#after having his dead body in his house for hours he started to connect the dots of the situation he was in for months. he couldnt believe
malkaviian · 2 years
now that i've developed maverick a bit more, i have to think about how he was before the whole incident with zachary.
#as i said his brain did a complete change to deal with everything that happened; including killing zachary#after having his dead body in his house for hours he started to connect the dots of the situation he was in for months. he couldnt believe#it truly was zachary; the cheerful; perfect student everyone loved; who stalked him to the point he was terrified for his life#and that made him stop going to college because he was too scared to leave his house. but at the same he was scared to stay in his house#since his stalker knew where he lived; and they could just attack at any moment. man he wasnt even that close to zachary#he doesnt understand what happened for him to get that obsessed over him. but it was over. he killed him after he tried to murder him first#so that was it. but before he started to freak out over the possibility of going to prison for murdering someone#he just... changed. he turned into a totally different person; with his old personality completely dying and... well#replacing it with no actual personality besides someone obsessive who adapts to whatever his current beloved likes the most#and likes to pretend 'innocence' so his beloved would be quick to trust him. he wouldnt hurt a fly :)#and while the whole stalking was happening he turned into an anxious mess who would break down very easily and was generally very fragile#so... before that; i think he was probably trusting of people; maybe a bit too trusting. he was very shy#which made it difficult to make friends; but tried his best to be social and do it anyway. so it turned into trusting people easily#and anything slightly weird was assumed to be his mind playing tricks... which is why probably he didnt notice sooner who his stalker was#i mean; zachary was great at pretending; but he did started to get more 'protective' when the stalking started; when they werent that close#but it must have been because he was worried like the rest of their classmates! and after all he was the definition of a perfect person.#it would make sense for someone as good and caring as him to feel the need to protect a sort-of-friend; right? nothing bad; really.#he would also try his best to help someone if they were in that horrible situation anyway#i imagine he also had a slightly low self-esteem; but not to the worrying point. mostly because of his own shyness#alongside friendships; he didnt really that much luck with love in the past. but tried to stay positive and think he would find someone#and yeah; he was someone who tried to see the bright side of things; in a healthy amount. but that didnt really worked while being stalked#if someone left him gifts on his desk in college; that would be one thing. he may as well thought it was sweet in a 'secret admirer' way#but this person literally started to leave gifts on the door of his fucking house; when he never told anyone on college where he lived#and he was already out of touch with the few friends he had in high school + they were no longer his friends. so yeah#even he couldnt ignore that wasnt good or sweet; it was a real problem regardless of how much he couldve liked the gifts in another context#let alone when the goddamn love letters started. he could receive multiple in a day; he even got 15 in a single day#it couldnt be justified at all; and it made his already growing fear even worse.#so basically: he was a person who tried his best to do better; but someone had to ruin it. thanks; zachary /j#oc talk
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bet-on-me-13 · 1 month
Danny dies every night.
So! Danny's secret Ghost Powers remained a secret for about 6 Hours.
After turning back into a Human, he had immediately gone back to his room and tried to fall asleep, pretending none of it was even real, that it was just a dream. The idea that he had just died was understandably hard to swallow, not to mention the fact he had somehow come back.
All he wanted to do was rest and figure it out later. It was a problem for Future Danny.
Except when he woke up, something was wrong.
He felt Cold, Colder than he had ever been before. It was as if he had a chunk of pure Ice stuck in his Chest, the cold spreading across every part of his body. With a start he realized that his chest wasn't moving at all, either from the beating of his heart or the breaths he was supposed to be taking.
He wasn't breathing. His heart wasn't pumping. The Ice in his chest was the feeling of his heart not pumping, still and unnaturally cold. At that realization, he felt his Heart begin beating again.
He ran downstairs, hoping to get his parents help. He didn't know what was going on exactly, but they must be able to help him right?! They were the leading experts on Undead Biology, they must know how to help him!
When he reached the kitchen, he saw his parents and Jazz huddled together at the table, crying together for some reason.
"Mom! Dad! Jazz! Somethings wrong! I don't know what happened, but last night I-"
He stopped when he saw their faces. Their cheeks were tear-streaked, eyes bloodshot, but the thing he noticed first was the grief and absolutely confusion in their eyes. They were staring at him as if they had seen a Ghost, figuratively of course, and they seemed to he trying to connect the dots in their heads.
"Danny?" Jazz asked in a shaky voice. "Is that you?"
"Jazz?" He asked in return, "What do you mean, of course it's me?"
She looked hopeful for a moment, before his mom stood up.
"No." She said, her voice held a hard edge. "It's not."
Danny almost fell over when she said that. "W-what?" He asked, "What are you talking about Mo-"
"DON'T CALL ME THAT!" She yelled. She gripped the Blaster in her hand tighter, aiming it at him. "I checked everything when we found Danny's body! He had no Pulse, no Brain Activity, and his Ecto Levels were far higher than normal! Danny is Dead! And you killed him!"
"What?!" Danny yelled in shock, "I didn't kill hi-I mean, I didn't kill me-I mean-What are you talking about!?"
This time his dad answered, getting up from the table himself. In his hand was another Blaster. "Danny's Ecto Levels could only have been that high if killed by something with a large amount of Ectoplasm, enough to leave such a mark. The Portal was open for hours last night before we found it and sealed it up, and that's when you got through isn't it!?"
His Dad leveled the Blaster to him.
"No! I'm not a Ghost, it's me! It's Danny!?" He pleaded, "Mom, I always baked you a cake on mother's day! Dad, I helped you clean up the lab the last time you blew it up! It's me!"
"Nice try." His mother said, "Die again, Ecto Scum."
That day, Danny ran away from home.
Ever since that day, Danny had been running as far as he could from Amity Park.
After he got out of the house, he tried to find any place he could hide as he figured everything out. His first try was Tucker, but his parents had anticipated that and beat him to the Punch. The same happened when he tried to go to Sam's, he barely escaped that situation alive(?).
At first he tried to stay in Amity, hoping he would eventually find a way to convince his parents of his true identity, so everything could go back to normal.
He abandoned that hope about a week later, when his parents got the local authorities on their side and issued a public service announcement stating he was a Murderer who killed their son, and to contact the Police if anybody saw him. The mindless Ghost they captured and presented on the Local News cemented the publics view on him.
So he ran from Amity.
The first few weeks on the Run were the worst. He wasn't used to surviving on the street, much less evading the Law Enforcement that seemed to keep finding him. He had to constantly stay on the move to keep away from the pursuit of his Parents, the Police, and the weird guys in white suits who had shown up once he passed the State Border.
His new Ghost Powers were the only thing that had let him get away most of those times. He could turn into a Full Ghost whenever he wanted, unlocking all of his powers for the time being, but also seemingly sending up a Beacon to whoever was looking for him. He found it was much easier to use their weakened versions in his Human Form.
As for his Undead-ness, he had mostly figured it out. His body was lying to him. He was Dead, but his Body was just pretending to be alive for his own sake. He didn't need to breath anymore, and his heart didn't need to pump, but they did because he felt that they needed to. He probably didn't even need to eat anymore.
The problem was that it couldn't keep it up when he was asleep. No matter what, every time he fell asleep his Body would die again, and when he woke up he would have to make it Live again.
One of the main reasons he kept getting caught recently was because well-meaning civilians would report to the Police that there was a Dead Teenager under a Bridge, or on a Park Bench, or on one memorable occasion in a Ditch. He would wake up in a Body Bag, escape, and be reported to his Pursuers.
At least his pattern of movement was untraceable so far.
Turns out, the Portal's opening had much more of an effect than his parents had anticipated. The Shockwave in the fabric of Reality when they punched a hole through it (and him), had caused dozens of Natural Portals to form across the Country, opening and closing in random places, soaking the area of Ectoplasm.
As an apparent Ghost, Danny was somehow drawn to these places. Whenever he got to one he felt rejuvenated, as if the stress of the past few days had never happened to him. He could only assume that he was Absorbing the Ectoplasm in the area to feed himself, based on a few of the things he remembered from his parents constant ramblings.
Whenever he would go to one of these places, he would find a bunch of Ghosts. Some were friendly, defying all of his expectations, while others were...less so.
They seemed to resent the fact that he was still half-alive, some simply jabbing insults at him, others straight up attacking him. It seemed that Life was a sore subject among those guys. Or maybe it was him stopping them whenever they attacked humans...that was probably more accurate.
Sometimes the Ghosts he would meet were in the middle of attacking humans to fulfill what they called their "Obsessions". He learned that all Undead, and basically all Immortal Beings, have Obsessions. They are their Sole Purpose in existence, a built in defense mechanism against insanity by giving them something to dedicate Eternity to.
He didn't know if he had an Obsession, but if he did he hoped it was easier to manage than theirs seemed to be. One of them was obsessed with attention, but got it by hypnotizing humans into adoring her. She chilled out after a while. Another loved the thrill of the Hunt, but only wanted rare game. He chased after Danny a lot in pursuit of his "One of a Kind Pelt".
He fought then off and saved people whenever he could, although sometimes it was risky. Many of them were older and more experienced than him, so he was forced to use his Ghost Form against some of them, sacrificing his hiding spot to save the people being terrorized.
He sort of enjoyed it. Whenever he helped people, saved them from danger, he felt better about his situation. As if he was making the best out of the horrible situation his life had turned into by helping as many people as he could. He always felt a bit more motivated to keep going every time he helped anybody.
Maybe that was his Obsession? Helping others? He didn't really think so, he was nowhere near altruistic enough to consider that a possibility. Maybe it was Space? He always felt that same relief when he would camp out away from the Cities. Eh, he'll probably never know.
This cycle of finding a new hiding spot, getting discovered, and running away again continued for a while. Years even.
Danny had Died at 14. He was now 17, and had been homeless for 3 years.
He hoped this next hiding spot would last a bit longer than the previous ones. This one felt different, the Ectoplasm he was wandering towards felt older than the other places he had gone. His previous hiding spots had always been the site of a recent Natural Portal, and the Ectoplasm in the atmosphere would feel Fresh and Wild.
But the Ectoplasm where he was going tasted Older, Stronger, more Set in Stone than the others had. Wherever he wad headed to next, it had been soaking in Ectoplasm for far longer than any other place he had ever been, even in Amity.
He walked up the the Sign at the side of the road, introducing the City to newcomers.
"Welcome to Gotham City" it said.
#Dpxdc#Dp x dc#Dcxdp#Dc x dp#Danny Phantom#Dc#Dcu#Danny is Dead when he sleeps#Danny is immediately found out#Nobody Knows AU#For about 6 hours#Sam and Tucker weren't there to corroborate Danny's story#Danny is Homeless#The Fentons locked up the Portal after they found out a Ghost killed their using it#The Rogues have to find more roundabout ways into the Human Realm and spread across the country#Danny still fights them and still befriends some of them#He just happens to show up at the same Portals they are exiting at the time#Wonder why that keeps Happening? (Looks at a certain grandfather clock suspiciously)#Danny actually has 2 Obsessions#His Ghost Half has a Protection Obsession but it is stifled because he spends as much time as possible in his Human Form#His Human Form has a Space Obsession which he gets to indulge whenever he camps out away from Civilization#He gets found quickly tho without humans energies around to camouflage in so he can't do it too often#Danny goes to Gotham#The Ecto there feels older and more powerful so he hopes it will keep him hidden for longer#Meanwhile with the Fentons:#They think that the Ghost who killed their son is traveling to all these portals to absorb their Ectoplasm and grow his Power#All as part of some convoluted evil scheme to take over the world or something#Meanwhile with the Batfam:#They has been a string of Murders where the bodies share the same description and then disappears a few hours after discovery#And they seem to trace a Path that is leading directly to Gotham as the next location
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elaemae · 7 months
The premium version of human is here to wreck house, mfs.
[Twst x ObeyMe!AFAB!reader]
CHP. 7
Again, I thank y'all for the reblogs, likes and comments guys, it really helps me :)
CW: Blue pronouns or address for MC every time they get mistaken for a guy. Also, I'm a potty mouth so MC is too.
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You're about to have a stroke right now.
You should've just went back to the goddamn infirmary instead of checking in on these obnoxious, bitch-less, probably father-less, motherfuckers.
It's just cleaning windows!! How the hell can you mess up like this?! Why the fuck did the cafeteria chandelier get involved??
*One eternity of screaming like a banshee later*
After sending those damn kids and cat away to get some sort of magical stone in some godforsaken mine, you wrangled with the headmaster for at least two hours to prevent him from writing up the expulsion papers of Yuu and that Blue-haired kid who was mostly innocent about the ordeal.
(Meanwhile, encouraging him to kick that Ace kid and the damn cat off the school. You ain't about to let audacity run free rn, mostly because you feel yourself start genuinely tweaking as you almost got possessed by the urge to sucker punch someone's soul out of their body.)
[Satan perked up, there it was again.
That distinctive spark of wrath that he can feel through your pact with him is both concerning and comforting.
On one hand, the anger he feels means that you're alive. And seeing that what he's feeling through the pact is mostly annoyance, then that must mean that nothing marginally bad or traumatizing had happened to you yet.
You're actually more pissed off in a 'someone-had-the-audacity-to-eat-my-snacks' kind of way more than anything else, meaning that you're safe for now.
But on the other hand, he doesn't know how long that temporary safety will last.
There's also the fact this is the fourth time he'd felt that spark of 'I-wanna-punt-someone-into-the-fuckin-sun' kind of anger from you, which is worrying because it hasn't even been 48 hours since you were kidnapped by some mf.
He shook his head, calling upon a subordinate (read: Devoted fan) to collect more and more books to learn what type of teleportation and sleeping magic was used in your kidnapping.
With the massive search party spanning all three realms that they'd called upon, they will find you sooner or later.
And once they do...
Well... You'll need to get used to being with someone at all hours of the day.]
*Passive-aggresively reminding Crowley that he can't kick out an innocent kid for something they didn't directly do as they had no way of stopping the events that transpired.*
["You don't want the word to get out that you let an innocent teen roam around in a foreign world with absolutely nothing to their name and nobody to protect them, right?"
"That is true, but I still can't just let this go unpunis–"
"Especially when it's the school's faulty equipment that took them so far away from all of their loved ones and belongings, right?"]
Needless to say, Yuu ended up being "fired" in the end, quite an unfortunate result because they will need to freeload off of you until the end of your stay in this world. (Poor them, they got fired before they knew that they had a job in the first place.)
Oh well, it's better than being kicked out from practically their only way back home right now...
Hays... That cruel crow..
Anygays, it's time to snoop around and hopefully make some connections to the residents of this school.
This is a well-known college, right? So there should be influential people here somewhere...
Hehe.. It's time you bring out your gaslight, gatekeep, gold-digging skills so that you can girlboss your way into stability inside this foreign world.
• • • • • •
Suddenly, more than a dozen individuals felt a strong shiver run up their spines.
Haha... Well that's ominous!
• • • • • •
Ortho deadpanned at his brother.
It seems that almost burning down their dorm room last night isn't enough to deter him from making his [Mr. L/n x reader] fanfiction complete with mandatory fan art for every single chapter.
But at least his brother isn't 'fanboying' about another fictional character again...
Hm... Now that he thinks about it..
Maybe his brother will be more inclined to make friends if it's Mr. L/n!
And thus begins Ortho's journey of being an unknowing wingman as he tries to get his introverted brother to make friends.
• • • • • •
You narrowed your eyes as you looked at the small gift on top of your temporary bed in the infirmary.
Dats suspicious....
Dats weird......
You turn your necklace into a staff and start poking the box, trying to see if it'll suddenly turn into a horrific eldritch monster and jump you. (Won't be the first time that happened.)
• • • • •
"It is done, ××× ×× ××××××" (This is too easy to guess😑)
• • • • •
Diavolo sighed for the tenth time that hour, lamenting how trying to focus on his paperwork is a really hard task when MC gets thrown into the situation.
'Maybe a small break will help clear my head?'
He might as well just go out for a walk in the garden to get some fresh... air...
Oh? what is this?
His eyes scanned the dark envelope he'd seen wedged under the 'To burn' stack of paperwork in his desk.
This envelope wasn't here yesterday...
After confirming that the piece of paper wasn't cursed or charmed, he opened it with apprehension.
• • • • •
Barbatos appeared in the office, tense as he'd heard his lord call out his name with haste.
Reading the letter shoved in front of his face by the serious Diavolo, Barbatos made a mental note to get the dungeon chambers ready.
They've got themselves a lead.
← Pr.6 | Chapter List | Chp. 1.1 →
Just tell me if y'all wanna get added in the permanent taglist, even if I already tagged y'all here.
That's just so I'll know if you wanna get tagged in all the upcoming chapters of this fanfic.
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Reblog or I'll take your ankles😈 (Pls like and reblog, it really gives me motivation🥺)
Also, the next chap is the start of Arc 1: Satan but short.
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bunniidollii · 2 months
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murder on the dance floor, ghostface!rafe
kildare county, once revered as one of the safest communities in the state, is now plagued by a serial killer. he’s already claimed four victims, all fellow students at kildare high. attending a party with a killer on the prowl seemed foolish, but you desperately needed a night to let loose. just one night to forget the tragedies in your life, simply to get drunk and dance, spending the night with your friends. little did you know that a certain someone would make a guest appearance.
tw: it’s ghostface so obviously murder, blood, knives, dead bodies. reader does use heatless curlers but no other physical description is given. suggestive content but no actual smut
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you would never forget the first victim to the kildare killer, known also as ghostface by the community, thanks to the eerily familiar mask. you were home alone, watching some vacuous tv show that you weren’t paying attention to, when a news alert interrupted.
you watched in horror as the yearbook photo of your science partner appeared on screen, listening to the detailed description of his gruesome death. stabbed in the chest twelve times, along with several gashes on his body— a fate he didn’t ever deserve. the police hadn’t made any arrests, no evidence pointing towards the identity of the killer other than a phone call from an unknown number, simply warning residents to stay vigilant. then a photo of the killer appeared, grainy and unclear from some cctv footage, but just as frightening with the familar ghostface mask covering his face.
ironic you thought, scream being your favourite film.
after a couple of days with no updates on the case, you’d started putting it behind you, and instead focused on your school work and ignoring the pang in your chest everytime you sat next to the empty seat.
but then another person died. this time an ex best friend of yours, whom you’d had a particularly bad falling out with over the last semester. shock was the only way to describe the way you felt. mourning not the person who died, but the friendship you had officially lost. next was an ex boyfriend of yours. both victims receiving a phone call from the same unknown number. it was official— you had a serial killer on the loose.
the next victim was your final straw: your boyfriend. you’d been together for two years, planning on going to college together, even with talk of marriage in the future.
the police had visited your family, making the connection between the victims and yourself. it was a long and gruelling conversation, with them asking lots of questions about who the killer could be. anyone who might want to seek revenge for something you’d done, but the only person you’d ever fallen out with was murdered in cold blood weeks ago. precautions were put into place to ensure your safety— unable to leave the house without a police escort, having an adult present at the house at all times, for example. you hated feeling trapped, but the fear of the killer increased with each moment of silence.
it was quiet, eerily quiet, with no attacks or murders in the last week. some said he was done, but a part of you knew you’d never be safe, not with the shadow of death following your every step.
a final chance for normalcy was offered when you received a party invitation from your friend lena— tonight, at 9pm. and it may have sounded insensitive but you couldn’t wait, so desperate for a chance to live a little, especially when you had no idea how long you had left. one last night of fun.
you realised you only had a couple hours to get ready without your parents suspecting anything. they’d murder you themselves if they caught wind of you sneaking out, especially with a serial killer on the loose. dinner was always served, courtesy of the in-house chef your mother hired because she was too busy at the country club sipping martini after martini, at seven thirty sharp. you’d have to split the process, showering and shaving and whatnot before, passing it off as a simple self-care night. after the usual silent meal with your parents, you’d be able to sort out your hair and make-up.
you always loved the getting ready process, finding it to be more fun than the actual night itself, with the anticipation of what could happen far more exciting than the reality of the events. each time was like a well-practiced ritual, always running a hot bath sofia coppola style and soaking up whatever bath soak you’d selected, face coated in a face mask and cucumbers placed over your eyes. you’d lie there with a playlist serving as ambience, or perhaps if you were feeling particularly motivated, an audiobook or podcast. your boyfriend always found it funny, coming over to yours only to find you lying in silence as jane eyre was read to you. ex-boyfriend, you needed to get used to that. tonight was the night to forget, to escape the past that had been haunting you each day, even if it was only a temporary fix.
things were going smoothly, no accidental slips of tonight’s plans, eating your salmon in silence after the brief small-talk was over. your mother reading a magazine on whatever trend she’d been obsessed with. last month was water aerobics, then bonzai trees, and the most recent— spirituality. your father’s eyes always glued to his phone, responding to one work email after another. tonight, however, he decided to acknowledge the others at the table, eyes now fixated on the heatless curlers wrapped across the crown of your head.
“what are you wearing?” his voice cut the silence, prompting you to look up at him with your signature pout that always sweet talked your dad.
“they’re just heatless curlers, daddy”
“and why have you got those in?”
“they’re overnight ones, so the longer i wear them, the better the curl.”
the conversation ended there, your father seemingly satisfied with your explanation, whilst your mother had yet to look up from her article. the meal was over within the coming ten minutes, allowing you to rush upstairs and begin your make-up whilst planning an outfit in your head. it wasn’t a casual party, but it certainly wasn’t an occasion that would require you to dress up. a mini skirt and and top, coupled with a pair of designer kitten heels, was always your go-to for a party like this. you settled for a pink matching set, asymmetrical skirt and strappy tank top, which matched perfectly with a new pair of prada shoes you’d bought last week.
the base of your make-up didn’t take long, sticking with simple rather than your usual full-faced party look. once dressed, you took out the heatless curlers, allowing your hair to fall down and frame your face. the spritz of perfume and coat of lipgloss were the final touches before you grabbed your purse and heels and began to silently make your way to the front door, where you’d meet a friend who had offered to take you.
it was easier said than done, with your father still downstairs in his office and staff in the kitchen, but you were soon successful in your escape and easily spotted the familiar jeep parked opposite.
your heels against the pavement were all that could be heard besides the faint running of the car engine.
“hi rafe!” you beamed as you opened the car door and sat in the front, a total passenger princess as rafe always liked to remind you. “thanks for taking me tonight, i didn’t think lena’s parties were your kinda thing.” a single kiss was placed on rafe’s cheek leaving a glossy mark in its wake, your favourite gesture to show your appreciation for your best friend.
“course bunny, couldn’t let you go on your own. ‘specially with a killer after you.”
“you don’t know they’re after me rafe, it’s probably all just coincidental.” your words faded towards the end, the memories of those you had lost still fresh in your head.
“you don’t have to worry about any killer coming near you, not with me around.” a hand was placed on your thigh, a gesture not uncommon from rafe, but one never appreciated by your boyfriend. rafe said he was just insecure when you brought it up, dismissing the matter and continuing with his seemingly friendly gestures. this time, however, it inched a little higher as he continued to drive. with eyes focused on the road, rafe’s ringed hand entered new territory that left goosebumps in its wake. you tried to relax, but you couldn’t ignore the fact that rafe never would have done this had you still had a boyfriend.
after a couple minutes of silence, not awkward but not entirely comfortable either, rafe pulled into the driveway of the familiar house. music could be heard from down the street, but only now could you see the coloured spotlights lena sets up for parties, reds and purples and blues bouncing across the house as you both entered. rafe suggested you split up for the time being once you spotted your friends between the dance floor and bar, while he went off in search for topper and kelce.
hugs were shared in greeting before you were quickly given an array of shots to down, thankfully with some orange juice on the side for a chaser. you were eager to join your friends in their tipsy state, pouring four shots down your throat, unaware of how rafe watched you across the room as your face scrunched up in disgust.
a familiar song began to play as your friends dragged you into the middle of the room and temporary dance floor. it wasn’t a massive space, leaving close proximity between everyone as bodies moved against one another. you were quick to lose yourself in the music, finally forgetting your grief as your hands latched onto the nearest person, inviting them to join you. he turned slightly to face you as he adjusted your hands into a more comfortable position, and you recognised him as one of the boys in your year, remembering he was in your maths class last year, although his name had slipped your drunken mind.
throughout the night, you were blissfully unaware of rafe’s gaze always fixed on you and this random boy as you continued to dance against one another. you never noticed the glare rafe sent in your direction as you began to grind against his front in time with the music. and you definitely didn’t notice him following you both upstairs as the boy lead you to an empty room.
breathy whimpers were all that could be heard as will, whose name you finally remembered, assaulted your neck with frantic and desperate kisses. one hand under the plush of your ass securing you against the door, the other threaded through your hair, allowing him easy access to your sweet spot. your legs were impossibly tight around his waist at the feeling, acrylic nails digging into his shoulders. you weren’t sure how long you were pinned against the door, but at some point you realised you were now being backed into the bed as will’s body hovered over yours, lips surging forward to meet in the middle.
before they could, however, a pained groan left will’s mouth as his body fell onto you. standing above you with a bloody knife held in one hand was the masked face of the killer. and he had just stabbed someone right on top of you. a shrill scream left your mouth as the knife was slammed back into will, causing more cries of pain to leave his mouth as his blood was coughed onto your top.
you were quick to push will’s dying body off of yours, struggling against the deadweight and ghostface’s attempts to keep you trapped. the struggle resulted in a small cut on your chest bone, right across the marks left by the boy lying next you, but were lucky enough to slip out of his hold and bolt towards the door. a quick look behind showed the horrifying sight of will’s body being continually violated by the knife, cries leaving his mouth with each strike. there was no way to help him, and you used this distraction to run down the landing. the first few rooms were locked, panic flooding through your veins with each blocked exist. the storage cupboard was luckily unlocked as you slipped inside silently.
you sank to the floor unable to keep standing after all you had witnessed. footsteps could be heard faintly over the music, reminding you of all the blissfully unaware party goers downstairs. no one would have heard your screams over the sheer volume that left the house shaking, though that could just be a result of your fear.
you slapped your hand across your mouth to silence your screams when you realised there was someone else in there with you. propped against one of the shelves was lena’s body, her cold and lifeless eyes staring back at you. a clear slit was on her throat, blood still flowing down from the cut. you couldn’t take your eyes off her as your hands clamped over your mouth did little to muffle your sobs. and while you were in shock at the horror in front of you, you’d forgotten all about the haunting footsteps getting closer and closer.
light quickly flooded the small cupboard, illuminating the lifeless body of your friend. you weren’t distracted when the sound of a knife slashing through the air interrupted your trance. it wasn’t an easy feat to get passed the knife-wielding masked man unscathed, yet you were back to sprinting down the landing with only a small cut on your arm.
you could barely hear the heavy footsteps behind you over the pounding of your heart, but you knew he was close behind. the only option was to go back into the same room you were in before, and hopefully you’d be able to lock it or escape through the window. you couldn’t bare to look at will’s body by the bed as you ran in, instead turning around to try and shut the door behind you. an arm was quick to stop you, slipping into the gap as he forced his body into the room.
rough hands grabbed onto you, pining yours behind your back as the other snaked around your throat and gripped tightly.
“please don’t kill me, i’m begging you” you pleaded as you gasped for breath frantically, tears flooding down your face as you choked on your sobs.
“that’s it whore, beg”
it was then you recognised the familiar voice.
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definitely going to write a part 2 fear not !! it’ll probably end up pure smut but oh well 😙
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graciegoeskrazy · 4 months
change in pressure
george daniel + stepdaughter!teen!reader
warnings: angst, mentions of bio dad, yelling, reader puches someone, mentions of blood, nothing gory or graphic, kind of short i started and finished this today (🫠) not proofread lolz
a/n: this is the unofficial sequel to ‘somebody else’. it basically just touches on the events there so i would recommend giving it a read before hand.
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George was set for his day off. A beautiful day with no worries or fears about what’s to come. Just him, a TV, food, and a house to himself. The fantasy of a day off however came to an end when a call rang, two seconds after he sat down.
It had no caller ID but the area code was one he recognized so he answered anyway. “Hello?” He said, softly sighing.
“Is this the father of y/n Aitchison?” A voice sounded.
George’s attention piqued. “Yes, step-father.”
“This is Principal Mitchill, from y/n’s school. How are you doing today?” He said.
“Fine- is y/n alright?” George, getting straight to the point.
“Yes. However, I’m afraid she was sent to my office this morning
George grew confused. being sent to the front office hadn’t been unusual for you lately, but a call being sent home hadn’t happened before. The pair have noticed your mood changed recently, little slips of anger issues or what have you. Never directly to them though. They chalked it up to hormones of a growing girl and let it be, but now, George was connecting some dots.
”We’ve been trying to get into contact with her mother but she wasn’t answering. Do you know if she or yourself could come pick her up?”
George started to stand and put his dish away. “Her mom is out of town. I can be there in 15.”
“Thank you, see you then.”
”A fist fight! Really?” he said, as he slammed the door shut while getting in the car.
You rolled your eyes from the passenger seat. ”She got what she deserved. It’s not that big of a deal.”
”It’s a huge deal! Damn, even the shit I did when I was your age wasn’t ballsy enough like fist fight.” George really couldn’t believe what was happening. He couldn’t comprehend this news. Even given your history, this was so unlike you.
”Oh, of course. I bet you were an angel.”
He looked you dead on, “Not the point, missy. The point is you broke that girl's nose!”
”Have you seen her face? She deserved it.” You chuckled. George didn’t find it as funny though.
“Not the point ethier!” Damn it, she’s so much like her mother. ”You’re about to go to high school, y/n! They said this is going on your permanent record! They’re gonna look at his shit and see it and it's gonna get you in trouble down the road.”
”Whatever, I don’t care.” you said, mumbling, still loud enough for George to hear.
“Since when? Since when has this new, grungy, uncool, mean girl take over the body of my y/n who used to love school and would DREAM of putting a fist up against a petty teenager? Huh? What happened to her?”
”Oh shut up! Stop pretending to be my dad.”
As much as he knew you didn’t mean it. As much as he wanted to brush the comment off like it was nothing, he couldn’t deny the slight ache in his heart. You faced the window, too scared to confront him. You felt his eyes remain on you, even more when he let out a sigh before starting the car,
”Forgive me for caring.”
You ran straight upstairs when you got home. you expected him to stop you, tell you to come down, but he didn’t. You know yourself, you didn’t mean it. However, you didn’t know if George knew that.”
Hours passed, you declined dinner when George offered via text, he thought you were still mad at him, you thought he was still mad at you.
You worked up the courage at around 10 pm. You had heard his footsteps lead to his and Charli’s shared bedroom almost an hour ago, and figured it was time to go and apologize. the more you sat around or tried to distract you self from the events earlier today, the more agonized you felt.
You knocked out he door. He was sat up in bed, doing some work on his laptop. He smiled at thee sight of you. You just stood awkwardly at the door.
You had planned what to say, tried to imagine how this would all go down, but no rods came out of your mouth when you tried to speak, instead, just a tear down your cheek.
He playfully opened up his arms to you and you practically ran into his embrace, already starting to cry. He let out an almost fake grunt and kissed your head as you started to ramble.
”I didn’t mean what I said.” You spoke, softly.
”i know you didn’t-“
”I’m so sorry!” your cried into him. George just smiled.
”You don’t need to be sorry.”
”I said you weren’t my dad! And you are! You are my dad! You were trying to be helpful and I was being a bitch.”
”Hey! You are not a bitch.” He said, grabbing the sides of your face.
”But I’m sorry.”
”Fine. You’ll be forgiven when you tell me what going on with you.”
You groaned and he smiled.
You thought for a minute. truthfully, you had your answer, it was just hard to put into words. ”I don't like school anymore.” You started.
You paused. ”No.”
”Why no?” He asked.
“It’s too boring.”
He smiled again. ”Well, everyone finds school boring.”
”Not me. I used to love school.”
”Hm. What happened then.”
You shrugged. ”I started not loving it?”
”Why’s that?”
You changed the subject, ”I feel like I haven't been the same since Justin was here.” George moved, to look directly at you. ”I don’t know why but I con’t stop thinking abut him…the things he did to me…or my mom.”
He didn't know a lot about Justin, or the specific things he did to you, knowing it was always a touchy subject and Charli and George wanted to respect your wished, as long as they knew you were okay. ”Like what.” He asked.
”I don’t want to talk about it.”
George feared he overstepped. ”Ok, we don’t have to. Why do you think you can't stop thinking about him though.”
”I get scared…that he’s gonna do something again. And maybe that’s why I keep acting out? I really don’t know-“
”Hey, It’s okay. You don’t need answers right now.” You nodded. “Just know I’m here if you need help finding them.”
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doveshovel · 4 months
can we get more Hunter lore? 👉👈 niche little blorbo
!! Can't believe my little guy has gained niche blorbo status. I am honored, thank you anon <3
Feels it's important to mention that I'm not a very good writer, and Hunter's entire deal is essentially just me trying to make a character whose backstory is wildly out of place in the girl power sparkly horsie game but still sort of works with the cannon actions of the player character. This is just a hastily thrown together summary of how he winds up in Jorvik. That said, of course you can get more Hunter lore! :^D Sorry this took so long but I had to do some art to go with it :'))
Everything's tucked below since there ended up being a lot more than expected :') I think it's all fairly mild but
Content Warnings: Image 1: Some mild blood
Image 2: (dressed) head injury
Hunter's pre-jorvik summary contains: patricide, improper body disposal, vehicle theft (x5), unlawful operation of motor vehicles, crossing state lines with stolen property, trespassing, breaking and entering, evading arrest, speeding, and other minor crimes. Also some mention of drowning, concussion, and brain damage.
When an attempt to slip away from his childhood home in the dead of night goes awry, Hunter accidentally hits and subsequently kills his father with a stolen car, then does some sloppy short-notice body disposal. It's nowhere near enough to make sure he's not a suspect, but it does ensure that the body isn't found for another week (until the neighbors come by to ask why his father wasn't at church, only to find that the front door's been left wide open and a small family of raccoons have made their home in the kitchen). He makes his way from his old house in rural North Carolina (U.S.) northwards through eight states under cover of night, switching cars three times along the way (once in Virginia, once in Pennsylvania, and again in New Jersey) until he arrives at the coast of Massachusetts.
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^Hunter, age 19, 5 hours after hiding the body of his father
It's here that (not knowing shit about sailing, boats, or oceanic navigation) he chooses an old pontoon in a private dock to hotwire and sail across the Atlantic with the hope of evading prosecution. Three days into the so-far shockingly successful voyage, rough seas capsize his little vessel, leaving Hunter stranded half-conscious and about two-thirds drowned on some debris until the North Atlantic Current carries him into Jorvegian fishing territory. Five days after accidentally murdering his father, he's spotted drifting on some debris by the crew of a Jorvik fishing vessel and brought back to Cape West where he gets some bearings and starts life anew. :^)
The little pontoon isn't so lucky, and its remains wash up along the coast of Maine nearly three weeks later. By then, it's been connected to Hunter's murder + string of vehicle thefts, and he's presumed to have died at sea in an unsuccessful getaway. In some ways, he did.
Most memories of life before the storm have been wiped clear from his brain, and what little that returns in brief flashes is usually just as quickly forgotten again. Some foggy details of events in early childhood remain, but his entire personality is altered by damage and Hunter becomes someone else entirely, often feeling that he's living in a borrowed body.
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^old doodle of Hunter, age 19, a week after landing in Cape West
Hunter spends about two weeks recovering from a concussion and anoxic brain damage at the fishing club's Cape West bunkhouse before he's well enough to start learning the ropes and work doing some slightly less intensive odd-jobs around the village (fixing nets, processing fish, delivering mail, a little stablehand work at Goldenleaf, etc.). He attends a riding camp in Moorland towards the end of his first year in Jorvik at the suggestion of Mr.Trout, who believes it'll be a good way to get some better ideas of what the horse-loving isle of Jorvik has to offer and find some sense of self beyond Goldenhills Valley.
From here, its essentially the main storyline with some minor changes and seasonings thrown in :^)
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shiinamiiko · 10 days
The Weight of Fate
It was a quiet night, as most nights were on this part of town, at this particular hour. Not that it got any louder during the day, not since the plague had forced most people to flee their homes, if they hadn't been unlucky enough to waste away inside of them.
Now, three years later, it remained almost completely empty, as per protocol. It was a bad omen to wander onto these streets and, after all, people didn't enjoy those. Rumors about ghosts wailing in the dark emptiness circulated, keeping most people away; even the bravest, toughest men didn't feel the need to disturb the souls from beyond the grave after the sun set. Naruto judged himself amongst them, in both bravery and respect for the departed, even if he was yet to be recognized as one. That one night, however, he'd found himself wandering into the deserted streets, without any apparent aim, his head filled with pilling thoughts; he didn't feel like returning home that night, not even to change out of his dirty work clothes. The young man knew he'd eventually have to face reality but, that night his feet kept taking him in further and further away.
"We could move into one of these houses..." He uttered, lost in thought, rubbing his still stubble-less chin.
The former decree barred anyone from living in the buildings for at least four years, but with the current protocol the zone had been declared safe for some time now. Yet, the governor had still not formally ceased the restrictions and, due to the rumors, people hadn't pushed for it either. He was reasonably wary of spirits but, as of now, he hadn't heard any, not a soul, living or dead., after all ghosts only existed in old stories told by old women to get kids to obey.
He scoffed at the idea, kicking his tattered, brown shoe into the dirt. His situation didn't seem like it could get any worse.
Naruto felt a chill go up his spine, his blonde hairs standing on end as he heard a soft, ethereal voice call out from somewhere. He froze in place. Turning his head in every direction, he tried to find a human to connect that whisper to. It had been soft enough that the wind could have been the culprit, which made him doubt his own sanity for a second.
Though still a whisper, this time he felt anxiety within the call. His feet shifted under him as his body prepared itself to flee. His mind rushed through all the apologies and prayers he knew, his legs starting to tremble.
"Sir, please, up here!"
The terrified teenager stopped in his tracks, his brain processing the words, beginning to understand this might not be a specter at all. His blue eyes scanned the darkness slowly, tracing every building until he finally saw it. A few meters in front of him, in what he measured to be the third floor of a dilapidated, white brick house, a thin, pale arm stuck out of a hole in the wall .
He approached one step at a time, trying to hide his presence, at least until he could identify what was going on. The buildings in that area were almost as old as the country itself, and had suffered repairs and modifications over the years, as well as some structural additions, one of the most useful ones being external staircases. A rusty, iron ladder connected to a narrow platform that leveled with the first floor, supported by four sturdy metal beams, hung close to the ground. It took some effort to pull it down without making a sound and even more to climb, his worn soles slipping every three steps, and the long ragged sleeve of his once white linen shirt snagging on loosened nails. The second set of stairs was easier, as the proper staircase was supported by columns and stuck still between the first and second platform. His heart was beating into his ear as he ascended, adrenaline pumping his body forwards, with all his five senses on edge until he reached the third floor.
He kneeled down in front of the moldy, crumbling wall, where the hole he'd seen was. He estimated it big enough for his leg to pass, but not enough for his head to peak through. The arm was no longer sticking out of it. Instead, he was met with a face of white: deadly pale skin stained with dust, eyes the color of snow looking dead into his blue ones, and greasy dark hair messy and tangled; his heart skipped a beat, a shiver going down his spine, his body ready to retreat, but he stopped himself. Something about this apparition felt tangible. She looked like a very young woman, maybe around his age, but something about her still felt off.
"Who are you?" He whispered, holding his heart in his palm.
"Please, I need help." The girl was holding herself from crying as much as she could. "They're coming back any second, please...
"Who are? What's happening? Are you trapped in there?"
"... Yes."
Naruto ruffled his over-grown hair, stressed and in disbelief that he would find himself in this uncanny situation, especially after the day he'd had.
"I'll get you out, just give me a second and I'll..."
"No!" She blurted as hushed as she could.
Continue reading in AO3
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litcest · 10 days
The Innocents, by Michael Crummey
There was I, one fine afternoon, reading Henry James' The Turn of the Screw and started wondering if anyone had ever done an incestuous re-write of the novel. I found none, but what I did find was that there was a movie adaptation (by Truman Capote) in 1961 with the title of The Innocents. This movie shares the title with a 2019 novel by Michael Crummey, which DOES have brother-sister incest.
I went to check the book on Goodreads and found out that @shipcestuous had it on her shelf, and from this I found an ask she got just a month ago with some book recs. Everything is connected.
The book, narrated in the third person, follow the lives of Ada and Evered Best, siblings who lose their parents at an young age and have to take control of the family's fishing enterprise in a remote beach. The novel is set around the 19th century and so the siblings have little contact with the outside world other than the ship that visits them twice an year to collect their goods.
In a secluded cove on the shores of Newfoundland, in a recent past, lived a family. One winter, in quick succesion, the newborn dies, followed by the mother and then the father. And so, siblings Ada and Evered are left to fend for themselves.
"And he to bawling with her then, the two helpless youngsters holding on to one another in the pitch."
"For weeks after their father died the youngsters did little but sleep, lying in bed all hours for the warmth, for the comfort of the other's breathing beside them."
Evered hunts and fishes, while Ada takes care of the house and cooks. Winter turns to spring, and The Hope,cargo boat, comes to the cove, as it did every year. The siblings tell the Captain their parents have died, and the Captain tries to explain how the enterprise works: Evered's father caught fish and gave to the Captain, who in turn gave them supplies. The Captain wasn't sure that the two kids could deliver the amount of fish necessary to cover the costs of the supplies, and tries to convince the kids to go to the town and look for a job there. Ada, however, doesn't want to leave the grave of their dead baby sister (who she insists that she can talk to) and refuses to go.
Evered menages to persuade the Captain into giving them one season to try it out. The season is not much of a success, but it's good enough that Evered and Ada decide to keep trying to make it work, even though they are getting into debt.
"'You managed fine, Brother', she said. 'You done good.' 'Don't you ever leave me,' he said out of nowhere' 'Why would I do the like of that?' 'Just don't.'"
Two years go by, and a storm blows a shipwreck into the cove. The siblings explore and collect material, and Ada gets new shoes. They are two right feet, but she's happy anyway.
"She threw her arms around Evered's neck and they jumped up and down in each other's arms."
Another event of this year was Ada getting her first period. She gets grumpy about it, ignoring Evered and lashing out at him (PMS is a bitch). What I found particularly interesting about this chapters is that, to hide the bleeding, "they slept in separate beds for the next five nights". Which means that, despite they having a spare bed (the one that their parents slept in), they were still choosing to sleep together for the past two years. And, when Ada's bad mood (and blood) has passed, they go back to sleeping together.
"They talked through the black or looked to the other's warmth for comfort, gravitating to the familiar body beside them. One night, half-asleep and adrift in that liminal space, Ada hooked a leg across Evered's hip and they nudged into one another."
Also worth mentioning is Evered's masturbatory habits. He doesn't quite know what he's doing, but he knows he feels pleasure from touching himself, and that it results in a "hot spill pumping across his hand and stomach". And yes, he does it in the bed he shared with Ada, until one night, still half asleep, Ada turns towards him and wraps her legs around his torso.
"They tucked into the heat of her, Ada lifting her leg across his hips and rocking against him. And he was suddenly, vibrantly awake. He leaned into the heat of her, barely moving, letting Ada work against him, moving his hand to the small of her back to add weight to that drowsy agitation. The didn't speak or acknowledge one another at any point and Evered thought it was possible she was dreaming, that she was insensible to the waking world the entire time they were engaged."
Are they dry humping? I'm not going to lie, I'm not going to lie, the book is sometimes hard to understand. It's very poetic and I struggled to get the meaning behind the vomit of words that were on the pages. It made me feel very stupid and like my reading comprehension had gone to shit. Whatever that was, the event goes by unmentioned, as neither sibling wants to talk about it.
"It was the one intimacy that everything between the siblings seemed a prelude to. But some hesitation had always stopped them short, a shared vertigo that stayed them at the edge."
In the summer, Ada goes to bath herself in a clear water pool in the hills around the house, and Evered spies on her, admiring how her body had developed.
"A woman's body he was looking at and he was embarrassed to be watching as if it was a stranger standing in the brook below him."
Ada sees him watching and he goes away, but as she cleans herself, she thinks of "sleeping beside Evered [...] as if her body was a having a thought all on its wordless lonesome."
Their routine comes to a halt when Evered gets sick after making a delivery to the ship. He passes the sickness onto Ada, who becomes gravely ill.
In a struck of good luck, sea Captain Truss and Mrs. Brace happen upon the cove. They nurse the siblings back to full health, and when Ada first wakes up from her feverish dreams, her first word is "Brother".
Truss also teaches Evered how to hunt with a firearm, so the siblings can have more supplies in the winter. When inquired on whether he feels lonely in the cove, Evered says that he has Ada and so he isn't alone.
During this time, Evered and Ada listen as Truss and Mrs. Brace have sex and Ada recognizes the sounds as similar to the ones Evered makes when he thinks she's asleep.
"Something in it reminded her of the hitch in Evered's breathing during the solitary ministrations she pretended to sleep through. Of her brother ferreting through her small clothes to find the place she was the warmed and wet, her hips rising to his hand as he figured the works of her."
After Truss goes back to his ship, Evered begins to plan an expedition to further explore the hills around the cove, as they had never gone too far from the shore, and also so he hunt bigger animals. Ada wants to go along, but Evered tells her it's better for her to stay and take care of the house. Ada is not stupid and knows that her brother is being distant, he has been since before Truss' arrival.
"She missed her brother, missed the easy physical affection that had been the only constant source of comfort in her life."
The night before Evered leaves for his expedition, Ada waits for him to lay in bed beside her and then begins to touch him, jerking him off. Evered later comments that the gesture seemed like punishment of short, for him not taking her along.
"She placed her hand on Evered’s hip behind her and then down between them, finding her way to bare skin. He put an arm around her waist and moved to reach under her shift but she grabbed it with her free hand. She did not want to be touched. Or to turn toward him or to speak. She moved against the rigid bit of gristle in her hand, working toward that hitch in his breath, that spastic release."
Hunting turns out to be a good deal for the siblings and when The Hope comes to deliver their goods, they gain extra by selling pelts of the animals they had killed.
The next strange event is the arrival of John Warren onto the cove. He comes knocking in the sibling's door, having heard of the so called "Orphan Cove" and wanting to lumber there. At first, Warren mistake Ada and Evered for a couple, asking if they are wedded, which leaved Ada "mortified".
Warren lates asks Ada whether she feels alone, and her answer is similar to the one Evered had given Truss.
"She shook her head. 'I got Evered,' she said. 'He been good to me.'"
Warren and his crew leave, with Evered and Ada once again returning to their routine. The text time The Hope comes around, the Captain asks if Ada has ever considered marrying, as the men in town are lacking women. Evered asks Ada whether she has ever considered marrying and she says that she doesn't want to do that.
That winter, a terrible storm blows in while Evered is out fishing, and for a moment, Ada assumes he has drowned. He does make it back to shore, completely soaked through, and she takes him to the house, stripping him off the wet clothes and setting him by the fire. Then Ada removes her own clothes, as she too got wet from searching for him and straddles him for ~warmth~. This obviously leads to them having sex.
The next morning, there's an awkwardness in the air, with neither sibling knowing quite how to deal with the intimacy they had shared.
"And she couldn’t settle with any satisfaction how to feel about what happened between she and Evered, about how it unfolded or if it was all her doing somehow."
Even though they had only had penetrative PiV sex once, Ada finds herself pregnant, in a strike of bad luck akin to Cathy Dollanganger's. I know it's possible to get pregnant from just one unprotected encounter, but god, are this incestuousr girlies unlucky.
Ada realises she is pregnant when she stops getting her "monthly visitor", but isn't quite sure how she got that way. At first, she hides it from Evered, but when her belly gets big enough, he starts to suspect that Ada got pregnant because Warran had made her his wife. Ada and Warren never had sex, by the way, the just apent a lot of time alone because Warren thought of her as a surrogate daughter and wanted to keep are away from his sailors.
As the distance between the siblings grows bigger, Evered suggests that they should leave the cove and go to the town, where he can find a job and Ada can get married.
Just as The Hope appears on the horizon, Ada enters in labor and Evered helps her deliver the child.
"He nodded though his expression didn’t change. "I don’t know what to do," he said. "What do I do?" "Just don’t leave me," she said."
The child is named Martha, after they deceased baby sister, whom Ada believed might have reincarnated into her daughter. Then, in one of the most anticlimactic endings ever, the books ends, as Evered places the new-born on Ada's chest and the ship approaches at distance.
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charmingsoa · 7 months
✶ Where the Wild Things Are: One ✶ ■ 1960s Sons of Anarchy story ■
⌃ Jax Teller/ OC x Thomas Teller/OC ⌃
Warning: Please read with caution. This story will include: drug use, physical, verbal, and sexual abuse. miscarriages, sexual content, alcohol use, homicide, cursing, etc. ★ If You would like to be tagged in future updates, simply leave your username in the comments.
Taglist: @oskea93, @keyweegirlie
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I stared at the clock – the hands slowly moving as my packed suitcase sat below my bed.
The thought of leaving the ruling and hard hand of my father had been a pipedream of mine for a while. There were days when I convinced myself that today was the day. I was just gonna walk right out of the house – bidding my parents a big fuck you as I ventured into the new world. I always managed to talk myself out of it after an hour – too afraid of what my father would do to stop me. Before tonight, I never even had a bag packed or a plan for that matter.
“I had to hear from Fred Hastings that he saw you and Wilson Grady fornicating in the back alley of his hardware store. Do you know how embarrassed your mother and I are to have people know that our daughter – our only daughter – is nothing but a cheap whore?”
I winced as he roughly grabbed onto my arms, shaking my upper body in rage as my mother just sat back and watched. The belt that he had used so often was wrapped around his hand, the buckle dangling as he shook.
“You are nothing but a piece of trash – a cheap whore that will open her legs to any man on the streets.” I sniffed back tears, my red hair sticking to my face as it became wet. He roughly pushed me to the ground, standing over me with a look of disgust etched on his aging face.
I attempted to get up, only to be stopped by his heavy foot on my abdomen. “Don’t even think about getting up, whore.” I glanced over at my mother hoping that she would make him throw in the towel. Her dead eyes met mine, looking away quickly as father’s heavy hand made contact with my thigh.
The leather material of the belt hurt like hell, but he had moved past using that. His favorite – at least for me – was the buckle. I can’t begin to tell you how many scars I have on my upper thighs and bottom from the contact of the metal meeting my thin skin.
Blow after blow – derogatory words spewing from his mouth like venom with each strike. My older brother, Brian was finally the one to step in – telling our father that I’ve had enough. Brian didn’t bother helping me up or making sure I was okay, too afraid of father himself.
Out of breath, father’s eyes connected with mine. “You think this time was bad-“His face mere inches from mine. “If I even hear that you’ve looked at another boy – I will make sure you won’t see the light of day ever again.”
I must’ve laid there for 30 minutes before slowly walking back to my bedroom. The sun had set by this time – meaning that it was almost bedtime for Roy and Brenda. Father made it a rule that it was lights out at sunset – the mind and body needed at least 7-8 hours of rest. Plus, his famous words were that nothing good happens after sunset.
Without giving it a second thought, I just started to pack.
I kept the lights off, giving off the appearance that I was sleeping in bed. I just grabbed whatever I had, stuffing it into the large suitcase. I knew that I would have to leave most of my possessions – items that I had collected since childhood. My father would more than likely just throw everything in the fire since he’s already said it was all a waste of money…
The big hand hovered over the 12 as I quietly gathered the case. I held my shoes in my hands as I took one last look at my childhood room. The pink walls dulling with age – the room holding good and bad memories. Tears welled in my eyes as I walked away, tiptoeing past my parents’ bedroom door. The house was silent – the only noise coming from the clocks on the walls. For once, the steps that led downstairs didn’t creak – the energy of the house agreeing with my decision to leave for good.
Once I reached the outside air – the realization of my actions crashed down on me like a ton of bricks. There was no way I could spend another minute/hour in that house – under the rule of a father who only cared about himself. If I didn’t leave now, I would’ve found a way of leaving this world all together. I wasn’t gonna give him that satisfaction though – Roy Landry deserved to know that I was somewhere in the world living a life that he frowned upon. I wanted word to get back to him that I was running wild – enjoying life – and screwing anyone and everyone that I damn well pleased. He can take the shame and embarrassment that he said I caused the family and shove it up his uptight ass!
That would be the last time I would see my parents alive. Word came that my father died a few years after I left – a heart attack, I think. To this day, my brothers blame me for the decline of our father’s health – saying that the stress of me leaving put a strain on his heart. My mother couldn’t bear to live without my father – passing away five years later in her sleep. I remember trying to call her one day after finding out I was pregnant – a part of me thinking that she had the right to know. Before I could even ask how she was doing, she interrupted and told me to never call her again.
“Thanks for the ride.”
I exited the car, the rain relentless as it soaked through my clothes. I managed to hitch a ride from an older couple – probably feeling sorry for me as I stood on the side of the road. I had been thumbing for a ride for two days now – making it further than I thought I would. I was far enough from home that I didn’t worry about my father or brothers coming to look for me.
I looked across the road – a diner casting a glow through the weather. I hadn’t bathed in three days – the rain and humidity making my skin feel sticky and gross. I had a couple bucks from a man that picked me up yesterday – money in exchange for a quick blow job. He was your typical sleaze ball but he got me out of Arkansas so I couldn’t complain. When I left home, I didn’t have any money saved up. Roy and Brenda weren’t the type of parents to give cash for chores. I hadn’t eaten since dinner that evening, my stomach cramping from the hunger pains.
 I darted across the road, stepping into the muggy building. The older men at the counter watched as I made my way to the restroom – the sink my only option for getting cleaned up. I quickly washed what I could – getting the important bits and pits – pulling off my dirty clothes and replacing them with shorts and a halter top. I pulled my red hair into a ponytail – combing out the knots that had formed from the rain. Once satisfied with my work, I stepped back into the restaurant, taking a seat in an empty booth. I ordered a cheeseburger and fries – basically scarfing it down in record time. I left what was left of my change for the elderly waitress before stepping back out into the summer rain.
I managed to flag down a semi-trailer driver who was headed to Utah with a shipment of goods. He called himself Groovy Bill – a widower from Florida. He had also fought in the war, stationed in France for two years before he was medically discharged. He walked with a limp – the injury coming from a stray bullet that shattered his femur. Groovy Bill didn’t expect anything for the ride – simply enjoying the company. During our three days together, he told me about his wife, Jane and how he met her at the American Legion before he was deployed. They got married once he returned home and started their family. Jane was developed pneumonia after routine surgery and passed away shortly after. I could tell that Bill truly loved and cared about his wife – her picture kept close to his heart.
I was kind of sad when his rig pulled into the office’s parking lot. I waited until he was completely unloaded, wanting to thank him one last time for his generosity and kindness. He didn’t have to pick me up – Hell, he didn’t have to be the kind man that I knew he could only be. In the three days that were together, I felt more of a connection to this man than I did my own father. Bill had a heart of gold and only wanted what was best for his children and people in general.
“Well –“ A sad smile spreading across his bearded face. “ I guess this is the end of the line, chickadee.”
Tears clouded my vision as my arms wrapped tightly around his midsection. The smell of bruit filled my senses as he returned the gesture.
“You take care of yourself, you hear?” I nodded my head against his plaid shirt.
We stood there silently, still embracing, before he pulled away. His tired eyes looked into mine as a fathers would. “Just because the lights are bright, and everything seems perfect- “He paused. “Doesn’t mean that there’s a rainbow at the end.” Referring to my quest to reach California. “You’re a beautiful girl and people will take advantage of that, but it’s up to you to push past the bullshit and become the woman you were born to be.”
With a kiss on top of my greasy head, Groovy Bill climbed back into his truck, driving back into the foggy, morning mist…
I would like to say the rest of my trip to reach California was a breeze, but it was more of a hurricane. Instead of an easy ride like the one I had with Bill, I was forced to give sexual favors in exchange for rides. The men that had picked me up seemed nice at first but the question of what they got in return was brought up halfway through. A blow job here – sex in the backseat there. I felt like a used rag by the time the last guy crossed the California border. He dropped me off outside a gas station once he got what he wanted, dust spinning as he tore back onto the road. It was early morning – probably close to three in the morning – and there wasn’t a soul in sight. This wasn’t our agreement – he was supposed to take me to San Francisco – telling me that’s where he was headed.
I stood under the flickering streetlamp – my heart pounding as different sounds could be heard in the distance. Mostly animals but your fear heightens when it’s pitch-black outside. I didn’t know whether to just wait it out and see if I could hitch another ride when the station opens or start walking now. It was likely impossible that someone would be on the roads this late – especially in an area such as this.
“Fuck.” I blew out a sigh, picking up my suitcase.
My sandals had broken several states back – my feet raw from working the pavement and rocky surface. I couldn’t see a foot in front of me, but I didn’t feel comfortable waiting until daylight. As I walked, the thought of if this was worth it kept popping into my mind. The people on the evening news made this look easy – full of peace and love. Granted, there was a group hitchhiking together, but even then, it wouldn’t be a walk in the park. Besides Groovy Bill and the older couple who picked me up at the start of all of this, I witnessed the hold that a man could have on a woman in need. They were willing to help if they got a kickback in the end. Sex was the only thing I could offer, and I wasn’t proud of that. They got off and I got dropped off.
I lasted another 30 minutes before collapsing in a field adjacent to the highway. I couldn’t go on any further – my legs quivering underneath me. A content sigh slipped past my lips as the cool grass cushioned my aching body. Sleep had been a distant friend since my journey started – my body staying awake to stay vigilant. I was desperate for rest – even if that meant sleeping on the side of the road. My mind finally took over – my eyes fluttering shut as my body relaxed.
This wouldn’t be the last time I pass out on the side of the road.
The sky was still dark when the rumbling of engines startled me awake. I moved to a sitting position as the group of headlights drew closer – my heart beating wildly in my chest at the unknown. A part of me hoped that the dusky scene would keep me hidden – but the other hoped that they would sweep me away from the misery I had created.
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my sad usagi ending hc
So, a while ago, I had this idea that Usagi was actually the kid who owned the pet parrot on the bus that was burned by Jodio. I decided to take it a step further and make myself sad by coming up with this headcanon on what happens when Usagi dies.
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Usagi's father had a pet parrot all his life and it was a rather old yet friendly bird that Usagi grew up helping take care of. When Usagi's father died, Usagi decided to start taking care of the bird rather than have his mom give it away.
In a way, this bird was the remaining physical connection Usagi had with his father. Unable to openly mourn for him for his mother's sake, Usagi would spend hours taking care of this bird and finding comfort in its presence as a way to cope with losing his dad. When he began high school and became worried about whether he would be bullied or not fit in, Usagi would sneak his bird into school so he wouldn't feel alone. The students eventually caught on and they started to hang out with Usagi in hopes of hanging out with his pet bird. Usagi became well-liked, which helped him avoid bullies, and he would often sneak his bird to school for his own emotional support.
When the bus caught fire and the students on it were ultimately evacuated after the flames were extinguished, the bird somehow escaped amiss the chaos. Usagi woke up in the hospital soon after and the first thing he asked was where his bird went. The firemen were sympathetic and the police tried to gently tell him the bird perished, but Usagi refused to believe that his bird died in the flames. He swore he saw the bird still alive on the bus when the flames mysteriously extinguished before he blacked out. His mother tried to persuade him in getting a new bird but Usagi refused to get one as a replacement. For a while, he made lost-and-found papers, he asked his "friends" to help find his bird, and he even waited in the front of his house hoping the bird would fly back home. But, the bird never came back. Usagi tries to hide it but he has an overwhelming amount of guilt because he lost the one thing his father used to cherish while he was alive.
Cut to some time in The JOJOLands. Usagi, through spending time with Team Jodio, learns to find closure with his dad's death. However, he isn't able to start anew because he now finds himself dying. He sacrificed his life to save Team Jodio and allow them to escape their enemies, but he was now about to die in the thick of a jungle without anyone able to save him. It would be a while before a wild animal, a passing tourist, or local would find his body and declare him dead. He doesn't know how to feel about all of this besides the pain his body feels as it become weaker and his eyes become heavier. That's when he suddenly hears a familiar yet weary chirp come closer and closer.
His bird finally came back. Years of living in the wild and old age has left it seemingly unrecognizable, yet Usagi knew based on how the bird weakly landed on Usagi's chest and caressed itself against his face was the parrot he lost years ago. The bird itself was trying to apologize about disappearing for so long but grateful to find its owner's son. It too was about to die due to natural causes and Usagi felt it start to move less with each breath. Both of them knew that the two only had so much time before they died. But, both were also happy to at least see each other one last time. Usagi, despite the unbearable pain he had just felt a while ago, died peacefully smiling, knowing that his wish was finally granted.
And that wish... was to see his dad again.
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stayatiny · 2 years
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Red Hands ~ Chapter 1
Yandere!Idol!Jimin X fem!reader
Series warning(s) – murder, blood, violence, obsessive!jimin, eventual smut, More warnings will be added as the series continues
Chapter warning(s) – mentions of murder, dead bodies, a couple of swears, heavy make out session
A/N - Hi everyone so i decided to start a new series with Jimin if you like to be tagged please let me know ^^
“Three more bodies were pulled from the river. They were found with the words ‘She's Mine’ carved into their arms just like the previous seven victims. The police have been in contact with the police in Busan and therefore connecting another two victims. This brings the total to twelve. The local police are asking all citizens to be extremely careful especially young men. If you notice anything or anyone suspicious, please contact your local authorities.” My eyes widen looking at the screen of my phone. I was on lunch break in the cafeteria of my work. Two of the victims I knew, not personally, but knew of them. They worked with BTS as back up dancers. I took a deep breath, setting my phone down trying not to think about it. But it still played at the back of my mind along with them finding more victims in Busan, where I grew up. I finished my lunch before heading back to my office to edit some of BTS' vlogs that they’ve made. I was the head editor of the vlog videos. I just graduated a few months ago and picked up a job for an editing program here at HYBE. The pervious editor left due to personal reasons so that made me a head editor by default because it was only us two that worked on non-music video edits. I went to unlock the door before seeing Jimin coming around the corner. I smiled and giving a small wave. It did make it better that my best friend from middle school and on was here too. I wasn’t completely by myself.
“Hey pretty girl,” he says leaning against the door frame. I opened the door letting him follow me in.
“What are you doing here?” I pulled my grey cardigan off, placing it on the back of the little sofa I had in my office. He plopped down, throwing his arm on to the backrest. I spun my office chair to face him.
“I just finished dance practice for the duet song with Taeyang and then I thought that I would visit you.” I smile before pulling my legs into my chair with me.
“I was wondering when you were going to start practicing for that. Well, I have a little bit of work to do before I leave. You can stay if you want, it shouldn’t take that long.” Jimin grinned before leaning back. He closed his eyes, then taking a deep breath. His skin still had the glisten of sweat from him practicing so hard. I turned back to my desk and continued working on the subtitles for RM’s vlog and worked on the outros. Finally after working for about another hour, I got up from my chair to see Jimin silently sleeping. Seeing him a sleep like this made my heart hurt at times. He’s so cute…and quiet. I shook his arm gently trying not to accidentally startle him. He jerked awake.
“Oh, hey Jimin sorry to wake you like that. But I’m done for the day.” I straightened up, grabbing my sweater. He took a deep breath before getting up and stretching.
“Finally.” He jumped up and grabbed my purse for me while I shut everything off for the night. I smiled as he handed my almost like saddle bag to me. I yawned as we headed out the door.
“Tired? You can stay at my house tonight. I think I still have some of your clothes at my place.” I nodded, because I was really tired and since the killer’s been busy again I don’t like being by myself to much.
“I think I do too. I’m tired. I had a meeting early this morning. So, I’ll stay at your house tonight.” He smiled putting his arm around my shoulders. I put on my mask, and he put on his. I don’t like getting sick and it hides who Jimin is. We talk and walk down the street while he holds onto my hand. I’ve known him most of my life. He was always there and so supportive whether it was being at my college graduation, even with his busy schedule, or even telling me about the job here at HYBE. I have been in love with him before but I buried those feelings long ago. It’s time like these that my emotions remind me why I loved him to begin with.
“Do you want anything to eat before we get to the house. We could always order in too. I’ll pay this time since I Invited you to stay with me.”
“That’s fine with me. I don’t like being out and about to much since that serial killer has been on the loose. I don’t feel safe at home anymore and since my parents are back in America for the winter visiting family I can’t go and stay with them.” Jimin squeezed my hand just like my heart.
“I don’t think you’ll have to worry about the killer too much. I mean all of their victims are men, so I know you’re safe.” True even though that all the victims were men I still didn’t feel safe in my own apartment.
“Yeah, well that doesn’t mean much. You don’t know what the killer is thinking. They may like the look of a female victim.” He scoffed and held me close to him.
“I won’t let anyone hurt you, Y/N” My face warmed. He was always so sweet.
We made it back to my apartment. I put in the code, letting her in first. She kicked off her shoes and placed her bag on the island in the kitchen. I adored her. She plops on my couch pulling her feet into the seat with her. She pulled out her phone and turned on my tv. I did the same getting ready to order her something to eat.
“What do you want to eat?” She looked up before biting on her lip. I wish it were me biting…
“Um how about we make ramen here. I don’t want you to spend money on me because I decided to stay.” I sit next to her wrapping my arm around her shoulders. She gets closer to me probably for warmth. She’s always been cold natured.
“I don’t mind getting you food or making food for you.” Her face lights up.
“Thank you, Jiminnie.” I kiss her forehead before getting up and got to work on our ramen. She tries to help but I make her sit back on the couch.
“Here we go,” I say, placing her bowl on the coffee table, which she was already at. She grins and takes a few bites. I joined in while eating we were letting the tv play in the background. We talked but not much. I didn’t realize how hungry I was until I started to eat. I couldn’t say the last time I ate so much.
“Here I can help with dishes.” I let her wash and dry the dishes while I took out the trash. I walk back into living room watching her in my kitchen made my heart flutter. I want her to be mine. All mine.
“Hey Jimin, I cleaned up the kitchen to while I was at it.” I huffed.
“You didn’t have too Y/N. I could have helped.” She sat down with me again. I want to kiss her so bad. I needed it.
“I know that you are tired, so I wanted to help you. I’m your best friend I’m always gonna be there for you.”
“Thank you, Y/N.” We stared at each other for a while. There was a shift between us. She bit her lip looking down at the floor for a little bit. I grabbed her gently by the back of her neck. Her cheeks turned light pink. My heart hammering even harder.
“Jimin?” I kissed her. I feel sparks ignite. Her hands pressed firm against my chest as she kissed me back. Y/N wrapped her arms around my neck, pressing her body into me. I grab her waist, pulling her into my lap. She whines as her hips press into mine. She lets my tongue slip into her mouth. I love the fight she gave me. Fuck I’m getting hard. She pulls away from me. My cheeks were flushed like hers too. She pressed her forehead to mine, closing her eyes.
“But-,” she whispers. I kiss her again, my hand pushing her even further into me. I bring myself to stop.
“I love you,” I whisper. She hugs me tight letting her body relax against me. I kiss the side of her temple, breathing slowly.
“Since when, Y/N?” She leans up then runs her hands through my hair on the back of my head.
“I think I’ve always liked you, but I swallowed my feelings for you since you debuted.” My chest tightened at the fact that she was hurting. She frowned like she was still feeling that heartache. I kissed her again.
“You’re mine now so don’t worry about anything.” She smiled and laid her head back on my shoulder, burying her head into my neck. I put my legs onto the couch and relaxing until I started to get drowsy. I stirred a little bit hoping not waking up Y/N. I was thinking about the events that transpired between us until the thought crossed my mind.
Shit did I hide that knife…
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beardedmrbean · 7 months
Haiti's government declared a 72-hour state of emergency on Sunday after armed gangs stormed a major prison. At least 12 people were killed and about 3,700 inmates escaped in the jailbreak.
Gang leaders are demanding the resignation of Prime Minister Ariel Henry, whose whereabouts are unknown since he travelled to Kenya.
Gangs control around 80% of the capital, Port-au-Prince.
Gang violence has plagued Haiti for years.
A government statement said two prisons - one in Port-au-Prince and the other in nearby Croix des Bouquets - were stormed over the weekend.
It said the acts of "disobedience" were a threat to national security and said it was instituting an immediate night-time curfew in response, which started at 20:00 local time (01:00 GMT on Monday).
How gangs came to dominate Haiti
Haitian media reported that police stations were attacked, distracting authorities before the coordinated assault on the jails.
Among those detained in Port-au-Prince were suspects charged in connection with the 2021 killing of President Jovenel Moïse.
In the capital, gangs have erected barricades to prevent security forces from encroaching on their territory, while their strongholds in Port-au-Prince's vast shantytowns are still largely on lockdown.
Schools and many businesses are closed, and there are reports of looting in some neighbourhoods.
Police have set up roadblocks and there is much uncertainty on the streets.
The latest upsurge in violence began on Thursday, when the prime minister travelled to Nairobi to discuss sending a Kenya-led multinational security force to Haiti.
Gang leader Jimmy Chérizier (nicknamed Barbecue) declared a co-ordinated attack to remove him.
"All of us, the armed groups in the provincial towns and the armed groups in the capital, are united," said the former police officer, who is accused of being behind several massacres in Port-au-Prince.
Haiti's police union had asked the military to help reinforce the capital's main prison, but the compound was stormed late on Saturday.
On Sunday the doors of the prison were still open and there were no signs of officers, Reuters news agency reported. Three inmates who tried to flee lay dead in the courtyard, the report said.
A journalist for the AFP news agency who visited the prison saw around 10 bodies, some with signs of injuries caused by bullets.
One volunteer prison worker told the Reuters news agency that 99 prisoners - including former Colombian soldiers jailed over President Moïse's murder - had chosen to remain in their cells for fear of being killed in crossfire.
They have now been transferred to a different prison.
The US embassy in Port-au-Prince on Sunday urged its citizens to leave Haiti "as soon as possible". The French embassy said it was closing visa services as a "precaution".
While Haiti has been plagued by gangs for years, the violence has further escalated since President Moïse's assassination at his home in 2021. He has not been replaced and presidential elections have not been held since 2016.
Under a political deal, Mr Henry was due to stand down by 7 February. But planned elections were not held and he remains in post.
A spokesperson for the White House's National Security Council said it was "monitoring the rapidly deteriorating security situation" with "grave concern".
They said the path forward "lies with free and fair elections" and violence serves "only to delay a democratic transition while... upending the lives of thousands".
Speaking to the BBC's Newsday, Claude Joseph - who was serving as acting prime minister when President Moïse was assassinated and who is now head of the opposition party called Those Committed to Development - said Haiti was living through a "nightmare".
Mr Joseph said Prime Minister Henry wanted "to stay as long as possible in charge".
"He agreed to step down on 7 February. Now he decides to stay, despite the fact that there are huge protests throughout the country asking him to step down - but it's unfortunate that now those criminals are using violent means to force him to step down."
In January, the UN said more than 8,400 people were victims of Haiti's gang violence last year, including killings, injuries and kidnappings - more than double the numbers seen in 2022.
Many health facilities have stopped operating because of the bloodshed.
Anger at the shocking levels of violence, on top of the political vacuum, have led to several demonstrations against the government, with protesters demanding the resignation of the prime minister.
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ar-lene · 4 months
Hello fellow yttders!!! Tis i!! The midori connoseuer who drew him once during jeandori takeover.
Under cut is a midori centered (Though The main cast have alot of elaboration on them, too.) yttd bungo stray dogs au me and 3 other people thought on a bit.
I intended to do something bigger with it. But since im working on the midori dating sim. I just cant. So im using this as a sort of hivemind post for anyone to compile ideas for this au!!!
So! Let us start with the *new* ability users and their abilities
Sou 'midori' hiyori:
Ability: "the silence of the lambs"
Affiliation: Armed detective agency. (Early story)
Rats in the house of the dead (later in the story)
This ability, allows anyone with contact to midori to establish a mental connection to, midori. Where they can swap out conciousness, speak telepathically. Or even hear the other persons thoughts and emotions. Midori is the one in control of all of that, though.
Now, as you might have guessed. This *does* have something to do with shin. Specifcally, midori ripped a layed of his skin, sew it into a scarf. Which shin now wears!! Meaning as long as that scarf is on shin. They can swap out conciousnessnesses! Shin is aware of this.
Funfacts: in yttd we see that midori has a very slight hunch. In this au, its due to shins bad posture, blowing his cover whenever he was in midoris body. So after many horribly gone attempts in fixing shins posture, Midori had to compromise.
Midori mostly uses shins conciousness in situations where his "non human way of thinking" would be a hindrance like: when he was passing the ada entrance exam.
Gin ibushi:
The switch is instant. And happens in the blink of an eye.
The name "midori" was given to him by the ada
Ability: "Knuffle kitty"
Affiliation: port mafia
Gins ability, allows any plushie animal, organ, or essentialy 'living tissue' made by gin. To become functional as if it were a living thing. With gins ability, you can easly replace someones organs or limbs as long as theres a surgeon to attach the plushie limbs to the actual host. He can also create poisonous animals to then throw at his enemies. Which is whoever is watching over him most of the time. (Lets face it. Its shin and sou who're getting stuff thrown at them.)
Fun facts: gin was transferred to the port mafia via saras request.
Kyuusaku and gin were buddies before Q witnessed the horrors.
Mori views gin as a sort of "mini yosano" and has a little collection of poisonous insects which gin has made for offensive use.
When dazai first met gin, in chuuyas presence. When gin began speaking in his "woof, meow" s. Dazai pointed at chuuya and said "he talks like you"
Joe tazuna:
Ability: 「トリプルドッグデスバラージ」 (TRIPLE DOG DEATH BARRAGE!) (Sorry i had to)
Affiliation: port mafia
His ability. Is self explanitory.
There are three dogs.
They will death barrage you.
And they regenerate atsushi style.
Funfacts: hes here due to!! Sara!!
He tried to get ryoko (was that her name??? Doner kabab gurl.) Into the port mafia too, but sara said its too dangerous for her.
Sara chidouin:
Ability: "Muses, mad men and prophets."
Affiliation: Port mafia
Her ability is meant for crowd control, and large, quick genocide. Whenever sara kills someone. They manifest as a "hallucination." Of themselves. Which wander around like normal passerbys. She, can swap her location with any of these "hallucinations" . No matter how far.
Hallucinations cannot be contained. And pass through walls. Hallucinations will dissipate after an hour has passed.
Funfacts: she works with kouyou for her training.
She was introduced to the port mafia via her father.
She kicks ass
Reko yabusame:
Ability: "perfect pitch"
Affiliation: port mafia
Juonos hearing. She can detect sound waves. She is all hearing. She detects them snitches.
Funfacts: she came to the port mafia for alice.
She and nao are girlfriends
Tia safalin:
Ability: "Babushka's doll"
Affiliation: none (sort of.) She does freelance work for whatever faction needs her. She has the most expirience working for the special ability division, rats in the house of the dead and the port mafia.
Her ability allows her to create dolls which she can give a portion of her memories to, they will then function as normal people. And can go through with tasks.
Funfacts: i got none
Ability: "The tea party in the woods"
Affiliation: none (because she deserves happiness)
Her ability causes the person shes using her ability on, to expirience a vision in their mind. Which time does not pass in. The vision will display the most comforting envoirment for the person the ability is used on. Maple, can interact with the other person during this vision. And the vision can only be stopped once the host, has drunk a whole cup of tea. This room can be used as a sort of quick therapy room, or somewhere to share confidential information with. Only 3 can enter at a time.
Funfact: she comes to the cafe under the ada very often, and has made great friends with lucy and atsushi. Shes also met midori, but its just a little baby crush.
Now, we get to characters with no ability, and their affiliations.
Alice Yabusame:
Hes part of the port mafia due to reko
Yelling. Alot of it.
Shoved in here by midori so he pays for the attempted murder
Tries his best.
Keiji shinogi:
Affiliation: Armed detective agency.
The wahaha man.
Hes a little like ranpo, in that he has no ability but is very preceptive.
When he joined the ada midori was so panicked he forced shin to interact with him. So now midori has to act like shin whenever keiji is talking to him.
Its not fun.
His arrival at the ada was NOT expected.
He was transferred to the ada from the speacial ability division.
Kanna!!! :
Affiliation: port mafia, because she kicks ass.
She helps out with mais bakery alot since its right below her house.
Shes learned alot from sara. And it shows in her fighting style.
She fights with her FISTS
She likes kyoka alot. Kinda sad shes in the ada, and sneaks to go to the cafe to see kyoka.
During one of these sneaking sessions shin (in midoris body) spotted her. And now shin has to cover for her whenever shes off to see kyoka.
Just. Genuinely a very kind girl
She doesnt deserve to be in the port mafia. And everyone knows that.
She could probably beat chuuya in a fist fight if chuuya didnt use his ability.
Shin tsukimi:
Affiliation: port mafia.
Shoved in here by midori.
Everyone and everything is out to kill him so he has a gun and several knives under his very large coat.
Most of his time is spent yelling at computers because theyre too slow for his liking.
Picks fights with sara over the stupidest little things, which sara wasnt even disagreeing with him on.
The unfortunate person who has to watch over all the children
Koyou scares him.
Higuchi is like the only non intimidating person to him, and exclusively because of how non-decietful she is.
Hatred for dazai osamu
Admiration of chuuya nakahara
Hatred of mori
Confusion of akutagawa ryuunosuke
People i dont have much thoughts on:
Megumi is a part of the special ability division.
Hayasaka is a member of the port mafia
The satous are part of the port mafia.
Mishima and nao live normal lives.
Q-taro is a part of the guild.
Hanako is an ex port mafia member
Clown girl is leading a normal life as a clown. (But im kinda considering throwing her in rithod and giving her an ability)
Ranmaru joined the port mafia for sara
Miley works with tia. But has ties to the port mafia
Teki....is teki???
Shes like..the miku of bsd i guess.
Main plot points im experimenting with: (midori exclusive)
Midoris motive from joining the ada being finding fyodor due to more information on "god" and assuming they follow the same god for this.
Midori being found out by dazai/ranpo/keiji , because midori is forced to switch into shins body to save shins ass during an ada raid. (Probably during the cannibalism) because midori isnt skilled enough in combat to hide his combat style. And shin cant fight for shit.
Midori getting his ass beat by keiji due to giving him piss hair and trauma.
Midori and fyodor kiss and make out (aka midori magically manifests in the tower during dead apple because his ability would just...be a copy of shin)
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draconic-ichor · 7 months
The Cat, The Sun, and The Moon
Fnaf fanfic
Sun/moon x female oc
Part 7
Warnings: strong language, sexual themes, brief mentions of medication/sickness/mucus, hand kink, vaginal fingering, Masturbation, brief mention of bugs
Summary: As Tabitha heals from her chest infection there’s a shift in her relationship with her two animatronic roommates…
Feedback appreciated, 18+. We finally at the smut chapter!
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With the antibiotics, Tabby improved drastically over the next week. The boys doted on her around the clock, keeping her on a strict schedule of food and sleep. She noticed that they had started being much more handsy, petting her or simply touching an arm or leg whenever they could.
Besides touches, the boys started displaying little acts of courtship as well; mostly bringing tiny gifts or doing acts of service. Sun ramped up the pampering while Moon searched around for hidden treasures, while they both made artwork for her.
Tabby woke from a late nap by Moon crawling onto the bed. She rubbed her eyes, yawning.
Moon eagerly held out his hand to her, smile spanning his faceplate.
She blinked, looking into his palm curiously. Her body tensed: there was a large dead bug in his hand.
“Jesus!” She cursed, waking up fully.
Moon cocked his head, offering out the little prize like a proud cat.
“T-Thank you…for killing it.” Tabby managed, backpedaling to mask her initial shock.
He made expectant movements, smile faltering a bit.
She wilted, steeling herself before carefully picking up the insect, depositing it on the nightstand for later disposal.
Moon beamed, coming closer to cuddle her. He made a contented purring rasp from his voicebox, faceplate nuzzling into her side.
Tabitha never connected the dots, the animatronics keeping up the shenanigans all the while.
She didn’t know they were constantly replaying her words through their minds like a mantra echoing through their whole being.
Even when I’m not sick…I’ll love you.
I’ll love you.
I’ll love you…
By day ten she was well enough to return to work, the only lingering symptom hacking up mucus. Sun made comments about being a good house husband for her, his smile widening at her blush the statement brought.
“What if I get takeout and we watch a movie tonight?” Tabby offered, trying to change the subject, “To celebrate, you know?”
“Tired of soup?” Sun asked, amused.
“Well…” she wilted, adding quickly, “It’s not that it’s bad!”
Sun tilted his head, smiling mischievously, “Don’t check your thermos I packed then.”
“Is…Is it soup?” She asked worriedly.
When he looked away, smile widening, she feigned distress.
“Sun! Sun, is it soup?”
He started to crack, turning away as giggling bubbled from his speaker.
“Oh God, Sun!” Tabby hammed up, leaning against the counter as if she was starting to faint, “Please, don’t…please have mercy! Not more soup!”
“It’s soup.” He managed, voice eeking out before bursting into laughter.
“NOOOOOOOOOO!” Tabby cried, putting a hand over her face making him lose himself even more.
Over the time she spent at home, Tabby also hooked the boys up with a direct messaging app, it being much easier to use than email. She unwittingly opened herself up to them sending memes and pictures all hours of the day though.
Sun loved animal memes, especially ones with crying cats, while Moon normally sent obscure images with one word text.
Tabby checked her phone on her lunch, finding such things.
She took a selfie of herself with the thermos, sending it to Sun with the text: Soup time.
He sent a picture of a fat kitten back saying: full of soup.
She giggled.
Tabby: What food would you like with the movie?
Sun: Up to you! You’ll be eating it after all
Tabby: I was going to share, it’s a celebration
Tabby: Remember last time you ate melted cheese???
Sun: *crying cat*
Moon: No cheese.
Tabby: XD
Sun: *even more crying cat pictures*
After work Tabby decided to stop for Chinese takeout, heeding Moon’s earlier warning. She ordered extra, just in case the animatronics wanted to try any. After a period of caution the boys were in full swing of filling lost time with trying foods.
Her mind wandered as she waited, the wanderings not stopping even after entering the apartment.
While Sun greeted her and she placed the multiple small boxes on the counter, her thoughts pooled:
One downside to having a seven foot animatronic, that is constantly aware and active, stalking about the apartment is that there is never really a safe time to take care of more…personal needs. Especially after Tabby realized Moon was a damn near constant observer to her at night. For lack of better terms, she was pent up.
All of their little touches as of late pushing her closer to the edge. It had been a long time since she looked at a person and desired them in such a way. Of course she watched porn or read dirty stories, but she’d become almost jaded to real touch after past traumas.
But these were animatronics!
Just as human as anyone else she’d ever met, and much kinder than most men she crossed paths with.
And their hands…
Her mind roamed.
Tabby jumped, realizing Sun had been talking to her.
“Oh sorry…” she blinked, cheeks rosy as she asked, “What was that?”
He tilted his head, single optic narrowing as he gave a calculating eye over her. She avoided his gaze…curious.
“I was just telling you: I got a job!” He announced again, brightening.
“Oh!” Tabby smiled, but asked quickly, “What do you mean, though?”
“Well,” Sun’s rays spun excitedly, “I was asked to be Dakota’s and Donn’s new babysitter! I’ll be able to see them four days a week and it’s all during the day when you will be at work.”
“Sun, that’s so good!” Tabby smiled, happy for him, “That will be so good for you.”
“Yea!” He agreed, “Different apartment for a change of scenery. And she’s even going to pay me! I've never been paid for anything before.”
“That’s really good, Sun.” She reiterated, “Congratulations!”
“Thank you!” Sun’s rays spun again.
They sat closely on the couch, mimicking the pose taken previously when she was repairing their hands. Sun watched the movie, begging for little bites here and there.
Tabby, eating right out of the box to save on dishes, would lift the box up above her for him to steal some. His rays would spin happily every time.
As the food was finished and leftovers put away she relaxed back into him. Sun held her, cuddling becoming a normality since her bout of sickness.
He didn’t breathe, no rise and fall to his chest, no heartbeat when she lay her head back against him. She instead listened to the mechanisms inside, still little sounds of life that echoed from within.
The warmth that radiated from him made all those thoughts worm back into her mind…
Tabby felt a familiar ache, squeezing her legs together in an effort to push down whatever was threatening to bubble up. She tried to focus on the movie, playing with her shirt sleeve a bit nervously.
“Star…” Sun’s voice was a full octave lower than normal, the gravely notes sounding more like a purr as he drew out his words, “Your heart rate is so high.”
Tabby swallowed, face flushing a bit as she took a quick glance over the top of her head.
There was a gleam of knowing in his milky gaze. Sun tilted his head as she quickly looked back at the movie. “You’ve been distracted…” he perceived.
“Just fully getting over being sick.” She lied, hoping he didn’t pick up on it.
Problem was, she was a shit liar.
“No….” He drew out, curling a bit forward to look at her, “This is different.”
“Let me take care of you.” He whispered, a plea to the words. He wanted nothing more than to please her and be everything she needed, in every aspect of her life.
She felt her heartbeat in her throat, almost trembling.
“You do take care of me.” She attempted to stall, stomach making flips.
Sun’s face split into a gentle smile, “In every way.” His voice was suggestive, hand moving to her inner thigh.
Tabby’s face flushed, watching as his hand spanned across her thigh.
Damn his hands were big.
She gulped.
He felt her pulse quicken, detecting her temperature rising as his fingers rubbed small circles into her skin.
“Sunny, you don’t even have the parts.” She pointed out.
“I’m nothing if not creative.” He gave a languid smile, eyes hooded.
All the feelings she’d been trying to ignore bubbled over like a forgotten pot. Her core ached, every nerve crying out for him to continue.
“Okay.” She nodded, swallowing thick spit.
“Are you sure?” He asked again, just to be completely clear.
She nodded more fervently, “Y-Yes.”
The movie was quickly forgotten as his large hand slid higher, fingers softly tracing over her sex through her night shorts. She cursed herself internally, for not wearing panties, feeling moisture already pooling where he explored. The fabric quickly stuck to her skin, allowing him to feel every fold. When his fingers brushed over her rapidly engorging clit she made a little mewl.
She quickly swallowed the sound but it was too late; Sun’s head clicked to the side, calculating her every small detail. He repeated the action with more precision, drawing out another little sound.
The wet fabric was rapidly becoming too much to her over sensitive sex, the roughness scratchy.
Tabby swallowed down a sound of discomfort, Sun’s exploring paused.
“You okay, Starlight?” He asked worriedly.
“Y-Yea.” She managed, sucking in a breath, “Just give me a second.”
He nodded, pulling his hands away.
She let the thumping blood in her clit calm for a moment before leaning more heavily back into Sun to lift her hips off the couch. Tabby shucked off her night shorts, dropping them to the floor before snapping her legs closed against the cool air. Her eyes closed tightly, hearing his rays spin.
He waited for her to relax into him again, letting go of the tension in her legs. When he finally resumed his fondling it was more blundering with his inexperience. All the videos in the world couldn’t have prepared him for the real thing.
“Ummm.” Tabby bit her lip, taking his wrist to guide him to her clit and away from her urethra opening.
Sun leaned back more, taking her with him to allow better access. He pulled his hand away completely, enjoying her little whine.
“Show me.” His voice was gentle. Her blush deepened, realizing he wanted her to touch herself.
Her hand dipped down over her sex, nervous with an audience. Sun tilted his head, ever attentive, watching every little movement. Her middle and index finger began to make tight circles over her clit, a little moan leaving her lips.
Sun’s optics widened, hand placed over her thigh almost possessively. He urged her to open more, letting him see. She gulped, allowing him to spread her legs, a thrill of excitement going up her spine.
He made a sound akin to a purr, hand gliding to overshadow her own. His fingers mimicked the action, her hand falling to the wayside to allow him full access.
His free hand curled into the meat of her fat thigh, keeping her good and open as she tried to tighten a bit. Leaving her clit, to her dismay as her climax waned, he explored down.
“Not here?” He questioned, fingers rimming her cunt.
“I-“ she gulped, “I don’t usually put a-anything in there.” She admitted.
“Never?” He asked, curiosity peaked.
“Well not never.” She gave a nervous giggle, “I've fooled around before with an ex but…that,” she swallowed, “…wasn’t much and was a long time ago.”
“Ah.” He nodded, fingers still circling, “May I?”
His question took a moment to sink in, Tabby giving a little nod, face crimson.
“Let’s play a little game.” His voice was low and soothing, free hand on her other thigh, “If things are good you say ‘green light’ and I’ll keep going. If you need a moment but don’t necessarily want me to stop, you say ‘yellow light’, okay?”
Tabby nodded, feeling his thumb rub delicate circles into the meat of her thigh.
“And if you want me to stop, you say ‘red light’, and I stop. No questions asked.” He tilted his faceplate down to rest on her crown, “Understand the rules.”
She nodded, but when he didn’t react she realized he wanted verbal confirmation. She swallowed down thick spit, core aching, “I understand.”
“Good, good.” He purred, fingers resuming their soft explorations, dipping down.
He heard her breath hitch as he breached her opening, single fingertip. Her body was tight, the single intrusion causing little quivers to run down her thighs.
S: She’s so pretty…
M: Pretty little star.
“G-Green light.” She managed, hand coming up to hold onto his arm. The metal was warm to the touch.
Sun pressed in further, velvety walls of her pussy greeting him. She was so soft, every piece and part. He marveled at how a single finger could reduce her to such a mess already, simply dragging it back and forth causing her to hiccup and moan.
M: More.
S: Patience…we don’t want to scare her off.
Sun soothed his counterpart, hearing a growl for a response. Despite his calm demeanor on the surface he was truthfully using everything he had not to lose himself in his excitement. He needed to be careful, to be patient…
Tabby was rapidly coming to full understanding of just how large Sun’s hands were, the point punctuated with the tap of a second finger asking entrance.
“Green!” She mewled, hips lifting off the couch.
Sun gently slid in the next finger, pausing for her body to adjust.
It burned, walls fluttering around him. She made a little sound, core clenching.
“You’re doing so well.” Sun whispered.
When he started to move again, it was with purpose. He wanted her to fall apart, needed to see her wanton, all for him.
She obliged, the two fingers stretching her and sending waves of pleasure she wasn’t able to give herself.
He listened to every little sound, changing his methods to elicit the most powerful from her. Forever calculating and filing away what made her squirm.
Sun swept over a bundle of nerves deep inside her, making her cry out. Startled, Sun froze.
“Green!” Tabby sobbed, needy, “Green, green.”
He resumed with a vengeance, abusing that newly found place. Pleasure burned from her core, Tabby giving small thrusts up to meet his movements.
His palm brushed her clit and she was done for, thighs pressing together as she came.
Stars burst in her eyes, a sobbing cry leaving her lips. Sun worked her carefully through it, giving little whispers of praise.
Coming back, the movements suddenly became overwhelming. Tears pricked her eyes as she gulped in needed air, managing the word, “Red.”
Sun paused, carefully withdrawing his fingers from her heat. A string of moisture connected them, optics trained on it.
Tabby panted, little quakes of pleasure running down her legs with the aftershocks.
She lay back into him, boneless, as she tried to regain herself. Eyes closed and trembling. It had been a good long while since she had such an intense orgasm.
Sun watched her, feeling proud of himself. His attention shifted to his fingers, still drenched with her release. He brought them closer, separating the digits to marvel at the connecting threads. Ever the creature of curiosity, he very carefully took one finger, running it over his tongue.
“Gross.” Tabby commented from below.
Sun withdrew, caught red handed, rays clinking back and forth a bit.
“It was for science,” he informed.
“Uh-huh.” She didn’t sound convinced, cuddling into him more. Sun shifted so she could be more comfortable, overjoyed to hold her this closely.
Part of her knew they needed to talk about what just occurred, discuss the implications. But that part was far off, fogged in her pleasure-addled mind. Right now sleep tugged her deeper, the pleasant warmth of the animatronic soothing her.
Once she was asleep, Sun carefully reached up and behind himself, pulling the cord on the lamp.
The room was sent into darkness, the soft glow of the tv the only light. They shifted forms: Moon taking the stage.
He glanced down at the slumbering form before him, Tabby cuddled into his chest. Worry spiked through him, hands up as if his touch would provoke her.
S: Just rest….She won’t bite.
Moon slowly relaxed, hands tentatively coming to rest along her back and head. His faceplate tilted to the side as he gently caressed her cheek. Tabby murmured.
Moon gave out a little purr, heart melting. His music box clicked on, playing soft soothing notes.
“Ours.” He hummed, petting her lovingly.
S: Ours.
Sun agreed.
She woke in her bed, tucked in carefully and with a new pair of pajama pants. She felt more rested than she had in weeks, despite the young hour, core feeling both sore and tingly.
Everything from the night before came rushing back in, clenching her thigh together from the memory.
She swallowed…they needed to talk.
Tabby slid open the balcony door, breath coming out in puffs from the cold. She smiled, “You’re a real sunflower now.”
Without moving, Sun commented back, “You are up early.”
“I couldn’t sleep…” she murmured.
Sun’s faceplate tilted towards her now. He searched over her features, eyes calculating.
“Is it me?” He finally asked.
“Well,” she gave a nervous smile, “You are involved.”
He stood, gesturing for them to go back inside.
“Don’t you need to finish charging?” She asked.
“I can catch up later.” He shook his head, “This is more important.”
She followed him in, sitting on the couch as he closed the glass door. He sat beside her, looking worried. They awkwardly avoided eye contact for some moments, silent.
“I feel like we should talk about last night.” She finally blurted out.
Sun nodded, fingers beginning to twitch.
“I know we should, but I don’t know how to talk about shit like this.” She went on, “It’s weird and I don’t know what we are anymore or what’s normal or even ok.”
She started to ramble, stress levels rising.
“Hey, hey, hey.” Sun frowned, taking her hands to calm her. Tabby focused on the contact, taking in a breath.
“First…do you regret it?” Sun asked gently, adding, “We won’t be mad at you.”
She shook her head, not lifting her gaze.
“Okay, that’s something. Did…did you enjoy it?”
“Y-Yes.” She managed.
He tilted his faceplate closer, “Do you care about me?”
She nodded, eyes closed.
“And I care about you.” He softly pressed his forehead to hers, “Can that be enough for now?”
“But-,” she started, voice lilting.
“We want you to be happy…we want to take care of you.” Sun squeezed her hands, voice soft, “Things don’t need names…not yet.”
She sucked in a breath, nodding, “Just give me some time, please?”
“Of course!” Sun agreed, “All the time you need, all the time you need.” He squeezed her hands again, “We’ll be right here.”
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i-eat-worlds · 1 year
Alex & Friends Part 9-Telecommunications and Transportation
Alex and Joseph have some bonding time. Also: a pinch of Plot cw: bandage changing, dissociation, French person briefly making fun of the Brits, cursing
“Please state your identication code.” The robotic voice chirped. “Five-Seven-Nine, Alfa, Lima. Codename: Midnight,” Alex said into the phone.
“Welcome, Midnight. Connecting you to Handler Seventy-Three.” The machine beeped, then transferred over to her Handler. There was a beat before he answered. “Good morning, Midnight.” He said in a posh British accent. It was so present that it almost sounded like he was faking it. “I’m glad your extraction went smoothly.”
Alex wanted to correct him, because no it fucking didn’t, but she refrained from that. “For the future,” Alex said, trying not to grit her teeth, “I would appreciate a heads-up before you send a team for me.” She left out that she thought she was being kidnapped and recaptured, because she doubted he would care.
There's a pause on the other side of the phone. “I was not made aware of the activation of an extraction team until after the fact.” Liar.
“Are you aware that I’m being sent to a safehouse?” Alex asked. He knew, there was no way he didn’t. He was her handler, he wouldn’t have been left in the dark.
“Really? I was not, no.” Another lie. “You are far more valuable in the field. I do not know why they would seriously consider a safe house to be a viable option. I’ve talked about this before, INSUPA needs more aggressive tactics.” Alex held in a sigh. He was giving the muckety-muck speech to her again. “I’ll do my best to return you to work. I’ll call you when I have results.” “Thank you,” Alex said, then quickly spoke again before he hung up. “Maybe lie less though, seventy-three.” The line went dead. Alex took a deep breath, trying to cleanse the icky feeling that these conversations always left her with. He was so infuriating, and she couldn’t even pinpoint why. She took another calming breath, then hooked the phone back on the wall. It was probably time to start heading to the plane. Her bandages could wait until after they’d landed. Safehouse or bust.
******** The tarmac was still slightly damp with morning dew, the temperature cool but not cold. Joseph had deposited several of his bags in a pile with the rest of his team's things, only keeping a small backpack with him. They boarded while the plane fueled and loaded their luggage. The plane was small, but the interior was comfortable. The team chose their seats and started putting their bags away. “So Aarav, excited to be going back home?” Avia asked, stowing her bag in the overhead bin.
“Nobody in the history of ever has been excited about going to London, mon pote.” Sil joked as he collapsed into his seat. “You can’t bug me about being from England until twenty four hours after an injury, you know the rules.” Aarav joked back.
Sil opened his mouth to continue the banter, but was cut off by Joseph “If y’all are like this the whole flight, I’m going to tell the pilot to crash us into the channel.” “Yessir.” Sil did a two finger salute. “I will not antagonize Aarav intentionally. No promises that he won’t be annoyed by my mere presence, though.”
The conversation was interrupted by Alex boarding the plane. Her hands were empty, as she didn’t have anything to carry on, and she briskly walked to the back of the plane, taking the seat furthest towards the tail end. He couldn’t imagine that she was happy about this whole protective detail thing, but she looked like someone had really got to her. Once they were in the air, he’d need to change her bandages. He hadn’t seen the wound since when he was really more worried about keeping her blood inside her body. She also needed to start antibiotics. Rivers aren’t good places to swim around in with open wounds, generally speaking. After a couple minutes, they were informed that it was time for take off, and they buckled their seatbelts as the plane taxied down the runway. The plane picked up speed and lifted off, heading towards London. Eventually, the plane stopped climbing, and they were declared “free to roam about the cabin.”
By this point, half the plane was out cold. Eric was quietly snoring, Avia was leaned against the window, and Aarav had reclined his seat as far back as it would go. Sil was absorbed by a game on a Switch that was definitely not his, and Teri was paging through an old Superhero’s Today magazine, waiting for the caffeine high to wear off so she could get some shut eye. After grabbing his bag from the overhead bin, he walked down the aisle to the back of the cabin, where Alex was seated. A thick file was open on her lap. When she heard him coming, she flipped it closed and set it on the chair beside her. “Watcha need, Joseph?” She said the words in a casual tone, but he could tell her guard had gone up. “Just checkin’ in.” He sat down in the aisle so that he wouldn’t loom over her. “I’m going to need to check your wound, if that’s alright.”
Joseph watched Alex tense up at the idea. “Where do you need me?” She asked.
“Can you straighten your leg and turn to the side? Tell me if it hurts.” He said as he pushed the moveable armrest out of the way. Alex twisted, allowing him to access the wound. “I know the graze has to hurt, but does anything feel off anywhere else?” “Just the hip.” Alex answered. “Hurts like a bitch.”
“I’ll get you something for that after we’re done.” He withdrew the supplies he would need from his bag, then pulled a pair of nitrile gloves over his hands. “I need to pull down your pants a little bit to see your wound, is that okay?” Alex nodded, and helpfully pulled her shirt up out of the way while Joseph tugged down the side of her pants just enough to uncover the ABD pad covering the wound. To help keep the area clean, he draped a blue surgical towel over the seat.
“I’m going to touch it now.” He warned as he reached for the tape. Alex tensed up at his words, but she didn’t say anything. Slowly, he peeled the tape off, then tossed it and the old ABD pad into the orange baggie serving as his trash can. The skin around the wound wasn’t puffy or inflamed, which he took as a good sign. It didn’t take long for him to unravel the kerlix packing; the wound wasn’t that deep. She’d done a technique job dressing it. There wasn’t any debris left in the wound either, so she’d cleaned it too. She must’ve had medical training at some point, then. “Looks good,” He said as he ripped open his roll of kerlix. “It’s already starting to heal.” It was when he set about wetting the packing material when he realized that Alex looked barely present. Her fingers were curled tightly around her shirt, as if she was hanging on for dear life, but her eyes were glazed over, her jaw slack. Shit. She was dissociating. “Hey, Alex?” He tried, waving a hand in front of her face. She blinked a little bit, shaking her head.
“Sorry,” She said, looking down at where Joseph was tending to her wound. “I uhhh…”
“Nah, It’s okay. No need to apologize,” Joseph said. “I know it can be a lot. Is it okay for me to keep going?”
“Yeah, it’s okay.” Alex said, her voice quiet.
Joseph nodded, then returned to his work. After ensuring the wound was clean, he packed it. Alex gritted her teeth when the kerlix made contact. “I’m sorry, I know it hurts.” He said as he finished packing it. Luckily, the wound wasn’t too deep, and it didn’t take very long. He covered the wound with an ABD pad, then taped it in place. “All done.” He declared, stripping off his gloves so that one glove was inside another and tossing them. Alex pulled her pants back up over the bandage, and dropped her shirt back down. “So, I’m gonna start you on antibiotics, just to ward off anything that might’ve gotten in during your swim in the river, on top of the pain meds.” He quickly unscrewed the safety caps and dumped two ibuprofen and a Moxafloxacin into Alex’s cupped hand. When he handed her a water bottle from his bag, she’d already swallowed them dry. She took the water anyway, taking a drink that might’ve been for his benefit. “Tell me if anything else hurts, yeah?” He said as packed up his things and stood to return to his seat. “Can do, doc.” Alex said, her relaxed tone returning. He gave a thumbs up and a nod as a walked back to his seat. For a brief moment her tone turned genuine. “Thank you. For your help.”
Joseph smiled back. “You’re welcome.”
Taglist: @pigeonwhumps
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n0t-1nt3r3st1ng · 1 year
Wednesday AU but with Wednesday as The Vulture because I can't believe no one has brought it up yet.
Wednesday Addams stands on the catacombs beneath her ancestral home and gazes upon the latest upgrades she has made to her creation.
The Exo-Suit was now a metallic body armor, outfitted with a pair of talons and retractable wings, a detachable steel harness that allows her to fly. She examines the new turbines and drums her fingertips over the feather-like edges of its wings.
Wednesday takes a look around and takes in the catacomb's sinister charm. She takes a deep breath and her lungs fill with an otherworldly chill that clings to the marrow of her very being. The scent of decay, a mélange of rot and decayed memories, hangs heavy in the air, assaulting the senses and invoking a somber melancholy. Each breath draws forth a taste of mortality, mingling with the dampness of the soil, reminding all who dare enter of the ephemeral nature of existence.
In this forgotten realm, beneath the pallid moonlight's feeble glow, where shadows dance in macabre delight lay the remains of the Addams family. Carcasses of ancient tombs line the path, their weathered stones bearing faded epitaphs of lives extinguished long ago. Gone but not forgotten. Ghostly phantoms seem to linger in the dimness, their ethereal forms emerging from the sepulchers, trapped between the realms of the living and the dead.
While the more modern members of the family rested in the cemetery near the house, the Addams clan has the tradition every ten years of gathering to dig up their oldest deceased and transport them for safekeeping. A tradition started after a group of puritan barbarians had desecrated the remains of Gomez great-great-grandparents and severed their connection to the mortal realm. And while they paid for their offence, the fear that such travesty may happen again was never forgotten.
It's in this sacred place where she has chosen to store her project. Of course, she only did so after receiving the blessing of every ghost and spirit who inhabited these sacred grounds and her parents. So, in an unused corner of the cavern, laid a modern set of lights, power tools and whatever else she might need. There's also a small working table where Pugsley works on a few projects of his own.
Wednesday smiles to herself as she remembers how it all started. The Battle of New York, the media called it. Aliens invading New York, like out of an Orson Wells novel. Of course the entire family had rushed to see the aftermath. Wednesday had been interested in witnessing such an event, even willing to endure the almost eight hours confined in the family's car with her parents' brand of affection.
While her family strolled around and took pictures of the devastation, Wednesday tried to see if any alien remains were left. She had brought her special autopsy kit with her. Sadly all corpses had been removed by the time they had gotten there.
But the trip proved not to be a complete waste of time. While a few government agents tried to remove her family from the site, she had managed to sneak to where the remains of the vehicles used by the invaders were being stored.
She witnessed the workers tossing strange glowing devices of what could only be power sources laying in a pile without guards. She simply had to have it, if only one.
While she waited for an opening she managed to hear the foreman instructing the workers on how to dismantle the ships. She listened to his explanations with an almost religious fervor. The list of things she craved grew the more he spoke.
Eventually a government agency had descended upon the workers like crows on a corpse, minus the natural elegance the birds possessed. What was said and by whom Wednesday didn't know or cared, all it mattered was that she was able to get her hands on a few items she had set her sights on.
Returning to his family was a more challenging task than she had anticipated but this too she managed to achieve. Her family praised her for obtaining such interesting souvenirs but she didn't listen to them. Wednesday's attention was solely dedicated to the items.
She practically ran to her laboratory once the car reached House, who struggled to open the doors in time for her. Wednesday devoted herself to learning as much as she could to the point she sometimes had to remember her writing hour. She had finally found a challenge hard enough to motivate her.
She, who had learned to revive the dead for a highschool project. She, who had bested some of the finest fencers in the world before the age of fifteen. She who had mastered every instrument in the mansion, who could speak every language all the other Addams could.
And there was the problem. She was a highly capable young woman who could, and would, accomplish whatever goal she set for herself. In short, she was bored.
But this? The prospect of the unknown was too tempting to ignore. To learn more, to do more.
Eventually she reached a limit. Whatever it was due to her limited resources or her lack of more specialized information, she hit a wall on her research.
That's where her family came in.
Uncle Fester was all too happy to look where the rest of the technology had been stored. Even Pugsley, after certain 'encouragement' from her part, had tried to look on the Internet.
The answer to her questions came not from them but from Grandmama who was able to pinpoint the location using a simple tracking spell with a quartz, a map and a bit of the energy from the alien device.
The family was all too happy to help her steal from the vaults where the devices were stored. It was quite a bonding exercise for them and one Wednesday enjoyed immensely, even if she'd never admit it out loud. But as successful as they were, their glee was cut short when they realized their loot wasn't as varied as they expected. The government had the foresight not to store everything in one place. All the family had were the energy sources and a few scraps of the ship.
Information gathering became Wednesday's new obsession to the point she broke her golden rule. She learned about computers. She learned how to program on a computer with the same intensity she gave everything else in her life. Had her thirst for knowledge not been so intoxicating she'd have been ashamed of herself. But she had to know.
It soon became clear those in power wanted the elements as separated as possibly. Being the government, there were bound to have plenty of mistakes and slip ups. Soon it became common for news of extravied technology in the hands of those who didn't know or appreciate what they had. Wednesday trembled with fury every time she learned of this. For those people to own those pieces was like tossing pearls to the pigs.
Her indignation gave birth to an idea. If Grandmama was able to track the energy signatures, why not track the missing pieces for herself?
The idea came with its challenges but she was nothing if not resourceful. Eventually she decided for a propulsion wingsuit design which she'd adapt to her needs. There was something about flying alone under the pale moonlight that was simply irresistible to her. First attempts were unsuccessful, much to her chagrin, but she was determined to succeed. No matter how many times she'd have to kick Pugsley off the roof of House.
Progress was slow but constant. Eventually she managed to create a working suit, a bit simpler than she'd prefer but it was good enough for its purpose. The suit went through several more versions until it became impossible to keep it in her lab. After careful consideration, she decided to request permission to use the catacombs and the cave system beneath the house for a discreet entrance and exit. Sometimes, when there was nothing more to do, Wednesday suited up and flew under the moon with the spirits of her relatives by her side.
Thus, Wednesday Addams developed a new routine. In the morning she'd attend the Normie school like any other teenager, in the evenings she'd work and upgrade her project. She'd still dedicate one hour of her time for writing at night and would also make time to socialize with her family during her breaks. Her weekends would be spent chasing after the pieces or clues for new vaults. Rinse and repeat.
Progress was, again, slow but constant. Until it wasn't. It soon became clear Wednesday had mined every useful bit in the state of New Jersey. It was time to move to a different hunting ground. To leave the nest, so to speak.
She wasn't ready to move to the big times, this she knew very well. Try as she might, Iron Man's armor was leagues above her. For now. She needed somewhere an Outcast wouldn't stand out. Somewhere between her town and a large city and enough traces of technology to make it worth her time.
The answer came to her as a consequence of her actions. Avenging Pugsley from those who thought could hurt her brother with no retaliation. She proved them wrong and in doing so it led to her parents to transfer her to a new school. In a different state, to a booming city, one where Outcasts weren't just accepted but needed. One where Grandmama's spell confirmed the presence of multiple energies.
Jericho City.
Yes, it would serve her purposes well enough.
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