#after awhile he started trying to ask like if she was happy and what she did with her day and he was like *is she fat?*
signedmio · 4 months
What the…
HAZBIN HOTEL CAST are like as …
PARTNERS !! (and before that!)
Includes: Charlie Morningstar, Vaggie, Angel Dust, Alastor, Sir Pentious, Husker, Niffty, Lucifer Morningstar, Adam, Lute
Warnings: Swearing, S1 spoilers, sexual references, mentions of abuse, mentions of Valentino, messy, barely proofread
Also side note, if this is highly enjoyed, I will do a Part 2 with more characters!
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Charlie Morningstar
Crush!Charlie is a bit obvious. Not TOO obvious, but maybe if you squint hard enough…
Crush!Charlie has a tendency to show extra attention to you, especially if you’re a resident at the Hotel who’s trying to go up to Heaven.
Example: You’re the first person she asks if they need help, invite for a group activity, etc
Despite the fact that Crush!Charlie is really eager to confess her feelings, she truly does find value in getting to know you as a friend first.
She believes that it has its perks, which it does.
Crush!Charlie enjoys getting to know your hobbies, interests, past, strengths, all of it.
But as you are going off on your usual yap sesh about your face topic …
Crush!Charlie can’t help but peck you on the cheek, you’re cheeks just look so squishy and cute!
You’re stunned… You would’ve never thought that.. Charlie? Likes you? Pffff… Ain’t no way!
Crush!Charlie scrambles to explain to you her genuine feelings, and how she’s wanted to be with you for a long time, and scrambles again to ask you if you feel the same.
Now it’s your turn to shut someone up with a kiss.
You give her a drawn out peck on the lips, not too short, but not too long. Just enough to satisfy.
And yes, you do feel the same.
Now GF!Charlie is totally stoked! But she’s also a bit scared of the shoes she has to fill.
GF!Charlie decides to give you a little candy bouquet (that she made!)! Honestly it’s the cutest frickin thing, it has little chocolates and lollipops like AAA get me a Charlie!
GF!Charlie decides to introduce you to her dad, sure you guys have crossed paths a few times, but like, formally this time.
At first Lucifer is intimidated by you (not that he’d admit that), similar to the rivalry he had with Alastor.
But after awhile, he warms up to you, at the end of the day he loves his daughter, and he sees that you do to. So long as you treat Charlie good and you like rubber ducks, he’s chill with you :)
GF!Charlie’s love language is gift giving and physical touch!
On one hand, she loves giving gifts, it’s very soothing for her to go out and find something to give you, or coming up with an idea to make something for you, it takes her mind off of things
But at the other end of the scale, she loves receiving physical touch, she kinda freezes when she does because it’s so much to her but at the same time she enjoys it dearly! Even something as simple as rubbing her hand with your thumb while handling hands, long hugs, or hand kisses send her into a spiral haha
At the end of the day, GF!Charlie loves you a ton and honestly is just happy to be there loving you lol
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When Crush!Vaggie realizes she has a crush on you, it’s a bit of an ‘Oh Shit’ moment, y’know?
Due to her secret, and the fact that she has a bit of trust issues, they just don’t go hand-in-hand with love.
Crush!Vaggie is a bit dependent on you to make the first move, but that doesn’t mean she won’t, but she needs you to throw a few jabs first.
The more her crush on you stays and the more she doesn’t do about it, the more it starts to bug her
Crush!Vaggie decides one day she doesn’t know how much more of the subtle flirting and eye contact from across the room she can take, cause deep down, she has a gut feeling you like her too.
So, Crush!Vaggie decides she’s going to confess.
When it comes down to it, obviously you feel the same, and she really wants to make an impact right away!
Now GF!Vaggie decides to plan a little surprise for you, a date!
GF!Vaggie decides to just take you out to the back of the hotel and you two lay down and look at the night sky (as I’m not sure if there’s stars in Hell tbh.)
You two sit there and talk, it gets vulnerable for a bit, slowly but surely starting to break down eachothers walls… But not for too long before one of you is like “NOPE, too much emotions for one day!” haha
At the end of the day, GF!Vaggie, isn’t perfect at this whole girlfriend thing, but for you? She’ll sure as hell try.
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Angel Dust
Like Vaggie, Crush!Angel is tempted to “NOPE” out, after falling into Val’s trap, he’s hesitant to try again.
But soon enough Charlie shows him that opening up got her an amazing girlfriend, so he decides, hey, might as well right?
Crush!Angel goes out of his way to obnoxiously flirt with you, but you thought this was normal behavior, as he does it with basically everyone at the hotel.
Crush!Angel thinks it’ll take time, but you’ll catch on, and well… not exactly…
One day, Crush!Angel comes back from a long shoot, and he pulls a good, classic flirt on you, and poof! Right over your head!
And he doesn’t know what got in him, maybe the alcohol, maybe Valentino, maybe the buildup stress, who’s knows, but he snaps…
Crush!Angel proceeds to go off about how he’s always flirting with you and how he just doesn’t get how you’re so blind that you just can’t see it!?
And you start to laugh, which at first makes him more mad.
“Well how was I supposed to know if you flirt with everyone here? I thought it was normal!”
And with that, you walk away, leaving him bamboozled.
The night goes on as normal, you head up to your hotel room, and just as you’re about to turn lights out you hear a knock on your door and a voice from the outside.
“So do you wanna fuck me too, or no?”
The next day, you and Crush!Angel have a talk over a drink or two, and decide, not only do you two wanna fuck, you also want to date!
Now BF!Angel is a bit nervous, but don’t fret! He has that feeling in his stomach that makes him want to grin like he’s never grinned before.
BF!Angel’s love languages are quality time and words of affirmations, considering all that Val can do to him in a day, he doesn’t love being touched without consent, but that doesn’t mean touch is off limits by any means! Just ask and he’ll give it to you!
And for quality time, you and BF!Angel don’t really go out for dates, considering how fans (and Val) are, also considering the fact that he just wants a break from life.
Instead, you two usually just spend time in eachothers hotel rooms, binge shows, give eachother makeovers, play dress up, just being the kids you never got the opportunity to be.
And once he sees that Fat Nuggets likes you, he knows you’re the one.
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When Crush!Alastor first realizes he has feelings for you, he makes a mental note and goes on with his day.
He doesn’t really understand the point in fussing about it like most do, but then again, he’s not most people.
Crush!Alastor does thoroughly enjoy spending time with you though, he likes to just sorta keep you around.
He sticks up for you, if somebody gives you a problem, it will be handled, even if it’s a bit sadistic, he will do it everytime.
Crush!Alastor doesn’t feel the need to confess directly, but if you ask him how he feels about it, he won’t deny his feelings towards you!
So whenever Crush!Alastor becomes BF!Alastor, he does lay down some ground rules, as a relationship with him, will not be the same as a relationship with others.
BF!Alastor is a gentleman, no doubt. He opens any door that you may come across (car, building, whatever), he asks for consent before doing anything — however intimate it may be, and he does buy you flowers.
But, that does not mean BF!Alastor is perfect, he’s not the most physically affectionate, unless he initiates it himself, and he’s not great with feelings.
If you’re upset, he tries to stay away, not because he doesn’t care, but because most of the time he’ll keep his upbeat energy and act like nothings wrong in attempts to cheer you up — but sometimes that’s just not what you need.
But, BF!Alastor kicks in eventually, and turns on some calming music, turns his radio affect down in volume so the sound doesn’t overwhelm you, and give you a nice, long hug as you two sway around the room.
By far, BF!Alastor’s love language is acts of service and quality time.
BF!Alastor honestly adores spending time with you, you’ve made him feel more alive than he has in years, and he follows you around like a puppy, but he makes it look like you following him around rather than the other way.
And he’ll always do things for you, even if he doesn’t understand them. If they make you happy, he might as well get started on doing them, because he can’t go awhile without seeing your darling face and your beautiful smile.
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Sir Pentious
Crush!Pentious is… very… obvious.
But you don’t say anything, cause he’s adorkable.
You watch day after day out of pure adoration as Crush!Pentious tumbled over his words and changes his mind as he tried to make a move, and you loved every second of it.
This went on for awhile, and you started to notice his little quirks, which only made you fall for him more.
Eventually, one day after Crush!Pentious had tried to subtly say that he liked you, you decided to do him a favor.
“I like you too.”
Yeah maybe that didn’t go how you thought it would…
Well in more ways than one, cause Crush!Pentious became BF!Pentious that day!
BF!Pentious was really nervous, he finally had you! But he didn’t wanna lose you cause he did something stupid either… He had to make the perfect move!
So he ended up asking Charlie to ask you a bunch of relationship related questions, and ending up deciding on your dream date with your favorite flowers. Basic, but gets the job done right?
BF!Pentious’ love languages are gift giving and physical touch. Like please cuddle him. He’ll get pouty if you don’t notice. So just notice already!!
BF!Pentious, like Charlie, loves making you gifts! He uses his knowledge from war machines to make something homemade and honestly it’s just the sweetest thing!
Is he perfect? Yes. But for this let’s say no. Does he try? Also yes!
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Crush!Husk can’t even remember the last time he had a crush, but he’s chill with it.
Crush!Husk never planned on officially confessing to you, he just was going with the flow, ya know?
You start talking to him and realize maybe you like him too, but it wasn’t thought about much more than that.
It’s not until Angel asks you, “So are ya fucking or no..?”
And it makes you think, no, but you wouldn’t mind if that were arranged.
So one night, while you’re drunk and talking to Crush!Husk, you say… “Y-Ya knOW! We- We should HAHAH get together! HEHEHEH!” “Talk to me when you’re sober, you’re not making a stupid decision, I won’t let ya.”
And somehow, someway, you remembered that in the morning. So with a headache from your hangover, you go up to Husk’s bar and sit down, “What are we?” “Whatever you want us to be.”
From then on, Crush!Husk became BF!Husk!!
BF!Husk always made sure to look out for you. He’s the ‘defend you in public, correct you in private’ kinda guy.
BF!Husk is big on words of affirmation and acts of service.
He won’t hesitate to tell you how much he loves and cares for you whenever you need it, he’s a very honest guy, but he also loves doing little things to show that he cares.
‘Oh, I did the dishes for you.’ or ‘I cleaned your room.’ or ‘I folded your laundry.’ are things you hear daily.
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Crush!Niffty is another one that’s very obvious, and quite frankly, she doesn’t care.
Crush!Niffty has been open to you about her feelings since day one, and you make sure she knows you feel the same way.
So basically instantly, she becomes GF!Niffty.
GF!Niffty loves physical touch and acts of service.
She loves cleaning for you, and showing you all her accomplishments. But she also loves hugging you, kissing you, just being next to you is enough.
Life isn’t much different versus life with Crush!Niffty but you love it regardless, and you wouldn’t trade either life for anything.
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Lucifer Morningstar
Crush!Lucifer doesn’t really have that shock of realizing he likes you, cause he always has and has always known.
You were the one person who was there after Lilith, even if it was only platonic back then, you were still there.
Crush!Lucifer REALLY likes you and considering how long he’s liked you (literal years) he decides to just man up and say it.
Unsurprisingly, you feel the same way and you two start dating.
BF!Lucifer doesn’t want to lose you like how he lost Charlie and Lilith, so he’s very certain that he gives you everything he thinks you derserve.
BF!Lucifer is a big jumble of all the love languages at once because of this. But I think he leans towards physical touch and words of affirmation.
BF!Lucifer is constantly in need of reassurance as he feels like he’s not enough due to his depression, and also hugs, because y’know, hugs help.
If you have a good relationship with Charlie, which you should, like cmon, he’s ecstatic! And sometimes he needs your help with parenting cause he really wants to try his best for you, and her.
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Adam and you started off just fucking for fun, and fucking for fun turned into, friends, friends turned into- woah… it turned into a crush…
Crush!Adam is fucking clueless, he’s not good with this stuff, just guitar solos (FUCK YEAAHH).
During Charlie’s meeting with Heaven, he slips you a note…
Hey hot babe,
wanna do more than just fuck? (date)
And my God, you better accept because THAT is ART.
BF!Adam is far from perfect, but damn close. He really cares. But his main love languages are quality time and physical touch.
I mean cmon, he’s not great with his words, he can’t do much other than fight, he’s ass at giving gifts (he tried to give you a dildo once). So it’s really the only thing he’s good at, he can sit there, and touch you. That’s about all he knows how to do!
At the end of the day, BF!Adam really tries his best, he loves you, after all :)
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Considering the fact you’re Lute’s boss, she spends a lot of time with you.
And because of that, she starts to develop feelings.
Crush!Lute realizes she has a crush on you almost immediately, although she hesitates to tell you, due to how much you guys are together and her job.
But after awhile, she has a bit of a ‘screw it’ moment.
And boom! She turns into GF!Lute.
GF!Lute is a whole new version of the person you had gotten to know. Her wild side comes out, unlike her normal stoic side. (Example: “RIP VAGGIES CUNT MOUTH OUT ‘ER ASS!!!”)
Also side note, GF!Lute is committed as fuckkk. Once she’s there, she’s there for good, cause she loves you!
— END.
Hello! This is my first Hazbin post! I haven’t written for these characters in a solid year so I hope it’s alright! As I said up top, if this gets a lot of love, then I’ll do a part two (Which will include Cherri and the Vees to name a few~) ! Also don’t mind my Lute bias lmao, she’s my fav, she’s so hatable but idgaf and I love her vibe lmao! I’m hyperfixating on Hazbin since the first season just came out lmao! So please send requests! Love ya :)
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natugood · 1 year
I am so deeply upset at my father rn, this man is pathetic
#this man is such an ableist pos and it’s so sad cause it’s just how he views the world and he refuses to even reconsider his stance#he was asking about my partner’s sister who is on disability and was like *what’s she got*….. I was like. no. we are not doing this#I was like *I don’t understand what you’re asking* and he kept trying to rephrase but it was just worse and worse#after awhile he started trying to ask like if she was happy and what she did with her day and he was like *is she fat?*#I wanted to scream. like DO YOU NOT KNOW HOW TO STFU!! CAN YOU NOT UNDERSTAND IM NOT GONNA PLAY YOUR GAME OR GIVE YOU WHAT YOU WANT??#FUCK YOU!!! HER DISABILITY IS NONE OF YOIR BUSINESS CAUSE YOU JUSY TREAT DISABLE PPL LIKE SHIT. HER MENTAL HEALTH US NONE OF UOIR BUSINESS#ALSO ​SIR YOU ARE FAT. LIKE. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK.#all of it was just so awful and degrading and he was getting upset that I was essentially playing dumb by refusing to tell him anything#like it’s like you know what buddy speak my language treat disabled ppl like they’re people then we’ll talk.#especially it’s like. he has adhd. I have pretty serve adhd and I’m autistic like. bro#my mom is deaf. like. WHAT IS HIS FUCKINF DEAL#he sees the world as either mentally competent or not mentally competent the end. it’s fuckinf awful.#and to him ppl who are disabled but *mentally competent* are lazy and taking advantage of society.#this man is a fucking mess and I pity how sad he must be to think the way he does and stand by it. it just seems so painful and lonely#sorry I just wanted to vent cause I’m DISGUSTED by his way of thinking.
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pholla-jm · 29 days
 Hiiii, I have a request. Imagine a highschool AU where reader has a massive crush on Sukuna but she thinks he has a thing with Uraume, but he actually likes her. Ok ok, so hear me out. Reader is childhood friends with Yuuji and Sukuna and she notices how Sukuna and Uraume have been hanging out a lot. So she asks Yuuji if Sukuna is going to prom and he says yes, and that he is probably going with Uraume. So reader is sad and doesn't want to go to prom anymore even after already buy her dress. Buttt, the day before prom, Sukuna and Reader end up talking and she mentions how he and Uraume are going together and he is confused.  Then they both confess and end up going together. Pleaseeeeee make this as angsty as possible, I love me some good angst😫
Hello! Sorry this took awhile! I absolutely loved this idea. I also love good angst as well, and I hope I did a good job with it!
Prom? Prom.
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IMAGINE: PROM? PROM ~ SUKUNA X READER FEAT: YUUJI, NOBARA, MEGUMI GENRE: ANGST/FLUFF. cw: use of the word 'woman'. use of (y/n). sukuna is a bit ooc. This is kinda long. some angst, but fluff at the end! HIGH SCHOOL AU! word count: 2.4k. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Having a crush on your childhood friend is such a taboo topic. But every single time you saw him, you wanted more. It made you want to indulge in that topic more.
However, you had worries. One of his best friends, Uraume. They were so close. A little too close for your own comfort. But it wasn’t your place to say anything. It still didn’t mean that it didn’t hurt whenever you saw Sukuna and Uraume walk in the hallways together. 
You were upset that you weren’t as close to him as you used to be. As kids, Yuuji, Sukuna and you would play every single day. Finding new ways to cause trouble… well Sukuna would find ways to cause trouble and you were happy to follow along. Yuji was the voice of reason, trying to pull you away from danger. 
Yuji could see the longing stare you would give Sukuna. However, he wasn’t the brightest. He had a feeling that you liked Sukuna but it didn’t really click in his head. 
Prom was coming up and you desperately wanted to go with Sukuna. However, you weren’t going to ask him, no. What if he rejects you and sees you as a loser? You can’t have that. So, you hope that he would ask you… but you highly doubt that. 
You watch Sukuna and Uraume walk together to their lunch table, and soon that familiar feeling you get in your stomach hits you. 
“Hey Yuuji,” You say, grabbing his attention. “Hmm?” He hums, mouth full of food. You shake your head at him, “I got a question.” 
“What is it?”
“Do you think that… Sukuna is going to prom?” 
Yuuji quickly swallows the rest of his food and looks over at his brother. 
Sukuna was laughing at whatever Uraume said. Yuji remembers Sukuna saying something about going to prom. 
Yuuji turns back around to face you and nods his head. 
Your stomach drops a little bit, “oh… do you know who he’s going with?”
Yuuji thinks about it, remembering that Uraume and Sukuna were talking about colors and what would look best. “Yeah, Uraume. They were talking about their color schemes the other day.” 
That was it. The disgusting confirmation that you needed. In your subconscious, you knew that they would get together one day. 
Suddenly, your food wasn’t appetizing anymore and you wanted to get away from the crowd. You knew that no one was looking at you, but at that moment it felt like eyes were watching your every move. 
“I have to go..” You mutter standing abruptly. Yuuji’s eyes widened before looking down at your unfinished food. “Are you going to finish that?” You inwardly scoff, “all yours.” You slide the food over and hurriedly walk out of the cafeteria. Unaware of the watching eyes of Sukuna. 
As you walked down the hallways, you could feel the lump in your throat start to grow and all you wanted to do was cry. You didn’t even know why you were so upset. It’s not like you and Sukuna were ever together. 
Though, it still hurt that your crush was now breaking into little pieces. 
You started to wonder why you even hung onto that hope that someday he would like you back. How ridiculous. How could you be so stupid? 
You suck in a deep breath, and harshly wipe at the corner of your eyes. You knew exactly what you needed. Heading straight to your locker, you grab your bag and head out of the school. 
You didn’t really care about skipping the rest of school. Mental health is more important than some economic class anyway. Luckily, you didn’t live too far, only twenty minutes away. So when you entered your empty house, you ran straight to your room. 
Throwing your bag to the corner of your room, you jumped on the bed, hugging one of your many plushies. Little droplets of tears are now pricking your eyes as you keep thinking about Sukuna and Uraume together. You wondered what Sukuna would be like as a boyfriend. Is he the softie type? But hard on the outside? You love that trope. 
You bet he gave the best cuddles too. Cuddles that you would never receive. A strangled sob leaves your lips as you realize that you never even had a chance with Sukuna.
Burying your face into the plushie so that your cries could not be heard, not caring if it blocked your oxygen. 
The worst part? You had to walk through the day like nothing was wrong at all. 
Deciding to skip school tomorrow to get yourself together was the best thing for you to do. 
What’s skipping one day going to do anyway? 
One day turned into two days, and two days turned into a whole week of skipping school. 
Ignoring all the notifications from your phone and the concerned voices of your parents, you stayed holed up in your room. 
A sudden rhythmic knock hits against your bedroom door. You didn’t really recognize the knocks, but you still shouted at them to go away. 
The person didn’t really listen, however. 
The door creaks open and you don’t look to see who it is. 
“Jeez, have you even gotten out of bed today? Or the past day?” 
You shoot up at the familiar voice. Yuuji. 
Wearing normal street clothes instead of the school uniform. 
“What are you doing here?” You ask him. “Well, you’ve missed more than a couple of days. So I brought you some missing work.” He says, slinging the bag off of his shoulder. “Thanks,” you roll your eyes.
“Also, we need to go shopping.” 
“Why?” You were confused. “You don’t have a prom dress, right?” 
Your heart sinks at the words prom. You didn’t really want to go. Because if you did, that means you would have to see Uraume and Sukuna together. And that was the last thing you wanted to see. “I’m not going.” 
“Huh?! Why not?!” “Because I said so!” You pull the duvet back over your head and lay down.
Yuuji, marches right over to the side of your bed. He pulls the blanket back and starts to pull at your arm. 
“Get out of bed!” He says causing you to let out a shriek as your body starts to get closer to the edge of the bed. 
Yuuji’s nose scrunches up, “and shower too! You reek.” 
You let out a gasp, “how rude!” “It’s not rude if it’s the truth.” He says just as you fall off the bed with a loud bang.
You groan at the short pain that ran through your side. You glare up at Yuuji who was just looking down at you in disappointment. 
“This is not very gentlemanly like of you.” You say while getting up. A grin suddenly erupts from his face, “I only act like a gentleman towards ladies,” he eyes you up and down, “and I don’t see a lady here.” 
You gasp, “so sassy today!” You playfully slap at his shoulder. Yuuji fake groans at your hit and cradles his shoulder, “you definitely don’t hit like a lady.” 
“Shut up! I’m going to take a shower now.” 
You walk out of your room. Yuuji now content that he got you up and out of your bed. 
Yuuji sighs as he sits in a chair while he waits for you to get ready.
Just by glancing around your room he could tell that you weren’t feeling the best. Mentally or emotionally that is. He doesn’t want to pry, he knows that you’ll open up to him when you’re ready. 
Time ticked by and you soon came out of the bathroom, feeling fresh and brand new. “Alright, I’m ready.” You say with a huge grin. 
“What are we going again?” “Prom shopping. You haven’t got a dress yet.” You sigh, “I already said that I’m not going.” “Why not???” Yuuji drags out, “Come on, it’ll be fun. Megumi and Nobara will be joining us as well.” 
Your ears perked up at hearing your other friend’s name. You always had a fun time with them. 
“Fiiiine, I’ll go.” You say and Yuuji cheers. “Great! Let’s go.” He grabs onto your arm and drags you out of the house. ******
“No, this color wouldn’t look good on you.” Nobara says as she skims through all the prom dresses. 
Megumi and Yuuji sat on the chairs, waiting for the two of you to pick out a dress. 
“Yeah, you’re right. What about this one?” You ask and Nobara eyes you and the dress. “For you?” “No, for you.” 
Nobara grins at your words, “Yeah! I’ll try that one on too.” She grabs the dress, adding it to her pile. “Ooh, this one would look great on you.” She says while pulling out a dark red dress. 
You nod your head at her, and she grins. She suddenly grabs your arm and pulls you towards the dressing room, shoving the dress in your hands. 
“I want to see it on you… like right now!” You giggle at her excitement. “Okay, okay.” 
You eye the dress, already doubting how it would look on you. But you would try it on for Nobara’s sake. 
Pulling on the soft material that immediately clung to your body. You look in the mirror, loving the way that it looked on you, but you kind of felt a little conscious. 
“You have it on yet?” Nobara’s voice pulls you out of your own thoughts. 
“Uh- oh yeah.” You pull the curtain open. Your three friends' eyes widening upon first sight. 
Your cheeks flush at their reactions, “Is it too much? I think-” “I think you look sexy!” Nobara cuts you off. 
You look over at the boys. Megumi’s cheeks were flushed a light pink, “that’s one way to put it… but yeah. You look very nice.” 
Yuuji nods his head with two thumbs up. 
“Yeah! It looks great on you (y/n)!”
You let out a small laugh at your friend's encouragement. “Okay, okay. I’ll wear it to prom.” 
Nobara celebrates and you begin to feel grateful for your friends. You were no longer thinking about your previous heartbreak. 
Weeks went by as prom drew closer. It still hurts everyday to see that Sukuna was going with Uraume. But you didn’t want to dwell too much on it. You just wished you could get his stupid face out of your brain. 
It was really hard to do though since you saw him basically everyday. 
Now you were just hoping that school could go by quickly so you wouldn’t see him. 
“Hey, let me walk you home.” 
Your heart lurched as you heard the voice that you desperately didn’t want to hear. 
“Oh, um. It’s fine. Really.” You say turning to face Sukuna. 
Who wasn’t with Uraume, for once, you noted. 
Sukuna scoffs and rolls his eyes, “don’t be stupid.” “Me? Stupid?” “Did I stutter?” 
You click your teeth and turn back around, “do whatever you want.” 
Sukuna could start to feel the irritation grow in his chest. He really didn’t like this attitude that you gave him. “What’s your problem?” He starts walking next to you. 
“Nothing. Did I say there was a problem?” “No, but the way you’re acting suggests it.” 
“Well, in that case. Nope. Nothing’s wrong.” 
Sukuna’s eyebrow twitches and he decides that he isn’t going to put up with this anymore. 
He stops you by grabbing you by your upper arm. “Hey! What are you doing?” “You’re not taking another step until you tell me what’s going on. You’ve been ignoring me for weeks. And Yuuji told me that you were going through a depression episode or whatever.” 
Your throat tightens at the mention of your little episode a few weeks back and all the previous feelings came rushing back. “I really don’t want to talk about it.” “Well, that’s too bad.” 
“Ugh! Why do you even care?!” “God, why are you even asking me that? How dense are you?” “No! Just.. just leave me alone.” You finally pull hard enough to pull your arm out of his grasp. 
You couldn’t believe that you were reminded of the feelings you once held, and now here the culprit was, basically insulting you. 
All Sukuna could do was watch you walk angrily away. He lets out a frustrated sigh before walking the opposite direction. 
It was the day before prom, and you had yet decided to not go to prom again. You haven’t got the guts to tell your friends and you honestly had no idea how you were going to do it. 
A knock on the door broke you out of your thoughts. 
Upon opening it, you see the last person you wanted to see. 
He held a small bouquet of red roses. 
You cross your arms, “what are you doing here?” “I know we didn’t leave off on a good note.” 
You gave him a look that basically told him ‘no shit.’ 
“So here, take this.” He shoves the roses towards you and you cautiously take them. 
“Thanks, but do you think you should be giving me these?” Sukuna holds the urge back to snap at you, “why wouldn’t I?” “Well, I don’t think Uraume would be happy if they saw you giving me these.” 
Now Sukuna was even more confused. 
“What are you talking about woman?” 
“Aren’t you together? Since you’re going to prom together and all?”
Sukuna blinks at you a couple of times, like he was processing what he just heard, before he doubled over in laughter. 
He looks back at you, seeing that you weren’t laughing. “Oh, wait. You’re serious.” “Uh, yeah.” 
“No. No. Uraume and I aren’t going together.” “Well why were you and Uraume talking about prom together?” Sukuna purses his lips, “they were helping me with my prom plans.” “And what are those?”
It was silent for a few seconds, like he was gaining the confidence to finally tell you. “To ask you to prom.” He finally replies. 
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. “Me?” “I said you, right?” 
You sigh at his words and Sukuna momentarily panics. 
“That is, if you still want to go.” “Yes!” You suddenly shout not wanting to let this moment go to waste, “uh. I mean yes. Yes. I would like to go to prom with you.” 
Sukuna grins before pulling you into him by your waist, “good. Because I would’ve really hated it if you said no.” 
Your heart was beating faster at his words, “does this mean that you uh..” You couldn't quite get the words out of your mouth. But Sukuna knew what you were implying. 
“Does this answer your question?” He asks before quickly leaning down to capture your lips. 
It was soft, but quick. Leaving you wanting more. 
“Yeah… I think it does.” You whisper before using your free hand to pull Sukuna down again for another kiss.
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callsign-dexter · 4 months
Unraveling Desires
Request: Ohhhh those are great! ❤️
39. "Another kiss like that and I won't be held responsible for my actions." with Tim Bradford pleeeease 😊
Prompt: Another kiss like that and I won't be held responsible for my actions.
Pairings: Tim Bradford x Police K-9 Officer!Wife!Reader
Kiss Prompts
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You and Tim had known each other for a while now and awhile means that you both are married and have been for 5 years. You two truly loved each other and wouldn’t trade each other for other people. You two were happy with each other and you wouldn’t change that for anything. The both of you sometimes had the same shift and while he was with a trainee you were out on your own and loving it you were also a K-9 handler, you absolutely adored Lucy Chen and she was a good friend you also have her dirt on Tim that she could use against him. When he found out you were doing this you usually got it when he saw you next but you weren’t complaining.
It just happened that you both had the same shift this time and you loved it because you could tease your husband and he wouldn’t be able to do anything about it. You had just woken up to the sound of your alarm going off. You laid there in a bed for a few minutes watching your husband sleep and then smirked when a brilliant idea came to your mind. You leaned over and snuggled into him and then you slowly started to kiss him. First you started at the shell of his ear and then slowly made your way down his neck. He started to stir but had yet to wake up. You smirked and continued your attack and you slowly started to kiss his shirtless chest and trailing your hand up and down his stomach getting close to where you knew he needed you the most but you didn’t. You started to kiss down his sternum and then to his stomach and right before you got to his underwear started you looked up and noticed him looking at you and you smiled “Good morning.” You said and then got up and strutted to the bathroom and you could just see the look on his face.
“Hey, get over here and finish what you started.” He said sitting up on his elbows and you turned around with your toothbrush in your hand.
“What if I don’t?” You asked after you spit out the toothpaste and rinsed out your mouth. Then crawled into bed and startled him. He smirked and then flipped you over where he was now straddling you and he started kissing you.
“You’ll find out.” He said and then kissed you and trailed down until he got to your pajama pants and then stopped and then looked up and smirked then got off and started to get ready for the day.
“Fucking tease.” You said and he smirked.
“You started it, wife.” He said 
“Oh, it’s on, husband.” You said and the both of you got ready. Where he changes at the station you don’t since you have your K-9 partner, Rocky. Once changed you walked out of the bedroom to where Rocky was kenneled and let him out. You let him out and then fed him. When you got done Tim had walked out of the bedroom and into the kitchen, Rocky greeted him and then you were handing him his coffee cup.
“Wanna try and meet up for lunch?” You asked him and he nodded.
“You know I do; everyone loves seeing you and Rocky.” He said and at the sound of his name the Mahogany colored Belgian Malinois perked up and barked at his name and you and Tim laughed. You walked over to where you kept his stuff and got his collar that said ‘POLICE K-9 DO NOT TOUCH’ you called him over and spoke the command to sit in German and he did so and you clipped the collar on. You then slipped his bullet proof vest on. Tim looked at you in awe. He loved it when you spoke a different language. “You two have a good day. Rocky, you protect our girl.” He said and he barked as if saying ‘You got it!’ and then walked over and kissed you and you kissed back and off you went with your loyal partner out the door and into the K-9 police cruiser. Normally all police cars had to stay at the station but K-9 handlers were allowed to take theirs home because they have to transport their animal.
You drove to the station to check in and start your day. The drive was pretty quick and you made it there in no time just about the time your husband pulled in at the same time and you rolled your eyes. You parked your cruiser in the designated parking spot and got out letting Rocky out at the same time. Tim walked over and waited for you. “Were you tailing us?” You asked with a hint of playfulness in your voice.
“Now why would I do that?” He asked and then pecked you on the lips and you pushed him away.
“We’re at work.” You said but smirked because you and he knew that you didn’t care. 
“Your point is?” He asked and you shook your head and the both of you started your walk in. You had different bosses since you were in different departments but it was on the same floor. You once again parted ways while he got dressed and you went to check in with your boss. Once you were done you walked by the briefing room and smirked seeing your husband sitting there and when he caught sight of Rocky, he looked at you and smiled and then you were on your way. Wade Grey caught this but didn’t say anything. Both you and Tim were well respected in both of your departments and they knew not to mess with you. 
By the time they were out on the road you had been out for at least 30 minutes and when you heard them check in you smirked “Time to have some fun.” You said and got on the radio. “About time you guys got to work.” You said and waited for a response and Tim was the first.
“Aren’t you supposed to be working?” Tim asked 
“I am. Been working for about 30 minutes now.” You said with a smirk and you could just see him roll his eyes. It was silent for about 10 minutes then Lucy came over the radio. The over the radio banter went back and forth. You all answered some calls and some you ended up together on. Nolan, Jackson, Angela, and Talia loved you and when they saw you and Rocky in action they were always in awe. After the call Tim met you at your cruiser leaning up on it. 
“You’re so sexy when you’re in action.” He said and you rolled your eyes but smiled as you put Rocky into his built-in kennel and you left the door open.
“So are you.” You replied and he smirked just then another call came in for a K-9 unit and you responded and then turned to your husband “Duty calls.” You said and closed Rocky’s door and hopped into the driver's side and headed off to the call. The call involved some tracking but, in the end, you got the suspect. 
Lunch time rolled around and you met Tim and the others at the usual place and went and sat with them while taking Rocky with you so he could stretch his legs. “Y/N how do you keep this man in line?” Angela asked with a smirk and Tim rolled his eyes and you laughed.
“It's easy. I just withhold sex. Works like a charm every time.” You said and they laughed with you while he rolled his eyes but he knew it was true.
“Do you like working in the K-9 department?” Nolan asked and you smiled and nodded.
“I love it. Rocky here is my companion and he listens and doesn’t talk back.” You said and they laughed.
“Hey, I listen.” Tim said 
“Yes, but you also talk back sometimes.” You said and he rolled his eyes “Love you.” You spoke
“I love you too.” He replied
“How did you meet?” Lucy asked 
“I actually met Tim on a call and he was so impressed by Rocky and I that he asked me out and the rest is history.” You said and before they could respond your radio went off requesting K-9 back-up and you responded and off you and Rocky went. 
You didn’t see any of them again for the rest of the day and night. The next time you saw Tim was when he had gotten home and you were already home. You had already changed and had dinner going when he walked through the door. “There’s my sexy wife.” He said and you smiled and walked over and wrapped his arms around your hips.
“And there is my handsome husband.” You said turning your head to kiss him. “How was your day?” You asked him when you released each other from the kiss.
“Long. Had a lot more calls this time.” He said “Yours?” He asked going to fridge and opening it to grab two beers and petting Rocky’s head.
“It was good. We had a lot of calls too and some traffic stops.” You said and he nodded and took the beer when he offered it.
“Nobody got hurt?” He asked and you shook your head.
“Nope, just the suspects that decided to hide or run.” You said chuckling and so did he. You turned off the stove “Supper is ready.” You said and he grabbed two plates and handed you one. You both got your plates and went and sat down and began to eat.
Supper was eaten in a comfortable setting with some talking about anything and everything. It was done you went over and startled his lap and kissed him with passion and fire and he responded. When you pulled away his pupils were blown and you had no doubt yours was too. “Another kiss like that and I won't be held responsible for my actions.” He said and a smirk grew on your face and you kissed him again with the same ferocity as the first kiss and he knew what you wanted. He got up quickly knocking the chair over and then started for the bedroom planning on finishing what you both started that morning. You were in for a long night and you were so ready for it and so was he.
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lilbitdepressed27 · 5 months
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Tara Carpenter/Fem!Reader
Summary:blind reader in this one Gale didn't write bad about Sam.
WC: 5.7k
Author’s Note: happy new year y’all. Hope everyone had a good year. Also apologizes in advance for this one. Hope y’all enjoy:D
After high school you had known that the college life was also going to be hard. It took you forever to know the halls, turns and where your classes were at. It helped that you had your service dog, Scooby. According to your adoptive mom, he was a brown Chesapeake Bay Retriever. Now you had no idea what they looked like but you are positive he was cute. People always tended to gush about him where ever you took him. He had been a great help for you as you adjusted in this new city.
Your mom had been skeptical at first but she knew she had to let you go. She was very protective of you especially after your father was killed. You had been away on a school trip with your class when it had happened. You had only found out about it two days after when your mom personally came to get you from the trip. The trip had been in Alaska, it was supposed to be a two month trip but due to the attacks it was cut short.
The news had devastated you. Especially since you didn't know about it right away, cause of the no cell reception. So it was harder for your mom to reach you. You and your mother had cried for days.
She didn't know how she'd be able to let you move to New York by yourself with Scooby. She wouldn't be able to move on if she lost you or Scooby. She loved that dog, he was such a good boy. They had trained him on some simple commands to help you.
Dewey had helped you teach Scooby the commands.
So with that fear in mind, not only did she move to the city herself, she didn't have it in her to let you leave and live by yourself. But she also had called someone she hasn't spoken to as much as she wanted.
"Gale? Hey it's been awhile."
"Hello Sam, how's it going?"
"Uh pretty good we're settled in and you know Tara's worried about starting school again, she says she's not nervous but I can tell she is. How are you holding up, since you know..."
"Oh you know I'm hanging in there. I was actually calling to ask you for a favor. I completely understand if you can't. I know trust goes a long way for you."
"Gale relax, if it wasn't for you, people would still be dragging my name through the mud. What can I help you with?"
Gale leaned back in her desk chair. She tried so hard to make sure you had stayed out of her life as a reporter. Keeping you a secret from the world was surprisingly easy. Especially if there was crazy psycho trying remake a movie. Dewey and herself had agreed to keeping you a secret. Adopting you was one of her greatest things she could have done.  She remembers the day she first saw you, it was a couple months after she found out that she couldn't have kids. Dewey had tried to tell her that it was okay, that they didn't need a kid to be a happy family. But she knew better, they both had wanted a baby in the family.
So they went to a foster home. And that's where they found you, a tiny little girl. You were only baby, a year old to be exact when they saw you walking around crashing into things, walking into walls. They had watched how the other older kids would ignore you. You would babble to get anyone's attention but you'd be ignored. After crashing into a wall once again, they watched how you stood back up with a smile on your face. You had a small ball in your hands but no one to play with. They didn't understand why, until you got closer. Stumbling here and there.
Your soft y/ec eyes had clear white spots in them. Even though they were warned about you, they had fallen in love with you the moment they saw you.
"I have a daughter."
"Oh what? Wow uh congratulations?"
"No I've had her for a while, she's 19." She knew Sam probably didn't believe her.
"Really? Why are you telling me this?"
Gale heard the confusion, but she couldn't follow you every where. So she needed someone to keep an eye on you. Just a safety precaution. Something that could help her keep calm. Making friends was something that didn't come easy for you. Even though you're a bright and happy kid, other people weren't. It never affected you though. Your smile always stayed. 'Life is too short for me to be butt hurt that people don't want to be my friend, I'll be fine mom.' Was something you always said.
"She has this, thing. And I was just hoping you'd kinda just be there for her. She doesn't make friends easily and I know I'm asking a lot but—Gale relax. What's her name?"
The day had come. You had recently moved into the studio room with the help of your mom. She had helped remind you where everything was at. Making sure you knew every corner, step, counter in the apartment. It took a while but you got it. Now you could do somethings by yourself. Like bathe (obviously), get yourself dressed (your wardrobe was filled with mostly black clothing), colored clothing was in a different drawer, cook (pb&j's, cup noddle soup, wash dishes) You weren't completely helpless. A life without vision was something you were used to.
"Okay Scooby, how do I lo-" Your phone rang, cutting you off. You turned to the direction of the phone, hearing the nails scrapes of your dog. The phone ring getting closer. You felt the nudge on your knee. Reaching down feeling the cold nose of your dog, taking the phone from him. Siri had been notifying you of who was calling. "Thanks buddy."
"Hi mom."
"Hey honey, listen I called a friend of mine her name is Sam and she's on her way to take you to class-Moom-I know I know but please just give your lady a piece of mind. I swear I'm getting more grey hair. Just please do it for me."
You sighed and nodded. "Okay mom. When is she co-" The sound of the door bell rang throughout the studio. "I thinks she's here."
"Wait since when does Gale have a daughter?" Tara asked confused. She had over heard Sam's call with Gale and had wanted to help Gale's daughter. Especially since they'd be going to the same college.
"I don't know, she has a daughter that's your age, lives alone with a dog, apparently doesn't know anyone here cause she just moved here and her name is Y/n. We are going to go pick her up tomorrow."
"Damn. Gale weathers kept her daughter a secret?" The younger carpenter sibling said amazed. She would have never guessed that Gale had a daughter. She had started to wonder what the girl looked like.
Now that she was kept waiting, she was left feeling just a tad bit excited to meet the girl. She wondered if she was like more like Gale or Dewey. Probably a mix of both.
"Who's there." Your hand felt around for the button next to the door. It was intercom that your mom had paid to get installed. It was the best tech that your mom could possibly find.
"Hi Y/n it's Sam, Gale sent me."
"Mom I thinks she's here, uh how do I know I can trus-You can honey, trust me. Sam is a good one."
"Okay. I love you." Your mom returned the term of endearment before hanging up. Your hands felt around for the locks on the door. Unlocking all ten of them. Once finished you opened the door.
Sam stood on the other side, her eyes widening just a bit at the sight of your eyes. Now she understood why Gale wanted someone to watch over you. Tara stood behind her sister, jaw slack as she took you in as well. She had never seen someone so beautiful. She took in your smile as you let Sam in offering your hand that Sam shook. She walked close behind her sister as she watched one of cutest dogs she's ever seen close the door behind her. Her eyes looked into yours. Most of your eye color was covered with a cloudy white color. There was still some color in there but not as much. They were still the most beautiful pair of eyes she has ever seen.
"And you are?" The question was directed to her. It was what snapped her out of her thoughts. Her face felt flushed and warm as you looked in her direction.
You had heard the other set of footsteps when you let Sam in. You could smell the different perfume the person used. It was a smell you liked, never had you smelled something so, beautiful? The person stopped in front of you. You offered a smile and held a hand out.
"T-Tara. I'm Tara Sam's sister." Tara ignored the raised eyebrow directed towards her by her sister. Her face felling hot as she shook your hand. Your hand was much bigger than hers but it was so soft and warm. She wanted to hold on to it forever.
Your ears felt blessed as you took in her voice. It was the most beautiful voice you had ever heard.
"Nice to meet you Tara. This is Scooby. I'm sorry if my mom made you guys co-Hey now we wanted to, now are you ready?" Tara reassured. She didn't want you feeling like they didn't have a choice in the matter. Tara had never been so grateful that Gale trusted them in meeting her daughter. Cause you had to be one of the most beautiful woman she's ever seen.
"Uh yea. I just need my walking stick and my backpack."
At the mention of the backpack the two sisters watched as the dog scurried away towards the living room. Retrieving your backpack from the small coffee table. He had already had his service vest on and he was ready to go. With a smile on your face you took the backpack that had your walking stick. You moved to take it out but a warm hand stopped you.
"I got you, you can hold my elbow." Tara with a blush on as you took her elbow with a smile. She ignored the pointed look from her sister once again. She felt warm all over at the feeling of your soft hand touching her skin. She lead you out the apartment while Sam locked up.
Sam watched how Tara directed where each step was at. Telling you where exactly was the button to call the elevator. Although Sam felt like you already knew where it was at. She watched as you smiled and followed Tara nevertheless. Right before leaving the apartment you had reached for your sunglasses. Covering your eyes, she saw the disappointment in her sister's eyes the second it happened.
Sam couldn't help the small smile, Tara had been different since last year's attacks. But seeing that smile on her face while she spoke to you was something she hoped to see more.
"Okay here's your music class." Tara directed you into the class, there were already some students in the class waiting for the professor to arrive. "Do you wanna sit in the front?" She touched your hand that was still holding the inside of her elbow. She looked up at you, your soft smile on display as you looked down in her direction. Seeing her reflection on your sunglasses. She wished she could see your eyes again.
"Yes please, thank you Tara. I really appreciate you helping me."
The smile she got in return felt like a reward, seeing such a beautiful smile directed her way had Tara feeing like she could just melt to the floor.
"I wanted to. Now here's your recorder, your mom said you like to go back and listen to the lessons. Here, it's the professors textbook she's using this year." Before getting to the class, they had stopped by the library. When she saw the classes you were taking, they took a little detour. Grabbing the textbooks she knew would benefit you more.
"Thank you Tara but I can't exactly see." You said with a teasing smile. Feeling her cheeks warming up, she couldn't help the chuckle that left her lips.
"I know that, but this one you'll like better. I'll see you two after class. Bye." She smiled down at Scooby who had sat on the seat right next to yours, laying his head down on the arm rest.
"We'll see you later, thanks again Tara." You smiled up towards the direction you knew she was standing at. Your heart skipping at beat when you felt her warm hand on top of yours.
"You're welcome. Now I really have to go or else I'll be late to my class."
She left the room soon after. You smiled to yourself. Remembering to call your mom to thank her. Tara sounded so...beautiful. You may be blind but just by her voice you knew she was beautiful. Tara will be a great friend to have around.
Hearing the professor walk in and announce the beginning of his lecture you hit record on your recorder. Taking the book that Tara had gotten for you. Your breath hitching in your throat when your fingers felt over the cover. It was a braille version of the textbook. Your mom had told you that they didn't have braille books for the music course you were taking. But here it was. Noted that it did feel old but nevertheless it was a book you could read. Feeling your eyes watering a bit, no one had been this nice to you, that wasn't family. To go out of their way to do something so kind. Yet Tara did.
Scooby laid his head on your arm. You smiled down at him petting his head. Maybe making friends here wouldn't be so hard.
The weeks that followed had been great for Tara. She had spent most of her days with you. Or you with her at her apartment with the rest of the gang. You and Scooby have become such a great addition to the group. Having you around the apartment had been something that she loved to see.
Since you had been her friend the amount of frat parties she had gone to have been minimum. Choosing to rather be with you and Scooby either at your apartment or hers.
Something that Sam had liked.
Sam had seen the bond between her sister and you grow. The way you with out trying brought out the girl Sam had left behind five years ago. The way Tara was around you was of someone that had no worries. Someone that hadn't gone through almost getting killed. Someone who hadn't been betrayed by someone she loved. Someone who had to kill the one she considered a lover.
Sam could also see how you were around her sister. Tara hadn't been the only one to grow attached. Seeing the way you were around Tara was almost comical. Seeing you both dance around each others feelings was funny. Sam had taken to talking to Gale more often. Telling her about how you were doing. But also about how they were doing as well. The bond between Sam and Gale had grown.
"Hey Sam, how was work?"
She had just gotten back from work to find you and Scooby sitting on the floor of the living room. The way you could just tell who the person was, just by their footsteps was something that Sam had found impressive. She had seen how Chad had tried to sneak up on you but you would always greet him before he had the chance.
"Hey Y/n, it was good what are you guys doing? Where's Tara?"
"Well I'm helping Tara with her homework, well the best I can anyway. And she's in the bathroom." You smiled in the direction of where Sam stood.
"That's good. Any one at school giving you trouble?" Sam had been told by not only the twins but also her sister how they had found a group of frat boys picking on you. Scooby had tried his best to comfort you, not only was he there to help you but he was also there to protect you. Sam had been told by Tara how they had arrived in time to see Scooby biting one of the frat boys. The one that had taken your mobility cane.
"No Scooby scares them away. That or Tara does." You joked earning a laugh from the older Carpenter.
"Good, you know if anyone is bothering you, you can tell me." Sam had been told by your mom how you used to get bullied in high school. You were a sweet kid that didn't deserve to be mistreated. It wouldn't be the first time she had scared someone just for looking at you wrong.
"I know. Thanks Sam."
"You're welcome, now I'm making dinner. Spaghetti and meatballs sound good."
"Sounds great."
You were laid on Tara's bed watching a movie you had never heard of. It was one of Tara's favorite movies. The Babadook. You weren't really into scary movies. You had loved hearing the movies your dad watched. The Marvel movies. Daredevil had always been your favorite. For obvious reasons of course. To be blind and still be able to kick ass. Now that was awesome.
But nevertheless Tara had wanted to see the movie, so now you were here. Tara laying her head on your chest as she watched her movie. You were listening in as well. Jumping a bit when a suspenseful scene happened. You didn't see it but from the music and sound effects, not to mention the tv was a bit loud.
But the more you laid there. The more you got lost. The warmth of Tara's body pressing on to you. The feeling of her head laying right above your heart. The way her hand was on your stomach, her fingers softly creasing your stomach. It was sending the butterflies in your stomach to go crazy. Her legs were intertwined with yours. Your arm was also wrapped around her back holding her into place.
You weren't sure what this meant. Seeing as you never really had friends. Or cuddled with anyone. This was something you've never done before. You didn't want to over think anything. Make things weird. So you just laid there. Hoping Tara could feel what you felt. You'd ask but you didn't want to lose this friendship. You didn't want to jeopardize losing Tara.
"I can feel you thinking. What's on your mind?" Tara paused the movie to look up at you. Her chin still on your chest as you looked at you. Your glasses were off, the fairly lights, and the lights coming from the tv made your eyes shine. The small patched of y/ec were noticeable. Your eyes were something she loved to look at. They were like clouds with a bit of color in them. Her fingers came up to your cheek on their own accord. Softly creasing the smooth skin of your cheek. Her smile widening when you leaned into her palm.
"Nothi-Liar. I don't know if you know this but, when something is bothering you or you're thinking too hard. You get this cute little crinkle right here." With a finger she touched in between your eyebrows. Laughing when you were quick to make said crinkle go away. "Now come on tell me."
"Uh I like someone."
Tara felt herself tense, her smile quickly falling from her face. She sat up away from your warmth. Her heart breaking at the thought of you with someone else. Someone getting to lay with you like she had been doing. Someone else being able to get to kiss you. Or seeing you vulnerable like how she's seen you.
"That's-That's..who? Do I know them?" She had hoped her voice didn't come off like she wanted to cry. Cause she could feel the tears building up.
"Yea. You do. It's Sam."
The way her jaw dropped, part of her not believing what she was hearing. You liked Sam?! Samantha!! Her sister?! The ache in her heart grew ten fold. The tears escaped her eyes and she was quick to wipe them away.
"I'm just kidding. It's not Sam. It's you. I like you."
Tara didn't know whether to punch you or kiss you. So she punched your arm. "You asshole." The punch was quickly followed with a kiss. The feeling of her lips on yours was everything she had dreamed of.
"Were you crying?" You reluctantly pulled away when you felt her wet cheeks.
"Duh! I thought you confessing your love to my, sister! You're an asshole for that and I'll never forgive you." Even though the scare was still there. Your teasing smile had her smiling as well.
"I'm sorry. What can I do for you to forgive me." You brought your hands up, cupping her cheeks. You could feel her smile, the dimples that had been your favorite to feel. Her soft skin was so warm.
"Mmh, go on date with me."
"Aw man. I wanted to be the one to ask."
Tara smiled at the sight of your pout. She chuckled, she no longer felt the heart ache. No. She felt like she could kiss you again. And again. And again. The love she felt in her chest felt so strong. Something she never felt before. Not even with...Amber. Amber had made feel something. There was doubt in that. But nothing like this.
"So is that a yes?"
"Of course it's a yes."
You sat in one of tables in the quad. Scooby sat by your side. It wouldn't be long till Tara and Mindy came out of their last class of the day. It had been a month since your date with Tara. A month since you started dating Tara. Just the thought of your girlfriend was enough to have you smiling.
At hearing the familiar footsteps you straighten up. By the way they slowed down you knew she was trying to sneak up on you, so you let her. You felt her soft lips on your cheek.
"Hey baby." Tara had missed you(although she had seen you two hours ago when she walked you to your class) she couldn't help it. To be able to kiss you when ever she wanted, it was something she loved to do. Having you blush every time she kissed you. It was a sight she aimed to see every single hour of the day. Pecking your lips before greeting Scooby (who was happy to see her). "Hello there buddy, are you protecting our girl huh. Anyone bother her?"
"No one bothered me. Where's Mindy?" Feeling her warmth as she sat next to you. You wrapped your arm around her shoulder bringing her closer. You felt her get closer kissing what you thought was her temple but ended up being the corner of her eyes. "Oops sorry." Hearing her giggle was like a blessing to your ears. She cupped your cheeks guiding your lips to hers into a gentle kiss.
"Mmh it's okay. And she's with Anika. Chad's with Ethan doing who knows what. It's just you and me babe-*BARK*-And Scooby of course." Tara chuckled at the interruption.
"Maybe we could have a date ni-Guys! There's a party going down today and we have been invited." Quinn had said with excitement, you Tara had loved to party. It wasn't anything new. Yes, most times she blew off a party to be with you. You had loved every moment you had with Tara. But the thought of her holding back on having fun was something that began to make you feel, guilty?
"Uh I'm not sure-Oh come on Tara. Y/n tell Tara to have some fun."
With those thoughts in mind. You  looked in the direction of your girlfriend. "Yea go have fun babe."
"But what-It's okay. I'm going to be on the phone with my mom most of the night. Go. Have fun. You can call me after."
"Fine, ugh okay. But I'll be in your apartment right after. Okay?" A part of Tara didn't even want to go. She had wanted to go back to your apartment and just relax.
She'd only stay at the party for an hour or two and then she'll go to yours.
You had just finished making yourself a cup noddle soup. Moving in the kitchen had been relatively easy for you. You had gotten used to everything in your apartment. Making the soup was easy. Especially when you did it the lazy way. (Water in the cup and then in the microwave). You weren't supposed to but it was much faster that way.
At sound of Scooby barking had you turning to face the noise. "Scooby?" Your hand held on to the counter. Using it to guide you to the noise.
"Here boy."
You heard him growl, you with your hand moving from the kitchen counter to the wall leading to the supply closet. Then you felt Scooby biting your pants leg. Trying lead you away from the door.
"What's wrong-" The force of a being tackled had your sentence cut short. With the sudden weight, weighing you down. The sudden pain of what you assumed was a knife coming down on your shoulder had you screaming. The scream of pain was followed by the yelp of the person.
Scooby had beaten into the arm of the attacker. But a dog wasn't going to stop the attacker. No. He had came prepared. Wearing a material that can withstand a bite from a dog. Killing you was going to be easy. Gutting the dog was something he had been looking forward to. Stabbing the dog, the yelp of pain the dog let out.
"No!" You sobbed out. You couldn't lose him. You felt around for something, anything you could use to help Scooby. Your fingers connected with something solid, it was Chad's baseball bat. You gripped and swung it as hard as you could. You felt the moment the hard bat connected to the attacker. You heard the moment they dropped Scooby. More sobs escaping your lips as you failed to hear any noise coming from Scooby.
"Oh Y/n, you've missed out quite a bit. But let me catch you up to speed."
You're breathing was heavy, feeling like you couldn't catch your breath with how much you were crying. The pain you felt as the knife was brought down into your chest, the pain was too much. You tried to fight back. Your hand holding the knife, you ears finally picked up the faint whimpering of Scooby. He was dying and you couldn't do anything to help him.
"Alexa call Tara."
"Calling Tara."
"No-" A hand covered your mouth as you tried to fight him off. But you could feel your energy fading. You had lost count on how many times you had been stabbed. You didn't want Tara to hear you dying. You didn't-
"Hey baby-Would you relax Sam it's Y/n." Hearing her voice sounded so relieved. Your felt your tears escaping at a rapid pace. Your tears rolling down the side of your face into your ears.
"Hello Tara."
"Hello Tara."
The voice had her freezing in her steps. The dread overwhelmed her in waves. No it couldn't. He couldn't be back. With you. You were vulnerable. Scooby could only do so much. Feeling Sam behind her as she bolted. Sam close behind her.
"Tara wait! What's wrong?"
"Don't worry Tara. She won't go alone."
Nothing could have prepared her for when she opened your door. There was no noise. Not the tv playing your favorite show, not the scabbing of nails coming to greet her. Not your voice calling out to her with a beaming smile.
What greeted her was the sight of Scooby laying in pool a blood. He was unmoving. His eyes wide with no life in them. Her hand shook as she raised it to her mouth. The sob escaped her lips when she saw who was laying unconscious not too far from Scooby.
“No. No. No. Please god no.” Her vision became a tunnel vision. The only thing she could see was your stiff body. “Y/n?” Your eyes were open but unblinking. The same as your dog. No life in them. Her chest stuttered to get some air in. The sobs that racked her body as she pulled you closer. Your body was no longer warm. It had turned cold.
“No. Come on Y/n. Please. Please don’t leave me. You can’t. You can’t.” The ache in her chest had also started in her lungs. She couldn’t breathe. The pain she felt at seeing no life in your eyes. Your beautiful cloudy y/ec eyes held no life.
“Sam help me! Help me please! Scooby needs help to Y/n-she needs him. She can’t lose him. Please. Pl-please.” She held your limp body closer to her. Wishing that this was just a horrible nightmare. Wishing that she’d wake up and that you’d be right next to her.
But you stayed still. Your body stayed cold.
Tara gasped awake, her eyes frantically looking around the room. She was in her own room. But you weren’t there. The panic grew. The dread growing when she didn’t find you. She reached for her phone calling you. But the more she went without hearing your voice. The more the fear grew. She was out of her bed in no time. In a rush to find you.
It couldn’t be true.
But it felt so real.
When you weren’t in the kitchen, she had to find you. Your apartment is where she’d find you. You had to be there. You just had to.
The force of knocking into someone had been so sudden that she had almost knocked the person over. Had the person not been prepared.
“Wow Tara trying to tackle a blind person are ya?”
The sound of your voice had her already blood shut eyes widening before she let out a relieved sob as she fell into your arms. As she buried her face into your chest holding you tight. The nightmare had felt so real. The pain of losing you had felt so real. Your de- your body she had felt it.
“Talk to me Tara? What’s wrong?” You were worried. Never had you heard Tara crying like this. You had texted her last night but Anika had responded saying Tara drank a bit too much and was taken home late into the night. So you had gone to bed with the plan of going to Tara’s in the morning hoping you could make her hangover a bit better.
“Tara breath for me baby.” The concern grew as you felt her breathing become more erratic. You tried your best to lead her inside without tripping shutting the door behind you. Locking as many locks as you could. Scooby followed close behind. Also worried for the shorter girl.
When your fingers finally touched the couch you sat her down but she refused to let you go. You wanted to know what had caused her to act like this.
You dug into your bag, fingers grazing items you did not need. Once you found what you needed you took it out. “Come on Tar, use your inhaler. Breath for me baby. I’m right here.”
Once she had her breathing under control. You leaned back into the couch. Pulling Tara on your lap and holding her close to you. You weren’t sure what was wrong but it was clear that she needed comforting. Scooby also jumping on to the couch. His head laying into the space of the couch and you and Tara. Trying his best to comfort the girl.
“I had a bad dream. It felt so real. So fucking real. Everything. From the way you act, talk. Even when you use the microwave to heat up your cup noddle soups. Even when I tell you not to do that. Ghostface attacked you and Scooby. You both didn’t make it. Fuck it felt so real. And when I woke up I felt so confused and-when I didn’t see you, the fear grew. I couldn’t tell if the dream was real or not. I can’t lose you Y/n. I just can’t. I don’t think I’ll be able to live without you.” Tara felt herself wanting to cry again.
“I’m right here. I know I can’t necessarily promise you that nothing will happen to me. But I sure as hell can promise you that I’ll try my very best to always return to you.” You kissed the side of her face. What ended being her ear.
“I know, I’m sorry I freaked out on you.” She mumbled into your neck. Her grip on you never loosened up. Not that you were complaining.
“Don’t be. Plus I’m not that helpless. Daredevil isn’t my favorite marvel character for no reason.” You joked hoping you could get a laugh or smile from her. From the sound of her chuckle you knew you had succeeded.
“Get some rest. I’ll be here when you wake up. I promise.”
With a kiss on your lips, you could still feel her lips trembling just a bit. You wanted her to feel safe. To feel sure.
“I love you Y/n.” To have you laying here with her. It was enough for to calm down just a bit. To have Scooby also here was just enough for her to finally accept that it was just a nightmare.
“I love you to Tara.”
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moonstruckme · 9 months
hi lovely! would you consider writing part 2 for reader that is remus' roommate and sirius, where they are freshly together? if you don't feel like it that's fine, have a good day darling
Thanks for requesting honey! Hope this is alright :)
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5
modern au
Sirius Black x fem!reader ♡ 1k words
When Remus opens the door, he banishes his surprise at finding Sirius there almost as quickly as he knows he’s not here to see him. 
“She’s in her room,” Remus says, stepping aside. 
Sirius grins at him, beelining down the hall. He’d been coming around a lot more often lately, and though Remus would like to be annoyed, it’s hard to deny how sweet the two of you are together. After your first meeting, Sirius had begun showing up every weekend, allegedly to hang out with Remus, though you somehow always ended up coming along. Then he started popping in on weekdays, claiming he forgot something at the apartment or was in the area and “thought I may as well stop by to see the two biggest nerds on campus.” According to you, he started showing up at your cafe a short while after that, acting surprised to see you and like he only vaguely recalled Remus mentioning you worked there (after he’d bribed Remus with chocolates for the intel).
You’d only gone on your first date the week before, and Remus had to meet Sirius nearly twenty minutes away from campus afterward to avoid any possibility of running into you as he gushed about the dress you’d picked out (Remus had seen it before you left; it was adorable), how smart you were (Remus knew), the book you were in the middle of (Remus had lent it to you), and did Remus know this and that and that about you? (he did). Sirius spoke like you were the most fascinating creature on the planet, and Remus wasn’t sure he’d ever seen his friend so happy. 
When he got home, you weren’t much better. It had taken you awhile to build up the courage, a few days of Remus catching you smiling at your phone or staring off to the side of your book with a dreamy glaze over your eyes, but finally you’d asked Remus (trying to be casual, as if he didn’t know better) about Sirius. It had started with questions about what kind of music he preferred, then what he’d been like when they’d been in school together, and soon Remus was telling you everything he could recall from the moment he met Sirius when they were eleven, surprised and a bit endeared by how eager you were for every story. 
The day after that, he’d started getting texts from James asking about the girl that had his best friend so smitten (“Moons, I’m telling you,” James had said, “I keep walking into his room to find him texting with his feet kicking behind him. It’s alarming”). It had begun to feel like all Remus did lately was relay information about you and Sirius to anyone who asked. Frankly, he felt lucky to have a first-row seat to the show, endlessly amused to watch as two of the most self-assured people he knew devolved into giggling fools in the other’s presence. 
Now, he can hear you squeal as Sirius bursts into your room, followed by some scuffling sounds, and then Sirius drags your blanket-wrapped form across the floor and out into the living room by your ankle. You curse and twist about, grinning with the sort of animation Remus hadn’t known you possessed until you’d met Sirius. 
“Alright,” Remus says in his bored, I’m-so-done-with-your-lovebird-shit voice (he’s had plenty of time to practice it in these last few weeks), “unhand my roommate, Sirius.” 
Sirius drops your foot, and you sit up, shaking your head in entirely faked exasperation as you straighten your rumpled hair. 
“Moony, do you know she’s been dodging my calls for days?”
Remus quirks a brow. “I heard you on the phone last night.” 
“Some bullshit about an exam,” Sirius continues as though he hasn’t spoken. “Can you believe it? You know me, I won’t stand for this sort of treatment.”
“I know you’re needy, Black,” you say, standing with the grace of a monarch despite your polka-dot pajamas and the blanket wrapped around your shoulders and going to sit on the couch, “but I can only afford to feed your ego every so often when my strictest professor’s exam is coming up.” 
Remus hums in recognition. “That’s tomorrow morning, isn’t it?”
You nod, brushing a greasy piece of hair behind your ear self-consciously, and Remus watches you sympathetically. He’s not sure how much you’ve let Sirius know, but it’s hard to live in such close proximity to someone and not pick up on their moods. You’ve been horrendously stressed about this exam all week. The coffee maker has been running nearly non-stop, the shower running not at all, and Remus has seen light coming from under your door at all hours of the night. 
“Maybe the two of you should go to a park or something,” he suggests gently. “Enjoy the nice weather, relax for a while.” 
You look anxious at the prospect of abandoning your textbooks for a few hours, but Sirius is assessing you, putting the pieces together of what this week has done to you. “Good idea, Moons,” he says, and Remus doubts he has to fake any of the enthusiasm in his voice. “What do you think, lovely girl, want to go on a little adventure?”
You hesitate, but in the end time with Sirius is too tempting to pass up. “Let me just get dressed.”
“Ugh,” Sirius complains. “If you have to.” 
A few minutes later Remus is watching you both warmly, feeling oddly like someone’s dad, though he’s not sure whose. He can’t help but smile as Sirius fawns over you, telling you how pretty you look and insisting upon tying your shoes for you (“Gorgeous thing like you, doing things for yourself? Don’t be ridiculous, sweetheart. Give me a few weeks, and you won’t remember how to tie your shoes or open your own door.”) before opening the front door gallantly. You’re all coy looks and feigned annoyance at his flirtation, but there’s more color in your complexion than Remus has seen all week, and you lean into Sirius when he wraps an arm around your shoulders. It’s all very sickeningly sweet. 
“Have fun,” Remus says, waving you out the door. “And Pads.”
Sirius looks back, gray eyes practically sparkling. “Yeah?”
“She’s got an exam in the morning. Don’t get her home too late.”
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lovelyflowers-world · 5 months
Lemon Girl
So I thought about this when listening to Lemon boy by cavetown I think it's pretty good I don't know though
Percy Jackson x Reader
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
There once was a bitter sweet man and they called him lemon boy 
It was never easy being the daughter of Nyx people never seemed to want to be near me because my mother was one of the most feared goddesses she was even feared by Zeus himself.
 So I kept to myself in the garden I planted away from everyone in my own bitterness. Until he came around he was like a dam weed he just wouldn't go away no matter how much I pushed him to go away. 
"I'm Percy. Percy Jackson son of Poseidon"
"(Y/N) daughter of Nyx please go away you're stepping on my carrots" 
He was growing in my garden and I pulled him out by his hair like a weed and like weeds do he only came and grew back again 
It seemed no matter how long or hard I pushed and pushed he was always there waving to me or by my side trying to speak to me 
"What are those?" 
"They're snapdragons" 
"And what are those" 
"Fly traps" 
So I figured this time I might as well let him be 
After awhile I got used to him being around so much it seemed like he just became a part of my routine like clockwork he was there every day after his practices so I thought 'might as well put him to work' 
"Wait so how do I do this?" 
I rolled my eyes "If they've fully blossomed cut them and take out the thorns and put them in the bucket sound simple?"
"okay got it!" 
He never seemed to complain always happy to be there 
Lemon boy and me started to get along together I helped him plant his seeds and we mowed the lawn in bad weather
"So you're just going to dig a small holes about four inches deep and plant your seeds and if we take care of it good enough you'll have a watermelon patch" I looked over to him and smiled 
He smiled back and nodded and got to work. He never seemed to care about all the dirt and bugs he'd had to encounter 
But soon his bittersweet started to rub off on me 
I looked over and saw Clarisse picking on Percy I ran over 
"HEY!" They looked over to me Clarisse was scared as shit "Why don't you go shove your spear up your ass or something Clarisse!" I grabbed Percy and pushed him away as we walked off 
"Thanks" I looked to him and rolled my eyes 
"Yeah well I wasn't doing it for you I was doing it because she almost pushed you into my lilies" I blushed and ran off 
I found out that my friends are more of the savory type and they weren't too keen on compromising with a nice lemon pie
"why are you hanging out with her?!" 
I looked over and saw Percy talking to Annabeth they looked to me and I looked away 
"She's nice I actually really like hanging out with her" 
"She's bad news Percy her mom is the goddess of night of darkness!" 
I sighed and walked further away I knew this day would come he'd leave soon enough 
"Hey I picked the oranges you asked for" 
I looked over and he was smiling at me...maybe he wasn't going to leave 
But what if I run out of fertilizer?
"Idiot! Be careful!" 
I grabbed onto Percy's hand pressing a towel against it he cut himself on a knife cutting off a piece of orange for himself 
"Aw does the big bad bitter (Y/n) care about me?" 
I rolled my eyes and applied more pressure than necessary on his wound and walked away 
"As if I'd care about you seaweed brain" 
What if the clouds run out of rain?
"You're going on a quest?" 
"Yeah it shouldn't take long we're just going to track down a demigod who needs help" 
I looked at him I was concerned what if Percy didn't come back I'd be all alone again I'd loose the only friend I've had in my fifteen years of being here 
"Hey don't worry I'll be okay I have Annabeth and Grover to help me" 
He smiled and I nodded he hugged me I was so surprised 
"take care of my watermelon patch" 
I rolled my eyes and pat his back and sighed 
"You better come back or else I'll rip your your watermelon patch and plant a lemon tree" 
He laughed oh gods please let him come back home safely 
What if Lemon boy won't grow no longer?
It's been a month and Percy hasn't come back I've been more worried than I ever have been as I continued to cut the roses I heard footsteps 
"(Y/N) here Chiron asked me to deliver this to you" 
I turned around and saw a child of Hermes hand me a letter sealed with a brown envelope I smiled up at them they looked stunned 
"Thank you" 
I got up and walked away 
"Did she just tell you thank you?!" 
"Oh my gods" 
"Percy definitely changed her" 
I rolled my eyes and walked into my cabin and looked at the letter reading the name 
What if beaches dry of sugar cane?
That was the only thing on my mind as I ran in the rain my clothing soaked to the max I could care less about that I had only one thing on my mind 
I ran toward the med cabin 
The whales start to beach themselves
People were trying to push me back keeping me from going inside 
I pushed them all back and ran into Chiron we just stood silent in front of each other it was like I was communicating with him 'please I have to see him' 
He moved aside 
Tortoise shells tear away from their spines
I walked up to his bed slowly Grover and Annabeth by his sides looked to me 
"We're sorry (Y/n) we tried to stop him but he was trying to protect the new demigod and..and he got hurt" 
It happens all the time, it happens all the time
I don't even know who was talking to me I was too busy staring at Percy his body battered and bruised a large gash on his stomach that was bandaged 
They up to me patting me on the shoulder and walked away to leave me alone with him I walked up to his side and fell to my knees hugging his waist crying into it 
"Percy..Percy you stupid idiot you said you'd be safe"
Lemon Boy and I, we're gonna live forever
I woke up to the sound of Percy taking a deep breath I moved away from him and he looked at me confused 
I wasted no time in hugging him I was crying even harder than last night 
"Percy! Percy you idiot I told you to be safe! What the hell!?" 
He chuckled and hugged me back tightly he moved me back a bit to look me in the eyes 
"I thought you didn't care about me?" 
I smiled and shook my head 
Like Snufkin and Little My, we'll get around wherever
Me and Percy were walking through camp flowers in hand handing them out to people my roses grew beautifully this season all thanks to Percy 
"Imagine that Percy Jackson and (Y/n) (L/n)?" 
"She seems a lot less bitter with him around" 
"I like it" 
I smiled and walked closer to Percy bumping my shoulder with his 
"where to next seaweed brain?" 
Lemon Boy and I, we're gonna live forever
Me and Percy were running around past curfew laughing hand in hand  
"Percy where are we going?!" 
"You'll see" 
He looked back at me for a moment before looking forward again running faster I laughed louder 
"Percy hold on!" 
Like Snufkin and Little My, we'll get around wherever
We stopped at my garden under my lemon tree there was a nice picnic set out 
"Percy? is this-" 
"For us? Yes yes it is" 
He dragged me to the blanket and sat me down handing me a plate 
"Lemon pie?" 
"I know it's your favorite" 
I blushed and looked away embarrassed I looked up to sky the stars and moon looked beautiful 
"They're not as beautiful as you" 
I probably looked like a cherry now jeez this boy is going to kill me 
It's actually pretty easy being nice to a bitter boy like him
Me and Percy were working in the garden when a few other people came around 
"Hey can we help you (Y/n)?" 
"Yeah I want to help too!" 
"Can you teach me how to care for my plants they're starting to die" 
I was getting overwhelmed by all the talk happening that's when Percy stepped in 
"Hey back off my girlfriend will you one at a time" 
Cause we're the bitterest boys in town
Me and Percy were sitting by the lake watching the sunset He leaned his head on my shoulder 
"So about what happened earlier- I didn't mean to call you my girlfriend- I mean not that I would mind for you to be my girlfriend I would love that- but of course you have a choic-" 
Cause we're the bitterest boys in town
I kissed him and once I pulled away I looked at him and smiled 
"I would love nothing more than to be your girlfriend Percy" 
I leaned my head on his shoulder as I looked back to the sunset I heard him sigh in relief 
He leaned his head on top of mine 
Yeah I definitely got used to him and I don't regret it 
And I got myself a citrus friend
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
Go check out my fanfiction Riptide on wattpad link in my page <3
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imagine-silk · 3 months
Fallout Guys reacting to their crush Sole who has been traveling with them for awhile, and know each other like two peas in a pod, suddenly saying that they'll need to part ways for a little bit as there's something that they have to face alone. They promise they'll be back as soon as they find what they're looking for. A week passes and they return with a couple of items they picked up and gifts them as they apologize for leaving but they needed time to process. When they ask what they're trying to process, Sole says, "That I'm allowed to love you." As it turns out, they liked him too but was struggling with what their late spouse would think. Ultimately they decided that they'd want them to be happy.
》Ooh, I love this. Also, looking down the list I think they would feel conflicted about it as well. Extremely my shit.
Tumblr media
【Danse】 "Are you sure?"
There is a certain self-loathing he has after Blind Betrayal that leaves him lost. Through all of it you pushed him better footing and he was doing so well. Then you dropped that on him. It takes a conversation to teach him it's also okay for him.
【Deacon】 "Of course it is. Have you seen me?"
Like always, he hides behind false bravado. He panics and tries to shift the focus to the idea you were bound to fall in love with his dashing rogue persona. Of course that doesn't work when he sees your face, like you're about to cry.
【Hancock】 "Took you long enough."
He had absolutely no idea you felt the same and he himself was feeling insecure about staying by your side with his love. You lost your spouse and here he was wanting that from you. But now that you told him you do as well he's over the moon.
【MacCready】 "Then I guess I am too."
He was in the same boat. Lucy only died a few years back, and to you Nate/Nora died less than a year ago. He was so caught up in figuring out if it was appropriate to love you he missed very obvious signs you were throwing.
【Nick】 "Lucky me."
He didn't particularly grieve Jenny, not in the way you grieved Nate/Nora, didn't have the direction to. He never thought to consider Jenny's feelings in his life. Somehow that made him feel better. You wanted him, and he wasn't the man from 200 years ago. You weren't a haunting shadow or clearly mistaken.
【Preston】 "I'm sure he/she would want you to be happy."
The idea of your late spouse made him feel conflicted from the start. You didn't seem to want to let go so he left it alone and refrained from asking. Because of that this came at him from a bit of left field. But who was he to say what they would feel about it or how you should handle it.
【X6-88】 "I see."
He did not see. To be blunt, Nate/Nora was dead, their permission was not needed. Even if they were alive you could ignore their wishes. Who would say no to you? Not him. But for you he'll sugarcoat it. It's not like he dislikes the news it comes with.
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lowkeyremi · 1 year
Haikyuu men as fathers pt 4.
Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3
100 follower special!! THANK YOU GUYS!!
Ft. Semi, Aran, Noya, Akaashi
The age range of the kids will differ for each character but it’s from babies up til like 17 or 18
CW: Indication of pregnancy, relationships, marriage, and certain styles of parenting
Enjoy lovelies <33
Semi Eita:
“That’s it sweetheart, keep going.” Semi coos at his 3 year old who is playing a little pink guitar (for children) she’s singing the words to You Are My Sunshine while Semi was recording her.
Why? Well, to cheer you up. Your friend was going through some really hard stuff that made you feel very upset so you went to help her out. Meaning Semi was to take care of your sweet toddler.
“Shunshine, you are mah shunshine!” She sung happily, Semi couldn’t bring himself to correct her wording. “You make me happy- uh what rest of da words daddy?” She asks still strumming the guitar out of tune.
He whispers the words as not to interrupt the video, “when skies are gray.”
“When skies are gway!” She sets the guitar down after singing that line.
“Daddy I done, send to Mommy.” She says eagerly and he chuckles. Your long time boyfriend (now fiancé) stops the recording and sends it to you.
“I think mommy will love this video.” He says holding his arms out for Kana to sit in his lap.
“I hope it make her feel happy, you think she really like it?” Kana asks playing with her small fingers.
“I think she’ll love it, would you like to play the piano, my dear?” Your home is filled with a bunch of instruments and Semi loves letting his little girl choose something each day to try to see if she’ll be a musical genius.
“Hmmm,” she taps her chin and responds, “I wanna play drums.” He moves his hair out of his face and picks his daughter up to take her to the music room where Semi works on songs and holds practice for his band.
“Drums it is!” He says and Kana claps her hands and does a little cheer.
Half way through their drum session Semi gets a phone call from you. When he picks it up he puts it in speaker.
“Hey baby, you’re on speaker.” He informs.
“Hey,” you say sounding tired. “Where’s my sweet pumpkin who sung for me?” You ask over the phone. Kana sets down the drum sticks and practically runs over to Semi’s phone.
“Me! It’s me mommy!” She says bouncing up and down.
“Thank you Kana, that made mommy feel much better.” You tell her which makes her giggle.
“Thank you mommy! What else I sing?” She asks. Your precious three year old is definitely ready to sing another song for you.
“How about row, row, row your boat?” You asked knowing it was an easy song that Kana knew.
“OO! OKAY!” She took a deep breath and started to sing.
“Row, row, row-” she stopped and you planned to ask her why but she answers the question that doesn’t come out of your mouth.
“Daddy! Why you not singing? Mommy loves when Daddy sings!” She practically scolds.
His deep chuckle is heard on your end. “Sorry, sorry. Let’s sing it together.”
Your two most precious people sing Row, Row, Row Your Boat. You felt better by the end of it. After Kana talked to you for a bit Semi dismissed her to play the drums while he chatted with you for awhile.
In the end you two talk about how precious your beautiful daughter is.
he sings his little girl to sleep as often as he can
they make up new songs together all the time 🥺
DREADS leaving for concerts
omg he loves it when u guys come to his concerts
he'll be like "shout out to my beautiful wife and baby girl who made this opportunity possible"
tbh he's lost ur daughter a few times " oh shit... i thought she was w you"
he has his two fav girls tatted on his shoulders
Aran Ojiro:
Fifteen year old Mei walked over to her father, she noticed him rubbing his temples.
"You okay, Daddy?" ahe asked worried for him.
"Yeah I'm good baby girl, momma and i just got into again. We'll make up with each other, though." Aran explains rubbing his goatee.
Mei walks over to him and gives him a hug.
"I'm sorry, Daddy. It's not your fault that I got dress coded." Aran didn't say anything in return, he was sighs realizing how unaware he was when arguing with you.
"I talked to momma about it, you didn't know the skirt was too short. It looks a lot like my other one, right?" She states.
He was starting to realize how childish the argument was. Mei's school is very strict so the fact the skirt was two inches shorter than it needed to be was beyond Aran's understanding. He hadn't even noticed the difference.
It only became a problem because you had to leave work to pick up Mei. Aran couldn't because he had a game. When he came home you started arguing with him. He argued back because you pinned the blame on him. After all, he was responsible for getting Mei and Koro to school.
"Yeah it does. Is Koro sleep?" He asks his daughter.
"I put him down before y'all started arguing." She says retracting from the hug.
"I'm really sorry, I don't like when you and momma fight." Aran frowns, you two have been fighting more often than usual.
"I know baby, I think momma is stressed with a lotta stuff. I mean she's finally back from maternal leave, she's working toward a promotion, and some other things. I just gotta be more mindful."
Before Mei can respond you emerge from upstairs, "Go on Mei, momma needs to talk to daddy in private." It doesn't go unnoticed how Mei gives her dad a thumbs up before making her way upstairs.
"Aran, baby, i'm sorry.. Mei told me what happened." You say quietly. You had no idea what you were expecting but it wasn't your husband holding his arms out for you.
He embraces you quietly for a few minutes. and then he responds.
"I know things have been rough lately. I just want you to know, I still love you." He explains softly.
That shouldn't have made you tear up but it did.
"I love you too, Aran. Always." You say mirroring his previous statement.
He was amazing helping you thru pregnancy i mean that man worked his ass off
You two agreed on no more kids after Mei but Koro came long sooooo
He loves both his babies dearly, he doesn't have a fav
Hates arguing with you :((
Not allowed to take them to stores cuz he's weak to their puppy dog eyes
He's 100% a dad superhero to his kids
Nishinoya Yuu:
Noya stared down his toddler. The little man started babbling very loudly.
"Don't you get an attitude with me, Akio. You think you're so high and mighty cuz, you're the result of my sperm!" He says in a teasing voice.
"Nishinoya Yuu he is two years ol-" you were cut off by your son.
"Sp-erm!" he says and claps. Noya mutters an 'oopsie' and you glare at him. "Yuu! Stop saying stuff like that in front of him," you scold.
"Well, tell him to stop copying me." Akio looks at his dad, "Stop, stop, stoooooooooop." You couldn't help but giggle it was so interesting seeing your son find his voice.
"Bye bye. Akio go bye bye." He says struggling to get down from the couch. Once he's down he starts running towards the bathroom.
"Yuu, make sure he's going potty and not playing in toilet water... again." Noya makes his way to the bathroom. After a few second you hear a groan followed by, "Akio, noooooo."
Your son can be heard laughing followed by, "daddy, noooooo."
"Dude toilet water is not something to play with." Noya sighs.
"Fuck you!" The two year old yells and you gasp loudly.
"Huh, wonder where you learned that, kid." Noya chuckled sheepishly.
"Nishinoya Yuu!" You yell and he comes into the dining room with your cute little trouble maker who had nothing on besides his pull-up.
"Ooooo daddy get trouble."
Noya begins muttering, "I don't- he must've... Tanaka..." you tap your foot and your two year old giggles.
"Tanaka what? Speak up, babe." you say with your arms crossed.
"Tanaka and I were watching a volleyball game with Akio and we were betting... the team I was betting on won so tanaka screamed f you when my team won by one point." Noya explains.
"Akio, that's a no no word, okay? We don't say everything we hear others say." You scold your son because not only is it Noya's fault it's his fault too.
"Otay mommy." Noya puts your little menace down.
"Let's go get you bathed little dude." He says smuggly.
"Good idea." When they're out of ears reach you sigh rather loudly.
You love your two guys but it can be tiring when your husband stoops to a two year old's level.
The type to be like "you want a piece of me little man?"
More often than not instead of handling a situation normally he'll get on his son's level
He stopped traveling so often to settle down with you
He and his son are always getting into some form of trouble
He made your son think popsicles are a sustainable breakfast
Butttt when you're gone he does pull himself together and makes an amazing father
He and Akio take naps together, being a menace is not easy work
Akaashi Keiji:
"No! The monster will get me!" Ami yells as she runs away from Bokuto.
"Papa save me!" She yells out to Akaashi.
"Honey, your Uncle Bokuto isn't a monster." he explains.
Bokuto pouts at Ami's reaction, any time he's over she gets scared. The scared little girl crawls into her father's lap for comfort. Akaashi rubs her little back and she hugs him close.
"I don't try to be scarey, Ami. I brought you candy!" Bokuto exclaims with the candy in his hand. It seems to work for a second because she turns her head to look at him. He smiles at her and she makes a small 'hmph' and nuzzles her head in her father's stomach.
"Come on, bun. Don't be shy, your uncle is really cool.." his voice lowers and he mutters, "at least most of the time he is." Ami hears this and giggles.
"Okay papa... you gotta hold my hand though, just in case." She says shyly.
Akaashi nods his head confirming he'll listen to his daughter's request. She cautiously approaches Bokuto. He holds out the candy for her to take, without hesitation the young girl grabs the candy and remembers her manners.
"Thank.. you." she says to bokuto. He beams at her and nods.
"That's my girl, you've got great manners." Akaashi says with a very small smile.
Everyone turns their head to the door because they hear it unlocking. "Ami, mommy's home with the kitten!" You yell.
Ami jumps up and down quickly forgetting she was even scared, "What did the vet say?! Will Popcorn be okay?!" She asks all at once.
"The vet said Popcorn has perfect health." Ami squeals in excitement. She runs over to the carrier to open it up so her kitten could come out.
Akaashi looks at his daughter in awe, "she's just like you." You know who he's refering to. He believes that your daughter looks more like you but you think it's the opposite.
"Papa come hold Popcorn!" Ami says. Akaashi walked toward the cat carrier and picked up the kitten. Ami was a giggling mess.
"Akaashi! I always knew you'd make a good father!" Bokuto exclaims dramatically.
"Huh, you really think so?" Akaashi asks and Bokuto can't get a word in because you're quick to interrupt.
"We know so!" Well, everyone knows so. Akaashi is calm and rational after all. He completes you and your daughter.
Stay at home dad (i don't make the rules)
His daughter is a daddy's girl
He initially said no to a kitten but you and your daughter begged until he said yes
Pretty calm in most situations
Surprisingly didn't freak out when he found out you were pregnant
He did so much research on how to be a dad because he didn't wanna mess up
VERY protective of his daughter
He bakes with his daughter as a hobby
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muwapsturniolo · 5 months
✯Ma Belle Evangeline✯
summary: Black!ballet reader invites the triplets to her recital.
warnings: none besides a couple of pictures of a white girl but I promised I tried to find a picture of a black girl but i couldn't. don't jump me plz.
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"Do you think she will like the flowers?" Chris asks swallowing thickly. Nick and Matt roll their eyes for what feels like the thousandth time today. All day Chris has been freaking out.
Because of Y/N.
The little ballerina made him so nervous and he couldn't figure out why. Every time he was around her he felt this impending sense of doom, but he craved it. In some odd sadistic way, he loved the panic it brought him, how it would make his stomach churn and hard to breathe.
"Chris if you freak out one more time, I'm going to strangle you." Nick snaps as they take their seats. Chris huffs to himself and starts fiddling with his tie. A guy dressed like a server walks around holding out programs. Chris takes one and shows his brothers, "Oh my god they are doing 'Princess and The Frog'! I love that movie!" Nick gasps.
"Look, Y/N is the Prima...what the hell is that?" Chris takes out his phone and looks it up. " it's basically the lead. It says it's usually the best dancer." The boys look at the pamphlet impressed. They knew Y/N was a ballerina, but they didn't know she was that good to be the Prima. Granted they've only known her for two months, but she never bragged about being good.
Soon the lights dim and the boys look towards the stage.
Loud music fills the theatre and that's when they realize there is a live orchestra.
"In the south land, there's a city, way down on the river"
Dancers in different costumes begin to prance around the stage. Of the three boys, Nick is the most entertained. Chris and Matt find it intriguing, but they don't really understand what's going on.
Eventually, the first song ends and the next song starts.
A girl prances out on stage dressed in a brown leotard and tutu. the song picks up and Chris finds himself smiling wide when Y/N joins the girl on stage.
"momma, I don't have time for dancing... that's just gonna have to wait awhile."
Y/N dances elegantly around the stage to the music. her movement fluid and smooth.
The boys watch, happy to see their friend on stage in her element. She's in a yellow leotard and tutu, her hair in a low bun.
Male dancers join the two girls on stage and begin to dance with them, lifting them in the air and doing all types of tricks.
"I'm almost there!"
The spotlight shines on Y/N as she twirls in endless circles before she stops at the exact same time as the music, her form perfect.
The crowd begins to clap and the girl smiles widely as she prances off the stage with the other dancers. "Oh my god Y/N being Tiana is perfect!" Nick excitedly claims as he claps.
Chris couldn't agree more.
The crowd stops clapping and waits for the next part to start.
"Don't you disrespect me, little man!"
Three males suddenly appear on stage. One dressed like a maid, the other a prince, and the last like the Shadowman. Nick bounces in his seat, singing along to the song.
The males move around the stage, their movements enchanting yet exhilarating, matching the vibes of the Shadowman's song perfectly.
"Shake my hand, come on boys won't you shake a poor sinner's hand?"
The drums from the orchestra send vibrations through the audience's bodies. Dancers dressed in black crawl onto the stage, circling the maid and the prince. Following the lyrics, they begin to grab at the prince who looks scared and is trying to get away. They yank at his clothes, pulling him around the stage.
"You can blame my friends on the other side!" the dancers start yanking the prince off stage and the maid chases after them.
The "Shadowman" spins in endless circles before taking a bow.
"Hush!" The lights turn off and you can see the curtain drop. Once again, the crowd applauds.
The production of the performance has been amazing so far.
The costumes, the set design, everything.
The lights turn on, but stay dim as the curtain raises.
"If I were a human being," another male dancer prances onto the stage, dressed in a dark green outfit. Unlike the other dancers, his movements are a bit wonky, signifying the gator named Lewis.
The prince from before joins him, this time in a green suit.
Chris blocks them out until he sees Y/N join them. She's in a green leotard, signifying Tiana's frog form.
He thought the yellow leotard was pretty, but the green just suited her even more.
The trio dances around the stage, all of them dancing in their own styles. It was interesting to see how their dance styles complemented the song.
"When I'm human!"
They all pose and allow the applause to happen before another male comes on stage. His suit a stark difference from the others. Brown with hints of orange and glowing.
" Alright lew lew, let's get to it, darling!"
A country-esque song starts playing, and the original three dancers frown in confusion. More dancers in glowing costumes skip onto stage as the song continues. Y/N and the male dancers join them, mock confusion still on their faces as they jump around on stage.
They are led off stage by one of the dancers as the song ends.
"This is so good, oh my god!" Nick whispers in amazement.
before Matt or Chris can respond,
"look how she light up the sky, Ma Belle Evangline."
Chris feels that same impending doom as Y/N comes onto the stage. Her curls are now down and flowing freely down her back, her skin glowing as the spotlight focuses on her. The slow song continues as she elegantly dances across the stage.
Her eyes are closed as she blissfully moves.
She looks ethereal.
As she dances, it all begins to make sense to Chris.
"I love you, Evangeline."
He has a crush on her.
Chris tunes out the rest of the recital until the end.
It seems like it's the ending dance between the prince and Y/N.
"For the way you changed my plans."
Her dress from before is replaced by an off-white and moss-green one. Her hair up in a high bun as a crown adorns her head, her pointe shoes being a sage green.
Chris feels like the air has been punched out of him as he sees her.
Y/N and the prince dance closely, their bodies touching intimately. The dance is full of love, it brings tears to Nick and Matt's eyes, as well as a few other audience members.
It's like Chris is in a trance as he watches her dance.
"You're the best thing I ever knew I needed," the dancer lifts Y/N up above his head and twirls around.
Chris wishes it was him.
"Now it's so clear, I need you here always"
The two stop dancing and hold each other close, foreheads touching as the music slowly comes to a halt.
Everyone stands up and begins to applaud.
A standing ovation.
Chris whistles and claps the hardest, proud of seeing Y/N dominate the stage.
After final bows and such, the triplets walk behind the stage and wait for Y/N.
"Are you guys Nick, Matt, and Chris? Y/N wanted me to grab you and bring you to her." the boys nod and follow the male in tights behind the doors.
They arrive and see Y/N excitedly talking to another girl. She sees the boys and gasps before hugging them.
"Did you guys enjoy the show?"
She was so excited to see what they thought. She was also a bit nervous since they hadn't seen her dance until now.
"Girl, you were amazing! unbelievable!"
"Yeah, you were great. Everyone was!"
"you looked gorgeous on the stage." Y/N can't help but smile widely at them, her heart beating fast due to Chris's comment.
"I umm... I got you these," he says handing her the bouquet of tulips. Y/N stares at them in awe. "Chris.... they're beautiful! you didn't have to get me flowers." she takes the bouquet with soft eyes. Chris smiles at the look on her face, "Yeah but you deserve them. You were amazing on stage and you look gorgeous."
A shy giggle makes its way from Y/N and she looks away from him.
"let's take pictures!" Nick suggests. The group begins to take pictures with Y/N, group ones first then individual.
When it's Chris's turn, Y/N grabs her bouquet and smiles. Chris places his hands on her waist, gripping her softly.
They stop when another dancer walks up to Matt and Nick and begins talking to them.
"Can I tell you something?" Chris asks softly, his hands fiddling with the edge of her tutu. "yeah, sure."
"I get this impending sense of doom when I'm around you. I thought it was bad, but I craved the feeling. It's like I'm addicted. when you were on stage during your solo, I realized something-" Chris finally looks away from her tutu and at her.
"I realized that impending doom was butterflies in my stomach. You make me so damn nervous and it's crazy because I don't get nervous around most girls, but you just drive me crazy, in a good way. I have only known you for two months but I really like you Y/N."
Chris stares, hopeful the ballerina won't turn him down.
"More than friends."
Y/N feels warmth across her whole body.
She also had a crush on the boy, but she never acted on it afraid he would turn her down. Now here he is, confessing his feelings in such a raw way.
"R-really?" Chris nods and moves a bit closer, his hands wrapping around her waist. Their foreheads touch and his eyes gaze at her lips for a moment.
"Be my Evangeline?"
A wide smile breaks across Y/N's face.
Still in her pointe shoes, she goes up on her toes and pulls Chris into a soft kiss.
"Nick, are you crying?"
"Shut the fuck up Matt, this is too cute, and if you tell anyone I cried I'm killing you in your sleep!"
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liked by Y/I/N and 613,285 others....
Christophersturniolo: Ma Belle Evangeline, you're the best thing I never knew I needed✨
Y/I/N: you're gonna make me cry Chris omfg
^Christophersturniolo: I'll be over to kiss them away and watch Princess and the Frog with you
mattsturniolo: nick cried when yall kissed and hes crying again at this post😆
^nicksturniolo: matt sleep with one eye open
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yall this is my fav thing i have written!!! i love princess and the frog sm so i was blasting the soundtrack the whole time when writing this! please let me know what yall think!!
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signedmio · 4 months
After Reading the Proposal and Wedding One shot I think it's called?
Can I please request the same characters(Adam, Lucifer and Vox) react to there kid having there Powers and how GN Reader and Them deal with it in an everyday bases
oh my god my brain has so many ideas i’m doing this right the freak now
also i’m so sorry this isn’t necessarily gn!reader becuz this does talk about pregnancy 😭
Warnings: AFAB!reader, pregnancy talk, ooc Adam?(?), swear words, potential S1 spoilers, Vox being a bit of a shitty dad
Adam, Lucifer, Vox w/ kids who have their powers (+ extra)
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You and Adam probably wait awhile after your wedding until having kids, he wants to have his party lifestyle a little longer, and cmon, who can blame him?
At first he isn’t so sure, I mean, a small ball of flesh that just cries wasn’t the most entertaining thing to him… But he’ll do it for you
But the moment you tell him your pregnant, something in him clicks.
He’s very invested in the kids before their even born, he’s reading all those cheesy and old baby books constantly, cause honestly, he’s not as prepared as he’d thought he’d be
Simply because I see Adam as both a boy dad and a girl dad let’s say you two have twins 😛
He’s a good dad not gonna lie, but let’s be real, he tried to make at least one of his kids say “feces” as their first word… yeah, you weren’t too happy. 😀
Growing up, he definitely spoiled his girl and roughhoused with his boy, maybe a bit too much…
He was definitely a baseball or softball dad
Considering Adam’s foul language, they definitely grew up at swearing at a young age, but it stayed in the house dw
As the kids grew into their early teens they discovered their shared their dads powers — and bitch was through the roof about it
Adam started training them on how to use their powers to their liking, but also taught them the safety of them. He was actually a pretty good teacher ngl.
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Obviously, from his past marriage with Lilith, he already had his first kid, so he was ready — he was just waiting for you to be as well
So when you were, he was stoked !
He was very aware and attentive during your pregnancy, trying to not make the same mistakes he did the first time around
He’s also very understanding about mood swings and he WILL go out in the middle of the night to get you cravings, he doesn’t have to, but he will
But when you both bring another daughter Morningstar into the world, Charlie is thrilled to have a younger sister!
She definitely babysits a lot, and the child definitely spends a lot of time in the hotel
Luci dedicates certain times of the day when he can not and will not have meetings or projects to be working on so he can dedicate time to both of his daughters.
He loves asking your daughter how her day was, and how schools going, but he also asks how her friends are to stress that grades aren’t the only thing that matter
As your daughter grows, she starts to develop Lucifer’s powers, only a small fraction — considering how powerful he is, but he’s stoked that not one, but now both of his daughters have his powers!
He’s been through training them before with Charlie, so he’s pretty skilled on how to do it now, but he tends to stress to your daughter the usage of the powers and the rights and wrongs are far more important than the strength you have
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Vox was in no rush to have kids due to the current workload for VoxTech, but if you wanted them, all you had to do was ask
Vox, like Adam, couldn’t really wrap his head (or screen ig??) around the concept of a child until they were in his arms.
Vox wasn’t really sure how to handle a newborn, older kids were different, but this..? Maybe this wasn’t right for him…
It broke his heart every time he heard his son sob as a new born, and to be honest, he wasn’t sure what to do.
It’d be late at night and Vox would get out of your shared bed to go make sure the baby would stop crying before you’d wake.
He’d try everything, singing, rocking, bottle, changing the diaper, toys, everything. And it wouldn’t stop.
It’s not until you stir in your sleep and hear everything, you go to your son’s crib and simply hold him and he stops crying immediately, you set your son down and go back to sleep. Vox is literally amazed.
As your son ages into the ages of 6 and up is when it starts to get easier for Vox, by the time Vox can even slightly have a conversation with the kid it gets easier, the communication is a lot more clear
He doesn’t have a lot of time to play with his son due to VoxTech, so usually Vox will keep his son in his lap as he works in his office, he’ll even ask his son business questions! Even when he only gets gibberish back, he’ll take it. Hey, don’t judge him, client feedback is important.
As his son ages into his teen years, Vox starts turning a bit strict, he needs his son to be the coolest fucking kid in school, so Velvette tailors him a shit ton of clothes and Vox makes sure his son always has the newest gadget. Vox also is strict about keeping grades up, he wouldn’t ever take anything away for a bad grade, but your son may get a bit of lecture..
All of this is building up to something though, Vox really wants your son to take over VoxTech in his adult years, so he wants to make sure his son is prepared and experienced in the new world he’d enter, if he doesn’t want, Vox gets it, he may be a bit pushy though, but Vox has been in that place so he won’t push too hard.
At around the age of 15, your son developed Vox’s hypnosis powers.
Vox teaches your son how to use this to his advantage, like for example, VoxTech, but he also stressed there’s a time and place, and to not use it on someone you truly care about. Strategy is everything.
Is Vox the perfect parent? No. But no one is. But he genuinely has so much love for his son, and tbh he wants more kids…
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michelleleewise · 1 year
So I have a prompt if you're willing.
So like a bunch I've seen in the past, what if Loki has a crush on the reader and doesn't know how to process his feelings. So he picks on her, pulls pranks on her, and just being kind of mean to her. But of course Loki doesn't see it that way. Instead of the reader standing up for herself or trying to beat him at his own game, she gets really down on herself. Being picked on reminds her of her bullies from highschool and all the bad feelings come back. She starts to isolate herself, grows quiet, and starts skipping things if she finds out Loki's going to be there. It isn't until Nat (or whoever) sets him right, that he realizes what he's been doing to her. Is it too late to save this could be relationship?
I would like a happy ending but plenty of angst. Feel free to say no if you don't want to. 💙🖤💚💜
Hiiiiiiiiii!!!! Sorry this took 500 years for me to get to!!!! But I'm here now and let's set this angstfest on its way!!!! Hehehe. Thank you so much for sending this to me!! I hope you enjoy!! 💚💚💚💚
The Angel and the Fool
Pairing: Avenger Loki x female reader
Warnings: teasing, bullying, crying, depression, self deprecating thoughts, self esteem issues, body insecurities, loki being an idiot, nat being a good friend.
Summary: you and Loki had been friends for awhile, but recently his behavior towards you changed dramatically....
A/n: aaahhhh!!! This absolutely got away from me!! Lol sooooo it's a super long read, not sure how many words lol and a very very special Thank you to @mochie85 for all of your support and being my beta with this and and all your amazing thoughts!!!! Thank you!!!!! 💚💚💚 aaaand a new pic!!! 😁💚
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You stood at the kitchen counter waiting for the world's slowest coffee machine to finish "all that money and stark can't even get a fast machine." You sighed leaning your elbow on the counter when you heard voices coming from the hallway "I told you brother, I was the one who broke up with her" Thor's voice boomed through the room like the thunder he was known for "whatever you say thor." Loki's smooth voice followed after. Looking up seeing the bane of your existence patting his brother on the shoulder as they walked into the kitchen. "Ah lady y/n, how are you?" Thor asked smiling as he reached into the cupboard grabbing a box of his pop tarts "I'm fine, how are you?" You asked as the coffee machine finally beeped signaling it was done.
"I am quite well thank you, we are headed to the training room." He said setting the box down next to you when you finally took stock of what they were wearing. Thor in his red shirt and black joggers when your eyes met Loki's, the smile on his face sending a shiver through you as your eyes traveled down seeing his tight black tank hugging every muscle he had. Biting you lip seeing his exposed arms, tracing the veins down to his long yet delicate fingers "your staring again darling." He purred snapping you out of your trance "sorry." You whispered grabbing the sugar bowl you began sweetening your coffee "I would be careful with that if I were you." Loki said making you look up at him "why is that?" You asked holding the spoon over your cup. "Well its just you mortals and sugar, i have heard it adds to the waistline does it not?" He asked smiling as his eyes traveled down your body.
"What..." you started when he raised his hand "I know it is not your fault, your weak mortal form cannot handle what we can." He said smiling again flexing his large pectoral muscles. Dropping the spoon you looked down at yourself, you knew you had put on a few pounds...being Pepper's assistant left Iittle time to make home cooked meals so a lot of your food was take out or on the run. You adjusted your belt feeling your eyes burn "you can always join us in the gym, i would be happy to...assist you." loki purred again. Looking up seeing he was still focused on your body "t..thanks but I..." you trailed off putting your cup in the sink
"I need to go, maybe I'll see you guys later." You said quickly leaving the room before he could say anything else. You made it to your office, flopping in your chair with a huff. "Does he think im fat?" You asked yourself straightening your back you looked down at your soft middle, poking it with your finger sighing. "Maybe a diet wouldn't be a bad idea." You said to yourself turning on your computer trying to get to work but Loki's words kept echoing in your head. You leaned back in your chair feeling a tear stream down your cheek. You had admittedly had a crush on the god practically since you were hired, and through your work with them you had grown closer to him, you could say you were friends. But the last few weeks he's seemed to go out of his way to point out every imperfection you had. You sighed closing your eyes deciding to go shopping after work to buy new clothes and a variety of green leafy things.
A few days later you once again stood in the kitchen placing various fruits and vegetables in a blender. Nat had told you about a smoothie that could help you lose weight when you saw Loki walking into the kitchen looking like be just rolled out of bed. His hair was a disheveled mess, the muscles of his bare chest flexing as he ran a hand through it "Hello little mortal, what are you up to now?" He asked walking to the fridge grabbing two bottles of water making your heart plummet "nothing." You said quietly continuing your work. "Mmm, and the change of wardrobe?" He asked gently tugging on the end of your overly large blouse "stop it." You snapped swatting his hand away hearing him laugh. "Did we wake up in a mood darling?" He asked taking a seat on the stool in front of you. "Dont you have a guest to get back to?" You sneered pointing at his second water bottle "She will be fine, this is much more entertaining." He smiled grabbing a strawberry from your pile taking a bite as he stared into your eyes.
You felt your heart sink at the confirmation, the familiar burning in your eyes returning "I'm not here to entertain you Loki." You growled when his bright emerald eyes met yours "but you do it oh so well." He purred biting into another strawberry. You sighed, closing your eyes fighting back the tears that were threatening to expose you when you heard a pair of heels clicking against the tile floor "there you are, you just left me alone." A woman's voice sounded through the room making your eyes shoot open, a tall thin redhead sauntered up to the counter placing a perfectly manicured hand on Loki's bicep "apologies, I became distracted." He said not taking his eyes off of you. "Oh, is she making us smoothies?" The woman asked excitedly as she took the seat next to him. "I do not know, are you y/n?" He asked, a smirk spreading across his face as you placed the last of the ingredients in the blender
"well she's your assistant isn't she? Why else would she be here with you?" The woman laughed as you turned on the blender hoping to drown her out when you saw the lid of the blender begin to glow "what the..." you were cut off as the lid flew off and the entire contents of the blender shot out and all over your shirt, gasping as the cold liquid seeped through to your skin "oh dear...it seems you will need to change that hideous shirt." Loki's voice entered your consciousness as your eyes shot to his seeing him laughing with his "date". you grabbed a towel trying to get as much of the green concoction off you as you could, tears welling in your eyes "green really is your color darling" Loki purred making you sigh.
You threw the towel in the sink seeing the redhead pressed against his arm laughing when you looked at him, his eyes roaming your now drenched shirt "i...I need to go." You said quickly heading towards the hall when Nat walked in "y/n, what happened?" She asked seeing your ruined shirt "nothing, just..." you said looking over your shoulder seeing loki had turned still watching you "just a blender mishap, I'm fine." You said stepping around her when she grabbed your arm "y/n, are you ok?" She asked, her eyes boring into you. "Of course. Why wouldn't I be?" You asked as nat glanced back into the kitchen seeing loki and the redhead "y/n.." She started when you pulled your arm free "I said im fine nat, i...I have to go pepper is waiting." You said quickly turning to the elevator before she could say anything else.
You stepped in pushing the button, as the doors closed you finally allowed the tears to fall. Any inkling of a hope you had for you and Loki had just been crushed under the reality of your life you would never be good enough. Your mind went back to the woman he was with, she could have been a model, an actress. You had to admit she was beautiful when your mind went back over the last few weeks with Loki, his constant comments about your weight, your clothes, the time you tried to add a little makeup to your routine hoping he would notice, but his reaction crushed you "aren't clowns supposed to be in the circus?" He had asked shaking his head. Every off handed comment, every slight against your appearance drudging memories long buried..."if you lost a few pounds maybe a guy would be interested"..."is face transplant surgery a thing? Because you need one."..."what guy in their right mind would go out with you." You made it to your office, thankful you kept an extra shirt in your desk for just in case situations you quickly changed, tossing the soiled shirt into your bag as you flopped down into your chair. "I thought we were atleast friends." You said to yourself wiping the tears from your cheeks when you heard a knock on your door
"Hey y/n, we have a meeting with the team, we gotta go." Pepper said smiling "is...is Loki going to be there?" You asked grabbing your pen and a pad of paper "yeah, it's an all hands meeting about the new protocols for missions." She said "umm, I'm really not feeling very well...can I skip this one?" You asked as she stepped in closing the door "what's wrong y/n?" She asked sitting across from you "nothing, I'm fine." You said looking down at your desk "I Just don't feel well, that's all." You said looking back up seeing her eyeing you "well ok, why don't you take the rest of the day off and I'll see you in the morning." She said standing back up. "Thank you Pepper, I really appreciate it." You said quickly gathering your things "you know you can talk to me right, if you need to?" She asked opening your door "yes, thank you but I'm fine." You said seeing her nod "ok, I'll see you tomorrow." She said walking out closing the door behind her.
You grabbed your bag, turning your lights off you locked the door to your office before heading downstairs hoping you could slip out undetected. You made it to the common room when a familiar voice sounded behind you "where are you off to little mortal? We have a meeting" Loki asked making you freeze "i...I'm not feeling well so I'm going home." You said not turning around "well do try to eat some vegetables, not that chocolate you like so much." He said hearing him take a step closer to you "you know what they say, it's goes straight to your thighs." He purred next to your ear making you look down "I have to go Loki." You said quickly walking to the nearest exit when you heard Thor "come brother, everyone is waiting." You turned to see Loki still looking at you as Thor patted his shoulder. Putting your head down you pushed the door open and headed for the car park. Throwing everything in the back you climbed in turning the key you looked down at yourself, sighing you put your car into gear and headed home, and away from Loki.
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Loki's pov-
Loki quickly closed the door to his room and headed for the kitchen. Looking at his watch, smiling at the memory of when you gave it to him "there, now you won't be late anymore." You had said as you handed him the green velvet box, a large smile spread across your beautiful face as he opened it seeing the green iridescent face and gold hands ticking away, the black leather strap surrounding a tiny green pillow. He knew right then that his feelings for you went beyond comrodery, surpassing friendship into....something else, something he hadn't ever felt before. He quickened his pace knowing right now you would he in the kitchen messing with that odd machine that makes your coffee every morning. It had been two weeks since the incident with the smoothie and his conscience had been eating at him ever since.
He wanted more, he longed to hold you in his arms and never let you go but you always kept him at arms length, shying away when he attempted his usual method of flirting, but he couldn't resist the pull you had on him so he kept at it...kept pushing. But he knew that day in the kitchen he had gone too far, as much as he loved seeing you flustered and the things your drenched shirt did to him as it clung to your breasts he also saw the sadness in your eyes, the tears threatening to spill over as you stormed towards the hall. He was about to go after when he saw you talking to the widow, who shot him a glare that sent ice up his spine before you were gone again. He had hoped to catch you in the meeting, pull you aside and finally confess but you had fallen ill, leaving again before he had a chance.
Glancing at his watch again he began to jog down the hall, he had tried to catch you everyday since but you always evaded him, never staying in the kitchen too long and he wasn't allowed on the upper floors where your office was, some nonsense about his probation and secured areas when he made it to the kitchen, sighing seeing you standing there with Thor. He furrowed his eyebrows taking in your appearance, your clothes were baggier on your small frame then normal, your long beautiful hair that framed your face so perfectly was pulled back into a messy bun, dark circles encompassed your once bright eyes that now seemed distant, the sparkle that was there now dimmed. "This truly is an odd contraption." Thor's voice pulled him from his trance as he saw you smile but it didn't reach your eyes.
He took a small step in when your eyes shot up to his, your body going rigid as you stared at him "ah brother, lady y/n was showing me how she makes coffee." Thor said taking a sip from his cup "I must say it is quite good, you should try some." He said walking around to the other side of the island sitting on a stool "i...I have to go, you can show him Thor." You said quickly grabbing your cup you began walking to the elevator "y/n, may I..." he was silenced as you turned, the look in your eyes sending a shiver through him "I can't talk Loki, i...I have to get to work." You said, all emotion gone from your voice "but I...I just wanted to..." loki trailed off looking to his feet "I am sorry for the day in the kitchen, with the blender." He said fidgeting with his fingers "it's fine, don't worry about it." You said, the same coldness in your tone as he looked up at you "it's not the first time, and it won't be the last." You said taking a step back towards the elevator "but y/n..." he started when you held your hand up "I need to go." You said quickly turning and before he could say anything else you were gone.
He returned to the kitchen to see Thor staring at him "what was all that about?" He asked sipping his coffee "I need to speak with her but she had to go." Loki said setting the kettle on the stove. "Mm, well there is the party stark is throwing tonight, I'm sure the lady will be there, she goes to all of them." Thor said matter of factly "Thor, I never thought I would say this but you are a genuis." Loki said turning the stove off heading towards his room. The party, how could he forget the party! He thought as he walked in heading to his closet he pulled his black suit out, laying it on the bed going to his dresser he pulled out his black silk shirt and vest laying them next to his suit. "I will ask her to dance with me and then tell her." Loki said to himself grabbing a towel heading into the bathroom "tonight y/n, you will finally be mine." He said, smiling to himself as he turned the water on and began to prepare for tonight.
Straightening his suit he walked into the large overcrowded room. The music booming through the speakers made his head throb as he skirted his way through the throngs of people, looking around hoping to catch a glimpse of you as he made it to the bar. He looked up and down but saw no sign of you at all "what'll you have?" The bartender asked snapping him back "oh, um whiskey please." Loki said looking back out to the large crowd "maybe she isn't here yet?" He said to himself as the bartender set a glass of amber liquid in front of him. "Ah Loki, I wasn't sure you would be here." He heard next to him, turning his head to see none other then the widow taking a seat on one of the stools "yes well, I am here looking for someone." He said glancing back out "oh I'm sure you have no shortage of "dates." She airquoted making him raise an eyebrow at her. "What does that mean?" He asked leaning on the bar.
"Nothing, just rumors of your conquests have definitely traveled through the tower." She laughed making him sigh "Hmm yes, I have heard." He said looking out to the crowd again "do you think y/n is running late?" He asked making her raise her eyebrow this time "why so interested?" She asked crossing her arms "no reason, I was only curious." He shrugged sipping his drink "Mm, if i didnt know better i would say you were more then curious." Nat said as she turned ordering her drink "and what pray tell makes you think that?" He asked seeing her smile "I am going to tell you something I probably shouldn't, but needs to be said." Nat said grabbing her drink
"I know you and y/n are friends, well were until as of recently." She said sipping her drink "but I know a person in love when I see them, reading people is what I do." She said seeing Loki's eyes widen "see, what you need to try to understand about our y/n is she has a very large heart, she cares alot." Nat continued seeing loki nod "but shes been through alot, people have not treated her with the same kindness she gives. And what you said to her....and before you ask yes i know about all of it." She said quickly before he could interupt "honestly, it devastated her. The last two weeks she hasnt been herself, she wont talk to anyone, she refuses to go to meetings." She sighed shaking her head "all im saying is, if you dont feel the same about her just tell her, but stop messing with her, she doesn't deserve it." Nat snapped standing from her stool. "Have a nice evening Loki." She said making her way back into the crowd.
Loki mulled her words over in his head what have i done? He thought as he downed his drink and began heading to the exit when the same redheaded woman from that day found him "Hey handsome, care for a dance?" She purred rubbing his arm "no thank you, I must be going." He said walking around her "I thought maybe we could have another sleep over, get to know eachother better." She said grabbing his bicep "apologies but I'm afraid the answer is still no, I...I have met someone." He said seeing her nod "lucky girl." She smiled removing her hand "I'll see you around." She smiled walking back into the crowd as Loki let out the breath he was holding. Now he just had to find a way to get to you and talk to you, tell you everything once and for all and he knew exactly how he was going to do it.
He continued walking through the crowd when he heard a familiar laugh, looking up seeing Thor on the balcony of the vip section, rolling his eyes seeing him swinging his precious hammer around when his eyes landed on you. "Y/n..." he sighed taking you in. Your hair was gently curled cascading down to your shoulders, the floor length powder blue dress hugged your beautiful body perfectly, the long slit landing at the middle of your thigh made his heart race as you shifted, exposing your supple skin. His hands clenching into fists thinking about how badly he wanted to run his hands up and down those beautiful legs as they were wrapped around him, squeezing him as he gave you everything he had...worshipping you exaclty how you deserved.
Shaking his head he adjusted his slacks that had suddenly become very tight as he pulled his phone out, dialing the number he wanted he looked up watching Thor set his hammer down before pulling out his own device "ah brother, where are you?" Thor asked looking around the room "Thor, may I have a word?" Loki asked as their eyes met "meet me at the bar." Loki said hanging up quickly heading back to the bar when a large hand landed on his shoulder "loki, is everything alright?" Thor asked leaning on the bar. "Brother, I have a favor to ask." Loki said looking back to the balcony, Thor following his gaze nodding "tell me what you need." Thor said seeing Loki smile.
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You stood off to the side, wondering how you let nat talk you into coming tonight. You pulled at the dress that she had loaned you. It was too tight, the neckline definately too low as it traveled down between your breasts, the only thing holding it in place was the thin strip of material traveling behind your neck, and the slit was definitely too high. You felt exposed as you shifted on your feet trying to hold your breath. You watched Thor bow before walking down towards the bar. Looking around you bit your lip, the only reason you had agreed to come was because you knew Loki wouldn't be up here. "The vip section." You laughed to yourself seeing nat had rejoined wanda, Steve was laughing with bucky, the other agents you had seen on your floor mingling...they deserved to be here, they were heroes... they were beautiful and here you were, the ugly duckling among the swans. You looked down sucking in your stomach trying not to stretch the dress when a voice next to you made you jump.
"Well hello gorgeous, can I buy you a drink?" You turned your head seeing Matt, the agent who had the office next to yours smiling at you. "Oh...I have one, but thank you." You whispered watching his eyes travel down your body. "Hmm, well we could get out of here, I don't live too far." He winked smiling "um, no...thank you though." You offered a smile sipping your drink. "Women don't usually turn down a night with me, you sure you won't reconsider?" He asked again stepping into your space "t..thank you for the offer but yes I'm sure." You said taking a step back. Yes he was attractive, very much so but you barely knew him and there was no way you were gonna let him see you naked. You cleared your throat looking back out into the crowd when you heard him laugh "Ya know you clean up pretty nice, I was honestly surprised to see you had brushed your hair." He laughed sipping his drink. "I...um thanks?" You said looking down.
"you actually look kind of decent." He laughed again eyeing you. "Mm...it's like those movies where the ugly girl puts on a dress and makeup and suddenly she isn't AS ugly....that's what you remind me of." He said. You felt the familiar burning in your eyes, closing them as he went on "but you know what they say, put lipstick on a pig and it's still a pig." He laughed louder when a loud thump made your eyes shoot open, looking over seeing Matt pinned against the wall, Thor holding him by the throat "you will not to speak to her that way." Thor said sternly leaning down coming face to face with him "apologize...now." Thor growled as Matt's eyes widened. "I...I'm s...sorry." he choked out, his eyes not leaving the massive blonde "Thor...stop." you said grabbing his arm but there was no way you could make him budge when his eyes met yours, the anger that was there softening as he looked back at Matt
"you will never speak to her again, am I understood?" Thor said growled into Matt's face as he nodded "go, before I change my mind." Thor said tossing him to the floor watching him scurry away. "Thor?" You whispered when he turned back to you. "Are you alright my lady?" He asked stepping closer "yes, i...im ok. Thank you but you didn't have to do that." You said looking down. "He had no right to say those....horrible things to you y/n." He said as you shook your head "no he's...he was right, I don't belong here." You breathed looking up seeing Thor's eyes wide "what ever would make you think that?" He asked crossing his arms "don't play dumb Thor, you know as well as everyone else." You sighed looking out to everyone having fun
"they're strong, beautiful, they could take anyone in the room home with them." You said fidgeting with your glass "i...I'm not any of those things." You said feeling a tear slide down your cheek "i never will be, because no matter what I do I always be me...fat, ugly me." You sighed setting your drink down "I think im gonna head home for the night." You said looking to the floor as you walked around him "y/n, wait." He said grabbing your wrist "do you truly see yourself as such?" He asked making you laugh "it's what I've always been told. Even your brother has made it abundantly clear that I am...how did he put it...oh yes a clown that needed to join the circus." You said feeling a lump form in your throat "and you know the pathetic thing?" You asked finally looking up into his eyes "i...I love him...and I will never be good enough for him." You huffed a laugh remembering the day in the kitchen.
"Y/n, my brother is an idiot...a fool." Thor said taking a step closer to you. "You have to understand, when we were younger...on Asgard he had no shortage of attention, men and women would happily bend to his will, do anything he asked of them to be his...to be in his favor." Thor said looking down "and those who didn't he would break them down, make them feel less then to get what he wanted...regardless of how selfish it was." Thor continued, his hand sliding down to yours "and here...on Midgard it has been much the same, I was never lacking attention and i...I let it go to me head." Thor said looking up into your eyes "i?...what do you mean i?" You asked furrowing your eyebrows watching Thor shake his head "are you feeling ok Thor? Do you need to sit down?" You asked squeezing his hand "no! I'm not...i have wronged you, and how i treated you...." he snapped, trailing off looking around.
"Come with me." He said pulling you along behind him. Running to keep up with his long strides "Thor, where are we going?" You asked as he pulled you into a secluded corner away from everyone "if I didn't know better I'd think you were going to kill me." You laughed as he pressed your back against the wall "umm...Thor?" You stuttered when you saw him close his eyes, a green light washing over him when suddenly Loki was in his place "Loki!? What..." you were cut off by his hand gently covering your mouth "shh...I cannot be up here." He said lifting a finger to his lips. "I needed to speak with you and this was the only way." He whispered lowering his hand from your mouth
"what...why?" You whispered back as he placed his hands on your shoulders "y/n, is that truly where your feelings lie?" He asked, his hands slowly sliding down your bare arms "i...you...i know..." you trailed off, closing your eyes remembering what you just confessed to "thor" "Loki i..." He cut you off again by his finger pressed to your lips, his deep green eyes boring so deep into yours you were afraid they would consume you. You lifted your hand gently grabbing his wrist moving his hand "yes Loki...it was the truth." You whispered seeing tears well in his eyes. "I know you don't feel the same, I'm sorry I ruined our friendship its just...."
you were cut off again, all coherent thought leaving you as his lips pressing to yours, the hand you were holding reaching up to cup your cheek as the other slid around your side to your back pulling you closer to him. Gasping feeling his fingers touch the bare skin of your back when you felt his tongue slip between your parted lips, moaning into his mouth tasting the whiskey on lips as you returned the kiss, tilting your head as his hand slid to your hair holding you to him. The kiss was everything you had ever imagined and more. It was dominating and all consuming, and you never wanted it to end. Wrapping your arm around his middle you pressed yourself as close to him as you could, your nails digging into the back of his suit jacket when he pulled back slightly, nibbling your bottom lip as he pressed his forehead to yours, your breath mixing together as you tried to regain your composure.
"I...I owe you an apology y/n." He panted tightening his grip around your waist "I owe you so much more then that." He said lifting his head looking into your eyes "i...I don't understand Loki." You said searching his eyes for an answer. "Y/n, my sweet, beautiful little mortal i..." He trailed off looking down "I have never been the best at expressing my emotions, and in truth as a prince of Asgard i...i never took into account others feelings, i was selfish and took what i wanted however i wanted" He said looking back up at you "I know it is no excuse for how I have treated you, but after hearing that pathetic boy say those things to you." He growled "I see what I have done to you, how I've made you feel and I....I am ashamed of myself for everything I put you through." He said, a tear streaming down his cheek as he looked down again.
"The truth y/n is...that I love you, I have loved you for so long." He whispered "and I was afraid you would never feel the same for the would be invader of your realm, but I simply couldn't get enough of you...of your bright smile, your kindess, of your attentions, i craved it...so in my selfishness I teased and mocked, as I had done so many times before hoping to get even the slightest reaction...a smile, a snide remark...but I watched you slowly pull away from me, hiding yourself away in your office, the spark inside you slowly dying and i...y/n I can never apologize enough for my behavior." He said looking up, your heart breaking seeing the tears steaming down his cheeks. "D...do you think you could ever forgive me?" He asked, his voice shaking as his lip quivered. You lifted your hands, cupping his cheeks seeing his eyes close "Loki.." you whispered, your thumbs wiping the tears from his cheeks as he slowly opened his eyes.
"Please y/n, let me take you out...allow me to treat you as you deserve...to worship you as the goddess that you are." He whispered wrapping his fingers around your wrists. You smiled looking deeply into his eyes "all you had to do was ask." You said seeing him return the smile "oh my perfect, sweet y/n." He sighed gently placing a kiss on your lips before wrapping his arms around you pulling you to his chest, his large hand holding the back of your head as he rocked you back and forth. "I'm sorry...so so sorry." He whispered into your hair. "It's ok Loki, I forgive you." You said into his chest, squeezing his middle tightly. "What did I do to deserve you?" He asked kissing the top of your head.
"You made a mistake, but you learned from it." You said pulling back to look at him "and you apologized...who am I to hold a grudge?" You asked seeing him smile "you are truly an angel sent from the heavens." He said cupping your cheek "come, allow me to take you to dinner, where we can talk more privately." He said stepping back "ok, let me get my coat." You said as he wrapped his arm around your waist you walked through the room towards the exit, glancing over seeing nat you waved as she winked lifting her glass when you caught Loki mouthing something to her. "What did you say?" You asked as he smiled down at you "oh, I was thanking her." He said squeezing you tighter "for pointing out how much of an idiot I had been." He said grabbing the door holding it open for you "after you my angel." He said, making you blush as you walked past him, feeling his fingers twine with yours you squeezed, smiling to yourself and for the first time in a long time you had hope.....
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@lokistoriesblog @hyperlokilover @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @simplyholl @lokidokieokie @mjsthrillernp @violethaze @dryyoursaltyoceantears @loz-3 @commanding-officer @stupidthoughtsinwriting @high-functioning-lokipath @jaidenhawke @lokiandbuckysdoll @littlespaceyelf @lastlovesong17 @ladyofthestayingpower @homesickloki @glitterylokislut @avoliax @yelkmelk @mayjaysthots @buttercupcookies-blog @differenttyphoonwerewolf @her-glorious-purpose @nate-ate-hate @chantsdemarins @ladymischief11 @usagishira @princess-asgard @honeyg19 @goblingirlsarah @cabingrlandrandomcrap @silverfire475 @smolvenger @loki-laufeyson-1054-deactivated @marygoddessofmischief @animnerd @texmexdarling @fictive-sl0th @jin0x0 @vbecker10 @eleniblue @lady-rose-moon @pics-and-fanfics @kittiowolf210 @kats72 @asgardianprincess1050 @crimson25
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peter with a reader who always forgets things??!?!
like she forgets where she put her sword and to drink water and he has to constantly chase after her and remind her??
that's so cute
ty babe <3
peter pevensie with a gf who forgets things.
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♬ fandom: chronicles of narnia
♯ genre: fluff
♪ mars thoughts: AJAJAJAJJA I LOVE HIM SM <33 this is perfect because he’s the loml and i suck at remembering stuff 😭 also i put it as hcs cause that’s how i first imagined it in my head!! dividers by @/benkeibear
♮nav - masterlist
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hes so <3
like you’re just walking around minding your own business and then you’re like “hey. wait where’s my water???”
and then your pretty bf is beside you holding it like “you forgot it AGAIN”
and then he lovingly makes fun of you for forgetting you put your water bottle in his hands before walking away and not saying anything
other than the fact he’s constantly chasing you to remind you where you put something (and this can be fairly annoying to him) he finds it cute <3
he’d try to find a way to help you remember when you put them but you forgot how to remember it 😭
you tried dw
he also. kinda hoped you didn’t because he liked being the person you came to when you needed help finding stuff
he seems like one of those people who gets rlly happy knowing he helped another person
so it’s like a huge ego/energy boost for him
BUT if he’s leaving for somewhere and won’t be back for awhile he starts writing down where you put things and gives you the paper so you can look and add to it <3
would def say “don’t forget you have the paper” to be a lovingly boyfriend bitch
ALSO ALSO if you forgot your sword it’d be the funniest thing ever to him
cause like you’re this rlly strong and talented and very pretty sword wielding girlboss
and nobody knows that seconds before you wielded the sword you couldn’t even remember where you put it
and if you forget things like drinking water or even eating cause your busy
he’s a little upset cause like. you’ll die?? if you don’t?? but he doesn’t ever like chastise you cause he knows you’re busy
so he just reminds you or brings you water and food and is kinda just like “eat”
also. he didn’t cook that food. man can’t cook for shit
but if you forget it because you’re just forgetful and not busy hed def scold you a little
it’s not that like. effective 😭 cause he’s just standing there like “you can’t not eat y/n!! >:(”
AND if it takes place in the normal world instead of narnia and y’all go to the same school i have some thoughts
you’ll be like sitting in the cafeteria kinda upset cause you forgot your lunch
and he comes up and sits with you and has like a whole extra lunch prepared
hes so <3
and if you forget to do your homework or some shit like that right before the teacher comes to collect it he slides his hw onto your desk and tells you to write your name and gets in trouble for you
and then susan gets mad at him and everytime she knows you have homework she makes you come over and helps you with it <3
and he also helps!! i feel like he’s english/history smart and susan is geography/math smart so they like choose certain subjects to help with
it gets to the point where they have a whole detailed schedule
edmund is horrified with it because it hangs on the wall and is extremely visible
hes known for trying to destroy it with lucy’s help but that’s not important
he’s overbearing. and he knows it.
at first he tries to like not immediately think you’re leaving after forgetting something
he asks what you forgot and when you run back inside to get it he probably starts laughing
i’ve officially run out of ideas for this <3 but tysm for requesting it
it made my brain itch /pos
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A/n: I've been getting a lot of smut yandere Aqua. I don't know what to feel about it but I have had this in my drafts for awhile so here is some Fluff Aqua.
Fandom: Oshi No Ko
Character(s): Aquamarine Hoshino
Readers Gender: Gn
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You and Aqua had been planning this night for awhile now. You two have been dating for a year and the night you two confessed so the both of you had just wanted to have that night together.
You had just got done getting ready leaving your home to rush to the place where you and Aqua had agreed to meet. After a couple of minutes you made it to a nice little cafe where you saw Aqua inside.
You went inside and went over to Aqua placing a kiss on his cheek. "I hope I didn't keep you waiting for long" "Oh no don't worry". You had sat down and Aqua started to speak up, "You look very nice today" "Thank you but you look way better than me". You said smiling as Aqua's face became flushed and you just continued to talk till you both ordered.
As you both waited for your orders you asked Aqua about Ruby and where and how she is. "She is just at home and she has been fine still her happy self" "That's good to hear and you how have you've been". But before Aqua could answer your orders came and Aqua just started to talk about other things. You both hung around the cafe for awhile till you both wanted to walk around for a bit just to end the date off with the relaxing vide outside.
Once you got outside you had asked Aqua your question again, "So how have you been?" "It's been nice actually even working nowadays it doesn't seem so stressful" "You know if you ever need to talk to someone I'm there and I just want you to know that". Aqua smiled at your remark as he stopped making you stop as well, "Aqua, Is everything alright".
You said only to be pulled in a hug, Aqua's arms were wrapped around you, he held you tight as you are one of the most precious things to him, he is afraid once he lets go you will be taken away from him. You hugged Aqua back and when you both looked at each other you both had a nice passionate kiss.
The date from there was nice as you both held hands as you guys went to different places while also trying to avoid fans. You and Aqua had taken pictures, got more snacks, and did some more fun things but it was time for the both of you to head home.
Aqua had taken you home as now Aqua stood in front of your door as you were on the other side. "I had a fun day today" "Glad you did Aqua" "I'm so happy to have some like you to call my partner" "Well I was the one to confess first. But thank you for being the person I fell in love with". Before Aqua went back home you two shared another kiss as you both said your good byes and hoped to see each other tomorrow.
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irkimatsu · 3 months
Husk needs all the love. So maybe fem!reader and Husk have been dating for awhile and even though he loves the affection and attention she gives him, he's still a little hesitant because of past experiences with relationships. But then she tells him "I love you" for the first time ❤️
Good/bad news, depending on your perspective - I went for an angsty hurt/comfort route on this one. I love Husk so much, I just want to take care of him...
Reader is questioning their relationship with Husk, Husk comes home injured one night, care is given and feelings are exchanged. Husk is a mess but he wants to be better, even if he thinks it's hopeless. Sex is mentioned, but over all SFW. About 2k words.
You and Husk have been together for about six months… you think. It depends on how you define “together”.
In some ways, he dotes on you. He loves giving you gifts, whether those gifts are physical items that immediately made him think of you, or songs he writes and performs just for you. He often takes you out for dinner, shows, and dancing, and has a great memory for the types of meals and shows you enjoy. Even the physical intimacy is incredible. He may not be one for public displays of physical affection, but behind closed doors he’s such an adoring partner. He told you from the start that for him, sex should be an experience shared by all parties involved, not just something that one side gives while the other takes, and oh, the way he shows it! Whether cuddling, making out, or having sex, Husk never leaves you wanting, and always makes sure you’re comfortable before it’s time for you to go to sleep or part ways. When you think about how attentive he is, you feel like you couldn’t ask for a more perfect partner.
But when it comes to emotional matters, it’s like dating a brick wall.
You spend so much time with him, and yet you barely know a damn thing about him. Sure, he’s shared some pieces of his past, like his dreams of being an internationally renowned performer that he crushed beneath the weight of his own vices and weaknesses. But in the present day, if he has any emotions besides “drunk”, you’re not aware of them. Sure, he seems happy when he gets to spend time with you, but he actively refuses to say so out loud.
“I like spending time with ya, but that’s all this is. We both know I’m gonna fuck this up eventually. Let’s just enjoy this while it lasts.”
He didn’t even seem upset when he told you that he knew his time with you would be limited before he hurt you. To him, it was simply an inevitable fact of nature.
You’ve tried so hard to break down his walls and offer him some much needed affection. He does genuinely seem to love it when you cuddle him and compliment him. He brightens at how well you remember what little he’s told you about himself, from his favorite songs and movies to the exact way he loves having his back massaged. And even though he refuses to admit to any of it, you can tell when he ends a night even more agitated than usual. He may tell you not to bother when you offer to keep him company after he closes the bar down, but he’ll accept it after some pressing, and you know he appreciates the attention from the way he starts clinging to you and purring.
But if you actually try to ask him exactly what has him agitated, he’ll refuse to answer. Maybe he’ll bitch about Alastor, but he’s never been clear about what his relationship with the Radio Demon is, and he won’t offer any other clues about anything that bothers him.
You once tried to tell him you loved him. He snapped at you not to say that shit before the phrase had fully left your mouth.
“What did I tell you about not getting too close to me?!”
It’s not like you don’t see where he’s coming from when he calls himself a fuckup. You don’t think you’ve ever seen him sober, and you’ve tucked his barely-coherent self into bed on numerous occasions. He’s had to cancel dates last-minute because he gambled away your concert tickets, and he often disappears in the middle of the night and refuses to say where he’s been. Sometimes you have a guess when the next morning involves a date cancellation, but other times all you can tell is that his nightly adventure has set him so on edge that he won’t leave his room or accept your company.
Why won’t he tell you anything? Why won’t he let you care about him? For all his talk about how people need to be honest and open about their feelings, he sure as hell isn’t saying shit about his own.
It’s the middle of the night, and you can’t sleep. You’d initially hoped for Husk to ease you to sleep with a hug and a lullaby, but he’s not answering his bedroom door. You didn’t find him in the lobby, either, so at this point you figure he’s either passed out drunk or out gambling again. It’s not the answer you want when you’re looking for your partner, but you’re still trying to be patient and accept that he has inner demons you’re nowhere near equipped to fight for him.
Patience. A man like Husk needs patience. But how much more patience can you have when he won’t even let you try?
You’ve given up on trying to sleep for now, and are instead lounging on the lobby couch and reading a book, not truly absorbing the words on the page as your mind wanders to thoughts about the relationship you’ve found yourself in.
You’re snapped out of your thoughts and your book as the front door to the hotel creaks open, followed by a familiar voice quietly cursing. Husk limps through the door, which is your first of many clues that something is terribly wrong.
He’s hunched over even more than usual, and he swears or hisses through his teeth every time he puts pressure on his right leg. It takes him a second to get moving again after every step. He’s clutching his left arm, and both of his wings are drooping and slightly crumpled.
“Husk?!” you shout as you spring up from the couch and run to him, all doubts about your relationship flung completely from your mind. “What happened?!”
He seems surprised to see you at first, but he swallows down any visible emotions as quickly as he can. “I’m fine,” he grumbles as he limps past you. “Just tired. Long night.”
“Of course you’re not fine! Come on, lean on me.” You grab his good arm and pull it away, and are horrified to see the bloodstained fur surrounding a nasty gash in his arm. “Husk!”
“I’m fine…” he repeats, even while breathing heavily through the pain.
“I’ll get you cleaned up. You’re not going upstairs alone.” You sling his good arm around your shoulder, and you slowly walk him up to his hotel room.
He keeps insisting he’s fine, but he’s not physically fighting your attempts at taking care of him. You’re not sure if it’s because he really does want your affection or because he’s too tired and in too much pain to protest, but either way, you’re glad he hasn’t chased you out of the room yet. You’re not a medical expert by any means, but he does seem soothed by the warm, wet rags you’ve wrapped around the wounds on his arm and his leg. For now, he’s laying on his back with his head in your lap and letting you gently stroke his head.
“What happened?” you ask.
He responds with a hollow laugh. “Told you I’m a fuckup,” is all he has to offer.
“Who did this to you?” you continue. “Why?”
“Does it matter?” he asks. “You don’t need to get involved in this shit.”
“I just want to help…”
“Yeah? How are you gonna help? You know a secret to getting me out of a million different debts with the fucking mob?”
Well, that’s more information than he’s offered before. “You’re in debt?”
“Ugh… didn’t mean to say that…”
“Husk… please talk to me. You’re always letting me talk to you when something’s bothering me…”
“This is way bigger than you can handle, doll. It’s been going on for years before this hotel even existed.”
“I still want to know… I want to know what’s going on with the person I lo- the person I care about.”
Husk groans, either in exasperation or pain. “You better not do anything stupid with what I’m about to tell you. I haven’t been able to save myself for years. Like hell you’ll be able to do anything about it.”
“At least let me hear you out,” you insist.
“All right… I’m in debt, like I said. It’s hard not to be when you’re a fucking gambling addict. There’s debts I’ve owed since back when I was an Overlord.”
“You were an Overlord?” This part is news to you.
“...I’ll tell you about that later,” is how he closes that subject. “I’ve been going out trying to win my way out of those debts, but more often than not, gambling just puts you further in the hole. The group I played with last night are an especially ruthless bunch. I got desperate enough to try to cheat my way into a win… and I got caught.”
“And then they…”
Husk scoffs. “Yeah. They weren’t happy. Probably would have killed me if they had any angelic weapons on ‘em. They still fucked me up pretty badly. I’m not as strong as I used to be, and even if I was, ten-on-one ain’t great odds. Would have been worse if I didn’t somehow manage to crawl out of there.” He sighs. “I’ll be fine. It’s not the first time I’ve gotten roughed up over a bad hand of poker. I was just able to hide it from you until now.”
“I wish you would have told me,” you say. “I could have taken care of you…”
“Why are you so desperate to take care of a fuckup like me?” he asks. “It’s not the first time I’ve gotten myself into some deep shit, and it’s not going to be the last. This is what you’re signing up for by insisting on hanging around me. What are you getting out of this?”
“You’re not a fuckup, Husk. You’re a performer, a dreamer, an artist… you’re attentive, patient, caring… you’re my best friend. You have issues, but who doesn’t, especially down here? But I know who you are underneath it all, and it’s more than worth it.”
He doesn’t seem to believe you, but he doesn’t say anything about it either way. He simply falls silent and closes his eyes as you stroke his hair.
“Husk?” you say after about a minute.
“...I love you, Husk.” It’s out of your mouth before you can stop yourself. You don’t care how he reacts to it; it needs to be said.
“Even when I’m like this?” he asks.
“Especially when you’re like this,” you assure him. “Especially when you need it most.”
“I’m not gonna get better. Is this really what you want to be stuck with?”
“Who says you won’t?” you ask. “There’s nothing stopping you from trying, right? And you know I’m here to help you, if there’s anything I can do…” You gently stroke at the tuft of fur on his chest, lightly pulling out the tangles.
“...I don’t want to hurt you,” he finally says. “I never wanted to hurt anyone who loved me. But I couldn’t fix myself for them… what if I can’t fix myself for you?”
“It’s enough for me if you try. You have me, you have Angel, you have Charlie… you’ll get through this. It’s not too late.”
“You really believe in Charlie’s mission, huh…”
“I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t think it was possible.”
He relaxes in silence for a few minutes as you continue to stroke his chest. 
“...I wanna go to sleep,” he finally says.
“Of course.” You help move him up to his pillows, going slowly and carefully to not aggravate his wounds any more than you have to. Once you have him in position, you go into the bathroom to get some clean rags, then return to change the makeshift bandages you’ve made for him.
“Do you want me to leave you alone tonight?” you ask as you tuck the rag around his leg.
He doesn’t even need a second to think about it. “No. I want you to stay.”
“Then I’ll stay.” Once you’re sure he’s comfortable, you join him on the other side of the bed. He groans in pain, but still moves to wrap an arm around you and pull you close. His wings don’t blanket you like they sometimes do, but you know it’s for the best if he doesn’t move them right now. You pull him in against your chest, finally feeling ready to fall asleep.
“Hey…” he says quietly just before you drift off.
“...I love you, too.”
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ghostlygeto · 5 months
elevator | james wilson
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pairing: james wilson x fem!reader
warnings: more selfship! it’s all i write basically hehe, forced proximity, reader is referred to w she/her, reader is snippy and wilson is awkward, no romance just awkwardness, reading panics a little cos in small space, wilson comforts her, HAPPY ENDING :D but not romance. house’s shenanigans. not proof read….
word count: 2.1k
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it was simple. walk from the morgue to the elevator, get off on the first floor, go to your car. at least it should be that easy. though for some reason this was always the hardest part of your day. it was the time you’re the most likely to see wilson, which made it the hardest.
you checked your phone, the time reading 10:07pm. technically he should be home by now. he usually tried to get all his things done and leave by 7:45pm. at least he used to. you hadn’t spoken to him in ages, not since the night you called him crying. but that was close to a year and a half ago now, maybe even two. you tried not to keep track, you realized after awhile that it caused more harm than good.
regardless, you make your way toward the elevator. first before you can leave you have to stop by house’s office, as he requested an autopsy report on one of the bodies recently brought down (why didn’t he do it himself you would never understand) and requested it be hand delivered, of course. you weren’t sure when you started giving in to his obscene requests and dealing with his sub-par personality again but you had, and unfortunately you weren’t hating it.
in a way it brought a sense of normalcy back. as much as you may hate to admit it.
“house,” you pushed his office door open, a little surprised to still see him here. “here’s the autopsy report you asked for.” you held up the folder and set it down on his desk. “i’ll see you tomorrow.”
“yep. tomorrow.” house raised his eyebrows and gave a fake smile, “have a good night!” there was something hidden in his tone, but you chose to ignore that for the time being. it didn’t matter now, you were going home. that is what mattered right now.
you turned your back to him, trying not to overthink the way that house was talking. you had known house long enough to know that most of the time he had ulterior motives. rarely did they include you, but you knew better than to think you were safe.
you pushed the elevator button to take you to the main floor, sighing as you heard footsteps behind you. because of course you couldn’t just ride the elevator on your own. the universe just didn’t work that way, not for you.
the elevator doors opened and it wasn’t until you pushed the lobby button that you saw the other person in the elevator.
“wilson,” you nod your head, forcing a smile as a greeting. the elevator ride would be two minutes, max. but god the idea of having to stand here with him for even that long made your stomach churn.
it’s not like it was your first time seeing him in three years. you work in the same building; even if he is on the fifth floor and you’re in the basement there are moments of overlap. catching glimpses of each other in the corner of your eyes or seeing each other in the cafeteria. but it was your frist time being in such close quarters to each other as soon as the doors closed you felt like you were suffocating. it was miserable.
wilson didn’t say anything in response. you didn’t turn to look at him, but you can imagine that he had his brows furrowed trying to figure out what you were doing on the fifth floor and what he could say to you to make things feel less tense. the answer to the second question was nothing.
“it’s late, what are you-” wilson’s sentence was cut off by the shake of the elevator stopping. both of your eyes shot up to the screen that showed what floor you were on, but it just flashed it’s lights at you.
great. of course the elevator decided to get stuck right now, at 10pm, when you were alone with wilson.
“are you serious,” you grumbled, hitting the door with the palm of your hand a few times before repeatedly pressing the lobby button. “of course this would happen. just my luck.” you rested your forehead on the cool metal, trying to calm yourself down. this was fine. everything is fine.
“i’m sure whatever the issue is they’ll have fixed soon.” wilson attempted to comfort you, knowing you already hate elevators as-is. he couldn’t have known that his words were only going to make you feel worse, the very sound of his voice making your stomach churn.
“right.” you nodded, correcting your posture and moving away from the door. the two of you stood in silence for two minutes before you gave in and sat down, putting your head between your knees.
wilson watched you carefully, clearing his throat and beginning to speak as he did so. “so, y/n. how- how have things been?”
“i’d prefer if you call me l/n,” you answer quickly, “things have been fine. i’m fine.” you could see the way he frowned from the corner of your eye when you asked him to call you by your last name. you didn’t want to have conversation, and you didn’t want him to treat you like a friend. because you were coworkers. nothing more, nothing less.
“don’t be that way,” he sighed, leaning against the opposite elevator wall and sinking to the ground. “you’re seriously going to make me call you by your last name?”
“why would you call me anything else?” you ask, tone harsher than intended. why were you being this way? maybe it was a defense mechanism, “you don’t call house greg, and he’s your best friend. i don’t see why you’d call me anything other than l/n. we’re coworkers.”
coworkers. that drew a scoff from wilson, “coworkers? that’s how you want to describe us?” wilson looked away from you for a second before running a hand through his hair. “i guess not talking for close to three years does take us back to square one. you’re right.”
“don’t do that,” you sneer, looking at him to meet his questioning gaze. “don’t say the you’re right thing to me. you only say that when you have something else to say. if you’re thinking something, just say it, wilson.”
wilson looked at you bewildered for a second before laughing, “jeez, you really still know me that well?” he shook his head, “i don’t think time can turn us back into coworkers, is all. i don’t think we’ll ever be back to just that.”
“strangers, then?” you offer, uncharacteristically cold. maybe you’d been spending too much time around dead people to remember how to socialize properly. or worse, too much time with house.
“quit being like that.” he shook his head at you, “just because we haven’t spoke doesn’t erase all our history as friends and…” he fell silent for a second before clearing his throat again. “beside the point, we aren’t strangers or just coworkers and you know that, l/n.”
you wanted to argue with him more, but you didn’t have it in you. not when you felt like the walls were shrinking with every breath you took. “fine.” you didn’t say anything else for a few seconds before speaking up again. “how’s your wife?”
wilson stiffened. bad, then.
“we actually never got married. she decided a few months before the wedding that she couldn’t handle being married to a man who is at work so much.” wilson rolled his eyes, “as if she didn’t have all the time in the world to decide that. had to wait until we were about to get married, right? how are things with your boyfriend?”
“i broke up with him shortly after…” you paused, knowing that the answer was shortly after the phonecall you two shared god knows how long ago. “i told my therapist about him, and she said that i should be with people who make me happy. not miserable. so i broke up with him.”
“i see.” wilson nodded, picking up on the fact that you were keeping part of the information from him. it didn’t matter, though, it wasn’t really his business. aside from the fact that he still cared about you, he had no reason to push for more details. “good for you, then.”
silence overcame the two of you once again, looking at the clock on your phone in hopes that it would somehow make the elevator magically work again.
it didn’t.
“it’s been ten minutes,” you groan, “what is taking them so long? you don’t think we’re like…stuck stuck do you?” you looked over at him, panic filled eyes as the thought sneaks its way into your head.
“why, you have somewhere important to be?” he raised an eyebrow before getting serious. “no, if we were stuck stuck i think cuddy would’ve called one of us by now. probably just an issue with something electrical. we’ll be out of here soon.”
you sigh, resting your cheek on your knee. “i have no one to be other than my bed it’s just…” you wonder if saying this is the right thing, but it seemed there was nothing better to do than to talk to each other. “being around you is hard. i feel like i’m going to explode. i want to explode.” you look at him, the slightly bewildered look making a smile creep up on you. “and making stupid small talk is killing me. it’s hard to be normal around you because i’m not sure what normal should be with us.”
wilson paused for a second. to be honest, he also didn’t know what normal was supposed to be between the two of you. but he wanted you to be comfortable with him. at the very least he wanted to be friends again. “i don’t know either. but we won’t know until we try, right? even if we have to relearn what normal means for us. we can do it. i’m- i’m willing to try. for you.”
“quit looking at me like that,” you roll your eyes a little, almost laughing as he feigns offense. “i suppose, maybe, i’d be willing to try and relearn. for you.”
a smile broke out on wilson’s face as his shoulders dropped, relief clear in his eyes. “things’ll be good. being friends will be good.” he sounded like he was trying to assure both of you (because he was) of the fact.
it seemed on cue that as you two made amends, the elevator started working again. you both sighed happily and stood from your places on the floor, relieved to be out of the metal death trap.
“i’m never getting in another elevator,” you mumbled, dusting any debris off your lab coat as the door opened. “i’ll see you soon, james.” you waved to him, quickly making your way out of the building and to your car. you passed house on the way, silently wondering how long he had been waiting in the lobby for wilson.
“so,” house tapped his cane against the ground as he approached wilson, watching you walk away. “how’d it go in there?”
“you had something to do with the elevator?” wilson wanted to be surprised, but at this point he was so used to house’s antics that he should’ve guessed it from the start. “you are unbelievable. you know she hates small spaces, you could’ve caused her serious issues-”
“but you were there with her. she would’ve been fine.” house rolled his eyes as the two of them started walking, “i was tired of both of you moping around. it was clear neither of you were going to make the effort, so i did it for you.”
wilson looked to his older friend bewildered, “you did something for the better of two other people? and you don’t get anything out of it? jeez, if i didn’t know any better i’d say you were a clone.”
“i am a clone,” house replied quickly, “and i do get something out of it. i get to be done hearing your longing sighs as you watch her walk past, and i get to stop seeing her stupid pouty eyes when she sees you in the cafeteria.” he paused, “do you want to get something to eat?”
“sure, house.” wilson accepted the offer, despite knowing he’d probably be the one to pay. “whatever you say.”
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