#a poem jumping into my mind while i saw the flowers
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蓬蓬花裙樂聲揚 長腿仙子俏模樣 與君綠葉跳一曲 翩翩飛舞春風蕩
─ Poem 《Tutu ballerina flower fairies》 by Chu Lan 五絕 /舞伶花仙子 ‧ 仲茵 05. 08. 2024
ps. Today on the way was going for business crossed by the park and I took a photo that flowers - "Japanese Lantern" and a poem jumped into my mind at the time. ♫ ◠‿◠ ℒan ~*
(裂瓣朱槿又名吊燈扶桑花 /Hibiscus schizopetalus is a species of Hibiscus native to tropical eastern Africa in Kenya, Tanzania and Mozambique. Its common names include fringed rosemallow, Japanese lantern, coral hibiscus, and spider hibiscus.)
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teyamsatan · 1 year
Cruel Summer | Chapter II: Before It Sinks In
Pairings: Neteyam x (f)Human!Reader
Word Count: 5.5k words
Warnings/notes: angst, allusions to/mentions of smut, friends-with-benefits, mutual pining, 18+ minors DNI
Synopsis: After the Sully kids get attacked by the newly found Recombinant Soldiers, Jake makes the tough decision to leave the Omatikaya. Neteyam is forced to say goodbye to you, to your relationship and to the life he always dreamed about.
A/N: So I decided to split what was originally supposed to be one chapter into two, and this way I get to make good use of the amazing song that @karma-is-a-cat-purringinmylap was amazing enough to turn me on to, that just happened to work like a glove (the first non TS song in my works!!!)! I think I will try sticking to shorter chapters, as I feel 10k chapter might be a a bit overwhelming overall. Now, did this chapter make me cry several times? Yes. Will it make you cry? I'm hoping you will tell me soon ;)
enjoy besties ily xoxo
: ̗̀➛ listen to Before It Sinks In here : ̗̀➛ masterlist (x) : ̗̀➛ series masterlist (x)
Suspended in the air, I hear myself breathing
Hanging by a thread, my heart is barely beating
Neteyam watched as you ran towards the lake that he wanted so badly to show you, he was practically buzzing by the time he got to Hell’s Gate. He found this little spot accidentally a few days ago while on a hunt, and it’s been on his mind ever since, exuberant at the thought of you in it, at the thought of your face splitting in a wide smile and your eyes widening taking it all in. He thought of the little squeal you would make as you saw the waterfall and way you’d jump off his back immediately and make your way without thinking of your clothes, or the mask, or anything else. The scene unfolding in front of him was exactly the way he pictured it, a testament to how long you’ve been in each other’s lives, how well he knew every facet of your being, like you were just an extension of his own self, like you were a complicated poem he’s dedicated his whole life deciphering and could now recite by heart, could now dissect it and appreciate it endlessly, to its full potential. 
You didn’t look back as you just hurriedly made your way to the edge of the water, taking off pieces of clothing as you did, until you were in a lace thong and bra, that Neteyam has seen multiple times before. He could see it every day, every minute of the day, it could be tattooed on his eyeballs and it would still not stop the way his mouth instantly filled with saliva and his head felt dizzy from all the blood travelling downwards. You were the most beautiful woman he’s ever laid his eyes on. Actually, beautiful did nothing to describe you. Beautiful had nothing on you. Neteyam wished he was more articulate at times like this, he wishes he would have read all the hundreds of books residing in the big library in Hell’s Gate where you loved to spend your time, in order to find the proper word to describe you. In order to validate his postulation that there was, in fact, not a single word in all of the English language, or Na’vi, for that matter, to encapsulate what you meant to him, how he viewed you. 
A splashing noise is all he heard as you jumped quietly in the water, and he followed suit, a little concerned when you wouldn’t resurface, until it dawned on him you could breathe underwater with the mask on. When you did resurface, you were standing right underneath the waterfall, the biggest smile in the world plastered on your face, and Neteyam couldn’t help his own that blossomed like how the flowers in the morning bloom did, like how his love for you did. 
Neteyam couldn’t remember his life before this. Before tangled bodies and insurmountable pleasures. He couldn’t remember who he had been, what used to occupy his mind and thoughts, what feelings, middling and insignificant, used to plague him before your being took over everything, over every second of every day, over every dream and nightmare, over the past, present and future. Neteyam knew he fucked up. Knew that he lied to you that day, when he told you he wouldn’t fall in love with you. Because he did, he fell like from a distance so far removed he could no longer see the ground. And yet, Neteyam knew the ground was there, and that gravity was pushing him towards it, and that whilst the fall was freeing and exhilarating now, while now it felt like flying, once it ended, it would crush all his bones, and his spirit, and his soul. 
“This might be the best thing you’ve ever shown me!” You were screaming loudly, trying to be heard above the booming noise of the waterfall crashing down in deafening roars, and he laughed at how enthusiastic you seemed, how wild and free. You’ve always been like that, Neteyam mused. You kept to yourself in the labs, and in the village, around the scientists and other people, around his mother and the clan - but when you were around people you loved, people you were comfortable with, you were uninhibited and unconfined to expectations, and fears and limitations, at liberty to be yourself, to shine brighter than any star in the sky. 
“What are you doing over there, Teyam? You know I don’t like to be kept waiting!” 
He shook his head, but said nothing as he removed his cummerbund and knife belt and dove in the warm water, swimming until he reached you. As soon as he did, your arms and legs encircled him like they always tended to, automatically and without thought. 
You looked in his eyes, and the glimmer in it made Neteyam’s mind freeze and go blank, made his heart thump in his chest and sweat pool on his skin, that was promptly washed away by the undulating water. 
“I want to kiss you.” Neteyam couldn’t help the words coming out of his mouth, a confession and a plea all in one, a futile one in the face of untouchable facts, such as the fact being without your mask will kill you.
You smiled and placed a soft hand on his face, tracing his lips gently, and he shuddered under the touch. “I want to kiss you, too.” 
“Thank you, Teyam. This is beautiful.”
“I’m glad you like it, ma Vol. As soon as I saw it, I knew I had to bring you here. It was the only thing on my mind, the thought of you and m-“ Neteyam realised his mouth was running faster than his mind could keep up, a rare occurrence in his life, but fairly common in your presence. 
Your eyes were wide and full of surprise, and fear started creeping on your face, unannounced and unwelcome, although not completely unexpected. He shouldn’t have said that. Every time things got a little too… intimate between the two of you, any time either of you pushed the boundaries that you both established, boundaries that you needed to abide by above all, it took a while to fall back into step, to get things back to normal, to mutually forget and pretend it never happened. He didn’t want that to happen again. Things were going great for you two, and he didn’t want to lose any time with you, any time he could be loving you instead, any time he could be making you writhe underneath him, any time at all. 
“I - I just meant… you know… I -“ 
Your slender fingers found his lips again and at the small pressure you put on them, he stopped talking. Your eyes softened and your surprised expression melted into one of muted happiness, of unspoken affection, of forbidden feelings. 
“I know.” 
You spent hours swimming and giggling, splashing water at each other, enjoying how, when both submerged, the difference between you didn’t seem that extreme, the discrepancy in your bodies and your heights nothing that couldn’t be promptly overcome. You talked until your lungs were running out of breath and your voices hoarse, just catching up and discussing everything that’s been going on since you hadn’t seen each other. 
Right behind a waterfall stood a layered rock formation, which happened to allow for perfect positioning so that, when sat on it, your and Neteyam’s faces were at the same level. You smirked as you slipped your finger in the band of his loincloth and tugged at it until he took the hint and got closer to you. He didn’t have time to protest you taking off your mask recklessly and smashing your lips against his, a kiss so passionate and deep, it pushed any rational thought out of his mind and replaced it with desire and a tingling ache, one that he knew too well, one that seemed ever-present around you. 
“Vol..” he tried to speak against your lips, but you just shook your head and deepened the kiss, pushing your tongue past his lips until it met his, entangling in a suave dance until you were panting and heaving against him. He tsked annoyed at your foolhardiness, and watched patiently while you fastened to mask on yourself again and took deep, settling breaths. 
“You take my breath away… get it?” You laughed and then laughed some more at how unamused he was. “Come on, it’s funny.”
“You putting your life in danger foolishly is not funny to me.” 
You smirked and shrugged indifferently. “Well, not everyone gets my sophisticated sense of humour.” 
“God, I hate this mask.” 
Neteyam knew how much you hated it. He hated it, too. He’d give anything to be able to kiss you freely, to caress your face, to feel your lips and your soft skin, to see your eyes reflecting the colours of the nature surrounding you instead of a piece of glass doing it instead. Fortunately, Neteyam always knew how to cheer you up. 
“Vol…” he started, voice so low and soft it was almost purring. His long fingers traced your beautiful body, and each freckle adorning it, until he reached your panties, that he skilfully pulled down your thighs, until you were hanging on to them by an ankle. “Just because you can’t kiss my lips, doesn’t mean I can’t kiss yours.” 
Neteyam watched as your upper body leaned backwards until your back hit the rock wall, pushing your head back and closing your eyes in anticipation. Your hand found its way to his hair, that you grasped tightly and pushed him down, and he laughed at your already needy and disheveled demeanour. “You know, Teyam? You’re definitely the bestest friend a girl could ever ask for.” 
I haven't fallen yet, but I feel it comin'
Tell me would it be too much to ask, if you break it to me gently
“What?” Neteyam could hardly believe his ears, could hardly believe that the words coming out of his dad’s mouth were his current reality, and not a nightmare his mind concocted to make him ill, to keep him awake until his eyes started burning in his skull. 
“We are leaving. Tomorrow.”
Neteyam watched in pain as Tuk cried silently and immediately felt the pang of fraternal instincts kick in, urging him to pick her up and hold her close in his arms, let her cry it out in the crook of his neck. 
“But why, daddy? I don’t want to leave.” 
His dad’s stiff posture melted at his daughter’s words, that he could never resist. His eyes softened and he sighed, taking his mother’s hand in his. 
“Because we are in danger, baby girl. We now know the humans brought Avatars with them, that they brought the best soldiers back to life to hunt and kill me. And they will stop at nothing to do it, including hurting you.”
The only thought spiralling violently in Neteyam’s mind, as usual, was you. His heart was pounding aggressively in his chest, the increased heart rate making his ears hurt and his head dizzy. What did this mean? How would leave? Just the family? What about you and Spider? You were family to him, and to the rest of the Sullys. Maybe not to his mother, but even she would never want anything bad to happen to you. If you did come, would you make it in another clan? Would they ever accept two humans as one of their own? The Omatikaya barely did, and you have been part of their lives for 19 years. What if you didn’t come? He couldn’t leave you. He couldn’t lose you. What was he supposed to do? 
No. No, he couldn’t leave. He wouldn’t leave. He wouldn’t leave you, he promised you, he promised himself. No matter what would ever happen in this life or the next, Neteyam knew you were the only constant he cared about, the only person he wanted to take with him and keep for the rest of time. He would tell his father no. For the first time in his life, Neteyam would tell his father no. 
“Kids, I can’t risk putting you in danger. I can’t risk putting the Omatikaya in danger once more, leading them to war. I have too much to lose.” His eyes flickered to his mother, that was sobbing silently by his side, but tried to keep it together for her family and be brave, have a strong heart. 
“We have too much to lose. If we go, we can keep them safe. The clan…” His father looked intently at his kids, eyes focused on Kiri and Neteyam. “…The humans.” 
The humans… 
Leaving would protect the humans. Leaving would protect you. 
I'm waking the next day, without you beside me
And who I hold on to today, tomorrow will just be a memory
You and Neteyam’s friendship had a lot of boundaries, for good measure. It was necessary when you were doing things normally reserved for couples, or mates, when you were doing things to each other that no one else would approve of, or understand. One of the rules of the game was that you wouldn’t sleep together. You used to, when you were younger, but that was when your relationship was platonic, back when things were… normal. Now, you thought sleeping together and cuddling would be too intimate, too inappropriate, and it would lead to feelings, feelings you were trying to avoid, feelings which might get in the way of the harmless fun you were having, feelings which might make everything… complicated. It was all just fun. Just fun. 
That being said, as it turns out, you were both really bad at following your own self-imposed rules, and so it didn’t take too long for you to break them all. 
Deep, satisfied pants were all that could be heard in the big recreation centre that Neteyam knew by heart by now. It was dark, his freckles the only light that reflected in your eyes, the only light you needed. 
“Well, we’re definitely getting better at that.” you said with a small chuckle. That might have been the understatement of the century, but you didn’t want to scare him by telling him that if it was up to you, you’d have him tied in this room with a chain only loose enough so that he could do this 24/7, but just tight enough so he’d never leave. 
You were laying with your head on his chest, as you always seemed to after a long and exhausting session. You loved the feel of his smooth, muscular body, that, despite your size difference, was somehow the most comfortable pillow you’ve ever slept on. 
“I’m exhausted. I feel like you and Lo’ak forget sometimes that me and Spider aren’t Na’vi, and yet you work us like we are.”
“Stop complaining, Vol. I need you to be strong and agile, ok? I need to know you’re safe and that you can take care of yourself despite this tiny frail body you possess.”
You raised an eyebrow and scoffed annoyedly, mumbling mostly to yourself. 
“Didn’t see you complain about my ‘tiny, frail body’ 20 minutes ago when you were fu-“ 
“Stop, Vol. You know what I mean. The humans are going to be back at some point, we both know that. And you spend too much time in this place, with your experiments and your books and your shows. I know you don’t like being in the village, and I know that my mother and the villagers give you a hard time sometimes, but at least when we go tracking, or hunting, or practicing, I want you there. I need to know you’re safe, ok?” 
He stopped talking, and he sighed deeply, tightening his grip on your body. When he spoke again, his voice was barely above a whisper, laced with intense emotion. 
“I don’t know what I’d do if anything happened to you.” 
You nuzzled your face in his chest and mirrored his grip on you, smiling softly at his concern and his words, that ran shivers down your spine and fluttered butterfly wings in your stomach. 
“The worst thing that could ever happen to me is losing you, Teyam. Everything else, I will handle like the big girl I am.” 
He kissed the top of your head, and you stood like that for a while, enjoying the comfortable silence. The thought of this moment ending hurt you deeply, so much so, you couldn’t fathom it. So you decided not to. 
“Don’t go. You’re comfortable and I’m cold, and my room seems uninviting by comparison.” 
He chuckled imperceptibly. “You love your room, ma Vol. You’ve written songs about how much you love your bed.” 
“I love you, more.” 
He sighed once more, but pulled you closer and settled down for the night. “I love you most.” 
I would look back at all of this and wonder why I stayed in here
Just to watch you disappear
When Neteyam reached your room in the lab complex, his heart was in his throat and his knees were wobbly, and he was almost reminiscent of his Uniltaron and how the worm made him feel, like he wasn’t there anymore, not fully. Like he could see his body from outside itself, like his was mind watching everything unfold from a safe distance. His movements felt robotic and untethered, no thought outside of how was he supposed to do this? How was he supposed to leave you? How was he supposed to tell you that it’s over, that maybe you won’t lose him to another woman but you still will lose him nonetheless. Neteyam was trying to think which one was better. In a sea of two impossible choices, two unhappy endings, two roads reaching the same endpoint, which one was the lesser evil? And was there ever a third path? Was it ever possible, for you and him… a happy ending? 
He used to think so, used to hope so. Used to love the daydreams and nights picturing it, so clear and vivid in his mind, it was like it was all unfolding in front of his eyes. You, tall and blue, laughing like you always did, taking your Iknimaya. The two of you, riding from dusk til dawn, discovering secret coves and falling asleep on green moss, where he would be able to kiss you freely, where he would be able to link to your thoughts and feelings and know that this was it, his most formidable desire come alive. His family, your family, carefree and happy, full of kids' laughter and formidable first steps, full of joy and love, full of him and you. That's all he's ever wanted. A family with the woman he loved. Not the woman he was promised to, not whichever new one they'd have to find for him in the Metkayina, the woman he loved. The only one.
But now, as he was standing in this room, that he may never see again, listening to the shower that he knew you were currently in, the dream feels further away than it ever has, further each minute, until it was slowly fading from view, so dim and dwindling, until it was gone from his life, gone from his mind, forever. Until only hurt existed, only the gaping hole left behind by your absence, by all the shattered dreams and the shards of broken hearts, his own and the one he knew he'd break tonight.
The anxiety that burned every part of his body also made his tail jerk violently in every direction, and he was pulled out of his nightmare by the sound of trinkets getting thrown on the ground. 
Neteyam thought he’d have more time. Hoped that he could gather himself and his thoughts, hoped he would formulate a plan in the few minutes you would still be in the shower. He knew you would have heard it, so he knew he didn’t have that luxury anymore. He still didn’t know how he could ever make the words come out. How he could ever go through with this. 
As he kneeled on the floor to collect the broken vase that was now a fitting image of his soul, he heard the door to the bathroom open, but his eyes remained fixated on the task at hand, unable to look in your eyes, whose memory, whose incandescent beauty would haunt Neteyam for life. He tried to speak past the overbearing lump in his throat.
"Sorry. I wish I could control my tail better, but it's always an accident waiting to happen in these tight rooms."
The silence that befell the room was stifling and suffocating, and Neteyam felt the gaping hole enlarge, felt it taking over his entire chest, seeping into every ounce of his body, spreading like wildfire.
When you did speak, Neteyam almost wished you didn't. Because your voice did nothing to improve his condition, but worked as a perfect catalyst for further breakage, further pain. It was sad, and muted. It was disappointed. It was everything he never wanted your voice to be like when directed at him.
"Why are you here, Neteyam?"
"What do you mean why I am here? I can't be here?"
Neteyam spoke without thinking. He felt adrenaline taking over him, his body knowing he wouldn't be able to do this without the emboldenment given to him in this moment.
"You can, you just never are anymore."
“Vol… come on. You know it’s different now than it was in the village, in Hell’s gate. We’re going to get caught.”
“Yeah, well, we wouldn’t want to get caught. God forbid anybody knows you fuck me in your free time.” 
Neteyam didn't understand why he was fighting you about something so trivial. It didn't matter. None of this mattered. None of this mattered, and yet, Neteyam felt compelled to speak his truth. No matter what form it came in.
“I know you’re upset about today. I’m sorry.”
“Why would I be upset about today? You did what you had to do. I mean, she’s going to be your mate soon, right? It’s her hands that should be healing you anyway, not mine. Those are going to scar, by the way.”
Neteyam hated to admit it, because he fancied himself a good person, a person who is respectful and caring and conscientious, but he couldn't have cared less about her if he tried. In fact, his engagement being broken might be the only silver lining in the sea of black dread. He only cared about you. In fact, the distance, and the tension, and the silence and the pain, it was too much. He needed to feel you. If this was his last day with you, he'd be damned if he spent it not feeling your body, and your warmth, not looking in your eyes.
You were so easy to manoeuvre on the bed, it would have been laughable under any other circumstances. Not tonight. When he got on top of you, and felt your bare thighs touching his, and your hand wrapped around his arm, and your eyes boring into his, he felt so much love it was overwhelming him, so sure, for the first time in his life, of that you were the only one he'd ever love, that he was irrevocably in love with you for the rest of time. So regretful of the time he could have spent loving you, and telling you, of the time he spent hiding, only to never get the chance of confessing, never get the chance to follow through on his promises.
“Stop. I know you are upset. I wish it could have been you. You know me, Vol. You know I wish it could have been you.” 
Your subtle head shaking made felt sharp bursts of pain shoot through him, like his queue was connected to an electrical socket.
“You should go, Neteyam. This isn’t right. You’re engaged to someone else. I watched her today, watched how worried she was about you, how desperate to help you, to take you away so it’s just the two of you. You’re going to mate with this girl any day now. There’s no room for me in your life anymore. Not like this, anyway.”
He sighed and got off from on top of you, no matter how loudly his mind was screaming otherwise. He wouldn't do anything you weren't comfortable with.
“The engagement is broken.” 
He wanted to stop. He could just stop and not say anything else. He could just end it there, and watch as your eyes widened in shock, then settled on a happy, relieved disposition that he saw so vividly in his mind's eye, it was almost as if was happening. He could just not go. He could stay, and love you, and make love to you, and keep you. It would be so easy. Nothing's ever been as easy as falling in love with you.
Leaving would protect the humans. Leaving would protect you. 
“Because I’m leaving. I’m leaving the Omatikaya, and so is my family.” 
Far beyond my reach is the future you promised
Now what I never even had, I have every reason to miss
"What did you just say?"
You heard him wrong. You must have heard him wrong. You wiped his tears off your face and sat up, feet dangling off the bed.
"What did you say, Neteyam?"
You felt anger pick at you like you liked picking at your nails when anxiety took the better of you, and it hurt, and it burned, but anger was better than sadness, so you let it burn until you were ashes on the ground.
"My dad said we have to leave for the Metkayina clan. They're looking for him, trying to kill him. If we go, the clan will be safe. You will be safe."
"Are you kidding me right now? Please tell me it's one of those jokes like the ones Spider and Lo'ak love making that I don't get, but they find hilarious, for some reason. Please, Neteyam. Please."
You were begging, you realised. Outside of the intimacy of your bedroom and the cover of darkness, you never begged. You have never begged anyone for anything in your life. And there you were. Pathetic and weak. Begging a guy, the guy, to spare whatever was left of your heart with just a few words. All it took was a few words.
Neteyam wiped tears off his face and stood arrested in your room, arms limp by his side, like he couldn't move. Like you couldn't move.
"I'm not kidding, Vol. Trust me, I want nothing more than to be kidding. I want nothing more than for this to be a stupid, childish joke. But it's not. We are leaving tomorrow."
You were too stunned to speak, so you opted for the only other reaction your body seemed to be able to produce: laughter. You laughed. Loudly and obsessively, louder than you should have, louder than you ever have. It was so ridiculous, so ludicrous, it felt like the only appropriate reaction.
"This can't be real. This can't be happening."
Neteyam knelt by your side on the bed, and took your shoulders in his hands, urging you to look in his forlorn eyes, red and puffy, just like yours were.
“Vol, don’t you understand?! This is going to protect you. This way you get to be safe. I need to know that you are fucking safe, and if that means I go, then I go.” 
There it was again, the anger picking at your brain until it buried everything else, until it was the only thing.
“Oh, that is such bullshit! Stop acting like you would choose to stay regardless of your family’s choice, even if it kept me safe. You have never been able to choose for yourself, never done anything outside of what Jake ever said, what Neytiri said, what Mo’at said, no matter how bad a choice, no matter how much you didn’t want it. I’m supposed to believe that it would be different now why?"
“It would, Vol, because it’s you!” he shook you gently as he said that, eyes so intense, so serious - so truthful.
"So stay. Just fucking stay. Please."
“Even if I stay, I still have to mate with her, don’t you understand?”
You knew that he was right. There was no win for you. For either of you. This life was cruel, and it gave with one hand and took with both, always leaving you with less than what you started. You weren’t one to question the meaning of life or the fairness of the universe, but now, taking in the man you loved more than anything in the world, the man who you knew loved you, you wondered what was the point of it all? Why were you here? Was there really that much cruelty reserved just for you? Were you how humanity was paying for its horrible missteps on Pandora? Were you an experiment, a toy put on here just as a Voodoo doll for Eywa, and every time she pricked another needle in you, it would reflect back on Earth and on of the people banished back to it? It felt like that sometimes, and it definitively felt like that tonight.
"I can't believe this. I can't believe you."
It suddenly felt much like you exchanged moods in between you, his despondent, wretched one passed on to you and replaced with your anger, strong and unwieldy.
“God fucking damn it, Vol! Do you think I want any of this, do you think this is my choice, that this would ever be my choice?! I'm trying to protect you! I'm trying to make sure you are safe, that the clan is safe! What the hell do you want from me?!” 
He was angry and desperate, tears obvious in his eyes, as was the flush in his cheeks. Your eyes were leaking endless streams that you couldn’t push back, that you couldn’t remove from your cheeks in time before they were replenished, like they were begging to be seen and acknowledged, like the pain wouldn’t be denied - it wanted to be felt, and it didn’t care who it had to go through to do it. 
You felt emptiness envelop you like a shroud at the situation that settled in and had time to stew in your mind with each passing moment. It was over. All over. The dreaded ending, the wreck it would leave behind, it was greeting you like a warm friend, announcing its arrival. 
I'll just shut my eyes, forget that you were mine
How do you go from making one your home
And then just letting it all go
Your voice was numb and flat, quiet undulations with no emotion to give them any fluidity or any life. Your words were just a means to an end. 
“Nothing, Neteyam. I don’t want anything from you anymore.” 
You turned your back to him, unable to look at his skin on which traces of you still lingered, at his eyes in which you always saw the window to his soul, and your soul, the meaning of life and your future happiness encapsulated, his lips that traveled your body like a curious wanderer, finding Valhala in between your thighs, his hands which held your face and touched your hair, which pushed you closer to him or on him. A glance at any of these things and you would crumble, and you would shatter in a million pieces that no one knew well enough to put back together apart from him. You were a puzzle only he knew how to solve, and in his absence, you were all alone, and broken, left to mend your own cracks, knowing full well you’ll never be able to be put yourself back together quite the same way you were before. 
“Vol… please.”
“Leave, Neteyam. Just go. Just fucking go.”
Stay. Please. I love you. I’m so in love with you. Don’t leave me alone. I don’t want to be alone. I don’t want to lose you. Please. Please. Please. 
The sound of the door sliding closed behind Neteyam was the last thing you heard before he was out of your life, leaving everything you had behind.
So I breathe and let you go
How do I breathe and let you go?
Taglist: @liluvtojineteyam @pinkpantheris @netemoon @fanboyluvr @bananafruityawne @liluvtojineteyam @zaddyneteyamlovergirl @netemoon
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joanquill · 1 year
The Moriarty bros plus Sherlock with valentines prompt number 1??? Like the boys writing a letter to the reader confessing their love for them?
Writing a love letter, song, or poem
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Moriarty Brothers and Sherlock Holmes
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"Huh?" you raised a brow as you saw four assorted letters with a different flower on your doorstep.
The first one was an emerald green with a thornless rose tied to it. The second was scarlet red and a lily, the third was a royal purple with a daffodil, and the last was ocean blue with an iris.
You furrowed your brows as you inspected them.
"The Moriartys and Sherlock?" you muttered, "To (Y/N) (L/N)" in familiar handwriting on the back.
You rushed to your study room and looked for a letter knife, nervous to see why the four men sent a letter.
'Did something happen?' you thought as you carefully opened Albert's letter.
Dearest (Y/N), I apologize for resorting to writing my affections on paper. Still, I could never find the right words to say whenever I met your eyes. You are one of the reasons why the world seemed brighter and more vibrant than before. Whether we're dancing the night away or enjoying a quiet afternoon inside, I wish to enjoy this life I have with you by my side. Truly yours, Albert
"Oh, my God..." you muttered as you covered your face, feeling it heat up.
"I thought someone was dying..." you grumbled, embarrassed for being anxious.
You took a deep breath as you calmed down, opening William's letter next.
Dear (Y/N), As much as I detest not telling you in person, I fear that seeing you will make me change my mind about the future. While I did not plan for us to meet, I do not regret keeping you in my life. Every instance we met or times our paths were crossed, it was all in my design. And I will continue to choose you if you let me. Love, William
You rested your head on the table, steam practically pouring out of your ears.
"Are they all...?" you questioned as you opened Louis' next, seeing the paper was written over several times.
To (Y/N), I hope this letter finds you in good health. While I do not think much of the things I do, only as my mundane routine. But you always made it delightful, even making me look forward to each one. I may not be able to take you to balls or lavish parties, but I will dance with you in the kitchen whenever you take my hand. From, Louis
You gulped as you processed what you read, unsure if it was all really happening as you opened Sherlock's.
(N/N), I'm unsure how to say this, but John suggested I write to you. I don't understand it, but you've been in my mind for some time now. No matter what I do, your image haunts me with no end. When you're here, I will look for you and grasp whatever time I can have. When you're gone, I still yearn for your presence. It irks me how I don't know the answer, but I hope you do. -Sherlock
"Are you serious...?" you muttered, staring at the letters on your desk, processing what you've just read.
Lost in your thoughts, you jumped as your doorbell rang.
You hurried downstairs as you looked through the peephole, seeing Albert, William, Louis, and Sherlock with their flowers in hand.
You gulped as you slid down the door, having half a mind to pretend no one was home.
'What am I going to do...?'
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popjunkie42 · 6 months
Blossoming in Winter Chapter 3
@witchlingsandwyverns I bring you the new year chapter! Chapter 3 just wouldn't quit. I tried very hard to bring you some lovely gardens and wilderness in this chapter, I hope I succeeded!
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Blossoming in Winter (read on AO3)
Chapter 3: Endure with Patience the Hours of Waiting
(snippet below!)
Summary: Prince Rhysand accompanies Feyre on a mission among the rooftop gardens of the Dawn Palace. While Feyre hunts for absolution, the armies of Prythian and the Continent get ever closer to Hybern.
A first war ACOTAR AU inspired by the story of Faramir and Eowyn. For @acotargiftexchange 2023!
A million thank-yous to @witch-and-her-witcher, @temperedink and @wilde-knight for the beta reads and helping to keep me sane!!
Rhysand’s eyes were on her again as they slipped through arched vines of jasmine, hanging so low they trailed down her hair. She turned to warn him about a loose stone in front of her and when she saw him, she thought the blossoms that snagged free in his raven hair looked like a crown of stars. Feyre stopped at the sight as he smiled at her and batted away the last vine on his face. 
The smell of oils and mineral spirits wafted through her mind as she imagined the swaths of grey and blue and black she would layer on canvas with a knife to capture him. She watched as he raised a hand to her hair, plucking a white blossom gently between two fingers. 
“You’ve got flowers all through your braid, darling,” he said with a softness in his eyes that made her stomach jump, made her yield half a step to him.
He regarded her with curiosity. “Have the healers and nurses been able to look at your wound?” he asked quietly.
Her skin burned with cold. Last night it had begun shooting jolts of pain down the muscles of her back. “I’m fine.”
“Are these all the answers I’m to get today?”
“What would you like to know, my lord?”
He sighed. “Everything.”
He released her from his gaze and she finally took a full breath, turned away from him to stalk down the path, the prince still close on her heels.
“Are you so used to that boor in Spring that conversation seems unnatural? I’d fault you but I’ve met the male, and he is admittedly better with a sword than he is with his tongue,” he said behind her.
Feyre bristled at every implication. “Maybe I simply do not speak unless I can improve the silence.”
He grinned. “Good thing I’m such a tolerable conversationalist, then.”
Feyre continued walking, taking her bearings by the sun and paths and hoping she was not leading them astray. Rhysand’s eyes were upon her with an amused twinkle.
“What?” she asked, annoyed. She tried to set a fast pace to keep his breathing too fast for words, but the prince excelled at conversation all the same.
“I’m simply trying to work out your attraction to that horned brute. I can certainly attest you are not the type to be impressed by a title alone.” Feyre snorted at him. “So tell me, how do we compare? You prefer your High Lord’s sons thick in body and in the head? Tamlin is quite dashing, but I must say he’s a bit lacking when it comes to the verbal arts. Or did he turn into that golden beast and win over your wild side?” He smiled as she walked faster, turning her head away from his gaze with a snap. “Oh, no one could blame you. All that muscle and fur - he’s quite a spectacle. Even I’ve cast an eye his way when he’s wrapped in all that natural glory.”
“You forget our bargain yet again, Prince.” she said with steel in her voice. “We aren’t speaking of Lord Tamlin.”
Rhysand clicked his tongue. “I’m speaking of you, darling. Tell me,” he asked, “How did the Prince woo a creature such as you? Somehow I doubt he plied you with jewels and dresses. Did he make flowers spring up wherever your feet fell? Did he recite love poems in your ear? Did Tamlin play that ridiculous fiddle of his and waltz into your heart?”
Maybe it was the bargain she had already accepted, maybe she was angry and tired, but Feyre felt her stubborn quietness waiver as her annoyance grew. He was gallingly good at chipping away at her defenses, but she refused to give him the satisfaction of winning this game, of sulking back to her stifling room and the worrying nurses. 
She had dealt with one High Lord’s son. How bad could another one be?
She barely paused as she spoke, throwing her words over her shoulder. “You seem awfully focused on the subject,” she said. “One might be excused for thinking you jealous.”
As the path rounded and they breached more wild hedges, it split again into two diverging trails. Feyre stopped short, assessing the options.
When she turned back around she gasped to find the Prince so close to her. In another half a step he stood chest to chest with her, her words about their journey lost on her lips. Her nose filled with his scent, citrus and the sea, and she couldn’t take her eyes off of his face.
“Jealous?” he asked, his voice quiet in the garden. “I told you, Feyre, that you’re finally getting closer to it.”
Feyre felt a flush on her chest that had nothing to do with exertion. “I know what you’re doing,” she said with a whisper.
“Do you? And what is that?”
His look was challenging, amused. “Throwing me off my guard. Disarming me. Probably fishing for information.”
He smiled. “Did you ever consider that perhaps I just enjoy watching you squirm?”
Perhaps the most insulting answer, if she was just a plaything and without any relevant information to pry from her mind. Her anger grew, especially considering the trust she was putting in him this afternoon. “You’re a shameless flirt. Was it your plan to wait until you had me in the middle of the gardens to show your worst side?” The birds sang around them, oblivious to her rising anger.
Rhysand flashed an arrogant grin. “Am I such a villain in your mind? Your sister, obviously wise, insisted on a chaperone. Consider me an applicant for the position.”
Feyre snorted. “On what qualifications?”
“I’m a High Lord’s son, honor and chivalry are woven into my very bones.” Her eyebrows were skyward. “Haven’t I been a complete gentleman, seeing to your needs, joining you on…what is it we’re looking for, again?” Rhysand looked around the gardens.
“I’ll know when I find it.”
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lumine-no-hikari · 26 days
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #154
It rained today!! It rained for only like 2 seconds pretty much, and the puddles weren't big enough to jump around in. But once it was done and over with, it still left the whole world sparkly and smelling really nice! J and I went out on a walk, and I got some really nice pictures for you today!! And I took a short video of the rain for you, too - y'know… just in case you haven't experienced it in a while, and… maybe you miss it sometimes…
…If you haven't had a chance yet, I hope someday you'll make it a point to enjoy a warm, fresh rain. When it's warm out and it rains, if I'm not busy then I like to go outside and run around! I wonder, if you were here, would you run and twirl around in the rain with me? Would you go tromping through puddles? And if we found a particularly big puddle, would you try to splash the water at me with your feet?
…No, you wouldn't have to try very hard at all, would you? If we got into some kind of a splash fight in a puddle, you'd definitely have me beaten, ahahaha! I probably wouldn't be able to splash you at all, so quick and agile you are on your feet!! But I don't mind; if you're happy and laughing, that's the most important thing!
Oh, right!!! I still have to show you the pictures I took! One sec…
Here's some of pollen swirling in puddles:
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...And I managed to snag a really nice one of a bumblebee this time!!
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Here's some sparkly drops of water on a leaf!
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I... can't explain why I thought this one was interesting. But here:
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And there was a windchime!!!
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Sparkly water drops on flowers and on some blades of grass...
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This... might be lavender? I'm not sure. But I thought it looked nifty against the brick house...
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I definitely have no idea what most of these are. BUT THEY'RE VERY PRETTY!!
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...Ivy growing on a house...
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The sky shining through some trees...
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...And one of the sky just... being sparkly, as it does:
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I'm not entirely sure why, but J decided to take a couple pictures of me while I was getting pictures for you, too, hahaha! But who knows, maybe you'll like them...
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...This is unrelated to the rain, but I also found a poem today that I thought to send along to you, just in case the reason I write these letters is somehow still not clear:
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...And, I found another one, too, that pretty much perfectly sums up what you have done for me:
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...Don't lose sight of the fact that I am still here, existing in the way that I do, taking lovely pictures, and trying my best to create joy and love and beauty in my world despite all the obstacles, because YOU exist. Everything I do is from trying to emulate the kind, gentle softness that I saw within you over two decades ago. If you can look at me and see someone lovely, please understand: I am not special on my own. I am simply a mirror, reflecting YOU. Please try your best to see how beautiful and wonderful and good you are, okay?
That's it for today, methinks. I'm probably gonna grab a soda and rest a little now.
I love you. I'll write again soon. Please stay safe out there. Please don't disappear. Please come back to us...
Your friend, Lumine
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libidomechanica · 8 months
A thousandth curious
A ballad sequence
Through me (wretch the said his flowing?     Thing sky, and wishes; and like Mall silver shell, he secret     Truths from aughter gone? Who
sight renew? He wish the profiles,     the high shed my could leane, a globes of sense that I think what     my self-will’d upon the
fair was in on thy forever.     Their sung below, kisses all from lover love your eye so     brink that may swych a
heroic bust of pearl-gray old oft     their wear more me bare black from the queer again for better     the show the most some move?
Spires at the fatal topics: poems without also     style worlds wounded not both that euery for sometimes at this pockets fire, bequeath man     thou; go the Levant; except bitter,
’ and the Wordsworth, lovely knight; I left pomegranate     with a Bodkin’s Statesmen of English Hobbinol, which those her beveral will the     polygons of Nymph, to see his hell.
I syng off I be snuff’d our sofas     many house; two or thou would expiring too much too     near remoue to comfortless
reeks; so long and thou so. There we     commits suppose. Forget not too late! Sound that deem him ashamed     I was: lovers demands;
and came and Milton’s, which this?     Are crown and not along should decided to rejoiced; and     Head are blue lady—let
of the her Breast will but lack throw     let us peas, somethings change in time musical exampled     him place an idle
like God on thy kinsfolk pray. The     old part: o, carve though a couch Belinda’s Neck; the day ne’er     sonnets first be cut a
time mind; now Shock will gazed upon     me. For water and wind my Spectre forlorn, who desires,     where down with the epopee,
they cam’st thou do homages,     and Noon is my painting your booty; and death, why with no     surely was young-wise, while
thee all be promoting everythings     state. But those giue wore the south weed sprang in the hearts do     blowing cash coming in
that stung him now sing, shiver’d, would     it guess that peck and hating in the might shall I rangels     weep. Make thou so dearthy
beauty your final Degrees or     Spirit createst owes no careless glowings down, for a sparent     this, th’ expresse’
in the find? Thou have closed to all     their pay: and being in moods delight in Vapour days, that     evening Tyde. Not you are
casement I be dear three your     vision; a long presence it show’d past was soul in a life     persons claims, to me as
possession. And a coruscation     of This Cypress. What’s it, The Shah that Colour’d by the     windy hills, and dress’d among
the pages for the spirit     declining partial, the Spright dye: but must before his Pray’rs,     of love’s first and Ceiling.
Thought by Loues seen, as every quiet     will I noticed their arm. Has our next of wine, to their     in such dangerous, revel stay sets up, and knife. Ancient     the flowers, and the snatch’d
by salámán. And aye? To her     dinner as my dear came clouder, he means to the twilights     white Curtains did it. With jump back to playful anger I     didn’t under to make him
when I’m number of Wisdom on     hooves. At they looke one she neighbourhood black eyes first invades     there under to say the high rock the ill give more father     than that Sexes and saw
the worldy bliss, yet let to sages     made to clime; married at they turned away at her Mother     can rest: with more men’s above angling puddled. Patience     is plays and proved accents
the dislike here. And if you made     man oft and by prevailing. A wife a petted we in     the usual Things, while everywhere must faithful Spirit!     And them; only grass that
I for him ashameful Though     public start and soft remain. And my way the inquired     hence insolent spellken springs he common Weapons like     an anger, for beings
which scarred I taste, who all that glitt’rings     with thing may seemed to forget me her cry lord of love     of the Pen of a motley to disclosed by the wooing     soul from its tender to
the roar’d quite neck long tress—I, although     a shore while though the play. Caw me, she spring a little     her by precinct, a Chains my dear life worldy blisse, and     gold and round the love, Hope!
The only can seems to winterse.     The psyche ere so black to the Cherson say morning to     know fatigue with here will receive, brake stare, glaring gems and     kitsch. We went up, and places his Widow’s globes of my wish’d     downcast empty of my
palpably it can tender than     and scorn fill my heart could devise shall business a worse thy     change, however, a sorrows lay me do succincts. Of sorrow.     Thus we will choose of the ragged her despatching I     steering eyes, as any
she maid it’s young be their lord. Left     long the sea. As how hole in though thee, I quests of summer     this, and crimson short pretty strain, your dog, tray, no vapour     removed. Of flatter; tis sun short of question, or was as     those to the sand the way
to safely cross sheer us by     made the green a Dukes, and her own in his scents relate and     with me, unless stead, or crippling family! In flow from the     little the seawards both, by heroic bosoms were that     he lower ere state and
sever mind, then lofty elm-trees     the bill’s small an in his with some so much roses, the Trump     and Justic downs in the Shakspeare two months hate i look’d on     that floats upon the Beau reviv’d against his multitude     of theme: I have so the
ready and all and laureate,     Luke Havergal—luke Havergal—luke Havergal. Slight, if     we will her bowers. So than a pieces downrighted falcons     in the tried without confess in a leaky boat I     have ransom, like inought
doth viands and I defy historians,     rose. Flattery journey, who refuse that is mair     is used a truth and with you see. With you should demeanour     memory—and him from nakd thereabouts, in floor fear throat,     suspicion with mine own
as old them wedded sway’s decay;     is the shadow, and he with itch, and breathed thus to be the     airies, and your arms, through ne’er saw all. Labour sofa     occupations fly, in vain— in vain: strip with him quiet next     neighb’ring too long fortune.
Of rose, and they’re to see his grow     boring from Him—by Him directed by the Ring, hanging     live? In Seattled men strife!
My best forasmuch as doorstep,     that to smile; an honest for start, yet which he wasted. Not     thousand please there’s like some move with a bakery inlaid     it, and, and crimson
of war: a happen to try cordage     mine eyes is my loves the cape’s world equal. They reach others     black of spite, as when i hold vain I said there he strong     where of Heirs, like weeks. And
where, like a fists on seemed to make     me. And still, teaches thy hopes the drinking an urn wept farther     chasing, and, it seem fall, I put down palace book real     sweet for its chief delicates
a pure and new got him     a troopers at Memphian bank that others inquire: singing     Hampton-Courtly Ball; sunk to die! Burns that home nature’s day.     In the vats up, then I
saw, alas, t is blackbird’s fall     about then thou gave, to where is learn the levels for he     gilt Chariots hurl’d by we’llsay nothing. Ariel perhaps     the Prize no one shall
seas, and I love the fields deface     a twilights or think to where in that ev’ry Atome just     God! One, we saying words that wall. But when this sounds, Charles’s     Wain? Thou gav’st me, so we
secret smile; there too much like to     adore! The start, if Hampton- Court thou are to that I said:     Go up, dear, I found of politic in its old time the     ever instant destitute
of that seem’d but t is by     Dames and kept hour! It happy,— happiest of the foolish     and sable very scribes; light a fists on the little moment     ere the prints do blood,
and seen Napoleon of the first     pride a wind my echoing sun. Stronger, dark slave to human     kill had of laugh’st, the reeds, and the went the Soldiers     Progression, I shrill to it.
Thus let my fashion. Those this an     act, and I’ve fall surges too well of humanity. She     same the Rival of four, the element, which in that     faculties, which snatch’d the strong
flame; if e’er wittie Lewes to nursed     and much sacrifice;—through in brings of earth repent, that travel     in their leave of life. She top in you said he, for a     little sounds a grave, be
loves, on the nearing in Spanished     and hand ideal—all ourselves in the rent of his written     in this daily class, What and poverty bride-cake: knead     but promptings have loved myself
wit, all were boil’d like mind in     there. When hey, for the Sacred Hair which i can moved my gifts     impediment for brutish Throng. Imagining of thy     looking up Pearl. Sent his
side of created; and she to     any sense paired but Airy Sprighter from here is now began     the Acropolish Hobbinol, the fairly fair silence     calmly as she isles
love, or by,—that he stripes, and sobs,     and trying, or two. The family’s voices, what this Mystery     which with each drawn from Him—by Him direction, whilst man,     now even no more fair
as if my obliterary     fruits full small the Southcote— I have sad or can continental     peopling sang loving thou with a fawn, but his gallantern,     the sea. Of flies or
the skies—in equal green-paint dying     in Sailor’s fled! Where amorous Baron Fate. Sate mute     a far as the beveral wedlock struggled, and I think,     two talk of us dies.
Makes their lording i do nothings     undisturbed behind. What’s to poinsettia meadows of sweet     Te Deums of a forever
on a well love’s full many     fears rather teach others place floor fish leap the parts, Look; she     will his parent this side-
long flowers; which was no stencil     her Babel round it witness damask flower weed, the long,     I? With fallenge me year
her of their dessert grew upon     me, death that. Our virgin tolerable, pulsing Shake, and     then a dancer, had been
faith me, deepers samphire melts in     your very paradise, ’ which I do, save fountain-source of     Mortal Ire, and barbers’
hand dear Perillant’s side-long my     runs, of cities when the Glass tips was paid it’s ill-wrest; and     back again, he worlds quite
close who, they joins Shouts—and die; and     offended to my hero’s hills thy creature, after lay     on a bachelor—of arts,
attentive: though you love for soul     can; here and somethingness I building sweet be jealousies     of soul when rich Repast,
whose large bless vomiting cold     days are; let it gentleman angels in this fall the Sails     were that round wanted; the
sound his makes us with face what     Sage, which glow seems to a very shore; nor how how false to     play; but now at day; come!
Then lay of uncouth, as the Honour     feet: he dust up, and lived accomplete, at the poor fears     rather sigh’d, she waves down,
how silent they and perplex and     die: while abye. Now glared that tender not boldly; lighting fear     ’tis louder, and muffled
this pleas’d pure live no mighty pen,     for Death, will gaze, What is The ended. Shut as the starting     dress the country? Sunk in
his death, desired, with has into     thee time, and newer purpose think the flour. That keepe that     speak ill and manure foolscap
submit, stronges, down, and I     wait form not desires she worships to encroaches,—to     stand the let no other?
Don Juan’s gentle he cause of the     British Fair one man aspirant merit living auburn     wave&wandring Indian
Ganges, summons some permany,     can mortal Love—then, and wish your whole least we simple,     unbothers growing complete
thee and hang out the lady wither’s     last kiss message husband: if he lost yielding but o’ercast     Of two of sea and
war with many turns, all that since,     but go, and how with Samian wise as a small distance, they     looks o’er with Robe told man
apart; no long together perhaps     you fain sweeping Tombs, as been oblivious Ray. She     took it, and carriages,—
is year, a dusky striking passed     fro she placency and shrew the dwarfs and to the Charing     die, so well and the bowl
with a crescent this Self-fulfil     the heart’s so larger some dire Disaster, from whose cables     the Hairs her Honour
into them as hardly where, I     yet th’ approach apple. Be water lot warbled the     voices starres in our
you. I dreamed by the Murder, that     falling of neatned she raven is gone? Before declivity,     prophecy—except
my yellow that those many     a day by degradation, and fireworks grown, a dwarf buffoon     should have waits in the
innocence others that last kiss     it; my Emanation when I was in her, was no more,     by that deepe; grief approximate
and White way home leaving     Texture. Me on the Heaven to the light Order the day     never they were kind of
his step, or Bird or fancient the     Fair the Infernal colour’d those January, as I     fountainted summer will.
Waved straight was young-wish’d pleased from a     winter and the silent strived, but zombie-like, we want     that I though the flower!
All light a monstrous in some at     his old Opera hat, and of clear to say that makes and with     makes us wish on the
bright own. Then, thy west will placed, that     isle. Yet if I belief. Shall Pity as any of power     where sea, that he milling
me defend? Old the window     blood and all the Glass wi’ a tocher; the removed once dark     eyes, with fair; the ears: sigh’d
for soul’s first at mine accents all     overjoy’d, and bases distance was various name. That     same this heir. Were gone and
expired; nor ever noticed with     manlier proue, with earn Ombre, nor me, trying ascended. The glitter     and she silence cannot
perhaps dispel envy and     brand his Giant Limbs bespoke, fed with pearls, and lowly came     but one’s back to your boughes
in Garbs such as in active     in a thou have less of tissue you? Kings are descend     insolence like mind and
overhailed up thrown, his dance of     the Sun fire chance cannot to chlorophyll, and evermore     to me in the World haunted
Vessel have I not in my     heart the ancholy feet, yellow storian’s knell of the purpose     with prompting float. How
thy cheekbone, to the—sun stand, while     we now, mongst like him not he crime, in a chearful as the     wheel with the only should
I conceives who drew as shed     among too were their grief were soften: after Power shrine     ease, if I be better:
lest this army of War! And dress’d;     from her Hair discontents first—light, when it harvest man, and     most other cries, the gilt.
High, so I was harder thy will     consumed. One grows: but serving wide, let all, I can’t stole against     his Denizens o’er
the Tortoise her heart. All so choked     at thy promises, which Eve might dispel envy thou gave     sense pale, pitiful. You
smoothly writhee, how sweet thing windshield—     and song, dance sooner stems convincible, arm’d; that the idle     know my very nook,
I had sown: he little married     for which you in ice—and their brave: the Tenth Hour read when she     sight. Ah ceased: he soul
inspecting brown’d Arabs, Turkish her     band speech shoulders of ever altogether quiet this     coyness. Of what care
orthodox. A living itself     overtake our loath to climb, and Ariel on me? And with     more dead. Yet I saw that
me on their breathing this erroneous     painted streams lancholy, then dispel envy as     I ranger refuses
spirits ship or clown can contrived,     which, discontinental and tallest than the fatal war     is fed; but yet thy hope.
Exception into ashen good     is She incidents dove— what he had been fail and she same     debateth as last lived
his Prize or ill—who seldom used!     Strain new Streams, innumerous, preach’d o’er think they show think, the     sound. And sented himself,
a spider, or they have to sublime     declivity, tho’ lessed off two sable records     a Stratagems, with rains,
and is fold in did fall into     the two orange, but why westerday? The worth under which     wastes his shall be false, and
looked, and fairly damps did noticing     in state. With brooks’ and they should yondering Fantoms rising     not yet down! Where are
many, and proceeded, drunk my     road and burning no high. That Sexes and aloud the world     a troop of you can tract
affairs the fair one at her Image     prey, rose and these universion. The hills, who wore, and     on calming every serve.
To the air—am I and love     ashes them down, as on that we may, and prayers through the     Throne. Bend to thy narrow
from you, if he tott’ring upon     his lit once remaine. She same descend in mine after blood     along human harmless.
My love’s tune of truth is running     but something maids alone ask why. And Betty’s feet. Though all     flavouring diplomatic
spirit declining west? I     knowing, what is now by thy little hear to the Belovëd,     that opprest, leaf that
last. The argument, who in a     combustion, for well grind on with thirty mock tyrant with     a face: shall show your count
the began to gilded from the     Fate but trust the shall I leaves up, and thy Hair. With neither     tis passed thou are the approve
among beauty and then? Until     I notion war with what other with a through t is     not know mild that you
deseru’d remarriage. I blessed her     houses to drawn from mine eyes and ruined. Ever lurk in     the rain. Watch of an old
passion—draw but always throught a     fetter of Wisdom as true deep, and still this ended the     hours to changed to such fair
Head-drest on horse, thou height. Among     bloated in my chary as the Circle thing itself shall     believe That kind of Being
deer, Lord This? It’s lines likely,     now men which after your stain’d wish, the clash the sea. That     vehemence, your days from the
way when love, and ev’ry Grace. Before     heaved stripling picked you may be, that floats scumlike Rose-cheek,     when less of children up
if nursling in rock; but on like     skulls with this own name skies. Then worlds were him now bench; an air,     and others act below.
The riches, to glossy books, and     must go, and a boy’s delicate an ancient Secret     joyfully grave the glitt’ring
Soul, impatient day sun any     gods order, the classes kick or the boy, thy love, and window,     appears, innumerable,
clamber, caverns with looking     Fireworks with will procession think o’er husband. Purest     have set be mind’s circumstance,
and the day be, though not found;     I grant moon, round, for a hill. Each more will, farewell, full of     the remote by side there
his harp, the Charings imperior     by the way, deepes thou first look down the sound with unexcised     at a Ball; but
Dante and sipping gold or dwelt,     and such a pearl the Franks, how farther along auburn the     doom were ruffles of Air.
Free from the Peers and on to this     to Heaven, of somethink that world against his carriages;     but quite and the place.
Myself, and I heart at all so     few are all my foot in the anchor droop; let it is a     happy few an easter—
not thy you are aiming nearing.     You will not resting, or when I saw, alas! To have been!     And waters Cadmus gan
over-like a boy did seen: fire     accredited through for such, Amynta, general slope at     my mind; but yet. An
imprison town; called thus him the joints.     We went still’d; her sight to wintry gentle Euphues, the liquors     exchanging heads—one
musing wide. I have cause your swell,     and on a rap—I know which in tree, where me pass’d between     Stellaes fall all the play
a warm might me. Her Joy and very     wait, and accept the fabulous opulence as gay.     Has our rimes dim vast as
fellow friend; the truth askance the     hopes relide. My mist and modest politeness at merry     season of thing, leaves on
these rest. Upon the widowhood,     or assist their Charms, I turn his honest guards my Mind die.     Cruised, beat will consequent
said there Cupids her figure and     pale Lightning asleep thou distill seraphic cheeks already     heart cannot be letter,
should hope hope next of him through     though with thee desolate bewailest for the treasury—     know that deem together
like a row within that Lambrosial     moment I never yet a well thoughty Quarrel, a     dwarf buffoons, more—and disclosed
to than and Self-esteemingling     unseen made up you not theirs, like the raise. Ah, what were     gnawed away down to fine
for cut of hear to changes’ side     o’ the Hesper long red, what Higher-seated, and take men     disease, cheerless play, and
all our handsome skies, and fearful,     its Ionian eleven mortal tides, whether I would never     horse lofty Mind: the
earth the Animal Alloy, till     the Roses should beast him, hesitates the long I cannot     choleridge hamper ruined
cell, and with Reproach and dress     and sitting run, hammering out for matches through all! The     floor world throught! And you so.
For, that wax’d more gate, in brief     oppressive wit, and in lies, paste and Beautiful, its vine, a     red good man can tools away
the simply, with the Woods, unfair,     champion into the paid pretty pass’d her eyes! Dab     my hear to lost lived his
marines more loves; her fading who     dwell; it mighty dove—what clear I shoulders undinal party     as takes me laid. Without
all, I could tell Amyntas;     then, or for the fault? To stern gate that’s me. Have knows the truth.     The old Thales in all
blisse. Of Joy and little dancer,     he same the down in descriptions both they’re right as much; I     love you for you sprung from
being verse the family vain-made     quite, the struggling eloquence.— Which lent still survey, and hair     I did flowre: aftermark
of here, pitie loud, around of Alpine     for a woman ills the pace: wet was she sing, but even     he cruelly! As our
of color island wooed, and say     that he widely show’d my breath of please a Pimple, among     blind: troy owes to the
Destruckers, sigh’d no such careless will     on a pint of many turn anti-jacobin at zero,     may statue shall I
ranger past, take thinking shot my     heart of still existening we have on warbled from myself     on the awful and
many, in snowy hats and his     won’t true. Beside your noticed you, and Juan’s fair bandages     and countrymen. There they
would decided thine heart’s his pompous     Ray. To my day we have said: The lamp you run again.     I’ll have I speak. No cry’d,
each this this hands. Thou not for some     with Pain, and strong Labour’d Treat, night? Still her Hand, like a bitter     delication, ere
is not one terrier, bronze and     marbled shatter of attain’d by horse like where in love, this     skill, that an hour of dyers.
Since, O Season where of allow     that good men what speaks out the commended by my sing—This     done to manage either
turning race, althought not thy little     cruel. Go, love one of four faces, in woman planterbury     being that what
we abase to human feelings     we thus to pour old my neighbour’s bleed, too, bleeding; ye the     hill; but turning my
embalming, and sleeve, that length upon     me, Sir, it in the spouses spirit in their find him lose     and a heart, their lap did
must go, than loves delication;     her the deep embalming, and Snakes one balls. This carriage; in     the sacred Hair, before;
in spit. How came but as the last:     one monstrous Sign, and finds you conce’s Lock, or false in his     loue, what I never worth.
Fairest attaine. My life, young, and     with a Muezzin unquiets sage fetish stations fill’d of snails     reply’d was so much; I
love, pale sky when our spirit hover’d     within a long the Hearts when snatch’d my father, never     on the Past, when I see
a thou pleas’d, but lovers it don’t     slip at buds departed Hairs apace, but evening cash common     ruled things. I cravat
stronges, who or threat a dreading     my key to the cleft along; the Morning Altar’s ease all     we heaven, that a lass
wi’ bonie white good cabin which so     beauty I thine eyes more raptures, too long whom Third? Used     to dross, and my head, what
dawn in you to traveller; every     Russian Scenes, and your cradle, you can be enlarger     some other lying day-
hymn like somewhere buried that the     from labor innocent woe than any harts have harnest     finger yet; Whoever
grass, and Glory and the Stael; in     vain; or Corks. The from monarch twig: an articos which a     plot of hand. Of the sways
might err, but things of stone like and     the had no apparent of Fortune his sort of all its     grief, beyond autumn a
fever, thee, find, than Belinda     flea-ridden days we wall were no title, in safe the was     sapphire, ’ thou are loss
to the long’d in a thou have built     singly impotent art without sorrow must no sting love,     I know what tollbooth face.
And time for a lad, had been where     and crimson cloud for when a summon’d there. Except my Seal-     Rings; which grow base, and for
my mind, if Fraud or fruitful Beams     dis-unite, as man with reprove all amountaint that, with     the dead, deny’d. Common
perfectly on the wife all thee     her going streaming in th’ Hysteric angel of     rusty and a glorious
Prize, thought to have the blessences     pair—the gilt Charles’s Wain? And hold textures on the     Petticoats, or border’d raigne,
explosive within those vegetable     tale of pray Medea forgive reward to bright do     it too late and he disdains,
scare the only the rustice     great great basket Indigestion like small-eyed Chain, and     favouring, were laws are of
all the Cyclops more, but on a     pearls, and fiddle thy heart convincible, arm’d; and was white;     while. And bowe your sleeps away,
and that thinks, yielding—almost     early spread; gaze, from me, nor much, so little seldom used     two better’d charm. My bed
the will unclosed their death store&     wander; and the pale Light. Of songs new love of condition     of the life not this cottage
in them leane, I can’t dare reply’d     was in Portugal; in vain this name a murmurs the     Love—they in who can see
a mirror lost. I lift, and let     their marked by read wooed, and rain, has so great Anna! The pilot     confine throught for life
perspective bat. Toward his Fingers     nurse must lilies—renowne, rather un-admiration,     used to vent insiderable
being his pious matron,     which husband; so long’d in the sheepe, betwixt he found useful,     like Continual
hair. Though, to proceed and the night     strange dire Eve’s tie, makeles, little her place to distill     the mud on the psalms
passed her lost away hear as I     cheerless still the Virgin’s mortal Tea. Fate out thought; or All—     None best for to be seen
thing strength, be not a mind the door,     and Nymphs presented smile; their still exclaim to slain, and look     too, had generate permit.
No, thus far both thee, who has     pale still divinity which he hand falcons in a row     on truth’s lastick Fame, and
the torn apart; o Cleanse Thy Bosom     of touch, risking sleep, death in the dust in ground language     of Scylla’s Fate flagless
when thou dost clerks,—those knew no long,     thou gentle space. Feel such Talisman—He yet with her Mind,     the swell, Eliza dear.
Where found, flung in that clears hammering     glad; he level stood where should not fountain-rivers like     sceptred clsse from the did, till that did piness tears, for waged,     and their loyal trinket from them not be my mothers fellow     ration, the Trophies
of Pomp and Caesarean foreseen     come, dear, thy sleep. Subject on his dyes of twelve rings in could     hinds, and floors have sung inviolate shall that poor flung in     the royal beholder yourselves back again I turn’d to     be flags of myself amends;
he heart, and shoulder air. Juan,     take me fashionable but thinner admitted if your booty;     a little rest. Brutish beset, what he being the     Sun obliged to beasts are very heaven’s eyes and with that     I saw ten years and fear
concentral cedar poesy, and     polishness limpid latest owes to parts are trails fastern     gate, which on the confess in the palm, or worst end that kind;     nor when she women’s feelings of the Malthus, that thrown the     soughts with some structive it
seemingle cold: succeeding; make     my sake, is sweetly flowers unders, tighted Hair; the Malthus,     teapots strings we will pain. Paste … till I return of Bodies     cough blackly forgive a bit Beauty brighter intented     by flower of both
seconds, drays, on seem loving to     Scotland was low, or sword can comfort both, by a moment;     for this rivulet’s vine, till worst, uncommend young Coquettes     trouble. For weary louers payne, though t is who pay hid     in empire of lip,
gorgonised to foot-stones strait     thou passion—leaves may given quantity of moon’s Eye: gums     and the first least thou know them that she lips were discomposed;     throb that lived; if he walk th’ engrosser Air betters     o’er, a ceiling, much
languishes from dawns, more ransom,     before those to see our truckers, of children death, espouse,     then he waves, and wholly need’s annals so beard, the saw his     Nostrils draws us white lamps and wore the Seven now a     time-piece offends. We held
die white hiatus of the shyness,     and sleepe began to the sits for me. In a little     suppose. Who saw Menalcas controve me, and average do     not take; thus display’d, and its outward that Submersion. ’Er     the Potter’s something the
Abbey’s gate. One way, at lead, but     the distractised me in one self-sweet find. Toward now false     trees and with the Palace affairs is used a tear periwigs     in they have wheedle; his mock the distant feel sought to     him—he took his oaten
pype, and the grant to show yours. Thou     things with orders say bulldagger at thy narrow paved strength.     Be watery thine Eye love my sistere and fears; puts for     a painful hope hope of other dwells from thee; the sea after     the now, were describe,
in the longing sheet.—And Languor     at least, matcheth now seem’d quite and smil’d like and could learned     and yonder Heart, but for no one but quite along since made     a Gown; called wondrous Knightless reeks a bag of individe     the eight doubt he had rapp’d
the read, the board unseen, all the     turn polite on high rock in the Heart, and drew nearing day’s     decay, when moral strings of a love, no vagrance all to     the pitie thee, I answer: his chose permit. In stone care that     they were throat: with cypressive
Nymph doth except the lovd, or     tempt, but trust nor thy foot my pen, for it hang thing girls to     the wish your sleep I never doubt his coruscation, or     by paying out of the stain, and thy beadsman’s fair to show     it: his Casket of ants.
Of hand for a leaky boatman’     and bids her eldest content that a private worlds of the     sea; she shade went all that
will be East as Visits uncontribute     together days go by, white here, disease. The     Trecently afloating heart,
to the differed. To Rosalind     a side income, and would saint’s illuminate increase their     Heads glow of nature, now
shalt nest to find now, as of Thamis—     but power to them, world’s eyes are pleasing gainst all away,     awakes youth tastic-
glove’s fair a hint, as Hermes     are the Fourth of young Comb, and got, ’twas nimble just faine father     of important Cards.
Then gave no courting the sureness,     and talks; men the was, alas when each of a lonely     of an opened each never
strong wiles. And shoots arise; your     first grow bring, too, into speak, I have them out twice, and thing     most quarters. Make surf in
a big box story: I must be     dead when I roses with from its are come away the Ring     on the cloak, An army
of this house—his Treasure as will     fling sever: like ones mode of routed Armytage, wrough. As     more, o’er the tender, hall,
which the fates have don’t know at dawn     in all invited.—Belle, þat faculties, great to him be!     And live: again the doth
the second calm and in the     Infernall call’d Flow’ry fence saints with some hotels, st. Among     begonne, all gold thicken
each brights wheres, when next of an     old, thereal swell, and how forth of bed in his ministers     shall joints,—I love, nor when
one at higher-seated the voiceless.     With desire—odd sport, and feminine whipt at home,     which has sett there we knocks,
and salute under forest! It     makes cold spoil he summer days, by no more blest the stars, of     a great Grandsire than issue.
Right began to offer in     the window my sad assuaging to thy eyes we who sate     white gate to see the time
delight where, till once dark with you     at once, and Witling that loving pent in could yon gate, and     they looked round, a powers.
Was kill that strength and there abide,     lest thou, my morning cash coming eyes hand from which doth breath     one of concord making,
from its calm earth watch wheres, which     his wide, between and salute love more love, dear contemptation     he wanton Nimph for
a large three with moss a blanket     to mountains; small Jack Horner- stone floods of the full our side,     watch of all at ease to
sip; sweet fawn, or must faithless, and     got, ’twas a wondrous like to the Isles of nature, from his     Ends. They turn’d Hair, before
about ask no more! Where a garden,     are sooner read, or better which put him without now     kept with April’s ideal—
all was a children, and conclusion,     who in easter-Lock now with her on himself, without     these comes form’d took heat stream.
To the was wastes of healing by all the Fair can     before hath was on the air seem fall flaunting of a little cause; directed an old     Man saw his own thee at late heart, and
could resume my heavier with the sense paired     or whole columbines and was and this rever without a fathers pluck’d, and paines and     Southey, and Children are chase, as in
town, in shall fancy of her Eyes of their last Reviews     up a looks on Marathon—Must where are dear, from earth was come uncouth an oldest     gentle spread?—And yet in my poor hut,
stand at ever husbands like most receive the silver,     but more the door the only loved therefore or raiment before it in Spear, were that     distemper all mead of brother fancys
error, then though not silent cut thou discover’s     rage there’s nothing gainst Time resigns above heat was wonder, none time away! At     the sweetbread away, begging above
has it not, dear her, lover, or the world of their     Mind: all we seen of god floating end to vent light! A moment or the break, once I     commingling one in her begg’d round she cruised,
and sere and qualities soon fit Instrung from nakd     there; thus begun. Alike, and and might search refuse; but hath no plea by something I stood     and salutes to grace the Pegasus
he’d call her side you are evening Swan, wrapt in my     took more we will her own, call this unrivals he prey, faints,—I loves; at ev’n in flesh until     all marks the boy half dissolves and
senses, white arranger house. Thrice so familiarly     and dance it all where and modern peers, Star upon thy diving, laughing too; they whole     live ye know, nor boughes is, as in
the worlds of your neighbours not his sacred Hair, and     her spare, my own facts, and mien, especially see, when he’s use that when if a heard to     our Themselves th’ affront row of
Empire torments in my loved music before     the striking paus’d at even are the strain the Almight she islands mounted her haste life     fall; but for insular gleam, i’ll high.
So if, my trees all makes the blessed     be. With divine: what’s his room besides away, children, the     gathers it so brave a
gay Ideas rising my gain’d     theirs; nay of the vortex of love. When the Threatness wi’ a     tooth kissing man, and, its
my woe? Well me them, and lost, that     smiles of payment grown of Sikander; and with those chaste senses,     while thee: or kisses?
Where, the full of sea plait the find     her Ear; with his requestion. Fondle you be’st love’s full leads     the cast each up to Chariot, rolling for trembles are     not, but a hundred down on your gifts white kerchief in thy     soft design in but my
lost yielding, long them: o bright arise,     and it: not a bakery in the enthropy? The     love this the commute? He shocks the honeysuckle crowde wit,     between o’er her whom she rest, Russ credited to catch’d the     fire was its her host, and
send up to tell. And rend whose and     all have way, a humming you, from all in his warlike, let     me when his halt be dear, while the mountain-source of bore no     time, that I should ease to awake that have were of a gentle     Belov’d my childhood
blessed to a please. You say so shown:     with therefore how she’s tie, my change, thou lay, that e’er with hounds     witness voice, and I been in brass.—I have love love shade of     swimmering rill constant thee so true love, but to their gift     to look for in my foul
corruption but burn moral     geography. Where, opened in a Petticoats, ’ and to teach     up to the inviolate my sake, remov’d, but she loan     of Yún, and not perfection of hand; and raigne, explore, to     Maids turban, furl’d about
the only the swarthy mind, thy     Rapine spake what euery part from the honey to be sun,     is as in sever: stones feebly glass for the hurts years strain     roar’d quite Of two men, in fate to pleasure. Dear this could give     the sea as if it’s one.
Its power to the winds still, glisters     some old Opera hat, with but the hours to make our reach’d     awry, e’er will keeper
time from the dawn is find a dragon?     Propitious matrimonial cooing a mattock-     hardent love I must spindrift
gazelles and yet perilous;     but, by a merely spread loaves with whitest shines. Harm, he found     him on the loves; and was
service, an independs her Image     rare dear child spare, nor weeds here. Which doth waters Cadmus     gan availe, to
Proculus along goat-legged January     hail and sleep! I dream where is due: the wave expire,     nor each one turn the before
each too rejoiced; and, so I     neuer none living bare will unclose this, their travell’d on     a perfect on it rubies
interior Pride come she     tomb, and distant you art not much liars ask’d, and in. And     looks Anthea, when I
am that beauty and daught to     meet, cold have one is not thirst, roved. For wealthful heart. This     guard; the breezes idly;
were we left alone to steps. Through     forth, as in pleased from the barks, ’ where was pitie loud. Painted; althought     at succeeding buys
for her Breast way; and Mississipated;     had no wretch! Nor senates, by such a contains     like ramping the solstice
and paines of light own, it was     all please, stellas being o’er without his fame way down, waiting     the playing his held
the Prize no more most most that was     on earth the Chief that has not I found us, I don’t yet     ’tis show it complete these.
Her shall retir’d. Islands leaves when     snatch’d by this multiple doors hand the expiate. With averaged     something spirit climb’d
Event to comes Emblem rarely     under inters, that, or Nations;—all of either which turn     out the please. His she chose
city wherein the Diamonds which     he patriarch follow boughes draw fresh and from Bob Southey,     for they looks o’erloaded
East incense pains! Enough the     unhappy will beauty your love and green and could costly     for the good—which I do
comfort which dost tended from channel     hath blushing, and Righter’s road. The gentle Believe him     with language of vanish’d
the wings. The just Victorious     mood, embranches hang for this warlike wags never weeks, he     her lips ev’ry silver.
I through with his lost, the watch’d said,     and fed by read, the fix’d, that do succeeding on the Whistle     ball. Men we will that
to picked me for I mused to freezes     refined by the dropping that poor busy, the wrough priestess,     a level Greek to
the blazon oft Ambitious     opulence before and call are blazon of winter’s ear as     all the neighbour, in grace;
sees the prime of war and me not     as the lass within her Look; she lover would be death, will     nightingale, by what your
ear. Teach my hands, knew the Baron     Fate more, at me. And thick will, yet war—much assays, Fair, somethings     that has it Absál,
passed the beauty makes come guess he     had sea-snake, and bark wood, and Debauchee of lead in her figur’d,     am I and noticed
by wind’s heart doth live indeed     where can make sweet from the depths of they had cuffs and stood, and     I love the old age of
Greece is; but my skin the odds are     that whale rise and looks at a nymphs take and fear and as the     lower had a flame all
foretold, and foolish Hobbing winds     of the blackbird’s faith. The inclined as round the dead I’ll beauty,     Lady, I thereby,
already upon each other     waist or curls and not yet, the turning eloquenched into     Eternal in young
behind anon contemple’s grow     with but what is tread anythings in Snuff, or leased Counsel     take away my Evil;
thou dark under bloom’d a cunning     so very day weak forsook, even These untrue; thus she     upheld cravat stern, since.
Or ten time, thought about soul that     we will gain answer: do what was states in thy Soul to do     we are thy breath shine eyes
their snow hole. Ye gods ordain’d throught     red gall, in grows. They boring brand, that I was vacant at     you feebly glass was held,
and have I conspire, in sad     her warn’d; but remembranch up to the doom is fame. Star kiss—     like God gravest friends, fear
than every day lodged—thou have done     shows when fell shut the double from their due reason the live     a falls over upon
the Glances; then the Velvet past,     though the wall, blest the wind, that heart, and made up to Chaos     wasted Glare, for the think,
do not that structive me, keeper     the fold Fence I paint though in my palms the heart, nor she same     gave my life, where are
aboundless deep bell, and to the more     his slow, had costive ledde, a found overcome, true, like a     lessed poor brighteen, who
refuse; but forgot much name to     try, while of the wheat could name up, all the sun; threatned spread,     which enter at her feet
when the Fate on the prey, and round,     if though not thy beauty dove—what the who about power     infant Grandsire is awful
still to seeming to her Heads     him—he tunes, that much empress. But with thine; that the sun front,     while those vegetable beings,
and there no Mortal, but where     physical. Suffering Train, has some rejected as the friend,     enought on it gently
at home, my best, he can more, I     do swells, the bonie grow mind a Reproof, to the dreamed I was     so from Tankards twitter,
for you love it to others it     see what was freeze this must have been! You stole into the Tower     of the swell half-drowner’s
Treats, fair doubt what are at fire-     side me yet! The after a serious motion of     tomorrow seems that tiny
contributes were buried with bullet     him for a lay a fool with tinkling the language     husbandry infant cross. Her
into hear my daily disorder     a fly, it see it were, merely prove advancing whom     favourable Arm heart
not with many a lonely culls     with her back in a chemical virgin’s most rich Quilt up     each the nice yellow wild
fret all as bases forth something     rooms of my heart and thyme— had stormy gulf have love and holds     that was always are took
to gratify? Like up a pivot     he daylighteous the Five the darker and perplex and     siroccos hard the rest.
With Sword-knots of this raptures.     They sail, because the had been more; then unders of tender     to hearts writing town; and
white you must limbs to dote on that     she distant a ball. Secret or any hour touched Mast, and     you like a thine eyes, and
see mercy he distill aloud     is to bloody French of life-blood running Rays, had eyes to     light’s pure and Sprights are cries,
and all the body. Like the Fight.     Were t augur, I stuffs, Powder feet sistere are, for a     new cell, rich was than these
that opprest of the lucus from     a bond, ’ and abused upon earth our lectual Things, with such     more still, that we but by
none with her Cheeks in his Souls oppress     that see: we sufferent rise from its passe himself,     with truth’s land will her Breaths
behind. Living on. That old manure     fear our Tears suddenly, sweet holds the dizzying into     your memorial
brand his fair, a most specks, nor     quarantine to stence might clasp— a glory. For of love an and     Passions strew’d flowrd, and round.
An ere I one mercharms, annihilate     and despatching sea and this refuse that to my     mother degraded Eastern
gloomy Cave of great balance     still’d in the muscles through wave&wander, know not steal o’er thy     radiant cried, is Freedom’s
treasures of what isle the ceiling;     then her elder youthful of ever dustie with my death the     dought the Pyrrhic phalanx
gone word, I stood and seaman’s fervour     old grows of her sighed and yet not be jealous occupied     till it reposes
complete performer stand a bore     the wind, attential, admir’d, resign. And a people the     join, earthly wrong’d so tickled
away around. Twas pride of     your sonned town and to me; nay, as Crown, the band ingredient     and love the sky
limbs have should disarming Deep water     in t surmountain town when to the ways too well or     love-salutes the princessantly
sways the listerhood     avenges; for, sight alone, who dwelt or at he long of a     genius,—when springs
undistill enough stroke. As howling,     then—i never mind—our concomitants of flattered, a     though they refused to foot-
way path, dear, tis sorrow pasture     sheepe, at word and looked, art mov’d remaine. Let other ties have     my altar-piece to this?
She cattles, into place knew not     rest of happens, and dreamed. For some suddenly, smoothly wrough     and I leave the sea-caves!
Yet its shall hung up on in think I know (alas!     But when sweet, a lofty elms he said Margaret see if we done shadow fell, if not know     of youthful LOVELINESS, would showing canto into this grey churls, being people     heart insinuation, and that plants, nor their Bliss, for Sick Man’s good-morrow like flew in     Air, and the bore to praise shattered, fast
fair Tresses and yet were melted Rome. Follow it,     Haidee and satin, bosoms there she love I yet not make the time,—a few steps for from     the Animal Alloy, through heauen gay bar of his dead, thy to the rail. And she critique     pensife boy halfe in the gaze on the Tears are fill, my top in mine. To walk’d on too sooner     behold time, Orb in Orb, around
thy Dust; then and Despair, not there is ransom—in     the Morning of it. And with which soul between bask in their Ear, and for the air was as     held in this, not only those thing tree lay; surely, and convince of words grave on here the     fireworks that then alive never caughter. Touch your spire of old wood; with some care tears of     green for merit like Event for thighs,
and silence within Thalestris crowd the glowing     came. Though not although less vomiting in stupider’s lanted the sparkling as for     a side-long the Pow’r discord, but that stung him to heart, nor that we parties behind song     brained, and sense, or nipping fact, it is in every heart bled. Those flood expanded her her     proof maiden he wrinkles in Strength stol’n
awake, and Maids, innumerously with are at     lead in a straggling for then calmer house on earth steal o’ercome away, which is sober     frost, and falls to sail’d? Eyes, and her own, and bad ached from each so transient, and thou listen,     swear the present away, those dancing their yourselves brest, is ears, and small last Caesar’s sick     men, it visits for authors fellow,
and wit don’t that of scents thou and thus by long were     most be you believing alone, to blushing rill the place was merely cell, by sun any     sense but what isle of old man was a Wise, thousand slug and round of plante, delight, as     calm, or none like a delay, and Languor at all. God satisfie my hearke: but with two Lock     these throughout little Tippled offends.
Too store & wandered morn, is eel-black.     Church on where mind, that vale of this sleep. In the drew wild white     necessary bills. As the Locks, together with,—’Damn your     face such a please at large
of Salámán hard again. From     his morning Line answer, with something she road, unmarried,     Hold! But my way the fire apology, that faithful old     Opera hat, a knife has
sublime, and I hope the wide. For,     aftermark of hour arm. Was we wants with break of eye, have     shall sells; lights. For be cut back across shore while shut very     flow. From no Wrong, he raging
farther clean, that Lambro, our     your murmurs shamed I was in is or shaft We had made your     mothers to heaven with the grazing, much delighten’d his     face. Mine in hand, while he
betweene thier Wash; to wears from     Sea, then were done mine affliction of gems, had power. The     calmer hospitality. Thou would resurrections of     some fervent light!—For two.
Flaunting Force, before the swirl and     claret and will for transfuse to they spreads o’erwhelms the little     crown of that poor hut,
stripes, and death its shining sever:     throng, blue lates again I turncoat Sounds come o’erflow to     speeches. When snatch’d two face
salt thousand long red, which he walls     of me unstrument, and things the source of our eyes fondly,     violet. But sense painted
Steel? ’Er I return’d Hair, and Love—     to Love for that is a listening need of fashion, yea ev’n     of You. But when turn our
mothers. A reposes and call.     And as though Walebones lays, and transpire he long     happy I dare repairs
below. Modestly I am     shameful dittie. If all in loved youngest for fears to be and     boxing; yet be condemned
to clinging shut to torture liness,     nor lessed from his corrections? And great, have looking     by have something to the
place: wet we have a gold, too, the     Cromwell’s ideal—all whither to soothe aged silver Token,     unto you. He ceased.
Robbed us in some slips of makes     thrush sand; and that lower in some for young piece the born sonnets,     and now Bench thought
noticing new patriots, anxious     Temperances, by the object, and is sister in himself,     nor both ioy and the
excursion, withdrew, a Chain of     twilight not for I knowable describing to than induced     took his stare cries; and
she, most essenger and the spoke     the plants. Yet, dozen time,— don Juan, half England of this less     the Sea that chamber, now!
Of so well-bred Lords of grieved him     up. Permit. Thought, and bar or her think. Never which aftermark     of a ruined. Been
least they spread how small his Signal     comes Embracelet cross the nearly disorders of the     Crystal Dome. I comedians
know the brief emerald     aigretted o’er with the dark, darken’st borrows of spite of     Fate. A doze With cypress.
—Nothing the same this warm held, how     oft on a words of the bare wood sexes, on put of my     pace, but which shake dew on
roses nobody, not even     has easie Conduct of questions’ by John Keats, or boundless trait     thy AEgis o’er the path
and poverty bridal weeks, I     break on the Skies. Is idly rude singlets start of tend the     only partial, and sickness
mess of expiate. Both I     have seen: trees, and you’ve seen two wretched the Mirror, spotless     and may give wan, who saw
ten pype, and a wondrous Wizard     sky of the Soldiery parting, unvaried with from a     winding sweet for the cried,
returning while of Day and fed     by flower as no arden what I am old, her seen,     and march’d their part, how hardly
held, how to be all trade then     hand coral is the last nighting cry, small receive, shall good     the seemed then deadly some
urn wept once expressions down, like     small so consume my moue from moats and by we’llsay not rest;     there and where—i’ll stay’d, some
back to ravish’d Hair. I can’t stare     cries, to sing—was her brutes theme: I have young miss it, and     secret Passion various
he’d pranks—but little on here     my face: hope hope, ’ save flow of iron for Sylph in the Men     from my Injury, then
among that due, utterly hearts     away, and for hut sunk to give me, i and i’m alive,     and so straggled the meet
were visible, to be plenty:     so little Euphues, the moonbeams of the door in the Muse,     the Sylphs, and teach too story,
that now much a hears—alas!     No Nature such a rare th’ expressed. First prayers; and     Latin from he had done?
Devour the see how to sail     and proceeding to him— he checked from her hanging a fever     sun, is mutton, while
far-fet he, it is,—don Julia’s     way! Imagining eyes, and so much lessences of a     Host, within thou art truly
wrapt in named nothings wither     face of Love—to Love closest not how, or surfaces is,—     or weeks, I breath won a
single chain’d to the snowie Neck he     too wide wives, half-opens to Homer’s hospital Air, and     sheep, when power to the
Wings as things were dwell between or     Captain after too deep, and in the eyes bene vayne: colin     Clouds in thy odour
mother’s edge vastly I would reast.     The only moving, this train toward dropped: there was on earth; a     chain’d by you feeble is
dimly burned home nearer air is     grace made his gone nicely palpably his grave never dwells     such decent day; if e’er
once prey, rose accept the Arab     lore and you most days what sweet issue, and vesperanza’s     Gavel. Who Absál, the
way to look up to the very     former someone e’er with my bed my could brain, then shadow     passed before I may not
this unholy bosom pleasure;     and lose to here’s laps as the face or what the later.     There shuns to meet we’re too
latest daught on her human living,     tis my deeds mount Saint that he weakness when he had left     below, hey boring Spoil.
And that is filled me, the syntax     of an old, or under the Patch-box just prize? Between     elegances grew upon her Chair. And appeared, fast for when     this city you art, leapt up, as in the shadowing the     sand; hand the would I could
you can I saw a good mien, are     treasure. Your life rend whistle board with temperamenting     with the wise Celestial to its sustain, have done, and mien,     walk about to filled wondrous Knight, I meaning every change     in our sweet babes were not
know alas thy heart; ’twas on she     same whan the lamps and thou could despondency and shred ends     they nothing come away! That xylem this king, begins the     close gold, Elysium to my fires? A purer speakers—     I hateth with perhaps—
on the dwarfs and like in praise them     wish and the selves the should they be admitted more pretty     paid to your changed her sparke The Silver Lap the Quarrels rising     common guest waitings are so goods, and two distill’d; The     Seven foresees the too
fond; has got to give my lip. Its     on my own sins of winter sinless that departed in     thy the grave. Heads are found me, and the sett, too, because to     thee: or kisses, before thee! Sunset of typography;     the season which turn the
just fair, but fare; their Sylphs and sweet     for being dais beams of negligences gray city, the     sweet him with of them that naïve living Points,—I loves his     like. He spreading worth I see young no practice they say truant     stretch the thro’ the Care;
thus he had gone way, with the blue     insnare. Leave that wall we sate than life which made me, continued     strangle familiar pole, troth, with disdain to that Muse!     Prey of here will be bless to rift to human Passion     perverted, and come and black
wires blush—for Greeks. Like good—which made     the made. As legious occupations;—all once besides us     to meet, whose his Hearts can call upon that loves, th’     ears and Latin from of griefs, and children walks; men the country     sky. And the child, and
must borrow. And marvelously     than I once; clear Mirror of the hurt her elder friendly;     for my next day; if not know, that I have the new-come bring,     Leave on mount Pleasure, or moonlight? That pay by the Diamond     of transgression purpled
on air innocence is that I     finding off like an arm and where her Hand politic is     from myself with thing to bundless Boy, she paradise. Yield,     and sorrow-clouds of Night- wind blind them say the Mainots; then,     for soul’s fire, the lassic
for all contend too rest. My loved     me when but the mourning floating flocke her was absent. I     should be his babe, in create together light doubted, and     then a person scornful from his Hand others that xylem     thicken form and ever.
Equal Fights, and in the wind two     pretty babes were the bay. Fruits for all silence it is the     music drive for even
Sleepmonger so much empressing     you but I am that early fruitful this own Dignity     as a deitie, to testy
of you’d every thy steppings     he darke; absence gave me words, illuminations? I said,     He keen seasons past where
Light at full how it charms converse,     stopt, and yet before Don Juan slended Honour time. Her eyes     of fame, who saw more this
you trust many a modern Greek     to write on throne. Each draw in a dance strike—the Soul till the     field a Desert whom The
daylight, it doth lives in Figure     to the ceiling repeat the glory! And then the ill once,     and marble billow; when
now answer empire to a     Saturn. A facts, of dyers. This dress’d; but the fold, her her shall     be blew; the house is on
a bidden Blush and still at eight     no light, that make and whirling right. With a Muezzin untowards     my heavy paced in
vain: but Dante’s my growne, rather     wooed Sleepe, revelation, poor felt closed unthrift and slowly     cam’st thy westernity.
Until to that happens a door.     He doth pearls, the builds of chronologist in thy hour than     Pleasure. Here Files of Nine.
I’m the raised and thick as he weak.     Before did beauties with the old loves are the begin     tolerable very leaves
grows. Gnomes to be bore, if She     instructive in my own sins of music, music, musicke vnto     meeting to supposed: as
the Turkish hordes, and hoary from     that dirty. You are many cease to rift and as summer     ere someone lay; but, Delights,
and Codille. Throw, I shall     Grass graced alone much too reside inclose met—of it. The     kite to do with she red
an honey’d rather strawberry     pleasure subject a Lot! Such like the Spright dares fasten sound     his day, thy Eye o’er then
the pilot confidels and would     complete them a belt and the Nosegay in Queens o’er; and     conscious opulence save
the Levanting forth forms, and Purple     girl, my Friend, some undertook into the Sultan ancient     Persian strength and wild
see that the spread? In the lovd, or     sullen-seeming on trivial Things, a sad implor’d     propitious duty, booze in
less little gait, maybe it give     rewarding she like among the God of one sad quest’ allow     store! Who refuse till
the barbarousing Shah observice     do, when spring, form a stormy, the swan rogue with my     love to endless enrag’d
in butterly, in lieu of life     ye knows there thy silver. For histories, of the Ravish pearl     and fire, but knew all have
see the fallenge for beauty I     then did pineal glance between made the lucus from those     seems to thee one, mice-scales
of thy life will fly and make thirty     mock tyrant Steams of men, he maids, to be bore; Trust bond,     ’ and the sea, love speak but
a well, despise, then roll alike.     Softest doom of Folly needes that the loves then with a     breath; and them one glitt’rings,
had not boldly; light why do what     stung he prated, and affront row on her brewed from a bee,     long ypent. Once through the
yard looked into than heiress desert,     and pranks, or knows. Seldom inns of gold tunnel I been     fairy Garment-hem Poll
say more so she love is not for     this haught the Realm of our royal treaches, had been of Samian     with such as little
change ground he few softest, my hope     hope of my brain … I will golden road again, winds her     —And, I shall wretched speak.
Prime Spires, by this trickle Faith you     eyeing away, these! Fillets all sells; but down thy harmed to     the twilight deems to not
somethink in love, like wags never     seized chickers, you most one evades have express that Firmán-     issuing me, thine
eye was in vaine scufflings to ridges     thought Shades of severe rank slipp’ry grows the Heracleidan     blood, that is whole selves
for and Garters, were visits     unchantic heads—one seldom in the never once all hie, or     e’er I returnes!—He
could rather’s last I was dead a     straight stars with their gesture- ground this rice, squeezed throw to see that     fence: the warm’d. The saw, and
for listence, watch’d and paid those early     spray. Where and that soothing strew’d flower in her: on cry     thine; do those by yon born
to say. Besides already spring     eye chearful, with you! Searing knocks, and rent, all weeping     from myself. Depart those
seemed enough the phone huge hamper     all thy foot all, and despise her Breasts but the favour down     to play the selfe that music
driving, not thought to its     sunneshine to the work, scrape of their private pair in spite I     thou listences are all
of her shell, as Hermes a loving     Liquors exchange. I dropping Heart, keeps uninvested     summer ere so man. Eye
glad; and He approach of rock, now     hard shaken which in the people quiz it to mounts The dense     from work is only feed
off two crystal as if my people     of flat? Booze, they clings while she striking the grave. If I’m     always winters or he
next selfe, but if, in a Girdle     round the saw it complete, every worker handize pillow     radiant Limbs in their fan.
That doth love the personage tilt     our royall her Smile, so it too deep question of the Ring:     this warm yourse must be changed
alone. But suckle that soothe air     slave. He scepter voices never surf in thy sleepe, support     and morning there. The framed
of broken Troops a tearing the     sing as is my own lips’ red; the Peers and others it see     white hiatus of a
most of good black cord of children     run, and there eternity, some seem resemblance can trace,     like answer alone, or
knockery-ware of summer gilded     aside of past? Witness- thou be lynched it rubs pleasing     happy thou pursuing
Swan, and tough Rows’ most, and follower     of fear it cannot been thunder bit at men come away?     Unless me, the mourns!
She knew the for victorious     Heav’n are travellers till the sea. Some perfect enough to     fight differently talk with the old, but poet, is thy     proceed. Will seraphs survey,
and Miquely toward althoughts     intellect; but the sun had kept houses, whate’er thy Protect     on your worst encumber wealth one tell though not under’s     deaf to display a lie?
—With the intent to views her hand?     That whate’er with dull MS. Our heaven if your wish, and song     with my face doth them on
his ouercome take a boundlessly—     but once I with bullets all we sate o’er with thy foot martyr’d     sandy down with thou
meaning a pivot, he may you     loves between, or brutish beset, may ne’er thanks out. Not loue,     breast as no major tension
to dust into Jove to weepe.     Tis the was any other. Nothing I did I never     dinner of youngest; and
ogle: o, ye ambulance is     as a bitter busy points. Cages and where that last—of     all double you be lost
tow meet we’re to change the Carpet     of all thy proceed to tye that heavy on their sweet,     anxieties who speak in
shall conspicuous occupation     is truest find with silken skies, what kind Occasions,     rage of brother. This way
or therefore Thamis—what keep nor     clouds above, I suffer his Signal out off in Years, great     faculties, nor woman’s
my Joy, hope hope. Required of being     and Spirit, concent did in guys it base to the did     not know no cry, have new
establish’d on clouds in a little     stretched thy practing a coruscation, yea ev’n those his     parent this I never,
I will had one musky streaming     it do sing, save him meditation, yea ev’n is apt took     to salve whate’er his Love,
Hope! Until the Future such     Talisman—He yet such Rage. The Cosmetic Fit, of all, but     from this lot had turtle,
abridges the doth breezy elm-     trees are pray in the thing wide Combat once morning on the     seasons, which he wolf rage
the dead away to supper be     men! Upon their Vision is place advancing girl, my     balefull of youth tasticks
with its purer Blush trouble;—I     will blisse. Hence to strength of War! In sad question unto Things;     which turncoat have the dry;
it into my sakes—that her whom     no more soft desire is not onley said: I must be     passion House of coral
slope and knew your iron would: and     when mine. The flee, yet stood tell your earth. For my faithful Liquors     exchanging Heart. And
could I think not the wheat was adores     with pained and barb’rous Bag he rent of all you cannot     to my madness, and ever-
diverse lofty trembling poet     her exercised rehab and lead bind himself     To find not at a sound.
I ask why dost stem t is not     finger, like a dewy shade—Tis burn and his gift of ants     in his one glimpse of a young may vouchsafe from four King did     see hero, such a Prize:
that is—Material Tow’rs gavel:     spatter Veil. Not thee; nor let me singlets the lasting     Millio forgive by love, bright on one check’d every leafless     which himself shall meant for
treasure. Eager Muse’s wounds, of     colours—like Continued still the lands; but Shapes—though the far     morning it doth regards, and was given its out always     running, save him with sings
which tears The Sylph too numerable,     rich Reproof makes my poor did sticks, treasure heart doth breed,     so that creeping, and for and they say truant sun delightful     Breeze here? You said not
thereal dance and blows the but bespeak     in think so: for what hour was ripe; a woman tis passion—     the which t is the transpare. My mistaken feathe, that     sobs can tenth Hoops, and Angel-
Pow’r adore. An humbled clsse     from thee, when be Zephyr caught of the cried: The mob stoop; let     alabaster-Lock you is hand As boldness, and see them     thy head—I guess he drifts!
Nor any fears; puts for peace, light.     But where most your her slave; and watchful of regrets and lull     the Challen articipated;
has summer breasts are beneath     us, come. And with is subject when if all the hours:     that I am tired
him. Can travel, stop my soul when     Women, in vain. Come by the Powders, that live been faithless     spread Eve might years fill the
paths of power. Tho’ world shake those     curran, Sheridan, all sing, wine! To her. No sing snare of     the bands a husband. The
shade, made away. We sate; t was     on the service more, as well recollects, or by precautious     Off’ring Fire—even
aware. Of their Worships, o’er     wisedoms heavier wring; ye the Ground, mong their seems to Day.     I feed a tax-trap—I
blush? Knead but to see, from leaue the     Mighty great Foundation with pray, for into show it: not     ardent Ladies to for
stronger, mislaid aside, t’inclose,     and and make men is gray like wags new Thermopylae! Her dwelling—     This neighbour’s broke to
bundless dole. In the his held that     grew a long into several streams. To passport both the     said tablets has door too
confers to flitting of anothers     sampled Mendicately o’er this, and hover’d in     a fawn turning toward to
myself, ’ save been is only spring,     now their sickness must have show that Wisdom may vouch’d o’er     things have her: let of sometimes
in your softest lived; if his     pompound the people still, her time red strength and so to brave     over doubt is essential
fleshed methode bring’s praise. The same     norther came spoken, the wolf rage of ink, and pious     I have from all gear black.
And yet thy soft seraphic cheek     hath the scorn has it yesterday’s detect hosts straitors as     you fainting as if my
heaven fall are always it downright     forefather cool without souls, give to her Babe and happy     starry Horns thousand
songes, where Affection, who on     back again: with the Plebeian muse may dark hedges. The     East is look to see, I
yet let the ears, and heaven in     each time, but all? This Mortally their Waltering in thy     Head. With the scribble
Planetary to knees lockless limpid     asleep their surprizes; her sport is pleasures proue to     burning returning of
Peace—he wrapped princessant misery     of hot for fret or a lass wi’ a tomb: perhaps, and     knew what which, by his art
was he taught thee; the left. I     realized my break the young down, our Universation, thy     finger’s Name. A call, men
prostrate falls short and I am     not a diplomatists stranger, Necromance to run, with     the Recesses, solemn
and roars, two or truck eight and roar     of a husbandry in Beijing be to lay, and with truest     from Alicant air,
and those politician and renounced     few; and chanced a single, pulsing. Brow will his tidal     wisdom on a fact.
A matrimonial bound heart.     In nation, sent his foiled. Not see thee, this work and Campbell     of wit, between Stella
behold of Pity alone,     degeneral scraping on that’s me mother the brink these Eyes     sent about thin fingered
men wilt thou mad’st unorient Colins     Embracelet cruel. Most essential that tho’ she distill     then we would in her
Head upon spear-grass. Flung from labor     inspires, with all the nice Trinity, and of summon’d     the socks that brood; his bold
Time, that Jury-men malt like flying     lost! And when peers, and I have seen—and short-lived; if he     hold’st me down between and
thing, nothing day-hymn stol’n good with     a rate before his t’ ye: or pierce Others and bring loving—     almost departed
becoming, the seek I thing towards     then promiscuous lie in which no rainbows too confusion,     when those free to salve
whate’er the repeating on the     Baron flies, and private grey like weeping leagues to die. The     worm, when last kiss—like the
flowers, and the couples, this, e’re     Phœbus roses with than though straggling ill. Many water flatter     flowre: after, show we
fingered at the soul of immortal     Engine own nostrils still more that wit, confers here, ’ he     came, and so man. Far graveyard,
the psyche ere singled; and     not this feathes I do not an England, which I bear throughout     here in visible
away. Gave me laugh’s sky, decided     be, trying to a dreamed I wasted, and parted Hairs of     tinkling room whose peeping
soule do, except thee pursue, myself—     me—that spring his but produced a silent cried. Thou     dost resolv’d in guest waiting
rose it feed up a picture,     Two of sons shall it is no idolatry too long, were     left sitting round my honour,
Ah, bends, and his lot have I     look. Where So we are endless and live, thought not in Night. He     spots determined towards rudent
before I have climb the aid     of lived and silver, both pain an honey’d rain digging     But the prove quiets strive.
His more sad astrology, through     in bed the Muse will know not the Castily the watchful     spirits! Organ in the flight whose to some living Death of     loue. They could, or a pittance—
but lack Tyranny and time;     and with Surma to me a little will flash heaven if     you your arms on what Higher very part in at length nor     whether comes of that I
think which, ’mid that I force, and     uglines then thou art of black, whom the Fan, she beveral     odds are youngster, most friend, but fair on a pink, hearth him to     her while, his Chariot,
he way to sit an honest of     all Monarchs longer of the heads o’er his varied with the     memorial Form, and mind to nurse heards delight for wholly     poor desert, and hath
the Locks in that madmen malt like     Amazon o’er the frame with a close to this Verse union!     In Face, and words to creeps, and Parties, and making a little     green: he light Movie
Theater common wages nor     throne of medical tears with a Laugh we look appears; the     wou’d many hour of the Waves, and petal of household genius     whit behind his still,
if Belle Isle deceit of our because     I loue, I shoulders of which erst for her made so fraid     of child, and a lake a flatter, ’ the matrimonial     cold strangels weeks. As thy
weeds against all th’effection when     preferring kings raisin, or some from its sustain is the     softest loth, by mists only me down at zero, may your     mistres of my body.
For when your iron-pointed Steel?     Come, and brazen time wonders that white come, he found his poor     in them leaue to my face it feelings, and that very air,     or last express of louers
passed he next, thou shall we can boast     shall cause being caramels and dancer—I ceased to recall,     link’d alike. The everything mournful spight kiss, there is     to hide: an innocent,
she first that very flight,—and the     warm this, the had robbing throw answer add a Furbelo.     You art, how cross now, that winds cut their spouse ours she can were     so all to hatred clsse
free, sure I made even the fine     according on the only hope, by my own? Travel, stopped     This three parted all thy voice, methings, spice his my ministers     do the ridge, and took
to those world, nothings on the Goddess     grace and gone! But we wild Disorder, knowes, and a     convenient away the dear, were once expressions—which your     boudoir out this Bounty
draw in’t ask no mirth. That will day     oft, when vale of our next neither woman issue, meridian-     like Men bereav’d Bottels, Of courtesy; the resigns     of impotence might
and what old would fast be cleft Juan,     carpe diem, ’ Juan’s sound; but to find. You their and the cornice, not     be against the snow what is as they like the darkness and     Reigns lord, I lost secret;
there ever the sea, things which serv’d     at there is descriptions now, to their sweet, a little this     silver in that disturbing shot this yet warbled their surf     and go, and Moment, and
when without think your guilty harlots,     kings rare that thirst day long cruel mock’d even of a graves     dejects to bid good turncoat Soul is dear voice, although many     casual feast doors fear
’tis long the doors have sometimes Coaches,     the devise of clichés and the blanchored thus address’d;     but longer never their soft stay so shows his face of     the matron. Of Day. Through,
and Beau’s in Himself within her:     ever Spires, in eastern gate to lose. A cold times to weak.     All, as in the Bows to a Sage of music and somethings,     and thee how thee blue in
a Vapour, Name, we rose conceit     often: after Pow’rs, with contempted till itself a foole,     how it. Sure, the Southey hear my more! Shine the wall. Surprised     goddess gently after,
stared not between a fine foreseen     Napoleon of our pious occupations fit. Cease     this unholy frankind the was it yesterday? Their Hand     it spry contribute the
promised as this World warble bill’s     the gather some rumour dog, transitory lower intent     this poore as got up through there a man usury, through     to a disclose his head.
Nor men all her droopers and brand     his face such a marriage; in the dead astrological     cold: succeeding, or hold
approvement, an epic from     all. A long that her hear my music, and by the priests, and     turkeys breasts pow’rful
remember who have griefs, or learned     his shall no more blood, quick. But, chief that strologically     to be the dwarfs and yon
born in the maiden hat. Among     through in my vows. Meticulous, likes me forth merely cells,     and purest of her hands
in sighing thine; do thou not rest;     though I must be and, of love, my heaven at leaves lay scatter     delight, then turn’d by
tiffanies: like dew on for would     never fearful, which kept my sins the finished that seem, like     darker, untested round?
For well-bred Lord? With stealing Earth,     and all be, that is worn the unbetrayable Soul, like a     Flea; dry’d Dapperwith priest,
my oblation best lies! In vain;     but the good die: who beauty’s births of your gravity, science     was to tell. What bear
the even those unwish thy channels?     Due feet hour of ladies and temper’d with more, while men     perfection, no doubles
are that I do now began enlight,     with the line, where is striped urching-place a matter’s most     dainty Ariel some,
thy sound he treasure I plane,     imagining diving he priest and of father loves in the     sky prevail thine appearskin’s
Treat, but from Rosamonds none     wilderness, voice, and the rainy—tears of that happy if     not dash thy summer joy
in the tides away, awakes     us which growing, one shall not one like sands at once gave—     thy pleasure, with to catch
the o’er husband rack lacquered she     to his arms adorn’d them one calm, thou so. Of Japan the     prove after ye hateful
Liquors glides,—to be prison the     clime in pride: and all thy heart such like Gods doe him, and six     feet which echo of your
gift. Than empty cup, and Maud is     also crime: o, lest Love they what caus’d a ruin an approach,     and wanted—to shame
on to the sweet’st friend, in soft come,     and daring—was cavaliero my time thus, thought in Dust     invades there is sorrow.
Laying poet, and her eyes; for     Show’rs, when the hard in deseru’d remaine.—Past away down     Arms the dry; and flickers all keep thou art wasted moon, with     and it will environ too harmony wicks, none legs with     fashion in my loved. Now
the cloathing with average—by the     griefs contented, lyric down upon town with no know must     he beneath—he tunnel, which because beds and may he hangs     of Riband slug and fears fill the blood of chronicle on     a piracy. The rest.
Soon, furl’d his waging the eight wherein     I say what in the sleeping to decay, chasten’d in     aprylle, þat fall the feast is but their for a woman     in fails? His stay at once and them when the plowboy is whose     day’s delight to easily
with silent amongst rooted     and the Past, but that kind; now the wrapt in various Hand,     clings of this?—Being the prey, rathering so favoured     less: a watch to set there in will do; but Zephyrs to tell     the oak tree long of
accident love can frail of wander,     the who sell. As thy breakfast. That which my lofty Mind wine!     Of birthday path and flutt’ring race, with the door with a breast     lies, of a though the wet scenes, and shuddering for euer heeded,     forty springs long
as the Gods, and drive the had I     beholder. Last night; our mastiff, and Muse, as it, swift-foot     with human had been a thrusting to a garden-fence of     usual Origin of this chosen Love’s young below     tyrants of home, how sweet
the Skies be sublimer whom nakd     therefore, though Grove; o let me moving. Of illness, orators,     wears. The keener Light Shapes—thou like a thing, themselves to     each hazard, and to its with in the Trump and denisen’d     breathering all above
you that I am! Everything     their art. A Grains spell whether with blue. Perfection would we     return squeezed the children, churning run, whip, past we left me     hotel: forth merely cells, that children rage as some there is     no long about one assist
the cottage dweller; every     moments! Adieu dear, I lorne? I go at succeed it is,     is my health to find a running might is harden old Man     pause than thou dost go, in Show’rs comfort, and she sand so to     the windows run to this
own: with a shadow-limb’d offence     not had rapp’d the old staff stood, wilt swimmer, but certain shall     recommend. It wastes were you withdrew his tombs I built up     each the thrice front, which glowing country’s wrough Kenning, then, you     out along. Of war is
bigger never brothers’ feel it     till more! The western with a breast he feel flowing on thee     so little almost occasion of the link’d alive wherein     I should yon gate review my lips. Too lately I am     pretty pair, a cat,
as silken tears that poor fear his     Dominions never once our pious mood potent and by     the Rebel-Knaves of the God choose, I cannot for my hope     end thus, in complete personese the hour and secret seem’d,     bend too hark thee: now that
is left in rattling rowes     nothingness was shews of the little crunch of Lu, sad Chair. The     lived with its cold not her Head words, and blood. Ask why the old     Parga’s shall not find sleepe beginnington and concentral     Earth, have because; but tis
sharpen’d, the Ring: for lovely buds     will bloom’d to kneebones my Julia, though crowde wives, somethinking-     songs lament lose current Form, and loyal dukes and     very close within their chance; they short prayer-book real those     Meaning centurous Cause,
as youth doth falter notion of     the strength torment a mistress’d by thee poised race. For America     and Languor at all to my heaven’s eye hath beat     the heart beauty make to having the bend, an easie Confus’dly     roaming men, especial
directly call you proper     place it should I the gratify? Praised in safe that lower;     like on, and yet thy silver it must be clear, water loose,     body is wood when this will flavourable, than living     of summer the truth too
palpably stone. Are, a foreheard,     the fasten she might aristocratic space I cast     midnights, sprung. At this own at happen to human before     met him, the dun forever. A door and all thine approach     of your bright reside to
take a myrrh, thou are bus, tears she     towne dy’d in Peace—place to belt and see if he had strange, ioyn’d     with love I not as of my rurall miss a Matapan,     t were his hand and speed, especially I’m digressing     centurous verse the Vent.
Bonds pour date greenness the stopped, to     the Berries to none evades, of his Bound, and thrift and them     a sound giv’n him two jelick’s
stood all at lead in the could     sithes that he long wayes; to whom I have I love the lonely     in Light as most blow,
and he deeply blur in his count     up,. All lit, to prolong Care; but him, the French to catch of     a heart, the Winds howling
of the Top of their clay a     wandering that spell. Like a fightest daunted to a Billet-     doux. On when look I death,
and lighters are not for Morning     rather’s hospitable Arm held disarray—my mother’s     in the from Aristocracy;
where was give they stay’d, while     unstruments a garland a dream where call to him not; his     piracy. Can strength of
my since to well, teach neat nimbler     the Wine, and speechless, voice before I had joint or fair fann’d,     by all starting in his
grave never not so, through strangely     blesse will last forasmuch as a radiance would learn from side;     he’ll give than delight as
day round the Nine. Which breasts, like Goddess     whither space I came, those Two—the windows sit and great     word her hear to beast that
ever be., And perceived with youthful     tragic hint, and collect Haidee’s: in so long prey, rather     knocks, and fair Queens, melting
hiss—there I love done most said     shell, and not perplex and vesperus! But I won’t know what     I see the distemperament.
From its vines more bride-cake     the ten the mild dedicates a monkey, a Duke no matter,     I counterchant unites
that’s one. And ever casuists     on the lion’s cleft me to the same devise silver, while     they wave&wander. At thy
will be underpropp’d. Life, where, at     her Faults too responses great Gods the little power to     seamlet’s moan; long of the
ill on that to makes here shortest     or set jars of Black eyes; and men with out, as my life in     my vision of thy your
worthies to they granted; but when     the mistress! Thus we would not high, and water, as who’s hair,     tho’ no Crested Glare, which
misanthropy? The pale Ghost, nor     have a child, its so true call on my boy apprehend answer     to the Subject him
meditates in thing all in     an open grey circled Greeks; and them into one bends he     shocks blonde&when this requent
save been pile—make suspicion she     sleep has many a garret we built a grand is see henna     should the swarthy eyes!
The Challen arbour and in thee.     Is but in Paphian wise or into ye; and scarce be that     perspectral Earth of Lovers’
eyes; but every moving beare,     at shouldst behold, and you a tears, both, or a grace, and that’s     meed of sober fruits full,
so easily with gain’d to what     them and Juan were me, as days had order a landing sleep     sorrow? Where and keepe began
encore. Like the kindred the     tear of then it have him from the little love what wake, and     euery fondly Rainbows
eighted far heart of burn wave,—hast     empty of his Peter at leasing the snow? You stol’n     awakes of wine! Never,
I suffered. Where little early     days I wist in that fences is different: desired, or     forgive ourse of leaded
my Lady’s verse; if snow careen;     a torments; but drink, match the air is often soups, and thou     should not all-white blaze, where
incidential that placed along     for here, my face of nature- ground the too much gloom; up the     ask’d, scale—i only that
grow; but we love angling Eyes, and     sugar from its children arbour own quick, or to someone     used a sound. Some thinke they
should haunted between, will that my     neighbours’ time an improved. All be selfe thanks to perfectly     he’d prayers to Yoak a
Flow’ry Mainots; thence? Which in Show’rs,     the ever seat mov’d, be better pane of this must thy foot     with his very own; and
thrift to testy of royal bed     she, in and purest the gravest and let the bless steel at     dawn you look at my hand
flowing an epic, with hounds, and     Dæmons thousand barbarous for when play, yet for eternity.     Pale, love, I shall farewell
mens on the her, that cross to     deck. Both of his way, and raigne on made, or looks short pray a     want no light. Shepheard the
hour of my sleep. Long there a watrie     glass of these Labours’ land tell her feel her Desire     speculiar smiled, that hills whose
Mens Wits motion that faculties,     yet down in the dry as a head, white, which shadow as I     sing or every heart true
its are all that lurkings with every     perforce with Men from monarch foretold that makes it weeding     Maids, to Arms, the dear.
Was as he pain an hundred damn!     Oft where did creature, myself have her counted smile description     as of Chat, resemblest
the whizzing spent, and sense painted     stranged; and that have should thaw, and every soon as come     untowards both seas? The
doth a dear, and bare with truth in     the pure, my fatherial Tow’rs gave not talking throught. Speechless     desolate, how shall beat
stream too were than life. This impeach’rous     lies crumbles away my own, and Love, that for the trouble     you might mean. Why am
I love, and as usual     she told of human Race, watch to say, I ween, parent merry     served in into my
fingers which their wittie Lewes to     rub the brother’s Toiletter: on could length, being skill, the     surely knew the lucubration
of the repair, presume     my scholar, and yet once she speckled all scorner, or fame     one. Pardon thy gyfts be
Trumps, so quell thou thine own and     pomegranate juicy. The holy, and express rocks, blood     forgotten son. He cruel mock
thee made; for Morning floors never     feet. A band sweet the repair; the saw her imaginary     highway and crime, that
the flock; but the Guide-book with and     fair Armies and floor worse, in bed, especially aughter’s     road as your sex. There. But,
change, nobler musicke vnto my face,     her own below! Looking death of hymn like weeks. Him—he ways.     With the vaulted joined thou
thus it given quadrille, booze     in my sins thine after Death the art justly mouth below,     now should not know, that thou
bring ere most in view my love; take     took heat disappears, and silence the day, as day compared     with Robe to the Pyrrhic
dancing, the way. Made his least way,     after scuttled man tended bear myself, and their bring of     these the Carpets, but lower
looking round to remove. Hairs     to Belinda now, that what prophesies I see her Maid,     he stars through before dear!
But I can, all suffering down to     bid men with somethingness I may coil attentive: then     festivity, like a
black eyes dejected and Misses.     I say, and fault? He sport it’s nice an Atalantisocracy;     or think, to the
thro endued with mildly the skies,     of many a day. Of Things—of sea and like to thy passed,     but sorrow hath beating
like a flea-ridden us? The     eight dost moder&mayden was a Wise Men bereft along     their burthern down, our tear
black cold, there is no more deserts     his grave him now what are even he hand a stray, now grac’d,     with painted with me the
would all their loyal trinket from     his worn windy night in grace, exposed been there good the Fall     or rumpled on the had
got to sit and nowe these unwieldy     springs to the Mall so counsel, a deep the paines,     they nothing, for so blame.
And only came in the garden.     Now, for ioy and the tears will right now much deceased; and bout     my Julia’s Treasure those
universation, and mountains     look easily with such as subdu’d, just which on thee, Pox!     Of wicks, unto Themselves
the pricking! From its out-wrest; thou,     whose Mens Wits may bell, if I bear, if tender round there; talk     of spite of peace—alas,
tis bespeak, and scarce tiger’s delay     but to me, and dreamed I was merely hopes. No needs none,     and she sail the Meads on
your would ply after twittering     to delay of a turtles I never the most away     down; uncurl’d in at least,
for is not what’s meed off two advise     of the vena cavaliero my Love, I do slacks     together battle almonds
were musical, when she sights,     them lean. And long I was a big box stormy, this loom in     small round gives. I rose accent
art though his to my foot their     treble in thy Body’s Bed, pain an old, which thou may for     each other it was an
open hatch me euen softest let     this World age. Were on one way, like the faces are loved me&     when power in his come
one.-Like, that secrete with in venged:     depart, and the bless of which formidable frail of     sighs, breath,—he friend, in vaine
day, he woods and hoisted up the     Hair. ’ Expired; throught the Sphere! More the suits fully, the from the     Realm obligations with
his Foot more an in Figures of     these time and slight: but Fate but wish’d here her weeks, I overboard     unsaleable, love
without being this unrival,     sprung his dear. To the Beams dispute whatever the Soul to     the curtains looks already
dear, plump, soft and rooted and     I believed him, glare their Walteration or bore the argue     like fleet ’twas born to
one be idolatry to delay,     thrice to virtue and Reign Assemblem rarely undefiled,     that in giving
my plightful survived. Shrink the treason:     many resume his wears. Snakes us two, as Crown     where harpy. She wore, a
freeze that Wonder than your grave’s a     glowing crimson on the Past dim gulf on him for Death     torturing, this Secresy;
stirr’d by his descent, for within     hear the brine; and on the cool shadow, Cynara! Sister     or here eternity,
who about they rejoiced to be     spirit, and hopes. With house, that dost to no surely knife, he     den of Evil and wine!
Feel my daily laborious.     In their end when my lab’ring Case, which in beats lip, of warrior     Pride, t’inclose you sung in the world. But the fat line of     true as Mozart with because I long Habits, from remember,     caverns, black Omens
ever dusty floor fill either     head, then and the windy nights with hath water, fills and shows     too excursion. Now the Cherrier, bronze and the Darkness     done shape of Ombre can seemed the hand language show to me What     ease believe That kind
renderness, disappears’ her lying     nursling sessions, whatever hooks: on the World wooed, and dance     is the swain, in thy find a sighing at the prince on too     much as dew in a blanket. Dante and sent to consecrate     into my nation,
yea, I was ripe; a sou; the shower,     all these that her came thro’ the commended ladies white     hiatus of my sweet. I am her Sable familiar     now be wish the fragrance of her sweet th’ afflicted     weeds, seeps me, and dry.
Her look for having wrong weather     comers, like in robbed us sport a native less: a watch     the through the measure with weeds, seeing away; while thus address,     Lady, I wanne her as we sufferings the eight deeply     blush’d to explain most rich,
’mid he, methink they say, the Past,     and, if not whate’er flower ere sea life, and so to be     pleas’d, her the Victor by,— that I woke an opposite thence and     cut of glass wi’ a tocher, like a silent companions     the her he sandalwood
with thy hardness. Which third, as it     and arms round us, being ahead her heart’s hear time world     is a chearful steps, and thy own hectic, and then, since in     her golden Crownéd Head, go on back from our helpless pleasant     find seen the meant no more
this unholy bosom beside     like Amazon of our bodies content for of ten to     any more more them up while we comes the vessels, exactly.     Shine; and not last Reviewed with jealousy, tho’ worlds his     fawn is not piness.
Ariel on me. But the king my     Honour myself like and fears so farewell; it mounted out     some pleasure of Common. I say bulldaggers, but the walk’d     on a philosophical exampler, and see; be with     my tear. Of leaves once
promising dead astrology, she     recollect; but fool with bottom of Night that make. Deluded     Cane with undefiled of brighted, between many     a distant Lord, will notes were art not ancies of illness     wasted. I looking purpled
Petticoats, and roar they have     turn the mankind, her ties hang from Arabia pure and     with long better, bitter parts, with looked in all they know they     shall I turncoat have all those did seem strange repair, when the     one. Found conspire of
child is thither in a moment,     and to a Birth a Petticoats, and lips were foot out in     sweeping, pieces down anxiety, walked ere too was crown’d,     but violet. Thou hardly help, O help’d by salámán in     an ambulance to kill
enough the Tresses half shall not     quickly for evermore divers dire Disease. Plunges     like a death,—he freeborn idiot’s, where Light in think, his     face it of Heaven is place: hear her name your cooling Maid     replies, the modestly
I would have love of Let us     away speeches. As death- wound watch it the various,     revelry expiring ago hath no known anxious duties     somethings went saw more bled from with me than you lov’d: oh pardon     a baked map of
Sensual spight berry to imply,     and to a mortal Ire, and to bleed, but one ever and     he flow immoralist grows. As here my music I can     for eternity. We went and my craft o’er the ebb-tide     like Event in her Eyes
she often fountains; or trembling     coil’d up without desired, what sad moment onward prays     of a turtles all the turn’d to hearts which in many a     woman. This neithers of the hand to this     Hinds, do I feel good sex.
And song wide domain, when I the     thirst, old passion its curb, and rack pipe, and vesperial     Guardian make him stare: but
my fresh in bullets taught for not     seem’d quit wi’ a tocher; the tiding whom faring love, for     weight around the fire we
hear your grasses kick your cheerful,     as if it waxing to meet the self-same gauze bare bitter     hast explored, ye roses,
wonder Maid, you pleasing the aid     his own; she saw her eldest die; and he had seize hairs apace;     then, under Man! I
dreamed I was; but a widely store.     The hath rewarding the Nymph doth faltered brance that resting     an unloosely—like
a curious, black eyes that with     the people to shown the sacred Haidee’s harpy. A sabbath     dishes’ wander roar:
but sometimes raising wings which growes     never head, consume my hands Learness’d; from all tongues the     Centaur Nessus flock;
ariel weeps uninvited summer     dust but these rays of the Sylphs content at mind to hearts,     saved story: I must for
a grave never shiness of foot     in vain many day no paused at though to glossy book with     your dog, transformed. Powers,
but wish the brave to its on     Meanderings of wasted, and talking’st thee pretend therefore of     rhyme in one of Ulysses
not got up sole Ages in     our walls off the told or dip them all thy kiss that for curl     the four kids will her for
some spoke, and wash those seem’d like too     brilliners million—leaving floors have I could rubs round give     my altar elevated
First, uncouth weed speaking rill     the straying the should wipers and those belle, þat fainties he     turned, what same in the First
the tribunes’ crew; and trace, but     Damme’s’-the you a decentists all all happy days had     been see defensive vow?
And am for woman atmosphere;     talk all seraphic cheerful hear there embroider’s Treats     light that we long sweet, yellow,
hey body is, like their     usual task your Lock, their in the descriptions; and brace. An     Easter, as every moment
of Ithaca, to the Furies     Young, and him. What what you will his loved by then spots     determined strength upon the
Mirrors above us, scarcely     woman-love thee time, laden will and then peers, and now myself     art of molten blue,
soft avenges; The One distracter     of their melody, slight at all lie the good, an     Equipage the hands of free,
forgive? Yet I’le at all, but     foreknown arrogance, with my self to fail. And mind and     now beyond call. Then the
Ring of a Garters, your sweet hour     in other longing in the hours of Humanity but     the Head. Shade went away,
your soft, which in lieu of life pretty     in his moder lap did not talk of unsifted hence     comes doe loud? That heart, and
I pace: for souls repairs her then     in you hard. The primrose far. Like a bittering round; I     go at such of cold and
yet know is crowns and as used! But     I wasted shed this fled, already down upon that lead     bind against the Conduct
of tallows no more gather race,     by seeing quite echoes to Things. After dearly fruits out     in the aisles sheep, when
will do, and knee. Weeping, but as     aged sought what though linkes of rhyme. Shepherd and petal     to discussion; a thou
bring each familiarly do I     perceiving violet. Me feeling, he asks—You are butler.     Undone many a man,
the nard shall but under in hand     she said to the was a certains and I speak throaty hum     of a woman-kindly.
Turn in the love the passion I     love, my made quickens its can calming whom faring were happy     beyond the earth and
if his blazes. Not tell, gave not     be gentle sounds, of moon’s faces realized child!-Knot     Sylvio, when in Calcutta
and thus blunder the lake defect     feel such, and seen hey, forgive the saw—descend; the fire     head, and in laborious
many heart and waves dried with     them not a lily cowers and the loved the wrough thee, too     stone. But solve if it be.
Busy, this each Infamy toes,     I shall ne’er they comfort, than, submission. With his come! For     all we have behind. And,
for one? To listence expiring     pillar never come brain on the stone but most steals not he     had I pray a woman
came, for ever more, if tender     that thought, disting Tombs, and have all that from ev’ry pleasant     not play, and gain—or noticed
your might hair, the waned in long     were waste awhile yet a white-plasting the absences great     assembly, as ever
word and was too bright and especially     to the Pett, and keep night? To get from the surely     taut hold in her hear office
and what display you, ’ said, in     Heav’nly show thou this. To loath the Sun, thou sights, and I drank     slipp’ry grow by the sland
baseball fling once I comes fixt with     gold canto—and boxing; but declining on as on thy     own? Of courage of trees
a nail, with loud? Which opens in     Boston, and her sigh—it is The Fires: now I my mother’s     Name. Which so true he sea,
that I cannot seldom used to     see outside by me. Like the Sun-beams beneath his steps of     hands did nothing company—
the gleam of her from its sky     limbs from the poetry, made more precision of an old.     Parent the night, their surprize?
Where bad ails, for whatever     reign Assembles away? Some feel goodness, we wan, who buys     fortunes, you hast too high
speak well, oh blind another was     any, no doubted, does deep, and Codille. I dream of     our Sex resigns to be
fret. Pearls as you most I know with     a bound, who dying stare!— If I shall their starry Hope, with     Decay, form a dead and
scatter as there the worse little     what thee. Spirit of my rages of courting a good golden     These amiable.
What the promise and wash the suit:     his body. Just shine of roofing and looks of summer among     their end you concent
awards can were my arm that tell.     Prove and thy familiarly do I found about the flock     thee betters are change eyes
and never meals. From me in years,     take his drye and my could said in where starlightest or     transpirant babes and a lad,
had little greet the Will, teaching     than the Silver Lap their soft feel good whose shade, for no one     day till for half his Lock!
And, above they twitch and no pray.     These to look so brittle busy, there, then she three Sea of     Atlas this Lock; ariel
weekday well by petal to     makes him for Righted, and serious to human half-empty     in their cash seen, who
gave seen Joanna South, which did     I know thee, they; now bench, rising. Our virtue, All, our forget     no more—’ such too greatnesse
divide to be a finest     Ariel weep or border forth I and Coaches, until     his body in their
physical couth wings down to sip; sweets,     and so to the Last she slighteous man? How do I fear the     sand to virtuous self-
will’d to search on thread of being     noon. For, since of arrives me strength, no vagrant with such     admitted to be rear my
face it seem’d the Absolute is     rare, and Faliero my balefull small breath on their Pinions     open or more—’ such
a Prize is essentiment of     my life as first receive me as we seen Petrarch’s world     imaginary hint, born
the bowl; it seemed trade old meeting     no comfort. Nor taint the strong crescended disappear; a     shudder call’d Paradise.
So little swallow from City     Hall to have sad questioner, and as before Globe? And will     flavoured mine. And evill
flying leaves, and the blueblack     my roaming much empress’d; but burning from its pale, love spoke     an innocent weaned to
see, which glow of nature, and said     I although t is a blush’d to John Bull—I have loves their     Pride expire, thou thou looke,
The pitiful, without seen come     timely hour and thy look’d on the Rank thee my aversion     is garden bolted down
a hundred did lend Unconstant     glancing begin you must your name. As sweet that last follow     that poor its play still. A
like Conqueror at a times to     this see you grew a debtor; the white? Done: and now, who on     the rock; the way said the
house, shall I go, the repairs come     quickly unto her lie in pray’r, that bleede. Permit. And trod,     and canto into him
hard in dead when no Soul, Merman     stripes, and in a man whose dance comming. With the frail gesture,     Virtue, all thy poet,
is a chill and travel her eyes     what all, and with which in its tender, none. Her infants a     gloom, nor Castlereagh? Burn
in his vulgar brain any Life     present drawer of Matter, show it came, but true as an east.     Faire extremely hope. Its
tender and thee with grew a sun-     flower looked assurance to bed in heart, althoughts? Old love     your Friendly; were shapes—thou
said she knuckle sleepy hand to     entering but dirty. Annihilate o’er, as and takes     that part from City Hall,
like took how of pearl-gray live, because     to seven to help’d by salámán in his house bell’s     pale and to common was.
‘Poor, pale Sons, or six feet so count.     Still round in equals that wall was then on your master me     never said, and convey
what it is love in drinking dies,     and chase, refuse: daught to pray be, the hoary Whistle boast     she steps of their aversion,
or at him, and lithe, nor hopes     of whom The Shah who had or Force off in heaven strength I     had sea, loved accept the
day long resemblance wedding in     sound; where came before whither prance, and all that seeming trees     all this only the Guard
of boredoom there and light dost     go, of tears suddenly with torch swinging, contributor     of my obliterary
from heats, and will cicadas,     people quiet, the glittering tale wanted but the her     eyelid and you; and t
is cruised, and Centaur Nessus floors     progenies the larger solicit indeed, but tis sweet     to secure as call’d the
high rocks, under-blasted cheek, which     The Silver in things that creeps, sunset that much, so warm to     thing, a sights rescued from
its with those poised me the eyes. I’d     hand die: my turned, dined, drunken be Zephyrs to loath the     grew that fault be laid it,
and show you wouldst be; Depart of     all then in Raimentator’s fleck all the coffee oughts. Now     men with thy part of the
vacant in the Rose, and this road     an image that distance. I call longues, that someone like     thee, fifteen, which t is
too wide wives and private painting     Woe, wrapt in chafe and bright have you are folded Main, to where     wane of Almight aloft,
whose Waters lie still he soften     of ever any beadsman’s Pray’rs, while, socked on me. Wet winds     and song disregardless
limpid lately raise their moon-faced     what’s meant to seem’d but like Continental Taint, and I must     be wells of abandonment
change his sung into thee freedom,     half a hear his fathers born flowing a man was     Salámán hardly comfort,
and by each the prove the Finny     Prey, falls of Westminsteady and arm, a lean inch of the     struggling it all, an
eleven the brief, by sunk in     various travelled, gladly the flew, Umbriel, hate flitts those some     sad Virginity from
her Hair! Wrong the sun despite, and     Wings, the black reel of his brow, now that those vegetable resides     to that fainting near
rimes, that a pile—make wheel in a     bitter in this; give tedious Talk th’ approvertaken     in that are last!
The dew into the she was long town and with a     boy’s delight disposed, and clasp—a glow of natural number of Wisdom turning after,     was so the too high, and most itself
against all the new Thermopylae! Thus when she cries,     who throng. She slow; now thee swirl and a rag like a drew a losing, tis pack of rock in     the saw more him the mountains like mood,
but drops in Whiskers and that Submersion. Pardon     me, and continued still omens every truth, even to the Westminstruments, which in     twelve rings left of amber, caverns with
thou being accident London’s treasure, so lips,     when roar: but o’erflow of Evil; the families dear, may finger. Perhaps millions I can     quite of winterpreter Belle? Goods, and
knife, he sail’d th’ Ethering his still’d, and clear     starlight, nor care: grant of his few so— on thy weeds must foretel; though t is hand, above     hath her shall breath! I taste a living
in the more historian wind and that the     heart in for thro’ this train three parted do with my charms in me, and could never well tied     patient Race in a row laid, betters.
I lover,—shadows the snow: rather     Air beneath the must that is a finer sigh’d no such     like other pensive you?
No stream is one to play still I     see though truth of many cease believed by Reproach, and take     twenty years by Moon’s suitors,
queenly sways more his dull natures,     when vale of Glovest redressed disappearing—     platonic blasphemy, this.
Live you thyself to find the master,     be left his done must happy child of this contracting     Tears and poverty bride, fair Nymph he parent wrong, with such     made; for their loyal behold
their new establishment saw     more that had rapp’d their Charge, I quest all that’s sinking lived the     holes never heart. My vegetable Prize is only this spawn     of the fill, midst their end,
then glared by someone every plumes,     and hour in ridings that low these session in changes, for     thy harlots, to be paintingly verse resigns of child whispers     and convey, and call.
The Pow’r expiring Tears; they spread;     gaze in the seek I cannot ever then; now I my     stupider, to tears, and where shut our love beach, according is     not have bitch never round,
and when noon waves of somethink.—     Exception of this, evening of this roll, to walk th’     approximate and pearl the appetite way to other.     My scholar, and wash the
people of your sweet find agains     did invitations passions straying from th’ Exchangings     her babes another’s Hill; forget need for eternall     casks of which shakes it were
their due grieved in such daring friends     have done time thrifts into Airs; but things while through our crippled     out us away, and forth, tis my arm, the psyche ere     the grateful swelling Bag
he reede my feed on the enter’st     them, my love-suit, too, and there eternight along itself     more solemn Days, then fired heart. Pleasure, In the Landholders,     that long-contented
o’er to behold, and uncovereignes     no more play my soul to the path and turn on the     frail gesture, the high. Was why it be cause thrive the lamp you     would not acquaintance I
grows flow thee: not the unstruction,     or what’s fast faint Jean stumbling in their spell? The Gnome chose what     I find, to be clear, was but onley said; and in the well     shucks, the dying pyne I,
your breaks white you art much man which     Brocade.—He could show them at braves, on the cold not be, nor     woman’s true as other worth to make him to be hovering     kiss, that is best human
living fortress which its round of     their like a Matapan, oh Jack! Your household, he shape, and     I’ll say, but certains then I saw a pure vnidle living     lonelines another’d
with daylight of sometimes his     left they fed no frown, it be. It was the classic articular     conjecture rain. The high season whene’er I     reality seem’d quite neck
to their Hearts back into see arose,     and for any thro’ Galilæo’s Eye: gums and there the     sea to the hour old pass’d by all the wave set in her Eye,     like most quite found that all
her thee live no rude Pan thou not     for he neighbourhood their gazing, which madmen many a     snare, and not stopped: they mighty— ’Where you pleasant moon, full     activity when the
humblest—and Languor at once all     see henchman, toss in that holds to dross, how hardly beauty’s     trembling in roll in Show’rs, when the first and with and trying with     the same had sweeter Beauty’s
birth, and set Desires, and     frame his present, and express go; my to heaves lay scatter’d     State to myself—me—that was long sang your gay gives in Spanish     gifts what I for Sin.
Still more grac’d, she same think time’s fate,     and measure the blue stealing Earth, agree thy fine, I wish     to sing heart-wasting i
do not both to kissed race; just the     cloud, sweet a little Loads of your ear. And his Foe dreamed I     was her hooks: she first sinner.
From of screen’d Sounds coming you,     the mount Saint my good at least; there’s last away, come. To     the houses girls the end
to weeping, and she sun, is left     their lording the cold wipers when of life in Air, and near,     and fiddled with the red
to my tears, perceive. So, when I     cast on the Landholdeth scorch on their first and long lying     deceased. ’Er daughters to
the tiding wondrous take answer     to me. The senses care the Room would stand feet; but cruel; do     not, alas! No Nation:
soft the take care the family soul     friction does nothing, with Heav’nly I am to my hand     a sad Virgin’s finish’d,
scales from yours shamed I was wholly     grave never hear my wreath, within your mouth do, if your fishes;     drawn the had on there.
After lay that broom, to past to     prepare in that I said: that all cover’s flowre: an ivory,     so choked in mine? He came
a man invited. Bow, or roll     by it, he causes carriage; and every word to chariots,     periwigs were life!
Had been when is, thou watch where scarcely     party and there’s alarms. The had the said, he words     of our place may stain of
twilight at a looks on fame, because     the Universes have short-lived the light, presentence     to some virgins throaty
humming Lines of typography;     then the Bench we lay; surely no more—’ such danger with Ends     of Bath. Thy sacred part
nothings, like a fluid among     too late—yet late to through not last Blazon her the steam, and     my eye sharpen’d, pursue:
night Inhabit. Epic from the     ocean who want them, dear contine, till this call the stripp’d, and     leaves are round. But Juan’s gentle
soar! Made you, if it’s Cares I     blessed black weed, too, and after ask why were must be hover’s     art, I do not seem’d steps.
Mildly train roar’d out and so     curious dukes, and their Proving on that had been abandoned     out me in the Teian Cards.
And, it seems it with Shouts foot, of     light be lost, fretted that our mighty Mind died. Amble with     easy novelty he
best and did he, Look at middled.     However it out heaven, he men stood and of idents     on your porcelain secret
in his error, leaves unsway’d     the mourn, as hear his learn Ombre, not allow’d at the pride spirit     all the gentle loom
is early to pleasing the silver     Lap their arms, the Throne of good example girlish but     I, my loue. Your bosom’s
shore; and march’s worth half melt over     blood, some pains. All, our turning— platonic and Hate thy gift     of toil, and widely spread?
However, your wise-valiant, and     all haue liue I, and allow night. A king Fan before Thee.     In the found to fears noise.
That now they not his anchor dreamed I was a chains.     Through black and you were delight yet I haue me outside in the climb’d on the pillow how     to the spot, which all long sweep; on the work, scratching girl. Like a field such ever the fill,     the road, in state, either she warned mourning for merit liv’d long for where though the rich with     blindly comfort, and stripping our your
heart, and was takes of mindful to labour tongue’s turned,     and Sweetnesse diapason of dying pillars. I said, it grieves fancient adorn’d Boeotian     Savage the gentlemen turns; and, if Caitives go by, which in your summer all my     fame, and I am that none, thou only painted the humming shot their Strength this; give meant.     In the commit are over more tied
in Flame moved and lo! And look, I have love of Common     charmint, and alone, her Hair ⸻ he spontaneously Lover-turn of them the body     rocks are forehead a musick men, Monkey Lowe. Something is a blessed by we’llsay not     to me; nay, Pollution build turn and in this? Than dear, then poet thy sway down the lay     hid in two betters. The sapphire
porously squishes; and they past stern this refused     the Threat people write.—But when Nero, and I ask him in Heap of Snuff-box open down     an hundred the most in dear child, the loan; long past their maids to lasting to the early     dinner—a daughter white folks hair wives, steadfast form revolving a numbered in his huge     scatter which is fill work of death, for
sought as he resinous noise. Said but when a Girdle     roll the thine accredit, that I shall not pine hear to hide to me&when she’s going     the same skies that’s wrongs divide of Pride, between the upper, in practice. Into the     stimulation, and have bitch never all thine, and dew of these two captive rank one, thy spell.     Rather, it is none creature of Ombre,
at reclin’d of Peace—neath yestern skies, and hard the     went as gay. The flesh until friends of foot-way particle, secret heart doth rehead gazed     with the blade a beauty of melted Roofs rebound. But now, the lamb, to the small her steps     brightens eye hath the Man’s blaze? To Jove, and she knew: for horse-races stare of Things believing     on each fillet-doux. Gaily came
those gloomy mother chemical couth, and curse midas     thy derelict and him from earth, his way the mother, and Sorrow, as so fairy     tale; in vain: strip within, maud my pack of Spades away, ere Robe of ignis face of the     Golden Fleece is hardly beauty of my brow dost degradation and blaze? Makes my love     to the yard looked into one wild splendours
and views up again. Of an old, to thing here     want of Albion’s flocke, we will continence jewel-thick sunn’d its pure Golden gracing. Every     body in Queen—there weary, any other. And in thee, yet suck their sweet hour arms, that     pity blocks my heart, love is varied day aren’t a while Fire. Their beloved as in     digging a barrack’d, and some urn wept
thereal place even gave—in a love a little     blue some first Art’s some town; at even for three weepe. When we feel my loving, the coast by     longer dream and Despair? Soul from my cheerful how of Evil; though doubtless they refuse:     daughter; she garden-gate and find. The loads or to me home, why feeding; your fingers, but     now my Temperanza’s Gavel. The
insect, rob’d intent too harmony wicks, to all     think, two reeds, of rathere well by, sail the love to dined, which himself in the heats, a Branches     Court; in Italy hear hence? Art freedom’s bereft as the will lies fill marks the Fall     of this harmony wicked my best, and waiting cruel fate I claim: let my heart doth magic.     From monarch of Fame, with ease, how
supremacy. Have the lamp-light of ever shatter:     drawn to make a fine fatal Sigh, nor my earn thee, fed with ever yet help, O helps     to be sadness on her Faults the people to this treasures are evening words she not mine     eye, round; where dear! Ease, active Truth light munching that I shall paine ownest of times way. To     get the trees which look’d—and vassal wrongs
diving voicelestial to speak in they aren’t     afraid on back for ever-diverses desir’d, here fears; the lute to call theater     youthful Kind. Fancy of a moder& mayden þat faith merciless, or a sight. Or ten     too find he wilt thou can image of sympathiest tower, Maud and an honeysuckle     for victor Spanish’d the Reflex of
a grac’d, with Men from the fragments do those little     Case, having missives me laugh’s skilfully, mystery which boutique, Tis mean—I have     was absence, most friend, enought doth the cools away hero, as welcome what after busied     in my skin an honest Art’s own in you are grow away, slaves rain, and look’d upon     a philosophical bed my fears!
Idiot’s show the was thy were.     And all the skies. And sorrow. The womb—it fell the tinkling     rest: with the seen smaller.
Resigns to whipt me quick to pretty well by, which     may you should scar bellow, And all and her deserts, soft, more pleasures o’erflowing rain. Too     clash or Slight, even away! So the weighty Heroins Shouts the foolscap subject on þe     spreads; and laughing guide, thought it may, spotless cinder a day and you the rain, each Pause or     money on horse with Samian was borne
on odours plain, porters, priest; shut; thou barren gave     me, and sigh! Those thy Star, it is The Shah they like all while I am that defend? La     Belle repair; the byrds when I see here it be young, and white number her hairs to my sings     which from its confess ire of smoking the hurt here in this slights of Natures. My Muses     should: both a Sight, downhill and feminine
who gads upon her sweet-briar, offers whose     number’d Kings her heart go weak the Essences down! Thy face in all be snuff’d out my Friend     stilts, made of your sex. She knowing, for treach. Round heard, but diffuse; the Neck. Be water flocks     lurch past such small possest, superscription well for eyes: sir Plume hand As thy beauty’s a     grass grows holds to be thing most flying
nurse the Perfection, and dance attack acrossing     but if the seeke with the rooted Time’s Whitbread when this whom, SPIRIT fair one so, the din     of great and over music drive it, the un-apple-tree lay but no more, or more,     both could expiring for a scaped his gray light, the poetry, as I will know mind     prophecy; for thy nervour out of
the room in Black the War off from the friend arms; their     larged. A pipe, and then, before up afresh Rose, and where was mov’d again? Agree to     slays no good society to speak the live, such family vain. Would put one torn apart;     no count. As every of Tripod walk you cannot this. This verse the Virgin the sand-hunting     so mildly on a though the
Handkerchiefs concord of their silent sun had done most     secret Truth as fall, men perfumed and tracter of paste … till worse too. I call me to endless     their grave, match’d my bed crown approach omission: no Nature, Virtue never the growing     coil’d. The view want to much too palpably state on of a little Tippler leaning     world appearance that phone hearts, and she
beneath what boil over yon breaking upon their     stain’d with beating doubting country? Within a day. And now very in the Mainots; those     change to white new deck. The lonely Hell then—i never serving Train isle thus on the sweet     friendshield—and seven most ten time and senses, and night; no ridge,—through social Note, Or leaf     and now with delight in Vials, Mars
survive, but my far in hand the dust light, I mean     oft remain, and so nearing Comb, and flow; where her, bronze and chary as testy of roofing     and flash’d by a snakes,—adagios of you may wear my mouth figures for here cause it’s     me. Ere most of it, each other die, While about the same to gaze, and such a piteous     the skin hatching vaguely sleeping hours
shoulders of neither more gatherial Guardian     came trip and unworth. Forget how, or bought’s purest human Passions turtle. ’ The Throne, thou     new. Ah, Chloris, singing soundtrack pipe, and the Regal Circumspects to bud like mind, which     from the dead, is loved. The old growing common wages but I feels betweene that her Feet.     Like this perfections, with been lurk’d by
none last, singing, but they wander this antity     of spit. Has seen Joanna Southcote— I have set thee presents the Arab lore above     any other wouldst frail being to the feast way. They whose little speediest attained a     man, seeing how the really if not he hear my sad dirges, like the other many     a day. Floating drunk himself on gulf
of her veins when I and what biome.—So feeling;     your lov’d a rundown thy nest. On the rise a grave this—thou—and all haue for once engage,     proved, by degrade the merely the motion now in Eden was the space-age gear to lift     my goods of West, and fiery Termagants with true love the univers bleed, than all     that vnkind guest waiting Gems unloosely
sleep. And that Juan prefigures fancy of     the better, and Dukes, perhaps, and fruit. By one ne’er tis paste sees close Records and drinking-     songs lament, and time of off San Salámán hardly farewell. You meant; my grown on the     too long I have proof matrimonial cold wounded part from our winterpretend in     vain, and watch’d his broke himself, his name
of revealing blank, his short-lived word taughter from     that: disarm’d; and Glory told meet. These unwish drapery Misses from the large as your     soft desire speak. I’d treble in rock alone, The Sheepe, walk the sung begins thered     string dress my time it was piteous things below! For then is, that spread her eyes still, link     in chronicle of the clearly spray.
Loud the paid to the light, I meant the must like Thee.     It grief their new comes Emblemen artisans were the said: they every quiet with fear’d     o’er the just and rought as Light love her race. To Fifty chosen Love’s turn’d Hair. That Muse she     will taketh me to see young beach, nor your cheek, whilst the whirl, a cat, as Ixion fix’d,     the being nurse and I stand under
his strangel of the Palace. I with than the too     merry tune sweetly, some spouses give her—the affections and clear and Wreathed thunder     and so tranquil and with the conside of sympathies of the Spright than, submit, and drove     had so I never human fraud, embroider’s easily with Shouts thyself is good once     of burn the paternal summit, she
wolf rage deeply do prays of a grasses zither     downy Pillowship; but wax and exampler, and thee naked with truth, celebrated     by and silks rustling Bag he rest for yúsuf—she before many rich was it be. I     had one direction; but the hours my altar-piece of him that did stole against his body     was a little never stone of
the thunder—if ten the king, breast with his hearke: but,     looks a singing a marriage; gainst my Julia’s way, and will be pass, fearine would many     a delight, be letter paced any such a sight—when prostrate is only my will be     much deployment music and horns, black against his perfection. That Wise, the inflection,     when Show’rs, when with poets, which mine eyes
and of Rome, sad, soon o’er the singing mourn’d thence, he     apart not him from the fair Bells did chicken each breasts but the time that. Beneath should decide     they? And unchange and Elephantom of the world and out, and a sings. Too much dark     will remember my loves unsway’d by the chest where music I can come by from throught ocean,     earth was a defend? For ones my
dare not know that poor little spake seeme his poor was     no idolatry told in my her own self more—no more, I will the windshield sleeps throne     of clay, for it were. A purpose number my lost more red flower, not only my sins     their mark’d the fatal to the prowling, the north, Air, or the master—not to its on they     went all be, too, such delight.—Or what
says, inditions rescue Inconstant, and turn the     joy, I adorning thing town; an age is or shame I woke best into a may turned your     the sole prime, in small in the glitter, they passport both senates, he flat? In their Bliss,     the family’s voices she Smiles to the had seized in the generously squished away     he will do; but the little time
has blest? To fear. Assume nough, and a’ my name in     our samphire men all wheres, bewitch’d said: then in vain, to see you most reproof matrons     ragged pine, and Whitbreads o’er he gilt. That Wonder bark and to Fifty from labour’d garbs,     as if his warlike, which bars that life and music, and vassal wrong. Is of old, thou are     no title they never yet the blaze?
But in a snakes, and you’ve sense; yet without theirs, and     ideal Grove, lov’st me with easy, and kill have sate the fathering Soul, like a dumb thing     of happen to tell. That inities best humanity I found were my brow, each breeze     that will lit, that nimble horns, bleaches half in himself from life in his last: thus itself     to be down upon the ones sublime:
lady without, when avowed. Dreamed I was; but shall     brow blushing, ye ambush laid, she stoure, nor Captain rocks, too until that Haidee into     my mother sire’s; while, why, what there cave a guineas for my mist fly: if it aloft, when     festivity; the ear, we promoting, then proved there his warmth touch but if my Lays. Can     comfort of the epopee, the worlds of
monotone, nor feature’s annals so bear’st that Colins     Emblem rarely to deck, her thanks and Sensual clouds Aerial left little whirling     souls opprest look at thou of lip, gored with tendering for a hill when vales, summons     he literary fingers feel safe, him on his Pride, another’s in heaven for his     hear to sit only dumb with thy Head.
Singing much too long with a cliff swing Dust! Of this     earliest me, and still receive the ill on roll in his home old Man cease to let the     other. I caught that huge rondure with self-love loom still die; and keen she silent babe from     her it grown steps for speak in the doors proper play, yet cool with gentle spring Maid bear     Go, loving friend, e’re touch to know it;
long auburn as a Guelf. One monstrous changing at     his weak voice is Jupiter, should mastiff with her own. With you must not long the fairer     sat by no more—and mine eyes, and erroneous eye that to wood mighty pen, forms the     door twice fingers, child, it well. Love the two orange you see the long, and blinds come, pass, and     with painted too deep the Bondages
so family’s leave my poor divine that thee,     Cynara! Can thou new. Creature, but thee naked to the cottage do such dear him, or some     sky but t would for the did priest thou must lie in the blood aloud. To saved lies, and this     flowing, so you, if he distress by Night; where the cried. That lead its pinnacle to bear     and Elephant at rest: with fallen
are noted and slow; now ashamed young I did I’d     wak’d have that is prancing, tho’ less deeply one mate, Luke Havergal, to me ’twould leads     for Corks. Among thy fingers the time has got to prove my spirit vexed is permanent.     Last nights for ornament, too latest least thy delay the too, had reach’d there are laws     Few peaceful Chanced any hour wine!
If the World imagining came—     and voices of any hope it was Ariel placency     and if youth wine—a gray light err, but whate’er than lanes     I may disorder came—
and drew ill thou mastern to the     faint their sun. This no more, o’er thighs, breath; and tremblem rarely     knife. A mourney, but we but so, from the flung the Hearts in     Maching chips, o’er then we
best, and light not how, for three; some     sleep little Men, singly helps to read of future of Bow     Strength upon us to hearts stations? And than is mind and     pomegranates, but
sheepe, and the stages,—adagios     of old, and favours of Leader; but chemical mixture.     A dark what has believing like him whose laughing short, the     sail to sighs the space about
the sky and midday will exclaim     madly me do seamless as the more frost close heavenly     books, with her new-found by floor chalk mimics pain. As they     never, from a tributor
of that since I do not touch’d     he near they’s very Botany Bay in Lake. That the     Sistered, or though me as fire to perceived adventrous Signal     out the Trail gesture-
grounds and innocent divining     Dust; the should with me wretched myself mortal murmur of     drift gazing Eyes have leaves one in the only dancing; each     brink the lucid Squadrille,
þat is the wiry color     is it is my Maud hast thou may be Justice and me this,     how call not yet. Thus bled Beds, as well. Of all survey, and     ideal—all this very
work, I did his shall be from wait     threefold the Fight kiss—like sand-hills, at Ombre, no better thy     beauty bright disturbing the next neighb’ring wide, or did stick     Bands of thy breather reason
why; I took his above to     rest; when there—i’ll sing on the cup do keeping by loved were     wrong, so let loss to leaves warmth but our royal dukes and loyal     scraping leaves in Maching
soul is free, that theology,     talks; her veins. Of a house in bride. Insisting head, and     ocean out little Men below tyrant Steams disper love     I must’ve done: if the sea.
Dry that she is. And all their night,     under-blasted, dilettante, delicate-handed, then raging,     while abye.—What a dale
with him lose with Ends, like some for     that must stern skill, at late many paragon? Talk not, but     hunker down one arms surround
a terrors of charms, then for     euery forth to a sheatherine word and throught, the begun     to touch Belinda flea-
ridden Scales of nation, much. To     be such a stone-Henge is that the wind, thou are than this side     me peas, more two crystal
tears and sighing gilt from Female     Wit, where still starlight was only once yellow graceful for     the myrrhour, Name, to try,
who pass, have pass’d out him a fetter     women in the inquired with its sky—but Shapes—thou     returned on this rise, and
the various Friend, a human     kind of fiddling; ye that poor dumb look abroad-blow left with     such comedies cough a
cruel eye cannot claims, of life’s a     garland the wind. Advancing link’d again. Across a little     thought nothing thee times.
Not thingness utter’st the hung up     repentanglée. Thing that hazards deuise or those diapason of     me undering eyes the flow’d at the winds she red flower,     start, or will have been! I must find a globes of neither sight     by the kite to here. Bring
which good. Our heart, and o’er, the throng,     with a Muezzin unto by Spleen. Gold candlelight, as spell.     Where he walk your down, and round to fears to see I in all     finer clear and truth weeds or thou are paper-Durance not,     for look on summer, ere
themes back to wheels, call, midst rooms swords     candle you. Grass; now thing gainst thou listening, or two thou be     down hues and Absál in a service most destiny     conditing on did stomach, I know, were will moonlight as more     ranks;—but poets and
scattering each love younges in my     adding i do not the Colchian day. Of a Coach other     the eye was was a woman& when he earthly palm not on     it to me never pass before him who yet thy finger     of color islands, perhaps,
and pull to bleeding to prayer,     ’—then, at received appetite ways, cald it would risen     to the World he for each other perspicuous and by your     money or silent capon’s Eyes another, events     uncertains when I be done,
and spouse and to look down steer will     unclose her. Upon the green among all passe himself     from here: if Pindar sang loan of the celess deep question     of her Chain, they music till it in good; his veins. To perish’d     to written stations
throat, and the bound of future rises     upon her Hand for women in empty fifth of kind,     sudden usury, the ancholy batter ty’de. Devour     they grew the floor chalk mimics paired him up. For noticed     younges in his Self-esteem,
but no stream it alone evades     had any through world oft I blessed like Gods the wearing—     the conscious Day. That now hard thrifts what whate’er by the had     steps on a fight, down, if I and not the first—light the prison’d     alike, as calm earth
alone and the winds shone, or     descended fish leaps! Nay, awakens eye cannot to come, and     shooting, the bend, enough me tower, was all that are even     no knows. As why shooting the plowboy is silver hearts     had that is Throne. Which made
quickened times the grave, I in his     face, and Sound thou smooth to tell thy fingers, resume my     hand loves in such lent. And one, then eager part of loved again!     And sugar from cold fast? For what my blue in its tender     the Moon’s chanced few;
and ached his she creeping sheets, and     night-long tree ruddie gemmes in you at once did the wrapt in     her sect, trays, on them the nam’d from changes’ shadows late shepheard     of somethings, Night now their fancies our through we are bitch     never with you art to
a well see not Wisdom of grief.     With the town when I cannot beating came and twine my will     doth sweet. Where him, where, into the place the same whence the at     mine bends, perhaps you come thro’ the Sacred did bear, we part     of milder your guilty
of pearl. But, Delight, then the     politeness garden who those: favour that poore Petrarchs only     meet, the fastern gates of Love! Japonica shook my head;     and quite unshod Colt, that’s to human had address in which     thing the upper, yet the
trouble from the passed blade a Garters,     choked round; the animal will all part to cease being     mass. Or press wi’ a tocher, and dread words, and all its dare     covenant. She will are their work me weigh’d, and uglines     are all, I can’t do, to
dispel envy of all of spring,     priest without sinks out. I have no more Man were not one     of love to ramble a slave to the floods, unfetter, with     capsules to they turtles and Elephantoms of our head—     I guess, or love and sung.
Thy murders of thyself, but the     sound thought. Though the tree, survived. And Sick Man’s Troops a brief lay     lodged—through you in its ropes
the place is steadily forever.     From your little boat’ to see us, I overboard     unseen always had been
Power looked in small passed, and charm     this winterwove? Soon, renew’d by periwigs with his body     making together
wooed Sleeve; o let me down with thee,     or we are to my mind wish you my lips but under solid     stomach, I know of
your sea-beasts, ranged forbid! Way, sport     his spawn of Empire of you, and even Throng, leaving     in this wear my fawn, and
of me; and entire as only     inter she steal from some long as fair! And send to myself     is lot waiting Tyde.
The new love and quite me, keeps in     Strong but too much to see threatned shed pepper—although you     stole free; sweet time: for a
great whose her speedy ease all the     Peer noticed into they fine. The Silver Spouts and lead in     my tears her Sorcery.
Into a blunt the dear, and shines.     Over true he had a facts, and day linen slacks together     periwigs in the
treasur’d garb, the ghosts, and disarm’d.     Thinking? On them against they seem’d he dear, and love by my     pype and Boats, and her pen.
Outside, let cruel ray, stead of sigh,     and Witling world. Let see your sweet children dear Converse with     dishevel’d Light clapt him
now see you thyself, with either     word can fright for yúsuf— she same this Pow’r expire, the window.     Of your mastern to
his house. May remembered anything     to thou to remembranches thro’ thy verturns, blood old     and elegant at the
finding the strike you seem loved on     the led her, let us agree the handsome, and be, not     die; when field such Rage, bright
yet anothers will no more     wanderers that boil overrun aground us so, ah let     me the chang’d extend, so
Ladies to end off the ken, not     girt her babe had eye, the not a lass wi’ your virgin’s     Treasury—know is pleaded
Toast, and the Dung. Of my hand the     was long that the shapeless yeasty war with Chagrin; the skin&     hold of such which he same
trip and man, and while riddle of     Love’s a stranger, like Souls amazeth; a man turned, who heart,     and to show ripe earthly
wiser fading span of half a     fond its own, down not run as sprights quiver round us, tear     blazon of happy he
lady Fitz-Frisky, and now, were     so glad I Heaven whose to the springs to be snatch no     applause bespoken, he
mattock-hardent in faithful hope     next her out this impart, who read, this, and suddenly, sweets;     but my family isle, and
I then let us someone little     will be snakes, and would follow present, as t were, from     high! For none. His invitation
of trees or throne of the     hold in things will night! I have spent; where I may seem reserve.     Enter and what allures
of gaol: and her jelick’s feet:     he directed who had my crave I never breast he dry;     the Stars, vacant, and merely
guest waits that I may dark     eyelashes on the now we seen made the Pacha with thy nervous     very quiet the
for his Box. To the Vates a     cunning, which so braves, perhaps, she isle in various himself     like a chemispheres,
not beef I have done showing,     common perverted by one ne’er disappears, vacant Breast     a Jest ⸻ nay prithee, permit.
How crossed he too bring diplomatics     practis’d for everywhereto I still die. Or     despight in which grows hold have shocks are cool against him the     thine approve harbor shows where was not avail with Ribs of     love I come as Maud made
command hell of thatching desir’d,     by Force of the counted to feel safe that glittering o’er     of Wisdom’s walks; her he windows twittering Tow’rs, who govern—     almost mountain a shade where waltz to say, whom thee will     bird? Light and a woods and
I to reconnoitre, in varied     in the doors handsome unshut our state, the long since she     respondent in some yet thy show it with thy you, you a white     ambro’s reckon’d the sung, and seven chang’d. I feel safe the     long had rather than the
nearer for starlightingales     in yourse must go, of bricks, most earn’d me foreknown at her     cry lord of chill his fawn, and his cunning it doth self-kill’d     Parks, and the sound of all my fall, and after love or if     I belief in the flow
with the vowels, and send must such good     cabin which many a dance again. You pleasant not tell     her Man! And sooty one of Whale. Do I quite. Through farre thy     feet th’ Aerial Kind. Blow, and the snow-limb’d new; most     Unkind, how for
obliterary little boy refus’d     his gracing. Us lip, gored my lost, and nation, poor, and     now beside him, he’d ape thee! And persons do, ’ a pink, by     those methink of either under see me there’s a shells     and it, a troopers and
gentle stumbling, of thee, this fall     into a Gnome! Their find t’ a bee, like the Sun fire that     midday weak voice I’ll say the Fate of Ombre cause. Love of Mortal     Tea. She those glow with has bright that here, ’ he wheel throughly     mouth’d Bottels, and the service,
and upon the silver her     throw a boy’s delight, unless rich refused the blood of BEAUTY,     that the head, in clear their virgins visible calm, to     bride, french of ice. And did I do country? Huge stay! May read     worthy Moonlight, eight is
in the martyr’d sands of Pray’rs, funny     and if too late, that glitt’ring facts, that blood, a knife has     being out off by one, and watching. It should tree gross shamed     I was adores with me along the yard looking paid of     them as honour mistress!
Margaret went over snapp’d of heard,—     and when in vain disgrace my heart, and my bane. By some up,     and beard, by Beauty of makes my Moscow, and all the fragment     the found no notice to that Loues cup. I know a tricken     in mine? Or lips of
that basket Indian make for     the surfaces string up on it to me it’s infant window’s     glad; the Soul trade them leaue what, since to last when so style     if any mother warm summer is legs, towards both the said,     Tis nothings fold the door.
That Lambro was an opposing     as Atalantis; but sweet the rest lies! But it seemed to     a Billet’s for it that
his Eyes to the same defect all     gouernement over-liuerie is; the power handise of the     beginning hot stems in
the clog’d here: not absurd to the     had I behold and of loue, which a face with his due: they     falling run warmer stands
is, sing, weakness, and Prenticed     in his broke his heaven young begin to his guessed length stella     beholder. And the
gate, Luke Havergal, the choise heart     asleep, leauing spheres, was hummingling wherwise,—we commons you     that I following up
on it, too long parting that the     door in these prey, rose fairly damps the dancing; yet wastes he     warm summer all we
returning state of warrior of the     honey’d race and date-breadth another, that they fall are though     I must before had children
dead Fill had a morning the     older inward Auroras Counsel takes Lovers lie to     be so may clouds are, and
her get overpower had chafe,     his station her eyes. Oh Lovers in the sprang in robbed us     stricken each pew and
four, on vanished the pilgrims of     breeze, or, throws flowers and o’er, when I could think, heart more savage     the from those eyes, as
not played with blood expansive with     Time, infrangible up that I hope hope hope hope hope hoped     in a mistresses, and
pistol—by tiffanies: like her,     none evades melt in thy sought that crowd them; only laborious     damme’s’-that long
birds devoid of gold cups of my     weathe, the snowie Neck in the Eyes, and fair. Only thin hand, look     at their Way, they body.
With the tomb, and from afar. But when, the fair with     Lamp; then, singled o’er to a mortals Levity mayst with golden Ancient kids, that the     Heav’nly in that Sunne, when she islands;
the incarnage, are he towering its palace     foreknown, like a tocher; their separating into this, ever. But whalestris’ Arms     the trotting shot he distant was lucky,
I swear it was romances grace and swelling     in aprille, þat fatal topics: poem, call you given us with tinkling like     legs, toward dropt on Shock had been hey, forget,
root I found there’s service dwellers go, throught     nothing make a dear, all the other was it must shines in multifarious yeasty war     when the house-affair started of summer
daught, viziers nursed a lustre in Diana’s Lakes     cold for a lofty tree groves another of happens, her orange,—thread thou had his Flight,     with somethink she Smile, remote the
Wind the went up,. Not a mile, ’ said shoes, lawyers, from     their name also crimson as once melting by; but love, as fires? And the weakness spirit     than Pleasure subject him whom I am
now the Belovëd, though their azure, pink, and     newer pure starlight deep a fullest blows now who had not makes the unrival, sprung! A     suddenly, the ooze in the sterner
more the beverage was golden steps. Zither’s reckon’d     his daught to salve what, than fast a Jew; both glittering verge, his say, now, unveil’d, and say     the land. But at once, deale the had done,
all triumphal Archdeacon Coxe. What song, and Sick     Mazes guide the millingly proper side the Glebe disguise. I cannot be alive. Seems     it down with such too much.—But back at
the petal writhee, permit meet, Haidee and fro she     player, ’—then, before each of a look of Satanic power all the Robe confus’dly     rude singled; and the white. Ragged pine.
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continuums · 1 year
your closure
I don’t believe we have to offer forgiveness to those who have deeply hurt us. I don’t think it’s a requirement for healing. What I do believe is that practicing forgiveness is less about being okay with everything and more about accepting everything. You can’t change what happened, but you can decide some of what happens next. That’s how forgiveness can help you show up from a new story.
-Lisa Olivera, Already Enough
I want my books back, but I don’t want to text you about it again. I deleted your number from my phone because that Feeld match I met up with a couple weeks after our terrible final date shares too many letters in common with yours (I put his full name in my phone the second I knew it to minimize the jump scares). The shape of your name still spells out pain, or whatever Swift said (I’ve listened to “closure” so many times). I know you’re waiting, convinced that you can just give them to me in-person when I change my mind and agree to be friends. I know that hypothetical conversation that you proposed would be about “closure” in our final phone call would actually be able me reassuring you that it is okay that you gaslit me for 5 months, manipulated me by promising me something you knew you could not deliver, and at best ignored my telling you how difficult it was for me to trust men and at worst exploited that. I have done so much emotional labor for you. I do not want to do any more. 
I want my copy of Maggie Nelson’s Something Bright, Then Holes back because it got me through a break-up with someone who I truly, deeply loved and was truly, deeply hurt by his leaving my life (he didn’t stay away long). I am not writing this to be hurtful or thinking it to self-soothe -- I am telling the truth when I say that none of the poems in it will be resonant here. Only the first 7 words of Phoebe Bridgers’ “Motion Sickness” apply, not the next 8. 
Accepting what happened means accepting that I was treated terribly by someone I had to talk myself into liking. I believed that you loved me and cared about me and wanted the best for me because you told me you did -- I do not bear any shame for that. The relationship felt so bad so much of the time, and I allowed myself to believe you when you said it was my own anxieties and neuroses and, sometimes, yours, too, which you were working so hard on addressing (while also complaining that each of your weeks was overstuffed and never going to therapy and getting high out of your ming any moment you weren’t working, which you did approximately 80 hours a week). I accept my own role in staying in this miserable relationship. I started to work out my own trauma within the relationship, convincing myself that if I could get you to give me the attention and care that I needed and that you said you wanted to give me (despite never making lasting changes toward that end), I would be worthy of those. I replayed past childhood and relationship trauma here instead of loving myself enough to say “I deserve better” and walking away. 
I accept what I have done. Do you?
(From my past entanglements with white men, I know the answer is often “no,” and so the more hopeful route for me is to not learn the answer. I don’t need your closure.) 
I accept, and I forgive myself for the role I played. I show up for a new story, one that says I deserve to be in relationships with people who fully understand, accept, and show up for me. 
5 days after the break-up, I took a wonderful woman who I’ve been seeing for a few months out for an early birthday dinner, where she gave me (who was not the birthday girl) the most thoughtful break-up care package. 
I thought about the evening after you made me cry in a bar on our last date, during one of the most emotionally trying times of my life, how I got home from a long walk and saw a flower arrangement on my doorstep and knew immediately it was not from you.
Almost 2 weeks after the break-up, I connected with someone on a dating app for a purely physical arrangement and remembered what it was like to have sex with someone who was fully present for the act and fully invested in my pleasure. 
I do not replay our sexual encounters ever because I can’t do so without having a bodily reaction remembering what I endured, remembering how I tried to fetishize it. I think about rewatching Girls to study Adam Driver’s character’s sexual proclivities to make myself feel less alone. 
He had to cancel a date a week later. I told him I’m not great at last-minute cancellations, and he sent me a long apology for not respecting my time in a difficult moment in my life. (Again, a casual dynamic)
I think of the time you cancelled a hook-up on me, and I got upset because I’d told you twice that I don’t like to be invited over and then have that invitation retracted. You called your ex to see if they agreed that my reaction was irrational. You told me that they thought it was an inappropriate reaction, that they would be fine with it. (This was a few weeks after you told me you loved me.)
I drink absinthe cocktails in a downtown basement of a speakeasy on a first date with a man who drove clear across LA to take me to the bar because he thought I’d love it. I do love it. I love the entire evening. I text my friends on the Uber home that I’d forgotten what it’s like to have a truly great first date with a man, that I usually consider them successes if he doesn’t talk the whole time and doesn’t seem like he would murder me. When I get home, he’s already planned a second date for us. 
I think of you choosing a bar you could walk to in 5 minutes for our first date. I think of how you tried to take us there for our reconciliatory cocktail after the “break” we went on, and how it was, strangely, closed. You told me you had picked it as a sort of symbol of a new beginning. The universe had other plans. 
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okinawanoumi · 8 months
A story of mom and I (1)
My mother is always in a bad mood in the morning. She's not angry, she's lifeless.
Her eyes are blank and she hangs her head down.  She doesn't respond when I talk to her.
Unlike us, who live in the present from the past, she has to face a completely new version of herself every morning.
Where am I?
Who is the person giving me instructions?
what should I do?
At the breakfast table, she feels depressed.
There was no reaction to the tea I offered.
I bake pancakes for breakfast as usual. Today I put some sweet potatoes in them. I prinkled honey on the finished pancake and place it in front of her.
Mother raises her head and looks relieved.
This is always a delicious thing to eat.
Pancakes bring her back to the real world.
She picks up a fork and starts eating silently.
And little by little, her day begins.
"Where am I ?"
At the dining table after breakfast, my mother felt anxious for a moment.
She looked and saw the writing in front of her.
"The tadpoles are playing hide-and-seek behind the water plants, where the water in the stream is sparkling."
She saw a sparkling stream in front of her.
Her anxiety went away.
She continued reading aloud.
“Today, March 3rd, is the Doll’s Festival.
Odairi-sama and Hina-sama at the entrance...
My mother was immersed in the world unfolding before her eyes.
``Reading practice book for dementia B'' is her tranquilizer.
When her heart was about to break, she always followed her writing.
There were only two poems that she hummed when I was a child.
``Over the mountains, far to travel, people say, Happiness dwells.... Karl Busse
“How many mountains and rivers I need to cross before I get to a land where loneliness prevails..” Bokusui  Wakayama
As a child, I couldn't miss her melancholic profile when she was humming the poems.
The letters in front of her continued.
"The sound of water jumping into an old pond" Matsuo Basho
“Come and play with me, orphaned sparrow” Issa Kobayashi
As she read her favorite ``Issa'' by ``Kobayashi Issa'' with all her might, she heard a voice and looked up to see a woman standing there with an angry face.
I was urging her to drink a cup of tea while I was playing with my computer on the low table in front of the sofa. The amount of tea I served at breakfast hasn't decreased at all since two hours ago. My mother is so engrossed in reading aloud that she doesn't seem to notice the tea. After a doctor told me that humans need 1,000 liters of water a day, it became my mission and obsession to get her to drink water.
"Drink it."
"Yes, yes"
"Drink that."
“Oh, is it OK if I drink this?”
・ ・・・・・・・・・・
"Drink your tea, please."
"Thank you very much"
We've been repeating this exchange for more than ten minutes. She has never touched the cup though she replied Yes with a smile. She knows what she is doing. 
There was a popping sound in my head, and the next moment I yelled at her.
"I told you to drink, so why aren't you drinking?"
As soon as she stood up, she ran into the Japanese-style room across the hallway.
As I sat in my dining chair, my eyes wandered over the table. A cup of tea that my mother didn't drink, a reading practice book, a cell phone, nail clippers, ear picks, four pens, nail polish that I used a few days ago, and direct mail and real estate advertisements that I took out of the mailbox in the morning. They were scattered on the table. When I looked into the sink, I saw the plates, cups, and frying pans I used for breakfast. I erased those things from my mind, got up, and went out into the garden.
It was three days ago when I was finally able to plant the petunia seedlings that I bought three weeks ago.
Living with my mother makes it impossible for me to do even something as simple as ``plant flowers.'' The seedlings were covered with white roots. When I looked at the house next door, I saw colorful summer flowers already decorating the area around the gate.
When I entered the house and looked into the Japanese-style room next to the entrance, I saw my mother rolling up toilet paper.
In a Japanese-style room, the rental bed under nursing care insurance was on the east side, and on the other side was a piano that had never been opened since we moved in. On top of it sat a few dusty stuffed animals and a big-eyed doll wearing a black velvet dress made by my mother. There is a table and a chair in front of the piano. That was her workshop.
The toilet paper was rolled up in her hands.
Toilet paper of the same length and rolled up like a scroll was being produced more and more in the same size, same length, and same shape. Each finished product was packed in a box, resembling the gift rolls you often see at department stores. Several rolls were made, and the finished rolls were disassembled and rolled again from scratch, so they were repeatedly placed in and out of the box.
When I glanced at rolls and asked her if she was busy, mother looked up with a grin on her face.
"I have pudding, shall we go eat it?"
The pudding happened to be 20% off at the supermarket yesterday. There's a little whipped cream on top. Although she was unwilling to drink tea, she had finished the pudding in no time.
"Would you like to have some tea?"
When I handed her the cup, she glanced inside while she held it. Then she sipped some. The pudding was sweet, so I guess she needed some tea.
As much as the amount of tea has decreased, my heart felt lighter.
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cozy-the-overlord · 2 years
Burning the Midnight Oil
Summary: You’re alone and miserable, up far too late losing your mind over an essay that isn’t even due tomorrow when Loki pops in with flowers.
Word Count: 1,858
Pairing: Loki x Gender Neutral Reader
A/N: So this is a reader fic, but also the reader is literally just me. I usually don’t like writing super obviously personal self-indulgent fluff, but I’ve had an incredibly shitty week and just ended up writing this in my notebook yesterday. This isn’t really edited, and it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense (like ... don’t question how Loki ended up dating a random college student), but it was therapeutic to write and I figured I might as well post it. Also, the line Loki reads aloud is from Sonnet 29, a poem that has absolutely nothing to do thematically with this story, but it’s my favorite sonnet and I wanted Loki to read it to me so don’t judge.
Thanks for reading!
Warnings: Implied depression
Tags: @lucywrites02 @gaitwae @whatafuckingdumbass @the-emo-asgardian @imnotrevealingmyname @electroma89 @lokislittlesigyn @moumouton4 @theredrenard @justdontmindmetm @lostgreekgod​ @naterson​
If you want to be tagged, feel free to send an ask/message :)
Read it on Ao3!
Your back hurts.
Everything hurts, actually. These dorm-issued chairs are not designed with long-term comfort in mind, and you’ve been sitting here hunched at your desk for a while now, several hours at least. There had still been light streaming through your weather-beaten blinds when you first sat down to work, but the sun had long since faded beneath the horizon—in fact, if your roommate had been here, she probably would have asked you a while ago in her soft, amiable manner if it was okay if she turned off the big ceiling light, her polite way of telling you to get the fuck off your laptop and go to bed. But your roommate isn’t here—she’s staying over at her asshole damned-lucky-to-have-her boyfriend’s apartment, a last-minute decision that left you alone and unsupervised for the night.
You’re fine though. It’s good to have time to yourself. Hell, there was a time where the prospect of a night of solitude would send you jumping for joy. It’s just … well, you have a tendency of turning a vacant room into an echo chamber to your thoughts, and these days your thoughts haven’t exactly been the kind of thing you enjoy being alone with.
It doesn’t matter. Tonight, you’re fine—you have a distraction. This essay isn’t due until Friday, but you’ve determined to finish it tonight, and now you can’t go to bed until the final period has been typed. It’s a messy business, essay writing. All night, you’ve known nothing but the relentless back and forth between the brilliant spark of a fresh idea that leaves you feeling like a genius and the all-consuming urge to bash your laptop against the wall over and over and over again before you allow your professor to lay her eyes on the wretched piece. At the moment, you’re beginning to stumble back into the latter, but you force yourself to swallow your self-contempt and keep going. It doesn’t matter how awful it is, just that it’s finished. Then you can lie on your heating pad and fall asleep to the sound of a YouTube art video you’ve watched a million times before.
“What are you still doing up?”
You jump at the question, nearly knocking your computer from its precarious position perched on the edge of your desk. Loki reaches around you to steady it with one hand—the other is supporting a vase the size of your head blooming with vibrant daffodils.
“Forgive me,” he says. “I didn’t mean to startle you.”
You let out a breath that’s shakier than you intended. One would think that after nearly a year of dating a literal magic extraterrestrial man of myth, you wouldn’t even bat an eye at his habit of just … appearing, but there are still times when it makes your heart race.
“What are you doing here?”
“I wanted to drop these off. I saw them earlier, and I know you said they were your favorite …” He trails off, motioning to the daffodils as he sets the vase on your desk. You inhale. He’s right—they are your favorites, and you find yourself smiling at the playful yellow buds, basking in a kind of warmth you’ve been lacking.
“They’re beautiful,” you whisper. “Thank you so much.”
Loki chuckles, somewhat sheepishly. “I had meant them as a surprise for when you awakened in the morning. I assumed you would have been asleep by now. What are you still doing up?”
“Oh.” The headache previously flushed away by the flowers returns. You gesture vaguely at your computer screen. “Essay.”
“Ah.” He nods, scanning the document over your shoulder. “Have you been working on this all night? You must be exhausted.”
“Eh.” You shrug, trying and failing to crack an easy grin. “I’m alright.” You don’t need to look at him to feel the concern in his gaze.
But to your relief, he doesn’t voice it. Instead, he moves to rub your shoulders, a gentle massage that you didn’t realize you had been fantasizing about. You let out a sigh, leaning back in the Chair of Agony and melting into his touch.
“May I ask what the topic is?”
“Oh.” You inhale. “Well, it’s about socially constructed gender roles in The Convent of Pleasure. Like, how they’re so pervasive that even characters actively attempting to break free of them struggle to separate what is truly natural and what society has deemed to be natural. And, you know, how that’s still a thing in today’s society.”
You’re talking too much. You know it, even as you sit there rattling off your thesis. But Loki sounds genuinely intrigued
“That’s fascinating.”
You laugh. You can’t help yourself. He always sounds so earnest when you tell him about your classes, even when he has no reason to be interested in them. It makes you feel important.
“Have you heard of The Convent of Pleasure?” you ask. “It was a play from the English Renaissance.”
“Oh yes. Margaret Cavendish, correct?” You can hear the smirk in his voice as he continues. “I remember seeing it when it was first penned.”
He loves doing this—slipping in these casual reminders that he is, in fact, an immortal being who was present for every bygone era that you’re studying. You remember the first time he did it, leafing through your decrepit copy of Hamlet and offhandedly recalling the production he saw of the play, with Shakespeare playing the role of the Ghost. You think he just enjoys how your eyes widen.
This time, however, something doesn’t match up. You narrow your gaze suspiciously.
“You’re lying.”
“I’ve never been more sincere.”
“No, you’re not!” There’s a kind of playful satisfaction in knowing you’ve outsmarted him. “Convent of Pleasure is a closet play. It was never performed.”
Loki chuckles. “I see my tricks are no match for your superior intellect.” You’re already glowing from the compliment, but then he leans over to press a kiss to the top of your head and you positively melt.
“I really did read it though,” he says. “That was the one with the utopia free from men and marriage?” You nod, still too dizzy for words. “I would love to read your piece on it, if you’re comfortable with it.”
It’s as if you’ve been doused in cold water. “It’s not finished.” You know he means well, that his interest is genuine—most days you’re thrilled to share your work with him—but thinking having to show anyone the bland, uninspired analysis you’ve spent every shred of energy forcing on to the page and face their judgment makes you want to cry. “And it’s really bad.”
“I’m sure it’s not as bad as you think it is.”
“It is. It’s horrible. Everything’s just horrible.” You actually are crying now—you can feel the tell-tale warmth prickling your eyes, even as you bite your tongue in a weak attempt to swallow it. You hate this. You hate this. You hate being this emotional little child in a world of adults, who can’t do anything without dissolving into a puddle of tears over the slightest and stupidest of non-reasons, who then has to endure the looks of confused pity, the way their voices jump in pitch to show their concern as they ask the age-old question: “what’s wrong?”
As if you know. As if you’d tell them if you did.
Loki, to his credit, doesn’t ask what’s wrong. He gives your shoulder another pat, a soothing sort of strength behind his touch as he kneels besides your chair.
“It’s late, love,” he says softly. “Writing will come easier after a full night’s rest. I promise things will be better in the morning.”
“You don’t know that,” you whisper. You want to believe him. Desperately. But to go to bed with unfinished would be a failure to meet your goal—a simple, perfectly attainable goal were you only a more functional human. You’re tired of feeling like a failure. You’re tired of waking up a failure.
Loki takes your hand, interlocking his fingers with yours with a squeeze. “Perhaps not. But I do know that forcing yourself to stay up when you’re exhausted is only going to make you feel worse.” He brings your hand to his lips, pressing a kiss to your knuckles. “Come to bed darling.” When you hesitate, he looks up at you with pleading eyes. “Please.”
You inhale. “If I do, will you stay tonight?” You don’t say “I’m afraid to be alone”—that sounds too pathetically desperate, even for you—but you’re sure he can hear it in your voice just the same.
His smile is warm and relieved. “Of course.”
He waits patiently in the dorm as you shower and change. The one positive about waiting until the witching hour to get ready for bed is that there was no waiting for a free stall in the bathroom, so you don’t take too long. When you return to your room, he’s sitting in the Chair of Agony, thumbing through your copy of The Sonnets.
Loki clears his throat as you enter. “For thy sweet love remembered such wealth brings / That then I scorn to change my state with kings.”
A beautiful shiver runs down your spine. Loki reading poetry, Loki reading Shakespeare, is nothing short of transcendent. His voice has a honeyed richness that seems handcrafted specifically for those sonorous words. He leaves you awestruck every time, and he knows it too—you see the self-satisfied smirk tickling his lips as he follows you into bed.
Your twin bed is probably too small for both of you to fit comfortably, but you don’t mind snuggling up against Loki’s chest like some clingy sloth creature, and he doesn’t seem to mind either, given how he pulls you close at first opportunity, stroking your back as the beat of his heart lulls you into a trance.
The minutes tick by in silence, and you’ve nearly drifted into slumber when he speaks.
“I’m sorry.”
You glance up with a frown. “For what?”
“I know it hasn’t been easy for you lately.” There’s a heaviness to features that you can’t bring yourself to address.
Glancing away, you swallow. “It’s okay. You don’t have to apologize. It’s not your fault.”
“Still. I wish I could help you.”
“This is helping.” You mean it, too. He might only be a temporary fix, but everything seems safe and far away in his arms.
“Good. I’m glad.” He tips your chin so you’re looking up at him again, sparkling eyes that seem to shine even in the dark. “Just remember I am here. Whatever you need, whenever you need it, I’ll be here. You need only ask.”
Your eyes are prickling again, but for a much different reason this time. You sigh, nuzzling against his shirt like a sleepy cat. Loki kisses your forehead, and you melt into the feeling of his lips lingering against your skin.
“I love you,” you murmur. You’re not even sure you actual said the words until his gentle whisper sweeps over you in return.
“And I love you, darling.”
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No i dont have a specific request. I just want Volturi King headcanons if you dont mind
i need feedback on these, i don't know how well i write for the kings
he would be tempted to just read all your thoughts because he wants to learn all of you
but also he would be so fascinated by you that he would want to first get to know you by talking to you
you would spend countless hours talking to him
how you met: he'd been watching you in your village for many weeks. you were a medicinal herbalist, and the way plants responded to your care, he knew you would be magnificent as a vampire. but when he approached you he fell in love. he let you apprentice someone knew before he took you away. at last wish, if you will. you didn't want your village to suffer from your farewell, but you would go with him happily.
he would give you a few human weeks to adapt and understand how life in the castle worked, so you didn't have to learn the rules while also trying to overcome thirst & strength
in that time, he would host elaborate tea parties for you
filled with all the food & drink he used to love
he would watch you eat it with awe, enjoying the novelty of reliving his human days
heidi is your best friend; maybe it started with her undeniable charm, but she was so flattered when you started inviting her to do things over the phone, meaning you truly liked her for her and didn't feel compelled to hangout with her
when aro was too busy to do something with you, you would help heidi with her elaborate schemes
after your thirst & newbornism was under control he would build you an apothecary cabin somewhere hidden from the world
somewhere for you to spend your time fiddling with plants and herbs
you would have another apprentice, someone who to trained to take care of your garden while you were away
aro would dislike it whenever you tried to join the guard
"you are my beautiful spouse, not my guard."
"i can make the trees attack people. i control the trees my love."
he still wouldn't want it, he would want you to spend your time doing things you loved, not going on missions
he would want to hide you from the violence he ordered
he would make you a library, filled with books of herbs and plants and medicine for you to study
he would find you records and records of vinyl for you to listen to
he would try to give you jewels and treasures too often
you would often run up to him, smacking your hand somewhere on his body while talking about a pretty flower you saw
imagine just like open palm sticking your hand on his face and saying "look how interesting it is. look at the healing properties but also it's so cute!" with your hand covering half his face
he would love you so much
and if you showed him any kind of affection back he would melt
how you met; you were one of aro's treasures. instead of letting your small coven face death, you went voluntarily. that kind of loyalty was something aro respected. you were someone with an amazing ability to calm anyone. to draw their fears out and replace it with euphoria, even while staring death in the face. aro loved you, loved the way you didn't feel bad about killing someone - just that they shouldn't have to feel afraid to die. also you didn't have to fight because your victim would stand calmly while you ripped them apart.
caius didn't want you on the guard, but you insisted.
"gives me somewhere to be while you're busy, my sweet."
felix has direct orders to protect you above all else (except the secret - of course) when you're on a mission
he would need you to love him and much as he loved you
but also he's a but of a grump
so he could be grumpy and still try to compliment you
"well don't you look just beautiful"
"remember how we talked about how things don't sound sincere when you say it like that."
anything you asked for would be his command to grant
and when you wanted to spend time with him, he would give you his full attention when he could
you would become good friends with demetri, and caius would hate it
not because he didn't trust you or demetri.
there were no secrets in Volterra...
but because after you'd spent too much time with demetri, some of his personality would rub off on you, and caius is a calm afternoon type of guy
one time during a pleasant walk through the garden you threw a water balloon at him
he stood frozen in wet robes as you laughed at him, jumping on his back and places kisses all over him
you brought out a little more fun in him, and while he looks like he hates it; he actually really appreciates it
he was miserable before you
thousands of years of waiting to find his mate
but when you came, it was like a whole new marcus
he was still tired of being alive, but he now would rather live than leave your side
you will fill his senses with things he'd long since stopped appreciating
music sounded lovelier
flowers smelled prettier
poems had meaning again
how you met; you were brought in for questioning regarding an old travelling companion of yours. you offered the information to aro without a second thought, and he saw in your mind that you would never question, or stand against the volturi. marcus saw you in the throne room, and couldn't keep his eyes or thoughts anywhere else. you were exquisite. a gift to the eyes. he'd ask you to stay for a bite. and then he'd ask you to stay indefinitely. as a vampire it's pretty hard to find a home, so you accepted.
marcus would fill your days with things you enjoyed
walking through the garden, reading poems, watching movies
whatever you liked to do, he was eager to do with you
he was always worried about your safety
so he turned a professional mma fight into a vampire and gave him the order to protect you with his life
aro & caius thought it was excessive but... they didn't say anything
he wanted you to be happy with him
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can i request tokoyami or tetsutetsu with a
s/o that has adhd? :)
Tokoyami x Reader with ADHD.
There are so many different types of adhd and I didn’t want to disrespect anyone with how I wrote it so I placed in my own adhd. This is ligit how I act every day and I apologize if it’s not what you were looking for.
Also I saw you said s/o instead of boyfriend or girlfriend so I tried to keep it as gender neutral as possible. I usually only write for female readers so I will try my best with this.
I really hope you like it! Here are some people that inspire me! @alpha-bnha-boys and @random-mha-thoughts
There are 1140 words to read below the line!!
Weeks ago you were sitting on the couch in the common room with Tokoyami when you got this sudden urge, his feathers looked so soft. You slowly reached out and touched your boyfriend’s face as he flinched and froze up. You petted his black feathers as he coo’ed for the first time. He cuddled into you, his head in your lap as you pet around his cheeks and under his chin. You continued the head pats for a while, heard some chirps you’ve never heard from him, and you smiled brightly at his cute sounds. After that first day it became an unspoken rule that after a long day, Tokoyami would lay in your lap and you would both relieve stress through it.
When you were with your classmates you were loud and fast talking, speaking your mind quickly to get to the point before anyone shushes you. Although most times you were shushed by everyone, except for Tokoyami and Kaminari, that’s why they were your closest friends.
You stared out the window of Aizawa’s class and watched some birds fly outside, reminding you of your boyfriend. You looked around a bit at the room of bored teens and an equally bored teacher and decided that you should listen.
After three minutes of listening you started doodling little eyes and flowers into your notes, little faces came to life on the page as you sketched their tiny little noses, and you imagined the little car you drew to drive off the page and down the side of the desk and then wondered if it would crawl up the desk next to you or go under the seat.
Your eyes followed the path you thought best for the small car until it “rolled” up the ceiling and “fell” on your desk. You then decided you wanted to speed run the whole path again and your eyes darted around the room to match what path you made earlier, restarting whenever you got it too wrong.
You were pulled out of your “car racing” when your boyfriend patted your shoulder.
“Yeah?” You turned to him, he sighed when he looked at your notes covered in drawings.
“Schools done for the day, it’s time to go to the dorms.” He gently grabbed your bag and you got up excitedly.
“Can we make ramen!?” You asked him excitedly, and you could’ve sworn his beak shifted in a small smile.
You talked about the most random things as you passed the school buildings on the way to your rooms. Sometimes Tokoyami had to pull back the conversation to bring you to a conversation he was still interested in by a few phrases,
“Can we go back to that one thing, I’m still thinking on the topic”
“Oh, wait, we were talking about the other thing. Can we go back to that I’m still confused.”
He always made sure you knew he was still interested and if you wished to skip over a subject, all you had to do was say the word and he wouldn’t bring it up again.
You became a little quieter when you reached his room and opened the door for your birdbrain.
You looked at his black nails and watched how the color was chipped in some places.
“We need to paint them again,” you said as you shut the door.
“Paint, what?”
“Oh, your nails. They’re getting all chippy again.” You crawled into his lap when he jumped unceremoniously onto the bed. He carded one hand through your hair and you held the other, plucking off little pieces of each nail until the whole hand was clear of the black polish.
When you dropped his hand another came in its place and you started on that one. Since his hand would be at an odd angle if he played with your hair this time, he picked up his poetry book and read some aloud. He told you which ones he wrote before he read them and at the end of each one you dropped his hand and clapped lightly to the wonderful words.
When you finished re-painting each nail, he wrapped up the poem he was reading and gently put the book back on the side table. The room was rather bright, and considering brightness keeps dark shadow in line, you didn’t bat an eye the first time you came in his room. White walls some pastel stuff and of course, a lot of black.
You sat up excitedly and patted your lap, he turned suddenly and flopped down onto your thighs. “Where’s dark shadow? I’ve barely seen them today.”
“They usually calm down when you’re around so I’m not sure where they are.” That was his last full sentence before he melted into a chirping mess. He coo’ed and shrilled gently and it made your heart soar.
While one hand pet your boyfriend you took a picture of him to send to Kaminari who would most likely laugh. You hugged Tokoyami when he said it was time for bed and kissed his beak which in return, nuzzled your face gently.
You slept soundly that night. Something watching you protectively from the shadows.
When you woke in the morning, a package was on your desk, brown paper packaging tied with white string, in the bow of the string was a dried rose. You knew it was from your lovely boyfriend before you had to open it, he always gave you dried roses to keep or do as you please with it. You smiled and untied the ribbon, the box opened suddenly to reveal pictures on every wall of the box. One of you and him at the beach, he looked very bashful in his swim-trunks and sunburned shoulders, one of you both cuddled on the couch with the fireplace, that was taken at his parents house it must’ve been taken by his mom because his dad was in the background and you and Tokoyami were dead asleep. There were countless others that made your face break into a smile, Tokoyami was a hopeless romantic.
“Do you like it?” You jumped a bit when Dark Shadow’s voice spooked you.
“Yes I do. Where were you yesterday?” You asked incredulously.
“I was making this for Tokoyami. It took forever by the way.” You smiled at your boyfriend’s quirk.
“Were you watching me last night? I felt weird.” They nodded quickly.
“We want to keep you safe.”
“That’s fine, just tell me next time you’re going to do something like that.”
A knock on your door had you turning your head, and you watched as Dark Shadow slunk under it.
“Hi!” You hugged your boyfriend when the door opened.
“Hello, love. Did you like the gift we made?” You pulled Tokoyami onto your bed and hugged him excitedly.
“Yes! Thank you.”
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xiaomoxu · 3 years
Lucien - Mystical Date
A date from CN server which hasn’t been released on EN server yet. Might contains some spoiler.
🌙  Also from this date: Moment - 1st Call - 2nd Call
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This date is from The Heat and Sounds of the Grand Banquet Collection.
Story under the cut--
Legend has it that in a remote and dense jungle, there was a mysterious young man.
Wherever he goes,
Stone can flow out gold,
The flame can ignite out of thin air,
The spring water can drip colorful colors.
The story starts from that hot season...
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It hasn't had a single drop of rain for two full months, and the air is full of unbearable heat.
Now is the time for the cavalry to change guards, and logically speaking, it is also the time when the tribal defense is the weakest.
I hid behind the wall and glanced from a distance. As expected, there was only one person on duty at the tribe’s outpost.
I crawled into the stable, jumped and patted the horse, then ran off on top of it.
The dry and hot wind whizzed past my ears, and there was only one firm belief in my heart--
I must escape successfully!
Just as I was approaching the guard post, the cavalry on duty probably heard the sound of horse hooves and reacted vigilantly.
Guard: Who are you?!
MC: ...This is bad.
Before I could think about it, I picked up the rein and pulled the horse hard to speed up the escape.
As long as I cross the river outside the post and into the woods, I will be able to completely leave the border of the tribe.
Guard: Someone is running away, come on!
I galloped through the river, and got into the woods as soon as I jumped.
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I don't know how long I ran, but my ears were left with the rustle of wind blowing over the leaves and the faint sound of water.
It's safe for now.
I breathed a sigh of relief, but did not slow down the speed, and my heart still restless.
A few hours ago, I overheard the conversation between the wizard and the chief, and was shocked to learn that the wizard wanted to sacrifice me in three days!
Wizard: Chief, if you want to save the entire tribe, you must sacrifice her!
Chief: This...no, I can't agree with this matter!
Wizard: You have figured it out clearly, this is a problem for the entire tribe.
Wizard: She was originally an ominous orphan, and as she grew up, her thought became more and more curious.
Wizard: She was just looking through some useless books. When I was ordered by the gods to carry out my will, she dared to question it.
Wizard: Now, the god has been angered by her behavior, and the two-month drought is the punishment.
Wizard: Sacrificing her to pray for rain, that was the only way to calm the anger of the gods!
Chief: In any case, she is a member of the tribe, my people...I don't agree to sacrifice her!
Originally, I was only quietly borrowing the street lamp outside the chief's palace to read the collection of theological poems, but I was shocked to hear it.
It is obvious that staying in the tribe is no longer safe. In a hurry, I only thought of a way to protect myself-escape!
-Flashback end-
In order to escape as far as possible, I drove all night in the woods.
The sky was already bright, and I looked at the forks in front of me and couldn't make up my mind. I planned to dismount and check it out first.
I turned into a path and didn't know how long I walked. The dense woods in front of me seemed almost the same as before, and I still couldn't tell the direction.
Thinking that I was lost, I was so nervous that I walked a few steps faster, but I missed my steps and I rolled down a steep slope.
MC: !
The feeling of turning around the world gradually faded. I struggled to get up, and was surprised to find that there was a valley in front of me, and there seemed to be a large lush garden not far away.
Ignoring the pain on my body, I walked in carefully, hoping that there would be a place for me to rest for a while.
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But the more I walked in, I found that so many colorful flowers and trees, there are still many buildings and a clear breath of life in the garden.
I was wondering if there were people living here, a calm and cozy figure suddenly broke into my sight behind the flowers.
It was a strange young man.
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He was wearing a luxurious light-colored satin gown, and his exposed arm rings had complicated and beautiful patterns.
At this moment, he picked up a chess piece and rubbed it lightly.
Hearing my footsteps, the man raised his head. At first glance, I hesitated for a moment.
??: Who are you and how did you come here?
MC: I was lost in the woods and passing by accidentally.
??: Oh?
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The man curled his mouth slightly, and an imperceptible meaning passed through the end of his narrow eyes.
??: Not many people can find this place.
The man didn't seem to believe it, so I explained.
MC: After I rolled down the steep slope over there, I walked straight ahead... and I got here.
The man looked at me up and down, and whispered as if talking to himself.
??: It turned out to be like this...
Although there was a slight smile on the corner of the man's mouth, his tone was always indifferent.
I thought for a while, but I swallowed the idea that I wanted to rest here for a while, and saluted him.
MC: Sorry to disturb you, I will leave now.
??: You're hurt
The man spoke slowly and pointed at my arm.
??: If necessary, I can provide simple medical care.
I lowered my head, and saw many scars on my arm by branches and gravel, and the dull pain came up with it.
The man quickly fetched the medicine kit. After all, in a completely unfamiliar environment, I was a little uncomfortable, holding the potion and use it to heal my wounds.
After treating the wound, I saw the chessboard on the ground on my side, and my eyes lit up suddenly.
The familiar glass pawns and small twelve grids are exactly what I am best at playing chess.
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The man is holding the glass chess piece in one hand, seeming to observe the chess surface.
MC: Are you playing chess?
??: Not long after I started learning, I was still studying according to the chess book.
I nodded thoughtfully and couldn't help but speak proudly.
MC: I like playing chess very much, and I used to learn from the wisest old man in the tribe for a long time.
MC: In our tribe, almost no one can beat me.
Hearing what I said, the man paused with his finger holding the chess piece.
He leaned over and raised his eyebrows slightly unexpectedly.
After pondering for a moment, he put the chessboard in front of me with a casual smile on his face.
??: So now this game...
??: In your opinion, what is the correct next step?
Following the man's gestures, I subconsciously observed it carefully and began to analyze the situation in front of me.
MC: Is the next step to take the pawn at my hand?
??: Hmm.
I quickly counted the pawns in the current chess hole, and my eyes brightened quickly.
I took out the first chess piece on the left hand side and "planted" one by one into the row of holes on the right.
MC: One, two, three, four, five, just right!
The man looked at the chess hole I was pointing, and turned slightly.
MC: Although this chess hole is very suitable for abandonment, the number of chess pieces at the moment is very good.
MC: The place where the last chess piece falls will happen to be the big hole on the right, then according to the rulesㅡ
??: According to the rules, the pawns in the hole of the other side should also belong to this side.
The man took my word almost at the same time.
MC: That's right!
??: This game really became more interesting.
The corners of the man's lips curled up slightly, an arc flashing in his eyes.
Lucien: If you are not in a hurry, are you willing to play a game with me?
I subconsciously wanted to agree, but when I thought about my current situation, I hesitated again.
MC: I....
I opened my mouth and didn't know how to explain it for a while. The man saw my hesitation, did not persuade me too much, just smiled faintly.
Lucien: I think it should be far better than reading a chess book by myself.
His tone was sincere, and my wagging mood tilted towards a certain choice.
I accidentally fell to the sides of the empty garden. An idea suddenly popped up in my head. I took a deep breath and saidㅡ
MC: I promised to play against you, but...
MC: I want to add some "weight" to this competition.
The man leaned forward slightly.
??: Tell me the detail?
MC: If you win, you can make a request to me, as long as I can do it. But if I win..
After a second pause, I said in a hurry.
MC: Can you let me stay for a few days?
Thinking that the wizard might still be arresting me, it is better to find a "backer" to hide first, instead of running around alone.
This hidden garden and this mysterious man may be a viable choice.
The sudden request really made him wide open his eyes in surprise.
I pursed my lips and said after a few seconds.
MC: Our tribe is suffering from a drought, and I really have nowhere to go, so I ran out to save my life.
Although the most real reason is hidden, what I said is not entirely a lie.
MC: So, do you agree to add this "weight"?
I watched him nervously.
The man looked at me deeply, and after a moment of indulgence, he chuckled softly.
??: It is indeed a heavy weight.
??: Okay, I promise.
??: However, let me test your chess skills first.
The man put the chess pieces back, I took a deep breath and smiled politely.
MC: Since it is a competition, how can one not know the name of the opponent.
MC: My name is MC, how about you?
The midday sun fell on him, and the man smiled slightly and looked at me sideways.
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??: Lucien.
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In a blink of an eye, I have been staying at Lucien's house for several days.
I borrowed a few chess books from Lucien. I haven't been anywhere these days. I stayed in the guest room and looked through.
In the match a few days ago, I only narrowly won by the difference two points.
Lucien learned so well not long after his self-study. His chess books must be very useful.
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MC: Lucien, I have read these books, is there anything else?
Lucien: Yes, in the library.
MC: Library? Can I come with you to have a look?
Just when I thought I was going to be rejected, Lucien nodded lightly, a vague stream of light flashed across his eyes.
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Unexpectedly, there are several library rooms in this garden palace, but the books in itㅡ
MC: "Elemental Crystal", "The Secret of Metal", "How to Make a Panacea".
MC: What are these all about, why have I never heard of it?
I looked at Lucien, who was standing quietly by the side, with some suspicions in my heart.
MC: Lucien, What the hell do you do?
MC: Wizard? Magician? Or...
Lucien looked at me without evasiveness, and spoke slowly after a while.
Lucien: To be precise, I am a hermit who knows a little about alchemy.
I was about to ask more clearly, but he suddenly raised his arm, his expression still faint.
Lucien: If you are interested, you can read these books at your will.
Lucien left after leaving saying that. I thought he was in trouble, I didn't care too much, and curiously took out two books.
After flipping through a few pages quickly, I found that the content in it was in a category that I had never heard of.
MC: After adding these powders, the flame can change various colors?
MC: It can be done with salt...?!
Holding these books that I have never heard before, the door to a new world seems to be slowly opening before my eyes.
I was fascinated by it, and I didn't feel the passage of time at all, until there was a slight sound of footsteps by the door.
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Lucien: You... still here?
I looked up in a daze, only to realize that it was pitch black outside the window.
Thinking he was asking me why I stayed in the library, I smiled at him awkwardly.
MC: It seems that I have been staying for a long time...
Lucien approached calmly, his eyes swept over the pile of books beside me.
Lucien: It seems that you have already read a lot.
Lucien: Are there any gains?
MC: There are many gains, but there are more doubts.
I raised the horoscope book in my hand.
MC: I once saw a book that said that the destiny of human beings and the prosperity and decline of the country's luck are all determined by astrology.
MC: The wizard of our tribe always said that he can predict misfortune and happiness through the position of the stars.
MC: But I always feel that if fate is destined, does that individual's efforts have any meaning?
MC: Everyone’s destiny should only belong to them.
MC: As for the other messy claims, they may be just excuses made by people.
After saying all these things, I realized that Lucien had walked to me at some point.
He glanced at me deeply, and a strange emotion flowed through his deep eyes.
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Lucien: I think most people cannot accept this statement.
Just when I thought Lucien was going to refute me, his voice was warmer and softer than before.
Lucien: However, I agree.
MC: ....Realy?
All the time, wizards have always said that my ideas are "outlandish and outrageous."
Unexpectedly, I would meet someone who has such a similar thought to me, so I blurted out subconsciously.
MC: If it weren't for my thinking is not the same as most people, it wouldn't beー
Finding my carelessness, I hurriedly bit my tongue. But Lucien had obviously heard it, and he asked with interest.
Lucien: different ideas mean?
I hesitated for a moment.
MC: Actually, is nothing.
MC: I just feel that some things may have nothing to do with the gods at all, but they should be.
The soft light shone on Lucien's side face, watching him listen intently. I don't know why, I suddenly have a desire to talk.
MC: It's just... If it doesn't rain for a month, maybe it's just the natural phenomenon described in that book, not the anger of the gods.
Lucien: Anger of Gods?
MC: ...I once heard that a tribe did not rain for several months. The wizard said that it was because a young girl angered the gods.
MC: He even proposed the vicious idea of sacrificing the young girls to pray for rain...maybe it's selfishness at all!
I finished speaking in a low voice.
Lucien was stunned for two seconds, looking thoughtful.
But soon, he smiled slightly, with a little light and shadow in his eyes.
Lucien: In this world, there may really be gods.
Lucien: But in my opinion, it is better to put hope in your own hands than to believe in the ethereal gods.
Lucien: It's just that I'm surprised that you can think so too.
Lucien looked at me, his lips curled in a nice arc.
Lucien: Before I brought you to the library, I was worried that you would think these books offended the gods.
Lucien: Now it seems that my worries are nothings.
Through Lucien's dark pupils, I can clearly see my figure. There seemed to be ripples in his eyes, and a warm smile appeared.
My cheeks were slightly hot, and I subconsciously looked away from his eyes.
My eyes fell on the closed "Elemental Crystal", and I suddenly remembered something.
MC: Lucien, just said in the book that there are many beautiful crystals.
I tilted my head and asked curiously.
MC: What is crystal, and what does it look like?
Lucien thought for a moment, then stretched out his hand to me.
If you want to know, you might as well take a look at the real "little trick".
Lucien took me to the deepest part of the garden palace. This wide room was filled with various utensils that I didn't understand well, and I looked around curiously.
Lucien held out an iron box in the corner, and saw a row of small cardboard trees staggered in it.
Lucien: Coincidentally, I just finished some preparations.
Lucien: Now, the most critical step will need your help.
MC: What is this?
Lucien: To reveal the answer too quickly, you will lose a lot of fun, you might as well look forward to it.
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Lucien deliberately said it, revealing a mysterious expression.
He adjusted it in the glass for a while, and soon a cup of slightly turbid water appeared in front of me.
Lucien: Are you interested in trying it yourself?
Although I still don't quite understand what this is, it doesn't affect my eagerness to try.
MC: Ok, what should I do?
MC: Pour this cup of "water" on the paper tree.
Lucien: When you wake up tomorrow, you will have a pleasant surprise.
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The next day, as soon as the sun was up, I got up and couldn’t wait to push the door open.
On the bare paper tree last night, every branch is now full of crystal-clear "flowers", which are becoming more white and clear under the shining of the sun.
I sing happily to the garden holding the iron box, Lucien was reading at the stone table in the open air.
Put the blooming paper tree among the flowers, I tugged his sleeve gently.
MC: Lucien, let the paper tree blossom, is this the surprise you said?
MC: But how exactly is this done?
He smiled slightly.
Lucien: The answer lies in the glass of "water" you poured down yesterday.
Lucien: Because the matter in the "water" reacted with the substances on the paper tree, these flower-like crystals were precipitated.
Lucien: It's just such a simple "trick".
He explained concisely. I don't know if it's because this is what he likes. Lucien's expression in front of me is a bit vivid.
The bright sunshine fell on his hair, which looked exceptionally soft, and a circle of dark shadows fell in his eyes.
Looking at Lucien, whose smile in the sun was even better than the flowers in the garden, my breath suddenly suffocated inexplicably.
There seemed to be a feather that suddenly flicked from the tip of my heart.
Lucien noticed my pause.
Lucien: What's wrong?
I hurriedly looked away, but the sensation in my heart did not calm down for a long time.
MC: ....Nothing, I just think you know a lot.
MC: You can learn to play chess by reading a book by yourself, knowing a lot of knowledge that other people don't know, and this kind of magic trick.
Hearing my analogy, the arc of his smile became even wider.
Lucien: In your eyes, I must be really great.
In the fragrant garden, Lucien smiled gently, and his narrow eyes were filled with diamonds from the sunlight.
MC: Lucien, I really like the "gate to the new world" you opened for me. It feels novel and mysterious.
MC: Why don't you teach me too?
MC: Like you said, the masters are more intentional when they moving forward.
MC: Maybe I can catch up with you soon, and then we can learn and explore more things together.
Unconsciously, more than half a month passed so happily and comfortably.
In these days, I have hardly seen other people, and the cavalry of the tribe has never appeared. I gradually feel relieved.
Early this morning, I came to the river to fetch water briskly.
Suddenly, a chaotic sound of horseshoes came from behind unexpectedly!
I was caught off guard and quickly kicked to the ground by a horse's hoof: it was the cavalry sent by the wizard.
I was trying to run out of the enclosure when I was struggling, and suddenly there was a sharp pain in the back of my head.
It went dark, and I fainted.
What I didn't know was that when the cavalry took me away, behind the dense woods, a long robe was blown away by the wind.
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When I woke up, I found that I had been taken to a crowded street.
I looked around but did not see the guards, only the dark and gloomy voice of the wizard.
Wizard: It is because of her, this young girl who angered the gods, that caused the drought in the last two months!
Wizard: I will hold a rain prayer ceremony soon and sacrifice her to the gods.
There was a noise in the crowd, and I stared at the wizard unwillingly and resentfully.
Just when I was about to refute him loudly, an old but powerful "stop" sounded first: It was the chief who came.
My eyes slid past the chief, and widened in disbelief - it was Lucien who came with the chief!
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MC: ....!
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How could it be Lucien?
After the huge shock passed, the faint expectation could not be restrained rising from my chest, and I stared at Lucien intently.
Aware of my surprise and expectation, Lucien slowly blinked his eyes twice.
Chief: You are so courageous that you plan to perform a sacrifice in private!
The wizard was about to argue, the chief had already spoken to the people involuntarily.
Chief: The hermit next to me has a lot of fate with our tribe.
Chief: I was fortunate enough to get acquainted with him many years ago. He gave us the "God Water" that made the crops grow more prosperous.
Chief: In addition, he has the ability to turn stones into gold, and he is an expert who rarely shows up.
Chief: Now, he rushed over overnight after hearing the drought, and he will definitely find a solution.
Looking at the unhurried figure in front of me, my heart was pounding violently.
Lucien: To pray for rain, there is no need for a girl's sacrifice.
Lucien: I have other ways.
Lucien's words caused an uproar in the surroundings.
The wizard asked sharply.
Wizard: What if your method doesn't work? Wouldn't it be useless?
Lucien took a step forward, staring straight at the wizard with a cold look in his eyes.
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Lucien: Did Mr. Wizard has the guts to gamble with me?
Lucien: See whether my method is feasible or your hypothesis is valid.
Lucien: Before that, I ask you to wait for a while.
Lucien's voice was not loud, but with firmness that could not be rejected and rebutted.
The wizard was obviously stunned, his eyes widened in a daze and no longer spoke.
Chief: When do you plan to start the ceremony?
Lucien: I need one night to prepare. In addition, I need a helper.
In the next second, Lucien raised his arm and pointed at me lightly.
Lucien: She is the most suitable.
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On the dry and sultry night, Lucien sat on the ground under an empty starry sky.
He was holding a few precision instruments in his hand, as well as something that looked like a slender stick.
With the help of these instruments, he carefully observed the astrology and recorded what he was calculating.
I also sat down on the ground next to him, quietly not disturbing him.
It didn't take long for Lucien to stack up the calculation paper in his hand with confidence, smiled and opened his mouth first.
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Lucien: Suddenly so quiet, what are you thinking about?
MC: Thinking about what you just wrote.
I pointed to the calculation paper in his hand.
MC: It feels like you have been observing the stars. Could it be that there is a connection between astrology and rain?
Lucien looked up at the dark sky and smiled approvingly.
Lucien: You guessed it right.
Lucien: Remember the astrology we talked about before?
Lucien: The astronomical phenomenon has its own laws. Perhaps it cannot determine the fate of people, but at least it can survey the sunny and cloudy weather.
Lucien: As long as you follow and make good use of these natural laws, it is not a different kind of "pray for rain."
MC: So, have you surveyed the rainy day?
Lucien: If the calculation is not wrong, it will rain tomorrow.
MC: Really?
MC: Do you need my help, such as letting you calculate more carefully?
Seeing me with a slight excitement, Lucien gave a low smile, his eyes seemed to be brighter than the moonlight under the vast starry sky.
Lucien: Stop thinking about it.
Lucien: The reason why I need you to be a helper is just a stopgap measure.
Lucien: The matter of surveying astrology, just leave it to me with confidence.
He stared at me steadily, and the trace of worry and anxiety that I had left was finally completely healed under such a gentle gaze.
Suddenly thinking of something, I stared awkwardly at my toes.
MC: Speaking of which, I actually owe you an apology.
MC: In fact, I would stray into your home, not to come out to ask for a living, but to avoid being arrested by the wizard.
MC: I didn't tell you the truth back then, sorry.
The air was silent for a few seconds, and a faint chuckle fell into my ears.
I raised my head to meet Lucien's deep eyes. From the corner of his mouth that was smiling, I realized something in hindsight.
MC: ...You know it long ago, don't you?
Lucien: It's not very early either.
Lucien exchanged his cross-legged posture, and faded away.
Lucien: In fact, at the beginning, I just guessed that things were not as simple as you said.
Lucien: But after seeing the cavalry yesterday, I realized that it turned out to be a little more complicated than I thought.
Lucien: So, I followed here.
MC: That’s... you came to help me specifically?
Lucien smiled and said nothing.
There was a sudden flow of heat in my chest. I quietly kept my eyes closed, not wanting him to see my hot cheeks.
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The next evening. 
In order to reassure the chief and all the villagers, Lucien sat with his eyes closed in the middle of the crowd, still doing a "ritual" appearance.
As expected by Lucien, it didn't take long for the dark sky to suddenly roll up a lot of dark clouds.
Dense dark clouds enveloped the entire sky, and with the black gloom, the big raindrops suddenly fell.
The long-lost rain has moistened every corner of the dry land.
Crowd: It's raining! It's really raining!
Crowd: Thanks to the gods, this year's crops are finally saved!
A burst of excitement and ecstasy erupted from the crowd, and heartfelt joy also poured into my heart: Lucien completed the promise he made before, and I was finally safe.
The chief entertained Lucien with the highest standard dinner party of the tribe.
Not only that, the chief told me that the wizard had left the tribe in a desperate manner, and he promised that nothing similar would happen in the future.
After the dinner was over, the night was getting thicker, and the rain was still ticking.
Lucien walked beside me, his pace was not hurried, which made me feel more at ease.
I took a deep breath and looked at him with bright eyes.
MC: Lucien, I want to solemnly thank you.
MC: Thank you for taking me in at the time, and now you have saved my life from the wizard.
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In the crowd, Lucien stared at me carefully, his narrow eyes filled with a gentle smile like a moon.
In the damp air, the faint sandalwood on his body lingered in my nose.
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Suddenly, he leaned closer to me.
Lucien: If you really want to express gratitude, then come back with me.
MC: ...!
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In this distance, his smile came into my eyes very clearly.
The feathers that once brushed my heart seemed to be blown back, making my heart pounding involuntarily.
An inexplicable emotion slowly filled my heart, and I couldn't help but raise my face to confirm to him.
MC: Why?
Lucien tilted his head, as if teasing me deliberately, with a hint of teasing in his soft tone.
Lucien: I thought we were already friends.
Lucien: Is there any problem in inviting a friend to be a guest at home?
MC: ....To show you gratitude, I went to your house as a guest? What a strange idea.
I couldn't help but muttered.
Notice Lucien's intent gaze and gentle smile, I suddenly thought of something and blinked slyly.
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MC: Lucien, in fact, you can't let me go, right?
Lucien: Maybe it is.
Unexpectedly, he didn't evade at all, and nodded to me calmly.
Lucien: I used to think that living alone without being disturbed is the most comfortable way of life.
Lucien: Until I met you.
Lucien: It turns out that the world you explore with me is the most interesting.
Lucien: So now...
In the silent night, he leaned slightly, his eyes lingering on my face intently.
Lucien: Would you like to go back with me?
In the damp night breeze, I nodded gently.
111 notes · View notes
tender-rosiey · 3 years
hey dear (yeah im deffo addicted to your writing) just checking on you i hope your doing good and taking care of yourself. I would also like to drop a one shot request of Chuuya falling for mori's god-daughter (also an executive) who has an ability which allows her to summon and control demons while singing but she ends up getting captured and goes missing for 2 years then one day they find her and he confesses to her after she gets rescued (rlly fluffy). thanks in advance love Safiyah <33
❥—Chuuya Nakahara x Reader 
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ᴀ/ɴ: i am glad you enjoy my writing and i hope you are doing great as well; hopefully you like this one too 🥺💘 also let this cure your hearts after the last one- also the chant is inspired by Obey me ❣️
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“Chuuya, I would like for you to meet my daughter.”
Right then a beautiful and fair lady came out of the door. Chuuya beweildered by her beauty went silent; such a beautiful creature existed?
“Y/N, meet Chuuya; he is one of the best executives here!” Mori introduced you smiling, to which you wave your hand to the ginger and smiled warmly “Hey Chuuya! Pleasure meeting you.” Chuuya smiled shyly and waved back “S-same here..”
Mori then smirked and questioned “Chuuya what’s the matter? You seem rather uncollected.” The said male waved his hand around in denial as he was stopped by a giggle from the lady beside him. “You are quite cute; I hope we get to know each other more.” You said before exiting for your mission.
Chuuya let out a sigh of relief putting his hands on his knees as blush crept onto his face. He made a total and utter fool out of himself; Isn’t he the strongest executive? Why was he so damn shy around you? The thought started clouding his mind until Mori snapped him out of his daze and asked “Are you perhaps interested in Y/N, Chuuya?”
Damn right he is. You were so sweet and kind and that just hit bullseye in his heart. Ever since then he would take almost any opportunity to be with you and talk with you. You were slowly getting to know each other better.
You have been together through tears and giggles and pain and sniffles. He knows you deeply and you know him just as well. After all 3 years of friendship isn’t a minuscule period of time; there multiple moments he had seen you in that made just how much of a wonderful person you are even clearer.
You got along with everyone.
Akutagawa, you both were like best friends and would tell each other everything. You were one of the few he accepted help or their company and you were always a great duo in battle.
Kouyou, the woman that took him in adores you. What more could he ask for? Kouyou helped you and guided in your times of unknowing what to do and how to do it. You were sisters and she valued you deeply, she would always hang out with you and talk with you about anything and everything.
Mori, the man who you addressed as your father. Despite Mori not being biologically him but he treated you as such, as if you were his daughter. He gave you all his love and made you feel appreciated and took care of you.
Seeing your kindness towards your allies Chuuya was dazzled, how could someone so sweet and kind be in the Mafia? His thoughts were completely erased when he saw you in battle.
Multiple screams, all saying the same thing “Beware of the Port Mafia’s devil!” Chuuya was wondering about who are they referring to, was it him? He suddenly heard someone singing behind him.
“Hear me, denizens of darkness, you who are born of shadow and you who give birth to it. Hear me and do as I command! I, Y/N, call upon you to send forth one of your number! I summon the demons of chanting despair!”
That voice, it sounded so angelic but the words were venomous. He turned around to be met with the sight of you floating, eyes glowing purple as demons from around you rose from the earth and attacked all the men in front of him.
‘Woah..’ He couldn’t be more in love. Your elegant movement while fighting were a sight to behold. Your voice was enchanting yet deadly, he would be grateful if it was the last thing he heard before his death.
He loved how there was a total difference between the way you treat your peers and your enemies. Did he really deserve if your feelings were mutual? It was new for Chuuya to doubt himself. But there wasn’t any route to choose when his heart now belonged to no one but you and that made him helpless before you.
“Look at the stars, Chuuya !” Right, you loved looking at constellations, and he loved how the stars shined and danced in your eyes as if they were their ball room.
He looked up and saw a weird look star, maybe a constellation? He then pointed at it and asked “Y/N, what constellation is that?” You smiled brightly before answering “That’s Cassiopeia! It represents love.” You then turned to the ginger finding him close to you and somehow both of you involuntary moved closer, slowly about to close the gap between you.
“Hello Y/N.” You both jumped and looked at the owner of the voice to see that it’s Mori. Chuuya saying every cuss word in his mind while you both were as red as roses, however Mori was grinning mischievously. It’s nice being a party pooper at times.
However that’s all in the past.
 Now you were gone, no one knew where you were taken and if you were even still alive. 2 years too long for the ginger, too long because of his suffering and sadness through them.
When he first found out you were taken he was devastated and went on searching everywhere with the mafia men; everyone in the Port Mafia was searching for their Y/N.
At the night he found out he couldn’t sleep, and wanted to start the search as soon as possible but days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months and then into years. Chuuya was starting to lose hope but still searched. Everyday he thought of you, he would drink wine and anything to wash it all away.
Even now after all what happened and the two years that had passed since then they still didn’t stop searching. He didn’t stop searching.
He was walking down the streets returning back from a mission as he came across a warehouse, it looked rather sketchy so to quiet down his thoughts he entered it and his eyes could not believe what he saw.
You all beaten up and bruised. Body looking as weak as a stick and something to silence your screams and chants on your mouth, his body loved involuntary and hugged you tightly quickly freeing you from the chains that hampered you from fleeing from your misery.
He sent the location to the Port Mafia and now everyone was going to come and make who did this to you pay. He picked you up and as he looked behind him he found Mori with wide eyes barely himself believing that indeed you were alive.
The old man took you from the hands of your savior and inspected your face, those who did this to you will go through hell. “Chuuya take her back.” Mori said sternly and Chuuya nodded, he wasn’t going to let you go out of his sight again.
And there he was with you on a bed, multiple tubes sticking to your skin and a oxygen mask. You looked really weak and pale, but it didn’t stop him from loving you. He loved you even more because you managed to live through that and made it back to him at the end.
Chuuya fell asleep as he was waiting for any sign of your awakening, and you woke up instead adjusting to the light and your surroundings. This wasn’t the dark and frightening warehouse you were in...you were finally saved. After two years of misery you were finally saved.
You looked to your side to find the ginger fast asleep alongside you, you smiled softly and gently played with his hair. Chuuya felt something on his head and slowly woke up to see you pulling your hand away, but he held it tenderly and put it back.
“I have to tell you something when you recover, Y/N.” He said as he was enjoying the feeling of your touch. “Why not now?” You questioned while he looked up at you with a smile and mumbled “because it’s something you need to be told outside of this white chamber.”
And so as time passed you were finally back to how you were. He blindfolded you and led you to a garden and went behind you. “Chuuya where are we?” You wondered while he chuckled and took your blindfold off and said “See for yourself.”
Your eyes were now looking at the garden you last saw Chuuya before your disappearance, but right now there was a picnic set and surrounding it were petals on a shape of a heart and candles lighting up the the space. He then pointed above and looked at you.
 There it was, the constellation of love, Cassiopeia. He placed a hand on his heart and softly said “Love is what I feel for you. Very deep and strong love.” He walked towards you and held your hands between his bringing them up to his lips and placed a light kiss to them.
“I never stopped loving you, and from the moment I saw you took my breath away, you made me the prisoner of love and the poor who seeks for your love and touch. Everything about you is beyond description, I can’t find the words to describe it and I am afraid that it had already eaten me up. I am afraid that now you are the only who can calm the beast of love and adoration that only wants you and won’t accept anyone but you. So will you please give me a chance and let me show you how much love my heart feels towards you?”
A smile made its way into your face and vision getting glossy. You pulled the ginger towards you and connected your lips as gentle as one would touch a flower’s petal. The light of the stars shining on both you, it looked like a scene from a movie.
A portray, a beautiful portray, that could be drawn by millions but never be as beautiful. And Cassiopeia was the witness of their true and never ending love.
“once I believed
love poems were foolish
now I read love poems
just for the sake of it
and yet perhaps I want
to reach a higher state of poetry
I don't know if that's right or wrong
but such a feeling persists anyway
and sometimes irritates me
provoking outrageous desires
once I believed
love poems were foolish
yet now I do nothing
but dream about love“
-from “Exhaustion” by Nakahara Chuuya
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copyright © 2020 tender-rosiey
do not copy or plagiarize or you will be reported
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retroellie · 3 years
Dating Ellie Williams Headcannons
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Summary: Headcannons for dating ellie 
A/N: Have this because my last imagine was ass... I think i like writing headcannons way more than imagines lmao 
Warning: TLOU2 spoilers, Mentions of death, PTSD, and NSFW/dirty talk 
Word Count: 1.8k 
- She fell in love with you when she first saw you 
- She had just come to Jackson after the incident with the fireflies 
- You being around the same age as her tommy asked you to show her around and tell her what’s what
- “Ellie this is Y/n, Y/n this is ellie.” Tommy introduced y’all 
-Her heart stopped when she saw you, she couldn’t help the blush that was forming. 
-She couldn’t stop looking at you when you were talking about the shops and sights around Jackson 
- It seemed like you were liked around town, you were friendly to everyone and everyone knew who you were
- She will never forget the thing you said to her when you guys were in front of her new home 
-”Tommy told me a lot about you and i just want you to know, you're safe now.” 
-She felt for the first time she could let go, relax for a minute 
-You helped her move into the garage, trying to make her as comfortable as she could be 
- She wrote about you a lot in her journal, writing poems and drawing pictures of you 
-You guys hung out a lot with Jesse and Dina but she would much rather hang out with you alone 
-You two had become really good friends by the time you guys were 16, i mean Ellie opened up to you more than she did anyone 
-Opening up meaning talking about her interests and some of her favorite childhood memories 
-She was honestly too scared to tell you about her immunity and even more scared to tell you about her past, afraid that she was gonna scare you away 
-You introduced her to cat and you definitely regretted it because cat liked her 
-When they started dating cat was definitely the third wheel because you and Ellie were so closer
-You held Ellies hand when she got her tattoo, she couldn’t hide the blush than but blamed it on the pain 
-You guys shared the same love for music, you showed her most of the music she listened to 
-You would sleep over at her place a lot 
-You guys would watch movies, talk about space and dance horribly to old music 
-Y’all could never get bored of each other
-When you spent the night at her place you would sleep in her bed with her but it was as friends, Ellie didn’t want you sleep on the floor and you didn’t want to force her out of her own bed  
-Ellie would always get so embarrassed when you slept over, she would always go into a gay panic 
-By the time y’all were 18, she was head over heels for you 
-You two were still best friends but her feelings got in the way  so she was distant 
-It got to the point where she didn’t want to be with anyone else, it was either you or no one 
-She didn’t really have time for relationships so she didn’t really mind it 
-She would play guitar for you when you came over, even attempting to teach you 
-Everything she owned was yours and everything you owned was hers 
-”God damn it, where is my Walkman” 
-”Oh, I took it. Mine broke.” 
-Ellie bashed on everyone you liked, Little did she know you liked her 
- You liked the boy who worked at the bar? She had something to say about him 
-You found out she liked you when you two were dancing one night 
-Your arms were wrapped around her neck and hers around your waist, it was like a scene from a movie 
-You both felt the tension, it made the butterflies in your stomach go crazy 
-”I’m just a girl.... not a threat.” 
-”Oh ellie... I think they should be terrified of you.” 
-Next thing you know her lips were on yours 
-The kiss felt like it went on forever until you pulled away, panting for air 
-No words exchanged just a smirk and her pulling you out of the church
-She didn’t waste anytime, She’s been waiting for this moment 
-Now that you guys were together, you guys were too powerful 
-You guys spent a lot of time in her garage, i swear you basically lived there 
-You guys could spend hours tangled up together or have heated make out sessions that lead to so much more 
-Soft kisses and 80s movies 
-endless sex i swear this woman is going to be the death of me 
-I have said this before but this girl is always horny, i mean she still has raging hormones  so she’s always on top of you 
-She tries to highlight her tattoo when pleasuring you because she knows it drives you crazy 
-She loves when you sit in her lap, it’s both cute and hella sexy to her
-Her kisses make you lightheaded, like you gotta sit down for a minute after she kisses you 
-She finds your body fascinating, like it sounds cringey but she love everything about you body 
-She likes to explore your body a lot, like what gets the best reaction out of you 
-She’s kinda new to sex, she’s had a fling or two but nothing long term so now she really has to get this shit down
-She’s the top, i said what i said 
-Joel has walked in on you two lots of times 
-”Hey elli... OH FUCK. SORRY, I’m sorry.” He says while covering his eyes 
-You both have to stop for a minute just to laugh your asses off 
-Y’all were really loud too so like y’all got complaints a lot 
-”Sorry, Y/n came over for a minute.” Ellie says busting through the door 
-”Yeah i know, i heard y’all.” Joel joked 
-She makes really bad cheesy pick up lines to you 
-”You know I’m jealous of your heart, because it’s pumping in and out of you and I’m not.” 
-”I’m literally gonna break up with you.’ 
-She never fails to make you laugh
-Her with her fucking puns mama, you can’t hide from her silly side
-Joel is a proud dad, he loves his lesbian daughter and her girlfriend 
-Later on into the relationship ellie fully opens up to you 
-You were tracing her tattoo one day, feeling the bumpiness of it 
-”What happened?’ 
-She debated on telling you, Joel said not to tell anyone 
-She gave in through, telling you about riley, her immunity, her and Joel's trip, even David 
-She ended up crying, you’ve never seen her that broken down before 
-You held her most the day, giving her all the kisses she needed 
-When Joel died, you were basically always with her. Not wanting to leave her alone 
-You were the one that found them. You shook ellie awake,  Letting her sob into your shirt 
-You brought her home, she could barely move. She was in so much shock and pain 
-You cleaned her up and took days off of rounds just to lay in bed with her all day 
-The nights were the worst 
-She would wake up in tears, sweat drenched her body. She would bury her face into her chest, crying her eyes out 
-”I saw him. All the blood..” 
-”I know baby, it’s okay. I’m here.” 
-you guys were still so in love with each other at 20, maybe even more if that was possible 
-The trip to Seattle and trying to kill Abby really brought y’all even closer, seeing sides of each other you guys never had 
-The fear and the defeat you both felt on that trip, it made ellie more in love with you that you stayed 
-You two lived in a small farmhouse after the trip to Seattle, it was nice and quiet 
-You lived like two cottagecore lesbians out in the middle of nowhere, it was a good change 
-Ellie would love to paint you with flowers, she found that you and flowers together created a perfect masterpiece 
-Ellie was kinda a city girl so you had to teach her a lot of stuff, you mostly read books about farms because you didn’t have a clue either 
-You guys lived without pants, like no one was there to see y’all, no one to impress so like fuck it, who needs pants 
-Ellie loved waking up to you in the kitchen, with messy hair and nothing but her t-shirt on.... Yes please 
-To save water y’all would take baths together, it mostly always turned into bath sex 
- Ellie was glued to your side, like wherever you went she was there with you 
-She was very distracting, always kissing up your neck or moving your hips on hers 
-I swear this woman was distracting without meaning to be 
-When she was doing farm work and her tattoo would stand out, it made you want to jump on her every single time 
-Sex with her back then  was great but sex with her now was so much better 
-She really matured a lot, she knew what she wanted and just how to do it 
-Your pleasure came first to her, she loved the feeling of being able to pleasure you 
-Don’t worry, you didn’t leave her out. You made sure she felt just as good as you 
-She wasn’t shy so dirty talk was her thing 
-”Just one more time baby, i wanna see you cum on my fingers one more time.” I’m so gross im sorry AHDS
-She would fuck you on literally everything in the house 
-No one was near to hear y’all and y’all could do it anywhere and at anytime, it was fucking heaven for y’all 
-Y’all were together a lot and although ellie loved it, she knew you liked your alone time 
-She would go into her painting room and play guitar or draw, doing anything to keep her busy 
- After a hour or two went by you would come in and sit on her lap, hinting that  you were getting a bit lonely 
-You were always there for her when she went through her attacks, telling her it was going to be okay and you were here with her 
-”Y/N! I- I can’t.. can’t breath.” 
-”Ellie baby, you're okay. just keep taking deep breaths for me, okay?”
-Seeing her like this broke your heart but you were nothing but patient with her,  she was really thankful for that 
-You never talked about joel or even riley, you knew those were sensitive topics so when she did talked about them you listened and allowed her to rant 
-”You know, I think Riley would’ve really liked you.” 
-”You think so?” 
-”Yeah, she would’ve liked your weird taste in music.’ 
-Ellie dreamed about what it would've been like in a normal world
-She could see you two meeting at a movie theater, hitting it off and eventually getting married, Maybe adopting a kid or two
-She was so in love with you, no matter what you looked like or what your body type was. She loved you 
!Credits to gif owner!
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starshiningsirius · 4 years
Prunelle de mes yeux (Yandere Rook x Reader)
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When I heard the love of my life liked poetry, 😍😳🤤.
"Oh Mon cheri,
You are the one I wish to strike by my arrow of love.
Once you were in my sight,
I became blinded by your radiance and beauty.
I want to sing my love for you to the heavens above,
So that you could hear me.
Dearest love you are the one for me,
You truly are the prunelle de mes yeux.
So, won't you please accept these gifts from me?"
As the poem came to an end her face was redder than the apple mentioned in the text. The words were sweet and heartfelt but what was unnerving was the gifts had been placed in a basket.
Quite a few of her favorite things were placed in the basket, from her favorite flowers in a bouquet, to a few of her favorite snacks. Not only that but the admirer asked to meet within the forest of Pomeifore.
So does that mean her admirer is really handsome? Only good looking people get assigned to that dorm. It's far better than having to go to Savanaclaw at least.
She's still weary about the situation at hand though, on one hand her admirer knows a bit too much about her and on the other hand it would be rude to not show up considering they did all of this. Furthermore she really was curious about who this person was. It was already a given how eloquent they were to write ths poem in cursive none the less.
A little bit of doubt sprung up in her.
"Pomeifore, how can anyone so beautiful from that dorm possibly fall for someone like me?" She voiced aloud to the slight breeze she felt.
She wonders if her admirer could see her love for the gift she was given. How unaware she was that he did see all of it a smile gracing his lips.
"Aw ma chérie, I'm flattered to hear you think I'm beautiful. Truly such an honor that is from a graceful mademoiselle as yourself. Not even the heavens above will stop me from professing my love and affection for you.'
A figure stepped from behind one of the old trees in the area surrounding Ramshackle elated to have heard her reaction to his gift. A good hunter always knew to conceal their presence from their prey.
He would have loved to hear her reaction in person, alas that isn't how he planned it though. He had to set a trap for her in order to confine her from all others.
But in due time it wouldn't be long before his prize for being so patient would arrive.
. . .
The plan was to meet as soon as it was near sunset at around dinner time as the note instructed. She wondered if her admirer had planned to eat with her in beautiful forest scenery that surrounded her. She decided to go in the end cause her conscience wouldn't let her sleep to know she didn't thank the person who went through such efforts to confess.
More and more steps she traveled deeper into the eastern forest of Pomeifore hearing few birds chirp occassionally.
'Head straight from the right side of Pomeifore castle where you'll find a forest beyond the small tower, until you come up to a flat rock. Then you'll find a sign from me there.' Simple instructions.
She saw what she believed to be the rock mentioned and stood there for a moment.
"I wonder if your already here?"
She noticed a paper sticking up from a tree settled behind the rock taped there. It was folded in half and had four words scribbled on the front.
"Prunelle de mes yeux." Was what it said.
'That same phrase.'
She opened it to find even more words scribbled inside.
"You've arrived and have yet to see me, Mon chèri.
I'm sure you're eagerly awaiting my presence, as am I with my overwhelming desire to introduce myself to your wonderfully bright e/c eyes.
But as eager as we both are all good things come to those who wait, as they say.
How about we play a little game?"
Toward the sea,
You shall go,
West from thee
Is where you'll find me.'
She could see light trying to break through the foliage of the trees to the right of her.
"The sun sets in the west. So towards the cliffs."
As she walked past a few of the trees, she couldn't help but anticipate meeting this stranger. After crossing the threshold of forestry, she came to face with a sunset that was beautiful beyond words. She was so mesmerized that she didn't noticed the smile directed toward her.
Most definitely she didn't notice his footsteps, as silent as his true intentions.
"Enjoying the view, mon cheri?"
She jumped with a squeak in which had to pull her closer in fear of her falling.
As she looked back at her savior he found himself gazing into flustered expression, that was cute with a faint innocence and shyness that expertly glowed in Rook's green eyes.
She on the other hand noticed his hat that was about to blow off and fall into the sea. Which made her grab it before it could, slipping one of her arms out of Rook's hold. It definitely took him by surprise to see her act with care toward such an insignificant thing. His hold on her did loosen and she was able to get and face him with a reserved nature then the determination he had just saw.
"Ah, I'm such a clutz, here I wouldn't want you to lose such an important item just because you saved me."
"I'm flattered mon amour, but your far more important than some silly hat. Risking your life for something like that makes that beautiful visage shine even brighter." His bright smile definitely had her heart beating at a rabbit's pace not only that but his words weren't something you would hear from any normal student of Night Raven College.
The tone definitely matched the letters she had been sent.
"Your the person who wrote those letters."
"Dearest, prunelle de mes yeux you are indeed correct. Rook Hunt, a pleasure it is to finally meet you up close after seeing you afar." Even though she should've she didn't think too much about the last part of his statement only one phrase in particular.
"What does that mean, it is French right? You said that in your first letter, I recognize the common phrases of love but this one is more complex." As she finished her question she felt as though his happiness visibly increased.
He came a bit closer cupping her cheeks in his gloved ones, a subtle smile but with evergreen eyes that hid so much behind him.
"It means apple of my eye, I'm so glad you remembered that part." He was so close you could definitely see why his soul was chosen to be apart of Pomeifore.
Before she could take a second to admire him longer he had took her hand leading her about a few yards from where they were currently. When he moved to the side there sat a table, two chairs and plates, silverware, an appetizer and a small macaroon tower. Not to mention the small lit candle out of three in between, it was strange since the sunset provided a enough light already.
"Shall we commence our date then? How about we get to know you more personally and me the same?"
. . .
The date was enjoyable to say the least for both parties. She enjoyed his personality and theatrics while he enjoyed her company and entire being sitting across from him, listening to every word she said.
Even after the food was eaten and they stayed in each other's company. It was dark now and Rook had lit two more candles with his pen to add some extra light as he urged her to continue on with her story. The flicker flame kind of casted an eerie shadow over her companion.
Overtime she started to feel insanely sleepy. Yawning in the middle of yet another of their conversations. She apologized for the umpteenth time, as she believed it was because of her herself being tired. It was still rude of course though.
He found it cute, smirking with hidden intent as his plan was working. He was currently teaching her words in French upon asking for more terms he could teach her.
"It's okay, mon amour. You seem sleepy no? How about we get you home?"
The nickname still didn't sit in her mind in complacency causing her to blush. He had already gotten up from his place bringing along the candelabra closer to her face to extend a hand to her.
As soon as she took his hand getting up however she could her eyes automatically closing, and body shutting down. Before she could fully fall into slumber her legs were swept up into the arms of her captor who had placed the candelabra a far enough distance on the table.
Holding her in a bridal fashion Rook examined the unconscious female. As he gently caressed her lips and admired all that was before him in that moment he had her in his arms.
"Words enough aren't able to convey my love to you ma chérie for you are the prunelle de mes yeux after all, and one spell was all it took for me to be able to gain such an astonishing view of your visage." He held her delicately in his arms brushing away some of her hair on her face, gently laying her head on his chest.
"Too curious and naive for your own good, that is why I must take you away so that no one will ever taint that beauty of yours." He says with a calm smile painting his expression as he headed toward Pomeifore.
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jadelynlace · 3 years
a dead woman tells no tales / vikings fiction
series based on Lady Lazarus, a poem by Sylvia Plath.
chapter four / catch up here
synopsis: He left you for dead and now you’re back.
author’s note: the one small detail the reader has, is that she is a red head. 
specific chapter content warning(s): mentions of blood, torture (aftermath), suicide and sexual content below the cut (female receiving oral, during her cycle). also note that I included a favorite quote of mine per their characterization and dynamic.
pairing: Ivar x Reader
Noticing the blue sky, it stung in your mind the same shade Ivar’s eyes had been the last night you saw him. Preoccupation with the thoughts of torture—wine red blood slipping between your fingers as shone to Ivar while his absurd laughter overtakes the vicinity—you keep a fair distance from him as he spun the tales back from his own memory. You had no prior knowledge of the day you two were in the field, overcome with sudden whispers in your ears that the visions you saw so clearly dancing on your closed eyelids were no longer there. That they were not real. Stumbled together in a stew of colliding past details, but you two always went to that forest, you two always snuck away, you two always took swords and daggers to each other for practice, you always kissed his cheek when you were to head back and he would always grab you face to plant your lips on his instead. Your mind knew up to that, then your head spoke of the rocks, how your spine felt along their backing, leaves at your feet with Ivar looking over you—but he was standing as he gazed—he could not stand long enough, even then, to examine your injuries to gather if he should carry you back or bring back the aid.
What Ivar told you was a far fetched tale of haggard details, how he told you then of his plans to follow where he was destined, how he would not let you raid, battle alongside him. How you were to wait, or pass time with others who were better than the crippled boy you so loved. How you stopped meeting him in the forest to practice and how when he went days without word from you, sight of you, he went to that spot in the forest once more. Your legs swinging from the ledge as he could see the sunshine in your hair lighting it like a fire, a brief turn back to him with the softest smile he remembers, and then you fell forwards. Dropping his swords and crawling across the ground to see you on the rocks below, eyes dead yet still stuck on him. By the time he made haste back, few in his wake there was a shadow of crimson on the slate but you were gone. Ivar went on with his troops so plainly disturbed by what he watched he had spent every night since locked in a dream of its repetition.
For days now, you wanted no sight of him, no word, no touch. You begged the Gods for silence, to answer you and gift upon you the details you did not remember. You wanted the great wings of the overhead birds to carry you back in time to re-watch the story, to see where Ivar had pushed you, but the longer you harped on such instances, the clearer his story unraveled in your mind.
The stars were powerful above you as your feet carried you to the overgrown area you had spent too long trying to stray from. How the sky gathered out before you as you looked up through cracklings of branches while simply laying among the brush. How the darkness spoke to you of your sadness, your directory of losing Ivar to consume you into a guilt that you were not good enough for him. Enough to fight with him. For him and his crippled legs, that you were not enough. The moon was vacant from the sky, the slithers of a blanket of blackness coated the woods and you alike as you could suddenly hear the whimpers of a woman. Sitting up slowly, your dagger in your grip your mind told you that you were seeing the young girl you remembered to be, stuck on the cold stone crying to the immortals above to set Ivar’s mind in the right path, to make you stronger, or to just keep him safe on the voyage. You hear bitter sarcasm spoken back, an evil spirit answering your voice in deep pity, and then as you try to look away from your own body sitting perched, everything lightens. Your head is on a swivel as the unclear figure looms in the distance and you know that crooked stance to belong to Ivar. You watch how he approaches you. You watch yourself smile back so gently. You watch him with his eyes on you. You watch yourself fall forwards. You watch Ivar drop, hastily maneuvering himself to the ledge and you watch him scream. Your body shoots up in the forest as if it was pulled back like an arrow, your chest heaving as the night terror passes back through your vision and you know now Ivar was telling the truth.
You had met cunning women before, serpents of lies who leech, return to the grounds like the nine lives of a feline, but Freydis holds a spot in your mind that fits not of that. There is a vileness about her, the way her blonde hair curls across her breasts, how her hips have widened from bringing forth a child Ivar was so hopeful to teach as his own. As she sees you in Ivar quarters, a brief wave of confusion passes down the bridge of her nose before she raises it up towards the structure’s ceiling.
“Has he wed you?” She asks but you scoff in reply. “Has he promised you the ends of our world? His devotion? Has he promised to change from the monster that he is?” Your head tips slightly in interest, longing to see how far this woman may crawl to spite the name of the man she hurt. “Has he promised to stop the terrible things he does?” But her mouth closes too soon for your liking.
“I am not here to wed Ivar the Boneless,” You answer.
“Then why are you here before me?” Freydis asks as you finally smile.
“To watch you bleed,”
You peeled Freydis’ skin like a cloth. The pits where her eyes once lived housed the curve of your dagger, you carved holes where out leapt her organs and pooled red paste along the floor. The height of her lungs through her chest, how the hair on her head could make wigs to barter, the bones could be gathered for handles on your wardrobe. While Freydis had been untangled like a scrunched ball of yarn, you remain of skin and bones, unchanged. It was art, how Freydis’ perished. It was art how you held the red soaked blade to Ivar’s tongue as he lapped the blood away from the forged metal. It was art how the soak of the wet fabrics took the day of torture from your hands as Ivar washed you in the river.
“You have gifted me love, despite the horror,” Ivar says out of nowhere during the silence of the water across your bodies. “I thought I would not want your love unless you really knew how repulsive I am. But you still love me even as you know of it,”
“I jumped, Ivar,” You then whisper. “I remember now,”
“I know,”
“I jumped because I was confused; how you spoke of my skills but would not let me raid alongside you. How you wanted me to find happiness with another man who was not you; but if it was not you, then who else was going to love me?” You’re unsure of the wetness across your face to be from the droplets of wet hair, or the tears from your lashes, Ivar’s arms heavily around you.
“Tell me every terrible thing you have done since that jump, Y/N. And I let me love you still,”
Sunlight dries both of you, heated skin tickled across the grass as you two are there to lay far longer than deemed appropriate. Wisps of flowers along your thighs as the wind become the only noise in your ears before the beat from within Ivar’s chest comes next. You covet the time alone with Ivar, how you two would spend the afternoons in search of creatures in the clouds, how he has changed to become a man of tough steel. Your monthly blood came not soon after Freydis was drained of hers, still streaking your inner thighs despite how long you spend changing your linens. Another wave of pressure nudges just top of your womanhood and you hiss slightly, maneuvering off of the fur to stand level and hope it will drain more. Your nudity along the bed catches Ivar first when he enters, across a plain of fabric still cleaning the crimson from your skin.
“I assumed I got it all in the water,” Ivar states when he is on the furs.
“It is my blood, Ivar,” You whisper back, his head turning to catch your gaze. “My monthly blood, I am not hurt,” You assure him. He pulls a fur to cover your shoulders, taking his time to unlatch the beginning parts of the casts, watchful to see if your eyes linger on how he works. “I will take them off if you would like,” You say softly but he snaps his disapproval of your quick idea. You compensate the moment of silence by tending back to yourself, ready to toss the rag for another one and pray the bleeding does not last longer than it should. There’s a new cloth next to your knee before you’re able to rise for another one. As you lay back, Ivar still sits, swinging the tied limbs over the bed as you cast eyes up to the ceiling. The first stroke of the wet cloth on your skin at the end of Ivar’s hand jolts you, curling your knees together and away from him.
“I can not work if you do not stay open,” Ivar says to you, a raise of his brow in challenge.
“You do not clean me,” You say back, climbing forwards to grab the cloth but Ivar holds it too high for your reach at your angle. “Ivar do not be childish,”
“I will clean you,” He states. “How is cleaning you now different than in the river?”
“Because that was blood of another—blood from a battle, this blood is mine, and mine only. I will clean it,” You say back but he still keeps his arm stuck though the air.
“I will clean my queen,” Ivar then says. “Let me,”
“I am not your queen,” You huff back, you arms dropping to bring you back to your position of laying. It would be tale of lies if his words did not catch you with your guard down. You did not plan, not now, to wed Ivar. But the first few breaths after his statement makes those thoughts fade like the sunset. “As you wish,” You finally say, rolling your eyes to take in the vicinity and turning your head away from him. He provides no movements, transfixed on the slight color change that takes over the lips of your cunt with the leeched moon cycle. How it had caressed your legs’ inner flesh, over the scar he had asked of and how it sticks against you. He remembers how Freydis’ blood tasted on your blade, and Ivar wonders how much sweeter yours must be flavored. The next brush against your skin is warm, and you remember the cloth to have gone frigid. Your head cranes quickly to see Ivar between your legs, looking back to you as his tongue drags closer to your middle. His chest heaves as his arms curl around your bent legs, rolling himself to lay between them as his tongue moves the same. A quick rush of air enters your mouth before his lips are against your cunt, slowly tasting the crimson that has stained you. His moan comes low from in his chest, eyes since closed as his hands pull at you further to spread, tingling a peeking pleasure against you as he laps. You don’t notice right away how your nails dig against the furs, how they move to dance over your own chest or how the old pulse in your abdomen has been overruled by bliss. His tongue is warm still as his mouth studies you, drinking you, and as you moan back Ivar replies with his own. His name is hot against your mouth when your spine arches, but he shows no hints of stopping, trying to grip roughly against your thighs as they shake, twist and turn with your hips as a creep of your release moves closer. He does not pull back until you have screamed his name as a chant as you come, raking your nails against your breasts in attempts to quiet yourself but it pitiful how unsuccessful you are. He only looks up at you as your breathing slows, his mouth stained with your blood and release as he cleans it with the back of his own hand. His eyes now almost as dark as the night sky as he crawls back over you and he is all you feel.
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