#all this time i thought it was fl because i genuinely love it with my entire heart but for some reason I've listened to hsh a whole lot more
huccimermaidshirts · 7 months
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dangermousie · 4 months
I love little details like the fact that his voice is still scratched up and that he talks very little probably because of his damaged throat that he's still recovering from and because he wasn't in the habit of talking for years in the torture room. (I love love love how gradual changes and healing is for everyone in this drama.)
But also, she is so fond of him here - not in a romantic sense or even in any sense where she'd rely on him, but she has so much gentleness and kindness towards people despite her horrible life - she is pleased she saved someone, she's pleased he's grateful and useful. I genuinely love her.
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Every time he gets so pleased to be useful, my heart breaks for him a little.
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I found this scene so interesting on rewatch because I can see it's a part of her pattern - she doesn't want to rely and so she tries to wave any assistance even minor but if you push a little she will give in for minor things like accompanying her in the woods - and the fact that she doesn't expect anything and will push away to test even for a truly minor thing like this says volumes about her damage and her walls. But also it's a start of pattern with them where she pushes away and he gently persists, without being confrontational or in your face, but just quietly determined.
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Love that his way to express his care is consistently practical, like carrying her stuff. It's interesting because we find out later he was known for all the arts including writing and poetry and music - they can all be fancy ways to woo a woman, but he has none of it, can't do a lot of it (due to injuries/lack of materials) and he doesn't want it either (since they are associated with his past and trauma and because as we find out later, he thinks he can't be as good as he was) and so his expression of love and devotion is the same one an illiterate peasant can offer - practical care. But that is exactly what she needs. She doesn't need words, they are cheap. She needs acts, they are tangible.
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I mean look at this, he's just thorough, thoughtful and consistent in his care.
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He is consistently FL coded and this is one of such moments. What she says is what someone says to a woman normally - his virtues are wifely virtues! (And look how pleased he looks at her accepting his care and complimenting him.)
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And yet another example of her damage. He says he will wait for her while she gets the stuff and he response? It's not a proclamation of eternal devotion on his part nor is she going on a dangerous quest - nobody discussed eternal waiting but she just jumps into her trauma. It's like someone said "I am gonna run to the store for bread," the other person replied "I'll wait in the parking lot until you come back," and you bitterly mused "nobody waits forever." I mean holy moly escalation!
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And the thing is, he does come into the rebel camp by himself, no weapons either, when she's gone for too long! That's insane. He's not the world's best fighter, he's still recovering, and he knows firsthand what kind of horrors can await someone captured and yet he has no hesitation.
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25 notes · View notes
deepspacedukat · 1 year
Love Stings
Normally when I post request fics, I reply directly to the ask I was sent, but in this case I was sent a dm by the requester, and they wanted to remain anonymous at the time. So here’s to you, friend! I hope you enjoy this and that it fits your idea! I hope it’s alright! Hell, I don’t even know if you’re going to see this, but here’s hoping. This got super long! It’s over 8500 words. Enjoy!
If you want to be added to or removed from my fic taglist, please let me know!
Cross-posted to AO3 here.
Senator Letant (DS9) x Reader
[A/N: This is smut, so 18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI!!!]
Warnings: Interspecies sex, Human/Romulan sex, fuck or die situation, away mission gone wrong, sex pollen type situation, as consensual as a sex pollen situation can be, mutual pining, fingering, woman on top, dirty talk, praise kink, begging, implied oral sex (female receiving), smut with feelings.
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“Why does a Romulan need a Federation escort, again?” I asked as I readjusted my bag on my shoulder and followed Captain Sisko down the corridor.
“Because Federation runabouts are able to withstand a particular form of radiation that utterly fries Romulan computer technology. In order to reach the planet where their probe went down, you need to pass through an asteroid field absolutely teeming with that radiation,” he answered as we reached the runabout airlock. “Starfleet isn’t about to give a Romulan free reign with one of its vessels.”
“And why can’t he and his men just, y’know...fly around that asteroid field instead?” That seemed like a rather obvious solution.
“Because that would take them several months out of their way - time which none of us can afford to spend in Dominion territory,” the Captain said as he handed me a small case. “You’ll need those.”
“What are they?”
“Earplugs,” he said with a smirk.
“Remind me: why was I chosen for this oh-so-special mission?” I asked slipping the case into my bag. Instead of the Captain, another voice piped up from directly behind me.
“Because, my lovely Lieutenant, you are the only one who can put up with me for long stretches.” Oh no. I knew that voice. With dread and several other emotions pounding away in the pit of my stomach, I turned and saw none other than Senator Letant wearing a mirthful smirk as he took in the look of sheer disbelief on my face. “Come, come, my dear, I would’ve thought you’d be overjoyed to see me again! After all, I requested you specifically for this little adventure.”
I opened my mouth to protest this assignment, but when I looked back, Captain Sisko had made himself scarce.
“Oh, let’s just get this over with,” I groused stepping around the Romulan and into the Shenandoah. Tossing my bag onto one of the benches at the back of the craft, I made my way to the cockpit with a pair of much-too-spry footsteps following in my wake.
“Just think of it, Lieutenant! We’ll have a whole week in the Gamma Quadrant, just the two of us.” Letant’s enthusiasm made me roll my eyes.
Of course he would be excited about this. He enjoyed flirting with me - or, more accurately, with anything that moved. Unfortunately, I enjoyed his banter, too, but how the hell was I supposed to keep him from seeing that for a whole week? If he knew, he’d be twice as insufferable as he already was.
With a quiet sigh, I refrained from responding, choosing to go through the pre-flight checks, instead. He rattled on while I ensured everything was prepped, but after several minutes of receiving no response from me, he laid a hand on my forearm. I nearly jumped out of my skin at the contact - a fact which didn’t go unnoticed by my co-pilot.
“Are you alright?” He sounded genuinely concerned, but I simply pulled my arm away and muttered a quiet ‘yes.’ Disbelief and sarcasm colored his tone when he spoke again. “Yes, of course. That must be why you’re behaving the way you are. In case you’ve forgotten, Lieutenant, I’m rather adept at spotting lies.”
Swallowing nervously, I turned back to my instruments.
“I’m fine. Pre-flight checks are all done. We’re ready to go,” I said, opening communications with the station before he could protest. “Shenandoah to Ops. All systems are green. Requesting permission to disembark.”
“Permission granted, Shenandoah,” Major Kira answered. “Sealing airlocks and releasing docking clamps. Have fun out there, you two. May the Prophets guide you.”
“Thanks, Major. We’ll be home before you know it. Shenandoah out,” I said as I closed communications and released our own docking systems. “Twenty seconds to the wormhole.”
“And how long until you tell me what’s bothering you, Lieutenant?” From my peripheral vision, I could see that the Senator had turned his chair to face me. If he was already able to tell that something was wrong, I really needed to compose myself. Otherwise, the next week was going to be hell.
“Nothing’s wrong. I just had a rough morning, that’s all,” I lied as I lowered our speed for the trip through the wormhole. “I should be back to my usual self in a little bit.”
“I see...” he murmured sounding no more convinced than he had a few moments before. “Well, if you require a sympathetic ear, I’d be more than happy to fill that role, and we are quite alone. Anything you told me would remain in total confidence.”
As light enveloped our little craft, I looked over at him, finding sincerity in his expression. I paused, though, because the ever-shifting light filtering into the cabin made his features glow. Letant looked almost ethereal - the changing hues flowed across his face, highlighting his forehead ridges, his nose, his lips, and making it impossible to ignore his beauty.
“Thank you, Senator. I’ll take that into consideration.” My voice came out raspier than I’d expected, making my cheeks burn. Before I could look back at the panel in front of me, though, Letant gave me a surprisingly gentle smile.
“I think we can safely skip the formalities, don’t you? There is nobody else here, and I certainly won’t be offended by a little added familiarity. Please, feel free to call me Letant,” he murmured, and I agreed quietly. A flash drew my attention away from him and back to piloting the runabout. We’d exited the wormhole.
“If you’ll input the coordinates, Letant, I’ll set a course,” I said, and a quiet hum came from the man beside me. “What?”
“I’ve never heard you say my name before, but I must admit...I quite like the way it sounds coming from you,” he murmured as he moved to do as I suggested. It felt strange to say his name when I wasn’t alone. The only place I’d said it before was when I was in my bed in the dead of night, but he definitely didn’t need to know that. He’d never let me live that down.
As soon as the course was set, I initiated the autopilot and took a deep breath, closing my eyes as I leaned back in my seat. It would take us about three days to get there at our vessel’s maximum warp.
“I can feel you staring at me, y’know.” My murmured observation drew a huff of incredulous laughter from my companion.
“Ridiculous. Utter rot. Even Romulans are not that perceptive,” he scoffed, but I just smirked.
“Haven’t you ever heard a Human say they felt eyes on the back of their head before?”
“I have.”
“They mean it. Yes, that expression can be used to communicate paranoia, but usually the person is being literal. We can feel when we’re being watched. We may not be able to pinpoint where it’s coming from, but a gaze can be felt as easily as a touch,” I explained, cracking my eyes open and tilting my head, finding him looking at me stunned as I’d expected to. Scientifically, that was only partially correct with psychological bias factored in, but he didn’t need to know the nitty-gritty details. “I wonder, was it you staring at me in Quark’s the other night? Or was it some other inebriated patron?”
“Who told you I was in the bar?” He fired back with a knowing raise of an eyebrow.
“Nobody. You and your guards make quite an entrance everywhere you go. I saw you arrive, but I thought little of it,” I lied, trying to give the impression that I hadn’t seen him in a gorgeous green tunic he’d never worn before. He’d looked so handsome that night, but I couldn’t show that I cared about his looks. He’d never let me live it down.
“That’s too bad. I’d hoped to ask your opinion on my tunic. I don’t often wear purple garments,” he said, and before I could stop myself or think better of it, I blurted out what I was thinking.
“But it was gre–” I broke off, but he’d heard just enough to widen his smile.
“You’re quite right. It was green, but how would you know that, e’lev?” Letant asked leaning closer to me. “I thought you didn’t care that I’d been in the bar?”
“I didn’t. As I said, your entrances aren’t exactly subtle. Everyone in the bar likely noticed you and your new tunic. That hardly makes me unique,” I said trying to explain my statement away, but his voice just lowered a bit more, becoming more velvety and delicious.
“...I don’t recall mentioning that the tunic was new.” He practically radiated triumph and glee, even as I internally cringed at my slip.
“And you still haven’t answered my original question,” I deflected as I stood and walked to one of the other sensor arrays as an excuse to put a little space between us. Beginning to perform a re-calibration, I nearly rolled my eyes when I heard footsteps behind me.
“You’re right. I never did answer your question. How rude of me,” the Senator said, his voice growing ever closer. Eventually, one of his hands rested on the bulkhead near my shoulder, and the other rested gently on my waist. “I admit I did look at you quite frequently that night, but I simply cannot resist a gorgeous view when it’s offered so freely. You seemed so relaxed. Nevertheless, allow me to apologize for staring like a lecherous rogue. Tell me...how can I make it up to you?”
His mirthful, suggestive question was practically whispered against my ear, but I bit the inside of my cheek to suppress a shudder of pleasure. It would be much too easy to turn and connect my lips with his.
“No need, Senator,” I murmured, hating how shaky my voice sounded. Ducking carefully under his arm, I went back to my seat and acted like I was double-checking the sensors. The Romulan let out a sigh, but he didn’t look too disappointed when he returned.
“You might change your mind over the course of our journey,” he said lounging in his chair, “and if you do, I’m quite open to any suggestions you might have.”
This was going to be a long trip.
The next morning, I stumbled through my usual routine, shuffling into the cockpit of the runabout with a hot mug of coffee clutched in my hands. Blinking sleepily as I took my seat, I started checking the sensors and our course.
“Well, well, good morning!” Amusement practically dripped from Letant’s voice. Oh, it was too early for this. “You seem to be out of uniform today.”
“Since we won’t be at our destination for another couple of days, I thought I may as well wear something a little more comfortable,” I said glancing down at my oversized shirt and sweatpants. “Besides, I thought you said you didn’t mind if we dropped some of the formalities? If you object, I can always get back into uniform...”
“Oh no, don’t you dare! I don’t mind at all. I’ve never seen you looking so ravishing,” he crooned as he raked his eyes over me. “Is this how you normally dress when you’re not on duty?”
“Yep, this is my favorite shirt, actually,” I answered sipping my coffee. I’d had it for so long that it was beginning to go threadbare in a few places, allowing my skin to peek through - a fact I hadn’t given much thought to before, but which I was now acutely aware of with the Senator’s roving eyes on me. “I take it you approve?”
“Oh, heartily, but I’ve never known you to need another person’s approval,” he said leaning toward me in my peripheral vision.
“And you seem to need the approval of every woman who dares to glance in your direction.” I hadn’t meant to say that out loud, but once it was out, I couldn’t put it back, no matter how much I might want to.
“Not every woman. Only you,” he responded without missing a beat, and my eyes snapped up to meet his before I could think better of it. Beneath the obvious hunger in his expression, there was something...soft and vulnerable that startled me into looking away.
No. No, I was imagining that look. I had to be. Letant was a Senator. He could have any woman he wanted. There was no way he’d want me.
The rest of the day, Letant seemed somewhat more subdued, alternating between focusing on a Romulan data PADD he’d brought with him and the readout from the primary sensor array. I still caught him looking over at me occasionally, but he wasn’t nearly as determined to drive me insane as usual.
We decided to alternate who got the early morning shifts so that neither of us would be overly tired. Thus, the second morning, I was halfway through my second cup of coffee before Letant emerged from the aft section of the runabout. Glancing back at him, I noticed his own informal wardrobe for the day and did a double-take. Wearing only a pair of midnight blue sleep pants and an open, matching silk robe, Senator Letant stole my breath as he did nothing more than take his seat in the copilot’s chair.
So that was what he was hiding beneath his uniform!
“See something you like, e’lev?” Tearing my eyes away from the smattering of hair on his well-defined chest, I looked up to see him giving me a knowing smile. “Oh, don’t go quiet on me again. We’ve made so much progress on that front in the last couple of days. Would it help if I got back into my uniform?”
“Don’t you dare,” I murmured, repeating his own words back at him and drawing a devilish grin to his lips.
“I believe that’s the boldest flirtation I’ve ever received from you,” he declared crossing his legs and allowing his eyes to skim down the length of my body a little slower than the day before.
“Who said it was flirtation? If I have a right to be in my pajamas, so do you.”
“Ah, it’s a matter of equality, then. How curious. I could’ve sworn I saw you bite your lip a few moments ago,” Letant murmured, and I wracked my memory. Had I? It was conceivable that I had subconsciously. He did tend to bring out those sorts of reactions in me. His voice calling my name knocked me out of my anxious thoughts. “Oh, don’t worry. I did much worse than bite my lip when I went to bed last night. And after being around a beautiful woman in nothing but her pajamas all day, who could blame me?”
My cheeks burned at his insinuation. He was joking. He had to be joking. He’d never do...that...while thinking about me.
...Would he?
No. No, way. He was probably just trying to get a rise out of me first thing in the morning. I should just ignore hi–
“Ah, we’ve made better time than I expected,” he murmured checking the estimated time of arrival. “We’ll be there in less than twelve hours. It should’ve taken us eighteen more. How did you manage that?”
Okay, this I could do. I could totally talk work.
“Oh, I made a few routine course adjustments and skirted around a few astronomical phenomena that could have slowed us down,” I said as I pulled up a log I’d been keeping of my adjustments. He skimmed over it and a low hum issued from his throat.
“...You do realize what this means, don’t you?” Letant asked looking up at me, and I raised an eyebrow. “This means we have six fewer hours to spend together on this journey. You wound me, Lieutenant. Am I truly so unpleasant a traveling companion?”
He laid a hand dramatically over his chest and adopted a look of faux innocence.
“Seriously? We’re flying through Dominion territory and that is what you’re worried about?” 
“Well, I did select you for this mission so that we could spend time together,” he replied as if it should be obvious. I could scarcely believe my ears. “I thought you might enjoy some private interaction with a man as attractive as I am.”
“You are the most arrogant person I’ve ever met.” The words were out of my mouth before I could even think about stopping them, but rather than looking offended, Letant merely leaned toward me in his ridiculous, open robe and smirked.
“And did it never cross your mind that I have what it takes to back up my inflated ego?”
I had no rebuttal for that. The possibility had crossed my mind several times, in fact. Taking my silence as an answer, the Senator seemed satisfied that he’d gotten his point across.
“Now, before we reach our long-awaited destination, I need to brief you on what to expect,” he said, as if I hadn’t been briefed on the basics before we left. Before I could protest, however, he held up a hand. “There are several details that the Romulan government did not see fit to authorize me to convey to Starfleet, details that you must be made aware of if we are to complete this mission successfully.”
“Is the probe sentient or something?”
Letant let out a short burst of mirthful laughter.
“No, certainly not, although I admire your vivid imagination. The probe we’re going to be looking for is equipped...with a cloaking device.”
With the most serious expression I could muster, I set my coffee aside and laid my hand over one of his.
“Letant, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Starfleet has been aware that your people have had cloaking devices for over a century. I’m so sorry, I know that must come as a bit of a shock.” He gave me an exasperated look, and I couldn’t help but smile mischievously at having finally irritated him for once.
“You know, you are gorgeous, intelligent, and an utter pleasure to be around, but, Elements, my girl, you can be infuriating,” he said lifting my hand to his lips.
“Speak for yourself, Deihu.” The expression on his face morphed into pure surprise. “My apologies for the interruption. Please continue. What is it about this cloaking device that makes it so special?”
“Not only is it a new type of cloak, it was made more durable as well. We expect that it survived the crash and is still active,” Letant explained.
“So we’re going to be looking for a fully cloaked probe? How the hell are we supposed to find it, then?” Maybe that was why we’d been given a full day to search for this damn thing.
“Ah, I have a deactivation signal that I’ve already programmed into our tricorders. Once we scan the probe, it’ll decloak, we can remove the section that we need, and we can get back home,” he murmured, skimming his thumbs over the back of my hand. Why did he still have my hand?
And why did I never want him to let go?
“Why not just put that code into the runabout computer and scan the whole planet from orbit?” I asked raising an eyebrow.
“Because the tricorders can be destroyed afterward. The runabout computer can’t if we want to get home.” Of course. The Romulan Empire wouldn’t want any trace of how we deactivated a cloak to exist afterward to compromise them. “I do have the approximate location of where the probe went down - it was still transmitting as it crashed - so we should be able to land close enough to get into tricorder range within a reasonable span of time.”
A rather unpleasant thought occurred to me, then, and for the first time, I was forced to confront just how dangerous Letant could be if he so chose. His species was physically stronger than mine. If he wanted to hurt me, he could with barely any effort, and I would have no chance of stopping him.
“And...when we’re searching for the probe, what happens if I end up seeing it or the decloaking codes? Are you going to have to eliminate me for the sake of the Empire’s security?” To my horror, my voice was much quieter and shakier than I anticipated. Letant’s grip on my hand tightened by a fraction, and he looked at me with an inscrutable expression.
“If you truly believe that I could ever raise a hand to you, then you don’t know me as well as you think, e’lev,” he said. “I chose you for this mission, because I trust you not to reveal any more than is necessary to your superiors.”
I didn’t quite know what to say to that, so I simply nodded my head. Savoring the feeling of his fingers holding mine, I looked at Letant curiously. What was I supposed to make of him?
The rest of the trip was relatively quiet as I mulled over everything I’d learned. We were both mostly silent as we took turns getting changed back into our uniforms in the back. Even Letant’s flirtations were more subtle. I was working off muscle memory more than conscious effort as we approached the planet to enter orbit.
“Lieutenant, I’m inputting the range of coordinates where the probe could possibly be. If you could place us in synchronous orbi–”
He was cut off by an explosion rocking the craft and throwing us from our seats. My arm collided hard with the deck plating, and I let out a grunt of pain as I struggled to right myself.
“The starboard engine just overloaded,” I called as I finally got a glimpse at my panel. I clawed myself back into my chair and aimed us as close as I could manage to the area Letant had indicated. He pulled himself up just as I did, and as I held us on course, he started an emergency shutdown for the warp and impulse engines. “We’re going down no matter what we do! Brace yourself for impact!”
The collision jolted me from my seat, but before I could hit anything, a pair of strong, warm arms caught me. Grabbing onto Letant instinctively, we clung to each other for dear life until the runabout came to a screeching halt in the dirt.
In the unnatural silence that followed, our breaths seemed much too loud. I kept my face buried in the crook of the Senator’s neck for several beats longer than was strictly necessary, catching my breath and savoring the solidity of his body against mine.
Letant breathed my name against the top of my head, and I reluctantly forced myself to pull back far enough to look at him. A dribble of green blood trickled down the side of his head from a small gash.
“You’re hurt,” I murmured as I reached up and turned his head so I could examine him.
“Perhaps, but you’re not.” A glimmer of triumph twined through his words. Forcing myself onto my feet, I found the emergency medkit and passed the dermal regenerator over his injury with as much care as I possessed. He touched the spot gingerly when I was done and smiled up at me when he found himself healed. “You have my sincerest gratitude, e’lev.”
A flutter of pride went through my chest as I put the medical tools back in the kit. As a precaution, I took out a medical tricorder and set it aside in case we needed it.
“Why is this probe so important, anyway?” I asked a few moments later as we examined the outside of the runabout. Surveying the craft for damage was our first order of business. After all, if there was no chance we’d get off this planet, there was little point in rushing off to find the probe. Survival always came first. “May I know what we almost died in pursuit of? Surely, we didn’t go through all of this just for a prototype cloaking device.”
“No, it wasn’t just the cloak. Our probe managed to record secret information on the Dominion, but I’m afraid I can tell you no more than that without endangering you,” he said as he stepped over a large log. “Well, the propulsion systems appear to be offline but functional, as well the weapons.”
“Not quite. The antigrav thrusters are shot. We’ll have to get those working again before we can lift off,” I called as I pulled a branch out of one of the intake ports. “Okay. Well, it looks like we shouldn’t be stuck here for too long, at least. We should be able to find the probe, fix the thrusters, and head back.”
A vague noise of approval sounded from my companion.
“We landed not far from the probe’s potential crash site. If you’ve got the tricorders set up, we can start our search now,” I suggested as we both met up at the door of the runabout. Anticipating my statement, Letant held out two tricorders, one for me, and one for him. I noted that the medical one was already strapped to his side. Grabbing a second commbadge from inside the cabin, I traded it for the tricorder. “Keep your commline open. After all, we’ve only got each other out here.”
“Indeed. Watch yourself, Lieutenant,” Letant said as I strapped a phaser and holster around my waist. His own disruptor gleamed in the evening light. 
The setting sun cast long, sleepy shadows across the ground as we tramped through the trees. I’d taken a different direction than the Senator so that we could cover more ground, and I couldn’t help but wonder whether he was allowing himself to pause and take in the beauty of this previously unexplored planet. 
“Report, Lieutenant.” Speak of the devil.
“I’m not reading any humanoid lifeforms, only plant life, small animals, and various insects. I’m not reading the probe, either, so apparently I’m not in range yet.”
“No need to worry, Lieutenant. I’ve apparently entered range of the probe. I’ve almost reached it now. As far as life form readings, I’m getting the same as you. Be cautious, though. There’s an insect I scanned which appears to be venomous.” Letant’s warning came just as I stepped into a clearing filled with what looked like bioluminescent moths. Their colors varied through the entire visible spectrum of light, creating pulsations and swirls of color in the sky. For a moment, I could do no more than watch them in silence.
“Oh, wow,” I breathed as I watched the little winged bugs dance in the low evening light. “Letant, you’ve got to come see this!”
“Acknowledged. I’ve gotten what we need from the probe. On my way,” he responded, but I barely noticed. As if the little bugs were aware that they had an audience, they fluttered together and fanned out in a brilliant array of shapes I couldn’t even begin to describe. Just as I began to hear the Senator’s footsteps approaching me, the entire swarm of brilliantly hued moths fluttered toward me. I stumbled backward against a very solid chest. Turning just enough to confirm I’d bumped into Letant, my eyes met his just as the moths flew around us in a tight spiral from our toes to our heads. The light from their wings caressed his features, sparkling in his irises as I looked up at him in utter awe. His voice came out as a breathy whisper when he spoke a single word. “E’lev...”
The thrumming of wings slowly lowered in volume, and we watched the moths’ progress as they began to alight upon the branches of the trees at the perimeter of the clearing, colors still pulsing and changing as beautifully as before. Becoming aware of two arms wrapped around me like iron bars holding me upright against the Senator’s chest, I felt my face begin to burn.
“Thanks for catching me,” I murmured. Was it my imagination or was his face getting closer?
“It was my pleasure,” he breathed, and his lips brushed against mine. As my eyelids fluttered closed, though, something sharp jabbed my neck, and I let out a startled yelp. Turning me in his grasp, Letant caught my hand as I reached for the area. “Hush, it’s alright. Let me see.”
Baring my neck for him, I felt my heart sink when he swore in Romulan under his breath and pulled out his tricorder.
“Let me guess. That was one of the venomous ones.” The quiet beeping of the tricorder cut through the deafening silence - an answer of its own. I could already feel sweat beading on my skin beneath my uniform. Whatever this venom was, it was potent.
“We’re too far from the runabout to make it there before you suffer any ill effects. Do you trust me?” I’d barely even managed to answer in the affirmative when his lips closed over the bite mark and sucked hard. Gasping at the sensation, I clutched at his shoulders and tried to work out what the hell he was doing. Pain lanced through me from the wound, but after something pulled free, every ounce of discomfort within me transformed into intense euphoria.
The Senator spat something on the ground a moment later then returned his lips to the same place, sucking hard again. This time a moan tore from my throat. I never wanted him to stop. I felt like I’d die if he stopped - hell, I think I murmured something to that effect as I clung to him.
 It was as if the sensitivity of every nerve in my body had been heightened all at once starting with the spot where Letant’s lips were glued to my skin. Cascading downwards across my entire being, electricity, desperation, and pleasure had all been ignited within me.
Through the fog, the vague thought that he was attempting to suck the poison out of my wound poked at my mind, but it was deftly swatted away by the feeling of his lips repositioning themselves on my neck as one of his large hands supported the back of my head.
He spat something else onto the ground, but by then I was nearly limp with pleasure. I’d been close to an orgasm, so achingly close. Tears sprang to my eyes at the loss of contact, and all too soon he was asking me a question that I was too bleary to comprehend.
“Lieutenant? Can you understand me?” He sounded almost panicked, but I’d made out enough to answer that time. “Let’s get you back to the runabout.”
What the hell? Why did I nearly have an orgasm from what amounted to rather enthusiastic necking? As we trudged back the way we’d come, Letant supported me with an arm around my waist. I hoped that he hadn’t noticed the stupidly strong arousal that the sting and his reaction had caused. Surely at such close range he had? But if he did, then why wasn’t he teasing me about it?
And why did I have that reaction in the first place? I’d wondered what it was like to be with him on more occasions than I cared to admit, of course, but why the hell did I feel like all my nerves were hypersensitive?
The burning, overwhelming need for stimulation settled into a persistent buzzing in my abdomen. I’d never heard of venom causing a reaction like this before.
As soon as we stepped inside the shuttle, I ducked into the washroom at the back of the runabout. Splashing water on my face, I barely managed to hold back the moan that threatened to bubble out of me at how good the cold liquid felt against my burning skin. When I reemerged, Letant looked over at me with concern furrowing his brow.
“Are you experiencing any odd symptoms?” He asked, and I hated how my body reacted instantly to his voice. Any assistance that the cool water had provided disappeared as my skin heated further and I was forced to look away from him. “Lieutenant?”
“Hypersensitivity,” I answered. I hoped he would simply drop the topic and allow me to remain vague in my answer, but I had no such luck.
“In what way?”
“My hearing is amplified, smells are stronger, and I’m more aware of tactile sensations.” As I explained, Letant’s eyebrows lifted in surprise. Silently, he pulled out the medical tricorder he’d grabbed earlier and scanned me. After a long moment, he set it aside and moved to my side.
“E’lev, what can I do to help you?” He’d lowered his voice, likely out of consideration for my condition, which simultaneously made things better and worse. My ears hurt a little less, but this new register was gravelly and sinful, making me close my eyes as I felt a new gush of warmth between my legs. “You have a fever and elevated levels of hormones. Are you experiencing other symptoms that you haven’t mentioned?”
“Let’s just get the thrusters working so we can get off this planet,” I rasped as I stepped around him and got a tool kit. Focusing on anything would be difficult, but it would be better than throwing myself at a man like Letant.
I wanted him, oh, I wanted him desperately - I felt like I’d go crazy if he didn’t see though my act and fuck me soon - but he flirted with anything that moved. It was more likely that if I made a move, he’d tell me politely that he preferred prettier women...dabo girls like Hartla and Leeta, not officers like me. The idea that he could want someone like me was a childish fantasy, but...I wasn’t ready for it to end. Not yet.
The last few days had felt like a dream. He’d even seemed like he was letting his guard down in a sincere way. I wasn’t quite ready to give that up. His feelings might not be genuine, but mine were. I knew I’d have to wake up and face reality one day, but this trip had allowed me to push that sobering thought aside for a while.
As we worked on the downed systems, I was acutely aware of his proximity. Every time he moved, my stomach clenched and the traitorous heat between my legs got worse. Eventually, the computer pinged, notifying us that the engines were working again.
“Strap in. I’ll start the launch sequence,” I called as I made sure everything we’d brought was secure. Letant double-checked to make sure everything was secure, and within minutes we cleared the atmosphere. Though I didn’t remember doing so until later, I set our course back toward the wormhole and engaged the engines at our maximum speed. I had the distinct impression that whatever that insect had done to me needed to be fixed as quickly as possible.
I had no idea how much time had passed since we launched when a warm, familiar hand landed gently on my shoulder. I tensed involuntarily despite the inherent caution in its owner’s every movement.
“Why don’t you let me take over for a while? I assure you, I’m perfectly capa–”
“Yes, I’m sure you are, but I’m fine,” I cut him off trying to sound as though I was something close to normal again. Letant wasn’t buying it, though. He wasn’t fool enough to believe that I’d dismissed such an intense reaction so quickly.
“You’re not fine. E’lev, you’ve been flying this runabout for hours, and neither of us has any idea how your condition might affect you,” the Senator said reaching over and activating the autopilot system. “Overexertion could be lethal, and I am not prepared to lose you.”
“Letant, for fuck’s sake, I’m–”
“You are ill, I outrank you, and I am giving you a direct order, Lieutenant.” I turned my seat to face him, scoffing all the while.
“You can’t give me a direct order, Senator. You’re not a Starfleet officer. I’m staying right fucking here!” As soon as the assertion left my lips I knew it was the wrong thing to say. I tried to swivel my chair back to face my work station, but Letant caught it effortlessly in one hand. His damnable Romulan strength allowed him to keep it stationary with barely more than a thought. Slowly, he rose to his feet and leaned in close enough to brace his other hand on the back of my seat, effectively caging me in.
“I may not be a member of your precious Federation, but I am responsible for your safety!” I’d seen the Senator irritated before, even close to anger, but the passion burning in his eyes had me frozen squarely in place, pinned by his gaze. “You will get yourself cleaned up, lie down in your bunk, and get some rest. Argue with me again, and I will toss you over my shoulder and tie you to your bed until we return to the station. Is that clear?”
The low, velvety caress of his voice contrasted with the harshness of his tone, and suddenly, I couldn’t decide whether I was intimidated or more turned on than I’d ever been in my life. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I acknowledged that it was a particularly potent combination of both.
Undoubtedly mistaking my silence for fear, Letant’s gaze softened, and he cupped my face in both his hands. Silently, gently, he touched my forehead lightly with his, and his next words came out barely above a whisper.
“You know...surely, you must know that I’m doing this to keep you safe...?”
Covering his fingers with mine, I tried to steady my breathing. He was so close to me, and he smelled so good! Every inhale filled me with more desperation, especially when I contemplated how easy it would be to kiss him, but I hoped beyond hope that I wasn’t being too obvious despite our proximity.
Realizing I’d been silent for too long, I swallowed and forced myself to take a breath.
“I trust you, Letant. I always will,” I murmured. I hoped he would never question the reason behind my certainty. He pulled back just far enough to allow me to get shakily to my feet. “I’ll do as you ask, but just this once.”
With a small, fond smile, he brushed a bit of hair behind my ear.
“We’ll see about that, e’lev.” With that parting tease out in the open, I walked - or rather, stumbled - into the aft section of the runabout.
By the time that the dirt had sloughed off me in the sonic shower, I had to concentrate very hard stay upright. I was exhausted. First, the crash, then the walk through the woods, and the sting...it had been a long day.
The heat between my legs had intensified even further, leaving me shaking as I leaned against the wall of the sonic shower. The coolness against my overheated skin made me moan. The sound came out much louder than I’d intended, and I hoped that Letant hadn’t heard me.
Letant. Just thinking about him sent a fresh wave of slick dripping from my center. He wouldn’t know as long as I was quiet, would he?
Dipping my fingers between my legs, I was forced to slap a hand over my mouth at how good the friction felt. Against my better judgment, I brought myself to a quick, mostly-quiet orgasm, stifling my moans the best I could.
I could finally breathe a little easier once I’d blown off a bit of steam. One tiny little orgasm wasn’t going to be sufficient to make everything stop. I could tell. But it had given me the relief and clear mind that I needed to be able to go through the rest of my nightly routine and crawl into my bunk.
Rest, however, was thin on the ground. The heat that had been plaguing me in ever-building waves kept me tossing and turning in search of comfort. As I faded in and out of consciousness, brief flashes of dreams flitted across the insides of my eyelids. 
Hell, I even dreamed that Letant came to check on me, once. The quiet, familiar beeping of the medical tricorder seemed distant and hazy compared to the soft, affectionate caress on my cheek. He whispered that word he’d been saying all through this trip: ‘e’lev.’ It felt important. Everything about this dream felt important, but I couldn’t place my finger on the reason, choosing instead to allow myself to fall back into my troubled, achy sleep.
When I finally gave up on sleep several hours later, I was covered in sweat. My own natural lubricant dripped down my thighs once more, and I was forced to get in the sonic shower again just to become halfway presentable. I didn’t bother with a uniform when I got out. Opting instead for comfortable set of clothes, I walked shakily toward the runabout cabin.
I paused and leaned against the wall for support, contemplating how I was supposed to beat this, but in that short span of time I managed to catch Letant’s attention.
He looked thoroughly surprised to see me standing upright in my condition, but truth be told, he looked a little worse for wear himself. The Senator looked haggard, as if he hadn’t slept yet. And there was worry in his eyes - so much concern that I hadn’t seen from him before.
“You should be in bed,” he croaked as he got to his feet. Not giving him the chance to herd me away, I took a few determined steps forward.
“I’m fine,” I rasped, but he didn’t look at all convinced.
“E’lev, why won’t you tell me what’s wrong? I know you’re experiencing more than you’ve let on. If you tell me, I might be able to help yo–”
“You can’t, okay?!” He looked surprised by my outburst. Hell, I was surprised by my outburst. “You can’t help me, because I feel like I’m going to scratch my skin off if I don’t...if...”
A stab of pain and arousal wound through my abdomen, silencing my protests. Wrapping my arms around my middle, I dropped to my knees and tried to breathe through the sensation. Nothing I’d done had helped so far. Fingering myself in the bathroom had given me temporary relief, but as soon as I came in close proximity with Letant again, the almost uncontrollable lust had returned stronger than before. It had only grown since the sting, and now I was left a trembling, humiliated mess on the floor in front of the Senator.
“Do you think you’ve been successful in your efforts to hide your condition from me?” The question wasn’t accusatory, but I still looked away as he knelt in front of me and grasped my shoulders. “Because your pheromones gave you away the moment I tried sucking the stinger and venom from your neck.”
I looked up at him in alarm, but all that met me was a warm, gentle smile.
“You knew?”
“Of course, I did. Between that and your scent in the shower, it has been quite obvious that you are in need of some intimate attention,” he said, and my face burned. “If you truly have no desire to allow me to help you, I will respect your wishes and leave you in privacy, but over the time I’ve known you, I always felt there was...more to our interactions. If I was mistaken about my interest being mutual, I sincerely apologize, but if I was right...please, allow me to alleviate your suffering.”
“Are you doing this out of pity?” Letant looked scandalized by the mere suggestion. “Why would you be attracted to me when there are women who are so much...well, more?”
“No, I’m not doing this out of pity! My interest in you has always been genuine. I thought you of all people would’ve realized that by now, e’lev,” he said cupping my cheeks softly and looking into my eyes. Instead of mirth, all I found this time was sincerity and affection. “Why would I waste my time with anyone else when perfection is right here in front of me? None of them are you.”
His lips covered mine, and I stopped thinking altogether. Surrendering to the sensation, my eyelids fluttered closed, and I clutched at the front of his tunic. As though a switch had been flipped, I gave in. Letant was all I’d wanted for a long time.
Before I even realized I’d moved, I pulled him closer and practically started climbing him. A gentle laugh reverberated through his chest as he caught my waist, and I nibbled my way down the side of his jaw.
“Desperate, are we? Don’t worry, my eager girl. I’m going to help you,” he murmured lifting me into his arms. As he carried me toward the bunk in the aft section, I clung to him, trailing my lips across his skin in a haze of lust. I’d given in entirely to my raging hormones and my desire, and I needed him to just fuck me already! 
A pained whine escaped me when Letant laid me on the bed and I was forced to release my death grip on his shoulders. Had he decided I was more trouble than I was worth? No, surely he wouldn’t leave me when I needed him this badly.
My worries were silenced when he laid one of his large hands on my upper thigh and allowed it to skim upwards to the utterly doused fabric covering my crotch.
“So beautiful...” His reverent whisper made me arch toward him, praying for more friction than just that of fabric. “You’d let me do whatever I wanted to you, wouldn’t you?”
“Anything. Anything, just please touch me–ah!” My begging morphed into an almost feral sound of pleasure as he tore the crotch of my leggings and dragged his fingertips through my folds. Suddenly I was incredibly grateful to my earlier self for choosing to forego underwear. That was the wisest choice I’d made all week.
“Hush, I won’t leave you unfulfilled,” he promised, slipping one, then two fingers inside of me. Clutching the bedsheets frantically, I found myself lost in his gaze. Hunger, passion, and potent confidence drew me to him like a moth to a flame. It was painfully obvious, now, that Letant’s earlier insinuation about having good reasons to be confident in his abilities was absolutely true. 
Had I a scrap of dignity left, I would’ve been irritated at that revelation. As it was, all I could manage was a series of desperate moans and pleas as the Senator curled his fingers within me. In an embarrassingly short amount of time, I was arching off the bed and gushing around his digits. 
Letant murmured quiet praises that made a small, quiet part of myself roar with pride at having earned his compliments. He leaned down to kiss me, and almost without conscious thought, I maneuvered him beneath me and started tugging at his clothing. There need to be less separating us. I needed the hardness tenting his pants inside me now!
The next few moments were a blur of clothes sailing away from the bed, and finally - finally - I was able to sink down on his length. The tightness of his grip on my hips spoke to his own growing need for this coupling. We were both beyond words when I began to ride him in earnest. He sat up beneath me and wrapped an arm around my waist, even as his free hand tangled its way into my hair.
Our labored breathing sounded so right. This was what we’d been missing all this time. When I finally tipped over the edge into another orgasm, the last of my lover’s restraint snapped, and he shoved me onto my back amidst the sheets.
Resuming his place between my legs, Letant looked positively feral as he set out to prove why Romulans made superior mates. He gave me everything: powerful thrusts, hungry growls, and an orgasm intense enough to make my voice go hoarse when I called his name.
The fires ignited by the venom in my veins finally cooled when a shattered moan poured from his throat and his seed filled me in hot spurts. Bliss and tranquility blanketed every cell in my body as he rained featherlight kisses across my mouth and cheeks. This was heaven.
Letant maneuvered us into a much more comfortable position, murmuring that I should rest. His voice melted into a delicious hum that In was too boneless and satiated to comprehend, but it was alright. Everything was alright. He’d protect me.
The first sensation I became aware of when I awoke was the gentle, affectionate caress of warm fingers across my back. Still wrapped solidly in the comforting embrace of a Romulan Senator, I let myself float leisurely back to the realm of consciousness. There was no rush. We were still a long way from the wormhole and Deep Space Nine.
Stirring slowly, I tilted my head just far enough to press my lips against Letant’s neck, prompting a low hum from deep in his chest.
“I take it you’re feeling better?” The Senator asked, and I let out an affirmative sound as I snuggled farther into his arms. “I thoroughly enjoy this version of you, you know...the one who isn’t pushing me away.”
Guilt wormed its way through me as I recalled all the instances where I hadn’t believed he was sincere in his flirtations.
“I’m sorry.”
“You have nothing to apologize for, e’lev. You were protecting yourself,” he murmured pressing his lips against my forehead in a gentle kiss. “I do want you to know, though, that for as long as I live, I will be yours. Assuming you’ll have me, of course.”
Pushing myself up far enough to look into his eyes, I traced my fingertips down the bridge of his nose and over the softness of his lips. Then, without my permission, the words I’d held inside of me for so long finally poured out.
“I love you, Letant.” The smile he gave me as he flipped me onto my back and hovered over me was the most glorious sight I’d ever witnessed.
“I think you know how I feel about you, but just in case the idea needs reinforcing: I will love you until all the stars in the universe go out,” the Senator promised before catching my lips in a tender kiss that inevitably deepened into something more. He practically dragged himself down my body, lips trailing in his wake, eyes burning into my soul, pausing only when he was far enough to lift my legs over his shoulders. The mischief in his eyes told me everything I needed to know about what he was planning.
“Letant, you...don’t have to–”
“Oh, but I want to. You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to taste you,” he crooned as he kissed his way up my thighs. “Your pheromones are so strong that every time you enter a room, you’re all I can think about...all I can imagine...all I desire. I’ve fallen asleep so many times with the memory of your scent lingering in my mind that I almost always wake up so hard that it fucking hurts.”
I moaned before I could stop myself, but Letant was undeterred. Trailing his lips up my inner thigh, he made every move with intention and tenderness enough to convince me that he actually had imagined us like this before. When his eyes met mine, it hit me that the emotions he spoke of weren’t just a womanizer’s bluster, they were real.
He loved me as much as I loved him.
And apparently he was going to make quite certain that I never questioned the sincerity of his feelings for me again.
Romulan Words:
e’lev = darling
Deihu = Senator
@akamitrani @android-boyfriends @attention-bajoranworkers @bigblissandlove1 @darkmattervibes @emilie786​ @horta-in-charge​ @live-logs-and-proper​ @slutty-slutty-vulcans​ @starrynightgardens​ @toebeans-mcgee​
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pspspps boo :) hi its me i used to be @saor-illust um i had a breakdown and deleted my tumblr like 3 weeks ago but im back now
anyways foul legacy Porter Robinson AU because i am so insane about porter and his new SMILE! :D world tour
Y/N is a famous artist on world tour
FL has been a fan of your music for years
This is his first time attending
one day, after a show, he approaches you, and you get to talking.
he shows up at your next show. you exchange numbers.
And again at the next show.
FL asks you out.
uu tired so not a ton of thoughts but... brainrot..
the name Porter Robinson unearthed some wonderful memories, i remember listening to his music when i was younger!!
technically it's Childe who has been purchasing albums and doing karaoke- karaoke that he dragged his coworkers into and was both pleasantly surprised and horrified by- but Foul Legacy is always there, clicking and chirping excitedly in the back of his mind. they both love your music more than almost anything, it helps them focus and fall asleep at night. needless to say Legacy is ecstatic when Childe manages to secure a ticket to your latest concert- just one, obviously. his monstrous side will stay in his head as usual, but he can still enjoy everything exactly the same. the concert is incredible, both of their standards blown away and out of the water, and when Childe somehow manages to get a moment to speak to you- something many of your fans would give their left kidney for- you're as kind and humble as he thought you were
at the end you pat his hand with that bright, genuine smile of yours, and Childe finds a tiny folded piece of paper in his palm
you both prefer to keep the budding feelings between you as private as possible, the public doesn't even KNOW that you're together. then again there's a lot of things the public doesn't know, you included, such as Foul Legacy. you're just lucky he had managed to stay silent until you got away from the crowds, because the moment you're alone there's a crackle of lightning and a night-colored beast stands before you. he trills in delight and lowers himself to be closer to your height, not as threatening, leaning in and delicately bumping his head against yours. it seems you both have alternate lives, you with your music and him with this form, this Foul Legacy both inside and out
yet you find yourself loving them, both of them, all the same
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Worst Video Game Song Tournament - Round 3 Match 3
The Yoshi Clan - Yoshi's New Island
Mansion Basement - Resident Evil Director's Cut
I would recommend listening to as much as you can of each song before voting, but how you choose is up to you! Remember to be civil in the tags and replies!
Propaganda under cut:
The Yoshi Clan:
"the ass band will play a song of farts to celebrate your failure"
"#yoshi sounds like suck"
"#YOOOOOOOOSHI CLAAAAN!!!!!!!! #ok im gonna complete my santa review before getting to my ten page essay on why i love yoshi clan. yea that shit bad #i accidentally started it playing in two tabs at different points of the video which was honestly really fun. i recommend tryin that esp wi #bad songs really adds smthn to the exprience. it was awesoeme #it also just sounds the exact type of awful that that video image implies which is cool. its so perfect. it sounds ass #but. what it can not beat. is my favorite of all time. my darling love. it is time to begin my sermon #ok so yoshi clan is just so beautifully terrible. and truly the whole soundtrack is an orchestra of bad design. and its so fun to look at #that really nice professional looking art for the game and get BLASTED with kazoo #and like. i understand the thought process. kazoo does seem silly goofy yoshi. and it also sounds like a chorus of pain #now this song specifically has some really great awkward pauses. at 0:16 theres like a full 3 seconds of silence. which is SO cool #then the hot cross bun bit that ends at 0:27 gets so sad and deflated at the end of it. like it starts off in time but then clearly the #soloist got kinda embarrassed alone and so rushed and got really quiet. and its just so sad and lonely. its so cool #also some of these pauses have a couple lone far away kazoo squeaks for no reason before the 'melody' comes back in? awesome #but what i really really love about this. what really draws my eye. is the ending. because we go through this entire rigamarole with the #worst secondhand embarrassment of my life. then. 0:43. the kazoos move out. and in. the most genuinely awesome groovy drum beat in the worl #like its SO good. and those last few seconds are like you're in a different world. like you just survived horrors and you are brought to an #angelic chorus. and it lasts what 5 seconds? 5 seconds of beauty after a full 40 seconds of purgatory. in what world do horrors live foreve #while an angel can last for only a flash #its cruelty. its injustice. its completely ingenious. incredible music making. i am in such awe. #anyways thats my manifesto. please feel free to put any of this in the propaganda section op. im passioante"
Mansion Basement:
"this song fucking sucks. i love it."
"[Mansion Basement] is literally what letting my cat walk over my keyboard set on some particularly bad trumpet sample feels like. Spectacular"
"#This is so funny #Who made mansion basement?? #It's so sad!! #And pathetic!!"
"#whaat the fuuuck is up with [Mansion Basement]"
"#like NOTHING can compare to mansion basement #what the FUCK"
"#the mansion basement made me cry #ithink i know who the winner here is #🎺🔥🔥🎺🔥🎺🔥🎺🔥🎺🔥🎺🔥"
"#resident evil is a joke song for clowns"
"#I'M NOT LISTENING TO THE OTHER ONE I KNOW FOR A FACT IT'S MANSION BASEMENT #THE STORY BEHIND IT IS WILD TOO SO THAT'S AN AUTOMATIC WIN BABBBEEEYYY" (pollrunner's note if anyone knows what the story is please tell me i am dying to hear about it)
"#i saw the title of this post and literally IMMEDIATELY thought of mansion basement #felt emotionally validated when i saw it was an option #i love that song #in the worst way #like a drunk zombie looking for its keys in an orchestra"
"#im fucking obsessed with mansion basement. sweep"
"#what the hell that is not a real resident evil song #did they really just make that and put it in the game #what"
"#I ACTUALLY LIKE THE BASEMENT SONG because it perfectly captions how like- #the sneaky suspicion of getting diharrea feels"
"#fart basement ofc"
"#Mansion basement is objectively the funniest song ever"
Feel free to add more propaganda in the tags and replies, or send it to me in the ask box and I'll try to share it as soon as I can!
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autisticempathydaemon · 4 months
your match up game looks so fun ‼️‼️‼️‼️ i wanna try it out hehe (rambling ahead)
1. beast of blood by malice mizer :3 i honestly don't have a reason other than it being chaotic enough that it fills up empty noise in my brain lol
2. 5w6 !!
3. ohh i LOVE youtube essays/analyses whether i'm fully listening or have em as background noise, i love horror youtube deep dives, particularly about analog/digital horror series and that one creepypasta iceberg hehe
4. i don't think i've ever had one ? to be honest i don't think i ever thought abt it until i saw it in like . cartoons n shit , never rlly knew about the concept of imaginary friends as a kid 😭
5. recently i use redacted sleep aid audios but most of the time i just . stay awake until my brain shuts down 🤞
6. honestly? i never thought abt this . but the first thing that came into my mind was veronica (idk either!!) though if i genuinely wanted to change my name i'd want it to be gender neutral, and tbh i doubt i'd have any important meaning behind it i'd just pick whatevr sounds nice
7. guy's sleep audio !!!! i joke about wanting guy angst a lot but to be real . this audio of his is so vulnerable .. like before that we only saw him being a goof and stuff yaknow . . idk that one forreals hit different 4 me
8. as much as i love every character, i do not understand why gavin is the most popular😭 don't get me wrong , love him, maybe it's because i haven't listened to the fl series but i do not get the hype💔
9. i don't know all the words per se but i would have to say mean girls . . as problematic as that movie is now its iconic and i love it and i need to rewatch it BAD .
10. damien tbh . haven't gotten to his other audios but i think i would want 2 be besties w him i relate 2 him a good amount (he also seems like the type id be intimidated into doing well in school for)
11. to be real i wld not be able to ramble if im tired LOL i think i'd be more quiet bcz i have a hard time sleeping to begin with
12. tbh just a soda (coca cola bcz i am basic) i go to convenience stores n stuff after school so im only there to pick up something quick before i go home so im in and im out 🔥🔥
13. the 2007 sweeney todd soundtrack 🤞 i cannawt find the movie ANYWHERE and its nostalgic to me so listening to the songs is the closest i'll get to scratch the itch in my brain
14. fnaf tbh EHWHEHW i've been into fnaf ever since i was a kid and it's stuck with me because it's what got me into horror n stuff  🫶
15. i'm a saggitarius, my mbti is INTP, i love horror and fashion, despite wearing a lot of darker alt fashion, my favorite color is pink (my phone case is decorated to the gods its very ridiculous) i like doing my own nails (funnily enough in bright colors) , i think i relate to honey the most in terms of personality, and i like to analyze most of the media im into!!
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So part of my thought process is based on your personality types, the Troubleshooter and the Logician. However, I have to admit a bigger part of my reasoning is I think Asher would love your fashion sense and would contrast you so cutely.
Like, on a deep, core level, your personality types give me the impression of someone who’s thoughtful and analytical and capable of solving problems. Those are good traits for a beta’s mate, especially when Asher can have more social, impulsive tendencies. On a funsies level, I imagine Asher dresses like your typical So Cal dude, kinda surfer chic, and he loves your style and what an odd pair you make. Like, on all levels but especially physical, you are the embodiment of the black cat/golden retriever couple.
Asher loves everything about you, so many things about you he finds it hard to pick a favorite. He loves the contrast between your dark clothes and your bright nails, loves asking you to paint his while you’re at it so y’all can match. He loves watching FNAF theories with you, because he was definitely a FNAF teenager. He even loves watching scary movies with you though he’s terrible with them. (Asher’s the type that loves the adrenaline rush while it’s playing but regrets it once it’s time to lock up the house.)
In the car, I just can't wait/ To pick you up on our very first date/ Is it cool if I hold your hand?/ Is it wrong if I think it's lame to dance?/ Do you like my stupid hair?/ Would you guess that I didn't know what to wear?/ I'm just scared of what you think/ You make me nervous so I really can't eat/ Let's go/ Don't wait/ This night's almost over
Given we canonically know Asher to be a FOB fanboy, it’s hardly a leap to assume he’s a Blink fan, especially this song. I think this particular track is not only fun and nostalgic to him but captures his energy and vibes, how he felt when he first fell in love with you. It’s also catchy as hell, so you know he’s singing this at you full-volume all the time.
Anytime someone says they’re a horror fan, I’ve got to put Guy in their big three; one of my top headcanons is that he writes some gripping horror and loves it as a genre. (I also think he loves FNAF lore and finds it so fun, though he was not impressed by the movie.) I also love Lasko for you because I think he admires your bold, authentic fashion choices and finds them inspirational.
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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alloveydovey · 1 year
Ok, random thoughts on dramas I finished watching this month (some of which I've been dragging out since July).
Meet Yourself (cdrama) 10 ⭐️
It's the first cdrama I've seen that I felt was well-acted and felt genuine. Perhaps because the ML has a personality and isn't simply some stone-cold dude and the FL (who I was obsessed with) is mature and insightful.
It’s very light and yet deeply meaningful. Yes, it could be a little draggy at times (could have been shorter), but I can't really complain because I didn't want it to end. You really find yourself falling in love with the entire town, as well as most secondary characters.
A Time Called You (kdrama) 8
It was really emotional, but I lost interest in episode 9 and wanted it to end. I don’t know if it was because I didn’t fully understand what was going on or because, although I like time travel plots, this one was just too twisty for me to get.
King The Land (kdrama) 8/8.5?
People complaining because it had no plot— what do you mean? The plot was ✨love✨
I mean yeah, I get it, though, because I started it in August and finished it in October (I got low-key bored on episode 11). The .5 is only because Yoona and Jun Ho’s chemistry was insanely good, like the kind of chemistry where you feel like you're intruding on them or something.
My Lovely Liar (kdrama) 7.5
This one was all over my fyp on tiktok, and I'm not sure why everyone was so into it.
I initially started to watch it because of Kim So Hyun. The first eight episodes were okay. I wasn't particularly intrigued by the mystery of who the killer of the ML’s girlfriend was, but it was enough to keep me going. But, later on, I just wasn't into it at aaall. The ML and FL were cute, but i didn’t feel any spark between them :\
Here We Meet Again (cdrama) 8
Another cdrama with good acting 🙌🏽 lol I swear I’m not bashing Chinese dramas, it's just I watched some questionable ones. I wasn’t that much into the whole work thing but, let's be honest, I only saw this one because FL and ML were the cutest and had an insane chemistry.
Why I Dress Up for Love (jdrama) 9
Workaholic social media girl moves into a house with four roommates and ends up having a situationship with one of them.
This is my fourth jdrama (Only Just Married, The Fallen High School Girl and The Crippled Teacher, and A Girl and Three Sweethearts), and it is without a doubt the best one and most likely a future all-time favourite. The obstacles the characters experienced were not too deep, but enough to soften you, and the chemistry was excellent. It was simple, natural and cute. An overall feel good 👌🏽
Destined With You (kdrama) 8.5/9 still not sure lol
Okay, I’ll be honest, this probably doesn’t deserve a 9. That whole extra point is for Rowoon's face and Bo Ah's cuteness.
I feel like the writers of this one got down and began pulling out pieces of paper from a bag full of common clichés that are currently used in dramas. Past lives lovers? Check. Sort of enemies to lovers? Check. Rich ML x Poor orphan FL? Check (although a little twist with the mom being the cutest mother ever) Mean ex girlfriend who can’t get over ML? Check. A culprit dressed all in black who is after the FL? Check. I don’t know what else but I’m sure there’s more… and it should have been boring but somehow they made it work?!?! And I was so into it?!? The comedy was comeding, the chemistry was chemistring, the Samsung phones were samsunging (?), Subway was there, music was banging? Magic was entertaining, even the angsty moments were hitting.
Like yeah, I don’t know. Maybe it was Rowoon and his perfect face or maybe this was a really entertaining and romantic watch. Anyway, a 9.
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ultramarine-spirit · 1 year
What you said in your previous post about manhwas reflecting the thinking of Korean autoreas is so true!! it's frustrating because people analyze it with their western mentality and throw so much hate without bothering to try to understand the story. There are many things that I have noticed in the manhwa that are very different from things in the west (for example, the FL is always compared to an angel or a fairy lol) but something that caught my attention is that in the west it is It is very common that when we talk about an 'empowered woman' it is a woman who is good at physical fights, with super powers or good at using weapons with sarcastic personalitys and other things, while in manhwas (there are women like that too, of course) but something they have that the americans movies don't usually show is that the women here are very good at studying. That surprised me (and I liked it) because it is not very common to see women who work hard in the studios and enjoy it in USA movies, but they do in manhwas. One of the few movies that reflects this is legally blonde (and it's one of the best movies out there) plus I have a great love for academically validated female characters, they are literally my favorites in any story so reading that Athy really enjoyed studying made me fall more in love with her. Also when FLs have to act cute in order to survive, fans often throw so much hate at them saying they are irritating or ridiculous but they don't take the time to think that there are many ways to be a great female character without always using weapons, I have a great hatred for the term "soft fl" it seems too misogynistic to me that they are thrown down for that reason but waiting for the manhwa community to realize that is going to take a long time.
Another thing I remember is that in the novel Athy had many modern thoughts that surprised me, like when they talked a little about Korean society and I could feel a criticism of this or the things she said when some men harassed her and Jennette or when some men Men said that she would be happier married to a prince instead of being the next empress and she was very upset by her. Also when in his debut he said "one thing I learned is that boys have to look like boys and ladies look like ladies" (this stuck with me because it made me think of oversexualizing young children but maybe I'm overanalyzing it) There are many interesting things in the wmmap novel that people take out of context.
Another thing I've noticed is that in the East it's more typical to see this kind of "sunshine" girls who are sweet and cheerful, very kind, literally the kind of people that everyone loves and in manhwas they get so much hate, it's hateful. It's also not common to see this type of girls in the west and if they are, they are always hated. Ruby from How to get my husband on my side is truly one of the strongest female characters out there and is always looked down on just because she is softer compared to the other girlboss leads. Athanasia is a character who seems to be on the lookout for between these two terms but he still gets criticized for not having acted in a more "evil" way it's funny because the scene of Athy facing the nobles and then Anastascius screamed more power to me than many scenes I've seen in movies or series.
I just want to clarify that I love my villainous girls, medea and roxana are really amazing and I enjoyed women who do morally bad things, marianne, Cosette, soleia, I love them all. But I genuinely hate how they look down on 'soft fl'
The thing is, there are a lot of things in the novels/manhwas that I feel are critical or stereotypical of them that more western minded people take too much out of context and it's too frustrating, some people have a hard time understanding which does not have to be from their point of view.
sorry for all the rant lmao, i didn't mean to make it so long, it's just that this is one of my big problems with the manhwa community 😭
Have a good day!
Don't worry for the rant, anon! I think similarly to you as well.
I'm in the position that, while I live in a country that geographically and politically could be considered "the west" (what a long conversation that is lmfao), my culture doesn't perfectly align with "western" values and ideas. So when I see people sending hate towards manhwa, I notice how they often analyze them exclusively from their personal point of view and own biases, not realizing that asian media is very different from western media. I don't know if this is a problem of media literacy or it's that people think less of asian media as a whole. Hopefully it's the former.
But yes, most manhwas reflect korean values! Shocking, I know. Perhaps people get blinded by the western settings, but even if the characters "don't look" asian, they were made by an asian author, so obviously they reflect asian ideas and values. In that sense, they are asian characters. A similar discourse happens with anime and danmei/xianxia novels.
I think western readers have an easier time liking "girlboss" FLs and revenge fantasy stories because those are more common on this side of the world. But they struggle with more nuanced stories where the FL is not perfect, she does not solve everything with schemes or being a badass, is "weak", or (heaven forbid!) is able to forgive a family that hurt her in the past. This is the main criticism Athy gets, the fact that she was able to love Claude. I truly don't understand how people decide to even read WMMAP if they are so opposed to that idea, because that's the heart of WMMAP's story. Family holds a much bigger importance on the east compared to the west's individualistic idiosyncrasy, so of course most asian stories that touch the topic of family won't end in "if your family wronged you, fuck them". From where I'm from, family is also regarded as very important, so I can understand why a lot of manhwas are about rebuilding family relationships, not destroying them. And even then, you have plenty of revenge fantasies with cartoonishly evil families, so if that's what you prefer, you can read those.
Specifically korean media, it often touches topics like, generational trauma, misogyny, capitalism, etc. As you said, WMMAP addresses these things too in some way or another. I didn't think manhwa was particularly subtle as a medium (I know it's kinda ironic coming from me, but these are very simple stories, not Dostoevsky novels), but if people have trouble understanding the point of Parasite and Squid Game, then no wonder they can't pick up on these themes.
I'm not saying asian media or manhwas are above negative criticism. They have plenty of issues of their own. But if you are going to criticize something, you have to truly understand it, and reading anything disregarding cultural context or the own internal biases you may hold is at best foolish and at worst very ignorant. Western readers often have this mentality that all stories have to cater to them, when it's obvious that manhwas were made thinking of a korean public first and foremost.
(I dislike when people say Athy should have been more "evil". The whole point of her character is how her kindness and willingness to be empathetic with others and try to build honest relationships was what saved everyone. Villainesses AUs are fun, but when people truly say that Athy's character is weak because she chooses to feel love instead of hatred, because she is selfless instead of selfish- Why are you even reading WMMAP? And even then, she is far from "soft" and has plenty of "badass moments"...)
(News to me that Ruby gets hate, I thought she was the new manhwa darling. I stopped reading that series, but to me she was the best part of it by far. I think she is one of the only few good portrayals of a victim of physical abuse and ED in all manhwa. I have always disliked how those traits are just brushed aside as little things to endear the FL to the reader, but are never treated with the seriousness they deserve).
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weebsinstash · 2 years
Tbh I have never seen a villainess manga/manhwa where the FL is like Oh youre cheating on me??? Well let me have a good time and get a lover as well, because if you get to have one I do too. Like all those humiliating situations FLs go through with their husband and mistress would be a lot more even if they had their own lover. Like oh you wanna flaunt your mistress to everyone and dance with her at social events? Well here is my lover/mistress right by my side and Imma dance with them and not mind you. The husband is saying the FL is cold and arrogant and cannot show love? Well here is once again her own lover/mistress to prove you wrong because guess what someone was fucking your wife last night and it wasnt you
Honestly there are probably some that exist! From what I've seen, the manhwa community is similar to the manga community in that it follows trends and many things can be published or produced at once, so maybe it's a matter of trying to shift through all the bulk?
I think the thing that's infuriating is most of these dudes are such fucking chumps that they would get jealous, but their reaction would probably be to tell their FL "oh, you're clearly doing this just for my attention, how childish of you" and it's like fine call me bozo the clown because I'm about to get a wacky creampie from your brother/rival
Honestly I wish the story existed where it's like "you know what crown prince? Not only am I leaving you, im leaving you for your father the emperor. I'm your mom now boy, go to your room"
I have been reading so many Villainess/Revenge manhwa and I honestly can't recall any like you're saying. The closest thing I can think of is a scene from "I Want To Become The Emperor So I Need A Divorce" where the husband's lover's uncle who runs a theater company is hosting a play meant to mock the FL, and when her shit husband asks what she thought of the play, and she lied and said it was nice and then he goads her further to start reciting her favorite line, she calls his fucking bluff and walks up to the actor that had played her husband and starts reciting exact lines, but in such a way it seems like she is genuinely flirting with the actor, and she even puts a royal gemstone on his finger to symbolically say "you're as good as the duke" and he gets so fucking mad he basically had the entire theater company ruined
I just want to watch garbage men be ruined, like I am actively seeking out stories where women leave their shit partners and enjoy watching them mald and seethe while living a better life with their new partner. I can't wait for the final season of Remarried Empress, and Father I Dont Want This Marriage, and kt isn't a romance but I think I will DIE if I never see the ending of Actually I Was The Real One because that fucking bitch tried to steal her family! And I also found an extremely similar manywa that's brand new called The Saintess Returns as a Villain and maybe that will be good but it is still too early to tell.
And you know what, I know a good revenge manhwa but it's more revenge in the form of "you neglected me and made me feel like shit so im running away and cutting you out of my life and even when I need support you aren't good enough" and that would be The Time Of The Terminally Ill Extra. It hasn't updated it forever so im afraid it might be dropped but it's about a girl who has been shoved to the side for the sake of her sickly younger sister who she has had to compromise everything for, even entering school late to take care of her, giving her her toys, being trained to never disobey or show she's unhappy because even when she cries she's told "how dare you cry when your sister is in pain?". Well, it turns out the FL is terminally ill, even sicker than her sister, amd she decides to run away and never even tell her family, who initially don't even care she's missing and then proceed to not believe it when they are told their daughter is fatally sick. I might actually start reading the novel because the story has me so invested. The FL has an uncurable illness called Artist's Disease where she can bring to life anything she draws but at the cost of her own life, but her family neglected her so fucking much they never even knew she liked to draw or noticed how extremely gifted she was, which, the extreme talent is a symptom of Artist's Disease because their abilities are "blessings", and if her family had noticed and gotten her diagnosed earlier she wouldn't be dying. But even as it's killing her, she refuses to stop drawing because it's her passion and joy. She grew up so lonely that as a child she would draw fairies and other people to talk to her and be her friends and her art is extremely personal to her that she would literally die than give it up. I really hope this manhwa finishes like I have heard spoilers about because it sounds like everything turns out alright in the end, but not before massive heartbreak 🥺
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chocomd · 2 years
ATLA rewatch thoughts, Book 2 (ep 15)
15) The Tales of Ba Sing Se
Toph and Katara: This is a cute story about Toph and Katara bonding over a girls’ day out (and dunking some mean girls in the canal lol). It’s also a story about Toph’s insecurities. As Katara says near the end, Toph is strong, confident, and self-assured. But even though Toph says she doesn’t need anyone’s approval, what people think about her still matters to her. Katara sees this and gives her friend the encouragement and friendship in just the way she needs.
Iroh: When Iroh is buying a basket in preparation to honor Lu Ten’s memory: “No, it's not a romantic picnic, but it is a special occasion.” MY HEART 😭 He spends his part of this episode sharing his wisdom and being kind to the strangers around him. At first, it seems like we’re getting a closer look at the reformed soul that the FN general and FL’s brother has become. But his story ends with him honoring his dead son. This isn’t a story about the wise and caring person that Iroh has become - what we are seeing is his redemption in action. The first thing he says to Lu Ten’s portrait is “If only I could have helped you.” And then he sings Leaves From the Vine, which sounds like a song about young men who grow up and leave home to fight, and about the same young men who fall in battle and “return” home. I think Iroh means more than “I wish I could have kept you from dying in battle.” His perspective on life and the war have changed dramatically in the years since he lost Lu Ten, but they also continue to change during the course of ATLA. I think that Iroh helps the people around him to help make the world a better place because that is his biggest regret about himself and Lu Ten - that he walked the path of violence and bloodshed and destruction and raised Lu Ten to do the same, and they both paid the price, with Lu Ten losing his life and Iroh losing his throne and his son. Iroh is living out his redemption as well by trying to be the father to Zuko that he couldn’t be to Lu Ten.
Aang: I love how Aang the Air Nomad, who flies free as the wind, wants to give the zoo animals a place where they won’t be cooped up in cages anymore. Also: “Don't worry, I'm great with animals” and “This was so much easier in my head.” 🤣  I loved the airbending and earthbending too and just all the chaos in general 😂
Sokka: Sokka barging in on a ladies’ haiku club meeting and getting into a 1v1 with the teacher! ‘Nuff said. So many burnnnnns lmao
Zuko: Ahhh, Zuko’s infamous date with Jin. HE’S SUCH AN AWKWARD DWEEB LMAO 🥲 And damn, Jin sure put up with a lot and still was into him (how?). “You have ... quite an appetite for a girl.” rip 💀 But at the end, Zuko actually does something genuinely sweet - he lights the lamps at the Firelight Fountain. And while he’s firebending, Sun Warrior music is playing. This is one of the few times (only time?) in ATLA that Zuko firebends to bring joy and life and not destruction. And then of course Jin kisses him (and he kisses back) and he says “It’s complicated. I have to go.” Oops, dramatic Zuko is back 💀
Momo: Momo misses Appa so much that he dreams about him and sees him everywhere 😭 Also the way he made friends with the scary panther cat things 🥺 Also HOW are there scary panther cat things roaming the streets of a city???? I guess that’s what the animal catcher is for 💀 AND THE WAY THE EPISODE ENDS WITH MOMO CURLING UP IN APPA’S PAWPRINT 😭👀👀👀
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caralara · 2 years
I read your take on the MV and your take on Xarry both of which are certainly thought through and well argued. I've always believed (well, since solo Harry launched) that Xarry and BG as similtaneous stunts were part of the set up for solo H. And BG (and the rump of Xarry) are still a stunts for solo H because the only people who benefit from BG are the assholes manipulating Harry's image. I don't see much interest in Louis or his career on your blog so please forgive me if you're no longer a Larrie, but assuming you are, the thing that's always shocked me and has over the years pushed me to the edge of the fandom, is that even Larries who can see what happened and is happening are still playing the roles allotted to us. We're obsessed about and revelling in the Harry brand created by the very people Harrys exposing to rake in maximum revenue, whether harry likes it or not and we give the HS brand all the support and crazed loyalty and $ that Sony and Jeff could have dreamed off way back when they were planning it all out. While Louis, who's been fighting for his professional life all this time against the same basic power bloc and people, is judged and condemned and periodically boycotted BY US for things like BG which are no more in his control than Harry's. We do EXACTLY what the industry wants. Harrys condeming us too. Maybe we should listen to what he's trying to say. Whenever Larries threaten to stop spending on Harry™️ unless things change for HL, sometimes it works, like suddenly Louis got to release Walls just before they needed us for FL or maybe Harry gets some slack. As Larries, shouldn't we KNOW that Harry desperately wants us to help Louis who he adores, with all our might instead of ignoring or trying to punish him. Do we think he wants us instead to boycott Louis for having to stunt, and eagerly help Jeff and Rob Stringer use him (Harry) relentlessly, as we have been doing? All we do is collude in Harrys exploitation and Louis erasure like Sony/HSHQ puppets. I really wonder what Lou and Harry think of us now, the fandom that used to get it and fight back for both of them. :(
Hi anon,
First off, I am a bit surprised you’d say it seems like I don’t care much about Louis, because i am so fucking in love with this human it’s not even funny anymore (like, literally, I don’t know what to do with myself, it’s like a stupid crush) and I’m very very much a larrie. But you are right, I guess, I don’t blog about Louis from a visual point as much as I do about Harry, I guess I do that more on Twitter, I never noticed.
To your ask: thank you for the compliment about my posts! But I disagree with a lot you’re saying, actually.
Especially with Louis recently saying that the split was sort of surprising to him and he genuinely thought they‘d get back together much earlier, I don’t see Xarry & bbg to be a set up for solo Harry. I don’t think Louis would have gone through with bbg if it wasn’t to make a coming out for Harry within the band and close proximity to himself happen. To me the reason why they did xarry and bbg was precisely bc H&L were so publicly linked via 1D that they couldn’t have Harry come out as bi or whatever without risking to our Larry in the process.
And you see that they did a 180* turn as soon as the solo management contract with the azoffs was signed. So if you go along with that, your reasoning has some logical holes.
Another point is that I don’t like is that you say „we“ a lot - I don’t see myself in the we. I don’t go and throw money (= reward ) at anything Harry does. I don’t eat it up the way harries do. I am, in my opinion, quite the opposite. I am vocal about everything that’s happening online, and in person, show up to support Harry in person where I can and trying to avoid spending an unjustified amount of money. I own one piece of second hand Harry merch. So, I don’t agree. There’s a big part of the fandom that sees through it and is vocal about it, and they know and they see that. Why else do you think Harry would’ve made the music video the way he did if he didn’t think at least some people would get it??
Also I certainly am not boycotting anything from Louis, and I don’t actually know anyone personally who does, only hear stories about someone knowing someone, so idk, maybe you just surround yourself with the wrong people in the fandom. I show up for Louis, and show him my support, I organised a wholes freaking fan project for him, the @louislovebook, and honestly - when I met him and he pointedly said something about what I was wearing (and it happened to someone else that week, too) it cemented that he appreciates us larries and appreciates us showing up and showing our support for them.
But thank you for sharing your thoughts.
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misscrawfords · 5 hours
Hi, I am going to start watching k dramas, so could you recommend some good ones? Which ones do you like best?
Ooh an excellent life choice, if I may say so!
Honestly, what I'd recommend would depend on what you enjoy. My personal tastes are for:
romcoms very low angst
romances with deeper characters, a bit more realistic
thriller/spy stories, usually light-hearted, romantic subplot
fantasy, romantic subplot
For gateway kdramas, I'd recommend:
What's Wrong With Secretary Kim (romcom, a classic)
Hometown Cha Cha Cha (romcom, a few angsty moments)
Crash Landing on You (romcom... ish... angsty!)
Strong Woman Do Bong Soon (romcom with adorable female superhero and serial killer subplot)
If you like predominantly romances, I'd recommend in addition:
Her Private Life (Park Min Young (also in Secretary Kim) is basically a romcom goddess - HPL is v similar to Secretary Kim)
Because This Is My First Life (surprisingly relatable and thoughtful take on contract marriage trope)
Romance is a Bonus Book (less well known as some but just so charming if you like books and bookish people)
Rookie Historian Goo Hae Ryung (not usually a fan of historical kdramas and this is light on the romcom and heavy on the palace drama but it's genuinely interesting)
Our Beloved Summer (second chances romance, slow burn)
Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo (cute university sports romcom
Business Proposal (only watch when you are well-versed in romcoms - it's hilarious because it makes fun of all the tropes)
No Gain, No Love (still airing but doing something similar to Business Proposal but a bit more subtlely)
Dali and the Cocky Prince (had some flaws and some painful moments for the FL but overall excellent)
Love Next Door (still airing and I had to stop watching because it suddenly got serious and I need to know it ends happily before I force myself through the difficult episodes but really excellent up to that point - so I'm hopeful)
If you like your romcom with a twist:
Healer (another PMY drama, lots of rom but also main plot is a thriller - really excellent)
Marry My Husband (look, I just love PMY... time travel and revenge plot and swoon-worthy rom with plenty of com)
Vincenzo (the Ultimate kdrama for me - I adore it; mafia, revenge, hilarity, romcom- got everything)
My Roommate is a Gumiho (kind of forgettable tbh but I really enjoyed it a lot at the time - fantasy romcom)
Crash Course in Romance (romcom between middle aged people, crash course in the messed up Korean education system and a serial killer - IDK what is going on with this drama but overall it worked?)
Terius Behind Me/My Beloved Terius (a rather obscure one but A+ if you like spy comedy shenanigans with subtle romance)
The King: Eternal Monarch (mixed reception for this fantasy parallel universes romance but I had a Good Time)
And finally, standing all out on its own:
Alchemy of Souls Parts One and Two: just brilliant. Pure epic fantasy. I want 10 seasons in this universe and the novelisations. Should be bigger than Harry Potter.
Something to bear in mind is that most kdramas are 16 episodes and around episode 11... bad things tend to happen! Sudden illness/death/betrayal/breakup/white truck of doom... And while some of them deal with this well, others... don't. Usually it's worth getting over the hump episodes but I have to admit I have a lot of unfinished kdramas. I do keep meaning to finish them... but then another one comes along and I start that instead!
I also recommend getting onto MyDramaList to get recommendations and read reviews and find new dramas to watch as well as keep track of your watching. My list is here.
Enjoy! :D
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dorireads · 1 year
The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood || Book Review
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Star Review: 3/5⭐
Tropes: Fake Dating, Age Gap, not necessarily teacher/student but the ML is a faculty member and the FL is a student, miscommunication.
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To start, this was my introduction to the romance genre, so I hadn't had any experience with other stories or writing styles when I read this. If you check my storygraph review, you can see that I did genuinely like it story-wise. However, there are a lot of things about this book that I and others didn't enjoy.
It was honestly just kind of unmemorable. The story follows Olive and Adam as they fake a relationship in order to make Olive's friend feel better about dating Olive's ex-fling. I don't really remember any of the conversations that the characters had together, I don't remember anything i found particularly funny or interesting either.
As most of us know, this book is basically a remodeled Reylo fanfiction. I honestly don't care about that, i feel like just because it's a fanfiction doesn't mean that the writing is automatically bad, but it is kind of unsettling how the ML is named after Adam Driver and is just so alike to him. I feel like they could've changed at least something about him instead of it just being a carbon copy of Adam Driver, lol.
This book has a weirdly big focus on the sheer size of Adam. It mentions like eighty five times how large he is and how much bigger he is to Olive.
plot spoilers under the cut!
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I don't really remember liking any particular part of this book besides when Adam comforted Olive when she was crying, I thought it was sweet and helped to build their relationship, but my biggest issue with this book is that the good parts are so unmemorable but the bad parts are very, very memorable.
I have an innate dislike for the miscommunication trope, I just feel like if you're an adult and you have proof of what happened but you're still choosing not to, it's just a badly written and immature way to drag out the plot until the book is long enough for them to resolve it.
This book does an amazing job and fueling my dislike for this trope. Adam's friend, which I genuinely cannot remember the name of, ends up threatening and almost assaulting Olive in her hotel room in order to blackmail her into working for him (or else he would just steal her research). Olive battles between whether or not to tell Adam, even after she has physical evidence in the form of an entire recording.
This enraged me because it's just so stupid. Girl, you literally have A RECORDING of what this man said to you. It felt like she randomly got these weird insecurities about Adam not being serious enough about her to believe her, when she had never been insecure about that until his friend told her.
When she did confront him, Adam goes all scary as hell and almost attacks his friend. Personally, that shit is such a turn-off. I do not want a man who gets violent with the flip of a switch, and in the middle of that, confesses his love.
That event is kind of the only thing I really remember well from this book, and I only read it maybe three weeks ago.
All in all, I don't think I'd recommend this book, personally. It was well written, but some plot points felt rushed and underdeveloped.
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swiftletinthecloud · 1 year
Episode 9:
Alen Fang: 6 min.  More screentime for my love, yay! What is this random headache you’re feeling, tho?  Also initially, I thought it was cruel of his past love to erase her face from his memory since he’ll still remember the pain and the grief of losing her, but now that it came up again, I think it was actually the best course of action. Like his memories of their love and time together are still intact and not just completely erased like they didn’t happen, because it happened and it was important to him. At the same time, erasing his memory of her face even tho she said she’d come back allowed him to make genuine connections and relationships with people without this expectation or disappointment of trying to find her (like what’s happening over in Heartbeat). Obviously with the story set up, it’s likely that the FL is the physical doppelgänger of his lost love, and if he was able to remember her face, all of his interactions and relationship with FL would have been colored by his expectation of his lost love and the insidious seed that he’d only cared about the FL because of his lost love.  Yet, without his memories of the lost love’s face, his interactions with FL are genuine; he cares about her because he cares about her. 
Wang Zi Qi: 2 + 11 = 13 min; his character appears to be a good and caring and honorable person so hopefully the fact that his higherups are using him and ordering him to check on the status of the crown prince won’t change his character too much in the long run. bc I can’t imagine this actor in as a bad character.
Also Da Si Ming / Bai Yu is so obviously bad, no matter how much they tried to distract us with his first intro to save/protect the crown prince. Even without any actions, the fact that he’s in all black in a place where everyone is wearing white is a clue to his true intention. lol
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kai-bobbi · 2 years
9/27 1) What did you buy for your Splurchase? 2) Briefly list some of the general conditions that that you remember from your Splurchase (these can be anything: your mood, the weather, the layout of the store, the music that was playing in the store, stuff you heard on the news, etc...) 3) Look at your item and list some of the Graphic and/or Design Qualities that stand out to you. 4) List some of the cultural meanings/associations related to the item and/or its design (these can be either personal or more broadly social). 5) How did any of the factors from any of the previous 3 questions impact your decisions to buy, if at all?
After almost buying something that felt less authentic to the purpose of the assignment I let my mind find when popped out to it on its own while I kept shopping. I turned a corner and right on the eye level on the corner of the shelf was individual cans of sweetened earl grey tea with the word Tea in a scripted bold font shouting at me. 2. I was in a rough mood. Depression hit and I was shopping out of need between classes, because I can't afford to keep buying take out. Aldi is always super bright. The music was annoyingly low and it was kinda more chilly in there than usual. Although I suppose fall and was kinda chilly outside, and the door does open quite a bit. I didn't go with the intent to do the assignment so I thought sneaking it in then wouldn't be problem. Surprise surprise, I need more time than I thought per usual. I should allotted time for overthinking. It's amazing how fast my brain still goes when it's in a state of depression. 3. Its colors are subtle. It's not super flashy. It really lets the text do the work of pulling you in. Under the big bolded word Tea is nice clean thin sans serif that says SWEETENED EARL GREY TEA. It's hanging back to let the pretty Tea shine. It's all about that text hierarchy. Under that was my favorite surprise. The box the cans were in just cut off the words BLOOD ORANGE in a dark orange bold sans serif font. I LOVE BLOOD ORANGE. Under that is the words naturally flavored all in lower case, still giving attention to Blood Orange the secondary focus (h2 if you will). Under that, we are back at it with yet another sans serif, yet this time No Sugar Zero Calories is all written with each work capitalized. Interesting how they are really switching up. All of this text is justified left aligning to the left of Tea. To the right and smidge lower is slice of blood orange resting on a leaf. Beautiful! On the top is the Zavia logo with two leaved sprouting out of the top of the I. It appears like the Z is slightly capitalized. The rest of the word is in lowercase and almost meets the height of the Z. Underneath in green caps is the word O R G A N I C, with double the kerning then anywhere else, stretching to fit under the logo as nicely. I never buy organic. I often think I can't afford. At the bottom is a couple emblems indicated this tea is organic, Non GMO and fair trade certified. indicated the volume of the beverage (12 FL OZ 9355 ml) in yet in sans serif. I believe these are all variations of the same one. The top of the can was black. Not all of them were. I wanted one in black or some reason. All of this design is duplicated slightly to the side as to wrap around and better promote itself. There is your standard box of nutritional facts, ingredients and a few tiny icons underneath, but all written in the same green that's in O R G A N I C . 4. Sadly my associations aren't culturally connected. I have with tea is really my last two ex partners. They looooved tea. I'm cool with the memories from my last ex but the tea connected memories with the previous ex are not so sweet. Although my last roommate and bestie Nate, would actually drink tea almost every day but just didn't make a big deal of on the daily. He would dork out about his selections which was cute and I'd play along and support his enthusiasm. I always hated tea growing up. It's one of those sophisticated drinks I found in my adulthood. Now I buy it in jugs. 5. The biggest things that got my gut motor running was the pretty Tea font, and the surprise that it were Blood Orange. Yum! The item just hit me authentically in a really refreshing way. My mind is tricky so to get it to see genuinely was as unexpected as it's flavor. Oddly, I didn't see the that it was on the HURRY discounted items shelves until after I saw it as a splurchase. It didn't take the wind out of my sails. I bought something special for just me!
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tommybaholland · 3 years
hi!! if your requests are open, can you maybe do a junpei, todo, and inumaki with a sorcerer mc who's really flirty and touchy-feely? like, flirting is their first natural instinct upon meeting a person but they seem much more sincere with them and even spoil them with compliments and gifts and times. i want it to be like a first meeting to friendship to a relationship? sorry if it's too long though! i just really love secondary characters and in need of more fics of them <33
their flirty but sweet and loving s/o
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featuring: junpei yoshino, aoi todo, and toge inumaki
okay but junpei (precious), toge (my beloved), and todo (neutral chaotic) was a good mix! i’ll admit that i didn’t love todo as much but he’s growing on me :P enjoy :)
he likes to keep to himself most of the time so he’s a little taken aback at your very forward demeanor during your first meeting
he didn’t expect to make many friends at jujutsu tech, given that they probably wouldn’t be as friendly as itadori
he wonders, “why are they talking to me? no one really does that”
you don’t even know him that well and you’re being really nice and are sitting really close to him
you’re asking him about how to came to the school and he was happy to answer but you seemed a little too invested in the conversation
you kept eye contact with him with a tantalizing look
some of your questions seemed a little weird to him like when you asked him if he liked to keep his hair hanging down in his face like that
and then you told him that he has pretty eyes, making his cheeks flush with pink
he didn’t hear anything that you said after that
but he didn’t want to let himself get distracted by you, thinking that maybe you were doing it to get him to underestimate you, which he was mostly right about 
you were a powerful and practiced sorcerer as was almost everyone else at the tokyo school 
most everyone was also pretty intimidating, like maki, nobara, and megumi so he was more comfortable getting help from you and itadori
he observed how you were with yuji and that you seemed to employ a similar interaction with him but more teasing-like
but training together allowed you to become closer and sharing things about one another let him see a more genuine side of you
like when you talked about why you became a sorcerer and he understood immediately
“you don’t want people to endure pain and negativity from curses so you take it upon yourself to provide strength for them.” 
this was a real turning point on your part because in the world of jujutsu, being overly concerned about non-sorcerers can be frowned upon by other sorcerers
you complimented him on his perceptive nature 
“you remind me a lot of yuji, except you’re, um, you’re a lot prettier. i mean, not that you’re just a pretty face. i’m just saying that-- oh.”
that was the first time you hugged him, joking that he talks too much before thanking him for being so empathetic
your relationship only grew from there and you would spend almost every day together, just talking and learning more about the other
he told you about all his favorite movies and recommended some that he thought that you would like
and then you suggested for you and him to watch them together ;) cue his blushy cheeks and stuttering as he agrees
the rest is pretty much history and you two would have movie nights together every week
this is when he realized that you weren’t as flirty with him anymore as you tried to respect his space when sitting on the couch
you looked cold one time so he offered you part of the blanket that he was using so you moved closer to him and eventually, you leaned your head onto his shoulder, snuggling up closer to him
his head and heart nearly exploded
he’s a little shy and slow to warm up with touching but you make it easy for him by moving slowly
he finds that he really likes holding your hand or having an arm wrapped around you
he’s ready to confess to you, like, that day. he never thought he would get that far and it’s crazy you flirted with him in beginning
“so, um, i was thinking, uh, maybe we could, you know, go out, like, in public together sometime maybe?”
he looks so nervous and can’t keep eye contact with you but you respond by holding his hand gently and agreeing
after that, it was over for him
you’re so sweet to him and he would never understand what he did to deserve you but he tries not to question it
you sometimes surprise him with little memorabilia from his favorite films which might seem like junk to everyone else but he cherishes it greatly, especially when you gave it to him
he’s just heart eyes all day, every day for you
he has some distaste with your behavior upon first meeting you
he knows what he wants so if you’re not it and, what he would call, throwing yourself at him, he won’t be interested
or so he thinks he wouldn’t be
this is quite ironic of a take from someone who will immediately deem someone boring if they don’t have ‘a good taste in women’
but honestly, a himbo like him cannot resist attention so once you stop giving it to him, he’s like ???
soon he was showing you all of his cursed technique moves and would sometimes use megumi as an unwilling volunteer to practice on in front of you
then he beats megumi or inumaki steps in to stop the fight but todo will still wait for your feedback
“did you see that? his fighting style matches his passion and taste: tactless and dull.”
you agree patting his arm while praising him for using a word like ‘tactless’ 
this exact interaction seems to be an everyday occurrence except his unaware victims change
(he will not be fighting noritoshi again anytime soon)
however, you’re there to help him with any injuries and his bruised ego, telling him that everyone has their bad days and that it’s normal for him to fail
he should think of it as an improvement on his skills because if he continues to challenge someone as ‘tactless and dull’ as megumi, he won’t improve
then something clicks for him as you say this, flashing back to a memory of you and him meeting 
he decides that his initial judgment of you was severely skewed, causing him to plead for forgiveness
“i’m sorry for thinking that you would bore me. i really admire someone as wise as you! also, you might not be my exact type but you’re really beautiful. would you mind if we went out together sometime?”
you accept his apology and sweetly agree to go out with him
you were actually pretty nervous to go on a date with him, stressing out about the littlest things, mostly close to your appearance 
you finally just decided to keep it simple and true to yourself as he seemed to appreciate that from you earlier that day
the date was more than successful and he was very considerate but remained to be his cocky yet fun-loving self
you continued to spend time together and eventually decided to officially become a couple
“i love making new memories with you but the old ones are fun as well. what was that thing you said to me when we first met again? please let me hear it again, babe!”
you remind him of the first words you spoke to him, asking if you had accidentally bought tickets to a gun show
he has you remind him every so often even though he remembers it very well
you tease him by saying that he thought you would put him back in a stagnant place
he leans on the table, giving you his dreamy eyes look
“yeah, baby. i really wasn’t thinking back then because you are the best thing that’s ever happened to me.” 
but probably one of his favorite things about you would be that you still surprise him by taking him to takada events, even though he said he wouldn’t go
he doesn’t want to upset you by giving someone else his attention because he knows that would hurt him but you can tell he would still want to go
“only if you’re there with me! gotta make sure the other guys there don’t go sniffing around what isn’t theirs but obviously, you’re not my property so why would i say that? haha. can i have a kiss, please?”
he’s still working on being more respectful but sometimes his little suggestions are welcomed because that is who you love
he doesn’t express himself like everyone else so your flirting doesn’t necessarily leave him speechless
despite that he doesn’t talk much, he still has very vibrant expressions and uses a lot of gestures and of course, his rice ball words
the first question you asked upon meeting him was along the lines of him being silent and brooding like megumi
he just shrugged and was like, “tuna” 
you told him that he was interesting and cute to which he was both dumbfounded and frazzled by
he’s thinking, “did they really just call me cute?”
after that first interaction, you make an effort to get to know him even though he can’t talk much
you didn’t want to seem patronizing or pitying in talking to him but you were generally interested in becoming friends with him
 you learned all of his safe words, which wasn’t many, but you also tried to create new ones with him
he was actually quite funny and had many interesting things to say
he’s really just like any other person, just living his life
you had given him your number and you would text when apart but you tried not to write back and forth when you were together
when you were talking about jujutsu and how you got into sorcery, he was very attentive to you
but you were more eager to hear about him
for some reason, getting to know him felt a lot more intimate than with other people
sure, he had been through a lot but it was endearing to you that he chooses not to speak in order to protect others, even those who might be a threat or who he does not care for too much
he showed you a closer look at the seals imprinted by his lips, including the one on his tongue
he was very easy going and answered all your questions about his cursed speech and its rather large part of his life
one question lingered in your mind but you chose not to say it, thinking it was too forward
you continued to talk and spend time with him, eventually considering him one of your closest friends
then you started doing stuff together outside of school, mostly going out to eat
this boy loves to eat and you’re thinking it’s no wonder that he speaks in rice ball
you find that you have to be careful though because he’ll steal food off your plate if you’re not eating it
and yes, he paid for your food and won’t accept anything back from you, even going as far as taking the money from you and slipping it back into your pocket for you to find later and angrily text him only for him to go “whoops *shrugging emoji*”
you eventually decide that he is too cute and sweet for you to go on like this and the time that you find it opportune to finally ask him
you ask him what would happen if you kissed the seals by his mouth
he doesn’t say anything and with a faint blush on his cheeks, he pulls down his collar and points to his cheek, signaling for you to try it
so you lean in and give him a small kiss on the mark and then ask him if it was okay to which he points to the other seal
you laugh lightly and kiss the other side and ask again
he then points to his lips and shrugs, “salmon....tuna?”
long story short, you are glad you asked because kissing him feels like eating chocolate or ice cream: sweet
after you pull away, you ask if that was too forward of you to which he shakes his head and speaks, “perfect.” 
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we’re here for wild card night! requests are open...
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