#adventures in new writing formats
iguessitsjustme · 10 months
Choose Your Own BL Adventure - Day 1
Visit Gelt in the kitchen and return the sweets. Tell him to give them out for free in the cafe today. You keep one for yourself.
Chase after Wreath. Thank him for apologizing for Gelt and being the mediator. Offer to split the sweets with him.
Call Snow and tell him you have sweets. He has a massive sweet tooth and will be able to demolish all of them while sparing you a few.
Read the beginning of the story here.
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gffa · 8 months
So, what's this about, huh? After recently sitting down with Star Wars Timelines, I was genuinely surprised at just how much they were willing to nail down to a specific year and sequence of events, which admittedly is a reference book and those are pretty low on the canon totem pole so be prepared for future retcons down the road, but it's shockingly useful information to have! Because the more I paged through it, the more I realized just how useful it would be for fic writers, especially for anything that might be referenced by a prequels character. Do you want to know how old the Jedi Order basically is? What the eras were called, if a prequels character wanted to reference them? What year did Dooku leave the Jedi? When did Naboo join the Republic? When was the Republic founded? When was the Jedi Temple built? When was Yaddle born? When did the Togruta ally with the Republic? Was Anakin born on Tatooine? When did Plo discover Ahsoka? When did Anakin get his first kyber crystal? When did Obi-Wan join the Jedi Council? WHEN DOES THE MANDALORIAN CIVIL WAR TAKE PLACE?? Some of this is SO INTERESTING to have nailed down into place--like just how old Huyang is or that the Jedi Temple was constructed on Coruscant BEFORE the Republic existed! Useful for me to know, but also my prequels-era characters to know! This book is willing to tell us A LOT and I collated everything I thought would be useful for a prequels character to know! ERAS:
c.5,000 BBY– 1,032 BBY: Ancient conflicts "The Jedi and Sith wage a series of wars throughout their history so ruinous that at points each is brought to the brink of destruction."
c.500 BBY–330 BBY: "The Age of Exploration" "After centuries of governing in regions near the galactic Core, the Republic sets out to explore the Outer Rim. This era of exploration on the frontier presents many adventures and opportunities for the Republic and the Jedi Order alike, but growth also leads them to uncover new mysteries and dangers. Soon the Jedi Order’s very connection to the Force is put to the test."
c.500 BBY–100 BBY: "The High Republic" The four hundred years that are collectively referred to as the High Republic era.
"The Jedi Order is founded. Among the earliest locations, and likely the first, is a temple constructed on the planet of Ahch-To. Later, the temple retains the most treasured Jedi texts and earliest writings on the Order’s faith. For eons, these noble protectors stand united by their ability to harness the power of the Force itself for good."
c.25,020 BBY: Professor Huyang powered up "The architect droid Professor Huyang begins training Jedi younglings in the delicate art of lightsaber construction."
c.20,000 BBY: Dawn of the Republic
"The foundation of the Republic is formed through an alliance including Coruscant, Corellia, and Alderaan, prompted by the dawn of hyperspace travel."
c.5,000 BBY: Creeping darkness
"A dark-side sect splinters from the Jedi, causing the formation of the Sith. This fracture is the genesis of a millennia-long rivalry."
c.5,000 BBY–1,032 BBY: "The Sith battle the Jedi in numerous conflicts for thousands of years before their struggle comes to an end, resulting in the destruction of the Sith Empire."
c.5,000 BBY–1,032 BBY: "The Sith build shrines on planets, including Malachor and Moraband. They covet these locations for their connection to the dark side of the Force."
c.1,050 BBY: A Mandalorian Jedi
"Tarre Vizsla becomes the first of the Mandalorian warriors to be inducted as a member of the Jedi Order. The unique lightsaber he constructs comes to be known as the Darksaber, later stolen to be used as a symbol to unite his planet."
c.1,032 BBY: Coruscant Temple erected
"The main Jedi Temple on Coruscant is constructed at the same location where there was once a Sith shrine."
c.1,032 BBY: "Darth Bane, the last surviving Sith, recognizes that infighting and back-stabbing ultimately led to the downfall of the Sith Empire. He declares the Rule of Two, whereby there can only be a sole master and single apprentice of the Sith. The practice safeguards the inherently selfish Order from self-destruction, thus ensuring the survival of the Sith for centuries to come."
1,000 BBY: Reformation of the Republic
"The first incarnation of the democratic alliance of planets, the Galactic Republic, is reformed."
c.972 BBY: Rules of war
"The Galactic Accord of Systems establishes a set of rules of engagement, in the event another war should break out."
896 BBY: Yoda is born
"The future Jedi Master Yoda is born."
832 BBY: Construction of Theed
"Naboo’s capital city, Theed, is built. The floating city on the banks of the river Solleu becomes the jewel of the metropolis."
867 BBY: Naboo joins the Republic
"The planet of Naboo officially joins the Galactic Republic. The event will be commemorated annually with The Festival of Light."
796 BBY: Students of Yoda
"Master Yoda begins training Jedi. He will maintain this regular practice, teaching the newest members of the Order, for about 800 years."
600 BBY:
Jabba Desilijic Tiure is born.
509 BBY:
Yaddle is born.
"The Republic and the Jedi establish Pathfinder teams to explore new hyperspace lanes in the farthest reaches of the galaxy. A team of Pathfinders typically includes two Jedi, a master and their apprentice, who work together with their Republic allies to discover new ways through dangerous and unexplored places. They work with communications teams who lay the groundwork for the infrastructure needed for Republic growth. In return for their efforts, the Jedi Order hopes to gain new understanding of the galaxy, new cultures, and the Force."
"Independent explorers also race to discover new paths through hyperspace. These prospectors risk their lives in perilous, uncharted corners of the Outer Rim, hoping to find safer, shorter routes. Families like the Grafs and San Tekkas earn great fame and fortune by selling their knowledge of these new hyperlanes."
382 BB The First High Republic book of Phase II
The High Republic: Path of Deceit kicks off the second phase of books, set 150 years before the previous phase.
382 BBY: Battle of Jedha
"The Path of the Open Hand instigates a battle on the sacred moon of Jedha."
232 BBY The First High Republic book of Phase I:
The High Republic: Light of the Jedi, which kicks off the original era of the High Republic (out of universe, not in universe), starting with the Great Hyperspace Disaster where a ship explodes in hyperspace over the planet Hetzal Prime. This ignites an intergalactic conflict with the Nihil that draws the Jedi and the Republic into a massive connected, long-running series of battles against them.
232 BBY:
"Dignitaries and Jedi gather at the Starlight Beacon for its official dedication ceremony."
The Great Hyperspace Disaster (the Legacy Run explodes in hyperspace) happens and the Jedi rush to help mitigate the disaster and evacuate as many people as they can.
"The brave deeds of the Jedi Order [in the Great Hyperspace Disaster] are cast across the galaxy via holotransmissions, making Kriss and her fellow Jedi heroes."
The Emergences: "Though Hetzal has been saved by the heroics of the Jedi, fragments of the Legacy Run continue to threaten the frontier. Fear grips the Outer Rim as blazing wreckage of the ship appears with little warning from hyperspace. As the Republic seeks answers to these Emergences, a group of Jedi stranded in a forgotten corner of space unknowingly cause a far older and more sinister threat to emerge: the Drengir."
"Wreckage from the Legacy Run scatters through hyperspace, endangering the Outer Rim. The first of the Emergences after the Great Hyperspace disaster occurs at Ab Dalis, killing 20 million beings."
"The Nihil strike on Elphrona, intending to ransom well-connected homesteaders and capture a Jedi for Marchion Ro’s evil machinations."
"The Jedi Council votes to join the Republic against the Nihil."
"With the Great Disaster behind them, the Republic and Jedi refocus on the opening of the Starlight Beacon. This towering space station located in the Outer Rim is one of Chancellor Lina Soh’s Great Works, meant to provide a symbol of hope in a dark corner of the galaxy. This shining example of Republic unity and progress serves as a vital base for the ongoing struggles with the Nihil and Drengir."
"One of Chancellor Lina Soh’s Great Works, the Starlight Beacon, begins operation after a dedication ceremony attended by Republic dignitaries and prominent members of the Jedi Order. The station is to be just one of many beacons, serving to connect, inspire, and serve the Republic’s growth in the Galactic Frontier. The Jedi maintain a permanent presence on the station under the leadership of Marshal Kriss and the watchful eye of the exacting Jedi Master Estala Maru."
"Hunting the Nihil - Though it lacks a formal military, the Republic forms a special task force to hunt the Nihil, with Joss and Pikka Adren among the first volunteers."
"The Jedi broker the Ayelina-Ludmere trade agreement."
"The carnivorous Drengir take root across wide swaths of the frontier. Their lust for living flesh, which they consider “meats,” leads them to attack hundreds of worlds. Defenseless settlers and the Jedi alike struggle to repel these horrifying plantlike creatures."
"Chancellor Lina Soh’s next Great Work is a magnificent fair on Valo. Meant to celebrate the Republic and its many achievements, the event turns into a tragedy. The Nihil mount a merciless raid on the fairgoers, destroy the event, and nearly kill the chancellor. The Jedi defenders mount a valiant defense but are outnumbered."
"The Jedi march across the frontier as they seek justice for the attack on the Valo fair. With the Drengir threat seemingly settled, they turn their attention to the scattered Nihil forces. The Jedi believe that they are gaining the upper hand, but are unaware of who leads the raiders and their ultimate goal. The Nihil Tempest Runners bear the brunt of the assault while the Eye of the Nihil, Marchion Ro, prepares a new weapon to fight the Jedi."
"The Republic-Togruta Alliance is formed."
"The Nameless wreak havoc among the Jedi, who fight valiantly in Starlight’s final moments. Master Estala Maru sacrifices his own life to delay the top half of the station from burning up in Eiram’s atmosphere. Below, Master Stellan Gios stays behind to ensure the lower portion will not strike a populated city on the planet’s surface."
"The Jedi recall their members to safety on Coruscant."
"The Republic readies a Defense Coalition fleet to strike at Nihil space. The Jedi, concerned that they cannot yet combat the Nameless, remain on Coruscant."
c.200 BBY:
"Births: Chewbacca— Wookiee hero and copilot born on Kashyyyk."
102 BBY:
"Serenno foundling Dooku’s family abandons him as an infant after discovering his Force abilities. The Jedi bring him to Coruscant to join the Order." (Dooku is born this year.)
Sifo-Dyas was also born in 102 BBY.
86 BBY:
Dooku becomes Yoda’s Padawan.
Sifo-Dyas becomes Lene Kostana’s Padawan.
84 BBY:
Sheev Palpatine is born on Naboo.
c.80 BBY:
Rael Averross becomes Dooku’s Padawan
72 BBY:
Mace Windu is born. (Take with a grain of salt, it's from a De Agostini booklet and never appeared anywhere else that I can find.)
c.70 BBY:
"Averross is knighted and encourages Dooku to take another Padawan."
68 BBY:
Qui-Gon Jinn becomes Dooku’s Padawan.
c.58 BBY:
"After attaining the rank of Jedi Master, Dooku is offered a seat on the Jedi Council."
Qui-Gon becomes a Jedi Knight.
57 BBY:
Obi-Wan Kenobi is born on Stewjon.
54 BBY:
"Obi-Wan Kenobi begins his Jedi training." (Presumably this means he was 3 years old when he was adopted by the Jedi and began his training then.)
52 BBY:
Palpatine is elected Senator of Naboo.
50 BBY:
"The Nightsisters sell Asajj Ventress to Hal’Sted."
46 BBY:
Padme Naberrie is born on Naboo.
44 BBY:
Obi-Wan Kenobi becomes Qui-Gon Jinn's Padawan.
"Stranded on remote Rattatak, the Jedi Knight Ky Narec discovers Asajj Ventress and trains her as his Padawan."
c.44 BBY - "Amid concerns about the corrosive effects of dynasties, the Naboo Reformations limit monarchs to a maximum of two two-year terms."
42 BBY:
Rael Averross introduces Dooku to Palpatine.
Dooku leave the Jedi Order and returns to Serenno to reclaim his title.
c.42 BBY: "Civil war engulfs Mandalore, a planet with a proud honor code and a war-torn history. Its clans form factions, with the conflict evolving to pit tradition-minded clan fighters against New Mandalorians who see the warrior past as a dead end."
c.42 BBY: "Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan protect Duchess Satine Kryze during the Mandalorian Civil War. Obi-Wan and Satine fall in love and he offers to leave the Jedi Order to be with her. They decide that their duties won’t allow them to follow their hearts."
c.42 BBY: "The Mandalorian Civil War ends with Satine’s New Mandalorians ascendant, though traditionalists—including Satine’s sister Bo-Katan—organize to resist her rule."
41 BBY:
Anakin Skywalker is born.
"Distant secret Ancient Jedi lore leads Obi-Wan to the Force-imbued planet Lenahra, where he forges a deeper connection with the living Force." (These are the events of the Padawan novel.)
c.41 BBY: "Holiday interrupted While visiting Kashyyyk, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan foil a Trandoshan raid aimed at taking Wookiee prisoners during Life Day celebrations." (These are the events of Star Wars Adventures 2020, issues 3-4. Unclear if this is before or after the novel Padawan.)
40 BBY:
c.40 BBY - Maul becomes Sidious’ apprentice.
Qui-Gon is offered a seat on the Jedi Council. He does not accept by the end of Master and Apprentice.
"Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan visit strategically located Pijal to oversee the signing of a treaty between its monarchy and the Czerka Corporation." (These are the events of the Master and Apprentice novel.)
39 BBY:
c.39 BBY: Sifo-Dyas joins the Jedi High Council.
38 BBY:
c.38 BBY - "Shmi and Anakin Skywalker are brought to Tatooine. Their enslaver, Gardulla the Hutt, soon loses them to Watto in a bet."
37 BBY:
Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan mediate a conflict on Bri’n. (Age of Republic - Qui-Gon Jinn #1)
36 BBY:
Orson Krennic and Galen Erso meet.
Ahsoka Tano is born.
34 BBY:
"Mace Windu helps overthrow the warlord Guattako." (These are the events of Age of Republic - Special #1)
"A skilled mechanic, Anakin begins gathering spare parts to build a protocol droid, C-3PO, to help Shmi with household chores."
"Sidious tests Maul on Malachor."
33 BBY:
"Plo Koon discovers a Force-sensitive Togruta toddler named Ahsoka Tano. He brings 'Little ‘Soka' to Coruscant for training."
"Sifo-Dyas orders a secret clone army to be created on Kamino."
"Eager to test his abilities against the Jedi Order, Darth Maul kills the Twi’lek Padawan Eldra Kaitis on Drazkel’s moon." (These are the events of Darth Maul 2017)
Caleb Dume/Kanan Jarrus is born.
"The former Padmé Naberrie is just 14 when elected and has barely taken office when the Trade Federation blockades and then invades Naboo."
The events of The Phantom Menace take place, the Trade Federation invades Naboo, Valorum sends Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon to help Naboo, Anakin Skywalker is adopted into the Jedi Order, Qui-Gon Jinn dies.
"Count Dooku pledges himself to the ways of the Sith, replacing Maul as Sidious’ apprentice and taking the name Darth Tyranus."
"Palpatine is elected supreme chancellor."
"Obi-Wan takes Anakin as his Padawan."
"The Sith take over Sifo-Dyas’ project to create a clone army, ordering inhibitor chips implanted in the clones to ensure their obedience."
"With Sifo-Dyas dead, Dooku takes over the clone project, altering it to serve the Sith’s purpose. In his guise as Tyranus, Dooku recruits the bounty hunter Jango Fett as the genetic template for the Kaminoans’ clone army. He then instructs the Kaminoans to secretly implant inhibitor chips in the clones’ brains to ensure their obedience. The clones will fight for the Republic, but the Sith will be their true masters."
Han Solo is born.
Boba Fett is born.
Yaddle is killed by Dooku.
31 BBY:
"Kuat Drive Yards receives an order from a secret buyer to create massive numbers of warships and weapons."
30 BBY:
"Sidious’ minions begin constructing a massive Observatory on Jakku, the first of several built as part of the Sith Lord’s decades-spanning Contingency project. As Palpatine, Sidious orders the secret establishment of bases, shipyards, and colonies in the galaxy’s Unknown Regions."
29 BBY:
c.29 BBY: "Anakin seeks out his first kyber crystal on Ilum and creates a lightsaber, an important step in his Padawan training."
"Anakin goes on a mission in Coruscant’s underlevels with a disguised Chancellor Palpatine, whom he comes to see as a mentor."
"Influenced by Palpatine, Anakin tells Obi-Wan he wishes to suspend his Jedi training and surrenders his lightsaber. With Anakin’s path undecided, Yoda sends him and Obi-Wan to Carnelion IV to investigate a distress signal. [Eventually] Anakin decides to remain Obi-Wan’s Padawan." (These are the events of Obi-Wan & Anakin 2016)
Hera Syndulla is born.
28 BBY:
Queen Amidala's final year as Queen of Naboo, where her successor, Queen Réillata, asks her to be Senator for Naboo and Padme agrees, taking office that year.
"Remembering her experience after fleeing Naboo, Padmé sends Sabé on a mission to investigate how to end slavery on Tatooine." (This ultimately doesn't really go anywhere/accomplish much, unfortunately.)
"Padmé becomes friends with two young fellow senators: Rush Clovis of Scipio and Mina Bonteri of Raxus." (These are the events of Queen's Shadow.)
c.28 BBY: "Obi-Wan and Anakin are sent to retrieve a Holocron from Dallenor, leading to a confrontation with the Krypder Riders." (These are the events of Age of Republic - Obi-Wan Kenobi #1.)
27 BBY:
c.27 BBY: "Cliegg Lars buys Shmi Skywalker’s freedom from Watto. They marry and live on Cliegg’s moisture farm."
26 BBY:
"While on a mission to Sullust, Dooku kills the Jedi Knight Jak’zin and forces the Kaldana Syndicate to serve Sidious’ interests." (These are the events of Age of the Republic - Count Dooku #1.)
"Obi-Wan and Anakin rescue Yoda from raiders on Glee Anselm, but discover the incident was actually a test engineered by the Jedi Council [to help them get along better]." (These are the events of Choose Your Destiny: An Obi-Wan & Anakin Adventure.)
24 BBY:
c.24 BBY - "Dooku founds the Confederacy of Independent Systems, attracting planets that wish to secede from the Republic and beginning the Separatist Movement."
"The Senate passes the Emergency Powers Act, allowing Palpatine to remain in office for the duration of the Separatist Crisis."
"Palpatine forms the Loyalist Committee to advise him during the Separatist Crisis. Senators belonging to the committee include Bail Organa of Alderaan, Padmé Amidala of Naboo, Ask Aak of Malastare, and Orn Free Taa of Ryloth."
"The Senate begins debating the Military Creation Act, which would allow the Republic to create military forces for its defense."
"Adrift after the death of Ky Narec, a grief-stricken Asajj Ventress embraces the dark side and becomes a warlord on Rattatak."
"Osika Kirske imprisons Ventress on Rattatak, forcing her to fight as a gladiator. Dooku frees her and offers to make her his apprentice in hopes of one day supplanting Sidious. Ventress agrees to serve as the count’s agent and assassin." (These are part of the events of Dooku: Jedi Lost.)
22 BBY–19 BBY: The Clone Wars
"A political crisis propels the Jedi Order into a galaxy-wide war against the Separatists, secretly led by the Sith."
"Obi-Wan and Anakin help defuse a crisis on Ansion." (Mentioned in Attack of the Clones: "He's just returned from a border dispute on Ansion," Mace says of Obi-Wan.)
The events of Attack of the Clones take place, Padme is attacked for her stance against the Military Creation Act in the Senate, Jar Jar introduces a motion to give Palpatine emergency powers as Chancellor, including the discovery of the clone army, Shmi Skywalker dies, Obi-Wan and Anakin and Padme are held captive by the Separatists and rescued by the Jedi, many who die in the arena, as well as Jango Fett dies, and the start of the Clone Wars.
Anakin and Padme are secretly married on Naboo.
Poggle the Lesser gives the Death Star plans to Dooku.
The Clone Wars begin on Geonosis.
"Mace Windu leads a Jedi mission to Hissrich. As a member of Windu’s team, Jedi Prosset Dibs accuses the Order of wanting Hissrich for the Republic. He duels Windu and is defeated. Dibs is found guilty of treason and confined to the Jedi Archives in hopes that he’ll find his way back to the light." (These are the events of Jedi of the Republic - Mace Windu.)
"Padmé and Captain Typho help Sticks’ squad of clone troopers free Separatist hostages on the embattled planet Hebekrr Minor." (These are the events of Queen's Hope.)
"Anakin becomes a Jedi Knight."
"Obi-Wan becomes a Jedi Master and is elevated to the Jedi Council."
"Obi-Wan investigates a bombing on Cato Neimoidia and discovers the attack bears the hallmarks of both a Republic and Separatist operation. He brings this disquieting hint that someone is manipulating both sides of the war back to Coruscant. Anakin duels Ventress on Cato Neimoidia." (These are the events of Brotherhood.)
"Captain Rex, formally designated CT-7567, is assigned to Anakin Skywalker, who saves his life during the Battle of Arantara. A mutual respect soon blossoms between the brash, bold young Jedi general and the sturdy, by-the-book clone officer."
"Anakin’s troops run afoul of hostile wildlife while searching for Separatist forces on Benglor." (These are the events of Star Wars Adventures: The Clone Wars – Battle Tales #1.)
"The Techno Union’s Wat Tambor destroys the Nexus trading post on Quarmendy to keep Plo Koon’s troops from reclaiming it." (These are the events of Star Wars Adventures: The Clone Wars – Battle Tales #2.)
"Yoda assigns Ahsoka Tano to Anakin as his Padawan, hoping to teach Skywalker how to let go of his emotional attachments."
"The Separatist battlecruiser Malevolence terrorizes the galaxy’s inner systems before it is tracked and destroyed at the Dead Moon of Antar."
"The Republic invades Geonosis for a second time to destroy a dangerous new droid foundry constructed by Poggle the Lesser."
"Padmé and Jar Jar discover a bioweapons lab in Naboo’s swamps and must stop Nuvo Vindi from releasing the Blue Shadow Virus."
"General Grievous and Asajj Ventress lead a Separatist invasion on Kamino, with the Republic’s clones fiercely defending their birthworld."
"Sabine Wren is born on Mandalore but raised on neighboring Krownest."
"Anakin experiences a disturbing vision of his future in the Force realm known as Mortis and must make a wrenching decision."
"The Republic defends Mon Cala during a Separatist-engineered civil war between the Mon Calamari and the Quarren."
"Republic forces suffer heavy casualties while storming Umbara, a strategically located world with advanced technology that has become a Separatist stronghold."
"Maul returns from exile, bent on obtaining revenge against the long list of those he believes have wronged him."
"Maul forms the Shadow Collective, forging several of the galaxy’s crime syndicates into a single underworld organization under his leadership."
"Mandalore’s Duchess Satine Kryze is overthrown by Death Watch’s Pre Vizsla, whose own rule is quickly ended by Maul. Maul has manipulated events to bring Obi-Wan to Mandalore, and now has the hated Jedi at his mercy. He strikes Satine down in the throne room."
"Responding to a disturbance in the Force, Darth Sidious arrives on Mandalore. Maul swears fealty to his old master, but Sidious rejects him. He kills Savage, blasts Maul with lightning, and takes his former apprentice prisoner."
"Anakin and Ahsoka return from Cato Neimoidia to investigate a bombing at the Jedi Temple amid rumors that a Jedi was involved."
"Ahsoka is expelled from the Jedi Order, which believes her guilty of the Temple bombing. She is then arrested by the Republic and prosecuted by Admiral Tarkin before a military tribunal, with Palpatine presiding and Padmé representing the defense. [She] leaves the Jedi Order."
"During the Battle of Ringo Vinda, the clone trooper Tup turns his blaster on Jedi General Tiplar, forcing a Republic retreat. Fives and AZI-3 discover a tumor in Tup’s brain. He dies after its extraction. Palpatine and Nala Se insist the tumor be sent to a Republic medical facility, but Shaak Ti decides it must go to the Jedi Temple first. Kix helps Fives arrange a meeting with Anakin and Rex. Fives tells them about the inhibitor chips and the plot against the Jedi, but his story sounds like a paranoid conspiracy and he becomes agitated. Commander Fox and clone troopers arrive, sent by Palpatine, and try to arrest Fives. When Fives resists, Fox shoots him dead. Tup’s action is blamed on a parasitic infection, and the inhibitor chips are delivered to Dooku."
"Padmé travels to Scipio to expedite a Banking Clan loan for the Republic and discovers Rush Clovis is serving as their representative. The Banking Clan is dissolved and Palpatine takes over its holdings."
"Plo Koon discovers the crash site of Sifo-Dyas’ ship, prompting the Council to investigate the Jedi’s long-ago disappearance."
"On Oba Diah, spice kingpin Lom Pyke tells Anakin and Obi-Wan that the Pykes were paid by Tyranus to kill Sifo-Dyas. Dooku arrives and is identified as Tyranus. He kills the Pyke leader and duels with Anakin, but escapes."
"The Jedi are disturbed to learn Dooku was responsible for the creation of the clone army, but decide to keep this revelation secret."
"Yoda obeys Qui-Gon’s voice and travels to Dagobah, where Qui-Gon’s spirit tells him to learn how to retain his identity after death."
"Anakin teams up with a mysterious Chiss military officer, Thrawn, to locate Padmé and destroy a cortosis mine." [Thrawn: Alliances]
"Yoda helps Kashyyyk’s Wookiees defend their planet against Separatist raiders, earning the honor 'Defender of the Home Tree.'"
"Mandalorian commandos free Maul from Stygeon Prime. Sidious and Dooku allow him to escape in hopes of drawing out Mother Talzin. Maul lures Grievous and Dooku into a confrontation on Ord Mantell and takes them both prisoner—a dangerous gambit of Talzin’s aimed at luring her old enemy Sidious into the fight. Grievous and Sidious come to Dooku’s aid on Dathomir. Grievous kills Mother Talzin and the Mandalorians drag Maul away to safety."
- "Ventress asks the Jedi to help abduct Vos from Dooku’s service in hopes of saving him. Vos returns to the Jedi, claiming his turn to the dark side was a ruse. But his true loyalties are unclear. Vos defeats Dooku on Christophsis, but agrees to join him to defeat Sidious. His secret hope is to kill both Sith Lords. Ventress confronts Vos and Dooku, saving Quinlan before Dooku attacks her with a devastating blast of lightning. The count escapes. Vos and Obi-Wan return Ventress to the waters of Dathomir. [Ventress dies.]"
"Having left the Jedi Order, Ahsoka befriends Trace Martez, a mechanic in the Coruscant underlevels, and her sister Rafa. Ahsoka discovers the Pykes are working for Maul, who is on Mandalore. She uses the Force to escape with the Martez sisters, and the Pykes conclude they were targeted by the Jedi. Ahsoka returns to Coruscant, where Bo-Katan Kryze recruits her to fight Maul."
"Separatists commanded by Admiral Trench invade the Republic stronghold of Anaxes and repeatedly defeat clone counterattacks. Rex is disturbed that the Separatists seem to be adapting rapidly to his strategies and suspects Trench is using some new combat algorithm. He proposes raiding the Separatists’ cyber center to discover their secret. The mission succeeds with assistance from an unorthodox unit of genetically altered clones known as the Bad Batch."
"Anakin joins Rex’s clones and the Bad Batch to raid the Techno Union’s facility on Skako Minor, fighting their way through Wat Tambor’s droid legions. They discover Echo confined in a stasis chamber and hooked up to Separatist computers. Anakin confronts Trench to obtain the rest of the sequence to disarm the bomb, saving Anaxes. He then kills the admiral. Echo joins the Bad Batch."
"Grievous launches a Separatist counteroffensive. The Republic sends Aayla Secura to Felucia and Plo Koon to Cato Neimoidia to hold the line."
"Obi-Wan and Anakin rout Separatist forces on Yerbana. ["Old Friends Not Forgotten"] Ahsoka and Bo-Katan approach the Jedi to propose a joint mission to capture Maul and free Mandalore from his crime syndicate. The Jedi agree and split the 501st in two, with Rex leading troops under Ahsoka’s command."
"A Separatist armada launches a sneak attack on Coruscant, hammering the Republic warships of the Coruscant Home Defense Fleet. Grievous ambushes Palpatine in the Federal District, killing Roron Corobb and knocking Shaak Ti unconscious, then kidnapping the chancellor. The Open Circle Fleet arrives from Yerbana."
"Anakin and Obi-Wan fly through the titanic space battle, dodging salvos of laser fire exchanged by Republic and Separatist capital ships in an effort to reach the Invisible Hand, where Palpatine is being held. With the Separatists cut off from their jump point, the battle degenerates into a brutal slugging match, with ships burning up in orbit and debris raining down upon the Coruscant cityscape below. Anakin and Obi-Wan rescue Palpatine above Coruscant. Anakin kills Dooku and Sidious plots to make the Jedi his new apprentice."
"Grievous retreats to Utapau, where the Separatist Council is in hiding. Sidious orders him to relocate the Separatist leaders to Mustafar."
"On Mandalore, Republic forces take the docks of the capital, Sundari. Prime Minister Almec orders Gar Saxon to retreat into the undercity. Bo-Katan’s commandos capture Almec. Ahsoka confronts Maul in the undercity. He is disappointed to see her, having hoped to lure Obi-Wan into his trap."
"Anakin dreams of Padmé’s death in childbirth. Palpatine appoints Anakin to the Jedi Council as his personal representative, to the alarm of Yoda and Mace Windu."
"Bail Organa meets secretly with Padmé, Mon Mothma, and other senators determined to resist Palpatine if he doesn’t surrender his wartime powers."
"Yoda heads to Kashyyyk to bolster its defense."
"On Maul’s command, Saxon shoots Almec before Ahsoka can finish questioning him, then makes his getaway."
"At Coruscant’s Galaxies Opera House, Palpatine plays on Anakin’s anger and doubt about the Jedi’s integrity, guessing that they asked him to be their spy. He tells Anakin the story of Darth Plagueis, a Sith Lord who could save people from dying. Anakin, fearful his nightmares are a premonition of Padmé’s fate, is intrigued—particularly when Palpatine tells him it is not a power that can be learned from the Jedi."
"Obi-Wan travels to Utapau to hunt for Grievous."
"Clone troopers, Bo-Katan’s commandos, and Saxon’s warriors battle in the streets of Sundari, with the Republic’s forces winning the day."
"Ahsoka confronts Maul again, who tells her Sidious is behind everything and Anakin is the key to destroying the Sith. Maul reveals that he had hoped to lure Obi-Wan and Anakin to Mandalore in order to kill Anakin, so Sidious could not take the Jedi as his new apprentice. Ahsoka and Maul duel. Maul is captured by Rex’s clones, with Saxon apprehended as well."
"On Utapau, Obi-Wan confronts Grievous. He duels the Separatist warlord and then chases him through the city’s winding tunnels and warrens."
"Palpatine reveals his true identity to Anakin and begs him to use his knowledge to save Padmé. Anakin vows to turn him over to the Jedi."
"Obi-Wan corners Grievous in a hangar on Utapau and kills the mechanical monster with a shot from a blaster."
"Imprisoned in a device that prevents him from using the Force, Maul is brought aboard a Jedi Cruiser destined for Coruscant, escorted by Ahsoka."
"Told of Palpatine’s identity, Windu orders Anakin to wait at the Jedi Temple while he arrests Sidious with Kit Fisto, Agen Kolar, and Saesee Tiin. Sidious kills Tiin, Fisto, and Kolar and duels Windu. He attacks Mace using lightning, which the Jedi Master deflects back at Sidious. Anakin arrives and pleads that Sidious be allowed to stand trial, but Windu says he’s too dangerous to be spared. Anakin makes a fateful decision, stopping Windu’s attack by severing his hand. Sidious blasts Windu with lightning, sending him through the broken window. Anakin pledges allegiance to Sidious, who grants him the name Darth Vader. He tells Anakin to go to the Jedi Temple and kill everyone there—that will make him strong enough with the dark side to save Padmé."
"Ahsoka and Maul sense a strong disturbance in the Force."
19 BBY: ORDER 66
"Sidious issues Order 66. Clone troopers across the galaxy obey their inhibitor chips and attack the Jedi, decimating the Order."
"Commander Cody targets Obi-Wan Kenobi on Utapau. The Jedi survives the attack, escapes offworld, and is rescued by Senator Organa. Aboard the Jedi Cruiser Tribunal, Rex manages to tell Ahsoka to “find Fives” before trying to kill her. She evades Rex’s fire and flees from his troopers. Commander Grey and his clone battalion execute Depa Billaba on Kaller. oda avoids death by killing Commander Gree and Captain Jek, and then escapes Kashyyyk with help from Chewbacca and Tarfful. On a Jedi Cruiser above Bracca, Jaro Tapal is cut down by clones from the 13th battalion, sabotaging the warship before he dies. Captain Jag downs Plo Koon’s starfighter during a patrol flight on contested Cato Neimoidia. Ki-Adi-Mundi is cut down by Commander Bacara’s Galactic Marines during infantry maneuvers on Mygeeto. Luminara Unduli is captured on Kashyyyk. After her execution, the Inquisitors spread rumors of her survival to ensnare other fugitive Jedi. Stass Allie is blasted by Commander Neyo while flying BARC speeders in a mop-up operation on Saleucami. Commander Bly gives the order to shoot Aayla Secura amid Felucia’s colorful fungi."
"Ahsoka prevents other clones from killing the imprisoned Maul. She releases him to create a diversion. While Maul wreaks havoc aboard the Tribunal, Ahsoka activates a trio of astromechs to help her evade Rex’s troops. Ahsoka locates Fives’ records, learning what happened to him and that Rex suspected the clones’ inhibitor chips have some ulterior purpose. Ahsoka subdues Rex and removes his inhibitor chip. Maul destroys the Tribunal’s hyperdrive, sending the doomed Jedi Cruiser careening toward the surface of a remote moon."
"Bail Organa arrives at the Jedi Temple to investigate the uprising and is confronted by clone troopers. He retreats under fire."
"Anakin, now known as Darth Vader and backed by the 501st Legion, marches on the Jedi Temple and slaughters its defenders. He shows no mercy, believing that the dark side is the only pathway to the unnatural powers he must command to save Padmé. As his rage and lust for power swell, not even younglings hiding in the Jedi Council chambers are safe from his lightsaber. Elsewhere, young Grogu survives a clone trooper attack but is haunted by his memories of the event."
"Anakin obeys Sidious’ command and kills the Separatist leaders on Mustafar, shutting down their droid armies and ending the Clone Wars."
"The Senate holds a special session, during which Palpatine—now scarred after his battle with Mace—details the Jedi plot to kill him and take control of the Senate. He proclaims the Republic is to be reorganized into the first Galactic Empire."
"Obi-Wan and Yoda fight their way into the Jedi Temple and recalibrate a signal to warn any surviving Jedi away."
"Padmé arrives on Mustafar, unknowingly bringing along Obi-Wan as a stowaway. Anakin uses the Force to choke her. As C-3PO and R2-D2 tend to Padmé, Anakin and Obi-Wan fight a running duel through the lava flows of Mustafar’s mining complex."
"On Coruscant, Yoda confronts Sidious and the two duel in the Senate Chamber, with Sidious hurling Senate pods at his Jedi enemy. Ascendant with dark-side power, Sidious proves too tough a foe for Yoda, who flees their duel, evading clone troopers sent to hunt him, and is whisked away by Bail Organa in an airspeeder. Sidious senses his new apprentice is in danger and hurries to Mustafar."
"Anakin is left maimed and burned after dueling Obi-Wan on Mustafar. Obi-Wan takes Anakin’s lightsaber and leaves him to die. Anakin survives and is encased in life-preserving black armor. As Darth Vader, he becomes the subject of rumors as the Emperor’s servant and enforcer"
Padme gives birth to Luke and Leia, then she dies. Bail Organa takes Leia to Alderaan and Obi-Wan takes Luke to the Lars' farm on Tatooine, going into exile there, while Yoda is on Dagobah.
"Ahsoka and Rex bury the clones at the Tribunal’s crash site. She leaves her lightsaber behind to find a new path."
"Tarkin tells Lama Su that the Kaminoans’ contracts are void and the need for future clones is being questioned."
"Padmé, appearing to still be pregnant, is laid to rest after a solemn funeral procession on Naboo."
"Mas Amedda presides at an Imperial rally held before Coruscant’s Jedi Temple to celebrate the defeat of the Order."
"Sidious abandons Vader on the desert planet Gattering with orders to seize a Jedi’s lightsaber and make it his own. Vader travels to a dark-side locus on Mustafar and bends Infil’a’s kyber crystal to his will, making it bleed red. By compelling the Force to serve his purposes, Vader takes an essential step in his journey as a Sith."
"Sidious puts Vader in charge of the Inquisitors, Force users who once served the light but were seduced or brutalized into following the dark side and are now responsible for hunting down and killing the galaxy’s fugitive Jedi. Vader proves a ruthless taskmaster, brutalizing his new underlings in combat training sessions and eliminating those who fail to live up to the standards demanded by him and the Emperor."
"Sidious orders Vader to lure the Jedi Order’s fugitive archivist Jocasta Nu to Coruscant’s Jedi Temple and capture her. An enraged Vader kills Commander Fox after clone troopers under his command fire on the Sith Lord at the Jedi Temple. Nu explains to Vader what he’s failed to realize: Sidious wants the memory crystal and its list so he can find a potential replacement for his apprentice. Vader kills Nu, tells Sidious she died trying to escape, and crushes the crystal."
"The Empire builds up its forces and begins enlisting and training conscript stormtroopers to replace the Republic’s clone soldiers."
"The Empire bombards Kamino’s cities, destroying all traces of the cloning program that played a critical role in the Clone Wars."
Star Wars Timelines by Kristin Baver, Jason Fry, Cole Horton, Amy Richau, and Clayton Sandell is the primary source for much of this, anything in quotation marks is sourced from here unless otherwise noted. This timeline is only quoting a small minority of what's available in the book, so it's recommended that you check it out for yourselves!
I have done my best to put everything in order even within the specific years, noting where I'm not 100% sure of the sequence of events.
If a "c.[YEAR]" is included, the spot is estimated, not hard fact, but in general it's a pretty trustworthy placement! Except for birthdays--they're not placed directly on the timeline, so I just kind of threw them in at the end most times.
Observation: Holy crap, the Clone Wars was NUTS.
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beegomess · 4 days
hii! absolutely love ur posts 🫶🫶
i was wondering if you'd write a bsfs to lovers, mattheoxreader. Like, they've been childhood friends, and kinda of a 'she fell first, he fell harder' lol. Kinda corny but still vv cutesy and fluffy
totally alr if not!
tysm 💗
M.R. || In how many ways can you love him?
Summary: You and Mattheo grew up together, but falling in love with him didn't seem like a good idea, unless he came to do the same some time later…. Warnings: cute and romantic.
A/N: I really hope you like it. I apologize for the delay, I wanted to do something well done!
Open orders!
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He was still a child when their paths crossed for the first time. The boy, with black curls and a somewhat lost look, sat next to him at the huge Slytherin table, right after the Selector Hat ceremony. The table, with its long wooden benches and a soft lighting that seemed to emanate a mystical glow of floating candles, was the stage of new friendships and alliances.
You watched him with curiosity and a warm smile, a friendly gesture that for him was almost a surprise. Raised in a home where feelings were non-existent, his kindness seemed like a strange contrast, but welcome. The last name, which made whispers circulate through the hall and kept the teachers on alert, was something that did not intimidate you. After all, you had always been immune to family pressures and expectations, living your childhood immersed in imagination and carefree games, with no time to understand what surnames were good or bad for you. The only daughter of a traditional family, pure-blood and fervently loyal to obscure figures, you at the time barely knew the true extent of the influence of these individuals.
Mattheo, with few friendship options in his new environment, has found in you a safe haven. Without knowing it, he was about to enter into a relationship that would become a fundamental foundation in his life. His family, despite not being overly affectionate, was a better refuge than the dark environment provided by Bellatrix. Accepting Mattheo was a gesture of generosity that quickly became something essential; he found in his house a new form of belonging, mainly because, due to the implicit rivalry, the family itself would not welcome him with open arms, especially Draco, with whom he had a feeling of competitiveness created by the blonde.
The birthdays and natals in his house became annual milestones for Mattheo, and he became a constant and comforting presence during his pre-adolescence. The proximity between you has grown, and in several moments, he became your closest friend. During the first year at Hogwarts, you explored every corner of the school with enthusiasm and mischief. Mattheo, with bright eyes and a mischievous smile, ventured in search of Pirraça, the poltergeist, and together, you two created confusions that made the uncontrolled spirit want to move away.
In the second year, a visit to Hogsmeade brought a new layer to their friendship. It was there that you met Theodore Nott, a boy who, despite his closed and reserved countenance, found in you a welcoming and genuine friendship. At the same time, your approach with Pansy Parkinson, the girl with whom you shared the room, brought a new balance to your social life. Having a close female friend was a refreshing relief, a company that contrasted with the intense and often overwhelming presence of the boys.
Mattheo, always attentive and available, listened to his complaints and confessions with a patience that bordered on the exceptional. He offered thoughtful advice, and you trusted him completely. However, there were nuances of your feelings that you began to perceive, something subtle and still in formation, as if a veil of change began to be drawn. You initially ignored these changes, preferring to stay in the course of friendships and daily adventures.
Over time, during the end of the second year, murmurs and malicious jokes arose about the proximity between you and Mattheo. Some colleagues began to speculate and make insinuating comments about the nature of your relationship. Despite the provocations, you kept your composure, simply disregarding the gossip and continuing to enjoy the solid friendship you had built. For you, what really mattered was the genuine bond you shared, a firm foundation in a world full of uncertainties and intrigues.
During that year's vacation, you exchanged letters and met a few times. In each of these encounters, his heart seemed to beat faster and differently, as if he was trying to free himself from a subtle enchantment. The way you watched him changed: every detail of your face, every trace of your expression seemed more intense and fascinating. He looked even more handsome when he smiled, and every time that happened, you felt a mixture of admiration and anxiety.
His parents, who always preferred a male child, treated Mattheo almost as if he were a family member. Gifts, school expenses and even money for fun were offered to him with the same generosity as to you. This closeness made your feelings for Mattheo slow to emerge, since you were treated and treated like brothers, which sometimes made you lose hope.
Her best friend, Pansy, soon realized what was happening. At the beginning of the third year, on the night of her return to Hogwarts, she listened carefully as you talked about the holidays and how much Mattheo showed up at your house, something you loved.
- You really like him, don't you? - Pansy asked, with a suggestive tone that made you turn quickly to face her.
- What do you mean by that? - Your shame made you turn to the bed, pretending to fix the covers while your face turned scarlet. - Of course I like him, we grew up together.
Pansy rolled her eyes, a mischievous smile playing on her lips as she prepared to sleep.
- You know that's not what I'm talking about... - You sighed, trying to divert the conversation. - Please, he'll never notice how you feel if you keep treating him just like a friend.
You considered what she said, but soon tried to change the subject to escape the restlessness.
- Pansy, let's stop this and sleep. - You laughed, trying to disguise, but as soon as your head rested on the pillow, your mind wandered to that afternoon when other girls threw themselves on Mattheo. He seemed to have changed so much since the previous year, and you only noticed now.
In the following weeks, you experienced some silly things, like wearing a perfume that he complimented some time ago, or sitting with him in class, enjoying every joke he told you in whispers. You even rested your head on your shoulder during the late afternoon, while watching the Black Lake with its waves swinging to the taste of the light wind.
Every week that passed, you seemed even more attracted to him, but also more and more upset. The girls cared little about his presence when they wanted to flirt with him, and he always corresponded, every time, without exception. Weeks turned into months and, when you realized, you had already been going through this anguish for a year.
You had made your feelings so evident that even Theodore noticed. In a Snape class, after seeing you turn to his and Mattheo's table and smile at Riddle, Theodore leaned over to his friend to whisper something inaudible to the others.
- I think she likes you. - Mattheo frowned, with a confused expression.
- Who are you talking about? - Theo didn't answer with words, he just directed his eyes to you. Riddle followed his friend's gaze and became even more confused, but forced a laugh. - Oh, please, Theo...
- You're pathetic for pretending you don't see. - Theodore commented and laughed, going back to what he was doing, while Mattheo nodded negatively, completely disagreeing with Nott.
On the other hand, Pansy asked you to forget him, seeing how sad you looked every time he canceled appointments with you to go out with other girls. When it wasn't for that, it was when he came to tell you about how the girls were with him. His heart shattered with every word. Pansy began to practically hate him for having the power to do you good and evil at the same time.
- Maybe you should take some time for yourself... We can go out and go shopping or sleepovers with the other girls. - She suggested, stroking her hair while you hugged her after telling her what had happened this time. - You need to get away from him, Y/N. Mattheo may have been your first love, but it certainly won't be the last.
You understood all this, but it was very difficult to put it into practice. It was like tearing out a part of your life by force. The way he didn't seem to have noticed your absence in the following days only encouraged you to continue.
You did everything Pansy suggested: you went out with her, made new friends, and even other boys started to be more interested in you. Mattheo ended up looking for you after some time and you even gently accepted him, but it was as if you were just friends now. You began to understand that he would never really see you in any other way than that, and maybe this was already starting to be acceptable to you.
The relationship with him seemed lighter after this break. You went out a few times to Hogsmeade, and you made him laugh easily under the watchful eye of Theodore, who usually accompanied you. He, as Mattheo's closest friend now, was starting to like how you interacted. Before, he felt a certain guilt and even pity for seeing you sad, but now it was as if you didn't care about the girls' looks anymore.
At the same time, you began to notice the presence of a certain boy, who smiled at you when he met you in the corridors or during classes. Riddle began to miss the times when you turned your face to smile at him every morning in early classes. Instead, he saw you answering small notes that other boys sent you in class. In a job passed by McGonagall, Mattheo practically ran to you to make sure they would do the job together.
The roles seemed to have reversed, and Theodore had fun with the irony of fate. Mattheo hated it when the boys flirted with you, even when he was together, or when they pretended to have problems in some subject just to spend hours with you in the library. And even more so when they insisted on accompanying her to her dormitory after the parties in the communal room. The latter was a huge torture for him, since he knew that this was one of the ways the boys used to finally kiss someone.
The morning after that party, you sat next to Mattheo during breakfast, as you always did. Yes, he tortured himself all night thinking about how long that boy who found you in the dark corridors took to return to the common room, but he tried to ward off this thought, focusing on the fact that on that day, you would go out together and everything would go back to normal. However, his happiness lasted a few minutes.
- So, where are we going first today? - Mattheo asked with a smile on his face, leaning towards you. His face, however, formed a strange expression, something like regret. - What was it?
- Matt, I'm sorry. I completely forgot that we scheduled to go out today... - He was still confused, he just smiled in response, as if the answer was obvious.
- All right, Theo and I can wait for you. - Theodore, on the other hand, had already understood what was happening and just muffled a low laugh.
- No, Mattheo, I'm ready... - His face looked even more confused as he stared at you, who had a slight smile on his face. - It's just that Adrian invited me yesterday and I accepted. But it's okay for you, isn't it? After all, we can go another day if you want.
- Adrian? - He asked still incredulous. - Adrian Pucey? You don't even know him. - Mattheo disdained and Theodore paid even more attention, looking forward to what was to come.
- Mattheo, I don't think you've been listening to me lately. - You smiled, but your irritation was visible to those who knew you. - I've been going out with him for a while, just yesterday we were at the party.
- Yes, but I thought it was just one more of those boys who keep chasing you... - He started, but you interrupted him.
- Don't play dumb, Matt. Even Theo knew... - You waved to Theodore, who confirmed with a gesture, making Mattheo even more angry. A brief silence followed, but you didn't let it last long. - Very well, see you later. - You got up from the table when you saw the other Slytherin waiting for you at the exit of the Great Hall.
Mattheo watched you walk away with a smile that he believed was exclusive to his presence. In the vision distorted by jealousy, it seemed that you only needed to jump when Pucey gave you a light kiss on the cheek, which made a knot form in his stomach. Meanwhile, Theodore just watched the way he clenched his jaw in frustration.
After that morning, Theodore had to endure Mattheo's bad mood for the rest of the week, a constant weight that hovered over him. Meanwhile, you, irritated by the way Mattheo seemed upset with you, avoided your presence for several days. Silence and distance have become your way of dealing with the growing tension between you.
During this period, Mattheo kept a calculated distance, but couldn't help but watch you when he wasn't looking. He spent hours huddled in a corner, his eyes fixed on you during classes, with a tumultuous mind. Every laugh you shared with Pucey was a blow of pain for him. He felt that something was deeply out of place, a cruel disorder in the balance of his world. But the worst was still to come that night.
It was another one of those typical parties in the common room, an event full of laughter and muffled music. Theodore watched Mattheo with a close eye, watching him fix his eyes on you as you approached the sofa where he and Nott were sitting. You were stunning that night, the light of the torches enhancing the brightness of your smile as you settled next to them.
Since Mattheo's feelings began to manifest, he had unconsciously stopped noticing other girls. This change happened so naturally that he didn't even notice. It was as if, suddenly, the world around you had become a colorless blur compared to the brightness you radiated. The empty space next to him at the party seemed to be the materialization of an unverbalized desire, a silent invitation that he did not know how to accept.
Mattheo was completely consumed by a love that dragged him into an abyss of anguish and unrequited desire. Every furtive look of yours towards you was a silent torture, a constant reminder of the intense and unattainable desire you felt. His thoughts revolved incessantly around you, and the simple fact of seeing you interact with another boy with a deep void forming in his chest, an acute pain that seemed to corrode his soul. At parties and meetings, Mattheo felt like a powerless spectator, trapped in a passion that left him distressed and desolate.
Mattheo, however, remembered the reality, seeing you smile gently at him and Theo while you talked quietly with your friend.
- What happened? Doesn't your dear Adrian accompany you in these places? - Riddle's tone was cruel, clearly demonstrating his pain. - I thought they were together here too, since they practically live together now...
You noticed the cold tone, the smile on your face falls and a confused expression takes over.
- What's wrong with you? Why are you so upset? - Your tone was not accusatory, you were really inclined to understand why he moved so far away.
On the other hand, Theo just carefully observed each interaction.
- I'm not upset. - Riddle practically murmured while quickly drinking the last sip of the drink in his glass, getting up soon after.
You and Theo looked at each other, looking for answers in each other, but both just found doubts.
When you went out to look for him, you couldn't find Mattheo anywhere at the party. I was about to give up when an idea came to your mind: the astronomy tower. Taking a deep breath, he climbed the winding stairs, feeling his heart tighten with each step. Upon reaching the top, the night breeze cut his skin, bringing with it the cold air characteristic of the altitude. The wind was strong, hissing in your ears while the stars shone in the dark sky, as far away as the boy you were looking for seemed to be.
Mattheo was there, leaning against the iron railing, with a lit cigarette between his fingers. He didn't seem to notice his arrival, fixing his gaze on the horizon. The smoke mixed with the cold air, creating a soft fog around it.
- The party doesn't seem like your kind of fun today - you commented, trying to break the silence lightly as you approached.
He released the smoke slowly, without looking at you.
- Maybe it's not. Maybe I don't have patience for the same old things anymore.
You crossed your arms, both because of the cold and because of the tension that was beginning to arise.
- What's going on?
He didn't answer immediately, taking another drag on the cigarette. You waited, but Mattheo's indifference began to annoy you.
- Mattheo, say something. - he insisted, his tone getting firmer.
He put out the cigarette against the cold iron, finally turning his face to face you. His eyes were gloomy, loaded with a weight that you couldn't decipher.
- What I don't understand is why you keep getting closer to Adrian... - The words came out with an unexpected acidity. You blinked, surprise.
- Adrian? What does it have to do with him? We're leaving, yes, but you don't have the right to question me about it. - He took a step forward, his expression hardening.
- I see you together all the time. I don't know how you don't realize how ridiculous this looks.
His heart began to beat harder, but now out of anger.
- Ridiculous? Mattheo, you went out with several girls while I was... while I was here, waiting for you to notice! - The words came out in an outburst that you didn't even know you were keeping. - And you never cared what I thought. How can you want to charge me something like that now?
He looked at you, his face tense for a moment before softening.
- It wasn't the same thing, and you know it. - You laughed, incredulous.
- Wasn't it the same thing? Of course it was. You're just not used to seeing things turning against you. - Mattheo looked down for a moment, as if he was fighting against his own emotions.
- I... I was trying not to get attached. I thought it was better that way, so as not to hurt you. But then Pucey came, and I realized it wasn't working. - He sighed, his voice getting lower. - I don't know how to deal with it. With... us.
His words hit you almost unreally. It was all you had wanted to hear for so long, but now, it seemed so distant, as if he was revealing something too late. The silence that fell between you was heavy, full of unsaid things.
- And what do you want me to do, Mattheo? That I end everything with Adrian just because you finally decided to realize it? - His voice had no more anger, just a sadness that even you didn't expect to feel.
He looked at you, the vulnerable expression, something that was rarely seen in him.
- I don't know. All I know is that... that I care about you. More than I should.
The anger you felt was softening, but that didn't mean that things were resolved. The words you dreamed so much of hearing were finally there, but the time, the context, everything seemed wrong.
- That doesn't make sense now, Mattheo - you murmured, taking a step back, feeling the icy wind chill your skin. - I waited so long for this, and now... I don't know what to think.
He took a step towards her, his eyes intense.
- I'm not asking you to decide now. I just want you to know.
The silence between you two was loaded, the night wind cold and insistent, but the cold you felt seemed to come from within, not only from the wind that cut the air. Mattheo was there, so close, and even with all the barriers he had put up, you felt that something had finally broken. He looked at you in a way he had never had before - there was no longer the distant mystery, but a raw intensity that revealed everything he had been hiding.
You felt a tightness in your chest, your mind spinning in a spiral of doubts and conflicting feelings. But before he could formulate any answer, Mattheo took another step towards him, closing the distance between you. His breathing was heavy, his breath mixed with the smell of cigarettes, and when his eyes met, the world seemed to stop for a moment.
- I tried to get away - he murmured, his voice hoarse, but with a sincerity that you had never heard before. - I swear I tried. But I can't, I can't see you with him, or with anyone else. I can't stand it.
Your heart shot, the weight of his words falling on you like a wave. Reason screamed to keep your distance, not to give in so easily, but every part of you longed for that. He was a mystery that held you, that pulled you into a deep abyss, but at the same time, he was the only one who made your heart beat like that.
- And what do you expect me to do, Mattheo? - your voice came out softer than you intended, the cold around you contrasting with the heat that grew in your chest.
He raised his hand, hesitating for a moment before gently touching his face, his thumb sliding down his cheek with a delicacy that seemed impossible coming from him. Your touch was hot, and the simple gesture made you close your eyes for a second, absorbing the moment.
- I want you to choose me - he whispered, his voice low and full of emotion. - Choose me, not him. Not anymore. Not after everything I... that we...
Before he finished the sentence, you interrupted him, feeling that the words were no longer enough. His lips met his in a sudden, impulsive movement, as if all the accumulated desire had exploded at once. Mattheo reacted immediately, pulling you closer, and the kiss that started soft quickly intensified, full of passion and all the tension you had repressed for so long.
The icy breeze around became insignificant, as if the heat between you was the only real element at that moment. His hands intertaced in your hair, and his arms wrapped you tightly, as if he wanted to make sure you didn't escape anymore. Every second seemed like an eternity, and at the same time, it wasn't enough.
When you finally moved away, his eyes were fixed on yours, his face still close enough for your breaths to mix.
- I've always wanted this - he admitted, his voice soft, almost vulnerable, while a smile appeared. - But I was too inattentive to realize how much I needed you. I won't make the same mistake again.
You stared at him, still trying to process what had just happened. With your heart racing, you smiled slightly, taking your hand to his face, tracing the line of your jaw.
He smiled, a rare smile, almost relieved, and nodded slowly, his eyes shining in a mixture of promise and desire.
xoxo, bee🫶🏼✨
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lowkeyrobin · 2 months
hello! i was wondering if you could do walker scobell dating headcannons? youre one of the only blogs ive seen write for him!!
yeah sure! ; I do use this format for all dating stuff so I apologize if it isn't what you were thinking lol ; thanks for requesting, hope you enjoy!
WALKER SCOBELL ; dating shenanigans
summary ; dating stuff w walker
warnings ; language
word count ; 291
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he's genuinely the fucking funniest
he will always remember your interests and point out things that relate to them in stores or online
he sends you every edit of himself / you / both of you he finds on tiktok, he's obsessed
you both love going on adventures and seeing new things
and you both also love just being teens and being able to be kids outside the public
like going to arcades, waterparks, learning how to drive, etc
you met on the pjo set, since you were playing a minor character with like two lines
you had similar humor and just both hit it off so quickly
you became tight friends really quick
you also bonded over music taste
aka sabrina carpenter, chappell roan, kehlani, joey valance & brae etc
(if you don't listen to them then go listen)
you confessed first
he's so oblivious holy shit
but you took him to the arcade to hang out for a while
and you got in the photo booth
and did that tiktok trend of confessing and capturing his reaction on photo / video
it was so adorable omg
he obviously said yes, otherwise we wouldn't be here
he's like a 6 on pda
yall keep it lowkey but he's not afraid to hold ur hand or sling an arm around your shoulder at all times
he's not jealous either like... 1/10
he'll step in if he's getting weird vibes but yk it's not that often that ever happens
and finally some songs that match your vibe 🫶🫶
sweet oblivion ; david kushner
constellations ; jade lemac
dinner date ; sunrise academy
mona lisa ; sabrina carpenter
love who loves you back ; tokio hotel
don't delete the kisses ; wolf alice
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into-the-grey · 29 days
~It's Raining, It's Pouring~
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Noah x F!Reader fic
Genre: Fluff, Romance, Mild Smut and some Angst
Sometimes, people are just meant to be in each others lives. And sometimes, magic happens.
Warnings: mentions of SH, allusions towards Suicide, allusions towards abusive family, mentions of death, brief smut (theyre both 18 by this point), high school, mental illness, panic attack, divorce, mild jealousy
WC: 13.2k
Taglist: @wh0th3h3llisbucky @blend-in-with-the-madness
RIP my YouTube history, I think I played It’s Raining, It’s Pouring by Anson Seabra for 7 hours straight working on this. Also, the tense probably changes a few times because I never write in second person, I apologise for that, still learning a bit. It might go from past to present tense and back again a few times. This is a new format, and a new way of writing for me, so let's see how it goes.
Fic Masterlist
Once upon a time, there were two people. Those two people were star-crossed, fated, meant to be. All of the romantic stories could have been about them. It wasn't a grand adventure for him to find her, and he didn't have to save her from a dragon. And she had never been locked in a tower, or forced into slavery by an evil step-mother.
No, it was much simpler than that.
You. You were the one who lived in the house down the street. The house that he rode past every day on his bike when he was young. You were the one he used to see in the neighbourhood, playing with your friends and climbing the tree at the end of the block that all the kids were convinced was a magic wishing tree.
You were the one who came to school with notes in your lunchbox from your mom and knew that you were loved.
And him? He was the kid with the witch for a mom. She wasn't really a witch, but she scared a lot of the kids on the block. She would stand in the street, yelling for him to come home, and if he didn't show up, she'd give up and lock him out for the night. He was the one who came to school with bags under his eyes wearing the same hoodie he'd been wearing for a week.
He was the one who would look at all the kids around him, wishing he could be like you.
You found him in the wishing tree once. That day, you ran down the block, adamant that the tree would help you pass a test in your fourth grade science class. As an adult, you know how stupid you were, but back then it was the most obvious answer.
He was in the tree, high up in it's branches. He huddled in on himself as the cold wind whipped against his skin. He was alone, but his lips moved as tears rolled slowly down his cheeks. His bloodshot eyes fixed on you as you climbed higher, his lips pressing into a thin line as he watched you nervously.
You didn't hesitate for a second.
'Hi,' you said brightly, seeing his pain. You didn't know how to help him, and your eight year old brain couldn't imagine the gravity of his troubles. All you were sure of was that he was there, and he was upset. 'What are you wishing for?'
'Nothing.' His lie was blunt, and his eyes flitted away from you as he sniffed hard against his tears. He drew his heels in under himself as he perched on the thickest branch, his arms wrapped tightly around his knees while he shivered.
'Oh,' you said softly. 'I was going to wish for help on my test tomorrow. It's a science test and I suck at science. But, if you want, I can wish for whatever you were wishing for? It might help to have more than one person wishing for it?'
He scoffed, his deep brown eyes looking you over quickly before returning his hard stare back to his purpling fingers.
'A science test? Why didn't you just study?' he asked, his voice low. His hard shell seemed to crack as he glanced back at you a few times.
'I got distracted,' you admitted. 'A lot. Focussing is kind of hard for me, my mom says I have attention problems, but my dad thinks I'm just making it up to get people to feel sorry for me.' You leaned against a branch, tugging awkwardly at the sleeves of your pale blue hoodie. 'Sometimes my brain goes too fast though, and I can't read or I say stupid things that I don't mean. It's embarrassing.'
'Like offering a wish to a stranger?' he said, a snip in his voice. The words cut through you, stinging as you digested them. Your lip jutted out in a pout as you felt your gut twisting from his insult.
'Yeah,' you nodded sadly 'I guess...'
Your turned dejectedly, wishing silently for the boy to learn some manners, and grabbing the branch to lower yourself down.
'Wait,' he called. Your head snapped back to him, seeing him staring at you. 'I'm sorry, I didn't mean it.'
You smiled weakly up at him, and after a brief pause, you made your choice. You scaled the branches and hauled yourself up to his level. As you reached him, you sat on the only other branch that stays steady under your weight, just above him in the dying leaves. The cool breeze rustled through the leaves, a few coming loose and drifting around you while the sky above darkened.
'I'm Y/N,' you said, pulling your hood up to protect you from the chill. Your introduction sounded eager, like you were asking for something. Mentally you kicked yourself, but he seemed receptive.
'I know, I've seen you at school,' he told you, shifting slightly to face you. He chewed the inside of his lip while he wiped his sleeves over his face, trying to erase the traces of his tears. No matter how hard he wiped, there was no way for him to erase the hollow sadness in his eyes. The moment you saw it, you knew there was more to this boy than he let on.
'I've seen you too. You're in Miss Forson's class, right?' you asked. You watched him nod slowly.
'Yeah. My name is Noah. You've probably heard it being yelled down the street enough times...'
'That's your mom, isn't it? The one who stands on the lawn yelling?'
Noah nodded, his cheeks flushing red and hanging his head. He clenched his fists and sniffed again, tears welling in his eyes.
'Yeah, that's her.'
'You're hiding from her, right?' you prodded.
'Yeah,' he said, his voice thick as he swallowed down the pain welling in his chest.
'Do you do that a lot?'
He nodded again, unable to look at you now. Your face fell, watching him picking at his nails and seeing his lip quiver.
'If you want, my mom would probably let you stay at my house? We could play my playstation for a while?' you offered. 'But, you gotta help me with my science test, just for a little while so my mom thinks you're not just there to distract me.' You giggled when you saw the corner of his lips lift into a smile. A sad one, but a smile nonetheless.
'Are you sure?' he asked timidly, looking at you with a glint of hope. 'I'm not really good at science...'
'That's okay, I'm not really good at playstation,' you told him.
A fat raindrop fell through the branches and the leaves, landing smack dab on your head with a pronounced 'plop'. You reached for your hair, feeling the wet spot and giggling more.
More raindrops fell, slowly turning the sidewalk below into a picture of grey polka dots. Noah followed your gaze, seeing the drops colouring in the concrete.
'I guess it's better than being out here in the rain,' he agreed, finally releasing his knees from his vice grip and stretching out to reach the branch below him to begin his descent. You smiled at him, following his lead and dropping off your branch.
Once you were on solid ground and you had a moment, you looked at him. Shaggy brown hair hung in his warm hazel eyes. A light dusting of freckles covered his nose, and a gentle smile lifted his pink lips. He stood only just taller than you, maybe an inch? An inch and a half at most.
You offered him your hand, leading him down the street towards your house. He walked slowly, letting the raindrops fall on the both of you. Normally, you'd run for home to get out of the rain, but something about him made the rain less intimidating. You felt safe with him the moment you saw him in that tree.
What you didn't know was that he felt safe with you too. A stark contrast to how things were at home. Noah had a strained relationship with his mom, and he never told you just how bad things were, but you knew it was worse than he let on.
He found solace in you and your home. Your mom welcomed him in, knowing exactly who he was and who his mom was. Noah's mom was known around the street, and a few of the parents in the neighbourhood were familiar with Noah's hiding spots. They would all keep a quiet eye on him whenever they saw him near their houses, knowing that someone had to.
When you brought him home to your mom, she didn't question anything. The two of you stood on the front doorstep, dripping and cold, and all your mom did was laugh and find you two the biggest fluffiest towels in the house. She brought you inside and found you a change of clothes, letting Noah have one of your oversized pokemon t-shirts and a pair of your dad's old gym shorts.
Your dad wasn't happy about it, but your mom shut him up. Never in front of you or Noah though. She wouldn't dare fight with your dad in front of the two of you, but you didn't miss the pointed glares she would shoot at him over the dinner table when your dad would make a remark.
Noah became a staple in your house, feeling safer there than at home. You liked having him there too, he was a lot smarter than he let on, and he was funny. Plus, he was really good at the playstation, he could help you beat the tougher levels. He even completed Crash Bandicoot for you when you got stuck on the hog riding level. And yes, he helped you with your science test, and you passed.
Some nights, Noah would sneak in through the dog door in the laundry and creep into your room. The first time he did it, it scared the hell out of you, but you got used to it quickly. Those nights were hard. He would wake you up in tears, but he would never tell you why. And when he did, you would simply scooch over and let him into the bed, rubbing his back while he cried himself to sleep.
Your dad would always ask who left the dog door open. Your mom never admitted it, but there were a few nights that you caught her unlocking it before she went to bed.
You two grew up together. Joined at the hip, you went everywhere together, did everything together...
And then high school happened. The first year was supposed to be exciting, you were meant to be enjoying life and all the perks that came with being high schoolers. Instead, your parents got a divorce.
Noah held you while you cried, fearing that your dad would try and make you move to Topeka with him. He mourned the breaking apart of your family with you, and he kept you distracted by playing video games with you or by hiding in the wishing tree with you.
Your mom gave him a key to the house the day your dad moved out, telling him he didn't need to sneak through the dog door anymore. He hugged your mom, unable to find the words to thank her. She even cleared out your dad's study and turned it into a bedroom for him.
Then came the awkward "talk". Your mom sat you down on the couch one day when Noah wasn't there, telling you that while she understood you two were close, that sex is a big deal and if you're not ready, then you can always tell him no.
She didn't judge, but she taught you all about protection, and asked that you wait until you were sure.
You laughed at her, telling her that there was no way you'd ever have sex with Noah. He was your best friend, and you told her you didn't feel that way about him. She just smirked at you, nodding and saying 'okay.'
But when you went to bed that night, you couldn't help thinking about it. You felt weird as you laid in your bed, staring at the ceiling with the images of Noah on top of you flashing through your mind.
Maybe you did feel that way, but you would never dare tell him.
That night, when Noah crept into your room, you comforted him and you felt butterflies as you held him. Silently, you cursed your mother for making you think about him that way, but you didn't let on that anything had changed.
At school, you joined music class with Noah, and he found something in himself. You watched him beam whenever he touched a keyboard or picked up a guitar. Lyrics seemed to flow from him like a fountain. He was magical.
You wished you were as good as him. But through music, he found his friend Nick. Nick was nice, and he hung out with you guys at lunch, but at the end of the day, Noah would come home to you. You tried to like Nick, but you couldn't help that teenage bubble of jealousy as he and Noah bonded over something that you just couldn't do.
And then Noah left. He just stopped coming to school.
The first day, you texted him and asked him where he was. He was blunt, telling you he wasn't coming. You assumed that he was just sick, or skipping for the day. But one day turned into two. Two became three. Three became a week. A week became a month.
After that, you knew to just let him sleep when you got up in the mornings. At least he was still in your room, still with you.
He got a job to fill his days, working at Nick's family's tattoo studio. Noah wasn't the art type, he couldn't really draw, so he never picked up a tattoo gun, but the money wasn't bad. He would bring you little trinkets and gifts sometimes. He even saved up to buy himself a car. It was an absolute piece of shit, but it ran, it got good gas mileage, and it had a stereo.
Then came the nights where you would drive around aimlessly, discovering more and more of Richmond as you belted out the words to any song you knew. Sometimes Nick would come with you, but you liked it better when it was just you and Noah.
He was growing up, and you loved seeing who he was becoming. He was still the awkward introverted boy you knew, but he was blossoming into a musician. Your mom even bought him a guitar one christmas, making him cry. Because he could finally practice again, he found his way into a cover band. You were their number one fan, and your mom was a close second. She cheered him on in any way she could.
You kept going to school though. You didn't have a choice, you weren't good enough at anything to take the creative path. Every day you wished Noah was there, but you did your best without him. Class was harder without him. It had been years of the two of you side by side, Noah helping you to understand the questions that didn't make sense to you. He would even read the questions aloud to you if you needed it. Now, your grades were slipping. You didn't have your support system, and no one else seemed to believe that it was that hard.
He would help with your homework, but it was getting harder. He'd never learned the subject matter, so he could only do so much. You'd let him read your textbooks, but sometimes neither of you understood what the hell the textbooks were talking about.
One night, a particular project had overstressed you. He held you while you cried, running his fingers through your hair while you tried to compose yourself.
'I can't fucking do this,' you choked, your arms around him while he rested his chin on your head. When did he get so tall?
'You can, it's just your brain,' he shushed you, his voice soft and his arms strong as he held you together. 'There's too much going on in there, isn't there?'
'There always is, you know that,' you told him, letting him sit you down on the side of your bed.
'And what do we normally do about it?' he asked gently, holding your hands and squeezing lightly. As he sat in front of you, you found yourself staring at him, your mouth hanging open while you panted through the tears.
He had the beginnings of a sleeve colouring his arm, the ink peeking out under his three-quarter sleeves. A shiny dermal piercing sat in his cheek, glinting under the low light of your bedside lamp. His warm brown hair hung down almost to his chest, always a layered mess.
But his eyes, those warm brown eyes. They were still the eyes of that boy from so many years ago, searching for comfort in yours. Offering you comfort with him. In them, you could see how much your pain hurt him, and how hard he tried to hide it.
'I don't know if can talk about it,' you whimpered, your gaze shifting to his hands. His long, slender fingers, wrapped up in your shorter, pinker ones. His thumb grazed over your knuckle supportively.
'There's nothing you can't tell me,' he said, both gently and firmly. 'What's different now?'
'Y/N...' he whispered, shuffling closer. His hands ran gingerly up your arms, and you couldn't help flinching. You closed your eyes, holding your breath as heavy tears blurred your vision. You were thankful, you didn't want to see the pain in his eyes as realisation dawned on him.
'Why?' he asked. You knew he knew. It had been a while since you'd done that. You'd been clean since your dad gave up on trying to move you to Topeka. You hadn't needed it...
But school, the projects, the frustration of your brain not working right...
You hadn't felt good enough in a long time. Like something in you was broken. And even though you could normally talk to Noah about these things, Noah had found his people. He found his thing, the thing he was good at. You didn't have that. You were convinced he wouldn't understand anymore.
'I'm not right. I can't do the things everyone else can do,' you whispered. 'My grades are going to shit, and everyone thinks I'm just being lazy, but I just can't fucking do it. No one believes me-' you tell him, crumpling in on yourself as your voice breaks. 'I'm fucking def-fective,' you coughed.
Noah grabbed you, pulling you into his chest and holding you tightly, whispering into your ear.
'You are not defective. You are not lazy, or broken, or any of that bullshit. It's not your fault,' he told you, swaying you back and forth in his grip while he buried his nose in your hair.
'I-' you tried to start, but he shushes you, knowing whatever you were going to say would be negative.
'No, you are the kindest, smartest, most hard-working person I know,' he told you. 'You care so fucking much about other people. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be here, that's for sure. It's not your fault that you can't always figure out what the fuck those textbooks say. They're stupid fucking books anyway, written by snooty old guys with nothing better to do than write rules about how numbers should work or brag about how war is great when you win one.'
'Nope, I'm not done,' he stopped you. 'You don't need to think like them. You think like you, and the way you think is magical. You are so special, and that's what matters. You might not be great at science or math, but you make the most amazing paintings I've ever seen. You write the best stories, and you sing better than half the guys who auditioned for my band. Don't you ever doubt yourself, okay?'
His arms lock tighter around you as his voice hitches in his throat. You nod against him, your arms around his narrow chest. His width had yet to catch up to his height, he was still skinny as anything, but he still gave fantastic hugs.
'I'm sorry-' you try to say, but again, he stops you.
'You. Are. Incredible,' he tells you, punctuating each word as he finds your face and looks at your bloodshot and puffy eyes. 'And you are everything to me, got it? Please, don't ever take yourself away from me like that. I care about you way too much to lose you to that.'
You nod, releasing an arm and wiping your face with your sleeve.
'Y/N,' he breathes, 'I mean it. Please, don't go anywhere.'
Your heart breaks as his firm voice slips, instead pleading with you now.
'I promise,' you tell him, swallowing hard past the lump in your throat. 'I care about you too much to leave you behind.'
Pulling you back into a tight hug, he doesn't tell you that he meant more with those words than you understood. He had for a while. And so had you. Both of you caught in the limbo of what you each thought were unrequited feelings, and neither one of you brave enough to tell the other about the butterflies in your bellies. Neither of you dared to speak the three words that your hearts yearned to say.
I care about you?
I love you.
More than life itself.
Noah made a point to be around a lot more after that night. Sure, he was always around, but he slept in your bed a lot more after that. He watched as your long sleeves became tank tops, always checking to make sure the scars stayed scars.
He even offered to get Nick to tattoo you to cover them up, going as far as asking your mom if she would let you. To your dismay, your mom was against that idea. She let you get away with a lot, but an underage tattoo was toeing the line.
It didn't stop you from getting a tattoo though. It just meant you put it somewhere your mom wouldn't see it. You got Nick to tattoo it on the front of your hip, somewhere even a bikini would cover it.
A little tree, just like the one at the end of the block. Noah held your hand while the needle dragged across your skin, the bony parts hurting the worst. Nick chuckled while you squeezed your eyes shut tight and grimaced at the worst of it.
Finally, senior year rolled around. The best and worst year of your life.
Finally, someone believed you. At school, there was a new counsellor. She recognised something in you that no one else had. You called Noah the second she told you about the letters that changed your life.
That's why you had been struggling so much. That's why things never made sense the first time. Noah celebrated with you when you got home that afternoon, and he went with you to talk to your mom about it.
Your mom was just as excited for you to have an answer, agreeing to help you seek treatment. She couldn't get on the phone to your doctor fast enough. Finally, something made sense. A chance at normalcy...
Noah took you for a drive that night, the two of you sitting in the front seat of the car and screaming along to all the songs on your shared playlist. He drove you out to a lookout and the two of you watched the stars, talking about how different things could be.
He told you about his side project from his cover band, Man Vs Self. He was excited about it, and Nick was getting involved too, and Vincent. You weren't completely familiar with Vincent, but from the few encounters you'd had with him, he seemed nice enough.
He showed you some of the things he was working on for the band, and you had to admit, it was good. Not that you expected any less from him. Noah couldn't make something bad if he tried, it's like it was against his nature.
While you two sat there, you googled everything you could about ADHD, learning more about how your brain worked. A part of you mourned how your life could have been if you had been diagnosed earlier. Things could have been so different, so much easier..
But without the struggle, you never would have found Noah. And you wouldn't change that for the world, and neither would he.
If only things could be so simple forever.
But time marches ever onward, and life goes on.
Noah's band picked up. And after a while, you noticed him withdraw. There was something there, something he didn't want to tell you. Whenever you asked him what was bothering him, he would shy away from the topic, trying to change it quickly.
After a few weeks of pushing, you finally got the answer. He was leaving.
He cried as he told you, telling you he had been seriously considering backing out so he could stay with you. Knowing how much you needed him, it was killing him to choose between making this demo in Jersey or staying with you.
So you chose for him. You told him to go. You told him how much he would hate himself if he didn't try; that if he didn't go for it, he'd never know how far he could go.
You asked him how much time you had left. He told you that you had a month, and that he had no idea what would happen after. For that month, he worked his ass off on that demo, doing everything he could to have it ready to record, but he spent every night with you, promising you that this wasn't goodbye.
The night before he left, the two of you sat in the wishing tree and talked all night. He carved your names into the branches that you'd been sitting on when you met. He held your hand tightly, promising you that he'd come back.
And then he left. You and your mom stood on the driveway, sending him off with a bag of snacks and the tightest hug the two of you had ever shared before your mom came in with a group hug. She told Noah that she was proud of him, a phrase that brought tears to his eyes.
As he drove away in that cramped car, your mom kept her arm around you. The pair of you waved goodbye, watching him disappear down the road. You were thankful he didn't see the tears in your eyes as he disappeared around the corner.
Your mom held you together while you cried for most of the day. And that night, you snuck down to the wishing tree. You scaled its branches, climbing to the high branch that you sat on the day you met Noah and pulling your knees into your chest.
Silently, you whispered to the universe, making yet another wish.
You wished for his success, for him to be brave, and to push through anything this industry could throw at him. But most of all, you wished for him to come back.
Weeks passed, and the end of the school year drew closer. Promposals were exchanged at school, but no one asked you. Your friends all had dates, while you debated if you even wanted to go.
You told Noah as much on one of your nightly calls. You had fallen into a rhythm with him, waiting for him to call you when he was going to bed. Sometimes you had to call him, now that you had a job to fill your time.
It wasn't much, just stacking shelves at the local record store, but it paid better than fast food or waiting tables did.
As prom drew closer, you found Noah egging you to go. He even dared you once. You knew you couldn't say no to a dare, and your mom was more than willing to take you dress shopping.
She found you a beautiful dress, and it cost a small fortune, but she was adamant that you needed to go. Something about a 'rite of passage for a young woman' and 'regretting if you don't go.'
So you did. You went to prom, alone, in your beautiful forest green dress. The colour of the leaves on the wishing tree. And you hated every second of it. You stood in the back of the room, watching all the couples slow dancing while you sipped at a plastic cup of spiked punch.
Until a hand graced your arm.
'Care to dance?' he asked you. You turned, hope blooming in your chest.
But it wasn't him. It was someone else, Jacob? Joshua? You never learned this guy's name. He was a theatre kid with cropped black hair and too-tight skinny jeans. Sure, he was nice, but it wasn't Noah.
So you shook your head.
'Thanks, but I'm good. I was thinking I might head off.'
He just nodded at you, wandering off in search of a different dance partner.
And you did. You left, wandering out of the school gym and through the halls. You didn't cry, even though you really wanted to. You kicked your heels off and scooped them up as you walked through the quiet halls, the music echoing behind you as it seemed to taunt you.
Outside, the cool night air sunk into your skin, a welcome change from the stuffy air of the gym.
You were about to shortcut across the grass to get to the parking lot where you had parked the car. Your mom had loaned you hers for the evening, and you figured if she thought you were out for the night, she wouldn't mind if you went for a drive, as long as you put gas in it before returning it.
A car came careening into the lot as you stepped onto the wet lawn, grass sticking to your bare feet as you moved. The car came to a stop, and the engine silenced. His voice rang out across the parking lot, your head snapping over to him the moment you heard it.
He slammed the car door, running over to you as fast as he could. Your heart stopped as you looked at him. He was dressed in a white button down with the sleeves rolled up, a black vest, and a skinny tie hanging from his neck.
You grinned, tears pricking at your eyes as you ran at him, throwing your shoes on the ground. You threw your arms around him and sank into his grip, feeling him hold you like his life depended on it.
'Were you leaving?' he asked as he squeezed you tightly, a hint of a laugh in his voice.
'I didn't have anyone to dance with,' you told him with a shrug. 'Plus, it's kinda crap in there, the music isn't even that good. You came a long way for nothing,' you joked.
'Definitely not nothing,' he told you, pulling back and looking down at you. You missed his eyes, and the way he smiled at you. Your heart fluttered as he grinned down at you.
'Oh?' you asked him, 'so what really made you come back? If the renowned draw of prom night sex wasn't the reason, it must be really good.'
He smirked as you teased him.
'Well, there's this girl I really like, and while I was gone the guys told me I should really talk to her and tell her how I feel about her. They had a point, so I was kind of hoping you could help me out with that?' He asked nervously.
You could feel his hands trembling as he laced his fingers with yours. You didn't dare let your smile falter. He couldn't know how much your heart was breaking at the idea of there being someone else.
'I mean, I can... but you've gotta tell me who she is before I can help,' you said, trying to keep that teasing tone in your voice.
Noah shook his head, chewing the inside of his lip nervously.
'She's probably the kindest, sweetest, funniest girl I've ever met. Y/N, I think I'm in love with her, I've just been too scared to tell her because I didn't want to lose her.'
'Noah-' you breathed, stepping back. You wanted so desperately to be right, but you needed to hear it from him. You watched as he took a deep breath, locking his eyes on yours.
'I love you, Y/N. So much.' he finally said, pulling you back to him and lifting his hand to your cheek. Your breath hitched in your throat at his touch.
All those nights of picturing what it could be like, the tingles at his touch, the thoughts you had tried to squash, it all came flooding forward. There was no denying it now. You were desperately in love with him too, and you didn't need to hide it anymore. The butterflies were free, no longer being squashed down and digested. You felt like you could float as he drew nearer.
Your breath quickened, your hand running up his chest and resting over his heart. You could feel it hammering beneath your fingers as you smiled up at him. In his eyes, you could see his fear while he hung on every breath, waiting for your answer.
'I love you, Noah. You have no idea how much I love you.'
A relieved laugh left his lips, and he leaned in. His lips brushed yours. At first it was tender, learning how you felt, how you kissed. After a moment, the kiss became confident, your arm wrapped around his neck while his hand rested on your lower back, holding you to him.
His taste intoxicated you, and in seconds he became the addiction you knew you would never be able to break. He felt the same. He knew he would never be the same, in that moment you became his air.
A hissing sound broke you apart, and the pair of you looked around. You were still alone, and there were no obvious signs of where the noise was coming from.
Until the sprinklers started, the cold mist spraying over both of you. You squealed, jumping in his grip and feeling him pull you in tight against his chest as the two of you cried out.
He was the first to laugh, and you followed close behind. You had met in the rain, it was only right that you confessed your love for each other the same way, even if the rain wasn't real.
'My shoes!' you cried out, looking behind you to where your heels glinted under the haze of mist.
'I got it!' he told you, releasing you and running through the brunt of the spray. You couldn't help but laugh as his hair deflated while he scrambled across the slick grass, grabbing for the shoes.
He scooped them up and turned to run back to you, but you had other plans. Instead, as he turned, he crashed into your drenched form and his arms wrapped around you again.
Your lips crashed to his, putting all the feeling you had been holding back for years into the kiss. He kissed you just as passionately, and both of you giggled as the water soaked you both to the bone.
'When I said you're everything to me, I meant it,' he told you, his forehead resting on yours as he smiled at you.
'I wish I had said something before you left,' you said, letting him sway you gently.
'So do I. But, we're here now, and that's all that matters.'
'We should probably go and clean ourselves up though. My mom will kill me if I catch a cold from running around in the sprinklers.'
Noah chuckled, kissing you again before finally releasing you. He took your hand, leading you through the water and over to the car.
'I'll meet you at home? I have to take mom's car back.'
'Okay, but after that, I have somewhere I wanna take you, if you're up for it?'
You agreed, parting with a kiss and practically floating back to your mom's car.
The drive home was agonising, and the lights were all off when you got there. Your mom had gone to bed, expecting you to be out late. You entered the house quietly, tiptoeing across the tiles.
You left the keys on the kitchen counter, grabbing a change of clothes from a basket in the laundry and the two towels from all those years ago. They didn't seem as big or as fluffy anymore, but your mom had embroidered your names into them for you. She knew an origin story when she saw one, and she was sentimental, so naturally, she took it upon herself to hold onto memories for you.
You met Noah outside, clambering into his car and handing him the towel. He grinned like a little kid when he saw it, remembering everything with you.
He wrapped the towel around his shoulders before setting off. The whole drive, all you did was talk. He told you about the demo, you told him about work and school, everything felt so normal. Normal, except for the buzz of adrenaline in the pit of your stomach, the cool rush that you felt every time he took your hand in his, kissing your knuckles.
After a while, he pulled into the parking lot of a hotel, grinning as he turned the car off.
'I figured that most people have some kind of after-party, why shouldn't we have our own?' He said, a sheepish grin on his face.
You laughed, shaking your head at him. He lead you from the car and through the hotel, the two of you looking dreadfully out of place in the gilded lobby in your drenched clothes and fuzzy towels. The concierge even giggled quietly as she watched you get in the elevator.
The room itself was fancier than any hotel you'd ever stayed in, and you wondered how he paid for it. You didn't ask, deciding to just enjoy it. As soon as the door closed, Noah tugged you close to him again, gazing down into his eyes with the sweetest smile on his face. If he kept looking at you like that, you knew you could die happy.
'Say it again?' You asked him quietly, your lips hovering just in front of his.
With a soft chuckle, he happily obliged. 'I love you, Y/N.'
'I love you,' you whispered, letting the space between you disappear again.
He was gentle when he stripped the dress off of you, draping it over a chair to let it dry. You were just as gentle about unbuttoning his vest and his shirt. Together you found your way to the shower, letting the warm water erase the chill from your bones.
Being naked in front of him felt strange, but his tender kisses made it easier. For a while, you stood under the water, wrapped in his embrace. Your head tucked perfectly under his chin, and every now and again he would nose into your hair, leaving feather-light kisses on the skin of your neck. If the water hadn't gone cold, you might have stayed there forever.
He wrapped you in your towel before finding his own. Your heart pounded as you watched him, looking over his growing collection of tattoos and the scars on his back. He caught you watching, and stepped closer to you with a look in his eye.
He reached for you, his fingers running over the scars on your bicep. Together, you were beautifully broken, and together you could build a whole new type of perfect. As you stepped into his embrace, you felt safe. You felt loved. You felt whole.
You were the one who lead him to the bedroom.
He was just as nervous, and both of you giggled as the towels came off. Neither of you had done this before, but it felt right to be doing it with each other.
You paid heed to your mother's warning, thankful to be on the pill, and you were sure you were ready.
He laid you down on the bed, and Noah positioned himself between your legs, slowly pushing himself into you, groaning as he felt your body accept him.
You breathed through the feeling, a sting burning through you as he froze in place and waited for your signal.
'You okay?' He asked as he saw your face screw up in discomfort.
'Mhmm,' you hummed, 'just getting used to it.'
'For what it's worth, you feel so much better than I ever imagined,' he breathed, kissing your collarbone and up your neck. His words reverberated through you, making you clench around him.
He smirked, taking your face in his hand. 'You like dirty talk?' He asked, surprised and fascinated to learn about what turned you on.
'A little,' you admitted as you held his bicep.
'So if I said something like...' he smirked, dipping low and hovering his lips just next to your ear, his voice barely a whisper, 'you're mine. Only mine. This pussy? It's mine, and I won't stop until you're out of breath and the neighbours know my name.'
He grinned, sucking in a sharp breath and feeling your muscles contract around him, lusciously squeezing him.
'You're so tight, baby, and so wet. Is this all because of me?'
You couldn't help the soft moan as he spoke, beginning to roll his hips against you. The feeling was heavenly despite the stretching feeling. You'd been warned that the first time could hurt, and it was easily bearable.
'Noah,' you whimpered, running your fingers across his skin.
'Does it feel good, baby? God, you feel so good,' he continued, rutting into you slowly. His thrusts were firm, exploring deeper than you'd ever been able to with your fingers.
You dragged his face back to yours, kissing him deeply. Noah happily followed your lead, letting you swipe your tongue over his as you moaned into his mouth.
'Fuck,' you hissed, your back arching. You wanted more, but you were too scared to show him what you needed. You didn't want him to feel inadequate, or think he was doing something wrong, but your clitoris screamed for attention. Your hand kept inching lower, but you couldn't help the anxiety in your stomach.
'Tell me, baby,' he purred, always able to read you. 'Show me.' He took your hand, guiding it between your bodies and resting his fingers atop yours.
You began to draw timid circles over the little nub, feeling Noah trace your movements to learn how you liked it.
You whined his name, and you felt his dick twitch inside you.
'Noah, please,' you begged, 'I think I'm close.'
'Me too, Y/N,' he panted, his cheeks red and his forehead slick with sweat. 'I want to watch you come. I wanna see how good I can be to you.'
The tingles started small, but the more you circled your clitoris, the stronger it became. Whines and groans left your lips, Noah mirroring the sounds.
His gasps were almost enough to have you, but what broke you was the way he said your name. His breathy cries for you as he sped up and reached his peak, sighing and closing his eyes while your body tensed around his.
He emptied himself into you, and you eked it out of him. You'd heard that it was rare to experience an orgasm during your first time, let alone a mutual one, but it happened, and it was so much better than using your fingers.
Noah laid on top of you, breathless. His eyes fluttered closed while he gasped for air, his panting tickling your nipple as he laid his head on your chest.
'I love you,' he told you between deep lungfuls of air.
'I love you,' you repeated, grinning and exhausted, running your fingers through his still wet hair.
If only that night could have lasted forever.
Fate was cruel like that. Fate, and Sumerian Records.
Man vs Self, then called CHLDRN got signed, becoming Bad Omens... You were ecstatic, celebrating with him and Nick and Vincent. Part of you was less thrilled, knowing this meant he would be gone again.
He promised you it wouldn't be for long, only a few weeks at a time. You believed him. But weeks didn't stay weeks.
Weeks became months, and months became moving to LA.
He promised you that he would come home and visit. He swore to you that he would pay to fly you out and you could stay with him. He would text you every day and call you every night, telling you how much he missed you and how much he loved you.
No matter how much you wanted it to be, nightly phone calls and texting weren't enough. Every time it rained, your heart ached for him. You missed his touch, his embrace.
And then the contact started to wane. You would lie awake, waiting for him to call or text you after a show, and some nights he would, but those nights grew further apart.
You would text him first, and you'd be left with no answer.
Your mom watched your heart break in real time. She understood the pain, and she missed Noah too. She felt like she had lost her son. She did all she could to help you cope, but you just felt hollow, like barely a shell of yourself.
Every now and again you would hear from him, and it would tear open that wound again. Finally, you had to call it what it was.
You called him, knowing that this phone call would be the hardest call you'd ever had to make. You told him that no matter how much you loved him, you couldn't handle the heartache. His home wasn't with you anymore, and you couldn't have a home with him. Not right now.
He begged you to reconsider. He told you he'd throw it all away for you. You told him he was being stupid, and that he would never throw it all away, and if he did, he'd miss it too much. He'd regret it. Sure, the words sounded pretty, but he would never be able to walk away. Not fully. Nor would you ever want him to.
You told him that he was too talented and too good to walk away. He needed to stick with the band. So he did. And he hated it for a while. He wrote songs about how much he hated it, but none of those ever made the albums.
Well, one did.
It was embellished, sure, but you knew which lines were about you. And you hoped against hope that no matter how much he wanted to, that he wasn't watching you from afar. You knew his heart couldn't take that strain. He'd already been through so much. He needed to move on and live for himself now.
You found yourself in the tree one night, wishing he would be okay. You never wished for yourself anymore, but any wish you could make for him, he had it. Success, stability, love, you wanted it all for him. You could make do on your own.
So you did. It killed you when his name came up on your socials, seeing the articles about the band, and about him. You missed him more than anything. But you forced yourself to continue on with your life. The ADHD medication made it easier to function, so when you decided to go to university, you managed it a lot easier than you thought you would.
There were still nights that you wished he was there to read the questions to you. Or nights that you broke down in tears because the pressure was too much. Every time you reached the end of that rope, you remembered your promise to him, and you stepped away from the medicine cabinet.
Noah came to town once. His long hair had been cropped short, and his once spindly build had filled out. You thought about going to the show, but you couldn't bring yourself to go. Your mom even asked if you should go together, but you told her that if you did you'd only have to start the healing process over again. She was understanding, but you knew she wanted to go. She missed him too, after all.
More time passed, whizzing by in a blur of study, work, and long nights. Your mom watched your heart heal and break again every time his name was mentioned on the radio or in a news article.
One night, she sat you down on the couch like she had that night she gave you the "talk". Her skin had begun to sag, and her hair was greying, but you still saw the same look in her eye. That knowing look, the one that knew all your secrets.
'Y/N, honey, you've got to do something. You're not getting over him,' she told you. 'It's been almost two years.'
'I know,' you told her pathetically, curling into her side like a child. She rubbed your arm, comforting you.
'I have an idea that I wanted to run by you,' she said, her tone soft and warm. 'I'm almost ready to retire, and I think I want to retire somewhere sunny. I like the rain, but I'm ready for something new...'
You looked at her, an eyebrow cocked as you caught that mischeivous smirk on her lips.
'Mom...' you said slowly.
'I found a nice house, and with what this place is worth, we could easily afford it if we sell. You're almost finished with school, and there's plenty of job options for you-'
'And you want to move to LA?' you asked her incredulously, sitting up and searching her face for a hint of a joke. You found none. She was completely serious. 'Mom, this isn't some small move down the street, you're talking about moving across the country.'
She nodded, laughing at you. 'I know, sweetheart. But I mean it. I want something new, I've lived in this house for too long. I know it's your home, but once upon a time, it was mine and your father's. We bought it shortly after we got married, and there are days that I still expect to see him sitting on the couch when I get home from work. I still feel like he's here, even though he's been gone for so long. I need to move on from him, and I don't think I can do that here.'
You chewed your lip, looking at your hands. Sometimes it was easy to forget that your mom was a person too. She had her own life, her own story, her own feelings. It had been a long time since your dad left, and it was easy enough to forget that your mom had spent nearly twenty years with him. He was her Noah. Sure, in the end, he turned out to be an uncaring ass, but there had to be something there that she'd loved in the start, and now she couldn't let go of it. Just like you couldn't let go of Noah.
'Okay,' you told her. 'Show me this house?'
She did. She showed you the house, and it was perfect. A quaint little three bedroom townhouse in a quiet community, a thirty minute drive from the city. You fell in love with it the minute you saw it.
Things moved quickly after that night. Your mom put the house on the market, and when you weren't working or studying, you were packing. You found so many memories as you boxed up everything you owned. It didn't take long for the house to sell. It wasn't until the sold sign adorned your front yard that it finally sank in.
You were saying goodbye to your childhood.
The place looked strange without all your things in it. You remembered all of the nights you spent with Noah in your room, whispering about stupid things to make each other laugh. You remembered the sound of his guitar drifting from the room that was once his, even though he almost never slept in there. You had to patch the hole in the wall from when you had tried to slide down the hall in your socks and you slipped, coming crashing down through the plaster.
You remembered sitting around the dinner table, telling your dad about the picture you had drawn at school that day. Or showing off how much better your grades had gotten since Noah started to help you with your homework.
Most painful of all, you had to say goodbye to the tree.
For old times sake, you hauled yourself up into its branches, searching for the carving of your names on the trunk. You had labelled your branches, but after the night in the hotel, Noah joined your names in a heart on the trunk where the two branches met.
For the last time, you made a wish. You weren't sure you believed in it anymore, but that childish wonder in your heart refused to let go of the possibility. You whispered your wish, letting it go with the wind that rustled the leaves.
And then the frenzy began. The movers took all the boxes, packing them into a huge truck with all your furniture, and you got in the car. You told your mom to fly ahead, not wanting her to drive across the country. She was too easily worn out for such an adventure, and there was too much to do, you needed her to save her energy for unpacking and setting up.
So you drove across the country alone, just you and your mom's car. You sold the beater you had bought with your money from the record store. It wasn't going to make the trip, and you could find something better when you had a new job.
You stopped at motels, sleeping more fitfully the closer you got to LA. Your mind spun with possibilities. What would you do? Would you call him? Text him? Would you even reach out?
What if he had a new girlfriend? What if he hated you for ending things? What if he wasn't your Noah anymore?
Each night you tossed and turned, and each day you tried desperately to drown out the noise in your mind with music and podcasts. Finally, after nearly a week of non-stop driving and gas station sandwiches, you reached the exit for Los Angeles. Your new home.
You followed the GPS to your new house, seeing your mom outside with the moving truck. She was helping to take boxes into the house, even though the movers brought the couch in first for her to sit down. She insisted on helping, but that was what your mom was like.
You parked on the street, getting out of the car and stretching your weary legs. Who would have thought sitting still for so long would be so exhausting. The sun had started to dip in the sky, bathing the street in a warm golden glow. You took in your new surroundings for a moment, noting the difference in the smell of the air, the warm breeze, and the lack of trees. There were only a few trees in the street, most of them small. One house had a large tree in the front yard, and it reminded you of the wishing tree. Smiling to yourself, you were glad something felt like home.
Your mom had told the movers to put your bed in first, which you were thankful for. You made your way to your new room, stretching out on the unmade mattress and letting your spine decompress for a little while.
It took a couple of weeks to set up the house how you wanted it, and it took a few more weeks to find a job, but soon enough, you were an official LA working girl. You had a desk job, you paid stupid amounts of money to park fifteen minutes away from your office, and you thrived on coffee, but you were doing it. You were living.
You still hadn't called him. You wanted to, but fear got the better of you every time you typed in his number. Your thumb would hover over the green button for stupid amounts of time, and then you would lock your phone and put it down.
You never thought it would go the way it did.
You came home from work one cloudy afternoon, climbing out of your mom's car and heading to the mailbox. A cool breeze nipped at your arms while you sifted through the mail. While you sorted the bills from the junk, a large black pickup pulled into the street. It was the first time you had seen it move since you moved in. For the last month it had been stationary on a driveway a few doors down.
It crawled past your house, slowing down as it passed by. For a moment, you tensed, ready to run or fight, whatever you needed to do, but then it moved on. It rolled into the driveway you had become accustomed to seeing it at, the house with the large tree in the front yard.
The loud rumble of the engine ceased, and as you were about to turn and head inside, a voice called out to you.
'Y/N!?' the deep voice bellowed, echoing down the street.
You froze.
His footsteps approached, his sneakers pouding against the asphalt as he crossed the street and stepped closer.
'Y/N...' he breathed, stopping a few feet away from you.
You looked up at him with your heart in your throat. His hair was still short, but it had grown out since you last saw him. A hint of stubble graced his chin and his lip, making him look so much more grown up than the weedy little teenager you remembered from prom. And his muscles...
He truly was a man now.
'Noah,' you whispered, your voice gone as you stared at him in disbelief.
He seemed to be having the same problem, stammering as he inched closer to you. 'You're... you're here?' he asked, his tone bewildered, asking the how and why without the need to say them.
'Mom retired, she wanted to get away from the memories of dad,' you told him with a shrug. You could barely bring yourself to meet his eye. Your throat tightened as you got a glimpse of the warm brown that you had missed so much. 'She missed you too, I think that's why she came here.'
'I miss her too,' he said sadly, 'she was the only parent I really had.'
Bit by bit, he stepped closer, closing the distance between you.
'I'm sure she'd love to see you,' you offered quietly, 'if you're not busy?'
'I don't think I'm busy,' he told you, smirking. Your stomach backflipped, and your fingers itched to know his skin again.
Closing your eyes, you took a deep breath. You knew you needed to rip the band-aid off and just say it.
As you finally blurted out the words, his voice melded with yours.
'I missed you,' you both said.
Pausing, you looked at each other. You finally met his eyes. In that warm gaze, you saw all the love you had seen when you were young. All the longing that you felt was mirrored in him. His cheeks flushed, and you became aware of the heat in your own face as the pair of you laughed.
'I'm sorry,' you told him, taking a step closer to him. He was within reach now, you could have easily brushed his hair from his eyes, or taken his hand.
'For what?' he asked, closing the distance further.
'For ending things. I thought it hurt to miss you when I had you, and then I didn't anymore... I've never felt so alone... I should have just waited-'
'No, Y/N, you did what you needed to. And it would have only gotten worse from there anyway. We didn't get a break for years. With or without you, I never would have seen you.'
He lifted his hand to rest on the bare skin of your arm, admiring the tattoo that covered the scars on your bicep. Your body tingled under his touch, your resolve weakening.
'I'm glad to see that chapter is closed,' he said softly. 'It is, right?'
'Yeah,' you assured him. 'I got close a few times, but I remembered what I promised you and I just couldn't.'
'Good,' he breathed.
You were so close now, his head tilted down to look at you, and you could almost feel his breath on your skin. A cool breeze blew over you, making you shiver. The sound of thunder rolled across the sky, and you couldn't help but laugh as a heavy raindrop smacked on his head, making him flinch.
'Why is it that every time we find each other, it rains?' you mused, grinning up at him.
'Or there's sprinklers?' He added with a smirk.
As the rain fell in slow, fat drops dotting the sidewalk, you felt your heart twist. His hand moved, raising to your cheek. Your eyes welled up, too many emotions filling you.
'I never stopped loving you,' he told you. 'I missed you, and I thought about you every single day.'
'So did I,' you admitted. 'I couldn't stop.'
'And now, here you are...' he said.
'Here we are.'
His lips finally touched yours, and thunder cracked overhead. The sky opened, the rain falling faster, masking the tears on your cheeks as you melted into him. In a matter of moments you were drenched, but you didn't care.
'Never let me go again,' he begged you between heated kisses.
Your arms wrapped around his neck, holding him to you. Your hearts pounded against each other's as your chests pressed together. There wasn't enough of him, you needed everything he could give you. You wanted to wrap yourself in him and never let go.
When the thunder seemed to be overhead, he released you, grabbing your hand and dragging you to the front doorstep of your house. His beautiful smile set something in you alight, a fire you thought you had lost a long time ago.
He rang the doorbell, holding you close to his side, his fingers laced tight in yours. After a moment, your mom appeared at the door with a broad grin and the two towels in her hands.
'It's about time,' she said, handing the large fluffy towels over to you, ensuring you each had the towel with your own name embroidered on it.
'You were watching out the window, weren't you?' you asked her with a laugh.
'You were taking forever to get the mail, I was curious,' she told you innocently, 'but Noah? It is so good to see you, honey.'
She opened her arms to him, asking him for a hug. Noah hesitated for a moment, looking down at his sopping clothes.
'Honey, it's water, get over here,' your mom demanded, pulling him into a tight hug. Noah grinned, revelling in her hug. He was home. You could see it on his face, tears pricking at his eyes as he squeezed her tight. He was finally home.
Noah stayed the night with you, having missed your mom's home-cooked meals and sharing a bed with you. He texted his housemates, telling them that he would be with you. Nick was excited to hear that you had moved out to LA, and you had to promise that the three of you would hang out together soon, but for the moment, all you wanted was Noah.
You spent the night tangled up in him, your legs entwined while he cradled you close to his chest. Every now and then he would kiss you wherever he could reach, often on the forehead or on your lips.
You giggled together in the dark, listening to the storm outside and reminiscing on all the nights you'd spent huddled under the covers back in Richmond.
'I love you,' he whispered to you as you both drifted closer to sleep.
'I love you too,' you told him, brushing your fingers across his cheek and smiling tiredly.
In the morning, your mom handed him a key as you sat down at the table with your coffee. She told him that he always had a home with the two of you. He tried to hide it, but you saw him getting misty eyed as he hugged your mom.
You had to leave for work, but Noah was free to sit and catch up with your mom. You left them together, smiling at the scene as you said your goodbyes.
Noah rushed after you, chasing you to the car with a smitten grin.
'Hey,' he called out, holding the car door open, 'you forgot something.'
'Oh?' you asked, raising an eyebrow.
He leaned into the car and kissed you, not caring that some of your lipstick was on his face now.
'I love you,' he said with a smile, 'okay, now you can go.'
This became a routine. As long as he was in town, the two of you shared a bed. Sometimes you slept in his, but most of the time you slept in yours. He would kiss you goodbye every morning as you left for work, and if he wasn't in town he would send you some kind of message.
The distance became bearable now that he would always come home. You missed him while he was on tour, but at least he would end up back with you at the end of it all instead of on the other side of the country.
It took some getting used to, but you adjusted.
Months passed, and there came a day when you were both free. He was excited, wanting to take you out somewhere, just the two of you. You agreed, seeing him so happy there was no way you could tell him no.
In his black pickup, you drove to the outskirts of town. He wouldn't tell you where you were going. You let him lead the way, trusting him.
He pulled up and parked the car, finally letting you see where you were. He'd taken you to a forest trail. For a minute, you didn't understand, but you let him guide you. He lead you down the trail and to a little clearing where you saw it.
A tree, just like the wishing tree back home.
You couldn't hide the smile on your face. He raced with you to the tree, both of you dragging yourself up through the unfamiliar limbs and branches. Noah had to help you a few times, pulling you up to a higher branch that you could sit on together.
And as you sat, you found yourselves grinning like little kids.
'I figured a little bit of home was a good thing,' he told you, taking your hand. 'But my home is wherever you are.'
'Noah,' you giggled, leaning into him and shoving him gently with your shoulder.
'I'm serious!' he told you, his eyes crinkling with his laughter. You loved the sound, never tiring of his voice. He could read a dictionary out loud and you would listen to him happily.
'How did you even find this?' you asked him, letting him hold you steady on the branch.
'I used to go hiking during quarantine. It was all I was allowed to do, and it got me out of the house for a while.'
You nodded in understanding. Those years had been insane.
'But, there's a reason I wanted to bring you here,' he said nervously. You shifted, turning to face him and swinging your leg over the branch to straddle it. Noah mimicked your movements, your knees touching each other's as he took your hands in the space between you.
You searched his face, seeing a hint of fear in his eyes. Your throat wanted to close at the sight, but you forced yourself to breath through it, squeezing his hands reassuringly.
'I know it hasn't been long since we found each other again, but I don't ever want to lose you again,' he said, sucking in a deep, shaky breath. 'I wish I had told you earlier than I did, I wish we could have spent more time like this. I loved you before I knew what it meant to love someone. You helped me when no one would, and you never wanted anything from me but a friend. I don't know where I'd be without you, but I wouldn't be here.'
As he spoke, your eyes began to water. Your fingers tangled tighter into his, your heart twisting in your chest.
'I don't want us to ever go through what we went through ever again. I want to always be with you, to look after you. I want to kiss you good morning every day, and I want to be the last thing you see when you go to sleep. I want to bring you coffee, and read your books to you, and run through sprinklers with you. My world starts and ends with you, and I want to be there while you build your world into whatever you want it to be. And I hope that whatever that is, it includes me...'
He released your hand, sliding his fingers into his pocket and retrieving something. A deep red velvet box. He opened it and turned it to you, holding it carefully in the palm of his hand.
'Y/N, I love you, more than anything. I wanted to do this in our tree, but this is the closest I could get us,' he chuckled, smiling nervously and looking at the box in his hand. The ring glittered under the light spilling through the canopy of leaves above you. 'Marry me? Please?'
You couldn't find words. Your body was a cacophony of emotion, tears spilling down your cheeks while your heart pounded in your chest.
'Noah,' you whispered, testing your voice. You could see how nervous he was, and you wanted to put him out of his misery. You nodded, smiling back at him. 'Absolutely. I will absolutely marry you.'
He couldn't get the ring on your finger fast enough. He couldn't kiss you hard enough, or hold you close enough. The pair of you were an emotional wreck, smiling and laughing while tears spilled down both of your cheeks.
Before you left the tree, Noah carved your names into the branch, scrawling a date under it. He helped you get down, and he caught you as you lowered yourself from the last branch, spinning you in a circle and kissing you fiercely.
'I love you,' he said, 'and I'm gonna say it until you hate it.'
'I could never hate it,' you told him, your arms tight around his neck.
When you got home, your mom was thrilled. She couldn't be more excited, demanding to see the ring and telling Noah it was about time. She immediately launched into wedding planning, promising to finance whatever you needed. She was overjoyed to have Noah be a part of the family on paper.
She helped you over the next few months while you picked dates and guests and everything there is to do with a wedding. You debated on inviting your father, but decided against it. He had never been warm to Noah, he didn't need to be a part of this celebration.
Noah had to travel a little bit while all this was happening, but it gave you plenty of chances to find a dress. And he would call every night wanting to know what you and your mom had found or planned.
You weren't sure who was more excited, you or Noah.
And as the days passed, the day finally came.
You walked down the aisle with your mom, surrounded by friends and family, but the only person who mattered to you waited at the end of the aisle with the biggest smile on his face and a glimmer in his warm brown eyes.
He took your hand and held it tight, silently swearing to never let it go. You swore the same. It had always been the two of you (and your mom) against the world, but now you got to declare it in front of everyone.
What you weren't prepared for were Noah's vows.
'Y/N,' he began, 'our history has been a long road of ups and downs. We've known each other longer than I've known anyone else. And I can't think of anyone else I'd rather take on the world with. You have always been my rock, my biggest supporter, and my best friend. You came into my life when I needed someone like you, and I know I was mean to you, but I was embarrassed.
'I was embarrassed because I had seen you in that tree making wishes. I wondered if maybe it was magic, because it always seemed to work for you. I never told you what I wished for that day, but I think by now you've earned the right to know.' He paused, squeezing your fingers and lifting them to his lips, his eyes glistening with tears as he cleared his throat. 'I wished for someone to love me. And not a minute later, there you were, wanting to wish for a pass on your science test. But you offered to wish for something for me, caring about me from the minute we met. I got my wish.'
'But, as I got older, I learned something. The tree wasn't where the magic came from,' he said, smiling at you, losing himself in your gaze. 'The magic was you. You granted every single wish, one way or another. You pushed me to be better, to succeed. You gave me everything you could. You protected me when I couldn't protect myself, you gave me a home when I had nothing, and you loved me when I couldn't love myself. So here I am, vowing to you, that I will always, always, protect you. I will love you when you can't, and I will give you everything I can, and I will always be your home. I vow to keep your magic alive, and to grant every wish for you that I possibly can, because you gave me all of mine.'
You knew he was good with words, but he had you there. By the end of his speech, you were a mess of tears, your own vows forgotten. You wanted nothing more than to throw yourself at him and never let him go.
When you were finally pronounced man and wife, you met Noah with the deepest kiss you could, pressing your body into his and wanting to hold your breath forever so you could stay locked in his lips.
Your guests cheered and wolf-whistled, and Noah dipped you, giving them a show. When the need for air overcame you, you grinned up at him, hanging on to him tightly.
'I've got you,' he assured you.
'And I've got you,' you smiled back up at him.
He spun you back onto your feet, holding you to him as you left the ceremony together. You had to go and take pictures, but you really just wanted a moment alone together.
You lead Noah to the room where you had been getting ready before the ceremony started, closing the door.
'Are you okay?' he asked you, taking your hand. You nodded, thumbing over the band that adorned his left hand now.
'Yeah,' you told him, swallowing hard. 'You just blindsided me a little.'
'I'm sorry-'
'Don't be. Noah, I am so sorry for what you went through, but also I am so thankful that out of all the places it could have lead you, it lead you to me. And I am so thankful that I get to be the one to love you.'
'So am I,' he told you, stepping closer until your chests pressed together. 'I meant it, you're everything to me.'
'And you're everything to me.'
The reception was filled with celebration, jokes, cheering, speeches, and some very unfortunate dancing. And naturally, at the end of the night, LA was subjected to a massive thunderstorm. Your guests hid inside, but you and Noah ran out into the rain, knowing you couldn't break tradition now. The pictures ended up immortalised in your photo album, displayed on the mantle in the house the two of you bought shortly after your honeymoon.
You got lucky, you managed to find a house just a few blocks from your mom. The house had a big yard, but it was missing something...
Noah came home from a tour with the answer a few months after you had settled in.
'I don't know if this is legal, and I have no idea how to do it, but we're gonna try,' he told you, opening a secure compartment in his suitcase and presenting you with a box.
It was an old amazon prime box, about as big as a shoebox, but as thick as a matchbox. You shot him a look, raising an eyebrow.
'Just open it,' he told you, rolling his eyes.
So you did.
A bundle of branches sat in the box, wrapped in wet paper towel.
'You went to Richmond?' you asked. He nodded.
'I did, and I brought some of the wishing tree home. If we do it right, we can have our own wishing tree, right here in our yard. It will take years to grow, but I can't see a reason not to.'
You smiled, shaking your head and placing the branches on the table.
'I love you,' you told him, looping your arms around his neck and kissing him.
'I love you more.'
Together, you propagated the branches, and you successfully planted a tree. And over the years, as that tree grew, the two of you grew. Your love grew, your family grew, your happiness grew. And one day, you and Noah will get to tell your daughter all about the wishing tree, and take her back to your wishing tree.
But for now, you and Noah get to watch her, seeing the magic you made together grow.
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bucktommyweek · 10 days
Getting to Know You: A BuckTommyWeek Event
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Hey everyone! We're back with another event (and a new lewk), but it's a little bit different this time.
3 days, 1 week apart, 1 prompt per week, all about Buck and Tommy getting to know each other.
Here are your prompts for #btgtky
Wednesday, September 25, 2024 - Favourite things. We know Tommy loves monster trucks, flying, Love Actually and craft brews. We know Buck loves research, his friends and family, not basketball and adventure. But how do they share these things with each other?
Wednesday, October 2, 2024 - A good morning. What does a good morning look like for Buck and Tommy as they learn about themselves as a couple and each other as individuals?
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 - A bad night. It's time to bring the angst, folx. What makes a night bad? What makes a bad night better? How do these two comfort each other, or don't they?
Accepted Submissions: Anything as long as it follows the rules. We're talking headcanons, fics, essays, graphics, edits, whatever you want. Just tag @bucktommyweek to be reblogged and use #btgtky
Important Information Before Participating
Rating System
Racism and Prejudice
Ao3 Collection
Optional Post Format
Resources for Writing
If you have any questions either hit up our askbox or my own personal askbox or message @alilypea
Haters need not engage.
Thank you for @brasscacti for the favourite things inspo! 💛
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evertidings · 6 months
Hello! I'm thinking of starting an IF story later this year, and am completely new to coding and how to organise a chose-your-own-adventure. I was wondering whether you could share how you organise each route/the story of WTS, please. Love your work!
hi!! if you're overwhelmed by formatting and you're writing in twine, i'd actually recommend writing directly in the twine app. it has a great mind-map aesthetic that can help you visualize things.
but if you're curious as to how i write, i've attached some screenshots below. i believe i've talked about this before, but i'll go over it again because why not?
example #1: sections
one of the most important steps for me when organizing a document is having headers. it allows me to jump from section to section, rather than scrolling through for ages trying to find something. it also helps me break the chapter into smaller sections, which makes things less overwhelming for me.
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example #2: choices.
in terms of the document itself, i make sure to differentiate texts with various colours to make things easier on the eyes. i also make sure they are visually different. for example, in chapter ten, i wrote my choices in a purple colour and indented them slightly. i also write each line with bullet points, just so i know the text that follows is part of that choice and not general text.
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example #3: if statements.
similar to my choices, i colour my "if statements" in a different colour than the general text. i also indent them further than the choices and change the bullet point that it's written on, just so i can further differentiate the two. for those who don't know, if statements act like flavour text, which show up only if you've completed or met a certain requirement prior to the scene. in the picture below, the flavour text reveals itself if you've been rude to Blane seven times or more. otherwise, you get the general text.
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overall: aside from those two formatting decisions, my word document is really standard. luckily, i'm able to keep track of a my branches in my head, so this system works for me, but it goes without saying that it won't be for everyone. as i said at the beginning of the post, if you're more visual, twine (or some sort of mindmap tool) might be useful. hopefully this is (slightly) helpful. if anyone has more questions on this, please let me know! i'm always happy to answer them :)))
p.s. if anyone is confused about all the "<" and ">" symbols, that's just part of my twine coding. i usually copy and paste what i write in word into my code, so this just saves me from typing it.
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julsvu · 5 months
Hi! If your requests are open can I request a Leo Valdez with an S/O on their birthday and such (mine is on April 18th so coming up soon as of writing this!) have a great day/night!
gn! reader
💬: HELLOOO, ADVANCED HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! have a great day/night too! :DD
📒: fluff !!
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ever since january started, he started counting the days until your birthday
on new years, he'd say, "108 days until your birthday :D"
he'd also be relentlessly planning on what gift he should make you, if he should plan a birthday party for you, what cake should he bake for you, etc etc
a day after your birthday, he was fumbling around with random stuff in bunker 9, brainstorming basically
i feel like he'd be really indecisive about what gift he'd make you 😭😭 so he'd spend MONTHS brainstorming and then actually start deciding what he'd make you the day before your birthday
he came to the conclusion to just make as much as he can, and put it into a gift box (inside would be a basket, filled with the gifts he had made for you)
it wasn't too much, but not too little either, just the perfect amount
it ranged from little rings of all the things you've mentioned (it can range from the small dandelion you said you liked, or the dog you saw when you and him were walking down the street), the rings had a stamp on the back of them, so it'd leave a little mark on your skin whenever you'd take them off
he'd also make this cool necklace for you, and there was a little box inside the basket that was filled with custom beads inside :D every bead had an extra one just in case you'd drop one, too
he'd LOVE to host a birthday party for you, he'd get the rest of the seven in on it too! some of them would distract you while leo, hazel and annabeth were preparing the area
annabeth was def the one that worked on the format of the area, though
if you didn't like birthday parties, leo would sneak into your cabin, giving you a tray of your favourite breakfast with a grin plastered on his lips (he was holding the tray in his left hand, while he held the gift box on his right hand)
"my love! happy birthday!" he greets, giving your lips a peck before placing the tray on your bedside table
he somehow memorized your sleep patterns?? he'd know what time you'd wake up, or what time you'd usually sleep
your birthday cake was very carefully designed 😭 except for the greeting that was on the top, which was leo's job to do
"happy birthday, (name) <3 <3!" was written in messy cursive
basically, he'd plan this breakfast date with you in your cabin
and the rest of the day would be filled with the others giving you their gifts!! you and the seven went out to celebrate your birthday at a carnival
which ended up with all of you having more Polaroid pictures hung up in your rooms
the ones you got were you and leo's hands holding each other, and you and the gang on a rollercoaster C:
overall, leo would make sure your birthday would be absolutely perfect, filled with fun BUT not dangerous adventures <3
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© 2024 JULSVU. all rights reserved. please don't plagiarize, translate, put in other websites or copy my work without permission. ty!
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strawberryforks · 9 months
focus // finnick odair x reader
summary: it’s the 65th hunger games and district 4’s tributes are best friends. what’s unfortunate is that everyone knows there can only be one winner…
warnings: violence, suicide, underaged drinking (which i do not condone), no happy ending
word count: 2099
author’s note: this is my first fic and as i’m new to writing for “reader” or “y/n” the format may be different on others! but hopefully this is angsty enough <3 ALSO, REQUESTS/ASKS OPEN!
sitting on the train, in a booth, beside your best friend finnick you were the furthest thing from present. you paid more attention the the blur of trees and buildings than him and your mentor, mags. your cheek was pressed against the glass and your hot breath was causing it to steam up.
was dragging your finger overtop it and making various smiley-faces more interesting than whatever finnick and mags were discussing? well, yes. still you couldn’t delude yourself into thinking it was the best use of your time. just like you couldn’t be surprised when finnick’s elbow found purchase in your side. it wouldn’t bruise but it didn’t feel nice. “focus,” he scolded. “you have to listen to what mags is saying. she’s been through this already. she won. she can help us.”
finnick, with his hopefulness, blonde hair, blue eyes and fourteen years worth of boyish charm was perfect. sometimes too perfect because you would catch yourself staring. eyes stuck and cheeks turned redder than a tomato whenever he caught you. embarassing, really, because it’s common sense. you just don’t look at your best friend like that.
“sure. sorry mags. i’ll pay attention.” the victor nodded and continued her explanation—told you and finnick that your best bet would be getting away from the cornucopia as soon as possible. you nodded and though you did your best to listen, you just hoped finnick had, because wherever he went, you would follow.
“what are you doing?”
you were doing something you shouldn’t have–but caught, the sounds that spilled from your lips weren’t hurried explanations. you just giggled. “uhm,” you held one hand out in front of your face like a shield and sat the cup of bubbling liquid down on the dresser.
drinking. you were drinking. you moved in front of the dresser hiding the evidence with your body. finnick stepped forward quickly, crossing the room and making it to you in no time at all. he was frowning, he saw the drinks and he wasn’t happy which you didn’t understand because you were overflowing with the stuff. everything was greater than it had been, you were smiling, laughing at things that weren’t funny, and felt a bit like you were floating. “that’s not allowed—where did you even get that?”
“there was a buffet table and,” you burped, “they had drinks. y’wanna try?”
he didn’t. finnick shook his head–didn’t understand why you weren’t taking this seriously. usually he loved your attitude and outlook on things, ‘whatever happens, happens’ was usually said on your adventures but this wasn’t that. this was serious. now was not the time. he just wanted you to focus. “we’re almost at the capital. you can’t do this again, you understand?”
you bite your tongue so your inner monologue doesn’t get out. because yeah, you wouldn’t ever get to do this again (drink, legally or not). you wouldn’t get to do much of anything ever again. your days were numbered. in your last ones you would smile and wave, play pretend with your best friend at your side.
finnick was quite possibly the best and worst person to be in this situation with. on one hand, you’d be with someone you loved in your last moments, on the other… there was no world in which you won this.
finnick swapped your drink with a tall glass of water. sat by you while you sipped at it and helped you to bed. morning came and he was still there. your eyes cracked open, narrowed by bright light and confusion. “you’re good now, yeah?” he asked.
your head hurt but you nodded it anyways. there were purple bags below his eyes. “did you sleep?” you asked despite the answer being obvious.
“someone had to make sure you didn’t choke on your vomit and i didn’t want to tell mags.” lest you disappoint another person. is what he was nice enough to omit.
you weren’t fast enough with thanking him and he left you alone with the myriad of thoughts you just wanted to ignore.
“i know what you’re doing.” it was mags.
you turned around to face her—had just finished being interviewed by a loser in an extravagant suit, and felt like a loser, dressed in a blue frilly dress. you kind of looked like a loser too, one late for tea time.
“i don’t know what you mean.”
mags sighed and shook her head lightly. “it’s honourable but he’ll hate you for it.”
you shrug. you don’t care, your mind is more than made up, and has been since you heard his name called alongside your own. “if he’s alive to hate i’m okay with that. you know there can only be one winner.”
mags knew more than most. “i won’t tell him. don’t worry.”
“Tell him,” you made her promise, “that i’m sorry. you know, tributes are vicious but the capitol is worse. keep an eye on him for me please?”
“of course.”
then you trained.
“come help,” he called. finnick was practising tying knots, all which he was excellent at. “sure,” you said, allowing him to interrupt your people-watching. you were worried about the careers but figured that together you and finnick could handle them. they were adults but… most of the others were. it was fine, would be fine.
“think you should try something else? you’re pretty good at this.”
finnick laughed and you tucked the sound away in your mind. “thanks, but you? You’re not.” He gestured to the mess of rope on your end before scooting closer. his hands overtop yours, he moved them and showed you the right way to do what you had been failing at. “and there’s no way you’re telling me to train something else. have you even picked up a weapon?”
you shrugged. “i’ve just been watching. i know how to shoot a bow and use knives, i get either of those and i’ll be just fine. a few days of preparation with either won’t change much. i've used them since i could walk, y’know?”
“i just want us to be prepared.” he said.
you smiled and stood, you held his hands and pulled him up with you. “the arena’s usually have tridents, right? you’re great with those.”
and he was. you didn’t care about impressing the judges but finnick did so effortlessly.
“we’ll stick together in the arena, right?” you blurted once the two of you were alone and resting.
“until the end,” he said with a sad smile.
then, almost out of nowhere, his smile brightened. “sleepover?”
that was something you did a lot. Sleepovers under the stars, in your bed, on your father’s boat. it was your thing and somehow the idea of one last sleepover was enough to make everything okay, even just for a little while.
you crawled into the big bed the capitol provided, finnick at your side. you pulled up a blanket at the same time he pulled you into him. he held tight. so tight, for a second you forgot to breath. it meant so much. so, so much. your back was pressed against his chest and his arms were around you–hours later, you were grateful he was such a heavy sleeper. finnick was warm and safe. he was home. you were thankful he was a heavy sleeper because otherwise the way you shook as wet trailed down your cheeks would’ve woke him.
finnick’s knots came in handy. you stuck to higher ground, perching in trees and climbing cliffs, and managed to booby trap most of the area around us. after tributes were caught in a net finnick made, you would take turns finishing them off. you, who’d been preparing to kill since your name was called, went first.
a teen who killed without issue was concerning but so was a civilization that made their people fight to the death for glory and entertainment so what could you do?
you killed the first one with an arrow—having got both the weapons you wanted, and finnick took the second, ending a thirty year old man who had more muscles than brains with a trident that had been gifted to him by a sponsor.
two days later and you both were still kicking. In the final four.
you knew what had to be done. your plan only solidified when the other two–also allied, found you. the fight was fast. finnick went up against the remaining tribute from district ten and you fought against the tribute from district two
you were uncomfortable with the distance between the two of you. you both had stuck together like glue the entire time and now fighting and separated? you hated it. if something– “shit,” the man swung the axe and you barely threw yourself out of the way in time. you list some hair and some skin off your shoulder but nothing you really needed. the axe buried itself in the ground behind you and before your opponent could yank it back you struck. you buried a dagger in his stomach and twisted it. his hands found your throat and black dotted your vision but you kept slicing and he went limp.
you rolled the man off of you and immediately ran to help finnick.
another minute and his opponent was dead. you was down a dagger but one was enough. you smiled so wide my cheeks hurt and flung yourself into finnick’s arms. he hugged you hesitantly at first–like he was wary of you. like he expected you to bury a dagger into his back. you would never. besides, your last one was… occupied. “we did it, finn. we did it.”
“only one of us can win…”
you pulled back. both of your hands–both shaky, both covered in blood, cupped his cheeks. “i know, i know. it’s okay. you did… you did great.”
“what? y/n what are you–what do you mean?”
your legs picked that moment to give out. you dropped, knees slamming into the rock. still, you wore that lazy smile. you were losing blood quick and lots of it. you saw the drone that recorded everything begin to inch closer, zooming in as terror finally flooded finnick’s face. he fell to his knees beside you. “no, no, no, no.” his hands pressed on either side of the dagger you had yet to pull out. “what did you do?” his voice broke and his eyes glistened with moisture. you wanted to wipe them away. it was okay. it would be okay. you made sure of it.
“i helped you win...” you assured.
finnick pushed harder on your stomach and you sobbed. he pulled his shirt and pressed it around the blade. pushed again. “finnick. finn, no,” you told him—pleaded with him. you moved your hands… wanted to move his but was too weak. “you didn’t–this isn’t helping. ” he shook his head and more tears fell. “why? you can’t leave me. friends forever, remember? what about that?”
“you-you’ll be okay.”
“not after this. not without you.” agony, finnick was in agony. an ugly sound tore it’s way out of his chest. you couldn’t leave him, not like this.
“c’mere,” you begged. he did, how could he argue with you now? the damage, the irreversible damage, had been done. you pulled his head closer to yours as he choked on more tears. the capitol had taken many things from both of you—and you decided that they could have your life, your future, your finn (you hated that most, but at least he would get to live. get to have his shot at happiness) but they couldn’t have your last words. those… well, they were only for him. “i love you finn. focus… on that.”
“no. no! focus on me, on my eyes—dammit, don’t close yours. no, no, no.”
then your eyes closed again for the last time. he called your name over an over like a prayer, one that went unanswered. but you tried, you swear you did… you just couldn’t get them open again. not as finnick sobbed, not as he stood up and faced the drone. “help her!” he cried, “help her dammit!”
“kill me instead, take me instead. i’ll die, i will! just bring her back, help her! you can’t—you can’t do this!” he begged and when that didn’t work he screamed at the cameras, cursing the capital until the footage stopped being streamed.
when your heart stopped, he refused to let go. clinging to your corpse, to his best friend, he hugged you for the last time.
finnick had won, but he didn’t feel like a winner.
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✨Buckle up, friends,
because we’re ready for new adventures in Flash Fiction Friday!
✨ New to FFF? Let us fill you in!
Flash Fiction Friday is a fun writer event that’s meant to inspire, share and connect writings of all genres and writers of all ages. It’s designed to make people want to write, especially if they’re feeling blocked. Everyone and everything is welcome!
We always do our very best to keep the prompt’s genre open, entertaining, positive and encouraging.
Write between 100-1000 words. It can be any genre, in any text format and 18+ is fine by us, just please tag accordingly.
Use this Friday’s theme in your text. Any way you see fit.
Post on your tumblr blog and remember to tag us at @flashfictionfridayofficial​!! So we’ll see it, read it and reblog it!!
Deadline is 24 hours after the prompt has been issued (12 pm CET).
And then, next Friday, we’ll mention your work in a showcase post on our main blog before our next prompt drops.
Please post your entries as regular posts, not screenshots — or provide the text as a regular post as well. Let’s keep everything as accessible as possible!
We ask you to tag your works with any appropriate content warnings and let the reader know what they’ll find before they get the chance to read your work!
If you have a question, check out our FAQ page! If your question isn’t on there, don’t hesitate to ask!
You don’t need to ask for permission or need to get added to a list to join in. Just write, have fun and don’t forget to tag us!
We do not condone fiction, asks or comments that contain: direct hostility, unconstructive critique, LGBTQIA+ hate, slurs, racism and/or general no-no behaviors.
If you want to be closer to the epicenter, you can come chat on our open discord: https://discord.gg/rUWCE8a
✨ We also introduced our very own Wishing Well, a place for you to whisper your prompt suggestions into. And we’ll listen! Check everything about it out HERE.
✨All your amazing works from last week can be found HERE.
Go check them out and consider supporting your fellow FFF writers with some likes and reblogs!
✨ And now, the new prompt!
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[#FFF 265 Galaxies Away]
This prompt has been brought to you by @aggressivenesswhilecrying, thank you very much! So much happens around us, but even more can be happening out there where no one sees. Or maybe we do see it? What’s happening out there and what are your characters doing about it? Take us on a trip to discover your own universes, we’re excited to know them!
The Collective
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fogwitchoftheevermore · 11 months
Hello Empires SMP fans!
Are you dissatisfied with the state of the Empires Fandom Wiki? Do you dislike Fandom Wikis in general? Are you looking for something to fill the hole season 2 ending has left in you? Do you want an excuse to write a whole page about your favorite character? Do you have free time that you want to fill by finding video citations?
Great! Then please consider contributing to the brand new Empires SMP miraheze wiki! We have a contributing guide and a ton of pre-formatted pages if you want to dive right in, but if you're 15+ and want extra help or a place to hang out with other fans, please feel free to join our Discord server!
Happy editing, and if you have any questions, I am always here to try and help. We're all in this adventure together.
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the-possum-writes · 4 months
Gardening and a Glass of Orange Juice
❥Character: Finn Mertens
❥Wordcount: 1388
❥Tags: SFW, Chubby!reader, gender neutral, mutual pinning, fluff, one shot, just two dorks chatting a bit.
❥Synopsis: A small little visit from a certain adventurer brings up a few memories from the past as the two of you share a glass of fresh orange juice.
❥A/N: I thought I received a request for Finn/chubby reader and came up with this in one go but turns out it included Fern- whoops! I'll be sharing this one shot as its own thing while I write something with the two of them and finish my 2024 master list. (I'm testing out a new format, bare with me)
❥Taglist: @foxpearlwilder
It's the beginning of summer and what better way to prepare than to tend your garden with seasonal goods, your spring batch of flowers are lovely of course but the thought of eating home-grown watermelon while taking in the view of sunflowers and marigolds had you working the moment June came up in your calendar.
That's how you've spent the whole morning toiling away at the soil until it was smooth enough to plant seeds, even if it meant sinking easily into the dirt due to your weight but there's not much to complain about the smell of fresh dirt or at least until you hear ringing coming from the bell by the main entrance to your home. Oh! A visitor. You leave behind your tools and dust your hands on the side of your clothes before checking through the peephole only to reveal blue eyes and a bright smile, if there's anything else besides gardening that has you equally excited it's this adventurer. "Look who decided to pop around, got tired of adventuring yet Finn?" You open the door to greet him with a smile that could match his, only difference is that you still have all your teeth.
"Only if you got bored of babysitting plants and whatnot." He snapped right back knowinly, already awaiting the answer.
"Heck nah," you wave a hand, it's then that you noticed the gator biting into the side of his robot arm. "By the looks of it, neither have you. What's with the gator?"
Finn looks down at the animal completely unfazed as if a fly just landed on his shoulder. "Oh just a little science experiment that escaped PB's shack, I was on my way to bring it back til I saw something that reminded me of you." It's then that Finn pulls out a ceramic pot from his backpack with his good arm, handing it over as your playful smile tones down into a content one. You give the bowl a closer view, admiring it's matte purple color that would look wonderful with a couple of cosmos, it's a little chipped off around the edges but it's a little imperfection that reminds you of the person who gave it to you. 
"I love it, thanks Finn." You try to give him one of your classic bear hugs in return but it only made the gator growl at you, breaking into laughter between the two of you. "How about I fetch you a glass of orange juice instead?"
Finn nods and follows you into the kitchen noticing there's different potted plants in here than the last time he visited you, he sits on a dining chair to the best of his abilities with a live animal chowing down on him but it's nothing more than an afterthought when he takes in the sight of you at the kitchen counter. How you move around comfortable in your own skin despite how much dirt was on you considering your favorite hobby, with the weather being as hot as it is today he takes note that you're dressed appropriately that allows good movement and sheds you from the sun, now, Finn is far from knowing anything about fashion nor does he pay mine to what others wear but he particularly likes how your current loose fitting outfit sways everytime you go back and forth looking for a clean cup, it reminds him of tree canopies swaying in the wind. He also takes note of the skin on your arms and your face, sprinkled with telltale signs of work under the sun due to dried patches of skin peeling off, he wonders if you've been using enough sunscreen but then again he isn't one to talk with how spotted his own arms became. Anyone can chalk it down to being hipocrit but in reality he cares about you more than he does about himself- I mean, he's got an entire gator on his arm.
"Here ya go, sorry for the mess I forgot to do dishes yesterday."  You apologize, holding two glasses for both of you.
But in that small instant Finn also admired your hands, they're heftier than his but also just as hardworking with years of experience using gardening tools and littered with small faded cuts due to handling flowers with thorns.
You caught him staring but you tried to not make note of it. "So, going back to Princess Bubblegum huh? How's she holding up? Last time I heard she got overthrown by that old coot King of Ooo."
"She's been doing alright, she moved in her uncle's shack and started growing stuff like you do."
"Huh, never knew she'd had it in her to work on stuff outside of castles and laboratories..." You raise your eyebrows. "You know, princesses with their luscious hair and dainty princess hands."
Finn notes there's something mixed in this conversation, jealousy perhaps?
"Well, I've lost a few arm wrestling matches against Muscle Princess."
You snort a bit at that. "Alright maybe not all of them. But you've always been popular with them, heck I remember back in the day you were head over heels and couldn't take three steps out of your house without a princess calling for help even though we had plans." 
Ah, so that's what it is. Resentment.
"Oh yeah... I mean I still help anyone who needs it, but atleast I know how to handle my time than when I was a kid." Finn tries to laugh it off but he still feels the regret creeping in, so he plays it off nonchalantly by taking a long sip from his juice even though it was eating him on the inside.
"True..." You look away with your own cup in hand. "Has there been any huge differences between that kid and now?" You asked him, wanting to hear his perspective.
"A few, but the first one that comes to mind is that I make room for important things and people."
You take a moment to let that sink in, turning your attention to the matte flower pot he brought you. It's now that you feel silly for bringing up the past when it only exists in memories, your line of thought was interrupted when you broke into a chuckle as you hear the gator growl once more. "Well, there will be time to hang out once you don't have an alligator chomping on your arm." You down the last gulp of your juice and turn around to look for something in your drawers while Finn finishes his own glass. Once he's done he leaves the cup on the kitchen table while you hand him a few bags of seeds. "Here, it's a good season to grow cucumbers and I happen to have a few extra lying around, they should be easy to maintain if PB doesn't have that much experience with produce yet. And tell her I said hi." 
Finn accepts the seeds and pockets them.
"I could come back and help you out placing the sticks and strings around them."
"Oh don't worry about that, I've grown used to placing trellis on my own... But it wouldn't hurt to have an extra hand. That is, if the gator doesn't bite it off first."
This time Finn is the one chuckling but considering the state of his robotic arm and the dents left by the gator, his laughter is more so on the nervous side as the animal has been chomping on it for a while now.
"I'll hurry up then." 
You company the young man to your door but not without bidding him goodbye in a funny way, holding your laughter during the way out. "Alrighty then, see you later alligator." You wave, almost cracking down at the sight of his expression before returning the favor.
"See you in a while crocodile." Finn waves back.
By the time you close the door you break down in a hysterical laughter until your sides hurt, it's then that you're left in a better mood than earlier as you make your way to the kitchen and prepare extra orange juice for your visitor because unlike other times when the call of action was too strong for him to ignore, you get the feeling he'll come straight back to you this time.
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christiansorrell · 4 months
Play-By-Blog #0: Cloud Empress
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My first Play-By-Blog (of Luke Gearing's The Isle) just recently wrapped up, and now, we are getting the next one going with Cloud Empress: Land of Cicadas! If you missed our run through The Isle, you can find all of the entries here.
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Recently, I ran a poll to see what folks were interested in for this second Play-By-Blog and the voting was an exact tie between Cloud Empress and Mausritter, but since I'm the one doing all the writing, I was the tiebreaker and chose Cloud Empress and its hexcrawl, Land of Cicadas, as a new twist on the Play-By-Blog format and because the game has a set of solo rules in which you create and play as an entire party, not just a single character.
If you aren't familiar with Cloud Empress, here's a quick description straight from the game's product page:
Cloud Empress is an expansive, Nausicaa-inspired fantasy campaign setting for the Mothership Sci-Fi Horror RPG. Cloud Empress places you in a world ruled by the patterns of giant magical cicadas. Cloud Empress creates a new Earth, thousands of years in the future inspired by Hayao Miyazaki’s Nausicaa in the Valley of the Wind, Frank Herbert’s Dune, and Hiromu Arakawa’s Full Metal Alchemist.
The full rulebook for the game is FREE over at DriveThruRPG.
Land of the Cicadas takes this world and opens it up across a large hexmap, allowing us to explore the Lowland Wastes (Cloud Empress's take on a farflung future American Midwest) during the summer of the Century Brood and 29th Expedition (an ongoing military incursion from the Cloudling cities).
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If you missed the last Play-By-Blog, here's an idea of how it works:
I write up the situation, NPCs, and more, just like a DM/GM.
You vote in the poll to help decide the party's next course of action.
I roll the dice, resolve actions, and write them up in the next entry.
So on and so forth for the rest of the adventure!
With all that said, let's get into Party Creation, vote on our first decisions, and get this whole thing started! Thanks for coming along for the ride.
We'll be generating 3 characters for our starting party. For the sake of our first poll and the number of base Jobs available in Cloud Empress, I'll take the top 3 most popular results and roll up a character for each (unless the All Random option wins the entire poll, in which case all characters will then be randomly rolled). So if Sellsword gets 8 votes, Lordling gets 4, Magician gets 3, and Courier gets 2, I'll roll up a Sellsword, a Lordling, and a Magician.
For variety's sake, we won't double up on Jobs (unless All Random is chosen, in which case it would be possible to get doubles of a Job within the party).
In Cloud Empress, there are 4 different Jobs available to characters:
Sellswords can handle themselves in a fight, but long to find a home. The long lost fighters and gritty mercs of the Wastes.
Lordlings are groomed to lead and strike fear into those around them. Strange and privileged, they stand out among the Wastes.
Magicians sacrifice their bodies to cast dangerous spells. Esoteric but powerful. There are no old Magicians.
Couriers are scrappy travelers who’ve witnessed the best and worst of the world. The salt of the chalk-covered Earth.
After we have our characters, we'll get our starting location and our initial job - the focus of our travels across the Land of Cicadas - from the Solo Procedure tables. Then, we'll be off!
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ravenalla · 1 year
Okay I swear this will be my last rant post before the next episode airs but I have to get it off my chest cause I keep seeing the argument made that people disappointed Din gave the darksaber away are forgetting the lack of plot in the previous seasons, which I very heavily disagree.
I can’t speak for everyone, but at least for me when I’m saying I’m disappointed Din did not become Manda’lor I am not saying I hated the adventure of the week side quest format they had. That’s what I liked best about the show! It was great in season 1 feeling like Din was just the random guy off on his own adventure with this baby he found, I would have loved for it to have kept that small space western feel. Season 3 becoming this big interconnected universe with a corrupted New Republic plot connecting to the sequels is what I was most worried about just because I personally don’t like that direction. The more they’ve tried to go the Andor route and make this show about the Galatic politics, the worst it’s become imo (we literally have two white dudes writing a plot point about droids liking being underclass and serving the soft democratic people that is ruled with the help of a former Nazi, but ohh it’s okay it’s Jack Black and he’s funny and the Space Nazi and the Space Nazi doctor are really sorry for what they did, look the New Republic is just as bad as the fascist imperials 🥺🥺)
What some people are not getting is that the darksaber is ALL. DIN. HAD. LEFT. There was no driving force or goal for him after episode 2, they reunited him with his child in a spin-off show, they have him redeem himself fairly easily without any emotional impact, and now they took away the opportunity to do one last interesting thing with him. Din does not have his own actions or thoughts throughout most of the season, and when he does it’s just retracing the character development they already gave him in previous seasons (i.e. the whole droid fiasco). He’s a plot device, meant to further Bo-Katan’s character and help her with her goals or have him in danger so she can save him. It was okay if Din did not become Manda’lor, but they can’t just make him having the darksaber out to be a huge deal, show him trying to learn how to train with it, and give it up so stupidly through a loophole just so Bo-Katan can lead again when she has done nothing to actually earn it or apologize for the way she disrespected Din’s entire culture again and again. She was a terrorist who has done a 180 into suddenly being an honorable character just because of a few action scenes, no introspection or interesting conflict between her and the covert about their differences, nothing about her actually thinking about her past mistakes, just the covert being there to look like dumbasses who settled on a dangerous planet where their children get eaten so Bo can lead missions, look a million times more competent in comparison, and suddenly be the one who deserves to lead.
There doesn’t have to be a big plot each episode, but it’s not being executed well like it was in the first two seasons. The goal was getting Grogu to a Jedi, and we were given the interesting side adventures on that journey. Din needs to find somewhere he can lay low, he goes to Sorgan and becomes tempted by a domestic life. Din needs credits, he takes a job with some old acquaintances and sees what kind of slimy person he could have been. Din needs to find other mandos to help him find a Jedi, he runs into a small town desperate for help with a Krayt Dragon and showcases his pride in being a Mandalorian but his respect for other cultures and his willingness to do the right thing. He travels to a planet ruled by an former Imperialist because the Jedi he was searching for was there and helps her to save a town both for their sake and his need to give his son the best life he can have. See the pattern? They were side adventures, but they weren’t a random hodgepodge of ideas, they fit the story and the tone, giving us interesting side characters and helping to develop our main characters. Din showed his leadership, his growing kindness, his frustrations, his annoyances, his fears, Grogu becomes more adventurous, vocal, and attached to who he’s starting to see as a father figure. They both aren’t talkative characters, but they had feelings and personalities we saw. They had moments between them that wasn’t just exposition for the plot or a push towards an action scene, it showed their lives and values, their relationships. Little moments like Din being happy to hear Grogu’s name, Cobb sharing his story and why he valued the armor, Omera talking with Din about his life and wondering if he could stay, Frog Lady wanting to get her eggs safely to her husband and Din comedically trying to make that happen. The story was driven by these characters decisions and their personalities.
Season 3, on the other hand, has taken away all the life of these side adventures in its goal to tie in a larger Star Wars narrative that connects to other shows. They are not character driven anymore, and instead the characters are being twisted and molded to do and say stuff that’ll get us from point A to point B instead of the other way around. The point of Din breaking his creed is not to see what that would mean for his identity or how he wants to live with Grogu by his side, the point is to take him to Mandalore so that he can ultimately get trapped and fall down a hole so Bo-Katan can see the Mythosaur. The point of Bo-Katan’s crew leaving her and her staying in a random castle for no reason doing nothing all day isn’t for her to recognize her past failings or show us what their relationship was like and what it meant to her, it’s to have an easy offscreen explanation so that she can come to the covert without anything challenging in the way. The point of Din’s coverts staying on a monster-infested planet where Paz’s son is kidnapped isn’t because it makes sense they’d be there or that Paz suddenly even has a son we’ve never seen before, it’s so they can put in CGI monsters they thought were cool and have Bo save the day so they can have a flimsy reason she does need to be leader again. The point of spending time with the covert and having random pirates attacking Nevarro wasn’t to develop the other mandalorians as actual characters, it was to have them accept Bo easily so that she can “walk both worlds” and give Carl Weather’s character more screentime. And so much more.
Things are happening, but it doesn’t matter whether they make sense or fit the characters anymore, because all the side quest are focused on is bending over backwards trying to make you believe this Bo deserves the darksaber narrative. Before that it wasn’t like the Covert was planning to take back Mandalore, Din wasn’t planning to take back Mandalore, Bo didn’t tell anybody what she saw so there was no real stakes for anybody. Nobody in the main plot has had any purpose as more than side characters besides her. Din may have been the main character, but the people he met on his journey didn’t just do stuff to contribute to his own character or finding a Jedi. Omera had her own goals, Cobb had his own goals, Fennec had her own goals, Boba had his own goals, and they all still worked well with the narrative without diminishing each other, Din developed on the way by learning from the other characters and them him. What the fuck does Din want this season? Paz? The Armorer? The answer is whatever will make it easiest for the plot to retake Mandalore and have Bo be the Manda’lor for these writers, despite it being shown previously they have no reason to care or like Bo-Katan.
Like, some character moments are there. Bo is changing. I’m not saying that’s not happening at all. But it’s being done in a way that is sabotaging every other aspect of the show to force this plot that they wanted, the sidequest are feeling duller because they aren’t for these characters to have fun adventures we get emotionally invested in that simultaneously furthers the actual main characters goal, it’s let’s just have a CGI dragon, let’s have Lizzo and Jack Black guest star, let’s have Zeb from Rebels be in there for no reason. Unless again you count Bo as the main character, but like honestly she’s not even having natural character development. She went from being an antagonistic ex-terrorist to suddenly being kind and charitable with hardly any buildup or insight into her feelings. It doesn’t feel organic. I know she lost everything, but they still made it seem like she blamed Din for it only to have her rescue him once and completely abandon that hostility. The best we really have gotten is Grogu remembering his past while with the armorer and setting up his future as a Mandalorian, but even that feels cheapened when the armor he was given isn’t even talked about with the person who he shares the symbol with him that signifies their relationship, making me think it’s just another merchandise decision.
We wanted Din to learn to rule because, even if we did have to say goodbye to the adventure of the week type format, it would have been in service of his character evolving into something he doesn’t think he deserves or is good at. It would have been the next step in his journey, accumulating everything he has learned, the growth he went through using both diplomacy and his skills as a fighter time and time again. Instead, they chose to really quickly ditch any of the conflicts he had so they could have him free to do this instead. If they had waited one more season, this could have possibly been done well imo. Din’s arcs could have been brought to a meaningful and satisfying conclusion, and then you could have made him and Bo-Katan become co-leads. It wouldn’t have mattered as much then if they decided to focus a little more on her. But instead they essentially abandoned Din’s story they’ve spent two seasons creating to go ahead and tell her own.
The side quest aren’t what people are complaining about. It’s that they have no meaning for our characters other than having everybody circling around Bo most of the time or creating some big connection to the sequel triology and setting up the Star Wats MCU, which wasn’t the style of writing this show did. I don’t care how many ways people want to argue against it, Din is not the main character in this season, which is not what they have been selling us all year, and he doesn’t even have any engaging story or arc as a side character either. That is the problem, and that is why these side quest and the lack of an actual plot do not work.
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rustycopper4use · 1 year
Do I spy an opportunity for Fizz/Ozzie x reader? 👀 I can't get that episode out of my head either. Could you per chance write some poly Fizz X Ozzie X Reader (gender neutral)? I'm kinda new to your blog so idk if you prefer writing like headcanons or stories more, but either format perhaps you could talk about what kind of dates they'd go on?
How ever did you manage to pull the prince of lust, and his popular entertainment jester. It was anyone’s guess, you weren’t sure yourself one day Ozzie picked you up, and placed you on his shoulder. And you’ve been on it ever since.
 The relationship was a match made in hell, envious to any sinner.
 The dates would dates were very diverse. Being the S/O of the very well know demons, came with the knowledge that many of your dates would be in the lap of luxury. Or in the lap of Ozz
 You loved the extraordinary dates,even dates that were usual planned last minute. Or low effort ones funnily enough.
 For example, one day consisted of just a marathon of Mean girls, and the pitch perfect movies.
  That one ended up being a drinking game. You were the last one to pass out, barely.
  You guys ended up waking up a day later with fizz’s arms covered in pink glitter, with an equally pink mean girl like outfit. It left little to The imagination.
  However Ozzie was also a target of this pinkifying adventure, but while fizzaroli was an easy fix, Ozzie was more permanent. 
 He was completely died pink and purple. Even his flames, no one could figure out how. 
  You weren’t safe however, your face was crudely drawn on with a pink glitter pen.
Another date, was a day out to the beach! It was fun but of course paparazzi, had to be there.
 You and Ozzie ended up having a ‘friendly chat’ with the demon, and he suddenly had a change of heart! But weirdly enough some bystanders find the demon hours later tied up and left for dead.
 Some days you guys would just hang out in Ozzie’s club, watch the shows. Some days you would even join fizzaroli when he was on stage, Ozzie really enjoyed seeing you two perform.
  There would be the rare chance you and fizz got catcalled, you didn’t care much it happens. But one day some lunatic decided it would be a smart idea to try and lay their grubby hands on you two. Even after many attempts of getting them to stop, Ozzie had to step in, the poor sucker. The demon was banned from Ozzie’s and lost his hands in some freak accident!
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kyuuppi · 1 year
HEAR ME OUT. Genshin Men as your ex, like what would they do during the healing process? Would they beg for you back, try to get you jealous, etc.
Ft. Zhongli; Xiao; Tighnari; Scaramouche
⚠️tw: manipulation (Scaramouche); bad end/angst (Xiao; Zhongli)
Every cell in my body resisting the urge to make them yandere–
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⭐ Zhongli
To be frank, Zhongli is no stranger to the end of relationships.
Having lived through several millennia, Zhongli has watched many friends, enemies, and lovers come and go. 
The moment he met you, he already knew you would someday be the same–such is the nature of mortality.
No matter how much he loved you, you would one day become yet another bittersweet memory–the type that makes his chest ache in the latest hours of the night while the rest of the harbor is sleeping.
Zhongli knew your departure from his life was inevitable…
But he didn’t expect to have to say goodbye so soon–let alone voluntarily.
“I love you, Zhongli. I really do but… we’re just too different. A former archon and a human just weren’t meant to be together. I’m sorry.”
Words he had never dreamed of fall from your lips easily. You had rehearsed it for a while.
He is internally distraught - his chest aches in a way he is not quite familiar with and, for once, he does not know what to say. 
He politely lets you leave - says that he understands and expresses his desire to remain amicable if you will allow it but will keep his distance if that is what you prefer.
He will always be available to share some advice over a cup of tea or osmanthus wine if you should ever need it. The unwritten contract between the of you – the favor and support of a former archon – is unconditional. 
You may find yourself shocked at how easily he lets you go –whether or not you are pleased by it depends on the nature of your true feelings.
Zhongli’s warm smiles and calming words will always remain, albeit now polite rather than intimate.
Outsiders who were unfamiliar with the nature of your previous relationship will not even notice the difference.
It is only a select few - Xiao, a few other adepti, and perhaps the funeral director – who see how the once smoldering embers in Zhongli’s steady gaze have been smothered.
It is only in the darkest hours of night, alone in his study, that Zhongli allows himself to wonder if his divinity is a blessing or a curse.
“It is unfortunate that our journey together must come to an end so soon. I have very much enjoyed our time together and appreciated the honor of witnessing your glory so closely. I will not burden you with my presence but… if you should ever need my assistance or desire my companionship, it is always yours.”
⭐ Xiao
Never in a thousand years would Xiao have imagined he would have someone to call his own.
After centuries of abuse–both inflicted upon him and from him - Xiao had sworn to never put himself in a position that vulnerable again. He will never let someone get close enough to hurt him or be hurt.
Nevertheless, you appeared in his life and shattered every expectation he had ever set.
Through sheer persistence, you smashed your way through his every wall and stole his heart as your own.
You had created an inseverable bond between you two…
...but now you wanted to sever it.
“I don’t think we can be together anymore, Xiao. You have a duty to protect Liyue and that is your top priority. You are tethered to this place. But I want to explore new places… and new people. I’m sorry, Xiao.”
His first reaction is anger, the type that flashed white hot in his gut and burns through his veins.
He did not seek you out – you were the one who forced your way into his life.
No matter how often he rejected you, how much he tried to avoid you, you had repeatedly interjected your way into his routine, bringing him plates of almond tofu and sharing stories of you adventure he had never asked about.
You created the habit for him. You made him expect your presence every day. You gave him new experiences and made him feel things he never knew possible. You made him love you in ways he had never imagined himself capable of–
–only to rip it all away. 
He should have known he was not good enough - he was always just a weapon, a tool, wasn’t he? It is only natural that you would use him too–and that he would one day become useless.
He leaves without a word.
For you, it is almost as if you had imagined his whole existence.
He no longer waits for you atop Wangshu Inn. You no longer feel the sense of someone watching–protecting–you while you take commissions around Liyue. 
 The only indication you have that you had not dreamt the whole thing is the occasional story random citizens, claiming to have been saved from a lawachurl by a ghost with yellow eyes.
You think Xiao has forgotten your entire existence. He disappears from your life so easily.
But to Xiao, it is not easy at all. 
His every thought is plagued by you to the point he wonders if you placed a curse upon him.
While the memory of you once eased his karmic debt, now it only seems to fuel it.
The voices taunt him, remind him of how worthless he is, even to his own lover.
You’re only a weapon of destruction – of course no one would want to be with you. You could never make anyone happy. You can only bring pain.
He suffers alone, brushing off the concern of the other adepti and even Zhongli when his karmic debt seems to get worse, his breakdowns more frequent and more intense than ever before/
It is only when you call his name - whether because you miss him or because you are in danger, than he will allow himself to see you again.
But even as he stands before you, he will not make eye contact.
Not because he does not want to see you but because he does not trust himself to act reasonably if he does.
“Even if the… nature of our relationship has changed, our bond still remains… what I mean is, if you are ever in danger, you should still call my name. I will always protect you...”
⭐ Tighnari
Um… this dude mates for life, how could you do this to him???
Similar to Xiao, he initially just gets kind of angry.
He told you how serious this is for him, how much relationships mean to fennec foxes.
He had asked you over and over again if you were sure before making your relationship official and you had assured him that you were. You said forever.
You had known each other for years before - you knew his personality and his habits. You knew being a forest watcher was his top priority and how long he spent on patrols - nothing has changed so why are your feelings changing?
“I’m sorry, Tighnari, I just… I don’t think I can live like this forever. Working in the forest together was a fun way to pass time but I don’t want to do it anymore. I don’t want to be with you anymore.“
He tries to talk it through - he wants to be logical and compromise with you. He asks you to set boundaries and be specific about your needs so that he has the chance to try to meet them - he will do anything to make this work, you just need to tell him what you need.
But you insist there’s nothing he can do, and without a proper explanation, you leave him behind.
It is easy to fall back into old routines and habits. Even if his lover is gone, the forest never rests.
He goes back to his patrols and reports and lectures – everything is the same as before yet it all feels completely wrong.
The days he used to look forward to – eagerly learning more about the forest he loved and sharing his findings with other curious minds – now feel like little more than a waste of time.
His passion is gone, the once burning desires now doused and his mind is only plagued with memories of you.
Quiet moments late at night in his tent are the worst. 
His bed feels uncharacteristically cold and empty without you in it. The calm night is much too quiet when your voice is not there to hum a tune you heard at the market.
“You’re being incredibly selfish right now – our relationship may be just a way to pass time for you but for me – it's all or nothing. There was no one before you and there will be no one after you. We made a commitment to each other and we need to stick it out. So tell me exactly what the problem is so we can work on it and fix it. Together. We have a whole lifetime to figure this out so don’t just give up on us so easily.”
⭐ Scaramouche
You have to be insane to leave this man - and not just ‘cause he is hot.
If you made it far enough for Scaramouche to let you into his heart, you already know his past. You know what has happened to him and how he feels about people leaving.
There is absolutely no way this will go well for either of you.
Once his heart is broken his immediate response is vengeance and retaliation.
If you think you are leaving him behind – betraying him like everyone else in his life – you have got another think coming.
“I’m serious, scaramouche. I don’t want this anymore. We’re just not meant for each other.”
“Ha– you think you have a choice? I must not have made myself clear – you are mine and you are not going anywhere without me.”
lol oops I made it yandere
While much less openly accommodating as Tighnari, Scaramouche is still willing to listen to your complaints and try to find a solution.
Although he’s possessive and a bit blinded by his own feelings, Scaramouche truly does love you and will do anything he can to make you happy–but only if you are happy with him.
If you physically leave, he will follow you. If you try to find someone else, he is not above getting rid of them. 
Once you enter a relationship with Scaramouch, for as long as the two of you are alive, you will be with each other.
“Do you finally understand? Good. Taking care of those mortal men you wanted to hang around with was starting to become tedious."
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