#YouTube shorts theory
owwi · 1 year
The youtube shorts arg got me so now here’s just a bit of theorizing and a timeline because. well bored + the fixation is strong with this one
The following contains spoilers for the recent uploads, so I recommend only going if you know the basics, don’t care about it or just wanna see it.
So. If you haven’t been keeping up, here’s a rough idea.
Starting on around July 16th, 5 shorts YouTubers began to post shorts with weird glitch things, randomly popping into each other’s. QR codes also started to show up, with someone wearing a purge mask whoabsolutely fucking hates the YouTube shorts (and maybe also normal shorts). And naturally they wanna get rid of them. We also get introduced to a company called CLONEVPN, which seems to be connected to the one just mentioned and is sending these youtubers clones after they agree to a sponsorship.
The most common crossover involved Riggy from Danno Cal, who notably seems to be one of the two who actually knew that hey maybe he shouldn’t be in other videos! The other being RoyalPear. However, RaZer makes a short saying that he needs help to build a new computer, since his is causing these problems (spoiler alert: ITS NOT IT BRO-)
A new video was released for the QR codes as well, known as Rebirth. This shows the cloning process and it works for a bit, with only two unsuccessful clones, being of Joe Caine, who presumably is just too cool for it, and Riggy, who’s cloning process struggles and ends up making a more blue version of him that notably seems to just be a rabbit. Below are the two. Note how Clone Riggy (Picture 1) has a more vibrant color pallet, no eye color, a crumpled up paper border, and, most notably, lacks the tail that indicates him to me a Runkey. This indicates the cloning process just made him a rabbit. Meanwhile, Riggy (photo 2) is a less turned up shade of blue and red, has the green eyes, a grid paper outline, and of course, the tail.
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We didn’t know what this would do until yesterday or the day before, when Jonny RaZer began a stream, ending with his presumed death by clone (also everyone tried to get the clone to eat the thermal paste but it failed). Other videos soon followed from almost all channels listed in the tags, the two exceptions being RoyalPear, who was marked as replaced by a new pfp and avatar they use to represent themself (became a more crudely drawn Tropius). The other is Joe Caine, who is the only one that I know of who never accepted. If not please let me know-
We also got a website! Clonevpn.com, which has a few pages and a spot to enter your email. As of now, I cannot find any hidden pages, but we have been getting codes, so it’s a matter of time.
Okay. That’s the rough timeline. I reccomend watching because I did NOT watch the streams in full. Seriously, go watch if you haven’t.
Now to some theory stuff!
So, Jonny is gonna do a r/place stream, and I bet they might make a QR code. Maybe to the website! Or we might find new links. It’s not much, but it’s gonna be a domino? And… hey! Mayhe thay’ll give us a new hint. Point is, that r/place stuff is something to watch, since we’ll maybe get an idea as to what the hell the clone has been doing.
In addition, it seems implied that both Riggy AND RoyalPear are currently alive, but not well. RoyalPear in particular is not having a good time and it seems the clone replacing him only has a few days to live and prove itself. So, expect something there in a few days! Probably a secret video, likely of the clone getting taken out. Or we might see something to do with Joe, since he’s the only one who is currently known to own his channel.
I gotta be honest, of all of these guys, I don’t watch much bundun. But he does seem to be similar to Riggy, as he IS implied to currently be alive! As of today, he has appeared in the channel’s respective clonevpn sponsorship, and thus, I expect to see him again. He hasn’t showed up nearly as much as the others, but the fact he is ALIVE is a good sign for him, and I wouldn’t be surprised if him and Riggy might team up or something.
Finally, the main theory one. JOE CAINE. Yes that name is a bit… y’know, certain thing sounds, but Joe is actually an interesting case to me. He is one of the few who hasn’t released a clonevpn sponsor, and also has not shown any sign of being replaced. However, his computer IS mentioned to be glitching out and being slow (sound familiar?) and also his… voice being weird? There’s heavy implications that if another creator is present in the short, he is voicing them?? So, that’s a thing.
Also, he can’t be cloned, and I have a small theory. Joe is already a clone. Think like this: Clones are likely harder to clone than things that aren’t clones. In addition, his appearance is based off of Harold, the grandpa meme dude. So, he could theoretically be a clone of that meme, though not Harold since I don’t think we should bring people who aren’t participating into this without them knowing. Plus, the whole voicing thing. If your a clone, maybe you can imitate other voices. It’s a bit far fetched, but this was fun to right. However, there’s one problem. As of soeeddunning shorts 113, we see he has received a sponsorship offer, and I don’t think they’d be after him if he was a clone. However, if he’s not doing what he should… there’s a chance? Either way I expect
tldr: Jonny is dead, Riggy and bundun teamup, Phaluer was not included because I have no clue where he fits in yet, Joe MIGHT be a clone we’re still figuring it out, and RoyalPear is double doomed. also thanks for reading this mess of thought soup, and make sure to take a look for yourself.
EDIT: This was made before we got confirmation Jonny was alive, sorry bout that. most of the above seems to apply still. Might make a new post tommorow okay thanks again!
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mlentertainment · 4 months
video essay about how benson and jigsaw accidentally have similar philosophies and execute their visions horribly
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boxheadpaint · 7 months
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so whos one of the 87,000 real normal people who like this shitty hersheys ad that anyone else would immediately scroll past as soon as they notice it
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Gon’s Dad is Also HIS MOM?! 😳 from Anime Anxiety
this is the thumbnail that prompted me to change from one piece thumbnails only to all anime btw. ive been thinking about GENDER for so long now. that isnt even the right character.
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katyahina · 1 year
About the chalice next to Lady Maria
Hey guys, remember how I said that it appears to be really low-res Pthumeru Chalice?
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So when I brought that up, Mico revealed to me that there was a figure of Lady Maria by Prime 1 Studio that I didn't know about (actually I never know about any merch, don't judge me..), which features the table too ( x ). He also found some rather good photos that got published on nsfw website of all things for some weird reason ( ( x ), don't worry the photos are... just photos of this figure? nothing weird)
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And here is also a video that goes in detail aboit everything:
(From 10:41 it goes about the Chalice and shows it well, too)
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To be honest, the details are not exact, yet at the same time the shape and logic in patterns is so eerly similar that it is not THAT different either? I'd say it MUST be this chalice, because it is as detailed as a figure physically could get with repeating such complex pattern, full of tiny details! And it just does make a lot of sense that the thing next to Maria in a place that functions like Hell should be something significant, and not just a random goblet.
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The Chalice that Gehrman is point us towards is this one, Pthumeru Chalice... Perhaps, the implication of it being next to Maria all the time (and covered in blood, too, implying having been used in a ritual) is that it is something that haunts her! I am really sure at this rate that she used to raid the tombs with Gehrman too; Gehrman's dialogue and a summon such as Vitus imply that Old Hunters were going in the Chalice Dungeons too, perhaps even before Tomb Prospectors became a thing.
And the picture that is 99% the one from Old Hunters Workshop is probably not a good sign, either; it is just extension of Maria being tormented by her past as part of Gehrman's hunters. Hell is supposed to make you feel bad! Maybe she was the one to smash that picture, even.
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ytcomments-archive · 5 months
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yourlocalchaosx · 3 months
I don't think this is an unpopular opinion but here I go.
Unpopular(?) opinion
I think Old Pea has some dirt on his hands.
I'm hoping he doesn't but still, it's an old guy dating a woman around her 20s. If I'm gonna guess, Old Pea is around his 70s and 80s. 50-60 year age gap is nothing to simply shrug off.. unless Milkshek is into sugar daddies, I mean he's a successful mukbang streamer.
Speaking of, an old man with primarily a younger audience (I'm gonna guess 7-11 years old)? If the internet has taught us anything, I think we could agree that could lead up to some... Unfortunate circumstances. I'm not saying he's a predator, but it could be a possibility. It would be a great opportunity to teach Chikn Nuggit's younger viewers about internet safety.
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Okay, so you might be thinking "So what? Milkshek is probably just into older men. And there are old people on the internet who aren't dangerous." And that's true.. however, here's what I think is the weirdest part.
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What do you notice in these pictures? Let's get the obvious out of the way. These are clearly not from his childhood. He probably got someone to help him take these pictures to pretend it's his mom or something behind the camera. Also, these pictures look strangely modern for childhood pics. Wouldn't he have taken pictures of photos from his photo albums and then sent them to Milkshek? I don't think he has enough knowledge to copy these pictures onto a computer and use AI to colorize them. If that's not enough, then look at the background and lighting. It looks like he took them on the same day. Oddly suspicious. Also how he's wearing glasses as a baby... Babies don't wear glasses to my knowledge. And how he's standing up while holding his bottle is weird as well. Maybe it would make more sense if he was sitting down.
And if these all are true.. why is he wearing children's clothing and holding a baby bottle? As far as we know, he has no kids, let alone grandkids. The diaper could maybe be understandable due to him being old and you know... **bowel** issues. But it's still kind of creepy. Maybe I'm overanalyzing what's meant to be a jokey kind of sketch... But if all that I've brought up is true (including the possibility of him being a predator), I'm hoping Old Pea gets deserved jail time or some shit.
This all is just my opinion though. If you want to call bull on my analysis, that's fine. I just ask you to keep it civil and remember that as long as what I think isn't harmful or problematic, I'm free to hold my opinion.
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jonberry555 · 5 months
Star Wars - The Bad Batch: Into the Breach PREDICTIONS
Tomorrow the next episode of The Bad Batch drops. But what do I think will happen in said episode. This is my predictions for Star Wars: The Bad batch Season 3 Episode 13: 'Into the Breach'.
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srta-nadie · 1 month
¿Esto es canon? 0-o
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awobbles · 10 months
Shorts Wars Season 2 prediction
I predict Danno may be a villain in the upcoming season.
From what we have seen, Danno seems to think CloneVPN are good.
Clone Riggy also suggested that Cdotcom gaslit Danno into thinking he is a clone of Cdotcom.
THAT is what we call foreshadowing.
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carcarrot · 2 months
favorite first watches of july 2024
tagged by @mariocki thank you!!!!!
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them! (1954)
the adventures of buckaroo banzai across the 8th dimension (1984)
the long and the short and the tall (1961)
columbo "last salute to the commodore" (1976)
galaxina (1980)
the spy with a cold nose (1966)
also tagging @bawnjourno @starringvincentprice @baycitystygian and uhhh any other mutuals who are movieheads. say you were tagged by me!!
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stcries · 1 year
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in terms of my upcoming portrayal of crocodile, i'm gonna say this once and ONLY once. for my version of crocodile, the crocomom theory is canon until oda shoves luffy's mom in our faces. aka, my crocodile is a trans male.
this also means, that if any luffy rpers are comfortable with the theory, then we can do some parental plots regarding the theory as well, but i will not force it upon anybody.
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rgbcn · 8 months
Hey! I'm posting some practice videos on youtube, my art and fanart, go check it if you want!
Here's one of Sheldon for an upcoming comic Shamy AU, but there's also Amy there! The first chapter of the comic (in draft mode) is available to read on on patreon.com/rgbcn
Thanks for helping me to create more content! Likes and reblog are also very welcome to help my art to reach more people who might like.
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kiki-mimi222222222 · 7 months
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D3v1C3s and M0d1F1cat10ns
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kwnebd · 7 months
Do I have a theory that I would like to share with you and my theory is that ori is gonna revive one of the experiences like nami or za then one of them are gonna get chained up and get "the angel" put inside of them like the pure vessel and if the one who is gonna seal "the angel" well he well dream nail it (hollow knight reference) and then he's gonna fight "the angel"and if clone riggy goes to ori well clone riggy gonna get chained up to and get "the angel" get put inside of him to seal "the angel" like the pure vessel did and then ori is gonna get cdotcom danno and Jonny Razer to sleep for all eternity waiting for death to seal "the angel" too
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catofoldstones · 1 year
Does anyone know about this theory about bran that he’s going to rape Meera while warging in Hodor (or even summer ugh) because he has broken all other rules of warging and not having sex while warging is the only one that’s remaining.
Does someone have any counter arguments because it’s scaring the skin off of my bones.
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