#affordable women's clothing websites
mavshack1205 · 5 days
Find the Perfect Jeans for Your Body Shape
Fashion has evolved so much in the past few decades but one thing that remains constant is the trend and comfort of jeans. Jeans have been a symbol of fashion and comfort all together all these years, and the only thing changed is the diverse variety of jeans making them great options for every man and woman of all shapes and sizes. It is essential to invest in good quality and fit jeans as they are going to be your best buddies for a long time. In this blog, we will discuss a detailed guide to finding the perfect jeans for your body shape on an online shopping site in India.
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4 Golden Rules When Buying a New Pair of Jeans
1.      Take Your Time
It is essential to learn your style first when it comes to jeans and if your choice of style aligns with your body type. You can try several pairs and styles before investing first-hand in jeans. Taking time and knowing what fits you best and which style works best for your body will help you invest in a great pair of jeans that won’t go out of fashion for a long time.
2.      Get Your Measuring Tape Out
To know what size will be most suitable for you, measure your waist and length to buy the most perfect fit for your favorite pair of jeans. Particularly, if you are buying jeans from affordable women's clothing websites online, you need to measure your size to avoid any kind of inconvenience of return, replacement, or refund.
3.      Set a Budget
Jeans come in a vast range from INR 500 Rs to INR 50,000 and more. It entirely depends on the brand you are choosing for yourself. We suggest you set a budget before diving into the large pool of jeans available online. It is easy to find your style within your desired budget online because these websites have everything for everyone.
4.      Don’t Settle For “Good For Now” Jeans
As we discussed in the beginning, jeans are ever-green and we suggest you invest in the styles that are going to be here forever. Don’t ever settle for “good for now” or trendy kinds of jeans as they will soon become out of fashion and your money will be a waste. You can buy jeans from top online shopping sites for women's clothing in India.
Find the Perfect Fit of Your Jeans for the Best Look!
By following the tips above, you will be able to find the best jeans in a pool of vast designs and varieties that suit your body and style. We suggest you understand your style, size, fit, and budget before diving into the large world of online shopping and after considering and deciding each factor, you can buy jeans from the best online shopping sites for men's clothing in India. 
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feministdragon · 7 months
In light of the bullshit being put out by the UN Women organization, insisting that men should be legally recognized as women, let’s look at the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and see how many of these human rights women actually possess.
Of course it has to be acknowledged this list of human rights is fundamentally a list of ideals rather than the reality on the ground, and often even men in the world don’t possess every one of these rights.   However, i’d like to point out exactly how few of these rights women have.   
On a side note, the UN website takes pains to point out that if Hansa Mehta of India hadn’t spoken up they wouldn’t have even thought to put ‘all human beings’ instead of men.  They say this to celebrate Hansa Mehta and to pat themselves on the back about their inclusivity, but isn’t that honestly shameful?  That they had to be told to include women??? more than HALF of HUMANITY, in a UNIVERSAL declaration of human rights?   
Anyways, let's get into this.
Article 1 All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
So right out of the gate, in Article 1, we can see what women are stripped of: Women are not afforded equal dignity and rights, neither before the law or within culture, not in any country or place in the world.  
And then there’s this stupid ‘spirit of brotherhood’.  Yeah, ‘siblinghood’ sounds weird, but is there literally no other way to express the connections humanity owes each other than through male relationship?
Article 2 Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.
This is a fantasy for all human beings, but yes, at least we’re finally talking about all human beings.
Article 3 Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.
This is attainable by many men currently, but what woman in the world today has ‘security of person’?  What woman alive today does not live with the threat of rape?
Article 4 No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.
‘Unpaid labor’, or women’s constant, unacknowledged, unpaid labor in care of the men, children and elderly in their lives.  Is that not servitude, if not outright slavery?
Article 5 No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
How many women in the western ‘free’ world are anally raped and choked during sex on a regular basis, without their permission?  How many women are forced into degrading clothing and practices of appearance?  How many women are belittled and dehumanized on a daily basis, in conversation, media, religious practice, culture?
Article 6 Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law.
Article 7 All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination.
Barely, barely anywhere in the world do we have legal recognition of ourselves as human beings. Not even in the US is women’s humanity defended in the law. Women are not explicitly named as being human beings in the US legal code, but rather are only inferred to be a subset to men.
Article 8 Everyone has the right to an effective remedy by the competent national tribunals for acts violating the fundamental rights granted him by the constitution or by law.
‘Effective remedy and national tribunal’ against rape when?  ‘Effective remedy and national tribunal’ against porn (filmed violence upon women) and prostitution (paid violence upon women) when?   ‘Effective remedy and national tribunal’ against child marriage, FGM etc when?
Article 9 No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile.
Article 10 Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against him.
Article 11 1. Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defence. 2. No one shall be held guilty of any penal offence on account of any act or omission which did not constitute a penal offence, under national or international law, at the time when it was committed. Nor shall a heavier penalty be imposed than the one that was applicable at the time the penal offence was committed.
These are still effectively fantasy in many parts of the world, for both men and women. 
Article 12 No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.
This is troublesome in a world where men’s honor is dependent upon the socially compliant behaviour of his female relatives, but also when will we begin to defend women from attacks upon her honour and reputation?
Article 13 1. Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state. 2. Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.
In a world where some women cannot even leave their home, much less their own country without male guardianship, this is a farce.
Article 14 1. Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution. 2. This right may not be invoked in the case of prosecutions genuinely arising from non-political crimes or from acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.
Article 15 1. Everyone has the right to a nationality. 2. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change his nationality.
This is also unattainable for many men.
Article 16 1. Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution. 2. Marriage shall be entered into only with the free and full consent of the intending spouses. 3. The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the State.
1 and 2 obviously not attainable in much of the world.  But also, why in 3. is ‘family’ the natural and fundamental group unit of society, and not 'tribe'?  That is an ideological choice that enshrines the subservience of women to men, and strangely dissonant to the organization of our species in the 200,000 years of our existence.
Article 17 1. Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others. 2. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property.
Again, this is one of those laws that is on the books in my country and many other countries but is culturally ignored and actively worked around, to the detriment of women’s financial independence.
Article 18 Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.
Article 19 Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.
Article 20 1. Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association. 2. No one may be compelled to belong to an association.
Few women enjoy these luxuries, as they are expected to conform to their family’s and husband’s thoughts, beliefs, religion, ideology
Article 21 1. Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives. 2. Everyone has the right of equal access to public service in his country. 3. The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures.
Look at the low, low numbers of women participating in government around the globe, and then look me in the eye and tell me women have these rights in practice.
Article 22 Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security and is entitled to realization, through national effort and international co-operation and in accordance with the organization and resources of each State, of the economic, social and cultural rights indispensable for his dignity and the free development of his personality.
yup, pretty much nobody has these
Article 23 1. Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment. 2. Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work. 3. Everyone who works has the right to just and favourable remuneration ensuring for himself and his family an existence worthy of human dignity, and supplemented, if necessary, by other means of social protection. 4. Everyone has the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests.
Women recieving equal pay for equal work when?  
also ‘himself and his family’?    ahhhhh you guys forgot women are people again, didn’t you
Article 24 Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with pay.
Please see Article 4 above, also women’s 'rest and leisure' when?
Article 25 1. Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control. 2. Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection.
We’re far away from both of these.  But also why are these in the same article? 
Article 26 1. Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit. 2. Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace. 3. Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children.
We’re also far from the attainment of this one, but also, isn’t there some fundamental conflict between 3 and the others?   Parents often choose to invest in their sons and ignore their daughters, the UN is fine with this?  Parents can have the right to discriminate among their children?
Article 27 1. Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits. 2. Everyone has the right to the protection of the moral and material interests resulting from any scientific, literary or artistic production of which he is the author.
Womens’ contributions to science and culture fully acknowledged when?  Women’s entitlement to the fruits of their intellectual labor actually protected when?
Article 28 Everyone is entitled to a social and international order in which the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration can be fully realized.
Article 29 1. Everyone has duties to the community in which alone the free and full development of his personality is possible. 2. In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society. 3. These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.
Article 30 Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein.
Yeah, we’re also not here yet, but again, ‘his rights and freedoms’: you guys kinda forgot women are people here too.  
Yes, this document was written in 1948.  Yes, it’s hard to update the texts of documents like this without opening a whole can of worms.  Yes, even men aren't guaranteed a number of these rights. But this document clearly shows us where women’s rights are lacking, and UNWomen, you’ve got a whole lot of nerve to ignore your real tasks in favor of ‘empowering’ a group of men at the expense of what little rights and protections women even have.
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selkies-world · 2 months
Sign the petition to demand the creation of a new international law requiring fast-fashion garments to come with a statement of the human cost and environmental harm caused by their creation.
We all know fast fashion is bad for the planet - slave labor, environmental waste, air and water pollution, and unsustainable practices are just a few of the ways they impact our planet, our health and our lives. To date, the fast fashion industry is the 2nd largest consumer of water and is single-handedly responsible for 10% of global carbon emissions (that's more than all international flights and maritime shipping across a year combined). Even the simple act of washing these clothes releases 500,000 tons of microfibers into the ocean each year - that's equal to 50,000 plastic bottles. Fast-fashion is the 3rd leading cause of the climate crises we face, yet is rarely addressed.
Knowing these stats is one thing, and understanding them is important. Being aware of them is somewhat informative. But as long as we keep turning a blind eye to the issue, the stats are only going to get worse, and nothing will change for the better. Ignoring the issue or brushing it under the rug won't help anything. So what if we could see the real-world damage done by each of the garments we buy?
In the same way that cigarette packets have shown the harm their products do to our bodies ("SMOKING KILLS", lung cancer visualizations, etc.), what if fast fashion manufacturers & retailers had to show the harm their products do to our planet?
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[Image ID: A type-writer font has been used on a brown craft paper background. The text reads: "32 animals lost their habitat to the field where my crops were planted - 2 of those animals are already endangered species. 2,700 litres of water were used in my production. I was made in a sweatshop enslaving men and women aged 16 - 45, and children aged 6 - 14. I contain 0.22kg of carbon dioxide dye." End ID.]
This is a mock-up of a label / statement for a single T-shirt, with researched statistics and educated estimates for the information I couldn't find a calculated answer for.
Now imagine labels / statements like this for every single piece of clothing: how many toxic chemicals are in those new jeans? How many litres of water did that shirt take to make? How many animals were skinned to make those cute fur-trimmed boots? How many children made that jumper? How many people were forcibly removed from their homes, so production companies could plant crops to grow the materials used in clothes manufacturing? How many families were evicted for no reason other than corporate greed? How many trees were cut down? How many animals were displaced or killed?
Would you really want to buy those items of clothing if the answers to those questions were staring you in the face?
If this information was stated in clear, accessible ways on both the website and the ticket on the actual garment, this would dramatically reduce the number of people buying fast fashion items. It would also reduce the profits being made by fast fashion companies, and could lead to many of them being forced to choose between changing and becoming sustainable, eco-froendly and ethical brands, or shutting down due to being boycotted.
Who would really want to knowingly buy things that are made by slaves, or which cost a family their home, or which contributed to deforestation? Who would continue to buy fast fashion items knowing this is the damage caused by them, when sustainable alternatives are an option?
Whether it's second-hand fashion at affordable prices, or investing more money in sustainable products which were made with high ethical standards and which cost more money due to the fact their price accounts for the time it took a person to make that item... we can say for certain that sustainable shopping is going to become much more popular if people know how important that change is. Sustainable items last much longer than fast-fashion items, which by design are created to self-destruct, as they are made to be worn a few times and then discarded in order to be replaced by the next trend's items - and as trends speed up, these items become weaker and weaker. This then leads to people spending more money in order to keep up with the newest trends, and to keep replacing clothes they throw out after a few washes.
In contrast, buying sustainable items which are designed to last years means people won't have to spend money on new clothes every few weeks, which means they'll ultimately save money in the long term and actually be able to afford those pricier items which will last much, much longer.
Now, despite the amount of harm the fast-fashion industry causes to people and the environment, the last thing we should be doing is getting angry at those who continue to buy them. Being the target of anger doesn't make large populations change their behaviour - even a cursory look through history books will tell us that much. Neither does being the target of resentment or blame.
But guilt? Shame? Those are two of the most powerful emotions to magnify when you want change to happen in waves.
And frankly, if people feel ashamed of buying something, or if buying something makes them feel guilty... they're going to stop buying it.
Those aren't the only emotions that should be felt, though. Because only feeling guilt and shame leads to feeling hopeless, scared, anxious and depressed. And we don't want that. No matter how bad things get... we don't want that.
The only other emotions to provoke are hope and pride.
If there's no hope for the future, how can anyone be expected to imagine a better one?
You wouldn't think it, what with all the climate crises and disasters we experience around the world and the total lack of commitment made by billionaires, multimillion-dollar companies and corporations and politicians.
But it's true. Scientists in Scotland have discovered bacteria which eat plastic and speed up the decomposition of it. ‘Ecocide’ is now punishable by law. Some countries within the EU are already close to meeting their 2030 goals years ahead of schedule! Thanks to scientists and small, individual changes made on a massive scale by ordinary people who are making small adjustments to our everyday choices, we can and are healing most of the ozone layer before 2050. That is something we should all feel incredibly proud of.
So imagine how much we could speed that process up if more people made those changes. Imagine how much sooner we could heal our planet if billions of people made those changes, rather than millions. Imagine how much sooner we could be seeing the effects of a healthier planet if fast fashion companies were forced to choose between going green and transparent, or closing altogether due to a lack of interest from consumers. Imagine the changes we could create if corporations made massive changes in a short amount of time, in order to save their own profits.
Imagine more labels like this, sitting alongside each other on every single piece of fast fashion clothing. A statement like this beneath every item of clothing on fast fashion websites, which transparently states the harm done.
If every single fast-fashion company and store had to display this on their clothing, on their racks, on their websites, and if there were legal punishments for those who tried to evade or lie... fashion would turn a lot greener very quickly. We'd start seeing more and more labels with "I'm made from 6 plastic bottles! I used to be a newspaper! I had 0 pesticides used on me in my production! I only contain natural dye made from berries, beans and sustainably grown flowers. I was made from apple skins and corn! The people who made me get to go home to their families every night, have days off and the adults made £150.35 each in 1 week! The animal who made the wool for me is free-range and well-cared for! I came from a small family farm, and was created with a closed-loop water system!”
That'd be a much better civilisation to shop in, don't you agree?
That is hope for the future.
That is motivation, which can fuel ordinary people to do extraordinary things and create changes they thought were impossible.
If you want to be a part of creating this change, sign the Change.org petition which demands the the creation and implementation of an international law which will require all fast-fashion products to be displayed with a statement which states the harm done to people and the planet by that garment being made & shipped.
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drunktuesdays · 7 months
a list of things matt jackson could be doing on bte to appeal to tumblr if he was serious about it for legal reasons this is a joke and if anyone links it to him i will delete it so fast
do the coming out of the shower in a bath towel setup again but instead of panning up with a lingering shot of his feet (wrong website we're not feet fetishists??) instead have him stare into the camera with a smirk as he toys with the edge of the towel only for his face to drop and he says coldly "you don't deserve it," and walk away.
fail more at skateboarding tricks. absolutely wipe out. i want to see him fall on his ass nine-hundred times while attempting to stay on it for ten seconds. i want this segment to go on twice as long as the colt on the street segments
per @orange-catsidy, bounce on a trampoline while eating a popsicle
cradle the smallest possible baby in his powerful juicy arms. he should coo at it softly while saying something sweet about his kids growing up. after five minutes, the baby should spit up on him.
make more men backstage rub tanning spray on his bicep. make it a challenge, he flexes while the contestant has to keep rubbing it in while matt says things like, "you like that, don't you. you're into this, you freak. you missed a spot".
bring back the hair brushing segments. add in blow-drying and braiding. regular hair segments.
a regular segment where matt puts on a women's article of clothing a la the cracker barrel shirt, culiminating in a segment where he goes to put on his gear but it's britt/penelope/toni's tops. oopsies!
matt slowly takes off his shirt by crossing his hands at the hem and drawing the shirt slowly up over his head before saying "i'm a luxury few can afford"
force matt to play a game where someone names a important figure we all learned about in history class OR a current important figure who has been important in any field for the last 5-10 years. in either case, the person should be so well-known and significant that literally anyone off the street would be able to identify why that person is significant. every time matt gets one wrong, he gets a bucket of ice water dumped on his head. within 30 seconds of playing this game, he's wet and shivering and pathetic. he begs to be allowed to stop. brandon says, "matt, who are the wright brothers?" and matt says "weren't they in wcw????" and then gets iced again.
jump rope in form-hugging shorts again
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fatcowboys · 4 months
i rlly kinda need fat liberation or body positivity or whatever to be so so so So much better about includong masculine folks in their resources and conversations.
ive rarely been femme even before i knew i wasnt a woman so its not like ive really had a bountiful access to fat resources aimed towards femme folks but god damn i have felt my options shrink even smaller the less comfortable i am with femme aimed resources and how out of place my body seems within so many of those spaces and resources. ESPECIALLY ones that can accomodate my trans body, tits (that i don't hate! and don't foresee going anywhere anytime soon!) and all.
i know how few plus sized clothing brands there are (not even getting into affordable + ethically made etc etc) but if the ones that exist its an OVERWHELMINGLY femme aligned majority that i feel miserable wearing without a lot of extra styling and modification work. or the amount of masc clothes in stock at plus size resale stores vs femme clothes. or if i am looking for style inspiration or folks speaking about fat liberation finding fit insp for fat women is easy! but i have a much smaller pool of fat masculine folks (who i treasure dearly!) that ive found and return to their content regularly because its so valuable to me because its often hidden under content that, while important, has limited usefulness for me
i find this extra prevalent in body positivity spaces, where it often feels like resources and information is shared with the assumption that its been shared to other femme folks and women without specifying that is who its usefulness is aimed towards. what triggered this post right now (although its honestly always lurking around the corner, watch out if you have a single conversation with me about fat liberation) was a post about body positivity where someone shared a resource of a website where you can put in your height, weight, other info and see people who might look like you (and make it easier to appreciate their body where you find it difficult to appreciate your own). and i thought thats a cool resource! i dont get to see people who look like me, hardly ever! lets check it out!
unfortunately what wasnt included was that the subtitle for this site is "what real women look like" so while there wasn't any info stating identities of the people shown on the photos, of the few i clicked through they all were femme and while they looked great, i didnt see anyone who i felt looked like me to get what i hoped out of that site. this would have been fine if the person had posted it had stated its target audience up front, but this isnt the first time, and wont be the last time, that i got excited about a resource only to learn it actually has very little that applies to me.
if you are someone who shares content about fat liberation, PLEASE consider how much content and resources you share that can be utilized by your masculine followers as well - and at the very least, please don't state something as universally beneficially if its not. i understand why there is such a focus on this considering the history of beauty standards applied to femme folks (and more). however im unlearning those too and now also dealing with new ones as i transition that are far less talked about and i just ask we give some space for fat men, masculine people, butches and more to also create space to deal with these struggles within fat liberation spaces. especially especially especially for fellow folks larger than small fats because the need only grows.
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therealvinelle · 2 years
The Cullen fortune is gone overnight. The rest of the Cullens have to get jobs to support their lifestyle.
What jobs would you suggest for them to experience growth/be the best version of themselves? (minus Carlisle, for whom I'm pretty sure the answer is just doctor, unless you have other thoughts)
Alternatively, what jobs would they be objectively terrible at, but you find really funny to imagine them having just the world's worst day at work doing?
Oh this has got to be the best anon I've received all year.
Right then, the Cullens lose their money, we'll say the wealth-eating vampire Ivan (turned in 1929, this bolshevik is on a mission to create a communist utopia, and has the gift to go with: he has the power of liquidating all assets belonging to private persons and companies and giving it back to the state) set his eyes on them and it's history from there.
For the sake of simplicity, we'll say the year is 2008, they're all still living in Forks.
The Cullens could get by on Carlisle's paycheck, he makes enough to pay the bills and buy them something nice every now and then. It's stretched a bit thin, though, the Forks hospital can't afford as much as a hospital in a bigger city could and there are nine of them. He's got the bills and a shared family car (that he (wait for it) has to buy from Billy Black) covered and not much else.
They've got to get jobs.
Alice decides it's time to no longer do what she's good at for free: she's going to become a clothes designer and fashion consultant. With her skill she will take the fashion world by storm, with her family she has the glamorous models in the box already, and with her gift she'll have a failsafe ensuring no idea she has ever fails. She is already planning the Met gala outfits she'll outfit stars in.
The trouble is this: she has no brand and no clients. She's starting at rock bottom.
Never fear: she makes a battle plan for herself. She'll start small with a neat-looking website, promote herself as so exclusive that the reason you haven't heard of her is because she's that big a deal, and she'll attract clients with her amazing concept designs.
She gets Carlisle to invest in the hottest new thing: a stark white MacBook (Image below), gets Rosalie to program the website (Rosalie cries because the programming she knows is from studying astrophysics, she can give you an animation of a sphere's trajectory through a frictionless space if thrown at various speeds, she has no idea how to make a website. She ends up making Alice a blog at Wordpress. It has really nice HTML, though), now it's portfolio time.
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Portfolio time goes terribly: Carlisle won't let her publish photos of the family on the interwebz, and the making clothes part of the equation turns out to easier said than done because Alice wants quality merchandise, but quality fabrics are expensive. Carlisle offers to make her fabrics out of wool and hides from the animals they hunt, offering that it would be a rustic look, and she has a horrible feeling he's being serious.
(Alice is in the red)
We cut to how Emmett is doing.
Emmett was thinking he'd get work as a lumberjack, it would be fun and manly, but then Alice bought that computer which has a webcamera and he thought, why not become a fitness instructor? That could spell money.
He asks Carlisle if the computer is a family computer and not just Alice's, Carlisle says yes, Alice fumes, and Emmett sets up a studio in the basement. He publishes one video per day, and his ridiculously muscular frame combined with being an insanely beautiful man wearing a blindfold so he'll be less recognizable (Carlisle's stipulation) while physically exerting himself makes him an instant hit among gay men and straight women everywhere.
(Emmett is in the green)
Esme was inspired by Alice quoting "if you're good at something, never do it for free!" and decided to become a cleaning lady who also cooks. This works really well for the first few weeks: she's incredibly sweet so everyone likes her, she's a white woman so the racists don't worry about giving her access to their possessions, and she's alarmingly talented at what she does. One hour of Esme in your home, and your house smells like cookies and looks cleaner than an operation room.
(Esme is in the green)
The problems arise once Esme's instinct to care for others conflict with her work.
Sooner or later someone struggles to pay her, or it becomes clear simply from the state of their house that this, having someone make their house look nice, is them splurging.
Esme was once on her own, working to make ends meet, and her apartment looked terrible not because she didn't try to keep it clean, but because between working, being pregnant, and saving up for a baby she had no money or energy left to do things like fix flaking tapestry or a rocky chair. And having a clean, pleasant space to live in- it sounds frivolous, but that matters.
She decides to lower the price for cleaning people's houses, and expands so she's now home maintenance, not just cleaning. Instantly she has more clients than she did before. So she expands her work hours, and lowers the price again.
Before long, she throws the towel in and starts working pro bono.
The money she made are spent on supplies, and she starts leeching off of Carlisle's paycheck.
(Esme is in the red)
The family never sees her around anymore, meanwhile the denizens of Forks are now much happier for having a real life Mary Poppins running around town helping everybody. There's a general sentiment that they should do something for this poor woman, who works pro bono for the town's poorest even when her family lost all their money. Between that and adopting all those kids, the Mr. and Mrs. Cullen are starting to look like saints.
Hey, isn't her daughter trying to start a business?
Alice gets her first few clients, three to be specific. One is Jessica Stanley's cousin who's getting married and thought she could save on the dress by having her cousin's former classmate design it, the other two are forty-something women who were touched by Esme Cullen's initiative and thought they'd do something for her daughter. Can't Alice design each of them a gown for weddings and other formal occasions?
Alice wants to be happy she's finally getting off the ground, except-
Those two forty-something women are not the kind of clients she wanted. They're not young, for starters, and they're... well, she isn't sure how to say this to them but if they want to wear one of her designs they're going to have to lose a few pounds first. And get a makeover. It's fine, she can give them a makeover, and Carlisle can set them up with a diet to lose weight (what's that, he can't? Why not? He's being completely- oh, jeeze, fine. Rosalie can come up with the diet then! Or tell them to just stop eating, period, that works too.), Alice will airbrush the photos to hell in her portfolio, THIS IS FINE.
It's not fine.
The ladies get offended and cancel their orders when Alice tries to explain this over the phone, which just goes to prove that Renesmee really needs to learn to leave the room already whenever aunt Alice has a phone call because if she'd been able to See what would happen then she could have found a way to phrase this that wouldn't have lost her two clients.
She's left with Jessica's cousin, who gave her a budget of $500.
For a wedding dress.
And Alice doesn't get to decide anything else, she knows from her gift that the wedding will be- not the worst she's seen, but a pitifully forgettable mediocre with a boring colorscheme and ugly bridesmaid dresses. Nope, she's just going to have to sit there and watch that happen, design a gorgeous dress for this subpar wedding.
Pearls before swine.
Alice tries to reason with Jessica's cousin, and offers to design the dresses for the bridesmaids at a discount. She won't ask them to lose weight, she will pay for the fabric herself if that's what it's gonna take. Fuck, she'll do this for free. Oh, what's that, Jessica's cousin, you already got the dresses? At H&M?!
... this would be a stain on her portfolio. It wouldn't advance her career at all. Alice has got to get out of this.
Jessica's cousin fires her before she can quit.
(Alice is in the red)
Jasper becomes a drug dealer.
(Jasper is in the green)
Edward and Rosalie, meanwhile, both decided that they wanted 9-5 jobs that would get them their paychecks without having to build anything.
Rosalie gets a job as an electrical engineer at an established company that'll pay her big dough, and she now has a bigger paycheck than Carlisle. The problem is that she's a young blonde woman working in STEM.
Rosalie proceeds to spend her workdays being sexually harassed by some colleagues and belittled by others, and has a terrible time.
Still, she stays on the job, because she really really wants to be able to buy things again.
(Rosalie is in the green)
Edward, with his gift and medical training, figures he would do great as a therapist. Steady supply of money, could become a lot of money if he makes a name for himself, and he'd be making a difference for people who really need it.
Carlisle is thrilled: finally, one of his kids isn't telling well-meaning ladies to lose weight, pandering to horny people on the internet (to be fair, no one has had the heart to tell Emmett this. Rosalie moderates his comment section zealously), dealing drugs, or being harassed by sexist pigs! Go forth into the world of psychotherapy, Edward, make that difference!
Edward gets certified (read: Jasper pays Mr. Jenks a visit) and, wanting to prove that he's modest and wants to do good by the world rather than seek money at his earliest convenience, accepts a job as a councillor for college students.
(Edward is in the green)
Edward proceeds to spend his days listening to students with petty problems such as doing poorly in class, breaking up with their lovers, and blah de blah. Edward could not care less about their problems. They're lying through their teeth, too, making the whole thing in an exercise in frustration.
He quits after a month.
Throughout all of this, Bella has been floundering. She has no marketable skills, and... though she won't admit it even now, she did not become a Cullen so that she would have to worry about going to work and making ends.
Just- god, she didn't care about the money, at all, definitely not, it's just that it wasn't supposed to suddenly be gone!
She eventually gets it together and starts applying for jobs.
She doesn't get any of them, not when she's applying for office jobs with nothing to show but a high school diploma.
She starts applying for retail jobs.
The worst application, by far, is calling Newton's and asking if she can have the job back (she can't, they have a new girl. They're very sorry).
(Bella is in the red)
Renesmee, wanting to pitch in, asks her grandpa Charlie if she could get a job. He lets her be his secretary, and she makes $30 per hour telling people to go to the waiting room.
(Renesmee is in the green)
Bella's daughter is now networking better than her and making more money than she ever did. Her daughter is less than two years old.
She asks Carlisle if he's got a job for her, and Carlisle takes pity on her. She is to be his secretary, just man the phone and tell people Dr. Cullen is busy when he is in fact eating squirrels in the woods before a surgery.
(Bella is in the green)
It's terribly unfortunate, then, that Bella in her awkwardness manages to make it sound like Dr. Cullen is masturbating in there (He's taking care of business, har de Cullen inside joke har har. Seriously though, you don't want to disturb him right now.) and has absolutely no ability to keep things secret so she will openly tell anyone and everyone who is seeing Dr. Cullen and for what (I can't believe Mike's got an STD! And he let it get so far, holy cow I hope somebody told Jessica. Oh my god, someone should tell Jessica).
Carlisle is put in the unenviable position of having to fire his daughter-in-law.
Alice gets desperate enough to try Carlisle's animal hides idea, and Carlisle finds himself working round the clock as he gets home from the hospital, and immediately has to go hunt down good pelts so he can then slave away in the one-man sweatshop she set up making woolen gowns. He makes sure Esme is out cleaning 24/7, lest she be dragged into this as well.
Alice still has no clients, but that she'll think of something.
Any day now.
(Alice is in the red)
Emmett gets sued. Turns out his channel was getting people hurt (lift with your backs, guys! When you're stretching, try to make it fast and jerky! Keep pushing if you're uncomfortable, that's when it's getting good!), so now he has legal problems.
Carlisle, Rosalie, Edward, Bella, Jasper and Renesmee each have to pitch in the money they've made to fight this lawsuit and pay the monstrous fine Emmett gets slapped with.
(Everyone is in the red)
The Cullens hold a strategy meeting.
Who's actually made money, who's going anywhere?
Rosalie's making dough, but she's not going anywhere due to sexism in the workplace keeping her from advancing.
Alice may have gotten off to a rough start but she is going somewhere, she assures them. She just needs to change her brand: streetwear and smart casual are much more marketable, and it can still be high end, she'll just make it more down to earth. How's that?
Edward reads in her mind her ideas for $600 sheepskin tank tops, and grimaces, but he's not suicidal enough to say anything.
Carlisle is already making as much as he can at that hospital, if he wants to make more he'd have to move. And then Renesmee and Jasper would be out of work.
Renesmee is actually doing rather well for herself, she's now running errands and taking small jobs around town, picking up $20 here and $50 there. Everyone agrees Edward's niece is a delightful little girl, and she's successfully gaslighting them that she's always been this tall. Or this tall. Or this tall.
Jasper has progressed as well, he is a cleaner now. No, not the same kind as Esme. He's making more money than Carlisle and Rosalie combined, though, so Forks (Well, Seattle. And the state of Washington, really, his guys know distance isn't really a problem for him) is good by him.
Emmett still has his YouTube channel, he's posting videos of himself flexing his muscles and lifting things. People are strangely willing to pay to see that, he's got commissions to eat and wear various objects and everything. Crazy world, eh!
Realizing that his brothers are now doing better than him, one by being a gangster and the other by posting softcore porn, Edward decides to get back into psychotherapy because goddamnit this won't stand.
Bella asks Renesmee if she too can run errands and be Charlie's secretary. Renesmee readily agrees, her aging was getting too obvious anyway. She becomes Bella's... manager, is the term they land on: Renesmee gets the gigs and Bella does them, both make money.
On seeing Alice struggle without initial capital of her own, Renesmee decides that Alice can run errands too. That way, Renesmee's operation can expand and she will be more effectively be able to compete with the other kids in town trying to make dough or that accursed Esme who cleans and paints houses and mows lawns for free. How do we compete with that? By being cheaper than the other kids and better than Esme!
She has to get more manpower to pull this off, so Emmett and Edward get pulled in as well.
She ends up working Alice, Bella, Edward, and Emmett so hard that Alice's fashionista dreams get put on hold (this is also because she's making such lousy money being a one-year-old's below-minimal-wage-worker that after six months she still can't afford any of the things she needs to get started), while Renesmee has the money to hire the kids who were formerly her competition. To keep them on retainer she has to actually pay them, of course, something she didn't have to do with her family because family will work for $5 a gig.
(Renesmee is in the green)
In the end, Ivan the wealth-eating bolshevik vampire is appalled by the monster he created in Renesmee. In his outrage he takes all the Cullens' assets again, and tells the Volturi on them because he won't stand for such blatant exploitation of the workers!
Aro can't even.
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theroyalsims · 10 months
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There's a new It Girl in town, and it's Prince Alistair's newest rumoured girlfriend, Marguerite “Margeaux” Riccaforte.
Ever since the pair was spotted leaving the opera a few weeks ago, the blonde beauty has been making waves across fashion websites and publications for her stylish looks.
The socialite, who currently works for her father's business, Riccaforte Holdings, has been snapped multiple times by paparazzi leaving her posh flat looking picture-perfect every single time. Margeaux reportedly lives in a penthouse unit in a high-rise owned by her father's company.
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Margeaux is no stranger to being fashion's favourite. She has been a staple at must-see shows during Brindleton Fashion Week and has been named as one of the "best-dressed" by several magazines.
Fans of Margeaux's looks however, should save up if they want to steal her looks since she's usually decked out in luxury brands. One stylist shares:
"All eyes are currently on Margeaux and rightfully so. She takes fashion seriously, and as an heiress to a multi-billion Simoleon fortune, you can expect that the price tag on her clothes and accessories will be preposterous. One of her bags alone is worth a mid-range brand new car. Let that sink in."
That being said, comparisons between Margeaux and Ximena Kalarmy, Prince Alistair's ex, have been made online by several fashion and royal watchers. Side-by-side photos of the two have gone viral online and people are split.
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(Above: Ximena Kalarmy, Prince Alistair's ex, was dragged into the mix for her alleged "frumpy" looks.)
One person writes:
"Never really realised how frumpy Ximena looked until now. Girl was NOT ready to be a royal girlfriend. This Margeaux, however, she read up and knows the assignment... #CantBlameHim"
Another commented:
"Not Ximena looking like she dressed in the dark! 😂 Remember when she 'tried' to look good by wearing counterfeit designer clothes? LOL!"
The comment was in reference to multiple articles which exposed Ximena for wearing a fake designer dress, which was "inspired" by a dress The Crown Princess wore for an official engagement. Back then, Prince Alistair's now-ex girlfriend was met with mockery and criticism for wearing the counterfeit dress.
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However, not everyone's impressed with Margeaux's looks, with some calling her "superficial" and "tone-deaf."
"Don't you dare come after my girl Ximena. That woman works her butt off for everything. I'd take her any day over a spoiled, superficial billionaire who's basically a glorified Barbie doll. Alistair, you disappoint me."
Another user wrote:
"The snobbish royals must be so happy that Alistair is dating another rich, cookie-cutter blonde, who's so tone-deaf, she wears diamonds and a §40,000 bag out to lunch as most of us freeze at night because we cant afford heating in our flats. P.S. I find it extra creepy that Alistair is dating a blonde, like her mum and her sisters."
While it may be entertaining to see all these comments, pitting these two women against each other cannot be justified. We're sure both ladies are wonderful, independent women with their own sense of style. Just because Margeaux is Alistair's new girlfriend doesn't give anyone the right to bash her or to drag Ximena's name once again (girl's been through enough!) Why can't people just let these ladies be?
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quickbuy997 · 7 days
0Gladly to announce my store QuickBuy on Pinterest please 🙏🏾 follow me for support!
QuickBuy is revolutionizing how we shop for the hottest trending products. This innovative online retailer takes the guesswork out of keeping up with the latest viral sensations across fashion, tech, and more.
Shop here!Here's an updated version incorporating Electric Avenue, Boss Man Apparel, Women's Club Apparel, and that items come from trending products on Amazon and Temu:
Title: Convenience at Your Fingertips with QuickBuy's Curated Trending Products
In today's fast-paced world, convenience is king. That's why QuickBuy is quickly becoming a customer favorite for all your everyday essentials and on-trend fashion needs. This innovative online store offers a curated selection of the hottest trending products from major sites like Amazon and Temu, making shopping incredibly easy and efficient.
At QuickBuy, you'll find dedicated sections like Electric Avenue for the latest tech gadgets and electronics accessories, Boss Man Apparel for stylish men's clothing, and Women's Club Apparel for trendy women's fashion - all sourced from the most popular trending items on mega e-commerce sites. No more hunting through pages of results, QuickBuy brings you the cream of the crop.
What sets QuickBuy apart is its dedication to providing a truly seamless shopping experience from start to finish. The user-friendly website and mobile app allow you to quickly find what you need with intuitive category filters. Whether you're looking for that hot new iPhone case, wireless earbuds, men's streetwear, or a stylish midi dress, it's all just a few taps away.
But the real game-changer is QuickBuy's lightning-fast fulfillment and delivery. Once you've filled your cart, the checkout process is a breeze. And thanks to their strategically located warehouses across the country, most customers receive their orders within just 1-2 days through QuickBuy's free rapid shipping option. No more waiting weeks for that must-have item to arrive!
In addition to unbeatable convenience, QuickBuy provides outstanding value by curating only the highest-rated, best-selling trending products from sites like Amazon and Temu. You'll find all the brands and styles you love at competitively low prices sourced directly from major retailers.
QuickBuy has quickly become a lifesaver for fashionistas, tech gurus, and anyone who wants to stay effortlessly on-trend while still valuing their time. Thanks to their curated product selection spanning the hottest items across categories, rapid shipping, and affordable pricing, this one-stop shop provides the ultimate convenience for hassle-free shopping. Why spend hours online hunting for the latest viral products when QuickBuy has already done the work for you? Once you experience the simplicity and time-saving benefits of getting the trendiest items delivered in a snap, you'll never go back to your old shopping methods again.
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mavshack1205 · 3 months
Trendy Accessories to Lookout For in 2024
Fashion trends every year change as fast as the years change. All the women out there can feel when we say women have more accessories than clothes they can pair them with. That happens because the trend in women's accessories changes faster than clothing and they tend to buy everything they like. In this blog, we will help you with the accessories trend for 2024 that you have observed on Instagram and Pinterest. With the help of this blog, you will know what exactly you are going to need this year. You can buy everything from online shopping sites in India for accessories.
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5 Trendy Accessories That You Must Buy in 2024
1.      Tennis Necklaces
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Pearl necklaces are out of the question in 2024 and the trend of tennis necklaces is hitting the accessory segment. If you have the budget, you should go for a diamond-embedded necklace, however, there are various lab-grown options available for everyone that looks nice and are in trend.
2.      Suede Bags
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Puffy bags are an old tale now and you must upgrade your handbag collection in 2024 with more suede bags or tote bags. These bags are versatile and trendy and come in different shapes and sizes. Brands like The Row and Saint Laurent have also launched their category of suede bags. You can buy suede bags from the best e-commerce websites in India.
3.      Oxblood Accessories
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Blood red will be the color of the year 2024. If you are looking for accessories such as shoes, handbags, socks, and ballet flats, among others, you should buy oxblood. Deep red or blood red color is the easiest way to make your outfit look bold and rich. With the premium collection launched by Gucci in S/S 24, oxblood accessories were the biggest part of it.
4.      Hair Bows
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Cowboy hats or for that matter, any other hats have been out of fashion for a long time now. Women's fashion is more inclined towards hair bows as celebrities are also celebrating it on the red carpet as of late. The inclusion of bowed accessories as hair clips or scrunches will remain trendy in 2024. You can shop for hair bows from online shopping sites in India for accessories.
5.      Wide Belts
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One trend that you should follow in 2024 is the fashion of wide belts. These belts go best with oversized shirts, different-shaped dresses, and many more styles. Leather material wide belts are the most popular choice of celebs and brands also have launched their collection.
Stay Trendy and Relevant with Unique Accessories in 2024!
It is important to fill your wardrobe with trendy and versatile accessories instead of buying everything. 2024 is all about style upgrades and accessories aren’t left behind. You need to follow the fashion trend even in accessories that are going to be trendy for the next few years. Don’t fill your wardrobe with junk and buy useful accessories. You can find everything on trendy online shopping sites in India.
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lifestylewithfashion · 3 months
Top 10 Online Clothing Stores for Fashion Enthusiasts
1. ASOS: Known for its vast selection of trendy and affordable clothing, ASOS is a go-to website for fashion-forward individuals. With options for both men and women, ASOS offers a wide range of styles, sizes, and price points.
2. Zara: Zara is a popular choice for those seeking high-quality, on-trend clothing. With new arrivals every week, Zara keeps up with the latest fashion trends and offers a variety of styles to suit different tastes.
3. Nordstrom: If you’re looking for a more upscale shopping experience, Nordstrom is the place to go. With a wide range of designer brands and a reputation for excellent customer service, Nordstrom is a favorite among fashion enthusiasts.
4. H&M: H&M is known for its affordable and stylish clothing options. With a focus on sustainability, H&M offers a range of eco-friendly fashion choices, making it a great option for those who want to shop ethically.
5. Revolve: Revolve is a popular online destination for fashion-forward individuals. With a curated selection of trendy clothing, shoes, and accessories, Revolve offers a unique shopping experience for those looking to stay ahead of the fashion curve.
6. Net-a-Porter: If you’re in the market for luxury fashion, Net-a-Porter is the website for you. With a carefully curated selection of high-end designer brands, Net-a-Porter offers a luxurious shopping experience for fashion enthusiasts.
7. Boohoo: Boohoo is a fast-fashion retailer that offers affordable and trendy clothing options. With new arrivals every day, Boohoo is a great website for those who want to stay on top of the latest fashion trends without breaking the bank.
8. Shopbop: Shopbop is a go-to website for designer clothing, shoes, and accessories. With a wide range of high-end brands, Shopbop offers a luxury shopping experience for fashion enthusiasts.
9. Urban Outfitters: Urban Outfitters is known for its trendy and unique clothing options. With a focus on streetwear and vintage-inspired fashion, Urban Outfitters offers a distinct style that appeals to fashion enthusiasts.
10. Forever 21: Forever 21 is a popular choice for affordable and trendy clothing. With a wide range of styles and sizes, Forever 21 caters to fashion enthusiasts of all ages.
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frynguillotine · 3 months
What Is The 20 Year Fashion Rule And Why Does It Exist?
I'm sure everyone even mildly interested in fashion has heard of the 20 year rule. 
But for those uninitiated: what actually is it?
Boiled down: The 20 year rule is the idea that every 20 years, fashion trends will resurface and become popular again. For example, the most recent being the resurgence of 'Y2K' and 2000's fashion; like low rise jeans and baguette bags. 
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Destiney's Child In 2001
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Fashion Nova Listing For Low Rise Jeans
But the 2020s isn't the only time this has happened. All over the world, in all different time periods this has happened. And while the 20 year wait is obviously a trend within the rule, repetitions in fashion can span ever farther. 
For another example: the 1960s and 1920s were perfect twins in social breakthroughs at the time: women's rights and kitchen slavery were being brought forward into the light to be spoken and discussed, 'free love' and sexual liberation were hot on every-ones tongues, haircuts were short and dresses even shorter. The general silhouette women desired seemed more and more androgynous with a boyish box shape. 
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Famous silent film star, Louise Brooks, who pioneered her french bob and was seen as flapper culture personified.
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Mary Quant, the British fashion designer named an 'instrumental figure in the 1960s London-Mod and young fashion movements' sporting a similarly sharp and short bob.
Like I said the fashion rule dictates that every 20 years - give or take - certain fashion designs and trends repeat themselves and come up again. But why does this happen? There are multiple theories to explain this: 
One would be simple: Fashion designers and influences are either subconsciously or consciously taking incorporation from fashion they see their parents and older people wearing. As children we are mouldable and impressionable. We most likely see photos of our parents at our age, watch movies from before our time, see our older sisters and family dressing in fashions of decades before us as we pick apart in our mind things we like and things we don't from them. We sneak into our mothers wardrobe and steal her kitten heels and cargos. We rummage our older sisters drawers and laugh at the silliness of her whale-tail thong, or we fumble about in her platform sandles. We play hide and seek in our grandmothers closet and smell the old mothball scent of her colourful shift dresses she used to parade around in as a teenager. We shape ourselves from our past and we remember the women we loved, and the clothes we loved them in.
George Taylor's 'Hemline Theory' cleverly states how fashion changes based on the financial economy we find ourselves in. For example: the roaring '20s were filled with long legged flappers showing off their beautifully elegant silk stockings. Expensive fur coats, jewels, sparkles, pearls were all the rage. With the great depression: silks were no longer affordable or in-fashion. Furs, sequins, glitters, other unnecessary pretty add-ons were scrapped as they were just that: unnecessary and pricey. We saw this theory working again during the economic frustrations in the COVID-19 pandemic. Cheap, low-quality websites like Shein began becoming all the rage and the norm as we began filling our closets of both timeless and trendy outfits. During this economic change: 1990s was fresh in everyone's minds as curtain bangs, buckets hats and crop tops were everywhere you looked. 
Another possible explanation is the de-stigmatisation and popularity of thrifting thanks to apps like Tiktok and Instagram. During the 2010s, 2000s, 1990s and further on: thrifting, bargain bins and charity shops were a thing of desperation for most working-class families. Lots of children were made fun of for their second hand, old-style clothing. Although, recently, Tiktok influencers specifically have popularised the 'hobby' of thrifting through the new-found important of 'sustainable fashion' and the higher cost of living. Whereas before charity shops and bargain bins would have been labelled 'trashy' or 'council estate' now they seem to be a trend. Ignoring the classist implications of such a trend (since that talk would indeed require another whole blog post) this means that fashion from the past, or so called 'out of date' styles were back in as people were buying older and older clothes from these second-hand shops. This also meant that more and more influences were rocking these looks and piquing their fans interest at older fashion trends from the past. 
But no matter the reasoning for the 20 year rule in fashion: I can safely conclude that it will never fully go away. From a 15th century noble woman gasping giddily at the matching puff sleeves of a 1930s housewife, to a 1920s flapper spinning and showing off her dress to a London Mod, I have a feeling that repetition may be - in its most poetic sense - a beautiful thing representing the unity and truely wholesome humanity of the human race.  
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pushactivewear · 4 months
Website: https://www.pushactivewear.net
Address: Maryland, United States
P.U.S.H Activewear, founded in May 2020, is dedicated to becoming a leader in fitness and health. Offering a range of high-quality, affordable fitness gear, the brand stands for "Persist Until Something Happens," encouraging resilience and determination. Their product line includes a diverse collection of activewear and sportswear for both men and women, designed for comfort, style, and performance. Committed to social, economic, and environmental consciousness, P.U.S.H Activewear aims to inspire and support a healthy, active lifestyle.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PUSHActivewear/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pushactivewear_/
womens gym fashion mens gym wear sustainable athletic wear sustainable fitness clothing stylish workout clothing trendy fitness apparel mens fitness apparel trendy workout clothes trendy fitness clothing premium athletic wear activewear trends performance sportswear workout clothes trends fitness apparel trends high quality gym clothes premium gym apparel sustainable gym clothing activewear fashion trends stylish workout outfits activewear essentials high performance sportswear sustainable workout gear stylish sports clothing athletic wear collections gym ready outfits quality workout attire health and fitness fashion exercise clothing styles sportswear design trends fitness gear trends athletic apparel styles womens activewear trends health conscious clothing eco friendly workout wear affordable fitness fashion durable exercise gear activewear market trends fitness lifestyle fashion innovative sportswear materials performance enhancing activewear fitness fashion industry trends cutting edge sportswear gym ready activewear fitness fashion forward activewear wardrobe staples stylish gym apparel trendsetting workout wear performance driven sportswear exclusive fitness fashion activewear for every body fitness attire innovations activewear fashion picks gym ready fashion finds trendy sportswear styles performance activewear gear activewear technology trends quality fitness gear cutting edge athletic wear activewear fashion hub innovative gym outfits performance sportswear trends activewear for health enthusiasts fitness fashion statements eco conscious workout wear stylish gym wardrobe trendsetting activewear styles activewear for all ages exclusive fitness fashion picks premium activewear trends fitness fashion forward choices stylish sportswear essentials cutting edge gym apparel performance driven workout wear activewear innovation hub innovative fitness attire sustainable workout fashion trendsetting gym outfits activewear technology advancements stylish performance gear fitness fashion exclusives activewear for every workout eco friendly workout attire trendy gym wardrobe performance sportswear essentials activewear for health conscious shoppers fitness fashion must haves premium activewear choices gym ready fashion essentials cutting edge sportswear trends activewear for a healthy lifestyle
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kkatiehere · 6 months
 Flycurvy.Com Legit Or Scam?
🔥Introduction to Flycurvy
Flycurvy stands as a global online haven for plus-size women, offering a blend of comfortable and avant-garde fashion. The brand aims to provide today’s curvaceous women with a diverse selection of clothing options, ensuring a unique and stylish look that instills confidence. FlyCurvy distinguishes itself by offering the latest plus-size fashions at affordable prices, catering to the diverse needs and preferences of curvy women.
Pros Fashion Diversity: FlyCurvy prides itself on offering a wide variety of styles, ensuring that customers can find unique and trendy clothing options. Affordability: The brand focuses on providing fashionable clothing at prices that are accessible to a broad audience. Inclusivity: FlyCurvy’s size range, from L to 5XL (equivalent to US size 10–28), showcases a commitment to inclusivity in catering to various body types. Cons Limited Product Imagery: Some customers have expressed a desire for more detailed pictures of products to better assess their look and feel. Size Consistency: While generally praised for accurate sizing, there have been reports of size inconsistency across different products, requiring customers to carefully check product measurements.
🌺Legitimacy of Flycurvy
Yes, FlyCurvy is a legitimate fashion brand. The company is committed to delivering orders that align with the advertised product images, reflecting a dedication to authenticity and transparency. Despite some challenges in the return and refund process, FlyCurvy maintains a legitimate status in the fashion industry.
🌺Website Ratings
On Trustpilot, FlyCurvy has received a positive rating, 3.0 out of 5 from 670 reviews, indicating a satisfactory level of customer satisfaction. While not accredited by the Better Business Bureau (BBB), the brand’s Trustpilot rating is a testament to its commitment to meeting customer expectations.
🌺Flycurvy Quality Review
The brand consistently maintains high-quality materials, ensuring that the colors remain vibrant even after repeated washing. This underscores the brand’s dedication to the durability of its products. Nevertheless, a notable drawback is the brand’s limited provision of detailed images for its merchandise. This deficiency may deter online shoppers who heavily depend on visuals to gauge the appearance and texture of products.
🌺Flycurvy Sizing Review
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🌺Flycurvy Price Review
FlyCurvy offers a range of prices to cater to different budget preferences:
Tops: $10–40 Dresses: $20–60 Bottoms: $30–60 Outwear: $40–60 Jumpsuits & Rompers: $30–70
The brand balances affordability and style, making it accessible to a wide audience. Additionally, frequent sales and discounts contribute to customer satisfaction.
🌺Flycurvy Shipping info
FlyCurvy ships your order to USA, Canada, Australia, UK, and Europe, with delivery times ranging from 10–20 business days for regular items and up to 20 days for pre-ordered merchandise. While some customers find the shipping times slightly longer than average, the brand provides order tracking to keep customers informed about delivery status.
🌺Flycurvy Returns & Refunds
FlyCurvy’s return and refund policy have received mixed reviews. The 30-day return period is standard, but the return process, including photographing the item and arranging for return shipping, may be perceived as cumbersome. The brand accepts refund requests for issues like lack of items, broken packages, and quality concerns, but not for simple change of mind or sizing errors without quality problems.
🌺Flycurvy Customer Service
FlyCurvy’s customer service is generally commended for its swift responses and proactive approach. However, some customers express frustration with the return and refund process, highlighting an area for potential improvement.
🌺Flycurvy bestseller reviews
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“Absolutely stunning! This dress far surpassed my expectations with how nice the fabric is. It hangs beautifully and is lined. Just make sure you measure the midsection to make sure it will fit around your waist because the material does not stretch in the middle. Highly recommend” — — a reviewer from FlyCurvy
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“I love the way this dress fits and I love the way it looks in the front and the back. It looks much more expensive than it actually is and the material is high quality. This dress is extremely figure flattering and will cover up any imperfections you might have. I found the perfect shoes to go with it as well. I highly recommend that you purchased this dress” — — a reviewer from Flycurvy
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“It was perfect for the formal wear night on our recent vacation. Everyone was absolutely stunned by the dress and I got some beautiful pictures with it. Fit great too. The material is comfy. Highly recommend.” — — a reviewer from Flycurvy
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“Love the color of this shirt. It is light and flowey. It hangs loose on me so I will be belting it around the waist so that it’s not completely hiding my shape. It will need to be de-wrinkled but the fabric is comfortable and breathable.” — — a reviewer from FlyCurvy
🌺Customer Feedback
Flycurvy has received more than 656 reviews on Trustpilot, with an average rating of 3.0 stars, which means most customers are satisfied with their purchases. Customer reviews on Trustpilot indicate an overall positive experience with Flycurvy. Customers appreciate the high quality, unique designs, and affordable prices. While some mention sizing and colours inconsistencies and shipping times, the brand’s commitment to customer service and inclusivity is evident.
🌺Flycurvy Alternatives
Xpluswear: XplusWear addresses the often-neglected fashion needs of plus-sized women, offering them a chance to showcase their unique style without limitations. Representing a progressive approach to inclusive fashion, XplusWear caters to the contemporary and stylish woman, emphasizing that one’s size should not define their fashion choices, but rather their individual style.
BloomChic: BloomChic is an online fast fashion retailer for modern women sizes 10–30. The brand provides a variety of fashionable and cute clothes for mid and plus sized women, from dresses to swimwear. Their prices range from $20 to $40.
CurveDream: CurveDream is an internet-based women’s clothing label that provides a diverse range of products such as dresses, tops, suits, and bottoms. The brand offers sizes extending up to 5XL at affordable prices, typically falling between $20 and $50.
🌺Flycurvy Promotions & Discounts
Flycurvy offers various promotions and discounts that can be used to save money on purchases.
Coupon Codes: Flycurvyoffers a variety of coupon codes that can be used to get discounts on purchases. Buy More and Save More: Flycurvy occasionally offers discounts for buying multiple items, as the brand occasionally provides discounts for bulk orders. For example, one current offer is “Clearence Sale From $9.9.” “5 for $19.9”
🌺Contact Flycurvy
Flycurvy offers email/FB Messenger customer service only. If you have any questions or issues, please send a mail [email protected] or drop a DM via FB they will reply within 48 business Hrs.
Flycurvy emerges as a legitimate and customer-oriented fashion brand for plus-size women. With its commitment to diversity, affordability, and customer satisfaction, Flycurvy provides a valuable option for curvaceous women seeking trendy and comfortable clothing. While areas for improvement exist, the brand’s positive ratings and customer testimonials affirm its status as a reliable destination for plus-size fashion.
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kateperkins23 · 7 months
Sole Searching: Where to Buy Men's Footwear Online
In today's fast-paced digital era, the convenience of online shopping has become an integral part of our lives. Whether you're a fashion-forward individual looking to stay on top of the latest trends or simply seeking comfortable and stylish footwear, the online marketplace offers a vast array of options. 
This comprehensive guide will help you navigate the vast world of online men's footwear shopping, providing insights into the best websites to explore. As we embark on this journey, let's also take a moment to introduce Saheli Ethnic Indian Wear, the go-to destination for all your ethnic fashion needs.
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Saheli Ethnic Indian Wear: Your Fashion Hub (H3)
Before we delve into the exciting world of men's footwear, let's take a moment to get to know Saheli Ethnic Indian Wear. This online platform has earned its reputation as a one-stop shop for all things ethnic and traditional. With a stunning collection of sarees, lehengas, kurtas, and accessories, Saheli is the perfect place to find Indian ethnic wear for both men and women.
The Quest for the Perfect Men's Footwear
Selecting the perfect pair of shoes is not just about style; it's about comfort, functionality, and personal expression. Here, we'll explore some of the best websites to buy men's footwear online, offering an array of choices to cater to different tastes and needs.
1. Saheli Ethnic Indian Wear: A Diverse Range of Men's Footwear
Saheli Ethnic Indian Wear isn't just limited to ethnic clothing. They also offer a curated collection of buy men's footwear online that complements traditional attire. From classic mojaris to contemporary juttis, you'll find a variety of options to complete your ethnic look. Explore their collection to add the perfect finishing touch to your traditional outfit.
2. Amazon: The E-commerce Giant
Amazon is a global e-commerce giant that needs no introduction. With an extensive selection of men's footwear, Amazon offers options for all occasions, styles, and budgets. Whether you're looking for formal shoes, sneakers, or casual sandals, Amazon has you covered.
3. Zappos: Unparalleled Selection and Customer Service
Zappos is renowned for its vast assortment of men's footwear and exceptional customer service. The website boasts an impressive variety of brands, styles, and sizes. Additionally, their customer-friendly return policy and reviews from real buyers help you make informed decisions.
4. DSW (Designer Shoe Warehouse): Designer Styles at Affordable Prices
DSW is a haven for those who appreciate designer footwear without breaking the bank. They offer an impressive range of men's shoes, from dress shoes to athletic sneakers. DSW's rewards program provides additional savings and perks for regular customers.
5. Sneakerheads Unite: StockX
If you're a sneaker enthusiast, StockX is the place to be. This online marketplace specializes in authentic sneakers and streetwear. Whether you're after limited edition releases or timeless classics, StockX connects buyers and sellers in a secure environment.
Factors to Consider When Buying Men's Footwear Online
When shopping for men's footwear online, it's essential to consider several factors to make an informed purchase.
1. Sizing and Fit
Proper sizing and fit are paramount when buying shoes online. Different brands may have variations in sizing, so it's crucial to refer to size charts and reviews to find the right fit.
2. Style and Occasion
Consider the style and occasion for which you need the shoes. Are you looking for formal dress shoes, casual sneakers, or athletic footwear? Choose a website that offers a wide range of styles.
3. Budget
Set a budget before you start browsing. Some websites cater to budget shoppers, while others offer high-end designer options. Stick to your budget to avoid overspending.
4. Customer Reviews
Reading customer reviews can provide valuable insights into the quality, comfort, and durability of the shoes you're interested in. Real feedback from other buyers can help you make an informed decision.
5. Return and Exchange Policies
Before making a purchase, familiarize yourself with the website's return and exchange policies. Knowing these policies can save you from potential inconveniences in case the shoes don't meet your expectations.
The Importance of Men's Footwear
The importance of men's footwear goes beyond mere fashion. The right pair of shoes can impact your overall comfort, health, and self-esteem. Here are a few reasons why choosing the right footwear is crucial:
Comfort and Health
Wearing comfortable shoes that fit well is essential for your overall well-being. Ill-fitting shoes can lead to discomfort, blisters, and even long-term foot problems. The right pair of shoes can provide support and prevent issues like plantar fasciitis or back pain.
Confidence Boost
The shoes you wear can significantly impact your confidence. A well-maintained and stylish pair of shoes can leave a lasting impression, whether you're heading to a job interview, a date, or a social event. They are an integral part of your personal style.
Investing in high-quality footwear can save you money in the long run. Durable shoes can withstand everyday wear and tear, ultimately reducing the frequency of replacements. Look for trusted brands and materials that stand the test of time.
Style and Self-Expression
Your choice of footwear is a reflection of your personal style and taste. Whether you prefer classic leather dress shoes, trendy sneakers, or comfortable sandals, your shoes convey a message about your individuality and the image you want to portray.
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Saheli Ethnic Indian Wear: More Than Just Clothing
Saheli Ethnic Indian Wear offers more than just men's footwear; it's a holistic platform for all your ethnic fashion needs. While it's renowned for its stunning collection of sarees, lehengas, and kurtas, it also provides a range of accessories and jewelry to complete your traditional look. Let's explore some of the offerings in more detail.
1. Ethnic Clothing
Saheli Ethnic Indian Wear's collection of ethnic clothing is vast and diverse. Men can find everything they need to create a complete traditional ensemble, from elegant kurtas to dashing sherwanis. The range caters to various occasions, be it a casual family gathering or a grand wedding ceremony.
2. Accessories
To add those finishing touches to your ethnic attire, Saheli Ethnic Indian Wear offers a wide selection of accessories. This includes intricately designed turbans, stoles, and pocket squares, allowing you to customize your look with finesse.
3. Jewelry
No traditional outfit is complete without the right jewelry. Saheli offers a variety of traditional jewelry pieces, including necklaces, bracelets, and earrings. These items are crafted to complement your ethnic wear, enhancing your overall appearance.
4. Men's Footwear
As previously mentioned, Saheli Ethnic Indian Wear also provides an array of men's footwear, with a focus on traditional and ethnic styles. Whether you're looking for mojaris, juttis, or other classic options, you can find the perfect match to complete your traditional look.
In the digital age, shopping for men's footwear online offers a world of possibilities, from budget-friendly options to designer exclusives. As we conclude our exploration of the best websites to buy men's footwear, don't forget to visit Saheli Ethnic Indian Wear for your ethnic fashion needs. Whether you're seeking the perfect pair of mojaris to complement your traditional attire or looking for the latest sneaker releases, the online marketplace has something for everyone. Just remember to consider sizing, style, budget, reviews, and return policies before finalizing your purchase. Happy shoe shopping!
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yourlocalmintgelato · 9 months
Hello again! So I’m both a bit nervous and excited since this is the first time I’m truly posting art online (Or on Tumblr anyway)
But, the good news I guess is that I made my own Hantengu clone OC! (I might change his name in the future)
His name is currently Yamai. It may not be correct but from what I translated it it was either Disease or sick child (Sick child from Yamai-Ji)
((before the translator changed it anyway))
A little backstory I guess:
(Btw a lot of headcanons for this?)
When Hantengu was a human child he often got sick due to his weak immune system and had to go to the hospital pretty often. His parents didn't think he'd survive since they were poor and couldn't afford his medicine, but he was somehow able to make a full recovery after a year or two.
Hantengu’s long stay in the hospital was also when he started to steal and lie a lot more. (For example, he would steal the medical supplies the doctors used on him and lied that it wasn't him who did it.)
After he got out of the hospital he would continue to commit crimes, lie, and steal. Once he got to his older years, however, his immune system started to fail him again like it did in his childhood and he started to become deathly ill. Luckily that was the time when Muzan showed up and saved him from being executed for his crimes and so he’s no longer sick.
…Unfortunately for one of his clones, they became the sickness/sick clone and now have to deal with all the illnesses Hantengu had when he was human. (He may not look like he’s super sick but he feels it.)
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((The photo quality is poor since I drew it on another device and took the picture on my phone. Also, I did a poor attempt at drawing the Kanji on his tongue lol.)) *Don't repost or steal any of my artwork, please. I don't care if you credit I don't want anyone to post my art on websites or pages I'm not on. Sorry if it came off as rude, but still.*
Yamai as the sickness clone appears to be super tired with his eyes always half open. He will often be far away from the group as he doesn't want to bother them and get them sick. (Although the other clones are demons too.)
(Yamai walks and moves super slowly and so he often seems to be weaker than the other clones or an easy target but, ends up tricking his opponents/enemy by dodging their attacks and quickly hitting them. He's also a bit thinner than the other clones.)
Yamai’s weapons of choice are needles which are filled with powerful medicines and poisons. It's random so you don't know what you'll get so you could either be lucky or unlucky when you fight him.
He also coughs a lot and there's a chance he could get his opponent sick just by being near them and or coughing. (And since he has many illnesses him getting you sick would probably be deadly… His breath smells super bad too so that wouldn't be too pleasant either.)
Facts About Him:
-He gets very nervous around women and will not attack them if he finds them attractive.
-His favorite clone other than himself is Aizestu since he gives him pity and comforts him.
-He’s really good at victim-blaming and makes his opponents feel bad and give up fighting him.
-Although he mostly wears orange his favorite color is violet. (Or blue) ((Also orange in Japan represents good health I believe so I thought that would be funny.))
-His clothing is based on clothing/kimonos children in Japan would wear in the 1800/1900s and is pretty childish.
-Like Aizestu he is very mentally weak.
-He doesn't like wearing shoes since he finds them uncomfortable and will complain if he's forced to wear them.
-He has more purple veins on his body to show his sickness? Idk.
I apologize if the writing was cringy or poorly done. I hope you all enjoy it nonetheless!
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gvftea · 2 years
"I didn’t consent to seeing all y’all’s cheap ass shein ass fake 70’s ass outfits but there they are assaulting my eyes at every gvf concert 🤨"
No bc I've noticed the shein topic has been brought up numerous times and can we please talk about it? Because this just shines another light on how hypocritical y'all as a fandom can be. Y'all go to these websites and buy entire clothing hauls for every. concert. date. despite being fully aware of how fucking terrible the fast fashion industry is for the environment and for countries in extreme poverty and then have the guts to come here and whine about the boys being tone-deaf and ignorant and put them on blast for befriending people whose values don't align with yours??? Babes, y'all buy polyester clothes that were made in a humid basement by famined children/women/undocumented immigrants, literally what values are you talking about?? I bet it must be really easy to point fingers and act self-superior when you're not taking a hard long look at yourselves.
And before anyone tries coming at me with the "judging people for buying fast fashion is clasist, you can't ridicule people for not being able to afford anything else" I'm sorry but if can afford to follow four men across the country and attend three to four concert dates per tour plus traveling costs plus their overpriced merch, and besides that you can also afford to attend Harry Styles shows on the side, you can afford ethically made clothes. Also repeating outfits if you're attending several shows isn't going to kill you, washing machines exist for a reason and you're delusional if you think those men are paying attention to what you're wearing anyways. And the funniest part of it all is that I just know that if it were Hannah or Mackenzi splurging on fast fashion clothes I'm sure as hell y'all wouldn't let that shit fly.
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