#all HIS friends were also like LULU PLEASE JUST TALK TO HIM
leesoheeist · 2 years
let me tell u a story about how in the 5th grade, us 10/11 year olds were involved in so much drama and i was somehow at the center of it......... the entire school knew about it. it was weird as fuck.
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kfinalgirls · 8 months
Scream ༊*·˚ Part 2
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༊*·˚Admin Lulu Presents~ ༊*·˚Pairing: Choi San x Lulu (OC) 1st pov x Park Seonghwa ༊*·˚Genre/Trope/Au: smut, horror, established relationship, scream au, college au ༊*·˚Rating: R rated, +18 MDNI ༊*·˚Warnings: mentions blood, gore, death, knives, violence (smut will be included in future chapters), drinking, party going, creep! seonghwa, gaslighting ༊*·˚Kinks: suggestive talk ༊*·˚Word Count: 1,913 ༊*·˚Credits to @cafekitsune for the divider ༊*·˚Synopsis: When a killer begins to target students of my college--and also starts calling me to brag about it--San is there to comfort me. But throw in his creepy best friend and my world begins to crumble around me ༊*·˚Part One ||| All Posts || Part Three
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“San, no, I am not going to some stupid party!”
San and I were having a not-so-great argument. He wanted to go out, I wanted to stay in. Usually I could convince him with a flash of my underwear that it was in his best interest to stay in but tonight he was being stubborn for some reason.
“Come on, Lulu!” He pleaded, “I promised Seonghwa we would go!”
I sent him a look of disgust, “I’m especially not going because of your weird best friend.”
“He’s not weird!” San whined, “He’s just got his head in the clouds a lot. I promise, he’s harmless.”
Harmless my ass. I don’t know how many times I caught Seonghwa staring at me and even when I caught him he never stopped like normal people do. He always seemed to loom at any function that San and I went to. Seonghwa got so close to me sometimes I could hear his breathing. He really really creeped me out but he was San’s best friend and I had to endure it, I guess.
“Please, I don’t want to go. I don’t care what you promised!” I begged. If I had to pull out the big cards, I would. I went on my knees and grabbed a fistful of his pants, looking up at him, “I’ll make it worth your while if we don’t go.”
San looked so good. His hair was soft and he had just a t-shirt and a pastel green cardigan but damn did his shoulders fill out everything so nicely. San cursed under his breath and cupped the side of my face with one hand. “God, what I wouldn’t do for you to suck my dick right now.” He shook his head and steeled himself. “No, you can’t dissuade me. Seonghwa is throwing this party and he was very adamant that we both be there. We have to. Besides, you’ve been jittery since movie night and I want to get you out of the apartment.”
Guess I had to take another approach. “There’s a killer out there, San!”
San rolled his eyes at me, “Then we should go to the party. The more people there the less likely we’re going to get murdered.”
“Fine,” I said stiffly, getting up from being on my knees, “I’m not wearing this skirt though. Seonghwa gets weird when I wear skirts around him.”
San pffted at me. “Who wouldn’t get weird when you wear skirts? I get a chubby just watching it swish on the back of your thighs.”
I stuck my tongue out at him and moved into the bedroom. I ditched my skirt and looked for some comfortable pants. “You’re my boyfriend. You’re allowed to get a chubby when you look at me. I want you to get a chubby when you look at me. I don’t want Seonghwa imagining getting his fingers up my skirts!” I shuddered at the thought.
“But Babe!” San appeared at the doorway. “You can’t blame him. You’re hot. Even Wooyoung admitted once to--”
I threw my hand up and stopped whatever San was going to say. “Please stop, I don’t want to hear the end of that sentence.”
I finished shimmying on the black pants I chose to wear and checked my make up in the mirror. “We will stay for exactly two hours and you better be getting me refills when I finish my drinks,” I said to San, looking at him through the mirror.
San sent me a sunny smile that made his eyes disappear. He was looking all happy-go-lucky just to piss me off, “Of course, Babe.”
I walked to the doorway, looked my boyfriend up and down and said, “I am not happy with you right now.”
“Does this mean you won’t be giving me a bj on the drive there or--OW!”
There were plenty of cars littering the lawn of Seonghwa’s huge house. San had informed me that Seonghwa always had the place to himself and that was usually why he threw parties. Who knew where his parents were--Dubai or did he say Dublin? Either way, the party was well on its way by the time San and I got there.
“I’ll go get us drinks,” San said as he saw Wooyoung in the kitchen from the entranceway.
“Don’t you dare--” And he was gone.
I folded my arms and found a corner to sulk in. I couldn't even bring San upstairs to fool around. Some classmate had told me Seonghwa’s parents had cameras EVERYWHERE. I did not need Seonghwa watching me and San--I shuddered. I did not want to go down that train of thought.
But then I heard heavy breathing and, “You’re here.”
I whirled around and narrowed my eyes down at Seonghwa. “Regrettably,” I said with my lips pursed to the side.
Except… Why did Seonghwa look so good? I mean, it’s not like he wasn’t attractive. I had heard every girl on campus sigh over Park Seonghwa. They thought he was secretive and mysterious and his allure was a legend around the school. But his creepy factor always nulled that out for me. But tonight, Seonghwa was in a long jacket, jeans ripped at the knees and a turtleneck. He looked… sophisticated? Definitely a look I’d go for. I shook my head. No, Lulu, you’ve got to stop that.
Seonghwa had a shy, crooked smile on his face now. Shit. “Something wrong?”
I scoffed at him, “Yes, you’re entirely too close to me.”
Seonghwa chuckled under his breath. “Looks like San got distracted with your drinks. Perhaps I can keep you company instead?”
I looked over my shoulder and there was my boyfriend, playing a fucking drinking game with Wooyoung. That bitch. I turned back to Seonghwa and scoffed at him, “I don’t fucking think so.”
Seonghwa shrugged his shoulders, “San told me you got some creepy phone call? I didn’t think you wanted to be alone.”
I winced. San, must you tell your best friend everything? “I-I’m fine.” The stutter in my voice said otherwise. Fuck.
Seonghwa’s smile became a grin. I took a step back as he took a step forward. “I really don’t think you have anything to worry about. I heard the news say that it seems the killers are targeting students that are in the bottom half of the dean’s list. Aren’t you in the upper half?”
I frowned at Seonghwa. “What do you mean killers? There’s more than one?”
Seonghwa’s eyes widened and then he shrugged again. “That’s their theory, anyways.”
I opened my mouth to ask more when my phone went off. That better be Choi San telling me he’s got my drink or I swear to God…
{10:42pm} Private Number: Having fun?
My mouth went dry and my palms started to sweat. I hadn't received a message from the creepy caller since that day in the Geology labs. If I had to guess, I would have said it was Seonghwa, but he was in front of me right now. So who the fuck was calling me and texting me?
{10:43pm} Private Number: I have another gift for you
I couldn't help but whimper. Did this mean the killer was going to kill again?
{10:44pm} Private Number: Special delivery! {10:44pm} Private Number: 3 {10:44pm} Private Number: 2 {10:44pm} Private Number: 1
I let out a terrified shriek as the lights went out. The partygoers groaned at the inconvenience but my heart was beating out of my chest. I felt a presence at my front and reached out to hit whatever--or whoever--was in front of me. They caught my hand and I struggled a bit. I was about to raise my other hand when…
“Stop, it’s just me,” Seonghwa said softly, “I’ve got you. No one is going to hurt you.”
Like that made me feel any better. “Let go of me,” I hissed, yanking on my arm.
Instead, Seonghwa pulled me closer, trapping me against his chest. “I can protect you,” He crooned, “You don’t have to be scared.” He must have been able to hear my heart going crazy because he said, “It’s like you have a hummingbird trapped in your chest.”
There was a yell and then a loud snap and I jumped. I couldn't see anything and all I could think about were the texts I had just received. “L-let go of me, Seonghwa, please,” I whined, “You’re scaring me.”
Seonghwa leaned forward to speak into my ear, “Are you scared of me or of the situation?” He smoothed my hand over his chest and I could feel his heart beating steadily--not erratic like my own. “Just count my heartbeats and the lights will be back on soon enough.”
Oddly enough, I did just that. I felt his heart beat against my hand and it calmed me. Somehow, just knowing that someone else was there, someone who wasn’t terrified, soothed me. “Thank you,” I whispered.
“Anything for you,” Seonghwa said in a low voice and it made me… feel things I definitely did not want to feel.
The lights came back on and everyone cheered. And then someone screamed.
I buried my head into Seonghwa’s chest, I couldn't help it. I screwed my eyes shut. I didn’t want to see what my gift was. Tears were in my eyes and I could feel bilge burning the back of my throat. I just wanted this to be over, I just wanted this to stop.
Seonghwa brought his hand to my head and started to pat it. “There there, Lulu. It’ll all be over soon.”
“Lulu!” San shouted my name and I jumped out of Seonghwa’s grasp.
I ran towards his voice and then stopped in my tracks. Hanging from the second floor was that stupid bitch that always flirted with San at the parties. I despised her, and yeah, I probably wished her dead a few times when I was fuming but this! Her tongue hung out obscenely and there was the word WHORE carved out on her chest. Jesus!
“Don’t look, don’t look,” San said to me softly, gathering me up in his arms. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry I wasn’t there for you.”
“San!” I cried out and then started to sob into his arms. “I was so scared. You said the killer wouldn’t get us here. What if--”
San reassured me, rubbing his nose against the crown of my hair. “Don’t do that to yourself. The killer wouldn’t harm a hair on my head. I’m not even on the Dean’s list, right? That’s what the news is saying anyways.”
I leaned back to look into San’s eyes. “Weird. Seonghwa just said the same fucking thing.”
San grinned, “Oh, talking to Seonghwa now, are we? What happened to ‘he gives me the creeps’?”
“Do not start with me, Choi San,” I scolded him, “You’re the one that abandoned me as soon as we got into this stupid party and now--” I choked up.
I jumped when a hand landed on my back but I let out some tension when I heard Seonghwa’s voice. “I guess I should call the police. This is a pretty lame party.”
We drove back to my apartment in silence, but there was something that I couldn't stop mulling over. Why… why had both San and Seonghwa made it their top priority to make sure I was okay and… why hadn't they been more spooked about the murder that happened?!
༊*·˚Part One ||| All Posts ||| Part Three
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thesupreme316 · 1 year
Could I request Eddie Kington and the reader as mixed matched a team?
Eddie Kingston as a tag team partner (Eddie Kingston x Fem!Reader):
Genre: Crack
Summary: How I would imagine Eddie as your tag team partner
Word Count: 700
Supreme Speaks: OKAY IK IM LATE BUT BETTER THAN NEVER. thank you to @hookerforhook for being so patient and lovely (please lemme write more for you). I hope you and everyone else enjoys. ALSO, i hope everyone is doing well and remember you are loved and appreciated.
Warnings: slightly proofread, an obscene amount of yall (sorry I'm just country and hood)
Taglist (if you wanna be a part of it, lemme know): @hookerforhook @triscillal @wwenhlimagines @sheinthatfandom @hooks-martin
You know that older brother who loves you but will bully you at every given chance?
Yep, that’s Eddie
He’ll protect you from your opponents, will drop a ref for you, will chew everyone and their mommas out 
But is quick to spear you and give you a noogie
I feel like the way ya’lls team came to be wasn’t because he was soughing after a tag team partner (cause he’s Eddie Kingston and he’ll kick anyone's ass)
But it came to be when you helped even the odds with JAS and you actually didn’t mind fighting the dudes
At that moment, Eddie knew you were his partner
“Why Me?”
“Because you literally just kicked everyone’s ass…besides you’re the only other person in the back I like…besides Mox and Lulu of course.”
That’s right; out of all the enemies and allies he had in the back, he considered you an ally
HOWEVER, I still think he wouldn’t open up to you immediately but would gradually become more comfortable with you
At first, he would only talk to you for match purposes
And then he started hanging out with you a little bit before the show
And then he would text you “you good?” If he hasn’t heard from you (if you respond, he’ll say “great, btw fuck you”
Everything would change when he needed a place to crash cause all the hotel rooms were taken and you allowed him to crash with you
Although he left before you could wake up, he left you a note stating how he’s blessed that he has you as a friend
Now ya’ll at the point where ya’ll are inseparable
Where ever you go, he goes, and vice versa
Ya’ll in each other favorite contacts
Eddie would act like he genuinely doesn’t like you (in the eyes of others) but everyone knows he adores you
You two know each other like the back of your hands
Will tag you on Twitter posts that remind him of you, ya’lls friendship, or just things you need to see
Would say “EW” or “Gross” at you (if you're just walking by) or if you mess up in the ring he’ll laugh and say “you suck”
But heaven forbid someone else said that about you
Everyone can see how much you mean to him
Anyways you would do the same to and for him
You made it your goal to annoy the living shit out of him (and to make him scream and shake his fist at the sky)
But you were quick to shake someone if they irritate him
You played little pranks on him, stole his shirts (and threatened to burn them), made him cut promos on random items
“Now pretend he just lit your family on fire”
“Y/N, this is a toilet brush”
Now in the ring, your and Eddie’s styles complement each other
And you often came together to do tag team moves (especially the ones that Eddie learned from watching old Japanese tapes)
But if you were ready to get out the weapons, he was right behind you (either getting more weapons or just watching)
Essentially, you had crazy ideas and he just supported you in any way he could
Would not wear matching ring gear colors, but will match t-shirts with you (if you have tag team merchandise)
If not, ya’ll would wear each other’s designs
You two could pick up on the other’s next move without talking (you could expect/predict what he was gonna do and how you follow up or help)
Not gonna lie…Eddie would tag you in the match on the head/in the face
I can just see him lightly slap your head to signify a tag
If ya’ll won, then ya’ll were celebrating by doing chest bumps and getting food after the show
If ya’ll lost, Eddie would just berate everyone in sight (except for you)
Despite what he says, he would never talk down to you or degrade you (you’re his soft spot)
Would introduce you to Mox and form a trio if the situation called for it
Overall…Being Eddie Kingston’s tag team partner would be a rollercoaster, but one that would become your favorite rollercoaster
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luckyqueenreign · 2 years
The Moment I Knew 
Last week's spoilers were...A LOT. I think it sent most of us Suresh girlies into a tailspin, including myself. I had already written a Casa Amor Reunion...didn't think we needed another but then I just started writing. This is coming from what I really truly hope happens on Ep 30...because if it doesn't then I'll just continue to carry on this fic and carry us Suresh girls through the rest of the season. I won't let us down like FB did. 😫😫😫😫
Also MC standing there at the fire pit gave me such "The moment I knew" vibes when I was reading it, hence the name 😭🥰
@fujihime-litg @future-mrs-suresh @squishy-noodles @hi-im-karla @kunepie
Gemma should’ve known better. She should’ve trusted her instincts that Suresh wouldn’t change, he hadn’t changed. How could she ever expect to trust him again after he brought back Lulu from Casa Amor? Gathered around the firepit, watching the last of the recoupling, she tried to look strong, but she couldn’t stop the tears from welling in her eyes and her bottom lip from quivering. She could feel his eyes on her, but she refused to look in his direction. She inhaled deeply and bit down on her bottom lip, hard, trying to keep her composure until she could cry in the beach hut alone. 
** Text Ping ** 
Eddie as you are now single, you have been dumped from the island. Please pack your bags. 
“Guess this is it then guys.” Eddie said solemnly, shuffling his feet.
The islanders all got up and moved towards him to say their goodbyes to Eddie. 
“This isn’t the end of the crew; we’ll all see each other soon enough,” Finn said, enveloping Eddie in a big hug. 
As Gemma walked over to join the others, she felt a large, warm hand on her arm. 
“Gem…can we talk?” Suresh asked.
She whipped around to face him, flinching at his touch.
“Are you really this selfish? You can’t even take some time to say goodbye to your friend before you make this about you. I don’t want to talk to you. I’m trying to say goodbye to Eddie,” she hissed. 
“Gem you don’t understand -” he tried. 
“Suresh. Enough.” she growled. 
This time eliciting a few looks from some of the other islanders. 
“Give her some space, Suresh,” Arlo said, giving Gemma a sympathetic look. 
“Besides, Suresh, don't you think you and I should have a chat before you and Gemma?” Alfie asked, annoyed. 
“I’m so sorry Eddie. I can’t deal with all of this right now. I’ll miss you.” Gemma brushed past the other islanders, giving Eddie a quick hug and ran inside the villa, locking herself in the beach hut. 
In the privacy of the beach hut, the emotions of the night hit Gemma like a ton of bricks and for the first time tonight she finally allowed herself to cry. A flood of tears streamed down her face as different thoughts whirled through her mind. He said I was the only girl for him. What happened? Why would he bring anyone back here when it was so obvious, I was always going to choose him. 
Gemma’s thoughts were interrupted by a gentle knock on the door. 
“Gem…you, ok?” Dana asked. 
Gemma sniffled and wiped away her tears. 
“Yeah…I’ll be ok. I just don’t want to talk about it right now.” 
“The girls are getting ready for bed, why don’t you come get ready with us?” 
Gemma slowly got up, wiping away any last remaining signs of tears but she couldn’t hide her glossy, red swollen eyes. 
“Oh Gem,” Dana grabbed her for a hug. “I really think you should talk to Suresh ton-…” 
“Dana, don’t.” Gemma said glaring at Dana and walking away from her before she got a chance to say anything else.
The girls walked into the dressing room, where Kat, Arlo and Lulu had already started to get ready for bed. Dana looked at them with wide eyes and motioned “no”, a sign to leave Gemma alone for tonight. 
“Arlo, you think you and Pete will get frisky tonight,” Kat asked giggling. 
“We shall soon see, and what about you? Big reunion night for you and Finn. Will you seal the deal tonight?” 
“Let’s just say…If you see anything going bump in the night, don’t get spooked.” Kat giggled. 
“Hey where’s Gabi?” Dana asked. 
Lulu shifted uncomfortably in her seat and awkwardly looked away from Gemma. 
“She just went down and said she was going to pull Suresh for a chat.” Lulu said. 
“She was pulling Suresh? Why? She said she was over him,” Dana said confused. 
Lulu shrugged and continued to remove her makeup. 
“She didn’t say babe,” Lulu said.
It hadn’t been more than two minutes and Gabi was back in the dressing room. 
“Good chat, then?” Dana asked, annoyed. 
“I couldn’t find him.” Gabi said as she pulled her pajamas out of the dresser. 
Dana rolled her eyes and walked towards the bedrooms. 
Gemma walked outside to sleep on the daybeds alone, her and Alfie hadn’t gotten a chance to chat about the state of their coupling, but she knew where her head was at. Alfie was an amazing guy, funny, sweet, charismatic but she couldn’t stop that gnawing feeling that there was something missing with him. She didn’t feel the spark, the electricity she felt with Suresh and she couldn’t continue to lead him on any further. She’d have a conversation with him tomorrow and cool things off.
In the middle of the night, Gemma woke up to a terrifyingly loud clap of thunder. All around her rain was pouring down in thick sheets, soaking her completely. 
Fuck. Now this too. In the darkness, Gemma ran inside the villa, as she walked through the bedroom she kept her head low, not wanting to risk seeing Suresh cuddled up in bed with Lulu. Just the thought of it brought fresh tears to her eyes. Leaving a wet trail of footsteps in the hallway, Gemma grabbed a fresh duvet from the closet and walked into the living room to sleep on the couch. What she didn’t expect to find was a couple already sleeping on one end of the couch.  
Who is that? 
Gemma tiptoed closer to see if she could make out who it was. 
Alfie and Lulu?
What the hell is going on? 
Gemma stood there cold and confused, a puddle was starting to form under her and she needed to get out of these wet clothes. She was too tired to head upstairs and dig through her things for new pajamas but she also couldn’t sleep in her wet clothes. She noticed on the other side of the couch, one of the boys left a large hoodie, she peeled off her wet pajamas and slipped on the hoodie. She assumed it might’ve been Alfie’s since he was in the living room, but the second it went over her head she knew it was Suresh’s. His smell flooded her nostrils and she drank him in. Memories of their shared past started to surge through her mind. She didn’t understand what was going on, why Lulu was sleeping with Alfie, but she resigned to let him explain himself tomorrow.  
Gemma was woken up by an unbearable burning in the back of her throat, her entire body ached and she felt cold even though she was covered under the duvet and in Suresh’s hoodie. She sneezed, stirring both Alfie and Lulu awake. 
Surprised there was someone else in the room with them, Lulu looked up to see Gemma. 
“Gemma! Oh no babe are you ok? You don’t look well.” Lulu asked with a look of concern. 
Gemma shook her head no, slowly. “Pretty sure I’ve got a cold. Throat is on fire.” 
“Oh no, babe do you need anything?” Lulu asked.
“Yes, to know what’s going on here? Why are you two on the couch?” 
With this Alfie sat up and gave Gemma a small smile. 
“Suresh wanted to speak to you about this last night but you shot him down, which I completely understand where you were coming from because of your past history. I’m not judging you!” He said, raising his palms in the air. “So let me just explain it now. When we got to Casa Amor, Lulu and I instantly clicked, and Suresh was worried this would get you sent home. I told him that I couldn’t save you twice, especially not when I had a connection this strong. I told him I was going to follow my heart and would be choosing Lulu and that I’d be sad to lose you. But at the recoupling he got to choose first, when he said Lulu’s name I was really mad but that was the moment I knew how much he really likes you. He barely spoke to Lulu or any of the Casa girls. Suresh only did that so that I would be forced to walk back in single and secure your spot in the villa. He switched to Lulu for you, Gem.” 
“There was nothing between you two then, Lulu? Or anyone else at Casa?” Gemma asked bewildered. 
“No Gemma, he was completely closed off all Casa. He was all about you.” Lulu said. 
Just then Suresh ran into the living room. 
“Alf, have you seen Gemma? She’s not outside.” 
Alfie nodded towards the couch and Suresh looked down, Gemma tried to lift her head up but sneezed instead. Taking their cue, Alfie and Lulu headed into the bedroom leaving Gemma and Suresh alone in the living room to talk. 
“Gem, are you ok?”
Suresh rushed over to the couch next to Gemma. 
“Shit, you’re burning up,” he said, feeling her forehead. 
“I don’t feel great if I’m honest. I got caught in the rain last night. I must’ve slept through part of it because I woke up soaked.” 
“Can I get you something? Tea?” 
Gemma sniffled, holding back a sneeze and nodded yes. “And tissues please.” 
Suresh ran back a few minutes later with a bevy of items, but Gemma had dozed back to sleep. 
“Gem…” he said as he brushed her hair back lightly with his fingertips.
Gemma coughed and Suresh moved closer to her. 
“Damn Gem, you’re really sick. Come here.” He says as he scooted closer to her on the couch and put his arm around her to cuddle her close. 
“Part of me still wants to tell you to fuck off but I feel like death right now and I don’t have the energy.” She said as she melted into his chest. 
“I got you some tea and honey. I found some cold medicine in the med kit and refilled your water bottle. Come on let me help you sit up.” 
As she took a long sip of her tea, letting it coat her throat that was still on fire, she looked at him and didn’t know what to think. So many unanswered questions, but she at least had the answer to one. He never chose Lulu. He chose her.  
“Gemma, can we please talk about everything?”
Gemma took another long sip of her tea and nodded before placing it on the coffee table.
“The recoupling last night…it’s not what you think,” he started. 
“Alfie explained just now. Did you really steal Lulu so he couldn’t couple up with her?” 
“I had to protect you. I knew Alfie would understand if I stole Lulu and he would stick with you. I had to try. Because at the end of it all, our journey isn’t over Gemma. I told you I would fight for you; I would fight for us. So here I am, right now asking you to please let me fight for you.” 
Gemma looked at him fondly as if seeing him for the first time. 
“I want you to fight for us too, Suresh.” 
Suresh smiled widely and moved closer to kiss her. 
“Nooo…Suresh I’m so gross and sick. You’ll get sick too.” 
“I don’t care. I’ll survive.” 
Suresh closed the distance between them, bringing his lips to hers. The kiss was gentle and warm. His lips softly caressing hers, he moved his fingers to the nape of her warm neck and gently tugged on her hair. Suresh pulled back to stare into her eyes and smiled, reveling in the moment. Gemma smiled lovingly back at him, grabbing him by the neck and pulling him back in towards her, crashing their lips passionately together. 
“Suresh…” Gabi said.  Gemma and Suresh released each other and looked up to see Gabi watching them, awkwardly. “Can I pull you for a chat?” 
“I can’t right now. I’m in the middle of something.”
“So, you’re just not going to speak to me while we’re here, then?” she asked, annoyed. 
Suresh sighed. “Gemma is sick and I’m not leaving her side.” 
A Text ping is heard from the other room. 
“Well looks like none of us are going to be able to finish our chat. Come on Gem.” He helped her off the couch. “By the way, are you wearing my hoodie?”
She smiled at him. 
“I was too tired to go upstairs last night when I came in all wet so I just figured it was one of the boys and you guys wouldn’t mind if I wore it.” 
“It looks amazing on you.” He said, kissing her forehead. 
Gemma and Suresh walked into the bedroom holding hands, with Gabi following closely behind them. 
“Well, well, well…where have you two been? Oh, rather you three! Saucy!” Kat said. 
They moved to sit on a nearby empty bed and Suresh held his arm out for Gemma to cuddle while she sat. 
“Gem, are you feeling ok? You look…” Dana hesitated. 
“Awful! Like well and truly awful!” Kat finished her sentence.
Suresh hugged Gemma closer and gave her a small kiss on her forehead. 
“She’s sick, Kat, and she still looks beautiful,” Suresh said beaming down at Gemma.
“This is cozy! Are you guys back together?” Kat asked. 
“Guys let me read the text!” Pete said impatiently. 
“Yeah, I’m out. I’m way too sick for a food challenge today,” Gemma said sniffling. 
“I’m out too then,” Suresh said. 
“Um…That’s not how this works. You can’t just be out Suresh,” Gabi said. 
G – can you come meet a producer in the beach hut?
Gemma headed up the stairs and her favorite producer, Claire, was waiting for her with a medic. 
“G, my girl! I’m so sorry you’re sick! Let’s get you sorted with some meds and get you checked out by our medic.”
“Thanks Claire! Will I have to do the challenge today?”  
“You’re really not up for it?” 
“I’m really not, I feel terrible. Throat hurts, body aches, chills.” 
“Ok then we can definitely let you take the pass today.” 
“Hey Claire, I want a pass today too, then. I’ll stay back and take care of Gemma.” Suresh said walking into the beach hut. 
“No Suresh! First off, you know you can’t be in here with us right now, it’s against the rules. Secondly, you’re not in a couple with Gemma and it would screw up the order too much. I’m sorry but you’ll need to compete in the challenge today, Gemma will be here when you get back.” 
“Resh, it's fine. I’m honestly so exhausted. I’ll probably sleep all afternoon. You’d be so bored and have nothing to do.” Gemma said. 
“Being with you could never bore me,” he said, smiling at her. 
“Nope! Guys stop none of this cute stuff! We can’t use any of it because I’m here. Suresh please go downstairs babe.” Claire said, shoving him out of the room.  
Gemma slept for most of the afternoon and only woke in a sleepy medicine filled haze when she felt someone stroking her hair.
“Reshh…” she groaned sleepily. 
Suresh walked over to Gemma’s bed and sat up next to her, wrapping one arm around her and checking her temperature with the other one.
“How are you feeling, Gem?” Suresh asked. 
“I’m a little better…what’s going on?” Gemma asked groggily. 
“We’re back from the challenge and I wanted to check in on you.” 
“My throat’s not on fire anymore so that’s a plus.” 
As Suresh leaned in to kiss Gemma on the forehead, Gabi walked into the bedroom. 
“Suresh…can we go for that chat now?” Gabi asked.
“Maybe it’s time that the three of us all talked, since what you want to talk to him about also affected me,” Gemma said. 
“I’d rather it just be me and Suresh,” Gabi said, eyeing Gemma narrowly. 
“Why Gabi? Anything you need to say, you can say it in front of Gemma. I want no secrets from her and I want everything that happened in our past cleared up so Gemma and I can move on together.” 
Gabi looked annoyed but nodded. 
“Fine…Suresh. Let’s start with an easy one, then. Why did you ghost me when everything was going so well?” Gabi asked disappointedly. 
Suresh sighed. “Gabi I’m really sorry for ghosting you, but I always thought we were on the same page that what we had was more…casual encounters. I was a mess after Gemma and I broke up, but I was nowhere near ready to make any sort of commitments to anyone.” 
“So basically I was a rebound?” Gabi asked. 
“I don’t want to hurt you Gabi, but I was in a dark place. Like I said I wasn’t ready to jump into a relationship at that time. I shouldn’t have led you on and hope you can forgive me for that.” 
“So when did this all start?” Gemma asked. 
“A few weeks after we broke up, but it burned out just as quick,” Suresh said. 
Gabi rolled her eyes and looked away. 
“What about your toothbrush at her place?” Gemma asked. 
“Huh?” Suresh asked, confused looking at both women. 
“Gabi told us at Casa Amor that the two of you were getting serious, speaking about committing and you even had a toothbrush at her place.” 
At this Gabi blushed. 
Suresh looked at Gabi confused. “Gabi? The extra toothbrush that you gave me?” 
“Yes!” she said. 
“I wouldn’t say that is filling up the barometer for a relationship meter, but ok.” 
“You still haven’t answered The first half of my question, Resh… about you guys speaking about getting serious and committing.”
“Sorry the toothbrush thing confused me. Gabi I know our last chat you said you wanted to take this a step further and you wanted to be boyfriend/girlfriend. Up until that point I had tricked myself into believing that I was over Gemma, but having to actually replace her, having someone else claim her rightful title was too much for me to bear. I panicked and couldn’t bring myself to end things with you. I’m sorry about that. You deserved better. I shouldn’t have led you on for months when I knew all I wanted was Gemma. I really wish I could’ve ended things properly with you and explained it all to you then. But I'm hoping you’ll accept my apology now.” 
Gabi sighed deeply.  “Thank you Suresh, seriously.” She hugged him and walked off. 
“Gem, are you okay with all this?” he said. 
“Why didn’t you tell me? We’ve been here for weeks now. All of my secrets have come out and you’ve just stayed silent hiding this bomb the whole time.” 
“Gem, you’re right I should’ve told you sooner. But truly she never meant anything serious to me and it’s not like we’ve run down the list of people we’ve slept with since we’ve broken up.” Suresh said. 
“She’s a little different, don’t you think?” 
“You’re right. I’m sorry. I really didn’t want to unnecessarily hurt you over something that didn’t mean anything to me. Are we good?” 
Gemma sighed deeply, closed her eyes and nodded. 
Before she had a chance to say anything else, Suresh kissed her deeply, his hands exploring her warm body. 
“Resh…come on you need to stop. You’re gonna get sick too.” 
“A risk I’m willing to take. He settled in next to her, held her in his arms and started to slowly kiss her all over. There was a tenderness to the kisses searing her body. Starting on her shoulders, her neck, her ears, he lightly bit her ear lob, he trailed kisses on her jawline until finally meeting her lips again. Gemma gasped as Suresh released her, he softly caressed her face and looked deeply into her eyes. 
“Gemma I know this is a lot for you to take in, but my mind hasn’t changed. I want you and only you. I want to risk getting sick because I can’t bear the idea of wasting minutes not kissing you. I'd stay back in the villa for every challenge while you slept, just to be near you, to hold you. You’re my absolute favorite person in this world and there’s nothing that I wouldn’t do to make you mine once again.” 
Gemma stared lovingly back at him with her red rimmed eyes, red nose and swollen lips. For her, it felt like a million little stars had just aligned. She knew she wanted Suresh as much as he wanted her, but she was also extremely terrified of losing him again.
“I’m scared, Resh…losing you once was…it was…it was really fucking hard Suresh.” 
“I know Gem. I know. I’ve put you through a lot and made promises I didn’t keep before. But I can promise you this, I will never give up on us, I will never stop trying, I will always fight for us Gem. Because it’s what you deserve.” 
Gemma couldn’t wait a second longer and closed the distance between her and Suresh, crashing her lips on his passionately. They melted into each other, her fingers pressed into his hips as he explored her body, gently caressing her. 
“I missed you so much, Resh.” 
“I missed you too, Gem.”
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brasister · 2 years
Damn another disappoint episode who would have thought, I’m also starting to dislike everyone at this point. I’ll talk about the girls first and the future characters. Does anybody truly like MC at this point. I wanna know who sighed a relief we stayed, besides Suresh and Dana.
Meera- She deserved to stay in my opinion, she was another Kelly for us. She had the best potential with Alfie and I’ll still ship them as a thing. 
Arlo- I feel bad she has to be another poc who is going to have hate on her (especially if ppl like Suresh) I would have wanted her and my MC to be friends, but she is shit talking my MC and that won’t fly. I also don’t get this whole Arlo and Finn thing. I don’t buy it.
Kat- When is she leaving? I’m so tired of her backhand talking. I’m ready to start fighting her for real. Why does she think we will support her with Finn, when she’s only been a bitch to Mc. Kat and Finn are cracking and not in a good way. She is just another toxic character, in a toxic relationship.
Dana- How many times do we have to decline her for her to get we are not interested. I can be cool to being her friend, but she’s making it impossible to even like her as a friend. All I ask is if her and Arlo are here to stay, please be ENDGAME. I like them together. They both don’t have good chemistry with any of the boys. Eddie doesn’t deserves her.
Lulu- Can she be good character and not be another bitch to our MC. Also not loving her hair, but do like her outfits.
Emma- (we don’t have a face to the character yet) 
Gabrielle- I knew she was turtle girl, bet she will be another enemy. She and Arlo can fight for Suresh and they can leave me out of it. If she’s in the villa to be a li, or best friends then I wouldn’t mind getting to know her. But if she’s another Kat/Arlo then she can stay far away from me.
Eddie- Fusebox did him dirty, just to please Alfie/Suresh in their favor. His so annoying, I’m ready to see him leave. I hope I can find good fanfiction for him and how he should have been written. I don’t get what his plan is for Dana, and why his soooo sweet to Suresh (does he have a crush on him?) all he does is stir the pot.
Finn- Oh how I wish we can have him already, and not dread on to this pointless thing with Kat and Arlo. I want to think his only reason for not going for us is bc of Alfie and that will be okay in my book. If his endgame, I’ll go for him next round. (his like another Will/Youcef that will tell us later his interested in us if we unlock him)
Alfie- Guess fusebox got their way again, now were stuck with him. He had his shot with Meera. Now he will only get nothing from us. (When is GIRLS choice to pick, let me be first)
Suresh- The real main character, the one fusebox actually gives a shit about. They obvi like to support a toxic, cheating, jealous, man-child, over the top ex (I’m glad others like him, but his a no for me for now. Lets see if I can like him towards the end)
 Pete- *side-eye, Rosalia way* moving on
Jonny- *dreamy-eye, trying not to drool* please be a good person to our MC, not like the other trash a-holes. Can anyone let me know if his a li please. 
Nicolas- Lets cross fingers his another good person too and a li. (fusebox, couldn’t find another hairstyle for him, so he doesn’t have to look like my boo Bruno) 
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the-nexus · 2 months
He knows it's hardly classy to come back home so inebriated, with tie loosened, buttons undone, and hershey strands a complete and utter mess, but tonight is a cause for celebration. Alastor's has been awarded Radio Host of the Year and is understandably over the moon about it.
Drinks galore at the pub, offered by those who had helped him make it all possible, and of course, he brings food back home for Lu and Charlie. It's a little shuffled around in the box from his less than graceful movements as he bumps and slumps against the doorframe on his way in, but he'll swear it tastes just as good as when it had been initially plated should and complaints arise.
"Lulu..." There's a desperation to his voice as he seeks out his royal partner, finding him in bed at this late hour. He crawls atop him and starts kissing at his neck, more passionately than he ever has before. "Marry me. Marry me, won't you?" He gets more aggressive as the seconds pass, like the mere thought of not loving on Lucifer for even a second may kill him.
"I don't have a ring yet... no, not yet, but I... fuck, I love you so, so, so, so much... Lulu..."
Is his proposal serious? Or just some intense, drunken declaration of love? Regardless, he wants to make a husband out of this devil king turned human florist.
It was a time for celebration, indeed! Lucifer could not have been more proud of Alastor's achievement! He and Charlie spent the day celebrating with his ecstatic lover, but were unable to attend the pub visit. Lucifer had urged Alastor to enjoy his victory with friends and others, which the king was pleased to see he did.
That man deserved the world.
As the hour grew late, Lucifer found it hard to stay awake, as did sweet Charlie. After putting her to bed, the florist also retired for the night. He knew Alastor would arrive home at some point. Let him celebrate and enjoy his award! Drink to his heart's content! Be merry and enjoy his night!
Not long after the blond had fallen asleep, did he awake to the sound of Alastor's less than graceful return, his voice calling to him. Before he could even sit up, Alastor was atop him, coating his neck in a sea of loving kisses. It was clear he was intoxicated, but Lucifer didn't mind. He was happy, and that was what mattered to him. He reached hands to sink them into his beloved's already messy hair.
"Marry me. Marry me, won't you?"
Lucifer's eyes widened, his heart ceasing for a moment as those words circled his mind. Did he just-- More hungry did his lover's affections become, shocking his stunned heart back into action. He drew a breath, realizing he'd been holding it in. Hands withdrew from Alastor's hair, moving now to his shoulders to push him back enough to allow their eyes to meet.
Was this real? Was he really asking him, Lucifer Morningstar, King of Hell, to marry him? Lucifer was at such a loss for words. On one hand, he was overjoyed, swelling with emotions, but on the other...Alastor was very much drunk. How certain was he of his own words? How well within his own mind was he after so much alcohol? Was it really him talking or the booze?
Tears filled his eyes, streaming down like a waterfall. He was choking on his own breath as he fought with himself to contain his emotions. Pulling Alastor in, he kissed his lips desperately, his arms wrapping so tightly around the loving brunet. Kiss after kiss, he pours every ounce of his love into each one.
When, finally, they did part, Lucifer smiling at him. "Yes. Yes, today. Yes, tomorrow. A hundred years from now, yes. I will." Again, he captured Alastor's lips, smoothing palms down the others face.
"If you truly mean it, then I want you to ask me again in the morning. Can you do that for me, my love?"
He wanted to be absolutely certain it was Alastor speaking and not the alcohol that filled his system. If Alastor asked again come the next morning, Lucifer's emotions would crumble and he would break down with utter joy.
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heyyyharry · 3 years
(inspired by happier by Olivia Rodrigo)
Word count: 2.4k
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I'm selfish, I know, I can't let you go So find someone great, but don't find no one better I hope you're happy, but don't be happier
Part 1: Drivers License
Part 2: Deja Vu
A/N: I edited the original lyrics to match the POV :)
Harry had come up with a thousand scenarios of how this day would play out. Actually, he’d been thinking of this day since the moment he’d received the news. He didn’t dare to hope that she’d say yes to coming back for a sequel. He’d been sure that they would write her character off, give a lame excuse for how his love interest could not make a return and make his character forget about her completely to move on with a new girl in town. It would have been great if it was that easy in real life. Once someone was written off the script, they were gone for good. Real-life relationships were not that simple. Goodbye didn’t mean ‘never see you again’. You would still share the same friend circle and social bubbles, and it was worse when you two worked in the same industry. Harry didn’t know how he’d lasted a year without running into her, not since the Grammys.
“Didn’t you two date?”
“No.” Harry shook his head, but his eyes stayed glued on Y/N from across the room. She wasn’t looking his way, too busy saying hello to everyone else. “No,” he repeated, more to himself than to his co-star. “We didn’t.”
“But she wrote an entire album about you,” said the other twin. What was her name again? Lulu?
“Luna!” cried her sister, Lex. “You can’t ask him that!”
“No, it’s okay,” Harry said with a tight smile, slightly annoyed by the blonde twins, but he didn’t want to seem like an ass on the first day of filming. “And I don’t know if it was for me. You should ask Y/N.”
“Ask me what?”
Harry flinched when he looked up and saw Y/N padding towards them. She hugged the twins, who seemed way too excited. Harry guessed they were Y/N’s fans. They gave off crazy fangirl vibes, probably just pretending not to know the drama to interrogate him. He couldn’t blame them for assuming he was the villain and definitely could not blame Y/N for portraying him as one. It was more important that he knew who he was and how much he had changed since his last relationship. Maybe they could finally be friends.
“Were they bothering you?” Y/N asked him once the twins had left.
Harry nodded. “They’re your friends?”
“Oh, I met them last year on tour. I’m surprised you don’t know them. They were on Disney.”
“I don’t watch Disney,” Harry admitted with a smile. “Well, not today’s Disney.”
“Understandable.” Y/N nodded and bit her lip. She seemed guarded with her straight back and hands hidden behind her. She eyed him up and down, quite subtle yet noticeable. “How have you been?”
“Pretty good,” he said, nodding slowly. “You?”
“Yeah, but mostly tired because of tour.”
“You’re done?”
“Yup, last night was the last show.”
Y/N raised an eyebrow. “Nice?”
Harry blinked. “Did I say something wrong?”
“No.” Y/N giggled. “You still sound very...you.”
“Well, shouldn’t I?”
“Yeah, you should. But it’s been a year so…I mean, you haven’t changed much.”
“Right,” he said lowly, his eyes falling to his feet. Harry supposed he should say something else, perhaps bringing up another random topic to discuss, but all he could think about was what had happened between them. Things had been messy, hadn’t they? How could they go back to before that? Before her first song about him. Before he’d chosen someone else over her.
Or he could talk about her new relationship. She’d been in a happy relationship for almost six months, right? No wait, hadn’t they broke up two weeks ago? He wasn’t sure because he hadn’t been catching up. If they’d broken up, he’d sound like an ass to even mention her ex’s name. He should just stay quiet.
“I’ll see you later?” she said, gesturing at her stylist who was waiting by the door.
Harry could ask her right now -- the reason she’d agreed to film the sequel to their first movie together. He’d heard from a very reliable source that she’d specifically asked her agent to decline any project that he was in. So did this mean they were good? That she didn’t hate him anymore? He could have gathered his courage and got the answer right then…
“Yeah, see you.”
...but he didn’t.
And so she gave him a smile and a little wave, then happily returned to her stylist.
“See you tomorrow, Y/N!”
“See you, Annie!” Y/N said as she put the rest of her things into her tote bag. Her new driver had got her schedule mixed up, and so she had to wait here for another half an hour. She was in no rush. It had been a light first day, and she’d had a fun time getting to know the new cast members and catching up with old friends.
She sat on the sofa in the lobby, legs crossed, texting her best friend about her day. She’d purposely left out the short off-screen conversation with Harry, and her best friend didn’t even bother to ask. In their world, he didn’t exist, and his name was censored in every conversation like a curse word that was even worse than ‘cunt’. Nevertheless, she didn’t hate him anymore. She was doing just fine on her own, being busy with her career, and she’d been in a happy relationship after her fall out with him.
She and the guy, a model, had broken up two weeks ago due to long distance and some differences that they could not change. They had ended on good terms and decided to stay friends. They said you could only stay friends with your ex when you still had feelings for each other, or you had never loved each other that much in the first place. For her, it was probably the latter. Her previous relationship had been more platonic than romantic, apparently. So she had nothing but the best to say about him.
As she was going through her camera roll, just reminiscing about the past, she heard footsteps approaching and looked up to find Harry. He offered a smile and gestured to the spot beside her on the sofa. “May I sit here? My ride is late.”
“Yeah, sure.” She hurriedly scooted over.
“Good job today,” he said. “You were great.”
“Thanks, so were you.” She smiled, and they both looked away at the same time. This was so awkward. She hated small talk. She’d never had to have small talk with Harry. Conversations with him used to be so easy and natural and silly. Whatever this was, it wasn’t them.
“Can we just be normal?”
At first, Y/N thought she’d been the one who’d said it, so when she realised it’d been Harry, she was speechless.
He swallowed and sat a bit straighter, still not looking at her. “I don’t want us to be weird and awkward.”
“Okay,” she said.
He cleared his throat. “Wanna try again?”
“Yeah, sure.”
“Okay, not to sound like an ass but when Joey kept forgetting his lines, I was so pissed off, I could throw a chair at the wall.”
“Right?!” exclaimed Y/N, feeling free to have finally broken out of her shell. “Like, he doesn’t even have many lines. I know he’s new but damn...you can’t get far if you don’t learn your goddamn lines.”
Harry shook with laughter. “Oh God, we sound like dicks, don’t we?”
“Maybe.” Y/N laughed, covering her mouth. “But you know what? We can’t be nice in this industry. It’s impossible.”
“Shhh, if someone heard this, we would be into big trouble.”
“Oh please, I’ve had worse articles written about me than ‘Y/N speaks facts about her lazy co-star’.”
Harry tossed his head back and cackled. “The worst one I’ve got this week was ‘Harry Styles hates therapists.’”
“What?!” Y/N gasped. “No way! That’s so stupid!”
“Right?” Harry rolled his eyes. “I could get all my therapists to speak up for me but I’m kinda immune to bullshit now.”
“Therapists? Like plural?”
“Yeah, one in every city.”
Y/N rubbed her hands onto her legs. “Rough year?”
Harry’s eyes rolled to the back of his head as he leaned back. “You have no idea.” Then he swept his hair out of his eyes, sucked in a breath, and finally looked at her. “I wish I could have talked to you, though.”
She bit her tongue, knowing what she was about to say next would disappoint her best friend so much, but she had to. “So do I.”
Harry looked taken aback before his lips curled into a smile. “It’s silly, isn’t it? I haven’t talked to you in a year, and I feel like I know everything that’s happened to you except that I don’t.”
What he’d just said might make no sense for most people, but Y/N knew exactly what he meant. She nodded and wetted her lip. “You only know as much as everyone else does.”
“Yeah, I got updates on you from the news and our friends.”
“Same.” Y/N smiled back. “I hate how they write articles about your new haircut but not mine.”
“I like your new hair colour.”
“Thanks. I like your new car.”
Then they both burst out laughing. It was fun and also a little bit strange that Y/N didn’t feel the same anxiety talking to him as she used to. It must be because they had grown and were now meeting again as better people.
“Damn, my ride's here,” Y/N said as she read the text from her driver. “I gotta go now.”
“Oh, okay.” Harry stood up and followed Y/N to the entrance. “Hey, just wondering--”
“Am I...am I still blocked?” He looked a bit flustered as she tilted her head and squinted her eyes. “On your phone. Because I remember you having my number blocked--”
“I unblocked you on your birthday.”
“Oh, really?”
“Yeah.” Y/N shrugged. “I should’ve sent you a happy birthday text but...I didn’t want your girlfriend to get the wrong ideas.”
“My ex.”
“Yeah, I know.”
They smiled at each other one last time before saying goodbye. Y/N knew it was silly, but she was hoping he would go after her.
A notification popped up when she was in the car. She was almost home, and it was from Harry’s number. He’d sent her a link with a message that said, “Hope you like it :)”.
Curious, she tapped on it and was directed to an audio file titled ‘Track 5’. The upload date was last year. About two weeks after their short conversation at the Grammys.
Hurriedly, she fumbled inside her bag for her iPods and put it on before she pressed play.
“Hey, Jeff, I couldn’t sleep so I wrote this song. Listen and let me know if it should go on the album.”
Then came the piano intro. It sounded good, so Y/N wondered how it hadn’t ended up on his last album.
But when he started to sing...
We ended a while ago Your friends are mine, you know, I know You've moved on, found someone new One more guy who brings out the better in you
And I thought my heart was detached From all the sunlight of our past But he’s so nice, he’s so funny Does he mean you forgot about me?
Oh, I hope you're happy But not like how you were with me I'm selfish, I know, I can't let you go So find someone great, but don't find no one better I hope you're happy, but don't be happier
And does he tell you you’re the most beautiful girl he’s ever seen? An eternal love bullshit he might not even mean Remember when you were with me I meant it when you heard it first from me
And now I'm pickin' him apart Like cuttin' him down will make you miss my wretched heart But he’s charming, he looks kind He probably gives you butterflies
I hope you're happy But not like how you were with me I'm selfish, I know, I can't let you go So find someone great, but don't find no one better
I hope you're happy I wish you all the best, really Say you love him, baby Just not like you loved me And think of me fondly when your hands are on him I hope you're happy, but don't be happier
The song was for her. He’d written it when her new relationship had gone public. Y/N sat there, staring blankly ahead until the honking of a car tore open her inner peace, and reality came crashing back in. The driver dropped her off at her house. Instead of going inside, she stood on her front steps and replayed the song one more time. When it ended, she decided to text him: Why didn’t this make it to the album?
She didn’t know where he was now, but it showed ‘typing’ in less than a second, as if he’d been waiting in their chat since he’d sent that link.
You would’ve hated me, Y/N.
True, she replied. Still, I would’ve loved the song lowkey. And added, I love it btw.
He took so long to type that it was driving her crazy. She flopped down on the concrete stair with her phone clutched in her hands, her heart thundering against her ribcage. Anxiety popped like a balloon when his message appeared: Were you happier?
She reread it again and again.
I wasn’t either, he responded. I kept getting deja vu.
Ha, nice reference.
That song is my guilty pleasure. Love listening to you roasting me on loop.
That last message made Y/N bury her face into her palm and giggle like a fool. She thought for a second and wrote: I could come roast you in person now if that’s what you prefer. I think we’ve never had a proper roasting.
Can we meet, Y/N? Or are you busy now?
No, not busy.
Great, I’ll pick you up.
Just tell me where, she responded with a smile on her face. I got my drivers license now :)
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miyagihawk · 3 years
i don’t even know you anymore pt. 2 | eli “hawk” moskowitz x reader
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part one
a/n: a lot of people wanted a part 2 so here it is!! some hawk redemption :)))
warnings: a bit of swearing, mentions of violence maybe
summary: after your bad breakup with hawk, he wants a second chance
word count: 1,547
It’s been months after you and Hawk split, and you could confidently say that you’ve moved on.
It wasn’t easy; his group kept ruthlessly attacking your friends. It was like he wanted to make your life a living hell.
After that horrible fight at Golf N Stuff, watching Demetri’s arm get broken compelled you to join Miyagi Do. You never wanted to feel helpless again when your friends are in trouble.
Karate helped you move on. You became confident with yourself and instead of focusing on your break up, your mind was on self improvement. Seeing Hawk stoop down to his lowest level also helped; you wanted to be better than him.
“What... the hell?” you gasped.
As your friends arrived at your lunch table, they looked like they got trampled by a zoo. They almost looked unrecognizable with the amount of bruises and cuts decorating their faces.
Sitting down painfully, Sam said, “It’s a bit of a long story.”
“Well tell me! What happened last night, you guys look insane! Are you okay?” you exclaimed, worried and protective about your friends. They all looked so worn down, not meeting your eyes.
Last night, Miguel and Sam were planning on inviting both Miyagi Do and Eagle Fang over to “combine forces” against Cobra Kai. But you felt sick, so you couldn’t make it.
Your mouth fell slightly open as another person came up to the table.
What is he doing here?
No one was answering you, but you couldn’t blame them, they probably had the worst night.
Ignoring Hawk’s gaze on you, you got up from your seat and walked around the table to Miguel. You grabbed his arm and he winced. “Sorry,” you apologized, leading him out of the cafeteria into the hallway.
“Miguel can you just tell me what happened last night, who did this to you? And why is he here? I couldn’t make it one time and this happened, god, you couldn’t have texted me or someth-”
“Y/N, Y/N please calm down,” Miguel placed his hands on your shoulders, and it was only then you realized how hard you were breathing.
“Look at you. Look at everyone,” you felt your eyes tearing up. You were angry and frustrated, at yourself for not being there. Maybe you couldn’t have done much, but you still could’ve helped.
“Hey, I’m okay, alright? Everyone’s fine, just relax,” he took a deep breath before continuing, “Cobra Kai came last night.”
“What? To Sam’s house? How did they even-”
Miguel cut you off before you could ramble again, “I don’t know. But they showed up and it was like the school fight part two. Don’t worry though, they look pretty bad too. And we won,” he smiled.
“So why is... he... with us?” You looked over his shoulder through the cafeteria entrance where Hawk sit awkwardly with your friends, looking out of place.
“He helped us Y/N. I know things between you guys didn’t go down so well but I do believe he wants to change,” Miguel explained.
You tried to imagine Hawk fighting alongside Sam and Demetri, but it felt wrong. He’s done too much damage and you don’t think you can forgive him for any of it. How could they forgive him?
“Look, I lost Eli to Hawk too. I was friends with both of them. So I know that he’s being genuine. He wants to be better,” Miguel tried to convince you, leading you back to the cafeteria with him. “He also still cares about you, Y/N. I think you were the main reason he left Cobra Kai.”
You didn’t say anything, you just pondered on his words.
Could that be true? Hawk still cares about you? Then why did he put you through all this? Why now would he leave Cobra Kai for you when you aren’t even together?
You sat back down at the table, head hurting from all the questions you want the answer to.
There he was, sitting across from you. The only one who could really give you the answers. But you acted like he wasn’t there.
The first practice with Miyagi Do, Eagle Fang, and a tiny bit of Cobra Kai had just been dismissed. It ended early because it started raining, and you were all outside.
It went well. It definitely felt good to have a full team and that one less rivalry was gone.
But there was still a lot of awkward tension between you and Hawk. You guys had carefully avoided each other; you were never less than 5 feet apart and when you accidentally made eye contact, you both looked away in a millesecond. 
You said goodbye to your friends, putting up your hood over your head to prepare for your wet walk home.
You didn’t mind the rain, you actually loved it. But despite the Valley being known for its good weather, the winters were still harsh and frigid.
You hugged yourself with your arms as shivers shook your body. The sound of a car pulling up made you turn around; your first thought being that someone might kidnap you.
But the red car was familiar and you refrained from running away. The window was rolled down and Hawk’s face was revealed. “Y/N, what the fuck are you doing?”
“I’m walking home,” you say bluntly, and start continuing your walk. His car follows beside you, matching your pace.
“It’s cold as shit. Come on, I’ll give you a ride,” Hawk offered.
“No thanks,” you said, not even looking at him.
As you quickened your stride, you heard his car engine turn off and his door open then shut.
He caught up to you, grabbing your arm to stop you from walking. “Get in the car,” he demanded, and you just rolled your eyes.
“Why would I get in the car with you?” You laughed mockingly and he swallowed. Raindrops were falling on his eyelashes and he looked pretty, but you shook away the thought.
“Fuck, why are you so difficult. You’ll get sick, just come on,” he pulled you towards him, then without thinking your karate reflexes kick in and you hit him in the chest.
You almost feel bad, but he steps back, with an almost proud and amused smile. He thought it was cute.
“Why do you care?!” you raised your voice over the rain.
“Y/N I-”
“Why? You didn’t care for all of these months! Why now? You didn’t care when I wanted you to stop hurting people, why do you want to change now?” You bombarded him with all the questions that have been swirling around in your thoughts for days.
“I did care! I do care. I’m sorry, Y/N. I really am. Just please get in the car and we’ll talk about it,” Hawk pleaded, reaching out for you again, but you pull your arm away. His jaw clenched from your rejection.
“And I still loved you! Through it all! You broke Demetri’s arm, one of my best friends. He was your best friend too! And I still missed you! Do you know how horrible that feels?” you continued letting out your anger. All of the things you’ve wanted to say to him are spilling out of your mouth and you don’t even notice your tears.
His eyes were starting to brim with tears too, but you couldn’t tell if it was just the rain.
“I am sorry Y/N. For everything. I’ve never stopped fucking loving you and I missed you too. Like hell. I can’t take back what I did to Demetri but I’m trying, I’m trying to fix it,” he confessed, moving in closer to you.
“You’re a liar...” you hit him in the chest, but he didn’t budge. “You can’t say that... that you love me, you’re just a huge fucking liar!”
Before you could hit him again, he stopped your hands and put his arms around you. At first you tried to squirm out of his embrace, but eventually you gave in, letting out full sobs of heartbreak.
You missed this. His warmth and his soft skin. The way he rests his chin on the top of your head and how he rubs your back to soothe you. You hated the way you were just giving in, but you didn’t have it in yourself to pull away.
“You were right about all of it. I wasn’t myself,” he murmured into your hair. He missed holding you too, and he wondered how he went so long without doing so.
You looked up at him with your glassy eyes. His hair was drooping down from the mohawk because of the rain and he looked more like Eli.
The rain was still pouring down on both of you, but you had gotten used to it. Still in his arms, you were no longer shivering from the cold.
You lifted a hand up to place on his cheek, and you admire the kind blue eyes you’ve missed looking into.
You pushed your previous anger away and pressed your lips against his, revelling in the feeling of reuniting with your lover. You missed him so much. You got butterflies as you two moved together perfectly and he smiled against your lips.
“I never stopped loving you too, Eli.”
okay here’s a tag list for the people who wanted a part 2 :))) thank you so much for reading and feel free to send in any requests!
@rosiahills22 @sinicalh4wk @lina-lovebug @rudypankow-whore @miyagifang @blvxktvmmx @lulu-yuming @melinda-hargreeves @emmyboo019 @lllyyysss02
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maizumis · 3 years
LOVE IS NOT FOR EVERYONE - suna x fem!reader smau
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part 10: are we about to kiss right now?
summary: after years of not talking to each other, your childhood best friend decided to reach out again, how will everything go?
note: suggestive ‼️ yes they make out again, and what
series masterlist - playlist - part 11
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"you really made me go up only for you to put mascara on?" the two of you were now on his car, his right hand drawing circles on your thigh while your head was resting on the car window "yes, and what? be grateful now you know where do I live" he slightly chuckled and your remark before gripping with his hand was, turning up his eyes to the road again
the silence wasn't uncomfortable and you were grateful for that, your mind was going one hundred kilometers per hour full of thoughts that were especially about him, does he have a thing for you? friends with benefits? or the toy of the year? on top of all his moves weren't helping to ease your doubts
"you wanna know where I'm taking you?" he broke the silence, you only hummed at his question without turning your head, too focused on the little things the night could give you, even if the stars seemed less bright than before
"We are going to Osamu's shop to pick onigiri"
the mention of your high school friend made you turn around with a huge smile on your face " 'samu? as Miya Osamu? damn, rin! drive faster! we need to get there"
"hey, you seem happier to see Osamu than being with me, I'm the one holding your thigh for your information"
"And you were also the one to take another girl on a date, let me be happy to see him, rin!"
neither you nor he expected that answer; you took his hand out of your leg and turned your head around again, taking what the city could give you with a knot in your throat, thinking if your choice of words was the best, maybe you should apologize about it after
"We are here, let me open the door-"
"I can do things for myself, Rintaro"
you walked out of the car, hugging yourself because of the chilly night running to the big shop that you supposed it was since it had the big letters of "Onigiri Miya" Suna following behind you after locking his car, confused because he didn't understand what go you to act like this
" 'samu! I'm here!" he told a little above his usual tone of voice, resting on the shop counter supposing his friend was on the back
"Rin, what are ya doing here" Osamu came out of the kitchen, drying his hands with the napkin he always had on him "ya wanna eat?- oh? who do we have here"
" 'samu!" you throw your hands over the counter to embrace him on a bear hug, he gladly took you in his arms, his head pressing your neck, taking in your scent, beautiful scent as he thought
Rin grow annoyed at the interaction, you two came to pick up onigiri and nothing more "yo, okay we can stop right now with the hug time, what 'nigiri you have, samu?"
the younger twin let go of you, glancing from the side at his friend that interrupted the best moment of his day
"a have everything actually, whatda ya want"
you were quick to react and answer, jumping as you were a child "tuna! tuna and mayo! please!" rin smiled at you excitement then wrapped one of his arms around you, taking his wallet out to pay his friend "okay then, give me three tuna and three more of whatever you want, samu"
Osamu went to the back, the sight of his best friend arm around you doing something to his body that he could quite describe
"Thanks, rin" you grew soft to his actions, maybe you were overreacting, after all, it was just a random girl, you were his all-life best friend.
he took your face on his big, volleyball player hands, taking in every little detail your face had to offer the world, leaning so your noses and foreheads were touching, your hand came on top of his to caress it, closing your eyes to enjoy the moment.
The owner of the shop was standing right in the door that led to the kitchen, watching the cute, almost cliche scene in front of him, you seemed so relaxed against his embrace, if only you knew what he was saying about you earlier that day
"Sorry to interrupt the cute moment, but your food is ready"
"Thanks, samu, how much is it, bro"
"none, is on me, go enjoy your night"
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"rin, this 'nigiri tastes amazing"
Suna had a specific parking lot in mind near the shop, it was usually empty so it would be a good place to grab dinner with you "yes, samu makes the best, as always"
"pfffff- you remember high school? I was begging for his bent boxes"
the irritation you were feeling an hour before was now gone, happily munching on the tasty food, your left hand interlaced with his right one
"how could I forget?" he turned up his phone to play music because he thought 'something was missing, the lyrics of No Friends could be heard inside the car
"how was your date rin? tell me about the girl"
"It was shit, to be honest, she didn't let me land a finger on her"
you stopped eating when you heard those words, kinda happy that his date went wrong but also mad at his choice of words
"you shouldn't talk about her like that, rin, just let go and don't think about it" sarcastic how you should be taking your own advice
"I'm not thinking of her when I have you by my side"
"you want me to congratulate you or something? you better not be thinking of others while I'm here"
he bent down to make his seat go as behind as it could, you were confused to say at least, until he patted his lap, knowing exactly what he wanted; now your legs were straddling his hips, faces too close to one another
"Are we about to kiss right now..." you said in a sarcastic tone, expecting rin to laugh at it instead of placing his lips on yours "yes we will"
you needed to be careful with your moves, the space was so tiny, but the need to feel every single inch of his body was getting to you, your lips dancing together as if it was something natural, teeth clashing, everything was so messy so desperate, there was not more of that lipstick you applied before going out.
"you were acting all bratty out there and now your panting on top of me, how funny"
your hips were slightly moving with his, getting too drunk of the feeling of his body down yours- you didn't even felt when he placed both his hands on your ass to bring you close to him
tongues were fighting for dominance and the time around you would give up, you needed to show him a little bit of authority too "don't go too ahead of yourself, Rintaro- you're the one with a hard-on right now and you know what? why don't you take me home? is getting late"
you confidently got out of his lap, sitting on the passenger seat while placing the seatbelt across your chest, proud of your actions, you could see the tip osfsuna's ears red while he tried to catch his breath, starting the car again
"good luck next time, rin"
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taglist [open]: @arrogantsonofabiscuit @sakusasbitch @souco @sunasexual @boba-duckie @discountkiyoko @shoyotime @sunalma @kuroohoeee @cubbluv @astrqmi @triniteaaa @zukoslosthishonor @iheartkuroorin @kac-chowsballs @akaashiwife @lilith412426 @loveprisms @eunoiwa @gladly-olus @its-the-aerieljeane @smackmyasslikeavolleyball @bakugouswh0r3 @mydandydays @erens-piss-cleaner @call-me-lulu @peachyaeger @omisemi @megumiisee @sakuxxi @almondeupeach @lady-tokugawa-of-mikawa @whorefornoodles @togesslut @singularly-gifted-witch
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annab-nana · 3 years
- we’re at this Halloween party and this guy tried to drug your drink and I should probably tell you you’re also really cute | with jj, pretty please? 💙
ofc my love!!!
warnings: mentions of attempted drugging
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“hey, hey, come here,” some blond asked of you when you came out of the bathroom.
“i’m here with somebody,” you told him in case he was looking for something else in you.
“yeah, i know. the guy in green and yellow? looks like something out of the nineties?” he further questioned as you nodded your head. “do you know him well?”
“first date,” you informed him, wondering where the babbling boy was headed with all this.
“he just slipped something into your drink while you were gone.” you eyed him as he spoke. how could you know he was telling the truth? you knew more about the guy you were with than this dude so you shouldn’t trust the blond, right? he must’ve noticed your uncertainty and explained more. “my friend told me that if your ice doesn’t float, your drink has been tampered with and look at yours. i know it sounds weird that i know that but i’ve seen it happen to one of my friends before a few times.”
“shit,” you sighed, leaning against the wall next to the blond while you watched the one you were supposed to be with talk to some other guy and girl. “thanks, uhh…”
“jj,” he informed you while you nodded.
“you’re pretty cute, y/n,” he stated before you giggled and his eyes widened at what he said. “i mean, uh, your costume looks cute on you, you know?”
“thank you, jj.”
“this party blows anyway. want to come to a little get together with some of my friends?” he offered, holding out a hand to you which you happily took in your red-gloved one.
“that sounds nice.”
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tagging: @tovvaa @moniamaybank @makebank @saharamae21 @x-lulu @goldenroutledge @mxltifandoms06 @bibliophilewednesday @rudybarnes @dpaccione @marjorie189 @maybanksslut @outerbankies @ilyjohnb @vintageobx @osterfield23 @sunflowerbecca @cognacdelights @astronomical-parker @ilovejjmaybank @drewstarkeysbitchh @downbytheouterbanks @pogueslandia @rottenstyx @noellewrites @myalupinblack @peterscurl @luvhann @1-800-glossylipz @deathbythem
click here to be added to the tag list :)
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tavvattales · 2 years
Quietly asking for a platonic diluc scenario of him helling anxious reader from a panic attack after a nightmare?
Hello! Here you are~♡ I hope you like it 🥰 Enjoy your day and make sure you hydrate~
GENSHIN IMPACT Character x gn reader fluff stories~♡
Scenario: Platonic relationship with Diluc, calming you down from a panic attack.
Pairings: Diluc x gn reader(platonic)
Warnings: Mentions of anxiety, in detail panic attack, please read at your own risk.
Click for more~♡
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● You and Diluc had been friends for a long time. He's your go to person when you feel like your world is crashing down, but also when you just want to talk and have fun. Diluc is always attentive towards you. He knows when something is wrong and he makes it his duty to make sure you're okay because the last thing he wants is a sad look on your face.
". . .ey," A familiar voice gently coaxed you out of your nightmare.
"Y/N, hey. . .are you alright?"
You blink wearily at your surroundings as tears threaten to fall. It was apparent you were covered in sweat as you felt every single strand of your hair clinging desperately to your face. You felt the lump in your throat and the squeeze of your chest tighten, your breath getting faster as you struggled to breath. It was /that/ dream again. . .
"Hey, hey. . .Y/N. I'm right here. It's okay, you're safe," The sweet familiar voice called to you once more, your eyes darting frantically around the room as you search for the source of the voice.
Your hazed eyes landed on your dear friend, Diluc, but you still couldn't shake the fast beating of your heart, "D-Diluc. . .it hurts," You call out between heavy breaths as you clutch your chest, "W-what if they come back?" Tears start to fall as your mind races with lies.
Diluc's crimson eyes were riddled with worry as he searches for the right words to say before kneeling before you, "I'm sorry you're feeling like this right now, but I can promise that I'm right here by your side. No harm will come to you," He pauses for a moment, "May I hold your hands?" Diluc asks, offering his own for you to rest yours on.
You nod slowly, unclasping your cold shaking hands from your chest and placing them in his warm inviting ones. Diluc grasps them gently, stroking his thumb softly over your hands, "Hey, take a deep breath with me, and then breath out, I'm right here. Keep your eyes focused on our hands, okay, there you go." His voice remaind calm and collected, never wavering.
You follow Diluc's suggestion over and over again as he breathed with you. Soon your breathing was under control and your chest didn't hurt as much, but you felt a pang of guilt wash over you, "I'm sorry, Lulu. . ." You say softly.
Diluc frowned for a moment, you felt his warm gaze upon you, "Y/N, you have no reason to apologize. What you're feeling is valid and you're allowed to feel these emotions. I'm just glad you're okay, take all the time you need to recuperate, I'll be right here." He said gently, reaching up to pat you gently on the head.
Your tears started to fall again, but not because you were feeling sad. You were so glad to have someone like Diluc by your side through all the good and bad, "T-thank you, Lulu. . .I don't know what I'd do without you"
A soft smile spread across Diluc's face, "I'll always be here for you. Now, let's get you some water, you must be parched."
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Let's Live (4)
Summary: Y/N is Zemo's.. hostage? Partner in crime? At this point, who even knows?
Genre: romance
Pairing: Zemo x female reader
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"Please tell me I'm not here as one of your escorts." You grumbled when you saw 'Brass Monkey' in front of you.
Bucky chuckled, "Don't worry, that's Sam's job."
"Excuse you," Sam scoffed, "I'm the Smiling Tiger."
Zemo gave you a jacket, "Put this on. And no, you're not an escort. You're Y/N Hansen, daughter of Andrew Hansen. People will know who you are. Just make sure you look confident and have a scary face."
You glared.
"Tone it down a little.. there we go." Zemo tapped your cheek before leading the way. "Ready to comply, Winter Soldier?"
"Smiling Tiger, didn't expect to see you here."
Sam quirked his lip. "Change of plans."
The bartender cut open a snake in front of you and you almost threw up. "Not a fan of snakes, girl?"
You shook your head, "Not really."
"Who are you anyway? I've never seen you around here-" The bartender questioned you, but when he saw your necklace, he shut up. "I am so sorry for asking, I should've known."
You looked at Zemo in confusion. "That's.. that's quite alright."
Zemo didn't offer any explanation, he was too busy interacting with one of the Power Broker's men.
"Power Broker, really?" You whispered.
Sam shrugged, "Every kingdom needs its king. Let’s just pray we stay down low.."
They did not stay down low.
Bucky suddenly attacked and you have never been so scared. He was throwing men from left to right and you stood behind Sam as he shielded you.
"Selby will see you now."
Bucky recalibrated his arm and Sam followed next to him. "You good?"
Selby walked around the four of you like a snake trying to decide which of its prey would it like to eat first. You were intimidated, to say the least. Having no idea what's going on does that.
"You're Andrew's daughter." Selby stopped in front of you, noticing your necklace. "Y/N, is it?"
You glanced at Zemo before nodding your head.
"Poor girl," Selby sighed, "You must miss your father. He was a great man."
"You knew him?"
"Knew him?" Selby sighed in reminiscence, "I-"
"We're here to make an offer." Zemo cut her line.
Selby frowned, "Sounds more like a demand to me."
"Tell us what you know about the super-soldier serum. And I give you him," Zemo motioned to Bucky who was still in character, "along with the code words to control him, of course. He will do anything you want."
"Tch, arrogant." Selby commented, "But fair enough. The man you're looking for is Dr. Wilfred Nagel. Do whatever you want with that information."
"I need his location."
"Oh sweetie," Selby pouted, "It takes more than the Winter Soldier if you want that information."
Long story short, that night didn't turn out as well as they hoped it would. Things were actually doing fine until Sam's phone rang. How professional. And then they were chased by gunmen.
"That could've gone better." You commented.
"Shut up and run!"
You and Zemo separated yourselves from Sam and Bucky, trying to stay away from the fight until someone saved your asses. A sniper, Sharon Carter.
"Well this is too perfect. Drop it, Zemo."
Zemo put his hands up.
"Y/N?" Sharon squinted, "What are you doing here?"
"Zemo had a lead on the super-soldier serum." Bucky explained. "That's why we're here."
Sharon put her gun down, "That explains it. Selby's dead."
"Wait, how come you're here?" Sam asked.
She scoffed, "I stole Steve’s shield, remember? I also took the wings for your ass, so that you could save his ass from his ass."
"Look, we need your help?"
"Oh, after how you guys, the so called avengers looked out for me?" She said sarcastically, "I had to go off-grid for you guys, I don't even talk to my own father anymore."
Once you and Zemo were back at the apartment, you demanded an explanation. You were not ready for what happened today. Gun shots, high-class criminals and all the running? Just what kind of life were you supposed to live?
"It's complicated."
You sighed, "If you're going to bring me to places, at least explain. How did Selby know my father?"
"Where did you get this bravery?" Zemo chuckled, "You were so timid before, until you met your friends."
"They're not my friends."
"Or so you claim to be." He mumbled and sighed once he realized you weren't going to back down from the topic. "Your father was working with me to destroy the super soldier serums."
You were waiting for a follow up explanation but Zemo just stayed quiet. "What- Is that it?"
"Well yes," He answered, "He was my partner, my mentor. I told you this before."
"What?" He asked, "Not the answer you wanted, was it?"
He made his way closer to you and put his whiskey down. "You wanted your father to be the good hero like Captain America? Well he's not."
You lowered your gaze as his intimidating figure stood over you.
"Captain America saw the world as black and white - he knew exactly what's wrong and right." Zemo chuckled, "that's not how the world works, and your father knew that."
"If there's anyone you want to look up to," He continued, "it's your father."
a/n: I'm so sorry for the late update guys... I've been sick and midterms are driving me insane.. pls forgive me :'((
@tacobell-cheesecake @montypythonsholysnail @whatawildone @buckys-sugardoll @cool-girl-is-hot @lulu-yuming
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lazi-fandom-kid · 3 years
Hi hi, so uhhhh not sure when ima post this but
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Yes, Amity is stunning but that’s not the focus of the post. (Trust me, it’d be way longer if this were about Amity.) Soooooooo can we talk about this?
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If I remember correctly those are the colors of the lesbian flag, from the middle to the bottom. Oh shoot, if you look at the star it’s actually the last shade of color on the flag-
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[ it’s my post so yes the gif is necessary, all credit goes to the artist ]
Yeah the colors are a bit off, but I’m sure y’all understand where I’m coming from.
I would add in that screenshot of Luz wearing her bi flower crown but I have no idea where to find it. Just thought that the sticker was a funny little observation and I wanted to share my findings.
Also please stop shipping Gus with Bria, it’s way better to ship him Matt instead (jk they’re totally gonna be great friends like Lulu and Hootcifer). He’s coming around to being his friend, both of them are starting to come around to want to be friends. But seriously, please stop. I get that redemption arcs are a thing but wouldn’t you guys rather have more screen time with the detention coven trio instead of a back stabbing loner?
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hopelesshawks · 3 years
Basic Instincts Part 12- Day Off
18+ Hawks x fem!pro hero reader
Summary: Hawks was your first friend, your first kiss, and your first love. You were the same for him. But you’re not little commission trainees anymore, you’re full fledged pro-heroes now with all the baggage and sacrifice that entails. Things are different now, and when the two of you end up accidentally mated, well… they’re about to get even more different.
Masterlist Help Lulu <3
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You toss your phone to the side with a sigh, happy to have at least one thing handled. You have faith that Tamaki and Tokoyami will keep your secret at least. The door to your bathroom opens and out emerges Keigo, now clad in sweats and an old shirt he’d had to rip the back out of to accommodate his wings. Steam billows out after him as he finishes drying his hair before having one of his feathers carry the towel back into the bathroom to be left with the rest of your laundry. He flops onto his back on the bed, wings splayed, before shifting to move his head into your lap. Your hand immediately moves to comb through his feathery locks. Funny how some habits never die. “How’re you feeling?” you ask. “Better. Head still hurts but nothing I can’t handle,” he replies, his eyes fluttering shut in contentment as he leans into your touch. “You know this isn’t sustainable right? We won’t be able to hide a mate bond from the commission forever, especially if we have to contend with separation sickness,” you point out. “I know. We’ll have to figure out a way to break the bond,” Keigo agrees. “On top of figuring out what the Liberation Front is up to,” you sigh, biting your lip nervously. “Hey none of that,” he chides as he shifts so his head is no longer in your lap. “C’mere,” he commands, reaching out to you. You roll your eyes but comply easily, allowing him to pull you into his chest. “When’s the last time we had a day off?” he asks. “Never,” you reply. “When’s the next time you were planning to take a day off?” “I’d take a day off if I needed it!” “No, you wouldn’t.” “How do you know?” “Because you’re just like me.”
He’s not wrong.
“Ok what do you suppose we do then?” you ask. “I say we order takeout and have a lazy night in,” he declares. “You know we’re just going to end up working at the end of the night anyway,” you point out, an amused smile slipping onto your face. “Yea probably, but we can at least try to be normal people just this once right?” “Yea... you’re right. Fuck it why not.”
And that’s how you found yourself grabbing as many blankets and pillows as you own and dragging them into the living room. You assign Keigo nest duty, a job he eagerly accepts even if he plays off his excitement. In the mean time you head to the kitchen in search of tea and take out menus. You find a menu for a yakitori place and decide to order from them while you get the hot water going. By the time you return to the living room, two mugs in hand, the couch has been pushed back in favor of a massive puddle of blankets in front of the tv with plenty of pillows distributed throughout. You also realize Keigo had somehow stumbled on your collection of plushies when you notice your cartoon-y stuffed plague doctor and ghosts have been distributed around as well. One plushie is still in his hand though and it makes you stop short.
Keigo is glaring daggers at the Deku plushie in his hand. You’re surprised the damn thing doesn’t combust under the force of his anger. “Why do you have this?” he asks, his hand starting to clench around the poor stuffed doll. “Kei are you.... jealous? Of a doll??” you ask incredulously. “No! I’m just wondering what’s so special about Deku,” he pouts. “Oh my god,” you groan as you move to the center of the nest so you can at least set the mugs down. “What? I can’t help but notice you don’t have plushies of any other pro heroes,” he argues. “Ok first of all,” you sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose, “it’s not even mine. I hold onto it for a friend. And second, if you must know, the only pro hero merch I have is actually a Hawks hoodie.” All traces of his prior jealousy disappear as he looks at you in wonder. “Really?” “Yea, it’s old though, from your first ever merch drop,” you admit, getting slightly self conscious now. He stares at you and you can tell there’s something he wants to ask. As if reading his mind you sigh “you want me to go put it on don’t you?” “Yes very much so please.”
You return in the hoodie made to look like the jacket and shirt of his hero costume, scarlet wings printed on the back to complete the look. “Happy?” you ask and the soft grin he gives you in response makes your heart flip in your chest. “Very. Now come over,” he smiles. You roll your eyes but listen anyway, coming to join him in the little blanket nest and accepting your mug of tea when he offers it. He flips the tv on as you settle against his chest but then a thought occurs to him again. “Wait if the Deku toy isn’t yours, whose is it?” he asks and you groan. “Can we drop it about the stupid plushie?” “No, now I’m curious.” “If I say you’ll be mad....” “No I won’t.” “You will.” “Just tell me!” “It’s Stain’s.”
You can practically hear Keigo’s brain short circuit.
“Did you just say Stain?”
“As in hero killer Stain?”
“The one who died after the attack on Hosu City.”
“I don’t know how else to confirm to you that you’re indeed thinking of the right person.”
“I have so many questions,” he sighs. You know you probably shouldn’t but you can’t help but joke “He’s my emotional support villain.” “He murdered several pro heroes in his supposed quest for justice,” Hawks points out. “Yes and I’m not saying that was ok but you have to admit he had a point about the commodification of heroism, although I think the fact the HPSC is run like a Fortune 500 company is more at fault than heroes themselves. He’s interesting to debate with and after meeting Deku and watching Ingenium ‘reform’ himself or whatever, I think Akaguro realized it’s the system he should’ve been targeting and not the people themselves,” you explain. “Oh my god you two are on last name basis?” Hawks asks exasperatedly. “Like I said, emotional support villain. I don’t know I just kinda wish there’d been a way to reform him and turn him into a hero or at least not a villain while he was still alive. You know?” you shrug. Keigo thinks of Twice, of the tutoring sessions he gave him, of his loyalty, and of his final moments. “Yea I know what you mean,” he concedes, pulling you a little bit closer. You can sense the shift in Keigo’s mood immediately so you squeeze his arms where they’re wrapped around you in a show of support. You decide to lighten the mood so you pipe up “You’re not going to ask why Stain has a Deku plushie?”
“Wait, yea what the fuck?”
“I bought it for him for his birthday and called him a fanboy. He stopped talking to me for a week.”
Keigo absolutely fucking cackles at that and it should be the most unattractive thing you’ve ever seen but you love it.
Always have, always will.
A/N: I know Stain didn’t actually die after saving Midoriya in Hosu but also I had forgotten he didn’t die until I looked up his wiki page to get his name and the name of Hosu City and by then I was already too married to the idea to change it lmao. This is a sillier chapter but I felt like it was needed after last chapter was pretty intense
Taglist: @oliviasslut @theycallme-becky @vibesdontlie @superhermit @thechroniclesofawriter
97 notes · View notes
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Chapter Three.
a/n: get ready for the yearning in this chapter! also please make sure to reblog to share and leave feedback — it really helps writers continue wanting to post and continue writing.
SERIES MASTERLIST | word count: 8.2k
come talk to me about wtsgd! i’d love to know your thoughts!
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April 30, 2017
Luci woke up to loud knocking on her front door, too loud for eight in the morning when she wanted to sleep in. She thought she was dreaming, like someone was knocking directly onto her head, telling her to wake up. But the knocking increased, making her scream into her pillow, getting out of bed. Her pink soft house slippers that Ren made sure she brought so she wouldn’t get her new floors dirty with her outside shoes padded on the wooden floor and towards the entrance, opening the door. 
Once she opened her door, her parents and Nathan were behind it, smiling as they waved their hands into a jazz-like movement. 
“My Lucky!” 
Her family charged through her doorway, bringing her into their arms for a family group hug. Luci was wide awake and smiling at the sight and presence of her family. They all eventually let her go to give her individual hugs to have their own moment because they just missed her that much. 
They made their way out of the front entrance and hallway, walking more into her apartment as Ren and Beatrice looked around in awe of how much natural light that was provided. She gave her parents a tour before they all settled into the living room where they had a cup of coffee in to-go cups and ate breakfast sandwiches. 
Luci then told them the events that happened yesterday, minus her unexpected hangout with Harry, and they were furious. All at once, their hearts broke but were quick to ignite with anger. 
“How could she do that?!” Ren had an angry expression on his face, and it was one that she and Nathan had always been afraid of ever since they were younger; it was rare to see their father angry since he was much softer as it would take a lot for him to get him to that state. 
She shrugged her shoulders. “People favor power over fairness these days, or else they’d lose their biggest stars.” Nathan scoffed from the sofa chair next to the couch, but didn’t say anything more. 
It was the harsh truth of showbiz that almost everyone knew—it was a fact; Broadway and Hollywood don’t play fair, it’s obvious they want the best of the best, and if that’s passing up a new talent that could take them to the moon over the seniority of actors who’ve been in the industry for much longer, they’ll take that opportunity. And Luci knew that when she signed up for this. 
Beatrice told Luci that she was sorry this was happening, and they all agreed that whenever her time to perform on stage comes, they’d be there. Luci smiled at her lap, appreciating their support. The Suki family talked for another hour and a half, catching up on the month that passed when they weren’t all together, before they took the subway to the hotel they were staying at to catch their flight out of New York. Luci said her goodbyes to them in front of the hotel, apologizing that they had to come out here for nothing, but they brushed it off, saying that they would do it again just to see her. 
She watched them get into an Uber, waving at her family as they took off down the streets of Manhattan. She took the subway back to Brooklyn as she wrote down a list of what she wanted to do today; find more decorations, clean, eat pizza, and crack a bottle of wine because she damn well needed it. 
It was almost eleven a.m. when she got back to her apartment and decided to get ready for the day. Her throat felt incredibly dry, so she hydrated herself, gulping the liquid down her throat until she heard a knock on her door. Luci furrowed her brows, wondering if it was Nathan or Beatrice behind that door, asking if they’d left their wallet or phone since they were the more forgetful ones in the family, but when she looked around her living room, she didn’t find anything.
A knock on the door was heard and Luci sighed, walking over to open it as she didn’t expect the person behind it. 
“Hey, babe.” A smug smile was present on his face, but a scowl was present on hers, rolling her eyes at the pet name.
“What are you doing here—no, how do you even know where I live?” Luci placed her hand on her hip, a wrinkle in between her eyebrows. 
“Not gonna let me in?” He gave her an amusing smile, and she rolled her eyes, huffing before moving to the side and letting him in. He walked into the main part of the apartment, looking around. 
Luci crossed her arms, trailing behind him. “So, are you gonna answer my question?” 
“I got your address when you texted me to come over that one night, remember?” 
She mentally cursed herself. Her relationship with Samuel had done a complete one-eighty. After the afterparty on opening night, things were very weird between them after she denied his request to have sex with him in the bathroom of the longue. He had avoided her unless it was work related, but even then, he kept the conversation and words to a minimum, adding attitude and rudeness. If she thought things were weird then, it got even weirder the night leading up to when Daisy took her spotlight on stage last night. 
During rehearsals, he’d flirt with Daisy sometimes even kiss her up. Daisy would give Luci a snarky look every time his face was in her neck, biting her skin, and that was when Luci found out the real reason why Daisy despised her. All because of Samuel. All because of a man. The bitter looks didn’t bother Luci and it wasn’t like she was jealous, but it simply confused her because one day he wanted to fuck her and was sweet to her but when she said no, he was rude and would fuck someone else—there was no real type of closure. He probably took her into the bathroom after she left, Luci thought. 
So, she didn’t really care for him anymore because after all, he was just a someone to fuck; all she cared about was why he decided to show up at her apartment unannounced and uninvited. 
“That was a very weak moment for me.” Luci rebutted mockingly; Samuel scoffed and smirked cockily. He leaned against her countertops, and she hated that she still found him attractive because anyone with eyes knew very clearly that he was a very sexy guy, and the worst part was that he knew it too—he knew it very well. “So, tell me what the fuck you’re doing here?” 
“I’m here to tell you that you’re probably not going to perform anytime soon…” he said in a mocking tone, a fake pout on his face as he gave her puppy-dog eyes. 
She scoffed, shaking her head lightly. “Aww, did Daisy tell you to come all the way here and tell me that?” 
“And if she did?” 
“It’s cute that you’re a messenger now. It suits you since you have all this time to waste, like you did mine.” She breathed out a laugh, making him roll his eyes, and it only brought satisfaction to hurt his huge ego. “Well, how about you tell your little Daisy to stop sending people to tell me things because if she had the balls, then she would tell me herself. Plus, you’re wasting your time here to tell me one little thing that doesn’t affect me.” Luci dramatically gasped. “I’m really living in both of your minds rent-free, aren't I?” 
Samuel inhaled heavily, biting back his words as if Luci had offended him, but it would only make sense that he felt that way because of his feelings for Daisy. He headed towards the door with Luci hot on his tail as a way to push him out faster than he came in. 
“Well, I’ll see you Luci—not on stage, but yeah, I’ll see you.” She wasn’t going to lie, but those few words took a dig at her heart; luckily, she’s an actor, so she was able to mask her pain and anger, giving him a scornful smile as she opened the door. Samuel chuckled, not amusingly but in a way that made him think that she was an outright bitch. 
Harry’s door suddenly opened, making him stop in his tracks as he witnessed the interaction happening because it definitely looked like this guy was just leaving her place. Luci’s head turned towards him as her eyes widened slightly; Harry had a weird look on his face, looking back and forth between her and Samuel. 
“Hey, Harry.” Luci broke his train of thought and Harry looked directly at her, smiling slightly. 
“Hi, Luci.” She suddenly felt a wave of nerves wash through her, butterflies erupting in her stomach once he said her name, thinking that he was by far the best person to say it. 
She felt antsy, fiddling with fingers as she started bouncing on the balls of her feet—a habit that she did when she started to feel nervous. Samuel could see straight through her, catching all the signs when she was a bit anxious and he had a feeling that it had something to do with her neighbor. 
Samuel brisked past her, giving her a kiss on the cheek to mess with both of them; Luci’s eyes widened, pulling her face back but it was too late as his lips had already connected with her skin. 
“See you, Luci.” Instead of the cocky smirk he had when he arrived, he had a loving and kind smile as he left because he wasn’t the only actor in the room. 
Once Samuel rounded the corner, Luci looked at Harry and there was a crease in between his brows. 
“I-I, uh, that’s not-”
“No worries. You don’t need to explain to me, honestly.” Harry walked out into the hallway, locking his door before giving her a toothless grin and walking down the hall. 
Luci’s mouth was slightly ajar as she watched him. She closed her door and placed her forehead against it quite harshly, letting out a frustrated groan.
After much sulking, she decided to get on with her day, hoping she can be as productive as she hoped to be. But the thought of if Harry liked her—even as a person or ‘friend,’ if she could call herself that—lingered around in her head; and she doesn’t know why what he thought of her had so much of an affect on her, but it did. Maybe it was because she had a sort of infatuation with her neighbor, or that she couldn’t stop thinking about him and what he was doing across the hall. Whatever it was, she only hoped that he liked her too. 
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May 13, 2017 
Quite early, Luci received a phone call from Tal. 
Her phone was buzzing rapidly on her brown wooden nightstand; and in her sleep, she was trying to determine if she had set an alarm the previous night. When she thought she did, she let her phone snooze for ten minutes. But it was certainly not an alarm because just a few seconds after the buzzing stopped, it had started again. 
Grumpy as usual in the morning, she groaned, propping her elbows on her mattress as she pried her eyes open and picked up her phone. When she saw Tal as the caller ID, her brows furrowed in confusion. 
“Luci? Luci? Hi, can you hear me?” The gauging sound of the city was heard on the other end of the call, and she could just imagine Tal placing one hand to her ear as she walked through the bustling streets. 
“Yeah, I can. Hi.” Luci’s voice increased, becoming more audible for Tal. 
“Great! So, I’m glad you answered. I know things have been a bit weird lately ever since, y’know…” she said, referring to when Daisy had stolen her spotlight. “But I want to let you know that you’re performing tonight. I’m saying this in a calm manner because I know you know the shit in the show, so I’m not worried about it. But I need you to play Kim tonight.” 
Luci’s breath hitched in her throat as her eyes widened. She was completely speechless and she felt like she was dreaming. But first thing’s first, she needed to know why Tal’s statement at the end was demanding and slightly panicked. 
“What happened to Daisy?” She wondered, sitting up fully on the gray wrinkled sheets from her slumber. 
Tal sighed deeply, perceptible through the chaos of the outside. “Last night, she partied a bit too hard. She’s just getting back to her place, according to Samuel, and she was high off her ass. I don’t need that today, or ever. So, I figured this would be the perfect time for you to step in.” 
“And why me? Why not Wendy?” Luci referred to the understudy for Kim. 
“Listen, I’m sorry I didn’t stick up for you when I should’ve. Daisy has always been…intimidating to me, which is crazy because I run the show, but I should’ve been more stern with her. So, with Daisy out of the picture for today, I want you to perform tonight.” 
Tal genuinely felt guilty that she wasn’t being the stage director that she should’ve been. She let Daisy control some of the show when it should’ve been her to direct everyone. Tal loved her job, she did, but every time she had Daisy as one of the lead characters, she almost dreaded work. She didn’t want to be one of those people who dreaded work because although theatre is stressful at times, it’s also fun and her passion. 
“Okay…” Luci couldn’t hold it in any longer. “I’ll perform tonight.” 
Tal let out a sigh of relief. “Oh, thank god. Okay, perfect. Thank you so much, Luci. I’ll see you at five.” \
“I’ll be there. Bye, Tal.” 
Luci hung up the phone and sat on her bed for what felt like forever, simply gazing into the sheets as she couldn’t believe what had happened. Luci was going to perform tonight; her dream was finally coming true. 
When the realization hit her, the corners of her lips turned up into a bright and excited smile. She laughed and screamed and squealed into her pillow, doing a little mini dance on her bed. Looking at the time, it was nearing eight so she had plenty of time to start her pre-show morning routine. But the first thing that she needed to do was to text her family. 
Instantly, she got responses from them. 
Nathan: REALLY?! I get off work at four, I could take a last minute flight. 
Luci hearted her brother’s message. 
Pa: Luci, I’m so happy for you! Your mother is still asleep but I’ll wake her up and tell her the news. We’ll see what we could do to make it to the show. 
She thanked them, texting that she hoped to see them tonight, but would understand if they couldn’t make it since it was last minute. 
Hopping out of bed, she washed up and changed into her workout clothes to go on a walk and grab a smoothie. It was such a beautiful day out that there were more people out on the streets in the morning than usual as they were basking in the bright sun and lovely weather. 
Once she got back home, she made her favorite breakfast—a bacon, egg, and cheese on a bagel with cream cheese; and rehearsed some of the more emotional and dramatic lines, taking notes on which parts needed more depth of emotion. 
The day had gone by relatively fast as she showered, tidied, and packed her belongings; and it was already 3:45, so she headed out the door. 
As Luci was locking up and about to walk down the hall, she looked at Harry’s door. She hadn’t talked to him in about two weeks, since the time he opened his door to Samuel kissing her cheek. She had sort of missed him, and she felt like the event with Samuel had put up a wall; she felt like he was avoiding her.
Thinking back to their conversation at the diner, she remembered that he told her he would be there when it was her time to perform, and she didn’t want to not inform him on that because she had a feeling that he would be disappointed hadn’t he known. 
Bravely, she stood in front of his door and knocked, hoping that he was home because she didn’t have his number to tell him. Luci waited one minute before she knocked again and waited another minute before sighing. Just as she was two feet down the hall, his door suddenly opened, making her turn around quickly. Harry looked out into the hall without taking a step out of his apartment and saw Luci with a tote bag on her shoulder, wearing leggings, a vintage tee with Stevie Nicks printed on it, and a beige cardigan. 
She turned around. “Harry, hi. Uh, how are you?” Her attitude had visibly changed and brightened as she was ecstatic to see that he answered the door. His hair was wet, separating the strands of hair into slightly thicker chunks as water droplets lingered at the tips; which explained why he didn’t answer the door right away. 
“Good, good. How are you?” 
“Good—great, actually. I-I’m actually performing tonight and I wanted to tell you that in case you wanted to watch the show.” She suppressed a wide smile, linking his hands together to refrain herself from jumping up and down in excitement. 
Harry raised his brows before the corners of his lips turned upward. “Really?” She nodded. “Luci, that’s amazing!” He exclaimed. 
“Yeah, I’m really excited. I was just called this morning that I was performing tonight, so I’m heading to the theatre right now.” 
“I’m so happy for you. But I, uh, have plans already tonight. I’m sorry,” he said sympathetically. Luci couldn’t deny the ache in her chest when he said that, but she completely understood as it was a last minute decision for her to perform. 
“Oh, no worries. Maybe another time whenever I get to perform again. I’ll let you know?” 
“Yeah, please do.” He nodded. There was a bit of silence after as there was nothing left to say. “Well, uh, good luck out there.”
“Thank you.” She smiled. “Maybe we could get some coffee or a smoothie. There’s this really good smoothie place down the street-”
“Brooklyn’s Smoothies?” He asked; Luci nodded. “That’s my go-to smoothie place. But yeah, I’m down for that. Just let me know when.” 
Now, she had another thing she could be excited about: her second hangout with Harry. 
“Great!” She headed towards the hall before she walked back towards him, pulling her phone out. “Here, put your number in—only if you want to.” He chuckled, grabbing her phone as he quickly put his number and name into his phone before handing it back to her. “I’ll text you. Bye, Harry!” She waved as she walked towards the end of the hall; Harry waved back before walking back into his apartment and closing the door. 
Once she was on the subway, she found Harry’s contact, which he named himself ‘Harry (neighbor)’ as if he thought she was going to forget who he was. But it was quite the opposite as he seemed to invade most of her mind as she mindlessly thought about him. She almost always curses herself for being so nervous around him, but that was because he somewhat intimidated her; and that said a lot because she’s very confident in her own skin and rarely finds anyone intimidating. But there was just something about him that made her nervous, and that thought slightly scared her. 
Hi, Harry! It’s Luci, here’s my number. 
She placed her phone face down on her thigh that was relentlessly bouncing before she hit send. Before sending it, she looked over the text, practically overthinking a simple greeting that didn’t need any more thinking. A few minutes later as she was transferring trains and sitting on the blue bench, her phone vibrated. She picked up her phone as the screen lit up; Harry’s message appeared on the screen. 
Hiiii, thank you. Good luck tonight x 
Luci smiled crazily at her phone, putting her chin to her chest as she hid her smile from the many people on the subway with her. She thanked him, and decided to start another conversation after the show so she could tell him how the show went, which was an excuse to text him again. She locked her phone and turned the volume up higher as G Luné played through her Airpods. 
Her cheeks had started to hurt due to the fact that she couldn’t stop smiling, like it was genuinely difficult for her stop. A surge of happiness and relief had washed over her that she felt the happiness line on her chart increase. With a little over two months of living in New York, she had felt like her career was going nowhere when that was the entire reason why she moved there; the whole situation with Daisy had made her life plateaued as her happiness line wasn’t moving upwards. But tonight, it was skyrocketing.
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T-minus five minutes until showtime, and Luci was bouncing on the balls of her feet. She started humming and whistling to get her mind off the perturbation that ran along the linings and spaces of her body; it didn’t help that everyone was literally running around, passing by one another through the dark corridor. 
Obviously, everyone knew that it was Luci’s first night performing, so they tried keeping everything light and easy for her, which she appreciated. Once she walked through the doors of backstage, she was immediately greeted with warm and excited smiles—the complete opposite as the last time she walked through the door. Nina squealed and hugged her as they both jumped around in elation; Luci truly missed the first friend she’d ever made on Broadway, and they promised each other that they’d hangout more often outside the theatre. 
After Luci had her hair and makeup done, changed into her costume, and was mic'd up, she was standing on the side of the stage where she could hear the crowd settling into their seats as they talked amongst themselves. Peter, who was playing Chris tonight, stood beside her, rolling his neck in circles and moving his jaw around. She was glad to know that Samuel wasn’t performing tonight because god only knows what he would say to her, only to get inside of her head right before the show. 
She heard the technical and stage crew speak into their headsets, asking if everyone was ready as they counted down from ten. The lights went out, the curtains were pulled to the side, and Luci’s mind went blank as ‘Kim’ took over, completely owning this character because it was fucking showtime. 
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After two hours of pouring emotion to give her best act while the spotlight was on her, shining brighter than ever before so she couldn’t see the audience below her, watching intently, her first performance was successfully over. 
She’d earned a majority of standing ovations and was called for another curtain call, where she ran back on stage to overwhelmingly smile brightly, waved, bowed, and blew kisses to the crowd who were whistling and cheering for her wonderful performance. This amazing and exhilarating feeling was something she anticipated, and it did not disappoint; it was a feeling that she wanted to feel every other night. She loved the praise, the cheers, and the claps that were thrown at her so fast that she could cry at how hard the impact was. 
When she left the stage and headed over to the dressing room, her cast members cheered for her as Luci clapped all around the room for everyone’s hard work tonight as well. They all took pictures with one another to share this memorable moment; Luci told everyone to send her the pictures because she wanted to get them framed for her apartment because this moment was definitely frame-worthy. 
When it was time to leave, they all took off their costume and hung it on its rightful rack, and changed into their own clothes before walking out into the lobby where the audience could meet and greet some of the cast. Cheers erupted in the lobby once the cast walked through the doors, and they all smiled, mouthing ‘thank you’ and bowing their heads in appreciation. 
Luci walked through the crowd as they stopped her to tell her that she did an amazing performance; she was grateful and said thank you to everyone she came across. She weaved through the crowd, trying to find Nathan or anyone she could share this moment with; and she was lucky that Nathan was tall because she spotted him instantly. 
When she finally reached him, she was somewhat surprised to see their parents with him because they didn’t mention they were coming tonight, just that they had to see what they could do in order to make it. 
Beatrice was the first one to hug her. “Oh, my Lucky Star. I’m so proud of you!” She hugged Luci tight, swaying to the side. Once her mother let go, she hugged her dad who had the proudest and biggest smile on his face. 
“Lulu, you did amazing up there.” She smiled into Ren’s shoulder, feeling herself tear up from the positive reaction of her performance. 
Nathan was patiently waiting for his hug; and Luci pulled away from her father, giving him a smile before hugging her brother. 
“Ana, you’re so talented.” He squeezed her, patting her back as she always found the action comforting since she was a little girl. Beatrice was taking photos of her kids, tears glossing her eyes at her greatest accomplishments. 
“Thank you for coming. I know you’re tired from work, but thank you for being here anyways.” She could tell that Nathan had just put a long coat over his navy blue scrubs, meaning that he had flown to New York straight from work. 
“No worries. We wouldn’t miss this for anything, honestly.” 
Luci pulled away, smiling as she faced her family. She thanked her parents for coming, still surprised, and they said the same thing Nathan did: that they wouldn’t miss it for the world. 
They took pictures amongst each other, taking a family selfie before Ren had just asked someone nearby to take a proper photo of them. 
“Excuse me? Do you mind taking a picture of us?” The man turned around, making Luci softly gasp. Tonight was just full of surprises because Harry was the one who turned around and nodded, grabbing her mother’s phone to take a picture of her family. 
Harry looked dashingly handsome; he wore black trousers, a baby pink shirt with a black coat over. He held a bouquet of flowers in his arms as he took the picture; and for the life of Luci, she couldn’t dare to stop smiling at him instead of the camera. 
Ren was the first to walk over to him and thanked him, but Harry didn’t walk away, he simply stayed put until Luci walked over towards him. Her parents and brother were looking at each other warily, wondering how Luci knew the man who took their picture. 
“You’re here.” She smiled so brightly as if the spotlight was glued onto her. 
Harry blushed, looking down at his feet before looking back up. “Yeah, I told you I would be here when you were going to perform, right?” Something that she hadn’t witnessed yet until now, that took her by surprise, was the dimple that indented his left cheek, more so than his right cheek. He looked absolutely adorable when he smiled, on top of being handsome; Harry was simply a beautiful man. 
“You did tell me that, I remember.” She couldn’t stop the giddy grin that felt like it was permanently placed on her face because she couldn’t believe that he was here. 
“Oh, these are for you. You did an amazing job—the crowd loved you.” He handed her the mixed bouquet of pink peonies, baby pink roses, white lillies, and baby’s breath wrapped in brown paper. Luci smiled down at the bouquet, admiring how pretty the colors and how well the different flowers looked together. She wondered if Harry picked these out himself; if he individually picked every single flower that was in the bouquet. 
Feeling her face heat up, she unexpectedly leaned in for a hug; and this time, he was ready as he opened his arms and hugged her. He squeezed her tighter than he did when she was crying in his arms, making her heart flutter in her chest. Luci had completely forgotten that her family was behind her until she pulled away. Her eyes slightly widened, knowing that they were most likely enjoying the show that was happening off-stage of her hugging a man they didn’t know. 
“Thank you so much for coming, Harry. It means a lot to me.” He simply nodded. Luci slightly turned her body, presenting herself to her family. “Uh, Harry, this is my family. And this is Harry; he’s my neighbor.” 
Beatrice brows raised, and Luci gave her a knowing look that told her not to say anything weird. 
“Hi, I’m Beatrice, Luci’s mom.” She shook his hand. 
“Hello, I’m Harry. Nice to meet you.” Beatrice turned towards Luci with wide eyes once she heard his accented voice, and she chuckled at her mother’s reaction. 
Ren and Nathan introduced themselves, and they all made conversation quite easily. It was a side that Luci’s never seen of Harry—quite talkative. She wondered if she was the problem as to why he wasn’t so talkative. But she figured that almost everyone wanted to impress and get along with their friend’s parents. 
Once they were finished talking amongst themselves, Beatrice whispered into Ren’s ear and then Nathan’s; and Luci wondered what they could be so secretive about that they couldn’t say it out loud. 
Suddenly, Nathan said, “Well, we’ll see you soon, Ana.” He gave her a quick hug as Luci furrowed her brows, confused. 
“Oh, I thought we could get dinner or something.” It was like her parents didn’t even consider her suggestion as they were hugging her goodbye. 
“I have to get back to Boston, work tomorrow, y’know?” Nathan excuses; Luci nodded, understanding before turning her head towards her parents, seeing which excuse they’ll use since tomorrow was Sunday. 
“Uh, we have a flight to catch—red-eye.” Beatrice spoke up, a little white lie slipping so easily on her tongue. Luci looked at Ren, finding him nodding, warily looking at his wife. 
She could tell, inside and out, that her parents weren’t being truthful because she knew that they’d want to spend every minute with her while they were in the city so they wouldn’t get a red-eye flight on her opening night. Plus, Beatrice had been eyeing her and Harry ever since he introduced himself, so she knew that her family acting weird and how they suddenly had to leave was most likely them wanting Luci to hangout with Harry. 
“Plus, don’t you have an afterparty to go to?” Ren asked. 
“I mean, yeah, but I could always skip it-”
“Now, why would you do that? It’s your opening night; people are gonna be wondering where you are!” Ren did make a point, making Luci mentally agreeing. 
Luci didn’t bother asking any more questions, and decided to let them leave, although she was a bit sad that they had to leave again. They said another round of goodbyes and hugged each other tightly; they planned to come to New York again so they could properly hang out, and Luci said that she’ll see what she could do with going back home to visit. Of course, they didn’t forget to say goodbye to Harry; Ren and Nathan shaking his hand as Beatrice gave him a hug. Luci watched them interact as if he was an old boyfriend or a new boyfriend that they happened to like and adore so much. 
She waved to them as they headed outside the Broadway Theatre doors, and then she was left with Harry. He shyly smiled at her, and Luci hugged the bouquet of flowers tightly to her chest. 
“Uh, would you like to go to the afterparty with me?” She asked. 
Luci watched as Harry considered the invitation in his head. There were two options that he was debating from: go home and have a boring night in, or go to an afterparty with his insanely beautiful neighbor that he was slowly but surely taking a liking to. He realized that wasn’t such a difficult decision after all, so he chose the latter. 
“I’d love to.” 
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The entire cast settled into the same lounge that held their very first afterparty. The lounge apparently didn’t mind since everyone contributed to buying lots of alcohol, so they obviously wouldn’t pass up the opportunity of business. 
Luci introduced Harry to the cast who decided to show up, and she was happy that they were very friendly and welcoming to him because the last thing she wanted was awkward tension between her neighbor and coworkers. She wished Nina had gone to the after party because Luci knew that she would get excited about the neighbor she’s crushing on. 
Luci and Harry decided to pace themselves with the drinks as they didn’t take the shots that were given to them at the same time as the rest; instead, they nursed and sipped their drinks. They were towards the end of the circle, in their own world as they talked to one another. Luci was happy they were getting to know each other better, but she figured that was the help and magic of what alcohol did. They told each other childhood stories that made each other laugh, increasing the buzz going on inside their heads. 
Harry had an additional glow to him when he was tipsy, and Luci thought it was the cutest thing ever. He was very touchy—placing a hand on her arm, shoulder, or knee at any given moment—and his laugh was contagious as it was loud and he threw his head back. It was a side that pleasantly took her by surprise, and she hoped that as they continued talking and hanging out, this side of him comes out more when they’re sober and comfortable with one another. 
“Can I ask why your brother calls you Ana?” He wondered, asking at the same time Luci was taking a sip of her drink. 
She nodded. “Yeah. So, Nathan is five years older than I am, and my mom and dad said when he was five, he still had a hard time speaking, like he’d babble and seem to talk gibberish. Anyways, when I was born, my parents were trying to get him to say my name, but couldn’t pick up on the first part of it; he started out with ‘An,’ but eventually picked up ‘Ana.’ And since then, it just seemed to stick—he’s the only one who calls me that and would personally get offended if someone else called me that.” She ended with a chuckle and a sip of her shot. 
“What’s your full name?” 
“Luciana Ivy Suki.” She said slow and a bit sultry, which she hadn’t meant to. The dark light and booze didn’t help that she felt a bit sexy. 
Harry smirked slightly. “Luciana.” He stated as if he was testing how it sounded and felt on the tongue. Luci felt a chill run down her body, making her skin prickle from the goosebumps. 
If she was starting to melt from the sound of her nickname from his lips, the sound of her full name had completely liquified her. 
After an hour, the two moved to the bar, completely forgetting that they were with the cast. Luci suggested getting more drinks for them, and Harry told her that he’d come with. He said something along the lines of “don’t want to miss a moment hanging out with you,” and Luci swore that her heart was becoming a butterfly’s nest as it sank down to her stomach and made her smile. 
“It’s genuinely insane how talented you are, like I was nearly crying by the end of the show!” He complimented, sipping on a Pomegranate Paloma through a thin black straw. Harry was genuinely so amazed as he watched Luci act, alas he was near the rear mezzanine, which was towards the back, he was still blown away by the entire production, especially Luci’s talents. 
“That’s so sweet. Thank you, Harry.” She smiled down at her Royal Manhattan, swirling the drink around in its glass. She was used to taking compliments about her acting and talent, but when Harry complimented her, it made her insides jittery and her face heat up; she felt so honored that Harry was praising her for her talents. 
“Now, can I ask…I thought you had plans tonight. What happened to that?” She wondered. 
Harry blushed, nervously chuckling. “Uh, I canceled them.” 
Her eyes widened. “W-Was it anything serious?” 
“It was a date that my friend, Jeff, set me up with but I wasn’t all that interested in the first place. 
She pouted. “Harry, I feel bad.” 
“Don’t be. I wanted to be here.” She smiled at that, looking at the contents inside of her glass. 
“I’m really glad you’re here.” She reciprocated the thought, clinking her glass with his as they both sipped their drinks. 
After another hour, the cast was lessening one by one, calling it a night as they said their goodbyes to Luci and Harry. She hadn’t realized how quickly time had gone by until the bartender of the lounge had told them that they were closing in a few minutes. Luci looked at her phone as the time read 12:55 a.m., which her and Harry laughed about because they were both in shock about the night being so late already. So, they left the lounge, not before generously tipping the bartender $40 each and gathered their belongings; Luci made sure to not forget the beautiful flowers Harry gave her. 
Neither of them felt like they were sober enough to get on the subway themselves, knowing they would probably get on the wrong one or fall asleep and end up somewhere else. So, they decided on an Uber, seeming as that was the most responsible and safest option there was. 
Luci got inside the black Honda, saying ‘hi’ to their driver. The entire ride back to Brooklyn was quiet, only the soft breaths they both exhaled and the pounding of their hearts. Harry felt himself getting sleepier, and unexpectedly resting his head against Luci’s shoulder. She tensed up at first, not expecting the action, but she welcomed it, placing her head on top of his. They both watched the city through the car window as it disappeared from their sight once they were in Brooklyn. 
Once they were in front of their apartment complex, Harry offered her his arm and she looped her arm through his, leaning into his side as he guided her to the elevator. He leaned against the corner of the elevator with Luci pressed up against his side with her arms still around his, and he looked down to see her eyes closed. He softly smiled, moving the strand of hair that had fallen in the middle of her face to the side. 
The loud Ding! of the elevator seemed to wake Luci up as she startled awake, making Harry chuckle. They walked down the hall and towards their door; Harry occasionally had to tell Luci to keep quiet as she was singing ‘Wannabe’ by the Spice Girls, but Harry couldn’t help but join in. 
When they got to their doors, as usual, they unlocked and opened it; but they didn’t immediately go inside their apartments. Instead, they turned around to face each other; both of their eyes droopy from the slight buzz that was still in their system. 
Luci smiled before leaning in to hug him. Her arms wrapped around his shoulders as his arms went around her waist. The hug was sweet and warm as it definitely fed to the touchy-feely side of their buzz. 
When they pulled away, Luci leaned up to boldly plant a kiss on his cheek. “Thank you for being here, Harry. Shall we hang out next week?” Harry nodded, not trusting his voice to say anything as his heart erupted into flames. She gave him a smile as he was frozen from the chaste kiss; and Luci walked into her apartment, waving at him before she closed the door. 
Harry was out in the hallway, stunned as he blushed from the small kiss she had left on his cheek; and it was something he was going to be dreaming of until he wakes up, only to think about it over and over again. 
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Harry was cooking breakfast when he heard relentless knocking on his front door. He peeked his head out from the kitchen to look at the door, like that would tell him who was behind it, as he was whisking some eggs in a white glass bowl. Setting the bowl down, he walked over to the door and opened it. 
To his surprise, Luci was behind it as tears streamed down her face with her phone in her hand; she was in her soft blue pajama pants with a black hoodie over, and despite her recent state, Harry thought she looked absolutely adorable and cuddly. But he pushed that thought to the side; immediately, Harry was concerned. His eyes widened and his protective side turned on, thinking he was going to lose his shit on whoever caused this poor girl to cry. 
“I-I’m sorry. I just…” she hiccupped, and Harry took her into his arms. He was slightly confused about what had happened during the six hours he’d last seen her—when they were coming home from the lounge. He still couldn’t get that kiss out of his head; in fact, it was difficult for him to sleep because he kept reiterating it in his head.
He pulled her into his apartment, closing the door as he sat her down on his brown leather couch. She cried into his shoulder as she passed him her phone that was unlocked on an article. He grabbed it, not letting go of her while he rubbed her arm. 
The article read on the bright screen read: 
Miss Saigon or Miss No-BE GONE! 
Just twelve hours ago, I went to see the show ‘Miss Saigon; for the second time. The first time I went to see it was last month when Broadway star royalty, Ms. Daisy Beck, was playing the role of ‘Kim.’ With its amazing cast, production set, and story-telling, I knew I needed to see the play again. 
My hopes and dreams were crushed when I didn’t see Ms. Beck on stage, but instead, a newbie Broadway actress known as Luciana Suki. Before writing this review, I did some research on her to my very best ability because she’s practically a nobody in this business, and found out that she had been in several commercials since she was a child (great another child actor) and has been on Off-Broadway, which definitely explains the acting! At least give a man a warning before I decide to put up with a shit-show of a performance. I couldn’t even stay for the entire show because it was completely horrifying to see injustice served to Kim and a downgrade from Daisy Beck. 
I tried, I really tried; but I left during intermission. Luciana Suki is not meant to be playing the part of Kim—almost everyone agrees. There was no connection, no emotion to the character, and it was a poorly done job in Luciana’s part and the casting. 
It’s Daisy Beck or no production. Simple as that, or else, the show will lose its audience and precious money that they wasted on paying Luciana Suki. 
Harry sighed, balling his hands up into fists as he locked her phone and set it aside. How could anybody be so cruel? He understood the importance of critics to the theatre, but to outright insult and humiliate someone wasn’t even critical—it’s being straight up rude. 
Once Luci was ready and had somewhat calmed down, she pulled away from Harry’s embrace, looking at him. Poor Luci’s eyes were swollen and her eyes were red from the crying, and she was a sniffling mess. Harry quickly grabbed her a few tissues to dry her tears, and she blew her nose into the soft cotton paper, not really caring how unattractive she thought it was. 
“That article was written by Adam West—the most important critic in Broadway.” She wiped the snot under her nose. “H-He practically just ruined my career and any chances I have on Broadway ever again.” Luci sobbed as it was difficult for her to accept the fact that she may never act ever again because of a senior journalist. Her chest hurt and her eyes started to become sore from the amount of times she squeezed them shut, freeing her tears. 
“No, come here.” Harry’s heart ached for her, and he couldn’t imagine what she must be going through when that article was directly made towards her. He pulled her in for another hug, and she softly cried against his chest, staining his white t-shirt with her tears, but he couldn’t care less. “You’re insanely talented—critics or no critics—no one could deny your talent. What he said was unprofessional and poorly written, and that’s coming from an English major and a teacher. Now, I’m sure that you know you’re extremely gifted and you’ve worked hard to get to where you are. So, don’t let him get to you because almost everyone loved your performance last night.” 
Harry reassured her quite well that Luci had calmed down; it helped that the vibrations from his chest to her ear as he talked had soothed her—it was quite relaxing. She pulled away again, looking at him through glassy eyes as another tear threatened to fall. He placed his palms against her cheeks, taking his thumbs and running it across her skin to wipe her tears away. 
“Would you like some French Toast? Heard it’s a comfort-food, but I may be wrong. Maybe I’m being biased because I think my recipe is good.” He tried lightening up her mood, and it’d definitely worked because she breathed out a chuckle and nodded. 
“I’m not intruding, right?” He shook his head. “No significant other to get mad at me and throw me out?” She slyly asked as she had been wondering if he had someone. Plus, she was still wondering about the red-hair woman who frantically left his apartment. 
“The…red-haired girl. You’re not with her?” 
Harry smirked as he definitely indulged into the slightly jealous feeling that Luci was portraying. “No, we’re not dating. She’s just a friend.” He chuckled. “What about you? Someone I should be worried about?” He stirred the topic towards her as curiosity also got the best of him. 
“Nope.” She answered the same way he did. “Do you make out with all of your friends? Noticed her lipstick was a bit smeared off.” Luci knew later on that she would regret opening her mouth and spewing out those particular choice of words. Her tone also seemed a bit jealous, and she had no right to be, but her crush on Harry was quickly increasing. 
“I mean, some of them; when the time comes.” He somewhat joked. 
“Would you make out with me?” Luci spat out, but quickly slapped her palm against her mouth, eyes widening. Her mind was speaking for herself as she’d been dreaming of the way Harry’s pink lips felt against her mouth and other places she wouldn’t dare speak aloud. “I’m sorry, I don’t know why-”
“Yeah, I would,” he responded honestly. This was the most honest and straight-forward he’d ever been, which only occurs every few months, so it was time to close that window again and wait for it to open. But he also couldn’t deny his attraction to her, like it was difficult to not be so enticed with her. He felt at complete ease with her, and it felt incredibly easy to talk to Luci and be open. “So, the French Toast?” He changed the subject, walking over to the kitchen, leaving Luci glued to her seat on the couch. 
Astonished by his words, she was extra shocked that he was so quick to move on from his response. But she was glad to know that he would want to kiss her, maybe, some time in the future; but the thought made her giddy because she undeniably wanted to kiss him too.
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come talk to me about your favorite moments and scenes, and your thoughts and feelings! thank you for reading <3 next chapter will be posted next saturday! 
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outer-bnks · 3 years
Two Burning Hearts Are Dared to Break (JJ x OC) Ch. 12
Chapters: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12
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Elle discusses her possible date with Topper and gets some negative feedback from the Pogues.
Warning: swearing, brief mention of death and grieving, angst
Word count: 1k
“JJ you’re being dramatic”, Elle stated, rolling her eyes at the way he was dramatising a simple situation.
Pope glanced between the two, noticing obvious tension but deciding to ignore that for the time being, “Okay, hold on a sec. Can someone tell us what is actually going on?”.
Elle walked over to her lounge, taking a seat next to Kie who had her signature puzzled face. Taking a deep breath, she considered how to approach this before deciding on the short and sweet version in hopes to suppress emotional reactions. “Ok, well, it's kind of a long story but Topper asked me to the Island party”.
“He what?!” Kie stood, her voice giving away her exasperation. She spared a look between Pope and JJ, the latter of which had resorted to sitting on the armchair that faced the waterfront as to avoid eye contact with anyone. Turning back to Elle, she pressed in a lighter tone, “Elle, why would he do that?”.
“I don't really want to get into it but I bumped into a very drunk Rafe the other night and we talked, and obviously I couldn't just leave a drunk kid, especially one like him, on the beach alone and I was too far from my house so I called Topper to pick us up,” she explained.
“So what have you told them?”, Pope questioned hesitantly.
“Nothing that they could get us in trouble for okay?”. She moved her focus from the grey carpet to her friends, scattered around the room, taking in their silence and blank stares, whilst JJ’s eyes remained on the water.
“Guys, I know this situation is weird. Trust me, it's just as weird for you as it is for me. But the other night I actually talked to them. And they’re not that bad anymore,” she tried with a soft tone, hoping that they would understand.
It didn’t work as JJ finally looked at her, “Anymore! Did you forget about the multiple times when they nearly killed us! When Topper almost strangled Pope to death? That wasn’t that long ago!”. “Of course I do! I’m not excusing what they've done. But also, we’re not innocent here guys.Those things wouldn't have happened if JJ hadn't started that fight and shot that stupid gun at the kegger, or if Pope hadn't of messed with Topper’s boat!”.
Pope stepped in, sick of the continuous back and forth. “Can we stop playing the blame game here? My question is Elle, why would you want to go on a date with Topper. Especially to the Island party, the kookiest kook event ever created”.
She gathered her thoughts before settling on an answer that she deemed the most appropriate, “Look I’m sorry guys, but the other night, when we were talking... I realised how similar we are. And honestly, it was nice to talk to people who are going through the same thing I am”.
Kie scoffed, “The same thing? How?”.
“Guys, Rafe lost his sister and Topp lost the girl he's in love with. I don’t know if you know how that feels but it fucking sucks”. Of course she was relating it to the way she felt about JJ after their fight not too long ago.
“Tell me about it”, JJ mumbled, fiddling with his rings.
Kie made her way over to Elle, sitting down and wrapping an arm around her, “Look Elle, we’re sorry we haven't been there for you. We kind of got swept away in our own grief”, she confessed, feeling guilty for the way she had been neglecting her in a time of need.
“No I'm not blaming you guys, I get it,” she gave a gentle smile to Kie, “It's just that usually I can turn to John B, and now that he's not here-”, she paused, attempting to stop herself from tearing up, “... it was just nice”. That seemed to get through to the others, all focusing their attention on her after hearing the crack in her voice.
Pope let out a sigh, coming to terms with the situation. Treading lightly, he asked “So is this thing with you and Topper… romantic?”, he finished, momentarily darting his eyes over to JJ to gage his demeanour.
Elle quickly shot down Pope’s proposal, “No no, of course not. I think he’s looking for someone to talk to as much as I am”.
“Well it's up to you Elle, but please just”, he paused, his face holding a very serious look, “be careful”.
She nodded, offering a soft smile, “I will”.
JJ studied the moment for a second before rising to his feet, his normal attitude returning, “Sorry to break this heartwarming moment but we should get going Pope if we want to hit up the store before it closes”.
“Yeah you’re right man”, Pope grabbed his Dad’s keys from the coffee table, “Okay, see you guys, love you!”, he called as they walked towards the door.
After hearing the door shut, Kie turned to Elle, “So are you sure this thing is not romantic? From what Sarah said, Topper falls pretty hard and fast for people”, she pressed, wanting to have an actual conversation about now that the boys had left.
Back outside JJ realised he had left his vape on the entranceway cabinet, notifying Pope before quickly darting back inside to grab it. Finding it, he placed it in his pocket, walking back towards the door, catching the tail end of the girl's conversation.
Placing her head in her hands and letting out a groan, Elle’s confusion getting the better of her, “I don't think it is. It's kind of too early to tell. Plus with everything going on I’m not too sure I can trust my emotions right now”.
“Well, would you like it to be?” Kie challenged.
Elle stared down at her feet, thinking back to the moment they shared the other night, and how if she hadn't pulled away when she did, they definitely would’ve kissed.
“I think I might”, she answered truthfully, her voice giving away the guilt she felt.
Pausing at her words, JJ felt his heart plummet.
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