#aka me thinking about scribbles too much
arcadequeerz · 2 years
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M;oodboard of me thinking about my own OCs too much.
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redid an old ref of an important Guy of mine!! i imagine they're very jingly when moving
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and the cringe 2022 ref. looking at it makes me nauseous <3
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kurocamille · 5 months
❝maybe frat boys aren’t so bad (aka miscommunication leads to makeup sex?!) ❞
Frat!Bakugou Katsuki x reader (second part of my frat!Bakugou series) mdni
part 1 / master list
5.3k+ words
after your hookup with Bakugou, somehow everyone knows. this means that you’re on mean girl Mika’s watchlist and that you’ll have to distance yourself from him. however, Bakugou gets it in his head that you don’t want to be with him, and when he sees you with Kirishima, he doesn’t think you’ll ever let him back in your life (or your bed). Turns out it was all just miscommunication…
part 2 of 2, jealous Bakugou, miscommunication trope, fingering, cunnilingus, hand job, blow job, making out, hickeys, he bites you once?, penis in vagina sex, loss of virginity, inexperienced reader, female/afab reader, creampie, “baby” as a pet name
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It had been exactly one week since your night with Bakugou Katsuki. As you had expected, rumours about the two of you had reached far across campus in no time. After all, Bakugou is very popular.
Unfortunately, the result of this rumour was that everyone knew what happened… including Mika and her minions. So, last week, instead of waking up to an expected empty phone, it was instead alive with thousands of nasty messages.
When you opened them, the bulk of the message spam followed the same pattern. ‘You’re such a whore,” or “I can’t believe you’d steal Bakugou from Mika, you bitch,’ or, at worst, from the culprit herself, ‘I heard you got with Bakugou. If you think you can take him from me, you’re wrong. I’ve got loads of people who can fuck you up.’
Obviously feeling threatened, because only the lord knows what Mika can do with her money and power, you had chickened out and never replied to Bakugou’s message. No matter how much you wanted to see him again, it was not worth the damage Mika would inflict.
Now, after seven days have gone by, all spent avoiding Bakugou like the plague, you finally think you can go to class and fly under the radar. You arrive on time as usual, sitting in the middle row of the lecture hall.
It’s a massive class, and although many people are already there, there are others filing in as the prof starts their lesson. You, being too engrossed in your note taking, don’t notice as a body slides into the empty seat beside you.
“Hey, what did I miss?” the voice says in a hushed tone.
You look up and see none other than Bakugou Katsuki, still very much blond and still very much attractive. Instead of replying you turn back to your notebook, tearing off a piece and quickly scribbling a message down.
You slip the note reading, ‘Literally nothing, pay attention during class!’ into Bakugou’s waiting hand. He huffs and attempts to speak to you again, but you face your paper and ignore whatever he’s saying.
“Please be quiet up there!” The professor calls him out, and he slouches down in his seat, begging for class to end.
After everyone finally gets dismissed, Bakugou tries to poke your shoulder to get your attention, but you’re already dashing out the door, praying that nobody saw you together.
“Wait, Y/N,” Bakugou calls for you, jogging to catch up to you. Damn him for having such long legs…
“Sorry, I can’t talk to you,” you reply. It comes out more harshly than expected, but no sense in trying to chummy up to him again if Mika was threatening you. So, you turn on your heel to leave him again.
“Just hear me out,” he blurts out, lightly grabbing your shoulder to make you face him.
You don’t move, instead you stand there with your hands on your hips, waiting for him to continue.
Finally, he gets the hint and speaks again. “I’m sorry if it was bad for you…”
What?! “It wasn’t bad for me, it’s just–”
“No, it’s okay if you don’t want to see me again, but I’d rather you tell it to me now, to my face,” he interrupts you mid sentence.
Ha, you think, Ironic that the frat boy doesn’t want to get ghosted, but as you had realized much longer before this, Bakugou is not your average frat boy. Although he looks like a pretty boy with no space for a committed relationship, he has much more depth than you could even imagine. Despite being a flirt and allegedly a playboy, Bakugou had only ever treated you with respect, so you suppose you at least owe him this one conversation.
“Bakugou,” you start, unsure of how to follow through to your point. “It wasn’t bad. If anything it was too good. I just– I just can’t afford to be seen with you.”
A hurt look flashes through Bakugou’s eyes before he gives a slow nod of understanding. “I get it, you don’t want to be with a guy like me. It’s alright, guess I won’t bother you anymore.”
“Wait, that’s not–” you start, but Bakugou is already walking away with his hands stuff in his pockets.
You stand in the middle of the busy hallway for a good few seconds before you hear a giggle that breaks you out of your daze. It’s Mika, she’s leaning on the wall we chatting to her friends.
“She’s almost as much of a player as Katsuki is,” she says to her friends in what she pretends is a whisper, but you know she wants you to hear.
“Yeah, but at least he’s good in bed. She seems like the desperate type.” All of them burst out into a fit of giggles. Y walk off, not even bothering to hear the rest of the conversation.
A month later, you haven’t heard from Bakugou at all, his one lone message still sits in your inbox, unanswered. You can’t help but be a little upset knowing it could’ve happened if not for the circumstances. It doesn’t matter, though, as far as you know Bakugou got back with Mika for a bit, dumped her, and is now moving through girls like a snowplough.
You’re sitting in a cafe when somebody plops down in the booth in front of you. He seems to recognize you, but you can’t fully place his fiery red hair and toothy grin. “Hey, Y/N, right?”
You furrow your brows. “Who’s asking?”
He laughs heartily at your question. “Sorry, I thought you might remember me. I’m Kirishima Eijiro. I was at that party a few weeks ago.”
Looking down, you see him offer a hand, which you shake quickly before placing your hands back in your lap. Even though the issue with Bakugou and Mika had blown over, and you had fallen back into your mundane life, you were still trying to avoid anything “boys and Bakugou” related.
“Well, I’ve been having some concerns about my buddy,” he thinks out loud.
“Are you really certain I could do anything about this?” you reply hastily. Maybe you shouldn't have said that so soon.
“That’s the thing,” Kirishima replies. “I’m not tryna blame you or anything, but I think you might be causing some… altercations… in his sex life.”
You smack your hands down on the table, catching the attention of surrounding customers. “What?!” You sink back down after receiving a glare from a neighbouring table.
“I didn’t mean that it was bad!” Kirishima speaks for you as you drown in embarrassment.
“Sorry, you kind of implied it though.” The flush on your cheeks doesn’t dissipate.
“Right, actually, moreso the opposite. You might’ve heard Bakugou’s been sleeping around a lot. He and Mika are officially over this time. I’m not going to tell you why, but what matters is that he’s been trying to make up for losing you, at least I think,” Kirishima spills.
You make a non-coherent splutter, but Kirishima doesn’t let you reply. “I tried to tell him this was all about Mika and her stupid followers, but he’s not into socials, and he’s stubborn as hell, anyway. He believes you’re avoiding him because of his reputation, but you’ve gotta help me. He’s been insufferable lately, and even as a member of our frat, the number of girls he’s been with is getting slightly concerning.”
Kirishima looks at you with begging eyes, and you know it’s serious if he came to see you. You look down at your lap, your heart racing with confusion and anxiety.
“I’m sorry, but how can you be so certain? I’d like to help, really, but I’m not sure where I come in,” you say slowly.
“Call him or something. Give him some closure, and let him know it isn’t because of his “player” mentality or whatever he’s got stuck in his head.” Kirishima gets up and places a bill down to pay for your food.
Just then, a familiar figure passes by and notices you through the window. You’re too wrapped up in your conversation with Kirishima to notice the way they ball their fists and huff away.
“Thanks. Hope to see you around.” Kirishima leaves you sitting there confused.
You sit there in awe at the conversation. Why are you supposed to care about Bakugou’s overactive libido anyway?
Sighing, you stare at your empty cup and decide to leave the cafe. It turns out it’s just starting to rain when you trudge back to your dorms, and you get drenched.
That night, you lay in bed, unable to fall asleep. Thoughts of Bakugou continue to invade your mind, and you hear yourself groaning in annoyance.
Maybe I should call him, you think. But, ugh, that’s kind of weird and pathetic.
However, the more you think about it, and him, the more your thoughts start to go back to your night in his car. You remember how it felt to have his big hands on your body, how they felt inside your–
You stop that thought before it can progress.
Again, you let your mind wander. If you think about it, if you actually wanted him again, would it really be fixing his libido? If it benefited both of you, it couldn’t be that awful to call him again.
Nevermind, you’re just thinking too much. How could you even consider it?!
Just go to bed, you beg yourself.
You stare up at the ceiling until your eyes blur out of focus, but somehow, somehow, everything leads back to him.
Flushing, you try not to think about his adept fingers moving in and out of you. Slowly, your panties get wetter and wetter, and you realize that the only way you’re ever going to get over him is by getting under him.
Finally, you decide to roll over and give in to your desires. The glow of your phone screen is glaringly bright, and it takes a moment for your eyes to adjust. When things come into focus, you unlock your phone and click on Bakugou’s number before you lose confidence
“Hello?” Bakugou’s raspy voice answers after five rings.
“Hey, Bakugou,” you whisper. “I wanted to tell you something. Don’t hang up, please.”
“Okay,” he yawns.
“Kirishima came to me today. Can we talk this over or something?”
“We are talking. And I know. I saw” is his gritted reply.
“You’re right, I’m in no place to be asking for anything. I’m sorry. I just need to talk to you in person. I need to get something off of my chest.”
“Oh, something? Or, somebody… like, Shittyhair?!” he practically seethes through the phone.
“Wait, what?!” you yelp.
“Why are you even calling me over if you’re with him.”
“What?” you repeat yourself. “I’m not with him?”
“You literally just said you saw him today,” he argues.
“That’s what I was calling about. He sai–” you start.
“If you’re coming to me with your boy problems, hang up.” You can tell he’s on the verge of leaving.
“No!” you huff madly. “If you’d let me finish, you’d know that he came to tell me he’s worried about you.”
“Oh, really? Are you sure? Because I’m pretty sure you’ve been fucking, since apparently I wasn’t good enough for you, or whatever,” he replies angrily.
“I swear, Bakugou,” you sigh. “I haven’t been with anyone since our night together.
Bakugou pauses before replying. “I don’t fully believe you. Especially when you just gave me proof you went out together”
You blush as you speak your next words, admitting something to him you thought would happen under different circumstances.
“I haven’t been with him, and I swear it, because…” you hesitate. “I’ve only ever been with you.
A sharp breath is blown out on Bakugou’s end, and you wonder what’s going through his mind.
“Seriously?” His breaths are suddenly slower and calmer.
“Yeah, I swear. Can I just talk to you in person? I really do need to tell you.”
Bakugou makes a slight shuffling noise on his end, and you hear someone’s murmuring in the background, likely one of his frat brothers.
“Fine. You want me to come to you?” he finally replies, giving in (almost too easily, in your eyes).
“Yes, please,” you reply quietly.
“I’ll be there soon.” With that, he hangs up.
After the same short drive from last time, Bakugou shows up in your dorm parking lot. He shoots you a text message that he’s here, and you greet him at the door.
It’s about one am, and despite your disheveled tank top and shorts, Bakugou is dressed as handsomely as ever. “Hi,” you say.
“Hi.” He gives you a sad smile in return.
“I want to apologize.” You bow your head shyly. “It was my fault for all the confusion. I should’ve told you what was up. I just didn’t want to mess up my chances with you or your relationship with Mika. Kirishima told me about everything that’s been happening.”
“It’s fine, I’m sorry, too,” he replies.
You look up in surprise. Altogether, pathetically, you had expected more grovelling, so this is unexpected.
“It was all Mika’s fault, anyway, and I promise things are over with us,” he says, his face pink with embarrassment. “And… I guess I could say that my judgement of you and Shitty hair was a little preemptive.”
“You think?” you laugh quietly.
“I really am sorry, okay.” He looks up at you and deep into your eyes to solidify his point.
Your face feels hot, and you’re sure he can see the growing blush across your cheeks. Even so, you smile and say, “So, are we good?”
“Yeah,” he replies, returning your smile.
There’s a long pause between the two of you, but it doesn’t feel awkward like you might expect. The gap between you feels like it’s closing, and eventually your lips are just barely touching. His breath fans over your face, and you grip his shirt, taking him in a kiss.
Bakugou holds you to him, his back pressed against the door of your dorm. When you slip your tongue against his, he doesn't decline. He gingerly holds you, squeezes your hip with one hand, and cups your face with the other.
“I don’t deserve you,” you sigh as Bakugou starts to pepper kisses all over your neck.
“You do, it’s me that doesn’t deserve you.” He moves your face so your gazes can meet.
Bakugou gives you one of his signature grins and catches you in another heated kiss. His tongue swiftly swipes across yours, causing you to moan in his hold.
When he changes the angle of kiss, you become entangled, your hips pressed flush against his, earning his groans in your ear. With his newly growing boner and your wettening panties, you feel unbearable lust growing.
“Can we go upstairs?” Bakugou asks.
You nod, keying yourselves in and rushing to your room that’s right around the corner.
As soon as the door opens a mere inch, Bakugou jumps back on you and pushes you down to the bed, a haze of desire over his eyes.
“Fuck, I’ve been waiting for this for so long.” He nips on your neck.
You can only moan in response when he kisses down your chest. Pulling your tank top over head, Bakugou, or Katsuki, you suppose, focuses his attention on your chest. Your body stiffens as he glides his tongue over your hard nipple..
“That feel good?” he asks when he pinches the other nipple while continuing to lick long stripes on your breast.
“Yeah,” you hum in reply.
You feel so good under Bakugou, writhing in pleasure as he sucks hickeys into your skin. You feel his hand sneak up to the top of your waistband and you yelp in surprise. “Ah! Katsuki”
“Can I continue what I started last time?” he says in a begging tone, lightly tugging at your panties.
“Please,” you moan equally as wanton as him, and you’re almost immediately spread bare for him.
Kissing down your chest, Bakugou gets spurred on by your moans. He gives your clit the sensation it's been craving. Slowly, pressure is added to the bundle of nerves, and you feel yourself seeping down onto your sheets.
When he sees your glistening pussy, he laughs, “So wet again, baby, and I’ve barely even touched you here.”
“I was getting wet thinking about you earlier,” you mumble into the back of your hand.
“Good.” He smiles. “Don’t think about other guys from now on, you’re all for me.”
There’s no time to reply in shock because Katsuki dips into your depths, swiping up and down your wetness. One finger slips inside smoothly, moving in and out with ease.
Testing it out, Katsuki moves down to your sex and adds his mouth to the mix. This new feeling sets your body on fire. What he’s doing to your body is more than anything you’ve ever experienced, and your core tightens uncontrollably.
“Wait, ah!” you cry out, but Bakugou doesn’t relent. Instead, he adds another finger and curls it into your g-spot.
Working in and out of your cunt, you feel yourself squeezing around his fingers. The feeling of his strong fingers moving inside of you and his lips sucking on your throbbing clit brings you to your limit embarrassingly quickly. You can’t find it in yourself to care, though, because it just feels so good.
With one last strangled moan, you cum, the pleasure sending you over the edge. You tingle all over post orgasm and feel your eyes slip into the back of your head for a second. As Bakugou continues to finger you, your body lifts off the bed into his mouth.
Then, suddenly, you feel something else coming. Something that you feel coming upon you just as fast as your orgasm. You try to sit up and stop Bakugou, but his hand keeps you pinned to the bed. The overstimulation on your body creeps up on you, and there’s a new pain that accompanies your pleasure, adding to your second high.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” you cry out when Katsuki switches his fingers for his mouth.
Nimble fingers swirl circles on your clit as his tongue darts out to meet your pussy. It licks up and down, teasing your entrance with the occasional poke inside. And, when you’re least expecting it, it finally slides to your hole, working on thrusting as far into your depths as you can.
This feeling is incredible, and the way Bakugou groans into your pussy drives you mad. Feeling the finger leaving your clit, you whine, but it’s replaced with his tongue again. This time, his tongue switches between your folds and you clit, stimulating every inch of your already twitching sex.
“You’re so good, baby. Love this so much,” Katsuki murmurs when he lifts off of you for a moment.
“Kiss me, and let me touch you, too,” you moan, bringing his face to yours.
You aren’t bothered by the fact that he was just eating you out when you start dipping into each other’s mouths. If anything, the look in Bakugou’s eye tells you it turns him on more. The genuinely lewd look of his tousled hair and wide pupils raises your heartrate so high you can feel it beat inside your chest.
Absent-mindedly, you fumble with the buttons on Bakugou’s jeans. He helps you by leaning back and pulling his shirt over his head. You don’t miss the way his muscles flex and the way he flaunts his abs.
Then, with a quick tug, Bakugou’s pants and boxers slide off. His dick stands proudly, pretty and thick as ever. You place your hand on it like you did last time. He responds well to your touch and groans lewdly when you give it a squeeze.
You slick your palm with spit, and Bakugou helps guide your hand back to his leaking cock. Together, with his hand wrapped around yours, you move on his member, fingers trailing along the prominent vein down the front.
Once you’ve built up a rhythm, you meet Katsuki’s tender gaze. The red of his irises disappear as his eyes flutter shut. He leans forward and recaptures your mouth in a slow but sloppy makeout.
You twist your hand on Bakugou eliciting a breathy moan from him. He twitches in your hand signalling his impending orgasm.
“Can I cum in your mouth?” His mouth is by your ear, moaning and releasing hot breaths to spur you on.
You freeze, and your motions stop. Bakugou notices your alarm and moves to look directly in your eyes. “You don’t have to– I would never force you.”
“No.” you shake your head. “It’s just that I’ve never done that.”
Bakugou’s eyes widen in shock temporarily then fall back. “You want me to teach you tonight, baby?”
You bite your lip meekly and nod your head. Bakugou grins in return, helping you down to his crotch. As you come face to face with his cock, it twitches releasing some precum out of the slit.
“Just put your lips on it. Do what feels right,” he says and pulls your hair into his hands.
You kiss his member just like you would his lips. The wet noises coming from your mouth are so loud and such a turn on for Bakugou. His grip on your head tightens, and he has to force himself not to push you down.
Bakugou hisses when you place the tip in your mouth and give it a hard suck. Wanting to please him even more, you take more of him deeply in your throat. At this point you feel impaled by his large dick with your nose just a few inches from his groin.
Despite your struggle to take him in entirety, Bakugou doesn’t notice and instead groans every time you slide down on him. You gag frequently, and you’re more than certain your teeth have grazed his shaft multiple times, but Bakugou acts like this is the best head he’s ever received.
The longer you go, the more moans fall out of his open lips. His head tilts back when you curiously brush a finger down his balls. He’s much more sensitive than you imagined he would be, and his hips thrust up uncontrollably.
“Fuck, sorry,” he groans, he pulls you off of him to check if you’re okay.
“It’s alright.” You lick him one last time. “Do you think we could maybe go all the way?”
Bakugou blinks at you wordlessly. Then, after about a minute of silence, and worry, on your part, he replies. “You mean, can I take your virginity?”
You hum in reply, and Bakugou throws you back to the middle of the bed
“I left the condoms in my car,” he realizes aloud.
“That’s okay,” you whisper in his ear as seductively as you can. “I’m on the pill.”
“Fuck, okay.” Bakugou acts like your response is the sexiest thing ever.
He leans down and kisses your neck one last time. You feel his cock against your stomach leaving a hot trail of precum on your skin. Everything about this moment is hot, but you can’t take his slow kisses any longer. You need him inside of you, thrusting deep into your core.
Just when you’re about to take matters into your own hands, Bakugou leans forward and brings himself to your entrance. It is at this moment that you realize how big he is, and that he’s going to try to fit that entire thing inside of you.
You let out a deep breath when he finally slips inside. The stretch is rough, his cock prodding your most intimate crevices. As he inches into your depths, he grasps onto your hand, pulling you to him in a surprisingly romantic way.
The way Bakugou moves within you is gentle, far softer than he was when he ate you out. You can only assume he wants your first time to be soft and sweet. He grips softly at your waist, slowly moving in and out. When your eyes meet, you give him a sweet smile and a nod, hoping he’ll move a little faster.
He takes the hint well, and suddenly Katsuki leans over you, your hands meeting his hardened chest. You jolt with both pain and pleasure after the first deep thrust. Then, as he pumps his cock more and more, you feel the pain fading away, the stretch to accommodate becoming pleasant.
After Bakugou notices your growing comfort, he goes ahead with pulling almost all the way out and thrusting back in. Differently from before, you can feel him even deeper, and your body arches to meet him when your groins come together.
Swiftly, Katsuki moves you from your back to a position where you’re sitting on his lap. The sensation of him thrusting up into you makes your toes curl and loud moans to fall from your lips. In turn, Katsuki groans and continues to rut his hips like it’s his sole mission.
“You tighten up when I’m in you like this, did you know?” Katsuki groans in your ear, his hot breath hits your skin and makes you shiver.
The feeling in your cunt overwhelms you, but it’s so good, and you know now you won’t be able to get enough. Meeting Bakugou’s thrusts, you attempt to ride him, earning deep groans in return. Bakugou screws his eyes shut and allows you to move opposite to his thrusts. With the constant movement, and the occasional brush against your pleasure spot, your cunt tightens further.
Bakugou grips your ass with his large hands, wanting to feel your insides constrict even further. Unbeknownst to you, this is his first time going raw, and it’s making him cum like it’s his first time, too. So, unashamedly chasing your highs, you grind against each other as fervently as you can.
The air in the room is hot, but the heat in between your bodies as you ride him is far hotter. Both of you elicit loud noises from the other, your neighbours probably hearing your moans through the wall. Normally something like this would embarrass you to no end, but Bakugou’s fucking you so well that you feel you inhibitions melt away along with your innocence.
The coil in your stomach twists, and you feel your high coming. However, Bakugou stops short and leaves you bouncing on him by yourself. After only a split second of confusion, Bakugou slaps your ass, leaning back into a pillow.
“Want me to ride you?” you breathlessly say, attempting to make your voice sultry and not actually inquisitive.
It fails, but Bakugou doesn’t make any visible notice. Instead, he grunts out a quiet ‘yeah, please’ and grips your flesh, moving you against him. The pleasure of having him grind you on him does wonders for your pussy, and the new angle he’s hitting you at has you seeing stars.
Unlike before, Bakugou’s cock hits your g-spot every time now that you're fully riding him. The new feeling sends waves of heat to your stomach, quickly pushing you towards the edge.
Katsuki had been holding out strongly for a while, but as soon as he leaned back and let you ride, he was pretty much done for.
He feels himself unable to control his orgasm, which is creeping up way too fast. You don’t mind, though, as you’re equally as close. When you feel his dick twitching deep inside you, balls contracting and signalling his release, your cunt tightens more than it ever has before.
“Fuck, I’m cumming!” Bakugou grips your ass and pushes himself up so he can thrust again.
You, on the other hand, yelp in surprise at him readjusting your position, moaning uncontrollably as he goes so deep you think he’s hitting your cervix. You fantasize about how Katsuki slips in and out of you with ease, balls coming up to hit your ass, which unknowingly makes you milk his cock harder.
With a surprising bite to your neck, Bakugou thrusts into you one last time, and calls out your name.
The spurts of cum he makes into your pussy have you cumming on the spot, as well. Both of you moan as you reach your highs together, Bakugou trying to quell his own by pressing his hot mouth to your skin.
“Katsuki!” you cry one last time, slumping forward onto his shoulder.
Neither of you have ever felt this good—you especially, never having thought your first time would be this wild. But Bakugou surprises you with his sexual prowess, and has you basking in a hazy afterglow, one that you won’t forget anytime soon.
You blissfully gaze at him as he continues to thrust ever so slowly, milking out your orgasmatic pleasure.
His eyes are half-lidded, yet you know he’s still very alert of your bodies. Then, he, for the first time since he penetrated you, lets go of your body for a split second, and you miss the warmth of his hands, but you’re quickly satisfied by him going to grab your waist.
Bakugou effortlessly pulls you off of his body, his heavy breathing, muscled chest catching your attention. The genuine ‘splurt’ that comes from between you two when he unsheathes himself makes you blush and awkwardly chuckle in embarrassment, but Bakugou stares amazedly at your pulsating cunt.
You try to cover yourself, despite the fact that he’d seen it all before, but his hand pries your legs apart and dives towards your pussy.
“Wait,” you abruptly say, hoping he’s not already wanting more.
“Hmm?” he hums, curiously drawing a finger down your slit.
“I’m not sure I can go again.” You look at him as he dips his fingers into you ever so slightly.
Instead of replying, Bakugou sets your nerves on fire with his feathery touches. Then, when you look down, you see what’s caught his attention. It’s his milky white cum thatleaks out of your hole and onto your dark bedspread.
“Katsuki, I’m so sensitive. Am I supposed to be able to go again?” You stop his hand’s movement with your own.
“Oh, nah, sorry, baby. You were so good, I forgot you were a virgin.” He grins at you, and you feel heat blooming on your cheeks
He finally takes his hand off of your body and mumbles something about going to get something to clean you up.
“Ah, wait!” You stumble after him, your limbs too sore to hold you up properly. “Let me find something for you.”
You meet Bakugou in your ensuite where he’s already holding a towel. From the doorway, you take a step forward, but your knees buckle and you fall right into his arms.
“It was that good, huh?” he jokes, making you flush in embarrassment.
“Nuh uh,” you counter, but your wobbly legs betray your words.
He chuckles in response and sets you down on the counter, the cold surface strikingly frigid against your burning flesh. He gently pats you down with the towel, making sure his cum is wiped clean from your skin.
“All done,” he says once he’s finished wiping all your skin down.
You go to thank him, but stop when you notice yourself in the mirror. Bruises litter your neck and even your chest. When did those get there? you think to yourself.
“Oh my god, Katsuki!” You go to playfully punch him, but he catches your hand in his.
Placing one hand on your waist and the other on your chin, angling your head towards his, he places a chaste kiss on your lips.
Then, when he pulls away, a goofy grin breaks out onto his pretty face. “Oh my god, Katsuki? That’s what you’ll be saying next time.”
Your face bursts into flames, and Bakugou chuckles, holding you for a moment in your dim bathroom light. “So, when’s next time?”
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a/n: hi guys!! i’m back with part 2. i’d love it if some of you sent prompts to my inbox or even commissioned me because i tried extra hard to finish this promptly 😃
tags @oldfruitloop @mimi53213 @cheyehc
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palajae · 1 year
what’s after.
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PAIRING ▸ childhood friend! sunghoon x reader
GENRE ▸ university! au, f2ls, romance, fluff, coming of age
SUMMARY ▸ okay, you like sunghoon. it might've taken much longer for you to admit it, but now that you know, so what? you like him, and you have a tiny theory he might like you too. even so, you have no idea as to what comes after that.
AKA seriously, what comes after like?
NOTES ▸ uhh a couple of curse words and a kiss? not proofread, if i missed anything please let me know!
PLAYING ▸ after like by ive. | series masterlist.
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Even in university, you hated the first day back to school. The only thing you were thankful for was that for once in your life, you didn’t have to wake up at the crack of dawn like you did back in high school. Your first day of university consisted of snoozing a couple of alarms, practically swallowing your entire breakfast (a banana) in five minutes, and almost locking yourself out of your apartment without your keys. 
It was the first day and you were already tired of classes. Pretty early on you were able to decide what your least favorite class was—organic chemistry. 
Even the thought of it made shivers run down your spine. Just why did it have to be so stupidly hard? At this point, you didn’t have the time or energy to struggle through another class. You like to think that you suffered enough in school, worked your butt off to get accepted to college and now that you made it, you had to go through it all over again? 
Organic chemistry was your least favorite class by far, and you usually sat in the back of the lecture hall because you were too lazy to walk more to a closer seat. You didn’t pay much attention to others, most of your focus was just on absorbing the material and getting in and out as fast as you could from that place. 
But about a month into adjusting into your “exciting” college life, you’re sitting in said dreaded class and minding your own business. Your precious and hardworking hand was scribbling notes mindlessly as the professor lectured on and on. 
Until you hear a commotion from your left where the door was. You suppose that was what happened when you sat as close to the exit as possible so that every sound from outside was audible to you. A quiet groan enters your ears and this time you break your focus to glance to the side. A disgruntled boy was huddled by the entrance, crouched down and crawling on the floor below the desks. Was he- was he trying to avoid getting caught late?
He must’ve noticed you eyes on him because soon enough, you make eye contact. Awkwardly, you turn back to face the front. Just as you get back into the groove of the lesson, a whisper from the side distracts you. Your eyebrow twitches. It happens again and you huff, whipping your head around. You were the only one who sat in the furthest row, so it only could have been directed towards you. 
He glances up at you desperately, “Can I sit next to you?” He mouths. You only shrug before your attention is back on the professor once again. Quietly, he shuffles into the spot next to you and you wonder why he asked for your permission and why he chose to sit indeed in the seat right next to you. 
Sneaking a closer peek, you wonder if you’ve seen him around campus before or if he was in another class of yours that you just didn’t pay enough attention to notice him. Only because there was something strangely familiar about him- something you couldn’t place your finger on.
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It takes about another week before you figure out the identity of the mysterious boy. After that day, you got up without a word as soon as the professor finished his lecture and headed out. You didn’t bother talking to the guy, figuring it was a one time occurrence that he chose to sit next to you. But the next day, and the next day after that, he slips in the seat next to you silently. 
Your eyes widen but you look away before he can catch your eyes on him again. Questioning thoughts run through your head, but you shake them away as you pull out your notes. Why hadn’t you seen him in your class before? And why did he choose to sit next to you again?
But when your professor starts class you soon forget about the him and focus on your work again. The only time you stop writing is when you hear a soft snore coming from your left. 
At first, you ignore it.
It’s quiet enough so that the people in the row below you can’t hear it. But you can. Eyebrow twitching in annoyance, you glance to your right to see the guy obviously passed out, cheek pressed on his arm and mouth hanging slightly open. At the unexpected view you almost laugh but instead brush it off as a cough. You wonder if you should wake him up, but he seems so relaxed in his sleep that you can’t bother to wake him up. 
Or at least until class is over. For the first time, you aren’t the first one to leave class. Taking your time while packing up all your stuff, your gaze constantly flicks back and forth towards the sleeping figure. Is he ever going to wake up? 
Well, it didn’t seem likely so you took matters into your own hands. You gently shake his shoulder a couple times before he groans and sits up. The poor guy looks dazed, blearily staring at his surroundings before his eyes fall on you. 
You grip your bag tighter, “I think you passed out somewhere in the middle of the lecture.”
His eyebrows furrow, “Aw shoot, really?” 
He shakes his head to fix his hair. You bite your lip, nodding. 
“Yeah. Hard.” 
Clearing your throat, you tentatively speak up again, “Do… do you want my notes? I don’t really mind that much.”
He gladly accepts and you take out your phone. “I’ll send them to you. What’s your number?”
As soon as those words leave your mouth, you pause. “Wait, it’s not like that-“
He laughs and your heart stops. No way, it sounded so similar to someone that you used to know, someone you used to-
“Don’t worry,” he smiles, “I get it.” 
Something was so strangely familiar about him, you felt like the answer was just out of your hands. 
“O-oh, uh, alright..” 
Why in the world were you stuttering?
You freeze as he offers his phone to you. And with his next words change everything.
“I’m Park Sunghoon. And you?”
It takes a moment before your mouth drops open. The familiar smile, echoing laugh, it all made sense.
 “Park Sunghoon? Sunghoon?!”
He cocks his head in confusion and a foreign feeling washes over you. 
“It’s me-y/n y/l/n,” you state in shock, “Do you remember me?” 
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You actually couldn’t believe it. After all these years, you met once again. Park Sunghoon, your childhood friend from over 7 years ago. You two weren’t the closest, but you still hung out in the same friend group and enjoyed each other’s company regardless.
You could say you genuinely enjoyed hanging out with him, even when he was the popular guy in your class. Girls would surround him daily but you didn’t really care. Park Sunghoon was cool to you as an nine year old and that was all that mattered. 
Seeing him again, after so many years, was so strange. Puberty definitely hit him, and you could say with confidence (and a bit of jealousy), it only did him good. That’s probably why you couldn’t recognize him at first, and that it had been so many years since you thought about him. Yet he still kept that familiar charm- beaming eyes and handsome smile.
Your friend group split when you guys all went to different high schools, losing contact, but you were happy that Sunghoon still managed to grow up well. That he managed to make it to college and even be in the same class as you (not including the fact that he was late and snuck in… or that he fell asleep in the middle of the lecture).
After reuniting, you agreed to meet up at a nearby cafe to catch up. It was so strange to reconnect with someone you never expected to see again in your life. Sunghoon was just as pleasant as he was back then, not like the other annoying boys in your class. You figured that’s why you got along so well with him to this day. 
And because you now had someone to struggle alongside with in organic chem. 
Walking out of the store, you sigh in content. 
“I still can’t believe you were the one to sit next to me without even knowing it.” 
Sunghoon nods, “it must’ve been fate.” 
You roll your eyes, nudging his side. “You believe in all that stuff?” He shrugs with a small chuckle. 
“I don’t know but it makes me wonder if any of our other friends go here too.”
Humming in agreement, you reply with, “That would be so cool, but what makes you think we could search the entire campus for one of our old friends?” 
Sunghoon pretends to do the calculations and you huff. “I barely have friends, it’s kinda sad how you’re like the first person I’ve talked to at this university.”
“Yeah? Well, me too. I’m glad you’re the one I got to reconnect with.”
Your eyes widen as you laugh awkwardly. His sudden words really caught you off guard.
“S-same here.”
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Okay, so maybe university wasn’t so bad. Neither was organic chemistry, now that you had a friend to study and stress with. Sunghoon was like a beam of light- your savior- but not in a creepy idolistic way. He was the one that always made you laugh after a hard day, scolded you for sleeping so late, and showed up to your dorm with two heavy bags of snacks to get you both through the night before tests. 
Sunghoon lets out a groan as he plops down in the seat next to you. He begins to hum a random tune so you shoot him a look. He glances curiously back at you, “What?”
“We need to focus, Sunghoon,” you remind with a warning tone, “unless you want to fail the next exam too.” 
He sighs, shifting around to find a comfortably position. You can feel his movements brush against your side since he left essentially no space between the two of you. The warmth emanating from him weirdly comforts you. 
“Let’s take a break,” he whines. You check the time, realizing that it indeed has been four hours since you started studying. 
“We never had to do this in elementary school,” he grumbles again and you shake your head in exasperation. 
“Did you forget we’re adults now?”
He suddenly sits up and you turn to him expectantly. There’s a sudden change in his expression, more of a childish gleam appears in his eyes. 
“But that doesn’t mean we can’t have snack breaks too.”
Your eyebrows furrow in confusion, and seemingly out of nowhere Sunghoon pulls out two ice cream bars. 
Your mouth drops open. 
“How long have you had those and how have they not melted?”
Sunghoon shrugs with a glint in his eyes, handing one to you that you accept with a grateful thanks. 
The familiar plastic crinkles in your hand as you smile in wonder. “No way- this was my favorite ice cream when I was like seven.” You glance at Sunghoon, joy quite visible on your face. 
“You remember?”
He snorts, avoiding your gaze, “Yeah. Kinda hard to when you were obsessed and ate it practically everyday.“ 
You proceeded to protest- who could eat ice cream everyday? That called for diabetes, cavities, and probably a whole lot of other health problems you didn’t have the time to deal with. Sunghoon then tells you to shut up and eat your ice cream. 
You do, silence filling the air for a couple minutes as you both snacked on the cold, delicious treat. Each bite brought back more and more memories, and you could confirm that it was still your favorite. 
Eyeing the treat with a satisfied hum, your gaze is only torn away when you hear Sunghoon let out a laugh. 
“What’s so funny?”
Instead of answering, he slowly reaches over to wipe the corner of your mouth with his thumb. You freeze, eyes blinking a little too fast and often to be considered normal. 
When he pulls away, acting as if nothing just happened, you turn your head to the side. 
It was usually like that.
You’re not sure when Sunghoon got this flirty or whatever- whether it was something he learned in high school or if he was always like that growing up and you were too young and dumb to notice (although you preferred the latter because imagining Sunghoon acting all nice to other girls left a disgruntled feeling in your stomach), you were certainly surprised the first he acted that way. 
You really shouldn’t have been shocked though, even at a young age he was the popular guy in school and you were just the average student. Even now, you could see how popular he was. It wasn’t just because of his looks either, Sunghoon just had that personality. He captured everyone’s attention whenever he entered the room and all the mom’s hearts as well with his manners and charisma. 
You must’ve gotten too lost in your thoughts because you feel a finger poking your cheek.   
“Is the ice cream that good?”
You scoff while swatting his hand away from your face. “Yeah, focus on your own instead of looking at mine.” 
You gesture to his own ice cream melting, quite literally about to drip onto his hand. He lets out a surprised noise, reaching to lick it before it dripped onto him, and you burst out in laughter. 
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But at some point, you don’t think you can brush it off. You can’t say that Sunghoon is naturally so friendly and flirty to everyone, because he’s not. 
As you noted before, Sunghoon was just as popular as he was when he was young, which meant he attracted a lot of people (read: girls).
But he wasn’t as nice to them as he was to you, usually if someone approached him he would respond politely and carotid out the conversation until needed- and then turn back to you. 
Others followed him around, and he followed you around. Even from the beginning he sat next to you in the dining hall without a second thought. 
And when you inquired him, Sunghoon just shrugged nonchalantly and made some dumb excuse that he didn’t have anyone else to sit with. Clearly a lie- who knew how shameless Sunghoon could be by lying straight to your face?
“You’re the only person I know here.” 
Okay, maybe not a complete lie. But then again, you knew plenty of people were willing to get to know him and be his friend, and plenty more that wanted to be more than just a friend to him. 
You were dumbstruck at how so many strangers could walk up to Sunghoon and act like they were besties. Even more at how casually he would reply while you stood off to the side like a fool because you didn’t make any effort to socialize and instead spent time just trying to adjust and survive college. 
Plus you soon came to the realization that you really only had Sunghoon. And you could only hope that he depended on and needed you as much as you needed and depended on him.
Getting through the first quarter of the school year together, most people saw how you and Sunghoon were essentially glued to each others side. (More like Sunghoon was stuck to yours, but same nevertheless).
Perhaps they talked and gossiped, and perhaps you tried to convince yourself you didn’t care when you really did. Sunghoon didn’t seem phased at all, probably since he was used to it. But for you, it was different. 
How could you not feel a little self conscious when such a bright and popular student like Sunghoon only hung out with your everyday average student like you? 
It made you question why he continued to stay by your side- with a plain, ordinary human like you. 
But when he still chooses to sit next to you everyday chirping a bright good morning at you, steals your pencils and erasers constantly, and randomly sends you pictures of memes he thought were funny, you feel reassured and dumb for feeling that way. 
Either way, you spent like 80% of your time with him. That meant all his “flirty moves” were bound to reach a limit. A little too much to the point you can’t ignore it and brush it off. 
Always opening doors and pulling out chairs for you? 
He’s always been polite and well mannered. 
Offering you his jacket and getting upset when you reject it? 
So maybe he’s just the sulky type. 
But ordering a drink with two straws and expecting you two to share it without even asking?
That crossed a line. 
I mean, who was willing to share a medium sprite at McDonald’s? (Not you, that’s who).
You’re scared to think there may even be a possibility that Sunghoon likes you. 
And when one day he does his daily ‘good morning’ and you excitedly tell him you didn’t fail your exam, he smiles. 
But it was a little too breathtaking, to the poor you feel like you’re stuck in time, like you could stare at him for hours. 
Yeah, you’re scared you might like him too. 
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The more time you spend with Sunghoon, the more down bad you realize you are. 
You saved a seat for him at lunch today without even thinking about it since he said he was going to be running late. Your mind was already wandering off to what dish he was going to order and what food he was going to steal from your plate as well. 
You realized, your feelings had been that way for a long time. You liked Sunghoon since when you first met all those years ago, regardless if you wanted to admit it or not. You saved a seat for him at the lunch table just like you did when you were kids, only now it was years later and you were college students at university. 
“Hey,” Sunghoon seeming comes out of nowhere to awaken you from your daze, “thanks for waiting for me.” 
You blink, “Oh. Yeah. Of course.” 
As you eat, you suppress the urge to offer your food to him as you watch him eat hungrily. What happened? You were supposed to be the one that protested when he took your food. But when he does it this time, a chopstick sneakily approaching your plate, you don’t seem to mind as much.  
When you both finish, Sunghoon letting out a satisfied sigh of fullness and you making fun of him for it, you both leave campus together. 
Sunghoon easily takes your hand in his as you stroll down the sidewalk. 
Oh, that too. 
You weren’t sure when it happened, but it was so natural you accepted it a little too naturally. So maybe you did look like a couple. Just maybe. 
At some point, you let go of his hand and he shoots you a look. You shake your head, amused. “Go home, hoon. You don’t have to walk me all the way back to my dorm.” 
He protests but you raise a hand and wait for him to finish. “You need to get some rest, especially since you skipped breakfast.” 
“What? How did you know?” 
You cross your arms, “I always know. Now go home and get some rest. I can survive on my own. But text me when you get back, okay?”
His eyes widen like he’s surprised. “Okay. But I’m still coming over later so we can watch the new season of spy x family. I’ll bring the snacks,” he adds with a wink before walking off and you wave, unable to hide the fond smile on your face. 
The way he treats you so special, you wonder if he likes you as much as you like him. It must be obvious, can he tell that you like him? 
And if you do like each other, then what? 
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It becomes a normal thing—he kisses your forehead, he calls you over and you both fall asleep in his bed watching anime together—he does everything a boyfriend would do. 
He invites you to come over for dinner during the holiday vacation with his family. You almost rejected but at the sheer pleading look on his face, you can’t say no. 
You’re nervous. You’re meeting Sunghoon’s family. You’ve heard and seen them a little when you were kids, but that was so long ago. Sunghoon reaches over to squeeze your hand as you wait outside his parents house. 
His sister opens the door. Her eyes widen. 
“Sunghoon! And…”
You both immediately unfreeze.
“This is y/n, don’t you remember her from elementary school?” He lets go of your hand to gesture quickly. You’re still in awe at seeing his sister all grown up to do anything. She frowns before her eyes light up. 
“No freaking way, the y/n that you had-“
He almost lunges forward, yelling something along the lines of “shutupshutupshutup“ and awkwardly laughing as you stand there. 
Meeting the rest of his family went a little smoother. Honestly, everything went too well. You got along great with his parents and even warmed up to his sister albeit the rocky introduction earlier. 
Everything was great. Except one thing. 
Sunghoon only introduced you by your name. No friend, classmate, or another g-word that you preferred not to think about. 
His parents didn’t question it. But his sister did. She definitely gave a look of “what’s going on between you two?” and even worse was that you didn’t have an answer.  
It made you uneasy, but you decide to focus on spending a nice dinner with his family instead of dwelling on other pressing matters like your relationship with Sunghoon. At least, for the moment. 
You’ve been ignoring it for a while and it’s gotten tiring. When Sunghoon walks you home that night, he noticed your unusual quietness. 
“How was the dinner? Was something wrong with the food?” He has such a concerned gaze that you almost feel guilty. 
Confrontation was one of your weaknesses. Yet you couldn’t keep going on like this, back and forth in a mental game of tug of war- he likes you, he likes you not. 
So you can’t help the words that spill out of your mouth. 
“You like me.”
He stops in his tracks. You exhale before continuing, “And you have to know that I like you.” 
Sunghoon clears his throat, sheepishly scratching the back of his head. “Uh, yes?”
You frown at his response. “That’s it? We just like each other?”
He avoids your gaze and you think this Jamie the first time you’ve seen him act shy. 
“Do you want more? I didn’t want to move too fast-“
You raise your arms exasperated- more at the situation itself than him. Your shoes scuff the ground as your voice softly echoes through the night air. 
“I dunno? It’s obvious, it’s more than just liking between us. So what is it?”
You knew your feelings were more than that. it was much much more than that. 
“Now, what?” You whisper. Taken aback, the silence only lasts for another minute or so before he bursts out laughing 
“I mean, I thought we were together already. Wasn’t that obvious?  Wasn’t my longterm crush on you obvious? That fact that I spent so much with you and take you to see my family, you didn’t catch on…” 
You stutter, gasping for air like a fish out of water. “It really wasn’t,” you mutter under your breath. 
He huffs, half amused and half relieved. “You’re right, it’s more than just like. I really like you, is that better? There’s another l word that I won’t say yet but you know, just putting it out there.” 
He avoids your gaze at that and confident surges through you after you process the sudden turn of events. You step closer with newfound confidence, looking up at sunghoon from under your lashes and feeling your breaths mix. 
“Then... Are we not going to kiss?” You murmur hesitantly once you feel the loud thumping of your heart. 
For some reason, your mind flashes back to the time you first saw Sunghoon in class, crawling on the floor like an idiot. But technically, he was your idiot now. Who knew taking organic chemistry would lead to this? 
“Says who?” Sunghoon smirks while leaning in. 
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MAIN TAGLIST ▸ @precioussoulofmine @lov3niki @heesterical @jungwonize @rerequire @nvertheless @duolingofanaccount @hoeshii @love-4-keum @nyanggk @luvhyun3 @dimplewonie
SERIES TAGLIST ▸ @axartia @makiswrld @jovibaes @ksphnrk @soobnism @asyleums @ayayiiie @r3niun @ahnneyong @jakahbot @thisisnotjacinta @jjongsha @chatoyervictoria @swnheo @onthevergeofdepression @skzenhalove @miraculouspabu @hoeshii @yjjungwon @lilactangerine @loves0ft @rosie-is-everywhere @ijustmetyouandthisiscrazy
UNABLE TO TAG ▸ @/naheeyounga @/lenadoll @/hanienie @/nanaheex @/classicroyalty @/msxflower @/qimmylol @/heeniveristy @/millsielovesgyu
send an ask/dm to be added to the ‘play it to my melody’ taglist!
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lemon-boy-stan · 2 years
Could you do a Steve Harrington request set during second half of his and the Henderson!reader’s senior year (aka after season 2) where he finds out she likes him when he asks to borrow her notes for a class without her realizing inside are notes between her and her best friend about her crush on him?
hiii anon! tysm for requesting this, it was so adorable i loved it so much! hope you like it 😌
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summary: steve asks to borrow your notes for the lesson. you give them to him, forgetting about the messages you and your best friend jamie wrote about your feelings for a certain someone. genre: fluff, bit of angst if you squint. warnings: swearing? pairing: steve harrington x reader (sorry, i didn’t see the henderson part!) an: this request was so cute i loved it so much!
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Ms. Stacy entered the class ten minutes after the morning bell had rung, and addressed the class as soon as she sat down at the teacher's desk, "please take out your notebooks and ensure that you have the notes written from yesterday's class."
There was shuffling as the class took their notebooks, and Ms. Stacy took out the text you were studying for English. Next to you, your best friend grinned, nodding her head over to the left side of the table. "Guess who still hasn't read the chapters." and you rolled your eyes as Rebecca Hill shuffled through her papers nervously.
There was a tap on your shoulder, and you jumped before turning around. You tried not to blush as Steve smiled at you sheepishly. "Hey, Y/N? Is it okay if I borrowed your notes? Just to copy them down. I just haven't had enough time because of basketball." and you rolled your eyes again, "right. Because of basketball. Seriously, Steve. It's senior year!"
Steve grinned, "yeah, and senior year's for having fun. And I know you had fun at the party last night. The whole group did. So... could you please just give them to me? Pretty please." he pouted his bottom lip and you sighed, taking your notebook, "fine, but only because it was a good party. But that basketball shit is BS, Harrington." Steve grinned again, "thank you," pushing back his hair. Your heart fluttered.
Jamie spoke from the corner of her mouth, "geez, Y/N. Drool much?" and you kicked her roughly in the shin, "shut the fuck up. He's stupid, not deaf." and you turned around hastily to see if Steve showed any recognition of hearing your conversation, but he was too busy scribbling down the notes.
Steve loved your notes. He didn't pay much attention in class himself, but he always remembered things because he liked your handwriting, it was cute, just like you, no matter how much you tried to convince him you were scary. It actually made you even more cute than you already were.
Steve turned to the next page to see if there were any other notes he needed to copy before stopping. At first, Steve thought they were just scribbles, but then he realised they were messages passed between friends, between Y/N and Jamie.
And Steve was about to close the notebook and give it back to Y/N, but then he saw his name written in the deep blue ink.
Steve's breath hitched in his throat. First he checked to see that no one was looking. Y/N was busy writing today's notes in another notebook, and Jamie was doodling in her diary. Good.
Heart thudding like a drum, Steve opened it so he could see the other messages.
He recognised your handwriting immediately, next to Jamie's.
stop drooling!
I can't help it!
Steve knew he shouldn't be reading them, they were obviously private between Y/N and her best friend, but he couldn't help it. His curiosity took over, it was one of his many strengths and liabilities.
don't you think Steve's hair is kind of sexy?
No, I'm more of a Billy girl myself
yeah, but you don't even know billy, and he's a total dick! have you seen the way he treats his little sister?
yeah, but he's so charismatic and sexy
Steve's sexy too!
girl, what are you on? he's one of your best friends!
yeah but like. he's so tall. and he's so cute. plus he's always so sweet.
only because you're friends! seriously Y/N, stop drooling and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT
do it or ill tell him myself!
do it.
And that was where you'd stopped passing notes. Steve closed the notebook, wishing he'd never read it, his heart beating unnaturally fast. He tapped your shoulder again and you turned back around. Steve smiled, "thank you." handing over the notebook, but making sure to trace his fingers along and under your wrist before taking his hand away. Your breath hitched and he had to look away to hide his smirk.
The rest of the lesson surprisingly flew by. Steve was too busy thinking about you to count down the seconds until break, and when break came, he waited for you and Jamie to get your things before meeting with the rest of your friends.
Steve was restless the whole time through break, and halfway through, he tapped your arm. You turned to him, "yeah, what's up?" god, he loved your smile. No, stay focused. Steve smiled too, "can you come with me to go get something from my locker?" you smiled again, nodding. "Yeah, sure!"
Jamie grinned, but you kicked her roughly in the shin. You and Steve always escorted each other places. It didn't mean anything.
Steve opened his locker before sighing, "ah, shit. I just realised I already have the notebook I need for next class. Sorry, Y/N. We can go back. I swear I left my brain at home."
You giggled softly before shrugging, "it's okay. We can just go back, come on -" slinging your bag over your shoulder, you began walking back towards the hallway, but Steve grabbed your arm. "Y/N, wait."
You turned back around, "yeah? What is it?" Steve pushed his hair back, "uhhh, nothing. Do you think I should cut my hair?" and you blinked, "what?" not expecting him to say that. Steve spoke slowly this time, "do you think I should cut my hair?" and you shook your head, "no, I got what you said. I just... um, no?"
Steve grinned, "yeah? Why not?" and you hoped he couldn't see your blush, "I don't know. I guess... it just looks good like that, you know. I don't know, Steve! It's your hair!" You didn't know why you were stuttering, and you didn't know why Steve was smirking, either. "Is it because you think it's sexy?"
And you coughed, "what?" Steve was still smirking, "is it my hair that makes me sexy, Y/N? Or is it because I'm tall?" you blinked again before freezing in your place. There was only one way he could have heard that... read it.
"How did you..." Steve cocked his head, "is it because I'm sweet?" moving closer. You backed away, face flushing red. "You shouldn't have read that!" Steve put his hand on his hip, "you shouldn't have written it right next to the notes I was copying, sweetheart."
Your heart was beating insanely fast as Steve moved even closer, reaching out with his hand. You flinched away, but instantly regretted it once you saw the injured look on his face, even though he was the one who asked, "what's wrong?" and you sighed, "I just. I like you, Steve. Like, a lot. And I just. That was really embarrassing, especially because I know you don't like me back, just as a friend you casually like to make fun of, so let's just go back to the table, okay? We can forget it never happened just let's go back -"
You interrupted yourself with a soft squeak. Steve's hand manoeuvred around your neck, and he pulled you so close that there was barely a breathing distance between the two of you.
And Steve closed the gap; pulling you even closer, pressing his lips, his soft, warm lips roughly on yours with such a gentle force that you never wanted him to stop. He groaned softly into it, fingers tangled in the strands of the hair that fell behind your neck. It was like time stopped, like time had stopped for the kiss because it didn't want the kiss to stop.
But he had to stop sometime, and when he did, he stopped properly, although he looked like he didn't want to stop at all. Steve smiled softly, kissing you again. "Who said I didn't like you back?"
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miralyk · 3 months
love the drawings you've been making for desmond and alex, what's ghosts in the machine? first i see them crawling out of your screen and now everyone's angels devils or monsters, i don't know if i'm missing something!
ah man, think it's time to try to summarize everything and apologize LMAO;; ty for asking though, i should've made things less confusing! this will be a Pretty lengthy post for irl context/backstory and "actual au" info so be ready if you want to read everything!
(for starters, the title's just a pun on the philosophical phrase "ghost in the machine" interpreted Literally and taking inspiration from clay in ac revelations, since he Was a ghost in a machine and jokingly called "my guardian angel" by des, haha)
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the short version: basically, "ghosts in the machine" is what i've called the au(?) where i just doodle silly "artist talking to her art muse(s)" stuff like these kinds of comics instead w me,, the ""art muse"" is whatever i'm hyperfixated on (currently desmond, the assassin brotherhood as a whole, and alex/prototype lmao):
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the Full LONG version: when replaying prototype and ac awhile back, i also posted fanart on LOFTER (china’s local version of tumblr) and made a mainlander mutual/friend who drew fanart too, like her oc w the assassins in an animal shapeshifter 刺客信条乙女向 (assassin’s creed otome) au! as i’m vietnamese-american and she’s chinese, we use translators and send pictures/doodles to talk about the games and our days, and when i was replaying prototype, she started ac2 too and sent me this as commentary:
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from there, whenever we’d text or send pics/art, it became a running joke of sorts to also include our ""game companions"" like that fanfiction thing of “author’s note where the author and fictional characters comment on the situation and/or talk to each other”, and my doodles also became us or our computers being accompanied by them LMAO;; that’s pretty much the origin and setting of the particular doodles; just the daily shenanigans and art struggles of an artist (me and her) talking to their art muses (characters from special interests) haunting them and their computers
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as for the "supernatural" aspects, at some point desmond and alex got drawn an as angel and devil because i’ve had ridiculous “protected by a guardian angel” luck lately like surviving a car crash unharmed, they’re my favorites and associated with me, the motifs match the duo, etc, it's not really that deep and/or for a "Lore Reason";;
likewise, the brotherhood got drawn as ghosts to emphasize the “we/our computers are haunted by them” joke more, along with how my friend and i are both asian and used to like ghosts and ancestral worship casually being a part of our lives already LMAO (ig in the context of the au then, they’re basically desmond’s ancestral spirits disney-mulan-style that freeload off of his vietnamese protectee (me) for both spiritual veneration or "worship" like staying relevant in this modern age via fanart)
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for example, i'm also considering drawing like altair, ezio, connor, and edward as the vietnamese four holy beasts just to play around, things like that! there's no special lore reason aside from just personal thoughts and "oh that'd be fun to draw", they just thematically fit well being four prominent “legends” and being desmond's ancestors, etc,, haha
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at the end of the day, "ghosts in the machine" are just silly shenanigans of me drawing what's on my mind, from who/what i'm hyperfixated on (aka impromptu art muses for me), any thoughts/frustrations i have w daily life or drawing stuff,, and "hm this sounds cool, i could draw this design or Cool Thing" stuff. it's not really an au persay (plus i still really cringe and feel self-consciously wary about the embarrassing self-insert aspect of all this, help lmao), it’s just,, just silly personal scribblings that are kind of sharing an inside joke to everyone now, but i'm happy to know people still humor these silly drawings and are curious if there's more to it, thank you!
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dandymaximilian · 2 years
In terms of Lamp's "DHMIS world is purgatory" theory, I really like the idea that Warren the Worm retained some memories about his human life before becoming a puppet (AKA before dying).
Warren never kept any of his friends during his life, so he's a friendship coach as a way to learn how to be one.
(TW: Mentions of potential suicide)
Warren's entire sideshow depicts him and his friends as not only humans, but as human children, or at the very least young teens. The sleepovers suggest a younger age to me. Duck even calls Warren a "boy," despite the latter being a clear adult with a prior job at OK STOP.
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My headcanon is that Warren was an autistic, acne ridden boy who didn't quite fit in with his peers. He was overly clingy with his friends, didn't quite understand social norms, and felt rejected due to his emotional immaturity and loneliness.
Business was just a special interest of Warren's, as well as eagles, hence why he identifies as one now. He feels like a disgusting worm, but he wants to be majestic, noble and beautiful. He wants the freedom only flight could bring.
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For any autistic person, trying to push your special interest onto your friends can be very relatable, and I think this was the case in his backstory presented. As well as his entire interaction with Yellow's Brain Friends.
Regardless, an autistic person's entire identity can revolve around their special interest, which I can definitely can relate to tbh. Therefore, he was, and still is, very passionate about it. Yet his old friends, being young, didn't understand nor like his "business ideas" or "business brain."
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This wasn't their fault of course, but Warren felt utterly dejected and heartbroken from their rejection. So hurt by their clear dislike of his special interest, he deemed them "bad friends" and cut them out of his life completely.
His scribbling looks so junveille because he destroyed his pictures of them immediately afterwards.
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Warren wished that they apologized to him, but regardless, he was done with them. The "It's much too late for that guys" line in his song literally ends on a ominous note. The rest of his song is cheery and repetitive, yet he frantically bangs the keys after this part. Perhaps hinting at a "early death."
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And judging by Warren's clear distress when he is called names by the trio, he definitely was bullied outside of his friend group. Perhaps he was even bullied by them after this incident, which only fuelled his anger and passive aggressive behaviour.
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I don't think any of this excuses Warren's bad behaviour by any means, but it does make him more of a tragic villain. All he really wants is a best friend to have a "restaurant style meal" with, so he could feel included in something.
Warren is fixated on the rules, as many autistic people are, but he is not self aware enough to understand what friendship really means.
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gubes-sweaters · 1 year
Fire on Fire
Summary: Spencer’s post-prison therapy session doesn’t go quite as planned. While discussing the ghosts of his past he becomes spacy, thoughts lingering on what could’ve been.
Content Warning(s): Talks of Spencer’s trauma, addiction, allusions to what cat did to spencer, brief mentions of Maeve’s death, a brief mention of what happened to the unsub from season 5 episode 12 ‘uncanny valley’ aka the living dolls episode. (I think that’s all but if there’s any more let me know) !ALSO ANYTHING THAT THE ‘THERAPIST’ SAYS IN HERE IS NOT ANY SORT OF SOUND ADVICE, IT JUST USED AS A PLOT POINT!
Word Count: 1.7k
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Chapter 1: Maybe it’s all That i’ve Been Through
“Now Spencer, have you made any attempts to contact any of the people you’d like to reconcile with? At least the ones we wrote down last session,” the woman asks as she closes his patient file. She pushes her wide glasses up her nose with her nimble fingers, shifting in her seat before looking up at him.
“Yes, I um, actually got to everyone, except for one, but I don’t think I’m going to reach out to the one I scribbled off,” he says, trying not to fidget much in his seat. 
Despite the relaxing room equipped with a white noise machine, dim lights, along with the comforting smell and crackling sound of a candle, Spencer found it nearly impossible to do just that. It may be because these therapist seasons were the last step before he could fully return to the BAU. His anxiousness to bury himself in his work once again was clawing at him. 
He’s not used to having the watchful eye of a professional to pick apart his behavior at all times, at least while he’s in this room with her. He feels intimidated and paranoid, but those feelings aren’t as strong as they were while he was in prison. Which is the whole reason why he’s stuck in this room right now.
“Why was that?” The older woman inquired as she stares at him, her head cocks to the side as her wavy gray hair that frames her face shifts with her.
“I didn’t realize how many people there were that I wanted to connect with,” he says, looking out the window thinking of the difficult dinner he had just last night. They were the second to last on the dreaded list. As if she can hear his thoughts his therapist pipes up.
“Now I know you had a few people you wanted to speak to. There was a distant relative of a man named Tobias Hankle who was…” she trails off to let Spencer fill in the gaps.
“An unidentified suspect, an unsub. It’s what we call the people in our criminal investigations.” Spencer says.
“Right, and he was the reason for your addiction. Correct?” She asks in an attempt to keep him engaged in the conversation.
“Mhm,” is all Spencer musters up.
He looks out at the view from the therapist's office. There’s a park right across the road with large willow trees, casting shadows down at a happy family. ‘That could've been him,’ he thinks to himself. A dad playing with the older child. The kid bopping along happily in the lush grass. A woman sat at a park bench, not too far from the other two, with a baby happily gurgling on her lap, clapping along to the antics of the two in from of them. It pains him to know he has no memories of his own like that. Not from his own childhood and none from a family of his own.
“Spencer?’ The woman sitting across the mahogany coffee table asks him.
“Yes?” he responds, not even realizing she was still speaking to him.
“I asked you about the others on the list. Both of your parents, Derek Morgan, Stephen Gideon, Elle Greenaway, Mary and Joe Donovan, and one last one that’s scribbled over. Who’ve you reached out to?”
“Um, I sent Tobias Hankle’s cousin and letter, then I talked to my mom, but there’s not a lot to talk about with her. She hardly knows who I am anymore. I sent my dad an email and he sent one back, but I don’t know if I can bring myself to read it quite yet. I talked to Morgan. I actually had dinner at his house with his family and it was nice. Stephen Gideon didn’t pick up any of my calls and he didn’t email me back. Elle called me back, it was nice to hear her again,” he says before he cuts himself off. The last two, Maeve’s parents, that was the terrible dinner he had the night prior.
The memories were still so fresh and it hurt to think about for too long. The actual memories themselves were not terrible, they were content and happy, but something about seeing that Maeve came from such a happy family hurt even more. She was pure sunshine and now he knows where she got it from. 
“And?” She pushes.
“I talked to my ex-girlfriend's parents last night. After everything they’re been through I didn’t think they would’ve wanted to talk to me, but they did. They welcomed me into their own home. I think hearing them talk about everything made me blame myself a lot less,” he says trying to choke back tears. The lump in his throat seemed to swell.
He thinks about the tight hug her mom gave him. How she commented about how tired he looked as she dished out food for him. It was the first really good home cooked meal he enjoyed since before prison, other than at Morgan’s house the week prior. He thought about Maeve’s dad talking about Maeve when she was younger. It made his empty heart clench, sitting there imaging Maeve sitting next to him at the table, giggling along to her fathers stories. A shiny diamond ring on her finger, that catches the light from the delicate chandelier that hung over her parents' dinner table, as she lifts a glass of wine to her lips. The thought of that never happening made Spencer’s loneliness all the more soul crushing. He longed for that feeling of domesticity.
“That was progress. We talked about you alleviating the blame that you pile on yourself. Now, I would like to know who this is on the bottom you scribbled off?” she asks, pointing her pen to the writing at the bottom of a notebook. 
“I’m not too particularly keen on reaching out to her.”
“Why is that, are you afraid of rejection from this mystery person,” she inquires.
“No, everything with Cat Adams was very recent, and I know the investigation just stirred up her life. At least that’s what I heard from my team. I’m not sure if I want to do that again,” Spencer replies with a shrug of his shoulder before chewing on the inside of his lip. He knew he was partially making excuses.
“Well, this is your time to be a little selfish when it comes to your healing. We’re also supposed to be growing some more empathy for people like Tobias Hankle and Cat Adams. We’re not washing them of any wrong doings but,” is all she gets out before Spencer cuts in.
“I know, the bureau wants me to still feel bad for unsubs and in a lot of cases I do. Samantha Malcom is one that sticks out, sure she kidnapped women and basically turned them into living dolls, two of them she even accidentally killed, but she had also been physically, sexually, emotionally, and mentally abused by her father her entire childhood. Part of my heart hurts for her. There’s too many to count in all honesty. I look at them and it’s like looking in the mirror,” He says quickly.
“Spencer, I know you have a good heart, but after all you’ve been through in prison and your wrongful conviction I think it’d be best to speak with someone who knew Cat Adams and was going through similar things to her in order to not look at this all so… clinically. We can look at these peoples actions as monstrous, but we can’t paint everyone incapable of changing their lives. Abuse victims aren’t a monolith and if you think of what Cat has been through and think that her way out is justified, or any person's way out was justified, then we can’t have you working in the field with that mentality, given everything you’ve been through,” she says, trying to give him the softest, empathetic smile.
“I didn’t say that people seek vigilante justice or everyone reaches a tipping point. I never said those things were a healthy reaction either. I just,” this time it was the older woman's turn to interrupt him.
“You just poisoned men while in prison in the name of vigilante justice, or framed a man for assault, or told your unit chief Emily Prentiss that you would’ve had no problem murdering Peter Lewis a.k.a. Mr. Scratch. Spencer I know how your brain has been scrambled by being put in such a dog eat dog environment like that prison is. I just want you to exercise empathy by reaching out to her. I’m not asking you to ever justify any of Cat Adams’ behavior and I’m never going to ask you to forgive her for anything. You have a right to feel hurt, violated, and angry. I just want you to look at Cat Adams and see where her life went when she was hellbent on revenge. Then look at this family member of hers and see how she’s healed. At least I presume they’re a family member.”
“It’s her half sister. On her dad���s side.” he says shortly, feeling like a child who’s just been scolded by a parent. He knows she’s right in the effects of how it could help with healing, but a part of his heart that holds that hatred and content for Cat wants to project that onto her.
“Great, when you’re comfortable, reach out to her and simply ask to talk in a location that has brought you comfortability in your life other than your house. So you can feel a bit more relaxed and ready to open up. All of this is about doing what you can to improve your quality of life and your mental health. I care about you Spencer, I really do,” when she finishes her statement offers up another soft simple before opening his patient file backup once more.
“Alright.” he says with a gentle sigh.
“Well, that’s all for this week. Unless there’s something else you’d like to talk about. If not I’ll see you in two weeks,” she says, preparing to stand up.
When Spencer shakes his head no, they both wordlessly standup as he exits the room. He knew he already had the next appointment booked so he leaves with a polite wave and a tight lipped smile. Once he reaches his car, he takes a deep breath before cranking up his car. The warm August air causes him to shed his cardigan before pulling out his phone. He hovers over a number Penelope gave him. Dread fills his stomach once he hits the button to call her. Spencer once again looks at the happy family, now packing up their stuff as the line picks up.
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A/N: AHHHH! So I fell in love with writing again. Part of my burnout was caused by not wanting to pick up my series “unexpected turns” again because I didn’t plan it all out ahead of time, which was the worlds biggest mistake, but I digress because in my free time I’m going to rework that series while I put out this one. This one is already fully planned out and all of the rough drafts are done for it. So, the only thing I have left to do is polish this series, while reworking the other one. Any who I hope you enjoy the start to this series, if you do please like, comment, and reblog my work. Any engagement is much appreciated!
Taglist: @striving4averagegirl @measure-in-pain @tvandfanfic @haylaansmi @rexorangecouny @sophiario
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iratetourist · 2 years
study buddy // eddie munson x reader
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featuring my fave eddie gif 🥰
summary: eddie munson wasn’t much of a good study buddy, but he had other ways to make it up to you… 👅 aka eddie’s tongue is a bit of a menace
pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader
word count: idk girlies i wrote it on my phone, it’s not too long
author’s note: this man got me so obsessed that i wrote a fic for the first time in nearly a decade because of him… so this shit is ROUGH (sowwy) and the concept kind of got away from me, but regardless, i had fun just writing away for a few hours!! also, if any of the formatting is off, i apologize, like i said, i’m only just getting back into this lmao
warnings: a little sauciness, nothing explicit, only lightly implied
“So, of course, I was thinking that if I introduced, like, a… a dragon-blooded drow priestess, the entire idea would come together so well. I think I want her dragon lineage to be a secret, though—”
You nodded absentmindedly at your boyfriend’s random D&D musings, humming at him in response, though a small, contented smile rested on your face as you listened and flipped through the textbook on your lap. Eddie, completely enraptured within ideas for his next campaign, continued to ramble from his spot lying next to you on the floor, his own textbook having long been tossed God-knows-where and his papers scribbled with D&D notes.
“Dustin would lose his goddamn mind at the reveal, I bet, but would still probably try to recruit her even if she killed off half the party—” Eddie shot up instantaneously at that, yet another idea that had to be written down dawning upon him.
Needless to say, this studying session wasn’t exactly proving to be successful.
Sighing, you set your book to the side and just watched him for a few moments. It was difficult to be annoyed at him when he was talking about far more interesting things than anything your textbooks had to offer and was this hyped up, because frankly, it was downright adorable. Not an adjective pretty much anyone would use to describe Eddie Munson, but entirely applicable right now, in your expert opinion as his girlfriend.
He had a contagious smile plastered on his face, his dimples deeply on display… a boyish sparkle of excitement to his eyes… his curly hair splayed wildly across his face, and his hand was writing away a mile a minute as he attempted to get out every idea he had before it disappeared. Every few seconds, he would look up at you and his face would light up just that much brighter, and you could feel your heart ache all the more, and it took everything in your power not practically pounce on him.
It was the way he was so comfortable with you, so happy to have you just be with him and listen to any and all passionate rants and ravings he had, that you wanted nothing more than to just grab him and go at it right then and there—
But no! You had come here, to his trailer, with the express intent to study while spending time with him. You hadn’t gotten to see each other that much over the past few weeks, what with studying for finals, so you figured, two birds, one stone - you both could get some studying done while getting a chance to chill and catch up with each other…
…Yeah, you’re not really sure how you convinced yourself this would work.
Inevitably, Eddie Munson didn’t give much of a shit about studying when he had barely seen his girlfriend for three weeks and you both were alone in his trailer. You couldn’t exactly blame him (you weren’t feeling particularly studious yourself that late afternoon, among other things), but the fact was you promised yourself you would at least finish reviewing up to Chapter 31 of your physics textbook before you let him… uh, actively distract you too much.
And yet, you were only barely done reading through to Chapter 16, and had already been there for three and a half hours. Oops?
Taking a deep breath and closing your eyes, you made a new promise to yourself: at least get to Chapter 20 today, that’s it. You could do that, easily - only four more chapters to go, and you knew the eighteenth was shorter than most. Perfectly attainable goal.
Then you heard a groan to your side, and opened your eyes to find Eddie stretching his arms high above his head, muscles taut and tattoos enticingly on display. Add the fact that his tongue - it was always that goddamn tongue of his - was sticking the slightest bit out past his lips, running along them, and you felt every bit of resolve you had just mustered flush out of your system in an instant, only to be replaced by an immediate surge of heat and longing. You exhaled forcibly, but couldn’t bring yourself to look away.
When he opened a single eye a second later at the sound, he gave you a long, knowing smirk and then changed his stretching position, throwing one arm across the opposite shoulder and pressing his hand to his elbow, making sure to go slow as he did so.
“See something ya like, sweetheart?”
Oh, good Christ, you didn’t know how long you could keep this up, not when he brought in the nicknames. Looking down, you saw a flash of his smooth skin, the briefest peek of toned abs, as his shirt riled up from the action, and your mind went blank yet again. Your eyes shot up to his, and you could feel your cheeks flush instantly at the cocky glimmer in his own - caught red-handed and by God was he revelling in it.
Stupid cute, annoying boyfriend… he knew exactly what he was doing and you both hated and loved him for it.
“I… I need…” You could barely swallow down your embarrassment at how breathy your voice came out. Coughing a bit, you shifted a little away from him, and then purposefully grabbed your textbook and made a show of sticking your nose in it. “I need to finish reading… um, this… yeah. At least… to Chapter 20.”
Wow, super convincing, Y/N, good job.
Eddie’s smirk only grew that much more smug at your strained tone. Oh, he liked a bit of challenge.
Crawling over to you, he leaned his head down on your lap, turning so he was looking directly up at you through the window your textbook made. “Hm…” He ran a hand up the back of your forearm, sparking goosebumps across your skin, and reached for your textbook. “I think what we both need is a bit of a break, don’tcha think?”
Despite the increasingly distracting mood, you couldn’t help but laugh a little at that. The warm sound reverberated through your body, and Eddie swallowed thickly, trying to keep his own composure - were it not for the fact that he was trying to wind you up as much as possible first, he would have hiked you over his shoulder at that and taken you to the bedroom. But… not yet, not yet.
“Tell me, Eddie Munson, how do think you’ve earned a break, considering I know for a fact you haven’t read past chapter three in that textbook of yours?” Passively, you began to play with the ends of his hair - you knew he loved that more than he was willing to admit.
Eddie put on a fake pout at that, pressing a hand to his heart. “Y/N, you wound me!” he began, running his tongue across his lower lip again. Despite your best efforts, you once again found your eyes trailing after it, and the shiver that ran through you at that was quite acutely felt by man laying beneath you, earning yet another self-satisfied smirk. Good God, you were gonna let him have it…
“I have spent the the better part of nearly four hours tirelessly working out potential ideas for our next D&D campaign, and you don’t believe that warrants a nice, long break? Well, I’ll be damned. I think I more than deserve it…” He pushed himself up at this, knocking the textbook you were very much so just staring blankly at out of the way, before nudging you to the ground, hovering atop you.
That goddamned smug grin of his grew that much more at how easily you let him do so, and the sight stoked further at the coiling sensation in your gut. Leaning down, he pressed his lips to the shell of your ear, a husky whisper leaving his mouth, “…and I think you require it.”
“Mm, you think so, do you?” Your hands came up to ghost your nails down his back, and he let out a throaty noise at the contact, causing a cheeky smile of your own to grace your features. “Well, I think what you require is just one good thing to really focus on…”
“Just say the word, sweetheart,” he breathed, turning from your ear to drag his lips across your jaw and down your neck, pressing hot kisses to the exposed flesh.
You felt a hand snake its way up your shirt, and smiled to yourself before reaching down and running a your thumb across his chin and up to his lips, pulling his face to yours. He peered up at you - eyes dark and half-lidded, tongue, as always, poking past his lips oh-so temptingly - and you knew he was utterly at your command.
“I suppose this,” you whispered, brushing your fingertips lightly across the blade of his tongue, “could be put to better use than just teasing me.”
And that was all it took before he was crushing his mouth against yours, pressing that distracting tongue of his to your quite receptive own.
The suddenness and force of the kiss caused a broken moan to leave you, and whatever cheeky resolve you had left began to succumb to the greater desire to just be close to him. Reaching up, you eagerly threaded your fingers into his long hair and gave it a quick, sharp tug, and a stuttered breath fell from Eddie’s lips.
“Fuck…” His eyes fluttered closed for a few seconds, savouring the sensation, before a wicked grin broke out on his face and he shifted himself downwards, pressing kisses down your much-too-clothed body.
Settling just before the hem of your pants, he hooked his thumbs in your belt loops, and then proceeded to flash you a look from between your legs that had your heart skipping a beat and your toes curling in anticipation.
“Don’t worry, love, this tongue has more than one way to go about teasing you…”
…And just like that, it was safe to say that you didn’t bother getting anymore studying done that particular afternoon.
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<- is making insane decisions about aro/aspec “picnic” at pride next year.
The plan was originally to have it be completely unofficial and just me in the dc pride festival on an aro flag picnic blanket with some crafts but idk my mental health is crashing and making these things/organizing this may help. idk i want my future to be in community organizing so. it makes me feel good. anyways onto what i was talking about:
So. im deciding if i want to be someone with a table or not, if i want it to be aro or aspec, or if i want to have pride stuff available for donation only or not (aka no money accepted). (idk what to donate towards. maybe just explaining that i made all of this with my own free time/ money and any extra money will get donating to ace and aro advocacy project- which i think is located in the same city as the pride event- or AUREA? or just outright donating but… this all sounds really expensive which im anxious about but. i am okay with outright donating if thats a better idea idk)
I’m not sure if a table costs money or anything, but I dont think aro culture and aro pride should be locked behind a paywall. If I have aro pride stuff available, it would likely be:
bulk purchased silicone rings. the packs of rings dont just come in white, and almost always contain black, but id just have all the colors in a bowl with a sign about the meanings of black and white rings
diy low quality stickers. and im talking printouts and packing tape level quality. id probably also reach out to some aro/aspec artists if theyd be okay with me printing some of their designs for free pride stickers with their @ on the back. again, no profiting off their art, just having subtle aro/aspec options for closeted folks. also obviously the pride flags themselves/ like the heart emojis and stuff. if i get permission for the <2 i also think thatd be funny to have. id try to print off as many of the specific arsospec identities as i could, too.
some mini pride flags. like on the little stick and stuff? i already reached out to somebody about aplatonic and the new aspec flags. these will be on display at minimum, but im tempted to see how much bulk purchasing to give away for free would cost
….real pride flags, including aplatonic and the new aspec flag. im most hesitant about this because $$$ but…. i know how much it would mean to people, yknow?
i also want like. *stuff to do* to engage in community building and growth, so id likely have kandi bracelet stuff too, and be making aro/aplatonic/aspec bracelets to entertain myself while i sit there for folks without the time to make their own. (also! apparently grey bracelets are an old greyspec symbol. thats so cool!)
ive had it in my mind since early 2020 i want aro ribbon available for turning into shoelaces and im not gonna let up on this decision.
i just…. i really want to be able to connect with members of my community and raise awareness and recognition or aros/apls/aspecs in queer spaces, and i thought this may help.
these things are a little more hesitant but im thinking shrinky-dink keychains of these things/culture and symbols…? same thing @ artists, but uhhh if no one approves ill draw my Very Best. most of these will ALSO be stickers (if i do it)
(these are all old or current aspec culture. aro specific ones im more likely to do. also apl im more likely to do and may get ** but idk yet)
yellow roses
<2 (i got permission!!!!)
a little crown?? people are referencing jughead and you know what Sure.
green! we sure do love green huh. just like scribbles gkfhjf
…garlic bread? i think i saw that get phased out for dragons but you know what sure
plants..? i hadn’t realized that counted ngl
gryphons! i knew about them
(cacti/succulents but i already said plants)
“no romo”
does space count as aspec culture? idk guys
peridot and labradite? hm. cool!
somebody said aardvarks but ive never seen that before. apparently theyre a really old symbol. thats so cool!
💚 and 💔
pizza and ice cream but garlic bread got more popular (tho these are easier to draw)
i saw rats..? ehhh im hesitant on that one
Nandays and Caiques :) okay this one is cute
dragons are also very definitely acespec too
axolotls (though i think we can share)
wolves??? huh.
apparently ghosts are greyspec and!!!! holy shit that me! thats my name! fucking Wild Thats So Cool
someone reffed dinosaurs? cool cool
aaaahhhhg so space is Definitely acespec i forgot the whole spAce thing lol
badgers and unicorns? hm
♠️♣️♥️♦️ cards/symbols. i also recognize peole can turn these into earrings which. real. queer culture irl.
<2 (this is more loveless/heartless but i see it used a lot in aplatonic circles as well)
bees, worms, and birds have been proposed but havent seen much use yet. there has been some use though!
tbh since i cant find much ill likely have a sign that says something like “aplatonic culture is only recently getting enough visibility to be seen as separate from aro culture, so as the growing community develops new symbols we should keep an eye out! im excited to watch this community and identity finally get recognition like it deserves
do i propose platonic solids? idk you guys
*aspen/fang reminded me that non-platonic solids exist as well and are getting used as a symbol. Nice!
general aspec
im not making an aroace category but someone said handshake tattoos… imma pass on this one because its not apl friendly
i associate cross stitch and diy patches as aro core/ aspec but thats just me
lambda is queer culture and we belong to that too
i saw a lot of black triangle (as well as gradient) refs but idk if that is Ace Specific or not, but it Is a symbol i think is important to not overlook
ive seen bees used every so often in aro communities as well as aplatonic,
you know what the d&d “roll for x” is funny ill take that
anyways sorry i kinda went off with the research But. ive wanted to do this for Years (since 2019/early 2020 when this blog started Yknow. happenin) and i. i want to make it actually happen in 2023. its going to. i am gonna will it into existence. i just want to build a community i can interact with, yknow? thats all.
Anyways let me know what you think! i recognize this is a Lot and honestly ridiculous but who knows, yknow?
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ectonurites · 2 years
how do you make a stamp??? Where do you get the materials for this???
gdfhgf OKAY so it is actually not the most complicated process in the world and you can make a simple stamp with some pretty basic craft supplies! like the actual carving bit can be a little tricky/is something you kinda just gotta practice to get the hang of- but nothing terribly fancy materials-wise is involved.
The Robin one I made (which I imagine is what prompted this ask lmao) was made with the following supplies:
half a pink eraser (like. this is the exact one i had used)
an x-acto knife
a stack of post-it notes (regular paper is probably preferable, i just have a ton of post-its on hand LMAO)
a pencil
a marker (i tried a few different ones i had on hand and was having the most luck with my tombows but other markers would def work too, or alternatively an actual ink pad)
i will make another one to show u the process with these exact materials (also the Robin one is here too just as an example of the finished thing)
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(tho pls ignore that that is a used eraser i sanded down a little bit… i didnt have anymore new ones fjdjdh i would in general recommend only doing this with a new one)
the basic steps are:
1. cut eraser down to the size you actually need it (if the design you want to make is already nearly the size of the whole eraser then you don’t need to do this, this is more when doing something smaller)
2. trace around your eraser on a piece of paper, so you know exactly how much space you have to work with
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3. draw your design in pencil! don’t worry about it being flipped or anything, just draw it how you want it to appear. if this is your first time doing this, i’d highly recommend sticking to very simple shapes. another thing i’d recommend is to color in darkly the areas you want printed, and leave blank what you’re gonna cut away (or mark with X’s in the blank space, i do that as a reminder personally), to give you an idea of how it’ll actually look
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4. line up your eraser with the outline you made earlier, flip the whole thing over, and just scribble on it a ton- making sure you go over all the lines you had drawn on your design. (I folded the paper around the eraser to keep it in place)
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5. Take the paper off, and your design should be visible on the eraser flipped from how you originally made it (realizing now my example is mostly symmetrical- but it is flipped)! If it’s too light/not super visible, darken the lines with your pencil on the actual eraser so that it’s clearer as a guide for cutting. (if it’s not visible at all, you can try tracing over your original design again on the unflipped paper while pressing harder/getting more graphite on it, and then repeat the previous step). If your design is symmetrical (or you feel confident in your ability to draw things flipped from how you want them to end up) then you also could just draw directly on the eraser to start with.
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6. X-acto time! please please please be careful- especially if you haven’t got much practice using one of these. But basically just cut away all the parts you don’t want to have print- aka what was left blank on your design! (this is the most time-intensive part imo).
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7. Once you’re done with that, if you have an ink pad then you’re all set to use your stamp with that! but if you don’t (i didn’t have one with me lmao) then you can just go over your stamp with a marker and then stamp it on stuff! you may need to experiment with pressure while stamping/how much you go over it with the marker/etc before you find what you think looks best, but ya!
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woohoo crafts!
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bayleaf-2 · 10 months
Drew some art of the progression of Lyra's feelings about Ioun
But it's like 11 PM and I should sleep so I'm gonna post the art and make barebones captions/context, go to bed, and might just remake the post if i wake up, look at it, and go "voci. voci...voci thats not enough buddy"
With that in mind!
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This is when Ioun apologized to Lyra after they were resurrected (they died in the Zehir fight) and (in my mind) the start of Lyra having. A closer relationship with her, or seeing her as more than just. (Because we legally cannot call Ioun our boss) the person in charge, hense why it's labeled "beginning." Their thoughts in that moment are general feelings of appreciation, surprise, and relief. Debated putting warmth in there as well. Probably too soon. Maybe. Idk!
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Transcript: Lyra's dialogue reads "Tough!" which is what they said to the goddess of prosperity trying to offer them deals. Description reads "Loyalty to Ioun after she apologized."
Ioun apologizing combined with Emily inviting Lyra to stay with her once all of this was over (AUUUUUUUGH) pulled Lyra out of their mortality crisis, hence the design change! They're wearing old (aka Elion's) earrings and actually put effort into styling their hair :)
Transcript of the bottom one: Nerd <3 "I love her" (Connotation: I just think Ioun's neat :) ) "I need to apologize to her if we fail"
Nerd refers to this being the time where Lyra starts researching and interacting with the library. "I just think she's neat" is a reference to that one Marge meme. Point being the "I love her" is a casual declaration with no deeper feelings attached. "I need to apologize to her if we fail" is referencing this:
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Now a disclaimer on that: I wrote that months ago and while the og idea still holds in that I was planning on doing it, I would absolutely tweak the wording now. Also that's from my writing server so the wording is mostly for me. in terms of what "today" and "everyone else didnt follow orders" means I think that was the Tiamat fight? Timing indicates it's Tiamat. I do not know what "orders" past Voci is referencing. It might be the deals thing. ANYWAY!!
General summary for that point: Closer but still not quite friends. That being said Lyra's more cheery around Ioun and seeking out talking to her just cause.
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Transcript: Lyra thinking to themself "God I love her she's so cool" Description reads "Whale convo, which is almost directly post Vecna" (So Lyra is thinking that as Ioun's talking to them) and then the bottom one starts with "After Ioun leaves and they're just thinking" Lyra's thought reads "...Oh." with the description "Means [I love her] in a different way than before"
Squish! :) Congrats lil guy! You love her and now you gotta hide your feelings so you don't pressure her because that'd be really fucked up of you! Yeah that includes your thoughts! Good luck suppressing those! (HE FAILS. HE SLIPS UP SO MUCH I'M DYING TO TAKE PROPER NOTES ABOUT THAT SHIT YOU HAVE NO IDEA)
"Voci why is the 4th heart in the scale grey instead of black in the top one" Uhhh I'm not sure. I think it has to do with Lyra not really knowing what their feelings are?? Like it's vague and then once they're actually reflecting on it, they realize it's something more than just thinking Ioun's neat. Btw it's not clear in this shitty photo but Lyra is blushing.
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Transcript: Ioun saying "I do care, by the way." Lyra verbally keysmashing in response, which is cut off by the tiny tiny page. Description reads "right after the trial".
We had a trial where Emily was trying to make a case about the wording of the curse so we wouldn't have to kill her and only temporarily banish her (and Ioun. And possibly the Raven Queen. And anyone else who ascended) outside of reality. It was a really formal court though so everyone was in like. Proper boring formal wear and Lyra went the safe route of going in a suit yes I know that collar looks scribbly I was drawing in front of a campfire okay
I??? This is hard to describe, but by this point, Lyra's feelings are deeper, like they weren't...flustered by Ioun before, at least not to the same extent, and now they are, if that makes sense. I hesitate to say their feelings got? Deeper or more intense, because the timing makes this extremely fucky. And also feels like I'm in the danger zone in terms of possibly using aphobic wording. So I'm just gonna hold off for now.
And there's another art I drew of. The dream conversation where Ioun and Lyra ended up holding hands for an enTIRE FUCKING HOUR but it wasn't finished and I think? That moment kind of speaks for itself? So I'll just. Leave that there and sleep now gn <3
Again apologies if huge chunks of this don't make sense this is one of those moments where the hyperfixation is just Taking the God Damn Reins and I Have To Show People This
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avatar-saiki · 2 years
The Gift That Keeps Giving
Mammon/Reader, 3.9k words
Rating: SFW, T
Mammon realizes it's not the gift itself that makes him feel special, it's you.
(aka I wanted to write something cute for his birthday)
Birthdays were, without a doubt, one of the best things humans had ever come up with.
After money of course.
Who’d even argue having a day dedicated to themselves wasn’t the greatest thing ever? A whole day for those around them to celebrate and shower them with praises and gifts. It easily, easily made September his favorite time of the year after celebrating that first birthday.
Which was saying a lot, since he never really cared much about the goofy things humans did on Earth and only half listened whenever Belphie got excited about something. Oh wow, humans learned smacking sticks together made fire how cool… Oh look at that now they put the plants where they want them isn’t that neat. Oh ain’t that just swell? They took a river that went one way and made it go another way! Why? Who cares! It’s a stupid river!
But birthdays?
Birthdays were pretty great.
Sure, there were a few that didn’t go as planned, and maybe someone might say he’d get a little carried away with the partying and excitement, but what could they expect? It was a day unlike any other, because it was his day.
His day that…
“Mammon, what’d you get for number seven?” you asked while scratching down an answer on the parchment before you, “I want to compare to see how far off I am.”
“Uh… thirty-two.” he said without a second thought, having, quite honestly, forgotten what the question even was. Being able to study with you helped him focus sometimes, but he had to play things carefully. If his grades improved too fast or too often, Lucifer’s impossible expectations might rise even higher.
“Thirty-“ You sat back in your seat and looked at him, befuddled. “Mammon, it’s a multiple choice. Thirty-two isn’t even an option.”
“Wh- Well I meant that on the next one then!”
Your befuddlement went dry. “Number eight’s a true or false.”
“What! That can’t be right.” He leaned forward and grabbed your textbook, skimming over the page.
You laughed and pushed it closer to him, “Something tells me you didn’t even read the assignment.”
“I did! Well… kinda. I opened the book at least.”
“Yours isn’t even on the right page!”
“Shaddup!” He pushed your book away and leaned over his own, flipping to the correct page this time and crossing out his previous answers.
So, okay he didn’t want to try that hard but he didn’t want to look like a total idiot.
You hummed, keeping to yourself for a moment or two while he scribbled his answers down quickly, not-so-subtly pushing your own paper closer to him for easy glancing. “And here I thought you took our study dates seriously.”
Ink bled across his new answer for number six, and he cursed under his breath. Pressed too hard, way too hard.
“W-Well yeah, you know how it is. I can only be strung up so many times before it starts cuttin’ into my schedule. I gotta make an effort once in a while.”
“Yeah, good point.” you said dismissively, leaning back in your seat and leaving him in confused, frantic peace, scribbling away as if he could somehow focus any better than before.
“I was almost starting to think it’s because you like me.”
This time the quill tip caught, tearing a small hole across number seven.
You smirked and nodded to it, “Really hate that question, don’t ya?”
“Sh-shaddup,” he muttered, placing his arm on the desk between the two of you and leaning in a way to block your vision. It did little to block the snickers at his back as he tried to smooth out the page. It didn’t look so bad, it was probably fine, right? The professor could still read it and most of the page was still good. He wasn’t about to waste a whole ‘nother page for one stupid question.
And if they couldn’t or wouldn’t read it, so what? He wasn’t trying to pass anyway.
But maybe he could try to get the next few right since you do help him out sometimes. Just this once. So you wouldn’t feel like you failed.
The thrill of promised freedom began to rise the closer he got to the end, just a few more left! Sneaking a few answers made it fly by even faster, and just as he was about to jot down the last one, you spoke up again.
“Why were you spacing out so much earlier?”
“Homework sucks and I get bored.” he answered easily, swiping the quill across with a lazy swirl.
You hummed, amused. “Fair enough. What were you thinking about?”
He lifted the quill and flashed you a grin, “Oh nothin’, just my birthday comin’ up.”
“Birthday?” you echoed, understandably struck by surprise. Poor human, you must be worried about getting him something nice.
“Now don’t worry, I—“
“I didn’t know demons had birthdays.”
You said it so simply, so why did it make him flinch?
“Wait-“ you said quickly, holding up your hands, “that came out wrong. I meant it like, well. I just had no idea?” You smiled sheepishly and slouched in your seat, “Demons live forever, don’t they? So how would you know if you had a birthday?”
He sighed and sat back, tossing the quill on the desk. “Newer demons are born too.”
“Oh yeah…” you said, voice low. Then you laughed under your breath, “I guess I need to study more too.”
This conversation didn’t go anywhere he wanted, and it’d die if he said nothing, but what else could he say? Yeah, he might know he’d been around longer, and would be around far longer still than you could ever be, but he… didn’t like thinking about it. Thinking about things that made him feel so far away…
Was it… weird for him to have a birthday?
Did it really have to be the day someone was born? Then what about those that weren’t?
Time just… didn’t exist in the Celestial Ream in that sort of way. Everything is and was, nothing never and wasn’t. Even youth was… hard to explain to humans, naivety didn’t always have a consistent number.
He didn’t even count now that he had something to count from. Why bother? He’d never need the number for anything, and all he really wanted was the day.
The day when everyone would celebrate the Great Mammon.
That day…
You cleared your throat, drawing his attention again. “So…” you smiled tentatively, “when’s your birthday?”
“The 10th.”
He’d been the first to choose. After falling and transitioning to a demon, the sudden shock of needs and wants overwhelmed his very soul. Everything felt like euphoric agony, ripping his very being apart and exposing his very being to the soulless gaze of Fate’s never-ending void.
“Wh- of this month?!” you sputtered, the expression on your face making his heart feel just a little lighter.
Was it really so surprising he’d felt the urge to claim something as his own?
“Yeah,” he said with an easy smile, “so… like in a week or so I guess.”
Something that could be his, a day that could be his.
“Well… shit. I wish you would’ve told me that sooner.”
A day that made everyone think of him.
“Ah don’t worry ‘bout it.” he said, picking up his homework and book and getting ready to leave. “I ain’t that picky, and you know,” he paused to wink at you, “cash is king.”
You rolled your eyes and shook your head, “No, cash is lame. You’re getting something, I just have to figure out what.”
“Cash ain’t lame.” he muttered, and you chuckled.
“It’s kinda lame to me, I want it to be something special.”
His heart did another weird little jump again.
“R… Really?”
You stood up and gave him the proudest grin, “Well, yeah. I’m guessing humans don’t really give you gifts, right?”
“Oh…”  He tried to not sound too defeated and walked toward your door, “No, I guess not.”
“Then I gotta make a good impression!” You said cheerfully at his back.
“Mm.” He opened the door and gave you one last smile before stepping out, “Or jus’ keep it simple with cash n’ jewels. I ain’t that complicated.”
He stepped out before you could answer, mostly because he didn’t want to hear it. He liked being given things, always liked being given things. One of these days he’d finally convince Lucifer to increase Goldie’s limit or forgive one of his debts. If nothing else was on his side, he could at least try wearing him down.
‘I’m guessing humans don’t really give you gifts, right?’
Well, that wasn’t wrong. But it wasn’t… right.
‘Then I gotta make a good impression!’
He tossed his book on the pool table the moment he got to his room and sighed, leaning over it and feeling like such an idiot.
How many times did you have to remind him you were just a human?
He didn’t see much of you after that, at least not much as he’d become used to. Only a few quick conversations in the halls or just before meals. Quick, stolen moments but nothing substantial. Hardly any time at all. You’d even joked a few times that you were working hard and he better be impressed, but that just made him feel worse.
Whatever it was, he didn’t want it.
The thought brought a tightness to his chest, and a defeated sigh to his lips.
Okay, he did want it. It just wasn’t going to be what he wanted.
Why’d you even make him feel this way? 
How’d it make any sense at all? Avatar of Greed not wanting a gift.
Sometimes his brothers gave him weird things too, but he still liked ‘em anyway. Why did yours need to be any different?
Human or not it was just… just a gift.
More was always better than less.
Whatever it was didn’t matter as much as getting the thing itself.
He’d always known these things, so why did he feel so suddenly anxious when you touched his shoulder, asking him if he could step away from the crowd? Why was it so easy to laugh off that feeling and make a crack about watching his things while he chatted with the human, silently wishing the music could be the rhythm of his heart instead?
You led him to a less crowded corner of the Fall’s floor, away from the dancing and glittering lights. The music still filled the air, but it was far easier to hear your voice here. You leaned back on the edge of a table and looked up at him.
“It’s been awhile. You having a good birthday so far?”
“Yeah,” He glanced back at his friends, then to you. “You could say that.”
You smiled and followed his line of sight. “Get lots of cool stuff?”
He shrugged noncommittally, those strange feelings stirring in his chest again. 
“Sounds like competition is fierce,” you joked, standing up straight with a sigh. “Should’ve figured, there’s only so much I can do.”
“I told you, you—“
“I know,” you interrupted with a sly smile, “that’s why I chose to make you something.” 
“Make me something?”
Your smile turned bashful and you reached into your back pocket, withdrawing a small black box adorned with a golden bow. “Well, sort of. I made it… different. More. If that makes sense?”
Not even a little.
But a gift was a gift.
“Thanks,” he said with an easy smile, plucking the box from your palm and giving it a little shake. Nothing. Hm…
He held the box in his hand and pulled off the lid, seeing you smile and stand up on your toes just as the red velvet revealed itself.
“Pretty, huh? It’s not real gold sadly, I couldn’t pick up enough shifts fast enough for that but…” 
Your voice faded into the background as he took in the offering in his hand. A single, golden ring with his sigil engraved on its smooth, polished metal. The ring alone was something to be treasured, but there was… something else…
“Why’s it buzzing?”
“Huh?” You blinked, taken aback for a moment then recovering with a smile. “Oh, can you see that or something? That’s how I made it better!” You placed a hand on your chest, “I wore it and used a curse to seal my luck into it! I wanted to try to give you like a month or a week, but I think I only managed to get thirty rolls or so in. It’s actually kinda funny becaus—“
“You WHAT?!”
Levi slammed his hands on the table, startling both of you.
“Oh hey Levi, didn’t see ya-“
His eyes were focused on you, intense and distraught. “Why didn’t you tell me?! We almost lost our whole campaign!”
“Sorry…” you said sheepishly, glancing at Mammon again with a small smile. “Like I was saying. I think you might have something that equals like thirty good dice rolls in there.”
“We could’ve used a filler character!”
“Oh yeah that sounds great, let me just give Mammon fake good luck for his birthday.”
“It wouldn’t be fake and your barbarian wouldn’t be just barely hanging on!”
“Hey! It’s just a scratch!” You said with a haughty laugh, crossing your arms and feeding into Levi’s nerdy frustrations.
“It’s not a scratch, they lost an arm!”
“Tis but a flesh wound~”
The conversation, the music, these feelings…
Everything just felt so…
“I need to step outside a sec,” he muttered, leaving you with his brother and focusing on nothing but seeking the cooling relief of night air. Once outside, he breathed in deeply and leaned against the club wall, clutching the box in his fist.
Rings and luck.
Why’d it have to be a ring and luck?
“It ain’t fair…” he said to himself, reaching up to run his fingers through his hair.
“What ain’t fair?”
He jumped, spinning on his heel and holding his fist to his chest. “What- why’d you come out here?”
You shrugged, walking over to lean on the wall beside him. “Do I need a reason?”
“… No.” He lowered his fist and let his eyes drift to the street, idly watching demons pass by. “Guess not.”
Most demons kept walking by without so much as a glance down the alley, and the ones that did were quick to move along. It hadn’t taken long for them to learn to keep their distance, but the habit he’d gained from watching out for you wouldn’t disappear so easily.
“Was the ring a bad idea?” you asked softly.
He winced, “It’s not…” Dammit. 
“It’s not… bad,” he said, the box feeling heavy in his hand. “but humans… humans only have so much luck in life, to just give it’s like—“
“I thought it was worth it.”
“But what if somethin’ happened to ya?” 
Your eyes widened, and he felt the urge to backtrack. Explain it away into something trivial.
“Y-you coulda gotten hurt. I don’t want you doin’ something like that jus’ to get me a gift.”
You said you’d wanted to give him a month, a week even. Just imagining what a week of bad luck could do to you was… was…
“Well,” you shrugged, “that’s why I wore it when I played with Levi. All the bad stuff just happened to my barbarian, not me.”
“That’s not the point!” he said, surprising both of you when he grabbed your shoulders. “You can’t… you can’t do stuff like that.”
You stared up at him in an expression he was more familiar with now. Worry. 
“Do you really not like the gift?”
“That ain’t fair.” He bowed his head, still holding your shoulders to ground himself. “‘Course I do.”
“I just… thought the ring would be fun to wear, even after the luck faded…”
He closed his eyes and held you just a little more firmly. A ring… a ring he could wear… forever.
“I’m sorry, Mammon,” your voice was getting lower, concern creeping in. “I just wanted you to win… at least once or twice…”
“Why?” he asked, lifting his head. “Why risk it?”
Your eyes met his fearlessly, darting between them as color touched your cheeks. “I thought it was obvious.”
He pressed his lips in a thin line and shrugged, “Doesn’t seem to be to me.”
Your eyes darted faster, color rushing as you fidgeted ever so slightly. 
“What?” He stepped back, “C’mon, out with it.” Was it a bribe? You get some cut of his winnings or what? If that was the case, he’d have to give you some more pointers on haggling. For starters, don’t give the demon the object they want without negotiations first.
You held your wrist and looked down to the street again, avoiding looking at him now. “You’re not really going to make me say it, are you?”
“Well if it’s some trick or something, I don’t wanna be fallin’ for it.” he said, crossing his arms.
You scoffed and looked up at him just like he wanted. “Oh don’t even. You know damn well I wouldn’t trick you like that.”
He shrugged and flashed a grin, “Yeah? Then tell me why.”
You blushed and looked away again. 
“It’s… because I like you.”
His heart squeezed, but he urged himself to keep himself neutral.
“Oh, well I like ya too but that ain’t a reason to be riskin’ harm for me. You humans are pretty fragile as is, the last thing ya need is more of—“
You huffed.
“How many times do I have to tell you? You were worth the risk!” 
You both knew what you said, but you recovered first while he was still trying to understand—
“I want to see you win,” you said, placing a hand on your chest and looking up at him, “I love when you win, Mammon. You should see how happy you are, it’s the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.”
“I’m not—“
“Shut up, yes you are!” You stepped closer, sincerity giving your voice more confidence with every word. “Anyone can be cute, demons included.”
He took a half-step back. The way you were talking, almost sounded like…
“But… a ring… those’re special to humans…”
You paused, then reached up to touch your forehead. “If you already knew that, why’d you even make me say anything…”
His heart leapt into his throat, the box suddenly holding a different weight. More.
“So it’s… a ring… because you… like me…?”
You peered up at him through your fingers. “Duh.”
He swallowed, speechless. A human liked him? Liked him? Enough to give him a ring and a piece of their life’s luck…
You sighed and collected yourself, occasionally reaching up to touch your cheeks, never quite meeting his eyes again. 
This ring wasn’t from just any human though.
“Well… I’m gonna go inside now I think,” you said with an awkward laugh, “Sorry I uh, I guess I missed the mark, but I hope it still works for ya.”
As you moved past him, he reached out to grab your arm.
Even now, no matter how embarrassed you might feel, you still looked up at him when he asked.
His mouth felt dry, so many thoughts and wants swirling in his head.
“C-Can I…”
So much he wanted to say, to know, to feel.
You smiled sadly and reached up to touch his hand. “It’s okay, you don’t have to feel the same. I wasn’t really sure if you did anyway. Just glad I got it off my chest—”
You jumped and he loosened his grip, instead pinching your sleeve.
Don’t be scared, but please don’t leave.
“I…” Saying it held so much risk, even now there was no way of knowing if you wanted the same. 
“Me too,” he said, leaning into you, yearning rising from his very soul, “I want you too.”
You bit your lip with a smile. “I don’t think I said want.”
“What I meant was—“
You reached up to cup his cheek, the touch so warm and soft he immediately craved more.
“But I do,” you said, gently stroking him with your thumb, “I want you too.”
Want you too.
How could a human’s words make his chest feel both heavy and light so often and so easily? He couldn’t even remember when it first started anymore, only that these feelings became stronger with every passing day. Every moment he shared… with you.
His hand moved from your shoulder to cup the back of your neck, watching for any changes in your expression and listening for a hastened breath. Instead, you lifted your chin and smiled softly, silently inviting him in closer with a gentle caress on his cheek. 
Just once…
He leaned in, stealing a kiss from you that you willingly gave, treating him to the sweet thrill of want from your lips. 
“Mammon…” you whispered softly, lingering close as if deciding whether or not to gift him with another.
The distant caw and rustle of debris across cobblestone reminded him of where he was and the party waiting for him inside, but he didn’t want to let you go.
“Can I go to your room later?” He asked softly.
You smiled, “We could do that, or,” you closed the distance between you with a gentle kiss, “you could win us an even better room sometime.”
He sucked in a breath and you hummed, stepping out of his arms with a little pinch to his cheek.
“I bet you’ll be rather lucky if you take me along too,” you said with a grin. “Not that I’m trying to bribe a date out of you, but I do think the ring would work better if I was near it.”
“You could bribe a date outta me anytime,” he said without thinking and you laughed.
“I’ll remember that. Now, c’mon,” You reached out to take his hand, tugging him back toward the door, “put that ring somewhere safe and let’s go party!”
For once in his life he could finally understand why Levi always tried to leave parties early. 
There was so much more he wanted to do somewhere else. He’d leave right now if he could, but if any of his brothers found out he bailed to sneak some alone time with you, that time would be stolen far too quickly.
But being here with you, surrounded by you, his friends, and his family… laughing and drinking, dancing the eternal night away and celebrating hisday…
You laughed and flashed him a smile that shone so bright among the crowd, making his heart dance to its own beat. Thirty rolls… he could win a lot of money in thirty rolls… rent a nice room, maybe even buy a nice dinner or even take you somewhere fun in the Devildom or on Earth if he could sell the idea to Lucifer to let him roam freely.
Maybe he could buy you something to wear too… a ring that matched or… or if that was too much maybe bracelets or a pair of shoes…
Asmo stepped in to join you, offering to refill your drink while Mammon was pulled away by some of his friends, more gifts to be shared. The night was forever young, cheers and celebrations for the Avatar of Greed filling the air. A rare night unlike any other, surrounded by so many things that both made him want, and feel wanted.
Birthdays were the best.
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beautifulhigh · 8 months
20 Questions aka. Oversharing on the Internet version 92840938. Plus one?
Thank you for for tagging me @welcometololaland. Even though I suck at tag games and answering asks...
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
952,168. Pretty sure the next fic is going to top the million mark when (if) it finally goes up.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
At the moment? 911: Lone Star & Red White and Royal Blue
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Every nation ought to have a right to provide for its own happiness (RWRB). My newest fic and clearly posted at the right time to ride the wave!
Tell all the truth but tell it slant, Success in circuit lies (Lone Star) My post-Sadie fic. I really liked getting to play about with the narrative structure in this one
The tender things are those we fold away (Lone Star) Only Fans fic, my beloved.
But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep (Lone Star) My first Tarlos fic. Written before Gwyn's sudden death and she had a starring role at the start of it. And then I did something similar with Gabriel for my last one. I swear I will never heavily feature any recurring character again.
Want (Emmerdale) Come back to the Dales, Hawley you coward.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I respond to 99% of them - hard to come up with a response to a comment that you know someone just cuts and pastes onto all fics they read. (I am grateful for all comments but still...) You took the time to read and leave me a comment, I'm going to acknowledge that.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I'm going to go with Rumours (Emmerdale) for this. Because while they both die at the end (no reference intended to the book!) there is a whole life for Aaron and Robert before that moment comes.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I think most of them? It's all varying degrees of happiness because it depends what has happened to them in the meantime. But it all comes out in the wash.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I once wrote a fic in which I had characters explain why they couldn't take a particular course of action, and I had comments like "this is stupid, why don't they just do x?" which says more about their lack of reading skills. Other than that, not really.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do, but it's more about the feels than the actions.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I've never written one, simply because it feels a little too much like crossing the streams. Unless they are canonically in the same 'verse my muse refuses to even consider it. She's a sucker for rules like that.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Someone translated a Glee fic of mine into Russian (I think? It was a cyrillic language, I remember that) but I am always open to it!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I did a dual narrative fic once and that was great fun.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Don't make me choose between my babies. I can't.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have a Tarlos WiP and a Firstprince WiP and I want to finish them both.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I plan. I have pages and pages of planning and research and scribbled lines of dialogue and prose. I know exactly where I'm going with my stories and so the ending always pulls together the strands in the story. There are always hints and clues as to where I'm going, you just gotta pay attention.
(It's OK if you don't. It's rare someone comments on what is supposed to be a throwaway line and wonder why it's in there. Hint: it's because it's not throwaway.)
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
More of a weakness for me I think - but consistency. I am a feast or famine writer. I knock out a fic in a week (Only Fans) or I have to drag it kicking and screaming from its coccoon of bedsheets (bank fic)
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
If I need to do it then I am putting out pleas on Tumblr for a native speaker to translate the line for me
19. First fandom you wrote for?
"...I plead the 5th."
^ what she said
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Don't make me choose between my babies.
I am super later to this so open tag!
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tavwavs · 8 months
mediocre caustane pwp fic
aka octavio is incredibly impatient so he fucks himself for attention
alexander sat on his chair in front of his work table, he was studying and writing down various notes and ideas for future sinister experiments, octavio had been waiting impatiently for him to finish because he was so damn horny he could just explode, it had been days since they had any time alone together, and alexander decided to spend it on his studies rather than the very eager man in his lab. only half an hour had passed since alexander sat down, but naturally, that felt like an eternity to octavio. "i'll be quick, promise." octavio wrapped his arms on alexander's shoulders from behind, "always am." he chuckled, the scent of the pleasant cologne emanating from alexander's neck only fueled his arousal. "you will wait to be dealt with." he said coldly, indifferent to octavio's touch and focused on his work. "ay, cmon.." octavio pulled away, pacing around the lab and running his hands through his hair. as alexander scribbled away on his beloved notebook, octavio couldn't help but stare at his hands, he thought about how much bigger they were compared to his, how strong his grip was, how easy it was for him to toss him around like he weighed nothing.
he could barely pull himself together, he made his way over to alexander and knelt before him, his boxers pulled down and his dick fully erect. he put his head on alexander's thigh, one hand grabbing onto his calf for support, the other hand stroking himself. alexander paused for a moment to take in the pathetic sight below him, he furrowed his brows in disbelief of octavio's shameless desperation. he promptly shifted his focus over to the textbook he was reading. octavio started panting, fucking into his hand and thinking about all the things he wished were being done to him. "stop- stop ignoring me." he looked up at alexander, watching as his expression darkened, ".. doctor." the grip on his leg tightened, his voice desperate. "it's almost fascinating how a specimen could have such little patience." alexander spoke nonchalantly, not even sparing octavio a look as he continued to make himself feel good.
".. just- ah!" he felt a wave of pleasure rush through him, his nerve endings just craved alexander's touch, no matter where. octavio whined and whimpered over and over, his tip dripped precum as he neared his climax. "is this what you are? a whining dog begging for attention?" alexander finally put his pen down, his focus now on the mess of a man in front of him, "perhaps you should be treated as such." he moved his hand to octavio's head, petting and scratching him like a dog. octavio couldn't help but moan at the mere sensation of finally being touched, his pace quickened and his whines turned higher pitched and wavered. alexander marveled at how pathetic octavio was, he couldn't help but enjoy every second of it. "please?" octavio asked, his voice breathless and raspy, he gulped and sobbed out various moans.
it was like music to alexander's ears every time octavio begged for him, he was aware he only did this when he really, really wanted something, but was too far gone in submission for autonomy. "again." he said, knowing he couldn't last much longer. "please! ah.. hah-" his hips twitched, "pleasepleaseplease..." he cried, his whimpers all choked out and broken. ".. go on." alexander finally commanded, grabbing a fistful of the other's hair, lifting his head up so he could watch his face as he finished. "ohh f-fuck-.." octavio stroked and twisted at his dick, involuntarily thrusting into his hand. his back arched and his noises paused as he came hard, his expression showed pure bliss as pleasure took over him, the heavy and slow breaths that followed contrasted his racing heart.
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slowdiived · 2 years
Do you have any thoughts on what Kurt’s like when his partner is very angry with him. Not like crying or emotional but they’re just standing there purely disappointed with him, explaining why they’re mad aka how he fucked up and how the fuck could he think that was okay? What was he thinking?! Yelling, lecturing and scolding type mad, if that makes sense
kurt watched you anxiously pace the area in front of your couch, your fingers pinching the bridge of your nose. he knew something was wrong, he could feel it. the tension was building up since he had got in the driveway.
“kurt,” you started off, stopping to look at him. “i can’t believe you would post that picture of me on your instagram.”
he gives you a confused look, his mind wracking what you could be talking about. he posted a lot and you were always in the midst of it; cute dinner date photos, pictures of you holding him, just you smiling. he couldn’t think of one picture that you would’ve had a problem with.
“uh, which one?” he asked as he flipped his hair out of his face.
“which one?” you snarled. “which fucking one?”
he threw his hands up in a shrug and you about lost it on him. you tried your best to keep your composure, taking a second to stare at the ceiling and breathe.
“maybe the one where i’m in the lingerie,” you reminded, your arms now crossed. “the one that i privately sent to you.”
“oh!” kurt smiled. “the really pretty one.”
you rolled your eyes and look at him again.
“kurt, you can’t share that on the internet,” you yelled. “like ever! you need to ask me what is okay and not okay!”
“but i-i thought you looked pretty,” he sighed. “i wanted everyone to see my hot girlfriend, like bobby n’ stuff…”
your hands balled into fists as the rage kicked in at the mention of bobby’s name. that fucker had seen too much of you at this point, kurt always needing to prove that he can be cool too. you found it endearing at the beginning of the relationship but at this point, you found it tiring and useless.
“you can see through my bra!” you hissed. “you can see through my fucking bra kurt! that isn’t for the world, it’s just for you! don’t ever fucking pull that shit again!”
he nodded and looked into his lap, afraid to make eye contact. he didn’t want to see the anger that was scribbled all over your pretty face, the eyes that were seeping disappointment. he choked back tears, already embarrassed and did t want to further it.
“m’ sorry,” he swallowed the lump in his throat. “d-do you want me to delete it?”
“of course you should fucking delete it!” you yelled again. “i can’t fucking believe you. do you ever stop to think that maybe i should approve what photos of me you post?”
he pulled out his phone and answered you with hummed out ‘i don’t know’. he quickly got into his app and deleted the post. he was kinda happy that bobby hadn’t commented on it, he was nervous that it would’ve made you more frustrated.
“whatever dude,” you looked up at the ceiling again. “seriously fucking pissed.”
he felt so horrible. he didn’t know how to make you not mad. normally with his parents he could take the disappointment or cuss words flying at him at full speed, he always seemed to create some shitty situation with them. he hadn’t really fucked up with you yet, your relationship running smoothly until now. he had never seen you so angry or even hear you yell with frustration in your voice. he didn’t know how to take it, his eyes welling up with tears and his gaze pressed to his shaky, fidgeting fingers. he didn’t know if he was suppose to kiss you and tell you he’s sorry, or give you a speech. was he suppose to get you an ‘im sorry’ gift?
“i’m really s-sorry,” he let a few tears slide. “i know i-i’m stupid and a fuck up. i don’t know how to make this better for you.”
his reaction caught you off guard. you never said he was stupid or a fuck up, his self loathing words ripping your heart out.
“you’re not stupid, i never meant any of it that way,” you sighed and got on his level, your hands on his knees. “i’m just more annoyed that you didn’t say something first, you just let your followers see parts of my body that i would like to only keep for you and me.”
“o-ok, i’m sorry,” he started crying but it wasn’t a full breakdown sob, just tears flowing at a steady pace.
“i forgive you, it’s over and done with,” you kissed his forehead.
as you went to stand back up, he grabbed your cheeks. both of your set of eyes pressed onto each other, making sure that you were present.
“i am really sorry,” he sniffled. “can i kiss you?”
you nod and he presses his now wet lips into yours. you have him as loving of a kiss as you could, starting to feel bad for raging.
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