stolos · 7 months
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Y’know That one image of goth Ariel + Eric?
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fragcc · 1 year
Tim: ..so that's the plan. Anyone got any questions?
Kon: *raises hand*
Tim: yes?
Kon: would you still love me if I was a worm?
Tim: no. You're all dismissed.
Kon: WAIT–
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shadowsndaisies · 1 year
that time where everyone met birdy
main masterlist codename: nightingale series masterlist
so this is another hc for my codename: nightingale series, but this is the first time Dinah introduces Birdy to people outside of Star City, and it's the root of Robin's crush on her, but also the root of her friendship with Wally.
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so dinah brings her to her first meet up with Wally, Dick, and kaldur.
and in the way the numbers have been crunched via fic magic — there is no roy yet (more to come on this later)
Nightingale has not made her official debut just yet, so she’s just going by Birdy.
Which explains the nickname a little
Dinah shows up with this little girl and she's dressed in black leather, black combat boots, and black lipstick. She looks like a little mini Canary, and it's adorable, because she's small
she has about 3 to 4 inches on Robin since girls grow earlier.
she’s just barely shorter than wally who’s a few years older
Dinah introduces her to everybody, “I’d like everybody to meet my new partner in crime, everybody this is Birdy. She hasn't made her official Star City debut just yet, we’ve got a bit more training to complete, but she's getting there.”
Bruce, who knows exactly who Birdy really is, is watching her with his analytical eyes, because he wants to see how she's doing, how she’s adapting, to ensure that she really is ready for this. It’s the first time he’s seen her in person in a while, probably since the trial of her parent’s murderers.
Flash manages to make a small crack about replacing GA that gets a ghost of a smile on yns lips
“Finally get sick of GA, Canary? You know we’d have been happy to replace him ourselves,” he flirts a little, but all the adults know it’s completely playful. “Then again, if I had to stare at his ugly mug everyday, I’d probably want to find someone else to partner with too,” he sighs, pulling a light chuckle out of Aquaman, and a small smile on your face.
which B is very happy to see, because frankly, he’s not sure he’s seen birdy smile since before her parents deaths
The kiddies on the other hand, are in awe, they want to know more about this new person, because oh my gosh, it's a girl! and oh my gosh she’s kind of adorable!
without a doubt they’re underestimating her the slightest bit— except rob, because he knows that looks can be deceiving, because Bruce had taught him not to underestimate anyone.
So maybe, Flash gets a little cocky. He looks at Birdy and sees she's small, and realizes know she hasn't actually said anything yet and she's standing just to the side of Dinah, but a few steps behind, almost like she wants to hide behind her mentor.
So flash looks at the kid and looks at KF and then looks at Dinah and is like “what about a little action, huh, Canary? 10 bucks that KF can take your baby bird,” Dinah raises an eyebrow and looks at him, and she's like “really flash? Betting on the children?” The flash shrugs, “we’re here to see their skills, make sure they’re up to par, no?” he adds, defending his offer.
Before anyone else can say anything Oliver saunters up and is like, “I’ll take that action,” looking straight at flash, “but only if you make it 50 bucks.”
and robin who is analyzing the new girl sees as her lips turn up just the slightest bit, and how she stands just a bit straighter, basking in Oliver’s confidence of her.
Flash accepts.
Dinah’s like “all right boys before you go and pull your wallets, why don't we actually check with the kids?”
KF says he's down, absolutely underestimating Birdy
The boys pull him over to them for a second, and whisper in their little huddle
robin: you sure about this man?
KF: shes little, she’s new, it shouldnt be too bad
aqualad: perhaps we should not judge this particular book from her cover?
KF: maybe someday, but look at her? she’s like 10!
But then everyone shifts to look at Birdy because again she still hasn't said anything yet.
YN raises an eyebrow at KF, looks him up and down, and then turns to Dinah and shrugs
safe to say, she lays him flat on his ass despite his powers. and she does it quick.
Kaldur and Ollie are laughing
Bruce has got this lil quirk of a smile at the corner of his mouth
Barry’s caught between laughing and awe because that little girl who’s less than half his height, just took his boy down.
Wally’s on the ground groaning, but he looks at her when she steps into his line of sight, blocking the ceiling, and offers her hand to him to pull him back up.
and instead he says “marry me” gaining a slightly bashful smile from her, and a new round of laughter from the boys.
Birdy, ever a team player, sobers her look just a little, and finally says something.
“your stance was off from the very start. Speedster or not if you don't have a good footing you'll never win in a fight.”
But Dinah?
Dinah’s so proud of her kid. Not only because she won, which is huge, but she did exactly what D would want her to do, she helped her ally improve, and you can be damn sure that Wally’s careful with his stance going forward, and Dinah knows it’s because of what happened that day.
leaving Rob, who, at first bust out laughing watching his best friend go down to the floor so fast, but he’s also in awe because omg she’s so cool!
flash hands over the $50, and ollie takes it winking at Birdy, ruffling her hair as dinah rolls her eyes but squeezes Birdy’s shoulder appreciatively so Birdy’s smiling because she made them proud..
GA: way to go kid, how about we get aqualad next, huh?
Canary: Arrow!
AquaMan: I think it would be in the best interest for my wallet and my protege if I declined that bet
aqualad: I concur
NG: (beams nice and big at the praise)
wally: (quietly to the boys only) seriously I think im in love
rob: (just in his head) wow she’s pretty
B: (suppressing a smile while addressing everyone) shall we begin the training exercise? or would anyone else like to attempt a round with our newest addition?
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everything tags:
dc tags:
@grey-water-colors @batarella @loninctzencarat @escapenightmare
cnng tags:
@babymango-writes @smile-more19 @bruiscdlikeviolets @truly-dionysus @farfromjustordinary
@sometimeseverythingsucks @dweeb-central @lucy-roo @casedoina @cipheress-to-k-pop
@anonomano @seninjakitey @wherethesidewalkens @whelmedparker @bigtimesexhaving
@officiallydarkgeek @midnxghtblue @unini @blackwhiteandshadesofgradient @dontmesswithbeebo
@raggedyoldwitch @tinybeantm @unicorn-mya @bouqet-of-gay @duckmylife18
@kendallambrosio @hanbetired @torchbearerkyle @cynthiarose07 @lolsnacks
@mono--moonchild @emo-space-tea @notsostraightweeb @cryingnotcrying @sassyspanishartist
@we-flower-fan @laurcad123 @aces-tattooartist @awkward-youtube-trash @so0bercore
@sanovr @feverish-dove @raginghellfire @mischiefmanaged71 @evermoore580
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glassdecanters · 1 year
more bart and tim hcs because u guys ate the OTHERS UP <3
tim calls him baz. that's all. no one else can.
bart loves fidgeting with anything and everything tim has. tim'll be carrying his shuriken and bart'll just find it, touch it, cut himself on a corner, complain, then go back to fidgeting with it
bart holds onto tim's cape all the time. calls him boy wonder too. all of the time.
tim loves bart because bart is one of the only people who really congratulates him. it's always "YOU DID SO GOOD!!!" and "WELL DONE WONDER BOY!!!" and tim's never gotten that before. he loves it.
bart uses :D and :3 on a regular
tim's strong enough to lift up + throw bart. that's all.
they bicker like a married couple though. like back and forth until kon or cassie is like "girls stfu ur both pretty ok"
when tim came out bart was the only person around him who wasn't really like "yeah, we know" because that's kinda mean. bart just kind of accepted it and didn't talk too much about it, it didn't matter to him, tim's tim either way
they are just best friends your honour
if tim's hurt (early red robin days this happens a lot.) and i mean hurt badly, needs time to recover kind of hurt, bart stays with him. alfred is really strict on tim not getting up and possibly hurting himself more, and alfred is one of the only people tim'll listen to. bart sits with him. talks to him, tells him everything he's "missing", make sure he eats and doesn't just continue to work whilst he's resting. but then bart leaves and tim goes straight back to it. unfortunately. old habits die hard.
tim cut bart's hair once as payback for bart and kon dying a streak in tim's. it was a jason joke and it stung like hell but tim brushed it off and got revenge
that's all for now my sweets but this wiLL CONTINUE BECAUSE IM GLAD PEOPLE LOVE THESE POSTS JUST ASM AS I DO MAKING THEM heres one of my favourite panels of them
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avisisisis · 1 year
I'm currently writing a fanfic about Wally's shitty ass life
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graes-yj-hc-central · 6 months
YJ HC#37:
Billy’s face blind
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yjhgvf · 2 months
I just realized that the regular funny math show wiki has the troublemakers as the background image for april fools instead of team umizoomi like it normally does. Small thing but I think it's pretty neat
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Fry and Yancy Jr. could be good too
oooo yes, luck of the fryrish is actually one of my fave episodes (and one of my first) so i think about yancy jr a lot even tho i don't talk about him much!
my take on yancy jr is that he was envious of fry's unabashed self-expression, but didn't have the way to express his feelings because of their dad's toxic masculinity and the family's tendency towards repression. yancy jr is the older son and his father's namesake, so i think he has a stronger sense of "duty" than his younger brother, especially with yancy sr's strong american values.
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we see in "cold warriors" that yancy sr actively encourages his boys to fight each other, presumably because he thinks it'll toughen them up. they don't have much room to be honest with each other because, on top of being young boys in a time of political contention, they grew up in an environment where neither parent was great at expressing themselves and love was inconsistent.
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so i think YJ is jealous of fry's boundless creativity -- yes, there's the clover too obviously, but their rivalry and YJ's plagiarism and jealous dates back to fry's birth. while it started as childish "i should get everything i want," i think YJ struggled to find a sense of identity as he became a teen, and it was much easier to take a page out of fry's playbook even though he knew fry's ideas were often stupid and impractical.
fry had low self esteem and possibly issues with getting respect , but he was still confident in his imagination and originality. so i think it stung whenever YJ aped his style because that's all he had. fry wants to be important so bad and it sucks feeling like you can't have anything to yourself. so he interpreted YJ's plagiarism as spite, because it's a recurring theme that he cannot believe his family loved him at all because of the low self-esteem they fed him out of their highly flawed "tough love" approach.
i really love that YJ seems to have grown into a well adjusted adult and is now able to clearly recognize that he loves his brother, even if it sadly took a loss to acknowledge it (though we can infer in the BBS timeline they also became much closer for some time -- we see them playing together and phil ii knows his uncle's whereabouts, implying a consistent family relationship. and of course phil ii still has his name because YJ has liked the name philip since he was a toddler, so no it's not a plot hole like some people think). in fact, i think naming his son after fry isn't just honoring the (allegedly) dead, but symbolically breaking the need to follow the fry family legacy by breaking the yancy name tradition. you can tell from what phil ii became that his father encouraged him in a way fry was never encouraged, and i think that's in part because YJ retrospectively respects his brother so much more and probably regrets their strained relationship.
so i don't think it's any coincidence that phil ii shared the same dream as fry -- i think YJ had some good stories to tell that planted some ambitious seeds in his son's mind early on. :)
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silencedrage · 1 year
i hate that van was planning on just quietly dying. van, the boisterous cheerful one who always had a smile on her face and a joke on her lips, was going to go quietly into the night. and i already know this storyline is going to be fucking heartbreaking in and of itself because every single one of these actors is spectacular, but it truly shatters me to think about van in a world where tai never tracked her down and she just faded away without anyone knowing, thinking she didn't deserve to be happy.
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cm2tfemotd · 10 months
Todays Canon Male to Transfem Headcanon is Travis Martinez from Yellowjackets!
she is a gay asexual transfem that uses he/she!
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bravevolunteer · 10 months
good afternoon gays i've edited my doc a little bit so i would appreciate checking out the rules at least! otherwise— i'm going to try and see if i can queue some replies today but i will be busy tonight so if not, definitely tomorrow!
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1mpulsee · 3 months
// showverse!bart has scars . a lot of them, actually . from living in an apocalyptic future where he often got injured and was experimented on for an extended period of time, he ended up with countless scars . usually a speedster wouldn’t scar that much, but most of his injuries were when he had an inhibitor collar on and didn’t have his accelerated healing . most of his scars are from incisions, cuts, or scrapes, and most of them are on his torso or legs but his arms are mostly covered too . because of just how many he has, he sticks to wearing pants and long sleeves no matter the circumstance, so most people aren’t even aware of that fact about him . hiding his scars is, in his mind, for everyone else’s benefit — he doesn’t want them to ask questions they don’t want to know the answer to .
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businesscasualart · 4 months
Taking a look at your PsiDev art and the baby one has me curious, who do you think the best parent in Onslaught is? Also just want thoughts on the PsiDev baby because honestly…that’s fricking adorable
OOO okay okay thank you sm for the ask. I got so many thoughts. Uh let’s see…
“Who would be the best parent?” is a hard contest, and everyone’s is losing. I think in Onslaught, a lot of it is going to have to be learning how to parent as they go before the baby is old enough to get notably traumatized. And like that’s fine, parenting is hard, and I don’t think any of them are incompetent enough to kill the baby or not understand the gravity of the situation of Having A Child. Sort of. I hope. I think its also pretty dependent on the age of the child they receive.
but I’m thinking the top three must be Psimon(/Devastation. I keep counting them as a unit but if I had to pick One…probably Psimon), Shimmer, and maybe Tuppence? Yeah! I’m unsure about orders but they’re probably the top three.
As for thoughts on PsiDev baby…yes <3
I ofc have spent a copious amount of time pondering what their child would be like and just keep coming up with more and more possibilities. It’d just be so cute and wholesome. I think they’d be delightful parents. Maybe not perfect, but I think the kid would turn out aight all things considered and that there’d be love in that family.
That baby would HAVE to be overpowered to all heck though, like you can’t just get psionics AND strength/durability, that’s like…a crime. The baby might actually get a secret third thing and not just one parent’s power or a combo of the powers, but that’s STILL gotta be a POWERFUL secret third thing. Baby comes out with some god level powers, but physically is In A State bc I don’t think you can just be born of…what were their comic origins…a clay-made Amazonian woman and a scientist escaping working for Trigon and lost the whole top of his head without a few ramifications. That kid is gonna have some insane health consequence but I think they’ll live to be overpowered another day and that their parents would be very attentive.
I also think Psimon and Devastation having a child would be interesting if The Light was still looking to kidnap superhuman kids to experiment on and study…like, they had no problem taking Shimmer, would they take the child of their own? 👀 it could be some interesting conflict.
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werechampions · 9 days
yumi brain dump of random facts bc i want to be here but work hates me (pre-crash edition)
the japanese stock exchange collapsed in may of '91, which popped the post-wwii / technology bubble that the country had been riding. her father lost his job and they struggled to get back on their feet as a family, and it was largely only the help of her paternal grandparents that they stayed afloat. however, that came with a lot of stipulations and control placed over their son and his family, which yumi chafed under
there were expectations placed on yumi that she would attend the best schools and get good grades, solely so she would seem attractive as a future bride for some rich asshole. her grandparents did not hide their plans, nor did they hide their disgust when yumi began to rebel. often they would tighten the noose on her parents as punishment for being unable to control their daughter
at 14, she became involved in the sukeban gang culture as a way to manifest her independence and articulate frustration with her family's plans for her future. it was half-teenage rebellion and half-feminist rage that had her diving headfirst into petty crimes and delinquent behavior. no amount of detentions, lectures, or beatings would deter yumi, as she grew increasingly disenfranchised with the way women were treated in their culture, as well as the underwhelming economic prospects for her future. she didn't see a point in school and education because there was a recession, and she found that fights were the easiest way to get someone to respect (or fear) her
she's involved in an assault on rival gang members, and is arrested. her record is sealed and expunged due to the influence of her grandparents, but it's considered the last straw and ultimately what pushes the higas to leave tokyo
she and her parents moved to wiskayok in '94, when she was a halfway through what should have been her "junior" year. however, due to language barriers, it was determined that she would finish out the school year as a sophomore and re-do her junior year. it was offensive to yumi's parents who hated the idea of their daughter being "held back" but yumi did not give a shit
she joins the soccer team because it's the most socially acceptable form of "fighting" that she can find in a tiny suburb in new jersey. language barriers hardly mattered when the rules of the game were the same internationally. yumi quietly credits the yellowjackets with helping her learn english (especially slang). she starts out on jv during that first half-year she's in new jersey, and is bumped up to varsity for her junior year
with the combination of no longer being under her grandparents' thumb and influence, as well as being in a new economy that afforded better opportunities, yumi didn't feel quite as bitter and angry at the world. she has to deal with different issues now, such as racism and xenophobia, but a sense of hope for her own future began to return to her by the time her senior year rolls around
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graes-yj-hc-central · 8 months
YJ HC #34:
Dick has ADHD and sometimes forgets words.
The team’s budget is now affectionately called; ‘The Team’s money diet.’ After Dick forgot the word ‘Budget’
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