#also :(( the fact that he yelled at his sister the last time they meet
gojoidyll · 23 days
Think Fast !! Chapter 1
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Various x Fem!Reader
Summary | Due to certain circumstances, you and your family end up moving. Also due to these same circumstances, you find yourself being homeschooled, much to your dismay. But after getting your daily dosage of learning done and trying to get over the fact that you are stuck being homeschooled, you quickly find yourself wandering around the town of Makochi without a care in the world in your free time. And the people you meet? Yeah, you didn't regret moving one bit.
Warnings | None
Think Fast Masterlist
Think Fast Taglist |
@greyrain23 @wntrsblvd @pagesoflanguish
"Hey, hey, look! I finally got Aventurine to level 80 and I even got his lightcone too!"
You showed your older brother your phone screen as you happily talked about the fictional character. Your bright eyes shining and your lips pulled into a large grin.
Life was good ever since you moved and became homeschooled.
Your brother glanced down at your phone when you brought it up and patted your head, "you and your games. Anyway, I have to go."
You watched as he donned his school jacket. To be honest, you weren't exactly sure if he even was going to a "school" because what you heard from your brother was that he will be basically getting into fights with thugs rather than actually learning anything.
You were glad you sought out the comfort of being homeschooled.
"What's your school called again?"
You hummed lightly as you turned off your phone and slid it into your pocket.
"Can I walk with you?"
He crinkled his nose.
He was a year older than you. He was a second year in high school already while you were supposed to be a first year. But due to some circumstances back where you guys used to live, well, you ended up getting homeschooled instead and your brother was made to move onto his second year of high school at a new place.
He didn't mind it though. He never like the old school anyway.
But, even though you were his sister and he was happy that you were getting an education at home... he was still your older brother. And, to him, it was way uncool to be walking with your little sister to school (even if you both were only a year apart).
"No way!"
Even as he rushed out the door, you were quick to throw on your brightly colored crocs, and followed after him.
"H- hey! Wait up!"
"Don't follow me!! Shouldn't you be doing your homeschool homework?!"
"I finished that last night," you yelled right back, trying to catch up to him.
"You brat! I bet you did your work the night before so you could play games all day!"
"You know me so well, brother- oof!"
You winced and fell backwards. Your face had coming inti contact with a hard chest.
When your brother didn't hear you following behind him anymore, he stopped to turn to look for you, and seeing you on the ground sent alarm bells in his head right away.
"Uhh- I'm sorry-"
You winced when you felt the front of your shirt get pulled into a tight grip as the man you had run into pulled you up forcefully, "damn brat! Do you know who you just ran into?"
"Uhmm, no," you smiled awkwardly, "am I supposed to?"
"Why you little..."
He brought his fist up causing you to squirm, "hey- hey, I apologized! It was an accident, I swear-!"
You barely got your sentence out when someone came flying in. Their foot coming into contact with the man's face. The thug was quick to go down as he went backwards a little. And you? Your shirt was a little crumpled but you weren't hurt.
"Are you ok?!"
You felt your brother gran a hold of you. His arms wrapping around you in a protective manner as he looked over at the guy who kicked the man's face in.
The guy looked to be your age. Though, what stood out the most to you was his multi-colored hair and eyes.
He was ... like an anime character! He had a cool entrance, cool hair and eyes, and even a kick ass attitude!
"An anime protagonist," you muttered quietly.
Your brother, you had heard your quiet whisper could only deadpan. He knew what you were like and he could only hope you don't bother the poor soul who saved you.
When the multi-colored hair boy fixed his jacket when the man didn't seem to be getting up anytime soon, you were quick to wriggle out of your brother's hold.
"Are you like a isekai protagonist or something?! Or maybe a secret demon lord who is on the path of good?! Or maybe a superhero trying to hide his identity to-"
Your brother yanked you backwards, "sorry about her Sakura. She's weird."
You guffawed, "you two know each other?!?!?!"
Your brother pinched your cheek to quiet you down, "we met yesterday. The thugs were messing with a woman so we just so happened to fight them together."
Your bright eyes turned back to "Sakura," "so you're a tough guy who saves the damsel in distress?!"
The boy, "Sakura," could only cringe at you. You were loud, hyperactive, and obviously had your own delusions of anime and manga.
Your brother could only hope that you don't scare away his new friends too soon. (Granted, your brother wouldn't exactly call Sakura a friend mainly because Sakura always seemed so agitated and angry with the world, but he knew Sakura was a good person deep down.)
"Let's be friends, Sakura!"
"No way!"
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 8 months
That was amazing! This will be my last request around Eri!Reader until you reopen your requests so I’m not spamming you! (Thank you so much for writing these, I get so excited whenever you post since your so amazing and talented!! 💞✨)
Part 14 After returning to Water 7 to heal from their battle (And happy to learn Franky is going to make them a Ship and join them) Garp the Fist comes in, and reveals to be Luffy’s Grandfather, but before he could continue beating the snot out of Luffy, Reader stops him (Garp is happy to finally meet his one and only Granddaughter Reader!)
However Garp ends up pissed when Luffy told him Spadam hit her, and wants to get his hands on him! (No one puts their hands on his Granddaughter!! NO ONE!!)
Though Reader calms Luffy and Garp down from wanting to go back/to Enies Lobby to beat Spadam up (Garp’s cackling after learing that his sweet Granddaughter hit Spadam in his ‘Royal Jewels’, as he’s very proud of her for doing that) and leaves the Straw Hats alone after telling Luffy about his dad Dragon (Not before promising to spend time with Reader and gives her one of his Rice Crackers)
For the next 3 days the Straw Hats and all of Water 7 had a huge party, with Reader playing around with Chimney and Gonbei in her bathing suit Franky gave her (Including little Arm Floats that look like Starfish/Kitties)
And with Nami’s help, Reader calls Ace to talk with him, and Ace was holding in his rage after hearing what his little sister went through (As she told him it was scary) and the fact she got slapped, but he started laughing when Luffy told him what Reader did to Spadam’s ‘Jewels’ (Whitebeard and his sons were doing the same thing as Ace, angry and furious, but proceeded to laugh hysterically after learning what Reader did to someone’s ‘Jewels’)
I love Whitebeard so much (He’s so protective and caring about those apart of his family) he’s just a giant softie
They all see not only Zoro, Luffy, Robin and Reader’s Bounties upgraded, but everyone get a Bounty themselves (And everyone screamed when Reader’s bounty Skyrocketed again at 320-350 Million)
Reader also comforts her Brother Sanji about his Wanted Poster by giving him one of her own drawings of him (It’s a kid drawing, but compared to Luffy, it’s 100x better than his art skills and she drew it out of love)
I’ll wait until next time to ask you for a Garp and Eri!Reader Special (They’re going to spend a whole day together!) it’s just pure. unadulterated. Fluff.
-It had been two days since you and your family arrived back from Enies Lobby, as many of you were severely injured, you were luckily, being the least injured, but after overworking your quirk, you were just as tired as the rest of them.
-You were so happy that Franky was a part of the crew and that Usopp was back, as you felt protective of your family, you never wanted any of them to leave- you never wanted to be apart from them.
-Franky was super nice to you as the others were slowly waking up, both him and Iceburg treating you to breakfast as you were the first to wake up.
-You were in awe, seeing Luffy still sleeping but also eating, unable to look away until Sanji and Nami yelled at him to wake up while Robin and Usopp were laughing lightly at the sight.
-A knock then came from the door before it burst open and Franky dropped his shoulder, wrapping his arms around you, shielding you from the debris.
-A large man then entered, a marine which made you clutch at Franky’s Hawaiian shirt, scared as everyone was quickly able to recognize this man, Monkey D. Garp!
-Luffy’s jaw was dropped, “Grandpa?!” everyone quickly turned in shock, hearing this, yelling in shock while your little hands came to your face in shock.
-Garp then made you gasp as he punched Luffy, sending him flying into a wall. Zoro and Sanji were stunned, ready for a fight, seeing that he was able to hurt Luffy.
-You pushed on Franky’s chest and you managed to slip out of his arms and you ran over as Garp stalked towards Luffy, cracking his knuckles, ready to discipline him before you ran in front of your brother.
-Your arms were spread and you had big fat tears in your eyes, “Please don’t hurt my big brother!” everything froze, seeing you protecting Luffy and Garp stammered, trying to tell you that he wasn’t going to hurt Luffy, just discipline him.
-The tears fell from your eyes and Garp instantly fell to his knees, hugging you close, “Grandpa’s so sorry little Y/N! I didn’t mean to make you cry!”
-You sniffled loudly as Luffy struggled to his feet, a bit dizzy, before you spoke, “You’re my grandpa?” Garp glared at Luffy, his eyes turning red, “You didn’t tell her about your one and only grandpa?!”
-You tugged on Garp’s shirt gently, not seeing him as someone so scary now, “I have two grandpas- you’re my second one!”
-Garp turned to stone in shock before crumbling into a sobbing pile while Robin picked you up, holding you up on her hip, he cried, lamenting that he wasn’t your first grandpa.
-He then shot up, looking completely fine, looking fired up, “So who was your first grandpa?!” he wanted to find out to take that title from whoever got to you first, no matter who it was.
-You beamed brightly, your arms lifting to the sky happily, “I’ve never seen him but I’ve talked to him with Big Brother Ace- he said his name is Whitebeard!”
-The flames around Garp seemed to increase, growing hotter as his eyes turned red, furious that his adorable granddaughter had been adopted by Whitebeard of all people and that you saw him as your first grandpa, while Garp was in second place!
-He could only imagine you (in cartoon form), in Whitebeard’s arms, laughing with him as he stood on the 1st place spot of a podium while Garp was on his knees in second place.
-Garp wasn’t going to deal with your crew at the moment, instead joining you all for a meal, you sitting on his knee as you held a cup of juice.
-Garp noticed the bandage on your head, “What caused this?” you lifted your hand to your head and Nami was the one to answer, “It was that marine, Spandam- he hit Y/N for trying to protect Robin.”
-Garp froze, turning white, hearing that a grown adult- a grown man, put his hands on a child, injuring you as he was quick to get fired up, “Where is the bas-basket case!” he caught himself, not wanting to swear in front of you.
-You didn’t know why he was calling Spandam a basket, before his face appeared in your head, and his mask did look a bit like a basket.
-Your family was also still furious at Spandam, glaring and voicing their own anger while you were eating a cookie Garp gave to you.
-Nami pointed at him, scolding him, “Oi! Don’t be giving her cookies for breakfast!” you flinched as Garp just beamed brightly, “It’s fine- it’s fine!” Sanji grabbed you, “It is not fine! She needs healthy food in the morning.” Garp pouted, wanting to spoil you.
-He then spoke again, “So where is Spandam?” a few grins appeared as Franky ruffled your hair gently, “Y/N here took care of him, with a well-placed headbutt to the family jewels!”
-Garp laughed loudly, finding it hysterical, before he ruffled your head, praising you before he stood, telling Luffy about Dragon, his dad and you had question marks floating around your head, as you didn’t know any dragons.
-Luffy told you that he would tell you all about his dad and Garp gave you a bag of cookies, “I have to leave now my little Y/N~ I’ll come back to spend some time with you.”
-You smiled up at him, holding your hand up to him, extending your pinkie finger, “Pinkie promise?” Usopp was the one to teach you about pinkie promises, and Garp as well as several others around, Usopp, Luffy, Franky, Iceberg, and Sanji, all collapsed to the ground, clutching at their chests at your cuteness.
-After Garp left and all the damage caused by Aqua Laguna was fixed, everyone celebrated! There was a huge party with drinking, eating lots of barbeque, and you got to run around with Chimney in the water, being a normal kid for one, wearing your starfish shaped water wings that Franky gave you over your wet suit.
-Franky was confused why you were wearing a wet suit as he was your lifeguard, letting you sit on his leg, asking you and you pulled your arms in close, looking down at your hands, “There’s…” you couldn’t speak, instead pulling your sleeve up, showing him the scars, at least some of them, on your arms.
-His eyes were wide, seeing his as he held your hand gently, before a hand on his head pulled him out of his shock, and you both saw Luffy there who kneeled down, seeing you showing Franky your scars, “Someone hurt Y/N- badly. We don’t know much, but all we know is that he will never touch her again.”
-You gave Luffy a small nod before you all decided to head to the ship for a private party, having a bath with Robin and Nami while the boys started up a barbeque.
-You ran out to Luffy, grabbing his hand, pulling him away from the fire, looking excited as Nami grinned, walking out with Ace’s DenDen Mushi, “Nami and I are gonna call Ace and grandpa!”
-You sat on Luffy’s lap while he continued to eat, not bothering you heard it ringing before you heard Ace, “Is this my most favorite little sister~?” you giggled warmly, “Hi Ace!”
-Aboard the Moby Dick, their own drinking party, because it was Wednesday, everything went quiet as most everyone huddled around Ace, hearing the voice of their adorable little sister and granddaughter.
-You and Ace talked about your most recent adventures, including where Robin was kidnapped and then you were taken too. Ace was furious, flames surrounding him as they all heard that Spandam hurt you- and Whitebeard was ready to call for an attack before Nami had to tell Ace that you took care of Spandam yourself, taking out his family jewels.
-It was silent on the other side, all their anger instantly leaving before you flinched back into Luffy’s arms, hearing the roar of laughter from the other side.
-Once Ace was able to breathe again, he spoke, “What else happened?” you beamed brightly, “I met another grandpa- his name is Garp!”
-Ace shivered deeply, recalling his own memories of Garp before he managed to force a smile, “Oh? And how was he?” you thought for a moment, “Kinda loud- and he cried when I told him that Whitebeard is my first grandpa, while he was my second.”
-Whitebeard beamed warmly, hearing that he was your first, but he couldn’t help but imagine Garp lamenting over the fact that he was the second.
-The following day, you woke up to loud shouting and you wandered out of your room, a little delirous as you wandered over, rubbing your eyes as you grabbed Zoro’s pants, “Why is everyone yelling?”
-He kneeled down, putting his hand on your head and your eyes went wide as everyone showed you their new bounties, your eyes immediately sparkling brightly.
-Robin then smiled, “Here Y/N- this one is yours.” You looked exited, taking it while Luffy was pouting lightly, seeing your 400,000,000 beri bounty while you were gawking, “So many zeros!”
-You quickly ran to put it up on your wall, showing the other bounties as well and you beamed, feeling proud of yourself.
-You then noticed Sanji looked sad when you came back out and you quickly found out why, because the marines didn’t have a good photo, so they used a crudely drawn one by Luffy instead and Sanji was upset because it didn’t look a thing like him!
-You quickly ran back to your room, coming out with your drawing materials Usopp had given you and you got to work, making a new bounty poster to make your big brother happy!
-It took you over an hour to draw, everyone who had seen you saw the focus on your face before you ran to Sanji, “I made it better!”
-You drew your own bounty poster, including ‘bounty’ being spelled wrong, and a children’s drawing in the middle, showing Sanji making food with hearts surrounding him.
-Sanji fell to his knees, tears streaming down his face as he held it up to the sky, overwhelmed with happiness before he cried into his elbow, thanking you warmly, making you beam before your smile grew as he put it on the fridge, “So I can see it every day!”
-You celebrated with your crew, having a big feast to celebrate the new bounties, unaware of the, literal, darkness on the horizon.
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harusaki-hugo · 10 months
Siblings HCs: Hanagaki Edition
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Fandom; Tokyo Revengers
Hcs; What's it's like to be Tokyo Revengers younger/older siblings .
Note; I'm bored and I really want a siblings so I can bully them but here I am , the youngest sibling.
Being Takemichi twin sister:-
The smartest, responsible, and strongest twin. Even though you are the youngest, by two minutes but takemichi is always proud of that.
Identical twins despite being a different gender. Like the same hair, height, body type, and face, just like looking at a mirror.
Always mistaken for Takemichi before he dyes his hair. you decide to keep the black hair while he dyes his hair blond for delinquent ✨authentic✨ which you bluntly said, he looks mad ugly.
The only ones who know your existence are Mizo middle gang, well, Takuya at first because he's Takemichi's childhood friend, and automatically he is also your friend.
Yamagishi calls you Takemichi doppelganger and Makoto calls you the ✨cooler✨ Hanagaki, Akkun having a crisis because he thinks you are hot and it's calling Takemichi hot too.
The original Mizo middle leader but you thought it was a waste of time and gave it to Akkun because he's the second most responsible boy, first Takuya but you didn't trust him leading the gang, because of his health.
When Takemichi joins Toman, let's just say when he's first coming back home beaten up, the next day you decide to meet with Toman's president.
Imagine the shock when they see black hair takemichi with a really rare piss-off expression. Like they were confused as hell.
Just before anyone can register what happens, you back fist Mikey in the face.
"oi, takemitchy! you heal pretty fast!"
The original inventor of Hanagaki's infamous ✨ back fist ✨
Shock. Silence. Pure confusion.
Mikey seems pretty stunned at first before he smirk and clenches his fist but before he can throw a punch at you, takemichi appears with Mizo middle and yells;
"That's a girl version of Takemichi!!"-"Dumbass!!! it's called twin sister!!"
You can guess who yell that.
Another silence before chaos interrupts.
Baji is like, "That thing is takemitchy twin?!"
Chifuyu like; "this is like manga I read..where the second male lead falls in love with their love interest twin after being rejected by love interest."
Mitsuya like; "Takemitchy original hair color is black?"
And lastly Draken who look between the twin and said; "Are we going to ignore the fact she hit Mikey?"
"ken-chin, it's hurt." Mikey who looks at you with sparkling eyes because damn that's backfist is hurting like hell, you can see the bruises on his cheek.
Long story short: you are now part of Toman, not an official member but as Hina and Emma and the gang members girlfriends guardian angel.
Because the last time someone tried to kidnap Peh-yan's girlfriend, you appeared with a metal pipe and everyone could hear a doom soundtrack while you swung that pipe.
The news:- a group of delinquents gets sent to the hospital after being beaten up by an unknown individual. three still unconscious and the remaining still in the emergency room. Unfortunately, no death.
Nickname; Take-chi, nii-chan, take-nii (child ver), crybaby bitch (lovingly), cornbread head (as joke) , simp (when he around Hina)
His nickname; Lil' sis, my sister, ototo-chan, the better twin (around Hina) , brother abuser , sometimes just your name.
I'm bored okay. and I want to write fanfic about takemichi gremlin's twin that the infamous delinquent but he the one gets the ✨fame✨
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hotchfiles · 6 months
divine rush.
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⋅☆⋅ mrsaluado's first xmas event ⋅☆⋅ masterlist
pairing: sirius x fem!reader.
summary: sirius is just very very nervous to meet your parents.
content warnings: maybe underage drinking lol but just fluff
word count: 1,4k
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"oh my, you do not look well, pads." that was probably not the best way you greet your boyfriend as soon as you open the door to your home, but it got you by surprise how red and sweaty he looked, he wasn't the type to get sick and he looked absolutely feverish. "are you alright?" you touched his forehead with the back of your hand terribly worried about the boy in front of you.
"i'm fine! just... nervous." sirius replied, his teeth clenched as his eyes traveled to the room behind you. so that was it. you smiled back at him, holding his hand to finally pull him into your house, to meet your parents for the first time.
"you're quite charming, nothing to worry, babe."
"don't think being a good kisser's gonna work on your old man." you laughed out loud but you weren't sure he was actually trying to be funny, his eyes still roaming around your parents' house.
it was a decent middle class family house, not nearly as big as his own, or even the potter's one, where he had been living for the past year. still, it reminded him of his best mate's home in the best way possible: it felt like home. your little cousins were running around, no one telling them it was impolite to do that. most of your family were casually dressed and had christmas hats with the family's last name embroidered.
it was easy to see why you were so loving and understanding and for a second he envied you, the same way he envied james. he had spent so many years feeling like christmas was just a day family got together to make their highest efforts to look and seem better, more successful and richer than the others. worrying if his clothes were alright or if his mum was going to yell at him for it. arrogance was really the only things uniting his family and for a while he thought that was how it was for everyone.
"dad's been doing literal shots of spiked eggnogg, you could try the kissing." that finally got his attention back to you, a boyish grin taking over his beautiful face, following up with the quickest of kisses, his lips barely touching yours.
you nodded and were about to take him to the kitchen to meet everyone, especially your mum and dad, but your mother was quick to notice you both were taking a while at the door, going to you to see if everything was alright.
"merlin, aren't you dashing?" was her literal first words to sirius, excited her daughter had been dating such a beautiful boy, "where's the tattoos?" he was confused for a moment, his arms covered up with his coat, but he gave his hands so your mum could see it, his eyes looking straight at you trying hard to understand what was going on, you simply shrugged, like you had no idea and no involvment in that.
of course you did, you had mentioned to your parents he had quite a few and that he probably would be nervous about it so your mother thought the best way to make him ease up was just to put him on the spot immediately. good intentions, not the best execution.
still, he was getting less nervous by the second, your mother was a blabber mouth, she could talk with a rock, it felt you blinked for a second and she was already pushing him to the kitchen, taking one of the red embroidered christmas hats and fitting it on his head just before she herself introduced the boy to her sisters, who also had no problem showering him with compliments, you followed close behind, trying to hold in how amused you were and when you got to your dad, your mum went to his side, waiting for you to do your part.
"this is sirius, dad, sirius black, the boyfriend i've been telling you about." the fact you talked about him to your parents seemingly so many times had him die and come back mentally about three times before offering his hand so your dad could shake.
your dad gladly did, again, asking him all sorts of questions, about his tattoos, about motorbikes and music and what kind of food did he like. all questions about him and him only, not about his family, not about his blood, not about his name nor money. just him, what he liked, what hogwarts classes was he good at, what quidditch team did he support.
all training he had done as a child on how to behave correctly at family parties showed completely useless as the men of your family fought about who was going to win the quidditch world cup and the women tried to secretly talk about their sex life to one another but were all a bit tipsy on wine to really notice how loud they were.
your dad even offered you both eggnogg, and before any of you could drink it, he got a bottle of firewhisky, already half empty, and added barely a shot to each, his finger going over his lips asking for secrecy, but your mother obviously noticed it. "you're not trying to get the boy drunk, are you?"
"sweetums, let the kids have some fun, it's christmas!" he argued, knowing very well the amount of alcohol he had added wasn't going to do much but that it would be enough for him to create a cool father-in-law image.
you were in heaven, every time you felt sirius' hand brush on yours softly, showing you he was fine as he talked so happily to your family you felt your heart getting fuller and fuller of love for him. at the end of the night his coat was nowhere to be seen, he had leftover containers to take back to the potters and his arms were very very colorful after he decided to let your cousins paint his tattoos.
your parents offered the guest room so he wouldn't have to leave, although he would have to share it with other family guests, but he didn't want to impose so much just yet.
and when it was only the both of you, before he left, sirius took you in the most passionate and grateful of kisses. "i want this for us, doll face, so much."
"what do you mean?" you looked up at him confused, your arms over his shoulders.
"family... this freedom, kids running around, spiking the boyfriend's eggnogg... i hope we get to where your parents are." you could try to hold your emotions, you could try not to cry, but you knew it would be impossible, so you just let your eyes water and put your head on his chest.
you hoped so too, and hearing him say those things gave you a sense of certainty that one day it would be you both having your kid's partner over for christmas, and that thought on its own made that night one of the best of your life up to now.
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pamelasmuse · 1 year
The Flipside
dbf!Theodore Nott x of-age!reader
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A/n: I am so sorry it has been forever! I was super inspired to write this, I love lana so she is a big influence. I hope you love it… till next time.
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Carmen kicked her feet around the pool splashing you. You smiled at her enjoying the summer sun. Carmen was your favorite “cousin”. Thats what all of your fathers friends kids were called since he didn’t have any siblings.
Scorpius your brother was in the other side of the pool with Carmens brother. Carmen began talking about her newest lover of the week, you were so infatuated with what she had to see you hadn’t noticed you dads best friend, Theodore Nott, walk outside.
Theo stood there for a moment taking in your body, by now you were laying on the edge of the pool tanning while you spoke to Carmen. Theo felt guilty, you were young and he was a friend of your fathers, but looking never hurt anyone. His eyes wandered, they wandered over to your brother and thats when he noticed the other young man also staring at you. Theo cleared his throat to make himself known.
“You father wants you to get ready for dinner.” He paused for a moment before turning towards you.
“Y/n maybe pick something less provocative”
You looked at him confused. When he saw your expression he motioned to your brothers friend. You rolled your eyes at Theo.
“I will wear what I want when I want.” You turned back to see his reaction but he was already gone.
There was a tension between you and Theo, he wasn’t a very present “uncle” in your life in-fact he only started showing up after his recent divorce. But there was something there and you both felt it. You tried to cover the slick in your panties with sly comments, running your hand along his thigh “by accident and occasionally touching his foot under the table. But none of it was working.
“Beautiful” Carmen commented on your dress. It was a vintage black Miu Miu dress. You smiled and turned around to faced her. Tonight was a business meeting for your dad and his friends but for some reason they invited all their kids and made the dress code black tie. You sliped on some shoes just as you were heading for the door it opened. It was Scorpius.
“What are you doing in here” you yelled at him
“I just came to ask for a favor.” He responded
You looked him dead in the eye “I am not helping you.”
Scorpius ignored you. “Will you please go sneak me some wine from the cellar, please.”
“If you do I wont tell dad you snuck a boy in last weekend while he was in France.”
You thought about it and finally agreed.
“Thank you, you are the best sister ever.”
Even though you were 21 your dad had a rule about you drinking in his house. None of the house elves would bat an eye if they saw you take wine all you had to worry about was your father. But things were going well you got down to the cellar and found a cheap bottle your dad wouldn’t miss. As you were leaving you bumped into someones shoulder. You looked up snd saw Theo looking down at you.
“What are you doing down here?” He asked
“What are you doing down here?”you counter
“Your father asked me to grab the good bourbon apparently its down here. Now again, what are you doing? Is that wine? Aren’t you a little young.”
“Im 22.” You sneered
Theo looked down noticing your dress
“I see didn’t listen, this dress leaves little to the imagination.”
His comment pissed you off. But it pissed you off more that he was wrong your dress had thin straps but it was long and hardly skin tight.
“Is that why your wife left you? Because you were a controlling dick.” You yelled at him
Theo was taken aback “stop” he whispered but you were so mad you didn’t here him.
“Or maybe she left you because you a so fucking boring or you know what I know it was you are probably horrible in bed limp dick Theo over her“ before you could finish theo had his hand rapped around your throat and pushing you against the wall.
“Dont fucking talk about me like that.” He spit at you. You looked up at him with fear at first, fear that he might hurt you but it slowly turned into lust. “Dont ever talk about something you know nothing about.” He paused “Mmmm” was all you could do to respond. You nodded along to him words.
Theo looked at you for a second to long. “You have no idea what your talking about.” He was whispering to you. He loosed his grip on your neck. “Show me” you looked up at him “show me to I know” you whined. Theo looked at your lips contemplating his whole life, he leaned down and kissed you. It was passionate like two long lovers after 20 years apart. His hands found your waist making you gasp. Theo took this as his chance to slip his tongue in your mouth. He sucked on your lips while his hands lifted you against the wall. Your legs wrapped around his waist. You wouldn’t stop moaning at every touch. His touch was everything you needed. You were lost in his touch it felt like the earth had stop moving. You were finally pulled back to reality when you heard someone calling Theo’s name. That someone was your father.
“Teddy are you good down there you find it all right.”
Theo jumped at your fathers words basically throwing you away from him. 
“Yep all good, be up in a minute” he lied
“Okay we will be in my office” your dad called back.
“You didnt have to fucking throw me into the wall.” You whisper yelled at him
Theo ignored you. He walked past you finding the bourbon your dad wanted. You followed him “what the fuck cat got your tongue?” He began walking up the stairs you grabbed his jacket forcing him to look at you. “What he fucking scare you.” You added
Theo looked back away from you, he pulled his jacket from you and left. Leaving you alone and horny in the cellar.
* * *
You had left the wine downstairs and gone outside to clear your head. What was that? Was it a dream? Does he hate me? All kinds of questions ran through your mind. Your heart began to beat fast as you thought of how he might feel. You walked from your side of the patio to the other end and fumbled under a faulty plant where you hid some joints last summer. You found the box and pulled one out lighting it. When you put the joint to your lips and took a puff your body instantly relaxed.
You were half way through your joint when you heard the door behind you open.
“Scorpius I didn’t get the fucking wine, and I dint care what you tell dad.” There wasn’t an answer for a minute. The door closed and then you heard footsteps. “What dont you care about.” You turned around seeing Theo at first you were relieved it wasn’t your brother but then that relief turned to anger. “Mm” was all you could say to him.
He sat next you his hand came up asking for the joint you passed it to him. He took a puff and as he was exhaling he said “what got you so worked up?” You just shook your head and rolled your eyes.
“What do you think?” You paused “You string me alon-“ Theo cuts you off “I never strung you along.”
“The hell you didn’t! How many times have you touched my thigh under the table or rubbed a little to close to me.” Theres fucking tension here” you motion between you “And then you finally do something and you act like it was nothing.”
He looks at you confused “Was that your first time being kissed? No one is ever this emotional.”
“Your a prick” is all you can muster you wanted to crawl into a hole and die. Maybe it was a mistake maybe he really didn’t mean for it to happen, maybe he slipped. I mean thats possible. You close hour eyes trying to escape his stare. Theo felt guilty he really enjoyed the kiss, he wanted it for a long time but he knew it could never happen, and he didn’t want to be heartbroken again. He saw you sitting there eyes closed and he couldn’t help himself. “Im sorry” You mumbled. You opened your eyes and looked up at Theo. “You have nothing to be sorry for, I am older I should have- I am just to old for you and your dad” he paused he was nervous and his nerves were making him trip up. “It just cant happen” you looked at him “yea” a small part of your body lit up, at least he didn’t regret it. “See you at dinner” You smiled at him and got up from your seat. Leaving him outside by himself.
* * *
At dinner you were sat across from Theo it only made your mind spiral. Wad he really this much of a prick, to just ignore you. You dont know how you made it to dessert without yelling at him but somehow you did. “Wow Astoria this is amazing” Theo complemented your mom while pointing at the dessert.
“Actually Y/N made it.” Theo looked at you for the first time all night. “Well” he began as he talked his slowly ran his hand up your thigh. You were looking at him questioning him. “Thanks Y/N it’s amazing.” You smiled whispering “You’re welcome.” As the conversation shifted you felt his hands go higher dipping into your panties proving he wasn’t done with you.
This is not proof read but i hope you enjoy it my next fic might be of jax teller sososososo 💝💋
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dearhargrove · 2 years
Change of heart
Billy Hargrove x f!reader
Request Henderson reader (f or gn) dating Billy, Dustin doesn’t approve, Billy climbs into window after fights with Neil and you patch him up (mentally and physically), but one night it’s really bad and he and Max turn up knocking at the door bc Billy is in no shape to climb, and Dustin answers and Billy is like almost passing out but eh and you have to help him, and Dustin is like “oh shit” and yeah happy ending please
summary Dustin never liked Billy, but he definitely didn't like you dating Billy. Until said boy shows up on the brink of losing consciousness but still manages to swoon over you. Yeah, that might have changed Dustin's mind.
tags violence, wounds, bleeding, Henderson!reader
notes I love writing, so I'm happy to be back! It was hectic with the first weeks of school and I haven't been focusing on much else. There was also no motivation, and I just felt guilty leaving you all hanging like I did. Let's hope it gets better! Love you all <3
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Dustin never approved of you and Billy. That's what you expected when you revealed it to him; blatant rejection and some disbelief. It was justified - Billy had terrorized the kids unreasonably for weeks before meeting you. 
He had honked at the boys before nearly running them over - but this time you saw him. 
You had approached him in school the next day, threatening to run him over instead. From that moment he was intrigued. After asking you out a few times you agreed and got to know him. 
It would be quite the shock for everyone to find out he's sweet (when he lets himself). 
The first time he needed your help was when he smashed his mirror out of anger, some pieces of the glass still stuck in his hand. You had scolded him and after coddled him, sad this was his only way to channel his anger. 
It had luckily never been that bad, a few bandaids, some disinfectant and he was fine. 
You were in your room when it happened, reading over your homework. 
Dustin huffed out of annoyance at the aggressive knocking before ripping the door open. "What?" That's when he saw who it was on his doorstep. There Max stood, Billy's arm around her shoulder and only barely standing. 
"Get your sister. He said she can help," she urges and drags him in. "Woah, Woah. Stop there - he's not going in here or close to my sister." Dustin disliked Billy and didn't trust him. He was scared that you'd end up getting hurt more than anything. 
"No," Max just said again and walked further, huffing from the exhaust. "Dustin, what the fuck is going on?" You ask, eyes on the stairs as you walk down (you'd fallen down the stairs way too many times to not be careful). 
Max yelled out your name and when you got down the last step she was in front of you with her brother draped over her. 
He had blood running down his forehead and his knuckles were burst open. "What happened to him?" You quickly overcome your shock and help the small girl to get him to the kitchen. 
You sit him down in one of the chairs and get your - updated - first aid kit. Since the first few times, you've stocked it up on bandages, disinfectant, and more stuff. You brush his hair aside carefully, noticing he was barely conscious. 
"Alright, Max, Dustin? Keep him awake, talk to him," you instruct and wipe the blood off his forehead, getting to cleaning the wound high on his forehead. You're incredibly tense, the fact that you have to save this was challenging. 
Sometime in between he wakes up completely, hissing in pain. "Jesus, he got me good." He jokes and you would've slapped him if he wasn't in a bad condition like this. "Billy?" Max asks frantically and keeps up the conversation, though his eyes are on you and his hand shakily on your hip. 
When you're done you gather up the trash left from everything and gesture to the two teens to take it outside. 
With a sigh, you cross your arms and lean against the counter. "What happened?" He smiles at you warily and shrugs, opening his arms. "Hug me I think I deserve some love," it's half-joking, half-serious, so you huff but gather him in your arms. 
His head is leaning against your stomach and you have one hand on his neck. "He made some comments about you, and I couldn't stop myself," he explains and you're once again close to smacking him. "I've told you to just let it go when he does that. It doesn't matter to me, so it shouldn't to you." 
He shrugs and grins, "Don't care." 
With a shake of your head you hear the two friends come back in and take his hand, "Can you walk?" He nods and you help him up. "Pretty sure Dustin accepts you now." 
Somewhere - that's way too close for them to not have eavesdropped - you hear Dustin shout a 'Still a long way to go!' and you laugh a little, Billy as well. "He's fierce." 
Opening the door to your room you let him go, going to clean up your homework quickly. "Studying as always." He remarks with amusement, dropping on your bed. "Some of us have to," you drily say and sit down next to where he sat on your bed. 
"You don't. You're smart enough not to and still ace all the exams, you know that right?" There he goes with the flattery. Scoffing playfully, you change into your pajamas before going to your closet to retrieve some of his shirts, so he wouldn't have to sleep in his bloodied clothes. 
"Alright, I have this," you give him a white muscle shirt he'd left months ago, "and this," it's a pair of boxer shorts - you couldn't answer why it was there, but you're glad it was. 
"Go change and come to bed, I'm tired." 
He looks at you fondly, and even though his eye was swelling up and his face ached with every movement (just as the rest of his body did) he made it a point to send you one of his rare, but appreciated, big smiles. 
"Be right back, princess." 
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colectingstrz · 11 months
➤ (🕸️) oneshot | jungwon x fem reader | reader is sunghoons little sister | forbidden romance lowkey? | angst | kissy kissy hear and there nothing much more than that | vampire au | reader is 19 and jungwon is 21 btw | word count : 5.4k
Soo’s smol noety 📝 : fun fact I wrote this whole thing in a positive mood with a smile on my face I love angst and heart breaking gut wrenching endings \(^ヮ^)/
Warnings : character death
“And I know she’ll be the death of me, At least we’ll both be numb“
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jungwon can’t help but feel the urge to rip into your neck every time he comes over to Sunghoon’s and sees you..he always tries his best to suppress his hunger and feelings. Or in which blinded by your feelings and fascination with the supernatural you prompt jungwon to bite you.
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“And she’ll always get the best of me, The worst is yet to come”
YOUR ANNOYING BROTHER continues to boss you around like your some housewife or a maid when you are a resident of the home.
He’s so annoying
You sigh as you perform an errand for one of Sunghoon's similarly annoying ass friends for the eighth time. While looking through the refrigerator, you sense a presence behind you. A gust of wind causes the hairs on your neck to stand up. You instantly turn around to meet the gaze of your favourite feline eyes
Jungwon just the man I wanted to see
“ oh! Hi jungwon what brings you here ?” He approached you slowly reaching over you grabbing a few coke cans “ felt a bit bad for you wanted to help you out a bit I’ll take the rest don’t worry” he speaks while taking the other cans out of your spare hand. It’s giving gentleman you smiled to yourself at his actions letting the delusions in your head win the more he acted like this towards you.
Before jungwon could turn and leave you tug on his shirt a little causing him to raise a brow “ do you like me ?”
Jungwon chokes on his salvia after hearing your words, the impact almost causing him to drop a can. You can tell he's surprised, but you calmly wait for him to respond. Jungwon couldn't form a sentence because his mind was filled by echoes of how fast your heart was beating and how blood surged through your veins. He couldn't concentrate since your aroma was getting stronger and stronger. It was almost as if it was calling his name, inviting him in to indulge in you.
He needed to leave
What’s taking him so long ? “Are you so infatuated with me that you can't take your gaze away from me? "Is my beauty so powerful that you cannot discern by a simple yes or no?" Jungwon gulped excessively before turning aside and fleeing. Ouch..Not only did he reject me, but he also fled.
You sigh and storm upstairs into your room, slamming the door shut. When you got to your bed, you burried your face in your pillows, yelling and screaming for embarrassing yourself in front of your crush. "what is wrong with me, why did I do that y/n your so foolish" you groan and begin lightly slapping yourself on the forehead "he's not into me at all... was I interpreting all the indications incorrectly? He was most likely simply being nice... he's nice to everyone."
You sigh
Jungwon on the other hand , had excused himself to the toilet to collect his thoughts. When he looked in the mirror, he was afraid of how red his eyes were, the evil persona consuming his features. He despised himself for feeling this way, especially towards his best friends little sister and, most significantly, towards you. He really liked you, but his feelings just made his hunger and yearning for you worse; it's as if the urges were amplified only because of how he felt about you. But he couldn't help but go out of his way to be near you because he thought if he could live off your scent and company, he'd be OK, but in reality it simply made him want more…it simply made him want to just suck your blood which is the last thing he'd want.
He doesn't want to hurt you..
Jungwon sighed, spraying ice cold water from the tap on his face to try to chill himself down. He sighed as he gazed up one last time to watch the red colour fade.
“ just hang out with the guys and keep a distance from her and I should be fine for the night “
Just as he is about to leave the bathroom He comes face to face with you. He could tell by your crimson cheeks, wet eyes, and tear stained face that you had been crying and he hated that it was because of him. You hastily clean your face, not wanting Jungwon to see you in this state. "What?" you ask, giving him an irritated look. Jungwon doesn't say anything and simply stares at you. His mouth opens and closes, but nothing but small noises come out, and he has no idea what to say to you except bite you.
You groan, pulling him into the bathroom and closing the door behind you. " y/n w-what are you doing open the door?" you shakyour head, "not until you explain yourself to me.." "What?" said Jungwon, raising his brow. Don't act stupid, it's not a cute look on you. “You act one way with me, being so kind and compassionate, and then you act as if I'm invisible. You act as if you like me, but then you don't. What exactly is it because I despise these mixed Signals " Jungwon gives you a blank stare, the sight making you regret not neglecting your bladder and going to the toilet that evening
You take a step closer to him, and he takes one back you both Repeat the process until you have him trapped against the frigid restroom walls. "See you doing it again?" jungwon gulps trying to suppress the urge to pounce on you “It's as if I'm a disease and you don't want anything to do with me!" Jungwon motions with his hands, "no no.. it's not like that at all y/n" "then what is it like, Jungwon?" He sighs looking down and fiddling with his fingers "You just make me nervous sometimes, like..." he sighs. I can't be myself around you " (cuz I’m a vampire and I want to suck your blood everytikeI see you ) “I’m not going to have any cheesy sobby confessionals chats with you just say it weather you like me or not that’s all I need from you” let me down easy if that’s the case..
Your words causing jungwon to chuckle it’s one of the things he liked about you a lot. He admired how straight to the point you were about the things you wanted “ I like you y/n”
You can’t stop the smile that graces your face the sight causing a blush to creep onto jungwons face as he looks at you eagerly wating for what you were going to say next as well as how he was eager to (sink his fangs onto your exposed neck) Your cheeks start to hurt from how happy you are right now to now know jungown feels the same way .
Not caring if he was your brothers bestie or not you make a bold and risky move a choice for yourself only.
You wrap your arms around his neck tip toeing so you could reach. Pulling him into a deep kiss. Jungwon was taken a back the voices in his head telling him to pull away as being this close to you was dangerous but he couldn’t help himself he’s been craving your touch for so long.Jungwon wastes no time hungrily kissing you back wrapping his hands around your waist pulling you closer to him so your bodies could morph into one another. Jungwon was on a high right now he couldn’t control his own body. He unknowingly found him self nibbling a little at yout lip the impact of this teeth causing you to whimper a little
Regardless jungwon continued eager to hear you again “you sound so beautiful “ he mutters into the kiss nibbling at your lips once again eventually causing your lip to bleed
Oh no
Quickly jungwon pushed you away turning himself away form you. Not wanting you to see his face his fangs his bloodshot eyes.
What the hell?
"Um, Jungwon? "What was that about?" you tap his shoulder, but he turns away from you, "hey!" You continue to tap his back aggressively, but he doesn't budge. "jungwon.. are you okay?" he finally responds, "I'm f-fine," he squeezes out with a horse tone. You try to approach him but he hides his face with his hands "jungwon look at me " he shakes his head you sigh taking matters into your own hands grazing his slender ones with your nails causing him to shriek in pain allowing you to catch a sneak glance of his face
What the fuck what the fuck what the fucking fuck fuck fuck
you step back “ why..your..f-face” you take another step back as jungwon slowly makes eye contact with you “ y/n wait I can explain..” he moves towards you and you take another back just like before with the roles reversed “ no! y-you stay right there “ jungwon obeys “ y/n I- “ your a vampire aren’t you.. “ jungwon slowly nods “ and were you going to…kill me ?” jungwon shakes his head “ no I would never dream of hurting you.. I’ve been trying… trying so hard to suppress it I didn’t mean to bite your lip!” He speaks just rambling at you trying his best to convince you.
You pause for a moment to reflect. Vampires exist, and Jungwon is one. He has sharp fangs, red eyes, and an ominous aura, just like in the tv shows..
I should be running away but I don’t want to leave
You've been invested in the supernatural for years, regardless of whether your bother believes in it or not. Sunghoon often criticised you for it, saying it was only legends and myths, but you knew it had to be true. And here is jungwon right now, confirming everything. You know you should be cautious because he has just shown himself almost losing control, but your intuition was telling you to stay. You allowed your imagination and infatuation with such creatures and your pinning for jungwon to overpower your critical thinking.
“ bite me “ jungwon gives you a shocked look “ what no I’m not going to do that to you I don’t want to hurt you “ you shake your head “ I’m giving you my permission �� he shakes his head again turning away. Your met with the sight of his broad shoulders once again, you walk towards him forcing his body to turn to you. “ I know you won’t go to far it’s fine really.. i want the experience jungwon “ you speak with exhilaration lacing your tounge. “ no” you raise your hands to cup his face forcing him to look at you “ please.. let me help you use me jungwon ”
You had no idea where this sudden need to have your blood drawn came from, but the want grew the more and more jungwon told you no. Plus, you liked him so much that you were willing to let him have it even though you knew it would hurt.
Jungwon shook his head sighing in frustration. He was having an internal battle with himself and the vampire inside of him. It was getting harder to hold back he needed you to leave before it was too late “ y/n get out” he spoke harshly hoping his tone would scare you off but to his surprise you didn’t flinch or move an inch. “ you can’t make me” jungwon sighed again. “ please.. I’m trying so hard right now not to make a decision I’ll regret please just leave “
Why won’t you let me help you
You took his hand and trailed it down to your neck, "come on.. I know you want to." Jungwon shook his head, "stop it." You spoke again taunting him "all this just here fresh just for you to take..I’m yours," you said, coming closer and angling your neck in his way.
“ I’m warning you y/n” you smirked continuing to taunt him “ suck me dry until I can’t walk “ jungwon pushed you away. “ leave.. I don’t think I would ever forgive myself if I hurt you “ “ but you won’t.. just take a little bit of my blood I can tell you need it “ jungwons red eyes looked at you and flickered to your neck “ don’t make a decision just because it’s me “ you shake your head “ what if I want to do it for you.. I want to help you and if that means sacrificing my self a little… then I’m willing to do so I trust you “
Jungwon paused for a moment to reflect. Trying one final time to break out of it. " Jungwon, you're free to take me, I'm yours," you said, he looked into your eyes caressing your neck, "mine?" you nodded.
“ try not to scream love”
Jungwon had plunged his fangs into your neck before you could speak again. You shrieked in agony, clutching your hands and pulling on his hair. The anguish was awful; it felt as if your life was being drained from you by two tiny needles. But you kept it up for him. You tried not to scream so that the others wouldn't hear but it hurt so badly. Jungwon had to put his hand over your mouth.
Jungwon was unable to stop himself from leaving. He had been repressing himself all this time, but now that he had a taste of you, all he wanted was more. His grasp on your hip tightened as his fangs grew deeper. Eventually, the pain went away, and you felt numb, but in a nice manner. You felt strange for loving it, but after a while you began to like the agony, the way his nails clawed your sides, you didn't want him to stop.
Jungwon eventually backed away. wiping your blood off his soiled lips. He gazed at you, bewildered, with the mess on your neck. And lost in your dazed state His contentment tinged with slight remorse. He touched your cheek immediately "are you okay I'm so sorry I almost lost myself there I-" that's..f-fine I liked it " you whispered your dazed eyes meeting his scarlet red ones " you did?" "It tickles," you said faintly, resting your head on his palm.
Jungwon smiled softly and drew you into his chest. He could see you were fatigued because of how much blood he drank, so he did his best to nurse you back to health.
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“She told me don’t worry about it she told me don’t worry no more”
YOUR MOOD WAS DISTURBING. Specifically to Sunghoon, who seemed to despise the idea that his sister was happy and smiling, constantly reminding you that your grin was unattractive. But you didn’t care so here you are now sitting on your bed, staring at the ceiling. Prior to the events of four days ago, you were ecstatic. Jungwon not only liked you back, but he was also a vampire, so it's like you got two in one: the boy you liked and your otherworldly fantasies. You felt like you were fetishizing him because he was a vampire, but your affections for him outweighed any possibility of that being the case after all you loved jungwon before he showed his true self.
Since then you had been covering the bite mark with clothes scarfs and foundation until it eventually healed not wanting any questions and to out him. Sometimes your run your fingers over the spot having flashbacks of the moment the thought causing a slight blush to rinse your cheeks even tho he was technically eating you in a way it felt so intimate that you couldn’t help but blush every time it crossed your mind.
You snap out of your thoughts when you what a knock on your door “ who is it ?” “ jungwon” you jumped up so fast taking on last look in the mirror adjusting your hair even pulling your skirt up a little higher so he can get a peak at your legs. Gosh this is too slutty isn’t it ? I should change “ one minute !” You yell quickly finding some joggers to put on before opening the door
“ hi” you say with a bright smile to which jungwon returns one back “ can I come in?” You nodd dragging him in “ soooo vampy how did my blood taste ?” Jungwon blushes slightly scratching the back of his neck “ why are you asking me all of a sudden “ you shrug “ just curious how I taste I guess “ he nodds “ you tasted good.. really good “ you smirk
“ you know if my bother were to walk in and hear that it would give him the wrong idea “ you speak wiggling your eye brows to which jungwon gasps launching a pillow at you “ your so dirty minded aren’t you.. you and I both know I ment your blood “ you shrug moving closer to him “ I know just a thought “ he laughs at your words
You sigh resting your head on his shoulder while his arm welcomed you in “ I like this a lot you know just being around you like this “ jungwon humms “ yeah I want to be like this with you forever “ you look up and him giving him a small smile “me too” even tho I’ll eventually grow old and die while you would stay here..
it continued on like this for some time with you and jungwon spending more and more time together now that he had revealed himself to you he felt way more comfortable. And you were just happy to be around with him his company made your day.
Though it wasn’t all sunshine’s and rainbows for jungwon as ever since he got a taste he wanted more every time you would be close with him like when you would cuddle he felt himself kissing your neck and felt his his fangs pooping out one time to the point he had to stop cuddling for a while. It was worse now that he knew what you tasted like. he didn’t know how long he could ignore it until it consumed him.
And on the other hand he was drowning in guilt for liking you touching you, biting you and just being with you behind his best friends back. He hated himself for it but he couldn’t deny his feelings and his urges for you
Later on you go to the kitchen to get some snacks “What's up with you and Jungwon?" Jake inquired, and you shrugged. "nothing? " We're just hanging around, why?" he hummus. "I'm not sure, I'm just sensing vibes, if you know what I mean," he teased you.
“ there’s no vibes just 2 friends “ he copied your tone “ who like eacother “ You shoot jake a glance and he crosses his arms “ im not silly like the rest of them im quite observant “ should I just lie? Or tell him the truth
Nauur I’ma lie I ain’t telling you shit Jake
“ yeah as friends ?” He takes a step closer to you basically trapping you against the kitchen counter in the corner so your no longer seen “ he’s marked you.. as his own.. I know it all “ marked ? Wait what..just play dumb “ huh? Marked I don’t get it Jake what do you mean? jungwon is just my friend your being weird “ he rolled his eyes placing his thumb on the area which once showcased jungwons bite mark “ this here is where he bit you didn’t he? He marked you in the process I know what he is y/n”
Your eyes widen in shock is it possible that Jake could be..? “ yes I’m a vampire “
As soon as he spoke was the same speed it took for him to grab you and take you to your room locking the door.
Shit..vampires and thier super speed
“ j-Jake what are you going “
“Shut up”
Jake wasted no time in pinning you against your door's wall and sunk his fangs into the other side of your neck. It felt like he was ripping you apart, unlike Jungwons.
You yelled in anguish, and he covered your mouth with his enormous palm, and muffled a tiny shut up, and continued to feast on your neck.You attempted to hit him, but it was futile since you felt yourself becoming weaker and weaker.Jake finally let go, looking at your drained body one last time with a Smirk on his face and he raced out the window, leaving your frial body on the floor.
Help me..jungwon
As jungwon had marked you he could sense your weakness and hear your calling to him. He quickly dismissed his friends and hurried to your room, attempting to enter the door but finding it locked. This only increased his fear of what might happen if he didn't get to you immediately.
So jungwon made his way from the window Jake had gone out through only to discover your pale body on the floor and instantly went up to you holding your body in his arms "Y/n.. please wake up.. please " your eyes were partially open you didn't have enough strength to open them wide but it was enough for you to recognise him" don’t...worry" jungwon clutched your face "how can I not your body is so weak I'm struggling to hear your heart beat" he panics not knowing what to do "l..leave me " jungown shakes his head.
You hated to see him in the pain the sight completely broke you this isn’t how you wanted to die you didn’t want to die.. but you felt yourself letting go “no.. I’m not going to let you die y/n I have to turn you” you shake your head. I don’t want to be a vampire “ no.. it’s f-fine don’t worry.. “ jungwon finnaly lets out all the tears he was holding in letting him self cry into your body “ your going to d-die.. I don’t want you to d-die” “ please don’t leave me..” he spoke shaking his head and now holding your hand in his rubbing your thumb
“ I’m not.. I’m..not l-leaving you “ he shakes his head again “ I’m here for enterity I’m never going to see you again.. I have to turn you now” you use the last of your strength to hold his check and stoke it softly “ you can live without me.. stop worrying about me I’m going to die you don’t have to worry about me no more”
Jungwon refused to accept the truth. He didn't want it and wouldn't accept it. He had to be with you because he couldn't go on living knowing he'd never see you, hear your voice, or touch you again. He knew you didn't want to be like him and drink blood as you had to previously had a conversation about the topic before , but he had no choice. Jungwon wasted no time in biting into his wrist, allowing himself to bleed and shoving his blood down your throat in the hopes of starting the transition. He was hoping and pleading for it to succeed.
However, as he removed his hand, your body showed no sighs of response, your eyes remained closed, your body did not move, and he could no longer hear your heart beat."No..no y/n don't leave me..please," he said, shaking your body, but you didn't respond.Jungown clutched your body in his arms, unconcerned about who heard him as he cried out in pain. His happiness had been stolen from him, and he would have to live with it for the rest of his life alone.
Without you
Jungwon was technically dead, but for the first time in his many years of life, he felt as if he had genuinely died.
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𖤐steal my work and I’ll come to your house and suck your blood like Jake 🧛‍♀️ did lmao
𖤐authors notes and dat 📝 pt.2 : so yeah unfortunately y/n died sadly and jungwon will be alone for ever😧 it is what is is ig 😭 sorry for a sad ending It was actually written to have a positive ending but somehow I just changed my mind 🙃 oh well aniii ways I hope you enjoyed it ~ !!!
- peace and love ♡︎
𖤐 link to my other works !!
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idv-sunsxin3 · 10 months
Hello~! I would like to request a fluffy scenario in which Riddle Rosehearts plans to propose to his fem! s/o, asking her to be his future wife. Takes place after the events of Ghost Marriage. Make it super fluffy, please? Thanks!
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Note// Y/N is considered as Yin instead of Yuu. Hope that's alright;;;
Note// I’m so glad I was able to speedrun to unlock his Ghost Marriage card before maintenance came- phew,,, :’3
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It has been a few months since you last talked with Riddle after what happened that night. The series of events were undeniably unforgettable as they reminded you of certain thoughts that haven't crossed your mind for a while. Until now...
Thinking of the relationship you established with Riddle after years of growing your friendship since elementary... and how the future will it be for the both of you.
You're not worried about what happened back in his overblot arc, you're not worried about his strict mother who doesn't appreciate her son as much as you do, you're not worried if he ever hurts you someday... Because you have been already there to see him lose his mind, not only throwing it on everyone else but also at himself...
There's one single thought you haven't decided....
'Should i leave? Or should i stay...?' You carefully think, remembering the fact that you don't actually belong to NRC in the first place.
You were mistaken to be there when you're originally supposed to be in the Royal Tiara Academy. Technically the sister of Royal Sword Academy, an all-girls boarding school.
From the papers, the same exceptional report card as Riddle's, but different talents and career paths, Riddle's mother just knew you would rather belong in an environment full of goody-two-shoes princes and pricesses since the first glance-
Yet, a coffin happened to have snatch you away and escorted you to the NRC ceremonial hall--- your confused self finding yourself in ceremonial robes and waking up from a standing coffin that just opens magically, meeting curious, but puzzled eyes at the unusual newcomer.
But other than that, your lost eyes also met with a familiar pair of dark grey orbs... Riddle, elementary best friend, who also then became your high school sweetheart. Since the moment the magical mirror choose you to be in Heartslabyul.
It was an awkward situation at first from the 2 years of not seeing each other after middle school... The last year when you had to move away from the Queendom of Roses to a different land.
Yet, nothing can make Riddle seem more tender to anyone else other than you. He never thought you would come back to him, dreaming of you in his arms as you both hide beneath the painted rose bushes... yet here you are.
Of course, some obstacles happened that came between you two along... Riddle was notably greatly influenced by his mother's standards at that time... making him less lenient on rules with everyone in the dorm, rough yelling, and strict penalties here and there, leading to disagreements between you two by what would be the better for Heartslabyul. Some dorm studebts almost mistaken it as an "every night lovers' quarrel."
His once short-tempered and constant anger almost stopped you from holding on to him- yet you gave him the patience as time goes by, slowly waking him up from all the madness he has been going through- it was a tough task since it happened like a very steep downhill roller coaster ride, especially with the overblot event. It slowly worked out at the end.
So... why is Riddle not saying anything?
Oh, right.
RTA's headmaster discussed with the headmaster Crowley and decided to schedule a day to pick you up and escort you back to the royal academy.... The news seemed to affect Riddle a lot in a negative behavior. No matter how much you assure him that there are the possibilities to see each other more often outside the campus, Riddle is slowly growing more gloomy than ever in his little corner.
Until one day, he broke out of his bubble. Wanting to man up and speak to you like you both always do, before he ever loses his chance.
Taking the opportunity that he found you at the usual spot, you both often go together. A hidden part of the rose maze only you two, Che'nya, and Trey know so well, where a there is a table accompanied with 4 chairs. With a bonsai of a little cherry tree sitting on the center of the table.
He saw you there sitting at the round table all alone, looking down at the little cherry tree's pot. Even despite all the roses painted red or white waiting to be painted in red, there is always a single cherry tree hidden in the maze where Riddle just couldn't have the heart to get rid of... because you gave him the tree as an anniversary gift.
Nonetheless, the housewarden quietly walked towards you before sitting across. Everything was just silence, it is hard to figure whether it was uneasy or pleasant... Riddle has no used to desperately trying to find the right words to say quickly, and instead, he breathes in and tries to search for the right words, no matter how long it will take. Knowing you, you don't seem bothered by how quiet it seems.
"Have you wondered why the cherry tree hasn't grown yet?" You broke the silence with a gentle question. A purely curious tone. Your eyes are not looking away from the pot.
"...I have once." The red-haired whispered back, only glancing at the other's face with hands neatly folded on his lap.
It was the honest reply... Why hasn't the little tree haven't grown yet? It has never changed its appearance for 2 years already.
"That’s because it is meant to be designed to grow and change with you." You simply replied, recording back to the memory when you put a permanent spell on that tree. "And even if you're ever gone, the tree will be left as your legacy as long as you're remembered."
"What if I'm ever forgotten...?" Riddle then asked, his tone sounding quite soft and frail. Seem to afraid of the idea.
"That will never happen," you assured quite firmly, "Because I'll always remember you for the next 70 years of my life probably, and I'll never stop thinking of that smile of yours...!" You pointed determinedly. Also maybe a hint of light teasing.
"A-Ah...." Riddle stammers, ears going lightly red at the statement you made. He raises his gloved hand to cover his lower part of his face as you laugh softly at how your boyfriend is slowly turning red per second.
After a few minutes, your laughter slowly subdues into chuckles. Before giving a one more sad smile.
"Are you... angry at me?"
"Goodness- no." Riddle stops blushing before denying a bit.
"You seem very upset lately,,,"
"Well- i'm angry because i can't even bring myself to be angry!" Riddle lightly frowns which almost looks like a small pout, forming fists on his lap, "Right when you're getting comfortable here, those pompous princes and princesses now need you back? It's been already 1 and a half years!"
"It was indeed a tough situation," you admit lightly as you sipped your cup of tea, "but then again, RSA and NRC have this heated rivalry, so it was probably the same between RTA and NRC..."
"I- Yin..." Riddle hesitates, his voice frowing less exasperated into a hopeless one. "Stay..."
"Riddle...." You start off softly too, trying to reach for his hand. He seemed to hesitate, however. But he didn't want to look away from you either, fearing you'll depart at any moment.
The place you both are in has been always magical,,, but why does it feel more bittersweet?
"I need to confess... -"
"What kind of confession...?" You lightly ask, a bit curious what your beloved needs to say.
To be more honest, you were the first one out of the two of you to ask out- so it was astonishing to see Riddle taking initiative by words.
Which can also mean it's crucially important.
"I know it has been only 3 years since we started this relationship... And that we're too young for this step-," Riddle struggles to begin, the ironic it might sounds when he's a big spokesperson in debates, "but i just want to know, if you can wait with me until i give you a real ring...-"
These few words cued Riddle to hold your hand so tenderly, interlocking it before slowly unfolding your fingers....
Revealing a simple, silver band with a carved rose as the base in your ring finger.
",,,Would you be my future wife, just as I'm forever yours?"
"Yin... Please stay. I... I don't know what will i do if you leave..."
"It will never be the same if we part ways again,,,"
Your silent reaction slowly worries Riddle as the fear for rejection is starting to eat him up bit by bit.
Until tears started to slowly fall off your pretty eyes before embracing your boyfriend, now fiancé, a bit more tightly than before.
"Always... Always with you,,,." You quietly whispers through your sobs as you lovingly sit yourself on Riddle's lap out of innocent intentions, still hugging him in your arms before Riddle gently guided your face to share a soft, tender kiss. You complied with no more words, now sealing one thing you have been trying to decide...
"Yin... I love you."
"I love you, Riddle.”
"How... How are we going to tell the RTA's headmaster?" Riddle addresses one thing, a bit concerned. He struggled in wanting you to stay but also knows how much you wanted to return to the rightful academy you once called it "home."
"I'll tell him i already have a home here i already belong in." You shortly answered, smiling softly at Riddle before placing another kiss on his flushed cheek. Then, changing the subject into the topic about hedgehogs.
'I'll stay in Heartslabyul with him, then..' You thought, feeling all the weight in your head brushed away for the first time.
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oscarthedino · 6 months
Jeremiah x reader
Summary: y/n Conklin is the middle sister of Steven and belly. You have been dating Conrad sense last summer but lately you have been noticing he was off. As summer is now approaching fast you can’t wait to see him and also hope you can figure out what is going on with him but you can’t believe what actually is in store for you.
Warnings: cursing, mention of death/cancer, cheating, possibly assault and smut
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(Not my gif)
Every summer sense you could remember was spent in cousins with the fishers. You were the middle child of the Conklin’s, Steven is the oldest and belly is the baby. You and belly aren’t that far apart in age you are actually in the same year at school.
You and her have an ok relationship but you don’t have much in common. Belly is amazing at volleyball and the only time you have picked one up was a few summers ago and Steven hit it to hard and it nailed you right in the nose. Good to say you haven really picked one up sense and weren’t very good. You liked to stick to track and track sports.
You have always known belly has liked Conrad it was very obvious, Even Susanna knew. You all knew belly was the favorite it was obvious I mean she was the baby of the family. Susanna used to tell you she knew at least one of you would end up with her boys and deep down you hoped it would be you. You always thought Susanna knew you liked Conrad to but didn’t tell you. She always called you the most mature and reasonable out of all of you. You were the one who solved the arguments or gave something up to make the rest happy and didn’t cause stupid fights. One time when Susanna bought everyone ice cream when all of you where at the boardwalk Steven and belly where fighting and Steven knocked belly’s ice cream out of her hand. Belly ran back to the moms like she always did. I tried to stop her knowing that it would just make everything worse but it didn’t work. Laural was always worried about money and felt bad when Susanna would buy things for us so she made Steven share hers with belly. Steven was so mad about it that he almost threw his away just to spite her but I gave belly line before he could. When Susanna asked I told her my stomach hurt from the rides so you didn’t even want it. She pulled you into a hug and told you how nice you were to everyone. You always worried about how nice or open hearted I guess you were laural always told you to be careful because people will take advantage of it. Conrad ended up sharing his with you. You think that was the moment you realized you liked him.
That was 3 years ago. Now you are on the way to cousins and can’t wait to see everyone especially Conrad. You guys have almost been saying for a year now. He asked you to be his girlfriend officially last summer and ofc you said yes. Ever since then though belly hasn’t been as open with you. You understand that she is upset but you couldn’t help it. You guys got in a giant fight when you told her like you expected but it didn’t make it any easier. Conrad told you it would be ok and she would get over it eventually and he would try to talk to her. You were always jealous of the two of them. They were super close I mean you guys were but in a different way. You have always been closer to Jeremiah. You guys did everything with each other especially When Steven and Conrad would randomly disappear to do their own thing. You had a tradition of sneaking out to the beach the first night and catching each other up on everything.
All of a sudden you get pulled out of you trance by belly obnoxiously singing from the passenger seat and Steven yelling from the drivers seat to shut up. You look over to your mom and see her silently laughing. You never see your mom this happy except in cousins. But this year she seems even happier I don’t know if it’s she’s just excited, happy to be divorced which was still pretty fresh from everyone and hurt for you still or , the fact her book was going good and she had a meeting about it today.
Belly looks back at me still singing and I chime in now singing just as loud and we both start laughing with Steven says “ I’m this close to cutting my ears off and pulling this car over right now if you both don’t shut up”
You and belly both look at each other and sing even louder and Steven looks and that both of you and lets out a loud groan.
You guys stop at the convenience store before you guys head to the house you decide that you want to wait in the car instead of go in. When everyone gets back belly has a huge smile on her face and Steven looks disgusted. You’re about to ask what happened but then your mom gets back in the car you tell yourself to ask Steven later because you doubt belly will tell you. Before you know it you’re pulling up to the summer house.
Steven immediately b-lined it out of the car as soon as he saw Jeremiah come out of the house my mom followed after. You are about to the get out of the car as you see belly fixing her hair and you immediately feel a twig of jealousy. “Come belly you can do that later” you tell her and she gives you a small nod almost looking mad.
You get out of the car and immediately see Jeremiah giving your mom a hug. He spots you from behind her and you see the biggest goofiest smile that you have only ever seen on jere. As soon as he gets to you his arms surround you. I mean he has always been taller than you but he has definitely grown some. I knew he was in football now and he definitely had more muscle but he is also taller 6 feet if not taller. While you have stayed around 5,3 5,4. “You have changed so much” I tell him as I pull back from the hug “ so did you” he says “ I mean I know I have kinda seen you a few mouth ago but..” he takes a step back to fully look at you.
I mean you have changed a lot in the last year you’re now on the bigger side of a C cup and have filled out more in other places but you also feel a little different. It also hasn’t been that long since you have Jere technically. You and Conrad try to go out and see each other every few mouths or sooner when you get the chance but he is really busy with football and you are very focused on school so the trips are usually short and don’t really get a chance to see Jeremiah or Susanna much. “I see your not the only who changed” Jeremiah says loud enough so that belly who is behind you can hear as he moves to give her a hug picking her up and spinning her.
You see Susanna at the door and you see what almost looks like pride and so much love in her eyes. You go up to her and give her the biggest hug ever. “I’ve missed you so much” you tell her “it’s only been a few months sweetie” “Exactly it’s been to long” you respond with holding back the biggest smile as she kisses your forehead.
You look over your shoulder and see Conrad come into view. Susanna looks over “ go say hi don’t let me stop you” she tells you “ thank you” you tell her giving her one more squeeze before heading over to him.
Your smile is so big now you have missed Conrad so much. As you walk over to him you can’t help to notice who he is staring at, belly. You try to not think into and just tell yourself he hasn’t seen her in a long time longer then you at it’s nothing but you can’t help but be a little jealous. When he sees you in his peripheral vision he immediately turns to you. You can’t help but notice the sadness and almost disappoint in his eyes before he covers it up with a smile. You jump into his arms and immediately Barrie your face in his chest. “Ive missed you so much” you tell him almost coming out as a mumble because your face is in his shirt. His hand comes up to your hair before he tilts your chin up to kiss you and says “I have missed you so much more”.
You guys don’t get many more words out before Jeremiah and Steven yell from where they are standing “I think it’s time for a belly flopppp”. You immediately look at them and at belly before the boys start chasing her and she doesn’t get far. As the Carry her to the pool you go ahead of them to open the gate and watch as the count the three and throw her in. Before you know it Jeremiah and Steven get that look that you have seen many times before. They all run at you and you don’t even get 3 steps before they are throwing you in the pool to. Your immediately surrounded by water and as you come up to the surface for a breath the boys are all hunched over laughing except for Conrad who is barley laughing in the corner. You and belly look at each other knowing what to do. “Owwww my ankle hurts guy seriously can someone help me” belly says to the boys. Conrad immediately comes up concerned and you can’t help but feel the same jealousy you did earlier. He reaches his hand out to belly and she pulls him in.
Steven and Jeremiah are now laughing even harder. “Ok guys I’m done, jere please help me out” you ask him “Ok ok fine” he tells you also giving you his hand before you pull him in to.
Steven looks to be in tears now and jere asks him “come on bro don’t you want to be apart of the fun”. “No im good on missing this fun” he tells us still laughing as he walks inside.
You over to see what happened to Conrad and see him and belly inches apart staring at each other before belly pushes him away and you can hear her barley say “what’s your problem” before swimming away.
What the fuck was that, you didn’t even want to know but something pinged inside your chest. You got out after belly went inside and no one stopped you. Conrad didn’t even say anything
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chososchalupa · 2 months
wish that it was me
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
The last person you wanted to see at this meeting was your older brother. The same brother who left you in the hands of Chuuya Nakahara and the Port Mafia years ago, but all you can see now are the pleading eyes of Osamu Dazai begging for forgiveness.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Chapter four - Don't be mad
wc - 718
cw - self harm, suicide attempt,
i was half asleep and sick while writing this chapter,, also not proofread
chapter five
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
“Do you want to talk about it?” Chuuya asked as the two of you sat on his couch. 
You glanced over at him quickly before averting your eyes back to your hands as you played with the sleeve of your shirt, “Why does he act like everything is normal?” 
Chuuya sighed, “Hasn’t he tried explaining it to you?”
He has. Every time you’ve seen each other he's attempted to explain but you weren't interested in his stories. You just wanted an apology, for him to say he missed you, for him to act as if he cared even if it was just pretend. 
“He’s so much happier now, without me. He never even tried to reach out” You spoke, your eyes filling with tears. “He doesn’t even know, does he?”
Chuuyas eyes darted to your wrist as you played with your sleeve. “He knows. I told him.”
You looked up at him as he spoke, “When?”
“The day it happened”
You nodded, your mind flooding with memories from that night.
It was the night Chuuya came home after meeting with Dazai for the first time in years, his eyes looking brighter than usual. He rambled on and on about what Dazai was doing and how much better he looked. He tried explaining why Dazai left but you didn’t hear a thing. 
“Please stop” was all you managed to say before breaking down in tears. 
You could see the light dim in Chuuyas eyes as he wrapped his arms around you, 
“‘m sorry. Just thought you’d wanna know” he mumbled 
Sure, you’ve cried over your brother before, more times than you could count but this time was different. This time you knew for a fact that he was happier without you, living a completely different life without his little sister and that broke you even more. You had calmed down enough for Chuuya to head to bed, leaving you on the couch with your own thoughts. You sat in the dark for what felt like hours before slowly making your way to the bathroom. 
You sat down slowly on the toilet seat as you held a razorblade you had found in one of the drawers in your hand. You whispered an apology before sliding the blade over your wrist. You felt instant regret as you watched the blood flow down your arm, your mind becoming foggy as you screamed for Chuuya. The last thing you remembered was the door swinging open and a voice yelling for you to stay with him.
You woke up the next day in a hospital bed, Mori and Chuuya standing in the room.
“I’m sorry” You whispered, causing them both to look at you. 
“You lost a lot of blood but Chuuya brought you just in time” Mori spoke as he lifted your arm to inspect the stitches he had done. 
“He isn’t worth this, ya know? You can be happy without him” Chuuya said, watching as Mori looked over your wrist. “Don’t do that dumb shit again”
You smiled softly. Although it was unfortunate circumstances, this day caused you and Chuuya to become closer than ever. 
You were brought back to reality when Chuuya snapped his fingers in front of you,
“Huh?” You asked, looking up from your now faded scars.
“I said, you wanna get something to eat?” 
“Sorry, lost in thought. Sure, we can get something” You smiled
“There's a new Mexican restaurant I’ve been wanting to try. Apparently they have-” Chuuya was cut off by his phone ringing, “I have to take this” He spoke, standing up and walking to the kitchen
You sat quietly, listening as Chuuya whisper-yelled to whoever was on the other end of the phone. 
“You idiot, that is the worst fucking idea you’ve ever had”
 You rolled your eyes, now having an idea of who he was talking to, you decided the conversation wasn’t worth listening in on. 
You scrolled on your phone, only looking up when you heard footsteps approaching.
“Okay, don’t be mad but-” 
Your eyes narrowed as he spoke, “Chuuya, I swear to fucking god-” 
Just as Chuuya was about to respond, you heard a familiar knock at the door. 
You took a deep breath before looking from the door back to the man in front of you, 
“I hate you both”
@lacunaanonymoused @decaf-nosebleed
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bones4thecats · 7 months
This is a bit detailed but hear me out it's okay can I please ask for Bruhilde and Buddha and Adam and Eve
But how are they react to kianna becoming a God yes but of her own free will
And she's kind of accepting the fact that she became Adam
Diabolik lovers lore
And like Zeus expected her to be distraught and easily manipulatable
Just for her to end up cussing Zeus out
And taking every drop of power she's been given for herself and fighting for Humanity
And to really get on the gods nerves she resurrects Adam
Since she still had a piece of him left
And brought him back to Eve and her sons and in the arena
she said something like
I begged you to save my sister and you did nothing so I will do your job and do it right or
Just because I'm the god of Madison bloodlust
And revenge doesn't mean you gods are going to order me around and force me to be on your side
To hell with all of you except you Buddha
A/N: Goodness gracious these are long! Thank you for this request @nunezs-stuff!! Adam and Eve’s parts are platonic, and Buddha and Brunhilde are romantic! Also, Adam and Eve’s parts are in the same timeline. Anyways, enjoy~~
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💙 This Valkyrie was very distrusting of you when she met you
💙 You had become a God on your own will and served them, you served Zeus specifically, and we all know how much she dislikes the supreme god
💙 Brunhilde is quite vulgar herself, so hearing you curse, the one god who was known to be quite quiet and passive with certain people, it made her do a 180
💙 Hearing you curse out Zeus made her smile
💙 When you declared your loyalty to Humanity, she smiled larger, now they had another god on their side!
💙 Brunhilde had helped your resurrect Adam, as she had a lot of access to ancient spells and such
💙 Seeing the gods yell at you got her angry, but she knew you had quite the bite
“ Why in Valhalla would you side with those pathetic mortals?!” Zeus yelled.
“ I begged you to save my sister’s life, yet you did nothing! Many have prayed for help, yet still you do nothing to help them! So, I will do your jobs for you, and unlike you all, I’ll do them right. “
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🍭 This guy knew you quite well, he was one of the first gods to introduce themselves to you
🍭 And when you were questioning your allegiance to the Gods, Buddha was the one you had spoken to on how you could really tick the Gods off
🍭 He had helped you with resurrecting Adam, since Brunhilde was still very weary about you
🍭 Buddha watched you from the stands with Eve, Adam, and duo’s sons watching you tell off the Gods, bringing out your betrayal from them
🍭 This god could tell that Zeus was getting even more agitated with the yelling that surrounded them all, so he jumped down and guarded you from his lightning bolts, caused by his anger (think of Zeus’ rage from Disney’s Hercules)
🍭 He grabbed your hand and glared at Zeus, as he nearly hit you with bolts, and that did not sit right with him
🍭 Hearing you scream at Zeus for yelling at him for siding with you made him flustered and give you the biggest heart eyes on earth
“ How dare you, Buddha! Manipulate my dearest child into siding with those puny and worthless beings?! I will have your-”
“ Shut up! Just shut up! Quit acting like you're the hero here! Every single time I prayed for you to help my sister, you just ignored me, and ignored her! You’re no hero, none of you are! I hope you all burn in Helheim when you die, and I hope to see you in the ring, good riddance, you puny excuses of gods. “
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🍎 When Adam has first met you, he knew exactly who you were, as he knows who every human is
🍎 They’re his children after all, what kind of father is he if he doesn’t know them?
🍎 He spoke to you between the meetings and first round of Ragnarok, and during your last meeting, he had given you a special part of him
🍎 Adam ducked his hand into a satchel he had been carrying on his back and pulled out a Rose of Sharon, saying he had grabbed many flowers before he left the Garden of Eden all those thousands of years ago
🍎 When you heard Zeus speaking badly about Adam and Humanity after their lose in the fourth round, you snapped
🍎 Screaming at the gods and cursing them for being worthless in helping the people that they made
🍎 That pissed them off, but seeing Adam appear out of leaves and beautiful Roses of Sharons got them raging, and in unison, you both said these words;
“ Being a God doesn’t give you the right to wipe Humanity from the universe without true reasonings. You should be ashamed of yourselves, and in representation of Humanity, burn in Hell. “
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🍃 She had heard about you from Adam
🍃 You seemed like a very nice person, just on the wrong side of everything, after all, you’re a human-turned-god who was, previously, betrayed by them
🍃 Eve had seen you walk around with the Rose of Sharon that her husband had given you, and she smiled everytime you lightly grazed the petals of the flower
🍃 You had been hearing the words of the Supreme God, Zeus, speak of how easy you would be to manipulate, so in retaliation, and with the mixture of his offensive words to Humanity and your friend, Adam, you cursed him out
🍃 She watched you run away from Zeus’ angry lightning bolts followed you behind, stopping once you reached Humanity’s side of the ring
🍃 You had confronted Eve on resurrecting her husband, and needless to say, she was immediately onboard
🍃 Eve watched you lay the Rose of Sharon in the ground of the ring, now set to appear like the Garden of Eden, and after chanting a special chant and giving the planted flower a drop of your blood and power, his form was being molded by the petals and blood that you had dedicated to him
🍃 She ran to her husband once you both retreated from the open battle-field, and when her sons began speaking to their ‘undead’ father, she asked you why you had done this
🍃 And you replied with;
“ Just because I’m a God doesn’t mean I don’t understand a familial bond. The Gods didn’t help me with my sister, but I knew, deep down, with the flower Adam had given me, I could fix yours. I could do what the Gods couldn’t, and I swear, they will regret the day they turned their backs on Humanity. “
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fisshindasea · 6 months
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—dads of the year—
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"your dad hasn't been around the house for a while and neither were you really able to talk to him much. you were already used to the distance, and so in the midst of a quiet house, you snuck off at night to meet someone without a clue to the little surprise you'll have when you get home."
—gn!reader x Dad!Barou Shoei and Dad!Itoshi Rin
—this is for the last request I got xsjsiwjd im sorry its so late :<
—high chance that theyre ooc, and also this is as best as I can do in terms of making it funny 🤧
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barou shoei:
— i dont think barou breathed at all when he heard your little sister yell from the balcony thinking something bad happened, and then seeing you outside kissing a guy on a motorcycle like??
— imagine coming home, wanting to rest and see your kids again then find one of them missing having snuck out and then when they do come home they have a boy with them and kissing them???
— instead of barging out the door like how you'd imagine, he just waits for you to get inside, with his arms crossed, literally standing right in front of the door and glaring at the guy behind you before he drove away.
— and youre obviously a little scared because one, you snuck out and got home at what, almost midnight? two, your dad is home and from his facial expressions definitely saw you kissing someone. and three your dad is unreadable. absolutely cannot even tell what he's thinking about.
— "who was that?" barou asks, he hasn't even let you step foot into the house and still has you in front of the door after you've already taken your shoes off.
— "uhm.." you're nervous, you know your dad has never really raised his voice at you, nor has he had a tendency to be mean. but in this situation, all odds are against you and honestly you're ready for the moment your dad just decides to ground you for life.
— "I don't mind you having a boyfriend, but the least you can do is stay home at a time like this." he deadpans, just absolutely diminishes whatever torturous punishment you had in mind (the punishment was just getting grounded if worse comes to worst)
— "Yeah! and you didnt even get us anything!!" yells your siblings who copied your dad's own stance, just less intimidating.
— you grin and pull out a large paper bag inside of your bag and immediately they grab it and run off to the kitchen excitedly.
— "i hope you know i'm not mad." barou, true to your experience, didn't raise his voice. in fact, it's the softest you've ever heard it coming from your father who's looks say otherwise.
— "sorry i didn't tell you. you've just been.. kind of hard to talk to these days." he knows you meant the way he left the country more often than before. he sighs and pats your back, leading you to where your siblings are with a hand on your back.
— "hey, i'm happy as long as this guy makes your life even better." he smiles at you "and im sorry too, i'll try to be more in touch and in reach for you guys."
— "but im not kidding. this guy does something to you, im taking him out of the country and im not letting him get back."
itoshi rin:
— i dont think rin would leave his children while he's in another country but for the sake of the story he did, and because he did leave you, the oldest, with your siblings he'd have put a lot of trust in you to be responsible and mature and yk big sibling-like.
— when he gets home and you're gone, he's not exactly furious, but he is a bit disappointed but at the same time he kind of understood that to some degree you're still a teenager going through your slightly rebellious stage so he kind of calms down because he trusts that even if you snuck out you still have your head on you to lock every door and window.
— anyways
— he's happy when he hears you outside the house because that meant you were safe and sound
— but what's that? another voice is talking to you. a man??? and a motorcycle is outside the house???
— he doesn't let it show but the aura he lets out around your siblings is their signal to kind of just... shut up
— bc i imagine rin being very soft and quiet as a dad to all of you, but the moment he's not happy about something it tends to be obvious with his aura
— so the moment you open the door, rin is just standing there as well but his face is like .. blank?? and he's just staring behind you too at the guy that took you home.
— obviously you're surprised bc you didnt know your dad came home early, and you don't know if he noticed you and the boy kiss.
— and then his head snaps to you and he's like "next time introduce me to him" in a really calm voice??
— he has a lot of trust for you, but he still expects you to tell him things.
— you're like "you're not mad that I didn't tell you?"
— "is there a reason I have to be?" he glares at you and you shake your head no quickly.
— "then im not mad, but I expect you to tell me these things whether im out of the country or not, and ill do the same too. now go to the living room, i have gifts." he gives a small smile and you feel relief wash over you as your siblings get to the pile of gifts first.
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watermelonsugacry · 1 year
more zayn and y/n moments?? i feel like they have the most adorable friendship everrr ❤️❤️❤️
love your work ❤️🔥
oh there's so many!
So you all know when the band first started, all Zayn would say is Vas Happening?! Well, YN's thing was always saying Aye Oh!
So whenever the cameras would point to them during their fetus era, he would throw an arm over her shoulder and they'd just yell their sayings super duper loudly while making a funny face.
During the band's third tour, the two of them would spend some time with their vocal coach in one of the smaller green rooms to go over their harmonies together.
The song they loved to perform together was Right Now because they shared the chorus.
So when they would hit those harmonies perfectly (like they always did), they would give each other a nod of approval, a smug look on their faces before giving each other a high five.
YN knew that while he usually presented himself with a hard exterior, she knew that he was a soft teddy bear once you got to know him. One of the activities that she would partake in with him was art. She knew she was shit at it, but she also knew that he loved it.
So during the long rides on the tour bus crossing from one city to another, sitting next to each other during an album signing/meet & greet, or stuck in their hotel rooms, she'd be there with a piece of paper and some type of writing utensil for them to draw whatever came to mind.
There was even an interview in 2014 when they were doing for their new book "Who We Are" where Zayn spent the majority of the time drawing on YN's arm. With a ball point pen, the beautiful mandalas he drew on her skin left her beaming and utterly speechless.
There's no denying the fact that those two were the most fashionable members of the band. With Zayn's cool, suave, bad boy style and YN's good girl aesthetic, photoshoots with them were easy and right on the money.
For the Night Changes music video, YN was the stand-in for basically all of the boys (except Liam who actually had his girlfriend on set). With each date, she took on the role with some seriousness, acting as if the boys were really taking her on a date.
For Zayn's part, YN actually dressed in a formal black dress to really get into character.
Needless to say, she really got a kick out of making her usually quiet band member laugh throughout the shoot. Like when Ben Winston directed him to offer her some of his spaghetti, she let out a playful sigh of relief, "Yes please. Do you see the sad fookin' excuse of a salad they gave meh?"
Or when her "ex-boyfriend" interrupted her date with Zayn, she actually played along and had an argument with him with a fake backstory she made up: "Johnathan?! What are yeh doing here? I told you to leave me alone. No, I'm over you. No. I'm sorry but I just can't listen to you rant about your Barbie doll collection any longer!"
And when the ex-boyfriend dumps the food on Zayn, as soon as the director yelled cut!, YN quickly got up from her seat and got all up in the building of a man's face (really his chest from how tall the actor was) and says with a deep voice, "the fook man!" But her facade lasted all but 2 seconds before her and everyone just burst out laughing.
Since the band's formation, Zayn always had and continues to have a soft spot for YN.
He still views her as a little sister and while they don't talk as much as they used to during their time in 1D, there's not a single birthday, holiday, anniversary, etc. that hasn't gone by without a text between the former band members.
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shitideas · 10 months
the end | stu macher x reader
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summary: on the 30th anniversary of maureen prescott’s murder, stu comes back to kill one last time. what he doesn’t know is that his presumably dead girlfriend, and billy’s sister, will come back to end everything herself.
warnings: okayy, this one is a lot. so: murder, knives and guns, suicide, angst, swearing, lmk if there’s something i missed! it’s kinda shit tbh but i was thinking about this a lot bc i am a firm believer that stu’s alive!! also she/her pronouns used for reader.
it was september 28th, 2026. the 30 year anniversary of maureen prescott’s murder.
his forearm tightened around tara’s neck, holding the old knife to her throat. her sister stood in front of them, hands in the air with his gun pointing right at her. sidney watched the scene from the ground, cluthing onto the deep stab wound in her stomach, trying to stop the bleeding. a tear slipped down her cheek, wishing a miracle would happen to finish all of this. by now, he had killed almost everyone in the building.
when he took the old, busted up mask off of his face, sidney almost fainted. she thought she was having a nightmare for a brief moment. moments later, his knife was deep in her stomach and he was looking directly into her eyes.
his goal was to have only two survivors, samantha carpenter and himself. i mean, he could never kill her, he would hate himself forever. the only thing that didn’t go to plan was the fact that he didn’t commit all of the murders, and he didn’t know who did. he couldn’t say he wasn’t freaked out by that, but he hadn’t given it much thought. he was focused on his goal, to finish what had started in 1995.
he was about to push the knife into the squirming girl’s skin when a gunshot was heard in the distance. he knew somebody would come barging in soon. so he proceeded with what he was about to do.
his knife cut her throat in one swift motion. he pushed her to the ground and watched as her life left her body, listening to the loud screams her sister and sidney let out.
he smiled to himself, “you’ve still got it, stu.”
sam tried to come to tara’s side, but he shot her in the leg before she could move. she screamed in agony. the whole building was echoing with cries of the young woman.
sidney was slowly losing consciousness, cursing herself for not hugging her kids tighter when she left.
but then, another gunshot was fired.
except this one was fired right into the wall next to his head.
he raised his gun at the new person in the room. they wore the same black coat he did, and had an equally beat up mask on their face.
“take the fucking mask off you piece of shit! you think you can come barging in here and ruin everything for me?!”, he yelled.
“stu, stu, stu…why so angry? i always thought billy was the hot-headed one…guess i was wrong”, the person spoke through a voice changer.
“i mean, there’s no need to insult me…i helped you kill those people after all.”
“so you’re the dick that jumped in on my shit. this was supposed to end with me you fuck! i don’t need some random kids ruining my plans!”
“i’m not just some random kid, stu. and it will end with you, don’t worry.”, they said before reaching up for their mask.
the mask fell to the ground, and stu macher’s face fell in shock. he lowered the gun and just stared at the person in front of him.
“have you missed me?”
the voice of y/n loomis echoed through the room. stu let a tear fall down his scarred face, quickly wiping it away.
sidney was out cold on the floor, leaving only sam. y/n’s eyes flickered to sidney, noticing she was breathing. she smiled, glad sidney was going to be alright.
“you’re samantha. it’s good to finally meet you.”
sam stared at her, barely processing what the hell is going on. didn’t y/n loomis die in 1996?
stu walked over to y/n, her gun pointing at him.
“put the gun down, y/n.”, he said in a soft voice. she missed his voice so much.
she looked at him through her eyelashes, slowly lowering the gun. he cupped her face with tears in his eyes and kissed her, rubbing his thumb on her chin. she kissed him back, placing her hand on his scarred cheek. she ran her fingertips over the old cuts, her mind taking her back to the night of horror he and her brother caused.
she pulled away and he pressed his forehead against her’s.
“i thought we killed you. i couldn’t forgive myself for thirty years.”, he spoke in a hoarse voice.
she gave him a small smile before pushing him away, leaving the man with a puzzled look on his face. she raised her gun again, pointing at him, and walked over to sam.
“sam, i am so sorry you’re a part of this messed up bloodline. and i hope you can find peace after all of this is over.”, she spoke softly, looking at her niece from above. she was holding her sister’s hand, sobbing quietly to herself. she watched her aunt with a dazed look, barely nodding at her words.
“y/n, what are you doing?”
“it’s about time this ended, don’t you think, stu?”, she turned to look at him, tears forming in her own eyes. they were glossed with fear, but at the same time certainty. she knew this had to be done.
“isn’t that why you joined in? i’m going to kill this bitch and then it’s over. you and i leave. together.”, he said pointing his knife at sidney.
y/n looked at the floor and smiled to herself weakly. he was always such a lapdog to her brother. always doing whatever billy wanted.
“you know, stu, billy’s dead. you no longer have to go along with everything he says and wants.”
“i’m doing this for myself. you killed people, y/n. i know you want to finish this off.”
“i do. but i only killed people who deserved it. and i am going to finish this off.”, she pointed the gun directly at his head, biting her lip to stop a sob from coming out of her.
his eyes widened with realisation. he moved towards her but stopped once he realised she was serious.
“y/n don’t be stupid..you can’t kill me. you won’t be able to live with yourself.”, he uttered in a broken voice.
“you’re right. i won’t be.”, she stuttered, finally letting the tears fall from her eyes.
“no…y/n. please don’t do this. i have to finish what we started.”, he pleaded.
“stu, this will only continue to happen if you’re alive. this should’ve stopped with you and billy dead in 1996. and as much as i would love to run off and spend my life with you…i know that that’s not how it’s supposed to be.”, she said, sobbing.
she loved stu. for all of these years she spent in hiding, a part of her wished that her brother’s knife had killed her that day. she always knew he intended for her to live, to escape, but when she realised that her brother and her boyfriend were behind the horrors of woodsboro, she wanted to be in the ground with them both. she hated herself for carrying the loomis name, and she hated herself for loving a macher.
stu’s baby blues found her’s with a sad look. he also knew this had to be done, deep inside of him. but he was crazy after all. he didn’t care what was right. the gun from his hand fell to the ground in defeat, and so did the knife from his other hand. he walked closer to y/n. he wanted to see her face. he wanted that to be the last face he saw before his death. she was the only person besides billy who ever made him happy, who gave him a purpose. and all of these years he was planning how he was going to end this and bury himself in his own sorrow and despair. he couldn’t live without her. but the world couldn’t live with him.
so he let a small smile creep onto his lips in defeat.
“i love you y/n. i’ll always love you.”
“i love you too stu.”, she muttered. her face was red and her eyes were puffy.
she screamed loudly before shooting. the cries that left her were like nothing you’ve ever heard. she fell to her knees and crawled to his lifeless body, cupping his cheek and burrowing her head into his neck, letting out loud sobs.
“i’m so sorry stu. i’m so sorry.”,she cried.
sam watched from behind, barely comprehending what she just saw. she didn’t know wether to feel sorry for y/n, or happy that she killed him. her hand was wrapped around tara’s, wishing that y/n would’ve came in the room minutes earlier.
y/n turned her head to look at sam.
“take sidney and leave.”, she whispered.
sam stared at her in disbelief, “i can’t just leave my sister here!”
y/n turned fully and pointed her gun at the girl.
“i said, take sidney and leave. now.”
sam shook her head with tears in her eyes and got up. the pain in her leg was sharp, but she managed to go to sidney and drag her up. she looked at her aunt one last time and nodded before leaving as fast as she could.
once sam was gone, y/n was left alone with stu. she hated herself for what she just did. but she knew that her niece would be safe now that he’s gone. but she wasn’t finished yet.
she placed a soft kiss on stu’s lips before hugging him one last time.
“see you in hell.”, she thought to herself before bringing the weapon up to her head and finishing what her brother had started.
everything was finally peaceful. and it will be peaceful for eternity.
THIS IS SO BAD LMFAOO but i’ll get better i promise🙏🙏it was a good idea just shit execution…if you guys want like one shots or a story from when they were teens lmk i’d love to write that!! okay byeee thanks for reading this trash!!🫶🏻🪼
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honeystwiggypeach · 2 years
Single dad Toji who meets the reader while taking his son out (grocery store or for a walk). Toddler Megumi instantly gets attached and the reader and Toji form a friendship since Megumi is attached at her hip. After taking Megumi a few places and being mistaken for an adorable family, the two start to realize they have feelings for eachother. Megumi starts insisting on having a sibling with reader being the mom. Toji and the reader sit down one night after Megumi goes to bed and have a serious talk about their feelings and Megumi's desire for a sibling. They jump feet first into a relationship and start trying for a baby. Maybe on Christmas they surprise Megumi with the news of the sibling he always wanted.
Bestie I love you so much for this you don’t understand you’re so smart and I’m melting into a puddle because I just love you guys so much for requesting this omg😭😭tysm for requesting pls let me know if you want to see more!!
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Tw- single dad Toji, also whole au where there are no sorcerers so happy au!🥰 except Megumi’s bio mom is dead and she is mentioned, idk not much else maybe like them trying to have a baby and Megumi pestering for a baby sister😭let me know if I missed anything though!!
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Toji’s least favorite day of the week had arrived, grocery day. And it could not be avoided because it was avoided last week.
So when his precious two year old son Megumi got home from the daycare, Toji and him were off to the grocer.
Megumi did not like the grocery shop, all the neighbor ladies cood at him excessively and he didn’t like it.
You were different, he noticed you in the frozen isle, you where the neighbor who had come over for dinner that one time!
And Megumi, bless him yelled after you while he pointed, it was more of toddler babble but you could make out a few words and Toji wanted the floor to eat him whole.
How did his son, who barely speaks embarrass him infront of his only pretty neighbor?
However, it seemed to work in Toji’s favor, you give megumi one of the sweetest smiles he’s seen giving him a tiny wave, “hi honey” you smile and Megumi bounces in his seat as he reaches for you in the cart.
“Hi darling” you coo gently brushing your hand through his soft black hair and Megumi giggles and smiles up at you as he holds onto your arm nuzzling into your hand.
“Do you have plans for dinner?” You’re looking at megumi but the shift in your tone tells Toji he needs to respond.
“Uhmm” he fumbles, “not yet…maybe ordering in?”
You whip your head to him, “are you serious” the look he gives you tells you he is, “why don’t I just make dinner again…six good for you two?” Your attention is back in Megumi who’s moved to play with your jewelry as he snuggles your other arm.
Toji nods almost hypnotically, you peer down at your watch noticing the time you frantically peel away from megumi soothing him lightly before you’re back down another isle with the promise of seeing them later tonight.
Of course when Toji and Megumi turn up on your porch at six exactly you smile softly letting them in.
“Oh I got Megumi something!” Toji cringes he knows Megumi is already quite attached to you and he’s a little afraid that you’re going to break both their hearts.
He’d never felt this way about anyone except Megumi s mom’s mother and it had taken quite a long time for him to accept the fact that it was ok to do that.
“I say it on my way home in the shops.” It’s the cutest little plushy Toji has ever seen and Megumi lets out a little squeal around his pacifier as he holds it close to himself. It’s a soft little black cat plushy, it’s a little floppy and it doesn’t hold its full figure almost like it’s broken in already and Megumi loves it, it’s the highlight of his day.
From than on the tiny gifts and dinners together become a ritual even when you do order in Megumi and Toji are there.
Almost a whole year into the dinners and hangouts, Megumi has started to babble about a little sister. You’re certainly shocked because Megumi has never mentioned wanting a baby sister before and you and Toni never mentioned it and you’re certain the school didn’t mention it. Turns out he’d seen it on the tv.
“I be a big brother!” He’d prance around the living room holding the cat plushy under his arm as he told you he wanted a baby sister.
That’s when Toji sat you down.
After more than a half hour of Taji trying to tell Megumi that no you were not pregnant which meant Megumi was not going to have a baby sister anytime soon, Toji caved. His son really wanted a sister and it couldn’t hurt to ask you if you’d be willing could it?
It did not hurt because apparently you reciprocated every ounce of feelings Toji had, a miracle honestly.
Of course than came the part about Megumi wanting a little sister. After he’d told you about how long Megumi had been talking about a baby sister you were on bored.
By Christmas you’d been pregnant and telling Megumi was a headache and a half, poor baby when you told him you were going to have a baby he’d lifted the lid to the present box searching for the baby.
Toji’s arm swung around your shoulder, you could feel his laugh reverberate throughout your body as you placed your hands on your belly, “she’s in here Megumi” his brows furrow.
“Mama” he looks up at you and your eyes water, Toji catches on a second later leaning foreward to glance at your watery eyes and to Megumi.
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Toji knew that Megumi knew who his Mommy was but his son had never called her Mama…
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heart-sized · 10 months
chapter one, flowers for you, s. snape
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★⺌◞ : severus snape x f! professor reader
cw : slight age gap, mention of possessiveness and jealousy, none else that i know of
a/n ; lmao i remember writing this long assed fic last year might as well post it + au where there is no voldy & lily potter is alive
other chapters : prologue
masterlist // taglist
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“you seriously cannot expect me to go to hogwarts!” you fling your hands in the air, staring in disbelief at your parents who very much expect you to do the same.
“i cannot see why you've so much problem going there,” your mother argues, “it was your dad's, mine, your sister's alma mater.”
but not mine. you want to say.
“i have my whole life here, ma,” you rub your forehead and look at your dad, “i have a good job here, a stable job. what chances are there that i will get the same stability at hogwarts?”
“you're not a nobody!” your mother and former gryffindor urges, “surely you don't possess the wizardry gene, but your father was a professor there. your sister and i were star quidditch players. there's no chance they'll not provide you the same stability.”
ouch. that was rude. it is not as if you yourself have removed the wizardry gene from your dna. tears threaten to bubble out from your eyes.
“darling, shh,” your dad intervened, “talk to her softly. why are you yelling at her? y/n, dear, listen to me. the only reason why i am asking you to start hogwarts as a professor is because everyone keeps on wondering why i have secluded my middle child from that world.”
not secluded, dad. you were never a part of that world.
“and also,” he points towards your eleven years old brother who is busy playing his video game, “your brother is starting hogwarts soon. it will give me a sense of surety that his sister will be there to protect him. do it for our sake, please?”
it is hard for you to say no to your dad. even he knows that. so even though every part of your body wants to refuse, you let out a small nod and the beaming smile on your dad's face makes you feel a little better.
“thank you, my child.” he pats your head lightly.
you, the middle child, the only muggle child in your family, make your way towards your room, softly stopping to stare at the family pictures. your father, kiann l/n is a proud gryffindor, who later became the professor of defense against dark arts in hogwarts, retiring only when you didn't get your appointment letter from the school of witchcraft and wizardry. your mother, sierra l/n, was also a gryffindor and a star quidditch player, a few years junior to your father. they had married a few years after he had graduated. and your sister? sara l/n was a ravenclaw, a genius student and a star quidditch player. you remember how the dining table talk would be full of her achievements back in her hogwarts days. and your brother, the youngest one in the family, kyrus l/n, just received his appointment letter a few days ago.
in short, you are the only one to disappoint your family. the muggle disappointment.
in fact, you don't hate your dad for asking you to fill up as the new hogwarts professor. the wizardry world is in fact curious about you. but what they don't know is that you are no one special. just a normal human girl whose life would have been dozens of times better if only the wizardry world doesn't exist.
according to your parents, you would leave for hogwarts the next day with your brother. so you make up your mind to pack your bags at night while at the present moment, you decide to visit your friends.
oh and what excuse could you even give them for your prolonged absence? oh, forgive me you all but i cannot meet you again because i have to teach in a wizardry cult of school in a wizardry world because everyone in my family is a wizard except for me? no thanks.
you find your mother cooking in the kitchen and decide to ignore her and make your way towards the door.
oops. you turn to see your mother. “i am sorry, my child,” her eyes are soft, as if she had cried, “i didn't mean to be so hard on you.”
“i know, ma,” you attempt to smile, “you didn't mean to be hard on me. you just reminded me of how different i am from the rest of you.”
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“what?” to say your best friend is shocked would be an understatement. her eyes are wide open as she stares at you. “we cannot meet for a few months? a few months? what kind of cult are you joining?”
you laugh and take your sweet moment sipping on your lemon juice while your best friend waits impatiently. “it's not a cult, sophie. it's my parents' alma mater and it is a super strict, boring kind of boarding school.”
“i will miss you!” the redhead pouts. “did you tell dylan about it?”
you pause. dylan was your coworker in the company that you worked at and you had gone on a few dates together. but it was not anything serious. “no, i haven't. honestly i don't want it to be known by anyone except for you and obviously, micah. hey, where is micah even, by the way?”
“i don't know?” sophie furrows her eyebrows and looks around. “he had said that he'd be here on time.”
“trust him to be late even today,” you scoff.
“two roses,” a hand holding two roses comes in your view, “for the two most beautiful ladies in the world.”
“micah!” both sophie and you speak simultaneously and the said guy sits down beside sophie with a smirk.
“so i have heard that you're joining a cult, y/n?” he asks, sipping on sophie's chai without her permission. “what extent are you going to go just to please your parents?”
“it's not a cult, micah!” you roll your eyes, “and i am not doing it to please my parents.” liar. “i'm doing it because it's expected of me to do.”
“same thing.”
“can we not argue today?” sophie butts in, her eyes pleading. “it's y/n's last day with us, at least, for a few months. let's make it a memorable one. what do you guys say?”
and boy is it memorable. you enjoy each and every part of it, from playing at the swings to sliding from the slider and to the movies. for you knew that the next few months are going to be hard for you. very hard.
“just so you know, i love you guys a lot,” you even sob a bit. the public declaration of love is something so not you, but you feel like a little scared kid who knows that you are going to be away from the people you loved for a long time. and when they hug you back, you realis that you haven't cherished your friendships the way you should have. even micah's.
and when you lie down in bed that night to sleep, you ponder over micah's words. was he not right? what more extent would you go just to please her parents? just to not be a disappointment anymore?
the next day is spent in a jiffy and the next thing you know, you are standing at the 9½ station, holding your brother's hand. your dad is there to see you off and as he kissed your foreheads, you sigh. it is worth it. everything is worth it just to see him happy. even going to some stupid school of witchcraft and wizardry and teaching those stupid students. you can do that all just to see that smile on your dad's face.
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