#a spell jar
seahag-swampwitch · 1 year
*pins, sews, and/or otherwise attaches like 15 different random littel knick-knacks to my outfit*
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bbgirl-aesthetic20 · 2 years
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wandoffire · 7 months
Spell Jar to ward off negative energies. Keep in your room, house, car, bag or somewhere near you.
Rosemary (protection)
Fennel (purification, healing)
Lavender (peace, happiness)
Sage (protection)
Clover (love, loyalty, protection)
Black pepper (cleanse/protection)
Salt (cleanse)
Black wax
Substitute or exclude any materials as you need!
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foragewitch · 7 months
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isbergillustration · 2 months
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(The purpose is using up all the paint I put on my palette*)
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cajunwitch101 · 2 years
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wandoffire · 7 months
Peaceful Sleep 🌙
Spell Bag for restful, quality sleep. Can be left under your pillow, next to or under your bed - you can even hold it as you fall asleep.
Chamomile (relaxation and balance)
Lavender (calm and sleep)
Rosemary (protection and sleep)
Grass (psychic powers/dreams)
Salt (cleanse)
Amethyst (peace and protection)
Smokey quartz (removes negative energy)
Substitute or exclude anything as you need.
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foragewitch · 1 year
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How to make dandelion oil & it’s uses: 
Pick dandelions
Dry them for 2 weeks
Place them in a carrier oil such as almond oil
Store it in a cool dark place for 2+ weeks to steep
Medicinal uses: 
Achy muscles
Hair growth
Reduces inflammation
Candle anointing
Magickal uses: 
Sun magick
Psychic abilites
Breaking bad habits
Dispels negativity
Growth & Transformation
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breelandwalker · 10 months
Simple Spell - Full Moon Wish Jar
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Intent: To harness the power of the lunar cycle for the manifestation and fulfillment of wishes.
Small Jar with tight-fitting lid
Chime candle & fire source
Oil for sealing
Herbs and Items representing your wish
Ideal Timing: Waxing or Full Moon
Find a clear space to work. Make sure it’s free of fire hazards. If possible, try to work near a window through which you can see the moon. (If you don’t have one, that’s all right too, since you’ll be setting the jar out for the moonlight when finished.) Light your candle, focus your intentions, and get to work.
Select herbs and trinkets which fit inside the jar to represent your wish. For example, if your wish is for money or prosperity, you might include coins or small craft gems. If your wish is for health, you might include vitamin pills or a charm representing medicine. Check your books for herbs or crystals that correspond to your wish as well. This is your wish - make the spell your own. The contents of the jar can be whatever you want.
Use the materials that resonate best with you, but remember that your focused intention is the most important component of all. If desired, you can write your wish on a dried leaf or a piece of paper to give the spell a clear direction to work in.
Some common plants associated with wish-making include:
Bay Leaf
Blue Violet
Dandelion Seeds
Dogwood Petals
Sage Leaf (any color)
Sunflower Petals or Seeds
Once your jar is complete, drip three drops of wax from the candle into the jar and circle the mouth of the jar three times with the oil to seal the charm. Then cap the jar and seal it with wax. Leave your thumbprint in wax on top of the lid. Place the jar somewhere that it will be touched by the light of the full moon and leave it overnight.
The jar should work for about a month, or slightly longer if you’re working with a supermoon. When the next full moon rolls around, you can recharge the jar by leaving it out overnight again, or make a new jar with a new wish.
Recipe suggestions under the cut. (And if you like this spell, you'll love my books!)
Happy Witching! 🌕💜
Health, Wealth, & Happiness
Bay Leaf
Juniper Berries
Apple Wood Chip or Apple Seeds
Seal with Breath
Sea Salt or Table Salt
Holly Leaf
Juniper Berries
Seal with Sage or Dragon's Blood Oil
Seal with Basil Oil
Luck & Success
Clover Blossom
Galangal Root
Allspice Berries
Seal with Amber Oil
Orange Peel
Juniper Berries
Seal with Orange Oil
Rose Petals
Apple Wood Chip
Cherry Blossoms or Cherry Stones
Seal with Rose Oil
Jinx Remover
Sea Salt or Table Salt
Coffee Grounds
Sage (any type)
Black Peppercorns
Seal with Vinegar
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“Come Home Safe” Spell Jar
Small jar with cork
Black salt (protection)
Cloves (luck)
Rosemary (protection)
Black pepper (speedy work)
Paper with intentions
White candle (protection and attraction)
Brown yarn (bringing them home, comfort)
Cleanse components.
Layer in salt then herbs.
Add paper with intentions.
Cork jar.
Wrap brown string around jar and add intentions with knotwork.
Seal jar with wax. Optionally burn candle down on top of it while adding energy.
Place jar near door or window lost person/pet is most likely to use/be near.
So our cat got out recently, and as we were out physically looking for her and doing all the necessary mundane steps, I made this to try and attract her home and keep her safe while she was out. I prayed to St. Anthony (patron of lost things) and St. Francis (patron of animals). I also made appeals to Cernunnos to protect her.
She came home within two days, and we managed to get her back inside, no worse for wear (our poor dog was, though - he tried to chase her and got a scratched ear for it).
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boringgg-bunnyyy · 10 days
a working witch’s guide to paganism in the office
i saw a post recently from someone wishing they could incorporate their practice into their workplace without judgement so here are some ways i do it
essential oils are a great way to cleanse your space/bring in specific energies without bringing attention to your beliefs especially as they’re so popular across the board, i keep a spray bottle with a homemade mix of oils on my desk and once a week i walk around my room spraying and setting my intentions
animal imagery/figures in devotion to your gods, most deities have at least one animal associated to them and something cute and small won’t draw any attention, i keep a little crow plush on my desk in devotion to one of my gods and everyone else thinks it’s just a little decoration
plants! as a green witch/herbalist i know not everyone might share this sentiment but i work so closely with nature that having my work space filled with plants helps me still feel very connected and centered without a second thought
spell jars/sachets can be easily tucked away in desk drawers, i keep one filled with herbs for success hidden away in my filing cabinet and take it out to refresh it in times of high stress
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littlest-photography · 2 months
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Would you buy her wares?
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diana-thyme · 11 months
How Do I Disassemble A Spell Jar?
I’ve seen way too many posts about how to make one, but never any about how to take one apart.
If you buried your spell jar (or otherwise placed it somewhere not in your general vicinity), retrieve it first.
There are a few ways to go about disassembling a spell jar.
Throwing Everything Away
Returning It to Nature
Burning It
Putting It Into Another Container for Safekeeping
Retrieving the Reusable Ingredients (crystals, shells, etc.) and Getting Rid of the Rest
Throwing Everything Away
As simple as it sounds. I would recommend breaking the seal (melting it or even just stabbing it) before getting rid of it, to break the spell itself. Keep the jar and wash it or throw it away with the rest of it. Throw the contents into the trash (or a dumpster, if you don’t want it near you).
Returning It to Nature
Also very simple. Can only be used with natural ingredients. Do not dump in rivers. Retrieve any non-organic materials (crystals, shells, poppets, etc.) to either reuse or get rid of separately. Be sure it doesn’t include things that can harm the local wildlife.
Burning It
Empty the contents of the jar into a different, fire-safe bowl or plate. Then, burn it. Simple as that. Lighters or matches, it doesn’t matter. Be sure that you and any pets or family can’t inhale the fumes from it. This is usually used with spells that have little amounts of ingredients. Be sure to research fire safety and safety when it comes to burning herbs and other ingredients.
Putting It Into Another Container for Safekeeping
Transferring the contents into a different container. Usually done when you want to reuse the jar or size down the original jar. Break the seal, pour it into your other container, seal that, and you’re done. Super easy. Can also be used when putting a spell into a ‘dormant’ state.
Retrieving the Reusable Ingredients and Getting Rid of the Rest
What I see the most in the witch community. Reusable ingredients include crystals, shells, rocks, bones, and anything else that can be used again. Doing this is a bit harder when the jar has liquid. Break the seal and place the contents of the jar into another container. Then, pick out all of the reusable items, the ones that you want to keep. Wash them and dispose of the contents of the jar through one of the methods above.
When disassembling a spell jar, it’s always good to declare the intentions of the jar done (or dormant). If the spell could have negative consequences on your or someone else’s life, be sure to neutralize the energy you have put into the spell. Cast a counter-spell or just neutralize the spell. Please tell me if I missed anything!
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ts-witchy-archive · 5 months
Prosperity Oil Recipe!
So I made this oil a few weeks back and I've already had success with it despite having only used it on my skin without much intention. I thought I would share the recipe for anyone who wants it. Feel free to change or substitute anything you like. I focused a lot on peace of mind in this spell. It's easier to feel abundant and wealthy when you're not in a constant state of money anxiety.
Oil of your choice
A Jar
Crystals (I used Citrine, Aventurine and Selenite)
Lavender (peace, anti-anxiety)
Bay Leaves (wealth, prosperity)
Cloves (money)
Oregano (peace and joy)
Cinnamon (money and speed)
Peppermint (abundance and money)
Optional: An offering for a deity/spirit guide/ancestor you want to help you.
Cleanse your space, your items and yourself.
If you're asking for help from a deity/other entity light their candle, give the offering and ask now.
Using intention for each ingredient, gently place them into your jar.
Measure out your oil and add it to the jar. Make sure you add slightly more oil than you need because your ingredients may absorb some. Personally, I also add extra so I have enough to offer to the Deity who helped my with this spell.
Put on the lid and shake it well while repeating your intention.
Find a cool, preferably dark area to let the oil infuse. On top of the lid or around the oil add some selenite, citrine and aventurine to enhance the intention.
Shake every day or two. After about 2 weeks strain and bottle.
Notes: I recommend doing this spell on a Tuesday to increase the speed of the oil working. Additionally, Please make sure you only add dried herbs. If you don't things will probably mould.
Please don't put the crystals into the oil. Even though citrine and aventurine are a type of quartz they shouldn't be left in liquids for long periods of time. In a similar vain, cinnamon can cause skin irritation so if you want to use this oil topically please patch test it (I will say though, the oil doesn't smell good so unless you're okay with that then maybe don't wear it lol)
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wandoffire · 5 months
Career / Money
Spell Jar to help manifest money, abundance and career opportunities.
Orange peel (luck)
Cloves (money)
Cinnamon (healing)
Sage (protection, wisdom)
Basil (luck in career)
Clover (success, cleanse)
Bergamot essential oil (money, success)
Green wax seal
Substitute or exclude as you need :)
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cozylittleartblog · 4 months
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I got this from the Deltarune newsletter and felt compelledd to forward it to you
something is so wrong with him 💙
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