#a friend of mine explained the difference to me but i wasn't really paying attention lol
hazbinwrittenby · 2 months
Forgotten feelings
Pairing: Huskerdust
Request: "Huskerdust first kiss" Warnings: nope, just fluffy Sorry it took longer than expected, hope you like it;;
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(pic not mine, credit linked)
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"I lost the ability to love years ago" Husk confessed, at the table with Angel.
The topic of today's activity was love, and Charlie thought about a sort of speed dating to get to know each other better, given that there were new guests at the hotel. And now, it was Angel and Husk's turn.
Angel felt a rush of sadness mixed with curiosity:"There must be something you love, like... drinking! Don't you love drinking?"
"I meant love other beings, it's a different feeling, at least I guess." Husk explained "And I drink because I don't want to feel anything."
"Oh-" Angel looked down at his other pair of hands, trying to think of a new conversation topic to escape the embarrassment, when Husk did the job for him: "What about you?"
"Well I... I love crack." he laughed, and that made Husk chuckle.
Angel got overwhelmed, it was a rare sound, that laugh.
"Okay! Time's up!" Charlie spoke through her microphone, and with that, they both got up and moved to the bar.
"I'm curious though, only drugs you love?" Husk continued,
"Let's just say I got so used to my job that I kinda forgot how it feels like..."
"Shit that must be hard."
At this point, usually, Angel would've said something cheesy like "yes, always hard~", but he just stayed silent, thinking about when was actually the last time he loved something, or someone...he was in hell, after all, and maybe this was his punishment.
Husk noticed his lack of words, and took away his glass.
"Hey-" Angel begun to complain but Husk placed a hand on the back of his now empty hand. "I'm sorry about that."
They locked eyes for a few seconds, a blush forming on Angel's cheeks, "I'm fine" he scoffed, trying to be convincing.
"Fake” Husk judged.
“Again with this shit?” Angel stood up too quickly and felt so dizzy he had to sit back on the bar stool.
Husk nodded no, while laughing, "I was joking, kiddo".
His laugh causing Angel to blush again, for a moment he really thought all the things they went through together were going to disappear.
It wasn't his usual flirting mode, Angel reeeally wanted to make him feel something, there must be a way...
Hoping Husk wasn't going to make scorched earth around him, Angel grabbed his paw, and placed it on his fluffy chest because he was on a mission now.
"What'cha doing?" Husk was confused, but the alcohol in him had his reflexes slowed down, so he couldn't (or simply didn't want to) escape his grasp.
"Can you feel it?"
"You don't answer a question with another question, kid." Husk scoffed,
"I know but I don't care, trust me on this and answer me first."
"Um yea? I can feel the fluff and it's... nice" Angel felt a rush of blood reaching his chest, for the compliment and because he was now playing with it, letting out a few purrs...
"I meant the thing inside." He carefully pressed his paw to feel his heartbeat, Angel's hand never leaving his.
"Thought you were dead..." Husk was even more confused but it didn't matter... he wanted to snuggle it, didn't know if it was his cat instincts kicking in or...something else.
"Me too!" Angel smiled, "but turns out I just had to pay attention".
Husk's body was struck by a mix of symptoms, that he could swear he forgot... he was feeling again. Even if a bit numb, he felt his fur becoming softer, his paw beans touching something so warm, and his heart pounding again.
Angel was overwhelmed by seeing his grumpy overlord friend getting confused by this new mix of emotions and feelings, he just wanted to make him discover more, so he asked him to follow him.
Husker put up a sign saying "BRB, serve yourselves or don't, IDC" and quickly reached Angel who was waiting for him in his room.
They sat on the edge of the bed, next to each other and following his instinct, Husk began to play again with Angel's chest. He was mesmerized by Husk's expression on his face, he was just a kitten, who craved touch so much and it showed.
Angel's second pair of hands cupped his face, making him feel warmth and safe, then they locked eyes, and without saying a word, moved closer until their lips were just inches apart. The first touch of Angel’s lips was soft as a feather’s caress, and Husk felt a rush of warmth spread from his chest (another forgotten sensation) igniting every nerve. The kiss deepened, and it was sweet, careful, it tasted like alcohol and comfort. When they pulled away, both were breathless, Husk wasn't used to it anymore, and Angel had the stamina yes, but his usual kisses were just for show, no feelings involved. Their hearts were pounding in perfect sync, Angel knowing this just because it was now his hand pressed on Husk's chest. "Told you," Angel smiled, "you just had to pay attention"
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This would work for any grumpy x sunshine.
Like sunshine just goes on and on talking about their interests and grumpy listens, from an outside eyes it may look like they don't care but of course they do.
I see a scenario with grumpy!Reader x Eddie. He keeps on talking about his new DnD campaign, and the reader listens, he at some point thinks she's not interested, but wave it off and keeps talking, less enthusiastically though,(he knows she would say something if she wasn't interested at all, but sometime he has a lot of doubts.)
But some time later, she shows up with something she brought for his campaign, and he is just all adoring and hugging.
For a dialogue, you can just write the reader giving Eddie the present, of course.😂
omg yes! this is so cute! 🥰🥰🥰 Warnings: smoking; reader is in a bad mood/grumpy, also I know little to nothing about D&D so sorry for any mistakes about it Disclaimer: I don’t own Stranger Things 😊 gifs aren’t mine 😁
New Dice
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"Dude, what's up with your girlfriend?" Eddie turned to look at Dustin and Lucas who were now beside him at his locker.
"Nothing, why?" he asked, confused. Before either one of them could reply, they all saw you make your way down the hallway, pushing a few people out of your way as you walked to your locker.
"Well... she just... seems a bit... grumpy..." Lucas said, nervously. They all knew better than to talk bad about you in Eddie's presence. "-er than usual" he finished.
"What do you mean, Sinclair?" Eddie asked, confused.
"Look, we know she's not... the most cheerful person, but she's usually pretty chill with us. And today, she even pushed us out of the way" Dustin explained.
"And she didn't answer when we said hello to her, which she always does" Lucas added as they heard you smash your locker's door, louder than usual as one of your least favorite people approached you.
"This is gonna be good" Dustin muttered under his breath.
"Hey, babe-"
Before Andy could even finish, you grabbed his wrist, twirled his arm around, and pushed him against the lockers.
"If you ever touch me again, I will make sure that the only way you are able to eat is through a straw, got it?" you threatened him before letting him go and he nodded cowardly before you made your way through the halls again, pushing a few people out of your way, again.
"Yeah, okay, something might be up" Eddie said, nervously.
Your encounters with Andy were usually just you cursing at him and maybe pushing him away if he got too close. But you were in a bad mood today. And that was not good.
"We just wanted to let you know, dude" Dustin said, patting him on the shoulder before he and Lucas went the other way.
By lunchtime, Eddie was entirely convinced that something was up with you. You had rarely spoken to him, or anyone, really. There was a permanent frown on your face, and right now, you seemed to not be paying attention to what was going on at your table. Granted, whenever you sat with him at the Hellfire table, you rarely participated since you didn't really play D&D. Even if you always listened to Eddie when he talked to you about his character or a new campaign he was working on, deep down, he sometimes feared that you would realize just how different the two of you are and you would basically get bored with him. And today, as he watched you grumpily play with your food instead of eating, while the rest of his friends happily discussed tonight's 'The Cult of Vecna', he definitely felt anxious.
"Hey, princess" he said softly, getting your attention as you lifted your head and smiled wearily at him. "You okay?"
"Yeah" you nodded, looking away from him. "'M fine" you insisted.
You hated that Eddie was probably the person who could best read you, and he would instantly know when something was wrong. You didn't hate that he knew you so well, you hated that he would think you're too moody or get upset about stupid things and wouldn't want to be with you anymore.
"You sure?" he asked, grabbing your hand and stroking the back of it with his thumb. "You've seemed... a bit edgy today" he said, making you chuckle a little. He meant you seemed extremely grumpy today. You had heard everyone else say that. Well, not really the word grumpy but, bitchy.
"Sorry" you murmured, looking down and squeezing Eddie's hand tighter. "I'm a bit nervous about... my Math test" you lied, hoping he would let it go.
"Oh, sweetheart, you shouldn't worry about that" he said, bringing your hand to his lips. "You've studied all week. I'm sure you're gonna do great" he smiled. "Do you want to go over it tonight one last time?"
"No, love. That's okay, you have your Vecna's um... curse thing" you chuckled.
"It's cult, dude" Gareth interrupted, laughing a little. "Is The Cult of Vecna" he corrected.
"That's what I said" you said, rolling your eyes.
"No, you said curse" Jeff laughed.
"Well, it's the same thing!" you snapped at him, getting irritated again. "S-sorry, Jeff" you said, feeling a little guilty. "I need some air" you smiled at Eddie before getting up.
"Is... she okay?" Jeff asked, confused.
"Not really" Eddie sighed, getting up and instantly following you.
He finally made it all the way to the picnic tables past the football field and he found you smoking.
"Thought you said you needed air" he chuckled, when you turned around to look at him, still frowning.
"This is fresh air" you defended yourself.
"Look, sweetheart, I'm sorry" he said, sitting on his side of the picnic table. You frowned at him confused, tossing your cigarette away.
"What? Why are you sorry?" you asked, sitting on the table in front of him.
You hated that your sulky mood may have passed on to him. Eddie was that ray of sunshine that made you want to smile all the time. He looked up at you with his big brown puppy eyes and you felt like someone had just kicked you in the stomach. If there was something that you truly hated, was seeing Eddie upset.
"What's wrong?" you asked, worriedly.
"Look" he said, grabbing your hand in his. "It's just... I know that you don't really like this whole D&D thing and we talk about it non-stop, especially me, telling you about my campaign and all and I just... I'm sorry. I know it can be boring for you and I'm just worried that you realize that we're too different or something and you're just not gonna want to be around me anymore-"
"What? Eddie, love, no" you said, cursing yourself silently. You climbed off the table and sat on the bench next to him, taking a deep breath as you played with his fingers. "You got this all wrong" you muttered. "I'm so sorry I've been in a shitty mood, but I promise it's nothing about that" you insisted, looking up at him. "I love it when you talk about D&D, it's really interesting, and I love how excited you get when you talk about your campaigns" you admitted, feeling your cheeks burning a little.
"Really?" Eddie asked, feeling his heart fluttering and you nodded, with a tiny smile forming on your lips. "So, why have you been in such a bad mood today? And don't say it's your Math test, because I know you're going to do great at that-"
"It's not" you admitted. "I actually had it today and I think I did pretty well" you smiled. "Thanks for helping me study" you added.
"So then, what happened?" he asked, frowning. "I mean, don't get me wrong, seeing you kick Andy's ass was the highlight of my day, but I know that something's bothering you" he insisted.
"You sighed, grabbing your bag from the floor and putting it between the two of you.
"I b-bought you something" you said, looking down.
"You did?" he asked excitedly, but his smile dropped again. "Wait, why did that make you upset?"
"It's just..." you said, getting out a small pouch out of your bag. "Last week, when you were telling me about the whole Vecna campaign, you mentioned you lost your dice" you started. "And so, I wanted to get you new ones, and I did, and I wanted to give them to you today because I knew your campaign was tonight, so I told Gareth and I showed them to him and he said that you had already bought some and that mine were not the right kind because the set only has seven dice and the ones that you use for your campaigns have more" you said, opening the pouch and making the seven dices fall on your palm. Eddie didn't think he could love you more until he saw the dice set. They were black and silver metal dice with blood stains on them. "So, I got upset because when I went to the store, the guy asked me what I needed and he laughed when I didn't really know, and when I asked for dice for D&D he started telling me about all the different types of dice and I just got so confused, and then I saw these and I thought they looked metal, and cool and that you would like them but-"
You were suddenly interrupted when Eddie placed his hands on your cheeks and pulled you to him so he could kiss you intensely. You loved these kinds of kisses from Eddie. They were so full of passion and desire that it made your entire body tingle.
"I love you so fucking much" he said, before he planted another kiss on your lips and he felt a smile on your lips.
"I love you too" you said, unable to stop smiling at the way Eddie was looking at you. He looked so enamored by you.
"Princess, first of all, these are the coolest dice I have ever seen in my entire life and I can't believe that you bought them for me and I love them so much!" he insisted, grabbing the dice from your hand before he carefully placed them on their little pouch again.
"Really?" you asked, feeling a little relieved, but you still felt he was just saying that to make you feel better. "B-but Gareth said-"
"Gareth's an idiot" he said, rolling his eyes.
"He's your best friend!"
"He's still an idiot" Eddie insisted. "Look, sometimes we do use more than seven dice but we always use at least seven" he told you. "Plus, are you kidding? These are so badass! Everyone is going to want to play with them, although I might not let them because they are mine and those idiots lost my last ones so-"
"Eddie" you chuckled.
"Right. My point is, I'm sorry that you were in a bad mood because you thought I wouldn't like them" he told you. "Sweetheart, you could give me a cat and I would love it more than anything-"
"Eddie, you're allergic to cats" you chuckled.
"I know, but it's a gift from you" he said smiling. "I love every single thing you give me and that you do for me" he insisted, grabbing your hands in his.
"Really?" you asked, smiling brightly at him. Eddie loved it when you smiled. Especially because he knew he was the only one who made you smile like this.
"Yes, princess" he said, pulling you again for another kiss. "Thank you for my cool gift" he smiled, putting the small pouch in his bag.
"You're welcome, Eddie" you smiled shyly.
"Also, you're gonna tell me the store that you went to and point at the guy who laughed at you because I'm going to kick his ass!"
"Love, you don't have to do that" you chuckled, giving him another peck on the lips.
"Yes, I do. Nobody laughs at my princess" he pouted before he kissed you again.
The End
A/N: hope you loves liked it!
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catherinnn · 1 year
I'm really sorry.
JJ Maybank x reader (happy ending), Pope Heyward x reader (angst)
JJ wasn't really paying attention when Pope tells him about his new crush, that's why he ends up flirting with her and accidentally starting a relationship with her, until Pope can't believe that JJ is such a bad friend, and he gets a chance to explain himself, would he be able to forgive him?
warnings: mentions of sex, angst, fighting, alcohol consumption, you will want to hug Pope really tight.
words: 3.6 k
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“Oh wait, I need another drink!” You said while you stopped dancing for a minute and went to the table where all the drinks were. You decided to go out tonight with your friends to the annual bonfire that was being held at the cut. You grabbed the bottle of vodka, the juice and the ice and started pouring it in your cup, when you noticed someone staring. JJ Maybank, you didn’t really know him much, never really talked to him—well, directly at him, you did talk about him with your friends noticing how cute he is.
“Hi?” You said when he kept watching you.
“Hey sorry, I was just about to offer you a beer” he says.
“Oh no thanks, I’m having vodka”
“You prefer vodka over a beer?” he said in a judgmental tone.
“Well, don’t say it like that! It’s good, I promise”
“”Yeah it’s good, but not as good as beer”
“That’s cause you haven’t tried mine yet”
“Oh, I doubt it, sweetheart”
“Here” you handed him your cup and he grabbed it with a questioning look. He took a sip, then a second one, and a smirk showed up on his face.
“It’s good sweetheart, I’ll have to give you that” You smiled at him. “Now you have to try my beer though”
“What’s the difference between a JJ beer with the regular beer?” you asked playfully.
“Oh, you see, I always pick the best one, it’s like a talent”
“A very impressive one” you joked and took the beer to try it. “Mmh, that’s… really something else” you said sarcastically. Obviously it tasted like all of the others.
“Right? Well, I have a proposal for you, we’ll share that beer and this cup of vodka together and that way you’ll have to stay by my side for the rest of the night” he flirted.
“Oh, do I really have that kind of a privilege?” you joked.
“Well, thanks to your amazing vodka and your pretty face, you earned it by far”
“Ohh, lucky me!” you smirked and accepted his offer.
The night went on with you both drinking, dancing, and flirting a lot. Going from group to group until you got to JJ’s friend group, the pogues. Now, this wouldn’t have to be problem if Pope didn’t tell JJ he had a crush on you a few weeks prior, on another party that you attended too.
“How can I do this faster than Kie, she always wins” JJ complained to Pope while he examined the can of beer so he could figure out how to drink it faster than Kiara when they were playing that game. But Pope’s attention wasn’t entirely on his friend, he was watching you dance and talk with your friends for afar.
“She’s- just gorgeous” he mumbled thanks to all the alcohol he drank tonight. “Have you seen her? Y/n I mean”
JJ didn’t really pay attention to him as he kept thinking on techniques to drink the can faster than his other friend. “Maybe it’s not the can, maybe it’s the swallowing technique”
JJ mumbled to himself but Pope ignored him to keep talking about you. “God, I’ll never have a chance with a girl like her, what am I thinking?”
But JJ did pay attention to that part, he didn’t really know which girl he was talking about, but he knew his friend was probably wrong.
“Dude, no, don���t say that, you do have a shot”
“You think?” Pope asked him while he almost tripped because of how drunk he was.
“Maybe not tonight, but the next party when you’re more sober, you’ll definitely talk to her” JJ said. He didn’t even listen to which girl, but he was sure his friend had a chance, he was very smart and a good-looking guy.
Now back to the bonfire night, JJ’s chance with you night. You having JJ’s arm around your shoulder, sharing drinks, dancing together, flirting shamelessly in front of everyone in this party, in front of all the pogues, in front of Pope, didn’t really give Pope the most comfortable night out with his friends.
He didn’t really say anything, just silently hating and wondering to himself how could JJ do this to him when he had, just weeks prior, told him to shoot his shot with you, that he totally had a chance. Unbelievable.
The rest of the pogues didn’t notice anything, they didn’t know, Pope had just told JJ about his crush on you. They all kept talking and dancing with you two, laughing or rolling eyes at every flirty comment you threw at each other.
“Alright! Just kiss her already” John B joked.
“Dude!” JJ said kind of embarrassed and you laughed.
“You two keep flirting, just kiss, you’re both desperately waiting for it” Sarah said this time. JJ looked at you with a smirk to check on your reaction, when he saw your blushed cheeks and your smile, he knew. Only if he had checked on Pope he would have seen his serious face clearly showing how uncomfortable and sad he felt. But he was busy lowering his face to meet yours and finally kissing you. All of his other friends were busy cheering and watching how cute you two looked together.
The night ended with you and all of the pogues in the Twinkie with John B driving everyone home. You decided to go to the chateau with JJ. You did hesitate at first, not wanting to be “easy” but then you thought of how much you actually wanted to go home with him and how sweet he was with you all night for him to think that low of you.
And after a long night of are you sure?’s and moans between the two of you, and a morning of wearing JJ’s clothes and sharing breakfast, Pope thought he could finally catch a break and start forgetting about you or having to watch his crush with his best friend instead of him. He really thought.
But just like Sarah and Kiara had told you, they’ve never seen JJ so enamoured with someone as he was with you. Giving you his shirts cause “they looked better on you anyway”, cooking with you, cuddling, or even spending the entire pogue’s hangouts either talking about you or texting you. His other friends found this very cute, finally witnessing what JJ is like when he’s whipped—like John B had put it.
But I say that Pope thought he could’ve caught a break is because here he was, a month after the bonfire party, yours and JJ’s party. He was on his way to the chateau to meet his friends and when he got there, he found you and JJ sitting together outside on the couch, just perfect.
“Hey” JJ was the first one to notice him walking in.
“Hi, Pope” you sweetly said. He simply nodded to your direction to at least acknowledge you two and then quickly went inside where the rest of the group was.
“That was weird” JJ stated but didn’t think much about it just yet.
A few minutes later everyone joined you outside. You didn’t notice this, but Pope chose the spot the furthest from you two.
JJ kept noticing how quiet Pope was being, serious face as if he was in a bad mood, and he wanted to cheer him up. So he tried to joke with him, the problem was when Pope didn’t respond, he didn’t even laugh. Thanks to this he started noticing how he would make small talk with Kiara, John B and even with Sarah. Just not with him. As if he was ignoring him for some reason.
“Pope, what’s going on with you today?” JJ started but Pope just shook his head not showing any emotion on his face. “Come on, you can talk to me, this is a safe space” JJ insisted.
“Oh, is it really?” Pope snorted. Everyone else kind of startled with this reaction.
“What? What’s going on man?” JJ asked again.
“I just don’t really think you would be my definition of ‘safe space’ right now, that’s all JJ” Pope answered, still clearly mad and hiding something.
“Why not? What do you mean?” JJ couldn’t understand why he was acting like this.
“You have no idea, do you?” Pope couldn’t believe him right now.
“About what? Dude!”
“Two months ago! I got really drunk at that party we went to and kept telling you how pretty Y/n was!” he exploded and told him the answer, not giving a shit that all of the other pogues and specially you were right there to listen too. It took you by surprise, you had no idea this had happened. JJ seemed to remember that night, the only thing he forgot was who the girl in question was that Pope had talked to him about. “And you told me I should try and talk to her the next time I saw her! But guess who got there first?”
“No, JJ!”
“Pope, I wasn’t listening! OK?! I didn’t pay attention to who the girl was, I didn’t do it on purpose!”
“Surprisingly, that doesn’t make me feel better! Just- fuck you, dude! Really!” Pope stood up and walked away ready to punch anyone who got in his way.
The group stood in silent for the next few seconds, everyone trying to process everything that had just happened. You could feel the looks of Kie, Sarah and John B going from your face to JJ’s back and forth.
The first one to break the silence was JJ. He turned to look at you and his gaze softened. “I’m sorry” he whispered, not able to believe that he really just did that. You walked to him. “I didn’t fucking know, I wasn’t listening when he told me-“
“It’s ok, J-“
“No, now I’m gonna have to choose between you two, and I don’t want to- I-“
“JJ, it’s gonna be ok, we’re gonna go talk to him and calm him down” Kiara and John B said before going to follow Pope.
“I don’t want to stop seeing you” JJ said to you, tears forming on his eyes and clearly panicking. You went to hug him tight.
“JJ, it’s gonna be fine, you won’t have to stop seeing each other. Remember when Kie made John B choose between me or her? And now we’re still all here-“
“That’s not the same, Sarah. I’m gonna lose both of them” JJ said in a week voice.
“You won’t” you whispered for him to hear. “Let’s just wait for John B to come back, and we’ll see what we do”
A few hours later, John B was back. JJ stood up again from the couch. None of you really said anything until he came back, you just kept hugging JJ and he tried to keep calm.
“So?” JJ asked.
“He’s more calmed now, he still doesn’t want to talk though. Give him time and maybe you can try tomorrow”
“Fuck” JJ complained.
“Did you get to talk to him a little?” Sarah asked this time.
“I don’t think he wants you to choose. It just took him by surprise to still have to see you two together after a month” John B said. JJ didn’t respond, just kept thinking and thinking. “Dude, I think you should get some sleep and we’ll try again tomorrow”
“Yeah, JJ” Sarah joined in.
“O-Ok, yeah. Could you stay over?” JJ turned to ask you. You nodded.
“Of course”
For the rest of the night, JJ was having a really hard time trying to sleep. His mind was re-playing the night when Pope had told him he liked you, and all that he could remember from that talk. He remembered telling him to talk to the girl, he remembered thinking that Pope most probably had a chance with whoever the girl was, it didn’t really matter. Then re-playing the night of the bonfire, when he saw you and thought you were the prettiest girl he’d ever seen, talking, flirting, and dancing with you. He remembered when the pogues encouraged him to finally kiss you, and he remembered kissing you, how he felt, how he even did that in front of Pope too. He started feeling like the stupidest person on this planet.
And while everyone else in the chateau were sleeping, even you, sleeping next to him, he had asked you to stay because he thought it could maybe help him get some sleep, he thought that if he spent the night alone in his room, he would only overthink everything so many times and wouldn’t end up sleeping at all. He wasn’t entirely wrong, he did overthink everything that night, but thanks to having you there too, he was able to catch a few hours of sleep eventually.
As the next day comes, JJ keeps fighting the negative thoughts like losing you, or Pope, or even both of you. A few hours into the afternoon, he couldn’t take it anymore, he wanted to give Pope all the time he needed, but he couldn’t concentrate or keep himself distracted anymore, he needed to talk to him.
“Give him some more time, you can’t expect him to get over it in just a day- not even 24 hours!” John B fought JJ and his impulses.
“I can’t just sit here all day and do nothing, I need to show him that I’m sorry, I need him to understand!” JJ explained.
“I know that! But when you’re mad, we give you the time you need to cool off” John B tried to explain but when JJ kept and kept fighting, he just gave up.
“Alright! You really wanna do this?! Okay, just let me come with you so I can mediate if he’s still mad” John B finally said, getting the keys of the Twinkie. 
Once they get to Pope’s, they find him working, helping his dad. They don’t say anything as they get out of the van, they just stand there looking straight at him. When Pope turns around and his attention is drown to the people at the door, his expression changes, from his resting face to an annoyed and serious one.
“Of course it’s you two” Heyward, Pope’s dad, begins when he sees them. “Five minutes, you already had your break” he warns his son and lets him get out to talk to them.
“What?” he simply asks.
“I need to talk to you, I need to explain” JJ says.
“Just hear him out, man” John B tries to convince him. Pope only nods giving him permission to speak.
“I just- I’m sorry man, I really am. I did the shittiest thing and I did it to you and I just want you know that it wasn’t on purpose. The night you told me that I was pretty drunk too and just concentrated on some other shit that doesn’t even matter, and I didn’t pay attention to who the girl you were talking about was. I started paying attention when you said the things about not having a chance with her, and it didn’t matter who the girl was, I knew you weren’t going to have a problem with that and I didn’t want you to pull yourself down. That’s why I said you should talk to her the next time” JJ started explaining why he wasn’t paying attention the first time. “And then the next time we saw her, I didn’t know it was her, and I’m really sorry for what I did”
“I understand that” Pope slowly started. “What was actually hard to take was that you never spend more than a night or a week with a girl, or if you do, she doesn’t really spent so much time with us. That’s what made me react that way”
“I know, man, I'm sorry” JJ agreed.
“Listen, I’m not gonna ask you to stop seeing her, or I won’t stop being your friend. Just- just give me more time to get used to the idea of her being with you”
“Yeah, yeah, I just needed you to know… why I did what I did. Just- all the time you need, man”
Pope was about to say something more when his dad called him to get back to work. “I have to go now”
“Yeah, of course. Just- thank you, really” JJ says before leaving with John B again.
A couple of weeks later, you were meeting with the pogues again for a couple of beers and a bonfire among all of you. JJ and you had kept seeing each other throughout these weeks, you haven’t really seen the pogues in some time though, so it was nice to actually get invited again.
What was even nicer, was that Pope was already there too. You and JJ were wondering if the two of you together could ever enjoy the hangouts with the pogues again. Obviously JJ still hangs out with them, they were his friends first, you were the new one. JJ had told you that Pope seemed a lot better lately, he even asked him how things were going between the two of you, and he actually seemed happy when JJ responded that they were going really good.
At first, even though everybody was really happy to see you again, especially Sarah and Kie for having another girl in the group, you were still a little quiet and showing zero PDA with JJ— which wasn’t something usual for the two of you— but you did it so you didn’t make anyone feel uncomfortable. As the night continued, you let loose a little bit more, actually enjoying it a lot more.
Now, as you saw Pope getting up and going inside the chateau to get more beer, you got up too to follow him.
“Hey” you said so he would notice you went with him.
“Oh, hey” he said a little nervous, not really expecting you.
“Um, I just wanted to thank you for being so understandable I guess, I don’t want to make you uncomfortable, I just wanted you to know I really appreciate it” you started.
“I’ve honestly never seen JJ so…whipped for someone, I couldn’t be the one fucking it up, it’s pretty funny to watch” he joked and you started laughing.
“Yeah, the guys have been saying that too” you tell him.
"Yeah really, we’ve never seen him so in love, I guess that’s what bothered me at first, cause it had to be with you. But, like I said, I just couldn’t be the reason for him to lose this” he admits.
“You’re such a good friend, Pope, really. All of you really are his family, and I’m happy he’s got all of you”
“He’s got you too, you’re the reason for him to be so happy lately, that makes you part of the family too” You could actually cry right now, his words were so thoughtful. “I was the one who told him to invite you tonight, everybody missed you a lot and I wanted to get to know you too”
“That sound great, I’d really like that” you gave him a smile and hugged him for being so unbelievably nice.
“Princess, what’s taking you so lo- oh hey” JJ came to look for you and was taken aback when he found you two hugging.
“Hey, we were just talking, I was actually welcoming her to the pogue family” Pope explained.
“Yeah, I came to thank him for being so nice and cool with us” you told JJ. He smiled and walked to you, hugging you by your shoulders and pulling you closer. “And he also told me how whipped I've got you” you joked.
“You do” he admitted.
“Never thought I’d see the day were JJ gets so corny” Pope admits. “You need to ask her bro, it’s been long enough” he tells JJ and you don’t really understand what he’s talking about.
“You sure you're okay with it?” JJ asks him and Pope nods smiling. Then he walks back out with everyone else.
“What was that about?” you ask JJ confused.
“I really like you, like really really like you. You’ve got me whipped just like they said. You don’t even know how scared I got of losing what we've got when Pope got mad” he explains, you actually do know the feeling of being scared to lose this, you felt it too. “After I made sure he was okay with us together, I asked him if it would be okay if I asked you to be my girlfriend and he said he wanted me to, so… would you be my girlfriend, please? Cause I really like you and I can’t risk losing you” he asks grabbing you by your waist.
“I really like you too J” you admit with a smile. “Yes, I’d love to be your girlfriend”
The biggest smile appears on both of your faces, he pulls you closer and kisses you, still smiling. You play with his hair, enjoying this moment with all you've got.
After you break the kiss before it becomes more heated— you will have time for that later tonight— he gives you a few more pecks on the lips and hand-by-hand you walk back outside where all the pogues are waiting for you expectantly.
“Guys, I’d like to present you… my girlfriend, new official member of the pogues now too” JJ says with some suspense and they all shout and cheer as if their soccer team just won the world cup or something, real emotion. You can’t stop laughing and smiling, this was your family now.
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evelhak · 3 months
You know, I really try to give people the benefit of the doubt, I understand how hard it is to break through your own bubble when you've never lived as a part of any minority, I understand that when you've been able to take for granted that you're represented and accommodated in the vast majority of contexts in your daily life, automatically, it's really difficult to see how that isn't because you're inherently more "natural" than someone else.
Like, not long ago I had a perfectly constructive conversation with a friend, whose partner's mother tongue is a minority language, and she wanted both of their languages to have an equal role in their family's life. Despite all of her good intentions, she still couldn't see how she kept treating her own language as the default. I told her that her partner might feel less like he needs to defend his language if their daily life was worded differently, if his language wasn't always the one that needs to have especially designed days. And this was a completely new idea to her. She hadn't even considered that instead of wording it like "on these days we speak your language" and assuming that the rest of the days are for her language, she could word things in a way where both languages need to be named, both languages have designated days. She was just so used to being the default that she didn't even see it, and it never would have crossed her mind on her own to change her viewpoint.
This is what I initially assume about people when they say or do something thoughtless or insensitive. That they just don't know better yet, that they're just so used to not having to acknowledge wider reality than their own, that the concept doesn't fully exist in their brain. I don't think it makes them bigoted, just uneducated or inexperienced or something. So, if these things come up in conversation, I tend to have a lot of patience and energy to explain new things to people who genuinely want to learn and genuinely just don't yet understand. I even enjoy helping people expand their worldview, in fact few things are as personally fulfilling to me as lending a hand to someone as they're trying to grow as a person.
It's just that when someone says they aren't bigoted, when they say that they support [insert a minority], when they are painting the picture that they are informed about things enough to declare this, and still in random and casual contexts they keep acting like minorities are taking too much space...
*urge to pull hair growing*
Like if another writer tells me that my story would be more balanced if the purpose of it wasn't to showcase every sexuality and gender...
While their own stories are ALL about straight cis perisex people.
And ESPECIALLY when the story of mine that was in question has like... One significant lesbian character. One significant asexual character. One (cis) cross dresser. One significant polyamorous character. And ONLY the lesbian character's character arc is in a mentionable way about being a lesbian. And the rest of the significant characters aren't queer which makes for at least 10 significant cishet characters and several well-developed conventional cishet romances.
I'm sorry but if even in a story where the clear MAJORITY still caters to your experience of normal, the queer rep is ALL you pay attention to, then this is DEFINITELY not my problem.
Like, where do you perceive queer characters to be natural or invisible enough?? When being queer doesn't impact their storylines?? When there's only one significant queer character among a bunch of non-queer characters?? Or when queer characters are only background characters?? When "normal" characters and queer characters exist only in separate works?? Or possibly when queer characters just continue to be invisible to you unless it's about getting a chance to show that you're a good person willing to share the space that was never solely yours in the first place.
Balanced my ass.
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lazysailor · 8 months
22 Kayden
TW: Autism meltdown (not that long though), implied abuse
Today Kayden finally decided to hangout with Tommie during stork hour, they were both currently sitting at a table a bit away from huge groups of people. She enjoyed having some quiet space after being in the kitchen all day and it actually wasn't that bad being here. Tommie was also proving to her that he wasn't that bad of a person to talk to, she hadn't talked to anyone in awhile so it was nice to have some company again. 
Then she remembered Avery..She hadn't even talked to him for awhile..Does she want to talk to him again.? Or does she just let him go find her and talk to her.?
Kayden was stuck in her thoughts, then Tommie managed to make her get out of them.
“Hey Kayden? You doing all right?” He asks her with a concerned look on his face.
She hesitated answering him for a few moments.
“Yeah I’m doing fine.” She answers.
He gave her a skeptical look like he could see straight through her lie.
“What's wrong Kayden?” Tommie asks her.
“I told you I'm fine.” Kayden says but she could feel tears start to build up in her eyes.
“You look like your about to cry, what's wrong?” He asks her again.
She knew she would have to answer him eventually.
“It's about a friend of mine.” Kayden says as she tries to hold back her tears, she didn't want to cry in front of him.
“And what's up with them?” He asks.
At that moment she felt like he could trust him a bit with this.
“It's not really about him..It's more about me.” She says.
Kayden then started to explain to him how she felt like how her and Avery were drifting apart lately and that she wants to fix that but she doesn't know how. During that she felt some kind of weight be lifted off her shoulders since she had been carrying this thought for a long time, but she continued to hold her tears back.
“Well that's what I've been struggling with..” she says to him.
Tommie stayed quiet for a few moments to process her explanation and come up with a solution.
“I’d say you should try to find some time to find him after you're done with your shift tomorrow, I bet he’ll be happy to see you.” He tells her with a grin.
“You really think so.?” She asks him.
“Well by what you told me it seems like he wouldn't forget you.” He reassures him.
Kayden gave him a small smile and she felt herself start to cry.
“Hey! You don't need to cry right now.” Tommie says as she tries to reassure her again.
At the moment she started to see Tommie in a different light, she saw him like a brother, the brother she always wanted.
He was nice towards her, allowed her to talk to him, even reassured her at times..All of those were things her brother never did for her..
Kayden was eight around the time, it was Fourth of the July and she was at her grandparents house with her family. Her parents were talking with her grandparents and her aunts and uncles, her cousins were somewhere. 
She was sitting in her grandparents playroom just playing around with some toys since she hated the loud noise of fireworks coming from outside. Then she heard the sound of someone's footsteps approaching but she didn't pay attention to it. She then felt the touch of someone's hands on her shoulders.
“Boo!” Her brother, who was ten at the time, yells from behind her.
Kayden flinches and gives him a spooked look.
“You scared me Breydin!” She says with a slight lisp since she had a lost one of her baby teeth around that time.
Breydin just laughed to himself.
“I found something cool outside, wanna see it!” He asks her.
She gave him an excited look, around the time she loved looking at cool things..But she was unaware she wasn't about to see anything cool or fun.
Kayden followed her brother outside and he led her a bit away from the house.
“Where's this cool thing Breydin?” She asks him but she could hardly make him out in the darkness.
She looked behind her and she suddenly heard the loud boom of a firework and the bright lights coming from it, in that flash of light she could see her brother standing by it and laughing.
Kayden had no time to react and she fell down to the ground and started crying and covered her ears. Her ears were ringing and her vision was getting blurry from her tears.
She saw her mother ran over to her to comfort her, she didn't know where her brother and dad were.
Later she was sitting in the kitchen sniffing as she finished crying, her older cousin was sitting with her. Kayden didn't know where her parents were but she could hear commotion from somewhere else in her grandparents house.
Ever since that incident her brother has been acting more cruel towards her and everytime he talks now he seems to shout..
Kayden decided to go find Avery after her shift, she was wandering around the graveyard because she honestly didn't know where he could be.
She walked around for a bit and she was starting to lose some hope, but she then sees someone who looks like or even is Avery.
Kayden rushes over to see if it really was him and it was!
An excited look grows on her face and she's about to call his name but she notices someone else with him..It was Ryder..
She suddenly felt jealous as her excited look fades away, she couldn't exactly figure out why she felt so jealous at the moment.
But she turned around and walked away with an irritated look on her face, it had been a long time since she felt irritated or mad about something.
Kayden didn't pay attention to where she was going but she felt someone touch her shoulder, she looked around and saw it was Tommie.
“So..I guess that didn't go well.?” He says to her.
“How did you know?” She asks him.
“The look on your face says everything.” He says.
She felt slightly embarrassed by the fact it was easy to tell she was irritated at the moment, but she shook that feeling off.
“How about we just take a walk together to blow off some steam, yeah?” Tommie says as he starts to walk again.
“That would be nice..” Kayden says as she starts to follow him.
What she was unaware of was that Tommie had another reason to make them go on a walk. He didn't really want to bother helping the other storks at the gym jet since it would only cause trouble for him. Around this time Starkey was handcuffed and being escorted out of the gym jet while lots of the other storks were hurt or knocked out.
They were both unaware of the events that would happen later..
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twottie-m8 · 1 year
My Mother
Original Short Story by Twottie
4.2k words
TW mommy issues, minor violence, swearing
SUMMARY: Dr. Perez takes some time out of her morning to listen to her voice-mail, only to find quite the interesting story told by her now former patient.
Clocking into her shift Thursday morning, Dr. Perez is given a once-over by her receptionist, who greets her with a smile and nod of her head in acknowledgment. Swerving around the receptionist desk and towards the kitchenette, Dr. Perez starts her shift by making herself a pick-me-up coffee before settling into her office. She notices the missed calls on her landline; there were only three. A good amount of time stood between her first appointment scheduled for the day and now, so she decided to hear them through her morning mug.
"Dr. Perez, it's unfortunate to stop our sessions so soon after making so much progress, but there's something I need to do. I'll do my best to try and explain what I've been avoiding speaking to you about here and now, as I will no longer be attending any more sessions in the future." Dr. Perez waits as there is a pause in the message, where it seems that the start of a long-winded confession would begin.
"It wasn't my mother, but it raised me nonetheless. I'm sorry, I should start from the beginning. From my earliest memory, I never had any family. It was just me and that thing, alone in that single house for most of my childhood. Nobody ever visited, unless you'd count the mailman, and it never really told me whether or not I had any. Well, to be fair, it never really spoke much at all, but I could understand it without needing to hear any words the majority of the time. I'd say besides the isolation, I had a pretty normal childhood: went to school, rushed to finish my homework once I got back, then ran around and played with the other kids in the neighborhood. Pretty mundane, but that's for the better, isn't it? Don't really know how good you've got it until it's gone and all that.
It was nice, but I think I knew from a young age that something about my home life just wasn't meant to be known to others. The other kids would always invite each other over, I'd been to their houses as well and I could see just how different other parents were from mine. For one well they actually talked, quite a lot too, like they wanted to be friends. They stayed around even when you didn't need them, made physical contact and sometimes even try and participate in whatever games we were playing. I just knew deep down I couldn't invite them over the same way they invited me.
I grew up like that, in that same neighborhood until I was about 12. Then we moved. I still don't know why, but it was ubrupt and quick. I don't think I'll ever forget the way the thing would be so watchful of our surroundings. I don't recall it ever blinking during the move, but then again I was a kid so I didn't really pay much attention in the moment. I asked it if I could say goodbye to my friends at least when I noticed them slowing down on their bikes to see why we were packing luggage into our car. It looked back and forth between my friends and I as though it was taking into consideration if they would be worth risking spare time for. Eventually it turned away and continued to load up the car, which I took to be a 'make it quick' gesture. I tried to explain to my friends at the time that it was unexpected, that even I didn't know, but it was hard to. For some reason, I just couldn't bring myself to try and bring up any explanation. It was like there was something that was policing what I could talk about, but right inside of my head. Instead, I gave them a few hugs and goodbyes, and when they asked if they'd ever see me again, all I could do was shrug. We didn't move everything when we left, leaving the furniture and a lot of other stuff behind.
I didn't get to take my bike.
The next house we lived in was more secluded. There was forest as far as the eye could see, and our nearest neighbor was a good 3 miles away. The house itself was smaller than our old one, but not uncomfortable. It looked older and unkempt, and for a moment I wondered if it could really be sellable on the home market.
Despite that, we managed to make a home of it. Or at least, I did. Between school, finding a new social circle, and all that other stuff on a teenage priority list, I found some time to add decor around the house. A painting I did in art class I hung up on the wall, stickers were plastered on the fridge and a nice plant I'd found on a walk planted in the front yard. All the thing ever did was keep the house tidy enough to live in. At school, it was hard to make friends. Kids at that age had already made their clicks and were keen on isolating outsiders. You'll be surprised by how mean countryside kids can be. I ended up mostly keeping to myself those years in middle school.
I was 14 when I started to question what I was living with. You see, at first I thought it was my mother, a woman who despite not having much interaction with myself or others, still did what she could to put food on our plates and a roof over our heads. I assumed that she just wasn't a people person. I could respect that.
It was on a chilled spring night towards the end of my first year of high school when I heard it. I crept quietly out of my room for some water and didn't want to unnecessarily wake her up. Turns out she had already been up and awake.
Instinctively, I hid back around the door frame and strained my ears. I guess I didn't want to get in trouble for being up so late, not that I ever had before. I could hear her footsteps creak the old wooden floor of the living room, the sound making its way from one side across the other. Then came this, this chittering sound. I guess it could be described at rattling, or maybe even something like an insect's chirp, but nothing I would think a human could ever make. My eyes adjusting to the dark, I risked peaking around the doorframe.
I could see what I called my mother standing and staring at the painting I hung up about a year back. It stood there, dead still before reaching an arm up to it. It caressed the painting, stroking a hand around the side of it as it chirped that same sound. I thought that maybe, maybe it was muttering from a distance that made it sound incomprehensible, so I leaned in to get a better listen. That was my mistake.
Leaning forward slid my foot off the carpet and onto the wooden floor that would creak at every step, and mine were no exception. I spun back around that same time it spun its head. I was too scared to confront it.
I ran back up the stairs, into my room, and under my sheets. I couldn't sleep for the rest of that night.  When morning came, I was reluctant to leave my bed, let alone my room. But I still had school. So I got up and painstakingly stepped down the stairs, one by one. At the end of the stairway, I could see it in the kitchen, cooking me breakfast as it always did. Back then I shrugged it off as being tired and hearing things. Having sat down at the table, I started on my breakfast and it cleaned up the pots and pans used. It struck me then, for the 14 years I lived not once did I ever see it eat.
I was bold in the daylight, so I asked it, 'Mom, why don't you eat with me?' Its movements stopped. Turning to me, in a far too smooth manner, I could read nothing from its expression. It simply just shook its head before finishing cleaning up and leaving me alone with my meal. I never did figure if that meant 'not hungry' or 'doesn't eat'. 
The next unnerving time I remember was at the start of the following school year, where I had, for lack of a better term, a shit day. There was this new head honcho of the 'popular kids' that decided making fun of people that were minding their business was funny. I was the personal little comedian from across the classroom for that entourage nearly all day, and couldn't wait to get home. When school finally broke out for the day, I found myself at the car pickup lot. My house was in that direction of the school, so I settled myself for the long trek back home. It was there that the same kid who'd been on my ass all day caught sight of me. 
'No ride back? What, your parents tryna forget having you?' Is what that dipshit said while hopping into a pickup truck, with a subtle chuckle in the throat. I wanted to tear that throat out right then and there, but instead I marched home."
A notable sigh breaks the building up tension in the caller's tone.
"I'll admit, it wasn't my finest moment when I came back home. I caught sight of it chopping an apple into slices in the kitchen, and well, I lashed out. I yelled at it to do more than the bare minimum, to be there for me, and if it really loved me—well you know how it is, teenage angst and drama. In my flurry of rage it seemed taken aback, but didn't take to moving, or, of course, talking. I stormed up the stairs and slammed my door. Like I said, teen angst. After a long while of tears and loud music blaring in my headphones, my phone died, and I fell alseep to the chittering sounds of it downstairs, pacing back and forth the length of the living room. The very next day when I had settled myself up for the walk home from school, there was a sudden silence. I looked up to see what was wrong, only to find it standing across the street.
It looked so unnatural, and then it stepped forward. It kept walking until I was standing just a few feet away. Then, it lent out a hand. And I took it. It was cold and a bit slimy, and I didn't dare to squeeze it. We walked home like that. It came to bring me home from that day on, hand in hand. From that day on there were no sly comments or anyone pestering me anymore until I graduated. No doubt they understood there was something disturbing about that thing I called a mother. 
Life at home also changed. Sometimes, I would be sat downstairs, reading a book or watching TV when it would enter the room and sit nearby. It never said anything, of course, just sat there until I'd eventually leave. Then it'd go back to doing whatever it is that it did. Work, I assumed back then.
I still hoped it was human, just awkward at it, yknow? I guess that was its way of spending time with me now that I look back on it. But, there were moments that fed into my not-so-human doubts. The summer of junior year, it came knocking on my bedroom door. When I opened the door, I could tell it wanted me to follow, so I did. Down the stairs and to the backyard we went.
Outside, there were gardening tools and sacks of fertilizer scattered all over. 
I looked at it. 
It looked at me.
I looked back and forth between it and the backyard.
It picked up a gardening hoe. We were gardening.
The sun was scorching, and I had felt the sweat seep through my tank top. I glanced over to it, wondering if it, too, could sweat. It didn't. It looked as though it were filing through paperwork at an office with the A/C on blast. To be fair it did wear a sun hat, but I doubted the hat could do so much. Still do.
We worked on starting up that garden for a good half of the summer. When we finally began planting the seeds, I couldn't help but notice the focus and care it gave to each seed. Poking a perfect hole, carefully dropping in seeds one at a time before filling up the hole with fertilizer fresh from the bag. With each point, it made sure to firmly pat the ground as though to reassure it before moving on to the next spot. It looked so human with the amount of care it gave those seeds, like they were all special and meant the world to it. And for the first time ever, I saw a smile that somehow managed to creep up onto its face.
That fall I ate a lot of broccoli."
Shuffling noises mix into the audio, as though the caller is shifting posture, perhaps getting more comfortable?
"Things were...nice. And they continued on like that for a while. I attended school in peace, spent time sitting around with it, and we had our garden. I felt a bit stupid for thinking it could be anything otherworldly or non-human.
Until the end of senior year, that is. I got asked out to prom, ironically by the same kid who rhetorically asked if my parents loved me. My original plan was to spend it the same as I did the last year: at home binging TV as it perched itself on the other end of the couch. But for some odd reason, I decided well, why not? Let's see where this goes. So I eventually asked it if it could take me shopping for prom attire. It tilted its head. I understood its confusion. After I explained to it that I was asked to a dance, it leapt up to its feet and proceeded to drag me out of the house. We drove to the closest clothing store right then and there.
We ended up spending hours trying on outfits until we finally frankensteined together the perfect one. I actually began to feel a bit excited for prom, admittedly. The days ticked by and so would my heart. I began to get nervous as I realized that it was really happening. By the night of the dance I was so anxious about the event that I probably looked like a shivering chihuahua in my attire. It noticed and lifted an arm up. With its hand it caressed my face, guiding itself along the side of my face.
'Mine child,' it croaked. My heart stopped at the sound. It was less so the actual words themselves and more of a mimicry of each syllable. There was the same rattling in its voice as I'd always heard, but accompanied with a hint of an echo. It was hard, but I flicked my gaze up to it. Its eyes were big and knowing.
It knew.
It knew that I knew.
Before I could drown in my thoughts, there was a knock at the door. My date. It was a bit of a blur from the shock of it all, but I guess I numbly followed my date out of the house and into the school. I snapped back at the prom when my date got me a drink. I gave my thanks for the drink and mentioned needing to sit down. I was grateful for the patience and understanding I was given as my date led me outside to get some fresh air.
Sitting alongside the school's brick wall, we got to know each other better. I'll spare you the details, but I did get to know that punk better.
My date cracked a god-awful joke, I laughed, but something caught my eye that had me stop dead still. I could see it in the forest. It was hunched and appeared as though it were running from something. I abandoned my date to check up on it, no harsh feelings I hope. Never before had I seen it behave that way, with wild gestures and uncoordinated limbs. It always came across as well-kept and put together.
It was in distress. I wondered what could've happened for it to behave like that.
Too bad for me that I never did catch up to it that night. Maybe if I did, I could've helped. I ended up abandoning my date for the rest of that night, no offense but I really didn't care for that person all too much. I walked around the forest until the sun started crowning over the horizon. When I got back home the sky finally reached a bright blue and cops were at our door.
I didn't take into consideration that my date would be worried enough to call the police and start up a search party to look for me. Whoops.
I did get a good scolding from the officers, but it all went in one ear and out the other. Once they finally backed off and drove away, I crept up the stairs and stopped in front of its room. I knocked on its door, asked if it was there. Got me worried for a bit when there was no answer, but when I put my ear against the door I could hear it, faintly chittering.
It flushed in a huge wave of relief for me that it made it home after whatever had happened last night.
I was so...clueless, back then. I thought that shrugging off whatever had happened that night was, well, whatever. I chalked it up to 'adult stuff', like a carefree idiot. Because that's just what I was, all my life I never really bothered to investigate further, I never really breached more than what was necessary. And I admit that yeah, I'm kind of a sheep in that sense. 
I would be a sheep no more come winter.
At the start of taking my gap year first before entering college, as I'm sure you know I did mention that I was taking a gap year when we first met. It was snowing, back in December. I got up around that time of the day where despite the dark of night, the snow manages to illuminate the scenery.
Had a rough time trying to sleep, so I kind of just gave up on it and headed downstairs for a snack. It was cold downstairs. I looked around and spotted the back door open, with footsteps leaving the house. I quickly ran back up the stairs and backtracked to see that, yeah, its bedroom door was left ajar too. So in a panic I bundled up and ran out the door to follow it, because in my head I'm thinking along the lines of 'oh my god, it's prom night all over again'. But this time, I thought that if I could catch up with it, I could find like, the answers to everything, or something. 
The footprints led me back into the woods. I jumped at every crack of a branch and shuffling of snow, but kept moving forward.
Rather, that is until I lost my trail.
Here I was, wandering around the forest in the middle of the night wondering where my legal guardian had ran off to, honestly feeling a bit ridiculous until soon enough, I found my answer when I heard the click of a gun.
I'll be honest, I don't really know my guns so I couldn't tell you what kind it was other than that he could hold it with one hand.
Because he did, right up to my head.
I remember every moment so vividly. The older man with his graying beard, smoking a cigarette between jarringly straight and white teeth. They couldn't have been real. I really doubt they were. 
'Follow me, and we won't have a problem, arighty?' He said with a southern drawl. Obviously I complied because he had a freaking gun to my head. The snap of a branch beneath my shoe gathered its attention as we stepped into its line of sight. It flinched, and I swear to you, there was this unabashed, raw terror in its eyes for a moment. 'Looky here, sweetheart,' the old man spoke up, 'how's about we have ourselves a bit of a deal? Your head,' he said as he turned the gun from me to it, 'for this one.' And he tilted his head to gesture at me. I was shaking, trembling—I mean obviously I would in that situation. I was scared and had no power.
It looked at me, and then back to the man. There was a painstakingly heavy silence as the stalemate went on. It whimpered eventually, before lowering its head. Offering it.
'Good choice.' That old man said, and then he dropped his cigarette, snubbing it out as the last of the smoke in his lungs seeped out between his teeth.
I called for my mother. In a shaky breath that made an appearance in the cold winter air and with a tear stained face, I called for it like it could run over here and snap that gun in two. Like it could use some kind of incredible strength to bash this bastard's head in.
It didn't. Instead, the man laughed. ''Mother'? Y'really think that thing's yer mother? Now, ain't that jus' a cruel joke.' It clutched itself closer together, like it was apprehensive of the man's words. He kept going, 'Open yer eyes, that thing is no mother, kid. That,' and he gestured with his gun, the grip of his other hand forcing me to lean forward and stumble a bit, 'is a monster. And I? Well, I hunt monsters.' I looked at him as though he was crazy, to which he rolled his eyes. 'Since yer such a skeptic, I'll show ya.' He proceeded to shove me to the ground, and aimed his gun to me again. 'Get to shedding sweetcheeks, or I'll have an unfortunate slip of the finger and bad aim.'
It squealed in a tormented tone, slightly scuttering around. I propped myself up to my elbows and tried to get a hold of my head since I had landed bumping it on a rock. I could feel a wet warmth pooling.
I think that was when it settled its mind. My eyes raked up as it shed its human skin. Folding down around it as though it were a robe dropping to the snow, the skin of what I thought up to that point as my mother revealed the creature underneath.
It's real skin, I suppose, glistened greens and blues in the moonlight that peaked through the leaves. The limbs that filled in for human appendages were twisted around each other to take on a humanoid shape. It unfurled itself, spindled limbs and creaking length towering. All I could do was watch in still silence as it wavered itself closer to my direction, cooing before being shot down and dropping in front of me with a loud, wet thud.
'Your betta off without it.' The man crouched down to my side said, the solid grip of his hand on my shoulder. He stayed like that for a few seconds before deciding that was enough, dragging its body with him and out of the forest.
I laid there until morning. I might've passed out. Somehow, he made it look like a freak accident.
Then, well I think you know from there an investigation started, case closing just about as soon as it opened. All chalked up to a crazy mother dragging her kid out into the woods to be dealt with during a manic episode. Everyone around me gave out false pity, condolences, and other complimentary bullshit. They didn't know the truth, nor did they want to bother finding it.
The whole process felt unreal. Hell, I was shell-shocked for quite a while when we started our sessions, although at the time it was state mandated. I know I kept curving around the big issue that I wound up attending therapy for until now, but you have to understand I didn't want to sound like I'd gone crazy."
More shuffling, and a creak of metal sounds off as background noise.
"I...also didn't want anyone getting in the way of my plans. You see, as the man dragged away the body, I noticed it twitch. It was still alive.
Since then, I've been searching for the son of a bitch that shot it down, and I finally found him. I have hope that it's still alive, and whether he has it or not, he'll have hell to pay. I'd understand if you went to the police with this, but I really wish that you wouldn't. It may not be my mother, but it raised me. Wouldn't you do the same?"
Dr. Perez sets down a now empty mug, leans back, and sighs. She takes a moment to recollect herself before swinging back upright in her swivel seat. Before the next message can play, she unplugs the landline.
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llycaons · 1 year
Ep5: the gay porn episode
even tho we know that lwj is at the very least attracted to wwx, this early on it really doesn't come off like that at all to anyone else besides lxc. he's even harsher and stricter with wwx than he is with anyone else. of course, later on he does a 180 because he's incapable of acting like wwx means as much to him as anyone else does
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a boy is FLIRTING
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wwx goes to a lot of effort this episode to repair his relationship with lwj, which indicates a lot more responsibility and maturity than, say, jc would have us believe. though tbf, wwx isn't trying to become friends for political reasons, he just wants lwj's attention. but he's also defending and explaining his actions, and the fact that he'll retaliate when attacked is of course extremely important later on. even with all the changes he goes through and and nuances we see, his core character is intact throughout. such strong writing
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saw a blog once claim this wasn't necessarily sexual but um that's definitely how I read it. with that look? come on.
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their rooms are so gorgeous
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this is so funny to me. wwx is so shocked that the extremely uptight young heir of a famously conservative and traditional sect hasn't seen gay porn. my boy idk how open-minded the jiangs are but you are not in yunmeng anymore...tbf lxc and lqr aren't even homophobic, but the kind of distress that his feelings cause lwj have got to come from somewhere, and I don't think it's just 'not wanting to be into someone so different from the lans'
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wwx turning back the rules on lwj extremely fucking funny
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aw :(
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nooooooo jc don't say that
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jc is so happy to see wq, and his little pleased smile when wwx complains that she's only paying attention to jc....oh boy. boy oh boy. this is so sad
young jc is like. he's so fragile. he still has potential. he hasn't done anything he can't come back from yet. he loves his siblings. he likes a pretty girl. I mock him for the comb but it's not a great wrongdoing to be a little awkward and go for the thing that adults say girls like. it's not like he has any healthy relationship to emulate. ough.
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SO MEAN. in contrast lwj is just a huge fuckin brat
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see we rag on wwx for not telling people shit but early on at least, he was a good communicator! he saw that his actions could be misread and he took steps to clarify where he was coming from and why he did what he did
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this is still one of my favorite jokes
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wq literally is doing her job as a doctor and jc is like 😳 lady wen... I don't blame jc for having a crush but I DO blame shippers for being shitheads about a woman who is literally just doing her job
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wen ning rushing in to save su she is so. he's the weakest cultivator here and he still put his life on the line to save this guy. this is something else we'll see later, when he uses his meager position to save jc and the jiang parents' bodies, and when he tries to stand up for his fellow wens at the camp
ppl who ship jc and wn are unhinged for various reasons but the kicker is right here. wq briefly held fast to her principle of looking after her family and nobody else, but wen ning never did. he puts himself in danger for people he barely knows over and over again, with no possible reward. this mindset is so alien to jc's caution and 'I got mine' outlook that there's no conceivable way that they could ever make a relationship work. even in an AU, I could barely see them becoming friends. they're just too different at their core
whew, what a long episode. ngl, this sequence at the lake ties with the maze forest as my least favorite parts of the show. it's just so BORING. there's some character work, like wwx saving wen ning and giving him the amulet, jc getting himself a crush, and wwx flirting, but it's not enough to liven up this very dull passage. regardless, the ending where lwj bought the ES for wwx was sweet
personal highlights: ep5
wwx being very openly and vocally into male erotica. I mean how are people STILL saying he didn't know he was into dudes. boy was about to start crying when lwj destroyed his treasured collection
wwx flirting in the library. he knew what he wanted. oh and him being really good at communicating. nice job, wwx!
jc has such a nice smile it breaks my heart for him
wwx giving wen ning the protection pouch 🥺
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fandom-hoarder · 2 years
I was also there for the argument that drove zero out of Rav’s server and I think she overreacted but I think it was a long time coming. He’s like a dog with a bone, he had no clue when to drop the conversation after people wanted to, condescended to people constantly, insisted on having the last word all the time, constantly talked over people and mocked people to their faces under the guise of “it’s just a joke” I think Rav snapped at him but it was about time.
Thank you, anon. I appreciate this perspective.
Cut to spare the dash~~~
[Final thought burger: Let's take some time to rest and heal, remember the good friends and vibes we still have in this fandom, the good things we've created together, and come back together stronger.]
Interpersonal things are rarely purely one-sided, but that doesn't mean the assessment of the situation as a whole wasn't valid. Again, since I wasn't there, I can't speak as to the facts or specifics of the situation. All I can say is, everyone in the situation was reacting from their own perspective and life experiences.
Not everyone gets along with rav, I get it. Not everyone gets along with me. Typically, everyone is going to have at least one thing that rubs them the wrong way, even in people they like. I cannot speak for rav here, but from my own interactions with her, and seeing her interact in other servers and on tumblr, I would guess her reactions during the argument were based on her total assessment of red flags, whether consciously or unconsciously, and the ripening tendency of our generation to have zero patience or fucks to give about being 'nice' past a certain point.
Sometimes red flags are nothingburgers. Sometimes they're not. Sometimes they stack to a point you can't ignore. The point of a red flag is a warning. Hey, pay attention here! Is there something more? There may be things that are thought of as common red flags, and there are personal red flags developed over time and personal experience. The people that were/are worried about zxro's behavior, as far as I can reasonably tell, have had varying degrees of negative interactions with him that have raised red flags for them. Some more worryingly than others.
For instance, I've already explained my own very little experience with zxro, but him saying he hated Sam and didn't watch the show was a red flag to me, even if he'd been joking (which I was unsure of at the time, and turned out to be real). Now, that red flag didn't mean he was an evil person, just that he might not be a person I wanted to hang out with. I didn't feel the need to go preaching about it to everyone because I felt at the time that I needed more information, and how he treated them in fanfiction would decide.
Other people, including people I'd consider not just mutuals but fandom friends, have told accounts of different sorts of worrying interactions with zxro, but once again since I do not have firsthand knowledge of those, I really can't comment on what my reaction would have been in their place. All I can say is that I do not have reason to distrust these people, and tend to regard their opinion similar to mine.
And I debated bringing it up, since I don't actually know zxro's age, and I'm not at all privy to anything about their relationship; but I can say I would not be comfortable with a 30+ year old dating my daughter at her age. Everyone's maturity level is different, but an adult that young I would be cautious about the idea, and want to counsel them to ensure they were safe and had autonomy and equality in the relationship. It would be a red flag, typically, yes, due to the disparity in lived experience vs general naivete. However, I do have personal knowledge of situations where this age gap was not predatory and worked out the way normal relationships do. Sometimes relationships just are, and they might work or they might suck but it doesn't make either party solely responsible. So, though a red flag, it requires other factors.
I really, truly hope that gwen is happy and autonomous in her relationship; it would break my heart to learn she is being manipulated or preyed upon; but many people have expressed concern over manipulative interactions with zxro, so they feel those other red flags are there, too. And that makes a difference in how seriously people react to this situation. Unfortunately, some people's reactions were despicable, childish, and dangerous-- and calling them out on it is just as important as calling out any other dangerous fandom behaviors.
Now, much as I DO appreciate this more even keeled perspective from the server, it would be kind of awesome of we could let this whole issue be put to rest on the dash. I'm pretty sure everyone is raw and exhausted. I, for one, was answering DMs all through my normal sleep time, and have had 2 (two) hours sleep and 1 (one!) oatmeal cookie with milk.
Let's take some time to rest and heal, remember the good friends and vibes we still have in this fandom, the good things we've created together, and come back together stronger.
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seventeen02 · 8 months
a tiny brief summary—
*clapping my hands together, sitting with legs crossed, deep breath, giggle* let me tell you about how we met. introducing dima (-˘v˘-)
◞♡ this group was meeting up with ours, and then a coincidence happened; the group we were meeting bumped into another group they're close to, but we haven't met yet. that led us to all hang out together, and there was this guy who literally made everyone laugh beautifully. he's so funny that i seem to still remember how much i laughed that time (i somehow secretly judged him sometimes because...? anyway...)
◞♡ we met a few times more, but we were so unbothered by each other partially because i couldn't even remember our first encounter clearly and he didn't talk to me as much. i started to get closer to one of his friends, but after these moments, i didn't see him again or any of his group, to the point that i forgot lots of what had happened. yet ! i didn't lose complete contact with that friend of his, so we started hanging out again from time to time since we were so busy.
◞♡ i started seeing him more and more, and every moment spent with him made me happy, smile, and laugh. nothing dull at all !! i started paying more attention to him, going to these hangouts if he's going to be there, and if he's not, i always leave early or do not show up at all. AND THEN AND THEN !! we started having our own moments, from private conversations in groups to just being alone together. i get so happy (yet i don't show it much) when he starts speaking, and i find myself listening to him intently. i get even happier when his eyes linger on mine while speaking to the entire group. everything that brings me closer to him, i love !
◞♡ it got even better when i couldn't see anyone as beautiful as him. at that point, i had no doubt that i was falling in love with him. i was also falling in love with the feeling i get whenever we talk or see each other. i started noticing how he chooses me, pays attention to me, talks to me more, and sometimes i feel like someone may miss me??? honestly, i only started to worry if this was reciprocated when i got a little jealous of how much he was enjoying himself with that other company. i never approached him; i would just focus on something else and enjoy my time as well. you could enjoy your time differently with different people, so i decided not to think too much about it. (he's somehow always beside me.)
◞♡ he also makes me feel special by taking care and showing care about things and asking questions i feel are only for me. makes sense? like these acts? our greetings changed from smiles and sometimes a little wave to hugs and cheek kisses ! sometimes i lie when he asks if i had dinner, because i know he wants to be with me. i find myself thinking about him a lot, like something he said or did, and then i start missing him.
◞♡ our first hangout alone was so memorable because we met again the next day. apparently our very first encounter wasn't that coincidence; he remembers it. but i literally have zero idea about it; i don't even remember the entire day to begin with. what i know is that i was out with my girl, and we were meeting up with her lover. she introduced us and all of that, and he was with his friend too ! yeah him. but that's all i could remember and nothing about how her lover took so long to come back, so he asked her if she saw him, and then she was like, i thought you guys were together? then, when he noticed i was there, he smiled and said hi, and i replied both. that moment, i don't remember at all !! he told me about it.
◞♡ his effort is so beautiful and his patience with me is admirable. he’d notice when i don’t really understand but would not say anything about it so he’d just explain again slowly in a slightly different way. he doesn’t want me to feel left out, you know. when i’m upset or something’s bothering me he knows what to do. he notices right away what’s up with me and knows when to come by. once he gave me a chocolate muffin and called me to try it. i was just sitting there when he joined me and asked again it’s good, right? i feel beautiful everytime i see him smile like that… whenever i think about how close we got, i get surprised but in a pleasant way ! like who would’ve thought. sometimes it’s this person you never thought about that much who’s now all you think about. weird.
◞♡ slowly one by one we started seeing sides of each other we had never seen. at these moments i felt like i’m getting to know him even more deeply and closer. since most of time we're together we witness the other in some situations you know? then there were these hints that i kept pretending that i didn't notice and how he'd try to subtly flirt that it felt natural and casual. however i’m a bit different, i've always been told my words are too nice. sometimes i get misunderstood but i do mean everything i say to him. for example our hugs are longer, he’d linger. he can’t keep up with the eye contact for long like he’d have a 0.2s break then look into my eyes again when talking. it’s just when i look into your eyes, then i’m paying attention to everything you’re saying. though sometimes i try not to let my mind go somewhere else because his eyes are sooo pretty. he says my name a lot and it sounds so beautiful and he remembers these little details and i noticed when he brought it up multiple times like “i remember you said–” or “i know you–” or anything similar. i forget if i mentioned it before or not so when i say it again or when the topic is about something near, he knows. it makes me so so happy that it’s obvious. he sometimes just notices like i didn’t even speak but his actions does..!!
◞♡ i remember in the very beginning he used to speak with everyone just fine but would not try to speak with as much so i thought he didn’t like me at all but he’d always glance at me. i didn’t notice that at all until i almost caught him once where our eyes met then were lost again so so fast. and other times like when i was already glancing at him and he seemed like he wanted to see me too but when he saw him already glancing at him, he didn't look at me! he felt like he was getting caught before even doing anything. he later told me he kept thinking of lots of things to talk about but he somehow forgets everything. still during our first meets as groups, he once complimented my hair and i thanked him and he’s so so cute when smiling. this moment is so precious to me. maybe the first time i heard his voice directly talking to me. (we had this soft private conversation cmooon!!). he will be anxious and looking for me when i’m away, but once he confirms my presence he’ll be acting as if he’s ignoring me. but he’s just shy sometimes because when he saw how i kept initiating a conversation and sitting closer and closer to him after each hangout, he started initiating too. he’s so beautiful !! he may try to be around me a lot, but he’ll never be near me, even though he’s fine with other people; that he made me want to hear his laugh for me but i was happy to hear him nevertheless. we improved a lot though ! i know he looks at me a lot and i catch him raising his eyebrows cutely when he glances at me and no longer hiding from my gaze. then i smile softly and he smiles too !!!
◞♡ the cutest thing about him is that i can easily read him. he’s expressive without being really aware of it. he’s sensitive too or maybe because i’ve been with him for a long time… it’s just makes me fall in love again when i see how he’s not trying to hide. there was this sudden shift in him and it’s like when you realize you like someone and now you want to see them more and hear them, see them and just be near them always? you want to talk to them as well not just watching? after that we got so comfortable together where you can say whatever you want without being cautious. even if we talk for a long time, he will listen attentively and reply to me. i always say that meeting him is the luckiest thing for me, but he feels even luckier??? my heart exploded. we share our daily thoughts with each other and he has become an indispensable part of my life. he tells me everyone around him knows about me, and i always share our stories with my friends. because of him, i realize that i am also important.
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samnelsonwrites · 2 years
Chapter 2: A Mundane Monday Morning
Monday mornings always begin the same way: I drag myself out of bed, get some coffee, and begin the dreaded walk to school. The scenery, the people, and the music I listen to at full volume is always the same. I meet Jamie at the school's main entrance; god, I despise this place. I always wonder why I didn't switch for 6th Form. I attend Viridis Grammar, a Co-Ed school full of students who have no chance of passing any exams, let alone attending university. I'm not smart in the least; I didn't get any grades higher than a B in my GCSEs, and yet I'm the smartest person here. It really just goes to show how dumb students are.
My friends and I are deemed "nerds" since we are not screwing up classes. We've all been friends since year 7 and we're extremely close. We haven't allowed anyone new into our friend group because we know it will ruin our dynamic. Tori is the eccentric one among us, and she is where the energy is. If she's around me a lot, my introverted self finds her a little socially draining. Imogen, I believe, is the "trendy" one among us. She has always been up to date on the latest trends and is constantly criticising our sense of fashion; it was irritating initially, but now we all roll our eyes at her when she starts being "influencer Immi," as we call her. She’s the token straight friend. Max is Imogen's boyfriend; I'm not quite certain how they hooked up since Max is the quiet, nose-in-a-book type of guy and Imogen is quite the contrary. Max doesn't say much, but when he does, it's usually with a witty remark. And then there's Jamie, my boyfriend. I feel like he's the only one who truly understands me, but I still feel alone. We've been dating for a year and a half, and I think it's safe to say things are going swimmingly. Jamie is the coolest person in our group; he is the lead vocalist and guitarist in a band called "Purely Purple," so named because all of the instruments in the band are purple. I am a huge fan of the band and go to every concert they perform at. One of their YouTube videos has received over 16K views. I imagine them becoming well-known one day.
“How y’doing?” Greets Jamie.
“Couldn’t be better” I replied sarcastically. Jamie grinned at me as if my comment was hilarious. He leaned in and brushed his lips against mine—instant butterflies. You would have thought that I would have gotten used to the idea of Jamie kissing me but no, I haven’t, I feel as if we are still in the “Honeymoon Phrase” as Imogen likes to call it. 
Imogen and Max walked through the gates, clearly arguing, as they frequently do. Argue one minute, then fall hopelessly in love the next. It's as if they're an elderly couple. Absolutely adorable. 
"Are you okay?" "Fine," Max grunted as he aggressively pushed past me.
"What in the world happened this time?" Jamie asked.
"It's just about how Max doesn't pay enough attention to me," Imogen responded.
"Oh my God, Imogen, he lavishes you with attention; quit bitching!" I sigh.
"I'd like for us to be like you guys." She directed her finger at us. "You guys can't stay away from each other for long."
"Immi, different people express affection in various ways, but we just like PDA," Jamie explained.
"Yeah, I don't think Max wants to engage in PDA." I agree.
The school bell rang at 8.30 a.m., indicating the start of classes. Jamie and I are heading to English lit.
"Ah, Twelfth Night, the gayest play ever," I said.
"Viola is obviously struggling with gender dysphoria," Jamie explained.
Viola would be someone I frequently associate with. I definitely have gender dysphoria, just like Viola. I really want to tell Jamie about my gender fluidity, yet I'm not sure how. I guess I need to find the right moment. 
"Hey, Jamie?" "How did you realise you were non-binary?" I ask.
"I suppose I've always known to some extent. I've always associated more with men than a woman, but I wasn't sure I was entirely a man."
"Huh, did you have a lightbulb moment or was it a gradual process?"
"I actually realised I'm not cis about 2 years ago, then came out to you a few months later, what's the sudden interest?"
Shit, do I have to come out now? Or no? Why am I asking this, did I completely screw up? "I don't think through my questions." Oh, I was just wondering" Is that a sufficient excuse? Will they buy it?
"All right," they said.
For the remainder of the English lesson, we sat in complete silence. I was replaying the conversation we just had in my head, cringing at how I handled it. After what felt like the lengthiest lesson ever, the bell finally rang at 9.30 a.m. 
"What are you going to do after school?" Jamie inquired.
"I'm not sure, probably curled in blankets in front of the TV, watching His Dark Materials or something."
"So nothing,"
"Sums it up"
"Would you want to come to mine? We could watch His Dark Materials together?"
"Sure. At 4, I'll meet you at the gates." I grinned.
Mundane Monday isn't so mundane after all now I'm going to Jamie's after school. Although I can see how the evening will play out. I predict we will watch about 10 minutes of His Dark Materials before Jamie does something so incredibly hot that my immense attraction to him will overpower all of my senses and we will start necking it. It's a tradition.
The remainder of the day dragged on. I was very excited about the evening. I attempted to finish all of my schoolwork at lunch and failed terribly since Tori was telling me about a band she really wants to see, The Ark.  I enjoy The Ark, but I wouldn't want to go to one of their gigs since the fans are so intense. When one of the guys, I believe it was Rowan, had a girlfriend, a jealous fan hurled a brick at his head. A bit mental, most of them are screaming teenagers who have nothing better to do than fantasise about shagging one of the members. Don't blame them, Jimmy Kaga Ricci is a snack. 
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helloalycia · 3 years
The Wrong Lifetime — Epilogue // Wanda Maximoff
chapter fourteen | story masterlist | main masterlist | wattpad
author’s note: the final part is here! thanks again to everyone who stuck around with this fic, i really appreciate it 😊💗 now enjoy!!
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The sound of a rooster crowing pulled me from my slumber and I groaned when I realised I definitely wasn't getting back to bed anytime soon.
Quiet laughter came from beside me and I didn't have to open my eyes to know that Wanda was finding my disgruntled self entertaining.
"I said yes to the chickens," I mumbled tiredly, not opening my eyes as I stupidly thought it would let me contain my sleep for a little bit longer, "but I should have drawn the line at the rooster."
Her fingers grasped my shoulder as she rolled over to hover above me. I squinted through my tired eyes, seeing the amused smile on her lips as she looked down at me. Despite how much of a morning person I wasn't, I appreciated how beautiful she looked with bed hair and a nightie.
"Shut up," she said jokingly, and I closed my eyes again. "You love them."
I rolled my eyes beneath closed lids. "I'd love to cook them, sure."
She slapped my shoulder gently. "Don't talk about Nikolai, Vanya and Sonia like that!"
A smile ghosted my lips. The first thing she'd done when getting the damn chickens was name them the most Sokovian names she could think of – I shouldn't have expected anything less. Though, now it meant she was extremely attached to them.
"My apologies, love," I mumbled.
She hummed disapprovingly before putting her whole body weight on top of me and hugging me. I sighed contently, resting an arm around her waist and appreciating the feeling of her so close to me. I could have fallen back asleep in this position if it wasn't for Wanda's wide-awake, curious self. Why did she have to be such a morning person?
"So, what are your plans for today?" she asked, fingers scratching against my shoulder blade tenderly.
I exhaled calmly. "I'm going to attempt to fall back asleep right now... then I'll let you know afterwards when I wake up."
She didn't say anything after that, and I was stupid to believe I'd gotten away with it because she suddenly got up and straddled me, jumping up slightly and startling me awake.
"Wake up!" she ordered, too hyper for my sleepy self.
I groaned, rubbing my eyes and finally opening them to see her looking down at me with a grin, hair falling around her face. There was a hint of annoyance in my expression as I narrowed my eyes, but she ignored it as she rested her hands on my chest.
"I hate you," I muttered.
"You're up now, so let's do something," she insisted, making me roll my eyes. "We should go on a walk. It's pretty outside. The sun's rising and it'll be fun!"
The sun's rising because its bloody dawn and that damn rooster crows at the same time every day, leaving me disgruntled and annoyed.
But of course, I didn't have the energy to explain that to Wanda, so I simply shook my head and closed my eyes. "Maybe tomorrow, Wanda."
She suddenly leaned down, jolting me slightly and making me open my eyes. She was inches away from my face as she pouted.
"Not tomorrow, now!" she exclaimed loudly, before leaning forward and peppering kisses all over my face.
I sighed, keeping her stable by resting a hand on her waist, but not appreciating the fact that falling asleep would definitely be a challenge now.
"I love you, Wanda, but please keep it down," I said quietly, still not used to her energy so early in the morning.
"Tell me what I can do to wake you up," she said sternly, stopping kissing me and sitting upright again.
"Absolutely nothing, love."
"Oh? Nothing?"
I hummed and closed my eyes again, getting used to her weight on top of me and deciding I could probably fall back asleep if she was quiet long enough. Wishful thinking, of course.
Her fingers found mine and she slowly lifted my hand, putting it underneath her dress and on her thigh. I knew what she was doing – it was cute – but it wouldn't work.
Not even bothering to open my eyes, I said, "Wanda, darling, we've been together for three years. I am able to resist your charm, believe it or not."
"Really?" she asked challengingly, letting go of my hand and resting hers on my shoulders. "I don't believe you."
Before I could counter her with a response, she leaned down and began nibbling on my ear softly. It was a sensation I was familiar with, but I refused to let her get her way, so I ignored her stubbornly. She knew me too well though, as she let go of my ear and trailed kisses down my neck before sucking on the skin sensually. Admittedly, I was a lot more awake then I was thirty seconds ago, definitely aroused by the gorgeous woman on top of me, but she couldn't win this. Not when she was playing very unfairly.
"Wanda," I said with a warning tone, squeezing her thigh and signalling for her to stop.
I should have figured that would provoke her even more, as she manoeuvred herself so her knee was now pressing between my legs. I'm ashamed to admit that I gasped into her shoulder at the sudden pressure, and judging from the quiet laugh she let out, she was very much aware of the effect she had on me.
"I told you you couldn't resist," she said knowingly, raising her head from my neck so she could meet my eyes.
Hers were darkened with pleasure and mischievousness, darting to my lips. I glared at her.
"I really hate you."
She shook her head, tongue wetting her lips, as a playful smirk stared down at me. "No you don't. Now lose the nightdress, moya lyubov' (my love)."
I tried to retort, but she closed the gap between us, lips capturing mine in a heated kiss. I definitely didn't mind being woken up like this...
After actually getting out of bed, I reluctantly agreed to go on a walk with Wanda, strolling around our premises and making the most of the countryside we lived in. As much as I didn't want to admit, I was glad she'd dragged me outside, since the morning stroll only made me appreciate our home more.
When we returned, Wanda went to her studio whilst I made us some tea in the kitchen, hoping to warm us up after the slight chill in the Autumn air. I joined her soon enough, smiling when I saw how involved she was with her work in no time. The studio was big enough for her to make a mess and it not seem so messy since it was spacious enough. I shouldn't have expected any different – Wanda couldn't tidy up to save her life.
"One day I'm going trip over your things," I announced as I stepped over some loose materials by the door, teacup and saucer in hand.
She chuckled, though her attention was still on her painting. "When that day finally comes, I'll clean up. Promise."
"Of course," I muttered sarcastically.
I stopped behind her and studied the painting she was working on. It was a close-up of a flower bed, with intricate details being put in the flowers themselves and ladybirds flying around. Wanda sensed my presence and accepted the tea from my hand, smiling at me gratefully before blowing on it to cool it down.
"Is this that commission you got last week?" I asked curiously.
She nodded, unaware of the paint streaks on her face. I rested a hand on her shoulder and pressed a kiss to the top of her head, smiling at how adorable she was.
"The guy is paying double for me to put twelve ladybirds in the painting," she explained with amusement. "He wants to be able to count every single one."
I snorted with laughter. "Wow. That's very strange."
She shrugged, though I knew she was thinking the same. "A commission's a commission... is it evil if I only put eleven in?"
I laughed, nodding. She glanced up at me with a bright smile on her lips.
"It's very evil," I told her, before squeezing her shoulder.
She grabbed my hand on her shoulder, holding it comfortingly. "D'you want to do some gardening later?"
"Sure. I've just gotta do some work on my manuscript first. The writer's block is real."
"Of course," she said, giving me a knowing look. "Best-selling authors don't just become best-selling authors without putting in the work."
I rolled my eyes at her comment, but a smile played on my lips. "I'm leaving now."
She chuckled and I pressed a kiss to her cheek, trying not to get paint on my lips.
"Good luck with the writing," she said as I began to leave.
"And you with the painting," I called back.
Today was nothing special – probably a regular day when it came to Wanda and I's lives – but it made me smile. If the past three years had taught me anything, it was to be grateful for the mundane.
After Wanda broke things off with Y/B/N, it took a while for both of our families to recuperate. In their eyes, Y/B/N had broken things off because he wasn't interested in Wanda anymore, hence our parents' reaction. And Wanda's parents were upset because they believed it was her fault that Y/B/N wasn't interested, hence their reaction.
Our relationship with the Maximoffs was inescapable though, since Y/B/N and I were authors of theirs, so we had to mend what was broken. The only person who knew the truth about Wanda breaking it off with Y/B/N, apart from me and him, was Pietro. He didn't know why, but he knew that it was Wanda's choice.
After things calmed down between our families and everybody's anger had faded, around about the time that my second book was released, I'd saved enough money from the sales to buy a place of my own. With my father's help, I was able to buy a cottage in the countryside – the perfect place for privacy and to do my writing.
It was surprising that I got help from my dad, since I half expected him to be against the idea. But he was so proud of me for achieving all I had that he was happy to help. So, I got my own place and the first thing I did was invite Wanda to live with me. Nobody really saw it as more than two friends living together, especially since Wanda had started selling her paintings under a male pseudonym. Her parents were only reluctant because they wanted her to get married, but after she told them that she didn't want to and stood her ground, they left her alone.
I think they realised that they couldn't exactly stop her, and if they tried to, they'd lose their daughter in the process. So, to Wanda and I's excitement, we were moving in together...
"Are we there yet?" Wanda asked for the millionth time.
"Terpeniye (patience)," I told her, and felt her smile beneath my hands that were covering her eyes.
"Nice pronunciation," she commented, and I couldn't tell if she was teasing or not.
We finally stopped before the cottage and I was buzzing with excitement. I'd chosen it with Wanda in mind, a surprise for her, since I knew she'd only ever wanted to live in a place like this. What better way to give her that then now with me?
"Okay, this is it," I announced, removing my hands from her face.
I stepped beside her, leaning forward to see her reaction. She was raising her eyebrows with surprise, taking in the appearance of the front of the cottage. It was in a lovely field with tall trees and colourful flowers surrounding it. Vines had overgrown the bricks, but it looked stunning and I hoped Wanda would think the same.
Her lips curved upwards into a grin of disbelief. "This is it? This is ours?"
I pulled the key from my pocket and held it out towards her. "It is. All ours."
She laughed wholeheartedly, jumping up with excitement before grabbing the key and pulling me into a hug. I laughed alongside her, returning the hug, before pressing a kiss to her cheek and motioning to the door.
"Do the honours and I'll show you around," I told her with a smile.
She was practically beaming as she moved to the door, opening it. Her excitement only intensified when she saw the living-room it extended into, a large fireplace in the centre of the back wall and the furniture already in place.
"We can change the décor," I told her as I showed her around. "This came with the place, but we can change it up to however we want."
"I love it."
I intertwined our fingers, admiring the sparkle of delight in her blue eyes as she looked around the place eagerly. That was the look that made this whole thing worth it.
"You've not even see the best bit," I said, before tugging her into the hallway. "There's a kitchen and our bedroom and of course, a study for me, but this is the bit I know you'll love."
She watched with curiosity but allowed me to skip the other rooms and show her the room that I envisioned as her art studio. It was a spacious room, filled with random, old furniture from the previous owners, but I ignored it and stepped further inside, facing Wanda.
"This can be your studio!" I exclaimed, motioning around me. "Look, here can be where your desk can be." I pointed to the left wall, the space in front of it. "You can get some shelves put here for your supplies. And here–" I pointed to the space before the window at the back, "–is where you can paint on your easels. The natural light will be perfect!"
She followed my every move, hanging onto my every word, and nodded along with a joyful expression.
"I can't believe you've already thought about it," she admitted.
"Come here," I said, waving my hand for her to join me. She did and I wrapped an arm around her waist, stopping before the window. "You see that?"
"The perfect view," she realised, eyes wide as they took in the view of the garden, which I planned to show her next. "It's beautiful."
"You can paint everything there," I said with a nod. "The trees. The flowers. And this place isn't far from the train station, so we can take some day trips, too."
She leaned into my side gratefully. "Y/N, I love it. All of it."
My heart fluttered as she said that, it being all I wanted to hear.
"We can also get the coop for the chickens you wanted," I reminded her, before pointing out the window. "Right there. We'll get fresh eggs and they're cute – what's not to love?"
She pulled apart, arms still laced around me, and I waited to see what she thought. Her eyes twinkled in the sunlight coming from the window, matching the smile on her lips. Then she moved forward quickly, kissing me hard and leaving me no chance to react before she pulled away.
"I have no words," she said softly, caressing my cheek. "I'm so grateful."
My face was warm as I smiled shyly. "I'm glad. You know I'd do anything for you."
Her smile widened as she leaned in again. "Thank you."
Moving in with her was the best thing to happen to me, and my dream of being published had come true, so that was saying a lot. We both knew we could never get married and be together in public, but this was the next best thing. We had our own little slice of heaven to merely be, and it was perfect. She could paint as much as she liked and I could write as much as I liked, the two of us making a living and not having to rely on husbands we didn't love.
The only people who knew about the truth of our relationship was Steve. I knew I could never trust my family with the truth, knowing liking women was very different to becoming a writer. So, I was content with them living in denial about why Wanda and I lived together. Wanda was the same with her parents, but it was a few months into moving in when she decided she wanted to tell Pietro.
I was obviously hesitant, since Pietro was a standup guy, the reason I was even as successful as I was, but I wasn't sure if he'd be okay with discovering his sister liked women and I was the one she was with. Wanda was certain he'd understand though, since he was her twin and would only want the best for her. Plus, according to her, he loved me, so he wouldn't have a problem with it.
He was her twin at the end of the day, and nobody knew him better than her, so I trusted her to tell him and decided we could do it at dinner, inviting both him, Steve and Peggy over. Peggy didn't know about Wanda and I either, but I wanted to tell her, so we decided to do it together...
"We've been here three times and it still makes me jealous how peaceful it is," Peggy complimented as the five of us sat around the kitchen table. "No annoying neighbours. No nosy townspeople. It's perfect."
"Thank you," Wanda said with a friendly smile. "That's why we love it, too."
"Are you all finished?" I asked, standing up to grab mine and Wanda's plates.
"Oh, please, let me help," Pietro offered, about to stand up, but I shook my head.
"It's okay, I've got it," I politely declined, before stacking the plates together to take to the sink.
I glanced at Wanda and she gave me a knowing look before clearing her throat and looking to her brother.
"Piet, can you help me with something in my studio?" she asked him casually. "There's a lightbulb I can't quite reach."
He nodded and wiped his face with his napkin. "Er, sure." He looked to everyone else. "If you'll excuse me."
The two of them left the kitchen, leaving me with Steve and Peggy. I distracted myself with putting the plates in the sink before popping the kettle on, knowing they'd want tea.
"Dinner was lovely, Y/N, thank you for tonight," Steve started, easing the tension he knew I was feeling. I'd told him my intentions before inviting them and he was completely okay with the idea. "You and Wanda seem to be more and more comfortable every time we come here."
I leaned against the counter as I smiled gratefully at him, knowing he was giving me an opening to tell Peggy the truth.
"Yeah, we are," I said, eyes flickering to Peggy's as she watched on with interest. "We, er..."
My mouth went dry as the words I'd practiced in the mirror this morning escaped me. I'd only ever told Steve about Wanda and I, and that was by accident. I knew Peggy wouldn't judge me, but it was still terrifying to admit.
"Y/N, sweetie, are you okay?" Peggy asked, a hint of concern in her voice.
I nodded, swallowing hard. "Yes, sorry..." I just had to say it. No more overthinking. "Wanda and I are together. As more than more friends. I'm in love with her."
Peggy raised her brows with surprise, barely believing it, but then she glanced at Steve and knew I was being serious. I let out a breath of relief, glad that I'd finally said it.
She stood up from her seat and I was half-afraid she'd leave altogether, but she didn't. She walked to me and pulled me in for a hug, squeezing me gently.
"Thank you for trusting me with such an important thing," she said, pulling away and smiling at me gently. "I guess it makes sense. You both compliment each other well and make each other happy. It's beautiful to see."
"Thank you," I said, returning her smile. "That means a lot coming from you."
She nodded and glanced at her husband. "I take it Steve already knew."
He raised his hands in defence. "Hey, I basically figured it out myself!"
She rolled her eyes playfully and I couldn't help but laugh.
"He did," I backed him up. "And he was the only person to know, so I owe him a lot. He gave me the support I wanted when I had nobody else."
Peggy smiled endearingly at Steve before looking to me with kind eyes. "Well, now you're not alone. You have me, too."
"I know. I'm glad."
"Does anybody else know? Or is it just Steve and I?" she asked hesitantly.
"Just you two," I explained. "My family would never understand. Especially with Wanda and her history with my brother. Same with her family. But she's actually telling Pietro about us now. I can only hope he'll take it well."
Peggy was certain as she said, "I'm sure he will."
I made tea for all of us and joined Peggy and Steve at the table as we waited for the Maximoff twins' return. Eventually, Wanda returned with her brother in tow and judging by the smile on her face, I could only hope it went well. Though I noticed the tear streaks on her cheeks and joined her side with mild concern.
"Are you okay?" I asked, grabbing her hand, but I didn't get chance to hear a response as I felt myself being lifted off the ground.
"Y/N!" Pietro exclaimed in my ear, hugging me from behind. "Welcome to the family, sestra (sister)!"
He set me down and stepped beside his sister, wrapping an arm around her shoulder and tugging her close. A grin was directed my way as Wanda's cheeks dusted pink. She was glowing with happiness, her brother's opinion mattering the most, and it warmed my heart to witness.
"I see things went well," I noticed, before smiling at Pietro. "Thank you, Pietro. It means a lot to have your support. Though you know this doesn't make me your sister, right?"
"Yet," he pointed out, making me sigh. "You know, I always suspected you had the hots for my sister, but I could never be sure."
Now it was my turn to flush with embarrassment, especially when Steve and Peggy laughed from the sidelines.
"Wanda's happiness is all that matters to me," he continued, looking to his sister with a genuine smile. "I'm glad she picked the right Y/L/N."
I chuckled awkwardly, eyes falling to a nervous Wanda. "Me and you both, mate." He laughed, patting me on the back, and I gave him an appreciative nod. "Seriously, though, thank you, Pietro. Your approval means a lot."
"No problem," he said with a shrug. "I'm always here if you need me."
"As are we," Peggy added, before looking to Wanda. "Both of you. Anything you need, ever, just let us know. It's what we're here for."
"Thank you," Wanda said for both of us, and when she looked my way, I knew she was thinking the same thing I was.
We were lucky that the most important people in our lives knew the truth about us and were supportive. We couldn't have asked for anything more.
As promised, after spending the morning on my manuscript and Wanda with her commission, we went into the garden to do some gardening. And by we, I meant I was doing it as she attempted to help out beside me.
"Hey, I think there's something stuck here," Wanda said, fingers stuck in a pot of soil.
"Then pull it out," I said like it was obvious, trying not to laugh.
I continued to rake the plant beds before me so I could eventually plant some vegetable seeds when Wanda's adamant voice spoke up again.
"I think you should check it out, Y/N, I can't seem to get it."
"Come on!" she insisted, and I sighed dramatically before dropping my rake and heading towards her.
Kneeling down beside her, I took a peek in the plant pot and put my hand in, rooting around until my fingers found something metal.
"It seems to be a ring," I realised, pulling it out and dusting the soil off it. "Maybe the suppliers of the soil dropped it in accidentally. Or maybe a bird dropped it in the pot without you realising..." I chewed on my lip with thought. "Huh. Well, here you go."
I gave it back to Wanda and prepared myself to stand back up, but Wanda groaned and facepalmed.
"What's got your knickers in a twist?" I asked with an amused smile.
She looked up at me through parted fingers. "It's my ring."
"How many times have I told you to stop wearing rings when we're gardening?!" I said questioningly, shaking my head. "Stuff like this always happens!"
She rolled her eyes and looked up to the sky. "Why am I in love with an idiot?"
"It's for you," she said, holding out the ring.
I furrowed my brows. "Well, why didn't you just– wait." My eyes widened as I realised what she was implying, feeling stupid for not realising sooner. "Is this– are you– huh?"
Wanda swallowed nervously before clutching the ring tightly and meeting my gaze. "I've been in love with you for a long time, you know that," she said softly, her accent thick with emotion. "The time we've spent here in our little safe haven has been the best of my life. And I... I know we live in a world that won't let us be together. But that hasn't stopped us."
My heart was hammering in my chest as Wanda offered me a small, nervous smile. We'd never talked about marriage since we were so content in our little bubble, but clearly she'd thought about it without me knowing. I guess I had, too. But I never expected either of us to do anything about it.
"I know we can never really be married, but what is marriage if not a union between two people who are in love anyway? I mean, we basically already have that." She snickered to ease her nerves, then licked her lips shakily, eyes tearing up. "I'm asking you to marry me and if you say yes, I'll know you're my wife and that's all that'll matter... so Y/N Y/L/N. Will you marry me?"
I didn't even need to think about it. Wanda was the love of my life and just like she'd said, the past three years had been the best. We could never truly be married in the eyes of the world, but she'd be my wife and that would be enough. She'd always be enough.
"Of course I will, Wanda," I answered, tears of happiness slipping from my eyes.
She raised her eyebrows. "Yes? You said yes?"
I laughed, nodding, and leaned forward to kiss her. She returned the favour, salty tears mingling between our lips, but it didn't matter because she was going to be my wife and that's all I could think about.
Our smiles broke the kiss and I wiped her tears away with my thumb before pressing another kiss to her lips.
"Here, let me put this on you," she said between laughter, hands fumbling as she tried to find mine.
I put out my hand and let her slide the ring on my finger. It was a simple silver band with a small, elegant gemstone sat on top, perfect for someone like me who didn't like anything too flashy.
"It's beautiful, Wanda, thank you," I said, smiling through my tears.
"I've been wanting to ask you for a while, but I wasn't sure you'd say yes," she admitted.
"Are you joking? Why wouldn't I?" I asked with an exploding happiness in my chest. "I'm so bloody in love with you, Wanda Maximoff."
She laced our fingers together as she nodded in agreement. "That's good. Because I'm in love with you, too."
And when she said that, it wasn't unlike anything she'd told me before. If she wasn't telling me she loved me, she was showing me in all sorts of ways. But this was different... this was the first time she'd told me as my fiancé. And then she'd soon be my wife. And it made me realise.
I'd spent so long thinking that if we were in a different life, we could have had it all. But we were getting it all now, so maybe, just maybe, this wasn't the wrong lifetime after all.
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robinofgothamcity · 3 years
♡ scenario: connor losing his mind when you're hurt and charging into the fight recklessly.
♡ pairing: connor kent ( superboy ) x fem! reader
♡ note: not checked for grammar or spelling mistakes / i'm sorry but i'm living for these angst to fluff moments rn especially bc i rewatched reign of the superman and forgot how much i loved connor in it.
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Connor watched as you were completely slumped on the side of the building, no longer clear headed and struggling to stay awake. what was supposed to be a clean and easy mission turned out to be more than what the league expected.
he had requested for back up and while they were already trying to fight off the thugs that were attacking Connor, he could still see that you were fighting to stay alive and he had no idea if you were even going to come out of this fight alive.
"what the fuck?" Connor whispered, seeing you now slumped on the ground. he turned to the person who attacked you, eyes fully red with no intention of holding back. Clark could sense his song was a second away from committing murder as he saw Connor charge into the heart of the battle with no game plan, just murder.
you waved shyly to the group of league members as you hid behind Wonder Woman. you were new to the scene of sidekicks and had no idea how to even introduce yourself without sounding like a complete idiot.
"woah new girl!" you heard a male voice say as you stood in your place petrified. you had no idea who it was as Diana had yet to individually introduce you to everyone, "i call dibs!" you heard the same voice say.
Diana turned to you before grabbing the boy who was charging towards you by the head and tossed him back to Superman, "she's not up for 'dibs' Superboy. she's my newest apprentice and you will treat her as such," she threatened.
you giggled behind her as a few of the sidekicks introduced themselves. you knew them as the Young Justice team and although you weren't formally with the team, you figured Diana was training you to become apart of them in the future.
"( your hero name ), this is Superboy," Wonder Woman said, "he associated to the Super family," she explained as he pushed up his dark circled glasses and flicked his hair back, "pleasure is all mine," he muttered, shaking your hand.
you returned a tiny smile before she continued to introduce you to Robin and Impulse. you noticed how Superboy kept his eyes on you. you had no idea if it was because he liked you or he disliked you but every time you turned to look at him, he was already staring at you.
after introductions and the cliche 'your real identity is sacred' conversation ended, Diana felt it was for your own good to get used to your new 'teammates'. she wanted you to make sure you weren't uncomfortable around any of the YJ team even if that included Superboy.
"so, what do you like to do for fun?" Wonder Girl asked, sitting down next to you and handing you a bowl of popcorn. you shrugged, "uh, not much. I like to watch tv and read for the most part. no one really invites me to do things with them," you admitted, scratching the back of your head.
she laughed, putting her arm around you, "well that ends today! we should all do something fun! how about we go to the county fair? doesn't that sound fun?" she asked. you shrugged, not really opposed to the idea, "I call all the rides with ( your hero name )!" Jinny replied.
you smiled, following her and Wonder Girl out the door as Robin, Impulse, and Superboy followed behind you. Robin looked at him, "you like her don't you?" he asked, already calculating the minute Connor had fallen in love with you.
"well she's apart of the team, i'd like to hope we'd all like her," he replied as Robin shook his head, "no, you get what i mean by that," Robin pressed as he could see Connor's face fall with realization. he didn't reply but he could tell what he was tell Connor's real answer through his face.
as they arrived to the fair, they all booked it to the first food stand they saw. Robin offering to pay for everyone being Bruce Wayne's son had its benefits. you ordered a simple coffee as you didn't want Robin to spend too much on everyone.
"what ride should we all get on first?" Jinny asked excitedly. you pointed to the tallest ride, it was one of those high rides that sat two people at the top and had them spinning around, "oh I can't do that. it's way too scary," both Keli and Jinny said.
Superboy smiled at you, "I'm down if you are," he said as he grabbed two tickets from the worker, "cool," you replied as the two of you walked to the line, sweat already building up from nervousness.
once they sat the two of you and made sure you were both buckled in, you stared at Superboy nervously as the ride started up and pulled you up before immediately starting to spin. you stared at Superboy, screaming for you life. you unintentionally grabbed his arms, not realizing you were holding onto him as you continued to yell.
Superboy chuckled, finding your reaction cute.
after the months passed and you finally grew closer to everyone on the team, you were particularly close with Jinny and Superboy. you and Jinny shared a lot of common interests as she showed you how to shoot a gun and Superboy...well, everyone could tell the two of you were just seconds away from actually dating.
you walked into the YJ lair, sipping on hot chocolates with Jinny as the weather was turning cold. she was cracking some cringe dad jokes, trying to make you laugh as you tried to contain from choking on the hot chocolate.
"hey, where we yall at?" Keli asked. you turned to Jinny before giggling, "just doing a few errands we had to run before I had patrol with Superboy," you said, not really clarifying on what you both were actually doing.
although everyone could see how much you liked Connor, Connor himself thought you had a thing with Jinny. he knew she was particularly close with you and felt as though he was practically competing with her for your attention.
"do you have my phone?" you asked Jinny as she dug into her pocket and handed it to you. you grabbed your phone before quickly snatching her hat and putting it on, "yee-haw," you giggled into the mirror as Jinny started chasing you down the halls.
as you turned a corner, you bumped into Superboy and fell flat on your ass, "oh, I'm sorry Superboy, I didn't see you there," you groaned as Jinny grabbed her had and put it back on her, "you've yee'd your last haw," she said, making you laugh harshly.
Superboy's eye couldn't help but twitch as he gave you his hand, "ready for patrol?" he asked sternly. you looked to Jinny who crept away from the angry Kryptonian and left you to deal with him, "yeah, let me just freshen up again and I'll meet you outside," you murmured, going into the bathroom.
you quickly used the bathroom before checking if you had everything. you opened the door and walked into the lair's common area. Connor had yet to drop the angry attitude and everyone was eerily silent as you walked in. he grabbed you by the arm and practically rushed you out the door.
"weird," Jinny told Robin as he shrugged, "what isn't weird about him," he replied making everyone laugh.
patrol started extremely awkward. you hadn't felt this weird since you first started on the team and you had no idea what was wrong with Superboy since he wasn't telling you.
the two of you walked on top of roof, scanning the empty roads before you turned to look at him, "what's up? you seem bothered," you asked him as you both sat on the ledge, "seriously? you seem annoyed at me or something so at the very least you can try and tell me what's wrong," you pressured again.
he looked at you with eyes of determination before grabbing you by the collar of the shirt and pulling you into a very heated kiss. you were taken back by surprise but let him continue to kiss you. a part of yelled at Connor pulled you close but another part of him was still screaming at him that you still could've liked Jinny.
"I had to do that before Jinny officially took you away from me," your eyes fluttered in confusion, "uh, what do you mean by 'take you away from me'?" you asked, not knowing what he was talking about.
Connor sighed in frustration, "I see the way you're around Jinny and figured that she likes you and vice versa," he finally admitted as he stood up, not wanting to hear your response. you quickly stood up and grabbed him by the wrist, "hey wait," you said.
he stared at you, "I'm really not in the mood to get rejected ( your hero name )," he ran his fingers through his hair annoyed. you shook your head, "I don't like Jinny nor does she like me. we're just really close friends Superboy," you whispered, bringing him into another kiss.
this time, he was the one taken back but he melted into the kiss, all his negative emotions washing away as you continued to kiss him. he wrapped his arms around your waist as you him in closer by the neck. Connor was definitely not expecting this tonight.
"so does this mean that we're like....together together?" you asked playfully shy. Connor let out a laugh before lacing your hands together, "clearly. I can't let Jinny steal you away from me," he jokingly replied.
Connor ran to the three different henchmen as his strength was to the point of killing, not caring if he died in the process. he was recklessly dodging bullets, knowing they wouldn't do anything to him. he grabbed the first man and threw him against a wall as it collapsed around him. Connor only hoping that it did enough damage to unalive him.
the second one he managed to choke him out enough to the point where he passed out but that wasn't enough for him. you were on the brink of death and if he had to see you die, he was going to make sure the men who possibly killed you got what they deserved.
"SUPERBOY!" he heard his father scream again. Connor paid no attention to him as he grabbed the third henchman and slammed him to the ground, throwing punches left and right, "listen to me," Clark screamed at him.
he could see the tears coming down Connor's face as anger, fear, and sadness clouded his mind, "this is not you! pull out of it!" he yelled, shaking Connor's shoulder, "you're about to kill this man. I get that you're angry but you don't get anything out of hurting him. all you get it consequences and your girlfriend needs you right now more than ever!" he continued.
Connor finally shook himself out of his trance as he heard his dad telling him to go to you. Connor nodded and ran to you, seeing you unconscious and hardly breathing, "I'm taking her to the hospital," he yelled to Batman before hauling your body into his arms and flying towards the nearest hospital.
once he finally reached the emergency doors, he shoved everyone out of his way and to the front desk, "she needs help...NOW!" he yelled to the poor receptionist. the girl jumped up from fear but nodded and screamed for a bed and a few doctors.
the doctor asked Connor to place you on the bed before the doctor told him that he could follow them inside. a part of Connor wanted to straight up move the doctor to follow you into the OR but he knew that he'd get into more trouble with his dad and the MPD if he hurt anyone else.
for what felt like hours, he was waiting inside of the room they had told him you'd be in once you got out of surgery. he had already gotten the lecture from his dad about the consequences he would've gotten if he actually managed to kill the three men earlier.
"she's going to make it," the doctor told Connor as he walked into the room while they adjusted you to the bed. Connor nodded, "she'll be out of duty for months. she sustained a lot of injuries to her body that'll take weeks to recover and she got a nasty concussion so you'll need to play doctor for the next few weeks to make sure she's okay," he explained.
Connor nodded as the doctor told him that you should be waking up within the next few hours. Connor adjusted himself on the seat and got comfortable as he had no intentions of leaving your side until you were awake and ready to leave the hospital.
you woke up a few hours later, your body killing you from all over as you saw balloons all around the room. you knew you had landed in the hospital but you had no idea how long you were asleep or in a coma even. you turned to see Connor passed out next to you, his body slumped awkwardly.
"Kon, Kon wake up!" you whispered, shaking him softly. Connor jumped up in a fright as he immediately realized you were awake, "how do you feel? are you okay? do you need anything?" he immediately asked as you couldn't help but laugh at his frantic attitude.
"Connor, I'm okay, I promise," you whispered as you brought him in for a kiss, "my body just hurts and i'm still kinda tired," you murmured as Connor nodded. you managed to wiggle yourself enough to make space for him, "babe, it looks like you haven't slept in days."
"I had to make sure you were okay so i haven't exactly slept in a while," he admitted sheepishly. you shook your head, "you're too much sometimes," you giggled as you put your head on his shoulder, "but you love me regardless," he replied.
this was the first time the L word had came up in the relationship, "yeah, I guess I do but now you need to sleep," you said as you closed your eyes and felt Connor pull you closer to him, "I love you too by the way," you whispered, giving him another kiss on his partially exposed chest.
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isagisyoichi · 3 years
SYNOPSIS: niko as your boyfriend
CHARACTERS INCLUDED: niko ikki aka my boyfriend hello
WARNINGS: swearing, pretend all the boys go to the same school and they're all friends for plot, normalize not writing serious boys as someone that practically hates their s/o and never opens up to them god bless, also no such thing as ooc since we dunno shit ab him so everything i say is law. SUPER LONG LOL, it's like 2k+ words 😭
A/N: i love my boyfriend and i'm v happy about all the attention he's getting (even if he will prob will b subbed out 👎) this was fun to write bc i think he would b very soft as bf and also i hate the notion that stoic and serious = boring and detached in a relationship. also first post w the new user yayyyy rip yoichisagis an end of an era for realsies.
FOR: fox anon my beloved this one is for u😩
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it takes a while for you two to get together, just because niko wants to think things through and be sure he’s making the right decision, as well as him being naturally apprehensive about this whole dating thing.
when you do eventually start going out, keep in mind you're probably his first real anything, so-
niko needs to take it slow for the first month or so because he needs time to adjust and get used to being in a relationship.
when he gets comfortable around you, niko starts to talk a lot more.
niko starts to talk about his interests more-soccer, stem stuff (idc i'll die by my hc that he's a stem boy), etc. and niko's really happy that you're genuinely interested in what he has to say :)
and as your relationship progresses, niko becomes more inclined to share his inner thoughts.
“this song is so bad, i hate it and how it's everywhere,” like, babe that sucks, but what do you want me to do, take it off the radio myself? 😭
you find out that niko’s kind of a hater LOL, but it’s okay, because it means he can be himself around you <3 and the mini debates you have with each other are fun.
he’s someone you can take shopping with you if you need a solid second opinion.
“ikki, is this cute?” you niko as you adjust the shirt you tried on in the fitting room mirror.
“no.” he’s so straight up LOL. “the blue one from earlier was better.”
“this one?”
“yeah, that one. you look really pretty in it.”
ngl though, niko’s not much of a mall person. he'd just follow you around like a little puppy LOL, but he doesn't mind too much because it's for you.
communication is important to niko!!!!! he wants someone that he can have real conversation about the things that matter to him, so he rly makes an effort to have that kind of connection with you.
niko's naturally funny but he isn't aware that he is lol.
but when he does try, i feel like his humor comes in the form of sarcasm and dry wit. likes poking fun at you here and there with a lighthearted jab.
"you're so weird, y/n," is the most common one.
niko’s naturally closed off emotionally (male aquarius 😒) but i, personally, think he’d really try and push himself to be more open with you, especially if you expressed for him to do so </3
he'd be really appreciative of someone patient and understanding of the fact that he doesn't open up easily, though.
but eventually, you become the person closest to him- niko confides in you a lot, which he’s grateful for because he usually holds everything in.
not one for pda or other lovey-dovey things in public, other than the occasional holding of hands but behind closed doors, niko’s so soft around you, it’s like he’s a completely different person.
also, i feel like niko’s real handsy with you, i get the vibe he’s super touch starved 😭
although it does take him a while to get used to physical affection, once he has, niko cannot get enough. he’s always touching you when he has no real reason to.
(and because you're his first relationship, i feel like it’s just natural that niko’s going to be kind of clingy towards you.)
“you okay, ikki?” you ask as niko suddenly wraps his arms around your waist from behind, resting his chin on your shoulder.
“mhm,” he mumbles. “just wanna be close to you.”
niko likes when you sit on his lap when he’s on his computer. you can have your arms wrapped around his neck, your head resting in the crook of his neck, or you could just be on your phone or whatever, it doesn’t matter, niko just likes you near him.
you guys don’t really talk to each other when you do this, aside from niko occasionally checking up on you and asking if you need anything from him.
but other than that, you guys just enjoy each other's touch in silence. it’s one of his favorite things to do with you.
however, if you start kissing him in the middle of whatever he’s doing and keep it up for long enough, niko will drop everything to make out with you right then and there (also one of his favorite things to do with you).
speaking of kissing- you kiss niko first.
niko would try to plan your guys first kiss out because he wants everything to be perfect.
but, he ends up taking forever to execute it because he keeps overthinking and you can only wait so long before kissing him, so you take matters into your own hands.
his kisses are sloppy and juvenile at the beginning, but he’s smart and learns quickly what you do and don’t like.
likes being kissed on his jaw and forehead the most :')
if the team ever happens to see niko kissing you, they're gonna be so annoying 😭
"yooo niko's making big moves ‼️" "my son's growing up on me!😩" "good job *pats on the back*" and niko is red all over as he drags you away from them, muttering about how childish and annoying they are 😭.
but, they're all very supportive of you guys, even if they're embarrassing as hell 🙄.
they even give niko relationship advice- which luckily, he doesn’t follow (most of the time), because, let’s be honest, if you're getting unsolicited dating tips from a bunch of teenage boys, it’s probably bad 😭.
you’re the only person niko shows his forehead to. just know that having the opportunity to see it means that niko trusts you more than anyone else :’)
repay his trust by kissing his forehead lovingly and showering him with compliments whenever you can !!!!!!!!!!
“y/n, why’re you so embarrassing,” niko says under his breath, blushing as you hold his face and litter soft kisses on his forehead, rambling about how cute he is.
always looks for you in the bleachers when he has a game and you’re always the first person he talks to after.
and the fact that you make an effort to come as often as you can means sooo much to him. definitely considers you to be his biggest fan.
real classy with nicknames- uses “my love/love,” and “darling,” the most.
his favorite petname from you is "pretty boy." gives him butterflies each time he hears it.
the first time you call him that, he's confused, but after you explain that being called pretty is basically the highest compliment a boy can receive, he gets all soft on you.
only uses instagram to like and comment on your pictures and that's it 😭.
comments stuff like “you're so pretty” and "beautiful," without any emojis because niko refuses to use them LOL.
remembers the compliments you give him! they help with his self esteem and i feel like he values your opinion a lot.
so, tell him all about how cute and smart and talented and hot and funny he is and how much you love him and he'll replay it in his head 24/7.
i think he prefers to be the big spoon, unless he's sad- then he really wants you to hold him.
niko gives me homebody vibes, so expect relaxed dates, but still nice, yk?
what i mean is niko's not gonna take you out to get gas station food and call it a day 😭 he's classier than that and he always puts in effort towards dates.
he always plans them ahead of time and takes into consideration what he thinks you'd enjoy. and he insists on paying 🤗.
but, niko always does something special for days like your birthday or an anniversary, like go somewhere fancy if you wanted to or buy a nice gift you've been eyeing for a while.
helps you with your schoolwork, 100%. most of the time niko tutors you because he wants you to actually learn the material, but if you're feeling lazy and just wanna get it over with, niko will just give you the answers.
this is a big deal because i love him and all but, niko gives me the vibe he's super stingy with his work 😭.
"this is the last time i'm going to just give you the answers, y/n." niko sighs out. "you have to start doing your homework by yourself."
niko's said that dozen of times but he's still giving you the answers free of charge. can you guys say #whipped 🤣?
LOL speaking of school, if you ever text him during class, i highly doubt that niko would entertain you 😭😭 (it's out of love, though)
y/n 💗: hiii baby imy 🥰
pretty boy: do your work, y/n.
pretty boy: pay attention.
y/n 💗: fine ur so lame 👎
pretty boy: whatever you say. i miss you too, by the way.
he likes to moves your hair out your face because he wants to see your pretty face better.
which is why you have to do the same with him 🥰!!!!!! makes him blush like crazy.
gets soooo soft when you post him or even take pictures of you and him together :') just the thought of you wanting to show him off makes him soooo happy.
he won't entertain you if you make a tiktok, though LOL. he's very stubborn in his belief that it's stupid.
just stands in the background with his arms crossed if you try to make him do a dance or something 😭 (he does think you look cute, though).
niko has such nice eyelashes but i doubt he's aware of it 'cause he's, y'know, a boy 🙄.
"my eyelashes are ... cute?" he questions. niko wasn't even aware that such a trivial thing like his eyelashes could be considered cute.
"yes, oh my god," you gush. "they're so long and nice, i wish mine were like that," you groan, examining yours through the camera of your phone.
"you're so weird, y/n," he says, a blush staining his cheeks. "your eyelashes are nicer," he mumbles as he kisses your forehead.
he's one of those people that prefers to be alone, but you're the exception. you know?
niko likes to keep to himself most of the time, but that whole thing doesn't apply to you, because he'd choose to be with you over being alone anytime :')
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milkybonya · 3 years
i'm not the same boy you knew back then
Warnings: food mentions and some angst, party mentions
Pairing: Yedam x (gn)reader
Summary: where Yedam broke your heart in high school because he didn't know how to act but now he's desperately in love with you and wishes you still felt the same :")
word count: 5.8k
inspired by Walls by All Time Low (it has explicit language! be careful~~i've put a link for it at the veryyy end of this fic)
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Hey there it's good to see you again, It never felt right calling this "just friends". I'm happy, if you're happy, with yourself.
"Isn't that Yedam?" your friend, sat beside you, asks. They point to somewhere behind your head, and naturally, you turn around to follow their finger with your eyes.
As the doors to the lecture hall swing shut, a familiar boy begins to walk quickly down the steps. While grinning, he decides on a spot near the back, far away from your almost front-row seat. You let out the breath you didn't realize you were holding and face the front.
"Since when did he go to our university?" your friend asks, also facing the front now.
"I have no clue," you admit.
You'd purposely accepted an offer at a faraway university to avoid having to see Yedam ever again after high school. High school had become one of the worst times of your life thanks to him.
Yedam's pov
As soon as I enter the hall, I find [y/n] with my eyes immediately. They look at me with a mix of shock, disgust and hatred, but seeing them fills me with so much joy that I can't help but smile.
Deciding not to bother them, I pick a spot near the back and sit down. I wonder to myself if switching to [y/n]'s school was the right choice...
[y/n]'s pov
It was obvious you were too much for me. Oblivious, I was young
Back in high school, you had the fattest crush on one of the school's most popular kids, and you hated yourself for it. It wasn't like you could control your feelings... but your heart was set on him. His smile made you feel so warm and you felt happy despite him not having the slightest clue who you were. You always watched him from afar, peering at him as he walked into the classroom while waving at all of his friends before taking a seat at the back.
By some chance, you got paired with him for an assignment. You thought he would be disappointed, since he had never spoken to you, but contrary to his somewhat intimidating aura as a result of him being a popular kid, he smiled warmly at you as you introduced yourself.
"I know you're [y/n]," he said quietly, looking down at the assignment instructions in front of him.
"How do you know?" you asked him.
He looked up and leaned in closer to you to whisper into your ear, only after being sure that no one was watching.
"It may not seem like it, but I do know my classmates."
When he moved back, he flashed you a grin before returning to the assignment instructions again. Your heartbeat was flooding your ears.
After meeting up several times to do the research and plan out the presentation together, you and Yedam somehow grew closer. You had always thought he was some sort of chic, cool guy, but he turned out to be super soft and sweet. The two of you laughed at each other's dumb jokes and procrastinated late into the night sometimes, only beginning your work when the café was about to close.
On one of those days, Yedam asked if you wanted to go to his place to finish the assignment.
"It's due in two weeks and we still have so much to do... plus we're so busy that we can only meet once a week," he explained, pouting slightly.
You agreed, feeling somewhat nervous and excited at the prospect of going to your crush's house for the first time.
His parents were home but asleep as it was late for them, so the two of you quietly went to his room.
In-between muffled giggles and late-night snacks, the two of you managed to get a lot of work done before you felt as though you'd hit your limit. After yawning and stretching, you told Yedam that it was time you went home.
"Do you live far from here?" he asked you.
You, in fact, did live quite far from his house, but you felt bad telling him this, so you lied and told him you lived close by.
He pouted and looked down.
"I was going to ask if you wanted to just sleep here... but I guess it makes sense for you to go home," he said, helping you pack up your things.
Yedam... wanted you to stay the night? How could you miss such an opportunity! Your crush! Wanted you to stay the night!!
Yedam noticed that you'd stopped moving, holding your pencil case in your hand as you thought about what to say.
"Is everything okay?" he asked you.
"Yeah... I actually... live kind of far," you mumbled, not wanting him to get mad at you for lying.
"You do? Then why did you say you live close by?" he asked, also taking his hands away from your backpack.
"I didn't want you to walk me home or anything," you explained. Yedam smiled at you, shaking his head.
"Don't worry about it now... do you have any clothes to change into?"
"Just my gym clothes... but they're dirty," you told him, shyly.
"Do you want to take something of mine to wear?" he asked you, already standing up to look through his closet without waiting for your answer.
You were going to say no, again, not wanting to bother him, but he had already pulled out some of his comfier clothes for you to wear.
After changing into them and walking back into his room, you avoided Yedam's eyes as he quietly lost his mind over how cute you looked.
"Um, so..." Yedam started, scratching the back of his neck.
"Would you be okay with sleeping in my bed? I'll go sleep in the livingroom-"
"No, no! I'll go sleep there-"
"No, I can't let a guest sleep on the couch!"
Both of you sighed, not being able to win against one another.
"Listen, it's either you sleep in my room and I go to the livingroom, or we both sleep in my bed," he said, pointing to his bed behind you.
You froze, trying to consider your options as your heartbeat grew louder.
"Well... I guess we're both sleeping here then," you said, in a tone that tried to sound confident but was a little shaky.
You plopped yourself face first into the bed to hide from your embarrassment, feeling the bed shift a few seconds later as Yedam joined you.
"Scooch over towards the wall. I'll sleep on this side so you won't fall off the bed at night," he said, pointing to the side of his bed that faced the rest of his room. You smiled at Yedam's kind gesture as you moved over.
He had turned off the light and it was dark now, and both of you lay side-by-side on your backs, staring up at the ceiling.
"Are you... asleep?" he asked you quietly a while later. You shook your head at first, but then realized he couldn't see you. So you said a quiet "no".
You felt Yedam shift as he turned to face you. You carefully turned your head towards him too, wondering what he was up to. It was hard to see in the dark, but he was just admiring your face. You looked away, feeling embarrassed, until you felt him shuffling closer to you.
It was a little nerve-wracking watching his figure tower over you in the dark. Blinking up at him, you parted your lips to ask him what he was doing, but he spoke first.
"Am I allowed to... kiss you?" he asked, quietly looking down at you.
Yedam... wants to ???? Your crush wanted-
You found yourself nodding before your thoughts could entirely be processed, and watched as Yedam lowered himself onto you with a small smile. His heart soared as he watched your reaction -- your eyes were squeezed shut so tightly out of nervousness.
Before his soft lips met yours, he found your hand under the blankets and held it in an attempt to ease you of your nervousness. He didn't know that it only made your stomach feel the effects even more intensely.
Your lips touched for only a moment, but it felt like a whole eternity. When he pulled away, he moved off of you quickly and shuffled over to his side of the bed again.
"I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry," he mumbled, looking away from you. You were confused.
"What's wrong?" you asked him.
"I... I was supposed to tell you I like you first but then now you're right beside me--wait not that I like you... wait I mean I do, but I didn't want to tell you like this--"
Hearing his unsure confession was all the confidence you needed to pull him closer, accidentally tightening his hoodie strings as you pulled him in to carefully press your lips against his again. He completely melted into your hands, then, wrapping an arm around your back and holding you close.
That was probably one of the last good memories you have of him.
After that, Yedam turned into a different person the next morning, avoiding your eyes and missing any trace of a smile on his face as he pushed a plate of breakfast towards you.
"Let's not walk to school together, okay? I'll be leaving first," he told you, leaving you alone in his own house.
You had no clue what was going on and no appetite to eat. After waiting a few minutes, you walked to school after him. You had no idea how to even get to school from his house, so after getting lost and arriving late, you finally managed to make it.
When you tried to approach him in class, he would turn his back on you and ignore you. It made you feel so small that you stopped even trying.
It was really hard for you to show up to school after that, because of how terrible you felt, but you still tried your best. Your friends knew something was wrong and they did their best to help you, but it didn't stop you from thinking about Yedam and why he was acting so strangely.
Until he texted you one day in the middle of class, asking you to meet him in an empty classroom.
You told yourself you shouldn't pay him any attention, especially after he ghosted you like that, but you still followed after him, curious to see what excuse he would give you.
In the classroom, you couldn't see anyone, so you thought Yedam hadn't arrived yet until you heard him call out your name from behind a file cabinet. By the windows.
"Come here, [y/n]," he said, motioning for you to approach him. He was smiling at you again, just like he did on those days when you'd study with him in the café. You told yourself to just turn around and leave, but your feet guided you to him.
You frowned up at him.
"What the heck have you been doing?" you asked him, tears already threatening to leave your eyes.
"[y/n], I-I'm sorry... you know how it is for me, with my popular reputation. Some kids saw us at the café and posted pictures of us, saying that I was going around dating a loser-"
He was holding onto your hands while wearing a pitiful expression, but you coldly pushed him away after hearing him out.
"So you've been acting weird because I'm tainting your reputation? Yedam, we never even dated! You gave me some... half-assed confession and... kissed me in the middle of the night and then ghosted me," you told him, sternly.
"I know, I'm sorry... It's so pathetic but I really do like you... I'm just really bad at this, I know, but I'm telling you now I like you-"
"In an empty classroom. Behind a file cabinet."
"Please, [y/n]. Date me for real... I promise I won't let you down."
You and your kind, innocent heart believed his promise. You believed him because his eyes were sparkling and he was holding onto you so tightly.
Yedam told you that you had to date him in secret, and that was just one of many red flags. He explained that if his friends found out, he would be teased and you would be hurt by their words, too. Nonetheless, you agreed. At school, you never spoke to him. All you got were stolen glances, Yedam winking at you every time you turned around in your seat. Somehow, that was enough to make your heart flutter.
You could only see each other in each other's homes, since even the risk of being caught out on a date was too much for Yedam to handle. The two of you would intertwine hands while watching a movie. You'd rest your head on Yedam's shoulder, or sometimes he would rest his head in your lap and you would gently stroke his hair, watching as his eyes squeezed shut tightly while he indulged in the feeling of your love.
Sometimes the two of you would listen to music together, quietly sharing earphones while staring out the window.
Sometimes you would just talk for hours into the night.
Yedam's smile would never leave his face when he was with you.
Except for when he was at school.
And you could handle it. At least you thought you could, until the final straw.
For Yedam's birthday, a few of his friends had gathered in his home, celebrating. You were also invited, of course, after you begged Yedam to let you come. He had told his friends that he invited you as a gesture of thanks for working on the assignment with him... it broke your heart to hear this lie, but you shrugged it off, again.
Everyone was feeling excited as they all started a game of spin-the-bottle. You felt incredibly out of place and already angry, even more so upon seeing a girl getting all handsy with Yedam, stroking his thigh with her hand and playing with his hair. She was constantly glued to him, but you shrugged it off, again.
After the bottle's mouth faced Yedam, the girl beside him dared him to kiss someone. How childish, you thought to yourself. You watched as Yedam locked eyes with you and started to stand up, making his way towards you with a small smile, but the girl beside him stopped him.
"Where are you going, damie? Isn't it me who you should kiss?"
Yedam looked back at her and then at you.
"C'mon, it's your birthday!" she said, dragging him back down.
That literally is not an excuse and makes no sense, you scoffed to yourself, rolling your eyes.
The next few moments were a blur, but Yedam ended up kissing her and you felt like a piece of paper being torn in two. We can't even look at each other in public, you thought to yourself. You fought back tears and got up to leave. No one seemed to mind or care about where you were going, since none of these people were your friends anyway. Even Yedam was preoccupied, his lips on the mouth of this other girl.
You couldn't just shrug things off anymore. This was it. Now, it was your turn to ghost Yedam.
You hadn't told him, but your family were planning to move to another city soon. You told them to plan the move for earlier so you could leave that dreaded place and leave Yedam. Ignoring all his calls and texts, you transferred out the next week, and that was that.
I'm gonna break down these walls, I built around myself. I wanna fall so in love, with you, and no one else, Could ever mean half as much, to me as you do now. Together we'll move on, just don't turn around, Let the walls break down.
You can't focus in lecture as everything that happened with Yedam flashes before your eyes. Just as you're starting to live a normal life without him, he has to show up and allow of the trauma to resurface.
As soon as your class ends, you quickly pack your bags. Your friend does the same, understanding exactly what is going on. But it seems like Yedam and his feet move a little faster.
Just as you're about to leave your row, you look up to find Yedam standing at the end of it, a small smile on his face.
You sigh and turn around, telling your friend to do the same so you can leave through the other side. But Yedam just follows behind you quietly. He doesn't say a word and just follows you as you and your friend as you leave the lecture hall to go to your next class.
Suddenly, you stop. Your friend and Yedam stop, too.
You turn around, your fist clenched into a tight ball.
"Yedam, can you please stop following me? Do you not have classes of your own or things to do? Please leave me alone," you told him, turning your back on him again and walking forward.
Your friend didn't follow you, though, but looked back and forth between you and Yedam. So lost in your thoughts, you walk to class on your own, not noticing that your friend isn't following you.
Yedam's pov
After they say those words and leave, I feel my heart breaking in two. Of course I know how much I've hurt [y/n], but their words make me realize that I'll never be able to completely understand. I almost start crying right there and then...
"Yedam, right?" their friend asks me. I look at them and nod, confused.
"Listen, [y/n] hates your guts. They're not going to talk to you and hear you out, so I'll do it instead. I know [y/n] might regret it if they don't hear you out, even if they don't want to."
I smile at [y/n]'s friend. That sounds exactly like [y/n]...
"You've probably heard a lot of awful things about me, and it's all true. But... [y/n] probably didn't tell you about those nights we spent in each other's rooms... the times that we did get to spend with each other alone.... sorry, what I'm trying to say is that I've always loved [y/n]. Not even 'like', but I've always loved them. And I don't think I'll be able to stop... I know I was such a terrible boyfriend back then. I don't think I can say I even was much of a boyfriend... but I've changed. I can promise that I've changed. I know it must be so arrogant of me to ask if they'll give me another chance but..."
I trail off, my brain shutting down as I struggle to find anymore words to express myself. [y/n]'s friend nods after I trail off.
"I see... well, I've heard about your promises. I heard they couldn't be trusted but if you've changed, then maybe that has changed, too. [y/n] has a really kind heart, but I won't let them date a jerk ever again. So unless we both know for sure that you're different now, we are not letting you date them."
With that, [y/n]'s friend walks away and leaves me there.
[y/n]'s pov
In class, you feel completely empty, unsure of how to feel. You only notice that your friend had not been beside you this entire time when they take a seat in the spot beside you, apologizing that they're late.
"Where were you?" you ask them, looking up as they sit down.
"I was talking to Yedam," your friend tells you, never one to lie.
Your face fills with disgust at the mention of his name.
"Why would you do that?" you whisper loudly, causing some heads in the lecture hall to turn your way. You mumble an apology before returning to your friend.
"I wanted to hear him out," they say, casually opening up their notes.
"What did he say?"
"So you are interested, huh?" they ask you, teasing.
"No, I'm not!"
"I know, calm down! He just said something along the lines of how he's always loved you and does now, too, and that he's changed--"
"That is the most garbage thing I've ever heard," you say, interrupting your friend with a scoff. They smile, shaking their head at you.
When you return to your dorm after all your classes, you find a small gift bag hanging on the door knob to your room. Curious, you pick it up and notice it has your name written on the side.
You could recognize that handwriting from a mile away.
As if it's the side of a hot pan, you drop it, watching its contents spill to the ground. A pack of your favourite snack falls out, along with a neatly handwritten note, a CD player and earphones.
I guess it wouldn't hurt to look, you tell yourself.
Picking everything up and walking into your room, you sit on your bed and read the note over.
[y/n]!! ah, it doesn't make sense for me to be cute or excited in this note, does it? >.< please forgive me.... i'm a little nervous... here is that snack that you've always loved... do you still love it now, too? and here is something that i wrote for you~it's on the CD. just press play and i'll let the song do the talking... i wrote this after you disappeared.
- yedam
This song better be god tier if he's coming to leave it at my door, you think to yourself.
As the song fills your ears, it seems to fill your empty heart too. You can tell it's full of Yedam's sincere feelings and thoughts... or he's just doing a good job of acting while singing. You can't seem to tell, but you still tear up a little.
You hear the door to your room swing open, as your friend, who also happens to be your roommate, barges in.
"What are you up to?" they ask, placing some things on their desk. They turn around immediately when they hear you sniffling.
"ARE YOU CRYING?" they shout, sitting beside you and wrapping their arms around you.
"This... song... Yedam..." you croak, just handing them the earphones.
When they listen to it, they also go quiet.
"It sounds really sincere..." your friend tells you, quietly.
"I'm not the only one who feels that way?" you ask your friend, looking at them.
"You know him better than I do, so you're probably right," they tell you, standing up.
"Why did this boy have to show up and make a mess of my life again," you groan, hiding your face in your hands.
"Well, I have just the solution! I know you're probably going to think about him and not get any work done anyway, so should we just go to a party?!" your friend tells you, jumping up and down.
"A party?" you wrinkle your nose in disgust.
"It'll help you stop thinking about him! Please, we never went to any parties last year!! Let's go, just this once!" they beg.
After thinking it over, you agree. What's the worst that could happen?
Wearing one of your favourite fits and feeling good, you walk alongside your friend, who already has a groove in their step as the two of you make your way to the house where the party is set to be held. It isn't that hard to find, since you're just following the bright lights and loud music in the distance. It's a wonder the people in that house aren't being arrested for causing such a ruckus...
Finally there, you step inside and try not to bump into any weird people. The music is so loud its deafening, and you shrivel up at the sound of it. Your friend wraps their arm around you, pulling you in close and guiding you to the snack/drink area so you can take what you need and go to a quieter place.
Your friend did beg you to come today, so they won't force you to dance or do any things you don't want to do...
Now equipped with everything you need, you make your way to the basement, where it's a lot quieter despite being so busy.
"How's this for a change?" your friend asks you, grooving along to the distant sound of the music from upstairs.
"It seems like you want to dance," you tell your friend.
They shake their head.
"I'll stay with you toniiiiiight!" they cheer, hugging you tightly. You laugh.
"It's fine, just go up! The crowd doesn't seem too scary or weird down here," you tell them as you watch two people play mario kart in front of a TV.
After asking you 1000 times if it's really okay, they leave you there with a drink in your hand. You continue watching the two people playing mario kart, secretly rooting for the boy in orange because his fit looks really nice, even if you're only looking from the back.
He ends up losing and you let out a "noooo!" loud enough for the two to hear. When they turn around, you discover that the boy in orange had been Yedam all along!
I take back rooting for him... he deserved to lose!
Widening your eyes at the sight of him, you quickly turn away and try to navigate your way towards another room. To your surprise, as soon as you walk in, Yedam is in there, holding the door open at the other end and panting.
"[y/n]," he calls out softly, smiling slightly. You can tell he's testing the waters and wondering how to react.
You try to walk out of the room, but the door behind you has been shut by some drunken idiot! He's pressed up against the frame and no matter how much you push, the door just won't open.
"[y/n], if you want to leave, it's okay. I don't want to bother you," Yedam tells you, stepping aside from the other door and motioning for you to walk through.
You sigh.
"No, it's fine. I guess we're here for a reason now, or something," you mumble, sliding down the wall until you're in a comfortable sitting position.
Yedam smiles, closing the door behind him.
"Still caught up in all that destiny stuff?" he asks you, joining you in sitting on the ground but also keeping his distance.
You scoff in response. How does this kid remember everything about me?
"So... what are you doing in my house?' he asks you.
"Your.... house?"
"Yeah, this is my house. You didn't know?" he asks you, looking bewildered.
You think about your friend. They must have brought you here while knowing it was Yedam's house...
"Um... nevermind that. How... have you been?" Yedam asks you, wringing his hands.
"Me? I've been doing great until now. How about you?" you spit out your words sarcastically, but Yedam doesn't seem to mind.
"I've been... well... I'm not sure. It would be cheesy for me to say I've been feeling lost without you, but that's kind of how it is," he tells you, chuckling nervously.
"Yeah, super cheesy. It also doesn't make sense, Yedam," you tell him, avoiding his eyes.
"I know it doesn't, but to me it does. I know our relationship was a mess, but those times that we spent together were... something else. Probably some of the best times of my life, honestly," he tells you.
"And why... are you telling me this?" you ask him, curious to see how he'll respond.
"Because I know I'm in the wrong and there's no excuse for my past childishness, but... I've missed you. And I still do. I know I was really caught up in my reputation back then and I didn't open myself up to you properly, but I want to do that now."
He runs his fingers through his hair, and something inside you turns. You didn't realize just how much you loved it when Yedam did that until now... he looks so pretty--
No. What are you thinking?!
"I haven't missed you though, Yedam," you say.
He smiles sadly.
"I know. And there's no reason for you to. But I'm just... asking for a second chance in case you think there's anything left."
You gulp and look up at the ceiling. You hadn't even considered the possibility of dating Yedam again, but talking with him now is different. He's less cautious and seems to be a lot more comfortable with you.
Someone knocks on the door behind Yedam and Yedam tells them to come in.
"Oh, am I interrupting?" the boy asks, slowly backing away.
"It's fine, I'm just talking to [y/n]," Yedam says with a smile, gesturing towards you. You greet the boy and his eyes light up.
"[y/n]?! The one you always tell me about? Gosh... it's so nice to meet you!" the boy says, shaking your hand and sitting down in front of you.
"You put up with a lot of Yedam's antics, I've heard," he says, laughing. Yedam laughs along, but you're still in shock.
Yedam had never told anyone about you... but now this random boy knows everything?
"It was more than antics. I was... really bad to [y/n]. I'm surprised they haven't left yet," Yedam admits, leaning back.
"I transferred to your old high school after you transferred out, and this boy was always sad. He didn't talk to anyone but me, only because the teacher asked him to show me around. He told me everything about you and eventually told the rest of his friends, too. You were his biggest and only heartbreak... I swear everyone at our school knows about you," the boy explains.
"What did you tell them?" you ask Yedam.
"He told us how he had been dating you in secret because he was afraid to ruin his popularity, but that he regrets it a lot. A lot of his friends left him after finding out you dated Yedam," the boy explains. Yedam nods along.
You're in shock. The boy who was so secretive and insecure exposed himself as a heartbreaker?
"Anyways, I'm sorry to be interrupting. I'll leave now!" the boy says, standing up and closing the door behind him.
"You... told everyone?" you ask Yedam. He nods.
"I feel like it was the only thing I could do for you. You deserved to be known as the one who held my heart," he says, holding his chest and laughing at his own cheesy words.
You find yourself laughing along and loosening up.
A moment of silence stretches between the two of you, and Yedam breaks it by standing up.
"Do you wanna play mario kart with me? You seemed to be having fun watching," Yedam asks you quietly.
You nod, also standing up.
The two of you play for about an hour, screaming and yelling at the TV just like you used to in your bedroom when you'd play games together.
"I won!" you declare in glee, turning to Yedam to do your signature high five with him. His hands meet yours, and you only realize what you're doing only after its already happened. You awkwardly move your hands away, facing the screen again.
"I'm sorry..." you mumble.
"No, I'm sorry! It's really okay, [y/n]... if you feel uncomfortable around me, you don't have to--"
"Your song touched me a lot, Yedam. And now I feel like... I want to try again. Just like this game," you say, pointing to the screen that has try again written in the corner.
"Are you sure?" he asks you, slowly.
You nod, deciding you've made up your mind. You've seen a lot of green flags already -- enough to decide that it's okay to move forward.
Yedam smiles and looks down at his lap. Then his head lifts up quickly, his eyes lighting up.
"I can take you to that café you always wanted to go! They have one in this city... and there's a museum next to it too! Do you want to go there? I.."
As he continues talking, you realize that all of the things he's saying he wants to do were things that you never did with Yedam, even after one year of dating him. It was always stay-at-home dates and ignore-each-other-when-we're-at-school. Somehow, you feel excited, wondering what things will be like.
"[y/n]! I've been looking everywhere for--oh, Yedam? Hi!" your friend greets you both.
"Did you have fun dancing?" you ask them. They nod, pointing to Yedam with their eyes.
You get up and whisper into your friend's ear.
"We have a lot to talk about, but I think..."
Your friend doesn't even wait for you to finish before they say, "well, I have to leave early now. Yedam, can you walk [y/n] home? Great, thanks!"
With that, they disappear and you shake your head at your friend's strange behaviour.
Yedam is all smiley while still sitting on the ground.
"Do I get to walk you home now?" he asks you, standing up.
"I wonder what would've happened if you walked me home that day, too..." you mumble, thinking about the day you slept over at Yedam's in the same bed as him.
"What, do you want to sleep over today, too?" he asks you.
You shake your head.
"I don't want things to turn out like that again."
"You mean, you don't want me to kiss you like I did then?" Yedam teases you, sending you a wink.
"You--shut up!" you yell, chasing after him with a pillow.
This boy literally broke my heart, you think to yourself. He is testing his limits...
After you both calm down, Yedam walks you home. It's a little quiet at first, until Yedam speaks.
"Can... I hold your hand?" he asks you.
"This soon?" you say, still grabbing his hand anyway. He looks down at your hand in his and smiles.
"Yeah... you don't know how long I've been wanting to do this for," he admits, swinging your arm up and down as you walk.
You shake your head at him.
"Let's run!" Yedam declares, racing forward with your hand in his. You trail behind him, the sound of laughter escaping your lips and ringing in Yedam's ears. It leaves a bright blush on his face as he thinks to himself about how much he's missed your laughter.
The two of you slow down, panting.
"I'm so tired," Yedam wheezes, laughing at how weird he sounds.
"Do you want me to kiss it better?" you tease him. He raises his eyebrows at the comment. Maybe it's the adrenaline from all the running or the feeling of the night air, but a courage surges through you as you snake your hand around the back of his head and pull him towards you, pressing his warm lips to yours.
You pull away shortly after, feeling breathless again. A blush dusts Yedam's cheeks as he stares at you with wide eyes.
Your own stomach is full of butterflies, but you ignore it and walk forward.
"Are you not coming?" you yell to the boy behind you. He laughs and chases after you.
[a/n]: i just want to say that i do not condone getting back together with a toxic ex so soon... i was just really excited while writing and sped up the plot >.< but don't ever get back with someone who has hurt you unless you are 100% sure! please take care of yourself!!
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rogue-durin-16 · 4 years
Summary: After having little to no interest on girls for five years, Fred suddenly feels the need to nag the shit out of a certain witch, completely oblivious to the reason behind it.
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Slytherin!Reader
Genre: fluff (+ enemies to lovers)
An unusual year: @natural-hearts @manuosorioh @lumos-solemn @westyywifee @whiskeyn-rain @warlock--protection @gossip-girl-ecr @fandomscombine @birdy944 @28cnn
Permanent taglist: @elia-the-bibliophile @randomparanoid @karlthecat15722 @thebutchersdaughtersblog
Warnings: a little angst, a little snogging 👀
A/N: maybe a bit longer than I expected but it's alright. Also I might write an addition to this story, not sure tho. I hope y'all enjoyed reading this story as much as I did writing it <3
Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Rogue-durin-16 masterlist
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"Y/n! Come sit with us?" George waved at me from the Gryffindor table as I entered the Great Hall, prompting me to sit across him and Angelina, and besides Fred. "Where's Mathilda?" He asked as I got closer, leaving my books on the wooden surface.
"She's feeling unwell." As I sat down, I noticed George's arm around Angelina and I couldn't help the knowing grin that tugged the corner of my lips. "The date exchange at the Ball turned out well, huh?"
"I could say the same about you." He wiggled his brows at me with the same grin I had.
I felt a sudden rush of panic going through my body. My eyes traveled to the boy by my side, who was oddly quiet, and I found him already peeking at me.
"Meaning?" I decided to play dumb, taking a bite of my golden slice of toast whilst ignoring the intending gazes of the couple in front of me.
"You two were having a great time last night." Angelina jumped in, leaning over her table. "Didn't see you coming back, Fred." She added, redirecting her eyes to the ginger.
"I did." His brother laughed. "I daresay you two had an intense night." I felt my cheeks reddening, not finding enough strength to meet George's look. "It was about time, really."
I was startled by Fred abruptly standing up. "See you in class." The curt reply he offered before fleeing shocked all of us; specially his brother, who, with a polite apology, left me and Angelina to go after his twin.
"I feel like I shouldn't ask." She spoke quietly.
"I don't have an answer."
I feared she would see through me. I hadn't lied, but my gut told me whatever happened had to do with the change of demeanor he had at the end of our night out.
I wouldn't say it out loud but a part of me began to worry.
The worry stayed throughout that entire week, guilt joining it at some point. Fred's attendance in Charms, Astronomy and Potions had decreased; I had only see him attend once to Astronomy. The only thing he did was play with his quill and, whenever he thought I didn't notice, stare at me.
Ironically enough, we started spending most of the time together; after the winter break, George had incorporated both Mathilda and me to their friend group, which, in different circumstances, would have been great.
Alicia Spinnet gained special interest on my best friend; Lee Jordan would joke about Slytherins and Gryffindors getting together, and Angelina— well, she seemed happier now that she could hang out with all her friends at the same time.
Fred was miserable. Everyone could see it, yet they did their best to cover it up.
George would overcompensate his brother's attitude by being louder and paying extra attention to me, but it worsened the situation.
I wanted to ask Fred what was wrong, but then again we weren't even good friends, so was it really my place to ask?
George had proposed a trip to Hogsmade a couple of days ago and we all agreed on going, but the day came and Fred wasn't there.
His brother alleged he had a terrible headache and had chosen to stay in bed. We all saw through his excuse, and once more no one said a word.
It was that night that George came to look for me.
"—well then, go get her!" His shouts got into the common room when a second year entered..
"What's this about?" I inquired, coming out to the hallway to see the ginger about to throw hands at my prefect.
"I need you." He stated, quickly losing interest on whatever the prefect had to say. I only nodded and motioned him to move with me far from the Slytherin door. "You have to speak to Fred now." He almost pleaded, a frown of worry forming on his face.
"Sure— wait, now?" I stared at him in confusion.
"Sorry, I know it's late" his apology didn't mean he would ask me to do it in the morning instead.
I let out a sigh before inquiring, "Where's he?"
"The Astronomy tower, I believe." He replied.
"Alright," I said more to myself. "I'll go grab my jacket." He murmured another apology and a thank you before heading off to his House.
I came to a halt at the top of the stairs when I saw him sat against the wall, his knees pulled to his chest with his arms around them, and his face buried between them."Hey there, stranger."
He raised his head, letting his eyes and nose be seen."Who gave me away?"
"Tosser" he muttered, taking his gaze to the levitating bundle of newspaper on fire that was probably keeping him somewhat warm up there.
"Is it that bad to see me now?" I took a couple of careful steps towards the boy.
"It's always that bad to see you."
"Odd for you to say that," I let myself slide down the wall to sit by his side with my legs stretched out. "given how much you stare."
"Touché." He replied, the ghost of a smile breaking through his depressed demeanor. "What are you doing here?"
"What's wrong?"
"I asked first."
"I asked second." He raised his brows at me and it was my turn to avert my eyes from him. "I'm... Worried. About you."
When I shivered due to the wind flowing through the tower, he scooted closer and moved the little fire with his wand for it to be in the middle.
"You're all dejected and sulky," I explained. "You barely attend to our classes together, and if you do, you don't pay attention." I felt him shift uncomfortable by my side. "I'm... I'm gonna regret this— I miss you being a bloody nuisance."
"I knew you loved it." His teasing, though it was meant to be funny, sounded almost painful.
"now, what's wrong?" He shrugged, his chin resting over his forearms. "Listen, if you're not gonna tell me, it's fine, but at least tell George."
"Are you thick?" The bitterness in his tone took me aback. "Y/n, I fancy you." He hid his face between his arms. "quite a lot, actually." He added in a mumble.
"I figured that at the ball, you know?" This time it was me who scooted closer. "Tell me that's not the reason behind this."
"Would you like me to lie?" He questioned, shame slipping out with his voice. "I'm a very good liar you wouldn't even question it." He took a deep breath before looking back up, stretching one of his legs and leaning against the wall. "At the ball, I tried to start something." He began, fidgeting with his hands. "I... This never happened to me, so I wasn't- I didn't know what I was doing, but I thought I was making it clear." He tucked a strand of hair behind his ear. "But when I left you—"
"You know I fancy you too, right?" I tilted my head, searching for his eyes. "As in, more than a one time thing."
"That I didn't know." I felt a pang of guilt, realizing that unconsciously I had played a big part on this.
We stayed in silence.
It wasn't an unsettling silence, but the air weighed over us due to the tension floating on it; I needed to defuse it, otherwise it would crush me.
My heart hammered against my chest while I extended my arm to hold her hand on mine.
It's not meant to be nerve-wracking, I thought to myself as I pulled her hand away from her lap; we had already made clear we fancied each other.
The moment she put her head on my shoulder, the tension completely dissipated. I didn't notice the sigh that left my lungs when it happened.
"Didn't put you, Fred Weasley, in the I'm-a-bundle-of-nerves-with-girls category."
"Oh, shut it." I threw my head back, laughing for the first time in a couple of weeks.
"Never." She gave my hand a squeeze and I allowed my cheek to rest over her crown. "You could, of course, find a way to shut me up."
It wasn't her words that cracked me up, but the suggestive tone she used, which took me back to that night in the Duelling Room when I accidentally let slip my feelings for her for the first time.
I raised my head from hers. "Beg your pardon?" I played the fool, trying to hide the ghost of a smile when she shoot me a wide-eyed look. "What are you insinuating, woman?"
"Do you really wanna start the teasing now?" She gave me a warning glare.
"You've just said you missed it." I couldn't hold back the chuckle.
"I knew I was gonna regret it." She groaned, throwing her head back. My eyes, finally on her, traveled to her now exposed neck and collarbone. Though they weren't visible, I could see the trail of kisses I had left there just a few weeks ago. "Stop staring and kiss me."
It didn't take anything else for me to throw the levitating burning paper away and tug her closer by her hand.
The moment our mouths met, I slipped my hand away from Y/n's so I could led her thighs to straddle my legs.
A quiet moan escaped my lips when she rolled her hips against mines; my hands automatically traveled up from her thighs to her waist, pulling her flush against me.
The temperature in the high, cold tower had shot up all from sudden. Just as we were about to start discarding clothes, quick steps were heard climbing up the stairs.
"Fuck!" She whisper-shouted, practically pushing me away as she got up. "Move, move, move!" As she helped me up and we ran to hide, it dawned on me that we were way past curfew. That got me moving.
We waited for Filch to get to the top of the tower before running down as fast as we could.
"No time for goodbyes!" she warned as we rushed through the vast hallways with Filch after us. "See you tomorrow—"
Before she could sprint downstairs to the dungeons, I grabbed her hand and pulled her into a side hall.
"You won't make it to the dungeons." I stated between pants, glancing at the path we had taken. I wasn't able to see the caretaker yet, but his pants could be heard. "Take the other stairs I'll distract him."
"You'll get grounded." She observed, her breathing as heavy as mine, if not more.
"Worth it." I curtly reply, feeling the corners of my lips twisting up.
"You know?" She pushed herself off the wall she had leaned against to catch her breath. "Sometimes you're really sweet."
"Quick!" I tugged on her hand, seeing Filch finally turn the corner. "Gimme a good luck kiss!"
She pulled me down and kissed my lips briefly before taking off in the other direction. I had to tell myself to shake off that stupid smile and run.
The next morning I eagerly made my way to the Great Hall with two goals; having breakfast, of course, and checking if Fred had made it to his House without getting caught.
I soon spotted the group, this time sitting on the Slytherin table.
Soon his eyes found me too, and without saying a word to anyone, he got up and jogged to meet me halfway.
"Did you make it?" I asked, standing way too close to him and therefore attracting some nosey looks.
"By a whisker." He responded, taking a look around before looking back at me. "I was wondering if you'd like to go for a drink after class." I raised my eyebrows at him with a smirk. "We can use a passage to get to Hogsmade."
"Are you asking me on a proper date, Weasley?" I teased with my hands on my hips. "How cute."
He avoided eye contact, deciding to take another look around instead. "I swear if you tease me right now—"
"I'm free after four." I cut him off. "Now if you excuse me, I'm hungry." I passed him by, playfully bumping his shoulder, and made my way to our friends.
I didn't get far before his hands spun me around and cupped my cheeks, giving me a surprisingly deep kiss. "Are you gonna kill me?" He murmured, his lips still ghosting over mines.
"Oh, you know me so well." I replied, feeling my face heating up. We couldn't help but laugh when whistles and hollers came from behind me. "I might kill them too." I added, making fall into a fit of laughter as we pulled away in order to walk to where our friends sat. "I wanna have breakfast in peace." I warned them, sitting down with Fred by my side.
Everyone was giving looks at each other and trying to hold back the giggles, so I knew a comment was coming, but not from whom.
I could instantly tell I wasn't the only one shocked by the speaker. "But you just had him for breakfast." My best friend responded, faking confusion.
"I was just thinking about that!" Lee yelled, a bit too excited.
"Mathilda Foxglove—" I began, everyone cracking up.
"You are doomed." Fred finished, shoving a toast into his mouth to stop his laughter.
"It was worth it." She stated between giggles.
Fred gave me a side look with a half smile and I thanked Merlin no one could see the boy's fingers interlaced with mines under the table.
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poltoreveur · 3 years
Save Your Tears
Pairing : James Potter x Reader
Summary : James couldn't able to make up his mind whether or not he wants to stay or to run away from the entire relationship. You made the conscious decision to ended it all.
Warning : Angst, Swearing/Cursing, Underage Drinking.
Words count : 2,7k+
A/N : I've been listening to the weeknd all week and I got an idea while listening to this song. Btw, this is actually the THIRD time I tried rewriting this fic, I hate tumblr for not saving. Not read proof. After the second time, I got upset and just winged it.
The gif is mine.
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The party was packed with students, all from each of the houses.
They were all laughing and having a great time with one another. Everybody certainly had their own thing and another to talk to ━ some were flirting and others were trying to make small talk with, but then there was James.
He noticed his friends had already have their own company and left the party moments ago.
It left him by himself but it wasn't like it was the first time, that it had ever happened.
James couldn't really remember what they were there for.
It was not like they had a quidditch game, that wouldn't explain the fact that everybody was practically there.
As his thoughts led him nowhere, instead he let his loneliness take charge and whisk him away to the bar, as he finally gotten himself a drink for the first time that night.
But then, he just stood there - with nobody but a cup full of firewhisky in his hand. Despite the drink being the thing he absolutely love, it seem like it couldn't save him this time. Even with his reputation as a drinker, he only had a sip of his drink so far.
As much as he couldn't refuse not going to a party this massive, he still couldn't bring himself to enjoy it.
He didn't wanted to be there.
His enthusiasm already left him body ages ago.
It was replaced with the feeling of heat as he felt his body tensing up. It all came rushing to him when he couldn't find anything else to stare at but you.
I saw you dancing in a crowded room. You look so happy when I'm not with you.
He kept on eyeing you from across the room.
You had came in to the party with your friends, having the time of your life, laughing and joking since the moment you entered the room.
It was the first time he saw you enjoying yourself in quite a while.
Your attention was so easily distracted that you failed to notice his fiery gaze on your back, watching your every movement.
You felt your body suddenly colliding with another on someone's back, you smiled once they turned around to see the seventh grade student that you've been talking to recently.
You've known him for quite a few weeks, when the two of you had ran into each other during one of his study sessions in the library.
He wasn't that terrible looking if you had to admit to yourself, and he certainly was a decent guy at first glance.
And as the time goes, the two of you started hanging around each other much more often.
You didn't really thought of much of the relationship you had with him until there were days he started to flirt with you.
And you couldn't deny it, you absolutely love the attention he was giving in to you. And at times, you would flirt back to him, trying to tease him a little.
As you noticed that your friends had paired up with some of his, you felt his hands reached down to your waist. You didn't mind it as you surely enjoyed it and lean your body back against his.
In a way, you knew that he wasn't really that interested in you. Your mind slowly realize that he probably had some other intentions than just dancing. And you were quickly proven right as you felt his hand slither down your sides again.
Though, you didn't like the idea of being taken advantage of, you certainly didn't objected to the idea of having sex with him for the night.
You let your mind take charge of your body rather than your conscious and it quickly turn heated when you felt him kissing your neck up his way to your jaw.
You couldn't deny it, you were certainly enjoying it.
As you turned around to face him and hooking your arms around his shoulder, you finally saw the eyes that was staring at you from the moment you walked into the party.
But then you saw me, caught you by surprise.
His gaze was still fixated on you, even when you already caught him red handed.
But then you soon came to realize, that you haven't seen his face this clearly for a long time.
It had been a while, it seem like you had almost forgotten how he looked like.
With all your attention suddenly averted to him, from where he had stand, the light from the room slowly showed the broad of his facial structure.
You hadn't realized how much you really do enjoy looking at him.
From where you were standing, the light had seem to bring out of his features than you had noticeably ignored before.
His face was lit only by the beam of light circular in the room. With that, you could see that he was building himself a sharper jawline than before and his face was becoming more structured somehow.
You started to wonder if it had anything to do with the two of you or you really couldn't care less to pay attention even back then at the time you were together.
Ever since the two of you parted in your own ways, you tried your best trying to avoid him at all cost.
Finding the longest way possible to get to class. Making yourself the last person to enter and first person to leave.
Even went out of your way by pushing those people who are ever close with him and avoiding the same crowd altogether.
During the time, you felt more like yourself, having your own crowd and being associated by who you are and not just James Potter's girlfriend.
Cutting off the people that surrounds him was quite easy and relieving to say the least. But his friends, couldn't stand the idea ━ mostly, Remus.
He had kept on insisting and trying to get the two of you back by saying how the we should 'sit down and have a nice conversation together.' Which you had replied by laughing in his face and promptly walking away.
But here you are again.
Finally looking at him, after weeks has passed that you seem to forgotten how his eyes may even look, you didn't know if it was from rage, the heat of the room or looking at you with someone else.
A single teardrop falling from your eye.
"You alright?"
If it wasn't for the boy to speak up, interrupting your thoughts ━ you wouldn't have even noticed the tear that was already rolling down onto your cheeks.
"Oh, yeah, 'm alright."
You look back at him, he was gripping his drink as tight as he can but his face showed a different type of emotions.
It was desperation.
You didn't know from where, and you certainly didn't stop to think if you had cause it because, how could you.
"I need to go for a moment, if you don't mind."
You excuse yourself from the senior you were dancing with, which in that moment, you didn't want to admit that his name got washed away in your mind.
I don't know why I run away.
The breakup wasn't entirely your decisions.
Though it was you who ended things off, it still wasn't your full decision to do so.
And now anger.
Anger was filling up your body from the thought of your relationship with James.
You started to think back to the night of the break up. How much there were lots of screaming and fighting, but funny was that it wasn't from your part.
You were absolutely baffled and disgusted on how you have learned to love someone as a monster like him in this world.
Not even back then you would give a thought to slap him or shout at him or even hit him no matter what anger you were building up.
But this time, you wanted to scream.
You wanted to shout at his face.
Screaming in the top of your lungs and asked him, how. How could he made you feel like that.
To make you feel as if being with you as a struggle, a problem between the choice to stay or just to end the entire relationship off.
But you knew since the moment he told you, that whatever comes next, it wasn't even your choice.
You could've asked me why I broke your heart. You could've told me that you fell apart.
That night, he kept on pushing you, edging you, trying to make you think that he wasn't there to stay. He wasn't gonna be there.
From his choices, from the moment he started to push his ways with you ━ everything that you did that night, is because it was everything he wanted to do but couldn't bring himself to do so.
But that night, it wasn't the only thing that was already handled off without you.
The thing you felt most absolutely disgusted from him was his reaction. It was the only you didn't hope for and the thing that you didn't expected from his was, relived.
The emotion plastered across his face and if someone could truly die out of a broken heart, yours was that moment right there.
You couldn't even stop to question him.
You couldn't bring yourself to ask him, why.
Because even though that question was drumming in your head, that question was already long answered when he is going back and forth between his two options.
To stay or to leave.
Funny how it was the only thing that was running through his mind during the relationship.
You couldn't stay.
Not in the relationship, not at the party.
But you walked past me like I wasn't there. And just pretended like you didn't care.
You knew this awful painful night had to end.
You couldn't stand there with the thought of hurting and breaking in your head while he was glaring at you from across the room.
The tear was already dried up from the moment you started reminiscing back to what you were.
It was quite a while before your body could function properly without breaking down in the near sight of him.
You needed to leave.
Your throat had felt so much more drier than before you were quickly hit with the wave of emotions.
But you held it against yourself.
You told yourself that you couldn't bring yourself to do so, not after the damage he had caused you.
As you tried walking pass him, trying to get to the nearest exit, something stopped you from doing so.
You heard his voice called out over the loud sound of the room, the first word you heard from ever since, as you tried quickly walk pass him.
Take me back 'cause I wanna stay.
The question 'why' started going through your mind again. And come to think of it, you knew it was stupid for you to question why he did it.
No matter how and technicality that it was you who broke it off, but it was his conscious idea to make you drive away and leave him.
You still wanted to scream at him.
Out of everything, he made you an option.
Even in the relationship you were almost disposable, easily abandoned in his eyes.
You kept on walking, ignoring his calls for you but of course, your terms of avoidance had to stop sooner or later.
"Fucking Merlin, would you please just stop already."
You didn't, you still kept your pace as you walk pass him and was heading for the door.
"I swear to- fuck. Won't you just stop it?"
"I did, James. I stop it."
"I stop the relationship that you were so confused to even continue or keep fighting for."
You too tired for another argument.
Seeing him tonight was already draining your energy.
But not for James, he surprisingly stunned.
He had never seen you with such anger, even in the relationship or with other people, you never let yourself to implode and scream at them, no matter what mistake they did you wrong.
But every person has their limit. And James coherently proved yours.
"Fucking hell, just- please, just listen."
"What do you want? Wasn't driving me away enough? Do you want me to feel bad as well for your sorrows?"
Her words really did pain him.
But in a way, he knew he deserves it ━ after everything he had made go through.
"But can we just-"
"Fuck James, I don't want to talk about it."
His lips slowly connect with each other again, sealing himself from saying another word.
He let go of your arm that he didn't even knew he was clenching on to and slowly let his hand down.
"You can't do this to me."
She stated as she slowly turn her body to face him.
"You can't make me feel like this and just come running back for me, that's not how this works."
His thoughts of what he wanted to say to you, quickly vanishes from his mind.
The pain.
Is this what you have felt back then?
Forcing you to do something that he could've done on his own but didn't have the guts do it himself.
He was stringing you along the relationship ━ dragging you to this long, unwanted emotional battle with his demons.
He kept on pushing the better part of the relationship, making you think that he would've always stay.
But there was a point where he didn't think that he deserves you. It built up a conscious in him, saying to leave, even though he wants to stay.
I said some things that I should never say. I broke your heart like someone did to mine.
"I can't stand it, and I don't want to listen."
"Why James, why? Couldn't you at-least give me a reason why? It's the best you can do after driving me to absolute madness these few weeks."
"You know the answer, please don't make me say it."
"I want to hear it ━ say it to me."
"I can't-"
"James Fleamont Potter, you fucking say it right now or, or."
You sigh, you know you can't stand this. You couldn't do this anymore. The argument was getting old and the fights now have nothing to meet its goal.
"We need to break up."
And now you won't love me for a second time.
I realize that I'm much too late and you deserve someone better.
"Don't make me do this the second time, please."
You plead as you stare at him.
As he reach back to his conscious, he could see the tears those were starting to form in your eyes.
Though it pains him to see you sad, your eyes were remarkably beautiful with the gloss of tears over it.
"I can't-"
He started, trying to find the ways to stop you from leaving like the first time but he only could mumbled and trip over his own words and he started to get angry at himself this time.
"I can't- I, I- this isn't fair! You can't! Tell you wouldn't do this, please don't, I-"
You voice sounded softer as you called out to his name and brush your hand on his shoulder.
He look back at you, seeing that the gloss in your eyes have fallen down from your cheeks all the way to the bottom of your jaw.
Save your tears for another day.
He couldn't stand seeing you like this.
'No, no, no.'
As his hand tried to reach for your face, you reluctantly move away and stop him from doing so.
He didn't want you to cry.
All the things that had happen for the last few minutes had been even more harder for him than it has for the last few weeks.
He knew he still loved you a lot, and maybe in a different, you still love him as well.
As you lowered his hand down, pushing it away, you gave him a weak smile before promptly leaving the room.
Even if he did drove you to it, James feels regret for breaking your heart.
When he realizes he made a grave mistake by letting her go, he tried attempting to rekindle the relationship you both once had but there was never a perfect time to do so.
Now, seeing that you're no longer interested in a relationship with him, really broke him.
It wasn't like you weren't hurting either, but it pains him the most that he will never get a chance to find someone who loves him like you did.
Furiously, he finally gulped down the drink he was holding for the past hour.
It burns his throat as he drank it with anger and smashes the glass onto the wall, causing everybody to look over at his direction.
He wishes that you walk back into the room and leap into his arms again like you use to.
But he knew he couldn't wait for something to happen, the universe just doesn't work like that.
Now, it was already way too late.
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