#all cliche no substance
Star Fleet better shell out on therapy for the Titan’s crew cause we don’t need more Shaws out there.
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seyaryminamoto · 2 years
I just thought about this, but have you ever thought about turning this masterpiece of a fanfic of yours into a book when it’s finally completed? Because it’s definitely worthy of becoming a published book.
Aaah, that's so flattering! Thank you for saying that, Anon! <3
Unfortunately, I think I would need to take a loooooooong time to figure out how to ever file off the serial numbers with a fic as intricately connected to canon as Gladiator is with ATLA. There's even outright references to ATLA in the story... there's a lot of things that are just too deeply intertwined with canon's lore to just yank them out of there and still keep their meaning intact. It's really not as easy as changing the name of bending for something else, switching all character and location names... I do have a few AUs that are disconnected enough from ATLA that they could very well become original stories of their own, but ironically, my biggest and most ambitious fic isn't one of them.
As it is... my sole hope to ever have Gladiator published officially on any capacity would be for me to become a major hit in the publishing industry sometime in the next 30+ years (???), to the point where Bryke find out one day that I wrote the longest ATLA fic to date and they decide to make the most out of that? But let's be real, one look at my blog and my criticism of their content and they'll ragequit on me at once x'D still, I really think that's about the sole way something like this could come about.
Now then, I don't really know if I'd feel comfortable just filing off the serial numbers to begin with. If Gladiator ever became a published book series or so, it'd mean I'd have to take it down from the Internet altogether and... that just feels like a very mean thing to do x'D so, in the end, I guess it is what it is. While making a living is very important... I think one of Gladiator's strengths is found in its connection to canon and how it repurposes so many of canon's ideas, mixes them with my own ideas... and then becomes something kind of cool x'D if the day comes when making a full-blown book editions of fics is possible (if likely free, since the legal disaster to be found in outright selling fic is... not pretty), I'd definitely love to get that whole crazy story on paper. But if not... well, it's no sweat off my back either way xD knowing that people like you think it's of high enough quality to warrant being published fiction is enough for me <3
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tasmanianstripes · 4 months
Amazing how it took the developers of Poppy Playtime two whole chapters to finally make a bare minimum of a functional game
#like yeah its leagues above the previous chapters but thats because the previous chapters were a hittily put together sloppy buggy mess that#shouldnt have been released in the way that they are right now. Chapter 3 is what chapter 1 should have been like#and yeah it's still a cashgrab at heart. its so distateful that they already made merch for chapter 3 that you could buy BEFORE it even#released. theyre 100% money driven. but at least if chapter 4 improves even more on what was in chapter 3 i think it can be a decent game#i dont think it can ever be a GOOD game because of what a disaster of two first chapters it has. not unless they completely rework them. and#with its story reaching its end slowly i doubt there even is time to make it a good game even if the last chapters are amazing in quality.#even if the last chapters are GREAT (which i doubt) it will never be anything else than a highly mixed medicore at best game. because it'll#always have this shitty developer studios' greed and the shitshow that were the first 2 chapters weighing it down#honestly. if chapter 3 or something akin to it was the first thing that was released of this game i would have actually liked it. yeah it#wouldnt be GREAT but it'd be decent and enjoyable. but instead it has its garbage first chapters staining what it could have been. it's#insane that I even have to praise a developer studio for delivering a BARE MINIMUM of a game. what the fuck is this. what happened to the#state of games. its shameful that releasing a barely functional nothing burger and charging for it became acceptable in any way#that aside even chapter 3 could improve in many areas. it feels more like a puzzle game with horror elements rather than a horror game with#puzzle elements. every time you get to a puzzle the game just halts to a complete stop. all the suspence they could have gotten just#completely dies on the spot. ive played and watched many horror games with puzzles in them and i like them a lot but this is just not how#you do that. it feels like youre walking from puzzle to a puzzle and all the interesting things that happen with actual substance happen in#between puzzles but instead of focusing on that it feels like the game focuses on the puzzles. it should be the other way around damn it#but i think if chapter 4 keeps the overall quality of chapter 3 and ups the scares while dailing down the puzzles or incorporating them#better into the atmosphere and story it might actually be a good horror game. well that chapter at least.#also ik the monster designs are very...mascot horror and analogue horror cliches but i actually enjoy them. Mummy Longlegs was medicore and#forgetful like the rest of her chapter and her only saving grace was her death scene. Huggy Wuggy's (god what a name) design and animations#and chase sequence were the only good thing of chapter 1 so i think if it was put into something of much better quality then it could#actually hold up. And I really like CatNap's design for some reason. The way he moves is creepy and yeah the face design is goofy as hell#but i can forgive it. i like that the fumes he releases makes you see him as a far creepier monster than he is that took me by surprise.#Also his death scene FUCKED severely by far the best scene in the entire game imo. Also I actually enjoyed his story? i cant believe im#saying this but chapter 3 and analogue horror videos actually got me interested in this game's story and where it will go. Insane.#and speaking of the analogue horror videos they made are good. WAY too good. I dont trust like that. They for sure hired somebody to make#them for them theres no way in hell they didnt. But yeah thats my opinion on this series. Over all not a good game and a complete cash grab#dont buy it there are way better games out there even in the mascot horror genere. But the quality did go up and it gets me hopeful#anyway my impromtu poopy playtime review's over
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headspace-hotel · 2 years
My random unsubstantiated hypothesis of the day: the popularity of "stim" videos, fidget toys, and other things like that is a warning sign that something's Deeply Wrong with our world.
Don't freak out. I am autistic. These things are not bad. However, can we just...take a second to notice how weird it is that there are entire social media accounts full of 10-second videos of things making crunching noises, people squishing slime in their hands, and objects clacking together, and that enjoying them is mainstream and normal?
It seems that nowadays, almost everyone exhibits sensory-seeking behavior, when just a decade ago, the idea of anyone having "sensory needs" was mostly obscure. It is a mainstream Thing to "crave" certain textures or repetitive sounds.
What's even weirder, is that it's not just that "stim" content is mainstream; the way everything on the internet is filmed seems to look more like "stim" content. TikToks frequently have a sensory-detail-oriented style that is highly unusual in older online content, honing in on the tactile, visual and auditory characteristics of whatever it's showing, whether that's an eye shadow palette or a cabin in a forest.
When an "influencer" markets their makeup brand, they film videos that almost...highlight that it's a physical substance that can be smudged and smeared around. Online models don't just wear clothes they're advertising, they run their hands over them and make the fabric swish and ripple.
I think this can be seen as a symptom of something wrong with the physical world we live in. I think that almost everyone is chronically understimulated.
Spending time alone in the forest has convinced me of this. The sensory world of a forest is not only much richer than any indoor environment, it is abundant with the sorts of sensations that people seem to "crave" chronically, and the more I've noticed and specifically focused on this, the more I've noticed that the "modern" human's surroundings are incredibly flat in what they offer to the senses.
First of all, forests are constantly permeated with a very soft wash of background noise that is now often absent in the indoor world. The sound of wind through trees has a physiological effect you can FEEL. It's always been a Thing that people are relaxed by white noise, which leads to us being put at ease by the ambient hum of air conditioning units, refrigerators and fans. But now, technology has become much more silent, and it's not at all out of place to hypothesize that environments without "ambient" white noise are detrimental to us.
Furthermore, a forest's ambience is full of rhythmic and melodic elements, whereas "indoor" sounds are often harsh, flat and irregular.
Secondly: the crunch. This is actually one of the most notably missing aspects of the indoor sensory world. Humans, when given access to crunchable things, will crunch them. And in a forest, crunchy things are everywhere. Bark, twigs and dry leaves have crisp and brittle qualities that only a few man-made objects have, and they are different with every type of plant and tree.
Most humans aren't in a lot of contact with things that are "destroyable" either, things you can toy with and tear to little bits in your hands. I think virtually everyone has restlessly torn up a scrap of paper or split a blade of grass with their thumbnail; it's a cliche. And since fidget toys in classrooms are becoming a subject of debate, I think it pays to remember that the vast majority of your ancestors learned everything they knew with a thousand "fidget toys" within arm's reach.
And there is of course mud, and clay, and dirt, and wet sand. I'm 100% serious, squishing mud and clay is vital to the human brain. Why do you think Play-Doh is such a staple elementary school toy. Why do you think mud is the universal cliche thing kids play in for fun. It's such a common "stim" category for a reason.
I could go on and on. It's insane how unstimulating most environments humans spend time in are. And this definitely contributes to ecological illiteracy, because people aren't prepared to comprehend how detailed the natural world is. There are dozens of species of fireflies in the United States, and thousands of species of moths. If you don't put herbicides on your lawn, there are likely at least 20 species of plant in a single square meter of it. I've counted at least 15 species of grass alone in my yard.
Would it be overreach to suggest that some vital perceptive abilities are just not fully developing in today's human? Like. I had to TEACH myself to be able, literally able, to perceive details of living things that were below a certain size, even though my eyes could detect those details, because I just wasn't accustomed to paying attention to things that small. I think something...happens when almost all the objects you interact with daily are human-made.
The people that think ADHD is caused by kids' brains being exposed to "too much stuff" by Electronic Devices...do not go outside, because spending a few minutes in a natural environment has more stimuli in it than a few hours of That Damn Phone.
A patch of tree bark the size of my phone's screen has more going on than my phone can display. When you start photographing lots of living organisms, you run into the strange and brain-shifting reality that your electronic device literally cannot create and store images big enough to show everything you, in real life, may notice about that organism.
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entity56 · 3 months
Tips for Cluster B Anger
~ coming from someone who has BPD and a psychology special interest Have you been feeling like your anger is completely uncontrollable and all encompassing? Do you feel like your anger controls you more than you control it? Me too! But here are some things I've found to be helpful: - Taking notes. Write down triggers for what causes your anger episodes (as well as other episodes e.g sadness or paranoia) once you come down from it and start looking for a pattern. Not only will this help you to slow down and self reflect, you can begin to either avoid those triggers or find ways to regulate the effects. - SLOW DOWN. If something is making you want to hurt someone else or yourself, slow the FUCK down. Push against the grain, step back and let yourself have a good cry or scream into a pillow. Do whatever you can to (healthily) process the emotions, no matter how long it takes, before making major decisions. - Avoid self harm, substances or unhealthy habits like disordered eating or emotional self harm. It's so tempting, believe me, but it will only serve to make things worse. You might feel like you want it to get worse now, but in the future, you WILL regret it. If you start feeling these urges, refer to the urge surfing diagram below this. - Get outside advice. Think you're splitting but you can't tell? Run the situation by a close friend or loved one and see how they feel about it. Try to relay it with as little bias as possible and see if they agree with the decision you're about to make or if you perhaps need to reevaluate some things. - Take care of your heart. I know this is cliche, but a good sleep schedule, hearty food consumption habits, hydration, exercise routine and mental health care go a long way in helping you succeed in the above tips. You are struggling with an illness, and ill people need as much care as possible. Become your own parent. This works for anger in all Cluster B personality disorders, as well as with autism spectrum disorders! Urge surfing:
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faetreides · 2 months
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summary: feyd rautha x emperor’s afab oldest child!reader
cw: feet stuff, piss kink, implied eventual knifeplay/blood play, cannabalism, arranged marriage, feyd being so weird but reader lowkey loves it, facesitting but the kind where feyd would beg you to break his neck, spanking/mild painplay, very likely ooc feyd since i haven’t seen part 2 yet, use of “princes” and “wife”, wedding hunt and black cum hcs taken from @valeskafics , reader doesn’t really know what’s going on but they’re vibing
wc: 1.4k
block & move on if uncomfortable !!
do not repost, translate, or give ai my work
kinktober masterlist
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Collapsing in relief has never been more appealing. You finally have a moment of respite after vigorous and exhausting wedding festivities, and you need to collect yourself. This marriage to the Na-Baron Feyd Rautha Harkonnen was only brought to your attention a week before it would take place.
Surprisingly, you didn’t really mind the man himself. It was just so sudden, is all. During any visits with his family, you had to be mindful of how you reacted to his cocky displays of ruthlessness and violence. Your father would have your head if he saw how tight you squeezed your thighs together or how much you panicked at the thought of leaving a puddle on your throne. Feyd always marked his departure with a cliche kiss to the back of your hand and a hissed promise that you couldn’t make out.
He would protect you at the very least if he didn’t love you. You’re not even sure that you love him, but this shameful crush could grow into something untamable if you lose your footing. Something… unbecoming of a member of the royal family. You wonder if it already has.
The wedding was as grand as could be, glittering decorations and finery followed by archaic rituals to please your in-laws. The Wedding Hunt in particular sent your heartbeat into overdrive, but the satisfaction on your betrothed’s face when he caught his “prize” was intoxicating. Feyd Rautha kisses like he kills, you were quick to discover, fiercely and uncaring of any blood that might be shed.
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You’re brought out of your reminiscing by your now husband closing the door to your room behind him. You only have another day with your family before you’re to leave for Giedi Prime. There has hardly been time to get to know the man you will lie beside for the rest of your life, until now.
“Wife.” He bluntly greets you, awkwardly nodding his head in an effort to maintain his “tough” image. You won’t tease him about the barest hint of blush on his cheekbones, but you treasure it nonetheless.
You humor him, “Husband.” Your nod mirrors his and you take a seat at the long table in the middle of the room after Feyd pulls a chair out for you.
This was the next part of the ritual, where the newly married couple must eat a meal that one partner made for the other. It sounds simple enough that you don’t think anything of it.
Feyd makes a gesture and your food is placed before you by one of your family’s servants. They look a bit queasy and green in the face but they’re gone before you can ask if they’re alright.
“I hope you like it, princess.” Feyd says with a barely there smirk, pointing to the… pie in front of you. “I cut down many people for it.”
You raise an eyebrow at that but bring your knife to take a slice of the pie anyway. Upon lifting the piece onto your plate, you notice eyeballs, flesh, tongues, and some sort of black liquid running throughout the filling. You freeze in place, not even meeting your husband’s eyes. One blue eye seems to twitch and the black substance makes a sick sound as you move it around with your fork.
“The other men who your father considered, my concubines….. I actually can’t tell you which of them are in that slice, but they are all there.” He whispers in your ear, having gotten up from his position opposite you to feed you himself.
You respect the ritual despite your urge to throw up, so you swallow what he gives you. He grins, swiping a thumb down to your throat to feel the food travel. He squeezes your cheeks when you’re done, and you open your mouth to show him that you ate it all.
“That’s my princess.” He condescendingly croons, bending down to run his tongue all over your face before standing up and pushing you to lie flat on the cold table. “But I'm afraid that it’s time for me to have my meal.”
Your elaborate wedding gown is slashed to shreds, the cool tip of his blade moving down your flesh until it reaches your lace covered mound. He taps the hilt of his weapon on your hood and unceremoniously tosses it on the floor.
You didn’t expect the reveal of your wedding night attire to be under such unorthodox circumstances, but can you say you expected any of this?
“A worthy bride with a body to match, thank you for this gift, your highness”. He says in a half joking manner, grinning with too many teeth as he runs his hands along the delicate material. He toys with the idea of cutting this little number to pieces too, but your holes are left conveniently exposed. Maybe he’s fallen too in love with it, he’s been in love with you since you met years ago anyway.
The lingerie is a custom designed piece littered with straps and sheer fabric that leave nothing to the imagination. Your tits are accentuated by a seashell-like pattern bra and there’s even a little black bow above your pussy. The frilly strips of material wrapped around your thighs do nothing to keep your curves contained and the tiny tulle skirt frames your ass beautifully.
Your husband drinks in the sight of you before pulling your ankles to rest on his shoulders. You watch in arousal and shock as he broadly licks the sole of your right foot. He groans unabashedly, nuzzling at your heel and then dipping his tongue in the spaces between your toes. You wiggle at the ticklish feeling but you don’t kick him away.
He really gets into it when he starts sucking your toes, bobbing his head and making sure you’re watching as curls his tongue around each one. His eyes roll back in pleasure once he reaches the last toe on your other foot, and drool trickles down your leg when he’s done getting acquainted with the taste of it. He presses a kiss to the top of each toe but then the weird softness is ruined by the bite he adorns your ankle with.
Feyd’s mouth makes a slick popping sound as he pulls away from your feet. You’re at a loss for words when he proceeds to lie down on the table beside you. He gropes your breast quickly and leans over to give you a surprisingly chaste peck. The look on his face is a smug one but his eyes say something unknown to you, soft and obsessive all at once. It’s as if he knows something you don’t.
“Now sit on my face, claim your new throne, princess.”
You don’t know how long he keeps you hostage there, your cunt soaking him as he devours you to the bone. He doesn’t let you become too relaxed, nipping your clit as he sees fit and clawing the skin of your ass. Eventually your gut aches and though at first you think you’re about to cum already, the second heartbeat in your clit feels different. You come to a horrifying realization that you need to relieve yourself.
“H-husband, what the fuck- I… I need to pee.” You’d rather be dead than doing what you are and saying what you are, but nature calls.
“Yes, that’s it.” He growls and digs his nails into your ass, jigging the globes in his hands before sharply slapping them. “Piss all over my face, get me wet with it like a good wife.”
The shriek you let out when you do just that is abhorrent. Your legs shake as you spray hot pee on your husband’s skin, the gold mixing with the white of your simultaneous orgasm as it drips down his body. You try to move off of Feyd but he tightens his grip on your ass and yanks you back down. The sensation of a hungry mouth desperately sucking the fluids from you drives you wild.
“You have…… fuck- y-you have to stop, hah- i’m going to break.” You sob.
He chuckles into your piss covered pussy and then pulls away to speak, “Then break, a wife of House Harkonnen doesn’t need to be put together.”
You think you hear him say something about using his blade on your body later, but that might just be your own perverted idea.
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ihatebiden · 2 years
another eden is definitely the best g*cha game and that is for the very very VERY crucial reason that there is literally no content hidden behind a paywall
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l4long-winded · 19 days
Would you ever write about Carmy and cum play? I just feel like he would be sooooo into it
no, no, no, this has been haunting me for so, so long! like, he would be more than into it. you have no idea the monster you let out in me while i was writing this!!! i hope you like it, love~
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o.s. it's more like a fascination
summary: getting a glimpse into one of carmen's obsessive infatuations passionate fascinations (carmen berzatto x afab!reader)
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reflection: this one... this one had me blushing. it kind of gave me brain rot. would be completing a task, and boom, thinking about carmy and his stupid oral fixation. this has to be one of my raunchiest fics yet. thank you, anon, for inspiring such an intense writing experience for me. i fear i will never be the same again. as always, feedback is appreciated! please enjoy!
warnings: no condoms (wrap it, tap it, you get it), cumplay (it's everywhere), marking, pussydrunk!carmen (he's obsessed, basically), fingering, cunnilingus, implied blowjob, somewhat dom!carmen, begging, dirty talk, cursing, p in v sex, longwinded descriptions, body worship, carmen's pov, spit, filth, cum eating (carmy is doing the most), multiple orgasms, lots of licking, no use of pronouns, (please let me know if there are other warnings i need to add)
word count: 1,989
( this work has been cross-posted to ao3 )
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Carmen hates condoms. It’s not in the typical, cliche type of hatred that most men have. If you’re uncomfortable, he won’t insist. However, you’re more likely to encourage it. He prefers to be as closely bonded to you as possible, no rubber in his way, able to feel the squelch of every glide and the crushing pressure of your walls wrapped around his pulsing cock. The fever you stew him in. A condom doesn’t do that for him. Not in the same way. You’re far more sensitive without it, clenching your eyes shut, heaving pleasured breaths up against his shoulder you previously gnawed into for composure. That, or the depletion of his, he could never tell with how you flip between being all passive and docile to motivating his rough manhandling, ultimately placing you in charge and in control while he follows instinctual need.
He cherishes the moments where he pulls out and his cum spurts from his tip over your lower stomach, the milky and pearly substance just under your navel, seeping towards your pelvis. It’s lewd. A waterfall waiting to happen. His eyes blink hard as if they’re taking a mental snapshot. You’re delectable like this, chest rising and falling as your open legs tremble. Sometimes, there’s so much of his load to bear that it slides down your inner thighs, liquid opal skimming the cute button he’s teased with his digits and tongue earlier (as if it couldn’t get any fucking prettier), and into whomever’s bedsheets you’re both using for the time being. You look debauched, dazed, and proud to be marked as his.
Your tits make for just-a-great-a canvas, he’s found. If he props himself above your abdomen, one knee at the side of you, his foot drawing up at the other until his leg is at a right angle, his tip always lines itself at the inception of the valley between your breasts. He cautiously focuses his aim to paint your cleavage while resisting the urge to stripe your neck and chin, earnestly observing slack-jawed as some dribbles over your nipples. Would you judge him if he sucked his cum off while tonguing around your areola as a dual effort of cleaning his mess and pebbling your nipple to frenetic attention? The uncontrollable sounds of pleasure petting his eardrums don’t signify negative judgment, but Carmen wouldn’t be Carmen without believing in his self-doubt. And you, you fucking angel, you wouldn’t be you if you didn’t chase and stomp that out until its light dimmed. Sometimes that comes through words of reassurance and patience and other times it’s as simple as your howl of his name or your digits tugging his unkempt hair further into its tumultuous state.
It’s not uncommon for Carmen to see his cum pooling in your mouth, either. He likes the way it rests on your tongue when you stick it out to show him, the challenge he issues being in maintaining a drop doesn’t fall in your performance. But, although his habits are organized and pristine and he has concerning tendencies relating to an undiagnosed compulsive disorder, he particularly enjoys watching when it’s too much for you, when it’s sliding down your usually swollen (the result of sucking him off) lips and rounding down your chin. That’s more rare since you seldom let anything escape, the tip of your tongue catching him and drinking him back in.
“Get it all? Let me help you,” he says gruffly, applying the pad of his thumb to your face to scoop the rebelling stream into your mouth where it came from. The plus is the feeling of your approving humming vibrating on his flesh and your spongy taste buds licking along the indents of his thumb after.
His real favorite spot to finish is inside of you. Now, now, it’s risky for obvious reasons, but you’ve discussed birth control and there are rounds where you’re fucking begging him to and he’s not going to deny you, being the generous lover that he is who selfishly wants to pipe your cunt until it’s leaking. No, he’s unresisting to the way your legs wind around him and pull him in deeper, sloppily humping up into you and rutting and grinding until he’s gasping and flooding and drowning you both in stickiness. He rocks until the end, stilling above you as he’s throbbing and trying to regain a grip on himself. What have you done to him?
That’s how Carmen has you at the moment. Your legs unwrap from his waist and flop into the bed, and eventually, he retracts inch by inch, his ridges catching. He likes to extend his time inside of you, likes to live in the present instead of his head when you’re folded up like this. It’s a shame you’ve made him so sensitive. He wants to fuck his cum right back into you, but he requires a recovery period male anatomy failed him in. Your eyes flutter open in sensation as he finally slips out, closing after as you take the time to calm yourself and your body down from the high he’s propelled you into. He notices the way your face scrunches in discomfort, legs presumably sore from being corralled around his hips for too long. Carmen’s hands massage your thighs, promoting the feeling back within them by kneading the supple flesh there and lifting them into peaking mountains, heels on the mattress. It gives him the best view of his bidding, of the extra cream beading out of you, down to the crevice of your cheeks.
“Carmen,” your fucked out voice breaks him of the hypnosis he fell into. This can’t be all that pleasant for you, the seed of him drooling out of you while he holds up your thighs you’re not holding up on your own for a good reason. He’s aware of what you’re thinking. He’s aware of how you’re wondering how the hell he has more to give when you’ve got close to nothing left.
“I know, I know, I know,” his lips graze over your kneecap, toned stomach flexing while he shifts himself onto it. The next time you look into Carmen’s eyes, your thighs are framing either side of his head. His arms curl around them, and they end up over his shoulders, fingers drumming along your skin unprompted. It’s because he likes it when you lose yourself and wind up hugging his ears with your thighs. The downside is listening to the tune of those moans swathed up, but the upside is the heightened sense of touch it accords him. The noises you release vibrate all over your body, reverberating like the walls of a temple undergoing an earthquake while a beautiful harp dazzles it in devastating harmonic trills of its column strings. Or… in other words.
Your clit ripples with it on his tongue. What good is hearing you moan when he can feel it in his mouth through your pussy? What the fuck were those toothbrushes that played the music called? Whatever, it’s similar to that and it’s a pleasurable perk of living the human experience with you, if he had to name one off the top of his head. A nice dinner with you with some trashy television is another, but he’ll compile a list later. He’s busy staring at your sodden hole, intending to create more of a capacious mess than he already has. He means both of that gift between your legs and of you entirely.
Carmen laps beneath your twitching hole, capturing the glissading cum before it can fall further into the crevice where your ass begins. He tongues that sensitive area to make sure he gets it all, gliding the flat of the organ upwards and gulping its catch into his mouth. You’re trembling, and there you go, moaning out into the air. Carmen repeats the action until you’re no longer leaking, until the only cum left on you is still inside. He sinks his middle finger knuckle deep into you, checking to make sure of that fact, as if his cock didn’t guarantee it when he drove in deep to saturate and caulk you up, and yes, you’re tender and fucking heated and dewy around his finger as you grasp him tight and moan in a mix of surprise and overwhelming pleasure. He pumps and coils his middle finger, fucking that cum back up into you where it belongs, doing his best to locate that spongey spot you love so much to lubricate it with him, further claiming you from the inside out, all while he simultaneously peppers kisses around your outer lips.
“More, Carmy, more, please,” you say, and fuck, it’s like you know you’re going to get anything and everything from him in the entire world if he’s able. He ends the loneliness of his middle finger by adding in a second, his index joining into the fray. His middle finger is longer, but clumsier, doesn’t create as good a rhythm as his index does. It’s a true sentiment, further proven by how you arch suddenly and your thighs attach to his ears like magnets. Yeah, he found the spot, almost the very second his index finger navigated into your warmth. It’s a homing beacon.
He leans his head up. He didn’t swallow the cum he licked off you yet. He’s let the heat of his mouth warm it up, saliva pool in his cheeks with it, and abruptly, his lips part, spitting the combination over your clit in a glob that causes your hips to raise off the mattress, pelvic bone dangerously close to breaking his nose. The one hand on your thigh brings you back to earth for him, his fingers continuing the rubbing motion that’s got you whimpering sounds he selfishly wants louder. It’s not as pearly as it once was dribbling out of your slit, but it’s still a gratifying sight for him, and the lamp at bedside catches the remnants of the viscous substance splitting apart from his saliva. It’s like oil and water. Cum and spit. All lovingly blanketing your clit and seeping down where his fingers are taking care of you. And fuck, he can’t resist it, he knows what the fuck it’s gonna make him look like, but if you don’t judge him for splashing your tits and stomach with his seed, or kissing you deeply on the mouth to share it when you’ve just given him the crassest head, then he’s not going to hesitate any longer.
Carmen drops his mouth, licking it all back up. He prioritizes stimulating your clit with his tongue, but he’s not going to lie, he’s drinking it all back in. His cum, his spit, your wet arousal slick over his fingers and knuckles. He’s got you where he needs you, withdrawing yet another orgasm from your body that rocks you. He allows the gentle humping of your hips as you ride out that high, never slowing his fingers, bathing your clit with his lips and tongue for as long as you need it, and for as long as it tastes good. So… you have to brush a hand over the side of his face because to him, it never stops tasting good.
“Fuck, sorry. Too much?” He breathes. He kisses your inner thighs while you nod, dazed out and breathing heavily. Your chest falls and rises, breasts jostling in the action. Carmen continues to kiss your skin, slipping his fingers out slowly. You shiver, and your legs fall once more now that they’re not in his stronghold.
This is the other side. You’re spent. You can barely move. All you can do right now at this moment is watch Carmen sit back on his knees above you, observe as he drags his tongue over his digits, licking them unsullied. Because, sure, he’s got a huge thing for cumplay, but he’s also addicted to how yours tastes.
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maybankswhore · 5 months
PAIRING: bad boy!jj maybank x good girl!reader.
jj is from the cut , smokes weed & skips class. never settles down with anyone. reader is the typical good girl who comes from a semi—rich family. middle class. neither kook or pogue.
SUMMARY: deep down you knew it was a bad idea getting involved with someone like jj maybank. he was a tornado waiting to come through your city and tear it apart. but he was charming. flashing pearly white teeth and always gently pushing back the hair that fell out of whatever hairstyle you decided to wear that day. you just didn’t expect for it to get so real , so fast.
WARNINGS: cliche trope we all know & love. mentions of substances such as weed , alcohol , nicotine. sexual innuendos. violence. blood & bruises. mentions of abuse ( canon luke maybank ).
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popp1nstaxr · 8 months
'Cigarettes And Feelings'
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Content: Smutt (minor dni), nsfw, Dom! soft BeomGyu and Fem! Sub reader, mention of illicit substances (drugs, alcohol, cigarettes among others), friends to lovers, soft, oral sex, breast play, couch sex, and overstimulation.
You and BeomGyu have always been friends since you were little maybe... but today, in the middle of all that smoke, the feelings seemed to come to light, ending with both of you wrapped up in the sheets...
My first language IS NOT ENGLISH so I regret any misspelling or any errors in the narration...
Without further ado, like, reblog and follow me for more sweetheart, enjoy reading!! ><
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It had certainly been a long day, or so you thought, because you had been busy all day, paperwork and studying seemed to take up a lot of your time and even more so because of the final exams, you really needed a break, that was clear.
And this is why when your best friend; BeomGyu, invites you to his house to watch a movie, you decide to accept. You needed that break.
Now, let's introduce BeomGyu...
Choi was a red-haired boy with hair that was a little long to his shoulders, he always had messy hair and wore a lot of baggy clothes, his clothing was based on a t-shirt from some rock band along with blue or light blue jeans, and he isn't very creative in his clothing, he always had his skateboard in his hands, he never separated from it at all, it even seemed to be some necessary accessory of his.
Even though he wasn't the best student in the university, he still seemed to have good grades somehow.
Anyway, now they had finished the movie, it was a horror movie, maybe a bit cliche, but how can you not relieve stress with a good terrifying movie?
"It wasn't even that good.." BeomGyu spoke rolling his eyes as you watched him take out the movie and look for something else to watch, you laughed at that "You were more scared than me, and you say it wasn't good?" You mentioned, teasing him a little.
He made a face of indignation "Just because it scared me doesn't mean the movie was good... it could have been screams of horror at the horrible cinematic abomination" he said, defending himself and you laughed again "Yeah, whatever you say."
He smiled at you and moved closer to you on the couch, putting one of his arms around your shoulder. “Hey and...what happened to Soobin?” He asked, clearing his throat a little and looking at you.
You let out a sigh, Soobin, he was the boy you had been dating for some time, yes, he was... kind, attentive and cute, also very intelligent but there was something that you didn't quite like, he just couldn't convince you and of course he It wasn't BeomGyu.
"It didn't work" was all you said, uninterested and you took the remote from him, this time looking for something to put on Netflix "Shall we watch Mean Girls?" You asked and smiled, yes, a classic, how could you not see it?
He smiled equally and nodded.
As the movie started, BeomGyu got up from your side and walked to the kitchen, coming back with a lighter, taking out a leaf of marijuana, you already knew what he was going to do, and you just rolled your eyes, you hated when he smoked that kind of stuff.
"Again? Gyu, I still think you shouldn't do those things..." you spoke, scolding him a little.
He pouted "It's just this time, I need to relax, the exams have been very stressful and I'm not addicted to this either... it's just a little, Y/N" he tried to explain and sat down next to you again, turning on that cigarette he had made to smoke that substance.
You sighed, there wasn't much you could do, anyway, you were already inhaling the cigarette smoke, releasing it later while you watched the movie.
In a few minutes of silence, BeomGyu began to touch your hair with his free hand, playing with it, you didn't pay attention until he took your face with that same hand, squeezing your cheeks a little and made you look at him, he smiled at you and laughed low, He was under the effect of that drug...
"You are very cute you know?" He spoke squeezing your face and laughed again, his cheeks were red.
"BeomGyu, now, stop that..." you spoke and leaned down to try to take the harmful cigarette away from him, he let go of you and pouted, almost like it was a toddler tantrum.
"No," he said and walked away from you, taking another drag on the cigarette and letting out a laugh as soon as he released the smoke from his lungs. "Why don't you try some? You'll relaaaaax~" he spoke and brought the cigarette to your mouth.
You were going to refuse and scold him again, but... maybe, it could help you, you were been stressed and tired that day... a break from everything definitely wouldn't hurt. You brought your face closer to the cigarette he offered you and took a drag, you felt the smoke go down your throat into your lungs, you held the smoke in as long as you could and then you let it out, BeomGyu smiled. "That is my girl"
In a few more minutes, they were both under the influence of drugs, and they were talking, simply slurring their words.
At one point the cigarette ran out and you were both just on the couch, in silence, you played with BeomGyu's hair and he left it, the movie had ended and there was only silence in the room, at one point BeomGyu approached you and their breaths collided, they looked at each other, without saying anything about it and he smiled "can I kiss you..?" He murmured, moving closer to you and brushing your lips against his.
You just watched him, you looked at his lips... so... striking, you licked yours "Yes..." you whispered in response and he approached you.
Their lips joined in a slow kiss, BeomGyu dedicated himself to tasting your lips and it was noticeable by how you felt his tongue explore your entire oral cavity, he lightly bit your lip, making you release a small gasp, he smiled between the kiss and now, a of his hands was on your neck, pushing you a little to deepen the kiss.
When they finally separated, he sighed, gladly, and it didn't take him long to take you by the waist and climb onto his lap. You settled down and put your hands on his shoulders.
"Do you want to continue or..?" He murmured again, brushing his lips on purpose and caressing your hips with his hands, you nodded and he smiled, bringing your lips together again, while his hands found the hem of your clothes, putting his hands under your blouse and caressing your back gently, devouring your lips.
You could feel his cock in your ass, despite the clothing, there was slight friction that he decided to increase when he took your hips and began to guide your movements over him, separating from the kiss, lowering his lips to your neck, leaving small kisses there. moist, sometimes biting the skin a little.
You heard him pant on your neck, you felt his hot breath there and he smiled "So, yes, arch your back a little, beautiful..." he spoke and told you how to do it, guiding you with his hands, and he stretched his head back a little. little and he squeezed your hips tightly with his hands and forced you to stay on his cock, making you jump on him and thus cause small attacks even above your clothes.
He stopped you and licked his lips, but that was not enough, he laid you on the couch and climbed on top, immediately going to devour your neck, unbuttoning your blouse in the process until leaving you exposed, he threw the garment somewhere in the living room and he unhooked your bra, he smiled when he saw your nipples and licked his lips.
"So pretty..." he spoke to himself and put his mouth on one of them, sucking as he massaged your other breast with one of his hands, his free hand moving down your abdomen to your thigh, caressing there slowly and squeezing lightly until He let go of your breasts and licked his lips, he lifted your skirt and gently touched your intimacy over your panties, smiling when he saw your reactions that's why "you're a little anxious, beautiful..." he spoke and laughed softly, he lowered your panties and put them in gently two of his fingers in your intimacy, penetrating there with them.
"Mgm, G-Gyu~" you moaned, sighing and he smiled, lowering his face and while he penetrated you he kissed your thighs, leaving small hickeys there, pleased to see the purple marks on your legs "Do you know something, precious? I always wanted this... with you, you are... a dream.." he murmured against your skin and took his fingers out of your intimacy, licking your liquids that were on his fingers and again he licked his lips so sweet he thought before starting to use your language in your privacy.
He gladly drank all your liquids and licked your vaginal walls, not caring how they stained his face. I wanted to destroy you, in every sense of the word. "Can you cum? Like this? For me..?" He asked softly as he pulled his head out of your folds and licked his lips, smiling before burying his face in you again.
It would be such a long night...
Like and reblog for more !! <3
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petalpathic · 11 months
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"And one day, your name didn't make me smile anymore."
You are a star. A sensation. Everybody loves you.
And get this;
You're cast in a hit tv-show called "Encore", it's a sweet small-town story about a group of kids unlikely to hang out, finding each other one day in an oddly specific circumstance, where they find out how alike they really are.
Cliche? Probably. But, the people you met on set changed your life.
You're a lot like your on-screen character in that way.
Anyways, you're big and it's crazy, unlike anything you could ever imagine. Cameras, interviews, fans, autographs, blah blah blah.
And then,
you die.
-come back to life
-say hello (and bye, then hello again) to Hollywood
-5 potential suitors mmmm....(two female, two male, one secret)
-watch as everyone you've loved loses themselves in grief
-play as female, male, or nb
-maybe try not to die again okay? for all our sakes?
This game is just supposed to be fun! This is my first IF, and while I can be serious, I'd like this to be a fun little project to escape to (for you and for me).
But... this is also Hollywood we're talking about...so there might be some heavy topics unsuitable for some readers.
TW for: mentions and uses and abusing of substances (drugs), sexual harrassment of a major character, optional sexual content (not extremely explicit, it'll probably be pretty vague), implied death of a major character (besides MC), and maybe more.
That list (as well as this intro page) will be updated as I write and flesh out some character bgs.
Vanessa "Nessa" Villanueva | F | SHE/HER
The "It Girl". She was cold when you met her but she’s even colder and emotionally unavailable than ever.
romance-able by all genders
Kate Santos | F | SHE/HER
She is awkward, but not shy. Her dark and sarcastic humor get her in some trouble with the more conservative of people.
romance-able by all genders
Kyle "Ky" Taylor-Hara | M | HE/HIM
The model and heartthrob, Ky Taylor-Hara. He came into the cast with the last season and you’ve known him to be soft-spoken and quiet.
romance-able by all genders
Austin Arison | M | HE/HIM
Austin was a child actor and has been in the industry for as long as he can remember. Being in "Encore" was the only time he felt like he actually wanted to act.
romance-able by all genders
Asks are always welcome and encouraged!! Please ask about my silly little game <3
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aita-blorbos · 5 months
AITA for cooking meth with my former chemistry student, killing two people, and lying to my family about it?
I (50M) was recently diagnosed with inoperable, likely fatal lung cancer. I work at a highschool as a chemistry teacher, but both the pay and the students are terrible. Case in point, my "lab partner" (24M) - who we'll call "Cap'n" because of course he'd insist on a stupid nickname like that - not only completely flunked my class, but then went on to skip college entirely and become a meth-addicted drug dealer instead.
Understandably, I was a little shaken after receiving my diagnosis. It came as a surprise since I've never smoked, I keep myself in relatively fair health, etc. (Recently my wife has taken to vegan bacon- apparently it helps lower cholesterol, but I digress.) I haven't told my family about the situation yet; I'm still trying to figure out how to "let the cat out of the bag", not to mention I doubt my wife will take it very well.
As for deciding to try cooking methamphetamine, well. I'm not really sure how to explain it, exactly, but there's a lot of money in it, money that would benefit my family, and I don't have much to lose anymore. This may sound cliche, but it's as though I'm really awake for the first time in my life.
Cap'n and I formed a partnership by circumstance only; I found out he was in "the business" and offered to either turn him into the DEA or work with me, and he naturally took the second option. He had no idea what he was doing on the chemistry side of things - chili powder in the meth! applying heat to an Erlenmeyer flask! no wonder I flunked him, he clearly learned nothing in my class - but does know the trade.
(Note: Don't buy all of your supplies from the same store.)
Sorry, I'm getting too far into the weeds here, let me skip ahead. We purchased a trailer and drove out to somewhere in the middle of the desert to cook without added attention or need for dramatic cleanup if we had to leave the area in a hurry. Our first batch was, according to Cap'n, "pure glass." After all of that complaining, I had cooked the finest product he'd ever seen on the first try! Goes to show paying attention in school does pay off, ahem. In case any of you were reading this and thinking of skipping off to go and make highly illegal substances and risk years in prison instead of doing your homework. You all still have your entire lives ahead of you. I don't.
After making it, the next logical course of action was to sell. Cap'n said he had some connections - I mean, he is a drug dealer, I saw no reason not to trust him (I now see how little sense that makes.) - and came back with two men with guns pointed at both of us. You must understand, it was a kill or be killed situation. These are the kind of people who don't care about morals, or what's right or ethical or kind. If they'd lived... not just me, but my wife, my son, and my entire family would all be in serious, mortal danger. I had no choice.
Cap'n by this point had been knocked out cold- still alive, but entirely unhelpful with the situation at hand. I was on my own. So I offered to show the goons how I made the "glass", surely they wanted to see how it was done? And they did- I still can't believe that actually worked. But, ah, instead of actually cooking anything, I gave them... let's call it a chemistry lesson. When significant heat is applied to red phosphorus - a key ingredient in Cap'n and I's "extracurricular science project" - it oxidizes. Your result is phosgene gas, highly deadly, hence the "killing two people." One... technically isn't dead yet- somehow he managed to survive, I still don't fully understand how, but I'm... I'm working on it. Cap'n still has yet to get rid of the first body, so... technically I'm not failing to withhold my share of the cleanup, since he hasn't done so with his.
I realize now this is very long, but I wanted to explain the context for my actions. However, a tl;dr for those who might be in a hurry: I was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer, so with nothing else to lose decided to try to make some money for my family by cooking and selling methamphetamine. Coincidentally, a former student of mine was also in the business, and I convinced him to work with me. When we tried to put our product on the market, two people tried to kill us, so I acted in self-defense.
But I really, really must know... is what I did wrong? Should I have been content to live the rest of however-long-I-have-left working a miserable job as a public high school chemistry teacher instead? Should I have found a less fatal way of dealing with the two men who tried to kill me and my partner? AITA?
P.S. It's pretty late as I'm typing this so I might've made some errors in coherency or grammar, for which I apologize.
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psshaw · 4 months
You have been one of the most unapologetically yourself artists Ive come across and I dont mean that in the cliche way I mean like... your idiosyncrasies seem particularly unstifled. Your art is purely yourself and the mainstream isnt gonna go for it but the audience you do speak to gets to feel like an alien finding someone else from their homeland. AI image gen feels like a beautiful cake with flowery frosting and when you cut into it its actually frosting all the way down and has nothing of substance. I obviously can speak only in metaphors lol so I just wanted to say I appreciate reading your thoughts on AI and tho I feel strongly abt it I have a hard time putting exacting words to what about it is so worrying to me. As an artist it energizes me when I see artists who are wildly unique and expressing themselves without a care to their skill limitations or personal strangenesses (read: mainstream unmarketability). Manga artist ONE and his charming and funky style is a great example. Anyway I love your thoughts and wanted to say thanks and also throw words at you
FUCKIGN DAMN DUDE, ARE YOU TRYING TO MAKE ME CRY? Why is the weather getting misty on my face specifically. Thank you. My most contentious trait is that I keep forgetting to care what people want from me.
It's really interesting following people who are very honest but more mathy than me, because the way they talk about art and AI lately has gotten... increasingly callous. Even bitter. It's partly justified, because artists tend to suck at defending themselves charismatically. ("AI art isn't real art"; the "AI can't do hands" thing was always destined to age badly) But also, I can't stand the sheer selfishness of people who claim to be rational but don't seem know how to investigate what art at its best is for and why they view it the way they do. When I read "AI is great for hobbyists" I'm like. 95% of the time, I'M A HOBBYIST... I would never generate a script, or music... javascript maybe, but I'd feel guilty about it... but the excitement? I think some guys are just looking to suckle on a feeding tube. Cos they were done a disservice by thinking they had to stop visual art after fingerpainting!
I don't think AI NEVER has substance, but the type of person who gets excited about AI doesn't tend to do interesting things with it. And what really bothers me is that I can never tell exactly WHAT they did, versus how much was a coin flip. This is useless for understanding your voice as an artist. I don't care to see more by you.
ONE is a perfect example. His style MAKES that story. The manga and the anime feel so different. That's why I hate when people say that hating AI is discriminating against people who can't draw, cos like... if you can't make something intentional and real without using what's functionally a search engine, why would I believe you're having ideas worth the cliche conceptartdotcom overrendered AI polish at all? Not to be a dick, but like. In terms of rate of return on my attention investment, so far I'd do better by sitting at a craps table.
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1eos · 4 months
Am I a loser for being 25 and never being in a relationship and still a virgin?
not at all! loser implies that you've lost at life and 1. at 25 life has barely gotten started and 2. sex and relationships isn't all life has to offer. its cliche but we all go thru shit at different times and there's a lot more 'late bloomers' in the world than you know! including me like i will hold hands romantically for the first time when im 50 and im at peace with that.
but realistically.....when you meet new people even if its just a brief encounter once and you never see them again is one of your first questions 'are they a virgin? have they been in a relationship?' probably not. literally the only ppl who place someone's value on their sex and relationship status are weird with no substance to bring into conversations anyways. and depending on your gender/sexual orientation and where u live there really might just be no one to date or fuck like it's fineeeee it's fine. and not to sound like a loner but so many ppl in this world are unhappy in relationships and not even having orgasms every night it's not a moral failing to not have someone for a lil bit. you just get to have your firsts with a more fully developed brain and sense of self and isn't that lovely?
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We Waited Four Years And It's A Waste Of Potential
Yep, we have a full trailer with full voices and yep it shows all the problems we are seeing with season two of helluva boss:
Too much swearing
Too many storylines that will come out at us.
Too much fast development
Black and white depiction of conflict despite saying it's grey
The jokes are forced as fuck
Also again they are switching from getting to heaven to just straight up doing the cliche (heaven is worse than hell). Yep, we even see how crass Adam is and he seems to be the head honcho of things. We also get spoiled too much like the aforementioned war against heaven and the fact that Alastor double cross Charlie. Also trading the pilot cast for the broadway bigger names was a mistake, especially Alastor and Angel who practically put Hazbin Hotel on the map and now are just excluded from the project. Vivziepop is really going for flash over substance and it's obvious by how everything seems so stiff here in comparison with the pilot. I really do not have any hope for this show and everything in this trailer show it.
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greatwyrmgold · 26 days
The Begonia Group's (cliche) Crimes
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Okay, nuance first. Drug dealing is a common way for crime syndicates to make money, and human trafficking is way more common than it should be. And there's some effort made to distinguish this from most fictional drug/human traffickers by mixing in some unique elements of Hand Jumper's setting. And Webtoon's format makes it tricky to get screenshots of the relevant bits of exposition.
But I'm kinda tired of drugs and human trafficking (and sometimes protection rackets) being all the business-crime that fictional gangs participate in. There are plenty of other kinds of crime, you know? There's other kinds of contraband, smuggling legal items to avoid tariffs and such, prostitution that doesn't involve human trafficking, several varieties of illegal gambling, fencing stolen goods, money laundering, other kinds of white-collar crime, and plenty of stuff that I can't think of off the top of my head.
But it's always drugs and human trafficking, and usually versions that make them more "dramatic" to the expected audience. This is really easy to explain for human trafficking.
Fictional depictions usually show the criminals kidnapping people in affluent areas for nefarious purposes; sex slavery if they're boring, some supernatural or soft-sci-fi gimmick if they're trying not to be boring. In the real world, human trafficking usually involves taking desperate people from poor places to rich places, usually willingly (or by lying to them about the destination/cost of their journey). Human trafficking sometimes ends in sex slavery, but can also end in other kinds of forced labor, and in some cases it can be closer to illegal immigration than slavery.
None of this nuance or variety exists in pop culture human trafficking. And this doesn't just give people an inaccurate understanding of crimes that affect real people; it's also repetitive. Hand Jumper is not the only East Asian comic where some people have unique superpowers where a white-haired kid with superpowers was kidnapped by a crime syndicate and had his blood extracted to manufacture a substance which messes with the source of those superpowers. And My Hero Academia also has an illegal drug which makes people stronger with health consequences, though it's separate from the stuff made from Eri's blood.
This trope isn't an effective way to depict real-world organized crime, or even to construct dramatic scenarios out of parts of what those criminals do. It feels designed to make the fictional criminals seem as evil as possible, especially when the drugs being dealt are the Evil Drugs that you get by either exaggerating the effects of real drugs or making stuff up.
Which is pretty silly. There are other ways to make us think your fictional mafia are bad guys.
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