#allistic parents are fun
fantabulisticity · 1 year
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hael987 · 1 year
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My dear friend Allie Mason has authored her first published book ‘The Autistic Guide to Adventure’ - Illustrated by Ella Willis, so I just want to take a minute to talk about it here.
It’s a fantastic book targeted towards autistic tweens and teens featuring a full of a variety of activities to do. Though targeted towards an 8+ younger audience, I’m sure adults could benefit from and enjoy the activity recommendations as well.
It’s exactly what it says it is — a helpful guide on how to get involved in these activities and how you can navigate them as an autistic person.
Each activity has its own section and features content like:
‘Sensory Expectations’ [e.g sounds, visuals, textures, movements etc. — things you may encounter and want to be aware of before starting].
tips on ‘How To Get Started’, so you get a clear plan of action on how you can begin your new activity and navigate the adventures!
‘Support Recommendations’ — tips and suggestions for accommodations or preparations that might make the activity safe, more accessible, or more suited to your needs.
It also features some really cool sections such as interesting facts or interviews/ profiles/ anecdotal experiences around the activities from people who are actually autistic. It’s a great way for autistic young people to be able to read about other people just like them who are doing and enjoying these activities and know how they can do it too.
The activities cover a really wide range, so even with varying mobility levels, support levels, other disabilities, or specific sensitivities I think there’ll be an adventure right for everyone [or one that can be adapted].
I think this would also be a great resource for allistic parents with autistic children, you could even read it together. Sometimes it’s hard for parents to know what activities to do together with their neurodivergent kids, or even know where to start to broaden their kids’ interests/horizons (in activities), so I think this book could also be a great starting point for parents. It’s full of ideas that parents can suggest to their kids and details what to expect (sensory experiences) so relevant plans, accommodations, and/or sensory aids can be planned beforehand.
All children deserve the chance to have fun, experience new things, and enjoy the benefits of the outdoors if they can — this book aims to make that possible, making outdoor activities more accessible.
It would have been great to have had something like this during my youth too. Wanting to take part in these activities but not being able to simply because of not having enough information, knowing how to, or knowing what to expect can be really disheartening. So to see what this guide aims to do — making activities more accessible by giving all that information as well as encouraging interest — really brings a smile to my face.
You can hear more from (and about) Allie and also where to buy her book on her Blog > Everything Page | Instagram | TikTok
It’s a project full of love from both Allie and Ella, so I’d encourage you to please check it out. You’d also be helping to support autistic creators.
If you don’t want to click the links above but still want to purchase the books you can do so here: [UK] [International]. As far as I’m aware the book is currently (21.03.23) only available in English.
I saw just how much effort Allie put into this book and just how much she wanted to create something that could benefit and help autistic youths. While I do not know Ella personally, it’s very clear they put equally as much effort into their lovely illustrations for this book.
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isfjmel-phleg · 7 months
Who is Elystan?
Today, October 31, is my OC Elystan's birthday.
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Elystan Allister Philimond Talfrin Liddick is the only surviving child of King Talfrin of Corege and his wife Bethira. Just barely surviving, actually--he has a variety of health problems, including severe asthma and a heart condition. For the sake of his health (and to keep this embarrassing fact as much out of the public eye as possible), he has grown up in a separate household from his parents, at a country estate alongside his half-brother Delclis and cared for a full-time live-in nurse who has become more of a mother figure to him than Bethira. Elystan is bright, imaginative, and eager to explore all life's possibilities and someday become the dynamic monarch his father wants him to be, but he's also physically limited, socially isolated, and struggles with his father's inconsistent affection and dismissal.
So he's developed a mixture of denying his illnesses or using them to manipulate, depending on the situation. The combination of being heir to the throne and a semi-invalid who mustn't be upset in any way hasn't been good for him, and he's rather a self-centered, conniving little jerk when introduced.
And then his father unexpectedly is forced to abdicate. The throne goes not to Elystan but to Delclis, and Elystan is left without a title and without his beloved father after Talfrin goes into exile. But before long, Talfrin heads a revolt to retake the throne and enlists Elystan's ready assistance. They do not succeed.
From there, things go from bad to worse for an increasingly embittered Elystan, culminating in a rashly written and treasonous letter that leads his mother to get involved and send him off to boarding school, where he'll be sure to make plenty of friends, stay busy with his studies, and won't be able to cause Delclis any further trouble--won't he?
Why I Love Him
He's probably the least likeable of my main cast. He's a total jerk. He persists in being a total jerk. He wants friends but is horrible to every potential connection. He wants to be loved but is nothing but difficult to his entire family, except his father, who is the worst possible influence. All his attachment figures leave him. He's afraid of death but pretends he isn't. He acts superior but privately hates himself for not living up to the model of vigorous masculinity that his father wants him to be. He thinks he's the smartest person in the room. He usually isn't. He has an active sense of humor and loves the sound of his own voice. He wears ridiculously garish dressing gowns. He's the worst. Maybe he doesn't have to be that forever. Maybe he can grow. Maybe even someone like him can be worth caring about.
For someone so small for his age, Elystan had presence. He was as slight and fragile as if constructed out of paper, but he held his head high, his scissor-snipped features in their narrow face on full display, pale against his black hair. His large blue eyes and the crook of amusement in the corner of his mouth did not seem to belong to the same face. He chattered authoritatively, with no apparent concern for the breathless thinness of his voice and the coughs that often punctuated his sentences. Very few people ever came close enough to notice the faint blueness in his complexion or the dark rims of his eyes, and even fewer had ever caught the times when his carefully trained regal posture slipped into a bent back and high shoulders, as if he were transforming into a question mark.
Further Info
There are lists of random OC facts for him here and here. These are somewhat old lists, created when I was still trying to more fully develop the character, and I might need to revisit/rethink them, but you get the idea.
In a Nutshell (at age ten)
Curative (also at age ten)
Book 2 Chapter Eight from Elystan’s POV (probably will not remain canon since I need to overhaul this story but I still think his POV here is fun)
Elystan's Infamous Lamplight Letter (shortly before Book 3)
A Visit from the Murderess (shortly before Book 3)
Elystan meets Morstyn Hollock (some point during Book 3)
A Christmas Chapter (Elystan’s POV) (some point during Book 3)
He also has supporting/minor roles in
Seeing the Elephant
A Building Project
Prequel scene for Book 2
Book 2 Chapter Two
Book 2 Chapter Three
Book 2 Chapter Four
Book 2 Chapter Six
Picnic in the Clock Tower
Book 3 Chapter Two
A Christmas Chapter: Tamett's POV
A Christmas Chapter: Josiah's POV
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sagemonsters · 9 months
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@inkysqueed has a blind date with...
Atesh the Fire Elemental
Atesh is a tall, stern-looking humanoid with dark gray skin the color of soot. Craggy, antler-like protrusions curve backward from his skull, glowing as though their cores are full of embers… and perhaps they are! His eye sockets are filled with fire, and the strands of his long hair (which he typically keeps in a waist-length single braid) are equally fiery and fierce. His body temperature is quite hot, and he most often wears a leather workman’s apron over plain, durable clothes.
Atesh has forsaken his family’s typical profession (some kind of smithing such as silversmithing, goldsmithing, or blacksmithing) and has dedicated himself to mastering the art of glassblowing. The shelves of his workshop are full of intricate, beautiful glass sculptures, some small enough to fit in the palm of a child’s hand and others too large to be carried in the arms of an adult. He is devoted to his craft (he is autistic) and can talk for hours about the history of glassblowing techniques in Egypt, Venice, and the modern world, but respects other art forms as well. He takes your fics just as seriously as he does his own creative pursuits, and is always happy to listen to you talk about your writing.
Atesh’s love language is gift-giving, and he will often surprise you with small sculptures. Some are abstract conversation pieces you can put on your desk or nightstand, while others are sculptures of your favorite Pokémon. He is always touched if/when you give him something in return, and never throws any of your gifts away.
Atesh is ordinarily a very grave person and takes everything seriously, but your jokes and silliness can make him smile like nothing else. He loves your sense of humor and comes to you whenever he needs cheering up after a particularly difficult day in the workshop or from dealing with social events full of people he doesn’t know (generally artist exhibitions and craft fairs).
Atesh completely understands your struggles with familial acceptance and authenticity. As an autistic fire elemental, he often feels like his allistic parents and siblings don’t really understand him or his passion, so he has to censor himself around them to avoid ridicule. Atesh wants to create an environment where you can be 100% yourself around him and his friends without fearing an emotional reprisal.
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Part of what you loved about going to the fair was seeing everything that people made to sell in the little market section. Sure, the sheepdog trials were fun, and fair food was always delicious, but it was really seeing all of the crocheted and knitted things that fiber artists had made, as well as the jams, jellies, and other preserves, and the soaps and lotions from local makers, and the creations of the jewelry-makers, as well as the artwork of the painters, sculptors, furniture-makers, and woodcarvers… When you got right down to it, a lot of the joy of the fair’s market came from seeing the variety of things that people had made, and the obvious joy and pride that the creators took in their creations.
You didn’t have any spare cash this time around, so you were just browsing the stalls and giving compliments whenever a vendor seemed to be running low on patronage. As you wandered, you found yourself making your way toward a tall, square tent-booth with a dark canvas exterior that had been lit from within by what seemed like a thousand twinkling, color-shifting fairy lights that had been taped to the interior walls. At the entrance, your eyes widened: the inside of the tent was lined with shelves full of glass sculptures, all of them catching and reflecting the multicolored light in a dazzling display. There was a sign next to the cash register that read: YOU BREAK IT, YOU BUY IT.
“Anything catch your eye?” a deep voice asked, and you startled a bit. A fire elemental with appropriately fiery hair and eyes poked his head out from around one of the shelves.
“Just looking!” you said with a smile. Your eyes wandered over the glass confections that crowded the shelves of the tent. They really were beautiful, and most were abstract; here was a textured plane whose whorls and divots seemed to suggest a face, and there was a spiny concoction that seemed reminiscent of either a sea urchin or a star…
“I think I have something for you,” the fire elemental said, and plucked something off one of the shelves. He approached. Up close, he towered over you, and his broad shoulders strained against the seams of his shirt. It took an effort of will for you to pull your eyes down to the two glass earrings he held in the palm of one hand.
The earrings reminded you of arched cathedral windows, with tiny silver frames filled by deep blue glass that swung on pivot rings from their hooks to catch and reflect the light.
“These are lovely,” you said with an apologetic smile, “but I can’t afford them.”
“They are a gift,” the fire elemental said, without a single note of irony in his voice that suggested he was playing a joke on you. 
Your brows knit with concern. “Are you sure?” you asked.
“Absolutely,” the elemental assured you. “If you’re not really an earrings person, I also have a pendant…” He half-turned back to the shelves of his shop, clearly getting ready to start searching through his inventory.
“Why are you giving this to me?” you asked. “I’m not important or anything.”
The elemental turned back around and frowned gently at you. “Well, that’s not true,” he scolded. “Everyone is important. And I’m offering you a gift because…” He sighed. “Because it’s very difficult for me to talk to people I find attractive, and I think you have extraordinarily kind eyes. I like that in a person, so… please accept the earrings—or a pendant.”
You felt your cheeks heating with a blush at the compliment. “Thank you,” you said, and told him your name.
“I’m Atesh, by the way,” the fire elemental said. “I hope we can stay in touch, if you’re open to that.”
“I’d love that!” you said, and quickly got your phone out of your pocket to add Atesh into your contacts.
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see here to get your own blind date with a monster!
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donniesexceptionalmind · 10 months
If I think I may have autism, do you have any idea how I would know?
I don’t want to bring it up to my parents because they’ll likely just shoot it down, coming up with reasons I don’t.
they’re good parents, but they don’t hear me out sometimes.
but what are some of the main, like… symptoms…? ( not trying to be rude)
Greetings, Anon!
"Knowing" whether you're autistic or not depends on how much research you do (self-diagnosis is valid) or if you get an assessment by a professional.
The Autism Spectrum is still misunderstood in society & also by professionals. It's truly necessary that we autistic people advocate for ourselves & that we share our experiences!
Autism is a neurodevelopmental condition, so you are born with it.
The two core symptom cluster, according to the DSM-5, are:
Persistent deficits in social communication & social interaction across multiple contexts: social-emotional reciprocation; non-verbal communication; developing, maintaining & understanding relationships
Restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, or activities, as manifested by at least two of the following, currently or by history: stimming, persistence in routines & sameness, deep interests (special interests), hypo- or hypersensitivity to sensory input
A non-exhaustive list of my traits:
I don't really understand tone, sarcasm, jokes - basically, I'm a very literal thinker, though I enjoy being sarcastic myself & I did learn some idioms & phrases - time is a great teacher
People would say I have a very fun way of speaking, saying things aloud like: GASP, ANNOYED SIGH, ... which are things you'd usually just... do. But these are kind of my verbal tone tags (I love tone tags in general)
I'm as blunt as it can get, which can make people uncomfortable - I say what I think. I don't feel the necessity in camouflaging & I honestly think it's dumb to do so - it is never meant to hurt someone?
I usually don't want to converse with people & I'd rather spend my days 24/7 in my lab. Social interactions are tiring & often very boring if I'm not interested in the topics (which can be seen as egocentric or arrogant, but I am truly not)
I feel overwhelmed in crowded places. There is too much going on & it's not structured at all - I might have to spend hours or days recharging: alone in my lab, sleeping & stimming - autistic burnout is real
I don't understand relationships at all: e.g. How do you define friendship? What is expected of me?
I'm deeply & deliberately analytical & my decision-making process is methodical rather than efficient (no considering 'gut feelings' of mental shortcuts, as well as pushing feelings aside)
Processing a situation takes more time & energy: bottom-up thinking (allistic people process things in a top-down way)
I have trouble understanding body language & social cues: identifying them is not intuitive for me, I've had to learn a lot... & I still don't pick them up
I also question social norms & rules - most of the time, they seem so arbitrary & unfair to me. But I have learned some, of course - though I don't feel the need to put any energy in it
I have trouble sharing my feelings & showing cognitive empathy (understanding why someone feels something), I am often seen as emotionally 'immature' or arrogant/ not caring when in fact I do, I just don't know how to show it
I have trouble with tone - I can be very cold or too expressive, too loud or too quiet for others, but I don't see it or hear it
Control is my main tool of coping, whether it be what I eat, the order in which my things are placed, my food, ... routine & structure is life! If I don't have control, I will fall apart
I need to know exactly what to expect before I enter an unfamiliar situation or location
I'm hypersensitive to sensory input, especially sound, touch, taste...
I experience Meltdowns & Shutdowns from sensory overstimulation & too much socializing, as well as inconsistencies in my schedule
Stress, Meltdowns & Shutdowns can cause me to lose my ability to speak for a certain amount of time
My special interests: Jupiter Jim, Technology, Astrophysics, Quantum Physics... I could think about them all the time & I sometimes forget I am alive - my wonderful ability to hyperfocus
My interoception is bad: I have trouble identifying bodily cues, such as thirst or hunger, as well as needing to sleep or taking care of myself; I'm also a bit hyposensitive to pain
My bad boy image is my mask to camouflage my struggles
If you desire to do more research, which I would advice you to, here are some tips:
Please avoid Autism Speaks. !!!!!!!
Get to know the autistic community & get in touch with us, share your experiences, ask us... here on tumblr, I'd recommend checking @my-autism-adhd-blog out. They're doing a great job of sharing information about autism & related neurodivergencies. There are also great creators on Instagram & TikTok too.
The website 'Embrace Autism' is a good source for self-assesments & information
I also recommend: Unmasking Autism by Dr. Devon Prince, as well as the 'Neurodivergent friendly Workbook of DBT Skills' & basically any other piece of literature written by autistic people
If you're into that: some scientific papers about neurodiversity are great too, especially when centered around masking, camouflaging & mental health - but you have to find the good ones (the ones that are neurodivergent positive) - personally, I enjoy reading papers because of their logical & methodical writing & format, it doesn't matter if they're about some cool space data, quantum physics or psychology - statistics are amazing
Thank you for the inbox & I hope I was able to help you out! ✨️
Please don't refrain from asking if you want more input!
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iensrobens · 6 months
A wrap-up for this blog for a hiatus
Just realised I posted 15 sets of drawings during the past 20 days. This is the craziest thing I ever did and such a relief of all my obsession with the game and Shadowheart since August. First time in my life creating fan content and picking up drawing again in 10 years was absolutely fun. (and of course learning to use these sns apps is also interesting, I know I sound like an ape first seeing human technology but I’m really ancient in this sense.)
I’m no artist and drawing isn’t even a hobby, just that I happen to have an iPad with Sketchbook installed.(and I only got to know how to rerank layers with it 2 pics ago so sorry for the quality for my first few drawings.) I just want to draw all the scenes I depicted in my head and very personal ideas towards the story as I tried writing and had to toss everything in trash can because I struggled making up comprehensive sentences.
I was quite anxious and felt so panicked that if my personal taste is weird and my drawings are bad (as you can tell, I don’t know how to do color) but I’m glad and surprised to see ppl like those. The numbers I’ve seen in my notification tab is far more large than the number of ppl I met in real life. (and it is very relieving to press on the blue dots.)
I really appreciate all your likes and comments and even followings-totally unprepared for this. I read every comments you made and those warms my heart and I jumped around the room when I see you got the references and hints I buried. (although I’m not sure what is the correct courtesy to reply your reposts and comments.)
I can’t recall if I ever obsessed with another character to the same extent like Shadowheart-the only one I actually started to do fan art by myself.
(As I mentioned I’m bad at writing so the next part may be very unorganised because my thoughts are flying in my mind.)
I played as her for my first playthrough. I had a quite traumatised experience for this-knew her background and past story, saved aylin but killed parents as I thought it is what THEY want, but I don’t know what HER wants; romance laezel as the dynamic was so intriguing and so good, saved her prince and let her fly away as I though she belongs to the sky and it was best for her-of course the one who becomes a squid is then Shadowheart-and I just straightaway stabbed myself at the dock. Everyone got their good ending except shad herself, and it was so grieving-all she wanted were actually all gone in that playthrough-family, lover and herself; past, present and no future. I just felt I did my girl so dirty.
Then with the customised character playthrough I actually get to know her more completely-with amazing voice acting, the interactions and all the hidden dialogues around the world-like the childhood memories dialogue which are a condition for letting her save her parents-I feel that is the preferable way as all the needed is done and she made her own decision. (But is the origin playthrough now added these narratives? I was thinking Allister Marley was Astarion’s real name.)And then the evil Durge route for her Shar path to see an alternative timeline, though I prefer the selunite route as the cycle has to end, we are better than this but that gives so many story telling ideas.
I tried to type something like character study but I can’t make it expressive enough even for myself to understand. I just hope then all I wanted to see and say is conveyed in the drawings. God knows I tried.
And thus I have exhausted all my ideas (and my annual leaves) for it. Now I have to remind myself to really focus on my real life work. Until next time my friends on Internet, perhaps I’ll pop up again when DLC or definitive edition drops.
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eddieheart · 7 months
On the Wall
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(Part one)
Fandom: Game of Thrones
Pairings: none yet
Description: A woman on the wall, it was hard to imagine. Yet here she was, pretending to be her dead brother.
Warning: it’s a little violent and it’ll only get worse from here
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The stench of death followed the group as they marched into the black castle. Well, the castle it's self wasn't black obviously, (how would you even make a castle black?) Not the outside of the building, but the people inside and their black souls.
Alessa's feet ached, they'd been walking for days, her empty stomach cried out for attention. She was fine though, she'd gone a lot longer with a lot less many a time before.
All she carried was stuffed into a small leather satchel, a small bag of dark bitter tea that seemingly only she and her siblings liked, a drawing Sarisa had made of their family on a piece of parchment and the little doll she'd given her elder sister before leaving. ‘For luck, to keep you safe’, she'd said in her small, gentle voice.
Alessa griped her necklace tightly. A wooden carving on a string the real Arell had made before he died, before he was killed. That's why she was here, risking her life at the wall.
The rowdy group walked up to menacing hold, their escort giving them a final salute before heading back to town. The gates opened, welcoming them inside.
"C'mon men, welcome to castle black. We'll take you down to the bunks first, you can leave any belongings there. You'll head down for a morning meal." A cranky old man called out to the lot.
Alessa, Arell now, gulped down the lump in her throat. She followed the crowd of men towards the barracks gently placing the last of her belonging on a straw mattress then heading off to the mess hall.
Sneaking into the hall quietly, she slipped through the crowds, grabbing a bowl of whatever they'd thrown together.
To everyone else it must have tasted absolutely rancid, but to Alessa it was liquid gold. The grey mush filled her stomach, satiated her hunger like it'd hadn't been in years, not since her mother was still around.
She could feel the eyes of the other men around her searing into her back. Alessa knew what she must look like, an absolute pig to be able to enjoy such slop. But she payed them no mind, finishing off her meal completely, her bowl was practically cleaned by the time she was done. Whomever got assigned wash duty would surely be pleased with her dish.
A hand on her shoulder startled her so badly she nearly jumped out of her seat. She'd been so engrossed in her meal that she hadn't noticed the others slowly streaming out of the hall and an elderly man walking up behind her.
"When was the last time you ate boy?" The man, she recognized as the Lord Commander, asked.
"Oh! I'm so sorry, m'Lord. I-I'll be off to the training grounds now." She tried to stand but was pushed back into her seat by the arm on her shoulder.
"I asked you, when the last time you ate was." He repeated in a steady voice.
Alessa swallowed thickly, slightly embarrassed to be asked such a question. Surely he was making fun of her appreciation of the food.
"Oh, I-I'm sorry. Beside today... maybe, three-four days ago." The elder man nodded solemnly.
"And your parents, they weren't very fortunate, you didn't get food often?"
"No ser."
"You eat too fast you'll lose your guts, 'specially if you haven't been eating much usual. But if after everyone is done there's still food left, you can always help yourself to another plate."
Alessa sat there in shock, no stranger had ever given her such a kindness before. Not in all her life had someone offered her more food than she got at home.
"Now, go an' get another bowl before Lloyd cleans us out, then hurry off to training. Y'need s'more meat on your bones. And if you're much longer Allister will have your arse." The man gave her one last hard pat on the back before walking off.
She smiled to softly to herself before running up for another bowl.
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She was about to follow the others when a voice called out to her.
"You, twig boy," she almost kept walking before he yelled out again. "Father killer." That stopped her dead in her tracks.
"Follow me."
He thrust a sword into her arms and practically dragged her after him.
They walked into the courtyard, a small group of men stopped sparring and turned to faced the domineering man.
"Well someone took their sweet time didn't they? Grab your damn sword and get over here." The first man gave the second a knowing look before leaving her.
"New recruit boys, tell 'em your name lad." The older man commanded.
Alessa swallowed the thick lump in her throat, hoping to calm the raging sea in her stomach. She glanced nervously at the other boys, willing herself to speak.
"Arell. Name's Arell Fisher." The five men stared at her, stone expressions save for one, who looked ready to kill her.
"And?" Allister asked, clearly searching for a specific answer.
"I'm from the north, between winter town and the dreadfort." The older man's eyes narrower at her.
That hadn't been the answer he was looking for, stepping forward he gave her a seething glare. Then turned to the other boys with a sick smirk.
"And." He let out a snarky grunt before shouting out again. "Well boy, tell them why your here!"
"I killed my father." Allister slapped her hard on the back, nearly sending her falling forward.
"That's right, slaughtered him in broad daylight. Right in front of your little sister wasn't it? How old again? Five? Ten?"
"She's seven."
"Well isn't that right. Go on then lad, can't be worse than you look. Your balls even drop yet?" The older man mocked.
Thorn grabbed her roughly by the shoulders, pushing her into the group of strangers. She stumbled over her own feet, grabbing onto her sword as tightly as she could.
"Rast." He called forward the man with the murderous look.
He smirked at her flipping the sword around in his hand then charging forward. She quickly sidestepped, throwing her arm forward on instinct, slamming her hand and the butt of her sword into the man's back.
"Not as useless as you look then 'eh? Rest 'oh you lot, go on."
A tall spindly boy walked forward. He had a similar body type to her and to the real Arell, she supposed. She swung her sword forward to block his blow, though his was hard enough to send her partially to her knees. One knee now still and covered with mud, she threw herself back up.
The man brought his sword down onto her shoulder, thank the gods it was blunt or it might have just ripped through her arm. Alessa swung her sword with the last of her strength, straight into the side of his leg, knocking him to the ground with a loud thump.
She was panting now, couldn't expect the next blow. Straight to her back, throwing her into the ground. He hits her a few more times, she holds back her screams. She won't give them the satisfaction of hearing her cry.
"Pathetic." Allister sneered, walking off, leaving them all alone.
Part 2: TBD
Thanks again to @buggylad for editing! :)
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Hello there! We are the Timekeeper System!
We collectively go by the name Alex/Forest or you can call us Timekeeper or Time if you want! We go by any pronouns other than she/her (including any neos, so feel free to violently neopronoun us :D) and identify as transmasc and biromantic asexual. We are an OSDD-B1 system (undiagnosed bc we’re minor bodied) of far too many/hj and likely have autism, adhd and the parents think we have dyslexia so mayhaps that too. :D oh yeah and tics (likely Tourettes but we can’t get the diagnosed quite yet)
The alter you’ll likely be interacting with the most is me I go by Blood Lust (just call me Lust, it’s easier yk) or Moth. I use any pronouns (again including neos so pls use those) I am our current host! I am pansexual, demitomantic and alexigender (genderfluid +more confusion/hj) I’m also polyamorus (why have one bitch when you can have 5? FIVE??? Why have 5 bitches when you can have 9? NINE???/ref) no but seriously, I’m dating 9 people XD I have become that audio XDD
•We are queer
•We are a system
•We are very much mentally ill
•We aren’t going to mask for your personal comfort, that’s your problem not mine
•We use xenogenders and neopronouns (shocker I know/sar)
•We are a minor
•I am not going to be nice to anyone who knowingly breaks out DNI
Please Interact
•One Punch Man fans
•Demon Slayer fans
•Cookie Run Kingdom players (screw devshitters though)
•Cookie Run Ovenbreak players (same as above)
•A Series Of Unfortunate Events Fans (bonus points of you’ve read the books)
•The Batman (2022) fans
•Fresh (2022) fans
•Hazbin Hotel fans (I don’t support the creator, I just like the series)
•helluva Boss fans (still don’t support the creator)
•Doors fans/players
•Danganronpa fans (also don’t support the creator)
•DDLC fans
•Cooking Companions fans
•Omori fans
•YTTD fans
•HTTYD fans
•Fans of the show ‘Ghosts’
•Fans of the band ‘Ghost’
•Fans of the character ‘Ghost’
•CoD fans (the babygirlification ones)
•Xenogender/neopronoun/xenopronoun users
•Mentally ill people
•The Gays
•Pet/Age regressors
•Basically anyone deemed “cringe”
Thin ice bro
•Non-Endo supporters (you aren’t one but support them, idk how to word it)
•People we know IRL (minus like- 3 people)
•Dislike any media stated in the please interact (if you don’t like it bc of the creators that’s fine though, I completely understand that)
•Christians (nothing personal, religious trauma)
•cishet allosexexual, alloromantic, monogamous allistic people (not trans, heterosexual, non-asexual spectrum, non-aromantic spectum, non polyamorus non-autistic people)
•if you dislike moths, cats, bats, cacti and/or Halloween
•MHA fans
•The new ST fans (yk the ones)
•Genshin Impact Fans
Holy Shit DNI Dude
•Transphobes, Homophobes, Abelists, Rascists ect.
•Anti xenogenders/neopronouns ect.
• Anti otherkin, age/pet regre, therian ect.
•Anti self-diagnosis
•Beleive in disorder abuse (narcissistic abuse ect)
•Misuse tone tags
•Make fun of Triggers/TWs
•General assholes
• Claim to be a system and are anything other than traumagenic
More about us (because why not)
Fave music artists/bands:
•Mother Mother
•The Living Tombstone
•Jazmin Bean
•David Bowie
•Night Club
•Rabbit Junk
•Demon Slayer
•One Punch Man
•Corpse Party
•Anything related to Horror/True Crime
Frequent fronters
-Darth Maul
-Rusty Venture
-Sergeant Hatred
-The Spot
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shsl-leader · 7 months
think i actually hate posts that are like "[trait that you picked up from masking] is what makes allistics worse at communicating than us, and we can all understand each other perfectly. autism is a superpower/we're the normal ones"
dude it is so hard to communicate with people that have a new set of social norms to learn. i do not get along with all autistic people actually. some of them really irk me. conflicting needs.
and if you suggest that autism is "the normal one"/is a superpower i'm going to hit you with a hammer (exaggeration). some of us don't actually like our negative symptoms and they impact our functioning. hitting my head and being emotionally neglected because nobody can figure out how to parent me isn't fun. being singled out because youre a "problem" or "lazy" and "aren't trying" on things you can't understand with hours of studying that everyone else seems to just get and/or being denied proper resources because youre "too smart to need that" ISN'T FUN.
i really fucking hate increased pain sensitivity and self harming and meltdowns actually. also the argument that "meltdowns happen to non-autistic people too and theyre exactly the same!" makes me want to go feral. "meltdowns arent real" says low support needs person who has never been traumatized by a meltdown, more at 5.
anyways i just hate it when people spout repackaged "autism is a superpower" shit. sometimes i don't like this actually and it leaves a deep hole in my heart and thats okay. let me grieve a normal life.
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unproduciblesmackdown · 7 months
always looking for billions theses and seems like its own explorations / questions / Themes can be given a "Fantasy Vs Reality" lens, not regarding genre (i.e. of course billions is fictional, and even a nonfictional documentary would have innate Perspectives) but in terms of how billions has characters motivated by Fantasies of how things could be for them, their platonic ideals of success, but their realities don't live up to this; while also billions writes through its characters about perspectives supposedly shared by audiences on what would seem Ideal, Desirable, Better to us, then confront us like that even though damian lewis is supposedly objectively hot, supposedly talking in the most fun, smart ways, supposedly set up to seem like a winner to us, to be admired if not also emulated, a fantasy of how you yourself could be perceived by others, surely (lol. lmao), here is the Reality that maybe also he's shitty? maybe he stops aligning with some Ideal Person we'd imagine?
and billions elevating itself by challenging even its own Fantasies, dropping in a nonbinary character, who cannot be cishet and doesn't share the same tastes, interests, styles, approaches, personality traits, etc as those who are "normal" there do: thus their Ideals, Fantasies, can't simply match up & fit in either. the way they can comment on what's just taken for granted as the one way to do things, even without speaking, just by doing things differently, being different, while being here, and any success they find being a challenge to "well, surely this is what we all want. this is how we'd all like to be." because there's other options that dare exist, and aren't "proven wrong" through failure, though we do see that, also entirely relevant to things billions is always about, they still need Power to not be pushed out / sabotaged to neutralize this inherent threat they pose as straightforward competitor but also counterargument to people's "this is just objectively correct" entire ideas of their own identities and lives and Realities: how taylor needs axe, a powerful, "correct" ally to back them up and start meting out some power to them too, which he'd inevitably resent.
interesting and also all leading to my saying "and in billions' fantasy ideal world: the autistic people who always seem to be around would at least correctly be endlessly abused by their allistic superiors" lmfao, there is No "reality check" about this except that you Might notice winston's superlatively talented, unusually kind & cooperative in how he acts, virtually always also unusually correct, perceptive, insightful....feeling more akin to like the s1 "reality check" that axe is shit actually. oh you thought winston has admirable / desirable / worthwhile traits? checkmate: isn't he so annoying though & wretchedly pitiable at best. and billions Not At All unusual for this, abuse & inferiority as part of a fantasy and all, i just am specifically here to specifically note & resent this & go "question yourself!!! as the show that questions its own material the whole time, is the point!!! billions was never about 'isn't capitalism just the most epic. yes' whether a viewer would agree or disagree, and this is not a secret" like reality-checking fantasies and pondering about Power, but the ableist abuse that's still very much idealized as a response to autistic people's existence, from "some people deserve the bullying & ostracization & dehumanized inferior status" to "a formalized process for abuse can force autistic kids to be Normal, i.e. act Correct: this is so officially recommended that custody of a child can be leveraged against a parent who might 'withhold' this abuse"....like also i hate it & am sick of it so. like don't worry billions i'd be just as pissed at anything else i actually watched with unquestioned Autistic Character Gets Rightfully Punished For It as a fun fantasy! you're not special. but you do have winston at all, and so much, because it is so "fun" to laugh at him & enjoy the fantasy of shitting on him b/c he deserves it, through [just sooomething about some people!!] qualities such that he'd have to be a whole different person to escape, as said to him in the show :)
and you do have the nonbinary, cishet-fantasy-reality-checking taylor mason to even be able to support the premise of his existence on the show. and i'm here having the metanarrative reality vs reality analysis of going on the journey to out & out say "winston is autistic..." and then several seasons later "and he's treated abusively. and this happens to him differently than it does others, b/c he's autistic" and to resent the entire thing for what it is without apology or mitigation. while ofc still having what fun was always had, and yknow, it's a better time to not have to take in what material is offered and go "well :( i guess this guy's being shitted on for being disabled could be given endless benefit of the doubt?" like Just Like Reality!!! he's a delight and he's too good for the show he's on, just like taylor, who is so much more powerful than the nonsense they're dropped amidst that they have to be Held Back to not shooting star into the stratosphere: getting the closest to this at the end of s4 after Winston, the only one "wrong" enough to not simply silently resent taylor while reassuring them to their face, reminds them of the reality of what they're doing & going to be doing indefinitely at this rate, and in doing so, also reminds them of their own ideals & fantasies, which are so different from axe's & co's....and here they are, not allowed to listen to winston much more at all, not allowed to break out and lead the way in this season's takedown plotline b/c we Must focus enough on wendy & wags faffing around, who'd be left in their dust otherwise, billions s7 [720 min] billions s7 if taylor wasn't held back by the scruff of their neck [18 min]. taylor's power level if even providing an Alternate fantasy/reality conversation to consider through them was given more room for an autistic person not being deemed inferior besides "magnanimously not demeaning them to their face, sometimes" like your friend your lover your valued employee your secret weapon your clairvoyant Your reality-check to temper your broadsword. or, of course, winston simply getting to do his damn thing regardless of how other people see him, which is partly found in his being here at all, seen by everyone as Unideal, but the writing holds him back hard too, where he can hardly speak for being told to shut up directly or through insults, and if he gets to play into a plotline at all, it's not about him / is taken away from him so that now only serious worthy characters are substantially involved, and he doesn't get to ricochet around and topple this flimsy pinball machine for it, billions could not handle him not being "checked," which looks like being Kept In Line, inferior, with superior parties taking & withholding things from him; it can't or won't even imagine this, focus is granted him to elevate some other character in comparison, and often to simply revel in the Fantasy of "yes Yes hurt the autistic person as they deserve" like god i wish that were me, right, we all know & hate those losers, he's not even tall? which....fits his inferiority? hey there's not eugenics in the ableism, is there, what the. any more than there's not abuse in our universal fantasy of responding to the autistic people around us by treating them as lesser. sure is an organic thread of a journey out here like having plenty of this recurring Exercise in looking at what's going on around here & putting words to it. and how stunning that an actor with knowledge & experience surrounding pretending to be someone in an "annoying loser nerd we hate" role is the one lending a spark to a part that otherwise would've just been someone rejected completely after one scene. but somehow rejecting him over & over in so many different ways is just too good to let go, b/c there's just some kind of richness here when the writing couldn't approach him as a Person, but the acting can & does. just like reality as well :) Those People who, regardless of your lack of imagining them as such, are actually: people
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aspd-culture · 1 year
I am from a home where an abusive Mormon father treated me inhumanely if I didn't fake empathy, and as an amazing person if I did. I have severe alexithymia but I always assumed that deep down, I felt what others said they did. As an adult, I am realizing that may not be true.
Because I learned through trauma that to be empathetic is to be safe and good, I have sought out highly empathetic close friends, and represented myself as sharing that trait, even to the point of mimicking them. I liked how much stuff I could make them do for me and having "nice" people think I was nice, and we had fun together. Over time, these friends became very unsettled as I could not maintain masking much of the time once the friendship stopped being so new and exciting, and I was still presenting myself one way, very empathetic... But behaving another, hypoempathetic.
I make very hurtful social mistakes that make sense for someone without empathy, but not for someone with empathy, and then I explain them with elaborate lies that I want to believe are true. I still don't want to give up on my idea of myself as the person my father would approve of, a very caring being. I don't know what to do. What would others do in this situation?
I think the main thing to remember is that what you experienced was abuse based on something you cannot control. In fact, empathy in allistic children (possibly autistic children as well, but I haven't yet researched what causes some autistic people to be low-empathy) is a learned behavior that can only be learned during a critical period in early childhood brain development. If you are low-empathy or without empathy, it is probably your parents' fault in the first place.
I know it's not easy to hear, but being low-empathy or without empathy is not anything against you. Likely, you weren't so much learning empathy as much as gaining a couple skills that mimicked empathy, as many pwASPD do - cognitive empathy, sympathy, and masking. The first two can be very helpful at appearing as though you have affective empathy (the kind people mean when they just say "empathy"), but the last one is important to take breaks on and find safe people to be around who understand that part of you and don't judge you in any way for it. If not, you *will* burn out, as you mention has already happened.
Another thing to remember is that whether or not you do research and (if you do have it) admit to yourself that you have low empathy or no empathy, that will still be the case. Nothing about not acknowledging it will not make it any less true, you will just be keeping yourself away from the community and resources that exist to help you more effectively communicate with others. The best way to avoid accidentally showing your low/no empathy in places where it's not safe to is to work to understand it and find healthy ways to cope, which will be much harder if you deny it.
If you don't have low/no empathy, the way to reaffirm that is the same - doing your unbiased research into the experience of people who do.
I would recommend you continue to do your research and compare against your life/symptoms and try and also make your peace with the fact that pleasing someone who abused or still is abusive to you is not only nearly impossible, but also extremely unhealthy and damaging to your mental health. It is likely this abuse around empathy that caused it to fail to develop properly in the first place, and they don't deserve you putting them at such a high value.
Lastly do your best to internalize (although all of this will of course take time, and that's 100% ok and valid!) that empathy is a morally neutral trait. You are still able to be a deeply caring person with ASPD and/or low/no empathy, even if it takes more work. Many, many terrible people have perfect affective empathy, which only means they recognize how horribly they hurt people and still do nothing about it. Meanwhile many people with low/no empathy work 100x as hard as everyone else to be a "good" person even when they have to jump through so many hoops to even figure out when they've caused pain.
Who sounds like a better person to you? Someone who makes sure not to hurt people because they can feel that hurt too and it bothers them, or someone who isn't able to feel when they hurt people and has no emotional consequences to hurting people and still works their butt off to not do so?
Thank you for this question, I hope this helps! Good luck on your healing journey :)
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awetistic-things · 2 years
Regarding what allistics have gotten mad at me for: not knowing when someone is just teasing me or is genuinely making fun of me
My sister tends to poke fun at me and for all this time I thought it meant that she hated me until my parents were like "oh chill she's just teasing you, don't overreact you're literally older than her" and I was just like huh?
Until this day I have not figured out when she is teasing me or being malicious (?), I'm assuming this is some socially weird thing that I haven't picked up >_<
Another thing is how I walk (?) According to my mum I usually walk like a duck, whatever that means, and that is wrong? But it feels weird to walk normally Anyways, that was a long reply HAHA, I hope you are doing okay over there
i used to have that problem when i was younger and oh god i genuinely thought everyone was pissed at me all the time
and i totally get the duck walk, but i’m more a fan of the penguin waddle 😭
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jiracheer · 1 year
Hello! First off, thank you so much for reblogging my Isekai'd reader post, I'm glad you liked it! I saw in your carrd that you're open to doing Matchups, so if that's true, I hope it's okay to ask for one for Pokemon Sword and Shield. Here's my info, sorry if there's too much:
I’m 20 years old and Bisexual. I also have Autism, ADHD and some health issues like weak bones and scoliosis. I’d probably prefer to be shipped with either a Gym Leader or Champion from Galar, and definitely someone who’s an adult lol. I’m really short, only 5’ (152 cm) at most, with long, wavy and fluffy brown hair. My two favorite hairstyles to do are either the Legolas-style half-ponytail (I don’t know how to describe it…) or two braids hanging over my shoulders. I either look kinda disheveled or I’m really dressed up, there’s seemingly no in-between. I also wear glasses and am very slender. 
I’d probably be really good friends with Allister because I’d definitely be studying Ghost Pokemon, and also I can be very gentle with people. Helping others makes me feel better so I always make a point of being friendly and helpful with everyone I meet. I’d 100% be some kind of researcher in Galar. I'd probably meet them by accompanying Allister to an event with all the other Gym Leaders because he's shy. 
I’m actually a pretty fun person with a witty and sometimes dirty sense of humor, though I’m also very sweet and polite. I enjoy drawing and baking, and I will not stop writing for the life of me. I write whenever possible, and I write very fast too. I once finished an entire nonfiction book in a week. I get flustered easily but I don't have a hard time connecting with people, I'm really not afraid to go up and ask for things. Whenever I do get flustered I giggle a lot (I've been told I have a very cute laugh) and tend to cover my face with my hands. I also have a weird habit of calling people endearing names like "honey" and "sweetie" at random. I give really good advice too.
I'm very soft but have been called argumentative before, but I generally give passes easier than some. I HATE making people feel bad. But if you insult someone I care about there is no mercy tbh. So yeah, sweet but fierce when provoked. I'm very protective over my loved ones. I'm always a little overprepared for everything and have a hard time accepting compliments. 
Thank you so much!! I hope you have a wonderful week, take care of yourself! Stay hydrated!
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authors note ; hi tori!! <3 I literally was pissing my pants at it 😭 it was SOOO FUCKIN FUNNYJSINGH If y'all haven't seen Tori's post, PLEASEEE check it out here! sincerely the funniest thing I've read in a hot second
never worry about it being too much! the amount of info you gave me helped me a lot with writing this for ya!!
tags ; match up / gender-neutral / set during SWSH events / slightly suggestive, but only one part lmao
wc ; 991
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I match you with... Kabu!
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🔥 I feel like Kabu is really just drawn to you! Not only do you care extremely for the people around you, but you don’t let people walk all over you! It’s something that attracted him to you and made him want to get to know you more.
🔥 But when you two first met, it was at some dinner party celebrating the newest Champion’s rise to the throne. Everyone, and Leon ofc, were there alongside the new Champion. So when he saw you were, he was rather confused as it was an event for them, but then he caught sight of Allister clinging to your leg.
🔥 He honestly thought you were his parent, rather than his emotional support. So he def made a fool of himself when he introduced himself to you and told you that he never thought he’d meet the shy boy's parent.
🔥 You laughed so hard at the poor man, you missed how red his face got and how smoke almost came out of his ears. Allister found the situation just as funny, even if he didn’t express it.
🔥 Allister liked Kabu. He was like an uncle to him, as he was very kind to him and helped him with whatever he needed- even if he was a bit rough around the edges, and bold with his approach when it comes to certain topics.
🔥 So it was really no surprise that the more the two of you saw each other at events, and even outside of these events, the two of you pursued a relationship.
🔥 Kabu was the one who confessed to you. The two of you were walking through Motostoke, making your way to some sushi place the gym leaders recommended to try out before Kabu would face a challenger.
🔥 He randomly stopped you and told you that he liked you, a lot, more than friends should. He would then express that he found you alluring and that you kept him on his toes. He was much older than you, obviously, and his life was becoming dull, but you... You brought such warmth and brightness to his life.
🔥 From your witty jokes to how shy you’d get when he’d tease you back. When he’d try to flirt with you and you’d cover your face with your hands, giggling to express just how happy it made you to hear his kind words- Argh. You have him completely wrapped around your finger.
🔥 You did have your concerns initially when he confessed. You shared with him your health issues, and it was important that he knew these things, even if you did speak of them in the past with him... You wanted him to be aware.
🔥 It’s there that Kabu told you that he loves you entirely for who you are, health issues or not, you are who he wants to be with and he’ll hold your hand through your worst days and through your good ones too.
🔥 So you agree to go out with him, much to his relief.
🔥 Allister is happy to hear about it. Very happy to hear about it. As are the other gym leaders and Nessa has become rather good friends with you, Milo has as well, so they were happy to see their father figure be with you.
🔥 Obviously with both of you having significantly different jobs, he always finds some way to connect with you. You need to borrow one of his Pokemon to figure out a theory? They’re yours for however long you need them. You need someone to go out with you in the Wild Area? What time? He’ll pick you up with breakfast./lunch
🔥 Once you moved in with Kabu when your relationship progressed, his favorite thing to do with you is doing your hair in the morning. He always took note of how you styled it, and one morning he asked to do your hair.
🔥 You agreed, as you wanted to see what he would do, and you were surprised to see he managed to do your usual hairstyles- probably even better than you.
🔥 It warmed your heart to know that he noticed these small details about you. So now every morning before you two go to work, he does your hair for you and kisses the crown of your head before your lips to wish you a good day.
🔥 On your days off, you two often go out to do domestic things like shopping for groceries, doing laundry, and cleaning the house up. Sometimes Allister joins in on your hangouts, and it’s become a thing now.
🔥 In a way, Allister has become your son, and it makes you happy to see Kabu feels the same way.
🔥 Kabu feels like you’d be a good parent. The bag you carry with you always has something he or Allister, even those around you, need. Like band-aids, snacks, tissues, pain medication, etc. Someone could name something and you’d more than likely have it. He likes how prepared you are. It makes him less worried about your well-being when he’s not around, because he knows you can take care of yourself.
🔥 The first time Kabu got a taste of your rage, it was when someone couldn’t understand Allister when he decided to be brave one day and order his own food, but obviously his anxiety got the best of him. The vendor snapped at Allister and you didn’t hesitate to drag the vendor through the dirt, and although you said some unsavory things, Kabu felt himself blush.
🔥 It was just attractive. Very very attractive. He showed you how much he loved that side of you later that evening.
🔥 Overall, Kabu feels like he lucked out with you. You’re the person of his dreams and he can’t wait to see what else the future has in store for you two.
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transmasc-wizard · 1 year
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I posted 8,825 times in 2022
That's 5,684 more posts than 2021!
2,653 posts created (30%)
6,172 posts reblogged (70%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 7,339 of my posts in 2022
Only 17% of my posts had no tags
#asks - 1,321 posts
#nicola.txt - 847 posts
#bat wherearetheplants - 287 posts
#ask game - 248 posts
#will/lee - 219 posts
#me - 152 posts
#friend art - 141 posts
#undescribed - 137 posts
#the pastry - 123 posts
#other people's art - 122 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#i hate it being everywhere. i hate that its inescapable. sure i feel it but i dont think its necessary and i hate that people act like it i
My Top Posts in 2022:
idk who needs to hear this but autistic people are not tools to be used so your allistic main character can look like a perfect sibling or saintly parent or patient friend. we are not tragic we are not pitiable we are not babies we are not a joke we are not 'inspirational' we are not monsters we are not a fucking burden
2,748 notes - Posted May 27, 2022
i love writers who procrastinate, i love writers who focus on things other than writing, i love writers with a million wips, i love writers who constantly abandon stories, i love writers who haven't written in months, i love writers who write "cringey" stories, i love writers who let themselves go with the flow and do what they want to do instead of pressuring themselves to fit a specific writer mold
3,214 notes - Posted June 15, 2022
my entire gender is just some guy. like i will gladly participate in the QUEER FREAK FUCK YOU OVER THE TOP gender discussion but thats my fun gender. thats the gender i take out for parties (discussions with other queer people). otherwise i am Literally just some guy. maybe holding a kitty cat and looking very tired
3,605 notes - Posted September 4, 2022
"should autism exist in my fantasy story?" yes. "should psychosis exist in my fantasy story?" yes. "should personality disorders exist in my fantasy story?" yes. "should ADHD exist in my fantasy story? should intellectual disabilities exist in my fantasy story? should dissociative disorders exist in my fantasy story? should trauma disorders exist in my fantasy story? should anxiety disorders exist in my fantasy story? should mood disorders exist in my fantasy story? should--"
yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
you don't have to include their real actual names and you don't have to have main characters with every single one of these things. But neurodivergent and mentally ill people should EXIST in fantasy stories and fantasy societies, because we exist in real life. We deserve to be acknowledged.
6,931 notes - Posted May 13, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
i love you symbolism i love you re-contextualizing the story in your head after you reread it i love you complex themes i love you motifs i love you stories that are that deep i love you protagonists that are there to push the theme instead of just being likable and shippable i love you curtains that aren't "just blue"
10,645 notes - Posted July 5, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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cheemken · 10 months
Hey Knight what’s your opinion about the headcanon that Iris is Leon and Hop’s cousin? Or at least someway related to them?
Also, do you have any other headcanons about certain characters being related?
Ohh,,, ngl, I have no real opinion on that hahaha
I mean, it's cool yknow, I can see it and such, like distant cousins yeah, but at the same time I don't see em like that and rather it's just coincidence they look alike. Either way, I'm cool w it hahaha, but also that would be angsty tho bc if they are related in some way, just where the fuck are Iris' actual parents that they left her in Blackthorn, and yeah maybe Lee and Hop's mom knows em and such, that has angst potential tho I'm here for it hahaha
And okay so not really related as in related but I have this one au back then abt Sonia and how she was the one to summon Eternatus and she fled to Unova and she became Juniper's honourary daughter, then I found this one post that apparently people hc Juniper as Sonia's mom so at least I feel validated w that hahaha
Idk if I said this actually, but I also hc Blue(f) and Silver to be like siblings, not blood related, just treating each other like siblings yknow bc the two only had each other the first few years of their lives
I also saw this hc that Lusamine and Colress are siblings and like, yeah, I just added that to my hcs cause I can see it, that kinda thing runs in the family ig hahaha
Then ofc I think I mentioned this, Opal being related to Augustine and Diantha
I also really like that lil hc the fandom has that Ingo, Emmet, and Elesa are triplets or at least siblings, idk it's a fun hc hahah
Then that hc of Bea and Allister being siblings too I saw fanart of this back then and it was so cute man and yeah they're siblings for me, not like really blood related in my hcs, more like they're both in foster care and when Bea was old enough she ended up taking care of Allister
That's like,, all I could think of at the top of my head rn hahah
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chavonflo · 1 year
Hetalia Headcannon: Anglosphere Family
Oldest Members:
England: Arthur is kinda like the head of the family even though none of them will acknowledge it. He will be like a Dad-Uncle to Alfred, Matthew, Jett, and James. Arthur will be the type of parental figure to embarrass you unintentionally or not.
Scotland: Allister is more like one of the cool uncles in the family and is willing to bump heads with Arthur on being the matriarch. As an uncle, Allister will take his nephews on special adventures much to Arthur's dismay and annoyance.
Wales: Dylan will have a very nurturing role in this family. He is willing to take care of everyone whenever they get sick or injured and will also bake pretty decent pastries if someone is having a rough day. As an uncle, Dylan will tuck his nephews to bed and read them fairy tales from his own culture.
Northern Ireland: Since Seamas is the youngest of the older family members, I imagine him to be like an older cousin to the younger members of the family. Seamas will try to be seen as a wise older uncle, but will still fail miserably, at least he gets to be like a fun cousin that gets dragged into the fun antics of the kids.
Ireland: Sean will be a fun uncle to be around. He will entertain his nephews with thrilling stories of his early years and will celebrate Saint Patrick's Day with them which will result in a lot of drinking parties (and property damage). Sean is also up to a good musical session along with Dylan, whenever the moment calls for it.
(I will do the younger members: America, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand next time.)
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