#You just can't FIND that stuff most of the time
marclef · 2 days
a special gift for you guys, for this very important Fake Peppino Friday.... after a week of near-continuous work, i present to you the biggest mess i've posted so far to tumblr:
The Fake Peppino Headcanon/Biology/Anatomy/Whatever the heck this is Post
really just a bunch of headcanons, ideas, and other stuff i've complied together for Fake Peppino, illustrated to the best of my ability. i hope you enjoy! ✨✨✨
(caution: lots of text and assorted Frogs up ahead)
now.... who's ready for walls of text and drawings?
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Fake Peppino is a homunculus, made in the shape of Peppino by Pizzahead. He's much taller than the real Peppino, 8 feet tall compared to Peppino's 5 1/2 feet. He was created using the DNA from Peppino (either skin or hair cells), old pizza, and frogs (think Jurassic Park). His entire body, including the hat and "clothes", is comprised of a strange goop, with no flesh organs or bones, though certain areas are made out of specialized goo, meant for an intended purpose.
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He can stretch his body to inhuman lengths, though he usually only does this with his legs, mouth, tongue, and arms. His goopy body is extremely strong, able to withstand tearing and most puncture wounds. Attacks from knives or similar weapons are pointless, as it doesn't really harm him, and will likely just lead to him absorbing the knife into himself and retaliating. However, repeated attacks, especially physical blows, can tire him out, and explosives can harm him, splitting his body into pieces if particularly strong. This doesn't kill him, though, since he can reform his body.
If threatened, or trying to get into a tight spot, Fake Peppino can deform his body into a blob-like mass, allowing him to flee, squeeze into small areas, or melt into the floors/walls. He usually keeps his eyes and brain intact, to see his surroundings and act accordingly. The rest of his body, despite deforming and becoming mushy, can still function, meaning he could still eat in this form if he wanted to. He finds tights spaces comfortable, and can often be found squeezed into unlikely places, such as small containers, trash cans, and cabinets.
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If greatly threatened, though, or sufficiently angered, Fake Peppino can pool all of the energy into his body into growing larger, by rapidly burning energy into making more goop/cells. This is very tiring, generally only used as a last resort. The process generally makes his head and body much larger, with his limbs, as well as eyes/brain, staying mostly the same size. He is dumber in this state, with all energy and thought going into eliminating the target, something that Fake Peppino doesn't like. He avoids lashing out like this unless he absolutely needs to.
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Despite his frog DNA, Fake Peppino doesn't do well with water or other similar liquids. Thanks to his sturdy stomach walls, he can drink most liquids just fine, even fluids that would be dangerous to humans. It's his outside "skin" that's the problem, since it can't absorb liquid properly. Prolonged contact with water or other liquid will quickly cause him to deform, unable to keep his humanoid form, until he's sufficiently dried off/absorbed the liquid properly. He greatly dislikes being wet because of this, and will go to great lengths to avoid it. Warmer liquids are slightly more tolerable, being much more comfortable, so warm, bubbly baths are welcome.
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The brain and eyes are connected directly, with the brain protected by Fake's squishy head, and the eyes popping out the widened eye sockets. The brain is made of very specialized goop, and works very similarly to a human brain, sending signals to all parts of Fake Peppino's body.
However, despite it being the central control center of his body, smaller bits of brain cell goop are distributed through the rest of his body, allowing him to control other parts separately. So, even if parts of him are detached or otherwise removed, he can still control them, for a time. After some time, these parts die off though, losing control and deforming into inert goop. He mainly uses this ability to split "clones" off of himself, controlling them to attack perceived threats.
Being made of goop, Fake's brain can withstand damage a normal brain can't, but he still prefers to keep it protected underneath his head. It dries out a bit in the open, too, which he finds uncomfortable.
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Fake Peppino's eyes are very strong. Though he's often seen with a cross-eyed look to him, he's constantly watching his surroundings, even if it doesn't seem it. He has excellent night vision, often using this ability to easily stalk and sneak up on prey in the dark without being spotted.
He doesn't need to blink, but he still closes his eyes to sleep, when he's very happy, or during certain actions, such as swallowing. His eyes are one of the most vulnerable parts of his body, though, and attacking them would be a way to easily disorient him.
Fake Peppino's sense of smell is also impressive, being able to smell things long before he sees them. He uses this ability to easily find food, prey, or simply something he wants. The mustache under his nose (which, same as his "hair", is also made of goop) is sensitive, and he doesn't like others touching it.
Fake Peppino often sniffs things he's interested in, including strangers, to try to get a sense for them. He never forgets a particular smell, which makes it easy to tell if a familiar person is nearby. He often sniffs others while holding them or being given attention, likely as a form of interaction. Plus, he just thinks most others smell nice.
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Despite, like the rest of him, being made of goop, Fake Peppino's teeth can harden to be extremely tough. They soften if he needs them to, such as when he deforms. His bite force is very, very strong, comparable to a hippo's bite. He doesn't chew his food too often, though, and only really chews up food he finds particularly tasty, such as pizza. His frog-like instinct usually compels him to swallow most foods whole. His teeth are more often used to grip things, such as prey items, or to carry things around. He enjoys carrying things he likes around, and will carry smaller friends around gently with his mouth.
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The stretchiest part of Fake Peppino's body is his tongue, which can stretch to several times his body length. It is very sticky, coated with a clear, saliva-like goop that fills the inside of his mouth as well. Like a frog, he uses it to grab onto and eat food from afar, or to grab items he doesn't feel like using his arms to. It's very strong, and can drag even very heavy objects. The tongue's extreme flexibility allows him to reach it nearly anywhere, even down his own throat if he really wanted.
Usually, Fake Peppino uses his tongue to snatch fleeing prey items, and he can wrap it around their body to make them easier to eat. He often leaves his tongue dangling slightly out of his mouth, due to its length, but also making it easy to strike with if needed.
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Fake Peppino's "stomach" is a very special case. It functions like both an organic stomach, and similarly to a lung as well, constantly moving by pushing air in and out of himself. He can use this to inflate his body, making himself bigger for intimidation (like some frogs do), or to shrink himself down by releasing all air from himself; this is generally used if a prey item is being uncooperative, to cause them to suffocate. To help keep live prey in place as well, he's able to close off his throat with a mass of goop, preventing escape.
The constant movement of the stomach makes digesting meals easier, allowing them to be coated by a specialized goop that absorbs and dissolves what it covers, like stomach acids. Fake Peppino's stomach can digest almost everything, aside from very tough materials, such as most metals, very solid plastics, tough minerals (like rocks), and bones. Anything he can't digest, he simply spits up eventually, generally in a place it can be disposed of, such as the trash.
His stomach is very sturdy and stretchy, able to withstand almost anything, and can stretch as much as needed to fit what's inside. As such, there's not much of a limit to how much Fake Peppino can eat. Eating too much makes him sluggish, though, as his body tries to process it all. Fake Peppino is most content with a reasonably-full stomach, and is generally quite calm and relaxed after a large meal. Belly rubs at this point are greatly appreciated.
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If needed to, he can reach his arms back into his own throat, to grab something from inside of his stomach. He doesn't do it often, due to most things he eats being digestible, making carrying stuff around in there fairly pointless. This is only ever really the case if it's something too difficult to spit up, or something that wasn't supposed to be eaten in the first place.
There is no further digestive system, however; all food eaten is 100% absorbed in the stomach. Everything he eats is converted into more goop like him, leaving no trace behind, unless it is undigestible. Bones from eaten prey such as rats get thrown out, or disposed of in an appropriate spot.
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and... though I didn't get to drawing them, here's a couple extra unsorted headcanons/dumb little tidbits I just felt like sharing!
He makes lots of strange sounds, communicating more through groans and frog-like croaks than trying to speak. He CAN talk, but not well, mostly in broken, short sentences, and usually speaks "backwards". He can understand others just fine, though he struggles with especially long and complicated words. The sounds he makes when not talking are generally unintelligable, but his mood and tone can indicate how he feels. He uses the ability to inflate his body to produce very loud, aggressive sounds when trying to ward off threats.
His gooey body is what allows him to cling to walls and ceilings with ease. He sticks to walls while trying to stalk prey, or just to play around with friends. Though, in some cases, he'll cling against the walls or ceiling if frightened, finding them a safe vantage point. If you're in the dark and feel something creeping its way towards you, it's likely Fake Peppino, silently stalking you from the walls.
Despite his inhuman traits, Fake Peppino generally doesn't like the idea of eating humans. He still sees himself as somewhat human from his time spent believing he was the real Peppino. Attacking or eating things he doesn't see as prey is kept as a last resort, or if he's extremely angered. As of now in my canon/AU, there is only one person Fake Peppino has killed in this way. He didn't like the taste.
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appleblueberry-pie · 5 hours
How would Yandere Suguru react if he discovered that y/n was obsessed with him but to avoid him getting suspicious y/n pretended to be obsessed with someone else?
He fucking hates when you talk about that stupid monkey. He haaates when you bring him up. He hates when you smile when he's brought up. He hates when he crosses his account because you're following him on every single website that Suguru follows you on. He fucking hates that stupid thing because he's taking all of the time and energy he deserves from you. HE deserves you. He deserves your time, your energy, your breath, your tongue fixated on his name, he deserves it. He worships you. That no-life doesn't even know you, so how the fuck is it possible he gets to have you??
Endless questions that are never answered just gets shoved down his throat into his aching stomach once more as you ramble to him as he settles down on your bed.
You're flipping through channels and decide on one that you like. And as the TV gets it ready, you slip away to the bathroom for a little bit. And, as usual, Suguru tries to find anything you could possibly be hiding. His hand discretely goes through your nightstand drawer. He comes across a locked box. Funny. Wasn't here last time he checked this.
Good thing he has a thing for picking locks, right?
He gets it open, and there is a notebook. Heavy and thick with stuff taped inside of there, lots and lots and looooots of writing. All about him.
............All about him. Suguru Geto. Every single entry is titled with his name and the entry number. There's at least 30 in there. But you have so much to say about him, he can't stress that enough, that you finished the thing!
His head feels light as he realizes you've been lying about the dude you said you liked. You were covering up for your obsession over him....!
You come back and see him with it in his hands and you both make eye contact. He watches your face drop and you gasp, your body flinching as you see your most private and personal possession in his hands. You poured your heart into that fucking notebook, every page contained how you felt about the man on your bed reading it, from when your obsession first started to now. You only finished it last week. And here he was reading it.
You were scared. Suguru placed it on the bed when he saw your face, as if you were about to die for committing the biggest sin in the damn scripture of man, getting up to approach you. You shook your head and took steps back when he took steps foward.
All he wanted was to assure you, but you couldn't hear a damn thing he was saying, your ears ringing, pressure building in them as your heart raced. This was your biggest fear.
"Wait, Y/n, please-" Your eyes glossed over as you left your bedroom. He followed close behind and when he grabbed your arm, you just dropped to the floor. He was quick to follow, holding you in his arms. You sobbed your heart out, clutching him like he'd disappear in thin air and his heart breaks. Couldn't you tell he loved you just as much as you did with him?
"Please don't hate me!" You struggled to slip those words out in between sobs and choked up cries.
Suguru tries to ignore the glee he feels in his heart when you really confirm his suspicions. You were really crying for him. Over him! You really wanted him to stay with you. To love you. He wiped your delicious salt tears off of your face, embracing your beauty even when your face was puffy from the crying.
"I don't hate you, baby, I don't. I love that you love me. I love that you want me. Cause I want you, too, okay? I love you, Y/n. I do."
"......are you lying to me?"
"I would never lie to you. You're the last person I'd lie to."
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obae-me · 14 hours
Help I submitted that "MC's immune to Luci's siren song" ask and the brainrot has gotten so much worse- There's just so much substance to it! It inherently messes with Lucifer's ego and sense of pride, at the start of his and MC's relationship he's probably silently seething 24/7 cause what do you mean this random human he's never heard of before is entirely immune to all of his hypnosis magic???? In my headcanon of this whole AU the MC's on the more oblivious side when it comes to Lucifer's plan to keep trying to seduce them into the water, not to the point of stupidity, like no matter how much Lucifer insists they take a dip in the water they refuse unless it's like a tidepool or something cause they are aware of a sirens reputation, but still you know what I mean they're under the impression that after their first encounter Lucifer just innocently wants to be close with them and nothing else Agh and the SCENARIOS you can get with this. Okay- Like imagine with me if you will, Lucifer and the MC are spending time with one another in a secluded shallow pool of water (think like a tidepool or something similar where the waters are too shallow to properly drown in as a full grown adult), the two are kind of goofing around with one another and something something bam! MC finds themselves pinned down by and completely underneath Lucifer, and Lucifer has a thought... He could kill them right now. It's not the typical way for sirens to hunt their prey but he could use his razor sharp claws and teeth to kill and eat them like he had intended to since he met them. But, despite that being the extremely obvious solution to his "problem", Lucifer hesitates, and he finds that he's unable to will his body into harming MC, he just can't do it. And how ridiculous is that?!! The Lucifer, one of if not the most fiercest hunter of all the sirens, the man responsible for countless human deaths, finds himself unable to kill one. simple. human. How ridiculous is that?! Honourable mention the angst you could get in a situation where the MC finds out Lucifer was just planning to drown and eat them the whole time even if that's changed ("So.. Nothing we had was even real...?" type stuff) or say other sirens (not the other brothers/dateables just some random npc type characters) catch wind of MC and while they know they can't hypnotize them into the water they're not above using more forceful ways to drown them. There's so much fun to be had with this AU!!! My undying love for Luci and mermaids compels me to brainrot about it!!!!!! Monster forbidden romance for the in baybeeeeeeeee-
Screaming from the rooftops till my throat goes raw.
Drowning in a pool of my own tears.
The brainrot is real!!
Oh my god... I cannot even begin to tell you how wonderful this is.
There is so much ANGST potential! Say, for example, the reason why MC was out there that first night was to run away from something that happened in their life. They made it all the way to a rocky beach with no one but them and the water, and then all of a sudden, they hear the singing...and it's the most beautiful sound in the world. It immediately makes them feel better. And then of course, it came from one of the most beautiful beings they'd ever seen.
Sure they'd heard stories about sirens and their calls, and so they keep themselves safe in the shallows. However, they maybe thought that he kept coming to see them because...maybe there was something there. Anytime they were sad or stressed, they came to see him, and he made everything feel better. God, the way he smiled at them when they talked about their day. The way he asked questions to get to know them better.
That was all a lie? An elaborate manipulation? Just waiting for their guard to lower enough? How...horrible...
And so they stop going to see him. But they hate being away from the water when they're sad, so they head to different locations.
Only, there's several other sirens who have heard of rumors of the human who resisted the famous Lucifer's songs. If they managed to steal Lucifer's hunt...well, that appeals to more than a few.
They're in danger now, and they hardly even know it till they're in the thick of it.
And there's only one person who can help them.
Anon, this is so good. I can't take it.
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ianthine-ichor · 3 hours
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Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick NSFW Alphabet
A/n: Ah yes, the obligatory NSFW Alphabet. Anyway this was done very quickly and has not been edited very much but I hope you enjoy the food anyway Gaz lovers!
Tw: NSFW. No minors beyond this point!
Aftercare - he's elite status with aftercare. In fact he's managed to make aftercare just as sexy as actually fucking. Man's is in your ear whispering sweet nothings while cleaning you up and making sure you're in the most comfortable position pressed against him so you aren't as sore. He's really all about making sure you feel like a divine deity in the bedroom.
Body part - he is a legs man, through and through. He wants to bite them, lick them, stuff his face between them, all of it. He wants to suffocate in their grip.
Control - he's pretty in control of his sex drive. He can hold himself back until you two are alone without you even noticing that he was hot and bothered.
Dirty secret - he loves surprising you with a sudden movement just to hear you gasp for him. He finds nothing is hotter than making your body jolt with pleasure.
Experience - He has a lot of experience. He's got that charming yet devilish smile down to a science at this point and he was never against a good one night stand every once in a while. That being said, there is definitely a difference between how he fucks a random person he met in a dive bar verses how he fucks his lover.
Favorite position - anywhere between your legs honestly. Sit on his face, let him suck you off or eat you out he honestly doesn't care. Just as long as he gets a taste of you.
Goofy - he's not so serious he can't laugh a bit here and there, but he's honestly just so intense and passionate that it's hard to find the humor for him sometimes. He wants to make the moment as hot as possible and that sometimes gets in the way of a good giggle.
Hair - he is very well groomed. He prides himself on a clean cut look and down there is no different.
Intimate - he is so intimate that it's honestly a little intimidating at times. He's fucking you with such slow, deep strokes, breathing hot against your neck and letting out only the most delicious moans right into you're ear. He will kiss over every inch of your body like he plans to paint the feeling of your skin against his lips by memory.
Jack off - he's not a very big fan of jacking off. He'll do it if he needs to, but it's never satisfying enough. He craves the closeness of someone else.
Kinks - he's really into blindfolds, both on him or his partner. Something about the trust of it really turns him on.
Location - he's a bedroom only type of guy. He just doesn't find the thrill in getting caught when all he wants is your attention fully on him.
Man or machine? - he absolutely loves toys in the bedroom. Anything he can use to get you twitching at a moments notice is just too good of an idea to pass up.
Nope - he doesn't like pain during sex. Now don't get him wrong, a slap on the ass is never a no, but he tries to avoid anything that leaves too many bruises or scratches the next morning. It just makes him feel a little guilty.
Oral - he's an oral man all the way. In fact the hard part is keeping his mouth off of you. He wants his mouth constantly filled with the taste of you.
Pace - slow, intense, purposeful strokes. He's always searching for the perfect angle to get your face to scrunch and your toes to curl. His pace never falters, even when he's close.
Quickie - as of now his record for successful quickies that didn't turn into full blown passionate sex is zero. He just can't help himself, he always needs more.
Risk - he's not a very big risk taker. He likes finding what works and sticking to it for the most part. But he isn't completely opposed to a little bit of thrill seeking if that's what you want.
Stamina - orally? He could fuck you all day. Dick wise? Not that impressive. He dumped all his points into oral and didn't take the time to up his dick game. Still, you won't leave the bed unsatisfied, he'll make sure of it.
Temptation - tempting him is pretty easy. Just stare at him with those pretty eyes and call him whatever pet name you've given him and he'll melt like butter at the touch of you.
Unfair - he's never unfair during sex. In fact his goal is to make sure you always end when you feel the most satisfied. He doesn't like to tease or draw things out too much. He gets you exactly where you need to be.
Vocal - just the most spine tingling, lip biting, tantalizing sounds you've ever heard in your life. He makes sure you hear how good your fucking him too, what with all the dirty little praises he keeps whispering in your ear. He's definitely more of a moaner than a talker though.
Wait - he's incredibly patient and if need be he could go a while without fucking you. However just know that when he does finally get his hands on you again you aren't getting away for at least a day or two.
Xtra - he is definitely holding your hand while he dicks you down, no questions asked.
Yearning - he's definitely the type to yearn from afar for a while before asking. He wants to make sure you have the time before he asks.
Zzz - it takes him a while to come down from the high most times, so you two often spend a while holding each other with some nice, soft pillow talk before either of you pass out.
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7thleveldown · 6 hours
Star Wars?
So.... I wrote a thing....
It is neither good, nor really properly finished to my satisfaction, but... I dunno, I don't have a good excuse.....
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“That little bastard. I’m going to kill him!”
Stiles yelling was not an unknown occurrence in the Stilinski household, but for him to be heard before Noah walked in the door was, in his opinion, unnecessary.
“Scott, do I even want to know?”
“Stiles can't find something. He blames-”
“Isaac. I heard. So did most of the street. Any particular reason for him taking the blame?”
“Nope.” The monosyllabic answer from Derek made Noah think of earlier times, when there was distinctly more glaring. Although, the look on his face right now…
“Scott, do you want to tell me what is actually going on?” Noah leaned on the back of the sofa Derek was sitting on, not breaking eye contact with Scott.
“I don’t know what you mean… sir….”
“Scott.” Noah felt the need to rub his forehead against the headache that was beginning to build. “Scott you haven’t called me sir, I think… ever. What have you done?”
“Nothing! Nothing…bad?” Scott was wincing, but before he could continue, another voice was being heard, as its owner stomped down the stairs.
“..and why does anyone have to be that fucking tall? It’s unacceptable. Thinking he can come in here and mess with my stuff, he is going to be so sorry, him and his precious scarves - oh, Dad, hey…”
“Everything okay, son?”
“No, unsurprisingly, no it’s not. I need to report a theft. We’ve been burgled. And I know who the culprit is, so if you can go arrest him, I would be grateful. Teach him to steal my stuff, little miscreant…”
“Do we have any actual, you know, proof?”
“Well, no, but I know it was him, it always is, and he knows what this means to me, and he knew about tonight, and… He’s done it on purpose!”
“Stiles can’t find his Star Wars DVD’s. Scott had finally agreed to watch them. It is apparently Isaac's fault.” Derek’s monotone got an aggrieved look from Stiles, which only resulted in an eye roll from Derek.
“He took them!”
“Well, evidence is kind of important. Do you have any? Besides just knowing?” Noah couldn’t keep the slight tone of amusement out of his voice, leading to receiving a very flat look from Stiles.
“No. I don’t. But it is just the kind of thing he would do. I hate him, I hate him so much!”
“Okay, so… How about we go and have another look upstairs, and if not we can always watch something else and save this for another night, especially as you wanna do a whole marathon….” Scott’s voice faded out as he ushered a slightly placated Stiles upstairs.
Noah sighed, sitting down on the sofa beside Derek. “Where did he hide them this time?”
“What?” Derek turned to look at Noah.
“Where did Scott hide them this time, he is crap at hiding stuff in this house, which means I have to get inventive.” Noah explained, resignation in his voice.
“It was actually reasonable this time. They’re in the Jeep.” Derek shook his head before continuing, “You know, Scott thinks you don’t know it’s him?”
“Scott is a good kid. But a criminal mastermind he is not. That is what he has Stiles for.”
Also on AO3!
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petew21-blog · 15 hours
Being Chris Halliwell
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Leo recently couldn't stand Chris being in the house. Being in the present time and not the future. He asked the elders to send him back to the future. His contributions to the Charmed one were big, but as a whitelighter he didn't do much work to be honest.
Leo orbed into the attick to find Pheobe that now become a genie. A funny view but nothing out of the ordinary in this house.
Leo: "Chris, it's time to go home. The elders decided. You're going back to the future"
Chris:"Why are you always trying to get me out of the picture? Could you just give me some time without your nagging and trying to get rid of me?"
Leo:"it's time to go Chris, don't fight it."
Chris:"Ijust wish that whatever deal you have with me, you'd get over it"
Phoebe nodded and fulfilled the wish. Maybe bot exactly as it sounded. You know genies
Leo suddenly didn't feel angry with Chris. He had the need to apologize to him. To make it up to him somehow. Actually Chris was the best person that Leo knew. He had to make it up to him
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"Chris I am so sorry for my recent behaviour. Of course I want you to stay. It were just repressed feelings. I would never let you leave. Come here. Let's hug it out"
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Chris:"Leo? Are you ok?"
Leo:"Never better actually. I just realised what an amazing person you are and how we all should be like you more. Starting with me"
Phoebe:"It's the wish, Chris. You have to wish for him to be like before. He is like mindless version of Leo now."
Chris:"You know what? I don't and I won't. Leo is nice to me now for a change. Why should I change that? I think I'll keep him like this. You know what Leo? I really think You should try to be more like me. Just as you said"
Leo:"Of course. You are the most amazing person on the planet."
Chris:"Right. Ok, Pheobe. We got some stuff to sort out. We'll leave Leo do what he need to do."
Chris and Pheobe orbed out
Leo now had to find the best way to become Chris. They were both whitelighters so that was a plus. He went to his room and put on Chris's clothes and looked in the mirror.
"Hmm. Not bad but I still look like me, not like Chris."
Leo decided to put glamour on himself. Changing into the most beautiful and ideal man he knew. Into Chris
"I look amazing! I am Chris's exact copy. I am perfect. I look exactly like Chris. Not exactly. I am Chris. I am not Leo anymore"
The new Chris now roams around the house. Heading a noise from Pipers bedroom he enters. Seeing her with some guy.
Piper:"Jesus Chris, what are you doing here. Leave!"
Chris:"Sorry to disturb you, but I can't help but notice you two are really into each other. That's not right"
Piper:"Chris, leave. I don't know what has gone over you, but you can't do this. Where is Leo?"
Chris:"Leo doesn't exist anymore. I am Chris now. And don't worry. You will feel differently very soon"
Piper froze Chris and her lover, calling the real Chris
Real Chris:"What is going on?"
Piper:"Just turn around and you'll understand"
Chris turns around to see his exact copy. "Who is this?"
Piper:"Well, Leo apparently. Based on what he was saying. Do you know how this happened?"
Chris feeling slightly guilty decided to lie to Piper:"I have no idea"
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Piper:"Well he is obssessed with you right now. So you should sort this out. I have plans" unfreezing the two and getting back to sex with her love
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Chris:"Leo, you need to tell me why you did this"
Leo/Chris:"I just want to be you. Because you're the most amazing person I know. I want to be called Chris just like you."
Chris:"There are other ways how to appreciate someone. Not to become them and try to ruin their life"
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Leo/Chris:"I already said I was sorry"
Chris:"Ok, I have an idea. You wait here, while I go get the book of shadows. You'll change back into yourself and we'll find another way how you can appreciate me. Ok?"
Leo nodded ans waited on the couch. But although he wanted to be more and more like Chris, he couldn't agree with him. Leo orbed out to get the Elders. He needs to start persuading someone. Why not the ones who are in charge of all whitelighters.
Chris got back to the empty living room beginning his quest in finding Leo
Several hours later he went to get the elders help. But was surprised to see himself multiplied in the robes of the elders. They all now looked like him.
Except for one.
Chris backs away from the elders, all looking uncannily similar to him. He looks for Leo, the elder he noticed this with first.
"Leo, something's wrong. This new admiration you have for me isn't natural. It somehow reached the other elders."
By now the others had surrounded Chris and the one who had been Leo joined them.
"The only thing wrong here is that you still call me Leo. I've told you, your name is much better. I want to be called Chris from now on."
Chris tried to orb out, but found that the elders blocked him.
"Leo, please you have to listen to me!"
"Don't fight it Chris. You're one of us now. We're all going to be Chris"
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The Elders and Leo swarmed around him
That was the last moment when Chris's mind felt free. He was now one of the Many Chris. He felt powerful, He needed everyone to know what it feels like to be Chris
They all did have this common goal now. To make the world understand who Chris is. The world had to BECOME CHRIS. Everyone will
An inbox request from an anonymous profile, who acutally wrote quite a big chunk of the story to my messages and just wanted me to continue :)
If you want me to write a story inspired by your ideas, send me a message to inbox and I'll try to get to it. It may take some time, but I'll keep posting them :)
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caterpills · 11 hours
(Six) (Seven) Several Sentence Sunday
Hello, friends!! Thanks again for the tags @myheartalivewrites @blueeyedgrlwrites and I'm going to borrow @sparklepocalypse's open tag too! It's a weird time this Sunday, and I have an 'everything I write is not great' vibe today, but I'm powering through!! And I know I'm my own worst critic, so... I wasn't exactly sure what to share from the next chapter of This Is More of a Comment Than a Question without spoiling some surprises (or just copy-pasting a whole scene), so here's a little bit:
Henry seems to have caught onto Alex's tangential subject changes and doesn't even ask for clarification this time. "Yes, I'd like to think so. But even still, saying it out loud wasn't always an option for me. It took much longer." "When? Like, when did you finally say it out loud?" "After I finished my first draft of Generations," Henry says quietly, simply. The statement catches Alex off guard. That doesn't seem right. The way Alex remembers Generations, there was such surety in James's narration, in the deft and decisive way he speaks to his father about his identity as a gay man, what it means to him, and what it will still mean after he is gone. The impossibility that Henry might not have had that same confidence before he wrote the book doesn't exactly compute. "Really?"
(This takes place in one of my favorite locations of this chapter, so I'm excited to eventually share!!)
Open tag as always, friends! Please tag me if you use it because I would love to read what you're working on ❤️
Because this has been a hard writing week, I'm going to share some "behind the scenes" stuff from the most recent chapter about the locations around D.C. that Henry and Alex visited. (I did this for the Boston chapter, too!)
The Hay-Adams Hotel
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The historic Hay-Adams Hotel might be the most ridiculous place Alex has encountered in his life. It's bougie, like old-money white people bougie. His teeth hurt from clenching his jaw so that he doesn't say anything off-the-cuff to get him immediately kicked out. Valets are at every door, rushing to grab the handles before Alex can even think to reach for it. The interior is covered in plush burgundy rugs, thick brocade curtains, slick wood paneling, and ugly as sin chandeliers. Sure, its proximity to museums, parks, and the White House make it a prime location for tourists to blow money for a deluxe experience in the nation's capital. But there is something so viscerally unsettling about the distinct haunted house aesthetic the whole place is giving off. The Great Hall, Library of Congress
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The cocktail hour takes place inside the Great Hall of the Library. Alex gawks at the lofty ceilings, rising a steep two stories, and ending in radically intricate stained glass windows above them. After their visit in Boston, Alex finds himself looking everywhere, trying to find the pieces that cursory glances would miss. It's not just a historical building, but there is a purpose in the choices and a beauty in everything, even in the absence of something. Henry taught him that.
The Coolidge Auditorium, Library of Congress
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At the podium, Henry runs through the obligatory thanks: to the hosts, the Library of Congress, the National Book Festival organizers, the committee of literary judges who have given his novels so much consideration over the years, the rest of his fellow authors who have done such groundbreaking work this year, and to the readers—always the readers.
He clears his throat, looking up to the back of the auditorium. Whatever Henry is searching for, and ultimately doesn't find, changes the way he stands. There's a drop in his shoulders, a disappointment sliding across his face. Before Alex can look for himself, Henry starts reading.
Off the Record Bar, The Hays-Adams Hotel
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His dinner is a bowl of mixed nuts and a glass of whiskey, neat. He takes another sip, and finds his tumbler empty. So, scratch that, make it two whiskeys for dinner.
Alex knows he can't stay here forever—the bartender kicking him out at closing time doesn't count—but he wants to wallow. It feels good to wallow, where the only things that can see him feel so spectacularly low are strangers and the framed caricatures of notorious political figures on the wall. He can drink away his disappointment, encased by the black-and-crimson color scheme of the speakeasy decor.
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mgc02 · 1 day
Can i request a Angeldust x fit male reader where reader's love languages are physical touch (mostly teasing, rarely sexual and even so just mild stuff) and quality time? Thanks!
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Angel x fit male reader
He loves your muscles. That's the first thing. And since one of your love languages is physical touch he's gonna be touching your muscles constantly
He's very touchy himself. And despite his hypersexual persona he does love cuddles
As for quality time, he struggles a bit because he's so busy with work. His boss Val rarely gives much time to himself. But every second he can he wants to spend it with you
He makes up for it by going out on the most romantic dates. Picnics on the rooftop underneath the night sky and Fancy dinners. But just staying at home and binging a show together is something you two really enjoy. He loves to lie in your big strong arms with Fat Nuggets curled up in between you
Sometimes if you have to get up while the two of you are cuddling up (say to go the bathroom or to make coffee in the morning) he'll whine.
"It's gonna be so cold here without you to keep me warm" he complains although he has like 3 blankets and a very warm little pet pig
In public he loves to sit on your lap
Doesn't matter how long you two have been dating he will flirt with you even in front of everyone
He also goes out of his way to get you to display your strength
He finds it very sexy but also likes teasing you
"Uggghh! I just can't get this jar open! Babe can you help me?" He asks trying to hide his smirk
You give him an annoyed look. Really? The whole jar opening thing? And he wasn't even being very convincing
You take it out of his hands and pop off the lid with ease
"Oh! You're so strong!" He teases with a wink
You were 99% sure he could've got that jar open himself
But you still did it
Surprisingly, when it's just the two of you he loves to slow dance
Him being a dancer as a profession influences it but he appreciates the slowness and intimacy of it
And not sexual intimacy
Though he does love to get frisky he really appreciates the fact that you value him and your time together for more than just that
He loves you, his big strong boyfriend with the soft tender heart
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Deltora, a subversion of fantasy tropes (or perhaps more accurately going back to it's roots)
@yellow-eyed-green-crocodile OK, here we go.
Deltora Quest is a children's book series. It consists of 16 books, though it exists in an expanded universe which contains another 12 books, not counting Tales of Deltora, Secrets of Deltora, and Monsters of Deltora (as well as the little-known extra book The Land of Dragons, which contains about half of what's in Tales of Deltora plus 3 additional stories which you can't find anywhere else).
The books were written during that time when Scholastic was doing it's darnedest to get kids to actually pick up a book and read. You know, the era of Animorphs, Secrets of Droon, and other books like that. Pre-harry-potter stuff. But deltora always stuck out as somewhat... odd.
For one thing, the setting. Deltora is a land absolutely INFESTED with horrifying monsters. we're talking lovecraft-level stuff. indeed, these things are so powerful that going toe-to-toe with them in conventional combat is laughably absurd. I mean, just look at this thing:
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each of those little globes is a stomach the size of a PERSON. a sword ain't doin SHIT against that thing. and it wasn't even the primary monster from the book it came from. do you know what was? THE SAND IT'S STANDING ON. YES, THAT ENTIRE DESERT IS A SINGLE MONSTER.
there are also dark sorcerers, capable of, for example, turning an entire town into a fetid swamp in a split second, and deflecting any weapon directed at them. the main villain is a sorcerer of such incredible power that he makes zeus and odin look like chumps.
in order to defeat these creatures, the main characters are consistently forced to use their wits instead of their weapons.
but this isn't what I am writing this post about. every fantasy book has monsters of some kind. probably. no, what REALLY stands out about the Deltora Quest series is the BELT.
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this is the Belt of Deltora, a composite magic item formed from 7 gems, each linked to the power of the land, bound together by a belt made by a simple blacksmith who united the seven tribes of deltora and became it's first king. it is considered the single most powerful mystical object on the continent, and uniting it is Deltora's only hope for survival.
except from a generic fantasy perspective, it kinda sucks.
in most generic fantasy settings, the characters are attempting to accumulate magical power which they can use to engage their enemies directly in combat; alternatively, they may be trying to build a big enough army or something similar. but the gems don't work like that. lets take a look at what the gems can actually do, shall we?
the Diamond: Gem of Strength or Fortitude, can give physical strength, fortitude, and courage to the wielder, as well as the ability to cure diseases in the person who touches it. it punishes those who attempt to take it in a dishonorable manner with misfortune. It can allow the wearer to telepathically communicate with and heal Diamond Dragons, and a nearby dragon of it's type boosts it's power, and vice versa. it also has this weird synergy with the topaz where the topaz can summon the strength of everyone who believes in the wearer (in a metaphorical sense) and the diamond transforms that belief into physical strength.
the Emerald: Gem of Honor, dulls in the presense of evil or at the location of a broken vow, is a remedy for sores and ulcers, and is an antidote to poison for whomever touches it. It can allow the wearer to telepathically communicate with and heal Emerald Dragons, and a nearby dragon of that type boosts it's power, and vice versa. Note that out of all the dragons, emerald dragons are arguably the biggest and most powerful. It might have other powers as well, as it's potential isn't as well explored as the other gems.
Lapis Lazuli: Gem of Luck or Providence, protects the wearer from evil and brings good fortune. also may have some subtle effect on the weather, though that hasn't been confirmed. it is arguably the most powerful of the gems for the protection it provides, but the nature of it's power is ill defined, and certainly outside of the wearer's ability to control. It also allows you to detect the location of the Opal as if it were a compass, and is more powerful when in close proximity to it. It can allow the wearer to telepathically communicate and heal Lapis Lazuli dragons, and a nearby dragon of that type boosts it's power, and vice versa. If the opal has it's power boosted by a nearby opal dragon, the Lapis Lazuli's power is also boosted if they are close to each other.
Topaz: Gem of Faith, can allow the wearer to make contact with the spirit world during a full moon. the character can see ghosts, and sometimes the spirits of the hallowed dead (those who are in heaven) will appear to the character and given advice, those this is extremely rare. It also clears and strengthens the mind and protects the wearer from the terrors of the night (also ill-defined). It's powers are all strengthened during the full moon. It can allow the wearer to telepathically communicate with and heal topaz dragons, and a nearby dragon of that type boosts it's power, and vice versa.
Opal: Gem of Hope, has the power to give glimpses of the future and can enhance the wearer's vision, and it can also fill the wearer with hope for the future (which helps counteract the panic that the visions of the future often produce). It can detect the Lapis Lazuli like a compass, and is more powerful when in close proximity to it. It allows the wearer to telepathically communicate with and heal opal dragons, and a nearby dragon of that type boosts it's power, and vice versa. If the Lapis Lazuli has it's power boosted by a nearby lapis lazuli dragon, the opal's power is also boosted if they are close to each-other.
The Ruby: Gem of Happiness or Love, it grows pale in the presense of evil, or when misfortune threatens it's wearer. Can be used in conjunction with the emerald to fully distinguish between danger, evil, and vow-breakers, since their powers overlap a little. It wards off evil spirits (also ill-defined) and is an antidote to snake venom, and also apparently repels snakes and venomous creatures in general. It allows the wearer to telepathically communicate with and heal ruby dragons, and a nearby dragon of that type boosts it's power, and vice versa.
The Amethyst: Gem of Truth or Wisdom, changes color in the presence of illness, pales near poisoned food or drink, and guides the wearer toward sincerity, security and peace of mind (AKA calming the wearer when touched). It also boosts the power of Toran Magic. By A LOT. It allows the wearer to telepathically communicate with and heal Amethyst dragons, and a nearby dragon of that type boosts it's power, and vice versa.
True, this is a lot of variety in powers, but with the exception of the Diamond most of this is pretty useless in combat. Especially given that the sorcerers in this world can do things like call lightning down from the sky, or create and control thousands of soldiers made out of goo. And compared to the combat capabilities of end-game weapons of other setting? it's chump change. it should be noted that the gems DO NOT allow the wielder to control dragons, only telepathically communicate with them, meaning that the King of Deltora must still negotiate to get any help, and the Dragons are rarely cooperative, even in the face of their own extinction. The gems don't give you the ability to control the elements, warp space and time, kill with a thought, fly, or turn into a glowing giant (whatever the anime adaptation might say to the contrary).
No, what the gems allow the user to do is: keep a level and clear head, detect potentially dangerous situations, and heal people of ailments.
but here's the thing; given what I said about the monsters in deltora, any of the spectacular kinds of magic would be pretty much useless. The Shadow Lord is beyond anything any mortal is capable of fighting; he has integrated his twisted will with the spirit of half a continent, and has experimenting with new and more twisted kinds of magic for thousands of years. Frankly, even by the standards of most "dark lords" like Sauron, Melkor, and Galbatorix, he is unimaginably powerful. a direct confrontation with him is laughable.
so then, why is the Belt considered one of the most powerful objects on the planet?
Well, because what it grants isn't power.
it grants FREEDOM.
freedom is defined as "the power, rooted in reason and will, to act or not to act, to do this or that, and so perform deliberate actions on one's own responsibility. By free will one shapes one's own life. Human freedom is a force for growth and maturity in truth and goodness[...]" -Catechism of the Catholic Church section 1731
in other words, Freedom, properly defined, is not the ability to do what one wants; that is power, not freedom. Freedom is the ability to do what one NEEDS to do. Freedom to protest. Freedom to preach. Freedom to worship. Freedom to defend oneself both physically and legally. These are freedoms.
Now lets look again at what the belt enables one to do. It allows one to clear and calm one's mind and strengthens one's will, heals, protects from certain kinds of danger, and allows one to heal others. These are not powers, they are FREEDOMS.
oh yeah, and I forgot one more of these freedoms:
it is not combat power, but it is a power FAR GREATER THAN ANY COMBAT POWER COULD EVER FEASIBLY BE
In a sense, this subverts normal fantasy tropes by going back to its roots. When JRR Tolkien wrote the Lord of the Rings, he wrote a book about simple working class and middle class people defeating an evil by DESTROYING POWER (with a One Ring being a kind of stand-in for power itself in all it's forms). yet, it seems that every writer since has taken a look at his work and gone "look at all this cool world-building and monsters and magic! but the protagonists and themes are kinda lame. I KNOW, i'll REPLACE those complex and nuanced themes with EDGY GRIZZLED WARRIORS AND POWER-HUNGRY SORCERERS, and make the story all about CONSOLIDATING AS MUCH POWER AS POSSIBLE TO DEFEAT SOMEONE WHO HAS ALSO CONSOLODATED AS MUCH POWER AS POSSIBLE, BUT IN AN EVIL WAY. sometimes they even have their characters performing actions which are completely morally bankrupt (razing cities, killing civilians or surrendering enemies, etc), and justify it because "main villain is worse". because in other words, most fantasy writers decided to completely rip off all of tolkien's world, down to the very creatures that inhabit it, but HORRIBLY INVERT the themes
Meanwhile, Deltora seems to do the opposite. It doesn't copy Tolkien's world. there are similarities; the Shadow Lord is kinda like Sauron if you squint a little. but the world is populated with plenty of creatures that don't line up at all, and even those that are similar are only superficially so. meanwhile, Emily Rodda (the author) took a look at Tolkien's themes, smiled and nodded, and proceeded to ELABORATE UPON THEM. The kingdom of deltora fell because the rulers detached themselves from the needs of the common man and physically separated themselves from them out of cowardice. the shadow lord twists and destroys nature to produce his horrific experiments which mirror in many ways modern genetic engineering. the battle is won not through force of arms, but through planning, cleverness, and uniting the tribes under a common cause.
there are other things, like how each gem corresponds to one of the seven virtues, or how so much emphais is put on using logic to solve problems, and similar things, but this post is long as it is, so i'm going to stop here.
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................ he 
#i feel like I posted this already but I also can't find it in any recent posts so...#......he#cats#EVEN if I did post it.. why not poast himb again? it's he#I'm like halfway through actually editing aforementioned costumes and stuff and i WANT to work on sculptures again and I have video#s and that worldbuilding slideshow and all of these things so hopefully like.. more usual stuff soon maybe.. to be posted#for now though yeah.. just cats#The end of the year is also when I panic about the passage of time and how little I've gotten done and how I will never actually be a#sucessful game maker slash author slash cat cafe owner slash set designer slash costume designer slash psychologist#who lives in like Scotland or somehting and also owns my own candle company or something ghbjhb#and will probably just be a mentally ill hermit recluse all my life who dies early of mysterious health issues with 5000 projects left#undone and blah blah the crushing weight of chronic illness and capitalism and so on and so forth#So then I scramble to get projects done to try and meet some goals but usually that means I scatter between projects#so it takes longer to finish all of them. Like instead of dedicating 8 hours to one thing and finishing it one sitting. I'll do 2 hours on#this then 2 hours on that then 2 hours on another things. so they all get done slower even though I'm still technically making progress on#them all. This is also a very poo poo pee pee stink brain way to work and is not like. the most efficent thing but it's just how my brain#organizes tasks sometimes lol#***#(<ignore this its part of an OCD compulsion lol. anytime you see me type three asterisks I'm not bleeping out a curse word#it's just a Special Secret Foolish Thing I Have To Do At Specific Uncontrolable Times When Brain Says So gbjhhj)#ANYWAY... eeeee#Still haven't resolved my mystery chest injury though so being at te computer for too long is also kind of achey-inducing#Better get over it though because I have like 30+ hours of slideshow vidoe to edit hahaha hee hee hoo!!!!!
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appleblueberry-pie · 5 hours
A yandere Gojo below: Sometimes you wonder what this guy has in his head, you don't understand his weird way of wanting to flirt with you and how clumsy he gets when you're around trying to get your attention with really bad jokes (seriously, they're very bad). His presence somehow makes you feel uncomfortable, but you can tolerate it, I mean, you met similar or much worse people, and Satoru belonged to the group. He loves you, he's always told you and shown you, he takes you on dates to expensive places you don't end up going, so you make up a lame excuse when there's only two minutes left until meeting time. He doesn't get angry, but he doesn't understand why you don't love him, and when he saw your eyes light up upon hearing that Nanami had decided to return, maybe that question was finally answered.
You hated distancing yourself from people like him. Satoru was so genuine about his feelings for you and it's something you've always wanted from your dream man. But everything that he does to show it is so...unnerving.
Weird messages where he pushes boundaries and doesn't know when to step back. Gets in your space when you're not comfortable and he can't tell he's being too touchy. Just so bad at reading social cues in general. And is bad at reading your cues. He buys you so much stuff you're endlessly grateful for and takes you on all of these nice dates, but how he talks to you and acts with you is such a big turn off.
So, you distance yourself. You let him make those dates, you let him pick those places, and you decide last minute you don't want to go. And instead of telling him that and have you bother in your safe space at your house....you just leave him to deal with that. You hate being like shit to him, he doesn't deserve it because he really tries for you. But he doesn't know when to stop when you say no, it's so fucking annoying. You really don't like him.
You felt bad switching to Nanami. He has everything Gojo has and has what he doesn't either. Respect for boundaries and all. You sigh.
This was the 5th date you've turned down. No matter. He'll just plan another one with you another time. But it's a little hard to keep your attention on him when you're giving it all to the lousy businessman. Nanami was nothing compared to him.
Fortunately, that makes him easy to get rid of. He's nowhere near as strong as Gojo, isn't fun and flashy, and just overall has the most boring life ever. How could he compare to the strongest?
Gojo doesn't know why you're trying to sneak around with him anyways. There's nothing to be ashamed of, it's not like he feels humiliated or anything. It sounds more like a cry for help by you, if anything, if you're switching to that guy. He's clearly doing something wrong. Is......he too pushy? Do you not like his money? Maybe he needs to lay off with all of the gifts and letting money fly everywhere.
Maybe you like a more responsible man........hm. Maybe you could find that in Nanami, but he'll still kill him for trying to steal you away from him.
It's a little sad that you think hiding your little side piece from the main would stop him from doing what needs to be done. But it doesn't matter. He will be gone before you know it.
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farseerofv0id · 4 months
*scrolling through the tag for the first time*
"Mizu is a trans man and so it's transphobic for the creators to show part of his life as a woman or talk about him with she/her at all"
*absurd amount of self control not to engage in what would become a fruitless discussion, ultimately keep scrolling*
"Mizu is a woman and it's disrespectful to women to call her a trans man because it takes away a 'strong woman' representation"
*scream into a pillow*
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i-can-even-burn-salad · 5 months
Happy STS Elli!
What inspires you to write? Are there things that you know that you can get inspiration from or does it just come randomly?
Happy STS!
For me, inspiration doesn't mean "to write".
There are, and always have been, a lot of stories floating around in my mind - ideas, scenes, vibes, outlines. I get inspiration from literally everywhere, from talking to my friends, and video games, and scrolling past images or prompts, and reading books, and spending too much time on reddit, and…
Many remain daydreams, or character backstories, eventually lost to time.
Now for actually being able to sit my ass down and get words on the page? I don't know. It comes and goes as it pleases. Having a beehive where a brain should be does NOT help, let me tell you that.
I just. Can't focus on shit lately. Can barely make it through a chapter when reading. Every day is just suddenly over, and I got nothing done, and I am so tired. I have a completely outlined short thing I have been trying to write since Nov, and it's like pulling teeth.
I could do with several months off work while everyone leaves me the fuck alone. How would that be.
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rapha-reads · 10 months
Am I supposed to take advantage of the night to keep working on my thesis, of which I've barely completed 1/9th (discounting research, abstract, introduction, structure and bibliography)? Yes. Am I instead reading my second novel of the day? Yes. Should I go to bed instead because it's 4am? Yes.
Earlier today I read This is How You Lose the Time War, that I had been meaning to check ever since it was published, and it was gorgeous. Really beautiful, the letters, the descriptions of the multiple universes, times and planets visited, the ways Red and Blue work, the emotions... Pure joy.
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Right now I'm reading The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet, and it is fascinating. I love a good scifi book, especially a scifi book that really takes into consideration the vastness of space and how varied other species and planets could be. Also punching holes through subspace sounds like a pure adrenaline trip and I'm deeply interested and captivated.
Anyway. Thesis is not progressing, deadline is getting closer. I should stop reading and start writing at some point. Meh. Stress levels are still not optimal. Stars aren't aligned. Need more adrenaline.
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shallowrambles · 5 months
So I've been thinking. It's funny how enjoying meta is somewhat embedded with trust.
Like, if you're "friends" and have followed a person for a long time, you have more a sense of their values, and it's easier to read their difficult meta because you trust more that they're being charitable/nuanced.
If you don't know them, it's harder to trust that they're not funneling difficult topics into rationalization of liking/supporting gross shit.
#meta thoughts#case in point - so much of the wincest community still comes off super classist to me and it sorts of...leaks into their meta#you'll be going alone with an interesting character study and then you read stuff that just BOOM classism about family ties#then you go to their page and you find that yes they're into that shit and there's typically a desert of thoughtful cas military angels etc#they tend to like benny cause benny is an idealized brother substitute / sam parallel and it's given the most uncharitable reading#just because you choose a partner than is familiar and like your fam members does not mean you're into your family members oh my god#and sure there's tons of visual and overt racism in SPN in general but to me that at least gets discussed#the classism inherent to narrative fangirl obsessions with incest? not as dissected#familism and community are seen as Weird (TM) to them and they kind of tell on themselves with that imho#and like with racism there are just some things you can't overlook to enjoy a series if you're black because that's your day to day life an#with classism it's hard too bc sometimes you can't escape the reminders of day to day life#and when ppl in the fandom see the villain's monologues as TRUTH you just wanna shake your head but know it's not worth arguing#communal living is more normal than america wants you to think...rich folks want it labelled *weird* bc they want you separated and drained#i am begging us to deconstruct suburbia instead of defaulting to TEEHEE incest bc shitting on pooled resources is paramount in a rigged gam#I find the inherent isolation of american living-to-work without any time to visit each other VERY isolating indeed...also...#like how did we get here#where we're so afraid of labels like*cults* and *helicopter parenting* and *enmeshment* than we isolate as a form of hallowed independence#american success culture has a dark side too#and separating low class families is the aim#get them to spend more $$$ and go for lofty ideals in pursuit of american dream instead of pooling their resources and meeting their needs#meanwhile rich folks do so much respectable nepotism and pretend they're *self-made*#to me that's what the symbol of zachariah is ALLLL about#and if you're blind to what his taunts ACTUALLY mean...i'm very suspicious of your worldview#if resource sharing and co-living becomes shameful and *incestuous* for lower classes then they won't pool their power at all#american exceptionalism#spn + class#class#class warfare#giving up college dreams to be a caretaker seems way more common in poor families too#i suspect we see the incest reading less from brown families / hispanic fams...cause familism is more common
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coulsonlives · 10 months
I just had to share this video because holy shit, it hits the nail right on the head! So well spoken. This stuff needs to be circulated more, esp with the growing number of people thinking they have this because of misinformation, or just outright faking it.
#it's painful because i knew someone who personally faked this stuff (or has convinced herself she has it i can't even tell)#she had spent all her time on tiktok and i know for 100% sure that's where she got the idea. it's TRAGIC how fast things went downhill#i'm legit horrified at how many people (esp young kids of 13-14) think they have this too. or are just pretending#i've been neck deep in hardcore research (and i'm talking pubmed sciencedirect etc only) for months#and those kids definitely don't have did.. if they have trauma and are dissociating it's going to be something else like dpdr etc#the number of stupid 'you have did' answers i see for totally basic questions like 'i got dizzy what's wrong w me' is insane too#it's like googling 'muscle twitch' and then thinking you have some rare 1/billion familial cancer thing despite other obvious explanations#but worse.. in these cases the information is being fed to them. they don't have an opportunity to explore other possibilities#and the worst part is they don't even know to CHECK THE VALIDITY OF WHAT THESE PEOPLE ARE SAYING. they don't have info literacy#like i'll say this once: did is so rare that it's STILL contentious about whether it even exists#and it only happens in the most unimaginably traumatic experiences. think of the worst possible things you could do to a child#where even just thinking about it makes you uncomfortable. THAT'S the kind of trauma that leads to did. the truly evil stuff.#i'm not even gonna start on the BITE model shenanigans that are happening in the 'did' communities either#or how the people who used to be in them (and got out) always equate them to self-harming cults that celebrated not finding real answers#they got told they were 'perfect the way they were' despite having OBVIOUS psychological issues they needed help for#(it just wasn't did)#they were assured their 'did was valid no matter what'. toxic positivity ig? it just delayed their real diagnosis and ability to get help#but now you have gluts of people like in the video 'talking to themselves' and people on tumblr posting one-liners of 'alters' talking#one after the other within seconds. and i want to fcking cry because it's the same exact shit my friend did before she cut ties#the did/tourettes/ftlb stuff has literally been called a 'mass sociogenic illness' in multiple academic studies#but like qanon believers they seem to immediately discredit anyone who mentions this with 'you're just ableist' so anything you say is poo#aka you're part of the problem you're an 'ableist' so your legit info even though legit isn't valid/acceptable/real/whatever. i'm tired fam#did#dissociative identity disorder#osdd#ddnos#munchausen syndrome#mass psychogenic illness#ableism
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