epiclamer · 2 years
^^^ this very draft has been sitting in my inbox since before I knew your name. I’ve been waiting a long time my love <3 enjoyyyyy
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Plane Crash
When the plane tumbled down, so did Villains whole world. It had started with a bit of turbulence, something the pilot had assured them was just fine and completely normal—much to the villain’s suspicion—but now it had escalated.
The plane’s condition was that of car ride down a rocky mountain. The seatbelt light hadn’t turned off once.
Slowly the flight attendants disappeared behind curtained sections, taking with them any whispers of reassurance.
People left bouncing in their seats and fumbling through the halls as they clasped to anything for dear life. It was starting to seem less and less okay.
Villain’s fear of planes did not help ease their racing mind.
They were going to die here.
“You’re not going to die here. Everybody please remain calm and seated while we head through this turbulent spot.”
If they were being honest, not even the pilot sounded sure of themselves. A slight quiver of panic could be heard through the loudspeakers in the plane.
Fastening their belt tighter around their waist, the villain gripped at the two armrests until their knuckles went white. Still, their attempts could do nothing to stop the clacking of their teeth as the plane swooped down again for a moment, pulling itself back up before the screaming in the seats begun.
But it wouldn’t be long before it was unstoppable.
People were getting nervous. Nervous people in a box trapped in the sky sounded like hell on earth to the criminal. They would even admit to being nervous themselves.
Taking a deep breath, Villain decided to take this moment to distract themselves, eyes scanning through the crowd of people that surrounded them. Maybe someone else had a good strategy for staying collected.
First they noticed a couple of teenagers, too consumed with their tacky movie to notice the bustling around them. Then a mother, clearly pregnant and sweating in gross amounts. An elderly couple, holding hands with their heads leaned back to the sky as if they were praying.
They probably were. It wasn’t a bad idea right now.
However, no matter how many people Villain watched, they couldn’t get their mind off of one.
A ridiculous thought to begin with. Villain would’ve slapped themselves in the face if they weren’t fearing for their imminent death.
But it was their only thought.
Their cocky smirk, their laugh, their nonchalantness, their dragging feet, their burden-heavy shoulders, their tired eyes, their slight accent.
Including under their suit…
Villain shook their head, trying to clear their thoughts. Having such lustful desires for their nemesis was disgusting.
But hey, they were probably going to die in five minutes so what did it matter?
The villain stopped breathing again, they wanted to pretend like this didn’t affect them one bit. They were never good with pretend. They had always been told they were too logic oriented.
They cursed their luck now. They needed someone, anyone, to be optimistic. Optimistic like their hero.
Fuck, they needed to send a text.
Flipping open their phone in a second, they knew it was no good, their screen lighting up as they clicked on Hero’s number. Fingers ready to write and mind filled with words.
Yet, nothing came out.
What were they even supposed to say? Hello? Goodbye? How are you? Care to plan my funeral?
In this situation what was sociably acceptable to send to your greatest enemy? Anything? Nothing?
They were so frustrated. Why wasn’t this easy? The villain was practically pulling the covers over on their death bed and they didn’t have any final words for their biggest crush?
Stupid, stupid, stupid. This was all stupid.
Their fingers worked without their brain, typing a few words before hitting send and shutting off their phone. The villain slid it back into their pocket as they relaxed as best as they could. Squeezing their eyes closed to best escape their situation.
“Ladies and gentlemen, the storm has past and we are heading for a smooth landing now. Thank you for your cooperation.”
The occupants cheered louder than anything the villain had ever heard before. Causing their own mini turbulence from inside the plane with the ruckus as they screamed and jumped. Hugging and crying and Villain was in the arms of strangers and they didn’t even care.
They were just so relieved.
As the people settled down and the plane came in to land, Villain felt their phone buzz in their pocket. Seeing a new message from Hero as they opened it up just to feel their heart sink.
It was nothing but a simple, “what?”. But Villain would never be able to explain just why they had sent “I love you.”
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medusozoic · 11 months
I have a lot of issues but at least I'm not afraid to approach women first
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raven · 5 months
thoughts on Narumitsu?
love them. i do actually have a rich inner canon for them lol.
heres my vision: i believe they fucked after rise from the ashes and edgeworth left to kill himself the next morning. quite literally fuck nasty kill yourself immediately after--- AND i do believe he DID want to kill himself. then of course they fucked again after farewell my turnabout and left on good terms but they were not together. bridge to the turnabout you know what happened.. sex. and then edgeworth went on his epic journey. i feel like they were like "we'll talk about this when you get home." and then he got home. did all his bullshit. once edgeworth finished, magnifi died 5 days later. 5 days after that phoenix was put on the case.. they were fucked... edgeworth has experienced an arc. he knows love. he can be open. and phoenix has closed himself off again. what can edgeworth do? he just fucking.. goes to europe. he'll give phoenix and trucy a few vacations, and he and phoenix will talk, and probably have sex, and just know that it wont work. because now phoenix has that wall and DAUGHTER. and its kind of in limbo for those entire 7 years, which is also when phoenix is actually in a relationship with kristoph (TO ME) in order to get information and have an epic divorce #KRISNIX but edgeworth knows and hes fine with it. he'll be the side chick Because edgeworth also has a casual sexual relationship with shi long lang. but of course they are still #ineachothersthoughts. and bodies as much as POSSIBLE . after apollo justice... YEARS! after apollo justice. i think they do get together for real (like theyve already been acting like theyre together at this point too)(lang can hang out if he want.) but theyre not together in a boring way like everyone has it. their dynamics with everyone is crazy not just dads. oh but you know edgeworth is trucy;s dad though. but like people love to make them stable marriage from when theyre in their 30s like. no . they dont fully get together till much layter but ar e hoooking up throughout. or at least not married or anything. and they are NOT the dads. fuck athena all my homies hate athena shes not even here. fuck APOLLO phoenix HATES apollo hes not his dad hes his boss..! edgeworth respects apollo as a lawyer but will not really interact with him unless trucy brings him to family dinner and they get along. kay should hang out with trucy. edgeworth does not like klavier. but phoenix has forgiven him and is trying to guide him to the right path. and they have their own issuessss like . ok anyways. havent been in the aa fandom for awhile so i cant rememver other things i hate them for.
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mio-nika · 5 months
Phantombright/black quill Death Note type shenanigans where they are cuffed together for uhhh extra precautions. The intimacy of every time you move that arm, it moves the other persons arm too. But also it's really annoying and they are probably already not happy about the situation. And still trying to accomplish a goal
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but yeah im thinking about it. i dont have any original jokes. but yeah IM THINKING ABOUT IT. im also planning to put it before the reveal on the timeline. for max level of stupidity.
- Prosecutor Blackquill hurt one of his hands, so putting him in full handcuffs would be simply UNJUST. So I'm wearing the other half!
And everyone is having like. Stunted silence...
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sometimes im genuinely surprised at how many people . genuinely ship cal and merrin? ESPECIALLY in the second game?
like dont get me wrong people can ship whatever they want but the way fandom latched onto calmerrin as THE ship for cal is ... weird to me? especially since we have bode? because for me calmerrin dynamic kind of. falls apart. in the second game. long rant below
so for me calmerrin were not a. GOOD. ship in the first game. not because i didnt like their dynamic- i thought it was kind cute and they had potential to grow together- but mostly because i absolutely headcanon them as a gay/lesbian duo. i genuinely thought that they worked best as friends- platonic soulmates, who find comfort in each other not in a desperate, romantice fire way, but in a way you sought comfort from hot coals in the fireplace. they will warm you for a long time, despite never being a straight out fire. but even back then, i could see the appeal- they were both survivors, both forced to carry the weight of their cultures, trying to salvage what they can from the unforgiving empire. cal, despite the heartbreak and suffering was a hopeful, and optimistic person, while merrin needed someone to show that not everything was bitterness and anger.
but then the second game came. and the mantis team broke up (for reasons, and yeah, it does have a justification) and when merrin talked with cal (dont rememver if it was before or after the kiss) she said that they didn’t share that unique survivor bond. at some level, it makes sense- there WERE a lot of families that got torn apart by the empire. but for me, her words didnt make a sliver of sense- their bond wasnt that of orphans, their bond was that of (basically) the sole survivors of entire cultures- not just their family was killed, their very existence as a jedi and a nightsister was paradoxal. because they didn’t just have to live on- they had to rebuild, scrap by scrap, inch by a blood-earned inch their cultures. thousands of years of traditions, language, practices. and then merrin tells cal that- that it wasnt unique? that their bond was no more than that of orphans? it didnt sit right with me.
and of course, cal changed. cal isnt nearly as hopeful- he still hopes, of course, but he became hardened, more bitter and anxious (and it probably has to do with him losing his third family. like. seriously. my man has at this point a very much worsening cocktail of survivors guilt, ptsd, attachment issues and lord knows what else). merrin is older now, she is more experienced, but she didnt really... change, i think. maybe she is more optimistic, though we didnt see it properly.
also can i say something, since we’re all here anyway? why the fuck was greez the only one to hug that kid when meeting cal after all this time? genuinely. like, what is up with that? cere and merrin barely pat his shoulder. would it kill them to give cal a hug? this is why greez is my favorite, his love isnt carefully contained and hidden.
back on track. so in the first part, we had this wonderful mix- cal would be the bright-eyes, optimistic counterpart to merrins guarded, and cautious presence. but in this game the only way i see them having a similar bond is merrin helping cal to fight the darkness which is... okay, i guess. but there is no back and forth. i dont see how they could make each other better people. i dont see how they could work as anything but platonic soulmates. to me, cal doesnt want merrin- he doesnt truly want her as his romantic partner. he wants people to stop leaving him.
this is probably very messy and maybe doesnt make sense, but cut me some slack, i am barely functional on my best days.
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cupids-chamber · 2 years
Hullo, tis me ヾ(@^▽^@)ノ
I wanna request for the Cupids Match! Event (◜௰◝) Thearyn's the name btw. For personality, it can change from time-to-time but for the most part im laid-back, almost to a fault actually. (Just think of me as that dog that sits on a chair as his house proceeds to burn down) but when the time comes, i'll gladly demolish the burgerking nextdoor if ever they give my buddy pickles when he asked for none. (Thru legal loopholes of course!)
My hobbies are drawing and reading (preeetty mundane) i also dabble into games and writing every once and a while. My dislikes are homeworks, having an existential crisis, entitled people, headmaster birbman-- and so-and-so. My likes are adventure games, fantasy books and listening to music. Last i checked, i am an Infp.
I got both chaotic and true neutral several times after playing multiple dnd alignment quizzes and i am confused whether or not i should be proud to be a monster-fucker (sorry if this is too lengthy)
Feel free to delete if you dont like this. Rememver to stay hydrated and rest up! Don't wear yourself out 'kay Cupid? (Your harem will do it for you
★~(◡﹏◕✿) ) For you 💐❤
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YOU'VE GOT A MATCH ! ! Sorry for the late reply, thank you for the reminder! ALSO THIS WAS WHEN I HAD A HAREM wodeo (I still do/j)
SILVER! Someone who grows to enjoy your laid back yet chaotic nature, would probably save any art you give him, if you do! Is your #1 helper with homework, though he’ll try his best to make you think of the answer to questions, and help you out when preparing for exams. 
Dates with him include netflix and chill, picnics, and game nights! Though he only plays a few handful of games, so you’d have to show him around, then again his father has probably already tried getting him into certain games.
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robins-den · 1 year
Hey can you please list what you call the yttd characters. Not what you think the names are but how you remember them. (It entertains me)
oh god uhhhh okay . i mm lmk if this is what you meant because i kinda devolved into saying what i think i know about them in a short amount
sarah choudin (most unfortunate haircut those fucking BANGGGGGGS)
joe tazuna (literally ,. just some guy. gives me kazuichi vibes but if people in universe actually liked him. hes like a dog maybe?? i think he escaped the killing game through a hole in the ceiling and sarah is impatiently waiting for him to come back with help but he like. broke his leg and died in a different hole so there's no help coming)
sou,,,,, sou shin? he has a hat and a scarf and a rattail? and he has that autism stare. I remember him as the ashe bradley of yttd. also you can rename him apparently
pancake girl. i remember her by the pancakes and syrup on her head. is she in girlscrush with the furry kid or are they the same kid or is furry kid dead. she's the third or second person i think of when i think yttd
furry kid. uhhhhh anzu?? shes uh. cat paws cat mask and ? has a relationship with sou shin but its really weird and bad and emotional . but shes just furry kid to me
that guy with the huge chest the blond one that the mutuals don't agree on. hes a chef?? all i remember is his huge chest tbh he could play captain america . also a sprite with his hand behind his head and he gives the viewer a Look and its like are we on a date ???? at a bar ?? whats the vibe ??
THE SCIENTIST. uhh. big tits according to footlong. also hes dating 'the floormaster'. i dont know anything about him i rememver him as 'weird scientist dude'
the floormaster. i think he works for the guy who trapped them all there and serves up drinks and food. the bandage guy? i remember him like 'oh he looks like the murder method from that episode of case closed :)' with a fedora because he's a loser
apparently there are also these doll things. the way i remember them is that whenever my beloved besties reblog or make a post and its an untagged meta analysis of the fact that all the characters are probably clones and the dolls are proof of that i scroll away super fast
uhh theres this dark skin guy. i have literally never seen him until that singular time a few weeks ago. i don't know anything about him. does he mean that the guild owner brings fresh meat in when enough people die or do they run multiple killing games and then condense them
sarah choudins dad. he looks like papa from witchs heart and sucks like he does
uhh idk anyone else or theyre so insignificant that i think they arent real.
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faerociousbeast · 2 years
the scariest part of it was there was another bed in the room i woke up in right.and it was like this hotel. so naturally i was like....Weird but obviously my sister is also here and woke up before me cuz shes a lot more punctual than i am lmao. i genuinely wasmt that concerned i didnt recognize the place??
so i was running around in the hotel looking for her, there were a lot of weird hallways and lobbies and ig the power mustve been out cuz it was dark as FUCK and really empty, until i randomly stumbled into a lobby full of middle aged white men on couches also in the dark and was like. Um. Anyway. and continued running
and then i ended up where i started except in the room next door, bc again it was dark and apparently they had two doors? one in the back of their room and one beside my rooms door, so i went in a circle basically. but anyways i didnt recognize them but thye were wearing traditional clothes and suddenly said "oh have you seen [cousins name]?"
i got confused bc this whole time id been searching for my sister, and i was like "oh noo haha i didnt come with my cousins family, i came with..." and THEN i started thinking and realized like. Hang the fuck on i havent seen my parents anywhere OR MY SISTER ANYWHERE and i dont actually rememver us coming here now that i think about it. The hell. well time to look for my cousin now i guess!
so i yell his name (not in a scared way but in the way your mom does from downstairs when you took too long to get to dinner or something) and he shows up casually. "which room did you wake up in???" "the one you were in lol, i got bored so i left you and was looking around."
thats when i was like. "...so your sister isnt here? or your parents???" and he was like "no? why?" bc. how do i explain this hes kind of.... hes not that much younger than me but he looks up to me a lot? so its not actually that unrealistic even not in a dream, that if he woke up in an unfamiliar place, if he saw me there with him hed probably be fine
but him acting like this plus with the things i noticed in the dark while running around earlier kinda confirmed for me we were kidnapped and whoever did it was most likely going to beat us up soon for ransom or info or something. so i thought back to last night
and APPARENTLY me and my cousin are part of the armed detective agency now???? and last night, we had to make dinner for everyone, and we did kind of badly but fukuzawa was proud of both of us or something. and everyone else (who wasnt the actual characters, this was like if the agency was just a regular police force that hires children for odd jobs sometimes?) was laughing at him for it. so i made the connection it had smth to do with the fact fukuzawa cares about the both of us and those bitch ass guys who laughed
and then i told my cousin that, like "hey uhh so we're probably kidnapped." and he was like "no we arent lmaoo.... Oh wait. yeah we probably are." so we went into our shared room and really quietly discussed the situation, bc the people in the room next to us were trying to listen in and there wasnt exactly anywhere else to go, and then we started walking while just casually whispering
my cousin started saying things like "you said theyre probably gonna torture the victims now right? well since we're part of the agency maybe i can use some of my reputation to tell them to stop" to which i was obviously thinking. Uh no my dearest cousin i actually do not think that would work in case you hadnt noticed we are kind of in the same boat as everyone else.
and then our walk took us to a different person in the hotels room and it was KUNIKIDA??? and looking back katai was probably with him bc it seems to be 2 to a room + there were computers and servers and shite all over in his room 💀 and he was basically like. "What are you doing here." what are YOU doing here dude??
and then i woke up before we could get horribly tortured
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benjamintwine · 4 years
drawing board
shane madej x reader
click here for the rest of the george ezra series
* * *
i dont really remember when exactly i fell in love with her. i remember the day we became official. i rememver every trip to her cubicle from mine. i remember every night she came to my apartment. i remember the day it all fell apart. but not the day i fell in love, though it may be the most important day of my whole life.
maybe it was when she started staying over at least once a week because she thought i was monster resistant. or maybe it was how she always smelled of vanilla or citrus, depending on the day. or maybe it was everything about her.
say what you will about us, but at this point, two months later, i still expect to open my eyes in the morning and see her head in the pillow next to mine.
* * *
“why do you even care still? she left you. you should be angry.” ryan groaned. when he found out, he immediately started hating her. but i couldnt make myself hate her.
“it was my own fault, ryan. i pushed her away. i shouldnt have expected her to stick around while i ignored her. if she refused to talk to me i wouldnt stick up with it either.”
ryan paused to stab at his delete key. “you arent wrong, you were kind of a dick. still. she pissed me off.”
“we know, ryan.” i switched from staring at my puppet history script to trying to write next week’s song. but she was on my mind.
“i told you about our first trip, right?”
ryan barely glanced up. “uh, probably when you first went. it was like.. belgium.”
“yeah. we went to stay on the beach on the north coast. we dated for, like, six months and we both got winter bonuses. she didnt tell me until we were literally on the plane that she couldnt swim. but i had planned everything around swimming.”
“thats so stupid. why didnt she tell you?”
i shrugged. i still dont know. “she was always doing crazy shit. she refused to let me cancel anything. when we went scuba diving, i had this image in my head of her sinking. you knew her, though. she wanted to see underwater. it was a once in a lifetime experience, she said. she always was doing really wild shit.”
“she was totally out of pocket.” ryan muttered. he was barely listening. but i missed her.
“yeah, but she didnt drown. she didnt sink at all. she looked really awesome. when we got back for dinner, we ate at this really fancy restaurant, but all she wanted was alfredo. and bread. like it was an olive garden trip.”
that made ryan look up for a moment longer than he previously had. “thats so weird.”
“that was her, though. she knew what she liked. i love that.”
ryan tapped his pen on his desk. “are you okay, shane?”
i dont know. “im sad. i wish she didnt hate me.”
“she said this was just like... a break, right?”
“ryan, it’s been two months. i dont know how long a break goes.”
he took pity on my broken heart. “what else did you guys do?”
i immediately let out a laugh at the first memory i thought of. “uhh, when she first moved here and still worked at buzzfeed, you remember how long her hair was, right?”
“she asked where she could get a trim, because she had just barely moved here, and i told her to go to tom’s.”
“shane, oh my fucking god, thats a barber shop.”
“i didnt really know the full difference. but i wanted to help! i dont know. i thought it would make me cool.”
ryan hesitated. “i do not remember this happening.”
“it was embarrassing, so i didnt tell you.” i grinned. oops. “she came back to work missing the bottom four inches of her hair. and she had to cut herself straight across bangs.”
“oh my fucking god.” ryan sighed.
“she said that he cut really high up for layers or something and then had to fix everything with a blunt cut. but that was the first time she hugged me. said that she wanted to be more impulsive and that haircut was the first step. maybe thats why shes scuba diving without swimming experience.” the silence between us was loud. “it was a very (y/n thing to do. i gotta get back to her, ryan.”
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bluemedallion · 3 years
The adhd experience:
I send a meme to a friend of freddie mercury getting stuck in a slide and we start talking about it, i refer to him as freddie and then backpedal saying i should have used his full name. I then wonder why every freddie is someone who you have to use their full name (i list freddie benson as another example). They suggest that its because freddie is a childs name, and im like true. But then im like its not like they have an alternative, theyd have to call themselves fred. And i send a picture of Fred Figglehorn. Then i start thinking about arnold from magic school bus for some reason, only i cant remember his name so i think its fred for a moment. I rememver that his name is arnold and am confused to why i thought he was fred. Now that im thinking about MSB start rambling to her about how if you took arnold and ralphie from magic school bus and combined them steven universe fusion style youd get a Fred, this is because youre combining ralphies 90s youthful sportiness and yet somehow utter dad-at-a-peewee-baseball-game energy with arnold's overwhelming geekiness (in the stereotypical 90s way). I know im right about this and dont need to explain further. As my friend is responding i gasp because i realize why i had thought arnold was a fred at first, and after a quick google i confirm my suspicions. I had been thinking of the 1996 novel Frindle by andrew clements, and the main character was ALSO a redheaded elementary-middle school student with glasses, id gotten my wires crossed from the "Fr" in the title! Cause obviously i dont remember frindle kid's name so i just call him the kid from frindle any time i ever think about the novel, which is probably once every two years. And i tell my friend this and then im like man frindle shaped me as a kid my 7 year old self being told that language is fake and society invented it is crazy, like thats just something so crazy for a 7 year old to be privy to i was boutta start my own language revolution in elementary school. So then im reminiscing on other andrew clements books because they all shaped my childhood, and im liked i wonder what andrew clements is up to these days? Legend, i hope hes not racist or something. And i google and hes fUCKING DEAD!!!! im distraught and i lament this to my friend. I immediately start googling his bibliography so i can remember all the ways thia man shaped me and i find the book Report Card which, as an 8 year old blonde afab who was gifted enough to be called gifted but not enough to be allowed in my schools gifted program, resonated with me greatly. I begin reminiscing on the plot and whining about the gifted kid system in school, to which my friend agrees because we were both fucking loser gifted kids in school who now have several mental illnesses and bimonthly therapy sessions! Then she changed topics and talked about something actually important and i found put that clements just died of old age, so i closed google and opened tumblr
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radiorenjun · 3 years
➶ angie's 1 k followers ! ! !
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we're. at. 1 k? excuse me? ( ˚ ߜ˚)!!!
I'm overly emotional right now, YOU'RE KIDDING RIGHT? BYE I NEVER THOUGHT THIS DAY WOULD COME. dude dude I remember joining this platform back in 2018 to read some Thomas Sangster fanfictions and leaving because I got bored. Then I got back in when 2019 started and that was when I first really got into kpop. And that was when I started writing Stray Kids drabbles (i should really get back on that I missed writing for skz I swear)
God what? I remember just writing for fun and to fulfill my fantasies of NOT being single with like 0 followers (except gwen of course) and wow. I can't believe I got this far with writing fanfictions. Damn, yall are true simps for your idols if you follow me fr. The fact that simply last year I went from publishing once every few months to once a week? Is fucking insane. The fact that I thought this blog was probably going no where and I should just enjoy my time with writing fanfictions and now I have like 36282&28 friends to chat and a huge ass following?
hihi ⋆ ˚。⋆˚⸜(♡ ॑ᗜ ॑♡)⸝ ˚⋆。˚ ⋆
THANK YOU SO DAMN MUCH? I'm literally in tears as I write this what the fuck, it's been two whole years since i started writing kpop fanfiction here and I had some ups and downs along the way. Im about to get a bit sentimental here so bear with me hehe
Originally this blog was suppose to be a place where I fulfill my boyfriend fantasies despite my issues with disliking physical affection (or affection in general) and to keep my mind busy so I don't spiral down into my depression again and again.
Ngl still is.
But damn, to think that now I can chat other people freely who has the somewhat of the same interests as I do? Dude that's fucking insane. I made some hella amazing friends here too and I'm so fucking grateful and happy that I can talk to them everyday and fangirl bout writing and nct and skz and everything else in general.
I'm not online 24/7 but mostly because of school shit since I'm bout to graduate soon but DUDE DAMN ITS HELLA FUN TO BE HERE. I contemplated on deleting this blog a billion times whenever my life gets too much, but I'm so glad I didn't.
Often times I would go to tumblr as some sort of escape from reality. I would act all hyper and chaotic even tho I don't feel the best in reality, but seeing my moots or followers interact or have a laugh at something or something I say always made my day. Im not the type to go on bout my problems so imma stop getting emotional here LMFAO
THANK YOU TO ALL MY MOOTS, MY FOLLOWERS AND LITERALLY EVERYONE ELSE WHO HAS INTERACTED W MY STORIES. I assure u I have more full fics as soon as i finish idni (which only has approx three chapts left by the way! I'm starting a new series very very soon!)
Thank you for being the reason why I'm staying. Im not planning on leaving anytime soon but I'm sure once I do I'll leave with a positive impact HAHA
Here's a pic of me doing a bridge to celebrate this milestone!
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Sexy Bridge reveal look at my 157 cm ass doing a sloppy bridge pls I wasn't even trying in this picture what the fuck is with that bush of a hair. I look s k I n n y here tf. I went 🦗🦗🦟🦗🦟🦟🦗 peak my sexy canvas at the back oh my god that floor do be looking shinier than my will to live dayum. Also feet reveal❗❗❗❗ don't mind my dads bike over there I can't ride a bike LMFAOOO
Anyways, this is angie otherwise known as radiorenjun. Thank you for having me and thank you for everything, I will continue to try and dominate the world with my extroverted ass, thank you and good night/morning/afternoon/evening/dawn/dusk/fucking/renjun/iloveyall/barkbark
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ocdhuacheng · 3 years
:^) ........... so like had a phone call with my prof about apps and rec letters and stuff and he was nice and it went okay and now i cant stop thinking about how i probably did way worse in the class than i thought and he only gave me an okay score out of pity. like i got a b and normally i would feel awk asking a prof for a letter when i got a b in their class (i still do) but like. since everything was online i dont really know a lot of professors well and i felt comfortable with him (or as comfortable as i could be given my. you know. issues.) but now im remembering all the stupid shit i did on homeworks and couldnt figure out simple things with python and that one embarrassing mistake on the final and if i remember those things theres probably more im not remembering and hes gonna go thru all that stuff and rememver it too so im  just. :^) no one look at me
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send-me-a-puffalope · 4 years
Bellum and the Cleaners for the ask
Bellum: What type of videos do you like to watch when you’re supposed to be studying/working?
When I don’t care too much, I usually put Game Theory’s FNAF videos on repeat cause ✨✨ fjsjfjsjfs or probably an among us video, sometimes you just wanna see people in distress :) /j hdwjjfs when i actually need to finish something, i usually just listen to music
Cleaners: Are you a messy or a neat person?
PLEASE I DONT REMEMVER THE LAST TIME I WAS NEAT. i live in a dumpster, i am the trash, and my friends are raccoons
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autumn-foxfire · 4 years
Yeah horikoshi gets really fucking creepy with all that stuff. If you ask me i dont even care about what the consent age is, im a 22 year old and I would find it wierd to date someone whos 18 cuz like they are just out of high school they are babies. Like i instantly mistrust anyone who ships large age gaps (cough cough endhawks) n says but they are both adults
Like if one of them is just out of high school n the other is a grown ass working adult they are not on the same level
If one of them is a college age and the other is nearing their 50s they are not on the same level
It just stinks of someone who is a full adult fishing for someone younger to date because young ppl will put up with more shit than adults and are still rather impresionable so easier to make them exactly what you want. Basiclly if a middle aged person is hitting at a young adult think carefuly why they arent going for someone their own age who would have a lot more in common with them
In my opinion ppl should really sure how much expirience and life a character has behind them then just saying well its ok they are both adults when one person literally just left highschool
Sorry about that ranty age of consent ask it just pisses me off, i remember when i was reading this book n a pair had a six year difference
Now alarm bells might be going off but its kinda worse
I dont rememver correctly cuz i supressed it but im p sure these two met when one of them was 16 n the other was 10
Fucking ten
And then as soon as the younger one hits 17 (the other one being 23 now n having a job) immidietly the younger one starts flirting with the older in all kinds of sexual ways n the older is like uhoh hiw do i say no to this
n then they start dating n the older guys ex (who was his age) was all wierded out cuz he was dating a teen but somehow they just brush it off as soulmates or something????? bRO IF U KNOW THIS IS WRONG N ULL SAY ITS WRONG IN UR TEXT WHY DO U WRITE it
Anyway i stopped reading halfway through n never picked it up again despite the book being about gay werewolves aka it couldnt be more of my jam if it tried
A friendship broke on that book too cuz i went to vent to my friend cuz i was borderlune triggered n while i was trying to vent he kept saying oh but its not pedophila cuz the other guy is 17 n some just like it younger until i was like u know i cant deal with u rn n dropped him
I hope you don’t mind me adressing all of this in one ask!
Eh... Playing devils advocate here and as someone who is also 22 but living with a bunch of 18/19 year olds (I’m the oldest I think or second oldest as I know there’s another girl who’s 22 too) I can say that their really isn’t that much different in our maturity. I have more life experience then them, sure, but at this age they’re old enough to go to university and choose the degree they’re studying, vote and drink (in the UK) so they’re not exactly immature either. I don’t think we should underestimate 18 year olds.
However, I know 18 year olds can also be dumb. There’s probably a reason fresher week exists and that’s to allow these dumb 18 year olds to have their first taste of what true freedom is like but still get to act immaturely before they have to buckle down for university.
And so I probably wouldn’t be too uncomfortable with an 18 year old dating someone who is 22 but I’d probably get more uncomfortable as that age gap rises because the difference in experience continues to increase. But still, as adults it’s up to them who they get to date, we’ve just got to trust and support them (and maybe be there for them if it does end badly).
But I’m personally really uncomfortable with romantic ships like Endhawks for more then just the age gap because as you said, with the age gap come the gap in life experience too. Also Endeavor, as Hawks hero, has a power dynamic over Hawks that I’m not necessarily comfortable with (especially with Endeavor’s past history of abuse, even if I don’t think he would be abusive towards him) too and usually it’s a power dynamic you see a lot in age gap relationships (the older person being more “mature” and so the younger should listen to them which can be a recipe for disaster if the older person turns out to be abusive).
Also... that book, I can see why it makes you uncomfortable. The 17 year old doesn’t sound mature enough to be in a relationship with anyone, really (waiting until you age so you can flirt with someone rather then actually maturing and becoming your own person... It just sets a bad image). It’s strange though, say they lost contact but met each other when the younger was 20/21 and the older was 26/27, I wouldn’t have an issue with their relationship. I guess because the younger has reached a point where they’re completely classed as an adult and have more life experience behind them which won’t be too different from their older partner.
But as you said, the book seemed to acknowledge that the 17 year old teen wasn’t mature enough for his partner and people also were against the relationship because of the age different. While it’s not technically wrong, it just doesn’t seem like a right or healthy relationship.
I’m sorry to hear it affected a friendship with someone though.
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fiftyshadesgrl · 5 years
Consumed part 3
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(Y/n)'s pov
I stood there for what seemed like forever just staring at the man i had loved so long ago. It seemed like forever ago that i was really truly happy with him. I set my food and drink down on the side table beside the couch, "you broke into my house?"
He nodded, "you wouldnt talk to me."
I gritted my teeth trying to control my anger. Why should i control my anger, he should feel every bit of it. "You dont deserve to talk to me. You dont deserve to be sitting here on my couch, in my home, demanding i talk to you."
His eyes fell to the floor, good i want him to hurt. I want him to suffer for everything he done to me. "Im sorry." He whispered., his eyes found mine and i could see the tears there. My heart ached a little for him but then i remembered that he done this.
"I dont care dean. I dont care if youre sorry, i dont care if you have missed me. You done this. The only person you can blame is yourself."
"Why did you try to kill yourself?" Deans question shocked me. I faltered with my anger for a moment but i regained my composure.
"Damn it sam." I growled under my breath but dean heard it.
He stood from the couch and took a step forward. "Dont blame sam. He shouldnt have had to tell me. You should have been the one to do that, why did you lie to me?"
"Lie!? You wanna talk about lying! You cheated on me and lied to me every night. We were together dean, you had a perfectly good woman at home and yet you chose to go after every waitress and barmaid you could find. When i woke up in the hospital you reeked of alcohol and some other womans perfume." I lowered my voice to a cold flat whispered. "You never cared about me, if you did you would have never cheated. So why would you care if i tried to kill myself?"
I could see the tears rolling down his cheeks but even though it pained me to see him hurting i would never let him close to me again. "I love you (y/n), i still do. I cared about you more than anything and i still have no idea why i did what i did. I guess its because i knew you could do better and i wanted you to see that. Now i realize i cant live without you i dont want to live without you. I know you will probably never trust me again but i hope one day you will."
I closed my eyes at the words i have always been wanting to hear from him. I felt my walls tumbling down inside and my heartbeginning to be exposed again. I felt his hads on either side of my face, his thumb rubbing the tears off my cheeks. Then i snapped back to reality.
I placed my hands on his chest and shoved him backwards, catching him off guard. "No! You dont get to tell me you love me! You dont get to come and go as you please! You dont get to swoop in like a knight in shining armor and try to sweep me off my feet. Just because youre telling me everything that i have wanted to hear doesnt mean im dumb enough to fall for it. Its to late dean, you shouldve realized what you had when you had it. Now you have to live the rest of your life knowing you will be alone, forever."
My words were a little harsh but he deaerved it. I walked to the front door and opened it. "Get out of my house. I dont care where you go, just get out." He stood in the hallway not moving and it began to frustrate me even more. "I mean it dean, get the hell out of my house."
He walked towards the front door with his head hung low. He turned right before he was on the porch and looked at me. "I really did break you." With that he walked down my front steps and back to his car. I slammed the door and locked it not looking back.
I picked my phone and called sam, he picked up on the second ring. "(Y/n)?"
I sighed into the phone, "yeah sam, dean just left."
"And?" Sam said hesitantly.
"Well i threw him out actually. I made it clear that i never want to see him again. He left just now and i dont know if hes coming back to the bunker or not."
"I understand. When do you want to meet to talk about the case?" Sam changed the subject and im thankful that he did. If i talked about dean any longer i would lose it.
"Tomorrow good for you? You can meet me here at my house if you want, or we can meet somewhere else." Finally picking up my pizza that was cold once again and my luke warm beer, i took a swig and grimaced. I hate warm beer but i didnt care at the moment.
"Ill come to you, ill text you when i leave here."
"Okay, see ya then." I said around a mouthful of pizza then hung up. I turned the tv on, flipping through the channels to find there was nothing on. I settled on a old game show rerun as i finished my pizza and beer. My eyes began to feel heavy and the exhaustion from the last few days finally hit me full force.
I heard my cell phone going off alerting me that i have missed messages. I dont rememver falling asleep but i must have been more tired than i thought. I slept all night and half of the day, i looked at my phone and it was one thirty in the afternoon. I had three text messages from sam.
'You up?'
'Hey sleepyhead, get up we have work to do.'
'Okay now im getting worried. On my way.'
Just as i read the last message a rap of knuckles was heard on my front door. I jumped up and walked to the front door to find sam peeking in my window. I smiled and opened the door, "you a peeping tom now?"
"Very funny." He chuckled. "You wasnt answering my texts and you never sleep in this late." He walked inside giving me a tight hug before going into the living room. I shut the door and followed him, sitting next to him on the couch.
"Wheres dean?" I have no idea why i asked about dean and seeing sams expression he didnt either.
"I dont know, i havent seen him. He didnt come back to the bunker last night." Sam shrugged his shoulders like this was a normal thing. Which with dean it probably was.
"So, last night was supposed to be a werewolf hunt but it turned out that these werewolves are working together with vampires." I said as i walked to the kitchen to get us some beer.
"What the hell?" He took the beer from my hand and twisted the cap off. "Vampires and werewolves do not work together."
I shrugged, "well these do. I fought with the vampire last night and cut his head off. I think i might have shot one of the werewolves to im not sure. We have to do something before this blows up in our face."
"Before what blows up in our face?" I froze at the gravely voice that sounded from behind us. Sam seemed to tense up as well watching for my reaction.
I turned towards him, he had a smirk on his face as he leaned against the door frame. "You just cant take a hint can you? Youre not wanted here."
Sam was taken back by my harsh words to his brother. Dean shook his head and looked at sam, "so this is how it is. Im out and sams in now?"
"What are you talking about dean?" Sam said confused.
"You swooped in the moment im out of the picture. I always knew there was something between you two." Dean growled the last bit between gritted teeth.
I couldnt help but laugh, "sam is here because i still like him. He never lied to me. He never hurt me, i trust sam."
Sam sighed, "theres nothing between me and her. Im helping her with a case."
Dean then walked around and sat in the recliner across from us. "In that case im all ears."
"Just humor him for the moment. Im in no mood to argue." I knew id regret not making him leave again but at this point in time i didnt care.
@an-unhealthy-obsession @vicmc624 @holylulusworld @justanotherwinchester @tftumblin
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darknessin · 2 years
anyways as shown in the film and the bts shots, bruce has a small, circular scar over his chest. Very very much bullet hole shaped. Logically, if he was properly shot there, bitch would be dead. But, i have an idea of it;;;
during his first year as batsy, and before his suit got the full on bulletproofability it has now, he was kind of fucking around with the bullet proof materials to test the best of them. Ultimately, the amount of layers he had at the time were absolutely not enough, and a bullet still managed to get lodged into his chest, just not deep enough to permanantly kill him or damage him or anything (literally broose theres a lung there my boy). Reeves said the suits been added to as broose sees fit, so its pretty easy to imagine that actually getting struck by a bullet all the way through would encourage him to add a few extra protective layerings to it. Thus making the actually bulletproof suit we see now.
also why he getting shot point blank still took a bit to fully knock him out. or all the head damage, the getting shot on the head, this man should have humdreds of concussions at this point (and honestly probably does, same broose same) but ultimately hes engineered his suit enough so the blowout and afteraffects of hetting shot arent as bad (rememver: even with cavlar or however its speled, youre still usually knocked out when shot . even if you dont die. its a really strong ass blast and he got shot p o i n t b l a n k and could still breathe and move a little bit, and hold on for fear life.)
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