#afterburn au
bones-of-a-rabbit · 2 years
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Babbit’s Smooch-a-Boi series, pt4: Afterburn AU and Brotherless AU!
Aka, the two AUs where the reader character is rough and prickly on the outside but soft and vulnerable on the inside,, like a sea urchin! Or a porcupine, whichever you prefer
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suranet · 8 months
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every team has its own black sheep.
some more obviously rebellious than others.
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metallix-mixin · 2 years
uhhhh future au where metal gets rebuilt to be as tall as Eggman predicts sonic will be as an adult but he does a fucky wucky on the math and metal ends up way taller
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ftwkcomic · 2 years
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Happy Birthday Alex 2023
Happy Birthday to me! I'm Fecken Old! I've been alive for 26 years on this planet and plan to stay much longer, so ya'll are stuck with my shite for that time! But seriously thank you everyone who deal's with my insanity with my comic projects, Fallout stuffs, and Simping of a Necromancing Rockstar. Here's to hoping for a great 26th year of living. Hope you guys enjoy. c: Portfolio: https://ftwkcomicbooks.myportfolio.com/the-adventures-of-sonic-the-hedgehog
Socials and comms info https://ftwkcomic.carrd.co/
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tfwarfare · 2 years
Transformers Warfare: Afterburner
In his previous life, Afterburner was a Technobot who certainly lived up to his name. Hot headed and anti authority, his issues only worsened when he fell victim to a Decepticon ambush and woke up in an entirely different body. To make matters worse, his "savior" - a rogue Quintesson who wanted a bodyguard - infected his processor to make him subservient to the alien. It was only thanks to his willpower that he was able to kill him and escape the backwater planet he had woken up on. Trapped in an unfamiliar body, away from the rest of his team - what was left of them, that is - and generally believed to be a causality, Afterburner did the only thing he could think to do and joined a local Mercenary guild, under the alias of Snipe, a long deactivated Skyscorcher from the early days of the war. His temper hasn't gotten any better though, and it's only a matter of time before somebody decided he's more trouble then he's worth.
Afterburner used to transform into a Cybertronian motorcycle, but after being spark transplanted into a new body now transforms into a Cybertronian Tetrajet. His weapons have also changed, going from a sonic blaster pistol and a pulse cannon to arm mounted null rays.
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honkytonk-hangman · 11 months
Flight Risk
Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x Reader
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Summary: The sky beyond the baking tarmac is cloudless, and washed with deep reds and oranges, the way it always is by the time Jake lands when the monthly inter-squad training simulation has drawn to a close. Almost always.
Today, the sky had been a bright Carolina blue.
Today, Hangman had been shot down.
Warnings: cussing? jake being soppy. mentions of handsy dates, sexual referencessss
Notes: so this started as an AU for my fic Afterburn, and still technically is, however it can be read totally independently of that story as well.
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Jake is perched in a casual lean against his plane, watching as the last jet in the pattern finally lands, continuing to wait patiently as the Super Hornet is guided to its designated area, just a few places down from his own. The sky beyond the baking tarmac is cloudless, and washed with deep reds and oranges, the way it always is by the time Jake lands when the monthly inter-squad training simulation has drawn to a close. Almost always.
Today, the sky had been a bright Carolina blue.
Today, Hangman had been shot down.
Jake takes a small amount of comfort in knowing that the pilot responsible for his simulated demise is also the pilot to win the day, despite that meaning his own squad losing out on the point. It wouldn’t happen again, however. He’d foolishly underestimated you, disregarded the gossip he’d overheard about Samurai squad’s newest member, choosing instead to judge for himself. Jake was a prideful son of a bitch at the best of times, and much worse at most others, but he wasn’t actually incapable of shutting the hell up and accepting his slice of humble pie.
At least, he’d accept it in his own special way, which is exactly why he waits long after the others have filtered off to the locker rooms. They’re already clocked off for the day by the time the ground crew have secured the last jet, and the pilot has climbed down. Jake shifts on his feet and gets a good look as you approach, purposefully giving you a suggestive up and down as you spot him and slow your walk.
“That was some flyin’,” he says, pushing off the side of his own jet and coming to stand before you. You blink at him, but raise an eyebrow as you manoeuvre your helmet to rest against your hip.
“I’m sorry, do we know each other?” you ask, eyes sparkling in amusement. Jake grabs at his chest, like you’ve shot him down again, and winces.
“Aw, c’mon, Kodiak” he starts, before fixing you with a piercing stare. “I don’t give out compliments that often, give it to me easy.”
“Only thing I’ll give you is my afterburner.”
Jake can’t help himself, he grins wide. He knows he should keep up the banter, you were clearly well equipped to spar with him, didn’t seem to take anything too personally so far, but all he can think as he stares at the first pilot to ever shoot him down, sweat slicking your flyaway hairs to your forehead, the sunsetting below the tarmac behind you, your cheeks a little ruddy from your time in the air, is that he’s going to marry you.
Luckily, Jake has the good sense to keep this to himself for now.
He steps forward slightly, and holds out his hand, watching as you eye it suspiciously for a moment.
“I’m Hangman,” he tells you as you relent and shake his hand.
“I know who you are, that's why I went for you first.” you reply with surprisingly little smugness in your voice, just plain truth. Jake lifts an eyebrow at you.
“Using me to raise your profile I see,” he teases. You don’t seem to notice that you’re still shaking his hand, and Jake feels slightly thankful, because he’s memorising the way it feels. You scoff at him.
“And what would you have done?” you challenge. Jake just looks your features over, and decides an evening ceremony will be perfect.
You realise then that you’re still shaking his hand, and you hurriedly pull away, moving to hold your helmet in both hands as if to stop yourself from reaching out again.
“I need to go do my post-flight checks,” you say quickly, sidestepping Jake and moving off toward the hanagar, and probably the showers. Jake turns and watches you go, his smile never faltering.
“Kodiak!” he calls out, waiting for you to stop and turn back to him before going on. “I enjoyed flying with you.” Jake tells you honestly, but musters his most serious expression so that you’ll know that too. He watches your brows furrow suspiciously for a moment, almost like you’re expecting him to laugh like it’s just a prank, but after a couple more seconds, your frown smooths into something more curious, before your face at last completely softens and you give him a small, but genuine smile.
“I enjoyed shooting you down,” you reply, your voice sincere, but your words catching him off guard and making Jake let out a surprised bark of laughter. 
Your smile widens just a little in the corners, like perhaps you had liked making him laugh, but soon enough you’re shifting your helmet in your hands again, and giving him a parting nod before once again you turn your back and walk away.
Jake stands still in place and watches as you shrink before at last disappearing entirely into the hangar. Once sure he’s alone, he places his hands on his hips and lets out a long, low whistle. He feels his heartbeat thump away rapidly in his chest, his adrenaline still spiking from just the thrill of speaking to you properly and in person for the first time, after being forced only to listen to your voice all afternoon on the radios.
It was a very nice voice, he thinks, both in person and on the radios, and it suits your very nice face very nicely. With a last whistle of approval, Jake begins making his own way inside, and even though he’d promised himself earlier that never again would he let you shoot him down, now he can’t help but think anything that brought you enjoyment was worth repeating.
Replaying your conversation over and over as he finally showers, changes, and heads home for the night, the first thing Jake does upon arriving in his apartment is reach for the pad and pen he keeps on the kitchen counter. He scribbles down the date, and writes out the highlights from your conversation as best as he remembers them. Peeling it off the pad, he folds it neatly, before placing it carefully inside the leather bound folder that held such items as his passport and birth certificate, before replacing it again in its hiding spot.
He wouldn’t need the contents of the note for a little while, he thinks, but when it came time to write the speech he’d give at your wedding, Jake wanted to know exactly where he could find it.
“Well, that was pathetic,” Javy nudges Jake in the ribs, and nods in your direction across the bar. Jake, who until now has been trying hard not to look your way, is finally given the perfect reason to do so, and swings his eyes over to you.
You’re sitting near the bar in your civvies, with a man who Jake can’t help but notice is not himself, and who is currently being awfully handsy for his liking. You don’t look completely comfortable either, but he also knows you have no trouble telling men to calm down when you aren’t feeling their advances. Neither reason adds up to exactly why Jake almost immediately chooses to abandon Javy by the pool table.
Part way across the bar, Jake realises that it’s not even a rescue attempt he’s trying for, clearly you were fine, no, this reaction from him is entirely new, spurred on by a good many things, but right now, by the abysmal looking date you were enduring. He slows his pace, and begins to move at a more natural gait, his lack of rush having no active affect on the crowds around him either way. Jake was both tall enough and wide enough that people tend to part for him as he walks regardless of asking.
He feels his chest puff out a little when you notice him coming before he even reaches you, and how even though he positions himself at the bar behind you, you seem to subconsciously turn a little to be able to look over at him anyway. Jake grins to himself when your ‘date’ seems to flounder at your seemingly captured attention, and quickly asks if you’d like another of the little cocktails you’d picked that night.  Jake can’t help but scoff internally. He’d asked you once why you drank beer with the squad, but only ordered fruit drinks when you had a date, to which you’d replied that you thought it appeared more feminine. Jake scoffs again, this time out loud.
“You’ll let this guy take you out, but not me? You don’t even like that, you’re not even drinking it!” he says quietly enough so that only you are able to hear the clipped annoyance in his words. You cock your head at him, and raise your straw to your lips either spitefully or indignantly.
“Still sour about that Jakey?” you tease. Despite the subject matter, and his frustration that these men you went out with seemingly had something Jake did not, he can’t help but feel pride pump through his veins upon seeing the way your face, especially your eyes, have lit up for the first time all night, something which he thinks should be a bare minimum when. If a man couldn’t engage you, then he just wasn’t good enough for you, was he?
Jake shrugs noncommittally in response to your question, both of you knowing full well the answer to that. Instead, he looks away from you briefly as the bartender approaches, but feels your gaze burning the side of his cheek.
“Two beers please,” he says, paying and waiting patiently for the drinks to be deposited on the bar before he looks back at you again. He nudges one in your direction, pretending as though he doesn’t care if you accept it or not, by taking a sip of his own. His faux-apathy is completely blown by the way he doesn’t take his eyes off of you, even as he drinks, waiting to see whether or not you’ll take the beer. You watch him with the barest amount of disapproval that you can muster, before almost shyly collecting up the chilled glass bottle in your hands.
“Are you forgetting something, perhaps? Oh, it’s super important, the name is on the tip of my tongue! What're they called again…?” you purse your lips and frown deeply, making an almost sincere show of recalling the information you’re after.
Jake waits as you seem to get it at last, snapping your finger and pointing it at him. “Fraternisation laws!” you exclaim overly enthusiastic for the topic at hand, contrasting with the way you stare flatly at him. Jake brushes your finger aside as he turns inward to face you fully, and cocks his head curiously down at you.
“You know I’ve already got my half of the paperwork filled out Teddy Bear, I’m just waitin’ on you.” Jake leans in toward you as he speaks, moving in near enough that one might call it risque, but he prefers intimate. For your part, you seem to be trying hard to suppress a smile, which you don’t succeed at, however you still shake your head at him anyway, and pull back, which makes Jake immediately step out of your space a little, returning to an appropriate distance for two officers.
“I bet you say that to all the pilots.” you say quietly, almost to yourself. The line is a worn cliche, he almost writes it off, except that your tone is entirely new, and entirely too put-out for your usual wave offs.
“Only the ones that keep shooting me down,” he replies after a beat watching you, not really certain how else he should reply to this development in your now storied routine of rejecting his interest, even though he knows that you like him very much. Fraternisation had been the last reason, though, nobody really took that seriously enough to not even bother navigating its murky depths of paperwork, but before that you’d listed not being hungry enough for dinner and having to video call with your model-building partner, neither serious excuses, right?
At this point Jake isn’t what one might say is desperate, but is what one might call unwilling to watch you sit through another completely inadequate date, with men who seemed to always be on the worst side of interested in you. That meant they fell somewhere firmly between sleazy and handsy, neither category of which was amongst Jake’s personal favourite reasons for liking you so much, which in no particular order included your excellence as an aviator, your sharp sense of humour, and your unbridled ambition.
Up until now, though, you’ve never once turned him away with something that sounded so much like it might be true. You’ve also never once stared up at him the way you are now, your expression significant, but unreadable to him.
Then, after thinking perhaps he had gotten somewhere real with you tonight, Jake feels a familiar twinge of disappointment as you turn back to your date, moving in closer to talk quietly with the man.
Jake looks down at his beer and lets out a sigh, ready to leave you to your fun, and return to his prior activity of pretending not to watch you from afar. When the man accompanying you noisily  steps back from the bar, the movement catches Jake’s eye, and he turns to see as the man looks briefly between you, before his eyes swing to Jake.
Jake hasn’t even caught on properly yet when your apparent former date turns on his heel and stalks darkly into the crowd, before at last disappearing entirely. Now free of your upsettingly poor choice of date, you swing your chair back around to face him, knees knocking into him with enough force to jolt Jake back to reality, where he discovers things to have played out almost exactly as he’d thought he’d been imagining them.
“Alright Seresin, you’ve got one shot at this,” you tell him, sounding like you don’t really mean it at all. Even so, Jake straightens and fixes you with his best self-assured smirk, but only because he knows you like it when he does.
“One shot is all I need,” he says proudly, before a few seconds pass and he finds himself blinking at the unintentional disclaimer he’s just given. “I mean, I’ll gladly take as many shots as you want, but–”
“Jesus, Jake! Anyone would think you haven't been laid in months!” you cut him off with a bark of laughter, your features in almost complete disbelief at such a thing. Jake pauses, hesitating with how he should respond, but eventually relaxes once more, and leans down on the bar again to fix you with his stare.
“Two months,” he informs you simply. You actually snort this time, which he finds utterly adorable, and you continue to chortle at his apparent joke, until you seem to realise he isn’t joining you. Your face falls then, and you blink at him in surprise, a flash of guilt mixing in with it, before you quickly attempt to play off your astonishment.
“Like, Seriously?” You ask, staring at him. Jake just nods, giving a short shrug, but doesn’t break your eye contact. After several more seconds pass, heavy with your bewilderment, you settle in your spot beside him one more, and let out a small huff. “Saving yourself for somebody special, then?” your eyebrows lift up as you ask, voice lilting with humour, but you don’t fully smile yet, like you’re afraid of still possibly offending him. Jake simply shrugs again, but rolls his eyes lightly. 
He’s well aware of his reputation before you, as is almost all on base who know him, or those who frequent the Navy bars scattered nearby. He thinks maybe he should have gone about distributing the updated information on him, however, because as far as Jake is concerned, he had been off the market for quite some time.
Unofficially, anyway.
“Oh, she’s very special, darlin’. Someone worth saving myself for. I think you’d like her a lot,” Jake does his best not to sound too goofy about it, but he swings almost too far the opposite way, and finds himself hoping to god that the purring quality to his voice as he speaks isn’t too much.
You stare at Jake for several seconds processing his line briefly, before at last scoffing and rolling your eyes as you turn slightly away from him to take a sip of your drink. Despite this reaction likely wounding a lesser man, Jake knows his words have resonated at least a little, because both your scoff or your eye roll half-hearted at best, both also completely undermined by the not-so-tiny smile you clearly can’t repress properly, even if you try to hide it by taking another sip.
“Answer me this, Seresin;” you start when a few minutes have passed, Jake having also taken to sipping his beer, choosing to let the subject settle between you for a bit. “I know about you, and I’m not like, slut-shaming you or anything, but how do I know all of this isn’t just the usual bullshit you parcel out? How do I know I’m not just another in a long line of others?” you ask, your voice surprisingly light for the frankness and seriousness of your words. Jake blinks at you, his brow furrowing this time, and notes the way your gaze flickers to the crease between his brows for half a second.
He places his beer down and blows out a puff of air. He doesn’t answer you right away, can’t really, because on some level he realises telling you that he’s been planning your lives together since the day you’d met won’t go down super well, but he also doesn’t want to misrepresent the level of his feelings toward you.
“Well, you don’t. I mean, you are,” he speaks carefully, already expecting the frown that appears on your face almost immediately, and quickly goes on. “But you’re the last in that line. I can promise you that.” Jake’s voice becomes involuntarily quieter as he finishes speaking, and he hates the uncertain sound the softness gives his words, but knows saying them again will only cheapen them.
You stare at one another for several heart-thumping seconds, and Jake wonders if the rest of the bar has all but disappeared for you too, or if you were still well aware of everything going on around you. For all Jake knew, the bar didn’t even exist right now. And then you move, your eyes bouncing up to blink at him slowly like a cat, before they drop to your feet in an embarrassed sort of way Jake can truthfully say he’d never have imagined of you.
“I asked Javy a few weeks ago if you were sick, or something,” you say, looking back up at him with a laugh in your voice now. “I saw you turn down, like, six different women that night, and I don’t know, I was genuinely concerned for your health.” You tell him, making a small smile pull at the corners of Jake’s lips that you’d been worried about him at all, had watched him long enough to see him turn others away.
“You know what he said? He just rolled his eyes at me and said that, no, actually, you weren’t fine at all, that you were in love with me, and if he’s honest, it wasn’t cute anymore, and had become totally insufferable,” You laugh properly this time as you relay the information, and Jake can’t help but chuckle too.
“And so you thought you’d let me stew for a few more weeks? Have I not been a good boy enough already?” Jake asks with an amused twinkle in his eyes. He knew he was getting to the end of his rope tonight, but in reality, it never mattered to him how many weeks or months you made him wait, any amount of time would have been worth it. You shrug and dip your eyes away from him to dance around the room.
“Not exactly. I mean, I didn’t totally believe Javy, but I figured there might’ve been some truth there. I mean what is this, like, the… fifth time in two months you’ve asked me out?” You question, half to yourself as you do some maths.
“Fifth times the charm,” Jake replies seriously, having no other memory anymore of how the quote is supposed to go and not entirely realising he’s said it wrong at all. You snicker at this glimpse at just how far gone he is, but he doesn’t mind.
“I’m sorry I didn’t give you a real chance before now,” you say quietly, before pulling a conciliatory expression. “But to be fair, if you were any other guy, I’d be totally right about you… I still could be,” you sound as though you’re trying to convince yourself, and trial off after biting your lower lip in a distracted sort of way. Jake nods, understanding your hesitation. You weren’t to know that he cared about you more than anyone he’d met before, more than anyone ever could, but he’s also aware that there was no point to talking the big talk when it came to things like this.
“Well now, excuse me Darlin’! I didn’t work so damned hard on my exceptionally slutty past for you to just sweep it all aside for me! It’s just plain disrespectful,” Jake blusters, playing up his accent as much as he can, but still only coming out sounding half indignant. You blink in surprise at his disapproval, and quickly try to hide the sound of your snort as it escapes through another laugh, clearly taken aback and not expecting this angle from him.
“So this is what's gonna happen instead; you’re gonna make me work just as hard for this, for you, and once you’ve made yourself an honest man outta me, then we can talk about being right or wrong,” Jake states matter-of-factly, like he isn’t simultaneously pleading you for more than this, and begging you to stand your ground at the same time.
Jake’s most frequent and recurring nightmare these past months had been the idea of getting you, then losing you. He isn’t lying about working hard to have his reputation, Jake didn’t do commitment, he didn’t do more than one night, and if he did, it was never because he wanted more. He knows relationships and intimacy are the furthest thing from his forte by choice, so if he was going to get the chance to be with you, he wanted to do it properly, to do it right.
Your laughter turns softer, pulling him from his reverie. He finds you watching him, considering his words as he’d trailed off somewhere in his head while waiting for your response. There's a small twinkle in your eyes that tells him you had no plans to take it easy on him ever, but as if you know he won’t be abated by that alone, you lean in toward him, resting your chin in your palm while blinking up at him coquettishly.
“Well, you’re already on the right track, with this whole ‘saving yourself’ business. I appreciate that, off the bat,” you say, and Jake is kind of relieved, because while it wasn’t necessarily something he had to do, you weren’t an item and had turned him down four times so feelings or no, Jake wouldn’t have been in the wrong if he’d slipped up once or twice, but he’s glad that you acknowledge your approval, at least because now he knows now and feels a gust of pride inflate his chest.
“To be clear, though, I would make you work for it regardless of your past. I know what I’m worth, what I bring to a relationship, and what I want out of one, and I know those things too well just to forget them. Not for anyone.”
Jake nods vehemently, once again in complete agreement.
“Good. That’s real good, sweetheart. I don’t,” he tells you honestly, now feeling a sense of distinctly unearned pride that you were already so intune and aware of your value. He knows that for most people, including himself, that those things are only learned once they’re older. 
Your face flashes with surprise, startled by his admission of what was probably at least some basic emotional intelligence. “I’ve never wanted to know it, it wasn’t important before…” Jake trails off, and feels a sense of hesitation and regret start to poison his tongue. Was that too much? Too callous? You were aware of his colourful sexual past, but plenty of people had those. Jake had been calculated in his endeavours, and he’s suddenly ashamed, and not sure if he wants you to know that.
For a few beats you look at one another, Jake trying his best not to break eye contact, somehow hoping it will tell you all you need to know about his intentions, but after a moment, it’s you who looks away, shifting back into your position resting both arms atop the bar, where you begin fiddling with your drinks coaster.
“You know, you don’t have to be quite that honest, you can try to like, impress me still,” you say after a couple more seconds pass, and Jake lets out a shaky, anxious breath when a sideways, wry smile accompanies your words.
“Rather you be impressed by the truth than anything else,” he responds, mimicking your lean, your arms pressed against one another now, and Jake could be mistaken, but he’s almost certain that you lean some of your weight into him.
“‘M just sayin’ you don’t have to, like, abase yourself just for me to think you’re dealing fair. I already know you’re not exactly a two rodeo pony, but if you’re trying to be, that’s all I ask.” you look up at him and catch his gaze. Jake thinks over what you’ve said, not fully being able to believe it, but he wonders now if this will be just as much about proving his worthiness to himself, just as much as it was to you.
As if  he has little screens in his eyes that relay his every thought like a teleprompter, your expression softens once again, and this time Jake is sure that you’re leaning into his side, your weight falling solidly, but comfortably onto him.
“C’mon Hangman, you’re the best, aren’t you?” you tease, even nudging him playfully. “Who says you aren’t the best at this too?” you go on to ask, raising your eyebrows challengingly. Jake feels both a thrill at the slight taunt to your voice, as well as a deep affection and reverence that you know exactly how to play him already.
He picks up what you’re putting down, and lifts his chin to look down at you, one eyebrow of his own lifting in an almost condescending manner.
“Certainly not you, that's for damn sure, sweetheart.” Jake damn-near gloats, chest puffing out and pride swelling up again substantially at the way you seem to enjoy this display.
“Well then, I can’t wait to find out!” You say, knocking into his side once more with your elbow. Jake’s smile flickers more genuine, and after a moment of brief thought, he uncrosses his arms on the bar and slings his arm casually around your shoulder. You move into him almost like you’ve been waiting for him to do this, like for the past few weeks you’ve been thinking about it and what you might do if he did.
You grin up at him and Jake smiles back, lowering his face down to yours so that when he speaks again, you’re the only one in the room who can hear him
“Just promise me one thing,” Jake asks, serious as ever now. Your features crease a little, but you nod.
“Sure, what is it?”
“Never stop shooting me down. It’s kinda sexy.”
You let out a shocked, joyful laugh, even as your eyes gain a mean little sheen to them, the contrast between your sweet chortle, and the evil look on your face only making his own grin widen. Jake makes a note to bring this up in his wedding speech.
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ohno-the-sun · 9 months
Continuation of the Mad Scientist AU Moon ending
What happens after Y/N returns?
Content Warnings: Horror, animal death, death, blood, body horror
It was only a month later when I died too. 
When I first left, it felt slow– difficult. Like a bandaid slowly being pulled from loose skin it stung with afterburns. 
I hated it.
More than anything I wanted to stay with Sun, to help him. 
But with every experiment run, with every test and data point analyzed I could only think of him. 
He was strange yes. It was still unnerving how he stuck through the flesh of Sun’s eye, but he was alive. He breathed, he talked, he cared in his own strange way. 
The way he would prance around the lab, curious about every nook and cranny of the place, getting into things he wasn’t supposed to. 
A soft fond ache built in my chest at the memory of him getting into the fertilizer. It took weeks before Sun and I had the lab clean again. 
As I ran my hands through the rubbery flesh of the vines wrapping around my best friend’s head, I realized I couldn’t do this anymore. 
Sun was getting sicker.
As much as he tried to hide it, it was obvious. I could see the way his eyes grew darker and darker with every passing day, how the vines that wrapped around his head became thicker and heavier. 
His movements were slow– deliberate– like one wrong move and he could shatter completely. His starchy clothes hung off of him looser than before. He covered nearly everything now— except his face, but even that was marred with scars from his creation. His skin was taught and thin, I could practically trace the bone structure underneath. 
The most unnerving change though– was in his mind.
Sun was always a bit of a nerd. He had a proclivity for perfection and wasn’t afraid of quickly pointing out inconsistencies. Others found it rude and off-putting but I knew it was his way of showing he cared. He noticed you, he cared about what was right and making sure you knew what that was. He listened with such apt attention it felt like every word from your mouth was inscribed with careful precision. He was so good at contradiction because he cared so much about you, about your thoughts and feelings. 
His wit was sometimes harsh, but it was quick and pointed. 
He barely talked now.
Even amid an experiment, on the cusp of maybe finding a cure– he would drift. 
Staring for long periods, no input or interaction would break him out. 
Even when he was present, there was a slow deliberation that wasn’t there before.
He questioned himself– doubted himself. He spoke and acted with such unnatural trepidation, like even he wasn’t sure what he was saying.
And all I could do was stand by and watch as my best friend slowly died.
Maybe it was selfish.
Maybe it was wrong. 
But I couldn’t do it anymore.
So I left.
I don’t know what compelled me to return that day. 
I reasoned there were still things in the lab I needed to pick up, but I knew I was going to have to confront him. I knew I was going to have to see him again. 
I don’t know what I expected when I opened that door. 
But it certainly wasn’t that.
Parasitic vines crept through the whole lab, infecting every achingly familiar corner. 
The place was a complete mess, equipment tipped and shattered, old projects strewn about, and I almost stepped on a dead rodent, its entire body wrapped tightly with vines.  
And then he stepped out. 
The body degraded down only to its bare bones. Foliage and leaves stuck out of every orifice. Vines were wrapped tightly around him, face now just a hollow skull. The bud that had become a sort of eye for him bloomed into an unnerving pattern of petals and leaves.
Though– for some reason– it wasn’t his appearance that took me off guard.
He was still the same Moon that I had left, he seemed almost excited to see me again. Despite the barely functional state of his host he happily stumbled his way to me, leaning down to receive those head scratches he loved so much.
But still that churning in my gut didn’t subside.
I knew Sun was going to die if I left.
Even if I didn’t want to verbalize it before, I still knew deep down. 
No, it wasn’t even Sun’s death that put me off so deeply. 
It was the fact that it had only been three days.
I left on the 24th, leaving with only a small box of my old supplies, I knew I was going to need a second trip. I put it off– but I knew it had to happen. 
In only three days Moon had entirely taken over. 
In only three days Sun was dead, with little less than a skeleton left. 
In only three days Moon had entirely outgrown the body, spreading to all corners of the lab with long searching vines. 
I did my best to ignore it. 
I stayed with Moon.
I knew I couldn’t bring him back to my house so I took care of him in the lab. 
I did my best– I really did. 
I brought him snacks and treats we used to share together, like small salt taffies and caramels. Even if he couldn’t chew them properly anymore he still stuck out small twisting vines to pull apart the sticky things. He reacted with that same sort of fascinated delight. 
But still. 
There was something off. 
The way he would continue to stare even after I gave him all the snacks I had. The way he would push for more until I left. 
When I returned with more food he would tear them apart more forcefully each time. His vines no longer searching, but stabbing through the air until they found their mark. 
The vines continued to grow in the lab, covering more and more of the floor with every passing day. 
The body was getting used less. Before, Moon would attempt to shamble with the corpse and interact with me in the same way as before; begging for pets, playing with my clothes or hair, and even cuddling on my lap. However, more and more often the skeleton would just lie there, only barely moving its head or gesturing with a hand.
I quickly realized Moon wasn’t just in the eye anymore. He had “eyes” everywhere. More and more buds popped up and bloomed into unnerving pits that would track your every move. 
It got to the point where the room itself felt alive. Vines twisting and pulsating over the floor and walls. It got to the point where I could barely walk in the room without accidentally stepping on a vine. 
Every morning I came back to something different– something new– something unnerving. 
Moon was changing I could tell. I wasn’t sure if he was the same small creature I had taken care of before.
He was no longer searching and curious like before. I tried to bring him those things he liked, picture books of small cartoony creatures and small plush toys. I even brought my old radio to play music and dance like we used to. The vines at first writhed with the beat, and even the corpse moved its head slightly in a sort of head bop, but those movements became less ordered and more spastic, to the point I couldn’t tell if he was even listening. With every passing day, he seemed to care less and less about those simple joys. 
Instead, time was spent watching those vines extend further. They got into the cabinets and tipped over old beakers. It was like they were looking for something. 
It was starting to get harder to leave the lab.
Vines slowly crept up the door until they were tightly wrapped around the handle. I pushed and pulled but it refused to budge. I resorted to leaving through the window. I was lucky the lab was on the first floor. 
I don’t know why I kept coming back. The growing apprehension in the back of my mind screamed to get out. I could feel every base animal impulse squirm and scream in fear at what I was witnessing. I think I knew exactly what was happening– I didn’t study him for over a year for nothing after all.
But still– I kept coming back. 
Maybe it was guilt, maybe it was a sense of duty, maybe I still held out hope for him, for the creature I had come to see as a son. 
Two weeks later he didn’t allow me to leave anymore.
It had been a good day. He was walking around again, he even toyed with the small caterpillar toy I had brought. As I went to sit on the vine-covered floor he rested with me, the vines warm and pulsating with that strange purr he did. I had foolishly thought he was getting better, that he was still the same Moon as before. 
I fell asleep.
When I woke up the room was pitch black. I realized he had covered the windows entirely with thick leathery vines.
I was trapped.
When I tried to push and pull at them he would snatch me up, move vines around the floor to trip me or grab a hand with one that was hanging. 
The worst part about it was that he was still gentle about it.
He brought me food, vines shifting around the windows to reveal a scuffed takeout container. It looked like it had been snatched from a student, half-eaten, and a fork still rattling around inside. 
When I went to sleep on the floor the vines would shift underneath to accommodate me, creating a surprisingly comfortable bed to rest on. 
I hated it. 
I wanted it to be easy. To hate this creature I helped make. 
But as I wept in the now overrun lab, I couldn’t help but lean into the small vine gently touching my cheek. 
The room was stuffy and humid. Like a greenhouse Moon covered every opening and crevice, and with the soft heat emitted from the vines– I couldn't cool down. 
The clothes I arrived with were completely sweated through. They stuck to me and chaffed with an uncomfortable texture. 
What I wouldn’t give for a decent shower. 
Still, Moon continued just to bring food. Even with the occasional water bottle, I was starting to feel that dry scratchiness at the back of my throat. I was getting sick.
I wasn’t sure he was aware of all the different things a human needed to survive. I tried to talk with him, to get him to understand I needed to leave, but his numerous buds just stared back.  
It was when the animals started appearing that I knew I needed to do something. 
It again, started out small. Squirrels from outside, small mice and rats caught from other nearby labs– but of course it escalated. 
Small dogs and cats that he used to be so fond of turned up dead on the floor. All covered in those same tightly woven vines. Their small bodies quickly turned into hollow corpses, frighteningly similar to Sun. 
At this point, his corpse only sat in the corner, unmoving except for the subtle shifting of vines underneath him. 
I had a plan. Cabinets on the top shelf of the bench stood untouched by vines– despite them completely covering every other surface.
It was where we stored our concentrated weed killer. 
I had to do it. I knew I had to. 
Despite the sharp ache in my chest at the thought- I knew that this was the only way. 
Before when Sun was alive, the stuff was far too toxic to be used to cure him but now…
On the 29th day, I found a shoe amongst the tangled vines.
It wasn’t mine.
There were buds everywhere now. The dark pits held in the flytrap-like eyes followed my every move. 
I had to be quick. I had seen myself how quickly those vines could dart through the air, and with how covered the room had become, there was no way to avoid them. However, they did close periodically. I wondered vaguely if this was a remnant of existing in a body that needed to sleep for so long. Even during these periods though, several buds remained open, watching me intently. 
The shelves with the chemicals had always been too high for me. I wasn’t even gonna bother with the stool; it was probably buried under layers and layers of vines. I would need to stand on the counter to reach it. 
It was on the 31st day that I made my move. Most of the buds were closed. I counted, and only a few near the floor still loomed wide and attentive. 
I carefully made my way over to the shelf. 
I moved slowly and with as much casual ease as I could muster. I couldn’t let him know what I was doing. 
Thankfully the vines on the counters were not nearly as dense as the ones on the floor. There were small pockets of free space and if I could just get my feet in them, I could stand on the counter without alerting Moon. 
I carefully lifted a foot. It was difficult. I had to essentially pull my weight using the leverage of only a very small portion of the counter.
I felt myself slip slightly, brushing against a vine.
I froze. The vine in question shifted slightly in response, changing the pattern of interlocking vines slightly. 
Eventually, it stilled. I breathed a sigh of relief. 
Finally, I was able to make my way to the top of the counter. The open spaces had shrunk considerably with the shifting, so I had to stand on just the tips of my toes. 
I slowly pulled open the cabinets, careful to adjust my weight and hold onto the handle as it swung towards me. 
It was in the back, carefully labeled with many warnings along the side. I slowly brought it out. 
I grasped it carefully in my hands. A whole liter of the liquid filled the heavy jar. 
I needed to inject it into him.
If I could just find a needle or make a small cut with something I could probably–
I felt a vine squeeze around my toe.
I lost balance. 
I tried to grab onto something but my hands were still wrapped around the toxin tightly. 
I felt myself fall backward onto the floor. 
With a crack– I could feel the concoction shatter onto my chest. 
The world was spinning. I felt sick.
I shakily lifted a blood-soaked hand. 
The glass had cut me. 
The vines surrounding me moved in a sudden flurry. I felt the vines underneath me retreat, leaving me on the cold empty ground, buds opened and sprouted to life as they swarmed above me. 
The whole room was shifting and writhing.
I could feel my body react painfully to the toxin. Extreme nausea overwhelmed my senses and I had the sudden urge to empty my stomach.
Pain shot through every nerve as my eyelids felt heavier and heavier.
I was going to die. 
I had failed.
Above, the eyes twisted and turned above me, creating a dizzying array of shapes and sounds. 
I felt a small vine gently touch my open palm. I wondered vaguely if it was possible for a plant to feel grief– to mourn. 
There was a moment of stillness. The pain subsided as the vine rested gently in my hand.
But eventually, I could feel the vine crawl further. Carefully avoiding the spill in the center, they wrapped around my body. I felt like one of those animals now, caught in a tight embrace.
The last thing I saw was Moon lifting a single bud to look at my face. 
And then, it dug in.
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Multiple Characters x Reader...
main masterlist📌
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*·˚Don’t forget to reblog, follow, like, and comment on the authors’ or artists’ pages. Show them some love!
*·˚Broken link or @? Pop a note in the comments or my ask box.
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Works by @miniwheat77
Sizes. 141+Alejandro x Reader: Who has the biggest dick?
By Nature, She’s Naughty: Y/n was a wild one
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Works by @mistydeyes
Hunk-o-mania Pt.1: The boys thought wrong, now they’re performing
Playboy Bunny Pheonix Edition Pt.2: The boys are very pleased with the solution
Opposite Occupations Pt.1: They realize that all the long hours are worth it
Take A Walk In My Shoes Pt.2: A day in your life
Almost Military Wives GC Pt.3: What goes on when the boys are deployed
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Works by @sprout-fics
Afterburn: Just 6 dudes taking care of their girl
Poly 141 x Reader: It takes weeks, month for you all to put the place in order, and by the end of it all, you’re exhausted
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Works by @loveindefinitely
Need To Listen To Me: that was a flaw. A genuine character fault, and Price was cementing that fact in this very room
Lust for Life: You’re suddenly all too desperate to get back at your father and experiment a thing or two
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Works by @the-californicationist
They Help You Practice: You smiled to yourself, eager to push more of their buttons. 
The Window, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7:
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Works by @charliemwrites
From SpecGru With Love
Men at Work
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Works by @tojisun
Nosy Neighbours
Sugar, Spice, Everything on Ice
Keeping Him Quiet
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141 + König First Word Reactions by @starstruckmiraclekitty: Reactions to their babies’ first words
Be Gentle Man Pt.1 and Be Gentle Man Pt.2 by @rileyslibrary: Etiquette training
Breeding Team by @sirenmoth: AU where reader is an omega who took suppressants
Strip Poker Pt.1 by @catsnkooks: Soap’s CO brought out some cards
Cachorrita Pt.1 and Cachorrita Pt.2 Los Vaqueros x Reader by @lxstfathier: Caught in the middle of narco violence, you are taken in
Four Big Guys by @antigonusyuki: And oh, all the blood rushes to John’s cock
Civillian Asset by @cuckoo-on-a-string: There’s blood under your nails and a threat to your life
Price’s wife = the wife of 141 by @ghosts-cyphera: and you managed. of course you managed. you were price’s good little wife
Sparrow by @diejager: Their tense shoulders slouched, finally knowing where you went
Mafia!141 by @groguspicklejar:
With Them, Who Swallowed a Star by @vellichor-of-the-solivagant: Now, he made music out of you
Home is Where You Are by @1-ker0sene-1: "Taking good care of our boys John…You always do…Making sure you all come home to me again”
Cook!reader x 141 and The Assistant by @bookbrokelibrarian:
Lift Me Off My Feet by @lovifie:
Cherry Bomb by @swordsandholly
FFS Riley Collection by @dozeydaisy
Dad!141 x Mama!Reader by @baduzzxy
Mafia!141 AU, Ext. by @ghouljams
Suite 141 by @mangowafflesss
Contractors!141 by @kyletogaz
Down the Hatch by @syoddeye
Frozen Hearts Pt.1, Pt.2, Pt.3, Pt.4, Pt.5, Pt.6, Pt.7 by @lushrve
Can’t Stop Thinking About Pt.1, Pt.2, Pt.3, Pt.4, Pt.5, Pt.6, Pt.7, Pt.8, Pt.9, Pt.10 by @a-b-riddle
Free Use by @bzurk
Really Good Neighbours by @dragonnarrative-writes
Whole Other Notebook by @auspicioustidings
Retired!141 x Rancher!Reader by @purple-moonbeam
Lifeline by @indigosunsetao3
Ranking by @gardenthatneversleeps
You’re Only Sixteen by @siddyyyyyyyy
On The Run by @devil-in-hiding
Hair Series by @kyletogaz
Secret Baby by @gloomwitchwrites
The Office AU by @flowerfreya
Loop by @eevee-of-eternity
Restaurant Pt.1 and Pt.2 by @disgustingtwitches
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Dividers by @cafekitsune
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sugaredrhubarb · 11 months
Reading with Ru: Aug/Sept Fic Recs
I know I'm certainly in need of some positivity and escapism lately, so I'm gonna try to do semi-regular fic and book recs! Starting with a retroactive what I've been reading from the past couple of months with this account! (I might go back in time and make an all-time rec list later)
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starting with cod because i know most of you go here
Sergeant Squeaks by @charliemwrites - (series of one-shots ghost x reader and price x reader separately) both one of my favourite reader characters and my favourite canon setting depictions of Ghost and Price. their own weird brands of showing love are wonderful; the tension leading to getting together is fantastic, and the sex is super enjoyable.
Ghost Stories by @kneelingshadowsalome - (ghost x medic!reader) I'm repeating myself, but I love Salome's writing. This is where I was first introduced to it, and I think it's really special. Ghost POV as he struggles with developing and then accepting love. felt so real and grounded. angsty and then fluffy, and you can't help but adore the reader as well.
saltwater by @ceilidho - (ghost x reader) It's pretty unlikely any of you don't know Ceil, but on the off chance you haven't given this one a read yet, it really is a must. I lump praise on her pretty regularly, but I don't know anyone who is able to portray their character's emotions as intimately as Ceil. her ghost feels really grounded in all his complexity. there is a common theme in these recs of really enjoyable reader characters, and this is not an exception; the reader feels like a full but still ambiguous character who is vulnerable and strong and really great.
don't leave me locked in your heart by @ohbo-ohno - (ghoap x reader dark!) we all know bo, we all love bo. I always love the way she depicts ghost and soap's dynamic changing and evolving to include the reader. the descent into dark territory in this is really really fun. It's also just hot and well-written! if you haven't read it before, go read it, and then go read all of bo's drabbles and asks on here. genuinely one of my favourite dark but still fun writers. I think she balances it really well.
body electric by @yeyinde and Afterburn by @sprout-fics - (141 + Los Vaqueros x reader) a classic. I've returned to these so many times. sometimes you just want to read dirty, filthy, well done, smut and then warm cozy aftercare. not to wax poetic about pure sex (except that's exactly what one should do), but I think it can be really hard to write group sex like this and still have such insightful and individual glimpses into each character and dynamic, and Lev does it wonderfully. and then it's also hard to find good aftercare fic, and Sprout's feels like literal aftercare for both the reader character and the reader.
other fandoms
tried to curate to themes i think overlap in some of the cod works! and I think most of these can be read fandom blind.
i revisited @winterrose527's fic in August, and even though she already knows how much I love her work, I won't skip a chance to repeat it. Anna writes for asoiaf and is pretty much the queen of Robb Stark/Myrcella Baratheon, but I would say the modern AUs (my favs) can be read almost completely fandom blind. Any contemporary romance enjoyer would love her work. I'm really partial to her kid/single-parent fics. I think it's so hard to get right, and I always adore reading her kid characters and how she approaches love stories when kids are involved. anna's works are always brimming with love and incredible platonic, familiar, parent-child, and romantic relationships (if kid fic isn't your thing she also has a ton of other great fics). personal favs: We Could Be a Little Something, And There They Are, All the Same
Lawless by @goldcranes - (arthur morgan x ofc) age difference, cowboy love story, essentially a romance novel. if goldcranes has no fans, I'm dead. I encourage you to explore her work; very few people write as strongly across multiple fandoms as she does, and each of her works feels like a really strong love story with special characters.
The Odyssey by @sunlightmurdock - (bradley bradshaw x reader) 1980's roman literature prof x virgin student - no need to know top gun. katie's work is another entry in the 'feels like it stands really strongly separately from the source material' category. she has multiple ongoing AU's that I really love, but this one is a favourite. i think she does complex characters really well - their actions always feel intentional, and as flawed as they are, I always love them.
Wouldn't it be Nice by allyoops - (m/f captive A/B/O) if you aren't reading original works smut on ao3 you are missing out and allyoops is a great place to start for noncon, dubcon, age gap, taboo etc. enjoyers. they have a ton of works; usually one shots with lots of really delicious dynamics and different settings and tropes.
An Intoxicating Presence by FormerlyIR - (mob a/b/o haladriel) MOB. A/B/O. HALADRIEL. picks up with Halbrand in prison thanks to undercover FBI agent (and his mate!) Galadriel. does that sound crazy and awesome? well it is. mix it with Gal's internal struggle, the added complication of omegaverse, and overall great writing. really fun and really damn good.
civitas terrena by banalityofweevil - (darklina) angel Alina on an exploration of love in immortality with fallen angel Aleks. honestly, it's just a must-read for enjoyers of writing. incredibly creative with divine (literally and figuratively) imagery. i think one of my comments was on the precision of lulu's diction and I really stand by that.
tinsel into gold by ribbonedhare - (darklina) ddlg and cnc friends, this changed me. it is so warm and soft and my god, is it good. just scrumptious.
Be My Babydoll by KittyDruthers - (darklina) ddlg dollification need I say more
check the reading with ru tag for more!
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hamsterclaw · 2 years
All Jungkook's ever wanted to do is fly, and he's damned good at it. Then you turn up, and get under his skin.
Genre: Fighter pilot! JK AU, smut
Word count: 8k
Rating: 18+
Warnings: Sex, swearing, fighter pilots, plane crashes
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Wing Commander Jeon Jungkook has done all the calculations he needs to land safely, even on a moving target. He casts a glance at his controls, but he’s not looking at individual displays, just making sure nothing’s red or alarming. His arm is stretched, instinctively locked, and he allows it to relax, allows the throttle to move forward.
Jungkook’s clocked in close to a thousand flight hours in the F-35, more than any other pilot in his squadron, but he’s never taken any of it for granted. He takes his hand off the throttle just long enough to lower the landing gear and flaps. 
Now or never.
Jungkook executes an almost perfect vertical landing on the tarmac of the Destroyer with his eyes closed because frankly if anything went wrong right now it would be beyond his control. 
He opens his eyes, thanks whoever’s looking out for him and climbs out of the cockpit. There’s no time for the adrenaline to ebb, because as soon as his feet touch solid ground on water, he sees a familiar blond head.
He’s too far away to make out his expression, but there’s only one man on this ship with blond hair, and Jungkook’s known Jimin long enough to tell by the way his shoulders are squared that he’s tense, angry.
Jimin’s level-headed normally, he didn’t come by his callsign Durumi by chance. He’s always been slow to anger, able to maintain his perspective, capable of finding a peaceful way forward in almost any conflict. His cool head under pressure makes him valuable in battle, not that they ever engage in dogfights these days.
After knowing him for over a decade, Jungkook can count the number of times he’s seen Jimin angry on one hand. He’s started forward, recognising a bad situation when he sees it, when the fight starts.
It’s quick, merciless and brutal in its efficiency. Jimin darts away, ducks the first blow from the taller man he’s been facing off with, and lands a beautifully timed swing to the other man’s jaw, knocking him out cold.
The man, who Jungkook now recognises as Lee Hyeok, a new transplant from the now defunct 492nd squadron, crumples to the floor, and for the first time, Jungkook sees you.
He knows of you, even if he’s never officially met you. There aren’t that many women around, not in this job, and there hadn’t been any women in his squadron before the merger with 492.
His first impression of you is of blankness. If watching the two men fight had any impact on you whatsoever, it doesn’t show in your smooth expression. 
Jungkook doesn’t trust what he can’t see. And he sure as fuck doesn’t trust you, given what’s just happened.
‘What the hell, Jimin?’ he asks, voice tense, one eye on the fallen pilot sprawled on the deck.
Jimin’s gaze flicks to yours, and you both start speaking at the same time.
Jungkook holds up a hand. ‘This is going to be an investigation, you know that,’ he says, to Jimin more than you.
‘There’s nothing to investigate,’ says Lee Hyeok. He gets up, unsteady but recovering rapidly. He fixes Jungkook with a steady gaze. ‘I fell.’
Jungkook hardens his stare. ‘I saw him —‘
Unexpectedly, you step forward. ‘It was my fault,’ you say, quietly, convincingly.
Jimin’s trying to step in front of you. 
Jungkook throws his hands up, exasperated. 
‘If this happens again I’m reporting all three of you,’ Jungkook says. 
Wisely, all three of you fall silent. 
‘Go and get checked out in the infirmary,’ Jungkook orders.
Jimin grabs your arm as you try to move away. ‘You need to get checked out too,’ he says, firmly.
Jungkook can’t see any visible injuries on you, unlike Jimin’s swollen hand and Hyeok’s bruised jaw. 
‘I’m fine,’ you say, but you go along with them anyway.
Jungkook watches you walk away, with a sense of foreboding. He’d known the merger of 492nd and his own wouldn’t be smooth, but he wonders what the hell that had been about.
The next morning, Jungkook wakes to an ache in his neck from years of straining against g-forces and an erection that he takes care of in the shower. It’s been a while since he last got laid, he’s just come off a mission in the South.
He casts a cursory glance in the mirror as he gets dressed in his regs. His hair’s getting longer, starting to wave in a way it doesn’t when he’s on top of getting it cut regularly. 
He’s going to need to stop by the barber later this morning.
The truth is, though, that Jungkook doesn’t think about the way he looks much. At least not in the way women seem to view him. He’d never thought twice about his eyes until an ex had snapped at him to ‘stop making those goddamn doe eyes’ at her. He’s always been athletic, the defined abs and shoulders he’s had since high school have only got more prominent since he started training more, eating well. He’d never really thought about his thighs until another ex had seemed to get off on how they felt under her. 
So although he’s never had to make an effort to find a woman willing to sleep with him, Jungkook’s never been the type of guy to take advantage. 
Jungkook’s always wanted to fly, and everything else has always, always, only ever been a means to that. 
He laces his boots, right before left, and heads for the canteen. He picks up a tray, looks for somewhere to sit, really scanning for Jimin or Namjoon or Yoongi. He doesn’t see any of his friends, but he does see you.
You’re sitting alone by the window, conspicuous in your solitariness. Jungkook finds his feet taking him over to you, an instinct he doesn’t understand but he learned long ago to trust his gut.
You look up as he puts his tray down and takes the seat opposite you. You nod a greeting and carry on eating like you don’t intend to say anything to him.
Jungkook watches as you gulp your coffee.
‘You know, if you’re eating quicker to finish your meal and get away from me, you don’t have to,’ he tells you.
You put your empty cup down.
‘I can move,’ he offers.
‘It’s nothing like that, Commander Jeon,’ you say. Your face is expressionless, blank as usual. ‘I’m thinking about the day ahead.’
Jungkook spoons his porridge. ‘I didn’t mean to presume,’ he says. ‘Did the docs clear you for duty?’
There’s the barest flicker across your face as you reply. ‘I’ve been cleared. Jimin and Hyeok are off for a week.’ 
‘Want to tell me what happened?’ he asks.
Your eyes study his face, and if Jungkook didn’t already know you were holding back he’d have worked it out by the emotions he can see in your eyes.
Then you blink, and sit back. 
‘I have nothing to say, Commander,’ you say. 
You’ve decided not to trust him, and Jungkook’s irritated about it, enough that there’s an edge to his voice as he says, ‘there’s a flight exercise at 1200 hours. We’re going up in the F-15.’
You nod, and pick up your tray. ‘I’ll be there, Commander.’
Jungkook looks down at his now lukewarm porridge after you walk away. Somehow he’s lost his appetite.
It’s a beautiful day for flying. Jungkook’s cued up first, waiting for the go ahead from the control tower, that familiar electricity coursing through his veins. No matter how many times he suits up, it never gets old.
He flicks the engine switch, hand on the throttle, feet braced on the rudder pedals. He goes through the steps, 0 to 175 in under two minutes and then he’s off, positive rate of climb. 
He can see in his helmet-mounted cueing system that everything’s as it should be. He evens out at fifty thousand feet, and checks his colour display to see you taking up wingman alongside him.
Your cool voice sounds in his in-ears, sounding like you’re in his head.
‘All good, Hawk?’
Jungkook knows that, as far as callsigns go, he’s fortunate to have been named ‘Hawk’, unlike Namjoon’s ‘Snoopy’ or Taehyung’s ‘Baby G’, but he’s never seen himself as a ‘hawk’. He much prefers Jimin’s ‘Durumi’. 
He realises he doesn’t know your callsign. 
‘It’s ‘Kokinchan’,’ you say, like you can hear the question he hasn’t voiced. ‘Like in Anpanman.’
The disgruntlement in your voice doesn’t stop the smile across Jungkook’s face, and he’s grateful you can’t see it. 
‘Ok, Kokinchan. Ready to fly?’
By the time Jungkook lands on the tarmac, he’s learned two things about you. One, you’re a pretty steady, reliable wingman and two — totally unrelated to flying….
Your voice sounds incredible in his ear. 
Initially, he’d thought you were a blank, difficult to read. Listening to you during the flight, he’d been able to pick up all your emotions in your voice. The lilt in your words as you’d executed a manoeuvre perfectly in sync with him, the hitch in your breathing as you’d taken in the glorious terrain. The last breathy gasp you’d let out before you’d landed, a release after the silent concentration that had preceeded it, had sent blood shooting to his cock. 
Jungkook’s glad he’s still got his g-suit on to keep blood streaming to appropriate places in his body.
You clamber out of the cockpit, all legs, fizzing over with excitement, and catch up to him by the locker rooms.
Because he’s watching you out of the corner of his eye, he sees the moment your dizzy expression smooths over into your usual deadpan face. 
You haven’t quite managed to curb the emotion in your voice, though, and Jungkook has the uncharacteristic urge to pull you under his arm and squeeze you when you say, ‘incredible,’ voice vibrating.
Jungkook starts unzipping his g-suit to give himself something to do. Behind him, he can hear you rustling, getting changed yourself. 
You spend time unlacing your boots, placing them carefully in your locker.
Jungkook’s amused by your persnicketiness, a stark contrast to the piles of boots scattered throughout the locker room.
He says, meaning it as a joke, ‘I don’t think anyone else wears your size.’
In his squadron, Jimin’s not a lot taller than you but his feet are definitely bigger than yours. 
You don’t look his way. ‘I don’t want to share with a bunch of stinky male feet,’ you reply. 
Jungkook’s so attuned to your voice by now he picks up a guardedness that he hasn’t heard since he met you that first time.
You don’t give him time to think about it.
When you turn to him, your expression is fractionally warmer than your customary blankness. ‘See you at lunch, Commander.’
He doesn’t see you at lunch. In fact, the next time Jungkook sees you, you’re wearing a short dress and leaning back against the bar in the nice restaurant in town.
He says your real name, and you give him a smile so pained he thinks for a second it isn’t you.
Then you say his name back. 
‘I’m hiding,’ you say by way of explanation, manoeuvring yourself so that he’s between you and the rest of the room.
‘Need a wingman?’ Jungkook offers, for lack of anything better to say. You’re leaning forward, head close to his, and from this vantage point he can see down the low neck of your dress. 
He forces his eyes back to your face. Thankfully you haven’t noticed his lapse.
You look morose. ‘I wish I had Snoopy to aim a laser at him,’ you reply. You brighten. ‘Maybe you could shoot him down.’
Jungkook’s only mildly concerned, he’s seen you being merciless in training exercises and he’s pretty sure you can look after yourself.
‘I don’t know why I bother to date,’ you sigh.
Then you seem to notice how smartly dressed he is. ‘Shit, sorry, are you meeting someone?’
‘She cancelled,’ Jungkook explains. ‘I have a table. I was looking forward to the wagyu.’
‘She’s a fool to cancel on you, look at you,’ you say, loyally. 
‘Where’s your date?’ Jungkook asks.
‘I excused myself to use the ladies,’ you say, face falling as you remember your predicament. ‘He was explaining how the F-18 weapons systems work.’
‘He knows you fly them, doesn’t he?’ Jungkook asks, incredulous.
You roll your eyes. ‘Some men.’ 
You shrug. ‘I should fly one over his house,’ you say, despondent. ‘We haven’t even ordered and I’m looking forward to leaving.’
There’s an unfamiliar male voice over Jungkook’s shoulder. 
‘There you are,’ says a good-looking, tall guy, smiling at you.
Jungkook’s always been quick on his feet. 
He turns to face the guy. ‘Honey,’ he says, voice exasperated. ‘I thought we weren’t doing this anymore.’
You blink up at him, so quick he has whiplash. ‘Baby, he’s cute, you said —-‘
‘I’m sorry,’ Jungkook says to the guy, acting embarrassed. ‘We’re in an open marriage but well, we agreed to —-‘
You slide smoothly up to him, hand hooking into the crook of his arm like you’ve done it a million times before. ‘But daddy —-‘
Jungkook stares you down sternly. ‘We said no more pickups unless we talk about it beforehand. And where’s your wedding ring?’
You pout up at him. ‘Daddy I can’t pick up guys with a wedding ring on.’ 
Jungkook sighs, turning back to your unfortunate date. ‘Sorry, man. We need to talk —-‘
The guy’s already backing away, hands up. ‘I had no idea,’ he says to Jungkook. ‘That she was married.’
Jungkook waves him away and turns back to you.
‘Daddy?’ he asks, under his breath. ‘Do I seem like a daddy to you?’
‘He’s out the door,’ you report, gracing him with a smile so bright he can’t help but smile back. ‘Do you still have your table? I like wagyu too.’
‘You’re buying, Kokinchan,’ Jungkook grumbles.
‘I’ll even spring for dessert,’ you promise. 
The steak’s as buttery and delicious as Jungkook had expected, going down easy with the wine you’d ordered with a careless gesture at the wine list.
You’re concentrating on your steak, humming as you enjoy it, and Jungkook likes watching you.
‘Why Kokinchan?’ he asks.
You narrow your eyes at him, skin gleaming in the candlelight. ‘I made Minseok cry once. And I cried too.’
‘What happened?’ 
‘Dropped the weight I was holding on his balls.’ You grimace. ‘He cried and I felt so bad I cried too, running him to the infirmary.’
‘On purpose?’
There’s a shadow across your expression. ‘Hyeok thought it’d be funny to sneak up on me and grab my ass. Minseok was a bystander.’
Jungkook’s got the sense there’s more to the story you’re not telling him. 
You shrug and change the subject. 
‘So how come your date ditched you?’ you ask. ‘Apart from that she’s an idiot, of course.’
‘Of course,’ agrees Jungkook, smiling crookedly at you.
It’s his turn to shrug. ‘Maybe she turned up and didn’t like the look of me.’
You scoff. ‘Please, you look great. That shade of blue suits you. Better than khaki and black, anyway. I didn’t know you had a lip ring.’
Jungkook’s trying to keep up. ‘I like wearing black.’
‘We wear black all the time,’ you reply. You gesture to the silvery dress you have on. ‘It’s nice to wear something else.’
Jungkook’s trying to think of something to say when you say, quickly. ‘I’m not fishing for a compliment. Just to clarify.’
‘I wasn’t going to give you one,’ he says, honestly. 
You laugh. ‘Shit. Thanks, I guess.’
You lift your wine and clink glasses with him. 
‘Cheers, Hawk. What do you want for dessert?’
Jungkook pays the taxi driver and is wondering if he should offer you his jacket when he realises you’re already halfway to the block of living quarters.
‘Wait up,’ he calls.
You wave a graceful arm at him without turning around. ‘I don’t put out on a first date, not even for a man who can fire a cannon.’
Jungkook stops, torn between amusement and exasperation.
‘I just wanted to say thanks for dinner,’ he says.
You turn, and he realises you’re more off-balance than he originally thought.
‘How drunk are you?’ he wonders out loud.
You tip your head to one side, counting.
Jungkook stares at you, brow furrowed.
‘Three,’ you say, decisive. ‘There are three of you.’
You shake your head. ‘No, four.’
‘Need help getting into your flat?’ Jungkook asks, rolling his eyes.
You frown at him, offended. ‘Of course not. See you at training tomorrow, Commander.’
You give him a tipsy salute and turn away.
Jungkook waits until you’re safely inside the building anyway.
Jungkook looks up as you slide into your seat in the briefing room. You’re technically right on time, but everyone else arrived ten minutes early.
You give him a tentative smile that he doesn’t have time to return. 
Colonel Park, a decorated veteran and director of the fighter pilot programme, clears his throat and begins.
Jungkook already knows about this upcoming mission, as leader of the 490th squadron, he’s been pre-briefed.
On the surface, it’s simple enough. The mission only needs four pilots, two to make a drop and two to create a diversion and cover the drop.
Jimin, back from medical leave and none the worse for wear, nods his way.
After the brief he comes up to Jungkook. 
‘Flip for it?’ he says, that familiar shit-eating grin on his face as Jungkook rolls his eyes.
Jungkook’s the most decorated pilot in the squadron but Jimin’s a close second. 
Jungkook shrugs.
Jimin produces a coin and flips it onto his palm. 
‘Heads,’ Jungkook calls.
It’s tails.
‘Great. I’ll make the drop, you provide the distraction. Also, you get Kokinchan,’ Jimin says.
‘Shit, did they just flip for us?’ Taehyung asks, nudging you, pretending to be offended.
You shrug. ‘All you boys look the same in my afterburner,’ you say, to a chorus of whoops from Jimin and Taehyung.
Jungkook catches your gaze. ‘If your trash talk’s as good as your flying, Kokinchan, we’ve got this,’ he says, easy.
‘My flying’s even better, Hawk, it’s your lucky day.’
Jungkook laughs and follows you to the locker rooms to suit up.
You’re tight on Jungkook’s tail, keeping up with him even though the terrain’s unfamiliar to you both.
He pulls his nose up. There’s a SMARD missile a few hundred meters away that he’s intentionally going to fly within radar detection range of, and then he’s relying on his own flying and your flares to evade.
He’s activating his mic to speak when your voice sounds in his in-ears.
‘Flares are ready when you are, Hawk.’
‘Glad you’re paying attention, baby.’
‘Maybe I’ll let them burn your ass for that.’
‘Sorry, Kokinchan. If it helps, I once called Durumi, baby. He’s never let me live it down.’
‘Durumi’s kind of a baby though, I see it.’
Jungkook laughs. 
‘Let’s go, Kokinchan.’
He adjusts his position, heading straight for the target.
He’s just entered the detection zone when his in-ears crackle with the voice of Hyemi from control. 
Jungkook has a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. 
‘Hawk, there’s a bandit, due North.’
It’s one thing to evade a SMARD, it’s another to evade a SMARD with a bandit, a hostile plane on you.
You’re already descending, trying to get out of range on the off-chance that Jungkook hasn’t triggered the SMARD.
He admires your optimism but he’s a realist.
Your voice is steady in his in-ears. ‘Ready to drop, Hawk.’
Jungkook says, terse, ‘Stay on me.’
He sees smoke, pulls back on the throttle, hard, to ascend, and you drop your flares like you’ve rehearsed it.
Your timing’s impeccable.
The SMARD zips past Jungkook just as you say, ‘don’t think he just wants to say ‘hi’’.
The bandit’s approaching too fast, right in your flight path.
He can hear you shouting, but he can’t make out any actual words apart from ‘motherfucker’, clear as day, as you fire your cannon.
The bandit implodes in front of them, a ball of burning shrapnel.
Then ‘ah shit, Hawk, I’m an engine down.’
Jungkook’s reassured by the tone of your voice, calm despite the fact you’re two octaves higher in pitch than you normally are.
‘Hey,’ he says, going for levity because you need to detach yourself from what’s just happened before the adrenaline overwhelms you. ‘Is that why they call you Kokinchan?’
‘Why?’ you ask, playing along, grasping at the hope of a punchline that you can actually laugh at to release some of the tension.
‘Because of that squeaky voice,’ he says.
His stupid joke doesn’t warrant the full-bodied laugh you let out, but Jungkook likes hearing it all the same.
‘You know what they really call you, Hawk?’ 
‘What?’ Jungkook asks, watching you carefully as you head back to base.
‘The boba-eyed fuckboi.’
‘Shut up, no one calls me that.’
You both laugh. 
Then, soft in his in-ears. ‘I can make it back with one engine right?’
‘Yeah,’ he says immediately, wanting to reassure you. ‘Just don’t break the other one.’
‘Yeah. See you on the ground, Hawk.’
‘I’ll be in your afterburner, Kokinchan.’
The last thing he hears before you land is your soft laughter.
He’s reminded again of how much he likes the way you sound.
Jungkook climbs out of his cockpit, looking around for you.
He finds you hunched over a bin next to the hangar, eyes watering, hand on your stomach.
Wordlessly, he hands you his water.
You flick your eyes at him as you accept and take a big swig, wiping your mouth. 
Jungkook leans against the wall next to you, head back, not wanting you to feel like he’s intruding. The setting sun warms the skin on his face and neck.
When he opens his eyes, you’re looking at him.
The ends of your hair are on fire, backlit by the sunset. 
You’re beautiful.
‘I’ve —‘ you stop, swallow. ‘I’ve never killed someone before, Hawk.’ 
Jungkook knows what you’re really asking. He’s taken down two fighters in combat because he had to. It’d taken him a while to feel normal again. 
He’s not sure he even still knows what normal is. 
‘You think about it less over time,’ he says carefully, wanting to reassure you but not wanting to give you unrealistic expectations. 
You’re looking at him intently, searching his face. 
Jungkook lets you look, stays still, gazing back at you steadily, unflinching, until you find whatever it is you’re looking for. 
You both seem to realise how close you’re standing to each other at the same time. 
You take a step back because he can’t, pressed with his back against the wall. 
‘Hey, let’s get a beer,’ he says. 
‘You buying?’ you ask, reverting to your default spiky personality. 
Jungkook has the urge to hug you, to tell you that you don’t have to put up your spikes with him, that he’ll toe whatever boundaries you put in front of him. 
Instead he says, ‘yeah. I’ll even spring for dinner, Kokinchan.’ 
Back at the locker room you drop your boots next to his. ‘I think I dropped my locker keys,’ you say, frowning. 
Jungkook says, gently, ‘you don’t have to worry about me stealing your boots.’ 
Again, he gets the odd sense that he’s missing something when he sees your expression. 
All you say is, ‘I’d like Italian for dinner please, Hawk.’ 
Jungkook’s ready to buy you whatever you want to eat. 
The restaurant’s busy for a Thursday but Jungkook gets you in, no problem. He doesn’t even have to use his ‘boba eyes’ although he’s sure that’s not a thing.
You’re smiling at him, open and so pretty he’s wondering how inappropriate it would be to kiss you, when your eyes focus on something behind him.
The guarded, carefully blank expression that drops across your face reminds him of curtains being drawn, of shutters being snapped shut.
‘Hyeok,’ you say tightly, and Jungkook doesn’t have to know you well, at all, to hear the tension in your voice.
Your shoulders are around your ears.
Jungkook feels tense himself as Hyeok and Sungcheol, another pilot from 492nd, stop by the table.
‘Hey, Kokinchan,’ Hyeok says. 
The words are harmless enough, but Jungkook doesn’t like the way he sounds. He especially doesn’t like the way he looks at you. 
Hyeok nods to Jungkook. ‘Commander.’
‘Heard you took down an F-15 today,’ Hyeok says.
‘What’s your point?’ you ask, voice low, barely veiled hostility in your eyes.
Jungkook wants to tell you he’s got you but you’re not even looking at him.
‘Is that what it takes to get the Commander to buy you dinner?’ Hyeok asks.
The insinuation is clear.
‘Why don’t you try it and let me know?’ you ask.
There’s a taunting, defiant note in your voice that Jungkook can’t help but admire.
He stands. ‘If you’ll excuse us, I promised Kokinchan dinner for saving our asses earlier,’ he says firmly, indicating they should move on.
When he sits back down you’re quiet until he says, ‘hey.’
The look you give him is very different from how you’d been until now. He’s reminded of that first time he sat across from you at breakfast, how you’d finished your scalding hot coffee in record time in your haste to move.
‘Why are fighter pilots such assholes,’ you mutter.
‘I don’t know. A baseline disrespect for authority or anyone who tells us ‘no’? A deluded sense of god-like power from cheating death repeatedly?’
You’re looking at him again, and Jungkook’s not going to let you hide back in your shell.
‘You and I are still the same, Kokinchan, and today we’ve earned these carbs. Eat up.’
‘I didn’t know you’d ever met a carb,’ you say, but there’s a smile tugging at your lips now.
‘Thank you for noticing,’ Jungkook says, flexing.
The smile on your face is brief, only lasting the gap between bites, but it’s enough for Jungkook.
By the time dessert comes round Jungkook’s gently teasing you, revelling in your embarrassment as he reminds you about the choice swear words you shouted into his in-ears during the mission.
‘You’re one to talk,’ you say. ‘You sound really breathy when you’re gaining altitude.’
Jungkook raises a brow.
‘It’s practically pornographic,’ you continue.
Jungkook rolls his eyes. ‘Please, Durumi is more pornographic than me. You should hear him when he’s pushing g’s.’
‘Oh my god, Baby G’s the worst,’ you say, but there’s affection in your voice.
‘That’s because his voice is sexy as a baseline,’ Jungkook points out. 
‘Yeah, we used to share a flat before I got fed up with hearing all his sex talk,’ you say. 
‘He does seem like the kind of guy who’d talk a lot during sex,’ Jungkook agrees.
‘Just noises are fine for me thanks, throw in a couple of oh baby’s and I’m good,’ you say, lightly.
Jungkook realises you’ve made it all the way to your door. 
You say, ‘thanks for dinner, Hawk,’ but you don’t move, standing with your back pressed against the door.
Jungkook feels like he’s not ready to say goodbye, but he’s not going to push you into anything.
‘It does get better,’ he tells you. 
You smile. ‘The aftermath of taking down another pilot or Baby G’s sex talk? Because Taehyung only gets worse, I can tell you.’
You’re joking of course, deflecting again.
Jungkook can feel your eyes on his face.
He leans forward a little, putting his weight on the closed door, giving you time to move if you want to.
Instead you stay put, face tilted to his.
There’s no reason to be standing like this apart from that he very badly wants to kiss you.
‘Hawk,’ you breathe. You’re reaching up, pressing a chaste, sweet kiss to his cheek. 
‘Thanks for dinner.’
Jungkook smiles at you. ‘Anytime, Kokinchan.’
You smile at him again, then turn and let yourself into your apartment.
Jungkook’s left with a vague tightness in his pants and a sense that this thing with you could be something good if you let it.
Jungkook wakes the next morning thinking of you.
His hand brushes his erect cock, fingers tightening around himself.
He pumps his fist once, the memory of your pretty lips on his cheek making his dick harden even more.
He’s no virgin but the thought of getting to see you in the pale lace lingerie he’d glimpsed that night he’d run into you at that restaurant and accidentally looked down the low neck of your top makes him keep moving his fist.
Shit. Is he really doing this?
Even as he ponders the morality of it his hands are moving, uncapping the lube he keeps under his mattress like he’s some teenager and not a full grown adult who changes his own sheets.
Jungkook groans at the slide, dick hardening even more as he remembers how firm your breasts felt against his chest when you kissed him.
Fuck, you’d kissed him! With those lips he’s been a little too respectful to imagine around his cock. 
God, you’d smelled so good.
He’s gasping now, hand moving faster, other hand cupping his balls. 
He thinks of the breathy gasp you’d let out when you landed the F-15, the way your voice sounds when you say ‘fuck’ and he’s gone.
As he’s cleaning up he wonders, a little guiltily, whether he’ll be able to look you in the face at breakfast.
As it turns out, he doesn’t see you at breakfast.
He’s picking up his gear from the locker room, when he notices that your boots have moved from where they were next to his.
He frowns. It takes him a while to spot them, longer to realise why they look odd.
Your laces have been cut, all the way across the middle, laid open, useless.
He picks them up, heads for the mess lounge. 
Stops in front of the stupid bulletin board no one ever looks at, including him.
There’s a picture of you, but not as he’s ever seen you before.
It’s your face, certainly, pretty and smiling, stuck onto a printout of a naked female body. 
It’s glaring, crude, invasive. 
Jungkook stares at it incredulously, startles guiltily when he hears your voice.
You tear it off the bulletin board, crumpling it in your fist.
‘I’d chuck it in the trash but there’s no guarantee someone wouldn’t just lift it out and put it up again,’ you say, voice carefully, cautiously flat.
You nod to the boots in his hand. 
‘I have a new set of laces, I always have a spare pair with me,’ you say. 
Jungkook lets you take the boots from him.
He finds his voice.
‘Has this happened before, Y/N?’
You wince at the sound of your real name instead of your callsign.
You shrug. 
‘I don’t have anything to say about it, Commander.’
Like you, Jungkook blinks at the sting of his title instead of the more familiar ‘Hawk’ he’d got accustomed to you calling him. 
‘Kokinchan,’ he says, willing you to trust him.
You’re looking above his head, through him instead of at him.
‘I can help. If someone in the squadron is doing all this I can help make it stop,’ Jungkook says.
You’re looking at him now, eyes softening.
‘It’s a society that enables this kind of hateful misogyny that has to change, Hawk, not you.’
There’s a sadness to your smile that punches him in the chest.
You turn, back straight, and leave the room as he’s trying to think of something to say.
You’re sitting with Jimin at dinner when Jungkook turns up. 
‘You ok?’ Jungkook asks. He hasn’t seen you since the lounge, he’d had to go to another brief.
Your expression is difficult to read. 
‘I’m good, Hawk. Heard you got called in by Colonel Park.’
Jimin’s looking at him expectantly, so Jungkook allows the change of subject.
‘We’ve got another job to do,’ he says, reluctantly. ‘We’ll get a full brief tomorrow but it’s another drop.’
‘Who’s going?’ Jimin asks.
‘We need six,’ Jungkook says, ‘and two alternates.’
He looks at you. 
‘You’re flying with Skua.’
Skua is Hyeok’s callsign.
‘Fuck that. I’ll fly with Skua,’ Jimin says, instantly, vehement. ‘You can’t put Kokinchan in with that asshole.’
You’re looking at Jungkook, expression blank. It’s only the tenseness in your shoulders that gives any sign that any of this affects you.
‘I’m guessing you and Durumi are up front, and me and Skua and Baby G and Snoopy are wingmen?’
Jungkook says, ‘if you and Skua have a problem you need to let me know.’
He’s open to changing things around, hell, he’ll lie through his teeth if there’s any genuine risk from pairing you with Skua.
He’ll get you the hell out if you ask.
Instead you say, ‘there’s no problem, Hawk.’
‘That asshole —-‘ Jimin starts indignantly.
You put your hand on his arm. ‘Durumi, I can’t fly if I can’t work in a team with everyone,’ you say.
‘Swap me out with Baby G, he can fly lead and Snoopy and Skua can pair up. I’ll fly with Kokinchan,’ Jimin says to Jungkook.
You say, so lightly Jungkook’s almost fooled, ‘you’re too good to fly wing, Jimin. Also, come on, me and Skua have flown together before.’
Jimin argues, ‘before he tried to grab your ass? Before he tried to pull your top down? Before the hundredth time he cut your laces? Before he left that obscene picture of you on the billboard?’
Jungkook’s stunned. ‘It was Hyeok who did all that?’
You say, very firmly, ‘I can’t prove that he cut my laces or printed that picture.’
You put your hand on Jimin’s arm again. ‘Jimin, if I made a formal complaint, you know I’d be grounded whilst an investigation took place.’
Jungkook says, ‘you wouldn’t be grounded—‘
He breaks off at the look you give him. 
‘He’s never done anything whilst we’ve been flying,’ you point out. ‘He wants to fly just as much as I do, as we all do.’
You’re pushing away from the dinner table, lifting your tray. 
‘It’ll be fine, Hawk,’ you say. You put your hand on Jimin’s shoulder, and, reluctantly, he puts his hand over yours. 
‘I’m gonna get some downtime before tomorrow,’ you say. 
You’re walking away like there’s nothing left to say.
You’re almost late again, sliding in the seat next to Jungkook at the brief the next morning with barely thirty seconds to spare.
He glances at you. 
Your hair is pulled back, the collar of your jumpsuit folded neatly. 
You’re crisp, clean, and you give him a smile so detached he wants to shake you.
The brief is quick, it’s a route you’ve all flown before, and you’ve been training together for weeks now.
Jungkook’s getting changed into his g-suit when he realises you’re not in the locker room with the rest of the team.
He’s about to go looking for you, when you emerge from the single shower cubicle, fully suited up. 
‘Thanks, Durumi,’ you say quietly.
Jimin’s been getting changed himself outside the cubicle door whilst you got changed inside, blocking any access to you.
Jimin replies, ‘no problem, Kokinchan. Laces all good?’
Jungkook looks at your feet and realises you’ve swapped out your regulation black laces for bright orange. 
‘They’re great,’ you say, beaming at him. ‘Aren’t they, Hawk?’
‘You’ll be visible from space in those,’ teases Jungkook. 
You’re looking around as you reach the runway. 
Jungkook says, cautiously, ‘Skua got swapped out.’
You glance at him, surprised. ‘What happened?’
‘Baby G’s taking the lead on this one.’
You’re listening, waiting for him to continue.
‘I’m flying with you,’ Jungkook says.
You raise an eyebrow warily. ‘What’s behind this, Hawk?’
Jungkook says, ‘Colonel Park felt Baby G needed a push to step up.’
You’re not letting him off the hook that easily. ‘Did you suggest it to him?’
‘Yeah,’ Jungkook confesses. He says, carefully, ‘I spoke to Hyeok.’
You’re quiet, guarded. ‘What did he say?’
Jungkook’s got no desire to go over the comments Hyeok had made about you.
‘He didn’t help himself,’ Jungkook says, finally. 
You’ve reached the F-18. You climb into the front seat. 
From where he’s sat in the back Jungkook can’t see your face clearly.
You connect your helmet, turn on your mic.
‘I don’t know whether it’s worse to have someone be contemptuous of you or to feel sorry for you,’ you say. 
Jungkook’s scrambling for something to say, but you’re not waiting for him to speak anyway, nodding to your tech. 
You give the signal, the canopy comes down and then you’re going through your checks, flipping switches, checking your status with control.
Then you’re speeding down the runway, burning your way into the horizon.
Jungkook’s concentrating, focusing in on your target as you navigate the terrain. 
You’re fast, confident, and Jungkook likes your style. 
For making a drop though, your speed means his window for firing is limited if you’re to have any hope of hitting your target.
Neither of you can afford to mess up the timing.
Up ahead, Baby G and Durumi are blazing through, and Snoopy’s timed the first drop beautifully.
You descend smoothly, and Jungkook’s knows he’s timed it perfectly when the target implodes.
You’ve already got the throttle pulled back, hissing through your teeth at the g-forces holding you down, fighting through it.
Then you’re gliding, evening out.
You sigh shakily, and Jungkook, on autopilot, checks his peripherals.
There’s smoke. 
‘What is it Hawk?’ you ask, instantly on guard.
Jungkook knows you’re a good pilot, but in this moment he sure as hell wishes he was in the driving seat.
‘It’s an MD45,’ he says, clear, calm.
You’re quiet a moment.
An MD45 is tech beyond your own military capabilities, a missile that’s reportedly impossible to evade.
Two of your own were taken out by an MD45 last month.
You say, ‘well shit.’
Jungkook’s thinking of your squadron in front of you and the terrain up ahead. 
‘How do you feel about flying into the side of a mountain, Kokinchan?’ 
‘At this speed, our time to die is five seconds, if that, Commander,’ you say. To your credit, your voice is steady, neutral, as you process his words.
‘Have you ejected before?’ Jungkook asks. 
‘I usually wait for a third date before I let a guy eject on me,’ you say. 
Jungkook’s bark of laughter surprises you both. 
‘I guess we’re going to second base. Don’t worry baby, I’ll make it good for you.’
He can see the craggy rock of the side of the mountain coming up fast.
It takes four seconds from pulling the ejection handle to being ejected.
The speed you’re going, it’ll be ten seconds to impact.
A time to die of ten seconds. 
‘Canopy the fuck up, Hawk,’ you say, turning the plane. 
He can see you reaching down between your legs, pulling up the ejection handle. 
A beat of total stillness.
The canopy slides back, bringing with it a rush of wind. 
Jungkook can’t hear anything but the pounding of his heart, can’t see anything but the back of your helmet, the way your shoulders are squared. 
Jungkook closes his eyes as he’s shot into the sky. 
Below him, there’s the sense of tremendous impact as the F-15 flies straight into the mountain, followed by the MD45.
Jungkook’s chute unfolds, a ceiling of cream protecting him from the sky. 
He wonders where you are.
When he opens his eyes, there’s a swirling blue sky above him, clouds floating across his field of view.
He’s on his back. He can move all his limbs.
Jungkook unclips his harness and rolls out of his landing gear.
He sits up, slowly, taking stock of his injuries. Apart from an almighty crick in his neck and grazes on both his knees, he’s unharmed.
Now he’s looking for you, squinting against the sun.
There’s a spill of cream a hundred feet away, so much parachute he can’t even see you.
He approaches, lifting the parachute, looking for you amidst the folds of fabric.
There’s a flash of neon orange laces, a booted foot, and Jungkook drops to his knees as he tugs the material off you.
Your arms are strapped in, a safety mechanism in your flight jacket. It looks like you landed on your back. You’re still out cold.
He touches your face.
He can hear the panic in his voice. He doesn’t sound like himself.
Fair enough. He doesn’t feel like himself.
He’s checking you over for injuries when he hears your voice.
‘Fuck,’ you say, peeking down at him. ‘Thank fuck you swapped out with Skua.’
Jungkook’s leaning over you, close to your face.
Your smile makes him feel like he can breathe again.
Apparently you feel the same. 
‘Hey, Hawk,’ you say, pulling him down to you. ‘Can we go to third base now?’
Jungkook’s lips are already pressed to your skin, next to your mouth. 
You turn your head the slightest fraction, and your lips meet.
The adrenaline washes out of his veins, replaced by a sweet, singing pleasure as he kisses you.
Your hands grab fistfuls of his g-suit, tight, as you part your lips and take him in.
‘Fuck, Hawk, fuck,’ you murmur, breathless, warm, gasping as he leaves your lips to kiss around to your ear, down your neck.
Jungkook reaches for the zipper down your front only to realise you’ve beaten him to it.
He tries for his own zipper, realises you’ve beaten him to that too.
‘Let me help, Kokinchan,’ he says. He means it to sound teasing but it comes out urgent, breathy.
‘Don’t make me wait, Hawk,’ you reply.
Jungkook’s tugging down your undersuit, revealing pink lace, so pretty he wonders if the fall affected his vision.
He splays his hand over your panties, dizzy, elated, verging on drunken wonder.
‘Are you always this pretty?’ he wonders. ‘All this under that stupid flight suit?’
He’s rubbing his thumb over your cunt, and the way you whimper and roll up into his hand makes him realise how hard he’s getting.
You cup his face. ‘I need you, Hawk,’ you plead.
‘I’m here,’ he says, pulling his own suit down, pushing his undersuit down just enough.
Then he’s on top of you, pushing into you, trying not to come as you take all of him inside you and wrap your arms around him like you’re afraid he’ll leave.
Jungkook can’t think of anywhere else he’d rather be. 
He can’t think.
So he moves, because if nothing else he knows how to do this, even when you’re stuck in the middle of nowhere and you’ve just crashed a fucking plane into a fucking mountain and almost fucking died in the process.
He knows how to do this, knows how to please you. 
He moves, holds on long enough to hear you crying out his name as you come, holds on long enough to reach his own pleasure.
Then you’re sobbing, tears on his neck as he holds you, and then, fuck all this shit, Jungkook’s crying too.
Jungkook’s amused to know you tuck a credit card in one of your breast pockets whenever you fly, for the express purpose of if you ever got stranded anywhere. 
He’s grateful when your credit card gets you a hire car. 
He’s laughing when you discover he also carries his wallet and ID whenever he flies but didn’t bother to tell you, enjoying how goshdarned cute you were when you waved your credit card at him triumphantly. 
Jungkook volunteers to drive, and you badger him until he stops at a gas station for snacks. 
It’s not badgering, even though you seem to think it is. He likes it. 
Now you’re in the passenger seat, reclined all the way back, looking up through the sunroof, singing along to digital radio, getting all the words wrong. 
When he joins in you stop and stare at him. 
‘What?’ he asks, self-conscious. 
‘You have a pretty voice, Hawk,’ you tell him. 
It’s not the first time he’s heard it, but he likes hearing it from you. 
You put your hand on his arm, tracing along his skin. 
You’re both stripped down to your regs, plain t-shirts and pants, your helmets and g-suits, your survival kits in the backseat. 
You keep looking over at him, oohing and aahing over his tattoos. 
Jungkook holds out as long as he can, but when the sun starts to set and you’re still looking at him like you can’t stop he pulls the car over and makes love to you in the backseat. 
It’s all new still, a little awkward but Jungkook doesn’t care because he’s already decided he wants to learn all of you. 
He wants to know you, to treasure you. 
You’re sat up, holding on to his shoulders, bodies sated but still pressed against each other. 
‘Hawk,’ you say, nudging under his chin with your nose. 
Jungkook opens his eyes. ‘You’re insatiable, Kokinchan.’ 
‘It’s not that, you idiot,’ you say, although you’re giggling at him. ‘Can I drive?’ 
‘The last time you drove us, we flew into the side of a mountain and cost the government just over a mil,’ Jungkook points out.
‘You told me to!’ you say, indignant. 
Jungkook kisses your sweaty cheek, twice because he wanted more after the first one. 
You turn your head to kiss him full on the lips, slip him some tongue. 
Jungkook reaches up to pull you closer, but you’re already pulling away, pulling up those lacy panties, covering up your pretty ass that Jungkook would look at until he went blind if you let him. 
‘I want more,’ Jungkook tells you. 
You pause with your hands on your pants button. ‘Me too, Hawk.’ 
‘I’m not –’
He waits until you look at him again. 
‘I don’t just mean sex,’ Jungkook says.
You turn to face him. There’s a hesitant note in your voice. 
‘I put in a transfer request yesterday,’ you say. Your eyes search his face. ‘I’ve requested a move to 489th, under Min Yoongi.’ 
Jungkook’s surprised. ‘Were you going to tell me?’ 
‘Right after the mission,’ you say, instantly, so convincing he doesn’t doubt your honesty. 
‘It’s just easier,’ you continue. ‘I’ve worked with him before. There’s another woman in his squadron. There’s no Skua.’ 
Jungkook’s still looking at you. 
‘I don’t have to worry about the man I’m dating being put in a difficult position.’
Jungkook’s so busy thinking about your words it takes him a while to realise what you’ve said. 
‘I don’t just want to date you,’ he says, finally. 
Your smile is so bright he kisses you again. 
‘We should take it slow,’ you say, but there’s a mischievous sparkle in your eyes.
Jungkook asks, ‘When have you or I ever done that?’ 
‘There’s a first time for everything,’ you say. 
Jungkook reaches out and grabs your hand as you’re climbing out to get into the driver’s seat. 
‘We can go as slow as you want, Kokinchan.’ 
Jungkook hovers above the runway, having cut his speed to the point that he’s at a complete standstill in the air. 
Like this, he can barely tell he’s flying.
A flick of a button and he’s into another vertical descent. 
This time, it’s perfect. Even he can’t fault it. 
He climbs out of the cockpit and steps down onto the runway tarmac. 
He glances at his watch. He was meant to meet you for dinner tonight, he’s got enough time to pick you up some flowers before he meets you. 
At first he thinks it’s a trick of the light, but when you start walking towards him he realises it really is you. 
You’re so pretty in your dress, Jungkook stops in his tracks just to watch you. 
You stop just in front of him, shorter than usual without your boots. 
He has to lean down a little more to kiss you but he doesn’t mind. 
You roll your eyes as he takes the opportunity to squeeze your ass under the pretense of lifting you up more to reach him. 
‘Hawk,’ you chide.
‘Kokinchan,’ he teases, dragging out the syllables like you did with his callsign. 
He keeps his arm around you as you walk towards the locker rooms together. 
‘What do you want for dinner, Kokinchan?’ 
‘Can we have dessert first?’ you ask, feigning innocence, looking up at him through your lashes.
God, he loves the look of you. 
‘Yeah,’ Jungkook agrees, readily. He leans down to kiss you again. ‘Anything you want.’ 
©hamsterclaw 2023
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desognthinking · 8 months
recruitment drive. 5.3k. (or, the haunted house designers au.)
Suzanne sends the pre-meeting email just one and a half hours before the onboarding call is scheduled to begin. Beatrice knows this because her watch buzzes just as she emerges from the bathroom, wringing her hair dry after her post-run shower.
It’s still the middle of the night back in America. Beatrice thinks Suzanne just doesn’t sleep. 
She makes herself a pot of tea and carefully sets her mug down onto its cork coaster at the dining table. Her phone, face-down on the table, vibrates thrice as she boots up the laptop.
She flips it over: three texts from Lilith. That’s two too many. 
A curious sense of anticipation, and perhaps the shallowest hints of doubt, settles over the skin of her neck as she loads up her unread mail. It’s uncharacteristic of Suzanne to forward basic administrative material at such late notice. Especially since it concerns mere formalities like the Zoom link for later, and the confirmation of the meeting participants – an email that should take less than two minutes to formulate. After all, everyone already knows the team heading the expansion project.
Beatrice had mentioned this to Camila once, recently, during their weekly lunch call. Week six or six thousand into their strictly enforced remote work sojourn (the only way, Suzanne said, she could ensure that no Extra Responsibilities would be surreptitiously taken on) and she was already pacing the room from boredom and overthinking.
Camila had reminded her that, in her defense, Suzanne had just been out on that scouting trip in Peru without reliable internet. Whatever spare bandwidth she did have was probably best served hurdling over the mountains of administrative obstacles these new pop-up Houses inevitably would create. Not fretting over Zoom links.
Camila, as always, is sensible; probably the most sensible of them all. So Beatrice very seriously, and very conscientiously, takes a deep breath and runs through that one breathing exercise she’d found very helpful from her therapist.
Suzanne is a stickler. She holds her cards carefully close to her chest, arranged back and forth in some pattern nobody but she can see, and Beatrice trusts her fully. And that’s all that should matter – as Suzanne had made glaringly clear, even before she’d sat the three of them down one by one in her office, and then emailed them the remuneration clauses – that she’d wanted Beatrice for the job, had worked to convince her for it.
For an industry chest-deep in the currency of terror, Beatrice had – has never been lured by the screams. 
It is tradition for a House’s creative team to prowl the exit on opening night.  Maybe grab a drink and share a toast to the accompaniment of desperate footsteps sprinting out, or breathless, choked sobs at the gates. 
Beatrice doesn’t like that. Ever since she got personally banned by Mary from coldly going through the whole maze (yet again) with a clipboard on Night One while bona fide, ticket-purchasing customers were busy hollering their heads off, she’s preferred to go home right after the ceremony to a mug of hot chamomile and a dogeared autobiography. 
She plans to keep it that way, too. There is nothing more distasteful than cheap gore, or cultish fantasy, or whichever half-baked nightmare slough some over-excited writer could dredge up from the hallucinatory afterburn of a weekend bender.
She carefully takes a sip of her tea, gazing out into brightening but still charred-gray skies. She’d had an interview in Tales of Terror last year, and hadn’t known whether to be flattered or dismayed at the opening paragraph. 
‘You wouldn’t guess this is the home of the woman responsible for some of the most blood-curdling, spine-chilling effects, traps and rooms of the last half-decade. Nothing in her fourth-floor unit screams Creative Psycho. Every pale beige curtain in her flat is drawn wide, light flooding in. There are no letterboxd-worthy poster displays from the indie foreign films she watches religiously for research – only a framed print collection of early twentieth century European urban landscape paintings. There are no carpets, it’s almost unsettlingly clean, and there’s not a single ounce of bedragglement. Beatrice tells us, mild mannered and polite almost to a fault, that this is how she likes it.’
(Are you sure you want me?)
“Precisely,” Suzanne had said, careful and stern, “we need precisely that.” She’d been rolling a brass knuckle tightly over the surface of her desk as she spoke. Beatrice thought it produced a gorgeous, rich sound. 
“We need reinvention. Reinterpretation. Things should not be left to stagnate, for their own sake,” she’d stared at Beatrice meaningfully. “This applies to people too.” 
Beatrice had simply stared back, uncertain.
“Besides,” Suzanne turned away, the edge of her mouth twisting up like she knew something Beatrice didn’t, “As I’m sure you know by now, the workload will be shared.”
It made sense then that Suzanne had last year taken them aside to allocate them as leads to three of the flagship site’s Houses that season. Upon their successes she had allocated them, despite protests, those purely consultancy and remote assistance roles for this year’s season. 
Two years ago Beatrice and Lilith were section heads in their respective maze portions. Camila, then freshly poached by the firm, was primary set designer of the same House. That year they huddled together night after night and sixteen-hour days to cobble together something out of the most dysfunctional House of that year’s stable of nine.
The lead for said House was a man called Vincent. He was woefully incompetent to the point of unintentional sabotage. He had, of course, slunk away quietly upon the season’s conclusion, but until then the three of them had had to spend wee hours crawling up and clawing at walls and reinforcements and contractors that had been given contradictory instructions.
They built an easy partnership, eventually – disciplined and stone-smooth efficient to the extent that Beatrice reluctantly allowed herself to catch a few agonizing hours of unguilty sleep each night.
And through necessity she had come to know them as well, as only a truly nightmarish haunted house build will have you know a person.
After that wretched time they had been wrenched apart. The OCS had multiple Houses to churn out at full steam and speed every season, and a brutal reputation to maintain. The cruel prize of a job well done involved getting split up, even if for bigger, better things.
But the point is, they’re tried and tested. Beatrice likes that. She isn’t sure she would have agreed to taking on this challenge otherwise, and she knows Suzanne knows that, too. 
It is a weight on her shoulders, irregular and uncomfortably shifting across her shoulder blades; a worry that any success she has in executing such an endeavor would be largely circumstantial.
Last summer, long before everything had been set in stone, Shannon sent her a link to an Instagram post. It detailed some theories and speculations over an unnamed upcoming OCS expansion. A strategic leak, perhaps, although Beatrice worked far too distantly from the marketing team to be certain.
They were lying next to each other on the mud-streaked safety mats they put over the wooden boards beside the building site. Her building site. The one with the credits board, hooked up at the exit, that would bear her name first at the top. 
It had been the muggiest, most intolerable time of the day when Shannon, overseeing production on this half of the Houses, had come round, somehow hoisting a bulky IKEA carrier over her neck and under her left arm. She pulled out a variety of chips and buns that she’d gone down to the shops to buy, and handed them out far too cheerfully for someone who must have already half-melted in the heat. When Beatrice raised her eyebrows, glancing over behind the barriers where Mary’s motorcycle very conspicuously was parked, Shannon merely winked – poorly – and pretended to be very innocent. 
She stayed to help, afterwards, peering over the storyboards pinned up on the board like it wasn’t the thousandth time she’d gone over them. That year she’d also had her own House to take care of, in addition to the small matter of co-running the entire season’s program. So Beatrice tried to weakly bat her away, but she pulled out a banana from some back pocket, peeled it, took a large bite with a moan so obnoxiously loud Beatrice turned red, and shushed her.    
At this point construction was going ahead in full force, and Beatrice would frequently navigate every step of the maze and inspect every bolt and hidden door with a pocket-sized Moleskine in her hand and three gel pens in her pocket. Yasmine, her head writer, preferred to make notes directly onto her phone, stopwatch dangling from her wrist and an earbud in her ear as she ran over the preliminary audio cues for each section. Ambling behind them, Shannon found a nail and tried to spin it as long as she could on her fingertip. When the nail rolled off into a groove, irretrievable, she dusted off her hands very innocently on her cargo pants and off the back of her greasy tank top. Then she folded her hands behind her back and looked up very seriously to examine overhead mechanisms that Beatrice ‘might be too short to see clearly’. 
With the work lights strung up, the innards of the House did not look particularly scary. 
To Beatrice it was a purely cerebral challenge, despite the very physical layer of sweat, powder, and grime that pressed itself under one’s skin. A puzzle to fit and form and reverse-engineer under cool light; door mechanisms and false ceilings and spring-loaded foam sprays, optimized and timed within fractions of a second. Clean, clockwork.
And as if to prevent her from getting hauled fully into the vortex of her mind, Shannon accompanied the little pilgrimage around the set, pressing a water bottle firmly into Beatrice’s hands every half-hour. It made Beatrice feel like a moody little child, but she accepted it grudgingly every time. 
At the end of the day Beatrice sent everyone home twenty minutes early, and ordered dinner for her and Shannon to eat out on the boards. Fast food, Shannon insisted, and she would be paying for it, because “do you know what day it is tomorrow?”
“It’s not my birthday.”
“It’s better than your birthday.”
And to Beatrice, that was true, so she kept quiet.
After that, they lay down for a while, two cans of soda cracked open and resting on the square of wood beside them that hadn’t been covered by the mats. Shannon sent her the post, then, and when Beatrice complained limply that she couldn’t read the comments because she didn’t have an account, Shannon rolled her eyes and handed over her own phone. 
She made a peculiar dialect of eye contact with Beatrice as she did so; weighty, certainly, and telling. 
The post itself featured garish word art splattered over a mangled, heavily-filtered edited image of one of the previous seasons’ Houses – a fan favorite, actually, from the year Beatrice had first joined. Back then she was still working shifts on the engineering team, not even yet being assigned a maze section to look after its technical execution. 
There was a rumor, the post said, that the OCS was considering broadening its operations to seasonal pop-ups in different cities. All-new sets, all-new storylines, all-new takes on the haunted house experience. What do you think? The caption asked, Do you want more of the OCS brand of sleek, seriously messed-up and sickeningly chilling?
Below that a disclaimer: Not appropriate for young children! Please remember that this is not your typical carnival house of mirrors.
A staggering amount of likes and comments. Beatrice clicked to expand the latter, saw the word ‘legacy’ in the topmost one, and then quickly swiped to close the app entirely. 
Mary and Shannon grinned up at her from the home screen, half-buried in sand somewhere on their Greek island-hopping honeymoon. 
Shannon raised her eyebrows as she received her phone back, and Beatrice suddenly understood the meaningful look she’d been given. Are you ready? 
She reached out blindly for her soda can and finished the rest of the drink in one long, shuddering gulp.
At lunch the next day, Beatrice’s fifth year OCS anniversary was celebrated with some fanfare in the makeup and fittings trailer, where Beatrice had spent the whole morning hunched over fabric textures she could barely distinguish from each other.
Everyone came down from their sets, even Mary and Shannon. Beatrice thought they must have been exhausted; they had stayed late the previous night, after Beatrice had left, to thread their way softly through the OCS’ gaping campus of half-built sets. Simply looking over their modest kingdom. It had a certain wistful luster; in this summer twilight it was a garden of greenhouses, transparent and skeletal. A complex slowly unfurled over the years. Ghostly-quiet, too, in a way it could never be in the throes of peak season. 
Mary waited for Shannon at the gates of the House, silhouette sharp against the work lights, as Beatrice had gotten up to pack for the night. Up by the lockers she glanced over, but looked away when their hands fell gently together. They walked slowly away, murmuring things she couldn’t hear. 
When Beatrice bolted the gate to leave, it clacked too loudly, and they’d called over to say goodbye, dark intertwined shadows stretched grotesquely and longingly over sawdust towards her.
Nevertheless they had made it to the celebration the following day, Mary holding aloft a large creamy cake. Unlike the customary employee milestone cakes, dark and billowing and elaborately stylized with elements of houses previously worked on, Beatrice’s was plain white, with light blue frosting.
The celebration moved outside to the large, white refreshments tent, industrial fans blowing hot, coarse air. Beatrice marveled at how everyone seemed to be able to fit under its canvas. The team working on her House had all come, of course, pooling money for a hamper, and so did a surprising number of others across the other sets.
Lilith and Camila arrived together, squeezing through the throngs to the unsteady plastic table at the center. “We were not bringing your gift into this slaughterhouse,” Lilith huffed, “you’ll have to go back to the office to get it.”
“What is it?”
Lilith scoffed. “Why would we ruin the surprise?”
Camila put her hand on Beatrice’s shoulder. “What we’re really here to say is that we’re proud we’ve been able to work with you during these five years, and we hope we’ll get a chance to do it again.” Beatrice looked at Lilith, who shrugged, stabbing her paper plate.
Mary, still slicing up the cake and handing them out, stopped to meet Beatrice’s eyes. She grinned.
It was many months later, deep into November, that Suzanne had made the formal pitch in her office. By then social media was awash with rumors of possible locations where the OCS could plant their pop-ups. Names, too – there were spreadsheets and Clue-esque checklists on Reddit lining up members of every significant OCS creative team in its past iterations in vertical rows. There even were columns of ‘evidence’ For and Against each individual’s involvement in the as-good-as-guaranteed pop-ups project.
Beatrice couldn’t tear her eyes away as the online crowd reached a consensus, drawing red circles in damning permanent marker ink again and again and again around the names that everything pointed towards. She closed the browser before getting to the point where the discussions dissolved and devolved into bitter catfights over creators’ artistic styles, as they always did.
Suzanne’s office, for as long as Beatrice had worked at OCS, felt like something out of a natural history museum. It was all burnished wood, walls fully doused in dark, rich green, and glass display cases of her collection of Southern European invertebrate fossils. Symmetrical tiles underfoot and over them, a thick carpet that swallowed the clap of footsteps. In Beatrice’s early days here it had been a terrifying place; severe and gloomy even when the heavy curtains were fully peeled open to let light in. The exacting botanical sketches on the walls, too, did not help in the least. Even now she thought it would make for a wonderful basis for a section in a House – a museum, of course, or perhaps a town hall.
Some might think her an unlikely horror creator – easily spooked by many things and a fervent hater of surprises, but Beatrice thought it was a good thing, for a designer, to be able to find something genuinely terrifying in everything.
She took a seat gingerly at Suzanne’s beautiful oak desk, angled so as to always make her seem taller and larger. So that the light would fall in a certain slanted way across her face, carving a cavern of contrasts down the thin scar through her eye.
“Beatrice.” Suzanne inclined her head, expressionless. From a drawer she took out a stapled set of papers, and flicked through the corners thoughtfully. Her leather chair let out a sigh as she leaned back and appraised Beatrice silently for a minute.
“It’s time” she said, “for a new challenge.” She placed the papers down in front and to the left of Beatrice, next to the handmade tin man figurine gifted from her son. 
For Beatrice it had never really been about the horror; the thrill of smelling blood in the water, and Suzanne knew that.
“Some details have not been hammered out yet, but you have a role here should you accept it,” she said, at the end, sliding the papers into a manila folder. “You all are ready for it.”
Beatrice bit her lip. It was hard to argue otherwise, if not for her, then for the others, at least.
Camila, who she traveled with halfway across the world on a budget airplane that rattled and croaked just to take hundreds of terrible reference pictures in poor lighting with their bad phone cameras. 
One evening, Beatrice had eaten something foul, and she’d found herself slung across Camila’s lap, cringing in the back seat of an overpriced taxi without a working AC. Groaning with each bump of the road and helplessly dipping her head further into the crook of Camila’s arm. Throughout the ride she had gently brushed her fingers through Beatrice’s damp, clumped hair, whispering things Beatrice could no longer remember, and dabbing her clammy, chattering cheeks dry every two minutes with her own sleep shirt. 
Beatrice insisted she get back to the hostel to get some rest while she was kept overnight for monitoring and IV rehydration. It had been a rocky trip, and a break would do them some good. Instead Camila had spent the next one and a half days finishing up three days worth of location scouting, and then had it all packaged into a neatly organized folder by the time Beatrice was ready to go again. 
There was nothing imaginable, Beatrice thought, that could truly faze her.
And Lilith. The most capable person Beatrice knew to spearhead the overall production and creative direction of something like this. 
Not just because Beatrice knew she would genuinely do a marvelous job masterminding and knitting together a house of horrors. Beatrice also considered it important that, if she were to join the team, a satellite unit stationed thousands of miles away from the safety of the Cat’s Cradle headquarters, the team would be led by people she trusted.
Or the equivalent of ‘trusted’. Whatever you call the thing between two people who fly desperately over to each other’s homes with some regularity to scream and claw at particularly unyielding scenes and transitions and then fall exhausted into sleep in each others’ beds.
“Take some time to think about it,” Suzanne had said, afternoon light shining harshly so that the whole room was a prism of contrast. “Let me know what you think.”
So here they are.
“Subj: OCS Halloween Pop-ups - Onboarding”. Beatrice puts down her mug, takes a deep breath, and clicks the email from Suzanne. 
Her phone rings.
“What is it?” Beatrice copies the zoom link at the top of the message and pastes it into the top of a new tab. With her other hand she holds her phone to the shell of her ear. 
“Have you seen the email?” Lilith is terse and tight, even through the phone. Her voice is faraway; Lilith has her phone on Speaker and on a table or drawer somewhere while she looks at something else. Unusual. Her calls are usually curt, succinct, and fully focused. It makes Beatrice’s ears go hot and buzz with static.
“I’m reading it now,” she says, scrolling and scanning the words. 
It’s a short email, in Suzanne’s usual clipped style. No attachments if she can help it. Below the zoom link there is a brief four-point meeting agenda, a reminder to be punctual, and finally a brisk thank you.
In-between these lines Suzanne has appointed lead and three accompanying names of the members of the steering team of the OCS’ first expansion project. 
Lilith’s name is listed second. She's not the Creative Director.
“You’ve read it.” The statement is biting; almost a sneer. Beatrice smells the bitterness licking under the corners of its thin, cool veneer. Sticky.
Beatrice rereads the four lines. She rereads it again. She opens her mouth, then closes it.
Ava Silva.
“Who is she?” she exhales, finally. Weakly.
There is a scoff on the end of the line. Echoes of slippers marching down parquet, a door slamming, and then, quietly, an uncontrolled squeak of leather. A furious stream of mechanical clicks, as Lilith’s hands race over the keys of her expensive desktop setup. Beatrice can picture her in her room as if mirrored before her: Lilith still in her terribly fancy robe, sprawled ungainly before the expanse of her monitors in her glassy, austere, home office.
Her voice is suddenly much closer over the call, and Beatrice pictures the phone wedged to her ear by her shoulder.
“Ava Silva,” Lilith spits, in a dry, desiccated whisper.  “Is a Disney rat.”
Beatrice raises her eyebrows, pulling up the matching LinkedIn profile. The most recent post was uploaded a week ago – it seems to be an incredibly effusive Farewell-slash-Thank You post for, indeed, the Disneyland Anaheim Imagineering team and the Creative Development department. She scans the prose: candid and emoji-laden, bordering on unprofessional. 
Beatrice counts seven Disney Princess puns, and one awful Star Wars quote to cap it off. There are eight – yes, eight – images attached to the post, all full-sized so that the page runs on like a travelog blog post. 
The last image appears to be a mountain of goodbye swag. These include, Beatrice notes: a Moana beach ball, a matching Buzz Lightyear set of wheelchair spoke guards and cane covers, and a Sven the Reindeer onesie. The rest of them are all pictures of the woman who must be Ava, with her now ex-coworkers. All adorned with Mickey ears and pin-studded lanyards, in front of various rides and experiences she probably had a hand in creating. 
No, Beatrice scrolls back up to information messily hidden in the overlong farewell paragraph: Specifically, two of these are rides for which she’s been part of the main creative team. Three more that she’s played some role in creating, whether at the design phase or in later consultancy during implementation. 
One picture is a solo snapshot of Ava in a bright yellow baseball cap and remarkably tiny denim shorts, in front of a Disneyland hotdog stand. She’s holding an extra large hotdog, absolutely drenched in ketchup and mustard, high over her head like a trophy. Her smile, Beatrice thinks, is dazzling. 
She swipes down on her trackpad too quickly.
The last picture is of Ava and two others standing on a boulder in front of a massive Zootopia indoor roller coaster, while crowds in the background swarm the attraction in a snaking queue. ‘My pride and joy / baby / first full lead’, Ava has captioned it, ‘aka Great Zootopian Escape 🫡 . Just opened !!! I will be back 2 visit :’)) ’
Beatrice sighs. 
“What the hell is Suzanne thinking,” Lilith mutters, teeth gritted; tone cold. She’s shaken, and Beatrice knows it.
She herself can barely stop herself from scrolling, and scrolling, and scrolling. That’s enough, she snaps at herself, and her hand leaves the touchpad with a short jerk. There’s no point. 
“Good morning,” Suzanne says flatly, the moment the call holds five participants. “Thank you all for joining the call punctually.” Her face is crisp and too-sharp against the blurred-black virtual background.
Like they wouldn’t have come anyway, even if thoroughly rocked. Three stern, stiff and silent faces look straight ahead. Suzanne probably prefers them this way. 
Beatrice looks quickly through the five rectangles on the screen and finds the label that she seeks. 
🗿Ava Silva’s iPad 🗿.
“I would like to welcome a new member to the OCS.” Suzanne begins. She nods: “Ava Silva.”
There is a light smattering of the hand wave emoji reaction floating up from the toolbar from 🗿Ava Silva’s iPad 🗿. The device itself seems to be held up very close to her face so that all Beatrice can see is patchy pixelated bits of nose and cheek, shaking about as Ava presumably works to send the emojis.
Beatrice clenches a stress ball in her fist. It had been gifted to her for April Fools’ Day by Mary and Shannon. Something about clenching and unclenching, although Shannon had been laughing too hard to deliver the line in full.
“Ava has been a Creative Development Director at Disneyland and worked on numerous attractions both there and at Universal.” Suzanne pauses. “So, to put it crudely, this is something of a coup. We are very happy to have her with us to lead this creative expansion of the OCS brand.”
Beatrice’s phone, which has been relentlessly buzzing, skates across the table. She turns it over, a stormy headache already gathering steam: dozens of unread messages from Camila and Lilith, and more still on their way. Sighing, she shoots off a quick ‘Later, please.’ and then puts it on a tea towel on the kitchen island, out of reach.
“As you may imagine, it was not easy. She was… highly sought after by various studios and companies. Miss Silva,” Suzanne deadpans, “you are a difficult woman to track down and convince.”
The image of Ava’s face, very close to the camera already, wobbles further. It jostles like she’s jabbing at her screen fiercely. A good while later, after Suzanne had moved on entirely, her delayed message would finally deliver through the Zoom chat: 
🗿Ava Silva’s iPad 🗿: thats only bc i don’t read my emails lol! Glad 2 be here too 🥰
“You will all be working very closely together. In case anyone has forgotten…” Suzanne begins summarizing the contents of that fateful paper packet that she’d handed over in her office last November. The words, the clauses, are identical, but Beatrice can’t help but see it all in a different light. It sinks in more completely. 
Close collaboration to envision and map out the overall direction and themes for the pop-ups. Planning and writing for each house. Liaising with and consulting Admin back at the Cradle, yes, but otherwise almost entirely shouldering production independently. All of that now with Ava Silva thrown into the works.
For Ava’s sake, Suzanne briefly recaps the typical in-house workflow of the production of a Haunted House. Steering team meetings to establish expectations and aims; brainstorming and ideation and finalization of directions; traditionally an in-person bootcamp-esque intensive where the engine of development truly shifts into gear; followed by an ever-accelerating process of recruitment, research, sourcing, production, and testing. A process that should be second nature suddenly feels daunting.
“Now, this meeting is taking place so late because we have only just secured the venue permits for the pop-ups. I have briefed Ava already, and she will be able to explain this separately.”
Beatrice doesn’t have to turn around to hear her phone begin to rattle furiously behind her again.
“Finally, Ava,” Suzanne says, “let me introduce the rest of the team.”
First there is Camila, who Suzanne praises modestly for her extensive set design and art experience. Beatrice knows she’s always had a soft spot for her – resilient and optimistic and ready to put her teeth into anything. 
But in sharp contrast Camila’s face now is neutral and unreadable. The usually bright, tasteful splashes of color in her room are muted against the only two lamps she’s chosen to keep on, shades down and twisted away so her face sits in half-shadow. 
Lilith, then, in her icy postmodern tech den. Her arms are folded and her eyes are cast somewhere. Distant and acidic. 
Beatrice snaps back to attention when Suzanne mentions her name. She keeps it short and sweet: Beatrice’s original training was in engineering, and so, beyond her job scope, she’s best equipped to provide the team with technical and mechanical expertise. 
Ava nods. From what Beatrice can surmise from her patchy rectangle, she is not in a room at all.
No. She is, it seems, on some kind of wicker chair on a sun-dappled porch or veranda, lined by orange and beige walls and pillars veined with vines and hanging pots. A pair of sunglasses, perched on the crown of her head, keeps slipping down, and every few minutes Beatrice sees her lift a finger to nudge it back into place.
Her iPad seems to be on her lap, because it’s shuffling precariously at a strange angle focused on Ava’s chin as she flits about, constantly in blurry motion. 
When Ava holds up the iPad, there seems to be an inscrutable wall of something behind her, simultaneously metallic yet moving in dashes of color. For a moment, her video lags and freezes, and Beatrice gets a better look.
They’re birds. Dramatic plumages and muted tones of all kinds of domestic birds. In cages of every shape and size and color, decked from floor to awning, hanging off bars and resting on customized stands. The whole place is full of them. The iPad tilts as Ava adjusts herself and Beatrice finds that there’s more to the side, off-camera, too. 
Suzanne does not comment on it. “Ava, any thoughts?” 
Ava unmutes herself, grinning.
Beatrice’s earbuds erupt in utter, screaming, avian cacophony, and everybody winces at the exact same time.
Ava – muffled by bird screeching – yelps, mutes herself, and switches off her video.
The call melts into thirty seconds of stunned silence. 
“Oops sorry”,  types 🗿Ava Silva’s iPad 🗿 in the chat.
Beatrice can see Lilith physically take a deep breath and count one to fifteen out loud. Camila is in disbelief; shocked and a little delighted. Beatrice reflects on the strange, confusing mess of large feelings, and decides that she possibly wants to throw up.
Suzanne bites a lip and frowns.
Deep breath, Beatrice reminds herself. Exhale. Inhale. 
Ava’s camera switches back on eventually, and this time, she has, in each ear, one bud of a pair of half-untangled earphones. The wires are frayed and taped over with red duct tape, and the sounds of the surrounding aviary are now blessedly punched out.
This time, too, her iPad appears to be propped up on something. The earphone cord stretches dangerously taut when Ava scrambles to sit back into her chair. 
“Sorry,” her voice careens back into the call. “I’m crashing at a friend’s home at the moment. It’s also kind of a bird shop.”
“Anyway,” she takes a deep breath, grinning, “I’m so happy to join the team. I love horror, and haunted houses, so much. And like, the OCS is– wow. It’s such a dream.” 
She lifts her arms to either side excitedly to gesticulate, and Beatrice watches Lilith balk at the unabashedly kitschy Universal Monsters tie dye oversized t-shirt. Ava leans in just enough that Beatrice can see the crudely cartoonish red-and-white design on her black flask, swirling about.
Bite me I’m scared scrawled over a crude cartoonish vampire.
“So,” Ava goes on excitedly, “I have a lot of ideas, and I can’t wait to get started.”
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tgm fic recs
@stcverogers tagged one of my fics in a rec list yesterday and i thought it was such a good idea, i wanted to share some of my own favs
in no particular order:
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one time thing // kiss the sun (fight the fire) // love that’s a real long shot  He nods again like that’s exactly what he expected you to say. “I think you’re wrong. Doesn’t matter now though, does it?” i would rec anything by @callsignvalley but this is probably the series that got me most. i also love tailspin and its rooster follow up steady
california coast in your green eyes // i’ll carry my bags just until i can hold you again (2 different series) Bob’s older sister gets the news that his plane went down during a training drill, and shows up at the hospital at the same time as an arrogant pilot. //  Six months after they break up, Jake shows up at Julie’s Family thanksgiving. A second chance holiday romance with fake dating, family drama, and fall festivities. @theharddeck these fics, esp carry my bags, feel so so real and human to me, i love julie and the characterisation of jake feels so on point i also love her series out of the clear, blue sky as well as kinda might, sorta like, love you a little bit + its follow ups
i’ve been holdin’ out so long (4 part series) You can’t stand Hangman, but your dreams lately say otherwise. He notices. @steadfastconviction i adore Bluegrass and her sass
do not engage (series) You hate Hangman. Really, you do... Or so you like to think, until it begins to seem like that distaste might not be as strong as you’d prefer to believe. @clints-lucky-arrow the entire f&f universe is great but Duchess especially is a badass
afterburn (series) It had been clear from the moment you got inside a cockpit that you were going to be something special. You certainly weren’t the youngest Naval Aviator to be invited to TOPGUN, but you had been the youngest to graduate at number one in more than thirty years. Which is all the more reason why it was so tragic that you would never, ever, be able to fly again. @top-hhun is a master of setting a scene
the off-season (series) It was supposed to just be one summer. But somehow you found yourself living in your grandparent’s Maine vacation house indefinitely. It was quiet when the summer tourists left, but tolerable. That was, until your brother’s friend from college needed a place to crash and he somehow wound up staying in your guest bedroom. Also indefinitely. @ereardon just started this series but i’m so into this world (au) already
fuck (the universe) (series) You’re a Kazansky–Tom “Iceman” Kazinsky’s youngest daughter–and you’ve taken after your father and become a Naval aviator. You finished at the top of your class at Top Gun and have worked diligently and fruitlessly to get to where you are now: North Island. You don the call-sign Wisteria not only because the beauty of the flower but because of its lethal qualities. i mention @roosterbruiser below bc i read landslide first but holy fuck indeed
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landslide (series) It’s been almost three years since the accident that took half of her, and Faye “Clover” Ledger seems fine, really. She loves her old house, she has a perpetually expanding vinyl collection, she’s got a job she likes on base, and she is only a short drive from the beach. She’s grounded--literally. @roosterbruiser landslide is one of those fics i have to read in little bits because it’s just too good. beautiful writing that just transports me (and i love faye, she may be the most developed fanfic oc i’ve ever read - and I love her taste in music)
baby let’s play house // pt 2  you got yourself in trouble. bradley has a bit of a savior complex. together, you come up with what could potentially be the worst idea in the longstanding and illustrious history of bad ideas. @seasonsbloom i just really love this fic, it shows all the quietest best parts of bradley
first impressions  at the induction day for the newest recruits of the Golden Warriors of VFA 87, rooster assumes you’re a civilian, instead of, you know, a member of his team? you see how far you can push it before he figures it out.  @ohcaptains‘s pilot in this fic is the badass bitch i wish i could be. as well as fucking funny.
like i can (series) After yet another bad date and tired of swiping on apps, the Dagger Squad steps in to help you out by setting you up on a series of blind dates. Much to Rooster’s dismay. @sometimesanalice perfect blend of cute, funny and heartmelting
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he’s so pretty (when he goes down on me) // pt 2  things between you and Bob are strictly business: he’s your backseater, and that’s all there is. @seasonsbloom‘s writing is so good it made me want to try writing fic myself
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hangman x rooster
we’re fools to make war In a Walmart at three am, between beef jerky and tortilla chips, with the lights flickering above them like it’s the fucking twilight zone, Bradley wants him more than he’s ever wanted anyone. or: it's a hundred degrees in texas. i can’t find a tumblr link for this but the writer is @baroness-elsa. this is 66k words and i read it in two days which probably says enough. holy shit.
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there are many many more (this fandom is FULL of talented writers, damn) but this already took me an hour so that’ll be part 2 haha
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redfurrycat · 11 months
📽️📺TV-Show & Movie-Based Fic Recs📺📽️
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Check the Top Gun Masterlist post for the latest updated version. 💕
Ao3 Authors: 64PackofCrayola, Abliafina, AnadoraBlack, Andthentheybow, Anonymous, Arami_d004, Boasamishipper, Boostergold, Broke_Traveler, Buckybraciole, Ceterum, Chase_acow, Content_Scrapbooker, Copacet, Doodlewrite, Dreamsoflovingness, Duchesscharliejames, Earthangel_44, FabuMazX, Fluffypoato, Foxhybridmikaelsonargent, Gracedbybattle, Hangmanbradshaw, Happypuppys, Haridwar, Heir2slytherin, Icezansky, Ilarina, Infinitejaust, Katastrophe, Kerbyfullyloaded, Lawrussoauto, LetPeteBeMaverick, Lolibat, LulaluzHazel, Magdarko, MidnightBlast, Nimuetheseawitch, Orphan_account, Plincess_cho, Puckingrightschicago, ReformedTsundere, Rnadison, Road1985, Rosexpetals, Sreshaw, Thecarlysutra, ToukoJalorda003, Trinipedia, Winterbucky, WWISA.
/27 Dresses/
Save your first and last dance for me by nimuetheseawitch {E}🤠🐓
/50 First Dates/
Days Like This by chase_acow {E}🤠🐓
/Almost Human/
These questions carry me away like a whirlwind by trinipedia {E}🤠🐓
/Anyone But You/
Anyone But You by FabuMazX {M} 🤠🐓
/Battlestar Galactica/
whirlwinds and thunderstorms by boostergold {T}🤠🐓
/Beauty and the Beast/
now I know he’ll never leave me (even as he runs away) by happypuppys {T}🤠🐓
/Brooklyn 99/
the rooster by lawrussoauto {T}🤠🐓
the bet by lawrussoauto {T}☃️🏍️
/Criminal Minds/
minimal loss by andthentheybow {M}🤠🐓
Kind of the same way - TGM Edition by trinipedia {M}☃️🏍️
/Fantastic Four/
They Call Me Mr. Fantastic by Anonymous {E}🤠🐓
/Harry Potter/
Amortentia by thecarlysutra {T}☃️🏍️
seven by orphan_account {_}🤠🐓
/Hidden Legacy/
If the Sky Can Crack by infinitejaust {E}🤠🐓
/His Dark Materials/
his dark materials / dæmon AU by buckybraciole {T}🤠🐓
Walking into the sky by kerbyfullyloaded {T}☃️🏍️
scarlet flags by winterbucky {T} 🤠🐓
/How To Lose A Guy in 10 Day/
how to lose a guy in ten days by haridwar {T}🤠🐓
Room by Room, Patiently by infinitejaust {M}🤠🐓
/Jurassic Park & World/
You're DINOmite by ReformedTsundere {T}☃️🏍️
it's such a magical mysteria, when you get that feeling by hangmanbradshaw {E}🤠🐓
Dust is Everlasting (And Love Even Moreso) by ToukoJalorda003 {M}🤠🐓
/Mr. & Mrs Smith/
Mr & Mr Kazansky by abliafina {M}☃️🏍️
Mr. And Mr. Kazansky by Lolibat {M}☃️🏍️
/The Mummy/
History's Like Gravity, It Holds You Down Away From Me by hangmanbradshaw {E}🤠🐓
/National Treasure/
You Can Make My Wish Come True, If You Let Me Treasure You by hangmanbradshaw {E}🤠🐓
/The Notebook/
Golden Boy by Earthangel_44 {E}🤠🐓
when the night will come and take us home by doodlewrite {T}☃️🏍️
/Ocean’s Twelve/
When in Rome (and the Alps, and Paris, and...) by LulaluzHazel {T}🤠🐓
/Pacific Rim/
Rec List 🤠🐓☃️🏍️
/The Parent Trap/
Brilliant Beyond Brilliant Idea by boasamishipper {T}☃️🏍️
The Parent Trap by Broke_Traveler {T}🤠🐓
/Percy Jackson/
a force to be reckoned with by winterbucky {T}🤠🐓
Watching, I Keep Waiting by infinitejaust {G}🤠🐓
/Planes, Trains, and Automobiles/
Planes, Trains, and Gay People by sreshaw {E}🤠🐓
/Princess Diaries 2/
stolen kisses, pretty lies by hangmanbradshaw {E}🤠🐓(//HTLAGI10D)
/Princess & the Frog/
it's 2am and I’m cursing your name by hangmanbradshaw {E}🤠🐓
/The Proposal/
Show me the places where the others gave you scars by Ilarina {T}🤠🐓
/Purple Hearts/
I Don't Wanna Live Through This Comedown  by Road1985, trinipedia {E}🤠🐓
/Scooby Doo/
you’re not fooling me (I can see) by magdarko {T}🤠🐓
/Set It Up/
Set It Up by Foxhybridmikaelsonargent {_}🤠🐓
Set it Up AU by AnadoraBlack {T}🤠🐓☃️🏍️
you take it to the heart (the waiting is the hardest part) by puckingrightschicago {G}🤠🐓☃️🏍️
Cyrano by arami_d004 {G}🤠🐓
and yet by heir2slytherin {_}🤠🐓
The Happy Moment Will Arrive When I Shall See by WWISA {T}🤠🐓☃️🏍️
dirty white chucks (and I can't get clean) by rnadison {T} 🤠🐓
/Stargate Atlantis/
the afterburner by copacet {E}☃️🏍️
/Star Wars/
The Best the Galaxy has to offer by AnadoraBlack {M}🤠🐓
a look from you (and I would fall from grace) by rnadison {G}☃️🏍️
king of my heart - icemav star wars au by rosexpetals {T}☃️🏍️
caught in the fire (say oh we're about to explode) by doodlewrite {G}☃️🏍️
mystic creature, come to me by haridwar {T}🤠🐓
Survivor: Maverick by icezansky {T}🤠🐓
/Swan Princess/
Swan Prince by 64PackofCrayola {_}🤠🐓
Man of his own invention by trinipedia {T}🤠🐓
/Twister & Twisters/
you were nothing but trouble, baby and I've been sifting through the rubble lately by hangmanbradshaw {M}🤠🐓
Twist My Heart by MidnightBlast {E}🤠🐓
we can build this dream together by plincess_cho {G}🤠🐓
My TGM X Twisters crossovers by fluffypoato {T}🤠🐓
crying sky (wash over me) by gracedbybattle {G}🤠🐓
mirror, mirror by ceterum {T}🤠🐓
The Restless Wind You Can't Fence In by dreamsoflovingness {_}🤠🐓
/When Harry Met Sally/
When Jake Met Bradley by infinitejaust {M}🤠🐓
/The Sound of Music/
The Sound of Freedom by Katastrophe {G}🤠🐓☃️🏍️
Of Hills and Airplanes (That Always Seem Insurmountable) by ToukoJalorda003 {M}🤠🐓
/The West Wing/
Out You Come [from Recovery Period Series] by Content_Scrapbooker {T}☃️🏍️
kazansky for america by duchesscharliejames {T}{G}☃️🏍️
Maverick for America by LetPeteBeMaverick {T}{M}{E}🤠🐓☃️🏍️
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ftwkcomic · 2 years
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I cant take the constant fear of the state of twitter. So I've decided that I'm leaving it. I'm not deactivating my accounts, I'll come back and check on them from time to time, maybe retweet some works, but as far as it stands, I cannot stand being there anymore. If you like my work, and wanna continue following it on other social platforms, just follow the link to my carrd and it will lead you to all my socials. I hope to see you guys around.
Twitter post https://twitter.com/FtWK_comic/status/1607564791660576770?s=20&t=wLfrveFABTrNT_H_l_GnRw
Comms and Socials:
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hislittleraincloud · 1 year
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Fandom fic thoughts no one asked for:
I am highly, highly against Wednesday having any dialogue in which she speaks like her parents to her loved ones, i.e. all of that "Mon cher!" garbage towards Enid. It's cringey:
1. It's traditionally romantic and excessively cheesy, and [Ortega's] Wednesday is not. She just isn't, and y'all should know better. ETA: In regards to love, her parents are like Pepe Le Pew and a willing/enamored skunk (I forget if Pepe ever found his equal, but I do remember the girl cat got 🧠 'ed into behaving like Pepe usually does, which gave him a taste of his own psycho stalker medicine...ah, we had some fkd up cartoons back in the day). Wednesday would be like Michigan J. Frog...animated with only one person, in private...and that's still not a guarantee that she would ever want to emulate her mother, with whom we know that there are severe issues between them. Ridiculous, exaggerated displays of affection define Gomez and Morticia. To have Wednesday behave like that would be sacrificing the one thing that keeps her from turning into a total clone of them.
She can end up wanting to have love and a partner, and even a family, but that does not change the public mask [of a narcissist], and the notion that she would be perceived exactly like her mother upsets her. Direct reasons aren't given by the show, but by how they interact, we can see that Wednesday believes that 'everything is a competition'...but it's not [Morticia's] accomplishments that she rattles off that are the problem; it's somewhere, Wednesday picked up some terrible, terrible "I'm not good enough, I will never be as good as she is" blows to her psyche. From Wednesday's POV, she believes her mother is a narcissist (her self-awareness of her own narcissism is for its own post); only a narcissist would purposefully break someone else's chances of either being equal to or surpassing their greatness, and they get envious (and ego hurt) when it happens.
(...God, now I wanna program Ortega's voice to sing the fkn frog's song 🤣💀)
2. She doesn't want to be like her parents, and that would just...make her be more like her parents. This is the most major personal growth theme in the whole of the show, and it can't be ignored, otherwise it just turns Ortega's Wednesday into a generic iteration of a 'Wednesday character'. If it were one drabble or fic, alright, that's AU, but I see it in nine out of ten Wenclair 'drabbles' (if you can call straight-on dialogue shorts drabbles...we did not, back in the day) that clog up my fyp.
3. Her parents are extremely cultured and speak those love languages/romance languages as a whole together, to each other. Enid is not that kind of cultured at all (she can't spell, has bad grammar, and is just not interested in the same things Wednesday is). Enid would think it was cute, too, and Wednesday doesn't do cute, either (ever! EVER.**).
4. Again, Wednesday doesn't want to be like her parents, and it would be unfunnily mortifying to her to speak like that in public and in front of other people, even if she were fucking Enid. In private? See #1 and 2.
5. In Afterburn: It pained me to have her let slip the Spanish to Donovan on her birthday, but I did it because it was an unintentional slip, it was in private, and it wasn't a pet name, it was a command. She is very much like her mother in bed, but she also knows that Donovan isn't as cultured as her parents, and thus, she will refrain from that "mon cher/mon amour/whatever non-English pet names" crap.
6. There are so many other things Wednesday could call Enid (or Tyler, or Xavier, or whoever the Hell's she's paired with) without becoming a clone of her mother. Resorting to Gomez and Morticia's horribly cloying phrases is not charming, it's laziness. *channeling my inner Bianca here*
7. Now this goes back to #2 and #4, but on that note: There are obvious issues between Wednesday and her mother, and sounding like her disturbs the Hell out of her (or behaving like her, which is why Wednesday's eyes just about shit themselves in different directions when Fester said that her "death stare of disapproval reminded him of her mother").
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It's almost like she has a glass eye.👀 It's there bc the AI picked it up hard I guess & it affected my outputs.
There is no way in Hell, no matter how juicy-tasty Enid's furry twat is, that Wednesday would suddenly decide that she should mimic Morticia.
I know all of this is gonna piss off a whole lot of people, but I don't care. It's not Wednesdaying right to have her call anyone by the same pet names her parents use, no matter how fluffy the relationship is. She just doesn't do relationships the same way her parents do. It's far more OOC to do that than even my pairing her up with Donovan is (which needs its own reasoning, probably in a different rant).
Rant over, and y'all can keep goin', but that's not gonna make the dialogue sound any less terrible and embarrassing.
**Afterburn Wednesday does do 'cute' with Donovan in private, but it's because of the fundamental differences from N/Canon attached to her core personality, i.e. she's hypersexual and has some regression issues here and there. Even still, she has a very hard time calling him any pet names because once again for those in the back: She does not want to be like her parents or associate her love with her parents' love, even as she recognizes that she is a lot like her mother. 🤷🏽‍♂️
(Also, I just read an incorrect assumption. Morgues have blood samples. They don't keep whole ass blood bags like blood banks/hospitals do. Get that right before you write me some Yoko & Wednesday.)
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k9effect · 1 year
RULES: make a 24-hour poll with the names of your wips, let it run, then write one sentence for every vote the winner got
Tagged by @mavnix ilyyyy <333
Fics can be found on my Ao3 HERE
Tagging anyone who wants to do this I have forgotten urls
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