#all of them: move to LA so you can be by the beach and just get a break
Pretty much all of my friends think I should move next year when my lease ends 😩
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You guys really got me to one thousand likes in less than two days.
I don't even know what's happening but it's pulling me out of a really awful writer's block.
I have more ideas than I know what to do with so expect a good bit of content in the future.
You're all incredible 💗 ❤️
Have some Shanks headcanons, ranging from fluffy to spicy. As a treat.
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I was a little iffy about Live Action Shanks at first, since he was literally my first manga/anime crush ever. But he grew on me more with every scene.
Especially that final scene where he saw Luffy's wanted poster. I mean....
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Lookit that smile 🥹
So anyway.
LA!Shanks X Fem!Reader
Shanks A — Z
A — Afterglow (How are they after sex?)
Holding you close and telling you how much he adores you.
He's going to give you anything you want. Anything.
"Do you need anything, sweetheart? I've got you."
You want a bath, he's going to run it for you, carry you there once it's ready, and help you bathe.
Food or a drink, you just lay down, he's got it.
Shanks is completely and utterly devoted to making you feel like a goddess after sex.
Showering you with soft, tender kisses and caresses and endless praise, rubbing his fingers between your wet folds to prolong your pleasure as long as possible.
If it seems like he's trying to coax you into another round, he probably is. Your're going to have to outright tell him you're if spent, because he can't get enough of you.
B — Backrubs? (Do they like them? Like giving them?)
You can expect it nightly. You're his princess and he's going to pamper you.
He might only have one hand, but dear gods those fingers are magic.
He's not asking anything in return, but if you're offering then he isn't going to turn you down.
Closing his eyes and groaning as your fingers work through the tension in his muscles.
"Oh, you're too good for me, love."
C — Cuddling (Do they enjoy cuddling a lot ot only at certain moments?)
If you're within arm's reach, then Shanks has his arm around you.
His main mode of affection is physical.
Pulling you you to his side, resting his head over yours, tugging you down onto his lap.
He wants you close, as much and as often as you're willing to be, and he does't give a damn who sees.
D — Dance (Are they good at it? Do they enjoy it?)
Not really big on dancing, but if you want to he isn’t going to turn you down.
He'll take any excuse he can get to hold you close.
Tucking your hair behind your ear so he can rest his temple against yours.
His arm curled loosely around your back.
E — Extravagant Gestures (Things they do to make you feel loved)
He would literally move mountains for you if he could.
You tell him your dreams, well now they're his dreams too.
Anything you accomplish, whether alone or with his help, warrants the most lavish of celebrations.
He isn’t particularly materialistic, but what his princess wants, she gets, no questions asked.
"If you wanted the moon, I would make this ship fly so you could stake your claim."
F — Fighting (How do they hand arguments/apologies?)
All puppy-dog eyes and pouts.
Shanks makes it impossible to stay mad at him for any reasonable length of time. He's just too damned adorable.
Wrapping an arm around you and laying his head on your shoulder, refusing to let you go until you listen.
Even if it's a serious argument, the look of utter heartbreak on his face makes you cave every time.
"Come on, sweetheart. Just name it, I'll do anything."
He isn’t too proud to apologize—he knows when he's in the wrong, and he'll do anything in his power to make it up to you.
G — Going Out (What do they do for dates?)
If Shanks is the one doing the planning, you can expect to end up one of two places.
You might be at the nearest tavern, going shot for shot on rum until you can't see straight, singing sea shanties into the dark hours of morning.
Or laid out on a secluded stretch of beach in the moonlight, sharing a bottle or two, wrapped up in each others' arms and lips and forgetting the passage of time entirely.
He's happy doing anything that means he gets to spend time with you, though, so he's fine with going out of his element if you have something else in mind.
H — Heartache (How would they handle it if you broke up with them?)
Don't. Please. Just don't. He'll be inconsolable.
He'll cry. Don't make Shanks cry. That's just heartless.
He won't show it in front of his crew. He'll keep up his usual carefree and aloof facade.
But once he's alone, he'll be in complete shambles.
He'll probably drink himself senseless.
He loves hard, with every fabric of his being, and losing you would utterly destroy him.
I — Intimacy (When are they intimate with you? And how often?)
Literally all the time.
Shanks always kisses you like no one's watching, pulling you flush against him and delving his tongue between your lips and squeezing your rear.
In his eyes, there's no wrong time to show how much he treasures you. How much he wants you.
His ship could be under fire by a full Marine armada and he would still pull you in for a slow, sweet kiss if the mood struck.
In fact he'd probably do it just to show the Marines how completely unbothered he is.
J — Joker (How do they make you laugh)
If Shanks isn't cracking some stupid joke, you're worried something is wrong.
He loves making people laugh, loves seeing people laughing and enjoying life.
And making *you* laugh? That gives him life.
He's gone far as to pull your panties on while you're alone together in the captain's cabin and imitate you being dramatic about something until you're begging him to stop before you choke to death on your own giggles.
K — Kissing (How good? How often?)
If you're within eyeshot, he *has* to kiss you.
He knows that his crew will roll their eyes and tease him about it, but he doesn't care. Your lips are like a drug and he simply can't get enough.
His kisses tend to be light and plauful.
Lightly biting and pulling at your bottom lip.
Flicking his tongue across lips to coax yours out.
Letting his tongue swirl slowly around yours before pulling back and leaving you craving more.
Pulling you into his lap when he deepens the kiss.
Lifting his hand to flip off anyone with the audacity to tell you two to get a room.
"Don't pay them any mind, princess. They're just a bunch of jealous pricks."
L — Lay down (How do they sleep with you? Are they a cuddler or do they prefer their space?)
He has to be against you in bed.
If you roll away in your sleep, he will subconsciously shift closer to you.
Spooning is definitely his favorite—your back and your ass pressed up against him, his arm draped over your waist so he can caress your stomach or lay his palm over one of your soft breasts...absolute *heaven*.
M — Making babies (Do they want to settle down and have kids?)
Shanks is good with kids, being that he's practically an overgrown kid himself half the time.
All the same, he just...isn’t sure.
He loves you to death. Having a family with you would be a dream come true.
But if he had to leave his ship, his crew behind? He just isn’t sure he could do that.
Because he loves them to death, too.
N — Nervous? (How confident are they when it comes to romance?)
Shanks posseses the positively deadly combination of being unnecessarily charming and handsome, and incredibly aware of it.
Thus, his confidence is through the roof.
He knows he doesn't need anything more than a cheeky grin and a soft carress or two to get you in bed.
That being said, he'll spend all day subtly teasing you to the end of your sanity to make sure you want him as much as it's possible to want another person.
O — Oral Fixation (Giving or recieving? And how good are they?)
Absolutely a giver. He's incredible at it and he knows it.
And he's a terrible, terrible tease about it.
Taking you to the edge, making your thighs tremble...and then pulling away to brush his lips to your thighs and give you a cheeky grin.
"Oh, not yet, love. I love hearing you beg for it."
Keeping you on the edge until you're begging to come in complete and utter desperation before he finally lets you.
And then he isn't going to stop until you're begging him to.
He loves recieving just as much.
Really loves it when you pull him down an empty alley and get on your knees.Curling his fingers in your hair, groaning quietly and praising you endlessly.
His breath shaking as he resists the urge to thrust his hips forward and fuck your throat, wanting to enjoy the slow build-up.
"That's it, sweetheart. Look at me. I want to see those pretty eyes while you suck my cock."
P — Pet Peeves (Things they don't like in a partner)
Taking things too seriously. He's always joking around and having a good time, and all he wants is for you to do the same.
The silent treatment. It drives him absolutely insane. Just talk to him if there's something wrong, he wants to fix it.
Flirting with other men to make him jealous. Just don't. It's the one thing that truly gets under his skin, that could actually get him honestly angry with you.
Q — Quiet Time (How much alone time do they need, or do they want to be with you 24/7?)
Gives you your distance if you need it, but he does so begrudgingly.
He knows life is short—he got his arm bit off by a giant sea monster, for gods' sake—and he wants to spend as much time as he can with you.
Whether you're out having fun, fighting alongside each other, or curled up together in a hammock sharing a bottle of rum and enjoying a lazy afternoon.
He loves being with you, and he'll take any excuse he can get.
R — Romance (How romantic are they? Do they have to force it or does it come natural?)
Shanks's version of romance isn't fancy dinners and extravagant date nights.
It's lying on a beach watching the sunset with you.
Pushing you into the water and diving in after you, kissing you while you're both sopping wet.
Making love under a full moon.
Telling you every opportunity he gets how much he adores you.
"You know you're my greatest treasure, don't you, sweetheart?"
It's hard not to know when he tells you at least three times a day.
But the way he looks into your eyes when he says it still manages to melt your heart every time.
S — Spending Money (How much do they like to spend on you?)
Shanks isn't really much for materialism or consumerism.
You'll have to tell him if there's something you want, and he's not going to have any oroblem with getting it for you.
Every so often, something is going to catch his eye at some market in a port town.
Something that reminds him of you or that he thinks you'll like.
And he'll buy it without hesitation and give it to you with a big, goofy grin the second he sees you.
It's not all the time, but it makes it that much more special when it does happen.
T — Trust (Are they trusting of you? Jealous?)
He absolutely trusts you—that's how love is supposed to work.
But he can get a little jealous.
You wouldn't know it from the way he carries himself and jokes about it, but he does get a little insecure about missing an entire limb.
This can lead to him getting a little defensive and possessive if other men approach you—he's going to make sure it's known that you're his lover, and he'll always fight for you.
U — Underwear (What kind do they wear, and what kind do they like on you?)
Loose-fitting boxers are more comfortable.
He doesn't care what kind of underwear you wear, as long as it comes off easily.
And if you whisper in his ear that you're *not* wearing any?
You'd best buckle up, because he's putting you over his shoulder and carrying you off to the nearest private, or even semi-private location he can find to take advantage of this information.
V — Vulnerable (How vulnerable are they with you? Is it easy for them to open up to you?)
He is one hundred percent an open book with you.
You know everything about him. His life, his secrets, his aspirations.
He doesn't want anything to ever come up that could frighten you off, so he lays everything on the table surprisingly quickly.
W — Wine and Dine (Do they prefer meals at home or going out with you? Who does more of the cooking?)
He would much rather cook, preferably with you. He's not the best at it, but he's not awful either, given that he's had to be self-sufficient for a good bit of his life.
And if you're good at it, he's not to proud to take advice.
Any time spent with you is a wonderful time to him.
If you go out, it's probably going to be street food or tavern fare—fancy restaurants aren't his forte, and he's frankly not sure he would even have anything appropriate to wear.
X — X-Rated (How good are they in bed? What do they like?)
Hopefully you like being teased literally to the edge of sanity.
Major kink for edging you, making you beg for it.
And dear sweet fuck, is he good at it.
Whispering all the things he's going to do to you throughout the course of the day.
Pulling you down an alley or into a broom closet, pinning you to the wall and teasing you through your panties, stopping just short of letting you cum.
Subtle glances and touches.
He *loves* seeing you writhing in his bed, desperate for his touch while he kisses your neck, just trailing his fingertips up and down your inner thigh.
Holding you down by your hips so you can't even grind against him.
"Such an eager little thing. Just be patient, princess. You're going to get what you want."
Kissing down your breasts, taking time to stop and tease your nipples.
Pushing your thighs apart with his knees so he can circle a finger around your entrance, chuckling a little at your moans and whimpers before finally pushing it in.
Sitting up on his knees to watch you arch your hips, rubbing against your g-spot just long enough to get you gasping.
Pulling his finger back out and slowly circling it around your clit instead, before shifting back between your thighs and giving the sensitive bud a few teasing licks, watching you shiver in anticipation.
Keeping it slow and sensual, enjoying every second of being between your thighs, building your pleasure at a slow and steady pace that drives you crazy.
Holding onto your hip keep you from grinding against his tongue.
Pulling back the second you crest toward orgasm, chuckling at your whimpering and begging as he trails his lips across your inner thigh.
"You're just so adorable when you're desperate for it."
Keeping it going for what feels like hours, before finally tugging you in close and not relenting until you're trembling and falling apart beneath him.
Feeling you throbbing under his tongue and tighten up around his fingers is like a high for him.
Not stopping until your body goes limp and the only sounds you can make are a few little whimpers.
Soft, tender kisses amd whispered praises at your neck and lips and shoulders, his fingers combing through your hair, letting you recover for just a minute, even though he's aching for you.
Grinding his cock against your wet folds a few times before sliding slowly into you, groaning quietly in your ear.
"Oh, fuck, you're tight, love..."
Absolutely savors every second of being inside you, moving in long slow strokes, brushing his thumb across your cheek while he kisses you.
If you ask for it harder, he's going to give it to you—he's done with teasing you now. This is about you now, about what his princess wants.
And if you want it rough, then you're coming out of it with your neck and chest half-covered in hickies, and he's not stopping until he's sure you won't be able to walk tomorrow morning.
Holding back just long enough so you can climax at the same time, grunting out a quiet swear and pulling your hips flush against his to come deep inside you.
Slow, deep kisses while you both catch your breath and come down.
But don't be surprised if he's gearing up for another round soon. He really can never get enough of you.
Y — Yearning (How long will they pursue the person they're interested in before losing interest?)
It depends. If it's purely lust based, he's not going to pursue it very long and just move on.
If the feelings run deeper, though, he's absolutely shameless about it.
Relentless flirting and corny pick-up lines.
"Pardon me miss—do you have a map? It seems I've gotten lost in your eyes and I can’t find my way out."
Will absolutely get on his knees and beg you to give him a chance if he has to.
Puppy dog eyes in full effect.
It's pretty much pointless trying to resist.
Z — Zen (What do they do to wind down and relax? Do they prefer to do it alone or with you?)
A bottle of rum, a hammock stretched between a couple palm trees on some remote beach only he knows about, and his arm curled around you while you lie back against his chest.
Kissing your temple and playing with your hair.
He's always more relaxed when he has you with him.
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wildlife4life · 3 months
Fuck-It Friday Coda
Here is my 7x01 coda that I'm also counting for Fuck-It Friday! So thank you for the tags @theotherbuckley @wikiangela @jesuisici33 and @diazsdimples! Posted to ao3 here.
“How the talk with Chris go? He still seeing being a two timer?” Marisol asks with a sly smile.
Eddie blows out a harsh breath, “There wasn’t much of a talk on my end.”
She quirks an eyebrow, “Oh? You just letting him work it on his own?”
He shakes his head, “Oh god no. That would have just made an even bigger mess.” Eddie has to look away from his girlfriend as he admits, “Actually I asked Buck to talk to him. He has some um... experience with the whole ‘player’ thing.”
Marisol’s wine glass smacks loudly on the coffee table in the silence that follows, and Eddie barely holds back a wince. Still, he doesn’t look at her. He never does when speaking about Buck.
“You had your newly single best male friend, with a history of getting around, talk to your son about not doing the exact same thing?” Marisol sound appalled and it has Eddie whipping around to see her actual reaction. His girlfriend looked upset and disgusted? What is that about?
“Um, yea. Buck has the insight into all of that and he’s reformed and all that.” Eddie tries defending.
She scoffs, “Reformed? Didn’t he just break up with his last girlfriend because he got bored.”
Well, that was a very poor recount of events that had already been poorly told by Buck and Eddie felt the low simmer of burgeoning anger, “Buck did not get bored. He was trying to live, move on from his death, and all that woman was doing, was being a constant reminder of it.”
The anger rises at Marisol rolling her eyes, “Like I said, bored. But that’s not really the point here.”
He grinds his back molars, “What is the point then, in your opinion?”
She narrows her eyes at his tone, “The point is Christopher isn’t going to learn to respect women, be a courteous young man by talking to a man whose disastrous dating history is printed in a best-selling book by someone from said history. He’s Christopher’s fun friend, the guy he goes to when he doesn’t want to get in trouble and you’re feeding into it.”
Eddie slams his beer to the coffee table, making Marisol’s almost empty wine glass wobble from the force, and rises his feet, “After me, Buck is one of the most important people in Christopher’s life. You have not a single understanding of what they are to each other, what they have been through. What Buck has personally been through. He is not some womanizing asshole corrupting my son. He is Christopher’s best friend; my best friend, and the person I know I can turn to when I need help with Christopher. With anything.”
Marisol rises to her feet, “And you’re allowing him to continue take up the space I am trying to get into. I thought we we’re getting somewhere when you invited me to chaperon Chris’s date with you, when you opened up about your worries about him. But instead of letting me try to help you ran to a person you can’t bring up without looking away.”
He immediately proves her point and puts his gaze on the fireplace mantle, eyes roaming over every photo. There several of just him and his son, pre-LA to just last year before Christopher’s school dance. There are pictures of their family back in Texas and the entirety of the 118. Then there are photos with Buck. Christopher and Buck at the zoo. The trio of them at the mall fountain. Eddie’s graduation. Christopher’s 10th birthday. And second to last, Eddie and Buck, arms around each other’s shoulders at Hen and Karen’s vow renewal. At the end of all those photos sits the last family picture of Eddie, Christopher, and Shannon took at the beach.
Eddie thinks back on the picture Christopher turned down on his desk and the letter he almost didn’t read. He thinks about how his first instinct was to turn to Buck and not the girlfriend who witnessed Christopher’s player antics, someone who could give insight on how those girls felt. And then he realizes, Christopher wouldn’t have opened up about his mother to anyone, but Buck.
That space Marisol is trying to fit herself into, is too large, too broad, and perfectly Buck shaped.  She would never fit.
With a sense of déjà vu, Eddie drops his gaze to floor and softly states, “I think you should go.”
Wine glass rinsed out, beer bottle in the recycling, and a reusable tote bag just barely filled with Marisol’s few items left at his house sat near the door, Eddie relaxes back into his couch.
Marisol put up a lack-luster fight to leaving, but eventually she drowned the last of her wine and called an uber. “He’s not going stick around forever. He’s going to break both yours and Christopher’s hearts.” She warned, “And you’ll be just as alone as you were in the hardware store.”
Eddie held back a harsh retort and simply told her, “I haven’t been alone since I met him and I never will be if either one of us has a say about it.”
He opened the door, Marisol got into a little gray sedan, and she went back to the home Eddie helped destroy.
Picking up his phone from the coffee table, Eddie pulls up his contact favorites, smirking humorously at Marisol’s missing name, and presses the person at the very top. It rings twice, before, “Hey man, thought it was date night?”
“Asked her to go home.” Eddie replies.
Silence on the other end for a just a moment then, “Man, you really need to find a better way to break up with women.” Buck teases.
Eddie chuckles, “Well at least there was no mess to clean up this time.”
Buck hums in agreement before softly asking, “You doing okay?”
Not a single lie passed his lips when he answered, “More than. But you know what would help?”
“Go-karts in the dessert.”
A laugh that makes Eddie feel warm all over, “It’s a date.”
Hope you all enjoyed! Tagging (no pressure): @daffi-990 @exhuastedpigeon @fortheloveofbuddie @rogerzsteven @disasterbuckdiaz @tizniz @lemonzestywrites @evanbegins @buck-coded @devirnis @glorious-spoon @thekristen999 @spotsandsocks @cal-daisies-and-briars @aroeddiediaz @hippolotamus @sunshinediaz @watchyourbuck @lover-of-mine @hoodie-buck @elvensorceress @gayedmundodiaz @giddyupbuck @jeeyuns @bekkachaos @buddierights @try-set-me-on-fire @rainbow-nerdss @thewolvesof1998 @eddiebabygirldiaz @spaceprincessem @eddiiediaz @honestlydarkprincess @doublecheekeddiaz @prosperdemeter2 @transboybuckley @nmcggg @monsterrae1 @loserdiaz @perfectlysunny02 @dangerpronebuddie @missmagooglie
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cheriladycl01 · 2 months
Miami Waves - Logan Sargeant x NewZealandOlympicSurfing! Reader
Plot: Miami boy wants to see if his Olympic surfing girl can keep up with the Floridian waves and you end up getting to know his colleagues more in the process
Credit to egg-waffles16 for the GIF
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“Thank you for coming and being here with me” he smiles, his parents had been wanting to meet you for a while. You’d started dating when he first got into F2 and was put under the Williams Young Driver Programme.
“You knew I wouldn’t say no. I’ve been wanting to meet them just as much!” You exclaim. You were a little nervous to meet them, as in your mind Logan was it for you, this was the boy you wanted to marry and have a family with. And even if he didn’t feel the same way right now, that was okay. Not that you knew if he did as you’d never discussed your guys future.
But if you had, he would have told you he felt the exact same way.
Meeting his parents was so much fun, and you got to meet his older brother who teased the both of you relentlessly.
You were used to surfing in Australia and New Zealand. They were the closest to you, and there wasn’t quite any waves like their were on the Australian Coastline. That’s actually where you’d won, one of your first ever championships in surfing. Two years later and you were a Silver Medalists.
“Well my family love you. I’m pretty sure they wanted you to move in” he laughs, Logan lived at home all through his career in F2 and he still visited often as he always said how he felt like an outcast on the F1 grid.
Alex helped but he’d drifted apart from Oscar and had to watch him form a really strong bond with Lando.
He still talked to his friends from his days in Prema as well but everything but you felt so disconnected lately.
So spending those two weeks with his family and you in Miami in the beach villa you'd all rented was vital for the both of you. You felt like you'd been so busy running around, travelling the world with Logan all the time, surfboard rentals at every new place you went so you could train and sometimes travelling for your own championships.
You spent the two weeks doing the most mundane stuff, like cooking together with Logan, building sandcastles, teaching him how to paddle board before showing him the intricacies that came with surfing, which you thought considering his concentration and hand-eye coordination in an F1 car he'd be good at but he couldn't stay on the board once.
Your favourite thing was his family getting really excited to show your their favourite local restaurants in Florida.
You were currently sat on your surfboard with your legs in the water and hands on the middle part of it, watching everything in the neck high water below you.
The water's were crystal clear and you could see the little fishes swimming around playing through the sand. You were swaying a little bit where the quieter, unrideable waves were lapping over your board and sending you in random directions.
You were peacefully watching everything go by, until that peace was ruined by Logan, coming running into the water in his basketball shorts making you look over to him in shock.
"Logan?" you asked as he swam up to hold into your board, you scooted back so that he could haul himself up and sit opposite you on the board.
"Erm, so ... kind of last minute but you about to meet Oscar, Arthur and Freddie" Logan said, trying to give you his cute teddy bear smile, but all that was running through your body was shock.
It was a bit strange but you hadn't actually met his friends, you were very very busy with training for the next Olympics and another set of Championships in New Zealand when Logan was in F2, so you didn't see him in the paddock as much as you do now, and if you did you were nervous and kept to yourself.
"No, stop. I'm basically naked!" you exclaim looking down at your cleavage that wasn't well covered up by your bikini.
"Come on, lets go meet them. And get you a cover-up because I don't trust them" he laughs, placing a hand and the side of your neck before pulling you into a passionate kiss. You guys moved closer to each other to the point where you were basically sat on his lap. A wave a little to large came and toppled you both off the board making you both come up sputtering in shock.
You swim to where the water is knee deep and see three boys watching you.
"Oh" you mutter, knowing exactly who they were.
"Baby, these are my friends" he offers, grabbing your coverup and handing it to you so you could chuck it on.
"Yeah i gathered" you chuckle.
You spent the day with the boys, Oscar was the only one that could surf and you found yourself getting on with all of them, Oscar the most who became like a sort of Oceanic brother to you, being from Australia.
Arthur and Freddie were a whole other story, constantly flirting with you to try and get a rise out of Logan which you couldn't help but giggle at but always grab his hand, arm of leg in a comforting way to let him know none of it was affecting you.
"So, how are you feeling about the Paris Olympics?" Freddie asks as you were all sat around a bonfire, telling stories.
"Yeah confident, I'm excited to be able to participate in it for a second year running! Going for Gold and all that..." you grin.
"Well... we will all be there to watch you, right Logan?" Arthur grins, making you shake your head again.
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Liked by logansargeant, arthur_leclerc and oscarpiastri
y/user: Missing NZ P1🇳🇿🥝 but Miami and Hubby are treating me well P2-4 🇺🇸🦅
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logansargeant: Out of all the pictures you could have used of me on the beach … 😩
-> y/user: baby, I had sunburn in all of our ones 💋
-> logansargeant: but you make such a pretty tomato 🍅
-> y/user: outside for you tonight
-> logansargeant: arthur_leclerc, oscarpiastri, frederickvestiofficial I’m in the dog house boys, help me out!
-> arthur_leclerc: sounds like a you problem, Y/N looking radiant as always 🌸
-> oscarpiastri: maybe you shouldn’t have called your girl a tomato? You hit those Miami waves Y/N 🏄🏼‍♀️🌊
-> frederikvestiofficial: Y/N deserves better 🫣🫶🏼
williamsracing: incredible stuff from you! 🦋💙
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Instagram Story Caption:
I prefer the Miami sunsets 🌅
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sweetcherrywrites · 2 months
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together — p. lahote
summary: after her confrontation with paul, y/n decides to just avoid him. however, things can never seem to go the way she wants them to.
word count: 1.9k
author’s note: sorry about the long wait. hope you enjoy this.
part one: here
“look just leave me alone, alright? i don’t wanna talk to you.”
it was all she could think about.
“no you don’t.”
the way he responded when she asked whether she meant something to him.
“i don’t care about you. i just kept you around because i didn’t wanna hurt you and i knew that didn’t have anyone else. but now i’m done. i’m not doing it anymore.”
that was what did it.
all she could think about were the hurtful words that he told her, how her heart broke with each thing he said.
she couldn’t understand what she did so wrong that he would say those things to her. she had guessed that it had something to do with his involvement with sam uley and jared cameron and the fact that they cut ties with basically everyone in their lives and only hung out with each other.
she was hurt whatever the reason was.
eventually that hurt turned into anger.
after everything they’ve been through, he just abandoned her? tossed her aside like she meant nothing? hurting her without feeling even an once of remorse?
it made her even more angry every time she thought about it. she wanted to confront him again, demand that he tell her what was going on and not letting him walking away until he did so.
but she didn’t.
instead she decided to avoid him at all costs.
if he had decided that he didn’t want her in his life, so be it. there was nothing that she could do about it.
no matter how much she wanted to.
that didn’t stop her mind from thinking about him though.
no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t stop thinking about him.
it was even worse at night, when it was silent and she couldn’t sleep, so she was forced to do nothing but think about all the moments that they had together and everything that led to up to him disappearing on her. it was all she could do.
kind of like now.
right now, she was laying on her bed, thinking about what he could be doing right now. probably with jared or sam like always, since apparently that had something that she didn’t for him to just up and leave her for then without a second thought.
she rlly didn’t want to give up, but what was she supposed to do?
paul made his choice. he didn’t want her around.
he never did. he said it himself.
“i just kept you around because i didn’t wanna hurt you and i knew that didn’t have anyone else.”
the only thing she could do was avoid him.
no matter how much it hurt..
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despite her decision to avoid paul, there was one place she couldn't stay away from: la push beach.
it held too many memories, too much comfort, to let him take that away from her. so, against her better judgment, she found herself there, seeking solace in the crashing waves and sandy shores.
she settled down with a book, hoping to lose herself in its pages and forget, if only for a moment, the turmoil inside her. for a while, it worked. the sound of the ocean drowned out the noise in her mind, and she allowed herself to relax, if only slightly.
but then, just when she thought she could escape him for a moment, she saw him. paul, along with sam and jared, playing soccer not far from where she sat.
her heart clenched at the sight, memories flooding back of happier times spent together.
she tried to ignore them, to focus on her book and pretend they weren't there.
but clearly fate had other plans.
a stray ball rolled her way, and before she could react, paul was by her side, retrieving it.
“uh..i'm sorry about that…are you alrig-”
their eyes met, and in that moment, everything changed. paul froze, his gaze locking onto hers with an intensity she couldn't comprehend.
she felt a mixture of shock, confusion, and overwhelming emotion wash over her. she wanted to run, to escape the sudden intensity of his gaze, but her body refused to move.
she couldn’t take it anymore. the longer she stayed there, the more the memories of their last interaction came rushing back, reminding her of the pain he caused her.
she forced herself to stand to her feet. she had to get out of there.
“wait, please. i need to explain.”
gathering her things in a hurry, she stood up, tears threatening to spill from her eyes. she shook her head, unable to bear his words.
“i don't want to hear it, paul,” she whispered, her voice barely audible over the crashing waves.
turning away from him, she walked briskly back the way she came from, wanting nothing more to be at home in bed. she wished she never came.
she could feel his gaze on her back, but she didn’t turn around. instead, she kept walking, leaving behind the echoes of his apologies and the shattered pieces of her heart on the sandy shore.
instead, she left him exactly how he left her.
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she continued to avoid paul, despite his persistent attempts to talk to her and explain. he would blow up her phones with calls and texts, begging her for a chance to explain, but she just ignored them, opting to put her phone on silent. he had showed up at her door, knocking and pleading for her to listen, to give him a chance. but she couldn’t bring herself to face him, not after the hurtful words he had spoken.
however, one rainy day, as she lay in bed, trying to escape the memories that haunted her, she heard a persistent knocking at her window.
she didn’t have to guess who it was on the other side.
with a heavy sigh, she pulled back the curtain to find paul standing there, his expression determined.
“please, just let me explain. i won’t leave until you hear me out.”
she contemplated it for a moment. she wanted to just close the curtains and ignore him, but she knew that he would be true to his word and not leave and she really didn’t want him outside of her window all day.
reluctantly, she opened the window, letting him in. he stood before her, shirtless, his tattoo on display on his right shoulder.
she crossed her arms, a defensive stance, and asked, “what do you want, paul?”
paul took a step closer, his eyes pleading. “i’ve been trying to explain, but you won’t listen. please, just give me a chance.”
she scoffed. “why should i let you explain after everything you said?”
he sighs, “i didn’t mean anything i said. please know that. i’ve been trying to protect you. i couldn’t tell you before because i had to keep you safe.”
she furrowed her brow, confusion evident in her eyes. “protect me from what?”
paul hesitated, his jaw clenched with the weight of his words. “come with me. i’ll show you.”
she hesitated for a moment, uncertainty clouding her thoughts. but then, with a nod, she quickly grabbed a jacket and slipped on her shoes before following him outside.
they walked in silence, the only sound the crunch of leaves beneath their feet. finally, they reached a secluded clearing, under the thick cover of clouds.
paul turned to face her, his expression solemn. “have you ever heard of the tribe legends? about how we can shape-shift into wolves?”
she looked at him in disbelief, her brow furrowing. “are you really about to tell me that you can turn into a wolf?”
paul met her gaze, unwavering. “just let me show you.”
paul took a step back, his muscles tensing as he began to undress. her eyes widened for a moment, but she decided against saying anything.
his body started to shake uncontrollably, wisps of smoke curling around him. she watched in astonishment as his form began to contort, his muscles rippling beneath his skin. then, with a sudden burst of energy, he transformed into a large silver wolf before her eyes. her breath caught in her throat as she took a step back, her mind struggling to comprehend what she was witnessing.
but as the wolf approached her, she felt a sense of calm wash over her, a feeling of familiarity overcoming her.
tentatively, she reached out a hand, brushing her fingers against the wolf’s fur. it nuzzled against her, its eyes filled with an emotion she couldn’t quite place.
“okay… okay, I believe you,” she whispered, still slightly in shock.
as paul shifted back into his human form, his features softened, and he stood before her once again. she stared at him in astonishment, her mind still reeling from the surreal experience.
after a moment of silence, paul reached for his clothes, his movements deliberate yet somehow hesitant. with each garment he put back on, the reality of what she had just witnessed sank in deeper, leaving her speechless.
she watched in silence as he dressed, her mind racing with questions yet unable to form coherent words. the forest seemed to hold its breath as they stood there, the weight of their shared revelation hanging heavy in the air.
paul swallowed hard, the weight of his confession heavy on his shoulders. “i couldn’t tell you because… because I was under sam’s orders.”
her heart sank at his revelation, the pieces of the puzzle finally falling into place. “so, why now? why are you telling me this now?”
paul took a deep breath, his eyes searching hers as he tried to find the right words.
he hesitated, his breath catching in his throat. “because… because i imprinted on you, y/n. it’s you, it’s always been you.”
her eyes widened in disbelief, her mind struggling to comprehend the weight of his words. “imprinted? what does that mean?”
“you know when everything just falls into place, like pieces of a puzzle fitting together perfectly? that’s what imprinting is like. it’s not love at first sight, but more like... suddenly everything makes sense. you become whatever they need you to be—whether it's a protector, a lover, or a friend. it’s like the world shifts, and they become your center.”
she listened intently, her heart swelling with a mix of emotions—confusion, disbelief, but also a strange sense of hope.
“and it's you,” he continued, his voice soft but unwavering. “it’s always been you.”
her eyes brimmed with tears as she took in his words, the weight of his confession lifting the veil of uncertainty that had clouded her mind.
“i don't know what to say,” she admitted, her voice choked with emotion.
paul reached out, cupping her face in his hands. “you don't have to say anything. i just needed you to know... i love you, y/n. i always have, and i always will. and it’s not just because of the imprint. it’s always been you. i didn’t mean any of the stuff that i said before. i thought i was protecting you. you mean everything to me.”
her breath caught in her throat at his confession, her heart swelling with a love she never thought possible. she looked into his eyes, seeing the depth of his feelings reflected back at her, and knew in that moment that she felt the same.
“i love you too, paul,” she whispered, her voice filled with conviction.
as they leaned in, their lips met in a tender kiss, sealing their love and their destiny together. in that moment, they stood in each other’s arms, their hearts beating as one. in that moment, they stood together.
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i really hope you guys enjoyed this. i know that it was longgg overdue.
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foxintheferns · 6 months
I'd love to see Jacob with a single mama. I'd love it if he imprinted on her while she's playing with her little one on the beach. She could be Charlie's niece who he helped move to Forks to give her a fresh start with the little one. I'm thinkin the kiddo is about 1-2, old enough to walk/play in the sand but still young. I can see Jacob being the best papa ever and the pack just LOVING on the kid <3 Please and thank you! <3
Thank you so much for your patience with this one! Because I made you wait so long, I made it a long one <3. Loved writing such sweet lil fluffy stuff. Please enjoy :)
A/N: AU where Jacob and Bella aren’t toxic & weirdly obsessed with each other, and he has his own life and experiences outside of her! Period.
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You sat on the sand with Lydia between your legs, her wispy, silky auburn hair blowing between your fingers with each soft gust of the salty breeze. You faced the ocean, La Push beach surrounding you in all of its striking glory.
Lydia babbled as she played with the sand, her back to you and her arms and legs quite literally covered in the granules. It would be her second birthday in two months, and you couldn’t understand where the time had gone. She grew so quickly, her chunky little arms and legs getting longer by the day, and you wished desperately that you could pause time.
Your ex boyfriend Noah, Lydia’s father, hadn’t wanted much to do with the raising of his child.
You looked down at the side of her sweet face, the buttery soft skin of her cheek glowing with the orange light of the afternoon. It was despicable that anyone could not want to love this tiny human, you thought, that anyone would even consider leaving her by choice. But that was exactly what Noah had done. His booze and his gambling was far too important to him to bother with the raising of a small child.
It made you angry; you felt a relentless and almost violently intense need to protect her. From everything ugly and awful and false in this world, even if that meant her own father. He had never treated you right, always gone for nights at a time doing who knows what with God knows who. The pregnancy had been an accident, but his reaction was not what you’d expected. He’d seemed to be on-board at first, but was never there for you during your difficult pregnancy. You thought back to how your muscles had ached as you were on all fours scrubbing the bathroom floor that one Saturday night, seven months pregnant and inconceivably exhausted. He had come home after being gone for two days, reeking of liquor and barely having time to slur out his angry question of what you were planning on making for dinner before he’d passed out on the living room couch.
You had been expecting Lydia’s birth to snap him back to reality, to throw things into perspective for him. But the man you had practically grown up with, together since 18, had missed her birth.
“Got caught up at work,” had been his excuse when he showed up at the hospital the next morning. Even the labor and delivery nurse had thrown him a glare.
When Lydia was 3 months old, you were forced to go part-time at the job you’d loved, the one that could actually lead somewhere. Without Noah’s help, childcare was next to impossible. Your neighbor, Jess, a stay at home mom of three, was kind enough to babysit Lydia with her own children for a few days out of the week, but you felt awful not being able to pay her much, if anything, most weeks.
After over a year of trying, of desperately hoping and yearning for the man you had once loved to be a father to your sweet girl, you’d finally thrown in the towel. Noah had made it clear that he had no interest in being a dad, and in one of his more blacked-out stupors, had even remarked that if the two of you hadn’t gotten pregnant, things would’ve been easier. Better.
Noah had been gone 11 days, his longest absence yet.
You’d packed your minimal belongings, gathering Lydia’s too and putting them into her tiny suitcase with strawberries on it.
Your mom had passed when you were 16, and your dad was very much like Noah. Oh, how patterns repeat themselves. You didn’t have much of a support system to fall back on when shit hit the fan.
The one person you knew would answer if you called was your Mom’s brother, Charlie.
“(Y/N)?,” his gruff, tired voice had come through the phone that early Tuesday morning. You knew it was probably only 4am in Forks, where he was, but he’d still answered the phone.
“Uncle Charlie…,” you’d whimpered shakily, “I-….”
You didn’t even know where to begin. Uncle Charlie had always been so good to you, checking in and asking how Lydia was frequently. He’d been one of the few people you’d called to share the exciting news of your pregnancy with, and had been ecstatic, urging that you come visit him and your cousin Bella as soon as you could.
“What’s goin’ on? You okay?”, His voice had become suddenly alarmed, and you’d heard the shuffling in the background of him getting up and out of his bed.
Leaving with Lydia was something you’d been wanting to do for a while, but you didn’t think you could actually follow through with it. Saying it out loud felt impossible.
“I need your help,” you’d whispered, your voice low and on the verge of breaking.
That was two weeks ago now.
You sat on the soft sand with Lydia, her tiny fingers gripping your leg for support as she pulled herself up, and you thought back to the fear you’d felt that day. Charlie had immediately paid for a planet ticket for you and Lydia to fly up to Port Angeles. He didn’t waste a moment in inviting you to come stay with him. He’d been clearly enraged, barely hiding his distaste for Noah’s behaviors once you’d let the floodgates open and told him everything you’d been hiding for months.
“Jesus, (y/n). I thought you guys were doing good, I-… I thought he was different, honey. I’m so sorry, kid,” Charlie had spoken into the phone after the words pouring from your mouth had finally come to a halt once you’d gotten him caught up on the current status of your relationship with your baby’s father. You hadn’t realized it, but you’d been hiding it from practically everyone. Your cousin Bella texted you often, and she knew some of the details of how absent Noah had become, but even she didn’t know the extent of it. You were a single mother, from the moment Lydia was conceived, you’d accepted that. Noah was never a dad to her.
“Mama! San!” Lydia’s tiny voice shrieked out as she grabbed a fistful of sand and threw it in front of her, some of it spraying in the breeze and landing across your chest and arms. She tentatively waited for your reaction. Her eyes scanned your face, her pink cheeks pulled into an ecstatic smile. You laughed, shaking your head, and wiped the rough granules off of your skin as you nodded at her.
“Yes, sand!” You picked up a handful of it, holding it out to show her and letting it spill through your fingers. She shrieked again, excited by your intentional dropping of the sand, and jumped several times, her little legs barely able to lift her half an inch off the ground.
You’d been down at the beach in La Push almost every day now. You’d gotten settled in to the extra bedroom at the Swan’s house, and you couldn’t help but feel like a burden, so you went out with Lydia often. Charlie and Bella had insisted, several times, that they were grateful to have the two of you. That they didn’t feel burdened by your presence. A toddler definitely wasn’t the quietest or most polite house guest, but Lydia was truly the best thing you’d ever done, and you prided yourself that you’d managed to raise such a good tiny human all on your own.
She was kind, and gentle. She loved animals, she loved making new friends. She watched the world around her with curious and eager eyes, anxious to explore and see and feel. She laughed and laughed and laughed; she was the giggliest baby you’d ever seen.
Bella offered to watch her whenever you needed a break, and you hadn’t asked for one yet. She was practically begging to babysit Lydia at this point, which had surprised even her; she wasn’t much of a kid person.
You didn’t want a break. You were soaking up this time with your little one as much as you could. You felt free, for the first time in a long time.
The beach felt like home now, and Lydia seemed to think so too. Every time you walked with her down the dirt path toward the beach, she would screech and try her best to run towards the glistening ocean. You’d been at the beach now for an hour or two, and you reached into your bag to pull out more baby sunscreen for her.
“Lyd, come ‘ere babe.” You reached out, gently pulling her to you, and her eyes landed on the pink bottle of sunscreen. She knew the drill at this point, and gingerly leaned against you as you rubbed the cream across her tiny little shoulders and arms. She giggled and smiled as the cold sunscreen landed on her skin.
“Eeee!” She cried, slapping her small hands against your leg as she pulled her face away in protest to you trying to spread the sunscreen across her cheeks. She still stood in place though, squeezing her eyes shut and pouting as you rubbed it in.
“Thank you, baby. Such a good girl,” you cooed as you snapped the lid of the sunscreen closed and placed a kiss on the tip of her little nose. You continued to pepper her face with smooches until she was a screeching, giggling mess on the sand, her arms and legs flailing every which way. You tickled her, both of you laughing loud enough for the sound to travel over the noise of the rolling waves hitting the beach.
After the tickle attack came to an end, you grabbed some strawberries and blueberries from your bag, pulling open the Tupperware container and holding it out to Lydia. Her eyes lit up (strawberries are her all time fave) and she eagerly grabbed at the berries with both hands. After several minutes of snacking, her mouth and face was stained pink and red, and her fingers were sticky. The sand was still warm, although the breeze was starting to cool off a bit.
“Let’s walk, yeah Lyddi?,” you asked, getting up from your large towel and brushing the sand off of your legs. She bounced around beside the towel, falling a few times onto the soft sand as she lost her balance. You held your hand out and smiled down at her, waiting for her to meet your eyes. She reached out without hesitation, allowing you to envelope her tiny hand in yours, and let you lead her down towards the water.
You walked across the gentle waves, only going far enough so that the incoming swells flowed across your feet and ankles. With each wave hitting the shore, Lydia giggled and gripped your hand firmly, picking her feet up as quickly as she could to run from the water as it approached, only to run back towards it when it receded. You bent down, releasing her hand to skim the ocean water, wetting your fingers to clean the berry juice from her face.
As you were wiping your thumb across the soft skin of her chin, you saw her eyes flicker to something behind you, down the beach. Her gaze was intent and focused, and you glanced over your shoulder to see what managed to catch her constantly fleeting attention. A group of four tall men coming down the beach, kicking a soccer ball amongst their group. Their laughter was just reaching your ears now, and they were coming close enough that you were able to make out their faces.
They were quite large, and all but one of them were shirtless. The image rang a bell: they looked like they could be some of the Quileute boys you’d heard Bella mention were her close friends. You knew the beach was on the local Quileute reservation, but it’d been relatively empty in the days you and Lydia had been spending there, and you’d only seen random tourists walking along the beach occasionally. Bella had complained jokingly to you that these friends of hers were annoyingly always shirtless, impossibly large and tall, and that her boyfriend Edward wasn’t the biggest fan of them.
You smiled when one of them looked down the beach towards you and Lydia, and he seemed to return a polite smile at first, but his face melted into an odd expression when your eyes met. It was an indecipherable look. A look you didn’t understand.
He stopped walking, his body halting while his friends continued to move down the beach ahead of him. For a moment, it almost seemed like he was about to wave or come towards you, as if he recognized you like an old friend. The peculiar expression lingered for a moment before he pulled his eyes away quickly, and you saw his mouth moving as he seemed to speak swiftly to the men around him. His friends stopped walking as well, all turning to face him with bewildered expressions. The eye contact between you had been longer than a typical interaction with a stranger, but you felt oddly unalarmed. You were struck with an odd sensation that felt like you recognized him too.
He was the tallest of the group, his shoulders wide & strong. His frame was long and lean, and he happened to be the only one wearing a shirt, though it was a black cut off tank that didn’t cover much of his chiseled musculature underneath. You brushed the encounter off as random and probably explainable, trying to ignore the odd and unfamiliar sensation that prickled across your entire body like electricity.
You turned back to Lydia, but her curious eyes were still locked on the group behind you, wonder filling her face. A smile crept onto your lips as you watched her blink, her long lashes framing her wide eyes. She was beautiful. She was always so curious, so interested. Strangers made her nervous, like any two year old, though, which is why you were utterly bewildered when she broke away from your grasp and started toddling down the shore towards the group of men. You shot up from your lowered position, chasing after her.
“Lydia!” you called, your feet picking up pace.
It was amazing just how fast a two year old could be when they suddenly decided they had a destination in mind. You caught her under the armpit just as she almost fell across the wet sand in her run, and your knees hit the soft sand as you almost fell yourself. You panted, holding onto her and unable to stifle back a laugh at the ridiculousness of the situation.
“What the heck! Lyd-,” you started, looking up from where you grasped her. She was frozen, staring up at something.
She’d managed to close the distance between the two of you and the men, quickly enough that the soccer ball they’d been passing around as they came down the beach was only feet away now. You followed her gaze, and saw two large hands come down to swiftly pick up the ball. Your eyes moved up more still, until they landed on the face of the man you’d just locked eyes with moments before.
His gentle brown eyes were wide, his jaw slack and his expression yet again incomprehensible. You still had a smile on your face, and his eyes flicked down to your grin, the corners of his own mouth lifting up slightly. He gestured toward you with the arm that held the soccer ball.
“You’re, uh, Bella’s cousin?” The sound of his voice was rough and deep. Your grin faltered to make way for the suprised expression that came across your face.
“Oh, uh, yeah! Um, you know Bella?” You asked, taking the brief moment to get back up onto your feet and readjust the flowy fabric of your sundress that had gotten ruffled up in the capturing of your tiny escapee. You still held Lydia’s hand, and she stayed unmoving by your side, watching the tall man with the same awed expression. A grin spread across his face, and his eyes maintained the same electric glow they’d had from the moment you’d looked at him.
“Bella’s one of my best friends, yeah. She’s told me a lot about you…and… uh Lydia, right?” He spoke gently, his eyes glancing down at the tiny human to your right. You looked down at her, too, and she smiled timidly up at the man, stepping slightly behind your leg shyly. You beamed back at him, nodding and running your fingers through the soft silky baby hair on the top of Lydia’s head.
“Yeah, this is Lydia,” you replied, ruffling her hair until a soft giggle fell from her lips.
“I’m Jacob Black,” he glanced beyond him briefly and jerked his thumb over his shoulder, “those are my buddies Quil, Embry, and Jared. You’re (Y/N)?”
You glanced briefly over to the other three men, though they were now immersed in their own mumbled conservation several yards away; one of them was watching you with interest and flashed a warm smile back at you.
You nodded, turning back to Jacob.
“That’s me,” you answered with a shrug and a smile. When you met his gaze again, his eyes were intense, almost pained, his pupils wide. That electric feeling ran through you again. The eye contact between the two of you lingered each and every time it occurred, as if it was an inconvenience to pull away from it for both of you. Jacob knelt down on one knee, tucking the soccer ball under his arm. His eyes only broke away from yours to glance down at Lydia, who was still watching him intently from her place next to your leg.
“Hi, Lydia, it’s nice to meet you,” he murmured gently, “I’m Jacob.”
There was a hesitation, and you were just about to encourage Lydia to say hello to Jacob, but to your surprise she broke away from you once more, ambling across the sand and reaching her arms out towards the soccer ball Jacob held under his arm. In her uncoordinated stumbling over the sand, she started to fall forwards. Before you could even begin to reach to catch her, one of Jacob’s large hands came out in a flash to support her, stopping her mid fall.
“Woah, buddy, careful there!” He exclaimed, a chuckle coming from his chest.
At the sound of his laughter, your baby beamed up at him, her expression suddenly delighted, and after a moment, a giggle erupted from her own little body.
Your eyes widened, shocked as you watched her laugh, Jacob’s large hand still holding her up off the sand. His eyes flickered to you as you broke into surprised laughter as well, and soon the three of you were a giggling mess. Lydia adored making adults laugh. It was the phase she was currently in: to laugh at everything anyone deemed amusing, and it was common that she would even fake laugh to get you to laugh, which would often result in a real fit of hysterics from the both of you
You were astonished that she’d warmed to a stranger so quickly, especially such a large man - a category of human that toddlers tend to decide is terrifying for no reason.
As the afternoon started to bleed into evening, you and Lydia got to know your new friends. Lydia was very opposed to moving away from them, interested in the soccer ball and jumping around in the sand. Jacob continued to stare intently at you every moment that his eyes weren’t required to be on something else, and you didn’t mind it. His energy was warm and gentle, and even his friends seemed to find his behavior entertaining, chuckling and whispering to eachother every time Jacob’s eyes lingered on you for a few seconds too long. You couldn’t help but feel the heat rush to your face with his stares. You hadn’t really felt this noticed by someone, a man, in what felt like forever. And he was absolutely noticing you. He was doing more than notice you. He was ogling at you, drinking the sight of you in like fresh air for a suffocating man. His eyes turned gentle and soft whenever they fell upon Lydia, and he spent the time as the two of you spoke truly attending to her and her endless toddler games, showing earnest interest in the shells she had picked up and started to stack on one of his feet.
“Oooh, wow, now that one’s pretty. Definitely my favorite one yet.” He carefully examined the newest purple shell Lydia had found and handed to him for inspection. She smiled and clenched her fists in excitement, eagerly racing to find more shells in the sand to bring to him.
His eyes slowly found their way back to yours as you sat beside one another. You smiled softly, and he returned it, the smile reaching his eyes and crinkling them gently.
There it was again, that electricity.
Six Months Later
It had been a whirlwind, these past six months. Meeting Jacob Black had changed life entirely for you and your daughter. After that night on the beach, you, Charlie and Bella had visited the Blacks’ home a few times, joining them for bonfires and pizza dinners whenever a hockey game was on tv. Bella seemed adamant that you visit Jacob often, even Charlie seemed surprised with how eagerly she encouraged you to join them and hang out with the Quileute boys. You’d met Jacob’s father, who seemed to welcome you into his family without hesitation within moments of meeting you. He had peered at you with an intensely inquisitive expression, something that reminded you of the odd gut feeling you hadn’t been able to shake…that your new acquaintances were far more interesting than they let on. There was just something about them, and it felt like a secret club you were looking in on, one that caused the hushed, private conversations that seemed to happen frequently in their presence. You’d spoken to Bella about your encounter with her friend right after that first night on the beach. As the rest of that week had passed, Bella had begun acting suspiciously around you. Within days of her odd avoidant behavior, she finally sat you down to tell you things that challenged your perception of the world, forever.
Vampires and werewolves.
Insanity, right?
Bella had explained her relationship with Edward, and you hadn’t believed it at first.
Like, at all. Who would?
In fact, you thought she’d been completely off her rocker, crazy.
That was, until she’d claimed that Jacob had something to do with it, too.
“You need to go talk to Jacob,” she’d urged, “only he can explain what you need to know.”
You’d been absolutely confused, unsure what Jacob Black had to do with anything, especially with this absurd tale of vampires.
“I’ll watch Lydia. Go,” she’d insisted, practically pushing you out the front door. You were insanely curious; you’d never had any reason to question Bella’s mental competence before, and with her frantic efforts to get you to talk to Jacob, you had to know what this was all about. You still of course doubted the absurd story, but wanted to get to the root of the craziness, naturally.
When you’d arrived at the Black’s house, it seemed Jacob was expecting you, and he’d grabbed your hand gently, pulling you towards his little makeshift garage in the back.
You’d spent hours with him that night. Jacob had tried, while his eyes watered and his voice shook nervously, to explain the wildly unbelievable, and yet somehow completely sensical and validating reality of his ancestral destiny.
“I know, (y/n). Please, believe me, I know this sounds crazy,” he’d said as he anxiously paced across the garage, his eyes flashing to your face for your reaction.
You’d shaken your head, trying to connect the dots in your mind. It matched up with the absurd story Bella had told you, only this time he was speaking of wolves, wolves with the instinctual duty to protect from the supposed vampires Bella become involved with deeply. Wolves that were not wolves, but men. Men that included Jacob and his friends.
“Come with me,” he’d finally insisted sternly as you’d silently refused to accept the words he spoke, staring at him dumbfoundedly.
He’d led you outside, to the dark treeline, and placed his hands up in front of him before you could protest.
“Listen, I know this is gonna be hard to see, (y/n). I didn’t wanna have to do this but I need you to understand. There’s so much more to this world than you think there is. Please,” he’d begged, pulling you into a tight hug, his eyes wildly urging yours to listen to him, his shaky voice reducing to a whisper against your hair, “I understand if you never, ever want to be a part of this. But you deserve to know.”
You’d shaken your head, bewildered.
“What are you talking about, Jake?”
He stood back and started to pull his pants down, and your eyes widened, your eyebrow cocking up in confusion. A smile flashed across his lips.
“Remember what I just told you. I’d never hurt you, okay?”
Your mind flickered to the story he’d just spent the last hour telling you, but your brain simply wouldn’t allow you to defy logic to consider the possibility that the man was truly actually about to turn into a wolf.
And yet, you stood there with your jaw slacked open and your eyes wide, your body frozen as he stepped back several feet, his body twitching and trembling and twisting oddly before…
A ripping sound rang out, a wildly violent sound that came from deep within his body. The sound echoed against the trees, before it fell hauntingly silent across the dark backyard. Within less than a moment, a massive red brown wolf was standing before you, his huge head only inches away from your face.
Your mind didn’t comprehend the sight, the reality too unreal and too intangible to wrap around and understand. Those same brown eyes you’d come to know and feel safe in stared back at you intently from the massive wolf’s face.
It was the last image you remembered before you’d fallen to the ground, slipping into a shock driven unconsciousness.
When you’d woken, you had been in Jacob’s bed, an ice pack being gently repeatedly pressed to your forehead and neck.
It had been a rude awakening, but one that had forced open your eyes to a world that quickly became home for you, lifting the veil of reality that you’d come know.
Jacob’s next explanation was that of the concept of imprinting. That night, after you’d settled and moved out of your state of shock, started speaking real words again, Jacob expressed why he felt it was necessary to expose you to his world. He’d explained the ancient way of imprinting, what it meant for him, what it meant for you. That first day on the beach, the way he’d look at you, that electricity. It all made sense now.
“It’s you, (y/n). Now that you’re here, I will follow you anywhere. Even if you don’t want to be part of this, I’ll always protect you and Lydia from afar. Always. I can’t imagine a world anymore without you, a life without you. The moment I saw you, I felt it. My heart was yours,” he’d murmured, his arms around you as he rubbed your back to calm your tremors that had come across your body as you tried desperately to adjust to your entirely new concept of existence.
That felt so long ago, now. You’d met the Cullens soon after you were welcomed into the world of the supernatural, joining Bella in her secretive lifestyle of hiding the direct truth from Charlie, only letting him in on what he absolutely needed to know. Charlie was over the moon that you and Jacob got together; he pissed Bella off with how openly he approved of your relationship with Jacob over hers with Edward. Jacob didn’t feel right having you live in a spare bedroom at the Swan house, and had practically demanded you move into a home on the reservation with him. He’d jokingly insisted that it wasn’t his fault, that the imprint had forced him to need you in his sight at all times. You didn’t resist, elated to finally feel welcome in a home with your Lydia. And it wasn’t hard - Jacob made that incredibly simple. He so openly loved Lydia nearly as much as he loved you. Sometimes, you wondered how deeply the imprinting had impacted him. He accepted it and took it on with respect. He never pressured you to be anything but there, in his life. He didn’t seem to mind in the slightest or even really notice how slowly you were allowing him into your heart. The relationship you had with Jacob had begun as a deep and true friendship, but the imprint connection was impossible to ignore, and there was undeniable attraction you felt for him, even beyond his beautifully kind heart and spirit. You held hands constantly, even before you’d established any sort of romantic connection. The first night Jacob had kissed you, you’d expressed your hesitation at pulling him into your life. You’d gotten used to men not wanting much to do with a single mom, after Noah had made it clear that you and Lydia were essentially a burden in his life. You were scared, not only for your own heart, but for Lydia’s. You couldn’t bear to bring another man into her life only for him to reject her like her father had. But Jacob? He’d adamantly refused to let your anxieties overcome you. He loved you, he’d insisted. All of you. Lydia was part of you. So, he loved her. It was that simple to him. He was often just as anxious when Lydia was out of his sight as when you were.
You remember the first time Lydia had called Jake ‘Dada’, several months after you’d been exposed to this world of fantasy. Lydia had gotten so comfortable with him, more comfortable than she’d been with any person, besides you, before. She babbled with excitement every time she heard you or Charlie or Bella mention him, and begged to see him frequently. Once you’d moved into the small red house with Jacob, she’d jump and squeal every time his truck pulled into the driveway at the end of the day.
That day she first said the word, you’d nervously glanced at his face, searching for his response.
She’d been holding his hand, walking along the shore at La Push. It was winter by this point, but Lydia needed her regular beach walk, and was bundled in her tiny red puffer jacket and white hat. She’d stooped down to pick up a shell, gripping it in her small fist, and jerked her hand out to him, dropping the shell into his hand.
“Dada!” She’d squealed as she waited for his approval of the shell.
His eyes had lit up and an expression of utter shock, which had quickly shifted into ecstatic bliss, moved across his features. His eyes had flashed to yours, and he clearly struggled, with everything in him, to hold back a massive grin. He was unsure of your reaction. Your eyes had melted back at him, and you were completely unable to resist the smile that crossed your lips. His dark eyes had turned glossy, and he’d looked back down at Lydia’s impatiently waiting face as she’d stared up at him, grasping the shell and embracing her in a massive bear hug. She’d laughed and shrieked, wrapping her tiny arms around his neck.
At Lydia’s 2nd birthday party, the whole pack had celebrated with you and Jacob at Billy’s house. The rest of the boys had happily taken on the role of proud uncles, practically fighting over who could hold her whenever you brought her over.
Life was peaceful, and you’d taken on a job at the La Push Farmer’s market. Childcare was a breeze now: on any given day while you were at work, either Sue & Charlie or Emily would eagerly babysit Lydia if Jacob was out on patrol or working his shift as a mechanic at the local bike shop. Lydia now had a family that was larger and more loving than you could have ever dreamed for her.
And you couldn’t ignore the fateful gift that you’d received too. Jacob Black was yours, and you were his. And you knew that, without a single doubt, he’d protect you and your daughter with relentless fervor for the rest of your lives.
You were safe. You were loved.
You were home.
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vivwritesfics · 4 months
Hey it is almost my birthday and I was wondering if you could possibly write a birthday blurb for nnta?
happy birthday love! I hope im not too late with this one
Series Masterlist
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"Happy birthday, mi amante," said Carlos as he rolled ever in bed and pulled his wife closer. She didn't say anything in response, just groaned and shuffled closer.
Carlos rolled on top of her. "Oh, my pretty little wife," he said as he held himself above her. Dipping down he kissed her lips and she wrapped her arms around his neck, refusing to let him go.
He pushed her hair away from her face and she playfully nipped at his fingers. "What would my pretty little wife like to do on her birthday?" He asked as he sat straighter.
Stretching her arms up, Y/N let out a groan. "Can we take Oscar to the beach?" She asked and Carlos nodded his head.
"We can do whatever you'd like."
They had a slow, lazy breakfast as the nanny got little Oscar ready for a day at the beach. Carlos tried his hands at cooking. He made her pancakes and served them up with a kiss.
With as much protection as they could take, Carlos and Y/N set off to the beach with baby Oscar in a baby carrier. Carlos drove, with a second car following along with all of their protection inside.
As soon as they arrived at the beach, Carlos set up a blanket. Y/N sat down with Oscar in her lap and began applying sunscreen, making sure he was well protected. "Your daddy and I are gonna take you swimming today," she said to Oscar.
While she fussed over Oscar, Carlos pulled his phone out of his swimming shorts and strode across the beach with it pressed to his ear. "Madre, ¿estás organizando la fiesta?" Carlos asked down the phone. (Mum, are you organising the party?)
"Lando llega en media hora. Asegúrate de llevarla a casa al menos media hora después," his mother replied. (Lando arrives in half an hour. Make sure you bring her home at least half an hour later)
So, they spent their day at the beach, just the three of them (and the security team watching their every move). Carlos and Y/N took Oscar into the ocean, where he shrieked and clapped at the waves and the cold water.
"That's my big brave boy," Carlos said as he took Oscar from his mothers arms. He took him into the water, bouncing him with the waves.
After an hour at the beach, Carlos drove them home. Y/N didn't mind leaving early, it was Oscar's nap time anyway.
Before they left the beach Carlos texted his mother. The party guests hid themselves away, allowing Y/N to put Oscar down for his nap and get changed into something more casual, something that wasn't for the beach.
Carlos didn't hide away from the rest of the guests. He followed Y/N upstairs and changed from his swimming trunks to a suit. "Have you got a business meeting, my love?" She asked him as she watched him straighten his tie.
"I'll meet you downstairs Estimada," he said and walked out of the room.
Y/N quickly dried her hair, brushed through it. Dressed in her casual clothes, she headed down the stairs.
She was on the bottom step when the lights turned on and everybody popped out from their hiding places. Her mother in law was there with Carlos's sisters. Max and Charles were hiding together, pointed party hats on their heads. But, most importantly, Lando was there. He grinned at his sister, his arm wrapped around his new girlfriend.
"Happy birthday, mi corazón," Carlos said as he strode towards her and pressed his lips to hers.
Taglist (CLOSED): @biancathecool @multi-universe21 @formulas-bitch @gills-lounge @weasleyswizarding-wheezes @carlossainzwho @f1lov3r @samaib11 @charli123456789 @queenofmanydreams @ironmaiden1313 @vellicora @glitterf1 @80sloverry @lightdragonrayne @moonayu @bellsalabanccini @hiireadstuff @handsupforamiracle @cmleitora @jenniferrvsesi @barcelonaloverf1life @sbella13 @nicolettecallednikki @darleneslane @thehufflepuffavenger1 @champagneproblems17 @aespie @yukheizcigarettes @rewmuslupin @hollie911 @ashy-kit @ririgy @stqrgir1 @zaynzierulez @minkyungseokie @rafaaoli @carolinesainz @ashies-ln4op81aa22 @measimp @mizelophsun11 @eviethetheatrefreak @andydrysdalerogers @chonkybonky @shobaes @celesteblack08 @watermelonworries @gracielukey @cassie0sstuff @goldenharrysworld @venusesworld @sparklyperfectionstranger @evans-dejong @graciewrote @formulaal
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cameronspecial · 7 months
Drew x girlfriend. He’s famous, lives in a big town, she lives in a village far away (which he stays at all the time) and doesn’t have any socials.
Drew has posted pictures of them holding hands (nothing more just to keep privacy) and his fans are getting crazy cause they don’t know who she is. One day they notice a ring on her finger in one of the pictures and they get even more crazy and he’s just like “they’ll never guess who you are, it’s like i can keep you to myself forever and I love it” and she says something like “you already get to keep me to yourself forever silly” and wiggle her newly wed finger in his face lol.
His Forever
Pairing: Drew Starkey x Reader
Warnings: N/A
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 0.3K
A/N: I hope you don't mind me testing out social media au with this because I thought it was perfect for this.
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Liked by madelyncline, madisonbaileybabe, and 1, 734, 976 others
drewstarkey put your hand in mine. you know i want to be with you all the time
madelyncline I want her to be mine 😍
     → madisonbaileybabe nah, she’s mine!
obxobsessedgirl OMG who is she???
drewsnumber1love It is so clear he is smitten with her.
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Liked by rudeth, carlaciagrant, and 1, 208, 429 others
drewstarkey 📚
bringmedrew Why does he never tag her????
     → drewmybae ikr, I can’t find her in his following
     → drewbear Let her have her privacy, guys
carlaciagrant Mother is so smart. We stan. 
rudeth You are so in love, it’s gross
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Liked by hichasestokes, brooke_starkey, and 2, 315, 680 others
drewstarkey ♥️
brooke_starkey love my new sil 😘
     → drewstarkey she says she loves you too
     → detectivedrew yo!!!! Maybe she doesn’t have insta.
drewsmyman No! He’s off the market now 🙁
hichasestokes congrats man
Drew laughs at the comments on his current post. His fans love Y/N, yet they have no idea who she is and he truly does enjoy the anonymity of who she is. It means he gets to keep his slice of heaven to himself. When he started acting, he moved out to LA because it just made sense job-wise, but he found himself constantly coming back to Asheville, North Carolina. Of course, he missed his home state; however, the real reason to go back to NC is Y/N Y/L/N. The love of his life. She is the most down-to-earth and in-the-moment person he has ever met. At a concert, she is the only one singing along without her phone in the air, recording the show. During dates, she isn’t buried in her phone or obsessed with taking pictures of everything because she has no social media to post them on. She lets him be their photographer because she knows he will keep their private moments, private. He found love and that is with her.
She looks up from her notebook with a questioning look. “What’s so funny, Baby?” she inquires, getting up to look over his shoulder at his phone. He shows her the comments questioning who she is, “They’ll never guess who you are. It’s awesome. It’s like I can keep you to myself forever and I love it. My secret slice of heaven.” He brings her to his side by her waist, kissing her as she giggles at his words. “You already get to keep me to yourself forever, Silly. So I certainly hope you are keeping my forever because I don’t plan on giving you back,” she teases. His heart does a flip every time he sees the new ring on her finger, “God, I love that ring. You are so right. We can be each other’s forever. I love you.” “I love you too. Do you want to head to the beach?” she asks, heading to get her bathing suit out of her luggage. It’s their honeymoon, so of course, he is going to go swimming with his amazing wife.
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worksby-d · 11 months
What are you gonna do about that?
Pairing: Ari Levinson x girlfriend!Reader
Summary: Ari being the softest boyfriend and asking a v important question. 
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Warnings: None 🤭
Word count: ~600
 ҉  ҉  ҉  ҉  ҉  ҉  ҉ 
You’ve surely lost track of time by now. Between the serene sounds of the water and the slight breeze rustling the trees and grass, it’s easy to do. You purposely found the quietest part of the beach to ensure you could relax without interruption — Or so you thought.
Although your eyes are closed underneath your sunglasses, you can feel a large shadow approach and cast over you. It feels familiar… The size and the quiet footsteps as it gets closer.
Your inkling is proven right when it speaks – “You look pretty.”
He expected you to jump, but you let out a laugh. You’d know Ari’s voice anywhere, it would never scare you.
“I’m just laying here.”
His eyes continue to wander, taking the sight of you in – Your skin, albeit due to a sheen of sweat, looks like it’s glowing under the midday sun. 
“Well, you look pretty laid out in front of me,” he teases. 
If your eyes were open, you’d roll them. “Huh, that sounds familiar…” As if he hadn’t said the same thing to you last night in bed. 
“Can I lay here?” 
Peeking an eye open, you see him pointing to the spot next to you. Patting the sand, you give him a nod. 
“It’s too hot for you to touch me,” you warn, closing your eyes again. “I hope that’s not what you’re thinking.”
“Not at all,” he laughs, laying next to you, keeping space between your bodies because he agrees, especially regretting the fact he didn’t come prepared with a towel to lay on instead of the scorching sand. 
Nevertheless, he can’t resist being this close to you and not touching you. His hand inches closer to yours, giving himself away when his pinky brushes against yours. 
“Can I at least hold your hand?” He whispers.
With an exaggerated sigh, you happily take his hand. “I suppose that’s fine. How was your morning?”
“You know how my morning was,” he smirks, tilting his head to see if he’s gotten you to crack a smile at the thought of how he woke you up this morning and kept you in his bed longer than you had anticipated.
“After that, I mean,” you laugh, flustered thinking back to it.
“Well, you know…” He sighs, recounting the few mundane things he did. Working out, second shower… “Missed you a lot.”
“Whatever,” you chuckle softly, suppressing the huge smile you’d break into otherwise. 
“I mean it,” he promises, voice low and serious. You can sense him roll onto his side to face you. He gently rests his hand on your cheek to get you to turn your head and look at him. “I hate watching you leave to go back to your place each morning.”
“Uh-huh,” you hum slowly, following along but forcing yourself to not look excited in case you’re just getting your hopes up. “So, what are you gonna do about that?”
“I’m gonna ask you to move in with me,” he smiles. “Would you wanna move in with me?”
“Really?” You finally let yourself get giddy. 
“Yeah, really,” he laughs, leaning down to finally give you the kiss he’s been dying to give you. “So?”
“Of course,” you whisper, wrapping your arms around his neck to keep him where he is. “I love you so much.”
“You’re so sweaty,” he teases, cringing as he uses a corner of your towel to wipe your forehead before quickly giving you another kiss, not giving you the chance to call him the three-letter word that was going to follow your gasp. “But I love you, too.”
 ҉  ҉  ҉  ҉  ҉  ҉  ҉ 
Tag list: @patzammit @denisemarieangelina @thummbelina @pppsssyyyccchhhiiiccc @astheskycries @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @la-cey @turtoix @katiew1973 @harrysthiccthighss @tvckerlance @rocketrhap3000 @mrspeacem1nusone @murdcox @geminievans1 @doozywoozy @americasass91 @dwights-new-plague @wwwmarissa92 @redhairedfeistynerd @whxre4cevans @aubreeskailynn @white-wolf1940 @melchills-j @xoxabs88xox @before-we-get-started @chrissquares @christowhore @ice-dtae @mariestark @justile @rogersbarber @dilfbarber @livstilinski @payperhearts @vintagestarlight @gitasor @chaeycunty @miss-ariella @bemysugarbean @t-stark35 @seitmai @reginaphalange2403 @raelorns21 @mrsgweasley @pandaxnienke
744 notes · View notes
callofdudes · 9 months
Once again gracing the feed, cause the people deserve it so so much. Being best friends with Alejandro and Rudy headcanon please !!!
Thank you for gracing us with your presence @itsscromp 😌 always a pleasure to have you.
Being best friends with Alejandro & Rudy
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Alejandro is generally a very touchy person. And if not touchy then very verbally aggressive in his affection. You are no exception to this. He's always right there, loud and proud of you. Encouraging you.
Rodolfo is much quieter. He keeps his hands to himself and gives you reassuring nods or occasional encouragement.
The two are like day and night and it was hard to get used to both of them each. But they complimented each other nicely.
Starting with Rudy, at first his mute expressions set you off a little. You were unnerved slightly as first by his silent, watching eyes. Always on you, always watching and yet you were unable to read him. You admit you might have been a tad scared of him at first.
Until he started to speak, loosening up around Alejandro when you were all together and it finally gave you the opportunity to crack into him and understand him some more.
Slowly Rudy became a little more expressive around you. His training always kicks in and sometimes he forgets to smile, or it's strained when he tries. But you know he means well and slowly that smile loosens and feels natural around you.
You make him smile.
Whenever going on beach outings Alejandro would much rather stay on the beach by the food and drinks. While Rodolfo is always in the water. He loves to surf and when you wanted to learn he immediately perked up in a way you hadn't seen before.
He is skilled on his board, and the first time you heard him really laugh was after attempting a trick and falling like a ragdoll into the wave.
Despite the laughter he was still very concerned for you but still.
You loved to play videogames with Rudy. Even if he had way more experience with videogames, and he'd been playing them longer. It was always fun.
And they both could make the most amazing food. Rudy always has a music playlist he puts on when him and Alejandro are cooking. Often Alejandro trying to push Rudy out of the way and get you out of the kitchen so he can cook for you two.
"Y/n- get out of my kitchen, estoy tratando de hacer que la comida, Te voy a dar una bofetada con esta espátula si no salir!" I'm trying to make you food, I'll slap you with this spatula if you don't get out! (Apologies if the translation is wrong.)
"Ok ok, I'm sorry oh mighty cooking one." You back out of the kitchen, chuckling. You know he doesn't mean any harm, he's just passionate.
"Rudy! Smash bros, with me while cooking king is doing his thing."
Rudy chuckles, leaving his speaker in the kitchen. "Fine, but don't expect to win."
"I will too win!!"
"No you won't."
"Yes... yes I will!"
"Not a chance."
"Rudy stop that!"
He chuckles and sits down, taking his controller.
He did in fact beat you. No surprise though.
Ale loves to cook for you both. He loved to cook for everyone but other than affection and words of affirmation, food is his love language. He absolutely loves showering you in delicious pounds of food. Making sure You're well fed every single time.
Both of them get pretty touch starved. Along with being proactive, they too are in the group of soldiers who happen to get carried away in their work far too often.
It has happened a few times where you've had to drag them away from their desks or get them out of the sun and make them take a break. Or they'll get so exhausted on their own they'll drag themselves to come find you.
Whenever Rudy gets to the point of needing emergency cuddles you better be prepared to never move from that spot again.
Rudy slipped into your office, noticing you were particularly busy. He could work around that. Instead of trying to grab your attention he pushed the chair back slightly. Getting down on his knees and leaning forward to wrap his arms around your waist, forehead on your knees. He closes his eyes, relaxing.
You smile softly, noticing his attempt to not disturb you. You run your hand over his scalp and through his hair. "Hey Rudy."
He hums in reply, not moving.
"I'm almost done and then we can go somewhere more comfy ok?"
Rudy hums again, nodding a little.
Ale in the same sense. But he's at least cuddly in a way that if you need to get up for the bathroom or vice versa then he will let you go. Rudy won't. So better be prepared.
They both care for you and incredible amount as well. Ale was always joyful around you but when you get hurt or kidnapped or anything he's afraid. Confidence going down and nerves working up as he scrambles to do everything he can. He manages to keep it together with Rudy until they get in and find you.
Rescuing you they finally can hug you tightly and hug you in absolute relief.
Rudy unlocked the door, opening it and rushing in, Ale following. Their eyes immediately locked onto your body at the back of the room tied to a chair.
"Querido Señor gracias - y/n!! ¡Estás bien!" Dear Lord thank you- y/n!! You are ok!
Alejandro rushes up to you, kneeling down. He tilted your head, cursing when he saw your wounds. Rudy came over and cut the ropes, gently bringing your arms down.
"There, just relax, we've got you."
"Rudy... Al..." you whispered, looking at them with droopy eyes, filling with relief.
"We're here y/n, we came as soon as we got word. We're getting you home ok?"
They are incredibly respectful when if you introduce them to your family. They trust you and invite you into their family that they invite you down to celebrate holidays with them like Day of the Dead and Christmas. Really any holiday, or special occasion they make sure you get an invitation, whether you can go or not.
"So... you set these up for loved ones??" Al nodded, showing you the ofrenda that they had made for you. "And for you, for anyone you know."
You reach in your jacket and pull out the photo you keep there over your heart, smiling seeing it. Walking over and putting the photo up. "I miss you..." you whisper, seeing the photo surrounded by the flowers and gently flickering candles.
Rudy and Al also having their photos set up of family and fallen close friends.
You were glad you were invited to join in this special celebration with them. It made you feel special and a part of them family in a new way.
Alejandro is very open about his background. Telling you how he grew up, about his family, crazy and funny stories growing up working hard in the military. He always gets a laugh out of you.
Rudy is a little more hush hush about it. While Alejandro doesn't tell you things about Rudy he knows Rudy wouldn't appreciate, it just makes him more of a mystery.
Alejandro teaches you self defense and loves to spar with you all the time. Intense training, casual, he loves it all.
Rudy teaches you how to use a giant police taser.
Rudy has many taser, all shapes and sizes, he teaches you to use them all.
"Are you sure this will actually work on the field??"
Rudy nods. "Of course it will. Just turn it on and-" The taser crackles as he jabs it. "Get them where it hurts. Stomach or below really does the trick."
"Rodolfo!" Alejandro chides him from across the room. Rudy just nods to you. "He knows I'm right."
It's a chaotic, loving relationship you have with them. They do everything to make you smile, happy, comfortable, and they are amazing role models of respect. (most of the time 🤭)
Let's be honest they were the rowdy ones when they were in the military in the younger years and nothing has changed. They aren't called Los Vaqueros for nothing y'know.
So they do become incredibly rowdy. Smart men but you are a little stunned when they are put in a room together they go dumb. They do some wild shit together and often end up dragging you into their antics.
Yes, yes Rudy plays pranks and no one is safe. But instead of pranks he calls them solutions. He rigged air horns in the barracks when the recruits felt like getting up slightly later so 5:30 on the dot they go off in every room. He always can hear it from far away and it's a joy.
He did it to you once. You were pissed at him but this time he managed a smile, playing it off like nothing and inviting you on his morning run around base before it started to really warm up.
Hiking buddies.
Like you can hike with all of them but these guys are the hiking guys. They both have a very good grasp on the nature around them, Alejandro knowing more about the wildlife when Rudy is way into all the plants, fungi, and what not.
Not only is it a beautiful hike in nature but it's also pretty nice to learn some stuff along the way.
Both of them tell dad jokes. It's a rule, they just do. Rudy started doing it a lot more when he realized Ghost also has dad jokes for you and then Al picked up on it and now you're aren't safe from anyone.
Dad jokes everywhere. Rudy's are a little more morbid and along Ghost's lines but Al just had really shitty ones that make you smile.
And there is probably so so so much more that I'm missing right now but I hope this suffices for now. Go out into the world and take a Vaquero with you.
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bless-my-demons · 1 year
Redamancy: Chapter Five
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Series Summary: What happens when your soulmate is a vampire that struggles to maintain a diet of trying not to kill you? Common sense says run for the hills, nothing is worth your life - but my heart is whispering why not, what’s there to lose?
Warnings: Curse words (idk about you, but I swear like a sailer - so I apologize in advance bc it’ll be a recurring item)
Notes: The last half of this chapter was one of the first scenes I wrote when I played around with writing this series, these random snippets inspired this whole thing. I’m so glad everyone is enjoying my work!
Word Count: 1930
Series Masterlist
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• March 4th, 2005 • Forks HS Cafeteria •
It’s raining outside again for the umpteenth time this week, forcing myself and my preferred Cullen sibling to sit apart at our respective tables inside as our usual table outside collects rain. I glance at the table the Cullen’s claimed and spot Jasper already watching me so I wave shyly. He returns it with a grin only to receive a shove from Emmett as he no doubt teases Jasper for the action.
“Hey - La Push baby, you and Y/n in?” Eric asks Bella as she drops her bag into the chair next to mine.
“Should I know what that means?” She questions back before I could voice the same inquiry.
“La Push Beach down at the Quileute Rez, we’re all going tomorrow.” Mike explains.
“Yeah, there’s a big swell coming in.” Jessica adds.
Eric pops up from his seat, splaying his hands out like he’s already riding a wave “And I don’t just surf the internet!”
“Eric, you stood up once and it was a foam board.” Jess teases him as Mike mirrors his goofy stance, earning a smack from Tyler at the goofy display.
“But there’s whale-watching too, come with us.” Angela prods us gently with her kind eyes.
“La Push baby, it’s La Push.” Eric tries to make the words sound cooler than they are and I can help but hide a chuckle behind my hands.
“Okay,” glancing at me before I give her a nod, “we’ll go if you stop saying that, okay?” Bella concedes before leaving our table to grab a school lunch, I catch Edward standing from his seat to follow her.
“Seriously dude, it’s creepy man.” Mike teases Eric. Their conversation fades into the background as I lean back and open my book while I munch on my carrots.
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• March 5th, 2005 • La Push Beach, Quileute Reservation •
“I don’t know if it’s worth it anymore.” Eric says worriedly as he, Mike, and Jessica finish pulling on their wetsuits.
“We drove all the way out here, I’m at least paddling out.” Jess tells the boys. She’s stronger than I am, because there isn’t any chance I’d subject myself to the freezing water willingly.
“So,” Angela starts, “I keep thinking that Eric’s going to ask me to the prom. And he just… doesn’t.”
“You should ask him, take control. You’re a strong, independent woman.” Bella affirms our friend.
“I am?” Angela responds, unsure.
“Yes.” Blunt and to the point, Bella nods at her.
“Absolutely Ang, he’s just a boy and he would be stupid to turn you down.” I add, confident Eric would be over the moon to go to prom with someone as smart and amazing as her.
“Hey, will you do me up?” Jessica asks me, spinning around in front of me where I lean against the open passenger door next to Angela’s perch on the seat.
“Of course.” I oblige her as she moves her hair to the side.
“Bella!” Turning towards the voice, three tall guys from the reservation walk towards our van.
“Hi, Jacob.” Bella greets the one leading the small group, “Guys, this is Jacob.” She tells us and he gives the rest of us a nod and a wave before sitting next to Bella in the open side door. “What are you, like, stalking me?” I hear Bella tease Jacob.
“You're on my rez, remember?” Jacob chuckles, “Are you surfing?”
“Definitely not.” It’s my turn to chuckle as I catch the scoff and completely serious look on her face.
“You guys should keep them company.” Jess encourages the new group of guys, “Um, Bella’s date bailed.”
“What date?!” Eric panics and pauses like a deer in headlights.
“She invited Edward.” Jessica answers, but Bella jumps to defend her crush.
“To be polite, that's it.”
“I was going to invite Jasper, but since Edward didn’t want to come…” I trail off awkwardly.
“I think it's nice they invited them, nobody ever does.” Trying to come to our rescue, Angela adds.
“Yeah, 'cause the Cullen's are freaks.” Mike’s jealousy showing clear.
“You got that right!” The slightly taller Quileute guy to my right agrees and I’m immediately annoyed.
“You guys know them?” Bella ignores their comments and tries to latch on to any spec of information she can. I also turn to the guys, curious about anything I might learn of the Cullen family.
“The Cullens don't come here.” The other one says ominously, silencing the group.
What an odd thing to say… I mean, is the family not allowed? Did something happen? I have so many questions, but I also know it’ll be incredibly awkward to press them for answers after only just meeting.
After munching on a Twizzler, Jacob stands and turns to my friend. “Wanna go walk the beach while your friends jump in the water?”
“Sure.” Bella rises and pauses in front of Angela and I, “you guys good?”
“Absolutely - yeah!” We nod and smile, both of us content to watch the surf and huddle under our blankets as everyone sets off for the shore.
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Jumping in Bella’s truck once everyone’s had their fill of the freezing waves, I lean over and crank the heat dial while she starts the ancient vehicle.
Rubbing my thighs to warm my hands and legs, I ask, “So was that weird, or just me? The comments about the Cullen’s not coming to the Rez?”
“Definitely not just you, I asked Jake on our walk what they meant.” Coaxing the truck onto the road towards Forks, she continues. “He started talking about Quileute legends and old tales.”
“What does that have to do with the Cullen’s?” I press.
“He said they’re supposedly descendants from an enemy clan and they were found hunting on their land.” She glances at me before continuing, “So they made some kind of treaty I guess, to stay off their land and they wouldn’t expose them.”
“Expose them for what?”
“I don’t know, he didn’t say.” She huffs, annoyed. “Do you-do you want to come over for a little bit? I was thinking about doing some research on this stuff.”
“Oh hell yes, count me in!” I turn to look out the window with a grin, I might be closer to actually getting answers now than if I were to solve this on my own.
The rest of the evening was spent huddled around Bella’s computer. We searched Quileute legends on google and ended up coming across tales of ‘Cold Ones’ intertwined in the tribe’s history. An odd sensation came over me when it described their qualities, almost like a foreboding feeling - but I shrugged it off. After a few more clicks, we found a book that could help dive more in-depth on the legends.
“There!” I point at the screen, seeing the availability of it at a store close to our location.
“One is in stock at Thunderbird & Whale Book Store in Port Angeles.” Bella reads as she pulls up a map, scribbling the address on a sticky note. “Wanna come with me after school Tuesday?” She turns to ask as I munch on some chips, taking a seat at the end of her bed.
“There’s no point in asking anymore, we’re in this together. I’m just as invested in finding out more about Jasper as you are about Edward.”
“Fair.” She cracks a sideways grin as she flops on her bed next to me.
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• March 7th, 2005 • Forks HS •
Rushing through the clouded hallway before first period to avoid Tyler Crowley and his gaggle of friends, I spot Jasper loitering with his sister Rose near the end of the corridor. I practically ran in his direction-pushing him by the chest into a secluded alcove by the stairs, an apologetic wince of a smile thrown in Rosalie’s direction that was immediately met with understanding as her eyes located the entourage hot on my heels.
“Sorry,” I whisper to his shocked form, “if they find me, you give a very distinct ‘fuck off’ vibe they can’t ignore.”
His eyes were wide as he looked down at me - I think I rendered him speechless with my forward actions, commandeering his body for personal use against other boys. Come to think about it, what was I thinking? This is Jasper Hale, why would he-
“Glad to be of service. Even though this might be a little bit of a strange request.” He whispered right back, the space small enough that he didn’t need to talk too loud over the din of the hallway and with how close we were standing - there wasn’t much space between us.
God, what the fuck am I doing?
Without even thinking, I lean my head forward to settle on the center of his chest, closing my eyes in embarrassment, arms clutching my notebooks to my chest. Before I could think about what I just initiated, one of his large hands came to settle on my back, immediately soothing the worries that began to swim that I was being too forward.
“Are you alright?” He murmured into my hair.
“That’s a loaded question.” I mumbled into his shirt, squeezing my eyes shut even tighter. How could he read me so well?
The longer we stood here, the more I began to realize his chest wasn’t moving. Is he holding his breath? Oh shit, do I-
“Oh, uhh, my bad! I-I’ll see you around Y/n.” I heard Tyler stutter, I turned my head to see him glancing between Jasper and I. Perfection, my plan a success as the gaggle of boys turned tail and hurried away.
I glance upwards to Jasper’s stoic face, “Thank you for your flawless execution.” Complimenting his quick compliance in my hasty plan before running off to my next class of the day.
“Anytime, doll.” He replied with that southern accent and signature half-smirk.
Damn him for being so attractive and for using that nickname.
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I remained standing here a few more moments, not entirely sure what just transpired between Y/n and I. Her scent lingering in this alcove she accosted me into, lavender and fresh linen invaded my senses as those all-too-familiar flames of devastating hunger take up residence in my throat again.
I know I’ll hear it about this little stunt the moment I’m home this afternoon, Rosalie no doubt currently informing Emmett and Alice of what transpired.
I exhaled a sigh and let my head thump against the wall behind me, eyes slipping closed. I swear I can still feel her forehead pressed against my chest. I forced myself to stop breathing then in the moment, the desire for unsavory things it caused to swirl in my chest needed to be suffocated. I could feel the tension emanating from her then and I had to stamp that out if I ever hoped she’d continue to be comfortable with me, my own bloodthirsty desire be damned. I could still feel the warmth from where her body touched mine.
This gorgeous human girl has me wrapped around her tiny little finger and I’m not even sure she’d give me the time of day.
Once I manage to peel myself away from the wall, Alice rushes up to me with worry saturating her emotions.
“I’ve been looking for you! We need to leave, the sun will be out by lunch.” She tells me in a rush.
What I wouldn’t give to not have a life dictated by the weather. With a sigh, I follow my sister to the student parking lot.
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sethsclearwater · 8 months
Heyyy, can you possibly do a Paul or embry imagine for when y/n gets jelly about the attention they’re giving to someone else.
"and you know how he gets, he's always trying to figure out some stupid new patrol schedule," emily grumbled as she took a sip from the drink she had just grabbed, stretching her legs out across the beach blanket the two of you were currently sat on next to the bonfire.
you and embry had just arrived at one of the pack's near weekly beach bonfires and you were quick to go sit down with emily while jared dragged embry off to go meet some new person he had invited to the bonfire.
you hummed and nodded, "that new patrol stuff is really starting to get out of control," you added with a sigh, "they all look so tired all the time," you said softly, looking over at emily to see her also letting out a heavy sigh as she nodded.
before you could add anything else, you heard an unfamiliar girl's giggles and turned only to see embry and a girl who you'd seen once or twice across town. she was giggling and resting her hand on his chest, clearly oblivious to the fact that he had a girlfriend that happened to be you - sitting about 10 feet away from them.
embry didn't seem to be catching onto how touchy she was getting with him and just smiled at her. you wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt, knowing she probably had no clue you and embry were dating but you couldn't help the jealousy that immediately crept through your veins.
emily's soft laughter brought you out of your own world and you looked back over to her only to see her smiling at you, "you gotta go get your man," she teased as she got up to go grab sam and you rolled your eyes, cracking a smile as you realized just how ridiculous the whole situation was.
as you looked back over at embry, you saw him quickly coming over to you, apparently having finally picked up on the fact that he was in a situation he definitely shouldn't have been in.
"'m sorry-" he started before you could even get a word out, coming to sit down next to you and take your free hand into his.
you couldn't help the smile that immediately crossed your face, quickly revealing that you weren't nearly as annoyed with him as he initially thought you'd be, "you're really slow sometimes, you know that?" you asked teasingly, sitting up so you could get into his lap and straddle him while you talked to him.
you knew it was a bit much but you really wanted to make sure everyone at that stupid bonfire knew he was yours.
"i know," he mumbled sheepishly, eliciting a series of giggles from you as you rolled your eyes and slid your hands up his chest, gently cupping his face in your hands.
you smiled at him one more time before you leaned down to press your lips to his and embry quickly wrapped his arms around your waist to pull you closer to him as you made sure all of la push was going to know that man wasn't available to anyone but you.
embry didn't seem to mind, gently tugging your lower lip between his teeth in what you believed to be a teasing matter that had you huffing against his lips, rolling your hips down against his.
embry let out a low groan against your lips, quickly parting his lips from yours when he realized he was most definitely going to end up cumming in his pants if he didn't slow down with you.
"don't do that again," you murmured as he rested his forehead against yours, both of you working to catch your breath. embry nodded, untangling his hands from behind you so he could rest them on your hips and gently squeeze them.
"promise i'll try not to be so oblivious," he whispered back, both of you letting out breathy laughs at his response.
you rolled your eyes, moving to get off his lap but embry held you in place and you shot him a confused look, "give me a minute," he mumbled sheepishly and you let out a rather loud laugh when you felt what he was talking about as an all too familiar bulge pressed up against your core.
"you really need to get it together call," you teased and he laughed softly, sliding his hands up your sides to pull you into his chest for a tight hug as he worked on getting his hormones back under control.
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spidybaby · 1 year
Begin Again | Part Three
Summary: Back to the start to fix the broken pieces just to find that you can get what you always dreamed.
Warnings: cursing
A/N: Hello! I want to apologize for the waiting. Most of that was because I got sick (I still am), but here it is. Hope you like it. Love you all 💛✨️
Part one | Part two
April 2027
The moving went smoothly, Elena and Paulo helped you with everything. Your parents didn't like the idea, but you shut them down.
You weren't supposed to start till the end of April, giving you enough time to mind a plan to fix everything.
You saw online that Pedro was on Manchester. Apparently, Manchester City wanted to buy him.
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"No sobre pienses tanto lo que haces, estas haciendo lo mejor para ti." (Don't overthink your decision. You're doing what's best for you)
Elena was the voice of reason in this situation.
"No sé ni donde empezar." (I don't even know where to start)
"Escuchame, eres una de las personas más inteligentes que conozco, venga tía, tu puedes con esto, es normal no saber ni donde empezar, pero estoy aquí para ti, para ayudarte en todo." (Listen to me, you're one of the smartest people I've ever known, c'mon dude, you can do it, it's okay not knowing where to start, but I'm here for you to help you with everything)
You hug her, crying a little, she makes you feel less alone.
Your mother stopped talking to you once she found out about the moving, telling you how much of a mistake you were making.
Your dad was siding with her, even when he didn't say you were making a mistake, he did tell you it was a bad decision.
But you didn't care, you pack your stuff and moved back to Barcelona. You even unblock his family from social media and didn't follow them, but unblock them was a start.
"Vamos por un helado." Elena says, drying your tears, "polito, amor mio, vamos!" (Let's go get some ice cream, Polito, my love, let's go)
She was carrying the diaper bag and your son, to say he even had a matching outfit with her.
"Oye, vamos a la playa, quiero una foto con mi bebé. Polito, te pondré tu chamarra de osito." (Let's go to the beach, I want a photo with my baby, Polito, let me put you your bear sweater)
"Tu bebé?" You laugh helping her with the sweater. "Amorcito, tienes nueva mami." (Your baby? Baby, you have a new mommy)
She laughed and made her way to the front door, grabbing your purse on the way out and your phone. You followed her.
"Crees que Pedro haría algo para quedarse con Polo?" You ask once you got to the beach. Your mom words did have an impact, even if you knew he wouldn't. "Yo sé que no, pero me da miedo." (Do you think Pedro would do anything to take Polo away? I know he wouldn't, but I'm scared)
"Y/n, claro que no, por favor saca esas ideas de tu mente, Pedro y tu tuvieron algo tan especial, él jamás haría nada para lastimarte." (Y/n, of course not, please take that idea out of your mind. Pedro and you had something so special, I know he won't do anything to hurt you)
You only nodded, not wanting to overthink those words.
"Mis padres me odian." (My parents hate me)
"No creo, solo están preocupados." (I don't think so, they're just worried)
But worried about what?
"Venga, Dame a mi hijo, vamos a tomarnos fotos." Elena says, throwing the empty ice cream cup in the trash can near you. (Give me my son, let's take some pictures)
"Lo bueno es que tu lo pariste, vieja tonta." (The good thing us that you birth him, dumbass)
Elena dances a little with him, singing a Quevedo song. The song makes you remember Pedro, he loves Quevedo music.
You take the pictures of Polo and Elena and she then takes some of you and him.
"Ay déjame subir esta." (Oh let me post this one)
You see the picture, it was cute.
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"La verdad la oferta esta muy buena, para mi que la tomes." Mario, who is Pedro's manager says, "O es que aún piensas en quedarte en el barça?" (I think the offer is really good, I think you should take it. Or are you still thinking about staying?)
Pedro was lost in his thoughts, Manchester was offering him 150 million euros, with full on benefits and even to keep the number 8.
But on the other side, Barça was the club of his life. He couldn't imagine playing for other club.
He played for another season, but due to a mistake in his contract, he could leave for free this summer.
"Creo que debo pensarlo, hablarlo bien con mis padres." (I have to think about it, talk with my parents)
His manager agreed and changed the subject. He was invited to a club, but he rejected it. Fer was not I the mood, and without him, he was not going.
"Vamos de regreso al hotel." (Let's go back to the hotel)
After the arrival, he and his manager went to their rooms. He was sharing one with Fernando.
"Cómo te fue chaval?" (How was it?)
"Mmm. Estuvo bien, es un puto dolor de cabeza pensar en esto, no sé ni que hacer." (It was good, but it's a fucking headache thinking about all of this, I don't even know what to do)
"Venga, vamos al bar del hotel, tomamos algo y hablamos, no te estreses Pedro" (Let's go to the bar of the hotel, let's have some drinks and a talk. Don't stress)
They both made their way to the bar, Fernando was telling him about a gift he bought for his girlfriend.
"Mira que linda foto," Fer says, showing him the picture Elena posts about a baby with a bear sweater. "Quiero un sobrino para vestirlo así." (Look at this beautiful picture, I want a nephew to dress him like that)
Fernando looks at him with funny eyes, Pedro only laughs, "eres un gilipollas, tu deberías darme un sobrino" (you're an asshole, you're supposed to give me a nephew.)
They laughed and forgot about the picture. Asking for drinks and some food to begin the night.
"Alguna vez has pensado en cómo serias cómo padre?" (Have you ever thought about you as a father?) Fernando asks.
That puts him in deep thoughts. He did think about it, even dream with it.
The little baby in your arms with the barça shirt, his number on the back of both yours and the baby's shirt.
"La verdad?" (You want the truth?)
"Macho, no como crees? Dime mentiras." Fer says as he hits him on the back of the head. "Pues claro tonto, por algo pregunté." (Man, not at all, tell me lies. Well, obviously, I want the truth, I asked for a reason.)
"Venga ya que la colleja no era necesaria." He laughs. "Siempre lo imaginé, usualmente era algo que hablamos y/n y yo, ella quería un niño, y hombre no te miento, yo también quería uno, pero luego miraba a nuestro primo con su hija y pensaba en una niña." He says, remembering all the late night talks you two had. (The hit on the head was not necessary, I've always pictured it. It was something y/n and I always talked about. She wants a boy and man, I do want a son too, but after seeing our cousins with his girl, I thought about having a girl)
Fernando looks at the way he talks about it, the shine of his eyes, he haven't seen that shine in months.
"Puedo preguntarte algo, pero no te enojas?" (Can I ask you something without you getting mad?)
"Por qué la dejaste ir?" (Why did you let her go?)
Pedro takes his eyes away from his brother. That question was one he asked himself every night since that December night.
"Recuerdas el anillo?" He asks, Fernando nods. "Yo sabía que ella quería que su padre estuviera de acuerdo con el matrimonio, la bendición, así que fui a pedirla, yo quería casarme con ella." (Remember the ring? I knew she wanted his father to be okay with the marriage, the blessing. So I went to ask for it, I wanted yo marry her)
"Pero?" (But?)
"Pero su padre me dijo que no podía darmela, que yo era un chaval con una vida muy distinta a la que el soñaba para el esposo de su hija. Me dijo que pensaba que ella algún día iba a darse cuenta y dejarme, como no lo hizo, solo esperó. Me pidió dejarla, diciendo que ella no quería irse de Barcelona por mi, porque no quería dejarme, diciéndome que sus sueños iban a ser siempre interrumpidos por mi, por mi carrera y me pidió dejarla ir, dejarla emprender su propio camino, brillar por si sola." He says angrily, remembering the words of your father. (But her father couldn't give it to me, I was a kid with a totally different life from the one he pictured his son in law would have. He told me he hoped for her to realize that and left me, but she never did, so he waited. He asked me to leave her, but she didn't want to leave Barcelona because of me, telling me her dreams were going to be interrupted by me because of my career. So he asked me to let her go, for her to shine on her own, to begin her own path in life)
Fernando was in shock. He always thought it was about a fight, maybe even a bad patch on the relationship. Even his parents told him he was making a mistake, but know it makes sense.
"Pedro. Por qué no me habías contado?" (Pedro, why didn't you tell me?)
He shrugs, not facing him. Drinking way too quickly.
"Pedro, por favor mirame."
He did, after a few minutes.
"Lo siento, por haberte criticado, haberte culpado y juzgado mal. No sabía lo que había pasado, ojalá me hubieras contado, para así apoyarte. Lo siento hermanito." He hugs him, the hug was tight, and Pedro needed that. (I'm sorry. For judging you and for blaming you. I didn't know, and I wish you had told me I would have supported you. I'm sorry, hermanito.
Pedro felt relief. The secret he kept to himself was now free from him.
"Has pensado en hablar con ella?" (Have you thought about reaching her?)
He shake his head no.
"La verdad siento que me odia, la hice mierda, la deje y luego ignore sus llamadas, sus mensajes. Me dolió el alma, Fernando. Pero era lo que yo en ese momento creía correcto. (To be honest, I feel that she hates me, I fuck her up, after I dumped her I ignored her calls and texts, that broke my heart, Fernando. But I thought I was doing the right thing)
"Escuchame, tu hiciste lo que en ese momento creíste correcto, no te culpes más, pero creo que es obvio que no la has superado, aún piensas en ella." Fer says, patting his back. "Venga, déjame ayudarte a recuperarla y si no se puede pues ayudarte a superarlo, juntos en todo, como cuando niños." (Listen to me, you did what you thought was the right thing, don't blame yourself anymore. I think it is pretty obvious that you love her. You still think of her. So, let me help you get her back, and if that's not possible, let me help you move on, but together, like when we were kids)
"Te amo, eres el mejor." (I love you, you're the best)
"Yo te amo más, venga que tenemos que pensar en algo." (I love you more, c'mon, we have to plan how you're getting her back)
Pedro smiled, high five his brother, and begins with the plan for that to happen. Like fer said, together.
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You were at the supermarket, you needed food for your fridge. Elena stayed with Polo. He was fussy, so you let him stay.
You got almost everything on the list. I'm picking a few fruits. Since Polo is now six months old, the doctor told you to start with some fruit based foods.
You grabbed some sweet potato, some bananas, and some avocados. Also some vegetables like broccoli, carrot, and some more.
You were so focused on picking some apples that when someone touched you to grab your attention you kind of jump.
"Ay Dios," you say, putting your hand on your heart, "Pablo?" You ask seeing him smile, trying not to laugh.
"Sigues siendo la misma tía que se asusta de todo al parecer." (You're still the same scary girl I see).
You laugh, hugging him. It's been a long time without seeing him.
"Cuando volviste?" (When did you came back?)
"Hace poco, a finales de marzo." (Not that long ago, end of March.)
"Y estas aquí para quedarte? O solo de visita?" (Are you staying or only for a visit?)
You smile, "Vine para quedarme" (I'm here to stay)
You talked for a while, and you both continued the shopping.
"Y dime, como vas de amores?" (And tell me, how's the love?)
You shrug, not knowing how to answer.
"Pues, sigo soltera. Los Italianos son muy intensos, te juro. Y tu que tal de amores?" (Well, I'm still single, Italian guys are way too much. What about you?)
"Recuerdas a Carolina?" (Do you remember Carolina?)
"La nena del agua?" (The water girl?)
He nodded, excited. "Hace casi un año estamos saliendo, ya no es la del agua, ahora es entrenadora de los niños en el club" (almost a year ago we been dating, and she's not the water girl anymore, she's a coach for the first starters in the club.)
"Eso está increíble, Pablito." (That's amazing, Pablito)
"Haz vuelto a hablar con Pedro?" (Have you talked to Pedro?)
If Pablo was known for something, it was two things, his anger on the pitch and not having a filter when he speaks.
"No, hace mucho que no hablo con él." (No, it's been a long time without talking to him.)
He nodded, understanding.
"Pero, de hecho he querido hablar con él desde que regresé. No sé si quiera hablarme." (But, I've been looking to talk to him since I came back, but I don't know if he would talk to me)
"Pero vamos, claro que quiere" (c'mon, he obviously wants to)
You smile at his words.
"Deja darte el número, tuvo que cambiarlo porque en un entreno le hicimos mierda el movil" (let me give you his number, he had to change it since once during training we fucked his phone)
"No me sorprende, siempre se hacian mierda las cosas ustedes" (I'm not surprised, you guys always fucked your things)
He grabbed your phone, saving Pedro's number.
"Te he guardando el mio igual, por si alguna vez necesitas algo, acá estoy." (I saved mine too. If you ever need anything, I'm here)
You hugged goodbye as you both went different ways.
You hurry to the line, wanting to get home so you can tell Elena the news.
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"Sabes que me encanta de Manchester, el ambiente es diferente a España, no sé cómo describirlo pero es diferente" Fernando says, looking around. (You know what I love about Manchester? The atmosphere is different. I don't know how to explain it, but it's different)
Pedro laughed, agreeing with him. Mario only nodded smiling.
"Bien, entonces dame unos días y te daré la respuesta, si?" (Okay, give me a few days, and I'll have the answer) Pedro says referring to the contract.
"Tomate una semana, meditalo y si tienes dudas podemos hablar, poner un pro y con sobre la mesa." (Take a week, meditate it, and if you have any doubts, call me up, and we can put all the pros and cons at the table to make up your mind)
After that, they changed the topic, talking about a game they were invited to, Fer and Mario were talking about one specific player and how he got a yellow card for something that was a clearly a red.
Pedro's mind was far away from that, seeing the text he got from Pablo.
She was back, and she wanted to talk with him.
He was out of breath, wanted to tell Fernando right away, but he knew better and wait for the night to be over.
As they entered the room, he grabbed his brother's shoulders, shaking him while screaming in happiness.
"Me vas a descalabrar capullo." (You're going to hurt me, idiot)
"Mira," he shows the text message.
Fernando is now screaming with him, happy for the news.
"A ver, calma ya" (okay, let's calm down), Fernando says, taking a few breaths. "Si te quiere ver y Pablo le dio tu número, ella te va a escribir, es obvio." (If she wants to see you and Pablo gave her your number, she'll text you, it's obvious)
And as Fer finished saying that, Pedro's phone lights up with a text from an unknown number.
Pedro checks it and screams, showing it to his brother, who screams with him.
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I hope you're doing great. I'm sending you this message to let you know I'm in Barcelona and I'll like to meet up with you to talk.
"Qué contesto?" Pedro says, full of nerves. (What can I text back?)
"Trae pa ca', tonto," he says, taking the phone from his brothers hand. (Give me that, morron)
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I like to see you, we can meet wherever, maybe somewhere more calm to avoid paparazzi)
Back in Barcelona, you and Elena are sitting in your couch, face to face.
"Ya contestó," you say excited. (He answered)
"A ver," Elena says, taking the phone from you. "Contesta" (let me see, answer him).
"No sé que poner," you say nervios. (I don't know how to answer)
"Ay, dame aquí, tonta" (give me that, idiot)
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("Do you still living I'm the same place." "Yes, do you remember the address, or do you need the location?")
"Crees que recuerde?" Pedro asks, seeing the answer his brother sends. (Do you think she remembers?)
"Callate, déjame ver que responde," Fer says, seeing the three dots. (Shut up, let me answer)
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("No, I do remember, what about tomorrow morning?" "I'll be back from Manchester tomorrow at noon. Let's meet at night, if that's okay with you.")
"Cierto que vi que estaba en Manchester," you say as you read the text, "Dile que si" (it's true, he's in Manchester, say yes)
"Calmate," Elena says. (Calm down)
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("I'll see you tomorrow at night" "7 pm?" "Yes, " "I'll see you tomorrow. " "Goodbye, Pedro.")
Pedro and Fernando were looking at the last text.
"Niño" Fernando says, screaming and hugging his brother.
Pedro is excited. He was getting you back. No matter how hard, how much he has to fight or work, he's getting you back. He's putting that ring on your finger. He's getting that dream family.
What he didn't know is that on Barcelona, Elena, and you are jumping and screaming on the couch.
"Dios, estoy tan nerviosa." You say as you calm down. "Necesito que me lleves, por favor." (Gosh, I'm so excited. Please, I need you to take me)
"Obvio, tonta." (Obviously, dummy)
You both look and start screaming again, until a cry make you stop.
"Oops," Elena says.
You laugh and go to collect your baby. He was crying due to your screaming, mad because his dreams were interrupted.
"Ya, ya mi amor, ven acá." You say picking him up, calming him. "No sabes, tu papi y yo nos vamos a ver." You say as he calms down. "Y estoy nerviosa, espero mañana puedas conocerlo." (It's okay, love, come here. You have no idea. Daddy and I are meeting up, I'm nervous, and I hope you both can meet up tomorrow)
You kiss him. Taking him with you back to the living room.
"Vente." You say to Elena, "ayúdame a escoger el outfit." (Come, help me pick my outfit)
You feel like a teenager getting ready for her first date.
The butterflies, the nervousness in your system, and the excitement.
Tomorrow, you're getting that family you both dreamed about.
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@alwaysclassyeagle @footballerficsposts @gulphulp @cinderellawithashoe @jajajhaahaha @bellinghambby22 @pablogavisgirl @lunamelona @christinabae @fadinglovermuffintaco 💛✨️
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adickaboutspoons · 9 months
When a Steard is not a Beard
I want to talk about the significance of Stede's beard in the opening dream sequence of s2e1, and how we know from Lucius in the first season that "not every beard is a beard". Of course SOME beards are just beards - most of the Revenge and QA crew sport face fuzz of some sort or another, and it's just How They Look. But, narratively speaking, when attention is called to facial hair in this show, it's all about deception and hiding one's true self.
We have Blackbeard, who has built his brand around his eponymous facial fur, but feels stifled by the way the success of said brand has left him bored out of his skull, and frustrated by the way his reputation has been co-opted and twisted into something inhuman. (And by poor Taika's accounts, the beard itself was literally stifling; unbearably hot to wear, and how he could hardly move the bottom half of his face lest the glue start peeling off). It's only when Ed shaves it off at the academy that he's able to start really approaching the question of what it means to be Just Ed. And, of course, we have the way he smeared kohl across his mouth and jaw in a frightful simulacrum of a beard as part of his Kraken transformation at the end of season 1.
We have Jim, who uses a fake beard to conceal their identity while on the run after having killed Alfeo de la Vaca. Only once that beard is discarded are they able to really think about who they are and how that doesn't fit in the narrow parameters of a gender binary. We see them go back into the beard when they re-commit themself to the vengeance quest, posing as a bearded priest in order to capture Geraldo, but, again divested of the beard, Jim is able to consider whether completing the vengeance quest and allowing their life to be consumed with a family that is dead and gone is something they want, or if they might be happier committing themself to a different path, and finding a family that will give them the love and support their own no longer can. And then, of course, the way Jim paints on a simulacrum beard when they are forced into a life of violence as part of Kraken!Ed’s crew.
We have Heartbroken Voyeur Stede’s comment about how Calico Jack had nice hair, but “his moustache is weird.” Shortly after, we learn that CJ has been a duplicitous, manipulative asshole the entire time, his only goal to lure Ed away from the Revenge before the British came to kill Stede.
So what does it say that Stede is dreaming about himself with a full beard? To have Dream!Ed specifically comment on it? Because they’re calling attention to it, so, hey, hi, how are you? You have my attention!
I think it’s not JUST that Stede is casting himself in the role of the dashing hero with all the trappings thereof, indulging in a fantasy about a joyous, romantic reunion with his beloved. Because this fantasy has some MUCH darker connotations than the sun-drenched beach would suggest. This Dashing Hero™ persona isn’t Stede’s idealized self. It’s the culmination of all his insecurities about not being the kind of person who is worthy of the attention and love of someone as impossibly cool as Blackbeard.
(Incidentally, I think it significant that Ed, in the dream, ALSO has his full beard. This more than anything is what clues me into the fact that Stede is still trying to measure up to the Legendary Pirate Blackbeard - not Just Ed with his soft, beautiful clean-shaven face, nor even a more realistic version with a beard that’s coming in quite nicely, but isn’t anywhere near the epic proportions that it once was, as we see with the scenes of real Kraken!Ed)
We learn later in the episode that Stede has been dragging his feet about setting out to reunite with Ed in spite of the all the money he and the crew have managed to scrape together working for Jackie, and the true reason behind his reticence is that he is still genuinely convinced that Ed is better off and happier without him. Even when reunited with Lucius in episode 2 and Lucius suggests that Ed’s time with Stede was “as good as it’s going to get for [Ed]”, Stede’s response is that he’s “not ready to believe that.” Stede really just is incapable of conceptualizing a reality in which Just Stede could ever be enough.
(And don’t get me started on Lucius’ beard! Lucius who was the emotional intelligence of the crew in the first season, and is now a guarded, brittle, traumatized shell of who he was. He’s 100% for sure not hiding behind a façade of butched-up toughness. Nope. Not. At. All.)
So in Stede's dreams, he’s the epitome of the kind of guy that WOULD be good enough. The kind of guy who has a beard and wears leather pants (hello queer urge to become the person that you sexually desire, how are you?). The kind of guy with neat, tidy, barely even wavy hair instead of perfectly coifed cherub curls. The kind of guy who, if he wears a fine fabric at all, it’s wrapped around his waist where it can be mostly concealed by a thick, macho belt, and trailing in front of his crotch like a fabric phallus (and, say, if Ed feels like touching it, maybe there’s something else in the vicinity that he might also be interested in touching?). The kind of guy who is tough and competent and can kill without remorse or pity.
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kxlitz · 1 year
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★ Dating 2023!Bill Kaulitz ★ (Fluff overload)
AN: Oh boy, I never thought I’d actually post some of my hcs, let’s see how this goes. I’m typing this half-asleep on my phone so I apologize for any grammatical or technical mistake, please let me know if anything!!
Let’s start with setting something straight, Bill does not fall for someone easily nor does he like to sleep around, as he’s said himself. If he’s actually decided on dating you it is a synonym for “I can see an entire future with you and I have probably thought of marriage plans”
No matter how you guys met; whether it was through mutual friends, by chance or were childhood friends, it would take you weeks, months or even years of forming a strong bond before even considering the first date.
Bill has said many times that he believes in love at first sight and probably still does, but fame and people have definitely left him with some major trust issues.
Won’t give you a house key or ask you to move in till he’s completely certain that you’re fully trust-worhy, but he loves having you over with him.
Now that you guys are together, he is the sweetest person on earth, will worship you like you’re a divine creature that landed on earth. He would worship the ground you walk on if he could.
Never-ending honeymoon stage kind of relationship not going to lie-
Will take you out to theme parks, rent out movie theatres, take you on hikes and long walks on a deserted beach.
Don’t be surprised if you ever wake up to a screaming Bill, all hyped because he decided that you’re spending your weekend at Disney.
He is so cheesy but it’s so sweet to see. He’s at a point in his life that he just wants to love and be loved. Kisses on the cheek, opening doors for you, pushing your chair at restaurants. He’s a gentleman.
Till it applies to his fashion. You ARE doomed to help him out of his outfit when he decides to be a bit more daring. Just like he does with Georg and Tom he will do it with you. “y/n you know the drill. When my assistant is not around you’re my assistant now help me out of these shoes”
Speaking of shoes, he is almost 2 meters (and sometimes more) when he wears his platforms and he absolutely loves towering over you. Bill loves to see you reach for a kiss. He will also walk behind you and ruffle your hair to annoy you.
This man is so whipped. He can gush about you for hours on end in interviews, his socials or his podcast.
He would also expose you a lot on Kaulitz Hills because that’s what he does.
He loves physical touch. When you’re walking in downtown LA he will always have an arm wrapped around your shoulders or waist, holding your hand or linking your pinkies.
He has the sneakiest of hands, it’s even worse than Tom. Bill always finds a way to have hand under your shirt or skirt if you happen to wear them. He can’t help it, he loves to feel your skin on his hands.
Back Hugs !!!
You will become his muse. He loves to dress you up however he pleases, you just look so good in everything! Bill will spend so much cash on designer sets to match with you. Only the best for his beloved.
He mostly calls you by your name in public but behind closed doors he would address you by the sweetest names like “My love, Darling/liebling, Pumpkin”
You guys are always out to eat
And at coffee shops
You’re each other’s personal photographers. Plus he absolutely adores to show you off on his instagram
I can see him as the type to start a vlogging channel just to show off how in love and happy he is with you.
Prepare yourself mentally to be woken up early to walk the dogs and drink sour green juice. Bill used to be a tremendous sleeper when he was young but those days are way behind.
When you wake up together, it is the best. He tends to wake up first and will stay in bed just admiring how beautiful you are. Tracing your features with his fingers. He wants to memorize every inch of your skin.
If you take too long though, he will get up and go prepare breakfast. Yes it includes celery juice.
You guys are always hanging with Tom & Heidi! You get into the craziest adventures
Heidi would love you so much, so would her kids. You and Bill are the cool relatives.
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lunajay33 · 1 year
Summary: Paul has just shifted to his new life as a wolf and feels empty without his imprint hoping he finds her soon, y/n just moved to forks to live with her sister Bella and decides to go to the bone fire to make new friends
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“Y/n hurry up we’re gonna be late” bella called out to me
“Okay give me a second” I ran down the stairs pulling on my jacket and shoes and she went and got in the truck
The engine roared making me laugh to myself and the horrific sound
I jumped in and we were off, I always loved forks, I never wanted to leave but Bella didn’t want to live away from me, so I decided to visit dad at least twice a year, after bella stopped going I still went, I always felt like I lived in her shadow, she always got all the attention and I was just kinda….there
But hopefully now I can reconnect with some of the La push people again, when I’d visit with dad I’d hang around Leah, Seth and Jacob, sometimes the others but they made me nervous sometimes
Bella was the awkward one while I was the shy one, I liked being with people but I couldn’t seem to ever start the conversation out of fear of what might happen, it was silly but I couldn’t help it, hopefully being around those rowdy boys might help break me out of that
As we drove down to Jacobs house, the beautiful forest flashing past, I knew I was always meant to be here, for some reason I always had this pull and connection the La push, I’d come and sit on the beach or walk through the forest and just feel at peace
We pulled up to the little red house I loved to see, I jumped out and ran over to where Billy and Jacob were, this is the first time I’ve seen them since moving back
“Billy! Jacob! I missed you guys!” I said yelling in excitement as I finally reached them
“Y/n you’re here! It’s so good to see you” billy smiled as he motioned me into a hug, I bent down and he squeezed me tight, he was always like a second dad here
I pulled back and looked back over at Jake
“Woah what happened to your hair man?” I said as I ruffled his short hair
“It’s new, not my favorite but it needed the chop” he said but I somehow felt like he was lying
“Now come on the elders should be here soon” billy said as Jacob started pushing him to fire
“Wait what? Elders? Are we allowed to be here?” I asked nervous, not wanting to intrude
“Oh it’s fine, we invited you so you’re more than welcome” Jake said as we finally got to the fire
I felt relieved, Bella sat down next to Jacob but they was only enough room on the log for them so I didn’t know where to sit, I glanced around looking for a spot
Interrupted by Seth, he ran up to me pulling me into a hug
“Y/n! Why didn’t you call and say you’re here, me and Leah missed you, we were sad when you didn’t move back with Bella”
“Sorry I wanted to move back, I never wanted to move away in the first place but my mom needed help with somethings before I could come back, I missed you guys too though” I said as I moved over seeing Leah and giving her a hug, she didn’t seem like her old self but she did seem excited to see me
“Finally another girl around to talk to” she smiled
“I’m glad because the people in forks don’t seem to like to make friends”
“Well you’re always welcome at la push” Seth said, he was almost jumping out of his skin
I went back to looking for a seat when I saw an open spot neck to a guy I remember as Paul, I always remember when he’d be around I’d always get butterflies in my stomach but never really thought too much about it until now
The light from the fire was glowing on his skin, his smile was so nice, he has become so handsome, he was even more buff now
I took a deep breathe and walked over to him
“Hey do you mind if I sit here?” I asked before I sat down
He looked up at me but froze, there was this look in his eyes like he never wanted to look away, I was usually uncomfortable with this amount of eye contact but….I loved it, I sat next to him without breaking contact, I didn’t even care what was happening around us
“Paul you good?” I heard Sam call, breaking us both out of our trance
“Oh uh sorry” he said
“It’s okay, how’ve you been Paul? I haven’t seen you in so long?”
“Good just the usual here, glad you’re here” he smiled and the butterflies erupted again
“I’m glad I’m here too, you cut your hair too” I frowned as I brushed my fingers through his hair, gently tracing down to his cheek, noticing how he leaned into my touch
Billy went on to tell the history of the tribe, it was so interesting, I looked at Paul again noticing his he sat closer to me, seeing how all the boys were so entranced by the story, sure it was an amazing story but for these boys to be so entertained made me think that this story might be real
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