#aloha got soul
darylelockhart · 7 months
[Live DJ set] Roger Bong (Aloha Got Soul Honolulu) with Jinmoo (360 Sounds)
This is an old set (I think it's from a year ago), but a good one, recorded live at Kompakt Record Bar. Literally gave me life this week. If you need an eclectic set to keep your day going, this is the one today.
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vaulter · 10 months
listening to an adult-oriented rock compilation from hawai’i. imagining myself somewhere with a beach staring towards the horizon. enjoying myself
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rustyelias · 3 months
This ask/character dissection contains events from Red Valley, including major spoilers, blood and injury, and the fear of death.
*takes a breath*
Okay so I have become some what of a Clive Schill blog of late, and given that Red Valley in of itself isn’t wildly popular, and that Clive Schill is simultaneously the comic relief and antagonist of the show, there aren’t many people to talk about him with.
Initially, he comes off as just an arse. He’s mean to the protagonists, seems to have no remorse for his actions and is generally shown to also just be bad at his job? His main character traits are his “colourful” insults and his status as the Redval sugar daddy.
This doesn’t really change until near the end of season two, at which point he’s noticed Bryony’s treatment of the mc (Warren) and steps in. His concern is framed as a need for Warren to be in the best shape possible, for presenting to the world as a “solution to cryosleep”, but I do think he was also genuinely uncomfortable with the situation and wanted to get Warren out of there.
This all goes tits up when they return to Red Valley and the season finale happens. Won’t go into details but this winds up with Clive getting shot in the knees. Warren has simultaneously had a brain haemorrhage, and Gordon (mc no.2) has also just been shot. The focus is placed on getting the two mc’s inside of cryopods before they both bleed out. Clive is left forgotten on the floor of the lab.
He is eventually helped by someone else, and doesn’t die, but I think this is an incredibly important moment for his character. His entire story revolves around moving up the corporate ladder, and his desire to be the first to crack hypersleep is Always framed as a desire for recognition (and money).
Clive Schill is terrified of being forgotten. This also ties into his fear of death. He is terrified of dying and nobody remembering him. I think this fear translates into why he’s always so loud, so quick to argue and insult. He’s trying to be noticed.
So when he’s left on the floor bleeding out, with everyone else focusing on saving Warren + Gordon, it’s a huge fucking moment for him.
He goes on to form a business partnership with the person who saves him, they make Aloha Eternity, a cruise ship that utilises cryopreservation. He gets his recognition.
And then…
There’s growing unrest surrounding cryogenics. The world is rapidly going to shit thanks to climate change, partially due to big companies like Overhead (this is the one Clive, Bryony and the entire Red Valley team work for). The leaders and higher ups of said companies all plan to hypersleep (in cryopods) for 1000 years until the world’s unfucked itself. Clive helps this happen with the tech development he’s funded.
And when the time comes, he is not offered a place in the cryopods. Instead, he is made CEO of Overhead Industries. He got his fucking dream come true, because he was deemed expendable enough to let die in the real world. (Before this his cruise ship got blown up by terrorists, truly he has nothing)
So yeah uh there are some mildly coherent thoughts about Clive Schill. There is more where that came from but from here the thoughts get a Lot more incoherent.
Such as Bryony referring to Clive as “the shovel bit of the shovel”
She uses him for his status in Overhead and his money.
Also I think Clive is incredibly touch starved. Never comes up in the show because the only time people get close to him is when they’re hurting him (Warren’s headbutt)
Oh and he looks like Alexander J Newall. And Murph from D20. Just a mix of those two.
And he’s a musician. Like a really talented musician. I have no basis for this hc other than the fact I feel it in my soul.
Anyway if you’ve read this thanks so fucking much, and if not it was still great screaming into the pit
raaah!!! i love him! it's been a while since I last listened to red valley but omg! he is such a character to say he is treated like the comic relief or what I called him that prick™️ he has SO much going on!
Bro really gave his whole life to this business only for them to basically leave him to die in the fucked up world :( also the fucking cruise business bsjdjdjjdj
I love how I went from loving him because he was just the worst to loving him because he is a complex character. Gosh after he was shot man :(
jskskxkdkjd he is SO touch staved you get it! you get it!!
“Also he looks like Alexander J newall” oh god oh fuck its him:
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Okay yeah after my relisten of rqg I am 100% going to listen to Red Valley
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earthbaby-angelboy · 6 months
hi y'all, here's a silly installation of elvis in sicily!
a while ago, i got my hands on a 50th anniversary edition of aloha from hawaii! it's my first new-and-EPE-approved vinyl, so obviously i'm very excited (see below a photo of it...and some of my other el merch that needs to be organized soon.)
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anywho, i unwrapped it and went to open it up. what's the first thing i noticed on the inside cover?
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"vogliamo bene" is a way of saying "i love you", it's literal translation meaning "i want you to be well" and its cultural denotation meaning "i want beautiful things to happen to you."
although the interpretations vary from citta a piazza, most sicilians (and italians?) have come to a general consensus: “vogliamo bene” is much stronger than “ti amo.”
"ti voglio bene" (or, as written on the album, "vogliamo bene") is not something you say lightheartedly; it means that you love someone selflessly, and with everything in you. you love them for the 'mental' (eg. the connection you have with them, their personality, or their talents) and not the 'physical' (eg. sexual desire). when you say it, its a promise to the other person that their wants and needs will always come before yours.
i don’t have a wrap-up to this post, but i think it’s very fitting that they chose to put the version that denotes a love of the soul rather than a love of the body.
sorry for all the sappines lmao. but then again, you follow me. what did ya expect?
also, look! sicilia :D
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zoeykallus · 2 years
Hi! I love your writing style and your stories and headcannons are amazing! I don't know if you've done something like this before, but how do you think the Bad Batch would react to a partner who needed a lot of relationship building before they felt comfortable being sexually intimate?
Aloha! Thank you very much! Always brightens my day to read such things :))
I don't think I have done something specifically like this. But I think I should :))
The Bad Batch x GNReader HC's - A Little More Time
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How do our guys handle a partner who needs more time to open up and commit physically?
Warnings: Mentions Of Intimacy/Strong Language (well, Crosshair)
Yes, he's passionate, he's sensual, but it's not just a sexual thing. Hunter is a passionate cuddler, kisser and above all he is a carer. He is much more concerned with your overall well-being than getting into your pants. He wants you to feel safe and cared for, it's a big part of his love language, his care and patience
"Are you happy?", is a question you might hear occasionally.
Indeed, he will love your body as well, passionately, if you let him, but that's not his overall main goal. Hunter can wait for you, and he will be very soft and sweet the day you finally open up to him. He will show you it was the right decision to trust him with your body and soul, both will always be loved and cherished by him.
He's got the patience of an angel. Sure he does have urges too, like most human beings, but his not fixated on it like other men might be.
"Whenever you're ready, Cyare, I'm in no hurry, don't stress yourself about it"
All he wants is your love, how you show that to him, is up to you. Echo is easy to please. Soft, chaste, but loving kisses can give his heart wings.
As soon as you decide to go a step further, he'll be happy to take things slow and let you take your time. Echo will be tender and considerate. You can trust him, he will never hurt you or let you down.
If you got this big softy as your partner, you can relax. He admires you and adores you, everything about you. It may be that he tries to seduce you, if you do not tell him from the beginning that you want to take it slow. But as soon as you signal him that you need more time, he holds back. He will never push you.
"I'm sorry you have to wait that long for me".
He will laughingly say, "Mesh'la, I want you to be comfortable with this and trust me completely. If you need more time to do that, that's perfectly fine. It won't kill me, after all, I still have two healthy hands in case of emergency."
He is an interesting mix. In the beginning he will be very shy himself and need a long time to thaw properly. However, under this reserved shell, actually lies a very passionate and generous lover, but he has yet to find that out himself.
He sees no reason to rush anything, he likes to take his time with you. With Tech, you can talk frankly about everything, any concerns or fears you may have, he will be happy to discuss solutions with you. Tech is much more empathetic than most would give him credit for. He actually finds taking things one step at a time much more interesting than trying to force something headlong.
Sooner or later, you will find it very easy to commit yourself to him and enjoy his hidden passion. As I said, he is a very generous lover.
He is actually very physical and passionate. Crosshair won't understand right away if you back away from his advances and take it slow. He just ticks differently. However, despite what he would have most believe, he is not a complete asshole. Crosshair takes the time to understand what makes you tick and why you made that decision. He will accept it, perhaps grumbling and in his own special way, with a roll of his eyes, but don't feel pressured by it, that's not his intention at all.
Of course, he wants you to feel comfortable and have fun, that is a matter of honor for him. Crosshair could never take pleasure in being intimate with you if you don't enjoy it as much, and he doesn't want you to be afraid of him and his body.
He may not seem as gentle and loving as the others, but he's basically doing the same thing in his own way, being considerate and interested in what you feel.
"Well, let me know when you're ready, kitten".
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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renesassing · 5 months
it's 2024 here are some DJ sets/mixes that have enabled me to function in an office setting last year with what is probably un-diagnosed and untreated ADHD cause im bringing this energy into the new year
SPIN DJ Set — Blood Cultures
BRANG BRENG BRONG #1 — Alunan Nusantara
Deep Lo-Fi House Mix #2 — David Bulay
Groovy Disco and R&B Mix at a New York Basement Party — Tinzo
Energetic Comfy UK Garage Mix — Opi
Pride Anthems Club Mix at a New York Basement Party — Tinzo
High Charity? Sweet. — Zorrovian
Yatabe Track Day — Xerf Xpec
Hawaiian Grooves — Roger Bong (Aloha Got Soul)
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like-rain-or-confetti · 9 months
I’ve been mulling this around in my head 😅 sorry for the ramble, you don’t have to answer the request since it’s not an x-reader thing if you don’t want to but how would the Gotham villains react (scarecrow, riddler, blackskull, joker) if they found out their daughter from their deceased s/o (the love of their life) was a superhero. Like a few years prior there was an accident that only the daughter barely survived and they got powers but didn’t tell anybody and have been doing solo work but during the day in a full body suit.
The Gotham villains found out or figured out it was their daughter because Batman had foiled their plans once again but there was an explosion and the building was crumbling/sinking and the superhero/daughter saved them and left them in a safe place asking if they were okay then left.
Aloha! So I'm actually gonna pick this up on what happens afterwards because you just know they'll see each other again long before these rogues are over it. I will have to put a TW because Roman Sionis.
Where the Apple Fell...
The rogues never anticipated you following your mothers footprints and as the last thing left of her that they have. There's not a chance in hell you're getting out of this without a serious punishment. One that will make you think twice before stepping outside after sun down.
Scarecrow: The one thing that was constant with your father was his blank expression. Even when you were barely out the womb, your dad was stone-faced, and it was terrifying as a kid to grow up with a dad who simply didn't emote. You know what's terrifying? Doing something wrong, and your dad doesn't yell or look angry. He just stares into your very soul, asking way too hard, hitting questions.
Nowadays, you expected it and were used to it. You didn't see your father much anymore with how focused on his work he was. (Priorities, am I right?) So that made hero work easy peasy- the man didn't even notice! He thought you were off to college and probably partying at nights like any other. He wishes you were. He really wishes you were right about now because clearly you're not. He lost your mother from this very same compulsion, and he hated it then, and he hates it now.
So the last thing you expected was to be cornered by your father one night. His piercing gaze into your soul and asking you how long you've been doing this. After a while, you begin to think he's actually taking it well. That's until you hear a deadpan. "No." He doesn't expand further, but it was clear that he wasn't going to take this easily. Without warning, he sprayed fear toxin in your face. His henchmen come speeding around in a white van, and Jonathan carries you into the back. You're going to be staying with him for a while until you learn a lesson. One Jonathan never thought he'd have to teach his own daughter. Some might call it evil, but Jonathan considers it necessary. Parenting is just filled with things you have to do for the well-being of your child. His family just have a particular issue that other families didn't. A silly compulsion to save people who cannot be saved.
Black Mask: Roman is the kind of dad you just dont mess with because he's scary when he's mad. You saw what he was like around anyone that wasn't you or your mother, and the man has anger issues. That only escalated when your mother died. That's when the hero thing wasn't so funny and much more frowned upon. He was much more comfortable with the little kid routine than he was when you got older when you were more difficult to please and more of your own person. Paying for college was a relief because it seemed like maybe he could do something right by you. However, that pride in you quickly vanished after that night.
Your dad had a very particular way of telling you that he wanted to speak to you when he was angry. He was less inclined to open his mouth. He surprised you when he tore your mask off your face and proceeded to drag you into the car by your hair. He didn't speak a word after that until you were back home, glaring and staring you down the whole way there. After that, hell broke loose. "What the fuck am I paying for college for if you're trying to get yourself killed every night, you fucking dickhead! Do you not have a fucking brain!? Did you even get into college!? Are the standards that fucking low!?" He was far from done. "What you wanna put me in prison, huh!? What's your problem!?" There's no correct answer to that as it turns out. "Your mother DIED from doing this shit and now you want to do the same thing? For what!? You want me to lose my kid too!? The only thing I have left of her!?" What you didn't anticipate was a smack across the face before he grabbed your face. "Yeah, I fuckin' hit you. I hit you because apparently that's what you're after every night. Here's what's gonna happen. You're not gonna leave this house for a damn thing until I decide your head is on straight enough that I can trust you go back out there. If you ever pull this shit again, I'm not gonna come after you as your dad and you're gonna get so much worse than a fucking slap, you hear me?"
The Riddler: Okay, yes, he's dad, but he's one of the most absent present fathers ever known. One of the few people who could achieve both my being physically in his child's life but be completely unavailable in every sense of the word. It was to the extremes that he might as well not be around, and sometimes, as a child, you even forgot your dad isn't off on some business trip... He's running around Gotham committing crimes, and he's building and plotting. None involved his kid ever. A kid he often forgets. So there wasn't really a need to worry about consequences from him... because that would imply him paying attention. When your mother died, he did enough to ensure you were still alive on a regular basis, but he didn't know the first thing about you beyond that. So his chances of finding out his kid took up hero work after the love of his life dying was actually rather small. Or at least that's what you believed.
Turns out that was very wrong as the Riddler had eyes and ears everywhere. It just took him longer to figure out your identity, but when he noticed-oh, when he noticed you are going to be skinned by the Riddler, he's that furious. "YOU THINK I DONT KNOW MY CHILD'S MANNERISMS? IT'S SO OBVIOUS ITS YOU!" The Riddler seethed as he showed you CCTV footage. You looked at it. It was very much you, but the quality of CCTV is horrendous, and a potato might have given more video quality. This was the first time in your whole life your father had actually yelled at you, and it wasn't terrifying as one might think. It was...weird. like watching a deranged madman yelling. Was this really how your dad was? You didn't get much time because the Riddler began to rant about your betrayal, and clearly, you're just as stupid as everyone else to go against him like this.
Apparently, you lost your right to live freely at this point. He's literally getting an ankle bracelet right now to track you. You'll be staying home every night from now on. He'll watch you like you're a toddler because clearly you don't know what's good for you. At this point he's not even thinking about your mother. If you thought about it. This might actually be coming from a place of fear rather than betrayal.
Joker: He hasn't been an actual dad since you were five and hasn't tried either. That whole ship sailed for him well and truly after your mother died. That's when he was well and truly done. So he's the one dad who...actually couldn't care less. He finds it a joke. Absolutely hilarious because -of course- his own child would turn against him and try to lock him up, siding with the people of Gotham who don't even care about each other but that's all a part of the game right? So much for the apple not falling far from the tree, eh bats? There really isn't a connection there anyway. Joker is always in his own state of mind, never connecting with anyone well and truly. Unless it's the Batman of course. Maybe the Joker can understand the appeal in that regard. He can't exactly fault you for being interested in the Batman. So... I guess this counts as a pass? A do what you like in the least supportive way possible?
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julymarte · 11 months
The Granblue World Reset Lore and Theories
this is me  being completely normal about the last  update and  bringing back stuff i already posted on twitter, it’s time for me to overanalize gbf too LET’S GO
i think this is my  first analysis post about  gbf here so let’s   begin with the sauce of the materials i’m about to bring in, no we're not gonna talk aobut the astrals the angels,, canaan and the war this is not about them this is only about world reset and the otherworld
Robomi Epic Clash 6-1
Right behind you 3-2
MSQ 129-3 
Old Bond 1-3
MSQ 165-2
Heart of the Sun 4-3
let’s begin by posting what i already put on twitter  before the last MSQ update
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From here we can understand that the oldest point where civilization is mentioned in the granblue lore is 70k years ago which is A LOT, the world was described in a way that seemed very verdant yet technologically advanced ( atomic fusion is mentioned in the event as something known ) enough to overcome war, famine, sickness, everything seemed perfect until the population started to rapidly increase natural resources started depleting, animals dying, wars and disasters bursting up and that would generate negative world matter (it plays on the weight of the soul theory but i'm not gonna dwell into that) giving birth to the Wardant or world anti matter, the world got pretty much destroyed by chaos, abominations rampaged bla bla we'll call it the first cataclism or the end of the first world if you may
next we have what i'd like to call, the exodus, in right behind you we get to know that moon sliver's ruins predate the creation myth and they are from before the sky realm existed so we know that the old world was still around 20k years ago but this is still pretty distant from the story told in robomi as they are 50k years apart which is starting to make me think a new civilization emerged after the original world was "cleansed back to equilibrium" by world antimatter the cause of this world's demise is....we'll get to that later but this quite obviously marks the exodus from the old earth to the moon starting the moondweller civilization who survived for thousands of years while the world met it's end once again
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In chapter 129-3 of the msq we get to know more of the creation myth(pretty much the stuff we knew from entemeanki going more into the specific reason of the creation of the sky and star vessels aka vyrn and lyria but it's not about them now) and we see an otherworlder commander known as the Envoy referring the otherworlders as the precursors, as we know otherworlders have a strong connection with death and back then was theorized that it meant that the precursors were the people who died during the destruction of the previous world, thing that is now confirmed to be canon
In old bond the six dragons pretty much just confirm that the current world is imperfect and not what it was supposed to be in the past and we know that the world's ruination is bahamut's fault, he's not called the god of destruction for nothing after all, the current world results inperfect, incomplete... the Omnipotent itself, the first god, is brought in as it's possible the world was first created by the Omnipotent, bahamut destroyed it but pretty much failed to put back the pieces to recreate the spherical earth we all know(and live on)
some extra facts like that there's some locations that were known to exist in the old world like hawaii (mentioned roughly in the alohas event) and like moon sliver or robomi herself ,some ancient remnants of the old world are still well preserved
In HSM we learn that the otherworlders hold a heavy grudge on moondwellers but it's not explored in detail, the common theory was that they felt betrayed and abandoned while they got left out when the exodus happened and were hence left to die on their own devices...that was considered rather far fetched back then but....maybe it's exactly what happened
-------------------------MSQ SPOILERS AHEAD-----------------------
in chapter 165 of the main story quest we get what's maybe the clearest view of the effective world destruction
these informations tho must be taken with a pinch ! It's important to understand that we are currently in a branched timeline and otherworlders travel between dimensions/timelines so the destruction we witnessed in that chapter might or might not be the one that the mc's world has experienced (there are currently 3major timelines that i'm aware of, the one of the side quests and events, the prime timeline that got corrupted and our current timeline) from "...and you" we know that different timelines can be similar or significally different to the point that the world's wedges could be entirely different
in the second sub chapter we are spectators of the memories of one of the harpy looking otherworlders, this world apparently had a different set of races than the one we are used to, this could be because it's from a different branch of the timeline or cause before the current iteration of the world there were different dominant species roaming the globe, we get to see that it's a rather rural and pacific world, no airships, no planes... it might remind of the initial state of the world 70k years ago minus the technology unless it's something uncomon in small villages, monsters also only recently seemed to be appearing as they are referred as
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also the description of the species reminds a lot of the otherworlder types
it's noted that the inhabitants of this world live modest and peaceful lives but their world still reaches the point of destruction and rapidly turns into what we know as the crimson horizon, now here it gets interesting this passage might actually be a reference to the exodus
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talking with a couple friends two theories emerged about that
1) the silver city in the night sky is indeed this world's equivalent of the moon
2) the tree in this picture is different from the one we saw could it be the silver city? or it is the source of the otherworld miasma?
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unlike what happened to the purple knight's world here there's no invasion, the crimson horizon seems victim to almost a sort of micelium that corrupted the land and it's inhabitants, the precursors, turning them into what we now know as otherworlders... after thousands of years bahamut came and destroyed the earth in an attempt to purge it from the corrosion while the otherworlders were hoping for salvation
and the rest is history.....
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Is this what actually happened?
Are the precursors/ otherworlders just victims of a world ending disease? And if so what was the cause?
Is this what happened in a different timeline/world?
Is this a slight retcon?
it's gonna be in theory realm until the next time this gets addressed but the dynamic is clearly there as it's the cycle of rebirth and destruction of the sky realm (again and again)
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fuchinobe · 4 months
(2023, Aloha Got Soul, AGS-080) Cover of 1978 song by Mackey Feary Band.
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skippyv20 · 5 months
Navy Diver Drowns : Meets Soul Family (Near-Death Experience)
David Bennett shares the story of his Near-Death Experience, drowning during a severe storm off the California Coast in 1983 while acting as Chief Engineer aboard the Navy research vessel "Aloha." During his encounter on the Other Side he experienced the nature of his True Self, got to meet his Soul Family, and was guided by two Light Beings back into his body. David shares with us the Purpose he was given by God and how he was able to beat Stage 4 lung cancer by applying the lessons he learned from his Near-Death Experience. "If you’re going to be grateful, you’ve gotta be grateful for All of Life” - David Bennett
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fununtitled · 9 months
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Bleach TYBW Ep.24 - Royal Zeroth Squad vs Quincy Royal Guards! - FunUntitled Reaction
Aloha Soul Reapers! Yhwach is the Soul King's son! And yet I don't think he's ever been in the Soul Place. Luckily he got a warm weloming from the Royal Zeroth Squad. Amazing abilities and sassy attitudes.
You can use our Linktree to choose which site you'd like to listen to our newest Podcast episode such as Spotify and YouTube!
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aestheticvoyage2023 · 10 months
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Day 221: Wednesday August 9, 2023 - "Beating the Stand By Game"
My soul groaned deeply as the word started to come over that the flights home to the mainland had filled up and there was no easy option. As much effort as it took to get here, it was going to take more to get home. Overnight, Maui had burned and old Lahaina town that I loved so much when I visited back in 2019, was gone. There was a lot of travel now in flux. Against our intuition, we hopped a flight from HNL to OGG for a chance to get to SMF. It was a long shot, but it was our best shot, so after missing 5 shots out of Honolulu, I made a snap decision and got the four of us onto the short flight onto a smoky heartbroken Maui, where in the chaos and bustle of that small airport, we managed to get all of us onto a delayed flight ti Sacramento. It didn't seem possible as we researched second and third backup plans, when before you knew it, we were all packed on. Now all we had to do was race to make our next flights home to Tucson. We'd spent the evening racing, to sort out the passes to get right back on the plane to Vegas barley making it through. Then landing in Vegas it would be a race from the B gates to C11 in the furthest corner. The pilot called the gate ahead and told them we had some sprinters that had escaped Maui and that was just enough to get them to re-open the flight and get us on after momentarily breaking out hearts. The ramper had proudly gotten our stroller on, and we buckled into the wide open flight after sharing hugs with the CS staff. Just after midnight local, we landed in Tucson. We toasted Whiskey once we were home for faithfully beating a near impossible standby game together. Forever this will stand out as one of those really difficult stand by games that found us standing on Maui on the day it burned, but getting out of there and sleeping in our own bed. In all, I think I counted 11 "Nos" today, including that last one that flipped to a Yes, one of four that we would need to collect to put this one in the bag, without having to sleep in an airport. I went to bed, steamrolled, but feeling very accomplished, for guiding our group through, threading the needle, and getting us home so little William could sleep in his own bed. Thank God or Aloha, or whatever it was working in our favor. We got every break we needed, including having our luggage show up on the exact same flight we did. Amazing.
Song: The Mana'o Company - Aloha
Quote: “The best way out is always through.” ― Robert Frost
“Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.” ― Winston S. Churchill
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freudianslumber · 11 months
Today, Tomorrow and Forever
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Summary:  Angel Elvis went through Hell when being falsely accused of betraying God.  Eventually found true love with LAPD narcotics officer B.B. King.
Pairing: B.B. King x Elvis Presley (m/m)
Word count:  2.1k
Warning:  18+, smut, profanity
I will love you longer than forever Promise me that you will leave me never Here and now dear All my love I vow dear Promise me that you will leave me never I will love you longer than forever Now that we are one Clouds won't hide the sun Blue skies of Hawaii smile On this, our wedding day I do love you with all my heart
Elvis’ ocean blue eyes sparkled with love as he serenaded his groom with “The Hawaiian Wedding Song”.  He and B.B. had finally tied the knot on the beautiful island of Maui over a year after the horrible car crash and ICU scare.  So much had happened in the interim.  B.B.’s rehab had lasted for months, but eventually he recovered fully and returned to full duty earlier than most of his colleagues had expected.  It felt like a just retribution to the rejuvenated detective when he got to participate in the well-planned raid and triumphant drug bust operation at the Reapers’ East LA headquarter.  Some of Mad Mac’s lieutenants were fatally shot during the shootout between the police SWAT team and the gang.  A substantial number of gang members were arrested, including Mad Mac himself, who had since been incarcerated for weapons and drug trafficking offences.  This effectively suppressed the criminal activities of the Reapers in the county.  B.B. and Clay both received special medals for their outstanding investigative work connected to this case.  In the meantime, Elvis trained tirelessly and was awarded his second-degree black belt.  More importantly, he was finally officially hired by the YMCA as a martial arts instructor after B.B. somehow succeeded in getting him a social security card.  Slowly but surely, the couple cleared the many hurdles in their path, earning their well-deserved and long-awaited wedding honeymoon getaway in the Aloha state. 
B.B. laid his eyes on the radiant angel standing across from him, his heart was full of joy and gratitude as he prepared to reap the fruit of their love as a newlywed for the first time.  Their ceremony was intimate and discreet, with the only guests being Tina, Clay and Fats.  The wedding proceedings were brief but just as if not more emotional than those of any other couple.  Elvis felt so grateful that B.B. spoiled him with everything he wanted for the wedding, from the white chapel to the tasty wedding cake to the scenic locale.  He was hopelessly smitten with his Gunnie, all dapper in perfectly tailored black tuxedo on their big day.  Their hotel room was modest but cozy, with a balcony facing the ocean beyond a sliding door.  Presently, the fading sunset was casting an orange glow over the beach dotted by palm trees.  B.B. walked over and closed the curtains, being more entranced by the view within the room.  He then stepped closer to his other half, placed a soft kiss on his succulent lips, and proceeded to take the purple orchid lei from around his neck.  An adorable lopsided smile bloomed across Elvis’ face, he unbuttoned and peeled off B.B.’s tuxedo jacket, removing the perfectly complementary orange and white lei as well.  Soon Elvis’ immaculate white tuxedo joined the groom’s black one on the backs of a pair of chairs.  More pieces of clothing came off as the newlyweds lovingly undressed each other, until they bared their bodies and souls once more. 
“Oh Gunnie, I can’t believe we finally made it!  Everything I’ve got is yours.”  Elvis gushed as he fully embraced his man, taking in his pleasant scent, nipping lightly on his neck and jaw.  B.B. ran a hand through that head of perfectly coiffed hair, then cupped his angel’s face and guided it up until their lips were locked as they tasted each other hungrily. 
As the couple pulled away for air after the protracted kiss, B.B. whispered to Elvis: “Honey, let’s go take a shower together.” The pair of half-lidded bedroom eyes blinked a few times: “Great idea, why didn’t I think of that?”  B.B. chuckled and gave in to the temptation to pinch the cheeks on that cute, dumbfounded face.  He went to the bathroom and turned on the shower, then continued to make out with his baby until the water became warm enough.  The sensation of warm water from the shower head hitting his fatigued muscles was so relaxing that Elvis let out a satisfied sigh.  B.B. gently massaged the back of his neck and upper back, not forgetting to stroke the delicate feathers on his wing stumps making the angel moan audibly.  The newlyweds then lathered each other’s hair with shampoo and each other’s bodies with shower gel.  While supposedly scrubbing their backs, neither of them could resist feeling the other up and down sensually.  All the passionate caresses and rubbing naturally led to excitement in the nether regions.  Elvis took his husband’s half-mast cock in his hand, pumped it a few times before kneeling down and licking all along it.  The organ quickly swelled to its full size as B.B. was transfixed by the sight of cerulean eyes gazing up into his own while plump lips enveloped around him.  In fact, B.B. didn’t think he could ever get used to the spell Elvis seemed to cast on him during intimacy.  He could feel those elegant hands holding on tightly to his hips and pulling his torso closer and closer, until that chiseled nose was practically touching his pubis.  B.B. buried his hands in Elvis’ wet hair, throwing his own head back as waves of pleasure traversed his body.  As his arousal grew, groans started to escape B.B.’s mouth involuntarily.  They kept getting louder until turning into a shout as he bucked up forcibly and ejected his full load deep down the throat of his ready and willing spouse.  Elvis licked B.B.’s cock lovingly while warm water rained down on his face, washing away the stray tears at the corners of his eyes.  Still panting from his orgasm, B.B. pulled Elvis up to his feet and pressed their lips together for another round of tender kisses.
Before the shower water had a chance to turn lukewarm, the inseparable pair shut it off and opened the sliding door.  They quickly toweled each other dry, and Elvis was about to tie a piece of linen around his waist and walk over to bed when a nudge from behind sent him forward towards the sinks: “Honey, look in the mirror.  Want me to take you from behind here?”  Elvis looked in front of him as he was told and saw a sizable mirror just above the side-by-side double sinks.  Through the slowly vanishing steam, he could see the reflection of B.B.’s possessive arms caging him in against the vanity top and sultry lips grazing over his ear lobe.  Elvis blushed: “Sure Gunnie, you can take me however you want.”  B.B. felt his member getting harder again hearing such obedient response from his angel.  “Stay.” He commanded as he walked to the other room to retrieve a tube of lubricant.  Once returned, B.B. coated his fingers with copious amount of clear gel and patiently stretched Elvis out.  The angel accommodated his husband by bending partially forward and supported his upper body by pushing against the countertop.  It didn’t take much for B.B.’s cock to perk up fully again, and with a grunt he entered the raven-haired beauty from behind.  He enjoyed the view of flushing skin across that angelic face and how it spread down to the chest from arousal.  B.B. then lifted one of Elvis’ long and perfectly proportioned legs over the vanity top, allowing more access to his thrusting.  The different angle intensified the stimulation and pleasure that much more for Elvis, he made a breathy whimper and reached back for a kiss while B.B. caressed his neck down to his chest with one hand.  Their tongues entangled while their torsos remained joined, grinding against each other in perfect harmony.  Once their lips parted, B.B. picked up the pace and intensity of his lovemaking.  Concurrently, Elvis' breaths grew more and more uneven from the overwhelming sensation of fiery bliss.  From the mirror’s reflection, B.B. admired the alluring view of his angel lost in lust and pleasure, with his back arching and eyes closed, long lashes casting a shadow against his cheeks.  B.B. made Elvis gasp when he slid one hand down the soft and smooth skin over his baby’s lower abdomen and took a firm hold of his erection.  As the large and warm hand stroked the member vigorously, making use of precum and residual lube on the fingers, Elvis sobbed out: “Please Gunnie!  I can’t hold it no more!”  B.B. used one arm to clench Elvis against his chest, while the other hand kept pumping faster: “Baby, don’t hold back, just come for me!”  Hardly a minute later, the young man shuddered and pearly white essence sprayed across his chest and belly. 
B.B. thrusted for a bit longer as Elvis came down from his climax.  When the young man started to slump against the unyielding grip that was holding him up from behind, B.B. pulled out his member and turned Elvis around, allowing him to rest on the vanity top for a brief minute.  Elvis leaned back against the mirror, catching his breath as his other half quickly wiped away the spent from his trunk with a damp towel.  B.B. pulled Elvis into an embrace, letting the young man circle both arms around his neck and legs around his back.  His hands squeezed those plump and peachy buttocks, slipping under them to find purchase: “Hang on tight honey, I’m carrying you over to bed.”  As B.B. started to straighten up, Elvis tightened his hold instinctively and wrapped around his husband like a python around a tree, gently reminding him: “Careful Gunnie, don’t hurt your back!”.
“Believe me honey, I ain’t that old yet!” B.B. joked as he swooped up his baby and walked over to bed.  Elvis let out a shriek as he was thrown onto the sheets and bounced amongst some pillows.  B.B. wasted no time to pounce on his delicious meal, pulling him to the edge of the bed.  He stood over Elvis, holding his feet up in the air, spreading his legs wide apart, then inserted his cock and picked up where he left off.  Looking up at his man, robust muscles covered with a thin layer of shiny sweat, descending upon him like some ancient hedonistic deity, Elvis had to hold back happy tears as he took everything he was given.  All the while B.B. was living out his dreams, kissing his angel on the calves and inner thighs between intense pounding sessions.  Finally he was overtaken by a tide of ecstasy as he stuttered to a stop with a loud grunt, burying deep inside his sweet lover.  Elvis pulled his man down into a tight hug as he relished in the sensation of seeds spilling within.
The newlyweds stayed in the same position for a while, catching their breaths, cherishing their deep physical and spiritual connection together.  Then they parted briefly to scoot up the bed and cuddle more comfortably.  “That was incredible!” Elvis marveled, “later tonight you can wake me up and we can go again!” B.B. burst out laughing: “Hey babe, no rush.  We’ve got plenty of time!”  To hide his blush the angel responded by peppering B.B.’s chest with kisses.  Silently B.B. stroked the young man’s soft hair, then all of a sudden he asked: “Elvis honey, why did you give up eternal life for me?” Caught unprepared, the angel stammered for an answer: “I, I… Gunnie I didn’t mean to keep it from you…”  B.B. cupped the strikingly handsome face and looked Elvis in the eyes: “So it’s true then.  I suspected it but wasn’t sure, I found some gray hairs on you recently.”  Elvis admitted after a pause: “Gunnie, I had to.  I couldn’t lose you.  I’d always take a lifetime of lovin’ over an eternity of loneliness for sure!”  “What about the demons?” B.B. grabbed Elvis on his shoulders and shook them a little, “Have you thought about those fuckers still scheming to catch you and harm you?  You suffered a lot during your past life, I don’t want you to go through that again and go to an early grave!”  Unfazed, the corners of Elvis’ mouth started to pull up into that good-natured lopsided smile again: “Don’t worry darlin’.  My goal is to be with you from today until forever, God granted that to me and that’s all I need.  During my past life I felt responsible for too many people, parents, relatives, friends, fans.  I never found the one true love.  In this life I found you, my mission is complete.  I’ll devote this life and beyond to you alone.”  Tears started to track down B.B.’s face as he hugged his sweetheart again: “You silly bean, I don’t know what to do with you!  But I’ll promise you this, I’ll live this life and the next for you just as you will for me…”  A flurry of kisses drowned out his vows as the lovebirds locked their lips again and again.
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noloveforned · 2 months
after a few days laying about "in recovery" i'm happy to be back at wlur from 8pm until midnight tonight with a new theme! tune in to see how we'll start off all our shows this spring.
last week's show is now up on mixcloud. it was the heart themed show in honor of the cryoablation procedure i went through last week to (hopefuly) eliminate a pesky heart arrythmia i've dealt with for the last twenty years. two hours of songs about heartbeats and broken hearts that fit into the old no love for ned motto from the nineties- "cause happy rhymes with crappy".
no love for ned on wlur – april 19th, 2024 from 8-10pm
artist // track // album // label the magnetic fields // epitaph for my heart // sixty nine love songs // merge scraps // suddenly y'r in my heart // classic shits // bedroom suck records allo, darlin' // my heart is a drummer // allo darlin' // fortuna pop! count florida // can't break a heart // choose your own... // (self-released) the art museums // dancing with a hole in your heart // dancing with a hole in your heart 7" // slumberland ubangi // the heartbeat // oh no, i'm pregnant! // hawk axeman // rocks in my heart // derry legend // flying nun beex // (my heart goes) beat beat // the early years, 1979-1982 // beach impediment gino and the goons // break your heart // do the get around // drunken sailor prom nite // play rough with my heart // dancing to this beat // barfbag terry and louie // (i'm) looking for a heart // ... a thousand guitars // tuff break toy watches // hole in my heart // brisbane bands of the early eighties compilation // brisbane music graveyard mod con // is your heart a joke? // modern condition // poison city old 97's // murder (or a heart attack) // fight songs // elektra magnolia electric co. // john henry split my heart // the magnolia electric co. // secretly canadian bob dylan // someone's got a hold of my heart // springtime in new york- the bootleg series, volume sixteen (1980-1985) // legacy c. albert blomquist // never had a heartache hurt so hard // c. albert blomquist // (self-released) mirah // engine heart // you think it's like this but really it's like this // k cat power // metal heart // moon pix // matador patsy cline // does your heart beat for me // a portrait of patsy cline // decca al green // how can you mend a broken heart // let's stay together // hi quantrells // can't let you break my heart // home schooled- abcs of kid soul compilation // numero group mavis staples and eddie floyd // piece of my heart // boy meets girl- classic stax duets compilation // stax nick lowe // only a fool breaks his own heart // the convincer // yep roc spiritualized // broken heart // the abbey road ep // arista the rolling stones // doo doo doo doo doo (heartbreaker) // brussels affair, live 1973 // polydor pylon // feast on my heart // gyrate // db the skeptics // you've got a heart somewhere // you make me sick 7" // frantic city the remains // heart // the remains // epic martha // heart is healing // love keeps kicking // dirtnap spazzys // you left my heart in the garage // aloha! go bananas // fur bat fangs // heartbeat // bat fangs // don giovanni veronica falls // my heart beats // waiting for something to happen // slumberland blondie // heart of glass // parallel lines // chrysalis dirty projectors featuring dawn richard // cool your heart // dirty projectors // domino
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zoeykallus · 2 years
Hi! I was wondering if you could do some headcanons on the boys seeing their SO holding a baby and being all motherly, and how each of them reacts to the sight of them with a little one? Many thanks!!!
Aloha! Finally! I got through to your request. Sorry you had to wait so long!
The Bad Batch x Fem!Reader HC's - Holding A Baby
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Mostly Fluffy
You are holding the baby of a friend. Let's see how the batchers react to it.
He looks at you, seing you with the baby in your arms. Hunter comes closer to get a better look at what you are doing. Warmth spreads in his chest and he can't help but think about you as the mother of his children. You coo and speak lovingly to the little one and his heart leaps out at you.
He watches you, so fascinated. Hunter can't help but think about having babies with you. This feeling is new to him. As a soldier of the republic, it was never a question if he would ever be a father. But you put the world and it's rules into a whole new frame for him.
His gaze is soft and warm and feels like his heart is melting in his chest. Hunter will most likely talk to you later that day about having a family.
He carefully comes closer to see what's going on. That little bundle in your arms is so sweet and it suits you. He has been thinking about a family of his own since the day he met Cut and Suu and their kids. It was the first time he saw a clone with a family.
Now he is with you and seing you like this wakes this thought again. A family. Echo trusts and loves you. You are the one he can see his future with. He can see you as the mother of his children.
He'll talk to you about it. Nervously. Echo is not really sure what you think about the idea of a family with him and part of him is a bit scared you might be averse.
He'll probably starts the conversation by softly saying, "It suist you. You know, the baby. I think you would be a wonderful mother"
He is great with kids. They love him and he loves them. Wrecker will one day be an amazing father. But he never really thought about it yet. Seing you with the baby in your arms, however, wakes up some thoughts and feelings. A family of his own. A family with you.
To see you with this sweet little bundle in your arms, warms his heart and soul. To hear and see you talk soft and sweet with the baby is a sight he could watch all day.
Later that day he'll surprise you by saying, "We could make a baby too"
The surprised look on your face makes him nervous but he keeps talking, "We could have a family. You and me. You'd be a great mother!"
Wrecker is so nervous and hyped at the same time, it's super cute.
He looks at his datapad, has found a new problem to solve, and is researching and calculating all day. Suddenly he hears you cooing and talking softly and sweetly. For a moment, he's sure you're drunk.
Confused, he looks up from his data pad. What he sees makes him pause. You are holding a baby, the baby of a friend, he realizes. He steps a little closer to see what exactly you are doing. The sight is so cute and loving that he holds his breath for a moment.
Actually, he had never really thought about starting a family until now. It was never an option. But now he has you and is no longer bound by the obscure rules of the Republic.
He'll spend a few more days thinking about what he's seen. Tech will think about how he feels, how he sees his future. Sooner or later he will finally ask you about it and want to hear your opinion.
He sees your friend with the baby and automatically keeps his distance. He can't really participate in your conversations and he is afraid that someone might ask him if he wants to hold the baby.
Then you take the baby in your arms and if you were to look now, you could see all the color draining from his face.
He mumbles quietly to himself, "Maker, I hope she doesn't want one of those things".
Crosshair is torn. He feels a certain warmth at the sight. However, there is more uncertainty, at least at first. He's not going to take you up on it, you'll have to do that if you're interested. It will also take some time to warm him up to the idea. It will not be easy.
He can't see himself as a father. There was nothing else for him than being a soldier. He was always absorbed in it and never really wanted more than that. Now everything is different. He has you, he is basically no longer a soldier and has the feeling that he first has to find his place in this new order. Becoming a family man hasn't really crossed his mind yet.
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@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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c-40 · 9 months
A-T-3 264 Island Vibes
Just before summer finally gives way to autumn in the UK here is a handful of Hawaiian recordings
You'd have to have been hiding under a rock if you've not seen news of the massive destruction caused by fire that devastated Maui this summer. It's bad, very bad, but what's even worse is it was just one of many environmental disasters we've seen around the world this summer, the most recent major catastrophe being the flooding in Libya. Climate chaos is upon us and while people are arguing about what to do about it it's tearing off
Did you notice the report about ExxonMobil last week? We've known the fossil fuel giant knew about the effects of burning fossil fuels since the 1970s and buried their own research for a while now, we also know ExxonMobil has spent millions to spread 'climate denial.' Climate denial is a grift. Last week leaked internal documents revealed executives, including its CEO, secretly made efforts to undermine the science and downplay the effects of climate change, whilst publicly admitting its existence. It's is more proof how ExxonMobil has been playing both sides against each other. Since the mid-2000s when climate denial began effecting profits ExxonMobil changed it's stance, acknowledging it was a thing, behind the scenes though they still invest in sowing doubt
I think this is similar to the opioid crisis in the US, Purdue Pharma and the Sackler family were aware of the damage their drug was causing but denied it and knowingly deceived people into taking it. Purdue is now bankrupt and the Sackler family are arguing over who is to blame, it's not satisfactory considering the amount of harm they have caused to people, friends, families, and communities. What ExxonMobil have done is far worse, it's on a much bigger scale... that corporation should really be broken up and shut down
The music
I only intended to share Catching A Wave by Steve & Teresa but going on Hawaiian radio show and reissue label Aloha Got Soul's bandcamp, who reissued it a few years back I saw their latest reissue is also from 1983 so did a quick scan of Aloha Got Soul's back catalogue
Steve & Teresa - Catching A Wave
Brother Nolan is probably best known for Kawaihae from the 1980 album Speaking Brown
Brother Noland - Coconut Girl
Mike Kahikina - Hawai​���​i's Beautiful keeping it that way is the thing
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