#also @midoriya - get some rest buddy----
deusvervewrites · 5 months
“Aizawa has gotten his ass kicked in every single fight he's been in (except against the unnamed grunts at the USJ, right before he lost to the Noumu)”
Mentally reviews all the fights Aizawa has been in.
I… I think I need to sit down.
Aizawa's fights:
Aizawa vs the USJ Grunts: Total victory for him! Good job, buddy, Enjoy it while it lasts!
Aizawa vs Noumu and Shigaraki: Multiple broken bones and some of his skin is decayed.
Aizawa vs Todoroki and Yaoyorozu: I'll cut him a little slack here but he did basically get outplayed by his own capture scarf
Aizawa vs Dabi Clone: He actually did win this fight pretty decisively but it's also like the only thing he did this arc. Midoriya suffered permanent damage in his arms while you were interrogating mud, my man.
Aizawa vs Toga: Did not think to use his Quirk until after Toga attacked. She then used his own capture scarf against him and stabbed him.
Aizawa vs Overhaul and Chronostasis: Got taken out almost instantly; would have died if Amajiki didn't save him. I'll cut him some slack because apparently Chronostatis is a Mutation Quirk(????) so he couldn't erase it but also it really should be Emitter.
Blackwhip Emergence: Despite being on hand specifically for something like this, did not arrive to help until after the problem was solved.
War Arc Hospital Raid: Eraserhead mostly runs support in this fight while the other Heroes do the damage, but the Heroes do also win this fight, so I'll give it to him.
Aizawa vs High End Noumu: While he and the other Heroes do technically win, they take the first serious losses of this arc, and Shigaraki wakes up, meaning the whole mission is a failure. Also his leg is badly damaged by a Noumu, but, uh...
Aizawa vs Shigaraki: Takes a bullet to the damaged leg and has to amputate it. Proceeds to lose his eye to Shigaraki and has to sit out the rest of the fight on account of being critically injured.
Final War Arc: Got thrown off a cliff by Kurogiri. Was not even at the fight with Kurogiri. But he does come back from this one so I'll mark this a draw instead of a loss.
So that gives him a final tally of... three victories. And the only victory against a named character was a Twice clone.
Track record is, um. Spotty.
Admittedly, I don't think any of the other Heroes at UA (sans All Might) have as many fights as he does, so he's got a much higher chance or a horrible win/lose ratio simply by numbers.
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only the option with the LEAST votes will be eliminated. propaganda under the cut (and more always welcome!):
akko kagari and andrew hanbridge:
Very typical hetero-love-interest introduction, rival vibes, aloof rich boy & headstrong "commoner" girl, learning to see each other's point of view, she dresses up for the first time in the series to sneak into his party to try to talk to him. Just classic 'ugh they're clearly gonna get together' but... they don't. Nothing romantic is ever explicit, and by s2 they're friends and that's it. there's no discussion or drama. they're good friends. literally shocked me. apparently a guy and girl who fit a bunch of romantic tropes... can just be friends
sam winchester and eileen leahy:
The last season set them up to be together, and then in Sam’s finale flash-forward, they replaced her with “blurry wife” literally a random blurred out woman rather than having him end up with Eileen Eileen is the coolest Supernatural character: she's deaf and also formerly dead (like Sam)
asuka tenjoin and yuki judai:
The ship name (fianceshipping) comes from the episode where Judai *accidentally* duels some guy to become Asuka's fiance (said guy never asks Asuka how she feels about this, ugghhh greater Duel Academia student body be normal about ladies challenge). Turns out that he *didn't know what a fiance was* and just wanted to have a good ol' time cardgaming. I think that this says more about this ship than anything else I could tell you. During the final season, Asuka almost confesses to him but cuts herself off & they then thank each other for giving each other some clarity of mind because they're both going through pretty rough times at that point in the plot. Looks concerningly like they're about to do a whole "ohh we need to make the main girl and boy romance out of obligation" bit and then they just don't do it. It's great. judai is the gayest guy of all time (subtext) and im like 80% sure asuka was experiencing comphet bc he's the only guy in their grade that treats her like a person. besties 4ever!!!!!!!! [straightmod has been informed that judai is also textually queer because he is canonically attracted to a non-binary character.]
kurosaki ichigo and kuchiki rukia:
Oh man, where do I even begin? So, for some context, Bleach starts when Rukia (a shinigami) gets critically injured saving Ichigo from a monster, and she transfers her powers to him so he can finish it off. Instead of transferring half her powers as planned, however, she transfers all of them, which forces Ichigo to take over her job as a shinigami. During this time period, Rukia... lives in his closet. Yeah. The entire first arc of the manga is dedicated to their relationship, and while a lot of it is playful banter, Rukia's presence in Ichigo's life fundamentally changes it for the better. Rukia then gets kidnapped by the rest of the shinigami who aren't at all happy she gave her powers to a human, and the main plot ensues from there. Throughout the story, Rukia and Ichigo constantly save each other when they're at their worst. When Rukia thinks she deserves to die, Ichigo is there to tell her she deserves to live. When Ichigo is in a funk about his superpowered evil side, Rukia is there to snap him out of it (something his canon love interest explicitly realises she was unable to do). They share a sun/moon motif for crying out loud, and yet like that last sentence said... they don't end up together, but with other people instead. Yeah. No shade to the canon ships, but Ichiruki is peak straightbaiting, honestly. They have a lot of banter/chemistry, fundamentally change eachother's lives for the better, save each other when they're at their lowest, and have a very deliberate sun/moon dichotomy... but they both end up paired off with different characters instead asdfghkl
izuku midoriya and ochako uraraka:
It’s the classic main character x friend who is a girl ship. They have no actual romantic interactions outside of their friendship. Ochako has “feelings” for Izuku, but they are clearly feelings of friendship until one of her friends insists that she must have a crush on Izuku, making her feel confused and embarrassed. Izuku clearly sees Ochako as a good friend, but when they first meet, he blushes and thinks “I can’t believe I just talked to a girl.” On the same day, he also blushes when he sees that a famous male hero is proctoring their exams. It’s literally so boring as a romantic ship. They have no chemistry as a couple.
edward elric and winry rockbell but SPECIFICALLY in the 2003 anime:
literally in different dimensions by the end! they still have a lot of the hallmarks of "ohh endgame childhood best friends" or whatever but fma 2003 just said. naah. winry got the shortest end of the stick and i feel so bad for her!!! continuity specific straightbait. in every other universe they get married and have kids but screw you two specifically 🙏
mako, korra, and asami:
it's that one meme where the guy ignores his girlfriend to check out another girl, only the two girls get to know each other and get together. S1/2 has love triangle drama between who Mako will be with (Korra or Asami). S3 no one is together but Korra and Asami become really close friends. S4 Korra and Asami are together. Mako is single. Like the only example of exes being good friends and Not getting back together, as well as giving the middle finger to heteronormative assumptions when after the love triangle is over, the two girls get together Shipping the two girls in a love triangle together but it actually happens
pat and ink:
Pat has a crush on Ink early on, and it seems possible at first that she may feel the same way. However, it is later revealed that she actually has a crush on his sister and is a lesbian. It's okay though because then Pat realizes he's in love with his childhood rival and they become wlw mlm solidarity! Everyone wins!
maka albarn and soul evans:
Throughout the series, they have a deep friendship with each other which is consistently extremely important to the story's narrative. In order for them to be able to fight, they must get along and resonate with each other, and due to the mechanics of their world, fighting independently of each other is extremely difficult. In multiple instances, they are shown to be willing to put themselves in harm's way to extreme degrees to keep each other safe. They are even shown to live together. They are The Singular Straight Ship I have ever shipped and I love them. Also they are really cool and Soul can turn into an awesome scythe weapon that like only Maka can wield. And they fight really awesomely together.
luke skywalker and leia organa:
The idea of Luke and Leia was used in advertisements but they obviously decided not to do that. IT’S SO FUNNY. Like, I think this is the closest white straight people will ever get to ‘they were cousins’ing a couple. I looked up advertising to see if it was just in the movie proper or it WAS used to sell it and https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5z1SziDPKQw&t=118s&pp=2AF2kAIB ‘Luke and Leia: in danger, in love, in Star Wars’ is going to be one of the things that rolls around in my head for ages. It’s not just the whole ‘het love triangle advertises 2nd pairing that everyone knows won’t happen’ like Twilight, it’s the backpeddaling ‘no no it can’t happen, they’re actually siblings! It’d be weird! Ignore the ‘good luck’ kiss and the ‘I’ll be back’ kiss in the medbay and of course the full on make out session scene that happened! And even our own advertising’ Of it all.
good luck everybody! now go vote!
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bnha-doodle-trash · 3 years
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manga panel colouring--
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quinncupine · 3 years
May I request Alpha Bakugo, Midoriya, and Todoroki (seperate) always protecting their Omega reader? How would they react if another alpha tried to claim the omega? Likee hmm say for example the two are walking on the street then another alpha just jumps in and talks about like how attractive reader's scent is and stuff! It is alright if youre not comfortable with writing with this many characters, this ABO au, or this idea in general!
Notes: Hi Anon! I’m so sorry this took longer than expected to do! I promise I didn’t forget you! I don’t really know much about the ABO au so I had to do a bit of research first. I’m not really sure if I landed it though, but I did have fun writing it! It’s always fun to try out something new, so I do hope you enjoy it! I also tried to keep it gender-neutral.
Warnings: Language, mild violence, slight blood, possessive behavior, Alpha-Omega au, drinking-drunken behavior
Word Count: ~2.7K
Wanna request something?
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Katsuki is the definition of aggressive. It's no surprise he'd be just as aggressive as an Alpha, especially when it came to you. Your mere presence was enough to send him into ultra possessive protective mode.
The two of you were heading back to your shared apartment after one of your weekly date nights. Since he was a pro hero, he didn't often have much free time, so he set aside a specific night each week, just for you. He wasn't the best at showing his love through words, so his actions more than made up for the fact.
A muscled arm wrapped around your waist as the two of you walked through the deserted street. The ground seemed to be swaying a bit, or that might've just been you. One drink too many could do that. Katsuki warned you not to drink so much, but you didn't listen and as much as he complained that he wouldn't carry you home, he still held most of your body weight up by a single firm hand.
"I love you," you cooed, dropping your head into his shoulder with a smile.
His hand tightened around you and a cocky grin spread across his face. "I know."
With a slight pout, you huffed, "say it back."
The tiniest roll of his eyes before he grabbed your chin with his free hand and tilted it up so he could look into your eyes. You were about to question him but his lips silenced you with a deep kiss. "You know I do." He tried to sound annoyed, but you could see straight through it.
He wouldn't be caught dead being this sentimental with you if anyone else was nearby, especially if another Alpha was near. To him, acting like that opened someone up for weakness, and with you on the line, he would never allow that. But since it was just the two of you alone, he allowed himself to show just a slight bit of passion. These little moments were reserved solely for you.
Wrapping your arms around him as much as you could, you let out a heavy sigh with sleepy eyes. The peaceful night air had a bit of a chill to it, but that was nothing compared to the heavenly warmth radiating from his body. That was until you felt his whole person stiffen.
Confused, you looked up. Then the smell hit you. Another Alpha's scent. Even in your hazy state, it smelled overwhelming, intentional…and all-too aggressive. It literally smelled like trouble. You'd had trouble in the past with other Alpha's coming on way too strong, which was one of the reasons why you were so grateful to have found Katsuki. He doesn't put up with any bullshit and isn't afraid to fight others off.
Katsuki's nails dug into your waist, his feet abruptly coming to a stop. Jaw clenched so hard, teeth nearly cracking from the pressure. Ruby-red eyes narrowed into deadly slits. A vicious snarl itching to see some action. It was a sight you were used to seeing from him. Criminals and heroes alike tried to avoid that exact look he was wearing right now.
Plenty of Alpha's had tried to come onto you in the past, but none have been so bold as to outright try to challenge Katsuki, especially in the dead of night on some deserted street. The moment they got a whiff of that dangerous heady scent, dripping with aggression and possessiveness, they immediately backed off. He didn't know the meaning of mercy.
When you turned your head to pinpoint the source of the scent, he twisted around first, swinging you to his back in one easy motion. The street looked empty from where you poked your head around his arm.
"Get lost fuckwad," he growled, "or die."
The shadows shifted and a man clad in loose black clothes that blended into the darkness so well you were having a hard time keeping your eyes on him. It was only when he stepped into the glow of a streetlamp from a block away did you finally see him clearly. He casually crossed his arms behind his head. A way of showing Katsuki that he wasn't threatened in the slightest. Even a full block away the poignant smell of him invaded your nose.
"What a temper on this one," he purred with a sultry charm guised to disarm, a complete contradiction of his hostile scent. "You know babe, you'd be much better off with me."
"Don't fucking talk to them," Katsuki snapped, fingers digging into the fabric covering your arm. "Or I'll kill you."
"It's not worth it," you tugged on his jacket a bit. "Let's just go."
Even as you said it, you knew it was pointless. Katsuki never backs down from a fight. Violence is ingrained in his DNA.
"Gonna take orders from an Omega? At least I know how to keep them in place, like a real Alpha," he smirked, crossing the street. A deep growl rumbled in Katsuki's chest, but the other Alpha ignored it. "Can't you smell it? I could smell their scent three blocks away."
You were on suppressants but alcohol is notorious for diluting their effect and of course, you had to show him up and drink more than him tonight. Was your scent out of control? You didn't think so and Katsuki hadn't said anything about it all night. You couldn't smell it, but if that Alpha had followed you all this way, it must've been strong.
As the Alpha drew closer, you realized just how bulky the man was. He stood taller than Katsuki by almost a foot and that grin stitched into his face was making you nervous. The whole situation was stressing you out so much Katsuki could most likely smell it comes off you in waves. His bright vermillion eyes found yours and he huffed. That instinct to protect was warring with his compulsion for reckless abandon. Before he could say anything, the Alpha made the first move.
With a snap of his teeth, the burly man took off towards Katsuki and Katsuki didn't waste a second. He pushed you back and charged. The two met in a head-on collision. A bright explosion lit up the darkened street with an echoing boom. When the light faded and the smoke cleared, Katsuki stood over his opponent, an angry snarl spilling from his grinning face as he smashed his foot into the Alpha's singed back. What was the phrase? All bark and no bite.
Once he was sure the Alpha was down for the count, he trudged over to you. Without a word, he grabbed your hand and pulled you away. After a few minutes, he deemed it far enough and stopped to pull you into his chest, resting his chin on your head.
"The nerve of these assholes," he muttered, eyes still glaring at the soft shadows surrounding them. He wouldn't feel better until you were back home, under his watchful eye. "You okay?"
"I'm fine," you mumbled into his shirt, closing your eyes with a relieved sigh. "I'm always fine when I'm with you."
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Izuku isn't a typical Alpha. His demeanor is usually quiet and kind so it always surprised most people to find out he was one. Only making sense when he went into battle mode. The sheer ferocity this guy displays while fighting is one of the most intense things anyone will experience. R.I.P any brave soul that decides to challenge him. He gives it his all, especially if it means protecting someone under his care; namely you.
After leaving the theater (yes, Izuku drags you to each new All Might Movie premier, and no, you don't have a choice in the matter) you lean into him, listening to him gush about every detail the movie had gotten right or horribly wrong. This man was a serious fanboy. His voice was soothing to hear to so you could listen to him prattle on forever if you had your way.
The two of you had almost made it to the car when someone stumbled into you. If Izuku hadn't had his arm around your waist, you would've fallen down with the obviously drunk man. He pulled you away from the drunkard and did a quick check to make sure you weren't hurt before turning his attention to the man. "Hey, are you alright buddy?"
"Dammit!" the man groaned as he crawled back to his feet, swaying from side to side once he made it up. "Watch where you're goin'," he slurred out, lips having a hard time forming the words. Then he sniffed and blinked a few times, focusing on you. "Mmm, you smell good."
Izuku stiffened, subtly stepping in front of you, eyes narrowed. "Your drunk, it's time you went home."
"What's a lovely thing like you doing out so late?" he ignored Izuku entirely, puffing out his chest with a sleazy grin. That's when the scent hit you. Strong, mixed with the smell of alcohol. It made your nose wrinkle in disgust. "Come here doll, I can take good care of ya."
A low rumble vibrated deep within Izuku's chest. A warning. A threat. Most sensible Alpha's would've taken the cue, but this guy was far from anything resembling sense. Izuku is, for the most part, a rational Alpha, but when the drunkard stepped closer to touch you, he lost it.
It was so quick, you almost missed it. Izuku snatched the grimy hand, twisted it which in turn forced the man to twist as well, and sent him flying with a powerful kick to the rear. He kicked him so hard the Alpha flew halfway across the parking lot, landing in a small puddle with a loud splash. It took a moment for him to roll over, body still trying to process what just happened before finally falling back into the puddle with a long-winded groan.
Izuku stood rigid, eyes locked on the Alpha who had curled in on himself. He gnashed his teeth a few times trying to even out his huffy breaths. Small sparks of green electricity quietly crackled off his skin.
"Izuku?" you grabbed one of his fisted hands and pulled it close.
He looked down at you, still trying to calm his racing heart. Izuku didn't like to get like this in front of you and that in itself was making him more upset. But a part of him loved the fact that he could protect you so easily and that you took comfort in that fact.
The Alpha, apparently too drunk to remember what just happened, rolled out of the puddle and back to his feet. His back was dripping wet, but he didn't even seem to notice as he staggered off into the night.
"I'm sorry," he apologized, finally turning to you.
You wrapped your arms around his muscly frame, fingertips just barely meeting on his back. "What're you sorry for? You protected me, didn't you?"
A small smile tugged at the corners of his lips. Pride swelled in his chest. A slight tinge rushed to his cheeks so he tucked his face into your neck, nuzzling his nose deep into the crook. Your scent was always so calming and he stayed like that for a minute until he remembered you were both still standing outside the car. "Let's go home."
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Shoto is a strong silent Alpha. He's probably the calmest of the three, but that doesn't mean he won't hesitate to kick anyone's ass if they dare mess with you. He's mastered the evil eye glare and combined with his natural Alpha aura, most steer clear.
You had decided to take a day trip to the next prefecture over to see your friends and had asked Shoto to pick you up from the train station. So, there he was, standing on the platform, umbrella in hand as the rain came down in a steady, freezing pour.
When the train finally pulled in, he scanned the cars until he saw you step out. Even in the heavy rain, he could pick up your scent and it was screaming distress. It confused him until he saw why…or rather smelled why. Stepping out behind you was a lanky man, mere inches from your back. His grinning face was bent next to yours as he talked with you, well more like at you. Large hands ghosted over your hair, taking in heavy whiffs of you. A grimace stuck on your face as you did everything in your power to ignore him, but trying to ignore an Alpha was like trying to ignore a blowhorn to the face. Loud, obnoxious, and completely overwhelming. The longer you ignored him, the more irritated he grew.
Shoto snapped the umbrella closed so hard he almost broke it. He no longer cared about getting wet and used the tip to wedge himself between the crowd of people. The hair on his neck stood on end. The rain on his right side froze the minute it touched his skin while on his left, it turned to steam. He tried to suppress that ball of rage building in the back of his throat, only for an aggravated growl to escape. Anyone who managed to catch his wrathful gaze quickly jumped out of his warpath.
The Alpha placed his hand on your shoulder and that was the final straw. You turned to swat him off, which was apparently the wrong thing to do. He grabbed your wrist and pulled you right up against him, dark eyes narrowed, teeth bared. Panic took over as you struggled to free yourself from his too-tight grip.
An umbrella came out of nowhere, whacking the Alpha right in the nose. He let go of your wrist with a startled yelp, stumbling back a few feet.
Shoto suddenly materialized between the two of you. You'd been so distracted that you didn't even realize you could smell Shoto's scent. But now that he was up close, it was all you could smell. Strong, powerful, and…furious.
"What the fu-AAAH!" With a scream, he toppled over. Both legs were frozen together in a thick column of ice. He hit the ground hard, head smacking on the wet concrete.
Shoto towered over him, shooting that perfected evil eye, face masked in shadows. "Next time," he growled, voice low and terrifyingly calm, "I'd advise not to touch people without their permission." Crouching next to his head, he glanced down at his left hand where a small flame erupted, and despite the pouring rain, only seemed to grow brighter. "Or you might get burned."
The man wisely stilled, eyes wide. "I didn't know they already had a mate dude, I swear."
"Regardless, don't ever let me catch you treating someone like that again," he snapped his hand closed, extinguishing the flame. "Is that understood?"
The threat was heard loud and clear but the Alpha glanced at you and Shoto grabbed his chin and pulled his gaze back to him. "Don't ever look at them again."
A nod and Shoto threw his face to the side, standing up. Taking a moment to compose himself again, he turned to you, hunched in on yourself, looking slightly embarrassed. Too many people were staring because Shoto had made a scene. He could care less about what other people thought. Someone had messed with you and he had to make it right.
Holding a hand out, you accepted it and he ushered you away. The both of you were soaking wet but he still opened the umbrella again, shielding you from the rain. Once you were far enough away from the station and other people, he stopped to inspect you.
"Are you hurt?" he asked, looking for any obvious signs or lingering scent marks.
"No, I'm fine." You hugged yourself, not sure if you were shivering from the cold wet or from that creep, possibly both.
With a frown, he pulled you in close. His left side immediately warmed you up and you buried your head as far as you could into his chest, that familiar, safe scent surrounding you. "Thanks, Sho."
That intense anger was slowly ebbing away the longer you held onto him. That need to protect, to comfort taking its place.  You alone were the only thing that seemed to be able to calm him down when he was so worked up. Wrapping his free arm around you, tucking you in as tightly as possible, he kissed the top of your head. "You know I'd do anything for you."
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pairings: mirio togata, tenya iida, katsuki bakugo, aizawa shota, tomura shigaraki, dabi, hawks, mashirao ojiro, tamaki amajiki
warnings: hinting anxiety/anxiety attacks, reverse comfort, also tamaki’s made me cry so have fun lmao 
part one with mezo shoji, tokoyami fumikage, hanta sero, izuku midoriya, shoto todoroki, eijiro kirishima, denki kaminari, hitoshi shinsou here!
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there was no way that mirio was completely fine after everything that had happened to him
he had lost his quirk, experienced a battle that could result in permanent trauma, and he lost nighteye-- the leader and hero that he had looked up to for so long
but when you told him that it was okay to be strong all the time, mirio had broken
he broke for the first time in what felt like years
“don’t worry a-ahbout me!” 
the saddest part about it?
he was smiling through his tears not even a few moments after his grin broke
his lips were trembling, his eyes were red and his entire body was shaking with suppressed sobs, but he had an unwavering smile.
and that... that was heartwrenching to look at.
his smile fell, his body trembled and he let out a strangled sobbut for some reason, this-- none of it had shown a single trace of weakness. it was a way of him to express very human emotions and reactions as everyone else could.
he wasn’t disappointing nighteye in anyway-- more of showing respect by letting it all out to be able to show genuine smiles in public
how come such human emotions were labeled as good or bad?
“i let him down,” mirio gasped, “i let him down, i hurt him, i could have saved him, and-”
“hey, it’s okay, you’re going to be okay. it’s just me baby, it’s just me,” you cooed as you wrapped your arms around him. “shhh, it’s just me. you’re okay.”
mirio’s hands trembled as he gripped tight onto you
his chest was getting tighter as he burst into struggled breaths. he was just so... tired.
a million thoughts zipped through his head at once, but he just had to calm the storm for a while in your arms
it was right after the accident in hosu city, and everything, everything had gone wrong
even though he didn’t show it at first, he felt used as an advertisement for hatsume, and then losing in a battle with todoroki and felt like he was thriving on dumb luck
he just wanted to make his brother proud, that was-
-if he could, anymore. 
he felt so weak for letting himself feel this way, his head racing and chest heaving as he struggled to breathe
letting your guard down will just make things worse. tensei wouldn’t want this.
tenya’s body visibly trembled as he let out a shaky breath in his dorm room, thinking everything over in the darkness
“iida?” you asked, knocking on the door.
immediately, his demeanor changed as he shifted over to a braver face. 
“hello, y/n!”
just breathe. they’ll be gone sooner or later. breathe.
“why are you up this late at night?” he asked.
“i was just checking in on you, but i should be asking you the same question, sonic boy,” you grinned, until you noticed his hands trembling.
and for some reason, that hurt you. his face was.. so put together with a brave smile, confident eyes, and his head held up high and posture straight and firm
but when you saw his hands trembling and an odd shifting in his chest, you knew something was up
“are you okay?” you tested the words. 
tenya tried. he tried so, so hard to smile and affirm with a confident, “yes!”
but he couldn’t.
“i-i’m not- i’m not sure-,” his voice broke into a whisper. 
“i don’t know.”
you melted into a hug next to him as you took a seat. “hey, you can tell me anything, okay? it’s okay not to have your guard up all the time, it’s not weak to show emotion. just- if you want, can you tell me what’s been going on?”
tenya took a shaky breath and pushed up his glasses. “of course, thank you for asking, i will.”
after his fight with deku, all of the willpower left in him to hold himself together disappeared 
katsuki had been exhausted after a long day of fighting, not just physically, but emotionally
he had tried to keep his head high for as long as he could, but the moment he went to his dorm room, he just... broke.
angry tears released and he choked out heavy, strangled sobs as he pounded his fist to the ground in frustration
katsuki cursed towards whoever was there, until he found you standing behind him
he was too tired to argue.
“the fuck are you doing here,” he grumbled.
“is something wrong, 'suki?” you whispered. “i was just coming by to drop off your water bottle, you left it during hero training,” you examined his face. “are you- are you okay?”
he loved you, he really did-- but today just wasn’t a good day. “mn-no,” he managed to say.
his chest was heaving and his eyes seemed to be searching the room, as if looking for an exit.
you noticed the dark circles around his eyes and the way his lips trembled. had he been crying?
you slowly cupped his face in your hands, noses touching as you two shared breaths, inhaling and exhaling together
katsuki was too tired to pull away. 
he felt so weak.
you could hear katsuki’s breath shaking but slowly dying in volume as he held him tighter
“hey,” you said softly, brushing your thumb across his cheek. “you’re gonna be okay ‘suki. you’re gonna be okay.”
they’re pitying me.
“this?” you said, holding his bruised hand up and motioning towards his trembling figure. “this isn’t weak.” you said, as if reading his mind. “this is strong. this is brave. being emotionally vulnerable is one of the most courageous things anyone can ever do, and you are so much more than that, m’kay?”
he nodded in response. even though he didn’t express it that well, he thought of it 
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everyone shut up i love him
all that he’s ever wanted and asked for in life was for someone to notice him for who he genuinely was, to be free to do whatever he pleased
it was late at night and you two were outside, the moon illuminating in the darkness as you slid against the wall of the city in the back of the building
“anything interesting happen?” you asked, staring up into the moon
the night was young and it had been a rough, terrible day at work for both of you, even though you had separate jobs and shfits-- the only thing that pushed you forward everyday was being able to meet with dabi right after, at exatly 11pm. 
sure, you did it every day, and it shouldn’t have been that impactful-- but for some reason, somehow, everything about talking to him was so... exhilerating. 
he didn’t reply.
“uhhm,” you shuffled nervously toward him. “dabi, you good?”
he let out a shaky exhale, which was odd.
hold the phone.
no, really, someone hold the phone because it was ringing
“oh, sorry, one sec,” you rushed, hurrying to answer. it was one of your co-workers. “hello!”
“uhuh. yeah. oh, cool... got it, mhm, be right ther-”
you noticed how dabi’s body language immediately changed as he turned around and crossed his arms gently over his chest and stared into the sky.
this really, really wasn’t like him. 
something had to be wrong.
“uhm, on second thought,” you said. “does tomorrow at... noon work for you? i have plans. yeah. mhm, sorry not tonight. yep, bye!”
dabi’s eyebrows furrowed, but he didn’t look at you. “who was that?”
“one of my coworker buddies or whatever. they wanted to have a drink with me, but i said no.”
“why’d you say no?” he deadpanned.
“uhhhm, well, you certainly don’t seem very... how should i say this, at your fullest?”
“but why?” dabi said. “you meet with me every day, and going with your friends is probably a lot easier than this. what’s so different about it..?”
you thought carefully as you shrugged casually, gently leaning your head against his shoulder. “if one of my closest pals were down, i couldn’t just... leave them like that. and even though i know you won’t tell me what’s wrong, i just.. i just don’t want you to feel alone, you know? like everyone in your life has left? and i- i don’t want to do that to you.”
even though dabi stayed relatively quiet for the rest of the night, 
just know that was the day he fell in love with you.
nightmares were the worst. 
for the record, he didn’t get them often, but when he did, and actually reacted to it... they ended up terrible
he gasped, grasping at the air for his mother’s embrace only to be met with nothingness
he clawed at his skin as his breath hitched, trying to control himself
“tomura?” you asked. “...are- are you okay?”
“get away from me,” he trembled. “i’m a... i’m a monster.”
you furrowed your eyebrows in concern. “hey, hey, c’mon. what’s going on-”
“leave me alone.”
his sudden change in tone made you jump as you stepped back and you watched his figure tremble. 
“if something’s wrong, don’t sugarcoat it. if something’s wrong, please, for the love of the world, tell me, okay? i just- i just want to see you... maybe..”
“what?” shigaraki deadpanned. “happy? satisfied? content? joyful? you people all want the same thing.”
shigaraki looked up. 
“i want to see you hopeful, m’kay? so just... please. you don’t need to tell me word-for-word, but-- if you need something, i’m here.”
he was not going to cry. nuhuh. no way. no way was he going to start crying. 
you wrapped your arms around him before he cautiously hugged back, letting himself slowly melt into your embrace, his satin gloves against your clothes
“hey. i promise you, i’m never going to be leaving. no matter how much you mess up, no matter how terrible you may feel-- you mean the world to me. please hold on just a little longer.”
it wasn’t supposed to happen until later, when he was actually able to get home and prepare himself for anxious feeling in his stomach to finally settle
but noooo, his mental state really just said yolo
so here he was, reliving his entire childhood with memories that he’d pushed down for so long, about to snap in a matter of seconds
your familiar voice rang through his head. 
he just wanted to be held by you.
the most beautiful part about being with hawks his that he genuinely didn’t care about his pride around you. he wasn’t insecure of what you thought of him. he didn’t freak out or try to act like he was fine when you were with him, because... why would he need to? 
so instead of putting on a brave face and getting scared of your voice as if being anxious was a crime, he melted into it.
“hey angel, i got you some food at the-”
“y/...y/n,” his breath hitched. your voice, that you often said you were insecure about-- was his safe haven. he felt safe when he heard your voice and let himself crumple. he didn’t have to worry about putting his walls up, because it was just you.
beautiful, loving, kind you. 
his love was something special that he gave to no one else.
even though you were far from him, your bags in hand and everything, you immediately dropped them and ran to your boyfriend
“hey, hey, baby, what’s going on?” 
he stood directly in front of you, his head down and not saying a word.
you let your breathing sync with his as you reached out to hold his hand, when he threw his arms around you before his trembling body was held in your embrace
“-hey,” you said, shocked by the sudden embrace, before you hugged back, slowly, rocking him back and forth. “you’re going to be okay.”
“you don’t have to tell me anything, just-- focus on me,”
“i’m never leaving you, okay? no matter what you do, you’re still going to be my hero.”
and hawks decided on that day that out of anything else in the world, you meant the most to him. 
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useless. useless. useless.
why wouldn’t his stupid quirk activate before? why couldn’t he be more optimistic? why was he always thinking about something else? why couldn’t he ever stay positive and cheery like everyone else?
how was everyone else so strong?
but laying in a hospital bed, in complete silence and vulnerability...
that scared him.
tamaki blinked back the sudden tears that prickled against his eyes-- nuhuh, no way was he about to cry when so many other people had it worse, no way he was going to break down when nighteye was dead, he was not about to cry if mirio could be strong and so many other people had it worse, and-
“tamaki, snap out if it!”
your cold hands cupped his face, as you stared him directly in the eyes. “what are you doing?”
tamaki jumped back at your sudden question. but for some reason, the way you said it wasn’t angrily, more like... a statement? a question? as if you were asking are you okay?
tamaki shook his head. “i don’t... i don’t kn-know..”
get away, get away, get away.
your hands brushed back a hair from his face as you crouched down in front of him, your hands still helping him cool down. they rested gently on his scalp and along his face as you felt his breathing grow uneasy.
“listen,” you began slowly. “i’m not saying you need to tell me what’s going on, but... i just- i have a feeling that you’re not doing okay. and i know that because no one was ever really there for me back then, so if you want to say anything--”
“--i’m here for you.”
tamaki crumpled then as he let the tears fall.
his entire mask shattered as his breath hitched, trying to hold back the sobs but only came out as strangled breaths. 
“hey, hey, hey, you’re okay, you’re okay.” 
you held up his chin and rocked him back and forth, slowly. “just because other people seem to be going through bigger things doesn’t mean that you should invalidate your problems. if something’s hurting you, that’s enough of a problem to take care of it.”
tamaki began to shake as he suddenly clutched onto you, his body trembling as he nodded. 
what would mirio, nejire, nighteye, fatgum-- what would they think of him now?
“whatever is going around in your head right now will all quiet soon, i promise you, ‘mkay?”
“it’s okay. it’s okay. you’re okay.” 
“you didn’t eat,” you said, staring at the takeout that was left in its packaging. 
you heard shota mumble under his sleeping bag. “i’ll eat after.”
“after what?” you said back from the kitchen. 
you weren’t exactly mad at him, you could say-- it was more of disappointment, maybe? concern? he had always been so concerned about his students that he forgot to take care of himself-- no wonder why he was so angry lately. 
(and no, it wasn’t his resting face, he was genuinely burnt-out the last couple of days and it wasn’t getting better.)
“shota, come on,” you said softly. “or else i’m taking your sleeping bag away from you.”
aizawa’s head emerged from the bag, the light from the laptop giving a lovely display of his eyebags. “oh?”
he smirked, even though he seemed so drained.
“yes,” you said, pointing your nose up in the air and crossing your arms. “and you better go eat before i take it away.”
aizawa raised an eyebrow, but obliged.
you watched him eat, but he kept his laptop on the table the whole time.
he was looking through the profiles of all his students, and that was-- insane
despite how much had happened to him, he always thought of someone else first, putting everyone else above him.
“you’re going to overwork yourself,” you finally said. 
“amazing,” aizawa sighed back. “had no clue.”
“oh, c’mon,” you egged. “you matter too, ya know.”
you noticed how tense his shoulders were, how his gaze was fixated to the screen and the way his veins were protruding from lack of sleep, and how red his eyes were.
sure, most of the time, this was normal-- but you just had this gut feeling that something was wrong.
“i suppose you’re not wrong,” aizawa ventured. “but sometimes, you realize that students make up most of the world. i want them to grow..”
his gaze on the screen broke.
“and for them to know a world of love and kindess, not-- whatever this is.”
you looked at him before wrapping your arms around him and kissing his forehead. “but they have a teacher who works so hard already, and you-- you deserve a break. you’re always working so hard, and you have to remember that you matter, too, okay?”
you smiled sadly. “i need to go to work, but please finish the takeout for me, hmm?”
he never told you this, of course-- but yeah, he thought of your voice every time he wanted to take a break. he never forgot the words you said. 
being forgotten was something that came way too easily for him.
everyone in class 1a was so good at everything-- they all either had good looks, a nice voice, talents, a cool quirk, technique, charisma, and he?
ojiro felt like he didn’t have anything.
but what did it matter, right? being the forgotten one was fine to him, at least. he was able to take time for himself. 
...kind of.
he was heading back from ua into the dorms, walking alone when he realized it started to rain.
picking up his bags, he ran, putting them under his shoulders so that they didn’t get wet-- it wasn’t a long walk, but it was a lot to have to run back and make sure everything stayed dry
ojiro turned around to find you, carrying your backpack in the air and waving your arms. “slow-” you panted, “down! god, where’d all the rain come from??”
he chuckled slightly, until he noticed your bag getting soaked, and before he knew it, ojiro called you over and said he could carry your bag
“are you sure?” you asked, in-between breaths. “i doubt you can carry both-”
ojiro laughed and waved his tail like a hand. “i can carry it.”
your face lit up. “thanks! okay, now let’s run back, c’mon.”
you two ran as fast as you could, trying not to slip as the rain began to pour even harder against your backs. 
but when you opened the doors to the dorms and your bag was completely dry, ojiro smiled.
(also y’all he’s an underrated king DO Y’ALL KNOW HOW PRECIOUS HIS SMILE IS?? PLS-)
“thanks,” you grinned. “your quirk is actually really cool. not just for keeping stuff dry, but uh, thanks. i appreciate it.”
something inside of him made his heart swell. 
“really?” ojiro asked. “do you really- is that true?”
he didn’t want to get his hopes up too quickly, but the way you nodded proudly and affirmed it was something he could never forget.
“yeah!” you said. “just because you’re not flashy as other people doesn’t mean that you’re a plain, boring person, you know that? you’re actually really cool!”
“huh. thanks,” he noted-- and don’t worry, he walked back into his dorm room with a grin on his face the whole time.
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hey bbys! reminder to go take a break and drink some water if you’re reading this! y’all are so amazing and beautiful, and please remember that you’re valid as well. what you did today was more than enough, please remember that!! i’m very proud of you for getting through today. ily <3
qotd, what song reminds you of a fictional character 👀
join my family! 
list of family members: @kirishimuhhhhh​, @xuxisushi-1​, @kirishima-my-beloved​, @msminsuga​, @farfetchedparanoia​, @satis-mangata​, @moonhere​, @renegadedeca​, @viridevi​​, @cherriiirose​​ <3
☂ requests are open for mha + hq!! ☂
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jackalspine · 3 years
ayeee,, @koa-is-lying hey buddy, sorry for taking so long lmao.
Ok, a lot of these are already popular, and you’ve probably already read them, but they’re still good 🥺
DT: 53m
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u didn’t specify what things u wanted fics for, but I looked through ur blog and you reblogged a TMA post so,,
The Timeline of Theseus by Applea chapters: 16/?
^fucking Choice. My guy,, it’s a Jon kid fic, where he’s sent back in time to when he was a child but still has the apocalyptic Beholding powers and it’s just mmWAAh. Jon has ADHD and it’s written so well???? Like,, I was like,, oh dear,,, I am,, projecting,,,, I love it very much. It’s still updating so 👍👁👍👁
You also reblogged BNHA so
DT: 1h 20m
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Pied Piper by @blackholeca chapters: 53/?
ALWAYS MY GO TO for recommending vigilante!deku fics ✨💖👁🔪👁💖
The ✨angst✨ the ✨humor✨ the ✨izuku breaks his bones so many times✨ it’s all there.
Izuku doesn’t get OFA and it’s about to be everyone’s problem💖 celebrity-hero society is inherently fucked up, and our boy just wants to do the best he can.
Quality read 10/10 I love u
DT: 1h 40m
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Midoriya, Plus Three-Sixty-Five by skeleton_of_society chapters: 67/?
It won’t let me link it for some reason, but it’s on Ao3
Izuku is born a year earlier than cannon and is class 1-A ‘s only student due to shenanigans.
He’s a good boy. This fic updates FREQUENTLY,, like,, Suspiciously Fast. There are like 3 updates by the end of the week, it’s crazy. And for the quality of writing?????? Like??? UHHH???? It’s really good
DT: 42m
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The Roundabout Way of Fate by @itsmyartfam tfam chapters: 44/44 Completed!??? (tododeku)
I was just looking it up to check how many chapters there are AND GUESS SHE COMPLETED IT???
you could tell my brain started bonking out by now lmao, sorry he looks so sAD ::(
Healer!Izuku au!!! We love to see it!! Its got the angsty, it’s gots the pining, and the fluff!! Multitasking at its finest 💖👁✨
I didn’t get to finish the rest bc I am hungry. So I will get back to u with more later ::)
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You're Mine🏔
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When Natsuo agrees to take Shouto and some of his friends up to their family's mountain lodge, you join in on the fun.
Todoroki Shouto x F. Reader
Warning: Smut Ahead💋👇🏻 [18+]
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"Love is like a mountain, hard to climb, but, once you get to the top the view is incredible."
The three Todoroki siblings were sitting and eating dinner at the family home. This time was easier for them to get together. Since their father was now number one Hero he wouldn't be able to join them as he was too busy at the moment. With him not being there that night it was easy to get Natsuo to agree to coming over for dinner. He was the one that usually needed the most convincing after all.
Shouto was rather surprised when Natsuo agreed to the suggestion brought up during their meal. He had planned on bringing some of his college buddies up to their family's lodge up in the snowy mountains. Just a weekend to blow off some steam. When his friends had begun to cancel on him he figured he'd scrap the whole thing. "Why don't you take Shouto?", Fuyumi piped in happily. The brothers simply looked at each other. It wouldn't be the worst thing in the world but they imagined it may get a little awkward with just the two of them. Natsuo shrugged. "I guess so." He did really want to go, after all.
"Maybe some of your friends from school could go since there's plenty of room.", she suggested. Luckily there wasn't too much argument about it with both brothers being okay with the plan. That night when Shouto made his way back to his dorm he planned to pull some of his closest friends aside and invite them. He was never one to be good with social cues but he was learning and getting better as time went on. He knew since there was limited space he could only bring a couple people along, so he very well couldn't ask in front of the rest of 1-A. Out of the usual faces in the 'Dekusquad' the only ones that were coming on the weekend getaway were Midoriya, Iida, Uraraka and [Name].
You were so flustered when Shouto pulled you aside to speak with you. When he asked you to join in the trip you replied with a happy "Sure! Thanks for asking me, Todoroki!". You kept your beaming smile but tried to reign in your excitement. You didn't want to seem too eager, after all. You had a huge crush on Todoroki for the longest time now. Knowing you were going away with him and your closest friends for the weekend absolutely thrilled you.
It's a good thing you didn't know that you were the first one Shouto had asked. He had every intention and wanted to ask you first. He would have been happy if it were just the two of you going. He didn't want to make you nervous, feel awkward or anything like that by going alone with just him and his brother. What you didn't know was that Shouto's feelings mirrored your own about him toward you. He had a crush on you probably since close to the beginning of your start together at UA.
How could you know, though. It's not like Todoroki was an open book. He wasn't easy to read with his neutral expressions and monotone voice. Slowly but surely you were finding it easier to read him, however. Shouto was also becoming more in tune with his feelings over time. Thanks partly to you and how he felt about you. He hadn't felt anything like it in his whole life.
The week ticked on by. It seemed to take forever. Your anticipation was growing as each weekday passed. Out of everyone going Uraraka and you were the only girls. You weren't positive why some of the others weren't coming but it was hard for you to notice anyway. You were so busy being a bundle of nervous energy all week. Finally Friday night was upon you. Uraraka and you spent the night going to each other's rooms and helping the other pack for the weekend. Natsuo would be picking your group up early the next morning. He would be driving a van that belonged to one of the friends that had canceled on him. Since that friend was sticking around school to catch up on classes he allowed Natsuo to take his van and he swapped it with Natsuo's car in case he needed to get around that weekend. You could barely sleep a wink that night. Too excited thinking about playing in the snow up the mountains, enjoying the scenery and spending the weekend with Todoroki. 
Before you knew it morning had crept up on you. You stretched and let out a few yawns as you made your way to your bathroom to wash up. You changed into the outfit you had laid out to wear the night before. As you finished up tucking your phone charger into your duffle bag and zipping up your coat you heard a quiet knock at your door. "Come in.", you called out softly. The door slowly creaked open and Uraraka popped her head inside the opened doorframe. "Ready [Name]? It's time to head downstairs.", she whisper yelled into your dorm room with a big smile. You simply nodded and grabbed your bag, pulling your door shut behind you.
The five of you were gathered along the curb as you all awaited Todoroki's older brother. "I'm so excited for this!", Midoriya exclaimed jovially. "Thanks for bringing us, Todoroki!" He was bouncing up and down on the balls of his feet like an excited child. There was a cacophony of "thank you's" from the rest of you. "Yes, Todoroki.", chimed in Iida. "It will be a nice change of pace to relax and enjoy ourselves so we can replenish for the upcoming school week again." You shook your head and rolled your eyes at him playfully. You hadn't noticed one of Todoroki's heterochromactic eyes gazing at you from his periphery, eyeing up your entire body. 
He took in everything from your boots to your tight snow pants. Your jacket that clung to your upper half. Your pouty lips. Bright eyes now exposed due to the hat pulled onto your head, keeping any hair away from your pretty face. He pulled his gaze away and gave a hum as to say 'you're welcome'. You all weren't outside waiting very long before Shouto's brother pulled up to the curb. You all climbed in and started on your way. Natsuo stopped at a bakery and got a box of assorted things for the group to munch on during the drive there. Once that was done he drove out of city and took the roads that headed up into the mountains. The drive there took a few hours but the ride was full of joking around, laughter, story telling and singing along with the radio. When the reception wasn't good you guys would simply pick a song and continue singing out loud. Well, mostly you all in the back.
You caught his brother singing along a few times but Shouto seemed to just sit quietly in the passenger seat. You were able to catch sight of the small smile on his face now and then. That's when you remembered that he didn't know many popular or classic songs from over the years. He at least seemed to be enjoying the banter behind him and it melted your heart. Before you knew it the van was pulling along a snowy dirt road that led to a large house. The Todoroki lodge was beautiful. The outside was exquisite looking. It sat on a massive stretch of land. It had been in their mother Rei's family and she inherited it some time after marrying Enji. They took a few family trips there before Rei was hospitalized. Unfortunately Shouto hadn't gone on as many of those trips due to Endeavor's training he was forced into. Rei, Fuyumi and Natsuo were much more partial to the cold than the heat, so they enjoyed coming up here on occasion.
Everyone shuffled inside the cabin with their bags and belongings. Inside was even more gorgeous than the outside. High ceilings, exquisitely, and expensively, decorated rooms, and the kitchen even looked modern. Above the living room you could see the upstairs hallway and doors that lined the wall. It looked over into the living room with a wooden railing blocking the edge. There were originally 5 large bedrooms but the last one had been converted into two so the grand cabin would have rooms intended for each Todoroki child, their parents and a spare. It was a shame this place didn't get used very much at all.
Natsuo guided everyone to the stairs along the closest wall that led to the loft hallway. Iida had been first behind him and took the first bedroom they came across. Natsuo ended up taking the one after, which had already been his usual given room whenever he was here. Uraraka was next in line and made her way inside the next bedroom; Midoriya continued on and opened the next door and stepped into that room. Shouto and you were left alone as the last ones in the hall.
He motioned to the door at the end of the hall, the only one facing down the hall as opposed to the others that were situated along the wall of the hallway. "You can have that one. It's the biggest.", he explained as he motioned to the door. Without another word he went to open the door he stood by, the one at the end next to the big one. "Oh, n-no.", you began to stutter nervously, "I-I couldn't do that, Todoroki. This is your family's home, after all." Shouto simply shrugged nonchalantly. "I don't mind. Plus I want you to have it." With those words he opened his intended door and stepped in to lay down his bag on the bed inside. You stood there blinking a few times before snapping out of it and going in the "big" bedroom to set your own things down. He 'wanted' me to have it?
Once everyone joined back up downstairs Natsuo showed everyone the rest of the house. Each bedroom had its own small bathroom with sink, toilet and stand up shower. However there were still one and a half baths throughout the rest of the cabin. He demonstrated how to use some of the kitchen stuff and where things were. The door next to the pantry that led to a small wash room with washer and dryer if needed. Then he opened a door next to a set of glass double doors that led outside. It looked to be a large supply room that had its walls lined with snowboards, ski's, ice skates and large, sturdy rubber tubes for tubing down the mountain. Some of the shelves housed boxes of extra inflatable tubes as well and some air pumps. There were also extra supplies amongst the room also such as helmets, goggles, gloves, hats, scarves and padding.
Once he was finished the grand tour Natsuo went into the living room to kick his feet up and watch television. Since there was still a little while before it got dark you and your friends decided to go out and play in the snow for a bit. After spending quality time laughing, frolicking in the snow, making snow angels and having snowball fights it had finally started to get dark out. While it was a tad chilly you all made your way to the clearing along the side of the house and Todoroki used his fire to light up the fire pit already stationed there.
A number of short, extra thick logs were surrounding the fire, obviously used as small benches to sit on. Each one seemed to sit two people comfortably. Iida sat on one and Midoriya and Uraraka took up another. You selected a log to sit and to your surprise, and overall delight, Shouto had decided to join you on yours as he sat to the right of you. There were still ones that weren't being used at all, but you weren't gonna complain about being close to him. You all talked and laughed together while roasting marshmallows as the pitch darkness of night fell over you. Iida was first to give a yawn and say he would be calling it a night. It was what he was used to and even a nice getaway wouldn't change that. He gave his round of goodnight's to everyone before turning and heading inside the cabin. Now it was just the two guys and two girls left. No one was tired quite yet, wanting to make the most out of the time they had for the weekend.
Since they were high up in the mountains and far from the city the stars dotted the sky much more than normal. So many filled up the vast blackness above your heads, and the clear skies only made it even easier to see. It was a gorgeous sight to behold. You found yourself looking up often, finding it hard to keep your eyes away from the view overhead. Midoriya was telling funny stories about his childhood and even some of his experiences with Kacchan. Some of those weren't as funny on Deku's behalf, but it was interesting to hear them regardless. At least you were now absolutely sure Bakugo was always the same way and not putting up a front just for high school. Midoriya was much more relaxed not just knowing he could speak freely with those closest to him, but because Kacchan was far, far away from him for the time being.
The later it got the chillier the mountain temperatures became. You four were still having fun but you found you were slightly curling into yourself to keep up your body heat. Suddenly a close voice made you look to the right. "Are you cold?" Todoroki looked at you quizzically, but there was something else in his eyes as he held your gaze. He'd been relatively quiet this whole time, simply listening in. Your body may have felt colder but you felt your cheeks get warmer under his stare. "Just a little.", you answered with a smile. 
Todoroki waisted no time is wrapping his left arm around you. You grew more flustered but soon felt your body temperature begin to warm up. He was keeping you warm with his fire quirk. Warming his left side. For you. "Thanks.", you responded with a warm smile. He simply nodded once, but you could see the corners of his lips tug into his own smile. You waved a freshly cooked marshmallow to cool it down before putting it to your mouth to bite. Shouto watched as your pillowy lips enveloped the fluffy, charred treat. Neither of you had noticed Midoriya helping Ochako to stand. Deku's voice is what caught your attention. "We're gonna head in now." It was obvious his upbeat voice was laiden with sleepiness. You gave a small wave and Shouto and you wished them 'Goodnight'. Midoriya held his elbow out for her to take and they strode back to the house arm in arm.
The two of you sat there in a comfortable silence for an unknown length of time. You had your fill of marshmallows and now your gaze was back to being captivated by the beauty of the night sky. Todoroki was taking in the beauty as well, only his sight was directed at you from the corner of his eye. You were always beautiful but this vision of you was breathtaking in the glow of the roaring fire. "Did you want to go in as well, [Name]?", Shouto questioned as he finally broke the quiet surrounding the two of you. His arm remained around you, if anything maybe holding tighter. "Nahh." You replied without breaking your view of the glittering stars above. "We don't have this view back home. I wanna stay out and enjoy it as long as I can." Shouto nodded as a warm smile crept over his lips. He simply held you and watched your eyes sparkle as you watched the night sky do the same and sparkle amongst the blackness. You stayed like that for another hour before heading inside as Todoroki escorted you to your room.
The next day everyone got up fairly early and enjoyed a hearty breakfast thanks mostly to Natsuo. You girls helped cook some and the rest of the boys helped set and clear the table and so on. Luckily it was a beautiful day outside to take advantage of. Clear skies and mild weather. Soon your group went for a quick hike before coming back to the cabin. It was time for the real fun. Uraraka, Midoriya and you picked the rubber tubes to go tubing and the rest of the boys all picked snowboards to use. Your group make your way to the nearby slope that was the steepest, straightest and clearest stretch of terrain. For the next hour you all rode down the hill before climbing back up to do it all over again. Sometimes you raced each other and sometimes someone was showing off different tricks and maneuvers. You were having a blast for about two hours before it went downhill for you, both literally and figuratively.
On one of your descents down the slope your tube ended up hitting a bump you weren't expecting. Due to the immense speed you had picked up on your way the hit resulted in you careening off of your tube and it continued on without you. Being thrown off wasn't so bad and you probably would have laughed it off. However, putting your arms out in front of you to catch yourself resulted in you hurting your wrist. You stayed kneeling there in a pile of snow grabbing at it. Midoriya and Uraraka were nearby and able to stop and run to your aid. Todoroki was next to come upon the scene a few minutes later. Once he seen the two crowding you and a pained look on your face as you held your arm he immediately brought himself to a stop.
He quickly unlatched his boots from the snowboard and rushed over to your side. "[Name]! Are you alright? What happened?" The concern on his face was clear as the day itself was. "She fell off her tube.", Ochako explained. Deku shook his head. Worry evident in his voice. "I think she really got hurt." He knew all about hurt limbs after all. All you could do was hiss in pain and give soft whimpers. Shouto hated seeing you like this. You were in so much pain you hadn't realized how close he was. Not when he was gripping you by the upper arms and asking what happened. Not when he tenderly held your elbow to pull your arm closer to him so he could carefully inspect your injury. 
It was starting to swell. He looked down the mountain at the others. By seeing their small figures he could tell they were a ways down, just now making another trek back up the mountain for another round. "I'll take her back to the house. Inform the others of what happened.", Shouto instructed. "Do you need any help?" Midoriya questioned anxiously as he watched Todoroki help bring you to your feet. "No need.", he replied simply. You were able to gather a few thoughts as Shouto began marching you in the direction of the cabin. "It's ok guys.", you reassured them as you glanced back over your shoulder, "I'll be fine. Don't stop having fun on account of me. Please." You'd hoped the pleading look in your eye would be enough to convince them. You didn't want to be a bother. With school and Hero work on your horizons when would you guys get another chance to get away like this? Probably not for a long while, that's for sure. You hated the thought of them stopping their fun all because of you. However, they knew you well enough to figure it out. "Okay, [Name].", they agreed meekly in unison.
Luckily it wasn't your ankle or foot that was injured and the two of you were able to make it back without much effort. Todoroki caressed your wrist softly in his right hand to keep cold applied to it. Without him it may have swelled up much worse. You stepped into the quiet atmosphere of the cabin. Shouto quickly kicked off his boots and removed his coat and gloves in record speeds before making a beeline for the med kit. You removed your hat and boots, your gloves already gone, then went to remove your coat as you stood by the door awaiting Shouto's return. 
Todoroki was back beside you in a matter of moments and helped remove your coat the rest of the way before guiding you to sit on the couch. He took a seat next to you and set out the needed supplies along with a glass of water on the coffee table. He proceeded to give you two pain relievers to take with the water and you followed his silent instruction. Shouto then carefully rubbed anti-inflammatory cream around your wrist. You watched him as he worked, taking in the serious look on his face. It was more than his usual even, unreadable expression: he was concerned. It was quite endearing. The edge of your lips curled into a small smile and you reached for the hat still on his head that he never bothered to remove. 
Shouto's breath hitched when he felt you pull the hat off. He stilled his movements when you tenderly pushed away the strands of red and white that stuck to his sweaty forehead. He pushed on, carefully wrapping your wrist up in a bandage. Once he was finished your soft voice brought his gaze to meet yours. "Thank you so much, Shouto." Todoroki felt as if his whole body was on fire when he looked up and seen the heartfelt expression on your face. "You don't need to thank me." Hearing that you immediately shook your head. "N-no, I do." As you spoke your voices were becoming more and more quiet in tone. "Then..your welcome [Name]." The two of you sat there for the next moments staring into each other's eyes.
You don't know what came over you. Perhaps it was Todoroki still holding your arm gently, or that adorable look on his face. Suddenly you leaned forward and met his lips with your own. He was shocked at first. Unmoving. Not knowing what to do. You were pleasantly surprised to then find him slotting his mouth with yours. Almost immediately his tongue touched your bottom lip in a silent plead for your admittance. You obliged, of course. He deserved a 'thank you'. It was the least you could do. Your tongues swirling together sent tingles throughout your entire body. 
His kisses were slow and tentative. You weren't complaining though. It was nice for your first kiss with Todoroki. After a few minutes the two of you broke apart for air. The both of you were panting breaths and lidded eyes. You glanced down to see him holding your arm still, but your other hand was in his. At some point your fingers had laced together. While your gaze was down you noticed something else as well. The protruding bulge that seemed to be twitching in his pants.
You smiled and leaned in to kiss him again. He hungrily met you in the middle, his kisses growing needy. Slowly moving your bandaged arm away from his touch you carefully brought it down to his lap. Shouto jolted and took a sharp breath in through gritted teeth when he felt you palm his hardening member. "[N-Name].." He was half aware of whispering your name. The excitement that was building within him kept his thinking murky. "Can you take these off, Shouto?" Your tone was sweet, just like you are, and it was as if a switch had been hit inside him.
Shouto stood up and wrapped his arms around you. He raised you to your feet before lifting you all together and scooping you up bridal style. You squealed out in delight as he made his way over to the stairs with you in tow. You made sure to be careful with your hurt arm, dangling it towards the floor. "Shouto! I can walk!", you called out to him. By the sound of your voice and laughter he knew you weren't serious. "Nope.", was all he replied. He still spoke in his usual monotone way, but you knew him enough now to know he was being playful. Well, as playful as Todoroki Shouto tended to be.
Entering your room he flung you onto your bed landing on your backside. You held your stomach with your uninjured arm. Even with all the training you do your abs actually hurt from giggling so much. For a moment his facial expression hardened again. "Did I hurt your arm?" You immediately shook your head as you caught your breath. "No Shouto. You didn't hurt me. Don't worry. It was fun."
His eyes softened in such a way that you felt as if a whole kaleidoscope of butterflies were fluttering everywhere from your stomach to your chest. He was so handsome, and was giving you that look. He was here in your bedroom. Placing his hands down on the bed to both sides of you he leaned down to engage your lips in another sensual kiss. When he took in your bottom lip and nibbled gently you could feel your pussy throb and pulse in excitement. "Shouto, I want you." He paused his movement and held his head up to look your face over. You could tell by the subtle raise of his eyebrows and slight twitch of his lip that he was feeling similar sentiments. "I want you too, [Name]. I always have."
Placing your arms behind his neck you gripped a handful of bicolored hair and pulled him close to you. Chaste kisses were placed on his lips and then along his jaw to below his ear. When you started leaving wet kisses, as well as love bites, along his carotid he let out a low groan. If you weren't wet already that sound would've gotten you there. You felt another pulse in your cunt and it was ready to clench around anything. A sense of pride swelled in you that Todoroki Shouto would actually be that anything.
"Can you help me with my clothes?" You gave your hurt arm a little wave to show that you'd obviously have some trouble. Shouto nodded and you sat up. He grabbed the hem of your top and lifted your sweater up over your head. You watched him swallow when you were left sitting in your bra. "The hooks are in the back.", you informed him and he nodded again. This time he looked a bit apprehensive. You didn't want to assume things of people, but you were pretty sure he hadn't had experience undoing someone's bra yet.
Shouto moved to position behind you and seen the two tiny hooks that somehow held your breasts securely in place. He quickly unlatched them and slowly slid your straps down over your shoulders and down your arms. The motions of his fingertips ghosting along your skin gave you goosebumps all over in the very best way. You allowed the garment to fall into your hand and be cast off to the side like your sweater. 
When Shouto came back around to kneel before you on the bed he had to swallow again. His mouth watered at the sight of your supple chest now exposed to him. You held a smirk on your face, pleased with knowing you effected him so. The lump in his pants was now rock hard and protruding much more than before. He didn't even touch you yet. He rested his left hand on your shoulder and guided you to lay down. Now it was time to remove your snowpants and jeans. He bunched them in his hands, holding them up at the top on each side of you. He slowly slid them downward and you wiggled you lower half to try and help kick them off.
His eyes watched on as your soft bosom bounced with every motion you made. Now with your pants discarded you lay before him in just your underwear. Shouto clung to his resolve as he stared down at you. He did his very best to contain himself. His heavy breathing betrayed him however. It showed how excited he really was. You looked him up and down. "Shouto, why don't you take of your clothes now."
Giving another nod he rose to his feet, removing his dark sweater first. Dropping it to the floor he went to remove his own bottoms. You took in his toned body, biting in your bottom lip in the process. When he was left standing in his boxers you sat up and with motioned him to come to you with the curling of your pointer finger. Shouto swallowed and stepped closer. When he stood beside the bed next to you, you hooked the same finger in the hem and gave each side a tug until they fell and pooled at his feet.
His cock was pretty, just as he was. Long and girthy enough without being too fat. It slapped his stomach when it sprang free. You were eager to feel him inside you. He gave a quiet hiss as you engulfed his shaft tenderly in your hand. You gave him a few slow strokes, eyeing the weeping tip, before taking him in your mouth. Shouto immediately took hold of the hair at the crown of your head in his grip, but didn't push you onto his length. He let you go by your own pace. He definitely wasn't regretting it. The sensation of your warm mouth and wet tongue on him was incredible. 
Before you could really get into it he gently pulled you off him. His eyes were dark and his chest rose and fell rapidly due to his erratic breathing. "I-I wasn't gonna last if you kept that up, [Name].", he explained. Shouto leaned down to kiss you as he climbed over your body, positioning himself between your legs and angling his cock with your awaiting hole. You weren't expecting him to spit in his hand and run it along your folds before running his tip in between them. 
You clung to his shoulders, eyes shut tight and groaning loudly as he entered your sex inch by inch. Once he was in to the hilt you could feel him already kissing your cervix. Shouto stopped moving however, giving you the time to adjust. After some moments you opened your eyes to meet his gaze and gave him a nod. "It's okay. You can move, Shouto.", you instructed breathlessly. He didn't hesitate and began a slow, steady rhythm fucking into you.
When he first heard you say his given name it nearly made him falter. It sounded so beautiful coming from your lips. He had to hear it again. "Say my name.", he growled. You were glad to give him just what he wanted. "Ahh-Shouto!" He began thrusting slightly faster. Seeing your blown pupils and blissful expression was everything he could ask for. So much so he wanted to see more. He changed positions to sit up on his knees, bringing one of your legs to rest up on his shoulders, as he continued his pace. His gaze lowered to where you two were connected.
Watching his length fill you up over and over again brought Shouto close to the edge of climax. His brows furrowed in concentration so that he could keep enjoying fucking you senseless as long as he could. You were an incoherent mess of moans and babbling. It was almost too much. His length hitting those spots so deep inside you. Watching him gaze intently at your pussy being filled by him. Claiming you.
As if he could read your thoughts his words caught your attention. "You're mine.", he grunted out. You nodded vigorously. "Yes, I'm yours Shouto!" He couldn't take much more. Shouto grit his teeth as he sped his pace attempting to bring you both to orgasm. When he felt you clench around his shaft he knew he was done for. You could feel him pulse as he careened closer to the edge. "I'm gonna cum, Sh-Shouto. Cum with me!"
When he heard your words he threw his head back and let out a grunt as he felt hot ropes of his seed shoot into you as you milked him dry. He loved looking down at your face as it contorted in pleasure, your mouth agape in a silent scream and eyes shut tight. He would love it every time he fucked you from now on. His thrusts slowed and soon came to a stop all together. As you two attempted to catch your breaths he leaned down and placed a kiss on your forehead before pulling out and rolling over.
He pulled you into him, your injured arm draping over his torso. Shouto had one arm wrapped around you, tracing small shapes into your skin, and his other arm resting under his head. You couldn't help the content smile on your face as you began falling into a comfortable slumber as you laid on him. You could hear his words as you drifted off and gave a quiet hum in agreement. "I mean it, [Name]. You're mine now."
Shouto had been laying there in the same position on his back with you in his arm as he went over the events that had occurred between you. He had pulled the blankets up to your shoulder, covering your naked form and himself from his waist down. He listened to your steady breathing and soft snores, relishing in you being so close to him now in so many ways. 
Suddenly noises were heard in the house and the sound of footsteps were close to the door. Before he knew it the door swung open and his brother had taken a step inside. "Hey guys. I heard what happened. Just wanted to- woah! Sorry!" Natsuo threw his hand up blocking his view as well as turning his head upon seeing the position he found the younger Todoroki and you in. However Shouto simply continued to lay there and made no attempt to move. He kept his even facial expression as he watched his older brother become flustered.
"I, uh, I'll just see you guys downstairs ... whenever." It seemed Natsuo was already shutting the door as his last words could be heard. Shouto listened to his brother retreat down the hallway and down the stairs. He looked to your sleeping form as he planted a gentle kiss to your head.
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Class 1A friendships
Anyways so ik people love the whole Bakusquad n Dekusquad thing, BUT I also love the rest of class 1A, so other friendships include:
Kirishima and Ochako. Gym buddies who constantly hype each other up! Kirishima is super respectful and very willing to ward off creeps when they go to they gym even though Ochako can handle herself. Plus, I can see them sparring a lot as Kirishima helps Ochako get better at close combat and Ochako helps him figure out how to fight in a way that’s not just ‘CHARGE’. Plus, they both have insecurities about their abilities - and I can 100% see them just being like ‘HOW DARE YOU INSULT MY FRIEND!!’ and just being super wholesome and helping each other with their weaknesses.
Jiro, Tokoyami, and Shinsou. Yeah he’s not 1A but whatever. Anyway, Tokoyami also knows what it’s like to have a ‘villainous’ quirk people are scared of, so one day when he and Jiro run into Shinsou who starts angsting about his life and how easy Class 1A has it he’s just like ‘alas it seems all over the nation people refuse to see past their own misconceptions’, and Shinsou somehow understands this and is Shocked (TM) that someone from the hero course gets it. Jiro doesn’t exactly, but she bonds with them anyway because they all have anxiety and listen to similar music. Jiro will listen to anything from any genre if she likes it but loves emo and punk especially, you KNOW the only two genres Tokoyami listens to are emo and classical to be Dramatic (TM), and Shinou loves the angrier emo and punk stuff so he can release his Pent Up Rage (TM). Also purple gang.
Momo and Sato! They both find themselves in the kitchen a lot - Momo for her tea and Sato for baking. They’re both quiet but friendly, are generally pleasant to be around, yet have a lot of insecurities about how useful they are and that they don’t deserve to be in the hero course - imposter syndrome buddies! I can see them talking while baking/making tea which is relaxing for them and helping each other with their insecurities - like, I can also see Momo teaching Satou more about strategy, and them learning to think under pressure together.
Momo and Iida also - and plus Shouto. The former two are both Class Reps, so they probably work together a lot, and they’re all from hero families, so even though Shouto doesn’t they probably know each other. They might have sort of gravitated towards each other at times when they didn’t know anyone, or when they were feeling that pressure to match entire legacies of hero families and no one else really understood it. Plus Shouto feels like the type of person who’s just kind of hang around wherever, so I can see him just chilling while Momo and Iida do class rep stuff. Also study groups!
Ooh, Mina and Aoyama. Like, I personally hc Mina herself as having some trouble making friends growing up and having a bit of an unstable home life, and we all know what’s up with Aoyama... so them just kind of being loud theatre kids together but also bonding, because they both have so many insecurities they’re afraid of people seeing, but there’s finally someone else who gets it now. Also, they 100% have self care/spa sessions when they just trash talk people (bot not in a mean way ofc) and judge people’s fashion sense (despite that Mina’s is also wild), because they are THE gossip queens of 1A.
Idk, I feel like Izuku and Hagakure would also be really cute. Like, I hc Hagakure as having a lot of issues feeling like no one even notices she exists so having self worth issues, and then we have Izuku I-will-break-my-bones-and-die-because-I-have-been-conditioned-into-believing-I-have-no-value Midoriya. Like maybe Izuku can rant to Hagakure about all the uses he sees for her quirk and helps her realize that she’s actually NOT just there, and I can def see Hagakure being the type to yell at Izuku everything awesome he’s done and how they’d all be dead without him. Also someone needs to tell Izuku how toxic Bakugo is and idk Hagakure seems the type.
Ooh, Shouto and Sero would be a fun one. Sero seems pretty friendly, so I can see him trying to talk to awkward-seeming Shouto even if he gets rebuffed, while Shouto is like how?? Talk?? People?? Idk it would be super fucking funny for Sero to make some joke about whatever and Shouto just deadpan responds to him entirely seriously. Also, Fuyumi gives me incense and candle vibes, so maybe Sero’s hobby reminding him of his sister is just... nice for Shouto. Sero probably does most of the talking but that works for both of them.
Omg, Kaminari and Iida! Like I hc Kaminari as having ADHD and dyslexia, and Iida is A) the Class rep who takes his position VERY seriously, and B) just a genuinely wholesome person who wants to make sure all his classmates are comfortable and happy. Like I can bet Iida would spend a long time looking at study strategies that work with ADHD and showing it to him (and no hes not anxious because he Does Not Know how people work either wdym-) and Kaminari just crying because he’s genuinely touched and Iida Panicking (TM). Super wholesome stuff.
Tokoyami, Tsuyu, and Shouji would be nice. They’re all quiet and level headed who tend to lead with their heads and think things through, so I can see them drifting together under the cover of the more boisterous, loud members of the class, and them bonding over being the literal sole braincells lol. Maybe they meditate together? I can see them all enjoying that. Hanging out with them is probably a lot more peaceful given all the shit this class gets up to tbh.
OOH. Tokoyami, Ojirou, Tsuyu, Mina, and Shouji - Mutant gang! Maybe they can all bond over how looking ‘different’, even in a society where everyone has superpowers, can lead to people seeing you differently and even being scared - like maybe Mina does have insecurities over people being scared of how she looks and Shouji, Tokoyami and her can bond over it. Her and Tsuyu just talking about how female heroes are expected to be conventionally pretty and they might not be considered so. Maybe Ojirou and Tsuyu can talk about how their quirks are considered ‘boring’ but still get them looked at weird sometimes.
Ojrou and Ochako would be fun. Ochako, we know, has martial arts training from Gunhead, and Ojirou is a martial artist too I believe? Maybe they spar together and give each other tips - like Ochako can suggest more ways for Ojiro to incorporate his tail when he fights and Ojirou could point out areas she can use her quirk to her advantage, to help them combine their hand to hand combat and quirks. Also, Ojirou seems like a chill dude who’d just sort of talk to Ochako about her insecurities in an objective manner.
Also: the girls of 1A are all BFFs who paint each other’s nails, braid each other’s hair, punt M*neta into the sun, and rant about how mysoginistic hero society is and how they’re sexualized without wanting to be. They train together and eat snacks and do not give a fuck.
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The Duty of a Hero
Author’s Note: Howdy folks! I’m here with my first proper fic and I really hope that y’all like it! This will be exploring what could’ve happened if the Dabi that Aizawa fought wasn’t one of Twice’s clones. Since this is a fight, I advise the folks that are sensitive to things like that to click off and read another fic. Also, since this story does change scenery and moods a bit, I included some songs that change along with the the stories mood! This is mainly just because I like showing off my music taste and shit. Here’s Part 2!
Songs to Go Along: The Fighter by In This Moment, Acid Bubble by Alice In Chains, The Great Gig In The Sky by Pink Floyd
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I felt extremely at peace for once in life. I felt the normal crackling of my joints silence into a warm nothingness. My aching muscles that had been torn to shreds time and time again, the ones that had been strained and stretched beyond the limits of the human body seemed to reform perfectly as they melted into the rest of my numb form. My skin, a forest of calluses, scars, stitches, and open wounds felt as if it was no longer there. I was no longer confined to the space of my body, and instead moved around as freely as water or air. I was a sort of goo, unmoving, stationary, simple, yet free. 
With a quirk as self-destructive as mine, becoming a hero was a sort of death wish. My quirk was known as “pain transfer.” Anytime I made eye contact with a person, I could activate my quirk and subject myself to pain only to have them suffer the pain of the injury for as long as I was looking at them. I could also transfer existing pain to my target. Although I may have had a wicked high pain tolerance and quick recovery period, my humanity was bound to catch up to me eventually. Quirks like mine, “villainous quirks” according to most people, should be kept hidden and the people born with them should go on to live normal lives as ordinary civilians. My parents were among these people. When I told them that I was enrolling in the hero course at UA, I was given the choice to either become a hero and be disowned, or ditch my pipe dream and stay their beloved child. I packed my things that night.
It was a miracle that I passed the entrance exam the next day. I was running on little sleep, the loss of my financial support, and the trauma that came with the realization that your parents didn’t love you anymore because you didn’t live in a way that they approved of. I had trained since my will to become a hero first arrived, a sort of passionate drive that crashed into my life so unexpectedly that the impact nearly gave me whiplash. 
I supposed that that inferno of, what? Spite? No, not spite, something deeper, hotter, and more righteous than spite. Let’s say ardor. This ardor was what drove me to take out as many robots as I could, despite the fact that my quirk was utterly useless in this situation. I took out a decent amount of robots, at least, decent enough to get into the hero course. A lady by the name of Recovery Girl healed me before I went on my way. I thought that I just had a few scrapes and bruises, but apparently I had a broken wrist. Surprisingly, I wasn’t the worst-off there, some poor kid broke both of his arms and one of his legs. 
The time between this moment and when I got into UA seems to have flown by. I came into UA, a semi-blank canvas, and now here I was, bleeding out on the campsite that I planned to spend my summer at with my classmates. Dying feels far less painful than one would assume; you really don’t even realize that you’re dying at first. It’s sort of like that feeling you get after eating a warm meal after starving for so long, sickening at first, but comforting after you grow used to it. It’s like taking a hot bath after spending a day in the snow; it burns at first, but the burning subsides into a comforting numbness. Your senses slowly dull into nothingness but your brain is left to conjure whatever image it pleases. I could have seen dead relatives, met idols, or even pictured an alternate life where my parents still loved me, but I didn’t.
I didn’t want it. Fame, fortune, admiration, acceptance, rebirth, none of it. I wanted none of it. I wanted to live. I wanted to do what I swore to do as soon as I got into UA. I wanted what I signed up for when I packed my bags and left my parents’ house at age fourteen. I wanted what I fought tooth and nail for. I wanted my ambitions and goals fulfilled.
Of course I wanted what I had worked for, that was beyond obvious, however, I also wanted the small things in life. I wanted my afternoon tea with Yaoyorozu, Sato, and Todoroki. I wanted my fashion shows with Aoyama, Ashido, and Hagakure. I wanted my midnight conversations with Shinsou and Tokoyami. I wanted my video game sessions with Kaminari and Sero. I wanted my morning meditation meetings with Shoji, Ojiro, and Koda. I wanted to watch pro-wrestling with Bakugou and Kirishima. I wanted to train with Iida, Uraraka, and Midoriya. I wanted to swim with Asui. I wanted to listen to music with Jiro and Mr. Present Mic. I wanted inappropriate jokes with Ms. Midnight. I wanted to make Mr. Aizawa proud; I wanted to make myself proud. So, with so many incredible things to live for, I opened my eyes, and attempted to move.
Much to my distaste, it turns out that my relief from pain, as well as the disassociation from my body was nothing more than a thin veil that was easily permeated as I rose from near death. The forest was nothing more than a verdant blur, one that was far from easy to navigate. However, all things end eventually, so I decided to run from death and wherever I ended up would be the least of my worries. I sprinted through the disorder and dysfunction, and wound up walking in on my teacher fighting the son of a bitch who had left me to die a lonely death with only the company of insects and whatever plants were to take over my wilting corpse.
As Mr. Aizawa tackled the cremation villain, I rose from the forest, stared at the man in restraints, and activated my quirk. As the pain transferred from me to him, I felt the veil of insensibility slip over me once more. The villain howled out in agony, the very agony that he had inflicted on me only minutes before. 
“Whatever you do, don’t break your gaze Eraserhead!” I chimed as I finally straightened my form, not wanting the hero to see me in such a state, “You’ll just have to trust me on this one!” Mr. Aizawa nodded, keeping a steady gaze on his target.
“Tried to kill me off?” I snarled as I made my way towards the sadistic bastard and beloved teacher holding him in place.
“You’re supposed to be dead,” the captive growled through gritted teeth, still under an amount of pain that would knock-out any average human. He looked beyond pissed that I survived, as if he took offense to the fact that I didn’t appreciate his work. I waltzed over to him, just far enough from Mr. Aizawa, but just close enough to the charred villain. 
“Surprise, I remain,” I cooed, low enough for only the villain to hear. He bared his teeth at me, looking at me as if he were some sort of rabid animal. I wanted to taunt him. I wanted to make fun of the fact that he had been taken down by a high schooler and their teacher, but I knew that it was never good to brag, because Karma would usually come to bite you in the ass for it. 
I stared at the man covered in staples, every blink I took releasing him from the effects of my quirk. Every blink motivated me to continue staring at him, to immobilize him so Mr. Aizawa could use his eye drops or blink, to buy him some time. However, I knew that this game of “pass the villain” could only go on for so long. Something had to be done. Eventually, the patchwork villain would catch both of us off guard and use his quirk, or one of his buddies would come and back him up. Mr. Aizawa and I were miles away from my peers or the rest of the pro-heroes. It was just the two of us up against this villain, and we were growing tired.
Only minutes after the realization had struck me, the villain escaped from Mr. Aizawa’s scarf when the two of us accidentally blinked at the same time. The human crematorium stood before us, and before I could use my quirk to disable him, he shot out a flurry of blue flames my way.
I dodged this attack as Mr. Aizawa ran towards the villain, yelling out the name “Dabi.” Before Mr. Aizawa was able to restrain him, Dabi grabbed the erasure hero and threw him headfirst into a brick wall, effectively knocking him out. I desperately wanted to check on my partner in battle, but I knew that I couldn’t let my guard down, because now Dabi was staring me directly in the eye.
I could attempt to charge at him, but I would be charred to bits, and even if I somehow managed to avoid his flames, I would meet the same fate as Eraserhead, knocked out and at Dabi’s mercy. I was screwed, I had no back up, my teacher was unconscious, and I was face to face with one of Japan’s most notorious criminals. I was dead meat.
That was until I devised a plan, one that would take out the cremation villain for good. One that would end his reign of terror once and for all. However, there was only one downside to this plan, and that was the fact that this plan would result in two casualties, Dabi and me. However, if I went with any other plan, Mr. Aizawa and I were to become the victims while Dabi walked off scot free. 
I was destined to become a martyr.
With that realization, I turned to my teacher who was slowly coming to his senses and gave him a gentle smile,
“Eraserhead, it has truly been a pleasure,” I announced as Dabi’s arrogant gaze turned to one of confusion. As Mr. Aizawa slowly faded back into his previously comatose state before he had time to be confused, I focused my gaze back on the blue-flamed bastard. It was time to end it, to end his rule once and for all.
I reached into my pocket, grabbed a tiny weapon that fit perfectly in my hand, locked eyes with the villain, smirked, and painlessly slit my neck. As Dabi grasped his neck and choked on his unseen blood, which was truly my blood, he fell to his knees.
As I took what I knew were my last steps, I came face to face with the first half to my murder-suicide. He glared at me, an amalgam of agony that felt nothing at all, and snarled.
“I’ll see you in hell, you cunt.”
I laughed, of all the things he could’ve chosen to be his final words, he chose to give into the childish desire to have the last word with me. As his oddly-familiar eyes drained of life, I felt the pain I had so carelessly inflicted upon myself finally hit me like a freight train.
I began to choke as I fell to my knees, similarly to how Dabi had fallen only seconds before. I knew that my time was up soon, I would succumb to my injuries and lose the thing I had fought tooth and nail for only moments before. I looked to the horizon to find the sun casting his loving gaze upon my battered body. It was as if Apollo himself was granting me a warrior’s death, like he knew I had made some kind of a righteous sacrifice that warranted a soothing transition from death to afterlife.
The sunrise was something like I had never seen before. The blues burned brighter than the flames I had defeated minutes before, the yellow pooled around my weary being like an evening gown to a death dance, and the red painted a comforting scene in the clouds, as if to distract me from my own red that painted my body and the ground around me. I smiled my final smile as I walked into the loving embrace of the sun.
My duty as a hero had been fulfilled.
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Helping Their S/O Recover From Surgery
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Pairing: BNHA Boys x reader
Warnings: Reader is in the hospital (obviously), several mentions of food and eating, medication mention, that should be it
Characters: Midoriya, Bakugou, Todoroki, Amajiki
Wow, I actually completed a request in a timely fashion 😳
I hope this isn’t too terrible. My dad was disabled, so he had a lot of surgeries (maybe one every year or two). Ergo, I’ve had some experience being in hospitals, if not exactly in the position of the patient ヽ(;▽;)ノ It’s been some time tho, so idk, I might still be missing something.
Anyway, I hope you get well soon, @ure-a-sunflower! Thanks for the request, I’m really flattered that you think of me like this 😊 And never feel shy about sending me a hug! I love hugs :3
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● Midoriya is the type of guy who'll sit in the waiting room the entire time you're under
● He's a little worried about you, but he trusts that you'll make it through okay
● Trust me, he has plenty of experience being in hospitals (stop breaking ur bones >:()
● He'll be right at your bedside as soon as he's allowed to, whether you're awake or not
● As soon as you're awake and he's able to, he'll give you a nice hug (gently). He doesn't care if you're still in bed, he just wants to know you're okay
● He'll spend a lot of time with you while you recover, sitting in the chair by your bed
● Please please tell this boy it's okay for him to talk. He'll tell you everything he knows about heroes for hours and whether you care about what he's saying or not, it's totally worth it just to see the big smile on his face
● Either way, he'll talk to you almost the whole time. He's actually really fun to have a conversation with! You can talk to him about anything and he'll listen
● Will also play board games with you to pass the time, or any kind of small game he can find that you can both do on your bedside table
● He'll get you anything else you might want as well :)
● Once you're discharged, he'll stick around and help you out
● Again, if you need anything, he's got you
● Need someone to cook for you? If he can't do it himself, he'll ask his mom for help (pls, she cooks the best meals and she loves you so much)
● Will remind you to take your meds
● He'll take naps with you 🥺 He knows you're probably still tired out, so he's making sure you get plenty of rest
● Helps you with any wound care you might need, whether it's cleaning it or dressing it, he'll help out if you let him
● Just very much a sweet boi, 10/10 boyfriend
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● He is very much concerned about you the whole time, he's just really good at hiding it
● As soon as he's allowed to visit you, he's there
● He'll come in quietly, scowling at the floor
● He has a bag with him that's got a container of food in it. He put a lot of effort into making it just for you, just the way you like, but it's likely he'll brush it off and claim it's leftovers
● Katsuki isn't exactly the best hospital buddy, but he'll try
● The thing is, he's not very talkative. He refuses to leave your room for too long, but he's more the type to just sit in the chair by the window (probably looking at his phone)
● You may think he's not paying you any attention, but he's spending time reading up on what condition you're in and how to make sure you recover properly
● He's there if you need him
●Will yell at the nurse / doctor if they're not taking care of you right
● Makes a comment at least once about how much he hates the smell (it's not you, it's the general hospital smell)
● Tries his best to cook for you as often as he can so you don't have to eat the hospital food there (might even give up trying to brush off how much he does for you)
● Gets you anything you need when you ask. As I said, he's not keen on leaving you in your room by yourself, but he won't say anything if you ask for something
● When it's time for you to go home, he'll just get even more clingy
● But not necessarily affectionate, oh no
● He was there when the doctor gave you guidelines for what to do during your recovery period, and he did his research
● You're not getting out of following it to the letter
● If you're supposed to stay in bed and rest, he'll make sure you're not getting up unless you absolutely have to. Also he'll do any kind of heavy lifting for you, just to be safe (and it’s totally not a bonus chance to lowkey show off how strong he is)
● If you need to incorporate more activity into your day, he'll be at your side. It's like a little date, taking a nice slow walk in the park
● He's also keeping tabs on how much water you're drinking. He always encourages you to drink plenty of water, but now he's even more on top of his game to remind you
● He'll also remind you to take your meds (aggressively but with love) :)
● And he'll drive you to your follow up visits with your doctor
● Bakugou will encourage you the best way he knows. He may come off harsh at times, but he just wants your healing process to go as smoothly as possible. He's not good with feelings and stuff, but this is how he shows you he cares
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● Another sweet boi
● He knows what it's like to visit people in the hospital (ahem, his mom), so it wouldn't be too weird for him (not that it’s all that weird for any of them)
● He'd come and see you every day, and he'll bring you a little something each time, whether it's a snack, some flowers, a game or coloring book he thought you'd like, or even a little stuffed bear (or whatever your favorite animal is)
● His visits can be weirdly short though? Like, he doesn't know what to say, so he kind of just . . . leaves? Like wait come back
● He likes it when he can get you talking. He's not much of a talker himself, so it's easier if you can lead conversations
● But if you want him to, he will just keep you company in silence
● Master at staring off into space for long periods of time
● But every time he looks over at you, he gets this soft smile on his face and he's so cute
● He's trying his best
● He'll also help remind you of things when you're back home
● He's not the best at cooking, so he'll order you anything you want and eat it with you
● I'll state the obligatory "he provides that hot/cold treatment for any pain you might have" because he does and it works
● He'll go out with you to walk around, and just generally get you back into living your life
● Yeah, he's just really glad to see that you're healthy and he’s happy to help you out so your recovery is quick and easy
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● Not gonna lie, he was a little nervous while you were having the surgery
● Not too bad, just some pacing around the waiting room, but he feels so much better once everything's over with
● Big on sitting next to your hospital bed and just holding your hand the whole time he's visiting
● Hates checking in every day (because ew, people, and also ew, walking through strange halls full of people and equipment and the lighting is funky and everything smells like hand sanitizer and—)
● But he does it for you, because you're the most important thing to him 🥺
● Oh, and he also gets really really quiet whenever the nurse comes in to check up on you and just kind of pretends like he doesn't exist for a moment while they do their thing
● He'll do something where he gets himself a boxed lunch or takeout and eat with you in your room at meal times
● Honestly though, he'll be happy when you're finally able to go back home
● He's a very sweet and doting boyfriend, and he'll make sure you're getting everything you need
● He'll do his best to help you readjust after everything, and he'll even stay by your side when you go for follow up appointments :]
● (His anxiety has that loophole where if you're ever anxious about doing something, he's able to take charge and help you out)
● Pls, I love him
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Taglist: @aahilovetheatre @basicalyrandom @hyunmin-1404 @kqtsukii @nabo39 @pyrofanatic @rainy-skys-and-bright-stars​ @sendhelpimstupid​ @xoxopam4​
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 318: On Your Left
Previously on BnHA: The Hawksquad+Lurkers were all “well this sucks” and sat around a bit talking about how maybe they should actually come up with a new plan that is actually good, but then in the end they were like “nah.” Deku was all, “THERE’S SOMETHING INSIDE ME THAT PULLS BENEATH THE SURFACE!! CONSUMING, CONFUSING!! THIS LACK OF SELF CONTROL I FEAR IS NEVERENDING. IT’S HAUNTING HOW I CANT SEEM TO FIND MYSELF AGAIN. MY WALLS ARE CLOSING IN.” Just, literally that whole entire song. All Might was all “Deku you should take care of yourself, try eating a thing,” and Deku was all “BYE, ALL MIGHT,” and just LEFT. He left!!! What the fuck!!!
Today on BnHA: Endeavor is all, “maybe if Deku didn’t listen to All Might he’ll listen to me instead.” Deku is all, “[doesn’t listen to Endeavor]” because, well, yeah. The Vestiges are all, “surprisingly, even we are a little concerned -- maybe you should get some rest, kid.” Deku is all, “((Ò ‸ Ó)).” The Vestiges are all, “holy shit.” Deku is all, “[wanders the ruined city streets terrifying the populace on account of him looking like Shelob had a baby with one of the Nazgul].” Some shriveled-up puppeteer villain asshole is all, “HORIKOSHI SAID IT’S MY TURN TO ATTACK DEKU TODAY SO I AM GOING TO SUMMON MY FRIGHTENED HELPLESS ATTACK MOB!!” Kacchan is all “WHADDYA MEAN THEY FOUND THE NERD!!! -- oh wait, that’s me, I found him. I found the nerd, you guys.” And just in time, too. I was about to owe a whole lot of people a whole lot of dollars.
so I have been super good about spoilers this week as always, but let me tell you guys, for the past 36 hours my dash filters have basically been nonstop “manga spoilers” this and “bnha 318” that, and so I’m coming in with a fair amount of hype here. your move, Horikoshi
oh, good! they got Endeavor to call Deku to try to talk him out of it. what a great and wonderful plan
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“listen up kid, you haven’t slept since March and you are basically a walking biohazard right now, I’m just telling it like it is. didn’t you get shot like three times?? and there was a whole thing about how you urgently needed medical attention?? and supposedly we gave it to you, but I mean you haven’t even changed your clothes and don’t seem to have any fresh bandages or anything, so did we?? did we, really?? and also we all got blown up yesterday, so yeah.” hmm he’s making some reasonable points here you guys, but you sure do go on and on, Endeavor
oh he says foreign aid is finally on its way! I’m sure they’ll be very helpful. I mean in fairness they can hardly be worse than the home-grown heroes at this point
hey Enji, could you maybe try appealing to Deku the sixteen-year-old human boy, as opposed to Deku The World’s Last Hope? he does have value beyond his quirk. I know that’s always been an incredibly difficult concept for you to grasp, but could you maybe TRY, jesus
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and also we’re worried about you as a person?? you’re just a kid and you’re pushing yourself way too hard?? you were going to say that part next, right. why the hell didn’t Hawks make this call instead
“don’t worry about me... I’m completely fine” Deku you do understand that saying it over and over again doesn’t actually make it true
and again with the rush!! all the rush rush rush!! we’re running out of time, we can’t let AFO and Tomura keep getting stronger, I have to end this now, there’s no time to rest, etc. etc. etc. just the constant pressure of this whole big countdown on top of everything else
holy shit, you KNOW it’s bad when even the Vestiges are telling him to chill
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these guys are basically the walking talking embodiments of self-sacrifice; if even they’re telling him he needs to take five, then he must seriously be like half a step away from death’s door
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(ETA: so I’m pretty sure this was just Danger Sense activating and so he cut them off to go do more hero stuff, but I’m gonna go ahead and stick to my original interpretation anyway lol.)
anyway so how’s everybody doing. we all good? En, you good? Banjou? Shino? I’m imagining you guys all curled up in a little ball on the floor right now lol. can’t say I blame you though, no shame
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“SHEESH.” sheesh indeed, lmao. “what in the FUCK was that”
see, this is why y’all need Kacchan. you need someone who’s not going to back down from him no matter what. if it’s a matter of out-stubborning Midoriya fucking Izuku, then there’s only one other person on the planet capable of that, and we all know it. don’t pretend like you don’t. I am not going to shut up about this! we’ve had our hurt so now what about SOME COMFORT, DAMMIT
“I’m afraid that he’s becoming influenced by my conscience” nah are you kidding Nana this is all 100% made-in-Japan pure original Deku right here
see, Banjou gets it. “that kid, he’s totally going on his own.” exactly. this was so inevitable it was basically scientific law
“well I for one don’t see the problem with Deku being so obsessed with saving everyone else that he pushes himself until his body and soul literally fall apart” okay, whose speech bubbles are these?? we’re about to have words
lol of course
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well you always did prefer the direct route didn’t you. but even you can’t possibly think this is okay lol
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dark AU!Kacchan please tell us more about your badass doomed timeline in which everything went to shit and you apparently had the same character arc that Deku is having right now except it somehow made you sexier instead of turning you into a rabid t-rex. I have so many questions
oh so now you want to help??? well -- good, actually. sorry if that sounded offended just now lol
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(ETA: so at first when I got to the end of this chapter I was wondering if Katsuki B. had somehow summoned his alternate-universe counterpart through trippy OFA space telepathy lol. but in the original Japanese there’s no reference to “we”, so this appears to be a mistranslation. this line should probably read more like “if there’s something/someone out there that would be able to complement/complete the current Midoriya Izuku [it would be]…” which, oh hello, is that Horikoshi once again reaffirming that Deku and Bakugou complete each other lol. “guess what guys, the Vestiges ship it too" heck yeah. they know what’s up!)
“meanwhile somewhere in the depths of the ruined city, Deku was having a dance-off with the villains”
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I like how the villains all have this “AHH WHAT THE FUCK” kind of body language to them lol. I mean if it were me, and an eldritch horror suddenly clawed its way from the shadows with its writhing glowy tentacles and pants-shitting nuclear death stare, I would probably just die on the spot. no need to stick around. only pain awaits
lol for a minute I thought this was Can’t Ya See-kun and I was like “WHAT A FASCINATING CROSSING OF PATHS” but it’s just some random girl
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he seems genuinely confused lol
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Deku it’s because you look like something that crawled out of a sewer drain, sweetheart
lol they just took his word for it?
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so trusting. even though they’re immediately hauling ass anyway just to be safe lmao
“my appearance is frightening to others” no shit Deku it’s because you look like a fucking alien exorcism. you look like a Lich that got caught up in an oil spill my dude
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“ENJOY THIS MONTAGE OF DEKU BATTLING A RANDOM KAIJU AND WANDERING THE WOODS LIKE A DERANGED GREEN BABA YAGA” okay yes but sir, exactly how much longer is this going to go on. if it’s a matter of you wanting to make sure we get it, let me assure you that aside from a few stray chuunis who think that Deku embracing the Darkness is the coolest thing he’s ever done, all of us here in fandom fully comprehend that this is Not Good
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really. with the flashbacks to his loved ones’ smiling faces and everything. not even gonna try to aim above the belt, huh
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(ETA: my man did Sero and Kaminari fucking dirty lmao. I miss their smiling faces too omg.)
the sheer, unparalleled irony of him saying this while he stands there looking like the gargoyle demon from Fantasia got crossed with an umbrella that got struck by lightning. Deku :(
oi who the fuck is this clown
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is he controlling this mob with his evil hair. “what if I made an exhausted, running-on-fumes Deku battle a brainwashed mob at Ground Zero.” Horikoshi do you just have like a checklist of horrible things you want to do to your protagonist
easy there Sasori
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well joke’s on you buddy because he’s apparently “completely fine”, so
“here’s to hoping that you know more about AFO’s location than the others” jesus christ Deku you really have hung your mercy out to dry huh
now he’s forcing his mob of terrified prisoners to attack Deku ahhhh. sucks to be them. at least they’re not being controlled by bees
so Deku is saying that Sasori’s control can be broken with “physical trauma.” similar to Shinsou’s quirk I guess. but so does that mean he’s gonna have to hurt them? ( •﹏•)
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fuck. he looks like he’s on the verge of passing out
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this is what happens when you nerf a character’s self-preservation stats in favor of spamming their bone-breaking stats instead. NOW ACCEPTING BRAIN CELL DONATIONS FOR A BOY IN NEED!! with your loving generosity we can hopefully help him live to the ripe old age of seventeen
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[grabs your hands] ლ(*꒪ヮ꒪*)ლ [swings you in a circle] へ(゚◇゚へ)
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(ETA: imagine what this must look like to Deku though. he’s been caught up in this dark cloud of despair and exhaustion that’s been building up over... I’m gonna go ahead and say “weeks”, because yeah. and now he finds himself here, in the place where All Might’s legacy ended and the torch was passed to him. and the world is in ruins, and he’s surrounded by frightened people who are all trying to hurt him -- because who isn’t trying to hurt him, these days -- and he’s scrambling to figure this all out, but meanwhile the weariness is finally starting to catch up to him, and so he’s basically just standing there in a fog of complete and utter misery.
and then all of a sudden through that haze, he hears the one voice that’s more familiar than any other that he knows. like, I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if he thought he was just imagining it at first. Kacchan showing up to save him right when he’s at his most desperate and feeling the most alone. Kacchan, showing up to save him.
this is the person he always looked up to as a child (to be fair he was quite a strange child lmao). the person who was even closer to him than All Might. the person he always thought was amazing. and bam, here he is now. appearing in the sky out of nowhere to one-shot the bad guy with a single blast (which, btw, that was his armor-piercing attack too lmao dslkjlk take it easy there kiddo). like, that must have felt absolutely surreal to him, especially coming at a time when he’s already half-delirious and barely hanging on to reality. he must have really thought that he was losing it there for a second.
but he’s really there. it really is him. and for this brief moment -- before the rest of the situation catches up to him, and he remembers about all of the fucked-up AFO stuff, and remembers why he was so afraid and why he was pushing everyone away -- for just this one brief moment, he’s too exhausted and stunned to do anything except to just react. just stands there, looking up at him in awe.
and you know, it almost reminds me of...
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just. you guys. the character development. the freaking character development. someone who brings reassurance. someone who shows up and makes you think, “oh, it’s all going to be okay now, because [person] is here.” the role reversals. the growth. the payoff!! because who is the one person who always had faith that Kacchan would one day grow up to become an amazing hero like that. WHO IS IT. YOU ALREADY KNOW.
omg. anyways, bless you Horikoshi, my feels which have been on backorder since fucking September have finally arrived lmao. yes, good, thank you. worth the wait. it is always, always worth the wait. fuck yeah.)
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little-fairy-forest · 3 years
Can I request class 1a reader win the Sports fest
🍀Hello lovely! I'm answering this sooner then the others since it's short and sweet, I'll have the next ask in my inbox answers shortly :)
Class 1-A x sports festival winner
Class 1-A x gn!reader, fluff
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You done it, finally done it, you won the first year sports festival
You have been training for months, you are so happy that your hard work paid off
You received messages from family and friends who watched the event either live on TV or where there in person, either way the support was much welcomed
As you step down from the podium and made your way over to Todoroki to give him congratulations on getting third since Bakugou was er occupied
"Congratulations L/n, you earned your title, I'm sure the class would like to celebrate" the duel haired boy says as you both walk off the field
You were greeted by your classmates congratulating you and Todoroki,
"Yo wheres Bakugou? He still out there?" Kaminari asks as he give you a high five
"Yeah I think he is talking to Allmight, not sure" you say as you hug Tsuyu back
"*ribbit* we should celebrate later, I'm sure we can go to a restaurant *ribbit*" Tsuyu suggests as everyone gathered their belongings from the lockers and make their way home
As you were on your phone flicking through different social media platforms, you thanked each classmate for posting about your win online, aswell as reading some headlines and broadcasting stations who televised the event
You met with your classmates to celebrate the sports festival being over, you all began ordering your meals as Iida decided to make a toast
"Its wonderful everyone could make it this evening to celebrate the victories of class 1-A today, especially Todoroki, Bakugou and L/n. I hope you all get a good rest after the performance you put out here today!" Iida says with a big smile on his face as he raises his glass "a toaste to class 1-A's future heros"
Everyone raises their classes and cheers ,
As people finished their meals, you were asked a question by Kirishima "hey L/n let me know when we can hit the gym as gym buddies! I need a new partner" he suggests as he looks at you with a bright smile
"nah I didn't go against them in the festival, I need to spar" Sero said as he picks up another bread roll
"Tch as if you could beat them, I've had a headache all say because of that dumbass," Bakugou says as he looks at you "also- learn to not hit guys in the balls, it fucking hurts, Deku wasn't able to walk, ya seen him get dragged of like some rag doll? Pathetic" Bakugou snickers as he remembers the green eyed boy almost die from pain
You take a mental note for next time, yeah you didn't mean to hit Midoirya- there of course not! You were trying to counter his attack
As people trickled out of the restaurant you were given small gifts as a reward for your success
Yaoyarozu gave you a gift card to a sports wear shop, Kaminari got you some hero merch, Todoroki paid for the meal, you tried to split it as did everyone else but he insisted
Midoriya gave you one if his note books that was about your progress and what you should try with your quirk
You were so grateful that your classmates were so supportive of you even if you have only known them for a such time :)
Bakugou made a promise that he will kick your ass next year, yeah all right katsuki
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Requests are open, I have a few more asks to get through
Summer is almost here!
Thank you for reading :)
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amive2567 · 3 years
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A/N: Since I got sick, I needed some comfort, so I have written some headcanons. My head is all mushy, so I really don't know if I wrote it well. Enjoy ❤
Characters: Kirishima x reader, Bakugou x reader, Midoriya x reader, Shinsou x reader, Todoroki x reader
Pronouns of the reader: none
Warnings: fluff, comfort, mention of sickness, reader has flu, a bit short, bad writing because my brain is full of spit 😅, not proofread
Quirk: not mentioned
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emotional support buddy
cuddles you, doesn't even care that he will probably get sick too
takes your temperature and cares endlessly for you
is a pro at making you laugh so hard that everything hurts, and then he will apologize multiple times
takes little walks with you through the neighborhood, if you feel well enough
a lot of kisses in between
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definitely cooks you the best soup on earth
forces you to take medicine
teases you in a loving way
every time you groan in pain, his gaze snaps to you, controlling if he needs to do something to ease the pain
won't admit it but has painkillers and a cold spray with him
his tactic is to sweat the cold out, so he will cover you in all of the blankets you own
"But it's sooo hot." you grown. "I know, but that's how you can get well soon."
makes you tea with honey, even if you dislike the honey he gently reminds you that the honey has an anti-inflammatory effect
in conclusion, he does everything in his might to get you back on your feet, healthy and happy
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will do everything for you
cooks, cleans or whatever you need he will do it for you
asks his mother for a chicken soup recipe
hero work is now placed second
"How are you feeling?"
"The headache still hurts," you answer sniffling.
After that, he is off to prepare a cold, wet cloth, to reduce the headache
cuddles with you, even when you decline his offers
"Zuku, I don't want you to get sick."
"I don't care," he says and lays next to you.
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lets you take a flu bath
makes sure you don't drown, but also doesn't look when you don't want it (he drinks his respect juice)
prepares towels and tea after your bath
makes sure you drink and eat enough
can't make a soup for god's sake, but he will order a healthy soup from his trust worthiest delivery service
he even skips his patrols with Aizawa to spend his time with you
"You need to take your medicine."
"I don't want to."
"Should I make you." he raises an eyebrow, and you give in.
his cat will also help to make you feel better, it will rub his furry cheeks against your hot ones
cuddle times with him and his cat, more often than ever
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has aroma sprays, to breath well or even to cure nausea
has no clue what to do, but he tries some things his mother did when he was sick, like stroking your back, stroking through your hair, or cuddling you
when the heat gets too much for you, he will use his right hand to cool you down
if it's too cold, he will use his left hand to keep you warm
will read you stories to distract you from your sickness
makes sure you take your medicine and rests enough
because he wasn't allowed to rest properly when he was a child he insists that he will do all the housework so you can rest. He doesn't want you to overwork yourself
takes days off of work, to take care of you and to be there for you (and maybe to get some extra cuddle hours)
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scarlettriot · 3 years
Rainy Day HCs
Summary: What everyone's favorite boys do when it starts to rain.
Soft fluffy fluff. G/N reader
Warning: Mild cursing. Menitons of recreational drugs.
Characters: Bakugo, Midoriya, Kaminari, Kirishima, Todoroki, and Sero
. He insisted on training outside even though the forecast called for rain.
. Also insisted that he needed a training buddy and you were the only one awake.
. You two barely started actual sparing when the first few droplets of rain started to fall and you questioned if you should move the practice someplace dry.
. "You think villains are gonna stop because of a little rain? I don't think so! Now gimme all you got, damn it!"
. You've both always been fairly matched when it came to sparring so after about 30 minutes of going back and forth you were both soaked through and covered in mud.
. Laying on your backs, looking up at the clouds with the rain still coming down, you heard Bakugo crack a small laugh before standing up and pulling you to your feet.
. After hot showers, you curled up together in his dorm room under a mound of plush blankets.
. He brewed hot tea that you both sipped on while reading your favorite respective mangas listening to the raindrops hitting the glass.
. "Thanks." He'd mutter into your temple after giving you a soft kiss. "Drink up. Don't want my teddy bear getting sick."
. You two were walking back to campus when the rain started coming down, but Midoriya was prepared for it.
. He popped open the All Might themed umbrella he'd been carrying with him all day and pulled you in close.
. Everything had been fine until a gust of sudden wind hit you both by surprise, and in an instant, the umbrella was inside out. Midoriya tried his best to right All Might but it was no use.
. "Plan B, I guess." He wrapped an arm around you and, using his quirk, ran to the nearest coffee shop. "We should wait it out here. If we walk all the way back with no cover we could get sick, and then we'd-"
. You silenced his babbling with a quick kiss turning his cheeks rosy when you praised him for his quick thinking.
. The shop was cozy and smelled inviting. Midoriya wasted no time buying you both something to drink and a pastry to share while you found a booth.
. It took about an hour for the rain to slow to a drizzle. "We could probably go now... if you wanted to."
. You snuggled closer into his side and suggest waiting for a sprinkle of rain rather than a drizzle. And he was happy to oblige.
. This boy was too excited when he woke up and realized rain was really coming down. He threw his covers off himself and got right to work!
. He'd been busy all morning, running around nonstop, and didn't bother to stop when anyone asked him what he was up to.
. Shortly after noon, you get a text from him telling you to meet him in his dorm as soon as possible.
. Thinking something might have been wrong, you dropped whatever you were doing and went straight away.
. When he answered the door, he beckoned you into his room with a flourish. "I might have gone a bit overboard." He chuckled.
. It looked like he stole every available blanket and pillow from the rest of your classmates and constructed the most elaborate fort you'd ever laid your eyes on.
. "We've got board games, card games, video games. And I have stocked up on drinks and snacks..." He jumped up, nearly falling over his own two feet. "I also set this up!" He turned the lights off and turned on a small projector. "Perfect for movies, right babe!"
. He'd really gone and thought of everything.
. Kirishima had been planning on taking you to the zoo for two weeks. It'd been all the guy could think about, and you were equally as excited. So excited, in fact, that neither of you thought to check the weather forecast.
. It started to come down as you drove. "We, well, we could go back to the dorms. Try another time?" He looked so sad even as he suggested doing the thing you both knew was the smarter option.
. That's why when you told him to keep driving, a wide, sharp-toothed smile quickly spread from damn near ear to ear.
. You walked for hours around the zoo in the pouring rain, looking at all the animals, jumping in puddles, and spinning around like idiots.
. By the time you climbed back in the car to head home, his hair was sticking to his forehead, and your shirt was nearly seethrough... and the sniffles began.
. You both shed your wet clothes and climbed into his bed once back in the dorms. Coughing and sneezing messes.
. Bakugo nearly broke down Kirishima's door in sheer annoyance, asking what the both of you had done to get sick and, after hearing the explanation, left to go make you two idiots some soup.
. "I don't regret a single thing." Kiri kissed the tip of your stuffed up nose before eating his soup with another huge smile on his face.
. Rainy days make Todoroki very sleepy. He has a tough time getting out of bed on rainy days and will only make an effort to if it is mandatory.
. It was something about the sound of rain on glass that made his eyes feel heavy and how warm his blanket felt around him.
. When it's almost one in the afternoon and you haven't seen him all day, you decide you should probably check on him. You knock and he tells you it's open.
. You're barely able to see his two-toned hair peeking out from under his blanket and you question what he's still doing in bed. "The rain. I just like staying in bed when it rains. But, I can get up if you wanted me to."
. He starts to crawl out of his cacoon, but you tell him that isn't necessary. Instead, you run back to your dorm, change into comfy clothes and ask to join him in his snuggle cacoon.
. Todoroki welcomes you in with open arms. And after a bit of wiggling, you are securely tucked into his side.
. He opens his phone again, back to the youtube video he was watching and presses play.
. It doesn't take him long to nuzzle into the top of your head, humming contently. "You make rainy days even better."
. Rainy days have an odd way of making Sero productive.
. His entire room would suddenly be spotless, laundry clean and folded AND put away. He even goes around the common area and picks up any small messes. He doesn't just clean either, his school projects would be done, and he'd be all caught up on any reading too.
. But, when there is nothing else to clean and no more school work. He'd come to find you. "Think you could, uh, slip away to the roof with me, love?
. Under a small overhang, shielded from the rain, Sero would light the blunt he had tucked behind his ear. He'd obviously offer to share if that was something you were in to but if not he'd finish it off by himself.
. It wouldn't take long for your backs to slide down the wall, sitting on the cold roof pressed shoulder to shoulder.
. Your eyes fall shut when Sero's cheek pressed against the top of your head when you rest yours on his shoulder. Closing your eyes, letting the sound of the rain consume you.
. "I could fall asleep up here like this. 'S'nice, Y/N."
. You remind him falling asleep in the cold rain probably wasn't the best idea but you weren't against falling asleep in his bed with the window open...
. "You've got the best ideas."
A/N: I hope you enjoy this maple syrup level fluff. It's been raining here all day and I just wanted to cute headcanons. I also didn't proof before posting so sorry about that. Have a good day, night, afternoon, whatever it might be! :)
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thelazyhermits · 2 years
School Briefs Volume 6 : TABF Version
As I mentioned yesterday, here’s a post about the 6th light novel, made using the same format as the previous light novel posts that @euan112358 and I made. While this volume hasn’t been officially translated yet, there’s a fan translation which I found here. 
A Red Ogre Who Doesn’t Cry?
Aizawa devises a lesson that has a theme that’s related to the event, Setsubun. This lesson, which involves separating Class 1-A into two teams, Team Momotaro and Team Oni, is a game where the teams face off and the last one standing wins. However, this particular lesson is special in that it also involves Eri who Aizawa says Bakugou must learn how to get along with by the end of the game. Will the ever prickly Bakugou be able to accomplish this monumental task?
This was such a cute chapter. I loved getting to see the students train via a fun game and that Eri got involved in the mix cause Aizawa wanted her to learn about Setsubun which she had never celebrated before.
However, what I loved the most was that Aizawa came up with a special lesson to have Bakugou work on being less scary around children since, if Bakugou were to rescue a child being his usual self, they’d be scared for sure which would just cause further problems, which Aizawa wisely pointed out.
As far as the TABF version is concerned, things would be different here cause, due to living in the dorm with her, Bakugou gets along fine with Eri. Hell, he likes her more than he does most of his classmates lol Spicy food buddies ftw XD
So, Bakugou wouldn’t get that special assignment because at this point Fortune has made sure he has learned how to be less intimidating around children lol
Another big change is that, upon hearing that Eri is going to be involved with the lesson, Class 1-A asks if Fortune will be too since she never got to experience Setsubun either, and they want her to be able to have fun too.
Fortune tells them that she’s fine waiting on the sidelines with Aizawa since her Quirk would likely give her an unfair advantage, and she doesn’t wanna risk ruining the kids’ fun. Plus, she wants Eri to get the most attention since she’s still a child unlike herself. 
After she says that, Bakugou proceeds to throw her over his shoulder in a fireman’s carry, catching everyone by surprise. While he ignores his classmates’ and Fortune’s complaints and demands to put Fortune down, Bakugou declares that he’s an oni so he can do whatever he wants, including kidnapping a woman he wants as his next meal.
With a smirk, he looks at Eri and tells her that if she wants to save Fortune she’ll have to defeat him. Otherwise, she’ll never get to see Fortune again.
Bakugou then takes off, using his Quirk. Meanwhile, after realizing that he just wants to make the situation fun for both her and Eri, Fortune dramatically cries out for Eri to save her.
While the rest of Team Oni hurries after Bakugou, a determined Eri turns to Midoriya and tells him that they have to go save Fortune, so the rest of the chapter would be about the two teams facing off and all the different hijinks that ensue.
Who Gets The Love Chocolate?!
When the Class 1-A girls are taking a break from making Valentine’s chocolate for their class, they come across one of their seniors who asks the girls to deliver some Valentine’s chocolate to the “Prince of 1-A”. This leads to the girls going on a hunt to find this prince. Just who could it be?
This chapter was another fun ride since I enjoyed seeing the girls on their prince hunt and just reading all the character interactions in general. Mineta, while annoying, was also pretty funny when he started going on a rampage lol
I was both surprised and not surprised when the prince turned out to be Mineta. Like I was shocked that any girl would wanna give him chocolate, but I could see where things were going lol And I could understand how Mineta earned that girl’s attention since he did do something nice for her. 
For the most part, the TABF adaptation would be the same as canon except, because Mineta has turned over a new leaf, he wouldn’t say a lot of perverted things that would cause his new admirer to hate him. Instead, he would be able to become friends with her like she wanted, so as long as he doesn’t botch things up, he has hope for the future lol
As far as the tantrum he throws when he doesn’t get chocolate up until that point, I’m sure he’d still act the same as canon cause, even with his change of heart, II bet he’d still get upset about not getting any chocolate cause it’s not like he’s completely matured lol
Anyway, I wouldn’t really cover any of that since the one small change could be made in a passing comment. Instead, I would wanna write about Fortune delivering all the chocolate she made for everyone. 
Upon receiving the chocolate that was specially made to suit each individuals’ preferences, Class 1-A decides they all wanna make chocolate for Fortune cause this is her first Valentine’s Day, even the guys who would normally give gifts on White Day cause they don’t wanna wait that long, Todoroki especially cause he doesn’t care about traditions like that lol
In order to keep her away from the dorm while they do this, Class 1-A secretly asks Class 1-B for help while Fortune is visiting 1-B to deliver their chocolates. 
Naturally, upon hearing what 1-A is doing, Monoma can’t allow 1-B to fall behind, so the chapter would just be about chocolate making antics that everyone tries to keep secret from Fortune haha
Spring Snowy Mountain Camp Festival
During spring break, Midoriya, Bakugou, Iida, Todoroki, Kirishima, Kaminari, and Sero decide to go camping on a snowy mountain that’s located inside a UA training facility after getting Aizawa’s permission. Unfortunately for them, their one night “fun and relaxing” vacation doesn’t turn out the way they had thought it would.
Another really enjoyable chapter! I loved the student interactions and seeing how much Bakugou has grown over the last year. Gotta love that character development haha
On a random note, considering the placement of this chapter, I’m guessing these chapters aren’t necessarily in chronological order since it makes more sense for a chapter that happens over spring break to occur after the fifth chapter which happens while the kids still have class. 
Anyway, while I liked this chapter’s plot, I couldn’t see it actually happening in TABF because, before the boys could leave the dorm, Fortune would notice that Midoriya & Bakugou both have fevers, something that isn’t noticed by the boys until after they get locked up in the training facility.
Because Fortune knows the two boys so well and has such a keen eye for this kind of thing, she’d be able to tell they were sick, so she’d forbid them from going out since they need to rest. 
The last thing they need to do is go to a snowy mountain, especially one that’s a part of one of Aizawa’s latest crazy tests lol
I can’t really see the rest of the boys wanting to go without Midoriya & Bakugou since they’d feel bad about having fun while their friends are sick. At the very least, Iida/Todoroki/Kirishima would feel that way for sure, and I doubt Sero/Kaminari would wanna go with just the two of them lol
So, if I were to make something out of this, it would basically be a sickfic focused on Midoriya & Bakugou with Fortune looking after them.
Aside from that, I like the idea of Fortune wanting to do something for the other boys who aren’t sick, so they can have some fun during their vacation, which is why they planned that sudden camping trip in the first place. 
This leads to her asking the boys if they would tour UA’s campus with Eri since there are plenty of places Eri still hasn’t visited and she can’t look after Eri while she’s tending to Midoriya & Bakugou.
Of course, aside from that reason, she also comes up with the idea cause UA’s campus is so huge, and she’s sure there’s plenty of fun to be had while they’re exploring. Plus, if she makes it seem like they’re taking care of Eri for her, the boys won’t feel guilty about doing something without Midoriya & Bakugou. 
Eri’s Shichi-Go-San
Midnight and Thirteen discover that Eri has never celebrated Shichi-Go-San which leads to them wanting to give her that opportunity. In the meantime, Eri trains with her Quirk and ends up having a difficult time due to past trauma.
I really loved how this chapter focused on Eri and showed us more of what’s going on with her side of things since the manga didn’t really show her training. I also loved seeing Midnight & Thirteen wanting to celebrate Shichi-Go-San with her despite the event date having long since passed.
Another great part was seeing Eri & Shinsou interact which was something I thought we’d only see in fanfics haha
As far as the Shichi-Go-San part of things is concerned, I see Midnight suggesting that Fortune also get a chance to celebrate with Eri since Fortune also can’t remember ever taking part in that event. So, in addition to getting her old kimono for Eri, Midnight would also get one for Fortune to wear, even though Fortune tries to tell her that she doesn’t need to worry about her.
In regards to the Eri training portion, things would mostly be the same except Fortune would be watching over the training with Aizawa rather than Mirio since it makes more sense for Aizawa to request Fortune for moral support if he’s gonna pick one person. Plus, I figure Mirio probably has a lot going on on his end due to it being close to the end of the school year, especially when he’s about to graduate.
Also, Fortune would stick close to Eri who would prefer to have Fortune with her rather than be alone like she was when she walked off in canon, so there’d be plenty of bonding with them before they help Shinsou with the cat situation.
UA Studios! The PV Strategy
Both Class 1-A and Class 1-B are having a lesson in collaboration with the Management Department. Each of the students (or multiple of them in a team) are assigned a Management Dept student, who are then tasked to create a hero PV of them.
This chapter can’t really be described with words, so I recommend y’all just read it for yourselves lol 
I honestly wouldn’t really change anything in the TABF version since this is a lesson that Fortune wouldn’t be involved with, so I can’t really think of anything else I could possibly add onto it.
Like I could have Fortune watch the presentations, but I feel like the kids would beg her not to considering how embarrassing they are lol Plus, considering all the students involved who don’t know her true identity, Fortune would need to stay away to preserve her cryptid status haha
So Fortune just makes the students some dessert to eat at the end of the day to cheer them up after everything is said and done haha
The Teachers’ Flower-Viewing Party
Having acquired a really nice alcohol from a fan, Midnight comes up with the idea of all the teachers drinking together. This leads to them deciding to look for some cherry blossom trees on campus, so they can have their own nighttime flower viewing party.
Once again, we’ve been given another drunk teachers chapter, and I’m all for it cause these people are hilarious when drunk haha
For this chapter, I could see Fortune being invited since the teachers didn’t wanna leave her out. So, once Eri has been put to bed and all the students have been taken care of, Fortune joins the flower viewing party.
I think this would be the perfect opportunity to debut drunk Fortune, so I love the idea of Midnight trying to get Fortune to try some alcohol while some of the other teachers cheer her on.
Aizawa is against it cause they don’t know Fortune’s age, but Mic says that one sip should be fine especially since there’s a chance Fortune will be turning 20 for her birthday that’s next month, considering his intuition is telling him that she’s currently 19 rather than 18, which Nedzu also believes since he’s usually pretty good at guessing ages.
All the teachers, aside from Aizawa, think that Fortune just trying a little bit of alcohol won’t be a big deal, but they soon realize how wrong they were lol
After taking just one gulp from the cup Midnight poured for her, Fortune gets drunk due to having zero alcohol tolerance. Her face turns red in an instant, and everyone immediately starts regretting their decision haha
Things only get better from there since Fortune proceeds to cling to Aizawa and tell her how much she loves and appreciates him, much to his embarrassment and everyone else’s amusement. 
This leads to everyone discovering that Fortune’s not only a total lightweight she’s also a really affectionate drunk, which they think makes sense considering her natural doting personality. 
Mic & Midnight decide to have fun with this by asking Fortune if she loves them too which leads to Fortune giving them the same treatment as Aizawa, who’s now glaring at the two teachers lol
So basically the whole chapter would just focus on drunk Fortune antics cause what could be more entertaining than that? XD
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shorkbrian · 4 years
OOOOO okok.... kirishima with a darling who’s his study partner by chance (college) and he just like,,, falls in love with them! but she have a boyfriend so :(((( but he decides the best idea is the take her by the hair and “lovingly” fuck his new little girlfriend, even though the cries pouring out her mouth are anything but... and he just. forces her to be his girlfriend and you’re just miserable babey
Bro bro bror bror b rorr bor rbro rbo
Prelude - He’s like a stereotypical jock, but is super kind and friendly and just a big HIMBO lololol.
Pairing - Kirishima X Reader
Prompt - At the top
Warnings -  NSFW, full non-con here folks. Kirishima doesn’t let reader tell him no. That is NOT cool y’all. Consent is always required.
Music -  https://youtu.be/2k5w6eTxGXk 
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You’re good at most subjects but this one just really flies over your head. When you went to the teacher, she paired you up with the only other person in the class that seemed to be having trouble, Kirishima. The teacher figured that the two of you could work through the material together.
You didn’t mind. Kirishima seemed like a decent guy, even though he was very physically intimidating. He was on the football team, built like a literal brick wall, but his personality was sunshine and rainbows. The man always greeted you with the brightest smile when you showed up to study.
For the most part, the two of you struggled to get work done. Kirishima could do no more than three problems before getting frustrated or bored, and he’d start making funny faces at you, maybe kick your shins underneath the table to get you to pay attention to him. When you finally looked up to see him with his face contorted in the weirdest way possible, you’d burst out laughing. That’s how the two of you got kicked out the library for a month, had to meet at a coffeeshop to study.
Kirishima liked coffee so sweet that it made you sick, almost gagging after taking a sip of his drink when he offered. Likewise, Kirishima couldn’t stand your tea, said it tasted like “old lady water” and needed sugar. You learned a lot about each other, and eventually reached the point were you would consider the two of you to be friends.
You were friends. Until he decided you weren’t`
Today you two are in the library, both of you struggling over your worksheets. A tapping on your shoulder alerted you to the presence of your boyfriend, and you were promptly hopping to your feet, smiling and hugging your boyfriend. He wanted to come see you, spend his lunch break together, so you had told him to meet you in the library, where you and Kiri had rented a study room.
“Midoriya! Hi baby.”
With a kiss on the cheek, your boyfriend was b lushing, pulling out a chair at the table so he could sit down. “Hey, who’s this?”
He was gesturing to Kirishima, who was glaring at your boyfriend. That was odd. Usually the redhead had no problem meeting new people, maybe he was just grumpy because he was trying to study?
“Oh, this is my study buddy, Kiri. Kiri, this is my boyfriend, Midoriya!” Midoriya nodded at Kirishima, and Kiri gave a flick of his head in return, before hunching over to scribble furiously at his paper. Yeah, he was definitely irritated at having his studying interrupted. Unusual, but you figured you should be supportive of the redhead taking his studies seriously.
“Hey babe, let’s go eat out in the courtyard - I don’t wanna make Kiri uncomfortable.”
Your boyfriend nodded, getting up from the seat he had just plopped down in, before giving a sheepish wave to the as the two of you exited the room.
“I’ll be back, sorry!”
you whisper-yelled to Kirishima before the door swung shut.
There was small talk as you and your boyfriend made your way to the pretty courtyard of the college, filled with flowering trees and cozy benches for couples (like yourselves) to sit on.
It was peaceful, sitting there, chatting with your boyfriend while he shared his sandwich with you. He was working as an intern for a big engineering company, and you could tell he was happy about his work as he animatedly recounted what he had done so far that day, pausing every now and then to gulp down a bite of sandwich.
But as all good things must end, your boyfriend had to leave after his lunch break was up, checking the time on his watch and gasping as he realized he had spent way too much time talking to you.
He apologized profusely for his abrupt exit, giving you a brief, slightly messy press of his lips against yours before he gathered his bag, shoving the rest of his sandwich into his mouth. Midoriya waved, skipping backwards, making you chuckle when he tripped and almost fell.
You loved your boyfriend, thought of yourself as the luckiest girl for getting together with the kindest, sweetest man you had ever met.
Returning to the private study room, You were surprised to see Kirishima still hunched over his paper, still scratching out numbers. His grip was white-knuckled on the pencil.
“Uh, Kiri? You okay dude?”
“Yeah, it’s whatever, I’m fine.” He didn’t sound fine. The man sounded angry.
Figuring he just maybe needed some space, you shrugged “... I need to go get a book real quick. Need anything?”
“No.”  Was his short reply.
Kirishima was normally a bubbly, friendly person. Why was he so irritated all of a sudden? Did this have something to do with your boyfriend interrupting the study session? 
You pondered over this as you walked through the shelves, partly glad that you weren’t having to dodge other students. You and Kiri usually choose times that the library was relatively empty, just in case the redhead made you choke in laughter again. 
Finding the aisle your book should be in, you meandered slowly to the end, scanning the shelves. Ah! There it was, on one of the higher shelves - but luckily you could still reach if you went on your tippy-toes.
A  big hand slipped around your waist, and suddenly you felt cool air on your backside, as if someone had flipped up the edge of your skirt. You tried to whirl around, smack whichever dumb idiot thought it’d be funny to feel you up, but you were pushed up against the bookshelf before you had the chance, shelf almost rattling with the force.
“Hey—!” Another hand clamped over your mouth, smothering your rather loud protest. The giant hand covered more than half of your face, and you couldn’t help but gasp. Was this really happening? Were you really about to get groped by some meathead senior?
“I’m really disappointed (Y/N).”
“I thought what we had was special, thought that I was the only one you looked at like that. That hurts.”
The hand on your waist dipped lower, and yup - he had flipped your skirt up, was running his hand the top of your panties, feeling the fabric between his fingers. You struggled - tried to kick back, headbutt him, twist out of his grip - but the man was too big. He slipped a finger underneath the elastic waistband of your panties, pulled it back, let it go so it could snap against your skin; make you flinch.
“Newsflash (Y/N), your ‘boyfriend’ doesn’t actually love you. You could do so much better than a little Twink like him. You need a real man, someone who can take care of you and give you what you need, give you anything you want.” What was he talking about? The hand at your mouth was clamping your jaw shut, putting so much pressure against the lower half of your face that you couldn’t even open your mouth, just let out angry whines.  When his other hand traveled around to the front of your body, dancing over the flesh of your hip,  you wiggled, trying to put up a fight. It was useless.
Kirishima shoved his hand down your panties, groaning lowly into your ear when his fingers grazed the tuft of curls above your pussy, before dipping further down to stroke gently over your folds. You shivered, angry whines giving way to distressed whimpers, wanting to yell, scream for the librarian that you knew was at their desk. 
You were hanging on his arm, trying to pull his giant hand away from your face, but there was no point. The man spent hours in the gym, building up his muscles to make him better at football, and it coincidentally made him better at holding you against his body while he slipped a finger into your now-wet cunt.
The side of his thumb was flicking at your clit, his middle finger slowly dragging across your walls. You held back a groan when it thrusted in deeper, passing by your g-spot on the way in. Kirishima noticed.
“Did you get tired of waiting for me to make a move? So needy for a cock to fill you up that you ran and got a boyfriend?” What? You shook your head no, but his fingers clenched down tighter over your face, and you froze in pain.  “I was gonna be so romantic for you, get a bunch of flowers and one of those big stuffed bears. Ask you to be my girlfriend.  But you just couldn’t wait, could you? Had to go and ruin everything.”
His voice was low, his breath tickling your ear and making you shiver as he whispered, practically growling. You had never seem him irritated, let alone angry. You were scared. Another finger slipped into your pussy, and you keened, scrabbling at his arm at the sudden stretch. Kiri snickered.
“Gonna have to take a few more to get you ready for me babe, I’m not a little stick like your stupid excuse for a ’boyfriend’.”
Tears sprang to your eyes. You loved Midoriya, had ever since you met him. He was shy and nervous, but he was also sweet. Midoriya would never treat you like this, would always ask if you wanted to make each other feel good, ask before he so much as looked at you. Kirishima was a brute.
Another finger entered you, and while the stretch stung, you also felt pleasantly full. His thumb was still moving over your clit, and with a muffled wail your hips twitched in the air, grinding down on his thumb as you suddenly came.
Kirishima didn’t stop. He huffed out a quiet laugh, gave your a wet kiss against your neck. “See? Knew you were meant for me. I love you baby, gonna make you feel so good.”
Blinking, you were trying to come down from the height of your pleasure, flinching away from Kiri as his fingers slipped out of you. Oh god, you didn’t want him to keep going. Muffled cries left your lips, desperately trying to get Kirishima to stop, slow down, please wait, but the man was determined. Your panties were pulled to the side, and something big nudged against your entrance. 
“Sorry baby-“ Kiri grunted, beginning to inch his way inside your tight pussy. “You’re just so sexy ’n pretty, can’t hold myself back.”
The mushroom head of his cock popped past your opening, and you squealed in pain. You were wailing behind his hand, and the man could feel the tears dripping onto his fingers as he held your mouth shut, could feel your lips moving as you cried “Stop, stop! Hurts, oh god Kiri it hurts.“
“Shit, baby I’m sorry, ‘m sorry.”  Without moving, you heard the sound of him spitting, and then felt his hand bump against where he was connected to you. He had spit in his palm, and was the rest of his girthy cock with the slickness, practically jerking himself off into your cunt. You cried harder.
“Shh, shhh it’s okay. I’m gonna take care of you. You’ll get to cum again, don’t worry. Bet your shrimpy little bitchboy never had you cumming twice, did he?” His voice turned sour at the end of his sentence, filled with venom at the mere mention of your boyfriend. 
Kirishima moaned, wet hand coming to rest on your hip as he slowly, slowly began inching forward, forcing his cock into your body. It still hurt, but not as much as it had at first - the slide easier with the addition of the man’s spit. It felt like he was pushing himself in forever, his cock could’ve been in your throat by the time his balls pressed flush against you
. He was bottomed out, and you were gasping, struggling to suck in air around your sobs and his giant hand. The redhead stilled, allowing the two of you to adjust to the sensation. While he waited, Kiri brought his hand up to your hair, sweeping it away from your neck so he could kiss the tender flesh their, hair still in his fist.
“You’re so good for me, look at you takin’ all of my cock. Fuck, fuck - you feel so warm.” He whined between kisses, pulling your hair to tilt your head back as he kissed towards the front of your neck. You shivered as the pain zinged through your scalp, sharp and prickly.
The man pressed up behind you had waited long enough. With no warning, he drew back his hips - cock sliding out of you. He was so /big/.  You wished he had prepared you more, at least then you wouldn’t be sore as he pressed back into you, setting up a rhythm of slow, long thrusts.
He was pulling your head back by your hair, making your head rest against his shoulder against your will, your hands still clutching desperately at his arm. Shoved against the bookshelf like this wasn’t very comfortable, but neither was getting your pussy wrecked by a man twice your size. 
Gradually, Kiri’s pace increased, your pussy working to lubricate itself and making each rapid thrust end with a squelching sound and the slap of his plump balls against the top of your clit.  Truthfully, Midoriya had never fucked you this good, but you were fine with the young man’s sexual ability. He would finish inside you, then lick out his cum until you were squirming and writhing on his tongue, and then Midoriya suck at your clit, shove his fingers into you and fuck you fast until you squirted, leaving the both of you in bliss.
Kirishima had carnal desire, sucking dark marks into the column of your throat, accidentally tugging your hair on each thrust, making you climb further onto your tiptoes to try and alleviate the pressure. He was getting rougher, throaty moans being punched out of him on each thrust - the man tried to quiet himself down by burying his face into the crook of your neck, biting down onto your skin. It just made you sob harder, the pain and pleasure mixing and sending you hurtling towards another orgasm.
And then he slammed into you so hard that your feet lifted off the ground, your body held up by his hand in your hair and the cock filling your pussy. A wail escaped you, his hand silencing it, and you came, twitching in the big man’s hold. 
“Oh, fuck, oh my god baby you’re so amazing oh my god, oh my god-“ Your toes brushed against the ground again. Kirishima was slouching his back so he could pummel into your smaller form even harder, babbling into your shoulder as his hips stuttered when he reached his own orgasm.
You sobbed as you felt his warmth filling your insides. 
Kirishima stayed there, leaning his head against your shoulder while he sucked in air, breathing raggedly. On every sob, you could feel his length inside you, and you were so disgusted.
His breathing evened out. Your sobbing quieted down into measly sniffles. Kiri let go of your hair, scratching at your scalp to alleviate the stinging sensation that he knew he must’ve caused by pulling on the strands.
“I’m gonna take my hand off your mouth now, can you be quiet for me?” You nodded, and the brushing grip was released from your face. 
You stayed silent, hand coming up to massage at your jaw where his big fingers had dug into the tender flesh.
“Good. Wanna go back to my dorm to clean up?”
Shaking your head, you barely choking out a panicked “N-no!”, almost forgetting to be quiet in your haste to respond.  Kirishima sighed behind you, pressing his chest against your back as he did so.
“Baby, I said I was gonna take care of you. I wanna take care of you. We’re going back to my dorm.”
He slowly slipped out of you, wincing as the air hit his dick.  With his length leaving you empty, Kiri smoothed your panties back into pale, then wiped his cock on the underside of your skirt before tucking it back into his pants. You wished you hadn’t chosen a skirt that morning when you were getting dressed.
Without another word, Kiri gently turned you around to face him, his eyes filled with a warmth that they always seemed to hold whenever the two of you locked eyes during a study session. His big arms encircled you, pulling you into his broad chest as he squeezed, the hug surprisingly gentle, almost calming. It would have been an amazing hug, if only the man hadn’t raped you beforehand.
  A jacket was being wrapped around  the bottom half of your legs, Kiri securing it so that you wouldn’t flash anyone when he picked you up in his arms, carrying you bridal-style. You rubbed at your eyes, trying to scrub away the tears as your ex-friend carried you towards the library exit, smiling down at you fondly.
“I love you, you know that? I’m gonna take such good care of you baby.” You ignored him.
“And don’t worry about your old boyfriend, I’m going to talk to him and break the news that you aren’t interested in him anymore. You’ve got something much better now.”
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