#XXI THE WORLD | Important
twowhowait · 2 years
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Welcome, traveler. You have found a hidden retreat, where two large felines make themselves at home. Maybe they’d entertain your questions during your stay?
This is a combination Ask and Roleplay blog for the attendants of The One Who Waits, Baal and Aym, from the game Cult of the Lamb. Read around, or ask a question if you’d like!
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igotanidea · 2 years
Side Effects: Morpheus x reader
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Request based on prompts list:
Hob: I brought you your coffee (128)
Morpheus: why does she need one, it's the middle of the day?
Reader: Oh I haven't slept in 4 days (132)
Morpheus: Run (130)
Midterms are a pain the ass, forgive my language. When the times comes, twice a year, for 2 weeks I become a hermit working 24/7, limiting contact with friends and family and acting like a living zombie. Thankfully, there are just a couple of people who are not afraid to see me in this form, with messy hair, sleepy eyes, barely controlling myself and snapping at every negative or sarcastic comments. If I were to be absolutely honest, I would say that I’m not the person you can easily get to, but Hob and Morpheus were an exception to a rule. And Matthew, of course. Hob were constantly checking on my mental an psychical help, his smile and attitude making surviving a bit easier even if I never explicitly showed that, he just knew. As for Morpheus his lack of knowledge about humans and life in general made it complicated. He couldn’t understand why I spend my time poring over books instead of joining him in his Realm and it took joint effort of me, Hob AND Matthew to stuff his head with the importance of education in modern world.
“You know, Dream, in XXI century girls are allowed to study and gain knowledge on the same terms as men….”
“And that is exactly what I’m going to do”
“No buts.” I shook my head in disapproval “I’m not asking for your permission or anything like that.”
“I don’t mind your studies.” He muttered
“Don’t you?” Hob smirk “Last time you mentioned something about missing her and …..”
“Stop it!” Dream’s voice turned stone cold, his glistening with anger and embarrassment gaze focused on the man.
“Just saying the truth” Hob raised his hands in surrender “It’s not my fault you don’t like it.”
“Guys, quit it, please. As much as I enjoy the show you put on I don’t need it now, ok? Can I get any support in my approach to schooling? Matthew?”
“Were you even listening to what I was saying?”
“Barely, sorry” he looked down.
“I hate you, you know.” I stood up with anger on my face “for a beings of many, many years old you should at least try to understand it. Hob, you disappointed me. Given your experience with changing times I expected more of you. And as for you Dream ….. “ I shook my head “It’s just sad, you know. I’m gonna go.” Grabbing my backpack I didn’t even listen to their voices calling after me as I left and walked straight home. Back to my books.
 “Look what you both have done.” Matthew cawed
“What did WE do?” Hob’s eyes widened “you weren’t even listening to her”
“Maybe, if I were I would absolutely support her.”
“I never said I don’t stand on her side. This one did” Gadling pointed towards Dream being absolutely sure that the Dream Lord would never hurt him, even after such offensive assumption.
“Quiet!” King of Dreams got impatient and his companions immediately went silent “why is this so important to her? This … education?”
“Really, boss? Are you serious?”
“ I’m not known for joking around, am I? Now, speak”
“She is smart, ok? Like really smart. And today’s world is not exactly welcoming towards the smart women. They are constantly undermined, limited in their attempts for more, believed to be weaker than men and way to often judged only by their looks. Nothing strange in her wanting more. Education is important and helps you in life.”
“From every being in the universe you should know the effect of ignorance of existence, first-hand Dream” Hob mocked him once again and this time Dream Lord did not let it pass.
“That is enough, Hob Gadling. One more word and I will send a nightmare after you”
“No you won’t “ Matthew and Hob said in unison, knowing better.
Did I mention I only let a few people (and a talking Raven in)? Yes, I was angry with them all. Yes, I felt like they treated me unfair. But on the other hand I was also aware that because of being tired my reactions were a bit … exaggerated. So, the next day I decided to take a quick trip to the New Inn and grab myself something to drink, tea perhaps since too much caffeine was bad for my nervous system. It seemed, however that someone knew me better and therefore my walk was postponed.
“I brought you your  coffee” Hob was nonchalantly leaning on the doorframe, widest smile on his face reaching towards his eyes, handling me the biggest cup I’ve ever seen.”
“Appreciate it” I took it looking down and biting my lip “look, Hob I’m sorry for….”
“Hey, it’s ok. I get you are under stress, so no worries. Besides, I like this edgy and feisty side of yours.”
“Do you?” I raised an eyebrow “Well, that makes me happy. I enjoy our bantering and sarcastic relationship. You wanna come inside?”
“I thought you were studying?”
“ I was heading for a break, so might as well ask you.”
“Well, who am I to refuse a girl?” he grinned happily and moved to walk past me. Unfortunately, he did it a bit clumsily, hitting me and causing a bit of burning hot coffee to spill on me.
“Ouch, Hob!” I yelled and rushed towards the bathroom to clean the T-shirt and avoid stains and burning sides on the skin.
“I’m sorry!” he followed me quickly but bounced off the door I shut in front of his face “I did not mean to.”
“I know, but it hurts now!”
“Please let me in so I can help you!” he banged on the entry.
“In your dreams!” I spit desperately trying to clean the stain
“What happened here?” third voice came on the stage.
“Darn! What are you doing here, Morpheus?!” I opened the bathroom forgetting I was only in my bra “what?!” I yelled noting their gaze on me “Oh…. Right, just a second” covering my chest and stomach I moved towards the bedroom, grabbing first clean shirt and putting it on before coming back on sight. “What are you doing here?”
“You called my name.”
“I called…. Oh, shit! Me mentioning dreams had nothing to do with you.”
“I see.”
“Are you going to go back to Dreaming?”
“Why?” I whined “I need to study.”
“Just a minute ago you said you were in need of a break” Hob pointed out
“Well thanks a lot Hob!”
“What? I’m just saying the truth
“Yeah, you have an annoying habit of doing that!”
“What. Happened here? Why are you hurt?” Dream interrupted us before we rushed into each other throats.
“I only brought her coffee.”
“Why does she need one? It’s the middle of the day.”
“You know Dream, for a lord of the sleeping realm you are uncharacteristically oblivious, to put it lightly” I tapped my forehead “I haven’t slept in four days. And you two are making me angry so let me tell you this is a dangerous zone you are entering.” I took a step forward, clenching fists.
“You what?”
“You heard me the first time.”
“Dream? You got paler than before. I never knew that was even possible” Hob examined the other man’s face, surprise and a bit of fear in his tone.
@somest1 @pinksirensong
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kately · 6 months
I. always an angel, never a god
II. the one that ruined their lucky number
III. dressing up as the grinch
IV. “i can’t let you sob on the floor”
V. the last thing they said was “i’ll be back in ten minutes”
VI. the attack of the black swan
VII. arguing about favorite movies
VIII. paris, 1968
IX. late at night, a wish was made
X. people help the people
XI. new year’s eve traditions
XII. “you are the least important person to me”
XIII. mercy
XIV. even a broken clock is right twice a day
XV. “what does you favorite song tell about you?”
XVI. “but you are gay” “that’s not the point!”
XVII. is it worth a broken skull?
XVIII. spreading lies for a good cause
XIX. seven sisters in september
XX. “not like this”
XXI. the things you cannot control will eventually kill you
XXII. the world need more cowboys
XXIII. slow down, you crazy child
XXIV. “does your conscience keep you awake?”
XXV. a privilege denied to many
XXVI. hiking
XXVII. marriage and mobsters
XVIII. raise your glass for the ones that couldn’t
XXIX. “i can’t forget”
XXX. the only thing that didn’t burn that night was a book
pink bows
“did the christmas tree just disappear?!”
“let me tell you the story of how i lost my hand, i promise it’s fun”
a wise man’s nightmare
“that was the last train”
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vitaminseetarot · 11 months
Aquarius Full Moon PAC - General Messages 🖤💗❤️
The full moon in Aquarius is finally here! I hope you're getting the chance to enjoy some sunshine in between these bright moonlit evenings. I sure have had my fill from this last weekend; I got the royal sunburn to prove it! Owo#
(Life lesson: apply sunscreen, then do it AGAIN.)
Aren't you glad we can't get moonburns? One could get burned sitting on the moon, sure, but it's kinder than to send that kind of energy back down to Earth. The moon allows us to see the sun's light without dying, which I can appreciate. But I'm going off on a tangent! Below are three images based on color palette cards I've picked for your reading. I've also added some emoji hearts for additional guidance. Please time all the time you need to select your pile when you're ready.
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(1, 2, 3 - images from pixabay, divider from @saradika)
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Pile 1. Tahoe Blue + Black Heart
X Wheel of Fortune, 7 of Pentacles, XXI World; Sun - Source, Space (Black), New Moon Gemini - Communication is Key
"I'm curious about my true nature; I seek to understand myself."
I feel such stillness and calm with this pile. You have so much blue present in your pile asides from the palette card! And watery energy too; your moon quote card has a lake on it too! Still yet deep. I'm hearing that this pile is getting a big upgrade to your throat energy. It's for both ways, listening and speaking, but I think speaking is being highlighted here more. This is in order to help you move through a bigger phase of your life that's yet to come. You may be feeling like you're ready to come out of your shell, even if just for a short while. There's a sense of grand change occurring in your external world, something that has been in the background or in the works for a long time has finally begun to culminate during this potent full moon time.
You have have recently closed a big chapter in your life and cleared out the muck. Now it's like you're standing before a canvas and you're ready to paint something new. The lunar force moving now allows a turn of luck to flow towards you like a water wheel. It's also purifying your intentions. When you have the place to be still and concentrate on where you want to go next, things can really quickly line up in your favor. With this extra space, whatever that has been building in the background may finally come out and be seen and heard. There's no resistance to this buildup, or there was resistance but it's been removed through this clearing out. You're being asked to savor this brief time. Not just make use of it, because in a way it's growing on its own, but to actually enjoy where you are right now. To get into the mindset of the person on the 7 pentacles card harvesting their abundance, that all is working out at a good pace.
You're being recommended to journal or write during this phase, perhaps like paragraphs of where you're going next (like a vaunt). I'm also getting vision boards for you would help if you need inspiration, or lyrical songs. I'm getting that communications will help you move into the next stage. This whole reading reminds me of someone who's finally finished the manuscript of their book and is sitting in that serenity of having completed something important. But, dear, that's not the end of it! You still need to bring it out into the world for it to be as evident as you see it in your mind. You still would need to get an agent and submit the manuscript to publishers for review.
Communication is being highlighted here as being that which you need in order to move along. Furthermore, you're being asked to tune into yourself for answers on where you'd like to go next, as no one else can tell you. People don't just go out on the lake for peace and quiet, they go to find a piece of themselves and to tune into that for spiritual guidance. May the boat be your lucky charm this full moon, pile 1. Not just to find yourself on the open water, but to connect you with other shores as well.
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Pile 2. Sunflower Seed + Pink Heart
Queen of Cups, Queen of Swords, 4 of Cups; Vesta - Hearth, Love (Pink); Full Moon Virgo - You Are Good Enough
"Beauty raises my vibration; I seek it for joy."
For the rest of this month, you are focusing solely on your own needs. Like it or not! [blows coach whistle] But no, seriously, I'm not getting busybee vibes from this pile, I'm getting "poor dehydrated bee that's fainted on a flower" kind of feel. Maybe you're actually dehydrated and tired! This could also be true for your garden if you have one. You may need extra TLC around this full moon. You've been stretching yourself too thin but you'll be in much-deserved receiving mode in order to heal. I like that two Queens showed up and one of them is of Swords. She knows better than to spend her precious time worrying over the trifling things. She knows when to disconnect and tune into what's important. And Queen of Cups says that important thing is your own emotional wellbeing and comfort.
Your quote card features a person standing at the peak of a mountain with arms stretched out towards the moon in accomplishment. You either are or have been working intensely on something for the last few months. It either has or will soon come to a full head and with that comes a surge of expended energy. Similar to midterms or the week before a holiday when the workflow doubles. It's a crunch time! Since it's summer and you may not be in midterms or busy on vacation, this could be a reference for later this year or fiscal quarter. Take care that this busy time coming up isn't going to drain you.
You could have opportunities come up near the middle of autumn that's gonna want your attention. You'll want to be fully hydrated and refreshed for when it finally shows up. The 4 of cups can sometimes be about blind spots, or the blessings we don't see readily available because we're too tired and burnt out to really see what's there. It's highlighting this opportunity and wants you to make the most of it.
You could be feeling a strong pull to stay at home and focus on your craft, project, or hobby. Perhaps you're busy squeezing out the most free time you can while you have it. Again, avoid the sense of pushing like "oh man, I only have a week of summer vacation left oh geez what do I do?!" It's not a matter of sitting around and doing nothing all vacation only to hurt ourselves trying to be On 24/7 for a semester. That's not sustainable. Make the most out of your time, but make sure you have time carved out in between the high energy weeks of being productive. A sunflower without water can't stand and a bee without rest can't fly!
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Pile 3. Clover Patch + Red Heart
XVII Star, XVI Tower, XV Devil; Progressions - Journey, Anger (Red), Waxing Crescent - Have Faith in Your Dream
"I gather more wisdom each day."
This pile … hoo boy. This would be my pile if I had to choose one, so I'm with y'all on this. Okay, I got the instant message that you are trying to manifest something very VERY big right now. I mean big like new car, apartment, longterm relationship, just something that's gonna upgrade and transform your life in a big way. It could even be education as one of the cards has a book in center. The thing is, Rome wasn't built in a day. Neither is your manifestation gonna instantly appear when you're desperately trying for it to cause desperation doesn't usually bring positive outcomes, it usually winds up with Fun With Dick and Jane type scenarios to play out. Also stress.
You have three major arcana cards in a row, with the tower card smacked right in the middle like a spicy sandwich cookie (would I even try one?) So I get it. This is likely a very significant full moon for you, supercharged as it's an Aquarian supermoon, and you got Aquarian Star as your first card, so emotions will be running a bit hot. Unpredictable swings. Sudden "bursts". But don't suppress your feelings of frustration, you'll just need to redirect these emotions differently.
You gotta be patient and watch it unfold organically. Even if you're manifesting the demolition of something, there is strategy to it. Demolition workers don't just go in and do what they please, they have to be mindful of their surroundings and what impact they'll make when they make it. When gardeners prune, they're mindful of the angle of the cut, knowing that the right cut can grow just as the wrong cut can infect. Let things go as they may. Things can start moving smoothly or quite abruptly, so focus from a place of expecting that it's already coming and strategize from there. You got the Star card, so something fortunate is indeed coming for you. There is a little Leprechaun luck on your side. It'll be easier to see that once you're able to move past old blockages that are delaying your manifestation. Listen to the leprechaun and not the little voice on the other shoulder telling you that you need to panic over the small things.
See the current time you have as a manifestation in itself, as a product of you believing that you need extra time to cook up the right end goal. See this time you have as a blessing, not just an in-between state. Make good use of this time. There is no reason why the process can't be as fun as the destination. Your inner child is being subtly asked to come out to play for a spell. This pile may be into doing witchcraft spells; if so, grab a little glitter and sprinkle some magic into your day, especially a time-based spell like a growing plant or burning a candle. If anything, it will boost morale which is often more important for manifestation than simply applying routine and logic to everything. I'm also getting that journaling may be of interest to you, whether it's writing down meditation notes or affirmations or just venting. Get creative even and write a poem about your wishes. Try to incorporate more writing in general into your moon magic. (Thoth would be pleased.)
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This reading has not been evaluated by the FDA to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease or infection. Please ask your physician before going online.
2023, @VitaminseeTarot ™
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dailyanarchistposts · 15 days
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F.8.6 How did working people view the rise of capitalism?
The best example of how hated capitalism was can be seen by the rise and spread of the labour and socialist movements, in all their many forms, across the world. It is no coincidence that the development of capitalism also saw the rise of socialist theories. Nor was it a coincidence that the rising workers movement was subjected to extensive state repression, with unions, strikes and other protests being systematically repressed. Only once capital was firmly entrenched in its market position could economic power come to replace political force (although, of course, that always remained ready in the background to defend capitalist property and power).
The rise of unions, socialism and other reform movements and their repression was a feature of all capitalist countries. While America is sometime portrayed as an exception to this, in reality that country was also marked by numerous popular movements which challenged the rise of capitalism and the transformation of social relationships within the economy from artisanal self-management to capitalist wage slavery. As in other countries, the state was always quick to support the capitalist class against their rebellious wage slaves, using first conspiracy and then anti-trust laws against working class people and their organisations. So, in order to fully understand how different capitalism was from previous economic systems, we will consider early capitalism in the US, which for many right-“libertarians” is the example of the “capitalism-equals-freedom” argument.
Early America was pervaded by artisan production — individual ownership of the means of production. Unlike capitalism, this system is not marked by the separation of the worker from the means of life. Most people did not have to work for another, and so did not. As Jeremy Brecher notes, in 1831 the “great majority of Americans were farmers working their own land, primarily for their own needs. Most of the rest were self-employed artisans, merchants, traders, and professionals. Other classes — employees and industrialists in the North, slaves and planters in the South — were relatively small. The great majority of Americans were independent and free from anybody’s command.” [Strike!, p. xxi] So the availability of land ensured that in America, slavery and indentured servants were the only means by which capitalists could get people to work for them. This was because slaves and servants were not able to leave their masters and become self-employed farmers or artisans. As noted in the last section this material base was, ironically, acknowledged by Rothbard but the implications for freedom when it disappeared was not. While he did not ponder what would happen when that supply of land ended and whether the libertarian aspects of early American society would survive, contemporary politicians, bosses, and economists did. Unsurprisingly, they turned to the state to ensure that capitalism grew on the grave of artisan and farmer property.
Toward the middle of the 19th century the economy began to change. Capitalism began to be imported into American society as the infrastructure was improved by state aid and tariff walls were constructed which allowed home-grown manufacturing companies to develop. Soon, due to (state-supported) capitalist competition, artisan production was replaced by wage labour. Thus “evolved” modern capitalism. Many workers understood, resented, and opposed their increasing subjugation to their employers, which could not be reconciled with the principles of freedom and economic independence that had marked American life and had sunk deeply into mass consciousness during the days of the early economy. In 1854, for example, a group of skilled piano makers hoped that “the day is far distant when they [wage earners] will so far forget what is due to manhood as to glory in a system forced upon them by their necessity and in opposition to their feelings of independence and self-respect. May the piano trade be spared such exhibitions of the degrading power of the day [wage] system.” [quoted by Brecher and Costello, Common Sense for Hard Times, p. 26]
Clearly the working class did not consider working for a daily wage, in contrast to working for themselves and selling their own product, to be a step forward for liberty or individual dignity. The difference between selling the product of one’s labour and selling one’s labour (i.e. oneself) was seen and condemned (”[w]hen the producer … sold his product, he retained himself. But when he came to sell his labour, he sold himself … the extension [of wage labour] to the skilled worker was regarded by him as a symbol of a deeper change.” [Norman Ware, The Industrial Worker, 1840–1860, p. xiv]). Indeed, one group of workers argued that they were “slaves in the strictest sense of the word” as they had “to toil from the rising of the sun to the going down of the same for our masters — aye, masters, and for our daily bread.” [quoted by Ware, Op. Cit., p. 42] Another group argued that “the factory system contains in itself the elements of slavery, we think no sound reasoning can deny, and everyday continues to add power to its incorporate sovereignty, while the sovereignty of the working people decreases in the same degree.” [quoted by Brecher and Costello, Op. Cit., p. 29] For working class people, free labour meant something radically different than that subscribed to by employers and economists. For workers, free labour meant economic independence through the ownership of productive equipment or land. For bosses, it meant workers being free of any alternative to consenting to authoritarian organisations within their workplaces — if that required state intervention (and it did), then so be it.
The courts, of course, did their part in ensuring that the law reflected and bolstered the power of the boss rather than the worker. “Acting piecemeal,” summarises Tomlins, “the law courts and law writers of the early republic built their approach to the employment relationship on the back of English master/servant law. In the process, they vested in the generality of nineteenth-century employers a controlling authority over the employees founded upon the pre-industrial master’s claim to property in his servant’s personal services.” Courts were “having recourse to master/servant’s language of power and control” as the “preferred strategy for dealing with the employment relation” and so advertised their conclusion that “employment relations were properly to be conceived of as generically hierarchical.” [Op. Cit., p. 231 and p. 225] As we noted in last section the courts, judges and jurists acted to outlaw unions as conspiracies and force workers to work the full length of their contracts. In addition, they also reduced employer liability in industrial accidents (which, of course, helped lower the costs of investment as well as operating costs).
Artisans and farmers correctly saw this as a process of downward mobility toward wage labour and almost as soon as there were wage workers, there were strikes, machine breaking, riots, unions and many other forms of resistance. John Zerzan’s argument that there was a “relentless assault on the worker’s historical rights to free time, self-education, craftsmanship, and play was at the heart of the rise of the factory system” is extremely accurate. [Elements of Refusal, p. 105] And it was an assault that workers resisted with all their might. In response to being subjected to the wage labour, workers rebelled and tried to organise themselves to fight the powers that be and to replace the system with a co-operative one. As the printer’s union argued, its members “regard such an organisation [a union] not only as an agent of immediate relief, but also as an essential to the ultimate destruction of those unnatural relations at present subsisting between the interests of the employing and the employed classes … when labour determines to sell itself no longer to speculators, but to become its own employer, to own and enjoy itself and the fruit thereof, the necessity for scales of prices will have passed away and labour will be forever rescued from the control of the capitalist.” [quoted by Brecher and Costello, Op. Cit., pp. 27–28]
Little wonder, then, why wage labourers considered capitalism as a modified form of slavery and why the term “wage slavery” became so popular in the labour and anarchist movements. It was just reflecting the feelings of those who experienced the wages system at first hand and who created the labour and socialist movements in response. As labour historian Norman Ware notes, the “term ‘wage slave’ had a much better standing in the forties [of the 19th century] than it has today. It was not then regarded as an empty shibboleth of the soap-box orator. This would suggest that it has suffered only the normal degradation of language, has become a cliche, not that it is a grossly misleading characterisation.” [Op. Cit., p. xvf] It is no coincidence that, in America, the first manufacturing complex in Lowell was designed to symbolise its goals and its hierarchical structure nor that its design was emulated by many of the penitentiaries, insane asylums, orphanages and reformatories of the period. [Bookchin, The Ecology of Freedom, p. 392]
These responses of workers to the experience of wage labour is important as they show that capitalism is by no means “natural.” The fact is the first generation of workers tried to avoid wage labour is at all possible — they hated the restrictions of freedom it imposed upon them. Unlike the bourgeoisie, who positively eulogised the discipline they imposed on others. As one put it with respect to one corporation in Lowell, New England, the factories at Lowell were “a new world, in its police it is imperium in imperio. It has been said that an absolute despotism, justly administered … would be a perfect government … For at the same time that it is an absolute despotism, it is a most perfect democracy. Any of its subjects can depart from it at pleasure . .. Thus all the philosophy of mind which enter vitally into government by the people … is combined with a set of rule which the operatives have no voice in forming or administering, yet of a nature not merely perfectly just, but human, benevolent, patriarchal in a high degree.” Those actually subjected to this “benevolent” dictatorship had a somewhat different perspective. Workers, in contrast, were perfectly aware that wage labour was wage slavery — that they were decidedly unfree during working hours and subjected to the will of another. The workers therefore attacked capitalism precisely because it was despotism (“monarchical principles on democratic soil”) and thought they “who work in the mills ought to own them.” Unsurprisingly, when workers did revolt against the benevolent despots, the workers noted how the bosses responded by marking “every person with intelligence and independence … He is a suspected individual and must be either got rid of or broken in. Hundreds of honest labourers have been dismissed from employment … because they have been suspected of knowing their rights and daring to assert them.” [quoted by Ware, Op. Cit., p. 78, p. 79 and p. 110]
While most working class people now are accustomed to wage labour (while often hating their job) the actual process of resistance to the development of capitalism indicates well its inherently authoritarian nature and that people were not inclined to accept it as “economic freedom.” Only once other options were closed off and capitalists given an edge in the “free” market by state action did people accept and become accustomed to wage labour. As E. P. Thompson notes, for British workers at the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th centuries, the “gap in status between a ‘servant,’ a hired wage-labourer subject to the orders and discipline of the master, and an artisan, who might ‘come and go’ as he pleased, was wide enough for men to shed blood rather than allow themselves to be pushed from one side to the other. And, in the value system of the community, those who resisted degradation were in the right.” [The Making of the English Working Class, p. 599]
Opposition to wage labour and factory fascism was/is widespread and seems to occur wherever it is encountered. “Research has shown”, summarises William Lazonick, “that the ‘free-born Englishman’ of the eighteenth century — even those who, by force of circumstance, had to submit to agricultural wage labour — tenaciously resisted entry into the capitalist workshop.” [Competitive Advantage on the Shop Floor, p. 37] British workers shared the dislike of wage labour of their American cousins. A “Member of the Builders’ Union” in the 1830s argued that the trade unions “will not only strike for less work, and more wages, but will ultimately abolish wages, become their own masters and work for each other; labour and capital will no longer be separate but will be indissolubly joined together in the hands of workmen and work-women.” [quoted by E. P. Thompson, Op. Cit., p. 912] This perspective inspired the Grand National Consolidated Trades Union of 1834 which had the “two-fold purpose of syndicalist unions — the protection of the workers under the existing system and the formation of the nuclei of the future society” when the unions “take over the whole industry of the country.” [Geoffrey Ostergaard, The Tradition of Workers’ Control, p. 133] As Thompson noted, “industrial syndicalism” was a major theme of this time in the labour movement. “When Marx was still in his teens,” he noted, British trade unionists had “developed, stage by stage, a theory of syndicalism” in which the “unions themselves could solve the problem of political power” along with wage slavery. This vision was lost “in the terrible defeats of 1834 and 1835.” [Op. Cit., p. 912 and p. 913] In France, the mutualists of Lyons had come to the same conclusions, seeking “the formation of a series of co-operative associations” which would “return to the workers control of their industry.” Proudhon would take up this theme, as would the anarchist movement he helped create. [K. Steven Vincent, Pierre-Jospeh Proudhon and the Rise of French Republican Socialism, pp. 162–3] Similar movements and ideas developed elsewhere, as capitalism was imposed (subsequent developments were obviously influenced by the socialist ideas which had arisen earlier and so were more obviously shaped by anarchist and Marxist ideas).
This is unsurprising, the workers then, who had not been swallowed up whole by the industrial revolution, could make critical comparisons between the factory system and what preceded it. “Today, we are so accustomed to this method of production [capitalism] and its concomitant, the wage system, that it requires quite an effort of imagination to appreciate the significance of the change in terms of the lives of ordinary workers … the worker became alienated … from the means of production and the products of his labour … In these circumstances, it is not surprising that the new socialist theories proposed an alternative to the capitalist system which would avoid this alienation.” While wage slavery may seem “natural” today, the first generation of wage labourers saw the transformation of the social relationships they experienced in work, from a situation in which they controlled their own work (and so themselves) to one in which others controlled them, and they did not like it. However, while many modern workers instinctively hate wage labour and having bosses, without the awareness of some other method of working, many put up with it as “inevitable.” The first generation of wage labourers had the awareness of something else (although a flawed and limited something else as it existed in a hierarchical and class system) and this gave then a deep insight into the nature of capitalism and produced a deeply radical response to it and its authoritarian structures. Anarchism (like other forms of socialism) was born of the demand for liberty and resistance to authority which capitalism had provoked in its wage slaves. With our support for workers’ self-management of production, “as in so many others, the anarchists remain guardians of the libertarian aspirations which moved the first rebels against the slavery inherent in the capitalist mode of production.” [Ostergaard, Op. Cit., p. 27 and p. 90]
State action was required produce and protect the momentous changes in social relations which are central to the capitalist system. However, once capital has separated the working class from the means of life, then it no longer had to rely as much on state coercion. With the choice now between wage slavery or starving, then the appearance of voluntary choice could be maintained as economic power was/is usually effective enough to ensure that state violence could be used as a last resort. Coercive practices are still possible, of course, but market forces are usually sufficient as the market is usually skewed against the working class. However, the role of the state remains a key to understanding capitalism as a system rather than just specific periods of it. This is because, as we stressed in section D.1, state action is not associated only with the past, with the transformation from feudalism to capitalism. It happens today and it will continue to happen as long as capitalism continues.
Far from being a “natural” development, then, capitalism was imposed on a society by state action, by and on behalf of ruling elites. Those working class people alive at the time viewed it as “unnatural relations” and organised to overcome it. It is from such movements that all the many forms of socialism sprang, including anarchism. This is the case with the European anarchism associated with Proudhon, Bakunin and Kropotkin as well as the American individualist anarchism of Warren and Tucker. The links between anarchism and working class rebellion against the autocracy of capital and the state is reflected not only in our theory and history, but also in our anarchist symbols. The Black Flag, for example, was first raised by rebel artisans in France and its association with labour insurrection was the reason why anarchists took it up as our symbol (see the appendix on “The Symbols of Anarchy”). So given both the history of capitalism and anarchism, it becomes obvious any the latter has always opposed the former. It is why anarchists today still seek to encourage the desire and hope for political and economic freedom rather than the changing of masters we have under capitalism. Anarchism will continue as long as these feelings and hopes still exist and they will remain until such time as we organise and abolish capitalism and the state.
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koks-kino · 4 months
EN going to various Berlin junkyards to find something to play on for their supporters in 2019 and failing this experiement is a perfect example showing how times really changed and the past cannot be returned. And it is not only because of modern safety and recycing reasons - it's because metal is disappearing from our life. Industrial in metal-on-metal format became totally obsolete in XXI century. As a genre in became a thing in 1910-20s - times of second wave industrialisation - and in 1970s, times of its revival, it already started to become outdated, for western world moving on post-industrial economy. So, for critics it is necessary to understand that being modern for EN is more important than being counted as "classic industrial band". Their sound becoming softer is not a sign of their moving towards marketability - it is a need to be adequate their time. And a try to do 80s style fanservice was doomed from the start, because you can't turn the time backwards and "return".
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oraclekleo · 2 years
Christopher Bang (Stray Kids) Kinky Reading
Hello and welcome!
I’m Kleo and I’m here to present some k-pop related tarot readings to you.
I would like to state that all these readings have a purely entertainment nature and their purpose is to bring some fun into my and hopefully yours lives. I have never ever met any of the idols / actors / celebrities in my readings, I don’t know them personally. Tarot reading isn’t an exact science and I can never guarantee any of it. Most of it is my intuition mixed with fantasy. Don’t take these readings seriously and don’t base any important decisions on tarot readings only, use your common sense.
If you wish to request a tarot reading, please read the pinned post on my profile first to see the instructions on how to request. I only do readings for idols / actors / celebrities of 18 years of age or older. Requests for readings including younger people will be automatically dismissed. If you feel uncomfortable with these tarot readings, do not engage in reading my posts. Thank you for understanding.
Reading Info:
Rating: 18+
Reading Type: Single - Couple
Requested: Yes - No
Deck: E. A. Poe
Spread: Kinky
Turn On
Full Name: Christopher Bang
Stage Name: Bang Chan
Group: Stray Kids
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Christopher Bang
(Bang Chan - Stray Kids)
Deck: E. A. Poe
Spread: Kinky Reading
Position - XIV Temperance
Bang Chan is likely to take a submissive role in a relationship, especially if his partner is someone more experienced and wiser than himself. He’s likely to be a devoted lover with a pure heart and cheating is not in his vocabulary at all.
Libido - 10 of Cups
Bang Chan is romantic through and through. He’s full of overwhelming love for his significant other and will share it with them with eagerness and joy. He’s likely to fall in love head on and completely, feeling emotionally fulfilled and satisfied with the relationship. He's an attentive and caring lover, always making sure his partner feels loved and happy.
Turn On - 3 of Cups
Bang Chan is likely to seek for a cheerful and merry person to share his life with. He might sometimes suffer from gloominess and lack of self-esteem so he needs someone to support and encourage him, someone to give him a bear hug and hold him strong when he feels like he might fall apart. Bang Chan needs someone positive by his side, someone who sees something good about everything.
Kink - XXI The World
Bang Chan’s kink is likely to be an overstimulation. He kinda gets the kick from going through martirium and mixing it up with pleasure will likely make him lose his mind.
Thank you for reading!
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kuuyandere · 2 years
Major Arcana Yandere Asks
I do admire tarot and the game The Arcana. One of my favourite decks in terms of art is The Marigold Tarot by Amrit Brar, which I used for the image. The red edit is from here and the asks are based off of this post and this post.
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0. The Fool- Do you believe that you and your darling will live happily ever after?
I. The Magician- Would you ever use your abilities or status on your darling or to protect them?
II. The High Priestess- How is your innermost self like?
III. The Empress- How do you handle your darling’s friends and loved ones? Are you welcoming of other relationships (platonic/familial/etc.) in your darling’s life or are you more wary of them? 
IV. The Emperor- Is controlling your darling (consensually) important? How much of their life do you ideally want to dictate? 
V. The Hierophant- Do you define your feelings as pure obsession or possession, love, lust, love/hate, or something else?
VI. The Lovers- Would you care about your darling’s past or current romantic relationships, if any? 
VII. The Chariot- What expectations or standards do you have for your darling? What do you ultimately desire?
VIII. Strength- Do you bend your whims to better suit your darling’s needs or do you prioritize your own wishes?
IX. The Hermit- Would you be content with only watching your darling from afar or do you feel the need to interact directly with them? Or does it vacillate between the two? 
X. Wheel of Fortune- What makes you angry? How difficult or easy is it for you to recover?
XI. Justice- Are there things that you want to hide from your darling at all costs? If so, what?
XII. The Hanged Man- How much effort do you put into making your darling happy?
XIII. Death- Would you hypothetically ever want to kill your darling? Or want to “kill” the undesirable traits of your darling, if you believe there are any? 
XIV. Temperance- Is there anything that your darling could say or do that would make your feelings for them waver? Would you be able to bounce back or would it permanently change how you view them? 
XV. The Devil- How outwardly passionate are you around or about your darling?
XVI. The Tower- If you saw your darling in danger, how would you respond? And how would you react if they got mad at you?
XVII. The Star- How affectionate are you, if at all?
XVIII. The Moon- How sensitive are you to your darling's behavior and feelings? How much do they influence yours?
XIX. The Sun- How would you react if your darling gave you affection? What is your internal thought process like? 
XX. Judgement- How do you ultimately view your darling? As someone greater than you, someone lower than you, or somewhere in between?
XXI. The World- How do other people view you?
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twowhowait · 2 years
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<tag dump>
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nonovyabuisness · 1 year
If this has already been said I apologize.
So it is well known by now that the winners of the last life series are associated with Major Arcana from Tarot decks.
Here is an explanation of each one according to my own deck of cards.
Grian: The Sun (XIX).
This card generally represents joy, triumph and happiness.
When upright The Sun card encourages you to prioritize your own joy. Your optimism and glow inspires others, and leads to success.
However, when it is reversed, this card symbolizes sadness, deception and pessimism. It encourages you to be indulgent with yourself,to take time to heal and resource yourself.
Scott: The Star (XVII).
This card, generally represents clarity, hope, and the power of truth.
And upright the card of The Star indicates that you exited a period of confusion and incertitude. If this chapter of your life was difficult then The Star is a light to follow. It is here to light your way.
But when it is reversed, this card represents insecurity and lack of clarity. It advises you to adjust your perspective, to be confident in yourself and to choose authenticity because the confidence that you seek is inside of you.
Pearl: The Moon (XVIII).
This card generally represents hidden intentions, treachery, and secrets. It warns that appearance may be deceiving.
When upright, this card encourages you to examine contracts, transactions and opportunities. It advises you to listen to your instincts, and that if you have an intuition or hunch to listen to it.
When reversed, this card advises you to refocus and restore balance of your inner world. Your objectives are ambitious and you’ll have more success if you continue forward strategically and in cold blood.
Now for Martyn, I believe the arcana that suits him most is The World which is the last major arcana in the deck.
Martyn: The World (XXI).
This card generally represents transformation and realization of objectives for which you have worked towards for a long time.
When upright this card signifies that you are at the end of a long and difficult journey but that your success is at hand. Enjoy this moment and think at what allowed you to come to this. You have worked hard and you finally achieved your long-term objectives. Take a break to enjoy your success before moving onto the next step.
When reversed, however, This card indicates that you have trouble going forward. That is an alarm. Your regrets are a threat to your success. Make peace with your past, in order to go forward towards the future without hindrances. Many wonderful things awaits you.
This is the end of this post, Congratulations again for this win Martyn !
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 Oh, who am I kidding? I had to talk about Jimmy. I think he deserves the first major arcana of the deck.
Jimmy: The Fool (0).
This card generally means someone enthusiastic at the idea of entering a new adventure, but that inexperience and naivety causes him to stumble.
When upright, this card signifies that you are on the verge of an exciting trip, that you are ready to pursue a new objective with unlimited potential. this Arcana encourages you to counterbalance your optimism with common sense. If you stay reasonable and concentrated, who knows what’s in store for you ?
When reversed, however, this card suggests that you are delaying an important trip. This card is an invitation to ignore the little devil on your shoulder that has convinced you to procrastinate. It’s time to act ! Postponing things will only hinder your success.
Please don’t take this personally Jimmy… I mean no offense.
Now I am finished.
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teddypmedley · 8 months
I did a grief tarot reading because of OFMD s2e8
spreads: general grief spread, easing grief, healing the wound, finding calm in dark times, hope, summary of challenges, past-present-future summary of the whole reading.
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This is called "a spread for grief".
The immediate card is 4 of Cups, which I am interpreting as a commentary on the kind of grief we have. "You have had it with [the given] relationship. It's going nowhere and has nothing to offer—or so you think. Before writing it off, think about what you've put into the relationship and how you'd really feel if it was over. If it's done, it's done. If not, do your part to revitalize it. You'll both be happier in the long run". I interpret the relationship at hand to be our relationships with OFMD fan content creation.
The leftmost card, XI Justice recommends we consider the future ramifications of all of our possible choices when deciding how to behave in a situation. Understanding what power we do have in this situation is important, because it leads us to potential outlets for our feelings. It's very important that we think about how we behave while we grieve.
The center card, X Wheel of Fortune, reminds us to look for lessons in our sadness and opportunities for growth. The position of this card means that this reminder may help us with self care.
The rightmost card, XVI The Tower, acknowledges that this is a worldview-shifting loss. "Some belief that we hold dear, that is a deep part of how we define ourselves, is being called into question." We should keep in mind that sometimes destruction is necessary to create a new understanding, which may serve us better.
The bottom card, 2 of Wands (reversed), asks us to decide whether we are willing to make a commitment to a changed route. It is probable that we will not regret making a change. It is worth considering that this may be a new or a broken partnership of some sort.
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This is called "easing grief"
The leftmost card, Queen of Pentacles asks us to remember what we are good at. She has a lot to do with creation and accolades, like making an impressive craft that people enjoy. We might interpret this card as a recommendation to remember the skills and recognition that this fandom has helped us grow. The positivity and care for each other that we have developed, the nurturing environments that have been ideal for improving our crafts and making community.
The center card, Ace of Swords, gives us something new and positive to look forward to. We have a new challenge which can be addressed through thought/the mind, and it is entirely possible to find healthy ways to face the challenge or cope with/solve the problem.
The rightmost card, XXI The World asks us not to let go of our goal of Becoming. Remember what we've been working towards all along. That idea is still helpful, still relevant, and still worth striving toward. Whether that's improving our crafts, making our community, or growing as individuals, it's all worth considering part of our future. A second card came with that one. XVII The Star reminds us of our hope. A time of safety and peace is attainable now in order to look toward that dream of attaining The World.
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This spread is called "healing the wound".
The top card, XVII The Star says that it's hard to release our old hope, that OFMD would be... everything we wanted from a queer show. Our pain is represented by XXI The World, which as we already know is so central to this conversation. We are scared that everything we've been working toward is worthless now.
The bottom cards give us ways to address that pain and begin healing. IX The Hermit says to take time re-evaluating our knowledge and understanding of the world. It's a very good reaction to XVI The Tower, which represents the major shift in understanding we are going through (from the first spread).
3 of Pentacles reminds us: "You have many wonderful skills, and now is the time to put them to good use. Work carefully and thoroughly, doing the best you can. Create things that are useful and things that bring joy to your life. Experience the pleasure of doing something well."
The Queen of Wands reminds us to help by doing, to express ourselves creatively, and to move again after lying still. She also wants us to accept help from each other and keep building community.
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This spread is called "finding calm in dark times", and i used my LOTR deck.
A personal strength we should celebrate: V The Hierophant (reversed) represents accepting a lesson. (The card is represented by Elrond, a teacher).
A source of support to utilize: Knight of Wands represents a respite in the form of following a rush of creative inspiration, the pursuit of your latest idea. A secondary card is 8 of Pentacles (reversed) which says not to worry about how hard this pursuit is; you may focus too much on minor details and overanalyze mistakes and forget to look at the bigger picture of progress—if you don't succeed at this creative inspiration, that is OKAY. You might consider a new approach to it, or just set it aside. Maybe just do it for fun. (Knight of Wands is Tom Bombadil).
A reminder to help you stay grounded: 8 of Wands (reversed) there will be barriers between you and the finish line, but you will overcome them. Just be patient.
A step you can take to care for yourself: 3 of Swords says that it is important to take time to mourn, to accept support from loved ones, and to move through the cycles of grief. You are reminded to do the same (as Théoden after hearing about Boromir, if that example is helpful) and remember to express sadness and honor your feelings. You will be stronger for it.
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"A spread for hope"
4 of Wands reminds us of our recent milestones, and to value food, cheer, songs, and friends.
10 of Pentacles tells us to embrace the fruits of our efforts and our community and legacy. We may consider how to use our resources to help others.
2 of Pentacles tells us that something useful to do/offer is consider the beginning of a new journey and to be patient with ourselves. It might be helpful to start journaling and take notes about what we have to do and accomplish each day.
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The new moon is a time for a fresh start, but it can be hard to see where we're heading.
We're going through a transition period. Be aware of whether you're struggling to move on/forward.
We need to gain that momentum, even though it's hard. The best thing to do is to keep going.
Sometimes it's not helpful to strive to feel grateful when we're down. It definitely doesn't help to get mired in guilt about ungratefulness. It's okay to just mostly feel hurt and angry. But it also might make us feel better to remember what we do feel grateful for. The positives: the friendships, the finished fan creations, everything I've talked about so far.
(These symbols can be good to meditate on if you have trouble with any of these ideas).
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These symbols are a really good past-present-future summary of all of the spreads I've done in this reading.
We should remember our successes in terms of the realization of our past goals.
As a first step we should acknowledge our troubles and contact people for help.
Finally, we should consider our emerging journey.
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hellsitesonlybookclub · 4 months
It Can't Happen Here, Sinclair Lewis
Chapter 21-22
IT was not only the November sleet, setting up a forbidding curtain before the mountains, turning the roadways into slipperiness on which a car would swing around and crash into poles, that kept Doremus stubbornly at home that morning, sitting on his shoulder blades before the fireplace. It was the feeling that there was no point in going to the office; no chance even of a picturesque fight. But he was not contented before the fire. He could find no authentic news even in the papers from Boston or New York, in both of which the morning papers had been combined by the government into one sheet, rich in comic strips, in syndicated gossip from Hollywood, and, indeed, lacking only any news.
He cursed, threw down the New York Daily Corporate, and tried to read a new novel about a lady whose husband was indelicate in bed and who was too absorbed by the novels he wrote about lady novelists whose husbands were too absorbed by the novels they wrote about lady novelists to appreciate the fine sensibilities of lady novelists who wrote about gentleman novelists—Anyway, he chucked the book after the newspaper. The lady's woes didn't seem very important now, in a burning world.
He could hear Emma in the kitchen discussing with Mrs. Candy the best way of making a chicken pie. They talked without relief; really, they were not so much talking as thinking aloud. Doremus admitted that the nice making of a chicken pie was a thing of consequence, but the blur of voices irritated him. Then Sissy slammed into the room, and Sissy should an hour ago have been at high school, where she was a senior—to graduate next year and possibly go to some new and horrible provincial university.
"What ho! What are you doing home? Why aren't you in school?"
"Oh. That." She squatted on the padded fender seat, chin in hands, looking up at him, not seeing him. "I don't know 's I'll ever go there any more. You have to repeat a new oath every morning: 'I pledge myself to serve the Corporate State, the Chief, all Commissioners, the Mystic Wheel, and the troops of the Republic in every thought and deed.' Now I ask you! Is that tripe!"
"How you going to get into the university?"
"Huh! Smile at Prof Staubmeyer—if it doesn't gag me!"
"Oh, well—Well—" He could not think of anything meatier to say.
The doorbell, a shuffling in the hall as of snowy feet, and Julian Falck came sheepishly in.
Sissy snapped, "Well, I'll be—What are you doing home? Why aren't you in Amherst?"
"Oh. that." He squatted beside her. He absently held her hand, and she did not seem to notice it, either. "Amherst's got hers. Corpos closing it today. I got tipped off last Saturday and beat it. (They have a cute way of rounding up the students when they close a college and arresting a few of 'em, just to cheer up the profs.)" To Doremus: "Well, sir, I think you'll have to find a place for me on the Informer, wiping presses. Could you?"
"Afraid not, boy. Give anything if I could. But I'm a prisoner there. God! Just having to say that makes me appreciate what a rotten position I have!"
"Oh, I'm sorry, sir. I understand, of course. Well, I don't just know what I am going to do. Remember back in '33 and '34 and '35 how many good eggs there were—and some of them medics and law graduates and trained engineers and so on—that simply couldn't get a job? Well, it's worse now. I looked over Amherst, and had a try at Springfield, and I've been here in town two days—I'd hoped to have something before I saw you, Sis—why, I even asked Mrs. Pike if she didn't need somebody to wash dishes at the Tavern, but so far there isn't a thing. 'Young gentleman, two years in college, ninety-nine-point-three pure and thorough knowledge Thirty-nine Articles, able drive car, teach tennis and contract, amiable disposition, desires position—digging ditches.'"
"You will get something! I'll see you do, my poppet!" insisted Sissy. She was less modernistic and cold with Julian now than Doremus had thought her.
"Thanks, Sis, but honest to God—I hope I'm not whining, but looks like I'd either have to enlist in the lousy M.M.'s, or go to a labor camp. I can't stay home and sponge on Granddad. The poor old Reverend hasn't got enough to keep a pussycat in face powder."
"Lookit! Lookit!" Sissy clinched with Julian and bussed him, unabashed. "I've got an idea—a new stunt. You know, one of these 'New Careers for Youth' things. Listen! Last summer there was a friend of Lindy Pike's staying with her and she was an interior decorator from Buffalo, and she said they have a hell of a—"
"—time getting real, genuine, old hand-hewn beams that everybody wants so much now in these phony-Old-English suburban living rooms. Well, look! Round here there's ten million old barns with hand-adzed beams just falling down—farmers probably be glad to have you haul 'em off. I kind of thought about it for myself—being an architect, you know—and John Pollikop said he'd sell me a swell, dirty-looking old five-ton truck for four hundred bucks—in pre-inflation real money, I mean—and on time. Let's you and me try a load of assorted fancy beams."
"Swell!" said Julian.
"Well—" said Doremus.
"Come on!" Sissy leaped up. "Let's go ask Lindy what she thinks. She's the only one in this family that's got any business sense."
"I don't seem to hanker much after going out there in this weather— nasty roads," Doremus puffed.
"Nonsense, Doremus! With Julian driving? He's a poor speller and his back-hand is fierce, but as a driver, he's better than I am! Why, it's a pleasure to skid with him! Come on! Hey, Mother! We'll be back in nour or two."
If Emma ever got beyond her distant, "Why, I thought you were in school, already," none of the three musketeers heard it. They were bundling up and crawling out into the sleet.
Lorinda Pike was in the Tavern kitchen, in a calico print with rolled sleeves, dipping doughnuts into deep fat—a picture right out of the romantic days (which Buzz Windrip was trying to restore) when a female who had brought up eleven children and been midwife to dozens of cows was regarded as too fragile to vote. She was ruddy-faced from the stove, but she cocked a lively eye at them, and her greeting was "Have a doughnut? Good!" She led them from the kitchen with its attendant and eavesdropping horde of a Canuck kitchenmaid and two cats, and they sat in the beautiful butler's- pantry, with its shelved rows of Italian majolica plates and cups and saucers—entirely unsuitable to Vermont, attesting a certain artiness in Lorinda, yet by their cleanness and order revealing her as a sound worker. Sissy sketched her plan—behind the statistics there was an agreeable picture of herself and Julian, gipsies in khaki, on the seat of a gipsy truck, peddling silvery old pine rafters.
"Nope. Not a chance," said Lorinda regretfully. "The expensive suburban-villa business—oh, it isn't gone: there's a surprising number of middlemen and professional men who are doing quite well out of having their wealth taken away and distributed to the masses. But all the building is in the hands of contractors who are in politics—good old Windrip is so consistently American that he's kept up all our traditional graft, even if he has thrown out all our traditional independence. They wouldn't leave you one cent profit."
"She's probably right," said Doremus.
"Be the first time I ever was, then!" sniffed Lorinda. "Why, I was so simple that I thought women voters knew men too well to fall for noble words on the radio!"
They sat in the sedan, outside the Tavern; Julian and Sissy in front, Doremus in the back seat, dignified and miserable in mummy swathings.
"That's that," said Sissy. "Swell period for young dreamers the Dictator's brought in. You can march to military bands—or you can sit home—or you can go to prison. Primavera di Bellezza!"
"Yes.... Well, I'll find something to do.... Sissy, are you going to marry me—soon as I get a job?"
(It was incredible, thought Doremus, how these latter-day unsentimental sentimentalists could ignore him.... Like animals.)
"Before, if you want to. Though marriage seems to me absolute rot now, Julian. They can't go and let us see that every doggone one of our old institutions is a rotten fake, the way Church and State and everything has laid down to the Corpos, and still expect us to think they're so hot! But for unformed minds like your grandfather and Doremus, I suppose we'll have to pretend to believe that the preachers who stand for Big Chief Windrip are still so sanctified that they can sell God's license to love!"
"(Oh. I forgot you were there, Dad!) But anyway, we're not going to have any kids. Oh, I like children! I'd like to have a dozen of the little devils around. But if people have gone so soft and turned the world over to stuffed shirts and dictators, they needn't expect any decent woman to bring children into such an insane asylum! Why, the more you really do love children, the more you'll want 'em not to be born, now!"
Julian boasted, in a manner quite as lover-like and naïve as that of any suitor a hundred years ago, "Yes. But just the same, we'll be having children."
"Hell! I suppose so!" said the golden girl.
It was the unconsidered Doremus who found a job for Julian.
Old Dr. Marcus Olmsted was trying to steel himself to carry on the work of his sometime partner, Fowler Greenhill. He was not strong enough for much winter driving, and so hotly now did he hate the murderers of his friend that he would not take on any youngster who was in the M.M.'s or who had half acknowledged their authority by going to a labor camp. So Julian was chosen to drive him, night and day, and presently to help him by giving anesthetic, bandaging hurt legs; and the Julian who had within one week "decided that he wanted to be" an aviator, a music critic, an air-conditioning engineer, an archæologist excavating in Yucatan, was dead-set on medicine and replaced for Doremus his dead doctor son-in-law. And Doremus heard Julian and Sissy boasting and squabbling and squeaking in the half-lighted parlor and from them—from them and from David and Lorinda and Buck Titus—got resolution enough to go on in the Informer office without choking Staubmeyer to death.
DECEMBER 10th was the birthday of Berzelius Windrip, though in his earlier days as a politician, before he fruitfully realized that lies sometimes get printed and unjustly remembered against you, he had been wont to tell the world that his birthday was on December twenty-fifth, like one whom he admitted to be an even greater leader, and to shout, with real tears in his eyes, that his complete name was Berzelius Noel Weinacht Windrip.
His birthday in 1937 he commemorated by the historical "Order of Regulation," which stated that though the Corporate government had proved both its stability and its good-will, there were still certain stupid or vicious "elements" who, in their foul envy of Corpo success, wanted to destroy everything that was good. The kind-hearted government was fed-up, and the country was informed that, from this day on, any person who by word or act sought to harm or discredit the State, would be executed or interned. Inasmuch as the prisons were already too full, both for these slanderous criminals and for the persons whom the kind-hearted State had to guard by "protective arrest," there were immediately to be opened, all over the country, concentration camps.
Doremus guessed that the reason for the concentration camps was not only the provision of extra room for victims but, even more, the provision of places where the livelier young M.M.'s could amuse themselves without interference from old-time professional policemen and prison-keepers, most of whom regarded their charges not as enemies, to be tortured, but just as cattle, to be kept safely.
On the eleventh, a concentration camp was enthusiastically opened, with band music, paper flowers, and speeches by District Commissioner Reek and Shad Ledue, at Trianon, nine miles north of Fort Beulah, in what had been a modern experimental school for girls. (The girls and their teachers, no sound material for Corpoism anyway, were simply sent about their business.)
And on that day and every day afterward, Doremus got from journalist friends all over the country secret news of Corpo terrorism and of the first bloody rebellions against the Corpos.
In Arkansas, a group of ninety-six former sharecroppers, who had always bellyached about their misfortunes yet seemed not a bit happier in well-run, hygienic labor camps with free weekly band concerts, attacked the superintendent's office at one camp and killed the superintendent and five assistants. They were rounded up by an M.M. regiment from Little Rock, stood up in a winter-ragged cornfield, told to run, and shot in the back with machine guns as they comically staggered away.
In San Francisco, dock-workers tried to start an absolutely illegal strike, and their leaders, known to be Communists, were so treasonable in their speeches against the government that an M.M. commander had three of them tied up to a bale of rattan, which was soaked with oil and set afire. The Commander gave warning to all such malcontents by shooting off the criminals' fingers and ears while they were burning, and so skilled a marksman was he, so much credit to the efficient M.M. training, that he did not kill one single man while thus trimming them up. He afterward went in search of Tom Mooney (released by the Supreme Court of the United States, early in 1936), but that notorious anti-Corpo agitator had had the fear of God put into him properly, and had escaped on a schooner for Tahiti.
In Pawtucket, a man who ought to have been free from the rotten seditious notions of such so-called labor-leaders, in fact a man who was a fashionable dentist and director in a bank, absurdly resented the attentions which half-a-dozen uniformed M.M.'s—they were all on leave, and merely full of youthful spirits, anyway— bestowed upon his wife at a café and, in the confusion, shot and killed three of them. Ordinarily, since it was none of the public's business anyway, the M.M.'s did not give out details of their disciplining of rebels, but in this case, where the fool of a dentist had shown himself to be a homicidal maniac, the local M.M. commander permitted the papers to print the fact that the dentist had been given sixty-nine lashes with a flexible steel rod, then, when he came to, left to think over his murderous idiocy in a cell in which there was two feet of water in the bottom—but, rather ironically, none to drink. Unfortunately, the fellow died before having the opportunity to seek religious consolation.
In Scranton, the Catholic pastor of a working-class church was kidnaped and beaten.
In central Kansas, a man named George W. Smith pointlessly gathered a couple of hundred farmers armed with shotguns and sporting rifles and an absurdly few automatic-pistols, and led them in burning an M.M. barracks. M.M. tanks were called out, and the hick would-be rebels were not, this time, used as warnings, but were overcome with mustard gas, then disposed of with hand grenades, which was an altogether intelligent move, since there was nothing of the scoundrels left for sentimental relatives to bury and make propaganda over.
But in New York City the case was the opposite—instead of being thus surprised, the M.M.'s rounded up all suspected Communists in the former boroughs of Manhattan and the Bronx, and all persons who were reported to have been seen consorting with such Communists, and interned the lot of them in the nineteen concentration camps on Long Island.... Most of them wailed that they were not Communists at all.
For the first time in America, except during the Civil War and the World War, people were afraid to say whatever came to their tongues. On the streets, on trains, at theaters, men looked about to see who might be listening before they dared so much as say there was a drought in the West, for someone might suppose they were blaming the drought on the Chief! They were particularly skittish about waiters, who were supposed to listen from the ambush which every waiter carries about with him anyway, and to report to the M.M.'s. People who could not resist talking politics spoke of Windrip as "Colonel Robinson" or "Dr. Brown" and of Sarason as "Judge Jones" or "my cousin Kaspar," and you would hear gossips hissing "Shhh!" at the seemingly innocent statement, "My cousin doesn't seem to be as keen on playing bridge with the Doctor as he used to—I'll bet sometime they'll quit playing."
Every moment everyone felt fear, nameless and omnipresent. They were as jumpy as men in a plague district. Any sudden sound, any unexplained footstep, any unfamiliar script on an envelope, made them startle; and for months they never felt secure enough to let themselves go, in complete sleep. And with the coming of fear went out their pride.
Daily—common now as weather reports—were the rumors of people who had suddenly been carried off "under protective arrest," and daily more of them were celebrities. At first the M.M.'s had, outside of the one stroke against Congress, dared to arrest only the unknown and defenseless. Now, incredulously—for these leaders had seemed invulnerable, above the ordinary law—you heard of judges, army officers, ex-state governors, bankers who had not played in with the Corpos, Jewish lawyers who had been ambassadors, being carted off to the common stink and mud of the cells.
To the journalist Doremus and his family it was not least interesting that among these imprisoned celebrities were so many journalists: Raymond Moley, Frank Simonds, Frank Kent, Heywood Broun, Mark Sullivan, Earl Browder, Franklin P. Adams, George Seldes, Frazier Hunt, Garet Garrett, Granville Hicks, Edwin James, Robert Morss Lovett—men who differed grotesquely except in their common dislike of being little disciples of Sarason and Macgoblin.
Few writers for Hearst were arrested, however.
The plague came nearer to Doremus when unrenowned editors in Lowell and Providence and Albany, who had done nothing more than fail to be enthusiastic about the Corpos, were taken away for "questioning," and not released for weeks—months.
It came much nearer at the time of the book-burning.
All over the country, books that might threaten the Pax Romana of the Corporate State were gleefully being burned by the more scholarly Minute Men. This form of safeguarding the State—so modern that it had scarce been known prior to A.D. 1300—was instituted by Secretary of Culture Macgoblin, but in each province the crusaders were allowed to have the fun of picking out their own paper-and-ink traitors. In the Northeastern Province, Judge Effingham Swan and Dr. Owen J. Peaseley were appointed censors by Commissioner Dewey Haik, and their index was lyrically praised all through the country.
For Swan saw that it was not such obvious anarchists and soreheads as Darrow, Steffens, Norman Thomas, who were the real danger; like rattlesnakes, their noisiness betrayed their venom. The real enemies were men whose sanctification by death had appallingly permitted them to sneak even into respectable school libraries—men so perverse that they had been traitors to the Corpo State years and years before there had been any Corpo State; and Swan (with Peaseley chirping agreement) barred from all sale or possession the books of Thoreau, Emerson, Whittier, Whitman, Mark Twain, Howells, and The New Freedom, by Woodrow Wilson, for though in later life Wilson became a sound manipulative politician, he had earlier been troubled with itching ideals.
It goes without saying that Swan denounced all such atheistic foreigners, dead or alive, as Wells, Marx, Shaw, the Mann brothers, Tolstoy, and P. G. Wodehouse with his unscrupulous propaganda against the aristocratic tradition. (Who could tell? Perhaps, some day, in a corporate empire, he might be Sir Effingham Swan, Bart.)
And in one item Swan showed blinding genius—he had the foresight to see the peril of that cynical volume, The Collected Sayings of Will Rogers.
Of the book-burnings in Syracuse and Schenectady and Hartford, Doremus had heard, but they seemed improbable as ghost stories.
The Jessup family were at dinner, just after seven, when on the porch they heard the tramping they had half expected, altogether dreaded. Mrs. Candy—even the icicle, Mrs. Candy, held her breast in agitation before she stalked out to open the door. Even David sat at table, spoon suspended in air.
Shad's voice, "In the name of the Chief!" Harsh feet in the hall, and Shad waddling into the dining room, cap on, hand on pistol, but grinning, and with leering geniality bawling, "H' are yuh, folks! Search for bad books. Orders of the District Commissioner. Come on, Jessup!" He looked at the fireplace to which he had once brought so many armfuls of wood, and snickered.
"If you'll just sit down in the other room—"
"I will like hell 'just sit down in the other room'! We're burning the books tonight! Snap to it, Jessup!" Shad looked at the exasperated Emma; he looked at Sissy; he winked with heavy deliberation and chuckled, "H' are you, Mis' Jessup. Hello, Sis. How's the kid?"
But at Mary Greenhill he did not look, nor she at him.
In the hall, Doremus found Shad's entourage, four sheepish M.M.'s and a more sheepish Emil Staubmeyer, who whimpered, "Just orders— you know—just orders."
Doremus safely said nothing; led them up to his study.
Now a week before he had removed every publication that any sane Corpo could consider radical: his Das Kapital and Veblen and all the Russian novels and even Sumner's Folkways and Freud's Civilization and Its Discontents; Thoreau and the other hoary scoundrels banned by Swan; old files of the Nation and New Republic and such copies as he had been able to get of Walt Trowbridge's Lance for Democracy; had removed them and hidden them inside an old horsehair sofa in the upper hall.
"I told you there was nothing," said Staubmeyer, after the search. "Let's go."
Said Shad, "Huh! I know this house, Ensign. I used to work here— had the privilege of putting up those storm windows you can see there, and of getting bawled out right here in this room. You won't remember those times, Doc—when I used to mow your lawn, too, and you used to be so snotty!" Staubmeyer blushed. "You bet. I know my way around, and there's a lot of fool books downstairs in the sittin' room."
Indeed in that apartment variously called the drawing room, the living room, the sittin' room, the Parlor and once, even, by a spinster who thought editors were romantic, the studio, there were two or three hundred volumes, mostly in "standard sets." Shad glumly stared at them, the while he rubbed the faded Brussels carpet with his spurs. He was worried. He had to find something seditious!
He pointed at Doremus's dearest treasure, the thirty-four-volume extra-illustrated edition of Dickens which had been his father's, and his father's only insane extravagance. Shad demanded of Staubmeyer, "That guy Dickens—didn't he do a lot of complaining about conditions—about schools and the police and everything?"
Staubmeyer protested, "Yes, but Shad—but, Captain Ledue, that was a hundred years ago—"
"Makes no difference. Dead skunk stinks worse 'n a live one."
Doremus cried, "Yes, but not for a hundred years! Besides—"
The M.M.'s, obeying Shad's gesture, were already yanking the volumes of Dickens from the shelves, dropping them on the floor, covers cracking. Doremus seized an M.M.'s arm; from the door Sissy shrieked. Shad lumbered up to him, enormous red fist at Doremus's nose, growling, "Want to get the daylights beaten out of you now... instead of later?"
Doremus and Sissy, side by side on a couch, watched the books thrown in a heap. He grasped her hand, muttering to her, "Hush— hush!" Oh, Sissy was a pretty girl, and young, but a pretty girl schoolteacher had been attacked, her clothes stripped off, and been left in the snow just south of town, two nights ago.
Doremus could not have stayed away from the book-burning. It was like seeing for the last time the face of a dead friend.
Kindling, excelsior, and spruce logs had been heaped on the thin snow on the Green. (Tomorrow there would be a fine patch burned in the hundred-year-old sward.) Round the pyre danced M.M.'s schoolboys, students from the rather ratty business college on Elm Street, and unknown farm lads, seizing books from the pile guarded by the broadly cheerful Shad and skimming them into the flames. Doremus saw his Martin Chuzzlewit fly into air and land on the burning lid of an ancient commode. It lay there open to a Phiz drawing of Sairey Gamp, which withered instantly. As a small boy he had always laughed over that drawing.
He saw the old rector, Mr. Falck, squeezing his hands together. When Doremus touched his shoulder, Mr. Falck mourned, "They took away my Urn Burial, my Imitatio Christi. I don't know why, I don't know why! And they're burning them there!"
Who owned them, Doremus did not know, nor why they had been seized, but he saw Alice in Wonderland and Omar Khayyám and Shelley and The Man Who Was Thursday and A Farewell to Arms all burning together, to the greater glory of the Dictator and the greater enlightenment of his people.
The fire was almost over when Karl Pascal pushed up to Shad Ledue and shouted, "I hear you stinkers—I've been out driving a guy, and I hear you raided my room and took off my books while I was away!"
"You bet we did, Comrade!"
"And you're burning them—burning my—"
"Oh no, Comrade! Not burning 'em. Worth too blame much, Comrade." Shad laughed very much. "They're at the police station. We've just been waiting for you. It was awful nice to find all your little Communist books. Here! Take him along!"
So Karl Pascal was the first prisoner to go from Fort Beulah to the Trianon Concentration Camp—no; that's wrong; the second. The first, so inconspicuous that one almost forgets him, was an ordinary fellow, an electrician who had never so much as spoken of politics. Brayden, his name was. A Minute Man who stood well with Shad and Staubmeyer wanted Brayden's job. Brayden went to concentration camp. Brayden was flogged when he declared, under Shad's questioning, that he knew nothing about any plots against the Chief. Brayden died, alone in a dark cell, before January.
An English globe-trotter who gave up two weeks of December to a thorough study of "conditions" in America, wrote to his London paper, and later said on the wireless for the B.B.C.: "After a thorough glance at America I find that, far from there being any discontent with the Corpo administration among the people, they have never been so happy and so resolutely set on making a Brave New World. I asked a very prominent Hebrew banker about the assertions that his people were being oppressed, and he assured me, 'When we hear about such silly rumors, we are highly amused.'"
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kaiowut99 · 10 months
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters GX Episodes 99-101 Subbed (Finalized)
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(Previously: Episodes 97 and 98 Subbed [Finalized])
(Check out my Subbed!GX Stream Masterpost!)
TURN-99: Judai VS the Terror of the Laser Satellite
Judai learns of the secret behind his key--that it's a control key for a laser satellite--from Lind, secretary to Prince Ojin. Under Saiou's orders, Prince Ojin challenges Judai to a duel in order to take back his key. The Prince summons and attacks with three Satellite Cannons, while Judai opposes him with his Flame Wingman in the pinch that he's in...
TURN-100: The Ultimate Arcana, The World
In order to confirm his father's words about the Pulse of Light now possessing Saiou, Ed makes his way towards Saiou. Then, upon arriving to the Society of Light's very own dueling arena, Ed grills him about it. But with the Pulse of Light within Saiou changing who he is, he tries to coerce Ed into return his key to the laser satellite. But Ed gains his resolve and the two duel, Saiou unleashing his Arcana cards on him as if he's foreseen all there is to their fates.
TURN-101: The Finishing Blow, Ed! Bloo-D
Ed's duel with Saiou continues. Saiou's 21st Arcana Force, The World, has burst forth, and while Ed has taken considerable damage, he battles on with faith that the "real Saiou" is still inside the Saiou taken by the Pulse of Light. Though Ed gets cornered by Saiou's merciless attacks, just as he accepts his fate, something unusual happens and he shifts into a counterattack. As he does, the gentle-hearted Saiou seems to be overlapped with him...
*runs in carrying local coffee* Episodes 99-101 are now finalized! Just a bit later than I'd hoped (for reasons I'll mention below), but finalized, haha.
Inching closer to Season 2's finale, here we have Judai realizing just how important the key he got from the good Saiou is, dueling Ojin once Saiou sends him after Judai and breaking Saiou's spell on him (well, for now, if I remember 102 correctly...). Ojin's and Lind's backstory is nice enough if a bit rushed, makes sense to be a kid in the shoes of a prince being expected to be tough but not quite liking it in private, and Judai's bit of humility as he tells Lind he doesn't know if he can save the world from the brainwashing laser satellite but will get Ojin back to his nicer self was cute. After that, it's the cherry on top of Ed's character arc, coming to a head after his duel with DD, as he confronts Saiou about the Light of Destruction being inside him and not really being the friend who approached him at his father's funeral; 100 and 101 give us insight into their relationship and why they were able to connect with each other, even if Saiou initially didn't approach Ed to do so. 100 is also a prettily animated (despite the slight issues I'll note below) and well-paced episode, and 101 is made iconic because of Light!Saiou fully snapping at the end as he summons The Light Ruler, with Koyasu just hamming it up in his voice acting for him haha. (Also, Camula's Theme is featured in 101 for him, agonizingly reminding us it's been unreleased for so long.)
(Also, while I did hope to get these done a bit earlier this month [some social stuff had also come up], I'd luckily previously revised my scripts for 100 and 101 for GX_ST's release of their remastered versions back during the Fan-Favorite Duel airings in Japan, so I was able to make up a bit of time as a result, hehe. Also worth mentioning that Saiou's Material/Spiritual/Heavens Road cards, per Yugipedia, are valid as "Road" or "Lord" [as Konami went for the TCG/dub]; as "Road," they're a reference to "the three "roads" of the Tarot: "The Magician" through "The Chariot" (each numbered I through VII, all Level 4 or lower Monsters), "The Strength" through "Temperance" (each numbered VIII through XIV, all Level 5 or 6 Monsters), and "The Devil" through "The World" (each numbered XV through XXI, all Level 7 or higher Monsters). and as "Lord" they apparently reference the "phases of apocalypse" in a Lovecraft work, though Googling I couldn't quite corroborate that... Given Saiou's cards and his character, I went with "Road" working with the former.)
Animation error-wise, bit of an interesting mix here. 99 only saw three fixes, two card-related, and 101 saw about 8-9 with some card-related ones mixed in--but 100 has the lion's share of animation error fixes here, particularly because for some reason a decent amount of the footage sort of jumps in the video frame, causing a black bar to appear along the bottom for parts of the scenes involved; fixing the bulk of those, while relatively easy, probably took up the most time, lol. Notably, 4Kids fixed most of these for 100's dub, but the master used for the CR upload still has these (I thought it might've been an issue with how Astral_Union had encoded their DVDRip, as it does tend to happen in scenes involving video ghosting). More in my separate post here with my usual fix/edit breakdown for the interested, due to Tumblr’s dumb link limit in posts yeeting them out of the tags used and limiting their reach (and making me split it in two 🙃 [Part 2 with 101's is linked there]), to give you a more visual element to it, but altogether that comes out to 36 fixes across all three episodes! my love for this show is like an Ojama
Quick housekeeping: made an additional revision to 98 to update some of the lines during the Ed-talks-to-his-dad scene to incorporate some of my previous revisions to 100's script for the same scene, as I did prefer some of my wordings there, lol. I've also made another slight revision to 95's hardsub to update one of the Photography credits to match its spelling as of episode 87 that I missed. The link in their respective release posts now link to the re-uploaded version; I've updated their links in the Masterpost and will be posting the re-finalized hardsubs and 98's updated script on NAC soon.
Anywho, enjoy! With these out of the way, the stage is set for Season 2's three-part finale in 102-104, which I'll be starting work on soon; have been looking forward to revisiting these one last time, as these were the first episodes I tried to fansub back in 2007 iirc using Windows Movie Maker (how times fly/etc) and Judai vs Saiou is one of my faves. After those are done, I'll likely take a light breather before starting Season 3 and get a bit done on some side projects I've had in the works (and hopefully get to post about one special one in particular I've wanted to force into a tag here), but more once 102-104 are done, lol.
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randombrainworm · 1 year
Mina and Lucy strike again! It’s so funny to hear this 19 years old child talk about being a “sober, old married woman” soon… My child, you barely know the world! You’re living in a romance novel, more than half of it written by your presumptions and youthful confidence in being able to decipher the contents of other people’s hearts!
Okay, seriously tho, this was so far my least favourite entry, mainly because it shows how poorly some lines have aged; the entire affair about most women being not fair enough, or how women are essentially trying to use marriage like a shield against some of the life’s difficulties, not to mention the racist comment… They leave a bitter taste in the reader's mind. And while I have studied history for long enough to develop an understanding on differences based on the period the story takes place in, to not measure every bit of information by the prism of XXI century’s standards, it doesn’t mean I don’t get to wrinkle my nose at them.
(We contain multitudes, I can appreciate the more technical side of an interesting entry and how it fits a certain genre while murmuring “I don’t like it” under my breath.)
Not so long ago, we’ve met three “roommates” of Dracula, now we have Lucy considering (although briefly and making it an obvious pipe dream) marrying three men. An interesting choice given how her story will progress (no spoilers on this blog though!). It’s interesting to see our three gentlemen through the eyes of a young girl and to be able to form opinions by seeing their actions instead of hearing their internal monologue. This also grants them a veil of mystery (for now) and (in the long run) helps us remember that our narrators are unreliable.
But let’s not forget the most important thing! Good to know that Bram Stoker already knew about the rule that every story needs to have exactly one Texan in it, without much explanation as to where the hell did he come from! (This is a reference for my fellow His dark Materials’ enjoyers.)
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twoidiotwriters1 · 1 year
Copycat: Genesis —(Marvel Fem!Oc)
A/N: I love all these girls they're so amazing 😭❤️ -Danny
Words: 1,822
Phase Six Masterlist
Previous Chapter // Next Chapter
Listen to: ‘Bad habit’ -by Ben Platt
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xxi: The Avenger
"You got your things?"
"I came here with nothing, so yeah," Cat grinned.
Shuri stared at her intently, Copycat was still wearing her suit, she had no other clothes to wear, and she wasn't planning to parade around town anyway, she would leave Riri in her dorm, and then go back to New York.
"You helped me a lot this week, I won't forget that," Shuri said.
Cat reached for the princess's hand. "You have no idea how important this suit was for my next move. And meeting Namor changed my mind about a few things."
"About what?"
"That mutants are superior beings," The princess hesitated, and the hero laughed and patted Shuri's back harshly. "You should've seen your face! Sorry, some habits are harder to drop than others."
The girl punched Cat's shoulder lightly. "You look happy... gives me hope."
"It does?"
"That one day I'll look on the bright side like you do."
Cat decided to be honest, maybe that would help Shuri. "Lying to Namor was like turning my back on every mutant on Earth, Shuri. He showed me that we have worth, and what I can achieve if I don't give up on myself. It may not mean much to you, but I'm thankful you didn't kill him."
Shuri looked away. "I think we have lost enough. Killing Namor would've turned the Black Panther into someone unworthy of the legacy."
"Hmm, I hate legacies," Cat patted her shoulder again. "Don't become a stranger, alright? You can call me even if it's just to complain about your day."
"Good luck with that hunter," the girl squeezed her arm encouragingly. "Don't let him win."
"Can't. I got a team to rebuild," she grinned.
"I'll be waiting for your call."
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Riri stumbled onto her bed. "Oof! That ain't something I'm gonna get used to..."
Cat chuckled. "It was the fastest way to get you here," she dropped the girl's bag next to her. "Look after yourself, kiddo."
"Wait! That thing you said... about recruiting me..."
"You don't want me to?"
"You're gonna do it for real?"
"Yeah, if you're really interested," Cat assured her. "But there are a few things I gotta do first. Don't worry though, if you're meant to be an Avenger, you'll become one in due time."
Riri had an anxious look on her face. "I'm not sure I want to, though..."
Cat was unbothered by her response. She shrugged casually. "Well, the world is full of people like us, so no pressure. Whatever you end up choosing will be the right call, as long as it's not out of fear."
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"A colonizer in chains... Now I have seen everything."
"Funny," the ex-agent got out of the car and noticed the young woman on his left. "So Copycat really is Agent Zero, huh?"
She frowned. "How did you figure it out?"
"We found your gorgon suit at the scene," Agent Ross explained. "But I heard you quit like a year ago..."
"I heard you committed treason," she replied.
The man looked at Okoye. "You're protecting her?"
"I protected them," Cat frowned.
"She took advantage of our situation," Okoye clarified.
"You know, Mother, sometimes you say real hurtful things—"
"Don't ever call me Mother."
"De Fontaine will hunt your ass when she finds out—"
"Valentina," Cat's eyes flashed dangerously. If the woman had been there when they'd found the Gorgon suit, then Russo knew she was back. "She's the reason I came to get you, actually."
Ross paused. "She... is?"
"I'm sure some people love to have her in the office," Cat walked back to Okoye's car, hidden on the side of the road. "Unfortunately, I can't allow that."
"What?" Agent Ross inquired. "What are you talking about?"
"Mouse, we have to give Agent Ross an update."
"On it."
"And while you're at it, look for Fury's number, he's been on vacation for far too long."
"You got it, boss."
"Wait, why me?" The man questioned.
"Because you got fired and it wasn't fair play," she said. "You'll help me and Captain America, Agent, if you want your job back."
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Cat showed up in the middle of Matt's apartment... and startled Foggy Nelson in the process.
"HOLY SHIT!" The man fell over Matt's couch out of pure shock.
Matthew rushed out of the kitchen and walked up to Foggy, picking him up from the floor. "Why didn't you call!?"
"I wanted to surprise you with the news!" Cat winced.
"What news?" He scowled, helping his friend to get back on his feet.
"...that I'm alive?" She made a face. "Now it sounds stupid."
Foggy looked at her in disbelief. "Are you Copycat?"
"It's okay, Foggy—"
"Oh my god, are you in trouble?" The man looked at him with his mouth wide open. "You said you were taking a break—"
"—Foggy, calm down—"
"—Copycat is in your living room!"
Cat pressed the button on the side of her mask, turning off her visor. "He's not in trouble!"
Foggy stared at her squinting. "Do I know you?"
"You do," she took a deep breath. "Have you gotten any better at pool or am I going to keep stealing your paychecks?"
His eyes widened. "Cat?!"
The young woman smiled awkwardly. "Good to see you, bud."
"Foggy, you need to leave," Matt reached for the man's stuff and hung a bag over his friend's shoulder. "I'll explain everything later."
"But— wait! Cat?" Foggy looked at her and smiled. "That makes so much sense."
"I'm sure it does," Cat chuckled.
"You owe me an explanation too, though," he warned her before leaving. Matt kept pushing him forward. "A big one!"
"Yeah, sure!" She answered from her place. "Maybe one day you'll get it!"
Matt told Foggy not to mention he'd seen Cat, and his friend promised to keep his mouth shut, but he'd definitely demand all the answers sooner than later. Once he closed the front door, Matt spoke to her out loud. "Why didn't you call?"
"What time is it?"
"Seven thirty, boss."
"Thanks, Mouse," she looked at Matthew. "It's Monday, what are you doing in your house at this hour?"
He walked back into the living room, crossing his arms. "The power went out in the office so we came here instead."
"Where's Karen?"
"Took a short vacation, she'd been working nonstop for months," he hesitated for a second, in the end, he sighed and loosened the tie around his neck. "You should've told me you were coming."
"I didn't think it through," she apologized, then looked down at her suit. "Hey, you said Spidey brought some of my stuff. Where are they?"
"In my closet," he took a step forward. "You got a new suit?"
"Brand new design, changes colors depending on the light. I got a cloak too, but that one was given to me by another mutant, not Shuri."
"Another mutant?" He raised a brow. "Can I?" He raised his hand and Cat pulled her cloak forth, placing it on his open palm. "Paint me the picture," he requested.
"Two jaguars standing on their hind legs, they're facing away from each other," her eyes were focused on him. "The embroidery is silver and gold, and the fabric is teal, like jade."
"Does it have a purpose, or is it just for show?" He teased her.
"It's like Kingpin suits, but I'm sure it's made out of something else... the people that gave it to me called me a jaguar, he said they represent the power of darkness in the universe."
Matt frowned. "That doesn't sound flattering."
"Wasn't meant to be a compliment," Cat admitted. "It's who I am to them. It's like you, wearing a devil suit when you are a die-hard Catholic. Doesn't mean you're bad, only that you're one of the few who dares to do what it takes to keep your city safe."
He let go of the cloak but didn't move away. "You feel different. I would say happy, but..."
"I've made peace with parts of myself I thought weren't enough. I am enough... for what I'll do, anyway."
Matthew sighed. "There it is."
"What an ominous statement," she snorted. "I'm fine, Matthew. Don't overthink it."
He walked back to his kitchen. "You ate yet?"
"No, I was having a meeting with a former CIA agent."
"Can I ask?"
"I can tell you everything over dinner," she went to his room to get changed. "Even that part with the handsome and scary mutant, but I can't be specific, I promised not to tell others..."
"Sounds like a fun prospect," he replied with sarcasm. "Just your type, right? Secretive and inconvenient."
"More like charismatic and social," she tapped M.O.U.S.E. twice and her suit hid in a paw-shaped pin on her chest. "Did Spider-Man say anything about coming this week?"
"He said he'd try."
"I think I'll go see Harley.  Fury and the CIA agent agreed to help, I'm sure Harley's dying to pass all of our research to them, he didn't want to be involved, to begin with..." She put on a shirt and her favorite shorts. "Have you heard anything about the other guy?"
"What other guy?"
"The one that brought me along with Webs."
"Ah, that guy," he said. "Spider-man didn't mention him."
"So he left," Cat said quietly. "I'm glad."
"You don't sound glad."
"Well, I couldn't help him, I feel guilty."
Matthew hummed. "I'm sure you did your best."
Cat walked into the living room. "You have a habit of cheering me up even when I don't deserve it. Maybe I didn't try at all, have you considered that? Maybe I was selfish."
"I said you did your best. Whether your best is enough or not, that's another story," Matthew handed her a plate.
"That's so mean," she grinned, sitting down happily to enjoy her warm dinner. "But... Most of the people that I've interacted with ended up in a bad situation. From now on, I'll mind my business."
"I disagree, my life got better after we met."
She laughed. "Are you okay? Before I left for this mission you hated me, now it sounds like we're back to being best friends."
Matt sat in front of her, he had a small smile on his face. "We're definitely not friends. I'm saying you were exactly what I needed back then... but maybe this guy needs something else. Some people need the real thing, and a copycat isn't that."
She'd missed his bits of advice, as blunt and straightforward as they were, he was the only person in this world who understood her anger, but now... she knew it was because he couldn't remember her reasons to be who she was, and she couldn't blame him, but it still hurt. Cat was as real as any other person, she just couldn't be herself most of the time, because that tended to scare people off.
"Matthew, not even you are able to be sincere every second of your life," she sighed. "We hide parts of ourselves when we want to be picked. For example, right now I'm hiding how much I'd like to take you to bed to ask you if you're willing to be friends again."
He smirked, he didn't even bother to ask if she was joking or not, with her there was no difference. "If you can remember how to be a decent one."
"Vaguely," she took a bite of her food. "I won't blackmail you or break any of your bones this time around, promise."
"That's sweet..." he stole a bit of food from her plate. "Let's be friends, then."
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Next Chapter—>
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masterofrecords · 10 months
The Ravages of Time episode 4
I started on this episode thinking “oh, this is going to be an easy one – it’s just a little about the city, nothing bad”. I was halfway through the first paragraph when I realized I’ll need a ton of notes to explain what all these words mean… Editing and writing the notes and fact-checking everything took me ages, haha. So. Buckle up, this is gonna be a long one, I’ll probably put the notes under the read more this time so as not to clutter everyone’s dashes.
Before getting into the translation proper, I must note that there doesn’t seem to be a lot of consistency between different sources on how to translate some terms and names here. I’ll be using the terms I like best or a literal translation if I haven’t found an established one.
Additionally, a lot of dates for the early period aren’t precise (with the uncertainty being sometimes measured in centuries) due to the lack of written sources.
Episode 4
Luoyang Commonly shortened to “Luo”, formerly known as Luoyi and Luojing. As the place of origin of Ancient Chinese culture, the city has great importance. It was located in the middle of the territory of Ancient China, between the Nine Provinces [1]. Over more than 5000 years of history, 13 dynasties held their capitals there. The Xia dynasty Erlitou, Yanshi Shangcheng, Eastern Zhou dynasty capital ruins, the ancient city of Han and Wei dynasties, the Sui and Tang Luoyang city were the five great capitals lined along the Luo river, known together as the “Five Capitals of the Luoyang Basin” [2], a sight rarely seen in the world. The Longmen grottoes, the Grand Canal and the Silk Road – three sites and six locations of World Cultural Heritage are situated there [3]. – excerpt from the website of the Luoyang prefecture of the People’s Republic “Beautiful Luoyang – essential facts” Eastern Zhou royal capital In 1046 BCE, after Western Zhou dynasty formed, a city was built in Luoyang. The Duke of Zhou built Chengzhou and the city wall on the northern bank of the Luo river. In 1960s Western Zhou precious bronzeware was unearthed, containing inscriptions saying that the King of Zhou [4] “was the first to move his home to Chengzhou.” In the first year of King Zhou Ping’s rule (770 BCE), the capital was moved to Luoyi (near modern-day Luoyang in Henan Province) [5], marking the beginning of the Eastern Zhou dynasty. The residence of the rightful ruler, called the Eastern Zhou royal capital, extended from the south of modern Mouth Mang to the north of the Luo river, where the Luo and Jian rivers converged. Since the 1950s the excavation of the Eastern Zhou capital city revealed the astonishing scope of the city, precise planning, exquisite construction. It is of great importance to the study of the development of Ancient Chinese capitals.
[1] Nine Provinces – the territorial divisions of ancient dynasties, also commonly refers to China of that period as a whole (the Xia and Shang dynasties period – around 2000-1000 BCE)
[2] The Five Capitals of the Luoyang Basin – over the centuries, the locations of the cities moved a little, but they all remained on the northern (sunny) bank of the Luo river. They include:
Erlitou – a bronze age (Xia dynasty – XXI-XVII centuries BCE) site where the remains of an ancient capital were found. Erlitou is the modern name of the nearest village; the city’s original name was most likely Zhenxun.
Yanshi Shangcheng (lit. Yanshi market) – an early Shang dynasty (XVI-XI centuries BCE) city. A lot of the finds from the site seem to be related to rituals or craft like pottery and bronzeware.
Eastern Zhou dynasty capital ruins – elaborated in the next paragraph, but I’ll just offer the dates for Easter Zhou: 771-256 BCE.
The ancient city of Han and Wei dynasties – again just dates, the fun parts are (or will be, I assume) in the donghua. Han (206 BCE - 220 CE) and Wei (220-266). This is the period of the donghua. “But what about the Three Kingdoms?” you might ask – Wei dynasty is one of those three kingdoms, the one where Luoyang was situated.
Sui and Tang Luoyang city – not particularly relevant for this card since it’s in the distant future. Sui (581-618), Tang (618-907). I’m not very knowledgeable about Sui, but it’s worth noting that during the Tang dynasty the capital traveled between Chang’an and Luoyang. The main capital was in Chang’an for the majority of the period, and it was the largest city of the country (about a million people), while Luoyang was known as the “Eastern Capital”. However, during Empress Wu’s reign the capital was fully moved to Luoyang.
[3] three sites and six locations – I believe refers to the Grand Canal and the Silk Roads having to multiple protected locations, most outside of Luoyang. After analyzing the maps on the UNESCO website for ages, I think there are 4 locations from the Silk Roads complex in Luoyang.
Longmen Grottoes – also Longmen caves or “Dragon’s gate grottoes”, are a complex of artificial caves carved in the limestone on both sides of the Yi river, containing over a hundred thousand of buddhist statues, and is considered one of the finest examples of buddhist art. Most are dated to Tang or Northern Wei dynasties. Was added to the UNESCO World Heritage list as “an outstanding manifestation of human artistic creativity”.
Grand Canal – a unique waterway system going from Beijing in the north to Zhejiang province in the south. It was constructed over multiple centuries from V century BCE. It connects all five main waterbasins of China, and “represents the greatest masterpiece of hydraulic engineering in the history of mankind”. Notably, the pound locks were invented to make navigation between differently elevated portions of the canal easier and safer. The total length of the canal is almost 2000 km and some portions of it are still used for transportation.
Silk Road – probably the most universally known one, this is part of the ancient roads network going from Luoyang/Chang’an to the West. The UNESCO site includes various cities, palaces, temples, tombs and various other locations built along that route across many different cultures and eras. “These interaction and influences were profound in terms of developments in architecture and city planning, religions and beliefs, urban culture and habitation, merchandise trade and interethnic relations in all regions along the routes.”
[4] Duke of Zhou or King of Zhou? Those are two different people. The King of Zhou, judging by the date, should refer to the first king of the Western Zhou dynasty, King Wu. The Duke of Zhou was his younger brother Dan, who was heavily involved in the establishment of the new dynasty (and frankly left a much bigger impression on history). This is all from a time when the rulers of the country were referred to as kings – the title of the emperor won’t appear until the establishment of the Qin dynasty in 221 BCE.
[5] The act of moving capitals was what led to the dynasty becoming “Eastern Zhou” instead of “Western Zhou”, even though the ruling family remained the same (though – as it tends to be – there was a power struggle involved). Zhou Ping is also the reason why the dynastic name of Wu Zetian’s rule was Zhou dynasty – she claimed ancestry from Zhou Ping’s youngest son.
Spoiler time! Well, not really, because most of this episode is fighting... but I still have things to say!
"It should be the Kuaiji army of Sun Jian from Jiangdong". Jiangdong - lower Yangtze area, Kuaiji - Kuaiji commandery, conquered by Sun Jian's son a few years before the events of the donghua
Unlike a lot of secondary characters, both Hua Xiong (Dong Zhuo's general) and Huang Gai/Uncle Huang (from Sun Jian's army) are real people. (Meaning you don't have to worry about Huang Gai for another... say, ten years). Not much is known about them except that they did indeed take part in the conflict between Dong Zhuo and the coalition.
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