclerc you weren't a feminist on friday night lance has the texts to prove it
yourusername im blocking you
user6 someone leak lance's texts from friday night
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liked by yourusername, alex_albon, and 523,182 others
lilymhe can you tell my girl came to visit
tagged: yourusername
view all 6,819 comments
alex_albon oh so this is why my girlfriend hasnt text me back
yourusername my bad
alex_albon someone please wife her up
danielricciardo @.landonorris that's ur cue mate
landonorris she keeps rejecting me don't rub it in i beg
lilymhe shut up everyone me & y/n are trying to make out i mean hang out
user7 i love them
user8 oh to be y/n prost
user9 does anyone else lowkey ship y/n & lando
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liked by carlossainz55, charles_leclerc, 909,783 others
yourusername visiting my second fav ferrari driver in his home cuntry
view all 14,193 comments
charles_leclerc ❤️❤️❤️
landonorris put some clothes on y/n!
danielricciardo jealousy jealousy
user10 omg lando is down bad for her
carlossainz55 second favourite??? huh this is not what you were saying last night
yourusername WHAT??!
landonorris ????
lance_stroll carlos sainz u dirty dog
carlossainz55 what!!! it was because i cooked her favourite dish
user11 omg i screamed at this...
user12 there r two types of ppl: y/n x lando shippers or y/n x carlos shippers
user13 no im a secret third thing.. a y/n x charles shipper
user14 why is it crickets for y/n x lance????
user15 y/n x daniel found dead
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lance_stroll posted a story
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liked by yourusername, danielricciardo, and 827,102 others
danielricciardo pls invite me next time
user16 ugh i love her
user17 she is the prettiest girl in the world
landonorris put in a good word for me
user18 how does she do it fr
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liked by lance_stroll, georgerussell63, and 698,293 others
yourusername girls girls girls
tagged: yourbff, lilymhe
view all 7,830 comments
lilymhe hot moms hot moms hot moms
yourbff u cant say we're moms ppl will think ur pregnant lily
yourusername no it's me😊 im a mother to the entire grid
user22 Omg not y/n calling the grid children
yukitsunoda0511 hi y/n
landonorris heyyy
danielricciardo what's up?
charles_leclerc hello y/n/n
yourbff wtf why is everyone down bad for you
yourusername they just want attention
user23 the comments 💀 so real
user24 who wants y/n more me or every single f1 driver
landonorris posted a story
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liked by yourbff, oscarpiastri, and 385,231 others
lilymhe dating rumours in 3, 2,...
landonorris delusional if anyone thinks i could pull y/n
yourbff how badly do u want her
landonorris no comments
user27 in my mind u & y/n have been together for 5 years and u got married recently
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liked by lilymhe, taylorswift, and 1021,183 others
yourusername met u at the riiight time
view all 18,193 comments
user28 is that...... hear me out.... lando norris?
lilymhe ❤️
yourbff 🧡
user31 her soft launching after the undeniable gf material pic of her on lando's story yesterday???
danielricciardo aww y/n has a soft spot
yourusername not for you i dont
danielricciardo you have so much anger in you y/n
oscarpiastri i suggest therapy to her almost everyday
yourusername u ppl are so mean dont be surprised when im not around next season
landonorris dont make unfunny jokes y/n
user32 hmmmm 🧐
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liked by user15, user34, and 39,293 others
ynprostupdates an instagram post from y/n today including what looks to be a soft launch picture, along with an instagram story posted by f1 mclaren driver lando norris last night has led to connections being made that the two are dating. this is 100% alleged with little further connections being made outside of flirty comments on y/n's social medias. other connections being made by fans include other f1 drivers charles leclerc, carlos sainz and oscar piastri. what are everyone's thoughts on y/n's potential new f1 man?
view all 11,193 comments
user37 LOL stop this madness!!!
user38 i rly think it's someone we wouldn't expect at all
user39 me too if they were trying to be subtle about it they wouldnt be posting stories & flirting like with lando, this feels like a distraction from the truth so they can fly under the radar !!
user40 y/n seems more like the grid mother atp
user41 i would love for it to be charles besties to lovers🥹🥹
user42 imagine it's someone random she barely interacts with like max or pierre
yourusername hahah all will be revealed in time my lovelies
ynprostupdates omg y/n🥹 leak to us!!
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huggybearluvr · 5 months
three is plenty | qh43
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instagram edit
pairing: dad!quinnhughes x reader
summary: You and your husband Quinn decide to start your family.
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liked by jackhughes, y/nhughes, and others...
quinnhughes y/n and I are excited to announce that we will have another member joining the family in February!
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jackhughes O. M. G. I AM GONNA BE AN UNCLE?!
y/nhughes yes jack. your gonna be an uncle!
lukehughes I am in shock.
ellenhughes Congratulations to both of you! you are gonna be amazing parents!!
quinnhughes learned from the best ma!
canucksoffical Is it to early to order the nugget a jersey?
y/nhughes not at all!
trevorzegras quinn your old!
quinnhughes i don't like you!
eliaspetterson CONGRATULATIONS! I am so excited to meet my niece or nephew!
y/nhughes actually...
quinnhughes you mean god daughter or god son!
eliasptterson ARE U BEING SO FR RN?!?!
y/nhughes YES! pettie we love you, and couldn't imagine any one better for the job!
eliaspetterson I love you both so much!
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liked by jackhughes, lukehughes, and others
y/nhughes Excited to announce that on February 11th we welcomed Colton Jackson Hughes into the world!
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jackhughes colton JACKSON??? guys i'm sobbing
quinnhughes it was her idea...
y/nhughes its cute! and why not honor one of his uncles.
lukehughes I am so inlove alread, I can't wait to meet him in a few days.
ellenhughes so beyond proud and happy for you both! you guys did amazing!
quinnhughes thanks mom
y/nhughes is it pasta? I really want pasta
eliaspetterson of course its pasta.
quinnhughes I love the both of you so much, you did amazing baby.
y/nhughes quinnnn we love you the most!
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liked by y/nhughes, lukehughes, and others
quinnhughes My boy is so big now, miss when he was a baby.
view all comments.
y/nhughes well I have some good news for you?
quinnhughes we can have another one?
y/nhughes there's already another on the way :)
quinnhughes ARE U SO SERIOUS
y/nhughes yes! we're having another baby!
quinnhughes I love you so much!
lukehughes He's so big!!
jackhughes future nhl star right there.
quinnhughes for sure.
lukehughes oh 100 percent he's gonna be better than all of us.
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liked by lukehughes, quinnhughes, and others
y/nhughes introducing Reese Warren Hughes, and Stevie Elle Hughes!
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jackhughes TWINS?!?
trevorzegras @quinnhughes Twins??? you have magic jizz
quinnhughes I truly don't like you.
lukehughes GUYYYSSS you are the best.
quinnhughes love you bro, now this one was my idea.
jackhughes so lukes the favorite brother...
quinnhughes yes.
lukehughes yes.
y/nhughes yes.
trevorzegras yes.
ellenhughes they are to precious! I love you all so much!
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lovingyoulovinme · 1 year
childhood besties to strangers to ?
part 2
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Liked by charles_leclerc and 242,838 others
yourinstagram no feet on the table!
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yoursister i'm telling mom
charles_leclerc Photo creds please...
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yourinstagram no 😍
user1 my favorite best friends in the world
pascale.leclerc.355 Miss you beautiful!
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yourinstagram pascale!!! tu me manques plus 🥹🥹 (i miss you more)
charles_leclerc What about me???
yourinstagram we all know i've always been her favorite
yourfriend shes glowing 🥰🥰
user2 if my best friend was as beautiful as charles' i wouldve married her forever ago
March 2, 2022
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f1wags leclerc has got a new girlfriend and it's not who we expected it to be 👀👀
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user4 they've literally always said they're just friends!!!!
ynstan oh......
user5 shes beautiful!!!
April 8, 2022
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Liked by yourinstagram and 884,827 others
charles_leclerc 🤍
View all 5,364 comments
user6 y/n is better
charlottesine 😚🥰
user7 bro gripping that arm she not going anywhere 😭
ylnleclerc y/n commenting on everything charles has ever posted but not this :(
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user4 she literally liked the post im sure shes happy for them
arthur_leclerc ❤️
user1 crying just a lil
April 23, 2022
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Liked by rubendias and 218,378 others
yourinstagram turnt 24 last week so far so good
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user8 A MANS??????
ylnleclerc praying to god thats charles
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user9 u know his style isnt that good be fr
yourfriend my angel 🫶
rubendias Moça bonita (beautiful girl)
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user3 he's a footballer for manchester city girl
charlesandyn this is def her man...its so over
jackgrealish Got him dressing good 👏
August 17, 2022
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Liked by yourinstagram and 532,378 others
rubendias Time off 💙 p.s the cake tasted a lot better than it looks 😂
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yourinstagram are you calling my cake ugly?????????
yourinstagram stones would never treat me like this
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johnstonesofficial 😘
rubendias 🤣🤣🤣
user2 charles getting replaced so easily 💔
bernardetealvesdias 💙💙
user4 pls give her back to the f1 community we had her first
yoursister take good care of her or else...
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rubendias Always
October 25, 2022
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Liked by arthur_leclerc and 243,368 others
yourinstagram my little life 🫶
View all 442 comments
arthur_leclerc reviens, s'il te plaît 😭😭😭 (please, come home)
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yourinstagram little leclerc oh how i miss you :(
user10 not the one it should be tho 😭
rubendias You have an addiction, baby.
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yourinstagram you literally bought all of them for me
erling.haaland Share.
user1 i'm really happy for her but at what point will her and charles be friends again 😔
November 15, 2022
charles_leclerc added to their story.
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December 6, 2022
arthur_leclerc added to their story.
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February 23, 2023
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