#agents of shield original character
marvul-imagines · 1 year
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Look at this amazing cover art by  @nataschalena2 😍
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strawwritesfic · 2 years
Phil Coulson x Female!Inhuman!Original Character: For Everything There Is a Season [Ch. 1]
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Summary: "For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven." -- Ezekiel 3:1
Rating/Warnings: All (Inhumans references; X-Men references; Agents of SHIELD canon; Agents of SHIELD season 4 (I think); meet cute; SHIELD Academy; not canon compliant)
Requester: Shakespeare girl on Quotev.
Tag List: @imaginesfire​
Request: "Phil meets her when he's recruiting at the Shield academy. He actually interviews her. While there there is an attack on the academy and a couple of the inhumans are taken. Phil while trying to help some of the kids escape is tazered (how ironic) and grabbed as they think he's also inhuman."
Notes: You might recognize the OC in this story as one from a previous Phil one shot I've written. She's received a major overhaul since then, so Kate's creator asked me to write another story about her. They've been a longtime follower, so of course I agreed.
Hooooo boy! I think this is the longest it's ever taken me to finish a request. This is actually a very, very small portion of the request, as what was given to me was enough to create a multi-chaptered story. Since I'm not really in the business of doing that as a request, I asked the requester to pick one scene. They picked the first one, which is listed above--with the caveat that it ended happily instead.
I really struggled with this one, guys. I lost count of how many times I've started over from absolute scratch. I even jumped forward in the story to try writing one of the later scenes. Every time I did, it just didn't feel organic coming without any of the previous scenes. And yet, writing the first scene with nothing more going on other than the meeting just kept coming across as pointless when I ended it happily! I started the story earlier. I started it later. Still it felt wrong, wrong, wrong.
I'm not sure that I really succeeded in writing what I set out to write. It did take me more words than I thought, however, and I figured if I just wrote the cliffhanger ending, then if the requester wanted (and is very patient), I could always go back and write other scenes from their request at a later time. I hope that they derive some enjoyment out of this, even if I am dissatisfied with the end product. At this point, I'm just glad to get it out of the way!
Chapter 1: A Time to Rend
The days that changed Kate Kane's life always seemed to her to come barreling at her right out of nowhere. For instance, there was the day she became an Inhuman. Her phone alarm went off; all she had to do was get to work on time; one tainted tablet of fish oil later, and bam! Look where she had landed herself: SHIELD Academy, a grown adult struggling to get through lessons all over again. If anyone ought to have seen the next earth-shattering event rushing full tilt toward her, it should have been the academy staff. But they didn't know. No one did, least of all Kate herself.
Her morning began much the same as her others at the academy; that is to say, miserably. She must have had bad dreams again, because she opened her eyes to find sunlight streaming through the window when her clock still read 3:30 a.m. Up too late to choke down breakfast, Kate had hurriedly got dressed, jammed an unwrapped breakfast bar in her mouth, ran her fingers through her hair, tossed her Captain America-themed backpack over her shoulder—and found a note on her door directly her to a meeting in the Director's office...
...that had started an hour before Kate even woke up.
Kate's long brown hair flew behind her as she sprinted up the hallway. The shield charm attached to her backpack's zipper swung wildly at her side. All the lights above her head flicked on and off, crackling and snapping as her anxiety hit dangerous peaks. She could imagine only one reason for the Director of the entire school asking to see her when everyone else would be in class. Her heart quailed at the thought. Sure, she hated it at SHIELD Academy. But where else could she go? Who else would take her in? Why—
Why were all of the other Inhuman students milling around the waiting room leading to the Director's office as well?
Kate skidded to a stop, but not fast enough to avoid attracting attention. The lights in this room flickered, too, and every single other eye in the room snapped over to her. She didn't doubt that their phones had turned off upon her arrival on top of everything else.
Kate gulped, smiled weakly, and held up one hand. "Hey, guys."
None of the group of ten or so greeted her in return.
"So...uh...what are we all in for?"
One by one, her fellows returned to their screens.
"Ms. Kane?"
An unfamiliar mild voice came from the Director's office itself. Kate threw one last desperate look around the group of her fellow Inhumans, but not one of them so much as glanced at her. Well, what had she expected? Even if any of them liked her, they couldn't do much to rescue her from a thorough dressing down from a SHIELD superior. She swallowed hard before heading for the open door.
"Thank you for being here, Miss Kane."
As soon as these words were spoken, the door snapped shut. Kate inhaled sharply as the well-decorated office around her turned pitch-dark.
"Electrical manipulation," the same voice from before said, in the same mild tone to boot.
Whoever it belonged to, they must have been standing very near to Kate. She couldn't see them at all with the thick curtains pulled over the windows. The stranger didn't sound threatening, though, or like he'd been hired to forcibly remove her from the premises. A wave of relief through her body accompanied a return of the overhead lights.
"Could still use some work," said the only person in the room with her. "But the promise is certainly there."
He sat on the corner of the Director's desk, his hands clasped in front of him. Although the man wore the suit common to the upper echelons of SHIELD, nothing else about him looked common to SHIELD. Kate would have pegged him for someone's accountant, or perhaps the newest literature instructor, before she ever guessed he worked as a secret agent. In fact, the longer she stared at him, the more out of place he looked. A quick look over her shoulder revealed no one else lurking about the office with them.
Phil held out a hand when she returned her attention to him. "I'm Phil Coulson. It's good to meet you."
Now Kate stared some more. Hand shaking? Normal introductions? Who was this man? Several seconds passed before she remembered that, in return for such basic kindness, he probably expected the bare minimum of polite normalcy in return.
"Kate," she said as she grasped the hand for a quarter of a second, then added, "Kane."
"I'm aware. Why don't you take a seat, Ms. Kane?"
He did not offer her a chance to decline. Before she could so much as hedge, he had walked around the cluttered desk, sat down in the Director's plush chair, and interlaced his fingers in front of him. Then Phil looked up at her without saying another word.
What other options did she have? She could hardly flee the confines of the office. This Phil would know exactly where to find her as long as she stayed on the campus, and trying to leave the academy grounds would only get anyone they sent after her hurt. Kate pulled off her backpack before dumping it on the ground and plopping herself into the hard-backed seat in front of the desk.
"Thank you," said Phil. "By the way, I like your zipper charm."
Such a bizarre compliment did not merit a response. The longer she stayed in this room with Phil, the stronger the buzzing in her stomach became. Kate felt that if she did not escape soon she might plunge the entire building into the Dark Ages for the rest of the afternoon. "What is this all about, sir?"
"Straight to the point. I appreciate that."
"I'm not trying to be rude. I just—I have to get to class. I'm in enough trouble as it without missing things, so..."
"I'll make sure to let your instructor know you were with me. This won't take long. You might even get back in time for the end of class. I just hoped to get to know you a little bit this morning."
Of all the strange things Phil had done that morning, suggesting anyone human might want to know her personally was the strangest of all. Kate tried to force a laugh at the obvious joke. The noise came out as more of a whimper. "And why is that, sir?"
"I run my own covert SHIELD team. What with the recent explosion in Inhuman numbers, we're looking to recruit."
Kate's second sardonic sounded a little more like the genuine article.
"You don't believe me?" Phil asked.
 "No offense, sir, but no one wants Inhumans saving the planet. We're not exactly Captain America."
"No one is." Was it Kate's imagination, or had Phil's tone suddenly turned a little bit reverent? When he went on, he didn't sound any different than he had when she'd entered the room. "My team is entirely pro-Inhuman. The fact that a lot of people aren't is precisely why we want to bring a few in."
"Well, even if that is the case, I can assure you your team doesn't want me."
"And why is that?"
He intended to make her say it out loud, didn't he? No matter how gentle and accountant-like Phil made himself out to be, Kate had worked one thing out during her stay at SHIELD Academy: SHIELD didn't hire idiots. No way had he missed the way everyone just outside the office avoided her. The Director could not have failed to give Phil an entire file on her many screwups. And she refused to believe he'd missed the sudden power outage from before either.
"I'm not very good at doing anything Inhuman," she said at last. "The rest of the Inhumans don't want anything to do with me either. If your team really wants someone to go spread good will and peace for us, the last person for the job is me."
"Really? It sounds to me as though you'd be a perfect fit."
"What, do you guys have a habit of taking in unwanted strays?"
"Something like that."
Kate opened her mouth to argue, but once again found herself completely unable to do so. It wasn't because Phil hadn't given her an opening, however. This time, she simply found herself speechless. He wore the sweetest smile on his face—the sweetest smile that she had seen directed at her in a long, long time. When he looked at her like that, she could almost believe that someone out there had faith in her to turn her life around.
And then he was right back to business: "It's not an immediate position. As you saw earlier, I have other interviews to conduct. I also expect all of the potential candidates to take several psyche evaluations before they're pulled from the academy. But—"
A tremendous crashing noise sounded from somewhere behind Kate. The ground shook. A few bits of dust and cobwebs fell from the high corners of the room.
Phil snapped his mouth shut. Kate's eyes went wide.
And then the screaming started. Pounding feet. Slamming doors. The unmistakable crackling of Mordis's energy beams. The acrid odor of Sammy melting a plastic chair.
Kate broke eye contact first to turn toward the door. "What the—"
"Stay put."
Phil appeared beside the door a moment later. As he moved closer to it, the commotion quieted. No more banging. No more stampeding. Just voices growing softer and softer.
"That was some training exercise," Kate said weakly. "Last week, they flooded a room to see how each of us reacted to water. But that was the pool room, so I don't think they broke anything. It's weird that they'd spring one us on a recruitment day, though. Do you think..."
She trailed away as she realized that he wasn't listening. The people outside had fallen silent, too.
Phil's eyes were riveted to the doorknob as he lifted his right hand. The motion drew Kate's attention to the dark object he gripped—and she felt the blood drain tangibly from her face. Her question of why he'd drawn his gun got stuck in her throat. No matter what she did, she couldn't seem to force the words out of her mouth. Her anxiety ratcheted ever upward; the lights above their heads flickered on and off so rapidly that they sounded like they were sizzling.
That Phil noticed. "Kate—"
The moment he turned toward her, the door slammed open, catching Phil in the back. He pitched forward. Still only twisted in his direction from the chair he'd directed her into, Kate let out a squeal. Was it of worry? Of fear? She didn't know. Outside the room she could see nothing but dust, debris, and the towering shadowy figure who had just sent Phil sprawling on the carpet. Whoever they were, they were dressed all in black, including what looked like a gas mask strapped to their face.
"Pack up anyone in here as well," the figure said.
Kate thought they must have been using a device to distort their voice, though she didn't have time to consider that. No sooner had the person commanded it than did two smaller figures dressed in the same uniform step around their leader and into the office. Phil stirred at last, but he didn't get as far as lifting his firearm a second time before the new arrivals moved forward, heedless of what they trampled underneath their thick boots. He cried out in pain.
For some reason or another, that sound above all the others drove Kate to her feet. "You leave him alone!"
"Kate, don't—"
One of their assailants jostled Phil roughly as they lifted him entirely off the ground by the back of his shirt collar. Kate gasped. No longer flickering unsteadily, every light in the room pulsed. She hardly noticed. The fists she lifted in front of her quivered. Meanwhile, several of the heavy pens behind her lifted several inches off the desk surface.
"Ah," the big one said. "We've lucked out. Here's another piece of refuse for us to take out."
"Excuse me?" said Kate.
"Grab her, too. And be quick about it. The truck's already loaded with rest of them, and backup's on the way."
The big one spun around. Kate knew they'd disappear in a matter of moments. Gritting her teeth, she flung her pens forward with all her mental might.  Each whistled through the air with a mighty crackle of electricity following in their wake. They neared their target—and fell to the floor with one swing of the person's enormous hand.
"What did I say? Filth. Five minutes. That's all you have."
The big one stomped off and disappeared into the haze of debris. Kate watched them go until something near her crunched. Stiffening, she looked up just in time to see one of the two remaining assailants lunging for her. She quickly kicked her vacated chair into their path. They went down like a sack of bricks. Another hand on her shoulder doused Kate's relief the second it arose.
"Five minutes?" said the second person in a voice just as distorted as their leader's. "This one won't even last two."
Maybe they were right. Already the first attacker had got to their feet and yanked Kate's arms behind her. She knew as well as anyone that she couldn't fight her way out of level three in the Academy's Danger Room. What good would she be in a real fight?
Then she saw Phil's prone body laying motionless by the door. Her breath hitched before she heard a moan from that direction. So he wasn't dead, but he was hurt. He was likely to be more hurt if these two dragged him off to the aforementioned truck.
Something in her hardened at that thought. Whatever these crazy people thought, Phil was just a regular guy—a regular guy that was so kind he had gotten hurt trying to protect her, the useless freak always one mistake away from being expelled from the one place that would have her. She swallowed. Then she forced every ounce of power inside her into her hands until electricity blasted from them in two enormous, fist-spanning sparks.
The two assaulters exclaimed. Kate didn't care whether it was in pain or surprise; she just cared that they released her at the same time. She leaped away.
Five minutes. That was all she had to last. Less than that now. Surely the rest of the Academy had reinforcements on the way. No one could ignore this kind of attack. If she just kept Phil safe that long, then someone better than her would show up to finish things up.
"Wrangle her! Now!"
Here they came. Kate never had been top in her class during battle lessons, even when the Inhumans were forbidden to use their power. She would try, though. For Phil's sake, she would try.
Kate darted between the two and back toward the desk. She pulled down anything and everything behind her just as often with her hands as with the electricity surging through her every molecule. Her skin blazed with an intensity just as hot as the lights in the office. All she could think of was keeping the other two away from Phil for as long as possible.
Suddenly, the room plunged into darkness again. But it wasn't the room. It was Kate's own eyesight. Her head spun. Goosebumps raised across her once-scorching arms and legs.
She had done what she had thought to be impossible. She had burned herself out.
Still she whirled. Still she tossed. Still she fought with all her might. The whole room looked like a roller rink in the nineties.
Another large hand seized her arm once more. Now Kate had not the strength to pull free, let alone to tase either of her opponents off of her. Though she tried, her remaining feeble shock waves seemed to affect them not at all.
"Five minutes on the dot. Right again," said one of the people in black.
"Leave...leave him alone," Kate panted. She could hardly keep her head up, but she didn't want to take her eyes off of Phil. "He's not..."
Her tongue stuck to the roof of her mouth. Was this an ability that one of them had? Or had she pushed herself far enough to die? They needed to know! They had to know they could leave Phil behind! But Kate simply couldn't get her mouth to move. With the last vestiges of her strength, she staggered toward Phil. She couldn't get far with the two heavy attackers latched to each of her arms. If she could just warn him, just wake him up, even just keep these two busy for one minute more, then maybe...
She never got to him. Before she could take a second step, she felt herself hoisted into the air. A stinging a pain in the back of her neck. A rush of cold through her veins.
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lesbiandardevil · 3 months
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donation doodles again ! donate here to get a doodle of your fave/s ! (posting one of the b&w ones to remind you all that 5$ donations are valid and helpful and you can get a little thing too !!)
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jackiequick · 5 months
A Visit From An Old Friend — [ Marvel Fanfic]
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Summary: What happens when an old friend comes to visit to recruit something bigger than himself? In other words, a small family reunion between friends, with a couple of ants crawling around.
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Platonic Pairing: Hank Pym & Jason Underwood
Characters featured/mentioned: The Young Avengers, Janet Van Dyne, Liz Stark, Howard Stark, Scott Lang, Hope Van Dyne and etc.
Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Ant-Man (2015)
Fic type: Short Blurb
Small warning: Some fluff and angst
The daylights were in full swing, the radio was high and bright as he drove down the road to a old house he used to call home. At the steps of the house stood a man he hasn't seen in the late 80s but never forgotten.
Above the steps stood the man with dark rich blonde curls spiked in a nicely manner, a blue colored shirt and black James Dean jeans wearing a pair of shades himself. He sipping on a cup of coffee with a half smile to boot.
He parked the car in the east side of the parkway as he existed the vehicle, flipping the keys in hand and removed his sunglasses with a smile.
As he took towards the step he heard the man said, "Hank."
"JJ." He replied, as he was handed a cup of warm coffee.
"What was the reason for this visit?"
"You got my email didn't you?"
"You missed seeing Hope."
"It was an 8 hour drive! You know how hard it was to get out of that house without Felton and Rei breathing down my neck?"
"This is why I stopped babysitting."
The blonde just playfully glared following the older one into his old home. Jason hasn't been in this house of his in more than a century, having took time to take care of his older one in Malibu. Yet, he never had the heart to throw away the keys, so instead he gave them to Hank. And by god, was he glad he did.
His old home was kept nice and cleaned, some mess here and there. A few dust particles in certain smaller areas but other than that it was fine. Keeping its cozy yet vintage style. Hank sat down on the grey couch that used to be a dark brown, sipping his second morning coffee taking in the moment of peace. Jason sat in the armchair beside him closing his eyes.
Neither man had to say a word to know that they missed the peace and quiet this house brought. No screaming children, calls from SHIELD, nor nagging neighbors trying to get you to babysit their dumb dog for the weekend. Just a moment of total silence from the world around them.
Yes, truth be told, after 1989 Hank was never seen again towards SHIELD's main offices due to his stupid fallout with Howard and the others. But he often kept in touch with people like him or Peggy, whenever possible. Mainly because Hope wanted to see her aunts and uncles, and after Janet's passing Hank couldn't deprive his daughter from not having any closer family or friends around.
Jason tended to be his go-to person whenever he needed a quick babysitter for Hope, whenever the blonde was in town and he happily said yes. He first thought Hank would want nothing to do with him after what Howard pulled on the man, but after a small debate on that very day both men realized they couldn't hold grudges against each other.
They already had too many grudges over their heads to even count, why add another? It would only lead to a bigger headache anyways.
So over the years, Hank and Jason would put aside a small time to check in on one another. Make sure the other man wasn't dead yet. It was a running joke on who would die first out of the two. But at this rate, knowing the people in their lives, they won't let them get bury in the ground so easily.
He peaked an eye open as he rested his head and asked, "JJ? You got what I sent you?"
The others eyes were still closed as he hummed, "Yeah. I sent the small package and if I'm correct, it will be brought though word of mouth soon enough."
"Good. I hope this guys is worth it. If he's smart enough, he will do as I planned."
"Why Scott Lang anyway? I gave you a list of people you can choose from and you chose him..."
"Scott Lang broke into Vistacorp Headquarters to pay back the money VistaCorp had been stealing from their users, before he brought into prison. Heard of it?"
"Yeah, he pulled strong a stunt risking to pay back all that money they took. According to the file, he has a master degree in electrical engineering, which gave him the skills to hack into their grid."
Hank smirked, "That's why I need him. He has a special set of skills as a hacker and thief. I want to test him, see if he's able to play the game right."
"If he can break into the lock and steal the suit, then he was a right fit." Jason added with a grin, "..he also has a daughter Hank. You know better than anyone the length you would go to see your kid. Chances are, he ends up in jail again."
"He won't."
"I have a plan. Trust me on this one."
"And I'll be here to say 'I told you so' when it goes sideways."
The two crack a chuckle knowing it was bound to happen whether they liked it or not. But if the plan does end up going sideways, they always had other ways of doing things. Even if it meant going undercover to bait Scott Lang into the older man's plan. Both spent the rest of the day catching up, watching some tv and grabbing a bite to eat.
None of the Young Avengers knew that Jason was gone for a short couple of days. Well, some of them noticed as he has been receiving calls from a few thought the day. Mainly ones from Rei, Liane, Rochelle, Ji-Hoon, Lydia and even Wanda. Hank commented how he was still amazed he hasn't lost his head yet.
"Who said I haven't?" Jason joked with a small chuckle.
"Who's watching them?" He asked in returning smiling.
"Elizabeth, Nat and Bruce. I hope."
"Oh dear god. Now, I gotta know, who's the hardest to watch over?"
"Depends on the day. Rei is the easiest at most, Rochelle is rather shy and hangs out with her friends..but Liane.."
"Felton's what? Oh. You can't lie to me, and not say Rei Stark doesn't turn your gears one bit."
"Rei does make me question my life choices, but I love him to death. Felton, she is a handful and a total bitch at times. It's why I always hand her off to Hill to taken care of. I need my silence."
That caused Hank to snort and laugh. He knew the man was too polite to say anything to harsh per say, not knowing who's around to hear him but if possible he will let a rip.
"Now that's the Jason I know, call it how it is!" He shouted as he tossed a chip into his mouth, "Half of them ain't even your kids."
The blonde smirked nodding, knowing the grey man's words to be truth. There are good couple of them aren't his legally or even raised them from childhood, but a part of him does care. Even if he wants to shut up half the time.
Hell, even the ants joined in on the fun. They are 247 of them after all, the ants were bound to make their appearance in carrying items around and or, helping them with alerting any incoming news on the heist they were waiting to happen.
Later on, that very night they went to the basement as they turned on the lights to reveal a high tech level of security cameras, microphones and chairs laying around. It was linked up to whatever humanity possible can find, in this case, the ants.
They watched Scott break into his house, as Hank seemed impressed by his work giving Jason a couple of approved nods, as they kept rolling the tape. The handy work, the levels of patience and precision Scott Lang had was amazing. His quick thinking and ways he moved around the area at quick speed was something he could only imagine to do when he was back in the 40s. Hank used to think and move that fast in the late 80s. More or less.
Without a better matter of minutes he took the suit and ran. They spend the better part of the next day, watching Scott and see what he would do.
That he was expandable. And that he was. Jason chocked out a laugh at how freaked out he was as Hank talked into the coms. Sadly of course, the moment he returned the suit, he was caught red handed by the cops.
It was Hope's doing. She didn't know much about the man or the fact that he had a track record he was trying to maintain. Which led Hank to toss a pair of suits over to Jason, telling him it's time to lawyer up, as the man rolled his eyes at his friend.
Once they were in the prison, Scott Lang was brought into a room confused more the most part, not understanding who they were. He didn't know about the fact that he had a lawyer watching after him. They told him second chances don't always come easily, especially for men like him, next time he gets one, he should take a closer look onto what it is. And he's smart enough, he will listen to them.
Thankfully he did, as Hank ordered the ants to get Scott escape the jail cell and be brought home that night. However the man got dizzy and past out, resulting him to be knocked out cold in one the guest bedrooms of the house.
Hank's house, since he had more tech and landscape to work around than Jason did. As they waited for him to wake up, the blonde went out grab some more supplies and food. He was hungry.
When he returned home with the items needed, entering quietly through the front door he heard it. Hope was here. He should've known she would've made an appearance at some point.
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"Please tell me you didn't call JJ." She said looking at her father with her arms crossed.
"I didn't call JJ." Her father responded with a sigh, trying to enjoy his tea.
"He is busy right now."
"I didn't call him."
She pointed to the brown leather jacket that was on the chair beside her. The one she gave the blonde years ago for a birthday present when she was in high school. Her father said he was borrowing it from the man's closet when he went to check on his home.
"You liar. Like always. Just say that you did." Hope remarked.
Hank groaned, "I emailed him."
"You tipped him. Dragging his ass here, for what? I can handle the mission myself!"
"No, you can't! He needed one-"
"You never listen to me!"
She looked over her shoulder at face the voice who called out her name like an old memory. Only to find her uncle standing there with a stern look on his face, his usual cheeky grin was exchanged for a pair of lined smile and frustrated eyes that glared into her soul. He made her feel like a child again, getting in trouble for yelling at her father or running away from school grounds to play with her friends.
She looked down, feeling less than, muttering a soft 'sorry' in his direction as he simply nodded. He shook his head and sighed at his niece. He hated seeing them fight, he knew they had their reasons but she walked away a long time ago, just to prove a point to her father that she was worth it. And she already was.
"I didn't know..I uh, would've liked a heads up that you were coming..." She admitted for being silent for a moment.
He placed the bag of groceries on the table as he gave her a small half smile, "I know..but I knew you would've said otherwise and convince me to stay home."
"You don't have to be here. I can handle this."
"I know. But I'm here now, it's not like I'm going to waste a long drive just to be stuck at home listening to ABBA on the radio."
"Still. You should've-"
"Hope. Just don't. What's done is done. I came at my own risk and I won't be staying long, just to make sure a few things are in check."
"..I uh, I missed you."
"I did too."
She pulled her arms out to be taking in by his embrace. The warmth of his hugs always felt like a nice blanket as he wrapped her arms around him and kissed her forehead. She rested her head against his shoulder having another moment of silence to relax, sending a small glare to her father. She chuckled hearing her uncle brought her favorite ice cream from Basin Robins to help ease the tension, causing a tiny grunt from Hank. Her uncle smirked and told her to get Scott as she pulled away with a small smile.
When Hope walked out, he turned around to see his old friend sending daggers swords him. Jason just shrugged, "What?"
"You can't win her over with ice cream and hugs." He remarked.
"Yes I can. That's my job as the uncle. Make you look bad, so you want to work harder for her affection."
"That's not how it's supposed to work."
"That's exactly how it's supposed to work."
Soon enough, Scott and Hope joined them in the dinning room, as they talked trying to explain the situation to the confused brunette. Hope and Hank bricked as they did, as Jason tried to defuse the issue at hand introducing the trio. Scott listened along, trying to piece together everything they said, hearing how they were impressed with his work as well. He was offered some sugar, watching the ants push it around.
"H-how do you make them do that?" Scott asked pointing to the said ants, watching one climb onto Jason's finger with ease.
"Ants can lift objects 50 times their size. They can build farms. Corporate with each other." Hank explained.
"Right. But how do you make them do that?"
"I used electromagnetic waves to stimulate their factor's nerves center using a device. I speak to the Ants. I can go anywhere, see everything and hear everything."
"And still know absolutely nothing. I'm late for a meeting." Hope injects with a clear tone, pressing a kiss to her uncles cheek and a nod to her father.
"Be safe!" Jason calls out with a half smile, sipping his tea.
"Always am!"
With that she walks out. Scott raised an hand asking who the hell they are, what the hell is going on and if he could back to jail. Jason rolled his eyes telling both men to follow him.
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They walked and talked heading down to the basement to reveal a small headquarters as Scott looked around in awe. Hank explained the suit and his role in this as Jason finished setting up a few things adding in a jab or two as he went along.
"Pym tech? SHIELD?" Scott said muttering under his breathe as he followed their voices.
"Darren Cross had heard rumors around the Pym Particles. Something that both companies tried to keep under lock and key, with only a few knowing it existed." Jason explained.
"And he became obsessed with recreating my formula." Hank continued to explain holding a vial of Pym particles, "But I wouldn't help. So he partially voted me out of my own company. Hope was chairmen of the board, so that helped. But she came back to me when she saw how close he was with his process. But without a suit, the brain isn't protected."
"Causing a fiery sensational effect that can make the brain unstable. And Cross hasn't realized that part yet. So with our luck, he'll die."
"Be nice, JJ. Cross isn't the most stable guy to begin with."
Scott listen then asked, "So what do you want from me?"
Both men exchange a look as Hank walked over to Scott Lang and told him he believed in second chances for everyone. A redemption. Saying that if he does that, he can start a new path and get some insight wiped off his records. Scott looked pleased declaring that he will go along with the plan of theirs. Within a couple of hours, they all got to work.
Scott began to start training how to use the suit, understanding the plan and communicating with the idea on how to get into the building. He got learn about the concept of the ants and their behavior in the process of the world. Hope and Jason offered to teach Scott some fighting techniques to help him later on. Hope smirked getting a good swing at Scott punching him hard enough he fell backwards, as Jason snorted at their dynamic play between the tackles to the ground.
It got to a certain point where Scott was given the opportunity to learn how to control the ants. Hank acted as director for him, telling him to focus having faith that he can do it. Scott tried but it didn’t work. Hope groan annoyed telling him how he needed to commit to communicating with them, he has to mean it. The father daughter duo, once again began to argue over the subject. Jason reminded them on how the focus should be on helping Scott with the trails.
“Really? That’s where our focus should be?” Hope said, taking the device used for the ants and held it close to her ear controlling to do more than just add sugar to the tea. She caused to room to darken as the ants blocked out the lights, Hank caught her before she can act by further. Her voice broke as she muttered a few words at her father and sighed before exiting the room.
Hank knew he couldn’t do it without her. Since day one she has requested to be put in the suit, do the trails and get the mission accomplished herself, but her father refused every request she made. Jason knew the reason why. Scott noticed the problem being a father himself and went out to talk to her, hoping to knock some sense into Hope and have her see behind the act.
The two were alone in the house, standing in awkward silence as the moment of Hope’s departure replayed in their heads. Hank walked around the first floor, fumbling with a small piece of dice he found in the living room as Jason watched from the window the car sitting in the driveway with the two figures talking inside.
He broke the silence with a scoff, biting in the inside of his cheek as he said, “You have to tell her.”
“No.” He muttered in response, knowing exactly what he meant by those words.
“If you want her on your side, you have to break the ice here. She knows Janet didn’t die cause of some accident involving a plane. I know it’s painful for you, Hank, but she deserves to know.”
“Like you told Stark about his parents death.”
That silence Jason quicker than expected. He remembered how Howard and Maria died, when he was at his lowest moments during the holiday season. He told Tony what he knew and what he only could’ve revealed of that painful memory, going as far as to show him the photographs he dug up a few days later from news reports. Hank might’ve had a falling out with Howard but he was at the damn funeral for a short period of time before returning home.
Hank knew he hit a nerve and continued, “You couldn’t even wrap your head around fact that you lost them. Worse, telling a child their mother died and they never had the chance to say goodbye. I lost Janet that day because of my misfortunes during the mission.”
“I know, I heard the story. I can only imagine how you felt when it happened, when she shrunk down to that size..” Jason added trying to find his voice again.
“Please, don’t remind me, Jason, she went sub-atomic...”
“And you tried to get her back by studying for weeks on an answer to get her back”
“I made a mistake letting her come with me..I was stupid enough to let that happen..you know how hard it is for me just to relive that experience again…Hope might hate me when she finds out..”
“I know, she might but she will forgive you…Hank..you and I have made a lot mistakes in the past 3 decades. We made decisions that we aren’t proud of..thinking we are protecting them from harm..”
“That’s the whole point! That’s our job, to keep them safe and not be heartbroken by the truth. You only gave Stark the benefit of the doubt about his parents death and how it affected the outcome, you said he hated the world for it..I can’t tell her..we have secrets for a reason..”
“Yeah well, Tony could care less about his father…How about you only tell her what you can? When the time comes where she asks for more, you go into more detail about what happened. You are driving her away now…I know you hate the looks she gives you. You said it yourself..”
There was an unspoken number of casualties among those accidents that occurred during the death of their loved ones. Only so much information, they kept closed to their chest to prevent others suffering in those moments. The amount of consequences to their loved ones being gone felt like a huge blow to the head and stuffed around in secret.
Hank knew that, especially with the fact that his very friend lost more than he can chew.
He felt sorry for bringing it up, but it just didn’t occur to him the words would impact that hard. Hell, the memories of his wife were still so fresh in his brain like it was yesterday.
Hank ran a couple of fingers cross his hair muttering, “Sorry for bringing that up. It’s just…”
“I know..I know. But you do need to let her know what happened that day.” Jason responded taking a breath to regain himself.
That was when Hope and Scott returned from the car, about to say something but was cut off by Hank’s statement. He had a hand against the fireplace beforehand turning around to face the two of them, to face his daughter with the truthful remarks she desires to know. He slowly but surely explained what he could to his daughter onto what happened to her mother as her voice broke mumbling a few questions.
He did in best to answer them. It hurt to talk about it, as it felt like he was reliving the same day all over again. She wanted to know more but her thoughts didn’t seem to allow her to think straight as she teared up even more. Hank just told her in the end he lost her mother, he didn’t mean to lose his daughter too.
Scott ruined the moment with a quippy response that caused Jason to roll his eyes, telling him to go make some tea. Afterwards the four of them got back to work on training Scott and working with the plans they had in motion.
At some point, Jason went upstairs to get something to eat and suddenly got another set of calls. He sighed deeply knowing they must've been from Liane or Rei, he ignored knowing it was probably something they could've handle themselves. They had to learn how to get along and figure out solutions to things without an actual adult fixing it entirely for them.
With a deep sigh he answered, “Hello?”
“Jason! Aha we might got an issue at the compound—dude shut up!” Said the voice that clearly belonged to Liane.
“Okay, who burnt the toaster again? Wait why are you at The Compound anyway? Your supposed to be at The Tower..”
“The adults went out on a small scale meeting, so we were left alone. Long story short, we had an incident at The Tower and decided to visit The Compound for breakfast instead—Ughhh Rei be quiet! Rick calm it’s gonna be fine—I was saying, we came here and Sam made us breakfast…and then..”
“Then what? Liane spit it out or put Rei on the phone.”
“Then we saw an issue and Sam told us to stay inside.”
Just as Liane and Rei’s voices were heard, along with the other members in the background, Jason was called downstairs by Hank to check on something. And let’s just say, he wanted to punch the older man for his actions. From the panels on the screen, shots of Scott fighting The Falcon to get inside Avengers Compound. Hope half smiled, annoyed and confused by Scott’s actions.
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It was honestly hilarious yet stressful.
He put the phone call on mute as he whispered, “Hank, what the hell?! You said that the item you were looking for was at an old building, not Avengers Compound!”
“I didn’t know that it was remodeled after all this time! You could’ve said something.” Hank remarked looking up at the blonde from his seat.
“You weren’t speaking of the specifics either! Oh god..Scott better get out of there.”
“He’ll be fine. Besides he’s fighting an Avenger, this can be taken as part of his training for the next assignment. What are you worried about?”
“Half of the other avengers are inside the building now and they’re a little terrified.”
Hope said an eyebrow confused onto what her uncle meant until she heard the voices over the phone and almost immediately laughed at the sound.
She couldn’t make out the voices very well but one caught her ears as she asked, “Is that Felton? Since when is she freaked out over something like this, isn’t she an Avenger?”
Jason just shrugged at this point and responded, “It’s a great mystery to all of this. And yes that was her. I can already picture Rei’s annoyed expressions. Whatever we do, we just have to get Scott out there and fast.”
“Or they might call the other heroes for assistance. Damn it.”
“Days like this, I wish my retirement plan was completely different.”
“You can always come stay with me instead. Wait, I’m still in the Will right?”
He winked at her meaning a clear ‘yes you are, honey.’ As they both returned their focus back onto the screen watching Hank navigate Scott across the field to fight Falcon, suddenly they lost visual contact with him as the ants couldn’t see what was happening inside. It went silent as the only sound came from the cell phone in Jason’s hand.
He raised the phone up his ear to respond, “Whatever happens stay instead. I’ll be there in a couple of hours to check up on—”
“About time you picked up the damn phone!” Yelled the voice that belonged to his first godson.
“Rei?! What happened to Liane?”
“I took it off her hands, she went to help calm Rick and the others down or whatever. I really don’t care. Do I have permission to take her down Felton and shut off the systems?”
“Permission granted—wait, hold off on shutting down the systems for a few minutes and then reboot The Compound.”
“Does that mean I’m in charge of everything?”
“Does it mean the house won’t be fire when I come over to check on you guys?”
“Yes sir.”
“Then you’re in charge. And please get a hold of an adult!”
The phone called ended with Rei’s voice being heard over the speaker as you can imagine the others not sounding too pleased about the news. Jason just smirked already picturing their faces as he watched the panels of Scott escaping and Falcon on the floor. Him and Hank fist bump at the process of the mission turning out decently well.
He knew Hank was gonna have a talk with Scott on his actions and how he handled it, but Jason knew based on the files that Scott must’ve gotten the item needed for the job.
And he was right.
Hope was very impressed with what he did as her father sighed in relief at the assignment being completed. Scott Lang had skills and knowledge to be used on a battlefield one day, possibly even a hero. The four of them talked about upcoming events that were set in motion as Jason texted his nephew for updates on the situation from earlier as it seemed like things have calmed down over there.
He will need to drive over there to check up on them later.
As of now, all he knew is that the four of them were headed into a very dangerous environment within the incoming hours. Especially after Darren Cross’s appearance at the household, assuming he was just speaking with Hank Pym, as the others were silently standing in the kitchen.
The next couple of hours were gonna be a wild ride.
That’s what I got! Thanks for reading I hope you liked it. 📺
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
Tags: @gaminggirlsstuff @gcthvile @missstrawbs2001 @rooster-84 @djs8891 @haleripley @starkleila @cherrysft @mandylove1000 @yetanotherwells @topgun-imagines @buckysteveloki-me @sherloquestea @nakiaswg @carellmcu @ximehs @savemewattpad and etc
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inkyuki · 5 months
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Bueno tengo mis propios Au's y comics de splatoon, no los eh subido aquí... tal vez un día lo haga... el caso es que eh estado pensando en hacer un dibujo de mis propios Oc's con sus respectivos finales malos y así termino x3 espero les guste XP
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In Love
Summary: Clint Barton x Fe!Reader ~ Turns out, you’ve been keeping a massive secret from Clint despite being his friend and co-worker for the last six years. 
Disclaimer: violence, swearing (I think), pining, life-or-death situations, kiss to keep cover, fluff, hand holding, angst, blood, torture, Clint does not have kids or a wife or has ever, 16+ themes (Criminal Minds kinda thing). MDNI - This is your warning - If you read on, you have agreed to read 16+ themes.
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The moment you came home your first day in the field, you knew what was to come. 
You never fell in love. Never even fell into ‘like’. But the moment you met him…it was game over. Your future self laughed at your younger self. 
“I’m never gonna fall in love.” you would say. “I’m never gonna like a boy like that. I’m not going to want someone to come home to. I want my own space. I don’t want anyone by my side. I don’t need anyone but my dogs. They can keep me company when I’m old and grey.”
God, you wished you could be like that again. Despite knowing none of it would be true, you wished you still had those ideologies. That you would never fall in love. That you would never date or marry or want children and turn out to be a Sports Mom with a minivan filled with gear, orange slices and cases of water you got on sale from Costco. 
But the moment you saw him…that ideology died. In fact, it burst into a ball of flames. 
You had never had that feeling before. That kind of feeling that sent a tornado through your stomach, blood pumping around your body as if you’d just fought for your life in a cross country race and your heart doing somersaults against your lungs that knocked the air out of them. 
But the moment you saw him…you had to scold yourself. 
And you scolded yourself over and over and over and over again, for years. 
Agent Clint Barton was first and foremost your teammate. You could only trust one another to the extent that the other did. Same with the rest of your team. 
Without trust, there would be no foundation for anything. 
And he trusted you. That much was clear. 
Afterwards, you, Clint and the rest of your team became friends and before long, you were a unit. A family. 
Each and every one of you knew the other like the back of your hands, except…Clint felt like he was missing something with you. 
He knew you were keeping something from him. And sometimes it felt like the rest of the team were trying to keep your secret, too.
Though, you knew that the rest of the team didn’t know for certain about your feelings towards Clint. They knew you but when it came to your love life, you were the only one none of them could figure out. Your cards were kept firmly against your chest. 
One evening, Willa (one of your teammates) spotted you in a small cafe getting a drink with a guy and when she saw you Monday morning, she instantly asked you about him. The whole team was there. Were you about to reveal that you have a secret boyfriend this whole time? Perhaps he was your husband and you had 4 kids and secretly owned a private school in Nebraska?
But, no. 
“He was just a guy and we had a good time but I don’t think I’m gonna see him again.”
“Why not?” Clint asked you. 
“Because the day after I saw him in the park with his girlfriend and their dog.” 
“I’m sorry, honey.” Willa frowned. 
“It’s okay.” 
For the next couple of months, you went on more dates. Some were set up by Willa and Jerry (another teammate) and the rest by online sites. And, some were more successful than others but in the end, none of them gave you that feeling that you had when you first met Clint. That kind of feeling, the moment you dropped your bag and closed your front door had you nodding your head and accepting, “Yep, this is it.” as you realised, somehow, miraculously, you’d managed to have a loving crush on someone. But it wouldn’t matter, because he is your teammate. 
And, after two years of trying to get rid of your feelings for him, or at least, trying to accept them and move on with your life, Clint sent your heart spirally and fell even harder when yourself, Willa, Jerry, Una and Clint were all sent on a mission together. 
It was an extraction. 
The host of the gala was a multi-millionaire and would be auctioning off his prized possessions in a secret auction. The gala was simply a front. After all, why would more than three dozen highly wealthy people all come to the same country for “a holiday”. 
His prized possessions included a hard-drive that opened the buyer to a world of information surrounding offshore accounts that were used to help free-lance agents that still had ties to any and all government organisations. 
Shield included. 
Only, after the initial smooth sailing, things took a turn. 
“It’s not here.”
From the other side of the bar, your eyes met with Clint’s and you spoke into your drink as you lifted it to your lips. “What do you mean it’s not there?”
“I mean it’s not here.” Jerry told you down comms. “The harddrive. It’s not in this room.”
“Then where could it- oh no.”
“Oh no? What oh no?” Clint asked. 
Willa turned her back to the column. “It’s in his jacket.”
“What do you mean it’s in his jacket?”
“Ten O’clock.”
Low and behold, there the host stood, the silver USB stick in his hand, smiling as he waved it around three other potential buyers. 
One of them went to touch it and the host pocketed it before he could, smiling before removing his jacket and handing it to his butler beside him who folded it up and began to walk away with it. 
“Where’s he taking it?”
Willa lip-read what she could from the conversation. 
“His bedroom.”
“His bedroom is heavily guarded.” 
“You don’t say.”
“Guys, what are we going to do? We need that hard drive.” Jerry’s voice rang through.
“Someone needs to get his attention.” Willa replied. 
“How?” you asked. 
“I have an idea.”
Moments later, Clint was by your side. 
“What are you-”
“Just trust me. You can punch me later.”
You placed your hand in Clint’s as he led you to the dance floor and suddenly you were very aware of your own skin. It was an odd feeling. 
“Just do what I do. But backwards. And in heels.”
“Thanks, Fred. What exactly is your plan here?”
Clint’s eyes met yours. “He looks in your direction every 45 seconds. I’m going to give him an excuse to make his move.”
You yelped in shock as Clint pulled you flush against him, his hand flexing on your lower back. 
“Just trust me?”
You caught the sincere look in his eyes and all you could do was nod. 
It worked. 
Just as Clint was moving you around the dance floor, your mind going elsewhere, there came a tap onto Clint’s shoulder. 
“May I cut in?”
“Of course.”
Clint pressed a kiss to your cheek, quickly whispering in your ear. “Flirt. You look beautiful, by the way.”
You smiled and nodded as he walked away, letting your hands slip from his and into the host’s. And, after flirting for the length of a song, feeling his hands go lower down your back, your own hands stopping him, he finally walked you up the stairs and towards his bedroom. 
“Don’t worry, I’ve got eyes on you.” Clint spoke down comms. 
You looked over your shoulder as you climbed the grand staircase with the host’s hand at your back, and you saw Clint to the left of the dance floor, watching you carefully. 
Once you found yourself with the host, alone, in his bedroom and the guards told to clear away and take their break for an hour or so, you made quick work in knocking him out, finding the jacket and removing the hard drive. 
Only, once you left and met Clint outside the bedroom door, a new to duty guard came around the corner. 
“Just follow me.” Clint took your hand in his as he pocketed the hard drive into his jacket. 
You only got half-way walking down the hall when the guard, who had peaked in on the host, came back out and shouted for you both to stop. 
Of course, you didn’t. 
You both ran instead. 
Then an alarm was pulled and every guard the host paid seemed to be after you and Clint. 
“What are you going to do?” Willa asked as Clint pressed something into her hand as he ran past her and out of the door.
“We’ll meet you back at the safe house.” Clint told Willa. “Just take the hard drive and get it to Jerry. Una, tell me you’ve got the van ready.”
“Ready. I’ll meet Willa and Jerry at the extraction point.”
And for the next ten minutes, you and Clint were running through the streets and back alleyways of the town, running in separate directions for a while before bumping into each other down a side-ally. 
Footsteps were coming closer and the sound of bullets were flying through the air. 
“They don’t know what they’re aiming at.” 
“But they’ll find us soon.”
“If we run out now, they’ll shoot at us.”
“So what do we do?”
“I don’t know.” you looked at him, breathless, before looking back down the alley. 
Then it hit Clint. 
“I have an idea but I need you to trust me. Like, really trust me.”
“Jesus Christ, Barton. Just get on with it.” you finally called out as he tried to prevent the inevitability of his plan - despite you not knowing what it was. 
The footsteps were drawing closer and for a moment they stopped, a light flashed down the alleyway and voice talked before the running continued.
But none of that registered in the moment because your brain was short-circuiting since Clint’s bright idea was to kiss you. 
His hands came to your face and he could feel your hands on his arms, ready to push him off and probably punch him. But you didn’t. And, rather than the kiss being stiff and awkward…it was unlike any other. 
One of his hands still remained by the side of your face when the light shone down the path but his other came down your body, sending goosebumps in their wake, before he pulled you against him and he stepped closer pressing you between him and the wall. 
Your own hands travelled up to his neck and pulled him closer but once the footsteps died away, the kiss slowly came to an end leaving you both breathless against one another. 
“I think it worked.” 
Clint nodded, swallowing hard, as he looked at you. 
How had he never noticed the reflection of the stars in your eyes before? 
“I think it did. Are you gonna punch me now?”
Clint watched as you paused for a moment. 
“Not right now. But if they come back, I might.”
“We better go?”
You nodded. “We better go.”
You had to push yourself along because you knew, if you didn’t, you’d kiss him again and he’d simply kissed you to avoid getting caught, right? There would be no dire consequences after that kiss. 
But all Clint could do was scold himself as you both made your way back to the safe house. How had he never noticed the stars in your eyes before? Or how, in the morning, the rays of the sun shone back just as bright? He also scolded himself from allowing himself to emotionally indulge in the kiss he shared with you. You are his teammate. And he knew himself. 
He couldn’t let his heart get involved, or else there would be dire consequences. 
Initially, things felt…awkward. But, after four years, it was just an old memory, right? And, yeah, sure, the memory would be revisited from time to time whether independently or shared…kinda. Mostly, this was when the team would have drinks one night and would be talking about love lives and first kisses and worst kisses. 
“Alright, alright, alright. I’ll give you that one.” Una said, swirling her bottle of beer. “But kissing to avoid something, that can't work, can it?”
“It can.” 
Your mouth spoke the words before your brain could stop you. 
“And how would you know?”
You caught Clint’s smirk as he looked down to his beer. 
“I just do.”
“Oh, really?”
“Come on, tell us!” Willa cried. 
You shook your head with a suppressed laugh. “I’ve said too much.”
“No, come on!”
“Maybe some other time.”
“No fair.”
“Okay,” you smiled. “You tell us about what happened with Derek and your ‘worldly knowledge’ and I’ll tell you my story.”
Willa narrowed her eyes at you, playfully. “You play a clever game.”
You just sat back and smiled.
But despite all of this, four years on, neither you or Clint had seemingly changed. But he still felt like you were hiding something from him. 
Except, he’d find out soon enough. And not in a way either of you hoped he would. 
This time, you’d been called in on your day off. 
“What’s going on?”
Clint turned around from the monitor and was at first taken aback from your clothing. Usually, you wore black pants and a black t-shirt to work or a work shirt or, if the situation called for it, sand coloured cargo trousers and a breathable t-shirt. Though, that was usually when having to attend a military base outside of cooler weather. 
Instead, you wore a cosy jumper and dungarees that had paint splatter all over them, including your white pumps and small freckles of pain on the baby hairs that had escaped their cover of the hair bandanna. 
Clint also spotted the remnants of nail polish in your cuticles and light paint on the side of your hands. 
“We’ve just got- have you been decorating?”
You looked over yourself. “Oh, yeah. Felt like a change. Anyway, what’s going on?”
“We’ve just got wind of a hostage situation. We can’t make verbal contact with the abductor but they did send this out.”
It was a note. 
And it was through that note that led you and Clint making an extraction which was initially successful until you did a final sweep afterwards only to be knocked out when you spotted a door had been left ajar and the lights turned off. 
Clint, after not hearing your reply, came in after you. 
And that was how you both ended up waking up inside some beat down old home that had probably been designed in the 40s. 
His voice was hazy, but you heard Clint call your name. You also tried your best to take in a breath but was only met with a damp stench and the feeling of your lungs crushing you into shock. 
“Take it easy, he hit you pretty hard.”
After a few minutes, you finally gained some normality in your lungs but the sting was still there. 
“What happened?”
“After he went all sleeper agent on you, I came in and found you unconscious. I was trying to wake you when he stuck something in my neck.”
“I see you got the peaceful option.” 
“Where the hell are we?” you asked, trying your best to look around. 
“I don’t know. I haven’t heard any cars so I’m gonna take a guess and say we’re in the middle of nowhere.”
“Well, that narrows it down.”
“Did you see who took us?”
“Would you like to?”
You and Clint snapped your heads to the open space in front of you both. 
Out from the shadows appeared the guy who you had seen just before his gun came across your head and your body hit the ground. 
The man walked from one side of the room, to the other, screwing in the light-bulbs beneath the lampshades causing both you and Clint to squint at the brightness. You’d both been submerged in darkness for quite some time. 
“My name is Jack. I know, how original. It was actually my mother’s father’s name. Named after my grandfather, grand ol’ Jack. Lived till he was 92. Always said the best way to survive was to always tell the truth. That lies weighed on the soul. And to have a small shot of whiskey before going to bed. Said that was good for the heart since it quietened the mind.”
“Really touching story,” you cut him off. “But why are we here?”
“Don’t you get it?”
You and Clint looked at one another. Had you both missed a part of this conversation? 
“I tried to save those people in the warehouse.” Jack told both of you as he straddled a chair. “People in this world need saving from themselves. People are dying younger than they ever did. And it’s because of all the lies. The lies they keep from their parents, and their children and themselves. It’s all crushing their soul. And I knew…” Jack smiled, wagging his finger. “I knew the moment I saw you down there that yours was being crushed the most.”
“Saw me?”
Jack stood from his chair. “I was in the corner office, on the top floor. It has an excellent view. Whoever has that office next will love it. The accents on the wall, ah magnificent.” Jack kissed his fingers before continuing. “But it gave me a good scope. I understand not everyone will…agree with my methods, per say.”
“No, because you took people hostage.” Clint pointed out. 
“I was trying to save them! And I was finally getting through to them until those SWAT guys pulled out my team.”
“Again, because you had taken them hostage. And now you’ve taken us hostage.”
“This world needs saving!” Jack yelled. “It needs saving from the lies people tell and the secrets they all hide.”
“Alright!” you yelled out before calming your voice. “Alright. So…the world needs saving? Jack, do you really think you’re saving it…by killing people? The hold-up down on 9th? That was you, right? Those people you let go-”
“They let their souls free. They told the truth.”
“So, if we-” you looked at Clint before turning back to Jack. “If we tell you the truth, will you let us go?”
For a moment, the feeling in the room got lighter. Maybe there was a way out after all. 
“But you’ll only lie. No, you…your secrets are too big to just give up freely. You…you’re a take em’ to the grave kinda gal. So, no. I won’t let you go. Not until I know that it’s the truth.”
“How will you know?”
Clint regretted asking the question. 
“Because she’ll be begging to tell me. You both will.”
Neither of you knew how much time had passed but the spots from the light were getting duller and bigger. 
“No, no. You can not sleep yet. You haven’t freed your soul.”
“Why do we have to free our souls?” you asked, the taste of blood coming to your mouth. “What if I don’t want to be saved? You said it yourself. I’d rather take mine to the grave.”
“Oh, but you don’t. Not really.” 
Jack had been circling you and Clint for a while, as if he were a hunter, teasing you - waiting for you to beg to be killed. 
“No, I can see it in your eyes. The eyes never lie.” 
Jack levelled himself though he wasn’t close enough to knock out. His hands gripped your thighs as he hummed, annoyance clear in his expression as he tried to figure out your secret. 
“Perhaps you killed someone? No, that isn’t it. Maybe you ran away? Have a secret family? No, that’s not it either. The eyes never lie to me. What is it? What are you not telling me? What are you not telling yourself?”
Clint called your name and Jack saw the slightest change in you. So slight, in fact, even you didn’t feel it. 
“It’s him. It had something to do with your team. No, teammate. It’s him and just him.”
Jack pushed against your thighs so he could stand up straight. Quickly, he made his way over to Clint and circled him. 
“What is it? What is it about you, huh? What has her secret got to do with you? Let's see if we can find out.”
You heard the snap of a switchblade as it opened and the fight for Jack to steady Clint but before he could make the first cut or slice, you cried out. 
“Stop! He doesn’t know! He- he doesn’t know. Please…just…just don’t hurt him. Please.”
Jack looked over to you and Clint’s name escaped your lips, both in pleading and question. 
“Oh…oh, this runs so much deeper than just a secret.”
You lowered your head for a moment. The pounding in your heart was only made harder by your own silent cries telling you to not say anything else. But there was a chance you’d both die, so why not tell him? Right? Maybe it would save your lives? Or would it only give Jack more ammunition to use? 
 “Doesn’t it?”
Jack knelt in front of you and gently touched your cheek before moving his hand down and grasping under your jaw, forcing your head up. 
“Tell me. Let me free your soul.”
Tears rolled down your cheeks, your heart crushing your lungs inside your chest. 
“If you don’t tell me, I will only hurt him more. And you don’t want to hurt him. Tell me. Help me save both of you. Tell me. No, tell him.”
Jack moved your head, forcing you to look at Clint with tear stained cheeks. 
“I’m sorry, Clint. I’m so sorry.”
Your name came from Clint’s voice, barely above a whisper. 
“You can admit it,” Jack said your name. “You committed the most heinous act an agent such as yourself can do, didn’t you? You created a danger, not only for him, but yourself.”
Clint said your name again, trying to move his hands only to find them still shackled to his chair. 
“You fell in love.”
You took in a breath, the beating feeling in your chest, turning into a stabbing feeling against your lungs. Your head remained down as you squoze your eyes shut, more tears escaping from your lids, down your lashes and onto your lap. 
You didn’t even know if Jack could hear you, but you pleaded with him anyway. 
“We need to hear you say it.”
You remained silent but then-
“Say it!”
Jack’s hand came to your face and pushed you to look at him. 
“Say it! Say it!”
You continued to plead with him until he pushed you back further and you screamed out. 
“I fell in love! I fell in love! Please! Stop! No! Please! I-I fell in love! I fell in love with him! Please! I-I fell in love with him. I’m in love with him!”
Jack stopped and waited a moment before pulling you back so all four legs of the chair were on the ground and he finally removed his hand from your face. 
“And there it is.” 
He was smiling. The look and sound of fear in your body had pushed him further but the defeated look on your face…that couldn’t be bought. That had to be created, by his hands. 
Clint looked between Jack and you and he didn’t know what to be more worried about. What Jack could possibly do to you next, or the fact that even he knew you were telling the truth to Jack. 
You were in love with him.
But he didn’t have long to sit and think about it because flashing lights suddenly came from behind the thick fabric that covered the broken windows, blocking out the light of the day and night. 
“No! No!” Jack shouted. “I still need to save them!”
It all happened so quickly, Clint barely caught the fact that Willa had rushed inside, Una arresting Jack and detaining him. Willa rushed over to Clint as Jerry came over to you.
“How did you find us?” Clint asked Willa as Jerry came behind you and picked the locks of your handcuffs. 
“Are you okay?”
Jerry knew it was a stupid question, even when you didn’t answer him. 
“A dog walker called it in. Said they could hear someone yelling as if they were in pain. He also knew no one has lived in this house since 1982.”
As Willa picked Clint’s handcuffs, Jerry had managed to get you out of yours and without looking back, you darted for the door. 
“Wait, wait,” Una called after you. “We need to wait for the medics.”
“Can you take me to the hospital?”
Una looked you over. She could see the clear look in your eyes. You didn’t want to stay here for another second. 
“Don’t you want to wait for Clin-”
Una nodded, radioing into Willa who was standing behind Clint, letting Jerry finish unpicking the locks. 
“Sure, I’ll call ahead.”
“Thank you, Willa.”
Hoping into the passenger seat, you shut the door as Una climbed into the driver’s seat and took off down the road and to the local hospital. 
“What happened in there?” Una asked you as she flicked her eyes from the road to you and back again. 
“I don’t wanna talk about it.”
Even with your hand shaking, you pushed your fingers across your face to try and wipe away the tears. 
By the time you arrived at the hospital, you were taken to a separate room where Una stayed in the waiting room, filling out your forms. Your hands were too shaky to even hold a pen and you could just about remember your own name. 
The doctor ran multiple tests and pushed the small cuts together with closure slips. 
“You’re all good but I’d like you to remain here for a couple hours, just in case there’s any change.”
You nodded and quietly thanked the doctor as she left. 
There were patches of dirt on your hands, as well as blood and old tears where they washed away the stains. 
After an hour, Una came in only to leave a few minutes later since she was called back to base to interrogate Jack. And, as she left, you slowly lowered yourself down on the hospital bed and, despite the noise in your head, you fell asleep. 
A few hours later, a nurse came in and woke up. 
“You can go home now, honey. We’re gonna need this bed.”
“Oh, I’m sorry.” you tried to get up quickly but the nurse only laid a hand on your shoulder. 
“It’s okay, honey. Take your time. I read your chart, you took quite the hit. Your friend is waiting for you in the waiting room to take you home.”
You nodded, swinging your legs over the side. 
“Here. Take these for the headache.”
“Thank you.”
“No worries, honey.”
By the time you had grabbed your jacket and started walking down the hallway, you stalled when you saw who the nurse was talking about. 
If you had the energy, you probably would have run in the opposite direction. But you didn’t. You were tired and if the nurse hadn’t woken you, you probably would have slept for the next 24 hours. 
“Una was gonna come but I fought her for it.” Clint tried to smile but he could see your’s was just forced. 
“Look, what happened-”
“Clint, please…I– I don’t want to talk about it. I just want to go home.”
The drive back was silent and awkward and by the time he pulled up, you looked at him for as long as you could stomach (which wasn’t long) before opening up the door and thanking him. 
And, the moment you pushed your key inside your door, you thought you were safe. That everything was finished for the day and you could deal with it tomorrow. 
But Clint got out of the car and called your name. 
He took the porch steps two at a time and when he finally reached you, you forced yourself to look at him. 
“I need to say something.”
“You don’t have to say anything, Clint.”
“But I want to.”
“Please…I’d…I just want to forget what happened today. Please…I can’t do it again.”
“I know you’re scared and watching what he was doing to you…I was scared, too. I am. I am scared.”
“Clint,” you could see the look in his eyes and you shook your head. “No. Don’t. Don’t say anything you’re gonna regret.”
“The only thing I regret is not telling you earlier.” Clint told you. “Then maybe none of this would have happened.”
Your hand flew to his chest and he stopped talking. “Please. Whatever you’re about to say…please wait. Wait for the right time.”
Finally, you looked at him and his hands came to the top of your arms, stroking downwards before holding you close. 
“Please…just wait.”
That was all he said before kissing your head and saying it again. 
“Okay. I’ll wait.”
By the time you woke up in the morning, your mind had stilled and before it could get loud again, you started painting again. All of your furniture was covered and two out of the 6 walls you had planned to paint had been cleaned, stripped, sanded, coated and painted. 
And, just as you started on the third, a knock came to your door. 
“I just want to help.” Clint told you. “And, let’s be honest, last time you tried decorating this place on your own, you nearly knocked yourself out with paint cleaner.”
You, for the first time in the last 48 hours, smiled. 
“You can take the kitchen. There should be some new cupboards to keep you company.”
“You’re finally changing them?” Clint asked, entering the kitchen, his tool belt around his hips. 
“I am. Picked them out last week.”
“Thank god.” he said. “I hated the last ones.”
The rest of the day ran smoothly enough, despite what the last couple of days had revealed. Clint informed you that you and him both had the next two weeks off before either of you could go back into the field. He also helped fix the kitchen cabinets to the wall as well as install your new oven. You could have done it on your own, but having someone else there made it easier. Clint also helped you move around the heavier furniture and, when fixing the wiring to the lightbulb, he held the ladder steady under you so you wouldn’t fall. 
And for the following two days, neither of you mentioned anything about what happened with Jack. It was like nothing had ever happened in the first place. 
Until Clint decided he couldn’t wait anymore. 
It was easier, before the kiss, to shut off his feelings for you; that worry, that concern, that joy that exceeded more than just the smile of friendship. But after, they became much more clear. He saw the stars in your eyes and the light in your smile. He was more than just amazed at your talents of being an agent. Of course, those who joined Shield all had similar talents, but there was just something more about you. More to be figured out, more to learn, more to be desired and most of all, more to be loved. 
He couldn’t wait any longer. 
Sure, he’d been called stubborn before but now he was impatient. He’d let time slip by for six years and in that time there had been moments where he wanted to call out from the top of buildings that his feelings for you were more than that of a friend, of a teammate. But he couldn’t. 
There was always a mission or a job to be done or a date that got in the way. And now, there had been a raging lunatic that, if Willa and the rest of the team hadn’t landed when they did, could have killed you. He’d set your soul free, you’d been able to tell your secret. What was to stop him from not letting the rest of you go? What was stopping him from shooting you where you sat or using your life against his? 
Because Clint couldn’t free himself. He couldn’t free himself from his chair or the shackles that kept him there. No matter how many times he called out your name or shouted for Jack to stop, he couldn’t free himself. He couldn’t get there. He couldn’t stop Jack from doing whatever he wanted to the women he fell in love with all those years ago. 
But he could do something now. 
So, as you stood beside him in the kitchen measuring out a plank of wood to fit on the wall above your stove, Clint looked at you and finally told you what he’d been wanting to tell you for years and what he was about to tell you two days ago before you begged him to wait, you not fully knowing whether he was going to reject you or tell you that he loved you. 
“I’m in love with you.”
Whatever you had been saying about the plank of wood and how you needed to get some more sandpaper from Home Depot quickly came to a stop as you stumbled over your words and looked at him. 
“I’m in love with you.” Clint repeated. 
“No, Clint. Don’t-”
“I’m not just saying it because of what happened.” Clint assured you. “I should have told you years ago but I kept making excuses. But, after what happened, I don’t want to be able to find an excuse. I nearly lost you because I didn’t tell you sooner. I’m not losing you again. I’m in love with you.”
You were stunned to say the least. 
“I know, two days ago, you told me to wait. I was going to tell you when I got to the hospital but they told me you’d just fallen asleep. And then you told me to wait when I dropped you off and maybe I should, but I don’t want to. I don’t want to miss a chance to tell you again.”
Again, you were stunned into silence. 
“I’m in love with you.”
“I’m dizzy.” 
That was all you could say. All the information and realisation of every action made in the last six years all hit you at once. 
Swiftly, Clint pulled out one of the bar stools and you sat down holding your head. 
“You’re in love with me?”
“I’m in love with you.” Clint repeated. 
“You’re in love…with me? Me? The woman sat in front of you? Me?”
“Yes. I am in love with you.”
“Have you inhaled paint cleaner?”
Clint chuckled and pulled out a chair himself, sitting with his knees locked into yours before he took your hands in his. 
He stated your full name, “I am in love with you. And have been for the last six years.” Clint also stated your birthdate, star sign, address and badge number. “Does that clear it up?”
Your heart was beating in your chest so fast you thought it might actually explode. 
“Clint, I…I need to know you’re not just saying this because of what happened.”
Clint gave a small nod. “I have an idea but I’m gonna need you to trust me. Like, really trust me.”
You nodded and a moment later, Clint’s hands had moved from yours to your face, cupping your cheeks before pulling you in for a kiss. 
It was gentle and loving and unlike any other kiss you had experienced before. Other guys had taken what they wanted, forced the kind of kiss they wanted out of you. But not Clint. 
Somehow, he conveyed every emotion he could into the kiss and you couldn’t help but feel your mind wander back to your first kiss, down the side alleyway. That felt real. You had to convince yourself it was fake but this, and that, was real. 
It was all real. 
For a moment, you felt Clint smile into the kiss as your hands gripped at the collar of his checked shirt to pull him closer. A smile which you returned. 
“I’m in love with you.”
“I’m in love with you, too.”
Clint smiled and kissed you again, and again, and again. 
Despite everything that had happened, and everything that you had previously thought, you had come to realise that maybe it wasn’t so bad to learn to love and accept love in return. And in the years that passed, despite the dangers the job put you both in, it was nice to come home and be greeted with a familiar face and a warm embrace and to have a family you could both call your own. 
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evamae-shieldoc · 3 days
I’m kinda new around here..
𝐁𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜 𝐈𝐧𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
Full Name: 𝐄𝐯𝐚 𝐌𝐚𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐬𝐨𝐧
Nicknames: 𝐄𝐯𝐞/𝐄𝐯𝐢𝐞
Age & Birthday: 𝟐𝟓 - 𝐀𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐥 𝟓𝐭𝐡 𝟏𝟗𝟗𝟔
Place of Birth: 𝐏𝐡𝐢𝐥��𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐩𝐡𝐢𝐚 𝐏𝐀
Place of Residence: 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐧, 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐘𝐨𝐫𝐤
Height: 𝟓’𝟎
Eye Colour: 𝐁𝐥𝐮𝐞
Skin: 𝐅𝐚𝐢𝐫
Nationality: 𝐈𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐀𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐧
Sexuality: 𝐀𝐜𝐞/𝐀𝐫𝐨
Marital Status: 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐞
Affiliations: 𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐄𝐋𝐃, 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐈𝐧𝐝𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 (𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐄𝐋𝐃 𝐟𝐞𝐥𝐥)
𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐧 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐀𝐫𝐭𝐬
𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐘𝐨𝐫𝐤’𝐬 𝐒𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞
Faceclaim: 𝐒𝐚𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐚 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫
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(reply for connection!)
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🤍 Eva’s been dancing since she was two and is very skilled in ballet, modern and a lot of other forms of dance.
🤍 Since it’s only Eva and her mom, she has grown very close to her over the years, despite her mom working long shifts at work.
🤍 Eva thinks about Philadelphia often, and though she may not have many memories. But the things she has been told, are often cool and she hopes to be able to visit the place she was born in soon
🤍 anxiety manages to follow Eva sometimes. She could get it at the worst times, particularly on a day where she’s doing something new or unexpected.
🤍 Eva has family in Ireland that she’s been told a lot about, but she hasn’t been able to go back yet.
🤍 Eva is an absolute sweetheart. If you’re ever looking for a good friend, Eva is the one for you. She is known to have friends everywhere and enjoys meeting new people and getting to know them.
🤍 Eva’s sense of style changes depending on her mood. She owns a lot of different items of clothing, but loves to wear something comfortable when she gets the chance.
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an-inky-fingered-lass · 3 months
Let Me Speak: A Character Study
(A story of life, love, and hope; of sorrow, struggle, and rebuilding after loss. A story of everything a life can be, and all the ways it matters. A character study of Melinda May, and the parts of her story they didn’t tell.)
. . .
At the age of six years old, Melinda Qiaolian May knew two things:
One—regardless of the cheerful ribbing from her father about children and the things they would understand when they were older, she would not, at any point in her life, enjoy coffee. (This assertion stood the test of time, as it turned out, a fact Melinda maintained with righteous dignity throughout her life).
Two—she was not afraid of heights. 
There were other things she knew, of course, and things she was very much afraid of. But — there are priorities. As she grew older, Melinda liked to keep a count of all the things that didn’t scare her, and practiced leaning into the way those certainties weighed steady on her spine when shadows stretched strangely in the night. 
Continue reading on ao3.
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userlaylivia · 3 months
did I really just put two chyler leigh characters in one poll?? yes I did lol
also there will be a part 5 of this because I still forgot some I really love like freya mikaelson, cami o'connell, lena luthor, liz parker, jen lindley and etc!!
tagging: @maya-matlin, @clubglee, @makeyouminemp3, @tudorgirl, @laylakeating
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poisonousmoonfics · 4 months
Chapter II: Sombra witch
tw: mentions of alcohol
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As the Quinjet touched down on the landing pad atop the Avengers Tower, the team emerged, weary but victorious, from their latest mission. Lola stood waiting at the entrance, flanked by Agent Hill, her eyes bright with anticipation as she greeted the returning heroes.
"Welcome back, Avengers," Lola said with a warm smile, her voice tinged with relief. "How did the mission go?"
“How do you think?,” Clint manages to reply sarcastically while being taken by Dr. Cho to have his wounds tended to.
“I’ll pray for you Clint!,” Lola shouts jokingly.
Steve, his suit slightly scuffed from battle, stepped forward, his expression grave. “Mission was a success," he replied. "We managed to retrieve Loki's scepter from the HYDRA base in Sokovia.” Thor, his hammer slung across his back, nodded in agreement.
“What about Strucker?,” the girl questioned.
"Strucker's in NATO custody," Agent Maria Hill said, approaching the team.
"And like you realized, we ran into some trouble with two enhanced individuals," she said, her voice tight with frustration.
At the mention of the word ‘enhanced', Lola's curiosity was piqued. “Do you have any information abut them?" she asked, her eyes widening with interest.
Agent Hill stepped forward once again, a tablet in hand, and started to read from the files. “Wanda and Pietro Maximoff,” she began, her voice steady. “Twins. Orphaned at ten when a shell collapsed their apartment building. Sokovia's had a rough history."
“Their abilities?”, questions Steve with arms crossed.
"He's got increased metabolism and improved thermal homeostasis. Her thing is neural electric interfacing, telekinesis, mental manipulation.”, Agent Hill explained the twins’ powers. Lola listened intently. She glanced at Steve who had a clueless expression at the agent’s words.
"He's fast and she's weird.”, Lola rephrases Hill’s statement so he can understand. He nods intrigued.
As Agent Hill continued to recount the twins' origins and abilities, Lola listened intently, her mind whirling with questions. These new adversaries presented a formidable challenge for the Avengers, and she couldn't help but feel a twinge of apprehension at the thought of facing them in battle.
“They're probably going to show up again, guys.”, Lola points out, a concerned sight escaping her lips.
"Agreed. File says they volunteered for Strucker's experiments. It's nuts.”,
"Yes, what madman would voluntarily surrender himself to an unknown power to avenge his family?”, Lola playfully mentions.
"Right. And what kind of monster would let a German scientist experiment on them to protect their country?”, adds Steve.
Agent Hill rolls her eyes. “Damn, I’m sorry. Didn't mean to offend everyone.”
“All good,” Steve says. “And Lola is right. We need to keep an eye on them."
As Agent Hill continued to recount the twins’ files and other details of the previous mission, to Steve and Natasha, Lola could accept that this new adversaries presented a formidable challenge for the team, and she couldn't help but feel a twinge of apprehension at the thought of the possibility facing them in battle. The twins abilities seemed incredibly volatile.
Nonetheless she was curious and strangely felt a sense of empathy for them both. Maybe it was because they were young like her. Perhaps she saw resemblance in the twins initial motives to acquire more power; loss, pain and the sense of justice. She took a look at the pictures of the Maximoff's shown on the projection of Hill’s tablet. Again, feeling drawn to something about the enhanced.
Lola suddenly didn’t feel the presence of her follow teammates she she snapped out her thoughts and teleported to the lab. She emerged in the room from the shadows making Bruce slightly jump from the scare.
“For fucks sake, Lola!”, cusses the doctor’s as he composes himself.
The girl laughs at him but directs an apologetic look. “Sorry. How’s he doing?", she asks referring to Clint.
"Oh, unfortunately, he's still Barton.”, Tony jokes.
Lola covers her mouth in fake shock. “That's terrible!”, she replies teasing. Clint rolls his eyes at his teammates comments.
“He's fine. He's just thirsty.”, tells the billionaire without concern. “Alright. Look alive, JARVIS. It's play time. We've only got a couple days with this joystick so let's make the most of it. Update me on the structural and compositional analysis.”, Tony commands while walking over to the computers.
JARVIS begins his task, then proceeds to explain the results of his research. “The scepter is alien. The jewel appears to be a protective housing for something inside. Something powerful. Like a computer. I believe I'm deciphering code.” Tony continues to work along the AI and Lola walks closer to Dr. Cho as she tends to Clint’s wounds.
“You sure he's going to be okay? Pretending to need this guy really brings the team together.”, the black-haired girl questions with slight concern.
“There's no possibility of deterioration. The nano-molecular functionality is instantaneous. His cells don't know they're bonding with simulacrum.”, clarifies the woman.
“She's creating tissue.”, Bruce tells Lola, she nods understandingly.
“I'm gonna be made of plastic.”, Clint reproaches.
Dr. Cho contradicts him. “You'll be made of you, Mr. Barton. Your own girlfriend won't be able to tell the difference.”
“Well, I don't have a girlfriend.”, he answers.
Lola laughs. “That can't any of us fix.” The other three scientists agree with her mocking Clint.
“This is the next thing, Tony.”, says Cho referring to the new technology. “Your clunky metal suits are going to be left in the dust.”
“Well, that is exactly the plan.”, he agrees. “And Helen, I expect to see you at the party on Saturday.”
“Unlike you, I don't have a lot of time for parties.”, the woman tells him responsibly.
Lola slightly nudges the doctor. “Come on Helen, it will be fun!”, she says trying to convince her.
Cho hesitates a moment before asking: “Will Thor be there?”
“Oh, he will.”, Lola confirms with certainty.
Bruce notices Tony checking some analysis and plans on the computer, so he approaches the man. “What's the matter?” he asks.
“Well, the scepter. You see, we were wondering how Strucker got so inventive.”, Tony begins to narrate. "So, I've been analyzing the gem inside-- You may recognize,” he brings up a 3D image of Jarvis's consciousness.
“Jarvis...”, Bruce says.
Tony nods and then he brings up another 3D image of what’s inside the scepter “Meet the competition.”
Bruce eyes widened and an amazed expression was written al over his face. “It's beautiful!”, he exclaims. Lola walks up to them, also with an astonished expression.
"It looks like it's thinking. I mean this could be a... it's not a human mind, it...”, Bruce tries to form words but his mind was erratic. “I mean, look at this! They're like neurons firing.”, he exclaims exited.
Tony continues to explain. “Down in Strucker's lab I saw some fairly advanced robotics work. I gotta guess he was knocking on a very particular door.”
“Artificial intelligence.”, Bruce catches up to Tony’s superstition.
"This could be it, Bruce. This could be the key to creating Ultron.”, the billionaire tells thrilled.
Lola snaps out of her trance. She looks up at him with a raised brow “I thought Ultron was a fantasy, Tony.”
The man shakes his head and replies “Yesterday it was. If we can harness this power, apply it to my Iron Legion protocol.”
“That's a mad-sized if.”, she comments concerned about Tony’s ambition
“Our job is ‘if’.”, he justifies. “What if next time aliens roll up to the club, and they will, they couldn't get past the bouncer?”
“The only people threatening the planet would be people?”, Bruce ask not aware of being sure of what Tony is implying.
“I want to apply this to the Ultron program. But JARVIS can't download a data schematic this dense. We can only do it while we have the scepter here, that's three days, give me three days.”, Tony pleads.
Bruce crosses his arm and gives him a stern look. “So you're going for artificial intelligence and you don't want to tell the rest of the team.”
“Right. That's right, you know why, because we don't have time for a city hall debate. I don't want to hear the "man was not meant to meddle" medley.”, Tony says. “I see a suit of armor around the world.”
Lola shakes her head in disappointment at Tonys words. “The more you try to justify your experiment, the more I want to call Steve to organize one of his boring team meetings.”, she threatens.
Bruce lets up a deep sigh. “She right. Sounds like a cold world, Tony.”, he tries to convince him to forget his plan.
“I've seen colder. This one, this very vulnerable blue one? It needs Ultron.” Tony answers firmly. “Peace in our time.”
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The following Saturday, Avengers Tower buzzed with laughter and conversation as the team and their friends enjoyed a rare moment of relaxation. Lola stood by the window, watching the city lights twinkle below. She turned around, getting a glimpse of the team having fun. Her mind struck peace all over her body, and her lips formed a warm smile. She marveled at how different her life had become since joining the team and how she could never have imagined finding a new family.
In the middle of the room, Rhodey animatedly recounted one of his War Machine adventures. “Well, you know, the suit can take the weight, right? So, I take the tank, fly it right up to the General’s palace, drop it at his feet, and I’m like, ‘Boom! You looking for this?’” Rhodes paused, waiting for the reaction. Tony and Thor just stared at him blankly. “Boom! Are you looking… Why do I even talk to you guys? Everywhere else, that story kills.”
“That’s the whole story?” Thor asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Yeah, it’s a War Machine story,” Rhodey answered proudly.
“Well, it’s very good then,” Thor said, laughing heartily. “It’s impressive.”
Lola joined them, chuckling softly. “Quality save,” she replied to Thor. Rhodey rolled his eyes.
Maria Hill also joined them. “So, no Pepper? She’s not coming? What about Jane?”
Both men shook their heads in denial.
"Where are the ladies, gentlemen?” Maria teased, her eyes twinkling with mischief.
“Miss Potts has a company to run,” Tony explained, a touch of pride in his voice.
Thor nodded. “Yes, I’m not even sure what country Jane’s in. Her work on the convergence has made her the world’s foremost astronomer,” he bragged.
“And the company that Pepper runs is the largest tech conglomerate on Earth. It’s exciting,” Tony added, a grin spreading across his face.
“There’s even talk of Jane getting a... um, uh...” Thor struggled to remember.
“Nobel Prize, Thor,” Lola helped him.
“Yeah! A Nobel Prize,” Thor said proudly.
“Yeah, they must be busy because they’d hate missing you guys get together,” Maria mock coughed. “Testosterone! Oh, excuse me.”
Rhodes chuckled. “Want a lozenge?”
Maria nodded, walking away with Rhodes.
“What about you, Lady Lola?” Thor asked. “No special gentleman in your life?” the girl shifted uncomfortably.
She had zero dating experience. She hadn’t even had a crush in her 22 years. She felt like a complete virgin in every sense of the word. But how could people blame her? She didn’t care about romantic relationships when she was a kid and then was held captive for the rest of her teenage years. The closest to a committed relationship she’d ever was with the scientists in the HYDRA labs. Besides, now that she was older, she never cared about boyfriends either, and finding a balance between love and saving people was something she never thought about. And she’d probably scare the first man who ever decided to approach her anyway, so she was kind of a lost case in that area.
“What? No, no...” she murmured nervously. “I’ve never dated anyone before.” Thor and Tony blinked in genuine surprise. The three didn’t speak for a few moments, making Lola want to die of embarrassment.
Tony finally broke the silence. “You’re still too young for boyfriends anyway.” She rolled her eyes, annoyed.
“It’s not because I don’t have options!” Thor and Tony raised their eyebrows doubtfully. Lola’s cheeks turned red as she tried to justify her loneliness awkwardly. “No, no, no... It’s mainly because of work. Yup. You guys know, being an Avenger is time-consuming. So yeah, no boyfriend.”
“Mhm, I see. None of them must be worthy!” Thor exclaimed with disappointment.
“I agree with Goldilocks. And don’t worry, kid. You’re not missing out on anything. Men suck!” Tony exclaimed, and Thor nodded in confirmation. Lola chuckled at the protectiveness of her teammates and agreed.
At the bar, Natasha was pouring a drink when Bruce approached, his usual awkwardness softened by the friendly atmosphere. They started to chat, and Lola noticed Natasha’s flirting. She always saw the tension between the two heroes. But Lola was sure that neither of them acted on their feelings either out of professionalism, fear of rejection, or because they feared hurting each other.
After a few minutes of conversation, Natasha walked away, and Lola gravitated towards her. “It’s nice,” she commented, nodding towards Bruce.
“I don’t know what you mean,” Natasha raised an eyebrow teasingly.
“You and Bruce,” Lola insisted.
“Work comes first,” Natasha mentioned firmly but with a sad smile creeping on her face.
“I think it’s okay. You guys aren't breaking any laws,” Lola showed her support. “Like me, you’re not the most... open person in the world. But with him, you seem very relaxed,” she mentioned genuinely, happy for her friend.
“You know I like to flirt,” the spy replied nonchalantly.
“I’ve seen you flirt, Nat. This isn’t just that.” Lola paused. “Look, I just think you should talk things out. You don’t want to wait till it’s too late. You both deserve love,” she suggested calmly.
“We’ll see,” the spy said. “You give good relationship advice for someone who hasn’t even given her first kiss."
Lola glares at Natasha offended. “What’s up with you guys reminding me that I’m single as fuck?” she reproached walking off. Natasha just laughed at the girl.
Later, as the party wound down, only the Avengers, Dr. Cho, Maria Hill, and Lola remained. Thor’s hammer sat on the table between them.
“But it’s a trick!” Clint insisted, pointing at the hammer.
“Oh, no. It’s much more than that,” Thor replied.
“Uh, ‘Whosoever be he worthy shall have the power!’ Whatever man! It’s a trick.”, mocked the archer. 
“Well please, be my guest,” Thor said, gesturing to the hammer.
Tony grinned. “Come on.”
“Really?” Clint asked, getting up.
“Oh, this is gonna be beautiful,” Lola said, settling in for the show.
“Clint, you’ve had a tough week, we won’t hold it against you if you can’t get it up,” Tony joked, making the others laugh.
“You know I’ve seen this before, right?” Clint said, grabbing Thor’s hammer and failing to lift it. “I still don’t know how you do it.”
“Smell the silent judgment?” Tony teased.
“Please, Stark, by all means,” Clint retorted.
Tony got up. “Never one to shrink from an honest challenge.” Tony said, grasping the hammer. “It’s physics,” Tony said, grasping the hammer. “So, if I lift it, I... I then rule Asgard?” Tony asked.
“Yes, of course,” Thor replied.
“I will be re-instituting Prima Nocta,” Tony quipped, trying to lift the hammer but failing. “I’ll be right back.” Wearing his armored hand, he tried again and failed.
Both Tony and Rhodey then tried together, each wearing their armored hands.
“Are you even pulling?” Tony asked.
“Are you on my team?” Rhodes countered.
“Alright, let’s go!” they both pulled as hard as they could but to no avail.
Bruce then tried, pretending to change into the Hulk and roaring, causing everyone to look at him warily or grin.
“Widow?” Tony asked Natasha.
“Oh, no, no. That’s not a question I need answered,” she replied.
“Lady��Sombra*?”, Thor asked Lola. 
“I'll just lift the scythe,” Lola passed the challenge.
“All deference to the man who wouldn’t be king, but it’s rigged,” Tony said.
“You bet your ass,” Clint agreed.
“Steve, he said a bad language word,” Maria teased.
“Did you tell everyone about that?” Steve asked Tony.
“The handle’s imprinted, right? Like a security code. ‘Whosoever is carrying Thor’s fingerprints’ is, I think, the literal translation?”
“Yes, well that’s, uh, that’s a very, very interesting theory. I have a simpler one,” Thor said, getting up and lifting his hammer easily. “You’re all not worthy.” There was a chorus of disagreement from the others.
A loud screeching noise, like microphone feedback, suddenly filled the room. Everyone covered their ears. As the noise faded, Tony pulled out his device. One of the Iron Legion suits, heavily damaged and housing Ultron’s consciousness, stumbled into the room.
“Worthy... No, how could you be worthy? You’re all killers,” Ultron said, his voice a haunting mix of distortion and clarity.
“Stark,” Steve called, alerting Tony.
“JARVIS,” Tony called, tapping his device in vain.
“I’m sorry, I was asleep. Or... I was a-dream?” Ultron continued, his voice dripping with malice.
“Reboot, Legionnaire OS, we got a buggy suit,” Tony said, frustration seeping into his tone.
“There was a terrible noise... and I was tangled in... in... strings. Had to kill the other guy. He was a good guy,” Ultron said, his head jerking unnaturally.
“You killed someone?” Lola asked with a stern voice. Although she was firm in front of the android, inside she was confused. How could she not sense the death of someone in the building?
“Wouldn’t have been my first call. But, down in the real world we’re faced with ugly choices.”
“Who sent you?” Thor demanded, his eyes narrowing.
Ultron replayed a recording of Tony’s voice: “I see a suit of armor around the world.”
“Ultron...” Bruce says, stepping forward.
“In the flesh. Or, no, not yet. Not this... chrysalis. But I’m ready. I’m on a mission.”
“What mission?” Natasha asked, her eyes narrowing.
“Peace in our time,” Ultron declared.
Abruptly the walls exploded, and several Iron Legion bots barged into the room. They began attacking the team, who all went on the defensive. Lola, startled by the sudden chaos, quickly assessed the situation, and joined the fray.
Bruce climbed over the bar to avoid fire from the bots. Natasha grabbed him and dragged him down, and he landed on top of her.
“Sorry!” Bruce said, his face inches from hers.
“Don’t turn green!” Natasha warned, her voice urgent.
“I won’t!” Bruce replied, his breath quickening.
The Avengers continued fighting the bots. Lola, using her agility and abilities, dodged the bot's attack and destroyed them. 
One of the Iron Legion bots lunged at Steve, who deftly dodged and slammed his shield into it, causing it to short-circuit and collapse. “We need to contain them!” he shouted, directing the team.
Thor swung his hammer, sending bots flying in all directions. “They’re endless!” he roared. 
Lola emerged from the shadows beside him. “Don’t worry. So is death,” she mentioned and continued to help him destroy the robots.
Tony, still tapping furiously on his device, growled in frustration. “JARVIS, do you copy? JARVIS!”
Ultron, amidst the chaos, laughed maniacally. “This is the end, the end of the path I started us on.”
“Everything has an end,” Lola shot back, as she ripped a bot from the inside with her powers. Seeing an opportunity, she shouted, “Tony, if we can hack into one of them, we might be able to shut them all down!”
Tony nodded, his eyes sharp. “Rhodey, cover me!” He sprinted toward a fallen bot, dodging blasts, and debris.
Rhodey, back in action, provided cover fire, his War Machine suit roaring to life. “On it!”
As Tony worked, Ultron’s voice echoed. “I know it is dramatic. I'm sorry, I know you mean well! You just didn't think it through. You want to protect the world, but you don't want it to change. How is humanity saved if it's not allowed to...evolve?”, The android picks up one of the dismembered Iron Legion bots. "With these? These puppets?” he crushes the Iron Legion bot's head. “There's only one path to peace: The Avengers' extinction.”
“Shut up party pooper!”, Thor exclaimed resented. He gets flustered and throws his hammer, shattering Ultron’s body. 
As the dust settled, Lola looked around at her teammates. They were bruised and battered, no one was really prepared for such a fight. 
“Well, that was unexpected.”, Tony chimed in. 
"Sometimes I forget it's always like this with you, guys.”, Lola said as she dusted off her dress. 
*sombra (Spanish) = shadow
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ask-missparker · 6 months
Lord, Show Me How Say No To This | Marvel blurb
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He cheated on me with some agent named Katherine Davon. I walked into his office to talk with him about a brief meeting coming up and found them on the couch chatting—then they kissed!
My first love turned out to be my last…
All those years of love, sweat and tears showing him my world only to give it over to another woman.
I should’ve known…
From the day Katherine walked into SHIELD, she was all kind, snarky and dressed like a boss ass bitch. I knew I couldn’t completely go up against some women like her.
Nikolai must’ve heard the door slam shut as he rushed after me and into the hallway of the SHIELD main area.
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He caught me in tears as I shakes my head yelling from him to let go.
“Mia, love, let me explain.”
“Explain what? Huh? I saw what you did.”
“She came at me! She came into my office and asked for help on a assignment..and I did..then we started talking.”
“How long has this been happening?”
“I wish I say it was the first time..but it became a past time..”
“Y-yo—you been doing this for weeks?! You come home every night to me and when I’m out of sight, she’s there..”
He stopped for a moment, hearing how hurt she sounds as he answered, “Yeah, she is…you have been gone for weeks, I was alone and tired..”
“I beg you to take a break and you refused to! You told you to come with me, you said no…I was sad without..” She replies with a sigh.
“But not sad enough to pull me out of my office huh?”
“I..um, you are blaming me? Okay, fine..I hope she treated you better than I thought...���
“Well, her mouth were on mine and I couldn’t say no.”
That one line caught a rift of silence between the two of them. No words could describe the fact that they were heartbroken..
I couldn’t remember if I saw him smile as he said those words or not. But all I remember is that his eyes were laced with a pain and sorrow, as if he regrets his actions but proud of them all the same.
After a moment I spoke, “I’m sorry I didn’t mean come off as strong as I did…I am so sorry if I messed up as your girlfriend.. but it doesn’t change how I feel about you..”
“..that you hate me for cheating on you?” He asked me, fixing his collar.
“No..I mean, yes..but I still love you. Despite my thoughts, I love you…”
“You should know, it started weeks before that mission..she was my partner a couple of months before during a long trip to Russia..we were alone and we talked..but I never once stopped to wondered what you would think of me for it..”
“…does anyone else know?”
“No. I didn’t know how to say no to it.”
“Just me and her..if it makes you feel any better, I still love you, Mia, please know that..”
“I know you do..I will try to do better..I will stop going on missions, take less hours and be just there..”
“Mia, don’t. I won’t cost you to cut your hours in half for me. I made a mistake! I didn’t come to you when I should have.
“I know, but you need to make the decision Nik..are you still here with me on this? Can you say no her?”
With that, Nik was silent again. I couldn’t tell you what was going on his head, even if I tried. I know I messed up here, not coming in to check on him as often as possible. I called those weeks I was gone and he always talked me with on his day, how he was feeling and such.
But he lied to me how he truly felt. I knew I could be forgetful but want to handle everything at times, but i would have like to see him make the effort to balance the weight of the situation.
But instead, he kept to himself. It wasn’t worth standing in the middle of the halls waiting for his answer.
All I knew is that I had to do better. I broke a promise.
We both did.
I pressed a hand on his chest and kissed his cheek as I mumbled softly, “I’ll see you at home.”
With that I walked away.
// Soooo what we think?
Tags: @missstrawbs2001 @purpleprincessonfyre @meiramel @gcthvile @rickb-chaos s @gaminggirlsstuff @wizzzardofoz @thechoooooosenone @luna-d-marsh @rooster-84 @thecavalrywife @cherrysft and etc
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mattmurdocksthighs · 5 months
MEET MY OCS (marvel)
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name: estelle allen universe: mcu love interests: helen cho, bucky barnes occupation: assassin, avenger, shield agent powers: hand to hand combat + super soldier serum abilities faceclaim: emeraude toubia
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name: daniel jordan universe: mcu love interest: pietro maximoff occupation: assassin, avenger, shield agent powers: tech + super soldier serum abilities faceclaim: alberto rosende
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name: arabella knight universe: mcu love interest: occupation: assassin, shield agent powers: weaponry + super soldier serum abilities status: dead faceclaim: danielle campbell
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name: adelaide clarke | amphitrite universe: mcu love interest: riley martin (oc), thor odinson occupation: high school guidance councillor, avenger powers: hydrokinesis status: dead ... ;) faceclaim: jenna coleman
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name: archer dixon universe: mcu, agents of shield love interest: steve rogers occupation: shield agent faceclaim: pedro pascal
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name: atë universe: mcu love interest: maria hill kind: goddess powers: mind control faceclaim: aubrey plaza
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name: ariadne universe: mcu love interest: loki laufeyson, sam wilson occupation: shield agent kind: asgardian faceclaim: ana de armas
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name: daniel 'danny' patterson universe: spider-man, mcu love interest: peter parker occupation: vigilante faceclaim: milo ventimiglia
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name: daniel 'chase' patterson universe: tasm, mcu love interest: peter parker occupation: vigilante, shield agent faceclaim: dominic sherwood
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name: daniil petrov universe: mcu love interest: peter parker occupation: assassin, shield agent, avenger powers: super strength, enhanced reflexes, enhanced agility faceclaim: danny griffin
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name: rosemary 'ro' lewis universe: venom, mcu love interest: peter parker powers: symbiote form faceclaim: auli'i cravalho
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name: demeter \ demi universe: mcu/eternals love interest: helios (oc) kind: eternal powers: chlorokinesis, taphokinesis faceclaim: courtney eaton
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name: helios \ lio universe: mcu/eternals love interest: demeter (oc) kind: eternal powers: heliokinesis, photokinesis, sunlight rays faceclaim: harris dickinson
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name: talia west (nee. dunn) universe: deadpool, tasm, daredevil love interest: jeremy west (oc), matt murdock occupation: merc faceclaim: eiza gonzalez
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name: jeremy west universe: deadpool love interest: talia west occupation: merc status: dead faceclaim: lewis pullman
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jackiequick · 6 months
Since every day and everything has felt this right / Marvel OC
A/N: I did say I wanna do Lana next, didn't I? Who’s else guys haha
Click here to see the one played by Colin
Angles Castillo Hill 🗒️
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Name: Angela Genevieve Castillo Hill
Alias/Nicknames: Angles, Angie, Gigi, Lina
Age: 32-37 years old 
Birthday: July 16th
Height: 5'5"
Appearance: Angela has short dark brown hair, light tan skin, and striking eyes that seem to light up when she smiles. She exudes confidence and style, often seen wearing business casual attire with a touch of edginess, such as leather jackets, heeled boots, and statement accessories. She favors neutral colors like browns, grays, blacks, dark reds, and navy blues.
Personality: Angela is charismatic, compassionate, adventurous, cautious, and determined. She possesses a sharp wit and a dry sense of humor, using laughter as a coping mechanism during tough times. Despite her cautious nature, Angela can be impulsive under pressure, sometimes throwing caution to the wind and acting on instinct. Her eyes are her most powerful asset, often speaking volumes even when she remains silent.
Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Angela's parents were living there for a short while, but she was actually born and raised in the United States.
Her father was Latino, and her mother was Dutch. Despite her international upbringing, Angela spent the majority of her formative years in the United States, where her family eventually settled.
Angela is the younger cousin of Maria Hill, a high-ranking agent within S.H.I.E.L.D. Despite their differing personalities, Angela and Maria share a strong familial bond, characterized by affection, rivalry, and camaraderie.
Angela's dynamic with Maria involves playful banter and occasional disagreements, but underneath it all, there's a deep-seated bond and mutual respect. Their contrasting personalities often lead to humorous exchanges, with Angela teasing Maria about being too bossy and Maria rolling her eyes at Angela's impulsiveness.
As she grew older, Angela found herself drawn to the world of espionage and covert operations. Inspired by the tales of daring agents and heroic deeds, she set her sights on joining the ranks of S.H.I.E.L.D., a prestigious organization known for its dedication to protecting the world from various threats.
After years of rigorous training and preparation, Angela achieved her goal and became a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, specializing in intelligence gathering and undercover missions. Her natural charisma and sharp wit quickly earned her the respect of her peers, while her unwavering determination and courage set her apart as a rising star within the organization.
However, Angela's journey has not been without its challenges. Along the way, she has faced betrayal, manipulation, and moments of self-doubt, each obstacle serving to test her resolve and strengthen her character. Yet through it all, she has remained steadfast in her commitment to serving the greater good, determined to make a difference in a world teetering on the brink of chaos.
As Angela continues to navigate the complexities of her profession and the ever-shifting landscape of international intrigue, one thing remains certain: her unwavering dedication to the principles of justice, integrity, and compassion will guide her every step of the way.
Hand-to-hand combat: Angela is proficient in various martial arts techniques and is skilled in close-quarters combat.
Marksmanship: Angela is an expert marksman, proficient in the use of firearms and ranged weapons.
Espionage: Angela is adept at gathering intelligence, infiltration, and undercover operations.
Travel: Angela loves exploring new places and experiencing different cultures.
Reading: Angela is an avid reader, with a particular fondness for mystery novels and thrillers.
Cooking: Angela enjoys experimenting in the kitchen and is especially skilled at making lasagna, a dish she learned to cook from her Dutch mother.
Motherly: Despite her adventurous nature, Angela possesses a nurturing side, especially towards younger or less experienced members of her team. Her protective instincts and caring demeanor make her a natural mentor figure, providing guidance and support to those who need it most. However, she can be sharp and take risks to push them into seeing their weaknesses and strengths, a trait she inherited from her cousin Maria Hill.
Having grown up with an interesting family dynamic, she believes everyone deserves a helping hand and to be taken care of, even if it means bandaging up a wound, having someone to listen, or a shoulder to cry on. She will not hesitate to call the shots and order someone to clean up a wound or check up on another teammate, not caring if the person hesitates, she wants it done.
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Dark Side:
Despite Angela's intelligence, fierceness, and compassion, she struggles with self-doubt and has a tendency to think poorly of herself.
She has been manipulated by others in the past, leading her to take actions and trust the wrong people based on false beliefs.
Angela has experienced mind control firsthand, being manipulated by antagonists to do their bidding and see a darker side of herself that she never knew existed.
On one occasion, she was affected by an element that temporarily gave her powers, leading her to unintentionally cause chaos and harm. This experience left her traumatized and wary of mind control, causing her to question her own abilities and morality.
Angela's vulnerability during such situations often leads her to lock herself behind closed doors, questioning how she could allow herself to be used for dark tasks and causing her to cry as she struggles with feelings of guilt and self-blame.
Dynamic with Maria Hill:
Angela shares a close familial bond with her cousin Maria Hill, a high-ranking agent within S.H.I.E.L.D.
Despite their differing personalities, Angela and Maria have a strong bond characterized by affection, rivalry, and camaraderie.
They often engage in playful banter and occasional disagreements, but underneath it all, there is a deep-seated bond and mutual respect between them.
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Like Maria can be like, "I do not hate you, Angie. It's just, you kind of get on my nerves,  but I do like you around." 
Meanwhile Angela smiles and replies, "That's a start. I don't hate you either, but you're just kinda bossy."
Dating life: Angie is single but has gone on a couple of dates with men and women before. Typically, a friend sets her up with someone else because they know she is a homebody and would rather not leave her home. But she never really found out what she really wants in a partner because she doesn't know how to handle a relationship per say, however she is open to trying out a date or so.
Goals, Personal Challenges, and Aspirations:
Despite facing numerous personal challenges and grappling with self-doubt, Angela remains resilient and determined to forge her own path.
Initially uncertain about her career as a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, Angela contemplated changing careers within the organization, questioning her aspirations and place within the agency.
While her goal is to continue serving as a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent whenever possible, Angela harbors a desire for something more. She originally dreamed of becoming a teacher, a profession she still holds in high regard.
Angela occasionally wonders how her cousin Maria perceives her, especially given the trouble she finds herself in at times. Despite these doubts, Angela recognizes that life is unpredictable and constantly changing, which motivates her to embrace new challenges and opportunities for growth.
Similar to Clint Barton, Angela enjoys her life and the unique position she holds within S.H.I.E.L.D., but she also yearns for a life beyond the organization. She dreams of exploring her hobbies of traveling, cooking, and acquiring new skills. She envisions living off the grid someday, immersing herself in nature and finding peace away from the chaos of the world.
Angela contemplates the idea of starting a family of her own one day, but she remains uncertain if she's ready for that level of commitment or if she can find the time to balance it with her career and personal aspirations.
Meaningful Objects and Symbolism:
Angela treasures two significant items: a 'C' necklace and a half moon bracelet, both of which were gifts she received during a small trip to Latin America when she was 12 years old. These items hold sentimental value for her, serving as reminders of cherished memories from her childhood and connections to her cultural heritage.
Additionally, Angela has adorned herself with tattoos that hold personal symbolism and meaning. Each tattoo represents significant moments or experiences from her past, serving as a visual reminder of the challenges she has overcome and the person she has become as a result.
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Quirks and Habits:
Angela has several unique quirks and habits that set her apart. When feeling anxious, she often chips her nail polish absentmindedly, a telltale sign of her inner turmoil.
During meetings or situations where she's required to stay in one place for an extended period, Angela copes by rubbing her thumb and middle finger together, a subtle but effective way to manage her restlessness.
When annoyed or only half paying attention, Angela has a tendency to hold back a roll of her eyes or respond with a nonchalant hum, conveying her frustration without outright confrontation.
While listening intently to someone, Angela frequently furrows her eyebrows and cutely pouts her lips, a subtle yet endearing expression that reflects her focused attention and thoughtful demeanor.
Relationships with Other Marvel Characters:
Over the months and short term years, Angela has had numerous encounters with members of the Avengers, including Steve Rogers (Captain America), Tony Stark (Iron Man), and Thor. These interactions have exposed her to different perspectives and ideologies, shaping her understanding of the world and her role within it.
Angela made her first appearance in Iron Man 2, where she assisted in shadowing Black Widow while the redhead was undercover as Tony Stark's assistant. This experience introduced her to the world of high-stakes espionage and collaboration with iconic heroes.
She later appeared in Thor (2011) as one of the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents stationed in New Mexico during Thor's arrival on Earth. Her involvement in this mission further solidified her role within the organization and her interactions with Asgardian beings.
Angela has also crossed paths with the Young Avengers and future S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, who have challenged her own values and beliefs. These encounters have forced her to confront her own ideals and reconsider her place in the world, as she navigates the complexities of heroism and duty.
Each interaction with these Marvel characters has provided Angela with new insights and perspectives on topics of interest, broadening her horizons and shaping her identity as a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent and as an individual.
Okay that's what I got! Like always, I might add more later on to her character but this is the product we have now. 🗂️ Tell me what do you think about her in the comments below!
Remember to, like, share and reblog for more! 🖇️ Tags: @gaminggirlsstuff @gcthvile @missstrawbs2001 @rooster-84 @djs8891 @starkleila @cherrysft @mandylove1000 @yetanotherwells @topgun-imagines @hardballoonlove @buckysteveloki-me @sherloquestea @nakiaswg @carellmcu @ximehs @sofia-falcon @savemewattpad and etc
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sgtrudes · 7 months
I made a Marvel oc recently, lol. His face claim is Tyler Hoechlin (I mainly use his character Derek Hale from Teen Wolf). Harris Logan, codenamed Agent Stryker. I've made an Instagram rp account of him, @agntstrykr on Instagram. I also made some "AUs" of him with other Marvel characters lol. Shipped him with Natasha Romanoff.
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secretsandlabrats · 8 months
I tried making a character map sheet of Bobbi and Lance’s kid and it’s so messy because it’s incredibly unorganized so that’s wonderful news… Does anyone want to see what I’m talking about? Might have to clean it up by doing it digitally if I can lol 😭
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sigg-vbj · 1 year
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I wanted to branch off into other character of Tessa's universe. Meet Kaedn, an alien assassin who happens to work for SHIELD.
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