#alma makeup
ladythylia · 9 months
1522 Women should never be afraid to be intelligent, gorgeous, and confident also to wear stunning heels!
Top- #UNIVERSA – Celeste Wrap Top – Tan Pants- #UNIVERSA – Katie Pants – Tan Hair- [RA] Marry V2 Hair – Browns Glasses-Izzie’s – Round Tortoiseshell Sunglasses Drink-:::ChicChica:::  Coffee to go MakeUp-ALMA Makeup – FALL – Catwa Jewelry- AZOURY – Excess Necklace{Caramel} Jewelry- MINIMAL – Monica Ring Jewelry- -SU!- Medusa Piercing Shoes- Italiano- Curvy Pump Fatpack Nails-…
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adalynnlove · 2 years
Pickin' Apples in the Rain
The falling leaves drift by my windowThe falling leaves of red and gold“Autumn Leaves” – Eva Cassidy I feel like its been forever since I last blogged Le’la Designs by ღ Mia Rosy ღ (miamilu), with being off blogging most of last month and visiting family. So it feels good to slip into her designs again. Today I am bringing you her new Hiral Outfit released exclusively at SWANK for this…
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brightgnosis · 11 months
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alienaiver · 2 years
i cant stop thinking abt uncle lavi.... hes by far the kid's favorite and one day he just receives a text like 'hey uncle lavi can you if you want to call me? i just got a little sad and wanted to talk to you (its okay if you dont wanna :(....)' in the middle of a meeting so he sees it a little late and just. hes never called anyone SO fast in his life. he originally had plans to eat out with you but changes it to be a dinnerdate with his 'favorite familymember!' like...... please
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spokanefavs · 1 year
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juliaridulaina · 2 years
La vida ens mostra però cal voler entendre/Life shows us but it is necessary to want to understand/La vida nos muestra pero hay que querer entender
La vida ens mostra però cal voler entendre/Life shows us but it is necessary to want to understand/La vida nos muestra pero hay que querer entender
Aquell dia vaig accedir per compromís, per acompanyar-la en aquell mal tràngol, i vaig entrar a la sala de vetlles. La intenció era sortir d’immediat i només complir amb l’amiga que li calia suport.Quan vaig ser davant de l’urna, a dins hi vaig veure només un ninot maquillat, irreal. Hi havia entrat amb aprensió i ara, una sensació de calma i comprensió m’envaïa inexplicablement.A l’alçar la…
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sant-riley · 2 years
[ More task force 141 × OFC! reader headcanons] [pt2]
A/N: thank yall so much for all the love on the last hcs!! I hope these live up to yalls expectations <3 please tell me which ones are yalls favorites <3!!!
CW: She/her pronouns, Codename is Teddy, Simping, crude humor, Age gaps, cursing, British slander (if I miss anything, let me know!)
If you dye your hair, Ghost helps you dye it when y'all go on extended leave. The military doesn't allow unnatural colors so when you have a few weeks to a couple of months, he'll be the one to ask. "Cm'ere, I got the bleach already."
The guys like to go with her when/if she gets tattooed. Do they know what she's getting inked? Nope, but they like to keep her company and will go get her food if needed.
Teddy vocal stims,, alot. She has picked up on "Fuckin' hell" and it has yet to leave her brain and Ghost just stares in amusement. You can hear her echo it back to them once he says it on a mission.
Teddy is her codename but her nicknames vary from who's talking about her!
Ghost: Ted, Teds, Sweetheart, Runt
Soap: Bonnie, Rascal, Barra, Lass
Price: Rookie, Dear
Gaz: Love, Darling, Hun
They get on her ASS for being an American. They will poke fun at her every fucking chance esp if she speaks in slang.
Price shakes his head and tries to teach her the "proper" way of speaking but all she does is mock the accent. He has since given up.
The first time they see her off duty, it's shock. She looks so different when she's not in uniform, (if you have it: dyed hair, makeup) her normal civilian clothes. Soap is almost convinced it's not Teddy until she smacks him upside the head and calls him an asshole.
Being the first one to see Ghosts face because you're having a breakdown about all the murder and bullshit you've gone through, crying profusely and no one knows how to help bc everyone just shoves it down and represses it.
He trusts you, he knows he does so it doesn't take him much to take you into a secluded room and expose himself. He will say that seeing you silently stare up at him with awe made his feelings grow for you. He will not, but his heart definitely would.
Soap actively teaching you how to curse in Gaelic bc he thinks it's funny with your accent. Too bad you can barely understand when he tries teaching you so you're just kinda staring at him dead eyed.
Soap plays with your hair, alot. It soothes him to run his fingers through it or simply to yank it bc he's a little dickhead. He's the kind of person who'd let your hair routine and learn how to help you take care of it.
Ghost and Price straight up rustle your hair and thinks it's funny when you shove their hand away and get all huffy lmfao.
HELPING SOAP SHAVE HIS MOHAWK, there's no barber on base so you're the next best thing he has. Many of the team have walked in with Soap sitting between your legs bc he's way too fucking tall for you to cut his hair comfortably. Ghost walking in with you holding a razor to Soap's neck and just turning around and walking out immediately.
Price has given you a cigar to smoke, he knows for a damn fact you cannot handle it and laughs his ass off when you sputter. Top 10 favorite moments of his.
Gaz likes to give you British foods to try, he knows for a damn fact you will not like it.
"C'mon love, just one bite?" "I am not fucking eating beans on toast, you're insane." "It's a good meal!"
He gets so fucking mad when yall go to Las Almas and you devour the food there. Literally pouts bc he sees you with Alejandro and Rudy eating food and laughing together.
You play video games alot when on leave, please imagine trying to teach Ghost on the newer games that are out now. You make fun of him calling him an old man but he actually fucking wins potg/apex most of the time and looks at you smug as hell.
No one knows why you're called Teddy, so they all make up their own stories but you neither confirm nor deny. Soap says it's bc you're cuddly and cute like a teddy bear while Ghost says its bc you can maim someone like one. Duality of man.
Speaking of cuddling, it's not uncommon to have to huddle for warmth on missions. They all manhandle you to them and they all slightly do it differently.
Ghost sits you front to front with your chests touching While he sits up, arms around your waist with him playing with his knife, staring past your head and at the wall.
Price presses you into his side, a arm wrapped around your shoulders as he tells you stories about missions gone wrong, the smell of cigar smoke flooding your senses.
Soap also sits you on his lap with your back against his front while he buries his face in your hair. He tells you stories about his childhood and growing up with his mom, he wants yall to meet one day.
Gaz is usually the best prepared and has either a sleeping bag or a blanket, so he wraps it around yall making sure you're more covered than he is and sits close, yalls legs intertwined.
They worry so fucking much about you, you're young and while they have come to love and appreciate you, they can't help but wish you were anywhere else but here risking your life.
"You're too young to be here Kid." "And you weren't?" Ghost has to swallow down how much he wants to scream that he just wants you safe but he knows that's not his place, he isn't your boyfriend or husband.
Alejandro has doubts when everything goes to shit if they can trust you, since he hadn't seen much of you like he had with Ghost and Soap. But then he sees the way they speak about you and how these two burly strong men get a tender look in their eyes. He finds it funny but also feels great respect to you. It is not easy to get task force 141 to care so much about a new member but hey, you did it.
Alejandro takes you out dancing and drinking when you go back to visit Las Almas. He knows how to dance so fucking well and it's always a good time. He always has his hands on your waist and always makes sure you're okay with it. Perfect gentleman 10/10
Now Graves thinks that you're just some stupid kid but realizes quickly that while you can fight your own battles, you never need to. Just one look at Ghost staring daggers into his forehead is enough for him to swallow his tongue less it gets cut out.
Laswell treats you like her own kid, especially when she finds out if you have a bad home life. She always makes sure you're stocked up on necessaties at the base and invites you for lunch along with her wife often. She is the first one you call when you have anything personal to speak of and she is the mother figure you have while on missions.
Taglist <3 (If you'd like to be tagged in future works, please comment under my rules that are pinned to my blog!)
@tamayakii @teacupcollector @sweet-as-an-angel @marsbar127xx
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javierpena-inatacvest · 10 months
You're My Home
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Summary: You and Javi have both had one of those weeks where no matter how hard you try, nothing seems to go right. It only takes so long before something stupid makes the both of you snap. When Javi confesses to you what's been putting him on edge, you find a way to make it up to each other.
Word Count: 4.9K
Pairing: Javier Peña x f!reader (no use of y/n)
Warnings: SMUT (18+), established relationship, unprotected p in v sex (wrap before u tap), vaginal fingering, creampie, angst, PTSD (poor Javi has a panic attack but you help him through it), hurt/comfort, makeup sex (!!!!), bad communication but apologizing/forgiving each other, mentions of food/eating, reader wears Javi's shirt and is carried by Javi, fluff fluff fluff bc you two are so in love with each other it hurts
This can be read as a stand alone or as a part of the It's Never Too Late Series!
A/N: I don't know what's been in the water that has me so compelled to make something angsty, but here we are!! Once I started writing this I quite literally could not stop, and it turned out to be one of the most intimate things I have ever written 😭🥺 I love these two sm
It had been a week. 
A long fucking week. 
One of those weeks where it felt like no matter how hard you tried, everything just felt… off. You had just started volunteering to run the Alma Pierce Elementary School drama club, which had you staying an extra hour and a half after school every Monday and Wednesday, on top of preparing for Parent-Teacher Conferences next week. You loved your group of students this year, but holy shit, were they chatty, and the past few days you felt like you might as well have put a cardboard cutout of yourself at the front of the room and left, because your class had absolutely zero interest in paying attention to you. To top it off, you could tell that Javi was having a bad week too. You hadn’t seen much of each other the past few days, with you working late and prepping for conferences, and Javi working on a new project the department had dropped in his lap without notice. Even though you lived in the same apartment, you had felt like strangers this week. Sure, you’d had off days before, but the two of you were always open and honest with each other, seeking comfort and safety in the other's presence, knowing that you were both there for one another, through good times, and bad. 
But this week was not like those “off” days. Something about it had felt tense, cold, even. You hated it. You hated every second of it. The two of you were never like this. Javi was your best friend, yet somehow, sitting in the same room, you still felt a million miles apart. Every interaction that you’d had left a worse taste in your mouth than the last- snapping at each other over stupid things like unclosed containers in the fridge or leaving towels on the bathroom floor. The worst was that Javi just could not seem to let things go, his presence feeling overbearing, almost bossy, with everything that you did. 
“You left the iron on while you were getting ready, you’re gonna burn down the fucking aparment.” 
“Double check the locks on the door, you forgot this morning.” 
“If you don’t fix the bath mat before you get in the shower, you’re gonna break your goddamn head open.” 
Even worse than that, when you tried to politely remind Javi about something, or do something helpful for him, he had been a complete asshole to you. 
“Yes, I can remember to clean it up after I’m done, I’m not fucking 8 years old.” 
“Jesus, I know we need more coffee creamer, you put it on the grocery list and reminded me twice.” 
“I can put away my own laundry, just let me do it.” 
It felt like he was breathing down your neck, the fly in your ear that just wouldn’t go away, and it made you want to scream. You had considered yourself to be a pretty patient person- working with kids, you had to be, but this week, Javier Peña seemed to be testing every ounce of patience you had left in your body, and you were about to run out.  
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Your Friday night routine with Javi normally consisted of the 3 same things every week
Javi picking up pizza from place down the street on the way home from work
Eating the pizza and watching a movie 
Pausing said movie to have sex, finish watching the movie, and then fall asleep on the couch. 
On this particular Friday, you had a very strong suspicion that none of those 3 things would be happening tonight. When you came home, you practically collapsed from exhaustion the moment you got through the door. Dropping your bag and kicking off your shoes, you crawled your way to the couch, completely collapsing in its cushions, taking a few deep breaths to try and regain your composure from the hellish day it had been. You finally mustered up enough strength to get up and change out of your work clothes into something more comfortable before sulking around the apartment, making yourself finish chores that had seemed to go neglected all week. Javi was normally home a half hour after you, but as you looked up at the clock, he was 20 minutes later than usual. It wasn’t long before another hour had gone by, leaving you absolutely starving, unable to wait for the dinner Javi may or may not be bringing home. You scavenged through your fridge and pantry, pulling out sauce and spaghetti to make yourself pasta to at least tide you over. 
When Javi got home two hours past his normal arrival, you were shocked by the smell of pizza that filled your apartment as he walked through the door. You were even more shocked by the reaction he had to seeing the pot of noodles you had left out on the stove while you sat at the kitchen table to finish report cards to hand out at conferences. 
“Did you already fucking eat?” His tone was sharp and brash as he dropped the pizza box on the kitchen counter. 
“Well you’re home two hours later than normal, Javi. What was I supposed to do? Not eat? I’m more than capable of fending for myself if you’re not here with pizza.” You could feel pressure in your stomach rising, clenching your fists to try and hold in the last bit of patience you had. 
“That’s not the fucking point. You know I always get pizza for us on Friday, you know I’m bringing you dinner, I can’t help that things have been a shit show at work and I’m still trying to at least do something to take care of you.” 
Take care of you? Nuh, uh. That was the last straw. 
You stood up out of your chair, palms flat on the table as you glared at Javi. “Take care of me? Seriously, Javi? Like I’m some sort of helpless little puppy that can’t fend for themself? I am more than fucking capeable of taking care of myself, and this whole week you have been acting like I am literally incapable of doing anything in this house. Listen, I can tell things have been shitty for you at work, and this week has sucked for me too, but every time I try to go do something nice for you, something to actually help take care of you? You’re already halfway down my goddamn throat, telling me to stop or fix whatever it is I’m doing.” Your heart was racing, blood pumping through your veins so intensely, you could feel your hands begin to shake. 
“Because it’s my fucking job to take care of you!” He growled, pinching the bridge of his nose between his fingers as you stood with your hands on your hips, laughing at him in the least humorous way possible. 
“Your job? Your fucking job? You don’t think I’m capable of taking care of myself? That’s fucking great. So you can take care of me, but I can’t take care of you? Yeah, that makes sense. Un-fucking-believeable. I don’t know what the fuck has been going on with you this past week, but I can’t do this right now. I’m going on a fucking run.” You stormed to the door, throwing on your shoes as you white knuckled your keys in your grasp. 
“You fucking hate running!” Javi yelled, clenching his jaw before burying his hands in his face. 
“I don’t fucking care!” You grunted back, deliberately slamming the door behind you as you sauntered down the stairs of your apartment to the parking lot. Javi was right, there was no physical activity you hated more than running. You weren’t really sure what your plan was, just that you couldn’t stand there fighting with Javi anymore. You could feel the adrenaline flowing through you, enough to make you pick up your feet and actually begin sprinting down the sidewalk. You just kept running. Running until you could feel your sides begin to hurt, until your eyes began to sting from the tears welling behind them, until your chest felt like it was collapsing in on you, making you stop in the middle of the cement pathway in a full on breakdown. You could barely catch your breath, sobbing, as your hands dropped to your knees, your body trembling with each pathetic whimper. 
What the fuck were you doing? Why was Javi being like this? Why were you being like this? Why won’t he just talk to you? Why can you just not make things right? Why was the one person you loved more than anything in the world the one who was making you feel like you’d been run over by a semi-truck? 
Wiping your tears and snot with your sleeve, you took a deep breath and turned around to head home, determined to get to the bottom of whatever was causing you to both suffer through the worst week ever.
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“Javi?” You peeked into the apartment, your voice barely above a whisper. 
“What?” He answered, his voice still sharp, making you wince as you walked over to the couch where he sat. 
“Javi… Javi what’s going on? I can’t do this anymore. If I did something to make you mad, I’m sorry, I just-” 
“Fucking work has just been a shit show, okay?” He snapped, cutting off your sentence. “I’m going to bed, I’m fucking exhausted.” He sighed as he got up, storming his way down the hallway, leaving you there alone on the couch, your bottom lip quivering as the tears began to stream down your face again, leaving you in a silent, sobbing heap on the couch. 
You waited a while before getting into bed with Javi, entering your bedroom in its already dark state to avoid crossing paths while the two of you finished your nighttime routines. You crawled into your comforter, eyes still red and puffy as you lay back to back with Javi, without so much as even a good night, let alone, an “I love you.” 
You could feel yourself stirring, tossing and turning in your sleep as you rolled over, outstretching your arm to an unfamiliarly empty space. You turned over to face Javi, now finding yourself wide awake at the fact that he wasn’t there next to you. Immediately, you shot up, calling out his name as you got out of bed, wondering where the hell he was. As you made your way into the hallway, you whispered his name once more before hearing the sounds of heavy, labored breathing coming from the living room. You rushed in, finding Javi sitting on the floor, his hand grasping at his chest with a look of pure panic on his face. 
“I feel like… Fuck, I feel like I can’t breathe. My heart is beating so fast.” He whimpered between his shaky breathing and sobs. “I just- I just kept seeing it over and over again in my head and I woke up and it still wouldn’t go away. Every when I wake up, it’s like it’s fucking haunting me. I feel like something’s crushing my chest. Baby, what’s happening?” He gasped as he looked up at you, helpless and desperate.  
Oh no. Oh no, oh no, oh no. You knew exactly what was happening. 
Immediately, you climbed into his lap, wrapping yourself around him as tightly as possible, stretching your arms as widely as you could around the broadness of his body. You tried to slow your breathing down, taking long inhales and exhales as you held him. “Just breathe, baby. It’s okay. You’re safe, I promise. I’m here. Deep breaths, okay?” 
“Osita, I can’t- Fuck. Fuck, fuck.” His voice was trembling, each word low and labored as he grasped at the back of his shirt you had draped over your back. 
“I know, baby. I know. I know it’s scary. I promise that you’re safe. I’m here, okay? Just breathe. In and out. I’m not leaving. You’re safe with me, I promise it will be okay.” Even though your heart was shattering, you did everything you could to be the calm in his storm, whispering your reassurances in your soft, sweet voice. Slowly but surely, you could feel the intensity of his breaths lessen, the rising and falling of his chest easing as he grasped tighter at your shirt, pulling you closer to him. 
“It’s okay, Javi. It’s okay. Listen, I’m gonna ask you to do something, alright? It’s gonna sound stupid but it’s gonna help.” You could feel him nod against your chest, his sobs finally beginning to slow. “Can you open your eyes and tell me 5 things you see?” You felt him lift his head, looking up at you, his face wet and red as his deep brown eyes locked with yours.
“Fuck, um, the- the wall, the carpet, the uh, um, the couch, shit, the TV, you. I can see you.” 
“Okay, perfect. What about 4 things you can touch, like feel in your hands?” You smiled gently at him as his breathing was now at a near normal rate. He raised up his arm, wiping his damp face with his palm. 
“My fucking wet face.” The both of you smirked, bringing you relief that Javi was already half laughing. “The carpet, my shirt, that always looks better on you than it does on me. Fuck, I can feel your skin, it’s always so soft. I love feeling it.” He ran one of his hands along the bare skin of your thigh, his fingers grasping at your flesh. 
“You’re doing great, baby. How about 3 things you can hear?” 
“Um, the cars outside, the fan, I could feel your heartbeat when I was on your chest.” He pressed his head back against you, raking your fingers through the ends of his damp curls, sticking to his forehead from his panicked sweat. 
Okay, almost done. What about 2 things you can smell?” You asked, running your fingers along the nape of his neck. 
“Your shirt smells like laundry. No matter how hard I try it just always smells better when you do it. And your shampoo. It always smells so sweet and fruity, it’s my favorite.” He buried his face in the crook of your neck, his hand gently tugging at the ends of your hair, twisting his fingers through it. 
“Okay, last one. Something you can taste.” He lifted his head, looking at you as he slid the hand in your hair to cradle your jaw, cupping your face. 
“You.” He rasped, his lips barely pressing against yours, feeling the hot breaths between your mouths as they met. He pulled back, pausing for a moment before he spoke. “Baby…I’m so sorry. I’m so fucking sorry. This week has been all my fault. I’m so sorry I didn’t say anything. It’s been so long since I’ve felt like this and I was scared. I was so fucking scared.” 
“Javi, it’s okay. Please, I just want to be here for you. You know you can tell me anything, okay? I love you, Javi. I love you more than anything. I know it hurts to talk about the things that scare you the most, but it’s even scarier watching the person you love hurt so badly and not knowing what to do to help them. I don’t care what it is, baby. There’s nothing you can tell me that’s gonna scare me away.” The look on his face nearly broke you. You could tell he was so hurt. Hurt by whatever had been haunting him. Hurt by the fact he wasn’t okay. Hurt by the fact that he had hurt you. 
“The project I’ve been working on this week… It all started because of how bad things are getting across the border in Mexico. A mom was out with her kids and they were all shot in a hit and run accident between two people making a drug trade. It was only an hour from here. I watched so many people do so many fucked up things that I thought I would never have to worry about again once I got home. And even if I did, I was going to be the only person I needed to worry about. But I couldn’t stop imagining that mom with her kids was you. You and our future kids. Every night since that fucking case file got set on my desk, I wake up to the same fucking nightmare of me running down the street, trying to grab you, push you, do anything to get you out of the way, but every fucking night I’m never fast enough. All I can do is watch as that bullet goes through you and you fall to the ground. I can’t let it happen to you. What if something goes wrong and I can’t protect you? I couldn’t fucking live with myself. I just want to keep you safe Osita. I’m so sorry. I love you too much to lose you.” 
It wasn’t long before you were crying with him, squeezing him tightly once again, pressed against the warmth of his bare chest. That’s what had been going on. That’s why he had been so overbearing. That’s why he hadn’t been the Javi that you’d known and loved this week. On the night he’d told you the worst of the things he had seen and done away in Colombia, you had seen how his eyes had filled with regret, remorse, even anger. But this was different. Never once in the time that you’d known him had you seen Javi so scared. The look in his eyes when you found him sitting on the floor was one of pure terror. You couldn’t imagine what it would be like, waking up night after night to the image of Javi slipping away, let alone coming to grips with the reality that you couldn’t even fathom, and he knew far too well. Javi knew you had no problem sticking up for yourself. You were strong, tough, and fiercely independent- those were all things he loved so much about you. But those things weren’t enough to protect you from the dangers that haunted his past, or the terrifying reality of the present. 
Through the silent cries of your sobs, you felt Javi’s hand under your chin, lifting your head to force your eyes to meet. “Osita, I’m so sorry. Pease, please forgive me. I’ve been so lost in my own world this week because I’ve been so scared about what could happen to you. I had my head so far up my own ass that I thought I was doing everything I could to try and keep you safe in any way that I could, and instead I’ve just been a fucking dick to the person I care about more than anything in the world. I don’t wanna fight anymore, I fucking hate it. I’m so fucking sorry.” 
You draped your arms around his neck, your fingers tracing small, gentle circles along his back as you stared back at him. “I didn’t know, Javi. I didn’t know you were so scared. I’m so sorry. I don’t wanna fight anymore either. This has been the shittiest week. I missed you. I missed my best friend.” He pressed his hand against the back of your head, cradling it in his palm as he hugged you tightly. “You just have to promise me something, okay?” 
“Anything. Anything, baby.” 
“You have to promise me that you can’t keep all of this in. You have to promise me you’ll talk to someone about it. Me, your dad, people at work, Steve, a therapist, someone. There are so many people who care so much about you who just wanna help. You’re the strongest person I know, Javi, but it’s okay to not be strong sometimes.” He let out a long, shaky breath, darting his eyes down at the ground, the Adam's apple bobbing in his throat as he swallowed. “You promise me?” You asked again, grabbing his face in your hands, swiping your thumb along his wet cheeks. 
“I promise.” 
In that moment, it was like the two of you could feel something in the air change. The tension lifting, the frustrated fog fading, the both of you desperately needing the other to know how sorry you were for the way you had acted. You found yourself face to face, eyes closing as your mouths came together in the most gentle, tender kiss. But even as your parted lips barely pressed against one another, you could practically feel how desperate you both were. 
“I love you.” 
Even though you whispered it against the soft, unshaven stubble of Javi’s cheek, it feels like you’re screaming it, determined to make sure he hears those 3 words as they fall from your lips, that he knows how much you mean each one, every second of every hour of every day. You can feel the heat in your chest as his hands grasp around the small of your back, pulling you closer as your bodies melt together, the tension straining in your muscles dissipating with each second he pulls you closer. 
“I love you too.” 
It felt like suddenly, all was right with the world again. The Javi you knew and loved had come back, returning home to you. All of the fear and sadness was replaced by a rampant desperation to know how much you needed him, almost as much as he needed to show you how desperately he craved you, too. The tingle built at the base of your spine as his fingers toyed with the hem of your shirt, his hand creeping further up your belly, pressing against the curves of your sides. You raised your arms as his fists balled up the worn fabric, carefully lifting it over your head as his hot breath ran against your neck, leaving gentle, tender kisses along your newly exposed skin. Your hands pressed against his hips, tugging at the waistband of his cotton sleep shorts as he locked his arms under your legs, bringing you both to stand as you wrapped your legs around the small of his back, the skin of your bare chests brushing against each other as he carried you toward the bedroom. Each kiss of your parted lips was like a plea, begging that the other would forgive you, that despite the way you had treated each other there was no one in the world that you loved more, that you would rather be with right here, right now. 
Crossing the threshold to the bedroom, Javi leaned his body over the mattress, carefully placing you down in the warm, tangled sheets of your bed that had felt so cold and harsh only a few hours ago. You looked up at Javi standing at the end of the bed as he nudged his shorts off of his hips, leaving him exposed, the clothes now pooling around his ankles. Crawling over you, he hooked his fingers around the waistband of your underwear, the only thing left on your body after your shirt had been left behind in the living room. You lifted your hips, helping him shuffle the fabric down your legs as he ran his hands along the meat of your thighs. He leaned over you, the temples of your foreheads pressed against each other as his fingers danced along the skin of your bare legs, barely grazing against your entrance. You could already feel the slick of your arousal pooling under his touch, the calloused pads of his fingers ever so gently tracing up and down your folds, making you shutter. 
“Javi... Please.” Your voice trembled as Javi nodded, burying his face in the crook of your neck. You gasped as you felt the thickness of his fingers heedfully pushing themselves inside you, arching your back against the bed as his thumb delicately pressed on your clit. Each thrust of his hand in and out of your heat was dragging and deliberate, the rubbing of his fingertip along your sensitive bundle of nerves making your moans muffled against his chest. Every touch of his hand made you feel better than the last, but there was something primal about the way that you needed him inside you, how you ached to feel him buried deep in heat, to feel every inch of him. “I need you. Please, I need you.” You whimpered against his skin, making him lift his head to look at you as you watched the chocolate brown of his eyes grow darker with lust. He worked in silence, removing his fingers as he stroked himself, making your cunt throb in anticipation as you felt the tip of his cock stroke along your entrance, a moan escaping from your parted lips as he guided himself inside you. 
“Fuck…” He whispered, pushing himself in further, inch by inch, before bottoming out, his tip bumping against your cervix. You wrapped your legs around his back, doing anything you could to bring him closer to you, trying to melt your bodies into one and hold him so tightly you could never let him float away again. You dug your nails into his muscular back as he began to thrust in and out of you, taking his time with each stroke, as if he was savoring every sweet moment. “I love you, Osita. I love you so much, baby. Gonna make you feel good, okay? I promise.” It was like you could feel his words with each stroke, the promise that had fallen from his lips burying itself deep inside you with every rock of his hips against yours. Your bedroom was filled with the sounds of your mixed moans and skin hitting against each other. Even when no words escaped from your mouths, it was almost as if you could hear each other through the sounds between the two of you, coating your walls. 
I love you. 
I need you. 
I’m so sorry. 
His palm pressed along the sheen of your skin, snaking down your body to rub against your clit, intensifying the throbbing that you already felt growing between your legs. With each thrust of his hips, his cock pounded deeper into your heat, hitting the spot within you that had the arousal beginning to pool intensely within your belly, that creeping familiar feeling building at the base of your spine. You dug your nails deeper into Javi’s skin, grasping for the damp curls at the nape of his neck, your whimpers growing louder and more desperate with each stroke as you could feel yourself beginning to crumble beneath him. 
“Javi, pleaseee. Bab-ahhhhh, I’m so close.” You felt your cunt begin to clench around his length, making him moan as each push and pull of hips became more intense, punching against your g-spot and making your writhe under his touch.
“I know you are, Hermosa. Cum for me baby, cum all over me and show me how you’re mine.” 
His words make something inside you snap, making you shake and your body tense as your arms and legs tightened their grip around Javi, crying out his name as your orgasm rushed through you. His lips met yours, swallowing your moans as his pumps became frantic and sloppy, only taking a few more before he was chasing his own high. “Fuck, baby. You’re so fucking perfect. Te amo más que a nada. Soy tyuo para siempre. (I love you more than anything, I’m yours, forever.). Fuck, I’m gonna- shit- I’m- ahhhhhhh” With one last push, you could feel him throbbing inside you, spilling against your walls, pumping every last drop of himself inside you as he slumped into your body, your hearts racing, chests rising and falling as one. The two of you laid there for a moment, your bodies tangled in each other, letting each of your breaths sync as you came down from your blissed out highs. Javi hissed as he turned over to pull out of you, making you whine at the loss, before rolling over to lay your head on his chest. You could feel his arm wrap around you to pull you in closer, his fingers tracing along your shoulder blade as you draped your arm across his stomach. 
“I guess that’s one way to make up for this shitty week.” You giggled as Javi shook his head, joining you, the both of you glad to hear the sweet sounds of each other's laughter for the first time in much too long. “Can we never do this again? I never wanna fight like that ever again. These last few days have sucked without you.” 
“Never. This was the fucking worst. Never again. I promise.” He kissed the top of your head, burying his nose in your messy curls as he held you just a little bit tighter. 
“Okay.” You smiled against his warm, tanned skin before looking up at him. “You wanna know the worst part?” 
“What, baby?” 
“I didn’t even get to eat any of that pizza.” Javi chuckled as he shook you playfully in his grasp, making you squirm and snicker as he held you. 
“There’s still some left in the fridge. Let me go get it and you can tell me all about your week, okay?” He kissed your forehead as he pushed himself out of bed, making his way to the door. 
“Okay. We’ve got a lot to catch up on, I didn’t even get to tell you how I had to call Mark’s mom in the middle of math because he stuck a crayon up his nose yesterday.” The both of you snorted as Javi looked back at you. 
“I can’t wait to hear all about it.” 
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Taglist: @cool-iguana @rhoorl @whyjuliaaa @bbiophiliaa @pertinentpostmortem @angelofsmalldeath-codeine @pedrobaby @fatima-marisa @beboldbebravethings @poodlebae @kittenlittle24 @3sriracha @jungchloee @perennialdoll247 @prettyinpunk85 @partyofone3413 @harriedandharassed
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vivgst · 4 months
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Valeria loves control, it makes her feel calm. It's like a warm blanket on a very cold day, it gives her comfort.
Her personal relationships are about control, not love, at least that's how it was with Alejandro, he loved her much more than she loved him and it was fine with her because that's how it should be.
Even after betraying the army and positioning as the leader of the Las Almas cartel, she continued to adore the idea that she had left her poor lover behind, she spent nights imagining how much Alejandro must miss sleeping next to her and that made her smile.
Until she found out that Alejandro had a new partner and you were quite different from her, you were younger and you always wore all that makeup, you looked weak and she hated you as soon as she knew about you.
Valeria was not in love with Alejandro but she enjoyed knowing that he had not been able to get over her and him being with someone else meant that things had changed.
What did he even see in you?
She didn't know and she became so obsessed with finding the answer that she couldn't stop stalking you. She did it all the time and knew everything about you, Valeria had photos and folders full of information about you, she knew that you went every Tuesday afternoon to have a coffee at the mall, that your work hours had decreased since you were with Alejandro and that on Thursdays you went out with your friends.
After a while of watching your every move the line between hate and desire became so thin that she found herself unable to discern if what she now felt for you had escalated into something completely different than what it used to be.
It became even more difficult when her own mind began to work against her and suddenly she found herself awake although she could have sworn she had fallen asleep minutes ago, but there she was, panting restlessly as she felt – felt you – move, riding her slowly while your hands squeezed her breasts, Valeria felt suffocated, each movement of your hips buried that double-end toy deeper inside her, you looked at her mockingly while she writhed with pleasure and drops of sweat fell all over your body that was numb from all the things you were feeling.
She wanted to regain some control, to push you away from her but like every dream, she didn't have much power to free herself or exercise the free will she had when she was awake so her hands tightened on your hips in a poor attempt to stop your movements, that only served as an incentive for you to start moving faster, your skin slapping against Valeria’s.
You leaned on your forearms to bring your lips closer to hers as you moaned and slowed the movement of your hips once more, the toy was rubbing against her g-spot and Valeria let out a hiss as she tightened her thighs.
She wasn't going to come from having you on top of her riding her, she didn't care how good she felt or how turned on she got just from seeing your breasts bounce every time you jumped on top of her.
However, you had other plans.
You trailed wet kisses from her jaw to her neck and up to her earlobe, nibbling on it gently, Valeria shuddered but did her best to keep fucking quiet.
“Are you shy now?” You spoke hoarsely and she growled, her hands gripping your hips so tight that your skin burned but even that felt good. “No matter how much you try to hide it, you're just as soaked as I am.” You whispered against her ear and pulled away from her to look into her eyes, both of you were panting and the room that Valeria normally hated for being cold was now so hot it was barely bearable.
“How much of a slut you- fuck...” She breathed out and there was real hate behind all the lust in her gaze, she hated you and she hated the way you were making her melt, how much she was loving every touch, every feeling and well… how much she wanted you to keep doing it just like that, driving her crazy while you rode her, she loved it.
And you were so close to making her come, but the universe was against you that night and Valeria woke up gasping, looking everywhere even though she knew very well that you weren't there.
Her body was just too hot and sweat wasn't the only thing that had the bed wet, it was uncomfortable so she got out of bed and went into the bathroom, taking off her clothes and getting into the shower which was cold.
Her body kept shivering and no matter how cold the water was, the heat in the middle of her legs didn't go away. She wanted to put her hand between her thighs and make herself come, she needed it but no, she would cut her hand before doing such nonsense for you, the shower would calm her down.
But it didn't calm her down, nothing did. The days went on and her mind kept coming back to you, wishing that dream came true even though she hated to admit it.
Valeria remembered it so vividly... now she couldn't stop stalking you even though deep down she knew that nothing would happen between you two.
At least that was what Valeria thought, she could know a lot things but she was oblivious to the fact that Alejandro was a tool for you, a toy. She was also oblivious to the fact that all your plans took shape when you started to feel watched.
Finally she had noticed you.
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peregrine21 · 8 months
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(photo from pinterest)
quick reminder for y'all to fill out the updated tag list for me please! (2 posts down, the form specifically says updated in the title) apologies for any inconveniences, there was some confusion on the original and some usernames didn't register, there is also a new character/fandom added (Larissa Weems, Wednesday).
~~to the fic :)
Elegantly off schedule - Miss Peregrine x Reader
Pairing: Alma Peregrine x Reader
Includes: fluff, gorgeous gorgeous Alma
Warnings: slight jealousy on y/n’s part? But its alr Alma helps <3
Word Count: 508
Brief Description: Mini fic of Alma being gorg and putting y/n in absolute awe with her elegance and grace and beauty before they go on a dinner date. (tiktok prompt).
You’d already been waiting 15 minutes for Alma to come downstairs for your dinner date. It wasn’t like her to be late or take this long to even get ready for a date night. You had planned ahead anyway– something you’d picked up from Alma– so you weren't worried about missing your reservation. You just wanted to make sure she was alright and not rush her. Ever since Barron had showed up that one day, you couldn’t help but be anxious. You walked up to her room and gently knocked on the door to check on her, “Alma, darling, is everything alright? Do you need anything?” You stood there waiting for a response, and after a moment, she finally responded, “I’m alright love, I’ll be down soon!” You descended the stairs once more and sat on one of the chaises in the parlor as you waited, picking up the book you’d left on the side table earlier. Your dress splayed out on the chaise and the floor as you sat. Only a few pages in, you heard Alma’s door open and close again. You placed the book back on the table and looked up towards the staircase expectantly. As you heard her heels click rhythmically down the stairs, your heart started pounding out of your chest. You’d been together years now, but every date still felt like the first. 
Alma finally appeared at the top of the stair landing. The sight of her left you absolutely awestruck. She’d always dressed nicely for your dates but never to this caliber. She wore a floor length black dress with an off-the-shoulder neckline and a double slit in the front of the skirt revealing her delectable legs as she descended the staircase. Her hair was curled and pinned up in elegant perfection and her makeup done to match. You hardly processed her descending the stairs from the pure awe you were in admiring her beauty. When she made it down the staircase and approached you, your senses were filled with her perfume that you’d bought her for your last anniversary– the one she only brought out on special occasions. Between her appearance and the perfume, you were in absolute ecstasy; It made you want to scoop her in your arms bridal style and carry her back into her room. 
Your mood dropped however after a few moments passed and you could come down to your senses a bit. If she sent you over the moon this easily, imagine the other people round town and in the restaurant you were going to. Imagine the cat calls and the other people trying to steal her attention as she passes by them in all her elegance and grace. A pair of taloned hands cradled your cheeks, pulling you out of your thoughts, “I’m yours darling,” she whispered, smiling at you, “Only yours, no one else's. Understand?” You look into her eyes in awe once more and nod silently. She pulls you closer into a loving kiss before you both head off to dinner together.
@lexi1109 @perfectlightexpertfriend @xYourlostwifexoxo @Joshuastuff22 @theyearis2040 @darlingimlostwithout @jestercat28 @ravie-ray @queerpersonified @emsmultiverse @ann08267 @ilovewomenmen2 @aliceis-75 @princessoofolympus @atlas-reader
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stizzysupremacy · 2 months
okay. Okay so. This is ridiculous but. The idea won’t get out of my brain ever since I started rewatching an old sitcom:
Izzy Hands as The Nanny
no no hear me out.
Izzy works in his bf Ed’s tailor shop (vs a bridal shop cuz even in an au I can’t stretch to see Izzy doing anything bridal for a living) until Ed wants to give Jack Rackham Izzy’s job and oh also he wants to start dating Jack too. So Izzy is out of a job and a relationship that’s been in the pre-engagement state for years. Izzy gets a part time job selling fine chef’s knives door-to-door (instead of makeup. Because it’s a good excuse to slip Steak Knife into the story and also because my bestie used to sell knives and I love him)
Izzy happens to show up at the Bonnet mansion household around the time they were expecting their newest nanny to come for an interview. Izzy thinks he is being invited in to give his sales pitch. In classic sitcom misunderstanding it takes a while for Stede to realize that Short Dark and Handsome here is not actually a manny with a resting rage face.
But by then Izzy has had a chance to interact with Stede’s kids and his household staff. Stede has fondness for anyone who is kind to his kids and has a secret awe for anyone who seems to get along with less awkwardness than he himself does. Izzy just talks to the kids like they are adults because he doesn’t know how else to deal with tiny people except to treat them like big people. Alma appreciates it.
The rest of the household (Buttons as the butler? Lucius as a PA? Roach as chef, Jim as driver, etc you get the idea) are surprisingly on board with hiring the guy who came to the door with a briefcase full of knives to provide daily childcare. He’s got no experience or qualifications but Izzy clearly does not take shit from anyone and won’t get scared off in under two months like the last nanny.
and look, the pay is really good. Even if Mr Bonnet is supremely annoying, he pays well and the kids seem fine, old enough to entertain themselves most of the time and not be very interested in interacting with some greying old man. He can get them to school and home from school, and deal with the occasional snotty cold or scraped knee for such a huge salary, with room and board on top! plus staying in the rich part of town cuts down on the chances of running into Ed and/or Jack.
So Izzy moves into the mansion and chases the Bonnet children around for a living. (Izzy quickly learns that the kids are still young enough to love playing pirates, something Stede started with them but has been too busy to do. Izzy, wearing an eye patch and brandishing a plastic sword, taunts Stede into joining their play by challenging him to duel (yes Stede smacks his ass with his sword))
obvious stede would never get full custody lol so there’s plenty of time when the kids are with their mother and Stede’s only company in the big empty house is Izzy Hands 😮😀
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ladythylia · 1 year
1475 Sweet dreams are made of this...
1475 Sweet dreams are made of this…
Bodysuit- – Secrets – Scarlett Body – Navy – Hair- RAMA.SALON – Kylee Hair ‘Naturals Pack’ Eyes-.euphoric ~Hae Eyes  Applier ~[Catwa]Blue Pack Tattoo-ArtToo’s -Living Jewel Lashes- [MJN]  Starr Lashes {CATWA} MakeUp-[MJN] Bag Secured {CATWA} MakeUp- ALMA Makeup – Alba – Catwa Jewelry- *PKC* Amanda Nose set Jewelry- VOBE – Vegan Ballgag Navy Nails- Tulssy – Mandala 1 Coffin Mesh Head-…
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adalynnlove · 2 years
Welcome to My House
Welcome to My House...
Come on in! I think this qualifies as my get-away-from-it-all-beach-house. Technically in world we can have a huge variety of houses and change them up each week. And to help in doing that I am very pleased to introduce to you a new sponsor of mine: Old Barn Door, owned by Taylorr Firethorn. Come on in! Of course I had to get all dressed up for the occasion. So I put on one of Rene (renebroux)’s…
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ragingbookdragon · 1 year
Like Waiting For Rain In A Drought, Useless & Disappointing
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No one had the courage enough to stop the hell on heels that they’d come to recognize as the Colonel’s girlfriend. And from the way she was dressed, a skintight black dress, red heels, along with her hair and makeup done to perfection—someone had forgotten date night. But who could’ve blamed him? They’d managed to get a lead on a big cartel safehouse, it meant more rats out of the dark.
She strides past the guards and into the meeting room, the group all looking up at the intrusion. Her eyes were locked on the man in the center who cursed under his breath, the curse of a man who knows he’s fucked up beyond belief.
“Mi alma,” he starts but she beats him to it.
“I can’t fucking do this shit anymore.” His expression turns crestfallen as his shoulders start to droop; he knows exactly what she means. Waiting for a soldier to come home or to be there when he says only for an emergency to come up. God, he’s seen so many of his men’s relationships fall apart because of their job.
“I can’t keep waiting for you to come back and make good on promises. It’s like waiting for fucking rain in the middle of a goddamn drought. Useless and disappointing.” She stares him down. “I can’t keep sticking out and hoping for you to be here, Alejandro, especially when you’re not giving me anything in return other than a fucking, ‘I’m sorry, I promise I’ll do better’.”
The other men are all witnessing the breakup with an air of awkwardness, and Alejandro is starting to round the table.
“Mi alma,” he tries again but she glares at him.
“Do I look like I’m fucking done talking?” he shuts his mouth, surprise coloring him—only two women have ever spoken to him like this, his mother and his sister, well three if you count Valeria, but he isn’t. “When I’m done, then you can talk, but until that moment, you shut the hell up and listen good and goddamn well.” She lifts something from her side, slapping it on the table; their eyes glue to it, a bouquet of red roses and a white one in the center. “Those are for you. Happy One Year.”
Alejandro feels shame creeping up his neck and cheeks, coloring his dark, tanned skin crimson. “Lo sien—”
“I don’t want sorry, Alejandro. I want action. Your words are useless without your action to follow. Your words are your worth but for god’s sake they aren’t worth fucking much right now are they?”
He finds himself and meets her gaze. “I can’t change who I am. This job? Saving Las Almas? It is my life. It is my action.”
“I know that.”
“You knew this when we got together. I made this clear that Las Almas would always be here until I die.”
“I know that too.”
Alejandro falters. “Mi alma…I don’t know what I can do to make this up. There are going to be more and more nights like this in the future. I love you,” he confesses to her. “But if this is the breaking point, I understand. Mi alma, te libero,” he says softly, hands and chest aching to take her away and pull her into him, coveting her with all he has.
“I don’t want to be free.” She frowns. “I can’t walk away from this, Alejandro.”
“Why not? Mi alma, there is someone better who can give you their time. Who won’t string you on promises he can’t make good on all the time.” It burns something wicked in his chest to say that. The thought of another man touching her makes his heart almost ill with anger and jealously, but his mind is screaming at him that she deserves to be happy with someone who makes her happier than he ever can.
Her expression turns thoughtful and she admits, “Because if I walk away, I’m going to spend the rest of my life knowing I walked away from the greatest man to ever live. I’d rather die than walk away from you, Alejandro. There is no man that can replace the love you make me feel.” She sticks her hand into her purse, slapping something on the table; his eyes widen at the sight of it, a small black box. “Open it.”
He does as she says, with shaking hands, eyes widening further at the thick gold band resting in the center. “I…I don’t…”
“Marry me,” is all she says. “The only way I’m going to keep doing this is if I know that my husband is going to come home at the end of the night. Not my boyfriend. Not some easily breakable tie. If you want me? If you want this? We’re going to forge something unbreakable.”
Alejandro stares at her and she stares back, gaze honest and open, like windows into her soul.
“But if you say no, or that you need time to think about it…you’ll never see me again. Choose. Right now. Keep the job and me or keep the job and lose me.”
He looks down at the band, shining back up at him and he picks it up, sliding it on his finger. “Does this mean I have to take your last name, mi alma?”
She grins as cheers start to erupt around them and from outside the door where the soldiers had gathered to watch the carnage. “Not unless you want to, novio.”
Alejandro pulls her into his arms, smiling at her. “I’m sorry I missed dinner.”
“Eh, I’m not mad anymore.”
“I’m still going to propose to you, mi alma.”
“I’m sure you will. But I’m also telling your mother you missed our anniversary.”
“Oh Dios, por favor no le digas a mi mama.”
“I’m so telling mom.”
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mamaestapa · 11 months
Is It True?
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•pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
•series summary: Y/n Hubbard, the younger sister of Cincinnati Bengals Defensive End Sam Hubbard, finds herself in a difficult situation after a steamy hookup with her brothers best friend, who just so happens to be the quarterback for the Bengals. In just nine months their lives will be changed forever. How will Y/n and Joe manage to to go through parenthood together? more so, how will Sam take the news he is going to be the uncle of his best friends baby?
•chapter summary: A lot happens while Joe is in Louisiana for the LSU spring game, that leaves both questioning everything
•word count: 4.3k
•warnings: pregnancy, mentions of pregnancy loss, language, some fluff, crying, ANGST (you’re going to hate me for this one…but then you’ll love me, maybe👀)
series masterlist
April 10, 2023 (I know the game took place later in April, but for this story it took place earlier. too much is going to happen in the month of April…buckle up babes)
4 months pregnant
You were doing your hair and makeup when your phone went off with a text from Joe. You put you makeup brush down on the bathroom counter and picked up your cell phone, looking to see what Joe had sent you.
Joe- Plane just landed. Have fun with your friends today. 
 You smiled to yourself as you texted him back.
You- I will. You have fun too. Baby boy and I miss you already!
Joe- I miss you both, too. Give him a kiss for me ;)
You let out a light chuckle as you read his text. You brought your hand up to your mouth, puckering your lips and planting a kiss on your index and middle finger. You gently pressed the two fingers you had just kissed onto the right side of your growing belly. You pressed your fingers gently into your bump, earning a kick in return from your little one. He’s been so active recently, which both you and Joe love—Joe especially. He loves to sit on the couch with you and keep a hand on your tummy at all times, feeling for all of your baby boys kicks and little movements. 
You- Just did, he kicked in return lol
Joe- Cute, I miss that already. Heading to the stadium now, I’ll see you in a couple days.
You- Be safe, and have fun Joe! 
Joe liked your messaged
You put your phone back down and finished getting ready for your afternoon brunch with Morgan, Holly, and Emma. This morning, Joe left for Louisiana with Ja’Marr. The two of them were going to be attending the LSU spring game, cheering on their alma mater as the team plays against themselves. It’s a fun tradition that the LSU football team has done for many years. Joe wanted to bring you with him for this years game, but you declined his offer, deciding to stay home and spend some time with your friends instead. You also didn’t want rumors to start spreading about you and Joe. The two of you weren’t quite ready for the world to find out about the baby yet. Of course, the fans know that you’re pregnant, but they don’t know that Joe is the father.
While Joe is in Louisiana for a couple days, you’re staying home in Cincinnati and spending time with your friends. You cant deny that you’ll miss Joe while he’s away for a couple days, but you have your baby boy to keep you company and Joe will be home before you know it.
You finished getting ready and headed out to a little cafe just outside of downtown Cincinnati. As you pulled into the parking lot, Morgan, Holly, and Emma were waiting outside for you. You waved hello to the three of them as you put the car in park. You stepped out of the car and walked up to the girls, giving each of them a tight hug, mindful of your growing bump. You followed the girls into the cafe, immediately getting a table upon your arrival. You sat down next to Morgan, while Holly and Emma sat across from the two of you. You ordered your drinks and made small talk before ordering your food.
“So Y/n,” Morgan said as she set her green juice down on the table, “How are you? The last time we all saw you was at Emma’s baby shower when you…” she trailed off, not wanting to finish her sentence. You nodded, acknowledging what she was referring to. It was true, the last time you saw your friends was on one of the worrisome days of your life.
"I'm doing really good," you nodded, a smile on your face as you spoke, "baby boy and I are both happy and healthy."
All of the girls wore smiles of relief at your words. They were extremely worried about you and your unborn sons health after your scare last month.
"That's great, Y/n." Holly said, smiling sincerely, "we were all really worried about you. Did the doctor say what was wrong?"
You nodded, "It wasn't anything serious, but it could have been. It was caused by my body being under crazy amounts of stress from..." you trailed off glancing at Emma as you sighed softly, "yeah."
You didn't have to say Sam's name. The girls all knew he was the one making you so stressed and overwhelmed lately.
"Y/n," Emma frowned, "Have you talked to Sam since then?" You shook your head in response. Neither you nor Joe have spoken a word to your older brother.
"He feels terrible. He's blaming himself for the whole thing, you know."
That's because it is his fault...You think to yourself as you listen to your sister-in-law.
"He cried, Y/n. You know Sam as well as I do, maybe even a little better. You know he rarely gets upset, but this? This whole situation broke him, hun. He feels awful about everything." She finished, voice barely above a whisper as she said the word "everything".
Your jaw clenched as you stayed quiet. He feels awful about everything. Yeah right, you'll believe it when you see it. You can feel your blood pressure rise just from talking about Sam and the whole situation. Your emotions and hormones are all over the place right now as your mind comes up with thoughts that have nothing nice to say about your older brother.
You shook your head and scoffed slightly before you spoke harshly about Sam. "So I could have lost my baby boy, and now he decides he feels bad about everything he's done to me? Said about me, my baby daddy, or my pregnancy?"
Holly's eyes widened and Morgan fidgeted awkwardly in her seat as silence fell amongst the group. The air around you was growing tense as no one knew how to respond to your harsh statement. It was obvious you weren't going to forgive Sam anytime soon.
Emma frowned, "Y/n, he didn't start feeling bad after your scare, he-." You laughed in disbelief, cutting Emma off. You didn't want to hear anymore, and you certainly didn't want to talk about Sam right now.
"Can we not talk about Sam or my pregnancy loss scare, please?"
You didn't mean to come across harsh, but you truly didn't want to hear anymore. Not right now at least. You wanted to enjoy a nice brunch with your friends and not have the mood ruined by the drama currently going on in your life.
"I'm sorry." Emma frowned, "I didn't mean to make you upset."
You took a deep breath, trying to calm your raging hormones and scattered emotions. You shook your head, smiling softly at her, "I know. I've just been through a lot recently, and I wanted to enjoy this brunch with all of you—without any drama."
Morgan nodded as she reached across the table to grab your hands. "I know you have, but we're here for you, okay?" You nodded, smiling gratefully at all of your friends. Morgans smile matched yours as she removed her hands from yours and sat back in her chair.
"We can still enjoy this brunch too," she smiled, holding up her mimosa, "and we will still enjoy this brunch."
You smiled at Holly as you joined in to her cheers, holding up your mocktail and clinking your glass with hers. Morgan and Emma joined in too. After your little toast moment, your girls brunch went on and turned out to be a lovely time. The four of you talked about your off-season plans, next year's football season, and of course the babies and the milestones you and Emma were experiencing. You told the girls all about your baby boy's first kick and how Joe reacted. As you told the story, it brought tears to Morgans eyes.
"We were sitting on the couch watching TV when I felt a little jolt on the right side of my tummy," you explained, putting a hand on the exact spot you had felt your baby kick for the first time, "I wasn't sure if it was a kick, but then I felt it again, so I grabbed Joe's hand and made him feel."
"What did he think?" Emma asked as she crossed her hands and draped them over her baby bump. You smiled, "He was one awe. It was really sweet."
The girls broke out in a chorus of awe's as you continued.
"He talked to the baby, telling him how it was good to feel him move after the scare he gave us earlier in the day." Morgan pushed her lower lip out in a pout as tears welled in her brown eyes. You smiled sadly, laughing lightly at her reaction.
"Awe, Morgan!"
She laughed and dabbed at her eyes, "I'm sorry, that's just really sweet. I think it's safe to say that man is in love with you, y/n. It's easy to see that you mean a lot to him."
A blush creeped up to your cheeks as you just smiled at Morgans words. What she said was all true though, you do mean a lot to Joe. More than you'll ever know...
After about another hour of talking and enjoying each others company, the four of you decided to head out. You thanked the waitress, leaving her a generous tip before you followed your friends out of the cafe. You said your goodbyes, hugging each of them and promising each girl that you'd take it easy until Joe gets back from Louisiana. You said one last goodbye and walked to your car, deciding to head home and relax the rest of the day. It didn't take you long to get to Joe's from the cafe, which you were thankful for because you had to pee. Recently, baby boy has liked to press a foot or elbow against your bladder all times of the day. You find yourself having to pee often, which gets pretty annoying (especially during the late hours of the night). Once you finished your business in the bathroom, you decided to change out of your sundress and into some comfier clothing. You planned on staying in the rest of the day, watching your favorite movies on the couch and maybe taking a nap or two. You went into Joe's closet and took his pink nike sweatshirt. You inhaled the fabric of the sweatshirt as you pulled it on over your body, your nostrils filling with a mix of Joe's cologne and his natural scent. The smell of him on his sweatshirt made you feel comfortable, but it made you miss Joe even more than you already did. You turned the light off in his closet and went back downstairs. You poured yourself a cup of a water and went into the living room, sitting down on the couch and propping your feet up on the coffee table in front of the couch. After you got comfortable, you pulled your phone out and decided to text Joe.
You- Hey :) Hope you're having fun at the game with Ja'Marr. Baby boy and I miss you.
Joe texted back almost immediately.
Joe- Hey Y/n, I miss you too. How is he doing? You still feeling OK? If not, I can fly back tonight. I don't really feel like partying after the game anyways.
You smiled at his text. Joe was so protective over you and his baby. It warmed your heart knowing he cared that much about the two of you.
You- He's doing good--been really active today! I'm feeling great, don't worry about me. I had a great time with the girls today, just relaxing on the couch right now.
Joe- You're supposed to say you need me to come home ASAP...I really don't want to go out tonight.
You- Then don't? No one is forcing you to be social, Joseph.
Joe- Haha, you're funny. But Ja'Marr is. He says we have to catch up with some old teammates, but I'd rather stay at the hotel and talk to you all night.
Your smile grew as you read his text. Butterflies started to swarm in your tummy at Joe's confession of wanting to talk to you all night instead of his friends and old teammates.
You- Rarely will I ever say this, but I think Ja'Marr is right. You should catch up with your old friends, even if it's just for a couple hours.
Joe- I guess you're right. I'm glad you had fun today, Y/n. I'll talk to you later.
You- Have fun tonight, I'll send videos of baby boy if he's moving around a lot. I know you miss him.
Joe- You better, I do miss those little kicks. I'll text you later, see you both in a couple days.
You liked Joe's message and turned your phone off, deciding to turn on your favorite Tv show. As episodes of the show played in the background, you felt your eyes growing heavy. Before you knew it, your eyes fluttered shut and you dozed off into a peaceful (and much needed) rest.
~a few hours later~
Your eyes fluttered open as you started to wake up from your nap. You yawned as you sat up on the couch, rubbing your eyes before reaching for your phone. You looked at the time, noticing that you had taken about a three hour nap. You normally don’t take that long of a nap during the day, but pregnancy can be exhausting at times—today being one of those times.
You gave yourself a couple more minutes to wake up before you got up from the couch to go to the bathroom. Once you were finished in the bathroom, you decided to head to the kitchen and make some dinner. Your brunch had worn off, plus you are eating for two now, so appetite is twice as large. You looked in the fridge to see if there was anything you could make for dinner, but you were met with almost empty shelves. With everything that’s been going on, you and Joe haven’t done any grocery shopping lately. You decide to just make one of Joe’s favorite meals, chicken and rice. As you cook the meal, you make note to go grocery shopping when Joe gets back from Louisiana because you know chicken and rice won’t keep you or your baby full for long.
After you finished preparing your dinner, you sat down at the island in the kitchen, enjoying your dinner and scrolling through instagram. As you were mindlessly scrolling and liking posts every couple scrolls, you came across and interesting post.
Joe Burrow seen leaving the LSU spring game with Ja’Marr Chase and others, including Burrows ex girlfriend Alexis Teller.
Your heart dropped to your stomach as you looked at the picture of Joe and Ja’Marr leaving tiger stadium with a brunette girl who was smiling up at Joe. You placed your phone down on the counter and brought your hand up to your mouth, in total disbelief that this was even happening. You picked your phone back up and continued scrolling, hoping to not see anymore photos. However, your hopes were crushed. You came across more posts that left you absolutely gutted.
Is Joe Burrow back with former LSU volleyball player Alexis Teller? It sure seems like it based on this photo👀
The picture was Joe at a club, holding some sort of drink in one hand with his other arm around Alexis’s shoulders. The two seemed to be posing for a photo.
Joe Burrow spotted with incredibly hot ex girlfriend, Alexis Teller at club in Baton Rouge. Sources tell me the two are rekindling their relationship. Could we be seeing Alexis in Cincinnati soon?
This picture in particular had you feeling like you had been punched in the gut. Joe was standing around with a group of friends, right next to Alexis. The two seemed to be laughing happily with each other about something. However, it wasn’t the happy expressions that made your heart break…it was the hand on Alexis’ lower back that made your heart hurt the most.
You felt tears well up in your eyes as you looked at the photos. Soon enough the tears were streaming down your face and you were holding back gut wrenching sobs. Deep down you know you shouldn’t be so upset over this. Joe isn’t yours. He’s not your boyfriend. He’s just your baby daddy. Even though he may not be yours, you do love him so, so much. You thought he loved you too…but apparently you thought wrong. You know he isn’t yours and you shouldn’t be this distraught, but boy does it hurt seeing him like that with another woman.
You continued to sob into your hands. You missed Joe so much and you thought he missed you too. Apparently you must have not been on Joe’s mind as much as he was on yours while he’s been gone.
As you let out gut wrenching sobs, your baby boy was kicking up a storm—he must have been picking up on your distress. You brought your hands down to your belly, comforting your unborn son as you tried to calm yourself down. It seemed to be one thing after another for you because you can’t seem to catch an emotional break at all.
First, you find out your pregnant with Joe’s baby. Who didn’t take the news well at first, but he’s clearly came around to it a lot. He loves that baby more than anything. Then, you find out that Sam was the reason for Joe leaving you behind at Ohio Sate all those years ago. Then, Joe and Sam don’t get along anymore, the two constantly fighting causing all of this drama to unfold. Then, you have a pregnancy loss scare from the drama between the three of you. Now, this? Joe being seen with his ex-girlfriend.
You just can’t seem to catch a break.
After a few more good cries, you had finally calmed down enough to get ready for bed. Joe had tried to call you multiple times throughout the evening and into the night, but you let them all go to voicemail. He texted you too, but you ignored every single message.
You couldn’t talk to him right now. Not after what you saw on Instagram.
Once you were done getting ready for the night, you crawled into bed and just laid there, letting your thoughts go wild. You cradled your growing bump in your hands as you stared up at the ceiling and thought about what to do. You know you’ll have to face Joe in a couple days when he gets back. But you don’t know what to do about the situation when he gets back home.
You let out a sigh as you began to rub your swollen tummy, “I don’t know what to do little guy…” you trailed off, letting out another sigh, “I don’t know what to do.”
~a couple days later~
“Y/n?” Joe called out as he entered the house, “I’m home.”
Joe set his bags down in the entry way before making his way further into his house. He figured you’d be in the kitchen or the living room waiting for him, but when he didn’t see you in either room he began to grow worried.
“Y/n!” Joe called out once again. He was met with silence. He frowned deeply at the silence. Joe was hoping you’d be there to greet him at the door or at least in the living room. He missed you so, so much, and he couldn’t wait to see you and the baby growing in your belly (who he also missed very much).
As Joe walked through the seemingly empty house, he heard a noise come from upstairs. He smiled to himself, thinking you were upstairs folding laundry or getting out of the shower. Upon his arrival upstairs, he saw the the light to his bedroom turned on. His smile widened as he saw you standing next to his bedside table, facing the wall. You were looking at the ultrasound picture he had hanging by the bed.
“Hey Y/n.” Joe greeted. You could hear the smile in his voice, making your heart drop and your mind full with sadness. You turned around, taking in how Joe’s face immediately fell when he saw your current state.
Your current state that was caused by him.
“Y/n,” his voice was quiet as he took in your tear stained cheeks and bloodshot eyes. “I-is everything OK? Did something happen.” Joe reached out to touch you, but you instantly pulled away.
“Don’t.” You seethed. Joe’s face immediately turned into a look of hurt as you backed away from him. You never pull away from his touch, ever. This left him feeling hurt and extremely confused. What happened while he was away?
Joe watched as you walked out of his room and into your bedroom. He cautiously followed you into your room, his heart dropping to the pit of his stomach as he saw what was sitting on the neatly made bed.
A suitcase. A packed suitcase.
“Y/n,” Joe said, sounding desperate and confused, “what is going on? What are you-.” You cut him off, “Is it true?”
Joe furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, “Is what true?” he questioned, keeping his blue eyes locked with your eyes. You shook your head as the tears began to well up again.
“Is it true?” you repeated, voice cracking with emotion, “You-you’re back with Alexis?”
Joe felt himself grow pale as his heart sank to his stomach once again at your question. He shook his head, genuinely confused about what you were even talking about.
“I don’t know what you mean?”
You rolled your eyes and grabbed the suitcase brushing past Joe. You turned around and narrowed your eyes at him. “Don’t give me that bullshit, you know exactly what I mean.” You shot him a glare before you turned back around and made your way down the stairs. Joe followed behind you, his heart pounding and mind racing as he watched you walked toward the front door.
“Y/n, don’t leave, please.” Joe pleaded, “I can explain.” You whipped around and gave him the same glare from earlier.
“I don’t want an explanation Joe. The pictures I saw were enough. You didn’t miss me while you were gone, you didn’t miss our baby, it was all a lie. You said those things to make me feel comfortable and not suspicious of you.”
Joe’s wore a look of hurt and betrayal as you directed those harsh words at him. He would never do such a thing to you.
“Y/n, what are you talking about? Of course I missed you. You and the baby were all I could think about when I was in Louisiana.”
You shook your head and turned back around. Joe reached out and grabbed your hand, turning you back around to look at him. He looked distraught as his blue eyes welled with tears.
“Please don’t go. I love you.”
A tear rolled down your cheek as you looked at Joe. Your heart was breaking as you watched the tears begin to roll down his cheeks. Even though it may break your heart, you know you have to get away for a couple days. You can’t face Joe right now.
“If you loved me Joe, you wouldn’t have your arm around your ex girlfriend. If you loved me, you wouldn’t be at a club with your ex girlfriend.” more tears rolled down your cheeks as you looked into his eyes, “You don’t love me, Joe.” You said, voice pained and slightly above a whisper.
Joe closed his eyes tightly as he let more tears fall. He couldn’t believe this was happening. He couldn’t believe you were going to leave because of this. He had so many questions that he knew he wasn’t going to get an answer to. Where are you going? How long will you be gone? Will you even come back?
“How long are you leaving?” Joe mustered out, sniffling after he finished speaking.
“I don’t know. But I know I can’t do this right now.” Was all you said before you walked out the door, leaving behind a broken hearted and genuinely confused Joe.
As Joe watched you walk out of his house, he frowned deeply as he watched your shoulders shake from each sob you let out. He shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose as he too choked out a sob. Joe’s heart broke knowing you were this distraught because of him. He hoped you would be OK, but most of all…he hoped his son would be OK. Joe knows this kind is distress can’t be good for the baby. This all could have been avoided if he just kept his promise he made to himself the day the baby kicked for the first time.
Joe promised he’d make it up to you after everything he did wrong to you all those years ago.
But Joe knew he broke that promise today. At this point, he could only hope and wish for a miracle that he would get another chance to make it up to you.
hey loves!!
i know i said i wasn’t going to update this week…but i just had to lol
i’m so sorry for this🥴 but it had to be done. i know you might hate me rn…
but it had to be done. we need some more drama, have to keep things interesting!
where do you think Y/n is going to go? Do you think she’ll talk to Joe anytime soon? That’s to be determined…
i hope everyone is doing well! i know we’re all pretty upset and worried about joe right now, but we’ve got to stay positive. we got “good” news—it’s only a grade 1 strain. so that’s the better news we could get! my asks are always open, feel free to send me anything if you need to get something off your chest or just talk.
i love you all! thank you for all of your continued support. you are all the best🤍🤍
tags: @dandelionwrites8 @joeburreauxsworld @theflawedwriter @mrsshiesty @ann288 @ijustcrypretty @theoneandonlyfanz @wickedfun9 @venus-b @hummusxx @stainednailpolishremover @a-moment-captured @alternativemadchen @erinmartin1987 @sirlewisworld @kkrenae @unhingedfangirl @sublimemusic-rebel @meameagirl @ilovejoeburroww @hallecarey1 @j-worlds-blog @blinkloverx3 @jordyn14 @kristencochefski1125 @ryiamarie @unsaidjaelinrose @sinners-98-world @ozwriterchick @hearts4papayas @fangirl-madz @jackharloww @fantasywritersstuff @emherb10
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polarisjisung · 1 month
u’r a zionist aren’t u
GIRL WHAT 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
I feel GENUINELY sick to my stomach with this accusation good lord please don't be coming onto my blog with any of that because I will absolutely take offence
zionism is disgusting. it's against humanity and any sort of basic morals. no I'm not a zionist and never will be. zionism is against everything I stand for as an individual and is something I cannot support. hope I've made myself clear.
I have no excuse for how little I've advocated for the palestinians considering I have some form of a platform to do so but it is absolutely vile to assume someone is a zionist when that's practically synonymous to beings some inhumane blood thirsty lowlife
but because this is not about this ^^ comment, and is much more about bringing a light upon the things that really matter and will make a change— find some ways you can help below (links are in green)
DONATE as much as you can here's the link for some people who still haven't hit their goal but are so painfully close, if you can give up something small to help them then I suggest you do, they're losing their homes, their families, their lives, they're losing EVERYTHING so if there's a small even tiny sacrifice you can make no matter what it is then you absolutely should.
Nada's Go Fund Me
Tarneem—a mother from gaza
Mohammad Ayad and his family
Baby Alma
PLEASE avoid anything on the BDS boycott list where possible or at least as the BARE MINIMUM avoid Starbucks, McDonalds, Pepsico respectfully and maybe even disrespectfully you can live without an overpriced drink and some processed food that doesn't do you or your health any favours anyway and considering there are no end to the alternatives shame on you if you can't avoid these things
this is a separate boycott list with a few more things and since I have a decent following of people I'll assume use makeup and cosmetic stuff this is a list for makeup and cosmetics
Islamic relief
Muslim Hands
A DAILY CLICK TO HELP if you can't donate
click for free to help
WATCH TIKTOKS FROM SUPPORTING CREATORS (they donate money from the creator fun/ what they make on videos to palestine/ families they support in palestine)
FOLLOW THESE ACCOUNTS to keep up to date and educated (on IG)
OR FOLLOW some accounts of twitter or X:
Unfortunately not all documents on the news of what's happening in gaza is accurate or even close to it, the ONLY channel I know that shows the extent of pain and grief and devastation in palestine is Al Jazeerah but PLEASE share if you know of any more and make sure to differentiate carefully between propaganda and politics vs what's actually happening
MORE LINKS YOU MAY USE— I have used the above links personally but not all the ones listed on this carrd but I thought it would be useful to share anyways
help palestine carrd
BE VOCAL whether it's casual conversation with friends or family, sometimes exposure is the best way to change a mindset and it shouldn't be difficult to advocate for something that could potentially save lives and not just lives but a whole generation
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