#according to one arthur pendragon
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Hear me out. Arthur loved Merlin purely because he is who he is, he was so fond of him without knowing most of the reasons why he should be, but Merlins love for Arthur was always tainted by destiny, he wouldn't love him even half as much without knowledge of this invisible strings that tied him to Arthur, he did love him immensely, of course, but this love wasn't as pure and natural as Arthur's love for him
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missterwild · 2 months
Le lac au lever du soleil (w/c: ~440)
Le lac étincelait dans la lueur du soleil levant, la lumière croissante faisant briller les couleurs de la vie qui l’entourait. Une brise fraîche traversait les feuilles et l’herbe haute. Une silhouette se tenait au bord du lac, lançant des pierres dans l’eau. Les pierres lisses sur la surface calme, en moyenne deux ou trois fois, avant de couler.
Alors qu'Arthur s'apprêtait à lancer une autre pierre, il y eut un bruissement dans les feuilles derrière lui. Il hésita un moment, juste assez longtemps pour que des fins doigts puissent prendre le galet de sa main. Il se tourna vers la jeune femme alors qu’elle lança le cailloux, sa concentration intense apparaissant dans son regard doré.
« Bon matin… » le roi commença, ramassant une nouvelle pierre. « Je suppose que vous n’allez pas expliquer comment vous m’avez trouver aussi tôt. »
« Llyn, » répondit-elle simplement en haussant ses épaules, lui donnant précisément aucune information. « Vous êtes sûrement au courant des troupes qui arrivent vers vos terres. »
Il hésita un moment avant d’hocher la tête, retournant son attention au galet dans sa main. Il la tourna et retourna entre ses doigts, évaluant la situation. « Bien sûr… même si j’pensais pas que ça attirerait votre attention. »
Amaeka renifla alors qu'un léger sourire apparut sur son visage. « Eh bien, certains d’entre eux ont commis la grande erreur d’offenser le chef de mes gardes et celle de mes armées en général, donc ils sont techniquement sous notre juridiction. »
« J’envie pas les pauvres salauds, » dit-il calmement en jetant sa pierre sur l’eau, la faisant rebondir trois fois. 
« Nous pouvons les faire fuir, » offrit-elle à son vieil ami, « si vous ne voulez pas vous embêter à guerroyer cette lune-çi. »
Après quelques moments de réflexion, il remarqua que l’elfe était en train de l'examiner sans ciller, une luminosité surnaturelle dans ses yeux dorés. Même après des années de collaboration, il y avait toujours quelque chose de presque dérangeant dans son apparence, presque humaine mais pas tout à fait.
Une pensée se forma dans son esprit, mais avant même qu’il puisse la formuler, elle lui répondit. 
« Ne vous inquiétez pas, c’est à peine un problème. De plus, ce sera plus… propre que vos méthodes humaines, » lui dit-elle, rebondissant son galet sur le lac.
Arthur ne savait pas s'il devait être offensé ou non, la dévisageant pour une seconde de trop. Un bref rire s’échappa de ses lèvres et elle donna un petit coup à sa joue. « Ça a fait six sauts, » ri-t-elle avec un sourire. « J’ai gagné. »
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vixensdungeon · 2 months
You've probably asked yourself
What are psychology mechanics in tabletop roleplaying games?
Or maybe you haven't, because that's a term used by like two people because it was made up by me. But others have come up with it before me! Warhammer, for example, uses "psychology" to mean effects like Hatred and Stupidity that modify the behavior of units on the battlefield. And that's thesame basic concept we're talking about.
Psychology is a game mechanic that represents a character's inner life and modifies their behavior. Some would call such a thing a "roleplaying mechanic," but those people are silly with a limited idea of what roleplaying is.
Psychology mechanics fall broadly into three categories, or three C’s. They are:
enCourage: if you do X I’ll give you a little treat Coerce: do X or suffer the consequences Compel: you do X
Encouraging mechanics seem the most in vogue in modern design, though I think the other two have their place. (I briefly considered naming the first one Consent but that wouldn't reflect how the mechanic acts upon the character, and in truth the player consents to all three by playing a game with such mechanics in it)
One game I think is particularly famous for its psychology rules, that being Call of Cthulhu with its Sanity mechanic, and I think King Arthur Pendragon deserves a nod for its passions and such, but we’re going to talk about a different one. Paradigm shifting in its time, seen as traditional these days, it’s Vampire: The Masquerade, the cool game for sexy goths!
To help us delve into the World of Darkness, we’ll employ the guidance of Malcolm Fisher, a Lick currently operating somewhere in England. Say hi, Malcolm!
I knew the vixen was trouble the moment she walked into my life, with an air of mystery and danger, and thighs that-
Ahem, yes, thank you. I think we don’t need to hear from Malcolm anymore, wouldn���t you agree? Instead we’ll use his character sheet to explore the various psychology mechanics in Vampire.
Vampire 5th Edition doesn't actually have an example of encouraging mechanics that I can remember (correct me if I'm wrong), so we'll briefly dip into its predecessors for that. Malcolm has two archetypes, a Demeanor and a Nature. In his case both match: Enigma. Whenever Malcolm acts in accordance to his Nature, in this case by perplexing other characters through actions that turn out to make sense in hindsight, he regains spent Willpower. This encourages Malcolm to act a certain way.
V5's compulsions are, despite the name, a coercive mechanic according to the terminology I made up. When Malcolm suffers a bestial failure on a roll, he might suffer from a compulsion. We'll assume that in this case it's not the one specific to his Clan, Malkavian, but rather one of the generic ones: Paranoia (still appropriate for him). Any action not taken to disengage from any perceived threat suffers a penalty. This coerces Malcolm to act a certain way by punishing him for doing otherwise.
Finally we have the big one, Frenzy. This prevents a player from saying something to the effect of "I would simply not flee in terror from fire." I'm terribly sorry but that's not for you to decide. Unless one decides to ride the wave and not resist the frenzy, the Storyteller takes control of the character. Seeing a large bonfire after a particularly draining investigation, Malcolm fails his Willpower roll and falls into a terror frenzy. He will flee from the fire in the most expedient manner, whether the player wanted to or not. This compels Malcolm to act in a certain way, because he has no other choice.
And there you have it. That's the general gist of psychology mechanics.
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tansyuduri · 4 months
Merlin Loregasm Rewatch S1E9
Hi Everyone! Welcome to my rewatch of Merlin focusing on the lore. I am a giant nerd so pretty excited about this. We’re on EXCALIBUR
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Uther: Do you solemnly Swear to govern the peoples of this kingdom and their dominions according to the statutes, customs, and laws, Laid down by your forebearers,
Arthur: I do Sire
Uther: Do you promise to exercise mercy and justice, in your deeds and judgments?
Arthur: I do Sire
Uther: And do you swear allegiance to Camelot now and for as long as you shall live?
Arthur: I, Arthur pendragon, do pledge life and limb to your service And to the protection of the kingdom and it's peoples.
Uther: Now, being of age, And the Heir apparent, from hence forth you shall be crown prince of Camelot Okay so Arthur is now crown prince of Camalot. And of age. we know hes at Least 20 so of age is likley 21 in this world which is interesting because it implies lifespans are longer due to the more advanced medicine, Normally the medieval OF AGE was 16 years old. Also, see the golden ring placed around Arthurs head? Yeah thats called a Coronet and was traditionally worn by crown princes at formal occasions (Like we will see Arthur do)
It is a bit odd he was not considered crown prince already since he was the oldest royal child (And only royal child as far as people know) So even if Primogeniture (Inheridence by oldest son) was not a thing he would STILL be crown prince. See a crown prince IS the heir apparent of a royal kingdom. And Heir apparent is the one who is going to succeed the king. And cannot be displaces by the birth of another prince. So if he was heir apparent he pretty much was already was Crown prince. My guess is this is traditionally reaffirmed in Camalot when a prince comes of age,
I also like the use of the word peoples because it kinda hints that Camalot is big enough to have multiple peoples within its lands. Which if the theory from the Lancelot episode is true would be the case.
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WHOOO Okay I think we have an answer. Devil is VERY Christian. So I'm going with there being some very weird semi paganized version of Christianity existing in Camalot that is left over from the Romans and just got mixed with local traditions. I therorized about this in one loregasm and I'm sticking with it because they ARE VERY MUCH not full on Catholic or Eastern Orthadox. And there are still a lot of pagan elements.
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Throwing down a Gauntlet as a challenge is a custom of the late medieval era. It was considered a GRAVE insult and HAD to be picked up to accept the challenge if one wanted to keep ones honnor.
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HI Sir Owain! Lesse in the original legends you were a Child of Urrian of Gore and Morgana. You had a pet Lion! You defeated a evil knight and married his widow, Then neglected your wife because you were too busy doing knight stuff. She ditches you and you go mad with grief and live naked in the woods. Then Morgana cures you and you win back your wife. Also, you are one of the last to die before Arthur at Cammlan. Have I mentioned how much I love that Merlin sometimes just goes NAH let's kill em instead?
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Geof: Gaius thank god
Gaius: you know why I'm here
Geof: The black knight
Gaius: So it is he
Geof: you saw his crest
Gaius: have you confirmed it?
Geof: it is the crest of Tristan De Bois
Gaius: And he is the only knight ever to have carried such a crest
Geof: yes acording to the records
Okay this is a HUGE boon for us lore wise, See we don't know that much about the personality of Yygraines family. (or a ton about her's for that matter) BUT if it's his crest not a family crest it means HE picked it. So we can use heraldry to learn a bit about him!
So the symbol he uses is an Eagle this represents strength and courage and often has to do with military skill and leadership. It can also represent freedom, and independance and the ability to see things clearly. black represents constancy or grief and white peace and sincerity.
So Tristan was likely a strong man and military leader who was sincere and constant in his personality. He likley tended to perfer peace but when pushed to it would fight well. He might have been independent minded as well showing by making his own crest.
OOCLY the show could be telling us that it is likley telling us this man was RIGHT about Uther being at fault. One way or another. And his act in standing up to Uther was a courageous one. OR its also possible he took up this sigil after Ygraines's death If so his very crest and oufit is blaming and taunting Uther! But that is just my assessment!
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HI Sir Pellinor! Lesse in the original legends you were the king of Listeoise (Lake District) Or of "the Illes." You killed king Lot, And hunted the Questing Beast relentlessly. You were killed by Gwaine. You were also Percival's dad. (Among other kids.)
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Othanden can mean Out Of Hand in Danish. Otherwise I cannot find much on this. My guess is this battle would have taken place in the previously mentioned war with Mercia
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Gaius: Tristan De Bois was the brother of Ygraine -- Uther's wife
Merlin: Arthur's Mother?
Gaius: Ygraine died in childbirth. He blamed Uther and came to the gates of Camalot and Challanged him.
Merlin: to single combat?
Gaius: Uther won, but with his dying breath Traistan cursed Camalot to one day suffer his return. I thought it was the ramblings of a dying man. People Estimate the chances of death in childbirth in the middle ages to be the cause of 50 percent of young female fatalities. Giving birth was incredably dangerous. (And most woman did it many time though less so in the Merlin world) For in the actual birthing process and the chance of childbed fever afterward. So this is likley an early clue to the fact that there was somthing supernatural going on with Arthur's birth. No one in their right mind blamed a man for the death of their wife in childbirth ESPECIALLY if said wife was having their first birth and not too old or too young.
Now in the Merlin world I would guess death in childbirth of woman is at a much lower rate. For two reasons. First of all The more advanced medicine would make it a bit less common. (Though they do not have modern medicine or germ theory or modern technology so not by much) The other reason being IN merlin families seem to be small compared to the huge ones of the middle ages. (Hinting Child Mortality is not as high) So less chances for a woman to die. STILL it likely would have been fairly common.
Now to the interesting fact that Ygraine came from France! Implying contact and trade with them. See Ygraine is the french version of Arthur's mother's name And we've talked about the last name in previous posts.
"Came to the gates of Camalot castle and challenged him" is interesting because it means he was not in Camalot. SO HOW would he know about Uther's involvement in Ygraine's death? My guess is it lies in the "one day suffer his return" See here we have another "How would he know." My guess is the man was some sort of seer. Or magic user. Ygraine was said to have been pretty friendly with many magic users. It's possible magic (or being a seer) ran in her family. The other option of her somehow writing him and knowing about the whole magic to conceive thing is also possible but doesn't explain knowing he would return, Nimue could just have been using something he said randomly but I don't really think so? OR he was just crazy? And was attacking Uther for what he thought was a normal childbirth death? That would be REALLY weird. though. And the later "it was magic that killed her not I" and "never the less it was you he blamed" Seems to go against this option
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Gaius: My guess is we're dealing with a Wraith.
Merlin: A wraith?
Gaius: The spirit of a dead man conjured from the grave.
Merlin: So this is the work of a sorcerer
Gaius: Powerful Magic can harness the greif and rage of a demanted soul and make it live again
Merlin: How do we stop it?
Gaius: We can't, Because its not alive no mortal weapon can kill it
Merlin: Surly there must be somthing
Gaius: Nothing can stop it until it has achived what it came for
Merlin: And what's that
Gaius: Revenge.
Wraith is a Scottish word for ghost that has become a more general term. It can also mean the exact likeness of a person seen before death as a death omen, (A soul who was on the verge of death or recently passed on) From there the meaning has evolved to many many different things.
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Geoferry is not in on it! Its likely Arthurs birth magic is not in the court records of the purge! (Theorized about this perviously)
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Uther: Havn't you tired of revenge?
Nimueh: Haven't you? You Began this war when you threw me from the court and salughtered all of my kind
Uther: you brought it on yourself you practiced evil
Nimueh: I was your freind Uther, You welcomed me here
Uther: you betrayed that freindship
Nimueh: I did as you asked I used the magic you so despise to give your barren wife the son you craved
Uther: Don't ever speak of her in that way She was my heart, My soul, and you took her from me.
Nimueh: She died giving birth to your son. it was not my choice. That is the law of Magic. to create a life there had to be a death, the balance of the world had to be repaired
Uther: you knew it would kill her
Nimueh: No you're wrong. If I had forseen her death and the terrible retrebution you would seek. I would never have granted your wish.
Ok first of all we know from later Nimugh has a bit of control of who dies. Hinting that something interfered here causing it to be Ygraine. (I totally don't have headcanons about this you will eventually see in my fics)
ALSO, I find it interesting he says "Evil" not "evil sorcery," I think he truly belives all magic is evil. I mean every villain is a good guy in their own mind.
BUT he was also freinds with Nimueh and welcomed her to Camalot. So he didn't always think all magic was evil. It seems it truely was Ygraines death that caused that. I always wondered if part was just an excuse in his mind because he was insecure that other people had so much power and perhaps helped him build the kingdom with it. So they could tear it down. I think Nimueh was court sorcerer. And helped him take over the kingdom, but that's just my headcannon.
Also gotta wonder what kinda person Ygraine was that Uther fell so deeply in love with her.
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Geoff: Well several fables speak of Ancient swords
=Merlin: that can kill the dead?"
Geoff: The swords the fables speak of could destroy anything alive or dead.
Merlin: can you show me one of these fables"
Geoff: welll let me think, yes
Goef: this is the chronicle of Beltane, now then, ah were we are 'Sir Marhaus looked at the great sword, begotten in the dragons breath and found it passing good"
Sir Marhaus was the son of the king of ireland and his sister was the queen of Ireland and a knight of the Round Table in folklore. Beltane as we addressed is celebrated may 1st! So this book is the chronicles of a holiday on May 1st
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Merlin: I've come to ask for a sword. The strongest sword your father's ever made
Gwen: What for?
Merlin: To save Arthur (Cut to latter but continuation of this scene so keeping it here)
Gwen: My father's been saving this. Hes always said it was the best sword he's ever made.
Merlin: its perfect
Gwen: He'll kill me if he find's I've taken it
Merlin: He'll understand, You did it for arthur. I've talked about this before but this is more evidence that Gwen's family, while commoners, are not the same level of poor as most. Making swords and armor, especially good ones was a skilled art. And those things were EXPENSIVE. Tom is not the royal swordsmith so its HIGHLY likely he rivals the royal swordsmith in skill enough to have some knights of Camalot (The people who can actually afford arms and armor) Buy or get repairs done from him instead. (This is a big deal he must be VERY good) There are not many other people he could be making swords and armor for. I suppose there might be some mercenaries and freelancers who are rich enough for swords and perhaps VERY RARLY full on armor. He makes armor that is of the quality nobles wear, And can afford to just give it to people. we know this from Lancelot. I think he must do other typical blacksmithing AND Arms and armor for knights. So I see two possibilities. Either they consistently live at a level above the poverty of most commoners
OR Every now and then he gets a commission that makes them richer for a bit. With Gwen ALSO being such a good seamstress and Also considering they seem to be able to give away armor (Cough Lancelot cough) I think the first option is more likely, or perhaps its a mix of the two. To be clear they are not rich. I'm not saying they are rich. I'm saying they seem to be above most commoners in wealth. Also, wealth did not matter as much as Class in the middle ages anyway.
Him putting his best sword away might be some form of insurance He's still a commoner and is not guaranteed work because he is not the royal smith. And what if there is some emergency or a time when he doesn't get any of the fine commissions for a while?
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Uther: You knew that one day this business would come back to haunt me.
Gaius: not quite so litteraly
Uther: I should have listened to you. You said that no good would come of using witchcraft at Arthur's birth
Gaius: you wanted an heir you thought it was the only way.
Uther: Nimueh told me there would be a pice to pay
Gaius: You weren't to know that price would be Ygraines life
OKAY first of all does this mean that GAIUS was not the one to suggest using magic? Then WTF was Uther talking about in that conversation about something being stupid to do "because Gaius said it was so" back in the poisoned chalice? Was Gaius just the messanger? It means it might explain more why Gauis lived if he was not the one to suggust it. Perhaps Uther asked Gaius if he knew a way and Gaius said he did but no good would come of it? Or Gaius was indeed just the messenger? BUT WHY DID HE NEED A MESSENGER IF NIMUEH WAS AT COURT. I swear when this is all done I'm going over all of these and doing a summary of possible answers to some questions!
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Merlin: will your Bunrish it to save Arthur
Killy: The dead do not return without reason, who has he come for.
Merlin: Uther
Killy: Then let him take his Vengance and the wraith will die without my aid.
Merlin: But it's Arthur who is going to fight him! You have to save him
Killy: That is your destany young warlock not mine
Merlin: But if Arthur fights the wraith and dies camalot will have no heir, I will have no destany
Killy: A weapon forged with my assistance will have great power
Merlin: I know
Killy: You do not know You can only guess. You have not seen what I've seen. If you had perhaps you would not ask this of me.
Merlin: what do you mean?
Killy: In the wrong hands this sword could do great evil
Burnishing typically means polishing metal until it shines. Figuratively it can mean to enhance or perfect something. I think this is an interesting word to use and possibly implies a sword like Excalibur would never need to be polished again.
Also I'm pretty convinced one thing Killy is talking about here is how most of the high priestesses died. Remember mortal swords can not kill Morgana by the time of her death. There could be many other incidents too. However seeing as Excalibur mostly functions as a normal sword until one is up against undead or borderline imortals I think this could be a main focus. Of course it does bring up the question of if there were other swords and what happened to them if this is true. Because if this was the case I SERIOUSLY doubt Uther would have let such swords just vanish. Then again as far as we know the sword that killed Arthur was just used as a grave maker. ALSO as far as we know those are the only dragon-burnished swords we see in the show. Which means there are others either just hidden places, or out there with people having no clue as to their powers because they just found them somewhere and were like cool sword! The later kinda amuses me. Just some random dude around having no idea their sword is a WOID (Weapon Of Immortal Destruction)
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Uther: Who made it?
Merlin: uh, tom the blacksmith
Uther: Its worthy of a king
Merlin: You would be better off with a sword your trusted
Uther: No, It has almost Perfect balance. Tom's not the Royal swordsmith I'm supprised Arthur went to him.
Merlin: That was me.
(This is the line I keep referring to about how Gwen's dad is not the royal swordsmith.)
The balance point on a sword is where you can lay it over a finger and not have it fall, Its center of weight. Usually its just a bit above the hilt. This is why most swords had pommels
If there is too much weight in the direction of the grip the trikes from it will not be fast and smooth, Also you will have a hard time pushing your opponents blade around. while if there is too much on the blade it will take longer to recover from a blow.
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The game will be rated 18+ for strong languages, heavy themes, and the possible presence of explicit sexual content.
Heavy is the crown...
That's the first thing Merlin said to you after you woke up in their tower (right after he told you that you were definitely not what he expected but that “we'd deal with it.” But how much weight can a bruised ego carry in the face of the survival of a Kingdom?)
For generations, your family has been in charge of protecting the Sword of Light, and like every 1st born of your generation, it's up to you to pass it on to its true owner.
And here you are, with Clarent, the twin blade of excalibur in your hands. And according to Merlin that's enough to send you on a quest.
You must at all costs reunite the knights of the round table, find Arthur and Morgana and save Camelot (you must also defeat Uther Pendragon, but we'll see about that later...)
Anyway, Merlin has assured you that they will accompany you. They're a powerful sorcerer, right? So what could go wrong?
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Arthur Pendragon/Le Fay (The Young Dragon) He/Him
Everyone portrays the young king of Camelot as fair, loyal and kind, and while your family is no stranger to complimenting the young dragon, they know there is more to him than this bright side. Dark whispers also follow the discussion about the young king among your own. And if every coin has two sides, one can only wonder which one you will meet.
Physical traits will be up to the players.
Morgana Pendragon/Le Fay (The Snake Without Wings/The Elementalist) She/They
You can’t help it. Too many times Morgana has been portrayed as the villain of the story. Envious of her half-brother and dedicated to the destruction of Camelot. Yet the young woman in front of you seems far from this adjectives. She always seems surprised when someone shows her affection as if she wasn’t expecting it. Is it a manipulation game? Will you manage to get rid of the idea you made of her during your apprenticeship?
Physical traits will be up to the players.
Merlin (The Demon Seed/The Keeper of Time and Pages.) They/Them
It is with reverence and wonder that the members of your family talk about their encounter with the wizard. Yours was rather chaotic. As for the reverence, it is Merlin who reserves it for you and not the other way around, as the young man is so sure of your success. But young man is not the right word, the half demon is old and sadness and fatigue are hidden behind their joyful smile. Two factors that impact their magic for their greatest horror as for yours. Can you really believe them when they whisper to you that everything will be alright.
Physical traits will be up to the players.
Guinevere (The Carmelite Amazon.) She/Her
You were betrayed. The Queen of May? That little young woman who looks more like a storm, really? Isn't Guinevere supposed to be sweet and shy? How could things have gone so different?! Not afraid to say what's on her mind loud and clear, wielding a sword with as much or more acuity than any man, Guinevere is the opposite of everything you've been romanticized about her. Some might even say that she is scarier than Morgana. Her hand is never far from her blade when you speak with Arthur. Is she afraid you will insult the future King? Her future King? Are you supposed to be a matchmaker? Or will things take another turn with the Carmelid Amazon.
Physical traits will be up to the players.
Lucan/Lucia (The Twins' Shadow/The Royal Butler/Maid.) He/Him or She/Her
You’re not gonna lie, you had to rack your brain to remember them.  A shame considering they are one of Arthur’s first supporters around the round table. Brother of Bedivère, loyal to the death, they always have a kind word for you. Words they say to you in a voice as sweet as honey. But is their attention to you due to what you are or who you are? And why does the possibility that their kindness is only granted to you because of the sword you bear for the heir make your heart ache?
Physical traits will be up to the players.
Twine Demo (Last update 07/13/2023)
Choice of Script Demo (last update 5/14/2023)
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merlincersei · 11 months
Merlin BBC UK TV Show - Opinion Piece Part 18 - Who's The Boss - Arthur Or Merlin ?
One of my favorite episode of TV series Community is the one where Abed takes a class on Who's The Boss?.
I thought it would make an excellent topic for Merlin because the dynamic Angela and Tony share is quite similar to Arthur and Merlin.
For those unfamiliar with Who's The Boss, here is a brief synopsis:
Tony takes a job as a live-in housekeeper for Angela Bower and her young son and moves in with his daughter. The title of the show refers to the role reversal of Tony and Angela. Angela is the breadwinner of the home, and Tony (although he is not her husband) stays at home and takes care of the household and provides guidance and support to the children. While there is banter and many hints of their feelings for each other, Tony and Angela do their best to avoid facing this aspect of their developing relationship. In the meantime, however, they learn to rely on each other frequently for emotional support. Despite Angela being the employer of Tony, the series always questions, who is really in charge of the household.
Power dynamics within the Merlin BBC TV Show:
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Arthur is a royal and Merlin is his manservant. Considering the show is set in a medieval fantasy world where the social hierarchy is strictly defined, the question Who's The Boss should be a moot point.
However we see Merlin constantly banter with, berate, humiliate, interfere with, refuse, make demand of, advise, comfort, defy and mock Arthur.
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These are actions, that are quite unbecoming of a mere servant and forces us to critically evaluate the power balance of their relationship.
Lets implement the Professor's Episode - Conclusion Domination Index Plot model from the Community episode.
The basis of this model is simple. It states that a person gets the upper-hand by having the last word edge wise during the conclusion of every episode.
The basis of verification is as follows:
Season 1 Episode 1 : Concludes with Arthur expressing his displeasure of having Merlin be his manservant. Merlin is then summoned by Arthur to carry out a task. Arthur ends up getting the better of Merlin here.
Season 1 Episode 2 : Concludes with Arthur admitting his mistake to Merlin and rehiring him. Following which he promptly delegates Merlin a series of tasks to do. According to me, Arthur ends up getting the better of Merlin here again.
I have listed A for Arthur and M for Merlin in the table below.
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In Season 1: Merlin gets the upper hand in 7 of 13 episodes i.e. 54%
In Season 2: Merlin gets the upper hand in 8 of 13 episodes i.e. 62%
In Season 3: Merlin gets the upper hand in 9 of 13 episodes i.e. 69%
In Season 4: Merlin gets the upper hand in 9 of 13 episodes i.e. 69%
In Season 5: Merlin gets the upper hand in 7 of 13 episodes i.e. 54%
In the Entire Series: Merlin gets the upper hand in 40 of 65 episodes i.e. 62 %
So the answer to the eternal question Who's The Boss in the Merlin TV Show is..............................................................................................
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This is due to the fact that the Professor's model fails to take into account defining plot points that occur in a series.
The entire model presented above is refuted by this one single scene between Arthur and Merlin.
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Merlin despite being a powerful sorcerer agrees to becomes Arthur's servant ( reluctantly at first but devoutly by the end of the series)
Since Merlin is the main titular protagonist, we the audience are conditioned to see Merlin subvert traditional class roles and get the upper hand.
When that fails and Arthur gets the upper hand, there is a sense of subconscious discomfort. It would also explain why certain people in the fandom feel Merlin was mistreated by Arthur and that is true to a certain extent as Arthur in Season 5 Episode 13 apologizes to Merlin as to how he has treated him.
However Merlin gives it to Arthur as good as he gets and despite being in a position to leave anytime, continues to serve Arthur.
The underlying reason to their "codependent relationship" is better explored in my other post here:
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Mention in the replies below, who do you think was the boss?
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theladyragnell · 2 months
@dollsome-does-tumblr posted a fun-looking AO3 stats meme, and I am a joiner, so I thought I would do it!
Works posted: 340
What rating do you most write fics under?: Teen And Up Audiences! I feel like honestly many of those could be G but I tend to tag for Abundance of Caution.
What are your top 3 fandoms?: Merlin, Les Mis, and Daredevil! I will never write more fics for a fandom than I did for Merlin, and am unlikely to surpass Les Mis either.
What are the top 3 characters you've written about?: According to my stats, Grantaire, Enjolras, and Merlin, but I am about 90% sure that's inaccurate, because when I was porting a shitton of fics onto the AO3 from LJ I didn't bother with character tagging.
What are your top 3 pairings?: Merlin/Arthur Pendragon, Enjolras/Grantaire, and my third most common ship tag is Minor Or Background Pairings, truly my most beloved OTP. (After that is the Leverage OT3.)
What are your top 3 additional tags?: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Fluff, Post-Canon.
Did any of this surprise you? e.g. who your top character turned out to be.: Nothing surprised me much! I'm a little surprised Daredevil is still in my top fandoms, but it's only one ahead of Leverage so it might get dethroned someday. I do feel a bit silly that my carefulness in tagging background relationships instead of getting someone's hopes up that their rarepair OTP will feature more than it does got into my stats, but it is on brand for me.
And that's all for me! Do this if you would like to/are also a joiner, I think people's stats are very fun!
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namelessalessandra · 1 year
The prince of my heart
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Arthur Pendragon x reader
Plot: you were forced to marry Arthur Pendragon but not everything goes according to plan until…
Angst with happy ending
Warnings: none I think but if you find any, tell me and I’ll add them
Plus English is not my first language so there could be some mistakes
P.S. if you know Italian you can preorder my book here:
When I was told that I would marry Prince Arthur Pendragon I was so happy, I had heard so many good stories about him, his courage, his loyalty, and I was sure that mine would be a happy marriage, that I would be envied by every lady in the realm. Then came the wedding day, I was woken up at dawn so I could prepare myself perfectly, to match the beauty of my soon to be husband. I crossed the aisle to reach him in front of all the imported members of the kingdom with trembling legs and an excited smile, and for a few moments, as they made us husband and wife, Arthur smiled at me sweetly. For a moment I really believed I had realised my dream. Until, immediately after the ceremony, during the banquet, I realised the looks he directed at his half-sister's servant. Gwen, over time I had learned that to be her name. Arthur spent only a few nights with me, to carry out his task as a husband, and the rest of the time he took refuge in his royal tasks, ignoring me altogether. I had learned not to let it hurt me, I had become friends with Morgana and we spent a lot of time together, chatting, reading, walking. She had the foresight not to put me and her servant in the same room at the same time, not because I could do something unpleasant, but because she cared about my suffering, and had the sensibility of not throwing in my face that my husband was in love with another. A woman who had nothing in common with me and whom I could never replace. No matter how hard I try, bringing him food when I know he doesn't have time to reach the room to sit at the table with us, no matter how hard I try to understand him, help him, to take away the burden that weighs on his shoulders, due to having to carry the crown one day. The only answer I get, in return, is the humiliation of seeing him smile and chattering amiably in public with Gwen. The same Gwen who now pours wine to him, blushing at something he's telling her, but that I, despite being by her side, can't hear.
-Do you like the party, dear husband?- I decide to ask, when the brunette walks away from him. Arthur turns to look at me for a single moment before returning to enjoy the show of the dancers in front of us while nodding his head
-A lot, wife. Thank you. Although I have to admit that I don't understand why you may have organised all this, when in the village many complain that they don't have enough food to feed themselves- his words hit me like blades. Merlin, who had approached us perhaps to say something to his master, freezes on the spot and takes a worried look at me. Sometimes it happened that he found me in some secluded corner of the castle, so as not to be seen while I was crying, and tried to console me. I sketch a smile at him looking at me with pity, holding back my tears and clearing my voice.
-This is why I asked for a party to be held in the village as well, so that everyone can celebrate the endeavours and successes of their future king, and can eat as they deserve. Now if you will excuse me I'm very tired, I think I'll go to rest- I just answer, I move the chair away and, without him deigning me of a look, I leave the room. One of the first things I asked, after understanding Arthur's feelings towards Gwen, was to have a bedroom of my own. My husband did not discuss my application at all and had me prepare rooms where I could stay, and where he comes to visit me when he has to fulfil his task. Over time, this room has become my refuge, and days happen when I don't go out at all, letting Elizabeth, my personal servant, bring me food. When I close the door behind me and lean against it to take deep breaths, I hear the sound of footsteps and then a hand knocking.
-(Y/N), it's me, dear. Open the door- Morgana's voice comes to me muffled by the wood, I hurry to dry my cheeks moistened by the few tears that escaped me and effort a smile as I open the door. She hugs me, right after closing the door behind her.
-Arthur is an ungrateful fool. Tomorrow I'll talk to him and you'll see if he won't bring you more respect soon. All the ladies have heard his answer and are doing nothing but comment- she whispers to me angrily, as she passes a hand through my hair to untie them from the hairstyle I had prepared specifically for him.
-It's all right, Morgana. There is no need for you to talk to him- I murmur away from his arms, before finding myself bent in two by pain, with broken breath.
-(Y/N), what's going on? I call someone right away, I'm going to call Gaius- exclaims the alarmed brunette, I try to tell her that there is no need, that in my condition it is normal, my mother always told me, to prepare me and not be scared, but from my mouth comes nothing but a moan of pain. Morgana, therefore, helps me sit on the bed and runs out. A few minutes later he returns followed by Gaius, but my pain is waning.
-I would still like to carry out checks, if it's okay with you- proposes the old man, and although I try to refuse, the princess insists that my health be checked and so some time later Gaius is confirming what until now for me was a hypothesis that I was hiding behind wider skirts.
-You are pregnant, my lady- her words are followed by a shocked verse of Morgana looking at me excitedly. With my heart in my throat I sit down
-I ask you, please, not to tell anyone. Not yet. I'll think about making the announcement. Please- I ask letting my gaze swing from one to the other. They both nod, understanding, and let me rest.
The next day I decide to stay in the room all morning, Elizabeth brings me food and Morgana comes to visit me to keep some company. She asks me to join them for dinner and I don't want to disappoint her. So I get ready, wearing one of my most beautiful dresses and, slowly, I walk to the room where we will eat. As soon as I enter I have just enough time to hear voices arguing before hiding so I can listen. The parlour is still empty, except for Arthur, Merlin and Morgana.
-What do you want me to tell you, Morgana? We are married and I do my best with her, but I still don't know her so well- Arthur's voice is annoyed, I hear the sound of wine being poured and then Morgana talking.
-You could at least stop the rumours that are going around, you are the prince and she is your wife. You should bring her more respect- scolds him -if you knew how sad she was last night for how you addressed her, after spending the whole week organising that stupid banquet, also taking care that the people received part of the food so as not to upset them- she continues, stubborn. Arthur sighs and, before things can degenerate, I decide to fake my arrival as if I hadn't listened to anything.
-(Y/N), what a nice thing to see you. Tonight you look great! - exclaims Morgana, the first to see me. Merlin gives me a smile as Arthur turns to look at me and stands up coming towards me.
-I apologise for my behaviour last night, (Y/N), I should have been nicer to you- he turns to me as he moves my chair to make me sit down. I smile at him, pretending not to know that his words are only due to the half-sister' request, and I take a seat. When Uther also reaches us, we eat in silence. Morgana, sitting in front of me, throws looks at me smiling. She wants me to make my announcement but I don't feel ready yet.
-I think (Y/N) wants to announce something- she says out of the blue, I incinerate her with my eyes when everyone's eyes are on me. With my heart in my throat I rest my cutlery next to the plate and clear my voice, but when I open my mouth to speak my head starts spinning quickly and, when I try to get up, I lose my balance and fall. Arthur grabs me in time, preventing me from hurting myself and everything becomes very confusing.
I open my eyes again to find myself in a room that is not mine. I look around confused. I remember my head spinning like crazy and then everything went dark. I try to get up, recognising Arthur's room.
-Easy, you're still not strong enough to get up, Gaius said to be careful. That in your condition you shouldn't get tired- it's my husband's voice the first thing I hear, a few seconds later it appears in my field of view. Between his hands he has a tray full of food and puts it on my legs before arranging my pillow and asking me how I feel. As an answer I move the head up and down, scrutinising what's on the tray.
-I asked the cook to prepare your favourite dishes and brought them to you so you don't have to get out of bed- explains noticing my obvious confusion. I mention a smile before murmuring a thank you and drink some orange juice. Silence reigns for a few moments.
-Why didn't you tell me, (Y/N)?- Arthur asks while I'm chewing some meat. Judging by the sunlight it must be early afternoon. I feel disoriented and I would like to burst into tears in front of his disappointed look, so I down mine.
-I wasn't sure until the night of the party. When I returned to my room, an illness struck me while talking to Morgana and Gaius came to check my health. He gave me the confirmation and... I was thinking about the right way to tell you, the perfect opportunity. I didn't want to bother you as with the party- I murmur in a low voice, Arthur doesn't answer me right away, in fact he takes his place by my side, on the free side of the bed. Hunger has passed so I move the tray away but he puts it back on my legs.
-I'm sorry, I was insensitive. Ever since we got married, I've done everything to keep you away from me, hiding behind my duties, because I was afraid. I remember my father's suffering when my mother died, she accompanied him for much of my childhood, and even now when someone appoints her, sadness can be seen in his eyes. I didn't want us to bond sentimentally because I'm terrified that what happened to them could happen to us, I was convinced that if I kept you away... we could become friends and nothing more- he confides and when I look up, in the middle of his speech, I meet his gaze full of regret and sadness.
-But with Gwen you don't seem to be so terrified- I comment, playing with a piece of bread next to the meat still almost completely intact. Arthur watches me confused, for a few moments.
-Gwen?- he questions, in fact, before he widens his eyes as if he just understood and bursts out laughing. Is he making fun of me? With red cheeks from humiliation I take the tray off my legs again and get up, but he immediately stops the laughter, gets out of bed and runs to my side to stop me. When I try to push him away he grabs me by the arms and, taking advantage of my momentary weakness, imprisons me against his body.
-Please don't leave. There is nothing between me and Gwen. Believe me- he talks with his face a few centimetres from mine, my breath breaks, I look him in the eyes and I would like to believe him. With all my heart. But I can't.
-Don't make fun of me, Arthur, I see the complicity between you, and I hear how the women of the realm talk about you when they think I'm not listening. It's already quite humiliating like that, I don't need you to lie to me shamelessly- furious comment, I try to squirm again, but Arthur blocks my arms behind my back and, in doing so, our faces come even closer. I hold my breath, feeling my stomach upside down.
-There is nothing between me and Gwen, (Y/N)- he repeats, without taking his eyes off mine. I feel the mattress pressing against the back of my legs but I don't fall on it because Arthur is holding me against his chest. The intense look chained to mine, his fresh scent enters my nostrils, while the sun coming in through the window surrounds him almost as if he were an angel.
-So why are you always with her? You talk, laugh, why do you do with her what I would like you to do with me so much? Why do you let them talk about me in the realm like the unsuspecting stupid and betrayed wife? - I ask, breathless for the discussion but also for the closeness. Arthur breathes deeply before answering.
-I didn't think you listened to the rumours- he just murmur, with a bitter laugh I take advantage of his loosening his grip on me and forcefully push him away so I can leave, but he grabs me from behind, clutching me from the waist. My back against his chest, as he shakes my hands to hold me steady and weaves our fingers over my belly, where right now our baby is forming. He puts his forehead against my neck.
-Believe me, there is nothing between me and Gwen. She feels something for Merlin and I'm helping her conquering him- he murmurs against my skin, his warm breath gives me chills -and she helps me, because it's since you became my wife a month ago that I've been constantly torn between keeping you away to protect you and running to you to hold you in my arms, even if only to breathe your scent, which is so good. When you asked to have your private rooms I was about to deny it, I didn't understand why you wanted to stay away from me. Gwen explained to me that it was my behaviour that hurt you and, despite asking me to talk to you and clarify with you, I didn't listen to her and I was a fool. Please believe me if I tell you that there is nothing between me and her- add slightly tightening the grip around my body. I let myself go slightly against him, leaning my head back against his shoulder. I close my eyes, holding back tears of relief. It's not true that he loves Gwen.
-Can you forgive me? I promise that from now on I will spend all my time winning you back- he whispers moving his face from my neck and starting to leave kisses along my cheek and on my temple. I turn around in his arms and open my eyes to look at him. He is already looking at me, full of hope.
-You will put an end to the rumours that go around about us- I start talking, he nods. -And when we are in public you will never talk to me again like at the party- I add, he nods leaning his forehead against mine, murmuring a series of "I promise you". I place one hand on his chest.
-When I do something for the palace, I always strive to help the people as well. I would never have let them starve while we were feasting- I still talk, he squeezes me from the hips and inhales my scent
-I'm sorry, I was a fool- he murmurs against my ear, then leaves me a little kiss. -Will you go back to share the room with me?- he asks right after, a trembling breath escapes from my mouth.
-Yes, I'll be back to share the room with you. But until the baby is born, you will never leave me alone. I'm terrified- I whisper letting my fingers slip through his hair. He raises his face to look at me again and smiles.
-I will never leave you again, even when the baby is born. I promise- he whispers and waits for me to give him consent before kissing me. For the first time, since the wedding day, our lips meet in a sweet, delicate way, full of feeling, instead of hasty, during a relationship that once concluded will take us even further away. Arthur squeezes me against him, moaning in my mouth, and smiling in the kiss.
-But now eat, we don't want what happened last night to happen again, don't we?- he asks when he gets away from me and helps me get back to bed. I see him walking towards the door and I frown.
-Where are you going?- I ask when he is on the threshold, he turns to me without stopping smiling
-I’ll order to prepare your things to come back here. Then I will come to you and help you eat, you're still weak. And I will warn my father that for the rest of the day I will be here to take care of my wife and our future baby- his words warm my heart, and my stomach fills with warmth especially because he really does. He orders the servants to prepare my things, talks to his father and then comes back to me, letting me lean against his chest and feeding me slowly, until I eat everything he had brought. Since then the rumours circulating in court have ceased, and Arthur and I make up for lost time by being together every moment when he is not committed to his duties. Finally everything is fine.
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merlinfluffalooza · 11 months
Hello everyone! Beware, this is going to be a long post, but a good one!
During this fest, you created 48 works! Congratulations, everyone! Before we get on with business, here is a reminder to fill our feedback form. Here is a little recap of everything we had.
For the main challenge:
Work: Lavender & Ink by sleepygecko Prompts: Bookshop | There was only one bed | Puppy/Kitty Pairing(s): Gwen/Lancelot, Gwen & Merlin Summary: Gwen is stuck in her bookshop during a snowstorm when one of her regular customers, Lancelot, asks for shelter.
Work: No More Hiding by bgn846 Prompts: Uni | Roommates | Party Pairing(s): Merlin/Arthur Pendragon Summary: Merlin and Arthur are roommates and secretly dating. So when Gwaine throws a party, Merlin of course invites Arthur, as his roommate, to come along. However, Gwaine's curiosity about why Arthur, the prat, is really at his party might make Merlin reconsider staying quiet about his boyfriend.
Work: How I met your father by HadrianPeverellBlack Prompts: Outdoors | kid fic | “It’s not you| it’s me” Pairing(s): Merlin/Arthur Pendragon Summary: Merlin and Arthur first meet
Work: Who knew you could pack a punch, Merlin? by Laevateinn Prompts: Outdoors | First kiss | Blood Pairing(s): Merlin/Arthur Pendragon Summary: Arthur heard a low growl on the right, behind him, and froze. The sound continued, slowly closing on him, and his body moved of its own accord. He ran as fast as his legs could carry him but not so fast as to crash through the corn.
Work: Sub Deck 25-B2 West by bgn846 Prompts: Space | First Kiss | ""I can't do it"" Pairing(s): Merlin/Arthur Pendragon Summary: Merlin's first day of work is not going well, he's lost, he's alone, and who designs space ships these days anyways? or Merlin and Arthur are work mates on a giant space ship and this the story of their first interaction.
Work: Lose a phone, gain a boyfriend by HadrianPeverellBlack & Aeris444 Prompts: Coffee shop | First kiss | Party Pairing(s): Gwaine/Merlin Summary: Losing his phone wasn't on Merlin's to-do list. Finding a boyfriend wasn't on the list either. Merlin would do both. Getting called strange insults over the phone wasn't on Gwaine's to-do list. Finding a boyfriend wasn't on the list either. Gwaine would do both.
Work: Whither dost thou wander… right off the plank! by ItsAWonderfulLife Prompts: Pirates | soulmates | goose of destiny Pairing(s): Merlin/Arthur Pendragon Summary: Crackfic in which Arthur gets chased around by a goose of destiny and is in love with Merlin.
Work: The perfect nap by Laevateinn Prompts: Highschool/Uni | Hurt/Comfort | Puppy/Kitten" Pairing(s): / Summary: A rainy day is the best set-up for a nice nap.
Work: The Caravan Club by SauraUnderscore Prompts: Office | First Kiss | Music Pairing(s): Merlin/Arthur Pendragon; Gwaine/Percival; Gwen/Lancelot; Arthur/Gwen (Mentioned) Summary: Gwaine takes his friends from the London Signal Regiment clubbing in Soho. The people, the music, and especially the exclusive Caravan Club, are eye-opening for young Merlin.
Work: Sweater Weather by Salamandair Prompts: Post apocalypse | enemies to lovers | knitted clothes Pairing(s): Merlin/Arthur Pendragon Summary: Merlin sneaks away from his birthday party to reflect on the past year. In the cold. Without a sweater. Arthur find Merlin quickly because he’s not as sneaky as he used to be, especially without a sweater.
Work: No One (Me and My Husband) by MayaPleiades Prompts: Renaissance | Soulmates | Weddings Pairing(s): Merlin/Arthur, Morgana/Leon Summary: A moment during Arthur and Merlin's wedding day.
Work: Open Water by bgn846 Prompts: Pirates | Soulmates | Blanket Pairing(s): Merlin/Arthur Pendragon Summary: Arthur the captain of the HMS Christy, rescues Merlin and his brother Mordred from a sinking ship after a pirate attack. Merlin is injured and unconscious which prompts Arthur to oversee his care. However, this chance interaction results in something neither of them could have ever imagined. Are they meant to be together? Are they really soul mates?
Work: You're the Only Thing I Wanna Touch by Seravia Prompts: Canon era | Forced attraction | "I can't do it" Pairing(s): Merlin/Arthur Pendragon Summary: Wine is never just wine. Merlin and Arthur accidentally drink what they believe to be a lust potion. Thinking the feelings aren’t real, they fight its effects until they realize they don’t need to.
Work: Stars Outside But Here There Be Blankets by Excited_Insomniac Prompts: Space | Hurt/Comfort | Roommates | Hugs/Cuddles | Blankets Pairing(s): Merlin & Arthur Pendragon Summary: When the routine journey between Camelot Station and Essetir Station is interrupted by a faulty jump drive, Arthur begins to panic at the idea of not seeing Morgana in time. Fortunately, his bunkmate knows how to help.
Work: A Kind of Magic by Leandra Prompts: 1980s | There was only one bed | party Pairing(s): Merlin & Arthur Pendragon Summary: Arthur falls in love at first sight and it's all kinds of magical...
Work: make a promise not to break by Sage_Owl Prompts: Modern royalty | hurt/comfort | blood Pairing(s): Merlin/Arthur Pendragon Summary: Merlin already knows he belongs to Arthur. It takes some time for Merlin to realize that Arthur belongs to him as well.
Work: Sweet, Wonderful You by eachpeachpearplum Prompts: High school/university | roommates | knitted clothing Pairing(s): Gwaine/Percival Summary: Between university and work, Gwaine's had a not great day. Luckily, his flatmate Percival knows how to cheer him up.
Work: The Diamond of the Diner by teachinghimpoetry Prompts: Romantic diner | pretend relationship | baking Pairing(s): Merlin/Arthur Pendragon Summary: It started with A Very Bad Idea.
Work: Everything's All By the Way by Jibb33z Prompts: Modern Royalty | Fake Dating | Music Pairing(s): Merlin/Arthur Pendragon Summary: Merlin meets a stranger when he goes to watch the sunrise one morning. Despite having never met before, there is something familiar about him that he can't put his finger on.
Work: They don't know you ~ not like I do by HadrianPeverellBlack Prompts: Canon Era | Pining/Slow Burn | Wedding Pairing(s): Merlin/Arthur Pendragon Summary: Merlin is jealous of Mithian? Yes, he is. Merlin thinks that no one except him knows Arthur that good? Yes, he does. Merlin will definitely plan the perfect wedding for Arthur and Mithian. PS: There is no wedding.
Work: (I’ll be) your gravity by Salamandair Prompts: Space | hurt/comfort | blanket Pairing(s): Morgana/Gwen Summary: Now that they were rescued from the monsters that destroyed their spaceship and crew, Gwen could focus on the most important thing: helping Morgana cope in the immediate aftermath.
Work: Shut You Up by Shana-rose Prompts: Bookshop | Sick fic | Valentine’s Day Pairing(s): Merlin/Arthur Pendragon Summary: Merlin smiled weakly, a blanket wrapped around him as he let him in. “Thanks, Arthur. You really didn’t have to do this.” Arthur shrugged, not wanting to let on just how much he wanted to see Merlin on Valentine’s Day, even if it wasn’t how he wanted to spend it with him. - Arthur brings Merlin soup on Valentine's Day.
Work: On the Wings of Love by AJsRandom Prompts: Modern Royalty | friends to lovers | music Pairing(s): Merlin/Morgana Summary: Princess Morgana decides to have her friend Merlin's wildly popular band, the Dragonlords, perform at her birthday party. In the intervening time, they fall in love.
Work: heart, warm by fleetling Prompts: Canon era | there was only one bed | blanket Pairing(s): Merlin/Arthur Pendragon Summary: When it's all over, Merlin goes back to Ealdor. It's not, exactly, a plan, but he doesn't have anywhere else to go. Not really, not anymore. When he knocks on the door, his mother just - looks at him. For a minute, two. He swallows. His hands are trembling. They never used to do that, not really. From fear, adrenaline, maybe - but not like this.
Work: you gotta learn to give, and wait your turn by TeddyMedley Prompts: Bookstore | first kiss | baking Pairing(s): Merlin/Arthur Pendragon Summary: Merlin was laughing. It should be a relief, considering how the last few months had gone by with no more than the briefest and most slight of smiles gracing Merlin's face. Arthur had been relieved, this morning, when Merlin had told him what he was up to.
Work: Stressed? Have Desserts! by Salamandair Prompts: Office | Kid fic | Baking Pairing(s): Merlin/Arthur Pendragon Summary: Merlin’s been super stressed out at work lately. Arthur and Ainsley want to try and make him feel better.
Work: Hark, The Apocalypse! by chaosgenes Prompts: (Post-)Apocalypse | Sick Fic | The Goose of Destiny Pairing(s): Merlin/Arthur Pendragon Summary: Merlin is sick and learns that sometimes, hugs and cuddles are made more the sweeter during hardship.
Work: Like Real People Do by thelastpendragon Prompts: Canon Era | First Kiss | The Goose of Destiny Pairing(s): Merlin/Arthur Pendragon Summary: But there were moments when there was no destiny, when he was just Merlin and he was just Arthur… And, in those rare gentle moments, he was utterly consumed by devotion and all he wanted was to cup Arthur's face with his hands and tell him that it would be alright, that he didn't have to suffer through it alone, that destiny was a burden they both shared… It was moments like these when he was convinced that a simple kiss to Arthur's lips would make everything better…even if it would forever shape the future they were destined to build. Or: Arthur is feeling insecure after a long day and Merlin reassures him in the best way he can.
Work: Maybe destiny was right by Ace_Teagirl Prompts: Canon era | Age difference | Wedding Pairing(s): Merlin/Arthur Pendragon Summary: Arthur sighed and turned on his side, his blue eyes meeting Merlin’s for the first time since they started this conversation. “I always said I would marry for love. I will marry you, if this is what it takes to bring peace and unity to my kingdom, but I want to be sure you are ready to make this sacrifice too. You’re still so young, Merlin; you have much more to lose by entering this deal than I do. I won’t rob you of the chance to explore yourself and what you want out of a relationship. I won’t rob you of the chance to find true love. If you’re not certain about this, we’ll find another way to get our councils to sign this treaty. I’ll find another way to get my court to accept the return of magic.” Without thinking, Merlin planted his lips on Arthur, catching the King’s surprised gap in his mouth. The kiss was brief and completely lacked fineness, but it soothed something in Merlin’s very soul. “I wasn’t sure,” Merlin admitted, “I wasn’t sure until right this moment.""
For Bonus #1: Movies
Work: You are my world by HadrianPeverellBlack Bonus #1: Love actually Pairing(s): Merlin/Arthur Pendragon Summary: Arthur never understood his father's decisions. Then he becomes king himself and is convinced that he is making all the wrong decisions. Luckily for him, Arthur has someone who loves him deeply by his side
Work: One night in Rome by aeris444 Bonus #1: La Dolce Vita Pairing(s): Merlin/Arthur Pendragon Summary: Arthur is a paparazzi and he needs to go to Rome to take pictures of the famous actor Merlin Emrys and his rumoured new girlfriend.
Work: Confiteri by Sage_Owl Bonus #1: La Dolce Vita Pairing(s): Merlin/Arthur Pendragon Summary: Through the haze of steam, Arthur sees Merlin, and this time, there's no scandal.
Work: 𝐒𝐢𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐛𝐨𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐬:❝...𝐘𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐰𝐨 𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐢𝐧.❞ by SilverWhip Bonus #1: Red, White and Royal Blue Pairing(s): Merlin/Arthur Pendragon Summary:
Work: Adventure awaits by Shana-rose Bonus #1: Up Pairing(s): Merlin/Arthur Pendragon Summary: Arthur’s face suddenly felt warm. “Oh, um, it’s nothing. Um, what are you reading?” The boy beamed at him, his eyes bright as he said, “Oh! It’s about the Isle of Avalon! It’s a small island waaay out on the ocean. The author said he saw a dragon there when he went two years ago!” Arthur laughed, “He does know dragons are extinct, right?” - Eight-year-olds Arthur & Merlin meet at a park.
For Bonus #2: Poetry
Work: I'll carry your heart with me by HadrianPeverellBlack Bonus #2: Poetry, E.E.Cummings - I carry your heart Pairing(s): Gwaine/Merlin Summary: Despite the war, there is always time for love
Work: Sleep by aeris444 Bonus #2: Atticus Pairing(s): Gwaine/Merlin Summary: Moodboard for this Atticus poem : The way you look when you sleep is the perfect secret whispered only to me.
Work: 𝐒𝐢𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐛𝐨𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐬:❝...𝐘𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐰𝐨 𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐢𝐧.❞ by SilverWhip Bonus #2: Atticus Pairing(s): Merlin/Arthur Pendragon Summary:
Work: I Do Not Love You by teachinghimpoetry Bonus #2: Pablo Neruda's Love Sonnet XVII Pairing(s): Merlin/Arthur Pendragon Summary: Merlin takes the leap. No one is hurt. And real poetry is involved.
For Bonus #3: Songs
Work: Stavolta non ti lascerò by ItsAWonderfulLife Bonus #3 Pairing(s): Merlin/Arthur Pendragon Summary: “I will not give you up this time…” Merlin, while attending the annual masquerade ball in Versailles, reflects on how he really wouldn’t let anything take Arthur away from him this time if he got him back. You know how this is going to end.
Work: Just us, you find out by HadrianPeverellBlack Bonus #3: Sweater Weather | The neighbourhood / Pentatonix Pairing(s): Merlin/Arthur Pendragon Summary: When Arthur had been given the love potion, Gwen's kiss hadn't been enough to wake him. Merlin panicked.
Work: 𝐒𝐢𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐛𝐨𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐬:❝...𝐘𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐰𝐨 𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐢𝐧.❞ by SilverWhip Bonus #3: Sweater Weather | The neighbourhood / Pentatonix Pairing(s): Merlin/Arthur Pendragon Summary:
Work: Merthur Wants to See Inside by TrebleMarker07 Bonus #3: My Attic by Pink/Adam Lambert Pairing(s): Merlin/Arthur Pendragon Summary: Merlin and Arthur are bad at talking about their feelings. However, they want to make that change, but it's harder than it looks. Fortunately, they have each other to help the other grow and be a better version of themselves.
Work: This is Not a Love Song by teachinghimpoetry Bonus #3: Cyndi Lauper's True Colours Pairing(s): Merlin/Arthur Pendragon Summary: Merlin's words don't come easy. Arthur's come via text. And music soothes the doubt-savaged beast.
Work: Shining through by aeris444 Bonus #3: True Colors by Cindy Lauper Pairing(s): Gwaine/Merlin Summary: Gwaine knows Merlin's secret
Work: Sleep my friend, tomorrow will be better by Laevateinn Bonus #3: May it Be Pairing(s): Gwen & Morgana (can be read as pre-ship) Summary: Gwen hated seeing Morgana sad. Anytime her friend seemed to be feeling down in any way, Gwen would immediately try to do something about it. But really, what Gwen hated the most was seeing Morgana cry.
For Bonus #4: Art
Work: 𝐒𝐢𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐛𝐨𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐬:❝...𝐘𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐰𝐨 𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐢𝐧.❞ by SilverWhip Bonus #4: "In Bed, The Kiss" by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec Pairing(s): Merlin/Arthur Pendragon Summary:
Work: Your hands by aeris444 Bonus #4: "The Cathedral", Auguste Rodin Pairing(s): Merlin/Arthur Pendragon Summary: Arthur watched the flames dancing above Merlin’s hands. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Not the magic itself but Merlin doing it. His eyes turned into melted gold. His clumsy hands became the source of this power.
Work: I thought I had lost you by HadrianPeverellBlack Bonus #4: Pairing(s): Merlin/Arthur Pendragon Summary: Merlin has an infected wound. Arthur is worried to lose his best friend (and something more)
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The Once and Future Contestant: Revival Round 2-D
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The top 2 characters will go to the next round!
Simon Snow (Carry On)
"He's a chosen one, he's Welsh, he has a magic sword that manifests only for him "because it trusts him", he grows red dragon wings (Welsh x2!), and he swears like so: "Merlin and fucking Morgana.""
Richard Campbell Gansey III (The Raven Cycle)
"Very noble, very quaint; utterly obsessed with legendary Welsh kings; constantly called "a king" by various narrators; dies tragically young in accordance with prophecy, but comes back to life..."
Flynn Carson (The Librarians)
"He’s best friends with excalibur. Like actually. They play fetch with dangerous artifacts together. "
Arthur Pendragon (The Mechanisms' High Noon Over Camelot)
"He's a cowboy. He lives on a space station that's slowly falling into the sun. He's in a poly relationship with Lancelot & Guinevere. He's got a trans son. In the end, he's the sole survivor. Hes even got a great song about his tragic fate."
Magnus Burnsides (The Adventure Zone)
"has a magic-using friend named Merle who would vouch for him. That’s almost like being chosen by Merlin I think"
Sailor Venus (Sailor Moon)
"The leader of the Sailor Senshi who protect the moon princess. Died and was reborn like Arthur and has a Holy Sword she pulled from a stone"
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Elffin / エルフィン, Myrddin / ミルディン, and Merlinus / マリナス
Elffin (JP: エルフィン; rōmaji: erufin) is a bard involved with the resistance on the Western Isles in Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade. He gets his name from a figure in Welsh mythology, Elffin ap Gwyddno, lord of Ceredigion. Before his lordship, Elffin's father asked him to catch salmon - to his surprise what he found in the water was not fish but a lone infant. He took up the baby, who was capable of speaking in eloquent poetry, and called him Taliesin. Taliesin was a semi-historical figure, called Ben Beirdd, or "Chief of Bards" for his skill with poetry and serving as the bard to multiple kings. According to legend, Elffin was imprisoned by the king of Gwynedd when he refused to sing his praises, as Taliesin was a more skilled bard and Elffin's wife was more loyal and virtuous than all of the king's court. The King of Gwynedd then sent his son to take the wedding band from Elffin's wife to prove a lack of chastity. Luckily, Taliesin was blessed with prophetic visions and knew the means to prevent Gwynedd from undermining his family.
As apparent from how much focus was given to him, The Binding Blade's Elffin pulls from aspects of Taliesin, borrowing his skills as a bard and his abilities as a seer. Additionally, Taliesin makes appearances in a few Arthurian tales like Culhwch and Olwen, where he acted as King Arthur's bard. This better ties him to the many existing allusions to the King Arthur mythos.
Elffin's true identity is that of Myrddin (JP: ミルディン; rōmaji: mirudin), the lost prince of Etruria. In Welsh legend, Myrddin Wyllt, also called Myrddin of Caledonia, is a bard accredited to poems found in The Black Book of Carmarthen and The Red Book of Hergest. In Welsh literary tradition are many poems presented as prophecies of coming battles; these are frequently attributed to the mind of Myrddin. It is said that after the death of King Gwenddoleu ap Ceidio, in the Battle of Arfderydd, Myrddin his adviser was driven to madness. He fled to the Caledonian Forest of Scotland, reflecting on that battle for the rest of his days. Or until saved by a saint, in modern Christianized adaptations.
There is plenty here already to relate to Fire Emblem's Prince Myrddin, but there is also an explicit connection made to Elffin. According to tellings of Elffin's imprisonment by Maelgwn Gwynedd, when asked to identify himself in the court of Gwynedd, Taliesin opened as such:
"Primary chief bard am I to Elphin, And my original country is the region of the summer stars; Idno and Heinin called me Merddin, At length every king will call me Taliesin."
From the horse's mouth: Taliesin is Myrrdin, little sense as that makes. And so, the Etrurian Myrrdin and the bard Elffin, who is heavily based on Taliesin, are appropriately one and the same. And yet it goes deeper still.
Merlinus (JP: マリナス; rōmaji: marinasu) is a traveling merchant turned inventory manager and adviser to House Pherae in Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade and The Blazing Blade. Merlinus Caledonensis was another name for Myrddin Wyllt. And it was from Myrddin Wyltt, combined with a similar figure called Ambrosius Aurelianus, that Geoffrey of Monmouth created the character of the magician Merlin. Originally called Merlinus Ambrosius, he was a madman sired by an incubus, capable of prophecy and form-shifting magic. He used this magic to change the appearance of Uther Pendragon to that of his mortal enemy, so that he may bear a son - King Arthur - with the opposing king's wife in their own bed. Later French-based adaptations of the Matter of Britain would change Merlin from an insane visionary to a sagely wizard and adviser to Arthur from an early age. Merlinus, as Roy's tactician and adviser, is more based on the later versions of Merlin's character.
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michellemisfit · 1 year
Tag Game Tuesday
Thanks to @celestialmickey for coming up with the fun. Thanks for the tag @tanktopgallavich @deedala @mikhailoisbaby @heymrspatel @lingy910y @thepupperino @energievie
Name: Michelle (or Lady Farmer according to a small child on the yard today lol)
Age: Never quite got past 27 in my mind 🤟
How many hours of sleep did you get last night? 5 hours. 1am-4am and 5.30am-7.30am
Tumblr mobile or desktop? 100% mobile. Which means that I can’t copy and paste all the questions for these games at once, I have to copy and paste them one line at a time, or just type them from scratch.
A hobby you’d like to pick up? I’ve been invited to go axe throwing and I’ve just been so busy and tired I’ve not had a chance to go. So that, I guess? lol
If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Cassis
What was your average screen time last week? 9 hours 33 minutes 🤷🏽‍♂️
A song you put on every playlist? There isn’t one. My playlists are ‘Chill, Baby Girl’, ‘Driving’, ‘Feral Hours 😏’, ‘Cape Cod Tunes’, ‘Gym 💪’, ‘King and Lionheart’, ‘MICK MILK 🤟’, ‘IAN GALL 😎’, and ‘🎶🎶🎶🎶’ - You name me a song that can go on all of those playlists, I dare you!
Having said that, everyone should have Frightened Rabbit on one of their playlists!
Favourite holiday? … May Half Term? It’s generally nice and sunny without being crazy hot yet. It’s shearing time, which is mad, but fun. There’s generally baby animals about and flowers are in bloom. What’s not to like?
Something on your bucket list: Bungee Jumping.
You’re invited to a costume party, what are you dressing up as? What aren’t I dressing up as?? I’ve got two large under the bed drawers. One is dedicated to art & craft supplies, the other one is costumes.
Arthur Pendragon is always fun (horse sold separately). Jessie from Toy Story is the CUTEST (though I’d have to get new doll contact lenses).
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And then there was the year Ruth and I went to NY Comic Con with 3 matching cosplays from 3 different shows.
Spike & Willow (Buffy), Eleanor Guthrie & Anne Bonny (Black Sails), and Jace & Clary (Shadowhunters). That was good fun!
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What show takes up the most space in your brain? Right now it’s counting down the days until I can watch Season 2 of The Bear!!! 😬😬
And finally, share something you’re looking forward to: Going to Cape Cod in September. I’ve not been able to go since before the pandemic and I miss it! Also Ruth and I are planning another recording junket up North, that’s always fun. And then end of this year or early next year Ruth and I are going to (hopefully) see the Northern Lights. So lots to look forward to <3
I’m late in the day so sorry if you’ve already been tagged a million times! @creepkinginc @lupeloto @grumble-fish @grossmickey @gardenerian @sluttymickey @sleepyfacetoughguy @look-i-love-u @rereadanon @crossmydna @mmmichyyy @takeyourpillsbitchh @deedala @harrowhark-a-vagrant @francesrose3 @too-schoolforcool @whatthebodygraspsnot @captainjowl
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aerodynamicentity · 2 years
I have a few songs that think belong to Merlin characters/duos/ships/friendships
For example:
This reminds me of Merlin & Arthur, one is not ready to open up (Arthur) and the other is softer and "needs to have a stronger shell to survive" (lyrics from the song) & will wait for the other to open up on their own accord (Merlin)
This one reminds me of 3 characters:
I imagine her acting like a fusion of Morgana and Merlin with a bit of Arthur. Strong, stands up for servants, sassy, energetic and sometimes reckless.
As I said that Ygraine/Igraine reminds me of Merlin (at least when she was young). I feel like this also applies for kid!Merlin, we saw that he was rash and confident at the start (of course he is confident and can be some times rash in s4/s5, but we see that he is less confident then at the start and thinks about what he will do next, so that no one gets hurt). I feel like kid!Merlin was energetic, loud and loved exploring.
This is again more about kid!Arthur. I see kid!Arthur as being more friendly, outwardly kind and lovingthe outdoors and horse riding. This can also fit canon era Arthur, but just a little (at least for me).
This is Morgana and Arthur. You can't tell me otherwise
At the end ir could be Ygraine/Igraine or Morgana
This screams Merlin.
The line "running is a victory" is most definitely something he believes.
A bit like how I see Modern!Merlin. I see him as being numb to everything. Not caring as much as he used to.
This one is a obvious one. Gwaine (soldier), Merlin (poet), Arthur (king). But I also have a scenario of the dads of Gwaine, Merlin & Arthur meeting the same way they did. Gwaine's dad being the soldier, Balinor is poet and Uther is (no shit) king.
(you can skip this, this is just the scenario that I think of when this song plays!!!
Uther goes on his "special" quest (like Arthur did, y'know the one where he had to sit in the grand hall,) and Uthers dad sends Balinor to keep him safe. Uther is pissed off when he finds out, Balinor just makes fun of him and after a while they meet Gwaine's dad in a bar fight. They (uther and balinor) need more help (though only balinor will say it) and Gwaine's dad goes with them. After they completed the quest they go their separate ways.)
Just the same thing as "Run Boy Run"
I don't think I need to say anything more. Arthur Pendragon in the modern era.
This reminds me of the druids before the purge. Happy, carefree. But I also think it fits with the canon era druids
Again its a no brainer if you've listed to it. This is the Merthur anthem
(thank you for reading my ramblings about a series that has me in a chokehold)
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dialux · 1 year
I’ve spent the past couple weeks enmeshed in Merlin ALLLLLLLL over again, but rather than simply reading fic/looking at art, I went back to source material and watched half the tv show which was a) an excellent decision, everyone’s fucking gorg, b) an excellent decision, the show’s actually so good, c) a HORRIBLE decision, because now I have opinions on what the show should have been.
So! Without further ado: Enjoy Dia’s Merlin Plotline (For Five Seasons).
Season One: Pretty much the same as canon. Merlin learns about Nimueh, who is the primary antagonist, and we get to know all the characters we know and love. The season ends with Merlin returning from defeating Nimueh, entirely certain that he cannot/must not ever reveal his magic to anyone in Camelot.
Season Two: ALSO pretty much the same. But this time, when Merlin and Arthur go to the crystal cave, Arthur learns about Merlin’s magic- and Morgana’s. Shaken and distrusting, Arthur returns to Camelot to confront his father, but before he can, Morgause attacks. Arthur goes with Merlin to Kilgarrah’s cave and offers to ease his sentence if he tells them how to defeat the undead. Kilgarrah refuses, furious that Merlin dared to bring a Pendragon to him, but tells them that the only way for Arthur to survive is to kill his own kin. Arthur goes to Gaius to ask for help, where Gaius tells him that Morgana is his sister. Arthur refuses to kill her and Merlin defends him, but Gaius drugs them both and then poisons Morgana. In the aftermath, Morgause and her army disappear with Morgana, Uther is severely weakened by Morgana’s departure and starts passing many of his duties onto Arthur’s shoulders, and Arthur tells Gaius that his position is forfeit in the royal household. Because Merlin supported Arthur’s decision not to kill Morgana- and was drugged himself by Gaius- they build a tentative accord between each other, and he remains as Arthur’s manservant.
Season Three: Arthur and Merlin have reached a shaky balance with respect to Merlin’s magic, though there are still hiccups. They keep searching for Morgana, though without much hope; Gaius is training a few apprentices to be his successors. Arthur is, functionally, regent, and courting Gwen. The first half of the season is Arthur and Merlin settling into their new roles, with Arthur learning more about magic and Merlin supporting Arthur in his expanded duties. About halfway through the season, Morgana returns to Camelot, and her miraculous survival seems to rejuvenate Uther, who takes back many of his responsibilities. Arthur and Merlin still believe Morgana can be redeemed, but their methods of doing so are not immediately effective. Arthur clashes repeatedly with his father, unwilling to be as passive as in the past. This culminates in Arthur deciding his father’s imprisonment of Kilgarrah is unjust, and trying to identify the last surviving dragonlord to keep Camelot safe even after Kilgarrah is freed; Merlin later tells him that it’s his father, and they set out to find him. When they return from their quest, they learn that Morgause has attacked again, aided surreptitiously by Morgana, and the only way to beat back this army of the dead is through dragonfire. Merlin releases Kilgarrah and Morgause is defeated. But Kilgarrah then turns on Camelot and brings down half the castle, trying to reach Uther; Merlin, in full view of the court, commands him to stop. Uther demands Merlin be burned alive for sorcery. Arthur refuses, citing Merlin’s choice to protect Camelot rather than let the dragon destroy it, but Uther refuses to heed him. Arthur, Merlin, and Gwen flee from Camelot that very night.
Season Four: On their way out of Camelot, Arthur, Merlin, and Gwen are chased down by a furious Morgana, who insists on joining them. The four of them spend the season living, alternately, as vagabonds, mercenaries, and hedge knights; they meet up with Lancelot, Gwaine, Elyan, Percival, etc. The season is full of Merlin learning magic (hatching dragons!) through a variety of sources, wandering Albion, and understanding all that has been lost since Uther’s Purge. Arthur and Morgana learn the difficulties of being a commoner and Arthur gains a new understanding of Gwen; Gwen, however, starts to have second thoughts about her relationship with Arthur now that Lancelot is back in the picture. Arthur’s uncle Agravaine comes to join their party, but Merlin and Morgana immediately suspect him as working on Uther’s behalf. This culminates in Agravaine finally revealing that Morgause is not dead but has partnered with King Odin and promised him Camelot; they have been slowly poisoning Uther since Arthur left to weaken Camelot’s defenses. Arthur and his band of knights- and the army Merlin, Morgana, and Gwen have spent the season gathering- return to Camelot to save Uther. But they are too late. Arthur returns to Uther freshly buried, a kingdom in disarray, and his own people distrusting the army he brings home. To bring them all together, Merlin tells the people to go to Lake Avalon, where he asks Freya to part the waters; a sword is revealed to be embedded within the stone. Arthur pulls Excalibur out of the stone, gains his confidence and inspires his people, and kills Morgause.
Season Five [First Half]: Having defeated Odin, Arthur has established Camelot as a place for magic to thrive and shine. Merlin hears of magic-users in Essetir being taken as slaves by the king, and insists that they must try to stop it. Merlin and Gwaine go to Lot’s kingdom in disguise and accidentally perform a coup; Merlin rules in Arthur’s name before Arthur comes to claim the lands as his own. In Essetir, he meets Mordred, who was captured by slavers after fleeing Camelot. Though uneasy, Merlin takes him under his wing and trains him, both in magic and, through Gwaine, in combat. Meanwhile, Caerleon, fearing Camelot’s growing military might, attempts to attack Arthur, but is repelled; Morgana then names him as High King on the battlefield, and all four kingdoms kneel to him. The tensions between Lancelot, Gwen’s, and Arthur grow daily, but the growing needs of Camelot mean they can none of them address them properly until Lancelot decides to go and help rule Essetir instead of standing in Gwen’s and Arthur’s way. Arthur and Gwen decide they should get married, and she is crowned as High Queen over Albion. Morgana is officially named Arthur’s heir.
Season Five [Second Half]: In the second half of the season, there’s a time jump. Mordred is a knight and a sorcerer, and all of Albion is at peace. Merlin is now the established court sorcerer and physician; Arthur’s knights are all acting as regents in various fiefdoms across Albion. Magic is a force for good and evil; Merlin has built schools for learning and pockets of entirely magical villages have cropped up. But Morgana’s dreams are uneasy, and when she tells Merlin, the two of them go to the crystal cave to get some more clarity. On the way back, they stop in Essetir, just in time to save Lancelot from an assassination attempt, though Merlin has to put him in a coma. Against Arthur’s advice, Gwen goes to Gaius and learns of a magical object called the Holy Grail, which could relieve all wounds and turn a life immortal. As High Queen, Gwen then issues a challenge to all of Albion for the Holy Grail, promising riches beyond all imagining. Arthur and his knights, called to by honor, go on the quest. Merlin returns from Essetir with Lancelot’s body and tells Gwen the Holy Grail is nothing other than the Old Religion’s Cup of Life, but it has been destroyed by the Druids when they learned of Morgause’s intent to steal it. Mordred then tells them that the Druids didn’t destroy it, but hid it instead, in a place with many magical trials; Merlin, and Mordred head out to overcome them. On the way there, they meet Arthur and his knights, and they join forces. Mordred is compelled by a vision on the way there and stabs Arthur with Excalibur; Merlin manages to grab the cup and come back, but Arthur refuses to take the water, instead insisting Merlin give the water to Lancelot. Merlin takes Arthur’s body to Avalon, where Freya, Morgause, and Ygraine are there to receive him. They bury him with honor and send Merlin off with the knowledge that Arthur will rise again. Merlin returns to Camelot with the Cup of Life and revives Lancelot. Gwen has exiled herself to a monastery to repent for her mistakes, but Lancelot tells Merlin that he will go after her, though the choice will be hers in the end. Morgana is crowned queen. Merlin serves as her advisor, but at the end of her reign, he retires to Avalon, where Arthur lies still, and places the entire lake under an enchantment, set to be broken only in the time of Albion’s greatest need.
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liminalpsych · 2 years
Development of Arthur - Geoffrey of Monmouth
1138 - Historia regum Britanniae and 1150 - Vita Merlini, by Geoffrey of Monmouth
Physical appearance
In battle, wore "a golden helmet with the carved likeness of a dragon upon the crest"
Carried the shield Pridwen, "which had the image of blessed Mary, Mother of God, painted upon it, keeping him always mindful of her"
Wielded Caliburn, "greatest of swords, which had been made in the isle of Avalon"
In his right hand during battle, carried the spear known as Ron, "long and broad and keen in warfare"
At 15 years old, described as "a youth of outstanding virtue and largesse. His innate goodness made him exhibit such grace that he was beloved by all the people". Possessed "both great courage and generosity".
"Such an outstanding man that no one could match him in virtue" according to Merlin
Takes counsel from advisors and vassals, listens to them, takes their advice into consideration.
Willing to engage in mercy if asked sufficiently, but more inclined to mercilessness as a default, and swift to punish treachery. E.g.: let the surrendering Saxons go back to Germany, then hanged all the Saxon hostages when the Saxons turned back around and attacked the Briton countryside. E.g.: had made the decision to let none of the Picts and Scots live, but the bishops and clergy of those lands approached him and begged for mercy, such that "pity finally moved him to tears".
Fierce fighter and battle-leader, even at a young age, often even rushing into the front lines to inspire and rally the troops and successfully killing… lots of men. (470, in one of his first campaigns.)
Loyal and protective of his vassals.
Rejoiced at being universally feared after his conquests, and desired to "submit all Europe to his rule", so he conquered Norway, Denmark, and Gaul (over the course of a 9-year campaign). Eventually also fought and defeated the forces of Rome (though didn't get to conquer all of Rome due to Mordred interrupting by taking over Britain).
Unhesitant to accept single combat, and would even seek out challenges (for example, fighting two different giants in single combat and winning). "For King Arthur possessed such strength and courage that he scoffed at bringing the entire army against such monsters. He wanted to impress his men by vanquishing the creature himself" and so would do stuff like get Bedivere and Kay to steal away with him so he can fight a giant in single combat
Eloquent and well-spoken, able to give speeches "bedecked with a truly Ciceronian eloquence".
Intelligent and well-educated.
Had a portentous dream (about a dragon and bear fighting), not very good at interpreting it though.
Reasonably devout Christian.
Wife: Guinevere, "from a noble Roman family", who had been brought up in the household of Duke Cador of Cornwall and "surpassed all the other women of the isle in beauty."
Mother: Igerna, married to Gorlois the duke of Cornwall when Arthur was conceived. Her "beauty surpassed that of all the other women of Britain".
Father: Uther Pendragon, who was disguised as Gorlois when Arthur was conceived, then later married Igerna after Gorlois' death. Poisoned to death by the Saxons after defeating them. Buried in Stonehenge (the "Ring of Giants") next to his brother Aurelius.
Sister: Anna, "whose sons and grandsons will later rule the kingdom of Britain" per Merlin's prophecy. Married Loth of Lothian, lord of Leis, "a most experienced soldier, wise and mature".
Another sister? Possibly a half-sister from Igerna and Gorlois? Unclear and unnamed, but married Budicus the king of the Armorican Britons over in what's now part of France.
Nephew: Hoel, king of the Armorican Britons. Arthur and Hoel were very fond of one another, "united by love and a common blood", and Hoel was a strong ally. Arthur dropped everything to rally to his rescue when he was ill and besieged, and they showed affection to each other more than Arthur is described as doing with anyone else in Geoffrey's narrative. (I get the sense based on the timeline and interactions that they're of similar ages, but I don't have evidence of that.)
Nephew: Gawain, son of Loth of Lothian and Arthur's sister Anna.
Nephew: Mordred, son of Loth of Lothian and Arthur's sister Anna.
Brother-in-law: Loth of Lothian, Earl of Lothian and King of Norway
Paternal uncle: Constans, eldest brother of Uther, prior king of Britain before Vortigern and Vortimer, former monk, puppet of Vortigern, deceased before Arthur's birth.
Paternal uncle: Aurelius Ambrosius, older brother of Uther, prior king of Britain after Vortigern and before Uther, deceased before Arthur's birth.
Grandfather: Constantine, king of Britain before Constans, deceased before Arthur's birth
Grandmother: Unnamed woman from a noble family "who Guithelin had personally raised"
Arthur's birth prophesied by Merlin to Uther, along with the birth of his sister Anna.
Conceived at Tintagel Castle in Cornwall when Uther lay with Igerna while disguised by Merlin as her husband Gorlois, who he was at war with at the time (because he wanted Igerna).
Uther and Igerna marry shortly thereafter, as Gorlois died in battle while Uther and Igerna were conceiving Arthur. They "lived together as equals bound by mutual affection".
Arthur's sister Anna is born to Uther and Igerna.
Uther becomes ill and places Loth of Lothian in charge of the armies to fight the invading Saxons. Uther is carried in a litter to command the battle when Loth is unable to command the Britons successfully, manages to mostly succeed until the Saxons assassinate him by poisoning a spring.
The leaders of the various provinces of Britain ask Archbishop Dubricius of Caerleon to crown 15-year-old Arthur as king.
Arthur "upheld the ancient custom" of gift-giving to soldiers who joined him until he ran began to run out of gifts, so then he attacked the Saxons to distribute their riches among his men.
Drove out the Saxons, then also the Picts, Scots, and Irish from Britain (the Britain of the time, which is now Wales and some of England).
Rebuilt the churches that the Saxons had destroyed.
Married Guinevere.
Subdued Ireland and Iceland, and then the kings of Gotland and Orkney surrendered to him before they could get invaded.
12 years of peace, during which Arthur invited "all the bravest men from the farflung reaches of his domain to join his household," and cultivated "such refinement in his court so that people far and wide sought to emulate it," and "every young nobleman was tempted to hang himself unless he could dress or bear arms like the knights of King Arthur's court".
Possibly around this time is when Arthur fights the giant Retho atop Mount Aravius, when Retho challenges him to single combat to add to Retho's kingly beard collection? (Retho was collecting beards of kings to make a fur coat.) Timeline is unclear here.
Conquers Norway and Denmark. Establishes Loth as king.
Spends 9 years conquering Gaul, holds court at Paris, gives Neudtria (Normandy) to Bedivere and gives the province of Anjou to Kay.
Big fancy feast/tournament/celebration at Caerlon, is ceremoniously bestowed the royal crown. Rome sends a delegation to threaten Britain, tell Arthur to come to Rome in August, and that Britain still owes Rome tribute. The Britons are outraged, Arthur tells Rome they should give Britain tribute instead.
Rome advances towards Britain. Arthur leaves Britain under custodianship of Mordred and Guinevere and invades Rome.
Arthur sneaks off with Bedivere and Kay to fight and kill an unnamed giant in single combat while waiting in Gaul for the rest of his armies to arrive.
The Britons defeat the Roman forces somewhere between Paris and Rome. Arthur winters in the Allobroges, continuing to conquer the area, and wants to cross the mountains to invade Rome when summer comes.
Arthur receives word that Mordred has "proven himself to be a tyrant and a traitor", seized the throne of Britain, and "now took his wicked pleasure with Guinevere, who had broken her marriage vows".
Arthur returns to Britain and wages war against Mordred, who's allied with the Scots, Picts, Irish, and Saxons. Guinevere joins the nuns at a church in Caerleon when hearing of Arthur's arrival and victories.
~542 C.E.: Battle of Camlann. Mordred is killed Arthur is carried off by Merlin, Barinthus, and maybe others to Avalon to be healed by Morgen. Constantine, son of Duke Cador of Cornwall, becomes king.
Other notes
"The Boar of Cornwall" in Merlin's prophecies refers to Arthur.
Most described court events were at Tintagel or Caerleon.
Merlin does not show up in Arthur's story after his conception. In "The Life of Merlin", Merlin implies that he helped bring Arthur's body to Avalon as well.
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tiodolma · 10 months
According to the Welsh Triads (a poetic compilation in groups of three), Uther Pendragon is said to be the creator of one of the three great enchantments of the Island of Britain, which he taught to Menw ap Teirgwaedd. While the enchantment itself is not described, Menw appears in other stories as a magician-knight in Arthur's court, most notably "Culhwch and Olwen". The Other Great Enchantments were created by Math ap Mathonwy and Rudlwm the Dwarf. Notably, Merlin is largely absent in these triads except as a bard. It seems Uther was originally a Wizard-king (per Celtic Standards of Heroism) like his brother, Aurelius Ambrosius.
oh wow this is fascinating
http: //norin77.50megs.com/triads.htm
Uther is in
Three Great Enchantments of the Island of Britain:
The Enchantment of Math son of Mathonwy (which he taught to Gwydion son of Don), and the Enchantment of Uthyr Pendragon (which he taught to Menw son of Teirgwaedd), and the Enchantment of Gwythelyn/Rudlwm the Dwarf (which he taught to Coll son of Collfrewy his nephew).
http:// mistshadows.blogspot.com/2020/04/the-transformation-of-uther-pendragon_9.html
so there is a piece of work which said Uther Pendragon taught magic/enchantment to Menw
Moreover Book of Taleisin clues us that he was probably a shapeshifter who could turn into some kind of fox or comet "gorlassar" or gorlois
We need to take another look at the relevant lines of "Marwnat Vthyr Pen" (Elegy of Uther Pendragon, Book of Taliesin), where the hero calls himself gorlassar: It is I who commands hosts in battle: I’d not give up between two forces without bloodshed. It’s I who’s called the very blue [or, given the context, 'the great blaze, conflagration'; cf. Irish forlassar, from the intensive prefix plus lasar, 'fire, flame']: my ferocity snared my enemy. It is I who’s a leader in darkness: Our God, Chief of the Sanctuary, transforms me. It’s I who’s like ['eil' here means like/similar to, not 'second' - unless God is to be considered the 'first'] a candle/luminary [transf. star, sun, moon; fig. leader, hero] in the gloom: I’d not give up fighting without bloodshed between two forces.
sourced from this blog:
http:// mistshadows.blogspot.com/2020/02/uthers-star-and-comet-of-442-ad.html
there's a suggestion that "gorlassar" could be linked to Gorlois.
tbf i wouldnt be suprised if merlin got reinvented by monmouth by merging the welsh triad (possible actual shapeshifter) uthyr pendragon + aurelius ambrosius + the warlord bard Myrddin who famously got mad in the forest.
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