#also I'm in pain 👍🏻
bear-cubs-art-things · 4 months
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Life is kicking my ass rn and. I'm very tired and very busy ahehwhqjehdhf
Have a husk while I figure out my mess :')
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filmbyjy · 1 year
How hyung line would look after you on your period ?
a/n: oh actually I’ve done one with the whole group before but since this is only for the hyung line, it’s going to be a new one! also it’s great to know i’m currently on my period as I started writing this🧌currently dying👍🏻
WARNING: since it is the hyung line, i'm making it more suggestive than usual. why? bc these four have me on chokehold. which also means minors please do not interact. mentions about giving head. mentions of makeout. i'm putting this in the smut tag only bc i realise the more i write, the more i want to go further😀.
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enhypen reacts [hyung line]: taking care of you during your period
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— placing this in case the read more messes up —
❦ heeseung
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oh lee heeseung…holding back myself bc i may pounce
but anyways, i've said in my other post with the whole group, heeseung would definitely be sweet
he buys you pads whenever you run out (with addition of him being terrified by the heaps of pads and tampons in that section)
helps make tea (or coffee but i'm more of tea girl) when you feel in pain.
helps you distract from your cramps by making you laugh
he still that sweet boyfriend but...
his patience is at the low when he's getting hot and heavy.
i mentioned that heeseung now uses kisses to make you feel better whenever you are having cramps.
and when those kisses get carried away, you bet your asses you will be laid back onto the couch as heeseung hovers over you.
and he would get annoyed if your cramps interrupt his kissing session with you.
if it escalates even further, you have to stop him and remind him that you are on your period.
to which, he groans
"i just want to give you some love. why does mother nature have to come at the worst timing." he complains.
oh lee heeseung, you wished god never made women suffer with periods every month but there was no choice.
so to suffice heeseung's lust, you umm well offer him to give him head.
and yes, he agreed bc who wouldn't want to receive head from their significant other.
❦ jay
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okay so i've mentioned before that since jay is an only child, he wouldn't know much about periods and stuff
after all, the only womanly figure around him is his mom.
however, he does quickly learn how to handle these sorts of things bc well he is simply park jongseong.
and once he becomes a pro at it then yay! happy girlfriend = happy jay
now for the suggestive part...
jay, to put it quite frankly, has a high sex drive. i won't lie
but he is a patient man so he will wait
however, not when you've been teasing him.
you've gotten more horknee during your period and like you have a hunk of a boyfriend
how are you not supposed to tease him
your kisses always lingered on him and it makes him want to swoop you in and kiss you hard
but he knows he shouldn't
"love, we shouldn't." jay says.
"but i just want to kiss you."
"if i kiss you, i won't be able to control myself."
but of course, you kissed him.
it ends with you and him having clothed sex and yes, it was the hottest thing you've done with jay.
❦ jake
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i've mentioned that jake has 'golden retriever' energy
and it's true he does
he would be a good boy and run around helping you whenever he needs to
bc he loves you
which does make him sound like a total simp, which he is. however, do you wear the pants in the relationship?
unfortunately, you don't bc although jake is all 'happy puppy', he can turn into a total menace with you.
tbh, he hates whenever you have your period. sure he takes care of you and whatever.
but to him, a period is like cockblocker
he can't have sex with you
and we all can tell that he has a high sex drive (read: scorpio sign staring right back at you)
so like whenever, it's that time of the month...jake has no choice but to either jerk off or be holy and not touch himself
if he decides to stay holy is bc he would rather feel you than use his hands.
however, if he can't wait then his right hand will be of use.
❦ sunghoon
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i didn't mention much in hoon's side bc it was just crack
and honestly, it's true
sunghoon just wants to liven up the mood bc he knows it probably hurts
or well you told him how much it hurts
sunghoon doesn't enjoy seeing you in pain so he opts to make you smile
or well...see you flustered
sunghoon likes to also tease you during your period
why? bc you can't do anything about it
little does he know, your hormones go way worse when it's that time of the month.
he will trap you against a wall, lean down to nearly kiss your lips and then pulling away.
you hate it but you also loved it bc god you loved the tension whenever it happens.
finally, you cracked. you wrapped your arms around sunghoon's neck and kissed him. he wasn't fazed by it since he wanted this too.
it escalates further, you were in the bedroom. straddling sunghoon's lap still kissing him and grinding down on him.
sunghoon knows this should stop but he drunk off the feeling, it had been a long time (it was only 2-3 days).
you had ended it off by giving him head and he helped you out by letting you ride his thigh.
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doki-doki-imagines · 6 months
(I'm Spanish so sorry for the bad English)
I don't have clear if requests are open, but if they are, may I ask the Lin Kuei trio X a demon Reader they met on the woods? Thanks!
author note: don't worry your English is fine! I'm Italian so I understand the pain of learning a new language👍🏻
Bi-Han: -Trust in you: Zero. None. He will attack you the moment you are in sight. -He doesn't trust demons and even less the one hiding in the woods. -The first meeting will be rough. You'll need to escape because alone is impossible to beat him, surrounded by his men. -Much later, you will meet again, working on the same side, but Bi-Han won't be much softer, still suspicious of you. -Demons will always be demons in his mind…
Kuai Liang: -He attacks you, not trusting any demon. -But Sareena stopped him, recognizing you and saving your life. -Liang still doesn't trust you completely, but he will save you, bringing you to Shirai Ryu base. -You'll train with his other trainees. In battle, he'll understand the purity of your intentions. -Times will make you closer, you becoming one of his best trainees, your powers almost unmatchable. -Who knows how things could develop between you two…
Tomas Vrbada: -He finds you during one of his walks outside. -Tomas is immediately ready to fight, but he notices how you seem pretty calm, almost fearing him. -He senses the same kind spirit of Ashrah and decides not to hurt you and bring you with him at Shirai Ryu. -You train together, and Tomas would gladly help you reach your goal! -Also, he's gonna take you back on your steps when the demon side takes over.
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aloosefangirl · 7 months
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Translated as best as I can from Saleh Al Jafarawi's story posted at about 8 pm GMT 2 December 2023:
"God witnessing that I'm very tired and profess all my pain and fatigue because I know very well that so many people take their strength from me and I should also not get weak because Palestine needs me still. But I swear to God I have seen soooo many things to the point that I cry every night before I sleep and to the point that I have nightmares and to the point that I have spent 58 days without knowing a thing about my family and do not communicate with them and despite this I continue to post, but it seems that the world will not respond. God willing, you will wake up when we are all exterminated and get erased from existence 👍🏻"
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omgg i was the one who made the ass or boobs request🫶🏽🫶🏽, i envisioned anton would prefer boobs but thighs make so much sense!! from you point of view what do you think about their turns ons/off?tysmm 🦇
i'm giving you one turn on and one turn off each, just to keep things interesting. i also will not elaborate. also thank you for requesting again!! sorry it took so long 💔
on: cute outfits (read: tiny skirts)
off: ???
on: collars
off: giving up control
on: size differences
off: a lack of playfulness
on: squirting
off: interruptions of any kind
on: smudged makeup
off: cameras (y'know, during sex)
on: being told what to do 👍🏻
off: having to figure out what to do 👎🏻
on: cumming inside
off: pain
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onekisstotakewithme · 3 months
have an event sign up that closes in an hour, and the sign up sheet is open on my laptop, i'm just so unmotivated and also in pain 👍🏻
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dexpairs-blog · 1 year
Characters i think i would i be able to pull as a plus size(small fat) fem presenting enby that manages to be somewhat conventionally attractive 👍🏻
I use all pronouns btw
Warnings: none?? Maybe some suggestive comments here and there but that's it.
Riddle: yes because of his mommy issues but i wouldn't because of his momma, but i would gladly call her a bitch to defend him.
Trey: maybe? I feel like he might have a preference for chubbier bodies so probably?? Even tho i wouldn't be able to tell he's flirting cuz i suck at social cues LMAO
Cater: no but would still flirt with me as a joke, with consent ofc! He'd drop the most down bad statements in my magicam comment section just for shits and giggles just to be answered with an equally down bad comment. Me n Cater 🤞🏻
Ace: yes- you saw how he kept mentioning wanting to share a bad with the MC? Bros down astronomical. But i wouldn't bother cuz eh- i need an adhd bestie to share my braincells with yk. he'd prolly get touchy but my dumb ass would think nothing of it.
Deuce: yes. Bro gets nervous around the maidens so yep.
Leona: yes and no?? Like, i feel like i could pull him but for nothing serious? Even if i manage to make him my bf it wouldn't be anything long term, cause you know, he's a prince, it would still be a nice relationship tho. He'd also use me as a pillow which depending on where u are can be a blessing or a pain cuz lemme tell you i'm a walking heater.
Ruggie: YES. Bro looks at fat women and goes AWOOGA. You can't tell me he doesn't find plus size attractive knowing wtf he's been through. He LOVES a well fed mc!! And loves being the little spoon!!
Jack: no because he'd friendzone me😤 not that he doesn't find plus size ppl hot but i don't think we'd get along like that.
Azul: yes and no, he most likely has internalized fatphobia due to his trauma, and he gets pissed seeing how the MC manages to draw ppl towards them if the fat. He'd project a lot pre ch.3 but after that he gets over it and learns to over come it.
Jade:yes but more like the other way around.
Floyd: yes. Bro wouldn't keep his hands to himself.
Kalim: yes, he doesn't care about looks.
Jamil: NOPE.
Rook: anyone can pull him
Epel: yea
Idia: yup, dummy thicc with big tiddums go brrr
Malleus: all yuus can pull him, but again it wouldn't be something long term cuz he's a prince and i don't want to get married😍 so better to remain homies 👍🏻
Lilia: bro adopts me the second he hears me saying one of his sons is hot and acts as a wingman for me. Mans wants grandbabies.
Sebek: yea?? But i wouldnt try for the safety of my eardrumms.
Honorable mentions:
(mildly suggestive)
Chenya: maybe?? More like a fwb situation though.
Neige: as much as i'd like to say yes his fans would bodyshame me into oblivion😭😭
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Howdy~! For the 100 follower prompt, I would like angst prompt #4 with Leona Kingscholar, please! Angst with a happy ending, please? Thanks a bunch!👍 Also, congrats on the 100!
Angst 4: "My wounds are of no concern to you"
Lol OOC and mentions of bruising 👍🏻
Existence is pain and I'm bad at this. I'm writing this in calculus because I don't wanna be here :3c
He'd been cold to them today, moreso than usual
The sudden frigid edge to his tone when he spoke to them, cutting them off mid sentence, set off an alarm bell in their head
His normal lazy drawl was nowhere to be heard and in its place had been the inimicality of how he spoke presently
They didn't understand what they had done to make him angry
If they'd even done anything, that is.
And in turn they debated with themselves on whether they should give him space or try to speak with him about his sudden dismissiveness
On one hand, speaking to him could lead to an argument
One the other, they might be able to improve his
The latter seemed to be the favorable outcome
They'd wait until after classes had ended and he retired to his bedroom, however, figuring that it would be easier to approach him when he was more comfortable
When they arrive outside his door, they speak to make themselves known before letting themselves in
He cracked an eye open at them from his bed, the emerald freen of his irises gleaming in the darkness of his room
No words were spoken, just glances exchanged.
At least until they cleared their throat to aid in their preparation to speak
Leona? Has something happened?
They removed their shoes and approached him, footsteps quiet against the floor
Upon their reaching out to touch him, he grabbed their wrist
You're playin' a dangerous game, herbivore.
They frowned deeply
Despite being fully aware that it was his pride at play here, they couldn't help but feel the sting of his behavior
With a sigh they pulled their arm away and sat down on his bed
You acting like this only concerns me more. I know that there's something wrong Leona.
There was a long pause as they wallowed in their thoughts
And they sigh, running a hand through their hair, before turning to face him, expression serious
Kingscholar, I swear to the 7, if you don't fess up-
They cut themselves off when he lets out a growl
He'd failed to catch their hand again when they made a jab at his ribs with their fingers
A sneer crossed his face at having been found out and he huffed, falling back against the pillows
There was no longer a reason to bother
They lifted his shirt to see the the problem, brows furrowing at the large bruise across his ribcage, dark against his skin
He cuts them off this time, voice annoyed in a way that takes them aback
My wounds are of no concern to you
Their face contorted into anger as they stare at him incredulously
Like hell it isn't! You have punctured a lung if your ribs turned out to be broken!
He rolled his eyes as they stood, excusing themselves from the room
It took a few minutes, but when they returned they carried with them a small bag of ice
Gingerly, they press it to his side, apologizing for jabbing him to begin with
He sighed, expression still very much annoyed
The position of his ears and movement of his tail, however, conveyed his apology
His pride wouldn't allow him to say it aloud, but they'd been around him long enough to understand
I expect you to explain later.
He said nothing, but they knew he would
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biomecharnotaurus · 7 months
headcanons for you
-Is buff or lifts weights, if not greatly admires buff people
-talks to Dino plushies about random stuff
-Icy hot/NSAID addict dude to tendonitis
-has very vivid dreams about random shit
-back problems
-partner-less by choice
I wouldn't call myself buff, but ye I do strenght training 👍🏻
I'm not mute but I'm also not particularly talkative so I do not really talk to items (sometimes I do but it's more like a "SORRY!" if I accidentally make them fall or stuff of that kind lol)
People have to pray me to take ibuprofen when I'm in pain because I have a tendency of ignoring my problems :')
PTSD aside yeah
A little
Yes and no (I don't look for a partner and I don't date for sex/short periods of time, so there is a stupidly high probability of me declining "offers")
More like depresso 👉🏻😎👉🏻
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vanillatalc · 2 months
me and Ben finished the fallout series tonight and it was really good I thought! I've not played any of the games so I didn't pick up any of the game stuff but enjoyed it anyway. Ben has played all the games and also enjoyed it a lot
I think I forgot to blog this but I had another physio appt yesterday which was fine, he thinks it's gluteal tendinopathy which I'm pretty sure isn't what they said last time but I don't suppose they've really got much to go on lol. they seem pretty sure it's something musculoskeletal anyway so I don't think the exact issue is that important BC the same shit is prescribed (boring and painful exercises)I did ask whether I should get a scan or something and he said he would have suggested one if I had more red flag symptoms such as numbness/toilet problems/ suddenly my hip giving way, that kind of thing, and that sounded reasonable enough to me that I was like 👍🏻🙂. he gave me more exercises to do (horrid) and told me that walking about is ok but probably be more mindful of routes (it gets worse on uneven terrain) and sit down to rest it before it starts spasming. which is obviously also fair
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finniestoncrane · 10 months
hey finnie i’m an anon who enjoys your work. i just wanted to talk to you and ask how your day was! i rolled both of my ankles and twisted my knee sideways all because i didn’t look where I was stepping and fell off the curb. 👍🏻 now both ankles are swollen and hard to walk on. i hope your days going better! i’m gonna try and relax and re-read your work to make me feel better.
take care! - anonymous friend with two broken ankles.
anon kjjkhasd i am so clumsy and i fall all. the. time. but i'm lucky to never have broken or sprained anything so i can't sympathise with your pain but i bet it hurts like a complete bitch ;-; i hope they get better soon! and i hope my silly things help that's so sweet ;-; 💚
my day so far is acceptable. although fallout 4 crashed. so i thought it would be a good time to check work emails because i hate myself clearly BUT it's also a good reason to do some writing u-u
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dean-a-mean-tae · 3 months
his @ is cameronwesleyy and his voice too ugh so good. he doesn’t have his exact ethnicity in his bio but in a previous video he said he was half korean too so yeah 👍🏻
(i sent u an ask previously on my acc but i’ve had problems with my acc where i’ve sent asks to others and it hasn’t worked (i don’t think) but i’ve sent asks from my acc but anonymously and it’s worked so idk 🤷🏻. my ask said something abt how nick would go live and like do his hair and stuff or teach the kids how to do diff styles or do it in style with the next comeback so i was wondering if it rang any bells??)
love ya xo
Hello, darling!💜 @/cameronwesleyy is a scary good face claim, however I haven't used one because I kind of like the idea of you all having a general image of what you want Nicholas to look like. Obviously, he's a tall black guy with chubby cheeks, who sometimes slouches because of chronic pain, but other than that. Free range. I also like the idea that he's a bit lanky.
As for your request, I never got the ask, but I did just scramble up some ideas and pop this out based on the short summary you gave me. I hope you enjoy it. 💜 If you can't send another ask from your blog do you want to try an emoji anon or something? I'm curious on why your asks aren't coming through.
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pe0ple3ater · 4 months
i love the way i can hear the dialogue In Cellbit’s voice when you write and him making Pac jerk himself was SO-
fuckkkkk dude
the praise and threats and pac being so into it but crying the whole time did smth to me I’m aceflux and wow this dragged me out of my asexual feels with a knife to my throat that was so hot
you mentioned being worried about the noncon elements but I think you’re good. You could tag it cnc if you wanted or dubcon but it doesn’t come across as rape👍🏻
"i love the way i can hear the dialogue In Cellbit’s voice when you write and him"
DUDE THAT'S SUCH A COMPLIMENT????? Genuinely what I strive for when writing, so to see I nailed it makes me SUPER happy.
I really wanted to show that Pac really hates that he loves this. He hates himself for wanting it, but it feels so fucking good that he keeps coming back no matter what. Fear play my beloved. Also, it's true that Cell knows his body, knows what he wants. The pain that Cell can inflict on Pac is something solely reserved for Cell. Mike won't do it, not in the way Cell will. Fit won't do it, he'd rather die than hurt Pac. None of Pac's partners will hurt him in the way Cell will, and Pac wouldn't like it from any of them. It's what they have.
I am going to keep it tagged as rape/noncon because I got some fucking nasty comments calling me some names because apparently people on ao3 know my writing better than me! But I'm glad I'm not insane when I say that I don't think it comes across as noncon. But! That's how it is, I'm chilling!
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gunsatthaphan · 2 years
I really liked GAP! to be honest I think a lot of BL fans just performatively hyped it but didn't watch it, which is why maybe the views seem lower than the initial buzz. it also doesn't help that because BL has had increasingly higher budgets/better production & plots over the coming years and experienced many growing pains, GAP is getting unfavourably compared to it despite it being the first/newest of its kind. i'm excited to see sam and mon more :)
I think the first episode of gap is cute and the mains have chemsitry! The story isn't groundbreaking but I also think as big production gl showing it some love will help the future of gls in Thailand, lord knows we have had a lot worse bls who got hyped into oblivion before we got some good ones :')
thank you for sharing your opinions anons!
I agree! I was surprised to see so many people being disappointed after hyping up the show for months and also receiving all the the previews so well. The first episode delivered what was advertised in the trailers so I'm confused what people were expecting exactly lol.
but also yes I agree what anon 2 said, the story definitely isn't extraordinary and it's nothing that we haven't seen before (NOT comparing!!!!) - there were a few cheesy moments and unnecessary lines etc. which definitely rang a bell and which I mentioned in that deleted ask. But what's groundbreaking is not the plot but the fact that it's an actual GL lol and for that fact alone it's worth hyping up lol. It just feels nice to finally get something different and for what it is, I like it so far.
I was nervous about Becky's acting since her performance in tharntype was not it lmao but she's doing well. The acting is pretty solid from everyone so far. Also the OST is very nice. Let's see where it goes but so far so good 👍🏻
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celiastjamesoscar · 5 months
Dream update: it was some sort of zombie apocalypse just that the zombies were stoll completely human and functioning. They were scared of water and wood so we had to use that to keep them away. We were running, climbing and hiding. THEN a zombie twin duo had the real Chucky as their companions, twice. So 2 Chuckies chase us. BUT my group had an ape/monkey and our pig, Dot, as protection. The best thing is, however, that Tara and Sam were part of my group. After finding them again, Tara and I decided to get married. I actually married Tara! (Sad though because Sam was right there in her Scream 6 tank top). Tara was a great wife though 👍🏻
Okay, good good. Not that you were in pain but this way I don't seem like a total pussy for suffering this much while getting my thigh blasted.
OH MY GOD are you hitting on me? Cause I heard that munching box is what killed Michael Douglas! (Chanel numbet 3 knows everything) But don't worry, I was always the best at interpretations, so the Europe tour will be a lot of fun 😏
I... wow. I'm speechless. I gotta be honest, I don't know what Canada's food has to do with Franz Ferdinand (we have one cat named like that) and the Genova Convention BUT I completely support you! You are so right, Grace. You should fight him and I KNOW you will come out victorious! How dare he be offended by Canadian food causing international humanitarian laws!
Zombies mixed in with Chucky sounds terrifying, but at least you had Dot there to protect you! And hey, you still married a Carpenter, that has to count for something!!! But oh my god with Sam in her tank top… I would have ran off the altar with her
There’s no way you are comparing the pain I felt to yours 😭 but honestly, it wasn’t too bad at all and I am already wanting another one!!
Is it bad that I’m still on the first episode of Scream Queens? Because I feel like it is. This Europe tour will be fun, you have my word :)
I honestly can’t remember how I connected Canada’s canned food grenades to Ferdinand, but it somehow ended in an argument😭 I will have to fight him and let you know of the results!!
Also, here are some highlights from Zoey. Along with this, I have come to the conclusion that I will die for Aitana Bonmatí, she’s the current love of my life
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woahajimes · 8 months
ALRIGHT THE FOLLOWUP: it didn't go that badly, honestly i was thinking way way worse than that. obviously the actual test will be a hundred times more difficult and i will absolutely do a mess but. umh. a girl can dream
ALSO I WANTED TO TELL YOU I'm reading the fica on your google fic recs thingy!!!! and also i wholeheartedly agree with you recommending it (THANK YOU) but i hav ebeen. cursed. with my love for rarepairs and i KNOW you know what it feels like but like..... i am suffering and I don't think this pain will cease anytime soon 👍🏻 but whatever i guess. i am totally normal about everything ahah
(btw it's maki obviously)
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