#even the TEACHERS were like. why are you two fighting?!?! bc me and this guy used to be inseperable
hoonietual · 2 years
let me tell u a story about how in the 5th grade, us 10/11 year olds were involved in so much drama and i was somehow at the center of it......... the entire school knew about it. it was weird as fuck.
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issacballsac · 1 year
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“Being Charles Xavier’s Sibling„
Being the sibling of the world’s strongest psychic has perks! Gn reader
Would be a great brother honestly
Always cheated in hide and seek
“No way you found me that fast!”
“I’m simply a great player.”
“You totally cheated, Charles!”
He’s support you in any of your endeavours
Likes to go on weekly walks with you and just talk about life especially when you guys get older and have your own separated lives
Probably goes without saying but you would be an advocate for mutants
Raven is basically your sister as well
Def favours you more than Charles when it comes to talking about her problems
Honestly i don’t think he’d let you tag along in the events of X-MEN first class
He’s so fucking soft
Mfs walk all over him and it’s embarrassing
You def would have to defend him in verbal scenarios
Idk if it’s true but he prob plays pool
He beats you more than not
Before he got his fancy wheel chair you would roll him everywhere
Like a little kid with a shopping cart only it’s two grown adults💀
No offence but his fashion sense is horrendous.
You dress him just for the sake of aesthetics
Still a great brother
You’ll most likely have similar abilities to him or Emma Frost
Can’t/won’t read your mind
That’s a lie he probably did/tried to once to get you to clean his room💀
Just sibling things
Y’all were low-key menaces as children
Absolute devious duo
He’s so nice but y’know how siblings get when they’re together
Yin and yang Fr
You still dress him bc his fashion sense is STILL terrible whether ur a mutant or not💀
“Why the fuck did you even CONSIDER putting that on, Charles?”
“That’s rather rude…”
Would def want you to be an Xman but would respect if you didn’t want to be
Plays chess with you like the old man he is
Going back to your sister kinda, Raven!
You guys def would get along more
If you had similar ideologies she probably trusts you/confides in you more
If you decided to become an x-men your brother would be ecstatic
While he wants to keep you safe simultaneously he is happy that you’ll help with his vision to have mutants and non mutants living together in peace
If you’re a teacher at the school for the gifted he’ll ask for your input in certain things involving school policy/architectural ideas
You’d help him with any unstable students and it’d get exhausting but worth it to help someone
Despite not needing to be pushed around in his wheelchair anymore you still do it for fun
Cracks jokes about his new bald appearance
You’ve def bought him wigs but he would decline using them
You guys are still hella goofy even as adults
And no matter how old you get you guys will always fight for mutant kind
“A girl I met once told me, mutant and proud.”
“That’s corny as hell, Charles.”
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odinsblog · 5 months
Have you ever been over something, and then years later, someone, out of the blue, brings it up and it really just knocks the wind out of you?
Okay, so this is about high school. I’m nearly 40, so that’s multiple lifetimes ago, right?
I’m pretty sure that I’ve posted about this here at least once, but I can’t find the post to link to it
Here’s the deal
In high school I wasn’t …. hmm …. Idk exactly how to describe it. I played sports (track, football, swimming), but I wasn’t POPULAR popular, right? But I also wasn’t NOT popular
My high school (in Florida) hadn’t been desegregated for very long, and there weren’t a LOT of Black students but there was enough of us so that we felt as comfortable as you possibly could given the circumstances
But I was like a universal joint: I played well with others and I fit in well with almost everyone, and if you don’t include some of the overtly racist teachers, I had almost no enemies (don’t get me wrong, I definitely had my share of fights with school bullies, but after you win enough of those, they kinda stop trying you)
I cannot even tell you why, but for some reason in senior year I decided to run for president of the student class
Wild, right?
So after all of the preliminary votes, it narrowed down to two people (I was more surprised than anyone that I actually made it that far - I guess bc I never really expected to win, maybe running for student class president was kinda like a high school bucket list thing for me?)
Anyway, my final opponent was a white guy named Bill. I knew Bill because in high school somewhere along the way, it was impressed on me that I should participate in as many non-athletic extracurricular activities as possible, to make me a better rounded person, and I was in the SUPER FUCKING RACIST Interact Club with Bill. How racist was Interact, you ask? Well, you had to “apply” for membership to Interact. When I applied, I had no idea what it was. I just knew that my student counselor had suggested it to me, and why not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
(my graduating class was 2,500 students large, so it wasn’t as big as some of the schools I had attended up north, but it was “big” for Florida)
A teacher was responsible for actually running Interact, but the students really RAN it, know what I mean? Even though I had been working since I was 10yrs old, my Interact Club interview was probably my first real interview. It was kind of a big deal. Like, you had to schedule it and dress up for it and everything. And if you got accepted, your name got put up on a placard, prominently located on one of the main halls of our school
My first interview question, from the teacher in charge of the “club,” was: “Can you take racist jokes against Black people without getting angry?”
To say the least, I was 100% completely caught off guard—I knew what racism was, and I definitely knew that it was present in my school, because I’d experienced it firsthand from other students and teachers, but for some reason I wasn’t expecting it to happen at Interact Club. Silly me
I suddenly became acutely aware that I was the only Black person in a room full of white people: the teacher/advisor, about 10 students who were already members of Interact, and mf Bill. Because OF COURSE Bill was already in Interact, and he was just grinning from ear to ear as I sat there in front of the classroom in this fucking “interview” from hell
BUT…! Anyone who knows me knows that one of my core personality traits is, if I get hit—no matter how hard—I always always always hit back. After a moment or two, my response was: “Yeah, can YOU take racist jokes about crackers?”
NGL, I’m not known for my quick wit, or always having the deftest or best clapbacks, but I surprised myself. I really patted myself on the back for that one
Nobody said a word for what seemed like an eternity. It was enough time that I still remember wondering if I might get detention or suspended or something
Finally, the teacher just said, “Okay. You’re in” and he got up, and quietly left the room. Leaving me alone with Bill and 10 not very amused white boys. Bill wasn’t grinning anymore
One or two of the guys got up (I was fully ready to fight, and I was cocky enough to believe that I could take them all down), but they just shook my hand, congratulated me and then they all left the room too
I would later learn that I was the first Black student in my county to get (“accepted”) into the Interact Club. This motif of, “first Black person to…” would follow me around in a lot of aspects in life, until my late 20s
Now, fast forward to the day before Election Day for student body president. It was my very first time giving a public speech. To a crowded auditorium full of my classmates. It was a little bit nerve wracking, but once I got into it, it was easy peasy. Enough so that I actually remember relaxing on stage and even ad libbing a few jokes into my speech. All in all, it wasn’t a bad experience. In fact, I kinda enjoyed it
Lmao, I made a shit ton of promises that I had no idea how I would keep, like getting the school to play music from the local Black radio station in the cafeteria during lunch—and the auditorium exploded in cheers and applause with this impromptu commitment of mine. Like I said, it was a good experience
Bill gave his speech, but I remember it being flat, bland and boring (kinda like Bill) and there was a smattering of claps here and there, and I distinctly recall thinking, “Is Bill really bombing here?” It surprised me because I was like, he had home field advantage, right? I mean, I could count on the Black students to vote for me, but collectively we didn’t account for more than about 15% of my student body class. We had to be bussed in. Bill shoulda been killing it. He had home field advantage, right??
The day after our speeches, was voting day. The principal told Bill and I that we would each be given the results in person before last period, and then the winner would be announced via intercom at the end of the school day. The principal made it clear that the loser would be expected to gracefully accept the outcome and shake hands with the winner. He was looking directly at me as he said this, but it didn’t bother me that much because I never really expected to win. I was outnumbered, but I was proud of myself for making it this far. And everyone who I passed in the hallways was telling me, “Don’t worry, O, I voted for you. You got this in the bag.” A surprising number of white kids were saying this to me. The football team, cheerleaders,… like … a lot of white kids. Hmm… interesting
Weirdly, the closer that me winning seemed like a real possibility, the more I wanted it. But there was no fucking way that I was going to actually win
In the middle of that day, announcement day, I was called to the principal’s office via the p.a. system. I was shaking walking down to the office
I made my way into the office and the school secretary smiled at me and told me to go to another room down the hall where “they” were all waiting for me
I get to the closed door of the room, take a deep breath, gather my nerves, open the door and go in
And the ONLY people in that room are Bill and that fucking Interact Club teacher, and a few members of the Interact Club. Bill is wearing this giant smirk on his face, and the teacher is smiling. “You lost,” the teacher bluntly told me. “Now shake hands with Bill”
And I start to shake hands, because all of the wind is rapidly leaving my sails, and I’m literally deflating in front of everyone, but just before my hand meets with Bill’s hand, I pause and ask, “How much did I lose by?”
This wasn’t me trying to buy time or anything, I genuinely wanted to know. I was just curious. The teacher looked like this question caught him off guard, and he looked back at two of the students, and then they looked at each other, and they whispered to each other, and then one of them raised one finger, and the Interact teacher said, “You lost by one vote”
Somehow, that was even worse than losing by a hundred votes
And Idk where this presence of mind came from, but I asked if I could get a recount (losing by one vote wasn’t sitting right with me)
The Interact teacher said he didn’t think that was allowed, but he must have seen the look on my face (I was definitely going to go ask the principal) and he gave me a disapproving sigh and said, “Okay, we’ll do the recount. Come back in an hour.”
And I was like, “WHO will do the recount?” and he gestures to the Interact Club members and himself
Oh. Okay.
I just walked out without saying anything. Bill and his friends and the racist teacher were in charge of the vote counting. Great. Fine. Whatever
Needless to say, when the “recount” was done, I still “lost” but this time, I was told that I lost by 2 votes
So yeah, it wasn’t thee worst thing to ever happen to me, but it left a really bad taste in my mouth, ya know? After it was announced to the entire school, everyone was coming up to me for days afterwards telling me that they voted for me and they couldn’t believe that I didn’t win
I always believed that I had won, but it was high school. Whatchagonnado? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It wasn’t a life defining moment or anything, it was just something that happened, but it’s not lost on me that I still recall everything as if it happened last week
But I did let it go and I moved on
It’s something that I haven’t thought about literally in years. Decades, in fact
Until recently
I was out running one morning and a guy was going in the opposite direction and he kinda stared at me as I went around him. And then he yells, “Hey, is your name Odin?” and I stop and go back and tell him yes, and we start talking, and it turns out that he went to my high school. I completely do not remember him, but whatever. It’s always kinda nice to see old faces from old places
So after a few minutes we do the obligatory, “hey let’s exchange phone numbers and keep in touch” thing, but even though I gave him my phone number, I had absolutely no intention of ever contacting him. I’m busy. I got shit to do
Maybe a month later, I get a phone call and it’s the dude who I bumped into who knew me from high school. So in real time, it’s last week
We’re talking and I’m ready to hang up after about 30 seconds, but I don’t want to be rude so I let him keep talking and waited for the right moment to jump in and throw in an excuse to end the call
He’s going on and on and says, “I know you didn’t recognize me that day, but I was trying to talk to you and tell you something, but you seemed like you were in a rush…” and I’m thinking to myself, yeah, much like right now, and for some reason I get unusually blunt (in social settings I’m normally more patient and accommodating, but something felt off, and I really was busy)
Then he says, “I need to tell you something, but I …”
Long silence
Look, man, whatever it is just say it
“Thanks, I just never thought I’d … I want to get it off my … (long sigh)”
Just say it
“You won that election back in high school. I was one of the people counting the votes. You won. You won by a lot. We gave it to Bill”
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ok ok remember that extra long early morning class from like five posts ago?
so for context the school was closed that day only super intense classes were coming in. my class wasn't the only one, my bff's class was supposed to come in, too. just those two classes, keep in mind. her class is on the third floor, mine is on the fourth and her class starts one hour before mine.
so i come early by like 30 minutes and all the lights are off and all the doors are closed except the lights in the corridor leading to my friend's class so i was like oh they're in there cool and i didn't think much of it.
i started wandering around the school because it was so dark and creepy and cool i literally felt like a ghost. there was a sound of someone turning on a tap and running water so i guessed it was from the bathroom downstairs where my bff's class was but it startled me and kinda made me uneasy right so i wanted to go back downstairs and when i opened the door to the stairwell mr. teacher dad was there and gave me the scare of my life (on purpose mind you he knew i was up there snooping). so i hung out with him and whatever and this creepy cat was following us. i got into a fight with the cat, the cat won.
so my friend's class ends an hour before mine so i told her to come up and visit before she goes back home but she didn't. so when we took a break me and one of my classmates went down to the third floor and the lights were still on but we went all the day down the hall to my bff's class and it was empty so i called her really upset that she left without talking to me and she didn't pick up
i was like ok whatever she's probably tired.
then when i got back home i saw a text from her that was like "oh sorry i didn't come by my class was canceled"
what do you mean your class was canceled
realizing that i'd been the only person in the entire school genuinely freaked me out i'm so shook. like ok maybe the guy in charge of opening the building opened that class because he thought they were coming in. but my class on the floor above wasn't open and the lights were off in the whole corridor even though they knew we were coming in too.
guys my school is haunted 😭
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athielive · 2 years
Hi! I’m so excited to see that people are getting into RTC! I was wondering if I could put in a request for Mischa? If you’re not taking requests or just don’t want to write it that’s totally okay, I just had an idea I needed to get out
In the show he’s referred to as “the angriest boy in town” so I figure that’s all most people see him as (excluding the choir post-rtc), so everyone’s confused about why the reader is so close with him (friends with loads of pining for each other) and one day someone says something bad about the reader, causing Mischa to get in a physical fight with them. Cut to the reader patching him up with a bunch of longing glances and a confession of feelings (and possibly sharing a kiss attempting not to hurt his split lip bc that just drives me crazy)
Thank you! 💞
this is such a good idea, thank you so much 😊
⚠️TW⚠️ blood, slight mentions of violence
“I just don’t get why you’re so close with him.”
Yet again your friends were whining on about how dangerous Mischa was.
They didn’t even know him, let alone give him a chance. Everything just buys in to the whole ‘angriest boy in town’ thing which, for the record, could not be further from the truth.
He was the most caring person you knew, he just didn’t show it in front of other people. The only times you had seen him get into fights had been due to him defending people he loved.
“Y/N are you even listening? We’re worried about you! He’s probably in love with you or something.” She said putting her hand on your shoulder.
You shrugged her off, “I think I’ll live.”
She tried to get another word in but you turned and walked off. At this point you were done with all your other friends, you just needed to find Mischa.
Meanwhile, he was walking through the corridors on his way out.
Usually he could put up with people shouting comments at him or people simply moving as far away as they could, but today he was on edge.
You saw him in front of you and fast walked over.
“Where’ve you been?” You asked.
He just turned and looked at you, his eyes softening for a moment before going cold again.
“Okay just cause you’re in a mood doesn’t mean you need to take it out on me.”
He stopped walking and pulled you to the side of the corridor next to the locker.
“You wanna talk? Fine I-” He started.
“Y/N come on we’ve talked about this.” You recognised the shrill voice of your friend. You turned to see her with the stupid boy she was trying to set you up with.
He started laughing then whispered something to her, “They’ve just become desperate because they know they’re not good enough for anyone.”
“Shut the fuck up.” Misha said, his voice was low and you could tell he was trying to control his annoyance.
“Or what? Come on,” He turned to faced you, “You really need your new boyfriend to protect you. I knew you were pathetic but this is a new level of-“
Mischa lost it and swung at the guy. He punched him right in the nose causing his eyes to water heavily.
You didn’t know where he learned to fight like this, it had never come up. But fuck he was good. They kept throwing their fists at each other, blood was splattered over the floor and you weren’t sure who’s it was.
“Y/N stop him!” You heard your ‘friend’ say.
But you didn’t. In fact a smirk was present on your face.
Of course you were worried for Mischa and you knew it would all end with you cleaning him up but he could handle himself and nothing that you could say would stop him.
Before you knew it two teachers were pulling them apart and it was all over.
Mischa shouted something in Ukrainian at them which nobody understood before turning to you, grabbing your hand and dragging you out.
The two of you walked in silence until you got to your house, it was risky to go to his because if his adoptive parents saw him in this state it would get messy.
He sat down on your bed and you went over to your desk to grab the first aid kit you took the liberty of buying when you became close with him.
There were blood stains all over his hands, a bruise on his cheekbone and a cut on his lip. Yet despite it all he showed no signs or major pain. He just stared at you, not looking away, just staring into your eyes.
You reached for the antibacterial wipes, barely breaking eye contact and took one out the packet.
“This is gonna sting a little.” You warned him before wiping the cut and the smeared blood surrounding it. He winced slightly then smiled up at you apologetically.
You couldn’t stop looking at him and especially his lips, how could someone who had just gotten into a fight look so beautiful?
“I could’ve handled it myself you know.” You told him.
He just rolled his eyes and laughed slightly. He grabbed the wipe from your hands and began to wipe the blood off his own.
“Are you ready to talk about it yet?”
He sighed. “I don’t know why I did it. I’ve just been so irritated all day, I didn’t care when they said things about me but when they brought you into it I got all mad and I couldn’t help it. I’m sorry.”
You sat down on his lap and wrapped your arms around his neck, burying your head into his neck as he snakes his arms around your waist.
“Thank you.” You mumbled, suddenly pulling your head up till your faces were inches apart. “I still don’t get why you would do all of this for me.”
“Fuck Y/N that’s why I do it. You’re so oblivious. I’m so scared that I would go that far to protect you but I love you and that terrifies me. I’ve never cared so much about someone who clearly doesn’t reciprocate it.” He whispered aggressively.
‘He loves me?’ You thought.
You grabbed the sides of his face and pulled him towards you. Your lips collided and you could feel his hands fly off of you for a split second before grabbing you tightly again and pulling you closer to him.
He deepened the kiss as you both melted into it, the months worth of pining all resulted in this moment and you couldn’t feel happier.
You were trying not to hurt him because of his split lip but he kept getting more into it, meaning it clearly wasn’t hurting that much or he was choosing to simply ignore it.
After a minute you pulled away, coming face to face with him again.
His mouth hung open as he tried to catch his breath and process what just happened. You were pretty much in a mirrored state, what had just happened?
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bronzetomatoes · 6 months
Sorry I would like a second opinion on a personal issue from people who had no involvement in the situation so. Sorta long post ahead
Ermm so there's this girl in my band class. And like at our school that means we've all been in the same class with the same 20-some people for both band and English for 2-3 years now, so we're a pretty close group as far as full high school classes go. But yeah there's this girl I've sorta known in passing the past couple years
When we got to school for the new year in September, this girl (gonna call her Alice, not her real name) had just come out as trans, started growing her hair out, was very skittish and socially awkward. Last year she had a friend group, this year none of them seemed to be talking to her. After chatting with us for a day in October, she asked if she could start hanging out with us at school more often. We all sorta went 👍 ofc you can
We really did not have anything in common, but we could tell she needed friends and like. It's fine, ofc, and our band teacher spoke to us privately about how great it was to see Alice have friends + the impact she could see it having on Alice.
After like a month or two, the early awkwardness and stilted conversations had... not gone away. But like I thought That's okay, being socially awkward isn't a crime, not everyone is good w that shit. We still very much did not have Any common interests, and honestly? We didn't even seem to enjoy each other's company that much, she just sorta hung around us bc she needed friends. We didn't find each other funny either, which sorry if that seems stupid but like thats kind of a big deal for me and my friends
One thing I started to notice was that she seemed... overly familiar? Like she started laying on pretty thick with flirting and sexual jokes in a way that kind of just fell flat. I kinda pinned it as social awkwardness + not taking hints, but my friends and I had known each other for YEARS before we started that shit, not. 3 months. And like it wouldn't have been a problem if Alice would like, stop when we asked her to.
On the one hand, I feel like some of my friends were a little harsh in the way they started icing her out, but on the other hand I had been fighting off a Bad Gut Feeling for months at that point and didn't much feel like going to bat for Alice? But anyway
I missed a lot of lunch hours for extracurriculars, which is when most of this shit goes down, so apparently Alice had kept on full sending it w the heavy flirting and sexual comments. Literally asked one of the more reserved guys if he was circumcised out of fucking no where. Asked one guy out, found out he had a gf, immediately moved onto another guy. Asked someone if his friend was single, guy said "no, but I don't think he's looking for anything rn," Alice replied "lmk if he gets better," kept making weird ass fucking jokes (including an incest joke about her REAL LIFE LITTLE BROTHER) until it was just like. This shit has gotta stop
And THEN. Alice's old friends told us that the reason they all fucking dropped her was bc she a) wouldn't quit it w invasive questions abt their sex lives (non-existent) (we're in high school band get real), b) went to someone's house to hang out and READ THEIR DIARY. And c) wrote. self-insert porn about herself and one of their friends and then showed it to them. ANYWAYYYYY we had had ENOUGHH but I feel really bad bc she really and truly got dropped by like 20 people all at once. And like some of us had a free period together so it was like we had been chatting for an hour a day from October to February and we all kinda just dropped her. But on the other hand what the actual fuck
And the thing is, we did give her a chance to apologize. We explained everything that had been making us uncomfortable and asked her to stop, and rather than, idk, deciding to stop hitting on all our friends, she tried to explain why she should be allowed to do it 😭😭 and like at that point I couldn't keep giving her the benefit of the doubt. It ain't misreading social cues if you're being told directly and you refuse to change your behaviour
This all went down like a couple weeks ago but I had to get it off my chest. Don't blame the band teacher or anything her heart is always in the right place but WOO BOY was it misguided 💀
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hirokiyuu · 2 months
22, 28, 29?
22. What is it about watching the same two idiots falling in love over and over again?
GOD. REALLY WHAT IS IT. honestly theres multiple parts to me depending on my mood
-partially it is comedy. i love when guys are in situations where theyre like. why am i here. ie aksh au where theyre online friends and akira occasionally talks abt the crazy hot guy on tv and akch just has to sit there bc he cant expose himself. yjn/leona soulmate au where the first things they say to each other that are permanently tattooed on their skin are [BEEP] and [BEEP]. u kno how it is
-the other thing tho is i just get Compelled. i need to think abt them falling in love over and over bc its just so satsifying.......... love wins and its real and they care for each other.............. u kno. oughgognGHOIHGGOIHG
28. Any writing advice that works for you and you feel like sharing?
honestly my biggest writing advice really is just. write at least a little bit as much as u can. i dont have a daily wordcount or anything but my ceramics teacher in hs was really big on us making as much as we could bc the more we worked w/the clay the better we got even if we were just making shitty pinch pots. its the same thing. the more you write even if its drabbles etc the better you get. and then you can take those skills u get from your, say, 3 sentence prompts (lol) and apply them everywhere else
29. What's the hardest thing about writing?
Every Single Fucking Thing.
ok the real answer is like, when ive got a fic mostly finished but it needs either more of an intro or more of an ending or i need a bit of filler in the middle and i put it off for later bc i didnt wanna do it right them. when i have to write the parts im not emotionally horny for. when i wrote the dish/soap ridge confession fic i was fighting for my life for the first like half a page and i feel like you can Really Tell. u kno how it is
but also Every Single Fucking Thing
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allamericanb-tch · 3 months
crimson rivers thoughts (23)
the last part ☹️
chapter 69 (lol)
wait guys i lowkey forgot what happened it’s been so long
why is albus so sassy
"Gellert was my soul," Albus replies. "The only thing he wasn't was my little sister and my little brother. That is why he's dead and I'm here now, without him, and you still wish to punish me. You can't punish me more than I already punished myself the night I plunged a sword into his heart."
why is this dumbledore brothers angst so angsty 
“James and I are going to have four children." 
love sirius
ugh i forgot monty died ☹️
boooo albus
crimson river
yeah albus deserved that
it fully has been over a month since ive read this all of the thoughts from above are from the beginning of may
ok i think i found the part where i left off
“Sirius shakes his head and says, gently, "You. It was you, Reggie. You taught me that."“ ❤️‍🩹
ugh aberforth pov
i mean yeah i feel bad for him but
the end notes are always my fav part
chapter 70
wait i forgot to write down my thoughts
regulus’ note to james ☹️
monty ☹️
bye sobbing how is it that the games were the least emotionally heavy part of this entire fic
“”My moon is right here," Sirius counters, pressing closer to him, something gentle and adoring in his gaze.”
marylily save me marylily
marlene ☹️ never forgiving zar for that
poor james ☹️
frank ☹️
vanity ☹️
trying so hard not to cry rn
i love effie so much
“It's in his mum's arms, in this very moment, that he feels his dad again.” sobbing
why is sirius breaking up with james
oh okay
sirius is going back to 12 with remus
sirius is a good friend i think
james is a good friend too i think
james and regulus are kissing
it’s been two months ?!
chapter 71
effie ☹️
taking a break i can’t do this
ok we’re back it’s been several hours
i love effie so much she deserves everything
“My parents moved out, back to my childhood home when I was eighteen, when I started mentoring. I was gone during parts of the year, and they—ah, well, they were never really fond of…the neighbors."
Regulus pauses, then his lips twitch. "Those dastardly Blacks, I'm assuming."”
i love regulus
“Because Lily and Remus are not-so-secretly as attached to each other as Sirius and James are, Remus also calls Lily every day.” i love remus and lily
marlene ☹️
i love lyall in this
who is this ken fool
"Very low bar. I could trip over you," sirius you menace 😭
“Lyall is wheezing.” me too lyall me too
oh me oh my
sirius just picking remus up
chat i have to pee so bad like i’m actually gonna pee my pants but my dog is sitting on me so i don’t want to get up bc she’s so cozy
i love mary so much
james going to be a teacher (of fun) i love him
bagels ❤️‍🩹
james telling regulus about his fear of fire good job james
the song ❤️‍🩹
james just asked regulus to marry him
they’re getting married!!!!!!!
chapter 72
dorcas pov ?! ok eat
oh !
poor dorcas ☹️ ugh i feel so bad for her
she so right where you left me
took another break now im back
“Marlene wasn't the first; she wasn't even the last. That honor goes to Albus.” ugh i hate albus
oh molly i love her
this chapter
poppy and minnie ?! 
"No," Regulus agrees with a shrug, "but I hoped."
“She wants to live, and she wants to love, but in this aspect—romance—she feels quite content with being finished. Marlene was the love of her life, and that's it. Simple as that. She'll never love another.” SOBBING
i’m actually trying so hard not to cry
chapter 73
this one is called the wedding please let it be a happy chapter
low bar hilarious
wait i forgot to write my thoughts
remus and sirius are moving back to 6 and i love them 
jegulus i love them
sirius came back and james cried (he’s just like me fr)
james favorite thing at school being gardening with the kids ❤️‍🩹
james and regulus fighting over sirius is hilarious
remus is not having this
non binary tonks i love them so much
i love narcissa
aberforth pov jump scare
reading this chapter is making me want to have a wedding
“but he and James are too busy riding the train in their locked compartment where they take the time to, ah, christen every single stop along the way” 😭😭
james in a suit dress save me james in a suit dress
“"Don't rush me!" Sirius retorts from inside, his voice muffled, but his excitement palpable. "James, entertain him, will you?"” this whole bit is hilarious
a bookshelf ❤️‍🩹
bye i’m crying that’s so sweet
“That other life is this one. This life is that one. All their lives have even a split second of joy, and hope, and effort. It doesn't matter what life it is; James knows that, in every single one, they have so much love to give, and so much love granted to them. Even if for only a moment, and that one moment can make any life worth living. Despite all the grief. Despite all the pain. Despite all the loss. Because there's love. Because there's a bookshelf. They do get it. They have it. They make it, and people who love them help make it, too.” 
"You're so stupid," Regulus says. 
"Yes, but I'm your stupid," James tells him, grinning. 
oh james and his knife kink
eugh this is giving me the ick
wedding time
aw james ☹️
“and no one knows this except them, but before the wedding started, Sirius gently fixed Regulus' tie and whispered to him that if, at any point, he wanted to stop or run away, Sirius would make a scene for him if that's what it came to.” i love sirius 
regulus is remembering things
“you’re hesitating love”
bye im going to cry
ugh i loved this chapter so much ❤️‍🩹
chapter 74
SIRIUS 😭 im so embarrassed for him poor sirius
“Apparently the stars have demands of me. Or just one, at least."
stop i imagined sirius crawling like what’s the name of the girl in the ring but like how when she crawls out of the tv 
sirius accidentally proposing to remus and then purposefully proposing to remus with a spoon because he doesn’t have a ring i love him
sirius is so unserious 
i love trans mary she’s my everything 
alice ?!
rip alice and emmaline
james invited alice to the wedding omg
frank ☹️
alice putting the casserole in the oven for james i love them
sirius dissociating in the middle of his wedding
wolfstar married wolfstar
i always get jump scared when i see xenophilius in fics
pandora xenophilus and rodolphus okay
wolfstar fostering a child
regulus babysitting
regulus stealing sirius’ children
jegulus babies
i just finished this chapter and it’s 1 am so k need to stop and o will read the last one tomorrow. or later today technically.
chapter 75
last one guys 
wait i totally have not been writing my thoughts
vanity 💔
the hat
evan 💔
"There are a lot more views waiting for you, so go see them. You don't need me to climb," Evan murmurs. "You never did."
that was so
ugh i love bizzarestars
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imkazz · 1 year
akaza’s backstory
heyo so i decided to do live notes on me reading this guys backstory. my mom says she literally cried when she read a year before me, and that its really sad so i wanted to keep my live reactions bcs this isnt my first time screaming at the plot twists in demon slayer. i start the live notes in the beginnings of chapter 154 and im also reading the manga in japanese so i might have mistranslated/misunderstood some things lol
initial thoughts on akaza: idk hes pretty fruity like the mugen train arc “oni ni nare, kyoujurou” in japanese was omg just. so fucking fruity. and he said the same freaking thing to giyuu omgs- also he hates douma and wants to kill kokushibo but idk what to really feel about him. anyways ive seen the little hints at the girl holding his hand and he tried to punch it, and his head grew back bc he said he had to get stronger???
live notes start here (just jot notes):
- damn she pulling out the existential crisis on akaza
- oh his dads sick boo hoo
- woah wait is he a pickpocket?
- oh my fucking wait is that why he looks like a basketball???
- holy shit is this where he becomes a basketball?
- like every time he gets caught stealing he gets a mark as punishment
- damn how many times did u get caught bruh
- welp idk how hed steal without his hands
- oof he just got called a demon child well hes a demon moon now
- oh wait my mom specified for me it means a kid who was born with teeth
- dude this suicide letter like ‘i cant take medicine bought by stolen money sorry for making myself a bother for you live a good life’
- oh hes mourning by hurting himself fighting people
- “even if it took 100 years for my dad to heal” and he kept half of that promise
- damn akazas backstory is just him getting beat up by everyone he meets
- and hes just like taking the beatings bc he wanted his dad to get medicine
- well fuck medicine for special diseases does cost a lot poor akaza
- and his dad just killed himself anyway
- still dont know who the girl is
- damn i wouldnt be able to stand getting whipped and bones broken for my parents
- huh he beat the living shit out of seven adults
- and he didnt get a scratch and hes also a kid
- who tf is that guy it seems akaza also has the same question
- oh is this guy who applauded akaza some sort of sensei i mean he has a dojo
- why does akazas personality sort of remind me of inosukes ‘fight me bitch’ type thing
- oh shit theyre gonna fight
- that wasnt so much of a fight than a man slapping a kid silly
- nother name drop keizou
- oh akaza is gonna take care of a girl?
- and akaza has someone to take care of again!
- aww cute moment between them
- also fireworks! yay! hes saying he can piggyback ride her there that so sweet
- oh shit shes crying
- oh thats so cute that their only purposes are to protect those they love
- omgs and akaza on his little training arc with keizou like how tanjirou did with urokodaki and both are taking care of a younger girl who is bedridden- the parallels
- holy shit three year time skip
- oh ok koyuki is better now
- wait whats this abt poison
- ok were back and ready to react
- wait what promise
- ohh shes saying she wants to watch the fireworks with akaza next year and the year after too... oh shit she died.
- damn so both their parents killed themselves bc of their kids
- ohhh this is so sweet but sad knowing she just died
- i feel like this is sad because it wasnt even muzans fault that the two of them died it was just poison
- he even admits it out loud himself that his own story is sad help
- hes even completely ok with the fact he wont go to the same place as the three most important people in the world to him
- and giyuu is just standing there
- lmao tanjiro is just always yelling for demons to stop
- wait what tanjiro ur sword-???
- oh shit it slipped from his grip
- sorry i snorted at the fact that tanjiro decked akaza in the face instead
- i think im gonna stop there the backstory is over
- i feel horribly empty inside after finishing that chapter
- think i might just go cry
current thoughts on akaza: damn i understand why ppl are so sad about this, holy shit this is so sad like i have no words im probably gonna have to come back to this post tomorrow to give my thoughts after thinking about this all night
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marchsage · 2 years
YES to pryce deserving so many more consequences for kidnapping, traumatizing, and brainwashing six children to use as child soldiers; your theory that giovanni straight up did not know that pryce was behind it is super interesting too bc it's the only thing that makes sense for why he's like "here go train with your kidnapper again!!!" it makes sense too (and like. lance knows which is a whole other thing to unpack) because giovanni wasn't very...present for the gsc arc and pryce's crimes weren't exactly broadcast. a few other gym leaders and the dexholders are the ones that actually know what happened and there's no indication that that's ever really shared with the world after pryce is yeeted into the crack in time. love that analysis so much!
please lmk if you want me to delete/etc but YES!!
First off, thank you!! :) I love talking about Pokespe (especially the Kanto and Johto dexholders).
[general pokespe spoilers]
A really big part of Pokespe is, I feel, consequences. It's in the RBG arc when Giovanni loses to Red as a consequence of not caring about the Pokemon he hurt. It's in the Yellow arc where Lance hurts others without regard and gets defeated by someone who is essentially a parallel to him. It's in the FR/LG arc when Giovanni can't even reunite properly with his son (his illness isn't his fault, but fighting Red and causing chaos to the Sevii Islands sure is!).
There's also growth as another big part of Pokespe! It's pretty obvious in regards to the dexholders because you can see them change/develop over the arcs (e.g. Black). But it's also visible when the dexholders have to group up with past/previous enemies to fight the new ones. Surge goes from a dude willing to attack children (Red arc) to helping out (Yellow arc) and trying to rescue(?) kids (GSC arc). Other examples I can think of include N and Lorelei to an extent.
Pryce doesn't have either. His consequence was getting stuck in time, but that was more of a result from messing with time. He didn't face anything for snatching and "training" the kids. He didn't face anything for trying to kill Silver and Gold, unless you include Gold stopping his plans. And if he gets to return to his gym without any fanfare, then orchestrating that attack on the gym leaders in GSC (the train) had no consequences either.
After looking at Giovanni's actions in the arcs he's present in, it feels very implausible that he would've spared Pryce if he knew. He smashed a Magmar, left Yellow during the big final fight, and a bunch of other things. Kidnapping Oak, Green/Blue's parents, etc. Giovanni was willing to do a lot of things, unforgivable or not, in the FR/LG arc just to find his son.
It's also a bit weird like... At most, I assume Giovanni knew Pryce in the context of a gym leader. Like you said, he wasn't there for the GSC arc, and while Pryce's crimes were known to some gym leaders, it's probable that he didn't pay attention because he prioritized finding Silver. In fact, what were the crimes mentioned? He kidnapped kids, but did anyone know besides the dexholders? At most, people would know him as the guy that tried to control time and kill gym leaders.
In the translation I read, Giovanni says something along the lines of Silver training under his two teachers. So.... who knows whether Giovanni knows. Maybe he just misinterpreted the relationship between Pryce and Silver. It feels like a weird mix of contradictions.
Lance's case is weird because, in a show-don't-tell way, I don't doubt he cared enough about Silver in their mentor-mentee relationship. In the HG/SS arc, Silver at least has faith that Lance would have information on Team Rocket. Lance also mentions, like I said in the previous ask, that he, Pryce, and Giovanni are all tied together by Silver. The other two have such an impact that it feels like it'd be a weird connection to make if he wasn't that close with the dexholder.
Side note but Lance and Pryce feel like weird parallels where they both did bad things for the "benefit" of Pokemon. Lance did it for the cruelty of humans while Pryce.... is Pryce, I guess. He has a more selfish view of it where only his Pokemon should be treated with love and care.
Back to Lance solely, in GSC, I don't think he ever knows about Pryce being the Masked Man since he only shows up to give Silver information. In HG/SS, it feels like.. a mix of knowing and not knowing? It's contradictory again, like Giovanni's case. Maybe he knows and prioritizes the world. Maybe he doesn't know all the details. Maybe he doesn't prioritize it at the moment because Silver looks well-adjusted (he isn't, but that's something else entirely).
I think it'd be neat if Blue/Green was considered a mentor to Silver instead of Pryce. We got hints of that mentorship in FR/LG and in HG/SS. Blue/Green's the Viridian gym leader, he mentored Silver when they were looking for Giovanni, he (kind of) helped out when Silver learned his dad was Giovanni, they're fellow dexholders.... I just think that's pretty swell :) Any of the Kanto dexholders would be a "worthy" mentor figure honestly.
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cishet white guy nursing student had a fascinating (and endearing) reaction to my experiences with hospitals
thinking about last week when i did the second queer-centered patient simulation for the new LGBTQ+ program at our university hospital. this is the same one i helped develop, and it's the first of its kind in our state (which is crazy!! i'm part of something groundbreaking!!)
at the end of it, the two other "patients" and i had to join the debrief, to share our impressions and advice with the students.
for the most part, as with any student, they were all nervous to interact with something new without any of the history or context, and all of them held a sizable fear of offending us. but each of them did wonderfully and treated us like any other patient: like humans.
one of the students was a guy in his thirties, and though he wasn't assigned to me he still listened to everything i had to say to all the students.
first i went "Congrats, y'all just met some queer folk!" as an ice breaker, bc i got the impression that most of them hadn't interacted with (openly) queer people before.
i also let them know that 1) they had the hard job when it came to pronouns; i don't refer to myself in the third person, as it's just me, myself, and i. and 2) don't worry about being accidentally offensive, bc if we got offended every time we got misgendered then every day would be exhausting.
and then, i ended with something a bit more personal but explained that many, many queer and trans people went through something similar.
i said, "Please understand, going to the hospital is a frightening experience for a lot of queer folk. Sometimes, the only way to ensure our safety and treatment, is to pretend I'm a girl. Until I know for sure I can trust you, I remain "undercover". It's not comfortable, but it's better than fighting for my identity every time I see a doctor."
the student mentioned before, the cishet white guy in his thirties, apparently got stuck on that. during the final round of comments, he spoke up and looked at me with a genuinely distressed expression.
"You mentioned you have to default to your assigned gender just to go to the doctor?" he said. he's a tall, broad man that had to twist and fold into the desk chair, and i guess he'd been working already from how frazzled and sweaty he was. nothing about him looked comfortable, but his expression, though pinched with concern, was open and listening.
"My current PCP still believes I'm a girl," I replied. "I've known him almost my whole life, but he's never given me any indication I can trust him. He's a kind old man, but there's always a fear that if I come out to him, then I won't receive the treatment I need. It's not a guarantee, but this has happened to many trans people before."
The concern in the student's face turned to genuine frustration. "I'd never considered that before, that's just," he tried. "That's just not right."
i'm reminded of the first time i read "The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas" in high school. our English teacher wanted us to decide for ourselves, would we stay in the utopia that depends on the suffering of one person, or leave?
a surprising amount of my classmates said they'd stay, bc there was nothing to be done about the one in suffering. and yeah, most of the class were white middle/upper class cishet people
i was horrified. when it was my turn to answer, i said, "I would leave."
"Why?" my teacher asked.
"Because it isn't right," i insisted. i couldn't put words to the disgust i was feeling. how could i possibly remain somewhere i knew for a fact relied on suffering to exist?
the teacher tried to get me to think past "right and wrong", or at least to find words to explain why this scenario was so wrong to me. and even then, i knew he was in agreement with me. but it was a philosophical question designed to make the reader think, to examine their beliefs when faced with a choice that many claim impossible. and the teacher informed us that our society is already like this due to colonialism and capitalism.
but i was stuck, because this was the first time i saw just how many people were ok with Omelas, and i got sick to my stomach so couldn't get past "This is just wrong, it's wrong!"
my twin brother, who had the same class with me, had what i thought was the best and most practical answer (and i was so so relieved)
"I'd walk away," my brother said. "I'm not going to rely on someone else for my happiness, not if I can help it. My home and health will be my own responsibility."
that nursing student had his Omelas moment. he'd never had to consider if he could trust his doctor or not, he'd never had to fight for treatment just because of his gender or sexuality. but he finally saw the metaphorical unnamed human being suffering in silence as the rest of society went on with their blissful lives.
i don't think i've ever been so happy to see someone so frustrated. and i made sure to tell him how much i appreciated it, it's not something you can easily explain to cishet people but he caught on fast enough that i'm fully convinced he's going to be a kind, compassionate nurse one day.
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angelic-brutality · 2 years
How some TR boys would be with a boyfriend that’s a ballet dancer
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ok so this is my first time writing something like this (and first post in tumblr, idk what i’m doing here-)
i’m a ballet dancer but i’m not THAT good, but i’ll put some of my experiences here
for this to make sense, let me explain some things: Y/N has male anatomy, have some friends in ballet, use pointe shoes, and he has a cool ballet teacher 
just to clarify before starting, i don’t have english as my mother language so if there are some grammatical mistakes i’m really sorry :(
characters: draken, baji and hanma
tw: i accidentally putted some anger issues in the hanma part, SORRY
» Ken Ryuguji (a.k.a Draken)
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first of all, this man would not care what type of things you do to have fun
“but he needs to have the posture of a real gangster!”
and who said dating a boy and enjoying the fact that he does ballet is not being a real gangster?
and you also knew how to fight someone if you needed, it was a big point for him
he knows that dancing ballet is not an easy thing. emma tried to do some classes once and he saw how she got tired after those classes
so he’s impressed that you do such things- even if you can’t do what your friends do, he’s impressed
i don’t think that ken really like watching dance shows, but he’ll do it for you 
but something that truly worry him is when you two will go on a date after your class but 30min before the time of when you’d go out you message him saying that you’re too tired
this boy would do 3 things, in order:
1. he would think that you’re dumb for training too much when you know it’s not good for you
2. he would get anger at himself for thinking that you’re dumb for training for a thing that you like
3. he would reply to you with a simple “ok” and run to some store and buy some foods that you like
and then run as fast as he can to your house to take some care of your tired body
maybe even message your back or your feet if they hurt too much
you probably hear him saying that you should take more care of yourself
he wants his boy to be healthy, ofc
and then you would cuddle and you’ll probably fall asleep with him holding you (or you holding him, it depends)
i just want this man to hold me *cries*
» Keisuke Baji
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when you told him that you do ballet, he thought that you were those petty rich boys that even having muscles would not win a single fight
well, he knew that he was wrong when he saw you beat the ass of a guy that was homophobic to him
he was just “:o” because he wouldn’t think you could fight, and then he was “>:)” thinking that you need to be his friend since he admired you a lot
and then the admiration turned into romantic feelings
he realized that when you called him almost midnight screaming and saying that you won third place in a competition
he first thought “why is he so excited with a third place? i can't even imagine when he wins first place...”
but then you explained that win those things are hard as fuck and you were really proud of yourself
he was also really proud of you, even if you didn’t knew that time
then you started dating and you ofc continued ballet, and he loved that fact bc you were having fun
but he hated when you felt that you were too bad bc everyone could do something and you couldn’t
when you told that to him, he just hugged you really really tight, not saying a word
after some minutes like this (and you almost crying bc of the frustration) he said “no matter what happens, i’ll always love you and support you in any way. if you want to continue doing ballet, i’ll try to help you with those things. if you want to quit, we can find another thing you feel better doing”
and then you bursted into tears
it ended up with him helping you with some exercises (like helping you stretch and giving a lot of motivation for you) and you doing those things you couldn’t before
i just love this boy sm *sobs*
» Shuji Hanma
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hanma is (like the other two above) the type of guy that would support you in any way, it doesn’t matter how
you two met because you were that one boy in the class that everyone liked but not to the point for being your best friend
so it was common to you spend your time alone, just staring at your phone, in the breaks
until the day he decided he would be your best friend
because he saw you fighting and arguing with another guy about something behind the school
and you won that
and then you became friends. and then best friends. and then lovers.
it wasn’t that difficult to fall in love with his goofy ass, c’mon who doesn’t love this boi
just after you two started to date you told him about ballet
you weren’t insecure of saying that to him, you knew he wouldn’t treat you different just bc you’re a boy that does ballet, you just never really had a reason to say it to him
and he kinda got pissed of because he didn’t knew about something you spent a lot of time on
but the second he saw one of your videos dancing he didn’t care about that fact
you were just so handsome dancing in those shoes that seemed to be hard to stay on
but something that he hated about it was when you get angry/upset for not doing something that your friends did
yeah, you love your friends, but why are they so ahead of you?
some people just get really sad but other just get really mad
making you want to discount on everything that annoys you - even if this person that’s annoying is you, for not being able to do such “““easy””” things
when he notices that you’re in that mood he don’t say nothing, he just hugs you really really tight - like you can’t even breath
that often relax you a bit because he always hugs out of the blue so your attention goes entirely to the fact that you can’t even breath, and not on that problems
when he notices that you’re fine, he still doesn’t talk, unless you start
when this happens you two usually just talk about something that doesn’t remind you in any way of what’s upsetting you
and if you just start crying, he would hug you again (this time in a soft way) and caress you
i’m almost crying here *screams*
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destinysbounty · 2 years
Poor Cole is just minding his own business, being gay, in season 3 and suddenly his crush wants to fight him over a girl 😭
Abslshdkdjkdkd ikr! Coles just vibing
Like!! Cole didnt even want to be in the love triangle in the first place. Hes just doing his own thing, goofing off with the bus microphone, wearing leather shoulder pads, and having homoerotic tension with all the other teachers. He never asked for this. Jays just like "fight me" and Cole is all "well alright you asked for it".
And really, when you think about it, nobody wanted to be in the love triangle. Jay's rampant insecurity just dragged them all into it kicking and screaming.
Cole, for instance, got chokeholded into it, and then stayed purely because he was mad at Jay.
Nya briefly flirted with Cole, for like 20 seconds, and even initially walked up to Jay after he learned about the Perfect Match, intending to comfort/assure him of their relationship - but then Jay lunged at Cole instead. And then she spent the rest of the season begging them to stop fighting. Like, iirc the double date at the theater wasnt even her idea!
And!! What Jay said in the Versus fight. "I was scared of losing Nya, but I take blame for that. I was more scared about losing you." Their fight was hardly even about Nya anyway! Jay fought Cole because he was insecure in his relationship with Nya, but when Cole fought back he became equally insecure in his relationship with Cole.
If Cole had been the only thing standing in the way of Jaya, then they wouldve gotten back together right after Cole bowed out. But they didnt, not until season 6! Because Cole wasnt actually the problem here. There were already hints of relationship issues at the beginning of season 3, what with Jay being too clingy and Nya being too distant. So honestly i would argue that the real meat of the drama is that Cole inadvertently stepped into an ongoing relationship crisis, got scapegoated for said crisis, accidentally made it worse, and then deliberately made it worse just to spite one of the other people involved. Hence why Cole's apologies often involve him saying, "I should have been a better friend" and "i had no clue."
Its just. So funny to me. The love triangle wasnt really your classic case of two guys fighting over one girl. It was just one insecure guy picking a fight with his gay bestie bc his girlfriend just realized shes poly. Everyone is confused and screaming all the time. Its just pure chaos. Someone get me popcorn.
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charmixpower · 2 years
Final thoughts on season 4! I fucking hate it
Random insults about this piece of shit season from off the top of my head:
Why the fuck do the girls keep picking up shitty group jobs?? Teachers, love and pet, then the band???? Your telling me this group of very diverse women who all have very different and clear hobbies likes and dislikes all want to do the same thing all the time??? Are you fucking sure???
The bullshit drama, only Flora/Helia and Aisha/Nabu escaped with a nay stray comment—and that's only because the writers wanted Nabu dead and don't care about Flora and Helia
Rivusa. Like in general. This season nearly made me hate my two favorite characters in this show!! Impressive!!!! They continued degrading Riven's character until he was acting like a sixteen year old again and THAT'S NOT MUSA
Fuck Andy for the band thing, I will never forgive you for this mother fucker!! Also you were useless for the plot of side of stupid fucking drama aND STELLA ENCOURAGING BLOOM TO CHEAT WITH YOU DONT THINK I FUCKING FORGOT ABOUT THAT
The wizards of the black circle were boring, they had no fun charisma or stage presence like the Trix or Valtor
The earth fairies weren't given enough time! Them bitches were fun as hell and had a interesting dynamic with the Winx!!!!! Plus they had something that no other antagonist before them had! The ability to be reasoned with!!!! That's so fucking interesting!!! I want more of them dammit
Musa playing "will I, won't I" with Riven and making it blanetly obvious that he was the second choice rebound. Girl if you don't fucking like him, which you clearly don't, break the fuck up and say that shit with ya chest—why do you keep pulling this hot and cold thing, I'm so lost
Nabu being the most annoying mouth piece for the writers. When Riven tried to express how he was feeling instead of bottling it up, which he did do before the Jason thing, Nabu guilt tripped him and recentered everything on Musa! Like Riven can still be wrong and you can listen to his feelings my guy
What ever the FUCK happened to "then suffer in silence" Helia. He has soft boy enegry now and it makes me break out in hives
Riven immediately after the break up genuinely acting like his s1 self...you can just say you hate Riven show, you don't need to do this. They destroyed all his comrade and willingness to work in a group because he cares about the people in the group, and for what?????
Stella becoming stupid. Stella was a book dumb, emotionally and fashion intelligent ditz with loyalty and determination in spades. She complained but not this much guys!! Stella would buckle down when she needed too, prefers to handle things by joking about them
Bloom contracting main characteritius and steam rolling Musa's dream and Aisha's revenge, while being a huge fucking hypocrite. Bloomy I am so sorry that this ugly ass bitch—
Believix is the beginning of the samey transformations, they just weren't as bold about it
The fashion in this season is offence to me! It's cute like out of context but so many outfits are completely out of character and it drives me crazy
The winx are now famous bc duh and Valtor, not a single mention about how the whole magic dimension knowing their name affects them at all outside of autographs at Alfea
Love and pet, it was useless and a dumb idea and why the FUCK would they start a pet shop??? Do they even all like animals???? You mean to tell me Stella agreed to this???
Each of the girls having their own fairy pet that will never be seen again after this season. Why are they even there
Mitzi v Stella. The whole fake Fairies thing was VERY FUN, but if the earth fairies were introduced sooner then I would even need a fake one—it just fucking sucks that some really fun moments are connected to Stella being jealous over fucking Mitzi of all people. Mitzi wears fucking beige, Stella would never
The fact that the Roxy Bloom parallel isn't explored! It's implied but nothing interesting is ever done with it!!
The lack of screen time for Aurora!!!! And Lovix!!!!! I want to see them FIGHT
The boring as hell fights. In s1 and 3 they were fighting army's, and now they can't handle small fights??? Really???
The immature tone of the whole season then suddenly smashing into Nabu dying like this season earned it. S2 and the stupid fucking pixies had a more universally darker tone that earned it's character death, and it kept this dark time despite reviving both Riven and Sky! It's like s4 was trying to be s2 but was playing a game of telephone with a blackout alcoholic about the important parts
Jason McQueen, who looks to be late 20's early 30's, flirts with a 19 year old girl that hasn't finished mental puberty who will soon be under his employ. If this man wasn't setting Musa up for abuse of power idk what the fuck he was doing, AND NO ONE MENTIONS HOW FUCKING CREEPY HE IS!!! HES SUPPOSED TO BE A GOOD THING AHHHHHHH
The Believix powers are super creepy, they just mind control people into acting right—remind me to never argue infront of Tecna
Have I mentioned my desire to push both Musa and Riven off a cliff??? Bc I thought about that multiple times while watching this season. Bloom and Stella can join them
No mention on how fairies being on earth affects humans
The Believix wings and the hand out fairies. The Believix wings were dumb, but the hand out fairies made everything so fucking boring man
Nabu gets fridged, by Orgon's ugly ass too. This show has managed to be dark without permanently getting rid of a member of the main cast, and due to the shitty writing of this season they had to fall back on permanently ridding of Nabu
During parts of s1-3 I could forget I was watching a kids show bc I was so enraptured, s4 won't ever let me forget
Stella, Flora, Aisha, and Tecna all giving up on their dreams to live Musa's. Because Stella obviously wanted to be a guitarist and not a fashion designer like she said all of s1-3 jfc
Flora and Diana not getting the boss battle they deserve
Why were Sibylla's fairies weird sayter things??? Aren't they supposed to be earth fairies???? I'm not even mad they're like that I just want an explanation
Flora not getting enough screen time in general
Nebula should of been allowed to fight Tecna too, I think they're similar and strong personalities would of made for an amazing dynamic and Nebula just deserved more fights in general. This show honest to God wasted time on some four boring ass goth bitches with no motivation outside of murder, when we could of had Nebula going crazy for all of s4 as the main antagonist
Neither Roxy or Bloom pulling the "I WAS RAISED BY HUMANS, DIPSHIT!" line on Nebula, what the fuck was she expecting
Morgana wanting to kill humans but being in love with one is never explained. I think Moragana should of been the extreme passive counterpart to Nebula, who took power years ago
The fact that Aisha's joining of the revenge fairies barely lasting any time. I think Tecna would of been a better choice for this (change Nabu dying to Timmy I guess) bc Tecna was always shown to be agressive first vs Aisha being passive until forces persuade her to be agressive. Tecna and Nebula would have a terrifying dynamic too! Tecna would of been a much scarier commander of the earth fairies, and been harder to convince, AND it would of given her an arc that isn't the same "Tecna learns to express herself" and it would give poor fucking Aisha a break. She was blinded last season, and nearly murdered before that. LET THE GIRL REST
The Winx choosing to stay on earth for some fucked up reason that I hate and don't understand. Earth was fun, we can leave now
Aisha not being allowed to drop Orgon. Cowards
Musa's and Bloom's civilian outfits. Musa would never and Bloom hurts my eyes. If there is nothing else you remember about me it's that I fucking hate Musa's s4 outfit so fucking much
The near constant shitting on Enchantix in the beginning of the season. Put some respect on her name
The weird drama between the guys and girls because the girls suddenly have egos the side of Riven's when he was a villain
Believix in general, form the way it was introduced to the way it is was earned
Stella and Brandon not being the best and most healthy couple, I call bullshit
The sheer amount of dick sucking that Believix gets. You will never be Enchantix
The fact that they still have fairy dust and never use it
Stella being a bitter single bitch at Aisha for no fucking reason
Morgana is fucking boring and only exists to have a reason Roxy is special
The fact that the Winx accepted Orgon's surrender after they were hunting down and trying to murder Roxy
The destruction of Nabu's weird personality to make him the perfect victim, and the warping of Aisha's and his relationship to make his death sadder
The fact that Aisha and Riven never talk or hug or anything when they're both the closest to Nabu! I want them to bond dammit
They guys being happy to work a public service job. Everyone but Riven is being a liar
Things I liked about season 4:
The lack of magic on earth was set up in s1, and going back to explain that was fucking amazing
Roxy, in general. She's an amazing Bloom analog and if utilized correctly she could of been the perfect book end to Bloom's arc. Tho I wish she was more obviously different from Bloom's story
Fairy on fairy violence, both with the earth fairies and Mitzi. Yesssssss!!!
Stella's designed outfits. They were nearly all fucking wins in the pretty aspect. That's my girl!!!
The earth fairies, all of them and in general. The show only really became fun after they were introduced, before that I was dragging my feet though this nonsense
Nebula. Cool, sexy, as a agenda. Should of been the main antagonist above Diana and Aurora and I'm right. She has presence and she's nothing like Icy and Valtor. She has her own thing going on, and her redemption could of been so much stronger if she was allowed to go ape shit for longer and have more time for Bloom to convince her to not blindly attack everyone and only attack the people who actually wronged her
Literally all of the cute Tecna moments. This season was the era for cute Tecna along with Tecna Enchantix and I am THRIVING
The dark fairies. Give me more fairy villains, they're so much fucking fun. They'res a vibe to girlie on girlie violence that is so much fun to watch. The girlies are much fun to watch, only Valtor and Riven make it to this level as villains. The rest could be improved by being girlies
Diana. Sexy, powerful, gets bitches, didn't fucking hesitate, is a girlie. Must I go on? She was fucking unhinged and I loved her for it!! Now this is a villain with some STAGE PRESENCE
Sophix and Lovix, Sophix is superior. Like I don't care for it narratively as a sub form of Believix, but I love the designs. If they were additional specialized forms on top of Enchantix I'd have nothing from stopping me form saying I love them
Aurora, ma'am are you single?? I love her soft girl enegry while she also pulled out the most violent and deadly plan between her and Diana. I wish she got a fight like Diana, and was much harder to convince while seeming more reasonable on the surface
Bloom throwing Mitzi and Nebula—Bloom's fairy v fairy fights in general
In conclusion
Season 2 > season 3 > season 1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> season 4
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ootahime · 3 years
analyzing every gojohime moment in the manga 😈
this series will probably have more than one part because tumblr only lets me upload ten images per post </3
warning: there are disgustingly long paragraphs in here and delusions
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chapter 32
utahime’s first introduction!  akutami lets us know right off the bat that she thinks gojo is an idiot (so true).
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chapter 32
i love the contrast between miwa and utahime’s reaction to gojo’s appearance.  
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chapter 33
NAH BC TELL ME WHY HE WENT OUT OF HIS WAY TO NOT GET HER ONE LMAOOOO!!  when he traveled overseas to meet with yuta, he picked up the tribal protection charms and thought to himself, “let’s get enough for the kyoto students as a gift since i am such a great and caring teacher, after all.  mmm, i should skip utahime to make her mad~”  this guy puts way too much effort into getting on her nerves.  his mind = utahime brainrot
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chapter 33
she’s laughing at him here because he’s getting disciplined for being a lil shit.  i wonder...what would he say if he saw her laughing at him like that?  
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chapter 33
this interaction between them is a little strange don’t you think?   i feel like over the years he’s learned how to pick up her mood based on the way she’s acting towards him.  you’re probably thinking, “well any person can figure out how a person’s feeling based on the way they’re talking or acting.”  yes, that’s absolutely true, but it’s kind of different with this.  she’s acting normal.  utahime has a rather indifferent expression on her face and what she says is spoken in a calm tone, but gojo still asks her if she’s mad at him.  it’s likely that he knows her well enough to be able to notice these subtle things.  even if she wasn’t actually mad at him, he was being considerate for a split second, then he went and said, “of course.  i didn’t do anything wrong and all.”  what a guy LOLOL.  to me, this implies that maybe he made her genuinely angry in the past to the point where he realized that he went too far, and thus decided to be more careful of her feelings.  she has definitely gotten annoyed at him so many times after that so whenever she seems angry, he probably asks himself if he took it too far.  i’m curious to see if he can pick up if she’s upset with something that’s not involving him.  would he console her?  how does gojo satoru console someone?  
despite him always annoying her, she’s still courteous and brings him a cup of tea during their talk.  she didn’t have to go out of her way to get tea for him but she did.  that’s the kind of person utahime is.  a kind and caring woman who would never put her students in danger.  in the anime they were sitting far away and not facing each other like they’re doing in the manga.  she also has her own tea cup.  i think that little panel of her placing the cup down on the table and him picking it up to take a sip is a nice little detail.  it just proves that her hating him most of the time isn’t actually pure hatred but annoyance because of his shenanigans and teasing.
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chapter 33
i touched upon this a little bit in my previous post, but i wish to go more in depth about this panel.  first of all, he ends the sentence with her name twice.  two times too many, mr. gojo.  i like how they can be serious with each other too LOL.  i wish we got to see them talk about the traitors because they did figure it out together after all.  does it always end in bickering?  can they interact with each other like adults all the way through?  somehow, i feel like that’s not possible when it comes to these two.  furthermore, notice how gojo confides in utahime about his suspicions.  from what we know, she is the first person he brought it up to.  i mean, i guess he has to start investigating the schools and would need extra assistance to save time, but he could have done it himself if he really wanted to.  by deciding to ask for her help we know that he thinks she’s trustworthy, smart, and strong enough to face whatever considerable risks this task may entail.  
i didn’t point this out in my other posts but see how he makes a hand sign in the last panel when she throws the cup at him?  gojo is manually activating his infinity.  why though?  about a year after the whole star plasma vessel incident happened, gojo develops the ability to keep his infinity up at all times by using the reversed curse technique to consistently heal himself to prevent exhaustion.  this means that it really makes no difference whether he leaves it on or off.  there are a few times where we can witness someone actually touching gojo.  for example, yuuji giving him a hug.  did he turn his infinity off, or was it able to deduce that yuuji was not a threat?  the erasers and pencils shoko and geto threw at him during his demonstration of his new ability aren’t dangerous normally, but is it the speed that makes them dangerous?  even if it did hit him, it wouldn’t hurt.  how does the infinity know when to allow an incoming object to touch gojo?  i believe it is up to gojo himself to let things touch him; his infinity restricts anything and anyone.  some people say it could just be the fact that water is not dangerous to him, so therefore, he has to manually put his infinity up.  i thought this was a reasonable explanation as to why he put up the hand sign when the tea was thrown at him, but then i realized that it couldn’t be.  remember the second opening?  it’s raining and everyone is carrying an umbrella, then it pans to gojo with a bouquet in his hand and rain drops slipping off his infinity.  if he DID manually put his infinity up to prevent getting soaked then that implies that he chose to turn his infinity off.  you can argue and say that jujutsu high is a safe place with students so there’s no need to have his infinity there, but do you remember when he stepped on the ants in front of gakuganji and yaga?  the ants were perfectly fine after which insinuates that his infinity prevented his shoes from crushing the ants.  he most likely had his infinity on during the baseball game even though he was in a safe environment.  how does this long tangent relate back to utahime?  well, it simply indicates that gojo trusts utahime so much to the point where he can be vulnerable around her.  turning off his infinity symbolizes completely letting down his guard  in a way.  
how about what happens next?  utahime throws the tea at him, he turns on his infinity to deflect it, and he responds with, “scary!  hysteric women aren’t popular, you know!”  why would he even say that LMAO??  utahime doesn’t even try to deny what he said either.  she just hits him with the good old, “i am your senpai!”  could it be that he’s trying to poke fun of her relationship status?  maybe, maybe not.  doesn’t he like people a lil crazy?  he did say that all jujutsu sorcerers have to be a little crazy because they’re willing to put themselves in danger constantly.  
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chapter 0 p.1
i wonder who he’s thinking of when he said that.  could it be utahime?  it seems like he’s reminiscing or thinking about someone.  he wears an amused expression on his face as he laughs - almost like he’s seen his fair share of how scary women can get :>>
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chapter 34
the pattern behind gojo and utahime is called yagasuri “fletching,” a traditional japanese design.  this design is inspired by arrow fletching.  it's a lucky charm for weddings and other celebrations since it's based on the Japanese belief that an arrow shot once never comes back.  brides were given kimonos with this pattern for good luck during the edo era (1603–1868) to ensure they would not have to return to their original family home.  this pattern can have numerous meanings such as steadfastness or determination to achieve a goal, or a wish for the happiness of the bride.  there is a belief that a bow and arrow represent the fight against evil.  honestly, this meaning fits the narrative of the story.  utahime and gojo are unearthing the traitors that are feeding intel to the curse users and cursed spirits.  they are in the middle while the kyoto students surround them, which could mean that it’s their job as adults to protect these children from the grasps of evil slowly making itself more prominent.  do you also notice that the arrows are pointed toward utahime from gojo?  from all the images i’ve seen, the arrows are usually pointed downward.  what could this mean?  is gojo trying to protect her (in the future (?)) or does he have a big fat crush smh...
i think it’s a good time to mention utahime’s clothing.  she’s wearing miko attire.  miko are shrine maidens who were once thought to be shamans (you connecting the dots?).  in their service to shrines, miko used to perform spirit possession and takusen (in which the possessed person acts as a "medium" (yorimashi) to communicate the divine will or message of that kami (god) or spirit; also included in the category of takusen is "dream revelation" (mukoku), in which a kami appears in a dream to communicate its will).  this was back in the old days, of course.  to become a miko back then (shaman), one needed to have potential.  neurosis, hallucinations, odd behavior, and hysteria (HYSTERIA HELLO???) are some of the signs that a person is being called to shamanism.  when a miko is communicating with a kami (god) or spirit by acting as a medium, she is in a trance-like state, and so she must learn techniques to control herself when this happens.  chanting and dancing were used to accomplish this, so the girl was taught melodies and intonations that were used in songs, prayers, and magical formulas.  all of this could give us insight about utahime’s technique and explains why she’s good at singing :)  maybe she can’t control herself when she uses her technique which is why she isn’t shown using it because it should be used for dire situations.  i imagine being possessed by a spirit or god must consume a lot of cursed energy.  it makes sense that utahime and gakuganji wear traditional clothing.  they’re the staff of jujutsu high’s kyoto branch.  in chapter 0, kyoto is known as the sacred land of jujutsu.  it’s more traditional compared to tokyo.  if you want to learn more about miko, you should check out the wikipedia page!  
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chapter 34
i swear he tries to annoy her every chance he gets.  i bet he sets a goal for himself to see how many times utahime lectures him about respecting his seniors every time he’s within the same vicinity as her.  at least he called her utahime-sensei!!!
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chapter 40
this isn’t even a gojohime moment tbh...i just wanted to share a pic of them sitting next to each other HEHE.  why are they sitting next to each other anyway?  it’s not like they have assigned seating.
that was so long and i apologize for the gargantuan paragraphs you guys had to read through.  i’m writing this at 4 in the morning and i’m feeling borderline delirious so i apologize if there are any errors.  i’ll edit this when i have time <3
the next part should come shortly.
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zukump3 · 4 years
ignoring them for 24 hours ✧ hc
you ignore your boys for 24 hours. or, at least, you try to.
genre: fluff
requested: yes! i added todoroki just cause
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as perceptive as he is
izuku probably notices immediately how you’re avoiding him
you two wake up at similar times because you go to sleep at similar times, but this time you woke up before him
he gave you a sweet “good morning” and kissed your cheek, but you only smiled and went to the bathroom
he thought that was strange. you usually say good morning back
but then again, it was such a small thing that he didn’t really overreact over it
however, when you left his dorm without saying goodbye or anything like that he got a little worried
once classes were beginning, he went to your dorm to pick you up and walk you to class like usual but
you were already gone.
“what the...” he would murmur to himself, frowning now
what was up with you? were you ignoring him or something?
what even annoyed him further was that you spent the whole day with fucking bakusquad!
bakugo didn’t seem to like it of course, but kirishima and the others accepted your company like it was nothing
he tried to sit next to you at lunch but once bakugo noticed his presence, he immediately yelled at the green haired boy to “fucking beat it!”
“but i-“
the fact that you didn’t even come to his defense kind of hurt him
he didn’t even eat at lunch
he was so bummed out that he just poked at his food with a frown on his face
of course you noticed this. you had been watching him all day and it broke your heart to see your baby like this omg ㅠㅠ
you couldn’t do it anymore. you got up and sat next to him at lunch and you swear he shined brighter than the sun when he saw you
“y/n! i-you-“
“i was trying to praaank you,” you pouted. “but you looked so upset after what that bomb bitch said-i couldn’t do it anymore.”
his pout matched yours.
“don’t do that again... i was seriously worried!”
he makes you stay by him for the rest of the day 😭
ignoring him for 24 hours challenge: failed.
y/n only lasted 5-6 hours.
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todoroki literally doesn’t notice at all
he doesn’t talk much, and seeing that you don’t talk to him much in the morning doesn’t really bother him
he just assumed you were tired and didn’t really care
you two usually got coffee together in the morning but as he went to the common room to wait for you, he was a bit peeved that you didn’t show up
he just assumed you fell asleep or something, or maybe you weren’t in the mood
not gonna lie, he was already missing your presence but he wouldn’t push you to interact with him if you weren’t in the mood
when he goes to class though, he sees you laughing and smiling with the rest of dekusquad
having a good time, apparently
he sits with you guys and listens, and his brows furrowed when he heard you say
“i wish i would’ve gotten coffee this morning. really wanted some mocha.”
did you forget that you two got coffee literally every morning?
okay, whatever. something was definitely wrong with you but he wouldn’t push.
you two also sit together during lunch but you sat between tsu and izuku instead
he’s like
what. the fuck.
he stares at you for the entirety of lunch time 😭
he doesn’t even mean to, he’s just so confused?
like why are you ignoring him? you guys didn’t fight or anything last night so ?? why??
the day continues like that
whenever he comes around you leave, whenever he talks you look away from him
he’s a mixture of irritated and annoyed
irritated bc he doesn’t know why you’re acting this way, and annoyed because he wants to fucking talk to you
you’re one of the only people in this class he talks to on a daily basis and you’re pushing him away??
he only says something when it’s kind of late and everyone is tucked away in their dorms
he has a key to your dorm room don’t ask why so he goes ahead and enters
you’re on your bed, giggling about how well the prank is going to mina when you hear the doorknob jiggle and your boyfriend enter the room
“we need to talk, y/n.”
you make a face. “actually, i-“
the sternness in his voice makes you look up at him, kinda scared at just how serious he looks
“you’ve been ignoring me all day. why? did i do something?”
“if i did, please tell me. communication is important in every relationship and our relationship is very special. if you do not talk to me, i have no way of knowing what i did to hurt you and-“
“shoto! oh my god, it was just a prank!” you tell him quickly, standing up and holding out your arms.
he lowkey makes a 🤨 face.
“a prank...?”
“yeah. ignore your boyfriend for 24 hours prank,” you sigh. “i was so close.”
he sighs with you, walking over to hug you tightly, which feels so good after today.
“it’s a very stupid prank.”
you giggle against his chest.
“yeah. very stupid.”
ignoring him for 24 hours challenge: failed.
y/n only lasted 18 hours.
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another one that notices immediately
you went the extra mile as to leave his dorm way earlier than he wakes up, which-
how tf did you do that
he automatically doesn’t fucking like that.
“y/n?!” he’ll yell out into his bathroom and grumble when you aren’t in there, or anywhere else in his room
he doesn’t even see you until class starts, sitting and laughing with fucking dekusquad
not only that, with midoriya
“hey dumbass, why’d you leave my dorm so early today?!” he asks you, and your eyes don’t even meet his.
you just continue scribbling at your desk.
his eyes turn white.
“i’m talking to you!”
“bakugo, please go have a seat. you’re being incredibly too loud.” aizawa would tell him, slipping his face out of his yellow sleeping bag.
he looks at his teacher, then at you, then back at his teacher before cursing and marching to his desk
probably always glancing at you through the day
the fact that you’re smiling and laughing with fucking deku
that just makes his mood even worse
you’re supposed to be smiling and laughing with him, not that crybaby
obviously his friends notice how mad he is
“dude, why so pent up?” kirishima would ask him and bakugo would literally snark
the red head smirks. “oooh—its y/n isn’t it.”
bakugo pauses.
“how the fuck did you know-“
“you know she’s pranking you, right?” kirishima would laugh at the look of anger that crosses bakugo’s face.
you’re ignoring him for a... a...
he’s livid.
during training he will not hesitate to march up to you
“you think it’s funny to ignore your boyfriend for a stupid prank, huh?! you think that’s so funny don’t you?!”
“bakugo, i-“
“SILENCEEEE!” he’ll literally roar at you and blast you like 10 feet away 😭
cue him being your partner and beating you up for practice
ignoring him for 24 hours challenge: failed.
y/n only lasted 5 hours.
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kirishima understands the concept of “personal space”
he knows that sometimes, you don’t wanna be bothered
and sometimes, he doesn’t wanna be bothered
but sometimes he doesn’t care about that concept.
he will poke and pester at you if you do this challenge.
if you wake up and don’t say anything to him, he’ll yank you down to the bed and whine at you until you manage to squirm out of his arms and go to your own dorm room
he’ll stand right next to you during breakfast
and i mean he will always be standing next to you.
no matter how many times you move around the tables, he’ll somehow end up next to you
like ?? does he have super speed or something 😭
he will not tolerate you ignoring him
like not at all
during class if he cracks a few jokes and you don’t respond to them he’ll probably fake cry
“y/n, you’re making me feel very unmanly right now!”
you swear you didn’t know it would be this hard
he probably notices it’s a prank though when he’s walking next to you in the halls and you’re not even speaking to him, just staring forward
“ahh... you’re trying to play a little joke on me or something? well, we’ll see how long you keep that up!”
retorts to making you jealous the entire day.
hangs out with literally every girl, even the fucking invisible bitch
you can’t take it anymore when it nears 6pm and he asks uraraka to come back to his dorm and watch movies with him
being the amazing girlfriend you are, you get up, land in his lap, and cuddle up to him tightly
he grins at you, preppering you with kisses
“told you you wouldn’t last, y/n.”
ignoring your boyfriend for 24 hours challenge: failed.
y/n only lasted 11 hours.
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