#also I’m ok with doing violent sources
tv3headz · 3 months
If Val still abuses Vox like stated in the old lore, would he and Angel be able to relate? 
Tw: discussions of abuse
If you weren’t back in the early days of the fandom, back then we barely knew anything about Vox. All we knew was a few limited and obvious things like he was an entertainment overlord and one of the three Vees. 
However, one of the things we later learned about him in a livestream is that him and Val are in some sort of relationship and that Val is obviously abusive towards him. 
This was a part of the old lore and while I’m sure Val can get violent from time to time, it seems from episode two that this new idea of Vox has a lot of control over Val’s anger and wouldn’t really allow him to crack or break his screen.
But back then we didn’t know this. Remember when we thought Val would be the leader of the Vees? 
Considering that we also still thought the Voxtagram stories a were canon and Val is shown to break Vox’s screen often, we had a very different interpretation of him.
And with the popularity of amazing fan song ‘eyes on me’ from paranoid dj that also shows their relationship as abusive at the end of the video, this was all we thought their relationship would be like. (Ok but honestly eyes on me is amazing I listen to it like every week) 
Now, how did this relate to angeldust? 
We knew a lot more about Angeldust because he is part of the main cast, and when addict released the show was making it very obvious that Val was his boss, abuser, and that hurts and affects him daily.
When the show released we get a sneak peak of how manipulative Val is in episode 2 when he convinces Angel to come to the studio, but it is the worst in the infamous episode.
This episode’s entire theme is about Val and just how horrible he treats Angel and has no regards for his feelings, body, or well being.
I could go into more detail on just how bad Val is to Angel, but that’s a sensitive topic that’s been discussed to death already.
But as we see at the end of ‘poison,’ Vox gives Angel a look that I can only describe as smug jealousy. 
Which Vox, I love you, but that is disgusting.
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In this frame it’s shown to us that Vox is jealous of Angel because Val focuses a lot of his time on Angel and not him, but… Angel is literally getting raped without his consent? 
Vox may be Val’s on and off boyfriend, but he’s very aware of what Val does to his employees, especially Angel. It’s part of why he works with him.
But comparing someone who youre partly letting get abused in your workplace by you’re friend and work partner to jealously because they are getting abused and beat by that person daily to be jealous of because Angel spends more time with Val than he gets to? 
I’m sorry Vox, but that sickens me to an extreme level.
Of course I could just be reading to far into that one frame, but in the context of the show Vox is an egotistical overlord who is already shown to not care for his own employees. So why would he care about what Val does to his?… except when they are the source of his anger and time.
Now, theoretically, let’s say that in the new lore Val is still abusive to Vox at times. Ignoring how close they were in the finale song in episode 8. 
Val is poison to everyone around him, even the people he’s the closest to.
Would Vox and Angel be able to bond over this? I say no.
Angel is a sinner, which is on the lower part of the class system in hell. It’s normalized that someone like him can be treated however it applies to a contract they signed.
There’s no sympathy for him by others except when they care for him and what it makes Angel do to himself (Husk) or when they know just what goes down in that studio (Charlie) 
But I highly doubt Angel and Vox are any sense of close.
Vox mainly works on his floor, and Angel works in the studio. They obviously have met and vox still has that.. *ew* resentment to Angel, but that’s really it.
Now, vox on the other hand, is a powerful level who is on the same level, if not more powerful that Valentino because he’s the leader of the Vees. 
Even if Val abuses him sometimes, he’s probably… into that. 
Look at that waist and tell me that man isn’t a bottom, you get the point.
Val and Vox’s story hasn’t been told to us yet, but by using background information like a old picture of them from presumably the 70’s and how close they seem, I theorize they met a little after Val died and teamed up to become more powerful. They were a little attracted to one another, but it never did and still isn’t official, even if they look and act gay as hell. (Heh) 
So Vox is on the same level as Val and has been close to him for 50+ years. They’ve had plenty of good moments, even if they are both awful people.
Oh yeah, let’s talk about that.
Since Vox is also on the same level as Val, he still is a awful person as well see in episode 2,4, and 8. (His appearances) 
Even if he Dosent sexually assault his employees, he still treats them horribly, as does Velvette. I assume this is common practice for overlords to treat their souls poorly, but it’s still not a good practice. I feel bad for the fish guy who had to make angelic security on the spot, he looks as stressed as me.
He hypnotizes people into trusting him and buying his technology, which is just evil businessman behavior. Someone said he reminds them of lord business from the LEGO movie, and I see it.
He is also very petty towards Alastor in almost every way, immediately trying to brainwash his audience to not listen to him.
I’m not saying being petty is a sign of being a awful person, but for Vox it contributes.
There’s the… look in episode 4, which I’ve already discussed, but it’s important to note that Vox is in Val’s studio DURING Val shooting and mistreating his stars.
If he regularly does this is then he is more than aware of what Val does to his employees and only gives them disgusted stares back. Like all he sees in them is what Val sees, useless whores for content.
Which is obviously not good lmao
And then in episode 8 (and partly episode 6 if you look into it) 
Vox is shown to have spying technology all over the city which is how he regulates his users behavior. He uses this tech to spy on alastor and the others and make fun of them like he’s watching football. 
At the end of the episode, we see him happily dancing with Valentino and Tounge kissing him, showing us even more that they’re in love in their own sick twisted evil way.
Angel on the other hand, is shown to be better. 
He’s in a hotel for redemption and throughout the season we see him slowly kicking his old habits like self destruction, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, distancing himself, etc. 
(With the help of Husky ofc huskerdust for life) 
And by the end of the season we see Angel being a lot more genuine to the others in the hotel and I only imagine he gets better once they find out it’s possible to be redeemed.
Vox is not shown to want to be morally better in the slightest, if not worse. 
He wants to one up Alastor, he wants to take over hell with the other Vees, and he will do it however he wants because he’s a cartoon supervillain. 
I’m not going to touch on what I Think of Val and Vox as a ship in this but what I will say is that Vox is a cartoon supervillain, doing things that even though horrible in the universe are just seen as goofy to us viewers.
Val on the other hand is scarily realistic, a abuser who manipulates his victims and forces them to have sex for his own benefits. I think that’s the main thing that sets me off for them, even if they are evilly perfect for each other. (So I’m gonna steal vox from Val) 
Vox is in a much different position with Val than Angel is, equal to if not above him while Angel is very below him. We see Angel stand up to him in episode 6, but I just know he was beaten the hell out of the next day and broken even further.
Vox would belittle him, so the only way I see the two even talking genuinely is if Angel starts it.
This isn’t like Angel and Husk, where they’re both washed up losers who are going through situations similar enough to bond, there’s an extreme power imbalance that wouldn’t make it as meaningful as Angel and husk’s talk.
There’s an amazing comic, I’ll add it below, but it’s actually what got me thinking about this topic.
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If Vox comes out with his screen cracked after Angel was also hurt just to yell at the other becuase he’s ruining their image, then I see this potentially working.
They could share a sweet line like Angel showing concern for Vox’s cracked screen considering that’s his face and it must feel like having you’re skull cracked open. Angel has probably been driven to that level before.
However I have this one image in my head.
If Vox and Angel are both slightly talking and then they both say, “Val can be… rough.” 
I think that perfectly shows how different the two’s situations are with him.
Vox would say it all horny with a tint of love to his voice, while Angel would say it actually despaired and quiet. They see Val’s actions differently because they are affected differently by it.
Vox isn’t scared of Val because he is on the same level as him, and I think that’s the main reason to why they wouldn’t kconnect.
Besides, both Vox and Angel are either too egotistical or have too many walls up to have a legit conversation about Val without knowing each other at all.
If anything Vox is only a contribute to why Val focuses on Angel so much, their relationship is toxic af and we see in ep 2 that Val likes to get a reaction out of Vox. It’s sick and twisted but I wouldn’t put it against him to do something like that.
So, in conclusion I don’t think Angel and Vox would be able to relate to each other because their situations and relationships with Val are so different, even if Val lets it out on Vox time to time his main target is Angel. Angel gets hurt almost every day and I’d say Vox only gets hurt every couple months on a really bad day.
We know a lot of the lore has changed since the pilot and the Voxtahram stories most of these claims come from arent even canon, so I probably just ranted about nothing.
Regardless Thank you for reading, and goodnight. If you have any genuine thoughts about this feel free to share in the comments and reblogs, I’m curious.
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(5eraphim) ok so- your choice of characters and how many, but who do you think would be the scariest when their jealous?
RATTI! I have actually wondered the exact thing. I’m assuming you meant yanderes so I’m actually really excited for this.
TW: Jealousy, Guns, breif mentions tourture, blackmail.
It’s in alphabetical order, I’ll specify ranks after entry. (MLA has screwed me up.) Sorry if it wasn’t too long, feel free to ask me to expand if you’d like!
Demoman: Tavish only really gets sassy when he’s jealous. He’s more likely to give his S/O the quiet treatment when jealous. If someone were trying to make him jealous however he’d use a well placed mine to get the message across. It’s nothing scary at all unless you don’t like being ignored. 3/10
Engineer: Engie is the guy who seethes in quiet. He doesn’t let a single person know his next move, much less what he’s thinking or feeling. He’s more than willing to put a peaceful resolve on an issue if he can but he doesn’t shake grudges. He gathers information, and could decimate a man’s entire image in one strategic move. It’s safe to say that Engie is rational and won’t jump to conclusions, but it he suspects you to be trying to make him jealous he’s terrifying. 8/10
Heavy: I can’t see Heavy instigating anything, his intimidation comes from his stature and that’s really what he uses. Misha hurts quite a bit when he feels jealous but the most it will translate to is a shove or another. It’s just enough to get his point across, but it’s not violent. At least not infront of his S/O. He might not be so forgiving if they’re not around. 6/10
Medic: Medic doesn’t even realize he’s jealous until his rhythm is thrown off, so it’s a bit of an emotional curveball. Medic will act spontaneously, but when he does it’s a punishment on either end. The one who made him jealous and his S/O. His punishments can be brutal and mentally scarring, those who made him jealous never make it out in one piece. 9/10
Pyro: Pyrovison be damned this man gets livid. Pyros intentions are clear from the moment he feels that pang in his chest. It’s not a sense of entitlement with Pyro. Its the need to protect, his S/O will not be hurt but god save the poor souls who made him feel like this. His approach is anything but friendly and is more akin to a predators stalking. Out of each of the mercs with their emotions Pyro is much more feeling of his and it definitely shows. 10/10
Scout: Scouts a very loud jealous person, and this comes across as looking cocky. He’s violent to the jackass who made him jealous and pouty to his S/O for ever giving that person the time of day. He’s whiny all around and won’t leave that argument without bruises, But each time hes made up his mind to kill the dude who did this. 5/10
Sniper: Chances are that it wasn’t even close to being intentional. If Mick is jealous he hasn’t ran off with you yet. But when he’s jealous mundy is the source of constant anxiety in his victims, making their life hell. That shot sure could have been a bulb going out, but do you think a normal person would take that risk. Mick relies on his position to invoke fear into his targets, but he wouldn’t injure them till he’s made up his mind. 8/10
Soldier: Soldiers jealousy is known to everyone on the base and he will attack out of the blue. He can be standing next to the person that made him jealous and will just pull out a gun to shoot them. His unpredictability has his teammates and those in public with a brain walking on eggshells. His fearsomeness comes from delusional and erratic behavior which makes him 7/10
Spy: While spy has had a lot of practice keeping his emotions inside, he’s also very passionate. Passionate to the point of confrontation and if that doesn’t work he’ll pull you from each and every person you hold dear. Long enough to get his point across, if this doesn’t work he places suspicion upon them for your abscesses. Effectively keeping them far far from you. He’s the second to last to resort to anything physical to prove himself. 5/10
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bigfemboyenergy · 3 days
woah!!!! again?!?
remember that one post i made with a gf/dp crossover in which the ghost zone actually CONTAINS the mindscape? dont lie, i know you dont
i just remembered how cool that felt to me so !! im thinkin i might write a bit (just., gotta find it)
original prompt post: https://www.tumblr.com/bigfemboyenergy/749856656479879168/ok-ok-this-will-be-the-last-time-i-promise?source=share
Bill laughs as the kid stares straight through the hole he just shot through Bill’s bowtie. “I’m immortal here, kid! It’ll take more than that to kill me!” Immediately, the human changes his stance, as if preparing for some sort of violent response. Bill doesn’t even bother to so much as flick him as he says, “Whoa, whoa kid! How much trauma have you dealt with?” He openly laughs, his strange voice filling the odd, infinite space.
The boy adjusts his posture, tensing up a bit, as he seems to prepare a blast from his hand. To this, Bill stops laughing and continues to act fairly casual. “You know, you’re quite the sight for sore eye! I haven’t seen anyone in this realm outside of myself before!” He watches the human get a little less tense, before tensing up again, as if waiting for some surprise attack. “Look here, kid. I’m not in a fighting mood,” Bill starts, with a laugh. It’s obvious he’s being a little more serious, before he quickly returns to his overly odd cackle, “No matter how much you seem to be!”
Danny can’t help but suspect the thing. He can’t tell what it is, especially since it has no ghost-like aspects outside of its regeneration. After all, a yellow equilateral triangle with one giant eye, a bowtie, a cane, and a fashionable hat doesn’t seem..quite normal to become, for those who’ve passed. It irks him to see something so strange and oddly, uncomfortably threatening, within his domain. Danny can’t help but feel protective over his realm, as the Ruler of the Infinite Realms, a title he gained since his defeat of Pariah Dark. His obsession with protecting others also doesn’t help.
But Danny really knows something’s up. He’s never even heard of such an odd being in the Realms before, something he doesn’t expect despite its vastness. With a deep breath that he doesn’t quite need to take, he finally speaks to the creature: “What even are you?” Danny doesn’t even care to sugarcoat his words. This being surely hasn’t done so with its own, so why not be so straightforward?
The beast’s singular eye almost illustrates the emotion of grinning. Danny only notices now, but the creature almost pulses as it seems to speak, with no mouth in sight. “I’m a dream demon, isn’t it obvious? The name’s Bill Cipher, make sure you don’t forget it!” It asks, a clearly rhetorical, purely joking, question, before continuing. “From a world in which direction, dimension, and disaster have no meaning! Where 2D is the new 3D, and life is near worthless!” Danny watches as the thing calling itself a ‘dream demon’ bursts into a fit of laughter, it seeming to find everything very entertaining. He must say, he isn’t satisfied with the being’s answer. It just seems to leave even more questions.
Danny lets himself relax as the demon questions him right back; “Who, rather than what, are you, kid?”
Bill watches the human closely with his eye, waiting for an inevitable response, whether with words or actions. It’s rather exciting to practically hear the gears in the boy’s brain turning as he thinks deeply. Within a minute or so, the kid responds, “Phantom. People call me Phantom.” Bill nods, in a way that his unusual body will let him. Everything about the boy only seems to get more interesting. “Say, what business do you have here, Phantom?” Bill questions, with a smirk-like look in his eye.
Phantom gives Bill a calculating look. “I am the ruler of these realms, actually.” This greatly surprises Bill, who rotates his cane in his hand thoughtfully. “Well, who’d have thunk it! Why, kid, you’re quite the little mystery!” He laughs, his voice once again resonating through the infinite space.
It seems like the two are in for a ride- one of the “emotional rollercoaster” type.
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eurydicees · 22 days
so i’ve had a night to sleep on it and a full day of work and i still feel fucking deranged. so. thoughts on the haikyuu movie (*SPOILERS* + long post under the cut):
ok general impressions first—
oh my god it was so good. i’m inconsolable. it was really really good.
i was so strong and normal in the public movie theater until the start of the third set.
at which point i started trembling violently.
which turned to silent crying at the last like five points until the end of the movie.
i’m so sorry to the one other guy sitting in my row.
Anyways. i know we were all apprehensive abt it being a movie but i think it actually worked really well
pacing was good and iirc they managed to fit almost everything in there, which. is very impressive
plus the experience of getting to watch this game all at once in a theater was really fun
HUGEEEE props to the sound editing team oh my god. i could FEEL every spike in my chest and every breath was tangible and the cheering sections were phenomenally mixed and the squeaking of sneakers on the floor throughout….and then the CRAZY moments of pure silence…….man.
AND THE SOUNDTRACK. THE MUSIC. THE MUSICCCCCCC. there is one thing haikyuu will never do and that is miss with the music. oh my god even just the OPENING had me shaking. the music added SO MUCH and was SO well done.
the animation in general was REALLY good. especially that final point of the game which i will mention more later bc man. god. the animation was REALLY GOOD.
the characters were all so well done. like yeah ofc but. they were so good.
i walked in with an already deep love for nekoma and i walked out feeling like my heart had burst with how much love i have for them
kuroo and kenma in particular were REALLY good. there was a good amnt of childhood kuroken and when i tell you i was sobbing for half of it…
also very good was tsukishima!! he’s not one of my faves usually but he had me silently screaming in the movie theater during this game
and OF COURSE hinata. how could i not mention him. he was done so well. i watched it dubbed and the voice acting was VERY good.
no fukurodani game so. Sad. but also i do think if they had put that in there it would have broken the tension in a bad way, so i’m not actually upset about it. praying for an ova or smth
overall good blend of memory/flashback and realtime gameplay
re: flashbacks--a lot of them were to childhood kuroken and a lot of them were also just to training camps and scenes we've seen before but in a different pov....biting down on things rn
re: gameplay--saw some review that was like "gah they expect you to care about the characters/teams already and dont tell you who to root for" bitch YEAH and that's the POINT ! so yeah. if you care about the characters already and love both teams. *chef's kiss*
besides that they did NOT pull ANY punches. the game is REAL from the FIRST whistle, maybe only 10-15 minutes in
which like. that was the only way to do it. and they did not fucking hesitate
some stand out moments for me, in no particular order—
*disclaimer i have a rly bad memory so if im mixing some moments up i apologize. you shouldn't take this as an official source for anything.*
oh my god the last point was done BEAUTIFULLY. it’s already such an insane way to end the game and i swear the movie was just as insane.
they did the last few minutes of the game through kenma’s eyes, so you’re seeing his pov of the court and the ball, and that glimpse of the practice match moment, until the ball slips and it cuts to his eyes. oh my god. i went crazy i went crazy i am STILL going CRAZY.
kenma falling down and “that was fun” going into kuroo’s laugh……………changed LIVES !!!!!!
similarly, kenma’s last speech of the game oh my god oh my god oh my god
we KNEW it was one of my favorite speeches in any manga ever but they genuinely did it justice. the cuts between shots of the court and kuroo inviting kenma to play volleyball and kenma following him out the door and leaving behind a video game controller and a volleyball magazine……what if i went crazy forever and ever and ever !!!!!!!!
ALL of the childhood kuroken moments…..literally feeling deranged about them
everything about tsukishima and kuroo’s banter across the net was incredible
tsukishima laughing...... im EMOTIONAL !!!!
all of the little glimpses and montages they had to training camps and practices outside of actually playing, when they were just hanging out……sir im crying !!!!
they all reminded me a lot of the special one shot where kai has that moment of reflection on his volleyball career but all that came to mind were the breaks where he was hanging out with his friends…..i’m gonna cry thinking abt it.
HINATA’S CENTER BOOM JUMP. oh my god. oh my god. oh my god. i think i actually like. gasped. <<< knew it was going to happen
OOOOOOH. when kenma has his panic moment of oh what do i do and then kuroo comes up and it flashes between that spike and them learning to spike together as kids……what if i went ballistic right fucking now
the “we are each other’s teacher” moment jesus fucking christ. they didn’t say that line but. you’ll know it’s that scene when it happens. i think it broke something inside me.
that might've been around when the tears started coming but it's all kinda a blur lol
kurodai hug. yeah.
after the game kai's im glad i spent these three years with you...felt that scene in my bones
kenma "keep surprising me, shoyo. this is good" << lines that will live in me forever
getting to see kenma and hinata's first meeting again but from kenma and kuroo's pov.......killing biting kicking maiming sobbing
lmfao post-credit scene. daishou <3
the glimpses of tendou and goshiki watching together were rly funny. obsessed w tendou as always.
kenma "i thought kageyama would lose interest in hinata if he had no wings" kozume vs tobio "i will make you fly" kageyama.........showdown of the century
oh my god. fuck ok i can't forget this one, in that final “i never want this to end” scene youre in kenma’s pov and you fall down and all you can see is kenma’s reflection in his own sweat dripping onto the court i am SHAKING remembering it
speaking of, they wove the foreshadowing w the sweat on the court and the ball etc into the game really seamlessly and aghadlgkjahg;ajdgfkal. god. ok. this is fine.
anyways. the animation in that sequence goes SO HARD. the animation overall goes so hard. im in hysterics.
ok this got long but there's DEFINITELY more things that im missing...idk these are just my first thoughts. i want to see it again. i NEEEEED to see it again. oh my god i feel crazy. i love haikyuu so much. i love it so much. like so much. did you know i love haikyuu.
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whentherewerebicycles · 8 months
ugh I am really struggling with a thing with a former student/mentee of mine. in the week or two of the post-hamas attack aftermath I posted something on instagram that was basically like, i feel an obligation to be an informed global citizen and believe me I read/think about/despair over the news every day but I also think it’s ok to really viscerally hate “doing politics” on social media, where complex, centuries-old geopolitical and cultural conflicts get reduced to a sensationalized infographic some teenager designed on canva last night. at the time I was watching people spread rampant misinformation about the hospital explosion when we had zero conclusive information, and had also just heard jon favreau talking about research indicating that something like 80% of the images and videos people were sharing on social media weren’t actually FROM the current conflict or couldn’t be verified as real. and idk I also have some private thoughts about how american leftists in particular really glom onto this issue because we perceive israelis as ‘white people’ and palestinians as people of color and we get to feel like we are exorcising our own country’s racial demons by advocating for the expulsion of the israeli people from land that many of them actually have deep historical ties to and at least a semi-legitimate cultural and religious claim to inhabiting.
to be clear I think the current israeli government is pretty much your trump-inspired shitty/evil right-wing militaristic populist movement and I feel like their response has squandered every single ounce of empathy garnered by the hamas attacks!! but idk I guess what I want to carve out space for is like, the right to say I AM NOT AN EXPERT HERE. I DO NOT HAVE DEEP ENOUGH KNOWLEDGE TO FULLY UNDERSTAND THE ROOTS OF THIS CONFLICT. I WORRY ABOUT SPREADING DANGEROUS MISINFORMATION IN BOTH DIRECTIONS IF I SHARE UNVERIFIED SOURCES OR REDUCTIVE TAKES. ALSO I AM A PRIVATE CITIZEN AND I DO NOT HAVE A “PLATFORM” JUST BECAUSE I HAVE A SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNT. I RESERVE THE RIGHT TO BE CONFUSED, TO NOT PASS SNAP JUDGMENTS ON RAPIDLY EVOLVING INTERNATIONAL INCIDENTS, AND TO ENGAGE IN POLITICS BY MEANS OTHER THAN SOCIAL MEDIA POSTING. but idk this former student, who I had a really good relationship with for many years, has just come after me in my DMs and keeps sending me posts implying that anyone who is not furiously posting right now is pro-Palestinian genocide, etc etc, and meanwhile she is posting hundreds of unverified stories a day from Arabic-language sources that aren’t just like, anti-Zionist but are actively pro-Hamas, actively denying that the attacks on Israel happened, and actively calling for the immediate and violent expulsion of all Jews from the area. dude idk she’s not my student anymore so I think I’m just going to disengage/not respond and continue staying off insta because it sucks out there!! but it sucks!
I also just refuse to experience a war via unfiltered social media posts again. I did that for a month or two at the start of the ukraine invasion and I can’t unsee some of the stuff I saw on telegram. I don’t actually think any of us have a moral obligation to watch or share a 24/7 feed of graphic images of maimed corpses and crying children. I can’t make the violence STOP by watching that content and I also don’t believe that ravenously consuming the most terrible moments of people’s lives is a form of meaningful political solidarity. WHATEVER as you can see I still feel super conflicted about how to feel about all of this but I also have to remind myself that IT’S NOT NORMAL to click through my stories or scroll down my feed alternating between liking people’s cat photos and watching people dying half a world away. we were NOT BUILT to process world-historical events this way and it is OKAY to opt out of watching a livestream of human suffering you are personally powerless to do anything about.
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northsealight · 5 months
Hey, when you said RHATO Jason is the worst version on your last ask, were you referring to the first comic, second comic, or the Webtoon? (Honestly annoyed the Webtoon took that name, makes things even more confusing)
I have problems with all 3 (Webtoon most of all for sure, with the second and first switching places behind it based on what characters or plots I’m thinking about tbh), but I was just curious haha
oh. oh. oh you're not ready for this. I've been trying this entire week to find a good time to air out my thoughts:
so! in my opinion (again, this is not shaming anyone for liking what they like! if you happen to like RHATO!jason all the more power to you! dont read this!) all three reiterations of RHATO!Jason .. are not great. the one I think might have potential to be salvaged is the second one with Artemis and bizarro! (although roy harper is in my heart of hearts)
the way Jason is written in rhato... the rhato written by Scott Lobdell anyway, (who is actually a sexual predator and when you start to think even a LITTLE about how the women are written in RHATO makes so much sense) portrays Jason as yet another cookie cutter anti-hero-deadpool-esque personality who's mainly confined by the narrative restraints of his character.
I say this because hes so.... the way he goes about his vigilantism is so .. shallow. It's like the narrative is finding excuses to make him violent so the reader can be stimulated with Michale Bay explosions lol. You hardly see any stories in there where Jason is an actual champion for the people, and you hardly see his background as a street kid come into play... its like... he became... a vigilante because....he knows how the system can fail those... alienated and forgotten by those sworn to protect them... and thus channels his energy into said people through acts of radical protection... (also because the whole bruce thing yeah I know)
I keep thinking about injustice!Jason's monologue where he literally says something along the lines of "while bruce and clark were fighting I fought for the people who were being caught up in the whole thing" like if that doesn't just tell you who he is idk what will! and sure, injustice isn't Jason source material, so look at under the red hood! he literally becomes a drug kingpin TO CONTROL crime ... and then instead of getting these immense shows of care he has for the community in RHATO, we get panels like this:
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like ok get it I guess 😭😭😭😭
this is the new and improved Jason!! he's suave.. hes American... he's... just like every other antihero now!!
I don't know how to explain it without sounding like an idiot- best bet is to read the comics yourself to kinda get what im saying! but even rebirth Jason is (kind of) getting what RHATO Jason doesn't-- he's a product of his huge heart. rebirth Jason has countless stories where we see how Jason ACTUALLY operates as red hood, and what his symbol means to the citizens of Gotham!
if you pour too much grit and "edginess" into Jason, then you kind of miss what he's all about- he can still be silly and sarcastic! in fact, one of my favorite Jason moments is from red hood: lost days, a series where he's portrayed as an edgy, "misfit" ruffian:
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like. hello this is hilarious. and we can still have moments like these while balancing his emotional range as a vigilante that's motivated by his big fat heart! (ignoring the fact that he slept with Talia in the next issue 😭 Jason fans can't have shit 😭)
but anyway! ill likely add more when I'm not feeling so tired, but god!! is it so hard to show Jason's propensity for kindness!! is it so hard to realize that his character to the core is revolved around a deep understanding for others based on personal experience!!
there's a reason why DC (in the rare moments when they know what to do with his character) always writes stories with Jason consoling children, or Jason being good with kids in dangerous situations!
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it's because he's been there before. he's felt the grief and confusion of being helpless in a situation of his control. he's felt the consequences of adults who were supposed to protect and raise him! he's been killed for daring to cling on to the notion of trust even after all he's been through!
and I don't know, I think his dedication to the people, children especially, is his way of forgiving himself- his way of telling little Jason that it wasn't his fault.
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eighthdoctor · 7 months
"#...enter jaina monsterfucker extraordinaire--" Ok, based on this tag, do you have any headcannons about how cross-racial relationships are viewed in Azeroth? I also don't play the game and only read fanfic, so I'm curious if you have particular headcanons that are/n't what might actually be in the source material. Though Sylvanas might be considered actually "monstrous" by some in a way other races aren't to each other, the question still stands. Jaina/Thrall is also a popular headcanon aswell
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(from a comment on @mylordshesacactus's Reunification)
The fundamental problem here is that Azeroth is phenomenally racist, and Warcraft itself is also phenomenally racist. The racism is coming from inside the house. It's baked in. The underlying idea is that race war is a real and inevitable thing and of course these groups will hate each other because they look different, and also the Evil and Uncivilized groups are expressly based on non-European real world people.
Like, in the lore, there's a handful, maybe a dozen, of known mixed-race characters. There's scads and scads of roleplayers who have PCs of every mixing imaginable, but in canon? Like, the ones off the top of my head are (a) Vereesa's children and (b) the result of rape. That's it.
So, Watsonian, we have peoples who are so rabidly hateful that there are extraordinarily few cross-racial relationships, even fewer that are consensual, even though all evidence is that everyone could interbreed (...even if they are, in fact, from space). And the Doylist explanation is that character morphs are hard and the devs are lazy and they would rather write a worldstate where no human has ever fucked a troll than put some effort into it.
The upshot of all of this is that, despite living in a world where there are, commonplace, a dozen humanoid races of varying levels of 'monstrosity', all available evidence is that Azeroth standards of 'monsterfucker" exactly map to American standards, aka, Jaina is a monsterfucker by [checks notes] having sex with Kalec in human form.
Humans don’t have relationships with quel’dorei. They don’t have relationships with dwarves, or with gnomes, or any non-human race. It’s not just human exceptionalism, for once, because there’s also no evidence of any relationships between, say, Darkspear trolls and orcs either.
Meanwhile, Jaina’s canonical relationships are with Mr Compulsory Heterosexuality, and also a dragon. Her primary fanon ships are with an orc (as you mention), a kaldorei, and…Sylvanas. Arthas aside, Jaina…doesn’t express interest in any humans. Simple explanation is that Jaina isn’t really into humans. Humans are boring, humans are easily spooked.
As I write her, Jaina’s got a million kinks, and one of them is she wants a little danger. A little spice. Something more than vanilla in missionary, something with an edge. Something interesting, something novel, Thrall has this in spades—this isn’t necessarily about playing into the violent savage thing but y’all, that size. Holy shit. Pained? Nothing but edges.
So Jaina’s not necessarily, say, into something that’s properly an eldritch abomination or completely non-humanoid—although I’m open to arguments on that front—but I’m very confident she’s after something non-human that would absolutely be called ‘monsterfucking’ by your average human on Azeroth.
(Related: It’s soooooo fucking obvious that not only do the Windrunner sisters have a human fetish, but that it’s not at all common or acceptable in Quel’thalas—even aside from the ‘walked through a portal’ bit, Alleria’s hardly in Quel'thalas after marrying Turalyon, Vereesa lives in Dalaran. There’s extenuating circumstances in both cases—Turaylon’s a dick, Rhonin has tenure in Dalaran—but it sure is interesting that our two human-elf relationships both live(d) with humans and Vereesa doesn’t return to primarily socializing with other quel’dorei until after Rhonin’s death. Then there’s Sylvanas and Nathanos, and I am absolutely not writing that as a ship but it is popularly rumored and it is something on Sylvanas’s end, that Sylvanas is into humans and can’t shake that rumor.)
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goldensunset · 8 months
mili anon (again. sorry) and i feel i should've been a bit more clear there was a reason i didn't mention love town when i mentioned "For a Place of Love" (well according to the fandom 2 reasons but primarily this one) and that's because i honestly really enjoy the perspective of someone listening to the songs made for Library of Ruina without actually having the in-game context. It's a pleasant source of evidence that the songs stand strong enough on their own while also being extremely fascinating to me who got into mili through LoR to see the different perspective.
To be honest I kinda ran out of steam after seeing how long that last ask was so I didn't get to cover some of the non-LoR mili songs I really like, like Bathtub Mermaid which is a very gruesome song (like major major trigger warning of self-harm) of giving everything you have up to someone else and molding oneself to fit someone else's needs,,, i love the lyrics where even the song's subject is like "i'll embrace everything good about you... and then squeeze out all the bad things" it really makes you think about who is all this destructive devotion really for? what is even left at the end? aughhhh
(anyways sorry again about how long this has gotten, and the whole "we don't talk about love town" is a blatant lie. from what i've observed LoR fans can't seem to shut up about love town lmao)
ok yes though!!! absolutely!!! like i am aware there’s a story here but i’d actually rather just garner it from the context of the song as opposed to necessarily getting into the media. it’s a fun activity. like musicals that you don’t intend to ever watch but that you love the songs from and you’re like listening closely to the lyrics to figure things out. and i think all these mili songs are so good and well written that you can easily enjoy them without even being aware they’re from media. absolutely fantastic
and yeeeAAAAAAh bathtub mermaid is a favorite of mine too bc i like Wasn’t expecting that. like after a lot of more energetic songs it’s like oh suddenly we have this quiet haunting piano lament?? about like someone committing themselves way too far to an abusive relationship and just wanting to keep hurting themselves because they’ll do anything for that person’s attention including giving up everything they are. like man it gets dark in there. like so many mili songs it’s like uh what’s up with the title lol sounds a bit silly but nope it’s actually pretty genius. using the metaphor of a mermaid who should be free and beautiful but being kept in a tiny little bathtub and constantly in pain. y’know. yeah i love that song it’s so pretty and sad and blorbo-ifiable
ok if we’re on the topic of other ones. how about ‘ga1ahad and scientific witchery’? super fun one. i would love to watch someone piece together an entire original story based on it. i’m getting like this love-hate relationship between a witch and a (cyborg?) knight. who keep killing each other but coming back to life (out of undying hate? out of a commitment to each other? not wanting to kill each other but they’re supposed to be enemies so they’ll fulfill their duty?) whatever’s happening there i love this one it’s a lot of fun. featuring such lines as ‘rise from bed my darling, so i can see you again/so i can kill you again’ and ‘kiss me tenderly gently violently’. bangers. and it’s pretty interesting bc the song doesn’t really have a solid structure or repeating pattern it’s kinda just like each section is a new thing entirely and you think it’s gonna end at this one part but it doesn’t but then when it does end you weren’t expecting it lol.
hm what other ones. shoutout to ‘summoning 101’. girl tries to summon furry at 3am (GONE WRONG) but they still make it genuinely romantic somehow
‘with a billion worldful of love’ is underrated imo. genuine beat drop. and ‘i’m sure next life you’ll love me too’ is excellent blorbo material
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pesterloglog · 4 months
Harry Anderson Egbert, Vrissy Maryam-Lalonde, Tavros Crocker, Vriska Serket, Reporter 1, Reporter 2, Reporter 3
Page 213-217
HARRY: ok, i think i'm as ready as i'm ever going to be.
HARRY: which isn't really saying very much.
HARRY: how about you guys.
VRISSY: Well, in simple terms, We're Fucked.
VRISSY: We still don't have a way out, and more and more Reporters are showing up every second.
VRISSY: And the moment we step outside, we're Targets for the Crocker Cops.
TAVROS: We must evade them at all costs,,,
TAVROS: They are,,, with some certainty,,, under orders to capture vrissy,,, and,,, also me,
TAVROS: And,,, i'm not sure whose punishment is likely to be worse,,,
HARRY: how are you holding up, tavros?
TAVROS: M, me,,,?
TAVROS: I'm,,,
TAVROS: I'm quite well,,, harry anderson,,, thank you for asking,,,
HARRY: ok...
TAVROS: However,,, i must admit,,, the thought of our impending pursuit,,, and potential capture,,, makes my blood run cold,,,
HARRY: yeah. the more i think about it, the more nervous i feel.
HARRY: i've had stage fright before, but this is ridiculous!
HARRY: haha...
HARRY: ...
HARRY: ...
HARRY: look, tavros.
HARRY: in case we don't make it out of this,
HARRY: i just wanted to say,
HARRY: that
HARRY: i'm so--
VRISKA: Alright, are we done here?
HARRY: um.
VRISKA: Forget it.
VRISKA: I've been stuck in this room for what feels like a month and I'm at my fucking limit.
VRISKA: I'm outta here.
TAVROS: B, But,,,
HARRY: you can't just-
VRISSY: Vriska, we're Tr8pped!
VRISSY: How are we supposed to Le8ve?!
VRISKA: You guys are free to do whatever you want, 8ut I'm just going to use the front door.
VRISSY: *Excuse Me*????????
VRISKA: L8r 8itches.
HARRY: oh my god?
TAVROS: T, There she goes,,,
VRISSY: Vriska!
VRISSY: I'm coming too!!!!!!!!
HARRY: oh fucking christ.
REPORTER 1: ...join live from a neighbourhood in the Carapacian Kingdom, where the perpetrators have finally decided to show their faces...
REPORTER 2: ...are alleged to have killed the beloved salvational figure Gamzee Makara, may his boots jingle forever in paradise...
TAVROS: (T, this is awful,,,)
REPORTER 3: ...denounced by government sources as a band of violent rebellion extremists...
REPORTER 1: ...children of creators, themselves rebellion leaders...
REPORTER 2: ...outfits could at best be described as only moderately fashionable...
HARRY: (oh god oh god oh god)
REPORTER 3: ... Hey, excuse me?
REPORTER 3: Miss Terrorist?
REPORTER 3: Care to give a statement?
VRISSY: (No, don't....)
VRISKA: Thought you'd never ask, 8uddy.
VRISKA: You want a st8tment? Got one right here.
VRISKA: (Ahem.)
VRISKA: Hey!!!!!!!!
VRISKA: Hi, humans!!!!!!!!
VRISKA: What’s up!!!!!!!!
VRISKA: Get all your fucking news gru8s turned up to the max 8ecause I’m only going to say this once.
VRISKA: Do you want to know who I am?
VRISKA: My name is VRISKA SERKET, and I'm the cre8tor this world never knew it had.
VRISKA: I left my home behind and put a stop to the demon who 8urned two universes for fuel, all so that this plan8 could come into existence.
VRISKA: Without me, none of you would even 8e here.
VRISKA: Capiche????????
VRISKA: Now, you may have heard people saying a lot of things a8out us.
VRISKA: They want you to 8elieve that we are violent terrorists, who want to destroy your religion and your very way of life on this planet you call home!
VRISKA: So I just wanted to take a moment to clarify the situation.
VRISKA: *deep breath*
VRISKA: I've done and seen things that would make every single one of you piss yourselves dead, so I've seen enough to know that this planet is a FUCKING DISGRACE!
VRISKA: It's a joke!
VRISKA: This planet is a sad little joke of a world squatting inside of the 8IGGEST, LAMEST JOKE in the HISTORY of EXIST8NCE!!!!!!!!
VRISKA: Hahahahahahahaha...
VRISKA: Haaaaaaaa.
VRISKA: ........
VRISKA: You know...
VRISKA: I 8et no8ody here even knew who I was.
VRISKA: Everything I did, I did for you.
VRISKA: You didn't need some idiot clown to redeem you.
VRISKA: Everything you needed was already here!
VRISKA: 8ecause I fucking 8UILT IT FOR YOU!!!!!!!!
VRISKA: And after all that, you couldn't even have the decency to 8e 8oring and nice to each other.
VRISKA: So guess what.
VRISKA: The carnival is over!
VRISKA: I killed that harlequin son of a 8itch, and I hope he 8urns in clown hell forever.
VRISKA: 8ut for the crime of falling for his disgusting lies?
VRISKA: Your society... no, your whole planet... it deserves to 8urn str8 to MEGAhell, and I'm gonna 8e the one to fly it there!
VRISKA: I'm gonna shatter your paradise into pieces with my 8are hands and SHIT IN ITS GRAVE!!!!!!!!
VRISKA: ********VRISKA********
VRISKA: ********SERK8T********
VRISKA: HAS *HAD*!!!!!!!!
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pinkpalette · 5 months
You are spreading misinformation. The Houthis are a religious extremist militia that started and continue to perpetuate the Yemeni Civil War that has killed hundreds of thousands of people. They are not a non violent group. They are directly responsible for the Yemeni famine which has also killed hundreds of thousands of people. They reintroduced chattle slavery to the regions of Yemen that they have taken over and openly engaged in the sex traffickng of Ethiopian women. The words "A Curse Upon The Jews" is literally written on their flag and they ethnically cleansed the last 5 Jewish families living in Yemen in 2021. There is only one Jew left on Yemen, who is a prisoner of the Houthis and has been facing torture for the past 7 years for the crime of smuggling a Torah scroll to another Jewish family before they too were expelled from Yemen by the Houthis.
This group has not been targeting Israeli ships to protect Palestinian people or engaging in a peaceful embargo. They have been attacking ships at complete random, the vast majority of which have been neither coming nor going from Israel. Their rocket attacks have been intercepted, which is why no one has died yet. Not because they aren't trying to kill people. You cannot just trust random screenshots from Twitter about things that are this serious. The Houthis are literally one of the most violently oppressive groups in power right now and they explicitly hate Israel because they hate all Jews. It is on their flag. The KKK also hates Israel. That doesn't make them anti-Zionist freedom fighters.
Ok well, I wanna first say this I found out about the Houthis and their antisemitic views way after I reblogged that post and since I’m not chronically online I didn’t care to remove or edit tags. second of all, we all know what is happening right now with Palestine and yes you’re right that they might have ulterior motives due to their oppression of Yemeni Jews, however, the world does nothing and watches a whole genocide of Palestinians happen at least the Houthis are doing something even if they have an ulterior motive. And that tweet doesn’t have any misinformation about it, the Houthis haven’t killed anyone since they started blocking the Red Sea their goal is a ceasefire in Gaza they said it themselves. Their goal is to stop the genocide and they’ve been clear about that.
And as for your comment about how the houthis are a threat to their own people. The situation in Yemen is very complex obviously there is a civil war going on between the Houthis and the Yemen government (basically a Shia versus Sunni Muslim war) both have been violent towards each other. This is WHOLE separate issue and was unnecessary to point out in this case.
I studied journalism in college and I'm a Muslim-American who lived in the Middle East before. I am well aware of how misinformation is spread and how to spot it. My capstone project was on misinformation and I wrote an investigative piece on misinformation in student media. The U.S. has always since post 9/11 tried to demonize the Middle East and has butt into their affairs causing problems for both their citizens and the citizens of those. I’m frankly tired of it. Just like antisemitism is widely acknowledged after the holocaust (as it should be), it’s time to acknowledge Islamophobia and orientalism that is rampant right now and has been for a long time. I am not trying to defend the Houthis and their treatment of Yemeni Jews, it is wrong and I don't support it at all. However, the Houthis have made it clear that they are doing this to help the Palestinians and the Palestinians have been left to fend for themselves as the world watches them being ethically cleansed off the map. Plus they are only blocking ships, Israel is committing a genocide so who’s really the bad guy here?
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zippy-reacts · 1 year
Sonic the Comic Liveblog: Issue 69
*Looks at issue number*….nice
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Knuckles has a poncho! Also this seems to be confirmation that StC interprets Knuckles’ cresent chest marking as a necklace
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I think this is up there with the pin badge from the early issues as the best prize for printed letters
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Wait, I can’t remember if I’ve questioned this previously, but where did the writers get the name Mobius from? Maybe I’m wrong but I don’t think I remember it being in the game bible for Sonic 1, but surely it had to have come from some sort of official source if multiple pieces of Sonic media has used it as the name for Sonic’s planet?
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Let’s go Sonic! No! Come on, Sonic! …Ok
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Beautiful full page illustration
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Now that the Metallix have achieved their goal, what do they plan on doing? Just standing around and vibing?
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Ooooooh, look at the use of greyscale to indicate a dark location! Tons of cool little artwork choices in StC
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Anyway, super interesting plot twist here. I guess Metallix changing the timeline means Kintobor never tripped on a cable while holding a egg, so no Robotnik. I suppose the moral dilemma here is that fixing the timeline means the return of Robotnik
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Don’t know if this is a coincidence but this scenery reminds me of The Lion King
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Knuckles practises mask safety!
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Oh no
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Is this a spooky ghost or is he just tripping balls?
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If this is actually a ghost then this seems to indicate that the echidnas who previously lived on the island were violent
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Ghost dino skeleton fight!
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Dang, another story? This issue feels really long for some reason. Also hi Brutus
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So pretending to be stupider than he actually is allows him to sneakily do what he wants while not gaining the ire of Robotnik’s ego. He probably is smarter than Robotnik himself
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starryeyedrogue · 2 years
Heyo Rogue! I’ve got something for your b-day ask celebration!
I’d like to know your assumptions about me 😈 make ‘em as bizarre as you’d like! (Also, I’m assuming you know enough about me from the discord lol)
Also, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳
hey fridge!! <3 sorry this is late, tumblr ate this and now it only shows up on the desktop version??? but tysm!!
you ship Ithil and Maury (as everyone should tbh) >;)
you’re a cheese fangirl
you obvs love SW/LotR/Silm(gate)
 you are the source of like. at least 75% of the cursed content in the discord (I’m still thinking about the Flesh Lego. @ my followers no I will not elaborate) ok those were meme ones so I’ll do real ones lol
you’re probably ~mildly~ disturbed by Americans (relatable tbh)
you love old cartoons/shows (like Loony Tunes, sitcoms, etc. idk I just get the vibe lol)
you’re probably more “violent” than most folks think lol (based specifically on the lets-get-down-to-business chat. still not over “who are we attacking? oh. I’ll get his eyes”) 
you love the muppets!
this is super super specific but yknow those retro smiley faces? the =) type you see on mugs/tshirts/takeout bags? you either love or hate those
also: roach milk <3 
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marskincafe · 3 years
Could I request an aesthetic for Kaede/Lucy from Elfen Lied? Go ham w/ it, surprise me 8) (but be warned, the source is violent and nsfw sjdjakd)
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alpacinosgf · 2 years
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Rated: Explicit (Dirty Talk, Girl on Top, Choking)
Word Count: 4.5k
There’s really no sleep quite like the one after a good lay. And a full night’s sleep in a bed bigger than your own bedroom is something you never thought you’d experience. Your bliss is short lived however, you jump awake at the sound of your phone buzzing violently. You groan quietly into the cool material of the pillow, and pull yourself up to find the source of your annoyance. You point blank refuse to leave the comfort of the wide bed and do your best to stretch your arm as far as possible to reach your small bag. On the third attempt and third almost tumble off the mattress, you get it and quickly unlock it to see your phone flooded with notifications from your friends.
Shit, you’ve slept in till noon, you go to wake Oz before realising you’re alone.
Shit again. Why does that kind of sting?
You lie back in the bed with a heavy sigh before scrolling through all the messages. Some are concerned and serious ones but a couple are just eye emojis. Well, you did promise details. You begin to type when you hear some shuffling in the bathroom. You place your phone on your chest and listen before Oz comes back to the bedroom. He rubs at his jaw and down to his neck to disperse his aftershave and when he sees you watching he visibly lights up. That sting from thinking he'd left the apartment replaced with a giddiness you’re not used to. He approaches the bed and kneels on the soft mattress with his good leg to give a soft kiss to your temple. You smile up at him, bringing your hand up to play with his gold chain in your fingers.
“How’d you sleep, doll?” He asks between pecks to your head, his voice is a little rougher to your ears but it’s got a nice almost tangible feel. His eyes move over you below him, wrapped up in his sheets. He could get used to seeing you there.
“I slept great, I only woke up ‘cos my friends are texting me non-stop” you tell him, stretching your legs out.
“Oh” he says with realisation, he gives a sly smile before he plants a kiss to your lips. “Be sure to tell ‘em I fucked your brains out, sweetheart” he laughs as he moves back from the bed.
“I’m under strict instruction to give gory details!” you laugh as you pick up your phone again.
“I’m gonna make us some food, alright? Eggs an’ bacon good for you?” He calls over his shoulder as he leaves the room. He’s still in his vest and boxers. You noticed as he left, he has a thick scar going around the ankle of his bad leg. It doesn’t look like the joint bends as naturally as the other and you internally cringe at the sight. It doesn’t bother you he has a limp; you haven’t thought about it much. Knowing he’s more than likely in chronic pain with it is what bothers you. It’s no wonder he always has that uncomfortable look on his face when he moves.
“Yes, please!” You shout out to him just as you begin to hear music in the foyer. You finally begin typing.
“Alright I’m alive, everyone” You send and immediately see several ellipses bubbles pop up. You decide to get it out there before they even ask.
 “Best dick of my life btw”
Some of the bubbles stop. Then the messages flood in.
“I was told there would be details in this chat”
You grin at the phone, typing quickly a recap of the night before.
“No joke. Guy ate me out like it was his job. I came twice from that then we had sex and I finished again. I’m talking massive dick btw. OH LMAO. He fucking owns the club so his place is huge. He’s making me breakfast”
You send back the smiling devil emoji.
“ok i severely underestimated the old guy, kinda jealous now”
You start to crawl out of the bed as the chat continues to recover from the news, and find Oz’s white shirt on the floor. It’s better than walking out to breakfast naked which you’re sure he wouldn’t oppose to, but put it on regardless. You’ve never really had a hook ups clothes be so oversized on you before you realise. It’s a welcome change to see the soft, wrinkled material fall to just before your knees. You begin to walk out to him and leave your phone on the bed, let them stew for more details for a while.
You half expected the music to come from a little record player or retro stereo but once again he surprises you, a small speaker in the corner of the kitchen worktop brings life to the apartment. Oz has his wide back to you as your hip leans against the dark marble island, he mumbles along to the song as he moves the scrambled egg in the pan and you recognise some old Springsteen is what he’s decided on. Typical Jersey boy.
You watch him a little longer and indulge in the domesticity of it all. You shuffle towards him at the stove and wrap your arms around his middle and give him a squeeze. He jerks in surprise and let’s out a nervous laugh as he turns his head back to you.
“Jesus christ, sweetheart! You tryin’ to give me a heart attack?” he flashes those gold teeth again and you smile against his shoulder. There’s freckles dotted along the skin that disappear under his vest.
“No, not like this anyway” you mumble as you lie your cheek flat against his back. You feel his laugh before you hear it, his stomach muscles fluttering under your spread hands. He shakes his head to himself like he doesn’t believe you’re still here in his apartment as he begins to plate your meal. A generous portion of eggs and bacon from a local butcher with toast and a cool glass of juice. It’s basic but a nice touch, you can’t remember the last time anybody cooked for you.
You release his middle as you graciously accept the plate, noticing he looks visibly more comfortable. Was he holding in his stomach before? You take the knife and fork he offers you and place them on your nearly overloaded plate as you move to the ostentatious dining table overlooking the city. You pull out a chair, eyes not leaving the skyline. It looked beautiful last night but the early afternoon light is perfect. It’s a decent day by Gotham standards. Oz meets you at the table and sees you marvelling at it all. It makes his chest fill with pride to see you appreciate his space.
He settles into the seat and reminds you to eat before it goes cold. You’re snapped out of the trance that the Gotham City tourism board wish they could bottle. You dig into the food, feeling your stomach grumble as you eat. You hadn’t eaten much before you had left for the club, you’d been too nervous but now you’re taking big bites out of your toast. You load the egg onto the buttered bread and use your hand to hold the bacon for your next bite. Oz raises a greying eyebrow at you but doesn’t say anything. He's glad to see someone else appreciate good food as much as him. You chat a little between bites, he asks what your plans are for the rest of the day. You shrug as you take a drink, it’s a free Saturday for you.
“I’ll drop you home whenever you want, I have to head to the Lounge soon anyways” he says as he lines the last bit of food onto his fork.
“Really? So early?” you ask though to be fair you don’t know the first thing about what running a nightclub must involve. He rolls his eyes and grunts. He obviously doesn’t want to get into it, fair. You don’t get to live in a place like this by having decent hours.
You go to pick up his plate and cutlery and put it on top of your own before he raises his hand in question. The skin where his watch sat looks slightly paler without it.
“What are you doin’? Leave that. I'll do it, babe” he explains, but you’re already over to the sink before he can get up.
“Least I can do! You’re not a bad cook y’know, Oz” you say as you wash the plates and begin to soak the frying pan. He doesn’t respond so you glance at him at the table, he’s rubbing at the back of his neck. God he hates compliments you realise. You pad over to him again, his chair is half moved from the table from when he tried to take the plates from you. You swiftly seat yourself on his lap.
“Is it okay if I have a shower?” you ask innocently, watching him swallow his nerves before placing his left arm on your hip, right rubbing the soft flesh of your thigh.
“Yeah, of course. You don’t gotta ask me, doll. I’ll try find some clothes. Don’t think you want to go home in that dress of yours” he smiles at you.
You move your ass against his lap and watch his surprise, he squirms a little under the contact.
“I meant that as an invite, Oz” you whisper before bending your head to kiss him. He kisses back a little harder, hand digging into your thigh. You moan into his mouth, tongue running against the scar at his lip before he pulls away. His large nose is pressed against yours as he speaks.
“Would that I could, doll. I can’t really fuck standing up too well” he explains with a certain level of disappointment in his dark eyes. You reply by way of a comedic pout. He lets out a sharp laugh at the sight, putting his hand over his eyes.
“Don’t make that fucking face!” he whines but you just pull at his much larger hand to wind him up further.
“I’ll end up killing you and me if we try fuck in the shower, I’m serious, babe” he brings his hand up to your face to enunciate his point. You let out a dramatic sigh and raise your eyes.
You pretend to check your nails and ignore him, feeling him get a little harder under you as you do so. You try your level best not to crack as he calls your name softly to look at him. You know you’re already driving him crazy.
“Will you at least let me fuck you again?” you sniff as you look at him from the corner of your eye. His face is incredulous, not believing your words.
“Let you fuck me? Doll, you could do whatever you wanted to me and I’d let you. Its not a question of letting you fuck me” He points his hands towards himself to drive the message home.
Bingo. That’s what you’d been angling for.
“So you'll let me ride you?” you whisper with a dark smile. He doesn’t respond. You start to panic, thinking you’ve said something wrong before he plants his lips on yours. He holds you tight against him when he grinds you down onto his clothed dick. He releases your bruised lips and motions for you to stand. You jump at the first chance, the noticeable tent I  his boxers enough to reassure you he’s more than just a little into the idea.
You pull the dress shirt over your head and throw it at him before you dash back to the bedroom giggling. You feel like a different person than yesterday, you never would have done any of this before you don’t think. You settle onto the bed and are surprised to see Oz isn’t far behind. He’s by no means graceful about it, but knowing he’s pushing past pain in an effort to fuck you is a turn on. When he reaches the bed he takes your face in both his hands, admiring before he kisses and joins you on the sheets. He grinds his hips in a small circle against your bare cunt, you can feel the wetness of the soft material but can’t tell if its from you or him. The friction is good and you’re enjoying the weight of him on top of you but you already said you’d treat him so you push up against him and he gets the hint.
The bravado he showed you last night is completely gone when you settle on top of him, it’s not exactly a flattering angle for anyone but you know there’s a tint of embarrassment to the flush of his skin. You resolve to make him feel as good as he did for you, and rub your hands up the swell of his stomach to his chest as you grind down against him. Your breath hitches at the angle, and the curve of his gut against you makes you smile in a daze. His own hands roam your body, groping at the flesh of your waist and moving up to rest his hand against your sternum. His hand takes up easily half your chest and knowing that you have a guy so domineering under you only makes you wetter.
You bring one hand to rest on top of his, it’s an incredibly intimate scene considering you hadn’t met this time yesterday. You bend down all the while gyrating your hips against him when you resume making out. He groans and starts to buck against your hips. You remove your hand and start to move it under his vest before he slows down.
“Can I take this off, babe?” you ask sweetly against his lips which have formed a hard line. He glances away from you and it nearly breaks your heart. Before he denies you, you kiss him again long and deep. You feel him relax against you once more and ask again.
“Please, Ozzie? I want to feel you” you pout again, not enough to make him laugh this time but enough to tug at his heartstrings.
His soft jaw clenches under you before he mumbles a curse and you move to accommodate him. He sits up slightly and pulls off the vest in one swift motion before he settles back on the bed. He gazes up at you as if expecting you to laugh or cringe but you just beam at him instead. His barrel chest is on full display, dark curls are spattered along his full pecs and wide stomach. You run your hands against his chest again, seeing how he responds to your touch with huffs and you could swear a whine comes from his throat as you continue to rub and coax against his reddening flesh.
“Thank you, Ozzie” you whisper in a sing song and you see again the effect the nickname has. Feeling emboldened, Oz grasps your hips with both hands and grinds you roughly along his length once more. You smile down at him and put your hands at either side of his head and sit up off his lap to let him discard the wet underwear quickly. You make sure to hold his stare when you lean back against his slick cock and let it run between your still swollen folds. The head bumps against your clit and you let out a deep sigh, you lean forward again and Oz intuitively takes himself in hand and lines up at your wet folds. You’re still tender from the night before, but he manages to push inside relatively painlessly. You do your best not to audibly cringe at the pressure, closing your eyes tightly and flexing your hands on his warm chest to ground yourself. You breathe through it and take a steadying breath as you begin to rock your hips atop Oz.
When you open your eyes, you see he’s not faring too well. Having someone else do all the work and take away the distraction of chronic pain has his brain focusing entirely on the way you move and how tight you feel around his aching cock. His brows are creased in deep concentration in an effort not to finish early and completely embarrass himself. He can’t remember the last time anybody rode him.
In his defence he’d be having trouble remembering his own name if it weren’t for your voice calling him back to reality. You swallow hard as you feel yourself drag him in further, letting your nails dig into the heavy flesh of his chest. His face grimaces a bit at the pain, but his hands just dig harder into your skin to spur you on. You both moan harder at that and revel in the feeling. He starts to lift his own legs, pushing you higher on his lap and your back rests against his thighs. The now improved angle of him inside you combined with the rigid pressure of his stomach lets you ride him harder as you begin to bounce against him. You finally get to try that trick you heard about spelling your name in cursive and it nearly kills him. He throws his head back against the sheets, his thinning hair sticking against the cold material and his teeth clench with the pressure building in his core.
He composes himself and takes a hand to your neck, bending you down closer to his face. Oz is big into eye contact you can tell, but this is almost an attempt at gaining back control of the situation. But it’s so much more fun this way you think. His eyes keep moving from your eyes to your mouth like he can’t decide which he favours. You clench down on him just as you give another sweet smile, and he actually lets out a little whine and shuts his eyes first. Not that he’d ever admit to it.
You move away from his hand and throw your head back, starting to grind harder when you land against his lap. You need to hear that noise again. Oz reaches out to you again, this time taking your hand back to his chest. Aw. Instead of leaving it there though, he brings it up against his wide neck. You can feel the rough bumps of old scars and blemishes under your clammy fingertips. He wraps your far too small hand against his throat and makes you squeeze; you almost stop moving entirely with surprise. This just got so much more fun.
He removes his meaty hand from on top of yours and you give another experimental squeeze of the sides, never the front. You physically feel his breath hitch and stop under your control, his forehead creases and his mouth starts to fall open when you start to pick up the pace. Your mind starts to unravel the harder you go, the tighter you press against his windpipe and the wetter you feel yourself get. He starts to buck up against you, but it’s not the timed and rhythmic thrusts of someone in control. It’s clumsy and desperate and it’s so fucking pathetically hot you can feel how close you are. You lean forward again, going as hard as you possibly can without running the risk of breaking something.
“Open your eyes, Ozzie” you manage to say through gritted teeth. He complies and you can tell by the way his cock twitches when his eyes focus on you that he’s got about 30 seconds left in him. Better make this good.
“Give me all you got, old man” you purr with another dazzling smile and one final simultaneous clench of your fingers around his throat and the muscle in your cunt. The pent-up pressure in your lower stomach comes to ahead at long last, as Oz gasps for much needed air. He practically came on command when you released his neck, the oxygen hitting his lungs just as his cock surged with hot cum inside you. The red marks along his throat show just how hard you gripped him during all that. You fall gracelessly onto his chest, cheek against his collarbone though it remains somewhat hidden under his plush skin. Neither one of you says anything, just recovering in silence broken by pants and swallows. Your mind is completely blank, but when he raises a heavy arm along your back you feel yourself smile dumbly against his chest. You lift your head up and catch him looking a little too fond of you. You lean forward to kiss him, it’s relatively chaste compared to the last few minutes but it doesn’t take away from the sweetness there.
You don’t realistically want to move off him, but the knowledge that there’s more cum in you from the last 12 hours than there has in years weighs on your mind. You wince a little when you get up, and he hisses a little too as he slips out. He sits up on his elbows to watch you move to the bathroom and you feel his eyes on you with every step.
“I guess that makes up for no shower sex” you shrug with faux indifference, as if you didn’t just come as hard as you ever did before.
“You’re gonna fuckin’ kill me, doll!” He shouts out to you, not having the strength to move just yet.
You smile to yourself and you step into the walk-in shower. It matches with the rest of the place, black marble and ridiculously huge for just one person but you feel grateful when you see several jets on each corner. You scrub yourself clean and enjoy the pressure of the water on your sore joints.
Once you’re sufficiently clean and relaxed, you step back out to the bedroom to find some clothes left for you. Thankfully nothing outrageous, just a large black t-shirt and some sweatpants that come up comically high on your frame you almost look like a geriatric. There’s also a pair of too big sliders for your feet. You feel like a child wearing some clothes from the lost and found of a theme park. Still, it’s a sweet gesture.
He’s waiting on the arm of the large couch in the foyer for you, he’s tapping something into his phone and you silently admire him. He’s dressed somewhat casually for daytime, in a navy suit and another crisp white shirt. He rubs the back of his fingers against his scarred cheek absentmindedly before he notices you. His eyes crease at the corners in genuine happiness to see you. He moves off the couch and puts his phone away, offering his hand out to you. You gladly take it, you obviously already knew his hands were bigger than yours but feeling them wrapped around your own makes you feel butterflies. Do people still feel them?
The drive back to your place is quiet. Not awkward but it’s comfortable. He apologises when he realises he never asked what you did for work. You snort and tell him 20 questions isn’t a very sexy game to play anyways. You tell him as you pull up to a red light, and he turns to listen to every word. It’s nowhere near as exciting as his job, but you don’t feel like he’s play listening to you to try seem like an alright guy. It feels genuine. You direct him to your place once he makes it into the city. The violet sports car garners some attention, and you’re kind of glad the windows are tinted. You don’t look any kind of presentable, but it doesn’t stop Oz from keeping his hand on your thigh like last night. Just swap your best outfit for a pair of sweatpants you question are almost older than you.
When he finally pulls into a space just before your building, he turns down the radio. Oh God this is the awkward bit you think. He puts his arm on the back of your headrest and turns his body to you, as much as the interior will allow anyways.
“I’ve had a really good time, babe. Best in years without a doubt” he says and you hide your face in your hands a little before he finishes the sentence.
“Nah I’m serious!” he tells you, bringing his hand to the back of your neck. The wet strands clinging to his fingers like you were a couple hours ago. You remove your hands and lean your head back against his hand.
“I’ve had a great time too, Oz” you agree.
There’s a brief pause while he continues to eye you.
“I’d love to see you again sometime. Would that be alright?”
You feel yourself grin, the knot in your stomach disappearing.
“Definitely. I’d love that too”
He beams at your words, and bends over the empty space to kiss you again. He leaves a few pecks before he pulls back. There’s the tiniest hint of a blush on the tips of his ears.
“So can I get your number?”
You nod eagerly and he laughs a little through his nose again as he reaches into his inside pocket for his phone. You type your number in, and save it with your name a little heart beside it. His smile a little wider when he sees it.
“Thank you, honey. I’m gonna be busy with the club for the next few days but I’ll book a place for dinner, just let me know when you’re free”
You’re barely listening to him at this point, feeling giddy again at the idea of meeting up. The decent Gotham weather finally gives up the ghost, however. Spits of rain beginning to clash against the windscreen.
“Shit, I better head in. Thanks again for bringing me home again, Oz” you say as you move this time to kiss him goodbye. He reciprocates tenfold before you pull away, and open the door with your right hand. You give him one last smile before you dash to the front door, rooting for your keys under the awning. He waits until you finally step inside before he pulls out of his parking spot. The familiar if not somewhat alarming smell of your apartment building greets you as you plod over to the elevator. As much fun as you’ve had, you can’t wait to get into your own bed.
Your apartment is a far cry from where you spent your morning, it’s at the very least a fifth of Oz’s apartment but you’re glad to see it nonetheless. You drop your keys on the counter and leave your dress and shoes on the pathetic kitchen table, remembering to take out your phone from your bag before you drop it too. You run a hand across your face as you shuffle to your bed, climbing in with a yawn as you look at your phone. More messages in your group chat that make you smile, before you see a private one from one of your friends. You click into it, curious why she wouldn’t just sent it for the others to see. No shame in your friend group.
"Hey, is this the guy you were talking about?"
There’s a link to an article attached and you click into it.
FALCONE ON THE MOVE reads the headline, you scroll down and see the main photo. It’s unmistakably Oz, outside the Iceberg with a man you’ve never seen before. He’s tall, with greying hair and dark glasses to obscure his face. You scroll again and read the caption.
“Maroni Crime Boss spotted with alleged drugs runner Oz “The Penguin” Cobblepot”
What the fuck?
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space-n-sky · 2 years
IDK how ZAGR can work when Jhonen confirmed that Zim is a thousands year old adult while Gaz is a kid... yet he also says ZAGR would have been endgame if he had to do romance. Was he joking about it or is Zim biologically a (presumably) perpetual young adult to where when Gaz grows up, it isn't illegal or creepy (Like everlasting adulthood, but still mortal)??? I'm more confused than I should be.
oof, the classic zim-age battle. I haven’t been in the fandom for a while so my memory’s a little rusty.
What I can say is that the “zim is 1000+ year old adult” is a recent statement on Zim’s age. Even then, when it’s brought up, it’s said in a joking context. I take everything Jhonen says with a grain of salt, canon isn’t something he prioritizes when it comes to zim, he bends what’s established to service the humor. In the 20+ year of the show’s existence, a good chunck of the viewers has assumed zim’s age was likened to the kids. Or that at the very least, he conveniently aged alongside the cast. I thought similarly when watching the show for the first time. But now that Jhonen’s been consistently joking Zim’s an “old man” (note, he doesn’t specify an age. He just. says “old man” hfjffj) it’s safe to assume he’s an adult. probably?? Even then, I’ve seen vet fans and mutuals say that the trial script would have clarified Zim’s as old as the Tallest. But then, what about the one zagr fanart on the staff’s fanart wall? what about the storyboard zadr doodles during production of the movie?? Joke or not, wouldn’t it be weird if not un-pc of the staff to pit the boys together like that?? Again, it’s all very muddy. It’s not my favorite topic to discuss because our only authority on the issue loves to play with canon like a cat with a ball of yarn. and violently ingest it. then hack it up like a hairball.
Ah, the zagr endgame claim. *wipes tear* It’s untrue btw. It’s a beautiful offspring of fandom telephone that’s lasted all these years :’) The IZ wiki is… um, highly opinionated on certain topics (Gaz’s supposed pyro abilities, for example) and there’s NO citation for this claim. I wouldn’t look to it as a totally reliable source…. I personally scoured the internet and youtube, I watched any Jhonen Invadercon interview I could (god. PLEASE don’t watch them. Fans ask intruding and embarrassing questions to the poor guy). I’ve yet to find him say zagr was endgame.
Jhonen’s depictions of IZ has changed. 2019 Jhonen wanted to focus on family and Dib’s dynamic with his dad. He wanted Membrane to be a prominent character. 2000 Jhonen was fine having Membrane waltz in and out of the kid’s life, even having Membrane be absent with a drone monitoring the kids in his place (cynical implications lmao). So even if he DID entertain the idea of zagr, his opinion likely changed. He’s had the comics to suggest an alliance between Zim and Gaz, or develop some kind of relationship. We kinda made progress with issue 16 with Zim realizing Gaz is tolerable to be around and wondering out loud why they don’t hang out more (which is shut down by Gaz lmao)??? But that’s it.
I’m sorry abt the confusion :( Do what you feel is best, be mindful how you engage in conversation abt stuff like Zim’s age to other fans. Zim’s an adult? cool. Zim’s ageless and doesn’t adhere to human standards of maturity? complicated, but ok. Zim’s a kid? alrighty. It’s something we’ll be forever divided on, unfortunately. So: To each their own!
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Hi, I wanted to ask your perspective as historian on something. Feel free to ignore this if it’s too much or you don’t have time, I get it. I’m a stranger on the internet, no obligations. This is about Russia and Ukraine.
I’m struggling with how to respond to people who keep saying that Ukraine does have Nazis, as if that justifies an unprovoked attack. Yes, there are Nazis in Ukraine. There are also Nazis in Russia, and Russia has a terrible history with how they treat Jewish people. I feel like this is something that is routinely ignored (well, Jewish people in general) when talking of ’denazification’. Would you have any advice on any historical perspective I could try to bring up, regarding this issue? I’m not Jewish myself, but I’m Finnish and we have a long history with Russia, including unprovoked attacks. Which adds an extra layer of anxiety and generational trauma I wasn’t actually aware was affecting me.
A final note I want to add: I don’t tend to take part in online discourse, so this is something that won’t show up on my dash. But I want to be able to discuss this IRL, if need be.
Ok so, I've been mulling over this question for a while, and I think my advice on how to deal with this is two-pronged: 1) extreme pedantry/semantics, 2) socratic questioning. This approach mirrors the one I used in the classroom when I was teaching undergrad history courses, and operates under the assumption that you don't want to demolish these relationships or get into an intense fight. also, i'm american so i'm sure there will be Cultural Things I'm missing/not grasping here.
Semantics and pedantry. These are both obnoxious and often disingenuous, but I think they will serve you well here. Ask these people what they mean when they say "Nazi." Then you hit them in the ACTUALLY: the Nazi Party, or the National Socialist German Worker's Party, was a political group/movement formed during the Weimar Republic. It was a far right, nationalist party which applied strict, ethno-racial definitions to who was and was not a German, and therefore who was allowed to be a beneficiary of state-sponsored benefits and programming. By defining who was and was NOT a German along these--as opposed to legal citizenship and official papers--lines, the electoral victory of the Nazi Party set the rhetorical stage for unchecked expansionism and genocide. FURTHER, the rise of the Nazi Party was, in part, a response to the Treaty of Versailles; the reparations it charged Germany with paying, and the War Guilt Clause. Therefore, Nazism in its purest forms can only be understood in terms of the very specific history and politics of interwar Germany. (NOTE: I wrote this off the cuff without double-checking sources because I'm getting ready for work while typing this, so if any of you would like to correct something in here, have at it). Now, these people who are throwing the term "Nazis" around very clearly are using it as shorthand for "aggressive violently nationalist white-supremacists" and we all know that, which is why this step is pretty openly disingenuous. BUT we need it because it leads us to...
Socratic Questioning. Do not argue with these people; don't waste your time and energy. Instead, use the base definition of Nazism established in Step 1 to try to make them think. After having established its very specific historical context, ask them what they mean by "Nazism." Ask them what they mean when they say Ukraine has them. Ask how those rhetorical Ukrainian's views are different from the views of the Russians who do stuff like harass non-white footballers, wear Confederate Flag clothing, harass non-white exchange students, and made(/make) life such hell for Jews that there was a multi-decade US-based movement pushing for their liberation/right to emigrate. Ask them calm, polite questions which will force them to think deeply about what they're saying. Obviously my above framing is aggressive, but your actual questioning should stay even-toned, curious, and respectful. Not because your conversation partners deserve your respect, but because you don't want to give them shit like YOU WERE BEING MEAN TO ME THEREFORE I QUIT THIS CONVERSATION to latch onto. Ask them for their sources regarding these "Nazis." Ask them what makes Ukrainian white supremacy different from Russian white supremacy; ask them what makes white supremacy in Eastern Europe different from white supremacy in other regions of Europe; ask them why the presence of "Nazis" justifies an invasion, and if, therefore, all countries with violent white supremacist ~movements~ should be invaded. Keep framing everything in terms of "help me understand your thinking." Your goal here isn't to win or even to convince them that they're wrong, because people spouting this kind of rhetoric aren't the types to just change their mind overnight because of your Socratic Questioning [tm]; your goal here is to politely poke holes in their thinking. After that, it's up to them. But I guarantee you, those holes will make an impact that they will, one day, have to acknowledge/deal with on some level.
That's my general advice. If you take it, do your research, have sources quietly ready, and be emotionally prepared for some people to throw some massive cognitive dissonance temper tantrums at you once they decide that they're done with your uncomfortable, probably vaguely condescending (because lbr) questions.
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