#air force topics
news-wtf · 1 year
Sadly, not everyone got the joke – especially those who didn’t know what the P-59 was. All they saw was a mysterious, fast-moving aircraft flown by a comical gorilla, in the skies over a secret aircraft testing area in the middle of World War II.
If you think about it, it’s actually not that bad of an idea. If you’re flying a top secret, experimental airplane in the middle of the day when other pilots are in the air, it makes sense to help create a story so outlandish that no one on the ground would ever believe it.
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roboe1 · 2 years
Gen. Mark Milley dismissed concerns that the errant missile launched over the U.S. caused any danger to the public.
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ohitslen · 1 year
Watching Stampede with my family made me realize how genuinely insane I have turned thanks to it
Like wow the actual physical EFFORT it took me to not randomly start explaining the composition of a scene, the color choice, the framing, the voice directing and the choreographies of certain scenes, as well as some of the lore behind it I should not explain because spoilers.
No, sorry. I lied on my résumé . I can’t like anything a normal amount. I’ve liked this for less than 4 months and I’m very deep into the trenches. And it will unfortunately become everyone else’s problem as well, because this one will stick around for a long time.
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everysongineverykey · 2 years
i love you azura books i love you luz's nerdiness given prominence throughout the show i love you "luzura" i love you amity and luz bonding over a "cringe" book series i love you lumity azura/hecate cosplay i love you young queer couple cosplaying as a queer couple that really inspired them as kids and helped bring them together i love you beautiful tribute to the power of representation in media as shown via a latina girl adoring and being heavily influenced by a book series starring a latina witch who she can see herself in i love you varied and beautiful discussions of representation in a show with heaps and heaps of just that :')
in the same vein, i love you cosmic frontier i love you chief engineer o'bailey-hunter parallels i love you gus captain avery cosplay i love you gus helping hunter confront his identity as a grimwalker by introducing him to a series with a character he can see himself in i love you star trek deep space nine reference i love you black boy cosplaying as a black space captain i love you camila connecting with luz using her own nerdy childhood obsession i love you power of stories and, again, representation in media i love you the owl house's constant message that representation matters i love you i love you💙💙💙💙
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bcolfanfic · 5 months
if i make young vets au croz a little morally grey are you all going to beat me to death or can i sit inside his head in a way that’s nuanced and creates interesting group dynamics (:
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magentagalaxies · 1 year
Writing an Essay on Brooklyn 99 So Maybe I Can Stop Thinking About It Every Day:
i can't wait for like 20 years from now when we'll be able to have thoroughly researched academic articles about what the fuck happened with brooklyn 99 and its place in the culture bc even tho i haven't cared to rewatch a single episode since it ended i still think about the show at least once a day because of how fucking surreal that situation was. and ik we already have some (very good!) video essays about the copaganda aspect of it but i feel like we're not gonna be able to understand the full scope of what this sitcom means until decades from now
like it's just so bizarre when you think about it, bc while police and the broader "justice" system have always been viewed as inherently cruel and biased to target minorities and uphold the rich white cishet status quo by many people, this view wasn't quite as mainstream when the show started. the show being set at a police department likely carried none of this baggage to the people working on it when it was first pitched. the thought process was (likely) more like well, we already have sitcoms that take place at all these generic jobs, so "cop" is a natural continuation of that list, as well as well, police dramas have been huge for the past twenty years, so having a sitcom set at a police department allows us to spoof that and get some cool action sequences, and let's be real andy samberg needs something to do after snl. like not excusing the glorification of cops by any means, but imagine if you were the creator of "the office" and then around season 6 it became impossible to ignore that paper companies were inherently racist and killing people and there was a movement to defund them??? again, it's not a perfect analogy bc there are just inherent parts of being a cop that should have tipped people off that maybe this isn't the best for a goofy comedy, but i don't think this show was made with any malicious intent, it was just very bad luck
but the "goofy sitcom about cops comes out when cops are still seen (by the mainstream) as normal guys and stays on the air long enough to have an existential crisis in 2020" thing honestly isn't the only reason this show fascinates me. i think this aspect has been covered by other people a fair amount, and honestly it's not even unique to brooklyn 99 (there are still a TON of cop shows on the air rn, even cop comedies! none of them have reached the same heights as brooklyn 99 but yeah unfortunately the "defund the police" movement did not kill cop shows). the real reason brooklyn 99 has retained such a bizarre place in sitcom history, and why it even had this identity crisis to begin with, is in its tone.
if i had to guess the three things brooklyn 99 is most remembered for are:
being a copaganda sitcom that tried not to be and imploded on itself
the cold open bits that were such widespread memes that even if you've never watched the show you can probably quote at least two
the diversity of its characters
we're going to focus on number three. brooklyn 99 was a groundbreakingly diverse show from the very beginning. the number of people of color in its cast was beyond most sitcoms at the time, and captain holt being openly gay was a plot point from the pilot episode. however, i don't think the show really embraced its status as "the woke sitcom" until around season 2 or 3 (i don't remember exactly when the shift happened and i don't want to rewatch it to find out) in the earliest episodes, the tone is more focused on typical sitcom tropes combined with parodies of police drama tropes. this is also a very egregious era for people to look back on like "hm the behavior of these cops isn't entirely ethical even tho they're the supposed good guys," but again other people have covered this topic way better than i can
however, in seasons 3-5 brooklyn 99 started to take off in liberal circles because of its "progressive" politics. the show's female characters were badass and had actual personalities! the show had characters who were people of color and acknowledged racism existed! the show even started having episodes that acknowledged these issues, and its cast pushed for advocacy as well. as someone who was deep in the "brooklyn 99 is out unproblematic fave" culture of that era, i specifically remember rosa's coming out episode as a huge moment for queer representation, and i remember how much people applauded the episode where terry is racially profiled by another officer for shedding light on the issue. the characters on brooklyn 99 weren't just seen as "the good guys," they were seen as an ideal diverse friend group. the retort whenever someone pointed out the copaganda was to point out the depiction of other cops on the show being "the bad guys," and explain "brooklyn 99 isn't saying all cops are good, it's saying that our main characters are an example of what police should be like, and we can work together to make the system better!" i'll dissect this take more later, but for not this is just a snapshot of what the culture was like.
the main thing i remember from being on tumblr during the heyday of brooklyn 99 was this phrase being repeated over. and over. and over. again:
"this is proof that you can be funny without being offensive!"
sure, brooklyn 99 wasn't the only show to be given this tag line by its fan base, but i associate this take with brooklyn 99 more than any other show that was popular during that time. especially when it comes to the cold open bits, like "now number five", or "the full bullpen!" or "hot damn!" it would also be applied to bits about queerness like "bye rosa!" or "BONE???" which is understandable, since most sitcom audiences were used to queerness constantly being the butt of the joke and it was nice to just hear bisexuality used as a non-judgmental pun for once.
this was also during an era where "offensive comedy" was very heavily taken over by the right wing, especially trump supporters. in the minds of many, "offensive comedy" just meant a conservative saying slurs and getting butthurt when people stopped laughing. the right was offensive and grotesque, so the left would take the high road and be tolerant of everything. we don't want to offend people, but we still want comedy, so brooklyn 99 is a nice way to reassure ourselves that we can still laugh while being as inoffensive as possible. the ironic thing is i'm sure someone can find a reason to find any one of these brooklyn 99 cold opens offensive. i'm not going to make a callout post for every single potentially offensive thing in these bits bc that just feels like making up a guy to get mad at, but my point is "offensiveness" is subjective and not the deadly sin we thought it was.
(to detour slightly, this idea of "proof that you can be funny without being offensive" was so internalized in me that i ended up self-censoring my own works so much. it actually wasn't until i discovered scott thompson's comedy that i realized being "offensive" in the overt queerness of your work is actually so much more powerful than trying to look unproblematic. homophobes are gonna find you disgusting no matter what you do, so don't censor yourself to seem better than them because at best they won't care and at worst they'll see you as the death of comedy)
season five was the peak of brooklyn 99 imo. the show was diverse. the fandom was everywhere. the comedy was iconic. then it was cancelled. not the social-media-version of cancelled, that will come much later. fox, the network brooklyn 99 aired on, pulled the plug on the show after season five, leading to a massive uproar on twitter in defense of the show. major celebrities were tweeting about how they watched it every week, people were petitioning other networks to pick it up, and eventually someone did!! brooklyn 99 was brought back on nbc through season 8 and we all lived happily ever after
just kidding but can you imagine?
whenever brooklyn 99 pops into my brain these days, i keep coming back to the same theory, which is that the show would be remembered much more fondly if it was just cancelled after season five. i would've been sad, sure, but think about it. it's 2018. this show is still viewed as the pinnacle of positive representation by so many people. its fan base is vast and passionate, and it even ended on the classic wedding episode for the will-they/won't-they couple. yeah it's a shame to let all that momentum go to waste and not have a proper sendoff for everyone, but we move on and fans fill in the gaps themselves through their own creativity. a few years down the line, our nation finally experiences a reckoning with police brutality and the defund the police movement gains traction. this of course taints the legacy of our beloved cop sitcom, but we didn't know back then (even though we really should've), and since the show is done we can just enjoy it as escapism while also being firm in our beliefs irl. this system isn't perfect, but the question of how do we remember brooklyn 99? is a lot easier when brooklyn 99 is not currently airing
but brooklyn 99 was airing, and seasons 6-8 were a mess. even beyond the copaganda conversation, things just felt a bit off. the shorter seasons definitely didn't help, since they took away a fan favorite aspect of the show (the halloween heist episodes, which honestly are the only things i'm ever tempted to rewatch anymore) and gave us less and less time in the world of our characters. jake and amy had a kid, because that's what sitcom couples are supposed to do. we saw rosa's girlfriend. and rosa's girlfriend. and rosa's girlfriend. the show dealt with mass shootings, the #metoo movement, and other topical issues.
then the world shut down, and middle class white people finally had to reckon with the realities of police brutality since they couldn't look away. brooklyn 99 of course was swept up in this conversation, and since they were always known as the most progressive sitcom on television, they had to do something. but it was looking more and more like despite all their efforts "progressive cop show" was an oxymoron, and all they could do was try and minimize the damage while making a swift exit.
there have already been several essays on how brooklyn 99 handled its identity as a "cop show" in its final season, and this essay is already long enough so I won't get into the weeds even more here. some aspects were a good step towards important conversations (rosa quitting, jake's realization that everyone sees themselves as one of the good ones, etc.). some were... trying their best? but also vague enough that there was no substance beyond just saying "this is a thing" (amy's arc about submitting a proposal defunding some police programs? i don't even remember if that's what it was about since it was so vague). and others were just kind of baffling??? like. the show ends with jake quitting being a cop, which is good. and his decision is framed as entirely about wanting to spend more time with his son... but also the whole reason he got to spend more time with his son was because he got suspended for intimidating a suspect and being super unethical??? and that's never brought up again or cited as a reason for jake quitting. like, they already had rosa quit because she realized being a cop was just contributing to a corrupt system, and jake has just had the dark realization that no matter how golden-retriever-husband he is, he's still a corrupt cop??? but they fully ignore that and make the finale about family??? idk it just feels like they wrote the finale before everything went down and never bothered to rewrite it.
but the important thing is that brooklyn 99 finally ended, and rather than being met with the standing ovation of its almost-finale in season five, it was met with... still a moderate amount of applause, but mostly people looking away and awkwardly asking what to do with it now. in the years since, i have barely seen anything about brooklyn 99 on the internet. idk if it's just because of who i surround myself with, but to contrast, i still see things about the office, parks and rec, community, scrubs, 30 rock, etc. years after they ended. i didn't even like the office! and these shows certainly had problematic elements as well (even my favorites on this list, community and scrubs, have some jokes that really don't hold up), but even tho i couldn't scroll past 5 posts on tumblr in 2015 without seeing a fandom redraw of "and i know that if i run at terry he will catch me" "JAKE I'M HOLDING COFFEE!", brooklyn 99 has kind of... vanished?
the only times i'm forced to think about brooklyn 99 now (outside of this essay bouncing around my brain every 24 hours) are when i see a post where it is the butt of the joke or a piece of discourse that we all know the right side of. a netflix synopsis of the show prioritizes saying it's "full of memeable moments" but never uses the word "cop." that's obviously bad, but also, that's accurate to how we thought of the show back in 2015. the cop thing was easily ignorable by its fans. or, more potently, on a post about how cops shouldn't be allowed at pride, some clueless steven universe blog pipes up "what about captain holt?" and is treated to a barrage of "HE'S A FICTIONAL CHARACTER STOP BEING A BOOTLICKER." and maybe that's evidence of the more damning legacy of brooklyn 99, that for all its progressive storytelling, it's still a cop show. and even if you're a fan who knows most cops aren't like our main characters and they're just an example of how the system should be, that still makes you idolize the idea that there could be people like these characters who made you feel seen, and that they're working in the police force. that if you say "ACAB" you could make captain holt sad, because even though the show and fandom tried so hard to make the police identity secondary to their mission of diversity, the police identity has to come first in order for any real change to be made.
that's all i have for now. i'm sure i didn't explain things entirely perfectly and that there's major aspects to this conversation that i missed, but that's why i'm excited to read someone else's analysis in 20 years. i'm very curious to see what brooklyn 99's legacy will be like then.
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haarute · 8 months
some of y'all need to stop filtering every thought you have through a layer of "other people probably think/say [x]" because you're essentially running your entire life under a "guy i just made up to get mad at" rule and i cannot begin to tell you how detrimental that is to yourselves
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had a normal moment and googled my ex. 0/10 wouldn't recommend
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taiwantalk · 1 month
#this is a bit of bullshit hindsight writing but there’s a part that’s good#and that part opens up a topic that I had deliberately averted blogging about#in modern warfare the reconnaissance is too advanced and so it would be too naive to think a troop surge could go unnoticed#present day military tactics is very much a game of go#and so still I cannot and others should not speculate more#we can egg on it but we should not overreact to any battle outcome#there’s a very important reason that this is happening and it’s nearly an open secret but completely impossible to imagine.#the Russian military mentality is quite trivial really.#the only reason that Russia had been so daring to invade ukraine is simply because Kremlin cares nothing#about its fat outer regions around ukraine#Ukraine’s border is hundreds of miles away from any meaningful military targets inside Russia.#so Kremlin does not care about the welfare of its border regions.#invading ukraine simply is a no brainer decision with no fear of its own territory being taken#the more Russia penetrate ukraine the more buffer zone it’s creating and so it’s worth the military losses#taiwantalk#and so now with this invasion into Russia there’s a very unexpected and impossible to reverse nature#this impossible irreversible nature is that Russia has no choice but keep sending incremental troops or forces to be annihilated because#russia simply cannot reposition any serious sizable#forces in time to really slow down the spearhead.#so there’s gonna a period of russia once again sending forces to slaughter but this is gonna be far worse because they just cannot have any#real artillery or air support
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supp-up · 1 year
Workout Nutrition DIY: Mineral Replenishment is Key - Here's Why.
Workout Nutrition DIY: Mineral Replenishment is Key - Here's Why. #nutrition #workoutnutrition #military #muscle #gym #gymlife #fitlife #militarymuscle #armylife #veterans #supp_up #gainz #militarylife #workout #militaryworkout #buildmuscle #muscle #strength #gainz #workouttips #gymtips #zinc #magnesium
We’re back with another Workout Nutrition DIY post. This one is all about mineral replenishment after you workout and the benefits therein. A post-workout protein shake is fine for making sure your muscles are fed to grow, but like I say in my nutrition guides, workout nutrition is so much more than that. If you read my previous post on the importance of polyphenols, you know where I’m going with…
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mondaymelon · 6 months
₊⊹ "𝐧𝐨𝐨𝐨, 𝐢 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐚 𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝…" | xiao, childe, alhaitham x gn!reader
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「 "𝐦𝐲 𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐬 𝐰𝐚𝐚𝐚𝐲 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮!!"」
— in which you've gotten drunk... drunk enough to fail to recognize your own lover.
— silly fluff. soft xiao, had this one in the drafts for far too long and its about time i choke it out... happy white day !!
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the moment your slurred words reached his ears, XIAO knew that he never should've let you get your hands on that cursed rice wine.
in a way, he supposed it could be his fault. the one time he had decided to indulge in trivial mortal matters like alcohol due to your constant insistence... well, just look at you.
red-faced, the tips of your ears and cheeks stuck in a helplessly drunken flush, you babbled incoherently with half of your face smushed against the table. xiao could only stare in contempt as you feebly reached towards the already-emptied bottle,
( xiao had taken one sip and refused any more indulgence, claiming it was bitter, when in fact, you had gone out of your way to find a sweeter drink ),
and sigh, massaging the bridge of his nose with a certain disillusionment.
"come on, you're getting to bed." the man was just about done with your hopeless actions. he grabbed your wrist and tugged, only to be met with resistance. you're pouting like a child, brows furrowed lazily as you stare upwards at him.
"nnno. m'not going with you."
"...excuse me?" what in the archons was the problem now? he tugged again, this time with a small margin of force, and was met with an even larger pull back, this time paired with a low whine. "hey, it's late, and all the wine is gone, so just comply with me won't you?"
"i already told you... i have a husband..."
your complaint met the cool night air and the adeptus' silence. his lips were slightly parted as his round eyes blinked once, then twice, in a sort of stunned stupor. "...love, i am that husband."
archons, how had he found himself such a foolish mortal to love?
"don't lie to me!" you shook your head profusely, wiggling around in his grasp relentlessly until the adeptus had no choice but to let go. "i know my husband when i see him... and he's way handsomer than you, stupid..." you stared him up and down with squinting eyes, eyeing the way his ears were beginning to turn pink, and sat heavily in thought as you pondered the man before you.
definitely not your husband.
idiot. with a huff, he easily hauled your body over his shoulder as if carrying something as trivial as a sack of potatoes. you hung loosely over, landing a couple weak punches on his back as you proceeded to prattle on, your defiance seemingly having little effect.
then, you were silent, and xiao had to look back to make sure you hadn't gotten hurt. sure, he had considered once or twice leaving you out there all passed out on the balcony, but not without reason, yet he'd decided against it. you seemed fine, mouth hung slightly ajar as you snoozed peacefully, your eyes shut and cheeks still warm from what you'd downed. the audacity to fall asleep... xiao couldn't deny that his sigh was one of fondness.
"night, this husband of yours loves you."
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strange, wasn't the wine from liyue supposedly far less intense compared to the vodka CHILDE had tried back home?
that, or the people here simply were more susceptible when it came to the topic of intoxication. you were no exception — he'd taken you out drinking, his mistake, thinking it'd be an easy, splendid time.
and don't get him wrong, it was! not just, well... conversation was rather hard to make when the other person was practically unconscious. you're practically splayed across the mahogany table, eyes nearly drooped close and fire across your cheeks.
you giggled. it's a muddled sound, when you're mostly mumbling into the table. "hhhey, pour me another glass~"
childe scans your less-than-ideal state and procures an answer in a little under a second. "love, you've had too many."
you seem shocked at his words, leaning forwards a little with narrowed eyes. your figure sways as you shake your head lazily, from side to side. "wwhhhat? nnno, that can't be right..."
the man holds back an amused chuckle. it's entertaining. "and how many fingers am i holding up?" he holds up just one hand, displaying a reasonable amount of three.
there's a beat of silence. "...nineteen?" you blink a couple times, as if to shake you out of your stupor. "...nineteen," this time, with confidence.
childe claps his hands together, a sudden sound that makes you startled, and he moves to apologize immediately. "we're getting you to bed, love. clearly you've had more alcohol than you can handle."
"what, was i wrong??" there's tears forming in your eyes, and your lips tug downwards in a frown. "u-uhm, fifteen? nno, four...?"
"still incorrect, love. i'm afraid it's time for you to go to sleep. you'll wake up with a hell of a hangover tomorrow morning, but..." he sighed, thinking back to his time in shneznaya, then made a mental note to prepare you a hangover drink in the morning. his hand found its familiar place in your hand, unnaturally warm with your skin rosy from the alcohol. he smiled, turning to glance at you, but ceased when he saw you on the ground, tears now falling from your eyes, quietly sobbing as you shook your head back and forth.
panic immediately sets in. what has he done wrong?? "love, what-"
"nnnno, don't call me that..." you squinted upwards at him, looking quite displeased. "no 'love', 'kaaay? i'm not your love, mister."
he paused. wait, you didn't possibly think that... "love-" oh, old habits died hard, and the word had already left his lips before he could process what you'd said.
"i have a husband, you!!" in some sort of fit, or perhaps better worded as a tantrum, you stood, wrenching yourself from his grip and then hitting him repeatedly in the shoulders, chest, anywhere your fists could reach, really. the alcohol had surely affected your capabilities of combat — you missed half the time, and what punches did land caused no pain at all.
as your anger subsided, your step faltered, body swaying in the open air before childe reached over to catch you in his arms. he was concerned, naturally. "lov- are you alright?" his worry only grew when he heard no response, but it ebbed with a chuckle when he saw you were already fast asleep in his arms, snoozing without a care in the world.
"a husband, hm? whoever it is, he must quite be the gentleman..."
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ALHAITHAM knew his night was fated to end in idiocy the moment you knocked on his door.
it didn't even strike him that you were holding wine, of all things, when you waltzed into his house like it was your own. sure, it wasn't as if these occasions weren't frequent, but really anyone would be surprised to glance up from a quiet reading session only to see their (annoying) lover pressed against the door, repeatedly calling out his name in a sing-song, satire-like voice.
like... calling a cat. it was a realization he made with not too much contentment. silently, he thanked the archons that kaveh was not home — they knew that he could not handle the both of you.
it was only when you sat down at his table, where he'd been reading up to the point when you barged in, that he noticed. green-tinted glass, a little wind motif on the front... dandelion wine from mondstadt. now, just how did you get your hands on that?
"connections," you had stated. with a note of pride, he might add. what, was he supposed to congratulate you on being able to talk to other people? even he, a person who generally hated people, could do that.
ah, but he didn't hate it. your voice, that is, when you rambled on for hours on end. he didn't have the heart to interrupt you, especially when you were so heated on a topic — be it work troubles, an especially annoying sailor, or you accidentally dropping your pita pocket into the water when walking along the port, he didn't mind.
"...mmbottle. haaithammm, the bottle..." your drunk complaints reach his ears, and he his irritation is more so disrupted with inward amusement as he watches you in the predicament you've landed yourself in.
"the bottle?" he questions, raising an eyebrow. his hands are crossed over his chest; he's clearly getting a ruse out of this. "just what would you need the bottle for, love?"
your eyebrows scrunch together. he can tell your brain is working at its max capacity. "...im. thirsty?"
"you've already drunk two thirds of this bottle." he holds said bottle high above your head, hopelessly far from your reach. "if you're so thirsty, drink water."
"i don wanna."
"just... one drop?"
"hah..." he pinches the bridge of his nose, sighing deeply, and places a hand on your shoulder. you barely react, and don't even glance at the sudden weight. "love, you're staying over. you're going to bed."
"bed...?" horror crosses your face, paired with evident irritation. "y...you, who do you think you are, to suggest such things!?" your face is bright red, and you're hugging yourself with one arm and pointing an accusing finger towards the male with the other. "i have a husband!!"
ah. "...what's his name?"
"and why do youuuu want to know?" you narrow your eyes suspiciously at him, but seem to come up with an answer to your own question, for you answer him anyhow. "haitham."
"do you love this 'haitham'?" alhaitham's enjoying himself. when he teases the sober you, all you do is retort back, but now... he can see your flustered expression on full display as you stammer out an answer.
"o-of course! a-and, if you wanted to know, he's waaaaay handsomer.. than ... you..."
just like that, you topple over and sink into the couch, knocked unconscious. a trace of a smile crosses alhaitham's lips as he looks at your sleeping form.
"fortunately for you, this 'haitham' you speak of loves you too."
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(a/n) bye i was gonna add kaveh to this one too but i realized oh fuck its white day i said id post a month ago what the fuck am i doing so i just like regurgitated this out and spat it onto your dashboard. ahodfjlds
tags (id paste the aesthetic thing but i cant find it so we're just gonna roll w this):
@manager-of-the-pudding-bank, @iamdedinside, @ilyuu, @ @falors, @swivy123, @scara-is-my-wife, @lupicalbestwolf, @justyoureader,@fiannee, @aether-darling, @ceneid, @avensuersa, @solxima
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dave lizewski smut plsss i love nerdy dick 😭😭🙏
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Parings: Dave Lizewski x Reader
Warnings: Smut
A/N: I love nerdy dick too twin, you so real for this omg😭‼️ (omg y’all i didn’t expect myself to make this kind of romantic sorry y’all i’ll write something crazy next time, this is long as hell ‼️)
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How did this happen? How did Dave end up with the woman he thought was the hottest girl on earth, on top of him straddling his hips?
It all started when Dave decided to invite his girlfriend over to study. She definitely did not want to study—how could she, when all she could think about was how hot he looked while he rambled on about some silly, boring, and excessively long economic questions for class.
Truth be told, she didn’t care much about anything he was saying at the moment. Although that might sound rude, she didn’t care one bit. Her boyfriend sat at the edge of his bed, rambling, and he looked absolutely perfect. His glasses were set perfectly in place on his face, and the way the tip of his tongue stuck out as he delved deep into thought about his stupid economics homework—how could she possibly focus?
Dave was completely oblivious to her ogling. He wasn’t aware that she was practically salivating just from looking at him, he was oblivious to all the impure thoughts running through his girlfriends head, he was so focused on finishing his assignments he didn’t realize just how needy his girlfriend was.
Although Dave and you were in a very serious relationship you’ve never discussed sex it was uncharted territory for both of you. Dave was too shy and embarrassed because he was still a virgin it was a sensitive topic for him. Everyone is aware he isn’t the most popular guy at school.
You on the other hand were scared you’d send him running for the hills if you tried to suggest sex, It’s not like you both never did anything well…the furthest you’ve gotten with each other was making out and grinding against each other, and the ending result was always the same: Dave blushing, covering his lap with a pillow while he sat at his desk chair, and diverting into discussions about random comics and superhero references as if you didn’t just have your tongue in his mouth.
You kept eyeing Dave and biting your lip the thoughts running through your head were pure sin, you were convinced if Dave knew about them he would be a stuttering and blushing disaster. You didn’t think your staring was obvious until Dave suddenly redirected his attention from his five-minute monologue about consumerism, catching you in the act.
He looked back at you from his spot on the bed as he cleared his throat and spoke softly. “Are you okay? Is um something wrong?” God he was so sweet and caring he was oblivious to the fact that all you wanted to do was have him whimpering and groaning beneath you, your desires were consuming your mind. You always wondered what he would sound like when he was overwhelmed with pleasure. You’d caught a glimpse of it once, and since then, your thirst for more was like that of a desert traveler yearning for a drop of water.
“Yeah-Mhm everything’s fine sorry my mind was somewhere else for a second” you smiled at him trying to sound as if you weren’t seconds away from jumping on him. He smiled and adjusted his glasses before he nodded and turned his attention back to his paper.
You couldn’t stand it the last straw was when he bit his bottom lip in concentration you couldn’t stop yourself you swiped his paper off the table, the rustling sound breaking the spell between you. You set it down with a bit more force than intended, a bold move that marked your intentions.
Leaning in, you placed a hand on his cheek and pressed your lips to his, a surge of unspoken desires finally finding expression. His initial surprise melted away, replaced by a hunger that mirrored your own. In that stolen kiss, the air crackled with a mix of passion and anticipation, as if the world outside had faded, leaving just the two of you suspended in that breathtaking moment.
And there it was, the culmination of all those unspoken desires, manifesting in the reality of the moment. Dave found himself reclined against the headboard, a sensation of both exhilaration and disbelief coursing through him. You straddled him, your legs encasing his body, intimacy that had been a distant fantasy until now. His glasses perched on the bridge of his nose, which had turned a deep shade of crimson. The flush of his cheeks mirrored the intensity of the moment, a testament to the shared vulnerability and passion.
Your gaze trailed down, drinking in the sight of his bare chest pressed against you, the rhythmic rise and fall of his breath a captivating dance. The tousled strands of his hair cradled his head against the pillow like a crown, accentuating his allure.
His eyes held a mix of emotions as they lingered on your chest, a blend of curiosity and desire. The gravity of the moment weighed on the air, punctuated by his words, “Are you sure about this?” Your fingers, tender as a whisper, glided across his cheek, a gesture of reassurance and care. Leaning down, you captured his lips in a soft, lingering kiss, your intention clear—to grant him the choice to halt if his comfort wavered.
You sought to convey through touch what words might not fully express. His gaze held yours, a reservoir of affection and trust that spoke volumes. With a glance saturated in love, he nodded, affirming his readiness to explore uncharted realms with you.
He looked down between both your bodies, you were hovering over him, he bit his lip. Dave whined out a small, broken “please.” You closed your eyes savoring the way he spoken his plead was music to your ears.
You slowly sank down on to him, your mouth let out a small gasp at the feeling as he let out a deep groan, he felt the way you clamped down against him, the way he stretched you open had you groaning. You leaned down to kiss him gently, and gave yourselves time to adjust to the new sensation. Dave was girthy and long, he was bigger than anyone you’ve ever had, this felt different from all the times you’ve had sex this, this was love. You could feel the love radiating off of him as he kissed you and groaned into the passionate kiss.
Once you both adjusted, Dave gripped your hips and bucked his hips into you, his thrust were slow and deep, the noises of skin against each other and pleasurable moans filled the room. “Y-you’re so beautiful” Dave muttered and he looked into your eyes. “You’re so pretty davie” You couldn’t help but cry out as you reached down to play with yourself rubbing small gentle circles on your clit and slowly grinding down against him.
He whimpered and you felt his arms wrap around you, holding you in place. You could feel the tension in his body, the excitement building as he felt you against his body. You leaned down to kiss him gently, your lips meeting his in a gentle, tender embrace. You were addicted to the feeling of him inside you, the way he held you, the way he moaned your name. The pressure was building and you knew that you were about to cum you were trying to hold off trying to make this last for as long as you could. “Dave-I’m gonna cum--“ You cried out.
“I-f-fuck” Dave stuttered out as he felt you squeeze around him as you reached your climax, your body shaking with the intensity of the orgasm. Dave was groaning deep in his throat, his hips moving up and down as he came as well. You felt like you were one, a single unit, moving together in a synchronized dance of pleasure as he came deep in you.
Dave whimpered as you rode out your high against him, he felt himself growing overstimulated, he reached for your hips and kept a firm hold on you to keep you from moving, his body was shaking and sweat dripped from his forehead.
“I love you,” you murmured, your voice laced with affection.
“I love you too, baby,” Dave replied, a tender smile on his lips. With a gentle motion, he lifted himself and drew you in for a sweet, lingering kiss.
Releasing yourself from the embrace, you let out a soft sigh of contentment as you reclined against the bed, Dave at your side. He seemed to shift, a hint of nervousness tainting his usual bashful demeanor. “So, uh, how did I do? Was it okay?” His cheeks flushed a shade of crimson that rivaled a tomato’s hue.
“You were amazing.”
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sanarsi · 1 month
professor!Joel Miller x student!f!Reader
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Summary: One wrong call led to this, that instead of your boyfriend, it's your professor who picks you up from the party. Warnings: +18, MDNI, mention of drugs and alcohol, use of drugs (by reader), being under the influence of drugs, protective!Joel, angst, professor-student relationship, age gap (not specified), kinda perv!Joel(??? idk you'll judge), blowjob, pussy eating, cheating (kinda), protected PIV (he had a vasectomy), creampie, dom!Joel, no-outbreak AU, Sarah’s alive and happy, dubcon kinda? Wordcount: 8,1k An: Hiii, I would like to ask you to read the warnings before reading. If you are comfortable with the topic of drugs, angst and sex under the influence, I invite you to read and I hope you enjoy it. Meal is a meal and professor Miller is professor Miller so… this is just a good shit. Reblogs and comments are appreciated! <3 Music I worked with: Make You Mine - Madison Beer
The music was getting louder in your ears. Pushing through the sweaty, dancing people was becoming more and more of a challenge. Everything was starting to spin. You needed some fresh air.
The pills you took didn't work as they should have. Maybe you drank too much before, maybe you had a bad day, or maybe the guy had some shitty stuff.
Your lungs started to collapse more and more as you tried to take another breath. You panicked. You started pushing through the crowd faster and more aggressively. They didn't give a shit about you as much as you didn't give a shit about them.
Here, everyone lived their own life. Everyone had fun. You wanted too.
Until now.
A silent scream tried to escape you as you began to gulp air. You couldn't breathe any other way. You were getting weaker and weaker. Everything was getting hazy. The music was getting less and less distinct. Everything was like behind thick glass.
And right in the middle, in a little glass box, was you. Locked away with no access to oxygen and no cry for help.
You were alone.
Just when you thought the crowd would swallow you, you saw the door. A light at the end of the tunnel.
Something inside you, some instinct, forced your legs to move towards the exit. Your body acted as if it was programmed, like you weren't the one controlling it. Some greater force was moving you like a puppet.
The same force made the mysterious man appeared in front of you. You stopped, frowning and trying to focus your vision to identify his identity. But his face was blurry. Just like the touch of his arms, which wrapped around you to stop your body from falling.
"You've had enough for now," he said, slightly amused, and began to pull you towards the exit. You knew him. His voice was like a breath of fresh air and his arms gave you a false sense of security. You liked that voice. You liked the feeling that allowed you to take a moment to rest amidst the chaos around you and inside you.
"Call Joel," you mumbled indistinctly.
You reached your hand into the back pocket of your jeans and tried to pull out your phone a few times, but your strength disappeared. You couldn't even bring yourself to clench your fingers around this damn thing.
You were helpless and barely conscious, which made tears appear in your eyes.
Why did something like this have to happen when you finally wanted to break free and needed it more than anything else?
Why couldn't you have fun like the rest of them for once?
Why was it always you who got screwed?
"What's your password?" The pleasant male voice spoke again.
You frowned, closing your eyes as you tried to force yourself to think, or worse – say it out loud. The wind blow across your heated skin, making you shiver. You were freezing cold despite it being the middle of summer.
You felt bad and it was getting worse with every passing minute.
"Four zeros," you managed to choke out and looked around shakily. You were standing at the top of the stairs leading to the house.
When had you two left? You didn't register that moment.
The arm around your waist dug harder into your flesh as your knees buckled beneath you. You gasped, trying to keep your weight on the unstable sticks which were your, not so useful right now, legs.
The slightest gust of wind, or even a slight tilt of your head, made you swung like a blade of grass in the wind.
The feeling of falling sent panic through the corners of your brain, but your eyelids continued to droop heavily, blocking your vision. You braced yourself for the pain that was about to dull the rest of your senses, but all you felt was something hard under and behind you. After a moment, a cold sensation appeared around your head, which brought you no small amount of relief.
You purred with pleasure, snuggling closer to the metal railings by the stairs. Your friend looked down at you with concern before he went back to searching for the right contact in your phone.
And that's when the first problem appeared.
You had two phone numbers saved the same way.
"Fuck," he muttered under his breath and selected the first contact.
Seconds passed, another ring sounded by his ear until automatic voicemail went off.
In that case, it had to be the second number, he thought. Since the first one was inactive, the second one had to be the good one, right?
Bull's eye.
After the third ring, a sleepy 'hello' sounded in the speaker.
"Hi, sorry to wake you up, but your girlfriend isn't in the best shape," he started immediately, glancing at your semi-conscious figure, cowering on the stairs. “’think she took some crappy stuff and is goin’ down the drain. She told me to call you. Can you come pick her up?”
There was silence on the other end.
A long silence.
A drawn-out silence.
He had to check phone to make sure the call was still going.
“Give me the address.”
A quick exchange of the most necessary information ended the conversation. That was enough for Joel to appear in the district where the address was located in less than twenty minutes.
You were sitting cuddled in the arm of your friend, who was soothingly stroking your back. He didn't know if you had fallen asleep or if you were just that calm. He only hoped that you weren't struggling too much in your head after taking some shit. You weren't able to help him find out what and who you took it from.
His attention was drawn to the car that stopped in front of the house.
"Joel came to pick you up," he whispered with a smile and noticed that you woke up a bit at his words. You blinked a few times, raising your gaze.
"’s not that Joel," you mumbled.
He frowned, surprised by your reaction, and looked towards the man who just got out of the car and headed towards you.
At first, he couldn't recognize his face, but the closer he got, the clearer it became.
Indeed, he didn't look like your boyfriend. He was... too old to be in a relationship with you. He looked more like your father.
Maybe he was your uncle and he just got you into trouble? Damn it.
"You're not her boyfriend," he stated as Joel stopped by the stairs. His gaze was fixed on you and this sight definitely didn't satisfy him but he tried to didn't show it.
"Do I look like him?" he muttered unpleasantly and looked disapprovingly at the young boy who was holding you in his arms.
His silence was quite telling.
"What did she take?" he asked glancing at your barely conscious form.
"I don't–"
"Wonderful." The rough answer, silenced him effectively. "Did she have some stuff with her?" The next question only stressed the young boy out more.
"Are you her father or somethin’?" he asked, a bit skeptical of the older man.
"I'm her teacher," he replied, pressing his lips together tightly at the sight of you.
No one expected such an answer.
A quiet voice in your friend head blamed him for confusing the contacts and calling a strange guy instead of your boyfriend. What confused him more, was reason, why you had your teacher's number in your phone. And what was even more interesting, was why he picked up at such a late hour and decided to come pick you up.
"I–" he began, not very convinced by the fact that he had to hand you over to a strange guy who was your 'teacher'.
"I'll take her home," he cut him off firmly before he could express his distrust.
Without waiting for the boy to answer, Joel approached you and took your jaw in his hand. You frowned at the sudden movement, because your head was spinning in a bad way. Your gaze was absent as he tried to assess your condition.
Fact, you were in bad shape. He didn't even know if you were able to recognize him, which made the situation a bit more difficult.
"Sweetheart, tell me what you took," he said in a soft but firm tone.
You snorted sweetly, because his voice had a strangely soothing effect on your insides. You couldn't recognize his blurry face, but his touch was familiar. Warm, thick fingers that sent warm shivers through your body. You wanted to melt in his hand, and that's exactly what you did.
The entire weight of your head flew towards him, which made him tighten his grip, digging his fingers into your cheeks.
"Sweetheart..." he repeated softly to get your attention.
You opened your eyes with a blissful smile and tried with all your might to remember who those dark chocolate eyes belonged to. But it was his glasses that made a light bulb go off in your head.
“Just one blue pill, Professor,” you replied, causing relief from Joel and surprise from your friend.
"What are the blue ones for?" he asked, returning to his cold tone as he looked at the young boy.
"I– I don't know," he stuttered, frightened by sudden change in man’s behavior towards him.
"Then find out," he growled, nodding toward the house. Not a second had passed when the boy hurriedly disappeared behind the door.
Joel looked at you again with concern. You didn't look as bad as you had a moment ago. In fact, you looked like you were having a great time. Maybe you had a slightly wandering look, but the smile on your face and the sparkles in your eyes gave a misleading impression.
He knelt down in front of you with a quiet groan and looked at you from every side. There were no signs that anything bad had happened to you.
One stone from the heart. You were safe and sound. A little high, but healthy.
"Do you know who I am?" he asked and with his other hand he fixed the hair that was falling over your face. You watched his movements as if enchanted.
Everything had more vivid colors. His eyes were darker, deeper; you could drown in them. Every move he made seemed to play out in slow motion, giving you all the time you wanted to admire him.
"Joel Miller," you replied, smiling wider. "I didn't know you liked parties," you added before he could say anything. You threw him off balance with that.
He frowned, looking at you closely and he had to admit that he himself had once been young and had done a lot of... illegal things; that's why he decided to go in the direction you had imposed.
"I don't, but sometimes it happens and I end in places like this. I'm a little too old for such fun, you know?" he smiled gently, seeing that you were feeling better and better or the opposite – the drugs were starting to work.
"Just like me. But I'm young." You laughed charmingly, to which he laughed too and nodded. Your burst of energy was starting to worry him a little, but he'd rather that than you having a bad trip.
"So... since we're both not into parties, how about I take you home?"
He was treading thin ice to see if you'd cooperate with him. Unfortunately, your smile suddenly disappeared and he cursed in his mind.
"I can't, my parents think I'm at a friend's," you explained, rubbing your arm nervously.
Okay, that wasn't the answer that would put him in a bind.
"Then I'll take you to your friend's," he suggested but all he got in response was a negative shake of the head.
"She left."
That was already causing a bigger problem.
Joel tried to think quickly. All the possibilities flew through his head, choosing a few that he could test.
"Your friend said something about your boyfriend," he remembered, feeling that this was the way out of the whole situation. Your boyfriend, who was supposed to come here instead of him. At least that's what he concluded from the call he received.
"That asshole stood me up. He was supposed to come here with me, but he went with his friends to who knows where," you snapped, feeling furious at the jerk who dared to call himself your partner. Maybe you would regret this relationship if it wasn't for the fact that you were together for sex. Actually, apart from that, you didn't even like each other that much.
Despite that, he was good in bed, he took care of you at parties and other outings, and his name was Joel.
You were with him because you could shamelessly scream his name while you fucked, while really thinking about someone else. But that was your sweet secret. Sweet secret that held your jaw, staring at you through the lenses of his glasses.
"You don’t have anyone I could take you to?" he asked, increasingly helpless.
You smiled sweetly and shook your head in denial. "Nope."
A quiet sigh left his lips as he tried to think of a way out of this situation.
The worry in his eyes didn't match your current mood. You didn't like the fact that he was sad around you. You wanted to have fun, be happy, forget about all your problems for a moment.
"That's why I have to stay at the party until the morning," you said with a wide smile, at which he frowned.
"No," he ordered seriously, surprising you a bit. You rarely witnessed Joel addressing anyone like that. Especially you – his favorite. "I won't let you stay here when you're under the influence of some shitty pills."
"No," he cut you off immediately. "I don't want to hear a word of protest. I'm your teacher even outside of working hours. I have to take care of your safety." His tone clearly indicated that he didn't want to hear your reasons for staying.
How could you argue with a man whose every word was sacred to you? Even if you wanted to, you couldn't because your friend came out of the house, catching your attention or at least Joel's attention, because yours was still focused only on him.
A smile bloomed on your face again as you could look at him with impunity.
Oh, he was handsome.
Deadly handsome for a man his age. Your father was younger than him and he looked much worse.
How was it even possible that you started to be attracted to a man older than your own father? You didn't know that, but you weren't going to delve into it because you liked the feeling he aroused in you.
"She took ecstasy." You heard from somewhere behind you before Joel looked straight into your eyes again as if he was looking for something. You didn't know for what, because he couldn't be looking for you; you were right in front of him.
"Come on, sweetheart," he sighed with a warm smile and slowly stood up. "I'll take you home, okay?" he suggested, holding out his hand to you.
You looked up at him with doe eyes and nodded silently. You didn't want him to be mad at you.
You didn't want to let him down so you politely gave him your hand and let him pull you up. It took a moment for your legs to get used to doing their duties again before you could fully stand on your own but despite that, Joel still wrapped his arm around your waist, holding you tightly to his side.
He didn’t want to risk you falling and cracking your head. Fate liked to play games with people and he had learned that the hard way many times. Way too many times.
Without any additional pleasantries, he led you to his car and sat you in the passenger seat. Your head was getting heavier as you tried to watch his movements; the way he fastened your seatbelt, the way he made sure you weren't sick, the way he ran his gaze down your body to make sure everything was okay.
But all he had to do was close the door and your eyelids closed by themselves. The car was quiet, nice and warm. You felt safe and the delicate scent of perfume he used only relaxed your muscles more.
Joel got into the car and before he drove away, he glanced at how you were trying not to let your eyelids fall. He sighed quietly, shaking his head in resignation and slowly drove out onto the street. Silence fell between you due to the fact that you had lost the fight with tiredness and simply fell asleep.
And at the same time he was struggling with his thoughts of what he should do. What was appropriate for him to do. He should have taken you home. Even if you were going to have a row after crossing the threshold. It was none of his business what happened to you after he got you to safety.
But another thought lurked in his mind. An idea that shouldn't have been there. Had no right to be there. Yet this thought overshadowed what was right.
Because Joel had long since admitted to himself that you were more important to him than the rest of the students. He had stopped denying how much he enjoyed sitting with you in his office in the evenings, helping you study. After many months of struggling with himself, he realized how much he appreciated your company, your attention, your smile, all of you.
That's why the thought of taking you home and witnessing the fight immediately slipped of off his mind.
He didn't want to cause you any trouble at home. The fact that he found you in such a state only proved that you had enough to worry about. Why would he give you more? He didn't like it when your pretty little head was filled with problems he couldn't help you with. But with what was happening now, he could help you.
That’s why after twenty minutes he stopped in front of his house.
You continued to sleep soundly, not worrying about anything anymore and he didn't have the heart to wake you up. You looked too innocent for him to interrupt your peaceful state of unconsciousness. The smudged mascara and a bit of glitter on your eyelids only added to your charm.
Joel really wanted to hate himself for the way his heart beat at the sight of you, but he couldn't. He couldn't hate the feeling you evoked in him. Because this feeling was good. Warmth spread across his chest and more wrinkles formed around his eyes from the wide smiles you caused in him.
You were like a ray of sunshine. Why would he hate the sunbeam that fell on him?
He knew he shouldn't feel this way. You were his student, the best he'd ever had the chance to teach. But he couldn't fight it. Not when you were pushing yourself into his arms. When you gave him your full attention. When your hand touched his every chance you got. He just couldn't.
That's why it didn't bother him at all to carry you home. Actually, he did it with all too much desire. He couldn't resist the feeling of holding you in his arms as your head rested peacefully on his shoulder.
The door closed behind him with a soft click as he slowly walked down the hallway. Darkness reigned everywhere after he was suddenly yanked out of bed. Now there wasn't much left of his desire to sleep.
He carefully opened the door to the guest room and tightened his arms a little as he walked with you over the threshold. As if to spite you, your phone began to vibrate, which made you grumble anxiously. He quickly laid you on the bed and reached into the back pocket of your pants. The bright screen forced him to squint as he tried to see who was calling you at this hour.
He frowned, glancing at you and then back at the phone. Before he could think about his decision, he clicked the red receiver, rejecting the call and muted your phone, placing it on the cabinet next to it. Just in case, he did it in such a way that another incoming call wouldn't be visible.
Your quiet groan caught his attention so he didn't wait for you to wake up any longer and carefully started to take off your shoes; right after that, socks. He couldn't let you sleep uncomfortably after, what was probably a pretty lively, party. He felt that he had to take care of not only your safety but also your comfort, so that you could wake up in the morning without any consequences after tonight. And only because of that reason, his gaze wandered to your legs covered in jeans.
He cursed himself in his mind because of the ideas that started to come to his mind.
He couldn't.
He should leave you like this and go back to his bedroom.
He should have done it.
And yet, he leaned closer to you and gently stroked your cheek. "Sweetheart," he said quietly, wanting to wake you up.
Although there was at least that much common sense left in him.
He smiled fondly when he saw that you opened your eyelids a little with a grunt. "Lift your hips," he ordered and all he got in response was to do as he asked. No questions or comments.
Feeling the growing tightness in his chest, he unbuttoned your button and zipper. Deep down he knew how fucking wrong it was. But he couldn't fight it as his fingers began to slide the material of your jeans down your hips.
Another grievous sin was added to his mental list as his gaze fell on your underwear. The lump in his throat began to grow with every second his eyes were fixed on your black panties.
So damn plain black cotton panties.
Then why was this the sexiest sight in his whole life?
"Fuck," he cursed in a whisper and pulled your pants all the way down. Then your hips fell back onto the mattress with a quiet sigh.
He felt like a pervert, seeing you like this when you were on the edge of reality and dream so he forced himself to leave the room while he still could.
How long before he gave in?
It took a trip to the bathroom and his room.
Then he reappeared by the bed where you were lying half naked; with his old t-shirt in one hand and micellar fluid in the other. Having a daughter had many advantages, so he knew that falling asleep with makeup on was not something pleasant.
That's why for the next ten minutes he gently wiped your face with soaked cotton pads. He sat by your side, carefully wiped off the smallest traces of makeup and had to admit, that it was also refreshing even for him. A moment of silence helped him calm his thoughts, and the sight of your innocent face only confirmed that he had to take care of you. That was all that mattered now.
Until the moment you purred and delicate smile spread across your lips.
That was enough for a burning heat to appear in his chest again.
"This feels nice," you whispered in a slightly hoarse voice.
Joel was just finishing cleaning your cheek when your eyes began to stare at him. This time you didn't have a wandering gaze. You seemed... normal.
He quickly believed it because he wanted to believe it. He wanted you to be sober at the moment when you were closer than ever before. When you were in his house. Lying in his bed. On his sheets.
"How do you feel?" he asked, placing the cotton pad on the cabinet next to him, not taking his eyes off your shiny ones.
"Good." Your smile didn't disappear for a moment as you watched him carefully. You definitely weren't complaining about seeing him, but you wondered about other thing. "Where are we?" After that question, you looked around the dark room a bit. You didn't remember ever being in this place. It was too pretty here compared to the places you usually stayed.
"In my house," he replied, a bit afraid of your reaction.
Maybe he really should have taken you to your house despite the problems that were to come?
Maybe he went too far by bringing you to his place without your consent.
It's true that at university you were close, but it was always at the university. Never outside of it.
"It's nice here."
Your comment dispelled all his doubts. He didn't even realize he was holding his breath when a sigh of relief finally left his lungs.
"Do you need anything?" he asked, wanting to get back on solid ground.
Your presence of mind would allow him to pull himself together. All you had to do was say you were tired. That you wanted to go to sleep. That you wanted for him to leave you alone.
Anything that would indicate that he should go and leave you alone.
"Can I have a glass of water, please?" you asked, looking at him as if the request was too much to ask for.
You had already violated his hospitality. He had picked you up from a party in the middle of the night and brought you to his house. You were slowly starting to feel like an idiot.
"Of course," he nodded and left the room, leaving you alone.
You rubbed your face with your hand and slowly sat up. A penetrating feeling of shame crept into your head as you began to look at your thighs.
Did you undress yourself or did he undress you? You probably didn't want to know the answer to that question.
You felt like you'd already made a fool of yourself. You couldn't even tell if the drugs were still affecting you. You felt light, good, but your mind was starting to work differently. You didn't know what to focus on what to think. There were so many things happening that you should have been in control of right now and yet you sat there helplessly, staring at your flesh.
You came to the conclusion that you probably didn't have the strength to feel ashamed of what was happening now. You were too tired. Your mind wouldn't cooperate with you, so the best option was to face everything in the morning.
Despite your momentary sobriety, you still couldn't fight the feeling that was growing in your belly. Like a big warm ball was warming up your insides and giving you pleasure. That was the only reason you had a constant blissful smile on your face. It felt good. Focusing on that feeling was much more enjoyable than trying to think.
Joel returned a few minutes later with a glass of water, finding you dressed in his shirt and sitting on the edge of the bed with your head down. He swallowed hard, fighting the feeling the sight of you had stirred in him. He didn't want to admit what it was doing to him.
“Here,” he said, catching your attention. You looked up at him, your eyes so big and shiny that he had to clench his jaw to control his emotions. It wasn’t until a moment later that your gaze dropped to the glass in front of your face and, with a silent 'thank you', you took it.
In silence, he sat down next to you and watched as you took small sips. The cold water brought you some relief and tasted much better than usual. Only when you had drunk half a glass, you put it on the cabinet next to you and wiped your lips with the back of your hand. The silence echoed in your ears, making you focus more on the growing feeling of pleasure in your body.
You had to do something to not fall into this.
"I'm sorry," you said, starting to gently bite your lip. Despite the whole situation, you wanted to smile. "This wasn't supposed to be like this."
"And what was it supposed to be like?" His question made you look at him. Warmth radiated from him. He didn't seem angry. He didn't seem like he blamed you for your irresponsibility. It was a strangely pleasant change from what you usually experienced with your father.
You laughed quietly and looked down. “I don’t know,” you admitted, shrugging. You didn’t even know how to answer that question. Because what exactly did you expect? “I wanted to escape reality for a bit.”
“Aren’t there other ways to do it?”
“There probably are, but that was the only one I know of.”
You might be ashamed of it, but it was the truth. There was nothing in your life that would allow you to forget, even for a moment, all the shit that was going on around you.
You didn't want to think about it at a time when you felt light as a feather. You clenched your fists tighter into the mattress to hold back your smile because all you wanted to do was gasp while laughing at how good you felt.
Joel didn't seem to notice. He felt like you were struggling with negative emotions and he wanted so badly to help you get rid of the thoughts that were occupying your mind. You looked like you were at least physically in pain as your entire body tensed up as if searching for the slightest point of contact. Without thinking too much, his hand covered yours. You let out a shaky breath as his large fingers tightened around yours. It was a comforting gesture on his part, but to you it was like pouring gasoline on a fire. His touch was all you could focus on. The hot, large hand that was touching your small, cold one.
You began to tremble. Everything inside you began to crave more of that feeling, even though his hand alone was enough to make a moan die in your throat.
"I want to help you."
His offer hung between you like heavy clouds. His words had no second meaning, and yet you took it that way.
He wanted to help you. But how?
How could he make your mind stop running with tormenting thoughts?
You searched for the answer to this question in his eyes and even though this was an ordinary question, something else was lurking inside him. Something that you caught. Or at least that's what you thought.
However, thinking at a time like this wasn't working out very well for you. That's why you didn't know how your lips found their way to his. You couldn't remember when you got so close, pressing a strong kiss to his mouth.
You squeezed your eyes shut, frozen and waiting for his answer but Joel was in too much shock to do anything. Even breathing seemed like a superhuman ability now. That's why after the seconds dragged on, you pulled away with a sense of shame. Seeing the shock on his face, you really felt like an idiot but you couldn't control yourself. You didn't even know how on earth you decided to do something like that. How on earth did you decide to cross the sacred border.
"Professor, I'm sorry-" you tried to explain yourself but then his hand found its way into your hair, pulling you firmly only for him to initiate the kiss this time.
You moaned not expecting such a turn of events. His stubble pleasantly irritated your skin, sending waves of stars all over your body. A smile spread across your lips as his proximity began to stimulate you. Soft lips perfectly matched yours. Every kiss he gave you was like you had done it a thousand times before. His tongue was delicate and sweet, making you purr with pleasure. Every second of his closeness gave you more strength.
He and drugs were the most addictive combination you had ever had the opportunity to try. Apart from the fact that all your desires, that you had for this man for a very long time, were coming true.
Neither of you even thought about how fucked up it all was. You both wanted this too much to care about anything but each other's touch.
Even Joel started to feel like he was high. Your soft lips and quiet sighs gave him shivers of desire. He couldn't remember the last time his cock hardened as quickly as the moment your hand started to travel up his thigh.
He couldn't hold back a groan when your fingers gently tightened around the bulge in his sweatpants. The mere fact that he was so turned on by you, sent waves of arousal through every corner of your body. Heavenly feeling overshadowed all your senses.
“Please,” you whispered desperately into his mouth.
You felt his hand tighten around yours, making him moan, and you took that as an answer. You hooked your fingers around the waistband of his sweatpants and underwear, silently asking him to take them off. And that’s exactly what he did, without thinking too much, he lifted his hips and slid everything in your way off of them. Your kisses became sloppier and deeper as your hand found its way to his cock again.
Cold fingers wrapped around his hot, throbbing friend. The skin-to-skin contact elicited a throaty groan from him.
He was thick. You could barely contain him as you slowly began to pump him, up and down, letting more precum wet his tip. You gently ran your thumb over his head to spread everything. His cock trembled in your hand, trying to escape the too intense feeling.
His fingers tightened on your hair and his lips stopped coordinating with yours. You smiled widely and synchronized your kisses with the movements of your hand. With your tongue, you collected all the moans that came out of him. Joel felt like he was in a trap that he didn't want to get out of. Your gentle kisses and touch were driving him to the limits of his self-control.
And any remaining control disappeared the moment you fell to your knees before him.
You settled comfortably between his thighs, licking your lips. Joel sighed at the sight and propped himself up on his hands, leaning back a bit to get a better view of the way a string of saliva flew out of your mouth. His cock didn't even have time to twitch at this feeling because his tip disappeared into your mouth.
“Oh fuck,” he inhaled loudly.
You didn't give him a chance to get used to your warm tongue before you swallowed him halfway. He winced at the sudden surge of pleasure and looked at you with his mouth parted. You began to work your head, taking him deeper with each pass.
You were determined to swallow him whole, despite what you were capable of. You needed to prove to yourself that you could do it, that you could do more for him than for others.
“That's right, baby,” he hissed through clenched teeth. Hearing the praise from his lips, you felt like you were capable of anything. And that's exactly what you did, swallowing him whole.
A loud moan bounced off the walls as your throat tightened around his tip. He thrust his hips, trying to go deeper, and you let him. You pressed your nose into his flesh, holding him completely in your mouth. Joel watched everything with delight. Every twitch of his cock causing your walls to tighten around him.
He tried to breathe calmly but he couldn't focus on anything except how wonderful it felt to feel your mouth on his dick. He preferred not to admit how many times he had seen this sight before his eyes when he masturbated. Now, when he was experiencing it firsthand, he felt like he was in heaven. His imagination couldn't even match up to how skillfully you drove him crazy.
You started to choke so you immediately pulled away from his crotch. A string of saliva was the only thing that connected you two as you raised a tearful gaze at him. Joel was breathing heavily as he stared at you with adoration. And even though he wanted to feel your lips around him again, he couldn't stop himself from feeling them on him again.
He leaned down, capturing your lips in a hard kiss and covered your cheeks with his hands, forcing you to stand up. You didn't resist his movements, allowing him to pull you onto his lap. His cock throbbed, hitting your lower abdomen, causing another wave of arousal to start leaking out of you.
You wrapped your arms tightly around his neck, deepening the kiss and allowing yourself a moment to play with his tongue. Joel was more than willing to let you do whatever you wanted to him. He gripped your ass tightly, earning a moan from you.
The hot ball inside you turned into a real fire between your thighs. The feeling was starting to overwhelm you, forcing quiet squeals out of you as you rubbed against his hard cock over and over again.
You needed to get rid of this feeling.
You needed to relieve yourself of the pain of arousal.
“Please, I want you inside me.”
Your silent plea didn't have to wait long for his answer. In one movement, he turned you over, letting you fall onto the soft mattress. You gasped when he suddenly pulled away from you and practically ripped your panties off. All the wetness smeared across the inside of your thighs but Joel was too busy to notice. He squeeze your panties in his hand, feeling the black material was completely soaked and shamelessly inhaled your scent.
Your pheromones awakened things in him he didn't know existed. Like in a frenzy, he hid your underwear in the pocket of his sweatpants and blindly threw his glasses on the table. He didn't really care that they probably broke when you writhed in anticipation on the bed in front of him.
"I've been waiting ages to find out what you taste like," he said, more to himself than to you, and grabbed you tightly by the hips, pulling you closer to the edge of the bed. Your breath caught in your lungs as his hands began to roam your body in a possessive way and right under your shirt.
But when his face disappeared between your legs, you couldn't take the tension anymore and you threw your head back with a moan. Just the feeling of his breath and the knowledge of how close he was to your pussy was driving you crazy. He didn't have to do anything at all to make you writhe under him.
Every muscle in your body tensed as you felt him start to lick everything that smeared on your thigh. You began to pant heavily, feeling as he got closer to his goal with every second. Until finally, he planted the wettest, deepest kiss on your slit. You moaned loudly, arching your back at the overwhelming feeling. His tongue ran along the length of your pussy and with a growl of satisfaction, he sucked on your clit.
Instinctively, you clenched your fists tightly on the sheets and tried to move your hips out of his reach, but his hands on your waist effectively stopped your movements.
The sting of his beard perfectly matched his agile tongue. You were shocked at how quickly a familiar feeling began to gather in your lower abdomen. You couldn't remember the last time someone had brought you to such a state.
You didn't know what was causing it. The drugs that were still circulating in your blood, your desire for him or his amazing abilities. It was also possible that all of them at once made your legs tremble.
You wanted to scream, squeal, tell him to stop, tell him to continue. You couldn't decide but he made the decision for you, pulling away and depriving you of your orgasm. You opened your eyes, searching for him with your gaze and you wanted to beg him to come back to his place.
Seeing your gaze, a smirk appeared on his face. Having you in such a state made him feel like a god. He had already forgotten what it felt like to have such power over someone, to experience someone looking at you with such desire as you did for him when he took away your opportunity to come.
"You'll come with my cock inside you," he decided.
You blinked a few times and closed your mouth in shock. It was the first time you had witnessed such a change in his behavior and you had to admit that you liked him even more this way. You loved his gentle nature that surrounded you every day but his possessive version aroused a wild desire in you.
You wanted to dig your nails into his flesh until it bled and beg him to come inside you so hard and deep that you would see stars. But instead of saying that, you nodded, barely able to say a quiet 'okay'.
Your answer satisfied him.
Your submission satisfied him.
Holding his cock stiffly, he positioned himself between your legs. You felt him right at your entrance and you shuddered, clenching around nothing. Joel looked with satisfaction at the mess that you were. Disheveled hair, shiny eyes, his shirt that now revealed more than it covered.
"Fuck, you're beautiful," he whispered affectionately at the sight of you.
Your breath caught in your throat when you locked eyes with him. But your eyes rolled back in an instant when his hands gripped your hips tightly and in one movement he pulled you to him, impaling you all the way on his cock. The cry that came out of you was the most animalistic sound he had ever heard. He shuddered with a moan feeling your tight pussy pulsating around him. He couldn't even experience this feeling in his dreams.
"I knew you'd be perfect," he gasped and slowly pulled out of you only to thrust hard back.
Another scream tore through your throat like fire but it didn't stop him from slowly setting the perfect pace for himself. The sound of flesh slapping flesh echoed through the room.
"Soaked, warm and tight."
He thrust harder and harder and you couldn't shake the feeling of him going so damn deep inside you. The arousal overshadowed the pain he was causing you. You weren't used to his cock. It was thicker and longer than the one you usually had inside you.
"Made especially for me," he growled, digging his fingers deeper into your hips.
You wrapped your hands around his wrists and dug your nails into them, silently begging for him to be more gentle.
You never expected someone like Joel to be so domineering in bed. In your fantasies, it was always you who was finishing him off, not him finishing you off.
“Who does this pussy belong to?” he panted, searching for your gaze until he finally found it, completely cock drunk. You winced as he thrust hard into you once again, not giving you a chance to catch your breath. He saw how bravely you were struggling with what he had given you, how you were trying to get used to his size. He felt you still clench around him tightly and if you could, you would rip his cock off. "To who?" he repeated, raising his eyebrows encouragingly.
For a guy his age, he held himself surprisingly well despite how fast he moved his hips, impaling you over and over again with his entire length.
"Toyoutoyoutoyou," you hissed in one breath and began to pant heavily, feeling the increasing tension in the muscles between your legs.
Joel smiled, pleased with the state he had brought you to, and pushed harder into you. That was the first time you saw stars and your lungs forgot how to breathe.
"You're right, to me," he nodded, leaning towards you. His hand slid under your shirt and after a moment it squeezed pleasantly painfully on your breast. You whimpered from the new stimulant that echoed off your clit. "And you know what I don't like?" he asked, teasing your nipple with his thumb, while slowing down the movements of his hips, entering you more passionately. "Sharing," he answered before his question even reached your consciousness.
Longer and longer moans accompanied every movement of his hips. His cock smoothly began to rub against that perfect spot in your pussy. You felt like crying from the pleasure that intensified the feeling of ecstasy inside you.
"Do you think your boyfriend will be happy when you tell him who's going to fuck you from now on?" he purred, rubbing his nose against your cheek. The scent of desperation filled his nostrils. You needed to come. You needed to be free from this burning feeling in your mind.
"What boyfriend?" you asked, overcome by the approaching fulfillment.
Joel smiled against your face and began to place wet kisses on your neck. You closed your eyes, tangling your fingers in his hair and fully surrendering yourself to everything he was giving you. His cock gently stimulated your cervix and the rest of his length created the perfect friction that drove you crazy. His hand sensually stroked your thigh and the other caressed your breast. This deadly combination quickly took away the last of your ability to think.
"Will you come for me, pretty girl?" he whispered, gently biting your skin. "Cum for me and let me fill you."
The only answer you were able to give him was a long moan as you reached your peak. You could dimly hear his praises and how proud he was of you. The feeling of euphoria spread through your body in strong waves, reaching the furthest corners of your body. Joel watched with fascination as the orgasm took over your body, the way you began to arch beneath him, the way you clenched your fingers tightly in his hair in need. This sight was something he feared he would never see again in his life. And yet, it was you lying beneath him, satisfied, overcome by pleasure.
The throbbing of your cunt and just you in yourself, drove him mad. Orgasm shook his body as if the last time he fucked was thirty years ago. The pleasure overpowered his ability to breathe. He froze, letting his cum fill you completely.
It felt like when he first discovered what his hand could do.
Overcome by the experience, he didn't even notice you watching him in silence, trying to calm your breathing. Your eyes sparkled as you stared at his tired face. You couldn't accept the fact that you had just experienced what you had dreamed of for a long time. And for the first time in a long time, you were just so fucking happy.
"Thank you," you whispered, placing your hands on his cheeks and lifting your head to connect your lips in a gentle kiss. Joel didn't resist even a second as he deepened the kiss, crushing you with his weight.
In that moment, you could admit that you forgot about the whole world. It was only him.
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sweetangelgirl7 · 19 days
𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝜗𝜚 𝐜𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐨
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in which you find yourself in the restroom with chris at one of your infamous parties — only having a few minutes to spare
warnings: SMUT! softdom!chris x fem!reader, plot, use of pet names, unprotected sex, overstimulation, hair pulling, (slight) choking, creampie.
word count: 5.1k
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recently your name had become the talk of the small town that was los angeles — your social media was on the rise, and everything seemed to be aligning perfectly in your favor. your schedule was booked with campaigns and photo shoots, back to back, and most recently a collaboration of your own, curated, collection with a luxury lingerie brand in the city.
tonight was the collection launch party and while you may have been the hot topic, your parties were even hotter. the mere mention of your name was immediately followed up with rumors of your infamous parties.
leaning in just inches from your reflection, your lips naturally fell open as you touched up your mascara in the warm light of the powder room, humming softly to the song muffling through the walls downstairs.
holding onto the cool marble countertop, your other hand was preoccupied with a freshly stirred apple martini as you thoroughly scanned your face for any flaws or creases in your makeup. carefully laying your flyaways flat and smoothing any wrinkles in your outfit.
you had finally managed to slip away from the party, your party, for just a moment. between meeting new faces and engaging in small talk as you made your rounds throughout the venue, you desperately needed a breather to escape from the body heat rising thick into the air.
gently patting any signs of perspiration showing on your forehead with a paper towel, you tossed it in the trash before giving one final look. with a smile, you pushed through the door while ducking your head down to bring the full martini glass to your lips before your path was obstructed by something — or rather, someone, colliding directly into a broad, solid chest.
the force causing your drink to flow over the rim of the glass, dropping to the floor and spilling all over you and said chest on the way down. “shit” you cursed under your breath, the cold liquid instantly soaking into your clothes as your eyes trailed up at the person standing directly in front of you, also covered in apple martini.
“i’m so sorry, i wasn’t paying attention” you apologized, your eyes meeting theirs as your sentence slowly trailed off when you realized who you just spilled your drink all over. a brunette with blue eyes now filled with distress, one of the sturniolo’s, although you weren’t exactly sure which one.
“shit, no, that’s my bad i wasn’t looking” he apologized immediately, adjusting the black fitted hat on his head as he leaned down to pick up the empty martini glass.
both of your outfits stained with apple liqueur as your eyes were now down on his shirt “here, let me help you” you insisted, taking his hand beneath yours as you pulled him back into the powder room just a few feet behind you.
his hand naturally fitting beneath yours before dropping it to run a paper towel under the sink, handing it to him with an apologetic expression. “i’m really sorry, i was in such a rush i didn’t even bother looking up” you shook your head, embarrassed by your own careless clumsiness.
taking the paper towel, the brunette also shook his head with a low chuckle “i wasn’t looking either” he mumbled, his attention down on his shirt as he began to dab at the liquid soaking through the fabric. “so i guess we both fucked up” he continued, a smile pulling on his lips.
“i guess so” you giggled softly, turning to face the mirror as you examined the damage done to your outfit. while you were wearing all red, not nearly as bad as white, the dark stains still managed to show through the fabric. “shit” you mumbled under your breath, pulling the corset top up your chest as you ran a dry paper towel over the stains beginning to set.
chris stood a few feet behind you working on his own mess, the sound of your voice causing him to shoot you a glance through the mirror. “sorry, again, that’s my bad, i didn’t mean to ruin the ‘fit” he shook his head, his eyes falling back down to his shirt “or your night” he scoffed to himself, with a quiet chuckle.
“you didn’t ruin my night, trust me” you smiled reassuringly, your eyes up on him through the mirror as you glanced at the green stain forming down his white shirt. “if anyone ruined anything, it’s that shirt” you giggled, gently biting the inside of your cheek
“pfft this old thing? i was gonna toss it anyways” he teased sarcastically, knowing it was a brand new shirt. you couldn’t help but laugh at his comment, rolling your eyes with a smile “right” you mumbled softly.
the sound of muffled music playing from downstairs filled the room as you two stood in a comfortable silence. tossing the paper towel into the trash, your eyes scanned over your outfit before adjusting your top once more as it had been slipping down your chest throughout the night.
“hey, while i have you here — would you mind giving me a hand?” you smiled, your hands reaching around to the red ribbon weaved perfectly down your spine as it had worn loose over the past couple of hours.
his eyes slightly widening as he looked down the intricately laced corset, clearing his throat with a laugh “uh, i think you got the wrong guy to help you” he chuckled, shaking his head hesitantly before stepping towards the door “let me get my brother, he can help for sure” he mumbled quickly before you stretched your foot back to block the door, your platform now blocking his way.
“do you wanna make it up to me for ruining my night or not?” you teased with a playful pout on your lips, your eyes still on him through the mirror. “it’s not as scary as it looks, i promise” you shook your head with a laugh.
stopping in his tracks, his eyes shooting upwards towards the back of your leg, up your thighs, and briefly catching a glimpse of your ass as he finally looked at you through the mirror. “yeah but i don’t wanna fuck it up even more” he laughed again, slightly turning to face you now.
“oh, stop, will you just help me?” you rolled your eyes with a soft giggle, beginning to untie the ribbon laced into a loose bow at the bottom of your spine. chris nodded his head while stepping directly behind you, in front of the mirror, as his eyes worked down your back.
“just take these, and pull, okay?” you talked him through the two simple steps, holding out both ends of the ribbon for him behind your back as he slowly took them between his hands, his fingers briefly brushing over yours.
“just pull? that’s it?” he asked, his eyebrows slightly furrowing in confusion. “yessir, just pull” you smiled, looking at him through the mirror as you could have sworn you saw his lips quip up into a half-smirk at the name ‘sir’
“like tying your shoes, if you know how to do that — of course” you giggled, his face immediately falling at your words as he scoffed “yeah, don’t worry, i know how to tie my shoes” he playfully mocked, rolling his eyes as he began to gently tug at the laces.
your hands gripping the drop in sink for leverage as he continued to lazily pull at the ribbon “harder, please” you instructed as his eyebrows immediately raised, that same half-smirk now pulling farther up his lips “oh?” he chuckled.
your smile falling as you glared at his reflection “get your head out of the gutter” you rolled your eyes, your fingers gripping tighter around the sink to brace yourself as he nodded his head “yes ma’am” he obeyed sarcastically under his breath, finally giving the ribbon a forceful pull, causing you to stand up straight.
“there we go” you hummed softly under your breath with a smile. as his fingers worked down the ribbon, you inhaled heavily so he could cinch in the corset as tight as possible. “you’re one of the triplets, right?” you asked, breaking the few seconds of silence as you realized that you never formally introduced yourself to the stranger with his hands all over your back.
“mhm” he hummed softly, his attention still focused on the laces as he briefly shot you a glance through the mirror “chris” he smiled, the name immediately ringing a bell in your mind.
“oh, fresh love boy” you smiled, your feet slightly staggering backwards with every pull. chris chuckling softly as he attended to the task in front of him “yes ma’am, fresh love boy” he nodded his head, with a smile, trying his best to multitask.
only knowing that because his manager had recently gotten in contact with your own about getting you to shoot with the brand. also, throwing ideas back and forth about setting you two up on a couple of dates — for publicity reasons, of course, although you weren’t sure if he knew entirely about that last part.
the music downstairs continued to muffle through the walls as your fingers gripped tighter around the sink, holding yourself steady.
“did your manager tell you about that little publicity idea she had in mind?” you laughed softly, trying to fill the silence, your eyes on chris as he chuckled “yeah, i heard ‘bout it” he shook his head, his cheeks blushing a soft shade of pink.
“i didn’t wanna say anything, didn’t wanna make it awkward or anything ” he admitted, immediately recognizing who you were after he had spilled the drink all over you. it was your party after all and it was somewhat hard to miss the giant pictures of you in various lingerie sets scattered throughout the venue.
your faintly awkward laughs filled the air as a blush painted on both of your faces, flustered by the idea of a fake relationship — a fake date at that.
“kinda crazy, don’t you think?” you mumbled as he winced at your words, playfully hissing through his teeth “ouch” he began, now looking up at you through the mirror
“what’s so crazy ‘bout going on a date with me?” he acted offended, shaking his head as his eyes dropped back down to the corset.
“you know what i meant” you shook your head with a soft giggle as he took a step closer to get a better grip on the strings “i don’t know-” he began quietly, wrapping the ribbon around his knuckles before pulling the strings completely taut, with a purpose, causing your body to fall back into his chest.
you softly gasped for air as he pulled, your eyes slightly widening at him as your hands were still wrapped around the sink for support. “i don’t think it’s all that crazy” he continued mumbling, not at all fazed by your back being pressed flush against his chest as he looked up at your reflection.
you exhaled slowly, your cleavage now propped up on your chest as it rose and fell with your breathing. “oh yeah? why’s that?” you asked softly, your eyes flickering back and forth between his as that charming half smirk tugged at his lips again.
“i mean, look at you” he shrugged, his gaze scanning down your body through the mirror and back up to your eyes. your cheeks automatically blushing red as you felt a heat rise to your face, shaking your head with a smile as your eyes met. “are you flirting with me christopher?” you laughed, your lips slightly parted open as he reciprocated the smile.
“duh, i’d be fuckin’ stupid not to” he laughed confidently, not afraid to take the one chance he got alone with you all night. your cheeks flushed an even deeper shade of red, immediately looking down as you didn’t want him to catch you getting flustered. “stop” you giggled, stepping forward against the counter to create a space between you again.
“i’m serious” he shook his head, his focus on the corset as he worked his way towards the bottom of your back now. “you’re a total knockout kid” he shrugged his shoulders once more as he pulled the ribbon even tighter, causing you to stumble back into his chest again, although this time around — you didn’t move, rather melt into his touch.
the compliments causing your face to heat up even more, blushing like an absolute idiot now as you smiled at him through the mirror. “chris” you whispered with a soft laugh, shaking your head non-stop at his words.
“what? i’m serious” he laughed, looking down at the minuscule gap between the both of you, slowly tying a small bow with the ribbon between his fingers “i mean, goddamn, look around, the proof is all over the walls” he chuckled.
you bit the inside of your cheek, his words genuinely getting to your head now as you remained silent, flustered, looking for the right thing to say. “everything about you, shit, like i said — i’d be stupid not to tell you how beautiful you are” he said with his tone low as he wrapped his fingers around the the bow, purposely pulling you into him, causing you to completely press against his chest and close the gap between you “even you know it” he mumbled
you shook your head, now staring up at him “keep talking like that pretty boy and they’re gonna have to come looking for us” you teased sarcastically with a laugh as he raised his eyebrows briefly, instantly flashing a grin.
“yeah?” he mumbled, lifting the black boston red sox fitted off of his head as he swiftly ran a hand through his hair, placing it on backwards now. his hands slowly trailing around the sides of your hips as he pulled your body back even farther into his frame. you gently tugged at your bottom lip, your eyes locked on his as you willingly let him run his hands over your waist.
chris lowered his head to press a slow kiss against your exposed shoulder, his lips lingering over your skin “did i mention your body? goddamn, that fuckin’ body of yours” he groaned under his breath, his hands slowly working around the front of your stomach now as you gently leaned into his touch, the back of your head resting on his shoulder.
“i was trying to leave with one of those posters out there tonight” he chuckled as you shook your head, giggling softly at his words “oh, shut up” you blushed, your eyes following his every movement in the mirror.
“i’m serious” he mumbled “you think those lil’ instagram posts of yours haven’t been driving me crazy too?” he continued, his tone low as he trailed his lips up your shoulders and towards your neck.
“i swear, even your hair is perfect” he laughed, using a hand to brush your hair to the other side of your neck to grant him more access to your skin.
“your back, so hot for no fuckin’ reason” chris muttered to himself, his breath hot against your skin. he brought both of his hands to your hips to hold you steady again as you turned your face to look at him, just inches away from his lips as he rested his chin on your shoulder.
“and that face — that goddamn drop dead gorgeous face, kid, you’re killin’ me here” he flashed a smug half smile, pressing one last kiss against your neck as your stare remained on him. “chris” you mumbled, your hand reaching up to trail into the side of his hair peeking out beneath his hat.
“hm?” he hummed, silently enjoying the feeling of your fingers in his hair, tilting his head back as your eyes were locked in his soft blue ones. “enough of the smooth talk, do something about it already” you giggled as his smile pulled farther up his lips, slightly nodding his head “yes ma’am” he obeyed with a grin, lifting his right hand to wrap his fingers gently around your neck as he pulled your face closer, finally pressing his lips against yours.
tilting your head farther to the side, you reciprocated the intensity of the kiss as his left arm slid around the front of your waist, pressing your back flush against his chest. the muscle in his biceps peeking through as he held you still, your fingers trailing farther into his hair as you gently tugged the roots at the nape of his neck.
chris groaned softly through parted lips, allowing you to brush your tongue softly against his bottom lip. the grip of his fingers around your neck gently tightening as you felt his erection poke through his jeans, pressing against your back.
dropping his hands to your waist, he turned your body around to face him as your arms naturally wrapped around his neck. his hands tight on your hips as he stepped forward, gently pushing your back against the edge of the sink before lifting your body onto the counter without breaking the kiss.
your legs instinctively parting open for him to stand between them as he held a firm grip on your hips, his hands slowly trailing down the front of your thighs.
“how much time you got kid?” he mumbled against your lips, his breathing rapid with urgency and intimacy. slightly pulling away from the kiss, your eyelids fluttered open to look at him as your lips lingered against his, briefly shooting a glance down at your phone screen to check the time “a couple more minutes” you whispered, your breathing also ragged.
“bet” he groaned “all i need is five” his voice low and husky as he connected your lips once again. you nodded your head, your thighs gently spreading father open against the counter as he began to work on the belt sitting on his waist.
“nuh uh” he mumbled, shaking his head as he completely unbuckled the belt, the metal clanking as he moved his hands to your waist. your eyebrows slightly knitting together as he carried your body down off the sink, his hands dropping to your waist as he turned you around to face the mirror.
“gotta see that pretty little face while i’m hittin’ it” chris groaned, planting a kiss against your neck before smoothing his hand up your back and pushing forward, bending your upper half over the sink.
you nodded your head, slightly taken by surprise with a soft gasp, gently tugging at your bottom lip as he brought both of his hands to your ass, pushing your mini skirt properly up over your hips.
knowing the clock was ticking, chris worked with urgency as he slipped the black lace thong down past your thighs, lifting your feet for him to pull them off completely. tucking the little fabric into his back pocket as he quickly worked at the button of his jeans, pulling them down his hips as his fully hard cock sprung out beneath his boxers.
you breathed in heavily, glancing back over your shoulder at the sight behind you in the mirror as chris turned his face up to look at you.
“so pretty” he hummed softly, with a smug smile, before trailing his hand up your back, wrapping the ends of your hair around his knuckle as he gently pulled, causing your head to draw back. you softly gasped at the feeling as chris pressed his body against yours, his cock brushing against your ass as he leaned over your back. pressing another kiss against your neck, he held his hand beneath your mouth “help me out, yeah princess?” he groaned as you got the hint, letting a trail of spit fall into his fingers.
“atta girl” he cooed, his hand letting go of your hair as he stood up straight, wrapping his wet fingers around the base of his cock, giving a few pumps with a groan.
four minutes
chris’ free hand finding your body again as he gently pulled your hips back, lining himself up with your entrance, your elbows still against the countertop as he looked down at you through the mirror. “keep those pretty little eyes on me, alright?” he nodded his head before sinking his cock between your folds, without warning, causing an airy gasp to rip from your throat. your eyebrows knitting together with pleasure as his did the same, your lips immediately falling open at the feeling of his cock shoving tight between your walls.
you breathed out, your breath shaky as your hands gripped the sink to hold yourself steady. “oh my g-“ you moaned before feeling chris pound his hips into your ass, his cock burying deeper as he ripped another gasp from your lips, your tone airy and harsh.
“chris” you moaned as he wrapped both of his hands around your body, sinking your hips down onto his cock as he pushed his forward, falling into a rythm, completely fucking into you from behind.
you looked up at him through the mirror, both of your eyebrows knit together at the feeling, your walls nice n’snug around his cock. “so fuckin’ tight, feels perfect” he groaned to himself, his fingers gently digging into your skin as he looked down at your reflection through hooded lids, his eyes darkened over with lust.
his attention trailing down your back, your muscles flexing at the cardio as he trailed a hand down your spine, over the ribbon he had perfectly laced just minutes ago. pressing his hand farther down into your back as your chest pressed against the countertop, your tits pushed up on your chest. finally landing on your ass as he smacked his hand over your skin, his fingers gripping tight as you winced under your breath, your eyes squeezing shut.
slightly leaning forward over your back, his free hand reached around your shoulder to wrap his fingers around the front of your neck, pulling your chest up as he looked at you through the mirror. “that’s it, pretty girl, just like that” he groaned, talking you through it as his breath fell hot against your skin, his mouth lingering over your shoulder as he stared at your reflections.
watching the way your features scrunch up, fucked out, in the mirror as his cock only buried deeper in this position. his grip around your throat steady as his other hand held onto your hip, continuing to pull you back onto his dick as his bare hips slapped against your skin.
three minutes
“chris, jesus” you moaned softly as his eyebrows furrowed, slightly out of concentration and confusion “what’s a matter princess?” he grunted in a low tone, watching your every move in the mirror as he continued to pound into you from behind, causing your face to inch closer to the glass with every thrust. the sound of muffled music and your skin slapping against each other filling the room.
reaching his arm beneath your hips, he let his hand squeeze between your thighs as the tips of his fingers brushed over your clit, causing your legs to shudder at the feeling, your chest immediately falling against the counter with a loud whine. “fuck, chris—“ you cried, biting your bottom lip to suppress the sound of your moans filling the air.
“they can’t hear us up here” he groaned quietly, as he was right, the bathroom far from the rest of the party and the the music so loud, you could barely hear the person next to you.
“let me hear you make those pretty lil’ noises f’me” he encouraged, using his hand around your throat to pull your chest back up towards him, forcing you to watch yourself in the mirror, his breath ragged as his eyes remained fixed on your reflection.
slowly standing up straight, his fingers still around your throat and the other rubbing out circles against your clit, mentally taking an image of every inch of your body bent over the counter like this for him. your tits bouncing back and forth as he fucked you from behind, your face scrunching up so pretty when he hit your sweet spot.
you nodded your head through continuous breathy, whiny, moans as chris let go of his grip around your throat, causing your chest to fall forward, your cheek pressing against the counter top. using his hand to find your hip again, he held your body steady as your legs began to tremble under the pressure building in your stomach.
two minutes
“chris, i’m gonna cum, i can’t, please” you moaned, your cheek still pressed against the countertop as he watched you intently from behind.
his hand wrapped around your hip as he forcefully pushed his hips into you, your lower half repeatedly hitting the edge of counter “yeah? y’wanna cum for me?” he groaned, his tone hanging arrogant and heavy as the sound of your pleas only made him screw into you harder, wanting to hear you beg.
you watched as he fucked you through the mirror, his cheeks flushed and the brunette wavy hairs slicking to his forehead with sweat as it brushed over his eyes. his expression intense as the look in your eyes, pupils dilated and moans rolling off your parted lips, only making him want to fill you up even more.
you nod your head as his eyes were fixed on you, using the hand around your hip to palm your ass with a smack, eliciting a soft whimper from you. “say it, pretty girl, let me hear you” he groans, his fingers gripping the plush skin of your ass. your lips fall open, moaning out through short and quick breaths “i’m gonna cum chris, please — please, let me cum” you beg, your tone rising and falling in sync with the force of every thrust, tears of pleasure beginning to form in your eyes.
his fingers continue to rub circles against your raw clit, really trying to drive you over the edge now as your cries only work him up even more, paying no mind to them out loud “goddamn, you look so hot takin’ my dick like that” he breathed out, his voice low and sensual “good girl, doing so so good f’me, so tight around me” he groaned with a hiss as the sensitivity around his cock heightened, pounding into you and showing no signs of wavering.
your eyes practically rolling back in your head as you squeezed them shut, your thighs also squeezing around his hand as you couldn’t handle the overstimulation much longer.
“chris” you breathed out heavily one last time “chris, oh my god, i’m gonna cum” you moaned as his hands now trailed down your body, both of them meeting your hips as he used all his force to thrust into you.
“let go baby, go ‘head, cum for me” he groaned under his breath, taking everything in him not to cum at the mere sight of your face, so pretty, just inches from the mirror as he pounded into you.
his eyes down on your ass now as he watched his cock disappear, in and out, between your folds. his hand blindly trailing up to grip your shoulder for leverage, causing your back to arch farther into the counter as he pulled you down on him with force.
his cock finally hitting the spot to make you lose all your senses with a loud whine escaping past your lips as your fingers gripped the sink, your knuckles nearly turning white.
“chris” you cried, loudly, your eyebrows screwing together as you reached your climax, your back arching completely into the counter as the pressure in your stomach snapped, your eyes squeezing shut.
“that’s it princess” he groaned, the instant warmth of your orgasm pushing him near the edge as he continued to thrust into you, your cheek brushing back and forth against the countertop as he fucked you through the euphoric wave crashing over your body.
chris muttering curse words under his breath as his hand smoothed down your back, running his fingers over the laced ribbon down your spine. holding your hips tightly between his fingers as he continued to pull your limp weight against him.
“fuck, i’m gonna cum” he grunts quietly, his face concentrated as he tries to hold out for a few more seconds.
“inside, baby, cum inside, please” you plead, your tone shaky as he continues to pound into you “yeah? want me inside? want me to fill up that pretty lil’ pussy?” he groans, his voice hoarse as his thrusts become sharper and quicker, his eyes glued on you.
“please” you cry as he holds your hips steady, his fingers digging into your skin before finally snapping with that one last word, “shit—” he hisses, his eyes closing shut, quickly burying his hips into your ass, causing your body to hit the edge of countertop, your hips surely bruised from the impact by now.
a gruff groan escaping past his lips as he continues to roll his hips into you, lazily now as he obeys your commands, his cock twitching as his seed completely fills you up.
“fuck” he groans, his eyes fluttering open as his gaze is down on you through the mirror with a smug grin, his eyes roaming down the back of your body folded over on the countertop in front of him.
your chest rising and falling with every breath, trying to gain your composure as your mind is clouded with the orgasm still working it’s way through your system.
his hand gently smacking your ass as you wince again softly, eliciting a soft chuckle from chris. slowly pulling out, his cock falls limp against his thigh as he leans over your back, your chest still pressed against the counter as you try to catch your breath.
pulling his jeans back up over his waist, he quickly fixes his belt before chuckling again at the sight of your body limp over the sink.
“alright, c’mere party girl” he groans, his lips next to your ear as he quickly adjusted the fitted hat on his head, wrapping his arms beneath your body, around your waist as he slowly pulls your chest up straight.
you manage to stand up straight as he uses his hands to pull your skirt back down properly over your hips, smoothing over the wrinkles in the fabric he caused.
your back falling against his chest as he wrapped his arms securely around your waist, his biceps flexing as he holds you upright, your legs practically mush at this point.
resting his chin on your shoulder, he watches you through the mirror in admiration before pressing a kiss against your exposed shoulder.
“how you feelin’ princess? fresh love boy make your night any better now?” he chuckles softly, his tone cocky as he mocks your words from earlier. staring up at your reflection egotistically while his lips hover over your skin, trailing up your neck damp with sweat.
still not able to speak, barely even able to form a coherent thought as you nod your head, causing him to chuckle even more. “how much time we got left?” he whispers, his mouth now lingering near your ear as you watch him through the mirror, your hand lazily trailing into the back of his hair beneath his hat.
your arm wearily reaching forward to press the home screen, revealing he had plenty of time to spare — as you now realized, he only needed five minutes to make you cum.
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notes! ⋆. 𐙚 ˚ can y’all tell i have a thing for backshots w chris 🫣 in honor of him saying he’s an ass guy (real). anyway, i wanna thank you all so much for 1k! i seriously cannot say thank you enough, for all the love and support, i love you all so much.
tags! ⋆. 𐙚 ˚ @watercolorskyy @joemamaaa42069 @luvergirlgi @hearts4sturniolo @chrizzpiecreme @dietcokenumberonefan @sofieeeeex @eyelovedher89 @mattslolita @mattscoquette @sirenedeslily @jetaimevous @cxokanna444 @hearts4sturniolo @myobscuredmindd @strnsweet @x0x0bunny
1K notes · View notes
monamipencil · 1 month
— choking hazard | h.js
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⋆ pairings; joshua x fem! reader ⋆ genre; smut, fluff, humor, friends to lovers (?) ⋆ w.c; 3.7k+ ⋆ warnings; intoxication (liquor), mention of walking in on chan, josh is lovingly annoying, big dick! josh, tipsy sex, oral (m. receiving), face-fucking, unprotected sex (she's on pills), reader can be picked up, rough sex, creampie ⋆ a/n; im thankful for @nonuify, @chwepen, @okiedokrie and @whipped-for-kpop-fics for collectively losing it with me while talking about big dick! josh. without them, this wouldn't have been posted lol. xoxo, enjoy <3
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“i don't believe a single shit that you just spewed.”
you scoff at your close friend seated on the camping chair adjacent to yours.
“hey, i'm just saying the truth.” Joshua defends himself with a shrug. his smile looks almost angelic under the glistening cascades of moonlight and the dying campfire.
almost is the key word. because there's a glint of something else lurking underneath his dilated pupils. he takes a sip from the canned beer, and a few drops trickle down his chin. he wipes it off with his sleeve.
“your dick is a choking hazard? and a girl you slept with, told her friends that?”
“yep, that's right.” he hides his smirk behind the beer can. it seems that the liquor in your system is doing tricks on you as you watch his eyes dip down to the exposed skin of your collarbones.
you can’t help but laugh at his affirmation. your cheeks puff up, and your eyes crinkle as you do so. Joshua loves your laughter, and it makes him laugh as well. but he can only tongue his cheek now, watching you keel over with laughter. 
“i’m sorry, Josh. that’s the most out-of-pocket shit someone could say.” you take a breather and try to calm down. “how did we land on the topic of cock, again?” 
it’s almost midnight. most of your friends have fallen asleep or are in their tents, scrolling through their phones. which leaves you and Joshua outside, watching the fire trickle down to embers and drinking the last cans of beer till you both pass out. 
but somehow, the conversation has changed lanes to your friend’s diabolical cock size. 
“because you told me that you walked in on Chan jerking off and didn’t expect him to be ‘oh so huge!’” he mimics your voice, and you slap his shoulder while he laughs. 
“well, i still don’t believe you. so,” you blow a raspberry at him and turn away to look at the sky. you are barely tipsy but feel light-headed because of the long hike and how spent your body is. the last thing you want on your mind is Joshua’s cock. 
but it’s safe to say that you’re intrigued. 
“you don’t have to,” his voice echoes with a strum of his guitar. he must’ve picked it up again. but you don’t look at him. especially not with the way you’re all hot and bothered right now. 
“you just have to see it.” you choke on your saliva and make the mistake of turning your head. he has shifted closer to you, his hair tickles your cheeks, and you see his eyes trained on your lips. 
“calm down, player.” you huff and back off. but it’s you who needs to calm down. joshua appears very calm and collected with his sweet smile and shit. but you’re not buying any of that. 
“player?” his voice raises a pitch before he chuckles with a husky timbre. and his low voice sends shivers down your spine straight to your core. you tighten your thighs and wish that he doesn't notice it. 
“hey, it's not my fault people mistake my kindness for something more.”
“kindness? oh forgive me for not knowing that making out with every girl is an act of kindness.” 
“you sound like you’re jealous.” 
he whispers into your ear. and you notice his closeness only now. his knee presses into yours as he manspreads, and he leans into your frame. the smell of beer and his signature scent hits your nose, forcing you to take a deep breath of fresh air. 
in your moment of silence, Joshua confirms his answer. “so you are jealous.” 
you don’t answer and shift in your chair, trying not to cast your gaze on his thighs. or, more specifically, his cock. which you’re pretty sure would be visible against the tightness of his pants. 
“uhh, i’m going to hit the bed. you should too.” that’s all you offer while walking away as fast as possible.
the path to your cabin is short, and you sigh, feeling stupid. obviously, he’s just playing. you’d have a hard time listing the girls he has not kissed because of the lack of them. maybe dares don’t count, but it’s still a blasphemous amount. 
entering the cabin, you immediately take off your counselor shirt and toss it on your bed. you go through your bag, trying to find a sweatshirt you could wear.  
“woah, no bra?” 
you yelp in surprise and cover yourself with your hands. you don’t need to turn around to figure out who that is. 
“joshua, can you not fucking knock?!” 
“calm down, this is my cabin too.” 
your heart palpitates when he closes the door and walks towards his bed, which is adjacent to yours. you scramble to wear any piece of cloth you can find and lie down on your bed as soon as possible. 
you don’t hear a single sound from his side, so you turn in the bed to look at him. which adds to your fluster as you find him already looking at you. he doesn’t utter a word, continuing to look at you. you hold eye contact, mesmerized by the deep brown of his eyes. 
“what?” you ask, voice barely above a whisper. 
“just curious,” he shakes his head, eyes still gazing deep into yours. 
“how you’d look, trying to take my cock in.”
your mouth runs dry and you lick your lips, still not breaking eye contact. a fuzzy warm feeling pools in your stomach and your hard nipples graze against the material of your shirt. you sit up, done with this game of push and pull. 
he follows suit, watching you walk towards him. you offer him no words and kneel on the floor while looking up at him. joshua sucks in a sharp breath, trying to contain himself. his finger grazes against your cheekbones, softly pushing back stray hairs. 
he groans when you press your palm against his boner. he leans back, observing you with a lazy smile. you try not to vocalize your surprise when you confirm that Joshua is not lying. the sheer outline of his cock intimidates you. your nails dig into his thighs, and he snickers at you. 
“scared, honey?” his voice is saccharine, and he looks at you with such adoration. but you know, behind that sweet mask lies something better left undisturbed. 
and you’re treading on the very line that will disturb it. but it doesn’t scare you. it excites you. somehow, the thought of Joshua breaking his demeanor fills your veins with adrenaline. 
more excited than scared. the response lies on the tip of your tongue, and you want to say it. the little liquor in your system gives you a confidence boost. you hook your finger under the waistband of his briefs and pull it down with one smooth pull. 
his cock springs free, and you’re rendered speechless for a second. Joshua’s cock is long and girthy. his pretty pink tip oozes with pearls of precum, and he’s well-groomed. you never thought you’d describe a dick as pretty, but here you are.
you finally find the courage to wrap your hand around his length. you bite your lip, squeezing his cock that lays heavy on your hand. he shudders and sighs at your touch. you lean forward and lick the precum off his tip. 
“fuck,” he curses, carding his hand through his hair. he sounds so hot, and it makes you envy all the girls he’s slept with before. 
you’re still hesitant to wrap your lips around his cock, and he senses it. “want some help?” he offers, and you impatiently nod. 
he chuckles, standing on his feet. you wait patiently on your knees, watching him discard his shirt. 
“you think too much, you know?”
before you can ask him what he means, he slaps his cock on your cheek. any and every thought evaporates from your brain, and you can only focus on how good it feels.
you don't say anything but stare up at him with glassy eyes and an open mouth. he laughs, and a devilish tint lurks behind his irises.
“like getting slapped by my cock?” his other hand holds your nape, and you nod eagerly. you lift your hands to rest them on his thighs and close your eyes.
he tugs your hair, forcing you to look at him. “look at me.”
he slaps his cock on your face again. and again, and again. and again till you're absolutely cock drunk, begging to have him down your throat. he slaps his cock one last time on your face. you whine, digging your nails into his thighs.
he chuckles again, cooing at you. “open your mouth.”
you obey, letting your mouth hang open for him. he teases the tip of his oozing cock by rubbing it on your lower lip. you push out your tongue, causing him to chuckle. he taps his cock on your tongue before pushing the tip in.
you hum in content and suck on his tip, swirling your tongue around it. you tease his slit, tracing it with your tongue. joshua bites his lip, and his eyebrows knit in pleasure.
“fuck,” he groans, a sound that fills your heart with pride.
“gonna go a bit deeper, yeah?” you hum around his cock, and he curses.
he pushes your head down his cock, gently. you open your mouth to accommodate him, but the ache in your jaw stops you. you make a noise, stopping him. he does, waiting for you to adjust to his girth.
his fingers caress the side of your face and your nape, causing you to shiver when he brushes a sensitive spot on your neck. his other hand gently holds back your hair. you look at him, nodding your head.
you feel the ache in your jaw lessen when he pulls out, leaving only the tip in. it's soon taken away as he fills your mouth again. he continues so at a mild pace.
you swirl your tongue around his cock, and suck in your cheeks as much as you can. he goes a bit deeper, and you gag, tears pricking your eyes. he moans shamelessly, his movements a bit lazier now.
he pulls out again, and you gasp for breath. a string of saliva connects your lips to his tip. he slaps his cock on your lip, enjoying the wet feeling and sound. it sends a shiver of pleasure to your core as well, which is now soaking.
your panties stick to your core like a second skin. you're afraid that your arousal would drip down your leg. your cunt clenches around nothing and your hard nipples graze against your shirt. the thought of him fucking you fills you with ecstasy.
with your newfound enthusiasm, you move forward, taking his tip between your lips. you maintain eye contact as you do so. you bob your head up and down, gagging at times as you do so. your nails graze the back of his thighs in a pleasurable manner.
“oh god,” he stops your movements, taking a deep breath to compose himself. his abs strain and a few veins pop up at his neck.
“just—just tap my thighs thrice if it's too much, ok?” you blink and nod at him. you relax your jaw and wait for him.
even though you prepare yourself, it still takes you by surprise. he pushes his cock inside in one go and holds your head. you gag and choke, feeling tears stream down your face and drool down your chin.
his hand grips the back of your head, and you feel him twitch in your mouth. your nose brushes against his pelvis and your lips touch the base of his cock.
he feels heavy in your mouth, and you choke on him again, more tears falling from your eyes. he pulls out with ease, and you cough and breathe as much as you can.
you look like an absolute mess right now, a heavenly mess, Joshua thinks. with tears and drool coating your face, your lips swollen, and god, the fucking way you're looking at him.
“think i'm a choking hazard, yet?”
you laugh, but it's cut off when your throat hurts. he giggles and apologizes sheepishly.
“so? should i cum inside your mouth, or?” he teases.
“fuck me, please.”
he curses under his breath, pulling you up to crash his lips against yours. you fall on his bed with him hovering over you. his lips are gentle at first, but the kiss turns deep. his tongue glides over yours, and he kisses you deeply. the ache between your legs grows as you feel his tongue slide over the places his cock was touching a few seconds ago.
his hand wraps around your neck gently, and he squeezes the side occasionally. he pulls away, gasping for air. his chest is pressed to yours, and you feel his heart hammering the way yours does.
his cock grazes against the skin of your thighs, heightening your arousal. “joshua, please fuck me, already.” you whine, nails scratching his back.
“so impatient,” he smiles, kissing your forehead.
he helps remove your shirt and groans at the sight of your hardened nipples. his hands fly to your chest to fondle and squeeze your breasts. he rolls the bud between his fingers and flicks them gently.
he glides his hand down your waist till he finds the hem of your shorts and pulls it down. you relax on his bed with a sigh. it feels so erotic to spread your legs in front of someone you deem a good friend. not to mention that you were choking on said friend's cock a few minutes ago.
you don't miss the smirk that plays on his lips as he observes your stained panties. and it makes you shy, causing you to close your legs, but he stops you. his hands resting on your inner thigh to spread your legs out.
he slowly removes the only clothing left on your body. the arousal sticks to your panty as he peels it off you. he tosses the cloth away and massages your inner thighs, slowly working up his way to your folds.
his fingers prod between your folds, rubbing them up and down and feeling the wetness of your soaking cunt. his thumb brushes your clit, and you fold your legs, bringing them closer to your chest.
he circles your clit, sending waves of pleasure through your body. he leans down to kiss your cunt, and lick the arousal dripping down it.
“not now,” you push his head away, way too eager to take his cock. he kisses your folds before finally pulling away. he looks up at you, smiling softly, but you don’t miss the mischief swirling in his eyes. he kisses your lips again, hands wandering down your body. 
his cock presses on your thighs, and you whimper, almost begging for him. “we don’t have condoms, though. is that fine?”
“yes, i’m on pills.” you say in a nasal tone, your own hands discovering his body. 
“and as long as you don’t have any virus, i’m fine.” you finish, looking at him dead in the eye. he scoffs, rolling his eyes. “i kiss, ok? i don’t get dirty as often.” 
“if you say so,” you sing, pulling him closer and pressing your chest to his. 
“fuck.” he whispers, slotting his lips on yours.  
he breaks the kiss and rubs your thighs. he adores you with his eyes before moving away to align himself to your entrance. he rubs his tip on your folds, and you gasp. “this is gonna hurt a bit,”
and god does it fucking hurt. you have seen guys with his length before, but the girth takes your breath away. you moan with a moan to your eyes and curl to your toes. joshua rubs your nub to distract you from the pain. his other hand strokes your thigh and stomach gently. 
when you seem accommodated enough, he pushes in further. and he does so till he’s deep inside you. it takes everything in him not to push it in one go. the wet warmth of your walls makes him lose his mind, and your clenching doesn’t help either. 
he takes a firm hold of your hips and presses his hand flat on your tummy. he feels his cock through you, and it makes him moan with a bite to his lips. he rests his hand on either side of your head. “wrap your legs around me,” you quickly obey. 
who knew you’d become such a mindless slut for Joshua’s cock? and who could even blame you? his cock stretches your walls with a delicious pain. and you can’t help but clench around him, sucking him in further and further. your hole flutters around his cock, and you’re more than pleased to see the effect you have on him. 
you play with your nipples as he prepares to pull away. he looks at your hands before slapping them away, “tch, bad girl.” 
he pulls out, except for his tip, and you immediately feel empty. he guides his cock inside you again, and you moan when he stretches you out again. he sighs before pulling out again. this time, he snaps his hips to yours in a quick motion. 
he pauses to observe your reaction. “fuck!” you yell, your abdomen fluttering with the deep breaths you take. he takes it as a sign to continue. he snaps his hips again with a vigor he hasn’t shown previously. his moans sync with yours as he continues to thrust in and out of your cunt.
your hands fly to wrap around his strong shoulders as the bed beneath you trembles with his thrusts. his cock drives into your cunt, filling you to the brim. but he’s careful to not hurt you, ending up using only half of his length. 
he undoes your legs around him and shifts to stand on the floor. he pulls you with him, and you yelp. “shh, don’t want them to find out what we’re doing, do you?” he places his forefinger on your lips and caresses your cheek. 
“don’t care,” you whisper, and it takes him by surprise. the change in your behavior fuels him to only fuck you harder. he grips your hips, using them to maneuver your movements. he eases in, filling you entirely, and pulls out, only to slam his cock back in. 
“fuck, see that?” he asks, interrupting your moans and whines. you lift your head, looking at his cock stretch you out. but that’s not what he’s talking about. he slams back in, and you see a bulge in your stomach. you gasp, your walls fluttering at the sight of the bulge. 
joshua fucks you harder, focusing his eyes on the bulge, and your clenching drives him over the edge. he looks up to find you focusing on the bulge as well. one of his hands finds your face, squeezing your cheeks together. 
he leans in, kissing your puckered lips harshly. his thrust only turns rougher with each passing second. the sound of skin slapping, your whimpers mixed in with his moans, and the distinct creak of the bed serve as a drug for Joshua. he picks you up, and you wrap your arms and legs around him in instinct.
you cling to him as he fucks you in the air. you don’t even have time to be impressed by his strength because his cock occupies every space in your mind. his cock screws into your cunt, harder and harder each time. you whine, nails digging into his shoulders. 
his thrusts turn erratic, hips stuttering desperately to meet yours. he gasps, and his cock twitches with the need to release. fuck, he needs to come inside you. the mere idea of it drives him to fuck you with more strength. 
your moans get louder, surely to catch the attention of bypassers outside the cabin. his gasps and moans make you look at him. his head is thrown back, and he fucks you mindlessly. his Adam’s apple bobs when he swallows, and you’re overcome with the need to mark it. a sheen of sweat coats his body, and the light shimmers off it, making him look heavenly. 
he pulls you closer, pressing his chest to yours. he shifts one of his hands to hold your weight, grabbing your ass, and the other wraps around your upper back. you grind your hips, chasing some friction. he groans, tongue darting out to meet yours. 
you eagerly welcome his tongue, tilting your head to kiss him deeply. your moans are swallowed by him, and both his hands now grip your ass. he kneads them in his hands, fucking you faster each time you clench around him. 
“fuck! fuck!” he curses, hips stuttering to meet yours. your toes curl, and you scratch his back, biting his shoulder to quiet down your screams. you clench around him one last time and climax on his cock. 
with a final thrust, he succumbs to his pleasure, releasing his load inside of you. you moan in unison, and he rushes to place you on the bed. he falls on top of you, cock still planted deep inside your cunt. he twitches, releasing the last of his load inside of you. 
he doesn’t pull out, opting to stay inside you as he rests his forehead on yours. your legs tremble, and you take frequent breaths to calm down from the high.
“believe me, now?” your eyes are closed, but you can feel his smirk. you kiss him to shut him up, not wanting to hear his bragging.
with a kiss on your forehead, he pulls out. you hiss, your cunt feels empty, and you almost whine for him to put it back in. he falls to your side on the bed. you both lay breathless and stare up at the ceiling.
your legs and your core feel sore. a sigh leaves your lips, knowing you can't walk tomorrow without looking like a duckling.
“i'm calling in sick, tomorrow.” you inform your—what is he to you now, anyway?
his hand caresses your legs and sides as he cuddles up next to you. you snuggle into his warmth, slumber filling your veins.
“that bad?” you're too tired to retort his teasing.
“yeah. turns out your cock isn't just a choking hazard, it's also a health hazard.”
his laughter echoes through the walls of your cabin, and he hugs you tighter. you fall asleep with a smile on your face.
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tags; @seungkwanschicken @aaa-sia @dokyeomkyeom @bangantokchy
@asyre @armycarat2612 @bewoyewo @gyuguys @embrace-themagic
@aaniag @nurihihi (send an ask to be on the taglist!)
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foldingfittedsheets · 23 days
Back in my early twenties I ended up having a three day sleepover hang with some friends. There were about seven of us in this extended hang. Four of us lived together and after having a great day we invited our friends to stay the night too. And again. The good times just stayed rolling.
It was all PJs and laughs, unbroken fun times. We played games and ate pancakes and fast food. Occasionally someone would leave to work a shift at their job before rejoining the party. At one point about half the group decided to get high. This was years before I decided to actually try pot.
I returned home from a shift at Red Robin and the high group had somehow gotten onto the idea about how soft eyelids were and how much they wanted to lick an eyelid and feel the softness. Predictably no one was on board to have their eyelids licked and eventually the topic shifted away.
But that was not the end of it.
You see, groups of young adults are often stupid and occasionally full of demons. Which brings me to the dawn of the third day. I was curled up in bed, sleeping soundly after a fun day with friends.
Three people decided that the eyelid licks they couldn’t get by asking they would take by force.
They crept into my room early in the morning. Like wretched little imps they set out with evil intentions. They skulked and snickered and snuck until they all stood poised above me in bed. One of them had out his phone to record the event. Another leaned down, tongue out, to taste the forbidden flesh.
Deep in the depths of sleep I felt something soft like a caress, a brief confusion of love and tenderness before my sleep addled brain registered the revolting wetness. I lashed out with all the force in me and whapped the offender so hard upside the head that he staggered back from the scene of his crime.
I leapt up and assaulted the rest of the raiding party with blows and curses. My mood stayed foul the rest of the day and the one who’d licked me complained about how hard I’d hit him. I offered to hit him again for free. They also couldn’t stop laughing and oohing over the video that had been taken.
When I finally watched it I could understand why. It’s not clear from the angle what the offender had been doing to me but one moment he was leaning down and the next my arm blurred through the air as fast as a striking snake. The motion was too fast for the camera to even comprehend, one moment I lay prone and the next I was up and furious, arm cocked back from the strike.
They commended my speed and ferocity and I grudgingly accepted an apology but thus ended the sleepover as I didn’t trust those fuckers in my house anymore.
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