#aka satan
I've read an interview Philip Griffiths gave over a year ago about being fired from poto after 29 years and it's heartbreaking. But I'm not even surprised given how mackintosh treats most of the actors that worked for him. He stabbed John Owen Jones, of all people, in the back multiple times...
Oh yeah, like, I love everyone in the post-pandemic cast (and the whole situation is not their fault at all, I'm glad we got Lucy, James, Rhys, Holly, Anouk, Saori, Ellie, and so on but I really wish it was under better circumstances) but the fact that CamMack fired the pre-pandemic cast and crew over Zoom (many of which like Philip Griffiths were with the show for decades) made me lose whatever little respect I still had left for him, and the Broadway production closing is the final nail in the coffin. But then again, he fired Hal Prince from POTO back in the 80s, so I can't say I'm surprised. (And lemme tell ya, Hal was a fucking saint to have come back after Trevor Nunn got fired)
I don't know about poor treatment of JOJ, though, can anyone elaborate?
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bluewolfangel01 · 13 days
Random human: "Why are you sitting in a circle of salt?"
Mc: "Oh because my partners are demons and I am mad at them."
(Not exact) Quote from Chikn Nugget and idea to use from @h0ney-mushroom
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rontra · 1 year
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allura has known this since the 60s
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invisiblequeen · 5 months
Anybody here know Daenerys Stormborn of The House Targaryen, First Of her Name, The Unburnt, Queen of Meereen, Queen of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons?
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capriciouslyterminal · 2 months
An FBI Agent Making an Arrest: Mr. Legs get down on the–.
Longlegs: Oh, No, Please. Mr. Legs Is My Old Man. Please, Call Me Long.
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rottenroses777 · 2 days
doing facemasks, watching sofia coppola movies, drinking tea, having deeptalks, painting nails, talking about boys or girls or both, having a pillow fight, laughing at trump supporters, exchange facts about serial killers and communism, hating on men, doing pagan or satanic rituals, thinking together about the perfect murder and hiding the body, baking together, maybe a wine tasting, dreaming about our perfect life, listening to lana del rey, drinking vanilla diet coke
i crave a stereotypical sleepover so bad right now
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666writingcafe · 6 days
Greed (Part Two)
"Well, hello MC," Solomon merrily greets when he opens the front door of the cabin. As soon as he sees me, however, his expression grows more serious. "Lucifer, is everything alright?"
"I'm afraid not," I reply. "There's been an incident, and--"
"Tie me up," MC abruptly interrupts, their voice slightly strained. Solomon looks between the two of us, clearly confused.
"I'd do what they say," I suggest. He's still unsure, but he nevertheless lets us in and pulls out a chair from the kitchen for MC to sit in. He utters a spell that causes ropes to magically appear and wrap around them, effectively keeping them in place.
"There'd better be a good explanation for this," he warns, turning his attention back to me. "I'm not about to hurt my apprentice--" My phone suddenly rings, and I quickly excuse myself to another room to answer it.
"What happened?" I ask once I've answered the call.
"Mammon's lost the coin," Satan quietly responds on the other end. "The dumbass kept tossing it in the air, and it ended up rolling off somewhere."
"So you've haven't made it back to the House yet?" Satan sighs.
"No. We're still in the forest. He's making us look for the stupid thing."
"Asmo, I don't care about your fucking nails! We're not leaving until my lucky coin is back in my hands!" I've never heard Mammon scream that loud, and he's one of the more noisy ones in the bunch when he's arguing with someone.
"We're literally on our hands and knees, combing through every single thing on the ground. It's fucking ridiculous, if you ask me." I sigh.
"This is probably going to be a stupid question on my part, but has anyone tried to tell him to let the coin go so that you can get home safely?"
"Belphie." He pauses. "His statement caused Mammon to go berserk, and somehow he used magic to force us to the ground. If we even try to stand up, he makes the most excruciating pain shoot down our bodies." A faint whipping sound cuts through the air on his end. "And that would be due to him spotting someone taking a rest." This isn't good. Not at all.
"I'm assuming you've found a place to hide?"
"Yes, but I'll have to move soon. I hear him getting closer." Something suddenly starts rattling loudly, followed by various objects shattering on the ground.
"Lucifer, I think that's coming from your end," Satan nervously observes. "Did you at least make it to the cabin?"
"We did. Listen, I'm giving you permission to use whatever means necessary to knock Mammon out. Just make sure it's not fatal. Call me when you've done that." I quickly end the call and rush back to Solomon and MC, only to find the room they're in to be an absolute wreck.
"Let me go!" MC yells. Solomon looks like he's walked through a minefield with his hair in disarray and his clothes torn.
"As I keep telling you, I can't do that--"
"Whose side are you on, Solomon?! His?!"
"Look, I think it's unfair that he stole the coin from you, but--"
"But what?! You don't think he deserves to get punished?!"
"That isn't what I'm saying--"
"MC." They snap their head, focusing their attention on me. "Pull yourself together. You're being unreasonable." The air around them begins glowing.
"How dare you!" MC screams.
"Great, Lucifer," Solomon complains. "I was trying to calm them down, not provoke them even further."
"And how well is that turning out for you?" Silence. He may know MC better than I do, but I've dealt with Satan on the warpath many times before. Explanations mean nothing when someone is in this state, so the best thing to do is to be simply firm and wait for them to tire out on their own.
"Let me at him!"
"It's my coin, and I want it back!"
"No." Is it my imagination, or are the ropes starting to break?
"Of course you would side with Mammon."
"I will deal with him accordingly."
"Then why are you still here?!" In a nearly blinding flash, the ropes fly off MC, and they lunge themselves at me, knocking me down to the ground. I quickly spin us around so that I'm able to pin them down. They're thrashing about, but that's to be expected.
"Sleep." Their body quickly goes limp as the magic behind the command takes over them. I stand up and dust myself off. I don't have to look at Solomon to know that he's glaring at me.
"They'll be fine," I tell him. "It'll just be a few hours before they're awake again. Help me get them in bed." He's still seething, but he at least comes over and assists me. It's not until we've gotten MC tucked in and leaving their room that he reacts by slamming me against the wall.
"What the fuck is going on?" he whispers threateningly.
While I certainly have enough strength to throw him off me, I'm not about to get into another fight. Plus, I do understand why he's upset at me. In his eyes, I'm currently a threat to his loved one's safety. He has every right to protect them.
Especially since I'm trying to do the same thing. It'd be hypocritical of me to hold his feelings against him while experiencing them myself.
"Growing pains." If I gave that answer to someone else, they'd probably demand a more detailed explanation after chastising me for being so vague.
Thankfully, Solomon's smart enough to read between the lines of my short answer.
"They're affecting MC."
"Yes." The fact that he doesn't pose that as a question makes me suspect that he knows something that I don't. Then again, he did know MC back when they were human, so perhaps it makes some degree of sense.
Solomon steps away from me, allowing me to move freely.
"How much time do you have?" he asks.
"Good. Fancy a trip back to the castle?"
Taglist: @lost-in-time-wanderer, @fuzztacular, @dianedancer18, @sweetbrier2908, @flare-love, @completelyshatteredbrokenmschf, @thunderlightning351, @l3v1chan, @anxious-chick, @5mary5, @expressionless-fr, @tenkobitch, @budbuddnbuddy
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lizzstarkiller · 2 years
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If you hated the new Velma show go watch The Solve It Squad Returns, a one-act play by The Tin Can Bros. Thank me later.
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thesoftestbutchsblog · 3 months
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Here's a Butch in some boxers. I tried to make a witty caption, but it's too goddam hot to think
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blue-979 · 6 months
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Went to see non-satanic Ghost today
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satans-knitwear · 1 year
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Orange is such a good colour. Very underrated. 🧡
🧡My links🧡
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asmo-cosmetics · 1 year
actually it's hilarious how much of a hater4hater couple solodeus is. mammon is literally a more powerful demon than asmo and recruiting powerful demons is solomon's Whole Thing but he legit does not want to because asmo says that his older brother is a giant loser. and he takes his word for it
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theenbyroiderer · 10 months
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From the archives. A memory from the 2020 toilet paper shortage. And my first real embroidery project. Because who doesn't need a sweary floral wreath for the toilet. Wasn't happy with the empty toilet paper roll in the end, so frogged it and turned the whole thing into floral wreath. But it's a fun memory.
Side note: you can definitely tell which was the first flower I did, which was the second and which was the third. Satin stitch learning process...
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devilishdelights · 4 months
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not gonna actualllyy give him a bunch of expressions....just bein silly making references. (look how organized my files look btw. dont look in them though) obv going with number 1... love when hes his true self- a grumpy old ass man
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baby boy :)
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vanmec · 2 years
Sorry to barge into your ask once more but I'd like to say that you and your works are amazing <3 and I am in awe every time and no words can express how much I love your style and art <33
AWW THANKS! I've been putting hella work in lately, glad you like it :D
here have an eyeball lol
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