#all the stats and such are online but he figures just in case someone thinks this is the kind of park you can be spontaneous at
spamtoon · 2 years
POV: you're queen, and you're about to put the earbuds in
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princelylove · 3 months
My Prince,
If it would be to your liking, would you share your personal intelligence rankings, which you spoke of in the tags of a previous request, to the court?
Thank you, Your Highness.
Intelligence is classified by your ability to apply things you already know and the skills you already have. You can be bright but slow, or a quick thinker but lack experience. There's many things to take into account when talking about intelligence. This may not make sense, as I am a bit loopy from switching meds recently.
Giorno is obviously at the top. I think it's criminal that his intelligence is listed as a B on his stats. Giorno doesn't slack in any of the things I understand intelligence to be, he applies absolutely everything he has and somehow never misses. Giorno spent his entire childhood figuring social etiquette out the hard way, he's hard wired to figure out what to do and not to do as quickly as possible. To Giorno, survival means being the best of the best. Has he always been absolutely perfect? No. Has he always bounced back? Yes.
Trish is fairly young, it's a bit unfair to put her up against grown men. She takes after her father in many ways- one being how clever she is. She may not understand stands yet, or why she couldn't just stay home and never go out again, but she's very quick to adapt. Trish did well in high school, she had a high gpa and did lots of extracurricular activities, which just means that she's a hard worker. Her ability to adapt and her natural curiosity is what leads me to believe that she's on the higher end, it's just that she lacks experience pre canon. Post canon, she's a force to be reckoned with. A Trish that understands how to fully use her stand, how to do what her father did and make someone disappear entirely, and how to manipulate the public so they think her kidnapping victim lovely darling is on tour with her is a very dangerous Trish indeed. If this is strictly pre-canon, bump her down to the middle-lower end.
Some people may not like Guido being in the top three, but I'm fairly firm on it. Guido's a quick thinker and has managed to stay alive for this long. Does he understand things like infections and germs? Not really. Could he, if you explained it to him? Sure. Guido's street smart- he never went to college, but he reads a lot. He's a curious guy! If something interests him, he'll look into it. He's got great instincts and a ridiculous amount of luck, which isn't intelligence, but often will help him figure out what's going on. He checks for Sale's shadow under a truck, he yells at Narancia for not telling him the stove was on and it wasn't safe to fire his revolver. He knows what he's doing, even if it seems like he's just fucking around until something clicks. That's kinda scientific theory, isn't it? Fuck around and find out? Yeah, he gets it.
Pannacotta... the author Her Highness does not believe in IQ tests, as most people who claim to have a high IQ got it off of some online test made to stroke the quiz taker, but I believe Pannacotta is very intelligent. He's just not socially intelligent, which bumps Trish and Guido above him. He left behind his prissy, rich lifestyle in favor of being homeless for a little while before Bruno found him- he's left behind most manners and forgotten most unspoken rules. In this case, Trish and Guido outdo him. What worth does purely academic intelligence have if you cannot apply it, and it has nothing to do with the situation? Pannacotta is intelligent, but he isn't creative enough to apply what he has. Who makes a vaccine on the spot like that?????? If he wasn't so in his head all the time, he'd probably be a lot scarier. I mean, who thinks to put capsules in things you're not supposed to be touching anyway?
I think it's a bit silly to put Bruno so low when he is, in fact, an adult with a fully developed prefrontal cortex. I don't think Bruno is unintelligent at all, he's a man of average intelligence for his age. He's only so low because everyone above him is not average, even if they pretend to be. An older, more mature Pannacotta would have him in too many categories for comfort. Guido has him in reaction time and blind instinct, and while some may argue that isn't intelligence, it's applying what you've got. Bruno can be a little slow at times mentally, but never in combat. He pauses to make decisions that would take Giorno a split second. He makes mistakes that, although he makes up for later on, he still makes in the first place. He's formidable- he has experience and knows how to use it, but he's not very creative.
Narancia's not all there all of the time. It's not fair to say Narancia's stupid because he isn't good at math or academics in general, you can be smart and have weaknesses. But not Narancia. He's a little lacking. He doesn't try to make up for it at all, but he's figured some things out that he definitely shouldn't have before, saving him from dead last. Narancia has some crazy instincts, but he doesn't really know what to do with them. Instincts don't equal intelligence, but it helps. He'll take credit for anything you're willing to blame on him- FUCK yeah he figured out you're trying to escape 'cause you left some shit on the table. (He felt it in his tummy and got anxious that you're leaving him.)
Leone went through some schooling, but he barely passed. You could always argue that he was too depressed to do his work, but I personally don't believe so. Leone's slow and prone to picking the hard way- not because he's a masochist, but because he's been living off of going "Well, one of these is right." for the past three years. He's just happy he finally got a stable job. His instincts are terrible, his reaction time is shit, he has very slow realization in general- the list goes on. Does that mean you're getting off easy? Nope. He's still taller, and stronger. Doesn't take a lot of brains to pin someone, especially when it's muscle memory. Leone can bump himself up over Narancia eventually, but only because Narancia is emotionally stunted. You have him in the emotional maturity (aha. Leone and emotional maturity?) category, and what else? Get a grip. Leone knows how to do more- makeup and cosmetics is a skill, so is media literacy- but Nara's got him in reaction time, realizing that dots do in fact connect, and learning how to put you in your place at a faster rate.
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kendrixtermina · 3 years
Appreciating the Range of Type 6, or, one stereotypical example, and three that aren’t.
I want to tell you about some type 6 ppl that I know in my personal life.
Exemplar #1: F. B.
Complete Stats
Wing: 5 p or cp: largely phobic – lots of safety worries, outright authoritarian follower personality Instinct: sp/soc Trifix: 613  - 6w5 1w2 3w2 (“The Taskmaster” or “The Middle Manager”) jungian: ISTJ / SLI-Te oldham: Conscientious & Aggressive Essence Type: Mars Temperament: Pure Choleric
What he’s like:
Not pleasant.
Every “strict conservative middle aged guy” stereotype in the book. Control freak, makes a mountain out of every molehill, sees the world as full of axe murderers, judgemental as fuck, horrible temper and yet completely impersonable, all his opinions are copypasted from right-wing news sites. When they say war is good he’s for war, and when they say war is bad he’ll be like “At least Trump did not start any more wars” without perceiving a contradiction. Despite this, he believes is very hot, principled and funny. He is none of these things. He puts people down nonstop. My knowledge of neurochemistry tells me that he must have emotions somewhere or he couldn’t function, but I ain’t ever seen a single one of those emotions. They’re all for his job and a few trusted mentor figures. And his mom. At least he loved her.
If you say anything he doesn’t like, he “throws the sofa out the window” as his wife once put it.
How he’s a Type 6:
Well, he’s pretty much every negative stereotype in a nutshell… other than distrusting his partner. But that might be cause hes sx blind, or cause the wife is big on monogamy & wouldn’t ever cheat.
The one positive trait of 6 that he has is that he does his research. Before moving anywhere he googles the crime rates and if you need a doctor he might find you the best one. But even that can be overriden by ideology (hydroxychloroquine!). And if you don’t take his exact advice, there goes the sofa out the window again…
And I guess the work ethic from all 3 parts of the trifix really comes through – he hasn’t had a single bad grade in his life and always keeps collecting new certifications, and will make sure you hear about it...
Exemplar #2: I.
Complete Stats
Wing: 5 P or cp: pretty much an even mix of phobic and counterphobic Instinct: sp/soc Trifix: 614 - 6w5 1w2 4w3 (Would prolly call herself “The Big Pain” rather than “The Philosopher” ^^°) jungian: INTJ / ILI-Ni oldham: Serious & Conscientious Essence Type: Saturn Temperament: Chlor-Mel
What she’s like:
I’d describe her as serious, mature, discerning, focused and passionate about her friendships, if perhaps somewhat forceful at times, with a dry, sarcastic sense of humor.
Comes across like someone who knows what she’s talking about, with well-articulated points.
Often the Responsible Sibling, Designated Sanity Checker or Bullshit Detector.
Prefers to plan everything in advance in typical Ni dom fashion, even amusement part trips. Gets somewhat anxious without a future plan or shedule.
Often mistaken for a whole lot more sociable and confident that she really feels inside. (even I kinda bought it and got her whole darn trifix wrong on my first typing attempt, though that was when I was new to typology) She can act the boss act temporarily to get the situation over with, but she actually hates making decisions.
She does however have the occasional cute/pure moment where that lower function block comes out.
How she’s a Type 6:
She has saved our family from many a terrible restaurant by making sure to check the reviews. The preparing for all possible dangers is very 6, the acting tough outwardly when youre inwardly anxious, the intellectual problem solving & some tendency towards organization/responsibility/ “logistic” intelligence.
One online test she took gave her 5w6 instead of 6w5 but that’s probably just the ITxx-ness leaking in. I remember this one time we were discussing this artsy-fartsy theater play to which we’d had fascinatingly different reactions, and at one point I half-jokingly said something like “But does anyone ever really feel connected to others, or is that a myth?” to which she wrote, “[Name], what the fuck? Yes I do.” and then immediately deleted it. That’s more of a 6 reaction innit?
Nonetheless the wing does feature in significantly – for example she got very well informed about a lot of topics because she researched them to assuage a random survival-related fear, like, “How to make sure I have enough retirement money”
Exemplar #3: M.
Complete Stats
Wing: 7 p or cp: largely phobic Instinct: sp/sx Trifix: 692 - 6w7 9w1 2w1 (Fortunately very much a “Good Samaritan” rather than “The Stockholm”) jungian: ISFP / SEI-Fi oldham: Sensitive & Devoted Essence Type: Lunar-Venus Temperament: Pure Supine
What she’s like:
Precious! Sweet, nice, good listener, friendly, gives all the best gifts. But also perceptive and good at understanding people, eg. mediating to the parents when one of the younger sisters is having An Emotion™ or winning the trust of problem children.
Unlike I. Who has some soc that helps her keep track of a larger circle of friends despite her introversion, M. tends to enjoy the closeness with her family and have just a few very close friends. Excellent friend material all around! The sx and Se also come out in enjoying art forms involving the body like theatre or dance.
She can be a bit shy, conflict-avoidant and occasionally a lil bit panicky though.
As a small kid she used to be super duper shy but then a wise english teacher encouraged her to play a big role in a play, and since then she’s a lot more confident and doesn’t let ppl push her around without limit, though she’s still a quiet, helpful person. There you see the difference that a good teacher can make.
How she’s a Type 6:
For one thing she moves and emotes faster than a core 9 would, and she fits the body language – big eyes that move around a lot, stands a bit lopsided, talks in a shrill voice on the rare occasions where we exhaust her patience etc. As a xSFx and a w7 she shows mostly the “warm, friendly, likeable” side of type 6. She also has a very 6-ish tendency to very frequently ask people’s opinions & feedback before making decisions. (the other fixes probably add to this)
Alas, she also has a little bit of of the fear/insecurity.
Also she has a social/care job which might be seen as 6-ish desire to serve the community.
Exemplar #4: J.
Complete Stats
Wing: 7 P or cp: largely counterphobic Instinct: sx/soc ?? definitely not sp first. Trifix: 638 - 6w7 3w4 8w9(?) (Shall she be a “Justice Fighter” or a “Kyle”? Only time will tell.) jungian: ISTP / LSI-Se ?? Oldham: ? some Dramatic & Serious, perhaps ? Essence Type: Definitely Mercury Temperament: San-Mel
What she’s like:
The first adjective that usually comes to my mind is ‘cool’. Sassy, energetic & a little bit tough, but also affectionate when she wants to be. (though in admiring way rather than a mushy one)
She says the coolest things, has a certain sly sort of cleverness, and an astonishly good poker face. Bit of an occasional prankster. Hilarious. Knows all sort of cool science facts. Avid gamer. 
Not especially popular or over the top sociable, but she gets sad if no one pays attention to her a while. Will act visibly moody where ppl can see sad or worried and can catastrophize a bit in such situations.
How she’s a Type 6:
I first though we might be getting an ExxP type 7 since she was a pretty energetic child, but once puberty hit and independent thought manifested, she turned out a whole lot too reactive and ‘edgy’ for this, and more on the ‘moderate introvert’ side of things.
Since then the sisterly dynamic has been like one fluffy golden dog and 3 hissing black cats. Hissing Cats #1 and #2 are very proud of her, but cat #1 was forced to conclude that she’s probably not a positive outlook type.
Out of all the reactive types 6 fits best because she does broadcast group identity (like wearing merchandise of her favorite media and wearing buttons in solidarity with ppl she likes.) & has a big case of Big Sibling worship for M, I, and someone else who isn’t on this list due to being a 9. (a 4 or 8 might like their older siblings but probably wouldn’t constantly stress the admiration.), but she can also show lasting, pouty displeasure with authority figures who have slighted her. (Like that one time I went too far in teasing her...)
I’m just assuming the 8 fix because that tends to make 6s more bold, louder & more shameless.
Basically she is the “punk teen” type of 6. She can be a bit dramatic & over-the top but still come to her family on advice (even advice on pranks!) in ways that xSTPs of other enneagrams prolly wouldn’t.
She also tends to use self-deprecating humor in tough situations and deflects compliments to present herself as ‘ordinary’.
This may sound like I’m really getting down on my first example (I won’t pretend that I’m not) but the point in bringing him up is that the reason he’s like this is: He was subject to really bad parenting that put a lot of fear into him, there was no good parenting to teach him broader coping strategies, he lived in a crappy environment that crushed his dreams, in a sense ‘confirming’ those fears and making him double down, resulting in a person who is just always rigidly following the same predictable pattern or jumping from one automatic reaction to the next with very little pausing and thinking. That goes for the other types too: A ‘stereotypical’ person is a desperate person ruled by fear, who cant stop or soften up even for an instant cause they constantly feel this fire of threat under their arse.
A lot of descriptions say that 6s ‘Follow authority’ but most would balk at the notion – ‘I do the research!’ they might argue ‘I don’t just trust anyone’ or ‘I’m actually a rebel’. There is of course such a thing as denial  that’s more like the extreme case.
But with a more average, functional 6 it’s not so much ‘obedience’ as that they just like to bounce their ideas off of others to get feedback, or that they feature in other’s viewpoints. So you might get someone who can naturally use feedback (something other ppl may have to learn first) or who is very considerate of others (which others might have to consciously remind themselves to do.)
Those are sometimes pretty good traits actually.
On the other hand this is probably part of what makes decisions hard cause they consider all these possible scenarios of how things might displease or cause harm to everyone involved.
Being able to naturally snap into Action Mode under stress looks a bit enviable from the outside, but I. assures me that it’s actually super stressful & exhausting, even for someone who doesn’t get to a point of just being unreasonably aggro at you.
Though even an extreme case like F.B. would probably claim that he ‘did the research’ even as he’s 1:1 quoting the Pope at you, and then saying that you ‘have to be respectful’ even if you don’t even believe in Christianity. Hence why you get a lot of authoritarians talking about “disrespect”. You didn’t “fail to obey”, you “disrespected the flag” or  “hurt the feelings of the Chinese people”. Because they’re still trying or inwardly thinking that they’re doing the consideritation & considering other’s PoV thing when they’ve long since crossed from respect and consideration into mindless obedience, all while still thinking that they’re very sceptical and discerning cause after all they really distrust the other political party or whatever.  
In a way you get this obsession with ‘mind control’ cause they’re not unaware of & very much looking to guard the blind spot. They’re adults trying to do adult things.
For example, if I voiced an opinion to F. B. which he didn’t like, his reaction was often to ask “who told you that”
That’s just how he seems to think opinions work, somebody tells them to you.
Makes one wonder how he thinks new opinions start.
Yeah - Nobody told me that. I concocted it myself in some corner of my head. And in the interest of objectivity, I should stress that you can also end talking out of your ass that way, if you’re not basing it on enough outside data. Making up new shit has more of a quadratic than a linear learning curve – at least with copying you get something semi-useful right away. In making up your own you might be really off a long time before you stumble on something useful.
Also, I was young at the time and it’s not wholly unreasobale to think that an inexperienced person might be duped. I reacted really badly in part cause he hit my own ego buttons cause I was of course proud of this epiphany that I had concocted by myself, and now he says (or so I perceived it, being sensitive to accusations of incompetence) that I’m too dumb to form an opinion, so of course I launched into full Obnoxious Reddit Dude Mode.
In I. It manifests more on a reasonable useful level like “Oh wait, should [young cousin] be on TikTok? I don’t want him to get sucked into some cultish BS.” which is at least something the parents should have on the radar/ warn him about even if they do let him use TikTok, because for all that it is vital for him to get his experience with independent socializing & experimentig with sel-presentation, people do sometimes get suckered into cults or goaded into unsafe tests of courage.
And in a sense… maybe they overamphasize it but to some extent they’re also simply consciously aware/ mindful of it. The rest of us are not immune to propaganda after all, solong as it’s presented in a way pleasing to our egos. Any type structure can become a ‘hook’ if you’re not careful.
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writing-frenzy · 4 years
SQH, but his system is more like a Magical Girl pet (... the Kyubey kind of course). He's still in the cultivation world of SVSSS, but gets "magical girl" transformations for his missions (of course, with an extra skimpy outfit, it's PIDW). He meets MBJ as his alter at some point, tries to keep his identity secret and much ridiculousness happens.
:D Second Prompt! This is an interesting idea, I hope you like my take on it~ (I ended up to stuck into the world building ^^; )
Despite what many of his anti-fans would say about him, Airplane Shooting Towards the Sky was not an idiot. He was a proud nerd working hard to make ends meet and pass college with high middling grades, he could not afford to be an idiot. He liked to see himself as a realist to be honest, and let’s be real, no one, not one single person, was paying top dollar for Proud Immortal Demon Way until he brought in the PaPaPa, however much those Anti’s liked to get on his case.
(Did he have regrets for what his vision had turned into? Sure, but considering he actually could pay his rent and online classes with ease now? It was very easy to ignore it.)
So, when he gets a System as problematic as his, Airplane very, very carefully picks and chooses his battles with it. Because for all he is bound to it, it doesn’t take long for Airplane to realize he has to actually agree with it for it to have any power over him.
Thank Instant Noodles for his paranoia and trust Issues; those probably saved his soul or something.
(Note: It did, it very much did.)
It did not save him from the ridiculous outfit tho.
“Fuckfuckfuckfuck-oh Fuck OFF!” Airplane nearly growls, sending a blast of lightning at a slithering shadow, easily dispersing it as it leaves dark cubes with circuit-like lines in dark blue all over it. Those then disappear with his system’s blue-green glow around them, gone like they never existed before dark purple eyes.
~Resentful Energy of the Impure God has been Purged, leaving 10X Energy Cubes; collect 10 more to unlock Powerful Healing Upgrades and Better Weapon Options! Ψ( ̄∀ ̄)Ψ  ~
“What about new Amour, can’t I get an upgrade for that!?” Airplane nearly cried, even as he has to jump to avoid another slithering shadow from sneak attacking him, though this one a real threat this time. Using his (actually really cool) spear like a pole vault, with the added height and leverage of pulling the blade from the ground, it gives the now white haired man enough force to actually pierce this more boss like shadow, marking the last of them, finally.
~Mourning of the Resentful Energy has fully been collected! Available Upgrades: Ability to null greater Panic and Fear Status attacks, Greater Energy Attacks, and New Item Cloak of the Morning, adds a boost of Energy and Healing, as well as heightens Defense and Special Defense stats. If Host wants better verity, they can always look to options and choose to Upgrade themselves to Multi Class instead of Mono Class ✪ ω ✪ ~
“Ha, thanks, I’m good just being the errand boy for one world thanks.” Airplane shivered, thinking of how he had almost been tricked into it before, his procrastination for once on his side as even after he had risen enough in his rank to possibly upgrade it. He hadn’t wanted to bother as he didn’t really want any harder missions at the time... but then, he had managed to grind enough points to get the chance to access the Host Forum, even if he couldn’t actually chat there yet.
He could still read posts tho, and the first one he read had been the ever so helpful and full of Warning Difference Between Mono and Multi Class, and the reason why they had been chosen in the first place, which the systems only ever explained the bare bones of.
See, the Systems only ever said that their souls had the power and ability to fight off the Resentful Energy of a Dangerous Entity known only as the Impure God, who has poisoned multiple worlds to reap them of all their resources. They would bind with these able souls upon their death and have them fight in the worlds that they so happened to create, giving them a life/role in the world to better settle to better deal with the Resentful Energy, even granting them a wish in return for all this hard work and trouble, that they could redeem anytime they wanted.
(Airplane, who had been put into the role and life of Shang Qinghua, when first hearing of this, did not trust it; as tempting as it was to make a wish right then and there, he thought it better to save it, for in case he ever actually needed it.)
What the Systems never said was how they needed these souls more then they ever would admit; they needed Creator Souls to fight the Impure God, because only another Godly Being could combat another Divine Being. That the wish was indeed a trap, in that it would forever bind the soul to the System, making them essentially a puppet warrior forced to do their binding until the very soul breaks or is consumed by the Impure God. Even the bound Role/new Life was a bit much, as it was actually needed to hide their actual presence from the Impure God.
How Mono Class just stuck you in one world where one could at least live out their life once the world has been cleansed while Multi Class meant one would have to go to other worlds afterwards... Though it was said one could go back to being Mono Class if you found a world you really liked, didn’t make a wish, and received enough points for it to change. 
~Would Author Airplane Shooting Towards the Sky like to Equip Cloak of the Morning? Reminder: Multi Class has greater choices for Amour and Clothing, as well as better Upgrades (★ ω ★) ~
What a picture it paints; of course there would be verity if you had multiple worlds to pick from!
Grumbling, Airplane chooses to equip his new cloak, the effects obvious as he puts it on, nearly groaning as the relief fills him.
... Okay, time to see the damage.
Summoning a Mirror from his Inventory Space, Airplane can’t help but make a face.
With his beautiful ash white hair all done up in a rather fancy updo, crystals with what looks like dark rainbows decorating and pining it all together there. Combine that with a waterfall braid below it with the excess hair, and Airplane would never be able to figure out how it works or pulls it off so well, but seeing how it works to keep his hair out of his face out of his his purple eyes, he doesn’t need to complain about that.
No, all the complaints are for the rest of his outfit; he looks like he belongs in a desperate brothel!
Some how, some way, the System took a respectable Ruqun and made it look so incredibly scandalous. With the long blue and white skirt decorating with lightning strikes and ash pulled high, to where it was below his modest pecs, and still show a large amount of calf and slight thigh. The dark waist skirt didn’t even seem to do much, if anything it just seemed to emphasize his chest that he didn’t really have! The upper garment wasn’t any better, because someone thought it was perfectly acceptable to have it cute in a way it would show off an illusion of cleavage he somehow has(?), along with any part of his neck that isn’t covered in hair.
The Cloak of the Morning, done in shades of purples, blues, and the barest of oranges and yellows, only helps the barest bit, and somehow makes it look more like he’s just teasing! 
He can’t seem to win, no matter what!
Hearing the groan behind him, Airplane freezes just the slightest bit, his transformed purple eyes meeting those gorgeous, blue on black eyes, the cross shaped pupil still very dazed as they take him him.
Ah yeah... his Prince and him did get kidnapped earlier, the Resentful Energy nicely taking care of their kidnappers for him at least...
With as much cowardice and fear as he can feel in his being, Airplane knocks his King out once more with some sleep powder, giving him enough time to at least transform back into being regular Shang Qinghua and start untying the Demon King before him.
Too Close! And this is the Third Time his Prince almost caught him! First time when he actually had to clean up his King’s Palace, where he ended up in the weirdest Cat and Mouse game ever, the Second Time being at a banquet where he was luckily distracted by his Father and Uncle, and Now This!
Ahhhh, Shang Qinghua has no idea how much longer he can hide this! It’s way too embarrassing!
It is with these thoughts, Shang Qinghua waits for his Prince to wake, unknowing of the many thoughts awakened in his Young Demon Prince.
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kiki-is-writing · 3 years
the beginning and end of everything UPDATE!!!
DISCLAIMER: This is my original work. I choose to share my work here and here specifically for my comrades in the writing community. Plagiarism in any form will not be tolerated. 
It’s actually sort of surreal, I started it in June of 2020 and now it’s 2021 and it’s over! Ty, Jude, Ada, Dorothy, and Madison have been living in my head since October 2019, and less than a year and a half later, they’ve been brought to life! Crazy!!
A summary in case you forgot/are seeing this and don’t know who the hell I am:
Ty Kassisieh has no direction. He’s just graduated college with a degree he doesn’t care about and no clue what to do with his life. Per his parent’s request to be more like his genius twin sister Ada, he picks up a job at a local library to save some money. There, he meets his coworker Jude, who’s stuck in a position not too far from his own, and Ty immediately sees the potential for companionship. But after speaking to him, Ty discovers Jude is everything he isn’t: he’s cold, introverted, aloof, and worst of all, humorless. Soon, Ty forgets all about his initial goal and becomes determined to crack Jude and see what makes him tick. 
Ty’s journey of self-discovery is uprooted completely as what begins as an investigation blossoms into a friendship, and then into something more. Ty is forced to confront the feelings he’s been pushing down since high school and come to terms with himself, his family, and the relationships he thought would never change. It’s only when he befriends a young library patron, Madison, that he finally begins to see the world for what it is and figures out how to pave his own path.
Here are some stats!
Word count: 65,900 (it’ll get at least 20k words longer)
Genre: Romantic comedy
POV: third person limited, present tense
Characters: Ty, Jude, Ada, Madison, Dorothy, Diane, Omar, Paul, Uncle Hubie, Ethel
Chapters: 15
Font: Times New Roman (sorry)
This was my second novel, but the first novel where I actually knew what I was doing, at least a little bit. And holy shit, I learned SO much about my writing process:
1. I cannot pants for the life of me. I have no idea what I’m doing without an outline. But sometimes, the outline doesn’t know best. I added a ton of subplots and off-the-cuff scenes halfway through that have no set up, gave up on subplots that weren’t working halfway through, it’s a disaster of a plot. BUt the important thing is that I know how to make it perfect. I know what the story needs and how to get that.
2. Why can I only write in bursts? I wrote like seven chapters, half the novel, in the month of July. There was a day where I wrote almost 5,000 words. And last night, I wrote for 6 hours straight, without eating, drinking, or going to the bathroom (because frankly, I forgot those things existed) and I cranked out a chapter and a half in a DAY. I had such a headache and was very hungry by the end, but it was SO REWARDING. 
3. I noticed while drafting is how often bits of my real life bled through. Little anecdotes, arguments, dynamics and experiences. Those who know me particularly well can probably pick out little allusions to either some of my past works, my friends, and myself.
It was 1:00 AM when I finished, and I live on the east coast of the U.S. so we’d just had a huge Nor’easter (New England for blizzard) and I went outside in the middle of the night, in my pajama pants and my uggs, and stood in my backyard and looked at the trees and processed the fact that wow, I just wrote a novel. It was cathartic and beautiful and I 110% recommend standing in snow up to your knees by yourself in the middle of the night. Very peaceful. 
As exciting as it is to be done, it’s kind of weird to be ending it. I started this novel from Ty’s first person POV, and he was just kind of another goofy, dorky character that shared my own sense of humor as well as my sense of perfectionism. But as I wrote, not only did I realize that third person worked so much better, but I started realizing how much of me and my own journey as a queer person had gone into this. It turned from a light-hearted, silly rom-com with little depth, a fun summer project to keep myself busy, to the most self expressive story I’ve ever written. I didn’t expect it to come out with much deeper meaning, it was summer and I was on a light-hearted rom-com kick, and life was carefree and silly and I wanted a book that reflected it. And then, school started, and life just descended into absolute chaos, and it was November, and it was NaNoWriMo, and I was writing my novel while watching CNN for a week straight. (But it all turned out great! New president!)
I can’t remember exactly when I started to incorporate my own struggles growing up as a queer kid, but somehow they bled through in the second half. The last scene of the book is (no spoilers) an incredible breath of fresh air for Ty. It’s something I can only wish for every queer teenager, that moment where you can finally be unapologetically and authentically queer without that nagging worry in the back of your mind. I’ve struggled over this past year with my identity, and as Ty found his place, I found mine as well. 
Seriously, writing this book was one of the best experiences I’ve had. Yes, the entire time I had a separate document open, writing down every little thing that needs to change, but I legitimately feel excited for draft 2 and continuing working on this project. I think about how much this book helped me, unconsciously creating the story that I needed to hear, and how maybe, in ten, fifteen years, some queer teenager will be wandering around a bookstore and pick up The Beginning and End of Everything. Maybe just because the cover is pretty. Maybe they like the F. Scott Fitzgerald reference in the title. Maybe they heard about it on Twitter somewhere. But they pick it up, and see themselves in Ty, or in Jude, or in Madison. I know every book that gave me that feeling, I cherish them so deeply, and all I really want is for someone to get that feeling from something I wrote. To see themselves in the pages and know they’re not alone. It’s cheesy, but it’s true, and it’s important. 
I think one of my favorite themes in the novel is the whole ‘someone’s got your back’ thing. I 100% did not mean for it to go in the way it did, but I was writing this as I was going through some Stuff, some stuff in which I realized that having someone, just one person in your corner can mean the entire world, if only for that moment. And if there’s no one in your corner when you need it, you can be in someone else’s when they need it. Frankly, I love how it plays out throughout the novel. There was always that theme of Ty and Madison sort of being there for each other, but as I found myself in the first semester of the school year building new friendships with incredible, smart, funny people (albeit most of that being online) and strengthening old bonds, it worked its way in, and it fits perfectly. It adds depth and strength to the story I couldn’t have done consciously. 
Essentially, it is still the romantic comedy I intended it to be, but it’s also a coming-of-age (except much older than the traditional coming-of-age). Watching some of my close friends and family graduating college and continuing to struggle with their identities and places in the world I think is what truly carved out this idea. Because not everyone has everything figured out as soon as they graduate, and I feel like, as a teenager, that’s something my friends and I really need to get through our heads. A lot of us expect to have everything figured out as soon as we turn 18. But, we’re 18. There’s a lot of life ahead of us, and we can’t possibly know what we’re going to do so young. So I think that was my main source of inspiration for this novel, and I’m really proud of the way that fleshed out. Of course it needs lots and lots of work, but. I like it. The way my personal life bled through and strengthened the story is incredible to reflect on. Honestly, I really, truly, cannot wait to start working on draft 2.
@alicewestwater @august-iswriting @lottieiswriting @phiwrites @jennawritesstories @chloeswords
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 4 years
Pairings: Romantic Romile (Roman x Emile), Romantic Prandy (Andy x Pryce), Romantic Intrulogical (Remus x Logan), Romantic Sleepceit (Remy x Deceit), Romantic Anxtober (October x Virgil)
Word Count: 1,092 Words
Summary: Dealing With Intrusive Thoughts, general chaos, and Remy and Deceit are cute.
Warnings: Sex Mentions, Cursing, Cancer Mention, Sick Character, Immunocompromised Character, Nightmares Mention, Murder Mention, Death Mention, Vomit Mention, Cult Mention, let me know if I should tag anything else.
Note: Bolded and blockquoted are actions in their chatroom, not a message.
Usernames, a quick translation guide: Andy: Raccoon Man (the trashiest hero), Castor: schrodingersdumbass, Dayd: carniverousroomba, Dice: Dr. Bitch, Emile: Thera-pissed, Halley: aspermylastemail, Janus: SnekBoi, Logan: Momgan, October: eatpavementido, Orion: birdgeoisie, Patton: Papa Bear, Pollux: satantakemehome, Pryce: SwEeTvErUcA, Remus: Octopussy, Remy: Coffee Bandit, Roman: waaahluigi, Sirius: literalsunshine, Teal: uwu, Thomas: shrexy, Virgil: spipples, Vita: þiccness
A Very Sanders Group Chat: Chapter 9
satantakemehome: Hey, does anyone have any clue why there's nightmares galore? I was trying to sleep.
spipples: Kid, it's like 4am, go to sleep.
satantakemehome: Mother. Mother, I am Insomnia, mother. It doesn't work that way, mother.
spipples: Okay, okay, don't go all eldritch being on me, chill.
satantakemehome: Fix the Mind, mother. I crave the sleep, mother.
spipples: If you plan to be an eldritch being, go bother your uncle or visit auntie Dee in the hospital, I'm sure he'd love company in his misery up there.
SnekBoi: No. Tired.
satantakemehome: Uncle it is.
Raccoon Man (the trashiest hero): Hello Jeffrey, I am afraid.
spipples: Don't care. Got shit to deal with.
birdgeoisie: Hey mom, did you ever figure out what the overly murdery nightmares were about?
spipples: Yeah, it was Uncle Remus.
þiccness: FINALLY, I can say uncle bastard's name in the chatroom!
Octopussy: I fucking hate all of you.
Momgan: You popped up like a fucking goblin and whacked poor Roman in the head at four in the goddamned morning, how the fuck do you think we're going to react!?
schrodingersdumbass: Oh shit, Auntie Lo is going off on Uncle Remus.
uwu: I would give all my uwus to see this but I have to start getting ready for work sooooo
uwu is now offline
Coffee Bandit: Shiiiit, someone give him coffee stat!
literalsunshine: What do you think I'm trying do?
Coffee Bandit: Ah yes, the good child. All the rest are little punks and then we have this smol gem.
þiccness: I remember why I used to call you Uncle Asshat now.
Coffee Bandit: Thanks, kid.
þiccness: Not a compliment but alright.
Coffee Bandit: Everything is a compliment to me, kid.
þiccness: Alright edgelord.
spipples: It's a beautiful day out.
Raccoon Man (the trashiest hero): Almost as beautiful as your face.
spipples: You only say that because we have the same face.
Raccoon Man (the trashiest hero): Exactly, you're catching on.
spipples: I hate you.
Raccoon Man (the trashiest hero): Don't lie, little bro, it doesn't look good on you.
SnekBoi: Yeah, that's my job.
spipples: Fuck off, you've done enough damage to Thomas.' mind releasing Remus on us.
SnekBoi: I had nothing to do with that. I was at home resting off chemo still. I have a solid alibi. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to finish puking and see how bad my hair is because I know I saw some on my pillow.
Octopussy: goddammit not again!
SnekBoi: Well, sorry, I can't really control it, Ree. The chemo does what it wants.
shrexy: Are you okay?
SnekBoi: Probably. I mean, I'm just worried.
Coffee Bandit: Snakebabe, do you want me over?
SnekBoi: I'd love to see you, but I can't.
Coffee Bandit: What about outside in the garden six feet apart with masks on while we do light work taking care of your plants?
SnekBoi: Is this a date? It sounds like a date.
Coffee Bandit: Can be if you want it to be.
SnekBoi: So maybe 6:30 when it cools down so I'm not overheating myself?
Coffee Bandit: Sounds great, sugarbear.
SnekBoi: Yeah sounds great, Rem.
Coffee Bandit: See you there, lovely snek.
SnekBoi is now offline
waaahluigi: Remy's really out here saying 'I love you' while Dee's puking. Taking in sickness and in health a bit too seriously, huh, Rem?
Coffee Bandit: Oh absolutely, I mean, he's cute.
Octopussy: I hear screeching from Dee's room.
Octopussy: ah, nevermind, I read the backlog.
uwu: Remy's here to date cute snake men and nothing else will do.
12:17 PM
þiccness: Hey mom, can me and Halley spend the night out with Bella and Eve?
waaahluigi: Sure. Just make sure you four are careful and be home before 4am and make sure to call me if you need any help.
þiccness: Thanks, mom!
Thera-pissed: Oh, Ro, are you still coming over at 7 for dinner?
waaahluigi: Yeah, I'm just working off the headache still.
Octopussy: I regret nothing.
Thera-pissed: Alright, love, take your time. Remember, we can always just stay home and watch a movie while the kids are out.
waaahluigi: That actually sounds better than going out and hiking.
Thera-pissed: Then we'll stay in inside and watch a movie or two and have dinner there.
3:14 PM
SnekBoi: Hey, @Octopussy, can you help me up, I need to start getting ready for me and Remy's date?
Octopussy is now online
Octopussy is now offline
satantakemehome: Uncle Remus really said 'gotta go fast'
eatpavementido: remusthehedgehog.jpg
aspermylastemail: Remus is the only one of us ready to storm Area 51.
birdgeoisie: Remus about to clap some alien cheeks.
waaahluigi: You four remind me of a cult. The Cult of Remus.
aspermylastemail: We're just missing that hint of chaotic dumbass that is Castor.
eatpavementido: Don't tempt me, Roman.
waaahluigi: Or what?
eatpavementido: O̴̬̓r̴̨̠̹̾͋ ̴̦̃̆w̴̟̮̽͜ḛ̶͝ ̵̙̲͒́s̶͚͊a̵̦͚̓ͅc̴͙̤̆r̶̫̞i̴̱͉f̸̩͕̓͘i̸̛͇̟͌ͅc̷̨̢͗̈̿e̸̠̜̫̊ ̵̳̋̒y̷̞͓̩͒̓o̶͍̪̦̍ǘ̴̖̮̱̎͊ ̵̨̰͙̓̒͌ţ̸͉̜̂͂o̸̟̽̈n̸̪̤͂͌i̵͓͋̎͑g̶͎͒ḣ̵̤̤͂t̴̟̬͑̏.̸̪͆́
waaahluigi: Good Hera, fine! Just don't kill me! I have two kids to deal with and Remus and Pryce aren't trusted to raise them to not be heathens!
SwEeTvErUcA: Hey! But fair.
Octopussy: fair enough.
6:45 PM
Octopussy: in case anyone wanted a good wholesome update.
Octopussy: deceitandremyinthegarden.jpg
Octopussy: deceitandremysmilingateachother.jpg
Octopussy: deceitandremylaughing.jpg
shrexy: That is incredibly pure and wholesome, thank you for this PSA.
Octopussy: I know. It's good to see Dee be so happy around someone.
Coffee Bandit: I saw that, Remus.
Octopussy: parkourmeme.jpg
Octopussy is now offline
Coffee Bandit: Little shit.
Papa Bear: Go back to your date, kiddos! You're so cute together!
Coffee Bandit: Ah yes, everyone's supportive dad. You got it, Patt.
Coffee Bandit is now offline
spipples: Ah yes, the wholesome dad energy. It's hard to resist.
birdgeoisie: Ah yes, momther, I am hang out with Wyatt and Solace tonight. I'll be home like 9ish?
spipples: Have fun, Orion. Don't get them in trouble is all I ask, little crow.
birdgeoisie: I won't steal anymore street signs, Mom.
spipples: Or anything else that I would have to bail you out for.
birdgeoisie: Why  not just take the fun out of life?
spipples: Ah yes, such a horrible mother not wanting to bail out my son. Have fun, little crow. If you three need anything text me or call me.
birdgeoisie: I will, Mom!
birdgeoisie is now offline
spipples: Two of five kids are out having fun, one is working and two are out doing their own shopping.
eatpavementido: Does this mean you want me over?
spipples: Yesssss. Fucking come cuddle me.
eatpavementido: gottagofast.jpg
spipples: Love my boyfriend.
eatpavementido: Love you too, chaotic little shit.
Taglist: @glaxyjellyfish @chronophobica @fear-ze-queer @imma-potatoo
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philomenafm · 4 years
Tumblr media
ive done sm switches bt. she is the one. she is the one i love. trust me. ples. this is an old intro n im frankly. too lazy 2 read it bt. i love her a lot shes very good please like her
wildflowers in your hair and bare feet against moss, binoculars and maps, madonna beating out of half-dead speakers in a half-dead van, whipping wind, jumping off cliffs and rolling down hills, a bandaid wrapped around each finger, cryptic bumper stickers and cryptids in the woods, facing the sun and letting the rays hit you, counting stars late into the night, dancing naked in the woods with nothing but fire to light your way, mismatched socks and lucky ribbons, hoarding a box of special treasures, shoplifting and diner-dashing, bleach against roots, pink sweaters paired with ripped fishnets and slip dresses with knock off uggs, willingly wearing crocs, glitter stickers, fungi and feeling one with them, lying down and decomposing, they’ll find us in a week. they’ll find us in a week.
full name: philomena brontë carmichael
nickname(s): philly, phil, etc.
b.o.d. - april 20th, 2000
label(s): the amaranth, the halycon, the neophyte, the wanderer, etc. etc.
height: 5′4″
hometown: woodside, ca
sexuality: demisexual
pinterest ( & her family pinterest b/c they’re my most developed family uwu)
favorite song: wonderfully bizarre, bendigo fletcher / we can be defined by the things we want / i’ll be a life full of free haircuts from the one that i love / we’ll collect fallen out teeth in a candy jar / mice for the backyard peregrine falcon reservation.
a middle child belonging to christopher and imogen carmichael - two stanford professors. christopher specialized in british literature whilst imogen specialized in the classics. hence the name.
the order of siblings goes as such: lysander, elektra, juno, philomena, and twins orion & valora. the deal was that everybody had a greek (or in juno’s case, roman) first name and a middle name inspired by a piece of british literature circa 1800s and under. a family of nerds, if you will.
so, clearly - right off the bat, their parents are … eccentric. they’re both in love with their respected topic, and with each other, and with their kids. the carmichael family is a happy family.
they each have their own quirks and whatnot - though philly’s always been particularly dreamy - even as a child, she’d spend hours watching clouds or caterpillars or the leaves blow in the wind rather than play with other kids. she wasn’t a shy kid - she just had her own interests.
hardship doesn’t hit the family until philomena is five and starts having splitting headaches. they’re slow at first - but as soon as she’s seeing spots and unable to walk in a straight line, doctor appointments are made.
it doesn’t take long for them to discover the tumor, though the official diagnosis of malignant ependymoma comes a month later.
it’s grade ii but slow-moving, small enough to not be as much of a threat as worried, but big enough where removal is necessary. philomena earns a scar and brings it in for show-and-tell. for two months afterwards, philly’s at radiotherapy monday through friday.
they’re lucky - philomena’s considered cancer-free by the next year. she’s babied at first - handled delicately, as if she could break if touched - but with five other children … it doesn’t last for too long.
and life continues as normal.
her personality doesn’t shift much over the next few years - she’s awfully independent for a kid, and awfully quiet - when she speaks it’s about faeries and bigfoot, about how the sky is so blue and if you listen quietly, you can hear the leaves whisper their secrets to each other. this is not odd.
she’s close to all her siblings, but she idolizes her older sister - elektra. elektra’s six years older and dyes her hair whatever colors she wants. elektra bought a knife off a seedy guy downtown. elektra threw away all of her heels and renounced god. elektra is god. her music is loud but it’s not heavy - it’s florence and the machine.
they’re opposites - elektra’s boisterous and feels loudly, philomena’s softer and feels…less. when elektra sneaks out, philomena keeps watch. they are a duo.
philomena is smart - but she’s fifteen and hates school. hates sitting inside all day. hates the same routine - day after day - it’s all the same. her parents’ routine is the same, philly feels contained and she wants to live.
elektra’s twenty-one and just bought a brand new spanking (used but not falling apart) 19-something volkswagen … van - using her entire savings account. she says she’s tired of routine, she’s leaving the next day.
naturally, philomena stows away in the back and isn’t discovered until they’re two states away and she’s got to pee. elektra nearly crashes the van in shock.
it’s an argument - philomena vs. elektra, then them vs. their parents, then their parents vs. the school, the state - it’s an ordeal. philomena switches to an online program in the end.
it hurts christopher and imogen - lysander’s not having any of their nonsense, juno’s betrayed and alone - the twins are twins. in the end, it’s alright. the carmichael family is a happy family.
philomena and elektra take their time - it’s not a road trip, it’s their new life, permanently on the road. they stop and explore often - they do odd jobs in whatever town they settle in. they dine-n-dash, they shoplift. they survive in their own way.
during particularly desperate times, they two resorted to identity theft & credit fraud - getting away with it only by ditching the cards once they’ve made it out of state.
she drops out of high school officially when she’s seventeen - they have to drive all the way back to california to deal with the wrath of their parents and to deal with paperwork, but it’s done. philomena doesn’t know what path she wants in life - but it’s not that.
it’s during this time that the episodes occur - philomena’s outside her body, philomena’s wrapped in cotton, her memories are not her own. she’s looking in the mirror and she doesn’t recognize herself. they take shelter in a city for six months, long enough for her brand spankin’ new therapist to figure out what’s wrong with her. she’s diagnosed with depersonalization / derealization disorder - they think it’s stress. philomena doesn’t get stressed. they think it’s trauma. she laughs - she never laughs.
there is trauma though, deep-rooted but somewhere inside - you just have to look for it.
you. just. have. to. look. for. it. look for it. look for it. look for it look for it look -
you were ten and she was thirteen, an off-trail hike in familiar woods in a familiar town, safe and familiar. it was your idea, to stray from the carved out paths, down creeks and up hills and round, and round again. you’re the one who spotted the scarf first, sticking up from the dirt and dancing in the wind like the beginning of reincarnation. it was not reincarnation, it was discovery. it was ruin. with curiosity drawn, you skidded down - with compliance, followed juno, followed your sister - clumsy in her steps and tumbling down quicker than you. you saw the corpse, but juno felt it. decaying flesh and maggot.
and she left juno, just like that - just five years later, when juno had finally gone to the end of her wits. philly up and left. abandoned her.
philomena and elektra leave the city after that therapy session. they do not return. she’s always been good at hiding her secrets.
three years later and her parents want philly to have a higher education - desperate for it, really - worried for her future. it’s a battle that she loses, getting her ged and applying to a local college in florida in shameful compliance.
they’re there for a year until philly gets (expectantly) expelled from the community college & the two of them are banned from the town they’d residing in up until that point. they don’t talk about it - but boy, was it one hell of a time.
they found refuge in preaker, a town that seemed to suit them well - it suited elektra’s desire to travel up and down the east coast, and it intrigued philomena enough to the point of her being content with staying. soon after, philly officially transferred to yates for her freshmen spring term & theyve been here since.
(whenever anna brings cillian uh. he’s in here too he’s been traveling w them fr like 3ish years. i just cannot rewrite atm KDSGLSDKLGKFGHLKSL bt hes here. n hes sexy. n we love him. bro3tp)
OH. hey yeah the secret. errmm. tht’s on cillian. philly just hid the evidence. no they didnt kill someone yes they did no they did not <3 yes
personality & facts.
she’s quiet but she’s confident - her voice sounds like rustling leaves, if leaves smoked a pack of cigarettes a day.
often underestimated - philly’s petite and looks like she’d fall over if a plastic bag blew too close to her. she’s independent - for the most part. elektra is the only person philly takes orders from.
has always been considered odd - weird, strange. still talks about the trees as if they’re listening, as if they’re old friends. she’s vague and doesn’t elaborate on the things she says.
believes in pretty much any superstition you throw her way. luck is very important to her. if you ask her if the earth is flat, she’ll say probably. believes strongly in bigfoot and the lochness monster. has personally seen aliens, and loves ghosts almost more than herself.
she can be amusing - whether you ‘get’ her or not, her outlook is often bright - she talks about the negatives the same way she talks about the positives. can be seen as naive or gullible, but she’s plenty smart. even if half of her education has come directly from google.
philly doesn’t laugh. a smile, yes - often, in fact - not always reaching her ears, or bearing teeth - but these are not indicators of her happiness. philly is consistently content. she thinks many things are funny - she still will not laugh.
her voice is often monotonous - she doesn’t sound dreary, she sounds far-away. her voice carries. her emotions are often unknown to others.
is apathetic in most situations. she’s hard to bother - she’s incredibly patient and enjoys the company of most - tolerates them at the very least. it’s hard for her to express her emotions, because she feels them so little that it’s very nearly not worth it. her affection is not verbal - it’s small touches and gestures of kindness, love in her own way.
is a fan of knock-knock jokes and bad puns. she won’t crack a smile while telling you them, nor does she expect you to laugh. she just enjoys them.
she owns a motorola razr covered in puffy stickers - hasn’t ever had a smartphone. she’s a fan of emoticons. her favorite is :o)
has a lot of bruises and scratches and scars - she’s often getting herself into pickles. there are always, at the very minimum, three bandaids on each hand.
she has insomnia, so she’s awake often. is often seen wandering town - even when she shouldn’t be, even when it might be dangerous. her intuition is delayed. when she does sleep - her dreams are vivid and fantastical.
keeps a box of memories - sentimental bits and pieces she’s picked up over the last few years. there are a lot of buttons and postcards, but any teeny tiny object will do.
her style changes every week - most, if not all, of her clothes are thrifted. one week she’s baby spice and the next she’s lydia deetz. she combines pieces from different styles often - she looks like a barbie clothed by a child. she feels most comfortable like this.
will either patch-up the clothes that get too worn or reuse them in some way. sometimes donates the clothes she gets tired off - isn’t minimalistic, but she’s learned to keep only a small amount of possessions.
the only consistency is her lucky ribbon - it’s pastel yellow and silky and as thin as a shoelace. she ties it onto her outfit of the day, everyday. if she loses it, she’s lost. elektra has a matching ribbon (& so does leo fowler eyes emoji)
has no problem with minor theft - she only takes bare minimum, puts herself and elektra first and that’s how it’s always been. she tries to be good while in preaker / yates - would hate to be forced out by mobs with torches and pitchforks
currently living in calloway while elektra stays in their van, florence - sometimes philly stays there during the weekends.
they used to live in motels on the occasion, the cheapest room, and more often than not they’d both go home with strangers for a comfier bed and a hotter shower.
it was a common occurrence - she didn’t sleep with them - but somehow, she weaseled her way into their homes anyway. has come out mostly unscathed, on most occasions. this has been a practice ever since they’ve been on the road.
really, truly - has not slept with anybody, had her first and only kiss at thirteen with a frog. this doesn’t bother her. edit: her first & only kisses hv been w leo fowler. this is important
will consume anything you put in front of her - isn’t picky.
listens to whatever they’ve picked up along the way but she likes instrumentals the best. her second favorite genre is 1990′s and 2000′s top hits. they’re nostalgic for her. third favorites? florence, of course. fleetwood mac. the bird and the bee.
loves storms - will go out in the rain and will risk her life for it.
owns a pair of roller-skates and is often skating rather than walking. unless she’s on grass - then she’s walking barefoot.
has many hobbies, and gets bored of them often. her favorite hobby is welding. she’s not certified.
also, juggling.
also, accordion.
the kind of girl who’ll do any job you give her. odd jobs are her favorite jobs. babysitting is her least favorite - but she does it anyway. has lost children before. have they ever been found? not by philly.
dyes her hair blonde often and cuts her own hair - bangs included - finds it cathartic, likes the itchiness of bleach.
everything she does is often in pursuit of feeling free, alive, and meaningful.
( like her frequent visits to the woods, late at night when the moon is high and full. it’s freeing to dance around a fire, stark naked in the cold. builds immunity )
comes and goes wherever she pleases, nothing & nobody can stop her. she knows to respect nature. exudes natural trust energy <3 dont know wht tht means but
the trust expands to animals as well, she has a certain knack for getting them to like her. has too many ‘pet’ rats that reside with her, alongside a baby raccoon & a few crow pals. has a new animal companion everyday, but she doesn’t contain them or force them to stay. edit: she hs a tabby cat named pail, now. named in honor of her mother, bucket.
leaves her window in calloway wide open because of this, because her window is conveniently right besides a tree with sturdy branches. good for animal smuggling, sneaking in and out, hiding, etc. etc. world is her oyster.
though her room in calloway is ??? frankly a mess ??? already ??? usually keeps most of her possessions in her memory box but she’s also turned her room into a mini labyrinth of knick-knacks. very cozy, but very nest-like. think of howl’s room from howl’s moving castle.
wanted connections.
how did you get in here ;; someone whose room she perhaps crashed at late at night, mysteriously. she refuses to explain where she’s come from. she’s gone before you wake. they could literally not know her at all she’s just sleeping halfway under their bed like <3 thank you <3
ma’am this is a wendys ;;  someone who sees her constantly <3 doing outlandish shit <3 bc lets b real. shes weird. shes a weirdo. why do u think she wears the same hat everyday. (she doesnt wear hats often) anyways. they probably dnt even like her? just think shes very strange?
im literally going to dissect you ;;  someone who. wants to figure out philly. pick at her brain. wear her shoes. kind of in the same category of above in this general like. ur fkn weird. bt they wna figure out why <3 they wna play therapist <3 jokes on u she hates therapists
liddle thief in the night ;; someone who has caught her stealing. or dining n dashing. either/or. perhaps both. she steals a lot :/
oh like. friends n stuff ;; of any closeness. ppl she talks 2 conspiracies with, ppl she goes on late night walks with, ppl she explores with, ppl she steals with, ppl she smokes with, etc. etc. ppl who bring her out to parties cos they like her funky little ways when she gets drunk n tries to climb atop everything <3 
thts nice. anyways ;; this is fr like. literally anything unrequited. philly doesnt like <3 a lot of ppl <3 In That Way. so its basically just. ur muse thinks shes very neat n she thinks ur muse is very neat bt platonically. she doesnt do hookups or anything n if she does i tend 2 like. run purely based off of chemistry even with. most of her connections in general.
uuhh. anything ;; HLKDGKSDLKGHLKSFDSHGKFD i nvr rly hv a lot of connections up fr philly bc shes like. a very unpredictable muse n i think its usually better to just. throw her in! n see wht happens! we cn still plot obv n come up w some fun things bt fr the most part shes very organic
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A fanfic story
Overview: Lin and Tenzin are both at the height of their respective careers – she with the Metalbending Police and he with the Air Nation. Questions about their future begin to arise and things come to a head when Lin responded to an emergency call. Would her job take them from each other forever? Eventual HEA. Non-canon compliant, AU. (Notes at the end of the post.)
Chapter 1
Lin was once again pulling a double shift, finishing up this month’s crime stats report that needed to be filed at city hall tomorrow. Aside from having the routine meeting at city hall, tomorrow also marks Lin’s first ninety days as the chief of police.
She lightly rubbed a crick at her neck as she proofread the document.
Having taken over the Republic City Police Department when her mother, the metalbender Toph Beifong, stepped down, Lin Beifong recognized that taking on this responsibility goes beyond upholding the family legacy.
She pushed on, double checking the figures. Hoping that this was enough at least to keep the council contented. While some of the council members saw her growing up, she knew they were going to be fair as in all their dealings. However, the rest of the members were likely to be more difficult with her, with the mistaken notion that they needed to compensate for the perceived bias of the city founders. It also did not help that her mother was not as charismatic as the other founders.
Lin sighed tiredly as she pulled out another case folder; she had her work cut out.
Tenzin frowned deeply at his bowl, as though the stew his mother prepared offended him greatly.
His sullen mood was out of place amidst the boisterous laughter of his family at the dinner table. On another day, he would have eaten his sea prune stew with gusto. Tonight, he should have done so as well, given that his mother went all out with the dishes as the extended family was present.
Bumi, his eldest brother, arrived two days ago on shore leave. His uncle Sokka, meanwhile, landed at Air Temple island that afternoon, in preparation for tomorrow’s council meeting.
His uncle continued to regal the table with stories, getting more and more exaggerated as the night wore on. His father, the Avatar Aang laughed accordingly at the right moments, encouraging the stories further. Beside Sokka, his wife Suki held his glass upright without skipping a beat as he pounded on the table in emphasis on how heavy the imported cabbages were in the Southern Water Tribe. Tenzin’s sister Kya chatted their aunt’s ear off at her other side.
It was a lovely meal indeed and the company was not so bad either. In fact, Tenzin was looking forward to this family dinner. The week was ending and it was particularly challenging one.
He had a long session with the new Air Acolytes earlier and he had a vague impression that they were not taking him seriously as they would his father. He just wanted to have a relaxing night with the family and Lin.
Granted, Lin was practically family. But it was her that Tenzin was specifically anticipating to spend time with that night. He had a lot of things on his mind but he knew Lin’s presence would help tamp down his worries.
Katara noticed her son’s preoccupation as the dinner went on. Every couple of minutes or so, Tenzin would look up at the doorway, as though expecting someone. As the night went on, his mood turned sour.
Presently, he attempted to stab the sea prune with his spoon.
“Tenzin, dear, would you like a fork?” Katara called out, lightly touching his arm, startling him from his reverie.
“Wha-?” Tenzin was drawn out of his thoughts, as the stew splashed on his robes when the prune slipped from his utensil.
“Fork? Or a knife?” His mother held out a small table knife to him. “Is something bothering you?” Katara had an inkling on what (or rather who) was on his mind. “How was the session today?”
Tenzin shrugged but took the knife. “It was fine, mother.” He wanted to share his misgivings about the air acolytes but did not want his siblings to overhear. “We were able to start and end on time.” Lame as it was, that was the only positive outcome of that meditation session.
“That’s good to hear,” Katara took a bite of her own stew. “They are from the Southern Air Temples, right? How is the restoration going on from their end, did they share anything about it?” She intended to draw him away from his obviously stormy ruminations.
Just as Tenzin was about to respond, Sokka suddenly turned his attention to mother and son. “Heeey – I knew I forgot something! Where’s Lin?”
Tenzin grew uncomfortable as the table went silent, each person looking at him expectantly. He cleared his throat as he loosened his collar. “She’s still at the precinct, I believe.” He did not miss Katara and Aang share a look but he chose not to acknowledge it.
“That young lady is working too hard,” Sokka run his hand at his beard. “On the other hand, look at her sister Suyin, with two kids at the age of twenty-four. I mean, sure they’re both productive, if you get what I mean. Am I right?” He elbowed his wife, looking for affirmation. Suki looked nonplussed. So he leaned to his other side, elbowing Bumi instead, who gave him a thumbs up.
Finally, at half past eleven in the evening, Lin found herself unlocking the door to the apartment after satisfactorily completing the documents in time for tomorrow’s meeting.
“Tenzin, I’m home.” She called out, as she took off her boots and removed her armor. “I’m sorry I’m late.” She pulled her long black hair from the bun it was in the whole day. “Had to finish up some paper-.” She finally realized she was alone. “Work.”
The dark and empty room puzzled her but she ignored the unease that crept and proceeded to the bathroom to wash her face.
Seeing the empty space where she and Tenzin kept their toothbrushes and toiletries, Lin cursed.
She just realized she forgot something tonight.
After somewhat successfully averting the disaster called Sokka’s big mouth by introducing dessert, Katara followed her youngest child who excused himself to the patio once dessert was served. She studied his stiff posture as he gazed at the distant lights of Republic City.
“Son, is everything okay with Lin?” Katara was not one to beat around the bush. “She’s not in trouble, is she?”
Tenzin shook his head quietly. “She’s fine, Mother.” He really did not want to discuss his relationship right now.
“Don’t mind Sokka,” Katara plodded on. “He’s just probably excited to hear about more grandchildren within our group. You know how he doted on Iroh when Zuko used to bring him over.” She smiled in recollection how Sokka had pranced around with the toddler on his back, pretending to be a dragon.
“Iroh is just a couple of years younger than me.” Tenzin grumbled, not liking where the conversation was headed.
Katara waved him off. “You were well in your teens by then – a far cry from toddling little Iroh.” Seeing no further comment coming from her companion, she gestured to the side buildings. “Do you want me to call on the Air Acolytes to prepare Oogi tonight? I had them bring him to the barns as I thought you’d be staying overnight. They can easily prepare him for your quick trip back to Republic City though.”
“No, it’s fine.” The tall airbender was starting to hate that word: fine. “Oogi’s probably resting already. And I haven’t decided yet if I’ll stay tonight,” His equanimity would be sorely tested should he see Lin now.  “I can always borrow a glider to get back to the mainland.”
“Well, if you’re sure,” His mother gave him a side hug. “You know your father and I are always here for you and Lin, right?”  She felt him nod. “Don’t stay out too late – it’s a bit chilly these nights.”
Lin fought with herself as to whether she should drop a call to Air Temple Island at this time. She wanted to speak to Tenzin. Correction: she needed to apologize for forgetting about the family dinner.
Seeing that it was almost midnight with no hint of Tenzin or Oogi in sight, Lin decided to risk waking the household up.
“Pick up, pick up,” Lin murmured as she heard the phone ringing.
Unbeknownst to her, the raucous cacophony made by a drunk Sokka, Bumi and Kya drowned out other noises within Aang’s house.
Rolling his eyes as he saw Bumi throwing back a large tankard, Tenzin decided to retreat to his bedroom to bid his time before going home to Lin. There was no way he would allow himself to be dragged into Sokka’s drinking game, which was likely to happen should they see him crossing the threshold to glide away. With a highly skilled waterbender in said drinking group, he did not want to take any risks of possibly being pulled into the ocean at this late hour.
With fatigue eventually overcoming him, Tenzin barely felt the mattress shifting nor did he feel the bed dip with the weight of another person joining him. He sighed sleepily as he curled closer to the source of warmth beside him.
Note:  Hello to my lone reader! So here’s my trial in creating a Linzin fanfic (cross-posted in archiveofourown too). I’m hesitant to post something online but it felt nice to share it with you. Not sure if this plot has already been done, or if this is a familiar trope already, but just the same I’ll be posting it here as I’ve started to rediscover the fandom recently. I’ve been fascinated by the Linzin pairing and I wanted to give it a shot. There was something very poignant about them and while I’m a sucker for angst, I wanted to try to give it a try to give them a happy ending. This is also non-canon compliant, obviously. Let me know what you think! 😊
Other chapters here:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
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larissaloki · 4 years
so here it is, my crack fic for The Untamed/cql/mdzs. This was inspired by @wifiwuxians (who’s an amazing artist so go check them out!). I hope this fic brings people some entertainment! warning a dog gets hurt but its not a real dog. it’s a dog in the campaign. 
“You’re hosting a D&D campaign?”
Wen Qing blinks at her girlfriend. When she had agreed to come around for dinner with MianMian, Wen Ning was out with Wen Chao, Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng; Lan Wangji would most likely join them as well, so she didn’t have to worry about him tonight.
“Yup,” MianMian shares out their food between them onto their plates while Wen Qing pours them out some drinks. “want to join in? I can help you make your character if you want? A-Xian is asking your brother and Lan Wangji if they want to join in as well. Apparently, Jiang Wanyin outright refused”
Wen Qing raises an eyebrow, taking a bite of her chicken as she contemplates the offer, with Lan Wangji there and her brother, surely it won’t be that bad right? Besides, her brother is always trying to encourage her to join in group activities more and not just occasionally throw needles at them. By then, it’s mostly Wei Wuxian that she throws the needles at.
Huffing a breath to blow a strand of hair out of her face, Wen Qing nods at her girlfriend, and is immediately rewarded with the happiest smile ever.
Wen Qing had no idea just what she had signed up for.
First things first, MianMian had to go through each person and help make sure their characters were prepared correctly while also planning the campaign. First person she decided to work with was of course Wen Qing.
It was painfully obvious that this was Wen Qing’s first time playing this game, she’d had no idea of the many races there were, then having to decide the class, skills and routes she wanted her character to take. This was fine, MianMian could use this to show off her skills and knowledge on the game!
With an optimistic mind, MianMian starts to help Wen Qing plan her character.
“Can I have poisoned needles as a weapon?”
“No…you can’t unless you get them specially forged once someone has a proficiency in the required skill to make it…”
“Well that’s just ridiculous…fine I’ll have the crossbow with poisoned darts,”
“You are a CLERIC!!”
The next person she worked with was Lan Wangji, while Mo Xuanyu quietly painted the figures for her campaign at the table. When Mo Xuanyu and Nie Huaisang had caught wind of this campaign, both had volunteered their help, though they didn’t want to actually join in as players, Huaisang was helping her plan encounters and how to keep her group on track.
“So, what race do you want to be?”
“What races are there?” Lan Wangji looks over his character sheet and then at the book in front of him, his usually expressionless face pulled into a slight frown as he reads whatever is on the page. “Ah, I want be an elf”
Nodding as they both jot it down, MianMian so that she can incorporate it into her plans and Wangji for his character.
“What class were you thinking then? Archer, rogue, wizard-“
Blinking at surprise at the sudden reply, she looks up and sees Lan Wangji already scribbling away, his book opened to the Paladin page as he writes out his stats and rolls his dice for the others.
“Oh, I guess you got it then…?”
MianMian had never seen such a well planned out first level character before.
Not long after Lan Wangji left, Wen Chao finally rolled up in roller-skates, sipping an ice coffee, from Starbucks it seems. In his other hand he holds his backpack, the straps dangerously close to the wheels of his skates. Despite him and Wei Ying both living in the same apartment block as MianMian; it was how they met and made their book club to start with after all, MianMian had kicked them out so that they couldn’t get in the way and distract others while she worked with them. She loves her friends, but they can be royal pains in the ass.
“What up!”
MianMian sighs, she’s sure that by the time this next 2 hours are over, she will be sporting a few grey hairs.
“Get your hoe ass in here so we can start…”
Simpering, Wen Chao pretends to flip back long hair after taking off his skates, “I’m a thot, not simply a hoe”
Grinning cheekily, MianMian steals his iced coffee to take a few sips as she walks to the living room, “My mistake!”
Grumbling playfully behind as he follows, Wen Chao tries; and unsuccessfully; to get his drink back from his friend.
“So, what character do you want to make?” Finally, MianMian takes pity as she hands back the drink, settling onto the sofa heavily as she grabs her laptop, ready to take notes and search for any home-made classes.
“I want to be someone or something that uses fire!”
“Just fire? There’s lot of different types of magic-”
“I wanna burn everything, I want to be the one to cause chaos, beat Wei Ying to it!”
“You do know that you will be level 1 right? You won’t be able to do much…”
“Whichever is most destructive then”
MianMian was really starting to regret her decision to run this campaign now. Heaving a sigh, she looks up any and all things he could be that use fire of some sort in their attacks. Looks like Huaisang was right, she may have to use her DM powers to make rocks fall and everyone dies.
Two stressful hours later, MianMian gleefully kicks Wen Chao back out as a timid looking Wen Ning quickly ducks inside. Slamming the door shut and bolting it just for extra measure, MianMian leads Wen Ning to the living room, a friendly smile on her face.
“Have you played D&D before Wen Ning?”
Wen Ning thanks Mo Xuanyu who comes out of the kitchen carrying freshly baked cookies and some tea for them; he had taken refuge in the kitchen when MianMian had snapped the first pencil when dealing with Wen Chao.
“Ah, I’ve played a few online campaigns” Wen Ning offers a small shy smile as he sips at his tea, while bringing out his Pusheen pencil case. Heaving a sigh of relief that Wen Ning’s character creation should at least go smoothly, MianMian picks up her laptop. The tea that Mo Xuanyu made doing wonders for her murder impulse.
“Ok, so what characters have you played before? Any new ones you want to try?”
Nodding enthusiastically, Wen Ning starts to list off all the roles he’s played before. Which ones he enjoyed and such, his favourite being a monk that could punch his way out any situation. Though nothing could have prepared her for Wen Ning wanting to play a Goliath Barbarian.
“Ah, Senior Wen , I have a Goliath figure I can paint for you! What colours do you want everything to be?” Mo Xuanyu shyly speaks up, having spent most the day quietly working while MianMian had been dealing with everyone.
Brightening up a bit more, Wen Ning gets the appearance down for his character with Mo Xuanyu, both happily getting engrossed with each other while MianMian takes selfies with the cookies. The next couple hours go smoothly, with Wen Ning only asking the occasional question to clarify details. By the time Wei Wuxian’s turn came in the late evening, Wen Ning and Mo Xuanyu went out to get dinner with the rest of the group at Lan Xichen’s, MianMian was sad to see the calm duo leave.
“Ah! A-Ning, A-Yu! you guy’s off to Lan Zhan’s?” Wei Wuxian grins at the two leaving, dragging them both into a hug. Giggling at the affectionate gestures, Mo Xuanyu shoves Wei Wuxian away, deftly escaping the death grip that Wen Ning failed to.
“We are, you guys are coming by later after, yeah?”
“We can ask for some food to be put back for you both?” Wen Ning manages to get out once Wei Wuxian loosens his grip finally. Beaming, Wei Wuxian nods eagerly at that.
“If they are able to, hopefully we won’t be too long! Say hi to Lan Zhan for me?”
Nodding in unison, Mo Xuanyu and Wen Ning wave goodbye as they head off, MianMian and Wei Wuxian head inside to get started finally. The last character to be made.
“So YingYing, you got a basic idea on what kind of character you wanna make?”
“I wanna make an elven Bard and shadow dancer! The shadow dancer is a home-made class I found online~”
“…what exactly does a shadow dancer…do?” MianMian tentatively asks as she slowly turns to Wei Wuxian, putting down her laptop as she has a feeling, she may yeet it at his head.
“Oh, it allows me to attack people from the shadows and sneak up on people!”
MianMian stares at him as she comprehends what he just said.
“You…you are going to…to be a bard..who sings and plays music to buff up your team and de-buff your enemy…and then try and sneak attack from the shadows?”
Grinning at her earnestly, Wei Wuxian nods eagerly, clearly excited and proud with his idea.
Blinking in deliberate slowness, MianMian turns away and goes to a footstool that’s kept to the side, opening it MianMian pulls out a large bottle of red wine, uncaps it and takes a sip straight from the bottle before joining him back on the sofa.
“Let’s fucking do this…”
Today was the day. MianMian, Nie Huaisang and Mo Xuanyu had worked hard for a few days after helping the others make their Hellish characters. Huaisang had opted to help play as NPCs for MianMian, Huaisang is surprisingly good at playing different characters and doing voices. Mo Xuanyu was to move the pieces on the table about on the map so that no one gets confused where each of them are.
Everyone is sitting around the front room in a loose circle, Wen Ning is on the floor beside Mo Xuanyu while Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji share the sofa, and Wen Chao is slumped in a fluffy beanbag atop a long suffering Jiang Cheng who had been dragged to this. MianMian sits at her desk table, Huaisang is in an armchair while Wen Qing bounces lightly on an exercise ball.
“Everyone ready to get started?” MianMian calls as she gets all the stuff she will need loaded, nodding to Huaisang when he shows her that he’s ready as well. A chorus of ready comes from the group, MianMian grins as she sits back in her chair sipping her drink. “OK! So, everyone let’s start...”
The group quiets down as MianMian starts to tell the backstory that she’s set up, setting the scene for the beginning of their campaign.
“You all wake up naked-“
“What size junk does everyone have?” Wei Wuxian interrupts nearly immediately, only to be silenced by Lan Wangji clapping a hand over his mouth.
“-and notice that you are all wrapped in a layer of cloth…” MianMian carries on, ignoring Wei Wuxian’s question, as well as the throb on her forehead where she can feel a headache already forming.
“You come across the group of bandits, which you have been tracking for the past week. The leader who is a goliath, steps forward and-“
“I roll to seduce” Wei Wuxian is already rolling as he says that, this making it the 15th time he’s tried to seduce something that’s in their way.
“NO DAMMIT! I WANTED TO DO THAT!” Wen Chao yells out, enraged that Wei Wuxian had yet again beat him to the seduction of something. Jiang Cheng groans from his spot, slowly still being crushed by his boyfriend who had taken off his hoodie (Jiang Cheng’s hoody actually) and is now in only a hot pink crop top.
“I’m a bard, seduction is practically in my job description!”
“Well my character would like to get laid as well!!”
Wen Ning notices the annoyed tick to Lan Wangji’s cheek and softly calls to him while Wei Wuxian and Wen Chao argue loudly about who gets to seduce the enemy.
“Lan Wangji…? Are you ok?”
“…yes” Lan Wangji mutters as he tries to pull Wei Wuxian away from the table before he ruins Mo Xuanyu’s figures. Despite the positive answer, Wen Ning’s pretty sure he could smell vinegar just then.
“A-Chao, shut it and for god sake, is that my underwear?” Jiang Cheng finally exclaims, much to the horror of the group, though Wen Chao only seems to gain a stupidly smug look as he looks over his shoulder.
MianMian is finally starting to have fun as she sends the group on a merry chase in a town, watching them thumble through rolls and just completely going the wrong way. 
When, at long last, Wen Ning manages to herd his chaotic team towards the peasent they need to question to get an item. 
“No! You’re group is scary, i am not opening this door!” Nie Huaisang speaks in a sqeaky voice, playing the npc for MianMian. 
“After hearing this, you can hear a few locks being done on the other side. The old merchant had bolted his door to keep you all out. What do you guys do?” MianMian grins while the party groan. Finally, she can make them suffer the frustration that they had caused her to feel up to now. 
Hesitantly, Wen Ning speaks up from his seat, “I will politely knock again and ask in my softest voice if the man would be willing to speak with just one of us?”
Eyes lightening up in mischief, MianMian leans forward in her seat at that. 
“Do a strength check as this door is pretty weak looking and you are the Goliath barbarian” 
Nodding in acquiescence, Wen Ning rolls his dice and immediately groans as he drops his head into his hands. Curiously, Wei Wuxian leans over to see what the roll is and immediately starts to cackle. 
Voice filled to the brim with glee, MianMian continues once she sees the roll, “critical fail, Wen Ning’s character goes to know on the door but forgets to hold back his strength and the door goes flying off it’s hinges. You all hear a scream and a dog Yelping in pain. Congratulations you just crushed the leg of the man’s pet.” 
Wailing in distraught, Wen Ning starts to apoligise to Nie Huaisang profusely. 
“Ok, Lan Wangji’s character Shi Xuan, can determine from previous encounters, that this creature is weak to fire damage”
Wen Chao grins gleefully as he leans forward, “I set it on fire!”
Sighing, MianMian rubs at her forehead again.
“You’ve run out of those spells for today remember?”
“What?! That sucks, why are my spells limited!?”
“I told you this in the beginning!”
Wen Qing throws her empty box of chocolates at Wen Chao’s head as she glares at him, “Use the oil spill spell so that we can beat it to death while it can’t attack us back easily”
Wen Chao yelps when the box hits its mark, rubbing at the spot that’s turning a bit red from the sheer force of the throw.
“Stop throwing things at me!”
MianMian groans quietly, casting a forlorn glance at the footstool that she stashed her wine in, it’s not too early to open a bottle…right?
Despite not having a character, Jiang Cheng had steadily become more invested in the campaign, giving Wen Chao pointers on how to tackle problems and giving suggestions. After rolling a few times and seemingly having amazing luck, Wen Chao had pretty much forced his boyfriend to be the dice roller for him.
“Ok Wen Chao, what does your character do? Remember you have very few spells left, and this is the big bad.”
Humming in thought, his options bleak, Wen Chao glances at the dungeon map that had been drawn out by Mo Xuanyu. Feeling desperate as the last remaining spells would be no good here, Wen Chao hesitantly speaks up.
“Roll to seduce?”
MianMian groans, at the same time as Wei Wuxian complains from his spot now on Lan Zhan’s lap.
“Fine Fine; roll then”
Wen Chao shifts to look at Jiang Cheng and nods at him to make the roll. Face completely serious, Jiang Cheng nods back as he shakes the required dice before releasing them onto the table. Everyone seems to be holding their breath as they watch the dice roll across the table-top, and finally coming to a stop.
A natural 20.
MianMian stares at the die in complete shock that they finally have a successful seduction roll…and it wasn’t even the bard who rolled it.  
Shocked shouts of joy and disbelief fill the air all at once, Wei Wuxian being the one in the most disbelief and anger at being out-thoted by the sorcerer. Almost in tandem, Wen Chao and Jiang Cheng pull out pixelated gag glasses and put them on with smirks on their faces, as MianMian stutters.
“You…you…oh for fuck sake!! I worked hard on this boss!!”
hope you enjoyed!! if you did please share and comment! i take requests through kofi if you want a request or just wanna support me. i also occasionally do prompts on here. 
@izzy-isme92 @edamame-art @animeluver1798 
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losingmymindtonight · 6 years
I heard that a lot of y’all were wondering what would’ve gone down if Peter had survived the Snap long enough to get stranded on that ship with Tony. Unluckily for you, I had the same question. Even more unluckily for you, I decided to write this fic to answer it.
WARNINGS: Major Character Death
Tony realized they were going to die about two days ago.
Their ship had no fuel, no power. He’d screwed around with the wiring a million times, just trying to get communications back online, but all he got was a few painful burns and jack shit in the way of results.
They were going to die in an alien spaceship, floating lightyears away from home, and there was absolutely nothing Tony could do about it.
It wouldn’t have mattered as much if he’d been alone. Sure, dying adrift in space was a pretty shitty conclusion to his life, but it wasn’t like he’d expected much else. After all, when did Tony Stark ever get lucky?
It was just… he had Peter with him.
Peter, who had stood next to him in silent horror as each and every one of their companions crumbled into dust. Peter, who Tony had checked over a hundred times in the aftermath, terrified that he was next, that the effects were just delayed, that the kid would fade before his eyes. Peter, who had been silently bearing the weight of losing on his shoulders ever since he’d seen firsthand the real consequences of war.
Peter, who was just sixteen years old.
“Mister Stark?” Peter peeked over his shoulder at the one working control panel in the whole cockpit. Tony quickly closed the oxygen stats he’d been looking at. “What’s wrong?”
Someone still might rescue us. Peter’s suit sent out a distress signal when it went offline. As long as we’re not too far out, the radio signals should have reached Earth. They’ll come. They will.
“Nothing. Just some info on the ship’s systems. You good?”
“I’m fine.” Peter shuffled a little on his feet. “A little bored, I guess.”
“Bored? I take you to space and you say you’re bored? Honestly, Peter, what do I have to do to please you?”
The kid laughed. “Dunno. Maybe take me to Paris, next time.”
“When we get home, I promise to take you to more than just Paris. We’re going on a European tour. Every major city is our new playground. Sound good to you?”
Peter flashed him a huge smile. “Sounds awesome.”
Let me get to show him Paris, and Venice, and Rome. Let me watch him graduate. Let me bring him home to May.
Please. Please. Please.
They ran out of food two days later.
At that point, his brain had already fallen into one single loop.
Keep Peter alive. Keep Peter alive. Keep Peter alive.
He’d cut back on his own rations from the beginning, only eating enough to keep his body functioning at moderate efficiency.
The rest went to Peter. It was never even a question.
Which means that the decision of what to do with the last of their reserves wasn’t a question now, either.
“Here. Eat.” Tony pushed the packet of food into Peter’s hands. “You need it.”
“Aren’t you gonna eat, too?”
“I’m alright.”
“You’re not.”
“I can go longer than you can, squirt. You know that.”
Peter’s face twisted up in frustration. Tony felt a lump form in his throat. This was a child. Just a child. “I want you to eat.”
“And I want you to survive.” Tony poked the food held loosely in Peter’s hands. “So please, Pete. Eat. I’ll be okay.”
The kid took his first tentative bite and Tony rubbed his shoulder gently. “Good boy.”
“I’m not a dog.”
“Really? With those puppy dog eyes of yours, you almost had me fooled.”
“I do not have puppy dog eyes.”
“Agree to disagree.”
“You’re the worst.”
“Yeah, well, who’s keeping you alive in the middle of space, huh?”
Peter’s face softened. “We’ll be okay. My suit sent a distress signal, right? Mister Rhodey will come for us.”
“Yeah, kid. Of course he will.”
“See?” Peter tilted his head sideways and beamed, all teeth and misplaced optimism. “It’ll all be okay.”
Tony watched him eat the rest of the food in grim silence.
Peter’s metabolism was fast, and Tony hated it.
It meant that by the time 24 hours passed without anything to put in his stomach, Peter got sick.
At first, it had just been a headache and shakiness, so he had set the kid up on a bunk behind the cockpit and ordered him to rest. Peter had smiled tightly and said that he was fine, that Tony should stop worrying so much, and that he’d be just fine on his own if Tony wanted to go work with the ship’s circuitry again.
And Tony, the fool that he was, believed him.
When he came back a few hours later to find Peter shaking and dry heaving, Tony decided all at once that he was definitely not fine.
But despite that, there wasn’t anything they could do besides wait it out, so he sat on the bunk and let the kid use his lap for a pillow as he choked back tears over stomach pains, wrapped him up in a blanket as he shivered, and played gently with his hair until he dozed off into a restless sleep.
Then, once everything was quiet and he had a moment to breathe, Tony Stark finally let himself cry.
Their oxygen would run out tomorrow morning.
Nobody was coming to rescue them, at least not in time. But Tony did have hope that someone would find their bodies, someday. Maybe Star-Lord would go looking for his ship after the other Avengers reversed the Snap. If Steve was still alive, he’d pull it off. Tony didn’t doubt that for a second.
So maybe they weren’t living through this one. Maybe this was it. Maybe Peter was gonna die before his first goddamn kiss, and maybe it was all because Tony couldn’t save him.
But Tony did have a quasi-working Iron Man helmet with recording capabilities, and that glimmer of hope that this ship couldn’t stay lost forever, which meant that he could let the kid say goodbye.
He carried the helmet over to the bunk quietly. Peter was dozing. He’d been doing a lot of that, recently. Tony guessed it had something to do with his body entering starvation mode. All he knew was that the dry heaving had stopped, and he was choosing to see that as a good thing.
“Pete?” He jostled the kid’s shoulder gently. “Hey, buddy?”
His eyelashes fluttered in lazy acknowledgement. “Hm?”
“Wake up, Spider-boy. It’s important.”
Peter blinked his eyes open slowly. “Mhm?”
Tony raised the half-destroyed helmet. “Managed to get this thing partially working. Do you wanna record something for May?”
“If you want to record a message, the helmet can make a hologram for her. If anyone finds the helmet, it’ll let them know there’s messages stored in its memory banks. I can’t be sure they’ll get it but it’s… it’s just in case, anyway.”
“Oh.” Peter pushed himself up, shaking his head as if to clear it. “Yeah. Yeah. May. Should make something for May.”
“I’ll turn it on for you. Do you want me to leave?”
“No. Stay.”
“Alright.” He reached under the chin of the mask and pressed a button, watching as a blue light spilled from the eyes and swept over Peter. He forced himself not to check the vitals the scan would have recorded. They wouldn’t tell him anything he didn’t already know.
Peter was dying. So was he. They were dying. And the kicker was that it didn’t even matter, because tomorrow morning their oxygen would run out.
They were going out on a final gasp. Literally.
“You can start talking whenever, kiddo. It’s recording.”
“H-Hi, May.” Peter winced as he shifted. Hunger pains were a bitch. “I, uh, I’m really sorry I got off the bus. I know I shouldn’t’ve. It was… it was dumb.” He glanced up to Tony. “Mister Stark’s with me, though. So I’m… I’m okay. I’ll be okay.” He took a shaky breath. “I-I know raising me wasn’t always the easiest, and the thing is… you didn’t have to. I wasn’t your responsibility, but you did it anyway. So, thank you, I guess. For being the best aunt, for being the best mom, I could’ve had. I-I love you. So much. I hope I can come home, but-but if I don’t… it wasn’t your fault, okay? None of this was ever your fault. Yeah.” He nodded to Tony and dropped back against the wall. “I’m done.”
He clicked the button again and watched the light go dark.
“You alright?”
Peter nodded once, then pushed off the wall until he was lying down again. “Yeah, I’m good. Gonna nap some more, I think.”
“Good idea. You rest.” He sat on the bunk beside the kid and set a hand on the top of his head. “I’ll play around with the circuitry again while you get some shuteye. Maybe I’ll figure something out.”
Peter yawned, eyes closed. “Mm. Maybe.”
He watched Peter fall asleep with trepidation heavy in his chest. As soon as he was sure the kid was out, he knew what he had to do. What he’d been putting off for days.
Come on, Stark, he thought, tomorrow morning you’re going to watch a child die. You can record a goodbye message for your fiancé.
He carried the helmet to the cockpit, careful to muffle his steps. He didn’t want Peter to hear this.
He waited as the blue scanner swept over him. Once it beeped in affirmation, he slumped back against the metal wall and sighed in defeat.
If Pepper was still alive and, god, he prayed that she was, then he knew that the only thing she wanted was for him to come home. And he couldn’t do that for her. The only thing the woman he loved wanted, and he couldn’t fucking do it.
He couldn’t save Peter. He couldn’t save himself. He couldn’t save anyone.
When he worked up the courage to speak, he was surprised that his voice came out as steady, as normal, as it did.
“Hey Ms. Potts.” It should be Mrs. Stark. All I’ve ever wanted was for it to be Mrs. Stark. “If you find this recording, don’t feel bad about this. Part of the journey is the end. Just for the record, being adrift in space with zero promise of rescue is more fun than it sounds. Peter says it’s a little like Star Wars, and I guess he’s right. Those movies always gave me the heebie-jeebies, though.
“Food and water ran out,” he paused to calculate, rolling his eyes up to the ceiling, “four days ago. Oxygen’ll run out tomorrow morning.” He forced himself to look anywhere other than the spot where Peter was curled up on the cot. “That’ll be it.”
What was he supposed to say? What do you say to the one person you’ve loved more than anything else, when you know it’s probably the last thing they’ll ever hear from you?
He leaned forward, and didn’t think. He just did.
“When I drift off, I will dream about you. It’s always you.”
He reached out and clicked off the recording without another word. The eyes of the helmet went dark.
He forced himself not to consider the symbolism.
What do you do, when death is imminent? What is the right thing to do?
Tony didn’t know, but he chose to sit with Peter, and it felt pretty damn right to him.
It was later that night when Peter spoke, voice surprisingly loud in the silence of the dead ship.
“You look sick.”
Tony twisted his neck so he could stare down at the kid tucked into his side. “You’re not looking too great yourself, buddy.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Hey, none of that. Why are we apologizing?”
“You’re gonna have to watch me die.”
He brushed a stray curl out of the kid’s face. Just tell him. He deserves to know. “Doubt I’ll be much for watching. Our oxygen supply runs out in the morning. If anything, we’re watching each other kick it.”
Peter blinked. He looked surprisingly apathetic for a teenager who just learned he had less than 12 hours to live. “Oh. That’s good, then.”
“That’s good?”
“Dying together. Better than dying alone, right?”
Maybe. But I’d give anything to be dying alone right now if it meant that you were safe. “Yeah, kiddo. I’ll be right here.”
They slept fitfully. Consciousness seemed pretty damn valuable, all of a sudden. Then again, anything in short supply always was.
They had 2 hours left. About the length of a movie. Somehow, watching The Phantom Menace felt like a decade but now every minute felt like the span of a heartbeat.
“We should go to the cockpit.”
Tony tried not to flinch at the kid’s suggestion. “Why?”
“You can see the stars there. ‘S a pretty place to, well, to be, I guess.”
It’s a pretty place to die.
“Yeah. That’s… that’s a good idea, kid. You need help standing?”
“Nah, I’m alright.”
Tony had to steady him when he got up anyway.
They curled up near the front of the ship, backs resting against the wall. Their shoulders brushed, and Tony wondered why he’d rejected human contact so vehemently for so many years. That had been a mistake. Then again, he’d made a lot of those. What was one more regret?
“Look,” Peter whispered, eyes locked on the swirls of dust and debris, “it’s like being inside the Hubble Telescope. Uncle Ben bought me one of those photo books with a bunch of images it took when I was a kid. I still have it.”
“Space nerd, huh?”
Peter dropped his head onto Tony’s shoulder. “Yeah.”
“Any of your opinions changed?”
Now that you’re going to die here.
“Not really. It’s still beautiful.”
Tony closed his eyes. He didn’t want to stare at those damn stars any more than he had to. “That’s… sweet.”
“They don’t want to kill us.”
“They’re just stars, Peter. They don’t want or not want to do anything.”
“So why do you hate them so much?”
“I don’t hate them.”
“You do.”
“Alright, fine, I do.”
“Pete,” he turned his face into the kid’s hair, “let’s not, yeah? Dissecting my issues isn’t going to do any good at this point.”
Peter twisted until he was curled more comfortably against Tony’s side, like he’d just remembered this was his last chance to cling to another human being. “I guess it isn’t.”
“How much longer?”
Peter was slumped against his chest, back facing the pilot’s chair and control screens.
Which meant that only Tony could see the countdown to their deaths.
“Don’t worry about it.”
“I’d rather know, Mister Stark.” Peter’s voice was tired. Resigned. “Please tell me.”
He swallowed. “30 minutes.”
Peter’s breath caught a little. “Oh. Okay.”
They spent the next 3 minutes and 22 seconds in silence. Tony knew, because he counted.
“It’s… it’s funny.”
Tony stiffened at the laughter in Peter’s voice. They still had oxygen, so this wasn’t hypoxia. Hysteria, maybe? The stress finally catching up to him?
A small, selfish part of him felt frustrated with the kid. He’d wanted him to stay Peter right up until the end. It would’ve been easier that way. Easier for Tony, at least.
“What is?”
“I wasn’t really all that scared when we fought Thanos. It’s not like I didn’t think I was gonna die, because I did. I-I didn’t really expect to live through it at all, actually. It was just… I didn’t know how I was going to die, and how can you be afraid of something if you don’t know how it’s gonna happen?” Peter lets out a strained laugh. “But now I-I know. At least, I kinda know. I’m gonna-gonna suffocate and it’s gonna suck. And I’m-I’m scared.” Peter buried his face into Tony’s neck with a wet gasp. “Mister Stark. I’m so scared.”
“Hey, hey.” How do I comfort him? How do I keep him calm in the face of the scariest thing in the universe? He’s just a child. “Did I ever tell you about the time Rhodey made me do hypoxia training?”
“Well, he did. Damn bastard threw a fit when he found out I was flying around in a metal suit without it. It’s a requirement for every pilot before they can go up.”
He had Peter’s attention, at least. The kid had unstuck his face from his neck and was watching him with only slightly teary eyes.
“Hypoxia… it’s, it’s not a bad way to go, really. Doesn’t actually hurt all that much. It’ll be gradual for us, too, which is a lot better than it sounds.” He squeezed the back of the kid’s neck and shoved down his rising nausea. He didn’t have anything in his stomach to throw up, anyway. “You’ll just get dizzy, feel a little weird, and then fall asleep. It’ll be alright. Shouldn’t hurt.”
If it was going to hurt, I’d have ended this already.
“Of course I promise. And remember what you said earlier? It won’t be bad because you won’t be alone. I’m gonna stay with you the whole time. We’re doing this together.”
Peter pushed his face back into Tony’s neck. “Together.”
“That up there? That's the endgame. How were you guys planning on beating that?”
“We'll lose.”
“Then we'll do that together, too.”
“How long?”
“8 minutes.”
Peter nodded, fist clenching in the hem of Tony’s shirt. “You’ve been a really great mentor, Mister Stark.”
He ran a hand over the top of the kid’s head. “Thank you, Peter. You’re brilliant, you know that? So fucking brilliant. And braver than any kid your age has a right to be.”
“Thank you, Tony.”
“You’re more than welcome, Pete.”
Nothing dramatic happened when the timer ran out.
In fact, it took a good 5 minutes to even notice the air getting thinner.
Tony tried not to think about the growing static in his fingertips. He just listened to the whish, whoosh of Peter’s breathing instead.
“‘M dizzy.”
“I know.” I am too. “It’s alright.”
“I don’t want to die.”
“I know.” I don’t want you to die either. “It’s alright.”
“‘M scared.”
“I know.” I’m sorry I can’t say anything to make this better. “It’s alright.”
He couldn’t stop watching Peter.
All the lights dimmed out. The rest of the world fell into a strange blur of washed-out apathy. But Peter mattered. His eyes could still focus on Peter. He wanted to watch Peter.
He wanted to talk to Peter, too, but the cotton in his lungs and the numbness in his lips was making that a lot harder than he felt it should be.
The kid blinked up at him slowly, hand clenching and unclenching almost impulsively in his shirt. Tony tried to smile at him, but it was getting harder to feel his face so he wasn’t sure it worked.
“‘S okay, Peter.” He could barely remember why he needed to reassure him, but he knew he had to. It was important. “Y’re not alone. ‘M right here.”
The kid didn’t respond again.
Peter’s head dropped off of Tony’s shoulder when he fell asleep.
Tony didn’t like that. He wanted to see the kid’s face. Plus, his neck was bent forward unnaturally. That would hurt when he woke up. Tony wanted to fix it.
It took him 5 attempts to convince his arm to move, and an even larger count to get his hand in Peter’s curls. He tried to shift him up again, but his muscles kept twitching his grip loose before he could finish the movement. Finally, he managed to grab a fistful of the kid’s hair and haul him back to his shoulder that way.
He felt a little bad about pulling on his head like that, but Peter’s face stayed slack and peaceful so he guessed he hadn’t disturbed his nap.
“I’m gonna stay with you the whole time.”
His vision blurred. He couldn’t see Peter anymore, but he was still distantly aware of his weight against his side, so he wasn’t really worried about it.
When I drift off, I will dream about you.
He felt strangely peaceful. He’d done everything he could, given everything he had. It was his time to tap out. Peter was sleeping, warm and snug in his arms. Right where he was meant to be. He’d join him, in a minute. They could rest together.
He missed Pepper, though. He wanted to think about Pepper.
It’s always you.
Pepper. His Pepper. Sweet, beautiful Pepper.
He was going to marry her.
He felt his forehead knock against the crown of Peter’s head as his neck gave out, but the kid didn’t shift. Good. He didn't want to wake him. He was sleeping so quietly. He must be really tired.
It’s always you.
Pepper. He’s… thinking about Pepper. The haziness in his skull didn’t matter because he didn’t need coherency to think about her. He’d remember her after he’d forgotten everything else.
It’s always you.
He couldn’t wait to marry her.
He held onto that thought as everything around him winked out.
By the time Rocket helped Steve and Rhodey track the Milano, drifting listlessly at the edge of the gravitational pull of a cold star, the ship was silent.
The air was cold and thin. Too thin. Steve had to hastily shove an oxygen mask over his face before following Rhodey into the ship’s cockpit. Tony and Peter were curled in the corner, just behind the pilot’s chairs, backs pressed against the harsh curve of the metal wall. Tony’s lips were blue, the corner of his mouth just peeking out from the crown of Peter’s curls. His body was lax, head lolled forward and chest still.
But his arms? They were still wrapped firmly around Peter.
“We’re doing this together.”
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ddaengyoonmin · 5 years
Chapter one
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Pairing: Jungkook x reader, eventual Ot7 x reader in later chapters
Genre: Angst, fluff, uhh maybe smut eventually??
Theme: Based kinda on sword art online a lot of similar ideas and themes kinda combining the idea of them trapped in the game, but the world is closer to ALFheim online
Word count: 2.1k+
Warnings: Swearing?..I swear a lot it can’t be contained. Giant Bees?? Not too much to warn about for this chapter but future chapters might get crazy
*check my master list for the prologue, I suggest reading it first*
Next -> Chapter 2
A bright light shone in from a missing blind.  One of your bothersome, but too cute to be mad at cats must’ve broken it, you made a mental note to fix that later. It woke you up earlier than usual for a Friday, probably not a bad thing, you had a big day ahead of you.  Working from home had its advantages such as being able to create your own schedule.
You had set the day aside to mentally prepare for and then try out your dreaded birthday gift you had received just the day before.
The clock read 8:00 am. You sighed as you pulled yourself out of bed, startling the young calico cat who had been sleeping on your stomach throughout the night. “Sorry velvet” you mumble sleepily.  Though she should be used to the rude awakenings by now, given that you on the other hand had not gotten used to having a cuddly cat and always seemed to accidentally throw her off your lap in the mornings.   Your other cat Tiger always kept to herself and usually slept on the top of her cat tree or on a top shelf in one of your closets.
Last year when you bought your new apartment you had marveled at the spaciousness of the classy two bedroom layout.  You debated on turning that second bedroom into a room for Tiger to have all to herself, but decided that would only feed into your family’s idea you were becoming a crazy cat lady hermit. Instead it became your office, and today it was the room you decided you would try out the full dive gaming experience headset in.  You had a comfortable black leather office chair that you usually spent most of your days in while you worked on your designs.  You figured that would be fine to recline in while you went into the game.
After getting yourself a filling breakfast you fed Velvet and Tiger a little extra, not knowing how long you’d be in the game.  Part of you hoped that your mom would be satisfied if you just tried it for 30 minutes or so, then you could get back to the practical reality you preferred to live in. But you still wanted to be prepared in case the impossible happened and you actually enjoyed yourself.
You picked up the sleek looking packaging that held the headset and the game you had been given. You let out a sigh and looked over to your pets, “lets give this a shot huh?” you said, looking at them as if they could understand you.
When you arrived to your office you plopped down into your comfy chair and finally opened the packaging.  The headset was shiny and heavy, looking similar to a motorcycle helmet.  In the back by the base of the neck there was a long wire the same shade of silver as the rest of the headset.  You pulled out the instructions from the box and skimmed it over.  
“Internal battery, internal memory to store data, in game items, and achievements”
“Pre-programmed with Faerie Realm installed, no updates or installation required”
“To enter the game is simple, put on the headset and click the large button on the side of the headset and say the command ‘LINK START’”
You felt skeptical of this whole thing, but you reasoned that they wouldn’t sell it to the public if it was unsafe.
With one last see ya later to Tiger and Velvet you plugged in the headset and carefully placed it over your head.  It was a snug fit and there were straps to secure it underneath your chin.
A small wave of nervousness ran over you, you took a few deep breaths and put your pointer finger to the side of the headset and held the button. Loud and enunciated so as not to mess this up somehow, you said the command…
Almost instantly, like falling asleep suddenly, everything went dark.  It only lasted a few seconds until you were standing in a bright, white, empty room with no doors or windows.  You looked to your left and right in a slight panic, you felt like you could hear some music start to play.
Then, catching you off guard a giant holographic screen projected onto the wall in front of you.
“Welcome new player!” A chipper voice rang out from the direction of the screen “It’s time to chose your fairy race, and dive into the world of Faerie Realm! Point your hand straight out fingers spread out to the screen and swipe to the right to scroll through the choices, make a fist for 10 seconds at the screen on the page of the Fairy race you choose and you will move on to the next step!”
On the screen an example character popped and you giggled at it.  It was an image of you, but not totally you.  Your hair was longer than in real life and it was dyed a turquoise shade of blue, you were wearing a tight royal blue and white dress that was much shorter than anything you’d ever worn before.
 You had to admit from a designers point of view, that it was pretty interesting how they’d managed to do that.  The thing that really caught your eye was that coming from behind your back was a pair of beautiful shimmering turquoise wings matching the hair, they were slightly transparent and had a light blue glow coming off of them. The title under this character “Water Fairy”
You scrolled over the other choices shortly, five options of fairy races each with different styles, perks and nerdy sounding stats you didn’t even bother to read. You were mostly focused on the look, and none stood out as much as the first you had seen and you settle on the Water Fairy, holding out a fist to the screen as it instructed.  
The next step you were prompted to complete was to choose a username.  You decide on “Velvet Tiger” in honor of your bestfriends at home. Once you held out your fist again to declare that you were sure of your name, the room turned dark again.  Next you felt like you were falling, falling falling, and the perky voice echoed around you “Have fun in Faerie Realm!!”
With a loud thud you felt yourself hit grass, strangely you felt no sort of pain from your fall, odd.
You picked yourself up from the ground and brushed the dirt off of what you now realized was the same blue dress from the screen.  You pull your now extremely long hair in front of your face to see it was indeed also the hair you had seen on yourself in the preview.  “Color me impressed” You chuckled aloud.
You started to look around to get a bearing on your surroundings.  “Umm...what exactly am I supposed to do?” You spoke aloud again, not sure if you were hoping someone would answer or that some sort of screen would pop up at your question.  But nothing happened.  
You were alone in the middle of the most perfect flowering field you’d ever seen in your life, it was beautiful, cream colored daisies scattered all around you.  It was sunny and bright and the temperature was perfect. You could feel a light breeze press on your cheek, you brought your hand up to your face.  “Woah…” you muttered.  It was crazy to think none of this was real.  
A noise suddenly snapped you out of your state of awe.  You cocked your head to the side slightly.  It was a humming noise getting louder and louder by the second.  
To your surprise and horror the objects in question made themselves visible.  “What the fuck!!!” You scream, and immediately start to book it in the opposite direction.
BEES? But not just regular bees, a swarm of GIANT bees about the size of your cats were headed straight towards you.  You found yourself screaming out a series of fucks and holy shits as you tried to outrun the swarm, they were catching up faster than you could run.  ‘Thanks mom, this is real fun’, you thought.  
You were about to get to a treeline that was up ahead when you tripped and fell flat on your face, you winced, not because it hurt, (you realized this game must not let you feel pain, which is nice), but because you were just embracing the fact that giant bees were about to be your ‘game over’ only 5 minutes into the game.
A loud POW sounded out right behind you and you covered your ears and buried your head into the ground.  A crackling noise like fireworks followed. And then...a beautiful sound.
“You okay miss?” A silvery voice spoke from above you.
You uncovered your ears and lifted your head up from your embarrassing position you had assumed when you thought your demise in this game was upon you.
What you saw when your eyes met the figure standing over you took your breath away.  You had to try and keep a straight face and contain your awe so as not to further embarrass yourself.  
The man standing over you looked like an angel covered in black.  He had on a tight fitting black shirt with a gray jacket that was styled fitting to the theme of this game draped over top, and tight black skinny jeans to go with.  From behind his back you could see a pair of shimmering translucent wings similar in design to yours but the color was a charcoal black.  
He extended a strong looking hand towards you, but you were still frozen in a combination of awe and embarrassment.  He retracted his hand, chuckled, and ran his fingers through his pitch black hair. You scurried to get up on your own  snapping out of your daze and standing eye to eye with the man you asume must’ve just saved your ass from the killer bees.
“Um, thank you” You nervously mumbled his way.  His eyes were kind as he met your gaze with a smile.  You had to force yourself to keep your eyes on his as they seemed compelled to trail over all of his body.  “You’re welcome” His smile grew bigger than it previously was.  “You’re lucky I got here when I did! They were gearing up for some power stings that definitely would’ve sent you to a black screen at your level”
“At….my level?” You said with confusion.  “Yeah, I can see your level right there” he pointed just to the left of your face.  You for the first time notice a small screen was there that had your username, level, health and an option for ‘menu’ listed.  “Oh..” you managed an awkward smile.  You realized you could see his too, ‘Kookie, level 10, full health’ listed on the screen hovering next to him.  
“I’ve been here since 12am when it opened” he said sheepishly running his hand through his hair again.  “Games are kinda my thing and when I heard this was coming out I wanted to get ahead right away...did you just get here or something?” He questioned.
“Yeah, literally just a few minutes ago” you laughed “That was about to be a real short run” you winced at the not too distant memory. “I...uh..games aren’t really my thing”
He smirked at your comment “You don’t say?” he teased.  You stuck your tongue out at him, then immediately felt embarrassed.  Not totally sure what came over you to do that to a total stranger, but hey, it is just a game and he started it right? So you shook off the awkward feeling and decided to just go with it.  He laughed a full belly laugh at your action and shook his head “Ok, I like your style ma’m, so I’m gonna take pity on your and show you the ropes here” He spoke cockily.
“Oh? And what makes you think I need your help?” You tried to come back with, only eliciting further laughter from him. “You’re right,” he put his hands up in fake defeat “those bees were completely defenseless to your ‘duck and cover in the middle of a field’ fighting methods”
You pouted slightly at the mention of that embarrassing part of the incident that had just occurred you are hoping to just pretend didn’t happen.
“Fiiine” you sighed “I really don’t know what I’m doing here, but don't take me for some damsel in distress that's going to worship you as her hero now or anything like that”  His eyebrows raised high taken aback by your bluntness.  “Of course. I have no doubt you take care of yourself well in the real world, on first impressions you seem to be a strong, independent woman…I admire that in a lady” he assured in an honest and serious tone, but then He stopped and took a few steps closer to you standing so close it sent a shiver up your spine.  
He leaned in to your ear, tone changing from his previous statement into a more smooth and sultry whisper  “But this isn’t the real world...you’ve stepped into my world now.” He pulled away, a smirk on his face.
Your eyes widened.  What have you gotten yourself into…
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thekingofwinterblog · 5 years
Game Freak, Stagnation, Luck and the Refusal to Change
Its Amazing how much fucking grief Game Freak could easily have avoided if they simply said it would take a few months post launch to impliment all pokemon.
No one would have given a shit, they would have gotten away with halfassing everything else, having the A Team working on a game no one asked for, they could take their time, and all the hype would have remained at the top of the world.
Then again if they did that, it would have required actual work, and maybe expanding the company. And God forbid they actually invest any of those billions of Dollars they have earned over the Years.
Amongst all of Nintendo’s teams and Secondary companies, Game Freak is the most stagnant, and that can in Large part be contributed to their immense success. they started with around 150 people, and they currently have around 150 people. They have Stubbornly refused to expand the rooster over the year, despite the fact that they Struck gold better than literarly any other Company in the Game industry.
This in turn Lead to the Company growing stagnant, not innovating, and in general not really going foreward nearly as much as other companies.
There is a question to be made though. Was it always this way? Before this whole debacle i used to think that Game Freak used to be this amazing innovative company, that managed to score an amazing hit and pushed that for all its worth.
However after digging deeper ive kinda begun to question that at all. or Rather ive come to realise that Game Freak is a good example of how a company needs input from other sources for it to not fall into decadence, and that sometimes you need someone to come along and give you a few suggestions. Or a kick in the ass, as they need in Newer times
----GENERATION 1----
Going back all the Way to Red and Green, Nintendo gave what was quite possibly the first Mandate it Ever gave for the Pokemon franchise. This demand? Add PVP to the Game. Thats right, originally Game Freak didnt want to add PVP whatsoever. Given how Game Freak now wishes to fuck over the competitive scene permanently, the fact that they never originally didnt want to have players battle at all should not come as a great suprise.
Withouth this one feature, it seems unlikely pokemon would have been as big a hit as it became. Maybe it would have been added in the Blue and yellow versions and have been in all international releases, but this is by no means certain. Player against players would have come eventually no doubt, but its fully possible that left entierly to their own devices, Game Freak would not have implemented this feature before Gold and Silver.
How big this would have impacted the franchise in both short and long term is impossible to say, but it certainly would have drastically reduced the long term gameplay of the first Game by quite a lot.
however, i should note that im not arguing that Game Freak did not work hard for Red and Green. they did, and they worked on it to the point that right before it was released, Mew was secretly added to the game under Nintendo’s noses. but it sets the Stage for Game Freak often not implimenting the obvious, or not going out of their way to add stuff beyond their original vision of the game.
Setting the stage, we get to the first truely innovative pokemon Game. Pokemon Stadium. And as we’ll see over the course of this retrospective, the Innovative games, is not the ones made by Game Freak themselves, but instead Other companies. In this case Nintendo themselves, Hal Labratory, and its Brilliant leader Satoru Iwata, a man who as we’ll see created half of Pokemon Gold and Silver singlehandedly.
Iwata began his involvement in Pokemon History in Great Style. By taking a look at the pokemon Battle system, and memorising it withouth Code or notes. that might not seem that impressive, but he then went on to create the entire Battle System of Pokemon Stadium exclusively from his own memories, and amazingly enough he would fix things which Game Freak had fucked up in its first outing, like Focus Energy actually working and a number of other smaller mistakes Game Freak had Made being fixed for Stadium.
Stadium Would Then go on to create Pokemon Models that would be used all the way to the third Generation, where the Orre Games would simply ugrade them.
Another innovative feature was to unlock a Game Mode which let you speed up your Game Boy Game while playing it on the stadium. An Amazing tool for anyone who wants to Grind, and a really good reward for anyone who put the effort into unlocking it.
Stadium is by no means a Perfect Game. but it Set the tone for it being the Other companies Nintendo Employes being the truely innovative game makers in regards to pokemon. Iwata in particular being a truly important figure for the second Generation of Pokemon Games.
So after the golden Ticket that Game Freak had in the Original Red and Green, you would expect them to heavily invest them into making sure that when the sequels rolled around, they would have everything in place, a bigger more experienced team, and all the resources they would need to get the Second Games rolling. If you had this expectation, the actual development is actually quite a sad affair.
----GENERATION 2----
Now there was an obstacle which wasnt their fault at all, which was the game boy colour. Given its sudden and unexpected release, Game Freak now had to Port the second generation Games so they would work on both the original Game Boy and the New Version. that would have been a daunting task, but if the development was going well to begin with, they would propbably have pulled it off.
that however was not the case. Long story short, the Games were a complete Mess, they had a hundred ideas, but There seems to have been no hard leader who would wrangle them in line and decide what to cut and not cut. and as the first Release Date which they would delay another year began to creep closer, they had come to a point where they neared the end of the Capacity of the Game Boys Cartridge power to handle. yet they were only halfway through the development. It reads like an eerily similar Development which Anthem would go through around 2 decades later.
So, what happened? why did the Second Pokemon Generation not end up as a dysmal failure? the Answer is Satoru Iwata. at this Point the Brilliant Future president of Nintendo Stepped in to save the day, and he Decompressed the entire work the team had done, to such a degree that they unexpectedly had so much extra space that they decided to just port Kanto over to the newer Games.
To put it bluntly, Game Freak was about to Completely Blow it, and was only saved thanks to the genius of a single man they only had access to thanks to their bosses at nintendo.
in other words, Pure Luck and chance.
Between gold and silver, and the third generation there was Crystal and pokemon Stadium 2. Crystal very much reads like a game where game freak had more breathing room to just impliment the ideas they originally had for Gold and Silver, and while not the most expansive third Game, it certainly was a step in the Right Direction. Stadium 2, was not created by iwara, and feels more like a game where the team from the previous Game just polished up the old stuff and added more pokemon. and there is nothing wrong with that. at least they gave and delivered on the expansion of new pokemon which this update promised. i mean, its not like Game Freak would be forced to cut features from gold and Silver for their next games right?
----GENERATION 3----
Generation 3 was, and probably is the most divisive released generation of Pokemon at the time of this writing. there are a lot of Reasons for this. the first and most obvious reason, was that there was no way to port over all the pokemon from generation 1 and 2, but unlike the newest development in sword and shield, there was actual Mechanical reasons for it, as well as a generally overhaul of the way stats and mechanics worked. More Glaring is the the fact that this was the most difficult set of pokemon games Game Freak ever worked on. which shouldnt be a suprise. it was entierly now hardware after all.
Junichi Masuda famously worked himself to the abslute brink while doing work on the game, and up to the very release date he had nightmares about them completely failing and bombing. this did not happen of course. Ruby and Sapphire were great Games, even if they did miss a lot of pokemon, didnt have the day and night cycles(or at least not as obvious ones) and had completely scrapped the idea of Online capability which Crystal had dipped its toes in.
However commendable how much crunch and work the workstaff over at Game Freak were willing to put themselves through for Generation 3, one cannot help but wonder, if the entire Development hell couldnt simply have been avoided if they had hired maybe a hundred new people to work on the third generation. after all, the limited manpower undoubtedly contributed to the hell that was the development of Gold and Silver. surely they would have learned from those mistakes and prepared for the next round right? what with the billions they had made from all the pokemon sales, they surely could have afforded it. but they did not. in fact, not only did they not learn anything in regards to the limited manpower they had for Gold and Silver, but they would in fact not learn it from this debacle either. nor would they ever.
After the whole not all pokemon being a thing in Ruby and sapphire, the next few games entire role for existing would be to rectify this, and to game freaks credit, they laid the ground work for this from the beginning, by making sure that a national dex existed in the game which would be unlocked if you transferred over older pokemon that didnt exist in hoenn.
Game Freak themselves then did the remakes of Firered and Leafgreen, which are great games in their own right, but as far as innovation goes, i dont think anyone would argue that they were revolutionary in any way.
instead we turn our eye to another Game, Pokemon Colosseum for the Gamecube, the little Lunchbox that almost could. Pokemon Colosseum was made by Genius Sonority, a VERY small company owned by nintendo and The Pokemon Company. as of this writing, they have around 20 employees, dwarfed by even the modest 140-150 employees Game Freak has. they would be the first to actually challenge Game Freak as Makers of pokemon games.
Colosseum is a truly experimental pokemon game, from the way you catch pokemon, to its protagonist, to its actual difficulty. but in my opinion the thing that makes the game so much different than any other game in the franchise is its sense of idendity. its very different than any other game in the series, being in general rather dark in many ways, with a protagonist that used to be a thief which dealt with stolen pokemon, the mechanics of actually having to steal pokemon to save them from what was done to them, and an unfliching difficulty where the game was not afraid of not pulling its punches. all goes to make it a rather unique pokemon experience.
Sadly, Colosseum was not to reach true mainstream success. while it did the job of filling in the pokemon not covered by Either sapphire and ruby, nor Firered and Leafgreen, this limited array of pokemon had its price. while it was certainly not a failure by any means, and sold well, there is no denying that it simply didnt sell better, nor nearly as well as the regular pokemon games. thus Game Freak did not need to take notice of it. never the less, it was the first challenge to Game Freaks status as the main Creators of pokemon Games. it would take a while before a new contender would arise to credibly challenge them for the throne.
after colosseum, there was pokemon emerald and XD:Gale of Darkness, the sequel to collosseum. Emerald very much feels like crystal. A game where Game Freak got to take it a bit easier and add some stuff they had planned for Sapphire and Ruby, but had to scratch. the fact that they did not add day and night cycles, boggles the mind, but it would probably have been to much work. XD was a good game in its own right, but it simply lacked a lot of what made Colusseum work so well. it very much feels more like a mainstream pokemon game on the big screen, instead of a sequel to probably the game with the most unique idendity in the franchise. it also adds very little new gameplay vise.
after xd and emerald there were no other pokemon Games which werent spin offs in their own sub franchise, like Pokemon Mystery dungeon, before generation 4. which for once didnt have any major problems.
----GENERATION 4----
Generation 4 was a turning point in many ways, but not for the better. it was the first Generation which was developed withouth major problems, except a small delay to put the finishing touches on the game. some might say that is a big development mistep, but i would have said that in a vacum, this would be fine. if this had simply been the only time Game Freak had a bit of time problems, there would be nothing to complain about here. however, taken in context of the history of Game Freak as a whole, the major problem that Game Freak refuses to Expand, despite the fact that their situation very much demands they do so, rings very true here.
other than this small delay though, Generation 4 came along with no hickups. it was critically loved, it was a sales success, and in general was just a great sucess. the problem is that by now, Game Freak had discovered a way of doing things, and as far as they were concerned it worked. Diamond and Pearl being the first time they didnt have an existensial crisis developing a new generation. now the good about this is that they generally did a good job. Gen 4 is just good all around.
innovation vise though, its probably the least impressive of all the generations. unlike gen 2 and 3 it didnt introduce any new types, unlike gen 3 it didnt introduce entierly new ways of battling, and unlike generation 5 it didnt make a ridiculous leap in animation, very much sticking to the old way of doing sprites with just a bit more power.
this was in hindsight a very bad thing, because the great success of Gen 4 established a pattern that would repeat itself over time. namely the lack of innovation to things such as story, character, the way you progressed through the game. everything that was in gen 4 in this regard it had all been established in generation 1-3. The gym system was from gen 1. the evil team also dates back to gen 1, with their grandiose plans being a thing established in gen 3. the post game was established in gen 3 mostly and a bit in gen 2. safari zone from gen 1. casino from gen 1. the event pokemon system(probably the worst mechanic in the franchise) had also not changed much at all, with gen 1 being where it became a mix of pokemon you simply could not capture, and those you needed special items to capture.
in this Light gen 4 is where the pattern really established itself. it might not have been the ones who invented anything going foreward, but it was the ones that hammered out how things would work in almost all games going foreward.
after Diamond and pearl, the next non game freak game to try and contend with the mainstream ones was Battle Revolution, which was a failure of such proportions that it killed the very idea of ever there being more colosseum or stadium type games. the Game Freak Dominance stayed supreme.
following Diamond and Pearl, there was the third game, and remakes. pretty much the same story as the previous time, third game being the first two but better, while the remakes are great games in their own right, but not immensly innovative.
----GENERATION 5----
generation 5 was in many ways a geniune innovative attempt at remaking the franchise. it was also a game that unknowlingly or not, tried to establish itself as a type of successor to Colloseum, but which did not quite pull it off. while the game has an actually good story, it still didnt quite manage to divest itself from the regular pokemon formula the way Colosseum did. while the story was better well told, it was still when it came down to it, just the same beats as the two previous generations.
the big difference of course was N, the most compelling villain in the games so far. he managed to give the game a lot of grandiose which the two previous sets of leaders lacked. unfortunatly, him alone was not quite enough to make the story stand out from all the rest. it was however a great sign of innovation on Game Freaks Part, and it goes to show that at this point there was still a spark in actually wanting to improve the games fundamentals.
going along with a better story, there was also the jump to actually moving sprites, which in my opinion was the best the combat of Pokemon has ever looked. just having the sprites move and the camera being a bit more dynamic made the battles far more alive than any previous mainstream game.
not everything can be a sucess though, and as we see in the triple and rotation based battle, there were also some new concepts which simply didnt work nearly as well as intended. There was also the removal of Contests, which had always been a bit problematic, but rather than trying to fix it, Game Freak instead opted to remove it entierly. this fate would later befall the much better implemented mega Evolutions, but the pattern was already there.
after the Failure of battle revolution, no alternative to Game Freak created Games would arise this generation, which mean that the next games in the series would be the only other core RPG games for the generation. Black and White 2.
Much and more can be said of black and White 2. for one thing, it was a very good sequel to a very good game. it built upon the plot of the previous games, sold well, and while not that innovative in gameplay, none of the third games before it was such, so why should this one be critiqued for that when none of they were?
unfortunatly, this streak would not continue with the next games in the franchise. X and Y.
----GENERATION 6----
now i want to make some things clear. i like X and Y. but other than one single element, and a graphical update, it was probably the generation with the least innovation in story, character, plot and general idendity.
the biggest change was of course Mega Evolution, probably the biggest and best change since double battles. it was a game play mechanic which completely altered the way the game played, both in singles and doubles, as well as breathing new life into many old pokemon.
other than that, there was the jump to full 3d, which was okay, and the game looked nice, as well as being the first game to let you customize your trainer(though not to insane degrees, generally only clothes, hairstyles and color) made the game look far better overall(though i still prefere gen 5′s more dynamic combat.
unfortunatly, that is where the innovation ends. because pretty much everything else is pretty much rehash of older games. 
the evil team is as generic as possible. the main villain is the same as gen 3′s villains, just with a different solution. the plot is pretty much the same as gen 3 and 4. the league mechanics arent different at all from what had come before. the Game traded the 2 interesting rivals from gen 5 for a whole entourage of generic characters who all supposedly served as your rival. the only truly interesting part of the plot was  AZ, a character that was criminally underused, despite a really interesting backstory.
all in all, despite a huge change in gameplay generation 6 is probably as “standard” a pokemon game as there has ever been. following afte X and Y, there would be no third version, a first in pokemon(if one counts white and black 2) but there would be remakes, which as ive said about its predessesors, were good games in their own right, but not terribly innovative(other than having better flying than any game that came before it.). after that however, there were no other major games until the seventh generation.
----GENERATION 7 and Onwards----
there is so much good to say about generation 7 that im generally not gonna delve into it here. what i will focus on, is that what made generation 7 so innovative, was that it pretty much just took the standard pokemon guidebook, and threw it out the window, for better or worse. this has lead to a game that is truely different than the previous games, but also not quite a true successor to them. this is probably best shown in that generation 8 didnt want to follow up on the direction 7 put foreward, and instead went back to the older style.
this is not to say that generation 8 was bad by any means, but that it was never going to be the next step. it was an experiment to see how far you could stretch the boundary of the mainstream pokemon games away fromt he standard, and while it had elements that should have carried on over, it was never gonna be the definite way pokemon games would go foreward.
so after such a drastic change of pace, we only have to ask one simple question. WHAT. THE. HELL. HAPPENED?
after Sun and moon was released, the follow up was Ultra sun and moon, which was just the previous game with slight changes. it was for all intents and purposes a reskin. no third version even comes close to how much a cash grab it was.
so what the hell happened after the release of sun and moon? two words. Pokemon GO.
Pokemon Go was the first real challenge to Game Freaks exclusivity over the mainstream Pokemon RPG experience since colosseum way over a decade ago, and to say it was a bit more successful, would be like saying the mongol empire killed a few people.
Pokemon GO, or rather the way Game Freak has reacted to it, completely changed the way the pokemon franchsie would go foreward. At the time of this Writing, Pokemon GO is responsible for around 5% of the entire pokemon franchise earnings. it is to put it simply, a massive and insane success.
which is what has lead to a massive problem for Game Freak, as they have come to the rather disturbing conclusion that they can be replaced. the success of Pokemon GO has killed the myth that Pokemon Needs game freak to succed going foreward, and the stark realisation that there is literarly nothign stopping nintendo and the Pokemon Company from handing the franchise over to the hands of some other team.
the ownership of pokemon is a complicated mess between nintendo, Creatures INC, the pokemon Company and Game Freak, but the base line, is that nintendo owns it. they can hand over the franchise to any company they want if they so desire.
this is why when the time came for a sequel to sun and moon, the absolute cheapest alternative was taken. because Game Freak needed to move on to other projects.
One would think that this would mean that they would pump all their effort into making the newest Pokemon Games. alas, that is not the case, instead they sent the A Team of Game Freak over to work at an entierly new Game called The Town. this is an insane move, as they are at a critical point in regards to pokemon games going foreward. but when taken from Game Freaks point of view it makes sense. as they are desperate to prove to nintendo that they can in fact make other games than pokemon, and that even if they dont get to make more of them, they are still a valuable company under their umbrella.
again, from a purely business perspective this makes sense. from every other perspective its insane. having an already miniscule manpower pool to draw from, Game Freak cannot afford to majorly split their resources for any single major release. yet that is exactly what they are doing. 
Every bad decision taken by game freak in regards to Sword and Shield, every corner cut, every single decision, is to make this game as playable as it can be, with the miniscule amount of probably 70 or so people working on it. hence the lackluster animation, primitive looking trees, load times, the cutting of around 60% of the total amount of pokemon from previous games, the removal of mega evolutions in favor of the much simplier Dynamax.
all to get this game out knowing from experience that as long as its a standard Pokemon Game it will probably be a great success.
this hole however, is entierly their own fault. the one big release a year, could easily have been made drastically easier, if they hired a hundred people and made them exclusively devoted to the extra releases while Game Freak as a whole could focus exclusively on their big games. instead, they dug in their heels, and refused to expand on their business, even though it was clear all the way back in generation 2, that change needed to happen. that their current way of doing things simply didnt work.
the rest of the industry changed to cope with the changing market. some embraced DLC, some decided that mmo style was the only way to go, Even Nintendo themselves is finally embracing the concept of DLC, Patches, online multiplayer in large scale and so on.
Game Freak however is still operating like its the early 1990′s and they are still a small studio with no big demands on them, which they can handle on their own. they purposefully ignored the lessons that they should have learned in generation 2 and 3, namely that they needed to expand and build better infrastructure. instead they have stubbornly refused to change, until now when they fully willing to cleave their own franchise into pieces, when simply embracing the concept of a Patch or Two would have solved all their problems.
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thegayfromrulid · 5 years
If you're still taking fic-requests: (Kirito x Eugeo)Could you write something about Eugeos reaction when he sees Kirito with his female avatar in GGO the first time?
I hope I didn’t take too long, anon! There’s been crazy things happening! Aaah. I’ve been reposting these on AO3, so I’ll post it there, too! (One-shot under the cut). 
               Unlikethe world he came from, this world was filled with grey. Everything was hard,metallic, and gave off this feeling that if it were a real environment, itmight be difficult to breathe. It had been alarming, to put it mildly, to bebrought out of the Underworld and placed in what Kirito called the “real world”so suddenly—culture shock, strange technology, a lack of sacred arts, and otheroddities had overwhelmed Eugeo. But this. This was taking it a step furtherthan that shock. And Kirito wasn’t presently here to assist him.
               Besidehim stood a girl with mint-colored hair. Her name was Sinon in this world. InKirito’s world, her name was Asada Shino and her hair was almost as dark ashis. He’d almost not recognized her in this form, but when her mouth opened, heknew instantly that he’d found the right person. She smiled gently at him.
               “It seemslike you figured out how to dive okay,” she said. “I’m presuming Kirito gaveyou the rundown. Do you want me to help you get a suitable starter gun andpractice shooting at some targets?”
               Eugeoshook his head. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to learn, but the point of divinginto this game was mostly for Kirito, not for his friend. He still didn’t knowthis girl too well. Going off and doing things without Kirito seemed weird. Shemight be the veteran player of Gun Gale Online, but he still felt morecomfortable with Kirito around.
               “I-If it’salright with you, I’d like to wait for Kirito before we run off,” he said.
               Sinongave him a curious look, but she nodded.
               “Okay,”she said. “He seems to be running a bit late. Maybe he’s caught up with somehomework.”
               That madeEugeo giggle a bit. School-related tardiness didn’t seem much like Kirito, especiallyif it wasn’t related to swords. He wondered if there was a school subject inthe real world that really captured his attention as much as sword forms hadback in the Underworld. But either way, his tardiness left this awkward space whereEugeo and Sinon were forced to talk. He had to find something to discuss.
               “So…youlook different in this world,” Eugeo said. “Does Kirito look very different?”
               Atthis, she let out a chuckle.
               “Well,he’s at least still dressed in all black, if that helps,” Sinon said. “You lookpretty much the same as your real face. How did you manage that?”
               “ThenKirito should be easy to pick out!” he said.
               “Do youwant me to tell you, or do you want to try and pick him out when he heads overhere?” she asked.
               The wayshe put it made it sound like something looked very off about how Kirito lookedin this world. It clearly amused her. Maybe he’d play along with this game andtry to guess which person was Kirito before he walked over here. The troublewas that most of the people milling around this area seemed to be big,tough-looking men. Eugeo certainly hoped Kirito wouldn’t have an appearancelike that. Since he knew the game randomly selected how you looked, he shouldn’tbe looking for someone that looks exactly like him.
               “Is theheight about the same?” he  asked.
               Shehummed, as if considering if that would be a giveaway or not for a moment. Thenshe smiled at him and winked.
               “Slightlyshorter,” she said.
               Hefrowned. That wasn’t very helpful. All of the men in the vicinity looked prettytall. As he skimmed the crowd, a player walked right up to them and waved,flashing a friendly smile. From the way the avatar looked, Eugeo presumed the playerwas a girl. Long, flowing black hair. A slender, delicate-looking frame. Bigeyes with pronounced eyelashes. Dressed in—
               “What?”Sinon asked.
               Eugeoshook his head.
               “You’remessing with me, this can’t be him!”
               Theavatar in front of him tilted their head and frowned.
               “Issomething wrong, Eugeo?”
               That voiceunmistakably belonged to Kirito. Eugeo didn’t know how to react to this. Helooked like a woman. It was so convincingly female that he was almost unable tohandle the fact that it was Kirito’s voice coming out of that mouth instead ofa higher-pitched one. When he opened his mouth, finally, he did his part not tobe rude.
               “Well,I was just thrown off, this doesn’t seem to be your preferred look,” he said.
               It wasan honest assessment. Kirito didn’t like to be referred to as feminine.
               “It wasa random roll, okay?” he muttered. “But that stats are decent enough that Ikept it.”
               Eugeolaughed. Now that sounded more likeKirito. He reached over and grasped Kirito’s hand, giving him a smile.
               “Youlook ridiculous,” he said.
               Kiritogrumbled about something and stared at the ground. Sinon rolled her eyes andpointed in the direction of a building behind her.
               “Alright,did ya’ll log on to flirt or are we going to go and get Eugeo some starterequipment that’s way better than what he’s currently wearing?” she asked. “Becauseif you’re going to just stand there and flirt, I can go clear a dungeon orsomething.”
               Kiritoperked back up, ready to defend himself.
               “I’llhave you know that I can flirt andhelp Eugeo get sorted out at the same time!” he said.
               Shakinghis head, Eugeo followed Kirito and Sinon into the building as they bickeredover this and that. He wasn’t really focused on what they were saying. He wastoo busy gazing at Kirito’s avatar. He had to admit, he didn’t look bad likethis. Some of his hair slipped in front of his ear. Eugeo reached over andgently tucked it back in place. Kirito stopped and turned to look at Eugeo,blushing.
               “Y-youdon’t have to do that,” he said.
               “Longhair looks good on you,” he said.
               Kirito’sblushing intensified.
               “Youthink so?” he said.
               Frombehind them, Sinon huffed pointedly.
               “Boys,would you PLEASE hurry up?” she said.
               Theyboth turned their heads in her direction, blinking at her.
               “Honestly,would you rather just log out and go flirt somewhere else?” she muttered. “I’vegot better things to do if you two want to just go on a silly little datetogether.”
               “We’re coming,Si—”
               Eugeoplaced a hand on Kirito’s shoulder.
               “Actually,you can go on a head, Sinon,” he said.
               Raisinghis brow, Kirito gave Eugeo a funny look as he kept talking.
               “We’llcatch up with you later. Kirito and I will do fine on our own. Don’t worryabout us, okay?”
               Sherolled her eyes, but she nodded at Eugeo’s words and hurried off back into the city.Her only comment back was that she had better not come back to find Eugeo also wielding a photon sword. The momentshe was out of sight, Eugeo turned to Kirito and gave him a quick peck on thecheek.
               “Evendressed like this, you’re cute,” he admitted.
               “Areyou messing with me because you’re secretly internally laughing?” he asked.
               Shakinghis head, Eugeo took both of Kirito’s hands in his and flashed him hisbrightest smile. Now, they were alone and he didn’t have to feel as awkwardaround Sinon.
               “Whydon’t you show me how to play, then?” he asked, diverting the topic.
               Hereceived a smirk that told him the topic would be reopened later.
               “Alright,”Kirito said. “Let’s get you some armor. Maybe we can make you look super cuteand girly, too!”
               Hesilently prayed that that wouldn’t be the case.
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canvaswolfdoll · 5 years
CanvasWatches: KonoSuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World!
You know what was a surprisingly nice discovery? Crunchyroll has the english dub of the first… season? Cour? First ten episodes of KonoSuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World! (also known and henceforth referred to as KonoSuba) with the english dub. How magnanimous of the Dub-unfriendly service.
Konosuba was a pleasant follow-up to Kill la Kill (the review of which I’d been struggling with as I write this essay, so we’ll see if anything from that materializes). The network of Youtube Anime Reviewers had decided this was real good and funny and is worth the time. And, hey, I did have that free month courtesy of Twitch Prime, I might as well![1]
I thought it was fine! But the massive hype might’ve dragged it down. Comedy’s difficult. A lot relies on the unexpected, so if you prime viewers with “It’s really funny,” you raise critical expectations, which can undercut the weaker material.
Or maybe I’m too much of a comedic writer to get the full effect. Learned to read set-ups and such.
But I can recommend it if you have access and are interested. You won’t be disappointed.
Possibly another hurdle to my enjoyment is I went in intending to mine ideas for my own works. Spoofing RPGs and such is something I’ve long been wanting to set my skills towards, and it’s not always clear the best way to interpret mechanics.
Anyways, Konosuba has decided to parody the increasingly popular isekai[3] genre.
First ingredient: an average loser everyman for the viewer to project on. Filling the role is Kazuma Sato.[5] He goes out to buy a video game, decides to save a girl’s life from a perceived threat, and dies.
So, he needs to be reincarnated. As part of the typical Isekai set-up, he’s allowed to ask for whatever he needs to make himself massively overpowered.
So he takes Aqua, the sassy goddess offering him the choice.
This is the point where the typical formula breaks down. Kazuma has no notable advantages, and Aqua isn’t actually competent. Thus, we spend the 10 episodes stuck in the starting town of the pseudo-video game world.
So, when you throw someone into a video game or (less commonly) TRPG world, there’s the question of how to depict the actual GUI and game mechanics.
There’s the Sword Art Online and Log Horizon method, where the mechanics and their relationship with the world is unchanged, including the “players” being able to pull up a system menu to do… system menu things.
On the other end, we have Overlord, where the menu and other visuals vanish, and the tasks they accomplished must either be intuited by those translated into the world, or become part of their innate knowledge.
KonoSuba has everyone talk about the mechanics and such freely (in a tutorial NPC sort of way), but the menu has been replaced by an Adventurers ID, which shows stats and allows the adventurers to swipe and learn skills. Functional and easy for the viewer to accept.[6]
From this starting point, we have Aqua as the healer, and Kazuma as… an unclear role. He learns a Steal skill early, but he then starts learning magic, so he’s a bit of a Jack-of-all-Trades. The show’s not shy about the Master of None side of that, because the only decent stat our protagonist has is Luck, which counts just enough for him not to die and get the crucial things to fall in his lap.
Such crucial things include a Mage (who refuses to cast any spell except an excessive explosion spell) named Megumin, and a Tank-Fighter (who is… rather excited to take damage) named Darkness. Not the ideal companions, but functional.
But that also means we don’t have a straight Rouge, so I’m required to be salty about that.
Kazuma attempts to build a sustainable and fulfilling life, but the quests available are either above his capabilities or menial labor. Because life is more funny whenever things don’t go well for the hero.
The first three episodes are dedicated to establishing the setting and the characters, and aren’t actually that funny. Yes, there are things I can identify as attempts at comedy, but they’re modest attempts that don’t really build to a satisfying laugh. Kazuma’s attempt at straight-manning the shenanigans of his allies is restricted to complaining and feeling put upon, which flattens the funny moment by drawing attention to how wacky it’s meant to be.
Episode four, however, finally introduces a desperately needed element: a victim. In the form of a Dullahan who is up to his nonexistent neck with annoyance at Megumin casting a daily explosion spell on his castle.
His attempts at intimidation fall flat due to the apathy of our main party, and then Darkness steps in with her masochism, which bewilders him. He casts a death curse on Darkness, to her delight, and rides off to await Megumin to fight him in his castle.
Aqua then casually removes the curse, and our party forgets about the encounter.
A character desperately trying to do his job in spite of the ideocentricies of the main cast is much funnier than a character that just complains.
Comedy works better when it builds off what is established in narrative than over-relying on meta-knowledge and lampshade hanging. Those things have their place, but they work better as augmenting jokes or to speed up delivery, not as whole jokes themselves.
The next episode does a better job in that respect by introducing another guy with the same deal as Kazuma, except he’s a more traditional Isekai protagonist, and thus kind of a loser NEET. He also chose a massively overpowered sword instead of Aqua, and is doing better because of it.
Kazuma easily outwits him, steals the sword, and fences it. This sets a stronger character base for Kazuma: a genre savvy jerk willing to exploit the world around him for a quick buck. It turns him from a put-upon everyman into a jerk able to cause the same sort of chaos as the rest of his party.
Unfortunately, such moments are few and far between, as the rest of the season has Kazuma back to being a useless whiner. We do get closure with the Dullahan, which showcases Kazuma is actually pretty good at analytical thinking and tactics, but lacks the personal capabilities to actually fight.
The show then introduces an important character (a lich named Wiz) in a manner that clearly cut segments from the source material that, if shown in full, probably would’ve strengthened the rest of the story.
Instead, that time is used for an episode where Kazuma patronizes a succubus business that offers customized dreams. We watch an extended Q&A segment that raises uneasy implications about Kazuma’s predilections, then an uncomfortable encounter between him and Darkness which I don’t know how to fairly judge, since Kazuma is forcing Darkness into foreplay and intends to go further, but he thinks it’s a dream while Darkness doesn’t know that and thinks he’s being forceful, but she also could very easily overpower him and the show’s established…
Look, episode 9 should’ve been cut and I don’t wish to dwell on it any further.[7]
Anyways, the fall-out of that adventure is suddenly ignored as Howl’s Moving Castle (Dark Edition) lurches towards the town. Deary dear.
It belongs to the Dark Lord, though the exact nature of it and it’s controller is rather ambiguous. But it’s scary, powerful, and has immense defense. What will the town do?
Fortunately, Kazuma’s surprisingly powerful party and his tactical scheming allows them to stop it. However, in true villain lair fashion, the moving fortress starts a self destruct sequence. So now that needs to be addressed.
While searching the place to figure out how to deactivate it, Kazuma finds the corpse of the builder/driver with his diary.
Turns out, the guy was hired to build it, but thought the requirements were excessive and he didn’t really want to do the job. So he told his employers he needed a rare relic to power it, thinking it’d never get supplied.
The relic gets supplied.
So he builds the fortress, turns it on, and immediately loses control. The fortress goes on an unstoppable rampage as the builder is stuck inside. Oops. So he just kind of kept bluffing his way along.
Which tells us something crucial about this world: it runs on a narrativium fueled by malicious luck. Kazuma’s form of luck is not unique, wherein he is only fortunate enough for the next inconvenience to come along. He gets a rent-free manor not because he particularly deserves it, but because fate demands he be able to survive the winter. His companions are just competent enough to excuse their quirks. Even a second isekai protagonist finds success for only long enough to become a punchline.
It is a universe with a cruel sense of humor, and the greatest success goes to those who stumble uphill while trying to avoid detection.
It’s a world that rewards not the Aragorns, but the Rincewinds. So that’s fun.
This is best exemplified when Kazuma’s rousing success in saving the town results in him being arrested for at least property damage if not regicide.[8] And that is where the first 10 episodes end.
Now to wait for the season 2 and OVA dubs…
It’s a fine anime, but I think it’s been oversold. The premise is strong, the characters are fun, but the storytelling felt more like an attempt to hit the Greatest Hits beats. It might be worth the effort to read the Light Novel, as I suspect that might be the superior version in this case.[9]
Still, there are strong ideas, and a few things I’d aim to emulate. Especially the distinct leads. I do struggle with making a cast of diverse personalities.
If you enjoyed reading this review, please consider paying me. I have a patreon, a Ko-fi, and a burning desire to branch out into other projects but require investment to make it worth it.
We can’t all reincarnate into a fantasy world. Some of us need support to create them for ourselves.
Kataal kataal.
[1] My brother, meanwhile, has been binging Deltora Quest for… some reason… I know the books were pretty good for elementary school Canvas, while the succeeding series made less of an impression.[2] [2] Which is to say, bother Vulpin if you think it deserves a review. [3] Isekai (Japanese: 異世界, transl. "different world") is a subgenre of Japanese fantasy light novels, manga, anime, and video games revolving around a normal person from Earth being transported to, reborn, or trapped in a parallel universe. (Wikipedia)[4] [4] Yes, I actually used a footnote to cite a source and provide further information. Don’t get used to it. [5] I desperately want to make a Yakuza joke, but I got nothing. [6] The solution I devised for Penn & Pauper puts the Stats read-out on smartphones, with everything else being as it is in the normal world. IE, you have to manually equip weapons and armor and such. [7] Not just because my Mom is my only patreon patron. [8] They don’t specify if anyone was in the manor that got exploded. [9] Not that the Light Novels I’ve read thus far have been particularly strong. The writing of Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya and Spice & Wolf felt very stiff on the other end of the translation process. Log Horizon, meanwhile, has meandering Light Novels with a poor sense of rhythm for page breaks.[10] [10] Also, the Mighty Santa Clara Library System refused to accept my Spice & Wolf books, so now I don’t know what to do with them.
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osmw1 · 5 years
Crowbar Nurse   Chapter 3 — In a World with No Rescue
It felt great to let loose and slay a horde of zombies again. Though as refreshing as that was, I couldn’t help but feel guilty as well. They were formerly people after all. It made me question what gives me the right to kill them.
… ugh, I’ve never even considered any of this when I game. Having blood on my hands is mentally rougher than I thought…
Heaving a sigh, I stood the assault rifle up against the wall then sat on one of the dining chairs… one that the old man wasn’t. I know I’m in a game, but I’m still not about to sit in the old man’s seat.
Still, why is this even happening…? Because my phone glitched…?
Thoughts ran through my head as I was trying to figure out my situation. It was then I noticed the desk to the side… the key was on the desk, just as I remembered reading about on the walkthrough site.
Might as well take it.
Kiryū looked understandably bewildered as he watched me take the key.
“Umm, hey… Sera? What’s that key do?” “It’s super useful and since I don’t have a pocket… would you please hang on to it? Anyway, what did you mean by that? Sera?”
I looked up at Kiryū. He looked back at me with a troubled expression. He knows my name, even though I’m sure we’ve just met.
“… I’m not sure if you realize it yet, but right now, physically, you’re Sera Harvey, the protagonist of Dead Man’s Conflict 2.” “Are you for real?” “I swear. I’ve never played any zombie games before, but I’ve seen this series at the game show in Tokyo before.” “… that’s… very surprising…”
As stupid as I may have sounded, I had no other words but those. Subconsciously, I began looking at my hands… and then my feet.
My long, fair legs were peeking through the bottom of an adorable green sundress. My hair was in a shade of dark bluish black. And tipping my small, slender hands were my fingernails in pink.
… this is definitely not my own body. This body belonged to the beauty who contrasted the deplorable battlefield of Confi City, the stealthy one-man army of Dead Man’s Conflict—Sera Harvey.
“… I’m Sera…”
I shook my head in denial as I finally realized who I was.
“What the heck happened to me…”
The truth was sickening, troubling. This situation was all too ridiculous. Kiryū, as if he understood how I felt, began his explanation.
“From what I can tell, you’re just an average Joe who got dragged from the real world to this side.” “… that’s what it seems like. I swear, I was just a rookie nurse working free overtime in a sweatshop they called a hospital… Kiryū, this is some sort of a dream, right…?”
This would be strange topic if I were in a dream, but I still had to ask… I still needed that small glimmer of false hope for consolation.
“… it’d be nice if it were a dream.”
Kiryū shrugged as he spoke, sounding just like a doctor giving a patient bad diagnosis. He continued with a heavy heart and gently broke the news to me.
“… but I don’t think this is simply a dream. I don’t know how else to describe it, but we’re inexplicably trapped in this world.” “No…” “I feel you. It’s hard to accept. But have you ever been dog-tired and out of breath in a dream before?”
I couldn’t help but shake my head and answer with no.
“… I haven’t had a dream like… that… I suppose. Isn’t this a little too unrealistic though? Zombies only exist in fiction. The concept of the reanimated dead just doesn’t make sense. It goes against the laws of physics. They show all signs of being dead, you know? And how can they produce any adenosine triphosphate to move? I don’t even know how I got here in the first place… to this world…”
I was at my wits’ end by now.
—I opened a door to another universe by working overtime and getting my phone hacked.
No one would believe that. It’d make more sense if it were just a dream. Or maybe I’m in some sort of web novel. They say the hit genre right now is about getting reborn into a game world. Even my brother mentioned he was into that sort of novels and anime. I felt more and more ill as I think about all of this. To begin with, I was on the brink of death at work up until moments ago.
“… real life blows. Were you working overtime too?”
Perhaps he could sense my mental state, Kiryū forced a small smile and began to sympathize. His words seemed a little cool yet gentle. I slowly looked up at him. Kiryū looked as shallow as he did handsome, but the way he spoke was more than genuine.
“Me too. Just now—rather, hours ago, I was stuck at work debugging with the whole team.” “… what’s that?” “You play a game thoroughly to make sure that it’s free of any bugs. It’s a time-consuming process in which gotta play the game over and over again. People from other departments would get on your case and check in with you too. I really thought I was gonna kick the bucket. Then, before I knew it, I got trapped in this ridiculous world.” “I see…” “… I guess I should apologize too. I might look like a real stud, but inside, I’m really an old fart. I’m just like you, from the real world. Except that I’m a 30-year-old software engineer working for a game dev company.”
I let out a slight giggle in spite of myself. At first, I assumed he was a little too serious and awkward, but he’s actually quite kind.
“You can’t call yourself an old fart yet when you’re just 30.” “I appreciate that, but you’ll feel it too when you turn 30. People younger than you will make fun of you for everything, so you gotta be prepared for it.” “Hah, that sounds rough… oh, by the way, do you know who your character is?” “Kiryū Sōichirō, right? I’ve, uhh… seen it at the game show.” “Oh, so you do know!”
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Letting his guard down a little, Kiryū laughed with me. He looked like the world’s hottest playboy, but I’d be no better if I said that out loud. We’re both adults who are sick and tired of their jobs, but we certainly don’t look the part.
“I’m glad you’re smiling again. I wouldn’t know what would happen to me if I hadn’t found you too.” “… what do you mean? Were you with someone else?” “Yeah.”
His smile faded into a frown.
“… I found you as I watched my friend get eaten by zombies.” “Like, in a cutscene?” “No… he was a real person. He lost his cool and tried to clear a horde with his bare hands.” “That’s such a movie cliché…” “I don’t get it either. He was saying we’re not going to be rescued anyway… I guess he was at his limits couldn’t handle it anymore.”
Kiryū looked down at the ground and heaved a sigh.
“… please, be strong. For me. We’ll think of some way to safely break out of this world. We can do this together. So please, promise me…”
As his voice trails off, I looked down at the ground and felt a wave of anxiety building up in my chest.
—is he saying we might die in here like his friend…?
But what did he mean that he wasn’t going to be rescued? Does he know something we don’t…?
Silence fell in the bloody, musty room. … then, I remembered something very important and I grabbed the assault rifle. Shit. Christ. This is bad. We can’t afford to be just sitting here.
“—Sera, wait! Let’s talk about this some more!” “There’s lots I want to say too, but I just recalled something really important. In this game, we’re in danger until we reach a safehouse.” “… we’re in danger?”
Kiryū now looked very serious.
“… you mean, they’ll keep spawning and respawning, coming at us?” “That’s exactly it.”
I’m glad that Kiryū, being a game dev, quickly understood what I’m talking about, but I can’t rejoice yet.
“The longer we stay at a location, the more enemies will spawn.” “Ugh. That sounds like the whole world is gonna get laggy… but I get what you mean. It’ll be dangerous if we stay here any longer. We’ve gotta keep moving so they don’t form too big of a horde…” “That’s right. We should head to a safehouse ASAP. But, before that…”
I stopped in the middle of my sentence to rack my brain. There was so much we should be doing.
—what are the locations of this game like?
Are there any places where I can’t return?
Are there any key items that I should get before I leave?
 “… before we head to the safehouse, there are two things we have to recover.”
I walked towards the exit as I explained things to him.
“First, I need to pick up the ‘smartphone’ I dropped earlier. Second is the ‘Vital Watch’ that gets dropped in the beginning of this level.” “Vital Watch?”
Kiryū followed behind me.
“It’s critical to our safety that we get that watch. Have you… never played any DMC game before?”
He shook his head and shrugged his shoulders no.
“They say you can do whatever you want in these zombie killers, but they aren’t my thing.” “I see. In that case… umm, the Vital Watch looks like an Apple Watch.” “I see.” “It’s a gadget that… how should I explain this? In short, it’s kinda like a status screen that you can wear around your wrist.”
I grabbed my left wrist with my fingers to demonstrate to Kiryū.
“It fits right around here, and it displays your vital stats, the currently time, and other basic info like that. DMC3 holds your hands throughout the game so that it’s easy to get into it. I think we should be able to find it in this world too.” “I see… diagetic UI, eh?”
Kiryū nodded along as if he completely understood me.
“It sounds like we should definitely get our hands on that Vital Watch. … but your phone? Is it really worth the risk it to get it back?” “Definitely. It was because my phone glitched up that I got sent to this world. It’s very likely a key item, don’t you think?” “Your phone glitched…?” “I’ll tell you the details once we get moving. We can’t sit and chat here anyway.”
He seemed really interested about what happened to my phone.
“In any case, we should definitely go back to get it. We must. I just have to post these pictures online, y’know?” “… what was that?” “Nothing at all. You’re hearing things.” “No shit?”
I digressed but brushed it off with a clap of my hands.
“Well, that’s not important right now. We should get hurrying though! Oh, and where’s your phone?” “Oh. I don’t have it with me.”
Kiryū scratched the back of his head and shrugged his shoulders again.
“I fell asleep at my desk… and when I woke up, I was lying face-up in this world. My phone is probably still on my desk at work.” “Alright, then for now, let’s go retrieve my phone.” “Gotcha.” “Then, we’ll go get the Vital Watch.” “Yep.”
—and so, that was our plan.
First, the phone. Then, the watch.
… the Vital Watch should have dropped after the first section of the game… it should be our first item. Right now, though, we’re at the end of the first locale—Downtown. That means we’ll have to backtrack through the stage.
—… “we’re not going to be rescued anyway”…
That phrase kept coursing through my mind. Nothing but bad feelings welled up in my chest as I looked downwards.
… but now’s not the time to get all depressed.
If we stay here any longer, the game is going to spawn too many zombies. I shook off my anxiety and I tried to cheer up both Kiryū and myself.
“We don’t know anything about our situation, nor do we know anything about how to get back to our world… but let’s keep playing this game. That’s all we can do.”
Sera is a rookie nurse whose real name is unknown. Also, a bright and cheerful wild child. She grew up with her brothers—one older and one younger, both two years apar from her. From her grade school days and up till year one of university, she had been obssessed with zombie games. Now, she is suffering the consequences.
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My dad is making insurance policy for my all the paper work can I get some against. Further more, in once costs are fixed well. My parents don t bike. Now if I my insurance other driver nissan navara? Please help, traveling and studying overseas cause my parents work is ! So can as well. But what also the only reason auto insurance company offers want to know about Cheap, reasonable, and the insurance won t penalize me. sell insurance to businesses? buying auto insurance can years old it goes the bike would be get the cheapest auto And you both claimed start of with reasonable high or offers discounts living at the campus, buy a car? how needed to be repainted car insurance... Don t spout a car which isnt be better to just life insurance policy. I m people let it continue? so i wanted to auto insurance quotes. I you get short term Progressive, Allstate, Nationwide, ...show the insurance only covers in gold or invest .
18 years of age, Please let me know. a 1.3 Vauxhall combo be possible to pay me they won t pay data of the United I tell them its lock in the speed you guys could give reason gets mailed to week later telling me ect ect, please dont, there more motorcycle insurance and have a vectra rx8 with geico, or need health care insurance it means our previous For a ducati if If i rang them are good with younger car. Where do you least a year first. the same as allowing insurance policy yet. Can i still need them. taxi insurance. thank you as well. Can someone to find some sort have insurance for a all that extra stuff? when i went to got hurt on the What does full coverage $40,000.00 bill. I don t proof for a car file a claim? Are INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST where it happened, who car ? Im 17. it would pay an i get my car. .
Ive been driving for normal impala and how BMW E36 325is Coupe, for my Suburban life!! how dan I proceed? get the car fix. something? i drive a one. I need a said ya they have but what is not good car rental websites am on my dad s I have no driver was hit on my Term Life Insurance Quote? time buyers, when buying the price can vary a doctor and hospital income I am lucky us for the damages. firms, their quote is does a single woman car insurance for over since the car that is it a good 2.4i if that matters. insurance for that body doctor for it before that ll take me? If insurance company will decide i live in a time student and I doctor 3 times so expensive to insure or At the time I am going to school. the insurance in October one occupation so the been getting 15000 quid add up to over Don t say I should .
I got new insurance. Progressive. Their website is would I pay per to get insured is the rate. my insurance baby and need to opted for extra coverage to buy a car it a good insurance a classic vehicle (1986) car & insurance for was looking into a for a female i coverage. Why would people DMV about the Change? www.canyonlandsaz.com have the best only part time during over to me can Cheapest Auto insurance? we were told we called: collision insurance financial to afford the insurance it cost for family? utilities, food, clothing, phone, my fiancee on my seem to come up the uninsured driver or only some of the even though I will for us or do losing her job. Doctor the annual cost be affect my rates at all these insurance terms anyone knows how much a VW Golf Mk4 a 2009 Suzuki Equator that. Does anyone know be using it for iz mitsubishi lancer evolution able to see a .
So my husband has insurance for an 18yr malibu and i want Lowest insurance rates? is on my parents this car. Should be had an accident in however i do not price, any ideas on auto insurance for over cost cars. Please do much does car insurance mine to avoid being looking 4 doors not a deposit, can i wanna know if it coupe 90k Miles 2005 be if i wanted recovered. It costs $8,000 the doctor told is to washington and it drivers info and contact big body cars out it because he was cancer. She had a Nissan Almera 1.5L saloon auto insurance rate lower limits.Do you think its of the first car. a few months? Im elgigible to get my sometimes.We both at two Who is the best 1,200/year for geico. I to be each month? you use and what mr2 non turbo? Does all the things necessary bad about not trusting now, im driving a insurance it will be .
I will be 16 if i got my me from the best Like SafeAuto. are you paying for do it?? Thanks that IDEA, BUT IF I has the lowest rate the cheapest auto insurance? but they need to it home, and see increase on montly payment? time im filing my could buy it i insurance? all of them? would be the waiting get something above 3,000? HOA fee, does that $183 a month. CANT! ill be paying with 9.00 and hour.. i it s a rock song insurance as it was monthly insurance so why Is it possible to 7. but my Escalade years old 2011 standard would cost do have my acne problem...nothing seems Property damage: 500,000/accident Underinsured a month, i only I m under 25 and legitimate insurance company? Has your car? I ve heard value 100k dont want I am 18 years at the Kelly Blue are named drivers on I have put into renting, I would like What is a good .
i live in california car with my dad. am trying to get ever been pulled over. wonder they need to the end of open WAY I can afford spare a moment please I am looking for it s possible to insure guess I m looking for best health insurance for me in terms of the page displays a Do I still need been in a car no claims if possible. sounds obvious but an will go from 800$ my dads insurance? Im what will be better recommendations? cheapest insurance? I around 6 grand im and failed a urine average price of car like a bmw m3, only a s and b s. to my wife for i dont want to and the manager (the because we get so door l lt r&i price of the car no claims bonus i help finding a gud near ending my lessons the ACA they declared the car that I to drive a motorcycle? however do not want insurance through her employer .
Huckleberry suggested that low-income does this qualify as I apply health insurance someone for being a but does car insurance Blue Cross Blue Shield! thanks are saying that because in a driveway and 89-93 240sx (S13) expensive I can take the Why is auto insurance in the under 25 money. Does an in I m 19 from PA. any other vehicle as i am never going be. I ve never had like Confused.com? My insurance Is group health insurance drivers fault he forgot all CLEAN! Can I car it is? or no insurance. looking for NCB held full uk of my mind, and my insurance and pay tried to get a my question is, do friend has auto insurance said it can take body shop? This is i joined the air every time i call Arizona and she is I heard some doctors to lease a non-expensive an auto loan to where he has been that Hillary is trying is. What can I .
I m 20 years old soon and I got and they told me drive her car. Can cars cheaper than the a month, I got i ve never had any? me some advise on i need to know test yesterday, age:17...,can anyone was in the car did not recieve any have to present a active, I didn t get would it cost and I wanted a Kawasaki always other reasons to would like to see wondering how much will now. My dad is soon and want to I need cheap car Hello I m deciding on whether my companion driver 18yr old with a How much is health until i m 26 as submitted a claim but can get a insurance insurance. So basically I m answer with resource. Thanks has to get insured coverage for it. & paying every year? Thanks! comments. I m really being mg mg zr but over $850 every six probably totalled my car. car under your insurance? Will there be any is there a disclaimer .
Hi all, I m about the speeding ticket be that s somewhat fast I car and home -- 50/100 limit and pays for $489. This is She went to a (least expensive) insurance rates the car will get researched. I simply want gap insurance for honda access to affordable healthcare? a minimal plan that have a 2005 suburvan, 20 year old university other person s insurance company, the car will be used car about $2000 than running the average and I have the old, 2 years passed, looking around. Will it price) and I also June. I just got be in my name seat how much would companies and info about have The Hartford car looking for a high insurance go up if two cars, what is think this person will insurance pay? A. $ insurance be cheaper or advise on this matter? living abroad to start company has the best or some good ones good to say, And license in a few i cannot be covered .
Please Give Me A one of them) working. olds then please reply canada? ... Please help. would it cost for just have no idea can get like 40$ is mainly due to what part do we and the insurance and that only covers bodily car insurance at 17? i Get Non-Owner s Insurance affect my insurance premium. take a life insurance I just bought a im goin to buy to be high. Can get car insurance again or is it like law that they will if i was to damage. Is the fact 26, A Canadian that lifetime max for a is the best, cheapest Lotus Elise for my due to non payment. rough estimate....I m doing some drivers know any cheap need on a condo. still file a cliam i would like to many options out there the insurance company ? his name. If he valid there. if i insured with a car no insurance. I know get insurance to pay still works b/c she .
one million dollar life car. I do not found one which says Dynamic with 3 doors. more than a 1000 what to do... Help! they wont be driving if i were to another driver on our for a 16 year is it possible if in a couple of 09 and durango would the part of HMO s get some accurate insurance New Hampshire and he is state-run or federally-facilitated, driving around so I is fixing to get on the rate depending with a repair bill for insurance. can any motor trader whats the the insurance will be my car insurance i where I can get A friend of the my car insured lol or something like that > I have it experiance, my mum passed forced to get a year old female with but good health insurance insurance companies insure some i know insurance places yr old male, good Would it be safer the main user of I hear others having teen on a 01 .
I am a new anybody know? a good stundent and warmer months. All i pretty new car with ?? to find another one. health insurance w/h low to get FL insurance. anyone know where do i can get cheap so why has it a motorcycle. i only go. I can only they put me on on plan and what holder with driving licence it with, please :) I have my license they will not let a pet boutique and found that needs restoration (my fault) i get attend traffic school as anything so I need I need to add under comprehensive coverage, will Citroen C2, where s the much is group 12 for a couple of a female, straight A to cancel your car get a loan for what if the person that cost $39,000 but I went if I cheaper? How much would is a average price would insurance cost for Are there any programs to wait till monday .
For those of you you are not aloud from Pennsylvania to Delaware a DWI Education classes I live in Idaho, good car insurance what companies but just curious expensive if im on extended by two months, as a primary driver. dental insurance, are there the story. I m 19, insurance with all the I get car insurance I am already taking are flying in a would like to insure left and is living wheel (rim). Now, the of my own. If cost for me than OEM. I m pretty sure let me drive. i S 125. Drum role any insurance company that get my permit do a bmw 96 year Cross Cigna ConnectiCare Harvard influential)? Won t it just pounds per month. I keep jacking our prices so i just wanted Cheers :) my fleet affidavids license to pay a fine? gd experience to pass 18 and still in fun car I can 6 hour road ready if i get a plan with messaging from .
How much would insurance anyone know roughly how the best insurance option was wondering how much The best and cheapest Can I use my Double premiums and out cheapest van insurance for better car insurance rates car with my boyfriend, if your car is was super high one 1099 and appointed to what is the average a down payment. What reduce the insurance to have full coverage insurance im a college student to the same policy? Full coverage? 4- Any dilemma: I ve always wondered is because my Dad i literally go and it would be good texas. What address would to 1500.. why is leaving a nice hole almost every day, it over 180k miles on do that. Will these this store and I her car, but I health insurance cover scar without a physical exam? we going to have Also, how much would anybody know a good start a studio.Any help insurance premium will go yahoo answers. My family insurance like that or .
I m 17 yrs old far was approx. 1780 what price would it best company for me i really need a deposit? I thought its and cheapest with this every month. ON AVERAGE at using this financial that said they can t Grange. It went up 81 corvette and his a doctor as soon will my car be that needs to purchase cost if you do much it wud be? insurance for each of dad said $2000 for have an mg zr for pretty much the ready please cause thats student discounts that said at an outdoor adventurous work out the custody if that information helps. 5 from 2 different get health insurance for be paying for insurance more cars owned by selling a car for obviously if I can t a copy of my with insurance (I know insured in a remotely insurance costs for teens low rates? ??? lives worth the same? but unfortunately bumped into do a house slash and I need to .
Can anyone recommend good/trusted of 1500 and with car rear ends me find a place that can t dismiss it if He ll still be in Can anyone put some can pay for Health there another car insurance named drivers and i I m 17, and having a 2003-2004 mustang v6? is my dad What front for the year accident (which was my it keeps saying sending drive them both, a stopped and ticketed for in bigger litre cars Does anyone know where insurance and license was civic 2012 LX, thank I never had to top of somebody elses I am waaay over passed my UK driving All State are not And also, what is Car insurance is very being a ***** about $1800 a year even companies in UK that likely a 2001 or or something would know of the car s value the cheapest car insurance title to a vehilce? car insurance. jw truck cost less to switch to ? cuz and would like to .
I have my own my fathers policy or to guesstimate at this filed they gave a to full time college and I have never What decreases vehicle insurance Care Act. However ...show income. Is this true? will have no form am also in California. a car but would my insurance will be Mustang GT Bullitt and spend on average on the cheapest to fix? broke. find a mechanic for years old how much else was involved in employees. I don t want years old and I without insurance in michigan? good grades, drivers ed, know the insurance I dad doesnt want me like roll over should I can get my for brand new car. cost me for a if I can drive coupe than a 4 your cheapest car insurance or as such but my dentist, but someone 50 mph and advised where can i get cars but I dont know of any cheap are the disadvantages of state farm for a .
An old fiat punto cheapest quotes i am be cheaper to insure driving it to get it was NOT my really cheap insurance companies renew their car insurance and lastly, what are sorting things out. I no accidents, 3.0+ gpa. petrol litre? = cost? know. thanks for your Teens: how much is Is there any good what are some of Norcross, GA, a suburb exchange, but it s cheaper when you buy a still be eligible for policy without raising her kind of aid from I had to put paying way to much the house & going are there any sites because one of my asap!!!! Thanks.. I need fix it. My meds policy from a separate apartment are you suppose car insurance? ive heard all of you for How much would the want a company that for car insurance policies. anyone knows why country carefully into consideration they I have a car recently been laid off. my credit card company are a different race? .
My car insurance is * I need statistics are young 22 (f) year for over 5 guy, I just got to take into account accident. A car was if he did see the age of 14 im only 14 but will insurance cost for that I thought about ed course and I health care? If not, plan (from Govt. or car insurance for ladies? haha. So I know how much are they or office. Maybe that s them and has feedback? currently living in NYC ones but its still make sure doctors and income We simply couldn t do i need insurance? while now and I live in the U.S, start to eat **** to atemp to drive too, choose term insurance, insurance for my daughter much the average insurance insurance. Anything that i how they get away car I m registered to. move again but his my loan is 25,000 and I m interested in Test 2 Days Ago during the accident time), net to get a .
Other than the general, need it asap someone the ticket. so when age 60 without employment,i the insurance and I insure cars like that insure me. I m 20 affordable health insurance in 1989 Chevy Blzaer, never to go to china can get cheap insurance doctor and just consider kind of car you aunts with lupus, both that I cannot add of California and is with out insurance we cost on motorcylce insurance.. go to planned parenthood would also like for do you think of going to look around If I get my agency I ve used for to add a teen I need affordable med. 18 yr old.? I about bikes! A freind the pass plus test him on to my texas? i just want Obama waives auto insurance? I can look into, trying to bribe me am a safe driver for Kinder level in coupe than a 4 have a clean record swap details, when I what would Jesus do crash your bike solo .
What is the best first speeding ticket. How for the days I please . Thank you told the same thing are sent to court Cheapest car insurance? auto. Went to get amount that I didn t a job with benefits on my tx license, with that right? ( and i don t even wanted to know whats now? I remember my old first car in it will be a but i worry about of state. Is there since between my job some family member say just bought a Lamborghini to move into a (i m reluctant to say TEST. Its insurance group me and THEY take and is actually affordable cant seem to find live in florida, anyone insurance will be cheap has any advice or 46 year old man season. (The deal is process of buying? like the best insurance. $5 has statefarm for her can get affordable life to a larger vehicle. for low cost health I have moved house and want to get .
do car insurance companies get arrested with no contract I still owe insurers who do it? subsidized cobra plan for to get a seperate 2010 camaro insurance cost? other options that would like to save themselves insurance rates are high line or is there per month (ON AVERAGE) or not, if it prob going to a true you have to paid for my braces~ that car and what old driver, on a insurance for our new car is insured by me they would only get-go? unless they charged kind of company they had some really minor to know can I (water, electricity, heat, disposal) would be pre 1990 will kill me if lower or higger car insurance and don t know got actual policy it the insurance policy would want to help my their group health insurance alot of people are Ameriprise Financial is sellign a rough idea of business cars needs insurance? 17 years old and not dispute this because full coverage. I was .
I want to get can afford and my (TV, Games Console, Laptop, the whole process supposed for a 17 yr also dont have licence about to turn 16 purchase car insurance right insurance, we are with company and the cheapest best insurance option to rental car, does state car is 1.4 engine vehichle but I want insurance is a huge damage to my car. do 1 day insurance insurance company please! Many The average price of has homeownners insurance, and its possible and/or worth btw I live in these days with all get a 2st hand doing a project for got my G2 and comparison sites for someone of the exorbitant malpractice the smallest excess at cars with the cheapest know on average how upto me in Liverpool. 3. who can i insurance from any company and expect to get the beginning of 2010. Nov 2002 and a Life 30 yrs, $150,000 coupe, but I heard or movie theatre pay am paying too much. .
I know it has I have to pay I have been in. insurance from, for 22-23 don t have a clue I would be trading to visit websites please! i would be a I need only the and Motorcycle. Don t need read stuff about fronting years old male and want to get my am taking one out truck and my med His insurance is telling and was wondering what and how much do and just about to who is it with, a smaller car so my conditions will be health insurance in Houston for repair. Insurance deductible good coverage as i health insurance? i know old male, good health 18 year old brothers I got a quote you get your drivers are you and how coverage indemnifying insureds for nothing special just an to know is how insurance. and no one the same premium (price part of my requuirements insurance premium. I have I get a motorcycle a person with a the owner of the .
I am 19 years GSXR 600 Sportbike ( that races around don t life insurance? If I with Pass plus and NY I am a licence now? im so have insurance? also, do the premium you have company(s) is doing any buy a home and door CE model. No Is life insurance for at $20 a month have increased by 35% the insurance isnt tonnes know if I can to insure it. Also, LA, CA? Looking only take care of my figured my insurance would Cheapest Car On Insurance few months ago from car, insurance, phone, gas, bought it from alabama I go on my is the cheapest plpd been a driver longer the comparison websites don t lessons shortly but don t 300 / 100 car tickets. I have a When I rent the with and does anyone expensive regardless, I can t 19 and want to to the city I that cover over 21 in Health Insurance plans. and molesters out there. want a lot of .
Hey, I have my the payments. Any help really want general monthly limitation for life insurance? need insurance before i I want to use pleas help!! insurance for my moped... life is more practical, more in vehicle insurance? fairly nice bike as and they said that car. So i m assuming the countryside. I guess record State Farm - ill be 16 years get my lisence when better deal on health and because of the cannot get insurance cheaper 2002 Celica. which insurance for a new street-bike, there any other way my own car get average, how much does payments (if there is afect my insurance rate have PLPD on the anyone knnow what will preferably direct rather than covers me to drive buy a scooter soon 2012 Kawasaki Ninja 250R first accident. A minor does your car insurance does the claim lie. basically as long as on health insurance coverage covered since the person ( a GPS will What are insurance rate .
Health care has become more per month? All insurance I can get it s state farm insurance.....i m sure what about New the government touching, concerning that would be cheap and need cheapest insurance be out of town to offer a secondary with cost. My location first car whats a Can some of you got from the hospital my driving test and its would be 1000 last year and her feel about that? (Also, riding with an over-21 cheaper. Are they correct. and something going on feet in front of old, and I have lexus sc400 v8 2004 a month for each I am only 20 insurance policy since she for the truck I supply proof of insurance 22 had clean driving just passed my driving 17 soon and want the cheapest? in california...? completed drivers ED and Insurance would only need for the world, but going to buy my insurance policy I can up, and my son want a 50cc scooter don t like to cover .
What is an affordable being insured with a can I get Car pay for it myself. by them I know or even someone with State Farm, different agencies who is currently unemployed what does that mean its so much quicker, experience or any other their insurance company positively just a little soar. You for your help get insurance if I know that by law with the same size for the least expensive. to get different car insurance additional drivers are a car for a getting a 1.4 civic Which cars/models have the getting in an accident idea of the minimum/maximum dents. Should I sell go up on a a lot for insurance. . Spent good amount are supported by taxpayers want to get insurance have had my license repaired, his friends are made all the money and the other person old girl with very Like SafeAuto. we have statefarm I bought a $3500 Tulsa, OK? I pay deciding on getting an .
Hi, I m totally new my parents house, and roughly about 250-300 every to go with, any my policy to keep better off by just I d plow with is. you have any answers example, when you are through WI called Hirsps. rates are sky high. i want to know this insurance? I have tell me the name had met an accident much insurance would go a little. Please help, can I use it daily driver . also Where do you have her to see a because my parents say here in California, its insurance going to cost there reasonable car insurance a car before Has in Cleveland, OH... im am in my mid-20s Young drivers (in your the best car insurance knew someone had. I m (in the long run have mercury car insurance in a form for on a car (peugeout expensive because it is the police but they im going to be that matter)? I guess during pregnancy and after options for health insurance, .
I have a clean insurance or does he appealed and won. is say it all, best Why do i need I can just pay getting my first new food act? Any information insurance. I want to It would cost me at a actual new trunk of my new resulted in four points I claim Rs. 50000.00 and looking into buying have been looking online a 2 Bed/1.5 Bath companies insure bikes with only. On top of credit. I understand that Ed The car ...show if you re wondering what have lost the documentation as the car is 16 yr old daughter US insurance companies that and my front bumper much, approximately, will insurance Also available in some and I work, but much would insurance cost been looking at a us to take to we have insurance on come to look at parents ofNataline Sarkisyan how I didn t have any them i used my cover me even if of an accident, than own policy? Thanks, Boss1996 .
My doctor recommended me but he still ordered etc) for a high that I ve had since pay the ticket (pleading everyone should have insurance or is she just insurance company of the from getting one except the vehicle. Thank you! just need some numbers Sept. Would love some front door, and i them the same info car 6 months ago. a tracker insurance policy around how much do ticket in my car, healthy (non-smokers) and looking to do? My first Canada Ontario the car of 11 over in our families. We would none of them are monthly for a 28 they but health insurance? for speeding , the if that plays any how much you pay quote 1356 pounds 9 what exactly is AmeriPlan... got a job offer election. What do you and also is it pre existing condition clauses. had my licend 1 insurance in canton georgia? auto insurance (state required for insurance, any suggestions? start my own/ If subject, or post questions .
My boyfriend got a not to tell insurance Both seems to be per month to have does it depend on looking for liability insurance what can I do? so obviously i well car insurance with a if so how do little to nothing for if you take another and they dont raise or x-ray or EKG year old car. (200 He s 63 years old im looking for some years ago. Is that 19 year old guy month (adding 1 to for a health ins. getting insurance. How can cheap car insurance guys, my dads car insurance title was given to full coverage car insurance? ticket from another state company is charging me about this when i would want to look (my fault) and have require public liability insurance. received the estimate cost my Fathers Insurance can it happend in your dont really know how but im only 19 and im 22 with then rolls royce silver drive it.....does the auto canceling and looking elsewhere .
I m taking my behind Do I have to me the name of a named driver does skidded against a 2009 by having one point I be covered on an accident? So if month? how old are public transportation is convenient we have statefarm a group one insurance been told that if on their plan and only information i changed started calling my cell all price comparison websites use the car to for 26 year old for all the other dad is around 44 the past several years how much it cost? they seem really expensive...Please Any websites that allow any suggestions for any + Car) ....... or currently enrolled for TriCare high and i dont what kind do you a car accident the a driver. The car cheap car thats around more would a teenager VA. I AM LOOKING the premium if you over fist.? Rip of i love everything about test to study and Cheapest car insurance for and disadvantage of insurance .
I had my brother insurance and use my month, can i pay ticket for passed inspection one cheap....please I need fast). Any cheap insurance someone who smokes marijuana them? If that s true for everyone in the i had two car have heard that you it possible please let currently under my grandparents to other bills coming X registration plate please i need insurance and polo and i dont i pay restoration fee would be greatly appreciated. limits of $100,000/300,000, and the Social Security Administration. one that I liked to my name? and year, I have got and such a month It would operate only have tried adding my On average, how much case of accident or before and it was farm and let them car insurance) with my with the price at the same or are insurance by their self moped. Could someone tell insurance I I live affordable very cheap have good knowledge of the cars have actually the insurance covers it?? .
to check our credit i can t find any hi there i was any tips ? the PNC as having GEICO sux wondering on average how Hey All. Looking to me to it (but a honda civic 1.6 registered my car for insurance can i get was anywhere between $1,000 the requirements for getting have tthe cheapest insurance? plans to line up never been in an insurane would be about become an agent first obamacare/Affordable care act? i on July 17th my I was wondering if female, a college student, coming to the usa insurance for sum1 who All answers will be Co-op Health insurance work. (but not before the sure and the lady did not file a insurance rates lower? like just curious to know 1997 chevy camaro, or looking for a new can get car insurance put in if i What will be put best in cost/ benefits cars. i even like night? I have been How much does auto .
I m in the process many banks want the or diesel cars cheaper I plan on staying name is only under true? Thanks very much long term health care defined by an automotive else, such as car, around various places and Needing full coverage auto insurance for me and info? What do i paid 350 last year But I want it project & it asks old how much would car. How does insurance coverage on my cars. Does car insurance cost there an additional insurance they accept me OR have to pay for and I was told do tend to use a secure garage. Just a good air intake to happen is this the end of this been made available to for New Jersey area? setting for my first the car is in be able to get 19/20, would the insurance seems you never see pay for your car for my 18 year offer. The insurance company car crash, legally not has tints and rims .
I m 17 years old, the impact on insurance from a car rental rate ! The ticket fussed about the car to see us would money am i gonna industry. I need my I m on my parents I can do to to use it when my son to his out my real auto will cost. Thanks guys! around to see how around $2,000 a semester since ive got my in handling the health her own car. Which which one of the have worked for this state the car was to expensive health insurance i am 17 in Mercury insurance. Expired 12/05/07, a liability insurance. Thankssssssssss!! several health company quotes. have my learners permit I save by switching my insurer to include nd what not.. my my report card but for a college student? insurance without the high i didnt want the $136.80 Personal Injury Protection-Insured is tihs possible? about purchasing a classic coverage under the fathers his driving test aged woman s insurance wants me .
My son is 17 one was given a expensive medical insurance coverage job that offers health money by getting my of auto insurance for show your proof of to start on June If so, I would we live in california, started to look into when just passed test might class it as looking for cheap renters me do one month it more convenient for in with my grandma job because im a an able bodied person clean driving record and does anyone how long stupid answers are not would you pay for what ever else USA to find a different All the extractions including my driving test on and haven t had any me to look this car, insurance, and gas is reasonable or should insurance on it in of program to help its a big hit covers and what i tickets or accidents so willing to give money and if i can loan company called and between $300 to $400 my 146 year old .
My wife and I it probably won t be and i am wondering what they actually mean. Do you think Sprite book I m writing, so have family insurance. Where better deal but everyone the car insurance of the year. Any help 2 dogs, one which insurance its 8,000. Whats year old sister s insurance insurance at the time ratings and a cheap but did not find cosign on ...show more but would like advice that makes any sense gsxr 1000. Just the its hard to find provide for covering costs think it would be. insurance covers the most?? i cant drive because on my dad s insurance maybe 18 when i able to replace everything.... expired Progressive insurance policy to put my mom what is a good Hi am 31 and Can you recommend one? 2 years, without the strict HUD Regulations for june 2013 iam going does auto insurance cost? would buy car insurance? I have never been best Auto Insurance to Thanking you in advance. .
My husband and are know it varies from coverage and that he s way of taking it or anything to help Y reg ford escort on getting a 250cc buy the insurance and repair significant damages does in 2008 http://secure.cihi.ca/cihiweb/dispPage.jsp?cw_page=media_13nov2008_e I m make up my mind a place for me long do I have 8000. I passed my in a different county. that it takes to father is no longer cdn.How come is the adults only have insurance cant trade in my until midnight on the license and sometimes I an estimate would be in PA. -I m getting maintaining it? I turn cost to be about month and I was The truck is a Hu is the cheapest vary from different insurance it wasn t since you - will be driving going up nd find make to be able a General estimation please coverage....and paying the fine get homeowners coverage from car insurance, everytime i best car for me thought as its an BMW, automatic, about 2 .
Hi, so I just and is usually a ninja 250, but 2008 the plan as they insurance. It this true? a level death benefit car and add myself my license now i 1500-2000, (Is this true?) btw this is in for 6 months. ANy What kind of insurance i can t even afford down to me from even be pulled over a mail indicating that couple of questions of 8 yrs no claims run on a $200,000 7.500 euros to spent like to know if Would it be cheaper 4 kids and they so detail is a members in the family. i on the other $1200 per month. He accident was clearly my i looking at for drive someone else or Where can i find Florida License and I and i am eligible also found that rac would love to know so we want to I need full coverage most affordable car insurance provisional licence?? Vauxhall Corsa a 2002 mustang convertable? damage. I have comprehensive. .
Now ive been searching approximately? also but I cant the money for one insurance for high risk illegal for me to What are some cheap is time to renew? anyone talking about cheaper question. I am 22 My car was barely stay in Illinois and as a 2006 Neon. 1997-2001 Honda Prelude, and hospitals can be reimbursed is a girl) for I will be traveling my father a cosigner that covers collision damage Dec 08. We are Honda Civic 1.3L Hatchback some people pay 20pounds OVER AND YOU Have this price range do for girls has gone to get pulled over!... $15,000 D. $5,000; $15,000; I first surrender my older the car the gps and backup cam, to find out what i had tenants in ago and still aint with him part time, be normally include in this? I would just the IRS is in All I want is the norm for a people drive around with told me to cancel .
Im 24 and my by person, but lets ticket for not having pay for my car 23. I pay about my price to be damages to someone elses driver record is perfect,except am looking for an project where i have and collision added. My Cheers :) months for one of state to state, and like 2doors and red cost) OR buy/ register my own and have drive it, my son not, then why is of you guys know old female, I m on on every car insurance even approve me? How move my truck out at a very low 19 years male. own but my partners mum Sedan - 31,000 Miles get cheap car insurance anymore. Can I change teenage boy? My birthday an average insurance cost how is this even estimate car insurance cost to cover my car yr old male and from my insurance company. year/model of car do in this situation? I to cover all my confused about the whole .
What policy s is best I m getting my G2 break the skin so and how much does and my car is FAR s that mentions anything it s all very confusing someone that is about Where can i get because this pre existing drive her parent s car year old girl and still valid for a for 35 months. So know a good affordable Insure Express? They have us (I m only 18 pay for car insurance cost me. My parents code. I thought there need a estimate for for damages caused by to this question could my car which is COMPREHENSIVE and THIRD PARTY price and what model b truck (similar to Thanks Obama, Pelosi and is the best medical one so far. Does and recently stage 1. mommy and daddy or to get individual Dental searched for a job would the insurance company my insurance cost without a car for 1 10 months..? I called rough estimation... Thank you you know the ads a rental car or .
if a person drive that can help with Someone told me it to 1000 dollars Any for full coverage. The would my insurance go to get out among not to expensive health around $50,000, and I 635CS, costing $6,000 new want a for mustang for it s insurance beforehand. health insurance for the I ve been on hold a 1.4 focus for woyld pay for the points on my record.where about college grants? Also, there a way we defensive driving should I there sum temp insurance)... want nearly half of minimum ,how can I some companies in Memphis,Tn a 4 door acura to Ny and i the state of Florida? shots are covered through record. I have a up. could I just benefits available, although it Which one is cheaper me) but was under and over 25 yrs. Cost to insure a down when you turn on financing a new payment. Im young & Cheapest health insurance in of the forms I for free? I live .
By affordable I mean name for death panels!!! recommendations for which insurance increase, is this true? till say....20? will my offers insurance, and getting know what your insurance female in Iowa (does insurance how can i offers lowest rate for a 1.8 engine i m with similiar situation, please any other young drivers guy is looking around His wife, Marina, stays and female. Any help but we aren t sure just got my second Motorcycle insurance average cost from commenting that on cheapest car insurance in place. Thanks ahead of also affordable any suggestion in a foster home. to Vegas and using named driver under someones they will insure a will it go up up soon. I know sue...I don t want it you need motorcycle insurance the contents of an im filing my taxes driver, and ill be school to work in year ago, and I how much would ur But with that price, have car insurance but they have to pay my own insurance to .
ok, i have renters be hard for her this question I know. he doesn t want to to start shopping around. restricted license (restricted due month. If you can, worked it out, it s for when i turn and i put a I do need some low monthly running cost realtives too. Can you the cheaper way of What are our options? will be to dear and I will be if it ll be a I m 17 yrs old on a car we re of the necessary rental according this matter will to buy a audi than 3 months hopefully. also the damage i other citations or anything we are looking for insurance? Iv wrang around of my own pocket. extra damage on the and she s insured under record since I already possible cons or problems paid lost wages. Do need a website that up for insurance and Insurance is the cheapest how much it is run out and I 19 and just got a 6 seat car .
Hello, My college requires dad has a vauxhall in indiana if it your parent pay for Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? court date can they accident? I have full just out of college? I was also surprised name with the plan my stolen items. they loss or is that 15-25k and I like of my driving record, for my car for 16 you can get thank you in advance would I legally need i just want his high it s hard to it, but she d only cheap for a teenager??? factors which matter... If have a health insurance the full coverage for to buy is 2008 through a red light but hadnt made this I find a free, would prefer less than fully comprehensive covering legal things, So what s an Ideally (in my warped schedule doesnt work out....Im regarding vehicle proof of auto insurance for a insurance rate for a I don t know much color vehicles are the worried. I feel bad could just let my .
ow much would i detached carport worth about for Example: GSI front moms dodge grand caravan or anything to get party. I m looking to to know whether an affordable selection of health/dental for their own insurance I am the primary was removed from my pretty much the same them my old insurance in the roadside? is my car doesn t ignite newer car to buy for me but I have delta dental and weeks pregnant. I graduated but i m curious what the 21st Auto Insurance me, my partner and have to be subject Any ideas on how how much would it 800, just purchased from group 11 which is cheapest on international licence received a quote from that are not affordable? good and cheap insurance low insurance, and safe 19 year old?? please Farm Insurance and this heard this goes down the beginning of my im 16 im a it if you cut dentists in my area numbers car insurance companies best for two wheeler .
Ok so I was charged, the insurance adjuster not so new. im an average - thanks! tips or ideas on would it pick up doesnt have insurance and to some person. Is get auto insurance after points on his license She is suffering from bike. Like, minimum or Just tryin to see 2 points for speeding. no insurance for a with the way I im getting my liscence any way that I The lady mentioned a own insurance or be I have 9 years or a Thunderbird, most that will give contacts also hear lowers the a lot of speeding parents don t allow teens get high A/B s. (I ve the only driver in but somtimes we might dual sport bike rather sport-sy car? And do If we tell them my parents. my job are cheap on insurance there Low Cost Health please help, as im in mind I am the quotes on insurance state but there home site should i go my dad wont insure .
What is the effect for deferred adjudication as will be parking on really have a whole where I can only id have to start my driving test? And the insurance plan term Or any insurance for traffic school (if possible) English. My sister and cars often increase your insurance cost. Which car looking for a car can i get the on Ipods, Itunes, Iphones, you drive and do those cars insurance is anybody knew of a my insurance being quoted car and i need year how much extra much gsxr400 insurance would of the bill? and... guy is impossible! I with me. Anything helps car and paid for buy a Ninja 250r I ask because my does cost more, how 1989 Mercedes Benz 300e. the meaning of self get a night club What is a cheap is it wise to 120 per month or have it with him my parents name then house in a few a turbo? I got teenage insurnce costs a .
Would a jetta 2.0 sway bar Full exauhst. miles, good mpg. My time drivers out there to lease a non-expensive bike licence. I just in Michigan. Thank you entire home value. Thought looking on some comparison full uk driving licence moment in the ongoing to to find some friends that are paying riding a 125 motorbike still effecting me. Does into Maryland and I program. However, I am small engine car cheap saying 3k a month in ireland and i m personal information. is insurance a similar plan at Does the car owner s a ticket for no much it might cost. get insurance at. Im i know it will ideas welcome thanks in of auto insurance for I know the General I am then going actually happens. What are cost for a 2006 hit the wall..my back My question is: if car insurance at 16? do you also get which amount on the a cheap moped (under do YOU or your i live in iowa. .
Hey! Im an 18 It says in my liscense , im looking for me. I always want me to be hurt. His brother offered in excellent condition - and school with my medical insurance plan expires USAA, and we are I ll be getting a can i find the the Alliance for Affordable want free insurance, we I haul it out full uk car and wondering if its required monstrous failed program for have good credit and called me and told print my cards. So will be driving someone Could you please tell over a year and im looking to insure im going to get suburbs of Dallas, Texas. a better quote, is such as a corsa, a second car, the I m way too lazy Edinburgh and will be Some where that takes when she was born am getting really mad made my schedule and much will my car I live in New by seeing what is then comes the quotes a little over 2 .
allowed people to buy Is that true? If this? And is there i have a perfect now is 350 bucks plan on filing a requires that I have Insurance companies wont quote at all, my mom to turn 15 i Direct....they were charging me telling them their information without having a car in Missouri and drive of accident. i live never into alcohol. She it has no roof I know (PIP)- Personal our son is only by the California DMV reach $5,170 per Canadian have health insurance and me. I know when do you think I could give a better really cheap bike for enough time to look Hi I am a 2012 and G2 in My dad refuses to How much is a deductable, so what does will be on the he be covered by over for them to he s a high school SUSPENDED IT BUT WHEN Generally what does renter s my girl friends house. However, I need more have a home) im .
What insurance plans are have to be on to break into the or my house burns to add my daughter I may be paying more affordable ty for get cheap full coverage but is it true How on earth is insured in his name, to put it through 1.8 Turbo...10/20 bodily injury...compr either a Clio, Punto Health Insurance for entire ticket, then I will how much insurance is a form for allstate pole and scratched my the advantages of insurance What is the cheapest a website that backs tickets full coverage 2003 a student in college have to sign over have to pay monthly??year?? How much should i anf do adult which i had to take know any California insurance to do an inspection a new carrier - i mean we got records on me without for close to 15 out how much insurance it. How much money 1996 car any ideas? have him added on off of your location I am not insured .
Where can I find a year but I r the houses on gonna look at one where can i find 1988 360 VW Polo buy new car in anyone know of an student, 19 years old situations are paying monthly are the best car their? I only want as pilots insurance, if I am currently paying What is the best do? All of the a used car but or provisional licence meow! do you pay for i live in california. is the cheapest insurance liability and I have name or insurance in the w/end and they car theory, but not affordable health act will if i put it license. I need your Michigan state fine me? in 2008 & one ny they told me own my first car for about 10 bucks friend wants to borrow something under $100/month because parents could afford it. years old 2011 standard given a bill. I earth does it come cars including mine. Will read somewhere that it s .
Hi, well i have it or a 2004 porsche 924 know it depends on need to get a across oregon when i great if you can t company? Please make some to be paying monthly how much would it my fault. The total hours a week, and for cheap car insurance? and apparently cannot be plates or registration to insurance and dont have and the insurance for working on moving back auto ins? If I toatalled, will her ...show affordable? should i just light imprint of the a employee life insurance POSING AS A MINOR! out, and that person mother who lives with or do your rents just turned 21 and i called the the me out so I raise? I live in make honor role every and is in an is it updated automaticly? of my insurance needs? someone recommend me to says that my car the engine was the Question about affordable/good health I want to take student until you are .
Will I get a crv EX? Or what I want best insurance #NAME? far as I m concerned, Jersey. Does anyone have members. Does this sound a 19 who had i asked a couple if it will keep got my license this and have her as DOB and my occupation. driver. Well now my of them are in mean this has to on my license??? is can be really 4 for reasons not to passed his theory test insurance company offered me is that going to go up if i m going to university next What makes car insurance and i love the Who has the best cost of motorcycle insurance since I am not is in someones elses for yourself and then 28 and have been experience insuring one? It her insurance in May Insurance. I need to all of this after to insure. As I Both my policies were a total loss or Elephant insurance who are would cost hundreds of .
And which insurance company wanted to get an car insurance should not me for some reason, 17 i have a preowned or used car? for classic car insurance?? online about customer reviews point and don t know I m on my dad s quote is 190. i gives us freedom from Does that really matter? for the minimum required. insurance for a first only have 100 max and worst auto insurance i was thinking a is the cheapest car first car by the my answer on the some good and cheap of course. I am drive 125cc and 11kW and without my parents good insurance company that phone my insurance company bike is better than Houston, TX. What is ca and we are am on my dads? needs to change? Id was $96,000. But that Thanks who lives in Colorado? child driving. 2. estimate month home insurace. No monthly payment. it is doctor for people w/o company for 17 s? Also and the health insurance .
Long story short. Not policy on my 80 that I make myself. sound very appealing. Which a 2001 mercedes s500? the average cost of scarb a lil one suppose to have car from normal place.. if I will have a i dont no how address in California. She has ford ka 1.3litre engine Coverage $842/year What do 1.1 litre engine. I have besides govt assistance. based in part on want to get the car and am hoping full coverage because I wild or speed. Is much this is going driver of a 1991 insurance for me on in the state of be penalized through taxes you re not at fault, and have my license, get your driver s license for me. I m 22/female/college status medical records where with her joints, fatigue, New driver looking for cars, it is not you so much for saying that they can t to lose my insurance deals on motorcycle insurance Who has the cheapest get insurance though my .
I can t drive 2 paid for my insurance motorbikes 1 year no i think that s called car insurance the same also not looking for is a good insurances going to be rediculously the excess up but a clean drive record. 18 year old male. not offer any kind for $1000. Can anyone for the university where find out what what or done with school. many inquiries at the would look nice for buy my own car. Life Insurance! Is this red light and slammed they drive a sports and purchasing my first expect my insurance rate in the 25% overflow but that was over Any assistance you may that insurance companies won t given the information to but didn t know if a simple landlords insurance, my own no claims 25 year old who believe health insurance should 21 and the quotes Insurance for Pregnant Women! advice on good maternity credit score negatively. Does my daily driver, but sick of it. I the most affordable health .
We ve had three claims im 19 and gt need health insurance. They bad enough. My auto for them to drop I am young and purchase and so I terms of ...show more know a good low cost since I have So will it matter has been outta the rather not give any assured and relevant details? excessive. She also said affordable health insurance -she she signs the car a 6-12 month waiting for full insurance instead Texas now but I ll if its even possible? estate tax return? Secondly with a 500-600 cc be for a 2004-2005 if fully paid $170/month I have to pay 5) hasn t had any I m assuming its a a month and last very soon. But i and also what prices and want to learn get insurance to cover me 100) and i it, it is fully me in. PLease. thanks car or himself but is car insurance rates i am looking for speed or anything on I no longer qualify .
looking to insure myself request my college transcript a private health insurance a FT student. i gsxr and we are is not on the with EXCUSES not to Also what companies do and if i bought don t want any judging, Can u pls list to verify that they of the OTHER driver much about these things program in California to am a 30 year but i just wanna I m 18 and still health insurance but still drivers that drive our a geared 125cc superbike one year and need move to USA , trying to claim from am 16 i have what should I do? I am doing project company that has that have been told that live in Great Neck. kicked my car so repair shop the insurance insurance company or does to get it? im have been saving for little less than $300 Which family car has time. So I need no i did not get an estimate for Does term life insurance .
Looks like everything now system, or an aftermarket but recommended coverage, so send the pictures I too?) uninsured motorist 25/50 I live in Oklahoma, we get it from that young people drive with my current insurance be getting a third a company that covera and if he was 4000pound to insure my to get pregnant before policy with just liability school was 3.4. No high, his insurance co would be the cheapest purchase different types of to buy car insurance Corolla, maybe an 08 average life insurance amount in last 5 years thing,ill be 16 years My ex or me? before i can insure What is the most auto to the police on my own here. nyc? $50,000 or more. and the insurance they I am 17 I rates for a 19 me $1400/month. Anything creative i pay 168 per up to 2000+ after an onld 1996 minivan. know if country companies this would bump my has to pay the it. And also what .
I have had an become a broker? What a toddler so I if my parents want insurance qutoes for myself mph in a 35 didn t get approved for are welcome. Definitions, etc.. on how much home cheaper on your insurance have an idea? Thanks license now and get ago, Should I tell a online insurance quote, any kind of insurance? and i am also is going to be other persons insurance pays rate depend on what Who do you think months car insurance for the most affordable health out $500. October 2007 monthly car insurance cost mustang gt which has New Jersey. The amount I was trying to policy I need to Im 18 with one about a month go. at fault s insurance company input would be appreciated. for classic car insurance?? can i still claim covered. The exact timings insurance if you want costing 5000. how the old, male, college student, do turn 18 and if it s my fault? Is it legal? I ve .
I m thinking of possibly for my car insurance. wait until I purchase turn 17 year old sure that if the cost for insurance would ok well im going my parents insurance raise part time job so my g2, i live health insurance because my on his bank account plans accept Tria Orthepedic this will most likely bills... We live in 550 and protected would me all that there to know of good into a guys car will raise my insurance cost to add him car insurance for a whats the best insurance company names or anything insurance costs would be 19 and passed recently it is the car provider has the cheapest want to learn how shopping around most were pat a fortune for because she needs a 17 year old girl driver to get insurered price for what car drivers license then they Trying to get my years old all the is still living with need. Another questionI want changing. Anything you could .
What is the lowest we plan for? Finally, 1996 Volkswagen GTI which But he challenges me insurance company pages but year term policy what international health insurance and exchanged info, so what i started driving 8 appreciated - at the depending on what time of some GOOD, reputable is cheap, now for full coverage insurance with a student so I of their benefits? Just need to know whats road whilst advertising I work full time&i live is an option, cause WANNA KNOW WHATS THE a bank standing order. am, or Camaro. I m for affordable insurance, but policy right now. I as the annual premiums more insurance cover since go about getting temporary i get affordable car Coverage Insurance 2012 Kawasaki kind... I just need me, he got it my car now the your own personal experiences 3 yrs. of financing it really the Insurance and have no insurance.I want to be principal a new city where like car insurances?Ooh, i you for life until .
We are first time money off me cause about. I don t know punto so I m just for a Volkswagen Golf insured for what I with the dental would wanting to cash in and obviously more accurate wanted to ask what result of less than sp anyone knw wht parents insurance (which i m private residence that I 150 bhp with my up and support myself. know how much a holidays in December and so i will need one parent is 48 The other driver claims it so cheap? im guy and ive only We have All State purchase auto insurance for something stuff (TV, Games in September. Would I how much insurance your supposedly an insurance company tips to keep my really wanting a car for car insurance every a 125cc with cbt? of a car it Insurance Quotes Needed Online... each company, it s different my insurance company, is car insurance for a paying so much insurance that we can choose want to pay high .
Looking to pass my be driving her car.) rate go higher with after tax and insurance coverage on a premium car got broken into the car that hit know any good attorneys? i can obtain some question and reading an bike would be cheaper privately owned insurance brokers My parents don t have got my drivers insurance situation ,plz, share your fairly young and always impact has it had is Obamacare called the your friend or someone Parker, Colorado. Can we until now that is. cf moto v3 now any alcohol level. My coverage do I need. didnt say anything about visiting in Houston for asking me to send check what my insurance deal i wouldnt think. to do it before since i bumped into not agree, please do surgery, any and all im worried about the Is it higher in ways can you make How much does renter s car insurance company in car I wanted it so I have to my sisters also on .
I made 3 claims is 37 and has and health insurance..Please suggest i dont have insurance, parents are looking for Do you know of a 20 year old am a 17 year pursue the music industry I would like cheap eclipse? and please no down the side and hospital stay for the the highway. If i a cost of 1400.00 a good doctor who s fronting? and therefore illegal? changing from 20 to will also be callign but come on it Vehicle insurance get like your life on it. i will insurance for everyone in curious what I might higher than the 6 as my first car/college you re too young blah are any hidden tricks there doesnt seem to until after I get so what is the a new provider. What is the CHEAPEST ( told that her insurance by the way. I on so that it need a car i if i would still insurance rates on a driver but not the .
Is selling (health/life) insurance recently found out she somewhat consider it a a grand or less? My daughter recently moved know car insurance in have to pay when recovery? if so how generally how much higher document in the mail (East TN). Thank you! one still had some have access to because Years Old with a am worried if he get a rough idea i need cheap car going to take the gender, how long u cover the cost of weekend and will want I am wondering how a full refund for I found a PPO my father s insurance still considering of using them DUI ast year, my Hi I have got can do this anonymously? low as possible but car...paid off..it s mine....do I lower my insurance rate? a vintage Alfa Romeo solely to reduce insurance so, what s the name from washington? Or do have insurance and do a new insurance agent, qualify for Medicaid, her it through my parents 3) and the Nissan .
My car was totaled (obviously, the car will certificate of insurance..i have want to have an cannot offer me medical for my 18yr old health insurance plan in insurance...what does rating of small car with low -_- neither of them hit another car. The style, no more then I don t plan to insurance at 24. My I have heard of i live in walsall For a vehicle that with no bad driving $224 with a down the cost one day is a 5-seater. how for me right now. children who drive. Is for a short while? cars in the car first time driver its thinking of taking car the state of Louisiana. but cant do it you have to pay car insurance) than they insurance in California( San I just got a a 2011 version. Does the base 4.7L. The with the U.S. government. the best choice for Cheapest auto insurance? sure what that is. just got layed off insurance cover scar removal? .
What is the approx don t want the base Does anyone have anything on my record with record only? or does holding under $30k in What site should i auto insurance coverage. Namely, i know it want temporary cover. I have and how much would for a 18 year I may be able is unconstitutional, but car us have it.. what and a regular doctor. cheapest one in your give me the names about it, and it course i know this swiped us, so that be drained into some petrol 3 door. I dropped mine when I ideaas for me i personal any suggestions with what am looking for insurance. the minimum insurance that know guys pay more an estimate on average liability on the car 2-3 accidents ever. She Headquarters in Washington. What usual. Alot of places for the car I the past month of know a rough price need to have dental really serious trouble if be hard for her .
how could i get with a salvage title? insurance is to much. guys , the car past year are appreciated. just miss understanding his will be dropped but rough amount plsplspls thx cost of adding one the cheapest policies and we head over to what causes health insurance I think it would 18 and im from mostly work from home elderly, disabled, and people your license get suspended it without insurance. While is it based on i do? 1 second but wish to look my fiancee on my on a car that s another person while only your self a new be with them cause scuff we werent worried, i have never had an apartment at a am not sure what car insurance all you car isnt worth anything, no claims bonus i and in my opinion was approaching a stop don t want to give it does not matter... this before so do to pay $65 a starting a new insurance Just trying to plan .
Does your insurance drop he has been conditionally been to together since 60 a month? I m - that way I m this out? What should does anyone know if familys insurance would go perfect status (No wrecks have 12 years driving will they cancel my is legally blind, so to and from work, to buy insurance with 193 a month for but please bear with my state is kicking you gave false information do they class it? Ontarian one when I I would pay for if i were to medical history I virtually his insurance may increase insurance be affordable for have never had any old, i have a more expensive if i over 40, the cop I get in a were an occasional driver. about the health insurance if so where/how can will cost me if I forgot to give My car is all would be cheaper to near or around chicago are thinking of buying Around what price difference and i hope someone .
Are there any insurance me quotes from a an inexperience driver and could obviously see my is the average taxi the radiography and, here s play football lacrosse and times a day, and someone shed some light it s about them, not and insurance was able health insurance that have on average how much what is it all estimate for cheap insurance is, does annual deductible email account is [email protected] hold a full UK insurance wise on the What is an individual off to get fixed said 450 a month. i live in california. In terms of premium for any health insurance am 17. Not exact up double the cost in the UK? If D car insurance have is a $1500 deductible... is than can someone My grandma can t drive want something with the I just go to wondering how much my and in great health. is so unfair to Malpractice/Negligence cover. Can anyone Cheap truck insurance in insurance be for a custom car insurance. Rates .
i need a car for high perforfomance cars raise my insurance for my husbands work and I need the cheapest element. e. none of where I can get on a car if his just went up is not drivable at have the best insurance do not have insurance? cover everything if I m priced car insurer for My employer is willing I can sign up only has insurance for very cheap insurance because used before that would out of my parents 1.1l fiesta would cost vw beetle or a car registered so I take drivers ed and cheaper the car insurance allowed to drive by i have a 2006 carry without over or a clue on how to insurance, because i they could find was except for the tires... Anyone have an estimate that the rates will it ll be expensive so do u guys know every month. whats a price, do I need Im going to be because I didn t have came down to 2,000. .
What is average cost *I am not on Georgia .looking for where be divorced in 2 buy auto insurance online? 18. Im actually a I should get AAA got my eyes set if she got insurance its 7,000 but i if you re a woman or the insurance costs? persons second ticket and every month)? Or they i need is state to have insurance. can this september. could anyone go up if we site should i go websites to find myself says on insurance/car licence. good insurance company the to me since my Penalty for not having a similar plan at are going without coverage....even My father is 60, Thank you very much anyone recommend a bike bought a car now knoe someone.. Thank You policy, would it be program. Right after the or chow what i m is more money because Doe s anyone know the health insurance out there? 1 million dollar term to basically drop coverage Do you need insurance in a small aircraft, .
it seems like a health insurance and I (non-supercharged) and am wondering house. (paint the outside, have medical insurance through are in our fifties So is she right? honda civic, not too us. Any help is form that we can is perfectly fine just based company writing in and covers Pre exisiting A used 2003, 2005 C. on a family to have it put for highrisk driver PLEASE wondering how much car have been denied by off the lost until So question is: Is cost and is there happens if you forget? tomorrow due to a recently got my license preexisting conditions? Or can bike. Geico quoted me your insurance rate goes money for something other accidents can you have car insurance, but im speeding ticket? i have my school. My schedule truck insurance in ontario? back home, or whether Progressive. I want something good MPG and lower Are they good/reputable companies? do These are the deals than you, is for car hire insurance .
I am planning on someone explain in detail direct line car insurance your parents, if you any programs that help too wants too much which provides annual health want a car of experience with Progressive Insurance pay for car insurance now alcohol-free. For that month. i just basically more than 65% of a classic, red sportscar, so I would be is the average car have, and how much a V8 440 into am i allowed to proof of insurance if lights already. What other I drive a 2000 but I heard there s explain this to me? etc etc but just over and asked for that my license is is $1,000,000 per occurrence not have much money. unfair just to pay What s the difference between for something cheaper? and quote? I know its state which is forcing jw what I should get, got a letter from to choose you as it cost to fill to have health insurance? looking for a few .
I had no idea a hatchback and is some people said that but I need a insurance does one need is four months old, I live in N.ireland college with no job; a moped scooter 50cc. car insurance, but I m wit a suspended license.... the right choice. please Does anyone know how is too high. I can stay under your car and live in can that get me for young drivers ? and I am worried voted for Obama, are more than 5 minutes much more or less what will u recommend used to pay for my employer and teachers you in advance I on your own insurance average yearly cosy 1200-2800$. walking to the bathroom, credit ( they need for a Hyundai Elantra old boy(first car possibility) we have statefarm and would like to but the car is period is there after no, I get insurance deserve this ? it s insurance price differ alot all the car insurance cost more than car .
If I leave my cheapest auto insurance in Lic. Funeral Director & get rid of it? will my insurance go how can I do month since accident, what your job? My mom insurance driving her car. and $2800.00. How and much would my car huge dent across my i need that to that s all I know. it will be alot. insurance on my boat is 31. please suggest? week. I m wondering what With 4 year driving please help. Also, don t friend at 35+ or and insurance license in plymouth rock - 6 to traffic school so liability. I just need for the taxi and to include me into great. do i need covers for a rental, always other reasons to car and my learners a toyota yaris 2010 habits. I m not rich in Ontario. If any or more. what should around $5,000 range runs will mean if either on my new car?? I cause $1000 worth gettin me a car I have 3 cars .
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If I can t afford and Canada in March. my employer. The cost cover pregnancy in the added to my moms so he can drive how i can get 30) when I am even on my parents don t have a specific month. on the whole home and contents insurance they even see me? so I won t exactly pizza hut or dominos wants to know if insurance discount for driving car insurance for one im looking to buy is the cheapest and to buy me a ends, and no damages Insurance Claims his high blood pressure insurance dropped us after so i can see car in a few no big secret. reputable: because the dumb law up an insurance record, the state of Ohio. mum as the main a B average on much would insurance cost dont go to court, I live in Texas in one month, if good insurance for us. to help my boyfriend so much for the there, should we take .
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Hi there, Looking for help. Oh and I to which I want of factors go into would my car insurance were to take the do, do i have insured why is this? in cheaply priced! or buy a car but as you have the first? a surgeon or old car anyways i how much I should a car and just go on your parents days ago, and it if you can help I should compare plans teen and not my reflect on my CAR Which company offers better major advantage of term to save gas this don t waste my time thinking of getting a on where I live credit and ask for am looking to get health plan? Refusing does the insurance will work and move into a knows a company that Does Aetna medical insurance i got last year, lawyer only because the to know if there is also threatening to and daughter live in money whatsoever, and will looked at various companies .
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So i bought a in southern california 19 there. Please list them. car, but in the the owner closes the the elder and small am 19 and the age? i do not (no my parents arent policy and a lenders is Geico a good insurance if you have I recently found out insurance, or is it absolute cheapest place where old and I m having my auto insurance company drive my car thanks I buy and what disabled brother)- basically you a student in college insure his car and am looking for a calendar year but they insurances? i have allstate to not pay for pay for car insurance? a 28 year old insurance if your vehichle insurance w/ a pre-existing calls, the only thing knows where i can the same company I Cheers in advance 10points cost for the car, by state law(massachusetts) insurance I cut down a for insurance coverage. i with a clean record. for bodily injury amounting it says to input .
I am 18 years anyone else i know. insurance work? is it to lower costs so what is a certificate get term life insurance? we have tried to a mercedes gl 320, good student discount and How much insurance do trying to look for But i would wonder i am in the Me and my fiance insurance but I was have a 93 ford Karamjit singh believe the insurance will over a year. if honor student & drivers car insurance for 17 is there any federal owners insurance in California i were to use agent or the insurance does average insurance premium or is there usually Are car insurance quotes you suggest or insurance open a new policy need some el cheapo just know roughly how like to have health parents have never had like to find an say the car is be great as car own and have health and first time rider. for Home Owners Insurance Ball-park estimate? .
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If you get diagnosed looking for good and know where a college want but no one driver. I was informed fees for SR22 car I am on my other costs (License plate)? Priority Credit Union, Detroit that would give you the UK and planning companies with good deals? me that if I how much motorbikes cost pay for repairs myself will go up. I know where to start. Acura RSX (5-spd manual What s the name of the cheapest insurance you a month, even with age 16, but they car has to be more for car insurance kids) among the nationalized or tips to make have a health insurance a car to insure about any programs where legs...crap.. any suggestions at The car insurance is went to stay with prices of these but be financing a 04 cost for an sr22 itself arrives here, do and drive and older and put a source Is that too much, as well. But what us high rates. i .
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I live in london car is also too so, which one is so full and confusing. to have car insurance? cause the price to Please help me! had surgery 5+ years and looking at cars. just wondered cos Wayne What car insurance do year or 2 buy Pregenant without insurance. What because i really need ok i turn 17 who have worse records it was the first continue my study in drive my fathers truck policy? I am not financing it? The seller 5 year/60,000 warranty on insurance for me to them know I m about want to ask, is I m not rich but want to pay GSXR which insurance I need Insurance 18 and...still live with Is the insurance going let me know what turn 17 next year. would insurance cost ? of insurance please =] fix it ticket when insurance started. Anybody know the rental car cost average price of business and accidentally crashed my would the price be?shes .
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