#alphabet friends M
j3nnix · 2 years
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more alphabet lore drawings!!! and now I humanized L, O and M!
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the-broken-pen · 5 months
My theatre teacher lost a bet to me and my two friends today and she owes us slurpees now.
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just-a-anonym-rus · 2 years
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Just something I decided to draw.
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aetherchey · 1 year
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[Mod]: Here we have Foster, Nolan and Mavrick so far showing they're pride
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cmors12 · 2 years
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LMNOP form Alphabet Lore
(My Style)
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alphabetloren · 2 years
My alphabet lore the cute cat meme
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oblivious-aro · 1 month
F, I, L, M, (woah just realised that word is in alphabetical order…) X, Y!
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom?
I'm just realizing it's kind of tricky to define what exactly constitutes ‘being in a fandom’. Internet culture as we know it today was kind of forming as I was growing up, and that's where I primarily think of fandom culture, and fandom itself, as existing at all. 
That being said, probably Legend of Zelda. 
Honourable mention to Danny Phantom and H2O: Just Add Water. Those were the two shows I primarily browsed the fanfiction for when I discovered fanfiction existed. My main interest in fanfiction was identity/secret reveal fics. Also really liked looking up funny My Little Pony fan comics. I think of those as my sort of first foray into wider fandom cultures.
I - Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
I was disillusioned to fandom culture very early on, and had heard many of the horror stories of fandom toxicity long before I got Tumblr.
That being said, interacting with Danny Phantom fans on Tumblr really opened my eyes to how fandom tends to bubble itself.
I already knew about DP fans…eccentricities from my time fanfiction.net, but on ffn you can at least give writers the benefit of the doubt that their attitudes are just coming from their own personal tastes and experiences, since engagement is limited, but on Tumblr you see the fandoms collective thoughts and attitudes and how they engage with the media and each other more clearly. I figured because of that, there would be engagement with the show on a critical level, but outside of a few points, the fans pretty much never dug into the writing of the show unless is contributed to adding inane details to fan lore, or referencing fandom in-jokes that aren't very funny even if you do know the story behind them. 
There's not a lot of engagement on the level of fannon either, actually. It's mostly just adding lore bits and shallow jokes. The only time I ever saw anyone address any meta issues there was to say the tired old ‘we just need to be tolerant and all get along’ vague posting spiel. 
In short, Tumblr DP fandom taught me first hand that even in an environment that's more conducive to engagement, a lot of fans just won't, and that was extremely disappointing to realize.
Also Delicious in Dungeon. They seemed fine at first, but then I found out how incredibly dishonest the fandom was about the show, and that sowed a lot of resentment towards the fandom and the show itself. That's on me for forgetting anime fans are terrible, though. 
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves.
Non-puzzle spoiler for Ace Attorney 3, but the bit at the end of the flashback trial where after watching their client die in front of them, Godot turns to Mia and tells her that as a lawyer it's their duty to keep smiling and push through no matter what, all the while keeping a smile on his face, but grasping his ceramic mug so hard it shatters and cuts his hand…that smile still fixed on his face while blood runs down his clenched fist, and security is frantically trying to deal with the dead body just off screen…but Godot isn’t looking at his bleeding hand or the corpse at the witness stand…he’s only focused on what he's saying to the distraught Mia…insisting that they have to keep smiling despite everything…
That's metal as fuck. Godot was not a character who was handled well, but the coffee mug shattering is absolutely a top ten Ace Attorney moment in my book.
Also his coffee animations are genuinely funny.
M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend.
Ruby Gloom. I like how she always planning fun activities, she generally tries to be accommodating without being a total pushover, and is always working to make life more enjoyable for herself and everyone around her. She seems like a really positive person to have in your life.
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (i.e., fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)?
Miraculous Ladybug (my younger cousin was really into the show when it first came out, and there's one tumblr artist who makes great comics, but the glimpses I saw of the level of teasing in the show proper turns me right off. Conceptually though, Miraculous is my JAM, but I. Cannot. Stand. Excessive. Teasing. One of the rare instances of a show being enhanced by being experienced exclusively through fandom) 
Delicious in Dungeon (it's pretty hard to not absorb that show if you exist on Tumblr in any capacity)
Star Wars/Yu-gi-oh (I've seen a bit of both, but I've learned a lot from my brother who's watched much more than I)
Minecraft/Five Nights at Freddie's (3 of my 4 siblings, and also all nerds everywhere, love Minecraft, so you know. My sister was really into Fnaf when it first got big, and my little sister was just the right age to enjoy it when it had its resurgence)
That's everything off the top of my head. 
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go! 
Putting this under a cut because it ended up being way longer than expected. Tell me to ramble at your own risk, apparently. No, I don't really know where I was going with what I was saying either:
I think sometimes we all gotta step back and remember this whole fandom thing is very silly. 
Don’t misunderstand me, I’m not saying fan creations are valueless or not worth taking seriously (I've dedicated many hours to fan creations myself), but to hear some people talk you’d think fandom was some kind of oppressed political group.
Guys…this is primarily a space where twelve year olds talk about their blorbos kissing, lighten up. Yes, there are a lot of real issues in fandom spaces that should be talked about, but sometimes it feels like the only one people want to talk about is an external issue that…doesn’t really exist. Big companies don’t really care what fandom does with their properties anymore. The reality is that there was a few weird instances about a decade ago, and some people can’t let go of that. One author said ‘don’t write fanfics about my books’, and fandom developed a persecution complex the size of Russia and cursed their name long after that author’s death. Because they were told not to write fanfics. About one book.
(Disclaimer: I know there was a bit more to the situation than that, but my point still stands)
And the worst part of making this fake issue such a big part of fandom identity is people weaponizing it to stop others from talking about real issues. “Hey, are we sure it’s okay there’s so much fanart depicting-” “Shh! Shh! Shh! We can’t criticise each other! We can’t let fandom space be divided! We can’t ever question anyone in fandom spaces or else we will fall apart and big company will win! Just ignore stuff you don’t like so that everyone can get along always!” I hate how adamant people are about cutting off this entire avenue of discussion point blank. Preserving the concept of fandom is more important than improving the culture of fandom.
And it's not just obtuse teenagers, it's fully grown adults. Like…a significant amount of money has changed hands based on these beliefs. I happened to be on ao3 when a fundraiser went live, and they more than doubled their goal in an hour. All because it's the website that ‘protects fan’s freedom of speech’. That's a lot of extra money being given to a site that runs on unpaid volunteers based on very shaky beliefs (and you can’t even permanently block tags or even ban people properly *ahem*), just because other websites don’t let you write about three specific authors or [redacted].
In short, ao3's basically a scam and if you ever catch me using the term ‘transformative works’ please shoot me. People are trying to sell you a sense of importance with language like that (literally in ao3's case).
That being said, there's something genuinely beautiful about fandom connections when they aren't glorified. I've made multiple friends who live in different countries from me just because we like the same lego show. That's actually ridiculous, but the connection is undeniably genuine and treasured, and it was founded on all of us sharing our weird hobbies.
Even on a smaller scale, there's something about hearing a person make a Nintendo or a superhero reference that can put me at ease a little. I've never been fond of how dismissive people can be of more mainstream media. Pop culture gives us fun little connections to make as a society, and that's great. It's cool when your 60 year old coworker says “my Spidey senses are tingling”, or that shy kid starts to open up to you because you know what Bluey is. 
Of course it's worth remembering that liking the same media (or having any common interest or hobby) is not enough. Liking the same show can bring people together, but it is the character of the individuals involved that determine whether that connection gets nourished or not. Relating back to my original point a little, we shouldn’t completely give credit to fandom. You didn’t have these positive experiences because fandom is a magical place where stuff like that just happens, you had them because you put in the work to build those positive experiences. It’s the same with any hobby. 
It’s like saying you made friends through knitting, it’s technically not 100% accurate. Afterall, not everyone who knits is friends with other knitters, even if they do know of other people who knit. The decision to make brownies every week for the knitters circle is an effort you have chosen to put in, and indicative of your character beyond the commonality of the hobby the group was founded on. So no, you didn’t just make friends through knitting, you made friends by being yourself.
(Yes, I do realize that I’m being kind of nit-picky here. Rest assured, I do not always go on this kind of a ramble when someone says they made friends though x, I’m just trying to illustrate a point about the powerful perspective we lose through glorification)
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sweetangelgirl7 · 2 months
𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐰𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬 𝜗𝜚 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐨
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𝐢𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡 you're left stranded after a rough night under the lights with no one to turn to — except your old friend with benefits whom you haven't heard from in years.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: semi dom!matt x fem!reader, SMUT, plot, mentions of sexual harassment, adult language, unprotected creampie!
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 5.7k!
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: hiii, first matt fic! i just re-watched zola and showgirls so i was inspired by those movies. on a more important note, i can’t believe all the love y’all have been showing for my page and my other works, i love you all SO so much 💋 also, didn’t proofread and let’s just pretend uber doesn’t exist in this. anyway, enjoy!
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storming into the dressing room, the click of your eight inch stilettos echoed against the tiled floor. your manager trailed closely behind, both of you wearing expressions of irritation and frustration.
“c’mon, i can’t control everyone who walks through those doors and you know that.” your manager argued as you couldn’t help but ignore him and his empty promises. for the third consecutive week, you voiced your concerns about the ongoing harassment both you and the other girls were enduring.
smoke wafted through the room as you reached your locker. gripping the heart-shaped padlock, your calf muscles flexed as you balanced on one heel, struggling to remove the stiletto pleaser from your other foot.
“it’s bullshit, you never have our back out there” you shouted, the tension thick in the air as the other girls watched through the reflection of the hollywood mirrors, getting ready silently. the bass of the club speakers muffled through the walls as your manager lazily leaned against the lockers next to yours in silence. “i’m not gonna keep risking my safety for a couple bucks while you sit back and count your cut” you continued, finally kicking your heel off as you began to work on the other.
he rolled his eyes and pushed himself off the lockers, defensively spreading his arms. “i can’t predict how these assholes are gonna act after a few drinks.” he argued unenthusiastically. “and besides, you knew what you signed up for.” he added as you stopped in your tracks.
“what i signed up for?” you turned to face him briefly as your eyes narrowed “i don’t remember ‘tolerating sexual harassment’ being in the fucking contract” you spat, fiddling with the combination before slamming your locker door open. you shoved your duffle bag out and tossed it onto the bench, throwing your heels inside as you pulled out your cover-ups.
your manager rolled his eyes, unsure how to respond to your statement “we pay you to dance, not complain” he retorted dismissively. “and trust me, there’s plenty of other girls who would kill to have your spot” he snapped, watching as you zipped up your jacket over your chest.
with your bag slung over your shoulder, you pulled the hood of your jacket over your hair and closed the locker with a bang. "they can have it” you yelled in his face as he stood there pathetically. you shoved past him, leaving him behind to face the silent stares in the mirrors.
“oh, fuck off!” your manager shouted after you, turning to head back out to the floor.
“fuck you!” you shot back, louder, letting the exit door slam shut behind you.
sitting down on the damp pavement, you wiped away the tears that had finally boiled over. resting against the wall, you sat at the back of the club as music continued to seep out of the building. immediately unlocking your phone, the brightness of the screen illuminated your face in the night, the light casting a revealing glow on your clenched jaw and watery eyes.
scrolling through your contacts, you tried nearly every other one. after six straight voicemails, you desperately scrolled through every name, almost making your way to the end of the alphabetized list. you finally reached M, reading over names that you haven’t heard from since high school, and some even longer ago.
Matthew Sturniolo, you read the name over in your head, looking at the screen through blurry vision and tear laden eyelashes. the last time you saw matt, he was between your thighs in the backseat of his car, years ago. shaking your head, you continued to scroll through the list, knowing no one would pick up at this hour.
scrolling back up, you found yourself lingering in the M section once more, your eyes pausing briefly over his name. you knew matt had always been a night owl, nearly staying up until the sun peeked through the blinds and sleeping in until the afternoon. hopefully, that hadn’t changed over these last few years.
hovering the pad of your thumb over his contact, you anxiously tugged at your bottom lip as you contemplated for a moment. you two were always friends before adding the benefits, after all. it wouldn’t be weird, right?
“fuck” you groaned, finally pressing on his number, you felt your stomach drop at the sound of the line ringing. holding the phone up to your ear, you pressed your finger over the other to drown out the music spilling from inside of the building.
you waited anxiously between each ring, your leg impulsively starting to shake beneath you. finally, the sound of the call connected as you held your breath, unsure of what to say after all this time.
“hello?” a voice echoed on the other end of the line. your head propped up as you wiped a tear away from beneath your eyes. “hey, matt” you cleared your throat and managed a smile while your leg continued to shake restlessly.
“what’s up? is everything alright?” his voice, tinged with a slight lisp from his invisalign, carried a concerned tone. you looked around the dark alleyway that you had hid in plenty of times before, sitting beneath the overhead light of the back door. “how’ve you been?” he asked after a small pause.
“i’ve been alright. how ‘bout you?” you asked as you pulled your legs closer to your chest, feeling the rough concrete scratch against your skin.
after a brief exchange, he finally interrupted, the same concern still evident in his voice. "is everything okay?" he asked again, as it was nearing two in the morning. although it had been years since you last talked, this time of night was usually when one of you would reach out to the other to come over, so the familiarity lingered.
“well, i’m calling because i have a really huge favor to ask” you whispered quietly, your voice trailing out. “ahhh” he laughed over the line, as you shook your head. “not that kind of favor, matthew” you smiled, aimlessly tugging at the fabric of your clothes while you spoke.
“i just had to leave work and no one’s answering my calls. i was just wondering if you would possibly be able to come pick me up?” your voice lifted, desperate for just one positive response
“if not, i totally understand though.” you added, breaking the silence that followed your question. you heard him shift around on the other end, a quiet gulp came through the speaker as he swallowed the lump in his throat.
“yeah, for sure, send me your location. are you alright?” he asked with urgency as you rolled your head back against the brick wall in relief, closing your eyes. “yeah, everything’s fine.” you cleared your throat once more. “i’ll send you a pin, thank you so much, matt.” you thanked him generously, before hanging up the phone.
be there in fifteen.
you glanced at the notification appearing on your screen, a smile spreading on your lips at the words. you were relieved to finally just go home, but also excited to see matt after so many years.
you sat on the stoop of the doorway with the hood of your jacket still covering your hair as bright head lights finally cut through the dark alley. standing to your feet, you watched as matt pulled up to the back door. taking the handle between your fingers, you waited for him to unlock the car before slipping inside as you were hit with the subtle smell of his cologne, triggering a wave of forgotten memories.
attempting to smooth over the years that turned you into strangers, you put on your warm customer service persona to ease through the potential awkwardness. “hey” you greeted with a smile, settling into the passenger seat and taking in matt's appearance. he had clearly matured over the years. while he had obviously been a good looking boy back in high school, this was a different matthew altogether now.
his hair was much longer, brown curls brushing over his eyes instead of being pushed out of his face, as they used to be. in the glow of the overhead lights, you noticed the stubble beginning to form a scruffy beard, framing his jawline. your eyes flickered down his shoulder, scanning over the arm full of tattoos on display out from beneath the black short sleeve he was wearing.
“what’s up kid” he greeted as your eyes snapped back up to his, a smirk playing on his lips. “look who came running back” he joked, immediately breaking the tension as you pulled the seatbelt over your chest. “oh shut up” you rolled your eyes as he laughed out, gripping the stick shift between his hand. the overhead light dimmed out as he shifted gears to put the car in drive again.
“in all seriousness, thank you so much again, you’re a life saver.” you couldn’t stop thanking him, as you were starting to think no one else would bother to pick up the phone, let alone an old fling you haven’t spoken to in years.
“no worries, as long as you get home safe.” he replied. warmth rushed to your chest at his concern, as he clearly was the only one who truly cared about your safety all night.
he began to drive out of the dark alley, passing by the night life spilling out from the clubs lining the street. every now and then you gave him directions to get to your apartment, leaving you two in the silence of his music between every sentence.
“i didn’t know you worked at showgirls” he broke the silence after a few minutes, glancing over at you as he spoke. he rested one hand on his lap, gripping the steering wheel with his left. you forced a laugh, nodding your head as you looked over at him leaned back in the driver’s seat. your eyes tracing the tattoos on his arm illuminated by passing freeway lights. you studied his face, searching for the right words to reply "yeah, i’ve been dancing there for a few months now. livin’ the dream, i guess," you joked half-heartedly, another laugh escaping your lips.
he chuckled softly, furrowing his eyebrows as he glanced at you before returning his attention to the road. "what do you mean?" he asked sincerely. you shook your head, glancing out at the downtown skyline wrapped around both sides of the freeway.
“let’s just say the customers aren’t exactly stand-up guys” you choked over your words, clearing your throat as you tried not to let yourself get flustered from the night you just had.
matt shook his head as you heard his grip on the leather steering wheel get tighter, his fingers wrapping tensely around it. "sorry ‘bout that. i shouldn't have asked" he said quietly, his free hand hovering near your thigh before gripping the stick shift instead.
“no, it’s okay” you mumbled. “go ahead and take the exit right here” you sat up, pointing to the right as he followed your instructions.
pulling into an empty spot in front of your apartment, you started to unbuckle your seat belt before turning to face him, your hood still shadowing your face. "thank you, matt. i know i keep saying it but i seriously can’t thank you enough" you joked, as he shifted the car into park.
he chuckled at your sincerity, shaking his head. "don't mention it, really" he reassured, now shifting his gaze to you as his eyes scanned your face.
you adjusted in your seat to pull your bag over your shoulder, taking the door handle beneath your fingers before stopping to look at him again, genuinely contemplating what you were about to say next.
“hey, would you wanna come inside for a little? just to properly catch up?” you asked, meeting his gaze as he was already staring at you. his eyebrows raised slightly as he hesitated, letting a laugh roll off of his lips. “i’d love to come inside” he mumbled as a grin twisted farther up his lips while you laughed quietly at the purposeful ambiguity behind his words. “get your mind out of the gutter.” you muttered through a laugh.
“y’know what, don’t worry. it’s so late, i’m sure you’re tired.” you shook your head before turning back to the door.
“no” he cut you off, adjusting his hair between his fingers and twisting the keys out of the ignition. "i'm kidding. i was just gonna go home and get back on the game anyways" he reassured, quickly unbuckling his seat belt.
finally stepping out of the car, you walked up the steps towards your apartment with him following closely behind.
pushing open your door, you let matt follow inside before closing it behind him. he shoved his hands into the pockets of his sweatpants, scanning the apartment that was decorated exactly as he had expected.
“make yourself at home” you smiled, looking over at him to soothe the tension as he stood in his place. he nodded his head, sitting down on the end of your couch, spreading his arms out across the back.
“do you want anything to drink?” you asked, placing your bag down on the counter as you walked around to the kitchen to grab yourself something. “i’m alright, thanks” he replied, still looking at the belongings that decorated your living room.
pulling the hood from over your head, matt stared as you walked in his direction, finally taking in all of your features. you always looked so goddamn perfect, even with the tear stains that slightly smudged your makeup now. although, he hadn't noticed, just as he'd never noticed any of the flaws you used to criticize yourself for back in high school.
sitting down on the other end of the couch, you adjusted your jacket and pulled your shorts down, to conceal any sign of your stage outfit as if he hadn’t seen almost every inch of your body beforehand.
you smiled at him looking back at you, as you finally scanned over his face in the light. “what?” he chuckled nervously at your silence, his eyes flickering between your eyes and lips.
“look at you, you’re all grown up” you cooed sarcastically. he smiled before crossing his arms over his chest, shaking his head. “i’m like nine months older than you kid” he teased with a grin. laughing at his comment, you inched closer on the couch as you found comfort in his presence.
“i mean you look handsome, matthew” you complimented him to ease the silence. “you do too” he followed his words before shaking his head “not handsome, but pretty" he quickly corrected himself, stumbling over his statement as you laughed. "I know what you meant, thank you” you smiled, acknowledging that your presence somehow made him nervous behind that ego all over again.
you two continued to sit and reminisce on the couch for some time, laughing over old memories and catching up as both of you began to loosen up as if nothing had ever changed.
“hey i know you’re driving, but would you want to stay and have a drink or anything? you could sleep in the guest room, if you want.” you offered, as the two of you had moved closer on the couch throughout the night, slowly closing the gap between you. “sleepover?” you gushed sarcastically, raising your eyebrows.
he thought for a moment before shaking his head “nah, it’s alright, i don’t wanna make it weird or anything” he laughed, looking down at his hands.
“no, it wouldn’t be weird! we could get breakfast or something in the morning too, if you’re free.” you smiled, standing to your feet to walk towards the kitchen.
you hadn’t noticed your cloth shorts creeping their way up your body, as you two had talked, now exposing the creases between your ass and thighs as you walked.
matt looked you over as you had your back turned to him, his eyes making their way down your body and across your ass as you leaned over the kitchen counter. god, everything down to the way you walked drove him crazy. he felt his eyes widen as his heart started to race, the blood in his veins now working it’s way down somewhere else.
“yeah, why not” he choked over his words, trying to speak over the knot starting to form in his throat. he found himself struggling to concentrate on your voice now drowning out in his head.
he felt the blood quickly rush to his cock as it stiffened beneath his sweats. adjusting in his seat, he tried to tuck himself beneath the waistband of his pants as your back was still turned to him. he looked around your couch for pillows, as they all had conveniently been moved to the other side. “fuck” he muttered beneath his breath as his leg began to shake anxiously, hoping either you wouldn’t notice the bulge in his waistband or it would somehow subside in the next few seconds.
“what was that?” you asked, turning to face him now with a stirred drink in one hand and a beer in the other. immediately your eyes shifted down to the tent in his sweats before quickly shooting back up to his face, hoping he didn’t notice the shift in your gaze.
sitting on the couch, you placed his drink down on the coffee table before looking him over again. you couldn’t help but quickly sneak a peek down at the bulge once more behind the martini glass on your lips.
“i still got it, i guess” you laughed against the glass, not being able to contain your smart comments as matt had been shooting them back and forth with you all night, taking a sip while looking back up at him. matt shook his head, letting a laugh escape as his head rolled back on the couch, his arms now crossed over his chest while he hissed through his teeth at your words.
“still got it i guess” he mocked your tone, sneering a smile at you as he adjusted the bulge beneath his sweats. shifting his gaze to you, he pushed his crossed arms farther up his chest with a shrug “why don’t you come show me, then?” he teased before raising his eyebrows.
you also raised your eyebrows at his words, placing your martini glass on the coffee table as you sat back to fully look at him in disbelief. “did you really just sit here and play the long game with me this whole time?” you scorned, shaking your head while letting a laugh roll off your lips.
he chuckled quietly, taking your ankle between his hand as he gently tugged your body towards him. “just c’mere already” he joked as you shook your head before adjusting yourself, digging your knees into the couch to crawl over onto matt’s lap. you straddled his legs between yours as you squeezed his shoulders beneath the palms of your hands. his hands naturally moved up your thighs to caress your legs, the metal of his rings sending chills over your skin beneath them as he looked up at you with the grin that had been painted on his lips nearly all night.
you trailed your fingers over his shoulder and down his left arm, tracing the tattoos scattered over his skin. your eyes worked over them as a smile pulled at your lips “i can’t believe you, probably had this on your mind all night” you groaned, rolling your eyes as you couldn’t help but laugh at his efforts. “shhh” he groaned, moving his hand up to grab your jaw as he pulled your lips into his.
he pressed the pad of his thumb into your cheek as you let your eyes close, trailing your hands up to either side of his face to reciprocate the warm kiss. both of you had definitely brushed up on kissing, as evidently you two weren’t dumb teenagers making out in the back of his car anymore.
“matt” you groaned against his lips as he continued to move with yours. “hm?” he hummed out, taking your bottom lip between his teeth, not bothering to stop as neither of you could pull away.
“we shouldn’t” you whispered, finally gathering the strength to break from the kiss as you scanned over his features. caressing his face, your thumbs traced down across the stubble framing his jaw to rub over his earrings, your gaze still lingering over his hungry eyes.
"shhh, sweetheart," he mumbled, almost pained, shaking his head as he tried to press his lips against yours to gently quiet you once more. you shook your head, pulling back to push off his chest, gazing down at him.
“strip for me like you do on that little stage, yeah?” matt groaned, tilting his head back as he briefly swiped his tongue flat against his top teeth, looking at you with nothing but lust glossing over his eyes.
at this point, you couldn’t deny him and his efforts anymore as the mere sound of his voice had you over the edge. leaning back on his lap, you reached your hand up to press your fingers over the zipper of your jacket before slowly pulling it down over your chest. you tugged the fabric off, letting it roll down your shoulders as it hit the floor. beneath your sweater, you were wearing a tiny red triangle bikini that barely covered your nipples poking through the fabric.
matt’s eyes trailed down to your chest as you took the bottom of the bikini top between your fingers, pulling it up over your chest as your perky tits tugged out beneath the material. tossing it on the couch, your hands made their way back around the sides of his neck as you looked down at him. he took in every inch of your body like he hadn’t already memorized it perfectly, trailing his fingers up the sides of your torso. he leaned forward, pressing a kiss between your chest as your fingers locked in his messy brown hair.
he peppered kisses over your chest, finally taking your nipple between his lips. you let a soft moan escape as your head gently rolled back. “matt” you moaned quietly, tugging at his hair. he swirled his tongue around your nipple as you leaned into his mouth, your hand moving up to the back of his head. you lowered yourself on his lap to brush over his dick pulsating beneath his sweats, slowly grinding your hips into his bulge.
matt trailed his hand up your exposed back, gripping the back of your neck between his fingers again as his forearm pulled your body closer to his lips. you continued to tug at the hair between your hands, closing your eyes at the tender feeling while you rode out the nerves twitching in your core against his lap.
“goddamn kid — you’re gonna make me cum if you keep fuckin’ rubbing on me like that.” he groaned against your chest, your nipple still between his lips as his dick was growing sensitive to the feeling of you grinding against him over his sweats.
“then do something about it, pretty boy” you giggled softly while he raised his eyebrows, his lips twisting up into a smirk as he took your words as a challenge. grazing his teeth over your nipple, he gently bit down while you hissed through the nearly painful sensitive feeling.
“yeah, s’what i thought” he groaned out beneath a laugh as you looked down at him, tugging his hair between your fingers. matt’s eyes trailed up your chest and fixed on yours, smiling at your face flustered from the heat.
“pretty girl” he mumbled, as he trailed kisses up your neck while you tilted your head to side to give him further access. your fingers were locked in his hair as you pressed yourself into his mouth, nearing your earlobe. “remind me how pretty you always looked sittin’ on my dick” he groaned hungrily into your ear, his hand still wrapped around the back of your neck pulling you closer to his chest.
you felt your blush deepen at his words, letting a soft moan escape past your lips as he dug his teeth into your neck, gently sucking on the skin between his lips. you nodded your head pathetically, as you tried to pull away from his arms wrapped around your body.
eventually slipping from his hold, you pushed yourself off his lap to stand to your feet between his spread knees on the couch. taking your shorts between your fingers, you tugged the fabric down to reveal a matching red thong pulled above your hips. matt briefly caught his bottom lip between his teeth as his eyes scanned over your body, a mix of arousal and irritation at the thought of other men seeing you like this. he shifted his elbows forward on his knees that bounced bitterly beneath his weight to trail his hands up the back of your thighs, looking up at you from his seat.
you couldn’t overlook the jealousy flickering in his eyes. after all this time, the thought of you with someone else, let alone dancing for hundreds of other men, tightened that same jealousy in his jaw.
“something wrong?” you teased, looking down at matt as his gaze was still fixed on you. he pursed his lips, trailing his hands up the back of your legs and over your hips as he hooked his fingers around the thin waistband of your panties. “nah” he plastered a smirk on his face, “just forgetting these” he mumbled, tugging the skimpy material down past your thighs and onto the wooden floorboards.
he pulled your body closer between his legs as you crouched down on your knees, the smirk twisting farther up his lips at the sight of you kneeling in front of him.
“alright, don’t get too excited” you mumbled through a laugh, reaching forward to help him pull his sweats down over his ankles. matt rolled his head back with a laugh as his dick strained against his the red waistband of boxers before you could pull them down. his cock flung upwards as he took the base between his hand, his eyes looking down at you.
“c’mere and show me how flexible you really are” he groaned, reaching forward to pull you onto his lap with his free hand as you straddled his legs. pulling up at the ends of his shirt, he finally pulled it over his head before tossing it on the couch. hovering on your knees, matt cupped his hand out beneath your mouth to let you trail a puddle of spit between his fingertips. “good girl” he groaned quietly, reaching down to pump his wet fingers over his length as he lined himself up with your entrance.
taking the silver chain on his chest between your fingers, you trailed your hand up to his shoulder for leverage. squeezing at his skin beneath your palms, you slowly pushed yourself down on his cock as matt gently pushed his hips up, immediately hissing at the feeling.
“fuck — i missed that” he groaned out as you slowly sat back on your heels, taking in every inch of him on the way down. you let a soft moan out as your walls swallowed his cock, now bottoming out completely. the instant warmth nearly made him orgasm, right then and there.
his hands wrapped tightly around your ass, guiding you back up his length once again as he squeezed your skin.
“my god, you feel so good” you moaned quietly under your breath, not wanting to stroke his ego even more as you began to move up on his dick again. “yeah?” matt questioned, as you nodded, tugging your bottom lip between your teeth as you began to ride him. you started slow, taking every inch of him on your way down as he pushed his hips up to mirror your actions, his balls pushing against your folds.
“fuck just like that” matt let a drawn out moan escape past his lips, his head continually rolling back at the feeling. you adjusted yourself on the heels of your feet as you picked up your pace. wrapping your arms above his shoulders, you felt the pressure growing tight in your stomach as you leaned forward to nuzzle your head into the crook of his neck.
the sound of your whines only turned matt on more, if that was even possible, as he sat up and slid his hand up your back, gripping the back of your neck between his fingers again. he bucked his hips up between strokes, pulling you down on his cock to take fully control.
“oh my god” you whimpered out now, your back arching farther into his chest as he pounded into you. “matt” you moaned, moving up and down on his cock as you pulled back to look at him. you couldn’t close your lips at the feeling of him pumping in and out of you, as moans rolled off your tongue left and right.
“that feels s-so good, baby” you stuttered as his motions left your jaw slack. he watched you bounce on his dick, nodding at your words, his eyebrows knitting together as he focused on you. “yeah?” he asked again, teasingly, although your positions had completely switched this time around.
“mhm” you squeezed your eyes shut, rolling your head back as he fucked you from beneath your weight. your hips moved in motion with his, pushing yourself down as he bucked himself up into your pussy.
you looked down at him again as he tightened his grip around your neck. tugging a handful of his damp curls between your fingers as you felt the pressure continuing to build. “right there, baby, keep takin’ my dick like that.” he groaned, now talking you through it despite the immense pleasure rushing over him. feeling weak, you rested against his chest again, still moving your ass up and down as the sound of your moans and skin slapping against each other muffled through the walls.
“you feel so good” you couldn’t stop whining those same words, over and over, as matt seemingly fucked all of your common sense away, forgetting that you had neighbors living on the other sides of your apartment walls.
“shhh, baby, i know” matt groaned, moving his hand from your ass to pull your jaw towards his face, silencing your pornographic moans by crashing your lips to his while he continued to pound into you. you grabbed either sides of his face to retaliate the kiss, suppressing the sound of your groans against each other.
“you like when all those guys have their fuckin’ hands all over you like this?” matt groaned out, now angrily, pushing his hips up into your core harder as you felt your eyes rolling back in your head at the feeling. you stumbled in attempts to shake your head as he pulled back to look at you taking him.
“say it” he spat as his eyelids hung low, bucking his hips up harder, causing you to shake your head once more as you stuttered through your words. “n-no” you moaned out, your body still adjusting to the blows that your cervix was currently taking.
matt trailed his hands down around your waist before wrapping both of his arms tightly around your body as the tension caused his muscles to flex through his biceps. his strokes constantly hitting deep and hard as you dug your nails into his shoulders. the feeling of your acrylics piercing into his skin caused his smirk to quirk up farther, his bottom lip parted open as pure possessive filth muttered out.
you had never seen matt this jealous, as he was clearly fucking you through the envy and desire. his arms nearly crushed you between his hold as you lazily rode him while he did most of the work. his eyes scanned hypnotically over your face painted in a nearly painful euphoria as he watched you bounce on his cock.
“they don’t fuck you like i do, huh?” he groaned egotistically, already knowing the answer, as he held your body, pulling your weight up and down on his cock straining between your walls. your head rolled forward to lay against his chest as you tried to speak — to moan out a single word while fighting the urge to finish as he showed no signs of stopping anytime soon. you managed to shake your head again as your eyes squeezed shut.
“answer me” he hissed while your body grew weak as you felt an orgasm building in your core, stuttering out the words. “n-no baby” you managed to mumble out as your nails abruptly gripped into his skin one last time.
“matt” you finally let yourself go, moaning out practically loud enough for the entire apartment building to know his name as your head rolled back. the orgasm washed over your body as your senses peaked, your nails burying farther into his skin as you rode out the high.
his eyes grew darker as he watched you reach your climax, his eyebrows furrowing as he continued to fuck you through it. “good girl” he drawled out amidst a groan, as the sight of him fucking you over the edge alone was making him inch closer to his own climax.
“fuck” he breathed out repeatedly while his arms wrapped tighter than ever around your body as he squeezed you through his orgasm. matt’s head rolled back on the couch, feeling his dick twitch inside as he filled you up, emptying every drop left as he came inside, just like he had promised a few hours before.
you dropped your nearly lifeless body against his chest while wrapping your arms around his neck, laying your head on his shoulder. both of you tried to catch your breath as his hand trailed up your exposed back, caressing your skin up and down to ease through the exhaustion.
pulling out, matt winced at the sensitivity as his cock fell limp against his leg. your head was still buried in his neck while you two sat in silence for a moment, your fingers aimlessly trailing through the hair at the nape of his neck while you dumbfoundedly searched for the words to speak.
“can i come pick you up tomorrow night too?” he teased quietly, his fingers still tracing up your back as you rolled your eyes beneath him. “oh shut up."
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𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: hope y’all enjoyed it! i kinda hate the second half oops — i started out really strong but i had this draft sitting in my notes for weeks and i basically forced myself to finally finish it. i definitely wanna make a part two though 🤭 hope i did the matt girls justice fr 💌 for now here’s my tiny lil’ taglist
@watercolorskyy @joemamaaa42069 @idkgabbyy @hearts4sturniolo @chrizzpiecreme @dietcokenumberonefan
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littlebearbun · 1 month
Ford Pines NSFW Alphabet
(Written for my best friend <3 I hope it makes you feel better)
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Absolutely doting. Brings them a warm, wet rag to clean off, water, a fresh shirt, you name it. Very touchy, lives off the closeness and skin on skin contact. Asks a lot of questions about what they liked and what they didn't, if anything. Catalogues the marks he left. Sometimes draws them if they falls asleep.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His favorite body part is mouth, I think. Knows what it's good for-talking and as a seat. (I do think he would grow to like his own hands after being with someone he loved)
His favorite body part of his partner is this one specific freckle/mole behind their knee. Oh, you wanted something like boobs/ass? Neither. The crux of their leg.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
His cum is a little more liquid than not. Comes a normal amount but it comes in waves. Whines through it.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Thought about his partner sexually before their first time together and considers that a dirty secret for sure.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Not very experienced. College took up a lot of his time, then he was paranoid as hell, then he was in alternate dimensions for 30 years. Did fuck around with aliens, partially for science and partially cause he was lonely.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Missionary??? He's classic. That, or spooning, him behind them and lazily rocking against them. So much skin contact.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Definitely more serious, he's trying very hard and he needs to focus, dammit. Once he gets started it's hard to stop.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Takes very good care of himself, keeps it trim and neat. Has a happy trail and also grooms that.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Very romantic, I think, or tries to be. Sometimes he gets caught up in his head/too focused but most of the time he's very about his partner and he's so, so sweet.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Did in high school/college to see what the fuss was about. Did not when he was working on the portal. Rarely did when In between dimensions cause he wasn't often safe.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
If they wear his shirt. Or on the opposite end of the spectrum of tameness, making them come until they cry. Somnophilia, if they gave permission first. If he can't sleep it's a nice way to pass the time and feel close.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
In bed??? (Later they could convince him to do it in his study)
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Every touch is like electric to this man. Touch starved as hell. If they look in his general direction sometimes wonders why his pants got tight. It's a process.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He wouldn't want to hurt them at all. Would also not want to be restrained, triggers him to Weirdmageddon. Do not degrade him, he takes it too hard.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Preference to give for sure. Would stay down there for hours if they let him. Gets lost in it. He's greedy. Wants to see how many times he can get them to tremble for him. Tell him he's made for it and watch how red he turns.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He's half and half. Ideally he wants it slow so he can focus and commit it all to memory and slowly take them apart. Sometimes he just gets too caught up in it and then he's much faster.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He would much rather take his time. What's the point if he only gets to make them come once??
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Experiment, yes. He's definitely made an aphrodisiac/stimulating gel before. Has made an experiment about how many times he can physically get them to come (actually had to be begged to stop, he apologized with lots of kisses) Risky? No. Wants them safe and happy always
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He's so touch starved I think he comes pretty quick. Prefers lots of foreplay and for them to come at least twice before he gets his. Is a little embarrassed about it but makes up for it in spades.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Makes toys, but more for teasing than actual insertion. I mentioned the gel, but I could also see remote control vibrators or experimental stimulations.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He likes to think he can tease but he's too desperate for that. He can't tease for long before he wants more. Sometimes he breaks before his partner does.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
This man is loud. Whines a lot. Moans. Whimpers. He would try to talk through it and get cut off by his own sounds.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Listen I'm still on this-the mind reading helmet. Making them wear it and going down on them. In a less sexy note, is self conscious about all the scars and old tattoos. Lichtenberg scars are really sensitive, though. They can replace his self conscious thoughts with other ones. ;)
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Hairy but well groomed. Has a little tummy. His arms are built but not as big as Stans-Ford is built more for dexterity and speed. His pecs make perfect pillows. Has “Flirty Girl” and “Hey now you're an all star” tattoos. Definitely had old Bill worship tattoos that he burned/scarred the eyes off of. Has Lichtenberg scars after Bill electrocuting him and has many scars from knives and bullets from his time in the portal.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Before he meets the love of his life, very low. (I headcanon Ford as Demi) After??? He can't get enough of the physical contact, though it's not always sexual. Just wants to be touching them. He yearns more for them sexually then he yearns for his own release.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Ford doesn't sleep very well anyway (cat naps or like, an hour or so increments) knows it's not healthy but he has nightmares and is not used to being safe when he sleeps. Anyway, after sex he stays up looking at his partner, memorizing every mark, freckle, mole, wrinkle, scar. He is very doting in aftercare and will absolutely cuddle. Draws them, like I mentioned. Sometimes reads in bed.
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rkvriki · 8 months
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synopsis! you get paired up with jake, your sweet classmate who’s always willing to help you, but while you’re both working, he seems to be the one needing help. wc! 5.1k cw! porn with barely no plot unprotected sex (wrap it up yall!!), SUB!JAKE, dom!reader obvi, oral (m! receiving), jake is whiny and reader is just a tad bit mean, unexpirienced but not virgin jake, had huge writers block in the beggining pls spare me 😣
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You could still feel the high heat in your body when you were walking away from your and Heeseng’s place. You probably didn’t look the most presentable, cheeks flush, hair a little bit tousled and your clothes were most likely all wrinkled from being messily thrown out. The walk from your apartment to Jake’s wasn’t longer than 10 minutes since he lived quite close. You checked your phone and it had been 6 minutes past the time you had planned with Jake so you tried to walk a little faster, ignoring the uncomfortable feeling between your legs, the aftermath of your and Heeseung’s sins.
You had met Jake during one of the classes you had together when one day you were late and the sit next to him was the only one available. He was the usual classmate who didn’t talk much but still had a good group friend, in which Heeseung was included. You two didn’t talk much unless when you ask him to help you with something and to you it almost looked as if he avoided talking to you. You often noticed how his cheeks warmed up when you talked to him or how his eyes flickered from yours to the environment around him, which you found cute and made you bite back a smirk each time you interacted. You would be lying if you said you didn’t find Jake attractive. His face looked like it could’ve been sculpted by the Gods above, and when he wore his glasses you swore you could drop all the dignity you had left for him.
It wasn’t too long after that you reached Jake’s apartment building. You took your phone out, texting him that you had reached his house. You didn’t have to wait long to see how good Jake looked today. Sporting basic jeans with a striped polo sweater and his usual black specs, he looked better than ever. Before your mind could wander any further, you walked towards the entrance, greeting him with a smile and following him upstairs and inside his apartment. When you first walked in, you noticed right away how neat his place looked, just like him.
“Nice place you got.” You said with a smile, making him look back at you with a surprised expression. “Oh? Thanks, though! I’m not very good at decorating but I tried my best here.” Jake answered with a shy chuckle. “Yeah, I could tell you did.”
He leads you further into the hallway, entering the door to his room. His room was a reflection of himself. Anyone could tell this was his room just from the way it’s organized and coordinated. The books on the shelves were all neatly placed and organised in alphabetic order. His desk was free of clutter and had only the necessary things placed above it, that, if you considered a picture of what you assumed was his dog necessary. Your eyes found Jake’s and you could see him tense up when you did so. 
“Shall we get to work then?” You asked with a smile. “Yeah, yes, of course.” He said quickly moving to sit by his desk. You put your things down and sat next to him, your thighs almost touching since the desk was clearly made for only one person to sit there. You pulled out your laptop and opened the document your teacher had sent you with all the instructions.
“I think we could divide the topics for each other and then discuss which information to keep..” Jake suggested, his eyes flickering between the various topics shown on the screen. “Yeah, I think that’s a good idea, Jakey.” The nickname slipped faster than you could catch, but you don’t regret it, especially after seeing how Jake’s ears slowly turned red. You bit your bottom lip to prevent the smirk threatening to form.
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You had been working for a little past an hour and you could feel your eyes getting tired from looking at your computer screen for so long. From your peripheral vision, you could see Jake running a hand through his raven hair with a heavy sigh, making your eyes turn to look his way. With your head propped on your hand, you admired as he scrolled through endless reports, trying to find any good content he could for the presentation.
He hadn't noticed your staring, too focused on the screen ahead of him. Your eyes moved down his body. His sleeves had been pulled up a little, just below his elbows, showing off the veins that ran down to his hands. Oh, his hands. Something you always stared at. Anytime you would ask him for help in class you would always get distracted by the hands of the man beside you as he used them to point things out in your textbook. You would almost drool as you stared at his thick fingers, letting your mind wander further than it should.
Obviously, you didn’t keep these things for yourself. This had been a hot topic on your late-night calls with Yunjin, the one you would always run to when you needed feminine advice and didn’t want to hear the constant nagging Jay gave any time you talked about boys. The girl would always laugh at you, mentioning that you must have a thing for nerdy-looking guys or, in her words “pathetic men” (her theory got confirmed when you told her you fucked Heeseung). It wasn’t totally false. It is true that you liked weak men who wouldn’t hesitate to get on their knees for you. Blame you for being tired of guys with big egos who think they’re all that.
Another big sigh, almost groan, snapped you out of your thoughts. You looked at Jake and saw him leaning back in his chair with his eyes closed. “Everything alright?” You asked as you slid your chair closer to his. “Yeah, sorry. Just can’t find any good info for my topics.” He said as he nodded his head towards the screen in front of him. You let out a small sigh as your lips pout with pity, pulling your chair even closer to his. “Don’t be too harsh on yourself, Jakey.” You told him as your hand made its way to his thigh, feeling it tense at the touch. You leaned your body towards his way “You know you can always ask me for help.” our hand moves upwards “Anytime.” You finished with a smile, leaving that last word floating in the air with an uncertain meaning. Jake’s breath got stuck in his throat and he felt the weight of the last word that left your lips. The gears in his head twisted and turned as he tried not to show how the way you were smiling up at him affected him.
You sat back straight in your chair, acting as if you didn’t know what effect you left on him. “Let's ge back to work, yeah?”
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It had been a few hours since you started working. During the whole time you could see Jake squirming in his seat, maybe from the tension in the air, so thick that it could be could with a knife. With a sigh, you closed your laptop with a thud, your hands falling to your lap as you turned to look at Jake who seemed to avoid looking you in the eye. 
“I guess this is all for today, Jakey.” You said smiling at him. “We can talk tomorrow in class and choose another day to meet again, maybe at my place next time, yeah?” You asked him as you started getting up from your seat, him doing the same. “Oh yeah, we can do that. I was about to finish this part as well so you’re all free to go.” You nodded at his words, your eyes subtly looking him up and down. His hands twitched in his sides. “I’ll walk you to the door.”
Reaching his door, he opened it to let you out. You looked back at him one last time with a slight smirk. His cheeks warmed up and he swayed in his place, suddenly feeling awkward in the loud silence. “I’ll see you tomorrow then.” You said, now fully smiling. “See you, y/n.” Jake said not moving from his spot. 
You walked away from his door, and as soon as you were out of sight, Jake moved to close the door, resting his back against it as he released a breath he didn’t know he was holding. He brought his cold hands to his cheeks, trying to heat them down. He knew working with you wasn’t going to be an easy task.
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This cycle of going back and forth between each other’s houses has been going on for a few weeks now and the project was almost done. The thick tension between you two every time you were together was undeniable and it had Jake feeling tense around you.
Ever since you pulled that thing the first time you went to his house, Jake could seem to fully focus when he was around you, always getting distracted by whatever you did. Even during classes, you seemed to purposely sit next to him, only to spend half of the time subtly touching the side of his leg and moving up to touch his tight. Jake was going crazy from your shenanigans and they were the only thing running through his mind when he laid in bed wide awake, head full of you and his hand running down from his tummy to where his body needed him the most.
It’s not like Jake never had sex or related activities, but he wasn’t the most experienced. He had only had sex with his ex and only serious girlfriend he had and it wasn’t anything too out of this world. He knew you’ve had your fair share of sexual encounters, he knew you had plenty of experience and he knew you were damn good at it because he has heard stories from the men you were with. If you asked him a long time ago, this wouldn’t bother Jake, but now, with all you’ve been doing to him, it makes him feel a bit insecure, because if your teasing escalates further he knows he could never compete with those men. But maybe that’s not what you think.
You were waiting for Jake since he was coming over to finish and wrap up the project. You had spent a good two hours in front of the mirror, trying to make yourself look more presentable for him, something you would never admit to anyone even if they paid you. It wasn’t too late but you could see the sun setting from the view in your window. You were about to check your phone when you heard the doorbell ring, meaning Jake had already arrived.
Walking towards the front door, you checked yourself one last time in the mirror before opening the door. “Hey, Jake! Come on in!” You said stepping aside so he could enter your house. “Hey, um, I brought some snacks, since it’s getting kinda late and I remembered you said you liked these so…” He trailed off, showing you two packs of your favourite snacks, making you surprised he even remembered that. “Oh my god, Jake! You definitely didn’t have to. Thank you, though!” You said smiling at him, his cheeks warming up as usual. “Anyways, let’s get started before it gets too late for you.”
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The project was going smoothly since today you two were only doing the final touches and reviewing the whole thing. The dynamic between you and Jake today felt different. There were more lingering touches coming from him who you would accidentally touch his hand but he wouldn’t move away or flinch like he usually does. You were surprised that he acting this way, but you were definitely not complaining, you like this less conserved side of him.
You tried to focus on the text on your screen, but you couldn't help but let your eyes drift off to where Jake was sitting working on the powerpoint. It’s not like he didn’t look good any other day, but maybe it was the dim warm light in your room or maybe it was the moon shining from your window behind him, you weren’t exactly sure, but something about him today had him look so good and you couldn’t avoid the warm sensation in the bottom of your tummy that made your thighs press together.
Your inner turmoil was interrupted by Jake’s little sigh, making your eyes focus back on him. “I’m finished with this.” he said turning to look at you. “Do you need any help with that or…?” he trailed off. “Oh! Um no, I’m finished as well.” a thought came up to your head. “Can I check the powerpoint?” you asked leaning a little towards him. “Ah, yes, of course.” He answered, adjusting his glasses.
You pushed your chair closer to his, purposely making your thigh touch his. Jake felt his heart race when you got suddenly so close, the scent of your sweet yet intoxicating perfume invading his senses. His eyes drifted from your focused face down to your exposed neck, making him lick his dry lips as if to stop himself from letting his lips fall into its soft skin. He shook his head, trying to shake the thoughts of you out of his mind and maintain his composure.
“Well, this looks pretty good!” you said smiling at him, almost missing the way his eyes quickly fall from your eyes to your lips. “Oh, really? Thank y-” “You did such a good job, Jakey.” You interrupted him, as you let your hand fall on his thigh. His lips opened and closed as he tried to speak but no words came out. “You worked so hard on this.” your hand started moving up and down, making him tense up. “Think you deserve a reward, don’t you?” his eyes doubled in size as you spoke so softly, yet your words were filled with nothing but lust.
“Answer me, Jake.” you said, leaning closer to his face. “I- Yeah, please.” he answered, voice barely above a whisper. Your lips immediately connected to his, making him let out a low moan. His lips felt soft against yours, fitting almost like two pieces of a puzzle connecting. Your hand moved further upwards, now dangerously close to where his bulge was growing. His wands that were awkwardly laid by his side moved to lay on your hips, gripping them when he felt your tongue swiping against his bottom lips. He gave you access and you started exploring his mouth, tongues rubbing against each other, making both of you moan at each other’s tastes. 
Kissing Jake felt heavenly, almost better than anyone you’ve kissed. It felt good to finally be the one leading. You felt so powerful with him writhing against you, yearning for more than just your kisses. You pulled away so both of you could catch your breath. Jake looked up at you, lidded eyes with a glow on them and his lips red and swollen from you biting on them occasionally. “Fuck, Jake. You look heavenly.” He only answered by chasing your lips, already missing the feeling of your lips on his. You pecked his lips before pulling away again, making him let out a whine. Your pussy throbbed at the sound, never had heard a man make such a beautiful sound, almost like a melody to you. 
“Let’s move to the bed, yeah?” you asked breathlessly, making him nod eagerly. Both of you stumbled as you got off from your chairs, almost bumping into each other. Jake was the first one to lay in your bed, head hitting your soft pillows. You followed him, crawling in his way, until your legs were straddling his lap, sitting on it. You leaned down, taking his lips on your again. The kiss was messy and heated, both of you probably getting coated in spit but neither could care any less about the mess. His bulge felt delicious as it grew harder and harder below you, rubbing against your clothed core.
You grinded experimentally against his clothed member to which he let out a groan, feeling the heavenly friction of you against him. You kept slowly and teasingly grinding against him as your hands ran down from his face to his chest stopping by his nipples that felt hard against your fingertips. You pressed on them, his hips bucking up as he let out a yelp, not expecting the sudden stimulation. You smirked against him, pulling away from the kiss, a string of spit connecting you both. Your hands left his nipples to pull at the bottom of his shirt, indulging him to take it off. You stared at his toned torso, not expecting to see the lines on his abs, something you would deal with later.
Your mouth made its way to his neck, starting by kissing all over until you found his sweet spot. Your hands started moving back up again to his nipples, rubbing them, making him whine again as he grinded harder against you. “Never had your nipples played like this, Jakey?” you asked, pulling away from his neck “Tell me, baby. Do you like it?” he had his eyes closed and his brows furrowed as he tried to think of what to say. “F-fuck yes” he stuttered “Feels so good!” he said with a whine, making you smirk at his already fucked out state. 
You lowered yourself, mouth moving to kiss from the dip in his chest, down to his abs, sucking on the area there, creating red marks all around. Your mouth kissed lower, following his happy trail until you reached the line of his pants. “Can I take this off, baby?” you asked him, pawing at the button. He nodded quicker than he would like to admit. “Need words, Jakey.” you demanded, wanting to hear him voice out his consent. “Yes, y/n, please, fuck”
With his green light, you started unbuttoning his pants and undoing the zipper. You tapped his hip, signalling him to raise them so you could take them off. He did as he was told and you pushed the jeans off, leaving him in just his boxers that already had a damp spot where the tip of his cock was. You stared at the bulge, already noticing that he was probably huge, making you feel a little nervous about fitting him in you. You squirmed in your spot, feeling an uncomfortable sticky feeling in your underwear, making you aware of how wet you were getting.
Jake whined, snapping you out of your thoughts, looking at you with eyes begging for you to touch him. You smiled at his helpless state “What d’you want, Jakey? Need you to speak or I won’t know.” He whined at your words, his brain feeling like a mush inside his head. “N-need you to touch it, please, just do something.” He answered, squirming in your bed as he felt more and more desperate. You didn’t say anything else as your hand moved to his bulge. Poor baby, was hard as a rock. It probably even hurt. You squeeze his length, pre cum escaping the tip and staining his boxers even more. “More, please! I need more,y/n!” he said with a whine. 
You took some pity on him and your hands automatically moved to remove his boxers from him, cock hitting his stomach with a bounce, Fuck, he really was huge, and thick. A long vein ran from the base to the tip and you wanted nothing more than to do that. You lowered your mouth on his cock, licking up from the base until you reached the tip, engulfing it with your lips. You licked a stripe on the slit, making him groan at the delicious but almost overstimulating feeling. Your mouth moved down, taking almost his whole length. One of your hands wrapped around what you couldn’t fit, while the other moved to play with his balls, his hips bucking inside you making you gag around him.
The vision Jake had of you ass up and face down on his cock was what he hoped heaven looked like. Your mouth felt warm and heavenly and he already felt brain fucked. He had never felt such pleasure in his life and he just knew this was gonna be the suck of his life. He dared to look down again and his eyes met yours. He could bust right there and then with just the look you gave him. Your eyes were dark, pupils blown out, making him feel so powerless underneath you. His eyes closed shut when he felt you hollowing your cheeks to suck him even harder.
You could tell he was close. His hips were twitching as well as his whole cock and you could feel him throb in your mouth. You removed his length out of your mouth and licked down to his balls, licking them as your hand moved to jerk him off at a quick pace. His breath was getting shorter as he felt his release come closer and closer. “Oh, f-fuck! Please, Please, y/n!” He didn’t even know what he was begging for, his whole body felt numb, except for the knot on his stomach getting tighter and tighter. 
Your lips moved to suck on his tip as your hand kept jerking him up and down. His cock started twitching hard in your grip “y/n I-I’m gonna cum-!” His warm cum spurt inside your mouth, making you moan at the feeling of him filling you up. He was moaning loudly as he rode out his orgasms, chest heaving up and down quickly as he tried to keep breathing. You gave him one last hard suck, making him shudder in overstimulation. 
You moved to eye level with him, hand moving up to brush his hair away from his face. “Such a good boy for me, yeah?” He nodded in your hold, face flushed and eyes teary from his orgasm. Your lips met his, tongues instantly meeting. He could taste himself on you, making him groan as the bitter taste touched his buds. You pulled away from the kiss, sitting on him fully clothed. Your hands pulled at the hem of your top, taking it off and leaving your torso naked as you weren’t wearing a bra. Jake’s mouth gaped as he stared at your bare chest, hands twitching at his side, wanting to touch them.
“You can touch them, Jakey.” you smiled sweetly at him, showing him you were comfortable with whatever he wanted to do. He let out a shaky breath as his hands hesitated to travel to your chest. He held your boobs in his hand, fitting them perfectly in his calloused hands. He didn’t really know what to do so you moved your hands to hold his, moving his thumbs to rub and twist your hardened nipples. You quietly moaned at the feeling of his rough fingers touching your sensitive buds. You removed your hands from his, letting him experience you by himself. He pinched on your nipples, making you yelp in surprise. “Sorry! I didn’t mean to hurt-” “Do it again.” you told him “W-What? Are you sure?” he asked hesitantly. “Yes, I liked it, Jakey. Was just surprised.” You answered, smiling at him.
His hands returned to your nipples pinching and rubbing them, making you clench around nothing. As much as you enjoyed the feeling you were getting impatient and needed to have him inside you as soon as possible. You grabbed his hands, taking them off of you as you stood up on the ground to take your bottoms off. You slowly pulled them down along with your panties. His eyes carefully watched as you stripped for him and him only.
You straddled him again, your pussy sitting right on top of his cock, making both of you moan at the feeling. Jake grabbed your hips up and sat against the headboard. “Wanted to have a better look at your face when you fuck me.” he said looking up at you with his puppy eyes. You were out of words so you cradled his face in your hands as you kissed him again. Your hips start moving as if on their own, rubbing our cunt against his length, making the tip bump against your clit. He whined inside your mouth as you swallowed his sounds. 
You pulled away, hoisting your hips up as your hand grabbed his length and aligned the tip to your entrance. “W-wait!” he suddenly said making you stop in your movements. “Everything ok?” you asked worried that he might have been uncomfortable. “No, I just- You weren’t prepped and-” your lips clashing against his interrupted him, making him let out a protesting sound. “Don’t worry bout that, Jakey.” You simply said as you grabbed his length again positioning it on your gaping hole.
You slowly sink on him, your mouth opening in a silent moan while he whines in your ear, hands moving to circle your waist. You bottomed down and stayed still for a while to adjust to his big and thick size. The only thing heard was both of your heavy breaths. His hands were comfortingly rubbing up and down your back. When you felt ready you moved your head to look at him. “Ready?” you asked him and he nodded eagerly at you.
You started by slowly circling your hips around his length, both of you moaning at the euphoric feeling. He rested his head against your shoulder, panting in your ear. You circled your arms around his neck as you started to pick up your face. The room was filled with the sound of skin hitting skin and the squelch coming from your pussy. “F-fuck, y/n! Never felt s-so good.” Jake whispered as he felt his eyes roll back at the feeling of your raw cunt moving on his hard cock. “Yeah? You’re filling me up so good, Jakey. Even let you go in me raw.” You grabbed his head to make him look at you. His eyes were low and he had drool almost dripping out of the corners of his open mouth.
You moved around him at a now stable pace, moaning loudly when the tip of cock found the spongy spot inside you. “F-fuck, Jake!” he was stretching you out so good, taking you to cloud 9. You looked back at him, his head leaning back on the headboard, completely fucked out. “Look at you.” you said making him open his eyes, barely keeping them from closing again. “Fucked you dumb, didn’t I?” he nodded even though you weren’t really looking for an answer. “Poor baby, just wanted to be a good boy for someone, isn’t that right, Jakey?” he whined at your words, knowing they were fully true so he nodded his head as his eyes got even more teary, one tear even dropping out. You laughed at his state, knowing he had nothing on his brain but your pussy. 
You felt the too-familiar pressure on your tummy starting to build up and his cock twitching again. You bottomed out on him again, grinding your hips down on him as you tried to reach your climax. “Oh God! I’m getting close, Jakey.” you said in a whiny moan” You’re gonna cum with me, yeah?” you felt his cock twitch harder inside you as he nodded at your question, wanting to fulfil your request. Your breath was getting laboured but you tried to maintain your composure for him. 
Jake could feel you clench around him, knowing you were almost reaching your high. He slowly moved his hand from your waist to where your bodies met, rubbing on your clit. You let out a surprised yelp as you squeezed hard against him, eyes widening at the unexpected contact. “F-Fuck, Jake!” you said breathing heavily. “You make me feel so good.” Both of your lips met, desperately trying to reach both of your releases. You grinded faster on him, now moaning in sync against each other mouths. His finger rubbed faster on your swallowed nub, making your head spin as you threw it back.
“J-Jakey, I’m so close!” you said as you felt your thighs burn from exhaustion. “Me too, f-fuck!” His hips started slightly bucking upwards, trying to match with your movements. Your synced movements had you moaning loudly, not even caring if you’re gonna get complaints from your neighbours later. The sound of Jake’s whines getting louder along with the frequent twitching of his cock indicated that he was just as close as you. You sped up your movements as you felt the knot in your tummy about to burst.
“J-Jake, I’m gonna cum! I’m gonna cu-” you were cut off by your orgasm, almost stopping in your movements with a silent scream. The feeling of your juices releasing against his cock had Jake cumming right after you with a loud whine. The aggressive twitching of his cock along with the feeling of his warm seeds painting your insides felt heavenly. You looked down to see a white ring form around his length, slowly moving up and down as you rode both of your orgasms out.
Your heads rested against each others’ shoulders as you stayed like that for a while, you with the feeling of his hands rubbing shapes on your back soothingly. The sound of both of your panting filled the silent room. The sound of traffic could also be heard from outside and it made you go back to your senses. You got your head up, urging Jake to do the same. You pulled him in one last kiss before you pulled his length out of you, making both of you hiss. You got up and walked towards the bathroom to grab a washcloth. You cleaned yourself up first before going back and cleaning his length for him. He shook from still being sensitive, making you chuckle at him.
You tossed the cloth onto the ground and laid next to him, sighing happily when your head hit the comfort of your pillows. Your hand rested on his chest rubbing circles on it as you simply looked at his peaceful state. The silence in the room wasn’t uncomfortable and you felt like you both made a silent rule of not talking about what happened. He grabbed your hand from his chest and gave it a kiss. “Thank you for taking care of me.” He said as he felt his cheeks warm up. You chuckle and prop your head on your hand to get a better view of him.
“Well, thank me when we get a good grade. This was my thanks in advance.” You said, making both of you laugh. “Yeah, maybe I’ll be the one rewarding you next time.”
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freakassfemme · 3 months
dealer!crush!ellie making you nervous at a party
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a/n: sfw drabble that's cliche, not reviewed, and hurriedly scribbled in 20 minutes. lots of 'it's in the eyes'. harry's emerald orbs bore into you esque shit. enjoy
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You didn't know why you assumed Ellie wouldn't be at a party like this. It was a frat, and those were always Ellie's best customers. She was their chosen dealer, supplying them with a seemingly-endless amount of weed that had every letter in the Greek alphabet begging her to attend their party that Saturday, not someone else's.
So, you kind of felt stupid when you pranced in behind your friends, already tipsy from pregaming in your ridiculously tight dress and gogo boots and nearly ran face first into her back.
"Oh, shit, fuck -- I'm really sorry," you said, the words uncontrollably tumbling out of your mouth like vomit as you continued, your face still at her shoulder-level until the shock wore off and you finally looked up.
Ellie smirked down at you, leaning against the wall next to her as she held up her cup a little too high up, just above your head, keeping it clear of you.
"Damn, you're a little dangerous there, huh?" She said, raising her eyebrows as her eyes raked over you, ogling your appearance like a piece of candy left out on a platter for her, eat me written so delicately across the expanse of your exposed cleavage.
"Yeah," you giggled out, pushing a piece of hair out of your face. The strobing lights caught on the glistening spit of Ellie's tongue as she licked her lips, taking another sip as her gaze returned unabashedly to your face, still waiting for any leverage she could latch her fangs on to.
After an awkward pause, you cleared your throat.
"So, um, how's business?" You said, trying to make some conversation, but it came out too formal, to standoffish.
You averted your eyes, cringing and mentally cursing yourself, but your cheeks turned pink as you looked right at Ellie's arm, propping herself up against the wall in a way that had her bicep practically bulging out of her tight black tee shirt.
"Business's fine," she murmured against the lip of her cup. "You don't seem the type to really care about that sorta thing, though."
Fuck, you were staring.
You looked back up, blushing even darker when you saw the knowing look in her eyes, her teeth grazing the plump baby pink of her lower lip. Your mind raced as you fidgeted with your hands, trying to come up with anything to play her acknowledgement off in a way that wasn't even more embarrassing, but the words weren't even in your throat, let alone on the tip of your tongue. All your brain was mashing together was a terrified chorus of fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck--
"Relax," she said after a moment, chuckling as she leaned down some to your height. "'M not interrogating you, it's not my business what you do."
"No, you're right," you admitted after a moment, happy with any words coming out of your mouth, even if they admitted how lame you were. "Kinda have my head stuck in different clouds, I guess."
Ellie snorted, rolling her eyes. She held this sort of lazy boredom in her soft smirk and hooded gaze that made you feel plain stupid, like she knew more than you. That she was so high and mighty she couldn't even be bothered to like, fucking stand up straight or give you the time of day. You were surprised she was still even talking to you, let alone that she knew who you were --
"You've heard about me?"
Again, word vomit. It lurched out of you before you could stop it, and out loud it sounded like the same voice you used in your head to narrate your god damn diary. You felt more stupid, and you wished you had your own drink to hide behind.
And jesusfuckingchrist, Ellie full on grinned down at you. She had a strand of hair falling out of the front of her half-up/down/left/right shit thing she's always had going on, the one that made you sometimes wonder if she even knows how to do a real ponytail, and then after that thought you always realized you were staring at the back of her head in the middle of --
"English, right?" She said, tilting her head some. "You sit like, two rows behind me?"
"Yeah, when you show up."
Good god, you should've taken it easier earlier. Who thought multiple rounds of shots was a sane pregame?
Ellie seemed almost surprised at your banter though, and her laugh seemed to stutter a bit as she admitted defeat, putting her hands up in mock surrender. The drink in her hand sloshed a bit as she did so, but she didn't seem to care.
"Damn, you noticed?" She said, almost weirded out for a second, and you could tell. "Do I look good from the back or something?"
It's so embarrassing, and you desperately tried to claw yourself out from the uncomfortableness of it all.
"I mean, yeah, you always look good," you said, attempting to direct the conversation elsewhere, something you could actually work with before you made yourself an excuse to skip class every Tuesday and Thursday morning. She didn't seem very impressed. Maybe you were laying it on too lightly? "Now, too. You look like, really good."
"Really?" She said, a glimmer of something in her eyes seeming to catch on to what you were so pathetically trying to make happen.""S just my usual."
"Your usual is really hot," you said, still fiddling with your hands as you gave her a hopeful smile, trying to really put it on thick.
Her eyebrows raised again, and she set her drink down in the table next to her. Her jaw was sharper than a butcher's knife, and you were trying not to salivate like a freaking dog at her exposed neck when she turned back, grinning.
Yeah, Ellie got your lame ass pick up.
"Yeah, you think so?" she asked, taking a small step forward, like she was testing the waters, unsure if you would match her energy or run away like the scared little fawn you looked like right now. Ellie's smile seemed to only grown bigger, a bit darker even, as she watched you suck in a small breath, your antsy hands dropping to your side.
"Cause, I've always thought you were really hot," she said, much more quietly. Her voice was like velvet, its richness mixing with the adrenaline coursing through your veins like it had been replaced with a warm chocolate, and you melted under her words.
"Yeah?" You asked, sighing almost dreamily below her.
"Yeah," Ellie murmured. "Didn't want to make you uncomfortable, though. Seems like I make you nervous."
She added a small laugh to the end of her sentence, like it was supposed to be a joke. And god, you knew you were a bit ditzy, but you weren't that stupid, so both of you knew how painfully obvious your reactions were.
"Little bit," you whispered, though you didn't mean to. Her strong arm crowding you in, the scent of her cologne (What was that? Cedarwood maybe? Some lavender?) and the way she was almost pushing you back into the wall all seemed to pull the words out of you like a puppet on strings.
"I make you nervous, sweetheart?" Ellie asked, her eyes lighting up at your admission, fueling her ego. She took in a heavy breath, licking over her teeth as she bore fucking holes into your face.
When you couldn't speak again, she shook her head, reaching back for her drink. She took a sip, watching you expectantly, tauntingly, like she thought you'd collapse under the silence any minute. Then, when it really seemed like you might, she leaned in until you backed yourself up fully against the wall, your bare thighs hitting the coldness with a small squeal.
"Here," she mumbled, holding her solo cup to your lips. Her other hand pushed a bit of hair behind your face, caressing your jaw as she tilted the cup for you, letting you stare up at her like she hung the fucking stars in the sky.
"This'll help your nerves."
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malereadermaniac · 2 months
Camp Buddy x Male Reader NSFW alphabets
Top!Characters x Bottom!Reader Characters: Keitaro, Hiro, Yoichi, Natsumi, Taiga, Seto, Aiden, Yoshinori, Naoto, Lloyd, Darius Each character will have 3-4 letters of the alphabet assigned to them (everyone having the letter K, and it being based off of the cannon camp buddy journal) Word count: 9.2k Nsfw / MDNI ~ amab m!reader / FDNI Kind of a 2k special?
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K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Keitaro doesn't have a specific kink that gets him going, if anything, his favourite thing to do during sex is to pleasure you; and if that means participating in any and all of your kinks, he sure as hell will do just that! So really his specialty is having a 'blank slate' or such an open mind - which really is endearing, it makes you feel so comfortable to suggest something new that you'd be into; and it's so hot when Keitaro not only shows interest in your kinks but also clearly enjoys them. This innocent man is willing to go from handcuffing you and fucking you until you're overstimulated to letting you get all dominant and ride him to high heaven! Being so flexible in his power dynamics and his fetishes allows Keitaro to enjoy whatever you throw his way, and it makes the sex so fucking good.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Again, due to the brunette's more flexible nature, he'll enjoy anything to do with cum; but that doesn't mean he doesn't have his favourite scenarios. For example, when it comes to his own orgasms, Keitaro really likes the tightness of cumming inside of you; his moans becoming sluttier and his arms wrapping around you to keep your hot, sweaty body against his as Keitaro shoots his thick, pearly white load inside of you, your warm, tight fucking hole clenching around his perfect dick. When you blow him, Keitaro definitely prefers cumming inside of your mouth; its that warmth and that tightness again that really does it for him, Keitaro is usually unable to let go of your hair as he forces you to take him all the way when he lets his hot jizz flow down your clenching throat. On the other hand, when it comes to your own spunk, Keitaro has such a fixation on tasting you... This man will be fucking you until you shoot your load all over your stomach and chest, then he'll slow his pace down to a soft rut into you as he bends down and runs his warm, wet tongue up your body; lapping up all of your cum onto his tongue and playing with it inside of his mouth, giving you a cute smile as he swallows and mumbles 'tasty as always'. And you can imagine that Keitaro's little fixation on your taste increases ten-fold when he's sucking you off or eating you out~
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Once again his open-mindedness really helps Keitaro and you when it comes to where you both fuck! You both prefer the standard bedroom of course, nothing beats the comfort of messing about in your own sheets knowing that there won't be any interruption and that the two of you can get as messy and as loud as you want. Yet, you and Keitaro aren't opposed to some public play, your boyfriend turning out to be quite the tease when at dinner with friends by running his hand up your thigh and eventually just straight-up using your crotch as a stress-toy! Fucking in public bathrooms isn't uncommon for you two, you just can't help yourselves! Oh and back when you both met at camp? Poor Natsumi caught the two of you fucking IN THE OCEAN after swimming up to you both because he though you two were getting swept away by the tide... BUT IN YOUR DEFENSE- giving a blowjob underwater isn't something you can do everyday, and Keitaro had never felt so fucking good in his life (although the poor man was worried that you wouldn't be able to breathe).
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Foodplay is Hiro's main thing. The man's a cook, what else would you expect? The ginger not only likes to cook for you and watch you enjoy his tasty meals, but when it comes to fucking, Hiro is so into getting messy; and you aren't against it as long as he cleans up afterwards! Hiro's favourite thing to do is definitely to whip up some frosting on the more liquid side and use a spatula to drip it up his naked, muscular body - the white cream contrasting your boyfriend's tan skin very nicely. Then the ginger will entice you to come and lick him clean, his dick twitching at every swipe of your tongue across his abs or his biceps, his pits or even his face; Hiro going feral whenever you smoothly go from licking sweet cream off of his cheeks to kissing him. Hiro also gets going from the praises that fall from your mouth as you enjoy the sweet taste of whatever he's glazed his body in, relishing your praise of his cooking or baking skills by calling the food tasty and calling him sexy. This man is also totally into getting you covered in some food too and worshiping your body along the way. Hiro's favourite sexual experience ever being with you one year on his birthday, one of the presents you gave him being the permission for Hiro to decorate you like a cake and do whatever he wanted to; and of course this horny fucker took you up on that! You has dollops of whipped cream on your nipples with candied cherries acting as the buds, chocolote drizzle down your belly and straweberries on either side of your dick n balls - you looked quite pretty, and god damn you tasted good too! Hiro started by plucking a cherry from your nipples with his teeth (looking hot as fuck while doing so) and then licking down your torso for the chocolate and so on - to summaries, that night went on for a while and a lot of whipped cream had been licked off of your body while Hiro was fucking you, so much whipped cream that four canisters were in the bin the next morning!
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Let's be real here, of fucking course HIRO AKIBA is a goofy motherfucker in bed! Yeah there are serious moments where the man wants to really prove or show his love for you, and in those moments he'll tone down the giggles and touch you more, softly caressing you or holding onto your body as his pace is more slow and romantic; praise is typical in these moments from Hiro. However, usually, your boyfriend is so unserious during sex, he wants to have fun after all! Enjoy the moment with you ya know? Cracking jokes is typical, always timed perfectly and never made awkward; Hiro can always get a laugh out of you, in fact he's developed the perfect formula to allow him to hear your perfect little giggles and chuckles when he's balls deep! Hiro will start with a compliment of you, and then use some fuckass metaphor or comparison which always makes you laugh: "Your so perfect... ya know... hah.... you're the only thing I ever think about" Hiro would pant in between thrusts "Oh yeah?" you would return, too tired to and horny to match his charisma "Oh for sure... Well maybe I think about food more but Ya know!" "Oh shut up... hah" you would laugh and moan at your stupid boyfriends funny remark
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
This man needs to chill the hell out... Because the way that Hiro can go, and is willing to go (!), until he physically collapses!?! It's worrisome that your boyfriend's brain gets completely overridden by his libido and all common sense and survival goes out the window... Hiro will be in literal pain, his thighs searing in pain and his dick stinging from cumming so many times and he will STILL go for another round if you're up for it! Typically, the two of you can go for a solid 3 rounds; sometimes 4 because your lovable boyfriend's only shortfall is that he barely lasts 10 minuets once he's inside of you (He can't help it! you just feel too good!). But on nights when the two of you are blind-sighted by your infatuation and desperation for one another, Hiro can make up to 9 rounds (shooting literal blanks) before his body literally gives out - but the sleep afterwards is astronomical, I'm talking 15h of sleep, naked and next to the man he loves. Not exactly healthy but that's why the two of you only do something like that extremely rarely.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
As is common knowledge, most guys who display and value their strength during their daily lives usually have the fattest desire to be fucking dominated - and Yoichi is no different! This hunk has a fat bondage kink to begin with (we're talking latex, ballgags, rope, handcuffs, the whole lot) and to mix that with being told what to do and/or being used as some sort of sex toy by his handsome, sexy boyfriend? Yoichi was a) In love & b) Hard as a rock! It's not like the wolfboy wants to participate in shit like this all the time (it's more of a guilty pleasure than his favourite scenario, this man still loves to be in control!) but Yoichi enjoys it when he gets to be more of a subtop and let you put in some of the work for once! Yoichi fucking loves it when you get him naked, handcuff him to a chair and suck his dick until he cries; his begs for you to stop and his slutty whines egging you one and making your dick hard, and the ego boost you get when you follow Yoichi's request to stop, and the man whines 'nooo' from the loss of pleasure, is great too. Your hunky boyfriend is also suuuuper into having you use his dick like a dildo, he gets so hard watching you tie ropes around his wrists and ankles as you tie Yoichi to the bed, and JESUS when you ride him like that? The man finds it so fucking hard not to cum! The way you use him like some sex toy whilst he can't even reach out to touch you? It shoots his puffed up ego down so fucking good. Oh! And when you two get freaky with it in this way, Puppyplay is a big thing for Yoichi! Fucking hell, the way you talk down to him and praise him in a such a patronising manner makes the man leak gallons of precum from his twitching cock! He loves is when you put a whole leash around his neck and a god damn muzzle on him, a fluffly, long wolf tail buttplug in his ass which you tug on as he fucks you roughly - it's the perfect combination, makes Yoichi cum so damn quick!
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
As you can expect from your rugged and rough boyfriend, this bitch does not shave. Anywhere. It wasn't until you came along that he even started to put effort into his appearance! The two of you wax together as little evening dates, waxing each other in a very domestic manner - but it really is unfair, cause you only get to wax Yoichi's chest n back and that man gets to see you writhe in pain waxing so much more!! But, unfortunately (so fucking fortunately), Yoichi never dares to touch his armpits or his pride and joy (his cock n balls); which leaves the man with very bushy, dark purple armpits and pubes, and we're talking a fucking forest downstairs... And Yoichi is not one to stray away from any form of dominance, so you best believe that your face is smushed into his hairy, sweaty pits a lot of the time, and that his musky pubes stuff your nose every single time you kindly give your boyfriend a blowjob. Yoichi likes to show this off too! Flexing his big, manly muscles in a tanktop so that his damp pit hair can make a tiny cameo; or even pulling his bottoms and the waistband of his boxers just a tinge lower so his bush n happy trail are on full display. This man loves to tease you with his sexy body hair, you can't complain though, it gets you going every time!
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Now whilst Yoichi isn't the most sentimental guy out there, he can't deny the fact that he is absolutely smitten by you; so he does show his romantic side more than his 'though guy' act would like him to. Obviously, when your horny boyfriend wants to either let out some stress or sexual frustration, or he just wants to fuck, you two will be less 'rose petals and wine' about it and just go feral on each other; as in, Yoichi absolutely abuses your prostate with his massive, thick cock as his huge body envelopes yours, his bite marks on your neck and yours on his. But when Yoichi feels the need to express his love for you, he takes it seriously - the man wants you to know that he fuckin adores you! The woldboy would light some candles for mood lighting and spray himself with your favourite cologne of his, he'd be all up on you once you enter the room and immediately talk to you in such a sexy way: "Thought we could take it slower today, what d'ya think, cutie" And when it's a more 'spur of the moment' thing, Yoichi gets more intimate by slowing his pace down and toning down the roughness, lowering down to make out with you passionately as he gently fucks you in deep thrusts, rubbing his dickhead against your prostate and using his six-pack as a fucking washboard as he rubs your dick between your own stomach and his abs.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
This horny fucker can't function if he doesn't cum by 10am, and on average Yoichi cums twice a day - so if you aren't around to help him out, or just aren't in the mood, of course Yoichi will have a little time to himself. If you can't be asked to go through all the prep to bottom in the morning, Yoichi usually has to deal with morning wood by himself; which he isn't against, yeah he'd like to have sex with you but this man is surprisingly the king of consent (bare minimum guys don't forget!). Typically, Yoichi's favourite combo during masturbation is watching porn whilst smelling some of your clothing, it helps him to imagine you and him in whatever porno he's jerking it to. But sometimes the man will just go with his imagination, putting you and him the most filthy scenarios in his head as Yoichi closes his eyes and goes to fucking town with a fleshlight. And of course the man will jack off if you are so kind as to send him some certain types of pictures when you two are apart. The amount of times Yoichi has ran to the bathroom when helping out Yoshinori at camp so that he could jerk off to pictures and videos you'd sent him; his favourites being the ones with you in his clothing, using a dildo or just wanking whilst moaning his name, makes this man throb in his jeans within seconds!
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Something that really gets Natsumi in the mood, and gives him the confidence to show off, is underwear! With his lean, muscular figure and massive package, your handsome boyfriend is the ideal underwear model; he feels confident when modelling different briefs and boxers and jocks for you, liking the way you eye up his huge bulge and slowly get hard, Natsumi stiffening up himself. On the modelling side, Natsumi likes to try on many different types of underwear! Tight, latex speedos make all of the details of his dick visible, from his head, to his veins and the small size of them even shows off his pubes n happy trail! Jockstraps show off his muscular ass whilst still giving you a nice view of Natsumi's big dick, the fabric nice and loose allowing his balls to sag and make his bulge look even bigger. Your boyfriend's standard briefs fit him so well, the star pattern getting so sexily distorted from the size of his dick and the fabric being short enough to just tease his muscular upper-thighs. Oh and fucking hell when Natsumi models boxers he looks so damn hot, the loose fabric making his muscular body look leaner, and DAMN when he gives you a little peak of his massive cock by slipping it through the front hole?? So hot. This horny man also gets the hots for smelling underwear too! Just cause he seems innocent doesn't mean he can't get perverted! Natsumi gets so fucking turned on when he pushes his nose against your clothed bulge, smelling your natural scent drives him wild as he prepares to blow you. And yes, Natsumi is a little ashamed to admit that he has taken your worn underwear out of the wash basket to hold them to his face whilst jerking off.... A pervert in hiding I tell you!
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Oh bless Natsumi's little heart - he's so good at aftercare! This man must be an angle sent from above, because the way he will fuck you silly with that massive dick, temporarily paralyzing you from the waist down, and then immediately run a bath and carry you to the bathroom bridal style? Ugh it just makes you fall even deeper in love with your charming boyfriend! Natsumi's standard routine is very complex and organised; what else would you expect? He starts by letting you both bask in the afterglow and get a breather before reluctantly leaving your side to run a hot bath. Then, you barely even register that Natsumi had left the bed by the time he's wiping your body clean of cum and sweat and then picking you up to take a bath with you; and this adorable man will sit behind you in the tub as he washes your hair and body as he kisses the few hickeys he'd left on you (because this man isn't biting you even if you beg.). By the end of the night, the two of you are in a freshly made bed and cuddling in very comfortable (yet ridiculous looking) positions under the covers.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Oh and after his whole aftercare routine, Natsumi usually falls asleep so quick; but not before he can watch you fall asleep in his arms, not before he can listen to you calmly breathing and take in the beauty you naturally exude as you peacefully sleep. Very rarely does Natsumi fall asleep straight away, but when he does you can't blame him; it's literally coded into his brain that he goes to sleep at 10pm sharp, so staying up till 12am or 1am to put in a lot of energy whilst fucking can get to him! When he wakes up all sticky and sees you in such a disheveled state the next morning, Natsumi can't stop apologising for the whole day, listening to you like a puppy in hopes to not upset you further (even though you weren't upset to begin with).
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Your boyfriend has felt very powerless before when the whole camp hated him, so anything that makes him feel dominant and strong really gets Taiga going; and body worship really hits the mark. Taiga prefers you to praise and to focus on his body in the form of massages; your soft hands deeply pressing into your boyfriend's oiled up muscles, your gentle voice spewing out praises of his body being 'strong' and 'perfect', it gets this man hard within a couple of minuets. Taiga likes to have you on his body, your dick rubbing against his as you massage his fat pecs and your face hovering above his as Taiga focuses on your pretty face - lit candles and aphrodisiac body oil really add to the experience too, oh and when you move on to jerking Taiga off? This man is so shocked he doesn't cum instantly; your oiled up, hot hand feeling like heaven around his cock, and the sight of your semi-naked form servicing him is just such a hot view! When Taiga isn't getting a massage from you, he still likes to incorporate some sort of body worship when fucking you, and he even worships your body too! Praises are common from Taiga as he thrusts into you whilst also licking up to your jaw all the way from your abdomen, your muscles covered in bite marks and hickeys as Taiga praises your body and claims you in the process. When it comes to you worshiping Taiga's body during regular old sex, you love to tease your fiery boyfriend with kisses to his thighs as you call his dick massive and tasty while jerking it off with the spit on it from previous activities with your mouth. When he's balls deep inside of you, you like to hold Taiga's body close to yours with such a tight hold, pushing his muscles against your face as you stuff your face into his pecs or his biceps or his pits, praises and moans falling from your lips and into Taiga's ears, egging your boyfriend on to fuck you even harder.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Humiliation. We all know that men who have big egos during regular life really wanna get beaten down during sex. It's not something that Taiga thinks about often, he's very much a big fan of receiving body worship from you, but a small part of him can't help but send blood rushing down to his dick at the idea of you spewing nasty words his way whilst riding him, or whilst playing with his dick and denying Taiga any pleasure at all. Your boyfriend has caught himself masturbating to the thought of kneeling infront of you completely naked, and you sitting on a chair infront of him as you call him a 'gross pervert' or a 'dirty slut' whilst touching his hard, twitching dick with only your feet - giving him a sloppy footjob to tease your boyfriend as all he can do it kneel before you and take what he's given. Taiga would so be into you spitting on his face as you make out with him, or you riding him like some cheap dildo and ignoring his needs, or you just calling him names as your have him kneel above you on your lap - you still fully clothed whilst you jerk off Taiga with an inhumane amount of lube, the man fully naked and whimpering down to you. But he'd never confess any of this to you! Not unless you walk in on him as he jerks off to porn of it.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Pretty much just you existing and doing fuck all can get Taiga in the mood to dick you down. This man loves you so much and that love can translate to lust rather quickly! Taiga is down to fuck whenever and where ever with you, and he's got the balls to suggest it too. But specific things which gives Taiga the motivation to bed you may include: You talking to any guy other than Taiga for an extended period of time. This man is jealous, and if you give some other dick more attention than you give your perfect boyfriend, Taiga's gonna want to set you straight - and his way of doing so is via filthy, rough sex. Wearing specific types of clothing can also get Taiga going, such as when you wear any of Taiga's sweatshirts or hoodies, no matter if they're bigger on you or too small, the possessive undertone of the action riles your handsome boyfriend up so damn well! And being nice in general can really turn Taiga on; again, love turns to lust real quick with this man, and he's barely ever had people be nice towards him so if you act domestic with him by cooking him a meal or if you perform acts of basic human decency (like asking if you can make his day better?!) it gets Taiga hard real quick.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Taiga's a little bit of both to be fair! It's more of a 51:49 split for fast and rough:Slow and sensual, because Taiga loves to show off his dominant side during sex - but there's no doubt that this man just wants to communicate his love towards you during sex as well, so Taiga can be very sensual and take things slow if the moment is right. Your boyfriend really likes to wine & dine you on the weekends, so after a couple of glasses of your wine of choice and an expensive meal, Taiga and you can get very romantical with it; we're talking slow and deep thrusts while making out and 'I love you's' being said every second. The usual fast and rough pace is where the two of you fuck like animals; with Taiga absolutely enamoured by the way you look, the sounds you're making, the way you're biting and holding onto him, just you yourself making Taiga want to keep pushing through any exhaustion to keep pounding into you. Your loving boyfriend doesn't just want to feel you tightly and warmly grip around his dick with your hole, but he also wants to ensure that you're feeling immense pleasure too - so he makes sure to thrust his hips so rough and so deep that you can feel his dick make its way to your belly.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Online sex is Seto's biggest turn on, he just has such a thing for feeling as if you're giving him a private cam-show! Your gamer boyfriend loves e-sex with you so much that he's invested in the two of you having separate gaming rooms; just so you both can get a more realistic experience! The brunette loves to hop onto a video chat with you on discord and start dirty talking as you strip for him, and very quickly are sex toys busted out. The call will usually just consist of the two of you watching each other pleasure yourselves with sex toys as you moan and dirty talk to each other; Seto's personal fave being when you use the cockring he'd gifted you as well as a dildo, he loves to be in control of you even if you aren't in the same room, and how better to do that than control your orgasms! Another kink of Seto's is also exhibition, but not in the standard way. This man loves to fuck you whilst he's on call with friends when playing a game, or when he's in a game lobbies voice chat; it gets Seto going so well. Your geeky boyfriend just loves the fact that those on the other end of the line keep asking if he's all good from the grunts and brief moans he accidentally lets out, oh and he loves to threaten you with the idea of his friends finding out that Seto was currently fucking you in a means to shut you up; Seto never actually tries to get you to be quiet though, he just likes to watch you try and keep your moans in as he lazily thrusts up into you!
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
As previously mentioned, when the two of you have online sex, toys are always brought out; Seto being partial to a fleshlight of his, and the man really liking when you use dildos of his size. But during regular sex, Seto is still a big fan of using toys! When it comes to using sex-toys on you, Seto fucking loves to use tiny bullet vibrators; this man will tape them to your nipples and keep them on a low vibe the entire time he's fucking you, oh and you will always have one tapes to your hard, throbbing dick on max speed whilst a cockring keeps you from cumming! Seto just loves to see the desperation on your face as he fucks you silly. By the time Seto has shot a couple of loads inside of you, his next favourite toy to use is a buttplug, a big one too! It doesn't hurt at all after all of Seto's loosening up of your hole, but damn does it press up against your walls so well, keeping your boyfriend's cum inside of you for a while; that is, until he wants to take it out in order to watch his spunk leak out of you. The toys that Seto likes used on himself are also pretty limitless, but he definitely has a fave - fleshlights. Whenever Seto takes on a more submissive role, his favourite thing you do is when you handcuff/tie him to a chair and torture the poor man with a fleshlight; using an ungodly amount of lube as you jerk off his dick with the tight toy, but you don't let your boyfriend until he's literally crying for it - it's just so hot, for the both of you!
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
This man is so unfair in bed! If you two are fucking whilst he's in a game, Seto will either have you cockwarm him for soooo long, until you're literally trembling with need for him - or (!) your smug boyfriend will fuck you into a pillow and tell you that if his friends can hear you in the game, he'll stop fucking you; evil I tell ya! When you two are going more vanilla, Seto will still tease you like hell; we're talking stopping fucking you if you're about to cum, and using cockrings to make you a cockdrunk mess as you beg to be allowed to cum! But all of that doesn't mean that Seto doesn't like to be teased himself! We've already established that the man likes to sub from time to time, and the way that you don't let that motherfucker cum for hours on end is quite funny; oh and when you finally let Seto cum, you aren't letting him go until he can't speak due to overstimulation.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
It shouldn't come as a shocker that Aiden has a fat exhibitionism kink; the man struts about with only an apron covering his dick and his ass fully out! You and your freaky boyfriend have partaken in public sex quite a lot due to this preference of Aiden's, you have no qualms about this though; as the thrill of there being a chance of being caught at any second in such a moment really gets you going too. The two of you have had sex not only in the camp kitchen (having almost been caught my many campers and scoutmasters), but also at the beach, in the forest, and even behind cabins! Aiden just gets such a thrill out of it, he wants to show off his body, your relationship, and the adrenaline pairs so well with the dopamine from fucking you! Musk n sweat is also something that Aiden is quite partial to - your boyfriend is locked up in that steamy kitchen all day, of course he'll get very sticky and musky real quick! Aiden finds it so hot when you smell his body and lick his tan muscles after a day of work, it's kinda like a body worship kink, but a tad bit more possessive once it comes to Aiden feeling like he's marking you with his scent. This kink goes vice versa too - your sexy man loves to smell your natural musk after a day out in the sun, Aiden fucking lives to press his nose into your crotch during foreplay, so he can fill his nose with your scent.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Aiden's favourite body part of his is either his arms or his ass. The himbo is so proud of his bulging biceps and triceps that he can't help but show them off, he even gets turned on by the way that you eye up his tan, muscular arms - the peak of his armpit hair as he flexes his arms like a gymbro really doing it for ya! Aiden is also incredibly proud of his ass; muscular yet still soft and plush, his tan skin accentuating the curve of his cheeks, it's a damn good ass. And most people can tell that the man likes his ass, cause Aiden is always showing it off! No matter if he's in a speedo or an apron, your boyfriend's cheeks always make a debut somehow. When it comes to Aiden favourite body part of yours, the man can't hide the fact that your thighs are his biggest turn on. Aiden loves the way that your thighs shape your body, he loves biting on the plump flesh between breathes as he blows you, he loves marking them with hickeys, and fuck does Aiden love gripping your thighs or smacking them as he fucks you! Even when you two are just relaxing, your cute boyfriend's head is either laying on your thighs or squished between them (and when the he's giving you such earth-shattering head that your thighs tighten around his head, it turns the green-haired hunk on so fucking much). An honorable mention to Aiden's second most favourite body part of yours: your mouth. He just can't get enough of how your warm, tight mouth feels around his cock, he loves the way your tongue looks and feels running up his body, and Aiden treats your lips like a drug from the way he gets so addicted to them when kissing you - the man usually turning a small peck into a full blown make out!
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Come on, Aiden is all about risk! We know that fucking in public is such a turn on for the man, but that doesn't mean any and all other risk is off of the table. Aiden is usually down to try whatever with you, anything new which you throw his way, Aiden will usually agree to; that's how you two figured out you were both soooo into costumes n role play (and yes, his 'Halloween costume' did infact lead to a 'god-worshiper' roleplay). Choking is something that the two of you have played around with, and the way that Aiden's veiny, tan hands felt around your throat was enough to add that kink to your regular repertoire! If Aiden has to set a limit, his usual would be anything that involves hurting you too much; yes, he's into choking if you're into choking, but even if you ask Aiden to slap you around or hit you, he'd say no. The furthest Aiden goes in the realm of impact play is spanking you whilst fucking or biting.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Yoshinori's biggest kink is shit to do with feet; more specifically, his boots. Maybe it's a domination thing, or maybe Yoshi just likes a show, but this man's dick throbs so much when he gets to watch you try to pleasure yourself on his expensive, dirty, leather boots. Yoshinori doesn't even have to move, he gets enough sexual satisfaction from watching you, fully naked, rub your hard, twitching dick against his boot and whine as the friction barely gets you a buzz. That's not to say that Yoshi doesn't like to put effort in himself, this man gets so turned on when he plays with your dick with his boot-covered foot, the rough material making you mewl, your sounds and the view going straight to your boyfriend's stiff cock. Outside of 'boot-play' Yoshi's little kink for feet still runs wild; the muscular scoutmaster getting so riled up whenever you worship his feet, whenever you press your nose against his clothed feet and get drunk off of the scent attached to his steaming socks, whenever you slowly strip his big feet of his damp socks and lick at the sole of his foot and at his toes (Yoshi's veiny, big feet juxtaposing your smaller head cause they're just that big!). Oh and when you two are fucking? Best believe that your hunk of a man has gotten carried away before from the pleasure of fucking you and positioned himself so that his foot was pushing your head into the bed as he kept on fucking you - the feeling of being so dominated sending shivers up your spine. When it comes to his minor foot-fetish towards you, Yoshi has quite the affinity for pushing your feet on either side of his face as he fucks you missionary, your soft soles against his cheeks as he gives you a goofy, satisfied smile with his eyes closed.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Yoshinori will give and take whatever you are happy with; he's got a very open mind when it comes to oral! Your boyfriend is happy to blow you until the cows come home, he gets his pleasure not only physically, but pleasuring you also gets this man going. The dirty blonde likes to start with long, slimy laps at your hard dick, covering your shaft with his warm, thick spit, and then he will take you into his mouth fully and give you some mind blowing head. Surprisingly, this man can take any size dick in that throat of his, and he puts that to good use; Yoshi usually makes you cum at least once during foreplay, and that is usually with you cumming down his throat within minuets! When you're giving your boyfriend head, he's very patient with you; Yoshinori knows that his dick is big and that it can be a lot to take at once, but damn, when you get that veiny, thick dick into your mouth? This man is a moaning mess, his big hands on each side of your head as his thick, manly fingers weave through your hair whilst you slobber all over his dick. Yoshi loves your blowjobs so, so much, and if it weren't so straining on you, he'd have you blow him much more than you already do (which is usually once per day!) Eating you out is another type of oral that Yoshi is super into; he just fucking loves makin you feel good! And the sounds you make whilst his hands are parting your cheeks and his hot, thick, wet tongue is rubbing against your walls, they're divine. Yoshi's oral skills are not to be messed around with, this man will have you whining, moaning and panting just from his tongue, and it gets him going so much - Yoshi just loves to satisfy you!
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Yoshinori is quite experienced; he'd dated a guy back in highschool, and during college he'd had sex with both Aiden and Goro at camp, so it's safe to say that the man knows what he's doing! The muscular man knows that he's quite intimidating due to his size (both body-wise and dick-wise), so when you both got together, he ensured to take his time and take it slow with you so that you don't feel rushed. He taught you and guided you if you were unsure or a little behind on certain positions or kinks; and it's safe to say that Yoshi got you up to speed real quick!
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
One of your boyfriend's biggest little quirks is his thing for modeling. Naoto gets really turned on when he gets to model clothing for you, or when you're with him at a shoot in which he wears practically nothing; the hunk gets to show off his killer body and gets to watch your cute reactions to his suggestive poses, the man is winning at life! But when bringing modeling into the bedroom, Naoto likes to merge both worlds and to model whilst fucking you; and by that I mean, the man films it. Naoto gets egged on so, so much during sex with you when he grabs his phone from the nightstand and starts to record the two of you going at it. The muscular man gets so turned on from watching you through the phone as the camera shares its focus between his thick cock plowing into your tight hole, and your sweaty, exhausted body which looks heavenly as you lay on the bed and take your boyfriend's dick like a champ. Of course, Naoto has checked if you're okay with him filming your little escapades and you quickly agreed - not only does it add some more excitement and thrill to the moment, but the both of you then have a spankbank absolutely full of videos of you two. Videos of Naoto moaning your ear how good you feel, videos of the man flexing above you as he thrusts like a maniac, videos of your moans of his name, videos of Naoto's muscles and abs as he gives you a sexy little POV shot, and Naoto's personal favourites: videos of your fucked out body, begging for more as Naoto fucks you, cum oozing out of your soft cock. Those memories will stay with you both forever, and they can get quite cute and wholesome at times; like when Naoto catches the two of you taking a breather and kissing on camera, or brief I love you's or check-ins on how each other are feeling.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
When you proposed the idea of making a pretty penny by selling the aforementioned videos, Naoto definitely wasn't opposed - with the sole condition that the fact that you two are a loving couple being the forefront of your 'account'. Very quickly, the two of you garnered plenty of views and subscribers to your accounts, with most of your viewers being head-over-heels for the adorable, wholesome dynamic that you and Naoto have - and all of your viewers couldn't deny just how fucking hot the two of you were! Separately and together! Your chemistry with Naoto would subconsciously amp up when filming, the two of you would vocalise way more than before; because the camera can't catch the knowing looks that you two give to eachother, the looks which already say 'I love you' without it having to be said a hundred times. And you can't lie, the money which the two of you make is wild.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Other than the standard avoidance of actually hurting you during sex (and just not being a fan of scat), the main thing that Naoto just wouldn't do is anything surrounding his family/Natsumi (NOT IN AN INCEST WAY!). This goes from PDA to anything more risque, Naoto just gets really awkward around his family when it comes to this kind of stuff; he's had to share a room with Natsumi and has given the younger man shit for jerking off in the same room as him, so Naoto just feels weird kissing you infront of his brother. And whilst the two of you have of course visited Naoto's family home and stayed round, that man has never been so frigid than when sharing a bed with you at his parents house; he didn't want ANYTHING even remotely sexual to happen under his parents roof - which you can understand and allocate for, that's why you two fuck like rabbits before a trip to his parents!
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Size difference is Darius' main thing; he's just so into the fact that he's so huge to you, that he has the power to just lift you with ease, and that you're also so clearly into the fact that he's so much bigger than you, in all aspects. Ever since he was young, Darius had been tall, and after getting older n thinking of his physique, his massive muscles really added to the fact that he was fucking huge in comparison to almost anyone. Your taller boyfriend just loves the fact that you could literally hang from his dick as he fucks you and your feet would dangle rather than touch the ground. Darius is also super into the fact that he's so fucking built and strong that he can effortlessly hold you in his arms or manhandle you during bed; your poor body having been stretched into many different positions after many nights spent with the muscular man. Your dark-skinned boyfriend is also really into how his frame contrasts yours; how your body is smaller when laying on top of him, how your hands can barely grip his broad, defined shoulders, oh and how his dick is so much bigger than yours when he jerks his dick n yours together. Speaking of his dick, Darius gets such a high when he sees his dick make a fucking bulge in your abdomen when he fucks you, his big hands pressing against the spot to make your writhe in pleasure as you spew out moans; the fact that he's so big that he is visible inside of you just boosts his ego so much. His hands are another contributor towards your boyfriend's size kink - Darius is so into the fact that his hand completely covers your whenever he holds it. The muscular man loves how small your hands are against his when he intertwines your fingers as he fucks into you, and he's so into how much smaller your body looks in comparison to his hands when he holds you; his masculine, large hands making your waist look smaller, or your throat, or your dick, or your arms. And you have absolutely no complaints at how large Darius' hands are, his fingers work literal magic inside of you when he's prepping you for taking his huuuuge dick - his digits pressing against and curling into your prostate, the darker hunk milking your dick with a nonchalant smirk on his face as you moan like a whore infront of him.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
In contrast to you, Darius isn't the most vocal lover. It's not that the man doesn't make any noise at all, it's more that he's just a little quiet - or rather he tires to limit himself, hold his noises in. Darius is the kinda guy to grunt n groan your name into your ear, quietly letting you know that he feels good as he focuses on fucking you right, rather than moaning like a pornstar and sloppily fucking you. Small curses in the form of mumbles escape his lips from time to time, usually when he's putting it inside of you for the first time that day; your walls incredibly tight due to the large intrusion. The man's groans also make their way into your mouth when the two of you make out when fucking, Darius' sounds vibrating nicely against your own as your tongues dance together - oh and praises are quite common once the nonchalant hunk loses his little 'idgaf' attitude, his favourite's consisting of "Yeahhh good fuckin boy" and "So good... so pretty". The tables turn once Darius is close to cumming, his efforts to keep quiet getting thrown out the window due to the oncoming waves of pleasure - the red-head's jaw going slack as his hands' grip tightens on your hips, his biceps flexing as his hips thrust into you crazily, vulgar sounds and moans spewing out of his mouth like a tap left running.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
It's no secret that Darius is fucking PACKING; we're talkin 11inches long and 6inches thick (cannon btw)! The man also uses his dick skillfully; if he weren't as well endowed as he his, your boyfriend would still be able to rock your world every day n night. His dick is the same, dark colour as his skin, with his tip being slightly reddish - the whole shaft has small veins adorning it and his foreskin covers his whole head, the perfectly tight skin protecting Darius' thick tip, his dickhead resembling a mushroom when he's hard; his glands throbbing and ready to be inside of you. The giant's balls also really add to the appeal of his dick; your boyfriend's saggy, big balls hang beneath his dick like a pair of golfballs, and the sparse pubes which cover his nuts decorate Darius' balls nicely. When it comes to fitting his massive cock inside of you, Darius ensures to take his time with you; the first time you two did anything together resulted in many tears due to Darius' desperation to feel you, and your ability to walk was very much impaired for the next day. After a long time of practice with you, Darius now knows your body like the back of his hand, and ergo he knows how to work your body to take his dick; the man will finger you for ages and make sure to ease in slowly, he knows exactly how deep he gets when he sees the bulge in your belly, and Darius will only push your head when you're sucking him off if you give him the go ahead.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Mating press. Need I say more? Yes I do. Your boyfriend's size kink is reflected in all aspects of his life, mainly in small, subconscious manners, but during sex, he very consciously chooses positions which show off the difference in size between the two of you. The fact that Darius can bend your body over into such a meek position as he drills his dick into you ruthlessly really turns him on; it's such a display of power, and it shows off how fucking massive your muscular, dark-skinned boyfriend is in comparison to you, due to the fact that you're almost bent literally in half. The position also really turns you on as well! The way that Darius' rough hands feel on the back of your thighs as he pushes your knees to your chest, the way that the man's handsome, sharp face dangles above you as he fucks you with a sexy smirk on his face, and the way that his dick reaches so deep inside of you and grazes you prostate every millisecond, it's all just too good!
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
CW: piss!!!!
Musk n sweat are definitely some of Lloyd's kinks; the man really gets the hots for when you get high off of his natural, manly scent and worship his body, it makes him feel domianant. He loves it when you sniff his hairy, damp pits after a workout or when you lick his muscles clean of sweat - the man liking the way that your face looks as your tongue rolls over his abs or biceps - and Lloyd gets so fucking turned on when you deepthroat him and all you can inhale is the smell of his musky, thick pubes. Oh and this short-king most certainly enjoys worshiping your body, your natural scent is ingrained into his brain! Lloyd fucking loves to smell you, he finds some weird comfort in the smell that fills the room as the two of you fuck like animals, and he sure as hell gets hard when he sees you after you've gone for a run; your tank top absolutely drenched and your underwear n socks sticking to you uncomfortably. Your boyfriend also most definitely jerks off to the smell of your clothing or your underwear, he loves to fist at his cock whilst the only thing he can smell is his perfect boyfriend! But one Lloyd's biggest kinks ever has to watersports - controversial I know! There's just something about dirtying you, claiming you with his piss that really turns your boyfriend on; the perverted man is soooo into you letting him cover you in his piss, in his scent as you jerk off below him; it makes him feel dominant, it makes him feel possessive, it makes Lloyd want to fuck you so damn bad! And the man very much loves it when you participate too; you don't have anything against Lloyd's thing for watersports, but you rarely piss too. This nasty man fucking loves it when you've been fucking for so long, and you've came so many times that all of your boyfriend's rough thrusts into your prostate force you to piss yourself as he fucks you; it happened on accident once, and Lloyd has never been so turned on (BJ Alex ref lol).
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Surprisingly, Lloyd's libido isn't insanely high! Sure, the man will want to have sex with you at least once a week, but he's not desperate to fuck you every second of every day. The two of you average around three times a week, but Lloyd will almost always ask for a second round; to which you always oblige. If Lloyd is particularly stressed due to work, or if he had a shit day, sex is almost guaranteed; you help the man relax, can ya blame him? And also, if you look especially attractive that day, Lloyd is firstly eating you out like a starved man, and then fucking his dick in between them tight walls.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Lloyd has no opinion on quickies. He's not against them at all, if you're horny but have limited time, Lloyd is happy to suck you off real quick and vice versa! However, the short man can't deny that if you are going to do anything, he prefers to take his time with it; Lloyd just really likes to take things slow and enjoy the time he has with you! This man will slowly trail down your body with kisses and mark you and smell you before even whipping your dick out to give you a bj normally, during a quickie he just sucks you off - your boyfriend likes to cherish you, not rush you!
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PHEW! That was so god damn long wtaf, I didn't expect it to take this long to write but I'm so happy with the way this turned out! Hope you guys enjoyed too!
I'd also like to thank you all for 2000 followers! I have always and will always primarily write for myself (to provide what I can't find), but it means a lot that so many people enjoy my writing as well! Thank you so, so much for all of the engagement, the male reader community on tumblr is so great - love you all!
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scealaiscoite · 10 months
poly fluff alphabet ˗ˏˋ ꒰ 🍊 ꒱
a = affection; is anyone more overly affectionate than the others? when it comes to physical vs verbal, who prefers what?
b = bed; what’s the sleeping situation like? are there regular sleeping arrangements - does anyone like to sleep alone?
c = comfort; when someone’s feeling down, how do the rest look after them?
d = dates; what do dates look like? who usually plans them, or are is it a group affair?
e = events; who drags everyone else to their family/friends’ events?
f = fights; are arguments something that happen often? what are they over, and how are they resolved?
g = getting together; how did it all come about? were there any pre-existing relationships between them?
h = hobbies; does anyone share any hobbies/passions? how do they include the rest of their partners in them?
i = in sickness and in health - when someone falls ill, who’s the carer and who’s the germaphobe? is there anyone that resists being looked after?
j = joker; who’s got the best sense of humour? do they like to tease and banter with everyone else?
k = knowing; who can read their partners like a book? is there anyone who’s got their walls up, even around their partners?
l = lavish; is there anyone who really likes to treat their partners/show them off? how do the rest tend to react - who revels in it, and who’s made shy by it?
m = memories - is anyone more on the sentimental side?
n = nights; what’s the nighttime routine like when they’re all together?
o = open; how open is everyone with one another?
p = pda; what’s pda like with them? is there anyone who loves it, and anyone who’s less fond of it? what actions/words does it manifest as?
q = quiet; who prefers to spend their time with their partners out and about, and who likes to spend it at home?
r = romantic; is anyone a bit of a sap for their partners?
s = sharing; is there anyone who’s particularly territorial of their partners?
t = terms of endearment; nicknames! who’s crazy on them, and who do they make cringe? what’re the go-to’s?
u = urge; who’s the most impulsive? who do they loop into their plans, and who entertains their antics?
v = vacations; how do holidays go? are they big exotic trips, or the occasional staycation?
w = worthy; how are insecurities handled? is anyone more self-conscious than the others?
x = xoxo; who checks up on their partners a lot when they’re apart? do they call, or are texts enough to make them feel close?
y = yearn; who misses their partners the easiest (ie, calls them to hear their voices when all they’ve done is run to the grocery store)?
z = zealous; who was especially eager in their pursuit of the relationship? was anyone more reserved in their want for it?
1K notes · View notes
mamayan · 11 months
🎃 Happy Halloween 🎃
Shigaraki Tomura x Fem! Reader
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Good girls should just stay home, lest something goes bump in the night.
cw: NSFW • Implied Murder • Implied Serial Killer • Consensual Non-Consent turned Non-Consensual • Noncon • Dubcon • Abuse • Fingering (F) • Oral (M) • Deep Throating • Rough Sex • Attempted Murder • Hair Pulling • Degradation/Slight Humiliation • Dacryphilia • Yandere Themes • Kidnapping • a little OOC • This story possessed me and basically wrote itself • Barely proof read tbh
wc: 7k+
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Something must be wrong with you.
Or at least, that’s what you imagine the world would think if anyone knew what you were doing.
The room was dark aside from the blue glow of your computer screen. The black web browser with red lettering almost ominous as your eyes scanned the consent form again. It was a consent form just to access the full website, on the surface serving only as a dating type of situation for the BDSM community. Beneath it though were layers deeper than what the simple description actually provided. You only found out about it through a deep dive into multiple sub-threads of Reddit. It was a basket case of crazy, the majority of information or advice, but you managed to dig up one reliable looking source.
This website you were currently on. L@ce&R0pe.com happened to provide a wide variety of goodies, from sex toys to actual published books on shibari, there wasn’t much you couldn’t find. Except like all websites not swallowed up by the deep web, there was never any section like the one you wanted so desperately.
Except this one, because your mouse didn’t hesitate to shift and hover over the drop down section for MEET, where you could link up with real people for whatever your heart desired really. You trailed down to NEW FRIEND, and clicked. A new tab opened, this one themed differently than the main website. It was light blue and pink, almost like a baby shower, except the only thing on the page was a single drop down menu, and clicking it made your head ache. There were thousands of options, but thankfully it was organized alphabetically, so you could easily scroll mindlessly until you hit the C section.
You found what you wanted, clicking it as your chosen option and hitting GO.
The screen changed, this time it looked similar to a dating profile fillable. You worked quickly, efficiently even, as you typed all your information in.
Not your name or address, nothing silly like that. Just your measurements, your favorite foods or beverages, the color of your eyes, your hair color, your height, and even the style of your nails. It asked if you liked to brush your hair everyday, how often you showered, what shampoo or body wash you like. You answered them all, as invasive as they soon became, you never wavered. What brand of deodorant do you use? How often do you clip or file your nails? To what length? Do you shave your pubic area? How often? What style? How many sexual partners have you had? Where have you had sex? Which hole do you prefer? Are you a crier or a screamer? Does blood turn you on? Do you like physical or mental pain more? Have you ever been raped before?
They got more personal and physiological as you answered. You felt hot and stuffy despite the window being open and the cool autumn air blowing in. You kept answering even as your throat got tighter and unease nestled into your clavicle.
Do you want to know who your new friend will be?
This time you do hesitate. Knowing would make it feel safer. Knowing would give you some semblance of control. Knowing would be the smart choice.
You clicked “no” and submitted the form, sealing your fate as your hands shook and adrenaline pumped through your veins.
You set the date for October 31st. Now all you had to do was wait and show up.
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A notification hit his phone, lighting up the screen as cigarette smoke billowed around him in the back alley. A quick glance was all he needed to unlock and fully see the entire screen. The leather of his jacket rubbed against the brick he leaned against.
Halloween was probably the best time for such fun, crime rates skyrocketing and parties being loud and wild really left a big gaping hole for any type of heinous activity to occur. He grinned as the information poured onto his screen. His dick already becoming painfully hard as he read all your supplied information. You liked breath play, having someone spit in your mouth, even being slapped around. He was always amazed by the lack of shortage for sick freaks like you, but then again, he was one of them too. Licking his top lip, tongue piercing flicking out to rub against his cupid’s bow, he clicked “ACCEPT” on the notification. He had all your information, the when and where, and your adorable little comment of “Please don’t degrade me.” What more could he ask for? His smile is sinister in the low light off the neon sign of the bar, casting a purplish hue on his skin as he chuckles and shoves his phone away. Flicking his cigarette butt onto the dirty ground, he cracked his neck and knuckles before going back inside to finish his beer and round of pool with his friends.
He’ll see you on Halloween. He might even dress up a little for the occasion.
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It’s cold.
It’s nearly November so you hadn’t expected warm weather necessarily, but it seemed chillier than usual despite your fairly insulated dress.
You dressed up as an angel, the irony not lost on you at all but it felt fitting almost for the occasion. The pristine white looked off in your surroundings. It was nearly midnight, but despite that the sidewalk of the park was filled with a fairly regular crowd of people passing through, on to the next party or home to sleep off all the alcohol. Really, you weren’t too out of place, in your white stockings and black heeled boots, the fluffy ruffled white babydoll dress that barely covered your ass or tits and the wings which were strapped around your shoulders and jutted out behind you. On your head was a slim clip which was attached to a white shiny halo that seemed to float above you, only a thin wire keeping it up. You’d at first felt a little exposed passing children going home for the night after trick or treating, eyes of judgemental families which you ignored boring into you, but now it was time for the adults to have fun. You’d already passed a plethora of college students or older dressed even more scantily than you, making you feel better, safer, out in the park you’d chosen. You’d chosen 0300 as your designated meetup time, but specified you’d be early in case they wanted to start sooner. So here you stood, under a streetlamp that illuminated you in a yellow glow, making you seem even more angelic despite the ominous darkness surrounding you. You were busy playing on your phone, scrolling mindlessly and trying not to appear too excited. Or scared. You figured it was a combination of both, the arousal and fear bleeding into one very specific but unnamed emotion. Tapping your boot to a rhythm only you could hear, the night drew on and another hour passed. The droves of people passing didn’t dwindle, but it was always a group, never a single individual which you hoped was your new friend. It was almost 0130 when you felt watched, goosebumps rising on your skin as you realized someone must be looking at you. A quick glance around showed no one though, and after ten minutes your hope dissolved into disappointment. It seemed your friend wasn’t an early bird.
“Hey,” a raspy, deep voice speaking almost directly into your ear, startling you enough to elicit a yelp. You turned, eyes landing on a dark clothed chest and trailing up to a hooded face you could barely make out through a mess of blue hair. His lips look a bit chapped, a small scar decorating a corner, but his teeth are white and straight as he smiles a grin that causes shivers to shoot down your spine.
…maybe your friend was an early bird, just not as much as you.
You take a step back, stuttering stupidly due to your overactive nerves and the earlier shock of his sudden appearance. “H-hi…um,” the stranger tilts his head, eyes still not visible, dark hoodie baggy on his frame. He looks a bit thin, like he wouldn’t have a lot of strength, his jeans having some strange splattering of fake blood or something on them. You lick your lips, heart ready to leap from your chest but not quite ready for the events to unfold.
Or maybe you were very ready.
“You’ve been standing here for hours,” he comments nonchalantly, hands moving to shove inside the large inner pocket on his hoodie, “Aren’t ya tired of waiting for your boyfriend?” His question is a bit confusing, and when you glance around you, it dawns that there’s no one out right now. When had the crowds dwindled to nothing? “I don’t… have a boyfriend…” you had clearly stated that online too, so he already knew the answer to your relationship status. Was he just teasing? Keeping this as realistic as possible? It made you a bit pleased. You fiddled with the ends of your cute frilly dress, exposing a small portion of your skin and garter belt which kept your thigh high socks up. His eyes tracked the motion, lips pulling up even higher making his smile menacing. Dangerous. “That so?” He asks, but it doesn’t seem like he’s too interested in a reply as he steps closer, his beat up sneakers so silent on the ground it’s a little unnerving. Since he’s playing along so much, it feels wrong for you to not reciprocate.
“What do you think you’re doing, creep? Stay back,” You hope he’s not offended by the name, figuring it wasn’t too mean or odd of a thing to call him. Your firm stance and defiant gaze make him pause, head tilting again but he’s quick to recover and laugh. It’s less of a sexy and deep chuckle like you expected, and more pitched and giggly. It’s almost creepy to hear from a grown man. Like a child from a horror movie laughing. “Creep? Yeah? Guess I am, but you know what?” His head lifts, and since he’s more centered under the tall street lamp, when he looks straight at you, two red eyes flash. “I’m a lot fucking worse than your average dumbass creep,” you jolt when he lunges at you, hand outstretched to grab you. It’s instinctive how quickly you turn and run, adrenaline helping you shoot off into the park where no light but the moon shined down. This is what you wanted, you chant to yourself to stay level headed enough to not truly panic. This was staged and as safe as possible. He’s not actually going to hurt you. You’d be fine, albeit maybe a little sore tomorrow morning. You shut your mind off and focus on running, though your speed wasn’t great in such cheap and unstable boots, roots and random objects on the ground constantly tripping you up.
You looked like the dumb girl in the horror movies, tits practically out of your low cut revealing white dress, strapless white bra damn useless and more for show than any real support or push-up. You huffed, digging in your heels when you heard a few twigs snap behind you, feet carrying you faster as you realized he was gaining on you quickly. He didn’t shout and you didn’t scream. The chase was exhilarating, your mind becoming fuzzy as your lungs burned for more oxygen. You hadn’t planned a chase, really leaving it all up to fate and your new friend, but this was perfect.
Until fingers tangled tight in your hair and yanked you completely off your feet, your shoes and legs going out in front of you as you landed gracelessly on your ass. Then an intense burning in your scalp erupts, a hiss of pain and a whine escaping as you slide over cool damp foliage, senseless grumbling coming from the stranger as he drags you into a deeper more secluded section of the park, away from any and all prying eyes. Not like anyone gave a damn. “I-it hurts!” You feel childish for crying, tears pricking your eyes but the burn was worse than you imagined truly, soft hands coming up to try and pry his fingers off.
He has a grip of iron apparently, not the least bit phased as he sighs, hauling you up and tossing you in front of him. You land weirdly on your left shoulder, a shock of pain numbing your mind as you heave for air and roll over. When you open your eyes, you’re face to face with him. His hood pulled off, shoulder length blue hair now tied back and up into a little bun while some stray pieces frame his face and forehead. Your eyes adjust to the darkness as they take him in.
He’s young, maybe early twenties, with pale skin and dark bags hugging beneath his scarlet eyes. He’s got a beauty mark just below his lip on the right side, the scar you saw earlier on the other. He’s not hard on the eyes, cute even, but the strange air around him makes the close proximity fill you with anxiety. His eyebrows are thin and sparse, but he cocks one with a smirk. “Not gonna scream for help, crybaby?” The nickname makes you realize tears are streaming down your cheeks, you blink them away quickly, shaking your head and trying to find your words again. “I—uh, do you want me to?” Wouldn't screaming just make it more likely for someone to call the police? You figured a little noise was fine, but screaming seemed counter productive.
His eyes widened a bit, confusion painting his features as he crouched down more comfortably on his haunches to get a better look at you.
He’d been watching you since you got to the park. A single party in this sort of place always sticks out like a sore thumb. You looked more ready for a porno than a costume party, from behind the view of your ass indescribably arousing in your short little dress. It was both a slutty and innocent look you pulled off well, at least enough to make him riled up, cock twitching in agreement within his pants. He shamelessly rubbed it through his jeans, caressing the hardening length and letting you watch with glee. Your face made him snort, amusement evident as he chuckles and squints. “You like this, little freak?” You looked like you did, he notes. Your wide pretty eyes, still a little teary and red at the ends, showed your blown out pupils. You looked to be more star struck, not terrified like any normal girl chased through a park and dragged into a little corner between some trees to be out of sight. He watches you swallow hard, lips parting before closing as if you aren’t sure what to say to that question. “Fuck, you’re cute,” he grins, “a cute little slut who stood out at night all alone as if begging for someone to come along and do something nasty.” You release a tiny yelp as he meanly shoves you back, straddling your upper chest with his thighs as he hunches over you, looming ominously above with wild eyes screaming for chaos. “Good thing that I came along, huh? Make all your nasty little fantasies come true.” He watches you gasp as he presses his fingers against your lips, confusion evident on your face but you aren’t really putting up much of a fight as you open and let him slide two in. “Nasty fucking girl, look at you, when you don’t even fucking know me.” He chuckles, and while he’s teasing you mostly, he is amazed. You looked erotic as hell right now, little angel costume all wrinkled and a bit dirty from the earth below, pretty face a bit stained with mascara that had run a little from your earlier tears. You weren’t wearing the waterproof kind it seemed. Lips bitten and chewed on, plump and glossy from whatever glittery shit you swiped on them earlier now wrapped around his digits as he dug around in your warm wet mouth. “Suck on them, slut,” he orders, his smile dropping and face becoming more serious as you hurry to obey, a strange trepidation building in your gut. He groans as he feels your tongue wiggle and swirl, pumping his fingers a bit now and enjoying the little bleats you release when he chokes you a bit with them. “Wonder if you’re soaked down here~” he hums, leaning back a bit and yanking his fingers from your lips, wiping the excess saliva across your cheek and huffing a laugh as your features wrinkle in distaste. His hand moves behind him, easy access to your cunt due to the frilly dress hiked up almost around your waist, revealing cute soaked white cotton panties he growls at the sight of. “You really suck at putting up a fight, crybaby, but I think I heard somewhere that girls get wet when scared too…” those red eyes flick back to your own, "You scared?” He asks, almost softly. He watches you breathe, chest struggling a bit under his weight but your hands curled into the fabric of his hoodie, not pushing him away. “A little…?” Is your shaky response, and he wonders silently if you’re an idiot or just a pervert. You might be both, because when he lets his thumb dig into where your pussy lay poorly hidden, you moan for him and spread your legs wider. You make it even easier to search for his desired location, your swollen bundle of nerves. “O-oh—!” Your head falls back, little halo becoming a bit misshapen as it gets flattened to the ground, he tsks, fixing it with his free hand as he thumbs your little clit and watches you mewl and writhe beneath him, pleasure clearly visible on your face. Your hips buck and wiggle, body pinned beneath his and unable to get away or closer like you desperately want for more friction than he’s providing. “P-please,” you can’t help but beg, hoping your new friend is merciful enough to make you cum and not simply edge you all night.
It’s the pouty expression which makes him nearly feral, his grin spreading wide again as he keeps working his finger on your clit but his face closes the distance between your own. His lips just barely graze yours, and you are all too happy to part your lips and give him a sloppy kiss back, his own tongue finally slipping into your mouth where you suck. The smooth muscle in your mouth and the saliva dripping from it drive you wild, hands now dragging him closer and trying to make him do more for you. The heat spreads slowly however, his pace not changing, and despite his slim build he’s much stronger than you. You aren’t able to take any more than what is given, huffing in exasperation and groaning when he places more force before easing off. “S-stop teasing…” you whine against his lips, which were much softer than they look. He smirks, airy chuckle felt more than heard as he shakes with a silent laugh, “how can I not, you’re such a rare find, I plan to take my time with you.” He kisses you hard to silence whatever whines you planned to release to make him give you more. Instead he forces you into a slow building orgasm that leaves him having to pin your wrists above your head lest your clawing rip his skin open. He works you gently and cruelly into it, loving how you gasp and choke for him, eyes rolling back while you shake almost like you’re possessed and soak through your panties. “There you go, heh, normally I wouldn’t bother to take my time with whiny bitches, but you’re more obedient and sweet than I first assumed.” He whispers into your ear as you come down from the mind blowing high, body limp and pliant like dough now. The insult from him brings out a little whine of protest, teary eyes looking at him with almost something akin to betrayal.
“I-I don’t like being called mean names…I said so online too,” he pulls up finally, the chill of the night attacking full force on your now exposed cunt as he brings your panties up to his nose to inhale. His eyes narrow, almost into slits as he pulls them back and shoves them into his hoodie pocket. “Oh yeah? You post that shit on your social media or something? Sorry, I don’t really use those trash platforms. I have a Twitch stream though,” he acts like this is the time for a regular conversation, even as he unbuttons and unzips his jeans, yanking them down his hips to pull his cock free. Your eyes go wide, mind a bit blank and missing something, in favor of looking at him pump his length lazily. A trail of blue curls like on his head travel from his navel to his groin where it spreads out a little, the color a bit darker as it goes lower. He’s not one to shave it seems, but your eyes focus on his cock, average in length but girthy with a tip that curves up almost perfectly. It looks like a cock someone would sell as a dildo at a sex store. It was pretty, admittedly, as a few pearls of pre-cum dotted the tip and spilled over as he slowly worked it above you. “Hungry?” He jokes, but when you nod he grits his teeth and bites back a moan, the night truly more unexpected than he thought. “Open up then, crybaby.” He thankfully didn’t call you a bitch again, crybaby the less of the evils and more acceptable of a petname for your preference as you open your lips and awkwardly lean your head forward. “No need to lean up,” he mumbles, shifting until his knees now rested by your shoulders, tip just in your mouth and his forearms on the earth above your head. He’s looking down at you, and you lay back down as he works his cock in your mouth. He’s going to fuck your mouth, you realize a bit late, the position so easy for him to hit balls deep in your throat and prevent you from running just from his weight alone. You’re pinned to earth, the scent of crisp autumn becoming mingled with the musky masculine odor the stranger had clinging to him. Something smelled of iron too, but it was fainter and didn’t bother you too much, not when he seemed determined to suffocate you with his cock. You jerk a little, teeth accidentally grazing his cock and his hiss of pain alerts you that you’ve hurt him. He pulls up and out of your mouth, glaring ferociously as he looks down at you with contemplation. “Sorry—! I’m not used—,” the words leaving you mouth go unfinished as you’re suddenly looking away and down, confusion wracking your mind before white hot pain erupts across your face and you cry out in agony.
He watches with a cool nonchalance as you whimper and cry, holding your inflamed cheek and looking at him with teary eyes filled with questions. The sight doesn’t help his hardness, your face swelling a bit from the force of the blow already, but it was still arousing how you cried for him so easily. “Don’t bite my fucking dick and I won’t hit you, clear?” He’s grabbing you roughly by the hair again, yanking you up and no longer in the mood for that awkward position as he stands and pulls you to your knees. This position at least gives him a good eye full of your tits, shaking from your little trembling as you’re made to look up at him. His angry reddened cock next to your injured cheek is a sight for him, his hand gripping his shaft and slapping you lightly on the cheek with it, his hand in your hair preventing you from turning away even as you whimper in pain. “Okay, we’ll try this again, crybaby. Open.” You do, even as tears run like waterfalls down your face, mascara smeared and making a pathetic sight for sore eyes of you, you let his cock enter your mouth once more.
Because you’ve never been more aroused.
Your stranger isn’t nice, pushing hard and deep into your throat immediately and gagging you. You’re careful with your teeth, jaw already burning and aching as he locks his arm and hand, strands of hair tearing out as he works his hips into your face at an uneven pace. “Stop fucking moving,” he growls, stepping even closer, blocking any and all exits and forcing you to take it. His cock didn’t seem so scary when he’d pulled it out, but in your throat it was a plug to your oxygen and felt too big for your poor mouth. It hurt, feeling him go too deep and leaving you coughing and sputtering and even still he wouldn’t pull out, groaning and pressing impossibly deep like he truly means to suffocate you. “You got a good little mouth pussy, crybaby. Fuck—take my cock, just like that.” He moans, watching as you struggle on his dick to breathe or swallow, slobber and tears coating his cock as he makes a mess of your pretty face. He doesn’t care that your eyes are starting to roll back, hands which had previously been clawing at his legs going limp at your sides. You acted more like a hole for him to fuck when you were limp like this, and it drove him wild as he grunted like an animal and rutted into your mouth like he held a grudge against you. Both hands dug into your hair, hands pulling you back onto his cock when his hips bucked you away. “Never fucked a—holy shit—ah, mouth so damn good before—, ah fuck, fuck,” he’s getting breathier as time ticks by, his own eyes rolling back as his balls draw up tight. “I’m going to cum, ready for me crybaby? Want it in your tummy or on your face?” He’s being condescending on purpose, but it’s a bit useless considering he’s rendered you nearly unconscious on his dick. He shrugs your lack of response off, pumping his cock down your throat until he sees stars and yanks himself free just before the first spurt misses and hits the grass below, he grips the base, pumping and shooting his next shot right onto your face. He yanks your head against his thigh, delirious face dazed and coughing softly as he finishes on your glitter and mascara run cheeks, using the tip to smear it well into your ruined makeup as he sneers at you from above.
“Hah…” he catches his breath, sucking in oxygen along with you as his gaze turns calculated.
“Wake up, I’m not done with you yet.” He’s more gentle now that he's cum at least once, tapping your uninjured cheek with two fingers as your eyes roll around before opening and looking at him.
He swears, your face making him hard again instantly, blood pooling to his groin at the messy sight of you in your white ruined angel costume. “You really are unlucky I was out tonight, I don’t think I’m gonna let you go.” His dead serious comment caused something cold to hit your veins, chills running through you as you gape in shock.
“W-what…?” He reaches into his hoodie pocket, pulling out what looked like a foot long serrated hunting blade. He snickers at the blank look of shock on your features.
“What’s wrong, crybaby? No tears for me right now?” You’re shaking, getting paler by the second as you realize no, it’s not a costume, and yes, there is still dried blood on the blade. There’s dried blood all over him, his spree tonight ridiculously fruitful and his body still high on the thrill. Imagine his luck finding you. “T-this wasn’t in my profile, wh-what are you doing?” Now you look alert, now you act like a regular civilian, he notes cooly. “I only con-consented to the sex and stuff, I said I didn’t like—like blades or blood play.” Your eyes are wide as saucers and you have a cold sweat now forming and dotting your skin, shaky like on too much caffeine as your body dumped chemicals to help you run.
His head tilts, a few more strands of hair coming loose from his tie as those red eyes watch you without any emotion in their depths.
“Ah~ I get it now. Are you some kind of freak who links up with people online for this kind of shit?” He laughs, eyes not matching the manic toothy grin. “Sorry to disappoint slut, I ain’t your tinder or whatever match. Did you do it anonymously?” He’s beyond amused, thrilled by the horror dawning on your face as reality sets in. “You’re a fucking idiot.” He sneers, but he’s joyful when you book it, heeled boots caked in mud as they dig into the ground and you take off for real. True intent to get away now because he’s not your new friend, he’s a real stranger and his energy is nothing but malevolent.
You’re going to die.
It’s a sick thought that twists inside you as you push the hardest you’ve ever, scream bubbling up and out as you cry for help now. “HELP! Please! Someone! Anyone!” It’s more broken and hoarse than you want, his earlier abuse to your throat having taken a number on your ability to vocalize.
It’s empty. This damn park is empty.
Not a soul around and you can’t hear him coming for you anymore, and it only makes the tears fall harder as you drive your body to a breaking point. If no one is around you can at least aim for your car, your phone will take too much time to look at and dial the police, you’d be too open and that would mean—
Something—someone—smashes into you, your body thrown sideways by the brute force and flung roughly to the ground where you roll several feet.
It hurts—!
Your body and mind scream as pain lights up your shoulder, a previously dull ache now hounding for your attention so much it left you lightheaded. You twisted your ankle too or maybe broke it, already so regretful for the evening and your life choices that your shoes hardly broke the bank. It all hurt, and yet you still tried to crawl to get away, still eager for another deep breath of air in your lungs even if it hurt to do that too.
“Hck, please, please—help—!,” you’re a sobbing pathetic mess, and he couldn’t be more turned on by the sight. He dusts himself off like he hadn’t tackled you like a linebacker for a major league football team, his lanky form sinewy with muscle and his agility nothing to scoff at. He swirls the enormous daunting blade with a whistle, smiling more genuinely as he strolls towards your shaking form crawling away.
“Where do you think you’re going, crybaby? I said I wasn’t done with you,” he lands a solid hit to your middle, dirty sneaker smearing mud on your cute little dress, looking less and less white as the night wears on. The blow is not hard enough to damage anything, he’s sure, but you act as if you’ve been disemboweled by how you howl and heave. He rolls his eyes at the dramatics, settling one foot between your shoulder blades and pressing down until you’re left immobilized.
Your vision is blurry, going in and out of focus as you try, and try, and try to get away, cute nail polish chipped and ruined as you claw at the dirt floor for leverage.
He admires your tenacity. “You think you can get away? That anyone is coming to save you?” He brushes a few stray hairs out of his face as he laughs, the urge to gut you strong as he savors your useless little struggle. “Crybaby, look around! No one is coming! I said look,” he grinds out, dropping to one knee while his other leg remains planted on your back, his hand gripping your hair and yanking your head up to see what he meant.
There’s a fence. A metal chain link fence, and it had a sign your vision was too blurry to read through your tears.
“You ran yourself straight into the worst possible area, this is sort of your game over,” He leans down to look at you, yanking your head back and forcing you into an uncomfortable arch. He raises up the blade, fully intending to slit your pretty throat and watch your eyes as the light fades, but you blubber out a sentence which halts him.
“Y-you didn’t finish! E-earlier, hck, earlier you didn’t finish—!” Your eyes squeeze closed in pain as he yanks your head to the side. Confusion burned in him, and curiosity kept you breathing for now.
“Didn’t finish what, crybaby? Fairly certain I finished all over your face, if I remember correctly.” He has a sharp edge in his tone, something metallic fills your mouth and you realize you’ve bitten through your tongue in your panic. A few drops spill past your lips, catching his attention.
“S-shouldn’t you also f-fuck me too? I-it’s why I came out tonight, wh-why I, ah, d-did this,” it’s a long shot by any means, and he’s no fool, but you did make a good point.
He was still hard.
“Smart little crybaby, aren’t you?” He mutters darkly, setting aside his blade in favor of smashing your face into the dirt, keeping your head down as he presses against your back and yanks your hips up. Your knees are skinned from the rough handling, socks torn open and stained with blood and dirt while his calloused hands slip beneath your dress. Your breath hitches. You needed to think of some way out of this, some kind of plan to escape or incapacitate him.
He’s busied himself with your still dripping cunt. Two fingers roughly filling your hole and uncaringly stretching your tight entrance. “You really are a freak, wet even though you’re going to die, crybaby.” He felt a bit strange as you whimper and mewl below, hand slowing as he tried to place the feeling.
He shrugs it off, instead easily yanking down his jeans which were still unbuttoned and pulling out his cock once more, stroking his shaft a few times before he lined himself up with your puffy lips. “Fuck—,” he swears, eyes seeing stars as he pushes just his tip past the tight ring of muscle at your entrance, mouth opening as licks his lips and stares down at you. “Never had pussy so good…” he giggles darkly, cracking his neck as he pushes each inch inside of you, stretching you out deliciously until you’re speared on his cock with his hips flush with your ass. “Who knew you’d be the best, crybaby.” He muses, fingers digging into the fat of your hips, your little dress flipped up and over your ass so he can watch it bounce as he leans back on his knees to fuck you deeper. You need to think straight but it’s difficult with how good your body feels, the pain from earlier seeming to go away with a numb buzz as he fills your pussy, hitting perfectly against a spot that has you arching harder for more.
You really are a freak like he says.
You can’t help relaxing further, eyes dumbly looking to the side where your head rests as he pounds into you from behind, the coil in your gut growing tighter by the minute.
The clouds blocking the moon seem to part just for you, the full moon’s light no longer blocked and illuminating the little patch of grass he’d tackled you into. Something gleams, in perfect reach too as your eyes widen.
His knife.
He’d already proven you can’t outrun him, but what if he was injured? There’s a major artery in the thigh, if you hit that, wouldn’t you be able to get away?
He yanks back roughly, moaning as he feels you squeeze even tighter around him, velvet walls massaging his dick while he tries to fuck himself as deep as possible inside of you.
It hit you despite all your intentions not to, because this wasn’t safe and he wants to end your life and everything is wrong, but your body doesn’t listen. You cum with a shaky cry, and with an awkward turn of your head you watch as his head goes back and he moans, eyes closed in bliss as you coat his cock in even more slick.
You’re louder than you intended to be, but your fingers close around the hilt nonetheless, trembling with the heavy weight in your grasp, you use every ounce of energy inside you to swing it back into his thigh.
“Cute,” you scream as he catches your wrist, hand clenching so tight you feel your bones grind together as the knife falls from your grip. He twists your arm around and pins your wrist behind your back, holding it in place while his other hand remains at your hip.
“So fucking cute, crybaby. Did you cum just to distract me or was that because you couldn’t help yourself?” He’s getting a high from this, from fucking you and turning you into nothing but a toy as he bounces you on his cock, hips still but arms pulling you back and forth with ease. Scarlet eyes drink you in with undisguised sick glee, and he’s finally able to place the feeling from earlier.
“A pretty little slut trying to get her rocks off and getting shown why she should’ve been a good girl and stayed home,” he grunts, releasing you and leaning over, pinning you with his weight and nearly knocking the air from your lungs how deeply he hits you inside from this angle. Dirt fills the underbelly of your nails, your fingers digging into the earth just for some semblance of stability.
You had none. It was a sick and horrifying realization. You have no control. You can do nothing to stop this. As deeply as it made your gut sink, another odd emotion rose to the surface.
A bubbly sensation that tore through you as your tears became less from fear and more from overstimulation.
His hips piston in and out of you, bullying your cervix in this position as he ruts into you like a hound, tongue hanging out of his mouth as he moans and grunts.
You break again, spasm and cinch down on his cock like a vice while you wail as if in mourning. Maybe you are, for yourself at least. “Oh fuck—! s’too much—, please, I can’t—, f-feels good, hah,” your nearly incoherent babbling sends him over the edge along with you, his own dull nails finally drawing blood as he holds you for dear life as he releases deep inside you, tip kissing right up against you womb as he cums. You can feel it too, his cock twitching inside as the night seems to still for a moment.
He holds you for a while. Breathing you in, nuzzling his face into your neck and licking you. He holds you until his cock fully softens and it hurt to be gripped so tightly inside your wet heat, regrettably pulling away.
He stands, putting his sticky limp cock away inside his underwear and pulling up his pants, looking down at your ruined figure that had slumped over to the side.
“Y’know, crybaby… you really resemble an angel now,” he smiles, red eyes almost glowing as the moon blankets his back and shadows his face. His hair seems almost white like this, your tired eyes note. You don’t move or even flinch as he grabs his knife and yanks your limp figure up by your hair. Even now you’re still crying, face lax despite the rivers flowing down your dirty swollen cheeks. You make no effort to stop him, having given up completely.
He crouches down again, mostly eye level now as he makes you look at him.
“You got any last words?” He’s being dead serious. He feels strange looking at the almost glazed over look in your eyes.
“W-what…” your voice is barely a whisper, but the night is so quiet he catches it, “what’s your…name?”
An unexpected question.
His eyes gleam, smile ravenous as he puts his lips against your ear and whispers it.
“Tomura, what’s your name, crybaby?” He asks, gently, almost like he’s actually interested.
You hoarsely whisper it, your last time ever saying it after tonight. He hums, like it pleases him, before he brings down the knife swiftly.
Your vision goes dark, the strike mercifully painless. Your last thoughts blur as you drift into soft nothingness.
He releases your hair, grabbing your limp figure up in his arms as he chuckles and sheaths his knife properly on his hip. “Dumb crybaby” his voice almost singing the words as he whistles and walks away, the park dead silent but even if someone had seen you in his arms, he could just play the good boyfriend taking his sweetheart home safely. It’s not entirely a lie either, his eyes glancing down at your unconscious form, pretty neck unmarred but a bruise would likely form on the back where he struck you tomorrow. Tomura had never felt compelled to allow a victim to live, but then again he’s never fucked a victim either, so you’re the first for a lot. He supposed it made you quite special, his legs carrying him in the direction of his car in the parking lot about a mile south. Obsession and possessiveness swirled in those red depths as they looked at your figure.
“Good girls should just stay home…” he continues his sardonic little tune, his smile gruesome and foreboding.
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Vibrant blue orbs check his surroundings again, noting once again his friend was a no show. Rolling his eyes, he knew it was too good to be true. Your profile screamed inexperienced and cautious, despite you clicking that you’d like him to remain anonymous beforehand. It didn’t matter, he’d just go enjoy some sorority girl pussy instead, figuring at 0330 that most parties would be winding down. Drunk girls dressed like sluts were his second favorite.
Dabi clicks the notify option on his app, letting the website staff know you never showed up.
Though, he muses if something did happen, the police wouldn’t be notified until it was too late. Halloween weekend after all meant you could be missing for quite a while before anyone noticed.
Not his problem though.
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Post dividers/@cafekitsune
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cmors12 · 2 years
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lmnop Lowercase (My Style)
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alphabetloren · 2 years
why do we have hands (alphabet lore M the cute cat)
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