#alexa play matilda by harry styles
lokiusly · 11 months
Sylvie takes Mobius to see his old life and he sees his children playing in the yard.
It is also the moment he is taken to the TVA. He can go back to his old life and it’ll be like he never left.
Mobius has been a TVA worker for eons. But as he stood in the driveway, his children tug at his heartstrings.
“Do you want to remember?” Sylvie pats his shoulder. He nods, unable to remove his eyes from the suburban home.
Tears form into his eyes and his knees tremble. “My babies” he whispers.
Loki watches from afar. He has lost Mobius. And there’s nothing he can do because Sylvie was right. This was what she said would happen.
Mobius runs to his kids and drops to his knees. He holds them and they’re confused but hug him anyways. He kisses their foreheads and ruffles their hair.
Sylvie watches them too. The tears in her eyes try to escape but she won’t let them. She can vaguely remember the hugs she and Thor gave their mother and father.
Suddenly she turns. Loki freezes. They stare at each other. She walks to him. He turns away from her.
“You can go over there—“ she starts.
Loki scoffs and rolls his eyes. “Look at me Sylvie. I don’t fit in here. How could I go? How?” He shakes his head at the tears that spill down his face.
Mobius turns to find Sylvie. He sees them both. As Mobius spoke to his kids, Loki winced and quickly used his magic to whiten his reddened eyes, dry his wet face, and clear the snot from his nose.
Mobius walked to both of the Lokis. “You’re here! Please, come meet my boys.” Loki can feel his heart tighten.
He shakes his head slightly. “I think it’s best if I don’t. The TVA—”
“Will be just fine. I’ll go and check in with everyone. You stay here for awhile.” Sylvie left before Loki could protest.
He stepped away “Mobius I—“
Mobius smiled and stepped closer.
“I have some ice runts I want you to meet.”
Loki hesitated. “I can’t—“
“I told them you’re a magician. They’re expecting to get their socks blown off. We don’t want to disappoint the twins now do we?”
He looked into Mobius’ eyes and smiled. Sylvie was right. The TVA would be fine. Loki could stay awhile.
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¿algún día pasaré un cumpleaños rodeada de la gente que quiero y sin tener que pedirles que se queden y me dediquen MÍNIMO un día entero sólo a mí?
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niceboyeds · 2 years
learning to be at peace with the decision to cut someone out of your life is so fucking hard.
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faeryfrogs · 1 year
So glad to see any mainstream coverage of this issue.
3/4 of my childhood friends were neglected and/or abused in homeschool homes.
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tvdfan23 · 2 years
Fine I'm saying it, Matilda is a song for children of narcissists!
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jegulus4444 · 6 months
Why do families have to be so shitty? Like I feel like I live in the black house 70% of the time.
Alexa, play Matilda by Harry Styles
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thighguys · 3 months
what 2 do when u just found out your dad is a convicted felon and sex offender and that's why you weren't allowed to be alone in a room with him until you turned 14. literally freaking out rn im lowkey having a panic attack but idk who to talk to about this. like what do i do. and the worst part is that now i remember that in 7th grade i looked up my dad's name on google and found it he was in the sex offender registry and i just ???? forgot??????? like it's not that im scared of him or anything i know he would never hurt me or anything but i cant imagine him hurting anyone and apparently he spent time in jail for whatever he did which my fucking mom won't tell me but idek if i want to know atp like i feel like ive been lied to. i wish she hadn't fucking told me in the first place like why did i need to know that. why does she treat me like i have no feelings. she literally just told me that she doesn't want me to end up like him what the actual fuck. im crying like why are my parents fucking me up so bad i don't get it why couldn't i have had nice normal parents it's not fair why has my mom treated me like an adult from the time i was 6 years old why does my dad lie about literally everything what the fuck am i supposed to do about anything. i can literally feel them fucking me up and there's fucking nothing i can do about it i just have to sit here and be scared and not let anyone notice. im so fucking scared that they've already fucked me up beyond repair. how do people get past this. alexa play matilda by harry styles please tell me how to stop hyperventilating
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leafmebeeplease · 2 years
alexa play matilda by harry styles
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beebeesiims · 2 months
no i need to-. i just gotta-....THE VOICES!!! so here are some facts about sabrina (my oc for @potionio) no one wanted. tw for neglect & foster care:
Her parents loved her and her home life wasn't like....physically abusive or anything but they banked really hard on finding each other hot being enough to sustain a stable marriage and then banked even harder on having a baby magically making you know how to parent. Something something no one stopped to think that maybe just bc she COULD make herself a pbj or heat something up in the microwave didn't mean that she SHOULD do it...all the time.
CPS popped their heads in on her family a number of times when she was a kid. Honorable mentions: a neighbor clocked her walking to school alone without a coat more than once when she was 6 - she had a coat, but she was 6 and forgot it. Spend 3 months in foster care. Too many missed days of school when she was 8 - hey, no one told her that you can't just go to the park instead of school whenever you feel like it. anyway, she spent 2 1/2 months placed with her grandmother and her parents started taking her to school after that. finally. Did a 6 month stint with foster care when she was 12 bc another neighbor called to stop her parents from screaming at each other at 4am and there was weed out in plain sight.
Moved in with a friend of the family when she was 17 because her parents just wouldn't??? break up?? they're still together and she's fully no contact. idk hey alexa play Matilda by Harry Styles.
Loves cooking, actually, and would love to have a restaurant one day or be a chef but y'know rn life says work at this gas station and this headshop.
Shops exclusively at second hand stores and Big Lots and those influencers are fucking lying so don't come at her about why she's not finding the Cider catalogue out here at Goodwill.
Has exactly 0 idea where the scar on her chin came from, it's been there since she could form conscious thought.
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flywithmek · 1 year
Realmente a veces no soporto a mi familia. Alexa play Matilda by Harry Styles
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(my mom takes my phone away so i can clean while i’m in the middle of suppressing a breakdown, says “you can use your alexa” when i ask ab music cause i cant do anything w/o it)
me, close to tears minutes later: alexa,,, play matilda by harry styles
alexa: shuffling matilda and similar songs! *music for a sushi restaurant starts playing
me, even closer to tears: no,,,
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bgchrisluv · 1 year
alexa play matilda by harry styles 
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munsonsfairy · 1 year
alexa play matilda by harry styles
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rosalindcc · 2 years
I hate my mother. Like actually. She still has an effect on me even though I haven’t seen or talked to her in over a week. Being a lesbian with mother issues hurts. Like fuck my mother fr…I can’t stand that bitch.
One day, when I am old enough, I will be able to go no contact and pay her everything she spent on me in my childhood. I will never have to speak to her again. I can live out my life with my future partner and cats and have a cozy life as a creative writing professor and writer.
I can’t wait for the day when I’m finally free of the claws my mother has sunk into my skin to leave wounds no bandaid can heal.
Alexa, play Matilda by Harry Styles.
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bloody-witch21 · 2 years
Alexa play Matilda by Harry Styles
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matildashoney · 2 years
The family tree with little seeds 😭
i am in ruins you don’t understand .. alexa play matilda by harry styles
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