#a f*cking robot
kaiserouo · 5 months
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imbree64 · 7 months
LOL head canons undertale yellow go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
From left to right: Kanako, Ceroba, Clover, Martlet, Dalv, Starlo, El Bailador, Ed, Mooch, Ace, Chujin, Moray (I think they are a Mareanie now XD), Mo.
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littledemon55 · 6 months
All Hellaverse characters that I like are either underdeveloped, villainized, get no screen time or all three combined! 🥲
Verosika Mayday: underdeveloped & villainized (Because god forbid someone calling Blitz out on his bs)
Barbie Wire: all three combined (poor girl got cut from her own backstory scene)
Stella: all three combined (she's in the same situation as Stolass, but gets treated like she's the bad guy)
Sir Pentious: underdeveloped (he deserved to be so much more than to be the butt of the joke! Also we don't even know his backstory!)
Millie: underdeveloped (girl has so much untouched potential and it makes me sad)
Sallie May: underdeveloped & no screen time (and yet she gets lots of official merch were she's being oversexualized for having a bulge 💀)
Stricker: underdeveloped & villainized (Bro had a good point ya know! And he should've stayed how he was in Harvest Festival)
Notice how most of them are female? Are you seeing a pattern yet?
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Also, I tried to fix Verosika's design a bit, lemme know what you think :) (My version is the one on the right btw)
Fizzarolli: He should've stayed a f*cking robot who doesn't slur!!! 💀
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samuelthesilly · 9 months
*Puts on autism goggles*
So fun fact, V1 never participated in the murder of humankind. This isn’t just a headcanon either, this can be backed up with actual facts. When you first start the game, you’re presented with this:
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A hallway with planks over it. In order to enter hell, you need to break these planks with your fist, a simple way of implementing a tutorial. Right?
If V1 had to break those planks, that means that it was the first being to enter Hell after it had been closed off by humanity.
If all the machines in ULTRAKILL run on blood, (and they do, every single one gives blood when hit, plus the terminal entries confirm it) surely after depleting all blood on the surface, they would venture into Hell where there’s more in order to survive.
V1 being the first to enter Hell implies that at some point, for one reason or another, they were turned on and set free/escaped into the world.
“But Sam, V1 could have entered Hell first and also killed the humans”
Look at your health when you first start the game. 10/100. V1 runs on blood, so surely after massacring even just one human, they would be much higher health. No, to me this implies that V1 was purposely kept on low health at whatever lab/storage facility it was at (considering V1 never made it out of the prototype phase).
Another thing is the main objective; ‘find a weapon’. If V1 had engaged in the killing, it would have absolutely scavenged a weapon to help kill better (we know it definitely isn’t above stealing things from other machines). If you want to, you could write off the breaking of the planks as nothing but a tutorial. However, this still doesn’t make sense. If it entered Hell after humanity was already dead, what was stopping it from scavenging/stealing a weapons before venturing downwards?
Anyway, my theory, which probably doesn’t even matter, is this;
V1, for whatever reason, was powered on/released before the massacre of humanity. Maybe a few hours, or even minutes beforehand, it can’t have been long considering the whole game takes place over the course of like 24 hours. Also, we literally see the mass influx of souls in the river Styx. (This also implies that the Ferryman was saved by Gabriel pretty much right before we meet them, which is kinda sad. Imagine getting saved, then either dying to a robot or a f*cking leviathan. I’m not sure how they had time to carve the statue of Gabe, so I’m gonna cautiously assume they made it before meeting him IRL.)
That’s pretty much all I have. I don’t know why V1 entered Hell in the first place, all I know is it wasn’t responsible for humanity’s extinction. Feel free to theorise/tell me i’m an idiot in the tags/replies.
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milkyrrr · 8 months
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Drawing the f!Moon is quite difficult because THEY ARE ALL F#CKING ROBOTS, but I tried XD I think she would be that "rude girl"
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faceless-dude · 5 months
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Is it dumb of me to headcanon young Sonic as insufferable twitterbox 🤡💀
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Robot? Oh f*ck look it's a robot, haha!!!F*cking robot!! It's a robot!! Real robot, look, f*cking living robot!!!
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idsfantasy · 10 months
Finally after several months I finally got a chance to know the story GGY. I found an audiobook on YouTube cuz I couldn't find a physical/digital copy but that's okay. I knew the summary of the story but always wondered how it confirmed that Gregory was Patient 46. So, I looked a little and found an audiobook. The moment Tony found out that his counselors were going missing I went "This is a reference to the therapists in the games, isn't it?" A little later I was like " I F*CKING CALLED IT- AAAAAAAAAAAH"
Some parts of the story and the ending did confuse me though. For example, why is Gregory at school if he's by theory a robot or something (personally I don't believe it but it's not relevant rn) and it's not that necessary? Why go through the trouble by changing his name from Gregory to Greg to not get cought if he's under the radar anyway? From the channel that I used that provided the story, it ended with Gregory telling Tony to meet him at the PizzaPlex. Idk what happens after but knowing this fandom, he probably got oofed. And according to the fan base, Vanny and Freddy allegedly helped him oof Tony??? Like I said, The channel I used ended the story with Gregory telling Tony to meet h at the PizzaPlex, nothing else. So my question is, since the counselors are a stand-in for the therapists, who is Tony then? Does he exist within the game universe? Is Tony like a stand in for Cassie? If you think about it, it could be the case. In the games, Cassie tries to find out where Gregory is, just like Tony trying to find out who GGY is. Cassie is lured to the PizzaPlex by "Gregory" Just like Tony was by Greg. Cassie at the end of Ruin allegedly gets oofed by Gregory, just like Tony by Greg. It's like Scott spoiled Ruin but in such a way that you can't even figure it out after the game was released. Clever move from him if you ask me.
In order for Gregory to be able to do things, he would have to be involved in normal society stuff. He looks human, so why wouldn't a normal 'human' kid be going to school? I don't think going by Greg counts as a name change, just a nickname, and I think Gregory is a robot pretending to be the kid he replaced.
After all, in this story, Gregory is about 12, which given how long the Pizzaplex has been open in SB, puts him at almost 15 years old as of Security Breach. And idk about you, but Gregory does not give the energy a teenager in high school to me.
I don't know if Tony is a stand in for anyone, but I do think Cassie could have been in a similar position of friends with Gregory but got lured into something. Though in the games it's the Mimic, not Gregory which is a bit different.
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inspiredwriterstory · 5 months
Okay I'm f*cking done. Is there not one ship murder drones fandom won't ship? Seriously I garunte you someone somehwere has probably ship Nori with one if the robot dinasours or something- Actually don't put that image in my head!
Like I'm all for ship whoever you want as long as its not incest or proship but sometimes I have to think: Is there nothing stopping these people?
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soulreader05 · 5 months
𝓙𝓪𝓲𝓶𝓮 & 𝓝𝓪𝓽𝓱𝓪𝓷 HeadCanons
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Do not leave them alone with a gaming console. These two geeks have the worst gaming rivalry, there has been a loss of count on how many times they’ve tied together when it comes to competitive games like Minecraft, Mario Kart, Smash Bros, Mortal Kombat, Call Of Duty, you name it.
These two also have lightsabers battle once every weekend. Nathan likes to record their battles and Jamie likes to analyze them. The winning score between them is half and half.
Whenever Nathan is being his usual asshole self, Jamie will be blasting loud ass Anime music in the living room…to the point to where they will sing the lyrics at the top of their lungs until Nathan finally apologizes.
Jamie Alvarez is most known in the Bluebook company as the little intern who can get away with calling out their boss’s bullsh*t and not get severely ridiculed by him.
Whenever they working in the lab together, their creativity runs wild. Jamie comes up with the most craziest ideas and Nathan puts them into action with their assistance.
Jamie has a habit of overworking to the point where they are knocked out cold on their work desk drooling a bit. Nathan will reluctantly pick them up and take them to bed. (He gives them a kiss on their forehead & makes sure they’re tucked in with their creeper plushie he got for them.)
Nathan likes to makes sure that Jamie is actually get enough sleep and gets their proper sustenance…however they’ll turn the tables on to him because he’s no different to them when it comes to being healthy.
And since Nathan has his own habit of over drinking till he f*cking drops, Jamie always makes sure that their idiot boss has a glass of water and a pill whenever he wakes up hungover. (He knows it them and appreciates it.)
Jamie likes it when Nathan listens to them to ramble about their special interests…probably because he’s the only who doesn’t interrupt them or judge them for talking too much.
Nathan teaches his intern how to dance properly, however Jamie will only learn with their music preference playing in the background, for example they’ll be playing Funk Soda. (Nathan only tolerates it because at least it has some funk.)
If Jamie is ever having a bad or depressing day, Nathan will let them have their day off work and gives them their own space since he knows they don’t really like to talk much about their personal feelings (or past).
However…if their depression goes further as to crying alone in their room, Nathan will just grab Jamie and their personal blanket, roll them into a little sushi and snuggle them. He’ll put on their favorite cartoon and watch it together, having a day to themselves.
Jamie will often call Nathan, boss man, Jefe, Télii, grizzly bear, big guy…and they’ll never explain to him what ‘azhéʼé’ means when they call him in their native language.
Nathan calls them, gremlin, little sh*t, young padawan, mini robot, baby hacker, little creep.
When Jamie’s not paying attention, he’ll call them, kiddo, sweetheart, precious…my baby.
I stayed up late writing this, so I don’t even know if it’s really good, anyways I hope you guys enjoy this.
Tags : @ominoose @hoedamn-eron @howaboutcastiel @reallyrallyauthor @girlwhofellfromthemoon @gingersforeverbox
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Pre-Episode 4 Theory
Post Episode 4 Theory
I knew I was right to be skeptical about Uzi going full Murder Drone! But wow—there is a lot too unpack with what this one introduced.
First off, what’s wrong with Uzi’s classmates? Why were they so afraid of her when Doll was going all prom murder? The first time I slightly get cause they were surprised by her speaking a bit suddenly. But the second time? They all saw Uzi exit the tree lining before she spoke!
Unless it’s right in front of them—they barely react/register tragedy, going as far as to play it off as a joke. I thought Lizzy was a singular case due to being best friends with Doll. She at least seemed far more nonchalant about killing off her classmates. And she isn’t even AS infected!
The promo showed who was going to be killed.
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Once again, I’m reminded these are robots trying to mimic human society. Their emotional intelligence is pretty poor overall considering they barely react to deaths afterward. Following mob/herd mentality, no continuous sense of self-preservation, and having very loose morals.
The fact they found more comfort in known murderers is concerning. Makes me wonder how their parent's generation even survived.
(Also, it was Nori’s idea to create the doors and not Khan's? “Build doors against the coming sky demons!–The singularity awakens...”)
Two; How in the world can Uzi’s AbsoluteSolver create organic matter?! I was under the strong impression that it used nanites to affect general things. Yet this is on a completely another level.
Something which her mother seemed to be aware of. Uzi made f*cking bat-like wings and a mouthed tail out of nothing. People appear to be debating whether she was fully herself or AS crazy during that scene in the ep comments. It. It could either way to be honest. We see her puke up (streaming) oil from Daren and look at her oil-covered hand in horror. Her eyes/visor flickering between a Murder Drone X to high temperature warning to AS symbol in one eye.
And yet she goes into murder mode pretty quickly. Laughing eerily similar to V from Ep 1.
She tricked V by begging to speak to N, then during the falling talk was clearly in full control of herself. I hate the Absolute Solver program.
Sidenote, We see how V has indeed been hiding things. “New body, same horrors, huh, Cyn?” Who from a very brief flashback from N is the fourth yellow-eyed drone Tessa restored. We kinda knew about her from the beginning since we see “Absolute Solver attempt block by Administrator CYN.” post-reboot slap. She had the AS symbol plus the large distended mouth in the flashback. She—she had a human arm in her mouth showing it off to N (I think.)
How she maintains an Administrator position in the JCJenson corporation—shown to hate rogue/free-thinking AIs—I’ll never know...
Another, or the same arm, was shown in a chandelier a few seconds after. The flashback ends with what I believe to be a black hole in the sky. Or maybe a blotted out sun?
Red eyes were visible when N fries that monitor touching the buttons. Except for them being rounder than a drone’s so we can rule out Doll.
Thirdly. There was more to Nori than we could imagine given the little bug recognizing 02.
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Register Torture Chamber complaint??? Either Nori used torture chambers(!) on other drones or was subjected to one. She seemed to have a descent into madness after the core explosion. If the box of “Family Memories before Nori went Kooky & Insane” was any indication. I did miss that when I first watched the episode...
Nori didn’t just see the three Murder Drones, she saw countless descended from the sky that the doors were her idea in the first place. There are so many questions we can ask about this: Did Nori and Yeva know about the Zombie Drone thing? Did they not use their abilities in public to avoid turning as Uzi does? Will Doll eventually turn—or is it only older AS “02”? How often did Worker Drones turn into Zombie Drones back on Earth that there needed to be a training tape about them? I really hate AS.
4th—AbsoluteSolver does indeed cause the same overheating issues in Murder Drones. It feels nice to get a confirmation for this since we could only speculate. Uzi burns in sunlight now. She can regenerate like a Disassembly Drone too. All while still having wings, a stinger/mouthed tail, and the AbsoluteSolver abilities. The purple protagonist has the programming to become a far deadlier AS/Murder Drone hybrid.
Took down V like it was barely anything. Where did her new wings and tail even go when N caught her? Do they fold into her body like the Murder Drone's own ones do?? Her tail??? I thought J’s AS heart-thing was fleshy cause it used human ribcage remnants. Clearly, we know otherwise that it becomes an extension of advanced AbsoluteSolvee users... What did Cyn/Tessa/JCJenson create? (nightmare fuel)
Lastly, character growth! Uzi showed her softer side and insecurities in this episode. N appears to be losing his doormat qualities defending himself. V’s still mean—but worried mean~ She is looking out for N, and very afraid for them.
Glitch and the crew really stepped up their animation ability in this episode. Characters are far more fluid. We see their expressions range, the episode was less joking to bring home how serious Cabin Fever was. At least more so compared to the other three episodes—nice.
More in the tags. >>>>>>>>>>>>> 2nd Post-Ep Four Theory
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waeirfaahl · 2 months
Another "Wait, what?!" moment
10 episode of 5 season was incredibly painful to watch even after horrible 9 episode that pissed me off. And the pain is caused not only by stupidity of the story, but also of the visuals. It is the manifestation of "I don't care about story writing, characters and their personality, goals and behavior. I throw them into something, because I want this to happen, even if it's impossible or immoral". I covered hundreds of morbid or contradictional aspects of 5 season, but every time I hope that it's over, I still manage to find more, so obviously it is an absolute mindf*ck. Like, for example, here I already covered some stupidities of the beginning of this episode, but... What caught me off guard — Jack's kimono. In 9 episode his kimono wasn't dirty and torn.
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So, why in 10 episode his kimono is torn? Like, who did this? Aku tore his kimono? Okay, then why Aku didn't beat Jack? Why Aku didn't brake Jack's bones or hands and legs? Why Aku didn't wound Jack seriously to blood loss, so Jack would be unable to resist, to fight and to escape?
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In addition to this — where Aku's demonic guards and robot armies are?! Why he's alone?! Moreover, WHY Aku started the broadcast BEFORE how he chose the weapon for killing Jack?!
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And the final nail in the coffin — WHY Aku decided to do the broadcast in the first place?! Like, in 2 episode of 5 season he himself confirms that he's exhausted of Jack's existence, he wanted Jack's natural death from old age or Jack's death from hand of various bounty hunters, i.e. he never cared about how "epic" Jack's death will be — he simply wanted to become free from Jack, physically and psychologically. So his entire "I'll kill Jack in epic way and erase the hope" makes absolutely no sense.
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Even in the classic seasons he never cared about watchers and never needed them, he just fought Jack in various places of the world, he never cared about this "epic battle and death on the eyes of all habitants" etc. Another aspect — why Aku didn't kill Ashi?! I mean, by any way — Aku easy could pierce her, burn her with his laser, or command to his blood to devour her out of inside immediately and to absorb her corpse as well. Can somebody give me the answer to why the demon didn't kill the f*cking random human girl he knows nothing about except of the fact she's Jack's friend and the sudden infected vessel of his blood?!
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Aku simply could command to his blood to leave Ashi's body as well! What also stupid is that after these hours Ashi is still alive — Aku's small part almost killed Jack during few hours or a day at best (and it was the situation, when Aku had no idea about this due to the flu, i.e. if he knew about this, Jack would be dead immediately), but for some reason neither Ashi's mother died immediately after drinking the friggin goblet of this blood nor Ashi herself and her sisters died in their mother's womb, but were infected instead and were alive for years (I already roasted this bullsh*t here, here, here and here, for example). And now for some reason, when Aku felt his blood in Ashi and considered her as the vessel and started to control, he (his blood) for some reason didn't devoured her mind, spirit and body, i.e. he didn't kill her... and at the same time he did that immediately with Jack's allies...
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What?! WTF?! I won't be surprised, if the explanation is "They are not humans", because 5 season loves the human supremacy and f*cking biblical/religious parallels. Not to mention that he should destroy the sword immediately...
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Just pure madness and travesty.
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lol-jackles · 1 year
So now Kripke is shading Taylor Sheridan for saying that he didn't want to collaborate with other writers on his shows. Sheridan said that he was OK with the guilds hashing out a minimum number of paid writers on staff, he just doesn't want to work with them. That may be arrogant, but it's hard to argue that his methods haven't worked for them. & I doubt that unwillingly overworked showrunners would have available staff & NOT use them. So why does Kripke care? https://deadline.com/2023/06/taylor-sheridan-wga-staffing-demands-kevin-costner-yellowstone-1235422063/ https://deadline.com/2023/08/supernatural-eric-kripke-interview-picket-line-writers-strike-residuals-writers-room-1235533157/
Link and Link.
If Taylor Sheridan doesn't want to use the writers, then he shouldn't have to, let the studio pay for those extra writers. There are well known creators who wrote most of their show's episodes: Joe Strazynski wrote or co-wrote on almost every episode of Babylon 5. Aaron Sorkin wrote some 75% of the The West Wing episodes during his tenure. Sam Esmail wrote most of Mr Robot episodes. David Kelly wrote most of his shows i.e. Ally McBeal, The Practice, Boston Legal, and Pickett Fence. Gene Roddenberry only wrote the Pilot for Star Trek,but he re-wrote a lot of scripts without credit, like the excellent "City on the Edge of Forever".
Taylor Sheridan: “My stories have a very simple plot that is driven by the characters as opposed to characters driven by a plot".
Maybe that struck a nerve with Kripke. The Boy's first season was character driven and that made it very good. But by season 3, the characters were driven by the plot and it showed.
KRIPKE: There’s no way that one season can come out of a single person’s head. It’s a collage, and that’s the best part. Whatever Mr. Yellowstone and all this stuff about like, ‘I don’t want to have a room’ or ‘I don’t need a room.’ My feeling is, you’re missing out on the best part of this job. All of it is a grinding sh*t show. Except you get to hang out with the smartest people you’ve ever met at a cocktail party that never ends. That’s the best part. So I don’t understand why that’s even an issue.
What Krpike said before this is he implied having a big staff means he gets to live in his state of choice ("I don’t want to f*cking live in Toronto") and have time with his family. Writers visit the filming location and then report back to the showrunner. Carmen McKenzie was apparently criticized for visiting the Roswell set too often. In other words, Kripke treats writers like interns who do all the grunt work so he can still have a life of his own.
Or maybe this is the reason why Kripke took a potshot at "Mr. Yellowstone".
Taylor Sheridan vs. Eric Kripke.
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darhknight · 5 months
X-Men 97 Reaction
Reacting to Episode 7. Bright Eyes
Spoliers under the cut. Do not read unless you seen the episode or don't care about spoilers. I warned you.
The gravestone and speech from Nightcrawler broke my heart
"He say it was just in the cards" my heartstrings
Every gambler has a tell. Modesty was Gambit's.
Not Jubliee crying. Someone give her a hug
Dad Wolverine to the rescue
Jubliee is right tho. Where the crap is Rogue?
Found her
Love how Nightcrawler knew Rogue was f*cking stuff up. Like that's a good brother.
General Ross? Sir she might kill you be nice
Love how Rogue was like five seconds from fighting Steve and Steve was like 'nah let me just show you what I found and maybe we can work together once I get the ok.'
she said no
then she proceeded to throw his shield into the mountains somewhere
Big Boss Energy
A resort ... mmm Kay. Who's paying his bill guys?
Kick his butt. Kick his butt. Kick his butt
Annnnnd we are back to the other X-men
Love how the same mutants show up everytime in the background
Not the statue heads of Magneto and Charles 😢
Jubliee convincing Reberto to tell his parents. I'm so proud of him. 👏
A little Jean and Scott moment. Good for them they need it.
Why am I not surprised EMMA FROST is the first survivor they find
Also sorry Scott. We know you love Jean and Madelyn. (That's not how her names spelt my bad)
Back to Rogue
Nightcrawler being a good brother
No she's crying.
Their all there for her. I'm so happy
HE Killed Him. He killed Gyrich.
I skipped over Jubliee and Roberto. My bad.
Love how his mom knew
Shes like honey if your weren't a mutant I be concerned
'It was your secret to tell.'
'Spriters anyone?' Like ma'am. You just made a reference to him maybe not seeing Jubliee anymore and your offering drinks?
Back to the other X-men
Forgot to mention how much I enjoyed watching Trask tell them the truth
Also Morph being like 'He created the master mold let's like not trust him.' Aka he's evillll. 😈
Sleeping GAS
(Notice as I was typing this that I have the scenes backwards. Whoops)
Is it me or do those robots kinda look like ultron?
Trask really be losing his mind right now. I actually feel bad for him.
Love how Trask is ratting out Sinister tho
Like he took one look at what Sinsiter did and went NOPE. Gonna go rat him out to the group of mutants I have been trying to kill since season one of the original show.
'Is this what we are now?' A great question Morph. The answer is ... complicated.
Dude he knocked Rogue OUT
Love the little Nightcrawler saving Rogue moment. Thank you creators for my fill of sweet siblings.
Morph getting hurt and Wolverine yelling his name
I ship it
Never in my life have I liked Cyclops but this show has changed me
Jean reading his mind to figure it out
'Let's skip the reunion dad.' I'm dying
My son is meeting his son guys. Their meeting!
Oh Sinister is here too I guess.
rip the human race. Bastion gonna turn them all into sentinels. bet.
That Song. I don't know if I hate it or love it.
I don't care if he has facial hair you don't touch him
Also love how Magneto has the mutant collar AND tape over his mouth
Plus cuffs around his hands sticking him to the chair
Like I understand the collar and the chair but like the tape?
This man is the master of magnetism not screaming really loud
Also you be in the middle of nowhere
Who's gonna hear him?
But once again
'Just obey. Just listen. You were made for this.'
Leave Erik alone.
• Maybe a few unfavorable opinions •
Erik is a holocaust victim. And jewish/german. Was treated like crap and Bastion is out here telling him that he was made to obey to be Bastion's plaything?
That he was made to be a Slave
cause I don't know if you all got that vibe from that scene but I definitely did
Especially if you know ANYTHING about Bastion
The guy makes Red Skull look sane
Bro I hope Rogue finds you and tears you a new one
Or Charles.
Or any of the X-men for that matter
Actually in my honest opinion it probably be Wolverine. Like I'm gonna call it right now. If Charles doesn't find Magento telepathically. Five bucks says somehow Wolverine does.
Or Bastion turns Magento into a sentinel
Actually don't do that
Leave my somewhat questionable but trying his best to play nice with humans master of magnetism husband alone.
He deserves better
They all do
Expect Sinister.
He can die in a ditch for all I care
And Bastion ... sadly
For plot reasons we gotta sacrifice Bastion
Sorry bud
Gonna say also that Cable might have to go back in time cause I don't feel like they are going to keep Gambit dead.
But that's just me.
Thanks for reading my ranting
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angeldrawstoons · 11 months
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Finally, some good f*cking content
Name: Donatello Murasaki Tang Shen Hamato
Nickname(s): Donnie, Don, ‘Tello, Murasaki, 知識の神 (Chishiki no Kami-Deity of Knowledge), Experiment 051 (Baron Draxum/Baxter Stockman)
Age: 16 yo.
Gender/sexuality: Demiboy/Demisexual Homoromantic
Love Interest: Alopex (Cis Male)
Species: Spiny Softshell Turtle
Build: Tall and lanky, still having broad shoulders and strong legs-6’3”
Personality: INTJ, perceives the world as a puzzle for him to solve, hates being told he’s wrong or useless, loves using his mind to impress and intimidate others
Being hatched and genetically modified first of the turtles, Donnie is the oldest and can be prone to wanting control.
He was created specifically for ordering others around, which explains his tall frame and permanent deadpan look on his face.
During his time in the lab, Donnie was trained in Karate, Kung fu, Tai chi, but not Ninjutsu.
He was fed only rice gruel, making him and the other experiments terrifyingly skinny.
The medical staff at TCRI realized that Donnie was too able-minded with sight, so they decided to weaken him by brutally injuring one eye repeatedly until he could no longer see in it.
This caused Donnie to just stumble around the lab while practicing martial arts, until he could do every technique with his good eye closed.
The medical staff’s plan had backfired, so they isolated him until he was rescued by Splinter.
His body type is tall, thin and intimidating, causing him to loom over his friends and family like a tall building.
He has broad shoulders and a prominent chest, along with thick curves around his back thighs and calves.
His arms are relatively weak, so he has trains them a lot so he can fight better with his staff.
His legs are really strong, so he could probably kick Leo through the wall of a f*ckin’ subway car if he tried hard enough.
His mystic powers relate to the earth and stabilization of the mind.
Basically, ATLA earthbending style and closed-eye combat.
The explanation to his power is that he closes his eyes and feels his surroundings with enhanced senses, using tactility to find out the best way to fight without hurting himself too much.
His earth control is really powerful, he’s able to bring up small mountains from some tough ground in order to surprise the enemy.
Donnie and his brothers sometimes combine elements to create stuff like geysers, typhoons, and mini active volcanoes.
Cannot control himself around sweets (April: tf did my cupcake go Donnie: Mmf…so good~ April: Donnie!! Donnie: Eep!)
Has a little turtle robot named Terra, short for Tortuga.
Watches anime with Leo
Actually hates Leo with burning passion, oldest and youngest energy
Hatsune Miku fan and owns a owns a hoodie modeled after her outfit
As soon as Leo turns fifteen, he immediately grows to the same height as Donnie within a few months (Mutant genes are weird I guess).
I imagine it would happen like this:
Leo: *going on a trip to Japan* Bye Donnie!!
Donnie: Bye, Tiny.
(Months later)
Leo: *comes back* Hey Don.
Leo: *just smirks*
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alexandraisyes · 2 months
Hi, I'm the same person who ranted about the D*hmer thing. Decided to send another "confession", and it's about why I stopped watching the TSBS shows entirely:
I stopped because I got tired of Davis making Eclipse a "Torture Porn" character for the fans that disliked him and killing him for the THIRD... F*CKING... TIME!
And it doesn't help that during that time, they had Eclipse V3 being isolated in what I think WOULD be a claustrophobic space for an animatronic, verbally abused by literally EVERYONE (except for Earth, bless her soul) around him, despite the fact that it was VERY CLEAR that he wasn't V1 or V2.
And then they just had Lunar kill Eclipse, not only RUINING him for me, but also traumatized Earth, who I think should have just stayed away from Lunar longer than I heard about.
This was also triggering for me because I've suffered from verbal abuse from my "parental figures" (AKA my biological father and his girlfriend) for TEN YEARS.
I just couldn't stand how Davis was treating his OWN ORIGINAL CHARACTERS, and it didn't help that in the episode where Eclipse was honestly trying to tell New Moon that "Ruin" was the "real threat", Davis just had Reed, as New Moon, just shout a bunch of death threats, which again triggered a flashback to my preteenhood.
Also, there was NO POINT in making Ruin a bad guy. Davis just HAS to have characters that are either "Good" or "Evil". Clearly "Neutral" doesn't exist in his head and sees everything from a "Black and White" point of view.
I think that you're taking the lore too seriously. It's a silly youtube channel about fictional robots. I don't really know what to say to this without going on a massive tangent about why the things they did were important for character growth and story progression. The characters have never really been "out of character" and if you understand how to craft a narrative then you can see what angle the VAs are going for.
Also, sue them for doing what they want with their characters, I guess. I hope you live a happy life where you never consume any fictional media ever because every novel and comic and show starts with a handful of OCs, and creators love their angst.
I'm sorry that you feel triggered by the show, but maybe instead of insulting the VAs you should go talk to a professional and take a break from the internet.
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thatcannibalkitty · 5 months
blue rabbits stickers now available for pruchase on my ko-fi ! 💕
(reblogs are heavily appreciated !!)
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