#aesthetically pleasing boards - one even more than the other
thestrangesthell · 1 day
Afterlife Jobs and Civil Service
Seen a few theories and "plot hole" accusations flying around after Beetlejuice Beetlejuice and thought I'd add my own hypothesis on what the deal is with jobs in the afterlife.
This will contain spoilers for Beetlejuice Beetlejuice.
TW: This post will discuss suicide. Please only proceed if you are comfortable.
The short version: I think (for the most part) jobs are a choice and available to those who need to hang around due to unfinished business (even if they themselves don't know what that is). I think those who commit suicide do have to work for some time as it wasn't their time to die yet. They can't just board the soul train and move on to better plains. Instead, (and though rather sour in the mouth), they're met with the shock that it isn't over. This is Beetlejuice, after all. Death and life is hard.
Now, for the long version (and it really is long), read on!
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Despite the fact I do personally think it's canon that those who commit suicide end up having to work (at least for a while) in the afterlife, we can't believe that purely because Otho said so. Firstly, the guy is living, pompous and has zero evidence for that statement. Secondly, he's not a credible source. He may have been "one of New York City's leading paranormal researchers until the bottom dropped out in '72," but his interest in anything can be boiled down to obsession with image and aesthetic more than a desire to get into the nitty gritty.
What we as the audience do see is people working in the afterlife that could have died by suicide.
There's the Road Kill man ("Thanks, I've been feeling a little flat!"), Juno (*who I will come back to) and most obviously, Miss Argentina. These people are working and likely (if not outright confirmed) died by suicide.
It's a weird thing to pick up on, but what about the skeleton workers?
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Besides being a great visual gag, there's not really a clear indication of death by suicide here. We could, of course, suggest they died this way and have since been "worked to the bone" - as this is the Beetlejuice franchise after all, and lord knows pun-based humour is...well, pun-damental - but no other ghosts seem to have permanent alterations to their state. In the Beetlejuice universe, once you're dead, you're stuck that way. (Unless you get your soul sucked that is).
Well, that clears things up, right?
Maybe not.
For a long time, a lot of us in the fandom accepted the whole "in the afterlife they become civil servants" thing because, well, that was what we were told. But with the recent instalment of Beetlejuice Beetlejuice this is now dubious.
Betelgeuse himself.
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Betelgeuse was largely assumed by many to have died by suicide. Various headcanons over the years include strangulation, hanging, poison, drowning, electrocuting himself - the list truly goes on. part of his charm is the mystery. But with the sequel, it is suggested that he died by poison from another. Delores.
Why is this an issue?
Well, if Betelgeuse didn't commit suicide, why was he Juno's assistant?
I have two theories for that.
Firstly, in line with this entire post - he died after Delores poisoned him and then chose to work up from the bottom to become Juno's assistant. He claims himself that his heart was pretty much blackened before he met Delores, so what's to stop him from wanting to take over in the afterlife after finding himself there ahead of his time? He probably feels robbed of life and hella opportunistic. It would support the theory of unfinished business and explain the random jobs we see him doing in Beetlejuice Beetlejuice. From Guide to working Immigration, man's got one hell of a resume.
Then there's my second theory, which muddies the waters quite a bit.
We didn't actually see him die after he was poisoned.
I'll let that fester for a bit...
Ready to move on?
Let's talk about *Juno!
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Juno, my beloved.
Despite recent questions surrounding her cause of death, I do personally feel the cut on Juno's throat was self-imposed. The issue fans have with how deep the cut is can be answered fairly reasonable. This is more practical rather than an effort for believability. Beetlejuice is high camp and smoke pouring from the throat of a ghost only adds to its ridiculousness. Plus, it helps back up my theory that those who commit suicide are required to do some type of work in the afterlife to make up for their shortened time on earth.
The reason I believe this is that Juno seems to really hate her job - or at least hate the crap that comes with it. If she had chosen to be a caseworker, (or been given a job similar to what she did when living), we'd perhaps see her be a little more understanding to everything that was going on. Instead, she's burdened by her paperwork, sick of having to deal with issues from baby ghosts and their "routine hauntings," and the poor woman is constantly haunted by the knowledge that Betelgeuse is out there.
(While we don't know their history, we do know that Betelgeuse ended up with a bit of a liking for Bio-exorcisms. I don't think she believes him evil any more than she considers him a nuisance, so we can only assume he got caught up in trouble that threatened Juno's line of work, leading to him getting fired.)
The real reason I can suggest that jobs are largely a choice are the recent additions to the Beetlejuice universe. I'm talking about Richard, Wolf Jackson, the Shrinkers, the Janitor and all of Wolf Jackson's squad, (plus a handful of others). They all have jobs, with some having more legitimate jobs than others.
This is where my theory really comes into play.
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I think all of the above characters (possible with the exception of the Shrinkers) chose their jobs. Why? They have unfinished business - just as Barbara and Adam had unfinished business in Beetlejuice.
(Of course "they found a loophole and moved on" but this is more-so to explain their necessary absence in Beetlejuice Beetlejuice. From a lore perspective, they could very well still be haunting the house for another 89 years. I (like many others now) believe the loophole was unfinished business. They had the family (Lydia) that they wanted all along and when she moved on with her life, they felt complete. Next stop: The Soul Train and The Great Beyond.)
When looking at these new characters, here's what I theorise for each of them:
Richard - Unfinished business: a family reunion. Richard died in the Amazon, away from Astrid and likely didn't get a proper goodbye. After saving her, thus seeing her once more, he could move on. It's possible too that he's not going to move on after Beetlejuice Beetlejuice due to waiting on more family to see again. But we don't know that, so I'll keep it short.
Wolf Jackson - Unfinished business: "keeping it real." Wolf Jackson seems slightly in denial about his situation. Janet has to continuously remind him that he in an actor because he gets too into the bit he's currently doing. I think the man gets completely convinced he is a spy/detective/investigator/whatever it is he is hyper-fixated on becoming. He's method, dedicated to his craft and won't move on until he feels he has fulfilled every cast-type possible for his range. He's gunning for a Gross-cer.
Wolf Jackson's squad (including Janet) - Unfinished business: supporting cast. Judging by how useless they all are, I'd hedge bets that they are actors too, waiting for their "big break" or recognition to feel satisfied with life (or death). In the Toonverse, celebrities are canon. If these universes are more aligned than previously thought, this could be a possibility.
The Shrinkers - Unfinished business: think big. These poor sods got on the wrong side of a witch doctor (although I really do think a certain B-man is to blame for this). We saw what happened when the portal to the living world opened. Those suckers saw a bid for freedom and went for it. I'd wager that they're somewhat forced to work for Betelgeuse. Maybe he's promised them 'head' (not that kind) if they do his dirty work. After all, he got his head back to normal size. Who's to say he hasn't promised them the same if they work for him? (Let's hope they read the fine print in that contract).
The Janitor - Unfinished business: a taste for revenge. To be honest, I think this guy either died by suicide or totally on accident. Either way, it was from ingesting something toxic. He's got a hankering for bleach and chemicals, who's to say this was just in death? I think he was content working in the afterlife, consuming these deadly toxins with zero repercussions.
Much of the same can be said for the Dry Cleaner. People need their clothes cleaned, he was good at it in life. Why not carry on if you're not ready to go?
Speaking of ready to go...
All aboard The Soul Train!
Another key point in Beetlejuice Beetlejuice is that (aside from Astrid, who was semi-forced to board), The Soul Train is something you board when you're ready to depart. Maybe some people are forced here and there, as there are guards stationed, but we are also reassured that Hell is an option for those who do truly fucked up shit.
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(It's worth noting also that The Soul Train has other stops. The Pearly Gates, Elysium and another stop (my memory fails), all of which were DELAYED. Time works differently in the afterlife; maybe some people get jobs because the wait is truly an eternity.)
WOW, you made far! Congratulations for enduring my ramblings, here's a beetle for your trouble 🪲
After all that, here's what we do know:
If you died within a certain radius of your home, you're left to haunt it for 125 years.
If you died by suicide (and if Otho is correct), you have to work for an unspecified amount of time as a civil servant in the afterlife.
If you died via a horrific accident (Wolf Jackson, Janet and Richard), jobs are there for you and you don't even need the credentials to back up your experience.
You cannot leave the afterlife unless you are confirmed "dead dead", board the soul train, attempt to swap souls with a living person or get sent to Hell.
In summary:
Jobs are available in the afterlife. There's no expectation to "work" but there's not much else to do. If you're not ready to leave the afterlife, (perhaps you're still processing death, waiting for loved ones to meet you on the other side or even enjoying the weird and wonderful atmosphere), why not get a job?
Well...unless you're forced into one by a horny poltergeist. But that's a whole other post.
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But hey, what do I know? I'm only living.
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marimayscarlett · 7 months
🌟🌺🏵️🍀✨ Go on Pinterest and search *Animal* *Place* *Plant* *Character* *Season* *Hobby* *Food* *Color* *Drink* the first photo of each that appears, that's your vibe. Share this message to 10 people ✨🍀🏵️🌺🌟
Thank you dear 🤍 Got this ask and an anon ask with the same task, so here we go:
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Quite accurate, yet I'd prefer a different elf (👀) even though Legolas is a nice substitute, and I have absolutely no talent for photography. But the rest I take happily, since it's really rather fitting 🤭
And you know what? @morgana-lefay's cheat version is just a genius idea, so I will do one too since I still have a free pass thanks to the anon I got 😌 (this time with the correct elf and the correct hobby 😤 thirsting over older men):
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swordsandholly · 2 months
Cherry Bomb - tattoo parlor anthology
MDNI | poly 141 x fem fat reader | masterlist
Part Nine: The Expo
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Your eyes widen to saucers as you climb out of John’s work van. The event hall in front of you is huge - the largest in the city. A big, glass dome with a high-end hotel attached. It glows in the morning sun. Lines of people have already formed out front. You passed them on your way around to the vendor entrance. It’s the twentieth anniversary for the Tattoo Expo, apparently, which means they expect massive crowds.
“I hate that Kyle couldn’t come.” You frown as a security worker hands over your badge. It’s fancy - heavy weight with brightly colored, neo-traditional graphics. Something about having the word VENDOR hanging around your neck makes your heart skip.
John sighs, heaving one of the boxes of his books onto your dolly. “Yeah. He tried but he couldn’t get his head out of the toilet long enough to do much of anythin’.”
You wrinkle your nose. Apparently he had caught some nasty stomach bug, poor guy. You thought about calling and checking in on him, but you worried that was too clingy. After… everything, you don’t want to come off as anything other than normal about it. Which you are. Totally normal.
At least Johnny was home for the day to help him out.
“Has Simon ever come?” You ask, titling the dolly pack to push into the convention hall.
John’s arms flex as he fights with his rolling tool box to get the handle back out so he can pull it. He just had to wear a sleeveless muscle tee, didn’t he? It’s rude, frankly. You look over his more rarely exposed shoulder and upper arm pieces - some more faded than others. Some more colorful, some better crafted. Part of you wants to reach out - to trace them the same way you want to with Simon. You want to ask him in detail about each one. Maybe he’ll let you, someday.
“Can you actually picture Simon in a convention hall?” He chuckles eventually, finally getting the toolbox rolling properly.
You laugh. “Guess not.”
The 141 booth sits in the center of the floor, surrounded by a few other big-name shops and figures in the community. You glance around at them, only recognizing a few. You don’t get much time to look around. There are only a couple hours designated for set up and you have to help hang all the flash options, get the cash box sorted, and be ready for the flood when it comes. You’ve mentally prepared for chaos, reading through pretty much every reddit and twitter thread you could find about convention disasters. You know that won’t happen here, and even if something did, John wouldn’t abandon you to it. Still, you feel better being mentally prepared for anything - no matter how unrealistic.
“Why do you still do these?” You ask, pinning one of the large flash sheets to the display board. “I mean - you don’t exactly have to get your name out there.”
“I enjoy them- the community. I was here when this was still bein’ held underground in an old warehouse.” John looks around, eyes scanning the rows of artists. He doesn’t share his thoughts, just stands there quietly for a moment with his hands on his hips. After a few beats he grumbles quietly, “Gettin’ old…”
You focus on setting up the front table where you’ll be stationed. John brought a few prints of work as well as several copies of his book. He brought a few signed ones as well, only selling them for about twenty more bucks than the usual price. You asked why he doesn’t mark them up more, but he just shrugged you off with a mutter of ‘I’m not all that’ before moving on to another task. You decided it was best not to argue that he is, indeed, all that. His books are literally filled until the late fall.
Maybe you shouldn’t be so proud of setting up a decently aesthetically pleasing display all on your own when you’re surrounded by real artists, but you still grin wide with your hands on your hips. It’s simple, with cards for each of the boys lining one sit and a roll of tattoo tickets for the day beside the cash box. The table cloth with the shop’s name looks nearly identical to the sign. One might call it lazy marketing, you find it charming.
“Somethin’ happen with you and Kyle?” John asks suddenly, back turned as he messes with something in his rolling tool box full of supplies.
You freeze, eyes wide and mouth dry. Did Kyle say something? You thought you’d been normal about it. Kyle hadn’t acted any differently - which shouldn’t have hurt your feelings - and you were sure you’d met him with the same level of normalcy. The past weeks race through your mind. Every moment, every interaction, picking each apart into threads in milliseconds.
“Uh, no? Why?” It comes out squeaky. Unsure. Lord, you really are a terrible liar.
John hums. He’s quiet for barely a beat, a moment that seems to stretch for lifetimes. You can almost feel your cells aging while you wait. “You’ve been quieter than usual around him. Just wanted t’make sure.”
“Oh.” Had you? You thought you’d been the same as always. Both of you totally moved on from… the incident. Well, except for those few times you caught yourself staring - zoning out while thinking about the way his lips pressed to yours. Imagining Kyle pulling you into the back room again. Another kiss with less nervousness and more heat. Actually bending you over the desk properly-
“Y’with me, love?” John snaps you back to reality.
“Yeah!” You jump and stutter. “Yeah. No. We’re fine. I’m… fine.”
You wonder if the giant guy in the weird homemade mask at the booth across from yours would smash your head in if you paid him. Let him free you from the torment of embarrassment. It had been eating away at you, if you’re honest with yourself, and now lying right to John’s face just feels… awful. He’ll find out. You know he will. Maybe he already knows as that was a test. Fuck if it was, you totally just failed.
The clock turns to nine, and you have no choice but to let that be a problem for your future self.
Something you realize rather quickly as the attendees begin to flood the hall is that John is a god here. People don’t meet his eye. They speak meekly, even to you, with voices low and faces flushed. The line for your booth stretches down the walkway as soon as the doors open - appointment tickets practically flying out of your hands. You overhear a pair of friends muttering about sleeping outside overnight to get in early enough for John’s booth. It makes your head spin.
You wonder if they’d still act that way if they saw him snoring open-mouthed at the desk in the back room mid-afternoon.
“Thought I heard 141 got a new front desk girl.” A syrupy southern accident lilts above you just as you finish selling tickets. He’s handsome. Blonde and blue eyed with a little scar gracing his cheekbone. Not much younger than John, you don’t think. Probably around Simon’s age.
You slip on your usual customer service smile. “Hello! How can I-”
“Graves.” John grunts behind you, not even looking up from the work in front of him. “What d’you want?”
“Just wanted to come see how you were.” The man - Graves - grins wide. It doesn’t reach his eyes. “And to meet your new front of house. Philip.”
You take the hand he holds out, giving a perfunctory shake and your name. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that John doesn’t like this guy, whoever he is, and you’re inclined to trust his judgement. You opt for basic small talk. “Are you an artist?”
Graves nods. “I own Shadow & Co. It’s a few blocks over from your place.”
Oh. You’d heard of them. They came highly recommended when you were looking for artists in the area initially. In the end you opted for John based entirely on vibes. The Shadow building is far too modern - to minimalist - for your liking. Too corporate.
“Y’know, we’re looking for a new desk girl as well.” Graves smiles. You do your best not to sneer at his use of desk girl. “We’re growing pretty quick - even if you wanted to split your time-”
“She’s full time with us.” John snaps - blatant irritation lining the edges of his voice. He still doesn’t turn around.
The blonde man pauses, glancing between you. Something passes over his eyes - some implicit knowing that you don’t quite get - but it’s gone just as fast as it came. He digs into his pocket, flipping open a too-new wallet and pulling out a business card. “Well, if you ever want to work somewhere more exciting-” you nearly laugh at that. “-give us a call, hm?”
You glance up to his face, then back down at the card. John’s tattoo gun continues to buzz behind you, but you can tell he’s slowed down. He’s listening. Before even really thinking you extend your hand, pushing the card he holds away from you.
“Thanks for the offer, but I’m very happy here.”
Philip scoffs, dropping the card on the table. “Keep us in mind, yeah?”
He disappears into the crowd easily - blending in just like his shop’s namesake. Your nose wrinkles. You snatch up the card and tear it in two. “Dickhead.”
You think you hear John chuckling behind you, but can’t be sure over the roar of the convention.
The day flies by - people bustle by your booth. You run out of signed books just over halfway through - prints not long after. Your voice feels hoarse from talking to so many people. The hall has grown quite hot and you’re sure that your hair looks insane at this point. Either way, you’re having a great time. You get to talk to a with full body trash polka that you like for some reason. You get to meet one of the people involved in the stage competition - her massive thigh piece holding some of the best color work you’ve ever seen. All in all, despite the discomfort, you think this ranks in your top ten favorite days. Maybe top five.
“Excuse me?” Murmurs a voice so soft you almost miss it entirely over the roar of the convention. When you look up, you’re met with a painfully young face. Definitely not old enough for the 17+ entrance requirement.
“Hi!” You put on your warmest smile. “How can I help you?”
“I, uh, I was just…” They stutter, shifting in place. “I- Are there any signed copies left?”
You look them over, a too-familiar pang in your chest. You know those eyes, that anxiety. The jumpy way they look around at the people passing by and tug at their sleeves. Your teeth sink into your lip and you look over at the three blanks that make up your entire left over stock. Glancing over your shoulder, you see John finishing with his current client - giving the man a firm handshake before turning to clean up his station. There’s a fifteen minute break until the next one - his last for the night - and as much as you don’t want to take up his precious little time to set up…
“Let me check!” You squeak, shaky as you grab one of the blanks with all the subtlety of a brick over the head and cross the few feet over to where John sits. You lean over to speak in his ear, low enough that the kid won’t hear you. “John?”
“Hm?” He hums, turning slightly on his stool.
“Can you sign this one?” You chew your lip. “I know you had a set amount but this kid looks so…”
He glances behind you at the teenager in question, bashfully staring at their feet.
“I’m sorry, I know you need to set up for the next-”
John cuts you off by taking the book from your hands and standing.
“Thanks, dove.” He gives you that lovely, warm smile and rolls his shoulders before making his way over to the front table.
The teenager’s eyes go so wide you think they might pop out of their head. You decide to hang back and not interrupt their moment. John sets the book on the table and grabs a sharpie from your back up stash of pens. The kid mumbles something you can’t understand. John’s voice lowers as well. You can’t hear them, but you watch John scrawl something in the book and hand it over. He pushes away the crumpled, messy wad of cash the teenager tries to give him, shaking his head and saying something else that you don’t catch. The kid looks like they’re about to cry, a wide, wet grin splitting their face as they say goodbye and practically prance away.
You melt, shoulders slouching and what you’re sure is a very stupid smile breaking out across your lips. You don’t know why you doubted him for even a moment.
“What’s that face?” John scoffs, cocking a brow at you.
“Nothing.” You shake your head and re-take your spot at the table.
The ending of the convention is rather uneventful. Some of the other booths begin clearing up early. You take the time to count the cash box - which is absolutely stuffed to the brim. John rolls his shoulders and cracks his neck about five times in the span of a few minutes. Maybe you could convince them to do a company yoga class. It’s easy to see how tense and tired they get. You file that idea away for later.
Luckily most of the booth set up belonged to the venue and, since you sold out of books and prints, you don’t have haul those back to the van. All you have to take is John’s rolling toolbox and tattooing table. All things that easily fit in your bag and dolly. Thank god. Neither of you speak much on the drive back to the shop - opting for comfortable silence. Your ears ring ever so slightly from the noise of the convention hall. When you were in it, you hadn’t realized just how loud it was. John’s eyes are locked on the road, the slight glow from the setting sun warming his skin.
The sun just disappears over the horizon as you put the last of the equipment in the backroom - stacked rather messily but that’s another problem for future you. You’ve been working for a grand total of fourteen hours and, somehow, it still has yet to hit you. Adrenaline and excited energy still pulse under your skin.
John sighs loudly, crossing each arm over his chest to stretch them out. “Could really go for a scotch right now. You want a nightcap?”
Your cheeks warm, still riding high from the excitement of the day you agree easily. “Yeah, that sounds nice.”
He gives you a gentle smile, softened further by the low street lights. “Let me show you a spot.”
The place John leads you to is small. Local. You sit at the bar and take a moment to look around. Three pool tables take up half the floor space. It looks like a small tournament is going on - a white board showing the matches and who will go against who next. Two ski-ball machines are tucked in a corner beside the bathroom, currently taken up by two younger men who you aren’t completely sure are drinking age. The lights and music are both low. One of the bartenders is posted up on the opposite end of the bar with two other people watching Shin Godzilla on the mounted television. It’s cozy and oh-so very John Price.
You get an easy sipper, something fruity and sweet as a treat for the long day you’ve had. It’s nice against the warmth of the summer evening. A heat that’s only aggravated by the one that settles in your spine whenever the guys are around. John especially.
“Think that kid was a little young for the event…” You blurt in a poor attempt to make conversation.
John nods along. “Definitely.”
“That was really nice of you. I didn’t want to… I don’t know.” You murmur, unsure why exactly the words won’t stop. You blame the drinks and exhaustion. Seems realistic enough. “They just seemed so sad.”
“Wasn’t nice. Just the right thing t’do.” John shrugs. His words come slow, almost as if he’s unsure if he should say them. Though, you find it hard to believe he has ever been unsure about anything in his life. “I know what its like… to need t’escape. Lied about my age just to enlist.”
Your eyes widen. “R-really?”
He hums. “They didn’t care much back then.”
For some reason you never thought about John’s childhood - his homelife. You know he has a mom somewhere. Kyle let it slip a couple of times - said she’s a really good cook. John doesn’t volunteer information about himself often, you gathered that much. He’s worse than Simon, somehow, which says a fucking lot.
“Did-” you mull over your words. “You didn’t grow up around here, yeah?”
It’s a clumsy attempt at getting him to talk, but it works well enough. He nods. “Hereford. My mum’s still out there.”
Score. “Do you visit her much?”
John shrugs, chuckling. “When I can. I could move back home and it wouldn’t be enough for her.”
You snicker.
“She’s the best woman I’ve ever known…” He murmurs, eyes far away. It’s only for a moment, but they look past you. Defocused in a way that seems to out of character for the hyper-aware man.
Your faces are close. Hunched in like school kids exchanging secrets and gossip during recess. Your eyes dart from his to his lips and back. It’s confusing. All of this. The intimacy you have with each of them in these moments is overwhelming. You like Kyle - you liked kissing Kyle - you really shouldn’t be wanting that from your boss, though. A co-worker is bad enough but John… John is off limits. You know that. Even so, you find yourself subconsciously leaning just a bit closer, eyes roving over the freckles you don’t see standing further away and the grey flecks in his eyes. You think, for barely a millisecond, that he leans in too.
Until he sits up straight, tossing back what little is left of his drink. “Let’s head out. Could go for a smoke.”
You nod, swallowing down your thoughts and following him out of the bar like a lost puppy. You’d follow him to the end of the earth, you think. Even if it hurts that you can’t get as close as you want, you’d go anywhere for him. Yeah, that’s definitely the drink and tiredness talking. Part of you also knows that it is undoubtedly true.
John rounds a corner to the side of the bar. It’s moderately lit, a single street lamp just down the way giving you just enough light to see. You lean against the wall beside John, the exhaustion beginning to cling to your eyes.
“Are you?” John asks suddenly.
“Hm?” You hum, unsure of what he’s asking about.
“Happy here?” He cuts the end off a cigar he pulled from the silver box that lives in his back pocket.
In the low light of the alley, his pupils overtake most of his irises. Dark and intense as he looks you over from head to toe. You see it, suddenly. The god that the others do. He’s not as physically large as Simon, or as loud as Johnny, but he fills every inch of any space he enters regardless. You suppose you became so used to being in that radius that you forgot just how much presence he carries. You’ve wrapped yourself in it like a blanket. A shield.
Your cheeks warm and you shuffle your feet. “I… yeah.”
“Good.” John sighs out a cloud of smoke. “It’d be a pain in the arse to replace you. The boys care about you too much.”
You stare up at him. You can feel something on the edge of his tone - some weight that you don’t understand. There always seems to be another layer to the things he says. Implications that you can’t understand, context that you’re missing. Part of you wants to ask, needs to ask, but the words get stuck in your throat. What would you say? You’re not even entirely sure what you need to ask. You know they care about you, and you care for them in turn, so why does it feel like there’s something missing?
“Does the boys include you?” You blurt, one again wishing that big guy from the convention was here to smash your head in like wile e. cayote and the anvil.
He looks you up and down, slightly taken aback while you debate on bolting. “Thought that was obvious.”
You scoff, still flustered. “You’re hard to read.”
“Am I, now?”
You nod. A comfortable silence falls over you, despite the awkwardness surely emanating from you. Your lip catches between your teeth, eyes on your feet. “John?”
“Dove?” He tilts his head, once again leaning ever so slightly closer to you.
“Thank you. For everything.” You murmur, voice low and unsure. “It’s… it’s really good here.”
“Think nothin’ of it, love.”
You look up at those pretty blue eyes. They always make your chest ache with some deep hole you haven’t been able to pin down. At first you could blame it on wanting to do well - to be a good employee. It’s more than that, though. It starts in your chest and seeps it’s way through the rest of you. A want. A craving. That’s the word. You crave those eyes on you. The weight of his hands, the fortitude of him.
You’re not sure who closes the gap - whether it’s you or him - but either way it closes. It’s too natural for the context of your relationship. You slot together too well. It’s not like with Kyle. John carries an intensity with him that Kyle never could. His beard scratches not unpleasantly. His lips are warm - you can taste hints of scotch and his cigar. He smells of spice and earth. Your hands rest on his broad shoulders - unsure of where to put them.
This is wrong. It’s messy. You already lied about Kyle, which he’ll surely find out. If he hasn’t already. What about Johnny? Or Simon? Will they think less of you? Are you less for this? For impulsively kissing your boss in some back alley? Will Kyle be angry if he finds out? Your thoughts surge, all chaotic waves crashing against each other in an attempt to make sense of this situation you find yourself in.
John’s arm wraps around your waist, pulling you closer into him. Your arms drape around his neck as you push onto your tips toes to meet him.
That’s a problem for future you.
A/N: Sorry this part took so long, I couldn’t decide if I wanted to escalate it or not but I want to get a move on with these boys
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tightjeansjavi · 11 months
honey pot 🍯
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(Mood board is just for aesthetics! Reader has no physical descriptions such as body type or skin color)
A/N: so after watching a very ✨spicy✨ video, I came up with this deliciously filthy idea of neighbor!joel becoming your fuck buddy. The only problem? You have a boyfriend already 🤭 just a disclaimer, I do not condone cheating and this fic might not be for everyone, and that’s okay!
~word count: 2.7k~
Summary: you’ve been fucking your hot neighbor, Joel Miller, all summer without your boyfriend finding out until you end up faking an orgasm with him. You tell Joel that you can no longer see him, and he comes up with a solution that works for the both of you.
pairing | hot neighbor!Joel Miller x f!reader
Warnings: smut, age gap (Joel is 36 reader is 25) infidelity/cheating (done to the readers bf) dom/sub, daddy kink, unprotected piv, praise kink, pet names: baby, angel, sweetness, petal, fluff, consent, some angst??pussy play, we can’t fuck, but we can do other things! Joel is a real good filthy talker, reader and Joel are down bad for one another, helping hand vibes, fwb/fuck buddy, smut with no plot, reader has no physical descriptions but keeps her genitalia groomed, +18 minors dni!
main masterlist masterlist
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You had been fucking your ridiculous, sinfully hot neighbor for the entirety of the summer. It started off as some innocent nonchalant flirting that you thought was harmless. What your boyfriend didn’t know, wouldn’t harm him, right? Besides, you were feeling deeply neglected in your current relationship. The honeymoon phase had worn off, and you were feeling frustrated and lonely on most nights. Guess football and guys night held a higher importance than his relationship with you. Well, so be it then. You could play the good little girlfriend that your boyfriend wanted you to be..and still have your cake and eat it.
That’s why falling head over heels for your neighbor Joel Miller was as easy as sliced pie. It was early June when you found a bouquet of fresh wildflowers on your front porch step with a note attached to one of the stems. It read, ‘Out of all the flowers in the patch, you are by far the prettiest petal.’ -J.M
So, he was hot and poetic? What more could you really want?
It was the following Friday that Joel finally got the courage to show up on your front step. He barely was able to ask you if you’d like to come over for dinner that evening when you blurted out an enthusiastic ‘yes!’
Joel was hot, poetic, and he could fucking cook? Yeah, you were positively screwed in the best way possible. Not only could he cook, but he actually showed interest in you. Your hobbies, your likes and dislikes, and for the first time in months, you actually felt like you were being appreciated.
So, it came as no surprise that after you both indulged his cooking skills, that you proceeded to let him ravage you on the table. Yours and his clothes were practically shredded to the floor as he kissed and licked every inch of your skin like a man starved. He made you cum more times in that evening than you thought was even possible, and my god, his cock? Jesus christ, you’re getting wet all over again just thinking about how it felt like he was splitting you in two, filling you to the fucking brim as you cried out his name and begged for more. Faster, harder, oh please, daddy, don’t stop!
“Yeah? You want more of daddy’s cock? S’that what you want?” He nearly purred as his sweat stained curls lightly tickled your forehead. His eyes were glued to the spot where your bodies were connected. He sucked in a harsh breath as his vision glazed over at the sight of your pretty little pussy tugging his cock right back in with each of his heavy thrusts.
“See the way your pussy is huggin’ my cock so tight? Pullin’ me right back in? Look how fuckin’ pretty she is, baby. Think she is the prettiest pussy I've ever seen in my entire life. She’s all mine, right? C’mon, my petal, I needa hear ya say it.” His nostrils flared as he licked hungrily into your mouth. He was consuming every last bit of you, and you were enjoying every minute of it.
“Yours, daddy! All yours.” You whined as your walls clenched down like a tight fist around his cock.
All good things must come to an end unfortunately, and your little fantasy that had been fulfilled every evening that summer, was going to have to end. That stupid boyfriend of yours was beginning to catch on ever since he caught you faking an orgasm the last time you and him had sex. Oops?
It physically pained you to even think about cutting ties with Joel. He was unconditionally good to you. All he asked for was your company. He didn’t need to ask; it was already his.
The leaves were beginning to change with the seasons as fall was approaching on the horizon. It was nearing five in the evening when you heard the all too familiar sound of Joel’s truck tires grinding over the cement. His driver side door swung shut as his footsteps neared your front steps. He was home from work, and immediately he wanted to see you. Nothing else mattered to him except seeing your pretty face.
You were pacing nervously in the front hallway as you went over the exact words you were going to tell him. We can be friends, right? Right. After you’ve spent months in his sheets, and he in yours, you’re just going to be friends? Fat chance.
You were torn from your thoughts at the sound of his knuckles rapping lightly on your front door as you wringed your hands together, taking a few deep breaths before you grasped the door handle in your palm and pulled it open.
“Hey, baby. Lookin’ gorgeous as usual.” Your fuck buddy drawled with that low, deep, texas twang of his as he leaned his elbow right up against the doorjamb.
Oh, fuck. You could feel a gush between your thighs just from the way he was leaning against your damn door.
Stay strong. Don’t fold. Don’t fold. Don’t–
“S’matter, baby? Everything’ all good n’that pretty head of yours?” He cocked his head to the side as a frown slowly spread across his lips when he saw your eyes suddenly grow glassy as a stray tear wobbled down your cheek.
“Baby–” He started, but you cut him off.
“We can’t fuck anymore, Joel.” You painfully muttered as his hand reached out to warmly cup your face while his thumb lightly brushed away your tear.
“Baby, what’s goin’ on? Somethin’ happen?” He sounded genuinely concerned as more tears began to fall and land on his bronzed skin.
“It’s my boyfriend,” You sniffled solemnly. “He knows, Joel.” Your misty dewdrop eyes met his calm gaze as he let out a soft breath between his parted lips.
“Oh, baby..I'm so sorry. I thought we were bein–’”
“Careful? Yeah, I did too.”
“How does he know?..”
“I faked an orgasm with him the last time we had sex which I think it was a week ago? Well, he grew suspicious after that. I’m so sorry, Joel. I never meant for things to get this messy.” You truly did feel awful for dragging Joel into all of this, and you never had the intention to hurt him.
“Baby, s’alright. Y’know what ain't alright? That stupid boyfriend of yours still not knowing how to treat his fuckin’ girl right. You’d think by now the guy would have some idea of how he should be treating you.” Joel held in a scoff as his hand that wasn’t presently caressing your cheek, dropped down to your waist as he pulled you in close. “I..guess this is goodbye then?”
“I don’t want it to be.” You murmured softly as you leaned into his comforting touch along your needy skin.
“Baby, y’know..it doesn’t have to be a goodbye then.” The gears in his brain were already beginning to twist and turn as he thought of a viable solution to your little problem.
“What do you mean? Joel, i’m serious, we can’t fuck anymore.”
“Sweetness, I know we can’t, and I respect that. I’ll never put my dick inside of ya again, unless you ask. But, I do think I have a solution for our little problem.”
Your pupils nearly doubled in size as the tip of his thumb dragged down across your lower lip as he tugged the soft flesh gently. His eyes bore deeply into yours as your thighs subconsciously rubbed together to relieve the building tension that was growing in the pit of your stomach.
“What is your solution, Joel? I’m all ears.”
“Well, first, I was hopin’ I could get a kiss. Been thinkin’ about these pretty lips and how badly I wanna kiss ‘em the second I walked through that door.” He rasped warmly.
Your immediate reaction was to loop your arms around his neck and close the smidge of a gap between the two of you before firmly pressing your lips against his. You licked into one another’s mouth with the same amount of passion. You could taste a morsel of tobacco along his tongue; must have bummed a smoke off of Tommy, as his hand that was wrapped firmly around your waist, slowly drifted down as he grabbed a handful of your left ass-cheek. A surprise squeak slipped past your lips as your tongues tangled.
“So, we can’t fuck, but there’s somethin’ else we can do..” He trailed off as he slowly detached his lips from yours. A string of saliva was visible between your once linked lips.
“You are not fucking sticking your dick up my ass. Don’t even think about it.”
He stifled a chuckle before stealing one more quick kiss. “Baby, I wasn’t thinkin’ about stickin’ my dick up your ass. I promise. I had somethin’ else in mind. Can I show you what I'm talkin’ about?”
You were weary at first, because what could he possibly have in mind? Going down on you? Okay, sure. You certainly wouldn’t be opposed to it, but if that was the case, why didn’t he just say it?
“Okay, I want you to show me what you’re talking about.” You agreed.
“Good girl. I promise this will be worth your while baby.” He pressed a tender kiss to your temple before he reached for your hand. Your fingers interlaced as he proceeded to lead you up the stairs to your bedroom. Your panties were undeniably soaked at this point, and he hadn’t even touched you yet.
“Go’n sit on the bed for me, darlin.’” He spoke firmly, yet softly as you padded over to your bed and slowly sunk down along the comforter.
“Now, sweetness, before you start worryin’ your pretty little mind about that silly boyfriend of yours, I promise that he won’t know about this.”
You dumbly nodded as you crossed one leg over the other, awaiting his next request.
“I trust you, daddy.” You softly cooed.
“Good girl. Now, I want you to take your pants off for me, baby.”
You wasted no time to pop the button off your jeans as you dragged the zipper down. You started shimmying the denim fabric down your thighs and legs, but before you could even grasp the band of your panties, he was stopping you.
“No, no, Angel. Jus’ your pants. Keep your panties on.”
Why was that so hot.
You slipped your thumbs out from under the thin elastic band of your panties before you kicked your jeans to the side. Your mouth began to water the moment you heard the familiar sound of his belt buckle clinking open.
“Good girl. Now, I jus’ want you to lay your pretty ass on the comforter. Spread your thighs a little, but not too much.”
You could feel the wet patch pooling through the thin fabric of your panties as you slowly leaned back on your elbows along the comforter and spread your thighs just enough that he could fit between them.
Your pussy pulsed inwards the second your eyes landed on his bare cock that was hanging out of the opening in his jeans. You nearly drooled as he swiped his thumb across his ruddy weeping tip that had a bead of pre-cum drooling from the small slit. He twisted his wrist a couple times before he slowly approached you.
His lips curved upwards in a sly grin when he saw the cock-dumb look on your pretty face. You took your lower lip harshly between your teeth when you felt the rough skin of his thumb brush across your covered aching clit as he gently rubbed the swollen nub in tight expert circles. His freehand was still wrapped around the base of hs cock as he watched your face twist into pleasure.
“Y’know, it makes me so fuckin’ mad that you ain’t bein’ treated right. The only weepin’ you and your pretty pussy should be doin’ is the good kind. Y’got literal honey drippin’ between your thighs, darlin.’ He oughta start worshipin’ you sooner, before someone else ends up doin’ it for him.” He tsked under his breath.
“Joel,” You whimpered wantonly.
“I know, baby. I know. I’m gonna respect your wishes n’not fuck you, but that doesn’t mean I still can’t make ya feel good. I’ll always take care of you, angel. No silly boyfriend of yours can stop me from treatin’ you right.” He murmured as he dragged his thumb down to the inside of your panties. He gently hooked his thumb around the damp fabric before he pulled it to the side. His mouth went dry at the sight of your glistening, puffy, needy little pussy. When it came to women, he didn’t mind their choices to never shave, or to just trim, or to completely go bare. He loved their pussies regardless of how they were groomed, or their natural appearance. They were all beautiful in his eyes, and deserved to be worshiped. But, he couldn’t deny how fucking pretty yours was, and how your slickness clung to the fabric of your panties like glue made his cock twitch in his palm.
He could bite his fist right then and there, but he had a job to complete.
“So pretty, baby. Prettiest little pussy. G’nna take extra good care of her now, okay?”
“Thank you, daddy.” you spoke above a whisper as he slowly slid the tip of his cock underneath your panties. You could feel the slick coolness of his pre-cum sliding across your folds as he rolled his hips forward. A deep grunt rumbled up his chest as he nudged your clit.
“You’re welcome, baby. Y’jus’ sit back and enjoy yourself, okay? Daddy is gonna do all the work for ya.” He promised you with a chaste kiss to your swollen lips as his hands came to rest along your thighs.
Now you fully understood what Joel meant by his solution to not fucking you. Christ, this was almost better than the feeling of his cock splitting you open. How lucky you were to have a man treat you like a princess.
“Oh, fuck.” You mewled as he thrust his hips faster, mimicking the same movements as if he was fucking you. “That feels so good, daddy.”
“Mhmm. I know it does, baby. I told you this would be worth your while.” He took his own lip between his teeth as he focused on the rhythm of his thrusts.
“This is almost better than fucking, almost.” You softly moaned as he increased his pace. Your hands found his as your orgasm slowly began to build.
“Nothin’ is better than fuckin’, Angel. Jus’ so lucky to make you feel good one last time. You’re doin’ so good for me, baby. I want you to cum, okay? I want to see you ruin those pretty little panties.” He urged you praisingly as the tip of his cock continuously bumped against your clit.
He was playing your pussy 100x better than your boyfriend ever could as you reveled in the pure pleasurable feeling one last time.
It didn’t take you long to reach your high as Joel’s hips stuttered forward as he spilled his hot seed right between your slick folds. He slowly slipped his cock out from underneath your ruined panties. He pressed soft kisses to your face, a playful nibble to the tip of your nose before his lips found yours in a searing kiss.
“Better take these for safe keepin’ so your boyfriend doesn’t know I was here.” He stated with a snicker as he gently slipped your soaked panties down your thighs. “I’ll getcha a fresh pair, okay, sweetness?”
Just as he was about to get up from your bed, your hand encased around his wrist, caging him in your grasp momentarily. “Wait, Joel?”
“What is it, baby?”
“Maybe..this won’t be the last time?..”
“I want you, and if that means I have to break up with my stupid boyfriend? Then so be it. I’ll break up with him.”
“Angel, are you absolutely sure that’s what you want to do?”
“Yes. i’ll call him up as soon as you finish fucking me, and i’ll tell him that it’s over.”
A wicked grin spread across his lips as he situated himself between your thighs once more. “Well, I guess you won’t be needin’ a fresh pair of panties after all, huh baby?” He teased.
“Nope. Not while you’re around, Daddy.”
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Banners made by the lovely @saradika ✨
Follow @tightjeansjaviupdates for fic updates and notifications!
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blissfullyecho · 2 years
how to create a leveling up/dream girl/rebranding plan 🤍🍸🖤
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establish your aesthetic
first thing’s first, you need to know where you want to go in life and what is your “aesthetic”? do you want to be giving “classy, businesswoman”? what about “nyc socialite”? of course these are just examples, but you should know what type of girl you want to embody. remember, you don’t have to fit a narrative, but you should have a general “aesthetic” that you want to be associated with. even if it’s 50 million different aesthetics, it’s whatever makes you, you.
visualize yourself/life
get inspired by making a vision board (physical or digital) and add to your board (if digital) daily. i find that this helps you stay in alignment with where you want to be in the future. you have to stay in that frequency and remind yourself of what’s next to come… because this new life is what’s next to come.
start with habits
please refer to my “starting your leveling up journey” post, but basically— you should create 1-3 habits for each of your goals and work on them until they become second nature. then when you’re ready, start implementing more habits that are aligned with your goals.
create routines with your habits
can you incorporate some of these new habits into a morning or evening routine? we all know that routines are important— they almost become our personalities and they set the tone for the day and night, and even the next day. for me, i know i’m only inspired to exercise in the morning around 10am, so exercise is part of my morning routine.
create daily + weekly goals
let’s say part of your journey is learning a new language. a daily goal could be learning one new vocabulary word in that language. your weekly goal could be knowing the alphabet in that language. use this method for all of your goals.
don’t overwhelm yourself with goals, routines, and habits
start slow; don’t overwhelm yourself. if you want to work on one goal at a time, then work on that one goal. burnout is real and it’s very hard to get back into the swing of things afterwards. i understand most of us are impatient when we just want to be a different version of ourselves, but it’s going to take some adjusting. i suggest not working on more than 3 things at once, but if you can work on more, go ahead
be a part of a community to keep you accountable
tumblr and facebook groups in my opinion are the best ways you can connect with other women who are working on the same thing. you can inspire one another, bounce ideas off of one another, and it’s super fun. you might want to even document your journey online.
set milestones and have a reward system
let’s say you would like to lose or gain weight, no matter the number, focus on 5-10 pound increments. when each milestone is successfully completed, reward yourself with something nice. maybe it’s getting your nails done, or splurging on a product that everyone on tiktok keeps talking about. apply this to any of your goals where there are milestones to get to.
don’t waste the day
you should not have any “zero days” meaning… you should be doing at least one thing everyday to reach a goal(s) you have. it doesn’t matter if one goal was to maintain a more organized, clean environment— do your dishes, set the trash out, clean up the hair from the bathroom sink, etc.
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animeniac-writings · 2 years
Naps With - Obey Me Boys
I want to nap with someone! Cuddle someone and sleep! The perfect shared activity!
Otome: Obey Me
Polyship Devildom trip, go to hell and date them all, here's some of the naps you will experience in the lower realm.
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The hardest to get to nap with you. While all the others will either willingly, or are able to be talked into joining you even for a little while, this workaholic has chronic self-destruction.
Lucifer will have to be so tired and sleep deprived that he can't put up much of a fight when you tell him he's joining you for a 'short' nap, and he says he can only stay for a few minutes. Try to convince him to change into his pajamas for it, he will be much more comfortable and stay asleep longer if you can.
He tries to stay awake even after you get him into bed, staying barely in the veil between awakeness to keep mumbling bits of nonsense to you before finally drifting off, he will wake up if you move too much but will lightly cuddle back to your touch too.
Napping with Mammon is not always for the faint of heart, for one reason or another (which he always forgets anyway) he has some random time on his alarm set and he always startles awake, gives himself, and maybe you a heart attack, falls off the bed, then turns it off. He probably goes to crawl back into bed to go back to napping with you then too, without much fanfare this time. And a sleep talker.
Mammon's bed has expensive satiny gold sheets and you found some huge overly soft blanket that might be some strange pelt, perfect for napping.
Moves around a Lot in his sleep, either starfished or wrapped around you, but manhandle him into being the little spoon for you and he calms down to sleep soundly, pressing against you and sighing happily.
He got so embarrassed when you asked him to nap with you and went through 20 stages of stress and grief, do you want to nap in his tub? in his bed? do you actually want to nap with him or just in his tub/bed??
Once you finally get Levi to just come lay down with you already, he starts out stiff as a board, no matter how many times you have done this. Move him how you want, pull his head to your chest, tangle your legs, his face is on fire but he wont object.
After he falls asleep though, all of his apprehensions are gone and he cuddles you tightly just like his ruri-chan pillows, and gradually his sleep talking about ruri-chan turns into mumbles of your name instead.
Tortured writer aesthetic with too many books on his bed, you tend to take naps in yours. At times you can tell he's getting irritated, you grab his hand and say "nap time", which at first pissed him off, like a grouchy child, but he realized how much better he felt afterwards.
Satan is a mostly still sleeper, twitching a bit but otherwise staying as he was, he doesn't initiate much cuddling but lets you do as you please, smiling when you get everything "just right" and breathing deeply with his nose tucked against you before shutting his eyes with a smile.
Satan will often bring along one of his books when going to nap with you and set it off to the side- within reach, before the nap so if he wakes up before you he can read without disturbing your nap.
He insists you sleep in his bed with him! It's so comfortable and soft, perfect for a little extra beauty sleep. His room and sheets smell like rose or jasmine and help soothe you too. His bed is extra plush and offers you a set of very comfortable pajamas he had just in case.
Asmo is so soft to the touch, with his flawlessly smooth cheek nuzzling yours before getting comfortable to sleep, or silky hair that's softer than his sheets tickling you, because of course you're close enough, you're napping together, cuddling closely and he feels delicate in your arms. You breathe in the subtle scent of Asmo, beneath all his products, and tension leaves your body. As always you share a unhurried, short "sweet dreams" kiss and he asks you to dream about him, as he will you.
Big, strong, warm Beel. His bed is also cozy with an array of food-shaped pillows (which may have a bit of drool), Beel is happy to nap with you! Belphie often uses him as a pillow or decides they should nap together.
Beel is very affectionate, your gentle giant, and likes holding you close to sleep, he is very warm, warmer than you think a human could be, and there's a quiet rumble in his chest you swear is something of a purr.
Beware, there is no way to get out of his grip if you have to go to the bathroom, and he will wake up if he smells food, taking you with him without a thought.
You can argue he's one of the best nap buddies, his bed and attic nest are made for napping, he's the sin obsessed with sleep, whenever you sleep with him, whether in one of his comfortable spots, a bed, or some place random, his 'favor' on you assures that you never wake up with cramps or aches from weird positions.
Belphie is very soft and pliable, he sleeps harder than the dead and you can hold and cuddle him however you wish without really disturbing him. On top of that he makes sure you always have good dreams, or no dreams if that's what you prefer at the time.
Sadly with how busy he is, your naps together are few and far between. Usually just on his seldom days off can he truly join you (despite Diavolo telling him he should), but if you insist on trying, he will often join you in bed, cradling you close until you fall asleep soundly before having to go back to his duties.
Though Barbatos longs to stay by your side, staring at you with such a soft expression just a moment longer. He makes sure you're comfortable as possible before leaving, that your neck wont ache when you awake, that you're covered as you prefer, and always times it just right to bring you a snack and a drink when you wake up.
Sleeping with an angel. There's something that's just, comforting. Rejuvenating, about being very close to Simeon, he explains it being something about being a heavenly being, and you tell him there's something special about him too.
Simeon isn't usually one for naps, but he can never deny you either. Somehow cuddling with him feels light and airy, his soft finger tips trailing along your arms and his presence feels like gentle sunlight warmth, it's impossible to have bad dreams with him so close.
No stranger to naps, sometimes when immortality weighs down he tries to "sleep his life away". His time with you though, is so fleeting, his does not want to squander it.
When you ask to take a nap with him, he obliges, offering you his bed with a magical change into comfier clothes and a flourish. Solomon lets you maneuver yourself and him into the best position you deem fit, happy to do as you please. But instead of sleeping he fondly (could be creepily, if not for the soft look in his eyes) watches you instead, not wanting to waste a moment of this.
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Distancing Character from Person of Same Name
Anonymous asked: I'm writing a fanfiction about an obscure pairing, and some time ago I met a person who has the same name as one of the characters, and now writing about this pairing makes me a little uncomfortable. It's a pretty common name, but I also see this person quite often and it's just weird for me. Do you have any advice so I can separate the character and the person in my head?
Here are some things you could try to distance this character from the person you know in real life who has the same name:
1 - Keep a Character Visual Handy - If you're writing fan-fiction about a canon character, you can search for promo pictures of the character. Or, if it's an OC or an original fiction character, you can try casting the character (see guide here: Guide: Casting Your Characters) with a real actor/model to help you visualize them. Try printing the picture out and tacking it up someplace where you can see it while you write. You could also keep it open on your phone, laptop screen, etc. This will help keep the character fresh in your mind as you write.
2 - Watch Clips or a Character Tribute - If you're writing fan-fiction and you're writing canon characters, odds are good there are clips or even fan-made character tributes of this character on YouTube. Watching some clips or a character tribute before you write is another great way to make sure the character is fresh in your head, rather than the person you know who shares their name. If you're writing an OC or original fiction and you've cast your character with a real actor or model, you could look for clips of movies or shows they're in that closely matches the vibe of your character, and watch those before you write. Or, you could put together some character aesthetics/mood boards and look at those before you write.
3 - Make a List of Differences - Try making a list of all the ways you can think of that your character and their inadvertent namesake are different. No detail is too small. When you're around the real person with that name, really try to focus on the things that make them different from your character.
4 - Change Up the Name a Bit - If you're writing a canon character, your options might be limited, but see if there's a canon nickname for this character you can lean on in your story that makes sense. For example, let's say the shared name is Madison, and the person you know in real life only ever goes by Madison. But maybe the canon character is sometimes called Madi by other characters... if you use Madi as often as it makes sense, that can help to create some distance.
If you're writing an OC or original fiction, you have more room to give your character a nickname of your choosing, and most names have a variety of possible nicknames. You could also try altering the spelling or changing the name to something that sounds very similar.
5 - Talk About It - If you're comfortable talking to this person about that fact that you're a writer, see if you can find an opportunity to share that you happen to be writing about a character with the same name. If it's a fan-fiction character, you can say something like, "Have you ever heard of the TV show ----? There's a character in it named -----, and I've been writing about her and another character, so I always think about that character when I see you." Or, something like that. Sometimes, just getting it out of your head (if possible) can sort of interrupt the connection in your head.
I hope that helps!
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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libraincarnate · 2 years
astrology notes: 3 ᓚᘏᗢ
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quick note: i'm absolutely not an astrologer. these are just a collection of some observations, thoughts, theories, and personal experiences. with that being said, i'm still learning along the way & i may come back to edit this post to make corrections. above all this is just for fun. lastly, keep in mind that i’m not reading your birth chart and i know nothing about you. these are just some possibilities that may or may not apply to you. enjoy!
❤︎ creating aesthetically pleasing things comes easy for libras. they can create a “look” with ease/without really trying. sometimes they do it without even realizing it at first. ex: outfits, mood boards, makeup looks, home/room decor, their blog, etc. they might be known for copying people at times but know for certain people copy them and are inspired by them too.
❤︎ any mercury dominants or people with mercury as your chart ruler notice they sometimes rhyme while casually speaking and they do it with out trying like it just happens naturally? or maybe you find yourself speaking poetically without trying? there’s just something cool or pretty you do when speaking.
❤︎ scorpio/aries in the 3rd house: how many times do you honk the horn when driving? cursing at other drivers? lol the road rage can be bad & you might wish you had the right to stop another driver & give them a ticket for their poor/slow driving. wanting them to pay for it in some way. you may also feel the same way towards people who walk slow. for example, you’re in school trying to get to class but the people in front of you are walking slow or just in the way.
❤︎ if your chart ruler isn’t one of your dominant planets/signs it might feel like one and it may even feel more dominant than your actual dominant planets/signs. for example, you might be venus, jupiter, and moon dominant, but then your chart ruler is in pluto. you might feel the effects of pluto more than your dominant planets. the planet and themes associated with your chart ruler (pluto in this example) may have a greater focus in your life and a greater effect on you. so check your chart ruler if you feel like you might not relate to some of your dominant planets/signs as much.
❤︎ i’m sorry but aquarius stelliums/prominent aquarius (especially if it includes aquarius mercury), stay on the phone. you guys can talkkkkkkkk. lmfao how many people do you speak to on the phone per day? your phone is always ringing. you might repeat yourself or rant a lot.
❤︎ you may have the tendency of looking at or focusing on the body part associated with your chart ruler or dominant planets. below are some examples:
mercury (gemini)/hands: always looking at your hands, maintaining the appearance of your hands (keeping them clean, manicures, jewelry like rings/bracelets, etc.), having or wanting to have nice handwriting.
saturn (capricorn)/teeth: always looking at your teeth, brushing them often, carrying floss with you for when you dine out, wanting them extra clean and white, deciding to get braces or dental work if needed or to make them look better/correct something minor.
neptune (pisces)/feet: always looking at your feet, maintaining the appearance of your feet (keeping them clean, pedicures, jewelry like anklets/toe rings, etc.), having a collection of pretty shoes or shoes that are made of good quality, having a nice walk, perhaps a good catwalk (runway).
mercury (virgo)/stomach area: always looking at your stomach, wanting a small waist/flat stomach/abs, focusing on this area when exercising, waist training, focusing on digestive health.
sun (leo)/back & hair: always looking at your back/hair, might have a big back or a sexy one, looking good in backless dresses, always touching your hair, styling your hair often. voluminous, thick hair. if your hair doesn’t look good you feel ugly or like you’re not looking your best.
mars (aries)/head & face: always looking at your head/face, might focus on the eye area the most when doing your makeup or get complimented your eyes a lot, you might not like your head shape and try to hide it with hats and stuff or you feel like you have a nice head shape/face that suits any hairstyle.
if your chart ruler or dominant planets are in retrograde or heavily afflicted it can make you feel insecure about those body parts and you may have issues with them. like with neptune/pisces you can have foot pain or ingrown toenails and your shoes might rip or get ruined often.
❤︎ venus 6th: you really worry about the health of your loved ones. if it’s cold out you’re quick to tell them to put warm clothes on, reminding them to grab their gloves and scarf. if they’re sick, it makes you unhappy. you wish you could heal them. you’ll do what you can to help them feel better. looking up remedies, making tea, soup, praying for them, giving them recommendations (try this, try that). trying to think of what could have made them sick. you could be overbearing in this area although you mean well. if your loved ones ignore your advice and efforts to help it can make you a bit annoyed and feel rejected.
❤︎ 1° moon/mars or aries moon/mars: wanting to throw things or hit something/someone when really upset.
❤︎ having a heavily afflicted mars, mars in retrograde, detriment, or fall: finding it hard to get things done. can be passive, lazy, a procrastinator. there’s always an obstacle. relying on others/lack of independence. always asking someone for help or to do something for you. you may feel incompetent. a lack of motivation.
the house it’s in can show what kind of people or things you depend on and where you feel like you’re lacking power/control.
in the 1st- your confidence, yourself in general
in the 7th- your lover/love life, business partners, enemies
in the 2nd- your finances, self-worth, possession/materialistic items
in the 4th- your family, mom/motherhood
in the 11th- your friends, community
in the 6th- your coworkers, pet, routine
in the 12th- escapism (drugs/liquor, day dreaming), your spirituality (your god, hope, fate, tools like crystals)
for example, cancer mars. mars is about destruction, cancer is about nurturing. mars is in fall in cancer. mars can be impulsive, cancer is intuitive. they clash and weaken some of the strengths of both cancer and mars. it can be difficult for this person to be independent, especially with cancer already being a clingy/emotionally attached sign. can give up on themselves easily, it’s easier for you to do things for others instead of yourself. in the 7th house your partner may be someone you depend on a lot or who is always helping you/doing something for you. can feel like you don't know what you'd do without them because of this. if you have enemies or conflict with someone it can be difficult to stand up for yourself or fight back.
❤︎ pisces: they have a vivid imagination. frequent dreamers. can rely on escapism, but may also do drugs/drink for fun and not because they're addicted. day dreams for fun too, reality is boring. considering all this, they might wonder if something really happened or if it was just a dream. experiencing deja vu. could also have existential crises often. being a source of inspiration to others, a muse. but also finding inspiration with ease, even in the little things. put this in the 9th house and they might be extra intuitive and frequently see signs like repeating numbers, words, symbols, and prophetic/spiritual dreams, which all leads to them searching for the meaning of those things.
❤︎ taurus mars: might like to dance as a form of exercise.
if you read this until the end I hope you enjoyed it & thank you so much for reading. ♥︎♥︎♥︎, those hearts are for you. 
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ssahotchnerr · 1 year
i’m in italy atm and all i can think about is going on holiday with aaron (with an age gap obvs), and him being full holiday mode😭
and wearing the HOTTEST outfits, like the tight polos, khaki shorts, button ups omg
but also being so caring and fun, and finally letting himself relax, your honour i love him🩷💖💞
omg i'm so jealous of you and PLEASE aaron in vacation mode is one of my all time favorite things 🤭 not me having a pinterest board with this aesthetic 🫣
no because no one needs a vacation more than him 😣 SO when you first mentioned it, he was a bit hesitant - like can he make it work due to his schedule, will he be able to take time off, etc - but he has more than enough vacation time piled up, and he wants needs to spend undivided time with you, so before you know it the two of you are booking a hotel and those buying plane tickets <3333
and the lead up too!!!!! the days up until you leave, he's sending you texts throughout the work day, things like "these consults driving me insane, can't wait until it's just you and me" "so excited to get away with you sweetheart" or he's texting you links of things to do while you the two of you are there - tourist places, maybe a wine tour, boat tours, maybe a beach or two. he's just so excited for that much needed break he's too stubborn to give himself, and most importantly he's excited to just be with you <3 🥰
and buying aaron clothes for him to wear 🤭 like of course you know what he looks the sexiest in, and of course he wants to please you hehe 🤭 so he doesn't argue against those tight polos showing off that strong torso of his, a tight button-up and almost looks like it's going to pop - again just exhibiting that hot dad bod and showing off his muscles in alllllll the right places <333333 🤤🤤🤤 and the shorts!!!!!!! the man has a hot pair of calves that he doesn't nearly show off enough thanks to the dress slacks he always wears - so those need to come out to play too
anddd he definitely does shopping of his own for you too 🤭 things for you to wear out and in the bedroom hehe 🥰😵‍💫
and it takes the two of you foreverrrrr to get ready in the morning, or to get ready for dinner, to go out, because either one of you just pounces the other because of how good they look 😵‍💫 the second aaron put on one of those sexy polos, you were a goner. you put on such a pretty dress, and within moments aaron already has it on the floor hehe <3333
but UGH just throughout the days the two of you are there - his eye bags nearly disappear, the tension in his shoulders are long gone, he's smiling and laughing more 🥹 he's just sooo carefree and even a bit giddy <3 walking around your vacation spot, both your hands are joined and he's swinging them back an forth lightly, bringing your hand to his lips, and simply kissing you no matter where with no hesitation 🥹
going on a boat tour with him 🩷💓💞💞🩷 he's standing behind you as you're taking in all the sights, his arms are wrapped around your waist, and he keeps presses kisses to your neck and UGH he's so happy to be in such a beautiful place with someone who's even more beautiful <3333
and lounging on a beach together, just 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 shirtless aaron and the dilf sunglasses <333333 and aaron insists on putting multiple layers of sunscreen on you - he says it's due to the sun, but he just wants an excuse to touch you lmao <3333 and of course if he's putting more on you, you'll gladly return the favor 🤭 aaron still manages to get a lil burnt, which he is a bit grumpy over that night as the two of you get ready for dinner, but in your eyes he just looks so soooo pretty sunkissed, and then it develops into a tan 😮‍💨🤤 <333333333
and every day, you end it watching by the sunset together 💕💓🥰 accompanied with sooo many kisses and sweet words <333 like aaron thanking you for getting him away, and how much he loves you <3333
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there's so much utena discourse around certain aesthetic signatures of the show (in particular, scenes and shots like the sword pulls, the transformations and outfits, etc.) and, like, surface-level discussions over whether these things are "Actually Beautiful" or "Actually Bad."
and i totally get it, especially with regards to some scenes---like the ways in which people have taken the ending scene of episode 33 and turned into weird pastel-pretty aesthetic boards lmao----but i do feel like a lot of the discussion is over-simplistic, and disconnected from the actual framing and themes of the series
utena and anthy's world is full of beauty. it is also full of horror and pain. there is often no clear delineation between the two, and we are forced (quite generously!) to recognize both sides of this.
the sword pulls oftentimes carry feelings of manipulation, hurt, subservience. anthy summoning the sword drives in the repetitive, obedient actions she is forced to repeat time and time again for others as the rose bride. in the black rose arc, they're violent and terrifying. in the third arc, they're stand-ins of the dysfunctions the characters have with the person drawing them, the ways in which their emotions are being twisted and ignored.
and yet! they're beautiful.
they're incredibly intimate moments, in which the two characters---who, generally speaking, are either emotionally or physically estranged from one another---cradle or hold one another, pull out a culmination of that person's essence, as a heavenly light frames the two of them together. the first time anthy does it to utena, it is out of genuine fear for her, her voice quivering with fear as she tries to do anything to help her! it's love! it's an act of beautiful love!
when pressed on how it felt to have their sword drawn, the duelists are flustered---they can't say it was just painful, because it was more than just painful. the screams of the black rose arc turn into something more quiet, ethereal, pretty---and yet still uneasy, unsettling.
a similar conversation can be had about utena and anthy's outfits. they're symbols of their roles as duelist and rose bride, and for anthy in particular it's an outfit emblematic of her status as a static, never-moving prize to be won. the outfits are as ugly as the entire dueling system, and yet---while recognizing this---the show doesn't stray away from associating the dress and the duels with delightful, beautiful imagery. the rose imagery in general is very beautiful and striking, even at some of the more dark moments!
there is an aesthetically pleasing contrast between anthy's dress and utena's uniform---one that goes back ages in terms of our understandings of gender and social status. why is that beauty there? well, for a lot of reasons! one is definitely making us question what we think of as beautiful, particularly in the contexts of gender roles and society (why did we have that gut impulse to see anthy in that dress as beautiful to begin with?) but, for the sake of this post, i think the most satisfying answer is because horror and beauty are usually intertwined in our actual lives.
so much of the show is dedicated to both finding beauty in horrifying situations and seeing how beautiful things are oftentimes pretty horrifying. anthy and utena's relationship is beautiful, but grows out of abuse, sexism, queerphobia, and hurt.
when utena and anthy dance in front of everyone at the ball, how do we interpret that? well, our first instinct is as a beautiful scene of budding love and care between the two of them; our second instinct (especially after watching the show) is that it's another example of the way in which they've both been boxed into these roles of prince and bride---and all as hundreds of eyes are staring at them. when does the line between gender as choice and performance begin, and when does it become oppressive gender roles? when does anthy's performance as the meek rose bride become her real self? when do the two's relationship become loving, and when do they stop hurting each other? when do the ugly things at ohtori become beautiful, and when do all of the beautiful things become ugly?
and there's not really one point, always, although sometimes there are---and sometimes there's multiple points, and sometimes there was no transformation at all, and sometimes things never stopped oscillating between good and bad, ugly and beautiful, scary and hopeful.
and like, even beyond the really radical ways this impacts the queer and feminist readings of the show, i just think that's also very nice. so much of utena is built on recognizing the beauty in the world. the main characters live in a shitty world while leading shitty lives. and they find beauty in it still.
(i will here also add here at the end that when the show wants to make a very clear definitive statement on one of its aesthetics being basically entirely bad with no beauty behind it, it's very frank in its framing. see: any shot with utena in a dress or her girl's uniform)
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emidealia · 2 years
☆ timeless what's AWAITING YOU next month ☆
Hey lovelies! Bienvenue! This is a PICK A CARD tarot reading is about what you need to hear about your upcoming month, starting pretty much from where you are right now. Choose a picture from the top 1, 2 or from the bottom 3, 4. Be kind and take with you only what applies. Take a deep breath ...and enjoy!:)
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pile 1
Nurture your Goddess energy
Main thing you’ll focus this month is bringing back rosy feeling(fresh, sweet, gorg). You have a tendency to not feel like a boss a— bitch and this is rooted in trauma from home/finances and results in lack of trust, confidence in yourself. Perhaps not feeling “clean” or not having a romantic lifestyle like others around you and on internet. It is affecting how you express your mind, the way you present yourself etc. Because you don’t really believe in yourself you treat yourself as such. The way back from this is from outward actions too. This month you’ll start prioritizing having a put together bedroom, aesthetically pleasing desk and thought-out hairstyles, makeup and outfits. Healing feminine energy will be truly empowering for you. Look into that! When you act confident you start gaining back your power, truly believing and feeling worthy and divine.
Don’t deny it, there’s a lot you could do in your situation. There’s absolutely no point in sitting in your despair, hoarding sadness, feeling pathetic. Literally no one else cares, no one will come feeling sorry for you and no one but yourself can save you. Be known for having built yourself up or are you envisioning yourself in the same pile of pity years from now, only more bitter? If you can change it, stop whining and change. If you can’t, then there’s no point in whining either, it’s out of your control. But be honest.
Back to what you can do. What is it that creates a spark in you? Even the smallest of desires to get yourself together. For example late at night on pinterest or the right tiktok hitting the spot, maybe the right friend or seeing what your interests can accomplish. Journaling, vision boards, meditating, working out, waking up early, podcasts. Gather everything that sparks the motivation to start something, change sth about yourself, chase your dreams and such. Use these things to your advantage, learn what helps your mind to stay focused, body to stay healthy. Learning about the way you can motivate yourself with your actions, you’ll trick your brain into being more confident as the brain changes everyday according to your surroundings. I do recommend notion for putting down your plan to renew yourself, music, habits, dreams, routines etc. This month you’ll be in your element and succeed babe. Love the process, love yourself, you are so goddamn worthy of living as you desire. You are divine as fuck, you lack nothing!
pile 2
A long period came to an end. School term, finals, relationship, friendship, lease on sth or a project? Even though it’s over, rather than being grateful, glad, you visit the situation and feel a bit guilty, uncertain, could you have changed the outcome, said/done it better or been more present? Yeah, no, stop, it’s useless. Maybe you could have, how about that? Nothing to do about it anyways. Find peace for yourself human! You are in the now, it is certain that storm is over and be glad.
MOVING ON. Too much overthinking, man, this time about the future. You are tiring your mind, so much is going on, like the 13 open tabs and there’s music, screaming, a random question about lemurs and existensialism video essays. A lot of escapism, wishing someone would make the decisions for you or being far away from here, doing nothing. No no no. You can’t give away your oppurtunities and potential, you’ll learn a lot from this. You are destined for greatness. I’ll be honest this month there are a few days of feeling shitty but it’s in your control and nothing you couldn’t deal with. Also nothing you haven’t done before so this may be a reoccurring lesson. Main question is, how tf to sustain yourself? In healthy-ish coping mechanisms please. Learn to find something stable in your life that doesn’t fall apart if everything else does.
Main focus this month is about concious progress, intentional advancements. Things will get better, you’ll keep pushing forward, along with much success and enjoyment. You can shape your career, hobbies, plans in according to your own timetable, if you make the needed choices. In this upcoming period you need to be grounded and ready to jump at oppurtunities. You are ambitious, career-driven, but a step back does not kill you. It’s actually essential to sustain yourself. Your brain is a resource, for too long you have used it only for work, being in survival mode, resulting in feeling drained out of power.
I know how hard it is, but take a break, several breaks, a vacation even. Learn to do nothing more than just exist for once. Loving yourself for you, not just for your work validation. That’s also something you should tak einto consideration this month. Separating yourself from performance statistics in your job. If you give it so much control it can really eat you up and destroy you. But you are more than that, am I right? I bloody am, you are an amazing person. Reconnect with yourself, with more humanity. Get rid of the need to be perfect. You really don't need to. Truly okay if you couldn't do your best, or just didn't. It's okay.
Being mentally ready, feeling present and being truly glad to wake up to experience the world is pretty awesome. You’ll be ready for anything then. Love you for you!!! Kisses and hugs, muah :)
pile 3
Right away, when starting this pile I was full of the feeling YOLO, let’s do it :D. Spring is coming. Oh the cards made me smile right away. Attracting like a rose, receiveing abundance, you have a right to your joy. Screamiiiiing in joy. I’m obsessed. You have noticed how easily you manifest, right? The little things just flow to you. This is your time: vision boards, letters, writing down your wishes, affirmations, being grateful. You’ll receive everything you manifest right now.
Fall into the mystery, when you receive oppurtunities take them. Your manifestations come in different forms, what you might gain may be hidden but you will receive what you desire for sure. If an offer sparks feelings in you, the ,,what if ;)” type. DO IT! It’s your soul calling. If you want to advance creativity, learn new skills or gain a little money, you might do it in a different way you anticipated. I sense some workshops or little jobs, it might not be exactly what you thought about when manifesting but it’s like such a cute opportunity to also take some time off. It will be easy and safe to you, in a good way. Your boss or the manager and colleagues will be such great people, you’ll gain so many connections. I hear some teamwork is in order. I feel you will be receiving abundance in the form of what your inner child loved to do. You’ll be connecting to that forgotten side of yourself. I think you are aware of the hobby, but forgotten the potential of it, the joys it can bring you. This can turn out to be first of all an amazing way to connect to yourself, but also a way to gain mental well-being and little side cash. It will offer emotional and physical things, like the joy of creating art and having paintings in your home or selling prints on internet.
I just need to put this out there that it will be something you can connect over with your future significant other too. This shared joy for a hobby is truly pure, healing and sweet. You may even meet through this. Yep they are amazing, but don’t take your focus on romantic validation, you know better. There’s this beautiful saying. If you spend your time chasing butterflies, they'll fly away. If you spend your time making a beautiful garden the butterflies will come to you. And if they don't come, then you still have the beautiful garden.
pile 4
I started the reading with bits of confusion and come clumsiness but in a free nonjudgemental chill way if that makes sense? Pfft oops:D anyways … You are the essence of confidence, self acceptance, at least you are perceived that way. You know your needs, you don’t resist when you need a break, you ask and you receive. Great standards, others must accept you like u do. Just like it should be. I am enchanted by your energy and I’m not the only one. This month you’ll keep on shining like you are, taking it to another level. Others will be greatly motivated by your ability to be in total control of your life, caring for your wishes and needs with trust. Main focus this month is advancing your everyday things: style may be the most prominent, also smaller things like a new type of go-to food or coffee you swear by. You’ll have great luck in finding new items for your wardrobe and new ingredients for recipes. So saying yes to going thrifting or buying mysterious exciting things will be rewarding.
Traveling to a neighboring city or country most likely alone. A great refreshment for you. I see you safely wandering in the evening, finding cool bars, cafes, museums, talking and hanging out with strangers but essentially making new friends and learning about people. This is something that really interests you, finding out about different subjects, talking to strangers, learning about different opinions and world views. At the same time, you will also develop your own hobby, photography or filmmaking, writing or doing remote work.
So to sum up, this month is about great curiosity, travelling, charming, communication with new people, developing your style and pursuing a hobby. Life is a grand adventure!
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autumngremlin · 16 days
Medias I've used the most with my shifting journey (in a /pos way):
Tiktok: Accounts that have script templates is a MASSIVE timesaver if you don't know what reality you want to shift to (plus you can just delete stuff you dont wanna use) or too lazy to make your own. I've seen a variety between popular scripts to lesser known ones and even completely blank ones with just themes! I've also discovered GoodNotes through shifttok (which does have a paid subscription if you want to do more than 3 scripts, but if you like to have a digital bullet journal/scrapbook feel, it wouldn't hurt to try out/pos) along with how other people script which was interesting to me! The biggest puller for me personally is the art people make for/of their DRs as someone that does it themselves (and it gives me an excuse to gush over the person's art as a whole!)
Tumblr: Before I got back into shifting, I used to thread through the various tags for pngs/icons, banners and headers for my grimoire and my digital planner for college (and admire art and aesthetic stuff, along with info for said grimoire but that's unrelated). I even had to start a sideblog so I dont lose track of stuff I wanna use eventually. Tumblr also allows me to stay connected to my DRs by indulging in fics, fanart, headcanons, and other things that could trigger inspiration for a scenario (or an unintended memory/blip)
Amino: Yeahh I know it's not a lotta people's cup of tea. It takes some digging around to find some potentially useful stuff and if the community has a masterlist for it, there's divination shops/teams and free pick-a-pile readings! Some even submit script templates that you can copy+paste. I kinda just lurk around, do the daily check-in and keep track of angel numbers I've seen the day before for my spiritual journey but thats just me being me lmao
Pinterest: My other visual savior for scripting! I almost have a board for every reality I have a script for visualizing and refs for when I want to connect through making art. I know I can just download the images and add them to my actual script, but finding the stuff as is is enough work for me and I don't wanna spend more time scripting than I actually need to (and it makes sense for my adhd brain)
Notion: What I originally used for academics now houses a digital grimoire and a script hub. I don't remember what pulled me in to using it since I first started in 2019. I just became more obsessed the more I found out about how people set theirs up and make the layout as minimalist or maximalist as they wanted. I will say there are some limitations between using Notion on a phone vs. a computer or tablet along with the occasional hiccup, but overall it works effectively for me that makes it organized and pleasing to the eye
Etsy: Yep.. a place to shop. I used to splurge a ton on readings on there early in my journey (I still do every now and then now that I found some personal favorite shops) but you can also connect to your DRs without it being specifically shifting-related, like candles or wax melts— even a pin or keychain that reminds you of it somehow.
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guro-rusame · 30 days
Menhera fashion, aesthetic, and lifestyle.
Menhera is a Japanese term short for Mental Healther and it hails from the Japanese image board 2channel. Because of the intense stigma around mental illness in Japan, users came together on this board to share their experiences, support one another, and vent.
Over time, menhera as an aesthetic and fashion was born. Menhera outfits are usually made up of oversized illness theme print shirts, skirts or shorts, OTKs or thigh highs, and comfortable, flat shoes. Hair is typically kept in easy to maintain styles such as just down or in twin tails. Menhera wear minimal makeup, typically just byoujaku (red tint under the eyes to make the person appear sick).
Menhera themes and accessories can include pills, hospital motifs, simulated self harm, razors, and nooses. Many menhera print shirts have phrases on them such as "sick" or "suicide."
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Some examples of menhera coords:
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Thought heavily female-dominated, menhera fashion is not exclusive to women.
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Menhera has two distinct mascots, both confusingly named Menhera-chan.
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Menhera-chan 1 was the first iteration of a menhera mascot. She is a character in a manga that primarily revolves around her relationship with her boyfriend and she exhibits BPD-like symptoms.
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Menhera-chan 2 came later but quickly took the spot as the most popular menhera mascot. She is from a magical girl series where young girls transform by slitting their wrists.
Menhera as an aesthetic and lifestyle is meant to empower mentally ill people, showing to them and others that "even though I'm sick, I can still be cute." It's meant to normalize mental health issues in Japan and give mentally ill people a sense of belonging.
Detractors of menhera claim its "romantasizing" mental illness by making it into an aesthetic. People who take part in menhera disagree, and claim that adopting the mentality and fashion has helped them stay stable and even try to recover.
Please do not refer to menhera as "menhera-kei." Menhera-kei basically turns it into a slur like psycho (I don't understand Japanese so I can't explain why exactly that is but it's what I've heard from people more educated on this style than I am).
Menhera and jirai-kei are distinct styles with very different backgrounds and goals. Please do not conflate the two. Menhera is about self acceptance and recovery. Jirai-kei is not.
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chiptrillino · 1 year
How the hell do you find every accurate representative culture fashion for the avatar gang? Like it pains me the hell how people this good and hardworking can find these gorgeous cultural clothes and accessories and draw them so well and detailed like you- TELL ME YOUR SECRETS (Please)
idk about accurate. at the end it is still a fantasy world inspired by real life cultures contrasting or soothed out to fit a charakter personality and traits. listen if i spot an option to have a older fire lord zuko with his titts chest out i will go for it and nothing can stop me not even accuracy i say this as if i didn't already do it in private with seethrough material hahah
there is not much secrets behind it though, sorry its research, fact checking. often even the most random things. at least that is my method. you go to google and type in what you need and would like to know. read the wikipedia article for some general understanding on the topic but them go to the source part and check these out. or like double check these. if reading is not your thing there are lots of dedicated youtubers or ticktockers that love to share and explain parts of their culture or tradtions (clothing included. depends on what you research.) contemporary to that or after that you build up your visual library by collecting images on pinterest, or google or websites covering the topic you are researching. make your own folders or pin boards.
an amazing blog for atla real life culture sources is of course or beloved: @atlaculture blog!
https://www.tumblr.com/atlaculture who recently began to dedicate some post in flashing out more water tribe and air normad cusine, also instruments. its a delight to read through.
of course you have an easier time with some research than with other. some things are clear others a contradicting some are barley documented. it is also necessary to have an occasional reality check. like reread your sources see if there is something new. replace what you misunderstood before. don't always go for what looks pretty and aesthetically good to you. there is a reason why things looked like they did. was it the material, was it protection, was it culture.
a part looking at contemporary photography i personally preffere to look at how people liked to depict themself at that time. Statues, wall painting, illustration, old fotos from that time and compare them to current pictures to see how they used to stylize this element or to see what was essential to them. thats probably my old art-history phase flaring up again though hahah. at the end it is also how you Interpret and headcanon the atla world for yourself. before i were able to redesign jet i had to figure out how i want to draw fire nation armor. because to me jet repuporses a lot of the armor from the enemy. a shin guard will be used as an arm protection. the red shirt he wears is fire nation, a shoulder guard that fits will just be used as it is. i just assume that FN armor is better in being fire resistent than earth kingdoms ones.
but fire nation armor is a chellenge on its own again. because is it tang dynasty? is it song? but the collar protector is a typical thai armor element. how do i combine that? is there a history behind it?
speaking about armor what would be the southern water tribe one? if it is lamellar ivory armor, how and why does it look so different by season 3 at the day of the black sun? did the southern water fleet separated form their home begin to adopt EK styles. switching out kuspuk and parkas in for sleeveless wrap shirts and armor with inside plating like they have in ba sing se? because that what was aviable to them?
(appart everything the talk of armor is in general really curious because... what do you wear when you go in to fight against fire??? in the poles you can argure that it is not a concern. if you burn you roll in the snow but in the EK... hm.. they dont have fancy heat resistand clothing like fire fighters have now.... armor is ment to cushion off impact and or slicing. our standard armors conzept can work well against earth-, water- and air bending (to some degree) but fire burns what do you idealy do against that? leather helps to some degree)
while the southern water tribe is clearly circumpolar people inspired (although lacking lots of world-building which you can kind of excusing it with... the war destroyed everything but also... uh.... its a nearly 20 year old show.... ) the northern water tribe shows korean or even mongolian elements. so what do you want to focus on? i personally like to make things connect because these characters live in one world togheter and trade and exchange happens. (yes even during a 100 year war or at least there had to have been a time of influence and the lack of exchange froze(*snorts*) this culture in time) you know... migration? and transition of style and life through out history.
maybe i overthink things to much for just drawing some clothes... -srugs-
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paintedbutton · 1 year
Writeblr Introduction
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Hi there! I’m Susanne (she/her), 30+. I work in a library and enjoy being outside, single player video games, and also putting my silly little thoughts on paper, so to speak. I’ve been writing in some form or other since I was a kid, although I’ve never shared much of my original writing online. A lot of fanfic stuff, though. You can still find it if you know where to look. I want to share my original stories as well at some point in the future. No publishing aspirations as this is all for fun.
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I’m mainly an enjoyer of fantasy and romance, with a dash of queerness on top. But I’m interested in pretty much anything. I’m one hell of a sucker for friends to lovers as well as a good heaping of building yourself a home where you least expect it. Me and YA have a ... complicated relationship.
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So, if you wanna be friends or just want a new follower, please interact with this post! I’ll be sure to check out your blog! I’m always open to asks and tag games, as well as just talking, so please don’t be shy. I’m not the best at interacting first, but I’m happy to jump in!
My blog is a bit of a mix of everything but all tagged for your blacklisting pleasure. For writing stuff, you can look out for #writing, #writing inspo, and the project tags for my own stuff.
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Find some of my writings and wips under the cut:
- Worthy of a King -
A low fantasy romance featuring a prince who is more responsible than people give him credit for, the captain of his knights, whose main job is overindulging said prince and a whole heap of yearning. Stay for jousting, discussions on the future of a kingdom, suppressed jealousy and probably too much mead.
Status: Complete
WIP Intro I Tag I Pinterest Board I Read it on Ao3
- Shanghaied in Portsmouth -
A silly little pirate comedy following the adventures of a hapless warehouse worker forcibly turned sailor, the ship cook that seduced him under false pretenses, and the lovable crew of a vaguely okay pirate ship.
Status: Planning
WIP Intro I Tag I Pinterest Board
- Project Purple -
A cozy mystery set in a fictional lakeside town hidden in strange glowing fog. There’s witches, ghosts, an immortal cat, a house with a mind of its own, and old friendships that bloom anew. Also supernatural murder. But that part’s not as important.
Status: Plotted out, probably the next thing I’ll write
Tag I Pinterest Board
- Project Runaways -
Neonlit streets, seedy bars, shadowy corporations and and learning that you can’t stop someone else from loving you, even if you don’t love yourself. This has been my baby for ... way too long. It’s also currently iced because it doesn’t work on a fundamental level. Following a thief with no moral compass, the few people he actually likes, and the voice in his head.
Status: Development hell
Tag I Pinterest Board
- Project Lighthouse -
A lighthouse stands at the edge of the world, or at least the lighthouse keeper’s world. There’s nothing but the cliffs and the sea. Loneliness is repentance. Until he finds a woman on the shore after a storm, naked and barely alive. Featuring mystical creatures, some good old Victorian aesthetics, and my deep and abiding love for the baltic sea.
Status: An inkling in my head
Tag I Pinterest Board
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everlasting-rainfall · 5 months
Hi I read your ocs and I find them interesting , if you have pictures of them I would love to see them , also idk if you call this a request but in the pages keep turning so how would Yandere Koby work ? I’m curious :)
Hey, I’m so very glad that you find them interesting! I’ve been making quite a few more since that post like I’m unsure of how many there are now in all honesty…
I am actually working on some aesthetic boards for them however which will feature their appearances, I only have four done at the time of writing this…
But I’ll probably post them once o have a good few more done! Don’t quote me on that though…
Anyways before I start rambling! Let’s get into your request, darling!
Also in advance, this probably isn’t my best work so please be prepared
Delusions, Overly Obsessed Fans, Death of a Fictional Character from a Book, Stalking, Implied Murder (?), More than Likely Out of Characterness
So honestly I can personally imagine that how Koby would have gotten into your book series is that Helmeppo got him into the series as romance novels seem right up his alley so it was like they had absolutely nothing to do one day and Koby was bored
In comes Helmeppo having bought the newest book in the series to read, Koby took an interest because it’s something else to do other than sit around and wait for something to happen
Proceed to Helmeppo info dumping about the entire series when Koby asks only for him to stop the blond and request to borrow the books so he could read them
Helmeppo handed them over almost immediately as he was excited to get someone else into this series with him and Koby started his journey through the books
In all honesty, he was a little off put by the fact that one of the main love interests starts off the book series by aiding another pirate crew in burning down the MC’s hometown but he keeps reading until the Marine love interest is introduced
And almost immediately his interest is peaked as the chemistry that these two have together is so captivating to the point where he’s rooting for the two of them to get together
Like he imagines every little moment so vividly in his head like did the Marine catch the MC as she was about to fall only for them to end up in a somewhat romantic looking position? Koby imagines every little single detail about the scene even down to exactly how the sun is shining
Honestly as well, I wouldn’t be too surprised if he started talking about it in depth with Helmeppo for as long as they could when there’s nothing to be done like the two of them are obsessed with this series
Helmeppo more in a “God, I love this series” sort of sense and although Koby is starting off the same way, that will change very soon…
As when Koby is rereading one of the books to pass the time one day, he finds himself imagining something… He starts to imagine himself as the Marine Love Interest
He imagines himself getting in the face of the Pirate Love Interest and telling him off for his mistreatment of the MC, he imagines himself swooping in and protecting the MC from danger in any way that he has to, he even imagines himself in the romantic scenes
Honestly Koby tries to ignore these thoughts at first and just read as clearly the Marine Love Interest isn’t him until Helmeppo tells him something that makes his heart skip a beat
“Hey, Koby! The author had some art done for the books and check it out! Captain Starfish reminds me so much of you!”
So Koby looks and you would think that he just saw himself on the cover of the book as the Marine Love Interest is a somewhat skinny man with pink hair and glasses
It’s after this that he convinces himself that it must be completely fine for him to imagine himself in the role of the Marine Love Interest considering that he looks just like him in his own personal opinion
And as he reads the books as they come out, Koby finds himself falling in love with the MC… They’re so sweet and caring, that scene where they patched up the Marine after he protected them as well was wonderful
Koby has even had a few dreams where he would meet the MC in real life and the two of them would be able to be together and be happy as he would protect them from anything that dared to try and hurt them alongside treat them exactly how they deserved to be treated
In the end though, the MC isn’t real so he just has to keep those fantasies to himself…
But as he reads through the last book in the series, he finds that the Marine has to leave resulting in the MC being in the care of the Pirate Love Interest as it’s a dangerous time right now with a lot of dangerous pirates running about
He’s disappointed by this but it’s fine, he’s sure that the Marine Love Interest will come back soon but nope… He keeps reading and the main focus of this book appears to be the Pirate Love Interest…
No matter though, it’s the last book of the series and he’s absolutely sure that the Marine Love Interest will return and the MC and him will wind up together in a loving relationship. He’s absolutely sure of it especially with the moments where the MC waits impatiently for any contact from the Marine
Until… Something happens that makes his heart sink down to the pits of his stomach during the big fight scene on the high seas where the Pirate and Marine join forces with their respective groups to finally bring down the villain…
Koby finds this all so weird at first as there’s so much of the book left, surely the rest couldn’t just be an epilogue… But you would think that this man just saw someone kill his dog when he reads…
All of sudden, a scream rang out in the air followed by booms so loud they could take your hearing away… Cannonballs zipped through the air and crashed directly into Captain Starfish’s Boat…
The resulting explosions lit up the night and the boat quickly caught fire… It was something straight out of a nightmare as the once proud Captain alongside his group sunk into the dark stormy depths on the once great ship known as the Reef Rider
Koby almost in a panic reread that part and over again until he had to just put the book down for a minute to process what had just happened
The Marine Love Interest just died… That couldn’t have just happened, could it? But when he read it again, he found himself sucking air in through his teeth like he had just been cut
The character that he had come to envision as himself had just died during the final battle with the enemy… After that, Koby had to put the book down for a few days and continue it later as he tried to distract himself and focus on his work as a Marine but the visuals wouldn’t leave his head
Eventually when Helmeppo finished reading the story, he reluctantly asked what happened only to be told that the MC got with the Pirate Love Interest after he helped her grieve
This was such bullshit! And Helmeppo agreed! Why would they wind up together when the Pirate Love Interest was first introduced having aided in burning the MC’s hometown to the ground? That was awful!
After that, Helmeppo moved onto a different romance novel series but Koby stayed fixated on this ending… That had to be one of the worst things that he has ever heard in his entire life… How could the author have possibly written something like that?
Clearly the Marine and the MC were made for each other! They had perfect chemistry and he could envision the two of them staying together for the rest of their lives!
Koby tried to move on from the series just like Helmeppo had done but no matter what he did, no other book really grabbed him like the one that you had written
So Koby wound up dropping romance novels much to Helmeppo’s disappointment, the pink haired marine would occasionally go back to the other books in the series and reread all of his favorite scenes
It was so hard to believe that all of these pretty much meant nothing now that the MC had wound up with the Pirate and the Marine was at the bottom of the ocean… Literally…
Why would you do this? How could you do this? He just didn’t understand…
Until he finally went back and reread the dreaded scene… He read it with a frown on his face and dread in his heart up until the scene where the Reef Rider finally goes down which is when he thinks of something…
He goes and reads every single little detail… All of the enemies boats weren’t close enough for an attack like that… They had a higher chance of all of their shots missing and landing in the water than all of them hitting and the Main Villain’s crew weren’t exactly known for their accuracy…
So who could it have been? Well… The only one who was close enough to have all of their shots hit like that was the Pirate Love Interests boat…
And now that he reads more… Isn’t it just so very convenient that almost all of the Marine Love Interests group went down in that fight while the Pirate’s group did have quite a few ships go down but not nearly as many as the Marines?
Very suspicious if you ask him… And he’s starting to see the whole picture…
The Pirate Love Interest couldn’t stand that the Marine was going to have the MC in the end and he did this to ensure that he couldn’t have them! It all made so much sense to Koby!
That Pirate was evil and the ending where the two of them stood together with him holding the MC? That was no happy ending… That was the bad end where the Pirate’s Jealousy for the Marine had won keeping the best pairing apart forever!
It all made sense to him and when he told Helmeppo all about it, you could practically see the gears turning in the blonds head as he listened to every single word that came out of his friends mouth until even he was convinced that was probably what happened
Koby had it all figured out so he decided to write his very own ending to the story, one where the Marine had survived the battle and revealed to everyone the disturbing deeds of the pirate causing one last fight between the two of them where the Marine would come out on top
Both he and Helmeppo absolutely loved it, they both decided right then and there that was it the canon ending to the story and reading what he had wrote
It felt so right… Something about it just felt so correct like he had lived this moment himself… Having defeated the Pirate Love Interest a long time ago and wound up with you
He honestly wished that he could show it to the actual author at some point as he was sure that the author would like it just as much as he did, it seemed like he would get that wish too as when he was on a small island for some Marine business
He found out that there was apparently a book signing event being hosted by the author, he desperately wanted to go so he could show you what he had written but of course he had Marine things to take care of so he finished them up as soon as he possibly could
He genuinely looked like he was speedrunning as he went about what he was doing but the second that he was done and had free time, he ran as fast as he possibly could to the book signing only to find that it was already over and closing up for the day
His heart sank and he was about to leave only to hear a voice…
“Oh sorry… You got here a little late, huh?”
He turned towards the source of the voice and almost gasped when he laid eyes upon you because not only was the author of the book standing directly behind him but you looked exactly like how he had envisioned the MC to look down to the smallest detail
It’s quite literally like you stepped out of the book just to be here with him and he found himself in a stunned silence as he stared at you causing you to give him an awkward smile and offer to sign his book for him
When he continued to not say anything, you waved your hand in front of his face and tried to get his attention only for him to finally snap out of his stunned silence and say that he didn’t bring his copy but he does have something for you to read
You took it and you looked it over, he wasn’t sure if you liked it or not but he was absolutely sure that you would! Clearly you were in love with him as he was starting to actually believe that he was the Marine Love Interest despite the fact that he has never been an Admiral
Once you were finished, you told him that it was a really nice alternate ending but that the Pirate wasn’t the one responsible for the destruction of the Reef Rider or the death of Captain Starfish as that was all the Main Villain’s fault that Captain Starfish had died
Koby couldn’t believe what he was hearing and when he tried to explain everything saying that it had to of been the Pirate, you claimed that it was just a mistake on your part as a writer that the Main Villain couldn’t have been able to make the shot
You wound up giving his alternate ending right back to him and telling him that it was well written but the Pirate wouldn’t shoot down Captain Starfish like that as the two had become friends before that point in the story
Koby was left standing there after that just watching you leave the building that had hosted your book signing, he couldn’t believe that you couldn’t see it like he could!
You were the MC after all as there was absolutely not a single doubt in his mind about that and you just chalked up what had happened to a mistake in your writing? No way, that couldn’t be the case!
Koby refused to accept this in all honesty so despite his better judgement, he started to follow you around as you went and saw you do so many things that honestly just made him more convinced you were the MC and made him fall in love with you more…
Like did you stop and help that lost child who got separated from their parents? That’s so caring of you, he’s sure that you’ll make a great parent to any kids that you have in the future! Plus it’s just like what you did for the kid in the book!
Did you buy those vegetables on your way home to prepare for dinner? You’re a good cook too which is great as he’s sure that you can make some beautiful things together! Plus it’s just like how you made that vegetable soup for him when he was injured!
You were perfect and watching you go about your day absolutely proved it for him… You were lovely… Why couldn’t you see what he saw?
And he believed that he soon found his answer as he saw you meet up with someone, a man who looked just a bit too much like the Pirate in Koby’s eyes
Ah… So that was the reason…
The Pirate was here and when he saw the two of you getting just a bit too friendly for his liking (probably not even romantic), Koby felt his blood boil a bit as he did know that not all pirates are evil but this one was surely one of the worst of the bunch
Koby understood now… The reason that you couldn’t see what he saw is because of the Pirate… Koby was sure that he was likely forcing you to write the story and that he was actually horrible to you behind the scenes
Don’t worry though… Koby is going to make everything all better as he’s already making plans to save you from that evil pirate…
He’ll take you far away from the Pirate and the two of you can be together just like you were always meant to be! It’ll be great!
And if the Pirate Love Interest tries to prevent it? Well if push comes to shove then Koby isn’t above getting some revenge for sending the Reef Rider to the bottom of the ocean…
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