#Zelda died and became a car
nokillbananashelter · 2 years
Hear me out- this is alot of theories in one. First- it is a "you will control someone else besides link" rumor, as it involves zelda magically possessing spirit fueled choo choo goo, or controlling it with her sick sheikah slate from a distance/other realms and THROUGH LINKS ARM.
Second, it is a "zelda is dead" theory, as in order for it to make sense, she must be transported to a new plane of existence where she and link are NOT AT ALL CLOSE BY, but need to work together, As in, she's probably your "Companion" character, but like, using her sheikah phone to drone pilot links FUCKING ARM, I NEED TO STRESS THIS PART, SHES CONTROLLING YOU THROUGH THAT.
Thirdly, it is boldly answering the first question of "What if Zelda had a car" by creating a reasonably extraneous explanation for the invention of the wheel, and how the necessity for that invention would have to play out, because its something so bold and daring they needed to hype themselves up with lore in order to properly digest the Nuts and Bolts Zelda.
Fourthly, and this one is for all you boys who work so hard, it is a Zonai theory, as it must clearly explain the "Magical Ancient Tech 2: Electric Bokoballoon" vibe Totk CLEARLY HAS.
Fifthly, it is a Twilight Realm theory, because clearly the Zonai and the twilight are related, like come on now, be serious, and we've seen a sacred/twilight realm in the trailer. Be honest with me. Do you really think it isn't that?  Are you really gonna think those aren't related? Arent you just playing with your own heart at this point? Give yourself a rest. Let it be true within yourself.
Sixthly, it is most absolutely a timeline theory. which is exhausting, and I hate to say it, but its probably got some kingdom hearts level "im your evil twin but not the real evil twin but the sad evil twin within the dark you" bullshit happening. Maybe Midna and Hilda and Hylia and Zelda all walk into a room together and shrug before talking on the phone with link. The Logo is literally a car tire made out of two stone dragons. This game is about gods, wheels, times, cycles, motorcycles, circular logics, technological advancement from people breaking stuff for fun, and absolute nonsenses about what that philosophically means from a story standpoint as well as a game mechanics standpoint. That's a promise, but I’m not detailing that here.
And with those points being made- this is the Theory.
Zelda and Link, newly equipped with the Sheikah Phone that has been suspected as communicating with the dead in old crypts deep under hyrule, are exploring Ganon's crypt chamber.They find out who sealed him in the first place- the Zonai! But Gasp! Merely steppin in this chamber was folly! It begins crumbling, and the two are separated in an explosion. the hand that was sealing ganon now must make a choice-try saving a failing seal and also loose two very important prophesied people, or, to make the hard choice of  saving zelda or link while eons of magic become undone, dooming hyrule to an even crueler fate....for now.
Link is saved by the Zonai hand under request from Zelda. Zelda clearly makes a self sacrificial but calculated move, because she knows something the audience doesn't, or she recognizes... a second, shadow zonai hand, that was more reluctant and cautious, but still calling.  Yes, thats right- the zonai are in multiple realms, above and below. Perhaps they are in opposition to eachother? Or maybe...longing for eachother? As zelda falls deep into the depths, She finds herself in good company! PERCHANCE EVEN MIDNA'S COMPANY??? Though She is technically safe, by all accounts she is in a spirit realm, and therefore, dead.
Link, on the other hand (HAHA) , is pulled with the Zonai up in the sky towards a different realm we recognize- The Secret Dragon Realm!!! But at the last second!!! Ganon, or one of his goons?! Comes in and snatches link from the zonai hand as its juuuuust squeaking through the window to the other realm. The zonai arm, which is revealed to be a remote control device between realms, and links arm, are FUSED. Link doesn't make it to the spirit realm where all was going to be explained!!! 
As link falls, we get a peek at new bow falling mechanics and time slow down, but its not enough!!! We're too thrown by our powerful new arm!!! We're still falling!! AHHH!!!!!! IT'S OVER!!!!
"STOP!" Zelda cries, holding the sheikah device from the shadow realm!!
Suddenly the ground is getting farther and farther away again, and we're going BACK UP INTO THE SKY, because zelda has changed the trajectory of a piece of rubble via the sheika phone through our arm and its LIFTING US!! we're introduced to the new time reverse mechanic in our tutorial area, The abandoned and nearly unrecognizable but clearly footprintable Skyloft (I HATE THIS DETAIL TOO, BUT I FEEL IT COMIN, OKAY?).  Right off the bat, nintendo makes the goal get to the ground, but be cautious" and we learn all over again how to control the shiekah powers and some spooky new ones- including Ectoplasmic Choo Choo Goo, because all of the Zonai tech in our control is powered by Zeldas ghost/spirit power!! As we descend, we begin to realize something..... a lot of the islands in the sky are not even accessible from the height we were at. How could this be???!!! Surely there is much more to do in the sky before going down?? It seems we'll need to get to the ground and uncover, develop, and think our way out of this one with what we have below!! Wait, Is that.... ZONAI MONSTER TRUCK WHEELS?!  Zelda will need to do research based on our findings, and she'll need us to collect as much magic green choo choo goo as possible, to give her more room to possess and control objects and link's arm.
 So lets ground this concept. While Link is the character you control, You do, in a strange extra layer of role playing, Control Links Arm and the Choo Choo Goo as "DEAD" ZELDA, FROM HER SHEIKAH SPIRIT-PHONE, IN THE SPIRIT REALM. As she tries to make her way back abstractly from the dead realm to help you defeat ganon, she also has a literal direct hand in the adventure, and 
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More modern au rambles !
Legend, Hyrule, and Wild are all in foster care but in different houses. Wild's being fostered (soon to be adopted) by Daruk who acts more like a best friend or brother than a father, but that type of relationship is really good for Wild. He isn't entirely sure why (I could make a more in-depth post about why if anybody would like that). Meanwhile with Legend and Hyrule, Legend used to live with his uncle but then he died after being stabbed in an alleyway. He's been through many foster families but ended up running away from most of them, or being sent back for his prickly attitude. Hyrule was found as a baby on the steps of a hospital, abandoned. Nobody's really sure who his biological parents are, but as of right now he's with a good family. The same can't be said for Legend.
Twilight's currently living at college dorms with Warriors as his roommate, the same as Sky except his roommate is Groose. As of now, Twi and Wars see eachother like brothers, but in the way that they affectionately annoy eachother all day but also look out for the other. Like, Twilight cooks (Wars burnt soup) and keeps up with housework when Wars isn't there, and Warriors does the vacuuming (it sets off Twi's sensory issues) and other housework when Twilight isn't there.
As for Sky and Groose... those two have come a long way since they met. At first it was okay, the pair clashed a little due to their conflicting personalities, but nothing major. But then Sky brought his girlfriend, Zelda (though she has the nickname Sun now), and Groose got jealous. Cue the petty fighting and 'rivalry'. Sky found it really funny... until it led to him falling down a block of stairs and winding up with a concussion and broken ribs. Funnily enough that's how that group met Twi and Wars. Sky doesn't remember anything, but according to everyone else, Sun was screaming at Groose while chasing him toward someone's car, Groose was carrying a very disoriented Sky, and the whole building could hear what was going on. Warriors drove them to the hospital while Twi kept them from killing eachother, and somehow everyone became friends. Sky and Groose are good now though, but if they ever get into an argument Sky just shows him the small scar on his head.
Oh, and now Sky, Sun, and Groose are all dating. Sun and Groose are both bi, but Sky is pan.
On that note, here's all the chain with their prefered pronouns and sexuality:
- Time: He/Him (doesn't understand gender a whole lot but that's how people refer to him), Bisexual
- Twilight: He/Him, Bisexual
- Wild: Any pronouns, pansexual
- Legend: Genderfluid, ask for pronouns first, aroace
- Hyrule: They/Them, unlabelled
- Four: He/They, gay
- Wind: He/Him (for now), unlabelled
- Warriors: He/They, asexual
- Sky: He/Him, pansexual
The next ramblings will be focused on the Zeldas and their importance as well as other Zelda adventure things, but until then thank you for reading this and have a lovely existence !!
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airplanned · 1 year
Castletown Academy 2
Zelda produces an overwhelming amount of legal paperwork to make this happen.
Zelda passed a thick binder across the table at the coffee shop.  "The first section is my proposed prenuptial agreement--it should be straight forward, since we will not have any joint marital assets.  The second section is a lease for the mother-in-law unit behind my house.  It's set up like a rental unit, so it's self contained.  I've never used it for anything other than storage.  You'll be able to have privacy and autonomy while we share a mailing address.  It will also be easy to car pool.  I don't expect rent, but you would be responsible for your utilities."
Link's eyebrows hiked as he looked over the pictures she'd put in at the back.  His friend leaned in over his shoulder to look too.  Supposedly, this man was a lawyer, but it was clear from the look on his face that he had not been prepared for the full force of Zelda's paperwork.  The man had a bushy mustache, spoke even less than Link did, and looked as if he might start sweating.
Maybe this was a bit overkill.  Maybe this was a bad first impression on Link's friend.
She hurried to say, "The details are in there.  You can come and look at it first, of course.  The lease is a formality, just to protect us both if things go wrong.  If there's anything in there you would like adjusted--"
"You don't want rent?" Link asked.
Oh.  "You're going to be my husband.  That would be strange."
He snorted and then tried to act like it was a cough.  The friend hummed.
"The next section is a draft of an addendum I'll be adding to my will once we're married.  It will set up a trust fund for Flora to use for school in the case of my death."
Link nodded, but the lawyer hummed again in disapproval.
Zelda was about to bristle and explain that they had an understanding, but Link cut in first.  "I don't need to be in her will."
"Okay," he said.  Then, "Most husbands are in their wives' wills."
"We're doing things differently."
"Okay," he said.  Then, "Just seems kinda weird."
Link rolled his eyes.  "You knew your wife for two weeks before you proposed."
The man shrugged.  "Knew her last name before I did."
"And now I get to kiss on her."
"Do you have anything helpful to add?" Link asked.
"Okay then."
"...Just seems like a bad idea."
"Your official lawyer advice is that it seems like a bad idea?"
"...No, that's friend advice.  I'll have to read first to give you lawyer advice."
"That's--Great.  Thanks, Hudson."
The lawyer friend nodded and hummed to tell Link he was welcome.
Link's eyes darted up to hers in apology, and she bit her lip and took a deep breath.
"The last section is information that might be useful about me and Ralphie.  Contact information for his doctor and baby sitters and piano teacher.  He's allergic to amoxicillin.  That kind of thing."
"Oh, that's a good idea," Link said.  "I should type something up about me and--"
He flipped to the section, and his words died in his mouth.
Yes, she had definitely gone overboard.  But it all seemed like things he would need to know if he became a part of their lives.  Overviews of their schedules--when she left for work and what day Ralphie had therapy and how he was expected to do homework and piano before he played any video games.  Some house rules.  Some information about what she did for a living, which people tended to not understand.  A family tree in case one of her cousins dropped by.  Information about the house.  Medical histories.  Some background information about where she grew up and went to college and work history (Goddesses, it looked like a resume).  Some background about Ralphie's anxiety and the timeline she'd drawn up about the bullying he'd faced at school.  A copy of the restraining order they have against Ralphie's father and a copy of the paperwork terminating parental rights.
Her whole life laid bare and handed over to someone she barely knew.
And it was a lot.
She cleared her throat.  "I--"
The lawyer leaned in again to read over Link's shoulder, and Link flipped to the front of the binder, popped open the metal rings, and removed the sections the lawyer would need to look over.  He took the papers, and Link closed the notebook, quietly protecting her privacy.
"Are you okay with getting married at town hall?" he asked.  "We could do a party later.  A temple service if--"
She hurriedly agreed, "Town hall is fine.  I think the children should be there, but beyond that..."
"Exactly.  I have a black suit and Flora has a pink dress and a green dress.  They're from Malo Mart.  The dresses, not the suit.  But I can get us something nicer, if you want."
"I'm sure they're cute.  Ralphie has a button up shirt and a bow tie."
"That sounds adorable."
"It is."
"Flowers?" he asked.  "I can get flowers."
"Do you want to get flowers?"
"Yeah.  What's your favorite kind?"  He'd had a note pad in front of him the whole time, but he had yet to write anything down.  Now he reached for his pen.
"Silent princesses," she said.
He nodded, writing it down. "Do you want to go eat afterwards?  There's that Tabanthan place nearby.  The food is really good.  It's nice. But not so nice the kids couldn't come."
"That would be excellent."
"Would Friday work for you?  We could go after I pick up Flora from school."
"About 4:30?  That sounds good as long as all the contracts are signed by then."
Link turned to his lawyer friend, who shrugged.  "I'll see what I can do."
Link pulled a folded sheet of paper from the back of his note pad, but hesitated before handing it over.  "These are some ring designs I thought were nice, but now...maybe I should read your packet and see if I can find something that's more you?"  The tips of his ears pinkened as he passed it across. 
"You don't have to--"
The perfect ring looked up at her.  One round diamond with two little ones on either side set flush in a simple band.
There were eight other rings on the page, all in a variety of styles--geometric and swirling, clunky and delicate, different cuts and different sizes, some with additional colored stones.  He was giving her options.  But he'd found the perfect one.
She lay the paper down between them and pointed.  "That one."
A smile twitched across his face, and he circled the ring in a haphazard circle with his pen.  "What's your ring size?"
"Six.  Yellow gold, please.  I do get hives with other metals."
"Gotchya.  Does tomorrow work for Flora and I to come over to see your mother-in-law suite?"
"Yes."  She shook herself and pulled out her slate to check her schedule.  "I won't be home until six."
"Is 6:30 too late?"
"Not at all."
He wanted to get her a ring.  He wanted to get flowers.  He wanted to take her to dinner.  Her heart shouldn't flutter so much.  She should put a pause on the conversation and make sure they were on the same page that there wouldn't be any romantic entanglement.
She should.  But she didn't. He was just being kind, trying to make this process as pleasant as possible.  He'd been married before, and was probably well aware that this could scarcely be called a wedding.  The rings were just to keep up pretenses with the school.  Surely, they didn't give tenants and roommates sibling benefits.
"Awesome," Link said, finishing his note to himself.  "Flora will still have another week of school after we go to the court house.  I don't want to be too disruptive, so once school's over, we can pack up the apartment and move the week after."
"I can hire movers if you'd like.  They can pack for you."
He looked up at her in confusion.  "They would...pack my stuff for me?"
"If you'd like."
He blinked at her.  "Let me think about it."
They stared at each other.
"Are we good?" he asked.
She straightened her spine and gave a relieved sigh.  "I think so."
Link smiled at her.
The lawyer friend mumbled, "Fastest wedding planning I've ever seen."
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Bella AU Master Post
What if Bella Made Very Different Choices?
What if Bella Decided to be a Secretary in Volterra?: She’d Be the Office Snack
What if Bella Ghosted the Cullens?
What if Bella Became Suddenly Sane After Breaking Dawn?
What if Bella Brought a Gun to the Baseball Game?
What if Bella Asked Edward for Assisted Suicide in Twilight via Blood Drinking?
What if Bella Fell in Love with Carlisle?
What if Bella Had an Internship at an Italian Museum?
Bella in the Hunger Games
What if Bella Hated Jasper So Much That She Left the Cullens?
What if Bella Diverged from Canon?
What if Edward Died?
What if Bella Had Met the Volturi Previously and Pointed Them Out in Carlisle’s Painting?
What if Bella Was Still Clumsy as a Vampire?
What if Bella Just Thought Edward Was a Weeb?
What if Bella's Had Luca for an Uncle?
What if Bella Suddenly Had Self-Esteem, Heard Edward Talk Smack About Rosalie, Confessed He'd Done as Much to a "Human Friend", and the Cullens Overheard?
What if X Turned Bella/X Met Bella First?
What if the Volturi had Tabs on Bella Since She Was a Child?
What if Hermione Granger was Bella’s Girlfriend?
What if Carlisle Turned Bella First? They’d be Bros
What if Bella Who Never Met the Cullens Was Confronted by Heidi and Her Tour of Doom? (I Give Her 50/50 Odds)
What if Bella Was Born and Turned By Carlisle Before Edward?
What if Bella Had Completely Different Life Circumstances?
What if Bella Was Raised by Charlie?
What if Bella Was Jane and Alec’s Older Sister? and No, But Really, What if She Was Their Older Sister?
What if Bella Was a Vampire in James’ Coven and Had a Game of Baseball with the Cullens?
What if Bella Had a Twin Sister?
What if Bella Got the Death Note in Middle School?
Anon Wants a Breaking Bad Crossover Starring Bella Swan, It’s Not Going to Happen
What if Weird Shit Happened to Bella?
What if Caius and Bella Were Trapped in a Closet Together?
What if Bella’s Car was a Transformer?
What if Bella Met a Big Shark?
What if Edward Was a Hallucination Bella Was Having?
What if Bella Suddenly Turned Back into a Human?
What if Bella Exploded in Her First Day in the Cafeteria?
Edward, Bella, and the RMS Titanic
What if Edward Killed a Person Right in Front of Bella?
Bella Wakes up in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time in place of Link?
What if Bella Post Series Lost Her Gift?
What if Edward and Bella Replaced Brad and Janet in the Rocky Horror Picture Show?
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pizzacatdelight · 1 year
My Birthday
Yay, today’s my birthday! I turned 28 years old! And avoided the dreaded “27 Club” where some of the biggest musicians from the 60s’ and 70s’ died when they were 27 years old! (They mainly died due to massive drinking, doing drugs, etc.…)
My 27th year on this planet was not a good one. Early this year, I quit my toxic part-time job at a well-known pizza restaurant that I won’t name. I got scammed into paying for my own equipment for a new job I thought it was a job, but wasn’t. So, I lost over $2,000 because of it and I have to freeze my credit scores to keep the scammers from opening any new credit cards under my name! Then there’s the fact I can’t even find a job that would even hire me due to both my disability and my limited skill list! I even got rejected from getting Disability (or SSI); two months later because of the fact I even had a job!
At home, my youngest niece graduated from high school in June and instead of going to University, she’s working a full-time job at Sally’s Beauty in order to save up money to buy her own car since the car her mom gave her last year and it‘s too expensive to go University right now. My only nephew started 11th grade last month, which means once he graduates in 2025, mom’s planning to sell the family house. She told me and my older sister this back in March/April where after she sold the house; she’s planning to (probably) move to Oregon to get away from the politics of conservative Texas and to retire. Of course, we’re going to move with her as she’s planning to buy land and build a condo house where my sister and I can live on one side of the condo.
For my hobbies, on the other hand, they’re doing great! I beat over 15 games this year, which include “Pokémon: Emerald”, “Hypnospace Outlaw”, “Fire Emblem: Three Houses - Cindered Shadows DLC” and “The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog”. “BAD END THEATER” became the first Steam game where I 100% all the achievement. I preordered “Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom” a few days before it came out in May and played it on release day. I remembered staying up all night going around Hyrule, completing the Shrines and not being dicks to the Koroks who only wanted to be reunited with their friends. I’m looking forward to the release of the remaster of “Super Mario RPG”, which comes out in less than two months! I saw four LPs of the game in the past and played it myself for the WiiU. I can’t wait for it to come!
My webcomic is going along. I just finished Chapter 9 and I’m currently taking a small break from it to focus on making this site. I changed how I publish my comics, where I used to release 6-7 pages at a time. But now, I have changed it to 2 pages per week, which means I’ll get more views compared to what I did before. I’m planning to post the links to my webcomic here; I’ll have to find the motivation to do so.
I also made a Tumblr account in June after Reddit decided that they're going to start pricing the 3rd party apps that use its’ code (Apollo, you will be missed). While things are great on Tumblr, I have to get used that most of everyone there is very left-leaning compared to Reddit, where everyone is either in the center or right-leaning, depending on the subject. Yes, I know there are left-leaning people and subreddits there, but it’s the right-leaning groups that are the ones who make the headlines. At least the fandom on Tumblr is way nicer compared to Reddit, where you get attacked for saying or doing something that the fandom subreddit doesn’t like. It’s the reason why I was too scared to either post or comment on Reddit.
Then early this month, I made a NeoCities website and learned how to code again after 11 years. It’s not easy and sometimes it’s even frustrating when you want to do something cool to your page and the code won’t work! At least coding is a skill I can use when I try to look up jobs since it’s one of the most important skills that businesses need. And I also started to blog to write about my thoughts as well. I’ve been doing it on Tumblr for a while, so now I have two sites to pour it all out.
As for what I will be doing for my birthday, it’s not going to be much as I tend not to ask for a lot. I know mom normally gives me a $50 Amazon gift card so I can buy something nice for myself. And I already have plans to make brownies for desserts since we have so much flour and a huge box of brownie mix is in the cabinet.
So yeah, my 27th birthday wasn’t that great, but it could’ve been worse. I hope my 28th year will be a little better and things will improve.
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chupacabren · 2 years
things that happened during the final few sessions of my over 4 year long campaign.
- they have dismembered a body (of this lady that they really hate). still pretty gruesome. oh yeah, also she’s the aunt of one of the DMPCs! 
- they remembered they have had a dead body of a white dragonborn on the ship of them since a year ago that we all forgot about. 
- also remembered we had a god homing compass 
- and the crab car
- they killed a total of three gods within the last 4 sessions. one of which they harassed and called "me nipples" (her name is Menippe). to make sure she was dead the youngest in the party stepped on her neck to snap her head from her body. (See point 1)
- they found hermitcraft hermit crabs.
- one of the party members got trapped in a princess Zelda crystal and the rest freed him with magic marbles they forgot about.
- they summoned an air elemental named Merlin
- one of the DMPCs got killed by power word kill and this resulted in us discovering our PC cleric did not prepare Revivify for the last battle. Absolutely hilarious we love you Vartyx.
- the son? of one of the party members learned where babies came from in the middle of battle.
- the cleric also threw a magic bean and summoned a stone version of himself that constantly threw insults at him
- one of the many ways the BBEG died was our beloved-no-revivify cleric, set to avenge his fallen comrade (and one-sided crush he barely talks to, mood) grabbed the god's private area and casted inflict wounds.
- also the cleric was the one to finish off the god by uh, shoving the open lip of his bag of holding full of sand down the guys throat while the poor god was doubled down from the earlier incident.
- the cleric fell through a wormhole.
- one of the PCs became a god, and now basically also has an office job lol
Some finishing points, the campaign has since ended and we still have not done anything about the white dragonborn body lmao.
It's been a wild ride, and I would not have asked for a better party of friends to join me on this journey. 3 of them also have Tumblr, and they'll prolly be the only ones seeing this XD. Love you guys. Onward to the next adventure!
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personal headcanons a go-go!
Quagmire Family Book-Verse Edition
General Background
The Quagmires are an old VFD Family. Mr. Quagmire Sr (Hemingway) is the Quagmire by blood. The Sapphires his family is known for definitely caused some blood being shed in the past…
Mrs. Quagmire Sr (Zelda) is born a Denouement, so the triplet gene is in her blood. She lost her siblings (she’s a triplet) in a fire that preceded the schism.
The Quagmires are rather volatile for fire-fighters, with nasty rumors stating they’re spies for the fire-starting side. One morning over brunch, the Quagmire’s friends ended up getting poison. Upon realizing they’ll be blame, they destroyed the evidence by setting the house on fire. They then raised their dead friends’ youngest son, and adopted him after the child’s older brother got unfortunately murdered on a train.
Raymond ‘Q’ Quagmire and Joan ‘Joanie’ Quagmire (Nee Morstan)
Q is of Chinese descent. Q is a nickname of sorts (though he says otherwise), and he tells people the Q stands for Qwerty.
Joan also is of Chinese descent and born as a triplet. Her sisters are Alex and Lindsey. Joan was rather shock to learn of the Denouements are triplets until Q took her to the Hotel Denouement to meet them (Joan thought they’re twins).
Q has a lot of first name aliases. The common one use: Augustin, Chandler, Humphrey, Phillip, Samuel/Sam, and Qiang (many people assumed the Q stands for Qiang)
Joan and her sisters were born in to a non VFD Family; their parents died freak boating accident when they was 5. Joan and her sisters were passed around for a while due to having no living relatives. Morstan is the surname of her eventually adopted family.
Q is Not Very Athletic™. That being said, Q likes watching sports –mostly motocross and boxing– and great at tennis and ping pong to where he can beat anyone. Joan is Athletic™.  She’s very good at (American) Kickboxing and Boxing. Joan’s prefer weapon is the baton, though she is willing to use anything on hand as a makeshift baton.
Q wear glasses. He keeps it a mystery if he actually needs them to see or if they’re fashion glasses to look cool/fits his face structure very nicely.
Joan and her sister were recruited into VFD when they got nosy and began investigating a group of students at their school who were to them, acted very suspicious.
Before ‘retiring’, Q was giving the role of ‘mission control’, communicating with field members. He’s now a World History and Photography teacher at a City’s high school (no recruiting). He gets them to be quiet with a rain stick he has given to him by Frank.
Alex became a surgeon for a hospital. Lindsey is a medical examiner. Joan became a (consulting) detective who works for herself. She did try to enter the medical field, even being pre-med like her sisters. Joan is ‘retired’ like her husband, while Alex and Lindsey are neutral VFD members. But due to Joan’s occupation, Alex and Lindsey joke their sister never retired in the first place.
In his glove compartment, Q has a photo of him with his biological parents and brother. Q gave the photo to Duncan because he likes to look at it when in the car.
Joan is very close to her sisters; they send each other letters twice a week (they don’t live in the City so they’re not options of being guardian/got killed offscreen as precaution).
Duncan Quagmire
His desire to be a journalist leads to Duncan sometimes having terrible hand cramps.
Duncan went through a short phrase on wanting to be a (noir) private detective.
Duncan is the oldest of his siblings, and the ‘default’ leader. While the sibling who keeps everyone in check from creating unnecessary chaos, he’s chaotic in his own right.
Athletic™ in the sense Duncan can win a fist fight due to a low-key interest in boxing, and a bicyclist. Due to his low-key interest in boxing, he’s a technical pacifist; he only fights someone he really dislikes and think they 100% deserve to get a fist in the face.
Hates Prufrock Prep due to the bullying by the student body; Duncan can’t stand bullies.
Duncan doesn’t have a crush on Violet. Yes, likes her, but it’s platonic and friendly. Duncan would ride or die for Violet without any regrets.
Duncan has an old photo of his father when he [the father] was a very young child with his family. He pulls it out of his commonplace notebook in TVV so he can keep it. Duncan hates how he and Isadora (and later Quigley) outlived everyone in the photo.
Duncan hates the Hook-Handed Man, and tries to fight him (tries because Duncan can’t attack when inside the cage). Their meet up offscreen in TE finally gave Duncan the chance to do so.
Has a terrible habit on forgetting to eat. Someone usually has to remind Duncan to eat.
The main swearer. His mother taught them to Duncan (accidentally when a driver cuts her off). Duncan does a pretty good job on self-censoring himself when he needs to.
Isadora Quagmire
While Isadora mainly writes couplets, she’s a bit fond of quatrains (ABAB and AABB).
Is always getting mistaken as the oldest. Isadora has to correct Esme Squalor and Count Olaf several times when she was in their clutches where she just gives up and let them assume otherwise.
Unlike Duncan, Isadora can remember when to eat, and can eat a fair amount of food. She’s also the only one who can stomach Prufrock Prep’s cafeteria food (of course, that doesn’t mean she likes eating it).
Isadora denies being a swearer (via Duncan deliberating teaching her). She only admits it after dropping the f-bomb in an attempt to stop Duncan from cursing.
Isadora is close friends with Klaus, but she has no crush on him.
Isadora eventually realizes she has [had] a crush on Violet. However, this is discovered when memories are being recollected on the Self-Sustaining Hot Air Mobile Home.
Under no circumstance does Isadora allow anyone to call her ‘Izzy’. Isadora doesn’t want a nickname, so she hates it when people use ‘Izzy’ as a potential nickname.
Likes stickers, but fears they would ruin her commonplace notebook. Isadora feels glad she never bought them when her commonplace notebook gets destroyed in TVV.
Always wanted to be in the theater –usually in a small bit role– so being in disguise was Isadora’s closest chance she gets to live out this dream.
Not a musical fan. But Isadora won’t deny that she brought several original cast recordings of hit musicals, and knows half their songs by heart.
Quigley Quagmire
Quigley got his interest in cartography after getting lost at the zoo when he was five. He would be upset and crying if he didn’t have the zoo map to find the Penguin exhibit.
Is a strange picky eater; Quigley can’t eat/stomach canned food like soup, yet he can finish off a jar of sun-dried tomatoes or eat vegetable sticks in minutes.
Serious™ and Studious™ when it comes to cartography. Quigley couldn’t care less about getting interrupted when studying other subjects, and when not studying he’s a bit of a troublemaker. Cartography is when he’s in the zone and can’t be interrupted.
Quigley does not like being alone, so getting separated from his siblings upset him.
Very close to Jacques; Quigley saw him as the Uncle he never had. What also helps this bond is Jacques told Quigley stories about his parents. Most are of his mom, though, as Jacques got along/knew Mrs. Quagmire better than Mr. Quagmire.
Athletic™, but swimming is his worst sport. Quigley almost drown in TSS.
Quigley knows Hector indirectly help Jacques died by Olaf’s hands, but he can tell Hector took care of Duncan of Isadora, leaving to complicated feelings all around.
After the fire, Quigley has the fear that if/when he reunites with his siblings, they’ll be ‘Duncan and Isadora + Quigley’, since he’s thought to be dead for a while.
The implied first kiss on the frozen waterfall with Violet was also his last kiss with her.
Post-Canon, Quigley and Violet are the only two who (accidentally) reunited 10+ years later. Quigley and Violet, due to believing they’ll never see each other again, move on, and are in serious, happy relationships with others by the time of their reunion (both Quigley and Violet are fine with this; they’re just happy to know their families are alive and well)
Bonus: He needs to be included, most ardently
Dashiell Qwerty
In-between member; was 12 when the schism broke out.
His interest in the rock-sub culture came from him sneaking out at night to try visiting his little brother, (and to have some freedom away from his chaperone).
Originally ‘met’ Theodora after watching her in a street race prior to the schism happening. He was impressed with her skills, and hope she can give him a few pointers.
He and Theodora saw each other from time to time, but never talk to one another. He was younger than her, and they were never in the same spot for long. Qwerty thought Theodora seems to be enjoying her solitude and wants to respect her space.
Is of Chinese descent. ‘Qwerty’ is one of the many aliases his family uses when out in the field for VFD (his real last name is Qiao). Dashiell is his legal birth name though.
Dyes his hair a different color whenever he’s out evaluating chaperones. In ATWQ 1, he starts out blonde, but by ATWQ 4 it goes back to its natural hair color of black.
Dashiell is convinced his little brother doesn’t remember that they’re brothers. A fire took their parents lives, which forced Dashiell’s brother to live with the Quagmires at a young age because Dashiell wasn’t of age, and Dashiell being out in the field being an evaluator made it impossible for him to get custody.
Due to Dashiell’s death in ATWQ 4, Dashiell’s brother gets formerly adopted into the Quagmire Family. As the schism resulted in lost/destroyed knowledge, the Qwerty surname gets mistake for Dashiell’s real surname, and many volunteers think they’re not related. Q remembers though, and except for the Denouements and his wife, keeps it a secret from everyone else.
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n1kolaiz · 3 years
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thank u @dazaistabletop for getting me so interested in Fitzgerald's character. ur my favourite Fitz kinnie ok mwah( ˘ ³˘)♥
Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald's novel— The Great Gatsby— was a love story that involved Jay Gatsby, whose mannerisms and characteristics appear to be quite similar to Fitzgerald in the Bungou Stray Dogs adaptation. I just finished reading The Great Gatsby so I thought I'd just make a comparison between the main protagonist of the novel and the main antagonist in BSD's Guild Arc.
Other than the fact that both Jay and Fitzgerald share similar character traits (ambitious, arrogant, and optimistic) the relationships Jay had with the other characters of the novel and the interactions that Fitzgerald had with the other characters of BSD are quite similar, too. I'll focus on three specific associations that both Fitzgerald and Jay experienced in a parallel manner:
Zelda Fitzgerald and Daisy Buchanan
Tom Buchanan
Louisa May Alcott and Nick Carraway
in case anyone hasn't read it but wants to :)
To avoid confusion, every time I mention Fitzgerald from here on out, I mean the character from BSD; I will specify my references if it comes to the author.
The Great Gatsby had its plot set around the time of the Roaring Twenties: the aftermath of World War I, the peak of socialite culture, and the growth of a prosperous economy and general wealth altogether.
The Roaring Twenties was also a time of luxurious pleasure and liquor, where people indulged themselves and got addicted to hedonism— the pursuit of gratification.
The Great Gatsby was actually written on the basis to prove how corrupt this age was, and the existence of such corruption was vaguely hinted by various factors, one of which included Jay Gatsby's actual source of income: being involved in the affairs of the black market. This proves that illegal activities were not uncommon around that time, as people did anything they could to achieve materialistic gains.
This isn't a history lesson, I promise.
Both Jay Gatsby and Fitzgerald had grown up in poverty and disliked the concept of being anything short of wealthy. They both worked extremely hard to attain financial abundance.
I presume that not everything they did was actually legal when it came to gaining money. As mentioned before, Jay was involved in criminal activities which founded the basis of his wealth, while Fitz once mentioned that in order to own a gun, he had to kill 4 people. He goes on to tell us that he ended up owning that specific gun's manufacturer eventually.
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Daisy Buchanan and Zelda Fitzgerald.
The Great Gatsby is actually centered around Jay Gatsby's rather obsessive infatuation with Daisy.
Daisy was a beautiful lady with a incredibly charming nature— she didn't have much trouble with attracting many men back then before she got married to Tom Buchanan, the antagonist of the story and the rival of Jay Gatsby.
"Her voice was full of money," he said suddenly.
That was it. I'd never understood before. It was full of money— that was the inexhaustible chair that rose and fell in it, the jingle of it. the cymbals' song of it... High in a white palace the King's daughter, the golden girl...
Daisy and Jay Gatsby fell in love right before he was sent off to war and a few years before she met Tom. Before they were separated, Jay's dream of gaining wealth and status was primarily flamed by his intention of reaching Daisy's social ranking in order to be worthy of her love.
Initially, because of how passionate he was about his love for her, Jay lied to Daisy about his wealth. It was only after the War did he actually gain the riches he aimed for. By the time he did achieve his monetary goals, Daisy had married Tom already. Consequently, Jay hosted a bunch of lavish parties in order to gain her attention, prove himself and his love for her, and ultimately, win her back.
Jay perceived Daisy as a literal angel, void of any flaw whatsoever. He even tells Nick, the main character, that the fact that numerous men got romantically involved with such a lady just increased her value altogether.
But what gave it an air of breathless intensity was that Daisy lived there— it was as casual a thing to her as his tent out at camp was to him. There was a ripe mystery about it, a hint of bedrooms, of gay and radiant activities taking place through its corridors, and of romances that were not musty and laid away already in lavender but fresh and breathing and redolent of this year's shining motor cars and of dances whose flowers were scarcely withered. It excited him too that many men had already loved Daisy— it increased her value in his eyes. He felt their presence all about the house, pervading the air with the shades and echoes of still vibrant emotions.
As the story unfolded, Daisy's character was torn apart for a proper, more brutally realistic perspective of her true character, revealing a shallow, selfish lady who solely placed her interest in money and luxury, the things which she often took refuge in when things went wrong. As the plot developed itself, the actuality that Jay fell in love with the idea of Daisy, instead of Daisy herself, was much more evident. And it took quite some time for him to discover and acknowledge the truth.
Fitzgerald's love for Zelda was very apparent, too, except that it seemed more genuine and pragmatic. Not much is speculated about Fitz and Zelda's relationship in the Guild Arc, but his love for her was very deep, as everything he did was for her and their deceased daughter.
Side note: Fitzgerald (the author) based Daisy's character partially on Zelda, as both women were brought up in wealthy families and took a general liking to lifestyles revolving around money and ease.
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Fitzgerald was in love with Zelda, a woman plagued by a debilitating illness. In The Great Gatsby, Jay was in love with a woman who was plagued by the deceptive addiction of self-satisfaction gained by pleasure and whatnot. Zelda was impaired by an mental illness, while Daisy was intoxicated by the security of money and prestige. This is an abstract suggestion though. Personally, that's how I interpreted this correlation when it came to examining these dynamics in their respective universes.
Tom Buchanan
As mentioned before, Thomas Buchanan was Daisy's husband and Jay's rival who had similar characteristics in matters of personality. The Toms in both book and anime were arrogant and cunning, which pretty much vouches for their selfishness.
In the book, Tom is supposedly the love of Daisy's life, except that she just married him for his money instead of waiting for Gatsby. Then again, Tom was involved in a love affair outside his marriage with a lady named Myrtle Wilson. Tom cheated on Daisy by getting involved with Myrtle. On the other hand, Daisy was unfaithful to Tom by keeping her love and relationship with Jay a secret from him.
The climax of the story partly revolves around Myrtle dying in a hit-and-run car accident. The grand twist was that Daisy was the one driving the car, and the car actually belonged to Gatsby. Because the car belonged to Gatsby, George Wilson, the husband of Myrtle, was bent on revenge and tracked down the car. He ended up killing Jay Gatsby, and soon after that, he killed himself.
It was quite a scandal, but Daisy estranged herself from such a tedious matter. In fact, when Jay died, she did not even attend his funeral. Tom was under the impression that Gatsby was the one who killed his mistress, not Daisy, his wife. Either ways, Nick described them in a way that sums up what became of them after Jay's death:
They were careless people, Tom and Daisy— they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness or whatever it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made...
It's interesting to note that in chapter 45 of the BSD manga, Tom appears as the antagonist who was later found guilty of murdering his employee, but the blame was originally put on T.J Eckleburg, the inventor of the Eyes of God.
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Side note: T.J. Eckleburg was actually an optician who appeared on a billboard advertisement in the novel. This billboard was used as a personification by Nick Carraway, which was meant to embody the representation of a displeased overseer who observed the events that unfolded before him. The Eyes of God has a similar concept: scrutinising everything with an accuracy of 97%. It's a personal speculation, but the Eyes of God was proven to be of utmost importance in the Cannibalism Arc when it came to capturing Fyodor Dostoevsky. Likewise, T.J. Eckleburg's eyes showed how corruption and misconduct never escaped his judgmental visage.
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sorry about the quality of the manga panels ;-;
In the manga, Fitzgerald manages to triumph over Tom by betraying his trust altogether in order to obtain the ownership of the Eyes of God and Tom's company. This stands in contrast to what became of Jay in the novel, but the protagonist got what he wanted in this universe.
Keep in mind that Fitzgerald didn't act according to fulfil what justice required; it was purely business. Just like Jay Gatsby put on the facade of a plain, rich man who was really just bootlegging his way to opulence, Fitzgerald wasn't afraid to betray someone's trust to get what he wanted.
Nick Carraway and Louisa May Alcott
If I were to pick a character that represented Louisa May Alcott in BSD from the book, I'd pick the narrator himself: Nick Carraway. Again, this is my personal interpretation, so the association between these two characters is just my personal opinion.
Nick Carraway was known as the more reserved, cynical protagonist compared to Jay. The both of them developed a cordial friendship as the story progressed.
Nick initially took a liking to Gatsby, who was his neighbour. The enigmatic aura Gatsby emitted called for Nick's attention, and in the same way, Gatsby reciprocated his interest in Nick by making the effort to acquaint himself with him.
He had one of those rare smiles with a quality of eternal reassurance in it, that you may come across four or five times in life. It faced, or seemed to face, the whole external world for an instant and then concentrated on you with an irresistible prejudice in your favor. It understood you just as far as you wanted to be understood, believed in you as you would like to believe in yourself.
There were a few times which suggests that Nick didn't like the way Gatsby acted or spoke. Nevertheless, Nick was the only one who stuck with Gatsby until the end.
"They're a rotten crowd," I shouted across the lawn. "You're worth the whole damn bunch put together.
(This was the last thing Nick said to Jay before he died.)
At first, Nick was intrigued by Jay's mystical nature and peculiar idiosyncrasies, but found that Gatsby was a very strange, but 'morally bad' man. However, over time, Nick became one of the few who managed to recognise Gatsby's idealistic ambitions; he saw through all the fame and wealth and found a mere human being capable of being entrapped by love's snares. Basically, he understood Gatsby, despite disagreeing with his actions and even his behaviour at times.
As for Louisa, well, it is a known fact that she was loyal to Fitzgerald because of how much she respected and trusted him.
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Both Nick and Louisa were intelligent, witty people with generally nice, honest, and reserved dispositions. Their self-contained demeanours make it very easy to get along with the more exurbent/dominant personas of Gatsby and Fitzgerald. So in the event where each pair was isolated from the rest of the world, they had each other to depend on.
Next morning I sent the butler to New York with a letter to Wolfsheim, which asked for information and urged him to come out on the next train. That request seemed superfluous when I wrote it. I was sure he’d start when he saw the newspapers, just as I was sure a there’d be a wire from Daisy before noon – but neither a wire nor Mr. Wolfsheim arrived; no one arrived except more police and photographers and newspaper men. When the butler brought back Wolfsheim’s answer I began to have a feeling of defiance, of scornful solidarity between Gatsby and me against them all.
Such a dynamic created a close bond of trust. Just as Nick was not hesitant to stick by Gatsby's side, Louisa went to great extents just to return Fitzgerald back to his former leading position and work together with him.
Side note: Nick Carraway is suggested to have the INTP personality type, while Louisa is most likely an INFP. Both these personalities are strikingly similar in many ways. They are individualistic in thinking and described as 'seekers' of their place in the world. If you're interested in a more detailed comparison, check this post out
Alright, that's about it for my speculations; I hope they weren't too messy. Thank you so much for reading!
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“So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.”
- Nick Carraway, The Great Gatsby
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 272: (Directed by Michael Bay)
Previously on BnHA: The My Child Soldiers Academia arc finally started to live up to its name as Tokoyami became the first (but I assure you not the last) victim of traumatic mental scarring courtesy of Horikoshi’s sick games! So he and Dark Shadow showed up to stop Dabi from murdering Hawks and were all “please don’t kill our mentor.” Dabi was all “AH BUT YOUR MENTOR KILLED SOMEONE ELSE, AND ISN’T THAT JUST LIKE THE HEROES THOUGH, THEIR HANDS ARE SO STAINED WITH BLOOD” and then he tried to set both of them on fire several times in succession. Hawks was all “Tokoyami just run away while he’s in the middle of his five-hour sermon” and so they tried but Dabi followed them! But then Geten was all “ALL RIGHT EVERYONE... CHILL” and fucking froze everything for no discernible reason, and Tokoyami fled the building with an unconscious Hawks in tow as the battle raged on. The chapter then ended with Gigantomachia being all “I smell my master!” and standing up, hahaha oh fuck.
Today on BnHA: Well you guys are not going to believe this, but it turns out that Tomura waking up is actually a very bad thing. A “worst case scenario” if you will! Because, get this, he has a quirk that can destroy anything, which spreads from whatever he touches to fucking everything and everywhere else. Gosh, if only we’d known about this since like 35 chapters ago. If only we’d had a spy among the villains who could have warned us, and three entire months to plan our attack, and literally every single hero in Japan on call to help us when the time came. Anyway so you’re really going to be shocked by this I’m telling you, but it turns out that when a crazy powerful person who wants to destroy everything finally wakes up, he immediately starts destroying everything with his crazy power. So X-Less dies and Crust dies and everyone else runs, and meanwhile the kids, who are on the outskirts of the city finishing up the evacuation, stand there in shock as the plot rampages toward them ready to swallow them whole. The chapter ends with Deku powering up to FORTY-FIVE PERCENT YEAHHHHH, and oh shit. Finally we’re doing this.
I am not even remotely done with all the shit I’m supposed to be finishing up, but fuck it, I need a break and reading the new chapter is by far the funnest thing on my current to-do list, so!
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-- ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygodohm --
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[puts on glasses and unfolds map while poring through a mess of scribbles on post-it notes] -- hold up, if my calculations are correct, I’m pretty sure “somewhere a bit further from the hospital” is, in fact, where a certain THREE TROUBLE-PRONE DISASTERS ARE CURRENTLY HOLED UP. AHHH
can it really be true. are we finally rejoining our protagonist and his buddy cop friends after 97 years. how will everyone react to Deku reacting to Tomura waking up ahhhh
so Burnin’ is yelling at the civilians to let them know if they have any family or friends who need assistance evacuating
god I hate the fact that this is a fucking understatement
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they’re not taking any chances after Kamino and Fukuoka huh. fool them once, shame on you. fool them twice, oh shit. but there will not be a third time! no one fucking destroys three cities in the span of six months on their watch, no sirree
(ETA: ...)
lol the kids are trying to get the elderly citizens on a bus to evacuate, but a lady is trying to give them candy and Kacchan and Ochako are of two different minds on whether or not to accept
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Kacchan is absolutely right about Ochako’s motivations, but in her defense, who the fuck turns down free chocolate
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(ETA: I sure hope these poor bastards had good insurance.)
also. this man here who looks like Beaker from the Muppets, who presumably has the power of Doing Anything Those Wacky Flailing Inflatable Tube Men That You See Outside Of Car Dealerships Can Do. ...yes. that’s it. that’s an intentionally incomplete sentence with a subject but no predicate. I just feel like we should all sit and stare at him for a good thirty more seconds before continuing on with our lives
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is... this... a space shuttle man
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is this literally just a man with a Boeing for a head. FUCKING QUIRKS THOUGH!!!!! ~*~wild~*~
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so now he’s slightly hunching forward with his hands pressed together and Todoroki is immediately sensing that something is wrong ahhhhh
(ETA from like 5 days later: I had that as “Tokoyami” instead of “Todoroki” for the better part of a solid week you guys. SHOUTO YOU WERE GONE FOR SO LONG I FORGOT YOUR FUCKING NAME whoop.)
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here come dat angst. here comes Horikoshi’s hand beckoning the trio closer and welcoming them to the pain parade ahhh. from now on that’s how I’m ending all my sentences btw. it just seems right. ahhh
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ladies and gentlemen, YOU WERE SAYING DEKU DIDN’T HAVE ENOUGH CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT LATELY? HE’S NOT INTERESTING ENOUGH AS A PROTAGONIST, IS HE? well maybe that’s because Horikoshi has been saving this one juiciest of plot nuggets for a rainy day precisely like this! BRING ON THAT CHOSEN ONE ANGST AHHHHH
anyway so yes it is indeed OFA speaking to him in the form of Lil Bro a.k.a. the first user
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lol I’m trying to think of commentary but it’s difficult seeing as I’M ALREADY SCROLLING DOWN TO IMPATIENTLY READ THE NEXT PAGE
lmao the fuck
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it absolutely boggles my mind that this guy is somehow still alive. ??! how many chapters and panels has it been now. he’s like the goat in the t-rex pen in fucking Jurassic Park. WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO GET EATEN ALREADY
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do you... want a blanket. ...?
(ETA: do you ever just. wake up and you’re like “ah shit it’s cold”, and then you destroy an entire city. mm.)
do you all suppose X-Less is fully aware that he’s about to die though? he hasn’t even moved. I imagine that sitting next to Tomura actually is much like sitting next to a giant t-rex. like he has to know there is no getting out of this alive. poor guy
damn Mic isn’t even looking back he’s just running back into the main room where all the rest of them are
wow this fight is still going on
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I don’t know why, I just expected it to all magically be over all of a sudden now that we have bigger things to worry about. do you guys remember when we were all worried about the High End Noumus being the biggest threat. hahahahaha
(ETA: moment of silence for ALL OF THE FUCKING HIGH ENDS lmao. that did not go how I expected that plotline to go AT ALL, but at least we got the best fucking battle in the entire manga out of it.)
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goddammit. my reaction to this should have been much more “!!!” and “OH SHIT”, but he dragged it out so much that my initial reaction was one more of relief than horror. maybe it’s because of the way I read the chapters, constantly pausing to do commentary as I go along, but whenever a chapter has a ton of panels of people just staring into the distance awash with dread, it really stands out to me lol. there’s only so much I can write about that kind of thing. ah well at least we’re finally getting to the action
I genuinely can’t tell if Ujiko is frightened that he’s about to be disintegrated by Tomura’s quirk, or excited that Tomura is awake
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maybe both lol. well don’t worry you’re not gonna die that easily, much as you would not catch me complaining if you did
thanks Gran
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lol where was all this speed throughout the rest of this arc though. “we’re only competent when the plot necessitates it” huh. is that right
oh shit it’s destroying the rest of the lab
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those are all of Ujiko’s collected quirks, right? someone please tell me if this is a good or a bad thing. on the one hand if they’re all destroyed it means Tomura can’t get them and Ujiko can’t make any more Noumus. but on the other hand this means they won’t ever be able to give them back to the original users (if any of them are even still alive). and also that’s a lot of evidence that’s being wiped out as well
oh shit they didn’t know about this?!
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even after Deika City, you didn’t put two and two together?? even with all of Hawk’s intel?? what the hell did you think happened there?
well this explains why everyone was so la-dee-da-no-rush about capturing him though. well that’s on you guys. next time maybe don’t waste 20 minutes uselessly battling redshirt Noumus while Mirko has to do everything herself
anyway so I feel like people other than X-Less are almost certainly going to die here, and fuck. I’m not ready for any of this
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I want to see it crumble so bad. now this is the kind of foreboding cinematic disaster movie bullshit I can get into
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...okay so I see Ryuukyuu in the top right, and I think that’s RockLockRock on her back. Thirteen is clearly there in the bottom center, but I don’t know who that is next to them. and then of course Gran and Mic on the left. and a bunch of others spread out in various other places, but... where the hell is Aizawa??
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oh my god I gasped in real life. stop making me fear for the lives of main characters!!
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he. he --. crust. he. ...
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I literally stopped reading and had to stop and cover my mouth with both of my hands I’m
silence. no screaming. no flailing. no freaking out. just silence
shit. rest in peace you old sedimentary bastard. respect to you for saving the father of my children in your last fleeting moments. I still have not the slightest idea how you rose through the ranks to somehow become the sixth fucking highest rated hero (HERO BILLBOARD CHART, IS EVERYTHING ALL RIGHT. ARE YOU FEELING OKAY), but you sure did go out with style though
also this may be tacky of me to point out during such an emotionally charged moment, but one second Aizawa is wearing his goggles like normal, and the next they’re suddenly pushed up onto his forehead so we can see the anguish in his bloodshot eyes. there was no reason to do that other than angst and we all know it. so yes Shouta you dramatic bitch, I am calling you out. why Horikoshi felt he had to add to your many accumulated traumas is beyond me. you don’t deserve this and I am so, so sorry
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seeing as we just went over this with Gran, I will take the high road here and won’t ask why you’re only this fast now and couldn’t have been this useful this ages ago back before Tomura woke up. oh wait does sarcastically saying I won’t bring it up count as bringing it up. well whatever. middle road, then
sob I’m getting flashbacks to the end of Return of the Jedi when they’re all frantically flying out of the Death Star as it explodes
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friendly reminder that Ryuukyuu, clearly the fastest one here despite carrying like 20 people, was number 10 in the rankings for some unknown reason. again, r.i.p. Crust you well-meaning geriatric soul
also just a stray thought, I hope it’s clear now why it was so important to give Deku those additional quirks. at a minimum he needs Blackwhip and Float just so he doesn’t instantly die the moment he’s in Tomura’s general vicinity. sob I’ve joked so much about flying quirks and here they are becoming fucking prerequisites now
anyway so Ujiko is mourning the loss of his lab, which again, good riddance mostly. but r.i.p. that evidence though
(ETA: nah the “total loss” part is referring to how the heroes fucked up so soundly and thoroughly. anyway no one would blame Mic if he accidentally dropped Ujiko in the midst of all this chaos, I’m just saying. I guess they need any intel he could still provide now more than ever though.)
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oh my god oh my god it’s still spreading??!
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fuck fuck fuck at this rate it’ll reach the kids
(ETA: that happened really fast actually.)
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I can’t tell if her earthbending was able to stop it or not?? god help us all if it didn’t, I’m not even sure what else could stop it at this point
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they really did. only to fuck it up completely at the finish line. well, the man most singularly responsible for it is dead now, again r.i.p. Crust you useless old legend
lmao despite myself
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“by a miracle, or maybe through sheer will” even he acknowledges that Tomura waking up was basically complete bullshit. yes blah blah yadda yadda got zapped by some exposed wires explanation science. because we all know that getting electrocuted will fix you right up when your heart has stopped and you have completely flatlined. you can definitely trust Horikoshi on this and there’s absolutely no need to google how defibrillators actually work
also is he somehow wearing a cape now. again by a miracle or maybe through sheer will
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(ETA: one has to wonder what Ujiko’s plan was, assuming this scheme had actually played out. were they just banking on Tomura not waking up cranky and disoriented and wanting to test out his power. his quirk doesn’t exactly distinguish friend from foe here I’m just saying.)
the part of me that goes all “ooh ahh” when all the buildings explode in Independence Day is singing inside. but never fear, the rest of me is appropriately horrified though. what was that Burnin’ was saying about the city becoming a large-scale battle zone? sob
also this page sure serves as a nice refresher for exactly why Tomura Waking Up Was Bad, which was inexplicably a topic of some debate in recent weeks. yes in spite of everything the villains are still the bad guys who’d have thought. almost as if the purpose of humanizing a character is to show that they’re human, not that they’re right
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finally finally finally!!!!!!
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and there is no one coming to save them this time. no one to arrive at the last second and say “it’s all right now because I am here.” they have to save themselves. they have to save everyone. the training wheels are finally coming off. the safety net has been removed. after 272 chapters, the story has finally reached a point where these kids, these children, who in spite of all they’ve been through have been protected and shielded from the worst of it up till now, will finally have to be the ones to save the day all on their own
and they are not ready. but also maybe they kind of are??! but they definitely are not. and oh god oh god oh god, FINALLY WE’RE REALLY DOING THIS. TIME TO FIX THE MESS THOSE SILLY GROWN-UPS MADE, CHILDREN. YOU GOT THIS
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Hey, i just got an introduction of the creepy pasta a week ago but I'm so confused from all the characters. You look like a creepypasta fan. Mind explaining some of the characters?
Yo wtf I had no idea anybody had sent me any of these. It’s been almost a year since this was sent to me but I’ll go ahead and answer this anyway. I’m only gonna be explaining some of my favorites and of course some popular ones
So we can start off right anyway with the main guy, and my personal favorite, Jeff The Killer. If you’ve never heard of Jeff, then this is probably your first time on the internet. He’s known as the guy who was drenched in bleach and set on fire when he was 13 (and yes we’re all aware that that makes zero sense) he has a smile carved into his face and technically burnt his eyelids off (though I usually ignore that fact) and he murdered his entire family (though his brother has been brought back to life as his own character and they lOVE EACH OTHER GODDAMNIT). And of course there’s Jeff’s infamous catchphrase, go to sleep. Some people imagine he’s a horribly disfigured monster and some people imagine he’s the hottest bitch around. Either interpretation is valid. When it comes to Jeff, a lot is up to interpretation.
Next would be my second favorite, Homicidal Liu, Jeff’s brother. Liu was technically just from an au originally but people have taken him and turned him into his own character. He survived when his brother tried to kill him and became a serial killer himself. To cope with what his brother did to him, he developed DID and has a split personality named Sully (who’s an asshole). There’s no canon explanation for how or why Sully was developed but there are many theories and headcanons. And yes, it’s canon that Liu forgave Jeff.
Next is Ben Drowned. Ben was a 12 year old kid who was drowned as a cult sacrifice and his soul was transferred into his copy of Legend Of Zelda Majora Mark. The story is told from the point of view of a college student named Alex who bought the copy of the game from a garage sale. The story follows Alex as he spirals into insanity by this sadistic spirit who won’t leave him alone.
Next is Ticci Toby. Toby was a 17 year old boy who was suffering abuse from his father. Though Toby couldn’t feel it, due to him having CIPA (meaning he can’t feel physical pain), he didn’t like seeing his mom and sister get hurt. Toby also suffers from schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and anxiety. He also has Tourette’s (which is where the name Ticci Toby came from). After Toby’s sister, Lyra, died in a car accident, things got worse. Until one night, Toby felt the urge to kill his father, angry that he was too drunk to see Lyra in the hospital before she died. Once Toby killed his father, he took his father’s hachets from the garage and set his neighborhood on fire. Toby was rescued from the fire by the one and only Slenderman. After being presumed dead, Toby began to work under Slenderman as one of his proxies.
Next I’ll go ahead and explain Sally. Sally’s story is the darkest story in the entire Creepypasta fandom so trigger warning to anyone who may be triggered by r!pe or anything like that. Sally was an eight year old girl who was r!ped by her uncle. Once she told her parents about it, they assumed it was just a bad dream. Her uncle overhead her tell her parents and took her to a park and murdered her. She came back as a ghost and killed her uncle and now haunts her old house. A popular headcanon is that Slenderman adopted her as his own.
Next would be Eyeless Jack. EJ is an eyeless cannibal who enjoys eating kidneys. He is mostly known for his blue mask. There is no canon backstory for EJ, but the most popular fan made one is that he was a college student who was sacrificed by a cult.
Next is of course Slenderman. Just like Jeff, if you haven’t heard of Slenderman, you must’ve just got access to the internet. Slenderman is a tall, faceless man who lives in the woods. There’s not much known about Slenderman. Many people argue that he’s real, but he is not considering he was created in 2009 in a photoshop contest. A popular headcanon is that Slenderman is like a father figure to the other Creepypastas (his proxies).
Next is Tim and Brian (Masky and Hoodie). Tim and Brian aren’t technically Creepypastas, as they are from the Slenderverse YouTube series, Marble Hornets. If you haven’t watched Marble Hornets, I highly recommend it.
Next is Jane The Killer (I can’t just not explain her even if I don’t like her). She is Jeff’s arch nemesis. Here I will be explaining the ORGINAL Jane The Killer story, not the shitty ripoff where she lived across the street from Jeff and he set her on fire, that’s not the real version. In the orginal story, Jane was about in her 20s, living with her sister, Jessie, and her wife, Mary. When Jeff killed her parents, she started to struggle financially as she no longer had her parents to support her. She had heard she’d get paid if she donated blood, but little did she know she wouldn’t be donating blood. The government had been trying to develop a chemical that would heighten a person’s senses so they could create government assassins to kill serial killers. Jane was the first test subject it worked on. The chemical made her skin pale white and her hair and eyes pitch black. Jane decides to use her new abilities to her advantage and kill the man who ruined her life, Jeff The Killer.
I know you sent me this back in December but I hope this helps🙂
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yandere-society · 5 years
The Dulcie Inn | M
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Synopsis: The artist runs with the whispers of the wind. In this case, your wind was your fiance; Kim Taehyung. A getaway weekend with him, off to the countryside where life is mellow. What you weren’t expecting was the dangerous storm lurking in the shadows and a quiet inn in the middle of nowhere, run by a man with doe eyes and his own storm running through his mind.
Pairing: Jungkook x Fem!Reader; Fem!Reader x Taehyung
Genre: Inspired by Psycho (1960)
Word Count: 12K
Admin: @moonpeachhy and @nomnomsik​
A/N: [UNEDITED] Please bear with us! We will edit it completely tomorrow as we had to meet the deadline today. Nevertheless, we hope you enjoy. 
Trigger warnings: Yandere, descriptions of physical violence, smut, unprotected sex, horror, mentally disturbed character, and unstable relationships. Please read with caution. 
⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰
There was a storm brewing.
Uphill near the mountains, unusually muscular-looking clouds huddled into a dark grey inflation. It was sort of alluring, resembling a renaissance painting you’ve long forgotten the name of. Yet as it approached near, it set an unease in your bones. The type that crawls deep within your gut until you could barely make out its presence. You knew it was there though, from the shaky breath you let out as if it was tightly gripping your lungs. An exhale that fogged up your side of the car window.
“You alright there?”
"Hmm?” You turn towards the concerned tone of your fiance, his mellow eyes fixed on the unrestricted road as he steadied the steering wheel.
“Tired?” He asks, facing you for a few seconds to give you a faint smile.
“A bit.” You reply nonchalantly, balancing the back of your head on the window. Which let you to feel all the slight bumps the tires traveled over on the gravel beneath you, your body now vaguely vibrating at a similar speed. “We should stop soon.”
“I can beat the storm.” The man chuckles, his baritone warming you from the inside out. More than your knitted sweater which made you break out a tired grin, enjoying the way his laughter was so softly carried over to your ears. “We’ll be in Goldleaf soon, just rest your eyes for a bit.”
Chestnut hair fell just above his brows, the strands still messily sticking out from your fingers gliding through them this morning. A golden hue traveled across his irises, making them seem lighter than they originally were. There was a freckle on the tip of his nose that you loved to kiss, sitting proudly on the top layer of his skin. His breaths were firm, pink lips marginally stretched on each side. For a moment you just adored his divinity, your heartbeat in rhythm with his. Did he know of the beauty he embellished? 
“So you’re a magician? I just close my eyes and when I open them, we’ll magically be in the kingdom that’s 80 miles away?”
“I’m whatever you want me to be baby.” He winked at you before cheesily grinning at the way your face scrunched up in disgust.
“Dork,” You muttered, hiding your amusement by pursing your lips.
“Your dork,” He corrected as a matter of fact, “Your dork who knows a shortcut.”
This new information made you raise your brows in acknowledgment, “You’re rather handy. See, this is why I’m marrying you.”
 He scoffs, “Yes, of course, your majesty, I’m honored. Now please get some sleep.” 
You knew he would pout if you told him you couldn’t possibly fall asleep in this cramped moving vehicle, so you just nodded watching him take a turn to this ‘shortcut’ he spoke of. The silver band on his ring finger shimmered in the diluted sunlight. It felt like it was just yesterday that he asked you out for coffee in his muscle shirt and ripped jeans. Even though he stood like a tough guy, you were smitten by the rosy splotches on his defined cheekbones. After a few awkward first dates and shyly stolen kisses, you two became your campus’ favorite couple.
Fast forward a few years, and here you sat. Engaged to the tough guy in the driver’s seat. You both had been engaged for 4 months, waiting for the right time to tie that knot. At the time of the engagement, through happiness and tears; you found yourself saying yes to his sudden proposal. But since then, there had been some differences...some...misunderstandings. He had been quite eager to settle down, have kids and a 9 to 5 job, while you were a bit more hesitant towards that whole ordeal.
It’s not that you didn’t want to marry him or you didn’t want a family. However, the desire for freedom - of old school independence swimming in your heart has held you back. Blame the young artist’s soul within you, there was just so much you wanted to see. Some would say you were looking for diamonds in an empty bin, trying to be the Thomas Chatterton of your time. Maybe. Maybe you just didn’t want to end up like Zelda Fitzgerald, a passively remarkable woman confined to her husband’s identity for a millennium.
You weren’t sure of what you wanted, yourself. Did you want to fly with the winds or did you want a Gatsby type of man to drown you in flower petals? Your father said it was because you were a free spirit. An early dove, not yet done with demonstrating her charm to the rest of the world. The remainder of your family members had been more upfront with their disapproval of what they easily named your ‘fickleness.’ 
Taehyung said he would wait for you though, and for you, that was all that mattered. Never, would you find the heart to tell him you agreed to marry him on impulse, yet you dread that he already knew of your hidden words. He knew you better than anyone else after all.
So when he suggested going on a trip to clear your head, you jumped at the chance. Eager to cross the country with the man you were supposed to spend eternity with. Summer had just ended, your eyes saunter over all the barely bleeding leaves on the deciduous trees as your car enters a woody area. There was a part of your soul that told you this journey would be special. You would learn a lot from this vacation - about Taehyung, about yourself, and about the spread out land.
The mystery of what’s to come inspires the artist.
As your gaze once again wanders off into the skies, the semblance of the chaotic swirls and whiffs of cotton above resonate with you.
“The Tempest.” You whisper out loud
“Hmm? What was that?” Taehyung eyes your fatigued figure
“I just remembered the painting those clouds reminded me of.”
Taehyung breaks out into a small laugh at that, “Will you ever stop thinking about art?” He jokes, which in return causes you to giggle as well.
“No.” He says suddenly, more to himself as his laughter dies down too abruptly. “No, I don’t think you will.”
Your smile drops as you glance at him. The hidden meaning underneath his words was flatly laid out for both of you. He continues to drive in the same posture - the same breath - but his face has now hardened a tad. It takes everything within you to not question him, his statement painting you mildly red. Instead, you blink your gaze back out the window, into the slowly dimming sunlit horizon.
Hoping the storm never arrives.
⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰
So he didn’t beat the storm. 
He didn’t beat the storm as the sky grew dark, clouds gray and winds picking up speed. The calm breeze that had refreshingly blew past moments ago was now replaced with a ferocity that was prepared to bulldoze through its path. You looked worriedly out the car window, Taehyung's eyes too, flickering at the sky multiple times. Droplets of rain descended down from the sky, pounding down on the windshield and obscuring your vision which quickly prompted Taehyung to flick on the wipers. It was a wet hellfire, your heart sank as your car continued almost blindly down the road.
Then came the rumbling of thunder, booming down from above, causing you to flinch while goosebumps picked up on your skin. While you shuddered in your seat belt, the raindrops continued their descent, landing on the dashboard with a sharp intensity that echoed throughout the inside of your car. It felt like someone was pelting the roof of your car with bullets.
Even with the highest setting of the windshield wipers, the rain slowly began to completely engulf the visibility of the road. 
“Shit,” Taehyung muttered, driving sightlessly with the darkness of the sky plunging upon you both. It was when you were looking out your side of the window for the smallest ounce of clarity that a large object came into view despite the restrictions in your line of sight. A brown, wooden exterior glowing through all the gloom of the storm outside. You spotted it from the corner of your eye, immediately extending a finger at the building. 
“Taehyung, there!” 
His head snapped over, and without missing a beat he spun the wheel making a sharp right-hand turn as you held onto your seatbelt. The slush of puddles echoed from outside as the car’s wheels pierced through the wet road and approached the building. Once you slowed the vehicle, you both silently stared at the structure. A burst of lightning cut through the dim air, and that’s when you were able to recognize the board standing in front of the property though the shadows of the storm were surrounding it.
‘The Dulcie Inn’
There was an inn in such a place? The road appeared to have been completely abandoned for years, trees were way too tall and the shrubberies were dramatically overgrown. In return, the inn seemed rather decent. Spacious and well-groomed. Though it was strange that there would be a place to stay on a practically dead road.
“I don’t…” Taehyung started, parking the car on the side of the road as the roaring rain crashed onto the windows. “I’ve never heard of this place before.” 
“We should head inside.” You state turning to look at Taehyung
“I don’t know...” He replies cautiously 
“Would you rather stay out here?” You proposed dryly, crossing your arms. “Seems rather pleasant.” 
“I just don’t trust this place, ___. Why don’t we just stay here for tonig-” Before Taehyung could finish his sentence, a bright flash of lightning split the sky - only to be followed by a loud boom of thunder that made him jump. On the other hand, with a push of the car door, you quickly stepped into the pouring rain, breaking out into a sprint as you ran for cover under the protection of the inn. 
“Goddamn it… ___!” Taehyung called, unbuckling his seat belt and chasing after you. The rain immediately pounded on him and his eardrums, temporarily disabling his sense of direction. His clothes stuck to his skin as he finally made it under the inn’s canopy, hair dripping with small droplets of rain and shoes bringing mud into the welcome mat.
You stood underneath the canopy next to him, dusting off the raindrops as he did the same, observing him in slight scrutiny. After all, it was his fault you both were stuck here. As you both fixed yourselves, you lightly touch the door handle of the inn’s entrance before looking back up at Tae.
“Ready, Mr. Magician?”
He smiles at you shyly, a bit embarrassed by the whole situation causing you to smile in return as you push the decrepit wooden door open. It creeks as it slides, an immediate warmth blows past you both, the inn being rather inviting compared to the frigid mess outside. An unreadable exchange passes between you and your fiance. Taehyung’s smile vanishes once you turn around to enter the building, and he turns his face back to examine the thunderstorm behind him.
There was a sunken feeling in his chest at this whole situation. 
As you take your first nervous step inside, you’re gaze shifts to the tall ceiling and dim sunset lights. The loud dilemma outsides hushes into a quieter lull of winds and splatters of rain as the warm, dry inn takes you refuge. A gasp escapes your lips as you marvel at the structure, frozen 3 steps from the door. It was like you’ve wandered into one of Hitchcock’s flicks, truly dazzled at the sight before you. 
The entrance was larger than you expected, the wood of the walls were dressed in a light brown. Red carpet embellished the foyer, while a large chandelier swung above - the pieces of glass hanging on like shapley teardrops - simply bedazzling. There was a staircase with similar dark-wood properties, towering in front of you and leading into what you guessed were the inner rooms.
There was a room to the left of the staircase, which you could only peek at from your spot. It looked to be a seating room, filled with maroon sofa chairs. Like a lounge. Art decorated the inn, nouveau portraits hung from the wall like a place of worship. And right beside you stood the reception, an olive-colored timber separating you and the empty area behind the reception.
“Can I help you?”
Startled, you flinch as you suddenly hear a masculine voice, looking up to see a young man standing in the middle of the stairs. When did he get there?
He was tall, skinny but sturdy-looking with pitch-black hair covering his forehead. His skin was pale compared to his dark button-up shirt and trousers. As you gaze up at him, your worry for your surroundings seems to disappear until all you were focused on were his youthful, boyish features. The stranger was quite handsome, you weren’t expecting it. You felt yourself blushing as he studied you closely. For a while, you just stood there, getting lost in his intense black orbs until his eyes shift towards something behind you. Why did he look away? Confusion fills you as you tilt your head, still staring at him until Taehyung’s figure passes you by and you smell his Armani cologne waking you out of your trance. You forgot about Taehyung.
“Umm, hi. We sort of got caught in the rain and...we were wondering if we could stay here until the storm passes.”
“...You want to book a room?”
“Well, n-”
“Yes.” You interrupt Taehyung, who looks back at you in question
But you ignore him as the young man’s eyes flicker back to you, making you hold your breath. There was something profound in his gaze. A deep abyss of mystery and wonder, just like in the works of Sandro Botticelli. He slowly walks down the stairs, and you carefully follow his physique until he’s situated behind the reception. Working quietly, he reaches underneath into a compartment and takes out an old registry book.
While he’s busy flipping through the pages, Taehyung comes up close to you. Blocking your line of sight.
“Why do you want to stay?” He whispers, “The storm will pass quickly and Goldleaf’s like 20 miles away. We can ju-”
“Taehyung, the storm’s not gonna stop anytime soon. We should stay the night. Besides, we’re stuck here because of your decisions.”
As you finish your sentence, he drops his eyes. Regret fills you as you see the guilt plastered on his face, and he slumps his shoulders. You’re about to apologize, bringing your hand up to touch his arm when-
“You should stay for the weekend. I’ve read up on this storm, it’s going to last for a while.”
Surprised at the man’s interruption, you and Taehyung look at him, then back at each other. 
“A-alright then,” you say cautiously, watching Taehyung’s reaction, “we’ll stay for the weekend.” 
It would delay your trip for a bit, but it was better than dying out in the chaos outside. The stranger extends an antique pen towards you, and you walk up to the reception, taking it from his warm fingers. His slight tremor at your touch goes unnoticed by you as you stare at the page of the registry. It seemed quite ancient along with everything else in this place. As quickly as you could, you filled out your and your fiance’s info. You could feel the man’s eyes piercing you as your hand hovered over the signature line.
Quietly sighing, you turn your face to Taehyung, who was standing a few steps behind you just shifting on his feet. You meet his orbs and raise your brows. Even though you knew this was the safest thing to do as you could hear the roar of thunder outside, you still didn’t want to do anything that would make Taehyung uncomfortable. He stares at you for a few seconds, before grinning and shrugging his shoulders. It makes you break out into a smile, as you turn around and immediately sign the papers.
You raise your head back to the stranger, who’s still staring at you. 
“Here.” You say, holding out his pen to return to him. He slowly moves his face to the pen, taking it back from you and spinning the registry in his direction. Once he’s looked over everything, he closes the journal, moving to grab one of the 10 keys off the hooks on the wooden wall in the background.
There was a faint hesitation in his step before he picked up the key for the first cabin. Turning back around, he smiled shyly before handing you the key.
You return his smile, taking the key and spinning on your heel towards your fiance.
“Our luggage is stuck in the car.” Taehyung reminds you
“Right, I forgot about that.”
“There are…” The man begins and making you turn to him again before he clears his throat, “There are some robes in the room. You both are welcomed to settle into those until the rain slows.”
“Oh, that works.” You state cheerily, facing Taehyung and giggling. There was a suffocating atmosphere between the two men and you were trying to lighten the mood.
Taehyung huffs in amusement, before ruffling your damp hair. “Alright, love. Let’s go settle in.”
You laugh before taking his arm and leading him by and up the stairs. Before you’re able to make it up all the way, something stops you in your tracks.
“Enjoy your stay.” 
It was him, smiling up at you from his position by the registry.
“Thank you. We will.” You reply before traveling up the rest of the way.
You miss the scowl on Taehyung’s face at the interactions between you and the stranger.
⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰
“That kid’s weird.”
“Hmm?” You say as you set down your purse down onto one of the spare tables, sighing and stretching your arms above your head with Taehyung trailing you while taking off his coat. 
“That kid downstairs, the one with the really dark eyes. He’s weird.”
“Oh, you noticed his eyes as well?”
“What do you mean ‘as well?’ What have you been noticing?” Taehyung pouts as you laugh, and step up to him to wrap your arms around his shoulders
“I’m an artist dear, I can’t help but notice the beauty in people.” You respond as your fiance holds you securely by the waist, “But trust me, you’re the most beautiful of them all.”
Taehyung snorts at your cheesy line and you peck him on the lips. “And he’s not weird, he’s just...different.”
“Psh, different...” Tae rolls his eyes, “He wouldn’t stop staring at you and blushing. It was so annoying.”
“Aww, you’re so cute when you’re jealous.” You giggle as he sputters to deny his obvious envy
“Whatever,” Taehyung grumbles when you continue giggling, walking away from you to take off his wristwatch and placing it in your purse. “Just be careful of him.”
You ignore his words as you sit on the edge of the bed, taking in the sights of your spacious cabin. The walls were softly tanned, a pastel tawny color reflecting the marigold light fixtures on the ceiling. On the far right wall, was the vintage dresser in a straw color which you’re guessing contained the robes the young man below had mentioned, with small white flowers painted among the doors. There were two same-colored nightstands, one on each side of the queen-sized bed and the comforter was eggshell white. 
Dumping his keys onto the table as well, Taehyung walks past you who’s silently contemplating the harmony of the colors in your room like an artist usually does, only to march into the bathroom. 
“I’m going to head for a quick rinse,” Taehyung called from the bathroom, his voice echoing off the walls. Suddenly, a mischievous thought crossed his mind. His head poked out from the bathroom, a bright smile plastered on his face as his shirt already seemed to be discarded and on the floor, most of the skin of his chest hidden behind the solid wall. “Want to join me, darling?” 
“Maybe next time, Taehyung. I’ll just shower after you.” You smiled, always finding his advances humorous and very him. He pouted cutely, only to slip back in and shut the door softly. As you sat there, you listened for a bit until you heard the water turn on, hitting the tub, as well as the rustle of the shower curtains. 
You chuckle, glad that he busied himself with something rather than being the worrywart he usually was. Now that you were alone, you wanted to take a better look around the inn. It was surreal, vintage and antique while standing with the modern times like a time capsule. Whoever decorated the place had such a marvelous eye for art. The mystery of the inn only added to your excitement. What stories lie here? You wonder. What stories could satisfy the curious young artist’s heart?
While Taehyung was occupied, you slipped out of your room, preferring to take a stroll through the inn, perhaps find inspiration for your next piece. While you walked down the lit hallways, you couldn’t help but notice the paintings that hung on the walls, appreciating each stroke on the canvas. Your feet were carpeted by the rugs that were sewed together with delicate patterns and unique colors that further captivated you, prompting you to continue your exploration down another hall. 
The inn was beautifully decorated, the wood accents bringing together the homeliness of the entire structure if it wasn’t for the silence. You could hear every creak of the steps, your feet padding the wood and your own breath. Yet as you continued, you noticed how clean and polished the inn was, from the spotless walls and decorations that lacked the usual buildup of dust from neglect. 
Perhaps you were too enthralled with your surroundings, that you didn’t notice the figure that was steadily approaching you. When you finally directed your attention back in front of you, there was a small collision of your chest to another body. Your head zipped up, only to find yourself in an entirely different room, with much more space and filled with soft couches and sitting chairs. The one you peeked at before.
“Oh- I’m sorry.” You blabbered, your hands extending out in front of you as the figure steadied your balance. 
It was the stranger, who was softly smiling down at you.
“I’m the one who should be sorry, I shouldn’t have snuck up on you like that.” He says, holding onto the small of your back
A moment passes by as you stare at him, his pupils hypnotic and glassy. You both were almost pressed together in each other’s arms until the rumble of thunder broke you out of your reverie.
“Oops.” You say, pushing away from him and facing the floor in embarrassment. That’s when you remember something, “Um- I’m sorry, because of the whole mess earlier I didn’t manage to get your name.”
“Oh, It’s all right.” He lets out a small laugh, “My name is Jungkook.”
Jungkook, you sound out in your head.
“Nice to meet you Jungkook, my name is ___, and my fiance upstairs is Taehyung.” You extend your hand with a polite grin. In return, Jungkook stares at your hand for a bit, making you stand there with outstretched fingers awkwardly, before taking it in his.
You proceed to shake his hand and take note of how warm he was. It sent a shiver down your spine. He just observes your hand, even when you loosen your grip. For a second his own grip tightens until he lets you go and his arm falls back to his side. Strange, you think as he gazes back up at you with a small smile. Maybe Taehyung was right.
“Nice to meet you too. Please sit, I was just putting out some tea.” He points to a place behind you, to one of the longer sofas. Once you take a seat, you notice how soft and cushy the cushions of the sofa are, almost like you could melt in them. Jungkook clatters around on the table in front of your seat with a porcelain tea set. He holds up the teapot, pouring the tea into one of the small cotton white teacups. Then he handed the cup to you on a small plate.
“It’s Jasmine.” He smiles gently
“Thank you.” You say, taking the plate into your hands. After blowing on the steaming liquid, you take a small sip. “Oh, this is wonderful!” 
Jungkook blushes, sitting down on the sofa chair next to your long sofa. “It’s an easy recipe.”
“No, don’t be like that it’s great. I’m not the best cook myself so I would definitely ruin this in some type of way.” You compliment him to which he just fidgets in his seat, holding his shoulders up
“By the way, this set is gorgeous,” You say, eyeing the cup up close, “You have an eye for antique, Jungkook.”
“N-no that’s more, my mother. She decorated the place, not me.”
“Your mother? Wow, she must be an expert in art!”
“She is...my mother is...very talented.” There’s a distant gaze in his eyes in which you find yourself feeling pity.
“I’m sure she was a lovely woman.”
He takes a second before he looks directly at you, with a dark gaze that has you sitting up straight, “Was? My mother’s not dead.”
“Oh no, I am s-so sorry, I thought...it was my mista-”
You stop rambling once he begins to laugh, his eyes crinkle and nose scrunches and you feel like you're looking at a rabbit. Such a young, small rabbit.
“It’s alright, but no, my mother is alive. Though she’s...unwell. But-” He shifts to the right, reaching over to the small table on the side of your sofa. It seems like he grabbed something - a frame he pulls back up to him and stares at with a soft smile. “She used to be an actress!”
Jungkook extends the frame out to you and you put down your saucer to take it from his fingers. It was a black and white photo, one of a beautiful young woman who’s big starry eyes resembled Jungkook’s. She had pinned up black hair and a bright wide-lipped smile gracing her face. Standing in front of the curtains, she posed with one hand in the air. On her body was one of those strapless, bodycon dresses actresses wore in the 60s.
“She...She’s beautiful…” You say, stunned
Jungkook’s eyes seem to sparkle at your compliment, “She was really big in her time. I mean, she acted in so many movies...even Hitchcock wanted a film with her! Her face used to be plastered all over billboards and newspapers. They called her America’s doll!”
“That’s wonderful! Does she still act?”
And just like that, all his present excitement vanishes. He looks like he’s back in his introverted state and he shifts his eyes away from you to the teapot in the center of the coffee table.
“No, they don’t...they stopped hiring her a long time ago.”
“Oh no...what happened?”
“She just wasn’t enough anymore...not young enough compared to the other rookies.” He states without emotion
“That’s terrible.”
“But my mother was better than all of them, you know! She was! She had more talent in her fingernails than those wenches did in their entire bodies.”
You shift back at his aggressive tone as he stares at the ground in anger. It felt like he was reading from a script, like someone had been taught him to say these words.
“Yet the ‘experts’ at the studios told her she was crazy! They sabotaged her, forced her out of the industry and created her downfall with false news and gossip. Told people she was an alcoholic and abusive..why my mother couldn’t even hurt a fly...she… wasn’t mad.”
“I’m sure she wasn’t...I’m sorry Jungkook.”
He looks up at you in silence for a bit, as if realizing something. “We all go a little mad sometimes, I guess. I’m sorry for startling you.” And just like that, he was back to the boy he was moments ago. “What brings you out here anyway, miss?”
“Umm...well, me and Taehyung were going on a road trip. Our first stop was GoldLeaf.”
“That sounds exciting...I’ve never been on a trip before...actually I’ve never gone far from the inn?”
“What, never?” You say startled, to which he nods “Surely your mother has taken you on trips when you were a young boy?”
“Mother...says that the outside world is full of liars and thieves and people who want to hurt me. She’s never let me stray too far...it was for my own protection.” 
You squint your eyes at him, “Jungkook, not everything out there is filled with monsters. There’s also beauty and art. If everyone thought that way, we couldn’t get anything done now could we?”
He sits there, stunned at your words. Before looking away and muttering “That’s true.”
Not wanting the boy to feel bad about anything you switch the topic. “Hey, what was your mother’s name by the way?”
“Wow! So this inn-”
“Yes, it was made for her... by one of her lovers. The one that’s my father I think. But I’m not really bothered by my mother’s…” He trails off, the room going quiet. “Ah, am I holding you up? Sorry, you must be tired.” Jungkook softly whispers, his hand overlapping yours. 
“Thank you, Jungkook.” You smile, standing up and giving him a small wave. He blushes, giving him a sheepish smile and wishing you a good night. 
⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰
Your eyes listened to the creak of the stairs as you slowly dragged your feet back to your room, once again adoring the decorations hung around the inn. When you made it down the long hallway, you turned the doorknob to your room, walking in and softly shutting the door. You couldn’t hear the sound of water running anymore, so you figured Taehyung to have finished his shower. 
“There you are.” 
Taehyung smiled at you, a towel sloppily hanging over his head with water droplets falling onto the wooden floorboards. He stood by the nightstand, his chest was bare, but he had slipped on pants and was currently drying his hair out. Your face flushed as you slowly turned your head the other as you walked past him and took a seat on the inn bed. 
“Thought you got lost for a second,” he smirked, his hand coming to his hip as he stood in the threshold of the bathroom. “I was starting to contemplate whether I should look for my fiance.” 
“Oh, Taehyung…” You huffed, listening to the timbre of his laugh that echoed in the small room you shared. “I’m not that careless and oblivious.” 
“Are you so sure about that?” He whispered, bending to your height as his hands wrapped around your waist. “So, do you know what I want right now?” 
“You’re so shameless no matter where we go, Taehyung.” You smiled, placing your arms around his shoulders while your fingers began to play with his wet hair on the back of his head. 
“Mm, but you love it.” A smug look slowly graced his face as he peppered small kisses on your cheek and travelled downward to your neck. You shivered, feeling his fingers play with the hem of your cream blouse as you inhaled in the smell of bubbly soap and aftershave that coated his body. As you bent your neck to give him more access, you giggled, his kisses beginning to tickle your skin. Taehyung’s mouth formed into a smile as you felt his lips curl up with each additional kiss that he softly placed. 
You turned toward Taehyung as he took a spot beside you on the mattress, feeling his thumb run over your lips before whispering a gentle “I love you” and softly kissing your lips. His hands intertwined with yours as your mouths moved together before he moved away. 
“I love you so much and…” Taehyung murmured the end as he went in for another kiss, feeling your hands wrap around the back of his neck. He giggled as your foreheads met each other, breaking the kiss off once again. “Let me help you take that off… Nono, don’t get up. You’ll be more comfortable if you let me do it, okay?”
“Can I take this off?” Taehyung whispered, giving more tugs on your blouse as you gave him a curt nod, your own fingers loosening up the green a-line skirt that hiked up to your knees. His delicate fingers unbuttoned your blouse as it slid off your shoulders, falling softly onto the blankets. Taehyung threw it over his head as it landed onto the wooden floors and dove straight for your mouth, passionately kissing you down. As your mouths moved together, your legs kicked your skirt with your panties to the side, falling over as well. 
You slowly grew small underneath Taehyung’s intense stare, knowing your body never seemed to emulate the thousands of paintings of beautiful women with their clear and perfect skin, smooth and delicate. As you slowly began to hide your face in your hands, Taehyung’s hand came up to your wrist, pulling it away. 
“Let me see you…” He breathlessly whispered, watching as you slowly reclined back until you hit the mattress, staring up at him. 
“Then, let me see you too…” You pouted, pointing at the pants that still hung on his hips. Taehyung let out a chuckle as he raised his brow.
“Want me to take it off?” He asked, slipping his thumb under the waistband of his pants. You nodded eagerly not taking your eyes off his abdomen. “Then beg.”
Your eyes widen as you look at the cocky smirk Taehyung displayed. Reaching behind you, you grab a fluffy pillow before throwing it in his direction. He laughs, holding up his arms to protect himself. “Alright, alright.”
Quickly, he unfastens his pants, throwing his clothes that joined yours on the ground. 
“Better?” He asks, crawling up to your figure
“Better.” You respond, kissing him as soon as his face was close enough. 
A moan escaped from your mouth as Taehyung left a trail of kisses down your neck and between your breasts, while your hands went up to caress his brown strands of hair. His hands travelled downward, dipping between your legs as he began to gently rub your clit. Your body shuddered as a few whimpers fell from your lips, while Taehyung just smirked. 
“Feels good? You’re so wet…” He grunted, sinking his fingers and dragging them along your walls. 
“T-tae…” You moaned, feeling several fingers ease their way in. “I-if you keep doing that, I’m going to cum…” You whined, body desperate for more friction. 
“Already, baby?” He chuckled, leaning down to capture your lips. “What about me, love?” He jokingly teased. “I can’t have you passed out from exhaustion already, now can I?” 
You gulped loudly, feeling cold air as Taehyung’s fingers slipped out, dripping down onto the bedsheets as he smiled. Taehyung stared at you while you stared back, feeling your heart lump erratically. He shuffled closer, bringing his soaked fingers up to your lips as he watched you slowly part your mouth open, sucking and cleaning them up. 
“You’re so beautiful…” He whispered as he pulled his fingers out with a plop from your mouth, saliva riding down your chin. There was barely enough time to collect yourself as Taehyung firmly pressed you down on the bed, hands grabbing each one of your parts and spreading them out. Your face flushed as you moaned in embarrassment, squeezing your eyes shut as Taehyung lined his member up to your entrance. 
“I’m ready…” You nodded. Taehyung smiled as he looked down at you, affection in his eyes as he slowly pushed in. He gauged every expression on your face, feeling himself grow more excited as you looked up at him with half-lidded eyes. Your body was feeling it and it was evident the way you panted and clawed at the blankets beneath you. 
“Fuck…” He cursed, his knuckles turning white as he forced his body to hold back. He licked his lips, imagining the way he could just fuck you straight into the bed and listen to your cries of pleasure. But, his patience was rewarded as you beckoned him further with your hand to come closer. As the two of you kissed, Taehyung began to move, his hips snapping every once in a while, enjoying the way your body shuddered and flinched. 
“Tae… Feels good…” You moaned underneath him, legs in the air as Taehyung held onto them. “I feel…c-cum-”
“Me too, love… Just hold on for a bit longer…” He soothed, bringing a hand down to caress your pink cheeks. As Taehyung dove back into you, your body screamed for release, twitching and spasming as you let out inaudible cries of pleasure. Taehyung groaned, feeling the way you tightened up, body tensing and becoming too much for him as he let his cum spill inside. 
However, as you withered amongst the sheets in Taehyung’s embrace, every sigh that left your mouth and part of skin he fondled, was all seen by that eye. Every bit.
⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰
“..Nnn?” You groaned, shuffling around in bed as Taehyung laid next to you, eyes softly closed with his breathing evenly going in and out. His hair fell over his eyes and his bare chest peeked out from underneath the blankets. Within your sleepy state, you smile at his arm hung over your hip as you were snuggled into his chest, feeling warmth and comfort in his hold.
Yet through the comfort, the more you regained conscious, the louder a rattling from inside the room resounded. 
In an instant, you were awake, all previous trance vanishing the next second. As you concentrated on hearing the sound, it continued scarily insistent, as if someone suddenly became more urgent. All you could do was stare at Taehyung, with confused and wide eyes. You could hear it, the sound came from beyond the door, almost as if someone was shaking the doorknob. A shudder crept down your spine and down your legs as you cuddled further into your fiance underneath the blankets, body adjusting to his chest. He subconsciously reciprocated. 
Someone was trying to break in.
And you had no idea of what to do.
“Taehyung…” You whispered, hoping the person behind the door wouldn’t hear you. This was an unfamiliar, dark and abandoned place, with a stranger who held an extra set of keys right down the stairs. Your fear grew with each second and you insistently started tapping Taehyung on the chest and shoulder, hoping he would wake up quicker. “Taehyung…!” You harshly hissed, only for the man to groan, tilting his head further back into his pillow. 
“...L...ater…” He muttered, going right back into his dreamland and turning away from you. With a silent groan of irritation, you give up. Not having the courage to continue bothering him with the harsh scuffling of your entrance just a couple of feet away from you. It felt like the door would break down any second now. Your heart was plummeting rapidly in your chest as you huffed at your useless fiance, throwing the blanket away from your body as the soles of your feet met the cold wood flooring.
Darkness loomed throughout the entire room as you slowly stood up, hearing the swish of the trees outside and rain pouring against the windows. Harsh gusts of wind crashed against the glass as your eyes desperately tried to adjust to the little lighting in the dim room, hands coming down and catching yourself from bumping into your night table. You could see it from where you stood...the shaking of your door. 
With each slow step towards the entrance, your skin crawled, fingers shaking as you reached for the doorknob. Your breathing was unsteady, body shuddering again as you shut your eyes, taking a deep breath when you stood right by the door. For a few seconds, you meditated, calming you high nerves with each breath. Until you grabbed the doorknob with determination. Time to find out who was lying behind the door. 
When the door was fully open, you were greeted with silence. 
 In a daze you stand quietly, staring at nothing but the opposite wall of the hallway with your tight grip on the doorknob loosening. Hesitantly, you took a step away from the threshold and into the hallway of the inn. 
You looked in the dark hallway, once right and then left. 
Nothing. No one.
There was only pitch black on both sides. Like what you just experienced was a hallucination. As soon as you confirmed your suspicions were false, you quickly went back inside, shutting the door closed and locking it. Scratching your head, you rubbed your eyes, questioning whether you hallucinated. Maybe the things your fiance had said were getting to you.
With a sigh of relieved nerves, you slipped back into bed with Taehyung who was softly snoring, lips curling up as you hugged him from behind.
While you thought about the sudden events for a while, the road trip still had you extremely exhausted and it didn’t take long for you to drifting off as well. 
What you failed to realize in the darkness of the stormy night, however, was a shadow intently watching your door. A shadow that slowly slipped away further into the hallway. 
⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰
“My love.”
“Get up.”
“Tae…?” You groaned, rubbing your eyes. A ball of uneven bed-head popped into view as your fiance mischievously grinned at you. 
“How long are you going to sleep for today, love?” 
“I’m up, I’m up…” You muttered, kicking the blankets off your body as your fiance gave you a tight hug, arms resting on your shoulders and circling around your neck. A yawn echoed in the room as you stretched your arms up to the ceiling, eyes still closed and head tilted to the side. Fatigue plagued your mind as you stood up, stumbling your way to the bathroom as Taehyung watched from the bed. 
“Ready to go down?” Taehyung chirped as you came out of the bathroom, refreshed despite the evident drowsiness that lingered in your body. You nodded again, slipping on your shoes and unlocking the door, stepping in the hallway that was now filled with the bright light of the sun. The two of you descended down the staircase, walking into the dining room as you caught Jungkook’s figure peeking out as you turned the corner. 
“Good morning.” You call, grabbing his attention as he turns around, the sun reflecting off the windows and gleaming on the side of his face. Taehyung comes up to your side, taking a seat at one of the tables as you slowly seat yourself beside him. 
“Good morning.” Jungkook smiles, watching toward the pair with the curtains now pulled open. “Didn’t sleep well?” 
“No, no, I’m alright.” You smile, brushing a loose strand of hair behind your ear as Taehyung rolls his eyes. “The stormy night just kept me up.”
“Yes, it was pretty bad last night. I’m glad you both chose to stay, couldn’t imagine if you were on the road.” Jungkook replies worriedly 
“What’s it matter to you…?” Taehyung grumbled underneath his breath, turning his head as your eyebrows furrowed. 
“Taehyung, don’t be so rude.” You quietly scold, trying to get him to look at you in the eyes. Taehyung just looks off to the side, chin propped up on the palm of his hand as he grumbles. 
“So, I heard about your mom Jungkook...famous actress and all...where is she? Is she going to join us for breakfast? Are we even going to meet her?” Taehyung bluntly asks, eyes shifting to stare at the doe-eyed boy who only tilted his head to the side with an innocent smile on his face. 
“No, my mother is going to eat in her bedroom. She’s still not feeling well and the least she said she could do is not get her guests sick.” Jungkook smiled, taking a seat in front of the pair with a light breakfast laid out in front of everyone. As the three of you silently ate, Taehyung gave the younger annoyed looks from time to time, only stopping when you silently scolded him underneath the table.
“So Jungkook,” You began trying to lighten the mood. “What do you like to do here? For fun, I mean.”
He looked surprised at you for a few seconds before he puts his toast down, “Mm..well...I mostly spend time with mother...sometimes we dance...ummm…”
“That sounds lovely.” You say to Jungkook, kicking Taehyung under the table when he scoffs.
“Ow!” He whines before glaring at Jungkook “She meant what’s there to do around here? Anything fun? Or is the whole place dead.”
You growl at Taehyung who cowers in his seat. Poor Jungkook looks hurt by his words, slumping in his chair.
“Jungkook.” You say slowly, “Don’t mind him. He’s had a terrible day yesterday with the whole storm interference an-”
“Oh!” Jungkook exclaims making you and Taehyung jumped. “How about we go out and view the forest? 
“The weather outside is so beautiful, it’d be a shame if you didn’t get to see it!” 
“Taehyung, doesn’t that sound like a pleasant idea?” You smiled, your foot clamping down on his leg. Taehyung bit his tongue, looking away and just giving a reluctant nod. “Then that settles that! After breakfast, do you want to show us around, Jungkook?” 
The boy nodded excitedly, almost jumping out of his seat as you laughed at the enjoyment in his face, only for Taehyung to roll his eyes once again. 
As you pulled Taehyung by the hand back to your cabin room, he groaned like a child. You had bought your bags upstairs, shifting through the outfits you brought along for the trip. The door to your room shut closed as Taehyung threw a jacket over his clothes, watching as you slowly fixed your appearance in the mirror that sat by the vanity. He walked behind you, locking his arms around your hips with his face buried into the crook of your neck. 
“Do we really have to…?” Taehyung whined, tilting his head up to check your reflection from the mirror. “I can think of plenty of other interesting things that can take up our time, love…” 
“Taehyung, you are going to be a good boy and join us outside, okay?” You sternly warned, turning around to face the pouty man. “C’mon, it’s not going to be that bad.” 
Taehyung just tightly hugged you again, hesitantly nodding. 
I just hate that boy.
As you slipped out of the cabin room, you went downstairs into the main lobby, only to find the spacious area deserted. 
“Jungkook?” You called out, hearing your voice echo off the walls. As you look left and right, you sighed, scratching your head and deciding to pay a visit to his room. When you finally ascended the staircase, you took gentle steps towards his room, only to hear loud voices muted by the barrier of the hallway and room. 
“She’s not a good woman! Do not get close to her, do you understand? I will not have my son getting close to that bad woman!” A hoarse voice spoke from behind the door as you stopped in your tracks. Was that his mother? And was she talking about you? 
“Mother, please! Mother, she’s really just a stranger and it was pouring outside!” You heard Jungkook’s desperate voice argue back, trying to rationalize his mother’s words. “I just want to show her around, what’s the harm of that?”
“You will listen to what your mother says! Do you understand, boy? Do not take that bad woman anywhere!”
“Shut up!” Jungkook screamed, his footsteps echoing against the wooden floors. 
The door to his room opened as he runs into you, his eyes wide as your body flinches. Your eyes shift towards the contents inside his room, taking a brief glance as Jungkook hastily slams the door shut. You could see his mother sitting in her rocking chair, facing away from the door. 
“Hi,” Jungkook breathes out. It was awkward for a while since you both knew what the mother was saying about you, but honestly, you didn’t want Jungkook to feel bad because of a crazy old woman. 
So you smile at him, “Ready, soldier? Let’s get going.”
Watching fondly as he immediately returns to that shy beam you were secretly growing to love.
“Let’s go.”  
⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰
That’s how you found yourself outside with a gleaming and excited Jungkook in front of you and a miserable Taehyung to your side, his hands shoved into his pockets. The sun was brightly shining and birds happily chirp as Jungkook gave you a small tour around the forest. You gazed in awe at the enormous hardwoods and the nice breeze that blew your hair back. 
“It’s so pretty!” You marvelled, earning a chuckle from Jungkook who smiled from off on the side of the trail. “Isn’t this one pretty, Taehyung?” You called, the glum man gazing over and giving a reluctant nod. 
“Ohh! This one too! I wish I could paint this little guy here…” You pouted, bending your knees as you gazed at the beautiful flowers growing in front of you. Taehyung just huffed, crossing his arms as he stood behind you on the trail. 
“Is that all you ever think about? Art? Painting? Really?” He spat dryly, only for heat to rise up to your face as you turned around. You have had about enough of his negativity. It was ruining the trip and slowly tore down your patience. 
“What’s your problem, Taehyung? Can’t you just control yourself for once? Can’t you keep your negative comments and insults to yourself?” You groan in frustration, eyes narrowed as Taehyung shoots you back the same look. 
“How about you try and think about me for once!” Taehyung shouted, his voice echoing in the forest as birds flew away from the intensity of his voice. “Y’know, I maybe thought our original trip would be able to convince you to finally accept me as your fiance, but now that I’m here instead, I’m honestly sick of this!” 
“I’m your fiance! Me! And you’re just letting this man who you KNOW likes you more than a friend, and you’re doing nothing about it! You’re letting him flirt with you with the way you’re acting! I’m so sick! OF ALL OF THIS! So how about you try and think about how I feel! Don’t you think I was patient enough when I gave you time to sort out your feelings, even though I was hurt you still accepted my proposal when you never truly felt the same way? But you…! You!” Taehyung pointed his finger, only to whip his hand away as he grunted in frustration. 
With his voice now softer, Taehyung just glared at you. 
“And you won’t even believe me about my concerns with this inn. What even am I to you, huh? Is this the respect I get? IS IT?!”
“Taehyung… just-”
“You are unbelievable!” Taehyung screams, earning the attention of an oblivious Jungkook who turns around, nervously gazing at the couple who just glared at each other. “And you still don’t believe me! You…! I-I…”
The air got silent as Taehyung just stared at his feet, his head lowered as he turned away. “It’s over. Let’s just end it. If you can’t trust me, if you don’t want to marry me, if you can’t tell another man to stop flirting with you, if you don’t even know what you want from this relationship, then… just stop… let’s just stop.” 
⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰
As soon as Tae pushes the doors of the inn, he doesn’t wait for you. Instead, rushing up the stairs and slamming the door of his room.
You roll your eyes, walking slowly after him and watching him throw a tantrum. Jungkook trails you just as slow, his big eyes filled with concern and a frown on his boyish features.
“Are you sure he’s alright? He seems so mad.”
You sigh deeply, a headache forming behind your eyes. “He’s fine Jungkook...just don’t worry okay. He gets like this sometimes.”
With that, you turn and look at Jungkook who’s staring at you intensely. “He..shouldn’t do that…”
“He shouldn’t treat you like that...” He says with a low voice, “I would never treat you like that.”
“It’s...It’s fine I’ll just…” You step away from Jungkook’s intense gaze, turning around and rushing up the stairs. 
As you took a step on each stair, your hand gliding on the handle, you could feel Jungkook stare at your back, looking up and admiring you from the lobby. You turn the corner, softly walking toward your cabin room, hearing the shuffle of bags and feet.
You step inside your room, to find Taehyung rummaging around and packing his suitcase.
“What are you doing?” You ask him apprehensively, tired of his draining attitude since you first spotted the inn from your car window.
“I’m leaving. Are you coming or not?” Taehyung put his hand on his hip, his bag firmly zipped closed. 
Sighing you cross your arms, “Stop acting like a child for God’s sake! Why can’t you just enjoy yourself?”
“Can’t you see things are clearly wrong?” Taehyung argues back, gesturing his arms out as if to engulf the entire inn. 
“What Taehyung? What is wrong with this small, quaint inn? What could possibly be so terrible OF A BOOKING A SMALL CABIN ROOM FOR TWO DAYS TO SURVIVE A NASTY STORM?”
“While you were having fun like the spoiled princess you are with your new prince charming, I was actually checking the place out! The registry listed all the people that checked in, but never, not even once have any checked out. On all the records!”
“T-that's,” You struggle to find the words, “It’s an old registry, it’s not reliable!”
“So then why are all the phone lines dead?” He deadpans. 
“In the dining room, near the kitchen. A phone was sitting there and I picked it up, and all I heard was static. It was dead!” 
“Okay, but what would be the use of a phone when I can’t even get service here, Taehyung?” You reply back bitterly.
“And just where is his mother? Huh? How come no has one seen her?”
“She’s sick!”
“Oh, isn’t that just convenient?” Taehyung spits dryly. 
“You’re crazy! She’s an old woman, I heard her myself!”
“But you still have never seen her, have you?!”
“ENOUGH! I don’t want to talk about this anymore, not when you’re being so unreasonable!”
“Are you going to come or not?” 
When you remain silent, he just shakes his head. 
“Fine... I’m leaving then.” 
⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰
It’s been two hours since Taehying’s departure.
Two hours since he burned your whole engagement to hell. Two hours after he broke your heart into pieces. And you sat there in the lounge, feeling helpless. In the corner of your mind, you think this was always meant to happen, that you and Taehyung were two completely different people and that it was a mistake to ever meet him. To fall so hopelessly in love with him. Maybe it’s a good thing that this happened now, rather than later. Maybe it’s good that you’ve found your answer to his question.
Jungkook approaches your sad body on the sofa cautiously, his black hair softly falling over his eyes.
“___… Are you alright?”
You were too deep in thought as he approached your side, so you were startled and let out a gasp. “What? Oh, yea...I’m alright.”
“Is there anything I can do to help?” You can hear the burning guilt in his voice and you smile.
“It's alright Jungkook, I just...want to be alone for now.” You get up, walking close to him “I’ll stay here tonight and find my way home tomorrow. If that’s okay?”
“Of course!” He responds back, a little too eager which makes you laugh
“Thank you Jungkook,” You say placing a palm underneath his cheek and feeling him heat up, “You’ve been so kind.”
With that, you reach up and give him a small kiss on the cheek. When you move back, his eyes are as big as a fish and he looks frozen, stunned at the small intimacy. 
You stand there as he stutters. In an instant, he turns around, awkwardly walking out the lounge in fast-paced steps. Humored, you can’t help the giggle that makes its way past your lips and you sigh. Then frown. 
Just what were you doing?
This is exactly why Taehyung left you. You let out a guttural groan, rubbing around your face with your hands. What was wrong with you? 
As you were moping about all your bad decisions, a spark from under the sofa caught your eye. Hmm? Tilting your head to get a better angle, you bend down trying to study the object. It was a key, the one Jungkook wore around his neck. 
Jungkook’s room key!
Immediately, you reach out and pluck the key from the floor. Did he lose this? Or did he just drop it after your little moment together? Well, it’s no use to ponder on the subject, you need to give it back to him.
“Jungkook?” You call out
No response. That’s weird he just left like a minute ago. Confused, you begin walking to the reception hoping that he just didn’t hear you. Once you’re in the reception room, you realize Jungkook’s not there. You step up to the front desk. Where could he have gone? Outside?
With a shrug of your shoulders, you think to just put the key down on his desk so he can find it when he comes in. But you stop just as you were about to put them down. Something Taehyung said starts appearing in your mind.
“And just where is his mother? Huh? How come no has one seen her?”
You stand there, in the middle of the bright reception recalling the words your ex-fiance spoke. Slowly you turn, looking up the stairs where all the rooms were located. Perhaps this was the chance to prove Taehyung wrong once and for all.
Wait, no! You shouldn’t do this, it’s not right to snoop around. Yet, the longer you stand there, the more everything Taehyung said starts to make you apprehensive. Besides, Jungkook’s not around. Maybe you can tell him you just wanted to return the key. You’re just checking anyway...it couldn’t hurt.
With that, you make your way to the staircase. Carefully, you place your foot on the first step. Then the other on another. You make your way up the steps, hating each creek that resounded around the Inn. Something in your gut felt strange, like this was a terrible, terrible mistake.
As you get to the top of the step you sigh, looking down into the hallway where Jungkook’s room was. You make your way down the hall, passing your room and trying to concentrate on doing this quickly but your body prolonged you. Alarms were raised in your head and you felt nausea crawl up your throat.
Taehyung had always said you were a bad liar.
You sauntered down the hallway until you finally got to Jungkook’s room. Its silence taunting you. You gulp a few times, trying to moisten your dry mouth. What if Jungkook catches you and throws you out of the inn? Where would you go then?
With trembling fingers, you place the key inside the lock, pursing your lips when you hear it unlock. Slowly you grab the knob, turning it and pushing the door open with the lightest force. The creek in its hinges makes you cringe and clench your free fist.
It was completely dark in his room, and only the hallway’s light illuminated inside. There was nothing special in Jungkook’s room, just a bed, and nightstand like in your room. And of course, his mother. Who was still sitting in that rocking chair facing away from you? Her head was still in that chair and it looked like she hadn’t moved an inch since this morning. What was she doing in a pitch-black room?
“Miss Dulcie?”
She doesn’t respond. Just sits perfectly still in that long brown wooden chair. That was strange since she sounded so full of life this morning.
You step inside the room, your heart beating a million times per minute. “Miss Dulcie umm, I’m sorry for barging in...I was just looking for Jungkook?”
Still, no response so you go closer, trying to see if she was asleep. 
“Miss Dulcie, your son Jungkook, I wanted to return this key to him.” You were right behind her now, so close that you could smell her. She smelled like...rotten apples? Scrunching your face at the odor, you call out to her one last time
“Miss Dulcie?”
You walk around until you are in front of her and as soon as you do, a terrified scream leaves you.
There, in that chair sat an old, gray rotting skeleton.
Taehyung was right, there was no mother. There was something horribly wrong with this place, but you don’t have time to regret anything when you hear a sudden high-pitched voice and a shadow appears in the doorway.
“I knew you were a bad girl!”
You shriek louder, crashing into the wall of the room as you witness who you were speaking with. Who the woman talking this morning was. Jungkook, stood in the doorway with a dress and a wig, just like the one on the skeleton and smiled, breathing heavily. Tears already run down your cheeks, as you cover your mouth with your palm. He held a giant knife in his right hand.
“I told him.” He says with that grotesque tone, “I told him you were bad. That you were a liar. But he doesn’t listen, he never listens to me.”
“He went on and on about your discussions, how much he related to you, about how pretty your hair was and how kind you were. He said he didn’t need me anymore, he did.”
You were shivering so hard you were about to pass out. Instead, you think about ways you can escape with him blocking the entrance the way he did.
“But he was wrong you see!  I told him you were bad, I told him you were just like the rest! You snooped into his room, you lied to him!”
“No, I-I just wanted to return the k-”
“Liar!” He says before he charges at you. With a scream you ran from your spot in the corner, bumping into the chair along the way just before he stabbed the knife into the wooden wall. It got stuck in the small gap, and while he focused on prying out the knife, you ran out of the room.
As fast as your legs could take you, you run down the hall and up to the end of the staircase. Without missing a beat. Fear fueling your energy. Once you at the reception, you sprint up to the entrance of the inn. You try and pull it open but it was the door only rattled back, stuck and locked in its hinges.
“No, no, no!” You say each time you pry. It doesn’t budge, locked shut from the outside. “No, NO NOOOO!”
You scream as you began to cry, pounding on the door fruitlessly. You can’t. You can’t go like this. There was so much you had yet to do, you can’t. You can’t!
“If only he’d listen to me!” The horrific voice yells and you turn around to find Jungkook standing above the staircase with a wild look in his eyes. His knife gleaming in the light of the chandelier. Again, you scream and run when he starts charging down the stairs.
You run into the lounge, heaving as you heard Jungkook stomping down the stairs. Quickly you ran behind one of the furthest sofas, crouching down and hiding behind it. In a second, Jungkook steps into the room, you could hear him pacing around the lounge in easy, calculated steps. 
“Bad girl, where are you?” He sing-songs and you cover your mouth to stop from whines from escaping. 
You watch in horror as he steps up right in front of your sofa and stops, turns his feet in your direction. For a while, he just stands there and you aren't sure of what to do. Then he starts moving again to your relief.
You move the slightest from your spot, just a bit to check his location. Suddenly, you’re being pulled in the opposite direction by your leg as you scream.
“There you are!” Jungkook shouts at you on the floor as he steadies his knife to plunge into you.
Your ears are ringing and you feel wet tears rolling down your cheek. 
This is it. This is the end. 
A voice shouts as glass shatters and you can hear Jungkook screech, his body lumping onto the floor. Your feet jump up as your eyes desperately look around your surroundings. Jungkook collapsed onto the floor, shards of glass scattered around the floor as you get up and gasp to your surprise. Taehyung was out of breath, but he was standing right in front of you, dust and dirt on his cheeks. He quickly extends his hand, which you immediately grab and the two of you run. 
“T-taehyung!” You gasp, squeezing his hand so hard you know it had to hurt. “W-why…? H-how?” You cry out, whether, from relief or happiness, you aren’t exactly sure. 
“The front door was chained shut, I knew something was wrong! I had to break in through the basement! We have to go through there! C’mon!” He shouts as the two of you descend down another set of stairs. The basement is filled with bookshelves and portraits of Jungkook’s mother, items scattered around the floor and objects that lost its shine. The basement was dark, with only a burning oil lamp hooked near the entrance. Taehyung guided you through the scattered items as he lifts the broken basement door open as you quickly slip through.
Before Taehyung can take a step out, the laugh returns and Jungkook rushes towards Taehyung, colliding into the man’s body. The oil lamp crashes down onto the floor as the two men struggle against each other. Taehyung grunts, grabbing Jungkook and suppressing the arm that held the knife from ever going down. 
“You fucking lunatic!!” Taehyung screams, slowly losing in strength as the knife slowly comes down bit by bit. Jungkook just laughs, overpowering the man and stabbing him in his upper chest. 
However, his victory is cut short as a steel club collides into his skull, causing him to screech out. Jungkook topples down to the floor as you stand there, trembling with your hands tightly gripping onto a golf club with red drops of blood on the tip. You bend down, leaning Taehyung on one of your shoulders as you make it outside. 
As you take one back look inside the darkness of the basement, you watch as a growing fire begins to eat away at the bookshelves. You look up as your feet touch the delicate grass underneath you, feeling the rain pour over you and down your face. Looking back at Taehyung, you slowly lug him toward the car and lay him down.
Your fiance had left the keys into your gratitude, letting you quickly start the engine and begin backing away from this cursed place. The tires screech as you make it onto the road, pushing on the accelerator to get you going as fast as possible.
As you were leaving, you look in the rearview mirror, taking one last glimpse at the inn, watching smoke and fire engulfing it all.
⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰
Even the air smelled sweet. 
Your eyes fluttered open as you found your head tilted downward, arms crossed in your lap as your butt still remained in the chair that you had initially sat in when you arrived. 
How long was I asleep?
As you drowsily blinked several times, you were greeted by the bright white painted walls of the room and the ruffle of the window curtains. A breeze blew past into the cold hospital room, your figure watching over your fiance for who knows how long. Every day, every week, every month, you seemed to find yourself back in this hospital chair in his room, staring at his non-moving body, his closed eyes, and quiet breathing thanks to the machine he was hooked onto. His skin had gotten pale with his body losing muscle and weight. 
There were times when you entered his hospital room, only to stare or talk to him for hours until you finally broke down. Tears would roll out from your eyes and down your cheeks as you stared at his body. Could you even consider him alive with the way he always lay flat and motionless? All you wanted to do was to feel his warm body against yours, to see that smile you always called cheesy. Even his stupid habits that you hated… You wanted to see those too. 
“I’ll be going, Taehyung…”’ You whispered, nails digging into your pants. “I’ll see you tomorrow…” 
As you stood up, you took small steps toward his bed, your arm reaching out for his hand as you gave it a small squeeze. It was so frigidly cold. 
You told the cops everything you could, but they just looked at you like you were crazy. I mean, the whole story with the guy who thinks he’s his mom who used to be a famous actress and now she’s dead and her son’s probably killed others. It was far-fetched. But you insisted, shouted at them for being so incompetent like a madwoman until they relented. The police went back to the scene of the crime, although hesitant with everything you told them. They came back told you the place was burned to a crisp, no signs of anyone there but with a fire like that, no one to survive either.
In the end, they launched an on-going investigation after finding out some other people that disappeared in that area. None of it was helpful to you, not as long as they didn’t find Jungkook’s body and Taehyung continued to lay there with wires stuck into him.
You turned away, dragging your feet over to the door as you pulled it open, stepping out into the hallway. While you walked through the hospital, all you dwelled on was the mistakes you made. Because of you, Taehyung was lying in that bed. And because he cared about you, he came back, worried and protecting, no, saving you from death. Your fingers came up to your head, pulling at your hair as you gasped for air, feeling tears trickle down your cheeks once again. 
Who were you to deserve such kindness? Why could you never listen? How could you ever make it up to him?
As you stepped into the elevator, feeling it carry you back to the lobby of the hospital, you sign out, shuffling down the sidewalk and back to your small car. The car beeps twice as you press your car key, opening the door and sliding in. When you start the car and buckle your seatbelt, your hand comes up to the rearview mirror, but your eyes go wide as you scream. 
He was smiling, his brown hair sticking out as he gazed at you through the mirror. You spun around, looking behind you in the backseat, only to find the row empty. Your heart was thumping in your chest as a bead of sweat rolls down your face. You were sure! You swore you saw him again. But when you looked straight ahead and changed the gears, you couldn’t help but wonder. 
Was he truly still out there? 
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ashelbygirl · 5 years
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Dishonorable intentions. | Thomas Shelby x Reader Imagine.
Part II.
*Sidenotes: I was inspired and some anons asked me to do the second part of dishonorable intentions, soooo here it is! I’ve decided it’ll have more parts so hope you enjoy it.
*Resume: You and Tommy go on your first date.
Thomas lit another cigarette. Feeling the smoke in his lungs gave him a sense of calmness. A feeling he really needed in that exact moment. They were counted the times that Thomas Shelby had been nervous: when Hughes kidnapped Charlie, in the tunnels when he was in the war, in the birth of Charlie and Ruby and another time: when he saw YN for the very first time. YN in the war. YN as a nurse. He hit the cigarette again. Fuck. How long was she going to make him wait?
He wasn’t going to lie, he never thought a girl like YN would accept to go on a date with him. You could tell from miles away that they were completely different from the other.
First we have Thomas. The all mighty, Thomas Shelby. The son of an Irish immigrant man and a Romani gipsy woman, born and raced in Small Heath, Birmingham, England. He was in his late 30s about to jump to the 40s. A charmer by nature and way to intelligent for his time. A man who grew up without shoes to wear or food to eat, a man who growing up only had bread and lard when he dreamt and hoped that maybe one day, he’ll be able to do and have whatever he wanted. He worked hard until he created his own empire, but Tommy knew that no amount of money allows you to pass through the steel sheets that separates one class from another. He knew it cause he had lived it. But even when he born with nothing, he became one of the most powerful men in all Europe. He was brilliant, aggressive but rational, he knew what he wanted and he didn’t ask permission, he does what he wants and takes what he needs. A genius, a womanizer, millionaire, CEO of multiples business, philanthropist, and yet, he didn’t felt worthy of dating someone like YN. He dated Greta, Grace, May, Lizzie, Tatiana, Jessie, and many more, but he never felt unworthy to have them, to be with them. Only with YN.
And then we have YN. YN Casiraghi was born and raised in London. A 22 year old Heiress of one of the most influential and wealthiest families in Europe. YN was passionate about everything that could make her feel free and liberated. She loved to travel, to read, to study, to work, to learn. Her dream was to become an independent woman who didn’t have to depend of a man. YN was a free spirit. Determinate and stubborn, yet free and playful, flirty and seductive, intelligent and fearless. Growing up YN had everything she wanted or needed, she grew up being spoiled but never being a brat or a mean girl. She was a good girl and everyone wanted to be her or be with her. YN was special. Everyone loved YN, not just because she was beautiful and smart, a popular socialite who knew everyone and ruled every place she went to. They loved her because she was sweet, because she always tried to help, because she wasn’t selfish or shallow, because she cared.
YN Casiraghi and Thomas Shelby. When black meets white. When yin meets yan. When two worlds collide.
YN closed the door behind her, and with a smile she started to walk towards Tommy. . Thomas glanced toward the entrance of her house...and his mouth dries. She’s standing on the entrance, and for a second he doesn’t realize it’s her. She looked exquisite: her hair falls in soft waves to her breast on one side, and on the other it’s pinned back so it’s easier to see her delicate jawline and the gentle curve of her slender neck. She’s wearing high heels and a tight light blue dress that accentuates her alluring figure. Wow. Her lips in her classical red lipstick. A red that could drive any man crazy, including Thomas Shelby. The closer she was to him, the more his heart skipped a beat.
-Hi.-YN chuckled. Damn. Thomas Shelby looked way more handsome than he had years before when she last saw him.
-Hello love.-Tommy spoke after extinguish the fire of his cigar by throwing it away.-So, are you ready sweetheart?-He extended his hand so she could take it and help her get to the car.
-I’m YN, not your love and surely not your sweetheart, love.-The girl smiled one last time before she started walking to the Bentley parked in front of her house. She didn’t even waited for Thomas to open the door for her. She opened herself and got in the car. Thomas didn’t took long to follow. He started the car and away they go.
The ride was pretty fast before they arrived to the Hotel Café Royal, a place that both of them knew very well. It was an hotel where everyone who was a somebody hanged out.
Winston Churchill, Zelda and F. Scott Fitzgerald, Einstein, Henry Ford, George Washington, Charles Chaplin, Ernest Hemingway, Coco Chanel, you name it.
When YN got off the car, she couldn’t stop herself from rolling her eyes. It wasn’t funny anymore, almost every guy she went out on a date with, thought it was a great idea to have a first date in that same place. Every fucking time. When Tommy got to her side he put his hand in her waist, pushing a bit so she could start walking into the hotel. And YN could’ve sworn that electricity ran through her whole body. It wasn’t normal how nervous he could make her with a simple gesture.
-Cmon lov... YN.-Tommy killed a smile that was starting to appear on his face. She was something else. She reminded him of Dangerous, one of his most loving horses, she wasn’t scared to take what she wanted, she wasn’t afraid to do whatever that would please her, cause if freedom could be a person, it would be YN.
The both entered to the Oscar Wilde salon, filled with aristocrats and important people who tried to impress each other. The hostess and a waiter took YN and Thomas to their table, the best table in the whole place. A table with a view. YN was a sucker for a killer view, but at the end of the day, it was a view she knew way to well.
-Here you go Mr. Shelby and Mrs. Casiraghi. So, can I bring you something to drink?-The young man asked with a smile, you could tell the poor thing was really nervous. He has to serve two of the most important clients of the Hotel.
-I’ll have a glass of Sancerre.-The girl spoke with confidence, after turning his gaze to the blue eyed.
-I’ll have a whiskey. Irish.-The kid left as quickly as possible, trying to bring their drinks asap. Thomas got closer to her. -You look stunning.- He said in a whisper, and kissed her cheek. Closing his eyes, Him savoring her scent; she smelled heavenly. It didn’t took long before YN started to blush, she was very used to men giving her compliments of all kind, but there was something in the way Thomas did it that drove her crazy.
-You look pretty good too, I’m glad to see you in one piece, I’ll admit that the last time I saw you, I didn’t though you’ll make it.-She spoke with clarity, something that Tommy was starting to appreciate. Tommy chuckled, even when he was pretty used to having a poker face and nothing and no one surprised him, she did. She was something different. -So how did you found me? And what took you so long?
A smile appeared on Tommy and a minute later, the drinks were in their hands.
-Well, well, you play no games, don’t you?... When I finally went back to Birmingham, where I’m from, I wasn’t the man you met. Everything changed in me. I became a different man, all my believes, my ideas, my feelings and emotions died in France, stayed in France. But, when I came back I started looking for you and to be honest, it wasn’t hard, you’re kind of a celebrity. I know that princes, dukes, ministers, rich gals, and almost every man with eyes would kill to be by your side. I know you’re well educated, you’re probably the only woman I know that went to college. I know who you are. So now tell me, would you even say hello to the man I was before I became who I am now? No YN, you wouldn’t. Cause at the end of the day I’m not a man who could’ve dated you, cause I didn’t had anything to offer you. So how was I supposed to chase a woman like you? Let’s be honest love, you’re out of my league. -Thomas sipped from his whisky, his eyes never leaving hers.- I started my company, doing bets, protecting people, doing business and everything else for two reasons, the first one is cause I always wanted to give my family everything they deserved and the second, cause I want to get myself anything I want, anything I desire, and guess what? I desire you, YN. I want you. I’ve wanted you since the first time I saw you in France.- She didn’t say a word. To be honest, she was pretty amused.
The dinner went by fast. Not much talk between them but also, they couldn’t keep their gaze to themselves. They ate and have one or two laughs. Everything was going okay. It was average. But YN always wanted more than average.
-So now that you’ve tried to impress me and clearly failed, why don’t you take me to somewhere that I can actually have fun. Somewhere you actually enjoy, somewhere we can be ourselves and stop pretending. Show me where would Thomas Shelby take a girl to have a little fun?
-You won’t like it. I’m not sure you’ll like my world.
-Hmm... I’m feeling adventurous.- a smile appeared on her face, she was challenging him.
-Okay... cmon...-He stood up after leaving some cash on the table, giving the young waiter, the tip of his life. And for the first time on the whole night YN took his hand. They drove away and YN could see how the streets of London changed from the safest and prettiest ones to the dangerous and poorest. She loved to be out of her comfort zone. Thomas parked his car and she could notice a few blocks away from they parked, lights that attracted everyone.
-A pub? You brought me to a freakin pub?
-Oi! This isn’t like a pub you’ve probably been to. This is not the type of gals you interact with. This are working men, men who fought in France, men who don’t care about money or your last name... trust me, you’ll have a blast. I promise.
-And if I don’t?-She asked challenging him again. She loved to play.
-If you don’t have fun, you’ll decide where we go the next time... but if you do have fun, I’ll kiss you.
-Who says there’s going to be a second date?
-Its a feeling love... now let’s go.
Thomas couldn’t take his eyes away from her while she walked. He had been waiting for this moment all day and looked thru out the day, repeatedly at his watch. This feels like a first date, and in a way it is, but Tommy didn’t do first dates, not until her. He had never taken a prospect girl out to dinner. He had sat through interminable meetings that day, bought a business, and fired three people. Nothing He had done today, including almost killing a man, dispelled the anxiety Tommy had wrestled with all day. That power is in the hands of YN. YN made him anxious, he hadn’t even taste her but he was already addicted.
As they entered the pub fulled with men who feared, loved and respected Thomas, everything got quiet. Not a soul would dare to speak.
-Fellas. Is this a funeral or why the scary faces? Cmon! Drinks are on me today! You deserve it! -
Every man in the room cheered, but Thomas only noticed the admiring glances from those same men, and in the case of one handsome, athletic guy, overt appreciation of his date. It’s not something Tommy have dealt with before...and to be honest, he didn’t liked it. It seemed that that night, all the men only had eyes for Miss YN. They walked while Thomas gave them a withering look that send them in retreat from the room. Taking her hand, he lead her to the bar.
-Mr. Shelby! So nice to see ya again-An old man smiled to the couple.
-What would you like to drink?- Tommy is rewarded with a knowing smile as she sits down.
-I’ll have whatever you’ll have, please.
-Two whiskeys, Irish, Tom.- Tommy said to the bartender before they slide into a booth. Thomas sitting right next to her.
-So... you’re quite de celebrity aren’t you?-She smiles to him while making fun on him. YN actually was surprised of all the love Thomas Shelby received and yet, he didn’t seem to care.
They drank the whole night, she sang to him, and he danced with her. They talked, for hours. They went to the roof of the pub and watch some fireworks. YN talked about college, about art, about her favorite books, about her fears, she even talked about Alex. Tommy talked about his family, about the company, about Ruby and Charlie, he talked about his childhood, about the games he played with his brothers, about the war. It was so easy to talk to each other. It felt like they’ve always known each other. YN was everything Tommy always wanted, she wasn’t afraid of thinking for herself, she was smart and she was passionate about almost everything that intrigued her. She was fearless and a little bit reckless, yet caring and loving. And she laughed, she laughed about everything and it was really easy for her to make new friends. She loved to party and to have fun. She wasn’t scared to be herself in a world that tells you who you are supposed to be. Fuck. Thomas really liked her. And Tommy was everything YN always craved. A rational man who didn’t fear his instincts. A man who cared about his family and everyone he loved. He was powerful and a control freak, but with her he let go. He was free and wasn’t scared of anything. He does what he wants and takes what he wants. He has ambitions and damn he’s intelligent. Oh and he’s gorgeous.
They laughed and talked for hours and hours, until it was early in the morning. 5 am marked the clock, but they wanted so much of each other that time didn’t seem to care. But they had stuff to do, even if the dreamt of staying in that little booth their whole lives, real life was starting out there.
-Let’s go YN, I’ll take you home.-He took her hand and they started to walk in the still dark sky, out of the pub they acted as if they still were in their bubble.
-I don’t want this to end...-She spoke while walking before she stopped to look at Tommy.-I feel so liberated when I’m with you.
-Well did you have fun?-Thomas asked the girl while he cornered her to a wall. Her back hitting lightly the wall. Him getting closer to her. Bodies brushing into one and other.
-Are you kidding me? This is the most fun I’ve had in a long time...-She smiled to him and Tommy could’ve sworn he could feel his heart race.
-Good. That’s good. Cause know I’m going to be able to do something I’ve been wanted to do since the first time I saw you in France.-And with that being said, Thomas kissed the red lips of the girl who had been teasing him all night. And god she felt so good. She was a goddess, of that Tommy was sure. And she tasted so heavenly.
-You’re going to be the death of me love...-Thomas said in a whisper before driving YN to her house and ending their beautiful night.
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a-singleboat · 5 years
Word Count: 1228
Request:  Hi! I have no idea if you're even taking requests but I couldn't get this out of my head so someone tweets/dms the Peaches video to reader, Damien's girlfriend, and she watches it and teases him about it (nothing mean of course), thank you so much in advance if you do decide to take write it and so sorry if you're not taking requests at the moment, you can just ignore this if you aren't, have a good day !! - @star-mum
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Finding out that your boyfriend had a stripper past was not on your list of to-dos today.
Going to the library was on there, as was going to check out the Farmer’s Market in the town center, but receiving a video along with the message, “Did you know about your boyfriend’s stripper past?” That was definitely not something you’d have expected to find out today. 
The second you got back to your car, you were watching the video three times over, and you could assure yourself that that was, in fact, your boyfriend dancing along to the explicit song on stage, being watched by however may people had shown up. 
Being a theatre tech for most of your life and having it transcend into your adult life, you had seen just about everything from the lead actor’s taped and tucked junk to the one ensemble girl who thought flashing everyone was a good idea. Sure, now you were the general manager and all-around “Big Boss” for a little known theatre an hour outside of Los Angeles, but you still had your fair share of “Things You’d Have Been Better Off Not Seeing.”
Knowing Damien would still be at the Smosh building due to this week being a filming week, you decided to stop by a sushi place on the way over to join him for lunch. When you got to the Mythical building, you texted Shayne to see if he was filming. He replied that he wasn’t which then led to you asking to be let in. 
“Hey, Y/n,” Shayne greeted, holding open the door for you seeing as you had the bags of food hanging off your arms. “Are you trying to feed an army? What’s going on?”
“I brought food for almost everyone,” you handed Shayne two bags. “They were having some sort of promotion at the sushi place and I thought I’d do something nice for a change.”
“Awesome,” Shayne led you over to the elevators and while you waited for them to come down, you got to some light conversation. 
“So, does Damien know you’re here?”
“No,” you fiddled with the corner of the paper bag you were holding. “I only decided about a few minutes ago that I’d stop by for lunch.”
“Well, he’s filming for Smosh Games right now so I’ll take you by there and then take you to the lounge to wait for him.”
You nodded, stepping into the elevator and pressing the floor number. While you were still getting used to the new building, you at least knew the floor number they worked on. 
The elevator opened and you could see everyone milling around the open space that they now had. It was cool and it looked less like office space and more like something that they could make into their own. 
Shayne walked you over to the kitchen area so you could store the sushi before bringing you to the room that Smosh Games was filming in. He opened the door gently before strolling in, you not too far behind him. The four people all at their own PCs were immersed in their game, all yelling and shouting as they all died. 
You watched as they all agreed on another round, smiling widely at how they all played together. 
Shayne pushed you in the direction of your boyfriend and took the hint, going up behind him and wrapping your arms around his shoulders. 
Without a thought, Damien reflexively said, “Hey, babe,” before realizing that you were in fact there. 
“Oh, hey!” he quickly gave you a peck on the lips. 
“Hey, guys,” he spoke into the camera. “This is my girlfriend, Y/n. I have no clue as to why she’s here.”
“I brought lunch!” you said excitedly, causing the other three gamers in the room to cheer. 
“What’d you bring?” Mari asked, looking away from her screen long enough for Lasercorn to kill her. 
Lasercorn cheered in his small victory before asking the same question Mari had asked.
“I brought some sushi,” you answered, letting go of Damien to sit in the office chair next to him. 
“I like sushi,” Courtney said, yelling out when Damien killed her. Damien’s chaotic giggle escaped his lips, as his character ran away from the dead corpse. 
“Y/n! Tell your boyfriend to play nice!” Courtney respawned and started her hunt for Damien. 
Several hours after you left the building and after you had your sushi with them, you were at home and once again watching the ‘Peaches’ video. The fan who had sent it to you lived in Los Angeles and you had given her a shoutout for the video without specifying what the video was. 
You paused it when you heard the doorknob to your apartment rattle, signifying that either Damien was home or you were being robbed. It became clear that it was just Damien when you heard him start to whistle a familiar tune. 
The way your living room was set up made it easy for this to be a dramatic moment, the lamp next to the armchair and the coffee table in front of you. You could’ve been a mother waiting to ask her teenaged daughter where she had been all night. 
You crossed your arms and waited for Damien to turn the corner and enter the living room. When he finally appeared, a cat in his arms and a smile on his face. The smile dropped off his face as soon as he saw your expression and crossed arms. 
“What’d I do?” he asked, allowing Zelda to bounce out and leave the room. 
“How come you never told me you were a stripper?”
“What?” Damien furrowed his eyebrows, confusion spreading like a blanket across his face. 
“I had to find out from a fan that you were a stripper,” you scoffed. “I can’t believe it.”
Apparently, the acting you had picked up from the actors and actresses was good and you should be up for an Oscar with this performance you were putting on. You flipped your screen to show him the Peaches video and a look of relief crossed over his confusion. 
“Oh, yeah,” Damien shrugged off his jacket and walked over to you. He sat on the arm of the chair and hit play. “I was the best stripper out of all these fellows here.”
You giggled lightly and poked his arm. “When am I gonna get a show like this?”
“And why not?”
“I put my stripping days long behind me, never again will you see me dance with such vulgar actions.”
You tossed your phone onto the coffee table and lent up to kiss him. “I think I could sway you to show me a few moves.”
He kissed back, leaning into it. “You know,” he pulled you up from the couch. “I think you might be right.” 
He reached for your phone and typed in the song to your YouTube. The second it started to play, he was pulling you to the open space behind the chair. “But only if you learn it with me.”
You laughed, dancing around the girls. “It seems like the girls want to learn too.”
“Then welcome to Damien’s dance class where everyone can learn no matter the species.”
“Well then, Mr. Haas,” you giggled and kissed him lightly. “Teach us your ways.”
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lynelovespopculture · 5 years
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The only male Spellman family member is quickly becoming a fan favorite and given Ambrose’s quick wit, charm and love for his family, it’s not hard to see why. Yet in a show where there are so many rich characters and so much going on in 2 short seasons, is it fair to said that Ambrose is the most underdeveloped Spellman of all?
One cannot think of Ambrose’s early days, his birth, his childhood, without pondering about the question that people had been asking since day one; who are Ambrose’s parents? Now, normally in a show of this big a cast, it wouldn’t be such a big deal except that Ambrose is a Spellman and the Spellmans are the main family of the series. (SIDE NOTE: I know the CAOS tv show is based loosely on the comic book of the same name but I’m not much of a comic person so I haven’t read it but it keeps coming up in my research but I don’t think Ambrose’s parents are in the comics but since I didn’t read it, I could be wrong.) So, yeah, Ambrose being a Spellman is a big pothole made even bigger when you consider that the other 3 Spellmans are quickly explained how they are related to each other. For example, even though Hilda is played by British actress Lucy Davis with a thick accent and Miranda Otto, an Australian actress which what I think is to my Canadian ear is an American accent, portrays Zelda, we are told very clearly that Zelda and Hilda are two grown unmarried sisters who share the maiden name of Spellman. They have a late brother, Edward, who was the father of Sabrina. Ambrose is not so interconnected within the family. Almost, if not every, viewer of the show have noticed this and with 20 episodes made and not 1 word of explanation, viewers have drawn their own conclusions.  There are 2 theories about Ambrose’s parents, one of each is that in addition to Zelda, Hilda, and Edward, there was an 4th sibling. While this would make Sabrina’s his 1st cousin and Hilda and Zelda, Ambrose’s aunts, this theory has its own line of questioning. Why is this 4th sibling never mentioned? I feel like a strong family unit like the Spellmans would talk about all its members. Would it be another brother or another sister? Personally, I think it would be a brother because in this world orphans and illegitimate children are given the surname of Night like Prudence had before her father gave her his name. Also, if Ambrose’s mother was a born Spellman but married, Ambrose would have his father’s last name. The 2nd theory is Ambrose is a distant cousin to the Greendale Spellmans. It’s in the Christmas special that Zelda tells the others that she plans to tell people that Leticia is a Spellman from another country, perhaps like Ambrose? We might not know who Ambrose’s parents are, but we do know what happened to them. Both were killed by witch hunters when their son was very young. There are clues in this show that Ambrose is originally from England. Chase Perdomo, his actor, is British, there’s a union jack on the wall of his attic bedroom and he refers to places in London. After his parents’ death, little Ambrose was claimed by his relative, Hilda Spellman. I believe that Hilda, at least for the first few years, was the little boy’s sole guardian. When Ambrose is in the witches’ cell, Hilda demands to see him, claiming to be ‘the only mother he has ever known’, a claim she cannot make with Sabrina. This would also explain Ambrose and Hilda's very close and special bond. I’m not saying that Zelda and Ambrose hate each other, far from it but he always seemed closer to Hilda. Either Hilda made a special trip to England and decided to stay, or Hilda was already living in England, training to be a midwife when Ambrose came to live with her. A few years later, Zelda came into the household and Ambrose got used to life with 2 aunties. Like all Spellmans before him, at 16 Ambrose signed the book of the beast and was enrolled in Greendale’s Academy of Unseen Arts. His aunts also decide to return to their home in Greendale. After completing school at the Academy, Ambrose was free to roam the world. Ambrose published a collection of poetry at 17, went to several different universities, painted with the Surrealists and even taught stage magic to the world-famous Harry Houdini.  During his wild adventures, Ambrose might have discovered he was sexually attracted to both men and women. As much as he enjoyed his life and as dearly as he loved his aunts, Ambrose had always longed for a father figure. This might have been why Ambrose became a follower of real-life occultist Aleister Crowley. It is while following this cult that Ambrose got involved in a plot to blow up the Vatican.  He was not the only one involved but somehow Ambrose was the other one who got caught.  The witches council offered him a plea deal, Ambrose could go free if only he would name his partners in crime. Ambrose refuses, speaking to Ambrose’s loyal and kind heart. I doubt that blowing up the center of the Catholic faith would be a great concern for the council. I think the real crime is the exposure to the coven.
After Ambrose refuses to name names, the warlocks of the witches council used binding spells to make sure that Ambrose is unable to leave the grounds of the Spellman house.  I suppose that house arrest is not the worst punishment in the world but for a social butterfly like Ambrose, it’s bad. Still, Ambrose doesn’t bow to the pressure. Instead, he makes the most of it. Ambrose collects rare books from all over the world as information to the outside world, keeps himself busy working in the family funeral home. Still, being unable to leave the home, I’m pretty sure that Ambrose must have missed out on a lot. The wedding of his Uncle Edward and the mortal Diana. (Which, I’ve noticed Ambrose never mentions them, it probably means nothing   but I like to  give you guys all my thoughts) Anyway, some time later,  Edward and Diana both died in a plane crash and an infant Sabrina comes to live with her aunts and Ambrose. When the show opens, Ambrose’s house arrest has been in effect for 75 years. Ambrose, not surprisingly, has a hell of a case of cabin fever. Ambrose loves his family but the aunts and Sabrina who is now nearly 16, can come and go as they please. Sadly, poor Ambrose cannot. He’s lonely, the only people he can talk to is his family, the people who come over for a funeral and service people, like delivery and mail people. For most of the first season, Ambrose can mostly be seen dressed in PJs and housecoats. When people dress like that for a long time, it’s a classic sign of depression. However, Ambrose masks his depression well by his humor and his desire to help his beloved cousin with her doubts about her upcoming dark baptism. Meanwhile, on the job front, Ambrose is tending to the body of a young man named Connor. His parents are mortal, so Ambrose is confused to discover a witch’s mark on Connor’s body. It is confirmed by both aunts and Father Blackwood. Connor must be a warlock adopted by mortal parents. While Ambrose is pondering this, Sabrina is running for the house. Having fled her baptism, the entire coven is after her. Ambrose loves his cousin like a little sister, so he gets rid of the coven with a rather impressive bluff about protection spell, then he leaves to do the spell. A few days later, Ambrose finds a lizard on top of Connor’s coffin. He knows that this is Connor’s familiar. Zelda says it’s better just to kill it, but Ambrose rather tries to coax it with food and keeps it in his room. At Connor’s funeral, Ambrose meets Connor’s old boyfriend, a guy named Luke and there’s a spark between the two.   Later, they hook up and the next morning, Ambrose discovered 2 things, Luke left his number and sometimes during the night, the lizard dropped dead. Apparently, this means…nothing! I’m serious, the whole Connor storyline is dropped never to be spoken of again! Anyway, Ambrose wants to go on a real date with Luke but he’s still housebound so he talks Hilda into watching over him as he astral projects to Dr. C’s. However, he breaks his promise, he knows he should go but he stays. He is brought back by an angry Zelda who reminds her dear felon that his sentence includes his spirit. Next, the Spellmans are haunted by a dream demon, exposing their worst fears. Not surprisingly, Ambrose’s is that he’ll never, ever leave the house. His dream begins well, Ambrose is given a full pardon, tons of cash and a car to take him to the airport. Yet, just as Ambrose goes to leave, the demon murders him and he is forced to work on his own body. This plays on a loop until the demon is defeated. Even with the day saved, our boy is still depressed. The dream has rammed into him that he is still basically in a prison and worse still, Luke has stopped calling him.  As fate would have it, Hilda runs into Luke in the bookstore and decides to help the young lovers by spiking Luke’s drink?! (Seriously? Hilda, WTF??) It works, (I guess) because we soon learn that Luke has an in with Father Blackwood and will speak to him about Ambrose. Indeed, Faustus comes to the house and offers him the original deal; his freedom for the other names. Blackwood says to think about it and Blackwood will return tomorrow for Ambrose’s answer. Before he can consider the high priest’s offer, Ambrose catches Sabrina using the Cain pit, leading to Sabrina getting yet another lecture about how she cannot misuse magic. The next day, Ambrose tells Father Blackwood he’s sorry, but he can’t give up the names of the other warlocks, even now.  To his complete surprise, Blackwood says he respects Ambrose’s loyalty and offers to lift his sentence if he would go to work at the academy. Ambrose accepted the deal and because it was Faustus was the one to set him free him, Ambrose sees Father Blackwood as his new father figure.
Ambrose was, of course, is super excited about his new freedom and job. He walks around the house in his new clothes. On his 1st day, Blackwood gives Ambrose a basic warlock right, a new mouse familiar. Ambrose discovered that the Greendale 13 and the red rider of death are coming to destroy the town. He and Luke rushed to warn the coven. The coven decided to stay at the academy. The Spellmans decided to stay in town and help the mortals. As they gathered in Baxter High, Ambrose didn’t stay long, Luke teleports him to safety because he loves him. Season 2 starts at the beginning of a new school term. Luke doesn’t support Sabrina’s bid for top boy and Ambrose avoids the subject even after he and Sabrina have a big fight. Ambrose is questioning Luke where he was, Luke says he was on an errand for Father Blackwood and this is the last we ever see Luke. At the start of the very next episode, Ambrose can be seen making out with Prudence.  This is so odd that even Sabrina questions it. Her cousin only says that Luke is away on business and not to worry. But by the very next show, Ambrose himself is so worried about Luke, he’s asking the fortune teller about him. Instead, Ambrose is told how Father Blackwood will order him to kill Sabrina and their aunts and he does it. Upset, he steals a card and runs off to ask Faustus if he’ll hurt the Spellmans. Blackwood seems confused. So far, he’s been good to the Spellmans, he freed Ambrose and he’s engaged to marry Zelda. He does have some sad news; Luke has died on a mission for the church. Ambrose looks down at the card he stole, it marked for death. As the wedding approaches, Ambrose is depressed for Luke and can’t find his mouse. Sabrina has found her father’s manifesto and because Ambrose is on guard duty the night before the wedding, she can present it to the anti-pope. This turns out to be a massive mistake on the cousins’ part because this enrages Blackwood so much and he fears that the anti-pope will prefer Edward’s work to his that he decides to kill him using Ambrose and the other guards. Ambrose is found over the bloody corpse, knife in hand. Blackwood kills the other guards but Ambrose teleports away just in time. Only in the safety of Sabrina’s room, Ambrose begins to panic but Sabrina assures him that he would never do such a thing. Nick hides him at Grey’s, where Ambrose’s vomits up his mouse and puts together how Blackwood used him. It only takes a suggestion from Grey to wrongly convince Ambrose that Blackwood killed Luke. Ambrose decided to kill Blackwood for Luke, not for the anti-pope. Next, Ambrose makes his dumbest move in the series (well, so far.) Instead, of waiting until Blackwood is alone to kill him, Ambrose chose to attack Blackwood at his own wedding, yelling DIE, BLACKWOOD, DIE! Ambrose is caught and thrown into the witch’s cell. Prudence, drunk on the power that her new last name has given her, tries to get a confession by tricking both Ambrose and Hilda. It doesn’t work and Ambrose even gets a chicken bone key. He frees himself and opens the front door to come face to face with witch hunters! (The same witch hunters that killed Luke, but they never get to know this.) Blackwood returns and it seems Ambrose’s fate is sealed but the other Spellmans are ready. It’s the hangman who loses his head and the dark lord himself excuses Ambrose. Now free, he helps Sabrina with her mandrake problems and learns of the dark lord’s plan to make Sabrina his queen. Ambrose is last seen bonding with a redeemed Prudence and together they leave to track down a fleeing Blackwood.
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theyearoftheking · 5 years
Book Fourteen: Pet Sematary
“Sometimes people have to do things that just seem right. They seem right in their hearts, I mean. And if they do those things and then end up not feeling right, full of questions and sort of like they got indigestion, only inside their heads instead of their guts, they think they made a mistake...”
“Death is a mystery, and burial is a secret...”
So, it’s official guys: the world has become a Stephen King novel. We’re dealing with a worldwide pandemic like The Stand, and we’re all quarantined like The Shining. It’s kinda bizarre. 
So how did yours truly deal with the news of the impending apocalypse? 
I packed my bags and headed to New Orleans with my pals.
No, I wasn’t one of the people taking advantage of $30 flights a week out... we had booked this trip months ago, and the warnings were not as dire even early last week. But I will say, if the world is ending, I want to be in NOLA when it happens. Frosty drink, po boy... mama will be feeling no pain. 
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And now I’m back home, drinking lemon water and trying to heal my liver after all the damage that was done last week. Oh, in the midst of all the debauchery, I managed to finish two Steve books. The first one was Pet Sematary; which was kind of ironic, considering one of our NOLA adventures was a cemetery tour. Here for your viewing pleasure is Nicholas Cage’s future place of burial. Rich people, am I right?
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But while at the cemetery, we met a few charming Constant Readers from Bangor! They mentioned seeing Steve just a few weeks ago at the grocery store. It’s a good thing I don’t live in Bangor, I would have less than zero chill. But our new friends from Maine were lovely to talk to. 
On the surface, Pet Sematary is the story of the Creed family moving to Ludlow, Maine. Louis got a new job working at the university medical center, and his wife Rachel is down for the adventure. They have two kids, the precocious Ellie, and baby Gage (ugh. Even that name); and their cat Churchill. Upon their arrival in Ludlow, they meet their new neighbors: Jud and Norma Crandall. The Crandalls are a little older, but take to the Creed crew right away. 
Ludlow seems like a nice place. According to Jud, rabies seems like the biggest issue plaguing the entire state of Maine. “Lots of rabies in Maine now. There was a big old St. Bernard went rabid downstate a couple of years ago and killed four people. That was a hell of a thing...”
My post-it note for this page reads, “Cujo, bitches!” 
One afternoon, Jud takes the family on a hike, and shows them the old pet sematary right near their property. Later on at home, Rachel loses her shit. She doesn’t think children should be exposed to death, and it leads to a big ass fight. Louis is a doctor, and doesn’t think children should be sheltered from death. If they’re old enough to understand how babies are made, they’re old enough to understand how death works. But Rachel has some PTSD over the childhood death of her sister Zelda, and she’s never dealt with it. So her strategy is to brush the entire topic under the rug. At one point she tells Louis, “There’s nothing natural about death. Nothing. You as a doctor should know that.” 
Rachel, girl. Death is just about as natural as it gets. 
Thanksgiving rolls around, and Rachel takes the kids to see her asshole parents in Chicago, leaving Louis at home... where Churchill the cat ends up smooshed by an eighteen wheeler. Jud decides to take Louis on a little adventure, and shows him the burial ground behind the pet sematary, where whatever you bury comes back to life. 
I know. It’s a reallllly bad idea. Have these people not seen Practical Magic? Do they not understand how bringing back the dead never works out? Ugh. Idiots. 
Sidenote: if you haven’t seen Practical Magic, take advantage of quarantine time and go watch it. It’s late 1990′s Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman, and it’s basically the story of me and my sister. Kind of, but not really. 
So, Churchill comes back, but smellier and creepier; and it has Louis wondering why he brought him back from the dead in the first place. Even Ellie isn’t digging the new Church, and tells Louis she thinks she’ll be okay when he dies for good. So, mission accomplished? We’ll just refer to that as the weirdest damn parenting hack ever. 
Life continues on, until the horrible day when Gage is playing outside with Louis, and also gets smooshed by an eighteen wheeler. It’s a horrible tragedy, and the family is broken. Rachel is inconsolable, Ellie clutches a Polaroid of her and Gage, and Louis can’t make sense of the tragedy. But you already know what he’s thinking...
After the funeral, he sends Rachel and Ellie back to Chicago with Rachel’s (still) asshole parents; and begins the arduous process of burying Gage at the burial grounds. He knows better... he saw first hand what happened to Church after his resurrection. But he’s undeterred. He had visions of Gage becoming an Olympic swimmer, and will stop at nothing to bring his son back. 
Spoiler: it’s a shit show. Gage comes back from the burial grounds, swipes a knife from Louis’s doctor bag and kills Jud with it. He didn’t just come back a little smelly, or a little different... he came back as a Chucky doll. Back when Chucky was evil, before he became a comedic foil. 
Meanwhile in Chicago, Ellie is losing her shit, and having horrible premonitions that things are going terribly wrong in Ludlow. She finally convinces Rachel to go back home. Rachel knows something is wrong, but has no idea what Louis is really up to. I’m guaranteeing, “digging up dead son’s body, hauling it across town in the car, lugging it up to the burial ground, and waiting for him to come back to life” wasn’t in her top ten concerns.
 As she’s driving, she is trying her damnedest to stay awake, and sees a sign for one of our favorite towns in Maine, “Jerusalem’s Lot, she thought randomly, what an odd name. Not a pleasant name, for some reason... Come and sleep in Jerusalem.” 
Rachel gets home, and makes her way over to Jud’s house, where she finds his dead body, and is then killed by Gage, pretending to be her crazy, dead sister. Louis is forced to kill Gage, and then he buries Rachel up on the burial ground as well. The final lines of the book are, “A cold hand fell on Louis’s shoulder. Rachel’s voice was grating, full of dirt. Darling, it said.”
Meh. A mediocre ending to a decent book. I was curious why Louis brought Rachel back to life... he saw how terribly wrong it went with both Church and Gage... was he waiting for Rachel to kill him? Was he hoping that since he buried her sooner than Gage, she’d be more of a “normal zombie?” Unclear. 
But one thing is clear: I need to read The Monkey’s Paw by W.W. Jacobs. It’s been referenced at least a million times up until this point, and I have no excuses now that I’m living the quarantined life. 
While the book was fine, I did think the topic of handling death with children was still relevant. It’s about as controversial a topic as it gets. Do we discuss it with children, or give them the line about pets/grandparents/old people moving to a farm and living there forever? How do we explain the afterlife? Where do people go when they die? A lot of times, adults don’t have good answers to these questions, and they don’t know how to communicate this uncertainty to children. Personally, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with letting children know adults don’t have all the answers. We don’t know what happens when someone dies, and won’t know until we die ourselves. In my experience, kids kinda like knowing you don’t have all the answers either, but you’ll be there as a sounding board, and a safe place for them to confide their fears. Honest conversations like this could have been helpful for Rachel, and prevented this whole story from happening in the first place. Maybe? 
I don’t know. 
We did have one Dark Tower reference, “No more did he walk like a gunslinger; now his walk was the slow, careful walk of the convalescent...” 
And later on, Ellie thinks Church smells like, “ka-ka...” I can’t imagine it was ka for Church to get smooshed by a truck and brought back to life, but who the hell knows. I guess we all have a foggy, but bigger purpose. 
Total Wisconsin Mentions: 14
Total Dark Tower References: 10
Book Grade: C+
Rebecca’s Definitive Ranking of Stephen King Books
Different Seasons: A+
The Shining: A-
The Stand: A-
The Dead Zone: B+
‘Salem’s Lot: B+
Carrie: B+
Creepshow: B+
Danse Macabre: B-
The Gunslinger: C+
Pet Sematary: C+
Firestarter: C+
Cujo: C-
Nightshift: C-
Christine: D
Next up is Cycle of the Werewolf, which I have some thoughts about...
Until next time, Long Days and Pleasant Nights,
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hmntxrch · 5 years
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chase the wind and touch the sky a star’s light shines on long after it dies 
(jake t austin. gnc transman) It looks like JOHNNY STORM has been transported to New York City. HE/THEY is a SIXTEEN year old CANON and the aesthetic associated with them is STARRY SKIES, VIDEO-GAMES, SLEEPING BY THE FIREPLACE, COMIC BOOKS, THE SMELL OF WARM SPICES && GREASE STAINED HANDS.
Johnny was born in Long Island, New York, roughly four years after his older sister. He’s recently been thrust into the spotlight on both the celebrity and super-hero scene as the Human Torch, as a contribute to the android of the same name from WWII, and feels more like he’s a fish out of water than someone living a Hollywood-esque dream. The Fantastic Four as a whole are new to the crime-fighting scene, and they seem more invested towards interstellar affairs, but they’re nonetheless proving to become a quickly adored public image.
But life wasn’t always so fantastic for the Storm siblings. Despite the legacy of their family name, they’ve grown up in a broken home and used to always struggle just to make end’s meat. Their parents, Franklin and Mary Storm, were two renown voices in the science community who left impressions on a vast number of fields. The family had the briefest of idyllic lives. Johnny was little, when their mother tragically died in a car accident. Too young to remember her at all. What he does remember is his father, and how the man quickly grew despondent; burying his grief with alcohol while he gambled away the family’s money. 
He remembers how Sue was also so, so young yet she already had to take on the role of raising her younger sibling. How she started working when she was probably too young, still, to do so. He remembers the times his father would remember they were there, always forgetting because he was too busy drowning. The yelling. The broken apologies. Cutting his tiny hands on glass as he tried to clean up the photo of Mary that he dropped and broke, before dad woke up and saw. Sometimes, Franklin would get mad at him, or something else, and it’d be terrible; especially if after a period of relative normalcy. Don’t tell your sister.
Johnny still found himself waiting for dad to come home, when he seemed to just vanish one day; even though they quickly lost their old home, shoved into a corner of their Aunt Jewel’s boarding house, never quite actually having a home there. Jewel didn’t like Johnny very much, he always thought, with how she was always complaining about how he could never sit still, never talk properly, always getting under foot. While Sue was at work or school, Johnny often found himself alone. He was never good at making friends with other kids. But the old mechanics from a near by car shop didn’t mind having Johnny around– they’d even let him fiddle around, teach him things. Johnny quickly grew to love cars, building things, taking something apart and putting it back together again; their garage quickly became his favorite place to hide after the kids at school were particularly mean, or when he was trying to avoid Aunt Jewel.
Sue was just starting college, moving out of the boarding house to live in some dorm with the plan of coming back during the summers for Johnny, when old Aunt Jewel finally grew tired of him. He’s not sure what it was, exactly, that was the last straw for her– maybe it was how the days he came home from school without bruises were becoming less and less, or how he was in his clumsy preteen years and kept knocking over her vases or dropping dishes. He only remembers her yelling, being forced to pack his few belongings, and having to ride the train over to Sue’s all by himself. Being that poor scrawny little kid crying his eyes out, lost and confused when he came to his stop; because Sue wasn’t there, Aunt Jewel forgot to actually tell her that Johnny was being sent over, and no one could understand a kid who couldn’t stop sobbing and stuttering and whose hands were too shaky to sign.
That’s when he met Reed, the kindest guy Johnny had ever met, who happened to be on his way to campus and had decided to check out what was causing such a commotion. Apparently, Sue and Reed were fast friends, sharing classes together, so of course the genius recognized who the bawling kid was and contacted her. The guy certainly made a great first impression on Johnny.
Then it really was just him and Sue. Sue, who was barely an adult; who couldn’t catch a break from being his caregiver on top of everything else she had to do. They ended up living in a tiny apartment for a bit, and with even more struggle Sue was recognized as his only legal guardian– they didn’t have any other family. None that actually cared or mattered. Johnny was… he always thought he’d be okay, so long as he at least had Sue. School never got easier for Johnny, with the bullying that persisted even into high-school and how he could never quite perform well in a traditional classroom, but he had Sue, and then Reed and Ben, and it helped.
Then the Snap happened, claiming Johnny as one of its victims, and he returned to an older sister who was now a whole decade older than him. Reed’s hair had started to gray prematurely, and Ben was– was still Ben, but Johnny couldn’t help but feel as if he missed more than five years of his life. Something had shifted, while he was gone, something he still can’t quite place. Of course, no one’s told him anything about what they’ve been up to; which is why he ended up skulking around to eavesdrop on their private talks when they thought he was asleep.
He found out about their plans to go into space, about Reed wanting to go ahead and test the ship they’ve been working on together, even though administration hadn’t authorized it for flight yet. It was technically stealing.
So, they stole the friggin’ space ship. Johnny begged to join, because who wouldn’t want to go to space? Also, he didn’t want to risk being separated from Sue again; not that he actually said anything about that, but Ben groused to Reed: “Dammit, Stetch, if it’s as safe as ya think it is, just let the brat come along–” and that was that.
He doesn’t remember much about the brief time spent actually among the stars; but he does recall the crash. Of burning up, inside and out, veins feeling like molten lava as his irradiated body instinctively absorbed the explosion. It’s disorienting and terrifying; he thought he was dying and alone, partially buried under some debris. He went Nova, then, as his vision swam. He blacked out after that. He knows the four of them somehow came to some kind of testing facility, probably a branch operating under SHIELD, and spent a good portion of the following year trying to understand what happened to them, planning what to do next.
Johnny never expected to go from Long Island’s most miserable loser who still mostly wore hand-me-downs from his sis, to practically overnight teen idol and public hero. But it’s his reality now.
Currently, he’s still struggling to get used to all the attention this kind of fame brings; and it’s a herculean effort to not erupt in flames from public anxiety alone. He’s spending this second year mostly still trying to get used to his powers, going back to school, etc.
In regards to what point of 616 canon he’s up to, he’s roughly post the Mike Snow Incident and Moleman’s introduction.
I depict Johnny as mixed Filipinx like myself, but finding a faceclaim that met the age requirements without being too old was hard as hell; so I settled for someone who was at least mixed Latinx.
Johnny had a terrible stutter growing up, and is still taking speech therapy for it (although it’s no longer as severe as it used to be); he learned basic ASL to help his communication skills.
Johnny has gad, autism, and adhd.
He’s been able to completely overhaul a car engine’s transmission since he was roughly 15 yrs old.
Originally a student at Glenville High; the incident with his former long-time bully Mike Snow has caused him to transfer to Midtown High at the beginning of this school year.
Some of his special interests are Star Trek, cars, astronomy, Pokemon, Legend of Zelda, Buffy, and film history.
Johnny has persistent nightmares/terrors of the crash; this often results in him burning even the most fireproof bed-sheets as he nearly goes Nova in the middle of the night.
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