#acid base
mcatmemoranda · 1 year
Signs to monitor with CHF: JVD, pitting edema, crackles, urine output, weight
Every 1 increase in bicarb equals an increase of CO2 by 10. Pts who are heavier need more prednisone. We have a pt with BMI >50, and she needs 60 mg prednisone for COPD exacerbation.
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attyrocious · 9 months
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like hiring a horse to dogsit
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soarrenbluejay · 6 months
Supervillains for a community. (Well, except those jerks over in Gotham, insular lot, but they’re they’re one problem) Of course they do- supervillains are a group defined by strong opinions and a willingness to see them through, often with a healthy dash of societal failures and trauma as a catalyst.
The fentons, while not active even on the online message boards, are well known and explosive when they do show up, full of fascinating insights and hours long rants on mad science on hair pin turns courtesy of that ADHD attention span. Bit of the cryptids you feel honored to bump into kind of deal. Besides, like a good quarter of the community as it aged, they’d settled down and had kids (not necessarily in that order) and taken it very seriously! Out in the middle of nowhere, where even the most fearsome government outpost members, the local branch of the IRS, quake before them in fear. Out of the way.
Reveal gone okay-ish, Danny moves to Gotham still to get some air bc now things are Akward and he landed that engineering scholarship which is loads better than any other college would give him with his track record. So- the mysterious Fenton children are finally crawling out of hiding! Everyone is psyched! And roll in to Gotham en masse to witness the fireworks!
Except Danny is Determined To Be Normal. He’s had enough of the throwing himself into harms way shit for a lifetime- he wants to be free to peacefully built Rube Goldberg machines and unintentional increasingly complex bombs to his hearts content. JAZZ, on the other hand- the coveted token Normal One, has finally snapped! She’s watched her baby brother she practically raised throw himself into danger over and over and could do nothing, and now that she’s exposed to this whole network of superheroes outside of small town Amnity, some of those uglier emotions are coming out. And boy is she pissed! And can’t afford to show it much while filing the paperwork to have Arkham legally razed to the ground!
See I love this idea of like, niches in superhero society. A villain the heroes know they can plop their kiddo down with for an exciting afternoon brawl while they take care of a particularly grisly case and come back to a few hours later ranting about some new life lesson and a new move they really want to try. A villain who has a functioning moral compass despite their somewhat batshit long term goal and you can contact to fuck with another villains’s plan so they can laugh at them and you can have an easy afternoon. One who pries up hostile architecture and fills in pot holes, idk man. Get creative here, there’s such potential!
So Jazz becomes a Training villain- someone the heroes know their sidekicks will walk away from in a fight 100% of the time, usually with some new lesson to ponder and only a couple of bruises. Sometimes even snacks!
She also absolutely ambushes mentors to check that they’re worth the kiddo, which they appreciate once they get over being jumped in a dark alley by a 7 foot Amazon trained force of nature. They are not used to being on that side of the jumping, it’s a little unnerving.
(Yes, she low key adopts Shazam upon checking in with him on cursory ‘is the main hero of this city and asshole’ checkin. Yes, the super clones get yoinked out from under Superman’s negligent thumb to go have a blast with Ellie. What about it?)
This however only encourages more assorted weirdos to crawl out of the woodwork. It’s not often one of their own forfeits their potential spot for the running of the coveted Most Normal I Swear prize, but when they do it’s bound to be good! But jazz is off hounding various heroes and punching the faces in of pedophiles and shit whenever there’s no cape within easy reach, and so is a mite bit harder to contact than Danny, who has innocently gotten an apprenticeship under a clockworker for access to their workshop and is gleefully going about doing nerdy shit with great abandon.
Plus this is Gotham. No one gives a shit if someone in the Mad Alchemist uniform and still smoking from their latest experiment pokes their head in a window to bother the local shrimp teen- none of the usual social rules apply, everyone’s crazy here! So everyone drops any and all attempts at masking and just acts their genuine unhinged selves, much to the alarm of the Bats and frustration of Danny.
Bc he cannot get these mfers to go. Away. Even liberal use of the creep stick has little effect when the interloper is calibrated for an opponent with super speed or laser vision or whatever, and he’s trying to maintain his guise as a Normal College Student Do No Investigate.
So he calls in the big guns. He’s not super active in the supervillain kids group chat ever since things in amnity calmed the fuck down post becoming King and then immediately using a loophole that says he will not take the throne until he is grown, as defined by finishing learning his trade a la the medieval standards Pariah set up. So he can just take his sweet ass time with his graduate degree and out of inter dimensional bull shit that much longer! Point is, he hasn’t taken the chance to rant over there in a while, so his Crazy friends are getting a lil worried.
The change to come over and shout at their batshit crazy but (mostly) well meaning parent AND see Danny? Score!
The bats, however, are getting awfully suspicious about this one kid that villains from all over the country are flocking to, especially young and upcoming ones as of recently! And he’s acting his engineering course- all the worst rogues are known to have flown through their PhD studies prior to Cracking. They seem to have a real problem on their hands with this Fenton guy.
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nouverx · 7 months
I always forget that autodesk sketchbook has a timelapse option 😔✌️
I am the type of artist who sketches everything on the same layer and would rather clean the sketch endlessly than do lineart. My friends always say I'm a madman for doing that but it's just so relaxing to me they don't get me
Here's the final sketch btw
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sereneabyyss · 28 days
While I'm glad my classes are giving me more fun ideas for fucked up science in a world created by a man who doesn't know fuck all about science. Can my classes please give me the time to write said ideas please begging on my hands and knees I want to write Shen Yuan yelling at Airplane about his bad science.
Like please I just want
Sy: why the fuck did the nectar turn pink
Airplane: oh the dirt's acidic.
Sy: what
Airplane: yeah, that flower is used as an indicator of poisons, it turns pink when in the presence of acids... Word of warning, most poisons in this world are acidic.
Significantly later
Sy: why does my soup smell like mac n cheese cooking
Airplane: you remember what I said about poisons being mostly acidic?
Sy: .......... I'm going to go kill a coward, and then you're next
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fountain-of-oceanus · 11 days
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peer pressure
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s-rolldown-s-fork · 6 months
I'm just thinking of a tgcf au where Mu Qing gets together w Feng Xin and breaks his vow of celibacy (which would affect his followers and subsequently his spiritual power) but when it happens it's like, way, way less damage than he thought it was gonna be
So he goes to investigate and it's like "why aren't you guys surprised or shocked or angry I'm rawdogging it w another man now" and his followers are like "you weren't already doing that???" "I thought you were married and like sex was just you guys bonding" "that's from play #69 & an old fanfiction tian stfu"
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7roaches · 1 year
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gaspipe gaykeep girlmusk
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litheangel · 19 days
Can anyone explain redox reactions in easier words and also tips on how to study them?? Im struggling so much and nothings really helping and its really important
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Corrosives Chemical Safety
Defined as "a chemical that causes visible destruction of, or irreversible alterations in living tissue by chemical action at the site of contact" both acids and bases are corrosive chemicals. Appropriate PPE, including gloves and eye protection, should be worn at all times when handling these chemicals. The degree of hazard can vary based on concentration and chemical, but many corrosives (particularly acids) should be stored in corrosives cabinets, non-metallic structures designed to hold them. For acids specifically, acids should be added to water and never the reverse.
Examples of highly corrosive liquids include bromine, sodium hydroxide, sulfuric acid, and hydrogen peroxide. Sodium hydroxide is also corrosive as a solid. Corrosive gases, such as sulfur dioxide or ammonia, should only be handled in the appropriate enclosure/fume hoods. (As corrosive liquids and solids can also give off corrosive vapors, this generally applies to all corrosive chemicals.)
Sources/Further Reading: (Image source - Princeton University) (Cornell University) (University of Nebraska-Lincoln) (UC Berkeley)
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rexcaliburechoes · 9 months
does gale know that he's appreciated? does he know that he's loved? does he know that he's funny and witty and charming and worthwhile as a companion because of his simple existence? does he know that there is fulfillment in following the ambition to live? does he know? can he see the paths laid before him, the paths he is destined to walk, some that end in his death, others that continue on with his life, does he understand the ramifications of his choices, does he understand how his choices have affected the other companions' courses just by asking for a hand?
does he understand how the act of taking his hand grounds him in reality, towards a brighter future?
of course he doesn't; he's a fictional character and he only knows thst he sees in front of him and that is his death several feet ahead of him. he is entangled in the fabric of the universe like a moth in a spider's web, the strands of his ambitions and regrets clinging, gossamer thin yet sticky and strong, holding him fast to the paths that rip him in too many directions.
all he needs is a little push into the spider's maw or free to fly and live another day.
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mrpuzzlessimp420 · 5 months
Mr Puzzles breaks up with Mario (Joke Fanfic)
Mario was chilling in his and Mr Puzzles's cringe house (aka Mr Puzzles' Film Studio) when all of a sudden Mr Puzzles bursts through the window like a theatre kid would and lands next to Mario.
"My dearest love pookie bear, I need to tell you something very important" Mr Puzzles said, very dramatically, moving his body and arms like he was a overachieving 15 year old in a badly done school play.
"Well, what is it my cringe fail husband?" Mario asked, wondering what his dearest love could need to tell him so theatre-kiddy.
"I-" Mr Puzzles started to say, extremely nervous about what he was about to say. This one sentence could ruin everything he built up.
"I LOVE SOMEONE ELSE!" Mr Puzzles declared suddenly, shocking Mario and not shocking everyone else reading this because they read the title of the fic (your a real one if you read this)
"What?!!!" Mario shouted, shocked at this revelation. How could Mr Puzzles love someone else?
With tears in his silly eyes Mario asks a simple question "W-who do you love then???"
Suddenly, a figure jumped into the room from the same window Mr Puzzles did
"It is I!" The figure declared
"Orange-Juice!" Orange-Juice exclaimed
"Are you serious?" Mario questioned, somehow acting with common sense for a change.
"O-orange kun, I didn't see you there" Mr Puzzles said nervously, tucking his nonexistent hair behind his nonexistent ears
"Don't worry my love, I will save you from this incredibly awkward situation" Orange Juice said grabbing Mr Puzzles and flying off into space or something
Mario just stood their for a second, wondering what the fuck just happened
Then Mario stopped not acting like himself again and went to go eat some spaghetti
The end
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hiraspit · 3 months
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chaoticbuggybitchboy · 5 months
The next person who acts like ocd isn’t a serious debilitating mental illness is getting their shampoo and conditioner replaced by bleach and ammonium respectively
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aloraaki · 5 months
Robin: You know, I'm surprised you managed to copy the exact chemicals that made the Joker go insane. They were disposed of after the incident, and literally never remade. Rex: Oh, it wasn't hard. In fact, the chemicals didn't even do much to him, they were just a slightly corrosive material that reduced his melanin, permanently. Robin: Really? Rex: Yeah. He was already crazy before them, but the chemicals just gave him a half-assed excuse for insanity. Superboy: So... doesn't that just mean you knowingly dumped Joker Junior into acid? Rex: Well when you say it like that it sounds bad.
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insinirate · 8 months
How do you feel about dabihawks or end hawks? (Hawks being the bottom for both)
brother i do not go here anymore
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