#a badass biker lady
can we take a moment to talk about the straight up hilarity of tf prime's setting
i gotta be honest i have no idea what the deal is with the vehicons. i dunno if they're canonically sentient or not but for all intents and purposes their only real role is cannon fodder, so they're basically like... megatron's little roombas. except instead of vacuuming they do crimes.
but ASIDE from that. guys. prime has such a small ass cast. and like they hype everything up so much and the stakes are supposedly so high. BUT THIS WAR IS LITERALLY JUST LIKE 10 GUYS. AT LEAST G1 HAD LIKE PLATOONS. BUT PRIME?? THERE'S NO ONE!! THEY'RE FIGHTING OVER A WHOLE PLANET WHEN THEY LITERALLY COULDN'T MAKE UP A SINGLE AMERICAN FOOTBALL TEAM!!!!!!!! I WILL NEVER GET OVER THIS!!
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breakingisolation · 1 year
I’m trying so hard to watch re: death island, but little things bother me, like Claire’s ponytail being weird. And I’m scared they gonna pull the ‘overly strong and powerful female character’ trope that they’ve done almost every game since re 5.
It’s not a good trope when it’s copy and paste Ns done to death.
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hollywoodcannon · 2 years
Foul language was always a part of Brian’s speech pattern. He tries to curb it around kids and the elderly, his mother, too, but in general, he just can’t help it. Once he starts talking, any and all curse words have a likelihood of slipping out. He could blame it on the children he grew up around on the schoolyard. He could blame it on the pro footballers who dropped F-bombs like rain on a cloudy day. But in the end, he knows that his devil’s tongue can only, and ever, be blamed onto himself and himself alone. Part of him actually likes it and finds it hilarious.   
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maddascanbe-blog · 3 months
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Ladies and Gentlemen. I give you Little Vesperia. She's a powerful punch in a petite package! I posted her design in sketches ages ago but I was SO jazzed to finally do it digital. And I finally could do Teen Zoé and Vesperia.
Buckle up folks this is a long one.
I won't go into too much detail on Teen Zoé's fit, since I already talked about it in here. But Vesperia is where things get more interesting.
Little Vesperia obviously takes more inspiration from Queen Bee since in my rewrite Zoé idolizes Chloé so much. Zoé's father couldn't really be bothered to care about Zoé, she's been at every boarding school and summer camp he could afford while still keeping most of the money Audrey sends him. She rarely sees him, and when they are stuck together he wants her out of sight and out of mind.
Then Zoé is uprooted entirely when Audrey's infidelity is exposed. To save face she gets brought to Paris, to play at being one big happy family. She may be young, but she's wise enough to know this is just another person using her for their gain. She did face bullying at her schools, and a whole lot of nothing done about it from the teachers.
She also does not speak french. Which means that a good 70% of people have no idea how to communicate with her. And Audrey was no help. Zoé vas given so little information she didn't even KNOW she had an older sister when the was taken to France. Chloé was a complete blindside to her.
And she especially doesn't expect this intimidating teenager to kneel down to her level, and in perfect english explain that it's okay to be scared and she'll make sure Zoé won't be stuck wondering what's gonna happen next.
They spend the rest of the day learning where everyone is, and what certain things are called in french so that Zoé has a better way to communicate. They also sit down and order decorations for Zoé's room.
Zoé fully anticipated André to ignore her, but he is kind like he is in cannon. Just very busy so can only get in small conversations with her. Still, he's shown her more care than her own father had in the 9 years she's been alive. Since he'll ask her about her day, anything she may need, how school has been, etc. He also manages to get a free day to show her all the cool things in the hotel that most people don't know are there. He tries to have dinner with Chloé and Zoé as often as possible and they eat lunch together at the hotel at least once a week.
Now to Teen Zoé. I'll probably write this down in a separate post but my Idea for her is because of the limits I put on the rabbit miraculous Bunnix is no longer able to fight Timetagger, but she IS able to bring someone from that point in time to help instead. And since bringing anyone that could be recognized could potentially cause a paradox, the best solution is to bring in someone who they haven't met yet.
Design wise I like Vesperia's cannon design but it does look more like a wasp than a bee. I based her top on these biker jackets that had segments on the sides and just made the segments alternate black and yellow. I originally planned to keep the black top and yellow bottoms, but it just didn't look the way I wanted it too. I think making the jacket yellow makes it look much more like a bee. Also black mask because I like how those look better.
I think Little Vesperia looks good too, different enough from Queen Bee while still looking like she took inspiration, my favorite part was making it look like she had striped socks. While Teen Zoé looks like a logical progression while also dipping into badass as opposed to cute. Also her pupils turn gold to further differentiate her from Queen Bee.
(Bonus- Verpseria with colors closer to her originals)
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the-froschamethyst4 · 8 months
The Badass
𖤐Pairing: Biker! Ghost x F! Reader
𖤐Pronouns: She/Her
𖤐Warnings: smut, slight harassment, language, creepy men, P in V, aftercare, older Ghost, age gap, drinking, smoking, kissing/making out, groping, nipple play, ass smacking,
𖤐Summary: Biker! Ghost saves college student Y/n from being harassed by some creepy older men at the bar.
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The bar was a bit loud tonight, karaoke and someone's birthday were going on tonight. Simon Ghost Riley rolled up on his motorcycle like usual seeing the bar from the outside packed.
He rolls his eyes, taking his black helmet off and taking the bottom of his skull mask off his face. He fixes his hair and walked into the bar.
"Nice bike," someone yells but Ghost ignores them.
He knows he has a nice bike, he doesn't need people telling him that. He worked hard for that bike.
He opened the door and the scent of drunken people filled his nose. Ghost walks to the bar sitting in an open spot and ordering his usual. The bartender knew him like the back of their hand, anyone handsome like Ghost, they always remember.
As Ghost brought the glass to his lips, his side was bumped into by some drunk patron of the bar. Ghost places his glass on the bar's counter and saw some drunk male ordering probably his 5th drink of the night.
"Watch it," Ghost growls.
"Or what old man?" The patron pushed.
"Or I'll fucking pound you into the ground," Ghost threatened.
"Oh I'm so scared. HEY BABE HOW MANY DRINKS AGAIN!?" The drunk male yelled towards the large group of women drinking with a girl wearing a birthday sash over her shoulder.
"Uh~ SEVEN!!" She sassed him.
Ghost rolled his eyes and the bell over the door rung. He turns back to his glass and took a sip from his strong bourbon.
Someone sat next to him, he turns and sees a cute girl, maybe college girl? A light blue short dress, she was pulling the end of the dress to cover her thighs.
"What can I get you?"
"Whiskey sour?"
"Sure." She looks around like she was waiting for someone.
"Hey, little lady," some guy walked up to her, she flinched, she was scared and wasn't expecting someone to walk up to her.
"Hi," she says as the bartender placed her glass in front of her. Ghost was being 'nosy' and listened in just in case.
"You here alone?"
"No...I'm waiting for someone," she says.
"Whiskey sour? I didn't think a college girl like you would drink something like that."
"What do you mean? Should I know you?"
"Nah, nah, I'm just saying, I've never seen a girl drink a whiskey sour before." The girl rolled her eyes, a little annoyed that she was being talked to by some random drunk man.
The guy then moved closer to the girl, she moves back accidently bumping into Ghost. She turns to him and apologized to him.
Ghost just looks down at her. He looks her up and down, almost like taking a mental note of her.
The mans hand went to her back and then to her waist to her thighs. She looked uncomfortable, but didn't want to say anything and make a scene, but she didn't have to.
Ghost stood up from his stool and grabs the guys collar and pulled him away from the girl. Ghost opens the door and pushes the man out of the bar door.
"Fuck off," Ghost says.
He walks to the bar again and she turned to him.
"Thank you."
"Don't mention it," he says, sipping from his glass.
"I'm Y/n."
"Cool," he says.
"Sorry, you probably are here to drink not talk," she stops talking and runs her finger over the rim of her glass.
Her fingers were delicate. She looks around waiting for someone again.
"Who are you waiting for?" He asks.
"Oh, I met someone, and he recommended we come here...I've...never been to a bar like this."
"What bars do you go to?" He chuckles.
"I mean...I'm in college, there are college bars around, they are like fun, loud music....this...this is-"
"Old saloon?"
"Yeah," she giggles.
"It's my favorite place, usually it's not pack like it is tonight," Ghost says. "I need a smoke," he says.
"Can I come with you?"
"You smoke?"
"No, I just...I just need some fresh air."
"Sure," they take their glasses and head outside, Ghost placed his leather jacket back on and Y/n grabs her light sweater following him outside.
Ghost lit a cigarette immediately stepping out of the bar, he leans on the door letting Y/n out. He shuts the door and moves to the side of the bar, leaning on the brick wall.
Y/n bends down looking at the rocks and kicking some.
"You one of those girls who are obsessed with rocks?" He asks.
"Nah, not my thing, I have a few friends who like them," she smiles up at him.
Ghost looks down at her and then seeing people checking out his bike. They weren't touching it or leaning on it taking pictures and calling it theirs.
He notices Y/n standing back up and looking at his black and white motorcycle.
"That's a nice bike."
"It's mine," he says, puffing out some smoke.
"Really? It's pretty."
"I didn't get it for it to be called pretty, I like the term sexy," he smirks putting out his cigarette. "You wanna ride?"
"Oh, I've never been on one before," she says.
"It's easy to ride, come on," he grabs his keys from his jacket and walked to his bike, starting it up and placing his mask over his face, he motions Y/n to come closer as he gave her his helmet.
"It won't fit you, because I got a big head, but it will do for now," he says clipping it together and pulling the strap to make it as tight as possible for her. "There," he says.
"How do I get on?" She asked.
"Here," he let her get on the back, then he gets on, kicking the kick-stand and starting it up. He grabs her hands making her hug his waist, but she moves her hands.
"Wait-" he moves forward without warning and she hug his waist again.
"Hold on, tight," he says.
He drives slow and then takes off down the road. Y/n hugs him a bit tight. (Don't drink an drive)
"Hey, easy," he says, tapping her hands.
"Sorry, I'm just scared."
"Don't worry, I won't let anything happen, I'm a professional," he says, making her giggle.
They stop at a red light, he puts his foot on the ground and moved his hands off his throttle, his hand gently touched her knee, gently caressing her knee, he leans back, his head laying against her chest.
"What are you doing?" She asked him, worry was in her tone of voice.
"Have you ever been with an older guy before?"
"How old are we talking?"
"A-Are you 40!?" She asked, she makes him sit up and he slightly turns to her.
"I mean, I am."
"How would your wife feel if she saw you with me on the back of your motorcycle or your kids! How old are they?! Won't it be weird that they see someone like me close to their age, on the back of their fathers motorcycle-"
"What are you talking about? I'm not married, I don't have any kids either, I'm not dating anyone, and I don't care what people think about me," he says.
The light turned green and Ghost took off again. Y/n looked at the back of Ghost's head and rested her head on her back between his shoulder blades.
Ghost drove to his apartment, Y/n looks up and saw the nice apartment complex. He pulls into a parking spot putting the kickstand down and turning off his motorcycle.
He gets off first, taking his mask off and unclipping his helmet from Y/n's chin. She takes it off and he fixes her hair.
"Helmet hair, you look hot with it," he says, her face was red and she turned her face. "Don't look away from me, come on," he says.
He opens the door and letting her walk in first. They head to the elevator and Ghost hit the 15th floor.
Ghost opened his apartment door and let her walk in.
"You wanna drink?"
"S-Sure." She says.
Ghost and Y/n sat on his black couch. Both drunk as hell. Probably two bottle of Jack Daniels, some girly drinks, Mike Hard Lemonades, and 4 glasses of wine.
Y/n was on her back laughing at Ghost, in her eyes, he looked a little funny and then she sat back up and her eyes focused on him again.
"You're so hot, sexy even," she crawled towards him.
"Hey, now, kid, wait-"
"I'm not a kid," she says sitting on her knees and touching his biceps dragging her hands down to his thick thighs. "I'm in college, I'm 23, I'm not a kid."
"Well hang on, kid," he says.
He moves her hands from his thighs and starts removing his jacket and she removed her sweater.
She moves closer to him and sat on his lap, her arms wrapped around his neck, her legs on both side of him.
"I can leave if you don't want to," she says.
"I won't let you leave, you're drunk, I don't want to see your face on the News as a missing person, it'll be my fault for letting you leave."
"Then...have sex with me," she bluntly says.
"Please," she rubs herself on his lower half, she moans and his eyes narrowed but his hands went to her butt.
"If you keep rubbing yourself on me-"
"What? What will you do?" She asks.
"If you keep cutting me off, I swear," he mumbles.
Y/n moves her hair from her face and she leans in kissing his lips, he pulls away from her, his hand going to the back of her head and kissing her more deeper and passionate.
He moves her to her back and hovered over her. Her hands went down to the bottom of her dress wanting her dress off her body, she was too hot.
He could feel her struggling underneath him. His hands went behind her back and unzipped her dress and pulled it off her body. She was only in underwear, he smirks when feeling her hardened nipple against his thin shirt.
"God...I could kiss you...all day long..." he says.
He pulls away and looked down at her barely covered body, his hands went to her panties and pulled them off her. She was now completely naked.
Her hands went under his shirt and he started to strip from his clothes. "I'll go easy on you, kid," he says.
He takes his dick pumping himself a few times, her hands go to his dog tags around his neck. He then slapped his tip against her lower half, and slowly pushed inside of her.
Her head went back and moaned.
"God, you're so tight," he mumbles. He pulls her up sitting down on the couch and placing her against his chest, her legs spread open and he bounces her on his dick.
She moans and tossed her head back on his shoulder. She looked up at the TV and could see in the reflection of herself bouncing on him.
She moans and her fingernails dug into his thick thighs, he groans of the pain of the nails digging into his skin.
Y/n tossed her head back, one of his hands went to her breast squeezing her and pinching at her nipples. She moans at his rough calloused hand pinching her nipples and rolling them between his fingers.
She loves this feeling of him touching her, feeling up on her, and fucking her. She looks over her shoulder and kissed Ghost lips. He moans into the kiss.
Ghost picks her up and takes her to the bedroom, he lays her on her back and crawled on the bed, kissing her lips, hands holding her small waist in his hands and he pushed himself back inside of her.
"AH!" She moans into the kiss, her legs were resting on his shoulders, he thrusts into her, holding her legs, and kissing her. His tongue fought with hers.
He pulls his tongue out and drags it down her chin to her chest, kissing her breasts, sucking on her breasts and nipples. Playing with her other nipple with his free hand.
Y/n squeezed around his dick, earning a soft moan from him and kissing his lips. His tongue still inside of her mouth. Sticking his tongue out now she sucks on his tongue.
He flips her on her stomach. He sits up gripping her ass, smacking her ass, his hands went to her waist.
"Holy fuck," he says as he thrusts faster inside of her. Her hands grip the bedsheets, her knuckles turning white and she felt herself close to coming.
Ghost could feel her squeezing him and with a few more thrusts, he felt himself come inside of her and with a few more, Y/n came as well.
He pulls out and Y/n collapsed on the bed.
"Come on, kid, let me get you cleaned up," he says, picking her up and taking her to the bathroom.
Ghost laid on the bed, back against the black headboard. Y/n was on his right, back to him, but she rolled on her other side and looked up at Ghost who had a cigarette to his lips.
"Hm?" He hums.
"How come you don't have a wife?"
"Because I didn't want to date and then settle down with someone."
"What about now, since...you had sex with me?"
"You're a kid."
"I'm 23, I'm of age, you call me kid makes me feel weird." She sits up and rubs her arms.
"Sorry...I don't know," he says, cupping her chin and kissing her lips.
"You don't know?"
"I'm not...I'm not looking for something serious, love, okay?" Ghost says.
"I understand."
"Where you hoping, I'd ask you out or something?"
"No, no....maybe a little," she says, rubbing the back of her neck.
"Love...when we meet again, I'll ask...but for right now, you're in college, you shouldn't be wasting your time on someone like me," he says.
She just nods and moves the covers off her lower half and grabbed her clothes.
"Where you going?"
"Home...I have a test tomorrow," she says, she fixed herself up and called for an UBER. "Thanks for the good time, Simon," she says.
Simon watched her leave his apartment. He wasn't going to chase after her, but she shouldn't be with someone like him.
"Hey, I missed you at the bar, last night."
"Oh sorry, I was there but...I'm not going to lie, I got bored, the bar just felt weird and I left."
"Oh I get it, okay, we can go to the movies or something."
"How about just dinner?"
"That works, I'll pick you up tonight, okay?"
"Sure," Y/n was talking to the guy she was suppose to meet last night, she goes to her class that she has a test in.
She sits down at her desk and she looks out the window, seeing the pretty sky and something else.
The sexy bike.
"Simon," she says, seeing him leaning on his handles looking up at her in her class. He was waiting for her.
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2003 Raphael x Reader Dating HCs
A/N: I have arisen from the dead!! Pt.2 of the Raphael dating headcanons. Enjoy!
Warning(s): None
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I feel like most people assume this Raph would be more likely to fall for a biker badass lady who takes no one's shit, which has potential, but honestly I can totally see our boy falling for a sweet lil girly girl
And so I raise you: the sweet lil girly girl badass
Like I feel he would be instant heart eyes for a kind hearted soul who wears dresses and their makeup and hair n shit but can absolutely hold their own in a fight
He gets a lot of snark from his brothers, so it would literally be a dream come true for him if he landed someone who showers him with compliments and encouragement, and actually attempts to see his perspective for once
Tell him how strong he is when he's doing pushups or how passionate he is when he gets fired up about something, the man will be whipped
If you have a pitbull or any other kind of dog that's generally seen as aggressive or dangerous, he'll be whipped x2
If you have pets in general, they all just kind of flock over to him, he's an animal magnet
If you have the hair texture for it, he will absolutely learn how to braid it for you, in private of course, he has a reputation to uphold
Also knits you things, but you CANNOT tell anyone that he made them for you (everyone knows it has him lol)
Some people depict him as a bit of a flirt, and I might be inclined to agree if it was someone he didn't genuinely have a crush on he was flirting with
But with you?
Absolutely tongue-tied, and believe me he has tried
Very protective over you, whether you can fight or not
Absolutely gets jealous, Mikey has made a habit of flirting with you when he's around just to piss him off
Be prepared for angry kisses later that day ;)
Speaking of which, sucks at kissing at first but quickly gets the hang of it and once he does...(I can't find the side eye emoji)
Out of all the Raphs (excluding rise), he is the most likely to intentionally confess
Well, maybe confess is an overstatement
He will drop not so subtle hints that he wants to get with you
For example: "Yeah, ya know I've always had kind of a thing for *insert your type here* girls."
Que intense eye contact
Walks you home every time you leave the lair if you don't have a vehicle, you DO NOT have a choice
If you ever get in an argument with someone, he will support the hell out of you, like crossing his arms and nodding behind you with a "don't fuck with us" expression, yelling "what she said!" when you make a good point, etc.
I feel like the relationship has two sides: the "kick his ass babe I got yo flower" side, and the "she asked for no pickles" side
Overall, you're one of the few people of the few people that get to see Raph's softer side, he's your big over protective teddy bear and your his rational other half that he can always depend on
Very supportive relationship 10/10
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flowersandbigteeth · 2 years
Hey I'm not too sure whether you are open for requests but I'll just leave it here anyway because I just absolutely LOVE the way you write mythical creatures and demons. (⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)⁠♥ Each and every one of your works were just devoured by me in mere hours after I found your profile. ಡ⁠ ͜⁠ ⁠ʖ⁠ ⁠ಡ
Especially the one with Chase the tentacle monster. Yum. (͡⁠°⁠‿⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)✨
So I was wondering if it would be possible to write a drabble or smut of a yandere maedar. They are a bit lesser known Greek mythical creatures and are basically the male versions of gorgons. (Just in case you didn't know)
The fact about their loyalty to their mates is what made me wonder about them.
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I had never heard of these before you sent this, but I love the idea of a male version of a gorgon. I immediately got attached to the idea of Rohan having tattoos on his head of snakes in honor of his sisters, which then made me visualize him as this total pierced up sort of biker badass! Thanks for sending me this, it's so interesting to do unique monsters.
Maeder (Rohan) x female reader
Word Count: almost 3k
W: nsfw monster smut, vaginal sex, some bullying and brief discussion of suicide, mention of yandere activities
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“Rohan, stop hissing at him,” you chided your security guard. 
“Hsssss!” he hissed louder, bearing his fangs this time. 
The skinny man in the suit holding an 8.5x11 glossy of you with your cello might have pissed himself and practically tripped over his own feet running away. 
Rohan was a pretty intimidating visage, that’s why your mother/manager had hired him to be your security guard. At eight feet tall and probably 500 lbs, the Maeder had a bald head covered with writhing tattoos of snakes bearing their fangs.
Venom dripped from their teeth, a vivid gold compared to his gray skin. Gold studs pierced his face above his eyebrow and a gold septum piercing hung in his nose. He didn’t look like the type of guy you wanted to fuck with. 
You swatted his arm and his gold, reptilian eyes flicked to you. 
“My job is security Miss (Y/N),” he growled, “these groupies are dangerous.”
“I think they are just harmless fans,” you assured him, rolling your eyes. 
He grunted.  Rohan didn’t think anyone was harmless, except maybe you. He saw the sick letters you got from psychos when he went through your mail. Any one of these “harmless fans” could be a serious threat. Your phone rang and you sighed, answering it. 
“Hello mother,” you said, tightly into the phone.
“Where was your head at (Y/N)?” she snapped, “you won't get another sponsorship with that kind of performance. Have you been out partying too much?” 
You huffed. 
“Mother, you know where I’ve been…all I ever do is practice,” you grumbled at her as you made your way through the back of the concert hall with Rohan leading the way. 
He guided you to a sleek limousine and helped you in. You always felt bad for how he had to crouch in these things to fit, but your mother ordered the cars and she didn’t take his comfort into consideration. 
“Ugh,” you groaned, crumpling once you were inside. You loved the cello, but you hated the celebrity of it all. Your mother was a marketing genius and had helped you build a fabulous career, but now you wished you could just work on movie soundtracks at home instead of these public recitals she made you do. She wanted to expand your career, make you into a pop star or something.
You’d recorded two solo albums, composed the soundtrack to a popular video game, and appeared on the cover of a popular ladies’ magazine. Still, as successful as she’d made you, you didn’t get the scheme. You were just a nerdy girl who was good at one thing, playing the cello, not some flashy celebrity. You weren’t exceptionally gorgeous or crazy fit like she seemed to want you to be. 
“Well you aren’t practicing enough,” she snapped, “and what are you eating? You look like a pig! I’m hiring you another trainer, that asshole obviously isn’t doing his job.” 
You rubbed your eyes, probably smearing makeup all over your cheeks, but you didn’t care. Listening to her talk was like melting your face with an iron. 
“Are you on your way home?” she snarled, “make sure you put some ice on your face before you go to sleep. You had bags under your eyes. You can’t go out there looking like a trash bin, (Y/N). I’ve got you an appointment scheduled for Botox next week and then we’ll start looking into a boob job.” 
You put the phone on the car seat and closed your eyes, ignoring her prattling. She was going on about Botox options and body shaping. There was nothing wrong with your face and you didn’t need to go on a diet or get surgery. You needed to figure out how to unlink yourself from being your mother’s project. Maybe she could manage a celebrity puppy…though you hated to put anyone, even a dog, through her version of management. She’d probably make the puppy get leg lengthening surgery or something. 
At some point Rohan just hit the red button to end the call. She’d go on for a while without even noticing you’d hung up if she ever noticed at all. Usually she just gave you some curt order about your diet or skincare routine before hanging up herself. You shot him a grateful glance. 
“She’s just using you, you know,” he said, fiddling with a knife at his knee. 
He was always so stoic except when he had something to say, which wasn’t often. Then he was nervous, even though his voice was deep and commanding. 
“I know…but all this wouldn’t exist without her,” you said, waving vaguely at the expensive dress you were wearing, the limousine, your $10,000 cello, and even him, “It’s kind of a trade, isn’t it?” 
He frowned. 
“Usually trades are consensual,” he growled, waving back at you, “all this wouldn’t exist without you.” 
“Mmm,” you said, “I guess. I could leave if I wanted, but where would I go?” 
He snorted. 
“You can’t actually,” he smiled darkly, “why do you think I’m paid so much?” 
You looked at him blankly. 
“What? My mother is paying you to keep me from running away?” you asked. 
He nodded, his eyes trained on you, reading your expression. 
“You’re her golden goose,” he said, “she was worried you’d fall in love with some tech mogul and want to quit. You’re the talented, beautiful genius, you’ll be just fine, but what about her? To keep her living in the way she’s grown accustomed to, she hired me to handle those sorts of things. Discourage suitors…report back to her on your relationships…Get rid of anyone who gets too close…all of that.”
He pulled out his phone and held up a screen with a notepad app full of dates and times. 
“I’m supposed to be collecting data on your emotional state so she can use it to declare you unfit to manage your own estate,” he went on.
Your eyes widened.  
“Why are you telling me this?” you asked. 
He shrugged and didn’t say anything else, looking away and shoving his phone back in his pocket. You glanced out the window at the city going by and frowned, tears pricking your eyes. Though you were hurt and felt betrayed, you didn’t get to be a nationally acclaimed cellist because you were weak of spirit. You took a deep breath and looked out the window, centering yourself. 
“So I’ve really been a prisoner all along,” you murmured, seeing the tall buildings blurring together as prison bars, “aren’t you afraid now that I know, I’ll try to get away?” 
He barked out a somber laugh and you supposed that was your answer. He was paid to make sure that didn’t happen and just by looking at him you could tell there wasn’t much hope. 
Rohan pulled off his jacket and covered you with it as you made your way into your building to avoid the flashing lights of the few paparazzi posted outside. By your mother’s standards, you looked horrible. If she saw you on some blog with makeup smeared all over your face she would have a conniption fit. 
For a moment you were surrounded with the scent of him and his cologne. He smelled a bit spicy. When you reached the top floor you wandered out onto your balcony, kicking your heels off behind you and looking out over the city. It was hard to feel like a prisoner up here, looking down at the rooftops. You leaned out, clutching the balustrade and took a deep breath in. 
Thick warm hands, suddenly wrapped around you and you started. 
“Don’t jump,” Rohan’s deep voice rumbled in your ear. 
You spat out a dry laugh. 
“You thought I was going to kill myself?” you rasped, “don’t you think it would serve you right, watching me throw myself off the building after what you just told me? You’re my jailor, after all.”  
He turned you around to look at you, tipping your face up and his lips came down on yours, hungry and desperate. 
“You're a fool if you think I’m just going to let her have you,” he growled an inch away from your face, “you’re mine (Y/N).” 
His mouth smashed back into yours, one heavy hand holding you to him by your waist and the other wound in your hair so tightly you couldn’t move. You could only accept his kiss and moan into his mouth. 
This was…unexpected…but not unwelcome. You’d always found Rohan to be attractive, he was just so serious you never thought he even considered sex. You’d never seen his eyes follow another man or woman except with a look of distrust in them. He was handsome so people threw themselves at him all the time, but he never seemed the slightest bit moved, always focused intensely on you. 
The big hand on your waist drifted over your ass, cupping and squeezing the flesh. It slid further down and you let out a squeal, when he pulled you up to his chest, pulling your legs around his waist. 
You dragged your lips away from him just a half an inch and whispered into his mouth. 
“What is this? We shouldn’t be doing this,” you gasped, “you work for my mother.”  
You were confused. He was your jailor, you shouldn’t be giving in to his advances. He chuckled and kissed you, pressing his tongue between your lips and twining it with yours. When he pulled away you were only aware of his words and his flavor, sweet cinnamon.
“I’m gonna fuck you against this window and then I’m gonna take you away from here.” 
Before you could respond his thick hand jerked your dress down, snapping the thin spaghetti straps that held it up and letting your breasts pop out. He pulled your chest to his head and his mouth latched on to your nipple, kissing and suckling. 
“Ahhh!” you wailed, surprised by the sudden hot, wet contact.
“Y-you sh-shouldn’t…” you tried to insist. 
His mouth popped off your nipple for just a second. 
“Then tell me to stop,” he growled, his nose brushing the flesh. 
You just looked at him for a moment, but couldn’t bring the words to your lips. It felt too good. It didn’t matter what happened after this, you just wanted him. 
He smirked and went back to laving your nipples with his tongue, pressing your back against the cool glass behind you. The only thing that came out of your mouth were moans and his name. 
You felt his thick fingers fumbling with your panties until you heard a long rip. Pushing you further up the window, he shimmied your dress up your hips and attacked your pussy with long wet laps. His split tongue played with your clit and your legs instinctively wrapped around his head, pulling him closer as he drove you wild with his agile appendage. 
Propped on his shoulders, he speared your cunt with his fingers. You were already soaking wet and your juices dribbled down his wrist as he pumped his digits inside of you mercilessly. 
Screaming your channel clenched down on his fingers as you came with them inside. Colors flashed in your eyes and your hands clung to his head, nails making crescent dents on his skin. Pulling back, he grinned at you and spun you around to face the window. 
“Do you know how many times I’ve watched you prancing around this fucking penthouse in those little booty shorts you wear, wanting to take you right here?” he growled, “I should have marked off the spot with chalk for how many times I jerked myself off, thinking about fucking you against this window. And as much as I loved rubbing one out over your pretty lips while you were sleeping, I’m gonna make this cunt mine for good.” 
As alarming as that should have been, his glowing golden eyes reflected in the glass in front of you and his hot breath in your ear made your pussy leak even more at the admission and your clit sparkled with need. 
He grabbed the back of your head, his fat fingers digging into your hair, and held your face against the cool glass while he freed his cock from his pants. You screamed his name as he impaled you with it in one smooth stroke, not even trying to hold back.
You had no idea but Rohan needed to take you like this. He needed to ruin you for anyone else. He’d been watching you for a year, obsessing over you, planning and plotting how he was going to take his mate. He would have already killed your mother if he thought it would get him any closer to having you. Instead he’d been collecting information on her and feeding it to lawyers he’d hired to make sure your interests were well represented. 
He held you in the air with little effort, your arms and legs dangling as he pulled back and slammed into you again, all the while holding your head into the window. He’d pinned you against the glass so he wouldn't bruise your cheek as he took you as hard as he needed to. Though you felt like he was going to snap you in half each time he powered into you, your back arched. 
From the edge of your vision you could see the glittering lights of the city sparkling below you. Your fingers pressed against the smooth surface because there was nothing else to hold on to as he slammed into you over and over again. Drool and your black mascara were streaking the glass. 
You howled with every stroke, having never been stretched by someone so large before. His cock was long and thick, filling you to the brim and pounding your walls mercilessly. 
“Fuck, babygirl, that’s it,” he groaned loudly, grunting like an animal as he thrust in and out of you, “you’re so fucking tight.” 
Soon he was just growling “mine” and your name over and over again while he rutted you. You gasped and sobbed, your eyes crossed as his dick battered your G-spot. 
With your pussy gushing around him, he jerked you back against his chest forcing you down over his cock a few more times before he emptied himself into you, grunting your name. The thread holding you together snapped and you orgasmed to his hot cum flooding you, barely noticing the sharp pain at your neck, where he bit you. 
When he slipped out of you, he pulled you into a princess hold, folding his head down at the neck and nuzzling the bite. 
“Wh-what was th-that?” you stammered. 
It wasn’t bad, just unexpected. 
“My mating bite,” he murmured, his voice a grumble rolling in your ear, “you’re mine.” 
Your heart fluttered at that. Again, this was all so unexpected, but you didn’t find yourself upset…In fact you felt safe and supported. Like someone was finally on your team. Maybe that was foolish to assume, but as he carried you to your bedroom, you found yourself snuggling your face into his shoulder and sighing happily. 
He stroked your hair as he climbed into your king sized bed with you still tucked in his arms. Arranging himself against the headboard he watched you fall asleep in his arms, gazing in awe at the bite on your neck you’d so easily accepted. Honestly, he’d worried you’d cry and fight and he’d wondered if he would have been able to hold himself back. 
Your soft submission in that moment was so much sweeter and tied him to you more tightly than anything you could ever say would. 
When you woke from your nap, he was going to help you pack your things to take you to a safe house where you could stay while you filed criminal charges against your mother for fraud. You were Rohan’s mate and he didn’t want to see you used as your mother’s meal ticket.
Even if legal means didn’t work, he would find illegal ones to accomplish his task. If you wanted to write soundtracks or albums or do nothing at all, he was going to keep you safe and secure till the day you died. 
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jaxteller87 · 4 months
Sex Genie
After a long day at work, I lay in bed, watching Jax as he went through his nightly routine. He was taking a little longer than usual, which only delayed the surprise I had waiting for him beneath the sheets. I felt like a kid waiting to surprise one of their parents on their birthday, but they went into hiding a few minutes too early— and now it’s more like an anxiety-inducing waiting game. Finally, I heard gurgle his mouthwash and spit it into the sink. The door opened, and he turned off the bathroom light behind him. With a deep yawn, he walked to his side of the bed in his white cotton boxers; his usual swagger brought a smile to my face. I was practically glowing with excitement. My surprise was nothing immaculate, but I enjoyed catching him off guard and raising his eyebrows. For a man who drove a 2-wheeled deathtrap at 100 miles an hour every day of the year or a man who shoots at rival clubs while getting shot at by rival clubs— I’ll take any chance I have and use every tool at my disposal for stealing his breath on occasion. Oh, how I love my badass biker. When he pulled back the blanket and saw me naked, a grin reminiscent of what you’d see on a kid’s face when they got exactly what they wanted for their birthday.
“So, you see,” I started with a chuckle, “there’s something in the sex genie handbook, way in the back, in really tiny print. You know what, it’s quite possible that you missed this part— I mean, I almost did myself.”
“Is that right?” he smirked. “Care to elaborate on what it is that you read in that fine print, way in the back?”
“But of course,” I responded in my best British accent, which was mediocre at best— but he got the point. “The rule says that if the genie discovers the wishmaster naked in bed, they’re not permitted to enter unless they, too, are naked.”
“Is that right?” He playfully rolled his eyes, slipping off his boxers and climbing into bed with me.
“See,” I affirmed. “What did I tell ya— we’re both naked.” I made an invisible rainbow motion over my head and whispered, “It’s magic!”
“And right before my very eyes, too, and I still can’t explain how it happened.”
“Oh, but wait—” I teased, “There’s more.”
“There’s more?” Jax grunted, “I guess I need to reread the handbook. They’ve made so many changes since I’ve last read it.”
“Yep,” I chuckled as we got comfortable. “It says that if the lady wants, she can grant the genie a wish, too. There was a tiny bit of text that says, while rare, it is acceptable for the genie to get something that he wants. And I thought, after a hard day, the genie might want to consider taking advantage of that fine print and partake in some naked cuddles with his lady.”
“Well, and this is theoretical, of course,” he began.
“Of course, totally—”
“What if the genie was up for more than just naked cuddles? Maybe a little naked rodeo where— and I’m just brainstorming here— you sit on the bull and see if you can stay on for the full eight seconds.” 
I looked at him, trying not to laugh at his attempt at dirty talk. It was no use, I blurted a chuckle out of my mouth, and he was quick to follow. “You were doing good until the whole eight-second bit.” I was starting to laugh so hard by this point I was losing my breath.
“As soon as I said it, I was like, damn, Teller,” he tried to regain his composure.
“You’re lucky that I rode this bull before,” I said, getting on top of him. I felt him slide inside me, and I gently slipped down his pole like a firefighter. “I know this bull and this rider can go a hell of a lot longer than eight seconds.”
We started gyrating together, and it felt amazing. At first, our motions didn’t match, but it still felt so good. Then he slowed down, and our techniques started to align. 
“Do you like that baby?”
“Yeah, just like that,” he smiled as we started to move in rhythm. It wasn’t long before we were completely moving in sync.
“More, Papa,” I breathed heavily. I hunched down, biting his neck as hard as I could without inflicting any serious pain.
“Fuck yeah,” he moaned, tilting his head back and starting to push deeper and harder. He grabbed both my ass cheeks with his big strong hands and dominated me right there on the bed. “Do you want it hard or soft, baby?”
“Both,” I panted.
“There’s my naughty little angel,” he bit his lip as he looked up at me. How in the world did I end up so lucky, I thought as he pulled me down to kiss him.
Jax’s POV
I came out of the bathroom a little while later. This genie thing had started as an honest joke to make Amber laugh, but it really helped spice things up in the bedroom. If I was being perfectly honest, I was kind of into the whole thing. It was kinky, and I liked that side of Amber. My mind raced with ideas of what type of foreplay we could get into. Maybe I’d try something completely random and take her right now. As I walked back to the bed, I heard her whimper in her sleep like she was in pain. Then I noticed her foot twitching.
“Seizures... great,” I muttered. I hurried to the bathroom to grab her meds from the cabinet. She usually keeps them by the bedside table, but she has been doing good lately, and maybe she moved them. I dumped the proper dosage into my palm and nudged her awake. She slowly took them from my hand, and I gave her a glass of water.
“Thank you,” she said, still half-asleep, downing the meds.
“Babe, if we got too rough earlier, I’m so sorry. I didn’t—”
“You didn’t cause this,” she said. I must have looked like a ghost or something because she had that look of pity in her eye. “You wish you did, though,” she quickly added, gently punching my forearm. Her strength was still pretty weak, but she was trying to make light of the situation.
“I would never wish to bring this upon you, darlin’. How could you ever say something like that?” At the moment, I didn’t get the joke and just thought she was being morbid. I’m the one who actually kills people in this relationship, but her sense of humor can get awfully dark sometimes.
“Nah, I mean you wish you fucked me so good that it sent me into a seizure,” she tapped on my forearm with her fist again, smiling through slowly ceasing the seizure. “Get it? It’s a seizure joke.”
“Oh, Jesus Christ, Amber,” he scoffed. “And a bad one, I might add. You would be the one to say some dark shit like that.”
“Yup. That’s why you love me,” she quipped back.
I bent down and kissed her lips. There’s always a part of me that thinks turning her into a human pretzel causes her legs and feet to hurt, which I did after she rode me. I pretty much fucked her into the mattress.
“Are you sure you’re okay, darlin’?”
“I think so. I don’t know what’s going on; I don’t have a fever, do I?” she asked.  
I put my hand on her forehead, and after a second or two, I shook my head no. “You feel fine to me, babe.”
“Will you lay with me?” she asked.
“Of course,” I said, getting back in bed. Once the meds fully kicked in, she snuggled right up to me, and I knew everything was fine.
“Better?” I asked, looking down at her.
She nodded. “Good as new. You don’t have to worry,” she said, kissing my chest. “If I thought having sex would cause my legs and feet to hurt, I would say no, we need just to cuddle tonight. Maybe tomorrow.”
“Let me guess, it’s in the handbook,” I smirked, raising an eyebrow.
“Yup,” she laughed, kissing my cheek.
“Oh, you said not to be nervous about telling you what I like in bed.”
I nodded. “That’s right. I did say something in that regard.”
“Remember when you joked the other day and said you’d find me a badass biker, but you’d fill his shoes until he showed up?” Amber teased.
“Yeah,” I nodded again. “I was thinking maybe Tig— or Bobby Elvis.”
“What!?” she shrieked. “Tig or Bobby?”
“Hap? I know Piney has some extra space up at the cabin— seeing as how you love nature and all.”
“Oh, ha-ha, you are funny,” Amber scoffed.
“Yeah. Besides, I was thinking maybe, I don’t know…Clay?”
That was the last name I expected to come out of her mouth. “Clay?”
“Fuck. I can’t even joke about that shit, Jax— that’s just wrong,” she slapped my chest and mocked gagging sounds.
“Would that make you like my step-step mom, or—” I started to joke.
“Shut the fuck up, Teller,” she pinched my lips shut with her fingers. “Anyway, like I was saying. You can stop looking for my badass biker. I think I’m just going to keep you.”
“Is that right?”
“That is right, Buster,” Amber shook her head and poked my chest. “That’s why I said it.”
“Oh, what am I going to do with you?” I laughed, kissing her face all over until she giggled like a schoolgirl.
“Oh, and for future reference— being called your naughty little angel does it for me, and so does naughty beauty too,” she blushed.
“I love you, my naughty little angel. So glad I get to call you mine.”
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firstaidspray · 1 year
Baldur's Gate 3 Characters and What They Drive
My brother and I discussed this yesterday after he sent me a tweet that was like "what if an orc drove an F-150" or something like that. It turned into a pretty big discussion and resulted in this, images picked by me and peer reviewed by him. These were all the characters I could think of offhand, but if you have any requests or suggestions reply or send me an ask!!
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Karlach: Dodge Challenger SRT Hellcat Redeye
A badass hell-themed ride for a badass lady from Hell. Maybe that engine in her heart is a Hellcat...
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Gale: Aston Martin DB11 Convertible
Gale is my brother's man so he made this decision, stating "Gale is a man of taste." A convertible for his hair to flow in the wind, obviously.
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Shadowheart: Mercedes-Benz G-Class
Shadowheart gives major gwagon vibes. Can't you see her driving this, window half down, and she tips her designer sunglasses down to give you a look?
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Astarion: Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud
Take one look at this man and his whole aesthetic and tell me he doesn't drive a Rolls-Royce. This is a vampire car.
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Lae'zel: Triumph Street Scrambler
Our first motorcycle on the list, we thought Lae'zel would favor it over a car. You can't see her as anything other than a biker chick, can you?
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Wyll: GMC Sierra
Wyll comes from money, yes, but I think he'd want to work hard to afford his own car, and it'd be something practical and utilitarian, and likely a used older model. Humbling yet fitting.
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Raphael: Chevrolet Corvette Stingray
I suggested Corvette for Raph and my brother agreed, citing "he has midlife crisis energy (affectionate)" as the reason. And he's right. List of Raphael's midlife crisis things to do: 1. Buy Corvette 2. Cause problems.
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Minthara: Ducati SuperSport 950
Another girl I could only see on a bike. A Ducati specifically, as its sleek design fits her and the personal, independent nature of a motorcycle does as well.
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Mizora: Cadillac Escalade
Mizora doesn't drive herself in it, but she would like to be driven around in an Escalade. A model that's not too new but not too old for the sake of iconic looks, but she'd probably get it detailed regularly.
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Halsin and Jaheira: Walking (for the environment)
They don't judge their friends for driving cars, but Halsin and Jaheira prefer to use the mode of transportation the Gods gave them. For the Earth, yaknow.
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asphaltangel-1 · 1 year
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Much love and respect for all my biker followers. To my fellow lady riders... stay sexy and badass! To the cagers, look twice safe a life please :) Whether it be by bike, on the back of a bike or a cage, ride safe all!
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scarecrowdrugs · 2 months
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Feeling nostalgic for my old JJBA oc I shipped with Diavolo as a joke when Vento started airing, which quickly became unironic because I had no self control. Mutuals that were in our old JJBA discord server probably remember Lita Cascada!
Her stand is Judas Priest and can increase or decrease friction on something she touched. Basically looks like a BDSM Biker Baphomet!
The discord server mutuals probably remember when she was kind of a cool badass but I'm sorry to report that I've retconned her into being kind of pathetic! She's basically what happens if you turned Tony Soprano and Saul Goodman into an anime girl and she can and will sell cocaine to teenagers with absolutely no sense of shame.
My basic rationalization for why Diavolo would even be interested in having any sort of relationship with another person is that Vento Aureo was the climax of a long-running downward spiral of paranoia and he wasn't quite at that level during his relationship with Lita. Lita's basically his shoulder angel for the duration of their relationship but unfortunately for everyone, she's kind of a terrible shoulder angel and they may or may not be making each other worse. Big oops on her part!
Her outfit is basically just one of Lady Gaga's looks from the Judas music video!
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The Pink Lady Code
For those of us who are excited to hear the upcoming Pink Lady Pledge, I would also like to remind those who do not know.. They also have a code... Apparently.
Now I don't like/appreciate most of these but if ROTPL were to address them, I would appreciate it. Read them at your own discression, again, I'm just the messenger...
The Pink Lady Code.
Rule 1: Obey the Pink Lady Pledge: Act cool, look cool, be cool. Til' death do us part, think Pink!
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Rule 2: At no time is a Pink Lady to become romantically involved with a non-T-Bird member. Restriction is rescinded only after graduation from school or expulsion. A Pink Lady will not date a: Jock, nerd, Preppie, anybody non-cool, or member of a rival school or gang. T-Birds, not NERDS!
Rule 3: The Pink Lady jacket symbolizes that the wearer is the girlfriend / consort of a T-Bird member. Upon leaving the Pink Ladies under duress (violation of rules 1 and 2, expulsion, illness, death, school transfer) or personal choice, wearer must return the jacket to the T-Birds to avoid damaging said T-Birds' reputations. `They got a Rep to protect'. Rep is everything.
Rule 4: A Pink Lady must present herself in appropriate attire at school at all times - Pink Lady jacket a must! Flashy, seductive costumes are not allowed, as they allow non-T-Bird students (and other males, staff included) to see what is for T-Bird eyes only. Seductive attire appropriate only to be worn at functions if accompanied by their T-Bird escort / boyfriend.
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Rule 5: A Pink Lady is to have a cigarette and matches / lighter on her at all times, for herself - cigarette equals `cool' - plus her fellow Pink Ladies and T-Birds (and favored Rydell staff) who might perchance wish to bum a smoke.
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Rule 6: No Pink Lady is allowed to interfere with other Pink Lady to T-Bird relationships. If the leader of the T-Birds is spoken for, unattached Pink Lady is not permitted to trespass on fellow Pink Lady relationship. If the leader of the T-Birds is available (Pink Lady girlfriend leaves - see rule #3), unattached Pink Lady may make advances on unclaimed T-Bird leader. See rule #4, apply it. The prettier the Pink Lady, the more interested the unattached T-Bird will be.
Rule 7: Returning to Rule #2, Fraternization outside of T-Birds, if all members of the T-Birds are accounted for - have Pink Lady girlfriends - unattached Pink Lady must remain single. Addendum: If unattached Pink Lady has interest in non-T-Bird student, and wishes to pursue relationship with said student, see rule #3.
Rule 8. Contrary to popular belief, (see Rydell school year 1958-1959 (Grease), Premarital `coupling' (Sliding into home base - thank you, Louis DiMucci) isn't a requirement for being a Pink Lady. Just don't die a virgin or die wearing your mother's underwear.
Rule 9: If you're a non-romantic friend of the Pink Ladies, you're a friend for life. Friendship (non-fraternizational) may include nerd/brainiac (good for assistance with essays), and jock. NOT allowed: Gossip Girls (Patty Simcox), or annoying cheerleaders (Stacie & Gracie).
ADDITIONAL - Added June 16, 1962 If unattached Pink Lady meets and falls for former-nerd-turned-badass-biker, who saved the butts of T-Birds and Rydell students, fraternization rules rescinded!! (Co-signed by Johnny, Goose, Louis, Davey, Stephanie, Sharon, Paulette, Rhonda, Dolores).
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It may be just my personal opinion, but I've got a scene in my head that I would want to play out..
Hear me out.
I would want a situation where the Pink Ladies are at the Frosty Palace or down where they race the cars and a few guys come over and the Pink Ladies start getting hit on or flirted with. They are polite or some flirt back (but with no real heat behind it) and the T-Birds clock it. They stroll up, nonchalantly- a little smug because they are not worried about a damn thing because the girls can handle themselves and each TBird finds their pair with the Ladies, join their sides. Looking like a force to be reckoned with.
"Hit the pavement fella's. These lovely Ladies are spoken for."
"They looked lonely, not like we could see any signs to say they arn't."
"Dont need em. You're in TBird Territory. And eveyone around here knows... our girls are the Pink Ladies. So if you aint a TBird, you aint got a chance.."
"Meaning you can look, but you can't touch."
"What, is that like a rule of your gangs?"
"Our code. And yes. Always will be."
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count-alucard-tepes · 2 years
Headcanons: The reason they dress the way they do…
He wears a pin striped suit because it looks classy and he like the mob-style flare with a fedora. He likes bright and soft colors for his suits, ties, shirts or turtlenecks. He once hurt his eyes with his devil fruit abilities and someone suggested he wears glasses as a joke…next thing you know, he’s wearing sunglasses all the time even though they do nothing to protect his eyes and the younger marines always said he looked cool…swagger for life.
He always favored the color red and since wearing suits is kind of a norm for higher ups. He likes a floral shirt because he enjoys growing plants and flowers at his home, the pattern brings joy to him. The pink rose on his jacket is made from fabric to resemble a rose as he doesn’t like to pick flowers from his private garden. He doesn’t like ties or to button up his shirt because it’s constricting and it makes him feel too hot. He did wear gloves before just to make sure he didn’t accidentally burn things or anyone but after he became Fleet Admiral, he didn’t think they were necessary anymore. He tends to always wear a cap when he’s at work or even when he’s away from work…unless he’s at his home, he just likes it and always wore it.
Benn Beckman🔫
He likes loose pants and the military style pants never seem to go out of fashion so he tends to always get tailored clothes in this style which the usual camouflage color for obvious reasons. Benn wears his regular tight black shirt to show off his body even though he’s aged, he still thinks he looks pretty good for the ladies. He didn’t bother to color his hair once he started greying and just let it be. The cloak that he wears is a gift from Shanks and he always treasured it.
Sir Crocodile 🐊
He likes expensive clothes and shoes that are all tailor made with fabrics from all over. He doesn’t like ties because they’re not his style and are not too classy for him. He prefers ascot ties or scarves of various colors and patterns. He likes expensive furs on his coats from various animals too. His shoes are alligator skin and the rings he are gold just like his hook, what can I say? He likes to match his accessories. He never had a lot of luxuries as a child and wanted to make sure he always was well dressed…even if he was a pirate.
Doflamingo Donquixote 🦩
He was born into luxury and is a firm believer of comfortable, sexy and bougie. He lives pretty much on the beach and in hot and humid weather. So there’s no way he’s gonna button up shirt, he needs to show his hot body of course! He wears traditional tragje de luces aka bull fighting inspired pants which are made from rich silks and satin with black flats. The bright colors because they are the color of a flamingo and it does mask the color of blood spatters too. The color pink in Spanish culture is considered good luck and Doffy wants all the luck with his huge feather coat. He has Jolly Roger cufflinks and his sunglasses are more because he doesn’t like brightness too much. It’s probably also because he might be blind in one eye or he is hung over most of the time… or both. (I loved research this btw I’d love to do more character analysis soon).
Katakuri Charlotte 🍡
He always thought he needed to dress up as a biker because people seemed to fear them when he was a child so in his case, judging a book by its cover worked out in his favor. On the inside, we all know Katakuri is a sweet heart…literally and figuratively. He doesn’t like shirts because he thinks they’re too constricting and when he fights, it’s easier to just take off his vest. The scarf was something that was gifted to him by Brûlée so he likes to wear it with pride to cover up his mouth. His tattoos go all the way from his shoulder to his ankle and he also thoughts tattoos make him look badass, they also have significance to him which are jail bars in the front and wings in the back, take it anyway you want to interpret it.
He tends to favor the color blue when he’s getting his clothes and since he recently got quite muscular, he likes to wear a T-shirt to show his new body. He likes wearing jeans even though it’s not that comfortable but it’s a strong material and lasts for a long time. He painted his helmet by himself and drew the design, he usually gets a few upgrades every now and then but not often. He was once told by a girl that he liked that his hair was beautiful and so he just kept on growing it but he doesn’t really take care of it. He naturally has really pink lips and was teased he looked like a princess with his blonde hair, blue eyes and pink plump lips…so that’s why he covers his face all the time.
He doesn’t really care too much about his clothing but he does favor purples or dark colors for the fabric. His theme seems to be quite rustic, badass, not giving any fucks which goes to his style as well. His nio dasuki belt is very much like Oden’s, I guess for admiration of such a great opponent. This belt also said to evoke power and majesty of sacred warriors which Kaido is very much about.
King 👑
He likes wearing leather as it’s fire resistance due to his abilities, he wouldn’t want his clothes burned off (even though we all want this to happen) . He likes the badass look with straps and spikes to make him look more intimidating along with his mask. He doesn’t like to show his face because it’s a constant reminder that he is the last of his race and it hurts him deeply. He wears a float whiter shirt under because it’s classy and he likes that even though he doesn’t really show it. When he’s alone, he usually just wears a dress shirt and leather pants. Queen made fun of him for wearing all leather and that he looks likes a BDSM enthusiast which pissed him off a lot because he’s not like that at all.
Queen 👑
He wears vertical black and white stripped overalls, these colors usually represent prestige and success. Being the star of the beast pirates means he’s got to stand out like his loud personality and his look definitely indicates this. The infinity signs that he has on his overalls symbolize love, beauty and power. The number 8 also means power and success so these are elements that Queen wanted to manifest through his style.
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basedkikuenjoyer · 8 months
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I finally made time for Stray Cat Rock and holy shit am I glad I did. We've mentioned it a little bit, it's a modern-day (70s) gangster movie series starring Meiko Kaji who you may remember as the iconic Lady Snowblood. She's the one in white, will stick around for the series but this first installment Delinquent Girl Boss also features Akiko Wada as the badass biker chick throwing off some major queer vibes who gets to deliver a killer soulful alto ballad on the whole big "a woman is still a woman" theme. Yeah, Stray Cat Rock isn't there for show, this was about one step below a bona fide musical. Here, have a listen, a minute and a half of the distilled ethos of these movies injected straight into our flower of Wano:
Does it need a plot? It's friggin 70s girl gangs banging, doing drugs, rocking out, and getting into trouble. AKA everything rad. There is a plot about an insidious group of men rigging a boxing match but once again who cares? It's 70s exploitation movie levels of cartoon violence oozing classic cool out of every pore. The soundtrack is absolutely to die for and you get some funky effects on top of wild scenes of mayhem. Like always, these are a very hard R with graphic violence and sexual assault though this one glossed over the worst. It's going for big stupid fun and on that it 100% delivers. I'm definitely watching the rest of these.
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esoterium · 9 months
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there's nothing like a huge hug from a biker..
// to simply brighten your night when you need it most. last night this old biker dude with the wildest, craziest stories came into my work. he's a regular and i love seeing him walk in all the time. cause i know my night's about to get interesting. welp. here he comes. and i was just hanging out chatting with the girl working the bar.
and he sees me on the other side and just walks up and is like 'i haven't seen you in FOREVER!!!' (it's literally only been a handful of days but that's okay! lol!) and wraps me up in the biggest hug.
and lemme tell ya. hugs from old biker guys.. when they just wanna hug ya to hug ya cause they love ya? those are special. they make you feel loved and welcomed and just protected. and that was exactly what i needed right in that second.
so, thank you, old biker dude with crazy stories about your badass biker mom who rode with outlaw gangs and how you thought your best friend's ex old lady who picked you up alongside the road was a 'hooker in a monte carlo' circa 1970something trying to make a quick buck cause she had smokes, beers and was offering you a ride til you figured out who she was and that she was just feeling obligated cause she knew ya even though you forgot her face and you still feel like you messed up 40+ years later. or how now you own a huge piece of land that nomad, free spirit bikers can just come hang out on like free range cows who need a place to chill.
last night? you were my hero.
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emilynightshade89 · 2 years
kind of random but aah!!
I'm curious to know about what your current favorite WIP to work on is right now - and this can be through actual writing, plotting, developing, etc.! I wanna know which of your WIPs is giving you brainworms!
That’s such a great question!!!!! 
So, my current favorite WIPs to work on right now are my original WIP The Innsmouth Bride and my fanfic WIP series with my Daybreakers oc Wendy McCoy. 
The Innsmouth Bride atm is really gaining traction in my brain because there is much of the worldbuilding that i need to do and since it involves the Cthulhu Mythos, a genre i am completely a newborn to, and also the setting of 1800s Victorian England I’ve got my research cut out for me but i am so excited to learn more about these topics, and in return, the world i am building too! I am also slowly but gradually falling in love with my characters as they grow and are fleshed out bit by bit, and with the history they keep in their families i am enthralled with how their dynamics are shaping out to be and what that means for my lovelies Emmett and Nerida as i try to balance the story as well as character arc. I also wanted to try out a story akin to beauty and the beast but with reversed gender roles because i don’t think we get those too often or maybe i just haven’t looked enough but darn it i wanted to see some cute/scary/badass/kind creature ladies and if i must i’ll try to do it myself. 😅
With my fanfic WIP, working series title: Nights In White Satin, this is very much a teensy bit a love letter to the film for me because it was the first film that really started my love for films that explore the human condition. There was something intriguing and almost real about the film that made it like something that could happen and i loved that so much. The world building is fantastic. And it had a great cast too! All the actors and characters in the movie i had loved before i really started paying attention to them and started simping. xD but with my oc Wendy, i really wanted to explore what could happen after the events of the film and possibly add real world problems and solutions and that’s where her and Elvis’s story goes through as they try to survive and fight for a future where humans don’t need to be hunted or hidden. 
So, out of all of my original WIPs The Innsmouth Bride comes in first when i think about working on them because i really have been putting in all the thoughts and brainworms into that one as mentioned above! :D
My other OG WIPs includes:
The Spring Man (working title): A story about the personification of Spring in a man living in a small village who must be buried into the ground before winter and the seasonal family he raises there. 
Untitled Seaside Creature Feature:  A sea creature turns human to explore the world above. Still in development but this wip holds a special place in my brain.  
The Moor/Teardrop (w. t.): A story about a small-town priest that went missing for five years and was found when he was a teenager and the girl he raises as a daughter after her mother had the same experience.
 The Stolen Child: A story that involves a mysterious creature that abducts children, a reserved man living with a haunted past, and the mother of a recently taken child that reaches out to him for help. 
The Undertaker’s Wife: & Other Short Stories: A potential short stories series if any of these ideas don’t pan out fully. 
Short Stories include:
The Undertaker’s Wife: A cautionary story in which a young man working at a funeral home, wishes back to life a woman he had hoped to be with, when she turns up on his silver table after a tragic accident. 
Young Turks: A typical 60s biker love story but with the girl as the biker. 
The Fox’s Huntress Bride: A story inspired by the aesthetics of the film The Green Knight. A prince goes missing, a huntress with nothing left to lose save for an animal companion, an old wives tale taboo, and a kingdom on the brink of war are all players in what i hope is to be a medieval fairytale. 
Cell: A thriller/mystery where a woman is kidnapped and held in the basement of a man who claims that her imprisonment isn’t for her own safety but the safety of others from her instead. 
 The Boxer: Based on a dream i had about a quiet young man coming to work as a boxer in an old gym for the owner to gain cash in return for housing. He meets a young woman who works there and they develop a relationship. 
Grandfather Jack: Currently an idea still being worked on. The story centers around a woman about to have her first child and her thinking about her father who went missing as she receives daily visits from a wild jackrabbit in her garden. 
No-Face: An idea for a story where a man without a face finds an abandoned child one night and raises her as his own all the while trying to solve a case and keep his true identity a secret.  
A Touch of Death: A horror/thriller/mystery about a detective woman with a troubling past and a serial killer that keeps trying to prove to her that he cannot be killed.
The Body (w.t.): A sci fi story about a nurse living with her android assistant in a rundown hospital on a ruined Earth. They receive unexpected cargo containing a cloned body of an elite social lite whose father had him made after a deadly accident and wishes to keep his son’s death a secret, as cloning is illegal throughout the galaxy only if used to prolong life.
An Untitled Sci Fi Story about a malfunction on a colony ship headed towards an earth like planet. A young passenger is awoken and with only an android for company; must figure out how to survive aboard. 
And finally, an Untitled Midnight Mass inspired Vampire WIP: A woman visiting from out of country falls prey to a dangerous creature and miraculously survives, but soon finds out that this creature won’t let her go so easily.  
It’s a lot of ideas but i’m really hopeful about some of them making it! Almost all of these i have already written out a bit in my google docs and every once in a while, i’ll revisit them and add more if i’m not daydreaming about it for too long. I hope this was entertaining and thank you for asking! 🥰 
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