#alright but what if everything turned out okay . wouldn't that be nice?
july-19th-club · 1 year
when bbc sherlock decides not to answer the central question of "why is that guy alive" it's an insult to the viewership and a betrayal of the function of the very story it is being asked in but when i, a guy on the internet writing imitation fiction of a long-defunct doctor show, decide not to answer why some guy is alive, it's an intelligent subversion of a character flaw that allows for a neat little bit of role reversal and ultimately the realization that 'not solving the puzzle' is the thing that allows you proof that you've survived, loved, and changed, and then you go to europe together and drive mopeds in rome
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sanguineterrain · 2 months
most normal thing in the world | jason todd
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Summary: You get hit with a love spell. Naturally, the first person you seek out is Jason Todd.
Pairing: Jason Todd x gn!reader 
Word count: 4.5k
Warnings/tags: love spell (so potentially mild dubious consent but all the feelings are reciprocated), lovesick you, lovesick jason, repressed jason, LOTS of cuddling/lovie stuff, needles, magic, pining, happy ending.
the divider
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Jason's having a good night.
He made himself an indulgent lasagna, and now he's got leftovers for tomorrow. He's off from patrol tonight, which, he must admit, was nice of Cass to offer.
Yeah, Jason actually feels pretty normal. Feels like any young person would. Hell, he might put on a movie he won't pay attention to, or finally adopt a cat, just to keep the normal streak going. That's what young folks do, right?
(He can think of some other things young people do, things that Jason won't allow himself to dream of.)
Knock knock.
Jason sighs. Well. The streak was good while it lasted.
He gets up, shuffling over in his sweats. He undoes the four locks and opens the door to reveal... you.
"Uh, hey," he says, cracking the door wider. "Everything okay?"
It's late. You shouldn't be out now, even if the sun hasn't gone down yet.
Jason frowns when you sway in the doorway and don't respond.
Then you flash him the sweetest smile he's ever been on the receiving end of. Wow. Sure, Jason's seen you flash your pretty teeth before. But not like this. And not at him.
"Hi, Jaylove. Hi."
"Uh." He watches you walk right past him, into his apartment. He shuts the door. "Hi... What's goin' on? You alright?"
You turn to face him. "Why wouldn't I be? After all, you're here."
You walk to him and take his hands in yours. Jason's eyebrows rise.
"Hey...?" Jason says, looking at your joined hands. You lace your fingers together.
"My prince," you say happily. "Your eyes are beautiful. Like emeralds. And you have a beautiful mouth. Your whole face is beautiful. I'd like to paint you."
"Are you on drugs?" Jason releases your hands to hold your face. He gently pushes your eyelids up to inspect your pupils. You just smile.
"I feel high when you touch me," you say. "Just being near you is drug enough."
Yeah, Jason's now feeling a healthy amount of paranoia. It's not that you don't stop by or that you're not nice. No, you're the sweetest creature Jason's ever had the pleasure of meeting.
But wanting to touch him? Thinking he's beautiful? Calling him your prince? Either you're drugged or he's died again and found paradise.
Then again, he probably wouldn't still be in Gotham if this were paradise. You'd definitely be here, though.
"Right. Your eyes are fine." Jason lets go of your face. "You sure you didn't take anything? Drink anything? Run into anyone?"
"I drank tea," you say, gazing up at him. "And I petted a fat orange cat. Don't you want a cat?"
"I surely do. You drank tea?"
"Mmhm. It was almost as amazing as you."
Jason nods and lets go of you so he can take your hand. "Okay. We're going to the Cave."
"How come?" you ask, but you don't protest as he leads you out and into the elevator.
"Because I wanna make sure you're okay," he says, pushing the button labeled one. You're definitely not okay, but he doesn't want to worry you.
"Oh." You lean against Jason's arm. He stiffens and looks down at you. You just burrow into his side. "'Cause you love me?"
Breath catches in his throat. You can't mean that. Do you even know what you're saying? No, impossible.
You look up when he's silent for too long. "Jay-Jay? Didja hear me?"
"Yeah," he says slowly. "Yeah, I did."
You look at him, big eyes sweet. "Don't you love me too? I love you."
Jason swallows hard. "I, um, don't think you're in your right mind."
Your lip quivers. Oh, God. No, please don't cry, please don't—
"You don't love me?" you ask, tears welling.
"I do love you," Jason says quickly, panicking at your distress. "I do. Shit. Please don't cry, honey. I do love you."
You frown, cheeks wet. "You're just saying that! You hate me!"
Jason shakes his head. "No, no! Oh, never, I could never hate ya, honest! I was just... um, this is the first time we've said it to each other, y'know? I do love you. Have for a long time now."
He strokes your cheek with his thumb, soaking up your tears. You sniffle but accept this, nodding.
"Oh. I'm sure I've told you that I love you before. I love you so much, Jason. I'll never love anyone the way I love you."
God, this is fucking torture. As the elevator reaches the ground floor, Jason takes a deep breath, lets you link your fingers with his, and leads you out to the street. The universe is intent in never granting him a normal night. Noted.
There's no way you're in your right mind. Jason's figured this from the start. But that doesn't make the way you look at him, like he's anybody worth looking at, any less painful.
He pulls out his phone, shoots a quick text to Dick. ETA 10 min.
Dick responds two seconds later. What's up?
Possible Code 12.
Jason pockets his phone, running through potential reasons for what did this to you. Ivy's not wreaking havoc tonight, as far as he knows.
Meanwhile, you're in another world, humming and holding his hand. Jason's thought about this many times, holding your hand and taking you for rides, you adoring him, hugging him, kissing him. He's nothing if not a masochist.
"Okay, sweetheart," Jason says, and you immediately turn to him, like a flower showing its face to the sun. Jason is no one's sun, though. He's more like the worm under your boot.
"Hm?" you ask, stroking his arm. Jason does his best to be normal about it.
"We're gonna, um, go to the Cave. You okay on my bike?"
You glance at his bike, and there's a tinge of apprehension on your face. Jason reaches for your shoulder, stops, then forces himself to touch you. You're not going to recoil from him, not in this state. And he's not doing it for himself; he's only touching you so that you'll let him take you to the Manor and figure out what's what.
He's not a bastard for holding your shoulder, right? He's doing it just so that you'll be safe.
(It doesn't matter. Jason knows he's a bastard for being in your life at all.)
You lean into him when he touches your shoulder.
"Never been on your bike, Jay," you say.
"I know. But I swear to you that you're safe. You know I'd never let anything happen to you, right? Never."
You nod. "Yeah. You always look out for me. 'S part of why I love you so much."
Good God. Jason's going to be a ball of self-hatred for the next millenia over this.
He puts his spare helmet on you, helping you fit the chin guard underneath.
"Okay?" he asks.
You give him a thumbs-up. Jason smiles and puts his own helmet on.
"You gotta hold on real tight, okay? As tight as you can. Don't worry 'bout hurting me."
He helps you mount the bike first, then follows. As soon as he's on, you wrap your arms around his middle and smush your helmet into his back.
How long has he dreamed about this? Taking you on late-night rides, feeling you pressed against him, squealing as he floats through traffic (he'd never speed the way he does when he's alone; Jason doesn't give a shit about his own body, but your safety matters).
"The bike is loud, so I'm not gonna hear you if you say something, but if you want me to stop, tap my shoulder three times, okay?"
"Okay, Jaylove." You squeeze him in what's clearly a hug. "Ready."
Jason's not sure he is. It's been a long time since anyone's touched him, much less someone he's head over heels for. You're so trusting, it makes him ache. Jason's just glad he's the first jerk you laid your eyes upon instead of the magic you're under pushing you into the arms of someone dangerous.
He starts up his bike. Jason's had guests on his bike before, mostly his brothers and, once, the old lady who runs the tea shop down the block.
He's never had a lovely thing like you snuggled up to him, clinging to him. Jason feels rabid. He feels like he needs to be shot and put out of his misery.
He follows all of the road rules so you won't be scared. You don't tap his shoulder or shake, so Jason figures you're fine. He's good. He's being good for you.
Jason slows as he goes down the ramp to the Cave entrance. He stops at the mouth of the Cave and dismounts first, pulling off his helmet.
"You alright in there?" he asks, offering his hand.
You wrap your arms around his neck and Jason wobbles as he recalibrates and snakes an arm around your shoulders instead and helps you off that way. He removes your helmet. You blink at the new light, then look at him, moony-eyed once again.
"I was kinda scared," you admit. "But I trust you, Jaybee. Always."
"Got you here in one piece, didn't I?" he says, winking at you.
Jason sees what you're going to do before you try. He sees the way you look at his lips, how you rear back, ready to leap and kiss him.
He redirects you immediately, preferring that to making you cry again. He hates it when you cry. Your soft mouth lands on his jaw instead.
Jason smiles, strained. You're annoyed at the fact that you missed, and Jason can see that you're about to try again when Dick and Tim come into view.
He's never been more thrilled to see his brothers.
"Fellow bretheren," Jason says. He knows his voice is thin. "Funny seein' you here."
You're briefly distracted and wave to be polite. But then you force Jason's left ear to your level and catch the lobe between your teeth.
Holy fuck. Jason nearly buckles at the sensation. He's never understood the ears as an erogenous zone before—now he gets it. He's ashamed of how heat pools in his gut as you nip his ear.
Jason balances you with an arm around your waist, gingerly trying to both hide his reaction and separate you. He accomplishes neither. Tim's eyebrows are at his hairline; Dick's mouth is open, no doubt ready to make a smart-ass comment.
"Well, it's nice to see you two so... affectionate," Dick says, holding back a grin.
Jason rolls his eyes. "I need you to run tests. They showed up to my door like this, all over me."
"Yeah, that is weird," Tim says.
"Thank you very much for that, Timbit," Jason grumbles. You kiss under his ear and weave your fingers through his hair. Jason manages to get your hands off, but your mouth is still firmly planted on his neck. He clears his throat. Normal!
"I dunno, Jason," Dick says. "It's not that weird. People fall in love every day."
And, okay. Jason can do teasing. He can even do borderline psychotic remarks. That's part of having siblings. He's made a few in his day. They've all stabbed or shot each other.
But now Dick is just being cruel.
Jason scowls. "Take their blood so we can fucking get this over with. They're clearly under a love spell."
His scathing tone surprises Dick, but it really startles you. You've moved away from his ear (Jason is both relieved and disappointed) and return to cradling his arm. You're alarmed by his reply.
"Jaylove?" you ask. "What happened? Are you mad?"
Jaylove? Jason sees Tim mouth. He forces himself to focus on you, be gentle for you.
"Hm, no, not mad at ya, sweetheart. Sorry 'bout that. But we need to run some medical tests on ya, 'kay? Can we do that?"
"Sure," you chirp, linking your arm with his.
Dick and Tim slip into Work Mode. Jason appreciates that. His nerves are frayed. He senses a self-destructive episode coming on after you're cured. Maybe he'll throw himself into a bar fight tonight.
"Symptoms?" Tim asks, going to the computer.
"Being in love with me," Jason says dryly.
"Besides that. Any physical symptoms like dizziness or nausea? Recklessness?"
"No, didn't notice any sickness. Not reckless; they did everything I said." Jason swallows, says the next part quietly, fearfully. "Probably jump into the Hudson if I asked."
Tim nods sharply. Dick prepares to draw your blood. Again, you're apprehensive. But Jason soothes you, pets you, and you're leaning into him like a cat in its favorite patch of sun as Dick takes your blood.
"I wanna get married," you say as red fills the second vial.
Dick shoots him a sympathetic look. Jason looks away.
"Soon, honey," Jason says, ignoring how his stomach's a pit.
He didn't think about love or relationships when he came back. Didn't care, not when he had revenge to plot.
But after all that was over, after he met you, after he found a reason to keep living, Jason started thinking about it.
And what he realized is that he's never getting married.
By choice? Yes, sure. Jason loves pretending he has a choice in anything. Sure, he chooses to abstain from marriage, like normal people out there do. But really, he avoids attachment it wouldn't be fair to anyone. He knows he's not made for that. His death made him unsalvageable. It's a miracle he's here at all. How dare he ask for more?
And inside, he chokes on a vine of hatred for everyone else who can find someone. Who's capable of loving and being loved. It even, to Jason's shame, has reared its head at you, whispered in his ear about how you're not damaged, so of course you'll find someone one day. Of course you'll leave him eventually. It would be stupid of him to hope otherwise.
"When?" you ask as Dick starts on the third vial. You don't even notice. Dick could probably drain you dry as long as Jason's in front of you. "When can we get married?"
"How 'bout next month?" Jason says without thinking. He would. He'd marry you tomorrow.
You think about this for a moment, then nod. "Yes, that would be good. I've always wanted a fall wedding."
"Yeah? I always liked the idea of marrying in the spring. All the flowers."
"No," you say. "Pollen's out. You'd be sneezing your head off."
Jason laughs, then wants to cry, because you know that he's allergic to pollen.
"Yeah, y'right," he says, voice thick. "Fall wedding's better."
"Alright, all done!" Dick says, forcefully cheerful. He removes the needle and puts a Bandaid on the inside of your elbow. You rest your head on Jason's arm. Jason tries not to boil himself in a fire of misery. You probably won't even remember this.
Dick watches you both, then tugs your hand. "Hey, you mind helping me fill out some info? For the tests."
Your mouth shrivels. You look at Jason, and he can't believe he's your North Star, magic or not.
"I don't wanna leave Jason," you say.
"He'll be right here," Dick says quickly. "Won't leave your sight for a second. But I need your help."
"Just for a minute?" you ask.
Dick nods. "One minute."
You sigh and turn to Jason. "I'll be right back."
Jason nods, tries to smile. "Sure. I'll be here."
He'll be here. Forever and ever and ever...
Wait a second. Tea. Jason jolts.
"Tim. They said they drank tea. Could be something there."
"On it," Tim says. "Dick, we need a mouth swab."
"Right." He turns to you. "Can I—"
"No," you say, and march back to Jason. "You said a minute."
Jason would laugh at the pout on your face, the way you plop yourself next to him and curl around him like he's a new toy. He would laugh. If he could find the humor.
Dick looks at him. Jason sighs.
"Honey?" You hum. "We just need one more test, yeah? Q-tip on your tongue. Not the most pleasant, but it'll be quick. Promise."
"Okay," you say immediately, hugging his arm.
Jason knows it's a spell, or maybe a lab-made chemical. But he's still awed by how quickly you acquiesce. How you show no worry when Dick approaches because Jason's right there, patting your hand.
Dick swabs your mouth. You cough three times after, most of your body on Jason.
"Interesting how they're not lustful," Dick says.
"What," Jason says.
"Okay, the ear thing was..." Dick shrugs. "But it's not mindless. It's actually the most reasonable love spell I've ever seen. Like, their desires for you don't feel manufactured, they feel—"
"Don't," Jason snaps. "Don't fuckin' say it."
Dick holds up his hands. "It was just an observation. You've seen Ivy's pollen doses. This one seems different."
"Fine. Ivy's taking a break from the orgies. Doesn't mean this is real."
Jason's not stupid enough to hope.
"It can't be Ivy," Tim says, and Jason almost startles. He forgot Tim was there, so wrapped up in you. "No reports of Ivy attacks. And the substance, whatever it was, wasn't inhaled. It was injested."
You wrap your arms around Jason's neck and smush your face against his. You're warm and smell good. Jason feels feral.
He holds you with a hand on your back, mind turning.
"Sweetheart," he says. You hum. "You said you drank tea after work. Where exactly did you go?"
"Dunno," you say, spacey. "Went into a tea shop that's never been there before. And an old lady invited me in. She said I looked so sad. And I was, Jaybee! How did she know?"
"Hm. Well, she gave me a tea sample, said it would make all my problems disappear. Then I petted her cat named Darcy. Like that book you like!"
"I don't know, honey," Jason says quietly, even though he has a suspicion. He's never letting you walk home alone again.
Tea shop. That's what he gets for trying to be a good Samaritan. How dare she drug you?
God, Jason just wants to hug you tight and kiss your face. It's awful of him to think of you as cute in your state, he knows.
"Track their routes," Jason says. "They take two different ones home. One crosses Bank Street, the other goes over the bridge."
"I'd call you a stalker but I really have no right," Tim says, fingers flying over the keyboard.
"No shit," Jason mumbles, letting you play with his fingers.
"Jason," Dick says quietly. He glances at you, then at his brother. "If it's too much, we can sedate them."
"No. We don't know how it'll react to the tea. It's not Ivy's brew."
Dick frowns. He knows Jason's right. Jason knows he's right.
"Okay, I got something. Magic signatures from a building on Tenth Street," Tim says. "And I think I'm onto an antidote."
"I'll check it out," Dick says, going to suit up. He looks at Jason. "Are you-?"
Jason nods. "I'm fine. Go."
So Dick does. Tim is able to make an antidote within the hour. He gives it to Jason who injects it into your neck. He feels guilty even though this is what’ll cure you. You wince at the pinch but you don't so much as whimper, endlessly trusting.
"They'll probably crash soon," Tim says, out of your earshot. "I don't know if you should risk the bike."
Jason sighs. Tim's right, and it makes him all the more agitated that his brothers have been helpful and even kind of nice during the whole thing.
You're going to crash soon. Jason has no choice but to bring you up to the Manor.
"Come on, sweetheart," he says, taking your hand and standing.
"Where're we goin'?" you ask, yawning.
"Goin’ t’bed, honey. Aren't ya tired?"
"Hmm. Mmhmm."
"Yeah, thought so."
Jason leads you up the stairs and out of the Cave. He helps keep you steady as you trip up the stairs. He's tempted to just carry you, but he feels like that might be overkill.
Once at the top of the stairs, Jason stops. Swallows.
He hasn't been up here in a while. He slept in his room once after he returned, after a nasty encounter with Scarecrow.
"Wanna sleep in your bed, Jay," you mumble, cheek against his arm.
Jason sighs. "Yeah. Okay, love."
You go to his room. It's clean, as usual—Alfred never let it get dusty. Jason had hoped that if you ever saw his room it would be in much different circumstances. Normal circumstances.
But, well. Here you are.
"Hmm, 's nice," you say as Jason pulls back the bedspread and helps you out of your shoes. You start to take off your pants and he panics.
"Uh! Uh, baby, maybe keep the pants on. You might get cold."
You frown in confusion. "Doesn't feel cold."
"Yeah, but, whew, Alfred blasts the AC! Jus' keep 'em on."
Jason cannot handle seeing you in your underwear. He draws the line there.
"'Kay," you say, and flop onto the sheets. You wiggle around, getting comfortable.
Jason sits in the fat armchair in the corner of the room. Immediately, you sit up.
"Why're you over there?" you ask, eyes wide.
Oh, boy.
"Oh. I was, um, gonna read for a bit. I'll come in in a while."
Your lip trembles. No—
"Don't leave me, Jaybee. Don't leave! Stay with me. I love you!"
Jason rubs his forehead. "Honey—"
"You hate me! You do! I annoy you." Tears gather in your eyes.
Jason hurries to the edge of his bed, climbing in in his jeans and socked feet.
"No, no, love, we covered this. I don't hate ya, hm? Where'd ya get a silly thing like that?"
You quiet as he scoots in beside you. Then you throw most of your limbs over him. Jason stiffens.
"Just got scared," you say, and kiss his chest. "Promise you won't leave?"
Jason breathes in. Breathes out.
"Yeah. I promise."
And he stays.
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You wake up with a faint headache and a dry throat. Sunlight peeks through the blinds. You feel warm and safe and well-rested, despite the slight pains.
You stretch, expecting air. Instead, you touch skin. You open your eyes.
Oh. You're in a bedroom.
No, scratch that. You see framed pictures of the Bats, books on shelves.
You're in Jason Todd's childhood bedroom. With the aforementioned tucked under your arm and leg.
You jerk away so hard, you land on the carpeted floor below.
Jason's up instantly, head poking over the bed. His eyes widen.
"Shit! Y'alright? C'mere."
He gets up and practically scoops you into a standing position. Your brain short-circuits: big strong man strong big good nice. Then you recover.
"Um," you say. "Uh. Hmm. Hi."
Jason smiles tightly. "Hey."
"What... how-?"
"Right. How much do you remember?"
You try to think. You remember walking home, drinking tea, an affectionate orange cat. You remember hands on your face and your stomach swooping on a motorcycle and a gentle voice. So gentle.
"You were magicked," Jason says quickly. "It was a, uh, tea shop. Dick's checking it out. You, um, came to me and I took you here and you got an antidote and you didn't want me to, um, leave. So, yeah. Sorry."
You tilt your head. "Why are you apologizing, Jason?"
He sighs. "Just 'cause."
You have no idea what that means. But you feel like Jason's telling you a very condensed version of what happened.
"What was the magic?" you ask.
He winces. "Love spell. You thought you were... in love with me."
Jason says it like he's the one who charmed you. Like he's ashamed of it.
"Oh," you say. Well, you certainly didn't need a spell for that to happen.
"Yeah." Jason's staring at your and his shoes by the door. "But everything's fine now. I can take you home. Dick and Tim'll take care of the tea shop witch."
He doesn't wait for a response, darting to the door and slipping into his shoes. You rush forward and close the door as Jason opens it. He looks at you in confusion.
"Jason," you say softly. "What happened?"
"Whaddya mean? I told you."
"Jason. I've known you for three years. You think I don't know when you're not telling me something?"
He looks at his feet. One of his socks has a hole in the toe.
"There's nothin' to tell," he mumbles. "Magic stuff. Happens all the time. Business as usual."
You frown. "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable, Jay. I admittedly don't remember a lot."
Jason's expression is relief but there's a heaviness to his shoulders. "Well, 's for the best, really. Magic messes with your head."
"Did I make you uncomfortable, Jason? Not letting you leave and—God, I can't imagine how I was on the spell."
He shakes his head fervently. "No! No, no, my God, no. You didn't—you could never—I mean, I wasn't... fuck. No. You didn't make me uncomfortable."
"If you're sure," you say.
He nods. "Hundred percent."
Jason doesn't sound like he's lying. You're pretty good at detecting it, especially when it comes to his feelings.
So why is he acting weird?
Well, duh. A love spell. You probably freaked him out, especially since you really do love him.
"I hope we can still be friends," you offer.
Jason turns to the door.
"Yeah," he says quietly. "'Course we're still friends."
It shouldn't make you ache. Jason's perfectly in the right to not reciprocate how you feel. How can he reciprocate something he doesn’t even know exists?
"You, uh..." Jason scratches the back of his neck. He faces you once more. "You said last night that you were sad. When you were coming home. I just wanted to say, y'know... you can talk to me. 'Bout anything."
This will make all of your problems disappear, she had said. It'd tasted like kombucha—you hadn't had a lot of faith.
Jason begins to open the door. You slide in front of him and slam the door shut with your back. He steps back in surprise.
"I have to tell you something!" you blurt.
Jason stills. "Okay."
"I adopted you a cat," you say.
He squints. "What?"
"Well, she's still at the shelter but I put her on reserve. Of a sort. I have a friend who works there. She's black and white and likes to cuddle and has two different colored eyes but she can't see very well. Her name is... whatever you want to name her. Because she's yours. And I think you'll love her."
He nods slowly. "I, uh, thanks. Thank you. I was thinking about adopting a—"
"I was sad last night because I kept thinking about how you're gonna love this cat I got you but you'll never love me, and how that's the fucking worst feeling in the world."
You've stunned him silent. Shit.
Seconds tick by. A minute. Two minutes.
"Okay," you say, wanting to jump out of Jason's two-story window. "I'm gonna go drop off the face of the Earth now. Bye."
You open the door. Jason closes it by caging you against it.
And then he kisses you.
Jason pours everything into the kiss. He's not a perfect kisser but it's good. It's magic. He holds your face completely, shuts out the entire world. Kisses the breath out of you.
Yes, you could go on. It's fantastic. It's fireworks. It's sunbeams.
And actually, it feels like the most normal thing in the world, kissing Jason Todd.
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bedoballoons · 8 months
GENSHIN BOYS WITH A FEM!THIN/UNDERWEIGHT READER???? ive always been rlly thin, so it’s not eating disorder related just a scrawny fem!reader
OOOOOO OKIE!! I've always been thicker myself so I hope I wrote this well! Thank you for your request and I hope you enjoy the characters I picked!!
─⊰💕𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤💕⊰─
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{༻~Scrawny and cute~༺}
CW: Fem! Reader described as being very thin!, fluffy and sweet!
A/n: First time writing Gaming!! EEE so excited!! Hope I did him justice!!
(Includes: Lyney, Gaming, and Venti!)
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You tried to stay perfectly still as Lynette measured you...how had you gotten in this position? You weren't really sure, all you knew was that Lyney was special ordering you a outfit for his next show and he'd asked his sister to measure you, only she seemed a little perplexed with the results. "You're eating right? You make sure to have three meals a day? Maybe even some snacks?"
You raised a eyebrow at her, "Yes of course. Why do you ask?"
She paused for a second, her features not giving any hint to what she was feeling, "Your measurements are just very small, for a second I was worried you might need to eat more."
"Nope, I was actually worried about that at first as well, but I always make food and she eats it. She's just naturally thin, which is exactly why I'm thinking you'll be perfect for the trick I have in mind...if that's alright of course?"
You and Lynette turned your attention to Lyney as he walked up to you, his eyes sparkling with inspiration as you contemplated his request. "Hmm do I get a kiss after the show?"
"As if you wouldn't mon amour~"
"Woah here let me get that for ya!"
"Watch your step, don't want you to fall!"
"Get to safety I'll take care of them!"
You'd heard them a few to many times lately, you knew Gaming was only looking out for you, he was a caring guy and he truly just wanted to make sure you were okay all the time...even if he was being a little to...over protective. Yes you were a bit scrawnier than he was...his claymore probably weighed more then you did, but that didn't mean he had to do everything for you..., "Hey Gaming? You know you don't have to do all that stuff for me right? I can do it just fine I swea-"
"Oh I have no doubts you could, I just figured when I'm with you, you shouldn't have to. Hmm how do I put this...you're one of the most precious things to me, so I want to take care of you." He scratched the back of his neck, a blush creeping onto his cheeks, "Maybe I was over doing it though...sorry. Promise i'll remember that for next time, for now lets enjoy some dim sum!"
Venti wrapped his arms around your waist tightly and rested his chin on your shoulder, watching as ran your fingers over the details engraved in his lyre. He'd been teaching you how to play little by little everyday and now you could almost strum a whole song...but it still just didn't sound as good as when he played it, "Venti do you think one day my music will induce feelings like yours does? I want to play you a melody that leaves you feeling calm and happy, just like you do to me."
He smiled softly and kissed your cheek, his embrace growing slightly tighter around your slim waist, "I think one day you will make music that leaves everyone feeling calm and free, you have talent and a beauty even crystal flies would be jealous of."
You felt your cheeks heat up at his words and butterflies fill your stomach...one day. One day you'd play him a tune that explained every feeling just right and then when he held you tightly after, chuckling happily and making a joke about how he hopes he doesn't break you with his hugs...you'd tell him just how much you loved him and it would be the most perfect of days.
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ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚~Have a nice day!~*⁠.⁠✧
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chewnotchoke · 4 months
boynextdoor and their love languages
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warning: some suggestive parts, use of real names (riwoo only)
receiving: quality time, acts of service
𓍯 his type of quality time is visiting new places with you. so he really appreciates it when you call and tell him "let's eat at this restaurant. i heard it's a really good place!" and he'd agree immediately.
𓍯 he gets so excited when he sees your contact name popping on his phone screen because he knows it's call time! he'd answer it on the first ring! when he's busy, he'd call you back immediately and would spend at least an hour talking on the phone
𓍯 loves it when you cook his favorite dish! since he loves affirming you, he always tells you to cook it again for him because apparently, you cook better than a renowned chef.
giving: acts of service, words of affirmation
𓍯 surprises you with bubble baths after a long tiring day. "prepared this for my girl because she has to save up all her energy for tonight."
𓍯 you rely on him opening tightly sealed jars and it actually turns you on. "babe, can you help me open this?" and it was as easy as flicking an ant for him.
𓍯 "i care for you. is there any way i can help?" // "everything's alright, babe. everything's okay because you have me. i'll always be here, hm?"
receiving: words of affirmation
𓍯 really really loves affirmations! he gets so red and shy though.
𓍯 he loves it when show expression of appreciation for his work/performance. everytime you say "it was a really nice performance, sanghyuk! you did so well." he'd throw pumches in the air out of excitement and satisfaction.
𓍯 but he would easily get hurt when you talk to him in a low voice or no emotions at all because it makes him overthink :c pls don't raise your voice at him too! he will tear up.
giving: quality time, acts of service
𓍯 to him, giving you 20 minutes of his time means giving you 20 minutes of his life. he values time with you so much.
𓍯 fond of doing your skincare at night OMG. for quality time, he loves doing facial masks together while laying in bed. he'd then start bringing up the first time he met you and tells you how in love he is with you.
𓍯 since he loves affirmation, you'd tell him "oh look at this pretty boy doing my skincare." while he soothes your face with the moisturizer he just applied on your skin, and then he would press his lips together to hide his smile. because of that, he's peck your kiss as his way to appreciate your words.
receiving: physical touch
𓍯 he loves being babied when it's time to go to bed. he loves it when you pull him closer to your chest and cuddle him 'til you hear his cute snores.
𓍯 have i mentioned he loves being babied? because he really likes it when you're all over him, when you grab his face, when you ruffle his hair.
𓍯 "can i get my kiss later?" he would plead at you in the middle of his work. "of course! i'll give you lots of it when we get home. so please just focus on your work for now, alright?" your mouth curved into a smile. "can you give me 100 kisses later?" he couldn't be any cuter when he asks for kisses from you. "i'll give you thousands, jae." you answered. "we'll have to make out then..."
giving: physical touch, acts of service
𓍯 definitely the "after you, my lady" type when opening the door for you.
𓍯 the touchiest of them all! like he wouldn't allow it at all if your knees or feet are not touching under the table during dinner.
𓍯 would get whiny if you sit across him on the table and not beside you. "hey, what's wrong? why are you sitting there? your seat is here." he said as he pats on his lap, giggling like a child.
receiving: physical touch
𓍯 whenever he does something worthy to be proud of, he would lean his cheek closer to you and tap it with his pointer finger so you could kiss it. you always end up giving him more than what he asks!
𓍯 nothing's more important than holding him when he cries. he rarely cries but this one time he got so vulnerable after a tiring day, he never found a greater comfort than being in your arms.
giving: gifts, quality time, physical touch
𓍯 “my parents aren't home.” he'd chuckle on the other line of the call. you knew what he was trying to imply.
𓍯 he has this hobby of giving you hand-picked flowers!! "would you like me to get you daisies next time? alright, i'll look for daisies next time." he ends up taking all the flowers in your neighbor's garden because he found it as pretty as you.
𓍯 a big spender. doesn't mind of the price as long as he buys it for you.
𓍯 always loves burrying his face on your neck for no reason at all. also, 100% thigh grabber!!!
receiving: words of affirmation
𓍯 his eyes light up whenever you tell him you remember the things you've done with him, things he likes, and foods you've eaten together even if they happened a long time ago.
𓍯 he gets really emotional when you tell him you don't take him for granted :c
𓍯 both of you loves writing letters for each other especially when it's handwritten. he thinks it means a lot when you spend time writing about him the traditional way.
giving: acts of service, words of affirmation
𓍯 rather than sexual activities, he's more into giving you head pats, combing your hair, rubbing your arms as a way of intimate touching.
𓍯 for leehan, communication is the very essence of a loving relationship. he always seeks understanding and reconciliation every after an argument. "can you tell me how i made you feel like you're being too much? i promise you were never too much for me. let's talk about it, babe."
receiving: quality time, words of affirmation
𓍯 he's the type to get discourage easily with the feedbacks he's getting. so you telling him that he's doing a really great job is very important to him.
𓍯 he likes having talks with you after his schedule, where you'd sit in front of the tv without actually watching the tv, and would proceed to talking about each other's day.
giving: quality time, gifts
𓍯 you're That important to him he'd let himself lose the game when you suddenly call out of nowhere just so he could accomodate you. "i'm out guys, i'll be talking to my girlfriend. have fun!"
𓍯 giving gifts = symbol of thought. but he's kinda playful with it. "got that for you because it reminded me of you." and then it's an adorable mushroom plushie because he knows you can't eat mushroom. he would laugh saying, "i know you'll never get to eat mushrooms but at least you can keep that for a lifetime!"
𓍯 proximity ≠ togetherness. when you're together, he always ensures you're included and never forgotten. he doesn't take your presence for granted and makes sure you do things together.
𓍯 this one's really really cute but i definitely see him as the type who would spend time on youtube learning how to make diy gifts for you!
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requests are open! i'd gladly work on it if you want me to write something ^__^ comments/reblogs are highly appreciated <3 check my other works too!
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twice-inamillion · 4 months
The Company
Red Velvet
Smut (anal, creampie, caught during sex, first time sex, mentioning of virginity)
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Chapter 10
1935 Words
(OC wants to claim his prize for debuting Irene’s group. Not everything goes according to plan, and sacrifices are made.)
“Unnie, we’re excited to debut! Can’t believe it’s actually happening!”
“You girls deserve it.”
”It's all because of you, unnie,” say the members in unison.
”How are we debuting earlier than the other girl group?” asks Wendy.
“Irene unnie has pull with the CEO, that’s why, haha,” says Joy jokingly.
”Shhh, don’t even joke around; if the other trainees hear you, they are going to complain.”
”Don’t worry about what people say, you girls deserve it. As the oldest, it's my responsibility to take care of you girls.”
”How about we celebrate later tonight?” asks Seulgi.
”That sounds like fun,” replies Wendy.
”What about, unnie?” asks Joy.
”I wish I could, but I need to get some things done. You girls celebrate without me. Here, order some food with this,” Irene gives Seulgi the company credit card.
“Haha, we are going to eat!”
Irene then exits the room and pulls her phone out to see the text message she got during the gathering. “What does he want now?” She reads the message, “IU is out abroad, so get cleaned up; I’ll be stopping by your place later tonight.”
Later that evening, the members celebrate their upcoming debut by ordering some takeout and participating in around of round karaoke. Everytime they take a selfie they send it to Irene but get no response. “We should take some food to unnie. I don’t think she has enough time to cook food after working so late these past few days,” says Wendy.”
”You’re right, let’s surprise her.”
”Yes, maybe we can bring some party streamers and surprise her, haha,” says Joy.
The members pack some food in tupperware and head to Irene’s apartment. They try to be as careful as possible not to get caught by the staff who look for trainees violating their curfew. They exit the elevator and turn towards the hallway to find her apartment. Standing in front of her door, they try to remember her key code from the time they visited her a while back.
The door unlocks, and they all enter her apartment and place the food on the countertop. They look around, but there is no sign of Irene until they hear some noise coming from the room at the end of the hallway.
Curious, they slowly tiptoe and see the door slightly open and look through the little slit and are shocked at the scene. They see Irene, their oldest member and the mother-type figure of the group nude, getting pounded on all fours.
“I’ve missed this ass so much,” as you give it a nice smack. You spread her ass cheeks wide open, giving you a nice view of her pucker hole.
Irene whines,“Just get it over with.”
You align your cock to her pucker hole and slowly press it into her hole, causing her to grunt. She tries to hold her composure but can't when you grab hold of her hips and slam your cock all the way inside.
“Oh fuck! You're being too rough!”
You don't pay any attention and begin to thrust rapidly. Irene buries her head onto the pillow to muffle her expression. You slap her ass continuously, leaving your handprint on her ass.
Minutes pass, and you pull out and say, “How about I claim my present right now?”
Irene lifts her head and turns to you, “No, please, I'm not really yet. Just give me some more time to prepare.”
“Why should I? Remember the deal we made a while back?” as you trace your thumb against her folds.
“Yes, I remember and I'll do it, but just not today.”
“Then when?”
“How about after our debut? Give me a few more days.”
You rub your thumb against her lips and say, “Alright, but this is the last time I'm going to wait.”
“Be thankful I'm patient with you; someone else wouldn't have done the same.”
“Yes I know, thank you.”
“Now raise up your ass; I want to cum inside.”
Irene positions herself a bit better and raises up her ass. With one hand, you spread her ass cheek and insert your cock back inside, “Fuck, to think that you offered your own virginity for the sake of your group, haha.”
Irene groans as she feels your cock stretch her ass completely and buries her head into her pillow to prevent herself from moaning.
On the other side of the door, the members watch as the oldest gets fucked from behind. They come to the realization of Irene's commitment to them, even at the cost of giving her own virginity.
Joy then whispers, “Unnie, let's go; I don't want to see what happens next.”
“Same here; I want to go.”
Seulgi responds, “Let's be quiet,” and the three of them turn around towards the exit.
Suddenly, they hear a loud smack and a shout, “I'm going to cum inside you!” They hear Irene yell out loud and try to cover their ears. The members rush back to their dorm and try to take in what they just saw.
“I can’t believe Irene unnie and the CEO were doing it” says Joy.
Wendy responds, ”I know; Irene said she was busy, so I thought she was working.”
”Maybe it was an excuse,” says Seulgi.
”I don’t know. Doesn’t seem like she was doing it because she liked it. I always thought Irene unnie liked girls and hated men.”
”What if she’s being forced by the CEO?” asks Joy.
”You have a point; he said something about a deal in exchange for her first time,” says Seulgi.
”Do you think she made a deal so that we could debut first?” asks Wendy.
The members look at each other in disbelief at the idea that Irene could do something like this. “We should try to talk to Irene about it. Tell her that it’s not worth it, we can always debut later.”
”How do you think we should bring it up? Are we going to tell her that we walked in on them having sex? There is a reason why she didn’t tell us” says Wendy.
”All I know is that we should do something about it” says Joy.
“Let's try to talk to her tomorrow morning before our schedule,” suggests Seulgi. The members agree and nod their heads.
The next day, the members are woken up by a sweet smell and make their way to the kitchen. They see Irene wearing an apron and holding a bowl of pancake mix, “Good morning! Take a seat, I’m making some pancakes.”
The members sit on the stools and look at each other, trying to figure out how to bring up what they saw yesterday.
“Sorry I wasn't able to join the three of you, I was so busy with work that I ended up falling asleep when I got back. How was your celebration?”
“It was good. We ate a lot and even saved some for you.”
“Aww, thanks. Maybe we can celebrate after our debut!”
“We'd love that. They try to find a way to bring up the subject, but instead Irene leads the conversation.
After eating, they arrive at the dance room and practice one last time before their debut tomorrow. “Alright girls. This is our last performance as a trainee group. Tomorrow is our big day, so let's call it a day and rest a bit. I'll see everyone later today.”
Irene leaves the practice room and meets up with the managers to talk about tomorrow's schedule. The other three discuss their plan for the day when Wendy asks, “What are we going to do about Irene unnie?”
Seulgi responds, “I don't think we should get involved; maybe we didn't get the whole picture.”
“Seulgi is right; what if they were role-playing, and we caught them in one of those moments,” says Joy.
“Remember when we asked if anyone had a person they liked? Irene said she couldn't see herself liking a man but blushed when we asked if it was a possibility with a girl.”
Yeah, I remember.”
“I can't see her doing it with anyone, especially a guy.”
“Let's just wait until she tells us herself, we don't want to get involved in her personal life, especially if it's with the CEO. He can disband us if he wants to.”
“You're right, we don't want to get kicked out just moments before our debut.”
Exhausted with the situation Wendy replies “Okay, I won't bring it up anymore.“
The four members wait behind the main stage as the MC gets ready to introduce them as the new girl group. They hold each other’s hands and hope for the best before heading onto the stage.
”Give a big applause to the new group. Let’s welcome, Red Velvet!”
The audience applauds as the four of them walk on stage. They give a warm smile and wave, “Thank you! We are so glad to be here.”
They each look at each other and nod, “Happiness! Hello- We are Red Velvet!” The music starts and they begin their performance.
”Thank you, everyone for your support! We'll perform much more” as the members wave goodbye. They bow and watch as the stage light goes dark.
“Good job everyone. You all did so well. Let's keep it up!”
“Thank you Irene unnie.”
“Let's go celebrate!”
“Yes, let's get some food!”
After a night of celebration each of the members are back in their rooms.
Everyone is asleep except one, she makes her way to her closet and grabs her bag and a trench coat before heading out. Her mind is set; she can't let her unnie care all the burden while the rest enjoy the easy life and exits the apartment.
You're going over at some last-minute documents when you hear the doorbell go off. Curious about who it might be, you get up and check the security screen. “What is she doing here?”
You open the door and ask, “What brings you here this late?”
“I came to take Irene unnie's place.”
Surprised, you respond, “I'm not sure what you mean.”
“Like I said, I'm here to take her place” and opens her trench coat, revealing her nude body. “What do you think?”
”Not bad.”
“You can do anything you want as long as you don't bother her anymore. Just let her keep her virginity, and you can have mine.”
Not being able to contain yourself, you place your hand on her soft and tender breast, giving them a faint squeeze. Wendy's eyes squints, adjusting herself to being touched by a man for the first time.
“Are you sure you’re willing to take her place?”
”Yes, I’ve made up my mind.”
That’s all you got to hear as you grab her hand and let her into your apartment. You stop at the living room and say, “Let’s get you comfortable and take off that coat.” Wendy slowly lets the coat go, revealing her whole body but still trying to cover her shaved cunt.
“Move your hand, I want to see everything.”
You walk around, inspecting 360 degrees, before grabbing her hand once more and lead her into the bedroom. She walks into the neat room and sees the large bed in the center of the room. Wendy takes one last breath before shutting the door, preparing herself for what she’s about to do.
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kamiversee · 6 months
➶-͙˚ ༘✶ 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙁*𝘾𝙆 𝙇𝙄𝙎𝙏
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✧.* CHAPTER 37 || The Priceless Gift
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[ { SYPNOSIS } ] ➤ A tale in which Gojo Satoru blackmails you into seducing a list of people to clear his debt. Sounds easy enough, right?
[ { CHAPTER CONTENT } ] ➤ language & more fluff.
[ { WORD COUNT } ] ➤ 5.3k
[ { PAIRINGS } ] ➤ jjk men x f!reader. gojo x f!reader. geto x f!reader. toji x f!reader. choso x f!reader. sukuna x f!reader. nanami x f!reader.
[ [ chapters mlist } ]
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——REMEMBER WHEN YOU ASKED YOURSElF if your feelings for Choso were fading? Remember how you thought for a moment you were actually falling for Gojo Satoru, the same man who blackmailed you? Yeah, maybe you were just a bit confused.
Choso's calming voice echoed through your ears and you felt like you were about to cry tears of joy. You wouldn't say you were head over heels for the man but given the fact that you just received such a heartfelt gift from Gojo and now Choso was speaking to you for the first time in about two months...
There were a lot of emotions fluttering around in your heart. You were so fucking conflicted. Even though, your decision should be easy, right? Gojo blackmailed you and Choso treated you perfectly, why are you finding difficulty in choosing who you should settle your heart on?
Why do you want them both in the first place? Is it because you know there's something about the blackmailing situation that Gojo's not telling you and that whatever it is, you know it'll change how you feel? Not to mention, you can't just ignore all of Gojo's poetic confessions.
He called you his eternity.
Meanwhile, Choso hasn't sent even so much as a text in two whole months. You can't be upset with him for it because you understood how hard it was for the man to spend time with you amid the uncertainty you brought but even so, a text every now and then would've been nice.
"Is that okay?" Choso suddenly asked, breaking you from your thoughts, "Is it possible for me to see you today?"
"U-Uhm," You swallow. Your hands were shaking so badly. When did your anxiety get this bad? All of your nerves were everywhere and your heart was throbbing. "Give me a s-second, Choso. Please?"
You hear him sigh softly, "Take as long as you need, angel."
Your eyes shot up to the ceiling as you smiled at his words yet again. After a moment of blushing you nodded, "I'll be right back." You told him.
Choso hummed, "Alright."
With that, you carefully placed the phone on mute and then rushed back to the living room. A new movie was on the TV and the trio seemed to be decently into it. Well, with the exception of Gojo who turned his head as soon as you popped around the corner.
His eyes met yours and both of you sent each other a look. Before you could get anything out, the man mouthed out his words to you, "Just go."
Your brows furrowed. How did he even know you were about to ask them if it was okay to leave? Did he set this up? You do remember Gojo mentioning that you should try talking to Choso during winter break but, he couldn't possibly be behind this, right?
He wasn't. But, Gojo wanted you to be with Choso. He puts your happiness above everything and Gojo so clearly saw the way your eyes lit up at Choso's contact popping up on your phone. The white-haired man wasn't even jealous over it either (he thinks), he was actually happy for you.
So, of course, if you come running around the corner after a few minutes of talking to Choso, it's obvious what you came to say. Given that, Gojo's look was serious and if you didn't go, he was going to force you to.
You, too frozen to move yet, simply stood there with wide eyes as you processed Gojo's mouthed words to you.
The male sighs and then stands up, humming a quiet I'll be back to both Geto and Shoko who hadn't even realized you were standing just around the corner. Gojo then walks over to you, placing a hand on your stomach softly and lightly pushing you back around the corner.
You bat your eyelashes at the tall man as he backs you all the way away from the living room, "S-Satoru, I-"
"Shut up," Gojo utters, his voice low and relaxed with you, "I don't want a single argument from you. Go to him."
You grab ahold of his wrist and he stops pushing you. "But what about-"
"What about what?" He sighs tiredly.
You swallow, "What about you?"
Gojo's heart skips a beat and he smiles, "What about me, sweetheart?"
"I can't just-,"
"First, you tell me you shouldn't be in love with me, to which I agree. Then, you'd tell me about how you missed Choso. And now, he's called you and I'm pretty sure he asked to see you so," Gojo leans down to your eye level and his gaze softens, "Where's the hesitation coming from?"
Your eyes are all glossy with stressed tears, "I don't know, Satoru. I-I'm confused."
"About what?" He chuckles a little, struggling to wrap his head around your current emotions.
"Who I want," You explain.
He shakes his head, "Don't be."
"But I-"
"I'm no good for you. You know that." Gojo emphasizes, "Please don't let me intoxicate you with my feelings. Let's not complicate this, okay?"
A frown takes over your expression. Never in a million years did you think you'd find yourself in such a predicament where you struggle to choose between one man and another.
You sucked in a deep breath and look off to the side, "Satoru..."
"Just... At least go see him." Gojo murmurs, moving his hand to your chin and turning you right back to face him, "Then, maybe make up your mind afterward, yeah?"
"Won't seeing him just make it worse?" You ask.
He scoffs, "No. The worst thing you can do right now is pick me over him."
He whispers your name, "Go see him."
You're too hardheaded to listen right now, "Satoru-"
"If you spend another minute here complaining," He shuts his eyes for only a minute, then his tone goes void of that loving emotion, "I'm telling Shoko about the list."
Your eyes widen, "You're not seriously blackmailing me again, are you??" You question in disbelief.
It's so obvious now that the man is a good actor because the way his entire mood shifted back to the one you initially dealt with when the list started is almost frightening.
"I told you, sweetheart," He stands up straight and his gaze is dark, almost cold, "I'm no good for you."
You frown and inch closer to him, placing a hand on his arm, "But... You can be."
He grits his teeth, "Stop that."
"Stop what?" You question, tipping your head to the side with this gentle look in your eyes.
"Trying to figure me out. I told you, I'm not some problem for you to solve." Gojo utters. He doesn't sound upset but he's earnest with you, "I don't want to argue with you anymore so, please, just go see him."
The two of you stare into each other's eyes for one last long moment before you give him a little nod and a quiet okay. Gojo lets out a relieved sigh and then moves his hand to the back of your head and pulls you close to him. Your eyes go wide as he does so and you can tell his short-lived cold attitude has faded away.
His lips then press into your forehead and he stays still for another long moment before pulling away. You then lift your head and your gaze up to him and he looks down at you.
His hand moves to the necklace around your neck, feeling it against his skin for a moment as he smiles, "Go on now, go be happy with him."
You wanted to argue and say you could be happy with him instead, that you could just stay right here and give in to the impending blossom of feelings in your chest for him. But, Gojo would never allow you to do so.
So, instead, you just gave in and soon parted ways with the man after one last hug and a quiet thank you for everything. Gojo then walked you out and he told you that you could come back whenever you wanted, whether it was later that night or early the next morning, he said it didn't matter-- if you wanted to come back, he'd be there to open the door for you.
With that, you and him finally separated.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆ .  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
As you left the apartment, you unmuted your phone and raised it to your ear, "Hello?"
You're surprised Choso sat there the whole time but, his response was immediate, "M'still here." He mumbled.
You smile a little, "Where uh, where do you want to meet up?"
"I'm actually at my art studio right now," Choso tells you, he sounds a little tired. "I'll leave the door unlocked for you."
"Okay, I'm on my way," You say.
You can't see it but he smiles at the fact that he'll be able to lay his eyes on you again, his heart rate increasing at the thought alone, "Cya soon." Choso hums.
His voice was so mellow and relaxed and you loved hearing every second of it. After that brief conversation, the two of you got off the phone and you left the apartment complex completely, quick to get in your car and drive to the man.
The drive felt longer than ever. Each second that passed, each red light that stopped you, every street you drove by, it all felt as though it were going by in slow motion. Your heartbeat was increasing and increasing, anxiety creeping up throughout your veins and making you sweat a little.
Since when did Choso make you this damn anxious? You had to control your breathing as you drove, making sure you took the proper turns as the location of his art studio was imprinted into your brain, even though you'd only been there a few times.
You wondered what he was doing there at this time of night. It was around nine o'clock and you didn't know Choso to do anything artistic around this time. But, maybe things had changed within the two months you went without him. What if he had changed?
What if he sees you and he realizes he doesn't feel the same anymore? What if he gets tired of waiting for you to be ready? What if you were to confess to him and he turns you down? What if he fell for someone else?
Your mind wouldn't stop pushing question after question as you drove. You were beyond uneasy and you loathed that feeling. Choso was supposed to be your peace of mind. He usually is. Normally, when you think about the man, you can't help the swelling of your heart and the smile that spreads across your face.
Where are all these negative thoughts and emotions coming from?
Is this, perhaps, what he experienced? That uncertainty that Choso said he felt before he left you, is this what he meant? The process of wondering all different kinds of scenarios over and over and never being sure of what'll prove to be true and what won't?
You hope Choso didn't experience this-- this sucked.
Before you even realized it, you were parked outside of the designated address. You had to reach in your bag for some perfume and spray it on yourself just in case as if that would bring a calming to your unsettled nerves.
Then, with a deep breath, you got out of your car and headed inside. The building was rather large, filled with all kinds of rented-out spaces, and Choso was located on the fifth floor.
You took the elevator up, taking multiple deep breaths as the elevator creaked and creaked, dinging with each floor it passed up until you reached the fifth. You paced down the lengthy hallway until you got to his place and then stopped in front of the door.
Swallowing hard, you carefully placed your hand on the doorknob and twisted. Opening the door, the studio was dimly lit as you entered and at first, you couldn't see much. The studio was huge and tall, having enough room for its own second floor, which is where the light was coming from.
You were quiet with shutting the door behind you and locking it. Carefully walking through the scattered and various art supplies lying around, you traveled through the room and toward the back, making your way up the short set of stairs and soon laying eyes on Choso.
He was sitting on a couch and you think your mouth watered at the initial sight. His head was turned to the side as he looked at one of his paintings and his positioning on the couch was just...
There was this purple LED light that kept the room dimly lit and it only made the man all the more attractive. Choso was manspreading, his thighs parted so sexily as he sat shirtless in these black slightly paint-covered sweatpants. His hair was loose and his muscular arms were stretched over the back of the couch comfortably.
That was, until he saw you in his peripherals and turned his head to you. You froze in your steps as your eyes met his and you think you forgot how to speak. Choso's brain seemed to stutter as well as he blinked a few times.
You then watched him slowly shift to stand up and your feet slowly moved toward him. Both of you took a moment to process but your bodies were moving on their own and Choso was quick to rush over to you as you rushed toward him.
Your bodies clashed with each other and your arms went up over his neck whilst his larger arms went around your waist. The scent of his cologne and a hint of fresh paint entered your nose as you nuzzled into him.
Your feet left the ground for a second as Choso squeezed you and lifted you into the air, holding you as if he'd waited forever for this moment. With a fluttering heart, you chuckled in reaction to his tight grasp.
Choso carefully places you back down and his arms ease from around your waist as he instead grips onto your sides. Your arms slide down and you rest your hold on his biceps for a moment as the two of you take in each other's features for the first time since he left.
Slowly and carefully, his hands leave your sides completely, finding solace in cupping your face in his palms, "Holy shit," Choso gasps, gazing so deeply into your eyes, "I missed you so much."
You bat your eyelashes at the male, a smile printed across your features as you do so, "I missed you too Cho."
His brows tense at the softness of your voice and you notice the heavy bags under his eyes. Choso leans his face close to yours, pulling you in as he does so, "I'm sorry."
His apology perplexes you and you giggle nervously, "For what?" You ask through an uneasy smile.
"Not calling or responding to your texts," He explains, "T-That was shitty of me and I'm sorry."
You peer into his almost doe-like brown eyes and you literally watch as his pupils expand into a larger size. Shit, has his eyes always dilated to such a degree when he looked at you? Or... Is this just your first time noticing?
"No, you don't have to apologize, Cho. It's okay," You hush out to him, your eyes unknowingly glossing up. Water coated your gaze due to your heightened emotions.
From uncertainty to straight-up anxiety, everything felt like it was about to crash over you. You'd waited for so long for this very moment and you almost forgot what it was like to be with Choso. However, standing here right now allowed all those memories to rush back to you in a matter of seconds.
Those late-night rendezvous with him, the laughs, the smiles, the teasing, the joy, the fun, the mischief-- all of it. Every last memory of this man thrums throughout your mind within a single moment and you remember it all.
You remember what it felt like for your heart to skip a beat when he spoke to you, what it felt like to experience that breath of fresh air that was his presence for only a moment. You finally recalled how Choso was your freedom. He is your peace, paralleling how you are Gojo's eternity, his whole.
Choso's fingers slip up along your face, just barely making contact with your eyelids and forcing them shut so that your tears could fall freely, "I really hope these aren't because of me," He murmured, quick to wipe away the moisture as soon as they fell from your sockets.
You sniffle and your smile has yet to fade, "They're tears of joy I swear."
He smiles and you watch the corners of his eyes crinkly a little as water glosses over his eyes too, "You're that happy to see me?"
"Yeah," You whisper, your voice trembling in emotion.
The man pouts and tips his head to the side a little, "I'm so sorry, princess," Choso apologizes again, weighing his face even closer and so much so that your breaths are shared.
"You d-don't have to apologize, I understand. It's just... I dunno, one call would've been nice," Your voice is so shaky and fragile that it even affects the way he holds your face.
His touch is so light that it's almost as though it's not even there, "I couldn't..." Choso sighs. His tone is soft and shaky just like yours, "One call is all it'd take for me to end up right back in your arms as I wish to be."
You frown, "T-Then what changed today? Hm?"
His lips are almost on yours, "I couldn't take it anymore. It may have seemed like it was easy for me to create that distance between us but..." Choso swallows hard, "I couldn't go even twenty-four hours without thinking of you."
Your frown lifts to a half smile, "Yeah?"
Choso nods and the gesture is done almost needily, desperation vexed into his gaze as he simply pours his longing emotions down into you through his soft looks alone. His sights then slip down to your lips, "Can I please kiss you?"
It was as though you could feel the physical squeeze his request had on your heart. The grip was strong, dangerous, and threatening. Your heart was so loud and heavy you could feel it pounding against your ears and blood and heat rushed there and to your face.
You nod a little and then shut your eyes in sync with his, both of your lips finally pressing into each other. There's pure tranquility flooding throughout your entire being as his soft, long-since-untouched lips move against yours. A floodgate of pure and swelled emotions had burst open as his lips were met with your own.
Sure, he doesn't kiss you like how Gojo does but, that doesn't make it any less enjoyable.
Choso's lips are soft, careful against yours, and steadily moving over yours in the way he remembers you enjoying. You relish in his touch, the taste of his tongue soon settling over yours and he prises your mouth open and slides right in as if that's exactly where he belonged.
A slight hum exits your throat as you kiss him back fervently and his hands move away from your face and back down to your waist. Choso jerks your body closer and up against his own, his fingers sinking into you even through the thick layers of clothing you wore. For a moment, as you make out he shifts again and this time works your coat off your body, allowing it to fall to the floor.
You were too engrossed in his lips to care and even pushed yourself right back into him afterward. Choso smiled against your lips as you did so and then he snaked his arms around your waist and walked you backward to the couch he'd previously been sitting on.
Both of your mouths go a bit wider and your tongues swivel over one another sensually with a loud and wet slick sound. With your lips never prying from each other, Choso carefully eases back down onto the couch and you comfort yourself right on top of him.
The sound of your kissing, his hums, and your light moans filled the entirety of the art studio, the noises bouncing off the walls and hitting both of your ears-- adding to the sensuality of it all.
With a loud smack, Choso just barely pulled his mouth from yours, "Fuck," He pants and then groans out your name so lowly that it spurs chills up your spine, "I missed you so fucking much."
You grin, "Yeah?"
"Every day," Choso begins, struggling to catch his breath, "I missed you more and more every single day."
You peck his lips one more time and gaze down at him through low-lidded eyes, "I missed you too."
His touch slides down and Choso settles his hold on your hips as you comfort yourself into his lap. He's still panting and his face is flushed. Cheeks reddened, the tips of his ears smothered in blush, his lips moist from you, and his expression needy.
Choso does that thing you missed where he simply basks in the feel of you being with him, taking in your every detail like always, "You're so... so fuckin' perfect." He compliments, unable to stop the words from spilling out of his mouth, "You..." His words come out breathily, "You consume my thoughts, y'know that right?"
You smile, "Do I?"
He nods almost like a little puppy. "You do."
With a slight chuckle, you never once break the eye contact, "Y'know... I wasn't expecting to see you today so uh, I didn't get you anything." You tell him.
Choso sighs and tips his head back against the couch, still gazing up at you, "My gift is you being here right now, I couldn't ask for much more than that."
"That's so sweet," You giggle, gushing at his words to you, "But, I still wish I actually got you something."
His eyes are low on yours, barely even open as he gazes at you with those naturally sleepy eyes of his, "There's no need, baby. Trust me. You're all I wanted for Christmas."
You roll your eyes, "Okay Mariah Carey."
He flashes that sexy yet lazy smile of his, "I really didn't mean to reference her but," He shrugs, "It works. Also, I got you something."
Your eyes light up, "Really, what is it?"
"Well, technically I made you something." Choso clarifies.
The shifting of your body over his makes him suck in a sharp breath as you grow eager to know what he's got for you, "What is it? Either show or tell me already."
Choso grips your hips a little, "First off, quit' movin' so much. Secondly, it's two gifts and the first is over there," He nods his head off to the left and your sights rush in that direction.
You spot a relatively large box wrapped in pretty gift wrap with a pretty big bow on it, "Aw, Cho you didn't have to get me anything..." You say, despite being ecstatic about it as you raise yourself from his lap.
His hands slip off your body whilst you stand to your feet and then pace over to the designated box, quickly picking it up and shaking it a little as if that'll tell you what's in it. It's large and rectangular, relatively thin but still big nonetheless.
"I hope you like it," Choso hums while he sits up a little and watches you take a seat beside him.
Your hands work to tear open the gift. The item makes your eyes go wide and your jaw drop completely. To little surprise, it's a painting. But, not just any random painting. And no, it wasn't that first portrait of you he made months ago when he first met you...
Instead, it was something much more beautiful. Most of Choso's artwork consists of dark colors and thick sharp lines that mold together to form something beautiful. But this? Oh, it was almost foreign to the man's art style.
In your hands was a painting of your eyes. Within your pupils was your eye shade but when you look close enough, you spot small words made out within it in different shades. He'd used those words to express the things he sees when he makes eye contact with you while simultaneously capturing the beauty that is your eye color.
It was gorgeous.
You read so many different words; beautiful, love, perfection, amazing, smart, talented, inspiring, breathtaking, soul-touching, my epiphany, peace, euphoria, god's greatest creation, etc. The list went on and on, each word so very tiny yet easy to read if you looked closely enough. All of which was painted within your eyes.
Outside of that, the image was still stunning, capturing your lashes down to the finest ones, the texture of your skin even imprinted perfectly, and the feel of genuine emotion oozing off the artwork in your hands.
Your speech was stripped from you as you took in what you were staring at. How do you respond to such a dedicated piece of art? Your heart was pounding against your chest once more and you didn't even realize the image had brought tears to your eyes until a droplet trickled onto your hand.
"F-Fucking hell," You curse, your breath unsteady. Sniffling was heard from you as you dragged your gaze up and to Choso, "I..."
His eyes are casual on yours, as if he didn't just give you something that took him months to capture properly. "Merry Christmas," Choso uttered, nervousness hinted in his words.
Your brows tense up, "You... When..." You struggled to piece together the right thing to say as you looked back down to the item, "C-Choso, I love this."
He bites back the cheesing smile he almost flashed, "I'm glad you do."
"H-How long did this take?" You whisper, moving to wipe your joyful tears away and look back up to him.
Choso shrugs, "Few' months."
"Were you working on this before you... before you left?" You ease out in question.
"Mhm," He hums, "I'm uh, I'm not the best with words at times so, for every time I wanted to say one of those things to you but couldn't, I painted it. Then, after I left... Well, the rest of the words began to fill the shape of your irises faster than I expected." Choso explains to you.
You place the gift down to the side and crawl across the couch to him, grabbing his face and pulling him close before crashing your lips into his. Choso laughs into your kiss, his eyes widening for a split second before he flutters them shut and kisses you back. It's heavier than the one prior as you make out with him gratefully.
Barely breaking away for air, you hush out your words to him, "Thank you."
Choso was about to say you're welcome but he was cut off by your tongue sinking into his mouth. He simply melted into your touches and aggressive kisses, adoring the feeling of it all.
His body turned a bit to get more comfortable kissing you and one of your hands slid down to his neck, feeling all of his skin tense under your touch. Choso soon breathed out your name in between your kisses, trying to gain your attention but you were so wrapped up in thanking him through the motion.
To snap you out of it, Choso suddenly takes control and you feel his teeth latch onto your bottom lip and he nibbles, pulling your skin slightly as he groans and moves a hand to your waist. His hand swipes under your shirt and he firmly squeezes your side, abruptly tickling you and making you chuckle away from the kiss.
You both part from each other with soft laughter and Choso smiles at you, "Baby, you have another gift, y'know."
You shrug, "I don't need it, that was enough. That was perfect, Choso."
"You're gonna like the second one too though," He says, playfully pouting.
Your head shakes, "Whatever it is, return it if possible, I don't need anything more."
He smirks, "It's not exactly something I can return..."
A sigh leaves you, "What is it then?"
With a little huff, Choso moves to stand up. When he does, his arms go up and he stretches a little. The man then slides over a little to stand right in front of you and you peer up at him with wide and curious eyes.
Raising a brow at the man, you remain confused, "What is it?"
Choso leans forward, placing his hands on the back of the couch and trapping your smaller frame in between his arms. "I got a new tattoo I wanted to show you but, I want you to find it."
There's no way. He didn't tattoo his dick, did he?
You chuckle and shift to sit comfortably in between his muscular arms, "Choso... How is your new tattoo gonna be a gift for me?"
"Search for it and find out," He taunts.
You nearly told him that he's just like his brother in that sense but then you mentally cursed yourself for even comparing the two in the first place. With a roll of your eyes, you start moving your hands, "Finnnee.."
Slowly, you move to his waistline where his black sweats are, carefully and sensually pulling at the drawstring as you keep your eyes up on his. Choso's gaze is down on your face the entire time, even as he feels you tug at his sweatpants.
"Am I gonna' have to take these off?" You ask suggestively.
His head tilts a little and he nods, "Mhm, take em' off me, princess."
You do your best to keep control of your hormones as his words hit your ears. Then, you carefully pull his pants down a bit, stopping when he starts talking again.
"You won't have to search too far down though," Choso adds on.
You finally break eye contact and look down, seeing the band of his boxers and having something tell you to just barely pull them down. So, you do. Revealed to you are dark-inked letters written in cursive that are almost hidden beneath the left end of his prominent and sharp v-line. You bat your eyelashes at what the letters spell out.
It's your fucking name.
"Holy shit," You curse as your eyes broaden and your head tilts to inspect it, "Choso I know this isn't my name tattooed on you..."
He chuckles and pushes himself up so that he can stand straight up, moving a hand down to the fabric of his clothing to reveal it in full without exposing his manhood, "It is," Choso hums.
You look up at him, your face completely flushed, "Why would you-"
Choso pulls his pants back up and clicks his tongue, "I already told you, princess," Once he's presentable again, he leans down to your face once more, "I'm all yours."
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GOJO SATORU ✔︎ 𝘛𝘳𝘶𝘦 𝘋𝘪𝘧𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘶𝘭𝘵𝘺: 𝙀𝙖𝙨𝙮
GETO SUGURU ✔︎ 𝘛𝘳𝘶𝘦 𝘋𝘪𝘧𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘶𝘭𝘵𝘺: 𝙀𝙖𝙨𝙮
TOJI FUSHIGURO ✔︎ 𝘛𝘳𝘶𝘦 𝘋𝘪𝘧𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘶𝘭𝘵𝘺: 𝙈𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙪𝙢
KAMO CHOSO ✔︎ 𝘛𝘳𝘶𝘦 𝘋𝘪𝘧𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘶𝘭𝘵𝘺: 𝙎𝙚𝙢𝙞-𝙈𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙪𝙢 / 𝙀𝙖𝙨𝙮
ZEN'IN NAOYA ✔︎ 𝘛𝘳𝘶𝘦 𝘋𝘪𝘧𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘶𝘭𝘵𝘺: 𝙀𝙭𝙩𝙧𝙚𝙢𝙚𝙡𝙮 𝙀𝙖𝙨𝙮
ITADORI SUKUNA ✔︎ 𝘛𝘳𝘶𝘦 𝘋𝘪𝘧𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘶𝘭𝘵𝘺: 𝙎𝙚𝙢𝙞-𝙀𝙖𝙨𝙮???
NANAMI KENTO ☐ 𝘛𝘳𝘶𝘦 𝘋𝘪𝘧𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘶𝘭𝘵𝘺: 𝙃𝙖𝙧𝙙
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587 notes · View notes
hgfictionwriter · 5 months
Jessie Fleming x Reader
Summary: Sometimes you forget Jessie’s an engineer. A very thoughtful, but shy one at that. One who feels more comfortable renovating your apartment than telling you she likes you.
Warnings: No warnings.
A/N: I'm hearing some fluff is in order. Hope you all enjoy!
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"Where do you want this?" Jessie asked as she stood holding a large box in the doorway to your new bedroom.  
You looked over your shoulder and pointed to the walk-in closet. "Over there would be great. Thank you." 
"No problem," Jessie replied as she walked over and set the box down. She looked around as she stood. "Are you doing anything with the shelving in here?" 
"Oh yeah," you said as you got up and joined her. "I'm going to move these shelves up and add another set here to create more storage." 
"Smart. That'll be good," Jessie affirmed as she scanned the space.
You tried not to stare, but her profile, curious eyes, and the way her baby hairs stuck to her face after several trips to and from the moving truck made it challenging.   
"Hey, I think that's everything." 
Both you and Jessie turned when Janine's voice filtered in from the bedroom, seeing Kelli standing beside her.  
"Oh amazing. Thank you so much, all of you. I'm sure your coach would have my head if he knew you helped me move, but I'm very grateful. And hey - no injuries! Knock on wood. I guess you all still have to make it home in one piece," you joked.  
"Anytime," Janine said as she crossed the room and gave you a hug. "The new digs look great. Condo ownership looks good on you." 
You laughed. "Thank you. And it's even better when highly trained athletes do all the heavy lifting for you." 
"No unpacking though," Kelli joked. "That's where I draw the line." You held up your hands in mock surrender. 
"I can handle that part. Thank you. Next round of dinner and drinks are on me." 
Once everyone left and you continued the tedious task of unpacking, your phone dinged with a text. You retrieved it to see Jessie's name on the screen. 
"Hey. I hope unpacking is going well. I just wanted to say that if you need any help redoing your shelves I'm happy to swing by. I like projects like that." 
A small smile tugged at the corners of your mouth.  
"Sometimes I forget you're an engineer. You've done so much as is - I already rolled the dice by getting you to help me move furniture and precariously packed boxes. I don’t want to push." 
"I really don't mind! And setting up shelves is a lot less risky than holding the bottom end of the couch on the stairs while Kelli and Janine argue about how to angle it through a doorway." 
You laughed recalling the scene in your mind. She had a point. Plus, spending some time alone, just the two of you, wouldn't be unwanted.  
You'd met through Janine a few months back and had become friends in your own right since then, but it was still the norm that you typically only saw each other with Janine. This could be a nice change of pace. And, you know, if seeing her work in such a capacity would turn out to be eye candy - so be it.  
"Alright. You've convinced me. When are you free? And please, please know that if you change your mind it's really not a problem at all. Please don't feel pressured or obliged." 
"Excellent! Does next Sunday work for you? I'd say Saturday, but we have a game that afternoon." 
"I'm aware lol. I'll be there, after all. Sunday sounds great." 
"Right lol. Okay, Sunday it is! Let me know if you need me to pick anything up prior. I'm happy to." 
"You're too sweet. See you then." 
"You brought your own drill set?" You asked with an amused smile. The blush on Jessie's face was immediate. 
"Well, I didn't know what you had." Her voice rising in pitch. "And I have a spare battery. There's nothing worse mid-project than running out of a charge." 
"Nothing," you mocked affectionately and she averted her gaze as her cheeks grew redder. You smiled at her and ushered her to the walk-in. "Okay, well, between the two of us I think we're all set. Let's get started." 
It didn't take long for it to become Jessie leading and you helping. Going in, you felt you had a decent grasp of what to do, but as the work progressed, you realized how good it was that Jessie was here because she guided things with confidence and ease that you had to admit you probably wouldn't have had in her absence.  
You were expecting this to be an all day venture, but with Jessie at the helm the work went by quickly and smoothly.  
"Hand me that last shelf, please," she instructed calmly as she double-checked her work. 
You were ready with it and handed it up to her. You watched in what you hoped was subtle appreciation as she set it in place.
She stood perched on the ladder, wearing her black hat and her shirt was tucked in. The tape measure was hooked onto her pocket and she wore a soft look of concentration on her face. When she took the shelf, her biceps popped as she lifted it and set it down on the brackets with ease. The pencil tucked behind her ear was the cherry on top.  
Once she was confident the shelf was secure, she turned to you with a bright smile.  
"All done! What do you think?" 
"It's fantastic," you relayed, forcing yourself to refocus. And it was true. Not only was her workmanship thorough, but she'd tweaked a few things in your plan to optimize the setup even further. "Thank you so much. This is better than what I could've imagined. I owe you big time." 
She shrugged and focused on her feet as she stepped down off the ladder. "No, it's all good. It was fun." 
"Well, I really appreciate it. Truly," you went on, seeking eye contact, but she seemed to readily avoid it as she began cleaning up her tools. Eventually, she looked to you with a small smile. 
"Don't mention it. Thanks for letting me help." 
You rolled your eyes teasingly. "You're funny. Can I at least order us in some dinner and make you a drink or two?" You saw her begin to hesitate, a blush creeping up on her cheeks as she fidgeted. Early on, you would've immediately backed off, fearing you were making her truly uncomfortable, but by this point you knew she was just shy. And a bit skittish. You went on gently. "Consider it a small token of my appreciation." 
She gave you a crooked smile as she distractedly readjusted her hat before seeming to catch herself and clasped both hands in front of her. "Okay, sure. That sounds good." 
You two talked fairly late into the night and you noted how Jessie relaxed into the evening. Conversation was easy and naturally weaved from the light and fun to the more serious and heavy without getting uncomfortable or awkward. The night only came to an end because you had to work in the morning.  
"Thank you again for all of your help," you told her as she stood at your front door, shoes, jacket and backpack on. "Not only does the closet look great, but it was a lot of fun - thanks to you. I can't help but think about projects half that serious that I've done with exes and they've turned into all out brawls. So, thank you." 
Her posture straightened slightly and as she blushed with a nervous laugh. "Well, what can I say. We work well together." If you were right, the flush of her cheeks deepened. She averted her gaze, shuffling her feet a bit before she shoved her hands in her jacket pockets and nodded over your shoulder.  
"You said you were going to change out the lighting fixtures in the living room, right?" She asked. Her smile morphed into a smirk. "I mean, I'm not an electrical engineer, but a couple lighting fixtures is no big deal. I could come over next week and help with those." 
You gave her a smirk of your own, unknowingly looking her up and down.  
"If you'd really like to. I certainly won't stop you." 
The easy confidence she was trying to channel a moment ago flickered before she gave you a nonchalant shrug.  
"Sure. It's not a problem." 
"Alright," you accepted. "I'm looking forward to it. Thanks again, and good night." You leaned forward and pulled her into a short hug - something you hadn't done before - and it seemed to catch her off-guard as she very belatedly put her hands up around you as you were already beginning to pull away, and even then, her movements were stiff and tentative. When you fully broke away her face was beet red.  
"Okay." Her voice was high and tight. She gave you a quick, awkward wave before turning to leave. "Have a good night."  
The next weekend rolled around and Jessie was yet again up on a ladder in your new apartment. She tilted her head and frowned in concentration as she installed the last set of screws on your new lighting fixture.  
"Okay, go ahead and turn the breaker back on," she told you as she stepped down and walked over to the light switch. You did as you were told. 
"Okay, done." 
The switch went on with a soft click and light filled the room. You watched her before looking up at the newly installed fixture. She smirked.  
"Looks good," she said. “How do you like it?”
“It's brilliant. Thank you again. But what I’m really interested in is this,” you said as you closed the space between you two and grasped her hand, she tensed at the contact, but didn’t pull away. You lifted her hand to see the cut on her knuckle.
“I knew it. Let’s get you cleaned up,” you said and at that she pulled her hand back, hiding it behind her back.
“It’s nothing. I’m fine.”
“I know you are, but still,” you told her gently, noting the embarrassed look on her face. “Indulge me. Let me at least put a bandaid on it.”
She grumbled in contemplation but eventually conceded. You smiled to yourself at how her head jerked away when you glanced up from her hand to catch her staring at you.
When you finished placing the bandaid on her you released her hand and took a step back. You waited to catch her eye and spoke, “Make sure you clean that up more when you get home.”
Her cheeks grew pink and she rolled her eyes. You caught the hint of a smile on her lips though.
“Yes, ma’am.”
Jessie stayed for dinner and a drink once more. Conversation flowed even easier, if that’s possible, than last time. You tried to hide the smile over how pleased you were by this since you and Jessie had been texting all week in between. It would've been understandable if you ran out of things to talk about by this point, but you didn’t - at all.
"I noticed there were a couple of dings in the drywall - probably from when we were moving stuff in. Probably Janine's doing - I'm much more conscientious," Jessie relayed with a facetious eye roll. "I could patch those up for you. I imagine the previous owners left some of the original paint or we could just get it paint matched." 
You smirked at her from across the couch.  
"You know, we could always just hang out - no reno job required. You don’t have to do something every time." 
She blushed and took a sip of her drink.  
"Oh, well, you know. I don’t mind." 
"Well, how about we just hang out next time. If you are desperate to repair the drywall even after that, well, have at 'er. But maybe a work-free, normal hang out would be nice," you told her with a soft laugh. She nodded, blush fading as she returned your smile.  
“Okay, that sounds like a plan." She swirled her drink, looking down at the churning liquid and speaking into it. "You could come over to my place? I could make us dinner. Or whatever." She finally mustered up the courage to look back up at you.
Now it was your turn to blush. You fiddled with your glass and offered her a hint of a smile. "Okay. That sounds nice." 
“Whoa. That’s fancy,” Jessie commented as you set down a nice bottle of Chardonnay on her counter.
“Well, it’s my first time over. I had to break out the good stuff for you.”
Jessie grinned and retrieved a couple of glasses for you before setting down two plates of food on the kitchen table.
“This looks amazing,” you told her as you looked at the meal she prepared. “And I can’t help but think this just isn’t fair. You did all this free work for me and now you’ve made me dinner.”
“Was it free?” She squinted at you teasingly. “You had to listen to me babble on about metric versus imperial for a solid 20 minutes there.”
“I didn’t mind. I’d listen to that any day. I like hearing your facts and tidbits and about whatever you're interested in,” you assured her and she tried to conceal her smile. “How’d you become so handy anyway? I mean, I know you have this engineering background now, but still.”
She shrugged. “I liked helping my dad with projects around the house. Helping him build stuff. It was just always fascinating to me to see things come together like that and to know you did it with your own two hands.”
“That’s cute. And very sweet,” you told her as you took a bite. She dismissed your comment with a small wave of her fork.
“It’s not a big deal.”
“Well. I still think it’s cute. And I certainly reaped the rewards. Thank you again - seriously, for all of your help. You didn’t have to help me, and I really appreciate all the work you did.”
She took a sip of wine and peered at you over the glass, taking a moment to contemplate.
“There’s still that matter of the drywall,” she joked.
“You’re still on that, huh?” You said with a laugh. “What are we going to do when there are no projects left to work on?”
A faint blush began to form on Jessie’s face and she shuffled around in her chair a bit before taking a bite of food.
“There are always projects to be done. And if not, well, you’re the one who said we could hang out without a project to work on.”
You propped your elbow on the table and rest your chin in your open palm. “And the offer still stands. Clearly,” you gestured around her apartment. “If you’re interested.” Jessie dropped your gaze and flushed a deeper tone of pink.
“Yeah. I mean, we get along alright.”
You snickered a bit before taking a sip of your drink.
“What resounding affirmation," you said dryly and she shot you a bashful look. You smirked. "I guess it’s settled then.”
You polished off the bottle of wine that evening and your conversation carried you late into the night. You made a point of not checking the time and Jessie made no attempt to either. You had to work in the morning, but you just didn't care. You'd deal with the consequences later.
At some point though, an inevitable yawn escaped Jessie.
“Oh, I should let you get to sleep,” you offered, though not yet moving from your spot on the couch next to her. You were sitting across from one another and you were very aware of how if either of you shifted in a particular way, your legs would brush.
“No, it’s fine,” she dismissed. “I’ll get my second wind here in no time.” You chuckled and finally checked your phone. Your eyes went wide.
“Oh shit,” you laughed. “Well, I’ve worked off of less sleep before.”
“You didn’t tell me you were working,” she frowned at you. “Yeah, some clients are in from out of town. It’s okay, I wanted to hang out with you.” You reluctantly rose from the couch and she followed. “As much as I'm enjoying myself, I should go. I can get about 4 hours of sleep if there are no delays on the train.”
“You are not taking the train,” Jessie told you in the most stern voice you’d ever heard from her. It actually caught you off guard and you ignored the stirring in your chest at her display.
“Fine. An Uber,” you conceded.
“No. I’ll drive you,” she countered.
“Don’t be silly.” You waved her off. “You’re tired too and I’m not making you drive 30 minutes across town and back at this hour.”
“Then…I don't know, just spend the night.” She immediately held up her hands in defense. “Not like that. I just mean…it’s super late, getting home is going to be a pain. I’ll drive you home in the morning whenever you’re ready.”
“Jessie…” It was tempting. The logic wasn’t entirely bulletproof, but reasonable enough.
In the time you took to start contemplating, Jessie had run to the closet and started pulling out spare pillows and blankets. You looked at them when she returned and gave her a discerning look. You didn’t feel uncomfortable, you just didn’t want to intrude.
“I’ll take an Uber in the morning.” You told her and she gave you an easy smile as she began setting up the couch.
“I’ll drive you,” she repeated nonchalantly.
“Oh my god. You’re so stubborn,” you complained half-heartedly.
“Sometimes,” she admitted with a shrug as she went to her room for a few moments and came back out with a set of pyjamas.
“Don’t tell Janine. She’ll never let me hear the end of this,” you warned in mock petulance as you went to take the clothes from her. She pulled her fingers across her lips, feigning a zipping motion.
“She wouldn’t let me hear the end of it either, so I'd say we're now partners in crime,” she laughed, but held the clothes back from you. “These are mine. Yours are on the bed.”
“Huh?” You asked, giving her a blatant look of confusion.
“I’m sleeping out here. You take the bed,” she returned lightly and before you could retort she gently began to corral you towards her bedroom.
“Jessie.” You protested. “Are you nuts? I’m taking the couch.”
“Incorrect,” she refuted before giving you one final, soft push into the room. “I’ll see you in the morning.” She looked up at the ceiling, seeming to calculate something in her head. “6 am?”
“Yeah,” you confirmed, still giving her a lingering look of disapproval. Before you could conjure a retort, she went on.
"This is my house, so what I say goes," she said rather haughtily, coupled with a subtle smirk. She was evidently very pleased with herself and her mannerisms had you too distracted, a small flutter echoing in your chest, so you let it be. You rolled your eyes.
“Fine. Okay. Well, if you change your mind - feel free to kick me out. Of your bedroom or the apartment - either is fine.”
“Now who’s nuts,” she quipped. Her light and easy demeanour wavered slightly as she paused in the doorway and ran a hand through her hair. “Um, well, bathroom’s through there. Help yourself to whatever. Good night.”
You were still in vague disbelief about how the last part of the night had unfolded as you lay in Jessie’s bed, wearing her clothes. Had you previously imagined being in Jessie’s bed? Yes. Did you imagine this? No. Certainly not.
All things considered, you slept pretty well. You didn't expect yourself to, so it was a surprise when your alarm went off. It took you a few moments for your mind to reconcile the unfamiliar surroundings, but you quickly came to. You sat up, the first rays of morning light illuminating the room and you observed them in a more lucid headspace than you had the night before.
The room was neat, organized, minimalistic in a way, but still had plenty of things that made it Jessie. A few framed photos of family and friends, her camera, a few, select books neatly displayed, some cute trinkets from her trips around the globe - no medals on display though. How typical.
A sound from the kitchen pulled you from your observations with a frown. You thought you were hearing things at first until you heard a few more faint sounds.
You quickly got changed and tentatively opened the bedroom door a crack to peer out. Not only was Jessie up already, she was in the middle of making breakfast. You opened the door the rest of the way with a puzzled look on your face. She turned to you with a smile.
"Morning! How did you sleep?"
"How long have you been up?" You asked instead. She glanced at her watch.
"I don't know. 30 minutes maybe? So, how did you sleep?" She repeated her inquiry.
"Shockingly well," you replied with a light laugh as you leaned on the kitchen counter and watched her work. "How about you? Miss I-insist-on-taking-the-couch."
She shot you a smirk over her shoulder as she scrambled the eggs in the frying pan. "I slept perfectly well, thank you," she relayed pointedly. "Coffee?" She asked.
"Black, right?"
You smiled at her. "Yes, thank you. Can I do anything to help you?"
"Nope, just about done," she told you as she handed you a travel mug with steaming hot coffee. "For the road," she explained.
You watched Jessie as she turned back to the stove and continued making breakfast. For a split second, you pictured yourself as a couple in this moment. Easy mornings together, sharing breakfast and coffee, talking about your day ahead, kissing each other goodbye and going your separate ways until you came home to one another. You cleared your throat and shook out your head subtly as you came back to reality. You didn't want to get too far ahead of yourself.
You both ate a quick breakfast together, and took your toast and coffee to go. Jessie navigated through traffic on the way to your apartment. You scolded yourself internally for how you found something as simple as Jessie driving, attractive. Okay, maybe you really had it bad for her.
"I have to say, I feel like I'm 18 again or something," you joked. "Getting 4 hours of sleep, going through a whole bunch of hoops just to get to school - or work in this case - on time. It's ridiculous. But it was fun." You took a sip of your coffee. "I bet you were in bed by 10 every night in uni - minus late game nights, if that was a thing. But 8 hours of sleep, very responsible, all your readings and homework done."
Jessie shot you a mild glare.
"I've had some wild nights," she countered, not sounding entirely convincing, or even remotely, really. It endeared her to you more.
"Oh yeah, I bet you were a real bad girl," you teased. Jessie rolled her eyes.
"Oh, and like you were."
You sat primly and gave her a sly smirk. "Wouldn't you like to know."
You bantered back and forth the rest of the drive, and again, it felt like you were already something you were not. You found yourself lamenting your arrival as she pulled up to your building. Pushing aside your disappointment, you instead leaned over the middle console and gave Jessie a fleeting kiss on the cheek. She startled at the touch.
"Thanks for driving me. And for letting me spend the night. And for dinner," you frowned as you added things to the list. "I've gotta start pulling my weight here."
"No," she said in a strained voice, her cheeks flaring up as she glanced at you before her eyes darted away. She laughed nervously and scratched the back of her neck. "Don't mention it."
You gave her forearm a quick squeeze, a blush threatening to form on your own face at how firm the muscles were there, and stepped out of the car. You walked to your door, quickly strategizing if or when to turn back and wave when you heard her call out your name. You turned around with a puzzled look on your face.
"Uh, I could drive you to work? When you're ready?" She offered from the car through the now-open window. Her face burned impossibly brighter red. "It'll be faster than the bus."
You smiled openly at her.
"Oh, you're just spoiling me now." She smiled in return. "Well, who am I to say 'no'?" ------
A/N: Part Two is available here.
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rxmqnova · 7 months
Can you write something like Natasha and Reader in high school. Nat having her reputation of course and her friends, which is really important to her while reader is more of the outcast and "an easy target" for Nats friends. Nat does laugh along of course for the sake of her reputation. But the second they're alone Nat gets all submissive almost begging for her girlfriends/readers attention and touch. It's just how they work.
Are you done yet?
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NO ONE'S POV Opening her locker to take her books for the next lesson, Y/N doesn't notice the group making her way over to her.
"Well, well, well. Look who's that" Tony's annoying voice rings through the girl's ears, making her roll her eyes and just ignore them.
And it works for a few seconds until her locker gets shut right in front of her face by the youngest and newest memeber of that group, Peter.
Y/N glares at the younger boy, turning around to walk away but locking her eyes with none other than Natasha, her girlfriend.
It's been over a year since the two started dating, yet they still haven't told anyone. While Natasha's the 'popular' one, Y/N is the 'outcast' and those two groups just don't mix, that's the rule.
But it still happened when the two were assigned for a project together last year. They spent a lot of time working on it together and Natasha realized that Y/N is actually a really sweet girl.
Though Natasha still wants to keep her 'reputation', so they haven't told anyone and the group keeps making Y/N's life a living hell. And even though Y/N sees Natasha's point, it just annoys her. Luckily, it's only for the next few months and then they'll be both out of that school.
A pair of strong arms stops the girl from walking away. Turning around she finds another group member… Steve.
"Alright, let's get this over with" She sighs out. "What is it today? Is there anything wrong with my hair? My clothes? My make-up?" She raises an eyebrow, having enough of this. Every single day it's the same and Y/N is so done with it.
"Everything! You look like a clown!" Peter blurts out, desperately trying to fit in.
"Nice. Thanks. Is that all? Can I go?" Y/N questions annoyed.
"No" Tony says, making the girl let out another sigh. Suddenly he just takes Y/N's books, throwing them on the ground on which the entire group laughs, including Natasha who doesn't think that's funny but just laughs along anyway.
"Idiots" Y/N sighs, kneeling down to pick up her books once the group is gone.
"Hey" Natasha smiles softly at her girlfriend who only just opened the door for her, standing at the porch of Y/N's house. "Are you okay after this morning?"
"Why wouldn't I be? Your friends are just a bunch of idiots. Come in" Y/N brushes it off, stepping aside, so Natasha could come in.
"I'm sorry they're acting like that to you" Natasha sighs, wrapping her arms around her girlfriend and pulling her in for a warm hug.
"It's fine, Nat. Really. I'm used to it. I would have been much happier if you said something, but I know how much you care about your reputation. I'm currently finishing writing my essay, I'll just finish it real quick and get right back to you" Y/N smiles, leading the redhead upstairs to her bedroom.
"How about a movie?" Natasha suggests. She absolutely loves cuddling with her girlfriend, so watching a movie is definitely a great opportunity to get some cuddles.
"Sounds good. You can choose one while I finish the essay" Y/N smiles, pecking Natasha's lips with a kiss before walking over to her desk and sitting down while Natasha takes a seat on bed.
It takes only a few minutes until Natasha has the movie chosen and even switched on the TV. Now she's just sitting on her girlfriend's bed, watching as Y/N's typing some words to her computer.
"Are you nearly done?" Natasha asks impatiently, making her girlfriend chuckle.
"Nearly, just need to write the ending" Y/N shoots her girlfriend a quick smile before turning around and getting back to writing.
Natasha only hums in response, deciding to check up what's new on Instagram while waiting. And once again it doesn't last long.
She sighs, standing up and walking over to her girlfriend, wrapping arms around her and pressing a kiss to the top of her head.
"Are you done yet?"
"Gosh, you're like a child" Y/N lets out a chuckle, pressing a kiss to Natasha's hand. "You asked me like 3 minutes ago"
Making Natasha sigh, Y/N gets back to writing once again, though the way Natasha's impatiently waiting and scanning the screen of her laptop is kinda distracting.
"Natty, can you just wait on the bed for me? You're distracting me a bit. I need to concentrate" Y/N says as nicely as possible, receiving a whine from her girlfriend.
"Can't you just finish it later? I want to cuddle with you" Natasha says with a sigh, pulling her girlfriend up.
"It's due tomorrow, Nat. I really need to finish it. I promise it won't take more than 10 minutes" Y/N sighs, gently pushing Natasha to sit on her bed before going back to her previous seat.
"You're so mean" Natasha sighs once again, a pout on her face on which Y/N can't help but laugh a little.
Natasha's growing impatience just doesn't allow her to wait. She asks the same question 'Are you done yet?' nearly every 2 minutes until Y/N finally finishes.
"Finally, can I get my cuddles now?" Natasha questions, her eyebrow raising which makes Y/N chuckle.
"Now you can get as many cuddles as you want"
Natasha Romanoff masterlist
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''I'm in love with you, you grump!''
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PAIRING | Bucky Barnes x Shy!Avenger!Female!Reader
SUMMARY | You're currently on a mission with Sam and Bucky, so in order to blow of some steam the three of you decide to go to a bar. During the evening Sam brings up the topic of your dating life, and suddenly Bucky gets very grumpy, but you can't seem to figure out why. You're not exactly comfortable with the topic either, but his reaction seems a bit much in your eyes.
WARNING(S) | This is your official trigger warning. Do not proceed if any of these topics upset you. Reader is a bit shy, with a hint of social anxiety, Bucky and Reader are oblivious to each other's feelings, Sam is a bit of an instigator, confessed romantic feelings.
Likes, comments and reblogs will be very much appreciated 💜
Main Masterlist | Bucky Barnes Masterlist
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''Hey doll, want to join us at the bar? We're heading there later and Sam and I thought it might be fun to go all together,'' Bucky asked, even though he knew full well Sam didn't mind either way. ''Uh, do I have to...? I'd rather stay at the hotel, Buck,'' you tried, you weren't a big fan of going out, let alone going to a crowded bar on a Saturday evening. Every time they are going somewhere they try to get you to come with them, but you're not much of an outgoing person, or a people-person, for that matter. Sure, you were fine around Bucky, but the two of you spend a lot of time together, but you rarely hang out with Sam aside from missions.
''Please?'' Bucky asked with big puppy dog eyes, and as much as you didn't want to say no, you couldn't resist. ''Fine, but I won't dress up or anything, and I will stay for only an hour, that's it. ''It wouldn't want it any other way, doll,'' he said as he put his hand on your hip and he put a small kiss on your forehead as a thank you, which sets your inside completely ablaze at just the simplest of touches. This crush you had on Bucky is getting out of hand, and you don't know how much longer you can hold it in before you snap and accidentally tell him how you feel.
The weather is very nice where your mission is located, so you opt to go for a simple summer dress and a pair of Converse, your hair in a simple ponytail, and very little make-up. The dress shows a little more skin than you're used to, but you've been trying to step out of your comfort zone a little bit, trying to get rid of your shy-girl persona and instead being the badass you know you can be. This seems like a good start in your mind, and not much later all three of you are heading to a bar, you're clinging to Bucky's arm as if your life depends on it. ''You okay, doll?'' he whispered in your ear, you must have been squeezing harder than intended. ''Uh, yeah I guess,'' you muttered.
God, you were feeling very uncomfortable, not just with your outfit choice, but with everything around you. There were too many people doing who knows what, and the air in the bar seems a little bit constricting, but you promised Bucky an hour so that's the least you will do for him. In all honesty, you'd do almost anything for him if he asked, but that's mainly due to this crush you've had on Bucky, which honestly feels more like you've fallen head over heels in love with the super soldier, the more you think about it. When the three of you arrive at the bar you immediately go seek out a place to sit, and much to your relief, you find a booth in a quiet part of the bar.
''Can I get you guys anything to drink?'' Bucky asked and you just nodded, Sam ordered a beer. ''Anything specific you might like?'' he smiled at you, turning a bit flustered and red at the question. ''Uh... I- uh, I'll take a beer too, please,'' you stuttered, hoping the floor would just open up and swallow you whole right then and there. ''Alright, three beers coming right up,'' he said as he walked to the bar. Neither you nor Sam said anything while he was away, and you didn't mind. You got your phone out of your bag and started scrolling through social media to keep your mind a little busy until Bucky came back. Not long after he returned, handing you your beer and you gave him a smile as a thank you.
''So, anything new with you guys?'' Sam asked, and he and Bucky were in a conversation about something you didn't particularly care for, so you were just picking at the label on your bottle. This was how it usually went and also the reason you'd rather have stayed back at the hotel. You were deep in thought and didn't notice the men across from you were looking at you expectantly. ''Uh, sorry, did you- did you ask something?'' you said as you turned bright red, not looking either of them in their eyes because you were embarrassed. ''It's okay, Y/N, no need to be shy!'' Sam said, which only made you feel worse. ''I asked if there's anything new in your dating life,'' he said again, and it didn't help much.
''Uh, no, yeah, I have been on a few dates, but it wasn't going anywhere,'' you said, mostly because you were afraid to text them back after the date, and it never got past one, if you didn't walk out during the date itself. ''You know how it goes,'' you said with a shy chuckle, which immediately died down as soon as it left your throat, you were feeling extremely uncomfortable. The main reason it never went anywhere however, is because they weren't Bucky, but you would never admit that to anyone, the bond you have with him is special and you don't want to risk losing that connection you two share.
The moment you finished your answer you immediately dropped your eyes down, to where your fingers were still picking at the corners of the label on your bottle. Because you did this you didn't see the way Bucky's face dropped at the mention of you going on dates, you never told him that and he wasn't all too happy with it in all honesty. He got up and stomped out of the bar, he needed some fresh air to clear his mind a little bit because he almost told you he wishes you would have gone on a date with him, and he didn't want to tell you like that. You quickly went after him after apologizing to Sam.
''Buck, what's wrong?'' you asked as you grabbed his arm when you were both outside. He pulled his arm away from you and ran his hands through his hair to make sure he wouldn't do anything stupid right now. ''Why didn't you tell me why you went on dates? I always tell you everything, even when I have a date,'' Bucky said, not sure why he would emphasize that part exactly. ''I-, I'm sorry, I just didn't want to mention it, in case it would make you uncomfortable. I mostly went on those dates to get you out of my head, but it never worked,'' you said now that you got a sudden confidence boost. You don't have a single clue where it came from, but you would embrace it for however long it lasted.
''Why-, wait, get me out of your head? Did I ever do anything to hurt or upset you for you to need me out of your head?'' he said and he slowly started spiraling a little bit. ''Buck, no, please look at me, you never did anything wrong-'' you said but his face said all you needed to know. He started pacing back and forth over the sidewalk and didn't look at you, so you took measures into your own hands by grabbing his arms. ''Bucky, look at me, please! I never told you I went on dates because I'm in love with you, you grump! I have been head over heels for you ever since we first met, and that's why I never told you. I thought that if I went on dates, I would get those thoughts and feelings out of my head, but they never did,'' you explained, finally looking into his eyes as you confessed your feelings. What Bucky did next honestly surprised you to your core.
''I'm in love with you too, doll, fuck it feels good to finally say it out loud! I've been trying to keep it shoved away because I thought you didn't feel the same, but now that I know you do, I just want to tell you a thousand, no a hundred thousand times how much I love you, and how in love I am with you!'' he said as he let out a nervous laugh, he was completely overcome with relief and still finds it hard to believe your feelings are out in the open now. On a whim he grabbed your face and placed his lips onto yours, hoping that if it was a dream, he would have at least felt your lips at least once, but it isn't a dream, it was real, and you couldn't be happier.
''Thank god, now I can finally breathe normally around you guys!'' Sam exclaimed as he walked out of the bar with a huge grin on his face. You and Bucky quickly pulled apart and let each other go, mostly out of reflex as it kind of felt like he caught the two of you doing something unspeakable. ''Don't stop on my account, I don't care what the two of you do as long as you both keep it in your pants,'' he said and you turned bright red and you stared at the pavement, you would never get used to comments like that. ''Doll, can you look at me?'' Bucky said as he placed a finger under your chin and lifted it to meet his gaze. ''I love you, and I will never let you go now that I know you love me too,'' he said, sealing it with another soft kiss on your lips. You felt truly happy in this moment, and wouldn't change it for the world.
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heretek-birth · 1 month
A Hard Forceps Birth
Imagine you're deep in labor with your enormous, oversized, posterior baby.
This hasn't come as a surprise. You've known what was going to happen for months now, and you and your partner have planned for this extensively. Still, though, it's one thing to make plans for this in the cold light of day, and quite another to actually endure it.
"Theeeeere you go, just like that for me." He supports you from your side, holding you close while you moan through a punishing contraction. "Just let your body open up. You're doing so good right now." A C-section is off the table, so you're definitely going to need forceps. Still, you don't need them just yet, so, for now, you can labor in your own birth suite before you need to go to the delivery room.
"Nnnnnh- Fuck- Pressure-" You feel your contraction peak as a bowling ball settles between your hips.
"Alright, spread your legs nice and wide for me." Your partner settles himself between your thighs as that weight drops even more, until it feels like your pelvis is splitting apart.
"Now, give me a hard push- I need a hard, hard push, okay?" He presses back on your legs, and you curl forward and scream with the effort as you give in to your body's urges. "There you go. And again for me-" You curl forward again, giving everything you have and then some to bear down on the huge mass in your hips. "And again-" More screaming, more pushing, more of the same desperate struggle through the overwhelming pressure. "Again-" You push one more time, fighting hard to move your baby down just a little more, bearing down with every bit of your strength until you slump back on the bed at the end of the contraction.
You push just like that through the next contraction, and the next, and the next, and the next… You struggle for what feels like hours as he mops your sweat and kisses your forehead and holds your hand and tells you again and again just how well you're doing, that you're so, so perfect like this. You feel the endless pressure crash over you more times than you can count, like your womb is trying to crush you to death, like your hips are so full you're about to crack open, like you're pushing so hard you're going to turn inside out. He presses his fingers inside you over and over again, reporting with excitement on every millimeter of progress as you work your baby down until, finally, he watches your lips start to bulge just a little. He spreads you open with his fingers and-
"Oh my God, I can see the head!"
You fall back against the pillow in relief. This is it! You're doing it! You were so afraid you wouldn't be able to get this baby out on your own, but now- "Alright, push again for me." You curl forward with renewed energy, determined to push as long and as hard as it takes to have your baby right here. "Good! Good! Come on, hard push for me!" You cry out again as you bear down onto the mass in your hips, as you give in completely to the huge pressure deep inside you, struggling as long and as hard as you can until your body forces you to breathe.
"There you go! Push again for me!" You give another huge effort, bearing down with everything you have while he watches the head intently for any sign of movement. "One more, okay? Come on, have our baby!" You throw your head back with the effort, squeezing your eyes shut and gritting your teeth as you try to force that huge weight in your hips just a little farther down. You don't even have to notice the look of sympathy on his face to know you haven't gotten anywhere - you can feel the head wedged deep inside you, stuck, if anything, even worse than before.
Still, the thought of the "delivery room" makes your stomach turn. You know what's in there. Stirrups, drapes, catheters and masks, forceps, scissors, and needles, bright lights and antiseptic and harsh metal. If you give in, you'll be spread-eagled, cut, pried open, and- Yeah, you don't want to go in there. You shake your head to his questioning eyebrow.
"Alright. Get these wide open for me." He presses your legs back as far as they'll go, and you hold them there while you feel the pressure build to more than you can stand. "Give me big pushes now. Hard as you can, okay?" You do. You push long and hard, again and again, struggling through the whole contraction without feeling the head move a bit. You fight to catch your breath and, before you know it, that pressure is crushing you again, taking your breath away as you desperately bear down against the obstacle lodged in your hips. Your belly clamps down and lets go and clamps down one more time as you pull back your legs, pushing with tears streaming from your eyes as you feel every bit of your effort ultimately wasted, as you feel your baby's head stuck hard inside you no matter how much you push.
"Alright." Your partner takes your hand tightly in his. "I think you're ready now-"
"NO! No- Please- I can't-" You can feel tears running from your eyes.
"Shhhhhhh, you're okay, you're okay." He pulls your head against his chest, and you can feel his fingers in your hair. "I'm here for you, but this head's just not going to come out on its own." You choke out a sob against his neck. "I'm sorry. You're going to need the delivery room eventually." Another cry. "But we can push right here as long as you need to. We won't go until you're ready, okay?"
No! It's not okay! It's the opposite of okay! Why can't he see that you don't want- "Nnnnnh-" You're cut off by another surge of pressure as your belly contracts again.
"Come on, hard pushes for me. Let it alllllll out." Your body doesn't give you a choice as you bear down, a feral animal giving in to instinct as you struggle with your stuck baby. You're no better with the next contraction either, giving a huge desperate push down into your hips that gets you exactly nowhere, nor with the one after that while your partner waits patiently, telling you, "Go ahead and push, we're not in a hurry", and "Don't worry, we can take as long as you need."
You hang your head forward and pull your legs back, fighting your way through the contractions one after the other. You feel pain and cramping, then pressure, so much fucking pressure, and then you push, and scream, and push again, and scream again. Then, a few quick moments to catch your breath, to feel yourself tired and soaked in sweat, clinging tight to his hand before it all starts again. You just want the nightmare to end. You'll do whatever it takes to get your baby out, anything to stay out of the delivery room, but there's nothing you can do. You feel the contractions come and the pressure crush you and you pushpushpushpushpush with everything you have, but the head stays right where it is.
Nothing you do seems to help. You try squatting and feel the pressure get somehow even worse as the head rides down in your pelvis, as you push again and again with brutal, uncontrolled fury. For a while it feels almost like you're making progress, so you suffer your way through the endless, punishing contractions, squatting and pushing like your life depends on it- at least until your partner checks you and finds out that all you've been doing is wedging the head inside you even more. You try pushing on your hands and knees, feeling your belly weighing you down like a stone. You try standing to push, and find that your legs can't even support your weight. You try getting on your back again, and find that your baby is just as stuck as before.
You're not sure how long it goes on, the endless haze of cramping and pressure and pushing, growing more and more exhausted with each desperate, struggling effort, but eventually things reach a breaking point.
"Hey-" Your partner nudges you back to awareness. "Look at me." He manages to catch your gaze. "You need the delivery room." At this point, you're too tired to argue.
"I'll call ahead - we'll need a wheelchair, too." Fortunately, there's one nearby for just such an occurrence. You moan with discomfort as he helps you into the wheelchair and you feel it force your legs closer together, and he can see the dread radiating off you as you make the short trip to the delivery room. "Shhhhh, you're okay. You're okay." You sink back in fear as you catch sight of the doors. "You're going to meet our baby soon! Just think of that, okay? You're going to meet our baby." He gives your hand a short squeeze before he wheels you into the room.
It's just like you expected - a large obstetrical table at the center of the room, a spotlight pointed directly between the stirrups, trays of gleaming metal instruments, the doctor and nurses in surgical scrubs, and you the star of the show. "Alright, we'll get you set up on the table here and then we can get started!" The nurses get started on the preparations, and they go just as you feared. Stirrups, drapes, mask, catheter, spotlight, more and more restraints… You catch a brief glimpse of the doctor, an older man beneath his mask and gown, as he runs through your chart. "Let's see here… Significant macrosomia, persistent occiput posterior expected - and confirmed - scheduled forceps delivery, pushed for… how long?" "About four hours since the head came down." Your partner checks the time, and the doctor raises his eyebrows. "This is pretty much a textbook 'undeliverable', but I'm sure you had your reasons."
The nurses finish their preparations, spreading the stirrups wide apart as the doctor approaches. You can feel his gloved finger trail along your lips for a moment before pushing inside, feeling for the position of the head. Apparently satisfied, he reaches for the forceps, and you watch as he takes a moment to coat them in lube before he takes his position between your legs.
"Alright, just take a deep breath in-" You hear your partner's voice beside you as you feel a burning, stinging coldness between your legs. You can feel everything as the doctor levers the hard metal inside you, pushing in deep and sweeping into place. "And let it out, there you go." You feel weak, shaky as you grip his hand for dear life. "And breathe in-" More stinging pain, more hard metal pressing, twisting deep inside, sweeping into position. "And out." You let out your breath, and-
"Oh, FUCK-" You feel the blades lock together around the head, forcing you open somehow even wider inside. "I can't-"
"Shhhhhhhh. Yes you can. I know you can, okay? Just a little longer." Your tear-filled eyes meet his for a moment, until you're interrupted by the cramping in your belly.
"Alright. Hard push with this one." The doctor tugs gently on the head as one of the nurses adjusts the stirrups a little wider. "Hard push for me now."
You feel the fullness in your hips finally overwhelm you as you curl forward and bear down against the crushing, unbearable pressure of your contraction. You don't even have the breath to scream as you feel yourself slowly opening up, as you feel the head bulling forward bit by bit, burning more and more with the doctor's steady pulling.
"Come on. Cooooome on. Have our baby now." Your partner grips your hand tightly, and you do your best to focus on his words, on his touch, rather than what you can feel between your legs.
You can feel the pressure crushing you, making you drive down against the baby stuck inside you with all your might. You push with a fierce, desperate intensity, gritting your teeth through the burn that grows worse and worse as the harsh metal tools drag your baby forward. Eventually, your concentration fails, and you cry out as the head forces your lips apart wider and wider, as you're forced to stretch so unbearably far for your oversized child.
"Push through it, okay? Just push through it! You're doing so good right now!"
As though you could do anything else, with your belly crushing the breath out of you, with the huge baby wedged deep in your pelvis, with every cell in your body screaming at you to push and push and push even more. You scream again as you give everything you have to try to get your baby out, fighting against the stirrups and the straps holding you down as you feel yourself pried open even further before you collapse onto the bed again.
"There you go, theeeeeere you go." Your partner's voice cuts through your weeping as the contraction fades. "Just hold on, okay? I know you can do this." You're not so sure as you fight to catch your breath, as you tuck your head beneath his chin and press your face against his chest, but your body isn't giving you a choice. All too soon, you feel that familiar cramping tightness, feel that same desperate pressure building up in your hips.
"Alright, push just like that with the next one." You can hear the voice coming from between your spread thighs, see the light glinting off the metal wedged so tightly inside you. "That's it, hard as you can. I'm going to pull-" You let out a cry of pain as the burning between your legs flares all at once. "Push. You need to push now."
You grit your teeth as the pressure finally overwhelms you, screaming internally as you feel the forceps steadily prying you open more and more, as you lose any semblance of control, bearing down on instinct as your opening catches fire. All you can do is just try to let it happen, to try to focus on the warmth of your partner's hand, on his words in your ear as your lips stretch and stretch and burn for the head.
"I know it hurts, I know. Just have our baby, I'm right here for you."
You can't make it stop. Can't slow it down. All you can do is hold on and try not to scream. You're almost doubled over with the force of your pushing, with your body's involuntary, desperate effort to force your child out right this second, feeling the relentless, steady pull of the forceps dragging the head out towards the world. You can feel the fire catching between your legs as your most sensitive place stretches wider and wider with no end in sight.
"Little more now, just a little more. I know you can do this."
Eventually, your resolve breaks down. You scream, long and wordless even as you still can't help but bear down with all your might. It's all just too much, the unbearable, agonizing pressure, the brutal cramping in your midsection, the inferno growing worse and worse as you're mercilessly pried open with cold, clinical efficiency. It's just more than you can take as you cry out again and again, as you push and scream and cling on for dear life, feeling the head open you more than you could possibly imagine until your contraction finally lets you go.
"PLEASE- PLEASE- I CAN'T-" You give your partner a wild, desperate look. "IT HURTS- I CAN'T-"
"Shhhhhhhh, you're okay, I've got you. You're going to have our baby now."
The doctor keeps a tight grip on the forceps and stops the head from receding. You fight to catch your breath while you're forced to stretch so wide open, struggling through every bit of the burning those harsh metal tools inflict on you. Through it all, the doctor can see your clit as stiff and ready as ever, standing proud over the stretched-tight circle of your lips around the head.
"Here we go now-" The doctor watches your belly start to harden once again. "You should crown with this contraction."
Relief and dread wash over you in equal measure. One one hand, you're that much closer to the end. On the other, this is going to get worse before it gets better. In the end, it doesn't matter - your baby is coming out no matter what you think. You feel your partner's hand tighten around yours as the pressure builds again, as your belly does its best to crush you once more.
"Alright, hard push for me now-" You start bearing down long before he says anything. "There we go. Let's have this baby."
"BURNING- FUCK- IT BURNS-" You feel the doctor start to pull with the forceps, feel yourself forced open wider and wider around the huge, hard mass of the head, feel your lips stretching more and more and more, pried open mercilessy no matter how much it hurts. You try to fight against the restraints, to squirm away, to buck your hips, but it doesn't matter. You can't stop pushing, can't stop stretching, can't stop screaming- "MAKE IT STOP! PLEASE!"
"You're tearing just a little now. We'll take this niiiiice and slow, okay?"
His words fall on deaf ears as you push with everything you have to just get this over with, to just have your baby whatever the consequences, but the doctor keeps a tight grip on the forceps, easing the head out of you inch by brutal inch. "GET IT OUT- GET IT OUT- GET IT OUT-" You scream, and struggle, and bear down as hard as you can, but none of it makes a difference - you're forced all the way open as the doctor pulls your baby out of you in a textbook medical procedure.
"Annnnnnnd, that's a crown! Nice and slow, just like that."
"GETITOUTGETITOUTGETITOUTGETITOUT-" You push again and again in huge, desperate surges, struggling in uncontrolled, animal panic as you feel yourself slowly splitting open, as you beg and scream and fight against the forceps delivering your baby. The head is barely moving inside you- the doctor maneuvers as carefully as he can, leaving you stuck stretching and burning and crying out again and again at the endless, inescapable ring of fire.
"Come on, just a little more now. Just a little bit more."
"GET IT OUUUUUUUUUT-" You writhe on the bed, frantic and desperate as you bear down like your life depends on it, pushing until your breath fails you, then pushing again, and again, and again. "PLEASE! GET IT OUT!" You nearly crush your partner's hand in a white-knuckled grip as your entire world shrinks down to the searing, blazing circle between your legs, to your frantic, futile effort to just split your lips open and get the head out while your baby is slowly, methodically extracted.
"Almost there now- Allllllmost-"
"PLEASE- PLEASE- PLEASE- PLEASE-" You're reduced to a begging, sobbing wreck, pushing involuntarily with your legs held open as wide as they'll go, a whole roomful of people staring intently at the titanic bulge forcing you open, at the medical instruments making you cry out again and again. "PLEASE JUST GET IT OUT-" You feel the head pulled forward so, so slowly, just a little bit at a time, dragged out of your most sensitive place in an endless, burning agony. You throw your head back and give one long, wordless scream as the doctor pulls again, as the forceps hold you all the way open, as-
"And, there's the head!"
"That's it! You did it! You did so, so good!" You collapse back against your partner, sobbing in relief. He takes you in his arms and you press your head against his chest, doing your best to shut out the world for just a little while.
The world, though, isn't quite done with you yet.
You hear a click the doctor unlocks the forceps, and you wince just a little as you feel him probe a finger around the edge of your opening. "Alright, looks like… bilateral labial tears, then a midline tear as well." You don't want to think about that right now. "They don't look too bad, though." His finger probes deeper, and you wince again. "And, nice rotation from the shoulders- We should be good to go!"
You try to hide from this, to just bury your face in your partner's arms and escape, but your body won't let you. No matter what you want, you feel the next contraction coming, feel the pressure start to crush you again. You just want this over with. With a few fresh tears in your eyes, you curl forward once more as you give in to the pressure.
"This is it! Push, and have our baby!"
You push. You squeeze your eyes shut and grit your teeth and push with furious, desperate intensity. You feel the shoulders shift forward, feel them bulge outwards more and more, feel them stuck there for a single, horrifying moment-
"Alright, let's have these shoulders."
You feel the burning explode between your legs as the doctor pulls down on the head, growing worse and worse as you struggle with the size of your baby. "GET IT OUT!" You feel yourself stretching even more as the upper shoulder comes, forcing you wide open as the doctor starts to pull up. "GET! IT! OUT!" You push desperately as you feel the lower shoulder coming, pushing with everything you have as you feel a fire blazing between your legs. "AAAAAAAAA-" The shoulders come slow as you scream your way through the pain, as you bear down with a huge, final effort. Your body jerks as you give one last push for the hips before you're left shuddering and gasping and so, so blessedly empty.
After a moment, you feel something heavy and warm and wet placed on your chest.
"Oh my God!"
You open your eyes, and look down to see your baby. Neither of you say anything as you stare in wonder at the life you created together, but you don't need to. You're both already counting down the days until you'll do this again.
Inspired by and written for @bulgingpushh
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zzprompto · 11 months
☆ the shared bath
geto suguru x male reader [he / him]
sypnosis: two dudes, [name] and suguru, share a totally 100% platonic bath after [name] notices something off about suguru. (meant to be viewed as romantic. happens before the things suguru does, au where everything turns out to be okay?)
the lowercase is intentional !
- brief mentions of nudity (because it's a bath) but no nsfw.
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it was the little things [name] seemed to notice first. the way suguru started talking less, how he started wearing his hair up instead of down and how he started to grow bags under his eyes. [name] started to worry, but who wouldn't? sure, [name] wasn't the closest to suguru, that title was reserved for gojo satoru and gojo satoru only, but he was still quite close with the ravenette.
[name] couldn't help but worry. whenever he saw suguru around school grounds, he could feel his heart ache inside his chest and his stomach turn. the poor boy hoped his friend was alright, but that really didn't seem like the case. it was almost as if there was something bugging suguru, but he couldn't tell anyone. maybe he was too afraid? too standoffish to ask for help? whatever it was, [name] was determined to help his friend.
[name] spotted suguru alone on campus, so he walked up to him. it was weird to see suguru alone and without satoru, the two were independent. they were always together, but that didn't seem like the case anymore. it was probably the thing that was bugging suguru caused him to drift apart from satoru is what [name] thought. but, he didn't know the truth.
[name] walked over to suguru and stopped infront of him. "hey.. are you good?" he asked in a soft voice, trying not to startle the ravenette. suguru just looked at [name] and sighed. "i'm fine." is all he replied with in a bored, monotone voice. it seemed clear that suguru didn't want to talk about his feelings, but [name] was still worried. he wanted to find out what was truly wrong.
of course, [name] didn't want to be so persistant that he didn't get an answer from suguru at all, so he had to be creative. the first thing that came into his mind was.. a bath. just him and suguru sharing a bath whilst talking about their feelings. that doesn't sound gay at all..
"do you want to take a bath with me? we can catch up whilst soaking in some bubbles and what not." [name] suggests, a smile on his face as he spoke. suguru thought his ears were deceiving him for a second. did he really hear what he thought he heard? or was his mind playing tricks on him due to his sleep deprivation?
suguru's face contorted and twisted into that of confusion. he looked at [name] with that exact expression on his face. "what? a bath? that's a bit odd, don't you think?" suguru sighed, shaking his head at [name]'s suggestion. although out loud he said the idea was odd, on the inside his heart was racing. he never would've thought [name] would be the type of person to suggest a bath, an intimate one at that where they'd be discussing their feelings together. it was all a shock, but suguru found it quite romantic.
[name] immediately realises how weird taking a bath with another guy sounds, especially since both him and suguru are teenagers, on the verge of adulthood. "oh! right.. right.. uhm.. my bad.." [name] chuckles nervously, scratching the back of his head and looking away from suguru. oh how stupid he was for thinking such a thing.
"..i'm not opposed to the idea, however." suguru clears his throat, also looking away from [name]'s direction. "i guess it would be nice to take a warm bath and catch up." suguru continues, his voice quiet and low as he's still flustered by the suggestion. maybe he was reading into it too much? but it was too late now, he already accepted the offer.
[name] perks up and he looks at suguru again, his previous smile creeping back up on his face. quickly, [name] takes suguru's arm and he starts dragging the poor boy to the baths. he already heard suguru say he 'wasn't opposed to the idea', so there's nothing stopping [name] now. he felt some sort of excitement rush over him, mixed with another feeling that he didn't know how to name. it was like he wanted to see suguru, topless, in the bath. but that was normal, right? it's normal to want to see another guy's body, right? it's totally not gay..
after a few long moments of [name] dragging suguru by the arm, the two boys finally reached the baths. [name] started to run the water, turning a mixture of the hot and cold taps before it was the optimum temperature. he then took one of the shower gels that was laying on the side of the bath, before squeezing a bit in the bath, waiting for bubbles to start forming. the bath wasn't big, but it wasn't too small. [name] hoped it would fit him and suguru, and possibly leave some space for the two of them. yet, he wouldn't mind being right besides suguru in the bath.
[name] looked at suguru with a smile. "well, the bath's running now. i guess it's time to get in." he hummed before turning around and taking his uniform off. as much as [name] wanted to watch suguru get changed, for some odd reason that didn't click in his mind yet, he gave suguru a little privacy and didn't watch. [name] got dressed pretty fast himself and he got into the water, waiting for suguru to get in too.
suguru took a little longer getting undressed. he was pretty nervous and flustered about the whole ordeal. suguru was about to be in a bath with someone he likes, close to this guy when they're both naked and the other guy doesn't see a problem with it! it didn't help that [name] was going to ask questions about what's wrong with suguru, it just made the whole moment feel like it was going to be more intimate than intended.
soon enough, [name] could hear suguru enter the water beside him. [name] turned off the taps and he looked to suguru with a smile. "the water's nice, don't you think?" he asked, trying to make some sort of small talk despite this awkwardly-romantic situation. this was meant to be a moment that couples shared. so why was it that two boys, who have not confronted their feelings about eachother yet, are sharing such a moment?
suguru just hums and nods along to [name]'s question, looking down at the water to try and avoid his gaze. it was all too much for his heart, there was only so much it could handle. "yeah.. the water's nice. thanks for.. asking me to come here with you? i don't know what else to say.." suguru muttered, definitely not knowing what else to say.
"i was worried about you, y'know? i mean, i still am, but i'm worried about you. i'm always worried about you, even when there's nothing to worry about." [name] explains, his brain going fuzzy after repeating the word 'worry' too many times. he's still gazing over at suguru with a small smile on his face. "i care about you a lot, even if it doesn't look like that. i just want you to know that." [name] admits, and it's not making suguru's heart feel any better. suguru feels as if his heart is going to leap out of his chest and drown in the bath.
suguru thinks for a moment, trying to recollect his thoughts and words before he can say anything in response to [name]. "hm.. thank you, [name]. i appreciate how much you care and worry, it means.. a lot." suguru whispers, making the shared bath more and more intimate by the second. "i've just been thinking a lot lately about everything that's happened, i forgot to stop and see that people around me care. everything with amanai, haibara.. it's all piled up. i feel like i have to carry this weight on my shoulders, like i'm alone.. i want to do something about it.." suguru admitted before pausing. he didn't want to tell the truth about what he thought of doing, it would just lead [name] to hate him.
then, suguru heard the water sloshing and splashing about until he felt something wrap around him. it was [name], of course. [name] pulled suguru into a hug, holding him as close as he could. "i'm sorry, suguru. i'm sorry that you feel that way.." [name] whispers to suguru. "you're not alone.. you have us. gojo, shoko.. and me." [name] sighed, resting against suguru's shoulder as he continued to hug the other boy. "we're always here so you can talk to us. i'm here for you, always." [name] whispers and it plays in suguru's mind over and over again. suguru just wanted to kiss [name] so badly. [name]'s words were so intimate, yet [name] didn't even know the effect he had on suguru.
suguru hums and he rests his chin on the top of [name]'s head, reciprocating the hug. "thank you again, [name]. your words reassure me. i needed that, a lot." suguru sighed, continuing to hold [name] in his arms as [name] held suguru in his own.
"i really want to kiss you.." suguru confessed in a whisper, his cheeks immediately going a light pink instead of pale as he spoke. [name]'s eyes opened wide and he backed away from the hug slightly, some water tipping out of the bath tub. "what? what did you say? you want to kiss me?" [name] was taken aback, but he should've seen it coming. he was the one who suggsted such a romantic and intimate thing such as a bath in the first place.
yet, [name] didn't back away. he wasn't afraid of his feelings anymore. he leaned in closer to suguru to the point where their noses were almost touching. "do it, then. kiss me." [name] whispered back, hoping suguru would kiss him.
...and kiss him he did.
suguru leaned in, just as [name] did, and he finally made their lips meet. it felt like heaven. both boys were just melting at eachother's touch. all the unspoken feelings coming to light as they stayed in the bath. it was perfect, better than anything the boys could've imagined.
once the two of them pulled away, suguru was smiling so much that his cheeks start to hurt. "that was.. great." he whispered before pulling [name] in for another kiss, which [name] gladly accepted.
the two boys kept kissing in the bath, smiling and laughing. all in all, they were just enjoying eachother's company for what felt like the first time in years. it was great.
"do you want to go and grab food with me someday?" geto asked, grinning slightly as he looked at [name]. "as in a date?" [name] tilted his head to which suguru nodded in response. "sure, sounds good to me." [name] hummed, holding suguru close in a hug again.
as the weeks, months and years went past, shoko and gojo never stopped teasing the two. suguru and [name] could never catch a break. but, it all happened because of the shared bath. the bath [name] and suguru were so glad they shared...
☆ author's note: i feel like writing a highschool au gojo..
☆ request ▪︎ masterlist
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cowboybeepboop · 20 days
Are you still taking requests 🤔 if so I got one for you it's more of an idea to start and you can build on it.
Anything with jealous Scott! Him and the reader flirt hes nice to her she drops hints he's to dumb to see them right away. Tyler sees how hard she is trying sees the looks Scott gives her but knows it's all going over his head so he makes a plan with the reader to make Scott jealous and JEALOUS he gets and end it with fluff smut just happiness and maybe some humor!
All the little details are up to you have fun with it. You are a very talented story teller I always failed my creative writing in school🤣
Pairing: Scott Miller x fem! Reader
Genre: Smut, fluffy and romantic
Word count: 5k
a/n: Thank you so much! I really enjoy writing jealous Scott and writing like romantic smut so hopefully you guys like reading it. As always let me know if you have any requests and I hope you enjoy <3
Working with Tyler has its perks, one of which is being able to travel around the states while chasing storms, another is getting to see Scott. You have a *small* thing for him, something that isn't well hidden.
However, it seems that no matter how obvious you are with your flirtation, Scott is entirely oblivious to it all. He really is oblivious. The man has an uncanny ability to turn everything you say into something platonic.
What makes things worse is that you can tell he likes you too. You’re the only person he shows his caring and soft side to. He goes out of his way to talk to you as much as he can and worries over your safety when Tyler drags you too close to a tornado.
Today is another day on the road as you’re chasing storms, the crew is together having breakfast at a diner. But your gaze stays trained to the dark haired man sitting with Javi and his team.
You sigh softly, poking at your food with your fork, a pout on your lips. The conversations of your friends stays in the background as the only thing on your mind is how you can make it *any* more obvious to Scott.
Tyler leans to you, bumping his shoulder to yours in an effort to catch your attention. “Y/N?”
“Hm?” You look over at him, eyes a bit unfocused, your cheeks pink from being caught staring at Scott.
“Y/N,” He leaned a bit closer, and spoke in a low voice so the others wouldn't hear. “I have an idea.”
“Yeah? What is it?” Your head cocks to the side as you turn your body to him.
Tyler glanced briefly at Scott before turning his attention back to you. He kept his voice low.
"You've been trying to get Scott's attention for a while, but he's as oblivious as ever. I have an idea that might work, but you'll have to play along."
“Okay..” your voice is suspicious, eyes narrowing at him, “And what exactly is your brilliant idea?”
Tyler flashed a sly grin. "Well, I know that Scott is protective of you, and a bit possessive at times. So, if he sees me, or anyone else, getting a little too close to you, he might just get jealous."
He leaned back in his chair, looking casual, but you could tell he was up to something. "Trust me on this, okay? Just play along."
You nod along as he speaks, “But what’s in it for you Ty?”
Tyler smirked, enjoying this little plan. "Oh, nothing much. It's just that I like stirring up a bit of chaos, and seeing Scott get jealous would be entertaining as hell."
You giggle at his response, leaning forward to whisper in his ear. “Then let’s do it.” Your gaze falls back over to Scott noticing his shift in his seat.
Tyler smiled devilishly. He knew you were on board with his plan. He glanced over at Scott, noticing his obvious discomfort at your closeness to Tyler.
He leans to you, making sure to keep his voice low enough for only you to hear. "Alright, here goes."
He casually placed his hand on your thigh, patting it gently. "You enjoying the food, Y/N?" You squirm slightly under his touch.
Scott can’t help a scowl that comes over his face as he watches Tyler’s hand gently pat your thigh. His eyes narrowed, and his grip on his fork tightened. He tried his best to listen to Javi and the others engaged in conversation, pretending to focus on their words. But his mind wandered back to the sight of Tyler's hand resting comfortably on your thigh.
Your conversation with Tyler dies down as Javi interrupts to ask about where you’re going to chase today. Tyler’s hand moves to your waist, pulling your body closer to his.
Tyler chimes in, "You know, I was thinking we should head north today. There's a storm system that's brewing up there and it looks pretty interesting." He presses a kiss to your temple gently.
Scott’s jaw clenches tight at the sight of Tyler’s lips touching your temple. His eyes flicker with a hint of jealousy, but he maintains his composure, taking a sip of his coffee to hide his reaction.
He clears his throat and looks at the rest of the group. "I looked at the weather reports this morning, and there's more potential for storms further south."
Tyler noticed Scott's reaction, and it confirmed that his plan was working. He could see the slightest hint of jealousy in Scott's eyes and the way his jaw clenched tight. He couldn't help but feel satisfied with himself.
He turned to Scott with a smirk. "Oh, you're right, south does sound like it has better potential for storms. But by the time we’d reach that area they might already have died down.”
You glance between the two men who are sharing strong glares, you look down at the app you had pulled up. “There does seem to be a lot more storms popping up in the northern region at the moment..”
Scott's eyes narrow further as you chime in, backing Tyler's suggestion. He can see the growing smirk on Tyler's face, and it only adds to his annoyance. He takes a deep breath and looks over at you, trying to keep his cool.
Tyler gave your thigh a gentle squeeze, enjoying the effect it had on Scott. "Yeah, north looks like the better option today. Plus, I bet Y/N would want to see some more tornadoes today, huh?" You smile up at him with a small nod.
Scott's grip on his coffee cup tightens as he sees Tyler's hand on your thigh again, and the mention of you wanting to see tornadoes only irritates him more.
He takes another drink, trying to hide his annoyance. "Well, if that's what *you* want to do.." He mutters under his breath, his eyes flickering between you and Tyler.
After a long day of pretend flirting with Tyler and storm chasing you’ve found yourself relaxing with your team at the bar. The ding of the door captured your attention and your gaze lands on Scott. He’s dressed in a casual shirt and jeans, looking so much more attractive than when he’s in his storm par suit.
Tyler, noticing your interest in Scott, takes it as an opportunity to continue with his plan to make Scott jealous. He leans closer to you, draping his arm around your shoulder.
"You're staring again," he says with a playful smirk. "You just can't help but admire Scott, can?"
“It’s hard not to,” you murmur, taking a sip of your drink as Tyler pulls you closer.
Scott's gaze briefly flickers to Tyler's arm as it wraps around your shoulders. He feels a pang of annoyance at the sight, but he tries to keep his cool. He orders a drink from the bartender before turning to face you.
He moves a bit closer, standing beside you with a stoic expression on his face. He gives Tyler a cool glare before looking down at you. "Having a good night?" He asks, his tone neutral. He takes a step closer to you, his body practically sandwiching you between him and Tyler. A slight blush raises on your cheeks as you gaze up at Scott with a smile.
Feeling the tension build, Tyler decides to take things further, playing into his role as your 'boyfriend'. He leans in, his arm still around your shoulders, and places a gentle kiss on your temple. "Yeah, great night so far," he replies, meeting Scott's cold glare with a smirk.
“Mhm, yeah. Great night.” You shiver at the touch of Tyler’s lips on your skin, unconsciously cuddling closer to him.
Scott's jaw clenches at the sight of Tyler's lips touching your skin. He can feel a spark of anger rising within him, but he tries his best to keep his expression neutral.
He takes a step forward, his body now almost pressed against you, effectively sandwiching you between him and Tyler. He looks down at you, his eyes locked on yours, and reaches out to gently brush some wayward strands of hair behind your ear. "That's good to hear," he says, his voice low. "I hope it stays that way."
Your grin grows at Scott’s affection. Tyler, sensing Scott's growing possessiveness, decides it's time to ramp things up even more. He tightens his arm around you, pulling you closer to him. His hand rests on your hip, his fingers gently tracing small circles.
"Oh, I'm sure it will," he responds, his smirk widening. "We're all enjoying ourselves, aren't we, Y/N?" You nod while taking another sip of your beer.
Scott's eyes narrow as he watches Tyler's hand linger on your hip, the gentle touch making his blood boil. He can feel his possessive instincts starting to take over, and he takes another step closer to you, his body now practically pressed against yours.
He reaches out and places his hand on your waist, gently pulling you towards him and away from Tyler. He looks down at you with a stern expression on his face. Your blush grows as your eyes widen at Scott’s sudden gesture.
Tyler’s eyes flicker with amusement as Scott pulls you closer to him. He bites back a smirk, enjoying the effect his plan is having on Scott. He takes a step back, giving you a bit more space, but his eyes remain fixed on the pair of you.
Scott's hand on your waist feels possessive and firm. He continues to fix you with a stern look, his expression intense. "Y/N,” he says, his voice low, “we need to have a word. Alone."
“Okay,” you bite down on your lip, Scott leads you out of the bar, across the street toward the motel. You follow close behind, without a word. Once you reach his room, he unlocks the door pulling you inside.
He turns to face you, his expression serious and intense. His hand, still on your waist, tightens its grip ever so slightly, anchoring himself to you.
“What do you want to talk about?” You relax in his grasp, enjoying every second of his touch.
Scott takes a deep breath, looking down at you with a mixture of frustration and desire in his eyes. He takes a moment to collect his thoughts before speaking, his voice low and rough.
"I need to ask you something, and I need you to be honest with me," he says, his grip on your waist tightening slightly.
“I’ll be 100% honest,” you nod with a sweet smile. “I promise.”
Scott seems to relax a bit at your words, his shoulders visibly untensing. He takes another deep breath, his gaze locking on yours.
"What's going on with you and Tyler?" He asks, his voice firm. "Because it seems to me that you two have gotten a bit too close lately."
“Too close?” You question, your head cocking to the side as you feign ignorance.
Scott crosses his arms, a stern expression on his face as he gazes down at you. He notices the cheeky glint in your eyes and the subtle bite of your lip, sensing that you're not quite as oblivious as you're pretending to be.
"Don't play coy with me," he mutters, taking a step closer to you. "You know exactly what I'm talking about. The way he's always touching you, always standing close to you... I've noticed it, and it's driving me crazy."
“Driving you crazy?” You wrap your arms around his waist pulling him flush against you while looking up at him. “And why is that?”
Scott's eyes widen slightly as you wrap your arms around his waist, pulling him closer. For a moment, he is taken aback by your audacity, but he regains his composure quickly.
He places his hands on your hips, his grip firm as he stares down at you with an intense gaze. “I can't stand seeing him touch you like that, it's like he's marking his territory." Your tongue darts out to wet your bottom lip as he continues.
Scott's eyes are glued to your tongue, watching as it darts out to wet your bottom lip. His grip on your hips tightens involuntarily, the primal desire within him taking over.
He takes a deep breath, trying to suppress the primal urge to pull you closer and claim you as his own. "The way he puts his hands on you... it should be me."
You smirk, “Then why isn’t it?” Your fingertips dig into his back softly.
Scott's breath hitches as your fingertips dig into his back, sending a shiver down his spine. The smirk on your lips is driving him crazy, awakening a primal urge within him.
He steps closer, his body now pressed flush against yours. His eyes darkened with desire as he gazes down at you. "Because I don't want to push you away," he mutters, his voice low and hoarse.
“Scott, you're so dense.” You groan.
Scott's expression turns to one of mild offense at your words. He takes a moment to collect himself before responding. "I'm not dense," he retorts. "I just-"
He falters, his mind still stuck on your words and the fact that he's been oblivious to your feelings this whole time. He pauses for a moment, his eyes locking on yours. "Wait... You're telling me you..?"
You roll your eyes, pressing your head back against the wall. “I’ve been flirting with you for weeks.”
He takes a step back, looking at you with a mixture of disbelief and embarrassment. "You...flirting with me?" He repeats, his voice a mixture of sheepishness and confusion. "I don't…"
He stops to think for a moment, his mind replaying all the interactions he'd had with you over the past few weeks. Suddenly, it all starts to click. Another groan escapes your lips as you squeeze your eyes shut in embarrassment.
Scott's eyes flicker with a mix of realization and arousal as he takes in your reaction. He takes a step forward, closing the distance between you and pins you against the wall.
He gently grabs your chin, tilting your head up to meet his gaze, his blue eyes darkened with desire. "You've been flirting with me for weeks?" He repeats, his voice huskier than before. His gaze flickers down to your lips before he leans in, capturing them in a rough, hungry kiss.
You pull him closer to you, responding to his hands with a quiet moan. Scott's arms snake around your waist, pulling you closer against his body. The sound of your moan fuels his desire, and he deepens the kiss, his tongue exploring your mouth with an urgent fervor.
He pins you to the wall, his hands roaming over your body, desperate to feel every inch of you. His grip on you grows tighter, almost possessive, as if he's afraid you'll slip through his fingers.
You pull away, gasping for air as his touch sends desire through your body. Scott's lips trail down your jawline, his breath hot on your skin. He nibbles gently at your earlobe, his hands still roaming over your body, exploring every curve and contour, until they come to rest at your hips.
He pins you against the wall, his body pressing against yours, creating a delicious friction between the two of you. "God, you drive me crazy," he mutters, his voice hoarse. "I need you."
Your arms move to his neck, pulling his lips inches away from yours. “I need you too Scott.” His hands grip your thighs, hoisting you up onto him with ease. He pushes you against the wall, his body pressing you into the cool plaster and his heated frame.
His lips are a breath away from yours, his breath coming in ragged gasps. "You have no idea how long I've wanted this," he mutters, his gaze locking on yours.
He presses his hips against yours, his desire for you evident in every movement. Your head falls back as you moan out his name, grinding your hips down on his.
Scott's breath hitches at the feel of you grinding against him. The sound of his name on your lips sending a jolt of electricity through him.
His grip on your thighs tightens, his fingers digging into your flesh. "Ah, God," he mutters, his voice rough and ragged. "You're making it damn near impossible to hold back. You know that, right?"
“Please don’t hold back anymore,” you whine out as you gaze into his eyes. At your request,
Scott loses the last shred of restraint he was holding onto. He crushes you against the wall, his lips crashing against yours in a passionate, hungry kiss.
His hands slide up to your ass, grabbing hold and pulling you fully against him. He grinds his hips against yours, wanting to get as close to you as possible.
"I won’t hold back anymore," he gasps, breaking away from the kiss for a brief moment. "I want you. All of you."
The heat between you and Scott is palpable, filling the room like a heavy summer storm. His hands slide from your thighs to your ass, squeezing and lifting you closer to him, your legs wrapping around his waist. You kiss him back with a passion that matches his own, your bodies moving in a rhythm that speaks of a long-denied attraction.
The walls of the motel room seem to close in around you, the rest of the world fading away as your focus narrows to the feel of his mouth on yours, the beat of his heart against your chest, and the unmistakable pressure of his hardness against your core.
With surprising strength and urgency, Scott hooks his fingers into the waistband of your pants and underwear, tugging them down with one swift motion, leaving you exposed and vulnerable against the wall. He steps closer, aligning his clothed erection with your slick heat, and begins to rock his hips against you.
The friction sends sparks of pleasure shooting through your body, making you whimper and cling to him tighter. His hand remains firm on your ass, keeping you in place as he grinds into you, the fabric of his pants the only barrier between you and his dick. The pressure builds, your breath hitching in anticipation of what's to come.
Scott's hips move with a fierce rhythm against you, the rough fabric of his jeans providing just the right amount of friction against your sensitive clit. Each stroke sends a jolt of pleasure through your body, making you moan and arch your back, silently begging for more. The pressure builds, your breath coming in ragged gasps as the tension coils tighter within you.
You can feel yourself getting closer to the edge, your body tightening around him like a vice as the pleasure reaches a crescendo. The room is filled with the sound of your muffled cries and the harsh grunts of his own need. His grip on your ass tightens, his movements becoming more erratic as he feels your climax approaching.
The anticipation is unbearable, your nails digging into his shoulders as you hang on the precipice of release, desperately seeking the sweet oblivion that you know is just within reach.
The friction becomes too much, and with a loud moan, you cum onto Scott's pants, leaving a wet slick stain on the fabric. The intensity of your orgasm surprises even you, your body convulsing and shaking in his arms. Scott's eyes widen, his own arousal reaching new heights as he feels your wetness coat him.
He groans into your mouth, the sound muffled by your desperate kisses. His hips don't stop moving, instead, they pick up speed, driven by the need to feel you come apart around him. The sight of you, lost in pleasure, only makes him want you more, his movements becoming more erratic and urgent. He's so close to the edge himself, and the feel of you pulsing against him is driving him wild.
He pulls away from the kiss, panting heavily, his eyes never leaving yours as he watches the aftershocks of your climax play out on your flushed face. With one last, deep, grind, he whispers, "Fuck, Y/N," his voice a mix of amazement and desire.
Without wasting another moment, Scott carries you over to the bed, setting you down gently. He kisses a trail down your body, leaving a fiery path in his wake. His eyes are dark with lust as he settles between your legs, his gaze lingering on your still-quivering core. You watch, breathless, as he spreads your legs, revealing your glistening sex to his hungry eyes.
He takes a deep breath, inhaling your scent, his pupils dilating with desire. He kisses the insides of your thighs, the soft skin of your stomach, and finally, his mouth hovers just above your most sensitive spot. You feel the warmth of his breath against your folds, and your body responds with a shiver of anticipation. He looks up at you, a question in his eyes, seeking permission to continue. You nod eagerly, your hands sliding into his hair as you pull his face closer.
With a groan, Scott dives in, his tongue licking and teasing your clit with a gentle touch that sends shockwaves through your body. He explores you with a passion that's both tender and fierce, his mouth worshiping every inch of your sex. He nibbles and sucks, his tongue flicking and curling in a way that makes your toes curl and your back arch off the bed.
You're lost in the sensation, your breath coming in short gasps and your hips moving in time with his mouth. His hands grip your thighs, keeping you in place as he devours you, his eyes never leaving your closed ones, as if he's trying to memorize every twitch and gasp of pleasure that passes over your face.
You're on the edge again, and you can feel him pushing you closer, his tongue swirling and dipping into your wetness, his teeth grazing against your swollen bud. It's all you can do to hold on as the storm of sensation builds inside you, threatening to break.
As the second orgasm hits, you cry out, your body writhing under his skilled touch. Scott doesn't stop, his mouth working tirelessly to draw out every last bit of pleasure from your quivering body. He laps up the evidence of your climax. You're lost in the feeling of his tongue on your skin, his breath hot and moist against your sensitive flesh.
He's thorough, not stopping until every tremor has subsided and you're left panting and boneless on the bed, your legs shaking. Only then does he pull away, licking his lips with a smug smile, his eyes dark with satisfaction. "You taste so good," he murmurs, his voice thick with desire. "I could do this all night."
With a whimper of need, you pull Scott back up your body, capturing his mouth in a desperate kiss that tastes of your desire. Your hands shake slightly as they fumble with the button and zipper of his pants, eager to free his hard length and feel him inside you.
He helps you, his own hands trembling with anticipation, and soon enough, his pants fall to the floor. He pulls his shirt off, leaving him in nothing but his boxers. Your eyes rake over his sculpted abs and the bulge in his underwear, making your heart race even faster.
"I need you," you breathe against his lips, the urgency in your voice unmistakable.
Scott groans, his hands moving to your shirt, pulling it over your head and tossing it aside. His eyes devour your bare breasts, the peaks pebbled with desire. He leans down to kiss and suck on one nipple, sending waves of pleasure through you. You grip his shoulders, arching into his touch.
With trembling hands, you push his boxers down, freeing his erection. It stands proudly, the tip glistening with precum. You stroke him gently, feeling the velvety softness of his skin over the steel of his arousal. He gasps, his hips jerking in response.
"Please," you whisper, your eyes pleading with him to fill the ache that's been building inside you for weeks.
Scott's eyes darken with need as he takes in your naked form, your body laid bare before him. He reaches for his wallet, fumbling for a condom, his need for you overriding all else. He sheathes himself, then positions his cock at your entrance, his hand on the back of your neck, holding you in place.
You nod, your eyes never leaving his in a silent beg, your legs wrapping around his waist in silent invitation. With one slow, torturous thrust, he enters you, filling you completely. You gasp into his mouth, the sensation overwhelming. He stills for a moment, giving you time to adjust to his size, then starts to move, his hips rolling into yours in a slow, sensual rhythm that builds the tension all over again.
You moan, your nails digging into his back as he sets a pace that's both gentle and demanding. His eyes never leave yours, the connection between you intense and all-consuming. With each stroke, the pressure builds, coiling tighter and tighter until you feel like you might burst.
"Fuck, Scott," you murmur, your voice shaky.
He responds with a grunt, his own pleasure etched on his face. He kisses you deeply, his tongue mimicking the rhythm of his hips, as he moves inside you. The sound of skin slapping against skin fills the room, along with your muffled cries and his guttural groans.
Your hands clutch at the bedsheets, your body moving in sync with his, the intensity of your emotions is like nothing you've ever felt before.
With a deep, guttural groan, Scott's hips stutter to a stop, his cock pulsing inside you as he reaches his peak. The feeling of his release sends a fresh wave of pleasure crashing through your body, your pussy clenching around him in a vice-like grip. His eyes squeeze shut, his face contorted with the sheer force of his climax.
You hold him tight, feeling the warmth of his seed fill you up as he empties himself into the condom. His body relaxes slowly, his breathing heavy and erratic. As he opens his eyes, you see the look of utter satisfaction and disbelief, as if he can't quite believe what just happened. He kisses you softly, his forehead resting against yours. "I'm sorry," he murmurs, his voice filled with a hint of embarrassment. "I didn't mean for that to happen so quickly."
You smile up at him, stroking his cheek gently. "It's okay," you reassure him. "It was perfect." Your voice is a breathy whisper, your body still trembling from the aftershocks of your own pleasure. Scott's eyes searched yours, the intensity of the moment washing over him.
He pulls out slowly, his cock still half-hard, and removes the condom before collapsing beside you on the bed. He wraps his arms around you, pulling you close, your bodies tangled together in a mess of limbs and sweat. You both lay there, panting and spent.
Scott's lips curve into a weary smile as he finally regains control of his breath and finds enough strength to speak. "That... that was..." He shakes his head, struggling to find the words to describe what just happened. "That was incredible." His voice was laced with both ecstasy and disbelief.
He turns his head to look at you, his eyes tracing the lines of your face like an artist admiring his canvas. "You're,” he pauses, searching for the right word, "god, you're beautiful," he finally whispers, his hand lifting to cup your cheek.
“You’re not so bad yourself.” You grin and press a kiss to his lips. His smile widens at your playful quip, and he returns your kiss with a soft hum.
He takes a moment to appreciate the view, his eyes sweeping over your bare form with an appreciative gaze. "You know," he muses, "I have no idea how I've been able to keep my hands off you all this time. You're addictive."
“Addictive, huh?” You slide onto his body, straddling his waist.
Scott's eyes darken with desire as you straddle him, his hands coming to rest on your hips, holding you in place. He bites his lower lip, a small smirk playing on his lips.
"Addictive," he repeats, his fingers digging into your flesh slightly as he speaks. He gazes up at you, his eyes roaming over your body, taking in every curve and contour. "I can't get enough of you," he murmurs, his hands beginning to wander. You lean forward, grasping his chin, bringing his lips to yours in a gentle kiss.
Scott’s hands run up your side, his eyes fluttering closed as you press gentle kisses onto his face.
Scott's heart thumps loudly in his ears as you shower his face with gentle kisses, his breath hitching with each touch of your lips. His hands continue to explore your skin, tracing the curves of your hips, your waist, your back, as if he can't quite believe you're really there.
He groans softly, his body responding to your gentle touch. He tilts his head back slightly, giving you better access to his neck, the pulse point of it fluttering rapidly. "Keep doing that," he murmurs, "Please."
You slide off his body, cuddling into the crook of his arm as you continue to press sweet kisses to his neck.
Scott's arm wraps around you, pulling you closer to his body. He shivers slightly as your lips touch his neck, his skin tingling with each kiss. He closes his eyes, his hand coming up to thread through your hair. He turns his head slightly, nuzzling your hair as he basks in the feeling of your gentle affections.
His other hand gently strokes your back, tracing soft patterns across your skin. "You're going to kill me," he whispers, a hint of both pleasure and torment in his voice.
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Logan x Reader pt.8
Not me and my mate watching Deadpool and Wolverine again
I forgot how mean and scrungally he is
I need him
<< Part 7 Part 9 >> Masterlist
Babygirl: party on saturday?
Y/N: Wade? Is this you?
Y/N: Did ya change your name on my phone?
Babygirl: shshsh
Babygirl: saturday?
Babygirl: party?
Babygirl: you?
Babygirl: normal?
Y/N: Yeah I'm not crazy if that's what ya mean
Babygirl: okie make sure wolvie knows
Babygirl: wear something nice
Babygirl: i like hearing you two at it
Y/N: Perve
“Why are you frowning?” Logan questioned, lowly. He was sitting on the sofa between you and Laura, the 2002 Scooby Doo movie playing on TV. You loved that damn dog.
The three of you had spent so much time together it was really sweet. Laura did still sleep on your bed whilst you claimed Logan's but after her therapy session yesterday she had asked you to sleep next to her - her nightmares were back - and, of course, you agreed. You felt really bad slipping into your bed because you essentially abandoned her on the second night.
“I'm sorry.” You stroked her hair. “I know the first night wasn't my fault but I've spent the whole time in Logan's bed.”
“It's okay.” She spoke and you could see she held no resentment. “I'm normally okay.”
“Well, you make sure you keep asking if you want a bed buddy.”
The bedroom door knocked and Logan quickly popped his head round. “‘didn't say night.”
That was a lie. He had said night.
The man walked to your side of the bed and bent to give you a quick kiss. You scratched the scruff on his cheeks and looked up at him. “Good night Logan.”
“Night, beautiful.”
He then leaned over you, his - barely, covered by a vest - pecs hovered by face and briefly kissed Laura's crown.
She accepted the kiss with a smile. “Night.”
“Night bub.” He ruffled her hair.
Logan hesitated for a second but did exit. You could tell he was worried. If Laura asked you she must've been scared. He also told you that he hadn't had a good night's sleep before sleeping next to you, so perhaps that was part of it. Maybe he was going to miss you being at his side.
“Wade is texting me every single emoji.” You whispered back, turning the screen, ping, elephant. Ping, arrow. Ping, music notes.
“I dunno.” You laughed. “But he says the party is back on this Saturday.”
Logan placed his hand out and you handed him the phone.
Y/N: stop harassing her or I'll break your face
Watching Logan type with his nails was hilarious. Laura had told the tech he wanted stiletto - the type she got - they weren't massively long but the shape was causing problems. Everything he's been doing has been made harder because of them.
Babygirl: promises promises
“I love your nails.” You gushed.
He displayed his fingers for you. One hand was yellow with a blue ring finger, his other hand was blue with a yellow ring finger. “I'm getting used to them.”
You held his hand, delicately moving it to see the glitter shine. “If they're hassling you, we can cut and file them to a better shape.”
“I like the challenge.” The hand you held was lightning quick and flipped positions. He pulled your hand to his and kissed the back of it. “Did you like the colour I chose?”
“Course I did.” You leaned your temple against his shoulder, hand still captured in his, and watched Scooby and Shaggy argue.
“No, Scooby Doo, your mum eats cat poop!”
Laura laughed at that, a full body laugh, deep from her stomach.
You were organising some of your things in Logan's room when it fell on the floor. Dedicating a bedside table and half of the wardrobe to yourself was easy because he already seemed to do that. Only using his half of his furniture.
You folded your jeans and placed them into the enclosed drawers in the wardrobe.
Logan's footsteps wandered into the bedroom. Usually heavy due to his skeleton but now they were light. You suppose it was a good thing this building was empty because the downstairs neighbours wouldn't like you.
“You alright?” You ask over your shoulder, tucking the drawer closed.
“Yeah.” He replied watching you neaten up the hangers.
He observed you potter about, sitting on the edge of the bed. You made his home yours. It was nice. He liked seeing your things intermingled. It felt real. This felt real and good and he was happy. He knew he didn't deserve this but he would grab ahold of it as long as possible. He would be happy and content.
Well, until his eyes caught something on the floor.
It sat face down just under the bed frame. Logan scooped it up and found it was a Polaroid. You were so young, smiling wide, one eye shut in a wink. Your hair was shorter, styled and you were wearing make-up. The top of a silky red dress visible on your shoulders. Next to you was him. He looked younger, his hair was longer, fluffier. He was grinning from ear to ear, one hand in the frame doing ‘devil horns’ whilst his other held two beers. He was wearing a black button down.
It was clearly a party.
You both were clearly having a good time.
“What was the occasion?” Came out of his mouth before he could stop it.
You glanced up and saw him looking at your Polaroid. Where had he got that? “It...it was Beast’s birthday.” You spoke, diplomatically, taking a seat next to him. “Rogue decided to throw a banger. W-I got quite drunk.”
“You look amazing.” You really did. There was a carefree aura surrounding you and you seemed to glow.
“Thank you.” When you had looked at this in the Void you didn't usually focus on yourself but you did look good. Better than you did now. "It's the makeu-"
"No, it's not." He vowed with an air of finality.
You didn't argue back, instead just thinking about how you wouldn't even know how to do makeup nowadays, all the women you saw were gorgeous. Their skin shone and they had sculpted cheeks.
"You are beautiful." He had told you this practically everyday but right now, sitting on the bed with him, gazing at an old vibrant version of yourself, you believed the words. Believed they were true, even if it was just to him.
“Thank you." Your hand found his arm. "You know, you can't see them but I loved the earrings I had on. Yo-” Cutting yourself off before you could act more of a fool.
“What?” He encouraged.
“Logan brought me them.”
He noticed the melancholy flicker in your eye. “What was he like?”
"Like you." You smirked up at him. “Sweet like you.”
“Longer hair.” His thumb traced the strands.
“I know, I loved the long hair, little kitty ears.” You giggled to yourself.
He saw the delight on your face, the scrunch of your eyes and wide grin. Immediately deciding to grow out his hair.
Dinner was actually really nice. Gambit had told you to come to his and he promised the best Cajun food you'd ever had. 
He had decorated his apartment like any young bachelor. He'd painted the room a dark grey and accessorised with light colours. He had a white sofa and rugs and curtains. The TV was the centre of attention, underneath was a playstation with various game cases. You should really take Laura to IKEA or Home Depot, let her choose a paint or a bedspread or even buy her some posters. 
“Like what you've done with the place.” You patted his back as he washed his hands. 
“Thankin’ you ‘ere.” He flashed you a grin, towelling his hands dry.
“It smells lovely.” You glanced at the food. There was a pan sizzling and veg boiling. “What you making?” 
“Jambalaya, cornbread ‘n greens, mon ami.” He smiled. “I don't remember ‘lot about ‘fore the Void but when I cook’ere this I feel a’ home.” 
That was genuinely sweet, you felt a tug in your chest. “I'm so glad you're sharing this with us.” 
“Ain't much.” He shrugged. “Bu’ it good.”
You both turned to the others, “Reckon Blade’ll have some?” 
“I'll make a plate.” 
You hummed. The Dhampir could consume food but it did nothing for him, it held no nutritional value which is why you guys ate the scavenged food and had to create the ‘feeding system’. “He might try it.” 
“Sup bitches!” Wade and Al entered. 
“Ah, mi amor.” Gambit opened his arms for Al. 
Wade karate chopped between them. “Back off Magic Mike.” 
Al shoved Wade to the side and slipped into Gambit's arms. 
Wade dramatically rolled his eyes, slumping over to you. “Why do my friends leave me?” 
“No one's left you.” You pat his head. “You alright? How was your day?” 
Wade sniffed the food, finding a spoon and taste testing the Jambalaya. “Wo-hooah, that'll blow nips off.” He offered you the spoon, you declined, watching him expertly flick it into the sink. “Day was alright. I've been meeting with the Avengers. They do not like this bitch. Also Spiderman is young. I am not that way inclined. I'm looking more to an Andrew Garfield type.”
“Young?” You scrunched your face. “He wasn'- I guess that's another way this universe is different.” 
Wade shrugged and skipped to the sofa, jumping over the back and landing right next to Blade. 
“Oh, possum. How’s hunting Vampires? Need any help? I'm not sure we were friends last time but I'm willing to try again.” 
There were two sofas and on the other was El and Laura, Gambit led Al over to it and the girls scooted up. 
Logan was sipping a beer standing by the girls. He wore his low waisted boot cut jeans and a vest. Ugh. Seeing him casually in this outfit was fine, but haloed against the TV light, one leg cocked, was something else entirely. Why was he so good looking? 
You wanted nothing more than to get on your knees and undo that stupidly large belt. 
Logan stopped mid sip to blink over to you. His eyes raked up your body and he smirked over the bottle, mouthing ‘later’. 
How did he know you were looking at him? Could he feel it? You watched him, moving yourself closer to the group - feeling the slightest slick between your legs - and you realised. Fuck. He could smell you. 
Cou-could the others?! 
Could they smell your arousal? 
Well, they'd certainly sense your panic. Calm down.
You sincerely hoped they couldn't and tried to calm yourself. Think of anything apart from him. Apart from his body. Fuck. Apart from his dick. FUCK. Apart from him, you can do it. I believe in you. 
Good girl. God that's what he calls you.
The seat you took was a breakfast bar stool, pulled from the kitchen counter, placing it in-between each sofa. 
“‘e’ere ready in a’ouple minutes.” Gambit informed the group. 
The table was set so there were no jobs for anyone to do so you all just sat and chatted. Talking about stuff and nothing. Literally wasting what time you had. You could waste time. 
You know you were becoming a broken record but you still couldn't believe everyone could just- just waste time. 
Gambit announced the food was ready and you all settled at the table. It was hardly large enough for everyone and El had kindly brought her chairs in to accommodate everyone but you all made it work.
Gambit was at one end of the table and Wade at the other. Al, Blade and Laura on one side. You, Logan and El at the other.
“I jus’ wanna say a few words.” Gambit finished pouring the wine.
“Please.” Wade sassed. 
He raised his glass. “No’ we all togethe’ I jus’ wanna ‘member those lost.” He took a deep breath. “Johnny.” Wade coughed. “Erik. Matt. Frank.” 
“Whistler.” Blade carried on. “Safron.” 
“Reed and Sue.” El tipped her head. "Victor."
You smiled at Gambit. “Anna Marie.” She had briefly caught his eye and helped you for a moment before her and Erik were killed. You knew he liked her. He told her to call him Remy, no one else did. 
“My dad.” Laura’s voice was barely above a whisper. Her eyes were glued to Logan, brows pulled. 
“Jean, Storm, Scott, Hank, Charles.” Logan's knuckles whitened. 
Al nodded. “Deuce.” 
“Deuce?” Wade questioned. “Your dog?”
“He was my eyes.” She shrugged. “I miss him.”
“Not as much as I miss Cable.” Wade starred off distractedly into the distance. “He was kinky.”
With that the speeches ended and you all tucked in.
It was scrumptious. 
Absolutely brilliant. 
You loved everything Gambit made and you definitely weren't the only one. 
Bowls were emptied quickly, being filled with second and third helpings. 
Once dinner was done you were sitting just idly chatting again when Logan placed his hand on your thigh. 
Maybe it was the two glasses of wine you had - hadn't consumed alcohol in years - or the fact that he was fucking gorgeous but your legs not-so-subtly opened. You hadn't meant to, your body just merely responding to him. 
Logan hummed in approval, patting your thigh before he rubbed it.
“So, Y/N, do you think you'll come with me to the gym tomorrow?” El asked, completely unaware.
“I was thinking of meeting you there.” You recalled the earlier conversation. “It's a quick walk and I haven't been out by myself so that might be good for me.” 
Logan's hand slipped further, closer to where you wanted him most.
“I usually get there for eleven, leave at two but I'll probably hang about a little longer. Introduce you to Natalie.” She had told you about her gym friend and you were so happy for her. She deserved someone other than your broken family to talk to. 
You all meandered back to the sofas, full and happy. Gambit gave you the choice Alien or Ghostbusters and it was decided that you'd watch the latter. 
The final credits rolled along, you and Wade singing the tune very out of tune - singing the instrumential part ‘beeeeyneewneeewwwnewnewnenenew’ too. 
Goodnights were quick. Everyone got a hug and a see you tomorrow. 
Laura hesitated at her front door though, watching you head for Logan's. “Are you sleeping in there?” 
“No.” You answered immediately. “No. I'll sleep with you baby.” How stupid were you to think she'd be alright. She had had an awful therapy session yesterday and needed you, she wasn't going to magically get better. She needed time. “My things are in here though, Hun, I'll get ready and meet you.”
She smiled small and let you leave. 
Logan was on you immediately, bear hugging you from behind. “How long we got?” 
You chuckled. “Not long enough Mr.” Extracting yourself from his arms, mirroring his earlier taunt. “Later.” 
He grumbled but watched you get ready for bed. You hopped in and out of the shower - warning him to stay away - and began washing your face at the sink. 
He watched you perform your ablutions, unobstructed by the nails. 
“Why is it easier for you?” 
You raised a brow. “Huh?” 
“The nails.”
“I'm not sure, could be the shape? I think I had them done once for a wedding when I was younger.” A thought slipped through your mind and right out of your mouth. “You're like Victor.” 
Logan guffawed. “He could suck his back in. Came in handy wh- wait- we will have to file these.” 
“Why?” You squeezed toothpaste onto your toothbrush and began brushing your teeth. 
“Well, these ones anyway.” Logan had separated his middle and ring fingers. Ah. That's why. 
You decided to play coy, with an innocent “Why?”
“You know why.” He winked. 
“There's a file in that draw, get the clippers and I'll help if you want. It won't take long.” You spoke over the toothbrush, taking time to spit. 
He didn't comment on your hasty response, eager to avoid a future obstruction. Logan produced the items and waited for you to finish brushing your teeth. He sat on the lip of the bath. These apartments were brilliant because they had a bath and shower! You loved the choice!
You were precise in clipping them both and then made delicate work of filing, trying ever so hard to not destroy the paint job. 
Logan sat patiently watching you work. The small frown on your face adorable. 
He really liked you. 
He knew that was childish. 
But he really really did. 
“Done.” You grinned proudly. “Can't wait to try them out.” 
He hummed, taking ahold of your hips. “Why wait?” 
A shaky breath left your lips but you were strong. “I'll see you tomorrow.” Kissing his nose. “Promise.” 
You made a quick exit and entered Laura's front door. She was in bed waiting for you.
You tucked Laura into the covers before nestling in next to her. 
The nightmares had returned, you had eased her to sleep yesterday. Being able to shush the problems away before they woke her was a blessing, you'd had to get good at that in the Void. Your Logan used to twitch and thrash about in his sleep, Laura does the same, you wondered if this Logan did also. Most likely. If you live as long as them you have a million ghosts hovering over you. 
Laura fought sleep, pretending to watch a rerun of Law and Order. She'd become accustomed to watching TV in bed and you had to agree it was the way to go. 
You never truly understand the show because you zoned in and out of slumber but the storylines were basic enough to grasp. 
Laura spasmed next to you, rousing you from the light dozing. The TV was still on, telemarketers selling unnecessary products, casting a low light for you to see she was covered in a sheen of sweat. Her face was twitching and her shoulders were tense. 
“Laura, baby?” You whispered. She usually responded to your voice alone. 
Nothing eased her, instead she snarled. 
“Laura.” You spoke more firmly. “Laura, I'm going to place a hand on your shoulder.” Again, that usually worked. This time, though, her eyes sprung open and she punched you in the gut. 
You gasped, feeling more pain than a punch. It was sharp. Ah fuck. 
“Laura.” You fought to keep your voice even. 
Her eyes were blown wide and her mouth hung open. 
“Laura don-” She retracted the claws. 
Now the real trouble began. 
You kept a hand on your side, creating a field around the wound to keep pressure on it. “Laura. Baby. It's okay.” You reached out to grab her hand but she scurried away. Clamouring off the bed and into the corner of the room, she shook with unshed tears 
“Laura.” You didn't want to panic her but you needed her to focus. You needed her in the room with you. “Laura, I need you to get Logan.” 
She spluttered, covering her mouth, and nodded frantically. Sprinting away.
You were alone. 
Laying in bed.
Holding yourself together. 
This would stain. 
You heard crashing and yelling before Logan stormed into the bedroom. The door flung so hard it came off the hinges. 
“Baby.” He was immediately at your side. 
“Logan.” You smiled in relief. 
“Don't just stand there, call 911!” He yelled at Laura. 
“Hey.” You frowned. “Don't be mean.
Logan snarled and ripped the phone from her hands. He dialed a number which was more than three and placed the phone to his ear, using both hands to hold your side. "It's me. I need the cradle. I don't fucking care. You owe me. Yeah this is my favour. Fuck off and help."
The phone was flung to the side and he smiled down.
"Help is coming, beautiful."
You tried to suppress a cough but that didn't work, blood spitting out of your mouth.
"What the fuck did you do?!" Logan growled over his shoulder.
You couldn't see Laura but knew he was talking to her. "Lo-logan." You warned.
"Fucking trouble."
He hadn't been like this with you. Hadn't been this angry. Hadn't swore so much.
"Stop." You ordered, vision blurring. "Logan?"
"I'm here." He promised.
You blunk and the room was different. Lighter. There were annoying led lights flashing past. You were moving. Your view was slightly obstructed due to Logan still being at your side. He was jogging, you could tell because of the way his hair bounced.
"Your hair." Your voice was muffled, restricted. Hands flying to your face to find there was a mask attached to your nose and mouth.
"Leave it on baby."
You grumbled but dropped your arm. Gosh it was an effort to move.
You were tired.
Why were you so tired?
How could you get to this level of tiredness?
Weren't you asleep a second ago?
These questions didn't matter because you found yourself easing back into a dreamless sleep.
Part 9
@littlecrowtime @geeksareunique @lovelyvaderx @melissa-ashe @st1nkabutt @maximumchilddreamland @catiwinky @twinkywink @ravenmedows @electricreader @racetrackheart @vulgarfuckinvirgo77 @bisasterbisexual @tzurue @narniansmagic @seamlessepiphany @4ria790 @caramelatae
Again not 100% if all ze tags be tagging
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melanieph321 · 3 months
Coyou do Kenan Yildiz x reader being teen parents?
Love this! ❤️
(DAY 5)
Kenan Yildiz x Reader - Only For One Day
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Your son turned five today. As a single mother, you always feard inadequacy. You feard not being enough or doing enough to keep your only child happy. And today was one of those days.
Despite being surrounded by friends and family, with a cake to feed a whole village, your son, Romeo, couldn't be more miserable on his birthday.
"Time to make a wish." Your mom said, having lit the last birthday candle. The cake was set on the table before your son, who regarded it with furrowed brows.
"Go on baby, blow out the candles and make a wish." You encouraged.
His frown deepend, followed by a shake of his head. "I want daddy to help me blow them out."
Your heart dropped.
"Great, I guess that means no cake for us."
"Dad, please." You sighed and knelt down before your son's chair. "Baby, we've talked about this, haven't we?" Daddy couldn't make it today because of his very important job. But he sent you some really nice gifts, didn't he?"
"I don't want gifts, I want daddy!"
It was heartbreaking to see Romeo storm up to his room, abandoning his own birthday celebrations. You were quickly consoled by your family, all of them telling you that you weren't the one to blame. However, it didn't feel fair to blame it all on Kenan. No matter how hard you tried, the two of you just couldn't make the relationship work. The endless bickering brought out the worst in both of you, eventually leaving your son to grow up in a split home, confused as to why his parents never celebrated his birthday together.
You went to bed late that night, retreating to your room after checking on Romeo, who lay fast asleep in his bed. There, seated on the edge of your bed, you made the tough decision to put your pride aside and call your ex-boyfriend.
The phone rang for less than a beat before Kenan's sharp voice sparked through the phone. "Is everything alright? How is Romeo?" He asked, with slight distress considering the late hour of which you decided to call him.
"Romeo is fine." You said, to which Kenan sighed in relief.
"Oh, okay. Good. How was the birthday party? Did he like the things I sent him?"
"Yeah, about that...." You sat with the phone pressed to your ear, imagining Kenan in whatever place in the world he may be. You once made it clear to him that you were to have sole custody of your son. Leaving Kenan to live the life he always dreamt of living, the life of a professional football player. However, as the father of your son, he was free to see Romeo whenever you saw fit. Hopefully, tomorrow was one of those days.
"What? Did something happen at the party?" He asked.
"Yes, Romeo refused to blow out the candles on his birthday cake unless you were there to help him."
"I see."
"Yeah, he was really upset." You said, twisting the corners of your bed sheets.
"You know...." Kenan said, reviving the hopeful beating of your heart. "I'm not too far away. Juventus is playing Turin this weekend, so I'm actually in town tomorrow if you want me to...."
"I want you to." You nodded eagerly, although Kenan wouldn't possible know.
"Great. I'll see you tomorrow then."
"Tomorrow." You shirrped, fast to hang up the phone before regretting ever making the call in the first place. Nevertheless, it was done. Your son was getting the birthday he deserved.
The next day you were a nervous wreck, forcing yourself to put on a brave face as you greeted Kenan at the door.
"Hey, Kenan," you said, trying to sound casual. "Thanks for coming."
"Of course. Wouldn't miss it for the world." Kenan handed you a gift for Romeo. Another one, you thought.
"Thanks again for inviting me," he said, his voice low and smooth.
Your heart skipped a beat as you looked into his eyes. You could see the old spark there, the one that had once made you fall in love with him. However, you pushed those feelings aside, focusing on your son.
Romeo was running around the living room with his cousins, laughing and having the time of his life. Your family had thankfully agreed to a redo of yesterday's celebrations and did not judge your decision to invite Kenan this time around.
As the celebrations went on, you and Kenan found yourselves drawn to each other, not helping to exchange a few pleasantries, and before long, you were laughing and joking again, just like old times. But as the night wore on, you began to feel a pang of sadness. You knew that this was just a temporary reprieve, that the old feelings you had for Kenan would eventually fade, and the two of you would be back to where you were now. Separated. Still, you couldn't help but enjoy the moment to savor the happiness that Kenan brought to your son. He was undoubtedly a great dad.
As the celebrations came to an end, you hugged Romeo tightly, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes. "Thank you for coming, Kenan," you said, voice choked with emotion.
"No, thank you," he replied, his voice just as soft. "For giving me the best gift I could ever ask for." He regarded the two you with loving eyes. You smiled, knowing that this was exactly what Romeo needed - to see his parents getting along, if only for one day.
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webslingingslasher · 9 months
Instead of trouble waking Peter up for sex, Peter waking trouble up for sex
it's a wonderful dream, actually. you're laughing at something peter said while he pours you champagne, you're not sure what you're celebrating, but it's a private moment.
you shy away from his hold when he wraps himself behind you, tiny kisses trail down your neck, it's not sexual, it's sensual. he's showing you that he loves you so much, he can't keep his hands away.
'hmph, peter...' it's lazy, you hear his words cupped around your ear. 'trouble…' you lean into him, it's cold. he's gone, you spin, he's in front of you and rubbing your shoulder. 'hey, trouble?'
your eyes blink open, your heart speeds up at your boyfriend's face two inches from yours. an involuntary scream creeps up, peter latched a hand over your mouth before it could come out. 'sorry, sorry, sorry. it's just me, sorry.'
you tug his hand down and hold your own over your chest, 'you scared me.' a sheepish grin, 'sorry.' you ease your breathing, then glance at peter, he's unmoving and locked in. this is a turn of events, suddenly you feel like there's a reason to be up.
'what? what's wrong?' you look around the room, you don't see or hear anything out of place. 'nothing. can't i just wake up my beautiful, lovely girlfriend because i want to talk to her?'
you sit up and press a hand to his forehead, he doesn't seem sick but he also doesn't look like he's been sleeping. 'this isn't like you, is everything okay?' you can understand where peter's grumpiness comes from, not that you're grumpy, but it's a whirlwind to go from sleeping to someone talking in your face.
'yes. wanna cuddle?' it must've been a bad dream, maybe you were involved, maybe he just needed to make sure everything was okay. otherwise, why would he wake you up to do something he could've easily done?
'okay,' you fight a yawn and pat the space next to you. peter pushes your shoulder down, 'no, no. i'm big spoon.' your eyebrows furrow, again, no issue, just odd he woke you up to ask. 'you sure you're alright, petey?'
'yes, now flip over.' a warming buzz, your back tucked into peter's front. a knee hooked between your thighs, his left hand splays over your waist. you hum, he's your personal space heater and you have no complaint.
you feel yourself dropping back off, a tug at your shirt, peter's warm palm washes over your stomach. a light kiss at your neck, 'you're so soft.' you nod, a silent 'thank you.' peter takes a deep breath, his words on your skin make you lean back further, it tickles. 'and you smell so good.'
'you're being nice,' you lightly gasp when you're thrusted against, his need to wake you up extremely clear. 'oh, peter.' it doesn't sound good in his ears, no, it sounds like you're about to produce a big, fat, no.
peter answers for you and eases his hold, you clamp your hand over his to keep him steady. 'are you sure? we're not home.' you're not saying no, you're just trying to think for the both of you. and for his aunt in her bedroom across the hallway.
'i am home, you're just visiting,' you hold your breath when fingertips kiss at the waist of your pajama pants. 'i know i am,' you roll back into him when wet marks litter up and down your neck. 'i just don't want your aunt to wake up.'
'she won't,' you go pliant in his hold, there's only so much you could do when he's playing with your chest. 'peter,' you love him, but sometimes he's a typical man who only thinks with his dick.
'please, trouble? i love you.' you scoff, 'don't coerce me with your love.' peter sits up and you roll to your back, lightly groaning when he lays over you, resting a little too much lazy weight on you.
'i'm not, promise. i'm just saying that i love you and i wouldn't embarrass you like that.' you raise your neck for a kiss, peter makes it go a lot further than you meant it to be, it's clear that he's more needy than he's willing to admit out loud.
'missionary only, okay?' you felt a smile against your lips followed by a polite headnod, 'okay.'
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forever-rogue · 1 year
hello ❤️ i hope you're doing okay!
i have an idea that i'm not sure if you've written it before but here goes
reader has low self-esteem and self-confidence due to parents holding her on a tight leash (literally would isolate in a cave before wearing a dress, will always concede in an argument just to avoid being shouted at, maybe even obsessing over a skincare routine simply because her parents told her she'd never be pretty otherwise) and perhaps our lovely eddie or stevie could help her see her self-worth? 🥺
thank you for taking the time to read, and apologies if you've already written something similar 🙏
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AN | Eddie would absolutely show you just how wonderful and loved you are! Enjoy 🥰
Warnings | Language
Pairing | Eddie x Fem!Reader
Word Count | 3.7k
Masterlist | Main, Eddie 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You were meticulous. 
Always polished and nicely put together. Never too loud but not completely shy either. Knew when to chime into conversation and what to add. You always seemed to be perfectly happy, despite the situation. 
These were all things Eddie knew about you. And in a lot of ways those were all things he loved about you. But what he wanted even more was to see everything that you weren’t showing people. He wanted to know all of you, the real you. He knew you had to be in there somewhere - you wouldn’t have started dating him if you weren’t. He doubted someone truly so straight-laced would even cast a second glance at him. 
But here you were, Eddie Munson’s girlfriend. To be fair, you didn’t go out and proclaim to the world that the two of you were dating…your family and co-workers and maybe even some so called friends probably wouldn’t have liked that. But nonetheless, you spent almost all of your time with Eddie. 
And you loved him - you really did. There wasn’t anything that you could think of that you didn’t like about him. You might have appeared to be the polar opposite of him, but you were so much more alike than what appearances might suggest. And you knew that things were going to have to change at some point if you wanted this relationship to blossom and bloom to its full potential. Eddie would have to see the real you at some point. 
You just hoped he would like what he saw. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“Hey sugar,” you could hear Eddie sweetly calling out to you from the bedroom as you tried to keep yourself together in the bathroom. You’d been in there longer than what would be considered normal for simply brushing your teeth and washing your face. You’d started with those intentions but things quickly turned south when you realized you hadn’t brought several of the items you used for your skincare every night, “everything alright?”
The last ten minutes had been spent staring at your face in the mirror, trying to calm yourself. Surely one night of an incomplete skincare routine wouldn't completely destroy your skin, right? 
“‘m alright,” you called back, voice small and broken. You knew that Eddie definitely wouldn’t buy that; you hoped he was distracted and wouldn’t notice. You swiped at your eyes and tried to stop the tears from spilling over, “be out in a moment.”
Before you could say anything else, there came a soft knock on the bathroom door. You inhaled sharply, mind going into a panic almost immediately, “can I come in, sweetheart?”
You wanted to say no, wanted to be harsh back so he might leave you alone and give you some space, but you couldn’t find it in your heart to do so. Not to Eddie - the sweet, loving, gentle soul that he was. You sniffled, using the sleeve of your (his) sweater to wipe away the tears that had run down your face before slowly opening the door. 
When you faced Eddie, his face turned into a huge frown immediately. The worst part was that for a moment you thought that frown might have been directed at you. After opening and closing your mouth a few times and finding it impossible to say anything, you resorted to the only thing you could think of - throwing yourself into his arms and clinging onto him tightly.
“Shh,” he responded in kind, wrapping his arms around and pulling you into his body. He pressed kisses the side of your head, rubbing your back in gentle, soothing circles, “it’s okay - I’ve got you. I’ve got you.”
You mumbled out a response, mixed in with your tears, that he didn’t quite catch - but that was okay. Right now all that mattered was that you were okay and that you knew that he was there for you. 
After a few minutes of gently letting you cry into his shoulder, he pulled back and pressed a kiss to your forehead, “c’mon - let’s get you outta the bathroom.”
“Okay,” you let him scoop you up as he carried you the short distance to his bedroom. You set you down gently on the warm blanket, reaching up to rest his hand on your cheek before brushing aways your tears. He crouched down in front of you so he could look up at you, a small smile on his face, “sorry for being such a baby.”
“You’re my baby, but you’re not being a baby,” he rested his hands on your thighs, giving them a gentle and reassuring squeeze, “do you want to talk about it?”
“Not really,” you admitted softly, dropping your face as your voice almost cracked, “but I do at the same time. I just don’t want you to think I’m stupid or hate me.”
“I would never think you’re stupid or hate you,” he let out an incredulous chuckle, shocked that you would even think it would be possible for him to feel anything but love towards you. He reached up and put a finger under your chin, tilting your face up so he could look into your eyes, “that’s not possible. I love you, yeah? You can tell me anything, so long as you’re comfortable with it.”
“Yeah,” you wrapped your fingers around his wrist and pulled his hand to your lips so you could press a gentle kiss to his knuckles, “I know that. It’s just…hard. I’ve never had anyone like you in my life and I guess it’s taking longer to open up.”
“I’m not surprised you haven’t met someone like me,” he gestured to himself, causing you to giggle softly, “you can have all the time in the world. It’s not always easy for me either.”
“I just meant…someone like you - caring and loving and so open,” you slid off the bed so you could sit next to him, your knees gently knocking into his, “my life has never been like that. And I guess I just always hold everything in and then as soon as one thing goes wrong, I crack.”
“What happened? That caused you to-”
“Have a stupid meltdown?” you interrupted him but he just clicked his tongue to show that he didn’t agree with your assessment, “it’s so silly. Promise not to laugh?”
“Pinky promise,” he held out his hand and extended his pinky towards you. You couldn’t help but laugh at how silly he was being, but gently hooked your pinky around his.
“I forgot some of the stuff I use for my skincare every night,” you admitted softly, avoiding his big, brown eyes. You cleared your throat at his silence, before offering him a small smile, “and that just caused me to spiral and worry that I’ve somehow ruined my entire face and life. See, it sounds so stupid just saying that out loud.”
“Hey,” he gently nudged your knee with this, “it’s okay to feel that way, your feelings are valid.”
“Even if they’re ridiculous?” you felt another wave of emotion wash over you, but this time a small laugh bubbled up as well. Only Eddie could be so reassuring as you felt like the biggest fool in the world, “because they feel ridiculous.”
“They’re valid,” he insisted softly, “why do you think that happened? Your reaction.”
“Oh my love,” you let out a long breath as Eddie’s cheeks turned bubblegum pink from your endearment, “it’s a long story. I don’t want to bore you with it.”
“I’ve got all night,” he shrugged causally, a cheeky little wink thrown your way, “well, I’ve got all the time in the world for you.”
“Okay,” you whispered softly, “okay. Let’s just start with the beginning then, shall we?”
“Lay it all on me. I’m ready for it all,” you could have melted at his kindness and the love you felt flowing from him, “just remember one thing.”
“Which is…”
“I’ll love you always. Regardless of what you tell me.”
“Eddie,” you chewed on your lip as your shoulders shook with silent laughter, “what if I told you I was like a murderer or something?”
“I’d be shocked,” he pulled his hair into a bun at the top of his head, a few curls managing to escape as he hummed thoughtfully, “but also kind of here for it. Kinda sexy in a way.”
“But I know that’s not true,” he reached for your hands and gently pulled you forward so you’d crawl into his lap. You took the hint and eagerly crawled onto him, relaxing when you felt his arms wrap around your waist, “so tell me everything.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Eddie had meant it when he’d said he had all the time in the world for you. The two of you stayed up until the early hours of the morning talking about everything that had been on your mind for so long, everything that weighed so heavily on you for years. 
It all came out so easily and felt so good to finally tell someone. And, thank the stars, Eddie was the right person to listen and offer the right words that you needed to hear. It felt like he was one of the only people that understood you. You had been so worried that once he saw what you were really like, how your mind worked, that he would somehow not like you anymore. 
But it was just the opposite - he fell even more in love with you. Which was a feat that he hadn’t thought was possible. But seeing more of your personality come out over the following days and weeks made him an absolute sucker for you. 
And yet there was still more hanging on that you needed to change. And you knew that this was something that was going to either make or break some things, but you knew what needed to be done. 
“Eddie?” you let yourself into the trailer, finding him in the small dining area, scribbling away in his notebook. He looked up at the sound of your voice, a smile tugging up the corners of his mouth. 
“Hello sweetheart,” he set down his pen and closed the notebook before making his way over to you. He didn’t hesitate before taking your face in his hands and kissing you softly, but with so much meaning.
“Hi,” you were beaming up at him, already feeling yourself melting. He looked you up and down and couldn’t contain his smile; ever since your little heart to heart, he’d noticed that you’d started to dress a little differently - more yourself. You finally felt more free to be yourself, to let your imperfections shine through. You had never imagined that it would feel so good and liberating, “I have a favor to ask.”
“I want you to meet my parents,” his eyes widened as he opened and closed his mouth a few times. He was definitely not expecting you to ask that of him. Not that he didn’t want or wouldn’t do it - he would of course. Eddie was just sure that you’d never even want him to meet them, or vice versa. His silent response caused you to swallow thickly as you shook your head, “never mind - it’s silly.”
“No, sweetheart, stop,” he gently put his hands on your shoulders with a gentle squeeze to try and get you to relax, “I’m just shocked is all. I didn’t think you’d ever want me to meet them. Are you sure you want to do that?”
“I know it seems a bit…odd,” your lips pulled into a sheepish grin that Eddie really wanted to kiss. He refrained and decided that he would do it soon enough, “but I’ve been thinking a lot about it and it seems like the perfect time to do it. If not now, then when?”
“That’s a big step,” he couldn’t put into words how proud he was of you. The steps you had been making lately were leaps and bounds above where you had been. He might have fallen just a little more in love with you then and there, “I like it. Look at you go, sweetheart. Nothing can stop you now.”
“Well, I do have you to thank for that too,” you put your hand on his chest and pressed a kiss to his cheek, “couldn’t have done it without you, love. So, what do you think? Will you consider it?”
“I will more than consider it,” he wrapped his arms around your waist before picking you up and spinning you around until you were breathless from giggles. When he set you back down, you almost stumbled into him. You really loved him, “I’ll do it. Just name the time and place.”
“How about Friday night at seven?” you looked at him expectantly, hoping he wouldn’t back out simply from the fact that you had already set a date. He leaned in and pressed his forehead to yours before nodding gently and brushing his nose against yours, “I love you.”
“I love you,” shivers ran up and down his spine as goosebumps erupted all over his skin. He would never get tired from hearing you say that, “I’ll be there and be on my best behavior.”
“Don’t put on any airs, Eddie,” you whispered, “just be yourself.”
“As long as you’re yourself too,” you closed your eyes and exhaled slowly, knowing it would be difficult. It was going to be hard to break a lifetime of being a certain way around your parents and allowing them to see the real you. But you wanted this, you had to do this.
“I will,” you promised, “I will.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“It’s going to be okay,” you had rung the bell at your parents house, waiting for them to answer and tightly clutching onto Eddie’s hand. You made a small sound in the back of your throat that sounded somewhere between a groan and cry, “I’ve got you. And if you want to leave whenever, we will. We don’t have to stay.”
“I know,” you agreed. After a few moments of tense silence, you heard footsteps coming towards the door. It slowly opened and you suddenly felt like your heart was going to explode. Suddenly your mother was there, staring down at the two of you. Fuck. You cleared your throat, "h-hi mom."
"Darling," she looked you over before shifting her gaze to your boyfriend. You could see her face falling as she studied him, clearly horrified that this was your choice was of partner. She tried to tone down her sneer but it was no use, "and just who is this?"
"This is Eddie. My boyfriend," you had no hesitation and you could practically see the gears turning in her head, "we've been together for a whole so I wanted you to meet him."
"Edward," she didn't bother to extend her hand or give him a hug (not that you expected that in the slightest). You almost laughed at her, "a pleasure…I'm sure."
"It's just Eddie, ma'am," he offered her a charming smile that she didn't return, "thank you for having me."
She remained silent as she turned to head inside. It was typical behavior and you shouldn't have been surprised. Eddie squeezed your hand as you stepped inside. He stole a few glimpses of the house, trying to see if there were any traces of you. But all he could see were tidy spaces that felt cold and impersonal. He had a feeling that this was what he would find. 
"Dinner is just ready," your mother stepped into the kitchen to finish things up as the two of you went into the dining room. Your father was already sitting at the table, the paper held up in front of him as he skimmed the day's news.
"Hello," you held up your hand awkwardly, trying to get his attention. With a grumble he set the paper down and looked up to find you standing there awkwardly, "hello father."
"Who is this?" So much for the formalities, right? You didn't bother to hide your eye roll this time.
"This is my boyfriend Eddie," you gestured between the two of them, "Eddie, this is my father."
"Hello sir," he offered a cheery wave.
"Do you have a job, young man? Do you find it hard to get a job looking like that?" At least he didn't bother to hide his disdain. You opened your mouth to argue back but Eddie gently shook his head.
"I don't sir," Eddie answered confidently, "considering I own my own business - a mechanic shop. And before then it was never an issue either."
Your father's face paled as he kept his gaze turned away. Eddie shot you a quick wink as he pulled out your chair for you. You sat down and tried to keep your expression as neutral as possible. 
A tense silence fell over the room, the only sounds to be heard were from your mother finishing up in the kitchen. Luckily, you and Eddie had managed to perfect silent communication and you both had plenty to say to each other. You almost couldn’t control your laughter. You would have never felt this bold or confident without having Eddie by your side. He was able to bring out the very best of you. You could only hope that you did the same for him.
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By the time the food was on the table and everyone had a plate, conversation still didn’t really flow. There were stunted comments here and there from your parents, but that was the extent of it. You hoped that Eddie could see what you had meant when you’d told him about your childhood and life; these people were as straightlaced as possible.
“So,” and you knew it - something - was coming. You swallowed the bite in your mouth and looked at her with a hard expression, “you’re dressing…interestingly.”
“What do you mean?” you knew exactly what she meant. You’d been expecting her to ask something of the sort. You looked down at your outfit, which to be fair was still nothing shocking. It was a short black slip dress under which you had a white t-shirt on and a pair of docs on your feet. Hardly edgy but different than what they’d come to expect of you. 
“It’s just so…garish,” she raised an eyebrow as Eddie choked on his bite as he tried not to laugh. You barely managed to hide your own laughter as you patted his back, “what kind of impression are you trying to give off?”
“This is hardly garish,” you snapped back, “I’m covered and this is just…so average. What is the problem? Because it’s black and different from what you’re used to?”
“Don’t honey me,” you hissed at her, as your father slammed down his fist on the table.
“Do not speak to your mother like that!” you cringed slightly at the sound of his voice but kept yourself mostly in check.
“I’m not doing or anything rude or wrong,” you said softly, “my entire life you both have been this way. You’ve never let me have any freedom or anything, and I’m finally getting to be who I really am. And that’s okay - what is so wrong with me dressing slightly differently or expressing who I am?”
“You’re going to ruin your life like that - giving people the wrong impression by those clothes and this- this boy!” you groaned as Eddie’s eyes widened. He wasn’t quite sure if he should do or say anything. 
“My clothes or how I act isn’t going to do anything or ‘attract the wrong people’ as you seem to think. The right people wouldn’t judge me on something like that," you sat back in your chair and shifted your gaze between your parents, "and just so we're very clear, this is who I've always been. I'm just not hiding it anymore. And you know who helped me with that? Eddie. I love him so much - and I'm going to spend the rest of my life with him. So if you want me to be any part of your lives you'll accept me as I am, and him."
The entire room fell into silence; your parents were clearly horrified and Eddie was looking at you with pure adoration. You blinked a few times; you hadn't planned any of that and weren't quite sure what to say or do next. You swallowed the lump in your throat.
"Well," you hated the tone of her voice. She picked up her napkin and dabbed at the corner of her mouth before practically glaring at you and Eddie. He reached for your hand under the table and laced your fingers together, giving your hand a reassuring squeeze, "I don't know where my little girl went but it's certainly not you. You can see yourself out the door."
"Get out."
Tears started pricking at the back of your eyes as you stood up, practically pulling Eddie with you. It was silent between the two of you as you grabbed your purse and walked out the door. You didn't even have it in you to try and slam the door. You just left.
Eddie gently took the car keys from you, opening the passenger side for you to get in. He quickly slipped into the driver's side and before he could turn on the car, both of you started to giggle loudly. 
"Jesus Christ," he let out a long sigh as he leaned against the headrest, "that was brutal."
"Yup…and that's not even the worst they've ever been," you looked at him with dreamy eyes before grabbing his hand and pressing a kiss to his palm, "thanks for coming and dealing with that."
"Nothing to thank me for sweetheart," he whispered, "you gonna be okay?"
"Of course," you promised, knowing the memories would sting for a while before they got better, "why wouldn't I be? I've got you, haven't I? You're my family, Eddie. Not them."
"Did you mean it?" He asked so softly that you almost didn't hear his simple question, "when you said we'd be together forever?"
"Duh," you teased and his cheeks turned pink as he bit his lip, "unless that's a problem for you?"
"Not at all," he leaned over the center console and kissed you sweetly, "that's all I've ever wanted."
"Me too, Eddie," you stole a few more kisses from your favorite boy, "I love you so much."
"I love you, brave girl. So much."
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