#also because celestia would be his favorite pony!
dulciedeleche · 2 years
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I love Astor, Killari and Haruto so much but I’ve been OBSESSED with Haruto lately so here are some doodles of him
This man is a total dork and I love him for that
@kaymeewise @lize-the-prophet Haruto ping
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mirtash · 6 months
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a lil bit of lore: Princess Luna had to banish her sister on the Sun for 1000 years  Luna doesn't have enough power to hold the sun on the sky for long enough because Celestia being in her nightmare form (it's not a Day Breaker but I don't have a name for her yet eeeee like Supernova or smth???) weakens Luna's connection with the sun (and also Luna holds less magic power than Celestia in general) what's more Nightmare Celestia cursed Luna's ponies to be "the creatures of the darkness where you belong", turning them into Bat Ponies. most of the ponies in Equestria are bat ponies. Pegasy Unicorns and Earth ponies only comes from ancient pure blood families like Apples, Pies, Glimmers, etc some as Rainbow and Rarity mostly look as regular pegasys and unicorn but they can hold trates of the bat ponies (fangs, ears, sometimes wings) Bat ponies and the hybrids don't feel good enough during daytime (their eyes works so much better in the dark, they flies faster during night time and prefer lower temperature) and that's another reason why Princess Luna has to hold moon at the sky longer than sun Apple Jack
- She puts flowers in her mane in the memory of her mother. In this AU Pear Butter is a very cool genetic. She died when Apple Bloom turns 5 and Apple Jack (who just turned 15) left absolutely heart broken. However this tragedy made Apple siblings much stronger and they've become closer than ever. That's when Apple Jack finally gets her cutie mark, representing her bond with apple family (three apples represent Apple Bloom, Apple Jack and Big Mac) - Apple Jack is one of the ponies who doesn't really enjoy Luna's reign mostly because she is a farmer and it's hard for her to take care of the various apple trees during longer night time. - The Apple family is VERY conservative they are one of the very few families in Equestria who still grows original sorts apples (and other crops), including a super rare Zap Apples and that need extra care due the lack of sunlight. - one of the Apple family ancestors happened to be the leader of the earth ponies rebellion that happened in the first years of Luna's reign. Luna's spirit was broken after she had to banish her sister and things didn't go very well in her kingdom. Hundred of angered ponies led by the "iron mare" Red Delicious broke into the Castle of the two Sisters. The guards didn't even try to stop them.  When ponies entered the throne room they saw The Princess of darkness, crying over her sister's broken throne. The room was filled with blooming Sunflowers, favorite flowers of Celestia. Then Luna turned to them and she spoke to them as a princess and they saw the power she holds and they realized she can destroy them all with a single spell. But she didn't. Red Delicious who was determined to fight "the princess of darkness" till the end finally saw the real Luna and she wasn't scared or angry anymore but started to feel the compassion for her. - Red Delicious herself helped Luna to make a plan on defeating hunger. Ponies were starving due the lack of crops and Red Delicious worked hard alongside with Luna to invent plants that would be able to grow effectively in the dark on the shortest time. Ponyville became the first night farmers city (very close to the Castle of the two sisters). 
Rainbow Dash - Her full name is Rainbow Stormcloud Dash. - Her mother and father are both pegasy and her grand grand father is a hybrid bat pony (she likes him sooo much he is super cool) However, she doesn't have any trates of bat pony except of the ability to see in the dark and flying at night. - Rainbow mane in different varieties is a very rare gene that only exists in her blood line a very long time ago one of her ancestors tried to save his friend from a dragon and flied so fast he broke the laws of physics and a Sonic Rainboom happened.  After that his mane turned rainbow colored. Pegasus with a rainbow mane was born once in a generation since then but a very few of them were able to perform a Sonic Rainboom. - Rainbow Dash is the first pegasus in Equestria history who was able to perform the Nocturnal Rainboom. - Her dream is to become a Shadow Bolt. They are the best flyers in Equestria!!! And most of them are bat ponies because it's hard for a pegasus to perform bat's tricks. Not for Rainbow though! 
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yourmotherismylover · 13 days
i need a comprehensive list of each bat and pony bff pair
I want to say Dick and Applejack because they’re both my favorites, but honestly I think Dick and Twighlight have all the same problems so they would really get each other. Like that episode where Twighlight gets so stressed she hasn’t learned anything, so she makes problems that she can then solve?? Dick is the only one who understands the insane anxiety and need to please the parental figure. (Not that he would do the same thing though, he’s driven by being as unproblematic as possible.) He sees himself as the glue that holds the family together, even though that’s not always true. He’s known for putting undue pressure on himself and has great advice to give everyone else, just absolutely cannot take it himself. (He’s so emotionally intelligent and mature except when it comes to him and Bruce, what a dumpster fire) (literally Twighlight and Celestia)
I think Jason and Rarity would hangout together and gossip at galas, but also, Rarity is the paragon of generosity. It makes me think of how Jason treats the kids in crime alley, always kind and gentle with them when he’s so gruesome with everything else. I think that Rarity would also admire his violence a little bit, as she’s known to snap and get dirty when she really has to. Rarity cares for other people more than anything, which she has repeatedly displayed in the show. I think Jason is also a very empathetic person, though he is extremely jaded. He hides that part of himself, but I think Rarity would be able to see it in him.
I saw an argument being made for Tim and Applejack, but I think Tim and Luna would go really well together. They both work extremely hard and are often under appreciated. Citing specifically that episode where Luna creates a creature that haunts her dreams, then takes on the guilt of it escaping and tries to stop it all by herself. It reminds me of Tim basically forcing himself onto Bruce as Robin, choosing to take on a huge responsibility, and for a long time, not getting any kind of thank you. Luna talks a lot about not being seen for all the hard work she does and always being overshadowed by Celestia, but also harboring guilt about being Nightmare Moon. Tim was the only Robin who really chose to take up the mantle, but that also means inheriting the name of Dick Grayson, the Boy Wonder, and Jason Todd, the dead kid. He tries equally to live up to those names, but also exist outside of them, neither of which is possible for him.
I initially said Damian and Rainbowdash would be a good pair because they’re both outwardly arrogant as a defense, but someone said Damian and Flutteryshy would bond over animals. I absolutely agree with that. There are things that don’t make sense to Damian, like how to act in certain social situations, how to make friends, etc, but animals do make sense to him. I think the same goes for Fluttershy, and being around animals is the best opportunity for them to come out of their shells, even though those shells look so different. For Damian, that’s being aggressive and intimidating, and Fluttershy is completely the opposite. However, she sees his softness with animals and gains a great appreciation for his fierce protectiveness of the things he loves. She understands he’s a complex and good person, and doesn’t just treat him like a kid. She was able to see the same qualities in Discord, and knows better than to dismiss a person based on surface level interactions.
Now hear me out… Bruce Wayne and Daring Do. There’s the obvious double life, but they seem to face a lot of similar problems with that life. A.K. Yearling is in the public eye and is hearing what people think of Daring Do. It’s not always positive. There’s an episode where Daring Do receives a lot of backlash over the destruction she causes in the name of the greater good, and A.K. Yearling takes on a lot of guilt and chooses to retire from Daring Do for a short time. Batman is of course, not always the good guy, but he makes those hard choices. A.K. doesn’t have that family aspect in her life, but I think we forget, Bruce had a long period of time when he was stoutly solo. They have the same drive to protect. For Bruce, it’s Gotham and his family, and for A.K., it’s history and artifacts. They are extremely driven people that has something in them that says they *can’t* give up. A.K. is quite gruff when we first meet her, and Rainbowdash has a hard time breaking her way into A.K.’s heart. They each become the personality that is needed to finish the job. The mission comes first. A.K. may be the only person who understands why Bruce needs to be Batman. Obviously he’s raised a bunch of little vigilantes, but they each take turns outgrowing Robin, and outgrowing him. There’s an episode of Young Justice where Dick says he just doesn’t have the same drive that Batman has, to sacrifice everything, to always complete the mission. Bruce will never fully let anyone in, which of course causes problems with him and his children. They want to understand him, but they can’t get all the insight they need. A.K. is the only person he doesn’t have to let in, because she’s gone down the same path he has all on her own.
I did not realize I would have so much to say because that is a HUGE wall of text, but they are so important to me. If anyone has any other thoughts/ideas or wants to hear about other bats/ponies, PLEASE TELL ME. I love to yap
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evelili · 1 year
I just finished your Magnum Opus, and it was super great. I especially loved the Pinkie chapter (which surprised me because she’s my least favorite character!). Anyway, do you have any mlp fic recommendations?
oh boy do i have a list for you, strap in!
if you read my magnum opus writeup, you may have seen i mentioned three authors that dragged me back into mlp. if you're interested in sciset (and what's probably the most popular eqg fic on the entire site), Long Road to Friendship by Albi is a longfic that started after the first eqg movie and is a rlly lighthearted read. i don't normally care for OCs but gosh if i dont accept Albi's version of trixie's parents as canon in my heart haha. if you're interested in pony adventure fic, i also rlly liked Sunset of Time, another rlly well done longfic ive carried in my brain since i first read it xd
the second author, Monochromatic, aka the raritwi authority aka someone who has a GREAT taste in editors, has written three of the most formative longfic ive ever read: The Enchanted Library, its sequel The Enchanted Kingdom, and Crimson Lips which i unfortunately can no longer link since she's taken it down, but i believe you can still buy physically through PFP if you wanted to take a gamble on it (it would be a very good gamble). apart from her longfic though i also adore some of her shorter works, including but not limited to The Choices We Make, a really interesting Pinkie study that's definitely shaped how i view her, Your Own Worst Enemy, which is just. peak rarity content, and Injuring Eternity, which while being one of her older works still has certain passages that wreck me emotionally on sight.
and the third author responsible for my magnum opus is the one and only Aragon, who i can not only recommend for his fics but ALSO for his blog posts and comics (see the comic index on his profile for links to all of them, as well as this amazing blogpost about his neighbour that is just peak comedy). he's also the writer responsible for the banger longfic Crime and Funishment which absolutely defined my writing aspirations for a few years and is the definition of comedy if you looked it up in my heart, as well as In Hindsight, yet another banger rarity fic, and Love Is In Doom which is just bloody, silly, stupid fun (and has sunset shimmer in it)
and then if we want to talk fics i love written by other authors, Sleepless Knights by r5h has my favourite brand of scitwi written right into the margins, Administrative Angel by horizon has one of the most amazing endings to an opening chapter ive ever read AND an amazing celestia, The Best Night Ever by Capn_Chryssalid is a fandom classic with a groundhog day twist on the gala episode from s1, Side by Side by Krickis is a feel-good rarijack oneshot w a focus on lgbt (specifically trans) themes, Wax Earplugs by Reedhoarse has a dysfunctional mess of an adagio dazzle that i adore, Merge Request by FanOfMostEverything has all the scitwi/midnight shenanigans you could ask for wrapped up in the relatable content of github hell, Guppy Love by PaulAsaran is a rarijack longfic with an incredibly realistic setting and an interpretation of mermaids that i love so much, Doused Flame by heartlessons has me handshaking on the "sopping wet pathetic relatable guy" flash sentry interpretation that won me over recently, 80 Days 'Til the World's Farthest Shore by Cynewulf feels like reading a professionally published short story (and i mean that in the best of ways, it's enthralling), and finally if you'll allow me to be self-centred a bit i also am very proud of my two oneshots Heartstrings and Something About Midnights if you wanted to check em out too xd
oops long post!! im not sorry for it, i hope you can find something in here that catches your fancy (or even all of it haha), there's soooo many incredible fics in the fandom it floors me every day that i can read all these incredible works for free!!!
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dazeddoodles · 9 months
Ok I know you’re really into the owl house right now but I was listening to my nostalgia playlist and I wanted your opinion on a thought I had.
Which MLP character(s) would be the Encanto cast’s’ favorites?
See I was listening to What my Cutie Mark is Telling Me and I noticed some similarities between the Mane 6 and the Madrigal Grandkids. So like in a True True Friend Dolores would be Twilight, Antonio is Fluttershy, Camilo is Pinkie Pie, Luisa is Apple Jack, Mirabel is Rarity, and Isabela is Rainbow Dash so instead of weather it’s plant life.
Which also got me thinking who is everyone’s favorite pony? For Example Pepa loves Rainbow Dash. While Julieta likes Celestia. Dolores would be into Cadence and Twilight maybe. Antonio can relate to Fluttershy and Camilo would find Pinkie Pie funny and relatable. Mirabe would probably enjoy Twilight’s journey but love Rarity’s sense of style. Luisa sees a lot of herself in the Apple family especially Apple Jack and Big Mac. Then Bruno would adore Luna. Not sure about Isabela’s favorite.
What do you think?
(I'm still into Encanto, I'm just secretive about it)
I actually talked about this on my Instagram stories a WHILE back. I definitely agree Mirabel would enjoy Twilight's journey. Weirdly enough though I think her favorite would be Pinkie Pie? (Her main motivation is trying to help and spread joy to others)
Ofc Antonio's favorite is Fluttershy and Luisa's is Applejack (she might also like Fluttershy, but she mainly relates to Applejack's tendency to overwork herself)
I actually think Isabela's favorite would be Twilight because she relates to her need to be perfect. She might also like Rarity for similar reasons, especially after the Punk Rarity scene
Dolores's favorite is DEFINITELY Cadence. They're both so lovecore. And Dolores would project her and Mariano onto Candence and Shining Armor
Camilo thinks Pinkie Pie is funny and Rainbow Dash is cool (she has weather powers like his mami) but he says Chrysalis is his favorite because she's a shape-shifter. And to annoy Dolores.
As obvious as a choice it is, yes Bruno's favorite favorite pony is Luna, and he relates a lot to her as well. Of the mane six, his favorite would be Fluttershy because he likes how she's the only one who gave Discord a chance.
I've brainstormed an Encanto MLP Au before too. The Triplets are all different types of ponies. Julieta is an Earth Pony, Pepa is a Pegasus, and Bruno is a Unicorn. Bruno also has green magic like all villains in the MLP universe, which adds on to everyone being scared of him.
I also imagine Mirabel is the only one in her family who never got a Cutie Mark (until after the events of the movie?). This image is basically her and Bruno:
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sailorjules26 · 8 months
Imagine an mlp infection au, but it only affects the princesses.
I do like the running theme in art/fics that Twilight accidentally unleashes something while researching, but imagine if Celestia is the one to do so. Maybe she's looking into some older tombs that were found and sent to her, but the contents in them are off. She realizes something is wrong when her body is weak and magic fading, alongside such a fierce hunger... that she locks herself in her chambers to try to undo whatever malignant force tainted those pages.
As she gets worse, she becomes more aware of the ponies down in her kingdom and grows hungrier.
She sends Twilight a letter apologizing and begging her to stay away, to protect her ponies from their own princess. Celestia is about to send Luna an identical one, alongside a way to stop her, but it's too late.
The sun doesn't set that day, and it would not for a long time.
Luna goes to investigate, fearing another potential foe may have hurt her sister except as she uses her magic to unseal the chambers the reality is much worse. It doesn't take long for her to become infected, as she tries to reason with her, believing her elder sister is still present, but all there is is a rotting husk.
Canterlot doesn't stand a chance as the two goddesses descend onto them.
The rest of the au is Twilight and Cadence trying to stop them, protect everyone else, while also trying to avoid the infection, and for plot convenience, Discord takes Fluttershy to his little side dimension for safety so Twilight is forced to learn how to lower the sun to avoid their side of the planet burning/the other side freezing.
I'm still in early s7! So, like I've seen others do, it would be better for it to take place around season 4, I think? Unsure, but on a separate note - one of my absolutely favorite infected Princess Celestia designs has to be one by @/velvetzienz on Instagram because it legit made me lose sleep, lmao.
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eyelessfog · 3 months
Hi everyone, it's me, L's sibling! Guess what we made! Zombieland Saga x My Little Pony AU where the mane 6 and some others are shoved into the roles of FranChouChou and some other major characters! Also I know they would be human-like the way they are in Equestria Girls(but probably better designs) but I want to take a moment to think about ponies dancing onstage the way our beloved undead idols do.
First up!! Roles!! (and some funny thing to think about)
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Twilight is Sakura I think this is pretty obvious. Main character, friendship, bla bla. Most importantly, Twilight motherfucking Sparkle getting hit by a truck IMMEDIATELY
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Rainbow Dash is Saki Also very obvious, possibly more obvious than Twilight as Sakura. Race, biker, go fast, swears(because I believe with all my heart that if she could, Rainbow Dash would swear), went out in a blaze of glory(twice), multi-colored hair. Basically, the sporty, rude, loud one. Funny things to think about.... went out in a blaze of glory twice. Had an epic rap battle with "Twilight Princess" as L has called her.
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Applejack is Ai Keeps to herself sort of, kind of done with the others, the one who actually thinks. Not in a nerd way but with a proper understanding of the real life situation they're in instead of book stuff or the ones who dont think at all. Knows how to work in a group. Smacked Kotaro in the face with a baguette and will fuck his ass up(this will be even more hilarious once you find out who Kotaro is)
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Fluttershy is Junko. Shy as hell, gets called a loner, your average <:3 girlie, woman who ran away from getting her picture taken. She gets to obliterate a guitar that belongs to Kotaro(once again, this will become 100x funnier when you find out who Kotaro is)
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Rarity is Yugiri This is actually the one that started this all off. L heard Rarity sing in A True, True Friend. Rarity my favorite girl that has now slept with many men and killed a guy once and died for it, but she'd do it again(and says so). Shes also from the Meiji era.
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Pinkie Pie is Lily Forever positive and fun loving party girl! Made to be on a stage!! This does make Pinkie and 10 year old [it's L from now on hi guys] but i mean look at them. they make sense. pinkie is the only one who would ever be able to rewrite a song, remake her outfit and then also choreograph a dance that immediately became a tiktok sensation. pinkie transgender canon also
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Nightmare Moon [luna] is Tae Girliepop who is herself but fucked up and strange and bites people. It's like. nightmare moon if nightmare moon was Not Luna in a different way from being possessed. just trust me on this its good okay. shes best friends with twilight and at one point grabs her face and goes rag rahahrah rah and twilight goes youre so right. that was so sweet. thank you i love you moon
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Spike is Romero Doggy. bork bork bork
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Celestia is Kotaro bossman, specifically focuses on twilight, looks like they should be cool but they're the cringiest people you've ever seen, also just all of this. yeah he sucks ass more than she does but she can suck like as a person. for fun. also now she does a talent show trying to do an impression of a mudkip and i can think of few ponies more likely to do that shit
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Discord is Jofuku Old man with powers. thats it.
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SciTwi is MeiMei one off character who accidentally tripped into the secret of the main guys and uhh she wears glasses and cant see and she gets to be part of the team Once. good for her i guess.
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An AU where after Nightmare Moons imprisonment Celestia is incredibly weakened. The combination fighting Nightmare Moon and using the Elements of Harmony alone was too great on her. She was becoming increasingly aware that she might die. But her ponies needed something to raise and lower the sun and moon for them, and she would like the slim chance of seeing her sister again one day. She uses the rest of her power to use the elements of harmony one last time, to combine them with her and turn her into a crystal statue. She cycles the time of day automatically with the elements help. She remains in crystal for one thousand years, at the center of the Everfree forest where everything started.
Optional additions: the day of Nightmare Moons return, she is confused why the day and night refuse to change for her. What she finds shocks her, her sister trapped in crystal, a magical construct created to automatically change the time of day using the elements of harmony as the source of power. Her sister willingly trapped herself in crystal to keep the skies in balance. She is so shocked she becomes Luna again. Staying by her sister for some time, only being broken out of it when someone speaks to her.
Ponies from the current Equestria have apparently been expecting her return, prophecies telling of the keeper of dreams that would soon return. Time has of course altered what ponies know about the events of Nightmare Moon and Celestia. The only truly accurate thing being Celestia's sacrifice to become a magical statue that automatically changes the time of day. Luna works with a well known magic scholar in hopes of freeing her sister, this Twilight Sparkle is truly the Starswirl the Bearded of her Era. Luna also learning about the modern Era thanks to her new friend. Twilight Sparkle loves hearing stories about the past, but notices how deeply sad and/or guilty Luna looks when mentioning certain events.
Many ponies wanted Luna put into power as princess. Luna doesn't mind help ruling, but she currently feels like she doesn't deserve the title of princess. She lets Cadence take the honor, the newly ascended alicorn of love. Luna helping her with her new powers, Cadence incredibly happy to meet another alicorn.
The elements of harmony aren't used until Discords release, Discords return automatically freeing Celestia. The elements need to be used again, and Luna feels like she has seen a ghost when her weakened sister shows up with the elements. But she automatically knows exactly why she is here, there is no mistaking his magic. Discord has been freed and neither of them have much of an idea where the Elements belong. However, Luna has one idea. Her friend Twilight Sparkle has a cutie mark very similar to the element of magic doesn't she?
Twilight Sparkle is a well-known magic scholar. Mostly because of the magical flare that destroyed a good portion of Canterlot when she was a child. Due to not being Celestia's student and teaching mostly herself magic, she isn't the best at using it. But she is a jack of all trades (master of none), and incredibly talented in magical theory and spell creation and recreation. She is less of a hermit than canon Twilight Sparkle, mostly because she likes going out into the field to learn more about different types of magic and to get her hooves dirty testing things. She has met many different beings in her travels, her favorite place to visit is Pony Ville. She met her closest friends in Pony ville actually!
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universeinthebox · 1 year
Hey again
Shout-out to all the people who liked and commented on my last post. Glad to know that Squeak hasn’t been forgotten. =)
winterstraystar said: For Sonic: Thank you for still looking out for his blog, it means a lot. For Squeak: Hope you are going better wherever life has taken you. I hope you live with no regrets 
You’re welcome. I should mention that I’ve done a little writing, and one of my stories is about Squeak. Here it is: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/528407/thanks-for-the-memories
I can’t believe how long it took me to get a fimfiction account. It says something about all the trauma I’ve been through.
There were a lot of us in the Box with mental health struggles of one sort or another. It was really valuable to have that space to talk, and also create! It reminds me of that one Subnormality comic...
pinkusponkus said: Squeak did so much for so many people. I miss him! 
Thank you! We miss him too!
kasamari said: I miss the care and love of the whole team you guys put together. I will keep following this and Squeak’s other spaces in the hopes that I get the chance to tell Squeak that the soldier who left his pregnant wife for training all those years ago is now a proud father of 4, still married to the same amazing woman. I will always be so grateful for the story of Good Night and for the wonderful Ponies in a Box that worked to share so many stories.
CONGRATULATIONS! Hip Hip Hurray! I hope we can all be so fortunate. =)
You didn’t ask for advice, but I’m gonna provide some anyway. My favorite parenting book is Unconditional Parenting by Alfie Kohn. Also, conventional school sucks and kids would be much better off at Sudbury Schools: https://www.facebook.com/HudsonValleySudburySchool/videos/10155951019968804/ (The teachers are better off too!) Anyway, give your kids a hug from us. And maybe show them an old PIAB video or two =)
And hopefully, hopefully someday you’ll be able to tell Squeak the news directly. I’m sure he’d be happy for you. =)
warbalist said: I miss writing music for his stuff. 😭
Oh wow, you wrote music for him? (Sorry, I don’t recognize the username!) What did you write?
I miss working with him too. I miss the sheer sense of possibility we had in 2012, in the brony fandom generally and especially with Pony in a Box. I still remember how I was on vacation and Squeak came up with the idea for The Best and within 12 hours it was fully written, recorded and posted on Youtube. Or how about that time the other boxers and me secretly made a short for Squeak’s birthday?
I miss hearing our stuff premiere on Celestia Radio. I miss reading the comments as they came in. I miss the little ARG we did for Wrong Way Backwards. I miss the feeling that anything was possible.
I’m really sad that I didn’t go to BronyCon 2013. A lot of PIAB people were there, and in retrospect that was the best opportunity I ever had to see the boxers in person. But my mom had cancer and I had anxiety mixed with self-hatred and the flight seemed too much of a risk and it didn’t seem fair to mom so in the end I didn’t go. =(
I miss my box friends. Too many of us had IRL problems at the same time, and we gradually scattered to the winds. We’ve still got a discord server but it rarely gets any activity. It’s so sad. =(
Special shout-out to Togpie, who was a vital support to me during some extremely difficult times in my life. I think maybe she burnt out, caring for me all the time. If so, I don’t blame her. She worked really hard to help me when she was already busy with her own problems. I haven’t heard from her in over a year now. I hope she’s ok...
It’s strange how Life is so much grander and deeper than it seems. Do you know what I mean? There is so much meaning and passion and joy and opportunities taken and opportunities missed just in this one little group of people. There are so many things that shaped us, so many traumas that the Box helped us face, and then the Box itself drifted away because we still hadn’t found perfect solutions to Life’s problems.
And here I am, posting this little thing that a handful of people will see. How will it impact you? What’s your story?
A good life is possible, I’m sure. The solutions involve things like Children’s Rights and Sudbury Schools and Democracy and Universal Basic Income. The solutions involve things like ponies and fandoms and community for its own sake. The solutions involve knowing that you matter and your feelings matter, and it’s ok to cry when you’re hurt and it’s ok to get mad at abusive people and systems.
I think of the billionaires of the world and I wonder why they don’t just feed the poor. I’ve had a lot of friends who deserve money, good people tied down by bad circumstances. I’ve given a few thousand myself, trying to figure out how much I can afford considering I still can’t manage a full-time job (on account of my mental health). And I wonder why anyone thinks Elon Musk is a good person, seeing that he has so much money but he refuses to help people.
I think back to a time when guys openly liking ponies would have been impossible, when this fandom would have been impossible, where the formation of Pony in a Box would have been impossible. I wonder how many wonderful memories past generations never got to experience because of their stupid rules, and I’m glad for the progress we’ve made and the hope of more progress to come, and I’m also very sad that more progress hasn’t happened already.
Every so often I google anti-aging medicine (which is a legit field now) because I want to make up for all the time I’ve lost to trauma and abuse.
In the meantime, though, I’m glad we had Pony in a Box. And I’m glad that the fandom still exists. And I hope that the choices I make today will help future generations. Maybe new opportunities will come our way, like the TARDIS fading in from the Vortex.
Thank you, my friends.
Onwards and Upwards --Sonicsuns
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yellowhollyhock · 2 months
Raph's fave is Applejack. He loves the whole Apple family, actually Apple Bloom would be his favorite pony overall forever, but AJ is his fave of the mane 6. He loves that they're a close family, really strong, red. The Cutie Mark Crusaders episodes are some of his favorites. His very favorite is the one where Apple Bloom tries to deliver those pies when she was supposed to stay home. Not because of any feelings it brings up about him and Mikey, or anything (yes it is)
Donnie's favorite is Rarity. Rarity wins the Dons. He's more invested in the actual fashion aspect than any other Don. Also whenever the other ponies try to help with her designs and mess them up he gets way too invested and takes it personally. "This is just like when you guys reprogrammed Shelldon! I hope Princess Celestia laser blasts them with the power of the sun for their crimes" (he also really likes Celestia) (she might be a little ooc in his fics ahsgsga)
Leo likes Rainbow Dash. He'll play it off like he just picked the one who looks the coolest, but actually he finds her annoying and therefore relates to her (I'm so sorry this was gonna be a lighthearted exercise I swear). He cried when she adopted Tank and positively sobbed when he went into hibernation. When they all become a hero together so she'll stop bragging so much--oof he was so 'she's just like me fr.' Oh he also loves Discord, because of the betrayal
Mikey likes Twilight Sparkle. He didn't have a strong fave at first, got annoyed when people assumed he'd like Pinkie Pie. But then in the ep where she has a nervous breakdown and starts causing problems so that she can solve them, he is wholly won over. On the one hand, wow she's a mess he wants to be her therapist! On the other hand, aww she cares so much, she loves her friends guys she's learning!
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frostcorpsclub · 3 months
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Name: January Priscilla Lillian Frost
Nickname(s): Prissy Lily (by James she hates it so much), Champ, The General, Little Fish, Warlord Mermaid Princess (all by her Daddy)
Main Ability: Ice Healing- The user can heal themselves or others by using ice, absorbing frozen energies and using them to freeze molecules, renewing damaged cells, causing them to stop bleeding. Ice can also provide energy to close up wounds, and allowing optimal health. (Source: Superpower wiki)
January can be described as the second in command when it comes to keeping her siblings in check but she’s the commander and leader of her own destiny. Even amongst her own family she’s almost like a creature of folklore, quiet, calculating, a tiny bit feral. Ever since she was old enough to walk and throw a punch her father conditioned her to be his little solider and this was a role she absolutely excelled at, growing into it like a snug hand me down. Some people say she can smell weakness and fear. Her small stature makes it easy for her to crawl up the walls and descend from where she’s least expected. This, and her girly sense of style, also makes it easy for people to underestimate her. January could not care less about what other people think of her. This is not out of a studied confidence but an indifference and a lack of understanding of social cues. There are things that are logical, like attack strategies, social hierarchies, and the words of her parents. Even if information appears to be conflicting. Those things matter. Getting January to change her mind is a futile endeavor but she’s inexplicably talented at getting others to do so. She has somewhat of a flat affect and a minimal range of expressions but she’s incredibly passionate. When she does speak she is a natural leader, with an incredible self assuredness she never wavers in leading other towards her cause, she just seems as though she knows what is best. Being the quiet one means she absorbs a lot of information, she may not be the best at neurotypical niceties but she knows what makes a person tick and what they might fight for. In addition to her ardor for honor and competition, the third and least known emotion that defines her is hopeless romanticism. She longs for adventure, to be the knight in the fairy tale but also to be the princess. January looks up to her parents relationship very much and finds the hierarchy of it very comforting, she seeks a relationship just like it where she can do her part to protect and care for her family and be treasured at the end of the day. Despite being very open about her more sappy interests, much like her father, January isn’t exactly aware of the fact that people consider her to be sensitive. She won’t let herself be soft a moment before she meets the person she feels will provide that for her. January enjoys wearing a minimal palette as it can be difficult for her to concentrate if her brain is bombarded with too many colors and patterns. Her biggest weakness is the struggle of coping with “irregular emotions,” she gets insanely jealous especially when it comes to the attention of the person or people that she loves. When she gets overstimulated she can't just sit down because the grass and the wetness of outside irritates her, so Jack will take her inside and he'll sit in her room with her and let her take over what they do. Her stims are so physical when she's overwhelmed she can hurt herself and sometimes break her stim toys which only makes it worse. Some would say that she’s stubborn but she would say that funneling her anger towards the things she can’t control in to the decorum and prowess of a solider is in fact very healthy.
Future Spouse: Antione Hill
Future Children: Tiara
Her favorite movie is The Little Mermaid and she refers to it with metaphor when she finds herself unable to communicate her feelings.
Also a HUGE my little pony fan, Goddess Warrior Queen Celestia stan for life.
She has autism, if you couldn’t tell lmao
She will often disappear for days at at a time, just to go out and swim and explore. She’s proven she can more than take care of herself so her parents aren’t worried.
While she enjoys a good hunt she isn’t too crazy about the taste of human flesh, she’s a seafood girl!
She spends more time under water than any winter being, she even floats around under there as she sleeps like a seal.
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pinksparklelps · 11 months
Dream lol
I was both white lily cookie and a dragon at the same time. Possibly also anna from frozen. The kingdoms were all very side by side, and it was forbidden from going to another kingdom because other cookies are yucky and mean. Since my sister was very secluded, i went out with my favorite guard to play in the garden (me, pv, ect were quite young maybe around 8-10) and we picked white roses. Suddenly some guy came riding in on a motorbike and I tried to stop him. I did, and we talked, but then we were attacked by soldiers.
We tried hiding in the trees, and for some reason i picked some berries: pink, blue, and white. One of them made us invisible and we could sneak away. Later on, i was out flying around with a book on magic. I went into the vanilla kingdom, and spotted black raisin cookie + pure vanilla cookie. I chased them for a bit, begging to ask sone questions and that i’d tell them useful stuff. We ended up in a library when they stopped. I was going back down the spiral stairs when BR cookie stopped me and asked what kind of information.
I told her about those magic berries, and asked if she or PV cookie knew anything for me. They didn’t and we all head off. A day later I was stuck in the palace because it was raining pretty heavily and i was told the garden would surely be flooded. Regardless, i went outside into town, and saved the guy on the motorbike from drowning in the flooded streets. We flew back to the garden, and realized it wasn’t very flooded anymore, and went searching for the berries again. Tons of trees and bushes were cut from the previous soldier attack.
So we went into the golden cheese kingdom, and accidentally scared a bunch of humans. We eventually found some willing to help, and one similar to Wren in wof helped us look for more berries. I apparently had a pet at this point, a guinea pig mixed with a cat. We ventured into somewhere similar to the poison jungle in pantala, where we had to flee quickly so no one would get eaten by plants. Timeskip to dinner, i dropped my berries off at the table at wrens familys place cuz they invited me for dinner.
It was then i noticed my guinea cat was missing and panicked, immediately flying back to retrace my steps while calling for him. His name was loner i think. I eventually made it into the dark cacao kingdom which was for some reason like the city in stray. It was night and i was missing for like a day from my kingdom. I found my pet, and had a little game battle where i was given a paw with claws and had to make my feral dude realize its me. I eventually got him back, and we headed back to the my kingdom. I accidentally also messed up the clouds of the pegasus palace that was for some reason in between the lily and golden kingdoms. I was in my garden, deciding to plant my berries after retrieving them from wrens place.
One of the soldiers somehow snuck over and tried to kill me. I quickly fled, and found all dragon queens (including my mom who i think was ruby of the skywings?) and yelled that someone just tried to assassinate me. Me, ruby, and glory headed to the cloud palace for some reason, where we met Princess Celestia. She asked me to please fix what I had damaged, and she’d take me to her garden to get white roses to fix it. We did so (I accidentally grabbed some red lilies which i was embarrassed about) and went back to fix the clouds. While the queens did that, i went and talked to some random ponies walking along the border of the lily kingdom. And then the dream ended.
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wulfums · 1 year
;^) and :^* for the ask game?
;^) - What does your f/o do that makes you melt? What about vice versa?
I feel like this may have Just been for Scuds and Mr B but I'm throwing Radley and Mr Peanutbutter and Crommy in there too aheehee
Scuds - HIS SMILE GENUINELY FILLS ME WITH ENERGY AND HAPPINESS. I think every single thing Wulfie does makes Scuds melt he's so in love and gay.
Mr B - Space Heater Boyfriend. Also I think Mr B's personality in general makes Wulfie go Teehee(Gay style). His voice is also very pleasing to Wulfie's ears. I think Mr B thinks Wulfington is super silly and funny and he absolutely loves that about him.
Radley - MAN. YOU JUST KNOW HE HAS THE WORLDS BEST HAIR SWOOP. He swoops his hair and I fawn over him like I'm in a wattpad y/n fic. I think he Loves how Banjo randomly has to run around due to Zoomies Disease.
Mr PB - Ohhhh I just KNOW he's soft, esp his ears. I think he loves how Fluffy Deerdog is!
Cromdo - I think he loves how clingy Crusher is. Whenever he needs him he's Right There. And of course, Cromdo's singing voice makes Crusher swoon, gay people style.
:^* - Who would be your f/o’s favorite character from My Little Pony and why? What about yours?
Scudworth would straight up kin Discord. I think Mr B would probably enjoy Luna or Celestia! No reason that's just the vibe I get. Wulfie's favorite is Also Discord. Because Discord reminds him of Scuds.
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castorochiaro · 2 years
💬🎃🔔 Discord :3
character ask game [ x ]
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ah, who else but the spirit of chaos himself!
💬favorite line they've said: god there's a lotta bangers but i always find myself coming back to " did you miss me, celestia? i missed you. it's quite lonely being turned into stone, but YOU wouldn't know that, would you? because i don't turn ponies into stone ". an entire backstory gets laid out for us without it being explicitly spelled out beyond the basics of what celestia said, and we get a real sense it's a more personal beef than two old archrivals. in the very least, he's clearly very offended by her choice of punishment and seems to think of it as a low blow.
plus it's why i started shipping dislestia STILL GOIN' STRONG BABEY
🎃something i think they're afraid of: being alone. discord NEEDS attention. positive, negative, it absolutely does not matter. being alone, without an audience to behold his power, is the absolute worst thing that could ever happen to him. because his power is all he has to keep from being a total freak with no friends.
🔔unpopular opinion: i have so many of them on this guy PFF first and foremost, i find his relationship with fluttershy sweet, but...also incredibly boring from a narrative perspective. i feel like their dynamic stopped being nearly as interesting when she stopped directly challenging his behavior and forcing him to consider its impact on others.
i find discord a lot more interesting when pitted against other characters, like twilight or spike. heck, i even really liked his episode with starlight because i could understand why he was hurt by twilight seemingly forgiving all of starlight's shortcomings and promoting her to an immensely important role all while STILL keeping discord at a distance. i think she was absolutely right to do so, mind, but i can appreciate what discord was getting at when he told off starlight and basically threw a little tantrum trying to ruin the school for everyone. discord is powerful, but emotionally and socially immature and i find that MUCH more interesting than him being some scheming mastermind genius that holds all the cards always and manipulates everyone around him with ease.
also i thought his role in the s9 finale made total sense with his character arc as a whole. he genuinely was trying to help and build twilight up, in the best way his magic was capable of doing. his might comes from disharmony, and what else can he do with that but stir up trouble? of course he got in over his head. but that's what he did in his introduction as well: he was so arrogant he didn't consider the idea that his chosen playthings would unite against him, and was taken down because of it. it wasn't a step backwards or a mishandling of his character; it was a perfectly in-character use of his flaws but also the changes he'd made in learning that he DOES care about others, he just isn't sure how to demonstrate it.
plus come on him provoking tirek into lashing out and setting everyone free was cool as hell. forever best pony.
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doeblossom · 2 years
Least favorite episode of the show?
ooooh,,, that's a hard pick
i found a lot of spike episodes lacking, like a lot of people did, since his character isn't awesome. i loved him at the beginning of the show, but the writers played into the "forgotten spike" bit in a way that makes him more embarrassing than the intended underdog. another character that had a lot of potential! (too bad i dont currently have any plans for spike. maybe he's a thestral? maybe hes still a dragon and i suck it up and figure out how mythical beasts would work? idk)
i really didn't like school episodes, as mentioned. not because they're BAD or anything, i just had less of a connection to the school six than i did the mane six
i can point out quite a few episodes i didnt really enjoy and why-
Season 1: The Ticket Master
as a first impression, it wasn't great. i understand the message the writers were trying to share, but a lot of actions taken by the characters felt off. yes, everyone can be selfish at times, but not everyone would resort to coercion
Season 1: Over a Barrel
The Apploosans never had any claim over the land. The fact that they're even settled there and generally undisturbed is generous. The lesson of "sharing" has been done before and in much less racist ways...
Season 2: (i have no complaints)
Season 3: Spike At Your Service
this is not because it's a spike episode! its because of twilight. the whole "being rude to spike" thing was a little funny at first, and made some sort of sense because twilight didnt know how to treat friends yet (not an excuse but a reason). i get she can be absorbed in her work. but this episode felt like the biggest takeoff of "useless and forgotten spike" and i dislike that characterization of him. i much preferred it, in later episodes, where he was almost treated like a third sibling. because he WAS a third sibling. and hes a baby dragon; cut him some slack
Season 4: Equestria Games
okok i know another spike episode. im just super sensitive to second-hand embarrassment and it's not enjoyable! i have to skip past the part where spike "sings" the cloudsdale anthem because it hurts so bad. otherwise good and relatable episode! acting on your instincts can feel like nothing since it was "effortless" even though you save a lot of lives! good for spike. he deserves it.
Season 5: Castle Sweet Castle
i hhhate the crystal castle i hate it i hate it
well i dont hate it. but i hate why its there. i like the table for lore reasons but the rest of the castle feels far too grandiose for twilight's reserved nature. the golden oak library was great! i loved that! and i would love it if the show gave twilight a massive library, but... crystal? right outside of ponyville? and OUTSIDE? wasnt the point of the library being near the center of town so it forced twilight to immerse herself in ponyville culture?
i hate capitalism and their love of easily manufactured cheap colorful plastic toys
Season 6: The Cart Before the Ponies
this one feels pretty ooc as well. i can see all of these events happening, but in more minor ways and subtle influences than completely taking over. i know the show needs to be blatant about their writing sometimes, which is totally fine, but it unfortunately sacrifices the writing of the featured characters.
Season 7: (i have no complaints)
Season 8: Horse Play
more second-hand embarrassment i can't stand. otherwise a pretty great episode! i love celestia episodes a lot because her character is pretty decently executed! im still not happy about them not addressing the whole alicorn thing, but as a ruler shes trying her best and thats what really counts. i also love seeing how hers and twilight's relationship developed.
Season 8: Non-Compete Clause
main example of appledash fighting and putting students in danger. this episode just rubs me the wrong way in a manner i can't find the words to describe
Season 8: Yakity Sax
i'm all for letting others enjoy what they enjoy! and i love that pinkie is given hobbies outside of baking and party planning and babysitting! but boundaries DO come first. the only issue i have with her playing is that it becomes visually physically painful due to the volume. sounding bad can be fixed and ignored, but volume is definitely something that needs to be discussed.
this is ALSO what feels like a tipping point for pinkie as well (at least in my memory) from a well-rounded fun character to the "loud funny comedic relief" with little dimension left
Season 9: She's All Yak
this one also makes me feel weird and rubs me the wrong way! the message is there and is executed fine but "teaching yona to be more pony-like" felt really really weird
Season 9: The Last Problem
i've talked more than enough about how i feel about the end of the series! it's... eeehhhh... lots of things i would change. and i am changing. i have a blog about this.
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Introduction Post
Hi, my name is Jo, I use he/him pronouns and I am a binary gnc transmasc. I am the current only moderator of the rainbow-dash-sideblog tumblr blog, an archive of various art pieces relating to Rainbow Dash from the cartoon series My Little Pony(as well as her previous and future iterations) and Rainbow Dash-adjacent characters.
Feel free to send things about your RD headcanons, xenogenders, etc etc. As long as they are SFW.
FAQ (aka don't ask these questions please)
What is this blogs purpose?
The simple answer is, "To archive media surrounding a popular cartoon character that the moderator(s) enjoy." There are more personal reasons, of course, though at the end of the day, this is just a blog that reblogs and tags things. I, myself, consider it to be a 'project' in the sense that I wish to keep it up forever.
Why make a blog like this?
Because I was bored and I like Rainbow Dash. I also enjoy archive blogs such as @heritageposts and I've always dreamed of creating and moderating a blog similar to that. Though R-D-SB focuses more on recent artworks that are very likely to be forgotten and buried rather than old iconic posts of Tumblr's past.
You said you wanted to keep this blog up forever, what do you mean?
I mean that even if I decide to deactivate my main blog(@vampiricspectrumdisorder), I will manually transfer all of this blog's content over onto a separate tumblr account so it may never be lost(...for as long as Tumblr stays around, anyway). If I deactivate my main blog and transfer all of what I currently have over to a new tumblr account, I would not expect this blog to be maintained after that point. Though, who knows. Time will tell.
Will you ever open up moderator slots?
Most likely, though I will wait to do that until this blog has at least 100 followers. I want a large enough pool to pick from.
Who is your favorite MLP character?
...Despite what you may think, it's actually Celestia...
Do you have any other blogs like this?
(nobody would ever ask this, but I want to self promote LOL...)
I do have other sideblogs(@cyberneticcelestia, where I post my artwork, @moichinagae, a community resource for YASHA(1996), an obscure manga by Akimi Yoshia, which is still in development as i figure out what to post on it). My main blog, as said above, is @radspeon where i mostly reblog things and I don't have a set blog theme.
Under the Keep Reading, there will be a list of all the tags used on this account! Browse safely, kids.
rainbow dash sideblog originals - original posts that are not reblogs
rainbow dash sideblog reblogs - reblogged posts(most of the blogs content lol)
RDAU - posts about AU’s related to Rainbow Dash
feat [character] - posts featuring another character(like the other mane 6, the princesses, Jesse Pinkman, or Sam Winchester)
transmasc RD headcanon - posts about transmasc RD(there’s so many that it deserves it’s own tag)
xenogenders - Rainbow Dash/RD-adjacent xenogenders
rd physical media - kinda self explanatory, it’s physical items that are themed around Rainbow Dash, like toys and headphones and shirts
rainbow-dash-sideblog hall of fame - images/art of rainbow dash that I think are particularly noteworthy/outstanding(not that all RD art isn’t outstanding, but I’m talking about shit that is insane), also used for historical rainbow dash posts(if I find any)
g3 rainbow dash - self explanatory, I think. It’s for RD in g3, because I love her and she deserves more love.
king sombra timeline RD - ….it’s my blog I get to decide what fits in RDAU and what doesn’t/j (no but, I think that KSTRD is different enough from other RDAU’s that she deserves her own tag!)
RD STIMS - rainbow dash stimboards
equestria girls rd - art of RD that is either based on the EG series or is just of a humanized rainbow dash in general.
rdvids - videos featuring RD
rd gifs - gifs featuring RD
More to be added
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