#also as u can see this was from a convo from a while ago
emp-blast · 2 years
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you WILL read my thoughts on miss Loba apex legends
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petz5 · 2 years
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grabs him by the scruff of his neck like a kitten
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graciegoeskrazy · 10 months
hi <3 can you do dad!matty and daughter!reader and shes dealing with her first heartbreak?
you’re all i need
Matty Healy + Teen!Daughter!reader (ft The 1975)
warnings: cheating, men, some language
a/n: HI! i’m back again. thank you to the LOVELY anon who requested this. I hope you enjoy! Also - ty to everyone who has sent a request! I promise you I will get to ALL of them as soon as i can. anywhoooo i like how this one turned out and i hope u like :)
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The boys never heard the bus pulling up to the house. It wasn't until the front door slammed that they realized you were home. They were all in the kitchen talking when you arrived. Usually - especially if they're all home - you would run straight to all of them and talk and rant about your day. But this time it was noticeable that you were acting quite different.
“Hi, darling!” Your father yelled from the kitchen.
You gave a solemn, “Hey.” before running upstairs as quickly as possible, trying to not let them see your tear-stained face.
“You okay?” Adam asked.
You continued your trek upstairs, never once looking at them.
“Yeah just tired.”
That fact that you didn't run straight to them was a huge giveaway, but the slight crack in your voice set off an alarm in all of them.
They all exchanged looks. Some of worry, and some of confusion. Matty sighed before putting his drink down on the table.
“I’ll be right back he said.” And he made his way up to you.
Your biggest pet peeve in the entire world is when your dad didn't knock on your door. He learned his lesson several times and always made a point to knock ever since you yelled at him for it, but this time he just opened it without a knock or anything, afraid you might have been hiding something.
The door swung open and revealed you sitting on the other side of your bed, phone in hand, with tears threatening to spill out again.
You whipped away the tears as normally as you could, trying to not track any attention. “Hi.” He said, almost comically. You replied with a small “Hi.”
“How was school?” he said, starting to make his way into your room.
“Fine.” You quipped.
You just nodded and let out a slight hm, trying to move this convo along as fast as possible.
He shook his head.
“Well, we both know that’s bull shit.”
You sighed and stood up to face him, ushering out the door. “Dad, I just don’t want to talk about it.” Tears fully falling out again. He put his hands on your shoulders urging you to sit on the bed.
“If you’re this hurt about it darling, I think we should.” You gave up and fell onto the bed, your face hiding in your pillows.” He slowly sat down next to you, asking “Is it about school?” while doing so.
“No.” You said the sound being muffled by your pillows.
“Friends?” He asked stroking your back, coaxing you to come out.
“No!” you yelled into the pillows.
You didn’t respond, which let your dad too his answer.
“Ahhhh…jackpot.” He said.
You just sighed.
“Bad date?”
“Lovers quarrel?”
“Not exactly.”
Matty didn't want to say what he was about to say but he had to make sure…
“Did you guys…do something you weren’t supposed to?”
“Dad!” You yelled while sitting up.
He put his hands up in defense. “I just have to make sure.”
You slumped against the headboard. “Come on, darling. You tell me everything! That shouldn't stop because of guy stuff. I am a guy! I can help you out.”
You just continued to cry. By now you were full on sobbing. It took your dad back. Whatever was happening, he now knew it was serious. You fell into him and sobbed into his shirt. “Woah, honey. What happened.”
“He cheated on me.” You managed to say during sobs.
“What?” Your father was completely shocked.
You sat up again before speaking. “A girl came up to me during lunch. She told me that she and Issac had been dating for a month. He told her that he broke up with me a while ago, but found out the truth from a friend and she felt bad so she wanted to tell me.” You let out a small sniffle.
“Oh, honey. Have you talked to him?” He asked.
“Yeah. At first, he was all defensive. He said that he could have any other girl he wanted but he chose to stay with me and that I should be thankful. He started yelling and when he finally admitted it I asked why and he said ‘Because at least she lets me fuck her.’ and stormed off.”
The door immediately opened revealing Ross storming inside, George tying to hold him back, and Adam, Carly, and Jamie all behind them still trying to process everything they’ve been hearing. “What?!” Ross said, almost breaking down the door.
“Really?!” Matty said.
“We were worried.” Ross shrugged.
“This ain’t your business mate, fuck off.”
This time, George chimed in. “She’s our niece and goddaughter. If she comes home sobbing her eyes out, we're gonna convey some worry.”
This was getting too much for you. You yelled very loudly, trying to get them to all stop. “Enough! Everyone out! Please I just want to be alone.”
Matty sighed and kissed the top of your head before heading out. “As you wish.” He said. He ushered the others to leave while silently yelling at Ross.
Matty was sitting on the couch watching some trash reality TV show when he decided it was time for him to head up to bed. It was pretty late, everyone had gone home well before, and he was ready to pass out. He hasn't spoken to you since when you came home, other than sending a small text asking if you wanted any food to which you did not reply. As he walked upstairs and past your room, he heard quiet sniffles coming behind your door. He opened the door slightly, and peaked his head through. “Baby?” he asked. He saw you curled up in bed with tears streaming down your face, with a vinyl playing silently in the corner of your room. “Oh, my love.” He said. Immediately sitting on the bed and scooping you up into his arms.
You were a fucking wreck. You couldn't get Issac out of your mind. You couldn't help but think that you were dumb enough to waste almost a year of your life on someone who ended up probably never caring about you. Your head was swerling with thought, and Matty caught you right in the nick of time.
You cried into his arms. “It hurts, Daddy.” You said.
He brushed your hair back and laid you back down on the bed, tucking you in and lying next to you. “Oh, my sweet girl.”
“Why was I so stupid?”
This is what Matty feared, that you would blame some prick's biggest mistake on yourself. “You are not stupid.” He said.
“Yes, I am. I’m a stupid girl who was convinced someone loved her.” You said, crying into his chest.
“Hey! For the last time, you are not stupid. You are the wisest, kindest, most beautiful, and charming soul I have ever laid my eyes upon. And some bloke named Issac is stupid and blind and couldn’t see the absolute gift he had in front of him.”
Your cries turned into quite sniffles. “This will pass. Eventually. I promise you.”
“How do you know? You’ve been cheated on before?”
He laughed a little. “No. I’m the one who did the cheating.”
You looked up at him. “What? Dad!”
“I know. I was an idiot who was not worthy of someone's love - someone who you will never know about -”
You rolled your eyes.
“So that’s how I know for sure that Issac is an idiot who didn't see the absolute gift he had in front of him because I was that same idiot.”
You stayed quiet, not entirely sure of what to say. Matty caught sight of something on your nightstand.
“Did you eat that whole gallon of ice cream?”
“I just got cheated on. Give me a fucking break.”
“I’m not judging.” He said, smiling.
“I thought that’s what you're supposed to do during a break up. Eat ice cream and listen to Taylor Swift non-stop.”
“That’s one way of doing it.”
“I can’t stop listening to ‘Death by a Thousand Cuts’”
“I don’t think that’s very healthy.”
You smiled. “What can I say, I’m obsessed with your ex-girlfriend.”
“Okay, that’s enough.” he said, getting out of bed.
He sat on the edge of the bed and tucked you in again. “You okay? For right now at least?”
“Yeah. You made it better.”
He smiled. You continued.
“And Taylor did too.”
“I’m leaving.” He said, turning away. You laughed hysterically.
“You fumbled the bag mate!”
“Goodnight!” he slammed the door, smiling.
When the next day rolled around you panicked when you realized you slept through your alarm. You checked your phone and saw a text from your dad that he had sent while you were asleep. “No school today. I turned your alarm off last night while you were sleeping. If you wake up be ready to leave by 11. I have to go into the studio today and I want you to come with me.”
You were quiet the entire car ride. Usually, you forced your dad to give you aux rights but this time you sat in sullum silence as you watched rural Londen pass you by. Your dad definitely noticed but he didn’t want to push you into a conversation. He knew you were very fragile at the moment and whenever you were uncomfortable you retreated to your little shell so to speak like you were doing now. He didn't want to ruin that, so he left you alone.
When you arrived at the studio you took a deep breath before getting out of the car. Your dad wrapped an arm around your shoulder and pressed a kiss to your head as you both walked in together. You were greeted with Ross who was sitting in one of the lounge chairs right by the door. All of them have been briefed by Matty. He sent a text saying, ‘Baby is coming w/ today. She’s still heartbroken. Try to make her less heartbroken. She’ll prob cry every 2 minutes so be prepared.’ Ross had his usual chipper attitude that he only ever showed when he was around you. “Hey! There’s our favorite girl!” he opened his arms wide awaiting a hug from you. You smiled a little bit and accepted it. “How’ve ya been?” he asked pulling away. “Very shitty.” You replied while wiping away a few tears that had escaped during the hug. “Yeah, getting your heart broken will do that to you.” You shrugged and smiled. George came up to you next, offering his drumsticks. “Feeling like hitting something?” You shrugged then replied, “Yeah actually.” he smiled. “Go for it.”
Once you were behind the other side of the glass getting a beat going, George spoke up. “So, when are we killing him?”
Adam laughed before adding, “We’re not killing a kid.”
“Why not? He broke our girl's heart.”
Ross chimed in too. “We have his address and phone number and an array of kitchen knives, I say we give it a go. Right, Matty?”
Your father was just watching you play, as always mesmerized by your talents at such a young age. “As much as it’s entertaining, y/n wouldn’t want it.”
Ross clicked his tongue. “Yeah, you’re right.”
Matty turned to the boys.
“We’ll just give him dirty looks every time we pick y/n up from school.”
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desire-mona · 4 months
Opinions on jacksfilms v sssniperwolf?
Penny for ur thoughts plz 🪙 (<- pretend that is a penny shhhhh)
this ask is an equivalent to asking for my hand in marriage just btw.
so in case anyone doesnt know anything abt this old ass drama (i dont know as much as i could either, this is a retelling from the bits and pieces i remember):
so basically sssniperwolf used to be this gaming youtuber but she eventually turned into a half baked "reaction" channel where she just watches tiktoks, makes low effort surface level commentary, and then doesnt credit the creator of said tiktoks. jacksfilms is a comedy youtuber who does a bunch of stuff (sketches, streaming, something called YIAY where he gives ppl prompts / questions to answer n reads em out(with credit!(also hes been doing stuff with ai recently but mostly to show how mid it is which like. eh idk how i feel abt it but its not a dealbreaker))) and he at one point in 2023 called out sniper for her content stealking and lazy content.
he started doing this thing where he reacted to her videos the way she reacts to the videos she steals? i think? and then he gives credit to the creators that sniper reacts to i hope ur following. sniper eventually got mad and was like "uhhhmmm ur stealing from me....." which is rly funny considering she steals from SO many ppl. they had lowkey beef for a while (and obv jack was in the right the entire time) and on uhhhhhh lemme look this up hold on. october 13th of last year sniper posted an instagram story poll like "jacksfilms is close to this place im shooting at should i go see him" i guess to like? talk things out?
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and then some amnt of time later while jack was playing jackbox on stream with his editors and stuff (dubbed the council) sniper showed up at his house, stood outside, and posted a video OF HIS HOME ON HER STORY. ON HER INSTAGRAM WITH OVER 5 MILLION FOLLOWERS. also to add even more context that i found out from youtube comments, sniper has been arrested for armed robbery before, so! some council member alerted jack and erin (jack's wife) was like "erm im gonna go outside" and everyone was like NO DONT OMG. eventually she deleted the story but by that point it was like wayyyy too late. and photos of his house were alr on twitter and stuff. the most ridiculous part is that when jack was rightfully like WHAG GHE HELL she was like this guy is creepy and hes been harassing me! i just wanna talk!!!
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jacksfilms made a video being like heyyyyy youtube can u do smthn abt this???? youtube, of course, did nothing in response. i honestly dont know how it ended but snipers still doing her thing and so is jack so ultimately nothing substantial came of it, i guess. i wasnt on stream when it happened but i was GLUED to twitter as it was unfolding since ive been a big jacksfilms fan since i was 12ish. crazy times
also fun fact! ive had a couple convos with a council member (marshaldoesstuff u will always be famous) and i was in his discord FOREVER ago. like 2018 forever ago. got groomed in that server it was kinda goofy (NOT marshal's fault - nor the mods of said server, im still friends with a few of those mods and they were always so protective of me and were there to put a stop to everything, i love them dearly.) so yeah im kinda etched into jacksfilms lore in a way that VERY few remember. which is the case for a few different fandoms tbh.
second fun fact: jack and erin r house md fans (erin has a crush on house and jack has a crush on cuddy which is sooo based of them)
thank u for asking and thank u for reading :3 i luv jacksfilms
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an-obsessed-cactus · 5 months
I think i may be asexual?!
(okay this got longer than expected and i wanted to stop talking cuz ppl won't read it if it's so long and then i realized I'm not here to please anybody and i just wanna process some stuff so. yeah. also i come to realizations farther down that contradict some stuff from the beginning but I'll just leave my whole thought process here)
fun. um. I've realized I'm not straight two years ago and then started learning more about all things LGBT related and think myself educated enough on this topic but.
I've been pondering my sexuality and gender identity again more in recent days and. today i randomly stumbled across a yt video where the author (are you an author on yt? my brain is glitching rn)(also the 'author' in question is @jaidenanimationsofficial wonderful videos love the animation and the humor) talks about being aroace. few hours pass, my stomach hurts like hell so i go to lay down and sleep a bit, wake up and have a realization.
i googled again what asexuality is and read some more on this. i did this before and i guess i didn't see myself in it? so i kinda crossed it off the list of possible identities. i guess because i do want to have sex. i think. I'm not opposed to it and i get horny lmao. but that's only with fictional characters and works? like i just think: that was very sexy of you. but in a platonic way?! sex doesn't cross my mind. (also can you get aroused by music? or a good written work? or movie? like not even the characters but the work itself?) sorry i dunno I'm confused.
anyway i got a bit off track. what i wanted to say was that i suddenly remembered a convo i had with my sister a while ago where we talked about what is the difference between friendship and a romantic relationship. and she said it's that u wanna have sex with them and i was like ... i don't really think that's it...
and like. i get crushes i think. but I've never experienced this want to have sex with a particular person at least that i could remember. like a want to have sex? i guess yeah i mean not rlly sth i think about much but it's not unprecedented(see: i get horny)
honestly I'm not even sure anymore if im not aromantic as well. cuz queerplatonic sounds more like my jam?
like i felt(feel?) like omnisexual described me well because i think I'd be attracted to who the person is at their core. what if ur straight as a girl, date a boy, and then it turns out he's trans? i dunno i feel like gender isn't this fixed thing which then kinda creates problems when labeling urself with a certain sexuality. aaaa people came irl and i lost my train of thought. um. i feel like labeling myself anything other than omnisexual would feel limiting. even if i never developed a crush on a girl for example (i did), i still feel like i could potentially. like there's nothing stopping me. why shouldn't I?
that was written yesterday. it is now today and i have a whole lot of new thoughts and realizations.
I had a bit of a marathon with @jaidenanimationsofficial videos and i came across an older one she mentioned in the previous one i watched about being aroace(ik it's a mess) about how she couldn't understand why when romantic feelings are not mutual people don't just continue being friends. and i was like EXACTLY WHAT IS UP WITH THAT?! and um. ahem. do u really see it as a problem? I guess if everyone does. but I'm starting to seriously consider if I'm aroace as well which woah there. this happened in a span of a day and I'm not sure it's real and it doesn't feel real? some time will have to pass for me to check out this theory cuz. ppl often say they felt like there was sth wrong with them and then they discovered these terms and were like aHA that's it! that explains everything! and I didn't... have that? and I'm not sure to what extent i identify with aroace because reasons(ill talk about some of it below). and I'm not saying that not having this realization moment or not feeling like sth is wrong with me through my life devalidates my orientation and stuff but it makes me doubt i guess?
i also came to an important discovery that aroused and horny are not the same. who would have thought?! I said above i get horny but apparently being horny means to want to have sex. and i just get the physical part aka arousal. fun. someone help pls im so confused.
okay for the last part(which prolly won't be the last part but one can hope right?)
i said i realized i wasn't straight two years ago. that was when i realized i like my best friend as more than i friend. well it wasn't exactly that simple. tbh i think Lucifer(the series i am NOT a satanist) helped a lot with that? like i knew about some lgbt stuff before because I'm alive on this planet but it kinda made me think about a lot of stuff, and between that stuff was my sexuality as well. idk. it's not like i had a crush on any of the female characters. just got me thinking for some reason. like why is having sex with people you're not romantically involved with wrong? why is prostitution wrong if u enjoy it and get money for it and it's well managed and secure? but that's beside the point.
well anyway I didn't know what i felt towards my bff(I'll say bff cuz bf also stands for boyfriend so it feels weird) but it felt like more than friendship. didn't feel like sth romantic tho. then i discovered queerplatonic relationships exist and i was like i think that's it! and then new school year came i saw her again and doubts flared up. again there was never i wanna have sex with her, but there was an occasional i wanna kiss her. and she was so important to me so it has to be romantic love right?! romance is the highest form of love one can experience afterall! nothing whatsoever can compare to it!! it feels ✨magical✨ when you find you will finally be completed!!! anyways.
it felt like romantic love was the only thing that could justify me feeling this way. i won't go deeper into this because i already have a draft where i do(i have like 16 drafts with uncompleted rambles so...) I'll try to post it but. i told her and we're still good friends! it actually made me closer to the rest of my friend group(which i was only a part of on the paper before)(i was so focused on my bff before I didn't really do group) because i felt a bit distanced from her for a while(she's a people pleaser like me and even tho i think i can read her well im paranoid and i thought she may feel weird?). anyways i got close with 3 other amazing ppl in the meantime and my friendship with my bff hasn't suffered!
but between my feelings being kinda realized and me telling her a whole year has passed and in the end i wasn't even sure what i was feeling anymore just that i didn't want her not to know. idk.
now im wondering what it was. even back then half year pre confession i was thinking if it was just because someone was finally paying attention to me. i didn't really do friends before (i kinda had them but there were no deep convos or shared secrets) and then there was suddenly this person who genuinely enjoys spending time with me! and listens to my problems! and weird obsessions! this sounds kinda sad put like this ngl lmao. but this was the first time I had that deep connection with someone. two years in my confused feelings came. geez i got off track again. point is i thought i was straight up until then and then had a crisis cuz i thought i only liked her cuz she was giving me attention cuz i was straight goddamit! ANYWAYS.
this post has lost all direction. it is a frustrated ramble of a very confused person. let us continue
i will just sum up how i feel about genders and people because I'm a chronic oversharer. oops doops.
men: find them aesthetically pleasing, all celebrity crushes are in this category (there's only one really but if i found a celebrity attractive like not objectively but to me it was a man), i would also get kinda crushes on boys my age when i spent 5 minutes with them. don't ask. i think it's dopamine mining(i suspect i have adhd). im not used to male company and i kinda don't like it that much but the the ?butterflies? are still there. tbh i don't really know what to do with men. doesn't stop me from having crushes tho. i don't have any real desire to be in a romantic relationship with men. i don't exclude the possibility but i haven't found one i would want it with. i also don't know now to interact with them. let alone flirt. actually flirt in general. it feels like it would be cringe and belongs in bad movies.
women: freaking amazing!! love them! no celebrity crushes, one irl crush which might have moved beyond crush(i suspected the L word for a while) to friends or it might have never been a crush in the first place! help! now there's another friend outside of my friend group who i may like. or i just enjoy her company? im not used to this yet. i forgot i think im aroace. this is killing me.
nonbinary/other genders: I haven't met any yet. there are some on discord servers im a part of but I don't really interact much just lurk there. i think irl experience would be different anyway.
someone please explain sth to me. you have sexual attraction okay get that(not really but that's not the point). but then there's romantic attraction. how do you separate that from friendship? just this intense feelings of wanting to be with them at all times? okay myb myb let's say u can separate them from friendship. what about queerplatonic? guys??
i am starting to dislike labels. this is confusing.
also i gotta figure this romantic thing out cuz im writing a fantasy series and there's romance involved lol.
okay so i guess i am at least asexual cuz i don't see ppl and go 'i wanna have sex with them'. i am not yet thoroughly convinced im aromantic as well but we'll see about that ig. because i still don't understand what the difference between romance and deep friendship is. aghhh
although if i can't tell the difference myb that answers the question.
also how does someone who is asexual but romantically attracted to all genders label themselves? like omnisexual ig doesn't work cuz it omnisexual.
i went to google aromantic and.
"demiromantic people have romantic attraction only after forming an emotional bond with another person."
HOW ELSE DO YOU HAVE ROMANTIC ATTRACTION??? Isn't this about who the person is?! Do you just see them and go: oh this must be such a good person. what?
like i understand sexual attraction when you see someone ig. but romantic? i really need someone to explain this to me in depth. i haven't even been asking the right questions.
"Quoiromantic people can't tell the difference between romantic and platonic attractions." Welp i guess i have a new label i can stick on myself. also the name is killing me. (quoi=what in french💀)
(edit: well this thing just posted itself. I DIDN'T HIT POST WTF. but it's out there now. ig it had enough of me adding new and new thoughts. im inclined to agree)
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pitconfirm · 8 months
Hello it is me, francis, wondering 2 things (making up my own ask game ahahah):
- what was your lancepill moment? Like moment you fell for Lance… never to recover…
- can u elaborate on Alex/lance??? I have recently been shown intriguing material and saw your tags a while ago… you have thoughts👁️?
Hiiiii francis 🫶
first of all, my lancepill moment... definitely 2020. i was kind of aware of him before that and followed him on socials but I only properly got into f1 in 2020. I got into it through the lockdown streams and when they got back to racing I was bewitched by his pink suit and silly aura. but the point of no return was watching his Monza podium... LIFE CHANGING.
And oh boy.... alex/lance... strollbon. where do i even begin. for the past couple weeks, Ann and i have been having absolutely derranged convos about them... our beloved rarepair. my thoughts are below the cut in case this gets too long:
I have too many thoughts to possibly mention them all but I think the core energy of this ship is that... lance is a spoiled princess who needs to be treated right, and alex is a nice guy who could TREAT HIM RIGHT... as can be seen by the iconic umbrella moment:
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As the genius @lil-shiro said... lance has reverse daddy issues, in that his dad has always been able to give him exactly what he needs, so he expects the same kindness and dependability from his partner... i think alex could give him that.
they both have a similar sort of energy of hating media duties, being very nice but also having a bitchy side... i think they'd mesh very well together. as you can see here, their combined sassy energy… unstoppable.
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also we know that lance has extreme cat energy, and who on the grid is good with cats? alex albon of course.
and another very very important element of strollbon is of course georgeture. the concept of george's best friend being in a relationship with his enemy... groundbreaking. traumatising. perfect. the potential drama here is so delicious… I may have to write it.
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of course the utterly devastating moment of George realising alex and lance are together... maybe he sees a notification from lance on alex's phone, maybe he catches them in the act... either way, he passes out. and then wakes up. and then passes out again. his life is ruined and he'll have to learn to balance his hatred for lance with his desire to be a supportive friend to alex (and eventually, reluctantly, admit that lance isn't that bad).
TLDR, lance is a princess and alex should spoil him. I hope my ramble made sense 😅 but if you have any other questions im always happy to answer 🙏
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dirtbra1n · 2 months
I’m all ego can u directors comment on the “fascinating” convo. also it’s like Fun to me.
oh I should definitely figure out how to format these. I got excited and just clicked Answer and now I have to think about it. one sec. coming back with hindsight to tell you This gets long. I’ve hind-seen it.
first things first This ask is asking about the very first portion of the yet-unnamed tashiro post that went live on. the gray area between sunday and monday, I think. when’d I post the thing again. whatever. figure I’ll just go at this piece mail You’ll see quick that I came out the gate swinging
he kind of doesn’t know why he does it, didn’t really take the time to think about it. all he knows is that the time read 2:41 a moment ago and changed the second shirahama’s voice crackled over the phone, “what?”
so if you’re a real #DBWRITINGHEAD you might see the emphasis on the time and think Okay so what’s happening here. just happens that I drudged up the reference point recently. specifically this chunk here
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so you see there’s kind of a lot already happening.
firstly it tells you that time IS an object, and that it gets blended and molded together and thrown at walls to see if it sticks. and it does. secondly though it gets you familiar with tashiro and shirahama’s banter, and this is an especially good thing because there’s a lot of it moving forward. I love to write these two so much. it comes natural and it’s a riot I could write them sniping at each other forever. third it gives you tashiro’s perspective of an event that a experienced river-reader might have seen already, while also working just fine on its own. and fourth, I guess. just because this chunk is, spiritually. to me. just as part of tashiro post as the other nearly 7k words. So I guess it’s even closer to that number than I’d thought. go figure. FOURTH. if you have this chunk’s post’s context, if you see that time and think, Aw, hell, this is just like that chunk in db’s shirahama post from a few months ago, you might remember its surrounding context and then go, hanzawa and weird situation and almost-but-not-quite confession. Maybe. in a word: foreshadowing.
it’s also, if I say so myself, a pretty strong opening line. I think kiri that I’ve shown you and sunnfish the first line in the note on my phone enough times for you to remember that it DIDN’T start with this one. that was a day-of decision. was a good one.
figure I should also draw the comparison between the two pieces while this chunk is here—shirahama kyouji’s internal monologue, both here and in its prologue-and-chronological-pre-side-and-sequel. or whatever the relationship is on paper. makes use of his given name kyouji, whilst tashiro’s is tashiro, his family name, throughout. this is because tashiro, to me, is so bad at letting people in that he kind of locks himself out too. hasn’t got the keys. just drew a little connection with this other piece in my head right this second but This Ask Wasn’t About That Post, Now, Was It? anyway tashiro’s got himself locked out. so it makes it easier for him to watch himself plummet from the outside looking in. anyway this ask isn’t about that scene either. anyway anyway. Moving on
“gonna tell you something weird.”
tashiro squeezes his eyes shut, groggily rubbing a thumb over quick-drying salt at the outer corner of his eye. “just dreamed about hanzawa senpai dying on me.”
tashiro’s levels of awareness are always really fun to me. because he’s a strange guy in how quick he can get hit with something and roll with it, but he Knows its weird. shirahama is of course a good friend who resolves to deal with this. and boy does he deal! also of course tashiro had at least a few tears leak out of his eyes. his hanzawa senpai just died on him in a dream, after all. tangentially Have you ever been dreaming when you’re about to wake up, and something in the dream is upsetting enough at least conceptually to make you cry, but the unsteadiness of your waning unconsciousness fights the tears from coming out, so what you get is unsatisfying denied catharsis? really makes you think.
“…” shirahama breathes in; tashiro can hear him hold it. similarly, the sound of his hand being dragged over his face is crisp and loud.
the entire scene, barring the opening paragraph, operates in the present moment and its Moments, but this paragraph I feel really does the best job at demonstrating that. you are tashiro, lying in bed, fresh off the water—if you’re wondering, which you probably weren’t until just now, I haven’t written masato’s death from this first time; tashiro has seen hanzawa senpai dying before now, but the key- and weight-bearing word here is ‘on’, implying that he wasn’t troubled enough by that first aesthetically striking drowning to tell anybody—and you’re on the phone with your best friend at probably 2:43 or :44 by now, and you can hear him thinking your words over as if he were right next to you, because that’s where you’ve got your phone.
finally, he says, “fascinating.”
as you well know, kiri, this one was both recommended by and consequently modeled off you. you are tashiro, lying in bed, fresh off the water, and your best friend thinks the whole thing is ‘fascinating.’
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tadpolesonalgae · 1 year
wait for CBMTHY why do i kinda want eris and reader to have a lucien & feyre type relationship.... like an enemies to friends dynamic, they always bicker with each other and are mean to each other but maybe when eris sees azriel going off on reader again (bc he's unreasonably jealous) he gets pissed at az even tho he was also being a bitch to reader like 2 seconds ago 😭😭
it really fits eris to have that annoyingly indignant older sibling attitude of like, 'excuse me, i'm the only one who can bully her' lol. idk the way eris was completely unfazed after letting reader fall into the pond and making fun of her when she's crying from being scared shitless of swans is so 💀 peak older sibling behaviour
i just think it would be so hypocritical and hilarious and weirdly wholesome if he grows protective of reader when she's crying about azriel or something... like bro u made her cry about swans the first day u met her but ur also ready to murder azriel for being mean to her.
sorry this was such an unhinged commentary about what could potentially happen with the eris & reader dynamic 😭 i just couldn't help but notice that eris in CBMTHY part 4 reminded me so much of the older brother/cousins in my life.
jokes aside tho, i'm really curious how eris will react to seeing az being an asshole to reader and reader not really knowing how to defend herself against him (something alike to the convo the two had when az was flying reader... the girl really is fully vulnerable when it comes to him. she hands her heart to him on a silver platter and az proves time and time that he is not bothering to be careful with it). will eris get oddly protective of reader? will he just mock her for being such a doormat?? both outcomes seem equally possible in his depiction in the fic so far 🤷‍♀️
I’m a big fan of that dynamic, I have to admit 😭 the whole being mean to one another, and at first it was completely genuine and sincere but at some point the line blurs and it gets progressively more and more difficult to keep up the insults🫣🥰 >>>>
I’d quite like to explore that older-brother-Eris side at some point (maybe not in this, I don’t want to bite off more than I can chew). I feel like we get to see a small sliver of it in acosf in that scene where Cass goes down to the human lands and Eris lets slip that he’s feeling out Vassa and Jurian but doesn’t mention Lucien, as if he already trusts him. Then obviously we also have the whole conflict of what happened between Lu and Jesminda (pretty sure when Tam is telling Feyre of Lu’s backstory he says Lu’s oldest brother held him down or something to that degree—while Eris claims he wasn’t there and it’s the only time he’s disobeyed his father)
ANYWAY, I’d love to explore that in more depth because he’s such an interesting character :)
Don’t apologise for your unhinged commentary—I love reading your thoughts 🧡💛
I still haven’t decided if Eris and Az are actually going to clash in such an outright way? Part of me would like it so it’s the Reader who manages to stand up for herself instead of having to watch someone else do it for her?
Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely adore it when someone who’s normally so nonchalant gets pissed over the maltreatment of someone they care about. I just think for this one it needs to be reader to make that first step forward, even if she stumbles a few times :)
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wndaswife · 9 months
heey, we never interacted but i really like you as person and u pass me such a comfy vibe like😭 and i really need to vent or else im going insane-
uhhhh im a little lesbian of 20y and in uni, fine. and a curiosity abt my uni: since its a private one, my department gets the same teachers since the 1st year of undergrad which is cool bc they really track our development there BUT i have this teacher (really. really beautiful btw.) who gives biology, cognition, neuropsychology and forensics psychology and she’s also a hard one…her classes are only for those who pay attention, she’s super demanding and a black cat energy (she literally gives nooooooo fucks to anyone). so OFC i had to develop a little crush on her🤠 anywayss months passed, im on my 2nd year now and she still has this HORRIBLE (but i love it) habit of looking at a person’s eyes when explaining something and she really STARES so i was always **giggles and laufs**, but this year i fell into a depressive episode so i stopped going to classes (including hers), i stopped going to her orientation classes and so one day my friend said “she’s worried abt you and she asked me to tell u that she wants an email from u to agree on a time and day to talk to her personally”. i thought i was fucked honestly, but we eventually agreed on a time at her office and turns out the convo was actually nice (i cried my eyes out while she said how worried she was abt me).
after that she was more touchy with me? like when she talked to me after class she always grabbed my arm or put her hand on my shoulder or she talked to me SUPER close AND I DONT KNOW WHAT TO THINK specially bc she herself said “if u were a student who didn’t care abt my classes it’d be totally different, but you’re not. i care about you” BUT BRO??? i NEVER saw her act that way with other students, also she doesn’t ask anyone to come to her office-
(i actually thought she hated me bc a while ago she spent MONTHS ignoring my existence💀)
omg this is so funny u say this... one of my best friends always says i give comfort vibes like when im over i always make his place feel really comforting... that's so weird i wonder how it's possible i give the same vibes online.. but anyways im actually really glad that's the kind of vibe i give, cuz i also love this vibe!!! comfort and comforting things are really important to me
that's so cute... also first of all for you, that means you are such an attentive student and so hardworking for her to pay so much attention to you, so look at you you little academic star!!!!! you little academic you!!!! you little academia student you!!! so that's good for you
also that's so sweet of her... comforting older women <3 tbh the last thing i need rn is an irl older woman obsession like that shit always has me so down bad with a twinge of mommy complex LMFAO like i need that bus girl i mentioned before many eons ago (im trying again next semester cuz im a HARD WORKER)... but this aint about me... that's so good for you and that's so sweet of her <3
if you want to deepen a connection you should talk more about the subject, get her to recommend some interesting things for you to research and study and books to read, so she can start talking to you about things she likes on a personal level, and also this builds off of a good reputation you already have of being an attentive student who is interested in the class!! and ofc she sees you this way already as she has mentioned it
even if platonic (tho the gay panic is so real either way) a good connection with a professor you look up to within a topic you're interested in is a very good connection to have, you will always get something good from it
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ssruis · 5 months
I think a ruikasa/wxs howls moving castle au has potential but only if you like. Make a huge mess of the plot. Just really fuck it up. Replace the story/role of several characters with something completely different that you made up.
- Tsukasa gets cursed for kind of being an asshole (to a witch that came into the restaurant he runs w saki. As is his right as a service worker.) (he still does theatre in this au) w something that slowly turns his heart to stone and in a canon typical tsukasa way goes “I am going to solve this problem on my own through sheer stubbornness/determination”, leaves a note for saki like “brb nothings wrong don’t worry about it :)” and goes to hunt down the wizard’s weird fucking castle sighted roaming the nearby wilderness everyone is freaked out about
- emu replaces turnip head but she got turned into a talking bunny with very few of her memories because it’s cute and I refuse to make an au where she can’t talk for 99% of the story. Tsukasa frees her from a tangled up net and she follows him bc she can’t figure out how to break her own curse so she might as well follow this goofy guy and see if the wizard can help her too
- nene as calcifer & rui as howl, nene (a witch) was cursed to die 300 yrs ago after freezing while performing for a (more powerful and significantly more cruel) witch -> rui prevented her death by figuring out a way to give her his own life force/soul/heart/whatever at the cost of her existing as a soul without a body, she keeps him alive through giving him her magic. Hard to explain. Whatever. Fullmetal alchemist vibes? We’re going on a quest to get your body back nene. They’re both functionally immortal but if one dies so does the other. She exists as a flame that operates the castle (nenerobo reference…)
- rui has been attempting to hunt down a way to reverse the curse while also fucking with the government that began cracking down harshly on magic usage after the beloved princess went missing with the evidence pointing to a witch or wizard as the culprit. Idk. Potentially pulling in soul eater inspiration with a war against witches… as a treat… rui interfering on both sides of the fight
- mfw I just wanted to do silly shows with my silly robots and now I’ve been alive for 300 years making zero progress on breaking a curse but at least I can use magic now (rui) vs mfw I messed up one thing and now I don’t have a body and I’m forced to watch my friend run himself into the ground trying to fix what should never have been his problem (nene). Canon typical nene guilt complex/rui giving nene a way to get around her issue that doesn’t help her grow. You understand.
- the kidnapped princess is emu she just forgot
- tsukasa catches up to the castle and enters it (bitch you live like this dot png) and emu discovers nene and drags her into a conversation. They discuss the curses and nene’s basically like (internally) ykw we’ve made no progress on our own maybe if we look into the curses you guys are under we’ll figure out our own on the way. (Externally) maybe having an idiot around will give rui some ideas. In return you can clean this place.
- emunene will be in this au what do u take me for. Emu entertains nene and helps her grow more confident, nene helps emu sort through her memories and more negative emotions.
- the flying over the town scene does happen (rui saves tsukasa (before tsukasa gets cursed) from a bunch of weird creatures created by the witch who later curses him) so when rui gets home and walks into the convo btwn emu/nene/tsukasa it’s essentially
Tsukasa: YOU!???
Rui: hello nice to see you again :) now please leave
Nene: I already hired him as a house keeper
Rui: but we don’t need a house keeper?
Nene: rui those dishes have been in the sink for a month
- plot happens I’m not rewatching hmc to figure this out (lying. I’ll probably do it even if I don’t do anything with this au)
- the cure for the curse for all of them essentially requires personal growth which is why I think making miku a witch that cursed all of them to inspire this/put in motion the events that would lead to them meeting is a funny idea. Not one I’m going to go with but it’s funny.
- the effect of the curse on rui was like… draining him of his passion for shows/inventing and his emotions which tsukasa helps bring back, and rui makes tsukasa realize why he loves theatre so much
- maybe tsukasa actually gets cursed by being egotistical like I will outshine everyone I’m the greatest world future star lalala (is cursed because the witch finds his lack of humility deeply grating and/or is insulted by the implication that this random guy is superior to her) oh shit
- leaning towards the witch being meiko just for funsies although kaito is also not a bad choice.
- drawback of rui using magic as someone who is not meant to be using magic is that the more magic he uses the more he’s turned into a weird bird cat beast (& the transformation back becomes harder and harder)
- one issue I have with a 1:1 hmc au is that like… rui and howl only share surface level similarities. If I wanted howl level dramatics in my story tsukasa would have to be howl which would require significantly more fucking around with the plot because rui would NOT do what Sophie did. Howl can be tsukasa but rui cannot be Sophie. Do u understand. Emunene has potential but unfortunately ruikasa fits the howl/sophie dynamic best. You know? You know. Tsukasa would get cursed and go on a quest and be perfectly fine cleaning the house of a guy who leaves food stains on the counter & never cleans them up if it meant he could lift the curse. I think if rui “canonically hates cleaning” kamishiro had to clean an atrociously messy house (disregarding the fact that tsukasa would not live like that) he would die.
- but rui also would not turn into a pile of slime because his hair got fucked up. That’s a tsukasa thing. Gestures at the card story where tsukasa is Pissed rui fucked up his hair with an explosion. I’m sure somewhere in the au over the course of canon typical rui fucking w tsukasa with his experiments I’ll work in a joke about that.
- I think in general the issue with a 1:1 au is you have to erase too much of the characters you’re inserting into the world to make things happen which is boring. U gotta change stuff. Unfortunately this leads to taking inspiration from like 4 different sources to make things work which is a huge pain in the ass and requires actual planning to create a coherent plot
- together wxs can make this moving castle a moving home :) just kidding they can’t all live together. tsukasa has to go home to saki and emu has to let her family know she’s ok. Also the lifting of the curse gives nene her body and her magic back/gives rui his life force back so 1) they’re no longer immortal 2) rui can no longer use magic (he’s fine w this he basically just used it to make truly impossible mechanical feats happen which he can figure out how to do without magic) 3) this results in the castle falling apart
- rui just moves in with tsukasa and works as a mechanic and nene moves to a nice calm cabin that emu essentially lives in when she isn’t needed to do princess stuff. They probably form a theatre troupe that eventually picks up as well & nene and rui can collab on a new moving castle to travel around if they do desire.
- why is this so scattered you may be asking. It’s because I had given this like 2 hours of thought at 2am before typing this out the next evening and had several more ideas as I typed. Firm believer that good ideas only arrive when you are sleep deprived and have given very little thought to what you’re laying out.
- I want an au that is shorter than the other aus I have so if I elect to actually write something I’ll have an easier time -> oh this is kinda getting out of hand -> god fucking damnit I did it again. Truly incapable of not making an au that has like 30 different plot threads.
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hi it's me again lol i started watching spy x family and omfg. i get the hype now. it's so good
matchup(s) for spy x family, bsd and haikyuu pls!! i added some more details
some facts abt my appearance lol: im 4'9 (i am fr), kind of chubby, brown filipino, dark brown hair. also im an istj. 5w6 based on a quiz i took some months ago.
in terms of personality, im naturally quiet lol i can't help it. even when im around ppl i like, im still on the listeners side unless i have something good to say. otherwise im sorry but you'll have to be the one to start convos 😭
my jokes are mean so im kind of afraid to joke around unless ik they can argue back jokingly. and aren't sensitive. i'm also kind of blunt to the point that it's sometimes a problem. i'll apologize obv but man it makes me a little antisocial lol
in spite of istj stereotypes, i (try to) give my criticism very gently. i try to make sure that the other person knows im not judging or insulting but giving advice. i'm blunt but not that blunt
i like helping ppl out & taking care of others, actually. i like feeling appreciated/needed by others. tbh, it's why im aiming to become a nurse if i pass the exams. if i don't, i still want something along those lines. :))
hobbies: reading (aka prowling around in libraries), watching shows, i like cooking too but idk if it counts bc i don't have many opportunities to do it
aesthetic: coquette, femme fatale sort of thing. laces, bows, frills, etc. i like everything on me modest tho
likes : coffee, any hot drink, reading (tho i don't have the mind power these days lol) , scary movies, ghost hunting videos, history docs, romance but with awkward fmcs. taking walks, and... pink.
dislikes : cluttered spaces (i can't handle stuff just being thrown around. i need even a bit of organisation. not much of a clean freak but i need to know where everything is), crowded and noisy places, non-specific instructions (stresses me out fr), not submitting stuff on time bc its embarrassing, awkward situations (ex. meeting someone for the first time)
have a great timezone!! hope ur food is always warm unless u want it cold 🍲
Hi! Thank you for your request! I took out the Bungo Stary Dogs matchup since you mentioned you've already got one before. Sorry this took so long. I hope you like your matchups!
In Spy x Family, I match you with...
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This was a close call between Loid and Yuri, but I think you’d get along slightly better with Loid due to his less boisterous personality.
Loid loves cooking with you and taking walks. There’s not a lot in his life that he finds relaxing but spending quality time with you doing something as mundane as walking or cooking helps him take a load off.
Very clean so no need to worry about clutter. He does his fair share of housekeeping, so you also don’t have to worry about being run off your feet trying to keep the house clean all by yourself.
Admires your desire to help people. That’s one of the main reasons he became a spy, so he values that trait in others greatly. It makes him feel like he can trust you.
Loid is amazing at making you feel needed and appreciated without forcing you to work too hard for it. You hung up his coat for him? Thank you so much. You set the table for dinner before he got home? That’s great, it means you can cook together and have dinner earlier now.
In Haikyuu, I match you with...
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You and Kiyoko are the quiet (and kind of intimidating) power couple. While you can both be a bit standoffish, you do like helping people and genuinely care about those close to you.
I see Kiyoko as someone who enjoys watching history documentaries and ghost hunting videos. They’re very different from what people think of when they see her, but I think she finds them intriguing.
Loves taking walks with you! There’s nothing better than being able to finish up with the volleyball team and walking home with the person you care about most.
Speaking of the volleyball team, there’s absolutely no way there’s ever going to be a peaceful or quiet moment with them around. If you’re still uncomfortable in noisy places like this, Kiyoko’s more than happy to meet up with you somewhere quieter.
Sometimes she needs to vent about school or her commitments with the team so she’s very grateful you’re there to lend an ear. Please know that she’s there for you if you ever need to talk as well.
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shadowiie · 2 years
sprinting at u full speed shadow hedgehog
Oh this is going to be very fun to compare and contrast from my answer months ago
One aspect I adore about Shadow is his independent and aloof attitude. Sonic has the same traits, but the specific ways in which it manifests within Shadow I find particularly interesting.
Combined with his selfish tendencies, it often leads to him going off on his own without consulting the rest of his teammates. In 06 after Mephiles phase 1, where he takes off right after returning to the past because he now needs to find out who Mephiles is, In Sonic Forces: Episode Shadow, when he refuses Omega's help, stating "I'll handle things my way." In SA2 when he dips after the Finalhazard fight
He's so focused on whatever his goal is that he doesn't even think about how it affects others. It's a very interesting choice
One aspect i wish others understood about him (aside from his overall assholishness) is his bluntness. Chances are, if he says something, he means it. Literally.
It's great analysis-wise because sometimes you don't even have to guess why he's doing the things he's doing, but I think a lot of people (myself included!) underestimate how often something that sounds like it's an exaggeration or contains subtext is actually him being completely, 100% direct.
In SA2, when he says after saving Rouge "I didn't do it for you, I simply needed the chaos emeralds for my goal", he literally means that if he didn't need the chaos emeralds for his goal, he wouldn't have saved Rouge.
It's also a good example of canon evidence the hog is autistic :)
One uncommon(?) headcanon I have for Shadow is the idea that he likes to sleep outside in nature, like up in a tree or something. I got it from Jib Candyypirate and I think its neat :)
I like to think at one point he and Sonic slept in the same tree at one point bc neither saw the tree was occupied.
One person I love seeing him interact with, surprise surprise, is Sonic. Now, I get extremely squicked out when I see the two in a romantic context (which was the primary reason I had to mass unfollow even people I'm friends with), but their canon dynamic is absolutely up my alley.
Their competitive rivalry and contrasting yet fundamentally similar personalities are endlessly entertaining, and their scenes together in SA2 are so memorable I'm able to recite most of them at will.
They're something about their dynamic that's so compelling, and while I don't like seeing it I can understand why they're the most popular slash ship in the series.
One character that I wish they would interact with more in the series is Gerald Robotnik. I recently went on a deep dive into both Gerald and Maria, and discovered the Sonic Battle diary entries and hooooooooly shit.
Those last few diary entries really moved me.
It isn't even my headcanon that Gerald was forced by GUN to turn all of his creations into weapons, it's just fucken canon.
They literally state somewhere (I forget where) that Gerald was initially hesitant to accept GUN's proposal for creating an immortal creature, he eventually agreed in order to develop a cure for Maria's illness.
From Chaos Drives, Space Colony ARK, to the Gizoid, to Project Shadow, literally every single one of Gerald's projects were taken by GUN and turned into weapons.
I don't necessarily want Shadow to interact with Gerald himself, but I'd love to see his reaction to Gerald's diaries. I kinda just used this question to go on a tangent about Gerald himself because I find his descent into revenge (and GUN's massive hand in it that's downplayed in later games) to be immensely cathartic to piece together.
One headcanon I have that involves Sonic and Shadow that I've previously mentioned before but still hold onto is the hc that blue chaos cola tastes like ramune, red chaos cola tastes like cola, and Sonic and Shadow have this massive petty argument about which one is better. You bring this Convo up you will never get them to shut up about it.
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kyberblade · 2 years
Hi bestie! It’s officially your birth month 🥳 (it’s super cool that you get the spooky month as your birth month, I’m incredibly jealous) and you did ask for people to talk about songs or just our fave idiots in love which I’m more than happy to oblige.
First on song recs (I haven’t gotten around to looking at the playlist yet, I’m so sorry. I promise I’ll give it a look but I’m actually typing this while on a break from crocheting an entire cardigan as a present for my friend’s birthday and it’s eating up all my free time. Plz send bandaids for my fingers 😵‍💫) but Like Real People Do by Hozier screams the cute dummies so well I’m my head. It’s just so dreamy and sweet and ugh I have to link one of my favorite songs to my kiddos. Also, This Side of Paradise by Coyote Theory is definitely something I hear and go “it’s tHEM” so yeah ☺️ (honorable mention to one of my most played songs of the year Simple Things by Ziggy Alberts but it’s not completely perfect. I just love it and I’m a sucker for cute love songs and thinking of ideas to do with my ships even if they exist only in a fic)
And I could talk about the big dumb idiots (I love them so much-) all day without pause. I think about them a lot ngl especially when I’d rather be reading on tumblr than doing other things. I genuinely get excited when I get notifications for your account. I’m fairly softhearted so they really fuel my serotonin with all the fluff. I actually started reading the series way before I got into anything in the Star Wars franchise (I legit just watched my first Star Wars movie a couple weeks ago. My nerd parents have been disappointed by me for the past 22 years oops-) because it was in my recommended on my main page and it looked promising so I gave it a shot. I love the relationships and chemistry you’ve given them and I fall into the headspace of actually having a Mando in my life while reading (I seriously wish I did, I mean look at him) and while I’m not a fan of kids, my heart just melts at the sight of Grogu so them coparenting him makes me smile until my cheeks hurt. I swear it’s so cute and sweet, I can’t handle it.
I adore you and you’re such a joy to talk to, you’re probably the nicest person I’ve met online and I enjoy our convos so much. Happy birth month, I hope every day is filled to the brim with only the best things and ideas and vibes! You deserve it 💛
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🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹 <—- Okay, but no really, this is the face I was making while reading this.
Thank you! Oh man, I’m not all into the spooky part, but I absolutely love Fall, it’s my favorite season I think.
Absolutely no problem that you haven’t listened to it, I haven’t even linked the second one yet. Oh my gosh, I would send you all the bandaids! I can crochet a rope, and that’s it! 😆😂🤣 I’m jealous…. 👀
Oh my gosh, I LOVE all those songs, I’ll add them! Simple Things is 🤌🏻👌🏻 because it makes me think of how all the reader really wanted (and is fascinated by) is stuff on various planets, like the ocean, and all Din wants is to make that happen, to make her smile, because it makes his day a little brighter when she does. Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!! Perfect song is perfect. (I almost exclusively think, “How could I fic this?” when I hear songs lol! So I get it.)
You say the nicest things…. ☺️😊 Thank you, and I’m glad you are enjoying my idiots as much as I am. And I’m honored to be your SW intro. It’s a blaster shot right to my nerd heart that became obsessed with SW when I think I was 12 if not younger. Which movie did you see? (I was on your recommended page??? 👀 👀 👀 👀) You’re the second person to say that I’ve made them look at Din differently, and Grogu, and that makes my writers heart so extremely full and happy. 😁😄
Thank you! 🥹🥹
Again, this is honestly one of the nicest messages I think I have gotten in my many years on this hell site, and I completely screamed and flailed and just stared at my phone when I read it. Thank you for making my day, and I hope the rest of yours is utter fantasticness. (It’s a word. Because I said so. There.)
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If I sound familiar please do not read whats gonna follow. If you think you know me irl GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE. 🤍
If u think this situation is something that you are a part of or heard me talk about, please do not read and send me a private msg on ig w a ss of this cuz I don’t want u to read this. ESPECIALLY if ure involved. Thx!
So essentially: I went to see the Barbie movie… but ending up not seeing it 🧍🏻‍♀️ Lemme explain!
So me and my friend J ahead of time. So we went around the mall and did her makeup at Sephora (which was fun). Later S met us and we headed to a place to eat. We started eating and ordered a drink. After eating we went to a bar and in that bar, and we started drinking. So I typically drink a lot over a long period so I dont get too fucked up. But this time I drank like twice of what I usually drink. Me and S drank a lot and started joking and stuff. And then after a while me and J go to the bathroom together and she’s like “omg its like we’re dating” (she has a boyfriend but she’s bi). So I like joke with her and after peeing we like stare in the mirror andI put my head on her shoulder from the back-ish. And she says “omg stop doing that I might catch feels” and I like joke cuz wtv? Right? WRONG. Anyways we go back to the table and continue joking with S.
At this point lets fast forward, we’re 4 drinks deep (4 shots and 2 drinks which is 4 for me wtv) and her bf called. And me and S r like hang up cuz they’ve been talking for like 10 mins and I jokingly take her phone and say “Ok M, we’ll see you later bye” and close, which is like in a fun I’m drunk way. Like everyone laughs it off and it’s fine but like I felt like including it bc he’s a nice dude and I genuinely don’t hate him but I did hang up but like everyone laughed so I’m overthinking it I hope.
Anyways fast forward to us getting into the cinema, J and S kiss (S is str8 btw). And so J is like let’s kiss too, and I’m like “ok” but also “k????” but I was drunk so we peck or wtv and then I kiss S but again AS A DRUNK PECK BETWEEN FRIENDS.
We then get to our seats which fine cool and me and J start flirting. Like borderline not platonic flirting. And at some point we start peck again. And then kiss. And then kiss once more. And like continue flirting and stuff. Which is like fine bc it’s platonic ig, and her bf literally said “Nice” over text. (Also she showed me the convo but said don’t read it, and I didn’t bc my drunk brain said ‘It’s not about me’ when in reality it’s probably about me) But like after she started saying stuff like “Dont hold S’ hand. You’re cheating” and “Ok but you said I’m not your type.” Which I did say, bc she’s not and she’s in a relationship how tf am I cheating??? Also after the kisses she said “You can practice on me” cuz I said “It’s been a while since I didn’t kiss anybody” (I put the Bi in Bitchless)
Anyways we go to the bathroom together and she’s like “want me to go w you I dont want you falling” and I’m like wobbly but Im fine. And like when we return we lay on the floor or idek but I know at some point I pulled her and kinda slammed her into the wall in a hot *drunk* way. Which like idek why I did that pls it’s cringe. And then she kept giving me signals to kiss her during the movie but I was like “You do it.” Cuz I didn’t wanna kiss her but also I wanted to flirt. So Im confused and I’m pretty sure she’s in love with me but also I told her “I don’t wanna fuck you” and she said “I dont want it either” which I was like “ouch.” And she was like “Bruh!!” And I mean my ego
Anyways the next day she texted me in the early early morning *8am cuz I had a shift then* asking me if I’m okay and if I got to work safe. Which she never does. And I’m like “is she in love with me? I mean I don’t think so??”
Also Pretty sure I’m the only one who’s being dramatic about the whole thing and J is like not even caring! 🧍🏻‍♀️✨
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ram-de · 2 years
[Book] Ari&Dante (1) ~P101
I... This book... Umm😳
So. This is another impulsive beginning of starting another book... I never knew about the existence of this novel two days ago. My sister asked me if I had another book to read, and, frankly, I said no because I still have several other thing to read and I’m a slow reader. But I looked of fiction titles anyway... Just some random keywords like ‘Novel about X’ or ‘Things to read about Y’ and stuff like that. And I’ve come across this one. 
IT’S ONLY 10 PAGES but i feel like the synopsis set me up for something exciting like... I LIKE IT... Mostly the bite-sized chapters so I can read it when I could and not forgetting which part of the chapter I’m in. So... Okay. Like, compared to the one book I read but I haven’t picked up again because I kept nitpicking about it (i see u hikkikomori chan from 2015...) BUT THIS ONE... ok. ok. ARGH. 
The first three chapters is what the early part of the introduction. Like, getting to know about our main protagonist, his relation with his family, upbringing and what bothers him. That’s mostly it. This is far too early to write anything about what I thoughts lol but i’m excited to pour my excitement into words so I can’t help but write about it. expecting good vibes. HA....
*I just looked it up but the term ‘book’ and ‘novel’ aren’t interchangeable?!?! there’s like word count and stuff. oh well maybe I’ll just change the title of this kind of thing later on >_> -------------------------------------------------------
Interrupting reading more to write some of my thoughts is a bad idea i swear but UHHH I’M😳
i love them ur honor. it’s so fluffy (as of now, bcs there’s probably angst and conflict later) but like the way characters is portrayed is soooooooo good. i am feeling things!!!! it’s making my heart warm!!!! and the tropes... opposites attract?????? two lonely peeps finding comfort in one another????? okay... OK??? HELLO...
uh... why do i feel so sad now. ari is having a fever and he’s sick and he started to have all this dreams which i don’t really understand because dreams are dreams but i feel like i’ll understand the more i read but IT HURTS. moving onto the second chapter i feel like the aspect of loneliness is going to be described more and it’s scary... i think.
i think summer break is over and supposedly they’re going to admit back to school? something about ari being happy to know even a tiny bit of his dad ‘being real’. so precious... love that there’s a lot of light dialogues, makes it seems like i’m intruding their conversation. also i said some stuff about liking opposites attract but i didn’t know they’re also going to put angst with that because... dante seems like the one to have everything (emphasis on seems because he has something going on too) while ari lowkey feels like he doesn’t compare and jealousy and stuff😔 i’m lowkey dumb about philosophy and like the deeper meaning so i’ll just read it as i read. NOT ANGST... PLEASE... 
no one told me there’s going to be angst... and the trope of sudden “i will be moving abroad”... and the accident... and now that i’m almost 1/3rd of reading the whole book.... maybe i should take my time reading. BUT I CAN’T HELP IT....? i’m to engrossed in reading this ugh... i really liked ari and dante’s convo they make me laugh!! the repeated words in their convo. like. idk. it felt so endearing i don’t really know what else to describe. digging down to ari’s fear is scary because it’s kinda described in umm... a little bit too uncanny description, i guess? like okay... >_> 
this post is so messy lol i want to write a post about what i thought overall about this novel, but after i read it whole. so that it can be more better worded and i’m not interrupted every 20 minutes because the urge to read more lol
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isaiahsbrat · 2 years
(sneak peek of katie’s diary) sept 18.
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i bet the ‘day one’ will always be the sweetest and the most memorable day for every couple. and i’ve been wondering which day that can be said as the ‘day one’ for us—was it the day when we had our first convo? or was it the day when we confessed to each other and decided to start our talking stage? or was it the day u began claiming me and my body as urd while *censored LOL* me so hard until i was on my knees for u? or was it the day when we officially started dating?
well, whatever the answer will be, one thing for sure is: every day feels like the ‘day one’ with u because there will always be a new spark every day, as long as i’m with u.
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do u remember this convo? this is the day i first realized that i was starting to develop feelings for u because somehow i was starting to feel jealous seeing u with other girls. and it turned out that u were actually attracted to me too, even before i was. u stated that u had noticed me and stalked my account even before RDZ (our agency) opened because u found me attractive and so close to ur ideal type. and the same goes for me too, just like what i said, in just one day somehow u already made feel comfortable with ur presence around me, and it automatically makes me feel attracted to u and always think of u. but then again, at first i thought this kind of thing was just a casual attraction between us. in other words, it hasn’t become sumn that can be said as a special feeling.
but, wait, do u remember this convo as well? when i was jealous (again) because of another girl so i was starting to think that apparently i really have a crush on u. like a big fat crush, not just a feeling of attraction. so i started to get annoyed with myself because it’s very rare for me to like a guy first. plus, i thought u didn’t seem to like me as much as i liked u made me even more annoyed then decided to ghosted u for hours. but the truth is…
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yup, but the truth is… u are attracted to me AND ALSO like me first before i do! seriously gaveeeen, u’re really bad at expressing ur feelings thru text so i didn’t get any hint that u have serious feelings for me too😠 and i’m way too g e n g s i to admit that i have serious feelings for u because i’ve never liked a guy first (i didn’t know u like me first at that time). so i guess since we’re both tsundere type, maybe we wouldn’t end up confessing our feelings to each other if there weren’t any girl that make me jealous? well thanks to that girl then lol.
aaand, that day was the day when we confessed to each other and decided to start our talking stage. at that time, we confessed our feelings while listening to songs together thru spotify session. u said u really like me; u really see me as the favorite girl u’ve ever seen from the beginning, but in the other hand u still weren’t sure if we could have a relationship because u just broke up with ur ex a month ago and aku juga baru selesai sama mantan hts aku kurang dari sebulan yang lalu apasi englishnya cowo hts anjrit. so u gave me a song named My Favourite Clothes by RINI during our spotify session. and same goes for me too, i planned not to be in a serious relationship with anyone (cuma mau hts, adu apasi englishnya hts monyett) and stay single for a while, but unexpectedly ended up falling hard for u. so i gave u a song named Softly by Clairo during our spotify session too.
at that time, we both agreed that whatever this shit called was happening to us is totally unplanned. and just like what i said before, this unplanned thing will always be my favorite kind of plot twist in my life.
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