#a list of Very Rude things that i apparently do that don't sit well with people:
themarsbar · 29 days
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ceasarslegion · 1 year
What is the gift card story?
Oh boy.
So when this happened, I worked at a Kiehl's. To those who don't know, it's a luxury skincare company that charges 80 bucks for a tub of moisturizer. Not even the specialty kind, either. It's honestly stupid overpriced for what it is except for a very small list of products and discount sets and I do not recommend it now that I'm no longer working there and can give my honest opinion of it.
The company also tries to feel special to embarrassing extents. They made us do this service where we'd basically sit you down and stick this machine to your cheek that was basically a flaw finder and we'd spend half an hour telling you everything wrong with you in an attempt to get you to drop 300 dollars on a 6 step routine. In all honesty, just wash your face, moisturize, and use sunscreen if youre going out in the sun. You don't need a 145 dollar anti aging serum, you cant permanently reverse aging, that's not how the science works, and aging isn't a curse or a sign of lesser worth anyway. It's a blessing not afforded to most. The stuff they claim they're "reversing" are usually just skin dehydration side effects. You get the same results from a run of the mill moisturizer. If your acne's persistent and uncomfortable then retinol serums do actually work for that, but don't fuck your self esteem by convincing yourself you need retinol to keep wrinkles from forming. It's not worth it, you'll end up with an empty wallet and depression and none of the lasting results you were promised the second you stop using it.
Anyway, we got quite an entitled customer base because of the combination of unaffordable price gouging and these frilly free services that made them feel special for 30 minutes of their disconnected bourgeois lives. The kind of people who think that theyre better than the employees because they got lucky enough to have a rich husband or nepotism'ed their way into high paying positions and convinced themselves that they're self-made. A lot of them im convinced only spent that much money because they could.
So one day this lady comes in and buys a hand cream. Shes a little rude and off-putting but whatever, she's not yelling at me over prices i cant control so pick your battles, right? I ring it through, ask how's she's paying, she says visa. I hand her the machine. She goes through the whole thing. It gets approved, I give her her reciept and say "have a nice day~!" to which she growls "why didn't you take my gift card?!"
This caught me off-guard, and I kinda blinked vacantly at her and went "I... w-what?"
She takes out a gift card from her wallet, which at no point she showed me or made me aware she had, and said "why didn't you take my gift card?!"
With all the self-control I can muster, I say "I... was not made aware that you had one, ma'am."
Apparently, this was the wrong thing to say. She started staring at me like she wanted me dead. Started going off about how the customer is always right and demanding a full refund while still keeping the hand cream. I told her that this is very much not a scenario where that would be appropriate.
Adult temper tantrum ensues. She calls me stupid and says that I clearly don't know anything. My eye is starting to twitch, and my manager on duty catches this interaction and gracefully saves me from cussing out a bitch by taking over and running a return, followed by a second transaction with the gift card as payment.
You wanna know how much was on it?
Two dollars.
Two fucking dollars. She pulled that shit and called me stupid and started throwing a temper tantrum over TWO. DOLLARS. In a store that charges FORTY for that bottle of hand cream. If you're dropping forty fucking dollars on hand cream in the middle of an inflation crisis worse than that America is going through, you can afford to swallow a toonie. If you're shopping there in 2023, you're not struggling enough that two dollars is a legitimate concern, you know very well what you're doing here, and I'm not gonna fucking have that as someone who was struggling to get by on 16 an hour.
So I got her banned from the store. Fuck off and die, toonie gift card lady.
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its3oe · 1 year
Your art is absolutely amazing and expressive I could just eat it! but can I ask do you have anyone you take inspiration from or any references you use?
Hey thanks!! I have tons of inspirations with a lot of them being ye olde cartoonists of the 90s and early 2000s. I grew up with all of the gnarly nickelodeon cartoons like Ren and Stimpy, Rocko's Modern Life (Joe Murray has a lot of really cool work! I have his book!), etc. as well as the few odd ones of CN with I think the most apparent and obvious influence on me being courage the cowardly dog lol. I also like a lot of stop motion or puppetry or other more tangible stuff and it does deeply impact my art. Friends such as gumby, sifl & olly, jim henson stuff, and many more! I'm also a huge adult swim fan, sometimes. 12 oz mouse is a big one for me! Other more specific individual names of influence upon me are : Steve purcell, stuff that doug tennapel (I know. i know. he fucking sucks. i hate him too.) has worked on, Moebius, peter chan (does concept art for games and shit. look at his grim fandango work!), and many more that i am forgetting. i am also very inspired by my own peers! I'm very lucky to have a wide variety of art friends whose styles are on a huge spectrum that i get to see insight into. If any of my friends see this and want to plug yourselves in the replies do it and if you're a jokester and put yourself and i don't know you i will make fun of your rudeness and kick you out and finally there are a lot of crusty old games that inspire me a lot. it's already been implied by my mention of grim fandango but tim schafer's games are very artistically cool to me, as well as the oddworld franchise, doom, system shock, super metroid, etc... i'm a big fan of weird sticky gloomy atmospheres as well as scifi and i think this kind of shows in my art. as for reference: i just google photos when i need it. i don't consciously reference other artists because i like to problem solve on my own but this has also probably stunted me a bit to be frank! Hopefully this is the type of answer you were looking for! I don't really name out a lot of online artists because i...don't follow anyone online firsthand! There are many lovely skilled people out there but i just don't have the brainpower to sit and remember and follow people but i fear that that's the sort of thing you wanted. Either way, here is a list of things above!
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archivalofsins · 1 year
This is just a note before the Mikoto thing. Though it's been something eating at me for a while since everything happened and I just feel like I need to say it here before doing anything else.
At the end of the day I’m just a person with my own experiences and beliefs. All of which create the lens I view the world through. The point of theorizing to me isn't to be completely right but to engage with a media one enjoys in a new and innovative way. I am not trying to be a prophet and if I turned out to be that would be boring.
If anyone believes that anything I state within my theories is wrong that’s all well and good. In fact, I encourage people to form their own opinions. Especially if those people are willing to remain open-minded and interrogate the factors within their lives that would lead them to have those beliefs/form those opinions. Though that's not mandatory, just what I would find to be the most favorable outcome. Because I enjoy people getting to know themselves better more than anything.
This may be a surprise to some people but even I don't think I'm completely right. Even, I’ve gone well, maybe it’s not that deep. Even bigger shocker half of the conclusions I come to within my theories I came to while writing out my theories over the course of looking over the information further. People’s opinions change and develop over time and as new information presents itself. It’s up to each person to decide whether that change will be for the better or worse. I don’t think remaining closed-minded and stuck in one's ways is a good thing. However, I know it can be a comfortable thing. So, I can personally understand why some people would not like the conclusions I’ve drawn throughout most of my theories.
However, this is a labor of love. I’m rather sure people would have some misgivings around messaging a Milgram fan artist about not liking how they draw or leaving a long-winded review on a fanfic just to go to great lengths to explain why you disliked it. I’m not claiming that people don’t do these things just that the people who do are viewed as rude individuals and it is usually considered more appropriate to just leave well enough alone unless someone is doing something incredibly problematic that has resulted in real people being victimized in some way. At which point it is great to warn others about the individual and what they do if it can actively cause harm.
However, most fan works don’t actively cause harm to anyone and theories about fictional works are on the bottom of the list of things that can cause real world harm. I’m a proud believer in an eye for an eye and admittedly restraining myself to the extent that I have for such a long period of time is a testament to my own character but not necessarily a good one.
Even though I suspect I could very well do the same thing to someone else at any time. Knowing for certain that even if I couldn't do that I could at least test if this happened the way I believe it happened I still haven’t done anything. I literally have suspicions about who did it and even I’m like nah that’s going too far nobody deserves this. They especially don’t deserve it over just enjoying something in the different way than I do. Their enjoyment isn’t hurting me even though I’ve been hurt do the right thing let it go because the price of knowing is higher than the price of doing nothing.
Would you really want someone to have to go through this. No, yay I passed the good person test. But also, fuck being a good person. Being a good person in this regard isn’t fair to me. It doesn’t make the situation resolve itself faster. Hell, it doesn’t even make feel better. It’s just constantly sitting here like I know exactly how to get revenge but apparently, I’m just too much of a coward to even do that.
Like I personally don’t view that as an honorable thing to do. Just suffer in silence fuck that. I’m the first person to go hey take everybody down with you man ya’ll all here we can go into the ground together. Then I think man how sad would that be, how insecure would I have to be with myself and my own opinions to get that heated over someone’s personal view of a fictional work.
How unhappy of a person would I have to be to see someone enjoying themselves and go no you stop that when minding my business was right there? I think harassing someone for how they enjoy something, especially in the fandom built around fictional murderers is kind of something no one here should have the audacity to do. Just to then go defend fictional murderers sometimes on the basis that they’re hot alone.
Like I’ve said it before, and I will keep saying “People who dig through garbage shouldn’t complain about the smell.” If anyone here is under the delusion that they are better than anyone else or enjoying Milgram the right way here’s a reality check, YOU ARE IN THE FICTIONAL MURDERER FANDOM. As much as I love Milgram which is a lot people have gotta admit there’s a reason others stay away from it or find the concept too dark even by normal anime standards.
People within this fandom and any fandom are lucky enough to find other people who enjoy the same thing they do. Others that are just as passionate about it as them. Even luckier to have good fan artists, fic writers, theorists, people who translate the minigrams and voice dramas. Many people who put their passion and love for the series on full display for some to still go hey, hey no not like that though.
Even doing the same with the creators of the thing going on about how they translated their own songs incorrectly. The fanbase instead of building upon what was given sometimes actively works to tear down what's there. Which is all fine and dandy if that's what's enjoyable to some.
Yet sometimes it seems like some of the people here will never be satisfied at anyone’s hard work even the fucking people who created the thing. Right now, Milgram is on the precipice of going the way of so many other media because of its fanbase. Being hated and disliked solely because, “Man, I wanna like it but the fandom is just so toxic you know and I-I just can’t look past that I don’t want to get  involved in that sort of thing. Like it feels like the only way I could enjoy it is by myself, so I’ll just wait until it’s over. I’ll come back when it’s over.”
Which would be fine with any other fandom, but Milgram expressly wants audience involvement and I think it’s a terrible thing that the very thing they wanted is going to be its downfall in a way. It's like if the Unus Anus fandom was like no you can't watch it you don't get it but in that case you literally can't just come back when it's over. Because that was the purpose of it creating something that ends and disappears and uploading the videos after that would be a direct contradiction of the project!
Like I get it we don’t all have to get along or be chummy but actively harassing others over how they enjoy something… Look, I’ve waited for someone to explain to me how it’s okay for someone to get my main blog sent to the shadow realm basically, all over theories. How it’s alright for people to lament about some folks in the fandom not deserving to be able to vote.
Again, something that the series encourages and actively wants people to do. So, this is directly against the core premise of the series. Like, if I just bothered Milgram fan artists whose art I personally didn’t enjoy or messaged fic writer’s about certain character depictions of theirs I didn’t like explaining in length why I did not like them and how they should write it instead that would be rightfully viewed as harassment.
However, when it comes to theorists it seems as though anything goes in this fandom no holds barred. So, instead of feeling the need to send me an ask going oh ho, ho but see if you play MeMe at 10:06 pm the time that aligns with Mikoto’s date of birth on a Monday the day of the week Mikoto was born you'll see a completely different scene after the credits of the video that blows his case wide open.
Okay great you write an essay on that, you make a theory and leave me alone I've been through a lot at this point and I don't have the patience. Take everything I say with a grain of salt if you want to. Unless you're willing to put in the same amount of fucking time and effort I did- Which by the way if the people who do bother others like this were doing that bothering anyone wouldn't even need to be a part of that process at any point. Like my opinion and everyone else's is already here you can just take it and write your own counter theory completely debunking everything I said with our paths never needing to cross.
Bothering anyone isn't gonna prove your point because you haven't worked to make one you just dislike theirs. Which in and of itself is fair, but at what point did the person they disagree with knowing that become a priority?
I am not being nice about this anymore. This fandom has displayed an overbearing toxicity that is counterproductive to what Milgram as a project seeks to accomplish. Something that’s incredibly funny given most of the people here agreed that cyberbullying over a stolen hat design was unforgivable but harassing people over theories about stories totally okay.
Does it have to get to the point it did with Futa for people in this fandom to understand this sort of behavior isn't good. That creating this sort of intolerant fandom space is bad actually. Personally, I don’t need an inviting fandom space I’m an adult with multiple friends who I can discuss this with in real life for hours. However, there are a lot of people younger than me in this fanbase who deserve to have a good experience with it.
Budding new artists, fic writers, people who for all I know this fandom could be their first experience when it comes to being in fandom spaces. So, I’m pleading with the Milgram fandom to at least make a more inviting space for those people and for everyone to recognize whether your favorite Milgram character is voted Guilty shown to be horrid later down the line or the one you hate the most is voted Innocent does not matter more than the positive experiences you could create, can, and will have with people in this fandom.
People who you'll probably meet through this fandom. It doesn’t have to go the way of worse fandoms. There doesn’t need to be this hostility. This can be fun even when our opinions conflict or the verdict we personally want isn’t the one that wins. I’m not above displaying my own toxicity or putting my bias on full display every once and a while. So, I'm definitely not saying this from a place of superiority.
I’m sure there have been people whose feelings were genuinely hurt by some of my opinions or who just don’t like me. Yet, I’m not forcing anyone to see me or my posts. I’m just talking about what I enjoy and tagging it correctly to look back on later. Me discussing my interests in a way I find enjoyable shouldn’t have led to what it did and I’m dead serious about it not happening to anyone else. I care about Milgram as a series and want as many people to enjoy it as possible.
I feel like that won’t happen if the fandom stays so divided and reactionary. Though maybe it could just be the tumblr part of the fandom which is oddly surprising given what some here have said about twitter but I definitely haven’t had that issue there. So, this may be the rare case of a tumblr fandom being worse than twitter and I feel like that’s the biggest insult I can leave this off on so I’m gonna head out.
Mikoto murders breakdown coming Saturday and remember you always have the choice to be kind.
Honestly, can’t some people just let people go and live their life?
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brittlebutch · 1 year
Is The Accountant any good? I remember there being arguments about it when it first came out, but I’ve never actually seen it. I don’t wanna watch something that has bad representation, but since you just posted about it I figure I can ask: did the writers do their research?
I'll be upfront that I'm not wholly sure how well I can answer this question. Ultimately I think trying to watch things 'For Representation' is kind of a sunk-cost game, especially when it comes to something as diverse as Autism - I think at the end of the day what's considered 'good representation' and what's 'bad representation' is largely going to come down to Simply Personal Preference (with some notable exceptions like Music who shit the bed across the board). If I say I think the movie is fine, there's going to be a bunch of people who think it's dogshit and so on. These days I mostly try to judge things as A Story, not For Representation, does this make sense?
I will try to answer it though. Ultimately, I think The Accountant tells a decent story. I've watched this movie a few times and while I wouldn't list it as A Favorite of mine, I also enjoy watching it when I happen to come across it. A bare bones answer to your question 'did the writers do their research?' - Yes, I think they did. The details of this response have gotten away from me because I have a tendency to overexplain so I will be putting the rest of this under a cut!
TL;DR tho - Is it a good movie? I mean, I've watched it more than once, and I'm not someone who will sit through things I don't like. I think it does a decent enough job with its autistic character if you like the genre. The Accountant is a thriller that centers violence, which is why a lot of people do not like it, but that's The Story it's telling. If that kind of genre bothers you, you probably wouldn't enjoy this movie. WARNING though because the film does have scenes with bright flashing lights that may trigger photosensitivity in viewers.
The main character is autistic, and the movie does not shy away from this but also doesn't necessarily Dwell on it. It's brought up multiple times, but I don't think it's ever especially Emphasized? I would say it's treated like any other character trait. Chris's ability with math may be a savant-like skill, but mileage on this may vary wrt whether this bothers you (and also if the movie ever defines it like this? I think the synopsis does, but I can't remember if it's in the Script)
He's blunt and terse in social situations, but not outwardly/exaggeratedly rude or mean to others. While it feels fairly obvious he's discomfited by small talk, he makes an effort to navigate it in an effort to avoid being rude or offensive towards others - the tone of this feels more 'I want to avoid causing unnecessary conflict/hurt feelings' and less 'I have to Act Normal to get people to like me', Chris is very solitary and seems to like this, although he does have people he gets along with well. He has a flat affect and a monotone - although there are moments when he's more excited/relaxed and has more facial/tone variation. He seems to split pretty evenly on making (or faking) eye-contact and looking in fully other directions in conversations. He also stims most notably with a repetitive phrase he uses to help center/calm himself down. The actor portrays these traits in a way I would deem realistic - it's not exaggerated or caricature like/offensive, although I'm almost certain the actor himself is not autistic (which some people will take issue with).
I can't tell if his interactions with Dana are meant to be interpreted as somewhat romantic in nature? I think she comes close to kissing him once, but he gets distracted and ultimately seems to Like Her without necessarily being Interested in Her (at least to my interpretation). He does go out of his way to defend her - apparently out of character for him to some degree - but I can't tell how much of this is Romantic Undertones and how much is simply Injustice / the fact that they get along. Honestly, I kind of interpret Dana as autistic as well, and kind of view their interactions through that lens, but I can't say for sure that this was the story's Intent. This is worth noting only in as much as I wanted to mention autistic Dana lol - i don't identify myself as aro/ace but i'm also not particularly interested in Relationships, so I don't feel particularly compelled to comment on whether the inclusion or exclusion of romance involving autistic characters is Good or Bad.
The movie also features a character whose role is more or less to be The Spokesperson About Autism - the one who makes the most effort to actually Define it in film to the audience. This is the man who runs the institute where Chris almost got an education, who speaks to Chris's parents when he was a child and makes a brief reappearance at the end. He very explicitly states that autism is not some Scary Disorder that's Stealing Children (I believe both conversations center parents who speak derisively about having an autistic child and say they'd like to believe there's a Normal Kid inside their autistic one, and he explicitly dismisses this notion/attitude - "your son's not less than, he's different"). He also says that attempting to force autistic children to meet NT standards is not going to work - you have to work with them where they're at and accommodate them sufficiently, which is true and a very Healthy way to approach raising autistic children. I would consider this the most Easily Noted way the film shows how/what its writers researched - I would say Largely Positive.
He does mention learning eye-contact / nonverbal cues when talking about child-Chris's potential education, but I don't necessarily consider this an inherent Flaw, but also acknowledge that's Personal Interpretation. Worth noting that another character in this same scene is proof they aren't Forcing compliance or NT-standard communication (an aide is attempting to put another autistic child in shoes, and when she refuses by kicking them off and wiggling around, the aide stops and says 'okay, no shoes today' and takes the shoes and leaves), and a similar conversation at the end of the movie - set in the Present - does not include any mention of learning how to mask, and instead explicitly focuses on the importance of NT people learning how to effectively communicate with/understand autistic people rather than trying to force the inverse.
Chris does at one point define himself as 'high-functioning', I'm not sure whether the movie itself believes in this dichotomy. The guy who runs the Institute - the movie's literal Autism Spokesperson - does not seem to use or approve of them. Another autistic character in the film is not labeled in this way and is a clear subversion of this kind of dichotomy as well. Chris did not learn about autism from someone who actually Knows About autism, he learned about it from his dad who Primarily seemed to focus on teaching Chris how to mask/fight. Is this Good Rep? IDK - it's likely an NT viewer wouldn't pick up on this distinction, so I can't say for sure whether this is a Flaw or not.
The way Chris's sensory issues are handled Is a little sketch (his dad did not believe in accommodating him in any way - this often is portrayed by the film as child abuse - and taught him to deliberately overstimulate himself with bright flashing lights and loud music while doing DPT with a leg roller in an attempt to desensitize him, because "The real world is not sensory-friendly". I'm not Entirely sure whether the movie wants us to believe this works well or not - there are two notable scenes where Chris does this, one where he reaches his timer goal and one where he winds up melting down instead, so I'm not entirely certain what the audience takeaway is meant to be? Ultimately though, I don't think Chris's father is framed by the film as a Good Dad even though Chris loves him and believes him to be one. This might just be my interpretation and not the film's intention though - I have not sought out any BTS info for this movie.
There are several scenes that feature Chris as a child having violent/disruptive meltdowns - there can be mixed feelings about this. Some people might find them voyeuristic / a negative trait they're uncomfortable with. Chris's mom leaves because she cannot handle his meltdowns and Also because she resents Chris's father for not letting Chris stay at the institute to learn. Chris's father helps him through meltdowns via repeating a nursery rhyme and hugging him to his chest for the pressure (it Could arguably be read as restraining, but Chris is never Pinned Down to the Ground outside of an arrest scene, so I would consider it more DPT than 'abusive restraint'). I feel it's inauthentic to try avoiding the issue of meltdowns when it comes to portraying autism in media - they're a fact of life. My opinion on seeing NT actors portray them tends to vary. I would consider this a personal preference thing again - what are you willing to view/tolerate? His meltdowns Are, I believe, framed as wholly separate from his ability to fight/shoot though - they aren't conflated or linked. Chris's violence is, I think, wholly attributed to the way his father raised him, not something tied to him being autistic, he has a NT brother who shares the same use/level of violence.
Chris is a Morally Grey Character though - he does good things, he does bad things, the movie does not shy away from either, and some people take issue with this. [BTW when I say 'take issue with', I do not necessarily mean to deride this opinion or mock people who hold it. Simply pointing out where I have seen critique aimed.] Ultimately, this character trait is a feature of the Story and its Genre not in its attempt to Represent Autism - I think I've seen people critique this story by saying things like 'it's acting like he's a killer because he's autistic, as if all low-empathy people are killers, and that's Bad Representation because NT people will see it and think That's what defines autism' but this rings false to me on a variety of levels.
For one, Chris is not shown to have particularly low empathy. Even if he was low-empathy, Chris is shown to care deeply about a variety of other characters (these Are two different traits btw, 'empathy' and 'caring about other people' are not intrinsically linked) - so there's no basis to the claim that his Autism is what singles him out from other people as a reason he does or does not kill. Again, Chris's ability/willingness to fight is framed almost entirely as a result of the way his father raised him, not as having anything to do with him being autistic.
It's also, as I said, the GENRE.
One major reason I don't like categorizing things by Good/Bad Representation is because 'Representation' does not necessarily align with Telling A Story. If, in order to be Good Representation, a character Must be Morally Good, then this severely limits the amount of stories one can tell, and I'm someone who enjoys tragedies/horrors/complicated stories involving complicated/morally-gray characters. This is what I mean when I say Good/Bad Representation is largely a conversation of Preferences - I like it when I can see character I relate to in the kinds of stories I like to watch. Other people might try to claim that trying to include autistic characters in these stories is inherently Bad Representation because they're stories about 'Bad People'. Preference all the way down.
[ALSO because the notion of what traits make up 'good rep' and which are 'bad rep' is completely subjective, which I've talked about before. If someone says the film is Bad Rep because Chris is 'too blunt/un-emotive and that's a stereotype' I'm fundamentally going to disagree because I am a person who is blunt and has a flat affect, and so I would consider the inclusion of those traits (provided they aren't being actively Mocked by the material) good representation. It's always going to be a subjective conversation to some degree, there are no universally objective ways to rank/discuss the topic).]
Ultimately, I don't know how to end this because I did my tl;dr before I got this far. I wouldn't call it revolutionary representation and probably wouldn't ever really be like 'oh This is the film you want to watch to understand autism', because it's not really About autism. It's about a guy who works as an accountant for regular people AND criminals and who is extremely good at fighting to defend himself / seek revenge when he wants it. This guy also happens to be autistic. Does this make sense? I hope I've managed to answer your question somehow lmfao.
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twillightteaparty · 3 years
Thank you for writing such headcanons about asexual S/o, I asexual and it really helps not worry about it. So, can I request headcanons about asexual S/o with Malleus, Jade, Riddle, Epel??
Admin Tea here! I'm glad to hear that you like and find comfort in the Asexual S/o headcanons that I've made. I'm Asexual myself so I know how little content there is for it so I'm always happy to make more Asexual content for those who need it. with that, all said I hope you enjoy the following post!
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Twisted Wonderland Characters With an Asexual S/o! Part 2!
Malleus Draconia~
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I don't know if anything of the sort ever crossed his mind. he mostly cares about the fact he fell in love with you and who you are. he treasures you for every little thing you've ever done. all he really cares about is if your happy and how to maintain that happiness.
would like to just cuddle all day every day but like apparently that isn't allowed and both of you have things you need to do sometimes if not most of the time. much to his dismay. but he starts getting creative with how he gives and gets affection. always making sure it's something your comfortable with.
please PLEASE imagine him getting you things to be a supportive ally. like it might be something as simple as getting a flag or something more complicated and more meaningful than that, but he definitely wants to do what he can to support you and show that he cares. secondly PLEASE imagine him getting you a locket that is all shiny and stuff, might have a gem on it but most importantly has a picture of the two of you, and if you'd like it's you guys making a heart with your hands or arms. it's very cute.
otherwise, I don't think there is much difference in how he'd go about this kind of relationship. he is happy to love and have been loved. finding mutual happiness is what's important to him. } : )
Jade Leech~
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I think, with his fixation on mushrooms and plant life, I think he is the one that understands the most. he just kind of is like that's cool, anything else I should know for future reference? very business casual about it and will listen to anything you have to say about the whole thing, he'll ask questions to make sure there is good communication and there aren't any miscommunications.
Loves giving and getting little gifts. especially loves getting rocks and mosses to take his mushroom collection to terrarium collections real quick. as for giving gifts, he is always very intentional with his gift-giving it always has a meaning hidden or otherwise. he also just likes seeing the smile on your face when you get something.
hikes for mushrooms are always nice ways to spend the day, but maybe a walk along the beach is more your style? I think he would rather enjoy seashell collecting with you. maybe keep them in jars or bowls/baskets for decoration? sounds lovely to him.
I don't think by nature Jade is a very cuddly person, but he does greatly appreciate it so he'll never turn away from it especially if it's coming from someone he cares about.
Riddle Rosehearts~
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I think riddle might be the most surprised but I don't mean he's going to be rude about it. just he overwhelmed with a lot of things and he just didn't see it coming because he never really thought about it because he didn't have the time. but nonetheless, he is overall supporting, tells you to tell him if there is ever anything you need and always call him out if he does something you don't like.
will have lists of things that he knows are okay and not okay to do with or around you in his room or notebook or something so he never forgets these things, wouldn't want to upset you in any way by accidentally forgetting.
Unbirthdays are probably the best, and if big parties aren't your thing small but still awesome unbirthdays. he always gets you several gifts for unbirthdays, absolutely spoils you. but on other days when nothing is happening, he likes to spend time with you. sometimes cuddling but sitting together is good as well. he likes to sit and have tea with you and make small talk, to just have a break
riddle loves giving you very poetic or meaningful nicknames/pet names or whatever. but he is always flustered if you ever return the gesture and gets embarrassed if it's in front of people. though he honestly wouldn't have it any other way thus why he never makes a big deal out of it,
Epel Felmier~
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Might have a few questions at first because he doesn't necessarily get it completely at first. but like after that does a lot of research and is super understanding the whole time. because Epel has a whole thing with not wanting to be feminine I have a suspicion he might be trans, but that might be me reading too deep into things. but I'd like to think even if he's not part of the community he's still supporting nonetheless.
will go out of his way to make you feel loved and let you know that he loves you no matter what. please imagine all of the date ideas: apple picking, horseback riding, picnic under the stars on a hilltop, etc. they are very cute every time, he always brings something to give you- or better yet if he doesn't he makes you a flower crown.
if you have long enough hair he'll style it, with braids and flowers and make it all pretty, if not he'd like to just play and fluff up your hair if that's alright. especially if you guys are cuddling, he would love playing with your hair while cuddling.
"why wouldn't I love you still? You're still the same person I fell in love with after all. Your just a butterfly who's found its wings"
Admin Tea speaking once more, just to say I hope you enjoyed this one. I did struggle with Riddle a little bit but I hope you find it good nonetheless. anyone is always welcome to request more Asexual S/o content for more twst characters or any of the fandoms I write. it will always be loving and safe content because I know that's what I want to see more of without the content being acephobic.
and with all that said, I leave my loving regards here.
oh! and you can find part one here! (includes: Vil, Jamil, Floyd, Azul, and Lilia)
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Part One / Part Two / Part Three / Part Four / Part Five / Part Six
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Anon said: I hope I'm not too late to slip in a request! I was actually hoping for a more platonic request with Miche? Just how he would help out a new cadet on his squad or something... Maybe there having a hard time fitting in now that there on a section commander squad or even worried about an upcoming expedition. Miche is one of my biggest comfort Characters and I'm such a shy person lol...I love you blog by the way, it's such a comforting place...🥺
Miche reassuring you that you're enough.
{Miche & reader | tw:none | platonic, comfort | canonverse}
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{ "The Interior of the Palm House on the Pfaueninsel Near Potsdam" 1834 by Carl Blechen 1798 - 1840 }
No one can deny that the survey corps had a...certain reputation between the people, for being ruthless, unhinged and not a place for someone hoping for a future.
Their leader is known for gambling with human lives, their strongest has a criminal history record and their most intelligent, does experiments that would put medical student dropout Frankenstein himself to shame.
In short, you'd be crazy for walking there with your own two feet and expecting a crumb of compassion.
You don't go looking for fish in the desert.
You've heard it all, those sayings people keep reciting like a broken record whenever you'd bring up joining the survey corps.
"You'll just end up titan food"
"Why do you want to throw away your life?"
"God your poor family…"
And despite all of that, you still marched on, despite everyone who told you to quit.
Not only did you join and stayed alive for so long, you've even managed to climb the ranks in record time.
So fast in fact that you were assigned to join a section commander's squad after a very successful titan capture mission that earned you a pat on the back from Erwin.
Being pulled from your friends and moved to a new place where you were surrounded by veterans who've been in their positions for 10 years or more, was quite sudden and shocking.
One thing that should've eased your nerves, was the fact it was squad Miche you're being put into.
Anyone in the survey corps can tell you that in comparison to other squads, this was the most...friendly per say, since they prioritised teamwork and coming back alive over everything else, knowing together they're much stronger and willing to protect each other no matter what.
While yes they did have their quirks, it was almost nothing in comparison to Levi's strict hygiene rules and Hange's workaholic routine or Erwin's unreadable intentions.
And yet, you felt unease at the whole situation.
You were clearly "that new cadet" in this old group of close-knit people, almost standing out even.
You wanted to prove yourself, you've done it before to all those people so why is it any different now.
Maybe...because they are actually experienced soldiers this time, and not strangers living in blissful ignorance inside the walls.
Maybe because you feel the growing burden of expectations set on you for being the newest person in the squad, and being put there by none other than the commander himself which would raise some eyebrows if you couldn't deliver.
Uncertainty and doubt began pooling up inside your mind, making you second guess decisions and overthink actions.
And it's not like the squad members were leaving you out, no in fact they were doing their best to include you.
….maybe even too much actually, it didn't help that all of them were outgoing people, it was overwhelming.
Nanaba was an unofficial stand in caption when Miche wasn't around. Having a confident yet compassionate personality made her protective of her teammates, almost like a big sister, earning her a lot of respect.
So much in fact that it would unintentionally intimidate people out of approaching her
Gelgar was a strong believer in Miche, loyal to a fault almost. Yet he wouldn't say no for a chance to relax and grab a couple drinks, being friends with so many people came naturally to him with his mellow personality and overall friendliness.
Maybe a bit much too friendly? That personal boundaries were often crossed without him realising it. 
Lynne was a good balance between the two, she was considerate of others feelings...even so much in fact that she tended to sugar-coat almost everything.
Thomas and Henning were close with each other, both serious and determined. But maybe because they were so used to each other that dealing with new people became...strange, for conversations with them resembled an awkward dad attempting to check on you but not actually putting much effort to understand.
Meanwhile, you were a reserved and shy person.
It was a miracle that you managed to get a group of friends in cadet training that stayed with you throughout the years, but now after being transferred it was all turned to dust.
You have to start again, meet people again and talk to them while wondering if they actually like you or are pretending to be nice because they don't wanna come off as rude-
On top of that, Erwin seemed to keep an eye on you after your last mission, silently conveying the trust and expectations he's putting your way, to not fail him and show you're worthy of this special treatment.
It was too much, too overwhelming and draining.
Dread and uncertainty loomed in the corners of your mind, only metastating in size as the date for the new expedition was announced.
To add fuel to the fire, apparently everyone seemed almost...excited or nonchalant for going out there again, like this is a mere walk in the park as they began making preparations and training.
Were you the only one that felt nervous? Oh god.
Your legs felt like they were weighted down by stones as you stared at the large board in front of you, a white sheet signed by the commander announcing next week to be the date of the expedition, several names listed below for who'd be required for service.
Your name was at the top, even with a line underneath it. The fact it was in cursive didn't make it any less gut-wrenching.
The chatter of people around you, discussing the plans and joking with each other, began blurring out at the back of your mind.
The weather seemed colder as shivers ran down your neck. A rolling feeling in your stomach making your throat tighten, your own voice inside your head was the only noise you could hear.
All those thoughts and worries creeping from underneath the dark corners that you've been pushing them into all this time, like a swarm drowning you in their "what if" and skepticism, full of doubt and illogical pessimism for worst case scenarios.
Thoughts that aren't even your own joined them, ones you never had and knew weren't true and yet amidst the storm it was hard to tell the real from the ones passing through.
You know you're capable, so why…
Are you capable?
but are you really?
And how are you even sure?
Before it could pull you deeper into that hole of despair, something snapped your attention back to reality, a hand nudging your shoulder. 
"You really didn't hear me huh." The voice came from behind you, a tall figure stepping closer till you were in his shadow.
Miche looked at you with a tilted head, his lips pressed into a thin line as his eyes bore into you like he's attempting to guess what's going inside your brain.
You've been too lost inside your mind you didn't notice that you were the only one left standing in front of the board.
From the way Miche's shoulders fell after reading your expression, eyes softening after glancing at your name on the sheet, he was quick to catch on.
Before you could say something to save your face after being caught in this state by none other than your new captain, Miche just told you to come with him, making sure to walk beside you، protectively staying close that no one on your way would interrupt.
Passing the corridor leading to his office, you gave him an uncertain glance as he simply gestured for you to continue walking for whatever unknown place you're headed to.
Soon enough the buildings and stone streets faded the further you went on, grass and dirt roads taking its place.
It wasn't a long walk per say, but more of a secluded area that took both of you some turns in seemingly shady alleyways to reach.
You couldn't hear the horses or soldiers walking anymore, only the soft flowing of the nearby river.
The tall grass barely reaching below your knees, some ladybugs crawling on top of the scattered daffodils in-between, the closer to the river cliff you got the taller it became.
The first thing Miche did, wasn't explaining to you why you're here, or what exactly he was after.
No, he barely said a word even, only taking in a deep breath as the wind had the courtesy of pushing his bangs back, eyes finally in clear view now.
Gaze meeting yours, he gave you a nod, a gesture to do the same thing.
You reluctantly took a deep breath.
He smiled.
Both of you sat by the river, he gave you his jacket to sit on.
As the silence grew between you, even while it wasn't the uncomfortable kind, it was clear he was struggling to phrase something, the right words just not coming to mind.
Turning his body towards you, he finally said, "how about i just..listen, let it out.".
It wasn't easy, you can't just pour out your heart to your superior.
Not to mention the military wasn't a place for weakness, could you really openly admit to your worries?
Well, yes you could, because it isn't weak, it takes great strength to face something scary and admit to it.
It's strength that got you this far.
How could you ever mistake vulnerability for weakness?
Keeping true to his words, Miche didn't interrupt you as you slowly opened up about what's been troubling you.
He patiently listened, occasionally humming for you to go on whenever you'd lose track.
And by the end of it, after you poured out all your frustration, sadness and worries, it felt...like a weight lifted off your shoulders.
Miche looked at you with understanding in his eyes, as if he himself has been in this exact same position years ago.
...and maybe he was, considering his behaviour wasn't what's socially common, he would've definitely stood out back before he had the respect of being a captain.
He isn't a man of words, for actions spoke much louder.
That's why he became more attentive from that day on, offering to help you train, giving you a smile whenever you passed by and sitting near you whenever his squad were gathered so he'd ask for your opinion on plans or simply share looks whenever they began joking with each other.
He didn't attempt to make you change, instead he made changes to accommodate you.
You're part of the team and he made it clear.
And while he couldn't give reassuring words, he certainly gave his time and energy, paying attention to you, reading your moods and listening whenever life becomes too much.
Maybe he saw his past self in you, and wanted to give you all the comfort, attention and care he wished for back then.
Even if it was mere hugs and shoulder pats that he could offer, he knew small things can make changes overtime.
For him, it's not getting rid of your stress that he was attempting to achieve, no, for life is full of stress.
Instead, he wanted to offer you ways to deal with the stress, to acknowledge it as it is and be heard, to be understood.
Because while stress will pass either way, it didn't mean it had to pass painfully.
You weren't alone, he made sure of that.
Maybe he got too attached, maybe someone might say he's giving you special treatment, maybe Erwin would give him a backhanded comment every now and then.
But since when did Miche pay attention to these things? 
Well...he can't deny he might be giving you more break days than the other Cadets, larger food portions and even most of his time.
But he won't justify himself to anyone either, he doesn't have to.
Because after all, there really isn't any ulterior motives behind his actions, they were as simple as they came.
It was pure genuine care, the type that makes someone want to protect a person and watch them grow healthy.
The type that made him offer you a thumbs up after each training session, a proud smile on his face for how much you're learning.
Maybe some slight teasing about how if you keep this up, you might even replace him as the second strongest one day.
And while he said it with a joking tone, the hopeful pride-filled look on his face told a whole nother story.
you're not sure if it was a joke or a promise.
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liibrii · 3 years
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fem!Miya!reader x Ginjima Hitoshi & Akagi Michinari || part of the Third Miya series
Synopsis: It’s just a courage test. Just a nightly walk through a labyrinth of statues. Even the moon refuses to peek out from behind to clouds to witness your stupidity. Oh, did I mention there've been ghosts sighting here? There've been ghost sightings here.
Warnings: cursing, some spooky atmosphere, spooky things happen, some prime examples of sibling love
wc: 2.3k
a/n: should I post this chapter after the one establishing Reader's friendship with the team? Yeah, probably. also what I could do is write a little author's note that Reader is a friend with all the boys on the team and move on from there, ya know? 
In case you missed previous chapters, Twins call their sister San, while others simply refer to her as Miya. (I'm experimenting and trying to use y/n as little as possible. lemme know if you like it). 
if you wanna be tagged in future chapters lemme know and as always feedback is greatly appreciated! 
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Nothing scared you.
Well, except Mr-No-Gaps Kita Shinsuke but you're pretty sure there isn't a being on this planet that wouldn't be afraid of him so that disqualifies him from this particular competition; or mom that one time she discovered nobody had taken the trash out even though she said to do it several times. And the dark sometimes. And ghosts! Ghosts are spooky. You can't punch a ghost
But other than that nothing scared you.
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This nightly walk though is making you reconsider the statement. Maybe the time has come for you to put 'dark' and 'weird noises whose origin you can't see' to the top of the list. Shivers run up your spine and you step faster, closer to Ginjima beside you. He gives you a questioning glance but luckily doesn't say anything. You hope he won't mention it later either. The only thing worse than your brothers finding out what a scaredy cat you're being right now is... Well, nothing would be worse than that.
The Gallery Tangle is what this place is called and you find the name strangely fitting. Stone statues, some crumbling and all overgrown with moss, stand lined by the path going in twists and turns. No matter where you turn cold unseeing eyes watch you. If you were the one choosing the name for this place it would be something along the lines of 'that corner nobody in their right mind would ever go close too'. Some people believe it used to be a cemetery but really it's just a meadow where someone left an unwanted statue once, and then another, and before you knew crowds of curious tourists and stupid teenagers visited the place all the time. Even the moon refuses to peek out from behind to clouds to witness your stupidity. Oh, did I mention there've been ghosts sighting here? There've been ghost sightings here.
So naturally it's the perfect place for a courage test. The only one at fault for this entire situation is Osamu for daring Akagi and Ginjima to go visit the site, and you for falling for his trap when he turned to you and, with that annoyingly sweet voice pretending he's a caring older brother who's just looking out for his little sister, said: “Thank the heaven yer too much of a baby to go out of the house after sunset.“
Yeah well, maybe you are and he knows it, and he also knows the easiest way to get you to do something is to tell you you don't have the guts. It's all a well tested trap you keep falling into. Walking amongst countless silent statues you want to ponder how the mice traps are always so obvious and yet the mice keep falling for them like dummies, but that would be a silly thought to have in the middle of the night and taking your current circumstances into consideration also incredibly hypocritical.
Nothing much scared you, except for Kita Shinsuke, but if you were given a chance to get help from one person right now you'd chose him. As much as the mere thought of him makes you straighten up and check if your clothes are on point you're sure ghosts and demons and other creatures of the night would rethink once or twice before coming closer to bother you. Not to be rude but he'd probably be a better ghost repellent than trembling Ginjima beside you who at the moment is being more of a ghost attractor. Can ghosts sense fear? Apparently even horses can smell fear so why would ghosts be any different? Maybe better for that question to go unanswered.
“Are ya sure we're goin' in the right direction?“ asks Gin.
“Akagi-san ya do know that's not the answer we wanna hear right now, right?“
“I'm yer senpai so I can't lie to ya,“ answers Akagi and you wish he wasn't your senpai so you could give him the well deserved kick in the shin. As Osamu would put it, getting a straight answer out of him was sometimes harder than eating udon noodles with only one chopstick. Your smart-ass replied with 'Just drink them', which was a funny response at the time, a justifiable enough reason for Osamu to slap your head, but in the end this solution didn't really apply to the libero. “We're takin' a little detour to avoid inhabitants of this place,“ Akagi says and if you didn't know him better you'd think his words were meant to reassure you.
“Ya mean the statues? I don't think they really mind us trespassin'.“
“Ah no, not the statues.“ He turns and points his torch up to light up his face. “I meant ghosts.“
“Ha ha, very funny,“ you say pretending a shiver didn't just run up your spine. Your hold on your own torch tightens.
“Skepticism doesn't suit ya Miya. There's a ghost of a little boy hidin' round here. Ever since his old house was demolished he walks around lookin' for his parents.“
“Sure he does,“ you answer and quickly change the topic because if Akagi doesn't stop you're sure Gin will climb in your arms and the question if you're strong enough to carry him is another one you don't want to know the answer to. “Where did Samu say he left the scarf?“
When Ginjima answers his voice is strangely high pitched: “By the statue of an old lady with a cat.“
Akagi nods. “We should split up so-“
“No!“ you and Ginjima half yell.
“We could get lost,“ you add, feeling heat rise on your cheeks.
“Exactly,“ Ginjima agrees, “look how many statues there are! It's a labyrinth 'round here!“
Akagi gives in without much convincing with a gleam in his eyes you really don't like because it looks suspiciously similar to the gleam Atsumu has before blackmailing you with one of too many embarrassing things he knows. “Right, right, last time I was here the cat lady was on the other end.“
“Was?“ Ginjima follows close behind and you're just glad to have you back covered.
“Statues move sometimes. Usually when no one is lookin'.“
“Funny,“ is all you say.
Still, as you continue the expedition you don't let your gaze wander around. It's not like you could see anything anyway. It's too dark! At least that's what you keep telling yourself. Anything could hide out there.
You shudder. Why did you think it was a good idea to leave without taking a hoodie? As if summer nights aren't chilly. Or maybe you just walked past a cold spot where ghosts linger. Now that sounds like something Akagi would tell you.
You're acutely aware of how close Ginjima is walking and you're glad he is. His shoulder bumping into yours every now and then and the sound of his steps are the last things keeping you from letting your imagination run free.
That's the thing about imagination. It makes the pile of unfolded clothes look like a child crawling out of the floor. It makes sitting stone statues seem to blink and turn their heads when you pass by.
When you nervously glance over at Ginjima you notice he's clenching his jaw so hard you start fearing for his teeth. He puts you at ease. As much as that is possible while walking in the dead of night around seemingly endless line of statues. If he was as carefree as Akagi you would, all your foolish pride be damned, most likely burst into tears right then and there.
The nearby bushes rustle and maybe it's just the wind, or a cat on a nightly adventure, or maybe it's something entirely different, but whatever it is lures you into making the mistake of looking over at the statues, where you catch a pale face with unblinking eyes behind long, black hair staring back at you. You scream. Jump, trip over a stone and end in Ginjima's arms, your ears ringing from the high pitched shriek you presume is his.
Akagi jumps too and points his torch around to see what made both of you finally lose the brave facade. He searches around the statues but there's nothing to be found. “It's gone now.“
“Ya sure?“
“What was it?“
“A white face and... black hair.“
“So, a ghost?“ asks Akagi and you nod, holding tightly on Gin as if your life depended on it. A sly smile spreads across Akagi's face. “See, I told ya there's ghosts.“
“Not helpin' ,“ says Gin as Akagi's words make you shudder.
Only then does it hit you Ginjima is holding you bridal style and you swiftly climb back down, still shaken and now completely embarrassed as well. You don't even dare think how much bribing will take to convince Akagi to keep his mouth shut about this. Oh, if your brothers find out they will never let you live it down.
“Maybe we should go home,“ suggests Ginjima still holding you up because your knees turned to pudding.
“Like hell we are,“ you sneer, the blood rush turning fear into burning determination. If this is what it takes to shut Samu's annoying shit mouth, then so be it. “Cat lady, right? I bet she's this way.“ You pick up your torch light and head into the wrong direction.
“Miya, we have to go right,“ Akagi calls after you.
“I am goin' right!“
“The other right.“
You turn on your heels and head into the 'other right' direction. You think you hear Akagi snicker. Step by step your sudden burst of determination and fearlessness drains but like hell are you going to show it. It's just ghosts and spooky demons and maybe some cursed children, what are they going to do? Scare you? Joke's on them, you're already scared! And cold, and embarrassed, and you just want to find that damn scarf already and go home.
It waits neatly wrapped around the cat's neck. It's eyes have an almost mocking look. As if the stone is judging you for taking on this courage test in the first place. Well, you think, it ain't wrong.
“There, now we can go,“ you proclaim when your trembling fingers finally manage to unknot the silky fabric, and as if some cruel fate or inhabitants of this eerie place watched you only a few statues away something rustles.
All three of you freeze and listen. In the distance you can hear cars driving by. A late night train stops by the station.
“What was that?“ asks Gin.
You stuff the scarf into your pocket. “Doesn't matter, we got what we-“
“Let's go check it out!“
“O hell no,“ is the first thing that leaves your mouth but for some reason Akagi thinks it's a sunny Sunday afternoon and the perfect time for a stroll.
“Let's go,“ Gin nudges you to get you to follow Akagi but you don't budge.
“He's our senpai Miya, we can't just let him wander off.“ He lowers his voice. “He might get in trouble.“
“Let him. I've had enough of this place,“ you say and head into the opposite direction. Ginjima hesitates, casts a few lost glances between you and Akagi before he decides the prospect of something happening to you would get him into much bigger trouble. “Are ya okay?“ he asks when he catches up.
You give a stiff nod. All you want is to get away from this place.
It doesn't take long for Akagi to come running back. “It was nothin',“ he says, out of breath and smiling as always but if you'd pay more attention you'd notice he's a bit paler.
And you are about to find out why.
A white figure appears from behind one of the statues, howling and shrieking, or maybe that's Akagi and Ginjima. Your heart stops for a mere moment before jumping into overdrive. You grip your torch, step back with one leg to gain momentum, and chuck your only source of light into what you guess is ghosts head.
“Aargh!“ shrieks the ghost before it starts screaming its lungs out at you, “Are ya stupid?! Ya could've hurt me ya shithead!“ It pulls the sheet off to reveal a very irritated Atsumu rubbing his forehead where the torchlight hit him. “OW!“ he shrieks again when you kick his shin. You'd probably kick him again for good measure if another figure, this one clad in black and with an oni mask, didn't jump from behind the statues and scare you into leaping in the air. The figure laughs and avoids the kick aimed at it's knee. “Samu!“ you shriek. “This isn't funny!“
“It is a little,“ says Akagi and to his luck he's your senpai and standing out of your reach. At least Ginjima doesn't look amused by your utter embarrassment.
In an effort to regain some of your pride you pull out the scarf and chuck it into Osamu's face. “Here, yer kitchen cloth.“
“San don't speak about mom's clothes like that,“ teases Atsumu who at the stare you send him immediately takes a careful step back.
Osamu pinches your cheeks and not even a death glare stops his teasing: “Maybe ya ain't such a baby after all. But ya do scream like one.“
“Absolutely hilarious,“ you deadpan. “Who was the white faced lady? Suna?“
“What white face?“
“Don't play with me ya shit pig. The one that almost gave Gin a heart attack!“
“Ya screamed louder than me-“
“That wasn't us,“ your brothers shake their head. You don't believe them because, why would you?
Akagi bursts into laughter. “Maybe ya saw a real ghost after all!“
A... a real... ghost. The rest of you exchange uncomfortable glances.
Gin is the first to speak. “It's gettin' a little chilly. Maybe we should,“ he gestures towards the path, and you nod, enthusiastically.
“It is gettin' late. We'll hear it if we come home past curfew,“ says Osamu.
Walking away you don't want to look back but something compels you to throw a quick glance over your shoulder. Wide unblinking eyes stare as you leave, face ghostly white and almost glowing in the dead of night.
Or maybe it's just your imagination.
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tag list: @espressons @trashy-simp @nachotrash @megumiisee @foxxtrot-116​
in case you’re curious, Gallery tangle is based on a real life Statue village in Japan.
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nanaminokanojo · 3 years
[5:20 PM] Kageyama X You
CHARACTERS: Kageyama Tobio X You | mentions of Hinata Shoyo WORD COUNT: 1,000+ GENRE: fluff | romance TRIGGER WARNING: profanity | strong language | they want to kill Hinata XD SPOILERS: n/a
collection masterlist
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"I don't understand how Shoyo came to the conclusion that it would be good for us to cross each other's paths," you said to Kageyama who was plucking on your last nerve that very moment.
He scoffed, shifting on his other half of the couch. "I don't either. Did you think I wanted to be here in the first place? If it weren't for him, I won't even be here."
"We have nothing in common," you began.
"...it shows. I don't even like raw fish and you chose a fucking sushi bar!"
"Apparently, all you want to eat are greasy junk food," he fired back.
The list continued with neither of you raising your voices, lacking the energy to do so after a whole day of trying to have fun, tolerating each other's opposing views and tastes, only to arrive back at his apartment, drenched in rain, his head aching while your feet were killing you.
Ever since the tangerine-head got a girlfriend of his own, he had been worrying about your love life like it would kill you if you did not go on a date pronto. Apparently, it wasn’t just you who had been the receiving end of the boy’s 'affections', and he pretty much stringed his best friend along in the whole scheme, arranging a blind date between the two of you.
You’ve never met Kageyama personally before although you’ve heard a great deal about him from Hinata and Atsumu. You knew he was a player for another pro volleyball team and you’ve seen him on TV several times. You weren’t into the game, and if you haven’t met Hinata in university, you wouldn’t even be friends with his other volleyball pals nor would you know of Kageyama’s existence. You disagreed at first to the whole arrangement, but since you loved Hinata to bits, you gave it a try. Honestly, you were crushing on his other friend Kenma, but he obviously had other things in mind.
You pretty much ended up taking refuge on either end of his leather couch, you dressed in one of Kageyama's shirts he was kind enough to lend, while he changed into sweats, your clothes long forgotten as they hung on the terrace to dry, your bare feet were inches apart from one another, folded legs blocking you both from each other's view.
At this point, neither of you cared how you looked like, too tired and beyond irritated that you had to go out on a blind date with each other's polar opposite. You knew you both shared the same sentiments, and that was probably the closest you two got to a common ground.
"Oh, shut up," you finally said when he mentioned something about your short fuse and how snappy and sassy and rude you were, "It’s irritating."
Sitting up, your knees bumped against his. "You think you're so tough with that attitude of yours, when really, you're just hiding what's really inside. Cool, brooding guy, my ass!"
He smirked. "And what's supposed to be inside?"
"You don't wanna hear it. Consider it a courtesy."
Kageyama rolled his eyes. "We're way past courtesy."
Taken aback, you blurted, "Fine. Your insecurities, and how you compensate for it by pretending to be all confident. That’s what’s underneath, but really, you don’t even have reason to feel that way."
“What makes you say that?”
“I researched you last night. Mr. Perfectionist who doesn’t get satisfied no matter how well he does. It's so obvious in your interviews. Geez. King of the Court indeed, the old meaning, not Shoyo’s definition of it.”
He, too, sat up, the distance between your faces pretty much just separated by your folded knees combined. "Take that back!"
You sneered. "Why should I when you’re reacting like that? That just means one thing: I got you all read, Kageyama Tobio."
"You think you know everything?"
"I know so. Stop pretending.”
“I’m not pretending!” came his deep voice, echoing through the empty house.
“It’s just the two of us here.”
“I…” He looked appalled, mouth agape and eyes filling with resentment at your words, but somewhere in there, he looked relieved as if he wanted someone to see that side of him without him having to bring it up.
“It's not as if I'll dislike you less.”
“It’s not because I’m a perfectionist, I just think I can do better – Wait, why am I explaining myself to you?”
You smirked at him. “Because you want to.”
“You’re so annoying!”
“Oh come on, we’ve established that today. Be more creative."
He groaned then and laid back down on the couch. "I'm gonna kill Hinata."
"So am I. Jesus, what was he thinking? You're not even my type," you retorted, making Kageyama sit up, shortening the distance between you again.
You leaned back a little as inconspicuously as you could, not wanting him to think you're intimidated...or see through your lie for that matter. "I said you're not mmf –"
Without a warning, he pushed you down on the couch, crashing his mouth against yours in a kiss that was equally urgent and experimental, enough to knock the air out of your lungs, your lips opening to let his have their way. Your fingers tangled into his ebony hair, pulling him closer even as your breath snagged with every movement of his lips against yours. Spurred on by how your fingers tugged at his hair, he started kissing you harder, soft growls escaping his throat as he angled himself properly to have a better taste of you and oh did he love the way you eagerly reciprocated.
"Say that again, I dare you," he rasped against your lips, eyes intent on you as if to emphasize his challenge.
"You're not my –"
He leaned closer, daring you with his blueberry eyes.
You pouted, giving him the stink eye. "You're a good kisser, but you really aren't my type. I'm not gonna say otherwise just because of that."
He grinned at you deviously. “Well then, you have to learn for me to be your type.”
You made a face. “Which means we’re doing this date thing again?”
“Or we can just skip it.”
Clucking your tongue, you shrugged. “I’m gonna kill Shoyo.”
“Yes,” he nodded, a ghost of a smile playing at the corners of his mouth knowing you’ve given in. “Let’s do that, too.”
Finally got to write about our genius setter. Yiieee!
Thank you so much for reading. Likes, comments and reblogs are deeply appreciated! Hope you enjoyed it.
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celest1all · 4 years
unfriendly (ii)
pairing; spencer reid x fem!reader
warning(s); angsty-ish, badly written ending, fluff, hurt/comfort, im not really sure what else.
authors note; here’s part two!!! there will not be a part three so please don't ask, thank you. also I started this at one a.m and its not four a.m so please don't yell at me if its poorly written :(
read part one
everyone who wanted to be tagged for part two: @mggpleasedontlookhere @loki-an-idiot (there were some others but it wouldn’t let me tag, im sorry)
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Everything was crumbling down around you and you had no idea how to stop it. The sound of Spencer’s voice plagued your mind so much that you had to take a ‘sick day’. It wasn’t just the sound, it was everything. What he said; “I don't want to be in a relationship with someone who just plain fucking rude” echoed night and day, the look of pure disgust he had on his face and how he walked off like he didn’t give a damn re-ran itself over and over again on repeat in your mind. It was exhausting. It was painful. It was breaking you. 
Thankfully, Hotch didn’t think anything of it when you had called in asking for a day to recover from your ‘food poisoning’ so he let you have the one day off. That’s why you were currently curled up on your sofa, blanket wrapped tightly around you whilst watching whatever was on, not having the energy (or the willpower) to change the channel.
You had texted Penelope earlier to say that you wouldn't be coming in today due to the fact that she was the only one who knew of yours and Spencer’s fight -- if you could call it a fight, it was more him yelling at you and leaving you sobbing in the hallway. You didn't choose to tell Garcia, she only knew because she stumbled upon you with you knees clutched to your chest, crying your heart out. But you were glad that she was the one to find you since she was your closest friend after Spencer.
Spencer. Oh how you missed him. Some would call you mad for missing the person who was the cause of you breaking down in a hallway of the FBI, but how could you not miss the one person who you loved most in this world? How could you not long be in the embrace of someone who made you feel whole, feel safe? 
You hated yourself for how utterly head over heels you were for someone who quite literally didn’t want to be seen with you. He had made that very clear when he took one look at you the day after it happened and scuttled away. 
You presumed that Spencer had told Ashley what had transpired between the two of you since she kept looking at you weirdly, but then again, it didn’t take a profiler (or whatever she was) to notice something had happened. 
Before the incident -- that’s what you were calling it now since it pained you too much to call it anything else -- you and Reid were attached at the hip, giving breakfast to each other and making the other coffee. Now? You wouldn't have been caught dead near one another.
When there was a case and you were being briefed at the roundtable, he would sit on the chair furthest away from you which was ultimately quite difficult since it was a round table. On the jet he would make sure was sat next to Ashley and once again, furthest away from you. Well, it was you who sat the furthest away this time. You knew that Reid was more liked on the team than you and you had come to terms with that ages ago so no one really noticed when you sat by yourself, distancing yourself from everyone. And you weren't about to tell them, you didn't want to ruin Spencer’s relationships with the team -- thats if they took your side, of course. 
A knock at your apartment door pulled you away from your pit of despair that was your mind. You thought for a second whether or not you should answer the damn thing, but when whoever was behind it knocked again, you reluctantly got up.
Apparently, the visitor was also impatient since they gave the door another two raps, “Alright, I’m coming. Jeez.” You muttered, not entirely sure if it was loud enough for them to hear you.
You slowly made your way to the entrance of your apartment, rubbing your eyes slightly. When you opened the door, you could tell immediately who it was even if you were still looking at the floor. How could you know who it was? Well, you didn’t really know anyone else who wore converse with odd socks on.
You widened your eyes before looking up, “Hi.” You didn’t really know what else to say. Hey Spence, how are you? Oh how’s your relationship with Seaver going? Yeah those didn’t really seem like viable options. 
“Hey...” He sighed, his head cocked to the side slightly.
You looked around the corridor outside your apartment briefly before returning to face him, “What are you doing here?” 
Spencer swallowed before raking his hands through his hair. “I was hoping we could talk.”
You scoffed at his words, “Really?”
“If I remember correctly, last time we ‘talked’ you insulted me and then left me crying in a hallway.” You stated plainly, crossing your arms over your chest. You saw Reid wince slightly but you didn’t really care. 
You rolled your eyes when Spencer didn’t reply but you still moved out of the way to let him inside. Old habits die hard apparently. He had a look of surprise on his face when he saw you move, but he walked inside nonetheless.
You shut the door behind him and sighed, “Why are you here, Reid?” 
Reid. He was expecting it, didn't make it hurt any less though. He looked round your apartment briefly, almost acting like he had never seen it before (which he has, multiple times).
He swivelled on his heel and turned to face you, his and gripping his strap of his satchel whilst he worried the bottom of his lip between his teeth. “I’m here to apologise.” 
You inhaled sharply, not really expecting him to say that. You weren’t entirely sure why he came to your apartment, to yell at you more, maybe? But to apologise was not on your list of reasons. “Okay.”
“Okay?” He repeated, frowning slightly.
“Yes okay.” You sent him a pointed lip, arms still crossed firmly over your chest. “As in start apologising.” Spencer nodded and mumbled a ‘right’ before he sat down on the sofa where you were previously cooped up.
“I shouldn’t have done that.” He started, fiddling with his hands that were in his lap. “I shouldn’t have said or done any of the things I did that day. I shouldn't have made cornered you and mocked you for being jealous. I shouldn’t have insulted you, called those things, and said that I didn’t want to be in a relationship when that is just a blatant lie. I never, never, should’ve left you in that hallway sobbing whilst I went off with Ashley.” He looked up at you and could see you visibly flinch at the sound of her name and he couldn’t blame you.”I could hear it from the bullpen, and I couldn’t stop hearing it. I’m so sorry for everything, y/n. I’m so fucking sorry.”
You stared into Spencer’s eyes, a smirk breaking out onto your face. “Okay, so correct me if I’m wrong, but did you just say that when you told me you didn’t want to be in a relationship with me, was a lie?”
Reid narrowed his eyes ever so slightly whilst nodding, not entirely sure what you were getting at. “So why the fuck did you put me through hell?” Now it was his turn to flinch. Your sudden change in tone and the way you flung your arms about took him by surprise. “Do you have any idea how bad that hurt me? Do you have any idea what it’s like to hear the one person you love most in this world say that they could never be in a relationship with you? I had to take a fucking sick day just so I didn't have to see you or Seaver!”
You took a deep breath and closed your eyes before continuing, “I’m going to forgive you.” 
Spencer could swear that he was about to get whiplash by how quick your moods were changing. “What?”
“I’m going to forgive you.” You repeated. “I’m forgiving you, this is me forgiving you.”
“Just a second ago, you were--“
“Look, Spence,” Spencer exhaled when he heard you say the nickname he had been dying to hear for a while. “I’m doing this because I’m in love with you. Love makes you do weird shit -- well, to me anyway. So I'm forgiving you. I forgive you.”
You watched him get up from his place on the sofa and make his way over to you, “I’m so fucking sorry, y/n. Truly.” 
“I know.” You smiled softly up at him. “How are things with you and Sea--Ashley?” 
Spencer frowned at you, “What do you mean?”
“You’re a couple, right?”
“No?” Your face scrunched up and you shook your head in confusion. “Wait, I thought you were.”
“No.” He let out a breathy laugh before he placed his hand on your cheek, making you look up at him. “How could I be in a relationship with her when I love you?” 
Any bit of breath you had in your lungs had just been wiped from existence. “You...love...me?” When you scanned his face for any sign of deception and came up empty, you broke out into a grin. “Good, but you’re going to have to make up for what happened with a shit tonne of kisses and cuddles though.”
“I thought you said that you forgive me!” He replied, laughing slightly. 
You nodded at him, “Oh, I do. But I still want kisses and cuddles.”
“Let’s start now then.” Spencer grabbed your face and pulled you into a searing kiss, full of love. In that moment, you felt whole again. Something you hadn't felt for a while.
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faejilly · 4 years
@shadowhunterbingo square: star-gazing
FBI Agent Alec Lightwood/Tech Analyst Magnus Bane, just beginning
It wasn't often Alec had a case so far out in the middle of nowhere. Apparently whatever checklist or SOP organized the assignments included the data that he and Jace were both city boys. (Or else their Chief was even more anal than he'd thought at first, and micromanaged all the way through.) It required a different sort of detective work out here. Fewer witnesses, more connections between the people of interest, everyone knew of everyone else, everyone had an opinion on everything and everyone else, even if they weren't friends or family or rivals.
He'd never had so many people glare at him like he was a particularly rude idiot in his life, but he'd figured out pretty quickly that the only way to ask the questions he needed without someone clamming up in clear offense was to ask every single person the exact same list of inquiries, even if ten of them clearly didn't apply. He'd repeated, it's just procedure, ma'am, sir, more times in the past 48 hours than the previous year of his career.
Not that it had helped much. Yet. And there was nothing he could do to hurry it along, nothing else he could research, no other people to ask, to follow, to watch. There was literally nothing he could do right now, nothing before he heard back from the crime lab, from their background checks, nothing he could do here before the actual general store downtown opened up in the morning and he could park himself there to observe and carefully provoke a few of his more... questionable witnesses.
He hated waiting.
He was usually good at it, nonetheless, but tonight...
He sighed, and leaned back far enough he hit his head on the windshield of their rented sedan. He grunted, and let his elbows give out until he was sprawled across the metal and glass, finally cool now, so many hours after the bright sun that had baked the car all day.
The stars were amazing, brighter and deeper and spangled across the sky in a way he'd quite possibly never seen in person before. He could lose himself in them, in this lovely night, the air just cool enough to feel sweet against his skin.
He sighed again, lower and slower this time, and felt some of the tension unknot from between his shoulder-blades. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and flipped it open, dialed a number he knew from heart.
He'd put it in his quick-dial, but he never used it. He liked the press of the buttons, liked knowing that he knew this one, would always know it. He recognized the pitches and tones of it, the rhythm of his fingers, the slight click before it rang as it shifted through the FBI's system.
"Lightwood?" Bane's voice sounded rougher than usual, and Alec winced, suddenly realizing what time it probably was. "Is everything all right?"
"Yeah, I'm sorry, it's—" Alec stuttered, took a breath. "I shouldn't have called, it's nothing."
Bane hummed. "Well, we're both here now, might as well tell me anyway."
Alec huffed out a breath, and had to close his eyes for a moment to push away the sudden heat. "The stars are just so beautiful, they made me think of you."
He heard a soft noise, like a click or a choke in Bane's throat, and wondered about how stupid he was. "Oh, Alexander."
Alec swallowed. Bane—no, Magnus, he'd just called the man beautiful, he should probably admit to knowing his first name, had never said Alec's name before; Alec wasn't sure anyone had ever said it like that.
"You've never even seen me in person." Magnus' voice was soft, and warm, and Alec felt himself smiling for the first time all day.
"Some things you can just tell."
Magnus laughed softly, clearly pleased. "Same back at you, darling."
Alec almost choked that time, felt himself blush, and was glad their conversations were over the phone, so Magnus wouldn't be able to see how ridiculous he looked. "Thank you?"
"You're welcome."
They were silent for a while, and it was nice, the faint hint of Magnus breathing in his ear, the air still cool, the stars so bright above him.
"What's wrong?" Magnus asked eventually, his voice barely loud enough to carry.
Alec swallowed. "How do you know something's wrong?"
Magnus clicked his tongue, though he didn't sound annoyed or disappointed by Alec's awkward attempt at deflection. "You're clearly not working, because then you'd be too busy to stare at the sky, and you're not trying to sleep either, like any sane person at this time of night when you're in the field, or there'd be a ceiling in the way."
"Beautiful and clever."
Magnus snorted. "Thank you. You didn't answer the question."
"I don't—" Alec stopped. Tried again. "I'm not good enough. I can't find a thread to follow, a string to pull, there's nothing... there's going to be more dead before I can find this one, before we can stop them."
"That's not your fault. Anything this unsub does is on them, not you."
Alec grunted.
"I know it never feels that way, but..." Magnus trailed off.
Alec hummed, the lift of a wordless question, hoping Magnus would finish his thought. He never wanted Magnus to think he couldn't say something, not to him, not when it was just them.
"Not to be indelicate, but you've had that problem with cases before, you know what it's like to hit that wall and have to wait for the unsub's next move. Why is this one bothering you more than usual?"
"I..." Alec shook his head. "I'm not sure? We did the follow-up interviews with the victims' families today, and just. They weren't." He swallowed, tried to figure out how to put it into words. He'd done more notifications than he'd like to think of, done so many interviews, and follow-up interviews, and follow-ups to the follow-ups, there were things he knew from watching witnesses or victims or family that he seldom had to figure out how to say, because it wasn't necessarily about the case. "They were so numb. Not like they were still in shock, or denial, not like they hadn't been able to start grieving yet, but like they already had? They were so resigned, as if they knew we weren't going to find anything. As if..."
"As if they thought you didn't care."
"Yeah." Alec closed his eyes, felt the heat overflow this time, anger and regret and guilt all tangled up in his throat. He tried to cough it out. "I don't think anyone's cared about any of them for a long time."
"But you do."
Of course I do.
"What if," Alec made himself open his eyes again, made himself look at the sky, at all those impossible stars. "What if I can't find this one? What if I don't, what if I fail, and they think we didn't even try, we're just more people who wrote them off, who didn't bother, who—"
"No one who's known you for five minutes would believe that." Magnus cut him off, his voice soft but steady, unwavering, almost ruthless. "And if they do, I'll set them straight."
Alec laughed, damp and wavering, but it was there, and somehow he felt better.
Magnus always helped him feel better.
He inhaled, exhaled, let as many of his what-if's and maybes go as he could. He felt the weight of the hour settling on his shoulders, and he thought that he might manage to get some sleep now.
But that would mean hanging up, and he wasn't quite ready for that. He cleared his throat, and spoke again, lighter and softer. "Does the world really need more straight people though?"
Magnus sputtered, and then he laughed, and oh, that was now one of Alec's favorite sounds in the whole wide world. "No, it doesn't. Good point."
"Magnus?" Alec asked, eyes suddenly heavy as he blinked up at the sky. He had a feeling it was now or never.
"Yes, Alexander?"
"Would you like it if I finally saw you in person?"
"I would like that very much."
"Good." Alec smiled, stretched his neck and made himself sit up, swinging his legs until they were dangling next to the tire on the side of the car. "Would you like to meet me for breakfast over at S&G's when I get back?"
"Sounds perfect." It sounded like Magnus was smiling too, and Alec couldn't wait to actually see it. "Now go get some sleep. I'll be here when you need me, tomorrow."
"I know you will. Thank you."
"Anytime." It sounded like a promise, not just a pat answer. Magnus meant it, in a way so few people ever did. "Sweet dreams, darling."
"You too, darling." Alec hung up before Magnus could respond to that, and he grinned, imagining all sorts of possible expressions. He slipped his phone back in his pocket, and slid off the car, stretching his arms and shoulders out before he got in to drive back to the hotel.
He'd go get some sleep.
They would break this case.
And then he'd go back home.
He had a date to keep.
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iwritethat · 5 years
Damian Wayne: Expectations
A/N: I have no idea where this came from but I wrote it anyway.
Warnings: Like 1 swear word
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Life in Gotham could be difficult, horrific and down right dangerous - so like any other kid who had been living it rough you turned to crime. Firstly creating an alias for yourself equip with fitted black costume as the colour made it easier to move through Gotham at night, it consisted of a hood and bandana to cover your face and conceal your identity. You took up minor theft, so by the time you reached your teenage years you were now a seasoned professional - you had perfected 'slight of hand', acquired fighting skills as well as being very good with disguising yourself to gain entrance to otherwise unreachable areas/events.
Most of the time it was thievery from those who seemed more wealthy, you considered it better to steal from the wealthier population rather than the poor as they would need their money more - though you were a criminal you did have some values intact. This time however was unusual, Catwoman had asked for your assistance on a job, you had met Catwoman before on numerous occasions and got on quite well but you didn't expect her to ever ask for your help, clearly she thought very highly of your abilities.
As a result, after robbing a museum of a cat sculpture you found yourself standing on a rooftop waiting for the promised payment your partner was currently handing you.
"Catwoman, you're going to have to return that." A deep voice sounded from behind you, sending a string of curse words through your head.
Surprise surprise, you turned to find the Dark Knight accompanied by Robin who had joined you on the building.
"Who are you?" The sidekick asked bluntly taking a step toward you.
"Hm, wouldn't you like to know?" You quickly replied, matching the arrogant tone meanwhile Catwoman looked genuinely amused. Your temporary partner, clearly unwilling to simply hand over the stolen goods, began to flirt with Batman - apparently reoccurring behaviour judging by Robins foul expression.
"They do this often then?" You commented, observing the two adults.
"Too often. You still didn't answer my question thief." Robin replied, getting into a defensive stance mirroring his mentor.
"It's (v/n) - thief is just rude birdboy." You earned a growl before he came at you with his katana.
Though you weren't specifically trained in any martial arts, you picked up a thing or two by watching others or brief involvements with street gangs which allowed you to hold your own somehow. Instinctively, you pulled out your daggers to clash with the oncoming blade before kicking Robin in the abdomen and running for it. Successfully, you made your escape without being followed equip with money from Catwoman and so, you made you way 'home'.
Over the next few weeks, you had various encounters with Robin which you found peculiar as there were far more dangerous villains out there that required his attention but here he was again - confronting you about the deal you’d just completed, selling off a rich mans watch for a very good price.
"Why are you doing this?" The vigilante asked, arms crossed as he blocked your path.
"Because it pays well? I'm not quite sure what you expected." You sarcastically remarked, scanning the area for an exit.
"You seem like a good person, from my observations you only rob the wealthy. You should use your skills for something more productive." He commented, noticing your glare.
"Uh huh. You're like the same age as me Robin, you can't tell me what I should be doing. Besides, I didn't have the perfect life, I highly doubt you grew up on the streets - you can't exactly get 'productive' with that, I wouldn't have these skills otherwise. So sorry hero! If this was all part of the ‘turning me to the good side’ plan - you've failed." You defended, venom lacing your tone despite the mockery situated there. It was possible that you were a little harsh but you didn't need this at the moment, you had somewhere urgent to be.
Robin released a frustrated sigh meanwhile you put your plan of escape into action, you hopped onto the dumpster to the left, grabbing the metal ladder that lead to the staircase running up the side of the apartments. You slipped through an open window muttering a string of apologies as you ran through the now startled woman's apartment and out the front door, you made your way out of the building through the fire escape.
Checking your surroundings you discovered you'd lost the Batman's sidekick allowing relief to flood your body, though you were growing more suspicious - it shouldn't be that easy to escape Robin but it was almost like he let you get away in all of the times you'd encountered him after your first meeting. You had seen him fight other villains on the news and take them down with a degree of brutality, yet with you things never escalated to that level. Robin was obviously a better fighter and had beat you many times, brought you the police station handcuffed at least twice but never really hurt you.
Shaking your head out of the trance, you entered the old corner shop you'd made your way to and collected the items you needed. Walking over to the familiar owner of the small shop, you were greeted with a warm smile, you'd expect a form of hostility from anyone else considering your vigilante attire but upon visiting the shop on multiple occasions they soon realised you weren't a threat and never caused any trouble.
"Quite a lot of chocolate today (v/n)." The owner commented politely, knowing exactly what it was for.
"Mhm, everyone deserves a treat now and then - even me." You replied handing over some of the recently attained cash and taking the bag of items. Next you intended to return 'home'.
Unbeknownst to you Robin was tailing you, Damian was undeniably curious about you for some strange reason and had decided to follow you this time. After finding out about part of your childhood he wanted to understand why you did this, he assumed you had a home with an unstable background/parent and provided financial support though soon realised he was somewhat mistaken.
Once you left the store now carrying a bag you made your way to an old apartment building, Damian continued to follow, watching from the building opposite as you entered one of the 4th floor apartments. The area of Gotham was quite run down meaning rent wasn't expensive and you managed to maintain clean, suitable living conditions despite your situation.
"(Y/N) is back!" A young voice yelled, filled with excitement as you strolled through, placing the bag on the table.
Damian was puzzled, a small group of young children raced over to your figure which was soon lost in an array of hugs, one jumped on your back another two hugged your sides while others screamed with enjoyment.
"Yeah yeah, I missed you kids too." You happily greeted, kneeling down causing them to slowly release you.
Robin perched in the darkness now connecting everything together, you pulled down your hood and then removed your bandana, revealing your identity. Damian was stunned, the dim lighting highlighted your features perfectly and the smile you wore made you all the more beautiful.
"What did you bring us this time (y/n)?!" One girl chirped, standing hopefully in front of you.
"Hmm, well I brought some fruit, vegetables, soap, toothpaste..." You playfully listed, though the kids were grateful, they weren't exactly ecstatic to hear about the vegetables.
"And chocolate!" You grinned, excitement lacing your voice - pulling it out of the bag, the children immediately erupted into squeals and cheers taking a bar each.
Robin took this opportunity to slip through the window behind you making his presence known with a cough. You froze for a second, knowing that he probably knew you're identity now and where you lived - still, you recovered and turned around, the kids also taking notice of the unfamiliar company.
"Shit!" A child yelled from behind you, panic evident.
"Jake - language!" You whisper yelled, the children now gathered behind you.
"You're in a lot of trouble (v/n)." Robin sternly stated.
To your surprise a young girl quickly stepped in front of you spreading out her arms as a guard.
"No Robin! You can't take her away, I know she's bad sometimes but she only does it for us. Please don't take her to prison!" The girl pleaded, tears welling in her eyes.
Next was the boy, Jake, who ran to your side (chocolate long forgotten) and grabbed your arm.
"She isn't a hero like you or - or Batman but she's not a bad guy!" He claimed, also jumping to your defence.
"Yes! (V/N) is our hero, (y/n) protects us like you protect other people s-so there!" Another girl argued from behind you.
You and Robin were both shocked at the children's reactions, you found it heartwarming that they were defending you before one of their biggest heroes yet weren’t sure if their testimony’s would’ve be valid enough.
"I'm not taking (y/n) to prison." Robin boredly sighed, though he probably should - but you hadn't committed crimes at the same severity as the Penguin and you had legit reasons, so he took the opportunity to persuade you to take a more legal route.
Upon hearing Robin's assurance, the children calmed themselves dissipating into the apartment, finding suitable places to watch the scene unfold. You crossed your arms leaning on a nearby counter and looked to Robin expectantly - not having anything to say yourself.
"This is why you do it then?" He inquired, but it came off as more of a statement.
You nodded, observing the 3 children sitting on the couch while others scattered through the apartment.
"I try to take care of them when they need me, I'm pretty sure they live on the streets so I provide for them the best I can when they come to stay. But when they do, I need extra cash - with studying and my job I can just afford rent and the basics for myself. I steal so they don't have to, I want them to grow up 'good' I suppose." Robin listened carefully as he too looked at the children.
"So... There you have it bird boy, I grew up on the streets but want them to have a better life than I had. The end." You calmly explained, your tone getting more defensive as you went on.
"You're not what I expected." Robin admitted confidently.
"Oh really? And what did you expect?" You countered, smiling with a challenging hint to your voice.
"It doesn't matter. I think you could be of assistance to me, obtain information and getting into secured areas etc. In exchange I can offer my assistance." The sidekick clearly proposed, observing the consideration dashing across your features.
Within the next few weeks that's how it happened, you would assist Robin on select cases and in return he'd bring over extra supplies for any kids that decided to visit. Today was one of those days, you came in from work to find the children swarming around Robin who probably had to leave for patrol. Upon seeing you they rushed over with hugs and "Welcome home!"s before returning to their activities.
"What did you bring them this time Robin?" You curiously greeted, he threw the bag over to you which was effortlessly caught, after looking inside you nodded and placed it on the counter.
Out of gratitude, you made way to Robin and gave him a hug to display such thankfulness as you felt words weren’t quite enough this time.
"Thanks for everything bird boy." You added and pulled away from him.
"You're welcome?" Robin replied, still bewildered due to the sudden contact that it sounded as though he was questioning himself.
"So are you boyfriend and girlfriend now?" One of the girls mischievously inquired appearing out of nowhere.
"Uh - n-no. No." You briskly stuttered knowing you were blushing and attempted to conceal it to the best of your ability.
"(Y/N) is very beautiful but we are not dating." Robin answered in a much less embarrassing manner compared to you. You flushed deeper upon hearing the compliment, of course the sidekick quickly noticed your behaviour causing a smirk to appear.
Robin headed toward the window to leave for his previously mentioned patrol, though the young girl followed him and gently tugged on his cape gaining his attention.
She moved her hand to the side of her mouth so only Robin could hear her whisper "I think you should ask her out!"
"TT, I will." He assured her before disappearing into the night, finding that he’d have to learn to expect the unexpected when it came to your mismatched adopted family.
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d-p-f-m · 4 years
Take it easy |🥁|💕|📌|✔|
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Seokjin x Reader |🥁|💕|📌|✔|
I love love love writing Seokjin prompts, so thanks again @btsfangirl1999 for requesting it!
Sorry for taking so long but I promise I'm working on everything as soon as I have time and inspiration!
Also thanks to my lovely beta for reading through this mess I call my writing. I'd be lost without you, girl❤🔥
Hope you enjoy!💞
A.) 94. Why the hell are you on the floor? + 95. I'm so tired, it hurts when I close my eyes
Word count: 5783
The distant ringing in the back of your mind has you writhing underneath the comforting cover of your blanket. In a silent act of protest you instictively wrap the soft fabric tighter around your body, burying your face in your pillow in hopes of drowning out the annoying noise. Obviously though, the torture doesn't magically stop on its own.
About three more minutes in and you finally admit defeat. Groaning in dispair you rip the sheets off of you in one swift movement and slowly roll on your back to extend one arm in the general direction of where your phone is supposed to be.
Without actually being able to see what you're doing, it takes you a few seconds to locate it and press the power botton on its top to cut the alarm off for good. Sighing in content at the peaceful moment of silence you allow yourself to simply lie there a bit longer before you eventually sit up straight, so you won't be tempted to just fall asleep again.
Forcing yourself to pry your eyes open you blink against the blinding screen of your phone to check the time. There is still about twenty minutes left before you have to leave for university, thank God. With all the willpower you're able to muster you heave yourself out of bed and waddle through the corridor leading to your bathroom to proceed with your usual morning routine.
Examining your puffy face in the mirror while brushing your teeth you make an unsatisfied noise in the back of your throat and grimace at your reflection. You don't have time or motivation to conceal your sleep deprived expression with make-up and usually you don't care much about things like that anyways, but seeing the dark circles under your eyes you really wish you could just crawl back into bed and hide from your responsibilities until you're finally well rested for once.
Hearing your phone buzz on the side of the sink you look at the message that popped up on screen and sigh. With finals week coming up there is usually no space for personal life already and you knew it was a stupid idea the moment you agreed to help one of your friends to plan the project for one of their classes but you just didn't have it in you to tell them no. They'd do the same for you when you need them someday. ... right?
While rinsing your mouth you brush your hair absendmindetly and stare blankly at your reflection, thinking about your plans for the day. You'll need to meet up with your friend after classes and then you have to work the evening shift at the café before rereading your notes for the first exam coming up next Monday. You can do this. No problem. You've gone through worse things in your life.
Still, as you set aside your hairbrush and reluctantly make your way downstairs to the kitchen, you can feel how every muscle in your body protests with just the tiniest movement. Walking down the circular shaped staircase has somehow made you a bit dizzy and you have to take a moment to lean against the nearest wall for support when you feel a light headache spread from your neck upwards all the way to your forhead. Probably because you've pulled an all-nighter last night again.
Seokjin would definitely scold you if he found out, he always tells you to slow down when you get like this. Of course you never listen. Good thing you didn't actually see each other the last few days even though you live together, because you're both too busy with your own lives. The only time you would have the chance to talk to each other is either in the morning before heading out, or on rare occasions at lunch break when you don't meet up with anyone else.
It seems like you've missed your chance for today though because it's so silent around the house that you assume the acting major is already out and about again and even though you don't want to admit it, you're starting to really miss having him around all the time.
It's not common for two university students of the opposite gender to be roommates and you often have to endure judging stares or rude comments about your undefined relationship with your handsome friend.
You don't mind, though. If they're nice enough to ask you about what's going on between Seokjin and you, you'd gladly explain that you're just very close friends, for the time being at least, and if they prefer side-eyeing you from afar then you'd simply ignore them. It's not their business anyways.
Yawning, you turn on the coffee machine and then make your way to the fridge to search for something to eat that will hopefully get you through most of the day. To your surprise there's a box with food placed right in the middle for you to see, with a bright blue sticky-note attached to its lid and you instantly pray that it's what you think it is.
You take the box to read the note to make sure the contents are really meant for you and not reserved for your roommate since he's the only one who could have put it there and you don't want to risk getting into a fight over food with Seokjin of all people. You only tried to get away with stealing his food once and decided right after that it wasn't worth the eventual consequences ever again. You actually value your life, thank you very much.
One look at the note is enough to tell you that the food is in fact meant for you though. It's even your absolute favorite and at the thought of your roommates' skilled cooking, your mouth automatically starts watering. Maybe your day won't turn out to be as draining and horrible as you originally thought it would. Seokjin made apparently more on purpose so, and quote: 'your lazy ass doesn't starve before you pay me back for the last seven months of living at my apartment for free'. His choice of words makes you let out a huff in amusement.
When he had taken you in after you got kicked out of your old dorm in favor of someone else without any warning beforehand you both had come to a silent agreement that you wouldn't speak of how much you owed him, since you can't effort even half the rent to his apartment. It's clear to you that you'll pay him back as soon as you have the chance and Seokjin knows this too, even though he probably doesn't actually expect you to.
Silenty thanking him for his life saving food you pack it into your bag and then grab your phone to thank him via text as well so you won't forget. After hesitating for a short moment you also decide to ask him when he's going to be home today. If there's even the slightest chance you're going to be able to see him for dinner or at least a few hours of lazing on your couch just talking while watching some random movie, you're sure that it'll give you enough motivation to get through the day.
Seokjin immediately opens your message and you can't help but smile when you see that he's already typing a reply. He's always been like this. Always quick to answer your texts or calls, always down to go with every single one of your random ideas that tend to pop up in your head at the craziest of times, just... always there for you when you need him.
Being close friends for so long you know that's just who he is, of course. You know he's a good person and a really loyal friend but still, that little voice in your head keeps whispering that maybe, just maybe, he's so considerate because it's you. That it's not just your wishful thinking and he actually cares about you as much as you care about him. That he'd somehow realize how whipped you are for him and return your feelings instead of trying to let you down gently like he does with all the girls that confessed their crush on him in the last three or four years.
Shaking your head to get rid of your cheesy thoughts you stumble back to the coffee machine to get your mug while still squinting at your phone screen where Seokjin's message just popped up. As expected he's pretty busy today as well and he doesn't know how late it's going to get until he gets home. He tells you not to wait up for him with dinner if it starts getting too late but that he'll try his best to make it on time.
Sighing you brush your hand through your hair before finishing your coffee and putting your mug down on the kitchen counter to clean it later. It wasn't a 'no'. So it could happen, ... right? You decide it's not going to be of any good to think about it too much and instead make your way back upstairs to change into some proper clothes. It's almost time for you to leave for university anyway. You try to think positive and tie your hair into a ponytail before putting on your shoes.
You'll just have to survive the next 11 hours, then you'll finally be able to rest. And maybe you'll even see Seokjin again and have dinner with him tonight. So with this promising thought in mind you eventually step out the door of your apartment to get on with your day.
Stepping inside your own four walls you almost start crying in relief when you're finally able to get out of your shoes. You're burned out. The only thing on your mind right now is to sleep for at least 12 hours straight before even thinking of anything else. Unfortunatly though, you still got a few things on your to-do list for today, so you'll have to settle for a quick power nap.
Shrugging out of your jacket you just drop it on your way to the couch, not caring about anything else other than your well deserved rest. You grab the remote and turn on the TV with low volume to let the background noises lull you to sleep and then drop yourself backwards on the couch. Or that's what you thought.
Having misjudged the distance between you and the soft cushions you only scratch their surface before your fall continues and you land on the hard floor with a loud thud. The impact has you holding your breath in shock and while your mind is trying to catch up with your body you instinctively reach up to hold your head in your hands a few moments before the pain even kicks in.
You let out a pathetic groan and slowly roll over to lie on your back, swinging one arm over your face without moving a second time, too tired to try and get up again. It's what you deserve for not being more aware of your stupid surroundings anyway. And the ground's not even that bad, you tell yourself. There can't go anything else wrong if you don't move, right?
Allowing your heavy eyelids to finally rest for a while you stretch your legs out completely in an attempt to get more comfortable and huff, a little disappointed, because it's not working. The noise of the show that plays on TV is actually stressing you out more than helping you relax so you just press the power button on the remote that's still in your hand since you fell down to turn it back off before you finally admit defeat and just wait for sleep to take over.
That's how Seokjin finds you.
You don't know how much time has passed since you first slipped and fell to the ground just to stay there without moving a muscle when suddenly the front door to your apartment opens, accompanied by the very familiar jingle of keys and a heavy sigh sounding almost as tired as you're feeling.
The urge to stand up and greet your roommate comes up for a moment but the second you try to even so much as shift a bit your headache gets worse and a scorching pain shoots through your neck causing you to let out an almost inaudible groan in defeat.
You pray to every entity your brain comes up with that Seokjin won't find you like this, that he'll just grab a snack from the kitchen and then go upstairs to his room to study or whatever. But of course, like most of the time when it comes to Seokjin, it doesn't go the way you want it to. 'Hey y/n, you there? I'm home!' You can't help but cringe at the loud noise coming all the way from the other side of the room.
It's not because of his voice, you love his voice and on any other day hearing him say your name with so much hope and anticipation coloring his words would have caused your heart to go into a frenzy. Right now, however, you just want him to go away and leave you there to suffer alone until you're feeling better.
As much as you want to call out and tell him where you are, you can't bring yourself to actually answer him. The incredible pain in your neck and the merciless pounding of your head aside, the potential humiliation of him seeing you like this, completely vulnerable and pathetic has you biting your lip as if that would help you to make as little sound as possible.
There's a moment of heavy silence in the room before you can hear him let out a disappointed sigh, probably because he's assuming you aren't there and you immediately feel bad. It's the only choice you have to protect your dignity though, so there's no way around it. You decide you'll make it up to him with breakfast tomorrow instead.
His footsteps seem to lead him in the direction of the kitchen, away from you and you're starting to relax a bit but then he suddenly stops, presumably in the middle of the room. It's silent again and you furrow your eyebrows in confusion. Your brain is trying to come up with an explanation for what could have made him pause like that and when you hear the shuffling of clothes it suddenly clicks. Your damn jacket.
You dropped it on the ground on your way to the couch. Cursing yourself you press your arm tighter over your closed eyes and bite the inside of your cheek while anxiously waiting for Seokjin to move again. After a few seconds the rustling of clothes picks up again and your instincts scream at you to curl into a ball so he won't be able to find you.
You can pinpoint the exact moment he sees you by his surprised gasp of horror coming from almost right beside you and you can't help but to click your tongue in defeat. 'Y/N?! Oh my fu- ... y/n, are you alright?!' He's by your side in an instant, kneeling at your feet and touching one of your legs oh so delicately to check for any signs that you're alive and well.
Even in your hazy state you're still able to appriciate how careful he's being with touching you. 'Shh... shut up, Seokjin.' Hearing your raspy voice he pauses his attempts to softly shake you awake and even though you don't open your eyes to look at him you know he's probably staring at your covered face like a confused puppy.
'You're alive?! Why the fuck- Do you think it's funny scaring me to death?!' Groaning at the volume of his voice you move one of your legs to kick against his knee softly. 'Unfortunatly, yes. But could you please be quiet, my head hurts like crazy.' Amused by his overly dramatic reaction your voice automaticly takes on a softer tone to show him you're fine and it's then that he finally relaxes a bit.
You can feel his hold on your thigh become weaker and you immediately miss the warmth of his touch when he shifts to get a better look at you. 'Well... I mean I've been told my looks are able to bring girls to their knees and while I'm aware of how easy it is to fall for my handsome face, I'm pretty sure I'm not the reason why you're wiping the floor with your shirt. So why the hell are you on the floor?'
It's kinda funny how he's trying to lighten the mood without even knowing what's going on, you think. His voice is barely above a whisper though and you let out a soft hum to let him know you're going to answer in your own time. He still hasn't moved and you're wondering if he just doesn't know what to do in this situation.
Sighing, you move your arm from your face and reach out to search for him. Once you can feel the rough fabric of his jeans under your fingertips, you pat his thigh reassuringly while thinking of what to say next. 'Mhm... it's nothing, really. I just thought it'd be nice to get to know my surroundings better. You know? Bond with the floor, so it doesn't get lonely. Turns out it's really nice to talk to. Found my standards here so I didn't feel like getting up again.'
The amused snort he gives you as an answer is enough to get a content smile out of you as well. You give his thigh another friendly pat and subconsiously lick your dry lips. Something to drink would be nice. You make a mental note to go to the kitchen the moment your body is ready to function again. 'Give me a few minutes, yeah? You can go upstairs and I'll be there in a bit. Honestly, I'm so tired, it hurts when I close my eyes.'
There's silence for a while, like your roommate is contemplating what to answer and if it wouldn't be for your hand still touching his leg, you couldn't even be sure if he's with you anymore.
Suddenly, you feel him shift away from you and your heart squeezes in your chest at the thought of him actually leaving you here to go upstairs. There's still no way you'll open your eyes to confirm your suspicions though. The throbbing right behind your temples got worse while you were talking and you won't take the risk of provoking a full-on migrane just because your stupid feelings tell you it's absolutely necessary to look at your etheral being of a roommate right now.
You don't know what you were expecting at this point but the sudden noise right beside your ear was definitely not it. Feeling your head being lifted carefully you make a confused sound in the back of your throat but before you can actually react, it's already over and you're lying on something far more comfortable than the cold linoleum of the floor.
'You're an idiot. You know that, right?' Seokjin's voice is just a hushed whisper against your ear and you can feel him wrap his arm around your waist when you try to get up on instinct. 'Wha-' You don't really know how to react to his sudden proximity but as you open your mouth to respond he just pulls you closer until your cheek is pressed against his shoulder and hums quietly to effectively shut you up.
'You could have just said you weren't feeling well. There's nothing wrong with taking a break when you feel like you can't keep up anymore, you know?' His words make you let out a resigned huff. He always says that. And he's right, of course. Theoretically. But thinking back to the pile of notes on your desk you've still got to rehearse to be able to pass the exams next week, you can't help but disagree with him.
Seokjin seems to know what you're thinking because he sighs in an almost frustrated way, like a parent trying to reason with his stubborn toddler and leans his forehead softly against the top of your head, burying his face in your hair while stroking your back with his free hand as if trying to soothe you. He has you pretty much caged in his arms and even if you wanted to, there'd be no way to get up now. You're not complaining though. It does soothe you.
It feels nice to have him hold you like this. Like he actually wants to be here, with you. Like he wants to protect you from anything that's trying to harm you in any way. Like... you mean more to him than he says out loud. From time to time, the fingers caressing your back find their way up to absentmindedly play with strands of your hair and you can't stop your heart from jumping a bit when you feel him subtly shift closer.
You're so close you can hear Seokjin's heartbeat and while the steady rhythm calms you, it's still kinda strange. It's not like you never cuddled before. The actor's a pretty affectionate person and so it's actually common for you to be constantly hugged or held in his arms or pulled into his lap when you two hang around each other. Still, there's something about the way he's holding you right now. It's so loving and gentle, as if he's scared he'd hurt you if he isn't careful enough. You've never felt so at ease before.
Seokjin suddenly stops playing with your hair and after another moment of silence lets out a small huff. 'Don't think I didn't notice that you weren't feeling well for a while now. Still... I didn't exactly stop you from letting it get worse, so I guess I'm a bit at fault as well. I should have known you'd strain yourself... you really are an idiot.'
The tone of his voice is a mix between cockiness and genuine worry, so instead of complaining about him calling you an idiot you just grumble into his chest and murmur something that's supposed to sound like an apology. A small laugh escapes his lips at your childish behavior. 'What was that, princess? I couldn't hear you.' He gives your shoulder a soft push to get you to lean back and look at him and not able to resist any longer you comply.
You carefully blink open your tired eyes and when they finally adjust to your surroundings you see Seokjin smiling down at you so fondly your breath hitches. The words you wanted to say won't come out and you clear your sore throat when you see him raise an eyebrow in question. He casually licks his slightly opened lips and you can feel the blush creeping up your face when you realize your eyes followed the movement without your consent.
You're pretty sure he saw you staring for a second and not being able to look into his eyes after that, you press yourself up against him and wrap one of your arms around his waist as well to cuddle into him more. 'I missed you,' you whisper instead. The words come out of your mouth before you can stop them and they're so muffled through the fabric of his shirt that you hope he couldn't understand you.
It's kind of embarrassing how needy your voice sounded just now and when he tenses against you, you immediately regret saying it, scared he'll take it as a joke and laugh at you for being dramatic or worse, understand what the real meaning behind it is and reject you for good. But instead of teasing you like you expected he just hugs you closer to him and lets out a sigh. 'I missed you too, y/n.'
Maybe it's because you're feeling so tired and vulnerable or maybe it's the tender way he just answered you in but hearing him say it back has a wave of pend up emotions suddenly crashing down on you all at once. Your eyes well up with tears and before you know it you're sobbing into his chest, gripping onto his shirt like a lifeline. 'N-no, you don't get it. I missed you, I always miss you and it's so stupid because I know I shouldn't but I can't help it. I'm stupid, so stupid.'
You don't care if you're crossing the invisible line you had drawn from the moment you started living with him right now. You're tired and cold and you can't think straight with that fucking headache drumming against your skull. All you can think of is how warm Seokjin is and how good it feels when he tightens his arms around you in an attempt to calm you down.
Not really knowing what else to do Seokjin slowly sits up and pulls you into his lap. You bury your face in his neck and clasp at his shoulders while he hums a low tune and rocks you from side to side, one of his arms securely wrapped around your waist to hold you in place. 'Shh... it's fine, you're fine.' For the past eight years you've know him, Seokjin always tried to avoid emotional confrontations by cracking a joke or playing dumb but right now he seems completely serious and you're thankful that he's not withdrawing himself from you even though seeing you like this probably makes him uncomfortable.
Somewhere in the back of your mind you know how dramatic you're being and usually you'd be embarrassed to let him see you like this, but the way he's cradling you in his embrace like you're something precious to him has you melting against his chest without a second thought. You're allowed to be weak sometimes too. Seokjin is always here to remind you of that and it makes you love him even more. So maybe, just maybe, you can allow yourself to show him what's really on your mind from time to time.
Your roommate hushes you for a while until you're not crying anymore and as soon as he's sure you've calmed down he turns you in his arms so he's able to stand up. 'Come on, let's get you in bed. The floor's going to make me get sick and if my handsome face gets all puffy because of you, you're going to pay.' The comment makes you snort in amusement and glancing at him from out of the corner of your eyes you see him smiling at your reaction. Would it be too much to tell him that his puffy face looks extremely cute? Probably. Better not take a chance after what happened just now.
He carries you up the stairs as if your body weighs nothing. The actor isn't even the slightest bit out of breath when you arrive in front of your room and you're reminded of how build he actually his, despite him joking about becoming fat all the time. You silently study his face while he lets you down on your bed carefully. His eyebrows are furrowed in thought and he's looking down at the mattress instead of at you.
You can't really tell if it's out of respect for you or because he can't bring himself to look at your miserable state, and you actually don't want to know if you're being honest. Sighing in bliss at the feeling of your soft covers being pulled over you, you snuggle deeper into the fabric and look up at your friend through heavy eyelids to see him give you a warm smile. 'I'll be right back, don't fall asleep on me already, hm?'
You let out a quiet hum in agreement and watch him leave your room to go somewhere downstairs. His absence gives you time to think about what happened in the last few minutes and your heart squeezes painfully when you remember what exactly you told him while you had your little outburst. Is that why he was so stiff and quiet just now?
Does he understand your feelings towards him and needs time to think about a way to reject you without making things awkward? Fuck. You really don't know if you're ready to hear him say it. Suddenly you can hear his footsteps coming back up the stairs and on instinct you close your eyes to pretend you're asleep. He can reject you all he wants tomorrow when you're emotionally stable enough. Right now you just want to fall asleep and pretend today never happened.
Your roommate comes to a stop beside your head and just stands there for a moment, probably looking at you. After a few seconds the mattress sinks down at the level of your waist and your breath hitches when you realize he's now sitting on your bed, softly brushing your hair from your forhead. 'I know you're awake. Nobody blushes in their sleep, not even because of me. Now open your eyes and let me feed you, so I know you're not going to die in your sleep.'
Clicking your tongue in annoyence you comply to his order and blink your eyes open. He's holding a glass of water out to you and you let out a short hum to thank him, eagerly accepting it while you sit up and lean against the headboard of your bed. You empty it in one go and hand the glass back to Seokjin for him to place it on your nightstand. He offers you a slice of an apple but when you try to take it from him, he lightly presses it to your lips instead, the look in his eyes daring you to refuse him to feed you.
Your face starts burning again but you know he won't take no for an answer so you just open your lips and let him slip the slice into your mouth without complaint. Seokjin makes a content noise in the back of his throat at your obedience and pats your knee over the covers with his unoccupied hand to reward you.
'You want some more?' Shaking your head at his question you lie back down and pull your blanket up to your chin before he can press another slice to your lips. 'Wanna sleep, 'm sorry,' you manage to croak out and thankfully he relents right away. 'The plate's right here if you change your mind. I'll be in my room if you need anything, yeah?'
He makes an effort to stand up and leave but you immediately shake your head and grasp the sleeve of his shirt to stop him before he can get away. 'Stay, please? I could use your cuddles right now.' Your roommate blinks at you a few times as if unsure of how to react but when you silently lift your blanket in invitation, he finally gives in and gets under the covers next to you with a small sigh.
Pressing your body against his you shift two or three times and then yawn happily once you're comfortable. Neither of you talks for a long time, Seokjin just lets you lie with your head hiding in the crook of his neck and affectionately brushes through your hair to help you fall asleep.
You're just about to let his breathing lull you to sleep when he suddenly smiles against you as if he remembered something and whispers in an amused but husky voice. 'Your actual confession is going to be a bit more romantic, right? I'm thinking something like a restaurant or a movie night with take out and lots of cuddles to set the mood.'
Tensing up a bit at the sudden question you slowly pull away to look at him with your eyes already bleary from how tired you are. 'Who said I liked you?' Seokjin grins cockily at your terrible attempt to play dumb and the mischievous glint in his eyes tells you that whatever happens next, everything is going to be just fine.
'Oh please, it's so obvious you're whipped for me. I mean, who wouldn't be? It's me we're talking about.' You roll your eyes at him and grin back but you can't come up with a sly response right away since what he says is one hundred percent the truth, so you settle for not answering at all until you know what he's getting at for sure.
Seokjin looks into your eyes for a moment longer, the content smile still prominent on his face. Then he's shifting forward until his nose brushes against yours and a shiver runs down your spine when you feel his breath on your lips. 'So how about that dinner? I think I deserve something fancy for our first date. It's what first comes to mind every time I think about how to ask you out, you know?'
By now your heart is already threatening to jump out of your chest from how wildly it thumps against your ribs. He already thought about asking you out? More than once? So he actually likes you too and it's not just your hopeful mind playing tricks on you?
When you think you're finally able to form a coherent sentence and tell him you'd gladly go out with him, Seokjin suddenly closes the remaining distance between you both to press a loving kiss to your slightly opened lips. Gasping in surprise against his pillow like lips you don't even get the chance to return the kiss before he's already leaning away from you again.
He's smirking at your dreamy expression and wraps his free arm around your waist to pull you as close to his side as physically possible before speaking up again. 'Movie night would be fine by me too, though. Tell me tomorrow, yeah? You gaping at me like a deer caught in the headlights made me kinda sleepy and you need your beauty sleep. Let's get comfy, hm?' Wow, the nerve of this guy. As if you'd be able to get any sleep now.
'You're an idiot,' you say amused and cuddle into him further to get comfortable again. He pulls a funny face in response and sticks his tongue out to you before he chuckles. 'That's my line, idiot.'
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42 notes · View notes
darley1101 · 6 years
Family (September 11 prompt)
A/N This is for the September prompt challenge hosted by . It is for the September 11 prompt Family. I am combining it with another request I received asking for Maxwell to purchase the MC a pregnancy test on the morning of her wedding to Liam. I thought they would make a fun combination. I hope you enjoy. Tag lists are after the story. If you would like to be added or removed just let me know in a comment or personal message. This is future canon for Broken Fairytales. I hope you enjoy!
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“This is ridiculous,” Karin whispered furiously as Olivia, Hana, and Madeleine herded her into the en suite off Madeleine's rooms. She tried to dig her heels into the plush carpeting, but a firm push in the middle of her back continued to propel her forward. “We're wasting time that could be spent getting ready.” Her heart skipped a beat and her stomach lurched. In a few short hours she would be re-marrying the man she loved and, her heart skipped another beat, finally be crowned Queen of Cordonia. Just one of those events would be enough to cause the nausea she had woken up to, but her friends thought otherwise. 'You missed your period,' Hana had chided, 'I know because we're on the same cycle and I had to suffer alone.' Stress had been  her response. Between planning a wedding that the whole world would be watching via attendance or television and preparing for the coronation that would come after, it was no wonder Karin was exhausted, nauseated, and missing her monthly visit for good ole Aunt Flo. Part of her wanted to say screw the whole thing. Did they really need the public wedding? According to Regina, yes. The people didn’t care that while in exile, Liam and Karin had married in private ceremony. They wanted the glitz, glam, and stability of seeing the king they had fought for marry his beloved. 
“You're being ridiculous,” Olivia countered shoving a purple and white box into her hands, and then gesturing towards the toilet. “Your throne awaits.”
“Hilarious,” Karin muttered, yanking open the package while she stomped towards the toilet. “I already told you, I'm stressed. When I get stressed I get sick to my stomach and, on occasion, I miss my period.”
“It may very well be stress,” Madeleine agreed, “but wouldn't you rather know? There's going to be alcohol served at the reception. Do you really want to worry about whether or not its safe to drink? This way we'll know if we need to substitute your champagne for apple cider.”
Annoyance shot through Karin as she set the actual test down on the counter and wiggled out of her panties. Madeleine was right, and God, Karin hated when Madeleine was right. They had moved past the pettiness that occurred during the social season and Madeleine's short lived engagement to Liam, but that didn't mean Karin liked when Madeleine was right. “I can't believe one of you actually bought a pregnancy test,” she mused, picking up the test. She poised the plastic stick between her legs, trying to concentrate on peeing. “Could someone turn on the faucet?”
“Of course,” Hana answered sweetly before turning the water on in the sink. “And we didn't buy it, Maxwell did.”
“What?” Karin sputtered, grimacing when a splash of urine hit her fingers. So gross, she thought, pulling the test out from between her legs. She set it back on the counter, wiped, and then flushed. “You had Maxwell go buy a pregnancy test? Whose genius idea was that?”
“It was mine actually,” Olivia smirked from the doorway. “He's always so eager to please and nobody will think twice about him buying one. He's such a spazz the sales clerk probably thought he bought it for himself.”
“Be nice,” Hana chided.
“It could be argued that calling him a spazz is being nice as there are far worse yet equally fitting names we could call him,” Madeleine muttered under her breathe, but Karin still heard her and shot her a dirty look. Maxwell might be a spazz, but damn it he was Karin's spazz! And he’d changed a lot since the assassinations that took place during the homecoming ball. 
“I just hope he doesn't say anything to Liam,” Hana sighed, propping her hip against the bathroom vanity. She blinked when she realized everyone, including Karin, was staring at her. “What? Everyone is thinking it. I adore him but he does have a history of speaking without thinking. Remember the UN dinner in New York?”
Wrinkling her nose, Karin washed her hands. She remembered that dinner all to well. Maxwell had started a shit storm with several dignitaries by confusing their countries. “Don't remind me,” she pleaded, turning off the faucet and drying her hands on the hand towel Madeleine handed to her. “God, you don't really think he will say anything to Liam?” No, she silently told herself. Maybe in the past he might have accidentally let it slip, but Maxwell had grown a lot. 
“With Maxwell anything is possible,” Olivia reminded. “Now, how long do we have to wait to see if Karin's carrying the next heir to the throne? The sooner she gets the heir and the spare out of the way, the happier the people will be.”
The blood drained from Karin's face, leaving her a pasty color. Having a family was something she and Liam had spoken about a great deal; how many children they wanted, what sort of parents they were going to be. Perhaps because Liam had only ever referred to their future children as, well, their children that was how Karin had come to think of them. Olivia's flippant remark, no doubt meant to be funny, had been a rude awakening to how the people of Cordonia would view their children. “That was incredibly rude,” Hana tsked, shaking her head and then looking at Karin with sympathy in her eyes. “Don't listen to her Karin. The people of Cordonia love you regardless.”
“They'll love her more if she's pregnant,” Olivia insisted. “I'm not trying to say they don't love her already, I think their adoration of the American Duchess is obvious. Things have been difficult for the monarchy, you know that. Producing the next Crown Prince will just prove the people made the right choice in demanding that Liam be re-instated at King.”
“I think you've made your point,” Hana snapped. “So lets drop it.”
Tuning out the rest of the conversation Karin focused on the test sitting face down on the counter. The instructions had said to wait 5 minutes and at least that amount of time had passed. She took a deep breath and flipped it over, her heart lodging in her throat as two distinct lines glared back at her. “Fuck me,” she whispered.
“Apparently Liam did,” Madeleine giggled and then clapped a hand over her mouth. “That was incredibly crude, my apologies. And,” she smiled cheekily, “my congratulations.”
“Oh Karin,” Hana cried, her lips tipping in a brilliant smile. “How exciting!”
“Right, exciting,” Karin whispered. She couldn't stop staring at the test, at those two little lines that added yet another title to already growing list of titles. Duchess. Wife. Queen. Mother. She was going to be a mother. Tears welled in her eyes, a smile stretched across her lips. She was going to be a mother! For the first time in her life she was going to have a family. A real family. One that couldn't be taken away from her.
Perma tag: @debramcg1106 @josieschoices @boneandfur @speedyoperarascalparty @christopher-powell @tmarie82 @blackcatkita  @hamulau @endlessly-searching-for-you @umccall71  @drakelover78 @penguininapinktuxedo @eileendannie  @stopforamoment @writtenbycandy @lizeboredom @alicars @leelee10898 @choicesfannatalie @liamxs-world @katurrade @jadedpixiescribbles @indiacater @mfackenthal @damienazariostan @choiceslife @hopefulmoonobject
Tag for Liam x MC: @lodberg @tanyaschoices @lynn1214 @jlouise88  @scarlettedragon @innerpostmentality  @flowerpowell @jamielea81 @cordoniaqueensworld @heatherfilliez @trr-fangirl @purplegreyshrimp
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choco-chip-cookie · 6 years
BabyDaddy!Cal Pt.16
First I want to apologize for how late this is. I’ve been drowning in AP homework. I literally work from the time I get out of school until I go to sleep at like eleven or twelve. I didn’t do much editing with this either, so sorry for that. Anyway! Thank you all for the lovely feedback, it is always appreciated. Also, remember I update every 100 notes (It may be late due to school, sorry). I hope you lovebugs enjoy :)
Another thing: This chapter and the four following are gonna be looonng!
**WARNINGS**: None besides cursing 
Parts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty{END}
"Michael don't break her crib." You scolded as you watched him try to fit something together but having it fall apart."It wasn't cheap at all."
"I'm not gonna break it, Y/N, I'm a handyman."
"Oh my God." You laughed as you exited the room.
You had called the guys over to help you finish setting up your daughters room. The walls had already been painted a pretty lavender, so all that was left was to put the furniture together or move it into place.
"Y/N, uh...Where do you want the chair..?" Calum questioned you quietly, his gaze flickering between you and his feet.
"Put it in the corner next to the crib." You answered and then left him in the hallway with nothing more.
When you originally called Ashton, you told him to gather up everyone but Calum. He doesn't know how to listen very well apparently. He swore that Calum had to come along because if he was the father, he could always " have that memory of putting his daughter's nursery together ". You thought that was just a bullshit excuse for not wanting to hurt his best friend by going over to his ex as well as his babymama's house and putting the nursery together without him.
"Luke, help me out." You'd sit beside the kid who had to take a "mental break" after spending over an hour putting a small dresser together only to find out it was backward.
"What's up?"
"Baby names."
You could tell that he was uncomfortable at the thought of naming your daughter and rolled your eyes."What're you so nervous for?"
"I feel bad..."
"Because Calum's supposed to do this with you, not me."
"Well Calum wasn't supposed to cheat on me, but he did. So, what's your point?"
Luke sighed but listened to your suggestions nonetheless. You had two separate lists of names that you had jotted down one restless night- names that sounded good with Luke's last name and names that sounded better with Calum's. Luke suggested a few that were ridiculous, but he had you laughing and you hadn't genuinely done that in a while.
"Lukelyn is definitely a no go." You turned down the name with your nose scrunched up."Why would I name my kid after you."
"Because I'm pretty fucking amazing, duh."
"Eh," you shrugged your shoulders and gave him a teasing smile, "you're aight."
Eventually, the two of you had picked the best names - which you'd have to confirm through Connor later- and had started talking about what you had missed out on while you were away for four weeks. You were doubled over in laughter after hearing the crazy thing the boys had done and Luke reacted the same to what you had told him about how your family reacted when they realized you were pregnant. You couldn't help but admire Luke as he talked, examine every inch of his face and for some unknown reason, feeling attracted to him. He looked nearly completely different than he did since you first met him, he had gotten more toned and grew his hair out, got a nice beard going as well.
Your eyes kept falling towards his lips and suddenly, you had the desire to feel them against yours. You knew it was just your heart yearning to feel loved again, your body wanting to be touched or kissed in an intimate way again. You were positive that you didn't even remotely like Luke in a romantic way, but he was there. The blonde was always there for you when you needed him the most and was always there to make you laugh when you were feeling like the world was caving in on you. That made him more attractive in your eyes, yet you still were certain that your feelings weren't real. How you ended up leaning in towards Luke you didn't know.
He was still talking with a smile on his face, but it slowly faded when he noticed your seemingly dazed state, confusion setting in when you began to lean forward. It wasn't until your noses had brushed did he realize what you were doing and by the time he went to pull away it was too late. Luke didn't know what it was about you that had him in a trance anytime you kissed him. The last time he told himself,"No! Don't kiss her! Stop it!", and he did this time as well, but never actually stopped. He never thought about kissing you or doing anything with you that would make you more than friends until it actually happened and he'd always regret it afterward. It was always an "in the moment" thing, and never anything more.
Luke had tugged you closer to him while your hand went running through his hair, heads turning ever so often as your tongues tangled with each other. It wasn't until you both heard the loud clang of something hitting the floor did you pull away. That's when the guilt on Luke's part started to sink in because once he again he betrayed his best friend.
"Calum..." Luke stood up quickly as tried to redeem himself but Calum just shook his head, hurt and disappointment clouding in his eyes.
The Maori would just turn around and enter the nursery, dropping onto his knees on the floor to continue building the changing table. He sniffed quietly as a few tears dropped, his hand flying up to wipe them quickly. Luke would groan and go try to fix things, but Calum wasn't having it, not this time.
"Mate, listen, it's not-"
"It's not what it looks like?"  Calum would laugh bitterly. "Please enlighten me then."
"I don't know why...I don't even know how we ended up kissing, Cal, but-"
"Please fucking tell me we're not talking about Y/N." Ashton would sigh and shake his head when Luke gave him a guilty look."Seriously, Luke?!"
"She kissed me!"
"You didn't seem to be complaining since you were shoving your tongue down her throat."
"It's not...fuck." Luke would groan and run his fingers through his hair."I don't like her, Calum."
"Yet you've slept with her, you're making out with her while we're building my daughters nursery, and you possibly got her pregnant...so what I pray to be my kid might not even be mine!"
Luke didn't know what to. The bitter tone Calum's voice reflected made him nervous. The kid stopped talking to him for nearly a month after the first time, there was no telling what would happen this time around. All because Luke had no way to reign himself back once you've kissed him because he doesn't know how to keep his hands off of you sometimes.
"You're a shitty friend, you know that? " Calum would turn around with furrowed brows and red, teary eyes. "I'm at what I feel like is one of the lowest points of my life and you're making out with my ex, the love of my fucking life."Calum stands up and glares at Luke."No matter how many times you've reassured me that you don't like her and wouldn't take her from me, you always contradict it."
"Fuck you, Luke."
The Maori would bump his shoulder as he exited the room, his gaze lingering on your slumped figure on the couch. You looked up from your hands at the sound of your name leaving his lips and his voice cracked as he said,"If your goal is to make me miserable, you've succeeded."
"Here I am in all of my miserable glory." He'd laugh bitterly and throw his hands up into the air exasperatedly. "If you really want to be with Luke, go right ahead! It doesn't matter how I feel, right?"
Then he leaves and once again takes your heart with him.
"Connor?!" You yell as you bang on the door of his and Felix's apartment. You're in tears as you continue using your fist to hit against the cold wood, hoping they'd come to the door because you really needed someone at the moment."Felix!"
After another five minutes of banging on their door like a madwoman, Felix swung the door open with a confused stare on his face. "Y/N?"
"I know you idiots fucking heard me." You say angrily as you wipe tears from your face.
"We were in the shower...." he trails as a small smile makes its way to his face, but disappears just as fast as it had come.
"You nasty fuckers." You laugh a bit and walk past him as he lets you in.
"Any particular reason you're outside of our door being a crazy pregnant woman at two in the morning."
"I'm such a fuckup," you say, plopping down on the side of Connor whilst Felix takes a place on the other side of you.
"What's wrong, sweetheart?"
"Everything!" You cry, the tears start up again- mainly due to your hormones, otherwise, you'd just be pissed- and push your curly locks away from your face.
"I fucked around and made out with Luke and Calum caught us so now he's more hurt than he was before. Luke said he hasn't spoken to him since it happened last week."
Connor and Felix just shake their head when it comes to Luke at this point. How you always ended up making out or doing whatever happens with Luke really puzzled them, especially because you two always say you have no type of feelings towards each other whatsoever. Then again, Connor puts most of the blame on Luke. He's always "there for you" when need be, always your shoulder to cry on. He always thought that was a little fishy because how does it keep happening over and over again? You'd think he'd try to stop you and remember Calums his best friend, remember that you're just vulnerable and don't know what you're doing at the moment. Connor would have all reason to believe that maybe Luke secretly had a thing for you, but due to you being with- well when you were with him, there wasn't any time for him to make a move.
"On top of that I honestly want nothing to do with Calum, but I miss him so damn much, Felix." You continue to cry."I love him and I want to let him go, but my hearts stuck on him. I don't want to be like the rest of those stupid girls, I'm not like the rest of them! Running back to the guy that cheated and disrespected and humiliated them because they love the guy."
"Well, Y/N...if the urge is that strong maybe you should forgive him and take him back." Felix shrugs while Connor wipes away your tears."Though I  get what you're saying, I honestly do."
"Sometimes couples go through things like this for a reason." Conner continues on with what Felix was trying to tell you."It's either to show you that you really don't need him or to show you how strong your love is for him."
"I just want to go home." You continue on".It was a mistake coming back, I want to go home."
At this point, your two best friends could tell how miserable you truly were. You were crying into Connor's chest, the lilac-haired beauty shushing you and rubbing your back. They hated this. Almost two years ago you used to be the girl that rarely cried, you were always smiling - unless you were extremely pissed, but that's beside the point. Sometimes the couple even came to the point where they believed they despised  Calum for coming into your life, that's when everything went downhill.
"Maybe you should go." Connor recommends and Felix looks at his lover as if he had three heads."If you're truly that miserable, Y/N, go home."
"Connor, she can't just-"
"We can't think about how much we'd miss her or how much everyone else would try and get her to stay, Felix. You know that I of all people don't want her to leave but look at her, babe. All she's done throughout this pregnancy is stress and cry. If going home is what'll be better for her, then she needs to find the next plane ticket back.”
You'd try. God, how hard did you try to catch the next flight home. Before you could even start packing you had begun to have these random stomach pains. At first, they were faint, but as the day progressed, so did the amount of pain. You'd go into the hospital the next morning just to check up on nugget and make sure she was fine. That's when you got the devastating news.
"What do you mean I can't take a flight to Georgia."
"What I mean is your body is under way too much stress, Ms. Y/L/N. Your due date is just weeks from now and these pains are more than likely just stress related like they've always been. You could possibly go into labor on that flight or even-"
"After I have the baby how long do I have to wait?"
"Do you really want to take a newborn baby on a twenty-two-hour flight?"
"I...fuck."You curse under your breath.
You were stuck here with a kid and didn't even know who her father was, let alone completely understand what exactly you were going to do. You were having second thoughts on not having Calum in your life, you're pretty sure you're not one hundred percent ready to be a mother, and you were terrified of bringing your baby girl into the mess of a life you have. You were absolutely fucked, completely and utterly fucked.
The worst part of all was that you'd realize that you had to face these problems much sooner than you planned.
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body language 3
"Can I help you, sir?"
I abruptly end my staring contest with the menu to blink at the cashier. My response isn't the most eloquent. "Huh?"
The girl sighs, her patience with me and the rest of the world obviously drained, and tucks a long lock of hair behind her ear. "What do you want?" she tries again.
A nudge in my ribs makes me glance to the side where Spencer is giving me a look I can't decipher.
"Sir?" the woman behind the cash register calls, the strain obvious in her tone. Behind me, I hear more than a few people sigh impatiently, shift their weight, and grumble about inconsiderate jackasses—that'd be me.
  I stare back at the teenager. She blinks at me, frowning. Her mouth pinches after several seconds, and then opens. I know she's going to say something sharp, so I do what I always do under pressure.
I do something stupid.
"Hot dog," I blurt.
There, problem solved. I start to relax, even as heat prickles up my neck. I don't know why I'm getting embarrassed now—I should've been a blushing, bumbling idiot a minute earlier, when all I could do was stammer and stare like a deer caught in headlights. But there is no reason to get flustered—all is forgiven, said and done.
The girl looks taken aback, and I can't imagine why. She braces herself on the counter so she can crane her neck and examine the short list of food products on the menu behind her. My eyes dart up to read over it, too, but I'm too anxious, too stressed, to actually take in the words. Finally, the cashier turns back to me, frowning.
"Sir," she begins, and from her tone I just know that even my measly hot dog request wasn't enough for her because she's using a tone that most people reserve for people too stupid to remember their own name (that'd be me, in this case), "we don't sell hot dogs."
My eyes dart up to the menu again, desperately trying to find the two words that would prove her wrong. "Uh."
Hot dog, hot dog, hot dog. It had to be on that menu somewhere. Hot dog, hot dog—was a pretzel a hot dog? No, no, of course not. Though I had seen one place sell pretzel dogs, a hot dog wrapped in pretzel dough and baked. Maybe they had those—
"Sir, I'm going to ask you to step aside for now and come back when you figure out what you—"
"Two slices of cheese pizza and a water."
I snap my mouth shut and shoot Spencer a grateful glance. He looks at me and twists a corner of his mouth back, like he can't remember something—probably why he ever invited me along today. I was just tripping over myself to cause trouble all day long.
The cashier instantly relaxes and falls back into her routine of pecking at the cash register, accepting payment, and handing me my meal. I can't even manage a simple "thanks" as I take it and follow Spencer and Bella back to one of the picnic tables. The look Spencer's giving me renders me mute. Pretty sure he officially thinks I'm some sort of brain-dead freak at this point.
"What was that about?" he demands the moment we're seated.
I have no answer to give, so I stuff a bite of pizza into my mouth.
Spencer sighs and uncaps his soda, takes a swig. The whole time, he's still watching me. When he screws the lid back on his beverage, he frowns and persists, "Seriously, Markus. What is up with you recently?"
My mind is frustratingly blank. Not even a simple excuse flits across my mind.
"This seat taken?"
Fortunately, I don't have to answer. Someone taps the seat across from me and glances around at the three of us, seeking approval. The voice, though, is unusually familiar, and when I chance a peek up at the guy, I nearly drop my pizza rather unceremoniously into my lap.
"Nah, it's yours if you want it," Spencer tells Mr. You-Stole-My-Fucking-Quarter, even offering a flash of a smile as a peace offering. For some reason, I highly doubt Spencer remembers who the guy is. But when he sits down, peels back the wrapper from his sandwich, and makes eye contact with me, there's no mistaking the look in his eyes.
He definitely remembers me.
  My mouth dries, and I take a long chug of water. It makes no difference. My tongue still feels like sandpaper in my mouth, and when Mr. You-Stole-My-Fucking-Quarter says, "Imagine meeting you again," I have no idea what to say, or how to force my tongue to move and form words.
I can't tell if he takes that as an insult, a sign of cowardice, or just anxiety on my part. His expression doesn't change as he lazily drawls, "Mute, are you?"
"That's just Markus for you," Spencer smoothly intervenes, coming to my rescue, and I'm relieved that I don't need to explain myself.
"So, Markus, huh?" the guy asks, like he wasn't just told what my name is.
I decide not to say anything, just give a grudging nod and devour more pizza. Can't talk with a full mouth. It's rude.
The guy sits, turns his body so that it's obvious he just wants to talk to me—that Spencer is now officially an unwelcome party. "How'd you do it, anyway?" he asks without preamble.
I mumble something that might be a baffled "wha?" from behind my pizza.
“Do what?” Spencer asks, looking between us, asking what I’m wondering, but in a more eloquent manner.
Mr. You-Stole-My-Fucking-Quarter motions briefly to the large box of chocolates that lay nearly forgotten near my feet—too large to fit on the table while we eat, I had to settle with maneuvering it so that it was under the table, out of the way.
All eyes are on me now, expectant and curious.
"Oh." I try to think of how to explain it, but no matter how I lay out the system in my head, I can't figure out to put it into words. I practice a few explanations quietly, but they all seem choppy or confusing. I really, really am not the person to explain things. And I do not perform well for an audience.
"Um," I try again after an achingly long pause.
I need to prove I am capable of more than monosyllabic words.
"You just"—I make a few vague hand motions, as though those would explain what I couldn't—"watch it for a while. The game, I mean."
I’m not sure if pantomiming is any better than monosyllabism. I’m not sure I’m fighting whatever case I’m trying to make. I expect Mr. You-Took-My-Fucking-Quarter to look disappointed in me, because I very obviously didn’t give him the response he wanted. But his expression doesn’t change, though I can’t tell if he is deliberately censuring how he feels or not.
“That’s… smart,” Bella offers politely, breaking her silence. She sounds like she’s not sure what, exactly, she’s complimenting, but she sure is happy to do it.
Spencer makes a noise of disdained amusement at my fumbling.
But Mr. You-Stole-My-Fucking-Quarter doesn’t show any such derision, at least I don’t think so.
"Watch it how?" he finally asks, leaning even closer, intent.
"Uhm." I pause to take a swig of water, like it will wash away my anxiety. A part of me hopes he doesn't think I'm being rude; another hopes he does, so he'll leave me alone. "There's a system to it."
He nods, so I continue. I decide not to look at—or towards, I suppose—anyone but him. I don’t think I can take Spencer’s derision or Bella’s odd flavor of condescending pity.
"You can figure it out if you watch it long enough," I offer. "After a while, I thought I knew what it would be. The number, that is. And I was right."
It’s the closest thing to an explanation he’s going to get, and I can only hope he’ll accept it for what it is.
I think I see Bella and Spencer exchange some sort of glance from my peripheral vision, but I don’t turn to look. I refuse to look away from—well, not Mr. You-Stole-My-Fuckig-Quarter’s eyes. I can’t quite make eye contact with him. But I’m steadfastly looking somewhere around his left ear.
"Hm," he humms. "So you didn't guess? You knew what it was going to be."
"Well—no—yes. I mean, I thought I knew."
"Hm," he humms again, and I don't know that I like how he doesn't always give verbal answers, but falls back on sounds. Words I can understand. Body language and sounds are harder.
"You're not as bad as I thought," he finally tells me, and he cracks a smile. It's a rather friendly, inviting smile, and I'm returning it before I can stop myself.
"Trevor," he says suddenly, in the same tone I'd use to say "you don't say" or "how's the weather today?" I stare back at him for several moments.
"My name," he explains and I let out a small "oh" of understanding.
"Markus," I return the favor.
"Yes, I know." His eyes flick to Spencer, a reminder that my name's already been given.
"Oh," I say again, but this time it's followed by a laugh. "Right."
He laughs, too, and it's not snide or rude. And it convinces me to relax.
Things only get better from there.
He makes jokes, I laugh. I do something silly, he laughs. We talk about nothing in particular, and it’s enjoyable. Minutes fly by, and Spencer and Bella seem to lose interest in us. By the time everyone's done eating, I'm just starting to wonder if Trevor will join us for the rest of the afternoon—how it might change the sour notes of my day into something sweeter, more bearable—when his phone buzzes.
Trevor pulls it out and it's amazing how quickly his expressions brightens only to turn stormy. His face pulls back in a scowl as he reads his text. His lips tighten as he punches in a rather lengthy reply. Once he sends it, he takes a deep breath and looks back at me. His smile is apologetic.
"Girlfriend," he explains, and that really does explain it all. "She's mad we got separated."
I don't really know what to say to that. Relationships have always been a problem of mine, and I never know what advice others are looking for. Fortunately, his phone buzzes again and he checks his text. His scowl returns, deeper than before, and he punches in a much shorter reply this time before returning his phone to his pocket and shrugging.
"Ditching me here apparently." He closes his eyes and I think I can see him count to ten before opening them again. "I guess I gotta take off."
He stands and collects his trash, and I scramble to move. It’s a spontaneous decision, fueled by my lifted spirit—the one he managed to buoy. I yank the overly large box of chocolates out from under the table and stop him, hold them out in offering.
"Well, if you're fighting with your girlfriend, won't these calm her down a bit?"
He looks surprised at the suggestion, before turning pensive. "Actually, you just might be right," he concedes finally. "You sure you don't mind...?"
"No. No, not at all. Take them."
He's smiling again when he grabs the box, so bright and warm it melts my stiff face into a softer expression, a returning smile.
"I'll see you around, Markus?"
It isn't until he's gone and Spencer, Bella, and I are heading out to catch a few more rides that I realize Trevor never gave me any kind of contact information. Not even a phone number or last name so I could look him up. Not that I’m on any social media that I could even do that.
I'll see you around? Hah, yeah right.
More like I'll never see him again.
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