#adult survivor of csa
nothing0fnothing · 6 months
My mom always used to tell me that I was so much more mature than the boys my age because "girls mature faster" and always told me to date older when I started dating.
The men in my family would tell me that the best way for me to succeed was to 1) get really thin 2) get really hot 3) marry an elderly man months from death 4) inherit his money after he died.
Constant discussions about how I shouldn't be dating teenage boys because teenage boys "only want one thing" and I should be waiting to date till my mid 20s when they've "calmed down".
But yeah it was totally my fault when a man in a position of power over me in his late 20s started dming me when I was 13 and I thought it was normal.
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Antis are a prime example of why gatekeeping is actually good sometimes....
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rabbittongues · 2 years
Tumblr media
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blatantlyhidden · 8 months
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pensarecool2 · 2 years
DID is like compartmentalized childhood PTSD.
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profictionoverhaul · 2 years
Non-controversial take.
I don't get involved in discourse much, but if I go onto your account and see you reblogging a lot of stuff from an account and that account has some shit like "xxxxx people should die <3" right in their bio/pinned, I'm going to block you without hesitation. Because like, you can clearly see it right there when you click on their account, meaning you're okay with that sort of stuff? And I don't vibe with that.
Telling anyone to die or insinuating they should off themselves/be killed, I do not vibe with that energy. I don't want you interacting with my stuff if you agree with that sort of awful behavior, even if you yourself aren't doing it, supporting people who actually do it is virtually the same in my eyes and I will not unblock you either.
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charliespringverse · 11 months
rewatching house led to me infodumping at my mother about ao3 and gen z purity culture and honestly . if she didn't want these things to happen to her she shouldn't have had children with a man so incredibly neurodivergent
#there was a logical progression to the infodump . but i fear it was only logical in an adhd way#bc my friend went ''u can rlly tell this is early 2000s bc they wouldn't let him say things like that today''#which led to the ''they Could theoretically make it but like . toned down and also no character would ever be able to agree w him''#which led to the thing of how audiences seem unable to separate depiction from endorsement#like the whole ''if a character is transphobic and nobody in-world calls them evil and wrong then the creator must be transphobic'' thing#which led to the tag system on ao3 and the proship/anti thing abt whether the existence of the archive warning system means they're —#- endorsing/supporting works that contain 'problematic' themes and content#which led to me ranting abt the reasons Why ppl create dark media (eg a story abt csa could be written by a nonce or a survivor)#and my mother was just Sat There like 🧍🏻‍♂️ bc she's a 60 yr old woman and doesn't care about fanfiction or proship/anti discourse#i do this rant/infodump a Lot tho like it's on my mind very often . i love rambling for nearly an hour abt stupid internet culyure#also the quote i think best sums up my entire stance on the proship vs anti thing is from sarah z's video on it#''i am a tax paying adult woman not a member of a fucking fandom war sports team'' which is so me except that i'm a man n i don't pay taxes#((i'm not a tax evader i just don't meet the threshold to pay them))#anygay . i get on a plane in like 15 hours and i need to sleep#jay screams into the void
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starksurvivorthoughts · 8 months
If you're an adult and you take part in the damaging, counterproductive and systemized sexualization of children, go to therapy, keep it to yourself and
Shut the fuck up
Your access to that material isn't helping you, and it will be used to harm others.
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nothing0fnothing · 7 months
We still lived in the old house when my cousin tried to hurt me. My mom had complained with him in the room to her sister that I had been caught at a birthday party with a same age as me boy in a tree house kissing on the lips. We weren't kissing when we got caught, we were just going to, but that's beside the point. Anyhow, I was 5 and my cousin was 13. So the next day he had a chance he played a game with me where we lined all my bears up against the door. He then sat against the door and told me to kiss him. I didn't want to. I'd gotten in enough trouble before and the thought of it made me uncomfortable. He then explained that I was trapped in this room with him. That no adults would hear me cry and even if they could they were powerless to save me with him sat against the door. That I would be trapped here forever till I did it. I began to cry and ask him to move, I began screaming for my mommy but she didn't rush to me at all. I began to barter as small children do, "you can have my legos, my dolly, my favoritist picture" I'm sat on one side of the room bawling while he taunts me in the other. Till I decided there was one route that I hadn't tried yet, physical violence. I got up from my corner, wiped the tears from my eyes and put my hands around his throat, choking him. I squeezed hard till he was red in the face then let go. He ran to my mother who immediately sided with him. She barely listened to my explanation of what happened and made it clear she didn't believe me. So there it was. The first time I reported and I wasn't believed. Later on other people did worse and I knew to just keep it to myself, because I knew with the reputation my parents pinned on me nobody would believe me and I'd only make it worse.
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pensarecool2 · 1 year
The physical repulsion of being able to recall childhood memories.
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identitty-dickruption · 8 months
as a CSA survivor I honestly think that the number one way to prevent child abuse is to surround kids with adults who treat them with respect. partially because it means there are people for kids to turn to in times of crisis. but also it makes kids way less vulnerable to the magnetism of “wow this adult is the first person to treat me as a human being. better do whatever I can to keep their respect”
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abbyshands · 2 months
YESSSS, imma piggy back on what you said real quick. Most people understand the concept of sex and the basic acts of sexual intercourse by middle school/the age of 12. It’s really not that hard to grasp and whether they’ve indulged in those certain acts or not doesn’t change the fact that they most likely know what it is.
So when people try to pass it on or even justify it as “well it’s an innocent reader/mc” or even “it’s just fiction” it doesn’t matter, you’re writing about someone and/or something in a childlike connotation. Who is actually saying or responding to “oh my cunny this” or “my private parts this” 🧍🏾‍♀️ Like be actually so real please. I’m telling you dude some of them like children and don’t wanna say it.
Don’t get me started on that “corruption” shit either cause a lot of y’all (whoever this applies to) are openly admitting to wanting to “ruin someone’s innocence” in your writing and it’s not cute like yall think it is😭
tw // pedophilia, csa
for fucking real. for the “corruption” kink, to be honest, it’s bearable as long as it isn’t to the degree of an overly innocnet “adult” reader, who may as well be a baby/child. but let’s be so serious: you’ll have had sex ed classes in high school if you’re an adult, regardless of “innocence,” etc, or religion, per say, because that seems to be an excuse people use to play off a “pure” reader who’s really more childlike when it comes down to it. you can be a virgin, “pure,” think sex is immoral, blahblahblah, while knowing its core fundamentals, and the basic concept. there’s no reason in hell an adult reader shouldn’t know where their clit/hole is, where a penis is inserted into a vagina, what cumming is, how sexual intercourse works as a general consensus, etc. there’s no reason your reader or your main character should be yapping ab a “cunny,” “clitty,” “private/princess parts,” “potty,” etc. are you fucking kidding me?
and then people are seriously bending over backwards to defend it? i mean, let’s be real, you’re not earning any points here. why are you defending a phenomenon where people find sexual pleasure, sexual arousal, in behaving like a baby/child during sexual intercourse? does that not sound unbelievably repulsive, or have i lost all common sense? i mean, fucking honestly. people need to get a grip. quit playing off coquette-ified pedophilia as a kink, because as a csa survivor, as someone who has seen what it’s like to put your trust into an adult as a child, then have them violate the shit out of you sexually, you fucking repulse me. i’m sick of seeing it all over my home page and it being so goddamn normalized. it’s triggering and i find it absolutely horrific. weird isn’t even the word: people. are fucking. sick.
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nothing0fnothing · 9 months
One of the saddest things about being a victim like I was so young is how early it took away my innocent childishness. Because I was being hurt at home and stepdad wanted to create a narrative where I couldn't be believed if I talked about it, he sexualised me constantly, and made other adults believe my behaviour was sexually driven in a way that nobody would believe of any other child my age. At a wedding, 8 years old, I was a bridesmaid in a big poofy dress. Playing with the other children, all my age and younger, I thought it would be such a fun idea to hide the smallest boys under my layers of chiffon skirt. I'm not saying it's bad to tell a child not to do that. Obviously telling me that wasn't a good way to play is normal. But that's not what happened. What happened was he loudly scolded me at the table, surrounded by other adults. I didn't understand at the time but he implied that this was a pattern of problematic behaviour for me (it wasnt) and that I knew there were sexual implications of my behaviour (I didnt). The parents of the boys kept their sons away from me the rest of the reception and although I didn't understand why, I knew it was because they thought I was doing something wrong to them with an intent that I just did not have. I just feel like if I had a normal family, I wouldn't have been looked at like that by another adult. Like I was dirty or somehow more adult than I was, because I wasn't. Because most people with 8 year olds in their lives don't sexualise their behaviour like that. And that's a big part of the innocence I was robbed of. The perceived innocence of other adults that most children just get, I didn't have the luxury of anymore.
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eve-was-framed · 2 months
growing up in extreme purity culture while being a CSA survivor while also being a teenager at the height of liberal feminism truly fucks your brain up in a way I don’t even know how to properly describe
I was simultaneously not “pure” enough because of something I didn’t have any control over but also I wasn’t “sexually liberated” enough because porn made me deeply uncomfortable and I felt a major sense of guilt for not thinking it would help me “take my sexuality back” to sell some disgusting old man photos of my naked body. I didn’t feel like I had any place in feminist spaces, and actually healthy feminist spaces would have really helped me during this period of my life
if you were a grown adult on tumblr during the mid to late 2010’s telling young girls that they’re prudes for not liking porn and prostitution you owe an entire generation of young women a major apology because I know for a fact I’m not the only one who felt this way. you helped alienate the girls who needed feminism the most
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chaifootsteps · 5 months
So I think we're all in agreement that Raph sucks.
However, I don't think none of us would give a fuck what he's into if it weren't for the fact that he's not an SA survivor, and Viv put his very fetishistic work into hers (boarded the episode and dialogue from his Valangel comic is used in Ep4) for millions of people to see without a trigger warning, and her trying to claim it's good SA rep. (He also sexually harassed a 15 year old child, which Viv victim blamed)
Raph, I don't give a fuck what you do behind closed doors with consenting adults. I write and read noncon fanfics. I'm into noncon, and I'm a CSA victim. And even I'd have enough foresight not to put my own personal fetish content into a show this massive.
It's literally the Dan Schneider bullshit. That's what this all is. He claimed the "comedy was completely innocent" when it clearly wasn't, and also clearly has a foot fetish. (Also, I know someone who was friends with Dan/appeared on his shows, and even they said, "I wouldn't be surprised if he was one [pedophile]."
Let's not let Viv get away with this one, alright?
Same, honestly. I could not give less of a shit what Raph likes, what he draws, if he dresses up as Angel and has his partner dress up as Valentino and they hit each other with phones, whatever.
It's the fact that Raph's fetish (and Viv's, let's be honest) spewed itself out of a whole bunch of unwitting Amazon Prime subscribers' TVs, and it's how they both reacted when called on it. It is, it's Dan Schneider foot fetish all over again.
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