#all the things i googled? he just. told me them. ‘this is a private practice. we do general dentistry as well as cosmetic procedures’ etc
fingertipsmp3 · 1 year
Just had the weirdest job interview in my life and now I’m eating a big cookie. How is everyone
#job hunt is going…. well it’s going.#when i tell you i Prepared for today’s interview. i had an interview yesterday and i wrote down everything i did wrong to make sure#i wouldn’t do it again. and i googled the place and rehearsed answers and went through the job advert with a fine tooth comb#only to go in and get asked basically nothing#i was mentally preparing myself for a panel but it was literally just one man#he gave me a tour which mostly consisted of opening doors and then he talked at me for twenty minutes#all the things i googled? he just. told me them. ‘this is a private practice. we do general dentistry as well as cosmetic procedures’ etc#the only questions he actually asked where a clarification about the gap in my resume (i was doing a masters degree which i don’t use)#salary expectations (next to nothing because it’s an apprenticeship)#and then he asked if i had any questions for him to which i asked what skills he would ideally want in a candidate for this position#this incited another ten minutes of talking#he did ask if i’m okay with blood and if i’m willing to get vaccinated for hep b. yes to both. i love blood and vaccines#and then he asked if i have any other interviews coming up to which i mentioned i did have an interview yesterday and i’m expecting to hear#from them on monday. to which i saw him panic a bit which had me like :)#and then he asked about my commute (20 mins by train; fine)#it was all kind of a lot. it all took place in this gorgeous but falling down building of the kind you only really find in my hometown#built in victorian times but most of the infrastructure added on in the 20s and then bombed to hell and then repaired#and then they added a big shitty glass door at some point in the 80s and ten different doorbells#and then they never made any improvements ever again? yep#i’ll take it if i get it but i honestly don’t know what to think. i have never said less in a job interview#i really feel like if i get this job i’m going to be mansplained to a lot & that was the goal of this process. to prepare me for that#which… i don’t care. pay me and i’ll put up with pretty much anything lol#personal
0 notes
wambsgansshoelaces · 8 months
Hi there! How are you doing? I just recently found your account and LOVE it! Thank you for sharing all your stories! I particularly loved the head cannons for clingy Roman and comforting Roman!
After reading the comforting Roman one, I had an idea for some more head cannons or a story (truly whichever you prefer if you want to write this idea). But maybe something along the lines of standing up to Logan somehow and defending Roman? Seeing him so hurt and vulnerable because of what his father said broke my heart and I definitely think he needs someone in his corner, privately and publicly!
Thank you so much if you do write something around this idea, but please don’t feel pressured to if it doesn’t spark any ideas. I hope you have a fabulous day/night! 💛
In My Corner
Roman Roy x Reader
this is literally the sweetest request I’ve ever gotten so it went to the top of my priority list. I’m doing okay, thank you so much for asking!! I hope you’re amazing <3 you don’t understand how much it means to me that you enjoy what I write and that you love it!!! it makes me so happy!!! any request or idea you have, I promise, will give me ideas. I’m so grateful I have people like you enjoying and reading my work!! It’s one in the morning for me, so I’m sorry I can’t make it longer… but enjoy! I love you rita, thank you for requesting xx
also just a general psa, if there’s never any specific pronoun/reader gender detail in the request, I’ll default to fem/female unless I can access your profile, to which then I’ll just use the requester’s pronouns/gender. enjoy!
Word Count: 2.181k
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Married life was all you could’ve ever dreamed it would be. It was more.
Roman had surprised you with how quickly he’d committed to you and you solely. He’d told you, the night of your wedding, he knew you were it for him from your first official date. That even if you dumped him, hated him, threw him out, he’d be yours. He’d never remarry, he’d never even look at another woman.
You’re the only thing that brings light to his life. You radiate warmth into him. Being around you is being by a fire in the dead of winter up on Mount Everest. In quiet conversations in the middle of the night, the two of you tangled together in bed, he’d admitted he’d kill for you. Lie for you, commit crime for you, it was all the same to him. You are what brings meaning to his life. You’re an absolute in his world of probabilities. His anchor, his rock, the love of his fucking life.
Neither of you ever take off your rings. You’d both made sure to get metals that wouldn’t rust with water and had high durability just so you were never without them. If Roman was a shell of a man before he’d met you, he’s a god now.
Late nights at the office, he has a thing of chocolate for you clutched in his hands as an apology. Untoward women flirting with him despite his very obvious marriage (he endlessly speaks of you to anyone and everyone), his hand is on your hip, his lips on yours. You’re sick? He’s taken the day off to stay with you so you’re not suffering on your own.
On the off chance you both have days off and the energy, you’re out and about. Arcades, carnivals, anything so he can see you laughing and smiling and so fucking glowy. If you’re happy, he’s happy. You’re the most important thing in his life. In between your occasional excursions, he’s Googling how to beat carnival games, he’s practicing Flappy Bird, just so that when you do go out, and your eyes catch on a particularly cute plushie, he can get it for you and watch your face light up and feel the universe grace him with heaven.
If there was anything that came with being married that you didn’t like, it was his family. Maybe not Kendall, nor Shiv. Both were kind to you, and Connor didn’t come round anymore. You couldn’t blame him.
Roman’s your husband. You know him, you know what upsets him. And nine times out of ten, when he’s crying, it’s because of his father.
Usually so bubbly and relaxed, when he was upset, he was upset. He was unable to function. He ran to you like a moth drawn to light. He’d gone so long not knowing how to cope; you were only just now helping him learn how.
“Roman, where’s that cream sweater of yours?” you call out to him. He was washing his face in the bathroom, the two of you getting ready for dinner with his family. Waystar shenanigans, as he’d put it. But you knew that truthfully, it was deeper than that. More terse.
“Hell if I know,” he calls back.
“Then what’re you going to wear?”
“No clue.”
You tsk, instead crossing over to your side of the closet to pick out an outfit. “Just no weird color combinations, for fuck’s sake.”
“Whatever you want, baby,” he says, not bothered, strolling into the closet. He pinches the small of your back as he slides past you, going to look through his clothing. “What color are you wearing?”
“It’s going to be really cold, so I was thinking cable knit. Or should I just wear a turtleneck and slap a jacket over it?” You hold both options up, turning to face him. This was routine for you both. Strangely enough, he loved matching with you, and you both regularly help each other dress.
“You’re already shivering. Wear the sweater.” He comes to you, plants a kiss on your lips, then turns back and tugs his shirt off over his head. He manages to find another sweater, slipping it on. It’s the same color as yours, and even though he’s done this countless times before, your heart warms. Once you’re both ready, you’re in the car that was sent for you. You grip the bridge of your nose with your fingers, taking a deep breath as the car gently jostles you as you’re driven. Roman scoots over in the back seat, where you both are, so that your sides are pressed together. His hand slides over your thigh, rubbing gently. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” you say truthfully, dropping your hand and looking over at him. You smile, meeting his eyes. You adore him. It’s evident in your gaze, and it’s mirrored in his. “Just bracing myself.”
He leans over, kissing your cheek.
Roman grips your hand tightly as you go up in the elevator.
You stick a fake smile on your face and step out into the light to greet Marcia. She air kisses both your cheeks, then Roman’s, greeting you both. You both make your rounds, hugging, kissing cheeks. You pretend to steal Iverson’s nose, to his delight, and he runs to his father, tattling on you with a massive grin on his face. Kendall just smiles at the both of you, the exhaustion slightly lifting from his features.
You go say hello to Greg, who’s happy to see you. Out of all the Roys, save for your husband, Greg’s the one you got on with the most. You were both in the same situation. You were both considered outsiders, yet still apart of the inner circle, still concerned with all the plotting and scheming and drama.
He gives you a hug, and you duly note that Roman’s being taken aside by his dad. You turn your attention back to Greg, making sure to keep an ear strained for anything that might go wrong. You chat idly for a bit, and you get the sense that everyone in the room is doing the same thing you are. You can feel the tension slowly spreading. Something’s wrong. And if it’s not, it will be very soon.
It doesn’t take very long.
Logan’s voice is booming through the townhouse, and everyone gathered quickly silences.
“What do you fucking want me to do, then, Roman? Roll over and let you fuck me?”
You and Greg wince in unison. “Are they still arguing over whether they should sell?” he asks you quietly. Frown starting on your face, you nod.
Waystar wasn’t the only company the Roys had control over. There were conglomerates on conglomerates of other companies, the most problematic of the bunch causing massive monetary issues- among others. It was an ethical disaster, and the lawsuits were beginning to pile up on top of each other.
While the general consensus was that the company should be sold, and quickly, Logan was stuck in his ways and took it as personal offence. Specifically with Roman. You couldn’t even begin to make up some lame reason as to why. They’d gotten into countless arguments over it, Roman doing his best to convince his father that if this one company went down, it was going to take a lot down with it.
You give Kendall a look, and he pushes himself up from his seat on the sofa and follows the direction of their voices. Shiv follows shortly after.
At dinner, everyone is white knuckling their silverware. Under the table, you let your leg press up against Roman’s. His entire body’s taut, and he’s staring down into his plate. You eat silently, the chatter around you awkward. You and Shiv murmur to each other about a new restaurant opening up down the street, making unofficial plans to go together when you could.
Of course, the moment you’re feeling at ease again, Logan decides to ruin it.
“Roman, you want to tell the table how willing you are to stab your own father in the back? We can’t just not talk about it.” He chews before speaking again, voice ringing. “Don’t you think your wife ought to keep her eyes open?”
You bite down a retort, Roman bristling. “Come on, Dad. Don’t bring her into this.”
You’re silently hoping that Shiv, Kendall, anyone steps in. Points out how wrong this is. How hypocritical, just how fucking ridiculous it all is.
“You know what, Romulus? I’ve let you do as you please for far too long.” You look up from your plate, on the brink of shock. You just can’t fathom the idiocy. “It’s time the world knew that you’re a cheat, you’re a liar, and you’re fucking rotten to the core. It’s time you stopped showing your face around here, like your brother.”
Your husband opens his mouth, then closes it, flabbergasted. You can see the tears rushing to his tear ducts, you can practically feel the tightening in his chest.
That’s it. You can’t. You can’t fucking handle this anymore. You get up abruptly, your chair making a garish, grating noise against the marble floor. “He’s right. We shouldn’t come here anymore,” you say, voice steady and clear. Your voice is raised, your tone firm. “It’s time we left, Roman."
Logan drops his utensils, the silver clattering against the table. “What’s the hurry? At least finish up with dinner.”
The heat immediately rushes to your face, and you can’t suppress the anger anymore. “Are you fucking senile?” you yell, Roman quietly getting up to stand beside you. “Enough is enough. Stupid fucking Pyros and it’s stupid fucking issues! You run it like a prison, your profit is nonexistent, and it’s being sued by every law firm under the sun. There’s a right decision you can make, but your head is too far up your ass for you to even see it. Go ahead, let shit hit the fan! Let the entire fucking family fortune get snatched away from you because of one measly company! And by all means, bully Roman over it, despite the fucking fact that every single person in this room agrees with what we’re saying.” You’re the one bristling now, the words spilling out of your mouth. “We’re not coming back. I’m going to the press first thing in the morning. You’ve been doing too much for too long. You’re nothing more than a piece of shit, Logan. You wouldn’t know a good son if he fucking punched you. Fuck off. You don’t deserve someone like Roman.”
Roman’s out the door before you are. Face still flushed and adrenaline still pumping through your veins, Roman helps you into your coat, you grab your purse, and you’re out in the chilly New York air, waving your arm for a taxi.
The ride home is silent, his head leaning on your shoulder.
Back at home, you kick off your shoes at the door, your stomach still in knots. “I’m sorry,” you manage, watching him shuck his jacket off and toss it into the coat closet. “I should’ve… I should’ve kept my temper in control.”
“Sorry? Sorry for what?” He comes over to you, his hands going to cup your hips and pull you close to him. “You’re the only one that’s been in my corner. Ever. My entire fucking life. You deserve a fucking medal.”
You kiss him gently, quickly. “It just made me angry.”
“I’m going to quit,” he tells you lowly, hand coming up to your jaw. He strokes your bottom lip as he gazes at you. “I’m going to quit and we’re going to run off to whatever place is the farthest from here.”
You steal another kiss from him before responding. “Let me ruin his fucking life first, okay? Pretty please?”
He laughs, pulling you into a hug. “Oh, only since you asked so nicely.”
You’re both giggling as you collapse on the couch together, the dinner already forgotten. That’s how you know he was meant for you. Nothing mattered but him. The world could be burning around you, and Roman Roy could be smiling, and everything’d be fine because he was happy. That meant all was right in the world.
You cuddle up to him, his arm coming to drape over your shoulders. You hook your arms around his waist, tucking your face into his chest.
“You know,” he begins, “with corners and stuff, that’d make you a boxer. Or a wrestler.”
“Wasn’t that your analogy?” you ask, laughing lightly.
“Well, yeah. Doesn’t stop you from being a fuckin’ champion.” His voice wavers, the way it does when he’s on the brink of sleep.
“Fucking cheese ball. Go to bed.”
You both share a long, loud, laugh. It’s far too late at night for this. Apparently, his father was fucking nocturnal and only had meals past ten.
“You know you love it. You love me,” he murmurs groggily, barely still clinging on to consciousness.
“Yeah. I do.”
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garbinge · 1 year
D&D Night
Eddie Munson x F!Reader
Day 04 from these April Prompts: “I can’t believe I’m finally meeting you”
Summary: You might be friends with benefits with Eddie, but that doesn’t stop either of you from dating. Your date night goes from shitty to pretty fun thanks to the Munson boy. 
A/N: First time writing for Eddie, this was a WIP I had in my google docs for months and I decided to repurpose it for this prompt! 
Warnings: All my fics are 18+ regardless of content. Alludes to smut and nudity. Cursing, and just a mix of angst and fluff?
Taglist: @drabbles-mc @justreblogginfics
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The morning was hazy, even with the sun being fully risen and the sound of birds chirping through the windows, you were so tired everything was a fog. You quietly moved into the small trailer’s shower and let the water heat up before fully stepping into the steamy tub. Every move was tip-toed or softened so as to not wake up the company in the place you frequently visited. 
The shower helped with the fogginess, your senses were more awakened and your body had literally warmed up as the hot water from the shower hit your skin. Just as you began to rinse off the soap suds, the curtain slid back and a shaggy haired man was stepping in to join you. 
“Jesus Christ, Eddie.” You clung to your heart as it raced from being startled. 
“G’mornin’ to you too, Model T.” He wore the shit eating grin with pride as you pushed him back playfully. The nickname he gave you rolled off his tongue with ease. You drove a red Ford Thunderbird, it was truly one of your prize possessions, Eddie knew that and that’s why ever since you got obsessed with the car he referred to you as Model T, Ford’s first ever car. His explanation was that Model T put the world on wheels and now that you had your own ford that you practically lived out of you had put your world on wheels. It was cheesy, but it was Eddie. 
“You suck.” You murmured before turning around and getting the rest of your body rinsed off. 
Eddie’s hands trailed their way up your back, rinsing the soap off. It was intimate, but that was the dynamic you shared rarely and privately. It wasn’t awkward, it wasn’t weird. It was you and Eddie. Best friends since your freshman year of highschool. The guy who stood up for you when you were being bullied and still would do anything for you. Anything. Especially now that you had been going on this friends with benefits situation for about two years now. What started out as one bored night of fucking around turned into a ‘you scratch my back, I scratch yours’ situation. It didn’t bleed into your friendship, neither of you would let it. In fact, outside of this trailer no one would have even suspected. Everyone knew you two were friends, but considering Eddie flirted with anyone, it was easy to just assume it was a personality thing, along with the title ‘freak’. 
Eddie laughed as he rinsed the suds off you. “Didn’t mean to scare you, you're just taking forever.”
“And when did Eddie Munson get a hard on for punctuality?” You said turning around to face him, staring up into his brown eyes as beads of water jumped onto his damp shaggy hair. 
"Since you told me you’d come join Hellfire today.” He switched places with you, now being soaked entirely by the shower. 
“Motivation comes in the strangest of ways for you, Munson.” You started to move the curtain to step out of the shower and wrap yourself in a towel. 
“What are you up to after?” Eddie asked as you patted the towel around to pick up any dripping water. 
It was at that moment you realized you hadn’t told Eddie you had a date tonight. Which, to you, wasn't that big of a deal. You came to terms with the arrangement you and Eddie had days after it started. All of the fantasy and butterflies had since been blocked out by you. He made it very clear the situation you two shared. He went out on dates too, if you could even call them that. There had been multiple nights where Eddie left you hanging to go sell weed to girls and he would be gone for hours.
“I have a date.” You said nonchalantly as you wrapped the towel around your body and wiped the condensation off the mirror to get a look at yourself. 
Eddie was lucky that the curtain was between you, any sign of disappointment was hidden behind it. 
“Who's the lucky loser?” He called out, masking the dismay even more. 
“Blake Beckett.” 
The curtain pulled back rapidly and Eddie’s face filled with disgust. 
“Blake Beckett?” 
Blake had graduated a year before you had, and when Eddie was originally supposed to. He wasn’t popular, like a jock type, he wasn’t exactly a misfit either, but he definitely ran with the too cool for school crowd. 
“Yes, Blake Beckett.” You didn’t let him get in another word before you were retreating out of the bathroom and into his bedroom to get changed. 
Eddie tried to follow quickly behind you, wrapping up in the shower and immediately coming into the room to question your choices. 
“Blake Beckett is weird.” He said trying to level with you. 
“And what are we?” You asked, throwing your stuff into your backpack and pausing to motion your arms between the two of you. 
“We’re different.” Eddie shook his head in annoyance that he couldn’t get you to understand his point. “Blake is like lame, and he’s, he’s just lame.” Eddie stuttered. 
“Real convincing, Munson.” You rolled your eyes. “I’ll see you tomorrow, I gotta go.” And in a blink, you were making your way through the trailer, stopping for a brief second to grab a snack from the fridge and your keys from the counter before hopping down the stairs of the trailer house. 
As you put your keys into the door of your cherry red Ford Thunderbird to unlock it, you saw Eddie’s Uncle, Wayne, having a cigarette on the picnic table that sat just feet away from the trailer. 
“Hey Wayne!” You called out and waved. 
His head turned to look over at you and he smiled and nodded. 
“I should just build on an addition so you got a room of your own!” His smile widened. 
“Nah, I’ll take Eddie’s and we can just kick him to the couch. More affordable option!” Your hand pulled the handle open on the car and you leaned on it to continue the conversation with Wayne. 
“Always lookin’ out, where you headed to this early?” 
“You know, a little this and a little that,” Your eyebrows lifted up as you shrugged and hung over your car door. 
“A lady with mystery.” He chuckled. “You go on now, I’ll see you later tonight, I might break the grill out.” 
“It’ll just be you and Eddie, I won’t be here, I got a date!”
Wayne’s smile grew in a way that was humorous, he wasn’t stupid to what went on in his home, he gave Eddie his space, always had, but you were around so often and for so long even when nothing was happening Wayne had his suspicions. It was comedic to him to see you both in such denial over it. 
“Alright then, I’ll see ya when I see ya, good luck on that date.” His southern drawl coming out in his farewells. 
You stood in the payphone booth as the first ring filled your ears. Your eyes were cloudy with tears that you hadn’t let fall yet. A bad date was one thing, but one that was cut short and left you feeling this way was another. 
“Munson.” Eddie’s voice cut off your thoughts. 
“Please don’t say ‘I told you so’.” You said between sniffles as you held the phone to your ear and leaned back against the wall of the booth.
“Where are you? I’ll come pick you up.” He asked in the most serious voice. 
Eddie was there in minutes to pick you up in his van. He didn’t ask you any questions about what happened, he didn’t push, he didn't pry. 
“You want me to take you home?” Was the only thing that came out of his mouth. 
“It’s Hellfire night right, end of your campaign?” You asked, looking over at him. “Let’s go.” 
You walked into the room, taking in all the lights and stage decorations that littered the walls and floor. It was a cool set up, the table was long and the chair at the head of the table was clearly for Eddie, it had a whole King Arthur vibe to it. 
“Holy shit, no way!” A tiny voice caused you to look behind you to see a curly headed boy with a trucker hat appeared. 
“This is Henderson.” Eddie pointed over to the kid who stood next to you. “Henderson, this is–” 
“Oh I know.” Dustin smiled his signature grin as he held his hand out to you. “I can’t believe I’m finally meeting you.” The enthusiasm in his voice made you feel special. “You’re Y/N. Graduated in ‘84. Top of your class, but you turned down the Valedictorian role, you took time off of college to take care of your parents but enrolled in Hawkins Community College this year. You play the guitar and your favorite band is Metallica.” Dustin was shaking your hand frantically and eagerly. 
You lifted your eyebrows up in awe, “Pleasure is all mine, Henderson.” You said trying to read the situation. 
“Dustin, please.” He released your hand, still smiling. 
“You stalkin’ me Dustin?” You couldn't hold back. 
“What?” He frowned at the question, “Oh, no. Eddie’s just talks about you a lot.” 
Eddie’s eyes went wide as Dustin spoke, embarrassed by his confession. 
“Does he?” You turned to look at Eddie who had gone from embarassed to calm in seconds as you turned your body. His hand playing with his hair in front of his mouth before he extended his arms out and began speaking to change the subject. 
“Welcome to Hellfire, Model T.” 
“Model T? She drives a ‘68 Thunderbird?” Dustin stepped forward. 
You and Eddie both spoke up to correct him at the same time, “‘69!”
“You’re fuckin’ with me.” Dustin tilted his head to the side in defeat with a little smirk on his face. 
“Are they allowed to curse?” Your head turned in question to Eddie. 
“Yes.”  He said which earned him an immediate response from Dustin. 
“HAH! Fuck yea! I knew I was right.” 
“No!” Eddie said, shaking his head as the confusion started. 
“Do you wash their mouths with soap or something?” You questioned as Dustin cursed again. 
“No, we are not bullshitting you.” Eddie gripped his hands together and leaned forward in a lunge towards Dustin as his two fingers pointed at him. “and yes they are allowed to curse.” His hands moved to point at you. 
A smile grew on your face as he straightened himself back up. “I like Hellfire.” 
“And the fun hasn’t even begun.” He smirked. 
The screams grew loud as the final dice roll happened, the 20 appearing slowly as the dice stopped rocking back and forth. The jumping and celebrating from the group shook the table as Eddie stood up. The smile on his face was contagious as he commemorated with everyone. You weren’t even playing and you felt the adrenaline rush come over you in that moment, forgetting about your shitty night just hours before this. 
As you stepped outside of the school, watching each one of the kids grab their bikes to make their journey home, you felt an arm get thrown over your shoulder. 
“How’d you like it, Model T?” Eddie asked as you started to walk towards his van. 
“It was really fun, I remember we played once or twice when I was in school but it was nothing like that, you got a good group.” You cuddled into his side. 
You both got up to the van and Eddie opened the door for you. “Munson, always the gentleman.” You teased him as you plopped into the passenger seat. 
“Want me to take you home?” He asked as he jumped into the driver seat and leaned forward to start the ignition. 
“Can I stay at yours tonight? Just– I think I could–” You started to trip on your words. 
“Don’t need an excuse to hang at my humble abode, I know my presence is oh, but a gift.” Eddie laughed as he started to back out of the spot, his arm extending on the back of your seat. 
The drive was yet again quiet, but you finally spoke up again once he parked in front of his house. 
“Can we smoke?” You asked without looking at him. 
“Sure.” He shrugged and jumped out of the van. He reached into the compartment that was on the side of the door and pulled out a joint and smiled as he wiggled it to show you. He was walking towards the picnic table when you jumped out of the van yourself and met up with him. 
The two of you sat next to eachother on the top of the table, passing the joint back and forth. 
“You wanna tell me what happened?” Eddie spoke as he inhaled his hit. 
“No.” You let out a chuckle disguised as a sniff. You could tell your response bothered him, but he did a really good job at hiding it. 
“He was lame.” A smile escaped from you as you looked up at him. 
His eyebrows raised and he leaned into you as he passed the joint. “Want me to beat him up?” 
“Yes. Yes Eddie. I want you to beat him up.” The sarcasm dripped off your tone. 
“Y’all kids wanna eat or keep smokin’ that nasty shit.” Wayne’s voice cut through your conversation and you both turned to look over your shoulder to see him standing in the door way of the trailer. “Yes, I’m talkin’ to you two!”
You both chuckled, taking the last few puffs before stepping on the joint before walking over to Wayne who was holding out a plate with 3 raw steaks and a bag of chips. 
“Now y’all take these and go back to the table, I’m gonna set up the grill.” He followed behind you two. 
It was nice, you could tell Wayne splurged on the steaks, the quality was unmatched. 
“How was your date?” Wayne asked mid bite. 
“Lame.” You turned to Eddie and smirked. It caused Wayne to smile as well. 
“Well I reckon it’s his loss and mine and Eddie’s gain.” He tried to cheer you up. 
“Thanks Wayne, and thanks for dinner it really means a lot.” 
“Anytime darlin’.” He took his last bite of steak. “Alright now, thanks for entertaining this old man, I’m goin’ to bed, don’t do anything stupid.” He was grabbing his plate and beer and retreating back to the house. 
“You wanna smoke again?” Eddie asked as he jumped back on the top of the table, his leg now sitting to the right of you. 
“Wayne told us NOT to do anything stupid.” 
“Who listens to a Munson anyway?” Eddie teased. 
“Certainly not me.” You teased him right back before he responded. 
“No, certainly not.”
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I looked through my notes and apparently last time I sat down to write my thoughts was in February. I had been struggling with my body image and had a nasty nightmare. I’ve not had very nasty nightmares now, but the body image thing is ever present.
I recently bought swimwear for the first time since my early teens. (Let it be noted that I’ll be 43 in a month.) It was inspired by a friend who is coming to visit and wants to go swimming. I was so nervous to even try on a swimsuit… but I did it. I now have two swimsuits/swimwear. I wonder how it will be to actually go out in public wearing them - not easy, probably, but hopefully it will be at least somewhat enjoyable in the end.
Also a new thing is that I’ve been wearing shorts now. It’s almost 30 degrees here and suddenly I’ve noticed I don’t care what others think. I even wore an almost sleeveless top! Who am I?! I think this is due to age, and running out of fucks to give. I mean, does anyone really care what I’m wearing? I don’t think so. I just want to be as comfortable as possible. 
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I’m putting my outfit from yesterday here - I would never have been able to wear this a year ago, no matter how hot it got. I’m surprised at myself. Also shocked at how comfortable I was eventually! There was no panicking, no distress. I see all the flaws, but it just matters less and less. I undoubtedly sound like a broken record, but I’m just so surprised.
I don’t think I would be at this point without my dear friends. They keep me sane, truly - and they never seem to get tired of shooting down my negative self talk, which matters more than anyone would guess. I love them all very much.
Another thing that’s helping is plants. I’ve become a full time plant parent, and it feels good to see things growing under my care. I’ve never been able to really do this successfully until now. I’m currently sitting on my balcony, surrounded by my green babies, and I feel calm. It’s no small thing, to feel calm! The plants also help me practice being patient. My huge tomato is testing me - there are so many flowers, but no fruit. Not even beginnings, apart from one that’s smaller than the tip of my pinky. I’m told it takes time, but I just worry. I am doing my best though, and that will have to be enough.
I don’t know where I’m going with all this, except nowhere. I suppose this is my blog, and I can go nowhere as much as I wish. I was going to write something the other day, but when the time came, I found I had no words anymore. Much like now! But I was thinking a lot about my active ED years for some reason. I used to be one of the moderators on a pro ana forum - one of the nice ones, one that helped me keep myself together for a long time. I was close to several people on there - I wonder where they are now? I kept in touch with a couple even after I was discharged from my first hospital stay, but these days I have lost contact with them. I hope they have found their own ways out. We were all sick, and brought together by being alone in our respective sicknesses. 
I kept a journal on the forum - it was full of misery and wallowing, so I’m sort of glad I have no access to it anymore. In fact, I don’t even know what became of the forum after I left. I’ve tried to find it again, but nothing comes up on google at least. It was always a very private, invitation only forum. Everyone supported everyone, in both sickness and recovery (whichever way any of us went at the time). I think I’m - ironically - alive because of those girls. (I say girls, because it was all girls. I think there may have been one boy at one point, but he was not very active.)
It’s such a weird experience, and I can’t really explain it to anyone who hasn’t been a part of a place like that. I tried to explain it to the nurses and the doctors at the hospital, but I don’t think they got it. They saw it as harmful, and probably fairly. In fact, the whole thing made me realize how futile group therapy would be for eating disorders. It can go wrong in so many ways! I’ve only had personal therapy so I can’t be sure of course, but it just feels suspicious. At least for me. I think that you have to be mostly in recovery to really be able to get any help from a group. I think that I might be able to, now - now that I’m mostly recovered. But of course it’s not something that’s available for me anymore. The EDs are not even in my diagnoses - not the main ones anyway. You’d have to dig pretty deep.
I guess this is what I wanted to get out. I’m not proud of my involvement in a thing like the pro ana movement, but I can’t fully bring myself to be sorry either. These things happen for a reason, and the reason was to keep me alive. I’m grateful for that.
It’s time to stop writing. My plants around me are telling me to wrap up the day, and they are right. I only need a shower and then I can fully relax. Thank you to anyone who read this, it’s a mess!
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irismfrost · 1 month
August 10 - Success?
Things may be turning around. I went to a specialized doctor this morning and told them I did not have insurance and they were okay with that. I think that they just charged me way more than they would if I didn't have insurance. Or maybe because they are probably a private practice. It was a strange and new experience, but Google Translate did me right. When I did the intake paperwork, I could not really understand much, but I tried to write some characters to help them understand what I was saying. The doctor spoke a little bit of English, but only medical words. I definitely still have a few questions, but at least now I have a plan of action, and some hope.
I was only gone for a little bit, so the very nice cleaning lady was still in my room so while I am waiting for her to finish, I decided to try for someone lunch. When I was going to the doctors office, I came across this little strip with lots of food, shops, and different things. I decided to go the other direction to explore and walked into this place with cool food pictures. As I am only one person, I got seated very quickly. I was not sure exactly what to expect because all I knew about this place was from the pictures, but I was pleasantly surprised. They serve something called "yaki" which is sort of a mix between a pancake, omelet, and scallion pancake. I got the cuttlefish version. They mix all of the ingredients right in front of you and then put it on the grill that's at the table. It reminded me a bit of hot pot in Taiwan; cuddle fish is also popular in Taiwan so I think it might be a regional thing. The guy poured the mix on my stove and told me to wait then came back and flipped it and told me to wait again. He eventually came back and put what I think was Japanese BBQ sauce and a yellowish mystery sauce on top. He of course asked me if I wanted them first; I just said yes because I'm trying to get the authentic experience. I ended up adding more mystery sauce at the end because it sort of disappeared towards the end after it was sitting in the grill for a while. It took me about an hour to eat it. I was satisfied at about halfway, I was full at about 2/3 of the way, and by the time I got to the end, I was so stuffed that eating more was a challenge. But, after my recent experience at the Buddhist temple, I have decided to try to eat all of the food in front of me. I try to do this at home too. My mom always scrapes her plate, like her plate looks clean. Almost like you took a plate out of the dishwasher but it didn't get cleaned all the way and there's still some grease on it type of clean. So, I am trying to get back to my roots. I also noticed about halfway through that everyone had these paper bibs on and realized I also got one and was just using it as a napkin. I'm honestly not sure why they have them out in the first place because it is not a messy meal, but I totally outed myself as a confused foreigner (as if I don't already look like one). It is a little strange to get so many stares. Even the waiters were watching me. They probably don't get a lot of young girls with light hair and blue eyes eating lunch by themselves. It's also a little uncomfortable to be in a big city by myself; I am always on my toes and a little paranoid. Japan is supposed to be one of the safest places, definitely safer than the US, but I am still skeptical and don't want to take any chances.
On my way back to the hotel, I accidentally went the wrong way and came across this cute little park place. It was all decorated in hearts and had little archway tunnel things. There were some statues and fountains. I think it may have some sort of religious significance because when I left, these two people in front of me turned around and bowed at the exit, so I also turned around and did a little head nod when I left too. That's when I realized I was going the wrong way so I turned around there.
I think the medication made me a little delirious and drowsy so I needed to take some time at the hotel before doing anything else. I won't be able to drink or eat certain foods on the medication so that sorta sucks, but at least I'll be fixed.
When I was revived, it was getting late so I decided to find a park. Even though I was relying heavily on Google Maps, everything was on one level and mostly straight lines. The walk itself was nice. It was about 30 minutes and I walked over 2 rivers (Dojima and Tosabori - they are the same river but just split where the bridge is) and the architecture was great. I saw a guy riding a bike with one hand and his roller suitcase and back in the other: skillzz. This walk made up for my negative experiences with city life yesterday. The park itself was nice too and I was proud of myself for making it there (and back) without too many mistakes. The park was big and there was a lot going on, but my favorite spot was the main area that I sat and overlooked. It was very peaceful. I wrote a short story about it when I was there (see below). And my new rule about finishing my food went out the window so I've decided to make an edit. It only applies to food that is good. I got some 7/11 food that I had planned to eat at the park and got this nasty egg and sesame rice triangle. I ate as much as I could but it was so gross I could not finish that.
Next, I got dinner. I went down that same strip that I found the yaki at. This time I got sushi. It was more expensive than I thought it would be. I got the tuna sashimi mix: lean (1), medium (2), fatty (1). I also got the medium tuna role (4 pieces) and a mini miso soup. I also asked for tea and it was really just hot water with matcha powder - not my favorite. The sashimi wasn't as cold as I wished it was, but the tuna itself was good. I don't think I've had fatty tuna like that before - it really melts in your mouth. The roll was huge and I'm not sure how other people eat it. Are you supposed to cut it in half and if so, how? I was trying to eat it whole because I didn't want to spill everything by ripping it in two pieces, but that was tough and I don't think that's how you're supposed to eat it. I was surprised that it didn't come with ginger and wasabi, but there was wasabi already in the rolls and sashimi.
I got back to my hotel and did some journaling and got ready for bed. I have been putting on the Olympics for background sound and they only have 10 channels here so I've been watching breakdancing. I think it's the first year that it's a part of the Olympics but I never really thought of it as a sport until I saw these people do it.
Being alone here is very eye opening. I can't talk to anyone; I've probably said 10 words out loud today, with the exception of me talking to myself (sometimes I voice type parts of these blogs in the moment). So instead of talking to other people, I've had to just think with myself. This is a thought that came across my mind today: It's only in silence that we're able to listen to our hearts and evaluate what matters to us. Hopefully I can find what matters most to me while I'm spending all this time alone with only my thoughts.
Utsubo Park excerpt:
As I walk forward, the greenery begins to unfold before me. I sit at the highest point, overlooking the park. I can feel the slight breeze dancing across my skin. I can smell the freshness of the plants and even though most of the flowers aren't in bloom, I can still smell a sweetness in the air. I can hear the sounds of the wind, of the cicadas, couples laughing, athletes running, children playing, people walking, dogs panting, bikers biking. The variety here is something I've never seen. Not only are there people of all ages, doing all different things, but there are smooth rocks, short grass and tall plants, flowers and greenery, walkways made of stone, concrete, and gravel. There is no direction - every path seems random but I lime to think of is as spontaneous. Some paths have archways, some are lined with stones. The tall lights along certain pathways look like little fireflies from where I sit. I overlook as a silent observer, watching these people live their private lives together.
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booksandchainmail · 2 years
Pale 8.1
they’d settled, four to a bed, Avery, Verona, and Snowdrop sleeping while Lucy sat
“I’m doing rounds, checking on every room of students who haven’t woken up already and started breakfast,” he told her.
responsible of him! Already doing better than the previous two (I think they just sent apprentices around)
"I reached out to Alexander this morning and couldn’t find him. I don’t know how concerned you are about him, but you should know that we’re keeping a close eye out and I don’t think you should have any immediate worries.”
right, Ray doesn't know what happened to Alexander... I assume he'll figure out he died eventually, could be awkward if he pieces together who. Though I guess none of the girls actually killed Alexander, even indirectly, that was all John's decision. One of the benefits of asking instead of summoning
She’d thought panic might grip her, or she might say or do something weird, or flinch, her expression giving something away. Her expression didn’t change at all from its default, slightly-pissed-off frown. She inhaled, then exhaled slowly.
Useful, but I'm not thrilled with what it says about Lucy's familiarity with danger and trauma
“So we have that Alexander thing happening, I guess,” Verona said
...oh. Did Lucy not tell them? That... doesn't feel like a good precedent for sharing important information, but I get not wanting to talk about it yet (or being worried they'd give it away). I'm hoping this isn't Lucy wanting to not burden the other two with guilt/trauma, because that would be a hell of a lot to carry herself
She’d tell them after.  It was calculating and awful but them having no idea made selling their non-involvement easier.
ok. Still not happy about it, but I'm glad she's going to tell them and that this is mainly for practical reasons (or at least that is her justification)
It felt like nothing fit.  That everything was at odds.  The sexy music warring with a mental image that was almost fighting to stay in Lucy’s mind’s eye.  The school so tidy when it had so recently been at war.  The playful banter between the others, when students kept giving them sidelong glances.
I am very glad that Lucy is already in therapy
If it weren’t for the music, then Lucy might have snapped at the silence, and that fact surprised her.
side effect of her implement? Making her more sensitive to silence/noises?
I’ll tell you right now, this is between you three, your opossum, and me.
i love this line
“Your reaction tells me I’m not mistaken,” Raymond told them. “There’s a discrepancy in paperwork and funding, with a short note from Alexander saying to contact him if there are any questions.
hmmm. Was the loophole tied to the school as a whole, or specifically Alexander? I went back and looked at 3.2, and it looks like that was something Alexander said specifically about his desmesnes and intentions to become headmaster.
“For the three of you, twenty-one thousand dollars a term.”
... ok. That's a lot of money. But a quick google was showing me that $7,000 per term per student is actually about as cheap as private high schools in Canada get, especially when you consider it's a boarding school. I suppose three terms (counting the summer) instead of two brings the cost up a bit, but honestly still seems like a good deal.
“Wrong answers could be cause for expulsion right here and right now." [...] “But given the severity of an attack of this potential style and scale, I wouldn’t rule out torture either."
wow that escalated fast!
"I’ve looked in, and the man is as good as dead.” “Not what I aimed for,” Verona said. “What did you aim for?” “To ruin his day.” “You have thoroughly done that.  Yesterday, today, and every day for a long time.”
starting to agree with Jessica that Verona is kinda scary
Verona glanced at Avery, then Lucy. Said a lot, that it was in that order. It wasn’t that Lucy was insecure, really. But Avery offered a different sort of backup to what Lucy did and if Verona was looking for that, then Verona wasn’t doing all that hot. It was hard to tell sometimes, but things like this were clues.
1) I love this kind of analysis 2) Lucy is doing my liveblog for me
"I know that what Lawrence would have built here would have overridden the position of the four Judges.”
huh. That ties back into Kennet I guess. Should be a good rationalization to the Kennet Others for why the girls needed to get involved. I wonder... was this someone's goal? To derail Bristow? That seems a bit too much to have planned out. But it's a big coincidence if so.
Mr. Bristow seems to have timed what he did to take advantage of the fact that the four judges are currently three.
... or it could be the other way around. Events in Kennet prompted Bristow's coup. Explains why he pursued it so aggressively: he has to have known that seat couldn't stay empty for long
"I’d love to have an adult we can go to that isn’t, like, Brie or Zed.” “What a thing to think about, imagining that Brie and Zed are adults,” Raymond said, wistful, shaking his head a little. He removed his glasses to rub at his eyes.
I'm with Raymond on this. How old are they anyways? Senior students don't have ages listed and I can't remember if it was mentioned or estimated elsewhere, but we know Nicolette is sixteen and Zed seems to be about the same age
“I believe you,” Raymond said.  “My concerns lie elsewhere.  Students described this Uncle Toad as very canny, and world-wise.  Your patrons seem to be evasive, hiding away from the world.  I don’t know what they’re plotting or doing, and my efforts to find out have been mostly stymied.”
On the one hand, I get why the Kennet Others are evasive, especially to practitioners. On the other, I agree with Raymond that there are wild red flags all over.
“I don’t think it’s that nefarious,” Avery said.  “Except for the murderers but we’re handling that.”
Is it at all possible that, even if you had no such intentions, you were led to come here to cause this kind of mayhem? Could that have been part of a scheme, plot, or plan, on the part of your patrons?”
same question I was asking a bit ago!
“A new headmaster will be installed in one to three weeks,” Raymond told them. “Either Maurice Crowe or Mr. Abraham Musser.
I'm voting for Maurice Crowe, on the basis that Luisa Crowe seemed more ethical than most practitioners in that flashback. Wonder if this is her brother or husband? I think a son would be too young.
“You have a bit of time. Not the whole summer, as you might have hoped, but some time,” Raymond told them.
well. I guess this is the answer for how to keep Verona from getting so wrapped up in the school that she doesn't go home :(
“Mend fences and build bridges."
networking time! Might be worthwhile to try and build on the connections with those they were allied with, but also to reach out to former opponents in a "no hard feelings" sort of way. Maybe start with Estrella, since they dealt with her before?
Also, maybe have Avery take point on this one.
“Yo,” he addressed the room in a deep voice.
vividly reminded of Helio from Dimension 20 Fantasy High
Her skin was the grey of storm clouds, she was bare chested, and her lips and nipples were silver.
wonder how Avery is dealing with this
“It’s easier than it once was.  To hear the older forces talk about it, it used to be lawless out there.  But you know how lawless things were, teacher.”
impressive that Durocher can call on gods for a lesson and casually question them
"If you have less awesome gods, they might give you something you didn’t ask for. Or they might get pissy,”
laid-back bro god is a very funny bit of characterization
Avery reached up, a bit shy, toward Lucy’s face.  Lucy crossed the last inch, pressing lip to fingertip.
... I'm not shipping any combinations within the Kennet Trio, but if I was
Yadira was injured, her wrist wrapped, and she was alone.  Kass was in the middle of the room.  Raquel had left when Musser had.  Nobody had walked over.  Yadira’s stance and expression might have scared off anyone willing.
good on Lucy for walking over. I wonder if this was an intent of the teachers? Have students volunteering to help each other. Though I imagine if Yadira had sat through watching everyone else get healed while she was alone, that would breed resentment
“You have no comprehension, do you?” Yadira asked, looking at Lucy.  She shook her head a bit. “Bristow?  The damage you three did?” Yadira asked.  Her expression changed three times, so fast Lucy could barely follow.  Bewilderment at Lucy’s reaction, then frustration, then anger.  “Get out of my fucking way.”
hmm. I'm starting to wonder if I have comprehension? Was it that their actions were too brutal, or too powerful, or targeted against too familiar a figure? Or I guess, for those who had sided with Bristow, this is a major blow to them and potentially to their families. So trying to push the past conflict aside might seem trivializing
They’d played games before, intimidating a bit, trying to look strong as a just-in-case.  They’d scared off the sorta-friendly types, like Yadira’s group.  Now they looked strong, and they had no friends.
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defountaine · 1 year
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independent + private roleplay blog for FURINA DE FONTAINE, of mhy's GENSHIN IMPACT as judged by SINCLAIR ( 21 ). crossover + oc friendly. low activity due to college ( junior yr ) + old laptop.
rules under cut.
not spoiler or leak free
i tag triggers as “ trigger // “ 
for the main verse ( gi ), i'm almost entirely caught up on the main story.
hc heavy.
i use she/he/they for furina. she looks like both a woman and a twink and it's giving me gender envy, okay. genderfluid furina is so real to me.
generally novella because i love writing a lot!!
scarce activity bc my laptop is fucked up ( most of the keys are stiff lol ) + full time college student. i am literally doing a research proposal this semester.
aforementioned keyboard thing may lead to typos
i tag a lot of my ooc posts ( since a majority of the time they’re useless ) as “ irrelevant // ” as to not clog up peoples dash 
sometimes tumblr doesn’t send my asks so if you’ve liked for an inbox call and you don’t receive it, thats why 
mutuals can ask for discord<3 i encourage it actually since im active there more often but im very anxious and tend not to initiate conversation unless i feel like we’re very close 
if i ever bother you lmk<3 i’ve been told i can get a little spammy at times and i’ll admit i do get easily excited so if i need to tone it down just let me know!
if i’m following you i’ve read your rules !! i’ll assume you’ve done the same if you decide to follow back!
i only have access to the beta editor, sadly. i can try and pull some bullshit but i don't know if it'll work. my apologies.
those who are of age and have characters of age can smut with me. that said, furina is probably not gonna be very easy to fuck. trauma and all that. unless we have pre-established stuff. that's always fun. that said, don't follow just to fuck him, please. gore is also welcomed.
i love shipping, so lets do it! platonic, romantic, rivals, familial etc.. love ‘em all! planned or entirely natural, either is fine! if you wanna ship with me just ask! i have no preferences, not really, and i can say the same about furina. both she and i are down to clown with just about anyone. it doesn't even have to be healthy! ( to the tune of tmnt ) codependent toxic yuri/yaoi !
full time college student with very limited time to do rp nowadays. i really enjoy writing and all but being rushed to reply makes me lose motivation. however, if i do miss a starter/don’t reply to a thread for a while you can tell me about that!
despite me saying this, all in all i probably follow almost everyone back as long as they have a rules + abt page i can find! i don’t follow personals but if you’re a hub or your rp blog is a sideblog, lmk so i can follow you there!  if you have a rules + abt page and i don’t follow back LET ME KNOW. sometimes tumblr doesn’t give me notifications and i don’t pay attention to follower count for the most part. i’m really not picky and im not trying to be mean or ignore you ! 
any sort of hate will not be tolerated. if i see you picking on anyone or you pick on me , i will block you. that’s not the way i roll.
this is pretty standard , but please don’t control my muse or anything of the sort. 
 i am not a meme archive blog , so if you do rt them please consider sending them!!
just please turn them into separate text posts, please!!
y'know. no racism, homophobia, transphobia or pedophilia, incest, and all that gross stuff. instant block. literally just be normal.
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dojae-huh · 2 years
lol the edits with taeyong and doyoung and rose are so funny i had never seen rose with other neos! i guess people will ship any girl to a guy if they breathe next to each other.
yeah dotae are very platonic to me. that's just how i see them. and when i put dotae and jaeyong next to jaedo, they really pale in comparison to jaedo. i think it comes down to what people want out of their media romance. i gravitate towards a love like jaedo's. the way jaehyun acts with doie is truly unmatched and adorable.
i agree with your point about the rings + taking the focus off jaedo. i think what makes me call it fanservice is how doyoung pushed ring-gate to the forefront of the public eye. it was a calculated move on doyoung's part. lucas and winwin also have friendship rings and no one talks about it. other neos share similar things that dont get noticed or talked about. i dont think 6k is that much, because the og intention was to have nice rings with your bestie.
taeyong wanted friendship rings. taeyong told doyoung in private he wanted them. and doyoung made it public in that famous clip (kiss on the hand). and then he went and got the rings and called taeyong during the vlive telling him to show them lol we get it doyoung you wanna make it an announcement ahahahaha. at the time i didnt even think this, i thought it was super cute, and that it was just because doyoung was jealous of baekhyun. but in retrospect i see things differently. doyoung curates his idol image, didnt he say so himself?
and btw, i think taeyong is gay, or another lgbtqia+ identity, just not plain straight basically. but in love with doyoung? no. especially when doyoung is in love with someone else? that would be hella awkward for the entire 127 and it would bleed into their interactions at least a little. do you think jaehyun shows signs of being jealous of taeyong? i honestly never noticed that.
You are correct, people will ship anyone who stood 10 m from each other. I simply write two random names and google, most of the time I get a return of at least a few manips for any combo. These manips are mostly done for wattpad stories, maybe that's why you didn't come across them on TW. aespa is heavily shipped with Dream, for example.
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Jaehyun/Karina is also a thing. I guess it's just the "most popular+most popular" and "most handsome + most beautiful" equation. And whether some particular combo becomes widespread is a chance thing (if an acc with lots of followers starts to post about a certain ship, naturally, it will get advantage over other variants).
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I wish I can say that 6k is not much... heh.
Yes, Do used the rings, and Tae didn't like it (instead of the rings he talked too much about Do's new pendant, heh). I must say that I can't know it 100%, but, personally, I'm pretty positive Do called from his holiday with Jae in Guri, that's why Tae was hurt. The rings were supposed to be "their" secret thing, maybe Tae even envisioned some cheap ones bought together in some small store during a walk (or wanted to buy them himself, he did ask for the ring size, afterall), but instead the rings ended to be more as PR and a cover up. Tae even said the rings are DoTae+fans during that vlive.
I think Taeyong is straight, and everyone is lucky it is so, heh. Jae and Tae struggle to share Doyoung as it is.
Yes, Jaehyun was jealous of Taeyong (and practically all other members) before JaeDo started dating. There is an understanding now, though. One should remember that Jae was Tae's maknae before Doyoung even entered SM. JaeYong have their own hyung-dongsaeng history.
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himynameisobed · 1 year
another day another psychic.
i was walking to a clinic from my parents house and was waiting at the light at university and elm when a small, southeast asian man standing by me started saying something to me. i had my airpods in, so i missed what he said, but he seemed to be pointing to the corner of his eye so i assumed he was complimenting my sunglasses (which everyone has been doing recently). he laughed and said something like, "no, you're a very lucky man, you have such a kind face," and proceeded to basically tell my fortune. i've encountered something like this before, a long, long time ago back when i worked at hollister, and after that interaction, the yogi asked if i could give him a discount on his purchase, so i knew this was probably some sort of scam, or that he'd eventually ask for some money; but i'm also a spiritual person, and i find these things interesting and think maybe they're some force of the universe anyway, so i decided to let him keep going. he told me that i had 3 lines on my forehead that meant i was going to live a long and happy life (up to the ripe old age of specifically 89), and that i had a lot of friends. he told me something like things will work out well for me, and though i'm mostly carefree, i have a tendency to overthink certain things, and i should avoid doing that at one point, he handed me a small piece of paper and told me to crumple it and then blow on it, so i did. then he told me that i once had a jealous friend in a past life - someone who was pleasant to my face but wished the worst for me in private - and that in this life, i should keep my most important plans to myself. "my advice is in conversations, speak less and listen more. but you can talk to your family because they're blood." and then he asked me to pick a number from 1-9 and name a colour i liked. i picked 7 and blue. we continued talking, about how when i start to overthink things, i should switch from thinking to prayer. at one point he told me i'd be receiving two pieces of very good news in the next month. then he told me to straighten out the small crumpled piece of paper in my hand. i did, and on it was written the number 7 and the word blue - the number and colour i had picked earlier. i'm always impressed by these things, even knowing it's probably some trick or sleight of hand. i don't even remember him writing anything down on the piece of paper to begin with, though he must have at some point, and i can't recall any opportunity he would've had to switch the piece of paper considering in my memory i was holding it the whole time. then he asked me to blow on the piece of paper and put it in his little cache, and when i did he asked me to put in some money too. suspicions confirmed. at first i refused, thinking i didn't have any on me, but then i remembered i had some cash from the weekend, so i gave him a $5 bill. later, i googled this whole interaction and found that it is indeed a common practice known as the "lucky face scam", but honestly, i don't mind parting with $5 for the sake of some unconventional entertainment and words of kind fortune. after all, people pay psychics all the time (although they arguably haven't been tricked into the interaction). and besides, i do tend overthink certain things and talk too much anway (as do we all). who knows, maybe just speaking all those good things out loud will somehow manifest them. likely not, but never say never.
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365elephantsoap · 2 years
In the dark morning hours of Sunday, I dreamed that I was at a spa for a spa day. That’s not a far fetch dream. Michael got me a gift card for a spa day for Christmas and I’m all booked for the twenty first. In this dream, I went into a room that was very hospital like and removed my clothes. Then I peed on the floor (because dreams are crazy). My massage therapist then told me to lie down on the massage table face up. She covered me with blankets and then raised the bars up on both sides of the table. The table turned out to be a hospital bed. Then she spent five minutes digging for a vein in my hand so that she could hook me up to a saline IV. The therapist patted my other hand and said “We’re just going to let you rest here for a few minutes and absorb some fluids.” Then she pulled a curtain around me and left me alone.
I woke up thinking that I really needed to drink more water.
I also really hope that this is not how my actual spa day is going to play out.
Oh, it must be that time of year when I have to be reminded to care for myself. I’m not talking about massages and bubble baths kind of care, but the basics. Drink water. Trim nails. Eat a green vegetable. Step away from the cheese. That last on is much harder than it sounds. Months ago I told Michael I wanted a cheese cake for my birthday. He replied “Oh, you want me to make you a cheesecake for your birthday?” and I said “No. I want a cake made out of wheels of cheese for my birthday.” Then Michael said “What?! Is that a thing?!” while googling it and discovering that yes it is a thing. The first layer is already sitting in the fridge because it was on sale at Whole Foods during Christmas. It didn’t hit me until I made our New Year’s Eve charcuterie board that I had asked for an exorbitant amount of cheese.
We will be freezing leftover birthday cheese cake.
I still stand one hundred percent behind my beliefs that making resolutions in January is a waste of time. No one is in a good headspace to start new projects or pick up the old projects. We’re all still recovering from our holiday gatherings and the clean up from those holiday gatherings. I started the New Year with yet another restructuring at work. It’s nothing bad, in fact it is a very good thing, but there’s a lot of new things and questions and weirdness. I’m losing my yoga space and I’m going to have to hunt down a new one. I thought this week, I’d work on consistency in my yoga practice, my walks and going back to torture class. I’m saying no to elevators and I’ve re-introduced a timed twenty minute eating time.
I’ve also had a liter and a half of water today.
I’m not setting any big goals for myself this year because some big goals have already been established for me. A manager of a downtown coffee place posted a request for local artists in a private Facebook group that Michael is part of. He sent her a link to my website and she contacted me last week about a May/June showing for my photography. I’ve been scared to say anything about it because the last time I was supposed to do something like this, the world shut down and I lost my commission. Also, it didn’t really feel legit since I didn’t do anything. She just went online and looked at my photography page. All I had to do was say ‘yes’. I confirmed the dates with the manager yesterday and I’ll go visit the space on Saturday, but I feel like I have all the photos I need to fill the walls. I just need to print and frame them.
I start to get a little bit hyperventally when I think about it, but then I remember all the preparation I’ve already done and how there is not that much left for me to do other than just print the pictures. Maybe if someone came to me and said “hey, we want to publish your book in October.”, I’d finish writing a book. Apparently this how I get things accomplished. I just need to set back and do nothing until someone tells me to do something.
Drink some water. Eat a green vegetable.
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buckybarnesdiaries · 3 years
a place called home
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© credits to the author, i found it on google. if you own it, send me a message to add your @.
bucky barnes x reader. ⎢ masterlist.
Request by @dora-wolfram-blog: Hi <3 so happy to see your requests are open! How about ex Avenger reader who can manipulate the forces of nature and she comes to help Sam? (Idk maybe calling fish from the sea so his family can sell and earn enough money for the boat?) There she meets Bucky who she briefly met after endgame and they get to know each other? Domestic stuff is my weak spot so thank you so much luv u <3
word count: 1.206 words.
warnings/tags: none. bucky being a gentleman and sam a pain in the ass as always.
author notes: none of my stories contain reader’s body descriptions to be inclusive.
Join the tag list here.
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Saying that Bucky and you were friends wasn’t something exactly. You fought together a couple of times before you retired from superhero life. Like many of them, the war had finished and you chose calm over being a private agent. More or less like the ex-soldier, with the difference that he went to New York and you didn’t be able to find a home until Sam made you a call. He was quite the opposite of Bucky for you, connecting since the very first second you met. After he told you about his sister’s financial trouble, he offered you a roof to sleep under in exchange for your powers to control the tide and promote the movement of fish stocks. Of course, it was a hit, and you finally found peace in Delacroix. A celebration was inevitable, it was part of Wilsons’ DNA, but you weren’t expecting Bucky to show up with Sam; although he told you in your last call that they were working together. Or something like that.
As soon as your eyes laid on him among the crowd, you knew he had changed after more than six months without seeing each other. You couldn't help but feel happy for Bucky when you saw him smiling for the first time. He had a beautiful and innocent smile, seeming like a new man. Renovated, with want to live, enjoying playing with kids and talking to old men about war stories.
You had placed your back against an oak column, away from the crowd but close enough to check on everyone, in case they need help with anything. A beer was resting against your lips, doubting on continuing drinking, lost in your thoughts. There was something about Bucky going from one side to another, laughing unworried, that had fully captivated your attention. You weren't able to stop looking at him, chuckling when you saw one of Sam's nieces putting a magnet with the form of a crab on his left arm.
“I have that teen-in-love's face on camera”.
You frowned at Redwing some inches away from your face. As a response, you tried to slap it down. But your friend was faster than you controlling that thing.
“He looks good, uh?”
“Oh, shut up…” You replied by clicking your tongue and rolling your eyes, having a sip from your drink to put your eyes away to the sea.
“He asked if you'd be here… Just saying”.
“Shut up, Samuel!” You implored, rubbing the bridge of your nose.
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As the night went on and the guests started to leave, Sarah asked you to take Jim and Jody home while she stayed there cleaning with his brother about the business. You were exhausted too, and she noticed it. And after saying your goodbyes, you headed to the parking where your car was stationed, carrying the younger Wilson onto your arms —peacefully sleeping— as his big brother was yawning loudly. At that point, you realized that it was going to be a tough mission to put them in the car.
“Wait! Lemme help”.
The male voice coming from behind you made you turn around and before you could react, Bucky was taking Jody from your arms to his. You smirked softly in response, looking for the key in the right pocket of your jacket to unlock the car. The soldier tucked the younger in the back seat, placing the belt around him as Jim occupied the other side of the SUV.
“It's been good to see you”. You said after closing the door, staying outside in front of him.
“Same”. He replied, not knowing what else to say.
Puckering your lips and clapping the key on your palm, you nodded with your chin, feeling the nerves running through your veins. “Good night, Bucky”.
“Good night, (Y/N)”.
You gave him your back, sighing inappreciably, to open the pilot's place and came in.
“He— Hey, wait”.
“Sam told me… you were tired. I might give you a ride back home. I can wait for him there”. The offering made you glance towards him, already sitting in your car but with a leg rest on the ground. “If you want, I mean…”
Of course he did (...). That son of a bitch had the audacity to push you onto the other. You bit your inner cheek, landing your eyes on the wheel. Yes, you were tired. You woke up at five to sail with Sarah, then you organized the party and cooked for it. You hadn't had a single second of rest during the whole day. And Sam took advantage of it, feeling like he was some kind of Cupido. And you had to recognize that it was also very considerate coming from Bucky.
“I'd appreciate it… actually”. You ended up agreeing, stepping out to give him the keys and ceding your seat.
The ride was silent between the two of you, hearing some quiet indie music playing on the radio while you fought against your brain to stay awake. Luckily, it didn't take him too long to reach Sarah's house —although you were barely keeping your eyes open at this point. Again, he helped you with the kids, walking indoors and following you to their respective rooms. You tucked Jim and Jody on their beds, making sure they were comfy before placing a kiss on their foreheads and wishing them a good night. Bucky had rested his back against the wall, in front of the elder’s room, just waiting for you. And you could swear that you saw him briefly smirking because of the tenderness in your actions.
After closing the last door, you waved your head to urge him to follow you downstairs to the living room. With an exhausted sigh escaping your lips, you let your body fall on the sofa, curling on a side of it to give Bucky some space. You couldn’t help but yawn, turning on the TV by using the control remote.
“It’s good to have a home to come back”.
“Yeah… After all the shitty situations we’ve been through… We deserved a rest, don’t you think?” You replied grabbing a cushion from the floor, using it as a pillow over the armrest. “Sorry, I… I’m deadly tired…”
“Come here, that will hurt when you wake up”.
Bucky didn’t hesitate on beckoning to his arms, taking off his boots heel against heel to place both legs over the coffee table. You didn’t resist, knowing it would be comfier by his way. Sitting up, you lied to the opposite side, being wrapped instantly and snuggled against his warm body. Shameless, you rest your head on his right forearm, practically laying over his lap. But you felt good. You felt like it was a good reward after a long day, rolling down your eyelids and focusing on the caresses in your hair you didn’t know you needed.
For a moment, your mind wandered and fantasized about this last hour being part of your real life. Putting your kids to sleep and then cuddle with your husband till falling asleep. Smell Bucky’s strong and edgy scent. Your hands scratching his back. His fingertips stroking your scalp. Your legs laced (...)
Oh, God, Sam. What did you do?
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feedback is appreciated, please, leave a comment to let me know if you liked it.
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Father of Mine – 1/2
Character: Bruce Wayne x Daughter!Reader
Summary: With the tragic passing of her mother, Y/N learns to the truth of who her father is. 
Word Count: 4,000+
Warnings: Family death, cancer, absent father, cremation 
A/N: The reader is described as tall in this fic. Bruce Wayne is 6′2 and I’m tall, so I’m indulging myself with no apologies. Read it or don’t. 
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“Do you want to say anything before we…” the operator asked her.
“No,” Y/N answered quickly.
“Oh, my assistant forgot to give you this,” the operator gave her a shy smile as he handed her a small cardboard box.
She opened it to find all of her mother’s jewelry that had been on her body at the funeral.
“Thank you,” Y/N told him.
“Ready?” The operator asked.
He had been so kind throughout the whole process. It was obvious he was used to people breaking down and being extremely emotional. 
But Y/N had been stoic, almost concerningly so. 
Though he wasn’t one to judge. Everyone grieved differently.
With the pull of a handle, Y/N watched her mother’s body going into the chamber.
“It will be a few hours,” the operator told her.
He meant it will it will take a few hours for her mother’s body to burn to ash. Then they would hand her a tacky vase with her remains.
Y/N just nodded. “I’ll go for a walk.”
As soon as she was outside, Y/N called her mother’s executor.
“Ms. Y/L/N, I was just about to call you.”
“I’m at the crematory,” she told him. “I figured we should discuss the bills that still need to be paid for.”
“Yes, of course. As I mentioned to you before, your mother’s life insurance covers quite a lot of it…” his words died out.
“But it’s still not enough,” Y/N finished for him. “I’ll get the money.”
She wasn’t exactly rich, but she also wasn’t living paycheck to paycheck. But people never realized how much money it cost for loved ones to die. It was honestly ridiculous.
“You might want to consider taking out a loan,” he tried to suggest gently.
“I’ll think about it.”
“Another thing, Ms. Y/L/N. There was an envelope with a name on it. And your mother left instructions on delivering the envelope to them.”
She stopped her pacing. 
“What name is on the envelope?” Y/N asked.
There was a pause.
“Bruce Wayne.”
Y/N’s brow furrowed.
Of course she knew who Bruce Wayne was – everyone in Gotham did, as well as most of the country. He was a billionaire playboy, only making headlines when he was a mess. But every once in awhile his philanthropy would sneak in there. Y/N always assumed those were only to help recover his image and not because he was a good person.
“You still there?” The executor asked.
“Yeah. I’m just a bit confused. But please pass it along to him, if that’s what my mom wanted.”
“I can’t. The instructions specifically say for you to deliver the envelop to him in person.”
“In person?” Y/N groaned in annoyance as she pinched the bridge of her nose.
Why did all of this have to be so god damn complicated?
“Yes. Her instructions are…oddly specific."
“Fine,” she huffed. “I’ll pick up everything from your office before the work day ends.”
Y/N stared at the envelop that she’d tossed on her coffee table as she sipped a rather large glass of red wine.
She was wracking her brain trying to think of a time when her mom mentioned knowing Bruce Wayne. But Y/N would’ve remembered her mom saying his name – even in passing. It’s not a name that one can drop casually.
Y/N pulled up her phone and googled him. But she looked at his history. Yes, he was from Gotham, as was her mom, but so were 10 million other people.
But then Y/N’s scrolling paused when she realized they went to the same high school: Gotham Academy. Not only that, they graduated in the same year.
‘Were they friends?’ Y/N wondered.
But just classmates or friends still didn’t seem to warrant a handwritten letter to be delivered after one’s death.
Y/N didn’t open the envelope.
Her mother’s instructions specifically told her not to. And if she put in that much of an effort to get this done after her death, Y/N wasn’t going to ignore such a request.
That didn’t mean she wasn’t curious.
“Fuck,” Y/N sighed before throwing back the rest of her wine.
“I’m sorry, ma’am. I can’t grant you access to the building without your name being in the system by the company you’re visiting,” the building receptionist told her for the third time.
“I understand. But I called his office 30 fucking times and they refuse to put me through to him or get me an appointment,” Y/N practically growled.
“I’m sorry, ma’am. I already called their office to say you were here and they didn’t recognize your name. I can’t let you through to the elevators.”
Y/N’s gaze flickered to the security guard who stood a few feet away. He was eyeing her now that there was clearly an argument going on.
Y/N wanted to roll her eyes. She had a good foot on him – even without her heels on. And he looked like he couldn’t run a 50 yard dash without passing out or vomiting. If he thought he was going to physically stop her, he had another thing coming.
“Listen, I am not some crazy fucking stalker. My mom knew Bruce Wayne and in her will she asked me to deliver this to him,” Y/N’s voice lowered and became disturbingly calm. “I don’t want to be here just as much as you don’t want to have this conversation.”
“Ma’am, I’m going to need you to calm down,” the security guard finally stepped forward.
“Oh, fuck off,” Y/N rolled her eyes at the rent-a-cop.
“Ma’am, I’ll have to ask you to leave,” he continued.
“Call me ma’am one more fucking time…” Y/N growled.
But the security guard was taking a step to her.
“Excuse me. What seems to be the problem here?” A voice suddenly interrupted.
Everyone turned to see a young man – younger than Y/N – glaring at the security guard just as he was about to grab Y/N.
“M-Mr. Drake, we were just escorting this young woman from the premises,” the guard stuttered out.
Everyone at the building knew every member of the Wayne family. But unlike his siblings, Tim Drake was at the office almost every day. As one should be when they’re the CEO of a multi-billion dollar company.
“For what reason?” Tim Drake asked.
“She insists on seeing Mr. Wayne. But she doesn’t have an appointment. For security reasons, I cannot let her through, obviously, unless the company she is visiting has put her into their system and the building’s system,” the receptionist explained nervously.
Y/N frowned as if she was bored of the whole thing.
Tim stepped forward. “May I ask what your business with Bruce Wayne is?”
Now that he was closer, Y/N noticed how exhausted he looked. He was handsome still, of course. But she wondered when he last got a good night’s sleep. He was shorter than her, probably standing at 5’5. And she still believed he was younger than her, which was wild seeing as he was already the CEO and couldn’t be older than 24.
Y/N sighed before she grabbed the envelope from her black leather satchel, and showed that Bruce Wayne’s name was handwritten on it.
“My mother wished me to personally deliver this to him.”
Tim tilted his head slightly. “Why isn’t she doing it?”
“Because she’s dead,” she shot back without emotion.
But Tim’s face became sympathetic. “I’m sorry. I should’ve assumed…”
“It’s fine,” Y/N quickly cut him off before he could continue.
She was so tired of being on the receiving end of people’s sympathy. It didn’t help. And the words stopped holding any meaning to her.
“But I’m sorry. Bruce isn’t in today. And he probably won’t be coming to the office for the rest of the week.”
“Oh,” was all she responded with.
Of course Bruce Wayne didn’t come to work. Why would he?
This was a stupid idea. And now she had made a scene because of it.
“But if you give me your information, I will personally let him know that you are trying to reach him.”
“Really?” Y/N asked in shock.
Tim smiled at her surprise. “Of course.”
“Here’s my card,” she quickly grabbed one from her wallet and then a pen. “All my info is on that.” She wrote something on the back. “And that’s my mom’s name.”
He took it from her and nodded. “What was your mother’s relationship with Bruce?”
Y/N shrugged. “Honestly, I have no idea. I’ve been trying to figure it out. Apparently they graduated in the same high school class. But that’s all I was able to find.”
He nodded.
“Thank you…Mr. Drake. For your help. Really,” she urged.
“Please, it’s just Tim.” Then he glared at the receptionist and security guard. “For you it is, at least.”
“Thank you again,” Y/N felt like saying it 30 more times still wouldn’t be enough.
“You don’t have to thank me. Someone will be in touch. Have a good day, Ms. Y/L/N.”
“Y/N,” she corrected with a smile before she nodded and started backing away.
He smiled at her correction and gave a final nod.
Y/N didn’t expect to hear from anyone for at least a week.
If the Wayne family was one thing, it was busy.
They probably had parties to go to, meetings to attend, private jets taking them around the world whenever they wished.
Why would they ever prioritize a meeting with her, a stranger?
So imagine her surprise when she received a call from an unrecognized number the same day she gave Tim Drake her card.
“Hello?” She answered.
Usually she would let any unknown number go to voicemail.
“Hello,” a British voice answered. “Am I speaking with Ms. Y/F/N Y/L/N?”
“This is she,” Y/N sat up straighter on her couch.
“This is Alfred Pennyworth. I work for Master Wayne and manage all his personal appointments. I was told by Master Tim that you wished to meet with him?”
“Uhhh. Yes. Yes, I do. Is that…is that possible?”
“Would you be able to stop by Wayne Manor on Friday afternoon?”
Y/N already knew she had nothing going on that would stop her from getting this done. But she still paused to pretend to think about it.
“Yes, Friday afternoon should be fine. Are you sure he doesn’t just want me to stop by Wayne Enterprises?”
It felt oddly intimate to stop by Wayne Manor. Wouldn’t they want to meet her in a more secure location like a corporate building with security that already hated her?
“He is quite certain. Should I send a car for you Ms. Y/L/N?”
A car?
Y/N felt even more out of her depth now.
“Oh, no. That won’t be necessary. I’ll be there.”
“I look forward to meeting you, Ms. Y/L/N.”
“Thanks,” she answered before hanging up and realizing that probably wasn’t the proper response to such a polite goodbye.
“I haven’t heard that name since high school,” Bruce had muttered as he stared at the business card for what felt like the thousandth time.
“Yes, and the end of your relationship did not end on the best of terms,” Alfred commented.
Y/M’s/N Y/L/N had been Bruce’s high school sweetheart.
An she had seen the last moments of Bruce’s normal life. 
Upon graduation, Bruce decided to leave Gotham and that’s how his second life was founded. The two of them broke up before the summer after graduation had even ended.
Well, “Breakup” was a strong word.
Bruce stopped answering her calls.
She was his first love and he continued to love her.
But once Bruce realized where his life was going and who he wanted to be, he knew he couldn’t drag her into it. She deserved better.
And Bruce was a coward about relationships then. Maybe he still was.
“I am certain you did a thorough background check on her already,” Alfred commented with a smirk.
Bruce took in a breath before listing off all of her accomplishments. “Y/F/N Y/L/N. Graduated number one in her class at Gotham Academy. She was the star of the track team, breaking the regional record for fastest time in 100m, 200m, and 400m races. Also captain of her soccer team. Attended NYU’s photography program before dropping out after a year. Now she’s a professional photography. Her work’s been featured in Vogue, New York Times, National Geographic…amongst others.”
“Rather an impressive woman,” Alfred said.
Bruce nodded.
“I should get the tea and coffee ready for her arrival.” And with that, Alfred left Bruce in the drawing room.
30 minutes later, the doorbell rang.
Bruce glanced down at his watch: she was right on time.
He heard Alfred saying his pleasantries before he heard the clicking of her heels as she rounded the corner to enter the room he was waiting in.
For being a famous photographer, she could’ve been a runway model with her height and the way she walked into the room, completely owning it. She wore four-inch heels, only adding to her natural tallness. And her bright, red coat only added to her presence.
For a split second, Bruce was convinced that he was looking at an Amazon. Diana immediately flashed into his mind for a split second. Perhaps that was what Y/M’s/N needed help with: to get her daughter to her real people. But how would she have known Bruce Wayne had such connections? Unless she knew Batman’s true identity…
As soon as Y/N spotted him in the room, he rose from his seat.
“Ms. Y/L/N,” Bruce greeted.
He took a step forward and held out his hand.
“You guys really love the formalities.” She said it with a dark evenness, but it was clearly a joke. “Y/N is fine, Mr. Wayne,” she added as she shook his hand.
“In that case, it’s Bruce,” he countered with a soft smirk.
There was something so familiar about her. But Bruce knew they’d never met. 
“Thank you for seeing me. I don’t want to waste anymore of your time,” Y/N quickly got to it. She opened her purse to grab the envelope.
“My mom wanted you to have this. And she wanted to make sure I was the one to give it to you,” Y/N explained as she offered it to him.
Bruce took it carefully, but didn’t open it. “Yes, I heard about her passing. I’m very sorry for your loss.”
“Thank you,” she said hurriedly, making it obvious to Bruce that she did not want nor need his condolences.
Bruce nodded slowly.
There was a pause.
“Do you know what it says?” He asked her lightly.
She shook her head. “I wasn’t supposed to read it.”
“I see.”
“I should really be going. I have a flight to catch later tonight.” Most people that visited Wayne Manor wished to stay there forever. Or their curiosity got the best of them and their eyes took in every little detail.
But Y/N looked like she’d rather be anywhere else. And she wanted to get out as soon as she possibly could.
“Thank you again for seeing me,” she rushed out.
Without waiting for his answer, Y/N turned and started walking out of the room.
But she only got a few steps before she stopped.
Bruce watched her shoulders tense and her body move as she was clearly taking in deep breath.
Slowly, Y/N turned around to face him.
“Were you friends?”
Bruce gave her a watery smile. “She was my girlfriend in high school.”
Y/N seemed annoyed by that answer. “She never mentioned you. Not once.”
Bruce’s brow furrowed at that and his eyes zoned out as if he was revising the past in his mind. “I’m not entirely surprised. Things didn’t really end well between us.”
She nodded slowly. “Goodbye, Mr. Wayne.”
And Y/N turned and strutted out of the room without looking back.
As soon as Bruce heard her cab drive away, he ripped open the envelope and pulled out a letter.
He barely noticed that Dick had walked into the room. “May I ask…Who was the extremely attractive and tall woman that just walked out?”
But Bruce didn’t hear him as his eyes raced across the letter. His heart sped as he continued reading.
“Bruce?” Dick asked after being ignored. “Is she your next conquest or what?”
It wasn’t until Bruce was done reading the letter for the third time that he finally looked up and acknowledged Dick.
Alfred had also walked into the room, unbeknownst to Bruce.
“You OK?” Dick asked, now concerned with how silent Bruce had become.
“Master Wayne?” Alfred also urged.
“That was…my daughter,” Bruce finally muttered.
Dick blinked before his eyes grew wide in shock.
Alfred seemed less surprised, almost as if he had already put that together.
“Excuse me,” Bruce told them and exited the room.
Dick and Alfred must’ve warned the rest of the family not to bother Bruce in the cave. Usually he would’ve been disturbed by now.
Bruce had been at the computer for hours.
Alfred was the first person to come down, carrying a tray with dinner and tea.
The butler wasn’t surprised to find Y/N’s face all over the screens.
If Bruce had left any available information hidden before inviting Y/N to the manor, it was all out there now. Bruce knew everything about Y/F/N Y/L/N that was public knowledge – probably even some things that were not.
“You know, you did not seem all that surprised,” Bruce said to Alfred as he put the tray of food down next to him.
“Seemed rather obvious, didn’t it?”
Bruce quickly turned to look at him. “It did?”
Alfred smirked. “Her eyes,” was all he said.
“The color?”
Alfred shook his head. “As soon as she walked into the manor, they were reading me.” He tilted his head in Bruce’s direction. “Observation. Perception. Attention to detail...That is all you, Master Wayne.”
“The way she held herself,” Alfred continued, "Shoulders held back, head high, walking with purpose. No hesitation.”
“Also me?” Bruce asked.
Alfred simply nodded.  
“I don’t think she liked me very much,” Bruce sighed.
He didn’t know how he felt about that yet.
“A lot of people think you don’t like them when you first meet them,” Alfred countered. “Because I don’t trust them yet.”
Alfred raised his brows and silently ask him, ‘Don’t you see my point?’
Bruce rubbed his face and reached for the tea on the tray, ignoring all the food.
“I don’t know why you’re so entertained by this, Alfred.”
“Yes, I was entertained. I just saw a younger, female version of you, Master Wayne.”
“I abandoned her,” Bruce shot.
“You didn’t know she existed,” Alfred corrected.
“And why do you think that is?”
Alfred’s face dropped a little bit when he noticed the envelope discarded on the far end of Bruce’s desktop.
He looked down at the ground as he asked, “Might I ask what the letter said?”
Bruce glared at the letter as if touching it would burn him.
But after a moment, he grabbed it and quickly handed it to Alfred.
If this letter has finally reached you, it is because I have passed.
I must admit that I wrote this letter mostly in the event that I leave my daughter before she is an adult. But once Y/N turned 18, I decided to still pass this along to you.
There is no easy way to tell you this, so I will get to the point.
The young woman who delivered this letter to you is your daughter, Bruce.
Y/F/N Y/M/N Y/L/N.
When I found out I was pregnant with her, I was only 18. We had just graduated high school. You had started traveling. You called less and less. And you grew more distant – physically and emotionally. Eventually, you stopped answering my calls altogether. I left you a voicemail, only saying that I so desperately needed to talk to you, that I needed you.
But you never called me back.
With no words at all, you made it very clear that you no longer wanted anything to do with me.
But there I was, a teenager who was pregnant with our child.
I would be lying if I said I never considered terminating my pregnancy. I was scared and you broke my heart. All I wanted to do was erase you from my life.
But I just couldn’t bring myself to do it.
Once I decided what my future was going to be, I also decided that I did not want you to have any part in it.
I knew even if you pretended to play the doting father and the committed partner, you would grow tired of us eventually. You would resent me and our child for bringing you down. And you would brush us aside for yourself.
I realized I would rather Y/N have no father at all than one who would only disappoint her over and over again.
To this day, I truly believe I did the right thing for all three of us.
There are not enough words to explain the complicated woman that Y/N grew up to be. But I will try my best. I think I owe you that at least. 
Or maybe you have no interest.
I don’t know how she became so much like you, even when I never so much as showed her a picture of you or uttered your name.
She enjoys being alone – almost to her own detriment. I constantly catch her repressing her feelings, always staying strong for everyone else. It reminds me of you. She’s assertive and confident, never letting anything stand in the way of what she wants. Sometimes I don’t think she’s scared of anything. It worries me, just like it worried me when I thought the same of you.
I truly don’t know what you will do with this information.
But…if you have any desire to form some sort of relationship with her, then you should know this: she will not make it easy for you. She will push you away. And she might even hate you. I raised her to never need a man in her life, and she’ll make sure you know that.
I don’t expect anything from you. I never did.
But I would just like to know there might be someone who will be there for her should she need them.
Goodbye, Bruce.
Alfred slowly handed the letter back to Bruce when he was finished.
“I pushed her away because I knew what I was about to become,” Bruce explained darkly. “And I didn’t want her anywhere near it. She would’ve been in danger.”
“Y/N, as well,” Alfred added.
“But had I known…if I just listened to her–”
“Master Wayne, I thought we had agreed to never linger on the ‘what ifs.’”
That sure silenced Bruce.
“Now, what do you plan on doing, Master Wayne?”
Y/N frowned when her phone started vibrating and she recognized the name of her mom’s executor on her phone screen.
“Ms. Y/L/N, how are you?”
“Fine. How are you?” She was quick, wanting to get this over with. Surely, he had bad news. Another medical bill came in or some other expense that slipped by them.
“Good, good. Just curious…have you placed any payments to our various claims?”
“Uhhh…no. But I’m working on it.”
Y/N hadn’t expected to get a call nagging about paying bills.
“No, no, no. You misunderstand. They’ve all been paid,” the executor explained.
Y/N sat up straighter in her chair. “What? That’s not possible.”
“An anonymous donor. They somehow got record of all your outstanding payments and covered all of them.”
Y/N was stunned to silence.
“Ms. Y/L/N…this is a good thing.”
She blinked and shook her head. “Right. Yes, of course. I just…thank you.”
“Don’t thank me. Thank this guardian angel of yours.”
Part 2
Let me know what you think!!!
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roonyxx · 2 years
If Only...: Chapter 1
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Summary: When you get an invite from your family to go see them you refuse because they are always on your ass about being single. So what if Dean says he will pretend to be yours? 
Warnings: none for this chapter!
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Wordcount: 1300
A/N: I’ve had this fic idea for such a long time, that was until @jay-and-dean​ put me in a situation where i HAD to write it! Thank you so much for encouraging me and uhm… a very happy (VERY early) Christmas my babe, I hope you and everyone else likes it :) xxx
If Only Masterlist
My Masterlist
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Part 1
You were sitting in the library with Dean doing research, when Sam entered with the mail.
“Y/n, you got a letter!” he came down the stairs and handed you the rather fancy envelope.
You frowned “What? I never have mail.” You took the letter from him and groaned loudly when you recognized the all too familiar handwriting.
“What is it ?” Dean asked you.
“It’s my family…” you sighed deep.
“Wait… what? You have family?” Dean frowned, Sam was equally shocked.
“Well… not technically.” You told them as you started opening the letter.
“Technically ?” Sam questioned.
“After my parents died when I was twelve, I got adopted.” You stated as you began to read the letter.
“Oh… why didn’t you tell us?” Dean asked. “Were they… bad?”
You lifted your head to watch both the brothers looking worriedly at you.
“Oh no! No, they weren’t. I was just” you shrugged “Different.”
You continued to read after you saw Dean’s shoulders relax. “So what does it say?”
You groaned loud “they’re inviting me for their stupid winter resort holiday.” You tossed the letter away. “I’m not gonna go.”
Dean snatched the letter off the table and his eyes widened.
“A four star exclusive winter resort in Aspen, Colorado! Wait… you’re rich?” He examined the fancy piece of paper with the golden seal wax of an eagle.
“I am not, they are. They own the resort and some others.” You stated.
“You’re telling me that your family owns one of the best and most luxurious resorts in the States… and that you are not going to go?!” Dean said in disbelieve “It’s a free holiday! Why the hell wouldn’t you go?”
You leaned back in your chair “Because most of them are stuck up assholes with wives and husbands and kids and ew, it’s boring!” you looked down at your hands, there was another reason too…
“And?” Sam questionned you, damn you were like an open book to them.
“They are always on my ass about seeking a boyfriend, always setting me up on this blind dates and” with a sigh you continued “I’m just tired of their pushing, so I don’t go anymore. I have more important things to do anyway.”
“That shouldn’t stop you from a free vacation, look” Dean had taken his laptop and googled the resort. “Every room has a hot tub, you can go ice skating, there is private spa, a wellness, free massages and a free buffet 24/7?!”
You chuckled at his excitement “Then why don’t you go, I bet my aunt Andy would love you.”
His face looked like there went a light bulb on “Yes!” he exclaimed.
“What?” you frowned.
“What if I pretend to be your boyfriend ? Then we both get a holiday!” he said.
Your eyes widened, “W-What?! Dean we have better things to do then go to some stupid resort! You don’t even know my family, and how would we pretend we’re together?”
He shrugged as his eyes stayed on the laptop.
“There aren’t any cases at this moment anyways. And I’ll get to know them when I’m there. How hard can it be? Holding hands and being sweet. Doesn’t seem difficult to me.”
Yeah, if you don’t already have feelings, it’s easy…
“I don’t know Dean… I’m not sure they will believe us, and you’ll be stuck with me for four days. Can you handle that?”
“Of course! We’re best friends and free buffet, 24 hours 7 days filled with free food! I can perfectly act as your boyfriend.” He said winking at you, “I mean, if you are not okay with it that is totally fine, sweetheart. I’m not forcing you, I’m just saying we could use the holiday” he looked towards Sam “ and you can practice your sign language with Eileen while we’re gone.” He wiggled his eyebrows towards his brother.
“Dude…” Sam sighed.
You chuckled slightly at his teasing.
“Are you sure Dean? We would have to be really convincing, all the activities they plan are couple activities, you will be interrogated by everyone and we’ll have to share a room…” you explained to him. 
Oh God, if he said yes you weren’t sure if you would survive it…
“Sweetheart, I’ve been to Hell, Heaven and purgatory. I think I can handle your family at a four star resort.” He gave you his million dollar smile. “Besides, wouldn’t it be nice to see them again ?” he asked you.
“Yeah, I do miss Sarah, she’s like my sister. We used to have so much fun.” You smiled at the memories of you and Sarah doing all sorts of things. And you must admit, the thought of finally coming with a boyfriend and rubbing it in their faces, did bring a smile on your face.
And not any boyfriend, The Dean Winchester…Was this really a good idea? Dean might be able to pretend to be your boyfriend, but would you be able to pretend to be his girlfriend?
“So, We’re gonna go?” his voice snapped you out of your thought process, you turned to him and saw him look at you with a childish glint in his eyes that said ‘pleeeaaaseee say yes’.
So you did, you could never say no to the man you loved…
“If you’re sure about this, yes. It is a nine hour drive.” You told him.
“Yes!” he cheered with a wide smile, “nine hours? Perfect, time enough to get our story straight! Pack a bag sweetheart, the invitation says we need to be there by the evening, if we go now we might not be too late.” He got up and started walking to his room, you quickly went after him.
“Dean wait!” you watched him turn to you.
“Pack your fed suit, they always do these ridiculous diners. I don’t want you to be criticized by them. They really can be sharks…” you told him, “And warm clothes, it will be snowing.”
He gave you a warm smile that made you weak in the knees.
“Of course sweetheart, and don’t worry. I’m sure they aren’t as bad as you say.” He gave you a wink and turned back around to enter his room.
You sighed deep, “Oh you’ll see…”
You went into your room and packed your bag. Your stomach twisting at what the next four days will bring.
“I hope this isn’t a mistake” you whispered to yourself as you put the only fancy dress you had into your bag and zipped it up to go to the garage.
Dean was putting his bag in the trunk as you entered. He took your bag from your grasp and put it next to his before shutting the trunk.
“You guys be careful, okay?” Sam said as he gave you a goodbye hug.
“We will, and say hi to Eileen from me.” you gave him a knowlingly smile.
“I will.” he let you go.
“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do, Sammy.” Dean said with a sly smile.
“Oh so I can do everything?” Sam chuckled.
“Shut up, Bitch.” Dean said as he moved toward the door of the driver seat.
“Jerk.” you heard him say as you pulled open your door.
You both got in the car. Dean was smiling like an idiot.
He looked so happy “You seem really excited ?” you asked him with a smile of your own.
“Hell yeah! I’ve been dying for a break since forever!” he looked at you “You’re sure about this, right?”
“Yes I am, Dean. You’re right, we deserve a break. And it’s free. Would be a shame to say no.” You smiled at him.
“Awesome, let’s go then!” With that he started the car and left the bunker garage to start the nine hour drive towards Aspen, Colorado.
Chapter 2
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secretkeeper13 · 3 years
Summary:  The Sixth Year Gryffindor boys discover the Spice Girls, but Harry only wants to be Ginny’s lover.
Yes, you read that right. This fluffy, kind-of-crack HBP missing moment was born from a conversation in the Hinny Discord (and my 90s tween years). 
Content warning: If you aren’t into wank jokes, teenage boys shamelessly ogling pop icons, unfiltered Ron, and don’t agree that Sporty was the least attractive Spice Girl (apologies, Mel C), then this may not be the fic for you ;)
Since historical accuracy is paramount to this story (sarcasm), the magazine referenced in the fic is the March 1997 issue of The Face. Google it if you want to see the cover and photos (you know you want to).
Thank you @thedistantdusk, beta supreme, for editing and always encouraging my ridiculousness ;)  Happy Thursday!
Read it below the cut, or on Ao3.
Harry flopped onto his bed, tired but pleased with how well the team was flying. At this rate, they’d have a fighting chance to win the cup against Ravenclaw, especially now that Katie was back. It’d been their best practice yet, although he’d been repeatedly distracted by Ginny, laughing at her antics, admiring the way her eyes blazed with determination just before she scored a goal, trying not to stare at her arse as she bent low over her broomstick.
“What’s that?” Ron said, jolting Harry from his thoughts.
Ron looked across the dormitory at Seamus, who sat on his bed staring intently at a magazine with Dean looking over his shoulder.
“See for yourself, mate.” Seamus smirked, holding up the magazine to reveal the cover, a Muggle photograph of five girls, all scantily clad in lingerie and extremely fit.
Harry sat up immediately for a better look. Even Neville, from his bed next to Harry’s, had his eyes glued to the cover.
Ron let out a low whistle. “Where’d you get that?” he asked, clamoring across the room to stand next to Seamus for a better look.
“Took it from my little sister over Easter hols and brought it back for Seamus,” Dean said, grinning. “Thought he’d appreciate it.”
“What’s your little sister doing with something like this?”
“Not what you’ll be doing with it later, that’s for sure,” Seamus said, making a rude hand gesture. Ron flipped him off as the rest of them laughed.
“They’re the Spice Girls,” Dean explained. “A Muggle singing group. All the girls are obsessed with them right now. Girl Power, you know?”
Harry didn’t know, but he decided he would very much like to find out as he walked over for a closer look.
“Fuck, they’re fit,” Ron said, looking over Seamus’ shoulder at the cover of the magazine.
Harry had to agree. There was a perky, smiling blonde, two brunettes in the middle with dark, shiny hair and sultry gazes, a redhead with great tits next to them, and a pretty girl with wild curls and tanned skin posed seated at their feet.
“And this is just the cover, wait ‘til you see the photos inside.” Seamus said, waggling an eyebrow.
“They’re everywhere right now- can’t turn on the radio without hearing their songs- they’re all over the telly too,” Dean said, as the rest of them continued to stare at the cover. “They go by nicknames, and the girls all have favorites.”
Dean pointed to the blonde. “This one’s Baby, there’s Sporty on her other side. The redhead is Ginger-“
“Original, that one,” Harry said dryly, and the others laughed.
Dean continued as the laughter subsided. “The one next to her with that stuck up look is Posh, and the one sitting down is Scary- she’s my sister’s favorite. I’m with her on that one.” He finished with a wink.
“Reckon Scary’s my favorite too,” Seamus said, his tone thick with bravado.
“No way,” Ron said, indignant, “that Posh one, she’s the fittest. Look at her legs.”
“Nah, she’s a bit too high and mighty. She looks like she’d always be telling you what to do,” Dean said.
“Just Ron’s type then,” Seamus quipped.
Dean and Seamus roared with laughter. Out of loyalty, Harry tried (but failed) to suppress his own laughter, his shoulders shaking with mirth.
“Oh, fuck off,” Ron replied, the tips of his ears red.
“What’s The Chosen One’s choice?” Seamus asked, turning to Harry.
Harry rolled his eyes. “I’d go with Ginger.”
“Oooooh, Harry picks the redhead,” Seamus said, eyebrow raised, exchanging a pointed look with Dean.
“Got a thing for gingers, do you then?”
Shit. Panic that his casual admission might reveal his most private, fiercely-guarded feelings about Ginny began to overtake him.
“Didn’t pick her for her hair color, mate,” Harry retorted, trying to sound flippant, as he gestured to her tits.
Seamus laughed and slapped Harry’s shoulder. Harry breathed a small sigh of relief, hoping that he hadn’t just made the fact that he fancied Ginny completely obvious. In truth, the girl did remind him a bit of Ginny- not just her hair color, but her build too, and something about the way she carried herself in the photo. He tried not to blush, though heat rushed to his cheeks. He stole a glance at Ron who, thankfully, was still gaping at the magazine and not paying attention to the exchange.  
“What’s your vote, then, Nev?” Seamus asked.
Neville, standing next to Harry, his cheeks already pink, looked startled to be included. “Erm, she looks nice,” he said softly, motioning towards the blonde, “but they’re all good looking, really,” he added, his round face now flaming scarlet.
“Nobody for Sporty then?” Dean asked, laughing.
“Nah, who's picking Sporty over any of those four?” Ron said bluntly. “Let’s see what’s inside, then.”
The photo spread inside the magazine did not disappoint, Harry thought, taking in the individual, full body photos of each girl in very suggestive poses.
“Damn,” Ron said appreciatively.
“Told you it was good.”
The dormitory grew quiet for a moment as Seamus flipped through the pages.
“Wait,” said Ron, pointing to a line in the article, “This says the lyrics to their hit song are ‘If you wannabe my lover, you gotta get with my friends.’ Really?”
“Are you actually reading the article, mate? That’s impressive,” Harry said wryly.
“It’s true- heard it a million times over Easter break, that bloody song’s on the radio every other minute,” Dean replied.
“Well, it’s fucking terrible advice. What girl wants you getting with her friends?” Ron said.
Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.
“Ron,” a voice called. Harry realized instantly that it was Ginny.
Fuck. Seamus shoved the magazine under the duvet as the rest of them scrambled to disperse, Neville tripping over his own feet, Ron hitting his head on the top of the bedpost as he ducked to sit on his bed.
“Come in,” Ron called.
Ginny opened the door and leaned on the side of the doorframe. She looked unfairly beautiful, Harry thought, her cheeks still rosy from practice, her long hair loose and flowing down her back, ending just above the swell of her arse, which looked fantastic in her tight joggers.
Her eyes narrowed as she took in the scene. The five of them had each ended up on their respective beds, fully dressed, shoes and all, with no books or parchment in sight. It must’ve looked strange.
She quirked an eyebrow. “You five having a cosy little chat?”
Neville chuckled nervously. Seamus coughed. Ron’s ears turned red. Dean stared at the duvet, determined to avoid her gaze, probably for a variety of reasons, Harry thought.
Ginny shook her head slightly. “Never mind, I’m sure I don’t even want to know,” she said, grinning at Harry. His cheeks grew warm, and he gave a slight shrug back.  
She turned to Ron, her tone more serious. “Hermione asked me to get you. The Second Years were playing Exploding Snap at a table in the common room, and the explosion blew up some inkwells. There’s ink all over everything. She needs your help cleaning off the boys. Euan Abercrombie’s covered head to toe in it.”
“Little idiots,” Ron said, rolling his eyes. He stood and walked past Ginny onto the spiral staircase.
“Great practice, Harry,” Ginny said. She beamed at him, her smile brilliant, and in that moment, he wished, more than anything, that they were alone in the dormitory, instead of awkwardly surrounded by her (very recent) ex, Seamus, and Neville.
“You too. We’re going to flatten them,” he managed, hoping he didn’t sound like his breath was caught in his throat, which it was.
She just winked back. His heart, already fluttering faster than the wings of a snitch, skipped a beat.  “Night all,” she said, with a wave to Neville.
As she closed the door, Harry sank back onto his pillows, thinking only of Ginny, the magazine long forgotten.
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starglow-xx · 4 years
owning a bakery and being discovered by the ada and the port mafia (part 2)
platonic! fukuzawa yukichi x f! reader
type of writing: head canons !!
this is part of my head canon series, flour & fluff !! 
tag list is open !! go to this google form and fill it out to sign up!
series synopsis: owning a bakery at 20 is tough; even more so when you have to handle members of two opposing organizations! this is your journey to meeting those fools and creating an unlikely bond with each of them. but only at the cost of your peace and sanity.
fandom: bungou stray dogs
content: fluff & platonic stuff
previous: part 1: meeting the greatest detective
author’s note: ages are a year younger than canon so ranpo is 25, yosano 24, kunikida & dazai 21, fukuzawa 44, you’re 19, and atsushi and the other younger members are not employed yet
and i guess slight spoilers for the untold origins of the armed detective agency but not really. it’s just a reference to it tbh
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their beloved president
going to Sakura’s the next morning wasn’t what Fukuzawa had planned during his week
the reason he was dropping by was to give you money for the sweets you had given ranpo
when he had arrived back at the agency the evening before, he had made a big fuss about you and Sakura’s
he had sparked a lot of people’s interest seeing as ranpo was well invested in whoever you were and what your business was
he wouldn’t stop talking about the “cute and annoying bakery girl” who practically saved the agency simply bc she sheltered him during the rain and fed him and almost got hit by a car for him
i mean, how would the agency survive without ranpo? it was founded to make use of his intelligence and ability after all
the other agency employees exchanged looks and that’s when ranpo tiredly sighed and showed them his phone
on the screen was a contact, yours to be exact, labeled “cute bakery girl” with the note underneath reading “best follower, sweets supply & annoying little kid”
around that time, the president had stepped out of his office to see his employees huddling around ranpo and his phone
he walked over to them and asked what was going on, and seeing the president, ranpo explained what had happened with more details
“so you’re saying that a young girl, 19 years old, nearly got herself run over to shelter you from the rain, gave you food, closed her business early so you could keep talking, and when the rain stopped, she gave you a map and even more food, and even though she may have been inconvenienced, she did not ask for anything back? nor did you offer to give her anything back? even though she relies from the money she earns to survive?
after a, private chat with ranpo, fukuzawa ended up saying that he’d go take a visit to Sakura’s first thing in the morning to pay off the sweets that she’d given him by sliding an envelope of money under the door with a note
he initially told ranpo to go back right away (and to bring someone with him this time) but that ended up not pulling through bc ranpo had told him you went to retire for the evening
so yeah
there he was walking towards your bakery when he saw a small black cat with green eyes near the entrance playing with one of the potted plants outside
even though it was small, fukuzawa could tell that it wasn’t kitten due to his love of cats but the cat was still small compared to other adult cats
when he was just a couple feet away from the entrance to your bakery, the black cat took notice of him and walked his way before rubbing itself against his leg
fukuzawa let out a small smile as he bent down to pet the small creature, and the cat gladly ate up all the attention
suddenly the entrance to Sakura’s bursts open, and there you are looking back and forth frantically 
but you soon spot him and the cat and you visibly calm down
the black cat rushed to you and rubbed itself against your leg
it turns out the cat was yours, and you couldn’t find him so you panicked and rushed out the door
from there, you introduced yourself with fukuzawa doing the same
you still had about a little more than forty five minutes til Sakura’s was scheduled to open but you offered fukuzawa to come in anyways
he declined at first, but he gave in when, just how you did with ranpo the day before, you dragged him into your bakery
“you know, fukuzawa-san, this is giving me some major deja vu!”
“it’s because of ranpo i presume.”
“oh! you know ranpo-san?”
when the two of you entered, you rushed to a table and pulled out a seat for him before you disappeared off into the kitchen
just a few minutes later, you appeared with a tray with two steaming mugs, two hot plates of food, and small basket of bread
you set one mug in front of fukuzawa as well as a plate of food while you set the other mug and plate in front of the seat across from him and the basket of bread near the center by the small vase of flowers that you had for a center piece
he gave you a confused look as you sat in front of him and as your cat leaped into your lap
“ah! it’s pretty early in the morning, and you still have to go to work later, so i thought you should at least have a little something before you go. and i didn’t have breakfast yet so i thought it would be nice to have some tea with some company. and i made extras anyways!”
fukuzawa blinked before letting out a small smile and he quietly thanks you
you beam at him and as the both of you begin to eat, you ask him why he’s here this early and how he knows ranpo
with that, the silver haired man addresses your questions and explains the reason why he’s here and how he knows the brown clad male 
after explaining, fukuzawa pulls out the envelope with some money and slides it over to you
you try to reject it, but somewhere in the back of your mind, you’re screaming bc you know you need the money for bills and whatnot
fukuzawa wasn’t very helpful either
“so you’re saying you don’t need the money?”
you end up accepting the money much to your inner conscience’s chagrin and to fukuzawa’s inner delight
moving on from that, for the rest of the time he was there—the last 40ish minutes or so—you rambled and talked to fukuzawa like how you did with ranpo the day prior, only this time, with a cat switching his resting point for either yours or fukuzawa’s lap
honestly, you’ve gone through so much deja vu and at this point, you’re not sure if you’re still in reality or not
sometime in your conversation, fukuzawa learned that your cat, ironically, was named lucky
apparently you found him in an alley while you were grocery shopping two weeks ago and since you took him in, you noticed that Sakura’s received a lot of new customers and that a lot of them actually ended up becoming regulars
speaking of the cat, you kept having to stop lucky from eating the food on the table
if fukuzawa was amused from your antics along with lucky’s, he was pretty good at hiding it
you: “lucky you naughty cat! i already told youuu” >:(
lucky: >:3
fukuzawa internally: :) & :D
the two of you had also became well engaged in talking about different kinds of tea, with fukuzawa even complimenting you with the tea you had made for him
it became his favorite <33
you were so happy <3
oop there’s that kid-like behavior again🤭
don’t tell ranpo🤫
scratch that he probably already knows somehow </3
speaking of which, the two of you also talked about the childish detective
it was kind of hard to tell whether or not you were admiring him <3 or insulting and complaining </3 about him lol
“so you’re the president ranpo-san was talking about huh. we talked a lot about his job yesterday! it seems quite exciting! but he talks quite a lot honestly.”
“ranpo talked a lot about you as well”
“ah really?! he can be a bit of an ass, but he really is amazing isn’t he?”
through fukuzawa, you also learned how the two had first met, and this time, it was hard to tell whether you were amazed or angry at him
“awh that’s so cool!! but for someone so smart, he’s an idiot! what if he got hurt?! it was a good thing you got there huh fukuzawa-san?”
if you thought ranpo was like an older brother figure, you definitely saw fukuzawa as some sort of father figure
he noticed that you started to act like ranpo a little bit
you had developed some sort of attachment to him and when he praised you abt your tea, you had the same glow ranpo has when he gives him praise
not that fukuzawa minds
you’re just another child he’s adopting !! <33
not that either of you knew that hehe >:D
time went by pretty fast and before you knew it, there was only 10 minutes until you were scheduled to open
it was a good thing you had just finished all your prep before fukuzawa arrived
after making a promise with fukuzawa for him to come back again for some more tea, he stood up and made his way to the door as you carefully lifted lucky from your lap so you could quickly wash the dishes and to wipe the table and chairs you used
you offered some baked goods and some tea for to go but fukuzawa declined saying that you needed your supplies for your customers
as soon as you placed lucky on the wooden surface, he bolted to fukuzawa and kept on circling his legs and rubbing against him to stop him from leaving
i guess it turns out you weren’t the only one to get attached to fukuzawa
he couldn’t get even one step closer to the door without lucky reacting and running rapid circles around his legs to get him to stop moving
you didn’t know what to do and you were starting to freak out bc it was almost time to open up, but fukuzawa saved the day and offered to take lucky back with him and promised to take him back the next day
at first, like how you did with the money, you declined but ended up giving in when you saw quite a few of your morning regulars walking down the sidewalk towards Sakura’s for its opening
fukuzawa simply picked up the cat and walked out the door giving you one last wave of good bye
when they left, there was only about 5 minutes left and you rushed to finish the last minute clean up
when fukuzawa arrived at the agency (after a quick stop at home) with a cat in his grasp, let’s just say that quite a few more questions were raised
when asked about the cat, he simply answered that he was cat-sitting for a friend and ranpo knowingly smiled
but he then realized that fukuzawa arrived without any of your signature baked goods and he started complain as the rest of the agency members stared in confusion
with ranpo’s visit, they had quite a few questions, but with fukuzawa’s visit to Sakura’s, their confusion only grew a whole lot more and will continue to keep growing
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sturchling · 4 years
Salt-Fic September Day 7: I’m Gonna Call You Karen
The class was incredibly excited for next week, when summer break begins. Why? Because their good friend Lila had got them a trip to Gotham for the first week of the break. “I’m very close with the Wayne family. Bruce thinks of me like a daughter. When I asked if we could have a class trip to Gotham, he agreed immediately and offered to sponsor the whole thing. He is excited to have me back in Gotham. I’m even going to the manor for dinner a couple times while we are there.” The class was in awe of this amazing girl, and very thankful to her for getting them the trip. Unlike some other people in the class. Marinette, Nino, Nathaniel, and Alix had all seemed bitter when Lila announced the trip. The rest of the class couldn’t understand it, but they weren’t going to waste their time on their jealous classmates, they had a trip to get ready for.
What the class didn’t know is that Lila was lying about the whole thing. Marinette is the one who had gotten the class the trip. She was the one who knew the Waynes for several years. Apparently, her mother had studied abroad at one point, in America. While she was there, she meant Bruce and they had been close friends ever since. When Bruce adopted Tim, Sabine started brining Marinette with her when she visited Gotham since the two kids were about the same age. The two kids became close and started a long-distance relationship when they were older. Marinette also became close with Tim’s brothers.
Marinette had been talking with the family when she mentioned that the class still didn’t have a class trip. The boys immediately suggested a class trip to Gotham and with a little pleading, they got Bruce to agree. Bruce set the class up in a nice hotel in a safe area of the city. He also planned several activities for the class, including a tour of the Wayne Enterprises head office.
Marinette was so excited to share the news, but realized that if the class knew she had gotten them the trip, they wouldn’t want to go purely because she is the one who organized it. So, Marinette asked Mrs. Bustier to keep it a secret that Marinette had organized the trip. The plan did work and the class was excited for the trip. But there was one problem with Marinette keeping it a secret. It gave Lila the opportunity to regale the class with a new lie. But Marinette was fine with it, so long as the class enjoyed the trip, who cared who organized it?
The day for the class to leave came quickly and the class gathered at the airport. They chatted excitedly about this new adventure and several of them were happy to have a break from akumas and Hawkmoth. Marinette was worried about leaving Paris, but she had the horse miraculous with her, just in case. They arrived in Gotham and were escorted to the hotel. Lila kept talking up how close she was to the Wayne family. None of the class noticed the looks those comments got from the locals. The locals knew that the Waynes were extremely private and that there was little chance this girl actually knew them. Especially when she kept messing up details of the family, like how old some of the Wayne boys were. But the class was oblivious to it all.
To keep up the charade, Lila disappeared for a few hours every night, pretending to be at the manor. In actuality, she was hiding in the library where she knew none of her classmates would go during their free time. Meanwhile, Marinette was actually at the manor. She would go over almost every night they were there to be with Tim, hang out with the other boys, or just to have dinner. Marinette was having a wonderful time, despite the mean comments and looks she got every time she left the hotel to go to the manor. Little did she know, this was about to become the best trip ever.
It was the final day of their stay, and they were ending the trip with the tour of Wayne Enterprises. Tim had promised he would try to meet Marinette at the lunch break, but his schedule was really busy now that he was working with Bruce and helping run Wayne Enterprises. That day, Lila decided that she needed to really impress the class. She planned on throwing the Wayne name around in the Wayne Enterprises building to get the staff there to meet her every whim. That was sure to impress the class.
Throughout the tour, Lila had been telling crazy stories about ‘her time in Gotham and with the Waynes’. While most people in the building were sure the girl was lying, there were some that tripped over themselves to do whatever the girl told them to do, on the off chance that she did know the Waynes. Then Lila made a major mistake.
The class was in the cafeteria for their lunch break when Tim and the rest of the Wayne boys walked in. They made a bee line for Marinette and instantly started chatting and laughing with the young designer. This got the class’ interest. Who were these guys, and how did Marinette know them? Lila did not like that the attention had shifted to Marinette. She did not like it at all. Then she noticed one of the guys, who looked about their age, had a Wayne Enterprises badge on. Lila knew that this meant he worked here. Lila knew she had to get rid of these guys to get the attention she craved back, so she made her move.
Lila walked up to Marinette and her new friends and tapped on the man with the badge’s shoulder. They all stopped their conversation and stared at Lila. Lila spoke with a commanding voice, “I’m thirsty and need something to drink. Go get me some water.” The boys around Marinette looked at this young girl in shock. The man with the badge simply said, “No.” and went back to his conversation. Lila was embarrassed at the response and tapped on his shoulder again. “Look, I am really close with the Waynes. If you don’t do what I say, I can get you fired easily.” The boys looked at each other and started howling with laughter. One of them, with a streak of white in his hair was wheezing and said, “Oh man, that is too funny. ‘I know the Waynes’, yeah right.” The class stood and stared at the group in shock.
Lila was fuming at how these guys were treating her. Why didn’t they jump to do what she said like everyone else? Lila pulled out her trump card. She tapped the man with the badge one more time and said in a sickly-sweet voice, “I hate to do this, but I’m going to need to speak with your manager.” That started a new round of laughter which confused everyone. The guy with the white streak in his hair gathered his breathe long enough to say, “Oh my god! I don’t you’re your name, but I’m going to call you Karen.” The laughter started all over again when the boys heard that comment. When the guys stopped laughing, Lila asked “What’s so funny?” The man with the badge said, “Getting my manager would be hard to do. My name is Timothy Drake-Wayne and I help run the company. And I have never met you before.” Lila froze in shock. There weren’t supposed to be any Waynes here.
Alya stood up, ready to defend her friend. “What do you mean you have never met her? This is Lila Rossi. She practically grew up in the manor while her mom was working here. Bruce Wayne considers her to be like a daughter to him.” The man the class now knows is Tim says, “Look, neither me or my brothers here have ever seen this girl. She is a liar. The only person in this room that we consider family is Marinette.” The class stood in stunned silence. How did Marinette know the Waynes? Tim turned back to face the liar. “Miss, I will be nice and not get lawyers involved. But if you don’t stop lying about my family, we won’t have any choice but to get them involved. Now, I believe that you have over stayed your welcome. You will be escorted back to the hotel.” Lila is quickly escorted out by security at Tim’s word. The class couldn’t believe it.
Alya tried to defend her friend, but was quickly shut down by the eldest of the group. “Young lady, I would recommend you google your friend. That will prove that she is nothing but a liar.” The class pulled out their phones and looked for any proof that Lila was telling the truth. But the only source they found was the LadyBlog. Before the class could say anything to Marinette, she was swept away by the Wayne boys, leaving the class behind in the cafeteria. They tried to speak to her on the way back to Paris, but Marinette decided to stay behind in Gotham for a while longer.
When she finally did return to Paris, she accepted their apologies, but they weren’t as good friends as they used to be. Lila tried to charm the class again, but the spell had been broken and she had completely lost her control. Lila left the school quickly after that, to try and find a new group of suckers to manipulate. Marinette never heard from Lila again. She eventually moved to Gotham to be with Tim and she was very happy with how her life turned out. But Marinette would always say that the highlight of her life would be watching Lila’s face as she heard Tim’s full name and realized how badly she had messed up.  
Hope you guys liked it! @maribat-central-official
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